NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "` CHEAP HUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.: The GREAT WESTERN OtIN WORKS hate' tieeit removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET. where mill always be found the most complete assortment of Gong, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport , tux Material, dtc., in tee city. All kinds of Suns odneT Ptistolo carefully repaired. Cash. paid -for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send stalup for ilustrated Cirenlar.' AYents Wanted in etworri town i n the United statee. Address, J. B. 1 ETON. HO Sr:W/4M Street. Pittehurgh. JOHN R. PIJIIVIANCE, u I Register in Bankruptcy for Q d District. °glee, 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY Office hours-9 A. M. to 8 'F.4I OrncE Or CITY ENGINEER 4fl Sunrks:Oß, t• Pittsburgh, Julie. 34 18811. ME ASSESSMENT for-trj . Board he Walk from Hazelwood Station to the and rll road le now ready 'for examination,' and wilt, - remain at thte.ogice until June 10th,11.11165, when it will be returnedto the City-Treasurer's-00We for. i collection: . II J..11.1010RE, Je.3:ri9 . ' City Engineer:. T° CONTRACTORS • FOR IRON WORK.: i• SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up to the 25id of June for the CAST AND WROUGHT IRON. l• WORK required for the County Work Rouse. F The wOrk• consists of CAST EAVE GUTTERS, - ' ROOF TRUSS BOLTS. BEAMS and CORREGA' • ." D SHEETIRON CEILINGS,BEDSTEADS, dc: - Proposals to be left with OLONGE; ALBREE4 Esn.. Secretary of the Board of Managers, corner •of 'Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1: Drawings and specification to be seen and till IN. t: r tnr ta t° l s Z a iVlfglrtaa,tt:CtZin3 Clair et N. s.—Separate bids will. be received for the dif , t *rent branches of work.je3:os . . • . . . • . • I. ; JUST PUBLISHEIO.•' A VALUABLE LAW TREATISE; New and Revised;Edition. SEDGWICK ON THE 2dEAStRE OF • DAMA GE... A New Edition, thoroughly revised; with ad ditions. Gne Tolume. Price $8.60. For Bale by EAT & 192 HOLMES, BELL & ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, , rirrnreuxtraGai. alanufactin ere of BRAN T, MEDIUM and LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA SHBETINGS. AND BATTING. .t., pasioN , s 1 ' PA.1 ) 1111LIir - LOTIOBT,'' . i , •. i FOR 'BEAUTIFYING YTEE. SKIN AND COM , FLEXION: Removes all 'Eruptions -Freckles, ' Pimples, Math Blotches. 'l'an. etc., andrenders the . -',.... 'Skin sott, fair and blooming. For Ladles in the Nurseryit is invaluable. For Gentlemen. after sharing, It has no equal. “PAPHIAN LOTION , ' .. ', Is the only reliable remedy for diseases and•blem ' - lobes of the skin. PEIALOWS "PAPIUAN SOAP , ' , •1 For the Toilet Iftusery and Bath"; will not chap the - skin.. Price, .iiis cents per cake. 1 . t •“ri,on DE riLVTO, , -' - new Perfume for the Handkerctief. Exquisite, c A ellcaterlasting fragrance.- Bold by all Druggists. .., • je.llrD - , PHALON dc SON„ New 'York. .., '4. "'';'' SUMMER DRESS GOODS, . ._ • - :+ 1 . . •, 1 . . .. , FOR SALE AT VERY LOW PR ICES, • , . ' - l ', ' BY : • .. ..."1 WHITE, ORR & COW, ... 2 . . . .1. . . . 23 . ritth Street. . . ,irjscsit r. win" cO. • c. awns. COAL AND ctscik,;. •Offlee, Sandusky Street and L 0, R. S., Allegheny City. ' - SUPERIOR • . , .1 Youghiogheny Coal . Connellsiiller: Coke, AT LOWEST MARKET SATES.. - • t Orders promptly. attended to. , i5O TONS PIG MAD, BEST BR.,iMDS, 7 .., , , iroas SALE AT LOWEST MARKET BATES, BY .._ . 3 ' BAILEY, FABBELL & CO., . , t ~ MANUFACTURERS OF LEAD , PIPE AND' =CET LEAD, No. 167 Smithfield Bt, Pittatn4h.. • • NancE. • • All persons having claims against and interest ed fn the' STEAMBOAT_ ABMADILLO.*III tire notice that I have seized said Steamboat at the suit BA.KEB, PEARCE CO. • •. * • • TKOS. 41.'llOWLETT Marska °m e i . may 27 ; U. S. : Marshal: „ 10928:03 ~- . . DRY_ILIIBIBEIL , ' ; ' ' -; . .. le 'AND is•inrcit 811.11ENGLIE". • , &Laved and Sawed -7e " itriOnallty., - -,- - - DUY IFLOOBING BOARDS, And all kinds of LUMBER; at ' - - ' '' • - ' CI, C. BOYLE A CO.'S, - Yard, above Saspenslon Brldge;Allegkeny9lty. nall.Mniso-ws -11 $.- : ..., - _ . , • BAKMEIT FO* wiMAR •WiITIOITT THE nioirrariT; Or would reutfor ntersnof yews.. Enquire *$ • • .W.11.1332P50 vi elaN•mliT • No. 40 l'aicsilto St.. Anestien);: F A Y_ 13st:1mo - us torautamor:sra Equal, la barrels 'Ad hall biome, at • • • WATT, f4Naok , g o :. my= 111 and 174 Wood atieet)Pittitnirthe T .OVEIRING bbls. A-4 Crßaked and Pulverized Lost„:lledned White and Tellowlidgaza. Hut received and feratly r inole. sale and retail, at the lowest market rites, • - !" , JOHN A. RENSHA. )ea „.! eeroer Liberty and streets. • It RA N :111LEEZEIR..41rOrreVe four tainuteAretto Freezer; of,difeeent-aLtea. e best blaze, received .1411.2 for gale bY • JOHN ' HENSAW. les • Cor. Liberty and Hand street,: - EAD-500 pip ch oice - ,brands Galena Lead, in store and for sale by 11 JOHN 8. - CANFIELD &SON: ri ra "3 " " d date V intnELD 4 soir. ell lucwrxelpteAr.:, La's:ore Sad for sale by • , 'JORN B. -OANFIELDA ..lcj a "Lime 4110 _b . ril te tria" W hite .. afore a nd D SON. 1499=Tr -4 6 0. , b 1 0 1 00 , Jaollolll4l — gen t egitas,cotime:b; • , 410. 1). ICA I WANANOIL !‘ r. 13, MARSHAL'S OFFICE. t W. D. of Pennulvanit. PITTnICAGII, June Mid. 1868. S IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT T i tthe 30th day of May . A. D. 1868, a War !Alit Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTAI'E: OE Ronan F. WEDDELLi.: Of Allegheny City. in the county of Allegheny, and State of. Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own pet Hipp; that the 6a_ymenta Of, any debts and , delivery of any property belottglitt to such bankrupt to him or fur his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law! that. a meeting or the: cmMora, of...the , said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to Choose one Or more Assignees of his estate. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, Sq43e. boideacit A.19.,.41.16 Federal street. Allegber6 - ifaty,' , Allegiteny tta toty, Penny., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE. Esq. Reglater, on the 14th civet( July; A. D. 1869, a pja c o e l o ft . Roc .s. 4.11.. THOMASOWI s. . . • _ H. 5: 3 IARSIIAL'S OFFICE. PeDUAVVVILnki i , - rirrsuermin,4tniefltd;'•• 664 1' • . . THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the surzir slow Antrasiggivw a p, runt in Badkihrtop - whif ifisubd f*.ra• • the ESTA.TrOF ; JOHN HAITMAN, .lOf Alleghei> ql 't • • • 1 tgthe eOnnty or Allegheny ' 11 1W: adjudgedState,of Pennsylvania who has been a - bankrupt on his own petition; that the, payment Of any debts and,dtitylery, ex Arty .otopertyrbelOnging 7 -to such bankrupt, to him or for his use. anal the Itannfer of any property by, him are forbidden by law; that' a meeting or•the creditors of the 'said' bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or More assigneesof his estate. will beheld ate Court . of Dankrtiptcy,Ltol be hoiden tt No. 116 Federal' street, Allegheny City. Allegheny county, Penna.. befora JOHN N:PURVIANCE,TEsO...Regiate Ihe 13th day ofJuly, A. D. 1868. at.lo o'clock P . M THOMAS A. ROWLEY, • , • S. , lfarslial; aslithisenger. • • T ° ‘.',; t • RAKE "WELCOME?" • Is the best Rake made. It Will rake heavier hay, carryit farther; load 'and linioadlltscif.dasier than any other rake. It La seg-operatingt," child-8 years ofd. can do the woric'idra: hand: - Hundreds of certificates could be given, one of which Is below: • CilnaltD, ErlaCO.,_ _PA., Jalr.9, 1867. "I have need the TV.Zcome Hay Rake, manufac tured by Nr:lr: TrallilderPittabnrgh.lra.,llnd rec ommend it to farmers. It is good in light and heavy hay: is easy on man add horse; is a complete glean er of gran and ettsipl.; is ini construktion and easily kept in order. _ • .. 65 WOOD STitEET. , JOSEPH AIt9IICELE.' , All orders directed to 319 Liberty street, Pitts burgh, Pa.. or at the works In Columbiana Ohio, promptly attended to.. Sold wholesale anti retail by. • - .11 W. WALLACE...! Send Orders In early, as supply Isshort. m)25: d UNION• PACIFIC RAILROAD Are now finished and in 'operation.. Sixty miles of trick have been laid this spring, and the irotictilong the whole line between . the Atlantic and !acids States is beini pushed 'forward more ranidlyMuin ever before. More than twenty thousand' men are emplbyed, and it IS' not impossible 'that 'the entire track, from Omaha to Saterainceto, will, be finished In 1809 instesotof 1870. The meansprovided arc ample., and all that energy, men and money can do .to secure thecompletion of this' • GREAT NATIONAL WORK, The UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANTI I.—K GOITEILNHENT OILLNT of the right of way, and all necessary timber and . other materials found 'along the line of its operations. GoVERNMENT G R A NTT of 121,900 acres of land to the mile, Vaal:tin alternate sections on each side of its road. This lion absolute do nation, and.wlll be a source of large revenue In the Altura. Ill—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of United Stites Thirty-year Bonds, amounting to from 016,000 to $48,000 per mile, according to the ditileul-. ties to be surmounted on the various sections to - be built. The Government takes a second mort gage as security, and It Is expected that not only, the interest, but 'the principal amount may be paid in 'services renderml by the Company In transPOrtinktrooPsi, mills, ge. The - tattiest Is now much, morpthin this way, besides securing*. great Bovinity' time and money to the ' Government. IV.•A GOVERNMENT GRANT ,of the right to - issue Its own 'FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to • aid in building the void, to the Mile ;mount as the U. - 8. -Bonds, tuned. for the mine purpose,. and no more... The Government: ;wadi. the :Trustees for the First Mortggge Bondholders to deliver the • Bonds to the Compact) only' as the • road is Orm'pleted, and after ichis been emote . ed by United States Commissioners and pro • •nottuced to.beln all respects a limy-class .road, with a heavy T rail, and 'completely supplied with depots, stationi,' Mirtionts, ear shops,-locoznatives, cars, : ' . "%cr.-A CAPITAL' STOCK SUBSCRIPTI ON from the stockholders, of which OVER EIGHT- MIL. , LION DOLLARS bare been-paid In upon jthe work already done, and , whlcp.wtil belncresscd as the Wanti of - the Company require. ' - CASH BARI:L.IGS on Its Way Business, , • that already amount to MORE THAN THE IN ;TERESTon 'the VIM& Mortgage Bonds.' These* • earnings are no Indication , of the vast through . • business that roust follow the epertlng of the tine tOtte 1 4 selec, but they , -c ertainly Pri'9!,that FIRST. MORTGAGE ISONDS upon Bache property. costing nearly three times • their. amount. ARE SECURE - BRYOND,ANY CONTLNUENOY. , • : • . . . The' Co m pany have' oandant lin their treasury, and Make no 'appeal to the Deblie to put. chinfe their Bowls, 'tithe daily ettbseripticins ire en tirely'satistantbry; but they submit that,'for entire security. Mid liberal - rettinis; 'there 'ls 'certainly no better investment to the market, ':' • ' The Union Patifkffonde are ror $l,OOO eaeh, and , hare coupons attached. They' have thirty years to ran, and bear 11:11111i interest, payible on the first' days of January . And Stdr, at the ComPana Office ~ r In the City orNel,! . york, therate - or, Mx per cent. in gold. .The Principal is patable'lif gold at matu rity:l- At the present rate o . fgold',. these bonds pip an annual thcome on their c ost of - ' ' 'AND , IT IS BELIEVED THAT. THEY WILL .• • • • ' 8008 BE..A,T . , The Company reserve the'rtght to advance the price of their bonds to a rite 010%4 Tarr . at any time, and will not tin 'any Orders or receive any subscrip tions on which' the money has not been ititually paid at the Compstry4 office before the• time of Such Parties subscribingmilf thrileir value of the bouderind the accrued laterest in eirrieney at the "teat slz per cent. per'artbute,' trim the date on Tellipit the last Coupon was paid 4 ' ltitiaCriiktiOni be received In Pittsburgh hy: JABilitiVi`lol/o:nr:dt , C oy etiriu;•r . of Wood , and Fourth Streets; . , • • , HART, cAuouswir .4t; Od.i corner Of Weed ~ . • and Third Streets ' hIcCLICAIif SBPoeith Street;PH. corner Sib Cad Snood ate: ROBINSON 11,314011, 78 Poerth street; W:IkEWrirOEIL , At the ComigiiiO 4 i ariosaii Street, and tiy • .. • r JOHN' 4, '5O, ,Bankers, 50 59 sweats throughout the Malted e ' Wail Street, and by the domirsti advertised • fletrilttances sho uld : be made In , driftver , other funds parin Ne free of d i sma l; °tit' mut - the Bonda he sent scribing thounkt_ ' tet ,,„ e rß entrees. • Partied sub! tilirsate,dailyery„, , looktakaitept t o r. ot„.PAMPHLET Ai4D 'Sur' B ; ( ;„." 1 been published by- the ah mipan 1588 has 'Just twanont,than portelbletn 111114 r irPeCUPS thePreEteSS, ottac rah . the 14elinmea ° roc Countiy traversed by th for Construction, and han,veh m : roe the-Means wUI be sent free on•application . at offices, or A4iyinyef the asiveytte e k a i e - T o rpastra, •A -p , •••• - .4,- • ?WIC: M==l • ' . `,---'''''Z'''r-e, ;^•%; " •3,' '',::-''''' ' ---- --- T4,,,--4Veg":'4',--,•'(•`-'0,.; ,-f•-••••".`i;•.',7-.' ',....-- t 7 icy.:, , ....-, 4 'LC . —,..... ~ - 7.--:, -, r , -----..- 7.-5 , 7,i' --,-;.--....7.:T,---141:- ' ,, f , A - i , l, *j t -Ma'*''''''' —4' `'''' 34 Q 2 Aret.:;; - '-, t . ~ .-z34-4.1.,=?J-1,,, , , ,, e;0,,,,, ....,11,v.z.,..... t - ~ ..,.... ~..7„,..,-„3„.„4.. ~,,,,,a;a,Ta.wiz7Z74,7,7%T.,-.Trv.,;:,:i,v_v_-.ig,,,,.,,,zp;--, ~,-:----.-..,i-.:-,2-;,ep,,,,,,i,-,..f...--4--„%,..-.-.:.,.!f„,,zi.f.kf0g1. 4,, , - ---- ~ r ,z. -,, , , ,.. x.., - ; - :.. z.:7,...,...,,, t _ _ ~,,...„, --• ' - '" .4 ' 14.55 : c4,7 i - wi.:=A - 1414Ai1,011air: : ,:..--,-- - ,, , ,, z-vi.= ; .6,,,,,,1..,,,,,,,A : , , ~ , . - Lollltr,!.W 3 1 f.z) iz .. rAiTIPtED 1863 AYD 1887 600 -MILES - OF THE At the earliest possible day, will he done "NEARET:NINE PER CENT., MESE -,. , .:1 Qviil i,'J:'::.-1.,..,....;. PITTSBIJRGIi GAZETTE : I iVEDNESDA.Y, JUNE 3, 1868 : t ! 1:177177 - JOIrEPH irioxißm&lows 1014LRRIVX.i4$!i _ . . . , Isl-40042) z: •. • • - k. HAMDTRWEDGINGS ANTYFLOURCIRDo; HAMBURG INSERTINGS: • SWISS EDGINGS AND INSERTINQS: LACE CAPES, COIFFEURS AND PARASOL „.LYNEN COLLARSA ANY) CUFFS. , SVPER STOUT AND' stirEft L _FlgrefißTTON AND MERINO I=2. ROSz; ' • LADIES` AND MISSES' HOSE, in Lace, Lisle' r, Sifittatd - "Cotton; English pnd Cie DOMESTIC HOSIERY, at very_losvrateo; ALEXANDRE'S DUCHESS KID GLOVES. new line Just received. • . : onitr full assyrtment, of BULLION' ANDI SLL FRINGES; TASSEL FRINGES: ' BEAD FRINGES AND TRIMMINGS; ) GIMP HEADINGS' • ' TRIMMING ItIBBONS.AND SATINS: ,PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS. I 3.1 STRAW GOODS. At greatly reduced rates. / New st_yloHATS;..Lidtes'arld irittelde.z CRAPES, MALINES _DOTTED NETTS ; , RIBBONS. FLOWERS, • Z.. "MILLINERY:LACR9;•' • BONNET srracs,FRANE5, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS, rfc?!escgeanil ~Letadl. CALL AND -F.X.Aittl II and 19 Blarket Stree ei:xwr • • • 100 PC9. imuLLioN, FEIN • ' • • r Ristori Fringe,* IN ALL COLORS AND sHADS 9. , , FRINGED, BEADED, SATL& AND PLA IN SILK, LISLE AND COTTON POR GENTS ! j..eDur.sAliD .C1111,1:BEN11 PAPER ~COLLARS & CUE • rpll,T.A.p.i,Es AND GENTLEMEN, LADIES!. DNDIDELDARMEIiTS.7.CH . ISE,DRAWERS, GOWNS ANIS : VAUNTS, HOOP SKIRTS, IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OUR Wifin: GOOD§ DEPAR Flue assortment ntDOT ! EES MISTS: GRENADINE, TISSUE, 'New GOotts. , Arriving Daily DlA.ClLtriff GLYDE & co.; 78 and MP Maiknt 6fltieet. GRAND OPENING! OF A - SPLENDID ASSORT3CENT STRAW' Such u BONNETS, HATS, cciniA 'aza TAsSEL,i,. ORNAMENTS, ac. - Ribbons, of all descriptions;s krtills.4A-Ftotylrai ,. IBonnet and Hat Frames; Crapes,"lllusicins; .) Sl 47VV l 4§aji , Velvets and Laces; ALSCi. f!111Ine of ' ' 'Online; firitii6tie.riis; r,. Frqnch Woven Corsets, HANDKERCHIEFS, N AND. PAP= coctszts„ curls, ft; :: ~uM;l OLESALE AND RETAIL; CCM EMPORIthI, - N0:74 MARKIWIthMET. ROS Cal &i M=M lan "A. C: s. We Invite atteu Mu to our HID GLOVE: AMENT Whicb is now complete with creel color anl shade In Addition it:rota:own special linportition of the . . . Celebrated A. C. C. Orouvin). KIDS, We bavo secured tie exelustv sale of the e!t?trrillestus Statue' imeratoratneratfati e rsetlit.:77 - - • • =ORM 'Si . .A1 1 01:1411 , s pit !*; l z sir MACKLIN*. CABLIIKLEII! , ' 19 , Street,, Noli offer thetioetkilegant Elinor .-. • Mai:BURGS Ever Opened to Plttelnirgh, to Which they early Invite the , attention - of their enetomec, e de l& .ins ere nearly _all Anew and origin, en ' 'bent 'ORE-rIFTH LEM THAN REGULAR WOES. spit ”'{'re; ;- ritINGEM9,O , . 1118 T OANg.I3 AT , • •• • 7:1114:'-'EATON,11,.--,', - ACRI MAS A tind II I I / 4 % 19 InMEsTKEETO - Seve just opened aI4 shades of • - • • , , BUGLE GUdra AEG EBINGEBc At yerf law Oleic , Ima .4inativniniaitro m antratidliptiii* RilblikPait Wear. • . ~„ , ,„. :r.,-••• •: . , =I MEE CPS= ' Sewing Siik Fring PARASOLS, .q . 'rp . ' V - E g, HOSIERY, IS 'COMPLETE NEW GOOFS ! BEM Painnols, Sun 7Jmbrellas. Hastert and 'Cdoires;" Buttons, and Gimp Headings, No. 17 Fifth St. =UM , ; - Ptlß'• SALA: - FOR T _ - • TWO- HOLMES - AND LOT on street,: Allegheny. This property will be sold lovr, as the, party•lS about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the_property before removing. SAW 3 aLly Tlyo DWELLING HOUSES, TWO A With-_gOod FARM, and about HOUSES acres BARNS,I-..„Th. la - probed) , grill 'Witold - low. 'Cash% 82,500—balance on time to suit buyer. ' FARM OF-120 ACRES, will be,sold foi.twenty "foliate per acre. Improvriments'eonifortablefframe hoUse and good barn: 60rimeri-of the land clear. FARM OF 180 A RES, near the line of railroad: _very well located f e - fakungatock; imp ants are good and sabots trait 100 acres d in - meadow meadow and grain. • CITY PROFERT —Will sell a good brick house, containing Ave roc, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, andwouldrent for e amount in six years.. ' Taßaz• LOT F GROUND, having a ,liver front, and very cony nient of Recess. ' TANNERI , cons - nient in Ihe city, and having a well established ,c tom or -local trade, connected. therewith; a good d ening sad forty acres of land. FOUR 'LOTS in harpstan, near, the lailroad; 'would make affood oal yard. HOTEL. FOILSA E.—That tine Hotel Property . , situated at 'the B atrwrille ' Junction, containing - fourteen robins a d the necessary outbuildings: with three acres f garden and fruit trees... This, well located hotel will. be sold low,' as the proprie tor wishes to rg t Rom business. ' Tyro new Brick oases 8 Zooms each. Two new Brick louses ,' 11 roo ms each. - Twonew Frame House 4 rooms. new Brief ouses, 3 rooms each. - One sew Frain House in Willansburg, having six rooms a it a large lot, well suited for a garden. 4nice COUNTR HOME for rent, ter 8300 per POS mien, ,gitedlirst . qt June, sooner if re leech: $2 •,! FOR LEASE 0 t SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward; 2 &erre that can u he- -divided pact acre; lotas Lots in Oakiana. FOR RENT-2 large Houses, suitable for Board inrouses. r ANTED,73,OOO feet of Fhigling 3 !O 4 A4chP B , TO LOAN—SSO 000 BM i 4 ~. _ > ;d IN SUMS OF 1115,000:AND UPWARD b. P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, 1221 No. M Grant 10t ! , IPA .iburgbe ap27:plB FOR SALE. ..' A RIVER BOTTOM PARMOR. 76 ACRES. 10 miles from the city, In Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa., an the 'Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the - Connelleville railroad; near ,hurches, sehools, stores, Ac., in the flottrishing villages of Boston and Breen Oak. The improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and - other outbuildings; a well of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water on the farm, and an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher 'rieS,.Dears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop 'arty ,7 - being located sear the line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes It very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is also a toad and beautiful location for tountry hOmes neat the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton 'Accommodation and other.trains oxthe railroad af ford certain .amid frequent' oppornhities ofdaily communication to and from tha city. Will be sold as a whole or In lots of onerscre ato suit . . or Fur -chaser's.z •ore. Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated In St. Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the Hue of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. Thethiptovtnnents are a two4tory hinge house, _with sbcroonut and good cellar. kframe band barn 40 by 80 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided Into fields of COUNTuleat sire, a large portion of which are well set in tinker and timothy; the residue of said tract eov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient tochtirelies, schools, stores mills and blacksmith shop,. A real good bargain is offered in this excel lentfarm; And with It will be sold all the personal property on the premises consisting of - horns.: cows. stock cattle, hogs andponitry, hornets, Kean: • wagon, plows, farming Implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. 13ACRESirale aud very-fertile Tract of Land of BAND 23 PERCHES. in Elizabeth To., Allegheny . conntr,, on hal f lin of the Henipaeld railroad. and one and one- miles from the Con-: aellaviile rallread at Suter.ra Station. On this farm arc 40 acres of superior white oak timber; which alone is now •wortetone4mlf the • prieeasked for the• whole tract. The improvements are a log house. , frame barn, good feiming, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well • atered and underlaid with limestone and flagstone of a superior quality; with stone coal fur the use of the farm. Also, The best FARM in Fairfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa., of 230 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania, Central .Ilail road at Bolivar Station. The Improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and hest fratur barns In the township; two apple or chanty, In good beartagdondttlon cornierlb t wagon-_; shed and other outbuildings : 't he whole farm le under a high slate-of cultivation: fencing all In first rate order. and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 200 aces of widch is cleared and the residue of the-tnset in good- 'timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory - ; walnut and beech. This _property will be sold very cheap and' on good terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other . Masi:. bent' For getticulart enquire -of G. EL TOWER. 164 Fourth Street. Fos SALE=To closea Pirtner- TWO TRACTS OF vizmium i AND. No. 1. Situated in,Conemaugh township. CA:3I BRIA Co., Pa.. haYlag the ,Pconsylvanta, Railroad running through It; siniPwithits Ove.miles of Johns town. containing 5104 screw. There Is on this land two workable seams of,bitutninous, coal, 3.i d and 6 feet Back. Alois.,l telt otlyoperior fire. clay, rally. 'equal to the Bolivar. No. 2. Situated In Green township. BEAVER C 0.., , Pa.. containing about 200 acres, part udder fence istiddtariroved, and being within a short:distance of 'Smith's Ferry. The land extends to the Ohio river, oa which trboandsoiree (MO feet. It contains two seams of bituminous coal, ill,Vnd 4 , 3 i ft., and one of cannel coal of 0 feet thick. so « vein of lire clay.. tunable ttilitionittalketilte Ens Mak. P' For further information Inquire of S. M. 143:3011, ,211•Ve alitiLtbertv street.. . . , . . , ..., E ., 1 .! ~ .. ......,... , ‘,....,: .4, THE TWIN, CITY.,, C O . .L iziannfactezi -al- tuperlat lartfete- of ; SLATE..'. i 9177; 1100.1P1N,413 , S?L.A.TE . , _ rirOMce, 48 seve n th St., Pitbdinfet,Piu - : - ) J. S. NEVITIMYER;Presvt. F. W. C. FELD !1, CO., . DEALEAS .I`' GLUE. eiIItLE.D. 4 IIA.T.R,,, Tanners' Scraps,' Ceroons, Cattle Tails, I " "ONES, FODt OIL &C. Office and Waren! Be l No. 338 LIBERTY 19T., ffd door front lytiliO r wry , . PITTSBURGH, PA. 'GREAT' Tremendous Sacrifice .in Leaking Glasses. arato7 to tnovn,_l offer pay elegant stockoL fineMILT, IMP and . ma.= LE:uLAmz TRAIT and PICTURE FRAM ,ES. also, nilacellane otla styles of BEDROODkeLAhdp3, at, math must be sold by the Lt °Nene, Itegardtess' of coif. -" ' o":to.i , ;i n wa nt , OlineParlor 43;7 ms anet n n .I: ,. arioleornnequtwo!k,wud°wel i g i v e mu pe...m w .i. • .. . •;. i , Jr LYONS - ~ . . . . . . ~,.. 110 Wood. street. --,-,----- pIEBCEVAL BECKETT. OREOBANICAL ENGINEER, • • • 1(..10 7 (Late of P. i 6 1 1,41, ta F. g W. t & :t1 C. Rai T lw ay.) ap o a 4 rp. PoSo r t 53 ALLEOHRft , nfi titfli 10 11 Frlre ' bi l lriattalfaDlAV I 8 A MOS furnished. Particular attention paid to de. eigniugCO I LLW,RX,LOCOMOTIVES. ?Manta COD! tidentially_eoliettedi AO RVENINII DRAW IND CLAn3 . r ec,tutaps - eve g WED,NESDAY 4" WILL. 8. TAYLOR, lt" •- • P AtPg TM 9 .- 1 Pio. 4 01110 8T LET, AIIeOeTAY. • Thanialtl for , thi.tberyllro;42l4 palz.imMe be - stowed upon me, ras _fit_ . lany niendrana Ina public laterally trittlinhe - runtygie psi % f l ow ,mat enapt e . c r u r d d w it i i n genaly a r wi rAft! t vi a mtin evittip wirtee ltoti. ir to th e e at. and .---,II1721:11114 sll,Aealer - ttiV" TIA; 10171,211 81111011 i, ; • • "l ♦ lßetfrie alai ana".4 ao t rs'oßstbrutimae tA. • •:•,_1101:eg BEE soli • I , : tr.! t sox More win -owyeakiai mat widths', for oalrat Nor ITU & U.' APPLR AV a B Y Si nPlathrCanifeg fv 3 C 43 4441#/k SIDPERB - Fr RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS HOMEWOOD STATION, ' .A.U. 11. 011 . AVILLDE SOLD ItT AtCTION,' On Wednesday, June 3, at 4 o'clock P. At Homewood Station_, on the Pennsylvania Rail road, a LOT OF GROUND,' &bout , two acres, finely improved, on which is erected a NEW AND HANDSOME DWELLING HOUSE; , contain. tug eight rooms and large attic, with all modern conveniences and appliances. Stable and Carriage House and Shrubbery. The grclundil are , orna. !tented and enclosed with paling fence. It Is beau •tifully situated on the Greensburg pike, near the , fine residences of Messrs. Fahneatoelt, G " rifilth'isnd others, opposite the toll-gate, and combines every desirable feature of a country residence mar to time city. The special attention of those in quest•ofn ,flrstKtlass home Is Invited to this highly attractive - sale. -- Take train at three o'clock-from UnlorrDe-.. pot, Liberty street. SMITHSO:7, VANHOoK & Mcp.j,ELLAND....I, my Auctioneers. • ^ Auctioneers. CARRIAGES, BAROUCHESft AND HORSES z: •1• AT ATIOVION% - ' - 01lid Sale alma:Wee% C,arriage Bazape. mono "Alleir; near rilberto, On Wednesday, Jnne , 3, at,to Obeli The third popular sale ivilLtake,place alteali.FEß , B CARRIAGE BAZAAR, of a Urge asitortment of Carriages, Barouches. Buggies, Jagger Wagons, to gether with a numbeT Alf other stylus - °flight +veld . cleft; also, ‘i 4 wo:V.Vcrr. 14 3 XAME , x108iVeir One One Mahogany Bay Trotting Stallion, ]53 hands high,. 7 years old, without a- ' blemish known M • as 'HA leSseorge. Has beaten and can beat 2:43 to harness ; antl - has no superior as a pole horse,;for hiworeed; very quiet and kind. • • • • __And that flne, i stylish Bay Mare, raised by George . W. Smltbi Elq., of _Wheeling; W,Va. ' Sired hybls Glencoe horse• dam, a very fine Tuckeyhoe mare; '7 years old; sotind and kind; Ifiyi hands high; has trotted In three minutes to a road wagon, and is a most excellent saddle mare. Known as the "Mack ey Mare. ,, The-owner wishes to dispose of these horses, as he intend, to ;he absent from the cithe greater enrt Of becoming ;summer. Thcse h can be s'prior to the day uf sale at 204 Per street, - - In addition, a large.and lrell. assori,ed stock otitne Harness, itc., will IK'seld At some time aud'placii. All Interested should 'know that Inese horses, harness"; &e.,- will 'bE Sold without reser,e ,' and those wishing anything In the severstl!llnes'sS , llk find it to their benefit:to attenii. • _ :SMITHSON, YANHOUK & 3 103LELLAND, • ml" :q5 • - Auctioneers, BY A.' 2191WAME. icIYtEAT SALEOE ItILIABLEand- ALABASTER STATUAGdY. VASES, _CARD RECEIVERS, ac .—On.-TBUBSDAY MORNLNG, June 4th. at itrelock. and 'continuing at Wand: o'clock Y. M., will be sold at Commercial Sales Rooms. 106 Smithfield street. It large and magnlll cent assortment of Italian Marble and Alabaster Vases and Card Receivers; In' Etruscan,' Greek, -Turkish, Roman and Egyptian sryiest•MosahrTa. b oles, And other beautifui articles of household orna 'Men t, all of whicirare dlrgoldy Sig. Torello DORSI: --Aho.llPlrarr efrotrps: , earv , arble by some of he moi4 eminent artists of Florence an ti Rome, comprising in subjects, Paul and Virginia, Dancing Girls of Conava,_ — 1 ' he goods will bean TtitsdAY an& Wednesday. jet: A. McILWAISE. Auctioneer. .1 QORPRANiP COURT SALE.-VAL• , CABLE WATER ISTitEET (izeosn Wan%) PERTY.—THURSDAY MORNING, June 4th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the Court Mouse, City of Pittsburgh, by order of Orphans' Court of Atte gheay, county. that valuable property situate on Water street, opposite the Counellaville Railroad Depot. and beginning 90 feet above the upper conl tier of Grant and Water streets, and preserving the same width 48 feet in depth, with an addition of - 17 feet In depth and 40 feet In width, making an entire depth of 85 feet., whereon are seven small brick tenements, with alley and cotirt forming what btcalled "Holland's Court," Including the house 160 Water street. Terms of sale—Two-thirds cash; balance in one and two years, with interest. Jet A. 31cILWA1NE, Auctioneer. BY L LEOGATS OUSE AND LOT, ALLEN ST., LAWRENCEVILLE, AT AUCTION. ,II be sold on the- premises, on VEIDAY,AR - 11 - VERNOON, Junellta, at 3 o'clock, that-Rouse add Lot on the west side at Allen street, four doors be low Ilutler street.:, The 1018.25 feet front be 110. deep. The house Is a new, neat, two-story fiame, containing live rooms with cellar throughout. Possession will be given on tne day of sale. Those lin want cd a comfortable dwelling, in a good locality for . business and residence, will dud this a Very good opportunity. Terms at sale. . .: 3 ~ A: LEGGATZ,AuCtiobiet, je2 159 Federal street, Allegheny. BY PALKEt & MIMS: FkiLmEn be PHILLIPS, A,ITCWOTEERS. • And Commission Merchants, ;a. OPERA HOUSE.. fUeTION_RO,9IIIB, • Na 6 0 Mk Stiegti T itt iburgil" BOOTS,, _SHOES, CARPETS, *Tr, PRP 414 ,P/4 4 Alk t itiN% e AT PRIVATE SALE DAT Alito,EVEZinall. awn:popes Solleited. ,lirenipt.llle. tarn .. • Fnmr 47( 1 ..), c o3' , F,SW' s THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. •, ' : Lit HARRIS ' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, • Car Heater and Moderator; • • • For SMOKE 'AND HOT AIR PLUES,Alepenslng with the use of Stoves andlnew 111 pried:int the Passenger or aggage Parile attachment to graduate the heat to any. te m p era a*, may, 14,. desired without the anirnabllltp ot nine Ur. Pr . carsto which the Jacket may be att ached. ' Having ollPaped of the ilinteciStates Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jardtet Which Is Warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be &dialled to the position ard purposasfor , whigh , ls Id in It Is a sure protection from accidents by bre on tutting from defective flues, or where iron idpea are easter' conductor e for smote or beat. - It sprit. plicable to allydpingthatimay beptiture, onsitteausif and warranted to glve.perfeck satisfaction where wood er other combustibl inaterial • may be placed le close proxinaty thereto l I am now ready to ap- - ply my Invention i to stores., 'dwellings, facteries: ships, steamboats, railroad oars, &c., wherever pipes as condUetors Are made *dlurgerotieby being overheated and sedulity desised. I will sell, on ap plication, rights to manufacture or to uee ate above It:m*oton; Ilse, territorial' rights, to 'their as - may wish to, engage In settling pritTeges, eltho..z by Mate , or county. • • , PLUS ULTRA 2 E MIT WORKS,IS eorneeer Morris street arid the Aid. l .- ny VaigiNalinwi, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. rpo WHEAT 'eritOWEILIC' Yt• r "jr • 1 A. , EMORGLANIENONIATVABONE,, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LIME ....;. 4 AO. VVAVVIAItP7IO% .•.,.• j .i' 1 lo • The All,ezhen3r Fertiliztif Dch ; ihrE WARD ILLVAIWPAEL, L f lt 4 i P.ROP'11•110T0118, Penn - 40 •&I bele% 856 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • • rditrztS I Fanners who have glven It a trial, to the st_and- CM Po raising large crops cd" Wheat, Bye, Oats, Corn, Potatoes, de, WeliaVe published for gratU. 7 'tons circulation a pamphlet icontalaintinteresting and valuable statements of this Fertiliser, eoplesOr VII be sent tree to any sending us their ad dress. :013RIATIO11% Partleserishingetylatossor asisles, , lwre•- f gard o business, or In relatiotier_tnaqicras oestrus one Bookkeepers,l ii as Merchants, Bookkeepers, Clerks, hfe c a l ai ,:.Farmers or LaboreysA tiflMoo4 l / l e 4 itileago, Bt. Louis, Memphis, Vicksbnivr, Little Bock, New Orteini;T)gotille;llilveitO4lsr - a n iP A Ifil of Texas, can receive uchyruplil ik el...Proxß; ar ld , reliable information, 'from o r' ge era!in Louisville, by enclosing eeriest of T,WOMPLWR iikenesiddreu. Having an ease:4lre business ae. t nualutancein this part of Iturcoanit7. we sell l Sive ' s * l it aCikna ' - ' .' ' ' i4iiiii4io e -4 : , :i •• '- e,..w. ~ , ,„, f"-= ' , • Be Lailivilli, iri I riOasqs7 . So. Ills . 40 1 , w to: , - , , Ind ~,; jt:2 '. ! c.-: ro. 154.!. -, ~,.., .14 . .. ......4"1.- -.- 3 is!,!,,, , .. , NOV, G e TA. , _ ~. .. 70 -. 7 „ Itgr'THE ditNl74l ..-- -.7 .n•=l , 7 \ ~ - J -4 : v.4. , _..n., Strawberry Festival: for Ate: Clare Rome, ii.l . i . • —,.. wiirhe held at that Itiatlfanitgq, nglit laeliwfalUe''..- / stile. on THURSDAY. - Awe *tit-Afternoon an d . Evening. Street cars will tiln to the Ms until 11 o'clock r. at. igrOFFICE - *EN — Arsia. *Alta. RAILROAD COMPANY, e 4 fur . , Puit,elYr.t.gilia, Hay 13, .1888. :II NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. ' :.11 • .: Y,`. :1 14111 ' . Ifitursuatice ofi`eitdutiong idOptell by the oartr ' of D rectors at a Stated. hieetßug helttltdaday,-nct- :.1 - i I I tke is hereby glyenict the.Stoekholders of this Com- ~,..z ( Eny, that they - UM' haYe thelOrivnege • orsabscrib.,. , • g, either directly or by shbatttaWon'!under snoltbil*,. I les as may be prescrthed.t4Ogfor 1 for:Pwenty-JliVe . , Per Cent. of additional Week' rat Pi o; fitproporthite ''''.- .. to the respective interests as they stand regrilttersds On the Books of the Company,lMay `3lO I goB. • i Holders of less than four Shares will - titled - fiv":z * -trilbscribe for a hill share, and thuSe holding Inctrer.i.% Shares" han a multiple of four Shard.,74ll,lm„ : 9AlW l . . )„.., to an additional Share. 7 1 r_ ... 7 ' •7 7 7 ' Subscriptions to the new Stock.Wlll.: be received Ow, IP and after .May 30, 1888, and.l4l l 94lPileice °tap>. scribing will cease on th e 30th - thly o July,"l9B. .111' - - ' The installments on, aCcognStOlothe:ctelltartar9W" - : I shall he paid in cash, as folioNT: ' A Ist. Twenty-this Per Cent} at, _the-time of- sub- scrlption, on ur before-the 30t i day of July, -18611, ~ •' A „Ad. Twenty-dy e Per Cent.:On or before the 15th day of December, 1868..-1 1 .: . * ~- - • 1• ad. Twenty - aye Per Cent. on or before the 15th day of June, 1869. _.; ; -,: L. „..,..., _., 4 l, ....,.. 4 . le r — 4 1 '—' 4.111. Twentyfive Pet lienti. On or before trie' , ' lour "" z jday of December, 1469, or if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may I i t : ) , e paid up at once, or any remaining in statlmentif ay andd up In full at the time of the payment of the seor third In stallment. and each installment paid up shalt be en .titlectto a pro rata dividend ,Hiat may be declared ma. full shares,* , ..,- • ' - 'r . - . .., 1 1 .5 , r.W., Tia'rxt)m.A..s l zirwrx, • . ---- - 4-,- - - -- 4 --- 1 --.7------------ . Tre " urer - :" :Or - DIVIDEND. .i .. - - 1= PENNMUTUAZ OF PEULAD HAS - DECLARED A .±, 00 Per Cent.. npon ABLE' tielpnting Policies Paiii Those eniltlettoeertiadatlC Fourth street and receive they F. LE W'PENNSYLVANiA.BALLIIOAIOt- • co*PAz•F M : . %. • 1? EASITEtEII'a • ,Philadel p hia , nfar AB6B. NOTICE TO sTog.gmpta))pas.,--T4e,l4.ird! 9 1 " Directors have this day" deeiared a semi-ananal Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital .Stock of the- company, payabbr In ! caph,,, Maar_ or National ind State Taxes; and a "furtber:Drililexid. ) of FIVE PER CENT., payatfte, in stock, on and after May 30th. Miank• powersof attnrnerfb • °Heating divl'dendd can be obtained at the office tlieCompany, 238 Sontit-Thirdittreet. I • ... • ••TH AS T. FER.TH, , . ' • cT eltrs •'1 • • Treasurer.. OFFlCit':NOnite CLiVy Mtxmo. CO.t - .Prrrstusßon, May fatilth. 18438.., THE 1 1 1131ESTIM1111 1 Mil) RECTORS of the "NillitTlfOiciFF MIN ING COMPANY OF MICHIdAN.".have this day leviodan assessment of fifty cents (80e.)pei Share on the ' capltal stock, as the sanielmay be recorded at the close of busin ' eSs'on'-'3lON'dkY, - . the eth`Ot4iali licit, payable to the _T,reasurer Pittsburgh, Pa., ou FRIDAY% - theioth or Julyilext: .THOS.. M. HpWE, Secret i ary and Treatnner. - , OFFICSOF CITY ENOINEXII , AND SUBVSYOII4 Pittsbargh,4l;ine ist,, DEL 'NOTICE TO CO., Titrie'OltS. SEALED PIICIPOB TOR TICK . Construction,of the -11 Ito n , Pavemeat :.• „AI - On Wood sheet, between fifth and Liberty streets, _ will be received at this Offfcd,"tbst Market Build— ins,until WEDNESDAY, Jul:v.loth, 1868. Specification* esti, be, 114141/F-willing a; rids (Ace.— • • .4 ' IX, tr. I racoon - F., City Engineer. MB OFFICE Or CITY ENGINEER. AND SDRYNYER. t •PItt4DUigh,4IIIIC 1 Its;/ 868 t 1 . xiurlclir td'etoltntActottic: ißetOnd:rropasaltr orthet 5 7, ;It partial Gradinktr i forbes May 4; 4; From Brady street to liOnilsorll3 treet.3333dMadison street, from Pennsylvania argue to Forbealtreet, will be received at this office, ;Wel;t Mariiell3tilad- - • iSOC:i • • - - • 71:1. 93.‘ - • • 2 - ,•• jel:r2 Engineer ., - - • . l ' - ''OFFICE CITY Farninagllijslin nornynrOß. enktie,ll, ./863.; tgrNOTICE • TO 1 0MVILIECICORS. i air .i paled Prot.baldidnr the , ; r :. _' . Construction • of , two Olio -. 8 9 :43A • • . As followa One on Fourth )Itreet, from Market °Wet t° W°o 44t r ... e flr:9ltFil°,:popmd tAtutomotat to Woad strect;, be received at 3: West 3farket Buildtng; until WED AY, June 10th, 18811:' 11 -1311eoltleations and tan beseett by nailing %OM office. , . -;"; • - - ' al 3fooirm, jel:r3 •'' -• City Engineer.-- OFFICE og Ilmos-PACIFIC -ILux.w.l.T . -Cc.„l. c-: - - Eastern-Division, - ---- ' - - -,-, ,-; - - . •'.- PHILADELPHIA. May Atith, 1868. far7TOX ANTrAuraw iivz lonsay.... , :. 11 . -, on the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or TIIE_VNION PACIFIC. It ALILWAY COMPANY * -- EASTERN DIVISION, - due Jtine 1[4;1868, - still be '' paid on presentation of the Coupons therefor, at the Banking House of DABNEY, MORGAN I CO, 53 Exchanger lace, New York, on and after that -- - date, WEI, J. , PALKEII, rur.7:o9-wrat ..... _______ A: ~. .i.?l, T teliliaraii ):: .E. t,_ - 1 ,:._..DIVIDEND. :I • . . ••• - ••*.T.-v. : _ -, 77 . . _>, - --, ,- 1" ;,. 4)Frics or MONORG , YMS647llfifintattereo, i" i 0 , May 23d, HMS. .." ir ' Tan Prestdet i ra and Httetlntt e tTftht4: , Cnmßtio! ti i . have4l,le . Aar eland B,M v nd 4f .. WM 91er,1 ...... IdARS PER SHARE on the I Ca p ital stook of the Comptiny, free of Government 'Pax, to pe, ~app1i.,t3. 4 ... to the i•eductlon of Stoeit•DnelßMs.` - - , miZS:q64 JOHN,II.,CLAWRIAT; "It 4 -. 1 . . - . , BUSIITFAS 01144110.11113. . , ICE. rikw rer, .-- \ -ahe It; Isil“ 0 0114 01 - 4 rith -hint-ha business, dating from ApttrAsti i lAß. l % Mr. AL-' rw 8. WALL, his aotektit 10/411;LISPIOR `and i,0141} Erairzlim..Thvagkpulq4l4 .l 4-7-, J. GILLESPLE4 61' 4 " *ff. ULM 3 ir Referring to the above. thenffidersigned take ,ierufe In statin tir:?Titkftirt : pthe r: 160i148 r MISR Wood street, where au intend to offer in fincensents to purchasers wend to no house Id the. United States. ankifißrnkik,C9* 'l249ipos mssoLuinoN.—T : E FIRM OF ATWELL, LEE & CO.'was dissolved on tha February, /8611,-hyvnutiud-colasenS...jUlher partnes may sign the 111/110 , 9117 liii4ll4llltileMent. ATWELL. CHARLES ATWELL. ifdianittl i tigA r abtaill GR C.RF 8.A.. SS, under .be name and styl e " ATWELL & LEE, at the old place, No. 1318ecoad • street. A continuance of ins paten Of tAteir friends and the public is respectfully Solis CHARLES ATWELL.. PP7PIS3 A. J. LEE. SEED POTATOES. Thirty Barreti :47er sale by JOHN H. • A. men. Florists and Seedsmen. pq - NDRAULIC CENkralti - t *-1%.6Ar STONE, • l ' lBl4-9P IPAIRRinsk.--. 1.-0-±4.111 T ;,.. 4130196i?FiN • "m o w - .: r ;11 .!?,:7115.waiut,04%.1,, • ~.,. ars: t 7"- best In the atarkett.le tittiPtir• La te re- Ted hY .7.j aH. psan,i, ps, • a l ga ••- • - - vote •tits Cot this ' ' RTIBIBM l og s a sp PAClSlNgorioli Ikea bber Depot ! me spad t •- j .441,•,-11f, '4,il UM El El LIFE ilsiS:6o.: LPHIA, VIDEND O$ -• , • 'rerali/mp of tbor.; - During 1887. SEE= OYNE, Agent. OE El= airlsetil • : DOCHOSTUIIIe i rjr.• 4.14:1 SElidtilfie/11-1164 . 4. _ viola% 88t. treeCfair — 'st. r iuuj akt-lt i ~.• iL+~.+~ f A7zY. , - ' ~. i ~ - ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers