PECIAL NOTICES. ig h 2ll9llooD AND THE VIGOR ••=z-vOF 1,;17111 restored in four weeks. Sue t:es& guaranteed.. DR. RICORD'S ESSF:NCE.OF LIFE restores manly , flowers, from whatever canoe ariting; the effects of ear: i'mrnietot is hotai , 60f abuse, impoteney and clinats; lOQ way at once to this wonderful medicine, if takPO 'regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are very simple. and require no re4traint from inisaness or lasure.) Failure is imppsetble. Sold Uoi,t les at *3. or four quantities in (me for *9. 'fobe hat. only of the solo appointed agent in America, 11, (3EXTZEN. 203 ip13:154-rra -econd ;avenue. New York. . farP ILOSOPHY OF I RIAGE. a new Course of Lectures, as de liver?t the New York 31tiseum of Anatomy, eta brach) the subjects: how to 11v. and what to l iv e (Or: Y utit. Maturity and Ind Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed: the cause of indigestion. flatulence and nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage phil osophically considered, hc. PO2Rel volumes con taining these lectures will he forwarded to parties Unable to attend. on receipt of four - stamps, by ad dressing SECHETAItY, Ne v! York Museum of Anat omy and Science; GIS Broadway. New York. je13:16.5.Trs . WBATciftELows This splendid Hair .I.)ye is the best In the world; the only true aud .pe feet Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneous; no sappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the i I effects of had dyes; invigo ates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Seld by all Druggists and Perfumers; and 31s o g e o ra BagpeitdxsetwßAtelle.lor'S Wig Factory No. an:p2B AUCTION SALES. i BY H. B.'I3II3.THEON& 00. BOOTS; SHOES. AND CARPETS FOE THE MILLION. SNIITHEONI9 EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 .111TH' AVENUE. klessrs.ll. B. SMITHSON &CO.._proprietcirs of the well known Mammoth Auction House are crea ting an excitement consequent upon the arrival of new goods which are being so dat remarkable low ',Kees. Goods of every vartety; the finest sewed b ott,r the moat fashionable babooral gaiters 'and anklet, shoes. slippers, &a blankets, flannels, cloths: cassimeres, cutlery an d 4 carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladies% misses' and:children's ruts at almost your OWII prices. All goods wartanted as represented n0..4 BY A. LBEIGATF. • pu.WELLING HOUSE AND CAR FEW:i ERSHOP, ON LEASED GROUND IN NCUESTER. 'A r AIIVTION.—ASSIGNEF.'S FOaTIVE SALE—WiII be Bold on THURSDAY, ecember leth, at 19 o'clock, the lease ot ground, and buildings lately occupied by Loughead * Mace. on Market street, 'l(llwatt:sits. The lot fronts 40 feet on Market street, running back low feet to Laurel alley: b dtdingi consists of two frame dwellings and a cementer shop. The lease extends eleven sears Porn September last. Annual ground rent 02. unwed tately thereafter will be sold a lot on Wayne street. 20 by 70 feet. Sale positive to close the estate. For further information spay to RUSS k LOU TREE, Assignees. 447-Beaver avenue. Terms at sale. e A. LEOGATE, Auctionee - . de' 159 Federal street, Allegheny.sity. PIANOS. ORG 110113 Y THE BEST AND . CHEAP. Ef3T PIANO AND DUGAN. Sekomaelcor's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The ECHOIC/telt= PIANO comtdnes all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of a first Class instrument. and has always been awarded the highoet, Premium 'wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. Tae worionanshin. for durability and beauty, surpass all others. I Prices . from $5O to $l5O. (according to style and finish,) cheaper that all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEMB COTTAGE MOAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments. in pro ducing the most perfect pipe finality of tone of any 'similar Instrument in the United States. It Is dm. ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out clot order. CARPENTER'S PATENT "VOX EITTILLNA TREMOLO" is only to be foued in this Orgsm Price from $lOO to $550. -All guaranteed for flve 'years. I BAB% IMRE A . BEIETTIM, ,-- No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. Fe 91:4--}.-1[0: prSsi ilk ft 24;444 1105 - WOOD EMMY: PUMA, GLAI4I3 .AND QUEENSWARE, SIEVED PLATED WADE, PART.AN STATUETTES, Btllloll.o WASS And ether BTAZLE AND FANCY GOODS, a. great variety. - 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREW. Va f -X0 CZI A TIME GREAT LIMBIC/01 CORI BINA.TION. BurPON•HOLE omv;mlwli AND SEWING BIAMU=. illin IT HAS NO NAVAL, . , . . BEING ABSOLUTELY MB BEST — PARILY IiALIDNE IN TILE WORLD, AND IN , TRINSICALLY THE CHEArEST. Sir Agents wanted to, veil this 31w-bine. • • BIM CILALS. C. 13ATAMMY. Agent for 'Western Pennssrlvanti. Corner FIFTH AND MARBET..I3TBILETti, over Richardson's Jewelry Store. eS. EMI --- _ WEST CORI:MON • • /Machine Stone Works, Nortwest corner of West goninson, Allegheny. • FIZ EIVIL ATVATER& CO. I Have ' hand or prepare on shoat notice }leant sand step Stones, 'Flags for Sidewalks, Brewer - Vanits, ie. Head and Tomb Stones, IC. 11,..tars y.,(11•111‘W I. TOM.. t..i , ?Tie.. .0 , S.A. fl I'd • . ------ MUM - - - EIRYALT STICEET- BRIDGE COMPANY. NOTICE — A meeing of the subscribers t( be <stock of this a inpany wt l be held at the.onice of Messrs. BILL & tIIUTT ERLT. Butler street. Setr• enteeath ward, on FE , D AY, December 111h,1808 at 25 o'clock P. x. By order of Comusittee. CHRIST: SEIBLBT, Chairman. Tittsburgh, - Lecemoer 7th, 1868. I N. B.—Pions and specifications until the meeting above called for, will be received at the office of Messrs. ril L & 81:113TTERLir. de7:bs OFFICE OF CITY ( ALLEnvitser CITY. Dec. 4th, 11308. f - qIEWIER ASS I SSIII EST—Notice Is. -hereby given to all property holders In the VEST RN sEWEItAtvE Did ['MGT, which em broces alt that portion ot the city area, lying north west of the totiowing lines, viz: North or Ohio lane snirWalnut sire , t and West of Bidwell street, ;and a line rousing North-east to Observatory hill and new city line. as well es the 'portion lv inqq bo• w m e e ll e st r v e ii e es s t e c rn m a p v r e e n lm ue o , d 4 l l n it g io t be n l e ar g io e n r l bnn a ondMai d - ch -ster sil the Pleasant , Valley section) thet the lasse4sment for the construction of the Sedgwlck street sewer is new completed. and niav,ed in the hands of the furoreTrasrer for colleotlon. .A .Lpropertf 'her- assessed for sewerage purposes j **twits the limits above designated is exempt from present assessment. (m5:47 CHAR. DA.VIB, etty Enginerr. A/TONEY I MONET 1 -$4 l OOO - 14 to its, invest ; in ; a Mortgage on' City or County property. fora term of three years. • ; 84.080 to loan on Bond and mortgage for 'A years. , A.NIT s D.—Business dr Accommodatn raper to .theomount of vau,ooo; time from 00days to 4 ; months.- . WANTED -,- To exchange a Farm of 100 Acres of -• in bils.ouri fora Family Horse aud Spring Vogon.Apply to ma, A u,i CO _ • 4 v .1 • J inner Fourth ay. and Smithfield Bt. 11111 • • 1 FLOOft OIL CLOTHS—We have in stock a gabsont or stylcs and va , .0 widths or thoroughly seasoned Floor oft cloths, which we are offering to tee whol. s and tretall trade at prices lower.raldna quality i nto con sideration, than can be had is this city. 1. St H. raILLIPS, ftfl and 28 Sixth ftreet. EMENT--50 barrels:,Elydraulic 1 4„,/ Cement in store and for sale tilr win J. B. CANN lELD & BON .0, • r 1 ii ,FEA..1116 Asst-5® casts , No. score :ad for bale by J. B. CANFI,E4D it 50N. 41.02. • ■ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. E s zit i m i A L In !ED BY A. S. T. W. M. °ORRIS, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Libeity Street, (DIEECELT OPP. EAGLE pYIEL,) PITTI333UIt.GI3. PA. We :yl6 J. .......... ....A• N. SiIiVS.NISO: 7 • 131LLINGER & STEVENSON, COIiMISSION MERCHANTS • No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,BEcnvE AND SELL All Kinds of Country Produce. All orders for ,Merchandise promptly filled, at Lowns2,market rates. Partieultr attention given to the elle of Putter, Eggs, Cheese Dried "Fruits, &c, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfaction, ty making QlllOB SALES and PROMPT for 11.8. e. - TURNS. HIGHEST MARK= rItICX.23, and there resPectfully solicityour consignments. All corre spondence answered promptly. Marking riatea furnished free. tirain in store and to arrive daily. au3l:t7B WATT, LANG & CO., lii DYE. Grooeries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro• visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon Oil, &c., Nor. 11S1 and 174 WOOD 8711227, tear Liberty street, Fittatarga. L a.- na8:106 X. STlila J. A. BTULE. isSTEELE & SON, , - . Conunission :Merchants, AND' MALICIA IX STONE Nvuotaisizz. DWJUB la Enr.,ovit, ca - tAirr. NO. 93 OHIO STEM. near East COIZIDIOn ALLTABENT CITY. 1:44. J. B. C.ANTIELD A. T. CANFIZI.D. Or. ~ B. -.CANFIELD & SON, COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale eaters in Ooshen, Factory. - Ilamlmrg and W. li. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Polk ,' Bacon, - Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pis Lead, rot, Pearl and Snda Ashes White Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. PittsbUrch. MITS. HEIL JAB. F. =CHAIM. KEIL & RICHART, • COMMISSION 4EI:Mk/ANT& AND =Aisne IN _ _ PLUM, DRAIN, SEEDS, MILL PEED, &c., 849 Liberty tit., Pittsburgh, say24:b3T ALXX. ICIIANZ ItArcBANE & ANJER. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODIIOE GEN EItALLY, 140. 14i wAnras BTREZT, above Sualthrietd, Pittsburgh. les FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWANDING LTD COMMISSION MSBOHANIS, For the WO of 'Flour, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fenusS je J. BLANCIELURD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 398 PENN STREET aplB:xES Bina. KNOX ANDREW KNOX. t KNOX & SON, COMMISSION • NERCRANTS and dealers lu FLOUR, GRAIN 11 L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 70 DIAMOND, opposite City gin, Allegheny City. JOlll7l. HOIIB/1..•../11)W. 110IISIE WM. H. B M OU JOHN 1. HOUSE &, BROS 3 _. Suc cessors to JOLTS I. HOTIST. &. CO., Wholesale ocere and Commission" 'Merchants , Corner of Smithaeld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. I.2IINrLE, BAIRD & PAT'rON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and elders In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard ()11, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yams and all P'...aburgh Manufactures generally, 11% and okICONDSTERET, Ittsburgh. JOBS BRUTON A WALLACZ. N &WALLACE, WHOLE.. RPEtitaiIYCHISPATEIVie. E "itlertsc PROFESSIONAL. M. B. NEEPER, ALDERIIAN d tt EX.OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. OFFICE,B9 FIFTH AVENUE:. Special attention given to conveyancing and col lettions Deeds Builds and Mortgages drawn up. and all legal nosiness attended to promptly and ac curately. JOS. A. BiuTLEn, . ALDERMAN An POLIO MAGISTRATE. Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washingtot PITTSBFRGH, PAL Deeds Bonds, Mortgages , Acknowledgment Depositions, Collections, an ail other legitimai business executed promptly. mh2o:ns SAMUEL MOIASTERS, ALDERMAN. Ex-Ofilcio Justice of the Peace and Mice Magi'. trate: Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgme nts, Depositions, and aitLegal Business executed with promptness and dtsPatch. wihie AIUIION, • Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ART ~CARSON STREET, EAST BIRSIINGIIAM. Collection of Rents solleited and promptly attend ed to. myS:yeo TORN A. STRAIN, 3LDERMa•N, EX.OFIWTO ,TIji3TICE.DF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Once 113 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Catlike. dral, rittsburgh, Ps. Deeds,Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and • all Legal Bust. nein. -txseuted with ornriwitsess and 111111)11T.01. EIJSTACE S. MORROW, AJaI:O3OI3II.A.N , EX-OFFICIO . .TIIBTICE .OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAOISTRATE. OFFICE, H 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Deposlttons and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. T . S.• FZUGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT - LA I N , No. 87 Fifth &treat, dEcoND FLOOB, Fitowr ROOM JOHN W. RIDDELL, AZ7ORNEY-AT-L.A171 Ofnee,ll6 Diamond Street, (Opposite thie Court li01:16e re15:444 H.. C. INEACKICELL,. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW No. SD Grant Street, my7A:b2s ARCHIBALD BLAKELEY, A T.rO~,N~Y-d.T-LAWS No. OS PTFTOI STREET, aptim9o:4llFl WANTED -ON C OMMISSION, ONE HUNDRED TONS 01 FOR THE HOLIDAYS • The highest market prices'and quick Wes guaranteed: ?dark packages d Mined) , and gaud . T oleos by mall• U. P. BALLARD & CO. (3ornmlsaltin Merchants, 33i Waskito gto n etre( New kink. nag Malt PITTSBIIIBGII GAILETTE• TIIURSDitY. ii - EdgMITER la, 18 BEN FRANK Ei.l INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGRIIIY, PA. Office hi Frankß iSaThig,s Bank BEdlain No. 43 Ohio St. Alleghthy. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Direnterswel! tnown to the conunnnity. who trust by fair deallni to merit a share of year patronage. MENET -- .. EDW. D. RIDDLIL ...•.• DIRECTORS: • it I er.ry Irwin. D. L. Pct Jerson, Henry Gerwici, Geo,. It. Riddle, Jacob Franz, tiottielb Yeas, Simon Drrn, ,J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush W. M. Stewart, Cl. F. Whtston, Joseph Craig, Joe. Lautner, 11. J. Biala' nd, Jeremiah Roben aplo:o3e . NATI”AL •INS!JBANCE OP ',l OITY OP LUMEN!. Office, No.' SIO FlDDlfatla. STREET, entrance on Stoskton A.VOIIIIO. FIEF INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN . Proident 1711EE A. IL Jno..L. Myl Jae. L. Girsh Jno. BLIMA, _... INSURANCE COM. A r OP PITTSBURGH. DEHINTHWIL, President. - WM , P. BRBERT. Secretary. CAPT.I/ OBGIt BULL. Oenersi Agent. Glace, 93 _ star street, Spang a Co.'s Ware. house, rip stain, Pittsbnran. Will ismre against a ll sinds of Piro and Marine Blake. A home Institution; managed by Dtrestors determined known to the . community, and who are by promptness and liberality to main. Min the charaster which they have ass d, as of • faring the beat protection to those who de :Unto be insured.. ._ - . VT. DllllloTOrtal Alexander NMllek, Joann. McCune, R. Miller, dr., Chas. J. Clarke. James McAuley, Rllllaa S. Evans t • • Alexander Speer. Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Acklen, PhllDlp Reymer, • David M. Loan, Wm. Morrison. no!? D. Ihmson. • IHIPERLUL FIRE INSURANCE CO' OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1.803. CASH CAPITAL YAZD OP,AND INVESTED irt,NDS EXCEED- ING ge,ouo,ooo IN OOLD. Inturance 'against Etre effected on NOUNS and Buildings, Goods, Wares and Mercheadisei Steam boats, ex. Pollees issued peptide In gold or cur• reney, 00" United States Branch`Oftloe, 20 PINE STREET, New York. All lou se of the United States Branch wßil be ad justed in New York. J. Y. Ticrisst.l7l:3ll7-4.12% Agent, PITTSBURGH, PA. omee, 67 FOURTH STREET. MA. MoLAUGHLIN also Agent for theManhat. tan Life Insurance Coinnanl. seb•e72 ...J. B. ♦RJ79 pENINSTLYANLi. ' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, No. 161i4 WOOD STREET, BANE 01 COMMERCE BUILDING. This I s a Home Company, and. Issueslasi ittaitutt by Fire exclusively. • . LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice Presideqt. ItoBF,RT PATRICK, Treasurer.' HUGH MeELHENY. Secretary. huiSCroscs: • Leonard Walter, GeorgeW/13034 C. C. Boyle Geo. W. FAZZI. Robert Patrick, J. C. Lippe,— Jacob Painter, J. C. Fleiner, Josiah Ring, John Veegtley; ' Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon.. Henry Sproul, 314: pDENENITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. ' i OPTICS, 43Str, 437 CHESTNUT V., Nm but DIRBOTOng. ' Charles Jr. Bander , Mordecaiill. Louie - Tobias Wagner, David 23. Brown, Samuel Grant, - Isaac Lea, Jacob R. 23nlitis, - Edward C. Dale, F eorse W. Richards George Pales . CUARLES G. Bkli KZR, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. 13TEILLE Secretary, nro ten. J. GABDNEN CBPPIN, Maim?, North Welt corner Third and. Wood Streets. rah23:wis . . ALLEGMENY INSURANCE con. PANY OF PFTTSBIIP.OH. • OFFICE, No. 31 EIFTH STREET, BANS BLOCH Dunne against all kinds of Tire and Maxine Elan JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. MoCOED, Vide President. 0. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DIRECTORS: John Irwin, Jr., - errs.. Wm. Dean, John D. McCord, B. L. Fahrtestock C. G. Hussey, • W. IL Everson,' Harvey Hobert H. Davis, T..J. Huai:Anson, Frgnels Sellers, Charles Hers. Catit. J. T. Stockdile. 110EOPLES) 11118ERANCE COME PAM'. OFFICE, N. E. cossiin WOOD & FIFTH STS L Home Company, Wring Fire and Marine }Mkt • Draivross: Wm. Phillips, • Capt. John L. Rhotar John 'Watt, Samuel P. Shriver, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Japed M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, 11,1 b F. Lane, James D. Verner SuumelMcCrlcka rt WM. PHILLIPS, Preshitrnt. JOHNF. WATT Vice Presbant. W. GAIMNES CAPT. JAS. GOBD , OMe erSlkaont BLUTH; SOUR COM, Az Infallible rtmedkfor Summer Complaint, Mu. rhea Dysentery , Vomiting, Sour Stomach an! Cholera M.orhua. • DR. HARRIS ' CRIMP CHID, A specific, for Cbolora. Cramps and 'Pala n Stomach, for sale by Corner of Liberty and Wayne. Streets Ap4:w73 priTsirerkoff. PA. I PITTBUTTROTI. PA XNSIMANCE. Prentder.t. .Scerettuir REMOVAL. .. . _ _ 1 ' RS: ..... r 13. .Wllllanis Jno. WROMPSOII 1 e J_l l .l ' Jos. Myers, ..,, HAM Leal .O. O. Boyle, 'Jr. 03110. Bern, • Jacob Kopp. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. MUZRIS & EWING, AG MN FUR sonammia & SON'S PURE WHITE *LEAD MCCOT'S VERDITER GREEN, Th'e only green paint that will not deteriorate hi exposure. It will look better, last longer and give more perfect satisfaction than any paint in the market COAL AND COKE: EL J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER. rco. S 3, s'r. C1.416.11i STREET And Nee. 186 and 137 Third greet, ,PITTSETTROR. PA. —CEMENT, SOAP STONE, are. IIYDRAIILIC CEMENT. DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest and hest Pipe In the market. Also,. 114);, ISENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for R. B. O. A. 11B.00KIETIP CO.* °Mee and Manuhtetory - 511 . 10 REBECCA ST. -Allegheny. ifir Orders by milt promptly attende FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE, ........--,:-„,„,--- • -- FOB SALE. • A F the OF 80 ACRES. on the line of the Oeinellaville Railroad, 21. miles from Atte city. in Elizabeth township, Allegueny county. Pa. The inntrovemeate are a fine 11rd-story brick !souse. with ten large rooms and hall. A large frame bank barn, withstabling. anti all other outbuild Inge in c,rnplete order. One of the best of orchards, of all kinds of fruit. The soil Is rich new bottom. This property inflates the village of Buena Vista, and has the advantage of churehea, schools, mills, stares, &c. :Ind will be sold at the low . price of +15,001). * The Inspreresuente alone are worth at least all that is asked for the property, to say ncth ing chant the laud, watch Is worth, for garden par poses at least PlO,OOll. For full parties. tars call at my omce, or WILLIAM A. BELL, Esq., ou the' premises. A.Lso, A FAEM OF 40 ACRES, situated in Eliz abeth township, illiegli..ny count y, Pa„, on the line of the connelts vil:e Railroad, about lh miles from the city. 'I he improvements are a new stone dwell ing. with den rooms: a goal barn and other out bulls:lege. Tula property le, uttered at a very low price. Call and secure_ yeurself a good bergain. ALSO. A FARTS OF 120 ACRES, situated In Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, lea.. 17", from the city, on the c eutteilsville Railroad, opposite Elrod's Station. within 30 minutes' walk 1 of the Station. The improvements are a frame house containing four rooms and kitchen, with a good cellar underneath; verygood barn and other outbuildings. A No. llorcha d. containing about 200 fruit bearing-trees, all In good condition. 60 acres cleared lend, the resitlae iu good timber, un derlaid with 23 acres or coal. ALSO.A TW 0-STORY BRION BMX% adjoin ing the Borough of Elizabeth, Allegheny county, Pa., containing 4 roams and Kitchen. Lot GO feet front by 126 back to an alley. A good Stable, wash mouse, bake-oven and other outbuildings. lam au thorized to sell it at the low price of $l,BOO, on good tertati. ALSO. In the Borough of Elizabeth. a good two story 'BRICK. SOUSE, containing 4 rooms. Lot i 120 Peet square. Wll beso ld at the exceedingly r low prise of $9,500. on eat terms. ALSO, My FILM known b Ole name of "Willow Banks," situated on the Oo nellsville Railroad 17 miles front the eity,_ coma! lag .79 ACRES, sill la good! condition. The Imp rovements are a Bon- IL brick house. two stories high, newly . painted, eo .taming six rooms,_ two 'halls running Ina length of the house. The house is situated en a beautiful knoll, is surrounded by Milt trees. shrubbery, vines and Sewers, with a graded avenue running to the Youshßiver. Also, a large frame bank barn, smoke 'house, *ash house, coal house, bake-oven and other ontbuildings, and a never -faring well o water. Two large orchards, containing from six to seven hundred fruit trees, nearly all In good nearing condition. This farm abounds in small fruits, viz: Currants; raspberries. gooseberries, and a Sae large strawberry patch, whit's, in connexion with the richness of the soil and nearness to the city, makes it very definable for gardening purposes. Very con venient to schools, churehes, stores and blacksmith ALSO. A PAWN OF 158 ACRES, situated la Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa., 31 miles from the city of Pittsburgh. on the Connells vine Railroad, at Suter :station. The improvements are a common log hosts°, a good franle barn, with stabling for tett horses; a corncrib and wagon shed; good orchard of fruit trees: fencing very good. 120 acres cleared, the residue in heavy timber land. Thls farm is valuable—first. for its excellent coil; secondly, its timber; and thirdly. it contains more limestone than any other farm in Peansylvants, all accessible. The lower vein of limestone is 10 ieet thick; several other veins ranging from 334 to 6 ft. In thickness, Ile under the whole farm. For partic tion, oa ulars enquire °f le of ELL SUTER,. Esti , at ,Suter Sta at my e. ALSO, 113 ACRES, situated is St. Clair town ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame nouse, with NIX rooms and good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 by 00 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place a young apple and peach oi chard: one hun dred and twenty neve elered land. divided into itelds of conVenient elec.. a large_ portion of which are well set in dioeer saki titnothe: the residue of said tract coveted with *sad timber. It is well wa tered, and underlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and olacksmith slit,ps. Areal good bargain is offered in this excellent farm. ALSO. A beautifully Situated tract of 00 ACRES of valuable land, -under good fencing, situated In McCandless township, Allegheny county, Pa.,on a township road, 7 measured miles from the rKet Bonne, Allegheny City. • his tract is - vvell adapted for a garden or dairy farm, being coavenient and of easy access to either city, and near enough to th • line of the Mehoning Rabroad to make it very desi rable fur country beats, for persons doled business in the city. ALSO, The best form iu Young townehlwlndlana county, Pa., 4 miles from Western Penna. R. R. at Livermore btatlon, •coutaining 300 ALRES-225 auras cleared and under No. 1 fencing, us well as fine farming condition; the balance is good white oak timber. The Improvemente, are 2 two-story flame houses. yearly new, of eight rooms each and finished basements and attics: a large bank barnr 50 by 80 feet, a two-story spring hou , e and t ne cessary outbuil. Inge, all in good order; 5 acres of orchard of choice varieties of fruits; 4 feet vein of coil (now open.) underlying the wb ele tract, and ligtestoue in abundance, with tier of sprints of never-fantug water. Takes all to th. r- houses, fencing, soil, nice lying .urrace public highway, churches, * schools. mills. &c. —l. * know of uo more inviting and desirable tract of lane in Western Pennsylvania. ALso, F.5.R.11 AND MILLS. A small tract of 60 ACRIch of very valuable land in Derry towns.hip 'Westmoreland cotnny, Pa.; e ell fenced and la 111th Etste of cultivation. with new frame dwellin A ir and other Outbuildings: a new grist and' saw mill. complete with two run of More, two Sorting clioths, 'gild tar die needco lilt - tires, in good order, and a young orchard of choice fruits; lane is all underlaid with aa% foot vein of coal, now opssed and work ed, at the back of the mill. and Ilmes:onts in &hand some. Call soon and sneure a good bargain. ALSO, FARM OF 160 ACRES, situated immedi to sly upon tne line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. at Blatuville Intersection , 54 miles east of the city. The improve atenta are Pe stone house of le rooms, aNo 1 barn. 45 by 65 the best of stabling end other outbuildings. The land lies well. Is well fenced, is in good farming order; aid will be sold Very cheap if applied for•soon. • . For farther partionlus enquire of 61. H. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, No. 164 FOURTH AVENUE FOR SALE. 1 Acre at Woods nun. 4 Acres anis House in East Liberty. 8 Acres. unimproved. on Troy lilt!. 2 Acres on 0 reensburg Vlke. • 5 Acres ou Four Mile Ben Road, l;:f _smiles from P. C. R. it. 70 Acres near P. F. W. Sr C. R.R. 118 Acres near Pa. R. Stmteorelad county. 90 Acres at 11111 Side m Pa. E. It. 4 Farms in Preston county, West Virginia 183 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with coal. 108 Acres and good improvements, in Trumbull ou unt y. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dwellings. I, • House and Lot on . Center Avenue; near Kirk.' patrick. House and Lot on Vierey street. House and Lot In 11nst Liberty. Hones and Lot in Mansfield. - I House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on }kaiser avenue. H 2 Houses and Lots, very cheap. an Vine street. Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. Houses arid Lot on Franklin street. . ue of 9 Rooms and 2 Lots on Roberts St. Farms in Illinois. klissouri ad Ws Coal Lauds in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties In Penna. Ilonsis of 9'llooms In the 17th ward: rent 3300 3 de., of 3 do. do. 17th do. do. 144 3 do. of 3 do. do. 18th do. do. 136 9 do. of 6 do. do. SOL do. do. 360 1 do. of 6 do. do. Bth' do. do. 300 1 . do. of 9 do. do: 3d 'do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th \ do. do. 199 1 do. of 0 do. do . IlVh do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 100 1 do. of 7 do. do. 2d do. 1 do.• of 6 do. Orant street. The Houses that I lutee for rent wilt he rented very low to good tenants for the bidance of the ren tal year. D. P. HIM REAL ESTATE ME Pifo. 91 Grant St.; Pittsburgh nenvie FOR SALE. A GOOD BRICK STORE-ROOM, with dwelling on same lot, for sa'e on good terms, Also, a small lot of DRY GOODS, OROCERLES , The location la 'flrst rate for a bestow , of 410,000 to $lB,OOO a year; good Wheat country surround ing the village; good flouring mill in the village. The above property is on the line of the Cincin nati, Sandusky and Clevelanifraltrond. For further Information address NEWMAN tk. CO., New Rich arid. Logan county, Ohio. nO.lined tIAT FOUR BRICK ROUSES AND LOT, ORPHANS! COURT SALE Ba virtue of an order of tha Orphans' Court of Al legheny Lunnty ' , gill expose at public sale o In6th. the premises, on WA ON ESUAY, December MS. at I.OX_ o'clock, A. sr., th at COURT OW YOUR BRICK 110USEie, el uate off WYLIE STICEET. a few doors above Elm strext. ntrance to Court from Wylie street. Lot um by 72 feet ex tending back. to. an alley, the prop•trty of the late \Villlamliontouth, deceased. Ternmat day of sale. TRolliAn B. aTFAVA Guand' au. For particulars enquire of If. C. MoCKREI,E, Esq., Attorney at Lew, SO Grant street, or PAL MLR FULL LIPB, Auctioneers, 60 Fifth Avenue. D'u2s • EOR SALE TO LET..-Houser and Lots for sale in all p arts of the city. and .an. s. Also, several PAIDiS In good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN PACTORY, w ith : O acres or land, and good Improvements, 'which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for L sent in both cities. For farther particulars Inquire 'WILIAM WARD, 110 0111111 street. ontiosite Cathedral. P V th l e l l N ea E at 4. S. l t IUSIV , E a SS w .- il For n a s i al ea e a Oohed • Produce ilammlgalon Muse now doing a good basluess, and navlng a large_correapoudenee and t. onslguinenta• The•warelnai.e Ia one of the be stands in the city for the Oustnaas. Aaply to OT lOW mos If. CUTH ktgivi` /a elliN. , , 4.; 84 aciadiela wallet. FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY, CAPITAL - - $125,000. Edward Darlaon, L. F. Dun San, John Mellon I E. D. Dlthridge, eisossW. Dlthrldae, Johnston.. . Malone, B. R. BUTLER Ala LUMBER; STREET OFFICE AT. POET PITT 61.1..7 WORM, Wub Lagos Street. 020:398 LUMBER! UMBER! LIMBER, ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer J in all Kinds of Lumber. ON BAND AND FOB %%I& 1.000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 1150,00 u feet 1% and Inch h Common l; 30,000 feet Dry 12 Flank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 - and 2 inch Oak: 25,000 feet Dry 9, 22 and 3 inch Ash 5,000 feet Dry 2, 22, 31n. Cherry .4 maple 30,000 fmt Dry 1, 12, 2 and 3 inch Poplar; 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 250.000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting! 750.000 No. 1 18-inch Shingles, sawed; 250,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed; 40, No. 116-inch Shingles, saived; *O,OOO Fire Brick; - 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Teams —No. 86 ?BERLE STREET. former Manchester, and 157 REBECCA STREET, °Typo site the Gas - Works, Allegligny City. nol2 TO-LET. APPLY AT LAUBER. IMI PRESIDENT—EDWARD DITTIRLDGII. Su.currAny—T. A. , i'v'RlollT. LitTPLIUNTENDENT—EDW. DAVISON. DISS.CTORS ArLtrhisEs YARD—Corner of NINTH WARD. WINES, LIQUORS, &o PITTSBURGH. IMPORTING ROUSE, EISTABLISEIED 1830. SCH.IvIIDT & FRIDAY • IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS, No. 409 Penn Stiegt, Pittsburgh, Would direct the attention of the public to the fact that, pa sessing supeTsor facilities through several large 'Wine and Liquor Houses in Europe, and making their importations direct, the are enabled to oder the various grades of choice WINES AND LIQUORS at prices less tban Eastern rates. Ex. am cations of qualities and comparison of prices respectfully solicited. choice assortment of pure OLD BYE WEDS KEY constantiv on hand JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., _ 'ass. 197, 199, 191; 193 and 195, FIRST STREET, PITTSBURGH. : atantrrAcTUßlßS or Copper Distilled Pere Bye 'Whiskey. Also, dealers In FOREIGN WINES and LIQU ORS. HOPS. de. Intil&nsll' GROCERIES. WM. MILLER, (Late Miller & Illeketsono Nos. 221 AND 228, Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Low Figures 150 Offs. of NEW MACKEREL, in barrels, aves, quarters and kits. 100 chests. choice YOUNG .11Y130N, JAPAN and IMPERIA.L'TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. Z 6 bbls. choice CAROLINA RICE. bbis. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. • 50 bbls. SYRUP, choice brands. 100 Ws. N. 0. I.IOLA.SSES. 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. 900 bbis. REFINED SUGAR. 751111118. PORTO RICO, CUBA. and DMA , RA RA_ SUGARS. 200 bags RIO COFFEE. 50 bags JAVA and LAGUATRA COFFEES. 100 cases IMPORTED CLARET. 250 cases MODer_& CILANDOWS CHAM PAGNE WPN.W.S. SCOTCH ALE and LONDON PORTER coy ' - atantly on band. - FERTILIZERS; • eke* e,,ree,enenreeee6 TO WHEAT. GROWERS. EUREKA AIDIONLITED . Bon, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LINE ! MANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co . REWARD C CAMPBELL, 2. • PROPRIETORS, •._ Mee, 856 Pout Street, Pittsburgh, Pa The best Bertiliser lapse, and recognized y Farmers who have given it a-trial, to be the stand ard for raising large crops of Wheat, itre, Oata Corn, rots toes, sto. Relieve published for gratis. ltous circulation a pamphlet contalaing Interestin, and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies o which-will be sent free to say sending ns their ad. Ves le:WA01 -6 WO: Zi a B. LYON; Sen.e• of Weights and Neasures, No. 5 FOURTH I'IMET, (Between Libertyr nd street` O?4tnDTOlDUtlYattanArd tr Eri)irr4.l4:olo aity!'r TORN PECK_, Ornamental Hail HAIR WORKER AND PERFUME% No. 133 hlrd street. near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Always on baud, a _general assortment of Ladles' WIGS, BANDS, CURLS; Gentlemen's WIGS, ETS TO PERS. SCALPS, GUARD 011AINS,_BRACEL Let , &e. sar A good Frio° in cash wi ll be given RAW HAIR. • Ladies" and Gentlemen's Nair Cutting donel the neat e st mentor. ,t 0,2,01 ' ARCHITECTS. 111ARIL & MOSER, - 1 -' - AxlcurinECl'S„ illralT HOUSE ASSOCIATIOhITLLDINeti, NOS. *and* 13t. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special attention given to the designing and building ot Vtnruirvi and priST.ttl itMt.TVINCIFL 1111111. T ASPARAGUS VERY put up in cans hermetically sealed, Fe r f lo STl Lez and will be iound equal to that fresh from the gar. den Ihe sale by JOHN A. RENSHAW., COMO: LHICaI anct Jiantl ;.:z4tts a,rNEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee.. blauacer . . . Last night but two of the eugsgerrent of the fa— vorite Tragollaa • EDWIN ADANI4 THUP.SDAY EVENING. Dec. 10 11105. wilt be perrortned for the hot time the great live act. Tragtdy 01 NABCP:SE, TIIE'VAGRANT. NarciFse parneau Edwin Adams. To conclude with the popular farce of the • • SrEel EV. it 111 Li EGI - 10031. * Friday Evening. Grano Farewell Complimentary 11. meth to EDAV I N •AM -, 4 Edwin Adams Matinee on lI'I TSYU ItG TgIEATER. LtesPe.... MAllatt r.. Treaburt r . . Thud week of the acc.impll.lied equem.rtmine Wes MISS KATE FISHER. THURSDAY EVENING. December 10. 1508. 1 SCAMPS I , F LONDON. or AFTER DARE, all the original must.; L •• • Matinee on Saturday afternoon, TRIMBL E 7 S VAILIETIES THEATER. • H. W. WILLIAMS Lessee and Manager. OW). R. EDSSON Stage Manager. A wom,errai t. iumph. LOUISA PA.Y.NE WBAY and AGA WRAY. The Great Female Minstrel scene, by Twtlue - Young Ladles. Bowsnan and Harris, Larry Tooley, Sem De Yens and E. F. Gorman in new actg. To conclude with the FEMALE FORTY THIEVES. arIicRNELVS MUSEUM AND PARiOrt VIENAGE=I The Great Family liesorte. FIFTH A:IEIMR, between Bmlthileid and Wood streets. opposite Old Theatre. !tea" Open Day and Evening, all the year mind. Admission, 28 cents; Children. 15 cents. . . - •:t, :. 1" : -440--. .6(-Niftra •••?:,,2) x ~, ~.-,- ! i-.-7-7-', 1 ik:l-'T ~ '. ( ,t"S '',- • .: • (1, - z...i.". • ail ;1-11k., (i-. .•,. r . ... i ; ..,: .i :.I.l'ty)- ; 4.1 ' .kt - t •., .11. . ' . 2 ' ... ~.._,..:_.,.....,: .i.v..- -. . STOCKET"t -4/ITTREWS, OF BALTIMORE. • V 71.1 deliver the fifth lecture of the course ont. THURSDAY EVENING. I.k cember 101.11, 113013, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. eub'ref—•'THE ROMANCE OF AMERICAN PROGRESS.' • Tickets 50 cents to all parts of tbe house. No re- served seats: Doors open at 7P. m. Lecture at 71(. del. 110 -ACADEMY OF MUSIC. °L am , IrESPECTFII4LY ANNOUNCES TWO GRAND, CONCERTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - EVENINGS, . December lith and Mb', assisted by the following favorite artists : • - MISS BARTON. of Boston, Sonrano. R. GUSTAVUS F. BALL, of Baritone. M. EGBERT LANslete, Tiatist and Acton • Admission. ONE DOLLAR. Family Circle and Gallery 50 CENTS. Seats can be secured without Mel lor's Mu 'in &Pre. Sale of seats will int cue on Es hiORNI NG, December Oth, at 9 COO OCk. Dools open at 7. Commence at P , o'clock. T. IL TURNBULL, Business Manager,_. da:b4 ggf"PROF. CARPE,NTEIVS' .FASRIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY. tio. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for the re-. eeptton otz-puPils. Class days and hours—For La dles Masters and Misses, Wednesday- and Saturday, at 255 o'clock P. M. For Gentlemen — Tuesday an* Friday Evenings, at S o'ciozk. Private - lessons given. Circulars can be had at the Music Stores and at the Acadenly. Classes out of the cloty,l convenient, attended to. Sir Hall to let to :Select Parties (a -PROF. RIM. LEONHART. (LATE OF WESTERN ITNIVERSITTA Offers. his serrices to tbe nubile u teacher of GERMAN. MUSIC AND DRAWING. Also. as 2 RANSLATOR and INTERPRETER. Office 1.4.4 SMITHFIELD STREET, third story. • notl LEGAL. ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SS, Lu the CoUrt of Common Pleas of No. 651, De. eimbei Term 15131. In the matter of the ♦olan tary sablelament of C.A.MPBELL, PEASE & Co. And now December sth, 1504. the Court apboint. C. C. TAYI.OR, Esq., Auditor to make distribbtiOn of the funds paid into Couri by the assignee.-- From the Record.i • JACOB H. WALTER, Prothonotary Notice is hereby given that the Auditor appointed will attend to the duties of said apnointment on THURSDAY, December 31st:1 1 3138. at 10 o'olock A. DI., at his (Alice, No. BS GRANT STREDT, Pitts burgh, G. O. TAYLOR, Aedltor, Pittsbnrett, December ad, delmbi . XOTICE-4Vhereas leuersvf ad . ministration to the estate of Dr. JAME:4 A. EON, late of the city of Pittsburgh. deceased. have been granted to the anbscriber. Ali persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and those having t lams or de mands against the estate or the said decedent will make known the same without delay to • • W..D. AUGIII.I4IIAUDIi, Administrator, na25:407-Trt 131 Diamond street. Pittsburgh. OTICIE---Whereas letters of ad ministration on the estate of Dr. IRA 'E.. PER, late of Patton- torzwhip, .county of Ale.? gheny. deceased, have been granted to the , subscri uer. All persons indebted to said - estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent will make known the same wdlont delay, to BARBARA PIPER. Adm`x,, nc.s:aihrit Penn Township, Allegheny county, _______. - • . .... XT IS HEREON' GIVEN 1.11 that the partnership lately existing betwees .; JAKE lnelitiON and W. J. Ste p AuTElt, as punters and and liousebui der's, under the lirmname' of DICE:SON Sr, LtichlkSTEp, I:1s this oar been dis solved by mutual I. onaeut W. J. MgMAt‘TER -IS authorized to settle all debts due to and by the eon.; / lg YeP! J Matti .- W. J. ai lk AzTilllt. 1 ecember 11., 1868. - . . . de3:a.4 BANKRUPT NOTICES. 8. IdAILSIIAL'S OFFICE W. D. of Penns,' Yards, r • •-• PITTBIII7ROII. OCt. sth. 1858. • , Tu.. IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the sth day of December A. D. 1808, a arrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF NICHOLiS MILLER, of the city of Allglieny.ta the county of Allegheny, State of 'Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any ;debts and delivery of any property belonging to ouch bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by Win are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to chboSe one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at a Coon of Bankruptcy. to be holden at the °Dice of the tie-' gister, Ao. 11G redend street, In the city of Atte ;thew, city Allege Pay eounty, Pa.. before JOHN . Ulster; on the Ed 'day of February, A. D. 18138, at 1 o'clock A. THOMAS A. WAVLE'S. 7:bi S. Marshal, all Messenger. CM U. S. 11AESTIAL'S OFFICE } • W: D. of Pennsylvania. PlrraurnGH, December *lid, 1.5(18. !THIS IS TO *GIVE NOTICE That - ou the Ist day of December, A. D. 1508, a 'arrant In Bankruptcy was issued against the es- . tale of JAM a 8 PAT' glt5ON, of Allegheny eitsr, in the County of Allegheny. and State of Penney'. yaula, who. has been adjudged a bankrupt. on rupt to him or for his his ad aZa ive Pe ry ti o ti f olt ii that the payment of any debts opi:s.e.rtyanbealotuhtluigratuao isfierichca:nir.; property .by itlin are forbidden by law; that &meeting of the creditors of the saliLbankrupt, to prove their debtd,and to [shown one or more assignees of their es tate, will he held at a Court of, Ilaukruptcy, to-be holden at:No.110 Federal' street , Allegheny City, Pa., before 'JOHN N. PUEVIA. s CE, w• sq.. Regis ter, on the send day of Febtuarp A. D. 1565, a 3.0 , ci' el ock 1. .ti. . TULIIIPIS A. ROWLEY. 11. R. Marshal. __-- LB Menerlger .. —.—.-,------• da:b2 LEAD--50 0 Pigs Soft Galen la- store moil for sale by J. CAAR __d im sox. )3' Rxximarsear. ...M. W. CANNNTG. U. W. l'in.LlAllB: ...JOHN G. 3IAGL.B. . G, HF.4S3IYG. 121111
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