sandal Matters in New Yqrk. Gold Chimed at .I3B340)138%. y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., NEW YORK, April 10, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. 3ood Friday has been generally observed "a holiday in financial circles. Money • toady at 7 per cent. on call loans. Sterling iet, at 93;®93‘ for prime bills. Gold ea gage closed with some little business at p outside, Opening at'lBB%, advancing to ?%, and closing at 13834g138%. GOVERNMENTS changed, with a moderate business over ters at yesterday's rates. ' , frocks. Rock Exchange , closed with some busi es in steamship shares. Pacific Mail paned at 89, declined to 87m, and closed .at K® 88 34; Atlantic Mail opened at 28,..and aiiiddingguotation advanced 51 without inging gut any stock. Railroad market oak, with but little doing except in Erie , d Central; New York Central, 120%,® Erie, 70X®70%; Reading, 89XO:Vy 4 ; k Island, 943 i; Northwestern preferred ®7534. It is believed that Dimmock & ;. will be able to adjust their difficulties an early day without loss to anyone. The Port that the Third Avenue Savings oak is a heavy sufferer from Atlantic it is untrue. SUB-TREASURY. laceipts, $2,239,039; payments, $2,207,980; nce f 101,318,459.. New York Produce Market. Telegraph to the rlttsburgh Gazette.] , EW:YQIIIr,‘ April Ill.—Cotton market is ..ore steady with a moderate business.-de. . - and; 30,000 bales sold at 111))4a30 for [(ldling uplands. Flour--Receipts, 4,642 Is; favors buyers with's, moderate demand " ' • export or home u5e,:7,500 bbis at $8.90a :0 for superfine State and western; 9,80 a „85 for extra State; $9,70a10,85 for extra :stern, . $12a13,75 for white wheat extra: .40a13,75 for Round Hooti Ohio, $10,25a11 z• extra St. Louis; $12a14,50 for good to nice do. closing quiet; California is - dull; •`) sacks sold at $12a13. Rye flour is dull; • . ) bbls sold at 17,50a9,60. torn meal quiet; I .; 3 bbis city at $5,90. Whiskey nominal. ;heat—receipts, 5,695 bushels quiet and ' Ithout decided change; sales 17,500 bush i i $2,37a2,40- for No. 2 spring in store and livered . the the latter price an extreme, $2,47 i • i. 1 and 2 spring delivered, and $3,14 for 'lite California. Rye quiet. Barley dull. . Irley Malt quiet; sales 2,000 bush at $2,05. rn—receipts, 33,500 bush—opened heavy :d closed more active and le - better; sales ••. •••iOOO bush at $1,19a1,22m for new mixed ;stern afloat, $1,20 for old do. in store, ,15a1,16X .' for straw colored Tennessee, ;18x1,19 for white western and south a. Oats more active and firmer, - tes 75,000 bu at 86a8634c for western in • me. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar is • m; sales 400 hhds Cuba at 10Ma113.4e. • ',lasses dull. Hops quiet. Petroleum , . 11 at 10Xc for crude; 253.0 for relined in. • , - ltd.. Pork opened firm and closed heavy; • es 250 at at $26,40a27,12 for new mess, - . using at $27 regular; $25,75a21 for old do.; • .• ..: .• using at $25 1. 87 reg,ulor; $22a22,50 for prime; ..:4,50 for prime mess; also 500 bbls new , - . ass sellers for June at private terms; 844,50 . - . 9,50' for new plain mess; $20,50a24,50 new extra mess, and also 250 •-•.- ' ' ‘•nces at $36,00a38,50 for prime mess; ,•.,;,; 42 fot India mess. Beef hams 7• 1 :,; let; sales 80 bbls at $33a37. Cut meats c ... 1 1:... : sales 370 pkgs at Val2ye for shoul .. • ,•,.... rs; 153.4a16Xc for hams. Bacon firm and , !l•,.;: et; sales 80 boxes Cumberland cut at f 13%„c. Lard quiet and steady; sales .`.• :;,. bbls at 17a18c, latter an extreme; also •".. •') '. 9 bbls to seller tor May at 18y i al8y 4 c. '!''ltter firmer at 20a50c; Ohio, 50a58c. .• * ....abese steady and quiet at 12a1634c. ~; ~„..1 :reights to Liverpool dull and unchanged. ;""'''''l4Arzsr }lour closed quiet without any ' • aided change. Wheat; prime, quiet and !in; conimon • dull and heavy; inferior ~ .- t wiet and steady. Rye closed dull .. for western. Oats firm at 86X for .. ,- , tern, in store. - Corn moderately active '• •. . d firmi at $1,20a1, 00 for new mixed west , it $1,20a1,21, and for.;old mixed western .- ...•20a1,21, in store. Pork quiet and firm at :' ,12 a 27.25 for new mess, cash and regu .' ; ' ,t', and 527,20a27,373.f0r seller May. Beef; -!..,•,. .it, active and nrm. Cut meats firm, with :'•:, ....rodenite request. Bacon quiet at-1334, . • : Cumberland. Lard dull at 173;a18 for . In to prime steam and kettle rendered. ”. ~..xes dull at 22c. . .. . II 1 Cincinnati Market. • l);Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CINCINNATI, April 10.—Flour in moder ':' a demand at 1110,25a10,50 for family. .•. eat in better demand; sales No. 2at ...,„tt.s and No . '' l at $1,40. Corn opened dull • - .4 e closed*tirmer and in demand at 85 for ,-. . and 86 ter shelled. Oats in demand and -,.. arket firm at 76 for No. L Rye firm at Barley nominal. Cotton quiet but t: o rilni sales middling at 28. Mess Pork in , d demand at 127,- but not offered freely `,- t po his rate; toward the close good sold at a l but not offered to any extent below - '17,50 and closing quiet; holders are firm at , 'Os rate. There was an active demand for ' • it& meats - at 12 for shoulders and :.: % , for sides, but at the close 12;4 .: d 143 were asked. Bacon scarce; ~- ) early all in .smoke been sold to come . . ut, so there has been but little to offer; .:: boulders held at 15y,a133ic; sides 16Na ' :73 Sc for clear rib and clear, good demand .„.er sugar cured hams; at litalB%c and 19c= lie latter 'are extreme rates. Butter Uri .' . . ged and quiet, with a light supply; eah 45a50c. dull very dull at 10a ~ 'Mc. Eggs dull and in better supply, at 4 " 4 ~ . Hay dull at 812a14 on arrival. 'mothy Seed dull at $2,20a2,30. Potatoes : ery dull at $3a3,50 on arrival per barrel, d 51,20 per bushel. Gold 138a13834; not uch done. Chicago Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Cmcwoo, April 10.—Flour quiet; sales of pring extras at $8,50a10,90 for low grades to hoiee. Wheat dull; sales of No 1 at $2,04, d No 2 at $1,88%a1,87; closing steady at .1,87 for No 2. Corn is more active and . 34a higher; sales of No - 1 at f32a8334c; lso 2 t 78 3 / 4 a79c new at 783ia77; rejected at 78a 834 c; closing at 77a77W.s for new. Oats is . ore active and a shade easier, at 57%a58c, • egular; closing at 663ia563.1c. Rye is more ctive; sales at $1,58a1,80 for No 1, and 11,55 .• 1,5534 for No 2in store. Barley; sample ots wanted; sales at $2,110a2,50. Mess pork little doing—the market is nominal and ower; $26 Offered, 120,50 asked. Lard .teady; sales of country and city steam, at ".1. 7c. Sweet pickled hams firmer; sales at . :15a16e. Bulk meats held firmly. Receipts .;-7423 bbls flour, 15,695 bush wheat, 87,6Q5 bush corn, 13,600 bush -oats.: Shipments— /3.229 bbls flour 8,174 bush. wheat., 19,200 bush corn, 8,801) bush oats. Cleveland Market. „. . By Telegraph to the rittaburgh Gazette. 3 - • . CLEYELIt.ND, April 10.—Flour market y and unchanged; double extraring 4431141 19,00a11,50; double extra red winter 11,50 . 13,50, double extra- white 613,00a14,50. Wheat, dull and heavy, with sales of two or three parcels of winter reported, on- pri vate terms; No. 1 red nominal at r 2,52, No. 2do at $2,37. Corn dull and inactive, with sales of one or two cars at 97c; round lota would not command over 96e for No. 1 shelled Oats; demand light but market fi rm at 750 fur No. ;1 State. Rye; flotila' doing, Barley inactive. Petroleum .q uiet at 3ft320 fbr free in large and smaillots; bonded held at 20c; crude 93,75a3,80. Memphis ~ IniAult= - . .. ~ F ; = My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ltizatmus; April 10.—Cotten —. nothing doing; recelpts442 Wei; exportsl22 hales; week's receipts' 402 bales; . exports 403 bales; stock 2,781 balm, Mess pork $2 B, 1 41 29; prime V26a29; rtmagigzi z .Biuxat--itho, ddens/ 4 14c; clear silletlikr .3 hUlk`shMit 1334e;Clegg Ad4lll ,lyc; clear rib / 6 X9- 'Lard isaloo. py4943q;:pvi 80d, . , &1 1 PiTT,11 ' Bran 34c. gone* rcr n,..- mks -, Ma • St. Louis Market. TBy Telessusimiwymitiftaviatiffe:l - - ' --ST. Louis, Aprillo.—To bacco unchanged, • with - fair demand. Cotton held at 22ETic. Flourquiet, with good demand for medium grades; supeitne sold at $7,50a8,50; extra, 8,50a9,50; double extra, $9,50a11,00. Wheat' steady at full prices; red winter, $2,6502,70; white, $2.70a2,75. spring stronger at $2,05a 2,15. Corn opened weak and closed strong at 88890 c for mixed; 8911906 for yellow; 90a 92c for white, latter for very choice. Oats weak at 70a72c. Rye firm and active at 111,5 sLik6s. Barley unchanged at $2,50a2,60. OM leis active. and easier. Pork, $27,25a27,75, closing at $27,50, without buy ers. Bacon; shoulders sold at.l3// 4 e; clear rib, 17c; clear sides, 1714a17,ic, offered free ly at close at .17)4c. Lard stiff and more active at 'l7c for tierce and 173ia 1 ee for keg. Cattle dull and tierce, and Re ceipts—Flour, 2,400 bbis; Wheat, 19,500 bus; buscorn, 33,000 bus; oats, 15,500 bus; rye, 1,000 Milwaukee Market.. Clty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazettel ' MILWAUKEE, April 10.—Flour quiet and firmer at /9,35 for Columbus and spring extras. Wheat. .firm at 01,9734. Corn3io lower at 7734 e. Oats weak at +s9e. Rye quiet at in" Provisions steady. Lard Va. Receipts = -1 800 barrels of floor; W 7,000 bushels of heat. Shipments-2,0W barrels of flour; 1,400 bushels of wheat. Toledo Market. 03y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.] TOLEDO, April 10.—Flour; receipts 8000 bbla; sales white wheat at $18,50. Wheat; receipts 2,397 bush; shade lower; sales am ber at $2,61a2,61mc. Corm receipts 14,156 bush; steady; sales No lat 9034 c., Oats; re ceipts 3,200 bush; 34c. better, sales No 1 at 6914 c. Rye scarce. Seeds dull. Louisville Market. Clay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, Ap ril 10.—Sales 119 hhds tobacco; lugs to fair leaf 535a15 j. Super fine flour $8,50, Catton quiet at 2734a28c. Wheat $2,4582,50. Oats 73a75c. Corn 88a 90c. Rye $1,90a2,00. Lard 17%c. Pork $27. Bacon shoulders 12%c, clear sides liNc. Whisky $2,2)a2,25. [By Telegraph to the Plttalmrgh Gatette.) CHICAGO, Apil 10.—Beef cattle quiet; sales at ra7,62% for medium to fair grades, and 57,75138,60 for good to cboice lots. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. ALLEGE:ENT VALLEY RAILROAD, April 10.-2.5 bids oil, Johnston, Payne &, Co; 1 car stone, Forrester & McGraw; 1 car salt, Shomaker & Lang; I do pig iron, H Wood- Isides; 6 sks wheat, 10 sks rye, 2 do flaxseed, Scott & Giasd; 40 bags rye, J McCullough, & Co; 63 sks oats, Adams & Austin; 36 dp rye, J S Finch; 84 do rye, Knox & Orr; 30 do rye, Gay & Welsh; 16 do rye, Keil & Ritcnart; 1 bx bntter, 2 bbls, eggs, H Rabe; 2 hhds sundries, F Sellers; lot hh goods, A E Wortherighton; 3 bdls old copper Craig Bros; 1 bx mdse, J Krutz; 1 bbl egos:, Ibx butter, Head & Metzgar; 1 box mdse, Glenn; 6 sheep; 6 sheep, 16 calves, 5 Hoff man; 2 bgs rags, McCullough, Smith & Co: 1 bbl eggs; J S Patterson; 8 bbls eggs, 5 bxs butter, A Gallagher; 10 bdls trees, D E Saxton; 14 calves, 3 sheep, Domlierger; 1 bx mdse, W Pickersgill; 4 bbla eggs,2 boxes butter, F Martin; 1 bx butter, 2 bbls eggs, Strouse; lot empty ale bbls, Spencer & McKay; do do, Smith & Co; 3 bxs butter, 8 W Beer; 2 has mdse, - Hopson Jr. Ellsworth; 9 car railroad iron, Pitts, Col &, Cin R It; 4 has butter, 1 k t f lard, 4 bbls, 4 bxm eggs, 3 bgs timothy see J Schwalm; 3 bbls eggs, Casey & Bro; 773 bgs oats, 6do corn, Me. Meath; 138 sks oats, Ashton; 12 baskets, po tatoes, 13 bgs do, Owens; 10 bgs rve, 2 do cloverseed, Kirkpatrick & Co; 6 bbls eggs, 1 box butter, F T McKee; 42 sks oats, Crothers; 6 bbla eggs, 4 bxs butter, 7 bgs bags, 1 sk onions, owner; 6 bbls, 3 bxs but ter, 2 sks rags, J Kling. uesmith; 8 pkgs marketing, Monongahela House; 2;4 bbls eggs, 1 bx butter, B Bruggerman; 1 basket butter and eggs, S B Copeland; 6 bbl.s eggs, 4 his butter, 7 bbls rags, 1 sk onions, W H Carnahan; 8 calves, A Pronshine; 4 do, P Vagely; 4 bbls eggs, 6 has butter, 9 sks dried apples, 4 bbls potatoes, Kirkpatrick, Herron & Co; 9 sheep, 4 calves, J Holman; 8 bbls eggs, 5 bxs butter, 7 bags rags, 2 sks onions, owner; 14 baskets potatoes, 13 sks do, 9 sks cloverseed, 7 do flaxseed, Owens & Kennedy; 2 sks rye, 4 sks oats, 7 sks cornmeal, McHenry & Hood; 24 sks rye, 15 sks oats, Meanor & Harper; 2 bbls eggs, J Herbert; 3 cars marketing, various owners. CLEVELAND AND Pirrsitunea.RAlLßOAD, April 10-1 car pig iron, Nimick & Co; 2 do Zug& Co; 1 do do, Coleman, Rohm & Co; 1 car - ore, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 4 do do, Lloyd & Black; 8 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2do do, J Painter & Son; 5 do do, Bryan &. Caughey; 8000 feet lumber, R A Clark dt Co; 5 bbls tobacco, 5 boxes do, Dan Haggerty; 3 bbls tobacco, 2 half bbls do, J Megraw; 12 do do, C H McKinney; 1 do do, 2 half bbls do, H Dalmyer; 1 bbl eggs, J J Pettit; 25 bbls flour, J& W Fairley; 1 box butter, 1 bbls eggs, 1 keg do, J B Canfield: 3 bbls eggs, 1 bxbutter, Atwell, Lee & Co; 8 sks rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 23 bales hay, Brown & Co; 50 bbls oil, Wm McCutcheon; 7 cars pig iron, Cambria Iron Works; 40 bars railroad. iron, F W Smith; 72 do do, J F Wilson; 10 bast tobacco, 1 hlf bbl do; R B Jeffries; 22 cases watches, R A Arnold; 1 package, Lindsay & Co; 73 bun dles steel, Park, Bro 4-Co; 46 bbl, wine, 8 casks do, N Tonney; 1 sack wool, J B Can field; 6 casks pot ash, B A Fahnestock & Co; 3 bbls eggs, 1 box butter, Atwell, Lee & Co; 40 barrels potatoes, F Thompson; 11 do do, Voigt,Mahood & Co; 254 sks potatoes Vangorder & Shepard; '.7 bbls eggs, owner. Prritusuanir, PI: WAYNE AND CHICAGO BAthnoAn, April 10.-300 bbls.ilour,ovrner; 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 3 cars wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 250 pigs load, J B Canfield & Son; 100 bbls flour, E B Thomas ; 6 cars Iron ore, Graff, Bennett & Co; 1 do do, Jas Wood Son & Co; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; 196 bush rye, Vangorder & Shepard 65 bxs glass, Ihmsen &. Son; 20 cars iron ore, Shoenber,ger dr. Blair; 26 boa soap, J B Sneathen; 10 do do, BA Fahnestock & Co; 1 bx. tobacco, Arbuckles & Co; 4 pkgs eggs, 1 do butter, II Riddle; 12 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey; 4 do do, Jones & Laughlin; 4 do do, Dilworth, Porter & Co; 17 eo do, Nimick & Co; 9do do, .1 Wood, Son & Co. PITTSBURGH COM:MMUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, Aptislo.-200 sks flour, 40 bags meal, lot mill fec, Stewart &Langeahesm; 2 cars staves, 0 Albright; 2do do, H Geyer; 3 bbls dry apples, T C Jenkins; 41 logs rye, 9 do barley, M Steel & Son • 13 sks barley, F Shields, 10 bbl, flour, 50 bgs rye, D lace; 11 sks oats, 12 do, Bing & Long; 2 bbls eggs, M W Ran; 99 bales hides, G N Hoff. Stott; 4-hhda tobacco; Ara&onturr 111PraTto1f,' Aprit bbls flour, Rose ' & Ewing; 5 dot brooms, J Moon Sr. Co; 5 do do, J Lockhart; 1 bbl eggs, B & A Carson; 6do 'do; M Mimick; 2 do do, 13 Heck; 10 do do, It Lenz; :3 do do, J Long. 'More; 2 do do, R & A Carson; 4 cars meta, Nimick &Co; 50 bga fetid, Bricker & Co; S doz pails, 3 do tubs, Mercer & Robinson. _ _ PITT/MOW/I AND 'VADFARVEL TAMIL= - RAILROAD.- April 0. - -144 pkgs sheet iron, W F Armstrong; 11 pkgs crackers, R Rohl sonf 10 tons metal, 104 kips nails, F H Olip hant; 44 coils rope, Fulton Bollman & Co. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAI. RAILROAD, April 9-1 bbl sheep pelts,•G N Hoffstott; 0 pkgs leather, 0 11 Anderson; 1 bx tallow, 1 keg lard Kirkpatrick, Bro t Co; 2 barrels eggs, Arbuckles & Co. SnWKSHIPS. • __ • STI3ANE TO AND N'itom A gigh LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN,IRELAND, TWICE A WEEK. ' INMA!, ZINE, Sailing EVERY SATtrurrA - tl-Evort wzroras- DAY, "" (3 1 2 41 t h e - . Iffr Kan, :slo c gr a sold.ts and from and, Ens iled, Soopan.,,, any an Prance. AglifiAtAakkagisagiaoSce. _2 i,. J2l. • Laclualve Agent to noon Cabin Pa A.4IIIMIAFPFAIRj .10 , 11 !1.11.• (w r 7 Chicago Cattle Market. , ! 'i ~sclt~,:+a t .y„xaNva'x'iSa..sßf3s"lr~?2,.-w.e..K.z.~" +,. ~ ,~ -+~'~" T~'~.~~t ti4hs , . may , -.~,fi~-"-- y;•.~_ iw'.Y.`r.+3'rrc~`..6:~~eWr. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY. APRIL Ir, 1868. MEIN no m Irritro The stage of water by the Monongahela marks last evening was seven feet nine inches, and at a stand. The towboats Resolute, Hornet and Ti gress were expected to leave for Cincinnati yesterday with tows of coal; in all, about one hundred and fifty thousand bushels. The Emma No. 3 cleared for St. Louis last evening with a good trip. having about all the freight she could take, and a large number passengers. The St.'Charles and Argosy got in from Cincinnati on Thursday evening. Thr Ar gosy_brought up a good cargo, including a considerable amount of metal. She will lie over until next Wednesday, her regular day, when she will take her departure for Cincinnati. Robt. Moore departed for Portsmouth; alio; the Bayard tor. Parkersburg, both with fair trips. The Grey. Egle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, and passengers and -shippers should bear this In mind. The Kate Robinson, Capt. Robt. Robin san; with Messrs. Palmer and Wherry, in the office, will positively take her depar ture for Cincinnati and Louisville. The Rate will be followed by the R. C. Grey, Capt. W. B. Anderson. The Glasg•ow, foraCpt. Geo. an d ohnston, will leave to-day St. Louis the Up per • aaippi. The Ida Rees, Capt. Albert, is iumounced to take her departure for thegold regionsto-day. She will be followed bY the Im porter, Capt. Williams, and. Silver. Sake, Capt. Todd. The Emma No. 3, Capt. J. H. Marratta, will positively leave for St. Louis and the Upper Mis , essippi this morning at 10 o'clock. The Lorena and St. Marys left Louisville on Wednesday for Pittsburgh—also the towboat Hercules. The Ida Rees, Capt. Rees Rees, is the re gular packet for Oil City to-day, leaving at 4p, in. The Ida is a neat and comfortable packet, and is a favorite in the trade. The Allegheny pier marks. last evening indicated seven feet eight tnches and fall ing slowly. We should not be surprised to see a freshet in this stream before long, under the influence of the, recent so ft weather. It was stationary at Oil City yes-, terday, with twenty-eight inches in the channel. I We hadquite a snow storm on Thursdy night, but q it melted almost as soon as a it touched the ground, and last evening it was nowhere visible. The weather thus far this month has been anything but plea sant, and very changeable. The Bellevernon left Cincinnati for Pitts burgh on Wednesday, and the St. Marys was advertised to leave,on Thursday. The Amelia Poe and Sallie left St. Louis for. Fort Benton on Wednesday; also the . Octavia. Capt. James Keniston, of the Melnotte, fell through one of the Hatches of the Shamrock, at Cincinnati on Wednesday, and was badly hurt, his head being but in several paces, ng his hand receivi some cute, and l hip being brused. He was able to be about the wharf shortly afterwards. Capt. Al. Brown yesterday sold his half of the W. F. Curtis of the W. F. Curtis to the Mason City Coal and Salt Company for $43000 in stock of the company, and ssooln salt, We find the following legal qu'estion in one our exchanges: Suppose a mitn owns a skiff; he fastens the skiff to the shore with u rope made of straw; along comes a cow; cow gets into the boat; turns around and eats the rope; the skiff thus let loose with the cow on board starts down stream, and on its passage is upset, and the cow is drowned. Now, has the man that owns the cow got to pay for the boat, or the man that owns the boat got to pay for the cow. The Andrew Ackley, Glendale, Messen ger and Kate Putnam arrived at St. Louis on Wednesday, and the Wild Duck and barges departed the same day for Pitts burgh. The Silver Cloud, 'from Pittsburgh, arri ved at Davenport Monday. The Phil Sher idan reached St. Paul on the 4th, the first boat of the season, and the earliest arrival since 1860. The towboat Panther left Memphis on Wednesday for New Orleans, and the Dick Fulton departed the same day for Pitts burgh. The Armenia, from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, passed Evansville on Wednes day. The Cincinnati Tunes says : Mr. Patter son, clerk of the steamer Abeona was on the first boat (the Kate Howard) that ever went up the Missouri River with a calliope. The natives were astonished and bewilder ed at its melodies, But the strains were too severe for his patience, so procurink a pot of moulten lead, he wa shed the keys with it, and forever more silenced it. It is proposed that boats be constructed with steam pipes to which may be attached a rubber hose, and that men shall have cal liopes on the wharf, to which they will at tach the hose, and blow for any boat for so much an hour. Rivers and Weather. [Ey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LOUISVILLE, April 10.—Raver rising slow ly; with seven feet six inches in the canal. Weather cloudy and cold. ST. Louis, April 10.—Weather cloudy with indieatio - ns of clearing up. There was no:rain to-day, but it is stillcold. G. . THE CHEAT ARAM PHYSICIAN _ A. • TREATS DISEASES IN ALL ITS EDENS. .P. Office, No. 293 Liberty Street. . . drop PRIVATE ENTRANCE. ON, - GARRISON ALLEY. , mb26:u4l. G AS POSTS., . . CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, , CITY OF * ALLEGIISNY, April 9th, utiedf SEALED PROPOSALS will' be received at' thie *Mee until S o'clock. r.-x.. on WEDRESDAY, 15th inst.; for supplying ;her city during the year with GAS rOSTS. The Posts to be delivered at City Hall, at eneb times as may be directed. PATTERN and CORE BOX will be furnished by the City: The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. a.a =maw, • . • ilDeih24 City Co ntroller. 1111 WORTEL sl7,lirs; ConsLstine of GIIEENI3ACHS, BONDS, GOLD COIN, DIAMONDS, gm" 4c., , t0b0 awarded to the patrons of THE HETVAL BE.AfEEIFTINALEs. • Success unprecedented. Prices • low. Salts lm inense. Everybody bu ii &s. wante male.and fele, every where. Premium of 00,00 to tno most success ful salesman. • ND license required.- Send for sched ule and circulars. Hr. C. MOORE h CO.. No. 80 Fourth St.. Zittsbureb, Pa. Box 113. spa:* WASHINGTON MILLS, ir4EILLINGTO.N STIANET. • • • Near p' l esbttrigh • Gyalta Eleirater *.• 414141414"iri , _ _ _ • .• kalii4 thriggralagakeitter i tl i rt cite awn% =Fe oheneediqPN PAM. =I imam ECHO No. 3, E. GonDos, Master, A. D. ,Itt:s. SELL; Clerk. ! The above Boats were built expressly for the trade, have superior accommodations and attentive offi cers. nth:3 FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. . _ . WEDNESDAY, April 15-4 P. N. The A No. Commander,tner R. C. GRAY, W. IL ANDERSON, ill leave as announced above. The R. C. Gray will_give through receipts for Memphis and Now Orleans. For freight or passage apply on7board get o awl - - FLACK &li2OLLINGWOOD, Agents. ri, FORT BENTON lia gr a t AND TAE i GOLD MINES.—The ne steam passetlger packet - IDA REFS. • Capt. IVM ALBERT, Will leave as above on SAT CRDA.Y, April 11th,' at 4 o'clock P. N. °, For freight or passage apply on board or to af,9 ' FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.—The steamer "• - ` lO KATE ROBINSON • Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON, Will•leave as above on THIS DAY. at 4 P. 3r. , For freight or passage apply on board or to f, ~ , .101 IN FLACK. pG a J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. 'PRESS LINE FOR ST. GALENA, MINNEAPOLIS g . C ID LANDING. LA CROSSE, GLENA, DU RUQUE. ROCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT AND t BUItLINGTON.—The splendid passenger steamers. 'GLASGOW GEo. W. Joicisfox, Comdr, VIII leave for above and all intermediate points as . nounced. - For freight or passage apply on board or to mll3O ii., JAb. COLLINS. ' t Agent.. CHAS. BARNES. f . • 'OR ST. LOUIS IiFO-aggr a t DUBUQUE GALENA, finepassefiger steamer EMMA No. 3 Capt. J. H. IfAitArrA, Will leave as above THIS DAY, at 4 o'clock r. Fur freight or passage aFLppli CH. On board Or to JOHN ape, Or. J. D. COLLINGWOOD,-Agents. AEGIILAU T.lEFUlatiii--ziagigie DAY PACKET -FOR CINCIN . 1.-- , The tine steamer ARGOSY „Capt. VANDEBORIFT, W. H. Scull, Clerk-, leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. C. BARNES, 1 JAS. COLLINS, Agents. JOHN FLACK. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, lit. Notlce is hereby given to all owners of Drays, Carts. Carriages, Buggies, &c., whether resident or non-resident in the Cltrof Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH. in accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, 1860, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of - the City of Pittsburgh, passed Aprlllo, 1860. All Licenses not pafd on or before MAY 15, 1838, will be placed In the hands of the Chief of Police for collection, subject to his tee of 30 cents for-the collection thereof, and all - persons who neglect or re fuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a pen alty, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. • The old metal plates of preyions years must be re turned at the. time Licenses are taken out, or pay 25 cents therefor. RATES OF LICENSE:. Each One Horse Vehicle $ 7-50 Each Two Horse " 121 00 Eoch Four Horse "15 00 Each Two Horse ' Hack 15" 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horses,_ Eighteen Dollars. each. For each addi tional Horse used in any of the aboye vehicles, One Dollar. SAMUEL AtLINDEIL City Treasurer. I•l77Bunnalt, February 18, 1868. OFFICE OF THE TREASITIOtiI OF ALLECIIIFigy CO., PITTSBURG/I. April Ist, 1868 TN PURSUANCE of - the 21st Sec tion of an Act relating to Allegheny , county, ap proved the let day of May, 1861, and of the amend ment to said section, approved the sett day of March, 1868, I hereby give notice that the Dupli cates of the several Wards. Boroughs and Town ships WILL BE OPEN. and I will be prepared to receive the County, Stat 4 - Poor, Work-honse and Bounty Taxes,, for 1868; On and after thelst day of May. 181.119. Augxe can be paid at this office until the lat day of ust. with a • • • Deductlon'or Five Per Cent. Discount for prompt pay_ment, to any Persons paying the AMOUNT of their taxes. There will be no deduction allowed Miring the month of August.' There will be TEN' PER CraiT. ADRED to all taxes remaining unpaidon the t day of September, 'lB6B. • • tai tah3l:na) PITTSBURGH PAPER, , , Butmu. F.A.CTURING•COBWARY, libinuthotitrers RAPPING PRINTING A DD i . PAPERS :: cialcrox..lifileli—STßlTlLENVlLLß; Onto. BRIGIITOrt MILL—NEW BRIOIITON, PA, OFFICE AI4D . No. 82 Third' Street, Pittsburgh P. Orrirens'AtlOUST TIARTJE President. . INO Lik t i V INGN I ON, - Treasturer. SA3IuEL RIDDLE, Secetary, Drstscione , Angrst Hartle,' John 'Atiorelli' S. H Hartman, John B. 'Arington, Cash paid for raper Stook. • ,-)429:088 OFFICE OF. CITY E - Wrd - NEER, t • ALLICOIIENY CITY, April 8, 1808• mug- pAIIIL: COMMISSION will •reeeive proposals for the • • Grading of: ,11estuada Anown , as “West Commons," • Until THUIti3DAL Avell lath, at 12 , Driw lags and apecincatlons can , beacon and fall pillion lan Obtained on application at is case. . Mitt Commlestoti reserve Um to reject any or 6ttAs.: }m o w = Sn t`g En Jinni PariaCoinmltaton47 JfflEl9ll S. 4"cii • N. 0116 004111187,11011/41/Fga Pallid 0 5 , • 1 • Flityr OTREET 01TTSBUTIOEI, ."toUtirrA:eytrixint • Coppeli DigUlled• ik;Pureil Rye. Whiskey. Cu l. .liseiv-ituerelalkißztexvihms andLlmog g 4 8. . • 'l l-/rl:5 • tpe:iloCl • • ' 0-; FOR FORT Bmm)N AND THE GOLD m::cs'w,s. REES FAST LINE. The Splendlat Light Draught Steamers. IMPORTER.. ~..J. A. Wir.vrAms, Mater. -SILVER LAKE Jogs TODD Master • The IDA REES will commence receiving . on TUEEIDAY," and the 1X PORTER will positively leave on SATURDAY, April 4th, at r. W., • and will take freight for all points on the klissouri river. or freight or passage apply on board, or to EZ33 mb prrTseun Marietta a Leave Company' MONA& J. N. McCULLOIJGH ---- Gro.'D. Moons, Master, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, BAYARD A. S. SuanrEari, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, 'GREY EAGLE C L. BREYNAN, Master. rrelght will be received at all imams by ape. JAMES COLLINS, Agent. QINCINNATI PACKET. ja gGe —FOR WHEELING, MARIET , PARKERSBURG, POMEROY, GALLIPOLIS, BIG SAND__ Y IRONTON, PORTSMOUTH, 3IAYS VILLE AND CINCINNATL—The elegant side.' wheel passenger steamer ST. CHARLES, C. A. I:MAYO, Commander; A. ROBINSON, Jr., Clerk, LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY, at 1R 31., Connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Rail roads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers receipted through eitheiby , rall'or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Business. CHAS. BARNES, JAS. COLLINS. 3Amt,, CM LLEGIIENY RIVEIt adratA - PACKET LINE leaves every TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock P. from the foot of Irwin street This line Is composed of the following boats IDA REES No. 2, R. BEES, Master, W. F. STEW ART, Clerk. mk2l TON, ; 'Treasurer of Alleghenz9ounty. wricrist itAr STEELE & SON, AI.L• . _ PlA:malt, GRAIN, PEE* Br..c. o. O OHIO BTHEE9, near East Common, AI.LEGHENY CITY, PA. 5 - ASIES 8. 311A.NOR .706. HARPER 31EANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE CO2llktlesSlON lwrorterlAwrs 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGIL Consignments solicited REFICILENCHS—J. G. Martin, Cashier Alechanica' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken. nedy It Bro. J1131:174 PETER KEIL JAS. F. RICH/UM KEIL & RICHART, - COMMISSION MERCHANIIS, AND DEALERS EN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED; ac. 840 Liberty Bt., Ptttsb uigh, • tarlA:b37 TJ. BLANCHARD, GWOOD, AGENTS Wholesale and Retail firocers, No. 396 PENN STREET aplB:x93 ;burg Line. of Wood street, ALES. WBANE .. ...J. B. ANJHR. McBANE .411, ,ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers iii_FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. JeS FETZER. & AELMSTII,O*(4, PORWILIID.I3I6 AHD . 00 ) 1 1 31 8 8 ION.IgEOHANT8 1 For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bastin, Litrd, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB SHOMAHER & LANG, Whole sale dealers In Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce ' Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon Oil, &c.,' Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. n08:n55 JOHN I. BOUM...MEW. 110II6IC WM. H. HOUSE. TORN L HOUSE & BROS.. .Sue cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rocers and Commission. Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. RIDDLE; No. IS3 LIBERTN • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer illt and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanded on Consignments, and paid for Produce s u= gap erally. ... ROBT. KNOX ANDREW KNOT R KNOX & SON, COMMISSIO3 •MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GHAT! 1 L FEED and PRODUCE-GENERALLY, NC 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny CU) Jal7:r37" Pp jIi.ic titAWFOiiii;COMMISSITON MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, BLOOMS. .E, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY. kc. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 366 and 368 PENN STREET. Storage furnished. Consignments solicited.oeff TeIITTLE, RABID & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and lersTe. In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass; Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh. Manufactures generally ' 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. - JB. CANFIELD & SON COM-. . MISSION B. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western. Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 146 Front street, Pitts burgh. JOHN gEtPDOIT A. WALLACE. rnivroiVs4 WALLACE,WHOLE SALE G ROCERS 'AND PRODME DEALERS, .. 0. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 1a12:558 - — OILS. • EUREKA OIL WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF EUREKA CARBON 01IL,, THE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATING OILS; CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crude Re fi ned and Lubricating Olio, Lard, Sperm, Whale and Fish Oils. R. C. MACHESNEY, Agent, No. 19 Irwin Street. PITTSBURGH. WAILING AND KING, Commlsel6 Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBIIRGH, PA. PHILADELPMA ADDBESS, , WARING, KING & CO., 127 Wslimit Street. HM. LONG -4 - AA* • PURE , WRITE BURNING OIL, Brand--“LUCIFER." Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, • PITTSBURGH,' Pa. VCR BROTHERS, • COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, AND DEALER% IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Office — DALZIELL' ' BUILDING, cor . ner of Uuquesne Way and Irivin streets. , • Philadelphia Oftice-127 WALNUT ST JACOB 'WEAVER, J. & CO oi/ Commission Jobbers, • No.. a DUQUE:323 : E WAY; will' buy and Crude and flatted .011 s, Lubricating. Tar, 'Benzine and Coo_perago. Our long experience In the Petroleum trade enables as to olfer. unnamed facilities and'in thicemente to operators..' As heretofore, we are do. termined to make It the , intereat. of buyers. and 'eel lets to give us a call. Parties having Oils fur sale are cordially Invited to bring their samples. • • aPediat, $ .4 SORITIIIt .C. A. KfilIEW. N . H. WILITE.IIEAD. S"‘) Ott, WORhfia " 'l' . !- Manufacture audliavo ftir kliidir of '' LUBRICATING No. IST. CLAIN. NTNiET. • „ • - BVPIPI73C CO. . . piitavEß sitssB.--,we,shau, in a few days,' send en agent to Silver lifotintain; olbrado, to develope len different, Lodeeettillyer Ore, discovered and located by experienced miners and situated In an - unnsually - rtell-minint dletrict. Zt le intended to hive them folly,deyeloped before going to theerpense of - erecting - building* . Ma ebinery,,&e.• For this development- thro , Company have determined to sell a limited amount of the etock St a rate 'which- will , plaoti - purchasere on the same footing as the proprietors themselves. Fos imeticulare apply to Be ZiroLAIR 'it.- CO.; • m/ 128 • - 192 Fourth street. B. Sealer )15dgida and Breatittn4 ISTOCTIMSTREET; ' i ;:fl tnetwoat Libeytyind"Perry; ati*ts , 'Orders!) romptl attended to PISII 2 FISH I .A: • 30,1kbls, No, 1 .Ifackerel; 11,500 ' ..• 'SI do; ••••• : Slum, •o; ' hr. ,f.os. 1, d on o 3 3fsc.kerP.l, • • • ; 41S•lcito N0..1 w /sitkezo n li • '3O halt Obis. lie eV 1143.,•.)..., ter c ,In store, for sole DT • • A li t • , 41 " • f SClZolliAlltli at, G, • It;M blic ! • ME OTEELE. Conzntission Merchants, Axp DEALERS IN MA'SIIFACTURERS OF I "pland ,yr. , ii:::• . it. .!)4:,.1fi.)4'.y.1,-.t ~,..F~,J:- ... .oars. -1 p i rrsittinamandasimm C ONNELLSVILLE R. R. . On and after- TBURSBAY, Mareh 3 h. 1608, trains will arrive at and depart front the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, as followt.: Depart. 'Arrive. Mail to and front Unionrn. 6:00 A. M. :0:00 P. M. McKeesport Acconunodrn.ll:oo A. 31. 'Y6:OB A. m.. E..N. to and from Uniourn. 300 P. 31.1;0:00 A. M. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 P. AI. 6:35 A. is. Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 r. 3f. 1:50 r. X. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o r. m. 6:40 A. Sunday Church Train to and • N. from 'West Newton .... . ... 1:00 r. M. For tlekets.apply t J. 11. RING. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. El= . A LLEGHENY - aragliN --- VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango City withobt change of cars—Connecting with trains East and West on the Warre. 1 Franklin and.the Atlantic & Great Western Railways. i On and after THURSDAY,. March SHilb, 1368. the Passenger Trains will leas'e from and} arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal antl.Pike Sts., as follows: L 'De A. pp .4rrive. Mall to and Pin Ven. City. 00 A. M. 1:M0 A. M. Express .• " - 10:30 P. M. IR 11l r. B. Brady's Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. N. 10:30 A. M. Soda Works Accomn.. 5:25 r. 2.- , 2455 A. Y. First Huiton Accomod'n... 94.00 A. M. 1.1145 lit.. Second Hulton Accolnodhs 12:00 M. 3145 P: M. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda irorNs at 3:03 A. at., arriving in Pittsburgh'at 9:50. A 4, at. Re turning', leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M.. agrAVOS at Soda Vs orks at 51:35 r. 2.: • . , .• 1 , W. F. HO____ IL PE, Ticket AgentBL . ACKSTONF_ Su p t. mh26 1868: " ..... . ... ~ ii.,r_, • PITTSBURGH,' FORT WAYNE & CHIOAGHR. W. - AND CLEVELAND & raTBURGH*. R. From January - 19th, 1868, trains will leave'from and arrive at the Union Depot, north' • iiile, city time, as follows: _ Af.„'''• Chicago Ex.... 2:13 a nil Chicago Ex. rr .. fe 2 :43 am Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 atn . Cleveland Ex. 2:43 aat Erie& Ygn WI 6:13 am! Chicago Ex..— 10:58 am Cl. Irc Wh'g Mg 6:213 a mrWheeling Ex. 1I:0Sam Chicago Mail.. 6:58 a in,Chicago Ex...'.. .2:53 pm P Chicag HD.& Cl. 01. 9:43 a in ! 'l. & Wh'g Ex ' 4:3 3 pm Ex. . g' via Young v— t'n 0:4 . 3 ain nileng9 . Erie& Yn Ex 41:13 pm CI. is" . '' . Ex ....... 11458 E. - • • .sellero .e.,x..... ~...lti bill ,I. i ifi'g Ex., 2:13 pm' el. &Wit'g EX 511:08 pin Chicogo Ex.— 2:28 p m;Pitts.4: el. Ex. ;11 Wh. & Erie Ex. 4138 pm. via YognsVn. '9 . 151113 pm Depart from Allegheny.. Arrive in Alletitien . y. N. Brlgt.`n Ac. 1:38 a irt; N. Brigru Ac. Tco3 a mLeetsdala " 10:13 aml N. Brigra " tiiRIS a m , 11:53 a m!WellsvIllo " 9;;_58.11 m Rocheser • • 1:33 pm New Castle •• 10413 am Welltiv'e Acc.. 3:43p in ; Leet sdale'• 111;:13 a m Leetsdale Ace. 4:15 p in; •••... r -"- 4/8 p N. Drigthi " . 5:3e pm; N. Briirn • •• .2143 pm N. Brigt'n " - 6:28p nnLeetst itle " 4123 pm Leetsdale " • 10:4.3 pnti '• " 7128 pm RIMS p. In. Chicago Ex- 10:50.x. le. ;Chien(' Press leaves daily. :Expresa arrives diilly. Jane F. K. 31TE,E8, General Ticket Agent. r /TT SBUROBigN4IgNN corxinsus .k, eniczs, ITI R. R. . . i PAN HANDLE.ROUTE. 1 '. CHANGE of TIME.—On and atter .BtTh DAY . , December Pth, 1867, trains will leave and arire at Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh timq:• • Depart. . *Arrive. Mail Express US :15 a. in. 3:P:0 p. m. Past Line 6:40 - - - " , •05 ,;;; - ........ _._... a , m. itoi.. 5. m. 2:50 p. m. 10:55 a , ru. Fast Ex . p . ress 6:10 a. m. 6:50 p. m. I.IMI Way McDonald 's Acen, No. 1.. 11:10 a. m. 2:1 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. in. 9:3 a. M. McDonald's Ace.'n, No. 2.. 5:10 p. m. 8:2 . a. in. SPECIAL. Noxicu.—Sunday Express leaves ' 2:50 p. at. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. In. th next morning. i t) Church Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. The 9:40 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sund • and Monday excepted; arriving_iu. Cincinnati .0.9:55 the same evening. 8 HO I.n IN .AVVANCIE OF ALL OTHER ROUTES. • , .1 • Afar No change of earl between Pittsburh and Cincinnati, and RUT ONE. change to St. Toms, Calro,•and, the principal points West and SouthSvest. • When purchasing tickets be sure' and. deur the °dice of the Pittsburg*, Columbus & Cincinnati-Et R., uNION DEPOT, (SOCTII SIDE.) : ' 1 M. D. MOTHERSFATTGIL Ticket Ag lat. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent JOHN D. MILLER. Gen. Freight A4.dnt. 11011ENNSYLVAi CENTRAL RAILRO. On and after October 6t rive at and depart from thi Washington and Liberty s • Mail Train, ••. 1:20 am p Fast Line '1:50 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Brlnton No.-2, 7:50 a In AVall's N 0.... 8:50 9:10 a in Cincinnati fx. a m Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a m Phila. Express 1:50 p Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 pm Wail's No.- 5.. 5:50 pin Wall's No. 6.. 7:00 pre Altoona Acc'n and Emigrant Train . . ... . 10:30 pmi • IThe Church Train leaves Wall's Station 'every Sunday at 9:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:5010. tn. and arriv :sat Wail's Station at 2:00 p.m. .• *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other Wins daily except Su Express and the Altoona Arca:hum dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cinch:Matt Express arrives daily except Monday. All. Other trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to •. • ' . W. 11. BECKWITH, Aeht. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will nbt Si- same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap mrel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred • Dollars In value. All Baggage exceedinp that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner,,nri less taken by special contract. _ j • EDWARD iv WILLIAMS • ' oe9" , General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa, AyESTEIRN PENN SYLVANIA RAIL .—On andnlter• November 1,1887, t i b l t wager Iliesn'd'gern r gtini s e n FeZa l i Street 'repot Allegheny City, as folloWs: Arrive. 1. • • Depart. Sharpteg No.l 6:25 a m Mail 6:59 11 Freeport No. 1 . 8:15 am Freeport No .1 •9:0111br '• Express 10:10 am Sharpb*g No .111:20[a Sharpb , g No.s' 1:25 pm Express' 1:501 m Freepert Ne. 2 4:15 pm Harinerv'e Ae 3:55mn Ma l l ' 6:05 p m Freeport No:: 6:05o&m . Harmerv'e Ac 7:10 p m Sharpb'g No. 2.. 7:3l)lPni Alloy* trains run daily except Sunday.' ' ' The. Church Trails leavea Allegheny Janet. r Sunday at 7:40 a: tn., reaching Allegheny el at 0:50 a, m. Returning. leaves'. Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jenct. 9r45 CoNtmCravitiax TICKETS—F ein package& of Twenty,between,„ Allegheny City, Chestnut strhet,„ Herr's., Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbnrg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations .4111e .thied on tickets. .1,1 • 'rho train leaving Allegheny City at' 8:50 sal at. makes direct connection at Freeport with WalkSr'S line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office s No. 3 St, Clair street,• near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot,' Allegheny City. :.i • For fuilher information apply to JAMES IaEFFEIITS, Algenti • • Federal Street DeNt. ,The Western Pennsylvania Railroad - will notias- ' sumo any risk for Baggage, except for wearing cip parel, and limitthel. responsibility to One Irstrred• Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding ./this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner,,r, n teas taken by special contract. • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS 6 des General Superintendent, Altdona. Pa. MORY HILL ME" S,II,OIITE. UNION PACIFIC IAILWAY , Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AlsD MOST RELIABLE ITO from the East to all points In. ' Colorado,' Nevada, California, 'Matti -Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, • • • . ' Oregon: • • Two Trains - leap: Stati Line and Leavenworth daily; (Sundaya excepted, ) on the arrival of tralnriof Pacific Railroad from Bt. Louis; and Ifannlbal and .St. Jo Railroad, from Quincy,. connecting Att L. ranee, Top :W eka' and aniego with' stages for ;all points In Kanaaa. At end of .trach , weal of Ella: worth with theDNITED STATES EXPRESS COSI PANT'S ' DAILY" LINE OF OVERLAND hLkIL. AND. EXPRESS COACHES F9 . li. • . DENVE.II,I. SALM 7, icir - F0 z' • , • ' A A4d iheTerritiiri4; • ' • ,•:. a And with SAND_ ,ERSON,S.'XIII-WEEK.L-_TIAINE Air COACUES fotltirt Union; Bent's Fort; rags, Albti-' lunties saa taFF , Laq points ; In Arizona. alid; New - • • , wi t h the neon,: Additions •of rolling' stock:Ent equipznent, and the arrangements made with xi!, 'Tensible Overland Transportation Linea 'train its western terminus, this road now offers unequallitit facilities for the transmission_ of freight to the p••'• West. Tickets for' sale at all the- :principal •ofiletia Intie •' United States and Canadas. Bo sure and ask for . tickets' via tHE HILL ROUTE,ILNION...PACIFIO RAILto EASTERN DIWSION: ••• • A• ANDIZEMIOIr Gene •; . 8 lirraY"*l4: General Freight rind Tickei Agent: JOHN 11P,xim.,: Ornamental iitaik. " irerft WORKft AND PERFUktER, No, OS . , &arta fignet,foa6doortema Wooad MUM* ; ,, .. i , .i. ' r AI manhood, n re_geral assontoPn49 t imp o . I : cmgi,a, 41ineletnenw V U lliti fir l ege htl'' • 40. . •''t Prioela , In ' Yete 0... 4 '''' lin_d_vyttlenten , o Hale Cutting done .auer ...... i ~."71P, ..,..., .1 (~..,v ,...!41!0gtie:; oi . . .. . . ENEZINME II 31 00 A. It Agent. mhs IA WARM AD. h, 1867. Trains 308 ar e Union Depot. eorAer of ..treets, as follows: •A Depart, Day Express.. 0:00 a m Wall's No. l. k. 6:38 a m Mail Train .. . . 51:9 a m Wall's No. 2 9:50 a m ' 'Cincinnati EX31:15 a m Wall's No. 3.. 11:30a m Johnstown Ac.: 53:50 pm Wall's No. 9.. 3:30 pm. • Phila. Expres, 4:10 pm I Wall's No. 5.. 4:50 pm s No. 6.. 6:05 pm Fan Line 7:20 pm • Wall's No. 7..10;60 pm El , NM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers