aktife Fttnnartar. REED & C fa. AT GLUM BUILDING; we. CIO 310211:1* 111111trectit. fk-neArer• i zuter. 1,a0"60,c. nzwima nret Copin;per.y•cir. blrma. e 1 C21.....111 so - - __ r " •••• Tr. or mar* * ebrika. is gee segmeno. aad 1. 4rn • / roe 10• 'seen sue sAux pastste .. airlift. iseeseres sy wets; (Pes SesZetesisbes". (Mr 0400, Lleerel retteettesel•StsVieSs as 4 Zonl. . , 'BA.TURDAT. MAECIV7,.}II43. 2 - comirrr,xonvsTrion. 1. The &pedicure Ft, itileshanyrannty met in .ocriparation younalay to Woe (.; delegatesto repieseat them lirthe /We Conyentlen to be held on the 11th at Philadelphia, and is the National:Con. ya wl" , at Maga: - Kelm. Read} Erna; W.'S' Tglvianns,-•JCs: Walton; J. A. BetleitT...ll..Bayite, and B. W. -Moron; itsynesintstive,- and. T. H. .liLarahilfied H. S. Fleming, Senatorial Delegate; Weis appointed thrthe Btate Convention; **Be Deism L. M. Brown . and J. 8. Ifoottssid, with C W. Batch. elorand J. P.l3belei. their y - will rennesent the 11111nd 'District at Chicago. A. ponkaar.tlicoactibeicit ineinded - with Arr**ir and Butler ' connate le - the Maned District, 0141 coafereeslnm tsar:mad to:vote for B. 11. Ds , * Znt-;a one 'of the from that &that- And - ell the delegate. were nuanhaumalyteurented to vete for., General Guar ae the Fraideellal neer lace, 'lnt, bullead all the Sec" The I Convention declisi4 to cape= say pref. 1 entice as to the . VicePsealdency. - lifera wee tembe..-t o .111CUre th ic . adoption, by the Conn . uttlem of what le Popularly &awn - stem Chawkord Donn. ' ly.flyetem of 'snaking neininallon; Fait ...... a diriiien of opiehat was : Apnea in ,1.1(e Committee to which the tositsilins Scricd;retaiiingin:a 61 1 1 ial..teaatt, the majority recommending gtsfusionfhittitit..er reghtttyfat 84,_- pihuizr:lpixers,prieti the greeenr-iiiii . gate Iyatee, while the, adenrily, eon. ceringlk the - Profit* . of registration* prorated that all &tut 20 1:1111/021011.11 tar consayoilleeaffier toads by the popni4x.l tote. iiiict(grartniebialbs *hole matter was laid nit the to gather with.n pcopinition to;ath ton* •';wcPtetentiticat to 4 111 !deleg14411 RCM ealki diatrict; and to hare all belloani - Convention eiwaree cenewaticin -acc7judicionsis dinicted that -Ms Could, Conventioasie Ittore be holden Tsai- I as etaorti oantisiast day.. k I Deebleitnia Werwiteopted zee lP the mad - Odor the ltepabimaiteof `Ques.bene—their iciaterat ranee `of obligation - tothe ad dl.. and utioii or OrtepioaChrthear actuate indesprlEnts la the Wei for the rappreiatariati& lag? ~/shility the.631k.41 4tith to the • crsditom-the of dWnLlltnr~ ...,tsantion by ecotutmj brienditant again tutifying, thcitihiciing fedi in • the iatatrlih windern end patriotism or Genre 'Szurg; rtreingthened tee it lwe been by his abli and honest displntri e of t -the little of Beenatsti of -Wu altat ja -:':••l3drig with conlklemat -smear fltneas as the' ma; ibarn all (4ery,i , to Te. item loyalty at the.- Ekhrezenma, with order and, prospedty to ' *tcl4iinnenint' thanks jo 'Us :Holies), : , of, ittininitathrist Cangamit ha :: - insspented4.tad fafthtal ' anti Orytapitekitalienctdeg the Free : 1 ..dent,. elnloieeleriegthat a !a° 4 a, ' I trywillutstide•the Siturter tile -rigid: • t '. .ttiltiatllla4t 4. :tlat. / a lt-Waat and, also; thiiiidnif - Boastoty gisnros ,yoithb - fidelltyyrt.th WHeh hit had 4 nia4:• tifnedthe rights of thoniti - ' ids tind law _ er The Coiventionwss largidy stiendid. ":larrammiatat 4:716 ;400 1 ;,;judintem I ,nl Its litlenSODS, 'the h"sni uld'fa tbioiied tie '% el plttieVlnn sad calf It..:ad Its 'iiocpi4 - 4,ii; the. ter report of, - Tiblala le ghee ha another coltmen, cannot faftio'be ditlifeetee* i o to the AiWileinjMierieebf 4.4eshani.' - mv-tio , D , , , ~ ketium• - : litaz,lindiF4's, Vadern,— ---tworisetbzubs, >" • tiWee,ooo erthe• .., ' ' t pit. ,'"-• the Or .....t. -it'appoirs, au -.4010,414er..„____ iirthet•teb. . 1. ,•1100perttt0r.,...„ ' "Co,„t/' . hetl,,:eakti—T,Y.,l2l"-.1q4A9 ~i , ,41• 6. , G ,cintuos..,3 „,,,„„ b .,,, ashk,, i " ,b li``" 4 9- ' sid 10111tVetnoil.- F •",.p.iritl44 •or . 0 ' ' seemitY . 441 • ' ra',224,03. ow th7e,ofitit 'ct,Clit,griage4 ___ ~•.1 swami toe fer4iOXiguo. " Tat ._, , th.lzaoftrat _...,-,fitteoo/41111',Of'41SCr. loin iho tote; ; " ago'eor' •• Ea - Ai alothillr °MUM .. )ft " Ire eeireh ' • tilifetc tattle thb-el . 44; - diaftef,.. , „ 40 . 4 ithlidcd ii ;,..,. to gist tont, .4. •thowd-ancaal in eteelho Coallez7 • "Vet.x.it, „ butobesazypq& rin„,10,1„:„...41,...14200m vtir ifte, - ft.. r:".. . , ,i..5r.„*.p.,.....y.„„,,r-ze, ti1tiz,,,,,.., Niprw.... bqii.p.--re or-0444wir. ,i 1.%. a. abtiia: deo Us thrall** nos - o 'lr . - dl* ca ter 11.0Ptojes •- , ' aji r,„ c „, t • , - '• • - .: -:. glbs- Pm .swonassalre __„ anus vader` , he_ '; 'Jr W 424 , 1444"" 4 ;4 Ta'apti.M.r.a ,01.0.2 t .1 .it 'llefg OY UM -2,thir..,,,,__ • • •• ;f: kililiftOrOn:ll' MFUA ..,,,,,:e? ffit ~ QUAY addirirOal..,,,, of the' !‘"4;1111611 .' 7,- 4heOol2lCf","t•''''',' tiii,*(4ifiree!l.l 2 . -Zotro,.o 70:7- to galigx. rl. a.:l2lilgt!Eb, , P , .. 163_ T:4 colei, • ti*Mt4FlV' I, :I L `:is Phillin iiit IfitiCALWIZ , • my -sad ''Preetiall' erPe_l,ll# jut_ : 411 .Ti**riiore r .4 , 41:64414 Y mite in raiimalngllll.-existing .ebatacleg to the ; 2,sa mute- teed tseason wilkAt tutuddaraUen et, t h e 4o;poialoo. In animist 'the Pfsaidest"'fts- Ms ntoctioos TrijUirOg 4 10 .. ar- squally ',POW& to uts kiadatel prejast .of declarist I Bata` et. saa:Lateicearse Wearied ills" gauge anSllitirstahisat ilia pa ,. pesatursat te la mines. It firwithia Eova oftlii a 4tiletly to table Aid pompous the foe - eifyretlen erePter?lxeeettre baguets, &tea:it, MI Prz l 9l. weenie/# . 2, .gdiße I",edift tt7 rf nr ca ryAte.'*thet44Cirt PthiareaUe eileenatete th fele Wats wadi t ier: Jositaei Is fo- MAP the trPkT -"or ttli,ltzvefitnettioe:',Alefkotete will wo Peados say prowled* ht siriOtittiff4.-ritetteettlY the Chief Magistrate, a' aa - acr.tir g le r Wlttelt tho . Conotitutlenbilf. wade asps:bws; - Bob rresktont•te net 4 ,stiCloclutlesi albeit Without Airs time Masbate, et &Halal d!gaNr asliatesottsl Intbstraet-: ontDte{ateat la terminated In one dr the exam pesesibed by tha Gen. auttulit. thai the country pat)_ • (wily etidaieellat. Taxable ream "euaramear elite Bemik iitqgbofin of Ina . _ lieichineas, palmated 'to that , body yes. teralw . py its Beak Clemlottee, nuke antA'PrOiilect**B'44,estriuid partial triaL.lM'etay---persoa impeadtid. These) , n4eq anturaltr They int tun* tic I ; , * . PTFOOI '40104 the Use' of !Amadeu, !az; , flatartheleal% a~ii ea to the IttftlA d!' liable to rapt THE PEOHluzate OP impEscu. I THE ~/./11! 031 DEHOCHAIIC AU NEWT. 1 ; - THORITY. Articles of Impeachment, ten au nrun- j Don. noir. J. Ways= is not only he; having been prepared by its Select hnenento boa Democrat of the strictest Committee, were submitted to the ap- sett. ant IS a MLR learned in the law prow of the Haase on Saturday, and Withal. He is understood to stand high their full t ext app eal ma il am tale. in the confidence of the Piesident. Reed grat a, , h ee d . • Thew. exttej e t reithehm„ what he says touching the claim,' nude etcy ',math the prud ent upo n th e not only by dunexw JOEssorr, but following charges: also by Judge . Wool:mann and other Ist. That he unlawfully and anus. leading.lights of Democracy, that the' stitutionallv, on the 21st of February, r' M-eidellt mat decide upon the Omani W O - Tempted Secretary &surrey from the tionality of laws puied by Congress: 1 ar ffice. This article then proceeds, "1 called," nye Mr. Walker, "cipcn I specifically riatiag the sespeulon of Aug - inZiT h gne " V ar ear/ Y" '' n & l ard "' nmrn en ; est 13th, • his report of sub suspension, Led to him, in a triessity w 4, l my b e with his reasons therefor, totes Senate, ion that any cob order would be a December 12th, the nonaucturenos of tonujaamli'Y' antleZauldenbiecairZeerettea the Saute in the andlcianey of sub collision abould al eanni tom him that tspri no 104, nor) ad 01, Preside,,t, reasons, January 13th , the lamsdiate rednatatenunatof tile Secretary which fel- useprie g erls :lia r s ° Cb*9"43 uZ *4 ihe 's lowed, and his absolute kemoval with 1. it 7' lam teem eat ea moPreintamfusar the aPPobstmait of Ttanua u his inc. re one alt 14 kan 1f Cangraiannef Um ej the Gootranunte upon the «sea ad interne February 21st, the ground that they were unconstitutional. emu being with the intent by the Pres( that the President possessed rio each dent to llama the Ten _ _,. _ . power, because it wsa not ,an exective, on ut Lance Att. but c.c.:unsay a jadilpower, ad that 2nd. That, on the hat February, he nz: Me Max of c 0... e&f mu 6.. *kited tud &wittily and tmeounita banally ap- and I 'n t en( ° Y t i h; m iler then; pirated said Times as Secretary rid in• judiciaiauthortty.ragt io the deeigtre , teeite. law oneonsotononat wan not only the ex , ard. soutanthaly retest. the curse rebsejr indielairr i er, but the Lughett ' in the Rand Article, with the added by the awes isl u ter:M tar; judgme rvid en t° t, specification t h et he bed appe i aem the s that e ; wAul d el . clearl y noconatitutione, end ?novae, Co vacancy exieting at the uniforn:ly ref.:fri l l o frrt i e;ft e re cc' wi r t t lt the time, and without the advice and con. ex ecution or the lam." 'mat of the Besets. which Wee then I n Nor la it unardsonable or inappropri- I session. ate to state in the same coattail:et, ' Ch. That antic 21st of Feknary ht 'Weds to the , rev seeah of , umpired wi th lad Th ew " en d ch er Judge WOODWAED, 011 Monday last, 112 mums tinkacnn, In etotetter, of the watch he ettilintli for the Executive the Conspiracy Act of July Slat, 1861, will, Potter winch ldr. Waxen so pointedly ' the intent to istimidate the Secretary of ' lee k% tha t th e SaPranta Court of Penn' War, lad by threats to Mader and pre- Glwatda, CO 4 M/ter I V tha n t he b ut , Teat lis" from holding the office to which In t el" , in a case t ha u pending before it tto HU *tally entitled. in this eanatYL.,r Xteetennhein cl eat/7 1 tith. .That N i gk e gut of Febru ary a n d and forcibly tut th e validity of any a oh m mail a t m t o th e 28 t h et Feb.. isghletiVO enactment WU in all cases to teary, he eenspirsd with said Thomas he prelltmed, in the absence of a Wave. ' and ether persons to prevent and hinder tent Judical decision to the contrary, and I ibe aseceriatt of the Tenure of Witco that a party litigant, seeking his rented! Aka, and " Specifying the attempt to pre- In f_ta al/VW itHaliditls Hut Veldt se nt Secretary BTALHON tram halms with dimunorprerdsbna tke . wan of Ms } we once according to , law. aunstiationalobjeetions before ugunutt I ae. That, e,, the list of Fehr itery, h e could be heard on that point by the I 1 amo ra l with acid nourn to it e xt, pout Chief Justice Wan:twain was I take '' aid maim the property or -tire t hiii ' ihuz ii upon that t'eaehs he /mud pitted Site i n dm wee Department , that' o pinion.prononneed by one of his I I two to ate preehdoaa of th e daseciate Judges, and of cease, not Ormspirup Act of 1861, and of the Ten- argentine M an/ • way, evidently coo- w e et Ogee Ad or Rerek, test euripi therein. So mach for the Met 1 , , 711 t. nails laid, MI the 2111, of Feb- Justice I. ' - ' rad 7 an d at ter a im, tailored ailia On Mondly last, Ron. G. W. Wools. mid ?Hakes to prevent and Mader the wAluk A Rd r e ignitire from Prmy'. f exaeunin of MU Tenure of OfGee Act, SW% la debate l. the Dome, melted /mating the /lamp' to patent Beare. the right of the President to ranee °be tart Filigid faun Ittddltuf Um office to ' dhilice lon IX* of Conlin,. ein Ida *Melba enis 'subtly entitled. • PP/aim,. it wsa imoouttiutiana So 811. That, on the Slat of Febrnar7, ''much-Me the Democratic Delfresente lie aussedUtwith sail Tutus Jo seize, &Mob The Chief Justice af '67 was a tak e wed pates the public property 1,, lawye r . and the Representative of 716 is u' war ,Depilgrager, with intent to kaoliticiU .The man was the same In violate and disregard. ths:Tinire of halt caeca 4e) mac h for consistency I ~ IV lit% 1 3 1 stt NOM 0 1 1 def Fahraery, bE ' appointed Tionat to be Secretary 116 Witills;" then being' then no vacancy, the Sinele being In sexton and willful' its advice and consent, with' the lateral , inlawfutlyla: control the dfibersemeerte 1 of ' Viaassys spproiriatra for,exPerldt. 1 tura In that Department. - r Atlpcmt*ithe-'.loth et Vetraeri; ihe 'tetieitiaild hiCeritiet .Find la 1 twits , of Gen. Enoar,.the concrundcr l' of the Dipartuut of Wastringten, With ib& intent to 4 dime bald.,Recoar, is Lis o ffi cial sets as inch Cammumer, to skate the appropriation lair of Mara 2a1,, 1867, by dtriusrding the section thereof which &recta theist seShary f seders er istatrectlons than he bated j thrtotsh the General if the Anny only, Each of Gum uticlu isspresaly in elodee the charge that la 114 c aremv-s,l therein - alleged, the Padden commit., wisest Wu Why at a ° high Adele:near, I or" in sax; except that, tbe 4th and 8.6 , 1 reticles chargbig him with violations of I I the Camedracv Act et Jul,' apreselj ' drums rites hts offitues thaem are 'Malik _ ..These . argeleu . I - Arraign' the Pre:Wadi tar aus viols:ion et three eels enscra tire of the United States, - vier the Coo *spirecy'llit or ;fray like, lIM, the dpi propos:um Act of March 2.1,, 16d7, and the Tames of Office Act, alas of 'tilt ,mart drag; ftir the „violstict2; . in each; apecithirara of the aztielM, ef his oath of °Mos, and se to the Ist; Ild, &I, 4th aidtiith articks, for violstlons of ire Corstiraiort ~. " __. : . • , - ' le strikes meths* these Articles amply . .caree * the whole cue for which the; people kiessow to prosecute Mr. JOln sox. But we express that opinion With. MI due 'ieference to the jedgment a these :lireetblicen representatives Who. are, apparently, not astieted. with the comprehessive* cue andram diseredes arbildted .by Newt Boerwra, allarregns,-Brevagame Wasoisr,. Locrt-N ind:ollehes, get very "comic-tea gentle : r Min to whom, ail ..Emese - enraged the duty -et drawing- Op -these Articled 72tel.r.repart:wu tubmltted: to the' &Mink Xr. te arra; . Who . pro carded - - lo'.. explain and ruptiorg . die action * of the' Cortualt* "rev properly ohierving that say such sedan ter,the Home might tike thereon, b', amendment or otherwise, would be .sr".:' / ceptalga lele'abiainiallitei,.. In the * lestigetieb emened, notiee of additions!' / arlichr to ter eitral.inis krrei by Me lima* sad- li:Is. likely Mit other urietrasativ - may be pm/posed ter-el , iy, Tie *doiiiii Vitt, tee * fer7 generir, ram- Mee „being. limited to lame Wentz, hisadit ts postiblo nest a tul. lege risixteek'irdOptionleith ar - yi kb trt I at teigion. may ha : reached tieeisy.- We way renter* that Abet temper of ili Rows does not seeiniti favor ar k t al4r:a tioa la tiro report of the Committee. i . The Floras - will. proceed, after tte - v . .. 136 2 dote ,rike - PllciWYtfigs • • 41Ps!litirlanoidiga 661414:01'e*i.ete*- P 414 :- .go: • utEt d;LUE• . tie ftrailkel4 have aelected, /tura Otranto, , Butler; Mural, Bagwell, Wilson, Wllllitent 'and Logan, and the. selection wit? be sppreved by .the" Bram The s oorgitej 'rat the blerbiet costae:we in there' gm tletton, 'who:: are ileservelly,regaided iantinahtt rarad to gore, in r•ther Os Ocrtegram he dertfog ability or offloil The &nate is mill engaged in the I dle , orator of , the roles for praeders: in krategeherat , eases, bat will take tual ' seam thereon in. trae to be prepared to teative the eittielit flue the Bora. It will probably be settled that the filet 'hatters - will simply:replao, the '• Tice tieilekint ' as thwaraut _of ' the ,ficatte, having, out seek wadding officering es. mkt judicial authority, althogigh. In peint:nf fact, his opielons an egregious of prectlos or points of law will have great , weight with the Brame, which le itaelf„ in suck man, both Coast rind 'Jr:att . _ * * Tios Ozun llintroinuer have no eynt. lathy in the aewlyborn : reveremee of the party elsewhere 'lbr the sanctity of • lamina declaim. Evidently:they hold to devoid:and familiar dectrile of that' party L tbat the deCialone of J*4El'll2l4l more weight than. tbe. optalons of 'Other they chance to 'ecreflia With DernoMatic posdilemloni, erS4ted the way of • 'artist's ideating. ,t ' 110 tilpWrie Occirt 'et Ohio - ban 'A:Byroad. repeatedly iteld tbst as cili ate of tidied • rue Ikon be denied the fight . Pc.O4 ll hitet Provided that white Mood preponderates in Ida ulna -Re Le I eitistri and a ooter,"even thettah h e h e When thirtiesconda a .. the Demi:raft auderity In the Ohio Benito now Pconclealto unseat a repot. them cumber, and admit Ma Deamteratio j opponent, 'by Wow's/ out fortynotes cast for the former by persons. harlot i male adadatons of negro blood, yet whO Weu,cleartroctitled to noti ander Cho'ilecirlans of the aim. .Thnir light , of tanimuis - denied, and the dochcono; Of the Oonif delid, in - the name, spirit which has rematlyastimatedtheli frbntd, Mr. - Johnson, in hie - netintsaUllo the Ilan of Diapers: ....trltinstwsflegis.Line* -The IthlttUteelenicut of 1848COZICIoSI tnl'rew HUnpahire on the ifeh eflifarcir. - filtr BeiWiblican Mends gave ilartaneas ISA:scar n oudorify of ii,l4k.and we here good reasons fur belle Sing that the 'Democratic expe ations of benefits from ;atty ~sOrt of "reaction," this year are dootaed-thn anntifsint disabiointwent. The State has alweis bees thedelogidy neavassed tir!ndeaue of ans.•general e!ectiotr forjeals pest, and the Rare*, . 11 rS I ) rnade Watch" tie Beptaltouti thole! kata Commit ,lttietrety- ease the actual iota has _Tarred - only a few, hundred limo thee es:Elude" uot.thore than weld be amply' socesated for la the unforeseen *berates .oLtutera froet . tie polls. The canvass for this year bas,preapubltthed 'bowleg a : N - 00114u ,thatorlls of over MI, musing so , seem= o(_ the doubtlin :voters: Verna is good reason, thenifore, ludging,froze the peed experience, for an tipteitting,4ttb, confidence that Raw • Efatapahltiw/11 Saha atom Gov. Itartax• was and a-Repoli= Litgraiutcr e . trot/re? Northern States: the orgenthatios,, which, thus cubits the Republicans of Reis riszopeldre to reekon up their muse* and array it aocoestalty Lir ahtekett column. at the - might . adopted, u a decided inipnwerunt span present system* This arroudiachn; lade/lie not psenliss to NewampWhir t bit 'wreath in rev. oral other •Naiusint , States, la Rittman disks described ea follow& - • Is a Central. Sta te Cointabsee, with , illeuthenl zePresentlin Coups. atonal thetricte or other divisions of the Wa Stalie then consestuees in those districts lt menthentrom .toch county; then comedliesi t i wth memberaln .Tell tette. and, finally, committees In 'the toss:6o,lth memben to every voi les prettiest In Urge towns sod ethos, then la harem gobchvielon of labor, sr ary block or enry - bendnd voters, Inv. thrtturkets assisned ' to. uoartain the ,position of each voter. to see that he gate teeilwerott,:,,:i.u..p". dounfel awn with gettable or other Mlle chz.anti to bring 'ratan to the polls. By tb thealin every toter In the Mate fif while the wings eanipalgn. In Seems , ts smiler (he threctloti of the Central Constolttes;'? - • • issrw . ItATLWAW ROUE, A line ot rallasy has not only been projected; but the - gradlog on It nearly miopieted, extending from Northam. ballitA at u4kii4.79r4,BlWuttohnalla, seLawisten an the Panasylnala Den- WaL. When to shall be Sahara It will olbt three dived routes; otibout equal value, between dui city aerf l'few York, ouch try way of Northumberland. Bleatuitrag and lacksiao, as, and the Delaware, Lackawarma and Western, Iteitands;to Zak% and Mesa) b ia o iNtw - ArtztrY Central Railroad to lc By indomsineri zed Lickeweans to Wdkesbitte; 'Shines connecting with tail LAWS_ Valley &amid, and time reiching , Esseettsurd theme by the New Jenny Matti' to fiterw York. • Ity' . Diemnebrert end Lackawanna reWiliceberre them comedies with the Lehigh " and Susquehanna, thui reachieg - Ekren, Led theses by the Zrig 4fw Teak .... 111 41 1 t-Otr, Ware in very " nearly &di : metaters.. front 'this city to New York. TWo alkali ran down the Lehigh Pal• i l 6yfrorathe wirratut above Wllkestarre roman either:bank—SO Easton, where they upstate. bet Mtn widely, from each othir. All three of them follow the North Branch of the Susquehanna to oi near ilia month of the Leckawsuna. A report prevailed last summer that, this lata .mentioned link hart passed an-1 der the- control of the Pennsylvania Central:, We are authoritatively in formed that tub is not the fact. ••Upon the comPletion thin Unk bow! tweirt',Nirthimbsilied and' I,erts.. tow, Pittsburgh will be to stem as di. rest comminkstlow as is practicable with .she with:site :coal fields of Let. serae"codoty;than which there are none better. Jo Slaws, at manor of anginal . Irmithenee, has within few, months Mode ispioratiau his tints to connect Wirthumberlank" b 7 ' tray of Lewisbarg,with the AI/Highway Valley railroad.' Ile forad'in eats/ad &set the swiss befog much lies than on 1 'dm Penutsjdratila Central, . aid the dia. mace to New:York cousiderably &hotter. '.itiskallids convection. will require .ttii ' oeikiunialati of about iighty miles now mad. What probabilities exist ttiai ins wlfl be.done or at sif, ire aroma informs's& Ternitentierit Outral. Cot• pay herd tisk , sestet meting In Dal untoie.int Friday loat..Joeotting to the report of the tailgated aid diets. Preiddent, J. D. Cameros, Eq., we kern fleet thre gross receipts for tea put year Went :1,939,888./6;,, alieneei A 478,709.43; net rein= 111.1111,15471. Cosepered with 1850 these Arms show that the road is ander swat erreeilue .ny iaigu surit. ..Is that year the entre nce/PPlaweld° lll 7 1964,131.10, and toe net :mane $847,33.1.611. J , Ii Du Bar?, Et+, Is. Uto slaciant Giaar 4 d ilaptutiumfterk and edr esteemed tomes twourean, alinksa Mt* Yeri.,.ene. vitae the fipering nest aneurately lathe Anditiity " • " PITTSITCRGH WEEKLY 4AZETTE : • SATURDA Y. MARCH 7, IStiS A WARNING lINEZEDED. . When two years since, aPPrehensiens i „... hem= tteueudshet Mr. • yo ureowe ow. 1.. , tere'Prellbyteriatt Convention at Dix , ',ton, Ohio, which convened on Tuesday log his election as Vice President to the R epublics,* party, bat speedily pro. I last, from the proceedings of the flintday before as, will have an impartial ,tuoted.te the higher post by the usual- I nation of Ms chief, was about to batraY beerin g e P e e , e tbe L . eem c i e e °Leek's...eel now the friends Of the Colon, numerous ' ag it a ti ng ' "4. ''`'"' Yiez ` e " "" cice. ' appeals and exhortation's were add:need Nearly one hundred delegate/ we men from nearly l! "to him, prthlic'y and privately, by good present at the opening , , and other del every section of t h e ; gates were expected. Alter suitable re. land. Their arguments and remon- ligious services, Rev. John Atchfillita, o td ,trances were „ zee ". orech his . mu _ the Reformed Presbyterian Char , science, es well as to yawn the wan. Allegheny City, was appointed Chair beg sentiment of patriotism, which had man for . the afternoon. Committee oh once been strong enough to life hint • business recommended the discussion Of above the atmosphere of party, but the following questions: I. Is the rook which, i t was ;whoa, evident , was ei. perste anion of th e various Chriatith reedy eying way to th e . corrupting denominations . a , duty? • The Tarim& influences of treasonable plotters against ICTeeteliell bodies of this city to be 1 our „ seree ,. yet re -e stablished wool ' , dad to sit in conference with the Co One --it-f--'th's'ee appeals,... Rom a relation While this question fa being con'. edetierdehed clergyman of Washington, sidered„ 2. Jo the union of the Tartes has been republished by thePhiledelphla denominations of Presbyterians la th e country et practical, a present, and , Press. It bears the date of Pehruary la, 1806, and, alter forcibly presenting to Pressing duty. 1 3. What expedimen Mr. Jounsou many leading 'cat:udders, aught we to propose to be employed I , lion to the interest .of 'both Christi/1M furthering the union of the Church The Convention proceeded to , discus conviction and political duty,' and elo t Trendy urging him to be faithful to the the first !epic, which continued through sacred thaw ci the hour , closes w ith out the day and evening, except Is briet time spent is Perfeiting the organization. the following remarkable paragraph: The general bearing of the Convention "Ray, more -and this Is the present ; mein which' has haunted me now for in all its discussion wan Mitch In unity days together, and which seems to be with the basis adopted . by. the Matted rnte tike_ and the Bo i le r :on . in wern ia lth w o hi t oarmet„iktioLchtholu,y phis Convention. . Some aide - iseuea, i m e i ltaknantelys that you will not be re- were brought In during th e considera-1 ..Sel_ nom You? nigh Mike: al your trio of the various questions - before the preamemor Ina ny ssaashudio but ,_ . you will be subjected to a Ono far worse way, but with little effect on their Etat , than death-the open and everlasting action and salon to ho dintilen w I . kb :tit will l o n t eo , m i t 6i rray .. o .. e otLe r; churches,- - whic h the [h e -- repte. I arise in the inscrutable Providence of tented. fthods I seem is me the chasm already .Reference was mule not long Sincet i f e llkillW ri i t% , . year .. bric!*ert r n,L i tt l e , t v e the proposed organization of '.iS let; youreedf, frorit the abysm . /emit up, look among' the Methisiliets of Philadelphia, Mt .ite.nr,-awaigritr.f.haelpi and dhothe to empty women to Sid tbs.'. outer to on ni g b lii -°a m certain departments of church' labor. The organization has Just boon Perfect. TBm NEW' GEttmAle TREATY , ed - tinder the title of "The Ladies' and 1 rg e New York riga: Q . e in commenting Pastors' Christian Onion; of the IL R. on the [ new_ treaty between the Halted Church of Philadelphia and vichifty." stew and the igertiv . lierrear t. o wt y w i e ,„ The Union consists of two delegates, I ration, gays : ' ' .: ' ''. , elected annually by the women of the I "It seems that no Germaxus mu tome K'Ts. Chian:hes, who desire to be rep. Ito this numby except with the petunia- t ea t d 'th la n d tie ere ; the pastors of the stem of their own Corernmen. That is Mural churches. The constitution pro , s matter, of course, which we nurses ; regulate; butte is very clear thee the rides for variOni departments of work 11 reed. CerMan te Gl it r ve ere ltevese r neut to will eud be looe nsuch, „m o or: eachi : as: "Titivation," "lectures and atik' the pau=t,h,,' criminal , um's. public Meetings," etc. - Mrs. Bishop and helots= than to Taunt men Bitipson ii'Preildent. .• . of energy and orso.tos premrry, and it is Bethany Bunday.ilichool Ball ha. just , equally Meer that our winless and biter. recti t4 : 4 Thig e w n ill . elm: Prruous whom the R I : r : .o been f God ., IFT!.lllead'icalate'irge.taetitilbeetiserievisace man Goyernment does not wink. to Imo erected for the Banday school Mincet e.m,assotLects,,milanalttzewolt.oultud f or t reofusesTer hors .oedfarillthiLhlllpsthnsolo... i P eculslterian Chu b ! The capacity of the l and become naturalised, they will tot he exempt from the obligation et zmutary handbag embracing the various depart. • wrsioa la resiOila . Bot tb will ester* mints of the echoed number 9 039 A , ' theism benaturansed A attune s - •. W. SlStetv.sl;tlQ.. fell lIONGAZI end es such entitled to the protection of son- of Judo . Lowrie, of this cit y, I , '.• '.' .r. -•••• • . 1 tumour. , . _ 1 ma l / 1 .11. ..nllolti urAZITTIn - Th e thus American Goverionent, Kean, Ice i° Lb.° 2l ' ti° 4 31 : 1 . ' 'llia New York correspondent of the I. e t t emeeehiPto Gee ' j * . II: Mee:ie./4 ' Banco:street:my me mot negOthited on: _." " : ber of Congress from this District, meat, and „,ntractet.butiorusittrwfloutl .t o b r e p.mi thate rh De e pa s :: ' ol, eral3 n i t city n if ltri h ter. Idibiat th e r ani slops e circa considerable attention through ate without mrathry. Perhaps Mr. B . P ee e 4 ' Hee ' ''‘ eld lu t the COunty • Barer I prominent bust will kayo to trye g eta,,ss . extend on both akin of thoadway from i . •,,.. ~,.- ' 1,._ e - - the Battery to Central Parktsorrailts i e -"tea • ' .Y6 1 'ectt Pat tjrwud by c ide c th _ tde etorite high _ four. sturier i n wipaper correspondents fir the need n den, and, without .withing to'detraCt shore ground and two under. • i of those gentle ' .The Appleton street Cethgregationel fr . m the merit ' et. any Church, Lower , htemuchuwitte, eta u. I or, I trust you will permit me to lug: or, • name which will, beyond any months trial, Votes to hare beg ' di tobt, tied fever with every imilitgeat Pourocmaettgedveucterelmen.l;!7lcilltbbelb",_ We ga b , Republican in the Metric:. I refer to aaa sa ...ea"- , lithe A. Si. Balms ...a lawyer of riPe bath, &biol. • cipermare, sound practical judgment, , 4. woman named Mrs. p:A...0 . ,Q, a . f geld scholastic attalamente rare buil tortionsa ordained a few days ether in 1 ° 1 cenacit A end hi g h taxied mend the Reineetor.. I c racier. is just tie man for the, Boston, to be pastor of " i Won, pusesslng the mondial quail- Brainy la Bingham. • -' y ' .1 it of brad and heart to make tams Dalai the melon of the entreat! or i i w rtby codeagu& of a Tom Williams, of Christian men at At. Louie- recently, t " • fit rePrelentatire of our great sued whg matmfacturing and agricalturel while the question . "Liew shall women I gr -let in the National Assembly; lie best sidles the work," wth before - them, lis reparatively young, foil of life and a lady claimed the door. The chairmen I Motor, and, if elected. would prove a derided.. against. her richt to meak. i tweaking member of Comma, and tae An appeal was made from the decielon of 1,7 ti e V:jul e r t e t r e ee d ett w i l i fd' o t . v eet re e e eo rge ,.... e. the th eir. Uri the appeal was laid upon tan sagacity. : -.' -' - ----.- the table by a rote of thl ayes to 29 hay". I r. ,Paelea's oirileon for th e Party Notwithetanding`this action, mthlemsat i nan Wen known and duly anpreczated let results am likely to grow out of the af. f I t:r1j;:i.:.:"2::,!: ant b l ea t : . 4l. fide; Some of the dailies or that city . v 'te of tbs., principles held by , the think the lady oaght to hare been al. I Cato rin•abhcAD P , art.r-tha principles breed to sneak. • , f :.I , lbaity, Joeiice sad eqeslity, sad is During the " Week of-Pray e r " a Li: 1,4. ilf:ir:fiaeeP4,tieree`el"et'" et tee- bead. dies Union Prayer :acetic; wan held in If, be eta be prevailed spon to accept the social rooms of the Tabernacle tte tqlosassissuons I sector* se' Predict that• Church, New York. Since then th e ft . he pit/ receive,' the solid vote of the ladles have organised realer ratettogs, 1 ,c,:lir7,; a Ll ' , " t ; A ;I l: Zi ltey i e t' : :Tgi:i which are intensely interesting, and give Iffy entlentan' fur siterier senior in this promise or that and Matthaei medal- Do , et- ' Prey. nelL 1 wee armies.areas.' - Aecording to recent statistics it Is es- i r' ecorac tt born in Lite, 10, , l ar t os oe. Bork as he Omitted that the Increase of the Ba purr f Crier D nary deaturtioallen Is thus 'moon France, Jeer y,' during . the last twenty.fire Jests, has been II: 1 ete l witbee ' l ere's' Aisle wan there for per cent. in churches, :7 per t„ he 1 hlm o do, evenln this busy world? i I E foot bad but four ton, but he early ministers and lie per cent. In members.. to use them to &drama A.-Methodist preacher In Oslesbareh, I Whe very young Le could wit h ge. Illinois, recently noticed In meeting th a t . titre ' a hall; tat with a kola, and the Black Crook VIII anon to be neve i dra*""*lalbe Amer with chalk, 11`2 meted do Releoecucheed also there woe m CO: t aC e n . oll cut lemma on paper with his sesame He early became a , a calico hid] to come MI.. 4te added that 1 good /pentium pima this by imned to it a n y of his memb ers or e d s o att en d i drawing sad naturally enough to palat- they must come to his house and have it 'll. l b° wad e s t eu se betwe en his 'treat their inames erased from the church tin I z:tad I:i: r ex; ambling him to grasp! •It Ottnten turzeran named Mailer, of !teen his a t e W o a r it l e h au tr , i the . cil7T of New York, 'has purchased a Merengue at the schiol of design, la : church edifice for $37,000, and the Rev. Liii44 ',. !he receiv ed bin s ' ea a pupil. i wim py' d E u rete pu i t w e : . P _ e h _ lie n.e/P y bles , o _ble been p ° rVi l e , h "{ r ee s, ira elln win iAter g . atilt': took n thtlegardellteil _I : six th ee& front tyre. ' After this be penned his sad 'dollars per sense,, Itatt, " 7 " . • . stainer la Paris. lie 'WUof a lively , Awording to (he Reeser of Amu, the l saraPratecat, and when la conversation 1 number of professions' for six month', i P,:bi e t e e t r eu brret tie e e d , be was in °le l , ending Isantry lei: Int, to the Comlo th er & e ns do l4 wisis * their aims. Som e *s ; I berlind Prrebyterith Church was earn; con has described a visit to his palatig sensuous 8,447. These times but par. Pnewc`Whieh Is Intarenint: , Gaily set forth We addition*. .11,,L'Anterossththe t w a t ed ole i - e bi tte u at i o n f ty the ti can ke 0 .. The annual exhibit of the Methodist 1 fly epee . ..the wall, the sleeted tr u nk ore ' Book dOICCIII, located at New York 1 man, - ,itratotuned by a table head, with 1 aid Vedanta), has just tom announced, e a P a eSee br ew an d e re " fir e% a ld ' from Which We . lam the total net excl. g i ttmet t r e my e y e ePPeritiee Pawed Me l tal is $1,034,0411 Ili Total profit for the . billed! him . b On lert s t p h prosch e: trie r i ng °t s e VeZ I . year 18 e7„ $138,871' Ma pi tkui profits pane nearer w• wens aware of a lofty the are of S37,VS-04 bee bran paid out but aleqe ,antif ehileit in trent et the ' 1 any op and down and acmes the under, order of the san'otrat Conferince .to meet expenses'outside of th& business' creteoracht esnits:lfetled-.11 hlrh . V el l t all'os ' al ael bls d r '! of the Book Concern , : • : to desert's. bow , thedispirit being we leis estimated th e . r e m *. a t, th e ,ir. ' had come to see. We SAW then that he I I &nit: pliirktr, of ' theatrical steummthts al. d. . 0 , 1 ' 11.1 a in.; thitl i.'h" .°1 In New ; Teat city last year were over soiled .411 ti:geyh?e,:e,let7:::'„l.l2 three millions of dollen, which le con.' het warded • tre. By, one of its feet' siderably more then doable what la an- beheld St palette-by the other a pandit ' nosily contributed for foreign ails. IS his n w b. no ut t h d al" t t egrri A ed nd a l arte br uit' od ' Balone by all the Christians lathe Oldest t i tU t n a ess ,', he .tno Ptu red. and 'ro i ll 4ll an; uttes: , -s.--...:. writhed,;and painted, Ina moaner more . 1.24 . 144 4. „„ e „iii y i i r , -tau a hard than marvelous I I voknintllleid ; VIM Shen Ittptat Association in Ifarylead and een e rene s eal utin ue by name, in. . . rated us to be seated. Then th e ameri. arpellid from its body several churches: t glhi t tsd down the whole length of fur haling - become' connected . with a the Inn ON to the ground, adeanestd, miselousry soclety.; Tbeoe latter, six in or retheritolled toward us, aud with a .....,.__, e , ___ organized the Maryland t•Tuadetished himself on the 'sofa "`".'7‘ ' .. ..Y"`'' aide. -We watched ltdm with in- Union .Aasociallon, and have increased tercet sad had along conversatio with to tilnymine churches, with a meraber-, hits, -.Re told us ha hod bee nn barn ship of between NW aid firm thousand, w ith°P Tut . and. h al, b een . a P ain ter end a young And anC;lnit ministry. rim Le:hir,7l.-1,-...h.-,.',...k...,11,:g2 hunter hare 'either milli dkai Out or bare ari mut - , - RA peOrda - d - o - rthei r head - a only anarelnal llliitinen, , • holding Ita palette in his left one. and - ' The dinday - Beim; Zan wt., a c aw Ma brush . 1.0 the right, as though all his . pMbolle tionthlY, has jou been started u t a wet e i lktrem • 6141414 t"m with 1 and even at 040810. The *COW management thrust m hT4 P l: Tot l a st e t il e le a y;ii, pt ft Is entrusted to the :emit Ba th ers , another would hisbud. He ;rota The maim of Oils city speaks very fas, Ld e ,s pan'', Ler,,,ne W ,i tb e f real je,,P,iditj,j and Ticpdy It mi. new candidate to: public ?"'.ee", To les a v `" ' "' atm " . - br111:111 PILIDINT, In a sudden amen of patriotic seal, has deemed the present to be a fuorable time Ibi precipitating upon the country a rugged Issue with . Great Britain upon thiglabasiaa claims, u intimated by seuational despatches from Washington 3reaterday.`hl ann. tryntes will undoubtedly'spect tit his motives all the credit they may deems. In the mistime, It la well enough to remember that nether abroad act at home, in [Maio diplomacy or dantelltle priltics, will there be the *lightest point:ditty of Yr. Jossmon's doing soy /um, so long 111 he stands an Mr peached offender Won the Ingt;ast tribunal alibi country. BM awn matte must be determined intlier regard before his high offros tan be zerlothed with its proper metal infinence and edictal dig , My. Not until then,willhobeaccepted, . abroad or at home, as aduptatedl +rpm sestieg the honor and power cd the GM GLUM baring fognd it to bible .dotg, after consideration Of all %harems, -to leilat upor too execution of his first order to General Hancock, touching the New Orleans Counclhnen whom the C had displaced, his directions Wm been obeyed by Hugo* who, on ' I Thltrodai. lgootedln Greta mooting his owe allOgtiotents and restoring tho former Comudbman to choir Martial positions. It will ho remembered that Hancock met Hut original ordered the General.M.Ctdef ; with a elgordus protest, sees dsciar.' Mg that ha would ratios re-sign bli poet than thus to nand Ids. slept The au. Perior judgment, wise' discretion and tenacity of purpoot by which Chitral bunt has ever boos utarked, thus gad another illustnalon. Mud tonne Gen. Hantmet may regard as :Mir doe to his own personal feelings does not appear . genornow Is likely t• awe ea to the , taintatag of the thlrty-thlrd stolen of the Bank:rapt law, which arch:dui debt. era alawlig law sham - lfty per rest of Irons a discharge without the sweat of a asJerity of the creditors," unless the applleillon have bean: sled "within one year from the ilme the aevore Into operatiou." It has gen erally been understood, that, as no pet!. UM were to be rewired until June 1, lea, the year would bight to rite Ire* that thee, bet, in view of tke language of the last !action of , the sure set, which provides thet Millais should take effect on the date of Its approval, March Ind, INT, leis held fa many quarters by the legal profeetion that tte limitation Is the thirty:third wettest Ina now gone tato effect. By rwaseass, st Sherif a We, the Delaware and Hudson Cate Company has become possessed of the frustalus sad property of the Unita' Coal Out- My; not s cheep begird% aseeldertor the giritat, - and the liability to, malty for all the coal mined. However this &c -essio- of facilities 'gives the . Canal Oostrarry scats to New York by nil; of aurae at all 1112/1171:111 ot , Um you. It is now sodding coat to New Tisk, !run what is knows *as - ihs - Baltiniime situated tear Wilkesturrik by. the Ls. lath Vinery end the New 'Jester Can. tool Railroads A Rtwou multiply that Mr. JOnneost is advised with Jaaresalrig nrceney, by kla Deassoratie thuds , to resism .1f he does tide, the hi:Mechem*the/ Wok. will drip, sad hi would be u • Deaf:antic , candidete, while, it implosives:Oyu:mists In stand- fast his conviction fa sue and be ' will no longer be eligible triify cilia; except is a revived Bentlern Coifed. coacry.. Their arguments And him still deaf, tat It lir bennsip hobos , ' well the filth orlar tionasellor• ' • 11101.1.0ir ilisinevity of Draw. antis prof/talons at :impost for Jorllcial aathorlgls WU Author illnstratod br tkoPalladalpkta Now, tolrlob brands the Inns :Edges °Olio Supremo' Ooort or Om ' Diarist or Onlamlda so "jottiolal 'con spirators,. nit "perlorers,” "J'adlcdal adierriata,” "wretched tools or a traltorona natal," _ and in oa=and all World/ b:canto the Court disohargod Gal. Thomas (rot &mat I ~ T I Republican Ooneenthen of Berke ecamti, held on • Saturday afternoon, maZia *eaten. fai l i attaideebal electors, and delegates to the .1 1 111Alial Cotten, than. Ths Delegate, went Instructed to support Gaut lbr the President There were no Inatnietlesui atiO Vita. per. dent, bat a zuelation - was adopted de etertne .IbcGoverner CMITIII the drss &deep!' the tipablleate of Real; Tr' authriplte* trade ku °Vexed for tliip spring with nib =WI/ severe: sager bartie bow coanuoptios, se that stocka am eery low to suet the Iscrused daspeds'ibr staanfactunig Sid - stem runner pin : : poses.' no runt% rata of wages at tho alines la a low ode, and with an In creased produrtinn :vricr, to :. sar.t.t_ uo.l c txpcco.d. REiIGIQIN INTELLIGENCE. • . Preliminary gape have been tatin to copulae a Presbyterian Association, to be coin( oselt of all the Prembytonian Ml:deters resident In Pitiabargh, Alle gheny and vicinity. ktgether with 0110 or more mating - elders from each *oharch. The object et this puttociatlon In to be for the spiritnil edification and'Closei mu tual acquainttnasof the members, and also to glee greater nutty and Oleo:icy to, their - denominational efforts to the Imo Cities Mid nalihimrlumd. A mootha g . is to be bald o ifindaY 'to complete the oronlation. • .• . , A.Anlon Convention of the different bri44%4or thy preibyterlin landly, an accerdance with the recoannendation of the lt,e - tionil Presbyterian Convention,. to to meet atlndlata, on Tandy, the lOth day of March 'prayer and conterenee consonant a bads ot.ilition. Tbs. Pope has appointed nano :new. I , Biellopn and , tour Vicars Apostolle to, Beesjost erected fn t5lO corustcy. Arch. hiiihop:flpaiding 'med. the otic... cinleenotincentent ot,tlia new enchant , ticeisppobsii., • r. ilrendall whd'gayn $lOO,. 000 tomtit& the erection of Calvary 11.11 , ist church in 'iVeahington City, re. • (11,1. tl:!Dg wu 61111:;i1L, La. IllIde111:00d that 110 Will pay the bulk of ffie bills'. 'The next 'session of the Pittsbargh Fianna! X. B. Conference will be held at Greensburg, Penn., commencing Wednesday, March 18. Bishop Rings . ley will preside. This being the first i time for the Bishop to be President of this Conference, since his elevation to the Episcopate In 1884, conmderable il 3 terest is manifested 'in regard to his E !stoma visitation. . . On Sabbath day, Rev. John Galley, Pastor of the United Presbyterian' church of Bader, Pa., preached his last or farewell sermon in the Presbyterian church, to the congregations under the arrangement by which the U. P. congre. gatton were privileged to worship in the Presbyterian church, while the church building of the U. P. congregation was tieing rebhilt. The Ciliate says: It is certainly very gratifying to know that these two congregations have had a pleasant and profitable time during the past season in worshirping together; and navel no doubt fully realized . the feeling expressed by the servant of God when he said : " Behold, how good and pleasant Os for brethren to dwell to getlier'ln nniiy." May the ehrilifan and brotherly feeling that has been formed by their asSoclation he lasting and pro ductive of mnch good. . • . George H. Stuart, Esq., President of the Philedelphla National Preabyterian Union Convention, held in that city, has appointed the following committees to present the itetion of the Convention to ;he different ecclesiastical bodies repre sented : To the Old BCilool General Assembly to meet in Albany, N. Y.. May 21st— Rev. S. W. Fisher, D. D„ New School. 'ReY.4. Y. Scowler, D. D. United Prey byterian; Rey. Jobe McMil lan; Reformed Presbyterian; 0. E. Wood, Esq., New School; Wm, Getty. Esq., United Pres- byterian. To the New School General Assembly, to meet la Harrisburg, Pa., May 21st;—Rey. G. tif. diuscrayo, D. ID., Old School, Rey. William Davi dson, D. D:, United Presbyterian; RCM W. S. Bretton, Reformed Presbyterian; Hon. Charles Drake, Old School; James Me iMillen, Esq., Reformed Presbytenan. To tho United Presbyteries General Assembly, to meet in Argyle, New orb. May 27;h — Rey. J. P. Stearns, D. .. New SchOol; Rev. M. S Goodsle, . D., Ohl School; Roy , T. N. J. Wi le, D. D., Reformed Presbyteries; obert Carter. Eq.. Old School; Ed- ard Hiller, Esq., Now School. To the ' Dotterel Synod of the Reformed Preaby. letten Church,' to meet in Pittsburgh, Hay 20 th—Ree. Goorke Marshal; D. 1,, Old School; Rev.' C. P. Wing, D. 1.. New School; Rey— A. G. WeJlace, Lilted Presbyterian; 'Lot. H. W. Wll - LL. D.,. New School; Hon. Wan. : Franels, Old School. .., A Wediudever *ter to the Protd— donee Jmtkeset aaye: There is a strata Icahn &garnet Judge Woodward for his revolutionary speech In the Boom OLIO Of hit vollosirtet asked him privately leby he took the aaticand drew his ply, Who rerrardad Or:nevus as ma tmooesti tntleaM body . ku milted that he thought ir' had power he lee:date, het that It euutot linpeaeh end retrieve the Presides{ with tuukthlrd of the Metes eirepresented. .A member wittily re• marked: Todd, tblnts Ceadreu le aufliciantly comultntlonal to wan him hie ealari,Ul not le Impeach and to metre a , —ln the! , new Arctic mill of the Strague's, at Waterick, It L, $25 hands are employed{ 18,000 spindles and 567 looms are run, and 100,000 yards of rinl cloth are trirned out per week. Tllll mill bee been pronounced the most win'. plate mum; mat li,the cautdry. The oast of the whole work warn 8400,000. It was built during the past year and has bean running several months. The =tin mill is of graph*, 30$ by 64 feet, and Nur idolise mad WIN with an L 00 by 40 and three stories: The boiler bones, aiao of granite, is iso by 40 feet and two: stories, and twittainn itU•lerge boilers. r. All the Woad work of the null is: oak, cheetnut odd. black • - —Ur' — . „oe'rrieereefou” Pretest, ft la 're, peited; tuei bpott - revived t - victimy by ch ph l / r e a h c a u e. h e The me bl odd oSfCo6BB healthy yonna tothhodinto the voles extent.ol -shoat - .• i•sraldi' I.P:t !slur h tt , j ST yoga singerewur..- They snake - it thee to See: they add; oTh is telly friend.: end I. with sot Machado knee, se one that Met A vull.nge,Lturued, in measured speeCh / spate Or thee: zewhed to reach home distant region whence to bring My words, that m a graungl nag • • ' rearmed thy.... My Word, were tree, Yet, While !image, a cruel wows • Of falsehood come opirlt grew; Of poverty and vain pretence: A Wand al loosened earth fell through ' My words, and then they ceased. I knew burial thee beneath my prate; Tile thee deep, and it'er thee drew The moulds, while, like r tear Met falls , Among the grams rank and high ' ' That grOw within the vampire walls,. And glitters when the dews are dry, yell on my soul the thought et days, When at thy name a sudden dower Within my heart would bloom and spread, And die net,till Its odor shed.— Made awee t the moment, meet the hour / so:rotifer thee. 0 those were days, Methinks. for losing, nut for pampa. could not praise thee then; in part I saw not, toyed not.. What to raw Were gins that others prized 1 A flee, kind gift. itoOk thee to my heart, Thls heart that did not resales Seek, Nor reasons need for losing Mee. Bo now Chts greasing thin end weak Seems but a shroud to wrap thee in Drawns nearer worn in life, close onto thy feet and chin. So endeth lore, so ended strife.— Vea net thlllfheet, 0, let It Dau Hold not before these UPS the elan ; The life, the brenth, the smalls lea, Now draw the curtain round the dead, And bring nO Malec here. •W hat are The dead for praising! 'Jute Prayer Ler From si l t en le c s ti ll c w h am u e o ; n Nhu e t a he light From these still brows so cairn and white. GLEANINGS —Trichina prevails in Michigan. —Mn. Gotdve, aged 109 years, died recantlyat Eickapao, Illinois. 7-George Toploy, the English pedes trian, has arrived in America. —Tho great Methodiit preacher Mor ley Punshon is coming to America. revolvers have been placed In the hands of the Egyptian cavalry. —General Great has subscribed *lO,- 000 to a Methodist church in Washing ton. —A druggist is on trial In New York for poisoning a woman through careless- —Ohio Dais a population of 68 to the square mile;- linesachusetto, 162; New York 85. Alexaader Btephene has no opin ion to offer on the difficulties at Wash ington. The Committee on Ways and Means him concluded that whisky should remain taxed two dollars per gallon. —The Chicago Insurance Coinpanies 'have resolved to increase their rates from eighteen to twenty.de per ce.it. —lt in said that newsboys and boot: Wacki are kidnapped from New York city and sold to fonetiersmen oat West. --Congressman Morrissey is to mike a hit by giving a sparring exhibition for the benefit of the poor in New Tork city. -Art ambitious youth in Michigan failed to cbop' off Lis own head with a hatchet. Note ilitlienit fat in politics. —ltellvillo, 111., is called thi mother oi Governors, baying furnished that (lo at monwealth with their Chief Miecntive. —Many wells and springs' hale gone dry in New York, and the "G. d'i" of that section attribute the act to volianic I action.' —Eugene Haywood, a youth of two. and twenty, owns fifty thousand urea of land in Illinois, and twelve thourand in, Nebraska. —St. Paul, Mutt., is the rat Skinnier% of the world. KOOO of the mischievous little creatures were killed for their hides last year. —The Chicago water•worL haTe cost *early tbrie millions of dollar', turd the water Is not extraordinary In quality after aIL • ' —During tin roe tinited States re ceived an army of Imenigrantsirotit for eign countries of nearly one quarter million persons. ' —Twelve thousand eight hundred and seventy saven hogs were Med and cored at a small town named Clinnersellle, in Indiana, this season. —Jsmes B=the. got on a spree In New York city, and laid down before a . bar room grate to spend the night. 1111 clothing took tire and he was burned to. desth. —As Ohlo atatlNiet•n utlasatea that • few years berme New' York, Pitnntryl• rants, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Xis seen will each Contain Aye million in. habitants. ,s Is considered politeness for young gentlemen to Iltt and airy the trail of lutes when the sweet creatures cross a muddy thoroughfare. Yankton makes slaves of us aIL —A femile fraud, representing termite' to be worth a cool million of &Mune, has been playing the confidence game ut dim:up:Ws, taking ut and doing .for number of shrewd merchants, —A naked, new born infant, wll9 found on the railroad track near Alloo as. It le presumed'-that-the' babe MAI given birth on n passing train, and thrown out the car window:' Of coarse, it wall dead. —A negligent town clerk In Eut Greenwich, libede Island; felled' to re turn to the assessors a list of registered voters tut required bj law, and thu fnmcbleed for the -yeses . one hundrod and fifty voters. • • —Stings U. • Pendleton' chapati for the Democratic ?residential nomination I dady grow. beentßally . . less. Re *as well hacked, but the shrewd .New York f politician, who Insured to get the Can. r union to that city, proved boo Fumy ) for the lirsollßiciarn . .or the meat. • —Mon. -Mob Bauman of Gruton, Chrier.,., is an aged. lady of nizety.five summers.. he reads without glasses, and two tiro yenta ago wove i rag catpet„ end • It • now getting out material for; another. Bhe bas - had its dusendanta, Who'repretant her In ball' the Mates of A peer woman, with want pictured In her face, 'and a little edition of the sun sort resting on her arm, went from door to door In Bridgeport, Ct,, with I tearful, prayerful *yes, sating elms from the charitable; . She.vranted,d possible, to collect 'Money - Mitcitgh hi have ' ibe sweat little babe* photograph Miters ..*-Bon. Reverdy/ohneort bu given Ms oPittlen'aftlitnitivily on'iloi following question anhatitted:„."Hivie the Mayor and-City Cicamell otßaltintere the right to retire Regret mortgage held by them upon the bambino and ProPrill of the i l ittabuzgla and - Oosatellayille . Railroad Company, to fluid the awned and Id cuing interest tipto4uustr7, 1871, and take the petitioner seeond mortgagee.. v = MinMargaret "Hayes; of Browns. illa,a Texas, met; her death InB. . lingo. tar 1 1 / 1 1.111014. -Ma other day. ' She had crowed the' tint on her way to Met& moros. and wan killed ,by a ballet from the Brownsville aide, while riding la a cab. The bullet was feed bit= of the soldiers of • .itterd Jturt relieved, who were dlmeted to ,diachaiira' their . pieces IMO the river. 'The &turn`who JAW*. tigated the occumnar, express tho opin. len that the fatal ball had ricochetted upon the Rufus Oldie water. . —igaamich as the Deraumratio Jour-, nala axe °limiting the - Tots& of the Oom. geragtive lbenatine, as amain to beam allist IMO-gamma,' it "might be, ell urge that tke trial is mot. pa/WM' mat, gad ghat 'members most are is swami Juana. PONtical vigeramust sink site: the fbilowing oath II taken, "I nolemaly swear . (or etnrat, as lko case may be,) that is all things pertain-. Mg to the trial of itip•ithßithtof----=, now ponditiClwill do impartial 'Jas.' tICO woßdhas ,tio the, Ronalitation and law', so help me Clod." —A largely attraried.ooarentiaa of the .distillers of the Went and Aorthirear was is gegaion at, Cinalanatt but week: A set of resolutions wee passed :calling the &a main of Om:areas to the fact that ' their badness was Isagolaldng for weal , , , of proper protectign, &Atha prices were depraved by the immense quarititieg ef . whisky thrown on the market by Mica &qua Thertditsega redaction at ' the bast' euthil:rtir. rumba atop to lbildiel47l6lll freaili goi, and recommeaded,hapdanml, instead of, gee, as the ptudattegait of alohtori of 4 b 4 reTalaU o /*WL =135! Fill': Gi., Tapping eager Tr Years ago, when the coitntry wax new, it was no object to protect the maple, for the forests Ice! e broad, and sugar trees were growing thickly through a great portion of them. They fell with other trace, until the woodman's , ate converted acres of ' forest Into tillable fields, leaving in too .many caws but a small nook of woodland upon the firm. Fora Co c; years past it has been noticed that maple • trees arc' dying Out faster I than others. Where but a short time ego thousands were used for sager mak. Mg, but hundreds stand to-day.. The cause of this can be attributed to noth ing but the severe mode practiced in : tapping. . The old .plan of boxing with an axe was abandoned, and one enproeved to be less !clarions adopted, that of boring; but since tapping with the bit has been , practiced, maple trees have died faster than ever before. When an incision is' made into the cep-woad only, it will heal up, bac When made deeper, it never will, and all the adjacent parts will die and often decay. Now, in proof of this, let any farmer examine two maples that have been tapped for a dozen or more years—one with a bit and the other with an axe or 1 1 gouge—the cuts by the latter not made' beyond the sap dewing weed. The In. , nor wood of the former end mueli of the' surface will be fund dead, while the other, where it has snellicient thee for healing, will be found to hare formed a perfect gnarl, co tough and sound that It will he next to impossible to s; it a log of it store wood length: 'Another proof of this may be made by math:tithe difference in the decrease of: maples in different anger orchards where the two mode, have been practiced. Tree, tapped receiving the least jury ere most profitable for the reason that the greater portion Of tan flows from the wool near the back. When a tree is tapped with a hi!, the spile elope up the bast flowing grains. When an incision is made with a larger anger` or gouge more grains are opened, and of; comae a greater flow of sap obtained. It is a fact, however, that when trees are tapped in this way the wind dries up the weed Comer than when n bit is urea, I but this is easily prevented by frequent', freaking over. ]Any farmers hays, within a few years past, !mad skeet iron !miles and a large anger, and have found them profitable and lees injurious to the tree than airy other kind. The spouts are mode by matting ahset iron strips two Inches wide and ten or twelve .inches long, bent hogow, and. one end ground sharp. An auger one and one fourth inches in else is used•for tapping, the hole not beig .bored over three-eighths of ap e Inch , deep, and the !mile driyen into the bark' beneath the cut with 'a square -faced mallet. When Crushing over, an augur Is used each time one eighth of an inch larger .then the one before It, and the Maiden made bat a sharing cceper. - 'l'he 'spite will not bare to be removed to , de this. If a farmer has not on hand • the dif- ferent nixed augurs, and does not wish to go to the expense of purchasing them,' a two inch gouge may he made to an-! ewer every purpose. It should be groand Min and very sharp, and the cut maths with it about two Inches. long and not over ono half an inch deep. 'the gouge may be taken along when 'gather ing sap, and any tree requiring it freshed, in half a adman's time by taking Off a thin slaving. There are other astranta. gee In this mode of tapping aside from' the preservation of the trees;•Moro sugar''' can be made, for a greater flow of 'sop , can be obtained, and no less sustained by leakage, as around the common wood 'pile. —Ohio Perm?. °moral —There m nothing gained by feeding your laying •bens as thought you.were fattening thim for market. ram - idly Will this remark apply while, they are running out. Thin thing of oyer-eatlng la hurtful to anything Boit eats.- St is . natural for a .fowl to be on the lookout the most of her time, and awallow a grain at a lime 13 it is found, cud thrive best living in this manner. Feed fowls a little at a time, and often. Grown fowl should not be fed teen than three tlince_per day. I Dud if I over-feed fowls, they go off in some corner and sit down and chill, If the weather in cold; . whererv, had I given them half as much, they would continue moving round, feeling well , aid acersLogly getting that ezerciso that their nature requires, by. keeping their blood in healthy circuit': Den. By this means the bens are bettor gists anti a great per miming' of eggs - . , . .., —The refute charcoal obtained,fmni the rectiftcre of spirits. from the ral/reada where wood is buried la locomotives, from old - charcoal bete, etc., is a very' useful materiel In the garden. As s • snalchlog about fruit trees I consider It very valuable, It Keeps oat frost in winter; It-keeps the sell loose and 'heist in saramer, and it does - tot afford a har bor fer twice Cr Insect/. 'ln the soil 11 sexism to promote moisture Ina dry sea. sou; and by its Maw *decay ((ar it does decay more rapidly than is gemarally supposed) it yields carbonic-acid gam to plant; and greatly audits In the downs. reunion of vegetable and mineral Mat ter. It la an excellent mulching for strewherries, la wintrir or stunmer. • , —Every barn ;Maid have a cistern for the use of cattle in Winter. A cis: ternis generally cheaper and better thaa a well, and as the distance to. raise the water is so much less than from nwell, a vest amount of labor is . thus saved is lonsoPing up the water. A cistern 18 feet Is diameter sad ft feet deep will heat ICJ berruht , Tbis is a very good slim to maks lam cisterns. If you want more capacity, make two. A. cistern 5 feet in dlararter will hold 5 3 8 barrela Co each foot la depth; and 7 feeCiir diameter, si tarred* pertt 8 feet, nearly 12 barrels; 8 feet, Id 7.8 barrels; "10 feet,- 1424 bar. . rats; per toot No grindstone ahauld be exposer! to" the weather, ta it not only injures the woodwerk, but the bus's rays hamlet" the stone eo mach ne; in time, to reader it necks'. .Itelther abould it run in water, as the part remaining ,In the water molten& ao „mock that it wear* away faster than • the ,other, side; and many , a "soft placit' id, a tone has arisen flint 'tilts cents alone, had' nut from tiny Lemnos/11y in' the grit. . , ". , : _.,... I, I s -.‘rt-ii economy to I keep- horse s oherD I skid_ Thermo'., only do more. work; i.but reteulre less food. If sharp, a Urge works easy and fearless. If smooth, he II endaaserehlmself and rider or driver and works in fear and - with crest weer i else of muscle. •Consequattly, he needs mom food to. Supply the waste.. /I is • not good economy to keep a smooth shod boles In icy' weather: By chaag. tog the nails of - the then every week they can be kept "rough-ebbed? without It has frequently, been claimed by ./ftillah writers, that thorough farming lea sure' destroyer of 'inseete. . When . the average tircalithe - of wheat . lit .Zbr, /and was only two • and a half ovation the -r Insects were far more general and destruction than they have been since the average has risen to tour and shelf guar ! A. conispondent of the Mark Laiui [` 4 . 1, 1 1 P 9 11:h0 highly tab* the cstbbige for fee g milch caws, store cattle:. sheep and swine, and Moro especially for Spring feeding Of latabhig ewes, . says that the average product per urea...rag. , lead may be mated et twenty-flea rens. j 1 —Boma thirty years age Mere appear. j ed a statement in Gov. 11111', „Monthly , Visitor, that 'worms in the headtbf sheep ' could be cared by -simply' taking whale ell, and with. a leathert no the nos.' I tridstwo or three times. It should be 1 done in the sinless, Or . whenevar the j aymptoms of tae disesae'reake their ap. 1 pumice. It is said by these who hug 1 r tiled it to be a sem remedy.. . —l4e would 'urge upon, every , firreer the importance of keeping & correct ac- , cost of all he deas—not only In Ida deal , legs with the mechanic merchant and others, but with himself and farm Keep an account et your hired help— , the expenses of each kinder crop rained athe an product-In. fact of all capes:nil ; m d receipts lateral and household operations, Yea can. then at the .close of the year, tell which crop hsa pad heat...and whet per cent, you aro read”. lug for the, capital invested., —A /toed wagon Auk may dimwit, Of boards two front o f feet lona., l'lsce the board la front of the relate] one en* on the Reined and the other - Just under hie of the spokes, elate sip to the, felleat; liehjeke bold Of the spoke on the oppo site side of the wheel, and lift it, at the same time placing the secesd beard; .undo; the axle. In, this way ,edeaded, Wagon oleY be lilted witneam- ~ . —A. gun will not need cleaning fei , five years, if the muzzle is tightly I corked, and is plies of rubber kept upon the tube under the hammer , when sand.' Appl lng y the albumen or White of an I egg to th e middle' and gtitilt plenty of elbow gretse, with the aid of 'a piece of flannel: The nue spoliation to anew I eiddle,twortr,th.rei dines repeated, will produce thatrlch dark brown to much decree • .L.Twelve visits of soot is i hogsheads of orater, - wllt make.. ll' pewerfal liquid j ramters, WhlckW/U L Lnproes'ae growth of dowers, ,garien. vegitlible§; Or not crepe. ft either:lllollU car solltUntAte J ........1 . J.•,...,-, .I,:na t . . 'EI AND HnSFI.IOL D. ~ . . it makes an excellent tor, dressing for grass and other mreal:,.rom. '—tine of our most t.rousinent orchard, tats tells us that In oso .otslas orchards where sheep ran during , he season, the apple cop was almost padrei y unaided by the codling tuoss. Next season his entire orchard will fie pastured with sheep. This Is an !tend worth remenr. Weer. . ~. --Camphor dluelsed- rn spirits, is an effeetunl agent, and stay b•-used at a/I times, the in very c4 d weather with out the least Injury to the eaten, Cann baths briag . $7Ol or ton in St. Loaf& They are n&inufactured into nutttrosies of a large Mae. Tar boo. Ifernatenintaten that the corn crop of lowa Is stig In a great do. gres ungatiered. . Wagon bodies are amide of hardened , rubber composition In qtmnecticut. LAND Is efered to settlent near Jack sonville, Florida, at arty," cents per see. TEE Ohl* Reform 1144,3, near Luess-' tar, realized ia 1017, a remise .of 7145 07 from petrol", 5903 from wine and grapmf,aild 71 frorn cherries and strawberries. • • , WE have recelvectlkti,' Initial number of the /Fatir'inia Agrihraturist and Dann Journal --two well knoifn farm Journals consolidated into one, aka published by the writ knoWn agrietglorists J. - 2L & .QrD. Yorater, - ofthis c4y. It will atom than comparo l'aiorablY with the best conducted lounge devoted to the inter• eats of the farmer in theNountryTand we wish it alarneEtusure ritteeeu. I . DeensyDrarsis locales /Sews. The Pithule Record says in relation to the late fire: 'The 14 W:disastrous fire has _made ar 'desolate lisolting blank in Dolmulen street. We .hear that quite a number of parties are isidentling to at up buildings on the burftt district ita medlately. Most at that-business men burned out intend to macre their bual- ' low in a abort. time, and/. not abandon Pi ;bolo, at least for thelorssent. We thought at nue time this lire would - be the tondo!' Pithole, and thattbis borough, ,whichtrio balled into AV/stoma almost hyp o years o under such favorable splose,tand ago. growth -Wad Migrate of which was at one timitaws marvelous, wee about to go up ln stabke., llappuy we wore mlstekon. PrOiDt the energy displayed by our citimnas!ktow the fire, we foil that there is still greet muse for encouragement as .to' thei future. All that Is now needed to melee Pithole is the thorough development oftlitu• oil terri tory and the striking of fit* or air good producing. wells. The:Olt City Rep ithlteaii any*: Tie I erection of sill Make lsgoini on •at a rapid rate In Venango cityitn a g e , of the Inclatneneyof the weather; I netle• one receiving tank completed or nearly tea by. Lockhart Frew, capaci a ty 2,000 barrels. Another of the aims epacity, commenced by said Ounriany. • It. /Am bertoueonstrucdog otos, which when completed will bald lA_ 000 barrels; thin tank 'will be a toonttlari to ita line ; its foundation looks largoAmotigh fora smell village,. A larger atilifie taprooms of erection by Fisher Brea; one of oar most enterprialtigoll farms, liTho lamed /auk' when completed:. , hold 10,000 toroth; .beisida this theY, , have two smaller 'ones, one, holding 2,400; the other• 1,010. Itnrchfield; erstwhile dt Coshavelaidtho' foondatioriliss a Urger tank • theirs will hold 15X00 stomata. ilokri ' MunbalPs - bank boldiqwe wore in formed,lo3 harrein..• Llama. emeowned ,by Mr, Wh eatl ,i holds. 44 • barrels, One comma:m.4kt bye iiiompany, Whose name seem:ad not 'learn to ostiiiiAid to hold when finished ONO barrels, ;Thu by es close a computation as we Were able to obtain. thritankage is Vemabori CRY bY April lino , will be in the neighborhood of 4.1,001 torrels,.and.usariS/ if not all tide to iu sonsequence of tber,completion of the Allegheny ValleYßallthad to this The Rile I Depubtieon saiii; that Mr. - Joaeph Metcalf, (ether of Niskiott Met ' calf, Req:, of that city, will ninety roar years of age in August 4ntat t if he } Urea oolong- Da now.eozbewhat fee. bib; and will not probabl y = live very' many more years. -- Mr...liebialf Weald to be .the olithist Mason in the Milted I stateO..fiiiTthif.Joluferthe'o4der some alxtr-five yours ago. 'Re wakcarried In his bliiieto the Masonic festl-1 vol the othir day, anatenjojeil the °case sloe in the hlgheatdegnse. - - Ofitourie be was the observed of ail obscrianb , The Rae. Disperra 'says: /'Aterabintri I Jamie, Req., antritualist, Witch/mei, preatbiiifitator, dte.., • who lricated the I Chicago artesian well, and an we/1 at Pleuantvills, Pa., sends us a circular in which he offers ens sixteenth itteresta in oil wells for, sale at $5 O O. W :can only so - to bfr:James that his ternfo are very renable. 'No have paid greeter rotas tor similar intereatt, and oblidned Putt as little oil as ha knows bowoget.• scheme le a good one. Re abdinld per- On W erineads;yafterziOon laistfli freight car with mares end the cahoots/sr Con duntorFitcliarda'.trainon-the Slit Creek Railroad, rear off the track near.the sum mit. The ear And the eabcose roiled down an embankment about Aleut high and turned over. A pameoger And con ductor were In 'the 'whoa". at tbetirees and they were both allghtlylnJttrod.•The accident waacaosed by the blviaging of a truck under the . car leaded tattketarree. The stabkholdere in the I viribuit roadii lo the Oil regions met in..-Ttgladel e , phis, • February 21; and. contlithed.the contracts of four nopoctive _board* for consolidation.' The lincia are mer g ed to the 011 C...0ak - railroad, the Fratticho rail mad, and the Farmer& railroad, 'sand. all tinder the title o(011 Creek and44leglie- ' fly - Rh - or railroad' ' ;. ' ''Elmer Davenport, a eon of biritiDikirgo DavenportyntOonneautville,wastizown cd last s fiatonlay in Conneaut creek, ,It h *upraised that while trying to ellfith tip asap hank he backwardl4'aiw4 atbiking.tia a hole in the lee. Zero be. re !wean thct and fear years old. :••••• - Cary le to have 'a ehevse factory:- Tho orojebters of this ehterpiriestre loemerica haac slid Malor Co : ,Ignsee and J. Tillotson , It 01411 be,,Ricatival Jost mitalde the ebtithientern=ary fine of th:city; ancl'ho a gi ems With the m i l k of front /50 to spo,, Tbeeildientogifili. la this "Stet; loot *lateen of their thamber 1141367. 'Five-, Clothe of the armours are over sirWanty-; lire, man,-Peer. OfititYs, rood very air below .°7!DV- • -1 ' • •'•' The Tomlinson w ell - on Rillt nu 4 pro (lacing two/ebbe:rein per dity,...weoper- • chased a at,- or two sine* bY.a/r. :W•Ci.I cheOloi of tbe Coldwell farm., The Poet OfficeAtfilianahuri h`ril Ma:torte - le the .TaltnaofParm: bat tier' • Shambirmand‘Atkiaarrot forOka , , ,aceotieruWatitin el, readmits, The Ramon well near Renown* start; ed up last week audit le mita' producin g; . -'nearlythree twoldred ltomile Der dart Th e %Corer kleohlne, Company-ibas wan/enema open/tee; hhdoii•oof .rat-.I ploys - about fotty hand'. The fairitaiy betiririn thaniburg *td rimaatnntrii. 'Wm - tested for oil. : 7 I Altepablicau blab Tram- otgeolsedlat Ognnewatville on the 20th hut. . ' GENERAL 4E1iC13.:. —An ossaY - Li an Tallish m ' ayitiebe. on "Walt Street and AnserlatuSF/nance;" onhustes the intrund, anunint annolie.S! treneartbites in Well nfrisin 'et I :istryiloin 515,000,000,000 atil$ 16 : 000 ,000,000.'. - 0 ' 1 -.491th referinfee to the sinie .or: dtmerioaa Lronetede,in. Patin i0nt.1.4-. 1, pes: stilent of , tlio..i.Leeidon Morning Inn t o "It' is • reed that 'Mtn& i' bi treaty wltt,ammo:tent of the llnWil Stew, for another purchase be reseal of tinr; and s Russian agent le itst kttci benow In New York ; be asoettain• Whet rectitude tbererbeYbor9c 00110,1* in Al:nonce a fleet of tnutsports," —The ?New, Albany (fettyZeifpor ism* 'thin. thenhly carpenter* end boatemila... ern of that eity_sre /tinier in large box . hews. . About twenty of Wow have (nisi structed 'a - flitbost, • of long 1:0!, twervollett Wiley end C luee down thie rirertin search. pf work, :They whethe r. Wet where thoy will. stop, or whether.' work eta be elibilned W.' points 'below but - the venture "bar - been - detannlzleal —Tito hicrerae for:PoPrastlon in the .itrittsh colonies -. in ' Australia in yeti atriklnte.' %Nickels boatained lit 1530, In: s.tZt Aoldr‘ralesitletitSorll,7l4llo333;obglitt 0107 persons ; In 1660, "The pop.' .Eiouth' inoreatuid how-30,0001n 1501 t003. 7 / 9 1 060. The continuances& on ininentatee of popu lation-Spook' isoeu make Attstralla one of the proinloeuiteauntrftee of the glebe. a lecture l ...--ry disco pte Wutas s ealth ef,Ztery 2.tiaa'! was re g centli.upo by r a theltrniverallv CainbrfntlipS, He defined tides wealth $0 Am the peeve,. aloe and . two ,o,ur ..natursl ha ultlea, and very powerfully pictured the ponnty that follawed oar behsg depriv ed of theta or their ,tieing Unpaired in the opsuttion. Ramada a point. al our want. of 'appreciation of thtlbleesings ; of this wealth tuittlwe are deprived. at it, "r • w il°n. s 1513 Prtraitesnitle by:oar:sena* ortha lois we have auateitted. the lee tiireseas aptly illusittated rittotin ve.rana written byaillon—written ai!erg meataser meat. =cant; Gauen' Otrorste ktoCallants'ef Penn ylvaniets gatlinu. °Meer* died cni UM, 2ith" Instant at Weet Cheater; H. *an frotK an :bgeetlent Zanily; ettees mill.• 1 nay,fe maguated- West Pont; iii teat, and served in the campaign agalttelo tho Indiana ha Moeda; whorehe aegnited *geed reputatiomt .13.eaftetward. Jelled and= tziemrel Taylar, .Ittegice,. and woe promoted - to Brevet Voloatt.'end st tho close of UM War-thithrad from the e,my. But Jai -Ow-breaking out of the rebellion he wan calledtodaty as Gen. 'raj of tho Peuxurylvanla Tiesartm and fought gallantly and Mn patriot on right aide 'till Ma end Of the, realmu the la campaign. when ill health tamed Mtn to rtelga Hews 'mach' respected by all hinctaltld - adds ints.more • ' , now* -11rIKE Otrostriotg• who- Alava done their wank and lald thetaxdown to MEM Crogossnwa to tam runtarrn•sslited \Venni:corms. February au, THY. QUO WARR.A - rm 36 was expected that an . applleilloit would be made to-day before Judge Wylie, bolding Circuit Court, fxs wim of quo' trarranto, but thriee!hiiithet the manor in chars°, desiring to , bare eras 7 point maturely considered, and the pa pers arranged c o ul d perct Tenn that uo excepUon be t aker' when the matter is brought before the Com* it was decdoed to defer the applicaDon till early next week.:.' it istar be presented on Monday. The ammo( procedure will be as follows: Applies. lion to be made in open Court. for tuts to Ala en information In the nature of a Teo warrant°. This application it, is pretruMed witl be granted spa Matter of course. Mr. &anion will be sereectwith a gaminess to appear d answer. Mils he has ala s i n which to ON but it Is rupture.,] he will netavidl him self of the time allowed by law, betel once respond, when an early daymey Axed for the hearing o( the mum. ape rferaNctaa.,- , rets runic° Derr.' . The fractional currency issued fax. the week Was A1tr...,000; amount forwarded, A1h),510, including $160,00. to thoAaels. taut Treasurer at St.. Lents. Matkroal Bank Notes Lssuod. M 2,440. Fra , Mlonal currency redeemed and destiwYed, 27 - 100. Damen' of Internal fteremichi Cur - the 'week. 81.931.0A1. The P,Ablhl ncbt Statement will ' notba Wanted before the fah or Oth, It la 'Mai ' mated the showing will be verylkroras hie and the debt be reduosi conalciam. bly below the tigums in Decembe r;,, ., Wsaurnaro,'h 1. nrrat.moince piton carte. 'Accounts from Crete to FebritariSth describer the heroism of Corsica entitle ' troops,numberingaccordlngtothoGreind Vizier's own estimate, nplcartlsiat2,ol)o. who attacked the Turks user 4 fo rtifi ed S obtaide the town of ' foreleg (be Turks' to .•fill't's beck auto the citadel. .4 . number were drowned (luring Um retreat. l : were killed by Cretan troops,Onie Mutated and forty wounded and forty taken'pria. I °nem. Tho , Turks. as usual,. attacked Ithe non-conbatanta, mid stayed Silty ~ after hawing robbed-them of aillialtut• bles found ' in their possession. The irregular Turkish troop .haire also. been guilts. of similar atroc ities ties in Madam; The Droylsional Govedrettant haa Issued another circular. addreised to - representatives of Christian powers, de claring the Cretin people remain-faith ful to their vow of union wittrGreems TUE ITMATi IC/111,311t*AMM1302111ZI1- EMEE!I . = . /110 ItAIVRA.LIZAT/OX., = - ,;Yeatorday the Seindery of &Memo* . a teiegram to Ifiniater !Ci11.1:1C!.CIAt010ACI1 the following anawar was 'TM:ion& Ilda morning: Birlin; Iron& I.—Tresty, elga ad and mailed on 22(1 February vim Eng land. ,/t provide. that • atolgratiOn,•nball be free and that naturalization 'clualges nationality. LinSton the ratification:- • [llligniscLl . • . . ~ I lawcatoet • A real days ago somata!' time nk.ost-linien e!neat idea:nem of te Dens xpnissied disbeliefh Diplomatic in the 'cable -dim patch,* -on this subJec4. btit• Wonky a member of the „ Committee Am-Foreign - has o doubt of the feet the ' t i" a Bmi lre he aty Imo been- Ili naiad with the o North. Gernauto.Con federation securing the object, above stated and they and gentlemen ocenpv, in`` high , peells - In our 4ionlonat sd.• ..minlatration believe: this treaty:WlN be soon followed by treaties of a almller character between the United states' and other ferio gn government., thug reetoff nising an American principlo,,, ~, • TirS7rEiralti wars - 8= INCl.THittfmc r m. It was heretofore stated - Collector Aber. • , .. . natby and his deputies bad seized" ems- dry whiskey stills In Dust Tenn...me, but was afterivard 'Mobbed bY, Yerikne 1 concerned in the illielt trade, and eistiared ! their freedom b ypayingaransotm.,Thes• l ; government officers promptly cominni-, cated with the Internelßevenne &Mean,; asking - for troops to • tonforeatheilaw. l The Bureau. has obtained , fronkAbe i military snthorities a faverabloresprinas to their applionion, and. acoormgi a 4 company of cavalry bas been ed 1 to ;support, the revenue officers in the ' %no:villa district; theism:m Mkt". ! ot the i ky initurreonion. • • . - - - - i=iii" '-; ' ' veR/oUts ,Tprzia I —At Philadelphia, Saturday nionitog •; I libeller exploded in the extenalwal dreg and paint manufactory of Powers 4 Welghtman, at Kinthand Brown street; I which was succeeded by. fire. Wintry . I the whole block was destroyed, elltudelf 11 10811 of halts million of dollars. , 'The ! essential oils and paints ;ceased ane.hei hot fire that the firemen could not redoes the flames to anblectlon.-•and for along-: tI time it seas feared that the!'contlegratiat would spread.. Several persona, Were I badly burned by the explotion,but none are bettered to have been fatallylAlnied. - Fonately few of the operatinse of entered, the building at the time of the • t explcistorcor the lose of life would have been fearful. ^Quite an umber of fire. e men were. injured audeaveralihorsee were burned to death . hallll/10C11 is said to be heavy. •• r ' • . -‘,/i.t the American toestlnehrtrion. I don, at which John 'Bright. andlietnnan Hall delivered. addressee, thev.following Iresolution 3V115 adopted, nuanlniemil liyr .. esolvert, That this meeting express the least hearty good will towards Attend' and p/vdgre itself to ee, support f r eminent at home In its efforts to effects I prompt, 'righteous nod' rieueettir settle- mad of all international differences, end ! ! especially of amen connected with the! Alabama daiwa questaor. — At - Worcester 11163: oseph Clark tho keeper of to gambling fiddle; was ! robbed and inurdored in •Ids vsessina on Friday night:set.- .When fortadhiabeed was splitupert, with his brains.. pretend- ; ing. and a rOOO was tightly - twisted f aromul his neck. Iferbleneefilinurbeen poured over his hood and body; end, his , bad had Aeon act on fire. .wetch, money and dintond ring "were -Wren. Two Men are suspected; and oudof them, -Mite Green of :forth Greerivilch4i. L, -- Ile under arrest. rotrberiAa l eiCineralad on Fridey'rilght at Kaasteg r a `thine; three miles Rona' Heading, Pa. GEMideirtong w o o twea d in : bli, -0/1117by. ar Ana diaguised e ey shot Midair with,ple• tots; and robbed him Of/164W hinfffind dollen', std.-lea tilm: , tied. ,, filistt tome waaentered by tbeearon,perty sodplv ibousand ,M government ,bonas, t w oo thousand . ' in ftbachl;'l 'tWO 1 1 :ilunumnd,Lo. taiteruz.NO amount, paid inteetinpietteng Moslem,. from thy . salea-ef mitnisslatod and captured cotton tinder tbri, Frosts. ions of the bill which - bw.M' the &lobate ' lutsreek, la - nearly thirty allitcheapiThe final passage .of. will.pseve severe check upori clanuahtic whci;to be anocessful,inmaloanta very sorer, ordeal . :as to their poshiterind. reCordliming the'wee the (keret .efiVielintehwiii e,lterletntheir P u ns , .1. -. 1344 neli; young pir.n. eon Of Bar ` nuei Z' Bieck . of Manry, wet unirdivedlim sumaLertam42l:7ol=6ll67= Tin/name, ny a ag r, The murder 'wax 'for tiabtkit er 'cin Z in t °llll o l ictiztewbreatandi4Oots. Re Anti at large. ;;Meolelareenuton a tour anageat of amend jerheli • nett. Sn q diMeitlty .' Situnta? wig. at Stanton, od the Memphis ' and7 ' tin6~tla ' Rellroadgroviint one , of nu dautetA :Major erearihrcand by a. planter mimed ./Liz - . 'sshe in turn wriielorbyliickshiodantrell.,dmmoy steuncled,!d y i ngdiaringtheinlirAtsePoth W e f a h hiNT.-"la • n ' elt.e.lghbVeu,atie eft leen . .9 0 .re; named ''CollitaiAl: South Greven.' ' lifteisarmi w ee drowned on Wedneadarrnifdit by breaking throu ghthe. c0 .. 1 0:4?g to cross a brook.._ boli ock '' Svelgifing" -I thro4lve hundred potmdsran the hoof was slaugh tered in,Phhadelpbta putt, ,vreek".,.., mwgo "Erie '.Dispitinit woe Xmas* ro• e story, .whicit is, imwerfw, attriet, !„y (roe , hasitud eo the to ourAnowladde„ it appears that some 'six 'imonthil ' a mum whose name **did Ito ed another. num in • New Atu*,, city_ and Zator'''l:dleitin ` Shortl ye froozliftf'theehilytlndilty-ter.4"1444P0- lizoraeo v meat whet:wit, a bs e r,lied. . ' The othsr_ipoliceaten final and tnthoted, gibe s uppoied. r arn . *mind. and hastened r., saslitsuoft.;iodablt re- turn the body oC.atttkderes g9A1.4. by .be rcium d i Qua doubts Wer e , epmded by i awn , ' as to wet/tar - be had Deft'ini6t. u was repnesented: *row tw odnatditseg* ' 1 a. stranger_ turned ,up laylitoUghbY. I 'Ohio, and went to Pratt ea'a riloettimUcar .1 flis actions wore sample/6w siadld few. 1 .days6l:o be,Wal rfeedninakh.T.4l filtiner acqusintatoe ea the niardenr„ Ile we" - - arreated - hat weselc Ilia` taken' to'l.iew Xork fortrish-, Unsaid' anew he ***WM by the policeman ,tio_ mule. his way to a ,barn; where ho „lay for nix weekh,j stating wholly . - on sthadi".. %ditch he - , fdleded front the strew. ! Pxotoe Ow.. ho" ; thado his way to l y i tioughhilfbefli Ist i --..................._...... ~..4....4:3 i .4 .- BILILD 4 ut tux StEectuFaPiltlis,c. .4. .fames Worrell, Corstuisstonerndertbs eat of Afarch tPtc!ltted,' realist `tot the . abbeof Osn hatho'Butuuebanotand Il k 1 . truiest, him made L ;repeat, in ,1 110, eve' that the tor I Pb'a constructed' In' Met. 00 nit 'dam , . /Ca perfect .11OOMMItt,;.flited bavechince - . , been it ca In ught , of the yory,fiaesiAo4atlty, 4 41 • reagss!,.uhte numbem as bleb -, 1, Otero The colembistaiam ale‘lttessteett, - ott the Juniata. 'Thettntalattelt , nallY r ' ta*entietween Columbia anal Image, nagod - Stum ISM 16 atihtlehniscoseend. , Maus °fibs aorapigatectUrna matmglod f with the actemooPtgothletplehannalmal i ' • , - company, who have constrpctedit MU". i ' 1 Ltato..7. weir ' which ' ettforthi 10 ' away 'I to ,the,, fil lit , ' - -Buite..intekbe en . , gt in the Itauphbi, cout,ty ,4" againet the Pent:,:syfrinfamilroad dons- ,' Rani; atitt other amtpott,thotte owning' - I . • cm tb• oomtMwasm 4 . _10f Um .a.pti and it la auppond . , itutotian . . wistideocti be settletL.... 'top . . - • - i . . •,:',' • -,• ''- , .a, , -.,;!. ,ii::, „, 1 , II II 1 1 II 11 Mr./.BIIINaT9N. I<
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers