.fr -,---,,,.. r..>%, - 7 ,7 .T .-7.- :• - . 75 . -1,,,,, m.: 44- a...1.3 ,1 4e1+1.14....AF,3 4 6.'" IRON WOltki! £ll. PORTZI. prrrognicts FORGiu CO., • :.--xsanrracnnums Ank , . aw . front igauguma g..4trisays ; lllll* Bsltsi 3464 " . ( *Liles Zoned; 5114 0300.1* - Azlti Hammersdi LeesimitaireiViati4; • ittie pir,m _ e Shapest fide Yokes" Piston 'leads litedealbiras Shaftsi ilteambest Cranksj Instil s, Wrist* ' • !Italian Jaws, Collars, Ake. office;. No. 177 PENN STREET i GRAIN, BYERS & co PITTSBURGH. P • - Ytt.iNllFAcTxmcits or Bar, Hoep and Sheet Iro4, •-WitOUCHT IPQN, Iron lyofind Tut for Gloo, Steam, 'Water, &c. ` `A%soc: SWELL TUBING. =I ON 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. TAI;OYD & BLAOK, MANIIFACTIIBEESOF Best Common, Refined, Citarcosti - IMATA BLOOM IRON. - MERCHANT BAR, ROITND and SQUARE IRON ZOO ,P BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILLEB_PLATE and SHEET IRON. NOWRIt AND REAPER BARB. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER reoN. BMALL T RAileaald lb lbs. - to th e yard. _WROUGEM 0 and SPIls.7B for same. FLAT RAU.Si ed ainLesnraterSunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS - AND SPIKES.. Warehouse and Office at the Woe" GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of First street, sillolaing the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., lminia, Iron Works. Wazehonse, N 05 .1 86 and I 6 MST IBTIMET Opposite Monongahela Mouse, ap2A:de-- - - - - PITTSBURG!". -1i 11 44.• WO . SHEFFIELD STEEL-WORKS. SINGER; 'NIMICK & Co. Prrrapp l 4 7l .9 Mannfacturtrs of every description of CAST AND CERWIAN STEEL, Jr.A.ILWAY cirnlNGS,_ ELLIPTICAND PLATFORM SPRINGS, - 4 AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c. IWarehoujic v , 88 Water sad' 1011, Flin 4 Sta. ar o m a . t pITTSBORGH STEEL' WORKS. ANDERSON; ODOM; csucttiaothi r , .te•stzs;'ziotb a c 0.,, • - of • BEST REFINED CAST. STEEL, ,_ ...B ZIOYAIp_IIELor ill elzes• BAW sae, Tgg HOtIT I ONIF, sis;id anr..LT CAST : MaspinVitip MPow ilian itosempi44 soita .c . ' 31 01' 110$1116 V ',et.' 410 Cast and Common PkisriapprinirStoeL Oftlee—Conter Mit WiTIGROMUMALIN Ore blocks abtrve the Idonongi!felt /pale. 0e211:d9 . . , B~IRB.'/t; P3SHIIi. SIXIMAL ZAWZMORI: WM. METCALF, - I attain; XELLIai, IMO. W. 14.1-114,Tftt k 4.4 rA 11 LN. aextu.z. rdutTNEn—f3. M. EMS. C:RESCENISTE,E.t. Ivoruts, 1111LEMIMil;MOEM&AwmuN i , - °meet 15 1 ,3!) . .7.413erY '44 Duda iirrssusGE; pAr : BLACK. i!LirttoND wriazz woRRE ME 4 Z ‘. 1 • PARK,' BROTHER & Co., lfiatOfietccieri of o94espititiolo . of • 134 y s 11"' r Office andirarei 19_, _ 19*-51,c02115 Ltd 119 -191 FIRS STREEI9„ pnvissysdn. ItAttrit e 4lo E** 4 l44vAineit, - _, erv ,—. stroviir dv , -s , rrk, MEAL Jaa 9 • ' ;;;- 887 I.4IBERIV,STRZErr, " < • -el; ' •, aitto . tioi 67, WiTNIC• • 1 ) i.f Ono Mars Beene Valois Depot, 3ilT T ti PIT TSISURGHer:4II In f: . ' ar Arad. , far /14 / 9 3 ANIES! iCeiZEL 41g1 MVSBBWITI 1111 f tl'l. I , 6 inynt I bat. Tunnels Chatham atm,' eidDedilei ht liarairare. "Hew iltikfarora2 airkettlVAi wan en load and Nolasf firXtaNarMes, Marta/ do ne away gallon _PM •1 •IIISuI 8A14116. " A ,g• EX/ 0, 4; 'Burr Emits gaaccudins srumniree, NO& 111 sad ft. Glair Street, Pittsburgh, Owlet A sseeation even to the designing sad I go r 411101;IBT AMMO sad PIIBLIQIIVELDIXON. == Ell BM PôUNDR i!LtatamsTs. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREXT, Ninth War d, • g.r.r . 47 573 , 1 41104E4 THORMS N. MILLER, Presides These Works are among the largest sae moat complete establtsbmeatelg We& =dare-am prepared to humish ilweies, of every Boilers, , 014 L TRIAL Sheet Iron ' Woirk. Mwbr , ml4lmittnirs. Jumble Inn astiasf. , MNrlse Costlmp. Nwhisai - General CaWNW, ORDERS SOLIPM4P nakne9 ATIONAL rovNDRY ~ AHD PIPE WORKS, ennear'tair*O.44id eml Imsu ,streets; (NINTH WARD 4 • . . - zirtvredEstritoir. SMITII 2ffarrufacturer of OAST - IRON BOWL gipE ; FOR`Q &S , AND . WATER liVoltES. • . My Pipes sire all east invariably Pits, in dry sand, and IR feet lengths. Also, Pall assorMent of General Castings for Gas and Water Works., . • , would alsO call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of, RETORTS. felattlo • ., • THE KNAEFORT PHI FOUNDIY CO, CHARLES SNAP, President. J. M. ErMAIN Flee President. 0. METCALF; See, and Treas'r. J. H. WADE, Engineer. , X. G. NAP, GenersiMmuutger. , D JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon. Shmb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J.Paluter &Bonet : C. B. HERRON , of loan& Chalfant & Co. !. THOS. S. BLA.litlo ilawnherger,a WM. METCIAI. ..of et: Hams &ran. • - luaarrAmnitai, or - - - 11011ingltill and BlaAt .11itteldnery REToRTs and CASTINGS: of every deecitptlOn. .FatNEST% NAIL :MACHINES: - fe3ll L. 0. LINTNOSTON.W. 11.BITAT.W. ROBENBO.74 j LITINGSTONII; CO., • , IRON romirilErts, iLi.3II3PACTUBERS OP FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All dm:intim:us, toiPlumbers and iisa titturs;• • Ag ricultural Implement, Oopon chfne All 7thiVork promptly attended to. . Wine and WorkWASEiTNGTON AVErt near Outer Depot, AllogLeny City, Pa. ROBINSON, BEA*. CO., BitccesSore to BOBirtgOlt, MIMS & 31 /-tilfith WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manntacttirers of Boat and Stationary Stearn 'an ginas Blast 'Engines,. Mill Machinery', Gearing. Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. M .- corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents PO GIFGAB;D'arET,MN:a INJEC%-.82 for feeding Boilers. . ONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Duller Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite 17nlon Iron NMI.) PITTSI3I7BGH. Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, 'THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ALACHENTERY AND CASTMOS - DENERI4.I4:., Order* promptly and carenally executed. CU/gee reaponable. r• Emir MIMI BERLpirFOI 9 IIIIII ( .., Rms. • office and iaiihouse; 19' Wood kreet. Thimble, Mali l itiettripe• Soli* Beim ix* StGA.I2 IMITLEd; HO'LLOW 77/ailk And Castings generaly.. aynirys tAittlic di co. " • .. . Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, BANDvsztEripALLEGIIINY CITY, M‘i..l Manufacturers of Steam lEnginei Oil Presses, Pul leys, Shafting, Grist and Eve ill •Work,/folling Mill and Machine Castings: era e.llars, weights. :Wagon Boxes, de. Build to order and have on nit= Engines of all sixes. • _ • nivicei C ENTR 4 I I- 17319 " , AND" ROLL WORK S sso Penn Stree t. tOLIMAN ; Bon & B4oAllt Chlil MIT Cutings, Bon Latties. _ Zerilna.BM nr /kW 11nlet,011,'Or 2PZAM EN6I.IIIIA all dee ot the moats prgrvO_Vetterzerathm qtr'potes 8T8A.11830878 and 8 7222 • Ar3•,41. 'at 111. 12 ,end 16 hmne Rowe i.a' • AziN42s,' witieh-Wlll meg , be .1011/ Very 1 , •C45. P • , • q.' Fitly mllia below Plttiburgh, tin the Ohio elverout • C. & P. B. noe:b2 . e IfeeZ psisum 4 11 1 11 1ully :BRAN; FOUTIDERB Asibui r .mirfrith . ;MT vi Lv e 49Vta WARM .1.999,P,TU8 G, at all kinds. Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, s" r ' sriVAGkr. ancaorou lALL IRQN BRAKERS..., RAINIVEL M. livicsziesusat, r. (. • _ IRON BROKER, 124 Pint Streeta_Pitta ) Pribp Pa* ibe saliot ooin a :,„ Donglinnert4o4 sap we d Isabella, uginan taniso_ps,...l4l XI, and other. bran or An les x9nrininsannY. ooknania 0...44 • ..) 1 • Or PIG ntorcs, -•?:" Ixtunents and orders respeetcally solicited. OOPPER .1" n" 1; ^ c :u!' , f 6; qll - • V • `,OO/Tindaqin Walla *LTA- ' ,ARICIVOCTIRIIA; CO. - t.' I t), perl; Ort tait A sou i_t 4WSlPer .154"." iragind en " craMPris 1, 'Pi& srehouse No. 1 OTRIAT w ISO. li ND WrieravPittabunt. Deatal tom, man or %%Ma ox!s an, .deals4:lo ,„:•;.:,. 7 „.„ ltt , mliff6ti7k _ . • MB • - , I • . .'• - - • • ' . , - • - . - • • ENGINEt3i BOILERS,•&c ^U!oaT PITT BOIL% STILL AND TABS WORKS,. CARROLL & SNYDER, ESE mAxvracruarasolf- TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLU - ED TUBITLAN, pm. BOX AN.* CYLINDER STEAM . BOMBER& OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON - DENSERS; • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS - AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse' corder &mond, Third, Short and Streets, PITTSBURGH; Pa. ' sir Orders sent to the above- address will be promntl' attended to. - nald:ISS Z. We XOBSOW., : .JAI3. B. BAHNII/LI.I.:•JAIS• BLAIR* HAILL BOILER, WORKS. 11ORROW; BAIINka & ILILICUIPACTOMCBB OF Steam BOilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASCOIETERS, WROUGHT. IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WOES, Le. . Ver. Liberty anil-ileetibul ivirreeitrebtr, l PA, REPAIRING promptly done. I jy4:l4 M. BAlvatitti Co., ' ' - BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 20 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and famished It with the most approved machinery,. we are_preßared to manufacture every description of BOMEBS.In the best Manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire, Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt' Pans, Tanks Oil Agitators,- Settling Pans, Boiler Iron. ' Bridges, Sugar. Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barntall`s Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. laS:c2l. JAMES M. BITER, 7 iris. 55 and 80 Water Street, PITTABIOIIOIIII, PA., itAXITFACTURIS OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING . MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORE; - For Steamboats. JADED M. BRUSH DDMIIND D. BRUSH. JARED N. BRUSH & SON, XiNI77ACIVILIStB OP Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. MEET IRON WORE. &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVE% CASTING% &C. COOK STOVES. , • CET THE BEST. BISSELL a; .CO.'s TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast ae viell'is any other Store in the llnloo. BRIMS; & CO No: 286 Liberty Street. Also on hand and foi sale, rem,iniffixtowants,. CHEAPEST PLACE its Ike city PVX Tam TRIUMPH COORINC, STOVE; 'listNo. I , I4Ii4I4I*IMIST. v , ...3„ f t 7: 1 • ''4"' a . 34 tC. D ConimiisiOniiercaint.frand Broken to Petroleum and itsVrothitts, • DALZlLL'SiillitblNti, WO* . PITTSBViton . , PRTLADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING; Itlitait CO., 19t7 Walnut Street. TACK BRO THERS,`" - • cominssiox_mincHANTs, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. .• ,• •,., • .IFiti*rghtfinCe , =DALZE.LL' BUILDIN9, car nez of paquearie Way and Irwin Eli ilitladelplalattgiaa.4BlrWATkinriST::: -, 1 • • I Newla J COB Wk4VEIR Jr: a* • ' Qa , :ectitimission . Jori Pets No. a DUQUESNE WAN . ..will hum:do:11 Din& and Reaned Oils, Imbricating; Tare lnerittnelind IClDatyrirge. Our long experience In the Petroleum trade eneblerus to :o ffer - anemia 'facades end in ducements to operators. Ay hereterore, be are de termined to make It the interest of buyers and eel. len to give us Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to Wins their samples. apembi N. 'Axe, tr: cri; • a- `• PURE ;WAITE. ip01010 . .04, , Brana...avtromw," No; 2. Ikumeime IntiburgL, `.1.'..' isrirtni;..c.'A..' • Nkater...w. zr:lnunasiv. Sill• ORO OIL WORIEII. • P.J, -- __. i 71.,, , ..1- e.. t - _;• ~ Nanufacture and have for We an kinds of . , • I:krr' C . - - ` a t t T:13141 A ai Alm 4'l '-' . #o 18T. Cualft BVBltiall - ,'- '• ' '.t;- 1 n4.7 1 / 1 44.*PrglOr a . :00! . '' Fri IMALUsi t 9 :4 zilot ' rituenoki, • or e , 44 , FURNITURE, MANUFACTURERSr,; • „ I WHOLESALE AND BATA„, 1.E.11001 , - ay Witlsl4 wrcw} lll ! . ..?*° ll : 7 Wril4AerVitairEMl 6fiograptui jtftlittrAitChitili! ^ im ue gIOSIN AMP% we in want of anything in our Una are caraubsi7 tamed to call beano punka/la& Workguaranteed. mum vnii. pansau USIA M=MB=E= DN'gSIT ) . ~lfi~Cia] ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'FORT PTT MENG' COMPANY, W — eiod Street, . . . : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DiALEBB IN - GOVERNMENT.-SAQUILIT.ES, A D COLD..- INTEREST ' ALLO D- ON TIME DEPOSITS; Halted Enid. on all accessible points In the Halted States and anadas. • • . . . ~: •- ' DIRECTORS: • , D. Hostetter. , „inn. C. Risher. • James Gordon, ; "....• • Robt..H. Rang; D. Wallnoe, . Andrew Hiller. E. Fawcett, ; James-M. Batley. RAWL. lc. D. LED* K.NtSTONF I BSS, No. 293 LD3ERT/,fliZT, prrronnicar, PA t CAPITAL, 1260,00'1 DtitECTGEtit. H. J. T.yneh, Wm. H. Hamilton, Joha Mnrdocii.pir.;',Heury-SooltiVest William Espy, Geo. T. Van oren. Samuel Barckley, A GENERA Baum tus&ss TRANSACTED:- Collections made on all accessible points in the -United BtateS and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BONNY AND SOLD, N. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. V.V)if DOIE*I GrOTOCICHOLDERS piD.II7I)I7II..PLY.I.TABLE. NATIONAL -11ANII,,,OFMRCE, Cor. of Wo(id and Kith Sta. A. PATTER:9O2i • • JOS. 11. HILL Cashier. CA.PITAL; thOubli`-' A. Patterson, Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart; Allen Kirkpatrick W. B. HaTenv,-,. DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAUGIOEY &COI, , BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and. Wood Streets, Prr'reMitrlie(la, OWCCEssONs TO HANNA, HAAT A b 0.,) DICALIMS Exchange, Coth,-,toppons, /Led particular attention paid tome purchase and .Isla of COY !corps.. BI ht Drafts cosALoncic!n izr:lo3 N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PITTTS111111011; PA. r Collections made on all the principal flints of the Milted titans Mid Canada& • - . Stocks, Bomb and Ow ISeorgies BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMNIENION. Particular attention paid to the purchase Ltd Age of - ; :united States Securities. isitai 4I WESTERN te4T/INAPI.141:11,4: No. 69 : .Fourth /*root.. „; b. - -C.l 4 . " • ' • ' - cHARTED:ED 1860- Interest paid on Time Deposits . v- -I ; • 3 ANY SUM ILECEIVED'FRON ONE Dol,l6Alt OP_WANO; DEPOSITS SOBJ e ECT TO C/LECE, WITIIOUT P LETEREIST. - ' " . • • DUl:aunts Daily at DI o'clock. 42readefMMERSORIC Pc+estdeut»i. .2:•llllW.: • _I. . • THOMPSON BELL, A. M. MARSHALL, , JOB. INLWORTIia• • ' JOS. ALARRR. J. J. GILLESPIE, Btoetcliol6err totrbobt Nee Make rerereiosit with Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Virtd; Caldwell; • Rex, .I)serld Kim . • Willis Dated!, Hefty Lambert, D. W. C. 7 Z. M.• Fulton; ' Thema* R*lnst. , ff 2 l i rmB.ER1:1001111Ems Lumpy= ALMEARDIR PATIERISOB I Ef ,Y4CODS No. 56 Preble Street formerly Manchester, and Vi n e L b lia l lia t eg a l l At i r V 4,1 11: DEALER IN ALL BINDS C? • Bot i flry and Planed Lumber, , T. -1, •Weathernoardlng, 131 X, Mouldings, Liej b u IpAn ia b , er. • - , . 4 Se a rrAnil e fi o orr i zst... ying i tsict Tu..tand CLAY.. stsiCe I re • T PITT LUMBEittOMPANT Ji;• ' .:,••=. • capital, $125,00tn - ..14/111/DINTEDWARDS I 3rrartiDGEO . nacnnrAnT—T. A. WR ff'l%„Lc,„ , * lattnnumsnzxr—ED •LrAvw.o.ra.' t • DuescrOliii.f;r,'43 ' Edwatd Davison, L. F. DCMICtiI, 1ggre.'11116,40,. WorglN D. tr. Johnston. LUMBER TAB LEGHENY 13THED4VStarar4 74t. • upTICE AT TORT P GLASS *ORM,M WashOOS. -S B 4u WeeB*- JOEPH & FINCH Ir. CO., :Ato. Vi5t6 1 ,66 1 4 • "MT STRlDEVpfrittaityitegi s lt .11 KAMMACTUBSIMEZI, f, t: , ( *Pe i Di stAidr. lAilay• Indai er• T e ltir p in TONIZGNrWI2IIIIIIIIOI LIQUOR*. Win commoN • •4 - 1' atinligaiitk kri ci; Poe Have on hand or p_reparn ensint notice Hearth knd Step Stones, rises for Sidewalks, Brewery Vienne, se. Head and - Tomb Stones, de. Cordarr MIDWAY exicated. rrloos reatenatdet UM *xs , • -- -15. E.. MIRAN, Pr•s% LSON, :s DIRECTORS; -1 (IeOW , Jame. McCandless, Win. Douglas, Reed. Y, AT Al A. M. Ip EMI =NE 14.XmOvAIL i trAvi anr - BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, tr z aa c oei:mpleet by the NATI \ ONAL BANE OF PH. R. MERTZ. BRADSJAMES T. BRA DS 86 CO., Corner Fourth and Wood.Sts., A ./ 'i-;0- -).-i1,..- ;.I-, ~ . 1 3 .A BUT 4.NDISEIt.D . ftLI!•NINDSDP; i • O()VERNMENT SECURITIES, E lo GOLD; SILVER% ON MOST BIVORAELis HEMS.'; 7-80's -C.O N V :R T.E D - - INTO TME -' • • NEW . 5-20 COOTO BOND. '• 'or Interest Allowed on Deiiidtiii .. " so- mottavl loemew .ox ' 40 1 tEBNIKEtT BONDS, and other Approved collateral,, at. Irreat nutlet rates. ' ‘ 1 eiders exeCutedloir theo'Petre lease and . Sale' of STOLID% BONDS midi GOLD. .. ' :4A , MES" T. EiRADY & CO. Jos Joint* t;iftte. FINANCE . AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG/IPA2r.i. its , TUESDAY. June 2,48 . 118 c Gold opened dull and lower in the morn ing at 138%, but as the ditY advanced. the -,market -became -.strong, andrit , ,closed ,at 140 g. dialabertil eiports,b6tinueti. unabated, and the imports of general mer chandise are nearly, equal to the largest figures during the war, whilst our exports have dwinfiled down to about one-third of the imports. Under such circumstances, a large - demand arises for Unitsd States securities abroad for investment, the shipments of coin have to increase rather than decrease. At therate o f gold . exported during the last three weeks, the supply in Bank nowDalyneitr,- and, coasequently, tfLe premium will rule high. Government bonds suffered a decline to day of from ki to 3 per cent., but since the investment demandis on the increase, it must be inferred the depression is merely temporarily and artificial. It is surprising -to_ see \people now to ingest at present prices, 113% for 18675, that would not pay 108 for them. Seven Thirties are coming in freely, and by next July there will .be_ few left to be exchanged:. , The stock market was dull and lower to', day; FOrt Wayne, slier having reached 116 X, suddenly broke down, and was of at 1144, a decline of three per cent in almost a moment. Fort Wayne carried down the balance of the list. In Express stocks I the same dullness and entire ab sence of purchasers prevails. - Mining shares yv ere less active to-day, but quota tions were well maintained.. Business le very quiet and money is scarcer.. None but first-class borrowers can be secommodated. Some inquiry is made for bank, stocks at high prices, by parties who, do not wish to• . buy Govern-. CEloshv quotations as'recerved by Ph. R. Mertz, wpre as 6thliva: Gold, 140 X; 1881 bonds, 118; 1882 -540% 112%; 1864 do, 110%;1883 d0.,110 , X; Consols, 113%; 10-46 1 / 2 185N; 7-80 s, 10934. - . Railrosevetand & Pittsburgh, BS'; Fort Wityne,lls%; Norili'Western,conunon gt North Western--preferred, 813,; New . York Centrala34X; Erie, 684; Old &nth ern, 89%;' , 0h10 Mbidlidppi, 30X; Mer chants Union Express, 30; Western Union Telegrapb,BBX. Mining Shares—Corydon, SO. Quartz Hill; • 115; Q,nicksilver, 29. ' —Thelkeß ;York TrgisneWfur . l*trida3r; says: Governments continue - rn good de mand for all classes, and the desire to ope jr4e for an •advanoi is unabated. The in veittuent demand continues very heavy, andlarge blocks are taken by lenders of money Who are unable to place their bal ances at better than 3 per cent., and. prefer this mode'of getting a fair rate of interest. The enormous conversion of p•even Thirties for the past week has prevented the issue. of the coupons of. /.887 as fast as the;deniand 'of investors requirea, And dealers who hive converted, notes and sold the bonds find themselves, short and ; are active , bor rowers. The day'S business was the heat/* lest ever done in. Wall street; and the de mand continues to increase ,every day, and. 'intibh higher pricei are, predicted by , the : large operators. The same poet ;absrfaingp•AkinnernoWl Itinues easy, and the amount offering at 3 and 4 per cent..re largetyln; excel:war the requirements of thespeculative demand in the street. The ban ks who during the Into money pressure viere,•,6o.• eager to, make shares, and used'their ntmoat endeavors to ,e.Nact large commissions from their .deal. 'era, now find grsat Aidicelty, rdadnri bregers•Pieferrtneto take the money of banks and bankers who accom modated,;them.aux/Pfttthedmile, at higher rates of We/TAU:art thoseAtrered by these over-sharp , : dealers,. who will find. that in the long;; run., it is, for their, interest:to re lieve instead of intensifying , a money panic. At the!close money was, offered tn.large ; blooks Per cblit:;and'hOldera were tm able; to place fonds at any; price. ; The 'money market IS „now.easier .than At/ AM! time within the past six years, and.prom- to remain so for , then t et 90 Ass, —dosing quotatio n s **,lY,64.6,7,4*oll•l Brady & Co.: Gold, 140; U. 8. 401;1ers: 440 , 8; isea, 1124; 4-20's, 110,04.20 , 14- 1805 . July, -,5"W-7anlktya7'44laluariarix,= ipm; 741() % 1.0; -ri1ikri.,7;4(1,1,-., 109 x; p . . I!6 . ~ . New York Dry'GoOdi MOW; '' • tBY TellorsOlk totem Pittours6 fteseite..3 - = ' NEW 7 foniqlt.Ttine 2:44The .weithei Is gloOtny and trade Idt:db.-the intirltercona6:' A. . bele lackinew btidyaitspl• . Tile' May' r„,, ~ nt changes noticeable today till& re . netiontn price of New WarketA. Brown pipmtinga and Great Saila.kf tonne: shilling: per yard... Heavy , standard Sheetinge bring , lamaiNN and atandard "Prints, 12)1a11150,1 .• ,• J.. , dadeago.Cattlie market. l, n4 - li tt geriph thutbittqtiblaik i IF . i i : A.(4 t : t . ~,...: • 1 11 d co, Jurnittuitee - attle 'firlii `mod a co , PkriE 4glitirlei , /or miffa gingt°rn *Rs, aArdihti#loo Ibr _good shipping steers. Hugs dull arid 151800 lower; dales at f3a8,28 fbr common., and;lNa9s for good to extra ache. Reeelpta-1180 lit hogs, * ?k OFFICE Or PI'FFEEBBOH GAZETTE, TrursnAi. June 2, 1868. Th general marketa' continue very dull and devoid of any new characteristics bspecialnotice. wort yof continue weak, with a drooping tendency, end Provisions, also, are dull 'brit un changed. Eggs are steady, with a demand fully tip to the supply. Dried Fruit and rotatees are dull, while Butter, although, the rivals are falling off, continues Ire.- glecte .. I, AP 'LE BUTTER -,.. Is ?steady, with restul kites at 80 to el per ‘galion, accord ing to .nallty. • ' , AS : 3N: Quiet and u nch anged.he PO . TOES—Continue very dull; we op h . eto note small sales of prime Peach, Blows in store at 111,36 to .440. DR D FRUIT—Is ivecy 'dull, and the arriba are increasing; prioes, however,' are nn hanged. 43=11 sales at /2 to 13c for Peach .s and 63440 , 7)4nt1br Apples. G' . —Wheat is in better supply and .cciri Eeryull; parties who have held back all ter and spring expecting to get famine oes, are ing sadly disappointed. We'ere cognizant of a sale of prime Ten nessee bite at I/2,52X, which could have been sod three weeks ago at 82,80; indeed, that o er was then made, and, unfortu nately or the .sellerl refused. Oats quiet• and un hanged; we now quote at 82 to 83c, on wha , and 85e, in store. r Prime Ear Corn is n fair demand,lwith- sales, at $l4O 1.1 434 $1,12; xed and white',lerfornin X' al at - 11 041,05 le is quiet and nominally un change at 1,90. HAY ' comlui in inore 1 freely, -- and, prices a eilower; Weigamaster, McNulty at the Allegheny Diamond Scales, reports sales of 8 loath at $15.td , 11 24 par ton.' STRA 7 841 es at 112 to $19.1 BUS ' bre of two loads of Cornhusks: at 3c per lb._ . , 1 . SEED Flaxseed is scarce and wanted at $2,50 t /415.. - Ntideinand whatever for Clover o Timothy. , i PRO lONS—Bacon is quiet and un changed; 14c for Shoulders; 160 tolSc and. , 18y,,c for ibbed and Clear Sides; 19V, to , 19340 for lain, and 20 to 20V,,c for Canvass ed SuQtarect 'Mims. ~ . .Prinie'' kettle - ren- I.;a. dered * d, 183‘ to 19c. i Mess Pork, 62450. to $ 29. LAICOIL—SaIes at $1 ,50 for ,Extra No.- 1, and $ ,25 for No. 2. , CHEESE—SaIes at 14 to 15c for W. R. FLOUR—Is dull and weak, and notwith standin he receipts arc '-falling ' off and the , supply ight, prices are barely matirtained. We now quote at $10,50 to 611 for Spring- Wheat; 112 to $12,25 for Winter Wheat; and $l4 to $l5 for fanov;brands. Rye Flour,. $lO to $10,2.5. 1 0 • :,' tC PIPICTSBURGIELPpTROLEUM MAIIKET.t- OFFICE Or THERITTS.BiTIMIE Gezna } TUBEIDAYit June 2, 1868. CRUDE—The market; is quiet-and dull,. and devoid of anythingtliat is new or in teresting. Sales of 500, , , and 800 bbls, on spot; at 10Nc, and 100' Ibis "Smtth's Ferry," on . spot;:at 106.-Vhere seenia :oho but very little inquiry, and, notwithstand ing the offerings are light, and the stock of spot oil by no meanw large, the market, as-, we have already stated, is dull, and prices are nominally unchangtid. Oil City tele grams quote nominally at $3,90. - REFINED—The market for bonded oil is also very dull. and, lit little weak, and prices are nominally =clanged: But=s single sale reported, 500 bbls for the last. half of June at 28%c. Qfiotations may be fairly given at 28yi . 2.8%0 for June; 29e for july; 293.0 for August; 3014 c for Au gust, September and October and 31c for the last five months. ARRIVALS—The arrivals of oil re ported to-day were as follows Mawhi'ey 8r0.29001 EllY &Pinkerton: 640. Clark & Sumner 160 j -- Total • I 3700 OIL SHIPMENTS PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT.. H. M. Long &Co.,ls9'bVs ref.' , "toWariien,. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. 44. •W. Holdship, 0.5";- do do' to , Waring, , • King & Co., Philadelphia. - Brooks, "Ballentine - it Co., 113.d0 do to. Warden, Frew &..09,,,rhilagelphia.. Duncan & Willistini,q4B-do. do tit,'W: P. Logan &Bro.. Hutchinikdadl co",. 4 4010 Act t l i4 ; 4 11 ; Frew d Co., PhiLtdelphlie." Kirkpatrick & Lyon, 460 do do to W. F. Logan & Bro., Philadelpiga. KingCo., Lafibrty Waring Philadelphia: no do • to -Waring, & OIL en:trim:tyre Pall A. V. B. ' • Nat. Ref. &St. Co., 609 [Phis ref. to F. A. - Dilworth it Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., app ,Vor _flo!tck e Wardelii: Frew it Co., Philadelphia!' Forsyth, Bro. it Co., 450 do do to War. den, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. • ' • " - WIN'. Morgan it Co., 60 do do to War. den, Frew It Co., Philadelphia. 'Bran it Wagner, 249 do do to Waring, King it Co., Philadelphia! Mellelvy (t, Bro., 275 , tibls ref, to W.-P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia: , - • .""r Cincinnati Minket. :By Telegraph to the Plttabargh 'Gazette.] CINCLNNATI, June 2.-- , ,Flour very dull and prices lower and notolual.. family sold - at $lO. Wheat unsettled' and lbwer; No 2 winter sold at $2,20; No. 1 at $2,25, nomin ally. Corn dull at 88c. Oitts dullat 'Nano. Rye ,scarce:and No' Barley in market and prices are nominal. Cotton dull and prices are nominal at 29c for mid dlings. Provisions are dull and'not mrtch7 • demand; mess pork held , ;fit e27,75a28, but not saleable at ibetter than ' $27,50; bulk Meats remain Tdull 4 12* for shoulders; ,1414"a1430 for side s ; _ bacon is nominal and , unchanged.:l;qthouldprs 1814;otales at 15X,a 1534,and clear - rib - and 'Clear sides 1636a1.7 whiclL has been . packed]. some time and could be had at lower 'ilitesP Laid'ditll at .18a18V 4 . Butter dull at 2 1t 19 .8.f0r-trtm4y4;l- ; „.• `low. Eggs 18. Linseed,' Oil" Mill flesl;l7. Lard Oil declined to: loN11;45., Petri:demi 32a34 - for refined free. Grnberies steady and in fairi demand at full rates. • Wool dull at . 25a40; demand lightf'de4ert - k•okhig for lower prices. lid .. (By Telegraph to the PittlAßK Il 941 1 44! .1 :i a ..,l; ST. Louis, June 2.--Tobacco firm and ac tive au 7Na9n for ltigef ,. .iNalB3s' fez. dark. ' leaf; 15E00 for medium to,'voi;l,bought leaf. Cotton; nothing - doing. !Hemp inactive at 51,41%1,60 fer'rth • .1 . Flour flat, un settled and drooping, with .sniall ,orders i i only. super fi ne' at 67E03; extra at 88,75; double extra at 39,25a11; treble extitkAnir , I fancy at 1.11,842a14,50. W eat ,dull, and has `declined 5c for prime andlancy."Corii.dUll and lower; 88a88-. for. vatted western and g lec4l oi w n i g i f t lieldtlkag ll ) , l d la u ge an y; d ental. 1 sides sPrin l y t it i :s2oo. 2 Rye , fittu with. VW cdefriand lit 1 724475. , b vtalpna v.e17,41411 .., and butt- . e ftirig..- . ?V" ttoplinalAit' 11 2 8,Z0413,5k. • BlicOnf; , 'shoulders at, ;131,6, ielear aldei at 17, 8g ' 1 10103 ft lard Ault-and atea4,ll,'ehoiceYeoria - mold at 173‘. Live Moak; briairieta small; wiles at rampereigroill: rev: NiatuitAanlf Shr per head. for , sheep:A ., lterelp.a.4,ooo bbl flour,B,ooo 4 1 44 0 ,1404v'.101000* Midi • corri, t , bfkllfe r i/Plitil4litetoq '' tro treteatetat toots I l lattextralt • Gaxetteo 7ellatill'6. 'uIAtTA v i 's ittalt r ' B, , . . !tit- , . • 1 - Flout; OttUratapartine T. El* 1 I .' .Piirit 29 4 1 , Baeo.+-shoabitut,,l,WoxLsflaf ,sfdes...l 'card-19tEte. 1 ism' 97m,sr w.., i:nifs', ,-, nay ‘ll , I . 18a20. , '.?Brin; •111:s02C,, ,13uttei 800. I.7lVl,ntialt-.444l4Leanti tItli•:-,3 V i J1110!rR , spol .4 . : : , !; ;; •, :. 0t• ; , ..:. ..., , (Br Tett i tt;to toe int, - is,ell ~_ . 44. 0 1 DEriir 4 4 1 ita ift. , e Miff &t l t s ; ', nolvi : , 10 : Yee' tit:og rior. heat n and lower, with very few buyers; for No. / white 12 1 66 was the best offer. 1 • MEI PI'S llußc MAt%) E? . -- t ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers