II 11 .te - 'fiftshmt,..,OSOrk Ii The Tiro Needles. The mariner's compass changed the face of - the world, by stimulatin2 trade, by mak- ing-the navigation of the broad ocean prac ticable, and thus opening a new continent to civilizition. is the -needle of modem hrearma to work a ievolution almost or I finite as important ? The needle-gun gave Sadowa to Prussia; - a victory as momentousin universal history as Marathon or Cannre or Waterloo. The immediate results were to restore Lombardy and Venice to ItalY, 'seepring the- final union of the nation tinder onegovernment; and the biinging of all Germany outsideof Austria, into practical subordination to Prussia, slid into close confederation with 1. her. The indirect results are only begin ning to reveal themselves; but we must al ready number among _them great internal changes in the Austrian empire, including the adoption by the court of a thoroughly liberal and progressive policy; and the re— duction of France to a level with Prussia as a military;power, with such danger of fall ing into the second rank as compels her to strain her resources to the utmost to avoid it. France has invented her own needle-gun, too, for the Chassepot rifle is of this char acter. The Emperor depends upon it as the most-effective small arm yet devised, and if it prove superior to the German' gun we shall perhaps see still more 'astounding changes wrought by this second of those needles, which may be said - to carry turn ing-points of the history of inanldnd.—.W. Y. Post. • • Too Much Elephant. •• On.4turday night, after the closing ex hibition at Bailey's Circus had been given, 'the animals were - taken to the Michigan ' Central depot to be shipped to . Chicago. The baby elephant was placed on a platform car preparatorY to taking a trip westward, and while he did not appear to relish the lo cation much, he submitted to the arrange ment that had been made for him with as much grace as compulsion generally insures .under such circumstances. While he stood, _ the engine attached to the train started for ward; and the sudden momentum given to the car disturbed the equilibrium of the ele phant, and he went off the car much quicker than he went on. He gathered. himself up as quick as he could, waxed wroth, and started for the first opening that presented itself. Although his keeper followed imme diately, the elephant reached the passenger depot in safety, and then made a bee line for the refreshment stand there. The proprie tor of the stand saw' the animal coming, and succeeded in removing his pies, and es, &c., just in . time to prevent their being de voured. The elephant, although defeated in his intentions, "threw out his, trunk," and might have taken in the - proprietor's head had not the gas been turned off and • the windows closed... He "sloshed around" - considerably, clearing away 'ln almost any direction, and was finfdly captured before any dainage had ensued from his movements. —Detroit Tribune. An Excellent Law. The Legislature of Ohio has enacted a law for which they will receive, the tiiinnirS of every Christian, moral man - and woman in the country. It was passed on the six teenth of April, and provides for the inflic tion of a heavy fine and imprisonment on any newspaper publisher who shall print or publish an advertisement of any secret drug or nostrum, purporting tO be exclusively for the use of females; on, any druggist or other person who shall sell or give away such drugs; on any person whO shall, by prmting or writing, or in any other way publish an account or description of such drugs; etc.; on any pceson who shall in any way pub _ lish or circulate any ebscthe notice; .and on any person who shall sell or give away any . newspaper, circular, pamphlet or book con taining notice of such drugs, etc. The act, Of course, is not to effect a teach ing in regularly chartered medical colleges or the publication of medical standard books. If this most excellent law was in opera tion_ in this State, hundreds if not thousands of lives would be saved, and scores of newspapers, some of them in our own vicin ity, now almost entirely dependent for sup port upon these obscene. and infamous ad vertisements, would pass away from the field of journalism.—State Guard. State Banks . and Savings Institutions. The Auditor General's annual report on these institutions in Pennsylvania affords the following information : There are in all six State banks—the Bank of Pittsburgh, Farmers Bank of Schuylkill county, Farmers and 31(lehanics Bank. of Shippensburg, Millets and Miners Bank in Mercer county, Stroudsburg Bank, and Tioga County Bank; and the following savings and deposit banks: Canonsburg Savings Fund Society, Carlisle Deposit Bank, Dauphin Deposit Bank, Hanover Savings Fund Society, Mechanics Bank at Harrisbuix, Reading &Angel Bank, Shrews bury Savings Institution, Real Estate Sav ings Bank at Pittsburgh, Western Savings Bank at Pittsburgh, Scranton Sayings Bank and the Dime Savings ‘..lnstitution at Beth- • The aggregate resources , are put down at 07,800,660.41, and the liabilities at $7;806,- 772.92, the difference between them being eaused by the ';Canonsburg Savings Fund Society reporting an excess of resources of $487.69, and the Real Estate Savings Bank an excess of liabilities of $6OO. THE Mobile Register prints a letter writ ' ten by its editor, who is now or was lately in Waslington,: written' on'the anniversary of the assassination of Mr. Lincplp. _The general tone of this letter is' nidie - wnithylof . - remark than any special expression in it. Mgt :Viler *discitssteil the3 l i guestibn. ,oT the murder in a flippant ,way-, speaks of the President as one who goes down to history as "the late lamented,'. ,remarks that he was not a good-looking man,"calls Booth "a pa triotic monomaniac,' mildly madams politi cal assassinations,' bit'thinki,that on the whole this pnrticularmurder has been for the advantage of the South. Perhaps a careful reader might'examine this letter critically with a view to fault-finding and yet be ables:to. , pointrout::'no.;leatene a • r to which he could object. But no one could read it without discovering that the writer's sympathies were wholly with Booth when lie took aim at the President's head. It ot • kith writing WA-the thnst insidlotutwa vi keeps alive the rebellious spirit, and whfie intelligent people read ( and assent to it, it is useless to hope for a healthy public senti meatin that section. BOSTON; CifiLIDDEIVR AID SIX:WIT.— 'This, society bad its origin in the efforts of the Istlies whAyiere in the, habit ,of ;Hatt ° I ' thwyslisi . *be* they fotihd malty nn -1,, ybors "wholly unease/0 for, and with Nrito utospeet of being #nyt,bng but Wild. Ari}bs' and Ml:blind& Tke:y Jaye now a •‘..- i .ri . 4in? Alia I ?ilildiAlkiiciveat ,zirialcin, with : a n eacoeut mem dkaa. - a...fanner f . and. a ,;lady-visitor and:a general agent at Boston. I , Tbe latter; Mr: , Cookimisite ,the, courts an d ftE LINE. tprisonseverydar , ansthitibrout. such boys. , . - 26 ok i k atu i_ wir ..... , Pas bethinks Rhvertissr.yeay , tiro hundred ;„ ,L . 4 )1 .L - - , 7"':4 LINE, ,and' ' 4 ietelC l V 4ll YeetWOr i l l til l 4-7 .134 t Cblieln iillit L ang4'4slllllll ; ai l I° i; *lii ntr e4 - . o sli atoee 1 - "eight - of ‘wr 16 n 1 ;11 1 0P: *r. ,ir ,1 1 second site ° Y ' - ell4 4 time. ', /mkt" 21°. ' 3" IA "- - ••‘. - " --11 Pi lag stabots °2 'h.. .1. , .11:1F1. * X=~~?.C'.^s~raCc-a*.x'A~~...3~ Wes:_—.,~~. Mr. Dleraeli and Judaism. The London Jewish Chronicle has the fol lowing remarks in reference to the new Premier and Judaism: "There seems, in deed, to be a singular mistake as tb the re lation of D'lsraeli to J Sorr.e Jews censure him as an apostate, and urge his aimstacy as an instance of tergiversation. Some Christians scoff at him as a Jew, with a singular disregard of all they owe to the Hebrew race. ,Now, the fact is, that, in piain English, D'lsraeli is neither an apos tate nor a Jew. He was born of 'Hebrew parents. His father, Isaac D'lsraeli, the author, and his mother a scion of the Base vis, were members of Bhepardim Jewish families. Hisgrandfather , and grandmother, indeed, rest inthe Portuguese cemetery at Mile End. Benjamin D'lsraeli was admit ted into the communion ot Israel, but his' father,_thinking fit to quarrel with his syna gogue,. failed to' teach his child Judaism. One (lay Bogers, the celebrated banker poet, happeninto visit at Isaac D'lsraeli's house at Hackn ey, when Benjamin was about five 'er sisyears old, and regretting . to find so intelligent a youth without religious instruc tion, lookllum to. Hackney Church. • From this event dates his absolute and complete - severancelfrom the Jewish communion. He became a christian, and a great genius was lostto = Safety of Life and Property on Railways. Leading members of each branch of Congress are urging the necessity of some Federal inspection of and control over such railways as extend through several States. The House Committee on Roads and Canals has-a'-report in preparation; which, it is said; takes the ground that Congress has the undoubted power to compel railroads to provide all reasonable guards against acci dent, and especially to take such measures as shall render fires impossible from lamps or stoves, and that Congress also has the power to force railroads to make such con nections with each other as shall prevent delay in commercial transactions. Regard lug the control - of rates of fare- and freight, the report will take the position that Con gress cannot interfere unless the rates are so exorbitant as to impede , commerce. There may be a recommendation for the appoint 'Meat of a commission to examine into the whole rerifiation and operation of the Rail roado system of the country during the coming recess and report at the next session of Congress. A Double Murder. A dreadful crime has been committed at Vannes, France. A man named Lodeo, for merly a soldier, had married a' few months ago a farmer's daughter of the neighbor hood. He lived a debauch, and soon spent the four or five thousand francs which he had received with his wife. Suddenly, a few days back, he went to his father-in-law's house, and without saying a word, attacked him with a knife, and, after stabbing him twice mortally, took - to-flight. The dying man, fearing some - further catastrophe, charged his son to go to his sister's and if necessary protect her. But the young man arrived too late, as the woman was found a corpse, with the head nearly.severei from the body. She had been dead, it appeared, more than three days, and the murderer had been shut up most of the time in the room with the corpse. He has since been arrested. POLITICAL igffI'"CONGRESS-22d „ Gen. .1. S. NEiGL.EY la a candidate for no - mina:ion before the Union Re publican Convention. mhl7:d&-T CONGRESS-22d DISTRICT. THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., Is a candidate for nomination, by the Union Repub lican Congressional. Convention. inb3l:d&T rg'''FAß DISTRICT ATTORNEY. LEVI BIRD DUFF, Subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. . ap1.7:092-d&T FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Gen. A. L. PEARSON, Subject to the - decialon of the Union Republican CountvConvention.. inbUitr.3.d&T igrFOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WILLIAM C. MORELAND, Subject , to the decision of the. Union Republican County Convention. • nititlana:d&T M 22 'ASSISTANT DISTRICT AT TORNEY. • JOHN W,. RIDDELL Will be a candidate for Asslatent District Attorney, subject. to. the dentition Of the Republican County Convention. . apitnd&T ASSISTANT DISTRICT— AT- J. B. FLACK, Subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Contention. Ergjallll4lllLw III; 1 1:14 WA Mil PHILIP HOEIIR, Of Lower St. Clair townabip, (late of Co: R. 1121 d P. V..) sublect to the decision of the Union Repub lican Connty-Convention. . ar2l2:cderdar SPECIAL NOTICES. Igr'BATCHIELOW S HAIR DYE. • This splendid Hair Dye Isthe best in the world; the only true and 41erfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; tio disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 effecti of, bad dyes; Invigo• rates and leaves the. Date soft and beautiful. black Or brown.' ikild`by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at • Batchelor's Wig /factory, No. 16 Bond.street, New York. - meintrAi MABRIAGE A 1111) CELIBAC Y, l A n ti d Es tu ss e Young2 E en on the ' 8011 nde, create impediments to, MARAI l IGE, vB w E irti lthlch m of of reliff. Seat sci Jed letter envelo 8 pe ur e e , free SKILLIN IfoUGH TON. Howard POD 99'111°14' Philadelphia, Pe4a ,rogewEvAx..BEctisirr, ..• .:imatannitmetzirandnut, Mato of P. F. W. & C. ThillwaY.) • 0111ce,No,107EDEIIALEET, Room No. 2, upetairs. P. 0.,110a 50, ALLEGHENY - VITT. - MACHINERY, of all descriptions, designed. BLASTPURNACEend 201,1•INGHILL.,DRAW.. INUS farttsbed...j'arlicalar .ettention'pald to de- SignIngCOLLIEHII.OOOMOTIVEIL Patents con- Identiallt solicited. Ail. Au EVYNING DRAW. • ING CLASS .for .utenbaulca every 'WEDNELIDAY NIGHT.. , • aplinag §ILVER,MINELrWe &hall, In a andioara t ai ew ecoup46, 43: vetod Y redd g i . evn ae llaneni n o ; puezi a tirsten n zue : nan e d n iyo7 s ri r ece ho llt t i maii l tod ver i on 711 4 ' s s, o d u ci f oeretaic Silver t. . xperlenced , mlners It la intended to hist e. them er thlly , dovelope ore . Il_sing to the. expense of eating' tmlloutg ma t„'"us l 7, Ate. For this development Mat, p —To oetermlned to sell- a limited amount of t,he_ sue* a„,......t as -rate which vslll place Purgi luerl i -911 4"; riri.......__'ugund AB ; th e - troprietori themselves. o --- a....euars aptdp to. _ • B. MariAlN it CO., -- -- ' ' , , •,, I - , Itallt Fourth 'street. p 7 --, --- - -- , 3....bb1i, .No. i Mackerel; i• - ' -, on " ~. a do; - i GO .. a : X a _OO lit. doiXoo. a nd 3 mackerel; • • I. `""utta ito. 1 Mackerel; -• :-.--- :• • , :Iw o b larl , L. Igne kiamall, In store, tar saiecOf lte../Plah; mho ' ' ' ... i 50 n,,„SIMA,111Elt kL4l,bria. ------ •••• a atid /74 wood street ----- - ~ I.• ~ , - , 4* TilsTßaa st '''''' • - ' • **. * - • ' 2t- . ELU, ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN D. BAILEY' & BRO. . STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, , • Are prepared to bell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS and all kinds of SECURITIESEAL ESTATE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Sc.,,t either on the premises or at the 130.1td of Trade Rooms. • Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale.. . • Sales at Real Estate in the country attended. - .oflice. No. 115 FOURTH STREET. cm= FAIDIS:FOR SALE. hate now for sale several of the finest FARMS In WestmWestmoreland and Indiana counties, on remarka, oreland easy terms, so easy , that any one desirous of buy ng can purchase on time altogether . Call and ex amine for yourself. - • G. IL PETTY, No. 80 SmlGitleld street rah 4 :"FOR • SALE--REAL ESTATE. ponOUNTRY RESWENVE FOR SALE OR RENT.—A arge two - story - double se, containing 10 rooms. including double par lor, with marble mantles, and all the modern lip proVements; 1 acre of ground, filled with fruit, p•apes, berries, .te.' Situated near Minersville, at the termination of the Wylie street Passen ger cars. This Is one of the handsomest locations in:A l liegheny county, and In a good neighborhood. Apply at W. A. HERRON'S Real EstateST Grant street. mh'23 FOR SALE & TO LET.--lionses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city.and so urbs. Also, several FARIIS in • good locations. Also, a'sniall WOOLEN FACTOR] , with 20 acres ofland, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. ' Business Rouses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling.llouses for rsnt in both cities. For furtherparticulars inqulre WILLIAM WARD, yam 1.10 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. THE MAGNOLIA FARM, • 150 ACRES, Located near '3lcEcesport. not far from Elrod's Sta tion,. on the Connellsville Railroad. New house, In excellent condition; barn excelled by few in the country. All improvements on the place are mod ern and of the best kind. Soil unsurpassed by any in the country for farming. Fruit, grapes, AT.. in abundance: Never fallhig springs abound. Coal bank open. Fences perfect. Will be sold cheap. Apply to STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate'Agenis, ap2.5 No. 66 . SMITIIFIELD STREET,. 2,000 000 ACRES OF CHOICE LMIDZ FOR SAT,E, BY THE Union Pacific liailivall'Quhupp4ty; EASTERN Lying along the line . of their road, at • $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS For further particulars, maps, &e, address JOHN P. DOTREIIX, Land Commlasloner, Topeki, lianFaa Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See'y, IME WHITE LEAD AND COLORS CHROME YELLOW, FOR HAM PACKERS, AND McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN, FOR SALE BY HARRIS 4C, EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS' Corner of Litierty-and Wayne Streets, PITTSI3URGII. PA. T . PIT' s33uitom White Lead and Color Works, MANISFACTURIRS OF WHITE AND RFD LEAD; ZINC, rUTTY, BLUE LEAD; • . McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN, And all colors, dry or In oil. OFFICE, No. 67 FOURTH STREET. Factory.' Nos. 450..459, 454. 430 and 459 RebecoaStreet, and 49, 31 and 53 Lacock ntrect. Allegheny. . BANKRUPT NOTICES. 'WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN 6'_'LVANIA. SS. • At tbe.eity of Pittsburgh, the 36th day of April, To WHOM IT •MAT CONeXIIN.—The undersigned hereby gives•notice of his appointment as Assignee of JUSTUS ROUSHAUSENund GEORGE H. HOU SHA.USEN, pa.rtners as J. and U. ii. Ronshausen, - of Pittsburgh. In the county of. Allegheny, and State or Pennsylvania, within said district, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon Creditor' Pe tition, by the District Court of said district. . , • WEN3IAN At LEWIS. Assignee, &pH:pi:Z-9 , Attorney-at-Law. 93 Diamond at. TIT SYLVANIA..I49. - -Atl'ittsburgh, the 11th day of April, A. D. 1808. TO WHOM IT *MAY CO:VC/HIM : The undersigned hereby itives notice ot his appointment as Assignee of H. M. HEHSHBERD, of Pittsburgh, In.the count ty of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, witnin said district, who has been adjudged. a bankrupt upon his own petition , by the. District Court of said 'dratrier. • SIMON W. lIANDAER, .ay 99)20-.9 OK. Clair street. WESTEtiII DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA,__ SS. tittsburgif t the 9Stb day ofMarch.A.D. 1108. The undersigned herebyfrives notice of his appoint ment ass,Assignee of,JACOB F. DIFFENBACHit, of Ohio township. In the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within entd distHet who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon Ids own p e tition i by the ‘ Dintriet•Court of said district. • JOHN H. BAILEY Assignee, .rith3o:ll Attorney -at-law. 139 Omni, street. LEGAL. ':NOTlCE.—Letters Jul testamentary upon the estate of William• Ebbinson, Jr. ) deceased, Move been granted to the undersigned. All persons baring elate:is against the. estate will present the same to the undersigned; mid all persons indebted to the estate make psyment.to the undettigned.• MAR] 20EINSON. • xentrix. 8116ENB E E e IWEE. „MIN MORRISON, • Executors. Oftlee of the 'Estate at No. 14 Federal street, Atte. gimpy City, with Mr. JOHN M., ROLilliii9N. op:h:pl4 *- - i ” ' • --- ' .--- -- W -- .--- 0 ----- ~ . • .p.ll Ati - o._ VICE, • P iaD , Zl.T l‘ . frnnlgl va t l' 1 11Au 10th. ioa MAU IS - T O 4IEiOTICE that t on the -gib day''of April. A. D. UM, oWar rsot In Ilankmipter was boned 'Whet the ' ' " , OSTATZ OF aroncirit rxxxecx, 2fThlirejrAl*, in the Mir of Philadelphia,- arid an . r 4 PllnniValaill,,:W 0 pail been avowed a oil his awn petit On; that the payment of illnif,d and delivery - or imy Property bulimiddif te seals. ps s fpg him or for his ume. , and Jim tr i sgoi 11412 :eifirgne, I”.. e.rtlit i o lti r it l iPt i r st i il d r bankrupt: w to f ... r ....., and to choose one or anon, Al. F i li pm ill 0 )-4111, estate will, beheld a Court of ;to be ho l den'at ITUfit. ALS sista street, Register, Y . r e Eltb day of kI_a EY A . . DVili t _ fli g eti o'clock A. 31. - P . ~ ELLE Amyx E. 13. Mar shal, as Messengert ,4.486 ICSTABLISUED 1949 TIIL LAMEST 1 1 AMERICA. NORTH AMERICAN Lightning Rod Manufactory, EON GALVANIZING] WORKS, 30,000 ITET MANUFACTU - - LIGHTNING Manufactured at - these works, an . of the contluent, are admitted to Lightning Rod in use. Great lull to, peddlers and all persona buy r Also tine Platlna Points, of all k together *ith Insulators, Paste .1 Iron Conn ctlon Burs, Braces, et. Wets and Circulars sent free. REYB g arlO:o33•d&F pimps or THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, HAZARD POWDER COMPANY, Office, 172 and 174 .FEDERAL STREET, Electric Noe. 1, 2. 24 and 5 grain, in Square Canisters. I lb. ea ch American Sporting, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb, each Dual: Shnoting, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 'grain, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each !Indian Rifle, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each.... Kentucky Rifle, in Oval Can4ters of I.lb. each Kentuckvit Übe. In Oval Canisters of lb. each (21 one lb. Oval Canisters in a ease.) • (50 half lb. do. do. do.) KEG POWDER. Kentucky Rifle. FFFG, FFG, and. "Sea Shoot ing" FG In kegs, '25 lbs Kentucky , Kille, reef:, FFG, and "Sea Shoot ing', ro; In kegs, 12,1 i lbs Kentucky,Rine, FFFG, 'FFG, and "Sea !Shoot ing" FG. in kegs, 6;4 Ms Deer Powder, In kegs, Vi Ibs Mining and Shipping Powder, Mining e, FF, and rrr grain net cash,' in kegs. 25 lb. Safety Fuse fur lllasting, of superior quality, In packages 0f.50 feet and over Delivered free of expense on board of Boat or Ballmad, In Pittsburgh or Allegheny SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR St. Loyale, 31.650url J. B, HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires lu or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature-that 'may be desired without the possibility of tiring the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United-States Letters Pat ent fora Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the3xtost intense heat that may be adplied to it in the position and purpose fur which it is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by Bre, origi nating from defective flues, or' where iron pipes are need as conductois for smoke or heat. It is appli plicable to all piping that may become overheated, and lawarranted to give perfect satisfaction wherc wood or other ccmbustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings,' facteries, ships, steamboats, railroad' cars, Ac., wherever pipes as conductors arc made dangerous by being overheated and security desised. I will sell, on ap plleatlvott. rights to manufacture or to use the apove invention; also, territorial right's, to such as may wish to engage in seining priv.leges, either by State or county. .1. 11. /IRV...Office at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS," corner of :Morris street and the Alleghe ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. fe2s:k4o NOTICE TO OWNERS OF Notice is herebi itirtn to all owners or Drays, Carts, Carriages, doggies, die. whether resident or non-resident In the City of Pi ttsburgh, toga' their s - Licenses at the Treasurer' Mice of' the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in accordance wi th an Act of Assembly, approved March 30th. 1000, and and an Ordinance of the Connell* of. the city of Pittsburgh; passed April 10, 1860. All Licenses nut paid on or before MAY 13, 1868, will be placed Jo the hands of the Chief of Police for collection, sohject to his fee of 30 tents for the collection thereof. and . all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Lieennes will be subject to a pen alty, to be recovered before theAlayor, double the amount of the License. • The old metal plates of preylous yenta must be re turned at the time Licenses aro taken out, or-pay 00 cents therefor. • • ItATEH OF LICENSE:: - Each One Doric Vehicle 7 50 Each Two Horse '•• ISI 00 Each Your Horse " . • 15 00 ' Each Two Horse Rack ,15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawu by Two Horses, Eighteen Dollars each. For each addi tional Horse used lu Ally of the above vehicles. One Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDER, City Treasurer. kITTPIMIC3/1.. February IL IHGB. HOUSEKEEPERS, TH.ES QT.TV.V.N. QUEEN OF .THE WASH-TUB. A HOUSE CLEANER; A CLOTHES WASHER; A SPOT. ERADICATOR; A COLOR RESTORER; Cheaper than Soap. Sold In Bottles by all respeit able Grocers. Indorsed by the first families of Alle. gueny county. • Manufactured by the IJEMM MANUFACTURING CO., Office, No. 136 WOOD STREET. Pittsburgh. GREAT SALLE. Tremendous Sacrifice in Looking Glasses. • Preparatory to moving, I offer my elegant stock of fine GILT, PIER add - IdANTLE IILAnnEN,POII - and PICTURE EltAlVlrli: also, miscellane ous styles of REDItOOItt ULASSES, ail of which must be sold by the lat ofJuue, Those who arc In want of floe Parlor Glasses and first-class article of Ono gilt work, will do well to give me a colt. • apii-atwr J LYONS. 110 , Wood strict. F. W. C. FELDCO. , . DEALERS IN GLUE, 017ItLED HAIR, Tanners , Scraps Ceromis Cattle Talk BONES, NEAT'S FOOT,OIL &C. Office and Warehouse, :Ye. 333 LIBERTY ST., 3d door from Wayne, 1101GME81 11E171. & C 9.1 'ANCHOR' coTTorr MILLS, 1?1'Vr8131714431113. ganufactto an of HEAVY, MEDIUM and LIGHT ,ANCHOR AND. MAGNOL,IA MHZETINGS AND • BA ti° V EMEN • si wroNE. PLApTE Onz-NAT WERyI 'E • - • y CO e treat . HEIM ea Wood , yam' ittrimum BELTING AND - STICAN PACKING_ whor l etetneldk et the ndts Blubber DODOS, p h sad . Clair street. apll II. MUM. *W - 40* t0.474:541,,-40;>' MISCELLAN EOM). BRASS FOUNDRY CHM THE CELEBRATED STAR GA sold' to all parts oe superior to any lueonents offered ng at wholesale. nds and patterns, Inge, Copper and . Samples, rain- Nos. 488 and 490 St. i ,John St., PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURED BY TUE - ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, ALLEGHENY; PA CANISTER - POWDER THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY DRAYS, HACKS, &e. A STAIX REMOVER; Regardless of Cod. Plt Toss MOH; PA. MEM I - •IBEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, Office In Franklin gavlngs Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio PAC.. Al lewhosty., ! A. HOME COMPANY. inanagod by Directorm well known to the commonOy. who true! by fair deallpg to merit, a share of your patronage. - HENRY IRWIN, GEO. D. RIDDLE i ED DAILY IVANIZED DIRECTORS.: henry Irwin ID, L. Putterbon , llonry Gerwig, Geo. R. Riddle, .litenit Franz, liutt 1011, Fans, Simon Drum, I. IL Smith, I.lncob W. :H. Stewnrt, tilt. P. Willtdon, iJonepli crag. Joe. Luutner, H. J. Zinkand, Jeremiah Ruben riplinort RODS, NATIONAL INSURANCE C 0.,. OF THE CITY Or ALLEGHENY. Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST CO3IPANY'Ii BUILDING. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. •W. W: MARTIN, Pree JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. TEMEtTOII.B: !0.11. P. WIlllautoIno: Thompson, jJas, Lockhart, Jos. Myers, ROL. Lea, 'C. C. Boyle, iGeo. Gent, Jacob Kopp. & CO., A. H. English, Jno. A. Myler, - Jas. L. Graham, Jno. Brown, Jr. mh2.5:1134 NyESTERN INSURANCE COM- I'A NY . OF PITTSBURGH. ' EXANDER IM ICE, President. WIL HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General 'Agent. (Mice, ,S 2 Water Etruet, Slung ,t Co.'s Ware; house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. bWill Ir.:nre against all kinds of Fire and Marine isks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who nre determined by promptness and liberality to. main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured.. DIRICCTOnS: Alexander Nimick, ' John R. McCune,' R, Miller, Jr.,. Chas. J. Clarke, • ' James McAuley, ; William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, ; . Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackley,l Phillip Reymer, David 31. Long, Win. Morrison, , D. Ihmsen. _ noV _____ pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH • OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCK. Tills Is a Hume Conipauy„and insures against less by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. • IitTUR MeELIIENY, Secretary. • ',canard Walter, C. C. Boyle, Robert. Patrick, Jacob Painter, Joalah King, Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sprofil, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE FRANKLIN'INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 433 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., - NzAn firm ftEcrons: Charles .V. Bancker, Mordecai H. Louis, - Tobias Wagner; ; David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, ' Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, f , eorge W. Richards, George Fates. CHARLES G, BANCILER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. rahlts:wm A LLEpyki mh?A:c36 -...e•GMENY INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 EIFTII STREET, HARK BLOCH Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risk's. JOHN IRWIN, Jn., President. JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. W.M. DEAN, General' Agent. DIRECTORS: ' • _ firm. Win. Dean, I B. L. Falinestock, W. H. Everson, Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers. Cart. J. T. StcAdale.. PEOPLES' !INSURANCE COM- A. PAN Y. John Irwin, Jr., John I). McCord, C. G. Hussey, Hamer Childs, T. J. Hoskinson, Charles Hays • OFFICE, N. E. COESEE WOOD STE. A Home Company, taking Fire DIRECTORS: i Wm. Phillips, I Capt. John L. Blacads, Pain Watt, ; Samuel P. Shriner, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, ! Jared M. Brash, Wm. Van Kirk, i Wm. F. Lang, James B. Verner. f Samuel 3leCrickart WTI. PHILLIPS, President. • .101 IN WATT. Vice President. W. F. GARDNER, Secretary. CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent. , COAL AND COKE. ? BEST FAMILY COAL And 111011 ve rod Proniptly to Order, AT LOWEST At A RIC RT RATES, ItY OSCAR F. LAMM &. CO., Corner Simlunky Street and P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. AL I.:EGUIMINI7 CITY, ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE lAAVEST- RATES. jee: COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART &CO., . Having motored tbotr Office to NO. 607 1.41-133:311/TY Mutely City Flour st ill) sEcoNzi Etoon, Are t o trs?j, e Trall Vo r n n i3PeililJ;P,Teattl1 .1 4; morket pricy. All orders left ta their oilier, or addrepord to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. my25:14.1. • CHARLES 11. AItBINTItON44, DrAttu ' TOUGHIOGLENY AND 00N2IELLSVILLE GOAL, COAL, SLACK 'AND DESULNIVIVIZED COKE Office- and Yard—eon:4lpm or DUTT.ltlt AND MORTON britiCETS. rind • yard on Liberty and Clymer etreeta Ninth Ward, and on eleoomi rtreet. near Look Ni. 'i t Pittalmrall,Pa. ramille• a litaitaftettirora anoplio4 with tha bort article Ilf Cual,or Coke at the laWast !lath nitro. Orden' le ft at Any or their oilleca will reptile. prompt attention: , • Hneeinixora to iIitADELPIITA AND rolltilltiiolllCNY COM. )11zattm,_ffTltr.)%104 AND DMAI,IOI, lir ItAjL. ItQAD ANI) ItIVIIII, or auperlor loushiegheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. O a m Men Wanor d ka. Yard—FOOT OF TII:Y brIMICT, mar kIiPEIIIO,II COAL. P " -#- C. & CO.. Idlneyo end tililpporo or Pt 11141 1 11,1t0110A14, TONOZ god trAAlll_4( COAL. NUT COA mid HI.AOK. - cool delivered promptly to all ports or the °Oleo at lowed market rotor. . OMeo mot Yard—OONSP,It ttrrOU tTII AND WAT- IiON (rOrtnerly CapalitTltNETti, I'. O. 11011 JAWS. oc23: FURNIT wito) LEML NO. 118 , .16 1 0 CHAMB ConstantEK ru)ly on t prpliceate asoottmont s. Those to wint Invlton to 00.111)1 WOrk 1.04 suits's! mh2 JOHN IL ,N' Rmr throxil-r) site Porte Ste. Greenbaum, OF ALLIMIENY,. FA! President. Secretary. DIRECTOILS: Georg , : 'Wilson. Geo. W. Evans, • J. C. Lappe, J. C. nelner, .Tolin Voegtley, - A. Ammon. ALWAYS ON HAND And Manwiftioturero of AMUSEMENTS. EFQItvQ: FRED AIMS (11 , ..0. 11. BARTON' • • - I; roaf tlio;lile bill of the seaston. First night ofthe sthe , cn't,l,brotoo Fht , t night of the expoile of itnb ,Poelety, 1:1.7-KLUX KLAN. Johnny '•"." ' t "" , Oscar and'the I Ire eligible ( .'oniptli; c. • . IRI-DIURNELL'S MUSEUM EXHIBITION, co?Apth,in g woincs nPAItT and tat.EAT'.N . VILA!. LIVING tmtlom. ric , 4z, viralA A T vrtA xKLIN BALL,, tmet, nproot.. Pitthhorpth Theatre. j..; enrds mint's...ln. vittn. Doors open MEI S O'CioOk A. It. Pr 10 I*. m. a0:618' HOTELS. THE MANSION HOUSE. T , he undereigned beg to announce to the t lr i f . o rti x. nd ro s and the public that they Kaye purchexel b ESTABLISHED and POPULAR. HOUBL, No. 844 Liberty !ltreet.'i Anil will continue to keep It In the best stle. , The MANSION HOUSE luta over ono hundred roomsi all newly furnished In the beet style, and only two Min utes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelera*lll find this house an excellent one .to stop at, and;*lll be accommodated any hour, day or night. Connected with the House Is a splendid Hall4or Concerts. Flllllllles or single persons taken to board try: ',the day, week or month, with or without rooms. H. WACNER., , • PLTTAlttlittArti. milli:inn CO A IrF! , ; . TED 0% THE EURiDrE ST. JAMES HOTEL,, Nos. 4Os and 407 11,1berty St., orpo•dv: rniun pirn..3BunGli JAMES K. LANAHAN, ProprletOr, This house Is newly built splendidly furni3h ed, and convenient to all the nail - roads reining bite the city. Strangers visiting the city will find this very convenient and economical plan. You secure your room and pay for your meals as you get therm The Restaurant connected with this hotel hropervat all hours of the day and night. Balls and parties supplied with Suppers at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. seleiges LUMBER. LUMBERS LUMBER! LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON, YARDS No. S 6 Fret , le Street forinerly . Manchenter,' and No. 157 Rebecca streetopposite Dna Work., ALLEGHENY CITY. :i• DEALER IN ALL KINDS CY . : Rough .and Planed liuntber Flooring.. Doors. Weatherboarding, Sash. • • , i.' Shingles, Mouldings, Saw Mill Lumber, • Ceder and. Locust PosW l Lath and Palings. Oak and Yellow Pine. !.1 ALtO—FIRE BRICK, TILE and CLAY. a1.5:059 FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital, - - - $125,000. PRESIDENT-EDNITARD DITHRIDGE. SECRETARY-T. A. WEIGHT. - SUPERINTENDENT-EDW. DAVISON: DIRECTORS: Edward Davison, • L. F. Duncan., John Mellon, E. D. Dithridge Geo. W. Dithrldge. ' M. L. Malone, Johnston. LUBBER YARD--Corner of BUTLER AND AL LEGHENY STREETS, Ninth Ward. !L: OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORE 'S, Was& ngton Street. la2olBB'- FERTILIZERS T O WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SLIP. -PHOSPHITE OF LINE, MANUFACTURED EY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co; SE WARD te CAMPBELL, PROPRIEZ`ORS, Office, 356 . Penn Street, Pittsintrgh, Pa The best Fertilizer in use, and recognized by 2 ' , • Farmers who have given it a trial, to be the stain*. and fir raising large crops of Wheat,. Rye, Oats., Corn, Pota toes, dc. We have published for grat4- itous circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of ; which will be sent free to auy sending us their ad& dress, J. CO "VS -‘• .GARDEN AND FLOWER__SEEDi, STOCK PURE AND FRESH: Dealers, Gardeners 'aud Private' Flunllles , . .... I Wllll Plod tiltlr requltrutints Wily tort, 1 . , . , Our large stock; completr assottutoot, Itott ttto a , c'• knowttottrod yellabtllty at oor slog's 1040 us to coA T tttlently wattranter sallstlictloo to our rostosort , 4 ("umlautly on hsott - sutt for **to at trio .lowtst tom , - kri priori.. - ' ..! DAIIDEN AND IFLOWIM DEEM. j. r 213.1, AND lAWN StVPS, POTATOES. (4001114WR. 11AIIISON, urextrr, wurri spuotrrs and FLOW ElllllNli P Arta HIPLItta. : ' AAR lOU LTD D . 110111'1DV 1417/034, IMPLEMENTS AND TIMM Alt-t• 041 0 1 / 1 1 rolAtttio 0 ittii or ttliftWll4loll4 t SAO " " 7 "4"11" * 110 ‘oro , „,pr Mott Our , New Descriptive Seed Catalogvi triS,l? V it 414 ,41 Q110t10446 Of NI AARI.44IkAt Mt i t t .l . 1 4 11 , All viriottoo or N ON'tn 1 141 CS ANU Alll lit M., GAIN, duet t , All V1A1.14, lIIIITMII q illW7 141 , 01111 w Anil &nor inninntomont— incloo n nnekn Oil or by wolitio, by Milli or outoral an . mien ott or robinblo Automation, Nut to . al ,ap,. plicauto onclorinK 1U ronbi. f , J. K OX, Nurseryman lieethunan and Florist, 187 LIBERTY St, PITTRBUEBIL Perot “RNOX'M ywo IT ?ARM find NILR; ttR Nitiip. unisotasiaiwrAT THE CHEAT ARABIAN PHYSICIAN • mos Disnasvir ALL ITS mum: P. - El • •• • - . - •Sr PRIVATE-: El, TRANCE , . -Ql►Eso3o* B. YNR- _ Thaw. of Weights - and Ilesuntel s so. POITRTH STRUT, . _ tßetwgeu Meat? sad.Peftritztetii. Orders TNDIA RUBBER WHIR, Irina 144 . L to 3 Inch calibre % st bulls Rubber go J. It R. 11 MANAGER - . STAGE MANAGItg, A. TM ■
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