6. U04.44.X4.24....17 /RON Vs.iutra. r. PORTO, sPirt7 prrrssurimit FORGE. AND' IRON CO., :Cll4 I,' 1:1 UAxy*Atiehins:oi Nor from - _ 'totes; rroo~cAlki 4zuppi Bellld4 ; Ilammered;. Ireetinsiottve Frane.es; Loestiotive Wont. Shapes; sae meow Yokei, Straps; -0 2 steaaa ristAns ► 1 /0 0 1 41 4 Illtealaboa'6llmks; Piston Rods, Wilstat - - 11 , 11tuu!n .11:pows.!Collikrim &e. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBUPAH. P GRANF, BYERS & , = ; irANUFACTURERS OF Bar', Ifop:and Sheet . Iron, INItOUCHT IPON, Ironlirelded Tubes for Gas, Steam, - ' Water, &c. ALSO, OIL WELD TUBING. Offiee, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa n2E4:e23 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. . LLOYD & - BLACK - iiAkupAcTimins:pp‘ : „, ;.; Best Common s Retily;d6Charcpal AND . . JUNIATA BLOOMS I RON .. . . MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP A _BAND_*.T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER. PLATE. - and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. ' CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. - SMALL T RAILS, AO and MI lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPINES for same. FLAT BAILS- Punched and Countersunk.. • COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and. Office at the Wofxs, GREEN OUGH STREET., (a continuation „of First atrCet,) adjoining the eityOus Works, Pittsburgh.- VERSON, rRESTON Si, CO., Pennsylva,raa Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos', 1.436 and 167 "FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, az74:d6 _ PITT/311171MM STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, Nrmicx & co PITTS33IgOII!, PA - maxtdatturese oteverg,deic;lpgon of CAST AND CERMAIVIIITEEIsc RAILWAY SPRINGS ELLIPTIC AND PL kTFOR3I SPRINGS, ~ . " LBsti 3 'E4T/ItErct c . Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. ap16:4367 pITTSBIIRGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK 86.00., . (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) , Manyfacturers of the • ; BEST EMNED CAST- STEEL, FARE, FLAT,_ana OCTAGijN,Of all adzes,' SA* TES, HOE, arOElEastd.5l3.l . CET CAST.STEI44 ST STEEL mi.."... I • • IlLeepter k and=t i raiehuses, '• ' , reel•: •••iitteit t ,C wars, Le.; Vie: .1 Cast and Ccixikntin & Spr ing Steel." Ocoee—corneinuss EDS§ fiTREETI3. tere' blocks above the Monohaohela Honae• MCLMt;BABB rmui.m. GENERAL PARTNEBS: - W3f. METCALF.I REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, CRAB. PARKIN. sizeus. Piny:ma—S. 3f. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL. WORKS, IgAIM dr. PARKIN, Office, No. 339. Liberty. St, PITTSBURGH,. ; 7 - ; fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, ,BROTHER -& Manufacturers oAA!,koeisp:iptions of EZE=N Office and Warehouse, 129,_122, 1.24 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST ST REETS. . r s c: GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY 100 WOOD STREET.- CHINA, GLASS AND, , • • QUEENSWARE, SILVER. PLATED WARE, PARIAH STATUETTES, BOHEMIAN GLASS, And othei 'g STAPVE A ariet ND FANCY GOODS, areat vy. 190 WOOD STREET. ;• %'• RICHARD E. BREED &!CO. mtVZ 100 WOOD STREET. nHALEILES REIZENSTEINI3 lvl . .; 152 Federal Streei, A 11411617. (Fourth door above Diamond.) Glass, China Ware &Table Cutlery! ATE ASTERN PRICES. Everytlithie regain:4lln a •grit class store on band. Call and" examine oar LITHOGRAPHERS. SNJAMIR SINGERLY Mim , CLug . • QINGERLY & CLEIS I siceetsen' to Gro. P. SciraCumew t CO.. patencyr. lawitoeifflukarac Th only Steam Lithotriptild rEstitillsbment w eek of tits mountains . Busitteas Card ., Letter Heeds; Bonds. Labels, Ctrcubirt, 'Show . Cards , Maoism. . PorUVta, Views, Certificates "of Demstis t - jniritat Mon Cams, Le., Nos. TlUand 74- 'NM= street Pittsb • .cilum I4rl H 1 CRAP , rouvra.BISEEZ:IPOLI,O ijAiriaNG: CEMCKB , DRAYTes N • Y.: L and LETTER aul)}3, ao., done insll etples. elde:3:so PM I 'S' 1: A TLAs WORKS, ,1 MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. There Works are. amo ng the.largeat ,ano most , complete establishments the West. and are now prepared to furnish , . . . • a '.9*-11 - 77: ''..4 0;5 Itati Engine Castings. iftteiiine Castings. • Genernt Outings. : •.- :.:;ORDVAti3 no9:100 . • 't " ' N4y IONA!, F011111141 . r,1 AND PIPE WORKS. L. .- Corner Carroll aria •Sraallidaa 8049etsi . (NINTH WARD.) • • PA. Maxi l ufacturer , of ;- . • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, stilt qWO I .? WATER; ?!t: !, - lily Pipes' kre' t invarlatly Tn . kits, in il4 ' sand, and lit feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of GenerilCastinr,gfarGaslind-Water Werktti• *onld also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. • ,4 lill':Xkkj , .F.O.jr,tir : F(MAT . os CHARIERIOIAP, ,. piesident. • J. H. KNAP, Vies President. O. METCALF, SeeßraDd'inmeniVir. • J. K. WADE, Engineer.'. , KNAr,,Denerall.Dsnager; . Dm . • JAMES B—MEIRNAY, .of Lzon, Stun b 41 Co. , A. E. N. I'AMTER, of J. Poduter.Sc Sons. • f C. B, HERRON, of $ -pang, Omits:MA Co.. • • TROSj. BLAIR., Of Shoenberger : • METCALF,B of lamer, Eqr a Parkin. •, ][kDIOFACIIIREHS OY. tilling till and Blast . RETORTS and CASTINGS . of every desesiptlon . ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. . • le= A. BRADLEY W. VtiNKIIM J. 8. BRADLEY AETNA STOVE WORKS. . A. BRADLEY & _C0..." Manufacture erery variety' of • cook,, Parlor alid'Heatiag Stoves, • . • Among whic h are the relebrated EUREKA; TROPIC and TALISMAN ((Coal Stoves); POKANA, VETERAN and IRONSIDES (Wood Stoves)... • Also manufacture GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, &e. Oite and Warehouse, corner of Second and Wood streets, Plttsburgb. - Entrance on Second street. - airM:r39 • . L. 0. tnrucosToNAT.:ie. starr.w. naantso..n. LIVINGSTOII & co, IRON TOTINDEIti3, 31ANTIPACTITIMIIS OP " FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, :WrilittgatVl s ' fog; `O l , 4 6 07 1 1 41 4'aclto reittNi Alt 121176.0V0rk promptly attended to. Office. and IWorksW.It...SEINGTOI2 ATENUE, ' near Outer Depot, Alteghezy City. Pa. OBINSON, itlEA.ts;,oo4 • . , . . Succesiors to ROM:sSon, 'Mime & MILLEnt3, •WASIAINGTON WORKS, : FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS PITTSIURGH • Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En - Ones Blast Engine Mill Machinery, Gearing.. Shafting, Castings Mall deacrintionsi (141 Tankglnd Stills, Boller 1114 Sheet Iron Work.. •, Office. No. IR. corner First and SmithdeldStreets.- Agents for GIFGABDILPBTENT INJEC for feeding Boilers. • . • iallrrO2 -31 01 ver BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth. Ward, ' (Opposite Unicn - • , • PTITSBIMOiI. , 1 4 4 1 1 #g Mill and inidge castin g s .THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, IiLiCaDTBRY AND .CABTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and Mtrefitilieljebte7l.' Charges reasonable. ocLSaZB' EBBERYA BACHLDa BCIF. F° l7 . lsl f"•____ Office and. Warelain*, 29 ':Virood Strad: Manufacture and keep constantly On band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Bezel; WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGARtETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, Ant - Castings' generally. a .26:y6 ClEllip;PAL rouNtin, AND ROLL WORKS, 1380 Penn Street. BOLLILiN, BOYD 84- BAGALEt ChM Rolls, Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes, ac. FULTON MACHINE WOHILL ESTABLISHED IN 1836. anufactory of STEAM ENGINES, all alsi and of the most tinware! patterne,,,jlor • station tudrir I - • STEAMBOATS Dl n and I )EAM ater . ENGINES, which will be sold at ery reduced ,prices. L , • • P. P. GEISSE, 0. FIRY miles.below Pittsburgh, on the Oh, o elver, and line of C. &I% R. no9:h2 PITTSBURGH. SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, Agent for She sale of Corwrall, Donghamore, Jo sephine., Isabella, Dtmeannon, titanhopo. Glendon. and other bromo of Anthracite, s rouglOgheny Coke and C. II Ckereoal • NIG' .111,01 4, TS: . " - Collsignmen4And orders respeetitilly solicited. L A " StTERI i v OONIDI ittlit. AND IDDDIEMNTOt74 PTIMEMBVIRAGH. • ; , ".1 3 43.111i., McCtlgt.DY idantiiitetureri of, Sheathing, laraiders , And- jtol copper, Wasted Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bet.: totally Spelter Solder. Also, Impomra and „Realer. .1w ,Plate, Sheet Iron, lt le .ge. Con /witty ou band I . na. ThinerAgl9/i tO , lak AarehoeilAf .erszE rrAn437l4 . szcoNDlNLPlttburgh . SpeelalurdO949l9,FM ,to a n y ,de!dre . d_ DV ? , 'ern 'lief ; .-1-.1404.4ttaiM,; I • • „fa;gx• 0 7:4p..., ,, *• ,,, ,717:T:75.7 2 :;".7.‘77 , ;•.7;417472-7 , 01,.es a•• -4. Ye ` pi,Vr .4144.<41i.2,±440A,, rtt . f•lttAr _ FOUNDERS, - MAC 'h. Engines, of every deliMilitton: Millie's, Oil Tanks. - Sheet Iron Work. Ballraad twainlis• IRON BROKERS IRON BROSER,, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. COMM: NTENTERS & Stalagrag, ..., DPPI, I 4OI pr i wgx,B. A , ay. • ' I 01 • . VEgNianiiiNTA AVENU _VPOl l tb ''''..n..y•lttstrurglW.Tarkitaiddence, ri0.4,131 firant stree, • , ,71 Jobbing done 'with neatness and disiwiteb. All orders promptly attended to, and !satla acUon war ranted. We:en:stem av hpi- ATI Y 'Ail 9' • 1-\ ;t 3 gC • , 1,-,2v,lFtiG3il'Ek•cliOLLMßSi , &W.) FORT Pl'l7 1: BoII*STILL ANII-TAIM I:3 • CARROLLA SNYDER' • 11ANCIFACTURTMS OF TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUEDTDRULARVIA Box AL.) CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS.. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANN.B4 L CHIMNEYS, BREECHING ANDASR PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON+ •DENSERS; . STEAM, PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND utc, BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND. COAL, murrEs. 011 lee and Warehouse, arguer " Seed Third, Shore audldberty. Streets, , PITTSBUIH, Pa. • I • iar Orders sent to the above address will prom-Ate attended to. „-tahadta s. R. monnow.... JAS. B. BAILICILILL....JAI3. lILAIR (yHARA worms, MORROW, BARNHILL& CO., • MANUFACTURERS OF Steim. toii6o4 TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET WORK. Ate. Cor. Liberty and Second Sta.,: pITTBRURGII, PA. REPAIRING prorpmtly.done. N•BARNIIILL & CO., .130ItER MAKERS • .1M) SHEET IRON WORKERS, • NOS. 90, ' 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. _ Having secured Ittiga fliridshed Width the moacapproved machinery, we are prepared to • manufacture every description of BOILERS In the beat meaner, and warranted equal to any made in the , conntry. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers,, Salt Pan; Tanks, 011 Stills: Agitators,-Settling' Fans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and tole manu facturers of BarnlillPs Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. Jas:c2l TAMES liffy4ll, rz?. • , Nos. &5 and Se' Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., • • • MANUFACTURER OF IRON OIL' TANKS, SETTLING PANS,A)PFER inigastfrsi —1 ROLLING M„V :s ILL STACKS, - And SHEET IRON WORK, ' Foi .1.6.118 D X. 1111CSII F.DMIINDD. JARED Mai HROSet• SON,' 3110:1:FACTURERS OF Steam * Boiler3, Stills,....Tanks., SKEET" IRON WORE: &C. ,61 Penn . Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK STOVES. . 4, CET s.THE BEST. ISSEIAI: dir, CO.'S FOB BITUMINOUS Ilfilrranted to COok, Win or 'Boast as well annoy other Store theaton. BTSSPLT, & 41 No.2BsLiberty treet. • Also on hand'and for sale, . . ',.' ~ ; !PARLOR STOMS,-____.• —^ - : , ..1 :: ..7 1 j ',. ~,, • r 'HEATING ISTOVES. ' ~.. GUAT.I3 _FRONTS, ENDERS, , . . .000KINGiRANUMAte.., . . GREATEST PLACE in the city TO Bil.vPIE • ,• TRIVIYIPH C_r1 1 ( 1 0 1 C e i t9VC Is atNo."-1.443 GRICNT STREET. ' ' - P. DEWY. 1111.11DIVARE 1110IISE ;N":Y, . . • LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, I -1.A.3,1 RI) W ALRE, 83-7 LIBERTY. STREET, One'Square Below Dolton Depot, Air Agents for FAIRBANKS , SCALES F SIXTH ST., trOt:Tunui...l& Gunsmith and Dealer in Hardware. First .claas goods of all descriptions always !on hand and sold at thelowestpripee.' pApOrtoglione , core ypn abort notice.' - • - • • jew:d6o paap)ix-oprEam,III)LEWEItY. a te. spE-.1C1ia...:,..14.pp r 'l4MAT.'...nonicai zumr.r.4.: 1 - 0 - 04 6E14 :,k mALStERs. AND BREWERS of Ale • 'Porter aoklyoAckAqq,',. • ' i'ITTSBURGII I PA. .• i10)3E11, ,WAXEDillrinligki. Li T.: ..1.4 IMBREi AND scovarms... _ DYER A TDB 800trREt; -...II.TRAWI3OOOMPLPROPMTEDI'f' ;airn GLOVES AND LADIES' PL U S mxAN. =PM imr4 .A2l. L.cli y' 9=tireg G etti ottuipiteeiii taboilaann at 26 and 28 St. Clair atree j t . pnitraps, Sole agents for ttdo cow spls NVOTLKS: TRIUMPH, EfARDWARE; Manufacturers and Importers of CUTL4RY, ,- &o: CORNER OF WAYNE, PITTSBURGH ; 1 - 3 • 1'i_117171 rq - r • nerammi: FORT.. - PM' '- - GOIPANY • if Mil N0A.69,W1A. Street. CAPITAL,_ STOCKHOLDE GOV INTEREST AL 11 Collectlons'*!ide rfulted Rife/ had C. D. Hostetter, 'dimes Gordon, n. Wa E.-Fawcett, NATIONL, , ,'II6K:OF''','"OXPM . ; . Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts., • A.TTERS . PA ON Oresldeni; H. sus. Gas liter. CAPITA 11;:•::::: .;:- ' .4000,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, • George W. Cass, . • Wm. H. Brown, • . • - .1 I James McCandless, • Chas. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas, Allen HirapaFrlek r I Wmr Reed* W. S. Hale% •.'", : 111111C017NTS DAILY,,AT 11 A. M. ap9:o2 HART, CAIIGREY & CO.. BANKERg ArfttoKEßs, Corner Third and Wood Streets, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART 'CO.,) DEALERS IN Ileitanrl- CON C"Pwol And particular attention paid to t.l e purchase and sale of COVERNMENTJEKINDS. Sight Drafts on London._ InOLMES& SONS, . . 57 Maiket,Sti-eet, , - ;.%::.Ff . ::-.,=.-7,-.7 :: :.. - .:t:':'.:.!,. , ,::-‘.•-7 - .=..:.:.'f_t-,...7. lirr , 'rrox.::stY.m,G3a, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. ' Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD 0:41C031111S.S1ON. Particular attention paid,to the purchase and sale of United States ja:3o:al iKEYSTONE BANK prrr THIS BASH IS N.0119.1‘ t • . GENERAL. BANKIN AT THEIR NEW BAN No. 293 Libe `Accounts 'of • **Lathers Collections entdercrit United States MuiCanatts. , Interest Alidnid on T UNITED STATES SECURITIES STOCHROLDEII'INDIVIDI Ei 9C;rAi.,.i: WE,STERN SANINGS BANE, No. .59 Fourth Street. • - 1866: Interestpaplon'llineDeposits ANY,RN ,ItECEIYIMITRO3I ONE DOLLARUPINAND DErOSITS SUBJECT . TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts - OW . 1V011)01:pki f • President—THONPSON BELL. Vice President-4. iIL'MABSBALL. THOMPSON BELL,, . A. M.. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH.; J. J. OILLEsPLE,' Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe. • • - Win. Caldwell, Willis Dairen, D. W. C. Bidwell, E. DE Fulton. i t Aßt ift BANKERS.' “EsT73Lis7D it etN: 142 35 SO --'l\o° , r•iiiz.tDzLpilouL, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 7 ; 3-10 s Convertel 1,1-iitit - 5 20 g lliinl:1•1: Ktl4ilVai ND LD lionshtAnd,iold on commission, here' Min New ,TorEoIR PAPER NEGOTIATED. • INTER ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OP GOLD AND CUM NCY. Aecountil of Raub and Bank ers received on favdrable terms. - • 4.1.11.,...CLA55ES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN iOXCHAI 7 ME AT MARX= EVA& earl art , ,fe24:184, • 0-Re:l 4111 C.) “•.,:1 0,10 ,G11*42.13.;k. slum sTrianio JOUN I. 4341:44,Ei. ~.. JOB. KATE um', inia. JOH1111111: C OOPER & CO., -' 11 -.-:: R ILII, A , SS- „o 0 8.....i.1 4 , a . • li. . ' ! a:U . k 7.e. ..d. t tli tiv '.3..t8,,..` Usiinfactikeiet of PUMPS aim IMAM WORK ty _ Milirrnir 1ti 4 021/iten? t ito d "FEN% •, '.):1" . tvrti.n.rt ,tEm: .7 , 20. 1 -‘.t: iri Iti ;OH Corner Or I.7 o o tlVOAtta Stteetig . DEEM PITTSBURGW, EMI •...•. .• . .• -•- • a • • - s2oo'ooo INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE ,E/LLERSEN ; SERTRITIES, P- COLD., 'D ON TIME DEPOSITS.; on acees.llllle' points 1h ttie ULECTOBSi • • • • 1 Jno. C. Bigler, • ' Bolt. A. Xing • ; • Andrew?duler , damEs3K . Ballet. • , 3100,4Nallf,l't a 2:eiee• _ ,V0 1 4. 1 04 , 0 1.01 4ii. r,! wls ~rl~ UM EZI ecurities. kt. PA: 'SACTESG A 13IISINESS, G HOUSE. Street. rI :4 :{-$) lA4 tizi sable *hits to the • elffisits• Win AND MD. WA" VIAIILIC« UL tUhleir. MEM= make reference: Joseph Dilworth, Rev ? David Kerr, Henry Lambert, 'Drown, - Thomas Ewing. - 1'47,7 - - I ITAVE B,E3IO+ED MY • • 1 • • .3•.;:v3 BANKINGAND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE • • I :: . f4rner of Fifth an4Xoo4> Street Y. -Formerly bp' be...VAildbf,'A r i OF ; PIC R. lIIIERTZ. . . CONVERSION Off` - . WO are, now prepasettA tabOntimil THIRD SERIES of - - - ''ff4E:l7X.N" PEES • . INTO TII2 • - • 1ier , 1867 5-26'dofd'bOtTpthi '- BimeidB. JAMES T. BRADY i 6 De,al . cr In Clorenunent kogenritie4, 4 :.;':CORNER TdURTItND WOOD-STS. : 0 - i.vaiii4i# l :o*#4 FINANCE AND: TRADE. ;r> . .:OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, , / . TUESDAY, April 2S, 113M3., .., The continued- heavy !shinmen of gol d 'ig =tourOpe impayment of interest on United States securities. held-there v Are keeping, up the price 'Of gold, and will be a material drawback to an early resumptionpf - epeciC payments. Althoughthe,amonnt of gold , , interest • due May nelt-ilicieryllargalhe ,•.; condition of ' the !' mom*: plarket - Is sAcii; ' that, if speculators are'dleposedto take all . . the gold offered,:they , are 'able.tacarry it, the ; _-. and.run,premium thereon at pleasure. TiailidibtAtilt flanging over Over the. resul t of ... . .- the PresidentA; trial has '' ill , the . . Odd s id, favor of rise; saii,tliA ethei.hatit - l s .itil amount of twenty-seven - Miiikin lilcillius thieve**. .... . .., the 'market at 'Aimee will.: and must, early . , dolvit..the Market,' which* vaneediri•thefitee of these ' pefinetits than yielded. Government securities:were quiet . to-day;. the advance of yesterday-was MitAiditained . and the ease 'Of theinattey 'market od 'and' after May next was rather anticipated: The, amount of mono* &Afar* Into' competition for investment. Wtkkhelarge, hat , but , : high prices of Government securities . prevalent . during last January, and the sudden sub sequent decline, will. deter people from in . • Vesting at presedt•quotations.' It would be :well if this was the case, since it would. give a stimulous to business enterprises, so much needed to impiove „the condition of,. the lower claises. ' . - - •• '' ;'' ' , Stocks. like bonds, are on a stand-still, but firm to-day, and the - predicted'ease in money mattera, may cause some large pur-; chases, anticipating a general rise. .Money is easier in the city, and all good borrowers can be . accommodated - at low rates. Long'paper is not•mdch in faVor, iii. 7. 'hough it will pass more readily.than be ftire. • - , YPlosing quotations as.Faceived„by Ph. B. Ve4r.i.lvere as follows: 1;Old, -. 1.39X(1881 bonds, 113%; 1862 5-20 s, 1L14118E4 do; 110% ; 1865 do;110g; Consols, 1.085a1.0-40s, 102X;;7-30s,-107 q., . , - .•-: .-, -Xtailioads--Cleveltind,& Pittsburgh, BWi Airt,Wayne,lo4; Neitli-'Weeteird - common' 62X; North Western—preferred, 74'; New York -Central, .121); Etie; 71X; Old . Sottth 7 :, 047 8 0 1 i; Dbfo & Mississippi, 31; Mer obantiVnion•Express,32l4;. Westerii Union l'elegitipb,. 3L. "Mining' Bluires—CorYdon; 3040/Airtz 11111,`1;10. Quicksilver, 26X. _, ~ 14-The following stock-Was sold ' Tiiiaiiitty a ing, April 28th, on second floor of boin- =RC Sales Rooms, / 0 1 1 14444e1d,street, by A. M Ilwaine;auetieneer : Iron City National Bank -- ••_ 895 00 • - Brad - T....Mating quotations received by,Txdues T. & . Goldy Co P. !.. 1 . 39 .Y,- U. S. 613,4881 '', ~ " 7 , ', •', ; " ''tz , i', 1,13%; . . - ; “.' 5-2rYA, 1862 . 112 y, .:- it " ' 5,204' 1884_ ---- , —,.....1ipy, • , ;" ' 5 , 20'5, 1865 r.- ----"- -"' ''' 7 llo% " ' /040 ' 102% ; r ‘‘... , 15.20'5, Jan. arida:illy; '65 -•, ' - .108;4 , , At . . It 44 ti 44 ' 67 _ .1 0 9 ya '.' 4 ' - .:'.tnne 7-30's . 7 ,c - .' 7 i, ' ' •'; "..'-•':'; - 1, - -: .13734 • 44 i July 740's . 107% Maf Comps, 1865 - ' itlBN ) "if ''.71,1••.1. , :PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET._ . , ... ~ “ - 0/IFCE OF THE PITTSBURGH GazwrsA,, ~ .1 WEDNESDAY, Apift 28, 186 8. • . .. . 'CRUDE—The crude oil market, is firm, and prices have..Advanced.,4llv,3ia r _We 'can - I;o6ft the folbaiiiiiiitafest" - - 4 - . llt sale . 4tiS :made; last nigl*of,-30W:11?ls on spotpat9x,s;, lO:dak, 1000 bbls spot at 10C; 1000 do Miv and June, option,bi rl itihie i *WA - 014es option; at lOc; and 1000 June, seller's oftion ' At 10c.'- ' All, the- year,• buy-. er's option, in the absence of sales, may be quoted at 12 4a; - 1 .1 i - , .•:i - - , '.11 - • ; •-.1 . REFINED—The refined market is also firm, andprices, compared , with;,thosePf yesterday, have advancOd. - We can report • salet as-fellows: 1000 bbls filet holfof•May„. buyer's option, at 26_ Nc; . .500 bbls last half o O f c M to a bser ta N t 2 v 6 e , m o be a r "alMnde D!! e of n s t o t(or,-bb 6 is for bblit' each month,, at. 291,0;.a150, aline of •,1500. labia for May, June . and; Jtily;- ; 500',Aach month, at 2734e. - '''lli'the absencaof sales, .for all, the year, we quote at 32c, the last ,for reported having been Made' et' thatfigura • . A RRIVALS—The; -following are the rivals of oil: . ., Lcekhart,'& F......' 800 I 'Jas Wilkin s ... -- .-4 56 , Finher.& ',tiro 1200.1 ".' ' ' ” --- ~:, T0t, t 4;;;,,-,.....!-:, .; ~ .., : ; . :::-- .. -, , 2p s s) - , __ OIL Bairn:tilts - Pilit. A.. 11., B. B. ....,. Nat. Ref. :_Co:, '602 bbls reit , to Warden; Fraw & Co., Philadelphia. ; z •..71, -- oc . izintortor dodo Co., 350 dodo to F. A. bilivorth • ;St o°4 Philadelphia.. , ' .i .7 ..*. ,-..-!.:; ,-. 74 t.- -a -:. : Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale,•2so-do dota, W. P. Loga ' n & Bro. Philadelphia.' .r• ......';'. •-, ~• Di , B. Jones, 200 do do to E. Schalk; Phila.'. delphia. ; ; :-..:-.,., .., W. H. Chilcoat,lll do.dotto E. G..Trasee, - Philadelphia. . . , ' - McCreery4& Beaumont, lti„xl.o,flo.,:to";•We Pq 43',34,Fidiadelphia. - ' k . . 'l.. 1 a .' ......-..j..........n 1 - " . 1 !II; '1 . .,..7 ~ 1 ' . 'Louisville ,fifaxket. [By Telegraph to the Pitteiniraaoszeito.i • . LOUISVILLE, APl4llBg-Tolifiaco steady at eattaifted rides,.*oo fro 13.0 -law** good Leaf $5;20415,00. Cotton - qulrAt- , ,, . p.. - , noktir Superfine at - 88,75a9,2 6 ; .- 'Fmil, . v 151.245418•25;" W/teatAt 2, 1 6 00,70e,.. , .At i c 2 iii 80a Corn at 906;. )- Ityii at $2,'15x2,1 'Earley rAtalt AV - 1f,2,1553,00;i,1.,Lardi;-' large sal e s' at: 181.4614141; at,4.B3:l4e.',,Arex,,Pooi:,,,tiblit-dt,' MOW 4z...M.C0n- litio;oti.tatia':abafiehig.; Shoulders at Ha Clear ittblllidennt 17it ,Co4r4des-sit t Wigißt4l; ftopu ctra.a t. .„ linden - at 16;0: •Mniarsid4i4Artg-c.;;Wiatiliyl" :nominal.'. •_, - ..:-.,;,- . . , ,r4;•;,.- - ,.., . ; ..,,,,,,_;_,.. ~ .. 3, , . ......-.1 .. • Chi Cagp Cattle, • r tibradligrapb VAN e4riite.`j ` 1- ` C coo, • ..„ 1 :c notlicau, a L I: . . • dray ilyrVi r Otl ' liichtl •- - 5 - 7 , „„ -03" good,' and at g or extra, :0 .e. 'Freights dull at hogs. a3°n aftsh i t ;m ß en tifral ts-- , 34 °. lll lle vrh i gget lo9 live ^ Y~ ~~' Pit•TeKtIIRGH MAKETs 4 : (*fez or Tur.Piriluitanic G l exArrr„. • ' Todsnar, Arril 28,;1808.' - i • , "Trade,,in a gerieral way, keeps up to a 'r fair averaite, tuld -0.1; 11 Y b,C« 'faded so still ; gradually improving !rein day to dak: I Flour continues:. active , an. 4 :held itt'etiffei '',',.' rates, notwithstanding lite receipts are I large—amounting :to' Z.- Over : ' - 4,1)00 - •beiril l i.: ,- . within the past thirty-six liorirs. .We note ; . no chang-sof matertal•amiequence fn any branch of trade, thordh, if a few articles there Is l a - teedifirify tri= loQer -1436144`.' We - -- quote follows; . ,„ .-. , 1 , , -, , GRAIN—The market . Was :only ;mode- - ' rately abtiveotsat radditliiteit,lirkeside, - in favor of sellers—the reekdStelng.,very light. Prom elevatorShelltk ";ertwhich the stockci 'arid' ''receipts -I ; :ettreMely swgßitneTtgeddettraf_,d a ernaddidir,(ls 1... to $l, per .linshel.ir.Rytstiteetncind And ': ..'m p er ( the -• • 41,60 s re- • po is hi ,as e ll '_td.l•42 Iser•biriffiel. There IS a,deo, tertdencryLnitths bytk V iltivad as yet, sales 'etre 634 - 41a;y.mt,,, sfoWi • and from - store ati.B2e. to -113 c per , hwiheli 'Bartto.` is rKai44 oll •ot.' 5G' per lnishel-;-is -- the receipts- ale nett tOnefhing. There is no wheat ccnningln flrom ells section of the , country, and our millers fume to depentt ..: iirilhe western markets for such supplies as will keep their.mille, ideperation..'eßed' '', Winter Wheat sells readily to the millers at $2,65 to g 2,70; and ••liVhite Wheat at $2,70 to $2,75 per buAel..Ther is no Wheat in "More,lnd-the only opera tors are millers, No. 1 Spritg Wheat. , W*erth - 41,46t01i1ii5 '' per bushel. At these figures there icra good demand. ~ ~.' - • , FLOUR—The triarket - contitinei excited with but small stocks in store. Although -the receipts for the past! few days have 'been liege, but 'orders aindul are sufficient to carry offpAthe surplus4any coning hi I(elders areToOking ;for Another adVance; ' should the' jmesfent •-rates4)f ' wheat in the Wiest continue, iiadthe 'prospects are in fa vor of that, and even for still higher prices. The demand fir 'Flour" iti! this market is mainly for chateeardnelf-known brands, arid dealers are now inclined• .to purchase -only; that kind. One of the leading Flour „- merchants in • the city furnishes us' With • the . - following quotationtOot itrell-known. brands; Daytodflmow'Flake,lWhite Whi ter) $l6; White River, (led , Winter) $l2; -Jenkin's-Lilly Mills, $l2; ' ,prossetts, $11,75; lEmeiald, 811,50, and. -medium brands, 1 510,50 to $ll per. barrel.- Bye - Flour com mands $9,50 per cwt.; , . ~ ; 111. • • • , : • . PROVISIONS-.The, reerisetr;?eeetterie4, , r, very active - and fending upward." We quote.; Mess Pork at, 42450 per..blilyStfgaeCtized Huns, • 7Aci•do ',Canvassed; 21c;, Shoulders, '. 14 to -24Y,eillIbbe, d: Sid* .1614 c; • Clear Sides, ' 1t0,,y0; Choice Driedi Beef, 23c0'2.4c,- , and Lard, Ifixe per poniid. - .' - . - LARD OIL--Sales were Made at sl,so for Extra No. 1,-and $1,20 'per; 'gallon for No. 2. • ~ ..Bli rrEß—Priced. arc-,dreoping,; and ' env ,• the close of the Week we •,• lank for .a large • fall. We quote prime to' dhoice at 42 to 48e ; • , . • . • . per__ pound. ... . . .. 1 , ~, EGGS—Prices are tending downward • with sales reported at ..W' to 28c per Oxen, but at the clOse,•the nfarket: was dull at . • the former figure. • 1 , 1 • . ' DRIED FRUIT -=Dried f i Apples are dull at 7c per pound, but Peac es ' are active at 13c per pound. : .i 1 ; ' ASHES—SaIes of Pearl from store at 11c, and 5 tons Soda Ash at,434c per pound. FlSH—Lake Herring Old at $4, and. White Fish at $7,75 per half bbl. HAY—Baled Hay on Op wharf com mands $24 to $26 per ton and loose Tim othy from country„wago4 tit s24tc-s3o;yer '- ton, as to quality. , - .- - 1 i'•-? '-• - . - POTATOES—SaIes of Peach Blows by • limp car load at $1,40 per bindle', and Buck eyes from store at g 4,25 to 14,50 per bbl. CRANBERRIES-Salesof choice Culti vated at $lB per barrel. I New Fork Produce Market. (By Telegraph to the Pletsburg Gazette.] NEW Youn, April 28.—Ciotton dull and a.sbude lower, with salealt 3 l 9,000 balomi at " for middling • upbuidg, closing' with sales reported as low as 82340. Flonr; ceipts, 6,754 bus-, dull and 'tillaloelower,With sales of 7,400 bbls at 59,2009,75 for superfine State and - western, 510,30010,90 for extra State, 1142111111,35 for extra:western, 512,505 14,00-for-whits wheat•extr4elo,3oal4,oo for' $11,00012,50 for extra St. Lon*: $12.50a16,00 foi a goodlo„,egoice do.'hcloauag. dull. Ca li f() IlfinF2 FelY l 7 and!d* . sp. 0 4 .; ing, with salsa': 111,p,;,,i sac!rsitsl2;9oapiAt !,7 Rye Flour (inlet find rii; ;With sales of 350 bbls 58,50a10,00. Cdtn Meal quiet. Wheat; receipts, 24,050 'has; more active and la2e lcrwer, with sales of 5,300 bus at 52,50 for No. 2 spring delivered, 12,45 for do to arrive, $2,55 for No. 1 Troy, g 2,67 for golden droop spring, and amber Pennsylvania.an Priv t ata., „,terjlt", .•••• Rye quiet; sales I,sooflaulh fatiireFaTcW44 Barley dull. Barley'utde quiet - 115 r 'Canada. • Peas more act ive; sales of 8,000 _bush, at 11,42 in bond., Corn;....receipts 14;880 bush; market quiet land without de cided change; sales of 41,000 bush, at $1,13a 1,16%. for new t mixcA. western afipat, and $1,1201,15 formirliite, siiiiiteM and southefri: Oats; receipts 5,020 / . Market,. krive,r; sales of 58 ,90 0 _batiYai 84 itler . oT vs Western in store, 'and 1160103143,0fi ' , cis sinif dupvith no bnyeisk E ntlhelnilde cgio tatmns. Mice dulln`r•CollektAiciduliarinr. sales of 9,000 bags) , ltio-vSported' at Sugar firnirltidatrbf:ll36o hhds, ' `IOX - al2lic for Cuba,: find tilai3Xc fOrPorlial , • •Rico. AlaiSsea quiet; hies lime Cuba at 49a52c. liege ,41,niei.7%Petixileuni firm:at 12'4 for Crude 1 4 3 1.4,47. %ilex • Refined-1 , Pratislinnk7Y4.ll,rviArrnar, and quiet; sales 2420 Warrelsat F44 049 .f0r - i4ew:-.. mew and closing . :at' $29 7regulai sales at 527,25a27,50 for old'iii,o°l:eio: . s . ing. ,at $27,50; regular sales at 523ifirl i sg Mitrirue'and t 24- 87025,25 for prime - newt mess also=lsoo bba' new =mut $29, buyer; fltstrtialf May $29,25, Seller, June.- Bee f: steady; Bales CO` barrels at 515020,500f0r.nqw 520,50a24,75 for new extra-aness4 , also, 150 tierces at .536,50a30.44) far prime mess and 541,00543,50 for 7.010,,,, Mess. Beef gams dull; sales of 50 Mk atl 17c.,. Cut Meats firm ; ; I nks o: 340'. packiiges at 13a13 c, Shoulders 17Na181/c.• Earns ^ anamidillos., quiet and fi rm; 7,00 0 nit 'of short ribbetto arrioe - 0d itle. Lard quietiurid steady; Sales of 985 bbli; at 18a.1830, also 250 bbls of new mess, seller et June at 19s. Butter quiet at 20a40c for Ohio, and 50a5$c state. Cheese steady. at 12a1,7c.'.:FrelghtS 301 Liverpool 'thin with 15,000 blishels t of wheat and corn. Per steamer j • Iderilist—NlCitir Closed tiull; and 5c lOsiter edi oncommon and al utia, b rands. Wheat heaVyanctic Dab now disposed to realize:. Axe-;ipnL0:V2.,g,0a2,25.. Oats '6ll and very lieavytiBNallc_ for Western in staitai: Coininkitaiid heavy at '- $1,15a1,16 for new iinsixeft Western afloat Pork quiet arid Titlnf 500 ,Ttibrs of New Mess at $29,004%,00 cash and regular. Beef quiet , and - Steady. Cut'meats Steady with =Aer ate derhand. Bacon quiet and firin. Lard fifirriita 183ia18:y a c for filr to prime. Eggs quiet.att4 ; +1 s Toletto. t wirkeL tity Telegraph ao the trieetAilljikett,lio:',T • q .Tomno, April 2.8.,,, =. 7.Riau__V14 , ....40i,; barrels; market IMO: CW • "i',re, 84116,1nottels and steaol 4 o ' , . thigan 40,01. CsAkOVelftigo;oo9 prices cent better;salealto'.l. chigan al 92. Oats, receipts 1200 bushels;" bitter;'sales N0..1 Itit 72 to 73. Rye ,fecazeo, Ages Cloversieil at 0,50. Lake freights dull, pFopellorti charging 4c on Corn: to•Buf8do. • • — F nualtel P ilict li/ W ke r t ^" reteirsPi to' the P1tt6hu4b44344:)11 . = pwr.e.pEAPHIA, April - 40.—Petroleurn is ".111#4:,01144) 1714?-14; rftlinexhin bowl 2610, "2644 e. r fllom* • • ; red $3, No. ,g spring V2,50a2,3 8 , Aiikkii • ' 30. Rye 9416a2ag, corn in pt t] < with sshyormAltabfahrtv.. . 22 a 1 1 22 .34; mixed • western ipp. Oats steady at 86c for heitS•v western: visions advancing. IlletiaPark W. Mesa Beef $22a25. g 1122 NM SE El -f .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers