0 IRON WORKS. AS. VERNItit, Pres' t ........ . . FORUM., Sup't prrrssititan FORGE AND IRON CO., MALFACTOTIEP. OF *sr lironf . Saßroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Boiled; Bailroidtai Axles Hammered; Locomotive Franus; licicoMWlLlMe Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yoke's; Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Bode, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, dke. Office, No. 177 . 'PZNN STREET, PITTSBUUGH. P • GRAFF, BYERS & 31ANUFACTUR.ERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUCUT IPON, Iron Welded Takes for Gas, Steam, Water, &e. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 132 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa n29:06 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. • :LLOYD & ,BLACK; ISIANUFA.OTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND JUNIATA BLOONJTION. MERCHANT BAR, BOUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP,_BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILERPLAT REAPEREET IRON. MOWER AND BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON . 1 SMALL TRAILS. 2o and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, _Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS SAND SPIRES. Warehouse and Office at the.- Rots, GREEN °UGH STREET, (a continuation of First street, adjoining the City Gas Works. rittsburgh. VERSON, PRESTON iir." CO., • _ Pennsylvania Iron Works, w.house;x.i. 166 and .1.61 FIRST. STREET, opposttellonongahela Houses 1924:d6 PITTSBURGiII. PIA sit 3 - ) 3) fiIiTQLW SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, Nll.l[oll. & CO., FITi'SBIJEGII, PA., Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PL kTFORM SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, /le., *c. Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. 5p16:067 TITTTSBIJRGH STEEL WORKS. \ E - - - ANDERSON, COOK& CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD £ C 0.,) .71{3'nufctures of the BEST REFINED CAST 'STEEL , ttlek arga c alil2llll ! lF C A RTS EL CAST STEEL for. Respliavuld Mowing Xaoblues, Steel Plow Wings, Axles, Gpreulanto,&e., f&e., Cast and •CommonPlovr & Spiting Steel. • °Mae—Corner 1 1 711.5 T AND BOSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela House. MILLER, BARR & 1P.1110121. EMIXECAL PAILTNI,RB: WM. METCALF, REIMER MILLER, GRO. W. BARR, CHAS. PARKIN. Spr,ciAL.PAurnts.-79. M. ICIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 70.111LIAIETI, BARB .sr, Office, No. 339 Libeity St, PITTSBURGII, PA fel4:d4B BLACK I)WdOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Idan!Oactorers of all desalptlons of , . eiIT3ZEM•Ie . Office and Warebonsk, 1910,_1291. 124 SECOND Madill) and 1.21,11U.5T STREETS, • GLASS, C ENA. CUTLERY. 100 `WOOD STREET CIIINA4 GLASS MID! . ;QUEENSWARE , SILVER PLATED WARE, O . -I ," PARIAN;STATTJ;ETTES; .61 ' t BOA MIS% And other.STAPLE ANE!, FANCY n Goopp.,tgresrazuty . 10? WOOD STBOT. R 1 HARD E. BREED & CO. lab 27 100 WOOD STREET : (113LIBLES REIZENSTEM ‘4"/ 12 Fe4erat street, Alleghen7 , (Fourth door above Diamond.) mass, China Ware it Table Cutlery AT EASTERN PRICES. Everything required in a sot cuss OW 1;13-Fall• .Cati And curAmine , cads. Z., . LITHOGRAPHERS. 2 STALIMIN INGERLS • 221L1P CLEIB. SINGLEBLI & CLEIS, Successor; toGito: E. OCUtroiliwr & Co., ', PILACTIOAVVIrI9ffOGRAPIntifiL.I -r, The only Siegel Lithographic Establistonent West Grummet:muting. Bustneps Cards, Lemel. Reads Bonds, imaia, ourmlisrot gbOw . . o ards: Dirdema • Porwmts,Nieeriaettißes s of Deposits, D im e lion Cards, ae., Nos. IS and 14 Tetra street, Pittsburgh. _ ' - • ' CHAS. A. 111. soro ~-4.41.341J14131!9.*4,11 SO. urra num , LTOLW =win. 3,M M., Clone *Alt. %Imola m W ewls ~ Clone In ell style'. aage ,V.:l34.rtsi MAX) ,sr, VOU.MMtg: - ItAC EMNISTS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, prr'r‘_4.33tritGil. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest Inc:mist complete establishments . In the West. and are now prepared to furnish • Engines, of every deseripion. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Caatinigi. Rolling Mill Castings. Engine Castings• Machine Castings. General Castings. n09:n69 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. "Corner Carroll and-lltnallman Streets, (EDITH. WARD.) Pri"I"9I3I7II,GYI, Wt.. • • WI. SMITH • Manufacturer of ' _ ' CAST IRON 'BOWL 'PIPE, FOR GAS AID WATER WORKS. sa 3 ,.l, P arLef e eel l le c n a ai t e n . v = litkattgiignixoyf General eaStings for Gas and Water Works. of s egg fl a s tan c loAL E o4B2,e s t:lntendent s fe16:1.10 THE BAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO, CHARLES SNAP, President. J. M. KNAP. Vice President. 0. METCALF, See')' and Treas ' r. J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. KNAP, General Manager. DIRECTORS: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Sliotb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER. of J. Painter & gous. C. B. HERRON, of tipang, Chalfant & Co. •- THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoeuherger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller. Barr & Parkln. BANBTACTunar.B or Rolling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS,_of every deaeslptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 A. BRADLEY.. .....W. TANKIRK. ...... J. S. BRADLEY j 2ETNA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO.;• • Manufacture every variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Among which are the . eiebrated ELIREE.A. TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coat Stoves); POMAN A, VETERAN' and IRONSIDES (Wood Stoves). Also manufacture • GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, &e -0111ce and Warehouse. corner of Second and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. Entrance on Second street. ap?.l:rib L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. It. BURT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR. LIVINGSTON & CO., _ IRON POUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All :;31 - e o n r t r s . , lu ctl i t c- o r n Woolen MIU Ma s and an Gas Fitters: Ag rleulturnlTTmmpl .C112117,:;111%%rk. promptly attended to. Office and 'Works—WASHINGTON AVEN-Ut near Outer Depot. Allegheny Clty,.Ta. ROBINSON, REA Di. CO., • • • Successors tO ROBINSON, MINIS & WASHINGTON WORE'S, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines. Blast Engines, Mill Machinery. Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills. Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 151. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for tiLFGARD'S PETENT INJEC for feeding Boilers. jall:rs2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY'. Butler Street, ,Nintl& Ward, Bolling Mil and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ILACELNIIRT AND CASTINGS Gr.NEEALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Caarges reasonable. ; EBBEBT & 3LICIEUM ocIS:LW BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufactnre and keep constantly on hand Irliinible;Skein and - Pipe Iloxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally OENTRAIL FOUNDRY AND ILOLL WORKS,. sso Pen." Street. BOLIALiN, BOYD St BACiALEY. Rolls,Mtll Castings, Roll tattles, C. V_, ULTON. M MACHINE 'WORKS. ' 1 ESTABLIED IN 1830. , inntfictory of STEAM: ENGINES, all sizes and of tt s tf mostitsroved pattyntli4oz4tationari Virg. 71. 13 :Is E riety :fil! lltl n and 10 Ito allow e r ENGINES, whlzh will be sold at vet; reduced 1 prices. P. F. GEISSR, Welasv:We, 0. Fifty nines below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio at d e r,r, an d line of C. "dr, P. B. n: irrrsnmen. SANUELM. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER , , . -124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale o f Cornyvall, Doughamore, Jo ' sephlne, Isabella, Duncannon, btanhope, Glendon, and other brands of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal , • -11143' , Consignments and orders respectfully Solicited. . . , Manufacturers of Sheathing, Braziers , and . Bel Copper, Treated Copper Bottoms, Raised Still. Dot tome, Spetter Solder, ' Also, Impoc ins AO Beaxers In Metal, TM. Plate, Sheet . Iron, V , .te ..te. Con staritly on h a nd l'lnneraf Ilfachtnes az. Toole. Warehouse. No. 140 FIRST STREAr and 120 SECOND STBEET,Fittedmrgh. ... , - r Special ordergot copper' cut to any "deittred : MO.,' ~,erti,. mrit.emplarT . . Ifi. DICK, 131:JIT:JDER; • • I d'r' frAr Vl. E t as prsITSYLVANti. AVEw, apoilt2 Gi g att est. PL4AMW 4 F.. l 44 l Pl i t a t tl iA W". fe e t d o_t*llone mob jorokussa 04,41.40.,4 Car o'3 • ORDERS SOLICITED (Opposite . Unica Initt M 1118,) PlrTSßtfltGla ON BROILERSI COPPER. AKE SUPEIIIOII. 001111/1 MILL AND OWING WOLVI, P'rTTSI3tMG I • II . PARK, McaURDY & CO., ,JUU)EIMIM3 & BUILDERS. •, , , -+ • ', 4 r . , FA,.5.!.. trel - Os p1 , , - ,S - Attrf,n,.. , 14 , ,,ct1 , 5 18.V41 , ,,,,k ''''" o "•=**- - 414AV,0411. - 4trrictiski,, ' - G O 4 .47- i:••=l,k l of t r.. 41, . •-4 PITTSBURGII. GAZETTE MONDAY, MAY ,4, - ,1868 ENGiItES, BOILERS, &C. FORT PITT EAU, STILL l ITD TAM( WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, BIANUFACTURERS TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN-) CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. *OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT .PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND. COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa • Orders sent to the above address: will be Prdtantiv attended to. • mh7:199 MORTLOW....J.A.S. B. DARNIIILL.....7AE. BLAIR. aIIARA BOILER WORKS.. • MORROW BARN E LL CO " • , YANUFACTUREAS OF • Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &C. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts.,- PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. jy4 • WM.,BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 21 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we am prep . sred to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the bat manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes. Locomotive Boilers, Condensers. Salt Pans, Tanks,Ott Stills . , Agitators, Settling_ Pans, Boiler Ironßridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann facsurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. JaA:c2i. JAMES M. RITER, Nos. .55 anti 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., VIANtTFACTUREE. OF - - IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER. STEAM PIPE, KOLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. --- - JAILED M. 1117.C.1t XD3ft"..'"D D. DUCSII. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, MANCFACTURERS OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORE, &C 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. : CET THE BEST. BISSELL a co:s TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove in the Union. BISSET , T , & . CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand anchor sale, PARLOR STOVES, L SEATING sTovEs, GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS COOKING RANGES, Sc CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BEM TILE TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT star.F.T. ~ P. C. DUFFY.' Laxi al --- VIEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, .ManufaCtUrers and Importers of HARDWARE , UM CUTLERY, &C. 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, One Square Below Union Depot. ier.A.gents for FAIRBANKS' SCALES . . ° FIFTH yr., bet. Tunnel d Chatham Ste., thinsmith and Dealer in Hardware. First class .goods of all descriptions laWayll ()IL hand and sold at the lowest prices.. lidpalring done carefully on short notice. je28:4250 ...BREWERIES. PH4ENIX STEAM BBEWERT .. JOS. arreStczn.....TAS. 7.1'KAY....R0880T LIDPILL. SPENCER, M'KAY . MASTERS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGII, PA. 'ROBERT W.P:TSON, Manager. .001.4 DYERS AND SCOURERS., • ~,,, ~, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,, , ~, ~,,,,,, H S. LANCE . -• • • Nos. 185 and 187 Third Street) DYER AND 800 RE STRAW GOODS CUAVID DYED KID,GLRYEB'AND LAD* PLIIIIBB4DLEAN L ' • , thews I, SG sad siefiltr • r.s3:x .ti s e t a ranactps, Sae MUM en time tansy - BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street.. 118 CAPITAL, : : • : : : $200,000. GOVER PITTSBURGH i'mAtczAi. STOCKH SECURITIES, OLD. rITEREST !Col e le d s t ti t o a n United t ECM Jno. C. Maher, Mont. A. King, Andrew Miller. James M. Bailey TY. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, F. Fawcett, CLIIRFL&N, prea't. N WRIEST NE BANK, No. 293 ECM STREET, PITTS PBGH, PA. CAPITAL, (autho ed,) : : : $200,000. • DIRECTORS. !lc; J. ki y u n r e d h o . c , J r . , 1113 iHamilton, William Espy, , Geo. T. Van Doren: Samuel Barekley. I A GENERAL - BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.. Collections made on all accessible points in Gie United States and Canada. , Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. ° GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. WirSTOC.E.IIOLDERSINDIVIDITALLy LIABLE. SADVL. ILSON,Cashier , D. LEEt NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON JOS. R. HILL .... CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: . A. Patterson.' George W. Cass. Wm. H. Brown, i James McCandless Chas. Lockhart, , Win. Douglas, Allen Elrkpatrlek, i Win. Reed. • W. S. Haven;-• I DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. IL • 9.022 CAUGHEY & CO., BILNKERS AND BROKERS, Corner 27ard and Wood Streets, I'I'T'TSI3T.IIVGIT , (SUCCEI. , LiORS TO HANN.k. HART k C 0..) DEALERS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid toil e purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Draft's on London. myl:a92 XT HOLMES & SONS, _LA . MIANMCM - ELgEi, 57 Market Street, prrlrrestracal,P.A.. . . Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United. States Securities. ja3o:al WESTERN SLAYINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. OHAItTE:LED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits Ait^i SUM RECEIVED FROM. ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Dolly at 12 o'clock. President- ) PHOMPSON BELL. Vice Presldent—A. M. MARSHALL. THOMPSON BELL, A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. , JOS. ALAREE. J. J. OILLESPIE. Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, , Rev. David Kerr, Willis Dalzell,. Henry Lambert, D. W. O. Bldwelt. A. M. Brown.; E. M. Fulton. • Thomas Ewluir. A .4 4 ,kaARK4v) 4 v BANKERSV . ESTABLISHED IN 1831. O S T. SOUTH111"- PIIMIADELPHIA; DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Con : verted Into 540. STOCKS AND GOLD Bought and sold on commission, here and Ut New, York.._rnig PAPERNEGOTIATED , , , S INTEREST ALLOWED ONDEPO SIT OP GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts oC Banks and Bank ers received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AT MARKET BATES. • fe24:189 . • • , - 3/17-ECIL4.IIIICW SANINGg HANK, No. 14 Jmithflel d Street, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOsITS. ANY SUM DECEIVED FROM ONIt DOLLAR:UPWARD. De , posits received subject to check. without interest. , r. 4 'JAMES BLACHMORE, President. ^ hi ' -' - ' GEO. D. TlNDl.P.,&cretary and TreasuWr. JABEEJekt•parwo,(ot i dto r..-..- L , .. , 'lr TRIIETEZE; i ix ' asses Blitekmore, ,1 1 , • ZITt4 'V - til, • •I• 3 II r I rEINIT 4 - illism .pp • Draddlow. . O. Cabbie - ' , ..c I_ l ' l - Robert Wrwr, r...., .1/( 41 ,fit ,14101 M tr)1,,• 1 1 ,-. : REMOVAL I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Formertroeenpled by the NATIONAL BANE: OF COMMERCE. PH. R. *MERTZ. DUALLY LIABLE IN JAMES TI B RAY &. CO . Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 13..a.1V3EL BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT. SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER :AND COUPONS, - ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 7-30's C6NVERTE I INTO THE NEW 5-2Oi COUPON BOND. relnterest Allowed on Deposits. •I - • Air MONED LOANED ON GOVERNMEN T BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS. BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. -BRADY & CO. N TIME DEPOSITS. eceSsible -points in the President. DIRECTORS PITTSBURGH, PA. t,511111 . 0 etairttf, li ANCE AND - TRADE OFFICE OF' THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, May 2, 1868. The gold market keeps remarkably firm, ev+ after about, ten millions have been paid out for interest due May the the first. I ' The undertone of the market however is lesS assuring tt present quotations will bemaintained, than at the early part of last we l k. Money is beginning to tighten up again, and the expense for carrying gold will be increased. , A strong clique, well known in the gold room, have tried to get up l an excitement about the further issue of .paper currency'and the redemption of our national debt in currency, but have utterly failed. Every financier and every legialittor well versed 'with, financial ques tions will readilY•know the danger arising from al i ftirther issue of currency to the bus iness interests of the country and the gene ral prosperity of our people. More impor tance is attached in the country districts to the impeachment question, but what ever the decision may be, the effect on the money market can be but temporarily un favorable. It is the increase of our exports and the decrease of the high-priced ar ticlesof luxury that will exercise a more favortible influence on the state of our finances than all political question,s. GoVernment bonds remained steady'with a tendency to lower prices from the large amounts offered, but the general impression . is thai quotations will be higher yet, be fore iii advance will take pace. Stolts remain firni,• and most of the western shares are eagerly bought up dur ing th unsettled state of the New York Stater • ds. The large payments of gold . during the next few days,' hewever, will have a tendency'to tighten the money mar ket an lower quotations. But few of our locals iirltiee change: hands; most of the corporations have their books closed for settlements for dividends. ' Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 130%; 1881 bonds, 113; 1862 5-20 s, 108; 1864 do, 106 g; 1865 do, 106%; Consols, 108X;10 -40s, 103; 7-30 s, „1.07e,i. • Bail oads=-Cleveland & 'Pittsburgh, 82%; Fort • ayne,lo4g; North Western,common 64/; North Western—preferred,7s%; New York iCentral, I.V.N; Erie, .70M Old Soittlk;, ern, i 90, 5 ,1; Ohio & Mississippi, 31 6 %; Mer chants Union Eapress,3l%; Western Union Telegraph,36%. Mining Shares—Corydon, 30; QUartz Hill, 1,05; Quicksilier, 27%. —Closing quotations received by James T Bold rady & CO.: Gold •h 11. 5.C .. 1 . :5, 1881 .. 66 20's, 1862... 6 6 5-20% /864 .. . ... ... 66 6-20's, 1865 110-40's 5-20's, Jan. , and July, '65 44 46' 44 (1 767 " June 740'5.. " July 7,30'5.. May Comp., 1865 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / SATURDAY. May 2, 1868. CRUDE—The crude oil market continues much excited, and prices still have an up ward tendency. Hold.erg of spot oil are asking 113§c. We can report the following sales: 2500 bbls, first water, at lie; 20110 for June, seller's option, at 11 1 4 c: 1000 Oil City, equal to' 'lO3O here. We paid a bonne of $5O for 2000 bbls, bulk oil, at 1234 c, having the privilege of calling _for it at any time within thirty days. In the absence of sales we give the nominal quotation of 13c for all the year, buyer's option. REFINED—The market for bonded oil is active and excited, and pricet are 'higher. The following transactions came, miller our notice,. all being Philadelphia delivery: 500 bbls last half of July, buyer's option, at 29j,( 4 c; 3,000 bbls July to December at 30c; a contract was purchaged for May,lnne and July, 500 each month at 28 to 28' 500 bbls for June at 29c; 500 bbls for July at 29c; 1,000 bbls for May at 30c; 3,000 bbls last half orMay, at 30c; 3,000 bbls May, , June and July 30c, and a "line" of 3,000 bbls for May, June and July, 1,000 ,each month at 29c. Spot oil, Philadelphia delivery, in the absence of sales, we quote at 28%0, and all the year, buyer's option; nominally at 330. O. 13,40ne5. . • ... 460 I Fisher &. Bro ' :480 Nat. Ref. Co 80 Lockhart et C0...720 Total OIL SHIPMENTS PER a. V. R. E. Clark & Sumner, 381 bbla refined to P. Wright & Sone, Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co., 453 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner, 337 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia, Buffurn, Kehew & C0.,'150 do to W.' P. Logan, Philadelphia. • , • , E. Jageman, be do db,, Waring, King & Co.i Philadelphia: • _d • OIL SHIPMENTS -PROM DUQXYDIDIE DEPOT.. H. M. Long & Co., 17b bbla ref. to War den, Frew.'er, Co., Philadelphia. • • Hutchinson Oil Co., 47 do,' dO. to Wardiin, Frew & ; G. W. Holdeliiro, 45 do 'do to Waring; :fig &Co.irdladelphia, z , " , , • liiValcet• temp elktUe thisette.l (By TeleitisPhiga c }tie - &till rsl*. indi.ooA 43.3 ' 10,80 ice nu IiCE good. • ~. q 4Z i'ITiSBURGH 111.4RK . _ OFFICE OF TEE PITTSBEEO II GAZETTE, SANURDAY. Nay ), IW. During the earlypart of the : i Nveek there has been a fair amount of builiness trans acted in the various, departments of trade: but, as yet, the general mark,Os haVe not exhibited seasonable activitY? Flour is very active and firm at - the adprice. For , Provisions there is also an active inquirv,,' and prices are, higher. There. been no .cliange of con Sequence in Gratn, excepting Corn, in whiCh there is more; doing at an advance. The receipts of . ,produce are small. We quote the . current rates lows: , GRAIN—No reported sales of Wheat for some time. The millers have to bring all their stock from the western Markets. - We quote nominally Red Winter at $2,65 to $2,770; White Wheat, $2,70 to $2,75, and No. 1 Spring at $2,50 per bushel. • There is more doing in Corn. On the Wharf prime Ear Corn sold at $l,OB, and Yellow Shelled at $l,lO. Oats sold from Elevator at 78c, and in depot at 80 to 81c. per,: bushel. Rye - i 9 scarce and-wanted at $1,95 to $2:. Barley is in poor receipt and really commands $2,50 per bushel. .) FLOUR—During the week there. has been considerable excitement among our Flour operators, and heavy sales have been made. There has been aif:-I advance( in prices, and indications are ?.that present rates will be maintained. Dealers are firm in their views. One of our -*uses is re ported as having made heavy purchases. Those who have not disposedpf their stock of Wheat hold firmly on to it hand in Most -- localities in this section of the country the stock is about exhausted, andi the west his to be looked to for supplies:l The follow ing quotations of reliable and well-known brands will give' the reader an idea of , prices: Dayton Snow Flake, White Winter, $l3; White River, (Red Winter) $l2 to $12,25; Jenkin's _Lilly Mills, sl2. ' Crossett's, $11,75; Emerald, $11,25 to 11 . 50;$ Ford's choice, $11,25, and medium brands, $10,50 to sllper barrel. Rye - Flour has ad vanced to $lO per . barrel. PROVISIONS—The market is buoyant and still advancing. We quote Sugar Cured-. Han* 19y, •to -20. c; do Caniassedi' to 21c; Shoulders, 14;6 to 14Xc; !Ribbed Sides 17,,c; Clear Sides, 19c; choiee Dried Beef, 24c, and Lard, 19Mc per pound. Mess-Pork has advanced to $30,50 per LARD OlL—There is a large demand for Extra No. 1 at $1,50, and 5425 per gallon for No. 2. . BUTTER—The market isless active and prices lower. Choice Roll iS,'quoted at 40c to 42c. " EGGS—Market firm at 21Ito POTATOES—Firm with. regular sales at $4 to $4,50 per bbl, for Peach: Blows and Buckeyes. APPLES—Saleswere made .at $4,50 to $7 per -bbl. Chicago Market. • [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO, May 2.—Flour dull; sales at-$9 a 10,75 for spring extras.' leVheat fairly ac tive; sales No. .1 at $2,10a2A6, andNo.2 at • $2,12, closing at $2,0934a2,10 for No. 2. Corn moderately active and laDl i ,c higher; sales No. .1 at 88a89y,c, Nd. 2 at 87aS7yc, new at 86%a87Nc, and • rejdbted'at 83;tiSfic, closing firm at 883/ 2 a88,.gc for No. 1 in store. Oats active and lc highet; sales at 65:).4a. , 663 for regular and freshreceipts, closing 1 with buyers at 66c. Rye quiet and steady; I sal• s No. lat $1,87 and No 2at $1,85. Bar ley, quiet; No. 2 in store at $2,35; sam ple lots of Canadian at "W,,35 delivered. Mess pork active at 25a3734c per bbl high er; sales at $28,75a29.ca5h, and at $3O buyers for May, closing firm at 0., Lard steady and firm at 19c for prime City steam. Dry salted shoulders sold at 1.4a13%c cash and buyers for May. Sweet pickled hams firm .but inactive. .Live hogsan good shipping demand and 10a1.5c highei; sales, at 48,40 a 9,25 fer medium to fair clariice Hogs are scarce and nominal at $9,75a10. Receipts -8.334 bbls flour, 33,240 bu 'Wheat, 46,985 bu corn, 20,812 bu oats, 2,088 live hogs. Ship -Iments --9,388 bbls flour,l. 4,558 bu -wheat, 187,779 bu corn, 56,293 bit oats, 3,865 live •hogs. - .. - . Cincinnati Market. ',,` • (By Telegraph'to the Pittsburgh taiefte.) CINCINNAV, May 2.--;`Flour and wheat dull but unchanged. Corn dull at 94c for ear. ogs declined to 786 for No. 1, and the market closed dull. , Rye advanced to $2,0 5 1 owing to the light, supply... There is no ' change in Barley and but little demand; Cotton advaticed to 31c for middling. To bacco in good demand at full rates; 'Sales 180 hhds.. Provisions are firm an&the ten- • dency in. prices is upward. Mess pork. is held at $29, but no salbs at over $28,50. Bulk meats firm at 13, 15a155.<c. Bacon: in good demand at 14e for shOulders; 17y,a18c for clear rib and clear . sides; about .200 hhds _ shoulders sold ,1 at the quotations. Lard in good demand at 18%, but was held firmly at 19 at the Close; about 700 tierces including 400 country-sold at' 18%; Sugar Cured Hams in' demand at 20a21. Butter very scarce and advancedto 401145 for fresh. The supply is not equltl to he-t demand. Eggs declmed.td 19; supply better. Lard Oil advance to $1,45a1,50 for No. 1 and ex tra. Tallow scarce .anctin demand at 14 for city. Linieed Oil held at $1,19. Cloverseed is in demand at 934 per pound, but held over.. Nothing doing , moth 'llmothy. Apples t - plenty at Nan `per barrel. Potatoes quiet 1 and unchanged. Gold 139 buying. EEM 113 . 108 106% .. 106% 14:13% .. Ns% 109% 107% New York Dry' • poods :Market. 1075:( 3 CBS Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Cihzette.l NEW YORE, May 2.— , ;The dry goods mar ket is somewhat languid, owing partly to the prevalence of the Lain storm. Prices, however, for all staple _cottons are well maintained. All standard makes . of heavy brown Sheetings, such as Atlantic and In dian Head are sellingnt 1 0 e; Pacific Extra and Atlantic H, 18%c;.;A.Ppleton A, 18%sd9c, and Roxbury A. 19We; T i rterinia E and Great Falls J. command 15 1 Ae; Massachusetts- J, 14e, and Fremont, C, 15e. Rlaached Mus-• lins are steady at 29e for New York Mills, 25e, for Wamsutta and Utica; 22%e for Tus carora, 20e for Arkwright Water Twist and _ Lonsdale, 19e for' Hill Seniper Ideni, - and 45c for Waltham 8-4. Amoskeag ricks are steady at 38c for A. C, A., 30c for A, 27e for ‘ . 13, 24e for C, and 21e ibr D; 2734 e for Hamil ton regular, 19c for ITiicasville, and De for Pittsfield. York Etilpes bring. 23;0,2-44e. ArneriCan Prints,..kilie for Arnoskeag,....l4e for Cochecci; 14}6e, for Gloucester, 13lia for Home. York and Eyerett, Cheek Cotii)ii ades, 20426: ; .-". [By Telegrattii to its PlyisthirgltGlizeite.l ST. Louis; May fii=lobacco steady arid firm. Cotton; nothing doing. • - Hemp fin at 81,35a1,50 for utdressed. Flour; low grades dull and weak; family brands very firm; extras range at 88,000,25; double_ex tra, 810,501111,50; choice and fancy, $1 . 2;12Ma 13,50. Wheat dull at 82,,70a2,85 for 'prime to chola° fall; and A 2,03415 foNspring. Corn; buyer's stood -oTahik,Pricesfell,to 87a 91c. Oats heavy and easier at 74a75e. Rye . dull at-$1;75x1,80: , .•-.Provisions firm, but quiet. , :. Pork steadkit $29,00. Bulk shoul ders sold at 12%c; clear rib, 16go, all loose. Bacon; shOulders to come out of smoke in ten days sold at , 14/0; clear sides,lBXc; sugar cured hams 2k. Lard very stiff at 10c for tierce and Keane; 193;a20c for, keg. Receipts—Flour,l,2oo bbls; wheat, 8,800 i" bus; corn, 24,30 busi oats, 4,200 bus. 1440 -` ' toledo Market.' [Br Telegraph to khe:m.fiapt 4-`4660 righ azette.l TOLEDO'' May 1 11 - * ;r kkalf iDeeilAS' , bbls; , Wheat; receipts 1,9.0.0. bush; red winter at 51,80,; Amber.: 1ite2,12; • market steady. Corneetiveltud 3f s elAtter; receiPti23,273hitalUk.Sales at 92,a1)24 ;•;,N6.• d, seller this - inonth,..93; 4 - buyer next;:wsekt - 933;:aeller for, : Dime, 93. Oats iitelidt i'0 . 044 1, 1,0641t0411; mho „, at 72. - • ye:ocaroe.:-Sends dull. Lake ,Mreights veri a gull;: propellers askl4336e l on corn to ik k el..„ . *tot° . 681 btital wheat ; _ e rn b i ush °ate, BS bush rye and CO) bush•barley: ; El! I St. Loilii2 Market.- , II 5 q i s i 1 ill A t ~ r ~~ El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers