PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. co. THE ATTENTION OF THE ~'l lOLE RETAIL la Invited to EXTENSIVE Holiday EVERY DEPART)! AND nacEs GREATLY • REDUCED. 1200 PAIRS REAL !BENCH COI SETS, at *1,30 WORTH 82,501 HOOP SKIRTS It one twit the usual price. . k large line GENT'S SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, in white, light and dart colors. THREE HIINDRIZO DOZEN LADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, TWO HUNDRED_ DOZEN GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, !-900 . E0 LINEN atamiiiigniirsis cents and up, LACE HANDEERCRII. IN POINTE. POINTE .APPLI US, REAL VALENCLA, IMITATION VALENCIA. ; csErp...nrimeirorla, jILK AND Raocu 4. SCARFS'( DRESS AND OLO,i.IC TRIMMINGS, :Eir?DE 11"4111°' GIMP TRIMMLNGS. Cloak: Loon Ornapients and, Buttons. lILK PARTY FANS, SILK EMBRELLAS, Leather Satchels, Per - into . nnates and' Leather Bags. • JET AND GOLD ,MOIINTED JEWELRY. Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Broctres • and Retie. • r ifir Genta , i iirtiraisbing.43ix)ds, Beek ties. Bowe ;laid Scarfs, Morrison's star bldrta, Merino and IPool Underwear. • HAND KNIT ZEPHYR GOODS. •3oods, Sac-vies, Leirgins, Scarfs, Gldres and Bo- L.- ales y. 77 aid 79 ta . VIEJET STIMET. 1 • `.• dee CLOSING OUT SALE OF :For Thirty Days, Commencing tbi day at • J. 11. BURCHFIELD & CO'S., 52 ST. CLAIR STREET. low Is the time to gat useful HOLIDAY PILES ..EGNTS. 011KAP. A `, Everything reduced In price. Stock all new. POPLINS for 31c. worth 40. 4 AIIINErS for mse. worth 374: CLOAKING Mgt VHS tor *2,75 worth 43,75; `ALP AC • S for 50r. worth 65, CHINTZES for 50c. worth6s; PAWL P..Y SHAWLS fer 1113,00 worth *20,00; .r•LAID tirtAW LS for $5,00 worth $0,50; 4-4 . 31III•LIN for 12 lac. worth /5; . • VLinen Cambric Handherchlefs, Lace Bander lcerchlefs. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, and a tiali assortment of everydscription of Dry Goods. No. 53 St. Clair, near Liberty St. .pISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED S TAiTES FOB WESTERN Dim ICT Or YENNSYLVANIA.—The undersigned nereby laves notice of his apoointrne”t as assignee Pr CO AD C. SMITH or the e.ty of AileghenY, tountw of Allegheny and State of. Penhysylyanta • .Zwithin said District, who has been adjudged a bank. fopt upon e.ectitors petition by the District Coast of - the United States for said Distrio t. • ALGEEbioN a. - BELL. Assignee. Attorney-at-Law, 144 Fourth avenue. n delO:rrs. • 'fIFFICE.OIF CLERK OF COIIRTS •ur of Allegheny County, P. Philip Wagner, tavern, Allegheny city. The License Board will Ili on WEDNESDAY. the 4th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M. for hearing the above Ilea , lon. fi lP il l elo:t#l7 . JOHN O.BROWN. Clerk. Z. BWINT... ..... J. N. BRATT Z. A. BRATS QWINT, BRATT br. CO., ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 63 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POSTS and BAL.; itSTERS constantly on hand. TURNING, of all ilescriptlons. done. " oe9:v3a KEYSTONE POTTERY. M.. HIER & CO., %.740 , . .manufacturers of JaIIEENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE rte. .! Once and Warehonse, 3 83 LIBERTY' STRELT. order* nem:aptly attended to. • -:WANDS AND ORGANS—An en fre new sto*k. of , ENABEIi UNRIVA LED PIANOS; '; HAINES BROS PIA OS: /WINCE & CO'S ONG NS AND MELODEONS And SEAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND MELoDEoNaj deB onAmikurn mum'. 43 Fifth Avenue; Sole Agent. CLOTEINEED. cuoic.m LOT UST RECEIVED J. KNOX, 137 Liberty iitreet. no2G:rriis . GOOD NEWS. . OREAI' BREAD DEAR TIMER' Enquire for WARD'S Bread. I 'lle largest and boot. The UMW/ "H. W. ou bvew loaf. ,Take noon else. , ati4:77). GREEN OIL CLOTH FOR WiN• DOW SHADES—We ar. noir mauaracturing r article of a quality superior In !Web, and at lowert i r t l t cr u s e. , l e ttu i r i n vi tir i r til of tan s % Intl= n to examine our gouda e be unrcbulnielsewhere. J. it H HLlB.' nose SIB and AB Sixth fit.. Ibrnierir Bt. FOR slum, • FINE SEED WHEAT, AT additIBRATT B?, sui• umecocs, moomusY a co:1 :ALE AND 7,A.DE impeotlon of our SEIORTMENT Goods NT -CODIPLETN, !GOODS, Wlft]a .4tLNE!)3CLIMe. a . 8R0., WHOLESALE lIREGGISTS, AND MANITFACIVNXIte OP- E i t 1.13 C03.3. 01.1* lump TO NO. 194 LIBERTY STREET, j "PITTSBURGH, pBNITA. White Lead. Glass Cud Glassware at Manufacturers pries*. - dog QODA, A.SH--100 tons choice braids la store and for sale by aol7 J. B. CANPIRTAD 4 4911 1 4 • - tar'KEYSTONE SKATING RINK SEASON 1868-69. • Gents" Season Tickets $ 7 50 Ladles' Season 1 lekets 5 00 Children's Season Tfrkets 3 00 Coupon, 95 admLssions ' 5 00 Doable admitting lady and gent 13 00 bingle admission, Gents 30 Double adruission. Lady and Gent 0 Children under LS years of age 15 Tickets lean .be fled at Down's litc4te Depot. the Rink, or from the Treasurer at No. 51 Wood street, Pittsburgh, • Due notice will be given when the "Rink" will he op, ned. dele:h2o arACADEMY OF MUSIC. • PAREPA ROSA CONCERTS. D. DEvivo • lieseDgm. ffi'ME PAREPA ROSA. I The acknowledged QUEEN OP BONG. en her re turn frota California by °vet land route, after a tri umphant and unparalleled eaccessfal season of Op peratle performances. will anpear in this city in only ONE GRAND CONCERT, • ,WEDNESDAT EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 3PME. PAREPA 9.0 4 A will be assisted by MR. BBoONHOUSE BOWLER . Tenor. sqo.. P. PE ERANN I Baritone Brlitiant. MR. CARL ROSA.... Violinist. .ME, GEO. W. COLBY. —Pianist and Accompanist. ..i. LEVY, The greatest Cornet•a• Piston player of the world, enga• ed at great expense expressly for Pareps Ro• ma's Concert Beason-166S and 1869. Admission to Pangnette and Dress Circle, 11. Re served seats glaitt. Gallery, 60 cents. The sale of tickets will commence on MONDAY at 9 A. st. at C. U. Mellers Music store, No. 81 Wood street. dela 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS, FIME VAI4ES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA' - NEW STYLES, DINNER SETS, - 7 CIFT -CUPS, SMO-XING SETS, A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS of an descriptions Call and examine our goods, and we fee satisfied no one need fall to ae salted. R. E. BREED .& CO 100 WOOD STREET. ATTRACT. V JU: ° PRIC~t~. GI-11E A. 'l' V.AARJE:krrY AT BATES & BELL'S. Brocha Shawls, i Tarlatan bps. Fine Cash rest Evening 'if ks, Cashmere obes, Cloaks. Cloaking Cloth's, Linen GOods. Piano Covers. - Tea Cloths. - Hemmed Handkerchiefs, Velvets, Blankets. .Flannels, I CassimereA, • Coatings, Furs, Shirting Flannels, Dress Goods. NO. 21, deB W. Si HAVEN 8; CO. Prillterg,katiolloPg BLANK BOOK Cor. of Wood Street and Third Avenue ranrruto onzcz, No. 84 Third•. Avenue •'We respectfully call the attention; of our friends and the public,' to our extensive 80011 AND tfOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, and assure them, with our facilities in Type, Power , Presses, and _Material, we are prepared to execute every description of Printing • . equal, if not superior, to any establishment in Western Pa. and at as low rates. . • We are prepared to fur nish in the best style, Books, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Price -Lists, Bill Heads, Bills of Lading, Posters, Hand Bills, Show Cards, Legal Blanks, Business Cards, Letter .and Note Heads, Certificates of Stock, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Circulars, TicketS, , Bills of Exchange, Labels, Tags, In vitations, Address, Wedding; , and Visiting Cards, and every description of Rail Road, Steam Boat, and Commercial Printing, ,Bankrupt . Blanks, &c. Our stock of TEL SET% Stationery consists in part of Copying, Seal and Canceling Presses; Writing Fluids; American and French Carmine Inks ; Black Lead, Red and Blue Pencils ; Gold, Steel, and Amalgam Pens; Gold mount ed Rubber Pencils, Penholders and Rulers; Legal, Note, Letter, Foolscap, Crown, De• my, Folio Post, MediuM, Royal, Super Royal; and Imperial PaPers, White and Manilla Draughting Paper in ,rolls, Tracing Cloth, Tra cing. Membrane and Paper; W hatman Drawing Papers; Bristol Board; Thermometer, Library, Porcelain, Air-tight, Glass and Metallic Inkstands; Pen Racks, Pen Cleaners; Water Colors; India ; Diaries for -1869. . Nook Niabing in all its varieties, in Turkey, Calf, Sheep, .Muslinbr Paper, gilt and plain; every descrip tion \of Blank Books, such as Ledgers, Journals, CoUnty and Court Dockets, Day and Cash Books Shipping; Check, Bills Payable and Receivable, and Engineer's Field Books; Tuck , and Plain Memoran dum Books, Duff's Mercantile Blanks and Book-keeping, all of which can be had wholesale or retail, at W. S. HAVEN & CO.'S, Cor.Wood Street and Third Avenue, PI-TTSBURGH. A MERRY ' - CHRISTMAS ! NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DENNISON HECKERT) NO. 27 FIFTH 'AVENUE, Hove jest received a large arid judiciously assorted MACK of EMBROIDERIES, TUIMMIN OS, Sid Gloves. Ilandkerehlef.. /Slipper Pitterns. Zephyr Goods, Scarfs :and Gents Fnrnishinir • • Goods.l and Notions generallv. ( s et t atn f d o l r d selection is afforded la 'pedal novelties HOLIDAY. PRESENTS , to which the attention of lady readers Is specially calltd. - DENNISON & HECKERT, _-NO, $l7 FIFTH 41.VENVE CEE MANUFACTITIZERS, LADE GOODS, iIIiSLERY, • ' \ DRY GOODS wi - 143 0 1LIESA.I.AE, 1 PULL ASSOBTIkGENT OF NEW AND DESIRABLE GOOD' SUITABLE FOB THE BEHINDS THE PRESENT SEASON, THE LOWEST PRICES AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny HOLIDAY PRESENTS! HOLIDAY PRESENTS ROMAN SILK BOWS. Lana!) CCOniStrel LIMES' LACE .11Ali KERCHIEFS. Rosewood Handkerchief and Glove Boxes. WATCH STANDS AND CIGAR CASFS, WRITING DEERS AND ALBUMS: The finest and cheapest &assortment of WAX AND CHINA DOLLS, TRAVELING CASES, CARTE DE VISITE BASECL7S, LADIES' & GENTS UNDERWEAR LAI FINE KNIT OPERA HOODS The New Striped Felt Skir WOOLEN GOODS at Cost. • Flne Embro ldered Slipper Patterns. Beantifu Embroidered Cushions. NACRUM, GLYDE &'CO., IS and 80 Market Street. de9 YESTERDAY, TG-DAY. AND FOREVRN. A. poem In 12 book& Di , Edward Henri lllckelsicrth, A. lit. 12 190., bevelled boards. Olt top, $l. "Th's Is a remarkable poem. and one to at- tract a wrest deal of attention —imperial Review. "The most simple, the richest. and most sacred poem which recent (Jays have produced."—Lontion 'Horning Advertiser. CONSTANCE AYLMER, A Story of the Seventeenth Century. One vol, li mo. $l,OO. The plot of "Constance -Aylmer* , - Is laid In the time when New Yort was a Dutch colony and Eng land 'was ruled by C , omwell. The condition of Manhattan Island and the surrounding country is graphically eketched; the ways and. mann era of our Dtch and English ancestors are reprodnced with wonderful fidelity, and as the same time with a live liness and humor which throw a charm around a story valuable fur Its historical accuracy arid of ex citing Interest. ROBERT S. DAVIS, 93 WOOD STREET. piIICES MAHHEJD DOWN. BARGAINS IN ALMOST EVERYTHING. REAL Hni STITCH, all Linen. HANDKER CHITS% 17e, 100, -- 22e - and uwards. TAP s; BC KLERK!! LiN EN BAN DKESCHLEFFS 433,0, Sc to s loe. All oar H STN at o - te-half regular prices. latesthe new BALMuItAL railtTri and Bradley's styles of 1100 Y ISKlttre, at the Lowest Prices in tbe Clty, EIENTEP Id.EILLNO VEST and DRAWERS. 40c to $3,00. •- AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. des 47, 1111111(1111R ER S' 47. • FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Gray Bs. Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET, WM. HUGHES. LATE 608 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Informs his friends and patrons in Pittsburgh that he is now connected with EDWARD, P. KELLY, Routh-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PRINCIPALMEIWEIANT TAILOR OP PHILADELPHIA, and can now furnish them with • clothes SUPERIOR In every respect to those he has heretofore elven them, and at MODERATE PRIORS.- oc2S:ES6 ND CAst l ! ' ass! k tnitat of EXAMINE 111 " FANCY COAL HODS AND TASEs t FIRE IRONS AIID STANDS FENDERS," &,, Also; !BARNS' PATENT CHURN ATTarm MEAT at the Hardware atom 0 , WHITESIDE& £ DEUX, - 19 IZDZBiI. BT.. ALLZQHEN t. noV MI Or Oa "LE PANIEB PERFECTION." • _ "-THE FAVORITE " "THE POPULAR," "THE RECEP'fIoN,' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANTE/W.' , THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly: embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. SASHRICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCA.RFS — AND ES. • ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. SATINS. all shades Ind widths. FLOWERS. PLUMEZ, RATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER- The AR richest and latest novelties In GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS wh ich KID GLOVES" over all others, and for which we, are the Sole Agents. A complete' line of GENTLEMEN'S. "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UNDERSHIRTS ANL) DRAWERS. SELLINGIAGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER. GOODS, and all other popelar iWakes.. n 024 HH HUH, Piracrit al Cook, = l eatiblly announces to the public that he will On Saturday and Monday Next, Open to the public the DELMONICO RESTAURANT, It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa trons at all times with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. The LIQUORS, WINES of various dates ALE, BEER, eto , will be their own recemmenda, ion. - Orders for tins Cooking for Weddings, and other Festivals, will, u heretofore, be Promptly and cheaply attended to, moulting patronage. oarytiB H. RUII. EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &e., 118 FOURTH AVENUE. _Where may be retold a fall assortment of Parlor Unlimber &Du Bitchen Furniture. - note C 0 -PA RTNEBSIIIP—I have this day associated with me in business ALFRED ,yoN es, and wilt continue the rale of PE TROLEUM and its roductsj and NEW PATENT ED tile 'lid as heretofore, under .the name,,and style of WEAVEit IL JONES. JACOB ALFRED U. JON/if!. WEAVER & JONES, PETROLEUM AND ITS rnopuers, Ind PATICSTED GOODS generally. Relined and Lubricating Oils of superfor qualities always for sale. Barrels of WI de criptinn bouebt ana sold. Once. No. 3 ilDQUEne.'is v+ AY. Pittsburgh. rittabnreh Deo, 1. 2868. deS:aB2 PEU[OVA[-ON OR , BEFORE Aria DECENBES lit • we — P• IEABSILUraIB Will remove his stock of • WALL PAPERS. flaw tb• old stand No. 87 WOOD STREET. to the newly dated and elegant store house. NO. .191 LIBERTY STREET, . . a few doors above BT. OL.kilt. • - nol7 ND IA RUBBER BELTING, HOSK, STZAIif..FACEING AND BAWL, MUM AND elquanx.)—A fell retonly Olt hand. ld tO the Ouse en at gted term as cube nail - Irma tie nianetactnres. id & N. Pawns. .e!LT VERY LOW PRICES, HEAVY COUNTRY BLANKETS, _ COUNTRY FLANNELS. SHIRTING . FLAN NELS, FINE FLANNELS, L WATERPROOPCLOTHS, CHINCHILLA CLOAKING'S, SHAWLS AND FURS, HOODS, SCARFS, dc. GOOD BAAGAINTS IN DRESS GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 80 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny, MICRO & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE THE NEW ,SRIRT, EKREN & CIBLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AFENUE. n 025 URS! FURS ! ! CHOICE AND FRESH, _ AT FOORD ET BED QUILTS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS. and other heavy articles carefully cleansed without shrinking or wearing the fabric. Special attention given to the doing up of LACE ' CURTAINS and other fabric- of a ,dellcate texture. Clothes collected and detivered daily without extra • Orders left at No. 89 FIFTH AVENUE. or at the office; No. 104 LIBER.I.'i STREET, will receive prompt attention. ded:a94 DWISICIANS' ROCK THE BABY II- FOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. SOLD ONLY BY WIIOLZEIALS DZALEIIB . fl WI. 0. 0. F.—A special meet toe or .1(013mT itttßlAll LODGE, No. 380 will be held at the RED HEN'S HALL. (forth story Bintateh Ylfth avenue, I RIDAY EVEN INa. the 11th Lost., at 71e **clock, for tne purpose of contemn: the Degree of Rebekah. • Al! slaters and Brothers of the Degree are invited. delethli • J. B. WILLIAM, BeereturT• fgrl. 0. 0. F.—The members of ZOCCO LODGE, 26. am, I. O. O. Are requested to meet at their Lodge room. CUR TIn HALL . Wood street, on THURSDAY AFTER NOON 10th Inst. , at Waif-past twelve-o'clock, to attend Ole fusers.' of th. 1r late brother. P. G. Cll ARLES HUTCHINSON. Slater Lodges are re spectfully Invited to attend. KT order of den: JAMES NUGENT, N. G. iIArPENIVSYLVA NI it RAILIROAD 3IENT, CO3IPARY. TREASURER'S IDEPLIIT. PRILA DILPIIrk,I s_T a.. Dec. 3, 1565. NOTICE' TO bTOCKNOLDE he Second In stalment on the New Stock, subshribed for tinder reiblution of the Board Direet4s of May 1568, IsMow.due. Unless paid OR or before the 15th inst., the in stalment will not draw its proportion of dividend due May, 1569, and those paying up all tke remain. toy instalments will receive full dividends in May next. TIIOILtS T. FIRTH', de7-b8 Treasurer. erPENNSYLVANLA RAILROAD COMPANY • THEASIIIIMVII DEPAIIIIIMPT. Twitinistrriza. Noy. 2, 1868. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directhrs have THIS DAY deelared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital . payablestoc ompany, clear of National and State taxes. in c a sh , on and aiter Novem ber 30, 186 S. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends a can be had at the °Mes the Conwany, aas SOUTH THIRD STREET. Toe oMce will be opened at SA. and closed at 4 P. If., from November 30th to December sth for the payment of dividends, and after that date from 0 A. If. to 3 r. x. noW:agl THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. larlN THE MATTER OF OPEN- , • ING LOCUST STREET, .IN THE CITY personsOF 'PITTSBURGH—AiI owners of Lots, or other intert S T REE T ,he BURIAL GROUNDS on STEVENSON one belonging to the Aliso- Mite Reformed Church, known as KERstli GRAVE YARD. and the other to the Catholic Church; known as the CATHOLIC GRAF n. YARD. are hereby notleed that they are requir l i neo remove the bodies from the ground within the of Locust street, within three mouths from this date; and, if Lthe sa r e m o v e d removed within that tlme. they beby the undersigned, who bare been appointed Commissioners for that purpose. Said street Is forty .eight feet wide. and extenns along the line between the said BuriallGrounds about en.- half off each. Al, necessary information can be had by application to either of the Commissioners. The Commissioners will meet for consultation with Lot Owners, on MONDAY, December BB,t, 1868, at 10 .'clock, A. ar.„ at the City Engineer's_ Office, Market Building, third story. wiIt.GRIFFIN. J. D . K ELLY, M. TINDLE. Conualintloners 'OPlttebtirleS, Doc, 4, 1861 Ce4:ase aai- BOW 0115—" re La,' , ”For Eats, ,, * "Wants." "Paestut. , * “Boarditio. ,, 4te.. Igoe sok matey FOUR MASS each soil/ be inserted in MN columns mod for TWENTY-FIVB °BMW ;. sash additimii ULU IFS CENTS. WANTED -HELP. fIIEANTED--11ELP -A,t Employ ment °Mee, No. St. Clair Street, BOY: 3 B and MEN, for dtterent kiade of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds 'can NI supplied on short notice. VIA tZhi ak Rim qey_i zi al j:.l DOARDING—Good Boarding at No. 10 "ANN STREET, Allegheny city, • for 50 per week. • IVA.NTED -110 AIMERS—Pleas. ant room, youngard, suitable for gentleman. and wife, or two eentleman at 68 FOURTH nTREET, ALso, a few day or dinner boarders can be accommodated. Reference required. . . - WANTS. - - WANTED—A partner who can furnish front $20,000 to S2SM/0 cash cap ital in an'old and wall established maparactnring btisinets. One who hu had experience as a finan cier will be preferred: Address WILSON, Lock Box 351, Ptttsburgh Postomse, Allegheny county." Pesos; WANTED --AGENTS. ANT E D AGENTS—S:SO to 6200 PEE 3fONTE—To sell. a New Book pertaining to Agriculture sod the Mechanic Ares. by Oltußlit E. WARING. Sag:, the distinguished Author and Agricultursi Engineer of the New York Central Park, &fr. Nothing like it: 900 Engra vings Sells at sight to Farmers. Mechanics and workingmen of all daises. Bend for Circulars. A. 1,. TALCoTT/t CO., 58 Market street, Pittsburgh, Penna. del. , wr TO LET. TXO LET—A furnished Sleeping BOOM, suitable for one o gentlemen, in t e house of a. private faintly, N 0220 LA.COCIC STRISET, Allegheny city. FOR SALE FOR SALE— ROSINESS —A Neat GENTS FURNISHING S MBE, situated No. 7.0 Y•TH STREET EXTENSION, doing a ,gocd tmainess, will be sold at a batgaln. Rant of store room very low. Good reason f or selling given. For particulars apply at the story. FOR SALE-DRUG STORE-=A first class remit drug store inn ve_u• deatrable location. Terms easy. Address box 701. 'burgh. 'VOA SALE—FAIINV-200 acres of good Land, sltnated In Penn Tp., West. moreiand county, two miles from Irwin Station, on the Penna.N. R. Improvements, hewed log house In good repair, bank barn and older outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W. WILSON, Lari mer's Station, or R. A. HOPE. Penn Station. PITTSIttIitGII STEAM LAUNDRY Is fitted up with the most approved machtner3r. and is 'prepared to do all kinds of Laundry Work at the silent st notice. Experienced Laundresses are em ployed.Atnd families may be assured that hclotitMg will be cared for and done up in a pri or sue man ner. VISITING LIST FOR 1869. VARIOUS STYLES. ELME% PHYSICIANS' RAID BOOK For 1889. Poi sale at KAY le CO'S., 65 WOOD STREET, Lafayette Han Building. del) IMUEB. 1869. A fine assortment of various styles for sale at KAY & CO.'S, OP WOOD STREET, Lafigette llsil Duildlng DANA'S MINERALOGL-A fiyB• tem of Mineralogy. Deserintive. Mineralog,- comprhing the moat recent discoveries by James. Dwight Dana. aided by George , Jarvis Brush. ififtb Bdition. Rewritten, enlarged and illustrated with upwards of 000 wood outs. Price `7,b0:.. - For side by KAY 'Bc _Co., 85 wood street HE HOUSEHOLD - lIKPENSE BOOK FOR 1868. PRIOR 40 CENTS. HAY & COMP'ANIrs ' No. 63 Wood street ARLEY. '2,1500 DUS'RELS'. CHOICE SPRING AND PALL, . In store and for sale br • , . r:EANOR EtAllalEtts no3o 330 Lomax. BTHEICT. RI TI.•L. McNISIF DI4RIES:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers