Ztle RittsburgliZa.iittf PRON. -WASENGTON, Impeachment ^Court Rules. Disctmwd in the Senute. Emu Impeacbment Articles Report of the Coroniittee taa Setagraaa to ta• p:uctz-att 6ass64l. . . WasurtlOTON, Feb. Z,..166/3. -_ MOUSE OF DEPEaSENTATIVES. .anancins OP tortaCnattxr. At a quarter past ,two o'clock. ELL, Chhinhan of the Select Committee, presented Articles of Jar M msehment ssainatthe President of the United States, w rich were .thereupan read,by ten Clerk, follows: • . . Arad.. Echibifed by the Hoture of Rep-, 7. , reeretertires.of the United ,States, er the . ..easse of titer/melees rout all the reopte of the United antes, ogainet Andrew .....klmato,Pratidext of the UnitabStotav at the Noloecanoce o.dSepfmrt of their. ~I=ectehowat °gaunt Tin' for . and Misdeenorsont in Oljim _ Azneu.s. That maid Andrew John . Non;President of the United Stales, on , tbs-21st day of February, in the year of gas Lard one thousand Main hundred :end sixtj-elght; at Washingtein, In the -. District of Columbia, unmindful of the Mgt doties.of his m, of hls oath of tad •of the reqdtrements or the 10Matlintion that ho should. take care that the laws be faithfully exeeoted, did merairfedly, nod In violation of The Con r.eilisithan sad laws at the United Stale., hale an order, in writing. fcr the remot 'Ma of= Edwin- M. Stanton frOfit the OWL of Secretary. for . the Depart! mentor War, raid Edwin Stanton twist been theretofore dal r unpainted end oemmissioned by and with the con; tient of the Senate - of the Crilted'Stritert mis , ..surk Secretary, and said Andrew • , .7cdurson, Preeldent of the United States, en the IV.h day of Augnst, le the year a Arier_Lord, ISM, and during the recess of the said Senate, having suspended by .ItilliorderEdalnbt. Strintenfrom office, .septelarbn twenty clays after the . trot day of the next medlar of raid Senate, llith day of • December, to the year of our. , Lord aforesaa. . 1. having reported to raid Senate each intsperadon, with the evit deetis.. and.seasons ler. his action to . • the ease, In the name ~of the penes designmed to perform the anti.s of such ofhoe Limpopo - 11y until the*nerixineet log of the Senate, and said Senate there -eaftennards, on the 13th day or Jan ear; elstabs" year of our Lord, 1i1t,.-having r.dally considered the evidence and =a -teotis rezertml by' said -Andrew Johnson . ^-eleresi suspension, did refuse to concur -Atm said suspeursiou, whereby- and' by , a-lbscamr the provisions' of .; an am `emilltled ono act revalating the' , tea r; sin--or certain . *them ' pawed , March mid. Edwin Div Stanton .did - resume the function. of - bre ',cake; whereof the said AALIZOVF Johl4- men bad therrand there due notice, and rallidt/Edwisr M. • Menton, thy' roman o riabsprentisayon raid 21 at day of Febra r.,',ll,lll" lawfully, entitled to hold mid dike of Secretary for the Department 0f War, which void order for thereat:rad of said Edwin M. Stanton is in subs anon : asititoTfi. that tt , E-V; erCoutioe s 2dimaido, Irasbin ' 4;. D., rr-Ctalbreary: -fiy -Mettle ~,efithet_power.auld -sithircuity.weeted, ..-.ll.e.m.,Fieskiard. by, the ttanalatilligu . ...ain2,4aws of. the Unucirt Slaters Joliet° herebyrernoved fronted:am asSucrabtrY fOr the Department of 'War, and your. 'functions an audisvithrerminate uprin the receipt or this communication, Yew, • arilltrensfortolawmet Itsjbr'Eleteral lenzOThonuis,'Adjularit General' of the Who has this day been authorized -tend - seepu., Merl to act - as Semotery pf risferiet. all records,' books,'. Glatt Mid other public ProPeTtriroW rood • • Berneettnity year.; ; ; ' Annum"' Jonssos4 •L'lti'llon. E. M. STAN - icor; Wealth:4- t. ° Width Order was AritlevirollV_ ha unt, 5, 'with intent then and there to violatethe act entitled "an Act regal ati tenure ;7.".tif l_certain civil otlice.,”" pes.ed March' 1667, and contrary to the procislopo saldiut. and in vain= therta and „loft:MI/my lathe provhdonit of the'emiall - tater( or theUnited.State , rand without ,theadvice sad consent of the Scotia Statea r iles rind. Senate Sten nis:l' there being in 10051 on, to remove mid Edwin M. Stanton from the ofacelof Becrestary. Air rho. Department or War, whereby, said:Andrew Johnson, Preel- - ,; Oisted , of the-United Stele., did then and there commit , end was guilty of nhigb misdemeanor In Mike. , AESICLF- 2. 7166 on the raid 211 day_ of February. theyear of our Lard /M.llai' l lVtiatiington, The ; District; or Columbia,mid AndrocrjohnstryFroal dent of-tqe Vatted Stateaut of the..blish 'dirties ofthiscalmyef his oath • of and In violation of the toil= of the United Stattal,"andrentrary to 'the provisions of an act entitled "an met-terdating the tenure of certain civil . O'*7 parsed March 2c1,16a7, without the advideand :consenter the Planate of ibtr-gatell•'States, senate theta mid 'thane belon. in session; and without da thatity of lsw, did appoint one Lorenra TharasitoSeceeinry of War ad inte rim, by lernalag to ;said L. Times= a let ter-or authority in sularattMrefellows, .Esectenst Mansion, - .PI "D.• C__47rebrairry 21. 11366:-fi r.: .lidirist M. Stanton having lour thi f n day . removed from office air Secretory or Dm Department er, .Wrr, you aro . herdby t _ • and empowered fa 'Art, as Secretary of War ad taterint, and o fliim enter uplrrths - disehare. Of ditties_ pertaining to that ellace. Mr. Is been instructed to ltranafer • to !rival the records,'bookr; and ~,.other public property n , in; as oersteds_ sad'olisrge. Pespectfally`yourr. 'ter Brevet Mel. Cern 1;011=124 TH•OrAllii • tr; S, A 14 1 tVldiO li i 1)4 Ahereby estidAndrawJelintio4gresi ,;lleniathe United States; 'did than se,,Shereirrimmit anti 13113 guilty:or a h • igh in 'edam 'es t . , AirstOMs D. Tied eald . Andintt, ion. Preridem °frier United EtMear ~.I.jii.2lsitisy of Fsbrpary„ in the yeart of soar 18611, , ni - Washington in the owvadrisillf eem mlti Ind olcilldialltirot high -..soliskoriesoon*of . as Albee Pitt thalwltltoat eiaoltWri law, while the Senate orthe Chin:AS:atm, • wee then and there in session - , be l da itir- P-r.;;PoithieneJ.,orenso.Thopass,to..bo helio latry:of the Departmenta, War l odulte-. eswie withonithe advlee mul, consent( a - the" Senate, aid in _lolstion.onhc Con , ~ ..,ustAtalhenerfahe United Staig. P 9 I"..teaY -.l..,.big*t.tiaPPeaealum,M9=6.4d:.Sisera los the-Deportment of Warderiliti • In militirecestief the Senate, end no,.wirtn • rsserely azielLuit trionld sales A1,4110.1410„,./xd ssidoposinurieer sa.tiorls pit or ~.ehlAndreavJelmsoo arlaai„ d-L . Pa l P z seragilatlis.J. eutatatice - ,- - ...fEcatattre..Jileattion. , .W a shion totl / 2 1 Fery. 21. AN:t6.,,-idtSr....gon. I E . • rps , luprinft. been , .thist daY I . kout e .Lr Dep ed c e nt i ErtntelAnt.AnltUd• pr ~War. yorparo hereby an -rd 64b.agbell and amp:waxed to tut 40.*, rue - War ad.taterriat,ardi will „inima tfllPatt-,the..dtachetiPri 4:4 • a...dagalk,partainiag„tal,4l4 9f 11 1 0 4,.. ME, ...,megbesties hart,b;reraillabril , trargrb 004 4 4:b00kh. f?P! l o nd s =r . tproperiy , imam Ulu tpay, -„Despeafulty.yours, ; o , ■ Assisent-Janissoict , vrti ,TO Breves goti3ea.,Lotasora, „2 „rtosren ,„ dtrailea- a 4a 01,rr.,lmC .aPedh sld,d3dro...ro?n -,, mmo emta , Elea --va Mindful Of file d ;awl - JO-sax ow ce . sada kasosztkor 440. in. Ybrintr 44 -.. • ..e. : tirsOcintititadlon and lime Of too ,ljallekl erre Milan, Data* 21m, of-February. ln stlip; of:our, iced- ono .I.toutalld Right ,Lwmaoelend Mity-elithisstWaiddegiorli in the District , or, Calambis, =aim-- rassplrew.lits ou I,4reaser-Thornati t ,r, -*ph :other, ..pettooer. la ; I tbeL ;Mawr of ....Representative. with fnteot, .by ' Tlitha Ihrsenn te.hinder.and prevent' M. Stanton, ttbrir.. And , Werra tbfr for the ,Irelatiallwi3Of.,,Wa r . o-:- ,doily, nudes. the.laws.pr I,tar stales, tram holdliii3 rrid.. <Om flectriarr for itia.RoPul , Dumulil.r , and in violation of the en. siltation of the United-State* sad visions of an acientitled "Cu net dol. • a'llaMMtd--pmdstat certain'. maspiracincr anompprowedJuly:3Lve, - Dal,- whereby paid' -Andtdisr yldOnaoo Preeldentrho t rani irdlled States, did Oren sraliberen'orricolt `'isirelargetilerota•binb crime Farallon: , S: That' •the`r said 'Andrea, ""r JbbMc . President fifth* Untied States, t tistlishafeathe duties ofidifeffice,and ♦ tl'iiftditesith of olßce on the MtletraL agi air Die I . oito liord tl sat, aty . dlteri oDier 6 ''ilaVs'and tiM ~.. before - OD nth - day'ef iwid Waallington;in the District of 'Cantaihr, 7sl.ld'anlarrailly conspire one I..crutlibf l'hennier; and with ~_.`"7,lofepenious terns Mime el Retirehtle: „tattres'unktiosig force Ittiren x i "' lota' .tanor W thb - exrdar - sa hirl ..an'eri'regalletitef theteiture T tl- — or ttietatn thir Offteftp,:p4secaliiir sad la u: mm ervitta pod, qseq, -- • aßiazdrbzi,be t o . iiriteuv rticmscer-_th7-r„„ d4 p-4 thn "Thed dm dult,p:FinfO. the - - - -.- i brwar tti .1 ..,,,, -of ~ 1 pm., ....; • :_ndr ...., - = , ,,owni. ,-- - ___.... -.-7 • ..niaii: undi. r - I.- --....---. - iiiiirai. -... —at i gi , ---- , ' rinilted Matta, - Dina bulling said owe°, asoosor ~ , t ta 'lts.eszt. .. - ., 7 ,,, ,, , b0rt - AT, the oftP:l 4intr . ese . . - Sobrioon u g r y r. „,,.‘ 7 ..fa r , . t ex p.- . 4rTroladentorth4:Unid etMell_.,...li T ti tb.a „.,..._ ' it.cts, Trlnibi4 ( $ .1)) '97 ' • SIKAr lbere aniline , 'and 'itilorv,..../.4-A. thiaridie-F-4„1,-juatkalt - -2 . ..„. ;von Ai*. • 14b. pibla egeA42r 5 0 4n6 4. . ' %• , ,-- - roa.' , - • -: , - . 3atclana,4 , . 1,/,,,=. ... 41 :k„,?,:,,,eatalais 6;;Tbat said iil dr " : ; lbi rn : M,,,,,,iiii. :AS l'u er.. '. : ' .- . 7 . •; ' ::•: m i° "' P .: 3 t?l n e l I t , t t neu r, d , Ei l atg:, . i „,..illEXTliktifiON:Mi, . • '' .iina or Ws Cietb of zoreN 01 , ...ai5t, ..•' (1 2 kY ?r; idati SiseSiar ieed:tbil4foisrs. of g e b n .ry. Jo tbo year of . our troree fittmet a,- • Batter.? .13Ingbsioel.Wisll, _ mat,ott. Washingtn, , in,,tbo Dhlrict Of : Wiltistusitmlizgoo; !miring reptved s ,:irrod 1'..fi,..f Coluntbis; illttlmisirtoLly‘isiosotte wttli zoo , :ority of ttrp ries.wore 1111 ' . zoo. Lorenzo 'Thomas by force to eel= elected. ~... ~ 1 1 ..:, • -; _., , „, „, aud,faig.a posaesaloo,of atm jirr , P 3 .. ,l_,f, , „Mr. AOUT WELL often:4 a fetolution thetraited = ,- 11 11 daLatatba v F at Dellm!'".• IWPatutiair - ow Lhausand •soptei of tbir sl.,.....sosstasrrtotbuipr9ViSlOno,Ql Illitaetella , " - 4 ' .0..! ....?,4-_-,2201 Pau sat.t . c: , dallaa . anti allurt.b=l/, ~ mi.. " .4142einstrZTet Wog. ha i . , ;1 ' ''''''''' ana t enwith t to, vlOlllll 5ad.006.4 :ihsakffiisieri Imola: to the Bellaaal* en act entitled "an act regulating the tenure of certain aril officers," paned Starch Id,lB67,wherall the said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did then and there commit a high crime Modica. Addle= 7,.That sold Andrew john son, President or the United Stare, un mindful of the high duties of his take and his °ads of office, on the 21st day of Februarv_ , the ' ear of our Lord hiSS, and on divers - other days to mid year, before the 28th day of said February, at Washington, in the District or Columbia, did unlawfully - conspire with one Lo renzo Thomas to prevent and hinder the execution of an act of the United Stated, entitled "en act regulating the tenure of ratan cI7II emcee," passed March 3d, .ISC. and in pursuance of said oonmintry, unlawfully attempt to prevent Edwin M. Stanton, then era there being Secretary of the Department of War under the laws of the United States, from holding said office, to which he had been, duly appointed and tout udearmed, whereby maid Andrew John son, President of the Vatted States, did thou mid there =unit and wee guilty of a high misdememor lr orrice. S. That add-Andrew John sen, Preside= of the United States, tan smiudfal at thee high duties or his agog and the rare of oma., on the day of Februap, in the year of our. Lend 186 S, at Washington, in the Districtof Colum bia, did unlawhilly , conspire with one Lorenzo. Thomas to sere and take pos motion at the property of the United States In the War Department, with in tent/le violate , and disregard an act. en titled ..ari act levitating the .tenure of ratan civil some„" passed March 2d, fedi', whereby said `Andrew. damson, President of the United Stites., did then and there 'commit a high - misdemeanor AnTLIZE ft. That said Andrew John ath,--President of the United States, on =meal of the high duties of his office and of hie oath of office. with intent din -I.mtfally to control the disbursement of the moneys appropriated for the milita ry service and for the Department or War. on the:iea =yet Febroary,im the year of oar Lord_ 1865,.. at Wasiderrort, in the District of Columbia, did =lawfully and contrary to the provisions of an act "entitled •an act rem:dab:og the tenure of - r;niart• Mai offices," 'passed March 7, IFX. and iu violation of the Constitution of the United Suter, and without the advice and moment et the Senate of "the Unitcd.States, and while the Senate was then sand there in session, there being no recur"- in the office of Secretary for the Tsporiment of War, appoint Lonanto Thar= Secretary of War net minas, ctid then and there deliver to said La fim7.o2-hottlaii.oletterla writing, in sub. .aaneeas folleste, via ' „T.ceadoe Mansion,. Washington, D. C., February- .41, ,F...3l.Srattoo tatting been this da ro amed, from office. as Semitery of - the Department of War, you are hereby au- Ranted, anti - empowered tO act as Seem. tory of Wardd &aim, and wilt lnamo. -clieticlyenter upon this discherms of the duties pertaining to that "office. Me. Stanton has been. Instructed to transfer cu you all the records, books, rivers end ether Pithlla Properly =win lila custody and charge:::. Respoetfolly yours, Aroagwdoismoit. To Para . Gen. L. TWOX-121, Attu - -Mot fieneral.. U. S. Rraahlrorton, „Wherabjecald Andrew Johnson, Pried dent of the Vatted States, did then and there cmarerltumd was guilty of ALIO Iniederaesnor to oMem - _ Aimactia 10. l'hat said :Andrew Johnstott4 'President of the United Slaty . - Om dhe =et day a 'February, in the year . of our Lord , DISS, arWstsbingthn, In the LastrkMedieltine. diara;ard of the CentaittlUou had tare of Comma duly stmotedoalCom thanterda-ChieforthearrcryofthisTielted States, did lucianiliekre lilmself than and there Wtm" Ad Emery, a Major Gen • Mai byla ill st e ot in the army et the United Stiles, actual, - in command of the De partment of Washington arid =Warr dory:faces ~thornot„, and didthen and there, as. aneh Cominnisia rief.Chl4 "declare' and instruct said treatyy that part of a law at% the Vetted Sad" Tamed March M, 1864 „ell/bled "atact MAIMS ar~sillooe for dui support of the army for the year ending, Amp 1868, and for other PurPmo. l elponally c mooed section thereof, which provides among other , thldha' that elf ofdefa and 412=C/ions relating to military operations tented by the President or Semmtery of War shall be boned through the General of the army, and in nee of his through the next in rank, wan undnetithtional and in contraven tion of the , commission of said Emery, end therefOrn net binding exelsiMast an 'allear in the-Anny or the United Slam, which said provielena of law bed been theretofore dolyand legally promulgated by a general order for the government and direction of the Army of the United sista, a aaid Andrew J•=nson then and there well knew,with intent thereby to in. duce said Emery, inhlsofficial capacityas commander of the Department of Wash legtonooviolate the previsions of said act, and take'and receive and set upon and obey arch orders as he, Andrew Johnson, might .make and give, and which should not be issued through the. General, of the Army of the 'United Stelae scoadleg to the provialon of the said act - whereby mid Andrew dobasoo, Preddent of the United States, did e n and there commit and wee Laity o th f a high misdemeanor in office. And the Revue of Representatives by protestation saving to themselves the .liberty of exhibiting a any time hereaf ter any further articles or further emus. Usti against said Andrew Jolutscs,d'ree ileac of the Malted States, and abet ` oil .1 thiddingl te las which be Mail make to the articles preferred ' segalast, him, • and of 'offering proof to the tameaid every parttthwea4 sad tosdl end every- other amide, accusation or impeachment *fifth shall be **Whited by theta, es the, cam ahallregairs, de demand that the said. Andrew-Johnsen may be put to en, ewer the high crimes sod misdemeanors id" office herein chersaidardeat.ne.ond that„ such proceedings, examinations, trials and judgments may be thereupon -hadanallpyvasst air ,he.: agreeable ' . to law and pasha. ' Mr. BOUTWELL stated the article., except, thes teeth, wend founded on Moor before' thellonse: mid the tenth article, seassauserd on the-testimony et General eate. xplaining i lue,+rtlalestd.iome hermit; Pdr. ROUT WELL sold the Coin ',MOM blid - uteparticula regard as to the isrUciar, nod would -be governed by the decision of tbec Sir. JENCKS gave =See of a n fated- Sou tend. er anatistedinent to thearticles of.impeachmtent. Ifs proposed, he said; oh set uP" facts aliked and couple theta with tianveratesterst attracts and de. _clamtions of the Preptident show seeded; nal intent on his part to exercise the powers and authorityeat Commasder-la., Wet of the army and navy, in settard , 'aid" with - die `riga fur the government Mat. relitthillett Oddhe hod and .nOeel forreet in violation of an act 6f Congress andef iberattaltrithat 2' Jd BourcrELT:: givire , d ifeuelotembedy Wayless-Ur •meareral arlltir. -- Jeithirs said be would, I Mr. BUTLER obtained the (leer and thalqestealttlieteeklav o toe tllMooda Y morning at ten o'clock. Wiedixdo , Math 2, 1846. - 'verrerea siarawrietria.. - • The House proceeded to a vide erto thailfthilliou . The. litatOrtiel• was ;slop. teal:-yeas,,-/24 nayse4l; neciand=yeas, . 11 4 sari, 411 r 4 hird -- 1 6 1 g r rit; neye. 42 ; Plniti - nyaps.. l . l4l :. my*: .281, the Ph. ague, seventh „sad eightle-yeas,. 113; Ptdtbiltaligeti '11:0m No. ton, - YeciailaN Z13.11;W-_ - - "Mserrewpary.and =mere, =tad "No." theydireni,,the ally Republicans' wh6 &deo. Thialaineeratie voted. "Ma" s •Mr. -FOX stand - bler•colleegue ddr. .thiseelTsta; anent tatierourit of ;1.11- nese, cbut-- heavided, if present, ,vor , I armor erehertiedad.- - Air,BROONEALLehded hts cpuoisue. Gam Moarbeed) WM* neceleariljrabead. ,ifspoteat he would' haat voted the fee alt'. Mr. NCRLEYelanSonice4hOWestlOdf -' wined with Mr. McCullough. telfewhig It the r oom in detail, the other - yoke a/MOUS o PIM' &tat"' Gravely. Perham, Ama n . ra t an* cr a sh on , '1 1 .1 16 1. - PI"; • , _Ramey. snsnter. awn:Fero , hhtlet. Anna, Cit.,* .. ,,MOOr i k i i • I.= itaktnret, crielmere, Prim. seamy, Hotibtird; 741.4.ka. litttitat. Innondinont Sting oar. • hsoreeri, - eav7e,, • Demon Janeiro, itenitheh'. int.zhAt, dead. doodeld , Mune, Janes , smaitz. Blair, sour, smith. 8011S.Mdif.- - 112 =6% , ,1 ° M all "' Enamel ,-• -se , kirestnnr, Broomall,. .101411.24 Stevens, is.,_ . , Montana& Xoonts, , BUN" -natter loan. - ragolt - Can, .Isalinteni.Thadidr. 4.lltartddiB, Lnatroacs,O., Snowno. Maks, 0 .lAneolit. .1111WIttn, Tom, tliallthlrant, taus. " Wrratoselfeh Twieheft ran,* - s.:Cdattu. ndolarlf;Ypnoll.. ON*, inch. Ton dertinn ad, artisan , Vim llorodl Gowan. . -Marvin. Yak EtOts, No, Matadi; McCarthy, - Tan Wye; linUntsg, * - .*Wfdd Mo -• on linwdre, W •lb * W Dodo ' Wider, t "Wastranit.lll 4=lo-4 -Wodr PL leenr. We . yd„' WU, Wndow-ph dataeld Palde. • 7-e'T t Adria' . ..det=3/ ‘thdlattnyi - dd on lindn, stoistre xteat, '• 1 . Iqtight. t, =4l. ,BOgralx", formieg that body that the -Mouse had appointed manners to conduct the tot. pft..chm.nt analeat Andrew Johnson, President of the towel Stolen, and had directe.: snch managers to carry to the Senate article , . agreed upon by the - HOW o to be exhibited in maintoinance of such impeachment, and the Clerk of the Rotten shall ge with ouch message. Adopted. Mr. BOCTWELL offcried a erscdution that the articles agre-.. - I to by We House to be exhibited in Ito nut - . sod In the name qf the people of the t ailed StMes against Andrew Johnson, President of the United Stet* In main t enance of bn penehmentegainot him for high crime. end misdemeanors, in office, be caroled to the Senate by the managers appointed to conduct mach impeachusen'. - Mr-HOBS suggested to strike out the wards "the people of the totted Btates." Mr. PERHAM suggested that all the Democrede members. of Congress might be struck out. 'The revolution was adopted. - On motion of .Mr.• SCHENCK It woo ordered It shall be the order to-morrow, slit - it were Menden to move to suspend the rules. • Mr. ELDRIDGE moved to suspend the rules for she purpose of tamslaering the protest of the Democratic members. Mr. KELLY objected. • • The. House et a quarter before seven .adjourned. • • I=l The CHAIR presented a memorial of tho members of the Grand Army of the Republic, setting forth that their errvtcas 'were not auticiently recogrilred, Und playing for a portion of the departmental offices. • Mr. CONKLING presented memo rial of the Buffalo Board of Trade,' ask ing an appropriation to rumpling, the ha proyement at the entrance of the harbor. Mr. CATTELL preeented • petition or soldiers of the war or 181.2, asking to ho placed or the same footing with soldiers of the late war. Referred. . Mr. WILSON, from the Military Com mittee. reported a bill for the aetilemant of Paymasteni aceounta. The Senate payed the bill authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to sell an Unoccupied military site at Waterford, Pennsylvania. - • . • =I ::On motion of Mr. HOWARD, lhe Sen. rite prorooled to comideration of the impeachment rules, Mr. ANTHONY in the Chair. ' Mr, DRAKE moved as an amendment to the fifteenth rule, "or any Senator," allowing them to direct the reduction to writing of any merlon. , Mr. DRASZ oleo soared a substitute for the tweatieth Rule, previding that agreements, or prelim be inar y Marion.ter. 'watery matters shall allowr hoar In opening and tißeen minutes in I closing, one person only to be heard on each aide. Mr. CONELENO said: Thia,likemsuiy other questions, had been left, to the Court There wax a practice in Courts I which doubtless would be followed m Shia ease, ,- Mr. DRAKE withdrew . his *mond 'meat • . rater aRIMES movedio strike out the sis rumecessarv, bolding that it had been a matter of cengratulatirm that no auch rule had ever been adopted by - the Senate. • A long debalisiollowed, during which I Mr. ' FRELINGHDYSEN moved to emend by allowing two hours for argu- ' meld' osi each side on parliamentary questions, ar motion* for extension of time to be applied before hand. _ I • The amendment was finally rejected-- I sweaty-four against twenty. I Mr, MXI(DRICKS moved to intend the second article, by striking out - the Iwords Grand Inquest of the Nation," and inaert .91.ouse of Representatives" ' Referred. • . • Mr. DRAKE moved to Strike out prostate= in the seventh section. an; therbing the presiding eMce. to de cide incidental vacations, - unless • * formal vote of the court be called for. Mr. SHERMAN opposed Ora end Mr. HOWARD ollered an amendmant i nisich DRARE anoepted, providing fer the • eubraiindirn by Ore presiding eager of all incidental questions to the Senate to-he decided,-1/ demanded by one sixth of rho members, by yeas andnays. • :Ange debate Iir:POMEROY moved to trim wirballyty C o cod the pet tier:a ealling the Senate a ourt, de. • At ten o'clock Mr. HENDRICKS said so the Committee we. not satisfied with its own report,'- be would more to ad journ: Lost—five to twenty-two. Mr. POMEROrS amendment was lad---eleireis to seventeen.. ~ • Mr. HOWARD'S amendment • was • . - adopted—twltty-one to seven: . • Mr. FERIVt• moved to etrike out to various sections the "High Court of Im peachment," and other langnage con veylaz the Implication that the - aerate changed its • ~.character to the triaL - Vto "I nmtlon of Mr. 'DRAKE themei. pion In the twenty-fourth article, admin. Isterinr, the same oath to the preeldion alter as to; the Senate. was Ortcken 001. Idr. SIeCREARTMOVOII to insert tho word 'Sat" before words "aieept. Sdndeys," third metier:, providing /or a daily . • ion. Loot. . ai u, -MX.BIII ALMW.roovad to strike oft t the words - ' 'help you God," at the end of tee :oath sectlon terenty,fearth, on Me:ground e a ff irmations as well as oaths - were bred. Loot.' _. 1 'Eharnies then named flebolly, and at 1 quartere ore &sun the &MAIO ad . .ras TESITOUMT or amt. NICIIItY. The followirg is Qmsral Emery's tee - - simony relative to his Intervieweelth the Howlient on the, cad of February: • The President asked nail' I recollsated the conversation I Mid with him, wheal .fiat took command of the Department, itc reference to the strength of the urri. eon et -Wenhington and the general dia -1 asiden of troops in this Department.. To which I - replies I did not recelleet it distinctly. Her asked me, if' there had Men any Changes. • 1 rephed Abort bat such 't in had . Men I could chant stets then ',went on to Mato that atx;eampanitte of the =hitt,' fumy had beerthrought hers to whiter, Ma that day had been cent by detach ing four companies et the 12th Infanta to Charleston, cm ariloieltlon of General Ca r n tilhlye; thaw b ee n p d ni eta s chd e d 4 u t r h A ing G y tal - Csaby's eoratilead of the .Deportment one of the* Mar to-the 'Northern frontier to meat in putting down ?anima difficulties, - WM beam altuthed •to -their regiment, Meilen sid at 'Fort McHenry; lialtimore; that:though , the: command had been amused in the number et coropiadee, I was under the Impremine there was radoction in - the numerical.streogth•of the command. "growing out of the te ductlcao ,of infantry and artillery copi. pults_from the maximum of the war establishment to the minimum of the .pesos establishment, but, ti's , W 11.1,11101. than offset 'by. the gain of siddltiatal conipanies. The President *Nth "I re ar to more record changera'_ I seddldid not .know!. exectll , :who& - but'het fared -to by. recent..cluositelst them . had not beensey— made to my knowledge; that he weirldtgive memos hies of who hull made the re. Portto trim, or whet the repari ifell which 1 be bed received, I' cated. perhaps' give , , Mammary &duke , swarm He - mid reports had che certain now arrange:" meata of troops had. been • made. / ap mai him noes had been madoWith •kuseriedge.. • sad did,. not . soy hail Men made wlthant it: that recent =den, fetiodcd; sport. lawn Of•Constrem, fur the govern ment of the armies of the Untied Statemapprote4 bylaw, nsoitder-oonid come to. roe sm art through Gen. Gant, and. that zee 'pains from analogy it was tosetrad in the army that Hap order 'meld be given to anyone Roder, my command, without owning. through me, thit if try any ,ita order hart keen sen, sot cormite *rotten me; it wee the deity of , tits officer reosainglt to notify me. Histbewaaked one -.IW hat. -order do you - refuter' I stated' referred to order N0.:15 or IV - 1 could nor recollect wbieb, clot had.. been. publlehed, to the army some time in May lent He said wish to see the order." 1 replled tint I would sandier IL.- He said elite; I have all the orders about the boom," and • 'meson ger was Ned for it. Aland time Colonel Cooper amain and occupted the.?food. dent's lineation for • some time upon nuttier 'subject, assrtippeeed, for I. twitbdtew kith* other en of the rOOl2l. While there a messenger coins and brought the order. After Colonel Cooper ha:tech, out,- I retunted to the Presi dent;-with this order in myhand, end odd, “Mr.•Presidintif."l- w il l take it en a Ale" favor if you permit mete mil your atumtion to this - order, or 'act. It • • - .:.in..an_ appropriation bill Indic is possible you.may. ,nirser bete seen IV' He took- dm "order end read it, and observed. "mole pct.'s acoordance with din Constitution_ of tie United States, winch' makes me Com% , .mander-freCelef oldie Army aeld-Nery, or with the leogutree of the coonseimlea which you hold." . 1 stated to inns Hug wam no matter for officers to determine, it Wee an order-soot to um. approved by . I him; and wo were oil 'governed by that order. ' Quante—Do Tarr meal t that the order, or the act, was approved by the c..d.seener—l mien the eeriest se far as that woe concensed the °rim and set sp• proved by Min an the saute thing, for the eider contained nethlne but the act Hassid, ''Am to understand that the ?resident of the Hotted States moist give an order out through the General. in-Chlef tor General °mar. I mated "Mr:Prasidmit, that Is the order which you approved and whk•hbes boa hued for the government of the army, aud.l think It due to Von to say *Kiwi:len that order drat came out It was very moon lateenieed in the army, end tome leading lietTent of.the ;weary were consulted as to what wit the ditty of an ofscer under that law and order, "and I observ. ed, "one coasulfod, • and I widdir WAR pothere out of the greatestOonstltution, al Meyers is the "eountry„ gin. It n his very derided opinion that we wer yen ibound by it, and I Mira. it right to tell MeV WA& MinSiiMiler 510T7 L 1 . askatlntirwlis the lawyer .wsa. 1 told ,tato.the one r coazultid sine akinenuna lif atm, Sobel:J. Walker,.. and bed tualltetSMl* PAWS / did. Yes • • k no w • PITTSBURGH. WEEKLY GAZETTE: SATURDAY my own knowledge, otheni had Wen seated Reverdy Johnion, who, it was re ported, held the` same opinion. The President replied: "The object of the law is very evident." After short panning, seeing there was nothing more to any, I thanked him for the courtesy with which he bad permitted. me to ex, pressmy opinion and left the home. Questioa—Did the President in any form inquire whether you would obo as onler if wont to you without going thin ' ugh the headquarters of the General? A IMUTT- - 41.11 nearly as I ran recollect there was not a ward said that Y hare not put down, thoutgh I could, of counts, net swear that I had put down even? word Uttered. You may eee by my testi mony I myself introduced the subjtcd of order No. /7. There were a variety of rumors about town that Gen.Thomaa had given orders, or had declared he was going to give orders- I thought It my duty to state the situation fairly and squarely to the President. FROM EVEOPE By Telex - reel to the Plueberelk Gesehto.l aaamilan. LONDON, Feb. Z).—.Blveriejr.—ltayal sent has been given to the bill for the uspenelon of the writ of he corpus n Ireland. G. W. Hunt, under Slearetary, or the Treasury. wilt he 'appointed Chsnoellor of the Exchequer. - In the House of Commons, thin after noon, Lord Stanley said the adjourn ment or .. Parltament .mntfl Thursday was desirable to afford the Government opportunity to complete the Cabinet. dr. Gladstone said such delay In the proooodinga of Parliament was unprece dented, bat in the present ease might be p.niblyjtuatlflabls. Lord Welneriagis dead. LONDON, February 20.—1 n the COO) of • Gemmel Nagle,., on trial on a charge of fenianism at Sllgn, the- motion for delay of trial made by counsel for defense woo rents ed. On the announcement of the deci sion by the Court, Mr. Heron moved to transfer the cane to the Court of Queen's Bench; in order that the trial might tido plane elsewhere. The chief ground. for this motion, Mr. Heron said, was the fat that there were not nix Americans in the whole city of Sligo, and therefore it would be imposiiblnjo - seleet a mixed At this moment George Francis Train, who happened to be in Sligo rather col expeetwlly, appeared before - the Court and volunteered to become . one of the American . Ju.rors; • The offer was, do 3 - tr - : Heron's motion was argued at length, when the Court refused to trans fer the trial to another place. The case woo then proceeded with. • " The Times has an editorial on the trial of Genend Nagle.. The writer atronly ones the abandonment of the prosecu tion, sayiafp "The point of law involved In, to say the least, questionable." . Latino's, Eviisnie, February' Z.— Little preys= has .Itesh made in - the trial of the Fent= rrlsostera at, bloat of the time today wan consumed loan effort to impanel a jury. la order to procure a ml.ced jury It became ne coestuT to 61113111:11011 iii Prussians, but as they soon after absconded, the trial was adjourned until Monday. True bills have alas hem foundigainst Nugent, Kean. riutalmmone, Fitsgibon, Leonard; O'Connor and Lehy, and the prisoners will tecerdinsly be breoght to triallwithout delay. . Later pews tram the calithies in Abys einla hes been received. They were still ears and well at Ifogeilida. Theadvance of the Engltsh army had arrived at a place noir . Antal°, The Tigre people Were inarywhere friendly. There was no sickness among the troops... Et:E= COEIL, Febrnary 21.—The Parsonage of Rey. Mr. Leslie at. Ifllatount; near this city, win littacked tat `night; bet he issattants Wore driven oft Dtrzini, 'EricaNa, February VI. General Nagle and fellow prisoners were indicted for treason at Sligo to-day. Mr. counsel far defnne, moved a de• lay of the trial.. After biaring the ma lion the Court rewind Ito decision. [AI Eons, February 25-2faeniag.—Frinse Napoleon ban left Parke on a stilt to Gerenaki. The Liberty publishes a report that rung wilt:taw, e( Frusaies, seas recently thrown tram a horse and badly Inju.red The tears of the French army now on ftulough hare been ordered to report - 4 their headquarters oa or bathe* tke 31st of Sfamh, on.wdl . oh day all existing tinntnae =33 BIM=K. re/ImM 2L—The Ong for merly elated the Diet last sweatoc. In Me eptmeb . lbs Slew Oongreenlsted the mom- MRS 011 the inmate of tkiir labors. The effort of the Diet to ensure the peace ef Europe had We promptly sad vetoer . fully installed by the other brut Pow ers, and the maddsaes thus Teetered will aid la the splritnal and temporal welfire of the natioa, .• Brous, March I.—ln his speech, In closing the Prossian Diet an Friday, the King extirsasedtimselfeatirslyastistled with tb i t ri lttslation of the past session, and doe he was sure no cause was now left for the disturbance of the pectoe in Gertruotpor Swope. MEXICO meets wt atialeas litnered• retaarao tea tLLnt same ezmue. Have...Lk , Feb. T.— Anon[ the psi _ . sawn. catthesteamstilp Georgia, whirla arritrml to-day horn Vara Crag, ant Mau. Sturm and Llaut. CoL rmiud toot, Com mander of OM American Import in Mar lon. and Mn; "Atemindnr. of Vara Cnaz mad New YOrk illtatineblp Line: lbw Gornto bring a rumor nod a Weirton was received at Vera Cruz , stating that toe gIIZSCIIII4I from Havana bid nurie an attempt to mnanrinata PHaldant foam end robthe Truantry. There was no opportunity 'of *heartening 'what foundation there might be for tbl, rumor before the Manner left Van Cruz. .`itlirepatiedibialialainTresgry wan P'tuft btlittildisk and litionlak claims aW i ArtoirScandbeintuda, ,be theme p gnoring romo:11mm: Mare angina go 'war fh&ormobo arm pownrima to pre. 10=71R3 OITY AND,BII33TfItBAN. iI.LIGUENT GOUTY UNION ;RE• IMITE:1110; • • Oileirstior le the' Mite ear* 'Wetemiai ..tootenthata-Casa.- et Kellam i seanumatenr-Crowtorat coosiesee trlempAreerm".==t„.l""t" "At'teaoilocll htendayl3l9rning the delegates elected at the 'primary . meet ing"; entlitanudayittaterabled ltaiDeavenT Con la the . Supreme CMut mini at the : I CC3II Sena fir the purpose et choosing , Seastorlal and Representative delegate. 'to reerMientthe *mete; in the Wats Con ? Gotten to be bald at Phlladleettie the /1111 (nit, to select CongeMatensei 'dela. Estee- to. the Hatton* ConrentlOn to ,be /ibi"Gbilmrin../1114:And. to; tale tton%,relatkre to , me proposed c lung` In Ihs.trintnerjet melting nentinodll4 in AllegbeFT 0 1 747 , 1 • . 7 ' The . COaientjag,i called to order; tki I Ea+. Chairman of the Coutt,l ty Exectittee Carnselttark -as temporary Chalrmae et the Oceleentletu - The tem. I neray erpalsatlon .Watbemtleted eleetion or D. 8.. Irergnaen J. ti S E = j. NT" and." ht. , The Chairman innsoundel Unit the drat Maarten .1n order ce r l t: a n ti eatsth /w he eir* o he di bn a caned am d the fallow ',Jag premmted tier credra- Urrrc Waro;4 Coma.%karma bee. '' ~ tweed War4,...Thei. IF tales. leen A - Toerth ifat4-4. h. Woes. A. comet. nu Waini-de preniech n.e.eiviee. •14 -nteCreenri Ai precinct, Aimee Tarter, . strut Ware.ut prattatt, iirown.s. menmanmo end preamet. oohs LILY.. Wm. chum. Jr. I , eareatte Ward-4.,,Watielt; W. C. VA; bn Thee. Tws. 11.°1S'n. wa c.d—.... el ms, J. 61141*. r. • Lwereeneeille-44_ Ward. A. 1.. ream" W. it eacal td wara,.W. C. When, omoolat metimitill. Thelasal. Ct..artl. a • ormaxer., V. Ilergen. I.lnute- .1I Denalatea,_G. U. lblu.r. osigleed-Wes. llnelunas7. ran-J. M. Elluder.4..l44l•lrie. • rim ward—D.A. smith, CAL Cutler. elovad ar4-4, WM...14.J. K. arnwn. • Tkirti Ward..l.l proctor; Jeut•s3lenrunr er. muses . A. SibesisE —proOm, L. Shar, Clournrilt_r4.;litp II: Pant. regriot.D.lL aWarisa./ D.lboslAn b.i.6rigi.P. affil 11/I.Wak A. lamas& IPT: Cos . &norm Inard..4...Anrits;"•4. DeopismierVe.rwo W. , 6 1 -7 0 b!' it• irrimaa, WM X. Mich seal, Hoary Heictordeldi 51 product, W. lissr, , a 0. Eren.. Eut Illnuticglutar—Wm. 11lttawrI, W. Cburch.• • - 11onoagsbelas—lotua £l4l, Jr., Irdenard Prry. Teuovnancerills—X. Ballentlas, Tbatus Iferstamrxer. &synclrlcy—D. N. Whit" Witham Bus banill. • I llv r l - 8 h. Co s X ts . B J a o y h n n e $. . Bro o w d n g . Phon. , mm—Y. r,. 1^.1., r ass • J. 41...1nt. Tarentmn —J. D. Kentv..l7, Ir., U. D. ilum•s. lIcKo sport—W.lletAtoell, Jams° Marl son. Elizabeth—W. II Fergus, J. S. 'rower. West Elizabeth—J. P: abbe, Dr. lieUrew. JAL Waihington—D; B. Ferguson E. S MMII2M= I=== Lower ht. Chilr—M. Shafer, Loris Pets. Plum-1. C. Patisirson, A. W. McMath. Pena—B. snivrly. W. D. lionghttm. E robot n—S. Kmr. S. Polio.. 11113:11n—J. C. Risher. Jos. Wilson, Itootneon—Russell Errett, John Young. Jr. Franklin—lseac J. P. Eno hart. Baldwin-4W. Noble Thos. Ogden. - Ross—Wm. Peter., 3. , M. BMW. lacCandleso—J. G. Arbuthnot, A. Alstin. Ran Weer—A. Pillow, Anthony Mersin. Upper St Cleir—T. Espy. Jelin (111111 an. North Faye etw—U. Y. McKee. B. Dixon. . -- Shanks, Kea; Staler—John Demon. Unton—F. C. Fraley. 111. Young. Scott—J. V. Rowland, W. T. Ingham. liambell—Oco. livel T. Robinson, Jr. Morrison—J. J, Hill er, R. J. Taggert. Wilkins—Jame. Sionstelm. W. A. Shaw. Patton—John Scott, Wm. Jehoston. Yereaulles—a. D. Commie, J. Jil. Jelferson—Wm Torre... JMeph Poem.. Chartism—J.. MeGunnlgle, J. L. DulL Fintller—George Mitres, S. S. Fires. t/hlO—.T. BD:shell, H. H. noels. Reserm—J. teeter), John Vorehtly, Jr. Snowden—lL 11cCorkle, P.. D. Ring. Pine—J. G. Conner. E. Logan. SouthYeyettr—J. Wright. J. J. lA/nett. - bseickley—W.P..innes. A. FL McClure—T. IL Ho d. H. S. Plemlug. Hampton—W. W. Metre, .1, A. Marron. Districts net representadi YerUn., Sonth Pittsburgh, .West Pllisbitreb, Moon, Pine Indiana, Crescent, had Itlohland. PEiIItASENT ORGA.NLTATIOSC On motion of F. C. Negley, Maj. A. M. Brown wan elected permanent chairman, Upon taking the ohair he thanked the avention tor the honor conferred upon him in calling him to preside over their deliberations, and remarked that as the lamented Licrein had mid, to speaking of tae immense Republican majority given him In Allegheny county, that It rtes. toe large fot a county—ft should be a State.. Ile alluded to the political situ alien in IEtZ, when Grantend his follows era vremstri k at Richutond,whlch was then In the hands of tho rebels, and ask the Republican Party, whir Grant at its bell, pa formerly, we re invited to another Richmond victory. The White House, ! which had been made Fevered by Wash- inguin, Jefferson, and labors, was now in the possesainn of oorrupt plunderers, and *Mee brokers, and it was reserved to . the Itepuhtlesn party, with Grant as Its leader, to clear It of the vile pollution with which it was now In fested. After some farther remark., is which be etrongly recommended the ! nomination of Gen. Grant far the Prosb deny, mod which were received by the Convention with great applatuur, the epeaker elosed. On. Motion of IL F. Morgan the tem porary Secretaries were elected perms nest Secretaries. The permanent organization was mea nie.' by the election of the following Presidents: R. H. Davis. James Iticßrier,. A. M. Watson, John YOUUR, Jr.. W. C. Brown and Thomas Marshall, Rep. Tae Chairman then le a brief manlier stated the object ofthe Convention. Major Rnasell Beret moved that a eon:mitt,* en' resolutions, eonalating of seven membera, be appointed.. The motion wan adapted, And the chair up- - pointed the following: Rumen Errett, J. S.lamble. A. M. Watson, J. F. Slagle, T. M. Bayne, George Neely, William G. J. F. Steele, Fsg., moved that eltreso- Voris bo referred to the committee just announced. Adopted. eoumertetce AIM BALLOTING. The Convention then proceeded to nom- Wale and ladiet for delegates, with the Mbowing rnsulta MILLGILTES TO CKICAGO oartynarranS. A. Id. Brawn • SS J. Ki Moorhead Themes =wins ...... —PS Masan. Brawn and Moorhead were de, eland the dole:atm. C. W. Batchelor and J. 8 Slagle were choura alternates by acclamation. STATS CO?TENT11:1-11M7ATOIIIAL. ThOZlailt . l llarthall :and' nosh S. F leming werentunen by arelanantiont. J. NL Kirkpatrick...was placed in .aomine. flan. but hi, name wee - withdrawn at Ida request. • 11.1.3 , PAtI1NTAVIVC DELIB3ATICS. ffermiontlens having been tuttila the that and only ballot reenlood : • • • •Mumma Irrett..-131.1Alfrod 8. Purvlsoce.. Jessoh Trench.-.... •Jceepli 331 W.I. wale *IA 19. Morels C.iraslor A. Joseph A. antler. 66 am. F. ItorzaA..- 31 *TADS. itayos.... 413 , ./.64 Y. lima,— 13 Jame. L. Ore... IS irthor Robson.... 31,A. IC Cross 36 ar W. A. Hen'. I Jahn .41113113.3 • 3713 1 .1. 3teprly--.-. li Six 'War* to be choun, and Alesexa. F:rriett, Po ry lanes, Walcott, Morgan, But , : ler and Bayne having re aired the high, ret number of votes, were announced as the delegates. air. ft. IL DAVIB, lolforo the balloting was commeweed; submitted the follow- Peaared. That when this Convention proceeds. to vote for delegates 11 bo done r. LL tom. Mr. McCarthy moved to emend that it be by marking. Carried. The motion. 'as amended, was adopted. d'reviona to the arroolumenreat of the ballot, J. F. Slagle, Esq., moved that the six representative iislegatim VIOL the highest number of votoli be elected.. The Chulrman announced that tie con. ATMs to meet with conferee. from Arm stroar *ad Butler mottles, would be re lect.l by the d aleph. :from the north of the Arens, latter the Clowrentlonioni ad /calm& ClIOWII: 701 . 1 ruminant ocr. 21M - 'DINT. _Before proceeding to user og, Nsalsy. Isq., moved that. Me deisgstea to the National Coorention at 4iiineto be instructed before being eltte r. s. its did not et am aya doubt fa rd to the matter. sir moved -Peet tiy be la sarneted to vote for General Grua. as the Presidential no oince, Erst, Isla and all .tbs. time, This oactierriMs reeelirsd . with groat us motion' was reecors.. eattittefsant, 'mad Wei , ' _tintalmgrtutly . . Cotter Moved that they also be in. gritted to -vote far Es-Gey. Cdrtln for the Nice Preeidency. Emelt suggested thee be in structed for r,d‘tin d. Suntan. • too. Yam g moved that they be In lay:lMM is rota tar Galuslui A.. Grow for Vies President. ' Mr. McCarthy thought the delegate* yhould - he untrammeled me' Mr as the Vied Presiders?! waa ammyna. They Shoop; be enewed to take in the whole fluld'at the !hue of the timelier' the Cetmentios, and yote foe ' most indl ahheman for the position. lie tharefiire moved to lay the matter on the table. The motion WAN rtdopted. . , - CRARPORD C , Me. McCarthy . stated Cud Oa par OM the buldners of the Convention was to take iota iwnsideration • the proposed change in the. manner of waking none. Ina:knt in lillestalay. county. he would snore - than the trader La referred tow committee of 110Yeit. with Instractiens anneal:rho report tothe.Conviintioa. The 11101.1011 -prevails' and the follow. Ina thinninittee appointed: Wawa. W. C. ItcCarthy, David .llolmes, J. E. W.Setvor, G. It. Pearson, John 0. Coo -1 net, 0,-1, Ml:se and Thee. N. Tower. coxmirmi ON ALIIOLUTION 111;CiiitThrtrlththettiinottnricts1 thnithe Commltteelon Resolotlonshadonmpletesi their labors and wars re'dy Le report: 11nloyittthriell Y.rrelt, ebalrtrian of the Coutnittlee on Resolutions; eubroltted the tellowleg • - Seioltvd. 1. ?nut . the ruler( 'tient:diem' Pall Or.ALll4howlyeotmritss:los It' de vollon to the pritiolplad Of J co, entialitv end ntitlenat 1014tritv vloi • ore cabin In JIM oopproilolan of the rabolllont Pa it declare. Its operetta of the moon. stroottou todurtreff of tarpon. S That this Convention eXtrroarlori tbancs to the 9old lora sod *altars of the itepObile. 1,011troni•oorlor throw tdootonnhe nation Woo tooltanni for the -preservation of liberties and the perpetuation & Its power. and that tbetilkerolt saerifiews tad Berries* Ih 919fonflproost0is of the robeniOn wlll bo rothombosed cub entitle!. by Me people of the eountry Winch b. boon saved thrOeSti ;belt valor and pairiathei. . I. TWA It Isnot . TOrniterraile 000P000 to iTt•lntalftleviolitte the ;albite ram loans. Mang annin to Wotan the bar d .. of tons. 0100 by cutting oft all use's. almond GOMMe end iff9lolog upon the moos Moreoula %we. oaf Ist the atlieloistretWil Of the Goren. leant I Owl Ire cOnadnntly tinticipsto that, at an early Oar, the Union will to complete. ly remold On Use Solid heals Of liberty, Icy.. sky and amebae republicanism. • 4. Moat the iibidloa faith la the Integritl, wisdom toad patfllntsra of 01.00051 Grant, ertimmed in the re•Olutleals adopted to our last .• County tkorreatlons, ham twee Irtrilligtkarald by. hie able and Inmost ills chartle Of Imo Antis. dovolvins upon him on' Solitary off War—ii 9051t1012 which he ftee cepted through devotion told. country, se lately reamed trout the pewerof treason or the brilliant achievements of hlrosalt and ins ernapaniorts In arum. • _ • • . S. Teat we will leek to Win In the Amok a• the levers of mOG liberty talked In the pest, ts the may shove all others, whoosh brie" order out of otatuston, and Inspire Jltatocardsaat an "remise'y pasha Sumo Iltratelleter of the tioverranent. • We Mit hew .4tr our mot sues ofdestPe—hnroo g r hMwUp, tied, over and 7rltterl o 7 wiu woe be met •"tored,trus patriotism an ALM 9•191 9 9. 1 , end tlr•Snon . not only be mono 6410fia." I tan from our land. • , That General Grant end hit lons havlog ' eauquered 'rebellion in the 'Pale, we , etll now matt tethers the work of orpflaing moors 112 the Clblnot and Coon. , ell" of the flffbllo o on "amend/art aThaltnik°e of ails :.rnytuty ae dim,ag g 4 taw dered to nee it"pablicati'moodiest' of the 5100.0 of itsersseetatlves An Coarsens tor their 0009•919 and fidelity In preseattne Le the Neat. articles ot went ountost Andrew. it:Mason. ?resident of tee tinned loose. for 1110 restxuarceto and 11.01000 of the fircatittition mil the law; thatthernoral Serbia of tins cowatry will outran law garnet In twilight entoowner. of .the to t he arot that Co Wok forwent to the rw. moral ottils hold, had Inert trots the head of the 'Over:Gwent oaths cartels mans et restoring pewee and mailman, to toil dis• 10001411 O•110114 - orol of offlMrlog the 01199/ IffitOrlltlol9 or-the Iltiutaids Outten ruder .riatuttilealt constitutions halted by 00010 Wel , . • 'nit narredcrr cowrie-M. 1' eft 111..., ~ repe.rt NiArefo...tiond thole foratlfo ' os aoloftwo. Mr. blottrler moved that the deltgatt. (maths Twenty-third Ulsiriet meet and appoint confuses to coliGo. with 0012.• Aron from the other coaxal,. compris ing the District to olioct reProOorotstives to theliationAl Coneocalon. Adopted. Maier Farett offered the fallowing ad ditional reap:dation: i' Beerdoed, 'That the thanki of the coun try era due to Hon. S. Y. Stonton. See retary of War, far hie shore, deVetien to duty and to the ciuntry, and for his fi rm, onjielding adherence to hialrights under the law, at a time when audit adherent,* was essential to the - preserVatio of our free braltntioni. The country ll never forget the debt of gratitnee it wee to The resolution was adopt*. lb n nnan lons vote. 1. , 310DX oP MARLA° coITXTT riosttwanosts. Hit HothirthY, ChoHound e N S• dem ratttee of Seven, to whom •Pult - seen re forred the matter of the proposed chang , e In the manner of making homlnationSi presented tho following rerrtat • Essaloed. That on or wore the first day of key. am the union Republican voters eaeti election • district. ;10 AllelthenY be ebell eet lied elect Ores obo e s to be knees a. the Regietry , Beard. oboes duty It shall be to make out lint of all the Republic,. voters in their electims district. They shell give notice of), the time and Plane (not mere than thirty or lass then three dap) before the time of bolding • pri. leery meninx. when they emit MP for the lIMPose Of lierfeellog son correcting the tint of 'raters. The said !MN! BUR 50 be fore a maeletrate, when said' list le Perim led, and make oath that they have-made. such Hot to toe beat of their kr wngs aad a tree regietry of the Reinhlican I eaters of their Martel. Tie said ....1 titsletry sha ll act as clactloat Mie R n mof all Tteary meetings. lad enlll receive the op of no person n er hose is name set on their letered list. The Board :shall nays the power to all vacancies among themeless, and shell te elected aanualy before the first dey of klay. Their term ot .111 continue for one year from the Ant day of Mar. 4 • JUsolsed, That tleedelegate 'Mem bacon. Unmet This report was signed by Mame. David Holmes, George Y. li t Hee, T. S. Tower, sod John G. CA:ener. The minority submitted ho following report: c t • The minority of the Committee report that they are in favor of the report of tiol Committee with the ereepuon of the reso lution favoring the ottattnnance of the del. mode eyetem. In Its place they offer the folio:twiny R.refted. That all nemlnatiourhimeafter. stall be by • popular vote. I. This report was signed hy J. E. MICel. try. Georgia R. Pearson ; and W. C. Mc- Carthy. r • • Mr. Moßrier moved theadoption of the minority report. - . • Mr. Holmes mewed, an en amendment, that the mejority. report ibe anbinlitted, and eald that he Was °owed to -the "Crawford County System; ' not note. only on =mint of its opening up a channel for commUlleu, but because It would put the eritire matter of making nomiastleas in the - handset the oitY. The counfir* ilirtricts would have us say in It. Mr. McDonald was to hymn( these. tom and hoped the report of th• Minority would beadepted. He said it was net just theta diertiet having but fifty Re publican velars should havens such say in nominating candidatseas others wham they polled live er six bilndred votes. Mr. Watson hoped the Cenvantion ' , would adopt the report embodied bye majority of the Committee. • the Craw ford county system, he sald, had , Mei effectually tried in other localities and was a failure; that by itany old political back eould beat the best • man In tie Mr. MoKelvy thought the delegate ,system more corrupt than the ether, from the fact thartherevrtrehotse many men to buy as there would be .were the nominations made bye direct vote. • Mr. Negley eatd (hot both systems had their abjection*, but °fate two bethought the Crawford bounty system the best. • Mr. Moltrier said he objected to . the delegate system fiT the name remote that Mr. , Wat Ann objerted Lr ths.ether.- that it opened up an avenue for fraud. In addition to thin booth It watibinpos. allele tip have an et&ession of the memos In favor of 'lsom thou Ike mina. data ter the pririelpal office—that the del gates were selected the candidates lit. stead of the people, sod when they met In Convestion or rr v t 1.16 tt watisamitlesd for the advancemm! iif tlio ono particu lar mailidate. • t • Mr. Watson again took the floorand epoke at some length 114.Ltint the Craw ford county Nyhl tn.' Mr. Balieutine, e , f Tempertriceville, moved to lay the whole matte, e n • th e A. vole was token oh lion motion, and the Chalrmain stated it appeared to him the "syee had It." • ; The "yeas and "'And "divialere" were toiled for, and after ammo little anifusion, tit wa, deallied to deterenise the question by ',to r ileTor fir laying the nua t tor ye llc l: tho table palm. leg to the right aide of rho room. White thus separated It woo apparent they - were" lergcly la the majority, and Mr: Dalian. tine's motion we. disaTided carried with out • coned. • ! Mr. D, lloinies, of Collins, offered the . followlng • Ertimat...That hercatteir,lTtputiliess Cosa. toutosy/mums be bald on TUMMY irtes the primary ortettass, DEMIST banns iaeonrtasent far delegates from me 0011=17MM:data. A410p104. -.Or. 11,. EL darts °farad the following t Ambled. 7lat hergirtar the represant. (too to the wends I:oarentloax shalt be 14, n. dalmtate, and that the Toting shall be by t i ts doe. Coma =rms. On motion. ailjourntd.: Twenty-Third Dlistrlat. The delegates in the: Convention from the north std. of the river, or that por tion of Allegbeoy county comprLsing, with Duller awl Armstrong coalition, the T .venty-third Congressional District, separated /10111 the :remainder of the delegates and organiod in the -quarter Session. Court t00t,,-for the purpose of. aeleating coriforeca fir meat with .0111- femme from Butler. mail Armstrong tnuntiee, and select delegates to the CM- • cape , Convention. - -Air. tt. If. Davie was celled to the obeli., end 'thorn. IL Bayne and Imam A. Whoalea were chosen Secretaries. ' Nominations having' been made, tho Convention procooledto mark for am-. forma which remitted in. the selection of Messrs. J. U. Levin, Sharpeburg, A. 11. Watson, of Sewickley, and Jounce A-Shades of the Fith Ward, Allegheny. who were Luatructed to vats far -IL IL Davie as one of the Representative Dele gates trout the Twenty-thin' District.. The Convention then adJuu.rnal. KAest.'s 0111104-1011 s AdmitlN Se Irrobratip wed latteri of Agabasing.. The following is OA trxlllblkor the be dtime done la the Resister's °face, dat ing the meuth of relowery, Lorna, or ADllll.lllTeriCar Decedent. 4.soilnistrators. Yalta. U.°r4e Lae e►•lUe .and 15) Elizabeth Giles Maria Viestar......John Bozo S.INS Zen MoDane.....C. Stately Tees. P. Dulanknalkamil Deucaz h Leoliart....Wlnetat Lennart—. We UOO. Darts .Jacob Wardlar IJro ales. Cameron.. Hush olinienoa7..• INF* Vihanti, la‘Lardy.l.ll. tow I.lbert Jonas ./ r. Baron:ill IJIS. Jacob Horn Nugent 8000....—. 5000 James Oranz.m..Jobn Glow MI Frans Lohrsee...iderarelSonang....,.. IE I SO A.M./ 3 Dollitiotratsielt . atl- John V. Bueoher.Lsdls'llaniser—. LEI 1110001 Eillist•••••• One Martha Itas......JamesBhlplasz...,.. *117(11 tiontichs.beenuelEX PhIUP Fohaner Fit Srezner hes 7 • f ll t/ amas Ltz... . 15;00 5 Flensbig ''' Aet S E.IIII.P. MB. liartAnall..... IMO Jamesrlaanon.. err ..... • ISO Toon, Litman...LW UPnmfnt....... _.: Ipoo PIOSATA, 04Ke.11akt. Itzecuune. I • ' Shiest !ivy Bell .....J. 11. Bell. Thomas linirslaitoor m J.E.Dorrisgtan. Ann Jane Patten... OlelPe kleklei• klariseza,Wollt....,Eraht Whiz Dl ' nd Irass ill a isa hnqlits 4 lare. J. H. llotorkamp.... . Lu is a Entelbert beldle Louisa MOW John L7iz —Wm. YOU loran. , • Benj. P. ) V i gr,„ tIo GathaHnenahin..Aulal ITbornaa Jeffreve. Mary Jeliza7—.... :debit lineman. Nicholas licesaert 41 ' W/ W"Sr. ••.'" Val linckert. • Instal Aseldest—Ciireimes is meet. • An accident occuried at the miter , {to- pet of the Pittsburgh. Fott.*aytte and Chicago Railroad, oil Sunday, which re. milted In the deatteof James Bailey, em ployed b the'Company ireonductor or slither of nit assenger Maine- At the time the acold gh p ont Manned he was me. gaged in makktgripa train, awl semi in the act of coupling a Sleeping ear to a• paasenger coach, when the "bulk name alloyed, past each s other allowing the , cars to tome together, catching burn between them, killed hm a n dnstantly: The demised was te single man, about thirty' years of age, and bad been In the employ. of the Companyt, for - Gym threayeant Coronor Clawson was nodded and -held an inquest on this body, the • Ray rendering a verdict in socordante with the shots fads. swedes iseasa—perenar , * tannest. John. Bowifant, Nrbo haa for over a year. past, been 1,2 1 tho Opploi of Inn Hostetter as carton° drlVer, alai • sue. dimly on Thursda y at , the isaldenoe of 1 Mr. if., In l'itt townobtp. "Ite \ oscopled a room over tbo NSA bonen Into winch ho Mired • shoot and la about an bout altirwardaDdr.l ll . wont out to maid= to Oupper, when, on en tering his room,. be Sound him dying - , Cormier Clawson held eta Inquest on 4.be I sVg .il e ;Ara; tniu'enej"Yratrancesttya. The deceased was Ally.nre years of so, 'tad had no relations lzt tide country in far as *sold be aseerudned. He w il t be buried by Undertaker Devore at two Jr: 14 today. , • ~ Clll Mortality , Dz. A. a. MoCandleu, Phylicten of tb • Board of amdth, , reporta the following interments. In Abe ,Mty of Pittsburgh, from February 16 to February /n, !Mt •Diseesse—Chrome Cylnitbt,' 31 mart DUMB, 1; ' Old - Age, I; boa of Long. Ocounimption, 4; Oongestion of Brain, 1; Bronebhll,t•romllhotda, 4 •' Of the above there were: Under one year, 6; trona true to toe, I; two to gee, 1; twenty to thOty, ti thirty to testy, 1,1. 4 .. Orly, 2: rtly to weary, li err - nittety, 1. Males, it; fetnaloo,o; olow, /4, , olontd. 2-, total / Ilk 7, 1868 ► Wiest iCuiri Aillizas. I feel myself tinder obligations to you, as well u a duty I owe to others who have been like sufferers with myself, in order that they may know where they can get cared. I had been galled. to violent, continued attacks of ASTHMA for more than six years, and had been to great expense and to various' medical men of experience without obtaining any permanent relief, if relieved at all. I was en bad that I never knew what It was to be free from the (Meese. I bad to alt up in bed every night for Weeks and weeks, without any prospect or hope of cure. My condition was such that I foltZlife a burthen, apt. when I got en attack I felt in danger of anffecating every moment. So terrible had been my sufferings that my mother says that she has seen me so near suffocation that - I wins Neatly black is the face from the desperate efforts made to get breath, In the cold winter nights, many a night, with the doors and windowset the house thrown wideopen, in order to hinder the apparent dative of !strangulation. In this condition, on the 11th of October, MO, having heard of DR. KEYSER'S skill in coring this deems°, I celled en hint, in company with my husband, Joseph Meyers, but I must confers, with a great deal of doubt as to effecting a permanent cure. Dr. KEYSER exam ined me carefully, and my lungs all over, with hie LINO SOUND, and told me that with care I would get well I perseyered with his medicine' for over a year. and am to-day in vigorous health. and TOTALLY FREE FROM THE ASTHMA. • • • NANCY strnsns. MART MOUNTJOT, (her Mother GEOUGIANA FlStiEft. DB13111411413:4 Der. 0, 1867. DR. KEYSER'S REMDENT CON; SUITING OFFICE FOE LUNG. EX AMINATIONS AND THE TREAT MENT of OBSTINATE CHRONIC DISEASES, No. 110 PENN .STREET, from 10 m. until 4r. X. Resit lfeTeer• uA Ho. to MIARe Tbt • eleven[. • .Nemusuess_and a shattered state of the gsneral health Inman or woman is as easily repaired and remealed as any other bodily defect. The nerves have their renewal from the fora we eat, and If there be Rehm and pains in them there Is defective nourishment or a torpidness in carrying 011 t, Or the system what ought to be carried. out, in order to give free play pr take off undue pressure. Con gestion means Lao. much accumulation or aggregation or motorin one-part; boom wo are wont, to say,.irongastion of the liver, or congestion of the lungs. or of any part, according. to the le t zllA• affected. If the human bleed is with noxious materials; lilt labors slow ly In the veins; if it contains net the elm malts needful to the repair of the organ ism, how can you have a healthy coma , lotion free from pain? Do you not know that .m 4 part bee Its ownAhno dons to perform in the animal economy, and if there is defection anywhere the whale body must suffer?' • . . The greatest particular metildie to sure generalind mnstitutional dieturb ance is DR..' F.ETSSIPS BLOOD SEARCILTRI,It Ma reamed thousands of weak and -sickly pentane to health and vigor, and there ban the pure and blood cleansing roots which it contains, all the needy ,material to renovate the blood, remove obstruction, recreate the tissues, and again place the constitution fu athealthy Mate, . ' Sold by the gross, 'dozen, or single betties at Dr. Keyser's great median.° stons,l4o Wood street, . DR. GEYSER ' S : RESIDENT" CO:4'- 81MM° OFFICE TOR. LIINO EX AMINATIONS AND "Mt ATIIE NT OF OBSITNATE CHRONIC - DISEASES, NO. 120 PENN -STREET, from 17 A. M. h trail 4 • : • • • e==l There to no doubt. wtuttever that. die , eases of thelungai or caotys of whztever sort, or any of the Ditintsl organs, ,nney be , and are frequelatlT cured, and a cent, plate comiltion of health established,. If the elaborative .functiona. or -which ttet stomach la the primary and moot lamer =tone, are restored to a condition to-do the repairing of the human aystoni, ul cers or morn,- - whether upon the the liver; the kidneys or the vowels, or upon the to frequently Lb, calm,. ma be ade to hell, and a complete ' standard s ; of health re-established in the • We have of seen thee. multi Door the use of Dr..SFASESIS LING OURS, a pleasant and: nomad* Mae, which will ripen up ten asma out of the animal economy all usedMi up saateriaL Dr. LlS.:•sayst thatltehas known. ibe.mart distramlog and korai- Meg coughs, .whosa •Mbrations _Weald threaten to shake the whole constitutiOn to pieces, reinosod in the mum of a fee, days. /dour standing asses of sionsumP- Doe, or. of those other sometaxamtfatal, but always troublesome and annoying maladies, known as .catarrh, - chronic bronchitis, trachitts or pharyngitis, ft is vromierfuralleViating medicine- In the tamer and a !sure .core In the latter disease. : . „. CONNERCIAL. =I Lame 07 rue Hruumerraest Massive, I llVYrinar, Hama is li.t. the Ineleaseat rozatt.t. of Misr..her bad at...) , so retard •uadooe buelatseto-dir, .ki.n. at best, hes ban dull ter ease mess OHAlN—Wlater Vb.) U. goatee mad la coal Wilbur dew.; ism of Zed at itteHl I,ot. No, 1 Spears may be tutored .112,0011)3,117. one • Hue* truer. but ruletorttall sutra at 70dte, . 0 Meek; ind 6111110 it.. Harley I. seame sat to •aillailo4 at OW4O. ise l•staMdrla rIAOMAL . Ours te quiet and uusitemal at SeHllt, on wharf and teak, awl $1,11111,111 fee fatal - r..ol3Z—The asart.l le quiet i atie eitil tat Pleas iretatebastesa. Ws voatterteltO {use at v1444114* car swim' wi*l4 Viate,so Wtitet Wisal, mkt 7174115 tor gamy ken.. Rae now I. All quoted at 1301.14 aft& Boa. SELDS•%.I/ennktuad Y nantitt . 81•134311,616. int& Timothy Sent .1 UAW. pawned Inn .1 14,41. parse and La aw.l dezasid. Pita , * taalliaL“,rtou u oats.. EGOS—Quoted alCraaa. DA= riunr,,ip gaa44anautt Arai bat $44.54504; WPoaches it 71 8 + tar 'axtaiiar . al sad LOAM! far. $41! .. a4:4,4 Apple• Ca t. GEEZt APTLIVI:-.traids.ge4 aadt to tdoa • 4541 , 17 t ragabe. salsl al $2 to $4 per •ter ail to valltp , • - lllTAUtltS,,Cantinua dull but utehubodi mull sate Ix atoto at Illei;OePt buia! , .4 Tad MIA PDX LAUD 171T,Iiittoted Etta It Si fOrita. and ft,Slfoillo.l. tadsotsadi *bleu at tibfb 02f10111t.2a dmand bt IN Pt , bu.k , u t so. • • mogatty=vag , i. at. 84040 4 :4 4 110. 1 fti. r•i4 ' • ' ORAItitrALUES, I 4in• fr0 ' n114433, • • llowltorAcßioqiiiiiii Ili ekaf CU Tde . nea to Oa riutbaicli oslelpo,l - :USX, „laird& opeeedi dell and, cl osed - loser sod modes/4 4 1171 0. live; 21.00 bales, 13 mtallteg uplands. Ylear—rerelets,' 447 11.1100 lower. WM bell; 111,14/11prosperelle Mate wadi/at, eta, 11.704101^estrs eltstel9,ll:llll,ll;aste ssesosto,,,,,Mllo.l4,4o; wine Seat erre, 10. 11)JM0l1.M1 1;1 61;64 V. 7/01kA roallOri e. eittets: valtotple- all* fed heem " 'IN inzeip&ta nis dbur ortet ; 0111, MAC 05.211111.10... Von meal nominal. iltocainia Af wheat. /Aa. 0 0 -11.tt 0, deelleles44o.olo.bashala inlxo o ,s_Otl o g. st , X l 41111vertds 7,003 - Ars 1 rprie0;11.101.00 Pio. I Uo. sears of Itereo: private terms. My* t Q emad ß s y a t owla m ls o t t a fi e r r m sUA o.l 1 0 e0 1 nervy avi(l2e Omer, 01.010 hd. st 14111 0 1 .0 1; *4 ,57.11=11 41 =3 11. 0 4 . ..?1 0011 06 . +restore store.ll.o ea! al • Ilasstpto - : et. eats , .8.011.: oar 1!4 0 lower; CIAO las II Testeni la store, Cooked to • srelsoasa.. W beet, LUSA& . Core.'l,l ll .- ea. Ow,l/Xt. Ultlll7. 4017, Yen: . MCA ryas. 4,au..'11111r quiet. Cotres,• reek': tlrto. 101- amigo& titelYsea: 1D etedaeste 'ot. mot Very etroar,,.ll.9s. Oule o= o . Ills.aa. 115 erode %a canal . soleo. rk steady butenll, los ware ts *11. 00 11t 0 ., sit Yew me se 010,04 • 'et 'WM,: to/F. 0 • 1 6 estlHl=l; old do Elostes Ist. 11101,131reitilsr. slollllo,lStor primal 102,106111 torptimo sopa; alsn. ICS bola new Antis Salters Car : ♦7011 10 114.19... Beet Om; sales. tr a ale4 s iot etrilous. Ptiossolll.4l3 Clara! l et for Vitro; isietttll37o/11a for Judie' meall.-'l4O . teas 11e1e1; salsa 110 boa ta: WOW Mat Omits Irmmid aalliti 616. .1113•pkint ss IoigAllls4o •Ior• sboulderm • 11111410 10r- tkl l l ,, / 1 0 1110 .1' Asp Unser ;tad, gall% s1;11,546,1110 tor Vrget enntla fox tall. nacos goat end steads; WWI% bean slibrt • ribbed at LUIS setrm .? ker , y= trsst valetsll= tore tosc, Cbeeselllll3e. • SOlistilli,tat • swot, quiet eat nnetiso , , . , ~01eltlikkett Cialqe **kid ildunitimaertittaini ST.-bid/or-The odsr tag• se Lee .rmalts • dna* .the Pan Won marmetal Is OM heed. statist 131. laid Mite Prime I.la3ay tsetse ss tellowst , Old iiews see eralawags, elleeet.dreetti - ede Mews. oats sal tows, µkeel tier to toed AMU% ea 01; tell ,ipudily Merritt, 17.1101,0, tel tht vary Mist botteskeetel pre lee Meth* avarete prise betas about wide, trots. oThare , tt tN Mann la pates men lest week, berthertkia what la eatudimed by the &Susan le Ike ekakt74 hats( but taw nominal and la w., malt .efttrethhaerai• Pt . *, ! per un ten • WO O % • • • • • • alum-Tha aapply hi/ twat awata OVUM th• past week, and mite taltdrstand the market m: ailed, Meetly ak about hist . weeks meek rm.* rangetitto Lailairtt. ILO to toed at 601 M„ 0.4 geed _Pr 0 tette tett pt pinute!; este- The reply has boalLeqUl tit *Xi dm mud deals Cu past wink, anew , shims, La Mad Prism ess* tit at tellown sat led WWI Olikninkildk sad Wen hid illlel l i ls PM' 11 6 lbk • • --- - . . . - -•- Nairlainflt nartalollarkall..„ , ; . _ nyTeleamps le dui nuanaralaUssatte.) . -; - • 'Nair Teas, 11.1 rob -1..--lissaipb)—Baaa o 4' oLaan'ef'2l7la.ad. inablViitZhniltbir.:l Inman • to-411 owing .10 ttnp - „ Inaleasent . weather) Ina Mutat. la aldr.lnadalutall aa, We) prices - vary areanc salelFofd oara al 1 -Itadenn - olty, llama as Comurnatpav . and. Len beads). nanlost; stream alcany l l . 46%)na 1 Irking% 1114.1aosdrat dualltv,lTU oifalr • to V41)17308 mdlanrnanallaiin orlon. , . - ain artst . tor sheet); &ea lanihs ,hu ' moderately unite and quits MOAT to.dalCr. number adintel foe Anna /rap *Wan low demand - modonki-sad orned, pato* . ad; . mina 01 extralwandßlaal swan a. 7071 ii Warn= Wigan.). . ot I-M -aw, byda. tutu; quiet' una Well *Mao g.Z72 e nliegia r Ngratrr 4ll : l 1 :If a•ln at Ueminunipaw., , . ... , ~. . ,-..„ AZ,1L6X113./iNT CATI'LZ emus AP T V T TI CAI I3'Zt,6 The supply areal:Us, altheugh a littll Urfa then that of Mat week, was not tutammllY lades, though It was aoturtholase 00117 up and Somewhat is diem et the telaaselle W. staiket era devoid of 111. or aalmaUol. that* Isaias Ito foreign Wen to Attaaoo4o6. which was cwlot.ln IMt at limat. to Iha ineleamot emulltion of the weather. It Was a utdissidde feature tooispekat the .amber at stork tattle was larger 10,02 for snort& irosta past. sad than wan alto a rarY good .077 2 1 of good butidtere eattls, and thole Weir. but yompar► noel) few !Manor Gatti*, which Is smaittdag rally we:dad . ..ll, as MI. Maas of Moak usually pi-spenders... Wit anapest that many who .hays bona shipping leader oattle have begsn to mesas* the fact that lb data not pal-1 01 7 fresuently eortualadou stew dad It fulleult 0. gal much more for them than MI/1 pay poet of transportation. come:Melon. feed billa, .ter, eta., and an esecotat sale” Meowing this tr L by nei means coodartlng to the shipper. To Isimers and feeders we would lay, nod la your good cattle, lead hop Pour uaaalawiga" at home; the tarsier will away. sell at soma thing sear their Vats., *WM tem lidta. op. Wally when Om tilltStag Is a haul ono, We 04- most to to give* away. The following Is a parUal report of the gales.: 2110 mid lled of osialairamii—ha dont tmunity have 0 0 1 Mho' klll6-12 JohaMon sold 13 head soma= Mileilar Cs, ' Penna., swan and heifer. at 2 1:034. Jae. McAllister was on hand again tall weak not haring suctsteded In Making down the market by fuddles off. Ito sold 19 bud for Gibson to Caw at 6 [OlOO retailed Is. for DS. !Undies, at ON to no of Wm were at 24. Immill mold ose pair of premltua Mutter 00., Peaaa o stems, wetthlag 01110 Ws, to Gr001111•Irt 2.h* at ID. It Is really astoalallOfto btu' f premium aerie Menet bora raised Is Bat. ter 00., an we thought they wets sayable of raisins ambles olnt tam bat baelneltssit and kooppeles. Guatemala t Maria Walled 65 boa et fair to tholes Oblast* eat U 0 at Mt • Ussiewood • 911aehet0ck sold SS hired of Chicago eattlOat 1K WSW; =head of Balsam% (10., Ohio. Mears for Chas. likomaker at aid to I 1%; 6 kind for Hamilton salliegrdd; and SI hsad'! of imismon atechera at,436 to a. We km aothing to gay .atiotit Maw swabs? of :els drat tlida week; ON at the junior% how. ever, It Is reportoo, Ims amataltuid • asttit pay , —amid mama* thlag he 0000 4000. Wass, Labsty 0 00. lead In all about lee howl an sami soul MI 41 , i L. Slumbers sold 0 bead of mlzsit eattlo 5 14. t. Myer t Needy sold, fa heal et stud entile from Ohleado at eidt• lyetaad am 10041 of Ohio stook atf toss Hedvig • Taylor 0011138 hatd (Or /meat at 734 1.1,23 for trtirman ON t 073.61 lead 19 fot &tag to eg. - N. Cart—bmtstkaietra as 0014 "ere head at g% to o . - • awl., • rear's imbue Lad or:01.W fat *tittle at 'lle 9; gm/ 01.2120' ir. tieskost _ . •Ma Khan, who' shwa maxims to snare tea bat , elde altbar s punkas or asti who Is sot Ow Is . 110.1.4 ne Pd . We whoa Po gag the .faisan. bong,kt my oar load . 117 Lod. flattle MR. • 5:..§k117 80 0 . mart • tavtar •Y7e II lead sit good Loino.attlest is • - Szon. k Eau, L. Lifland". P. Latald. and sem **am laad cattle ha Ws, 410 sat IR afts Was.. Beano t II 'ad ►.LL aess as gaol, ba. nag ald not 'Liao • nom*. Both of ohm Ratans. do" Tea mad judges of. tale 'auf Oda.' • - • Taws was's :vary tate supply of Ikon eat age. sad walls the market was repeated mass dud,'pelesia *implied will lan weslt t liars asdanota se, quotable Osage. Yeas tit watt= Sheep .alt mealy, sad that. UR, dt asters° pram, .whils salaam le ad Istsitar saatisasfidU 1 44-.. _uilit.Wd Blakely Psi s. moil& /await!, ;DM ialdtdr pews al ea , Jabs Basalt sold la 'aalad of lafitlaiAd me rus,trast patlerasatsay, ad all per " add Mal of goad !Mail Mao Kids 10a to bleep, Na iIIURARRIOR• at ;0 1 toMN: Rim Enamel wild Weser ar Wes fat eeanty Ship. seeida?siatetdato retarieste wholasidsaidltwid el assail goal/ pee sera. ; Tie. =Was. eaisabie intsLa sale PrsealdaY, hastars twadasey.tel di. abash the Masud esalldersalle,sa . Medan tray von , iparison 024 'Us aitalulas Ind alai* barearttharaws tram tits issekst 6lasa Madam a -00.- whalaralael 4$ held tut wromata,•they wars amted. raww.i' • zethetUdt &Van quoteu s to 10. R.•• 1 • • .P.stisk • Us.ipots. la • retail P=liNlMCllliiEjll% ll [ ll . l3 tie, EMMM3 atitit Light Utahans Otte md10 ,1 4 1 the id* fa ltwiailhatalaalaltstroPir' what shoiitty . avitrala af' tat - tahth awl/ siY ahaitaia. was. Than li' u loiliatad dr .maid' fot,:slandard btu:* awl thlatta their Li Itttla .I.ttsti •a. -.Oilt•114 SiI.IIIO,MA pearl twalappri the waitt.ll tiff .1M!.4 SA" - micas. Far Tomtit Iralail alai drama& twat- Almon light, Let tt trtllaoshatbat 12.1.bmilk at twat is alawlagssautiattanoww of 111•14.4 h. haa tits IlktlY that the koala am MU be wlthlitbr wait thirty tlaikta lasasiderable Lap. Staab at taidtbla tam& . of ray. this II samparatlvaly WWI' ow* aim awl Waw a at, alwaTi L as. srn. to 7a Mill 02A Tarlf • 10 laas W151t4....4. 00-4 nos 1 , 01 , .744•pbsas, 014.41 tOpre... 40 110-40101 soa . " lompluse. Ka"! Forgs..l IS 40 , 4.014 40 * Tanadry ei 2. , Rim 1440-6 rioe 0.4 w N40t.103 00-40404 czn:=2l ttmalr. .nti..7.fanirstra •me ea— pik 0 10 "• - i r e — , 'lO VI.JlarT NO. .... 1101/0...0 Jualata, a al—coo. Juniata.. 11100-4 mas arriraunotra &inn. ainstalia vaunt UZI. 00. . tae taxi 61koi.wlefiirors..• 44. arrire—t ...... p t grin ot-ap I laircttast Op“Oney Fogs, IS 1111-11 , s DEI EMI ECM - - Interim...dam at [cm." k. ateelsn. Gar , '47l7....s? " tZsisse- tl 76-sa pM uwp►ffOrOf-4s.' anal- IFiO lgal= QUI-44.10. ....... open se ... . si r s ,0 10 , 1. c 20410M-te it I *..tog /64 pi: imUtV. tlr arlth; vi-jsios . • E2ii lams-Junt.rts;. A -Cllsmallinlitals. 03-4.4.• .1* ,Ctusplain eacrole-44.. - . 0-4 ix. Ornta os • rairrrraairsltt (1416(114 7intat, robroti *VW L Shan down to 61 a distils WWATaa oust for boll 2 rot Sof Vag , . nowt .!ma in. 3sl. tam markt*. Ittg , ,iw_lwaas aattr i o , folowf of, trailatto ta 106304406.4 a faotwars ipokatafty 11 0 ~dim of * aortas' tat* Ufa UV* PIM age Tin /4W. sat staeolaa, aa a awnettaWah VW fit. LT 113 , talc 31 mutter far width tiara fa as help as l'ettabtrabWiersat ta work dump la WWI I at atowNol7 661.115. Intl ( ( b l ie P dhi " . 4 he tonewin Ma said art Wits*. tawatat to Oottaloa Dar —. Bons th 00......•... • 46. 4 .... Heavy Bard"— Hoop awl Light Matw5w................. , 4 a !tout awl 0 4 1• 4 ( 3 :•••••••• -- 5 k EtattOvat as* Mit liiituat .... l *Ogt3 Iran. .•.1•••••,•,•.• li T..."."...i*"........1.^... .6, 1 ra„...1.,.1.,„ , -,.--,,, 1 :.,...,...=z, .: , , r i . 4 .. !,,.....,..., ...ii::, i ;,„i,-...77.7. 30 :: tea to tat'Ails in 110 Mutat ant , *Lana. ....... aso 0,41 .611 Oa *LW a So 4.14.4 al 1 N Mks tta1ag.......,. • w I. sal Id aII MAU... --....... II 156 Id sal S. 6Os Out, 51ie1k;5:...,... 4ao Itami 11•111.7 d Leh, Watt tub, 15T,14j1).4 120,110, 6 4 1 K b. 5.1 1 ,3.6011% Wee, $5O. 1 Tuns.— ri at. or mealtimes at 110 dam With oarroat. rale 01 - tattfiato .. Na* rota( 3 • Mutant of 3 per. tat. for 4. 31 . 11 fatal fra mai 05 of tavola* Ponswata to too wad In Km Ifotk 23aolvasi• V. Is. Trani?' N. or tbstr ootralsst. Naito to lets a 100 sla rovrtAls; - 1110 en LOO alt. 2(6 OP NMI of law taw 01sT taftwl , . 'l.ll7:W' , warm ts,Lii. I.2IMIIdi Cninrtritt rumor. Yobraul VLSI& • Maim. Maul, • rodzig, "Wu* Ogg , Ws, scam, ,I,thatr, ma, won. MAU, qua* Um faUrring ptgl.s x lgobeeamaliar Ai Smits Staidly hrs... • 17.1:11g run ' l l" *cl b u r m" - 1141.1.10. .... . 11.0••••••••••• / 1. "" S 4eW !atlas remits eta, limartal ...... Xs.. 'Cook pry omAss maims. tdi re.mon'ii. s>N rituftrglimurtt‘ %fir 'reir. , Meth 90-oao ol.thamovezese snow storms el Um imam est In roletelay and hue Woo blowing all day with w lld tam so no to block , up all avower W I weds sad bang lc u 9 a slued eat, hoooe. ~Oily <moult AMON to halloo any ottoman. Ut the prices: , Maui Devon sneeusll of the beststaltdind' MUSS it 1510 111)40. Pohl ill at Ulleee the Weir dor Yemen coterie aid Maude lulus. 10,19 to We BensearoCtud Dxll4 4103 , 04 W LoWiIUN4 1 • 31 10 ' U30 • I -' ~PRitaraf 4b - Market. TellutteDh 10 the sitieldrehlhdultel I -' Ilusezeem:Oalohh.—Petrtllailet fcclii/41t19 got raft:" tit a at Si WOO% wlitte,lls3o.ll" ir416184 ,kt µmai" vorn anu. salsa of vitswi ternrat e 1.1141111.. Oats la tedt Oilsolot • , Villattolpett. o.ll2Blll.atitot. "t: .:sitoomo a tite matooltictotti.4 t ot r ßoo u Le A r id n, Wara le.4r, oale dolt. oar wars Ireati steoo,4o littbor, sahs of QM WW2 11% ft IMO: , got. la Mr arsooe gm- &dna sales ot ajtiCasail at4µll,l!lticit.t.: =;= (UT iilestsigl to Oa Vittsbatiß Pemtiw. assvinsashlitimsti IL —Maw-1i maxi 44 , :. ti ggio=o i nirl i nirma a t i en:LiM g "woo sof ..mlze4 ;Wyatt= t% °Ma steads , at *WKS ale sltsanyas e1,111.1.71L e1^nr3.;133.154111br waw: Provinipas ; ; : . • . I . 141104,0Pull•JMurlket... , .. 107 - Mdtiukoe. to uneriusangi.Ousie.i., Cnageo,ll arab IL—Thero mac coot{ trout the dock pints t 04453. , . . ==7:=!=l The followlas mill ahem the aalaparatlyesit• idapts of eata iad 'rata at On porta at Ml mkas, Chula°, Toledo, Detzott and CUM tasl. tram January I to rabMar7.27, fat Ito* IN& tali. ' IsM. Ploiir, 40.110 60,365 1.414 Wldat, li 1.7C0. 11 1 1 L 41 8 .714 1.141,1141 Own, Da. /..021,647 NO" ) VOA& Oata. l 0 46 14,411, 1,t03.03 8ar10y.,0m....... olls - 014.411 - *UM 800. 64. .... es, 264 mist MAUI,43 1 1 4,1115.4114 .4.0:2900 E2=! M. 5 . amid Grata hi_ cutest*. rob. 24. T 0.17. reti2u. I. Ile.. NWT r..... 711, KOS .-1.5111,Wil 1.041.= 11111,570 .241:111,1111 1,W015 711,110 3,10,411 MONO 711 150 44,1136 Ael tsz,vn 110,120 15,140 1(5.314 no r.bbl. Wheat. be pain. ►a.. Oat., ba Rye, ►n.... Barley, bu =EI NoCORRELL-KeROIIIRTIS-es Iredessity creels,. Sett. best., • the resldesse 'eV ;Um bride's nether. by 11* Rev. Jobe Douglas. Mr. GROWS% XeCOR HILL and - ißee NAJNOY ILe6ORZRT6. bLL et Ilseseeus Bee. *ugh. . . IflitlTENl.3llll=-0a 4•111- Tafraary UM at Ib* Vasliamoto Ktb• bride'. parte a. by iltailoo.Jass.X. Wbine•. of Plata Orom•. Lawrence Co.: LI., Yr. ZOE- In Q. RIILTfu mod 111. SADIE J. AI MUTE. NUL at ills atty. N• 21011LJE--CIAKII2.-411 the ra.i••ato of; the paisalt. .2huradaa •mantas. lebroart Itt.b. by Mr. L. N. Margo.. of Claritt Moral. W. GLOILGZ ZiOnt.t, of death Pltabotan: and =MA, onlyliaashter 'of ilMai 'Li. ClobM, o ' I Vard.hostar. . , PALKED.-6TOSEII.—In Yhlladelphlw YU., ea Thursday evaulog, TobrY•sT Itth• et the hut- demo. of the Wide'. parents. by Noy: Jasaii 6. Oda.. El.lll2fIL T4q.. or inti. burgh, god IllaßT 31. 'STOILLL daaibtar of 'Minh Y./totes, Isq.. of-ThbadolDbla. =I Ur. ntiteMn.ll.9l=oTr: T.Na'a year or hte •-' , •• ' IleCA.ll9—Oct Ttersday otortthW SU, Mrs. 51,11h.1111•0.199.594 l LTeLE.—Oa Jhaturday Tanrstar. - oat:n.9 9, stioNtleek,, MAeols, do.ghtar of Wargo vargeret ./.94. LI the 9th 'gazer her sp. careatzlr.—On eitordii witalar;'l•o: 9th, st T SARAH S.' . ware of lea.. Crltelleer. thetettryoor or image. ItASSZIL—At 9.19te1d. Cosn., 99 , 9 n . . 11 96 r Vedalle= PRICE.—Oe ?May iterstrig, ih. MI, He. JOHN rutur„ ta la. Me. Dr; largentfs. Backache tins CareiDlremys ig.F.y4.1.! Sklt•nfrir NACZAMISTMLI r!M!!5= SAierres MACKIN we OaralDbauu of its 113 . 1=i10 , p5.- . Dz. I=3=3 o. I{LDU.9LL7rI.f Arsjii•reat Inaslle Of %haat& DI.I42OINVO,JSMUL•OII3. rut,. = DA. EASEMll.lhAluagif.l3. • ' Are man , by all 'AO himi kit e.1*13. ' • .o.• rn i a + c P oss : am, .Iheraalall 'l3 DaPaliall7. ' DA. outliners Ra4rAesizata t , • I Are Sam Coitetl 131 easy 10 take. - ' Di. Ilsillny's 411.i3 3241171V.1 Di310 . 03,09401A.T. -3.1.40e•313 • brs. THE BEISERILBLIES or Uto ulOO. sad M 40141 vorfd - Janras De8re.1 . 2101.!. MUMMA Pal Weedier! tlete el. settler 1. Way comfort nor reseal eh, 1.7..4. Between s•cnsak . Man 'therein Warne Yd eteederfeVelttaarer , J.t: one In ltaerdered the other Le 441P..1.,dr I thentante el "troll, end 4.nellearepl,Weit thht alto 114 sreintile to tie itsalthe". ' ..ftatitoir thit tem U Intim RI MMus: . 141141. autsaselausoUst4 4 4.41# 21. .44 ,140 .. ehtelsee eisreerlker•T • - Tzke Denttte ellta tlireWe We h itratrAtl=7::2 4,l V llll . lt AleeeMer.talteln XXX X.X.r.Xn__ .I.lir nore nad preen n amply, or nUFEI•r• - TMOSStOItaOm•BITT.4I26,, • • rasa,. of insupda 4u um Tat minted V. eneata. len. end az I.=Theen clorstles of, Ms eetent lIMILXVL unman:4 4 the telesnele .15120) tat. tt: 2=g =iMnrtiLAE r ain rapbX Of .tae eateelitect storrilt. mum. X7PPrriirt leisku, •et vrera.•ls 151,erxx1111.11 lb* uuumg 44 euittlatra J 442144..,. • ~ notes mho anger eroteteelgentron latre to take • eatalle.l•lne tittrereme.ontoge rectal,. Orme Or %Wier X 1.7, XX sums estju • . OlC.Pilealle4 l .• }-. . 1 . 46 luolluits.MlUi.nmua tradmVallii6; dliaidsisd Irrltsiioii Atrititu;ll akin Or,Wd•r4Ae.i . altrettob• SWIM* D.U.. lON . ied' t as wt. sccantlas la Oa =tuna ta...morn famtlaxml 7asf. t Mali rats win mom ead men tiss'9.• optima as 0. 1, . 21 * ft.kth.t• tem aztarst wag wilm, lb* Immo* mg.Lar d.fqiaii la mai; isook. - or itlaaTi , faik ik atom ifineeinteioit.of tie arum.' aM r _qFt il. bias ‘rallarad and. natored hcalthisa4,ditar for hutloi of 'LIG AslrlrasiOft IrLOOD Or.af.CUZU.IMA iot:only lApYitt U1141)0 ftflMf*M ., Oolm, Mimi vitik tiotomm.ontoxrupmffitoi stmoitak , to tbt ratorothottf toe Pe= meta(! or tni 4ttem , se eareir whin ite;►ik[et lt , l u, it. Qui,' una.. CW. cases of alsoftatetiettAsoltax constittaldseV it iris thset sr Wis esivdrits. ISeri e 84. tti: .4ia t;nl,44c* iliiit:‘ll'wiiiiii : ,i . ..i.." , .a*P 4 " .1 : i' , 4". , 4i.i'. !'.+.. sl..2p...rat...whictrimnst .4,41.01 i tu t: 4 au.:4htebrra a.m. imasaverni.iisgium trilni.irlii. Yferliiilii&ki . 4 Tl!°'"'°``'`!,rls.. ° A '''r!!!'- d lir . ,, , !AT zr4bab!, 95fre...1", 1 , ti0.. , :aiwzr• 1 o p. .3.......g..0.4.04.,.. 0., r. kreatikaiz...wrg ise; tovootilintOt Dr. Keyser sidaSi 1.4. -i : - sWnsisi.l2o kiii ift. S 63.111 T Utli. 1858. - ::::7...". '- ?• . .. t .'" 17; -. : " „77:1 3 ~. 1 Irli ' : - BATIARB::tt C f : t , ~,,•,,, ..vi_ • _ :TA' If ELL. ESTADIybIIEXD 4,T .; _ MOUT ." Produce tiinimisiffir Uogoev b. Irklukimitalt, net Tat. • k fiiii.lik..*a fiel,ltliat o ittliflrolh - HotAr 1.41-MINEOM.IUM- WM,: . 41C1,41 3R, s ?""'_ny...M t rieildVdniitaiidatt.6% - ; LZtM Lind r4II32%trOSIMP.& oh kltke• of amain. Amines. Liberal atralkam "". 001:211=41601.10 11 TliD. ' • BST lINSKCIU , b Oita alwee r M . Naz i ke. ;1.11V:. IS:.cAYtrelllrrif , l)avri Mute:Ea:2 lii , “ 114Mtal!cCtel1er.. - N 0.141 Yroactltal,:p .1 a 8.. • ..... r .. Va. ' • 11711.9 T ' ... It V .1 -- 1 3 Pgc,WITTK I g a ' ll • ornatormrsiiiuiOwassirrumati , ... ; ,1 :XSPOIR°..Fog?"9' Car AC.. RIO rsAND .11/111 RE 02.1.40 T ./03)F . AXX 4.V Do D rt ti " ilotirtteatabld•l e _tPlr Vnalol-rA. W.t..ta tgt t.,rVg VW Vuls 0,4 r Jot .5 il:310110.11T.-gtstev ==l 4' THE MATTER OF TOWFX-T Tito* OP Nockelcrelttlw. alum 'emitA g or m.ltilaretrit raw*: Irci: fr,ltret Nitish id. Titi; Padfits , Orrdli.tek drat, fhe'tieretikpriaih , to min , Ow SAS day or M..th sips: sit ice Weiser ♦ IX:. 'sad atmapnlatiintalf to SarstsdS. -•`"" ' • '" tar itta ci Ins seijit' hide., dales to bersbr piss 's° alrwasSiti' sitestda ofthe 100.• Vde its bistlViir land. LW*. rmwthst!asft 0310, . , . . . ISH , . IN THE ,COVI/T (ENCOOM .a..rouksop-AtIMODINT OW. klub( litanb Tersj;lidi. , lilrestiderflasit•vor .711.11iat.Nettlivir Waries4 alielratrritleif tilts any at t 71116. "rein preooi!dtlivttrlllkf, Ott, 'AbrOplastitllikibriobrstlcarolulmtecataltlo vv. Oyer* eaarr. • bad 11 , e4 1k , 411* omai fraW k , a7. ihaa6mis,,eior:4ll4•arralireamiaaatc;ekt sea earn MDiYarN Itipreilis mid IlegatlMl , mi l li. u m ~yet ) . ; WALM:IS ,' I II .* -114ersit her FST-frl Arita* liftlilla r trilrMr - I • Lettes - ot improu TO ...VRlCllsllloUlatirti. ukts Allultan tasty. 11473 a tollll.od I.llllhilveboncritt. lol . 6,o3llo win proseillk.a.SlMpitilladtec9irt tr i cenlPA.... —game eauicinum. y uair.ire.ri .434...1 1.4.1 iMe VITAMIT,W4IGESII II 4 farlM 'tictre-lA're;"aitpa*. cov‘idiro it k. .i4ticiOvr• paddentitlik 'do Ilree, Iretaints:. itaitibra Disc . satiViehmlUs sig sprginea4 Vitoote . 4 two, only vii *WOE" Oss.. Mast , whiner *astir irtte , iiNtoutv. Ulu. see uka•thilim•li iihilkeeteMal*lntt 1101146italki , 1101'14.1tit.: , Wili&ler,CtS14% . . 11411.' AXMITOThigiI . 5111.:41a. 14 . 01910 'be'!" '"—. ~ " viaz, • M'FARIAND & COLLIN NIB 'Amst4?-r; orzwiu Taxtis NEW iPRINO STOCK ur CARPETS! alp GLaras, *MOW SHADES, iciintrr,u,iN G OODS • , I PLISCHASLO LAST MONTH FOR CASH 3 •AliLl;,_. SLANT AT t . 114 1 t - . -3 1 11 I MY Ye . 111171.1701%. , The,* c4i . ooeld net no• be replAter3 Ca: the sato cost; 144 ate aa►ma VIII Web at w tviiisicLE 'amp urren. Far Ik4 6 W Their 'Proud Value, At ilia bbitti tam bttitittli e.a oVintril be tat to int imitet;etili.thlt rim? strett, M=ZM 7iNtx,".oooDs. LINEN t :GOODS. :GOODS. MM= ItiktES&' . .l374.l" =llll isuurrantairrs , ilo?kliES. BATES% & EELL= / ..,• `O4tTES' 'aV BELL' .... • • , *INEMI rumownta.: ==l ' 1T.2.P, , WEIN . • • TREATS MMUS INAU.III FORMS, -..5„ .• 0! xi, ,!S3 L7rnty ; street. pilVAIt• IBONSITL'COMMOI. 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Mb tt•Harts altinagmkak4 uoterApa Am% eisL. =air= A 6. • "'."" 111 1111117i&T. etimrawr '4I EOO rt I et"'' " MOE X410107.7.1.10,1 , nift WNW 161-1101 . .• I•4 l :.•ien ra t ,*_ l „ 11 .1 I.! I b ri, AvralS r 2rat a regVl2. e i r telMlSSl OM. m. Daum. - IEASSF: ` pal!!! At; D a IIc..x,A.WB~Q I Yc. x,A-1..-• 4 .4#3, 4 / 1 ..-stii nail atiozr..rwomno; : A ` , Sp otaikaa...l: iii.... --- - ...•r -.1 vim= 4 Aumal..= , = .=, 00 161 40 1 ( 1 1 i..!..i.kr :Tx' ." it', a 7. iiiimib...mic -, •14.'""*.ig . me 'agasts:ril - graerSU'i a re .• "bga Mat • Doan. puasita . .1 4011Atialir IN LIIATHIER;" OriileYilicag. B k l C s i _ ~•40:fi l lilitti g *. Allsitil;cii.FuL - . ' -'', edam** to*.st 0Pit. " !7.1 , 11! ? II • ' . . IIkoRIPICRIDAV/Tsi iCaill***ll7llll' - Bu t' . ..A.Oplay• ratMti l t, nata., MilibonsalNinll.lloo.47 4 . Pim Tam Vrairrzsi..-tooloo. Asmirts.— l iLizzoiasacwalms.wiliAtexm. tn. ar s cir-4,T.MKPLEAR.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers