II Ii - --....,... 4 . m . mm5emp ...1.J.,11•11 CHEAP OLEO For/ THE PEOPLE.... he GREAT WRSTIIitN; SfrivtjarS haw hive red to N 0.179 Riff= 1.51. D &TWEET, where till alsraritte found themoet compWe .assortment f Ginn, MILO'', %Arnistoldtion and dPart. ng Material, ilke., in tee city. AU kind* of Gans und Pistol* carefully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send *Map for integrated Circular. .Agent* wanted in Arent . . in the Mated States. Address, J". H. JOHN TON. 179 dmithiteld Sired. Pittsburgh. - - • ____ - PrETSBORGII & CONNELLS VI.:LE R. R. CO. STOCKEIOLIDERS' MEETING general inceting of 'the Stockholder, of the eittsburgh‘s Connellsvillss ltaLlroad Company will #e held at theft. °Mee, in the City of Pittsburgh. on . ridaYs the 145th day of May proximo t 11 o'clock A. Xt. to acceAt or resect the ordl armee lately passeibr 4he-aLayOr and City Conn Ills of Baltimore, and for the transaction of such ither business as snag be brought before the tnept7. By order of the Board, - ' ' • , PAGE, Jr., Secretary. Plttsourga April Agth, 1808. a,rdSzpid•ws'si priL l 4l7oo for. it . NEW FRAME HOUSE of hall and'four rooms,-an Bo r oug h of : round.- situate on Coal Mil. In the of onth Pittsburgh. Immediate possession II . Apply to.. S. CIJTIIBERT lb S ONS . Ileal Estate Acopts. $ Smithfield St. 3 500 WILL: Pillti3HASE - I !Et ' t • _good two-story , Brick- House, of 11, live rooms, cellar and thibthed little.. Also, a rick House of two rooms and lot of 'Found, ;No, 18 Franklin street; both houses rent tor 114510 per hnum. S. CUTHBERT &BONE, nPM • -Bb Sualtitrield _street. I TO LET, ROOlifS, with Stint , PttWer. . _ . Enquire at GROVE & OLNIIAUSEIPS; Cap.13:4).35 , , 833 Penn ' Stieet. ' , WA7TEt-A, second+hand,r 10 1 1,21, power, • I'OBWAI3I.3E ENGINE . Enquire of ap29:p.% itsuicock Street & Du ANTED—To ;employ, o 'few GOOD KEN, to sel,_l by sample, the coin ned PLUMB, LEVEL. A.ND 'BEVEL. ..Nothing ke it In vise. - Will 'pay from 1175 to $l5O per. oath and all:expenses; or will give a commission; .ut which twice that amount'can be made. Also lent Traveling_Agents for Ashbaugh's WONDER. IF THE WORLD.- • • , ap.:p3s FOR BILE, • • 250 bbb3. very superior Wust Vu: !Gravity guaranteed not over 200. UFFILM,KEHENTA CO - lapm:pm -No. 3 Perrra Block; " 'Car._ Hancock St. .5c DugticaneWa STERN DISTRICT of PENN , SYLVANIA. SS. - - - ' -" • - lAt Pittsburgh, the 511Sth day of April: N. - D.-186S, node:sighed hereby tires notice of his appoint ;cut as Assignee of .FA.:S B. SHIELDS, dr Pitts'. argh, in the county of Allegheny and State of ennsylvania„ within said district, who has been idged a barupt on strictwn petition by the Dio; let Court orsaid d ' • .101 IN H. BAILEY. Assignee; - npZi:p3O-w Lttorney-at-Law, 89 Cirant street. la SALE—That "treff desirable L . two-story BRICK DWELL G HOUSE, con - .' f intilg 7 rooms, with finished attic, situate in the econl4 ward, Allegheny', No. 31 -Monterey street. • • polot, Is 20 feet front by 110 feet in depth. Will' sold on favorable terms to facilitate settlement . the estate of John Chambers,- deceased.. If not lid before TFICTRSDAY,' May 14th, 1868, It will offered at Public Sale on that slay., • tEnqUire of JOHN DEAN 29 Stockton Ave, ••,• he, Allegheny, or S. B. %. GILL, No. 104_Flith , ~• Pittsburgh: • • • - apM:p.37 EW DRESS GOODS, EMI= JUST OPENED AT, IMI =I WHITE, ORR & CO.'S, =EC 23 FIFTH STREET, • - f All persons who are Indebted for raving the bowing streets, In ire Lawrenevine District T. MARY'S AVENTIE: OSTER, CHURCH, DAVIDSON; BrzaarroisT ...,... • NINE, BOROUGH, EWALT, DRAVO, •WAIN -IBIGHT and ALLRN.STREETS; and , . . ?..AFATETTE and HAZLRTT ALLRYB, ME re notified to . dall at the ,I'ItEASUREB'S OFFICE, • the alty or Pittsburgh. and• pay immediately and a farther costs.-- . . ap2B: EN p1tT. , ,54::..5..T.0:0K 3EN 1 CARPETS I i - - , . • , . HAIM.IN STORE THE . • most eompletti ' assortment ,of ~ CARPETS and OIL ,CLOTHS"re have ever opened, embracieg the newest styles and designs • of the best 'FOREIGN and DO- , M ESTIC MANIIPACIIIRERN, imported- and selected with special: reference to the Pitts- -,. burgh Market.: ' Matiy, of-.the - • patterns are: confined .to tiirr . house exclusively for this city: With the advantages,, of Direct Importation, we fire now able to offer early - the newest and thoicest patterns of REVS ELS, from the most relebra. Jed English looms, . and at Prices within the reach •of al- • Most every householder. A - special but, limited importa tion of. ENGLISH IlleitAlNg, Of extra, qualitY, and in rare and beautlftil designs; will be ound especially - choice :and • ':'.• :1' desirable for Chambers. -,"• 4 ' ' • ~`.l Our Stock of COMMON •ALIMOOL -:•'-'. ARPErS, purchased before' the Carpet •..; e aves ' strike. will be sold at the . -:, e rates as prevmps to the lait ad. • Le .. awe, and will furnish CARpETB t o . ~ ... ' s b e multitude at the ,lowest prices Biwa e war. A goOd CARPET FOR 25 I t . . 'OINTS A • YARD. . !•., .., . ..1, LS ■ N. IL—Those having Parlors or Drawing Rooms to flutals& . ire specially Invited to' eiamine the unusually, large smasher of patterns partieularlY ,adapted to that purposeorbicii we offer in WILTON and TAPESThy VELVETS , BRUSSELS at low prices.: , t 1 ? - I OMR ...t.,9; McCLINTOOII.. - • 4 - ,COMPANY . .. - -.: ,NI • y '.4 -„e. No• 03,4 1100 , atlrt43l4 ONE 014. 1 ,v4= . 'P? - =I M. P. :ADAMS 8.11110.7, ZEIMEZI J. C. OrTIC.TSO7 I I4 Clalt.etreet OP Machine "Stone . 'Works, . North*est corner of West Common, Allegheny. FRED'S ATVATER'Ar, CO. Have on hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step Stones, Flags for Sidewalks , BrAwezy Vaults, ac. Head and - Tonlb Stones,•&o. • Ordera promptly executed. Price- .earree.' D Kr 18 .B,IID 18•ILSCH SHINGLES, Shaved and Sawed—extra gnality. And all ltin D dif l o Y r-L F tiMB C.CIB E I B NG 13°Aliti8;' C. C. BOYLE it • , Yard. above Buspenzion Bridge, Allegheny City. xrdranzoopre .sTEAI.II( EarclNE' 11 inch ila re; 3435 inch Fitroke, With or Without Bolter; also several able and saatloerr -Ettgloos and bollsrs—lors ale awn). Can be shlppea t0:111%.3314t0n notice.- T_ idtoate~ Iv, WALLACE, s eon rjyty. pTT given tha t theviewers report ° ' ZlereYt ~YID . ENING OP PITT eny in bees te a t emprt„,..1.1 . 0. 411. "%pill 7 . ey . c . i. % fo r minion. - •• • . 1471 0 it DmiUMB 11111AINING; forlitoi - m e N, doirre,of the dlattren widtbicArt sou i tty g -, * , d *8 vt.: 01,91 rrept. SERI Ma NM NEW .ADVIIRTISEBIZ.NT2S L.... OPENING. 1 ; Mits. M. RITCHIN will open on SATURDAY, Mny Rld, an elegant' assort ment of SUMMER MILLINERY , At Nn. 100 'FEDERAL %WREST: Allegbeily apM:pao 168. ., ..... . . NEW GOODii. I ° NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAI R. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and CLOVES scoUci'vr- • Lam' No. 168. Wyite. low s 10 6., tapZ:n4o) 13 44:1:L E , : 1 4 PA - MA NlTFaitikaiol; .; LEAD AND BLOCH tIN PIPE HEET AND BAN-LEAD, D ALL KINDS'OF TIPS Plumbers'; (jag 61 Ste niters, ' • MATERIA,I;S No. 167 Smithfield Street,':Pittsbergli. apz:ws . ' OITY ....., OF PITTSIIIIIIOII , - - • ' WATIEN • LOAN. ..... ._ Proposals,.fox...Two :11andred. and Fifty 'Thotisind .Doll4rs; - • Of the "Water Extension Loan Bonds," will be re. ceiced at the office of • the City * Controller, Fourth ! Street. These Bonds will bear SEVEN itte CENT. IN TEREST with Coupons attached. The Conpons are Eayable - semi-tatnually, at the Office of the Cit y y Tear s reasury, and the Bonds parable in TWenty-five ___.. A SINKING FUND - FOR THEIR ULTI mATE PAYMENT 18 PROVIDED roit, AND THE COUPONS ARE BY. LAW MADE RECEIVABLE ;FOR WATER RENTS ; and the revenue arising fiom the Water-Tax Is - pledged foe the payment of the interest and the retirement of the Boll4s . at ma i The Bonds are, RYA& OF GENERAL.ASSES[-_ ELY FREED FROM STATE, COUNTY AND MU NICIPAL TAXATION. It is a well known !het that Bonds issued for water purposes, in all large cities, have proved avfe and very de/Irate investment,. - No bleu under.par Wll4 acted ave.'s. The Bonds are to be issued in denominations of 41,000, $5OO and $lOO. - By order of the Finance Committee. alx ^ "--;cal THOMAS STEEL. Coaaltr•ller. 211 ROPOSALS.--Sealed Primo - att - Is will be received by the Water Committee of the ' Vy of. Pittsburgh, until 7 o'clock r. 31. of Tuesday, May 12th, FOR THE FOLLOWING, VIZ AN ENGINE AND CUP , at the Lower Works. suited to present building, and of equal capacity to the engine erected at the Wcirks in 1868. Sealed Proposals will also be receive:l for furnish ing at. Lower Works, • • ' FIVE BOILERS, (Each 4511 inches by 28 feet. with twblo.-incit Flues, Smoke *sok. Steam ripe, Steam and Mud Drums. ALSO, FOR POll7ll 1301-I;EUS, frf ITp_per Works, each 40 Inches by 26 feet, "two 15 idch Flues, smoke -stack; steam Pipe, .Steam and ]lod Drums. Proposals wlll also be received at tame %Mae for LAYING WATER PIPE Daring the preient season, on such streets and alleys as may from time to time be directed by the Com mittee. Details of the proposed work., and spetnlcattons of the nuednery, eau be procured at the office of the Water Works, or at the Lower Works, sitter the ; ASth inst. . . Itgaks—Monthly Cash settlements,• The Water Cominittee reserve the right to reject any or all bhls,-If deemed - by than advisable, • JOSEPH FRENCH, Superintendent Water Works NVIsI..EY - WILSON do CO. NATURAL LUBRICATING Settltd in tilnk. and prrpared exprca Mr RAIL -ROADS, and. LL OF MACHily_ INERY. sIITAIATY 661103 MED UNITOBN. PProposals for rantittes solicited. • ••• N0:167 Wood Street-.- • - "BANK Olr 'COM:REECE' , irtlllitrlN G.', F : w.. C. tictiv- 4 6e0., IiEALERTIN - • . . , GLUE, CURLED EWE, 14 1 71. 10; : 'Peroons, Cattle Tails' •BONES 'NEAT'S FOOT OIL , &C • I •Oltlee and Warehouse, No. 335 LIBERTY.ST., 3d dbor from Wayne, , • • . • - . . . • PITWSBURGII, Ph. wA43IMGTON MILLS, WASHINGTON STREET, _ Nearl'lttabargh Oruirt FXevutor . W. .A.Nj3E.116,01V, , : Minufactuier of CORN HEAL: BYE nowt and CHOPPED FED. ,Orders delivered in either city free of charge .' Grain of all kinds, chopped, and Corn shelled . on short notice. • COMMON BA*ERIT FOR SALE, IVOR ORIAITHOHT THE PROPERTY; Or would rent roll a term of years:': ipX.lnts ..1 17 % "1 " Dr°6: losaciA.to ap2s pls , PIT.FSBUItGIi GAZEITE: WEDN MINO 11E3 IdeCOICS VERNIER, GREEN . HAB~RI~'~~~ E`~'~N~€ Corner of Liberty and Wd,yne!Streets4- Munson's CoppeiTnbniar Ligitinineßod, IV IT SPIRAL FLANGES, • ; r - . Our -customers will have the benefit of our new Insulator, , patented In 1961. The price 13 thirty cents per tbot, and three dollars for, each top; this includes the cost of Putting the rod' ow:buildings— there are no extra charges of any kind. Within the peat few years we have erected this rod on many, churches and other_public edifices In Fittest& I=ll vicinity, and upon thousands of dwellings and For the superior character of this rod we are per mitted to refer to itbv.J. O. Pershing,lo..H., Presi dent 'Pittsburgh Primae Collate; ' Ph 'lota er Dean.' N4q, Professor listens' Sciences, Pittsburgh High School; fleo.lWoods, LL. ,Pres7.,,Westetn verslty of Pennsylvanta.:' • t e • 'thankful for tbe liberal orders of past years, we solicit a continuation of public patronage. air Dealers in Rods supplied. • ' • . _" • LOCKHART & W., .111angfacturers, DUQUESNE WAY, near Hand St. Bridge, •T " 'I • • ailw:vrp&F kfiTAI3LI6LIED 1849 TIIE LAUGEST IN ANKIIICA. Lightning Rod Manufaiotorv, IRON ; GALVANIZING WOR 30,000 FEET 3IANUF.ACTUEED DAILY I.I.OIITNING lifartufnetirred at these works, and sold to all parte of the continent, are admitted to be superior to any Lightning Rod In Use. Great !mince:nerds offered to peddlers and all - persons buying at wholesale. Also, fine Platlna Points, of all kinds and patterns, together with Insulators, Fastenings, - Copper and Iron Connection Burs, Braces. etc: ; samples. pam phlets and Circulars sent freed. • - cee rintonable. REYBURN, MITER* CO., ag10:o~3-8~F TO THE` LIGHTNING, ; 401 )TRADE • - , - PEA/XitEi in LIGIITIVING'ItOD InVited td , , tncianitantion of on: '' • ' .•_. • A• • SOLID COPPER STAB ROD .Whlch weturnpaticraho Trade fn apantttlealoaultl and furnish Pointer inshistars - aid'itxtunch 'coin= tate; taitno as with MUNSON'S ' COPPER. 111111.1- & CO. MARITFACTUREVA- Duquesne' Way`, :'r ; . r EET JiiiiiiBl:lllA - ORANGES, .of. I • - extra quality, in prime order, not reoelvela , ..., _ _Prim, Leo:ions, totesto at thelfaall7oroce r r i , .-- iF4 - - , , - JNO. rivitENBRAW: ' 6 ME MEI . 7 3-1 • 1 s.Utkijr: 77- EaEl . . . ,-AIIi:4:OItDINANCE flgultrimize 'the ••Grading and 'Patin - "MI6 "Aienue Inn Avenue,- Grant Avenue Union ' Aventre. 3111ddle Street,iiimestalitreet,,lllibnek Wreet,l.Lititt sav Alley and IllalEAlleV. 2 2 2. 8. m" SEc. 1. Be it ordain and enacted by the'ire et and Common Council* 9/the City of Mk heny, and U a.f hereby enacted by the - dumortt #ie4 comeir, That the Committee onSteeets .theyarh next.- by authorized and directed to int e and tveelveptd.' Resale for the (=lading and Paving of OHIO AV ENUE, fremtirputAvevine tothePitteburgb. Fort' Wayne & Chicago Railroad; MADISON AVENUE,* from the terminus of the present pavement at the old city line to the point of Intersection otisald Av enue with East streettfiltANT AVENUE, 'from the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad to Lin coin . Avenuet UNION AVENUE, Tryon Ohio street to - Church Avenuet,MlDDLE STREETfromNortli Avenue to Xdolt street; JUNIATA faBEE_T, trom Sedgwick street- td . Beater. Avenue- ' KILBUCK STREET, from east side of Craig Stree t to west side of Corry street; LINLISAX.I...If, infthe Second wilrd:`-and BLAIR ALL Sedoiiirward and to 'contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder bidders. at Biel; ? SEc. 2. That-for the purpose , ot detlayliiktbtiost and expenses of the said Improvements, there be and is hereby. levied especial tax, to be equally sensed upon the several lots bounding and abutting. upon the said avenues, streets, and alleys respec- ,tively. In proportion to the feet front in them re spectively comprised, and bounding and abutting as aforesaid. SEC. a That as soon as 1: the cost atm expenses' of said improvements shall be fullY ascertained, It shall .be . .theAluty of the' Street , ,Commissioner to assess and apportion the same among the seven{ lots bounding and, abutting.upou aaldayeaues; wrects and alieys respectiVely: ackOrditig - t0 the rule above indicated, aim thereupon prOrced.to,make deinand and collect the sante; according to. the provltiOns of !We act of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, .mititled pan, Act defining - the manner of collecting; the tixipcnseal of grading . and paving:of the streets and alleys bf the City...of 'Allegheny, and for other purposes." missed the n th of , Sgen. That so,inuehlirittlforoltutn e enEma t caul ; Mat - with or be supplie d by the foregoing, be and the I same is-hereby repealed. 41,', Ordained andanieredltdo a lan this the 93(1 drix of April, A.-Or ISO& JAmks rre,adeot or Select Col:melt:, .11 J.B. SLAGLE, • - President of Common,ouncil • ITEM D. 31Acrzi/stox, Clerk 'of-Select Covnell. • It. llmwonra. Clerk otCommon Connell: • CHROME YEtL4nW,; . E.',OR }lAli tt ' ' r-tfl AND • • s • • I FOR SALE BY WHOLESAIV TRUGGItiVI ' l4 c" PITT~. A been erected on thousands of ti stand parts of the United it I na test of ten years no ;tante of their inefficiency has oc rred. This Rod has received the rfa'Premiunts at the Fairs of nearly the States, and every place it was overexhibite hundred been endorsed over five Professors In. lieges, and other scientific men, as best nod ever I all the elements necessary to Imo t buildings from lightning. It Is, de of copper. because MI'S Is the t metallic conductor, except a-Ryer,. does not rust. Its , fisinges rough edges dissipate electricity double Its conducting power. ietitaity uses ontr.the surface, nay. the heart a a metsJ, One tang* Of s Rod being open, the inside surface wettable as well as the •outside; at ether, Its power surpasses twe Iron ii tenon In rods or a solid copper i Inch and a half thick , and tuft the [lnoue' advantage that It is mune is, and can. never become disiplnted Aherwhie get out of order, but will lure as long as the bonding stands which it is erected. Our points are de on the most approved method, I our Insulators are unsurpassed: io holes are made In slate or tin PITTSBUfiGH NORTEU - idibid62li* : BRASS, FOUNDRY AND THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED BEM Nos: 488 and 490 St Joh4 St„ PMULIDELPELL - "AN Zt DRYGooDstagurEmm 1. ost7.:':-, nOI LARGE • SOC 4 . -LOW PRICE& • .+7,-'4 .1 7,-; ,- - !...- 7 "•• r!. , • •'' • ,-.:7:.: . .;:.1 I . li.' Vii:A. • ...;A03".e., INAI - - , ...Yard Wide u wv.t i p ) kugsiix ,, ,,a . P , _ 4=',: I' Heavy UNBLEACHED lIISLEN t At Ifp6c. _.. 7 , OOOD 01191.11 AMS, At me, - -,..: 4' 7 ' " i . I BEST PRIO4Ti, at lilli .. , PURPLE PEtErTB 4 all try impdrfec4o446; i ..'. SteZINS, at 1234 c. ixru'WiiDE . biras , . - lIIIOSABACS TOWS C°RBF MOTIVSTIAIIesk n .-ct; ....,,r .7,;rf 5 - LaW4 COLORED Eiirdt: O ..I . ,Vt l iiil"' ; ' ''' ' '''' ' le ' ''l ~.; ,1 - SPRING ft, AWLS. 'SPRING D AINES. LIGHT CAS rirEitr.i.. ' • . 7 DA.„.„. -,,,,.,A .-„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LADIES? i,..,.. 'EL+ - iii ex. - 61411 _ W ,:::'' T. , 4 A dice as.iojtnienb,o4.pßEss4 Govst , TABLN LINRN,/ , jetil LNEN. . i ; SHIRT FROVAV ' BALMORAL AND MOOT' SKIM'S: • EOM ,BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS.' HOSIERY, HAIR BANDS . , NOTIONS, &c. f7' ;. A fiILI.SMEAT Vaii,pgic% gli4eirsie and 7, PILI' 3 UUkr SEXPLES 180 it 182 Federal St.,leiheny. *TM ; AT :4; SEM jong-st c.o;:s, -1r A LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT , - -RECEIVEIj --- JUST 'FULL LINE, ALL. , IZES AND SiIADE...4,; .Alexmidre's Kid.filova!L rAnAsoLs.Aacu rßi UNIBRELLAL' DRESS -- TRIMMINGS . _ IN FRINGES 61111. 1 •BE IDED TRI3I3IIGS. VELVKT RIBBONS, • NEW LOT - 111.rrroNS; . LINEN. PALM and SILK FANS; HOSIERY,___GLOVES; EDGES; , INNEKTINGSand TRIMMTIGNiS; LACES and LACE GOODS; itAZIPKEIIC/nKrb; „ . . LADIES'. MISSES' and GENT'S GAUZE UNI)ERWEAR; GENT'S FLU NISHIMIGT GOULIS; , -) ,r,f RI; :) PAPER COLL AILS AND CUFFS. 110 cases - Habil and llonnets, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. • „ RIBBONS, No. lf to 100, A FULL lr.rtat, , 'or 'ALL SIiADES. COLORED DOTTED NETS and LACES: FRENCH AND AMERICANnirEpS: WMPAVWXOcELI4NL:= STRAW TRIMMINGS t ORNiLauhatiTS. The largest, beet and cheapest line of NOTIONS AND - 1 1 1=tligtailk TO BE FOUND , THE •cr ,j}' Nod. 77 and 79' -Market Street. ROBINfSON, WO IRON No. 20 FIFT4 __BI".ItERX, - MEM .n.myrizmit LOT PURE MAPLE SYRUP.. . , - • - • .Fifth Street% Sidewalk - Extension: IRON CURB AND SIDEWALLEI}I.= We desire to call the - attetanl Of narttesahoutto widen their sidewalks, necoMiuge ore:mice:3, to our Patent Iron. Curb and Pavement. Thesatuo will be laid In front of the Opera Rouse this week and will speak for Itself. The following hi an ex -tract from a letter of the City Engineer " and Ite; later : "I consider it superior tcrstone, and If l ai d In Fifth street. will add greatly to its beauty, and I wonldtenonimendAtoimmaturowntro, ecii 3100 RE, ( CorEngin Addreis TI3EI ATLAS SY • THOMAS N. 'MILLER, riOilderit. , ,. 4. 4 , ." f ap22 - 3/111,11ALE- 86 , SLATE MANTLES, •'-' • ' '''' ' .: ATIT I4 ire 7r) PITTSBURGH CSTEltitAßla A N iikiiiVtiffiS... " Office. and Wartroom-319 and 341 traturr jyrigcmjuantie Wareroom on second floor. . persons wanting Marble or Slate Mantles will Ana thelk ipterett to call. Workmanship not ex celled liCalig place, and prices Al low ash* Mo w = titles. Marble Mantles orArtirnittsre Slabs hays become discolored bn smoke, oils or acids. Can Ale MmUelaed and made to rook as well as new. ,_ . i n Tb re is isoother, pl4co iiv westesa renpsylvratai who Slate Mantles areseannihetured: -,. ' ' "•_ ~....Allkinds of Marble Work done in the best manner. , :Aiiir 'Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble utFal4-, ern prices, carriage adaet4. r , , . ,;„, ,4, , t /.: -' Nir`."Vr. IVALL , w 4 " C. a GREAT BALE. • • • • • Tremendous Sacrifice. in- Lookh* Glasses. preoirato inoylrig,_Toffer elegant, stock of fi n° Git„,,T, tEll'and wANTLE GLASSES, POR TRAIT and PICTURE- PEASlsfitalsortOtscellanal.' ;•oni:atllos of BEDROOM - 43 t ,4 444/13.- all,' or sehtett mutt be sold by the IstofJtOtto- -•-• t IPOTATOES # ,•• ;' • ' " ‘ , 41/06Ordle88 of Co , • Thlrt3r Barrels Harrison. *bow in witnioilln4arli; For Salo by JOHN R. &A. MIIII.DOCR, Htliblft+A St fele of tlne work, will do well to. , - • - e;;,!khOrtail and f3eeilspieti' • Hialtbseld s t reet arddcwh:t J 110 Wood street — . ~ .1%!. .r . • •LC DAY, APRIL 29. .1868. tr, 17,7 121ie st 15130.,. :1 - '-.IT ':". 11111 ' 4 HAS RECEIVFAI MEI ~~0 sties ° .~:~;,: ~ ~. r_ ~ . , i;~ .y •• • ,; • Near to the Allegheny ,. Myer. MILL, TWO DWELLLNG HOTSEA TWO - BA NS, with Food P.A,B3L, and about - , 80 s acres timberland. Ibis propertyVlll be sold to*. Cash ila, s oo—balance ou thne to salt buyer. oy FARM OFI2O wean, Will be sold ' . for twenty .dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame 4iouse and good harnrtiOacres of the land FARM. OP 180 ACRES near the line oriallrOadts very well located for rasing stock; improvemetts are good and substatitlattloo,4ereS .iiiff4e;iand4Lo • meadow and grain. CI-Tr PROPERTY.—WiII sell a gdod backlit:m*o Containing live rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the amount in si x era, . - - 'X tr:and ARGE LOT OF (} ROUND having a river fron very convenient of access.., ' .1. , ..0 • , T . 2..,1/ - 1 , TA.NNERl,tonrenieut to the city „ nrulhaidng, a , Well' establlshdd custom or local trade' connected' therewith; a good dwelling And forty acres of laud. u.i.F.OUR LOTS In Sharpshorg, near the railroad; would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That line Hotel. propert4 . syl situated at- the Bialrlie Junction,- edilitain •fountten rooms and the, necessary outbuildings, ,with , three acres of garden and lrult trees.' Thls well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie , tor wishes to retire from buslueSs.,..„,__. FoR RENT 1 = 31 19 . ,aFehfew Brick Housea, S rooms each. .'wn new Enkikri f unsellcillrttomifeaeni,-. :1 , -...-: 0. One new Frame ouse, rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 romnseach: •• . • , One new Frame House In Wilklnsburg, having six-, rooms and A lAree 194 ;Well Welted - Mr a. C.ll 'g Olen. . TO LOAre•-•iialliai, Iti a , SUMS OF 0,000 AND ittlyWAIM = • • .:.i': (z .rvellr , TVAt. - 7,:a '7;7.0,31 EMI P. BATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, , • . <-1 64.Gr8nteltieitiliblirghti < 472:pig • : z• A RIVER BOTTOM 1 . -7 6 AWES. 1 9 miles from tee' eityiiltt .Iffahet itoWn ghepycount ,Tst4onthh otighl gliogytiferoun ,halCmlle fro Elrod's/dot on, on the Connellsville .S.road; near ...Lurches , schools, stores, &c., in the flaiiing villages otilostrru- - andillreett OWL :••The folements area tirchstOry..briek:honse`hf. rooms, , hall and cellar, a good Domobank barn 41111'• alit shibling underneath, andotherardbulldingsfamelli of good standing water, at tlie'..dhor,,Anif-seVeral standing springs of 'water 'obi the - harm; and' fin chard of 700 trees of Selected fruits of apples, cher ries, ..wors, p • eaches, quinces and grapes. Thisprop erty iheing located. near • the .line of the rallroall within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very do: hirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is'also a: good and beautiful location :for.country homes near thorny, lying Immiately on the river,.on the op posite side from t herailroad.' The 'West Newton_ Accommodation,Ql4;other traide on railroodag ford certain. azfit i frequent opportunities: Of aaiu communication to kind horn the city. ,sold as a whole or fillets of one acre or more, - to suit pur• chasers. istw 3 A PAR3i o - Fi in ACRES,B.lRiated 1r l / stnahip, Pennsylvania tbuartyfriPa4 near, the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The improv aids are a tilwo-storyfis house, With six r tuf good cellar;iatrazatibabir barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbulldings. There Is on the place a young . apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which are well set in clover and timotby; the •reskine fluid ;tract ered with good Ribber. it is Well watered and un .derlaid with coal and limestone. and is convenient 2 :I W ?Ta r lit g I :ri ft Ye ' ' all A is coffered %%Vet len fartniand with it will-he sold all: the personal. nroperty on the premises, consisting of horses,. cow,,, stock cattle.' bogs and rintrn h arnnai gr - anT: wagon: plows, farming Inv mutts an dhousebol . and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very' how and on easy tertne - to a responsible 'purchaser. Al a desirable an PE RC HES , rye Tract of Land of . AC C ES AND 25 in Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Detmitteld -filtrotid.- and one and one-half miles Atm:the Con nsilroatt at Stacrs Station. On this farm srre'4o acres of superior7Whlto:Olik itizaber; which. alone is now worth one-half - Rte .- price aited - for the tract. The improvements are a log house, frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. lt is well atered and underlaid, with iline,tone and Dag S t on e of tt superior quality, ;with stone coal for the 1113 e of the farm. Also The best FARM !n Fairfield township Westnioreland county, Pa., of 250,ACREd: about six ranch south of the Pennsylvania Central Nall— irotidat Bolivar Station. The improrements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the' largest and beet frame barns lu the township; two apple or eluods in good bearing condition: corncrib, wagon? 'heti and other outbuildings. f e ncingole thrm under • high state of cultivation; i altin first rate order, and the land of the best quill :of lime.' stone soli:about ROO acres of which is c leared and the residue of the tract In good timber, such as . White - Oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech.' This property will- be,zOld very cheap and on good terms, as the owner* wishes to engage In other bad,' nessr For particulars enquire or G. if TOWER. 164 Fourth 6treew ' FOR SAVE-•;—. SEMI . At' BUILDING LOTS on Observatory Hllt, &toad; ard, AlleghearCity, are offered for sale—cheng, , The ltion is a citi es, esirabl one, commanding a tine v iew Of both ls easy of access, and there' is abundance of stone on, tir e ground, for. building, a Diam ond, a t TIIIS OFFICE, or on the pre mise s, e neat the ()ILI ,serratory Building.-inhZ:nti 'FOB SALE OR LEASE. VALUABLE COAL NINE, 12 rniles from the city and CITY DEPOT, for sale at a bargain, or Mill:be/posed for atenn of Tears.ts•tborougisly giroveß, and stocked with - everything necesuo' the business, and has large established trade. Pro prletors have business. sedating 'their:abeam tor several rears. Address, with real name, Post Office . ;11 1 clitr Pittsburgh... Pa. • • Ap27:o= 11;4 Lgjii - ff; - - Twenty Acres, 4 br..f..and Or, sale .atl e V h sood Stationß. 1t...-haribsiely ces .14.1.1.m...Vamdecort an Dupny, and being t e most desirable property for country residetiom! In the county. • • Inquire of H. I'. MILLER, xd..83 Inittestr6b . 0r.0tD...E.-MILLER. near the premises apl7;w7ls r I 4 4 SALE.-1101111E1L--At 11101114' ARD'SMIVER.Y AND SALE STABLE, one fine MILT HORSE titan; three . DAPPA.E -DEBT _HORSEtit one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSEtihree BEACH MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET,' near Monougabebs House. , • Horses bought and sold on commission. ME . , 517 i - • - 51 . GROVE R & BAKER'S , • - PH-. ELASTIC STITCH i - s "t • LOCK STITCH SEIVINIR - 11LACIIISEB , . . - WITH At the Newatiff Elegant Sales - looms OS, THE COMPANY, , FIVT.II' STREET. Also, NEEDLES, -ATTACHMENTEt:MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c. The citizens of Plttsburgh are . respectd fullylnvited,to call. liiret:'blrintilrornAlgiglatlollll. c'iMescptlrdltrAll, be addressed to GRaVER & BAKER;•00 - M •, 51 FIFTH STREET,pMgßpjtan . mh2o:nl2 ; , : MAILSIIALIS SALE. of exportae, Issued out of the District Court oi the" lJniti.d States, T.lr the - Western District. of Pennsylvania,' and to me • directed. I will expose to Public Bale, at the CUB- T om Housp, Pittsburgh, Pd. , on theta]) DAY OF 74AY...18614 the following described- property, to wit; /tin still; 1 worm and. tub;-1 stove and pipe: . Si fermenting casket:Lila-can; 1 amaltatovei4gemp.. ty barrels; 1 barrel molasses; 34 gals.; .Il.wheelbar , row; 3b i neket t s;o bashels of coal; aVinegarlubs; keg; jugs; 1 thermometer;_l step ?alder ' : 3 c oppe r measures; 1 copper funnel; 4stove and pipe; ot of sta and hoops, 'for vinegar „gallons / filtering barrel.: 13 borzois. containing 440 ~,galionapflanegar; 1 01l- stove; 'teem Sheller; 1 oil cant,/ glass lamps; 1 pick and shovel; 1 barrel CCIII- ' l o ,th -Aloic/5 gallons of whisky, 'temporarrbpgr c t: building on the premises, and lease of premises • gunning Who years from Ist of D Apri1,.1864..., time property otorhomas - avyand Jos. ' -Sc o tt, rjhe suit of the United States. -- THOS. A•'ItOWLEY,II.•I3. Marshal,. ..„ -w4f . , .........,..., ......„,...,.....____„, '''''''''' 10-- urvalEhrik `-- •—wilE Vo ati ;l 47;lr TALI* - giVrT " TF i t d . a having t l deciiired its Eleventh Quartet...W A , Divideta. ISta tSI rate of TEN PER C ENT. , PEIFAHNUB.It WHY paid On demand, at the mace Of the Setfretary and Treasurer, corner Sixth and 'Wood stree t. • ap23:p2 EDwAjw,,,IA IgN ,____,__. ELECTION NOTICk,—THE cot tier Annual Election for President acid Directors I • 1:i • . IDIONONGAIIELA W. Ca ti4l4oe, had at the First National 11 nkitlet, - h...., on TUESDAY. Eiday 3 u2-./184 ; ., ti z;,.., bents of 4 and 6 o'clock .p. Si . . . .ap21:088 EDWARD'. itife,•gifiens" :'''`'ll•*l NOTICt:" ,;,'i *- --- • at ' - . ~..., ft T. lA 1 :"11,'_`,..) i A `Nil - THE STOCKHODDERS or mink - , ". • ••• , iU , '"l3 CITY ia , a ~,,,,,,, ,i .;.•:',.5.1. ..?•1;. ! - 1 ba• . AnOCIAMEI i:iff 4 f...1.;',et ~- . ;•I c, . . 4 1.!, Til . • t• ••••• refit hereby notified that the First D astalment"on "-' their Subscription of Stock is now:de...AM 44141:41/,'• , received at the Bank, 'which' will, in s p ., ,gmi fo4•,004 7m . 14 , , , best, on ~t,'4: TUESDAY NEXT, APHLI.I3I4I.g.f/e3ll riarsi , , r ef 'ter ..„'r ~ fin z i The Stock Bolks will iemaiii lb =ice time. Persons desirlag to supncri F about:ll4o seAt DDMENICH• 111i1SEN, rrorsident. , J. B. GORMLY, Cashier.• s t - I' '••"•' -• ' 'tlipzi:pio • IGY , NOTICE. l' ';'. :e 1.!;13ell ,•114-: A litititerKE AND PLANK ROAD 09NUNIX ' The undersigned appraisers, appointed q nd in accordance with the act of the Legislatate a of the Stafg%?PentiaylyalAn. nop'-eni API* tia , OUIVIASPOI have, in eon:mili kwitli I, - rfolutiiMl Ort(i igkikt ! ' and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, en tered on the duties imptised on them bay, pntdact..,„ And to enable them, titil Orro in Taid Uello s .7 ttle x ii? hereby reqbeit the President and Directo4 of any and every Turnpike and Plank Road Company M with- , in the preseut, , n t d s of ; ' , tile; COT , VC Fitisburgii. i 71. 1 gwiticia claim; to charge tolls for the useAd•Ltbeir im vioyeritent., to furnish the appraisers' 'With's state- anent in writing, of the road held and ownext by each corporation, and statement to show, Flit.-The name of the goad or coinPani, 411 . e . of the act of incorporation, and of• 14 ...pp ii title ents I. ' , with the date of apprinal 61`ench. tll :Seto64/-The number of shares now heldl by the p'stockholders, and the amount netball:l- paid in by . umas capital eltock. ? ta d ~- . • .i • Pitts -'.' ..... ,Third-.171c length Of ....... .q by.. •• : kpany within the present bounds of i tir Gity,, f-ts nira„,teetnhAirgsitio). of te n • h delivered t to eithcir of the 'inTderiggned, or at the otticer.of tku Citi..2oPuttouer,- Fourth street. Pittsburgh, find are required on or ~, .before the 4th day of MAY -next. ••'. -.' ' I ' n , , , ALEX.A.IgIigAt HOUMA._ ~..,. r . .111 ~!. - A•orop i ihsfdpng&. , t i ,-, Pitisburgh, April 2R,L1.6108;....,,u.. ...,. t i -ap24 ---,- a. , - WANTED •' • To travel through Ohio, 3lichigan, West Vir- ginia, and Western ,Pennsylvtulim -for, the jostle of, SOLAR .X.IO HT. the best light yet intto4uced,, eh& tkii %traversal ly used: • A liberal commispkin will :''bmpald. Send for circular giving patticulltre,, or talltVon DAVIS_BROS. C o , v o Mee.l l .to.'B,‘,Clese-" . • bind "Ins. Buildings, Clev'eland. " • '''-apV:fs4 W - ‘IIITE.EI, _, . ' I r I " . 1- A. -- • SMART, INTELLIGE.T. .wor a pupli , and to act as assistant Di a Meolinnicai t • Engineer. Premium required. Address Box 50, P. 0., Allegheny CitY,l4. -""' (MOD 'G GARDNER. A sober 'industrious mirried ' man ,with a small family, to esito.elystge °Landon agar sen fa ih tma ileff the ity . Th enisagod mw ck!leae feeetV x m m et kit chen. hall and cellar, for, thegurttener to - ocenyry,Land to whom liberal wageswiltbe patch foione that earn , - ' t petent and trustwoftbv. For partionlars imbibe of - G.,II..TOWER. Real Estate Amt. aphoin 'No. 104 Fourth 'St:. Pittsbulzh. • • „ ... .... .- . .- GENT 0:1VAN1C.„.....—.....LL ~:,.7,.. ''''.” '. I+ F -- . G R A-tiNi V); 2' . '..- 4. - .... _ „...., .i THE LIFE OF.—A 41.611,,A1341 stall..= , k , ~ - . 1 r4k . I 7 : , . Hon. J. T. HEADt.rt,"the popular Historian: • it for Circular and see our terms. !' I • ' Address or applyto' • ..A.';.L. 7 ..5. - Luorn - i.co.f.riz : ,- 1 - , .0p201087 6.9.,garket,:strecti.Plttaburich;,iTai.i.'..... AUCTION SALM"' eientsoN, VADHOOK !VW:LW/D. iJBNITUII , 3 - , CARPETS AND CROCERIEB, • ;s;-•.7.! ; s.. • 1/ AT AUCTION. Y fq7, On ,TiiLim(tay, ApAl lath, 11403 . " ‘,..1 AT 10 A. M. AND , - I,3tASONid HAD. A1kT1014 1 1160331, latalibtreet, will be sold, new and secomt.hand itHRN/PHB.R,,embra.cing Dresslngand Plahtßm., Muhl. Wardrobes.: Wash Standar Parlor, Dtning.tf room and Wood Chairs and Rockers; several ~ i tion Tables; High and Low Post, Cottaima 'tench Bedsteads; Hair, ' Cotton. Aud,Htrsit , Mattrinsieig o 1 - 4 Card. Side, Breakfast ark. Dintnest, .Tate-44.11-« Tetes, Secrets 7 r yDeskalewittff alizentaet Afgeena ware. Kitchen ensils, Parlor and Cook tores. ,I3K0(111313Ell, ite.. AT 11 11.-5 -hair,ehesta Teas, , .— boxes ground. Ccilfee; bunts and kittaL ' Mackerel, Herring and Shad; small tot best canned 7ralts and Preserves: lease good' Indigo; 1tr,900 Cipin_guantities to suit.. - - CABPP TS AND WINDOW SHADES, AT 3 P.m. —Large lue ornewcorpek t without reseryc A WinditoWShades, witbA'r 033 :- rilios, AT 3P. M.— ree good Pianos, Worthy the attention of those desiring a good...instniment Housekeepers and Grocers should attend thl Mae, as _can be had, the roods being sold WWI- istikeeselW At pritate sale, two large. French Plate Gilt prime Mirrors, at one-third their value. SMITHSON, VANTIOOK i -31 cCLEttitliti: . • -app ••• • • .- • • ' - - ;ikuntltineers, - - - BY PALXIBI & PRELLIPB. & PHILLIPS, 1 , ):1 .4 )1 , AllCTlONvir.rk-S • „. And, Oimiliti9Blo7l 31.fretaittn#-i 151titA HOUSE No. 60 girth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOESyIeAntotTS;-'--- Dry Goods - and Ncirkin ' s, I ' AT PRIVATE •BALE`DAT AN'toEVENLISIVr. C O n aigninenitifS 1 :PrOMPtt' • ' BY L LBEIGASTa ! ,' KURNITURE AT AUCTION.— The superior Furniture at the late fesidence o re: hatubers. deceased,,storuct of lientoti guul ' Day alleys, near Monterey street - , Second 'ward. Al.-; • legheny, will be'sold on it`IIIIIISDAY, April loth, at 10 cOclock. A. TiEGGATF., Aitctioner: • - • CIARPEIVS :AT AUCTION.-1 3 4W0 Au yards new Woolen CarPeis he - 4101d at the store, No. 159 Federal street. Allegheny city, on THURSDAY, "Aprll 30th, at SS o'clock, len'oths to suit purchasers.. ,„ A. LEGGATE,;Alietlone r et) 150 Federal street. 41).1) XTINTH LIST 7 OF . A1'14.141.4," TiONB TO SELL LIQUORS, flied in tho_Clieric •,. • • co. ter the months of. larch and April, DSO S/ . • Pittsburgh. ..' • -Jane McDermott, e.stlng house. lstr:ard. 4 Julius Weiser!, eating house, lot ward. 1 J. ii. Cherry. Other goods,. lot ward Sitt -1,... ~- !, -4 - • - John Kennedy, taveln.' ward. - - • , 4 7 . John Duffy, tavern,3d ward. - - . 4 .....Miebsel.Celia, eatig house, 341 ward. , rr r . r , Mary Joie°, eating Ouse, 3d ward. , , . Benj. Trimble, tavern. 4th ward.. ‘ 4 -,, ..• , ~...4. ,4 ~‘,..„. . 1,2 Samuel Hare, tavern. 4th warlf. - --,, 44. .... 1,3 . Welch, eating house, 4tll ward. . I , kT il ici ceiterman eating boas., 4th Ward: ' At:, c- , !::-f r ; t: - Aktra. Oulenwooa, tavern. ;Ith ward. , , ~, - - 53..:D. , 11arker, taveru.. 3 4 l -lwartli4 , . ~;.,.., .. A . ~ August Brockman; tairern.4lth War-di • •.;. .. ;it :lc t i ~I, ~.... Sarah Lovell, eating house, • - Tat wa r d... ! ... , , ; 1 ..,, . 2 ~, Elias Kauteld .14,e04. other g ood a. 7 th.nard.r. ... Stephenmes g c leats. Armstrong, t avern Sth ward. Matu..taverzy,latbai Nic d:, ,,,,..,,,A.,.. _ Chas. Durnlng.lavern. 1 ..intiNard._ . ‘- _ •-•" Sere. Itolyneaux. ether gromalOtti.iraili;:_:l.4_,,-.1-•' ..Alleghny. - Gottlelb gags, .lavern,./at ward.. . ".- , - - ,J. Rosenkranz, other goeda,led kutt..... •,..•-• • - -,,, Jas. ca,theaugni•othergoadoT.ol std Mich ..!, 1 :f . : : i:-.5 ,3 : • Mich. Rutz, tavern. Stli ward. ~.: .., . .i • • ".'; eh AIV I, o§o. ?v,„11 , ,- , - -! Gedek ood,•ot er s.lll nntaglyanNlA---=Ol - -, :-,t,il• hamltAlheumitenlig tavern., Keeaport.,,• - ‘• r . .. ...... Fren.A nateburgh.eattny house. litegeeaporfe '..•,.- . 2 1i ttuffterr. It; ant.lng house. - Lcrwer B t.Clalr. z.1..' ... 11 sreneh, theryoWe. West Pfttabitrafti' ..'',.' ".''''.," Jacob Sorel. Wilma., agt, Mashlngton 4 - - - i """ '"J A ;" •;,;1,„_;4 . 11' LT • 'el - - . Tovrashipa. -. 'i - - •,' 4 - atary&nrers,-tavern, Indiana. -,-,l9hikarNAMi eating house. Meelure.. - .: ,••. .•,,. .1.-. . , Ins.A4takue tavern. Oakland. ' 7- ' - = '''' '. c . . • - • •-• Ar , The License.uoard will alt o n WEDNESDAY the • 1 .ilal nAnrl. ISaLitik9.-btleer-A:,-.3(*47,rt,,Y ;n. ,ligq /peva aeyUcattoin. . • ' • . 1 ....;.3-1,01.-c-ii. .?".20113111.1111:01ffarlittiti4-v-7-1• 1 z.1,p.1,,!1, - . . A./v.., -,..1 s - TI*TCI, 1, -,.- r ,-, - - -1- , .t,..1:, 7.1 , 'L' - ..,,.,= ===.* ''''''' '',.l..if:Fti 1 fr ' ' .`" era- ,7A" e 7; , . II 1 111 I', I , 1 13. n!CP.! ME MEE IV= i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers