I General-Assembly of the U. P:Cltureti: ` , , Cepeciti correspondence of eientahureirsireue.f . . The General 'Assembly ` of -the -linked Presbyterian Chiriok 'Met i n'Argyle, I§few . York, at' two o'clock, .0. ia.; on Thursday, . . the 27th, , and was opened I* Dr. Dales, . Moderator of last year, with an earnest and ltaPressiVesermon 'on 1 Cor. 9,18 i' "Yea _ . , . Woe • is'. unto me if I . Preach not the . .....GotsPer.". - Ater the completing and call. • She roll, , Rev. 'James , Bat per;. - DLD., was elected" Moderator and Rev. ' A;:G. Wallace, Assistant Clerk. On Thursday the Assembly met at 91. ielend, after the usual opening exercistisothe Moderator an:- pounced,the • following Standing Com rnittees. -' We gi've thalChalrmen. ' Bills and OverturesDrl.l: T. Pressly. .Tudiciai • "Committee-Dr. R. Grady. On the State of t -' Beligicni-Dr. W. Davidson. On' Correa , pond/nice-Rev. J. R. Lee. On Devotienar • 'Exercises-Rev. J. Bain; On-Finatie-Rev. M. M. Morrison. ,-On .Revision-Rev.- S. Jan:lido. On Statisties-Rev. J. R. Miller.: .' The - following papers were read and apprp • ... priately referred: ,Lrileport of -the agent to raise -funds .1a• aid in building a church i• in Sen-Franblaso. . Abbutil4,94s have been-, ~ contributed with : the:wooing:tat:the addl. - ~tional amount necestiary,..X;-Reportrof the. t ' isliataceary,' Reir.ll.--Gibedit,iii...that city • ••••; from which it appearBthat the cringtegagen. , is i n a highly, prospercam oondltion. Dar:- ' fug the past year twenty .have been added' • ,by Certificate and nineteen by. profes s ion..' .1 Mere!' Ste at present-seventy families and 1 , OM/ hilifdrodond•thirty-two.thembers. [03..'1 %) Mthricnial from the Synod, Of t.Ohloy f ,:ir 'mixing a incidifictitithi of 'the Rithintitte of z 7? the testimony. '4. A.;!papel• from the Re. '-) !brined Tresbyteriati. Synod on the subject • • !:of the. proposed amendment' to Vnited ~ • )Stt a tpie Canaillitiiiii: r e. l r.a: l ittiniuniiinatlon ' .7 front Rev. Dr. 'filteariiii; 'Cheirm ,an of the "i'..•:lDornmittee apPeinted„bYthe;'!Philadelphia ,Conierition" . to.luang, their Oton,:on the ! ' subject ' of unfair-between the'instions, Pres , ' ':' byterian Churches, tielhreihelt titivate' Alt! 1 semblies. This pi:Meet is likely to occupy . :.., .. k . nofilloattentkm,„fi.-Repog-the-kloard of , 5 1.48 Ore Missions. •Ajtout 'O4O prig ,be he --.!...heespary to Cancel Present in, ebtedt,mis arid r,•• meet ;the expenses of-the present year. • 6:: • i.lateportrof "-Board Alloreigoldlasbrns. This in An important: doctortents. showing. the. )AperationAlke Narious foreign:field. A '1 meeting:, ' be held this evening on the 't f subject.t .It -thifiltaatedithatabout,s 6o , ooo . . din sioin will.be •needettiltiring the ensuing 1.1 ".year. - , 7:•The teliertof the Board of Church i • .--.Ethension. ,; .A. -very :important branch of the church's work. , ...:-.. •• , , ... •_- -•. i • The afternoon•of Thursday was occupied' .• •-: • readieg.reportit. Therreporrof fife Board o • lArig,Freedmen's Mission shoived a 'highly. • 1. - .•••!:4ineoziraging state of inattersin the several* ; t . isemitlons, - .' end • was. :aecompanied with _an . earnest'v appeal for•increased liberality in If : . lib's direction:- •'-.. J. c:.••!..f:',. • :.1 . . -UTkiii Board. •of i Publication - retorted, a . large inereaseofAnisineas both in the way „!•,, oofthewiworks issued by therti,and3he sale .. ~.1.; lof Bibles and other:religious works.:*. , • • 'iv :The - Comthittee appointed last. year r& ;• • :. =Ported adversely to any change Inthe year, .1 btitutieirofthe;l3aartiof.Foreign Misled. . .C. :It was agreed.that each evening from 7%, eo • till 9 be employed in prayer and. tnfer-` jence, the subjdft - of Missions and - Sabbath •' • ' 'lSchools - ta °dopy special cittexitiotil - 1 --1 In the evening Dr. 'Dales,.'Sacretary of . ) 1 •• 'tithe Board - of Foreign 'Mlesionsi. oceupied ••• Zen hour in.describing-theoperstions,wants -, - - l end prospects Of the mitedons in China, In , slia, Syria,- Fgypt and Italy:; • :Rev. Mr. Watson from- 3 ft ypt also addressed the • -' -2 liieseinbV. They 'wete heard' with deep attention; and, no'doubt,• an. Increased in -• - . *reit-was awakened these important de partments of the Church's work:. Friday forentslt• I - was spentin hearing„re-, ports of Prodtimid until 11 o'clock, when • Pelta, is , delegate froth the Reformed • • Dutch) Church. was introduced and ad dressed the Assembly, assuring them of " the deepinterest and warm regard cherish!.. ed `for them by his Church. They had ohanged their name, leaving out the tank !!Dutch,". but they still cherisliedthe prin ,,........ciplesurf-the. „Heidellarg.l.Catecldsm and Be tgli Confession...andfdt they were one in thedoistairieli of-Grace with those who 'firmly adhered to the noble Westminster iConferisiothof Faith: Arkin if t'hiyiwere to ,:. sseek_Union with any other ' iienonlinaticth. , • 'the United Presbyterian Churckworild be , • • - their first choice, its. . ; The, Moderator, responded in the same .• Oordiel Manner. requesting him to' carry back to his Synod the Christian salutations And. SlMAraLtr..o of the ocirdiaLsympathyand "texf 'wishes ' of We - ;United' Presbyterian • •• ' Mania's, 2P. si.-The subject ; o> TheolOg • , ical Serninarietipeenplird. most 'of the men _sloe. Ist. It was recommended to Pushy . .." `teries that no student be licensed tOpreach • 'until he has completed tlie.eritire course of study. 2d. That term of study in the i Ilifecilogield . SOthireirli% shillheltirel• years; : ' _and the length of the session sitvinfraonths, • ' . commencing ou the, first' Tuoideylof Sep- Umber and ending on the fourth Thursday ' . of March. •. 3d; Tinit every student shall be .". . -ander the care of .some Presbytery. 4th. ' 'The curriculum of sandy 'reported to the ••"-• Assembly in 1888 was approved .and•adop - tad for use in all the Seminaries. _ .1 ci r . ATJAI eYfetleg tftlicinh=t9llllti to reli t - irionli eterclies Yernarks on 1 Bo rn e and Freedmen's Missions. A deep Jinterestialfelt in these. important fields; of Christiar effort. iirf. .? OnltelfiVilkYtirdinififtlfrielirport of the Committee of Bills and Overtures on the ,-• ' l . memorial cif the Second . ethtod of the West for a modification of the 16th article , of the 'Testimony, wag read ,a:4, After som e dia.; oussion, aclopred. l Titer% pit Mrinoreciting• , 41:eit the4g,thAnd petioli.i cooPoth churches , 'outlast litilifebref rittamfdlidif was in sub. , .),Lita1v51.30,949,1111.i n 1 that no union could ve been effected without theprinciple -embodied In .the 1811t-art•iides .t.•49.t g oad. - faith requires its honest observance,_w list see. Oona have of n - •-,,,....4, 1... ce Macre* 4 71rWatry , &war in . •• ; • . 'Ms. a fat es repert closes with a resole on, in sub re • port. that . the, • •lotai.l.iiiitfole defines With. tmfacient elearpoin.the „terms of . comma-. Ultiniandthat namdffificittion is necessary.. • 'The same Committee reporteKrpsolationu. • , Oordially concurring in the tinavelnent of the “Nationak.Association," to babe in -Iserted in our 'Cations' Constitution an no., ..,, ki e,,ii l akit,r . j Wcipsit impreme,„rif . . 1 Christ as Mediator, and the Bible as 010 15. I R•er• l n e law: eurogit melt „and netted, -: 41 J ana reethitirieriding tnci people iocooperate, in the movement. . I Committed were. spinted to continue •• ' . the worfi`of beinPlethi the new version of , the Psalms, and rev isi ng those already'. ' üblished. • : 1.1. . ••• -4lfftrillAnkt'abtdiNy'Pridafer •Wall,, . 1 R vi to atten the ner STollo • of the Reformed Church, to meet in Hud l l sr, N. Y. ? 911.. th . , . llittCoAll:4l".rat*.l ""' " ' 4 This highly' gifted and dieting oiSd maw: 'whom ITP4tOkciAlks-41_101ALoothroPiot an d . . , 43hristioll is world-ivide, and whose personal; • , $ 4aboreiltecproMent e,T50,94,;?1,en's ..fi.j.i...i d w . ~ .... , s ilo • re the s- w,h ll l and of . the c hr i a ti.a ea during the war, - I - - Tr -, r.E.A4 - • • amide him pirooffooll knintla„ to the P001g0...0t ' (.I•••lll9ltdrt9o99ll3lofiatkreitt hub , _t‘, 2. l ign e tk wPe known w ; I°rl ": o. ev - ecy tante; is a native o Ire . 'l.' • laddeYfiletrei_beffialno 74410.11 youn g man. .3 13 haft - rohmittaf-Philidelpiday subs :, e w A4itt , ,e. 2,... , •, __,.... 0 ,... a ..11E,iidrlibodiguelbrligki biruel..,,,, _ . 0, , .411 i i ~,rr'' ..-it,Pic 1 , %2. ~ r, '.'', I :.4oll4rtgerbinH ' em rv, •.., P m ' ' „,14%.; r a,lOl . , l . 9 e 14s; P• . the r., 1...i.rca19 t . . , . ',Zel • am 4 a . ,it co /Writ op 'l O4 At t s* 74)... , 1 1 7 , 74, 1. le t !, ' :.,. r•i.. 99 s•• J. • . ..,11i11..,1A ..i. ... ... ~,,....1 ~..;!. .I.IaL4TTUti,".. 1. AM,: ..1 . .; • 111,1,01:47.'Jri, 14 .."4.1 , ii.. ' of which his son, equally learned and has been the pastor since - bia father's death: Mr. Stuart is a marroflargeand general:to inipulses. of an ardent and mercurial tem perament; a fine 'scholar,' a idadplessant• , and impressive speaker, one w ho can ett;.• kindle in his auditory the ham.) . fire Which' burns in , bis own bread, and'•thrinv, open , their hearts and purse ' strings Men: can. Mary of the people' of Pittsburgh, while thinking of him, will call td, remem brance that memorable tight, in one of the darkest and most anxious parioda of the war, when, in - response •to his ardent ap peals for our.soldiers, tlitey poured twenty., two thousand dollars . rnto. the treasury of the Christian Comistion-ixffora the bettew diction was pronounced In his multilariona labors • ass Cliristia RdII and's - patrioti=but iietrer ass'pellticiiin—lt was necessarily brought • into contact with Christians.of ail the evimgelieil dettomina4. tionsi and joined his heart in their prayers and. praises. ; In *fact, such is the temperament of _the . : man, that for him to de suythingin ; '_ a. half-he ar ted way would: be an, impossib ility. As for as he could bs so'. with", a gOod.' conacience, he was, like the great apostle, things, to all men,".: tbatbe might dr awsinners to %est; draw. Christians into love; "and, fellowship, and are - Wont the - heartitOt'oni people into tut-1 exampled -benefactions ;to the brave and suffering defenders of the nation: , It was imposlible that a man ' laboring,. so be., lOved'and'honored by ail; true Christians, Should love thorn In retUM. 'llo;there- Lf°rii joined_irithothers. in • their lags" of praisess sun , Oeminemoration of the death of, their common: Redeemer. Bat ;in so doing he became chargeable with ,a tion of a ride or law of the church of which hewas a, member L and anofficor, and for this ' he was-put upon his trial before the general synod, of that church, which .thet : in Fitte r burgh this week. No,witneeses were nailed, ,for he himself was- present as a member Of that body. , and. :frankly: admitted thatlie , . had done these: ' , For two days and • a half the case was ;discussed Amid• strong excitement. By one side it:was contended' that they were bound tti , Vilidicate‘ the law. of the churchwkdch -forbade • the inner tin inspired compositions in the praises of God; and. also inteicomiunnicm ;in the Lord's supper: with: 'Christians of ether denoml • nations:. : On,: the other :side it was argued that :the: practice of many chuiches, and even entire presbyteries, had virtually ob. .nogated that kW. ;10e; Wylie, Mr. Steuart's pastor, unhesitatingly declared thathe him self had done sorepeatedly while worship , ing • with othet Christians, and so sato sev eral'other ministers. , In no ease was it el‘ leged that in the' regular church or • social, meetings:: of" the 'denomination had hymiiii been sung; but only in mixed: meetings. During the last two daysof the' diecussionr Mre Stuart was canfined to his room at the •• Monongahela house by a severe •attack of • aNmodio asthma, to whichlaht subject, t_result; it la said, of his excessive labors during the war: He was unable to be pres ent daring the debate, and' when the vote' suspending him from office and member- ship was taken. Dr. Wylie, at the - close„ -made an eloquent uppftl in behalf of hie friend,and then the vote was taken by yeas andnays, which resulted, for the resolution condemning hini, 28; against 1414 not vet , -. thus ended this important case the ;nor.- al effect ot which will be felt t hroughout 1 all the churchee. Legally, logically, the judgnient of the court is right, provided thelaw tinder which it was rendered has not 'become a dead letter by dbmetude. In some parts of the country it appears to have become , so; InOther_wts it seems to 1 be strictly and rigidly adhered to; and the members of the synod spoke and voted a:ccordirigly.: 'Mr. Stuart, while he freely admits that he-sung hymns,and also corn maned outside , of his partidar denomina tion, justifies his conduct in the most em phatic terms. • The effect of this will be to bring the law itself upon trial before the ber:of the ixstsbienees of -Christian nien, in which court the volume of inspiration will be the only law. The members -of this synod on both sides, acted, as I believe, honestly and conscientiously. -Those who 'toted for Condemnation' held - the law forbidding what Mr. Stuart did to be in full force, and thatthey were bound by it; while those who took the other side regarded Wais a'dead totter, as they do that other law (if that Church, which forbids - its members from voting or holding. , office ender this governitient. and which is still adhered to by another division . of the saute Church. , Let no , one, theitfore, condemn either side in tbisiMportant case; r'or each did right as it was given them to See the right. But is this law right? or is ft a fetter `upon Christian liberty? If the latter, then it falls into the category of othose - things whiCh are shaken; as' of things. that, are made, that those tillage which cannot , be shaken may remain,",(lleb. zvii —a :part of the wood, hay, end stubble of Which the same, inapired 'writer sp eaks. . C. rawAII.RIAGE AND CELIBACY. 6 ...Mk Einar ftgArptAlif Men twee CrtraA of Solitude, and %tit :Ibiator-a- • and:ABUSES WWI =retalwr3ealrentnitt44" mare free of charge. AddreL Dr?L'lti4Lejt e ral i t. VON; Howard Association. rtilbid,hia: cun'si • GUIDE-- - TO MARRIAGE, I 4—_, -ltoung Men!" Glade Ito Ha Marriage andlCoajugal Nancny... - Tbe humane views ofnenev. (gent rhildetantt on Oa Xrenta and A.tro*df Incident to Youth and Zany ManbOodLlient in:saaled letter ..aair_gokea t tXte of dialso. IAddreaa.,HOWARD butaa'atat Box, Fhnadel .b 1 AS- Pa. • MUM* BATCHELOWSIBIAIIIIPTE: ' ~3.1411 splendid Hair ,Dye Om boat. }be-World; We only tree aold ;parte: t er ; barnleSo ' tellable, trtatantantOnfi WM* tmetitr -ridiculous tints; remedies. tba,„lll eis of bad dyes; invligo. rate. a and leave, the:Hair. soft .and beautiful. black 'or &rotary: 'Sold 'by all Drningistkand Petfuntera ; FAA properly applied' 411.-BatChiliOeStWlit rartari, No. :16.1atIsMse, iSkewfXark'?. . ",r „1fia441,13 BEAU: oatir o itAiLtir ii smo „ 1 . .. 1i , ,11il 'I.; ; ' t • , ...: 'J4 , ~ ...i, ; ;', ..); ' 1 I sjocx AMP:PAL - ATATcOIIOKERS • •, ,', , i 1; 4210' Evalriennixiiii; , , =, ~, - Are peepared to self it , Atietion STOCKS, sorms.' and all kinds o r WB, -BEAL DSTATE, BOl7l3r.HObD YU RE, iv. eithor oo abe 'prentlael or at the , f Trade rae: , Partloolar:,_stteratkta graid.,as be tor,. to gm isle of Beal bstatati r lyate sale. Sales stßeal I" the l mast tided. .-: i -/- *Mee. BM 11$ WOU li oda BOiIIVANEIXOUTCLAME: - .`... Real-E,s*irAtent. -60 Smithfield street:. OUNEILANW: COURT SALE OE gliVita,4 AND , . lel* ' .11111 :0 :41 - 1 to ff ' , ~;, ~ , , .i 1;_1' ,-,„,: „_. fao order of t e Dell! court e r. Br Tilt” ° wined may ao B,_tbe WA ; twereltdti n pir t ni Publ pi t ap i talei Aul t runn C* FIAV It i: 'titeMotolairi. if . 41111C 1 ciplroSnlttnete ., 7: W : D ...."...... 961411 lei ' , sn- illtam Ar 111Lial 101 l In front lil ltr i n lli tRFSP .if et ` " I 'lt t.” :11131 . 1 n /pqnlnioM . lii : liifiniii :i7...fitigter l and "I" 6. "thiE igNiirtaigt , ; 1! - , , tf er you lf" 1 ; rielitistiota IlitaM tutrael _ __ SPECLUA NOTiCES. .1;1:1 , , 1 -- -FirTr .; titica. OTi~C mow tearoiid r--. iirmitioitks, 6 , titE:CIPPA' tAil Mb T. ,c9ta:.rs.4 . Nlmtott9ll,...Pß;Dm4e , , f i c ia. --.- . . iwAir ,:r „The tho:wier p lailag T , mme gi ,-.4,!ArerViri4kgriAtit7 1 ; ft va , bur: ri a ' , ... lii i i .am eari lia 4 0 t yrow t t dii4, biIFiKY - qt JuileTheict,' 4 thereto.. i4 :• v ir i v o i.iii ~ 3u'ill . 3 41. - • bn tin 9riv nie4r pdeiV3i • l!mt ini hr b l e ah .. _L . a, !'' .11 7; 1 , 1 .1 ° W1 . * • 3;) ed . I alig; 777 7 nut an appUestiontWill - • OA PITTSBURGA GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. JUNE 3. 1868 rLM'W'ff777 • :: ,r„74n: `~ 9 , , ), : .saiereir 1 ---- 71 -ii V - -- -5" - ' , , 'rattan. remainder eleelleit 'dater, lilt= nate . . e miles from Yreek; r t i and within one-Italt Mile •of tbe. route, 2i or . . Railroad, expeetol6 be in operation next fell. • tr be sold eirexeblAt. 64 for approved tip,-properW. Aberlyte , . • i . • fi.II4UTHISKaT SOW% 4 '- t . r - - ' ' ' — 6 &Smith • tad street.. orOR .SA.LE MO _141M 4 -11ouses rind Leta Or Weld city. ilud‘ bs. Also, general - to , 100 d loCatlo3l l 4 .lasgia-11011,3WROMAN r,d,OTOßLwittt 910 sexes ofland, and good Lmprotements, which- I cheap and on reasonable ;elms. Business' Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses for rent ia.bofiteltlese Tor - farther witicalars Inquire WlLL jai I 110 Goat atreet.,oppoalte,esshelirat. ' VI:INTIM 0 BESijpENCE . .• - SIM • ' AEAILL: „DR , REN...X.—Ailarge: two•attiti double cllis:ioooDMUing iti rOPPSIr Inoladlug, double par lor, Istartfla Marines, - atid 'ail the saddern/ Wl proYeraellte; -1 141111 .1 0 f gicmilitrilleC;lrlth Ault, ger'sb,grtro_t;ofttvuhrieevrie,"......o4._ :lit,. This is one of the handsoinee. locaUone u.a.ur r i t heay county.' awl in. a good) nalglibdrboOd..; r -Apo 1 , ,, at W. A... REN,tB9;il3.Beal,l4tata .01,41,14 Grant Meet. - ; . . . aillss. _ , _— _ _ ipiljal 9 BST " B UILDING LOWS in : ABIEET;"ire those Offeeed 'for ; sale In the t g ivlllage of Allentewit, adjoining - the Birm- IngliamtiLtte, -, altdottly *item anineter ;walk flew the end of .the3donongahela bridge.. Zhis town. le, growing.ratildly. Over 470; 000 Wits realizedfor lots sold last sett/ion,' and lover fifty Atilt , dwellings were ; meted daring the Beaton. , 4aaleetal inducement to mechanies,:we are willing to ose the balance of the lotait the lbw liner of from% 00 to $3130 each, and on terms. easier than paying zent. ' 'We are on the premises eveg afternoon from 3 to 7 cecleek; field streets.. °ur ° . ee ' ' ' corner '?`ll'.Vii,hAtiid.:Ce•th" CHEAP FWAINEE-DWELLINGS. TWO I'OUR ItOOM . DWELIgg 1100313; SITUATE Obi 'Washington Street. Allegheny . City, *tit ie soul Veiiitraialy desired S the most reasonable terms. :LOTS SO b 7190 turf. APPLY TO • ,; STEEL Real Estate iiiothffsid treet • • %kW,. 01P 219 (4 .. )090()1 20 • -•-• FOR'SAT;P% • Union . . Xacilki , : 7 # l46 * ( ;4 4l . • EASTERN . • • . , Lying along the line'or thetr road, ' • • • . 1 • • " * $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACREi , And on a CB.E4Tr OP FIVE TEAM:, .• Tor riirther particulars, wipe, Ac.; address • 701161:P. raand Connidoetoner, Topeka , Eines& oir'estas. B. LAIIIIIORN. anti: j 311400 rt. MERCHANT TAULORS. • • • • - alrtc-Emrer irArLcat, 93}1 13.213THFIELD MEET. PITTSBURGH: . .• • • Keeps Constantly on hand Ane assortireut of tiOtHS I . CASSIMERES . vEstiNs . • Also', MEET% FURNISHING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. the latest style. JUST THE PRINCE IMPERIAL, AND • • .BISMARE, THE LATEST STYLE UT BOYS' SUITS. ORAT & LOGAN, , • . , . ST. CLAIR STREET. icrENair NEVER, lIROBANT wawa, No. 13 8311TIIPIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps. Constantly on hand, a roll usortment of CLOTHS, gim:tiv , I A:4 ,1:111W/1:4411 OFF & CO, Merchant Tailors, jj , No. 84 Federal St 7 Allegheny t Have Dart recelvedilarge and will selected stock of NTIN33I SORING aeons, Suitable tordstirst clam =uncap iamb. Atio. a larie stock of GENT'S QOPPS. &PM VRAOKER BMMMZIM. SILEIPILLIEIDSB . . SMICRikeKELB: • 811' Liberty' Street. • "• *or Crsekeei takeik 'upon the OVEN BO TOM, hid orb superior to vary batted by hat sir PLY.otbet prOttaso.; „ ; ' isr'rune iritzst.-at Atitt•trAntPitliAtErirt Nqa irsizion • • TENSOR cRACKERS. 'ruaNcil , ozelcritziOi I ciAAOPPPL: 'And slier vartai*or 1-1- 1 ,iigyorgiv; : 1.0 T"IaIAIVAND-. I 0 • • • .IFlorti t., t;•+ ; ISM =EI .:tit .ILUK-PAWOW tit.t 1/0014 i r Eglinint :1 01tEEN . ..... .6; 'llO9 •W , ;'' ii r; .113 itliw ii''.;l2ll: 1 01 - 1 I , IA Irani/ ° f:t , i (VV.) , il.l 01; MEE 14,1.1149 11 . 1.11 [:ii[/ )i:o . rtt t 1.)11:1 15 , 1/11 ji . v 4 totl(.li , ..134 .1 /tri•••:1:1 /: lit iiooolo , l* lc iit, • z:Fititillr: rat:.rProt •CO' 1 tivpc.:ll .. w,nr.:r,--- * r,. ~ ~ .. ~`~r.,.~ .r~Z::'. A✓ .tse ni?'a '3s'~. , ?ht it ; MIMI HEM -1.51 ”.! :.,)rhttr,z,v) I , I t a M NSMA= Err: .1 1U 1 T 1 ,11 . --- - - 17.1011AltSHAL'a OTIFICE, I -. i - .. . • 1-, :, A.: . , 1.W.:11..0t Feudally:alt.') • • lir/swoon, Junclat,rlßolll. - rrillig I n' TO GIVV.ROTICE,tbat . ....xtml the 110th daft'? IIII: , A. D: /NW a War^, rant in Bankruptcy MIS btiltlel laaltult ,l 4' , • : . - ELATE OF ' 3.I[4*INNTS, .. - .:- -....,'..* :.: • Of Alleghen,y Ci ,in the coonty.of Allegheny ~and State Or Penney thi, !who had beetr adindged - a hankentton hlso . petition;) that : the payment of any debts any de very iu. o s. f a m ny ar _ti a ne as y m be e l s on sen e g n e g r. to such. bankrupt to hirn.ar for •M s Ate, .and tak trans + ter of any prone ty by ; him are forbidden , by law; that a meeflog o the 4 credittito of the said•bankrunt t to prove their de ts, and to choose one or more as signees of his tate,- 'will be held at a Court of BankrwPtCY—to - holders. iit "lici. 110 ' WederaLst.. .11.11o_gbany at_ ,s . 41:mhenylcounty. Penns., before JORA N. PUB LLCE. •Eso., itcgister. on the 11th day of Jul , A. D. 11161), T ati1 orelock P. M. ' - ___ THOMAS A.'HOWLEY, ;11, DM 8.-MARSHAL'S OFFICE • ' W. D. of Pennsylvania. Pirrsts. , nott, June att,11160., ,THIs Is That on the 3• th day May ,. A. U. OM a W eir ' rant In Bankr pteywas lisuol _against the . 0"..1016i-TtLiPPEL, O[ Allegbenyity, lathe County of Allegheni, S r tat6 of Pennsylvan a. who has been adjtidged a bankrupt, 'on his own petitiOnt• that the payment "of any dellts and delivery of attitf minihim the transfer of any Property by hint are orbidden by.latil that &meeting of tne creditors Of the said barthnipt. to prove their debts,- and to chOose one or more'assignees of his es tate, will be held , at $ Court of Bankruptcy, to'be holden at blo. 330 -Federal street. Allegheny Pa., before JOB.S:Ni-,PDEFIAN.O 3, 1 19, /kills' ter a tvAik on' the 11th July, A. Di 1968. at 10 o 'e • • oekA >l THOMAS A. itovmt, - - • Je2:140 •r. 'tJ B. Marshal. as,Fiestteniler• . . .. _ . . .... z.. ni S. sitante.tos-or.BibE. -11 ~.w.-Deet,Priknarylvanla..,__ . • • i i .A.rnalitmaidi.libiy 98th, /SOS. T HIS IS , WIVE NOTICE THAT. iA on the 29th day of. May, ..1).• 188&i a War'j ' rant tti panktyptey was Issue agalust the • EinTgor 'WELLIAI! L. HAnErr, ~ ... i l l Of Realm's, Olt-, In the con i lity of Allegheny, and Kat • f ,reancylvania„. who has been • adjudged a pt, on his own petitlo ; 'that the payment of aoir 4., tilind delivery at atiy.preperty belonging to 'Cr lainirrap % e atitilier'r his tele,• and the trans \ aurpro by !Mare forbidden bylaw; that AS tbigef t ditortof the said-bankrupt, to prey their debt% find so 0001143 one of more As algae of jib eatatectrOT ;be beid at a Court of BARk. riiPicTkr be holds 7.10.; 118 Federal street, Al-' leghen City; _ghost county. Penna., before I_ O ON .. PUB,. hiCE...rag.., Register, on the fat ~.gat of JulY, A.D. .19fith at 3 &cloak r. a. . ...,:- -• THOMAS A. ROW LEY. my10:03 . . .. U. S. Mars. ,:as Messenger. . . . •1: -•- IJ. W. lIIARSHAL'fI OFFICE, } • ~. - W. D. of Pennsylvania. • - - ' .." • PVITSIMItaII. May 89th, MMIB.. rrilr/8 114,TOGIVE NOTICE THAT . -IL on thelllth day of May. A. D. 1868, a War rant In Ilankruittcy was Issued against the , . ~ . _, - .• ESTATE OF . CHARLES IL SUITE; - ' . .•• et Allegheny Clty,in the County of. Allegheny and State of. Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on ids own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of an property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for use, and the transfer, of any property by him are f rbidden by law; that a t incetlesof•the.creditors o the said Bankrupt. - to prove pelt debts, and to el/ se one or more liksig "tensor Ids eatate; will be held. at a Court of Bank rliPter. to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Al legheny City, Allegheny County. Pennsylvania, be ' fore •JUIHN N. PUBVIANCE.: -Esq., Register, on thOgillitd/T of July, A. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A.ll. ..; ; 121 -- THOMAS:A, nowLEY6 `' my -. :' . . U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. - ' • 'fi. S. MALCSUAL'S OFFIC. :riTTBI W uR . O I4.: 011 May y e n 2 u 9 s y t e . a n 1 81 36 8, mires Is TO GIVE NOTICE that .!/L teethe 98th day of May,' A. V. 1888. a War rant in Bankruptey wax Issued against the • •:' ESTATE OF-CHARLES _A. HARDY. :or Madison Township, In the county of Armstrong a and State of PennaylVania, who has been adjudged bankrupt on his own petition; that therm:neat of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him; or forhis use, and the traps fer of any property by htm are forbidden •by law: that a meeting of the creditors of the , said bankrupt to prove their debts; and to choose one or more As slirtiees of his estate, wilt beheld at ;semi, of Bank ruptcy, to be holden st,thosotace of Golden Neste. Zags., Kitt/mating, Arinstremg_county. Penna.. be • fore JOHN N. PURVIANCEBaq.. Register. on the 29th day of June, A. D. 188 k. at 3 o'clock r. tt . • THOMAS A ROWLEY. • myalclft IT. B. M hal. as Messenger. U. d. MARSHAL'S OFFlCE,ylvania t 'W. D., of rennt. PirelliMan. May gl9th. 1868. THIS IN TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 28th Itty of May. A. 'D. 1868".' &War. - fantail Bankfuptey was Issued matnal the : ESTATE OF' Elit .OBEENWAED, Of IlsegßdnYCtty. to the ntf of Allegheny. and Sate of Pennsylvania, wh bail' been'adJ B dlged bankrupt On his own petition; that the payment. of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for bis use, glad the transfer of any. property by him. are forpmaen by law; that A meeting or the creditors ol the said bankrupt, to prove their debts. , and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate: will be held eta Court street.rupt, to tie;oden 'at No. 118 Federal Allegheny r Allegheny county, Pa.. be fore JOHN PURSUANCE. Register. On the 10th day of July, A. D. MB, at 10 o'clock A.M. - TEIDMAS •A. ROWLEY. ni U. tS. Marshal. as Messenger. LT. S. 1111tItSHAL'S -OFFICE. .1 • •R.D. of Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH. May BOW, 1800. M . A . /H on VlSSOth"dsyCrofitmayTE.'l.loTD. 1868,1 j;tte. rant In Bankinnterwaalssued against the • . , ESTATE OT ELIJAH F. PARKER, .. , . . . or Weitme TO.. 'in the county of ' Al legheny. , and State of Pennsylvania., who bas been . adjudged a -bankrupt on his corn . petitions- that the, payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him Or far Ida use; and the trans. for Of any prope rty by him are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of. th e creditors of. the - said banheopt, to prove their d ebts and to ehooie one or more As signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Dankrupury, to be madam at..N0.116 Wederal street. Allegheny City, _Alle bent county. Panna.,..before JOHN IL PUILVIA E,Esg,:ltegliter, on the 9th I + day' f July , A. D. 1 at xis oselOeir A:111. , . • . . , t , 1. . ':- - , laQ3i.AO,_A: ROWLEY. to • . :q74 - . , T.f., b. 24%.14.. is • . fur. , . . g 8. 31 TA il n. U8n , ) •;see TrirIII.TO:VIVV.NOTICE that t the lIIIIFtIIO of May. A. D. , 18615, • I War , meat to IhmkrirpOrg was united against the • • n '• wz olit.uhstaFT , or Of Allerbenytity,:in the , uty of Allegheny, and State; o fPentatila. has been adindged a bankntpt on, h ipo wn pot en; that the,paythent•Ot` • • any debts and elivery of any property beicregingeol bolihrOPV, •to hlm;:or flar, his usc. and ins transfer, of any property by him are fortddlie b r i tlii m law; that a meeting of the ereditoreof the sold rtipt,ittr prore their dibte mitt twohobse one or more t street of. MO; _estate,laciu be. new as , * Von rt of arggT.l it or. aroma tbe Office of tbe . t t 1. Federal 'street; -Aileg _Went Clty,_ ; .; ' leg eohntyi•Penna.•,.beibre nitVilp, kite u ltat MI/biter. on the lit, di t t ot A t aty.,A,. 0. ? ! F•ST lL ' r ill t oifAß A..IIOWLEY, , m , • t tr. 8. aribalt alt Messenger. et of * THE iIIISTRICT . COURT OF • .• TEE UNIT - EU EVrA.TEEI,' for theVestern DU+ Su et of Ple011371111012I: ___.- •, 4 '' , ..,' ,: 'n i'. ' ,_ , BENJAMIM ..r„cuirsvixr. .6 B ank rupt under 00 Act Gr Congress or math sgo, 186, baring ep-' plie& Orli, discharge . (toil sit hie - de de bt s and other claims proveble. 'under gild Asti: Order'_ot the Court, n - °dee ,Is hereby Vim. Vo. I persons who have proved thele debts, and' °the interested,to , ippear on theeetbdity ofXAYAIIIIII, St/0 o'clock, AililW,le. W37plilaYnigenNetettiltifflacliehlg7,_!;l e ciw enttse' 'ley the hstei , vel , 'Pa • s".sch•rge/ I should .nbt. be Nranted'td.the said llanitiiipt. *rid fun h ar . no tt e e,b hereby glyen,rilkst , the lid hod Third, Meetings Ot Creattore' Of rneeilidd B krupt, ;required by th em e 118th sndrlgth SeetlenS Ott d Act:. will be had before -the issid.ltelistee t _st the • I sasok, Art . e76r e kt k pr i ce. _,, , • .BEO. oCANDLEBEW U. 111 Distriet vtOrt. or ilitaptotrios. mmors-w .il.:.•'•i , ;I , : . , I. • , I i t tri. Myth _ e t : ;The meats eo J ri eco pit Ai , ' a f e t li lata \ • ' VA, R.lrt pia l"r 0:1144101111. .ti.Aaolteip•LOr t ;wir wad ASK. . ..!/) 010',7 '2.l2,tlilati:int;ll :.)Ll7 ~~ ~~ r T ~....~.,~ i .li.^i~::,+f-~»s~..y'n~ti,`.~r'~7~' a~~vc`~o-t~~~.'.~` ~_ l!M= REDINANCE 'AttltidIMPTP. 'MX" Gradbigot Garden ALI* from Illi.lllary's . Awing. to Chestuut SL,Lmiteneeville,, 8e it' ordained, and enacted by the CO of Pitteonesee. in Select and Common Council/. assem bled, and it - is hereby mulcted toss authority of the some, That the • City Engineer ,be and he is lambi authorized and directedlo advertise !et Pee-P s i SIIV for the grainer of Garden alley, from en.. smusy , i avenue to Chestnut atreeti XLawreneevlile4) and to let Inc 1181:128 in the manner directed by an ordinances • 'concerning 'streets: passed August 315t,::1857; an Act concerning streets, , approved Janipirylith, . sec. ff. That any ordinance ar put of firdlasure eondicting wittrthe passage of thls•urdinince at the present time, be and the sane fa hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance.,. Ordained' nd enacted into a law in Councils, t il l s • Sltith day of May, A. D. 10368: • . JAMES McAllfLEr. President of. Select Council. Attest: Monitow. • Clerk of Select Council. • W TObiLINSON.. • President of Common Council Attest: Elcoit Clerk of Common Council AN ORDINAN C E • AUTHORIZING TILE Gramlinig of Fairview Alley, Lawseziee ,, vine. SUM'S 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Ott of pittsburgh, in, fie leet• and Comnicm Couttetti_ae l ! *ambled, and it is: liereby enacted by authority of Ms same, That the City Ecgineer be and he. is : hereby authorized and directed - to adverthie for proposals for the grading bf Fairview alley, Lawrenceville,. and to let the Mlle in the Inahner directed by an or 'Mance concerning streets, .passed August 31st, 1E 1 51: also' stif 'Act 'coneerning streets, approved January Otti: 1934: ' • ' ' -Sac: That.any : ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting withthe passage of . thls ordinance at-the • ptesent,ttme, be sod thrsamelshereby,repealed so tarits the same affectatlifs ordinance. , Ordained and enacted into slaw In Councils, this 25th day of 31:ay, A. p. 188M___ — • _ - • .TAMES - MCAIMEY. Zresident of SeleaLCOunc ii Attest': E. S. :MicinoW.• -a; Clerk of Select Council: • A. ' TOMLINSON, • . President of Common' Councils.' - Attest: Henn UCHAST.EIR, . • • Clerk of Common Council.' my3o A N ORDINANCE ' • • AETHORIZING TIIE poliguip-er Weed Street' Vrith Nicelson . "Pirretenettt, trout Fifth Street to Liber t Streeti " • - sae. 1. Be ft ordained and •evaded by. the City of PtUirburyh, in Select and Common Ocruncile aaaem elect, and if ia hereby matted by the authotity of the same, That' the CHI -Engineer be and' he la llereby authorised and • directed - ta advertise for propoiala 'for the paving of Wood street with bi icebox: pave ment, from Fun street to - Liberty street, and to let .the same in the manner directed - by an' ordinance concerning streets, passed August 31st „ 1857; also, an Act concerning streets, approved 'Jantinry Sth, • Sec. 2. That any ordinance or -part -of ordinance Conflicting with the pasaageof this ordinance at the present time, be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as , the tame affects this ordinance. • . Ordained and enacted into a • law in Councils, this Stip day of May, A. D. 118138. JAMES IicAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest E. e. liontcrw, • - • - Clerk of Sel ect Council • W. A. Tonumigoli, President of, Common Council, Attest: Harm Mc3lssrnn, • ; ClUrk. of Common Council, ORDINANCE _ • AIITIIORIZIN'Et TEtE Grading of: Colwell' Street, from the Eastern side of Dinwiddle- Street to Gnmlbert's Line. ' • - • SIC. 1. Be it, irractinid and enacted by, ths_Cfty of Pittsburgh, to ticket and Colman COUneila assem bled, and it [to lard* enacted. by the duthorittl of the ease, That the Cit y Engineer he and hell hereby authorized and d irected to, advertise for proposals for the grading of•Colwell street, from the eastern side of Dinwitillte. maneo tiumberVa line, aud to let the same in the er directed by an ordi nance _concerning • Streets, passed August 31st. 1857: also. an -Act concerning- streets, approved January 6th, 1864. . • Sec... That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as,the sameittfeets this ordinance. - • [ Ordained and enacted into a law In COntitils, this 115th day 01 May, A. D. 1.13433. • _. JAMES McAVLEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. EC 'Winnow, Clerk of Select. Connell. . • • • W. A. TOMLTSBON; [ • President of Common Cannel!. Attest: lit on 31c3fAsrnit. , • . pert of Cotamon counCil: my3o A N •0111DIFifANCE • • . - • • , , FOR. THE PARTIAL Grading of 3IIDAIISOII' Stieet Iron" 'Penn sylvan's' Avenue to 'Forbes Stanust (Oak land Township). • • Eiscrion - 1. It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburghi in Select and,Common Councils as sembled, and n is hereby ordained and emitted by the authority of the same. That the City , Engineer be and 111 hereby authorized' and directed to adret nee for proposals for the partial grading,of Madison. street (Clakland_low-nshlp ) from Pennsylvania ave nue to Forbes street,to let the same .1n accordance With ordinapoes of COUNClith and atisess_tile cost uf the same on property (routing thereon. Sac: 2. That any ordinance' or 'part of ordinance conflicting with the passage.of this ordinaace at the present time, be aud the aameds hereby repealed so far as the • same affects this ordinance. ordained and enacted :into a , law In Councils, this AStbdsrof 31ay, A. D. 1888: JAMEMcATIEEt, • • • • President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, • • • Clerk of Select Connell. W A TOMLINSON. President oT toarmon Council. AtteSt: MUGU hiChlauTall, • • • ,• 'Clerk of CoMmou Connell. . -mv2o Art ORDINANCE' ' -' - For Lo c a t ing - sulk 'toning Wainwright . zia *treat (Ileatorestrie„ phi) , ro ,Lafayette Alley to kini.Alles any, River. SiteriOitl:•tii it i.idairieli ind enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In Select !and Common' Connelia, as ,acmbled, and it la hereby : ordained , and enacted by 'the authniltY,of the same, That the City Engineer :toe iiiittia 'hereby direiited to;atirrey and open Wain wright street tLawretteetrllle) to the Lull width of ; Any , (50) feet, from , Lalnyette alley across Wain.' wright , rislamt to the 'Allegbentrer.`. in accord lace ytith the !Van!' in:the City y,R Engineer , a - oflioei : approved Oda .day. ~ ~ .rk ~,,. •,., . ... , , ',..TiliC: 2., And to.appoi ' all ages eansed thereby, 'and sewn the same on p , benelitted;'williant , ileaneer,„%lio , DiLller.r. Jr c Attd ,„ liert„Whitutan are hereby apiegted 'nee To -Ai ta- en...pot / of As temilly app_ ed Janus , t ) 31364. • ightara. -.mat any- ordinance. or Vert , of ordinance ‘.*Plilligtiratilitt PiltisalgentirMteuie*eatdthe gradeatileilltatittil:'brdhattnete.j __, ' As ' ' Ordained! end enacted int.:palm Iln • Councils, thkg AllthPlY, 0 t MAT , it•l l 4i'i t S EE fi l dAtrtifit 1 - '.. - "r,- : 1 _." .! • - ,1 • 7. rietfldent OtSeleet Council: - • atteati , E. LI 3tORnOWs ...i• r ' !'l ' ' s L I ; --, „ , , f: { . c Clerk ooellg r t,Connoil A. i tt; fl -. • , i 4 , 5; -,Prealdeni or' Common Council; ,• Attest: goon DlA)Laiericir., .• • , - 7i - —r. , Clerk or annmen Council.' , 'my3o •• A. N:ORDINANCE -,.,. : ; , . ~.; 3 .:, Voll'rEtE PAitttAL . ' 1 .1 - '4lraidlitig . :Olf_lPOPbeit litifeetV triot i te• i mi t i " ' , stress* t t•., Ineeibies street:. ' 2 . 9wnsidlP. ,,- :, , ii.) "(I ".:.•'` •.,.i':,- -..! .;‘, l ._, - f'," sk''llti , li ' - ia ' - 'iw 4n' 1 . v ' -' • ' -71 ~ _Alto Oiled a_d __acted byAbe CIO Of triburnh.' to 'Select • and Co on hi. eetebledi,gusd 1t IV heeehr ordatneoi.aud eneetedl by the authority of the Dune, That yho City Engineer be and to hereby authorised and. Utreeted to ndte,T.- • tate toe pp:metals for ther :partial - gradltrf Forbes ~ atlFt• tthaland ,teyenahlp,ll frog' Bra treet to 31 Lon street, en as to put the itteet , n suable eo Millen tolet the etude: Ittatnerdanoe with ordt.v slam of.tatutolle mist ee matte t mon. t. • • " I'ltle"*4l3-1"k property sic. , J r . hat ,, . any opt ;nee oetriii , ofordinance VeneWt ,t u be s or thin ordinance at the prong& I hoopoe*, herby ; repealed so rotoktO lif 6 Irate fdisJ f.` ' . , Ordahlea d , lll* n Councils, Shia, 115th day of 1110: , e.4 p.. StAtii i , _;.• - 1 .....• 1 ' -' ••• .s.I dilill.l9ll- , iii, , • Alcoo."A lr i c • ' de 8 oreeteBt Count*. - ti Atteett 3.43.11r011i0rt.N. I-• : , :: ,, r :' , I• • L:i - . ' I _, „•,, f., ~. , CO* CPOPleet°er . „, , .:,.... mt. ~..-, -.;.,_. .-c ~-,,,liihadeat of nnslon,immon. ;: Attens•litron XelltesrAa; fil 0: .... •• ; ....I.t •... .i . . , 1 , 1 . f: I• • ••e Cluket Co a Ceunoll., ..inyto IVIVVIEfIOINMOD ,-.;,, • ! ;4:',.,..ii,f , :, UV /ie .. ' ... iU ' 1 l ' l' ' ... • ..• •• • ••• ;:: • , • 1 rrillivtiocietionaikel taiga Lil 1 t eat i; i venue, Irma • WW4ist, ,5P00.45 iBll- V ol Il i r a ßtla rbj '.'l ~, A4i k., ~•, : ;L:•1' • ) • . I ,t_ , id s t' SICCIION 1. Be it ordained y i rp.l mooted by th e IA ~ Joe rtillailligiqbeieleot ena,_t;atomon Connell , ' acted! bYj Analf hr! I Vpiersitt oritilt&ead_exwe.por , fie e tri ti ' 9 litiolita IA at ‘ 'etd” 40 - e%% - 1 nti open , t enactd e rnt width, At t u t 1 ,, (101 f to r ub_ _._,, tita i Lfl•ll ' lg / frtoeOX ;.1 1 . fIUMNIgr pprip ltd. try.. - r.r, 7 .1:Jo a irtime Bsch. And to eantatpp and assasetasitneetip :SA f ordinenee• ext. 8. Tinitnpipordinanee or .08 8 _ 8 „.. 0 _,..,„ st - lhdi • .;:, .1: NZ I: " :4 " hrre - PO4 MAI*I Mitink a tti a t =RIM g .o6 alie lig4 ildi . 4iiiill LlPth dtiT ofa4T. et-Prrn i iiiii3 * lAtrttr. -,,, :,'-- I ,ti - % ~;„hrolsoi,v-0 0.0.009w,cR.,/z A.)iyet'ex Or iotardeettais 1 7 ,1 f, A • .'' : 4 .) 1:1 ! , outtot Ir.- mr4Nso?r, - •,, .1 ...1::‘,9 ,viriatelitar moos Condi. , I_, ~;.,, ioli.fßookllutx,eft2tll 48 - • , ' 184811.:. • ~. , F.,--,1,.;.41,1b 'ld; ii ::,,,:.' t•ilg , 1.,, p1 v• •S. . 11.)--L ~i l3 ,';',..1f.r01 iit ii iii I'UL:O4I =I r;) ;, i lar"'Frrfoi r 11 ,#1 1116 • 2 - • Z. - i sAN ' ilitiebATHS" Aasal THIS EVENING, first renreletitistiott.of FRED. Y. THAW'S latighsble ritsrlinaltie nom' ihe play or Undine, entitled Tibilnla - 4 1 *.be_st - bw ies q ue„ without' eneeptlotf."ever prodnota' It 'Pittsburgh. Ite•appessunce °idle great .31MLIG. oAup_roug. Triumphant unseal' or Misr FRAME DREw. New Stars sre.inagaged and will soon appear. •OrNEW OPERA 111011/81W Twavtints. - - Commeneing-lionday, June is 1818,. .THA FADWUS.,OItIGINAVAND Y zal -Rims -CARNIVAL ;16rIfferiCET" dnaminotti organisation.' t.sloo Irgreenbeekw . given +r/a7 nightly. Admission; Mt ansi,As cents. .; Matinee On Idaturday, wlieri,oo in Grerphacks Win • be given away. Admissiba to Matinee, MSc. • ChM dson • 1 uryz):oo-. . C. LA RUE, mana : er. . intaprz . w ~.- M USEIOIII, EXHIBITION Cointnilitng:Wiltli9 . o ,l 'Aid ° nrid - (IR.O.AT FR L/341.i OUAN TINIM: AT _ Fifth street, eppostteLPlttsbanth The* & Cards of Admission M 5 cents. Dootto ppen 8 clock d. 11.." tO /VP.: '"r ; "Y: k' - ' 444 my3o INSURANCE. Batt, INSURANCE , COMPANY' OF ALLEGHENY, PA. *: - Mee in Franklin &whip Bank pro. 43 Ohio E. Amitzlien4 1 1 /n. Jo. HOME COMPAlMuumaged by Directors known to the community, who trust by fair der to:merit a share of your spatronage. • , . HENRY RED. D. RIDDLE • . • DIRECTORS: . • • Henry_ Irwin, !D. L. Patterson, Henri Germ: Geo. , Jacob I Oottlelb P • stisiorrOrnm; • la. B. Sinttn, ' Jacobißtiabi, W. M.Stewart, iCb. P. Whiston Joseph On!. Jos. Lantner, 111. J.Elnkand, Jerenttah Ko ap10:035 . I_l NATONAL ISSUBANCE . CO . or THE CHT I i! or 'AI mon:4 Office, In ALLEM:UM' TBUST C HP BUILDI2iIi. -- EIRE INS UIL 4HCE.O7. tc.i W. kLe.BTIN„. , .7A.S. R. STEVENSON, Secretary.. > , DITLECTOUIP .. " 1 A. IL Erlgnall, "-ioXX.Willtama duo. no] duo. A. myler. Idea, Lockhart, Jul. Mier jaa. L. Graham, Robt, Lea, • C. 0.100 Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gerst, , • - - Jacob $O3 ESTERS ISSEEANCE /031.• . r PANY OF PITT S BUR GEI . - ' . ALEXANDER MDIICH, President. • • Wat: P. -11ERBERT,Secretary. • 1 CAPT. GEORGIC NEELD, General Age. LI Office, 92 Water street, Spina & Co.'s Ware• house, up stairs, Pittsbiargh. Will in:ure against all kinds of Fire and ,•3 rine Risks., A home Institution' managed by if- ton who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness, and liberality to mato. tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protectibn to-those who desire to be insured. DIBZCTORC - Alexander Nimick, I .roan H. McCune; - II: 'Miller, Jr., i , Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, ' 1 t William S. Evan& Alexander Speer, . 1 ' Joseph Kirkpatrick, - . 'Andrew Ackleu, 1 Phillifißeymer, David Bt. Long,— • Wm. Morrison, nom mv3o ENNSILVAINIA . P . , - INSURANCE .COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, Al FIFYEISTREET; BANK BLOCK. This Is a Home Company, and insures against toil by Fire ex:elusively. , ~ 1 LEONARD wAr..Tiss, President. '. ' C. C. BOYLE, YieePresident. . :• ! :ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH DIcELEZNY, Secretary.. - ..•,,'... . Leonardliralter; : . Geori*llsOn, C. - C. Torte. :, . Geo: ..Hrane, Robert Patrick, - 1 ' J. - C. Lappe, i . Jacob Painter, . ',l J. C. Fleinerf. Josiah Mug, . • , john Voestley. Jas. H. HOlliaral, '• ( ' A: Ammon. , Henry SPronl, - - '' JY4: 4 pIinEKEUTIK : • - --!---- 1 - - AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO; OPPHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 432, & 431 t CHESTNUT BT., NEM am, • - int:craw; ": !, • -;. Chula* ir. Snicker, . Mordecai ' H..Loula, Tobtaa.wagaer, , .!! „ David .IL.Ercrwn, ,. Sanineltirant, '.I DascLas,t,. Jacob E. Bthici , " 1 1 - 4 , 'Edward C. Data; I Feary WeE_lcteard ' GeocimpaJza: , , CIiABLE•B li. KEIL Xraldent. EDW. C. DALE, Vice Preeddeat: . -... ' . W. _C.'. STEELE, Secret.bro taw: , - -J. UABDKEE, cIakELN Ainirry - - North Weat corder,=ira apa r liqaal *Drees'. - - . it LLEGMENYI 'INSIIILILNCE COM 6 21k; ?ANY OP PITTSBENGIL - ' • - •' ' ' . OFFICE, ,No.' 87 -EISTEt BTREET . , HAWS BL Insures against &Jilin& of Fire and Marine • Elska JOHN IRVIN; lIn:, President. - ' •" ,!. JOHN D: MeCOED, , Vies President. '. ' • C. G. DONNELL; Secretary. - . • OAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. , Jebn Irwin, Jr4l -: I - - Crpt. Wtn. Mean, John D. MeCorli, - 1 , B. L. Fahnestotn, C. G. Hussey. ~ i. , W. IL Nversorki, Harvey Childs,, ~‘ ' Hobert it , Davis,. - T. J. , Hoskinian,l . _ _Frauds Sailers, . , Charles Hays, • -,,, - Capt.. J. T. stoakdale. PEOPLESINSIIILANCE • COM TAHY; • ~ . - t 4 l -, , • , . .., . r :. •'. ' ~ OFFICE,7I; IN C FINER WOOD & Mr/ ism A. Home Cizmpany taldlnitYlfe and HaiLtießisksie •_ - ' , .. , iiiprkgrOna: ' --' _, 1 • Wm: PhUlips, •- • . Capt..Zollenoads„ John Watt, ; -.1 • ~, ~,,, ; , ~ saunter. er . John B. Park,_ 4, , . , Charles ATI) e, Capt.: Jamei Viler, _ - ..lared M. Brus h.' , • . Win. Van Kirk, • I , E!Wrisvp, Laing,. James D. Verner •,- Olamuerbigoo4lo • ~ -.W - H_FIRLI.I _, Fiesl4eat.., -JOHN WATT - vlee.Presideat.' ' - ' W. F. GARVIITHE Secretary.:: :. - ,,- . t I: ....:5 3 .A rr K. k . T 4* . !Ito _9 ll . 91R,Fi14-iceiat• VrAtal - ' A PER 6 ;.! !I ee".~.1 , ovve.noveAremeee MEI ,PA.1 6 1E1191 • : Aititilta " )'?r , , • • 011Jan:oats Said EITOXIIFS. irt# salo CIIZAE' AS THS CSEAPSB~ +i racket Streetineaertela, WAL NoolVT ME ra!f4 . NV A/61 sioodr H l7 ::,; strew», ‘i-tiete (Fourth. r T: ILEIIii.::1-4;11. If .v....-L1,,), Uitallaiiiie=Ll:,;kj • '_i_._ _"'` ,. -z;" .4i rM7,,r,,)i.. • ; P L T 'l9lll9(l6 i 11 , E6 /0814 • - El .1 1 4, f.vc r l e..J.7" 2.fil 3 ~...., ,e rw.l- n MI 6 lllMputUilitloast asnluat 00111 p. IMOD •r i said et ti • rils .4106 rA. :, , • "- ' - xis ii -. '•Valium 11113. 1111):,,...,z.,1..!,.; .--, rysitolex:;,vir.:. 'Vei.V;l',:Elirialiticialrei4' Siatililling'il.l ' ;4';'-'.,?.-I,'" alle.“1_"21-; ' '•;:,:li,a, , .'- grOVAIiiI/4*1131%-lrglil MP% &Os Atli hug if: 'lignalliltrildiraelii/M wombs ,-- ..i-.14. - . ivi 4,.:;ir, v,.-.i0t•'.... , :t ~.-.,. ,!1- MEE 4 II IMMI IT'xitisld .Ifeeret ELI . I de n It MU • ~! . iplApracsioAtsgs. ILICO iAND CIGARS. .n:~L~' . - 10 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers