i50,...10,511#*,...ifta - itt.t.i.:. RwAts. • 817-WILLIAM WALA/I. • _ . • 'Of all the torment*, all the Cares. - With which our lives are curt. - - Of alt the plagues a lover bears. cure, rivals are the worst! By partners In each other kind Afflictions easier grow;' In love alone we hate to dud' - Companions of our-woe. . bylvtay far all-the pangs you see • . Are laboring-in my breast. • - I beg notlou would favor sue ion tuf t allght _ reat.F - ' • How great soe'r your rigors are. . • - With them alone I'll cope: can endure my own despair. But not another's hope. EPHEMERIS -.Aber is the father of thirty-eight operas. - . --Ristori will return to this 'country on the 29th inst. , —Miss Bute Reignohrs, the actress, .has gone to Europe. • —Weston is going - to honor Btifraie, by residing there. --California has $220000,060 WOrtil of taxable, property. • —Maggie Mitchell is going to Fanchonize Chicago next week. D'lsraeli published "Vivian Grey" when he was' only twenty years of age. —The New Orleans French Opera . Troupe is playing La Belle Helene in Cincinnati. —Ex-Congressman Lathani has been lec _ Wring on our civil war to the Australians. —No opposition is anticipated -in Hhode Isbud to the re-election of Senator Sprague. 31ontreitl paper saysit was Hercules, who invented the first sleighing (slaying) club. - —A man in San Francisco got thirteen years in the penitentiary and was properly —Mrs-. Caroline H. Dail is going to. pub lish an a.hriitgeasient of Chevalier Bunsen's Egypt. . - • . • —Rogers, the , sculptor; is doing up the courtship of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van —Roasted rats formed the chief dish at the table of a poverty stricken family in Buffalo. - . —The •well-known Waterside Retreat at Atlantic City was bloWn away by the re cent gale. " • —The Lowell Courier, a paper with a ninny man attached, calls the Pope "the oldomin of the See." —Linda - Carraceola has made her debut in the opera at ;Florence and is looked upon as the coming sensation: A Chicago edition of the Bible is pro posed, with a couple of pages added to the family records for divorces. —Parepa'-RoSs. sang the parts 'of Gabriel and Eve in the oratorio of "The Creation," at Hartford, Thursday evening. —Andrew Johnson's spirits are low these days, it is said. He gets, we suppose, a fresh supply pretty often, however. - -A sub-marine divef i&lllinois has esti mated that he has spent threb years of his life under water. He should marry •lie Fejee mermaid: —Prof. F. Yerdugo, who died recently at Salamanca,--Spain, was the oldest physician in the world. He was 105 years of age, and had practised . 80 years. —People's readings, admission ten cents, are being given in New York. Hon. Horace Greelp presided tit the third of the series, which was given last night. - —lt is said that Pierre Bernard, the-.hus band of Caroline Richings, Caned Dietrich; the eX4lireCtor of the Rnglish Optra troupe, out of the theatre in Cleveland - . —Some personalist says that - Fanny Fern crimps het halt Fanny says she does no such thing. A question of so- much, mo ment should tie speedily decided. —A iltlinnt 3Bssissippian caned . a minis ter the other day, because he had married his beloyed-10 his rival. Ministers and magistraies . beware of licississippisms! —The war in Smith America is probably drawing to a close. Humaita is expected soon to surrender, and'by its fall to end the long Piet*ted and, unequal contest. —Robertson's new drama- "Play" has been bropghtout at Mr. J. Drew's theatie for the first time In Ainerica. It is not a month since it was first produced in Lon ME Joe : Atte:non has been•;getting photo- . graphic views of the Mammoth Cave taken, .sad it isrumored.that he 'is' going to have '.them rexirodAked In _a gorgeous spectauttlar Ari eic4angd says "a troy zap stabbed his wife in the breast the. other ...day. 'fir life was saved by-the tune means used: by Gene* Jackson win tly . battle of New Orleani. _ • - • cents - a pound is the price of mut ton at Melbourne,',AUstatilia. Reef n is three cents a pound in some parts of. Texas. Life is so easy in those places, that no hesitancy is felt in tatingit. —Theatricals in YOrk , run• low; Chanfrau is the:.only popular star now play ' big there, 'but ilrallack's stock' company, - includes ,J. W. Walleck, E. L. Davenport and. kOse•Eytinge. - - lii- 1! tanee, Germany,' Sweden - and Sax-, - ony the averego number , of persons struck each year by lightning is 169 otit. - of pima: bitten 0f.91,000,009. ,The majority of those, struck are women. r . • - --Judy denounces Mr. Chasuble, the Rit ualist, but stiys 'that if be van 'suceeed In. getting a ehorcb built there can ,be no 1 ob jection to his haying as Moore 1 bright' little aisle of. his !' , • .—The'iielary of the GOYerner i ,tieneral of C4444iiiii45(1990"a 3 4 4 iii; about asmuOyi , paid toiall of the Lieutenant GriYilitrra, so " 11114"; 1 : 1 0 1 /i1/ 1 °Ii ha" i I ! ttl P yearliontlay Art salaries to start —The no steamer ' 3.ll ltal killed from New 'fork yesterday to take its place on'tlin, E4,4,.,fpmei5c0,,,,, and , China line. Tio 11... steamers; the G" Republic and China„fara . —fritere Swo; literary .perin ..the Engliahgotise of lo t, ds: Barn e 4r Lora: T,ytton 'of ; gqi 2 44 11 1: Platuti istord 'Boughton, and it isisaidthat Stirling Maxwell is soon to be'raiid to the . peerage by Mr. D'lsraeli, who himself . . i4i p g i o p tmeoi pAiiiiiil i giiOgiiiiiii4*;laakk4 4 lo* 4 -gomAlytealu.gpaiggsailWiibiggigiggiabgggeiiiig*ggatggakigiik4aoigailptgamiaglag din s t-gmoogo.otmamz7f7w Iftlo4kBoov*AlAmlo o s o • • • --: .4-0 S probably before long take ~ a seat theupper House..., • - : , • grand ball to inaugtuste ' Pike's new hall in Cincinnati is announced for the 15th inst. The names of - Mons. Geo. 'H. , . Pendleton and Chas F... - Wilstach are in cluded in the list of the committee' of ar rangements. —Julia Ward Howe is reading in Port land, Maine, and it is said - shereads well. She is the lady 'who can converse fluently in AghtdiffesentalangniqwwhieltAnalter eight more; than a good many , people can ,convenes idi -4sitinbirne ii 'writing a ivern on Tris tram 'and holde. He differs so much in his estimate nf•the characteis.of the legends of She middle ages from the Laureate, that he is going to write anessaf on the " Women of Arthurian. Romance." —The little South American States are still playing their littlelame of revolutions merrily,, and: probably will = keen on at it until annihilation • ensues or somebody of strong-brained Saxons drops down on them and usurps the upper hand. —Dr. Boynton, who, before the late war was distinguished as a lecturer on Geology, and who had his diagrams and scientific ap paratus confiscated in Virginia by tbp Rebel powers, has returned to the lecturing field, and is drawing full houses in Philadelphia. —A sensational man is the thing most wanted just now. Sheridan, Johnson and Dickens having succeeded each other in ra pid succession as the meteors to which all eyes were turned. Who the next one is to be we can't say, but at present we have I none. , —At Alton, Illinois, OIL Monday, a barge laden with 800 tons of ice was burned. The Tos's sustained by, the conflagration was $lO,- 000. We cannot remember any .more per severing fire. -Eight hundred tons of- ice would discourage any :common - spark from growing any larger. —All those people who all along have persisted in doubting the existence, in this world, 'of Dr. Livingstone, the great hero of Africa, will probably discredit the .cable gram to the effect that Sir Roderick Mur chison has received a letter from the missing traveler, stating that he is well and pro gressing. —The late 31a4 land Legislature abolished the 4th of July holiday in the public schools of the State. The next thing will probably be the desposition of George Washington from the= high position as Father of his Country, and the instalment in his place of that sweet bird Got. Swapn, whose sweetest'song most of us would like to hear. Female Gamblers in New 'York. The prevailing vice among New Yorkers is gambling. Men gamble in stocks and gold, and - when the stock market ,is closed they indifige in the healthy pastime of "fighting the tiger," otherwise called faro. •In many of the downtolivn business streets gambling "hells" are located, in order to accommodate merchants wither "little game" during hours of toil. Up town, on Broad way, from i Spring street even as far as For tieth street, two or three gambling saloons are on each block, and the side streets are infested with them. Hovering about these doors are - men arrayed in spotless broad cloth and fine linen, shiny silk hats anti dyed moustaches, waiting, ready and anx ious, to pounce upon the unwary and lead them to destruction. To what extent gam blink is carried on, our police records will show. Bank clerks, Cashiers and treasurers become defaulters, and the origin of the crime is traced to one cause, gambling. The police know this, and are cognizant of the whereabouts of each "hell, yet no effort-is made toward their suppression. Its is true a raid, is. occasionally made on some poor unfortunate, but tlie "big guns," like Jolui Morrissey, John V. Heenan, George Beers, Joe Hall and others, go scofree. What is "sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," is an old saying, and the mat ter of gambling is no exception to the rule. The wives and daughters of our most wealthy citizens are afflicted with the mania, arid play as deeply and heavily aktheir hus bands and fathers. In Twenty-third street, near Madison avenue, is a gambling house, patronized exclusively by females. With the kind permission of your readers we will It -is a modest, unpretentious.-looking house, the entrance scrupulously clean, and presenting no different appearance, exter nally, than those adjoining, save the blinds are all tightly closed. Ringing• the bell, we are admitted. by a georgeonsly apparelled woman, who acts as janitress. - On one side of.the hall is a superb painting oft Leda arid the Swan; on the opposite • side Is- another painting, equally; good, of Venus rising from the sea. 'Aicending the stairs, we are ushered into the Parlors on'the first floor. They ere elegantly, even , lhxuriously fur nished. The person who fitted ,up these rooms must have had exquisite taste, The ,paintings hanging .on the walls are rare and valuable, but the most conspicuous, and the one that; first strikes the eye and-rivets the attention, is the painting.by Ary Schleifer of the gambling Scene from Bulwer's play 'of "Money and for which, it , is .statW, August Beiniont has offered, $20,000 and been refused. Seated arbund the room and at the gam bling ,table are a number ,of ladies, all of whom are dressed in the height of fashion. The players are flushed with excitement, but the dealer, in her Pompadour waist, half revealing, half concealing - an ample bust, sits calm and collected; and 'rakes, in the 4, chips',', with the 'inmost sangfroid.:Ever and anott.SOthe Player, when a heavy bet is lost,'calldfor wine, which siieet l U9 sup plied bY 'au, attentive arid demure looking ,D. emure I Yes, but it is the demureness of a cat.; Offendter and she will quickly ,shoNV that she has dews. That lady at the centre of tlie table, gull' between' Andnyttuf and A - vidis is the w ife of one 'of bur most, wealthy. ,mercluints. I bould tell, you her' ' bid tales mat :never; be told, out of , school. Observe - that young lady, wide nobug*than a . amide shell, and—Alismarcit brown ,ribbons; AIM one. whb la now taking off her diamond ring to stake,-; and which she Will.losa as 'sure as eggs is eggs, 'is the daughter of an et-Judge. Altl our Wealthy merchant's wife is a loser;, set, she Hies from the table biting her lips till the 140411(100,* conceal h - ei Motions.,, jet, such spates 40410 - PAP i:44' 0PP 3 4 011 or poor, Week htimnoltatere the more asked. Is It any wonder :that , so, -frequently see awards offered for lost diamond tinge, necklace t sunk bracelets ? .;If we had Ile power of Asmodeds, — we 'Would see these bet " talkies hi the safe of seMe"gentle 'lllelf 'fekide'el tle`hld/rombardy ''emblem - of: 4drtit" - for 'Reinhlt4ivitt ' -4"ttitCtruitheY mug heolitahlt*F was right, othereare more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in:our philosophy."-- New York Oar. Syraxuse Standard. PATTSBISIIGII GAZETTE SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1868 DENTISTRY SB.ONLY. $B. • A FULL SET OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH FOR EIGHT DOLLARS. FULL IJPPER AND LOWER SET roa_st._s. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAlN___ 1;0 CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHEN Awn- FICLAL TEETH ARE FORD'RED. ALL WORK WARRANTED VE YEARS. LAUGH/NO.OAB TREE OF CHARGE, AT QUINCY A. SCOTT'S steam Dental Establishment, 278 PENN STREET, aD DOOR AB . OVE HAND No '; •ar( bits 86COTT L A licensee under the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any "new itio. true) rubber" seta, but will continue to manufacture the genuine articIe — VULCANITE. mhZhdaT • GAS FM , ETVREs . / GAS MIXTITIMES C)ML xxclellere, FOR GAS AM) OIL Just received. the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. • • WELDON & KELLY; 447 WOOD STREET, COR. VIRGIN ALLEY • DRY GOODS. W SPRING GOODS ! PLAIN BLACK SILKS GROS GRAIN °ILK FIGITRED SILK InIS.H POPLINS FANPY POPLIN ALPACCAS. BLACK AND COLORED LUSTRE'S. 4' WOOL DELAINES, OHIN'iZES LIGHT SACKING CLOTH SPRING CASSIIIIEREB DARK CASSIMERES BLACK AtiD BLUE CLOTH. .- IRISLI LINEN itRILLLA.Ikm, NAINSOOK WHITE QUILTS BALMORAL. AND HOOP SKIRTS. BLACK AND COLOILED KID GLOVES SHIRT FRONTS. fLANDKERCIIIEFS HOSIERY, NOTIONS BONNETS. HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c A Large and Carefully Selected Stock, AT VERY LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 188 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. apti M b 4 0 1.1 Q • A P 4 c e ) CD 14 ad ch • IA P P -I 7 H z 1 o 1 . GC W 0 , tg Z &4 Eil E 4 CZ, V/ A e.. 0 ..4 0 iz) 0 - Hit • E -I IA .. ki l o <I 0 e - -04 k 1.11 1 1:1 4 4 El 87 MARKET STREET. QP7 cr , • SPRING. OPEZUNG THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (Su'minor to J. 11., Burchfield & Co.) SPRING DRY GOODS. • SPRING DRY-GOODS. _ SPIDNR DRY -ROOM , MR. PHILLIPS respectlnily announces Unit the' extensive niterations to his !writ', ' , DRY ~, 0 0. 0 DEP STORE eOmpleted. .and. his establistunent is NOW' OPEN. Be offers ens entirely • Nat, Stock of Dry , -Goods, Ear Orly and dummer Wear, at thetoned. Zeit. ern ;soh scirakteuxrr WPREET....67. AT DENNISON & HECHER B, 27, Fifth Street. rtiA/Zak l74 gi,.. l Y4PPR O -#ragi 8 emu 41:4 i31 - , , WC•orge7 l er_ sui ll ia Dirird i " gj e Dl4 *: NrATAtiirEP• , 70iF i!conts e WRITING ". 1 4 E . / .-9 4 : t ? *l'o'4l4 fad ,alt • Romani% STAR EOM *iiiiiiiiptsifisinkis • GLOM CO*Cp34lotiiincutli9. 10ILL OUR GOODS AT LOW PRICES. le AND EMI • , ,e NSiraiND,NOTIONS. NEW STORE! . NEW STORE! ROSENBAUM., STEIMLUtT & CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, 16 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ttie dna raikned reeiwctfilif intonn the putilie that they . ve received their entirely new stock of goods, • ..istlng of Milline y and Straw Goods, bons, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery and Ginves,- Corsets and SkirtS, Fancy Goods, &c., [ they invite the attention of purchasers, To which " : OLESALE AND DETAIL One of o • r firm giving his entire attention to the purchasing of goods at the Eastern Markets, and having had long experience and all the facilities for procuring gnosis at the very lowest prices, we are enabled to offer great inducements. Constantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions._ . A share of public patronage Cs respectfully soli cited. ROSENBAUM, STEINHART & CO., No. 70 MARKET STREET m132.4:n20 GRAND OPENING! SPRING. GOODS. Bar red Organdies. . Barred and Striped Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. . Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF . -- SOILED 'WHITE - GCIODS, Which we are selling at a great sacrifice GOOD IRISH LINENS at 37 cents. SOILED BID GLOVES at 50 cents. SYSTEME ALEXAN. DEE KIDS for $l. GENUINE ALEX- ANDRE KIDS for $1.85. Our wisortment of HOSIF.RY cannot be beat. 1100 P SKIRTS at 75 cents. The new - and beautiful SENSATION TIE, Just received. 200 doz FRENCH CORSETS Just =edited. A complete the of MAGENTA, LVCRETTA and "ELVIRA CORSETS. Also. aline of MISSES' CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES, all colors. BULLION FRIN- GES; all coldrs. BUGLE TRIMMINGS, a line as- men. A fine lot of BUTTONS. MACRITM, GLYDE & CO., • TS and SO Market Street. ml32l:dle J. MCNCOX.'S GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. STOOK PURE AND FRESH. Dealers, Gardeners and Private Families Will find their requirements fully met. Our large stock, complete assortment. and the ac knowledged reliability of our stuff, leads us to con fidently guarantee satisfaction to our customers. Constantly ontand and for sale at the lowest mar ket prices. GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. FIELD AND LAWN SEEDS. POTATOES. GOODRICH,' lIARISON, BUCKEYE, warm SPROUTS and CUZCO. J L .L I i ;L Ii it,I:,,LLI, AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS. ALL ROOKS relating to the FARM, GARDEN or GREEN ROUSE at publishers' printed prices. Our New 'Descriptive Seed Catalogue Gives full descriptions of NE W __ E , RARE and MOST DESIRABLE varieties of VEGETABLES AND. FLOWERS, PLAIN, SIMPLE and Pew. instructions for sowing, planting and after management—prices in packages or by weight, by mall or otherwise. and much other valuable - information. Sent to all ap plicants enclosing 10 cents: J. lENOX, Nurseryman, Sedaman - and 'Florist, 187 LIBERTY ST., PITTSBUIteII. • for Deixrt of "KNOX'S FRUIT FARM. and 'NUR; SERIES. • mtwlB:uB4:mwr&T - STEAIII _ CARPET BEATING 'ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS , TRIAL In New York and oth er Eastera.cltles has proved a complete success. lITB AIWAWAGES: • lsb—Fadleg and Shrinkage are completely avoid e. 3d—No ripping a art necessary. • 3d—When freed nem dust, moths or their larvae. the Carpet looks nearly as good as new, save the manna fading from wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing•of looks. , ALL ORDERS LEFT AT•TRE OFFICE, No: - 179 Liberty Street, Or addressed to P. 0. Hot 473, will receive prompt attention. • . • • GEO. L. Wen:NMI, mhlo HE . GREAT. HOUSEHOLD FRIEND OF ; TILE AGE. Thee "Queen" ueen Triumphant , THE. QUEEN- OF THE WASH . TUB; BUY IT. •••• TRY IT.. FOR ,PlideßAZWAFilliire PUBP.OBEB Ir la PBONOMI RD ONPARORDENTBD, chespor than , p omp—elesuiles more therbusbly—costs less money—. gen4 1 4 1 :1111 1 =1 1 1tri 1% 1 g li i i i=y i l l ut ta d r Xe c rw; its firm_ place In the affection o oottre house hold., Mannfeatured by the • •lIESS.BEANIIFACTVICOIIO CO., Cnhee, No. 786 "WOOD EITRENT. Pltiebnrsh. n o ijugs, NE u i , ii • co.i , - -- --. „ „ . . z , ANCHOR : Cp•TToN 'MILLS, ... -,. , ibirrillelivnaar. . • 'Bandit Insets or Itg,llnr; iaratmi and LIGHT ' ANCHOR AHD:24IINOLIA' 'PHICEPINGS AND Iir.*SC:JIME/ . , ON . NAND ,- -, and =We o 'orderllata „.., Off and I ft _WBOzi 0 , - - . , • BRA .wHEICLB wa r ', . . . . ..7 .4. 7 77.- - . .P4PreA:XI m Va n BETA.,,, o . ...7 1 ; ___•?ir ,, : , ASBUQIIRERP WAGON ,WOBIES, lieu the Pent 112'14,144.grellikir., IrOBB/12742i & 6.. . tEptariker.... i • . . I . :Ailtpupi, D E . 1 Bel albu m re. r, t a e:, ' fll ci ttaiTtMorleass, awt.warnotedtoirlvel sausntiont and Law Leather, insets, & . al ways en hand ror aale wholesale and retail, by J. & B. PHILLIPS, a felo 4 28 and 28 St. Clair street. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. &O. MARcH : :: : : logo vv. - THE VERTIEWEST , . STYLES DOMESTIC CARPETS, ARE DAILY ARRIVING, AND SOLD SOON AS RECEIVED; • THE PEE LO WEST. McCALLIIM BROTICERS, mh2551. FIFTH STREET. above Wood - 23. JUSTIMPORTED, 23 Aud Especlally Adapted to this Market, VELVET CARPETS , OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS English Body and Tapestry Brussels, INGRAINS AND HEMPS, THE FINEST ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST . : PRICES IN THE CITY. • ' COMMON CARPETS, OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CO., No. 23. Fifth Street. fen 1868 , SPRING . STOCK 1868 . - CARPETS. LARGE ASSORTMENT; LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WHO BUT BOVARD, ROSE & rob10:d&wIT WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Of our own Direct Importation, ETRE NEWEST AND CHOICEST PATTERNS OF THE CELEBRATED JOHN CROSSLEY & SON'S ,WITH STAIR CARPETS TO MATCH. HcFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST. (Second Floor.) at37:rteST FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, CHOICE COFFEE, X'ure• No. 2O Fifth Street. SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J, B. 11 - AlllO SAFETUIRE JACKET, Car Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing. with the use - of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger or Baggage Oars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without the m ay sposilty of tiring the car or cars to which the Jacket be attached. Having obtained of the _Halted State, Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be ad plied to it in the position and purpose for which if is intended. It, is a sure protection from accidents by Are origi nating from defective flues, or where iron pipes are used as conductor s for - smoke or heat. It ls &pall plicate to all piping that may become overheated, and is warranted. to give perfect satisfaction where wood or.other combustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am- now ready to ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings, facteries, ships, steamboats, - railroad ears, &c., wherever pipes as conductors are mule dangerous by being 'overheated and security demised. will sell, on ap plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above Invention: alioterritorial rights, to such as may wish to engage i n seining priv2eges;either by State "Jkoroffice . at the . ...NE PLUS .1/LTRA. PAINT WOBES,' , corner of Morris street and the Alleghe, ray Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward,' Pittsburgh, Pa. fellks4O PROPRIETOR. r'lo (MAIN MANUFACTUIFIERS.— The undersigned halting secured the sole Agest-, cy or the sale of the celebrated _ , • COPLEY PDX CLAY, -• • Are nowprapared to furnish At id any - linantity to those wishing to procure this. superior article. Dug ring fifteen years , use of this Olau, we have arrived at Penh proportions as we' better* makes a better article for pots num say- In the- market,- *We having secured an anerage r u at i +. at BIX, stein and Tzx Mourns. 'We will receives forth° propor tion orate mixture et Clagtobersous lunches /it ThP 947 Is ground4ll4lll/aod,:n-lumps• for de very. . . - ••.; DITHEIDGII tt SON.• Yoe! Pitt elass works. Washington Striseb Pittsburgh. Pa l , _ Veil= -111111P14. -.26e*unga Wanwiticl eipiakkodtiii mszkA -pl a ty !a sPc!r9 q='7 ' • 'HUGS ZNOX', I ' nalittamiSAM Ltheet ystraet;-Pittibargb. bbls. Extra Fans -117 Winter Wheat. Flour, for sa'ehy apt HITCHCOCK, hIcCRENRY t CO. THE YEW LiTEST PATT ERNS PRICES 95 CENTS PER YARD i • JUST OPENING, • All Qualities TO SELL 21 Fifth Street, OVER RATES & BELL'S BY STEAMER.COLORADO ENGLISH TAPESTRY ERE] BODY BRUSSELS, FOR PARLORS- AND HALLS GROCERIES. MEI GO TO RMSONS 3 WHITE t,EAD AND COLOR'i ALL OF ' THE MAINUFACTURI: • OF 9E PITTSBURGH WHITE LEA COLOWNIrOILIES. INcLING STRICTLY PUREIIIVIIrTE LEAI:,; .ZINC PINTS, Chronic' Careens Verdlter Grfl n„ • ; I, . , Versatile Green, Chr me Yellow. 4 And every variety of Colorj , dry ancground In 0 ' :., , for sale by • 6 HARRIS EIS EIIAVINGI WHOLESALE RUGGISTS, !: Corner of Liberty an Wayne Street PIT'TEMEt. 43141-1. PA. 4 , -4 J . SCHOONMAK .1 R & SON, j prr , rsi3Vn(3;l-11 White Lead aadlOolor Work 4 DIANUFACTIERS 0? r WHITE AND RED LEAD' 4 ZINC, PUTTY, BiIUE LEAD: McCOY , lq VERDITER GIREEI7 And all colors, dry or In oll: 1 . OFFICE, No. 67 FOURTH STREET. 1 ., .. Factory, Nos. 450,'4521 434, 456 and 451 Rebecca Area, and 49, skond 53 Lacock Street Allegheny.. . ; !I . • . CRACKER BAKERIES. ltirAltrEPS PAT NT • FRENCTI RENCRI CM:SCHERS. FRENCH CRRCHEM&.: IMMIM FRENCH CRICEERS. . • 1 • • - FRENCH (TICKERS. • 1 And every vailety of 1 . t_., SUPERIOR 0,1 ,ACKERSI 2 4 R- VTR 11 91 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. toh24 ESTABLISHED 1810. 1 _ • TRY THEM SHEPH/TD'S - Steam Cracker anil-411scuit Faetory 317 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Manufacturer and dealer In 11 lands of corcpmcp - xPoNEWS7, , . FOREIGN AND Daarzeri FRUITS, NUTS. &c PIANOS, BUY THE BE! EST ELLE° AN' Sehomacker's Gii AND ESTEY'S ir The SCHOMACHER PIA I) combines all th -I latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument, and haaalwaysi been awarded the highest premium wherever ex- 1 bibtted. Its tone is full. so rous and sweet. They workmanship, for darabilit and beauty, surpass ; all others. Prices from $5O o $1.50. (according toi style and finisha . cheaper i n all other so-calledl first class Piano. :!L__ , ESTEY'S coTTA, E ORGAN: Stands at the head of all reel instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipequality of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. - CARPENTER'S PATEN I . "VOX lIUMANA TREMOLO" is only to bei found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to fiXiso. .All guaranteed for Ave years. BABE, KNABE BIIETTLEB, mh9 No. 12 : T. CLAIR STREET. SECOND HAND M D LORRONS A. D ORGANS, 4)11130. In perfect order, from t3S t MEE O :Di:, I 1 1 54.::lzKo): f-% te) *I _.,,......._ __..... PISSOLIITION, HE FIRM OF . ATWELL, LEE A CO, was dissolved on the t o --- f February, ISOS; by mutual consent. Either partner may sign the name ofdlie Ism in settlement. JOHN ATWELL. - ' CHARLES ATWELL. Ai J. LEE. . . The undersigned will coral ue idle WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS. unde'rthe name and style of ATWELL A LEE, at the old. lace, No. 131 Second street. A continuance of the patronage of their friendsand the public is resttally solicited. LES ATWELL. • . •• _. _ Ai J. LEE. • PlrrsnußOn, March BM 1868. • mh7:ms3 ISSOLUTION OF CO-PART-. D , NERSHIP. r onanniT riora.mirsnEE Has this day withdrawn fronO the firm of WILLIAM E. SCHMERTZ & CO. %tM. E. SCHMERTZ, (41 I . OLLAV i m ic. Pittsburgh, April 3, Mifial • nod:WI Mrj771717111 FORT PITT LIMNER= COMPANY Capital, - - $125,000. linzaiDEFrr—RDWARD LITHRMGE. EiscRaTAR.T—T. A. 'WRIGHT. lifiumunNumorsT—EGlll. DAVISON.' DIRECT 115: 3 Edward Davison, ' ' L. F. Dunca n. John Mellon. I E. D. Dithridge, Geo. W. Dithridge .X. L. Malone. - *, S. IL Johnston. (LASS LUMBER YARD-.Cornet; r BUTLER AND AL LEGHENY STREETS, N th : Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT - LASS WORKS, Wash ngton Street. II • ja20498 OE JOHN 8. & A.IIII4IIIIOCH, Nurserymen, Florist s and Seedsmen. • 8z SToinc—iIIISMITIOIELD STREET, opim- Blte ethst,oolce, PattaburghiiPs. Greenhouses at OxICIAnd; PAIMITEM, - - • iu J. incrstrart. icpuTcHT4I3ON,E4 I IIIEPLII:IBN, _ • -•'.. • ROUSE. SIGNANO , OR:INENTAL PAINTERS. ilitAi*ti A 'Enaitini3; ,IfooSS Penouie/lvifintei-Pitisblulth• /Mordent by mall promptly. mended to, oAmiwnmlolr Butwaffirs. IVILILTAthaI DICK, • • - • - ,• • 4.. 'RPENTERISIND BUILDER, No. avi.:Pt.ttrzsti.vix . .A. AVEiiitrE. Htisib it root, rittidnarAti: latoldeuce;lfo. 143 doske anis beatness‘and dispatc. All or VilitaPPY rAteaded. to, and satisfaction war ranted. • • • • - - -•• • apilinaianawir CBE 100 boxes goshen Cheese; GO ‘• isetory • For sale by d. 11. IDANP E I • I3 & S ON , • apt , 1 41 First street 3 II VormLUloll 12 • LOTTE BLUME. d door above Wood P 1 1 ,11 : 8 erell 0114 Niblrre9 =MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers