MEM II li!u•A • • ' .• • B rielo .'imposition on .itentieratThe " Ofeau 4 k**&:Nitilittipirtiiie tratr=ltiatart—Fi. , nancei and apat t es#. _ • - • ';NuWXoiti ' April'23th isos. The East' River, br i dge proposition • still , .,„. attracts considerable - attentio n , - though the . proleet-"seeitibillY 'Makes , very little • real progress: !"Alb marts of ideal bridges have been - bornof this. — Already one bridge en %Oak- .. inlajac` Urges' the importance"' of ! lntiving .six. tit these ponderous' affairs_ . !across the EasiSivef. • Tre'Oni. even wait to ieiitilietist, beii-,:a4C4Cas. -He br - L'ii)ine of :tenth:it rnllattack the • Ni*ilo. altir next ='lhts'comestif lnpir,itig. an :uni " .. .aim Measure of ; the spirit of the age, and' et' thif kind ofLfellow is not lightly to Sneeireed at.r-,.• His ideas and those of solne of his flunilymay be somcyrhat , crude, but they . are wondronsly euggestive,,and this -city, is today , blessed: with. many twork,:, the. idea of *hick had a dreadfnil# rough ' birth in the brains ofenthtisisits, with *ere' laughed at in their time -- " 'ft • That the, ponri, -. Woman living in tins city and dependent "en - .the wcirk of her own hands for, her livelihoeff,.',l# a hard, • sad time it9i:162:*40 .whObas.. giyen her;,POsition much Varagr it , is.thaii.*et, are :apt to realize; , is shown by the. payment in one instance, as is curently , retxuted,of- sixteen cents for the making.' of -four - pairs of!.pinitalbons. The song: .of the .•no, less weary ' . .,than!.the stsrigikit-`,the , sbirt:ll Some believe ghat billy a Man' here or' there' has a soul, '. l . and thus maiftitlho' firectotts.ixteen cents Vi bald stein to furnish an argument for this the,ory , Weha*e.thouiands of abandoned women in this city ; their numbers are'pohit Lively alarming; and. should not we im mediately-seek to know how many have joined this hopeless sisterhood because, of such men as this one who gives ;four cents for the making of one pair of pantaloons? It has recently been brought to light that some of the brokers of lier's have passed a large nuMber of counterfeit greenbacks on • the emigrants who pass through that - city on their way . to thisi•country. These poor peasants apply daily, at the, office of the Erie - Railroa in d for tickets to take - them West, and offer payment these s purious greenbacks, poorly executed. Despite the card" of Mr. Cunard, denying the report that the. Cuba and the City of Paris are racing across the Atlantic. the latest news received from the vessels tends 'to confirm the report; for they were not twenty:minutes apart. An association of gentlemen has Been or ganized for the purpose of establishing and continuing from year to year, a great na tronal horse, agricultural and mechanical fair, the plan proposing a location in New Boston or Philadelphia, to be deter , ' mined by the Support given by the business men of these cities. Of course we may be wejudiced when we say- that we- think this city will offer the most liberalindiieements. If she does thus offer, the fair will be open ed in the ,coming • autumn, to • continue through . two months. Such a fair would of course draw hundreds of thousands of peo ple to it. This city is to be canvassed , at once in furtherance of the enterprise. Madame Ristori leaves Havana for this city to-day. Her farewell performances here • will commence on Saturday next, With "Los Teseros, or Isabel Suasez," a play which caused considerabe excitement in Havana. The gold market is rather drooping. The money market is much easier, ' there being ample surplus yesterday at seven per cent., an: in many cases at. six per cent. The stock market is chronically unsettled. • General business offers . bet little change: LETTER FROM RIO JANEIRO rile Paraguay—General News. . Rio .T.atvinto, - Mach 25, 1868. From the seat of war we learn that- the _ three Brazilean iron-dads returned to Payt . on the 26th. Asuncion was not found de serted by the inhabituntN as at fast report ed, and the vessels were even fired'Son from a small battery, but the defensive works were weak and a sufficient land force could easily take it. Two steamboats were lying sunk in the port. All the villages along the river were abandoned. - In the . Chaco, op posite the Tebi_pary, the Paraguayan • de:. pots were seen onfire, and a schooner in tow of a steamer was captured. In return in Entry Asuncion they were fired on by - posted at the , mouth op the Tebi gettri% On the 2d day of March the Paragnayan.s made an intrepid attempt to capture the eight Braziliar iron,clads stationed between „ Curupaity and llumaita. Before daylight forty•entht boats, with 1,200 pick& men armed. with carbines,, 'revolvers, hatchet; and hand granadesi'pulled quictly,from the .river bank, after covering themselves with boughs, so as to resemble a floating . islet. Portal:L.44y a,at_irkpatroling came' neftateuglito detect `irtEce and bur - tied back to give the alarm, but before the ,crew of the neertst vessel, the ; _Li= e Bur ros, could all , ensconce themselies itfside the towers, fourteen boats were along side and the Paraguayansboarding; a short hand to hand fight ensued, in which the Captain and the first officers were severely wounded:, Whet Cabral: was als . o bearded Aoni twelve boats, but her crew - had time to enter - tile casemate. On both vessels the desperate struggle wat. contuwedAbxouglyi.the) ports with' 'fife ernis; ' every idiot' of the defenders telling in ~ the . ilcuse.-, mass . of the assailants and the'farznetsif(eJS. , se verely from grenades thrown in. Mean: - --- " 7 ,ttarrhe. t.PIPV3tf abilillnaetavr..attrck ha il. ~ teen frustratea in the excitement and by - the current, the iron-obideßilvado and Her-1 val, tvorping-themselycsintoupsition, open- - ed grape with deadly etfeet, - npan the boats,• - while., the Brazil, ewept the decks of the - . ;Ambled afoitdii-f i -Tht c ase being hopeless then, the ParaRRYW( /Me ( ' to-th 'escape. 1)4% or the river and tb` The . . boats of,- ; . the , squadron Were Bea off= to save - the swimmers, but they -reftisedia Sur*. der, eatiOtthiellPT PrisgrtetnvalftakeL; The Faraguyan loss is estimated 'fat four, hundred.4ten, forty, bodies being found_On' the decks' of the tWo vessels. On the partjit the Brazilians thirty-two were killed and wounikeltlMPlthe tntan to Wnli s ta e .',(l l Aiii, wedstr i taboatt - 4 an_ t . i t, °teamed / 1P I ?"sl ' t' ' CP4l3llYancltrilre fi '' jury,ati marMmal .... w:. ‘ „-ti39#l4tieuico ;I.TIPP, t _,, in the . tiikiopez's rasa Were w' ' ~....t u ider inortyAft the vessels above Claw' . tv t a d sappiest stores to last for a COY a-': ilibrethittir - - - . air - .f i ll.T-0" 6 " --- - E Ell t r 0 7, : , • .41 !o: t 0 I. pll . 1 ,3 IA . . ..r. ~---, -,-,....3 , ....:-...-.... a -,.--- ~..-.:-...... -..... ~.., • ~,,,,,-,•"--,, ---2 , ,1..c 4 .41.2i41-7.- ..• • .- 2- ,. .,z , . , ••. ..,•:' 4.*.A.,„__,•,fe,W,4.4 1 7.... ~ :,•-'1.47,•::;-;;;" n ..:..qi;,,, ,- r;.. 2•7•7;',!;•• , :' ,7, 7t - : :z. :.-- , -- 77.7. - , -..,.,,, e.,-e-• .-•_, 1 ,,,.-- ~.._ l• ' „, ....,--. ---..-- - - - •,--,--..- ---"--• •-' s ” - :::'''.'"!.475.4 - „,- -, %,, ,-- y1:51 - •;*, ..i:413,7: - ;,:;=,:::: ; ktf.. - ,..4. - 7=54'44..."Wiz,,•24vi'gi-:; „...,---e„,. , V. , -,-.*2.44;••••''' - '• -.. ' °....'•.4 4 . .-.'''''.r'''' , 4";g4z , F.,,fsFi:,t ,, ,z4:;., , W.*a - ,-r,v4-:.R!::;,,;w::'A.n:•'-Pr'' - ,'A:': ; A.t• 5i,-z:, - ' , .'-':;;:-.::Z)VAXlt-a,..=.A'-*' — '' *'""'..- * - '-''' ''''k"'"':''As-''l'''W' 4- '''''' '. ' • '''''•• ' •z '''. ' 1 , ''''''illt:UlC- , 4-kl4l-..V51i.V'04Vtig,..,1 . 4:g ' _,—,-,,.,- , r.,,T,,q..- .; ,. 2 .....: ;t -,,- t ,-: 4 , : .1:: l :-..t:-,--„,-.,. ,•,••,4.1•:-.1.4.1 - 4- 15:5145' ''' - ' ,, V .. .!.. 5.:Ui,Fb - i?..-- - - •"`` - 1 ,- - -- - 1 • - -',.."' --- # .. W - „ , - i . , , , ,:` , *, ` 2 e_tk..e . , - -.VA, - g -- vi 1 lection of t_tr.lo , s i • •re - boirorrupolilire imd;othera are: to fellow immediately. In the.yArgenthte Confederalion • abme froubrea were existing in Rioza,-and:eholera had ahowed,itaelf to a small extentin Buenos `Ayres, ,but declui -- ed , , ki)4lC/SBICIB. • Paci4 Rikar.3/a4l, Illi Divkacuu United States Cimindssionersilltdr, White and Buford a , few'llityti. since_ returned fram an ofticiattour to the end oflli 'Eastern or. ICatteaa Division of. the '.' s i',:rau ro4d .: That tetnAWES, I;ortheterialtand,forinallac-. ceptance oflo. newaseetien. PG.tWellti-,10 miles, is _Carried:to:the, three hundred and sixtieth mile west of the Nussouri river, and is riow.heyond the State lineef 'Kansas. It ja InOW thilV miles; east orPond , Creek via nOl. Fort Wallapi.ottheirOaditcs Santa Fe - toward Widdi it is' now' beginiii4tb &debt. The Vonniihissenierlit and extoerts Wtb were ' 014party'elig4 in the iuklieg,tern4 of the 'OI I 4 II Z ' aia'Pxcelle4e, 4‘co* , ' Ouction A solidity . : Already it, .is !Angie very iariabasidess; the travel at this seasons he.. immense—Chicago Republican , : .1, ' 1 . innironnro NorthernieMigrants a week, it is estimated, pour if& Misouri. They take WitVtliem, on an average, one thousand: . dollars ; .aptece., five : hundred .thousand dollars weekly, thee,' is„ the rev- Onue from : , immigration -of freer Ididsetiri. ,This increase of capitalland , :sinew l , lof in -3 dustry and trains,. of intelligence and pop. ulationoruir Bouthein'thate cref:haveithe 'moment Wfollows Missouri'' 'example, and . deelareb for freeddid 'and f l ,th o:.:,Ngeao:. WlOOl - 'carrying' ftiiward'Ahis i 4lo - `and.'- conti nent. !Old this. they Must, de,if they. desire to grow 'and flourish. DeielOpment will not arise from-death. They cannot expect, while they hold themselves in mortmain,' while they are clutched in the dead hand bf slavery and vast ideas, to go; forward. l'ree constitutions and hearty sympathy . With the party steal! the welcouie thralls. IviniVd 0 attract to, Southern Soilthousands ,of strong. XOrthein . arms and . millions of ;solid Northern dollars. —Press.. ' .. TIIE Eastern , papers are complimenting the educational enterprise of the West by a companion of khool figures, which they aclmowledge take "the conceit out ofthem., For instance, Lowell, Mass., sendetoschool of her children old enough to •go to school, SO per cent., Boston, 60 per cent;-Newark, N. J., 53 per cont.; Brooklyn; Buffalo, Troy, and Syracuse each 40 • per cent.; Zanesville, 0., 05 per cent; Chicago and San Francisco, 50 per cent.; MilWaukee, 40 per cent.; Detroit, 45 per cent.; Cincintiatt, 25 per. cent. The ratio of pupils in East em cities isfronrls to 20 percent.; in West em titles fivui 10 to 20 per Cent, averaging 15 per cent CHAULES P, BiorisoN, in his day the most celebrated teacher of elocution in this coun try, died on the 26t1j, aged sixty-six years. 11ore than thirty thousand people have been taught by 'him, and his book on Elocution reached a circulation of one hundred and twenty-flue, thousand copies. The princi pal work o his later life was the prepara tion of a Bible, so printed as to show accent, rhetorical pauses and emphatic words. This immense labor is complete, but has not yet been published. He had also just com pleted for the press a new edition of his 'Elocution." PlithcE ALFZUD, whose attempted assas. siltation is announced from Australia, is Queen Victoria's fourth child. He was born in 1844, and is consequently now about 34 years of age. From hisearliest 'years he has been regarded as the most intelligent and sensible of the royal family, and has been far. more popular with the English people than any other of the Queen's children. He holds the rank of "Duke of Effinburgh, and is a captain in the 'Eugllsh . nery...', Be' has tn. veled" extensively, , ev r the ; .world, but whilst he hits been in to Canadas, he 'has not yet visited. the ;Unit States. ' Tn4reaction on the Prohibition question in Massachusetts is being naturally followed by its own reaction. In its extreme legisla tion in -favor of unrestricted ran-selling; the anti-Prohibition Legislature has over reached itself, and thoughtfulpeople are be 'Coming frightened at th lengths to which 'the recent popular:frenzy for personal lib erty" hai gone. The key-note of this changed public sentiment is sounded in the message of Gov. Bullock, in which he - returns the License bill passed by She Legislature with out his signature—N. Y. Tribune. TllE , Committee of Clevelanders, appoin ted to visit New York, for the pnrpose of securing the passage through Cleveland of the broad guage extension of the Atlantic and Great - Western Rallying to Toledo, have rettinted, and the Plaincteakr understands that "If they did not utterly; fail in the.ob ject of their trip, they at least despair of ac complishing that object. " , SPECIAL NOTICES:, RATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This. splendid Ilalt-Pye is the beat ha the worlff; the only true and perfect- Dye; harmless, reliable; instantaneous; no diimppointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the effects of bad dyes;-invigo rates and leaves Ms flair soft and beautiful. ,tack or brown. hold by ,all Druggists ond Perthmerstand properly applied at - Batchelor's 'Wit ,Vaetory, No. 18 Bond Street.lNew York • •r- •• - • ayebl:pat orrstAmisA6tiaroczitiatv. , —An Essay: for Young tenon the Crhne end the, DISEASES and ABUSFAI which eresle ItapedlinehtlC to MARITIAGX,' with eve' me s of -rellefe , Sint In sealed letter envelope., free e . reherge. Addreits De. J. 81C114,IN'HOUvill- Talclioaratit Assoclapin, rhlladelphla, Pena'aa : OFFICE or ylli.T.nggiungs. or C0.,1 ,l'arrininnou..Aprll int.,l2 2 ht '''''l il[ilfl.ll4/StAiliCE - tietbii Alit Se'e' .- tion'er an Aet relatidg toilkghtnr r aillitity • iikid , roved the Art they ill' Nay, 1 and of thense . enutt menu go •nald: sectioni , opprova , rthe - AlOth. day,oX, March, 1886 ! ,I,herylve n . ollee that. ,illO ptillll , . cates _c_or the adverb Ms.. tiorouitho h a ' Tawli." ships WILL , BE.0), 'lnd. II tivill'l be thtpared to reeetwo the - . f ,., , : ' 4 , !: V.“.i . :.....1':'.1t . . . ' &1114, State,' Poor. .- Wpr •h9us . , l Oft! ~ -'-'-.- - Vaunt, - 'Timis, [ or, „IS& t' , ' . ' . 0:$ it aft the istClay; of May:. il i , ea yd tines' and' ei• ' • can be paid at this ogled until the let day of. qgtillti Wi t t S tia Hl.;,‘ €.l, d: -1 ~ ' •,:e! ' ``'''; ,f,,, - bediteitins of; I rm U t Wif ' e ..r imti Cent. lh l eOE ..- ng t W i t 6 l : z ' . tl ke' . r O' rota ':Fty ' g ,the,NTOFthe frbere,ritt ,be no tdednOtlogl. alltpdp6turlnihe - Manila of Angunl, There will lat,Tr it , IN CENT. ADDED to 01 =en retnnlithirgin oil ',theist day Of lleptembertAteettr 1 , 11. r 7.,.. iiiiiii E at ...„,,,, fib- i • frArrilfrAEN - 141:01. trgasurek of Allegheny enn ty.. mtal:noo .. : ' ' P r A L O r. ' 1 PRA sch , , co ortibil y ireeitte4bif.thelgeirtroi isllF Alio . finstO City V e atiolliroroi.i..T.t t. , . w •.., a .. •)att a oln a efor FM wmr"..66-1 kr.2lll•ll.slbeds. Pft tali , " ' -5" PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDA Y. 4.9..„ 186 g.. 4)1 upon 1, e - -....- -------- ------- - 41 .tely. IarTONGRENC- 3 244 DISTRICT. .: • ;..-••. • - .7: -i•-• ~, ;.:0:7;471i.' : ' ? • '' Gen'. 1. - S . ;Edith'' ; -' . ...,.... ~ Li a candidate for nomination before the Union 1 pUbllCan Convention:.. .. . - . - - arCO WPRESB-2%1t DEITICT. . . Ie a candidate.far nomtnatloii.ty their-igen Repub. Ucair Oonsressionst Convention. rall3l:dkT OrrOß DISTIPET ATTORNEY. , Eigojeet to the dechilon - of the Unloa Republican Count Co. 6.. Um:L. , ap17:00.4&T arFOB` DINTItICT ATTORligla deii. prAttsct*,- • Subject ih the deelettet of ilia llntoa Republican County Coasention. - mh.24=24.41411M wires misTaieT ATirttiaNgt:. Subroct to the decision of the lintotilleptiblicin Countv Convention:. • • mh.V:n43:d&T ; , . IWVIIIIIT.Mr DISniiCT AT-- 'Wilt be a equiltdate tor Assfstiutt District Attorney,. subject to the,decisieriof tile,,Republican Coutitk , Convention:, .. . . apitnditT. ItgrASSISTABiIe, DISTRICT sae • „ . Subject to Ole .deciaion • of tbe Union Itepublicatt' County Co ventlon, •• mbSS:uVeditr. w'Ncormnr , commmpivmt. • • • Of Lower Bt. Clair township, (late of Co. B. 81ild P. ) sublect to the decision of the •Union Repub lican County Convention. ' ap=c4s-daT IniagiCOlCS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Dealers, Gardeners awl Private Families M=:= CM THOMAS. HOWARD. LEVTj BIRI3=;DU"EFI WILLIAM;' C. MCiAELAND, JOHN W, ,RIDLyLI,4 BEMM39 PHILIP. HOERR, STOCK PURE AND FRESH. lind s their requirement's fully Met Our rarge stock, complete assortment, and the ac knowledged reliability of our stu ff , lea ds. us to con fidently tee satisfaction to our customers. Constant yon hand and tor sale at the lowest mar ket Prices- DARDEN AND FLOWED SEEDS. FIELD AND LAWN SEEDS. POTATOES. GOODRICH. HARMON, BUCKEYE, WRITE SPROUTS and CUZCO. - • FLOWERING PLANTS AID BULBS. AGRICULTURAL AND ITOUTICULTURAL IMP ar..wzirrs AND TOOLS. ALL BOOKS relating to the "FARM. GARDEN or GRERNIMOUSE at publishers' printed prices. Our New Descriptive Seed Catalogue Gives ABLEipions of N MOST DESlvarieties ofVE GE TABLES AND m far o u w Einßs. , p kLA t l ng and atan management-prices inytkeltagea or by weight, by mall or otherwise, and nallch other valuable lif formation . Sent to all ap plicants vnelosing 10 cents. J. lENOX, Nurseryman ; -.Beadsman and Florist, 187 LIBERTY PITTSBURGH. • sir Derr : of "HROXIS FRUIT FARM and NUR; nn3OnAlotFe&T puicEE! OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, MAIST4ACTURED DT THE MARfo POWDER ' COMPANY, ARTHUR HARK, Agent; 0R1ce,1791 and 114 FEDERAL, STREET, ALLPOR.F.NY, PA MMM!! CANISTER POWDER Electric Nos. 1,2, 3. 4 and 5 grain, in &junco Canisters; 1 lb. each American ach Oporting. ju Oval Canisters of lib. • Du e sk ithooting. 2fos. 2, 3 and 4 . grain in . Oral Canisters of 1 lb. each Indian Ride. In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each..., Kentucky Rifle, in Oral Canisters of Ilb. each Kentuckyß InOvalCanisterS of h' lb. each tiro one lb. Oval Canisters in a case. (50 half lb. do. do. do.) Itga , FOWDER . . Kentneky,Blile, irro, Fro, and "Sea Shoot- .• ingr ro,,in kegs, albs Kentnek - r sr°, /ind • `Sea Shoot- - - lug" Fa, •in kers, 125‘ lbs • • • Kentucky - Ride, rr rn,, PY4). an'Sea Shoot- log' , NO, in kegs, lbs cV.'. Deer Pdvrder, Itikegs, Ibt ' - Xining and Shipping. Fowdet, Mining r, Yr, and YVF grain, _net cash, in kegs ZS lbs Safety Fuse for Bliudlng, of superior quality, In packages of /SO Seat and over. • Delivered - free of OXiCilll43 onboard Boat ItaltrOild, In Pittsbtrrgreor - • Eci!gmt AlltD, ,comckarrros THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY, 'LB.,..lmplg i gt.. , mE,4 : icuit; ••,• :.• Car setitt* Aogorator , . . .; , e„..„ Yoe SMOKE ANXl`llo'f. .0 0 .11t 1 PIXES,dispeneing with the use •of Stotts In or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment:oT • geadgevgirt. tgAildrature that may lie. peel w t hen liessituut,y.,of Adtt,litt ate tri gg l .4;t411 IttiFiggtettibrlle at .• Having° taiMa of thdlititedlititieS :az tisfuttgotekos which bocaymmtlaCtb slat the 140 t letenseib i let t inig,ioVandta 'the non aid r'wn cli - in 04,1 it lasi gureprotectio beiVentsidlt• listing from defective gusher tart Peasra used as conductor for' wino b eat. 'lt • spoil+. plicsble to all pipta.that my become overheated, and ilkwarrantSWitive.perferitisaibtkm where vrooffof other. Mteirtibteiga MAY Be , Idaced 46 Obits tfog,lnl yt hafetde p tit itav!vbitily to arr. NIP Tirrrettowto tuirdso divain t g4-tatu gO rim lj. M l Pa r tiet i le ' a r, *III kin g=tmight, to Mall@l4lngret regle - isuso, territorial rights, 411C.A.,65' Mai erten to engage in seining priveges,eithernif Kate I or county. iyl ulikalliainairi , . J BAI 1211.41 i 1pg a tga 9.11 dick% ; -tr.? ir9olo— elarfilitilar& BRO., `STOCK EitatAi.ST TE'e • ERS RO K ,•-• Melt ktf6140,0104 - Axe Prenatetll4,l sell stAtietion STOCK% BONDS,. and ail [lnfra of , REAL ESTATE; ,HOUSEROLDJITHNI _ "either on the premises or at the Bond of Trade . teems. Tartieldsx' attentldtrpflarsas ketorore, the Weer Reatßatate tmeite,as ." • Sales if R'eaEstaterin t epinitmattended. 'Moe. N0,.115 YOURT . stM.ER - r• ° 4421 its i .e sere lusy th t t tune • P FARMS • ;i; vie • lis4e owirTor to Wernisorelautt and 'bly , easy teems, so erb i*lniurrolitsge arab e for yourself... . - - 'FOR= S 222 M • y 4th N EIPIOO VM cruse, cantabile] for. with mart- - proetttil (rim; bet**, e ,termlitatr This Inone'o catmt)i. an Wit Ao EE IL! tts: ' Also, Also 'small (Mo lalui and rand to , oh to let tot 'good :dot in both r, ITEM THE iIiAGNOLIA V IC% • - 4 LOcated near McKeeiport: iroffar Mint Elrod's Sta tion, on the Cunnellsvllle liallroad.. New house; ih excellent condition; ;barn excelled' by few 1n the country!. .All improvements on the..are mod.: 'ern and of the best kind: 80 1 l unkurpinised by any in Abe country for, thrultnv: , Y.rnie,•;gragety • &e. ln 'abundance. • Never falling springs abound. G l oat banlr. open. • Fences perfect: Will be °Old cheap. Apply to , . 'STEEL & witsoir - . . Brokers and 'Beal Baste Agents, . . a .25 No. 06 SMITIIFIELDiSTREET. 2,000,000 - ACH" OF 011010 E LANDS FOR SATE, BY THE 1' • . Union Pacific Rai/road Company, • . • EASTERN' DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road. at ' $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF vrvE YEARS. • For farther particulars, maps, &c., address JOHN P. DEVNBECX. • Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas. Or CHAS. II:LA31 - BONN, St. Louis, Missouri.. cm WALL PAPER. READER" CALL TO-DAY, At No. 1.01 Market Street, SZT.V.CT YOVR WALL PAPERS. JOS. R. HUGHES P & SRO Tlnsarpalsed td boiltitY and quality. W. P. MARSHALL, No. 87. Wood Street, near Fourth n2hs):nB HOTELS. THE' VILINSION HOUSE. he undersigned beg to Announce to their friends and the public that they haye _purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR HOUSE, ' ' NO. 344 lAborty Street, :. • And will continue to keep It in the best - style. The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred Noma, all' newly tarnished in the best style, and only two min-. Mee walk from the Railroad Depot. . Trayelers will end this house an excellent one - to stop at, and:Will be accommodated any hour, day or night, ' Hall. Connected with *the' House Is AS splenid l ihr . Concerts. ' Families or "Angle persons lakMi' tO hoard by the day, week or month, with or withoht4ottins. tahmpay , • ) I AI I • ;I)' •"1 AN PLAN.. • - ' ST. JAMES HOTEL, Pits. 405 and 407 bekty Opposite 'Union 'Oepdt, Pin:SOPRON. JAMES .X.ANAKAN; Proptletor, This house Is newly:built and sOendidly finals& and convenient to all the Nagroads coing into .the'city. /Strangers vteltieg the city will f ind this very convertive; putt economical, pme. ,Xolkseaure teur room and pay for yen :mats salve ga t them. ahts Restatiranteonnwtedwith this hotel , open at aU 2 1ris 41 1 4 ,4111 Y Bails An parties Mit Wit - pu,tpeyS mie shorte st : n otice and 'clemeetitt le tithe. , • - 1 ' , Lee gm • : fltsiLbigaillt Ii k TEWArIaiNG GOOD& w • -'" st : stk., • • ,i, v... 1; =UM Hata...and Caps;: • , AnitIViNG , DMINV .19 • • 9, , •11 • " 131 W Eh `c ; .Pl , l 1.,m; i l lstcALlPOlNajtakrintS. • Itannaistid ••' , go* kkt i ndl '4ll l l '7157 11 ' r:-;;4 11' -.77.7. - 47 • - it. h 3 • irjalllsllAllealattiimil q. ZalVtrilt***l6P.. qthair 6MM-el 1 4 10 ill rPvimpr = It 114 ini;:mnui~lteAlinfl viloki "r"7 74— ! , :4, o_'' ;~ F ~4 '1 ! VIR641"14111 b • MlTlRTeilergni-r-ottv, t 1111941 tiVVIII !" 13. #1001.01104"11144 I‘l6 ti - so 'fl 3 10041114110101,M7 stet let vial tiodq 6 4 B it. .V 7 lo el3po MairrgrAr IMO n 13r4 Oft , Pituaw INSUi ANCE GOMPANY, OF AL4C4ll2ar PA, FOB sl of the thiestirAllMS In Volmtfttaremarka . At, an,one. irons otbuy faltolgether.• and ex . • ' • (#.r•Z i X 11. i I.: TO. Slttigoitbfleld stree t. ~/ .a rut feue, at Fe r n; _y at 131111 t tM)tueso and Al* 'illWs :screw 11 sell Houses 'uses for I Inquire tD, ledral. .~ ~".f'' ...-'lf Office In Frank& Sayings No. 43 Ohio St.. Allegheny.) AOXE CONTANY, manageltby Directors well known to the community, who trust W.fstr to merit a share of your patrodage. , • • • PresiiinaLi ~INKiretary. ,E , . ' HENRY tow. D. RIDDR.v... ~.;. , ; -.-.; • - • DI:SECTORS: . d ' - ; Henri_ Irwin.• ~ I D.L. Patterson, ;Henry Gerwia,' I Geo,, ft. Itiddie, Jacob Frans, ( lotticlbFaas, Simon Drum, J. D. Smltb, ' Jacob Raab mr.- AL Stewart, Cb. Y. Whiston, Joseph Craig; ' Jos-.; Lantner, ; 11.. J: Sink.inul,' Jeremiah (Cohen , V.AkTIONAL .IIVEll.):11A1 CE . OP THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY. Ma:. io ALIiELIEtE7Y BIJILDENG. - ' T' • • • • • , ~-,• iiftBll.itAkck •01.E.At: „.„0 . ALA L. , it eat.. JAS 'E STE•FFNpON, §ccritaq. .• . , " • min:molts: I_ , • ' A.:11.1 - gr v ititatq.!t10.11.P,Willtams.Jno.' Toompsedi . 11 3 0 . 1 11+ Piero 'l.lolleLgtlclutrt,- 40, 6 !dy er s. Jas. L. rstfazo; IC, C. Boyle, " Tbo Broirit,..Tr. Gesriperl , t, kIacOb,KOPI4 -- - _ Vt au tiri •.rearasivcr. COM. ' - PANT P P1T14311118131T, ; • XIMIFIE, President. . • , .t3enaral ant. rgs , Water , street.: Sponse:a' hoose;• 110.stairs. , Pitbstdusrt. ; . , Will ir..:nre Against all. kinds 1.; of •Fire • iXartrie Risks.: Abomae by; rilfteroir : who are:well known 10 the contsaimity,' and whestre, determined bypromPttieits• sad: liberality, *.to Alibi the diameter ratich, they have•assumed, as of fetingthe bent protection to three who desire to be insured. • ,• • v lc • •I. ••••- . . ' . i. r DIRS.CTORS .:- 1. ..,, .. i , ' Alexandb lamla, Jo hn B. Weille: A. Billler4 Jr:,' - - • - ' ChoB. J. Clarke, , Janie , / MeAule7, . : • iWilllana S. Etane, , 'Alexander Speer, Andrew Aeklen, '': ' ' PIIIIIIRItexiner, Dar td.Dt.Long.—. ' ENRSYLVANIA OFFICE, COMPANY-OF PITTTSBURGH OFV,ICE,,SIFLy'TH STREET; BANK' BLOCK. This is a Home Company, and' insures against loss by Yire xclublvely. . • , • . LEONARD AVALTEB,, liresideet. • C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. . - ROBE= A. PTRICK, Treasurer. HUGH 3IcELHENY, Secretary. DIUNCTORS: George Wilson, Geo. - W. Evans, C. LaPge, J. C. Yleiner, - John Voteley, • A. Ammon: Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. Hobert Patrick, Jacob Painter,, Josiah King. • . Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry' 8 roll, • INDEMNITY AGAINST. LOSS• BY FIRE • FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA: OFFICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNUT ST.,.NE:eac 5713 • DII.CTORS: •• Charles X. Baneker, 'Mordecai H. Louis, • Tobias Wagner, 1 David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, IsascLea, Jacob R. Smith, 1 3 Edward C. Dale, . Peorge W. Richards, George Fales. CHARLES 0. BAN KKR, resident. EDW. C. DALE, Vice Prnaldent, • - W. C. STEELE, Secretayx,prOism. J. GARDNER Corrta, Awns's., North West corner Third and Wood Streets mb29:wls ALLEGMENY INSURANCECOM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 MTH STREET, BANE BLOCK Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN, an.. President. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DON - YELL, Secretary. • CAPT. DEAN, General Agent. DIIIECTOIIS: - • Crpt. Win. Dean B. L. Falinestock, W. H. Everson, Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers, • Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin, Jr., John 1,..1.1cC0rd, C. Hussey, Harvey Childs, T. J. Lloskinson, Charles Bays, • IIIiFEOPLIESTINSURSNCE coat PAS Y. OFFICE, N. E. - eORNER WOOD h FIFTH STS. A.Monie Compani, taking Fire and Marine Maki 11110CTOIISt ' • I Capt. - Jelin L. Rhoads., Samuel P. Eihriver, . CharlaxArbuckle, • Jared 111.11 rush, . . :.; Wnt. F. Lang. • Samuel Ideerlekart" ' resident. - • .-- President. - IN, General' Agent. ; " Wm. Phillips, ':John Watt. John E. „Parks. Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner WM. PHILLIp q JOHN WATT,V W. likliGNE CAPT. JAW'S.. GO BESTEST ;EMILY COAL. - • - • - as:Wjcs,'s • . . • . • • • - • • And Delivered!Prouretly to l trler,' AT:I:OIYEST iitARKET RATES, BI OSCAR P. LAMM fk CO., Corner Satidueky Street ond & C. R. R. ~ C.,1:1; Y, ANTHRACITE` FIIRRISKED AT THE LOWEST RATES.` - quiran DICKSON' 'STEWART & CO • -fiavin g reiieved l their (lice to ; • - , NC); tse7z,n3Elt SME'rfZ . (LatOIy.CIAY Flour `5lllll SECOND mom,: _ • ' Are now ureOareri tOferuisn Tr ' Toutni x oGitz:. NY LIMP, NUT COAL OR LAoll,l4.ttie lotreat morket price. . • • , offic • • ' All orders left at their e, or addresaed. to them through the trail, will be attended to promptly. my25:b25 CHARLES 11.'AIIMISTROISG, • • .incm.xli 14.• . 7 : , 10II01 , 1109227* 7 09112&111 , 1111710314 • , , I And Itanifacdurers of . 1". - • d : • , . COAL, SLAVE AND ,DEBU.T,PgtfIfIZED COKE.., _Ofilee ;and tYarii-LCOENER' I CIP' fIITTEE'R MORTON ' 14TENNM: - Ftlart Tard , on: Mituarq and' . Clymer, streets, Nintn 'Wards and onSceeadatreel, near Look 1510.11,„ Pittiburp. PA. " • _ Farallies And . Diannhietarerst ,stipplied• with the Bert article of Coal or Altar, tattle lowest moth rates. Orders . left at any:of their ,opicell, ,7 1 / 1 reocive prompt attention. • - i 4w :,'B#4lllllrclMSON, •• 0 , .. ~, ~ ~ .., sgeemara,to ; , LannnrnrA..annYo-100111ST COAT. Co., ' fkipSiMtritllS AND DE.factOkBY , BATIew , AND RIVER ; oteuperiorrqugniogilenr . eik 1)42A8 , Asp,r‘Ly ' • • , ,- COAL. ,• ';,dflicik annviTata — FOCrr , RlF TRY , -arREET, neat tileteac cni aeas. Callao ' • - , , ........, • *„4„,,,,„ - ,v. _ o _ „,„.4, 0 „, . 1„ . ' .. , ‘ ,, P..: 'Pt”- - f---0. , -...'..-t•', , ''. ,-;... .- 4 ri-e'.4s ir th,.,e;if AlWriT ta t ,s 14102 14 ' 1, Ceara:4oM_ a _ .... '... ~rr e !n? Mel , 4 t o 01 4 a w i l t ? ai r t)4l iitTli # AT 4: 1 „,p. : Ititallea., o 1, It e! ,, P• 06 042p , , ME • ..s z ni. , ,Agi g • • .13-; 14. ia„,AAjo v 'FIJIMIRIRE'MANUFACTIMEMI • wildwasiLLE AND RETAIL, •-• %WA% 0 MO's VOEikraVEMESderrEMErr: INM , A • Id 17' • . .•;4:1:1A. , 11 r„, ' l l : • - " • • FRED- AI3IS. - ..... :3 LBLAIrACIXR. 6E0.. BABitifik • Another entire change. Hansen inlei,i'ded. People delighted. JOHNNY HAIL/ . in *it and /augllnnie acts. Mile. lIRVEUE,.' the beeidHlal donseuse. AIJtiCTA LAI:RUM:M. Ntr' lo4 "t /Sag - eating dances: OSCAR WILLIS. - .POW HART, •with ;be entire Dramatic Company. IarINIRNELLI'S lit • L • 'MUSEUM EXHIBITION, Comprising WORKS OF ART andfiRMAT NAT URAL MAIM; CURIOSITIES,. • AT FitiiIIIELIN . 1.14 - Fifth itreet, opposite PittsburgitlinSire. Cards of Admission 25 cents.. D,o9rs ?pen from A: M. to 10 1. ; ; - ; ;i - spemis nrtamAND.VotAjl.job. ", :• ' -mormagENT4 , cp.aravaT , TO - be.' Soiree fit tile. MXNCIteisTEIK PRMEIBYTE 'HUM ,CIMMACIt, - . cornet of Frontlet and , Market streets. AUethanrs: (formerly Manettesteet) for the benefit of the'Charch, on ' - I • ' 'IIII:FMSDAY, *tr. Model. the anapidea Mr."C;V: Inr,4olt. Aiaiated by, Mrs. LAURA MELLOR, Messrs:. E,- - !MMED, J. EMBERT ;.• • 'Tickets, 50 milts. For iale at C. Cr. 91 `Wool Bttert, Pittsburgh; at• the paoluelpal stores in Meachester, and. at 1111 e. 'door: Doerr open at It-. Cowart to commence at It Up S VClAdit: " Corner of The Manchester Tasseater. Care p sa airaskUu- 'Market etreeta everlll.o`llthiutes. Concert oyerlatinia to. tate Jire'caraflbr the cities. ". • - - . ISO MOnMIO POLIO NAci s. . . , _ Office+ 1011 . 6.11 - YLIF.: STREET; neeldWashington, PA." I' Deeda4.flloads, .Diortgageg, Aeltiowledgmenta. DepoStioea..Collectiona r an all °tiler legitimate Intalhess executed promptly. . '• mM:n9 A RCIMIAJW) BLAKEVRY, , se, es }arm *musts, DEl:nk:dir MEI sour. , ,IIIcIIIASTRIEt,j _ . , • Ex-Offlefia dustice of the PCJICO ailc6'olice Magis trate. Office, GRANT STREET, oppeite" the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA.. • ' lUd d itic;rr n a2l 0 1 .I. r e t t g ai g glidgi n or e lf!? e villit promptness'and.dtspatce. , .* . =BIS 717 ' ISTACE " S.;fflOttßO . - EibtrAE . EX-OFFICIO JUSTICY OF THE' PEACE AND POLICE .11AGISTIL94. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTS, BURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages,' Aeliatowledgments,, Deposttions'and an Legalßusinesa• • executed with promptness and dis patch, . . , . mrte AMMON, A. _ Justkeof the, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE AST. CARSON STREET XAST 81115 .0N1114.111. Collection of Rents solicited and Is , iinniptly attend- ILLIAS 11.4*01114.- . - W ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, COW/ONCE% &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the Baihray Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH:' Business entrusted to his care I:,4,:xiptly attend ed to. i my1:311 SOSEPIi M. GA.TZAM J 1 ntrrrearteur. G. X. M.X6JEITEM,;I' "LAS T P 4 IWZ" BOXII I M E/14 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELD4S-AT LAW, 'Andr.s§ilaittira OFFICE, 9EI GRANT STREET, j; • • Oppost el the cathedral. 11521723 DANIEL McBIEA.I., M. D., PRACTICING PIrirpXCIA.1 4 1, • OFFICE, 'MO') .1 1 4 o. tie Gl•yant St.,-nbair-11119th. SPZI:X 7I, • TT '' LIERGtSON,, ,LTT'OT Is jF-Y — AT,I eacO DPLuon.FBox2ROOM W. A.: ATTORNEY -AT LAW' No. 00 d:llatre et. „. PI ;BIIiTiGEI, PA JOHN W... RIDDIFJ.44 • . 1 ' ATTORNEY-AT4LANV. Ue lewo>od eirPtfr t , : E ' . Etqnsai) ; fels:t44 -7 ; prijrahrwth, PA c.mAcA R tLE„ r i,„ ATYORNEY Atio',ooilo4l*.AT V* Noy S9 'Gian t * 14 , 1.4tiei;. , .!,ixt724:b25 .I"..riTSEATROII , PA JOHN N A. STnAi •" • • ..AIIIEII.*ADT • , AND POLICE AL&COTILVFE.. •. • Office ~1151 Mtn, kaltitraSi i mpodie_t_lte,Cathe• dna,' 'Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds:o4ond*. Argue 'Ankncrwledgmentd; Depoliitietil bud Busi new executed lib prouiptuesEund Mos TOW - 11 C: MOIVIDDMit ATTORNEY AND CODNSPLLORAT - LAW, "r1 1 ;t: i, N 0.87 ElftliilE4tr@et.!.i Penslonsiltpooties,ond Ar/4,110f Tay promptly collected.' nomogor CRACr Hffi MVi AIrtILS A>l . • FRENCH CRA FRENCH SAF.4I.O,acROLERIEf • : " .-.VnErttiff '"hrs ': 1 — , -,,-TmEntutßiciltbs: • 1. f • .111.; SUPERIOR'CUAVICEIts „ 111,-.314.MMtl , , 11,:l'C11111 91 Liberty iltreflkiiiikibilvski !•-rfii . -* • A - At • 1, .1! VSTAIII:IWHELD 1.!.* • jij4 .J•Lm " h01p.!:144. i ; • - - I - r s W* t ":- . " 11 *- . fg• 8 40 4 Filletary, lout. tit at i ld r ifitirei r • 1 40,014; 1 94,4130gittat OC elite i as Ap ,, q -4 • .. t* ri . ..,•:, 7 7 - 771 1- 74 7 " ' ;17.77, ' ' l '-' 4 * 1 , , ~ .. 4, . . •,, MI tilt • , I *r - - 44 , .. vai , ' u twit igliriro ' itahssl) -en' 1/131 411%03. la tut! t licoksinirct be. I§!ez 'airribn.:l it'aditillalialli ' Ini i me r e t .le, .t 141 brstrreil gm 1 I . 1. Piri4 URGE!. P.A. ty3iyEo I ti: Sticeet. No:" 87 E' ap4iw73 14 , II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers