NEW ADVERTISEMENTS '..oreennor,novvreeee.. meeting of the Stockholders of the FEDERAL STREET AND PLEASANT VALLEY P Y ASSENGER RAIL WA COMPANY will be held at Gray.'eMotel, Jackson street, Second ward. Allegheny. 'on WED NESDAY. March 25th. at 3 o'clock r. x., for- the purpose of perfecting the organization of said Coln- W. 31. CLANEY. President. O. - GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTI To be given In' the AIANCIIESTEIt PRESIIYTE BLAI: CliUlteil.corner Franklin thd 31athet Allegheny, (formerly Manchester; j /for the benefit of the ()buret", on Tuesday Evening, : March 24, at.B o'clock, BY MR. C. C. MELLOR AND PROF. 1. MANNING, Assisted by_dtstinguisbeil amateurs . front Pittsburgh. Tickets 60 cents. For sale at C. C. 3iellor's, 81 Wood street , Pittsburgh. at the principal stores In Xaricheste and at the door. • Manebes er Passenger Cars pass Franklin street ever,' 10 inutes. - naltZlinla 110 U: F. AND LOT •ON SOUTH C AN' ,AL STREET. 4TII WARD. ALLE rt.ENT, AT AUCTION. —Will be sold. on the premises, !on TIIIIRSPAT, March 26th, at- 2 o'clOck, that desirable two-story Erick louse and Lot. No. 115 South Canal. The house contains nine rooms; w pressedde ball and a good cellar; Ras.- and baying a brick front; all in good order. The lot Is 25 feet front, running back 124 feet to Car penter's alley. This is • rare chance for! persons wishing to procure a co fortable, borne, mum good locality. and on easy to C. • - taILM ' A. ENGATE, Ancticineer., • IcN THE:DIST • ICT COURT OF ' TILE "UNITED ST Ti::. FOR TILE WEST; itN DISTRICT OF PE •NSYLYANIA. _ JAMES JENKINS. - DE ROE JENNINS. ADAM - ANDREW N ISILJOHN NEISII and ABRAM .1i EISII; tor the firm .of Jenkins. & C 0.,) Bankrupts under the Act of Congress of March 2d,1327, having applied for dis Charges from nil their debts. - and other claims provable and& said Act,rby order of the Court, notice is hereby given to ail • 'creditors who have proved their 'debts, and other. -persons interested, to appear on the 11th day of April, 11369, at 2 o'clock C. - R., before SAMUEL HABPEIL Ls,q.. Register, at his office No, 93 Dia mond street, Pittsburgh. o show caus e, Many they have. why a dtsclutrge should. not be-granted to the saidbaukrupts. McCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.• AESESSOR'S OF,FICE. REVENUE, 221) lltfiTilicT PENNA.. • • ' Pirrantatctit, March '2l, HOS. -NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPEALS will be. received and deterr :mined at the Assessor's Office. 106 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., from March 21 to . March 31,1868. 'inclusive, relative to any erroneous or excessive.. *valuations. assessments or enumerations returned by the Assistant Assessor of the Twenty-Second District of Pennsylvania, In the current annual list. During said time the proceedings , of the Assessor and Assistant Assessors, together with the annual list taken and returned - its aforesaid, will be submit ted to the inspection of any and 011*r:ions who may apply for that _purpose. All appeals to the Assessor, -as aforesaid, shall he 111 writing, and shall specify - the particular cause, matter. or thlpg respecting "which a decision is requested, and shall, moreover. .State the ground or principle of. error Complain -ed of. • . . BIMY A. WEANER, Assessor 22d District, Penns EEMEI ICTERS , at ItUCH/0:A c OF unalled 'for arch 23d,-188: Alexander Arighe Annle C _Barber Allen F - .Beam James Hattleld'Jno C Harris Lizzie M Hunter James ; liandltonWlt Hanley John Henderson H,: Jones John J B. Jones Cyrus K Jones:l/Mr Kramer A W Hinges C A Kennedy James 11.1 'Morris David ;Morgan J .;11111luger John :Morris John t ;Me3lalns A ;McNamara :McCoy Jane Beam Susan C Cavanaugh II Conroy John Creighton John Crane y Ed .Conneilt - Thes D• Dunn Charles Dyer Sobt Dougherty Kate Donaldson .Donnell W A F - Finch W E Getty W F Mood John: SAVINGS B,LNK, No: 14 SmithfUelaStre PITTSBURGH:' PA - • 7 5: FEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. ANY Still . - 41. E EIVED kROIONEDOI,LAIt lIP . WAED. De- ‘ .(........ . .. .. • . , \ ''''' , *rslts received subject to check, ,IVitliout lutcrest. ~. _•. . _ JAMES:ELACEMORE, President. - GEO. D. rITNDLE. Secretarynnd . Tn.asare:. -• 1 . JAMES - I-I. lIOPKINS. Solicitoi.. - - •- • -' - TraTTEES James Blackmon, Alex. Tindle. William Deane, A. G. Cubbage, John. MTIE 1868. It P. BALLARD & CO., 18M3. THE WELL ESTABLISHED :STRICTLY Produce Commissionlionse, No. 332 Washington St., N. Y., • Have unequalled facilities for disposing of Wool, alopa; Leaf Tobacco and liighwines, dtreCt to man ufacturers. The usual attention given to Butter. Cheese,gggs, Pork. Beef, Flour, Grain. Beans. Peas, Beeswax,- Dried and Green Fruits, Seeds, and all kinds of coun try. Produce. Lateral advances made on consign ments CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. RnrEB.ENCYS—North Inver Bank. N. 17.; Second Notional Bank,. Jersey City: Smith Maynard. No. -45 Courttaudt N. Y.• Hon. David Slutr. No. 2 :Broad way. N.. Y.; o...McCarter. No. 141. B road - s way; Doßard'ar Bro., Richmond. nuT:d&T 11 8. PRACTICAL • 1 : 1 8 . FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LEMON, & WEISE„ wo. us voirwrxi. • _ Constantly on band every variety of PARLOR and CHAMBER -FURNITURE together with a corn-' pieta assortment of commai Ivurniture at. reduced" prices. • Thosell want of anything in our line arc cordially invited to call before purchasing. Work guaranteed: • inharnl4 READER, CALL ,TO-DAY, At No. 107 Market Street, AND SELECT :YOUR WALL PAPERS. JOS. R. HUGHES 8i: BELO mh2l ir„p ; : :GLUE, CURLED HAS, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons v Cattle '•-•' BONES NEAT'S FOOT OIL, &C. Mice - and Warehouse, No. 154 4 3 . 31171111ELD STREET, nearly opposite the Post Otilee; C 23 TE LIME. •-• W in • . 2 50 BaRELS WHITE . • :•Waresuted equal to any In market, - In Attire and - - . , • : utrpiriorbx. Na. 324 Llbertfetreet, Filttab • FoR 200 bb ;- Winter 'Wheat Feudly Flour: . 4tiffEAT-11Q0 Peuusylysnia- 'Wheat; ,2eo _bushels c r e Wo! , b o e it b C n e g t i BEED'-100 bushels , lirirue lllsxs o ed .DRIED bushels .Dilest Apples:, 80 bush Dried Peaches. , small -Vet or :White Beaus. Fot - toild by , nuciepcx. & nrcotermuT, tnunb • 3194 iberty street., cEncr,sE.•-' • - 200 Lees prime li:scion-Meese; , s 60 ; •. voshetwebeesc; . • - Just received aud ,• • fiitiitet 4 9 11 A• . l- k a l4 utat Treet t 11Int . TWO :4 , n o ALY 110.;441tertiedir=' VipipqVesad JAI. • I • ro fel 14,1 , : , ; 3 1 4::141 . Ll' ci • , , ...„1,1 • - v..autitii,' , at. • , NEW ADVERTIMMENTP . . • ''''' FOE MOirialr MARCH 221 AT' 180 andlB2 Federal' Street, AT 62136 cents—LlU U , CORSETS, :White and Colored, - • • • AItEitI.6O. 4 IPO FL - 115S, 11:1 the .1.n06t desirable shades. 3-4 ands-4 ALL-WOOl DEL AlNES—clieap 5 Cases , ICE.NTErCKY .74148 at-71.23tc.-811ght ly daiaaged. I ;YAM WIDS iii,EActi.r.i•IIITS,LII7 at 14%. BEAVY lII4:BLEACHED BERLIN at 123 i TRUN'TS; 'at:S., 10 and DELAINES at 12)ib., Tresi*G, CriEcs. TOWELS AND T9W,ELING IRISH LIZ.ZEN, TABLE LIITEN, tto deeltnei s ln DOMESTICS tiering, taken place East, our prltes will correspond AT WILLIAM` SEMPLE'S, EMAININ9. rosTorFicE, la hM 47. McAull i p Wm 111 Paul John-A. • .R Itussel John Snyder 'Emma Sprenger.Geo Steward G BOYS' CLOTHING- . _ . ,•Steward Nancy ieilmpson (ieo W T Thomas Elizb'h Wilson Itoht ' • Waner Mary '- Wilson Win It Wright Mary E Worcester Cath Worcester J A Y- • - YoungJoltn 47 ST. CLAIB, STREET ERAS, M BOYS', YOLTIIS' AND CIIIIIEVS • • Owing to the depression - of the Eastern markets. we have been enabled to purchase goods at a very low tigure., and we are now prepared to offer our en tire assortment at exceedingly moderate prices. In - our BOYS' AND CHII:DIVEN , S DEPART MENTS, we have complete lines of BISMARCK, FRANKLIN, GARIBALDI,' BARNET, and , METROPOLITAN. SUITS. Of YOUTHS' SUITS. we have a large assortment . of all seizes of MEDIUM AND FINE iIOODS. Or Call and examine the largest stock of BOYS' CLOTHING in the city. - Tames IL Hopkins, JamOa Bown, W. W. Bradshaw, Bobert Wrac,•, • • 47. 51. • 51. GROVER dc RARER'S t . ELASTIC , STITCH •- LOCK sTrryn SEWING RACIHNES, WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS; -At the New and Elegant Sales Rooms _ - OF TIIE COMPANY, . . 51 FIFTH. STREET.. • Also, -NEEDLES. ATTACHMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD. MACHINE OIL, • &c., 6r.c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are- respect , folly Invited to call. ~/9x11:11 t ty l ons i fo o r n A: p e p os..les i s o - ' . lc t eo ci r;e s C p i o r n l et s e neat to on be addressed to • - . , . GROVER & BARER S.M. CO., 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. LEMON. PITTSBURGH; PA'. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE.: 11i0NDAY. 'MARCH 23, 1868 SEMPLE'S, ALLEGHENY Wholesale and Retail, 180 & 182 Federal' St., Allegheny. 1868. REk.DQUA . RTERS FOR GRAY & LOGAN, HAVI NOW IN STORE THEIR SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING. GRAY d LOGAN, NO, 47 St. Cleir Street. rmhs'):nll3 TREASURY. DEPARTMENT, OFFICE LIGHT 310rSE HOARD, WASHINGTON CITY, .31arciiii7th; Ma. 5 • PROPOSALS-FOR STONE.., SEALED 'ritorpsni.s will be received at this Cam until 1 o'clock one •• • j - , , the 10th . • Friday, the 10th Day of April,lB6B; fertile necessary aton e for the, face wall of a pier of protection at , , , •• - . • Wcvagos,aa4 , eLight Stat Eon, - Straits ofMackinac; In accordance with-plans and *attic:4loas; copies of which can be obtained upon application to the nnderstiyned,at this office. I • =bland :W. IL SIIITBRICK, Chairman.. THE BESTFITTING. DRA.WERS THE WOiti.DA*.TVE • - - • Patent Pantaloon Drawers.. • . The ire nrdne bear our trad mark, • FISH, CLARK & Maiato, .....I"at eM er aa rtdi,datiqaeturera.... ,s*;, New 'York. rem:us:Amy • TALL -'BARLEY' MALT, Received and fee able bT *401444'04014 "-" opiirwr .4z ',ln (llAtiul NEW :ADVERTISEMENTS. ~lB~`~ 111 ar•XIM.Ek"T a , Repvc:TioNu J. 'W'. DUPLEX SKIRTS, MILLION! THE WEST, BRADLEY . CARL ]LANUFAC- TURING COMPANY HAVING PURCHASED THE BUSDIESS AND INTEREST OF THE LATE 47 FIRM OF RESTS, BRADLEY 8 CART. AND HAVING MADE - GRE.ta DITROVENEICTS IN THE MACitINERY AND LABOR FOR THE ILINTIFACTURE OF THE CELEBRATED PATENT. DUPLEX SKIRTS, A I RE NOW ENAILEG TO MANUFACTURE ANI) SELL THEM AT GREATLY REDUCED ERICES. THEIR OBJECT IS TO PLACE THESE SKIMS IN THE 3 : TARKET AT SUCH PRICES AS TO MAKE IT AN OBJECT FOE THE TO PiIRCHASE 47. THE PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOC- BLE SPRING) SKIRT IN PREFERENCE TO ANT OTHER EKIRT THEY ARE WAR .. RANTED TO OUTWEAR ANY TWO OR. THREE SINGLE STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, AND TILE PRESENT GREATLY- MIMED PRICE 3LAILE3 THEM THE CHEAPEST BY EAR, AS WELL AS - THE MOST DURABLE, STYLISH, GRA.CEI7.II: .A.NIDAGiII . AitLE SKIRT TO TILE WEARER. 'MANUFACTURED IN THIS OR ANY OTHER COUNTRY AND BEA mUL DE§igN OF TUE PATENT- ED'"METAI,SC ENDS" SUSPENDERS, OF OUR OWN MARtfEACTEEE:.EQUAL TN STYLE nu 4 QUALITY, TO THE BEST -z.FRENCHSLTSI'EN DERS„AND AT MUCH LOWER imlcis. y.t.5.T . ,.:11100,1T . .,,,fki0AA.y:1p.0-00.. ME - • •"` ;VA tjaropm.lM•f • 41: ) ; 434 t,. ; • --. • ' ,~,~~ ~< ) 1. `,...,..., PATENT FOR TI-I.E - • r, ■ ALSO, AN EXTENSIVE vAnurri - OF NEW PM *mszuovsz kin omcs: Nos. 97 - Chambers and '79 and S Iteade Street,. E TIMINGS AND NOTIONS GRAND OPENING - . SPRING GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Strlizied Nair.sook; Victoria Lawns. - 1 Soft Finish Cambric. ~, , • ',, ALSO, A LARGE LOT F SOILED WHITE GOODS, Which we PAT belling at a great sacrltic GOOD IRISH LINERS at 37 ccuts..SOILED RID GLOVES at 50 coati. SYSTEME ALF.XAN, DEE RIDS for $l. GENUINE ALEX- ANDRE KIDS for $1.55. Our assortment Of HOSIERY. cannot be . :beat. EIOOP SKIRTS A 75 eents. The new and beautiful SENSATION TIE, just received• 200 doz FRENCH CORSETS just recdtTed. A complete line of 'MAGENTA, LITCRETIA. and ELVIRA CORSETS. Also, a line of i.uss'Er CORSETS nistoit rli24:GE,s . FRIN GES, all colors. BUGLE TRI.II3IINGS, a fine as meat. A fine lot of 111.YRTONn.• „ MACRUM, GLYDE &. CO., IS and SO Market Street. ' T JOSEPH HORNS & CO.'S, A The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, To be Founduk the City. _ _ • - _ RIBBONS.. FLOWERS, • Sit KS, LINES. CRAPES. mA FRAMES, FROSTED ILLUSION'S, STRAW, TRIMMINGS, ornazhessted. ALSO, A WELL ASSORTED- S4OCK. OF BOOBS, •CORSETS, HOO' SKIRTS.: _ GLOVES, - BALMOICAL SKIRTS. I E3IBROIDETITES., ILANDKF.ECHIEFS. IFRINtwES., 'BUTTONS,' TBOIMINGS, . BRAIDS. And a Fall Line of Notions. FURNISHING GOODS. NECK M TIES, BOWS, SUSPENDERS ORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS. Agents for 'BISMARCK. DICKENS. VILTOH and other popular makes of • PAPER COLLARS. Prlcc3 as lax - Enatern Jobbers Wholesale Rooms up Stairs .7.Vos. 77 and 79 Market Street. mhl7 A PERFECT FITTING GLOVE. MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, ' INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT, . •- . . Which is now Complete•with evert' colol and shad, They have Just opened 100 DOZEN of the • - Celebrated A. C. C. acitrvin) RIDS, Imported \especially to our order. Ilundre , ds of our customers can testify to their perfect cut and fault less quality. The co.orn were 15ot up from shades of dress material, selected and furnished by. us, end ure really' Elegant and Desirable. The assortment Includes BLACK WHITE, BARK. COLEUS.' 3LLI)IIJ3I COLORS, and OPERA: or PARTY COLORS. • MACRUII tO CARLISLE, FRINGES, GIMP HEADIN, IN AL COLORS, JUST OPENED, AT F. H. EATON'S, MEI STEAM •CARPET.I3EATINCir. ESTABLISHMENT , • ' Which I'EN YEARS• TRLAL to New York aid oth • er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. / . Irrs ADVANTAGES: ' Ist—Fading and tihrinitage arecomplerely avoid ed. . 2d7--No ripping apart necessary. 3d—When freed froni dust, mothnOr tbelrlarvao.' the Carpet looks nearlytul good as new, save the natural fading from wear. - 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long ,again, a desirable matter ,as a -mere point of economy, to say nothing Of looks. , , ALL ORDERS LEFT AT TUE OFFICE, 179 .;Li iSttelat; Or addressed to P. O. BoR 473, will receive prompt ; attention. '1 tiohlo MEI FLOUR, , PROM E9I4Tii•ERN-WILENT. We have commenced recelvlng a lot- o,f $0,000; BushOls — Prime :Senthefa, eat; Atid are now iirepared to deliver a auperlor quality of • EX:7IO. FAMILY FLOTI mhl6:m72 HOLMES; BELL & co, ANCHOR COTTON MILT.% Ma nu factureni otIiEiV7,'MEDITTAt 'and LIGHT A1G1194,-+Vspiaviti9PlAJ.tagE,ETpsol3 AND • MEAD one MOOR lifts been attaitited a member ctf,fhl Ara of . „.. litOtrnllla":) . ,`"Z 2'o date from January 254 Albs. rm as )0314g—M•ili.u. l&r o tifroonerif„ Pittsborgh, M 4 Gh .. F7 . 7884• ,..., ~i:t *: :15'i ~':i4 t7l'.~J 1.: "'i:~G~l'i~,j SIZES-3 3.4 TO S. 19 FIFTH STREET No. I.7*llth StreSt. GEO. Z. McCLINTOCK, . ; morn TOR R., IT pRo., PEARL STEAM MILL , 1808 SPELNG STOCK 1868 OF c,A.JavJoirs, JUST OPENING LARGE ASSORTMENT, AU airolities LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL VS DUe 31 - ENTS TO THOSE WHO BUY TO BELL. BOYAR t,. ROSE & CO., Fifth Street, OVER BATES & BELL'S m1110:d&*7' „ IMPORTED, - 23 23 Uri, -____ EspeCitdly Adapted to . tide Market, VELVET CA_BPETS,• . OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS. - English Body and' Tapestry Brussels, INGRAINS AND .151E'Ml,'S, THE FINEST ASSORTAFENT . AND THE - LOW EST PRICES IN THE EITF. COMMON CARPETS, 25 CEN'TS PER TARR. OLIVER IifpLINTOCK. & CO. ` 1( 11.44o. 513 Fifth. Street. 51 SPRING SALES.. . C.AIIIE 3 IIF HAVE CF,RTALIZIii REACHED 'BOTTOM PRICES. • • MCCALLTJM BROTHERS Offer tlrrgegsi tlpflkind It CARPETS , t,i a tlri n f A4 oo prices SINCB CLO;EaIF A Z • OIL CLOTHS, Of every goods, and decidedly the largest , stock in any house in ttie city. ARCALLI7III BROTHERS, felt 51 FIETH STREET, above Wood 71 HI 73 DicFaLM) & COLLINS ARE NOW pPENING THEIR NEW S - VaLNG. STOCK, CA*YrErirS, OIL CLOTHS, iTIC ; DOW SHADES PUBCILASUI LAST MONTH FOR CASH AND IN MANY INSTANCES AT Less than" Actual Cost to Manufacture costoods could not now CASE .aced,for the same and are offered FOR t at -• • • WIIOLES4LI.-19. RETAIL,, Far Below Their Present Value AT THE PLACE WHERE BARGA:Da CA:NAL WAYS BE HAD ON THE BEST STOCK „ IN THIS MARAET. 11,0§ . . 71 , '73 Fifth Street, smco - Nr• tenatvrp &T iNinvmui.Toloxamits•oir • . , RUBES OF NATIONAL BANKS.. The 1 8fuirehotieri the EXiiTTANntiE AND ROURTH NATIONAL. BANKS, of Pittsburgh, and othest Wherown•stoek - in any of the Nationa l Banks of other counties In the, State, and who reside In this county, are hereby notified that the books will be open on the 2tl day of March nest, for the re ceipt et the three mill. State. Tax. for Wit, as per Act of Assembly approved April' 12th, 1807, and will remain. _open the usual time given for the re ceipt of other-taxes,"after which , time Collectors will be appointed to : collect from...dellnquents "as other taxes are collected:" ' • • - - DAVID A NIKE, -Jr.. '. - Icouuty Treasurer. feaiskl7 _VIIIENNOT 'CO _GENERAL .-risrtingpApEw CORIinrOXDING AND ADyYIITISINU .•1 ryalsion, Stroet?_few Iror!c. (EstatiHoifed 111 A 86 5 1.) —_- nrazitzwcza—Mrt H. D. Ilelmbold,"Druggiot, 594 BroodwaY,AvrirpykOligssra:-.R.,etuluser & Co., 198 urftrivelen 'trees, Now - x 0 esern. Malta Hooka, SOS Oftenvdon street, York Huard', " Sod i• Co, 'r•JPe FounaW ChanabepOit., Y.;Mossits, litsr &Co.; •Totoderoy.ll6 CRACItirI 4 I. - felt:Ho -- I MI raatri .1. TOT LET--WARETIOUSE. . From Ist•of Aprll next, the Warehouse No. S 3, on Liberty street, corner Or Hay; wen B ulted for Produce. and Feed or - Urocery Bus - Mess. Apply on the premls,es (up stairs.) or at niriegi— deuce:Centre avenue'. tultMai • - _ DOOTTIE. TO LET, , 1 With Ave stelis. on alley lh , t , en St. Clair street and Barker's l' give:llst .of April. Apply at No. 10 Liberry trees. h2O: . BRO. S.. CO. FOR SALE. Property near 31T:i t stield for. Sale. A t ery desirable piece of land. of 18 acres; having. an orchard of about 3 acres, and a good frame house of 5 rooms and cellar; a spring of never failing wa ter near the house. Located on an elevation about of a tulle west of Mansfield _Sthol ation, or ln lon the Pan handle I:. It. To be sold as a we ots, to suit putsliasers. from Rto 5 :tents.: • .• Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Reel . Estate and Insurance Agent...N.7o.n Federal street, 'Allegheny City, on se'eond floor. FOR SALE. , A good frame (broiling of flee rooms, large hall, finished attic and good cellar, with lot 21 by 129 - feet 9 inches, situate No. 60 Adams street, Sixth ward, Allegheny City. which will he sold low and on good term, nt the owner wishes to leave the city. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny. City. on second floor. FUR SALE. - lITTILDINti LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots CM Sheeteld street; one lot on Adams street; one lot Oft Franklin street; [tired small lots on Chortler& street; one lot on Fremont street, Allegheny. A lot In East Liberty. being lot No. 11 on 'Dennison avenue. A number of lots on Jacks Run. . • Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 71 'Federal street; Allegheny City, second floor. mldthintis AND OUIR . TAII4 - GO ODS., MEE - . T • .- FOR RENT A GOOD 91111L'Ii STABLE, FOR SALE. F IFTH STREET PROPERTY FOR SALM. The subscribers will offer at private sale, until the FI.II.ST OF APRIL, oue of the most . • 4 DESIRABLE BUSINESS SITES ON FIFTH STREET, - , BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET. Thb propert a flue frOnt .on Fifth street of X 29 feet, andextends back 172 feet, taking in the back part of the adjoining lot. 203E52 I feet, with an outlet from the back part 9 feet wtdc,i to a 10 foot alley. which runs through from Fifth street to Vir gin 1 ,1 -The whOle surface covers an. area, o 0,000-._ square feet. The attention of capitalists is invited to•tins prop erty, as _opportunities for investing in such eligible and 'remunerative real estate seldom occur.' All Information concerning the property can be had at the office of jiACILVDI s €ABLISLE, mhlG:m79 19 FIFTH STREET FOR' SALE. • BUILDINC LOTS., A large - number of desirable uurropmaj..(yrs, of various stzes;in theYillage of . • - t3I'RINGD~IIEs Fifteen miles from Allegheny City, triamedlately 011 the line of the Western - Pennsylvania Railroad. and less than live minutes Walk from Springdale Station. These Lots are most eligibly located :for Building Sites. as the - Village is one of the most beautiful and healthy locations on the Allegheny river. Five pas senger trains either way per day, and on and after • thep.Sth insiant an Accommodation; Train will run to and from springdale. These Lots will be sold on reasonable terms. Any person desiring to secure a home in the country, in a good locality, - would do well to give these Lots their attention.- For furtlier particulars.' inquire of PETER HUTCHINSON. Springdale. or JACOB H. WAL TF.II. PrOtlidnotary, Court Rouse. Pittsburgh.. inille:m7s • • F OR _SALE. A COITA&E ROUSE, Containing ski room=, halt and kitchen. with sta ble carriage and coal house; well of good •trater and cisiern of eighty barrels. with iron pump- in each. Lo,. SO feet on Craig street by 140 teet on Henry tnr j beCt: -with 10 foot alley at Inc rear; well stocked with pear, apple, peach. cherry and plum • trees; also; several young choice grape vines. Situate near second toll gate, Oakland. Price $6.500. Al,o, one lot adjoining the above, 40 feet by 140 feet, eit which is a newly built store ntwin, coal arid wagon sheds. Price. $l.lOO. The stock of Grocer ies will be sold also Apply to the proprietorzson the premises. mhiS:mS7 L. • - I ISAAC. W. TENEO. FOIL .SALE.-HOUSE AND LOT on corner'of Manhattan and Adams streets, ncar Passenger. 113,11 Way.. Lot 41 by 127 feet. House frame, containing 7, rooms and good hall, well improved. House and Lot on Shmheld, near Bidwell. street, Allegheny City.. Lot 23 by 42 feet: house frame, contains hall, live rooms and good eella,r• water and gas. , Also, several, small. Houses and . Lots in good , locatione Inquire of J. HUSH. & CO. Hearer street, near Chestnut, 31.1 - On SALE.--HORSES.=At HOW HIP'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, one fine ton MILY HORSE tßayß three 'DAPPLE GREY HORSES: our LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE: three BLACK MARES: two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET-near Monongahela House. , _Horses bought and sold on commission. • ____ .FHOR . SALE.—A very desirable three-story BiticK HOUSE, nearly new; press ed brick _fronts marble mantles: -gas, and -water throughout: house contains seven rooms and finish ed garret. No. 94 ELM STREET, near Wylie. Sixth ward. Possession from April lest, isss. Enquire at the house. . 1 • . ] 101 t . SALE—A O.ItAIIING. BOAT FOR SALE.—The aboye -is in gond order; and w i I be sold cheap for cash. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Real }..state and Insurance Agent. No. .77 Federal street, Allegheny City, on , second-door . • (Front Dispensatory of the 'United States.) DIOSMA CSEFATI BIICEII LEAVES. • .. Properties.-Their odor is strong. diffusive Aid , somewhat aromatic, their astesbltterish, and anal . , agoui to mint. • • .: B , Medical Properties an d. .se;.--Buchn _ Leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar Jenden- Cy to the ffrtifiCy . OCgan4 produCing Shire-4s, and like other shnilar medielne4 exciting diapliciresis. • They are givmsin complaints of the Urinary Or -gnus; - such as - Gravel, Chrenic'eatarrh dfilie Blad der, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and fUrethra, Disease of the Prostate ands Retention or Inconti nence of Urine, train a loss of tone in the parts con cerned inits cY.peutition. The remedy his also been recommended In, Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous AffectleMS antlbrepsY. . . : '--• ' - RELMISOLD'S EXTRACT 'ALCM: is usr by persons from the ages of IS to W.. and from 35 t 55, or in the decline or change of life. after Confinement or La- bor Plans; Bed Wetting in CiAldren: - ' . , In.AffectionaPeetillar to Females the Ex tract . . Buchil is , unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosii lir Retention, Irregularity, Pathfulness or Snppressiim of tiisioniaiT Evamiations; Ulcerated or behirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Diseases of the Bladder,ElduePi,Dravel and Dropsical Swellings.. This medicine in the power of Digestion, and excites the Ab sorbents Into healthy action. by which the Watery or Calearcous:deposltions, and alt 'Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflam mation. 11elmbold's Extract limbn has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irrita tion of the Neck of the Bladder, and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration - of the Kidneys and Bladder. Retention of Urine, Diseases ot the Pros . tate Oland, Stone in the Bladder, Calenlns, (*ravel, Brick Dust Depositand Minus or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and 'Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following s)mlitoms: Indisposition to Exertion; Loss of Power Loss of Memory, :Difficulty of Breathing, Weak ' Nerves, - Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness Dim ness. of Vision, Pain In the Back, Hotl ands, Iclushing of the - Body, Dryness "otthe Skitti' Erup tion' on - the 'Pare. Pallid Countenance:. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, &c. i EBOLD3 4T1140T BUM rEtz DIURETIC I ,7 --- - - . AND , BLOOD-PUILUYING. • 1 And etires all Diseases arising from Habits of :dilation. Excesses ands ImprUdence:in Life, Intnurit les of the Blood, AC., 'superseding C,opsiba in affections for which. it is, used, each as Gonorrhea, (Meets Of , long standing, and Sypie,:,.2, illtec Affections—ln these :diseases used. In con- "" "..neetion with - liEL3IBOLD`S BOSE WASH. NM SOLD AT 2_I4ELIVIRoLp , s. DRUG AND: CAL WARRROUSEI 894 ' Audtbr DruaßlWi eYe7whems 0 1 E'VOA + 3 i.... -" BEM AND TAKE NO OTLINIL; Q o '''‘-NITA:LNN OF comipariErrsz,..o..:::,...c.,4 IiMM II II .7 , I ~; EM = ME Ell
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