IRON WORKS AS.! VERNER, rres•t.... :FIITTSBURGR FORGE AND ' IRON CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Bar Iron; '• Railroad - Fish Bars and Bolts; ;Railroad ear Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Fran? es; Locomotive Frame Shapes; ° Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston. Heads; • Steamboat Shafts; • . Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, &e. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, .PITTSBL'i2GII. P. RAFF, BYERS & CO., ItIANtIFACTURERS OF , Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IPON, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, 4Fce;- ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office; No. 93 Water St., PITTSBURGH, Pa ti29:c33 KENSEIGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLAU, MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. mEßthiiivr BAIL ROUND and SQUARE IRON. 11001', BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. • BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL. TRAILS, .20 and 10 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. - COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIRES. Warehouse :and Office at the Worics, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a conthauation of First street, ) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. VERSON, PRESTON & CO., Penhsylvania Iron Works, Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST . STREET, opposite Monongahela. House, ) arr.l4:dB . PITTSBURGI , STEEL WORKS SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, & CO., 31A24UFACTUIZERS OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, • Spare, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. CIECCLAR, GANG AND Cnoss-Cur SAW PLATES. . . ELLIPTIC AND 5E311-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, Cast and German Plow Steel, PLOW WINGS AND MOWER BARS: SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE; ! • • SICALELSTIOWEL,:IIOX,RAKE, FORK, TUB. CALK and • •.• . MACHINERY CAST STEEL; - • •- - CROW BARS, &c., • • Warehouse;B3 _Water Street, Pittsburgh. selB:k4 • • prrTsßvaGn STEEL • WORKS. ANDERSON COOK & C0.,- • (SUCCESSORSTO JONES, BOYD a echo • Manul'acturura of; the • BEST REFLNED 'CAST STEEL;. SQUARE,. 1174, T IPSI C LIII grafkl' r eiSl z t g ake; CAST STEEL for - Reaping and Mowing . illsselhisies, Steel Plow Wings, • - Axles, Circulars, &c., &c. • • Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel. . • • Ofilee—Corner FIRST - AND ROSS STREETS; DVn blocks above the Monongahela House. • • 0e23:d9 BARitt & PARKIN. GEIVEUAL PARTNERS: 3IETCALF, . I REUBEN „MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, SPECIAL PARTNER-S. M. KIER.. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, I • 11, v 33.A.R8 & PAJRIEtINT, Office, NCI. 3f3- Wood Street, PITTSEIVRGII, PA fel4:d4B ' • DIMIDESNE Iron:and Steel Works. ,COLEMAN, RAHM, Co., - • keurcriacrumis OP - Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, Steel, &e. • wAßttroussi No. 77 Water street, )a18:00 13LACK DIAMOND • STEEL WORKS. PARK,...BROIRER , -84 CO. - 9 . - Manufacturers of all descriptions of • • Office and Warehou 15114 SECOND 11.9 Kula; slit& STREETS. . . , HAW- CITY MILL& T ROGERS & BURCHFIELO, _ Manufacturers of MEiIi:ED, CHARCOAL, .T,H ITIATA and pOLLSHED . . CAST STEEL. ofackstglyeeno-,:;pi'L.2,2 MARKET ST. ~ ]:z!.- : ::;.;:_ ':' /,. jCOPPECEV. '',Yi_A; - : :,. LAKE SUPEBIOR OOPPER MILL AND SMELTING WOLIN, Pii4;i61.1317M011. ,` pAitit:'s4brdlfritipy & CO., Mantißietnrers of 'She Braziers , and .Iloi COPParaXatted Copper Boteonts, liaised Still Not, - toms. Homer bolder. Also; Iniportels sued Dealer" in Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire , 3c.-; Con.' stantly on hand Thine rs 9 Machines and Tools. Warehouse' No. 140 POS T STREET and 120 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut Or any desired 4001 Seta. - inyl4:e34:thrT FOUNDERS,_ MACE:MISTS ATLAS f W. I'. rommii, Suprt MORTON STREET, 'Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President; These ;Works are among the largest ane most complete estabilslintents in the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engine_ Castings.. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:1369 NA!JCIONAL .FOUNDR Y . , .AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, • '--• •(FIVTfi WARD,) • • PITTSI3I7IIG-11, _slum Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, • FOR GAS AND WATER IVOUNS. MT Pipes are all east Invariably In Pits. In dry sans, and US feet lengths. Also, 'full assortment of General Castings for Gas -and Water Works. I -j a - o s ut v i .: ;t r l l o of call the attention of Superintendents fold:tin • THE KNAP FORT PM' FOUNDRY CO. CHARLES IL.NAP, President. J. M. HISAP. Vice President. 0. METCALF, Sec'y and Treas'r. J. H. WADE, Engineer. J._ HISAP, - General Manager. `DIRECTORS: JAMES . B. MURRAY, of-Lyon, Shorh s Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter & Sons. C. B. lIEltRON,_of Snang, Chalfant I.: Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of shornherger S Co. WM. METCALF,, of 3tUlcr. Itarr I'arkln. Bolling. Hill Owl Blast Machinery. 'RETORTS and CASTPSGS, of evert• descsipt lon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACIIINEs. fe24 -La) 110p0BEITSON, REA tr., CO., Successors to Vont NSON, MINISS;3InaEns, • WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH • Manufacturers of Boat and stationary Steam En- Sines, Blast Engines. MIII Machinery. ilearing, hafting, Castings of all descriptions; till Tanke and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron M ork. Office, No. 12, corner Flr,4 and Sruith tleftlSt reefs. Agents for IFGARD'S rETENT INJEC - ilt for feeding Boilers. jall:rs2 UCGU N. BOLE MCNTEr. ORE. JAMES NELSON I. B. BOLE. pDUSTRIAL WORKS.. HUGH .M. BOIX CO ., Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Stake to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES. of all sizes. warranted to give satisfaction: CASTINGS, of every description. made to order. 'Alms NELSON. Supt -V It. ROLE. Foreman. Machine Shop, corner POINT ALLEY and DU QUESNE ly.ty. Foundry, Nos. 32 and 54 Third street. tnyitimG6 • PITTSRURGIL PA. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth. IVard,' (Opposite Union Iron Mills.) ITTtqIL Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GEN}ILALLY. Orders promptly.- and carefully executed. Charges rensonabte. EBBERT & HAMM - D. • 1 BERLLN FOUNDRY., • PRICE & SIMS• . . Mee and Ware4Onse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, . SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castlngs generally. atrM:yo JOHN RONEY, • HECLA FOUNDRY, Caison St., Ninth Ward, near A. V. .R. R. MANUFACTURER OF MAHER DIES, STEEL MOULDS, MIII and Machine Castings generally. JOBBING WORK f reo. C V:d!stTt satisfactorily110 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, SSO Perm Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, Ate. F ILTyrON MACHINE WORKS. EATAISLISIIED rY 1830. Manufactory of STEAM ENGINES. of ;all. sizes and of the most approved patterns. for stational? fluOrilts k tl r ricty g a l f A llr, 12 d ang T llll 3 jrst a lnVer: 'ENGINES,. which will be sold at very reduced prices. • P. F. GEMISE, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, ou the Ohio alver, and line of C, & r. n09:112 M. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. o lgv i tfir ta t i li e e lis ealLt t Co u r: a ril / t p u iggh anire, d JO and other brands of Anthre'elte, "gti . ghlagi Coke and C. B. Charcoal PIG mows. - . . Consignments and orderaresimetfully solicited'. AIIIES 11. JONES, ; • DEA.LER. SCRAP. IRON, LIGHT IRON, Cast and Wrought Iron, Rop e, &e. . , Corner AiloirtSoN STREET and MINIM AVE- Allegbqny City. • WEST COMMON• Machine Stone Works, . N .. . e lconhwest epnter of West. Common, Allegbeny., • treg - wrir.ATER & 00.. . • Have on band or prepare On abort notice 'Hearth 1414,,StelfPAPne$ 1 . .tor Sidewalks, Browci7 vatuts,,itc. HesOna womb Stone it;' - Orders urten .tl ;executed. Prices reasonable. CHI , STinfiC QUAY. 'i*ttittgatsicit from the A:polio atone *:4lu4ll'*ip q T aire o ard o y or, by the car/os4. Yin W. P. a. it- Z- J. sohnung, Ageno, Armstrong Co., Ps PZTT'33L'RG33, Engines, of every description. Boilerx, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work Railroad Castings . Bailing Mill Castings. Machine Castings. General Castings. OF IRON BROKERS. STONE. I=Z=ll PTTTSIRGIT GAZETTE : ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAAIK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ruituL,An. DOUBLE-FLDF.D TUBT:KAIL PIRE BON AN . J CYLINDER . , STLAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, • CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS; •• . - STEAM PIPES,' GASOMETERS AND IRON` BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS ...LND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Orders sent to tho above address will be promptly attended to. • M 117089 Z. R. MORROW.... J.& S. B. BARNHILL ....JAS. BLAIR BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BARN ILL & CO., 'li.kstrAcTunritB OF- Steam Boilers,. Oil Stills, Aitatori, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS. WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cor. "I.iberty and Second SU., . . PITTSBURGH, PA. • 'REPAIRING promptly done. Ji4:l3q. WM. BARNHILL Sc. BOILER MAKERS , AND SHEET IRON 'WORKERS, NOS. 20. 22, 24 AND 28 'PENN ST Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of 1101LEItS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching. Fire • Beds; Steam Pipes. Locomotive Boilers. Condensers Salt Pans. Tanks,Oil Stills. Agitators, Settling Pans. B o ller Iron,Bridges. Sugar PanS, and sole manu factures of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. ' ROBERT LEA, Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT HOISTERS, AND DOCTOR ENGINES. CASTIN6S, of nil descriptions, made to order. Corner of First nnd Ferry Streets, JAMES :q. MITER, Nas. 55 and 56 Water Srti 31.INVTACTULAIt VF ' IRON OIL TANKS SETTLING PANS. COPTEE STEAM PIPE. ROLLING MILL ~•ru:RS STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK STOVES. BISSELL at CO.'S FOR BITUILLNOLTS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Stove In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 9.85 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, I'ARLOIC STOVES, . - HEATING STOVES. (MATE FRONTS. FENIYEItS COOKING ItA.NGEst, as A GREAT FAMILY CONTENI• ENCE. A new and novel arrangement for having Hot Water Boilers . . Attached to the back end of common Cook Stoves, . so that the waste blaze which goes up the stove pipe heats all the water needed in an ordluarysized fam ily, by passing the blaze directly through the boiler, i which slts over the pipe hole of the stove. This new arrangement can be put on to any .No. 7, 8 or 9 common - Cooking Stove. of anymanufaeture. Ant person having a TRIUMPH, VICTORY. BLACh. OAK, BEAUTY or UNION STOVE, or almost any other Cook Stove made in the Union, can have Boll ere attached to their Stoves, Including the Attach ment, the Boller and Lids. and Bibb Cock, for the moderate cost of #7, by applying to BISSELL & 'CO., • No. 271.3 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Mantifact=rs of the TRIUM,PII COOK STOVE CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUT THE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, is at No. 116 GRANT STREET. 3(2 P. C. DUFFY. NEW lIARDWAItE HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EWER, Manufacturers and Mnportors of HARD W A- n 4, , CUTLERY; &C. 887 LIBERTY STRtEt, CORNER 91 1 ', 1 7(AriE f. `One Square Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGI-t. Agentelbt FAIRBANKS+ 13 ,. ALES. ~ • F - $ 11 0 621 4- 111 . • •FIFTS , • ST.,bet Tunnel Chatham Sts ., Gansmith and Dealer , * Hardware. ~ : pos tr e w rs goodstorAll sliescriptiona *always on hand and soldat thislownst prttlas., Itsipat . tint done esrofttlly on short notice. ice:" Er iesier of Weights and Measure% No. 5 FoUßTtiiiittikic . '' (Between Liberty and Ferry street's. Orders pramPil7 Attended W. , lIANLTFA6TrItEItS or• PITTSBURGH, Pa 3tANtI'ACTURETtFOF PITTSBURGH. P.t rITTSBILMGH, And SiIEET IRON . - WORK. For Steamboats CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, HARDWARE, 23, HART, - CAUGHEY &CO., •• BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corni...lttrd and Wood Streets, PITTS33II7IICrIX, (SUCCESSORS TO 11A.NNAc:II..-IRT'& C 0..) .; DEALERS IN Exchange; , Coin, Coupons; And part!cular atScatlon. paid to linrchaso and : sale or GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. 1 myl:Ble lr HOLM E S 67. SONS, 33.41...TSTMEMELES, 57 Mariiet Street, rirra-rritrltcrx, Deposits received In Par Funds and Currency. Collections made on all the principal poin'ts of the United States and C'stnadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities • BOUGHT' AND SOLD ON CO3l3fissi\oN. Particular attentlou paid to the purchase and sate of United States SecaritieS, IXCLCDING t. S. SIXFS OF 1SS1; •' • to IN 5-20 s:, U. S. FIVES 10-40 s. U. S. CERTIFICATES pF INDEBETEDNESS. Orders and Vouchers bought or collected.. . _Jaahat . ' CITY BANK, No. 112 Fifth Streeti - Pittsburgh, Pa. MEM BTOONHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. p:TEIZE,ST PAID O,..S.DEI'.9SITS. EME3 - - ' Forelgn.Ex , .hange bought and *old, and.when de-' Fired remitted to Europe. Collectionb made on all the prlnelpatimints of the Milted States and Canada. - ~ • JA.str.s - 31"ceAnr...' 1 Joim McKr.owN, TEUENCE CAMPBELL, • . TUBB. ROCII.KE,• Jon,: SAVAr.E, - .; PATRICE KANE, _. JAIL VIIELAN, , i JOHN 1.. t.• BABB, CBA.S.. B. BARB, ). ,` Wx. li. REEL, u r. -nhths, , . a. DuNLEvy, ..N.,- 11. IB3tS.E:q. 110 - 4INICIC 11131SEI;i, President J. C. BAltli. Secretary N. !tank will open for businopti between the tlrgt and fifteenth of April—in the room lately occupied by A..: MeTlyhe, deeease4l, .as a ltanklng House, oppositAV the tathtdral. isra- The stock Rooks will remain open for sub scription. !filth that time. at the otilce of the &sere trry. Nu. 104 Fifth street. mhis•th9o T 4 I 7 'IEYSTONE SAVINGS Ne. 209 Liberty Street, riz P I3L i;c f, PA. TIII . S.IIANFi. IV ILI. OPEN 1 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS,' AT THEIR. :NEW BANKING HOUSE Accounts of BANKS I.I.A.NhEIt.S and 11 - .E.It-! . CHANTS are Incited. i Coiicctlous made - on all notnp.s lu the .thlitedt. States and Canada. ipterest Allowed ouTlme Deposits; UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. JOHN T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. WESTERN SATINGrS BANK, No. .46 17ourth . Street. CHARTRTIED '1866. z ntcret4t pnlctionTinic Drepo sits ANY SUM RECEIVED, FROM ONE DOLLAR'UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT . , INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock. President—THOMPSON HEW Tice President--A.M. MARSHALL., ntit.tcrons: THOMPSON BELL,_ A. M. MARSHALL. JOS. hIL .• JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE. .1, Stockholders to NllO6l we Win. Forsythe, . ; WllllO %V. C. Bidwell, E. M. Fulton. stiok i(4) 'V BAN KER S. Q ESTABLISHED I;4' 1837. 1* 35 SOU-11-1-110C1 PHILADELPHIA, IDEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s ' Converted Into 5-20. STOCKS AND GOLD • Bought and sold on commission, here and In Now York. TIME PAPER NEUOTIATED. P.:TERI:S*I'AL LOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD. AND CURRENCY. Accounts of 'Banks and Bank.. era received on favorable terms. LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION FIRST , MORTGAGE RAILROAD Ss FOR SALE. Also, the NEW -LEIDGII GOLD- • LOAN:: These %Loans are both free from State and U. S. taxes, and are the cheapest Bemis of their class at present on the • . • market. • ALL CLASSES OF :SECURITIES TASKS IN. EXCHANGE AT MARKET 'RATES.; fe.24:188 - • DOLLAR. SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 - Fourth Street. J. . CIIA.ItTEUMI) IN 1833. • ASSETS $9,16 p 1,790 19. • . , Open daily from oto o'clock; also n WEDNEF. ,D A Y and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist 'to November Ist, Troin 7 to 9 o'clock.; and from No -vemberlst to:May Ist, front to S o'elock, Deposits received of all SuinteOfnot lellErtban ONE DOLLAR, and a dividend of the prodts declared twice a year, In Junej and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and December since the Bank was ofganized i at the rate of •61x per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, Ma nd l p4ed to .tite credit of the depositor as principal, bears the same tercet from the Ist days of June and December, com pounding twice a - year withont troubling the depos itor" to call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate money will double In less than twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rulesand Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. Pursing:qv—GEOßGE ALBREE. • VICE PRESIDENTS: John ti. Bad:olbn, ... A.: M.. X Pollock,, D., , Benj.' L. Fahnestoeki ' 1 ...Robert Bob% liordman, John 11. Shoenn . •-- James erger, Jaines hicAtilay, , t Janice SIMle, James B. D. Bleeds; • ''Alexander Speer„ Isaac hi. Pennock, Christian Yeager. : ' Wm. J. Anderson, : TIMEITEES: Robert C. Loomis; Calvin Adams, Hearn J. Lyneh, John C. Bindley, - Peter A. hinders, George - Black, • J o hn mar s h, Hill Burgwin, Walter P. ai rha, AlonrstA,C_Vrle.4 . . , John 13...Mel'adden, Chariest A4* -- , tea, V .' , 7 4, orinsby Phillips, John - EVitia, . ...iiernry - L. Bingwalii .'t^{ John J. Gillespie, Wm. lg. Samaria, 'William S. Raven. ` .. Alexander Tindle. reter H. Hanker, "'Militant Van Kirk, • Richard Rays,. . ' tlsase Whittier. Jones D. Jaeuy,. Wm. P. Weymap. TngASuiran—CHARLES A. COLTON. .. eincusrisr—JA] D. ICILIIDS. --, apltd ME FINANCIAL $l.OO, 000 DIAECTORS:. make reference .toseph Dilworth, Rev. David Herr, Henry Lambert, A. M. Drown, Thomas Ewlntr. ~., PH. li. MIERTZ, BANKER AND BROKER, 110 Wood St., near Corner of Woca, GOTERN3IENT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Coupons, - ' Doj.glit and Sold on Libor:xi Terms. tgi - Drafts. sold on all the principal cities Of Eu rope. CONVERSION OF 7-30 5 5. - We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of INTO ME New 1867 5-20 Gold . Coupon ./3onds, JAMES LBRADY & CO., Dealer in Ooverinnent . Seenrities, CORNER FOURTWAND WOOD STS, it* littzburgijGaytts. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE \ PITTk3URGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY . , March 21, 1868. . Gold opened strong at 138%, but at noon the market' advanced to 139 X, and . closed at 139 y; bid, still the demand is light; there is neither any desire to bay for long ac count, nor are there any outstanding short 'contracts. It is conceded by all parties, that between 139 and 1101 a the true value for gold at present, and unless something . serious turns up unexpectedly, the market is more likely so experience a decline than a further rise.. Quotations for United States iritiiropii are well maintained, and at 72 in London , and 752.,1 in Frankfort, with . gold at 1391/ ‘ , and bonds as they have rated during the past week, the export de mand for goldis likely to be checked for the next two months. Government bonds have fluctuated e . .mor this week than the week previous, but the extremes were only per cent. from. :the .highest to the lowest and back again. • the pressure, however; to sell bonds is greater prior to April first than it has been during any other period fcir the last twoyears, ow ing to the difficulty of procuring loans from the banks at low interest and the large payments that have to be made - ,et this period all over tie Western Statek-espe- Pedally for purchases of property. On'this account it is likely that quotations for bonds will yield a little during the first few days in April, butafter- settlements are effected, a demand foi investment will rood advance quotation 4 beyon4"the present price. Stocks have been fluctuating to a con- , siderable extent during the past week, the verav, differences inAuotations' have peen from 5 fo G per of butcent., at the close the .- week the market his gained strength from 'outside parties, by the defeat of the mo ne4)olists. A present, a perfect mania ex-. ists for obtaining direct connections with, the great Pacific routes and getting thel through business from the great Atlantic cities to the shores of the Pacific. The mo nopoly is worth while contending'for, in a couunercial point of view, but the country at large has suffered so much py these , mo-. nopolies of Railroads, Express-companies and Telegraph lines, that none but the owners of shares in such..companies can Nyish for success. very tight, and 12 per cent. is the ruling rate for good paper; long, paper (pit not be negotiated, and banks have to reduce their discount line preparatory to their quarterly statement. Bank stocks and Railroad bonds 'are - offered at slight concessions, but few but few buyers are in ° the market. Business is improving, and after the first of April a good retail tradeis - looked for. • . Closing quotations as received by Ph. It. Mertz: • , *Gold, 1394‘; 1881 bonds, 111; 1.462 5-20 s, 1101-.;; 1864 do, 108%; '&35 do, 108%; Consols, 107;.;,; 1040 s, 101 y,; 7-30 s, Clevelandit, Pittsburgh It. It. 91 Fort Wayne 102% North N 4 estern—common - 63 North Western—preferred • 741,,,‹ New York Central - Erin 71% Old Southern 8736 Ohio & ' • • - 30, Western Union Telegraph 34% lkierchants Union Express 34% Corydon 35 Quartz Hill: Quicksilver 1 1.5 Quicksilver 203,1 —Closing quotations received by James Brady &Co. tGold ' • 139 U. S. 6's, 1881 , Llig 44 5-211 s, 186 9 11011 44 '6.2o's, 1864. - 108 " 5-20's, 1865 - • ' • 108% 44 10-40's 101 44 5-20's, Jan. andJ,uly,. '6,5 - 1073-' , 6 7 1073,1 " • Jtine 7-30's • 10614 " July 7-30's • 106% May, Comp., 1865 118 --The Titusville -Herald says: We are reliably informed:' that an effort is being made by speculators to have the tax put on crude oil again. 'rho subject is now tin der discussion at NVashington, and when it is rementbered what thflibulty was ex perienced in effecting the:abrogation of this tax, our people may well concerned at this threat of its restoration. A coinmittee should be at once appointed to represent the_producing interest; and proceed to Washington without delay. —.The New York Tribinte,of Friday, says: Government, stocks are very firm in view of the extraordinary course pursued by agents of the GovernMent, who have for Several days acted as - though instructed to break the market by ,offerfng securities at a ,low price' to effect the quotations, and by furnishing prtces and giving the tone, of the market to the press in violation of facts. The reduction in the balance of the Sub- Treasury, so widely paraded last night, has afforded - no substantial relief fromthe fact that 'it-was Made by - placing.funds to the credit of disbursing officers, and not put at. .the convenience of the public by ptirchaS ing 7-305. The motive for this attempt to break down Governments will prove to be a desire teshake,out large amounts of7-30s whichthe'l'reasury and its agents are ready bpy.. - • Nal , The Adams Express has resumed by de claring 5 per cent. in cash, upon the new stoOk. This diiidend has been made• from current earnings, and not from funds in hand during the Express ,mr. Its =Ai ! :• gers are confident of - their L ability to earn; 2' per, quarterly. The example of, the Adams Won' be'follOw,edby the. Merchants' Union and the United States: Commiseloner of internal Reve -rine has made the 1 *Mowing 'decision: , refined mineral .oil remains in the tanks, not in a condition to be inspected, it is not liable to tax; but when it is barrelled, .cir put in.rt ilenditignto be inspected, it ltlibuldisrinimixitetvarid the refiner should make return of It to the Assessor or Assle! tent :ArgieSPOrg On or befbre the 10th day; of the succeeding month. The taxable so returned and-mat, bonded,, , whetbee or not, should be assessed the same as manufactures in general, and the lists re. turned to the Collector._ for oollection." iii=it= : PITTSBCIRGH 3111tkETS. OrpicE CF Prrrsunnoir G.N7,ErrE,./ SATURDAY, 4.lareh 21, -1.968,. • The ! general markets have been mod. rately active during the past week, Nyith a fair volume of business, in th 6 ag 14 . regat_e p,r , ices have undergone no iMpor taut changes. - - "-, • - ' GRAlN—There A a steady demand fori Winter Wheat at the \, regent advancej t' and we eon nixie to q tote at $2,50 tol $2,53 for. Red, and $2,56 to $2,60 for Whitej laccording, to - quality. Oats quiet but' steady at 69 to 70c, on wharf and track, and! 73 to rse, in store. Shelled Corn is being sold on wharf at 95e to 97c—sale of 111. car` prime Ear at $l. Rye is scarce and trim, and may be quoted at $1,75. to $l,BO. •Nol Barley in market; it would sell readily at a o l good round price. - FLOUR.-1s quiet and unchanged; 3v quote Spring \% heat at $10,50.t0 $11,25; Win ter Wheat at $l2 to $12,50, arid fancy brands at $l4 to $15., Rye Flour is firm at $8,25.. BUckwheat is quiet and unchanged at $4,50 per cwt. - PROVISIONS—Bacon is firm but un ' changed; reghlar jobbing sales at 113 . 6 to: 11 3 / 4 c for Shoulders; 1314 to 15e for Ribbed! and Clear Sides; 16l c for Breakfast Baconj and 17 to 17,4 c for Sugar Cured Hams. Prime kettle Lard, 15 3 / 4 to 1.60, in tierces and 1634 e, in kegs. Mess Pork, $25 t $25,50. Dried Beef, 21. ;4 to 22c. SEEDS— i Flaxseed s scarce and higher and we now quote at. $2,50. Cloverseed ' quiet and unchanged at $B, and the same i true of Timothy at $2,75. BUTTER—Is as scarce as ever, an and prime to choice Roll may be quote firm at 48 to 52c. E'GGS—With light arrivals and some in quiry from the east, prices are higher, Sale having been reported to-day at 27 to 30c. DRIED FRlll'r—Teaches firm but un changed; regular jobbing sales at 11®11;,c. Apples steady, at 7®Bc. POTATOES'-:-Firm but- unchanged;: • w) contirilie to quote prime Peach Blows a r 3',25 per bbl. • • HA.Y—Is firm p rat unchanged; 'fron Country.wagons it ay be` quoted at $2O t • $25, as to quality. Sales of baled on whir at.s2l®22 . ; ONloNS—Scarce and held firmly at $4,51 per bushel. • ONIONS-Scare BEARS—In fair local demand * with smal sales in store. at .?4,50 to $5 per. bushel. • LARD OIL—Is irm but unchang( kre nlar sales of No. 2 at . 98e@$1, and .31,28 $1,30 for No. I. i - • • -- i ', •- , PITTSBURGH I*TROLELTM MARKET . OFIFCE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 1 SATURDAY, March - 21,1868. . 1 .1 ClitfriE--.This'ire-edei market has•bn re-.• . , . . . , .. .. ... - • • •• Markably stiff cluring,tbs:liast. wee , and eampared with the'preceding . Week, ;prices] ... ~. ~ - • • ; haVe adviinced.materially.: : :To-day We can ! report one saleof: . `2OOO and another of 1000! bbls, both for immediate delivery, "at :f3Nc.; I and we are cognizant of a sale of 10,000 bbls rOnning.from August to December, inclu sive, two thousand barrels each Month:on! private terms—supposed :to be.loy,c. -:•Ni7 1 alio heard of an otter to sell, 1000 liblseach, for April, May and Jund, at 90, ' without finding a buyer. The sales, compared with those of last week, show. an advance of from .ono half to one cent per gallen, and at the• advance the market is firm, - though bnyeral stake hold with considerable diffidence ] • Finding that : there is no margin in opera ting - - in spot oil, seers have turned I their attention to selling head—"short in a great many uses " —goin it blind, or. trusting to. 1110Z;_andit would : eta that in the present condition of the trad,they arel either, forced l e to do this or nothing. \ , REFINEDThere was . . not a • single sale of bonded oil 'in this market to-day, at least, there was - none . reported; and while the feeling i seems to be as firm as ever, prices, compared with yesterday, have un dergone no quotable change. ...CV° are cog•-i nizant of aplump offlo" bny April at - 2534c; May at 25Xc, - and Juno tit 26 . 1., and we can report a sale of 2000 barrels in Philadelphia, for :March,. at - 24,4. - The - ..operations in bonded - oil. have - been.-remarkably light during the - week,. and notwithstanding prices have. ' - steadily advanced, sellers seemed to be as - obstinate as eve r; alleging, that Crude more than keeps phi: with r e -i .w fined—that if the,latter.ent up it quar ter { the former advanced‘frc.m. % to, 34:. Thal. great trouble lies 'at Oil ; City, at - which . place oil has ruled too 'high for thitimaiket • all winter,,and, as a consequence; there has been but little chance..for either crude Or refined dealers to dcianything.:: . • • ' ARRIVALS--.-.The . arrivals of oil during thei past Week Were remarkably light, only - .reaching 1, 29 6 bbls, against 2,607 for the .preceding: week.' ' The; reeeipts.'from the first of Jenuary to'.. date foot.,up 127,607 barreli. • .-- - • .- .I - , .''-:' --.-'' -• •,-' ; I. PETI2OLEITEtAsSOCIA'TION.\ . . . There - Till be a meeting of the Petrolermi Associat' on at their rooms lius (Monday) atonNING, at ten o'clock: 5 A. F. BROOKS, Secretari. Baltimore Cattle Market. . ' r. BALTIMORE, 11farch19.--Beef Cattle—The offerings at the scales during the past, week amounted to 610 \ head, af,rainst 987 last._ week. Prices to-day "ranged follows: Old 'cows and scalawags at ez,75@4,517; ordi nary thin steers, oxen. and cows, $4,5005,50 fair to good . stock cattle $6,00@7,00; fair quality beeves, $6,011@6,75; and the very,- best beeves, $8,00@9,8734. per .100 lbs, the , average price being abotit $6,6234, gross-- showing no chance from the rates of last week, the market closing Very dull. Sheep—The 'supply MS been better dur ing the past week, but with a good de mand, especially for fat sheep, quotations have been well sustained .: Prices to-day ranged as follows: fair to good: at 5.j t 634 cents, and good to extra 6M to 836 cent, per lb,- . gross. . ' ..- \ ' llogs—With increased' arrivals -, during the past week, and only a- moderate de--' mand, the market has been unsettled, and' quotations are 25e per 10011:is lower. Prices to-day ranged as follows: fitir to good live hogs $l2 to $13,75 per 100 lbs, net. New York Dry. Goods Market. CEr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh AGazette.j NEW Yonx, March - 21.—The snow storm has brought business to a stand still. The market is verr, weak and holders have con- Sequentlv reduced the price of Prints le per yard. The Merrimack W. as well as pinks and purples, are offered at 15c; do. D iancv at 14c; do. Robes de Chembre ;6c; do. W i..7anobries 18e; - Spragues and Pacific fancy: Prints, 13,•1-2c; ; 121-2 e. Heavy lirowia• Sheotings Steady - at 180 for Atlantic A, and 171-2 o foiPacifle and other brandar but we look for a further decline of lc per yard before the downward tendency is arrested. 'ln other 4 . yles ef 'Oottonsthere is no particular change to Observe.. The dry goods reporter desires us, to say that prices are lc lower to-clay than' the pub- Ushed quotations, New Orleans Margot. [B Telegraph to be l'lttsbutzb . GOi6tte."l' ' I ORLFANSp , March 21, „„.....catto rt qu i e t and unchanged; saletenf 10,000 bales mid dling as 241-2 c; receipts 1,185;, experts 10,- 341 bales, mostly foreign. Flour is in good dethatid and firm at $40,25 for superliner, 810,75 for `double' Vitra, and $14414,75. for A choice Corn quiet and, firm at 97 I-2catl. Oats firm and Unchanged it 131,08. ~. Bork is active and advancefito $ 0 ,. 9c ° ;94 , 5 0;i:1;.8acc1i ;very fiffil at 1212 e for sbettiders; 15 1,2 c for ;- clear ribbed sides, .ainl,:lfieforiclear sides. Sugar cured hams at 1$ B.4cz ed 016 I.2o'for tierce and 17c . for keg. Gold , MO; Sterling Bank Exchan 5 112u52 New York Sight Exchange panto- 1,8 pre mium. - Baltimore Market. Pliteleitrotlii to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l aff.Trittuu, March 21.,....F10ur firm and. AClot mote butizancsbasp4 corn, rosvory , whaw-si,otrar,lo 7 , , yellow p15a1,16. Val* Arni- - at`MMS6.L. Bye dulFate, 80a1;85; Provialetils firmer. Baeonrihotil era 1234 e: bulk she alders 11ally,e. Mess Pork V.& • 25,25. MO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers