EME= NEW ADVERTISvwrFINTS CHEAP GEN. PI FOR THE PEOPLE...-. The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where mill always be found Ammunit i one assortment of Guns, Pistols, and Sport Mg Material, &C., in tee city. ALL kinds of Guns and Pistols carefutiy repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Sena etd%p for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Address, J. 11. JOHN STON. 179 SmithSeld Street. Pittsburgh. • lar'FOß ASSEMBLY. COl. WILLIAM ESPY, Of Scott townsbtp," subject to the decision of the Union Republican Convention. . rn3 - 4:p6:1-d.t. T WPITI'SBUBGH' FEMALE COLLEGE. The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held at the College , Building, on MONDAY, May 4th, at 3 o'clock r. m. my4;p6l FLORENCE KRAMER, Seer. IarTHAYER S.NOIfEEP GIGANTIC CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE 0 - E• TRAINED. ANIMALS. RED LION' LOT, Commencing MONDAY, May 4th. TOURNAMENT EVERY 'NIGHT. co t t v) n c el r: t r. Pe F formances my4: 1 167 MASONIC HALL. 13.41LTUNTT31.'S NEW YORE ERISEIIER lleotion 'of Living Wonders. FOR SIX DAYS ONLY, COMMENCING N FRIDAY, MAY Bth, W AFTERNOON AND EN:ENING. NOTICE.—We would respectfully inform the cltl.' tens of Pittsburgh that these "freaks of nature" constituted one of the prinelpfd features of attrac tion at our 'Museum on Broadway, previous to Its destruction by fire s In March last. Doubtless many .of you, when in New York bare seen them, We therefore feel assured you will have no hesitancy In renewing an old acquaintanceship, and invitin your friends to attend. these Levees, and also afford . ' ing the ladles and "little ones" an opportunity of so doing. In furtherance of this object, we shall bold Levees EVERY AFTERNOON in addition to the Evening Exhibitions, in order that the ladles. Children, and entire community may witness these Interesting representatives of LILLIPDT AND BROBDINGNA4. The trOupevonsiats of the beautiful Circassian Girls, , Dwarfs, Fat Boys, Giants, Etc., Etc., pa appropriate costume and character Levees will be held Afternoon and Evenings. Exhibitions from 2 o'clock until 5 in the after noon, -and from 7 until 10 In the.eventng. . Admission. 25 cents; Children under_ ten, .15 cents. my4:p6s SPRING STOCK OF CARPETS ! WE HAVE Ifi STORE THE most complete assortment of CARPETS and OIL" CLOTHS we . have. over opened,- embracing the newest styles and designs of the best FOREIGN and DO; XESTIC NLINIIIPACTIIRERS, iMported and selected with special referince to the Pitts burgh Market. many of the patterns are confined tO our / house exclusively for this city.. With the advantages of Direet Importation, we are now, able to offer early the newest and choicest patterns of BRITS. SEES, from the most eelebra. ted English looms, and at prices within the reach of al most every hOuseholder. A special but Limited importa., tion of ENGLISH INGRAINS,' _ of extra quality, and in rare and beautiful designs, will be found especially choice and desirable for Chambers. Our Stock of COMMON ALLWOOL CARPETS, purchased before the Cariet Weavepe strike, will ; be sold at the same rates as previous to the last ad vanoe • And will furnish, CAMPERS to the multitude at the lowest prices since the ,Wax. A sued „CARPET FOR 25 CENTS A . YARD. • Tdoee lumbar Parlor* or Drawing Ilicnnew to butablb are speciality invited to examine the eutnatially largo situnber of pitteras particularly adapted to that porpoise, wblelli we offer in WILTON and. TAPESTIty VIii,VETS and BRITSINKL3 at McOLINMOK 'COMPANY No. Z 3 Fifth Street. N. Fifth Street Sidewalk Extension. IRON CURB. AND.SIBEWALK. • We' desire CO ern the attenttotint 'nutlet about.to widen- thelg tdewalks, Ammo ns , 4 aratuatioe, to our Petezit , tron .onrh and•Pirremsentd The. same' will be. Intd ln front or the O peWgoate this week an d speat for Itself.: The' rollontng hien e.' tract pm 4etter xa the Cltr Engineer and keen.. latorA.,""1:•M: _aidt.r.Xdor stOne and It Uthl - Bum sued. dit t o . il etoli ik , and wouhlloxmorzt try' nett. • •• • . • . • • . •••, .eltyltnittneer,OT • Tag Nl%liitwant& TBOXAEI 41. JULLSI4 Asa sic MEM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO No, 129 SECOND STREET, TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS, WITH BOARD, .Suitable for single gentlemen. WANTED -AGENTS, To travel through Ohio, Michigan, West Vir ginia, and Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of SOLAR LlnllT, a regularly Inspected article. and cannot be exploded. A ' liberal commission will be paid. Will sell any of .the aboye States or parts thereof and furnish the Light at cost. For nartic ulars call on us or send for circular. DAVIS BROS. & CO.. Office No. 8, Cleveland Ins. Buildings, Cleveland.; O. - iny4:m.M AN EWIIIIIIIMER RESORT. Ikik; LAKE HOUSE, Stoneboro, Pa., (On' the ilne of Jamestown k Franklin Railroad, one hour's ride Item •Franklln.)- furnishede la large,' hew ,and!comModlous, _well . has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered prome nades. It is ou the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake In America, abounding in fish, and tur minable for sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul phur swings. romantic scenery, Au. It is the , best summer resort ln the State. Address, T. KENIII3 2 " -- WALL PAPERS S. T. KENNEDY. Proprietor. For HALLS, PARLORS. CHAMBEItS and KITCHENS, In GREAT VAI4ETY For tale CHEAP'AS THE CHEAPEST; at N 0.107 Market Street,near Fifths JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO STRAW GOODS! HATS AND CAWS, IN. GREAT VARIETY ELLING LOW, AT M'CORD & CO.'S, 4 , 131 WOOD STREET INDEN GROVE. ILINDEN GROVE having been fitted up in the •st superb stile, with a large and elegant Plat ., beautilidly shaded, lame Dining Room and o excellent bars, is now ready to rent to - PICNICS, PARTIES. S'nnday School Celebrations, &c., ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS Parties holding Picnics. &C.. will find it to their advantage to secure the Grove. The Grove Is easily accessible, being but a few steps from the Oakland Railway Station, whose cars run regularly every tifteen minutes. 'For terms. &e., apply at ttt. OFFICE OF THE OAKLAND - RAILWAY CO., • OAKLAND STATION my4:pG4 pUBLIt SALE IN PIELLADELPIIIIL Valuable Broad Street Residences. Oa TUESDAY. 'May 12, 1885. at 12 o'clock, noun. will be sold at Public Sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all those FOUR ELEGANT BROWN STONE RESIDENCES, with French roof, east side of Broad street, north of Oxford street, cacti con taining_. in front 32 feet, (including side yard of 8 feet, 163 feet deep. Housesfeet, finished In superior manner, the lower story mostly In Walnut; also Walnut stairs. These properties are well worthy. the attention of persons desirous of purchasing de sirable residences, as there Is no locality In the city that will compare with North Broad street as a place of residence, and where property Is more rapidly appreciating in value. Broad street is now pared with the celebrated Nicolson pavement, TEnms—sl4,ooo may remain ou each property.. W. THOWAN & SON, Auctioneers, Nos. 139 and 141 South 4th street, Philadelphia zny4:oo AEI , DRY GOODS STORE, _No. 52 St. Clair Street.' J.L. BURCHFIELD & CO. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, May 4th, WITH AN ENTIRE NEW 'STOCK - OF GOODS, ' SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, At - PriteS as Low as can be Found - West . , of the Mountain's. Ala-Many kinds, Just from Auction, at GRgATLy REDUCED RATES frorrepriccs ona mouth ago.. mr4: THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SMALL WA 4S, TO BE FOUND IN TUE CITY. AT Nos. and 19 Market Street. HOSIERY—an grades, domestic and foreign'. GLOVES-4M. Lisle. Silk, Bealin, &e. ALEXANDRE'S DUCHESS KID GLOVES. - EMBROIDERIES -new designs. LACES.-Real and Imitation. LACE GOODS. BARGES_, COLLARS. SETS. VF,ILS. INFANTS'. LACE CAPS. WHITE GOODS. - BADIIED, STRIPED and PLAIN NAINSOOKS and JACONETS. BRILLIANT NAINSOOKS. ' • DOTTED, REVERE and PLAIN SWISS. PUFFED MUSLIN and IRISH LINENS. . SILK FRINGES—aII shades. GIMP HEADINGS, 'VEL. RIBBON. BEAD TRIMMINGS and FRINGES. PARASOLS—New styl es. SUN UMBRELLAS. - LADIES+ and GENT'S GAUZE UNDERWEAR. BONNETBJTATS, _ BUNIMANS,, STl4B.R i ll s ooDs, • Ri LACES t iETS, LIGHT SHADE'S • BONNET VELVETS.,THAI/V.s s MALTHUS, and Retail, AT THE. LOWEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. JOSEPH HORNS' & CO. ztem TsIAIST-Or. • uncalled to y 4th, 1868: ETTERS at BETCHANA Allen) me's Albert Annie E Briggs Bethel P Bracy Leander Barns Joseph Beardsley Henry Brown It B Burke! John Bower Peter BalleyAnna A Berwick Alex Heck Geo Jr BarrettXauny CassidykHz% CottonJ W Jr Donlan Michael .ColUtts Rachel Cone Henry H Doyle Tinian* , Davison Jas Dyerßobt Danleylir Dolan Eva - Gerard Joa Gearing Matti° A Gibson John Geron Louisa IfoUnwood Howard %V licarloy Jas Jones E M t Johnso W '- Lee Hattie Lawton Samuel Lawrence V . Lewis Sanford at Jas Monday Frank Morgan :Initials Mena rerdlna , d Morgan Thos Marshall WM Mungavln J . Morris l) • Miller NV McCabe Patrick McMcausllfarldui Lausblln iscOoy 7 ruly ale Coy /Sa<le, Firrow Karat Finney Mara Gilmore s.llele _lirrtnittt Jona I. G. 1110NljAY,-.- - ,ILAX 4. .4863. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND OPENING ! OF NEW GOODS ! A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF STRAW GOODS, Such as BONNETS, HATS, CORDS anti TASSELS, ORNAMENTS. &e. - - • Ribbons, of all descriptionS; Artificial FlovVers, Bonnet and Hat Frames; Crapes, Illusions; ' Silks and Satins; --- Velvets and Laces; - Parasols, Sun Umbrellas. ALSO, a full line of White Goodi, Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves; French Woven Corsets. SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ROSENBAIIM.,STEINHAM &CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM ; No. 76 MARKET STREET. my4:n2o OPENED THIS MORNING, Nos. 180 and IS2 Federal Street, PLAIN AND BEADED SILK PARASOLS COTTON AND SILK lIMBRELLASS Also, a . very large assortment of the wont fashion able shades of , • LIGHT AND DARK CASSIMERES, BALMORAL AND 110 Or SKIRTS WHITE.AND COLORED CORSETS AT VER:k LOW PRICES, Whet le and Retail, AT " I " SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 'Federal St., Allegheny. mp= ANNOIINCrILENT! NEW LAW PUBLICATIONS. TROUBAT & HALT'S PENNSYLVANIA PRAC TICE. Volume A. pp. 975 Price; IEISO WIIARTOF'S CRIMINAL LAW. New and Re vised Edition. In 3 vols. Vol. 1, on Pleading and Evidence ' Price, 17.50 THE PRINCIPLEn OF EQUITY. Designed for the use of Students and - the Profession. Rs' E. H. T. Snell Price, 87.50 EQUITY IN PENNSYLVANIA. A Lecture. Be William Henry Rayle Peict.:sl:so 1 - RECENT LAW PUBLICATIONS. TROUBAT it - KALY'S'PENNSYLVANIA PRAC TICE. Vol. 1 Parts 1 and 2 Price. $14.00 SMITH'S PENNA. STATE REPORTS. Pour vol tnes ready Price, 'per volume, $4.60 WALLACE S UNITED STATES REPORTS. Five .• volumes ready Price, per volume, 46.00 .PHILLIPS ON INSURANCE,. New Edition Price, $15.00 ANGELL ON CARRIERS. New 'edition. Price ANGELL & AMES op; CORPORATIONS. S7. New so Edition • Price, $7.50 GREENLEAF ON EVIDENCE, New Edition. 3 vole Price, $22.50 AVERY & ROBB'S BANKRUPT ACT.. The best work for the profession , Price, $4.50 U. S. STATUTES AT LARGE, 1867 ~..61.00 BOUVIER'S LAW DICTIONARY. New and Re vlsed Edition, with additions from the latest an. thorities. 2 vole • Price, 312.00 ABBOTT'S NATIONAL DIGEST OF U. S. RE PORTS AND STATUTES. 2 vols. ready. Price per volume $7.5a Sr Orders and Inquiries by mall will meet with prompt attention. KAY:& COMPANY, 86, WOOD STREET, (Lafayette putldlnk,) • = PITT BVRGH. myl:s&K MU 51. -- ''' EMAINING POSTOFFICE:' WITII LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At the !few and Elegant Sales Boons O'Leary Mlus O'Neill Jim MarAt oWonnell Ellen °won' Joan O'Neal C '`:: OF TH.E COMPANY, 61 FIFTH STREET. Oakes Jennie Robson - ifannali Huber Idargsret Held 31nry Sharp John Simpson Geo W. !Sweeny John Snyder 4 lie, H. Smith 'rhos J- Also, NKEDLES, ATTACHMENTB,I6iACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE 01. Ac., &c. The citizens of Pittsb urgh are - respect: fully Invited to call. :. > - - Applications for Aiencles solicited. Circulars or lamples by mall on application. Correspondence, to be addressed to • GROVER & BAKER' S. M. CO., tilmpaon Jae W , Taylor Kra - Tarr• Catherine Verner John VauX Geo Ward Thos Ware A. D Wallace Wm Wm Walker Ellmorh 81 MYTH BTREET,PITTSBUBOM VOrt BALE, 250 bbla very superior Wait 'Va.- oil: Gravity go,srtpeek pptcvei BlTMnit, =HEW • ; ; So; 3 Pamir op/0:p24 &Duquesne We/• AT WM. SEMPLE'S, ALLEGHENY. Mil lILUNDOWNS, BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS ALPACCAS WOOL DELfAI'SES IRISH POPLINS, RISTORI APRONS, RISTORI SKIRTS KID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, tIOSIERI FRINUES. fiAIR BANDS AND OTHER. FANCY GOODS, IMU!Y IN MAY, 1868. GROW& t .1141.*FM'S ELASTIC STITCH ED LOCH STITCH "SEWING mirAciiirrEs NEW ADVERT REGIsTE 9,I ) EL : lIEREI3Y Ing Accounts of Executois, A mans, Sc., have been duly p ()nice, and will be presented for confirmation and pllorrau Ist, 1866 No. 1. Account of Samuel John 'Dickson. deed. Filed No. . Flual account of Jo of Jol n Morgan, dec'd. Fit No. . Final account of Mt Istrator of John Wagner, igos No. 4. First anti final ace Adult aistrator otJumes Cat stll, 1868. No. 6. Final account of 11 . ministratrix of Andreas W Feb. Nth, 18138. .... N0..13. Final account of A. 1 7 Istrat r of George Weigan 11th, 1868.' No. ._ Account of March trator of W. W. Dickson, d 1808.1 . . , No. 8. First and partial Jones, Administrator of Br Filed Sept. 7th, 1887. No. 9. Account of Geo. B Meek. Executors of Natimni, Feb. 19tb, 1888. No. 10. Account of Eliza G. Wallingford, Admin. istratrix of Alexander M. Wallingford, deed. Filed Feb. 20th, 1868. . • No. 11. Account of Mrs. A. M. Derkhlem, Ad ministratrix of James B. Irwin, dee'd. Filed Feb. 20th. 1868. • • , - - No. I.M. First and final account of Hugh M. Scott, Administrator of Joseph Scott, d'ec'd. Filed Fein. 21st. 1888. No. 13. Final account of .ismes H. Vancoorlils, Trustee of David Wilson, dec'd. Filed Feb. 22d, 1808. No: 14. , Final account of William . Thaw. Guar dian of Eliza, William, Bei/Malin, Mary and Alex ander B. Thaw., minor children of Ellis Thaw. dec'd. Flied Feb. 27th, 1868. No. 15. Account or Julia Ann SchoeMin, Execu tor of Charle4tichoelllln, dec'd. Filed Feb. 27th, 1868. No. 18, Acebuht of G. 0. Fawcett, Administrator of Dennis Clark, dec'd. Filed Feb. 2i9tii. 1868. No. 17. Account of Thomas McKee. Guardian of George Mates, minor 6011 of Mars Mates, dec'd. FilmFMarch 4th, 1868. No. 18. .Final account of Thomas MeGaltep, Guar dian of James B:-Linhart, minor son of Abraham Linhart. dec'd. Filed March sth, 1888. No. 10. Final account of Thomas McGalley, Guar dian of Alex. M. !dutiful, minor son or Abraham Linhart. dec'd. Filed March sth, 1868. No. 20. Account of Joseph Ross and Isaac Mills. Executors of Letitia Deniston, dec'd. Flied March 6th, 1868. • No. 21. Account of Jacob Stouffer. Administra tor of Mary Stoffcr. dec'd.. Flied March 601. 1888. No. 22. First Account , of Otis Brown, Adminis trator of Edward. H. Adams. dee'd. Filed March 6th, 1868. • No. 23. Account of Robert H. afarshall, Guar dianicifilenry S., Abbott L., Marshall H. and Frank (1. Mc(=corr. - minor heirs of Henry MeGeary, dec•d. Filed March 7th, 1868. No. 24. Flrarnod partial account of John F: Devlin. Adminhstrator of Peter • I)4..rilti, (Iced. Flied March 7th, 1868. No. 28. First s and float account of David Brit back, Faecutor of U. Paul Dietrich.' dee'd. Filed March 9th, 1868. • No. 26. AecMint. of Hobert Grierson. Adminis trator of Isabella Melkle, dec'd. Filed March 10th. 1868. No. 29'. Account of William Means, acting Ex ecutof of Samuel Means, decd. Filed ' March-13th. 1989. - So. 29. Final aeconnt or Samuel S r eott and J. J mceueliv. ExeentorA of Pr Wins, .xlee'd Flied Mhreh 14th. 1868. No. 29, Account of Joveph Siebert and Christian Siebert. Adminimrators.oLDliarles Siebert. decd. Filed March 14th. 1868. No. 30. Final account of Henry, U. Chalfant. Guardian of stewartSaminion. minor . son o: David Sanipeon. decd. Filed - Mandl 14th, 1868. No. 31. Account of John Torrence: Executor of David Torrence,. dee'd. Filed March 18th, 1968. No. 32. Final account ofJohn Conrad, Jr., Guar dian of Mary E. Kim. minor child of Anthony Kim, dec'd. Filed March 20th. 1888. • . - • •• No. 33. Account of Matthew 'McGregor. Admin. I,trator of Jatuei McGregor. deed. Filed April HMS. So. 34. First and final acrou'ut of D. S. Camp ing!. Guardian of David IL blorrlitrer. - Filed Jlarch 24t11. 1868. Final account of C. 11 - .4:Ohm Es q.. and Joseph O'Brian. Executors of eararNimpson, deed. Filk3 March 25th. I@GS. No. 37. First and dual account' of Annie thyde. Administrator of John Glyde. deed. Filed A:arch 146th. IS6S. No. 38. Final account of Joseph 11. 11111, Guar dian of Itohert C. and John A. Moore. minor chil dren of Robert Moore. deed. Flied March 26114, No. 30. final account or Samoel Scott. Adininl.- trator of John Manown, dcNd. Fllcd.hlarelt 1.6111. 1868. , No. 4-0. Flnct: and Final account of Francis G. Batict. Ailminktrator of Marv . Ann Bailey., .lec'tl. FtleArMarch 30th, 1869. No. 41. Account of William and Hugh McCutell con. Allmlnktrators of James 3lcCutcheon. deed. Fticd March 30, 1869. No. 42. Firet and ttnal account of 3tary Hermon. Atholot.tratrla of James lienuon, Flied March 31.•1E168. No. 44. Final account. of John Herinann. Admlnletratur of Janice Heaney, dee d. April 2d, 1868, No. 45. Aceoltnt. of 'lobo Brown and A. Clenden- Lug. Executers of Andrew Hare, dec'd. Filed April 3d, 1868. No. 46. Foorthaecobnt of W. 8. Hogg, Execu tors of Elizabeth E. H. 111. sell, decd. flied April 4th, 1868. No. 47.'Final account of Moses 1.. Curry'. Guar dian of Joseph E. Mehatley, minor son of Joseph 11ehaffer, dec'd. Filed April Oth. 1868. No. 46. Account of Stephen Applegate, Guardian of the m rino children of Gideon ‘l, all, deed.. Filed April 7th,'1868. . No. 49. Aeconnt of Zoller Wollinger. Guardian of Catlinrioc. Carl, ' John and Anna Steadinap, mi nor heirs of Herman \Steadman, deed. Filed April 7th, 1868. Nu. 50. Second and &nal account of George 31c- Cagne. Administrator of Robert Dunlap, deed. Filed April Bth. 1868. No. 51. Final accOnot of Wm. K. Neshltt and J. ll.McCabe Executors of Eliza - Nesbitt, deed. Flied April Btb. 1808. No. 32. Final account.of Emmanuel Hang, Ad ministrator-of Christian Schmidt. dee'd. Filed' April 9th. 18438. No. 53. Account of William Clayton, Executor of Eliza Brown, deed. Flied April 9th, 1868. No. 54. Account otJames Montooth. Guardian of Frxnals O'Hara. ,minor child of John ,NeFor land, deed, Filed April 1111*, 1868. No. 55. Account of- Adam Hess and George Hesti, Administrators of William Hess, deed. Flied April 1311*. 1868. No. 56.- First and partial account of A. B. Cook and John K. Cook. Administrator of John Cook. decd. Filed April 13111, 1868. No. 57. Account of Christian IBllenbach. Admin istrator - of ,t.lottlelhlMashey, deed. Flied April 15th. 1868: - No. 58. Second - and final account of Marotta liar. Esq.. Administrator of MiChael O'Hare. deed. Filial April 15111. 1868. No. 59. .Account or Clement 11. Warren and Bris ben Wall. Executors of NVni.Slirader, decd. Filed April 17th. 1868. Nn. 00. Second account of Robert and I'lionnis Wlglitman. Executor (of , James Wightman, deed. Filed Aprlll7lll, 1868. No. 61. Account of George Gross. A.lndulstrator of Charles limier. deed. 1. lied April 22d. 1868. No. 62.11r5t and final account of Jelm Haworth. Administrator of Robert Morris. deed. .Filed April 22d. 1868. . _ No. 63: Final account ofJohn Martincoort. Guar dian of Catharine A lieu. minor child of .1 ohn Welty. deed. Filed April 29d. 1808. No. 64. Acconut of Samuel Dempter, Guardian of Jolt mid- Nancy Vaughn. minor helm of John Vaughn. deed. Fllo,lA.orll 234..1868. • • No. 63. Account of James Robinson, Ailinlii6tra tor of Wilkins 11. ItolibiAni. aced. Filed March 931.1868. • • No. 66. Account of Thomas Varner. Executor of Dorcas I•cl.'iiiiticii, deed. Filed April 24th. 1868. No. 07. Account of William .1. Moorhead. Execu tor of Eliza A. Black. de'c'd. Flied April 2 1 5th, 11968. No. 08. Final account of Thomas m 31cCanee, liar -1 dian of James and Daniell/osey minor he n+ of Daniel Dempsey. deed. Filed April 27th, 18 8. No. 69. Supplementary account of John F. Lo gan Administrator de .inf. non mini; testament° anu'ego of Thonias Hartford, iley'd. Flied April 97th, 18619, Nu. 70. punt of D. - Thomas, Adminlatrator of James AL 'l lieroleed. Filed April 28th,1i868. It 'co. 7L account of V. E. Megilienc and John A. llieny._execiitors of John' MeEfheny, dec'd. File pril 98th. 180 d. No. 79. Account of William Galbreath. surviving Executor of. Samuel Galbreath, deed. Flied April 29th 1868. No. Final account of William Sham, Mifflin- Istrator of Lewis Sham, dec'd. ' Filed April 29th, 1868. No. 14. Float account of William Simum, Admin istragotof Mary 11. Sham, dec'd. Flied April 29th, ' MM. No. 75. Final account of Thomas Rourke, Guar tin of Daniel and Mary Ferris. - Filed April 90th, 1868. . No. 70. Account of John Stewart, Guard an of George Bradiff. tninor son of Charles. Bradley, deed. Filed April 99th, 1868. - Nc. 77. Account. of John Stewart. Guard an of Clinricii Bradley, deed. Filed April 99th, 1868. No. 78. Account of John Stewart, finard an of Isabella Bradley, minor heir or Charles. Bradley, decd. Filed April StOthe Igo& ., No. 79. First and final account of Jackson Dun can, Adinin)stratpr of Itobert Hazlett, deo'd. Did Apr 11991 1 1: 1868. • - . • No. 80. Final account of Samuel Carnahan, Ad ministrator or 1‘ lid= Agri 30th 'lB6B. 0. N . . Account of Zerali Hayden, Jr., and Na than McGrew, Administrators of Zerah Hayden, Sr., deed. Filed April 30th, 1868. , , •• . No. SO. mai account of Daniel McGuirk, Admin istrator of Rosanna Metiurk, - dee'd. Plied April 30th, 1868. • . - No:B3:AccO u nt of Henry T. Eggers. Adrift bitra tor of F. Walther, deed. Filed April 30th, 1808. 1 , 10. 84. Account of J. A. Lippert, Aministrator of Jacob Poorer. deo'd. Filed May Ist, 1805. No. 85. First and final account of. Itosina Delm- Hog and Leonard Waiter, Executors of George Delinling, deed. Flied May lat. 1868. No. 86. Final account of A. G. McQuade, Guar dian of Anna, Mary, Catharine, Maggie, Peter, John. Albert, and. Andrew. Soclinery mino r - children of John Soollner, de'c'd . pH4,,1 May Ist, nos. No. 87. First and finalneconnt of John A. McKee, Adminisrtor or • AndreW icKee, deed.- Piled 3lay. of dames MeNelvy, Guardian of C1 14. 1a1 . 819 Accen t ICol4Ooirilcn, minor child of Samuel Snowden, .deed. VW:it Maris:, 1868. ~.. No.pp. I. hull aerount.of George Miner Adodids triltdr of John Alssick, • deed. Filed' May Ist, 1868. - 1 . NO. 90: AcConat of William A. Slaw Executor of Martha Shaw, di'e'd, Flied May lst. 1568.. -1 ! No. 01. Account of N. Nelson, •E - , Trustee - ln the estate of Uziah Stewart, decd led fly ilk 119Neog..99..Partial accouns of - John ' . 4 it if ite l ie Ad; ministry/tor dB , OOllO tion , esiat Aire of. odd, Creesei dee'd. -- Plied Mir -.,„ it, It; 4g14 1:,a.. •• ~ = - I - ' • JOSZpH St exalt, .. .. tose - da h ltßrin •''. .-.'-'',,'' .'"'" Resister. '5l. (zit atkTit at il'inil o • ... F OR SALE. cat. Mar 1868. IVEr that the follow. Administrators, Guar- sed iu the Register's o the Orphans' Court. e, on MONDAY. June SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING HOUSES. TWO BARNS, with _good FARM. and about SOO 'acres timber land. This property' will be sold low. Cash * 2 .soo—balance oh time to salt buyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. Dickson. Executor of Feb. 34, 1868. a Hickman, Executor Id Feb. 4th, 1868. FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. ael 'Wagner. Admin .a. , Filed Feb. 4tu, !tint of John Watson, !on. deed! Flied Feb. CITY PROPERTY.—wiIt sell a siood brick house. containing live rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the amount in six years. -- sinda Waldoogle. Ad &mtge. deed. Filed A LARGE LOT OT GROUND, haring a river front, and very• convenient of access. 13. Stevenson. Adintn 1, deed. Filed Feb. TANNERI, convenient to the city', and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling std forty acres of land. Hemmings, Admints 1. Feb. 12th, coma or Oliver B , rge 11. Jones, dee'd FOUR LOTS In Sharpsnurg, near the railroad; would make a good coal yard. Neely and Jeremiah Neely. deed. Filed ROTEL FOR SALE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire !tom business. FOR RENT. • Two new Brick Houses, El rooms each. Two new Brick Houses, .1.1 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. Oue new Frame House In Wilkinsburg. having MX rooms uud a large lot, well suited fur a garden. APPLY AT D. P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. ap27:plB F OR SALE. A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF. 76 ACRES. 19 miles from the city, In Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county. Pa., on the Youghloglieny river, one half mile from Elrod`s Station, on the Connellsvllle railroad; near ~ L urches. schools, stores, &c., in the flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The Improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, hail and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underniath, andother outbuildings; a well of good standing water at the door. and several standing springs of water on the farm. and au or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. Thisprop erty being located near the line of time railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it Is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from time railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opportunities of daily cOnilininteltiOn to mind from time city. Will be sold a. a whole or in lots of one acre or more,. to suit pur chasers. Also. A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated in St. Clair township, 'Westmoreland county:. Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station.. The Improvements are a two-story frame house. with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bank barn 40 by 00 feet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared laud, divided into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which are well set in clover and timothy . ; the residue of said tract eov ered with good timber. It la well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and blacks mith shops. A real good bargain is offered in this excel lent farm; and with It will be sold all the personal property on the premises, consisting of horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows, fanning implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will he sold very low and on casyterms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACHES AN D 25 PERCHES, in Elizabeth Tp.. , Allegheny county. Pa.. on the llue of the Hemplichl railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con nell,vllle railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone !snow worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The Improvements are a 'log house, frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well a stored and underlahli With limestone and flag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the use of the farm. • . • - Also, The best FARM in lairdeld township. Westmorelsnd county, Pa., of 230 ACRES. about AlN:miles south of the Pennsylvania Central rail road at Bolivar Station. The Improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns In the township; two . apple or cha•ds, In good bearing condition• corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing all In first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 900 notes of which is cleared and the residue of the tract In good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. This property be sold very cheap and. on good terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other bust uessr For particulars enquire of G. H. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street. apu:o42 . _ FOR SALE—That very - desirable two•story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, con taintng 7 rooms. with -finished attic, situate in the Second ward, Allegheny: No. 31 Monterey street. The lot Is 20 feet frontby 110 feet in depth. Will be sold on favorable terms, to facilitate settlement of the estate of John Chambers, deceased. If not sold before THUIts.DAY, May 14th, 1868, It will be offered at Public Sale un that day. Enquire of JOHN DEAN, No. 29 Stockton Ave nue, Allegheny, or S. It. W. GILL, No. 104 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. ap.19:p37 Xl. 01' 4 3 FOR SALE—SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS on Observatory Hill,'Second ard, Allegheny City, are offered for sale—cheap. The location Is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both titles, Is easy of access, and there Is abundance of stone on the ground for building purposes. Apply soon at the paint shop of Mc- COWAN & SNYDER, Allegheny Diamond, at THIS OFFICE. or on the premises, near the Ob servatory Building. m1125:n38 F OR SALE OR LEASE. VALUABLE COAL MINE. 12 miles from the city, and CITY DEPOT, for sale at a bargain or wlnl.he leased for a term of years, Is thoroughly Im proved. and stocked with everything necessary to the business, and has large established trade. Pro prietors have business requiring their' absence for several years. Address with real name, Post Office Box 1202, Pittsburgh. ap27:p2 HOW 1' SALE.-HORSES .=At HOW.. ARM'S LIVERY AND SALE STATILE, one tine MIX HORSE s Bay): three DAPPLE GREY HORSESI one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE: three BLACK MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST .STREET, near 3lonongahela House. • Horses bought and sold on commission. fINLY $l7OO for a NEW FRAME V HOUSE of hall and four rooms. ands acres of ground, situate on Coal Hill, in the Borough of South Pittsburgh. Immediate possession.. Apply to .5. CUTHBERT-5: SONS. amm • Heal Estate Agents, 85 SnAtlitield St. _ d rin WILL PURCHASE a 3.51.F.A../ good two-story Brick }Louie, of -11 11, Ulm rooms. cellar and finished attic. Also, a' Brick House o f two rooms and lot- of ground, so. IS Franklin stl7tmt; lioth houses rent f0r11420 per Minton. S. CUTHBERT le SONS, ap9 . B5 Smithfield s et. 7 DAY OWNERS OF . DILAYS,.WAGONS, • I 'CARTS, HACKS, OMNIBUSES, And every description of CARRIAGES , ore require:it - 1 to call at the OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER, .mid TAKE OUT THEM LICENSES, on or before '.the Ist day of May next. F or each and every Wagon, Cart, " Car, Car, • Dray, Buggy or Carriage, drawn by one horse. the tutu 0f.... ' $ $ 00 For each and every one of the above named • vehicles, drawn by tax. horses, the sum of. 800 For each and every one of the above named vehicles, drawn by four horses, the sum of 10 00 For each tied every Hack drawn by two horses, the sups of ' 10 00 For each and every Omnibus and Timber. Wheels, drawn by two horses, the sum of. 12 00 For each additional bora° attached to any of the above named Vehicles the sum of 1 00 duty ,SEC. 3. It shall be the of nil Livery Stable keepers in said city to make, a return to the City Treasurer, within twenty days after the passage of this ordinance, and annually thereafter on or bereft: the Ist day of May of each end every year, of, the number of vehleles of every description, owned and used by them in their business, and the kind there of, and the same return shall be made under oath. : Sec. 4. All owners of Carts; Drays,"Wagons and other vehicles, who shall neglect or refuse to pro cure it license as aforesaid, shall be subject to a pen alty of not.less than ten per cent. for every thirty days the same remains unpaid. after - the Ist day of May of each year. All Livery Stable keepers falling to make the return required in the 341 Section of this ordinance, shall, in additiOn to the foregoing, -be subject to a penalty of not exceeding fifty doLlars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said cltv, by sum mary conviction: and It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to seek out ell:persons who have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance and report the same to the city Treasn urer, for winch service lie shall receive the sum of flftreents in each case, to be taxed and collected as part of the costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. The penalties ' for non-compliance with the Ordi nance will be strictly enforced after the above date. ••• • D.' micyguitox„City Treasurer. APrft Ist. 16019. my. 130). . BA 4EICIE ;FOR SALE, • - I .YaB 911 wiTitotiri TIIEXItOPERTY4 Or woujil iitit for telersik of years: Enquire at Vr.aatfir.Ss. . 102 D , Xw7.• 40 Pulo A1t0,9t..-AUeSben, jif ZED IiVIPA.TOMM. ‘ , l 1 •i• er L ' Tillrey Banibr nai l thOlL *''' :4 VO; it l i.V4C i niti : a; ti.. 301j4)6014)taZierr,t `elt:i.arlitil itufiifidarnent 123 Baitbsem oteeci: FOR SALE Near to "the Allegheny River. TO LOAN!--$50,000, IN SUMS OF $5,000 AND UPWARD NOTICES 1.:ON CITY N BA:4rit PlTTStran, 7 . Slay Ist, IS 8. it-THE DIRECTORS OE THIS __ RANK have this day declared a ;Dividend of SIX PEI: CENT. on the Cardtal Stoek, , out of the profits of the last six months, payable:to Stock holders or their legal representatives, ol4nd after the llth inst.. free of U. S. Tax. a ; my2:1)58 J. MAGOFFIN, (2ashler. WPITTSBURGII St. CONNELLS 4 - MLLE It. It. co. 1 STOGEHO.LDERS7 MEETING• ! _A g i eneral .meeting of the Stockholder'a r the Pittsburgh & Connellsrllle Railroad Co np a ' n o y - w in be held at their office. In the City of Pittsburgh, on Fridiy, the 15th day of May, peoitimo, At 1/ o'clock A. M. to accept or reject i th e ordl nancea lately passed . by the Mayor and City Coun cils of Baltimore, and for the transaction. 'of such other business as may be brought before ;the meet ing. By order Of the Board, Jtio. A. PAGE, Jr: Betretary. Pittsburgh, April AIM, US& airiekihorwro tgr'NOTICE. TO TURNPIKE AND PLANK ROAD 001(PANIES. The undersigned appraisers, appointed iiy - ;and ya accordance with the act of the Legislatiit.' of the' State of Pennsylvania, approved April 604:1567, have, in compliance with a resobetion of Om; Select and Common Councils of the City of PlttsbUrgh, en tered on the duties imposed on them by net. And, to enable thenirrtQ 'perform ,said (tapes, they' hereby request the President and Directqs or any and every Turnpike and Plank Road Company with in the Present bounds of the City of P*spurgh, which claims to charge tolls for the use of 4lteir im provements, to furnish the appraisers wig; a state ment In writing, of the road held and owned liy each corponitiOn, and statement to show, First—The name of the road or compang[the title of the act of Incorporation. and of Its supplements, with the date of approval of each. Second—The number of shares now le d bv the stockholders, and the amount actuallyPild : In by them as capital stock. • Third—The length of road now owned by:The com pany within the present bounds of the City - nil Pitts burgh, and the position of its termini. The statements may be delivered to eltßeriof the undersigned, or at the office of the City, COnt l roller, Fourth street. Pittsburgh, and are requir on' or before the 4th day of May next. W. WADE.- A W3E. DILWORTH, ALEXANDER GORDC/N, Commtskopers. Pittsburgh, April 23. MIL i aP24 WANTED. NE WANTED—To employl - a;, ifew GOOD MEN, to sell. by sample, com bined PLUMB, LEVEL AND BEVEL. Nothing like it In use. Will pay from $75 to 1150 per mouth and all expenses: or will give a'coinmission, from which twice that amount can beinaile! Also want Traveling Agents for Ashbaugh' WONDER OF THE WORLD. J. C. 'ITIATON, No. 1034 St. QIalL street. ap2:p36 WANTED -A GOOD GERMAN GARDNER. A sober, industrioii married man, with a small ihmily, to takel charge of and live on a garden farm within nineteen miles oil the city. There is a good brick house of six roorns4 kitchen, hall and cellar, for the gardener to occupy, and to whom liberal wages will be paid, (crone that is com petent and trustworthy. Forparticulars Diguire of G. D. TOWER, Real Estate A,gent, ap9:olg No. 164 Fourth St.. PittaburgN. AGENTS WANTED. - - GRANT- • 11 _ THE LIFE OF.—A new and standard , ork, by Hon. J. T. HEADLEY. the popular Historian/ Send for Circular and see our terms. - Address or apply to A. L. TALCOTTA CO., apahoB7 60 3farkeL street, Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR RENT. TO LET, i_ ROOMS. with Steam Po we r. I Euqutre at (ROVE OLNHAUSAIOS, ap2.1:05 • 833 Penti Street. . AUCTION SALES.i - BY PALMER & PHILLIPS, pALMER & PHILLIPS, -; •AuerzoNzzies And Commission Merch4nr,s, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION 00M8 No. 60 Fifth Streit, Pittsburg•• Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CAR ; _ E TS, Dry Goods and Norio*, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments Solicited. ProMit tarns. • BY A. WILWAIIM Vt r eo l fT li git A NAVIGATION CO., ..tc.—TUESs,A3. c.VE NING., May Bth at 7% o'clock. will Se Sold, on second floor of Commercial Sales Bctoms, 106 Smithfield street:, 15 shares Keystone Savings Bank. 4 shares Second National Bank. 1 • 50 shares Boatmen's Insurance Co. 40 shares Monongahela .Wayigation,CO., myi A. 3I'LLIVAIIVS. Auc`r. BY L .LBGGATE. nROVEYARD LOTS Al AUC TION.—WiII be sold on the premises, on 315SiDAY. May 4th, at 11 o'clock, the two lots in the Prote Yards, Second Ward, Allegherly,.adjoin- Mg the southern side of the city scales, each AO by 110, on Buena Vista street. ) TEEMS—Two-thirds cash, balance in ;gnus. A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer, .myl 159 Federal street. Allegheny. TO THE LIGHTNING ROD :TRADE. DEALERS in LIGHTNING- RODS are! hivited to an examination of our 7 t SOLID COPPER - STAR ROD Which we humph - to the Trade In quantities to suit; and furnish Points. Insulators and fixtures com plete, same as with MUNSON'S COPPRIVTUBU LAR ROD. - • - LOCIMULT dr. CO. t. 4 MearovAcTunnus, Duquesne Way, Pittsbiurgit. ap23:p47 168. ** 168 * NEW GOODS. NEW "ALPACCAS.! , NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. 1 HOSIERY And GLOVES. F. SCol:lCle,i tom' No. 168 . Wylie Street.'4in 168. ' xes. rap3,:n4o) B LACK SILKS, FOR SALE AT LOW PRIORS, AT j '• ; • WHITE, ORR & . • '*.fi• - Mb FIFTH STREET, • • , : A T i gEfAIKULTAUK WEBS I : _ New :Goods and New:'iftvo or', . . • Bois , acrriumi. ,, 7- / yEßy‘ , •Tlet" \ fr t ~.i : .j.tAj o. iIT • CLAIR'S:IIIIMT. N 19
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