1 tyly4litiffhurgt- etayttf._i ENE AMUSEMENTS. ne-Rev. Marvin R. Vincent, of the First SP;esbiterian Church iii TroY, hai published topr discourses upon the value of amusement • its a fOrce. in Christian training; which ought to hive a wider circulation than they are likely,to obtain in their present form. The rathor takes up the cause of cheeiful Chris 'nity; and answers the arguments of those wtfo seek to find somethingwicked in many ofthe innocent and healthful games of' the 3.t1115 held to be innocent for boys, to play marbles; but sinful to play . dominoes; it is sinful to play billiards,.but highly graceful and innocent to piny croquet. 31r: Vincent fails to see the ethical distinctions here ex pressed; he' finds it difficult to distinguish between the wickedness of balls of iron and the good of balls of wood; between mallets and cues, and between green baize and, gteen.grass: • A.. Christian. household Must: • not sit down to a game.of whist, acoarding 'to some authorities, but -they-.can- spend 'a pious 'evening over Dr: Busby; a game in-. volving a good deal of • healthy mental exer- • ton is - condemned, - while the silly4ri:ifitleis, Busby cards are admitted. fir. -Vincent writes : . . ."Youth Must not dance, but, tbey .may march to music in compariy, and go through 4Allisthenic exercises involving a good deal motion than dancing. But if people may im rch to music and be guiltless, - it is ver'y hard trizee how skipping to music con verts the-exercise into sin. It is said that the assobbations make the differeneb; but the .advocate of this theory is Shut up to proving Sat the, associations are inseparable from the Amusement. Now I ask, in the name of common sense, why not devote a little Christian care to separating from its abuses, and regulating in its conduct,, an exercise - which improves the bearing - of our youth, lends`to relieve their natural awkwardness in society, and gives them innocent exhilar lition?' When our Young Men's Christian I ASsoelatiou, of Troy, furnished their new room, they did so on the principle that 'prayer meetings and religious periodicals, though important in their p ace, would not .oP themselves suffice to attract young men from without. They had tried the experi ment in their forloin rooms, under a machine shop in an out-of-the-way place, furnished as a miniature chapel, and a very seedy. one * that; and the result was that about .six month ago the association was in a fair way to die and make no sign. Young men - would not go to that dismal- hole to spend # evening_ when more attractive places abounded in the city; and I would net if I , liad been in their place. But the-association ,got a new lease of life. It en g aged vary, pleastmt rooms, in a central position: 7t 'kept its prayer meeting room neatly and - appropriately furnished; but it added a large . Social parlor, its walls adorned with plc " ttires, a fine. piano invitingly open, the' best current periodicals, secular and religious, upon the tables, and games of checkers, chess and dominoes distributed about the robni. The young men came in crowds. 'they were thrown at once into contact with Ike Christian youth Of every church in the city, with the city 'pastors, with committees eapecially appointed by the churches to take -strangers in charge, with good- - music, re lia literatures liteiate anh innocent amusernent." We learn froni authentic sources ,that the trocims of the rroy Asstidiation becaine so !popular that the keepers of places of amuse _ment of a less refine(' character uttered loud •COmplaints, and attempted to bring about a trellis' the ranks, by spreading abroad ~ Nse'l'eports, - But the cheerful rooms of the loung men prevailed, 'and: gre.at goo& is hg aecomplished. _ Vinbent makes some admirable hits fat the fallacy in the arguments of those who . ..Would shut out all amusements. He says 'that some people exclaim: "Think of 'Paul dancing, ' or Peter playing billiards! • -Do you think we shall 'have checker-boards In heaven?" .This, he says, is no argument —it is sheer nonsense, and most unworthy trifling over a serious subject. "Think of 'Paul dancing!" Well, think of him! Think -of Para wearing_a swallow-tailed coat with brass buttons! Think of Peter skating, cut ting figuresfof eight; and performing "outer edge backwards." Think -of John in a - white cravat, or of Bartholomew putting up Zeidlitz powders, or of Timothy running with a fire engine! How would they have looked? "Would you play chess on your death-bed?" Probably not, my friend. Neither would I put on illy boots, or do a great' many innocent things," at such a ECe. Post. ~,r t::, • I's • v4'4 lFreneh Opinion of the Alabama Claims. (From the Faris Standard.] • Public opinion in the United Suites is cer tainly very much excited, and a warlike „inspiration seems to animate the meetings, which go on increasing in agitation. Un der these circumstances people ask them -.selves, may not Mr. Johnson endeavor_ to , seek a quarrell with Lord Stanley while England is occupied with the Abyssinian :expedition, in order to recover the popular ity which he is losing. The United States people, with their minds turned to the prospect of a war \ with England, would Verha_ps give- less though tto the position of the President. The truth is, that the fa :32ollEl question relating to bellig;erents will , flrot bear a close examination. In acknowl -fledging the Confederates as possessing. that ••• character. did England act• in a different '"manner from the Government of Washing ? Did Mr. Lincoln not inti mate to all the powers the establish ment of a blockade of certain of ..the Southern ports? Did. he not by so doing, treat that .city, " not as an in surgent, but as an enemy? Did he not, on several occasions, treat for the exclumge of prisoners by formal and authentic deeds ex ecuted and ratified by the competent author ities of both parties? In the necessary in tercourse between the two tonnes was the rank of. Southern. Generals, which they re -4ceived from'President Davis, not recogniz cdf Finally, did Gen. Grant not accept the -capitulation of Gen. Lee according to the •custom of regular warfare? We might multiply questions of• cavil, that the charac -ter of 'belligerents, now contested es of right, was recognized, in fact, by the United ' • States during the entire period of, the war., Naturally, therefore, people now ask, what -;;canii the secret Motives of seeking a quar rel on such a question. The ;United States 43krvertunent never dreamt of the sudden ,susceptibility which seized upon, it on the Morrow of the triuniph,when, in the midst •of the struggle, the Washington Cabinet , :ssked England to ruin her cotton manufac • • :tures by respecting the blockade declared by •"'; - Xt. :Lincoln, in conformity to the laws of "'N MCI • - -`-4a. few days ago, a lady teacher in Wash 'l.lngtoni vibe has among her pupils; two little 7 ,dattglitet's of M. Stover, who, it will be re-, --- niembered, is a daughter of President 'John „Aorii,,requested each of her pupils to ascertain' "':itt lame Whether they would continua in.her 0 01 the next cfuarter, which commences • iiithin a couple of weeka. • The little L - Stover let Urned the next day, and iy:promptly told the lady thatthey were not ::•.'coming to school any more. When ,4ttes tiOned as to the reason, they, with child-like •,`",:einiplicit3r, said : - • :4Grandpa says we arri going. to move back Tenneseee in April ,INPS i In a Tight ; blefor Elie foll Owing: = - ‘ A man in Becket, while in the woods for fibber, had the misfortune to "lodge" "a tree, and in order to gent down bitched his oxen to the butt and made them pull. The tree fell into the fork of another near by; when. the tops overbalancing, the other end'was jerked twenty feet high in the air, carrying the oxen with it, where they 'remained sus - pended in imminent danger of being choked to, death. Perceiving =the tree to be very nearly poised, the man- attempted to drag them down by the tails, 1 but, one of 'these failing, he had recourse to a fifteen tent pole, with which ) by fetching nprto 'the tops, be could scr raise it that the Oxen's hind feet druid touch the g round, thus enabling - them to catch breath. Beingunable i to sustain the top for any length of time; he adopted the See-saw motion, causing . the , tree-to vibrate up and down often enough to give his cattle Chan& for air. He continued this operation four hours before aid arrivtxl. He then climbed up and but on the tree, chit off a twelve foot log, which, falling, released the oxen, and, he "snaked " it home without even unhitching. A*C!liG the tlookeri oil at impeachment Mrs. Sprague had an eleiated. place. She was attired in a fawn colored silk, dark vel vet 'basque.arid bonnet,. with'• Etrusean ear drops and bagles 'fro.4ted 7g01d. ; ;._ Wade wore a black ckitk.atiegae=tWOthdrt side locksof brown hair iindAbrOwitAttieln her braid. Slit was prOvidedwitli altOrler place, immediately opposite lierhusbanlarid. next to the diplomats. The ladies of tile household. of Mr. Thornton, the British Minister, attracted attention; one of them a stout English girl, with tine shoulders, and color, and what Jenkins ealls the step of the winner of the Derby; the, other,_ smaller, with the motion and figure' of a gazelle. A WRITER in Oita a Week' says; ".You read the newspapers, will you tell me .what you conceive to be the final sensation of an editor after a week's work ? Thrice in one dap he has been 'glad to obserVe." 13ut on the same day he has been 'pained to. re mark,' astonnded to consider,' and, anxious to know.' ,Intliesame column he is happy, to hear of the safety of a missing vessel, is grieved to, leant that the condition of this or That statesman grows rapidly worse, and again is delighted to observe that some im provements are being made in the parks. What is the ultimate result of thiS constant gladness grief, delight, pain, astonishment, and fear ?" THE REBEL SECRET SOCIETY.—There is, beyond all question, a numerous political secret order in this State ' whose name out side of its councils is the Knklux Klan; and, in order to allay suspicion and induce the public to consider it a myth, its mem bers put afloat all sorts of absurd lettersand circulars: Doubtless the leaders of the so ciety are the most. ready to treat the affair as a mere joke in public. There is reason to suspect that the order is not only politieal, but &force holding itself in readiness for anything which may turn up, even to the extent of insurrection.—Nashrille Press. LEGAL ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ' I will sell by Public. Outcry. at the residence of Jormi POLLOCK. deceased. in South Fayette TV., _near Oakdale Station, on the c. .s; C. it. It., Pan handle, on TUESDAY, March 31, 1865, at IP. . - The personal Estatd of the deceased. consisting In IDaort t agel vb • someea C or n 3otl l i •nloVeof b g 4 o:.sgt; f , Cow Cattle, Yoke of Work Oxen,' Farming Uten sils, Household Furniture,c.:: : . ._ . . TERMS AT SALE Administrator of John Pollock, dec'd VANITOOS k 31erXELLAND. Auctioneers. JOHN S. JOHNSTON, Salesman. tattlEntnSic-ilicr IN THE MATTER OF TION OF THE lJnion Building and Loan Assoelation; Of the Ctty of Pittsburgh, for a Charter. No. 992, March Term, 1808. Fake is hereby given that an application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas, of Alle gheny County, by the Union Building and Loan As sociation, of Pittsburgh, for a Charter; that an in sf.rnment in writing, Specifying the objects, articles, conditions, and name, Lyle or title, under which they bare been associated, has been presented to the Court and sled in the Prothonotary's ofllce.'and if no sufficient reason Is shown to the.contrary, said Charter will be granted at, the neat term of this Court. ' BY TUE COURT. E. A. AIONTOpTIi, At ornet for Petitioners ottPHANS3 COURT SALLF I .-By irtue of and in pursuance °Lan order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania; dated March 13th, 1868,1 will expose at pnbllc :sale stile COURT MOUSE, in _Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY, April oth 11968, at 10 o'cloak A. m., jhat'certain lot or piece of ground situate in the ;township of Liberty; now in the City of Tittsburgh; -Ailegheny, county, l'ennsylvania, bounded and de uclibed as follows: Beginning at a post on Main street, at the corner ofiot now or late of Samuel J. Richards: thence along the line of said lot north 60 degress 25 minutes east 104 feet 6 inches to land of Phillip Winebiddle; thence by said Winebiddle's laud north 46% • degrees west 30 feet to. a post; thence by iand now or late of Re*. Richard Lea south 60 degrees 25 minutes west 104 feet and 6 inches so u th post on Main street: thenc tolnsfsaid street 46% degrees east 30 feet the place of beginning.- Terms of sale made known on day of sale: For further information enquire of the subscriber or of A. M. BROWN, 'Esq., at No. 114. Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAROLINE HUGHES. Administrator of Thomas J. Hughes, dec'd. Tahltamllls . • E przriGr-ioN-c7•i the E.R. OF THE Ar. Building and Loan Association' No. 2, of East Birmingham. Fora Charter of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that au application has heervilled in the -Frothoßoterre Office, at No. 38 June Term, 11368, by the BUllding and Loan Asso eltion No. 2., of East Birmingham, for a Charter of Incorporation, which will he granted at next term ,of Court, unless exceptions arc tiled.- . .JACOB WM: TBR, Prottiouotary. mblS:mTot • THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION of the Lower St. Clair Building and Loan As. soelation, for a Charter. Notice fa Nreby given that an •eppllcatton has been Bled In the Prothimotarre, Clftee, at No. 39 June Term, 1,888, by the Building - and Loan Aieo elation of Lower St. Clair - Towns* for a Charier, whiclinllkbe granted at nuxt - tertn of Court, unless - exceptions arc Illoct. • mh14:m721 WIEECUTOIVP NOTICE,--Letters Testementary upon the Jut Wlll and Testa meat. of EMANUEL STUTTLEIt, Sr.; late of Penn TownsblP, Allegheny county, Pa., deceased, - haying been !aimed, to the undersigned, alt persons - tsting claims against the mild estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, And thOSe indebt• ed are notified to pay the tindersignedOn Penn township t _Allegheny county,Pa. • • • , • • .. H. B. BTOTTTER, •'' E: , Executors. totel:msl Ip7XECUTORS' „Jui Tested:tenuity upon the list Will Ind • mans. of SAMUELe WOODS, elate of Snowden ''.-'7ooull. Pa.., deceased, having been is sue ;to the unuersigned, all persona baring claims against said estate will present them, duly authen ticated' for settlement, and those Indebted are natl. tied to- pay the unders i gned, inSnowSeit township,; Allegheny countr. Ps. ' amities MEAI4I4 - -WILLIAM Woons, tr.. Executors: featk9o , ... . . G IVEN rTICE 114,: -HEREBY i . . slim imputation will 3i. model° thetGovornor r ttle_p_arOon of eHmet,r,s B. STEIN, cgovicted it ND. am, , Sept.'lBBl`,l3esstons, on mt.. sawmosT, 4ifi n s wasupt . er t ,.4ez!tencpagioyeinber ,3 1 3597.. istr2: ~,,.. PITTSBURGH G AZETTE : MONDAY, I.IARCH 23. . 1868. IME cej74llANßOODAltaxiivitiieiti - ! YOUTH restored n - lour weeks. fit c= cess guaranteed. Dit.'-atIOORD'S ; ESSENCE OF LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause_ a.isine.the effects of early . pen:Li...dons habits, 'self abuse, impotency and climate give ,way.at once to this wonderful medicine; iftaten••'regularly accoed ihg to the directions (which are very simple and re quire no restraint from business or pleasure.) Fail ure Is impossible. bold iu bottles at 413. or.lciur ' quantitiealn one for $O., To be had only of the'sole. appointed agent In Ame.ica, H. GERITZEN. 205 - Second - Avenue, New York. - fe2O:lO4:TTs PHILOSOPHY: OF ; 711AjEt. _ RIAGN, a New Course of Leetnres; as de liveicdnt IheNew-York- Museum of Anatomy, '.em bracing the subjects; !low to live and what to, live . for: Youth s 3iaturity antriild Age; Manhood .gencr ally reviewed: the- cause. of indigestion, latulence -and nervous diseaSes accounted for; Marriage Philo sophically considered,- " . • ' rocket volumes containing- these lactUresSvill Its for Warded to parties unable tw.attenct..on receipt of tour stamps, by addressing: SECHETARY,New • York. Museum of Anatomy and Science. 618 'Broad. way. New . York. • - - - fe3D:lo.,3:Talt:S. WIKARRIAGE AND CIELLBALC.C; gssa y for Youilik llen on the Crlihn Solitude, and the DISEASES and ABUSES- *Weir create Impediments 'CO means of, tulle& tent- In. sealed letter envelonlas -, . free or e.harge., Addtetel Dr. 3. SICILIAN 110U0.1g - TON, IlowartlAsoeiatlan, Pnlladelithla; Penn, • Ja2nikeirl• ; • FOR . SALR- ,- -RE.AIi ESTATE.i . - FOR SALE 7.66. TO F OR Lots for Nile in all parts of the city and so urbs. Also, several FARMS good locatlons“, Also.; a small "WOOLEN -.FACTORY, with 20 acres of land; aud good linprofeutents, -which ; I will sell Cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses told on - goodfstrects.': rrtcptODvvelllngllOuset for vent in both cities. For further particulars Inq u ire, pf - • - WILLIAM 4 1 1.AiRD, _ " • mt, 110 Grant . strect4 oppaskteCathearal. T **a .e.apable runn lug *54000 blisheis'dally In=l eln rtetisnttiouses, • store house, fiata; millet and.all the •neeessary fixtures for-n large bu• l ' sinus;'Anti itntnediate - operation. There - are 4-35 . - mkt:es of 'Cottl. ,l This is one of the most. vnlitable 'worts on the hionongshela• riven. - Will be sold low and on good,terms. Apply to W. A . •TIIIRRON %•.-; • Real Estate Oftlee.-81) Grant street:: selT- opposite-the Court 'House. FR AME COTTAGJE, , SITUATE IN MOUNT WASHINGTON' Within 25 minutes' walk of the Monongahela' bridge. The house contains live rooms .kitchen. cellar and vault. Lot 100 feet front 200 feet deep, fronting on three streets. On the lot are 400 fullimaring grape vines of -ilve„different varieties, with all kinds of shrubbery,. such as gooseberries. , blackberries, strawberries audeurrants;alAo, peach, pear, apple, quince and cherry trees: Willbo sold cheap. Inquire of • STEEL. hlk : WILSON, • . . . • - Brokers and Beni Estate Agents, No. 60 Smithfield Street. 2 000,000 ACRES ROBERT POTTER, OM JACOB VALTEB, Prothonotiti7. Lit t 1 '.R': Si _ r .t .~.. MEI=E SPIRO- lAXi NOTICES CHOICE LANDS FOR SAT,E, THY' Union Pacific liaitroail Company, EASTERN Lying along the line or their road. b; $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT 01. FIVE YEARS For further particulesrs, maps, Sc., address JOHN P. DEVEREUX, Land Comentsaloner, Topeka, Rooms Or MIAS. B. LAMBORN. Secoy, ICE • RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS. ONE OF THE BEST STAND'S . . PE\VA rox • • 5.A.m.r... • • As I wish to Contract my business and devote my entire time to selling POWDER. offer my entire stock, consisting of slarge and well assorted stock of Groceries, Lamps, Table Glassware, CHANDELIERSAND FIXTURES. -Rouse consists of the two inc, commodious and • well arranged Stores, NOS.-172 AND 174 FEDERAL STREET, Connected by openings in first and second stories. and can be used either separate or together; side door on alley, and mauling on bark end of lot for four horses-and three wagons. 'foisting apparatus in each store. Stores 20 feet front and 90 feet deep; first store 14 feet. high. Stock of goods now *lO.OOO. Rent moderate. Terms accommodating, with approved security. • ' ARTHUR KIRK. fel:kg SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR ITHE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J.. 11, !IBMS! SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car. Heater and. Moderator, Porn-IS/Kt AND HOT AIR FLEES, dillpensing with the use of Stoves and Fires do or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the-heat to any temperature that may be desired without. the possibility of tiring the car or cars to which the Jacket may be-attached. Having obtained of the Wilted States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket 'which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be adplicd to It in' the position and purpose for which it Is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by lire. origi nating. from defective Sues, or where iron pipes are used as conduetots r fo smoke or hdat.' It is appli plicable to all pip Ing that. may become overheated,. and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where. ' wood or -other cembustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. 'I am now ready to ap ply my invention to- stores, dwellings, factories, ships, steambo:4o,' railroad cars, &c., wherever pipes as conductors are mado dangerous .by being overheated and security desired.: I will sell, on ap plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above invention; also, territorial rights, to such' lls may wish to engage in seining priveges, either by State or county. " - J. 13. MARES& • OfigrOffice e,t the "NE PLUS. ULTRA PAINT WORKS,'''corner of Morris street and the Alleghe ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. -soviet To OWNERS OF - DRAYS, HAMS. - &c. Notice ii hereby given to all owners of Drays, Carts. Carriages. Buggies, &c., whether resident or non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the City of Tlltsburglf FORTHWITH, in accordance with an . Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, 1880, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, passed April 10, 1860. All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 16.1888, will be placed in the bands of the Chief of 'Police for collection; subject to his fee of 50 cents for the collection thereof, and all persons vOto neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will be su We'd. to a pen alty, to be recovered before the Mayor,' double tbe amount of the License. The old metal plates o f preyioas years 'must be re turned at the time Licenses arc taken out; or pay 25 cents therefor. '' HATES OF LIOENST.: • - _ . . Each Ono Horse Vehicle 2 d...... 111 150 Each Two Horse 6 , , 12'00 Eocirrour Hone 6,15 00 - Each Two Horse Hack 15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horses_,Elghteen - Dollars .each. For each. addi tional HOna used in any of the sboya vablelea.,_ One .Dollar. , , , . ..SAMUEL ALLINDEIt. .' ' • ' ' • City Treasurer. -1 0 ebruary.18, Has. ', . - :______ YI7TABURGII, , . . AR1111 :Y E " 4 , S LATE 1 " /rA14191 " ' , PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND. SLATE VECIRKiI Odle° and Warsroom-319 and , 3sll LI WE t3TREET. Mantle Wareroom on second floor. • rersoris wanting Marble or Slate Mantles will and , It to their interest to call.- Workmanship, . not ax c elled Wally plaeg, VriCeil as low. as in Eastern Mar e - I , tr x t t l . as. or ?urniture 131a i g a rrii:Olt b&Marblefsedandtad A n orak Ke ii ; 3 41 1 1% n al* There is no other place in -Westerh 'rennsyrrinla where Slate Mantles are manntactured. All kinds of Merble,Mrork done in the hest Mannar. Marble Cotten supplied With Sawed 'Marble at East. .7. 11 , 0t 44 " t1 i - - 1 . 1 ! . .7 n151 , , 3T-,1:41" •-•i 1 - 4LDINANCES. A N oninNANcE-_. Granting. the Atlantic and Emilie Tel t tegraph Company , PermissiOn to Erect :Poles. • 'SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the - City of i t Pitteburgh; in Select and CtiOnnton. Counetla assem bled, and it in hereby ena ted• by the authority of the 4aute. That the privileg be and is hereby granted to the Atlantic and Pact c Telegraph Ctimpaby to erct two Telegraph .P es- on O'Hara street, be tween Pike street and Abertv . street. and three along the Steubehrttle Ithfirmat,' from the corner of -*mud street to the titenbeitvUle Railroad Bridge.' k : BSC. .1; That any ottliaaarc or part of ordinance Indicting with the passaguof this ordinance at the :. ant time, be and - th came is hereby repealed so in the saaatfecis.t . isurdluance._ . - • - i mined and enacted iinto a law ini:ouncllB, this 100 day or March, A. 1).1868. ' ' -i :. atoms. lititAutra - , --. gre,sitleut of S. Monno Select Council... .. I Attest: E. Sr . Clerk oreikf i t. c k ouneil , pa i t ,,, o ,„ ' .. • - Pr Went. of Common Council. 1 ! Attest: TICGII MOM. arElt, ' - ' ' - I 1 : - Cl"k or' Cointri COuildl.- 1 I Approved this 18th day of March; '.A.. D..' 868. m . 2):n Nthe ORDIZ A the:*llng, rind • coiblog of . 111n1- _ - 'berry -Alpyi - • Prcutliutttp Strea tc rl'irsl j or iireet. • t Sag. 1. B q n ordained and enacted by.the City qf PittallJurgliqi2s,nglectnncl, Common Councils Eason bleil,ttintt it,isherebrtnilettit by the authority of the ~, soMp4 . - :That ilhe.riltr Engineer ne and he, Is- hereby avthorila. Tdtry yeti to ;advert lie . for. proposals. fort .1 . ding - pu lug nod. otirblnglor-Dtainerry • {alley {lint cet••to -Taylor- street,: and to let the - The li b -the rn ner..climeted.py an- ordinance, cone • jag streetl, atestd-4witst .ilit.lBV; also. htl' !Actc lteerning„streetX aprnotelt - ,lfinnury 6th. PM. - 1112c..7' That any praltianenivr:: - .psiitr.::iinarainanc. conniatTnir With, the paasage,of Ono ordinance at the !present time, be and:.the,aanieli hereby repealed so .:far as the snore affeets.this ordinance.' ~ Ordained and enacted into n law In 11th day of Merril, A. D.:1878..-.• ' -•.-: !!.. - -! JAMES letri,ET... , • President of lieleet Council, - ,- Attest: 'E. S. atom ow • . . , - .. Cleric or Select Connell; - • - • • . ' 4 .! • ... ... President or Common Connell. Attest:lin:Mt arnhi.iwran, . _ , -clerk. of_ common Council. ! . Approved this 18th ila\ of illarch. 3.1468. „ mhLitniCe .lAll/iIS• iILA.OIOIOIIE. Mayor. - A NS . ORDINANCia .antliortziug the Groat:r, .ilionvinfr and Cnrbing of Satan. - • man Street, • - From man to Taylor ,t.ect. Six. 1. Be ft . ordainal and tnactid by the City of PflteburyTe. to Select and bled, (Mg it to hereby enacted by the authority of the scone, That the City Engineer be and la, is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals. for the grading . . paving and curbing of smallunin street..: Morton streee to Taylor street. and let the spay It the manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, passed August Kist. - 1857; also, an Act tonterning streets. approved - January 6th. 1964. SEV.liiiThat :any ordinance ur part of ordinance conflicting With , thepassage of this ordinance - at the present time: be and the same it hereby repealed so tar as theganin :trees this ordinance. 'Ordained and enacted into a laiv in Councils, : titli 11th : day of March, A. D.-186$. • - • JAMES MeAULEY.:. • President of tiekct Council. Attest: E. S.. Monitow, Clerk of ..3elect Council. W. A. TwiLmsoN. rrs,skbAnt of Common Council. - Attest: Mc.MAsTEti. Clerk of ComniOn Council.. ' ' Approved this I.Bth due of March, J AM I , 4ii JALACKMOR E, 'Mayor. A N ORDINANCE au . .CM. -the Grading, PAVIDX_nnd Cnrbing of Vine Street, From Fennsylvanti Avenue to Reed street. . • SEC.!. De it-ordnitted and enacted by the. City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils assent -8- fd, find it is hereby.enetcted by the nuthority.of the same, That the City Engineer be and he, is hereby authorized and dime:tell:to advertise for proposals for the grading, pa.sitiK'Strcl ellrbliig of Vine street. from Pennsylvania avenue to Heed street, and to let the_ same In the manner., directed by an ordinance , concerning streets. passed August-31st, la .71: also, au , Act concerning streets. approved January 6th,186-1-. , 'SEC. 2. That any ordinance or. part of ordinance conflicting with the pa4sage of this yrdinance at the present time. be and the barite l-s hereby repeated so far as thelintne'affects this ordinance. ~. Ordained and enacted_ Into is law in Counellti this Ilth day of March. A. 11, Mg. JAMES MCAULEY, • , . President of Select Conseil. Attest: E... M()lnn.)W, . • ' Clerk of Select Connell - IV: Av ToMLINSON. . • --• President of Common Council.' Attest: McGtt MeMaiiTY.ll. • . Clerk of Common Council. Approved . this 18th day of March.• A. D. 16138." nthlsan.9s . JAM IILACKMORE. Mayor.. . AN ORDINANCE authorlZin.s I the • • I .. Grading, Paving and Curbing! of Centre • Avenue, ' ' From Dlnwlddle street to KIL Apstriek street. • St. Lonlq, 3liheourl Ea.C. 1. Be it Ordained and enabled by the City of Pittsburgh. to Select and Common Councils assem bled, and it it hereby enacted by the authority of the f i an t te c; That the City Engin advertise d hls 'hereby d and directed to for proposals dr the grading, paving and curbing of Centre Ave ride, frrm Dlnwlddie street to Kirkpatrick street, and to let the same In the manner directed by an or dinance concerning streets. passed August•3l - st, nen also, an Act concerning strects, - approved. January 6th, MCA. SEc. 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this onlinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. . . • . . Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this . I.lth dry of March, A.D. 1868. CLOTHS CASSIMERES & VESTINGS JAMES 3fe.-I.ELEY, " - I 1 Pmsldent of Select Council. ' - Attest: E. S. Manizaw. • Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. President-9.f Connuon Counc il. , Attest: llfl'ait MC.MAsyr.n. - Clerk of Common Council. Approved this Iflth day of March. MOS: ;( tahlb:mtl7 .IA3IE. IMAI:KMORE, Mayor. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the. Grading. Paving and Curbing. O 1 dile. . gheny Street, j • From Penn Sire t to Liberty Street. SECTION 1. Be it ordatned and enacted by the dity of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils as sentbkd. and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and be hereby, authorized and directed tu.advertise for proposals; for the grading, paving nod curbing of Allegheny street, from Pend street to Liberty street, and Us let the same in the manner directed by an Ordinance concerning streets, rowed August list, 1St?; also. an Act concerning any o r d i nance January 6111, 1584. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. - Ordained and enacted into a law this 11th day of February, A. D. 1808, 0111DINANCE to RE-GRADE and .E-PAVE YOUNG'S ALLEY. ~ - • • Sac. I. Be it ordained and enacted by the detect and Common 00ILInfif of the City. qrAllegheny, rind it is hereby enacted 'by the' author of the•same, That the Committee on Streets be ♦nd they are here by authorized tottdrertise endow ice proposals for • the re-grading and . re-paving of xdung's Alley for such length awls necessary to make the grade eorre spond re ith the profile of the grade of the same, on tile,in the City 'Engineer's Office, - and' to ' contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder orbidders, at their discretion. . Sky. 2. The cost and. - expanses of said improve-. M ents shalt be borne by James Boyd,. nor shall this ordinance go into effect until said Boyd shall have flied his bond in the oMce of the City Controller that he will assume and pay the entire east •of said im provements.- Sac. 3. That so much of auy.ordlnance as may dict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. • • • Ordained and enacted into a law this the 12th day of March, A..D. 1065. . lAMES President of Select Council.' J. S. SLAGLE. • . President of Common Connell. Attest: D. MACIMIIRON Clerk of Select Connell.• • • t. Ditwoumu blerk of Common Council. inhl9 JA:II4S BLACK.3I6RE,'idayRr CF; .11UthoriZillg JAMES IicAULEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, • - Clerk of Select Counc. W. TOMLINSGN. • • Pres!dent of Common Councils. Attest: ClerkMlcASlTie, _ of Common Council. ' Approved thls day of March, 1868. _ millMmui_ JAMES BLACKMORE. Mayor. ALLEGHENY. 'l' SOLUTION - to - open PERRY' —4----E -STREET.' • ' ecatted. By the Select and Common Council* 41/ the 06111_41 Allegheny, That Perry street, in the Third Ward, be tied it is , hereby_ opened - from its present termination to the Troy Hllt road, and that JAMES GRAHAM, JOHN CUNNINGHAM and THOMAS SMITH, freeholders be- and they are hereby appointed viewers to view and assess the damages and beneAtisin accordance veltitthe provis ions of the Act' of Assembly, approved May A. 1). 1861, and that the Clerks - of councits notify ,them of their appointment. - 2 _ Ordained and enacted into a law this tnellOth . day Of March; A,'D. 1869, ' • ' , • • JAMES ideltRIZH, • , President of the Select Couneu. - J. 9: liltOLE; President of the Common Council: Attest: • p. MAbssantiii i . .Clork of ileicct COuncll. R ; Dii.wcrimit, clerk Of COllllllOll Council. Gram pELllNG:—Leather = and I , Belting; law; Gum Hose, teant_Paolilus, Gas, els, he., of the best, quality a dat lowest prices;.' and warranted to give setts °thus: ZINO) Lase Leather, Utrati, fro., -always n hand rat sele f wholesale and retell, by ' i BIL ''-- 'inilLl,ll43, , • • J; -'rile • ' ' -' - i 310 and tlift'St:Vlait street. • =a =I PRQFESSIONAL. ALDERMAN ANDIVFON MAGISTRATE Office, 126 WYLIE STIle.r.T, near Washington, PITTSBFRGII, PA. Deeds. Bonds, litortgages. Acknowledgments. Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly! 1 mh.Wen9 SAMUEL McMASTERS, .Amaamivai.Ax4i*. Ex -Officio Justice of the Peace and os Police the kagis trate. 061 cc. GRANT: STREET, oppite Ca thedraI:PITTSBURGII, I'A: Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depasittons, aud all Legal Business executed - with promptness and dispatch. ' . mhl6 STACE , MORROW,' - • JUSTICE 3F THE riact AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE,NO.73 PENNA: AVENUE,, PITTSBURGH, ' Deeds.' Bonds - ' MortgagO.: Acknowledgments, Depositions antlall Legal Business executed with promptness and-dispatch. my 038.14.1 M. G - AZZ►.:.:.......a.b..:, IL ISIIII7.II.FIXLD 111. 9 MASTER,' , GAZZAX & BUTTERFIELD, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT.LAW, . And Solicitors inT toy ‘ 3 4'4 4 * 1 Orrid}:,.9? • - Oppo Um-Cathedral. jOI.S:XTS Al4l/10114.5 r;;" f• - % • s . - ,• t jufitice of the Peace, ' • ,CONVE) i iittCOI",REACESTATE4INSURANCE, AGT I ' EAnscixxiit.r. FT , - gA TEAR 3 ,X I :s9,,IrtI, • • • • Colic ctlou ornenteSsdyltc4-,74lpytniptlx; pg:tid wiLLI An U. bAuriER, . . . ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, I,LC.', Office: CA.RSON. STREET, nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SoIITH PITTSRtrilt4ll. :11usinesa entrusted to Ida care .promptly attend- DAiDEL Itl. D, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, ot - ricEla) itEsiDENcE. .1"59 Grant St., near lalgh. aOhx.7l. j. R S. FEGUSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ON b F Lt) (MT, .F Lti7ENT EOO3l t. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, 00' Diamond Street. T0b5:113 RIDDELL, ATTORDIE - Y-AT-LAW oriziug Office, No. 125 rourth Street, 1 . fel5A44 vr - C. MACK.RELt., R- • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. SO Grant street, -iny24:1)2.5 PITTSTIM2GII, PA JOHN A: STRAIN, AMIMII3IAIC, Eli-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. 01 1 rt 112 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Cathe dral, I ittsburgh. Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Brogages, Ackno ledgments, Depositions and all Legal-Busi ness ...;wecuted with promptness, and dispatch. , JOAN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. Pensions, Bountice and Arrears of'• Pay promptly collected. MERCHANT TAILORS :p McADDLE, MERCHANT. T A TT-OR, rip. 93S SMITHFIELD STREET. :deeps constantly on hand a dne assort°. ent of Also, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING 'MADE TO ORDER, the latest style. - SOW READY. '- • - For the Spring Season., - w ith a large and complete stocked BOYS ,'YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S • CLOTHING. All the new and leading styles, to be found at No. 47 ST. CLAM STREE„7. GRAY de LOGAN. MERCIIANT TAILORS. 4&. 3DITFP, NO. 3 ST. CLAIR STREET, have 'net brought from the East a full supply of SPRING and SIM.- 'MEE GOODS, CASSIMERES, VESTING% de., ac., wi l t' they are prepared to cut and .make In a sty! equal to any 'Atop In the east or west. They are etermlned to deserve and hope to 'receive a liberal patronage.' noZhb34 CARPENTERS '& BUIL D ERS. JR FRARCIES J Si; FRANCIES CIRPENTERS AND BUILDERS, and g°blltrnr"lVlVigi: B :t a t i gri g ot '1 3 %);e 3 n9 . 4ne Framing for Foundries and Shops ofell deacripticnio. , Nos. 268 and 268 ROBINSON STREET; Ale gliony City, I's. aul7:a44 H. PALMER, • . - . House Builder and Carpenter Oitlee„_corner of BARKERS ALLEY and DU UESNEWAY. Q • . d e s gt t lf i kg . and Repatrtng done with neatness and WILLIAM .1. DICK, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, No. 32 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. , opposite High street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 143 Eiritut street. - Jobbing done with . boldness and dispatch. Ali orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction war ranted.. , au2S:e47:www ELOIJSE BUILDERS AND CAILIPEN'r.IaItS. AND =FAIRS promptly ,atte nded to bls. ' • • TERGUSO.II , &,B.ECIC, 117 Striltlafteld Street,' 1212 W ' EBLEIE CIAJLTER E , , HOUSE - A*D SIGN PAINTER, • • No. /00 Grant,, Street , Oppositii cathidtal, Tirrrastraoti, PA. 'EFLASs CARDS (xi -order,- P. B. .1141TVilatitiOrt 84 - !1E4 11 14 1 4P I a HOUOg;SidN AND 0RN140144 P,MtitERS, AND.GLizizu , _ ,-.ltoesB -14tima;. , All order. by matt Promin l 7 I . lttanued ty• MEM= No . . SO Fifth Street, arA:Ni,l3 errTsIiVTEGIT; A PITTSBITIIGII, PA BAM'I ra6:;ol3cs. PAINTERS. ME .:~,i. •.i.:.~ i „ I AMUSEMENTS IVE-W_OPWZAAIMISE*,, W3l. HENDERSON I EsgsE,, 31. w. CANNIISO, • I.lv.saust. T. It. • STAGE MAN AGEE, "Engagement:of the Incomparable ,T onyx artiste, LOTTA. LOT t. LOTTA. MONDAY EVENING, March 23, 1.8613. the pers. torinance will commence with the beautiful comedy of the PET OF TILE PETTICOATS. Paul, the Pet - Lotto. To conclude with the glorious force of • NAN, THE GOOD-FOWNOTIIING. Nan' Lotta. Rill preparation, Charles Dlckcns• and .101 in Itroug-. haul's LITTLE. NEL t. and the MARCH IoNESS. CO - PITTSBURGH THEATRE. NEW FIRST % CLASS , FRED AI3IS GUST BARTOI.4 THIS EVENING will appedr the celebrated ar- GAI4LETTI, .Sappotted by the great MONS. ('-'I.ItDELLA. Entirenew entertainment, introdd - eing, the great Star Cornpani . , . . • . The performance will couch:ale the new bur lesque of the MAID OF TILESAW,,MII.I. ItUN. Matinee eveiy 'Saila:day afterMe.M.„. LIBUABI , . •••• • ar T.-,VCriqT-RES• El • JOHN B. GOUGH Will Deliver Three Leel:iires'-_at the; ACAiii3ll6 0 . 1 7 MUSIC • Chi.the following. siib)^cts; viz , . 310NR,Kr EVENI.1 4 76., 31arA.11.23d rrOmpenance. TUESDAI" EVENt.C. r Mar:At:oth, Cytrlosity. **D r NESDAt 31*0,12.5t1i, Eloquence and Clrat;e9rl4, . . . -ReServed scats for one or all of the evenings for sale at 2:30 p. M. r , :it , lniuy. at the Academy of Mu sic. Tickets 50 cent,. Veherve.l seats 25c: extra." Doors open at 7.r. 31. Lecture at 7:45. nahl9 • EarriCIF:•COW•rEIVS • FASHIONABLE- .ACADRMY i . . At lds new Assetubly }Zooms. .531. F IE7II STREXI% , onnositc Old Theatr,„ New' ria,,,s now forming. on MONDAYS. W 1:3)N .s DAYS and SATURDAYS. Ladles', Masten,' and Misses - Cla,,s at 3 P.M. :Ifrotit.., COWPER can,be seen dilly at the-Academy. or. at. thO St. Charles :Tote), where circulars C3ll. be'oh tained. Hall to let to Select Parties. fee2:l2l ' EgrY R 0 F CAIiPENTER'g • - DANCIMIC ACADEMY , PHILO 'HALL. No. - .75 THIRD STIIEET, now. .. pen fortho receptlon of pupils.. Days of Tuition 44ED3.lESDAY and SATURDAY, at 2T. M., •• fOib Ladles, Masters • and Allsses: s, 535; Even , Digs for tIents—TUESDAY:4 -and FRIDAYS, at S o'clock. Term 4, Sol.ree - every TUUItsDAY. EVENING at o'clock; - jeZ:k6l.- INSURANCE IiV'ESTERN INSURANCE COlll- PANT IF prrrsiltitun. . ALEX ANDER N IC, President. WM. P. 111'.'1'.1:1 , . i Secretatt. CAPT. G KoRGE EEL D, General Agent. Mice. S 2 Water. street. Sp:leg I t Co.'s Were ai - house. up strs, Pittsburgh. " Will ir..:ure apainst all kinds of 'Fire and Marine MA's. A. home litotitutlon, managed. by Directors who are well known to the conimuultl, and awho are determine.' by promptness and liber.ility to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of. fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. . . Alexander John It. 3leCnne, I:. 31iller, Jr.. Chas. J. Clarke, James .lleAuley, )5-E.vans, - Alexander peer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, . I Andrew Aek len, Phillip Renner, • '- David M. . - Wm. Morrison, • I). Minim. pp3ll SYLVAI IA INSURANCE COMPANY F PITTTSBURGH. 21 FIFTII STREET; BANK In..pcs. - . This is'a Home Company, and Insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER. President. C. C. - BOYLE Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. 1111611 31cELIIENI, Secretary. .Dll] CTOIIS: George Wilson. . Geo.ll l /. Evans. .L C.. Lappe, J. C. Fleiner, John Voegiley, A. - Ammon. TNDEraiNiTY J.. 'Leonard Walter, C. U. Fovlc. c Robert Jacob fainter. Josiah King. Jas. lf. 'Hopkins, Henry .Sproul. AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. 1 FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADEIAIC . OFFICE, 435 ,S; 437 CHEST-WT.ST.; ELOr„i3xil. . . _ ... . . - . Charles A". Ilancker,. I Mordecai G. Lords-, : Toblas Wagner, ; David S.. Brown, Saupiel Grant.. - • ; Isaac Lea. • • -JOeob P. Smith, I Edward C. Dale, .-... i=korge. W. Richards, ; George Fates. CiIARLES G. BANt'KER, President. - • EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, 6ecretary,.pro tem. , . J. Wiltir...SEß COFFIN, AGENT, , , , 'North Went corner Third and Wood Streets mliliamr., . A LLEGM 'NY INSURANCE COM 4 VARY OF - PITTSBURGH. - • ' Oit'OE, Eo. 37 EIFTII STREET, BASK BLOCit. Insures against all kinds of Fire and 3lailne JOAN 'EWEN, JR., President. JOlrsi" D. MeCORD, Vice President. - b. DONNELL, Secretary. • CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. DIRECTORS: - • Crpt. Wm. Dean. • It. L. Fahnestoek., W. 11. Everson, . • Robert IL Davis, Francis Sellers, • • Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John Irwin. Jr. John D. 3lcCord, C. - 0. Hussey, Harvey elllids, T. - J. Lloslanson. Charles:Hays, RE A O N I;LES 9 INSURANCE 4yom- OFFICE, N. E., COENER WOOD di FIFTSSTa A Homo Compauy, taktnF 'Fire and Marino Tusks. Wm. PhSlips, . .1 'Copt, John L. 'Rhoads, -John. Watt, Samuel P. Shrlver, "...John E. Parks, " Charles Arbuckle. Capt. James Miller, Jared 31. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. F. Lang. - James D.,Vagner,- Samuel MeCrickart. WM. PHILLIPS, President". JOHN .WATT. %ice President. -W. F. itiARDNER, Secretary. . . CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent.' • BREWERIES. pacEivilx.:STlPts BILEIVERIG'‘: 41 •S • OT SAN CEA •• • 4A514, '36'' KAY. ...ROBE= L IDiDEIL. L • SPENCER, M'KAT & CO.; NIAI.STE.RS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBUPAII, PA. ROBERT. WATSOM, Manager. oci4 TrlßAcco AND CIGA.RS; • VXCELSIOR WORKS. au4 R. Ar. W..rEN - KrNsic)ri, llnnufacturers and Dealervin • Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &c, _ _ Nei 6 PEDICRAI• ST., ALLE,GIIENT 7 4 Jyt:h3s- • OPITICE'OP CITY Elgin .1 : 1 ' 41.1Licausiti Ctrs'. March 12th, 1968. , r , CONTRACTOIM- S ED li eItOPOSALS will be received at . th is a o eeni#ll DAY, March 20th, for grading that rtiou of Nortlf - Coromon, east of 'Ube of Palo Al 'street. cro smd iai th n e r op . !Senor East mm entiort b of Ohio street Profiles andspecie. labiate be seen atthebnico. . .k.' .11LARLES I)AlTie,. , eaPerlnteb(lerit aft 4 .40'1e9r,,rerh Improvement. e t t _.,rehlearal .. . i.e/41 Y_n* . om Hair' HAIR WoRJEFAt..ANIV.P.R.B.IVIF.R.- 1icr. 4) 51 lourth street, one door fromlirood.'rlttstnrgh• ' APirals on hand ,n _teuerisl assortment of L.adlen , cutir.st.-thnttetneu , s_WlCW TO- P140 4 49.A.u . 5. OUARD MAWR., RRAORI•RTS, be. ' A good , •ena#,ll•.lll be given ;or • RANA AIR. • - - ; 1, - ; ' , .'Ledlee! • and .GantlorneWo noir ind4ug- 40131,1- Wetile,Fat mallnor•- • ‘. - 2 , .15 ,•5 • ....1:,z1 -7.F5.;-";•:.;5::::L ; BRE HMIS ; ElPail ISMIII MI DIIIECTORS j ,7 "'3F , t¢~~ / ~ - G'`t ;.`;1. yid. A4O.
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