Eli Eittanito tap* realmhub Ltisbtere l J filpectal p!!Patak 13 the Pittalbaritt lissott4l.l Mirth k . Hisragairia, . •.• • • • • sc4.l rAzum 3TNALLT. Incorponalsm thuilleglasuly any and Aravision Company. AuthorislogiaMCifleastrurg Mason ic Fund klaPoirowilftuMMoulioad dollars. ' unloidoiisittis sad Wolof Company to supply puldto build .lmm inllnlontowu. Creating a ainkfler brad for 'the exthi gulehment of railroad compromises,. bonded iodebtedeen of Plttstrargh, and eppotntlne 1130ard of Droualudonere to. take charge thereof, and for other par- Allowing. -Notarise - Piddle in Alle gheny county lawful fees for taking ao knowledgmenta, as are allowed men and Justices of the Peace. .• IneorpoVallnialie Gleinuil St. Pnincil cue Hospital, Lawrenceville, Allegheny county. Incorporating Me Getonaburig Yoag l.. ioglumy and Rzoionavllle Railroad Com . - inoarporating the Calootoina and West Virginia Railroad Company. • Inoorpenning 'the Pittsburgh, Re. Reel Port and Brewsunrillo Railroad For them!. of unesakd kitiwithla the borough of Washington. Establishing en independent School District minty:arts ofAllegheny, Beaver tout Washingtorteenntlesi knabling the School Rhymer' of the Firth ward, Allegheny . City, to borrow Repealing the tonnage tax on the Moro ongabela Slackwatar. Extending the_ Aussie:lj unity act reuilve to_hoary . : 0 44 keePoni Washington county. Aotherixing the Behan Directors of Hellovuo. Allegheny isounly, to . borrow . money and levy tat.. _ Adjourned tDI Thursday. HOUBROFRITICIISENTATIVREL i zonswvowar tuataentiasen. - __LINTON,,from the Hpacisit Oast or Inintligatiost; reported that the Beast* bilt 4601, for_ the damage of vestukini-JMUstewas . dentine 41,2111 In MR, was signed - by she Governor ouktitCHotosiantenhtuant, asithlandag the transcribing clerks of the Sainte for not inserting the, Neese anuadment. zaTimentxxitrassevoTtosa. ..sAr:szumotacer, - tee. on Federal Relatioaa, reported sr grundtveft, thaßeguiteric#4 lniioia Mr. NICHOLSON, from the Costal too on Vitstindiainavalitymnsorted til er 101 l gneetiea arlianue fp votaris'ei every the State fl vase ifeethit - I .. .-RmliaPuPP. , • 3 -. By Mr. EIMETIref Allegheny: Amp-, . piement to the Oat sictlon of the act Of Ilsoch ima tkl&H.,DPelati ..utoneibstuo ffer Exempting counties and saualcipal. .lorkr4-toos fujintitei of. the _sot reelPetflng4alinasiff Arai Porstions to payees:undress erpislati No; A g en ,Pgo l ict .1 14 4.ng,t!4 6 -ortranisa-- tion 00-Aiirattve hisioehdiess fir mining,tintitinittringasd trading pur- 1 puss in „thVgentatenweilth. - • To divorce Liaacieriefe - rdiad Mar , gnat Crawford. - I the Cantrollita -11n1 teensy City So** District to levy tad.' apportion the Scheel tax fir the moms Mr- muirl 6 4 4 4 7l liiikain eta _.. Hailing a ferry over the Youghintheni- river at Beaton, Allegheny county. "XXI Ecßatiferillegkeag,espealys; the . ita i •f Mett 1 411 ,11*.i . comity. Mr. RIDDLE, % Allegheny, for the . removal at toll73asea Mt Allegtmay .2MArig the act far a ferry over the hbearmin.higa at Elisabeth. Anthorlzirgiattional tax la Shari.- burg, Allegheny minty. m 4fflur bethe Litter. thtejtetiei , regalattige Aigheny oddity prig' on. Ewa icard or PI/L. to eat a &vain!Vedanta *_...Vabticraduts. IB ~ loirister, aw.e.. Ural tu n iteiptia, APorniis*. eral an '" sato Treater to adiudiclide a .0 Afton, !..1 , ,i:%maileiga the di4l." ` kiit&ln '''itii, Ba i n . - 4!!•1r7. 'r-I,l2lt;i4ie ' o ' " 'xigatoing Isiah! A ~. [CeitAan !0 t i t-i ragrni i'; ~,....#:- cftrwat.l74l- - , - t. --,- 41 , ,•=l,7zi,l4.botidliv."l-.."- •.' 4 , - I***.A. tense s ,vpcia ‘._.___.. 7 - --lotai i ewst - a.m. .t the nivibai _ satiadiaiirdiathibil moor ssoms-- u. Ilan 'Mho' at lbws Vill thg a n l""" =tog. ;° , 44o4o 6 ittokAiit. l4llll odralaisafgs isaitilicteadrirfabirdig ( .-0 -.~at~amia B~mee-li'i~meua.do~e. - tor - _ Mr. Hicricilftt -Vissiabiettinie*liitto lid] tilsfa CW,lnittee was argatt Xsig*lAliej man,lesdoaly Tb 6 .511.** • . '' ' sinloAkl chaillikameadmind atiikhag the. ward clicor ummostulitkiial:yer. +milt tlerle*N-saysagety-kar—li. - kOrP. 0 1 00,MAISIMitty , 4=43 .. ( L a wroneNUlard,Oil zVlear4l4ll.lll/1111iiiian (/)° , laws " ,) /barn.- 4kottV:lffratitb , ,M4 3 o o ollgru" - ..4iietap asavassw Smith, f-Ilikiblesimi, Miran ,77::' S :, !Mi;vik , k,-; ,?'. . EMI tiWillyirt../1111312Maillettfthje 4740w this or ltset .131ItthteheR 4:o•ObleCil'ettperbetestdebtpr Prit/U9416:444 Anthoristrut , the Mcnient*ed, Winn. ":nakitiaraikeelltigtic:: • 7:4lter 6 4 l tAKAGltitig34 l3 2 o- P , VOCAiIIi T . ':. 424 ftS.l 64 ;e 4"l "Z ia g_o_ t 'F' 96 l l insane or: tnechi rl luzug ifeji GiViiiratbidenda; - . . tat:, ---- W A lk r iert r l,;li.n ~ , Cher unlit& escholom vet., - . . 0 .4talifikomt itotasidloycooisothiii: lily . 1 6 9 4'AG - cad, V''' , ', ,, r!k-lisi „: .iIIakNOWXY: g*- . *A Jolit'faildF 1 '-' 5- "*" 161 A-Plmrto ;Abe laroyamiatit or z,- -.44t . ":4lifOliver wit- ciatiilingokt of Eris _ '.... ~ii~ :'i s__ _. kr:ilia l .ilo44 A*VMM4M 6,2 4A 4 t *664"19n edgyrsl-4W MOM, I blg o tro 1.1!e • litetaairraiLcs • xr. copf:W4 - Asktlaagi,,.‘mdi t;.4 - ii.23.pubipeut: la" Ibis ,. .**-of -:s loth; ..t fT hA14.1.W 431 9;1 1 49 4 " . 1 - 4,5 of 4.l3y7Adeiil stibrecetoi• bsr:, to the * _ he e Aso,. , th 4,1 . 1:031P111.3 , POS":.1111,341211 20101111Utelitsad rilipsilen of the Arm . = and OiniiiiiiiiidWotirweatuv** irkubifiktie>gt4antAdst*sw 4 114 aWaiii: 40 109 1 1 1 4:-.lk 6 V,Aii* Fotithe*lcips.. Um of theirlambilutliolfilkagf,c4,;. riKTIF?f* i.4.*E1 13 r 4 ; 0 0 ,41014 ** 1 4.4 1 -AB 4 •Y:r'ssi - . 1.4 1 1:700,4Nr.PC1",d0; 1 40 or :the ".pujia. - . , 01iffleriwaig Sszion,-.Xr.IDONNE;Ly 4 4 Pblla ;c44.44-0144. g*:.4olsl4*Opi , iga ..,-,-.0.4.411. - aadshocpzuwaid, to ,blia 41e.11 ;Am oospcirstion; zoilE *raker claim 'OW* tbsTraited 81* . ; for ~rloes "'"irek or *We rendered,. or aiming expMeiftal in Penneylvania, do rtag or on mom= of the late war - for the , suppression of the rebellion, add alter Sevin examined and' audited midi claimsaidaniiitalahog what lajuat tPelue, the Auditor General. ahall 'pinifhas nitricial 4=UL:eta setting forth on irphal(ef Peructylranta the &Mount imo T andited. -.111 ,auch certficalea !hall be countersigned by. Sou Secretary of the Canunanweelth 'tine( AG "dill:tub:if may icannot the anti to 'the United Mateo amounting depttninerit (or pigment. the State not to he responsible for Um clatxtt buXitimpg to certiry thereto. - = BM authorizing incorporated cOnn. pitl4oll to Mame In lands and mortgages, ground teat and igooeiumsnt seoroitiO. _ -iiasaascOßDatantitk " The gement fee', MU, except (a r Alle gheny;- e Lsusauctee, 'York and Nankeens ery.asuntles,end khe registry lawpassed -HOUSE Ols Arrnaiitneirea elz.h. . , . , Tbe whale Morning tie - melon, wag 46- Meted with - the !mooed reading of it,o amioprietkintn.ll;;Withoot coach:mien. RIVES AND Zia! CANAL. )tr. LOWRY'S Jeinkresoluthaut, Uwe to the Ohl& River and Erie Canal. it.re aa tallovnst . . , War/SILL% The COUSUiIItIOD of tin; United States areas In CONcresokhip cloalve siabt:in Isis commenxil.7 tweet' the sosaraf ot the TlClitiLl; Ind WIIRFAIN The ' , Ohio Elver is a great aid Important line Of internal mime. AN:nth:on- to which many of the Stains of thla Union are intereated ; and . WX1017421„..A. aurvey nearly Completed by eminent engineers In the employ of the National Government will demon. strldelhat this peat channel of ann. coerce an be pin in good and permanent condition for the pie of nteitaboata at all wasstur of the year, trim mob. dratted by ice, forasum not exceeding tweet' nations of dollars; therekre;.. . ~Esintoest. That in the opinion of the ponds of: Petuasylnudn. the tappet...nee of this great channel of maniere) will tallyyjustify - the expenditure of the sum Seool2ll—Tbat "our Senainra and Rep retentativea in Congress are requested to urge and vote for such appropriation ex will secure the permanent improvement of the Ohio river upon the beat plan that civilineers may reoommend. imp Thatve ment as a necessary adjunct of the ro th nn of the Ohio river, the sm e mend of ierge of the Erie aunt, connecting said river with Lake .Erie, to a capacityauflident for thetrans portation of Maim togs of at lawn- throe kundestif tons, itof the first importance, not only to llan commercial interacts of the country, but also as a military high way for the rustimtin time of war, and this enlargement is recommended to the favorable 00111idgadOli of Oonwms, who are nrgeotteee with .nsylva n i ilt in aiding- and promoting this greet' wn*. sluarratruss — Auni:rrrrairmartraatrths. ditaractes '6osion.-21r. WILSON, of AlbebsbY.- red bb plows bill incorpO, rad% the Attarpsbcyg ancl L Klthumlbg Truit . pcke Composr. _ Tbi ebk4sitteroioit sandon *as ocai pied frilibreibitheetbei appropriation bill: PROM EUROPE. Lit/Taleingai.U.iMSO.ziii•wiis.3 • assay =MAIM 1421Mmiii, March I.—lt Is said - Benin Lk.utahiiibud I. to be raised Me tibilMr rink in peerays • • • DmisM;;lo Preacis Train has again been armored. Hi had silver: tined he sand& iscrum this *mining it the Itetunda to tribroity, and's= about primeedbigrolhe hillsrhantis win taken audienceef Bye destkpeopla had inansibleciorid whin infornnid of Tiain'iderssitioallier were eery': deminderk•the karriathelemoMyiet the dem: 'At one , t * a t iat V . ` 4ll S•i : 4 l nerie egad, amerddnallyclispareela elt aH id ibi•Cqsist,•ti ;delta,- green ,eui:titarTight Ina lerroco: th,s Vrif!,* anlrtion - • Immix; Marill4;—ThePriaiiiii condi: VoisnTlialead.ind tl a inargelah Irish reform are lobe conaidered lathe House of txmmoas odTdechy set: Dispatches from Amway Bay say jell tors Ercen/tritirds captives have began calved at the advanced post, baying bett; brought in seinetly by native rutimen . , pm. - The letters are dateellagcHdla, Feternary - 41.14 and show that the - prisoe, ens -are still , oculimid In - a fort of Klog Thisabsras itt kfagedle, corefelly guard: ed. Though ln, great fear of the: iangeanco of.the Kin, they were as well treated as their` - - condition SS prisoners- would permit: All Irani alive andin-.good health. The lettere give.inhillgeoce that the Bing of Biala had 'elk lifegoella In great rage against 'Theedinue, and items believed he would tarn his arms ambiat the Abyvairdail monarch as soon m the. British soldlezi arrived.'No knowledge as to the plan of operations or the course of .the policy of the - Ningbo, yet been obtained. ; laicism; March 4.-An attempt iris made Lied night, tt is sneered by Fetn/r4i - ; boast fire W sitars° machineshop in this eity, but ft wasSislasted try the vi g ilsure sfthe polies. The incendiaries made use of Greek fife. Jlerwize, *arch 5,-The ,ffreff*, schooner Mary hen, with cargo of neri, the, erne destroyed by. Aro to-day,' Chi. , tan and ere, mishit: • -, ‘Loseter, = Mirth' L-1. roped lts, reelse* Isere- Awn the . rest -that. the United States bet made • propeeltlon!to . , the !width Goeenunest, offering ito 'titilict a port et Ea manes, otisditto Tt rkilY. rondo aitatioo trovemehtet. the American .aavy, but OseYerhei to greet thesecerserY. saßciadon for 1 41c#Pulyose. f i;neasarcz. March 4..—AdadralyruiraLi foie arrived u Spezris on tillieraireel "WM to-day. He received a E TiericPeed lbs MriMiiMfoleeir Oriiiiii»:oA %Mini !‘4 tP,T.E E= I.oxrDoarlLarch.4...--Tho popular dia-; iiiiShictlan>hiftetaiahainOtidatt ♦dispatch front Lis saysaaldW of the llaasascasbeccoad last iiighthy .au` Math: 3.— TE• hiintster. of 84ib3Ybet* attaptitild - tO ctinflicate tleimitatsit got the cc-Kfog of Moores._ itsl6iimemia 4sestifien tehm;bursimanirinstaunsa tlaiTpti.3 :111511* 'Tann," March 3.—A. fire broke out ebint bereibrie o'clock list night , In Sainenen Mmerim, fa'the portion caw piodby Van Ambulates Idea/eerie: SO did thellames epread that It ant Van/ unisterable to sareeny of tbillarger animals, The yells or lhosulernis as ths Usumatiorched theta were smears, and Ohl bitialtlefirltacreldS to adds or darted madly aiming the bars in their valuer forte to free timenselvers.- A !manly:ups, tustragthem a kaaganwN small leopard, raw Monkey; together with the rpagt , mos, sad other smalikeds, were getout: The electrical maciellie wak.alao saved. On the Messer street side of _the museum. the radical, and ethers were were success. Ad- The gicsfica. two camels; a DILI ref Japanese bop, a Surasesse, cow, and a satiety of small animals, were got oat: Many_ orthem bad narrow eeea peS hewers, and a tow were. singed.,Tbe tlreaket, wan "at ' wink at anothe' Sre , street and tenets they arrivesthe building It. wan ,wrapt is dams, and In a abort Mao Ow 1 balltad 'mat, andadjoining buildings meriously damaged.. The side et the Prentott House wawa re M elm than but-was Nand- by extraealleare exertkaa. tkevaela the confissies; sasaaged to appropriate a ecautalenhle meant y. Serrault apectatora Rene ;relieved et their watches sad Wal ler., Ti.. lees en the inneeum sad con untA incbidlng Nan .Asubtugh's Men emeno,-will. amounts M. five hundred thousand dollars; jammed but to. what ansennt could not be teamed. The km. Mont of 639. occupied as a restaarsur, +Nee iftdc - about two thouund five ' bandied dollars; Juane& - The toms IneinVer-lfri. - 641, 1 mutled by. Slater et CithebtMen maple room; ISM os unman arid 'finturts fb.009• besured. Na, gyr. kat:etraY ; handing; "a. coeuplad - on Muth gem by .2.= Frakemindwar ; on ti. ba gfeithfeeler in fora on on book phbliaberi sat onl: first by Kohn, optician: - Adler* heavily me .thelr.docklay fire and water- , No.nelt, eacmpled on the first by ibb EupUe S.adagMetthl COO' en; the sunned, by. ,vraL - litell , pliblisbert on. the upper floor • all ot.erliont. will suffer Flar7- 7 1neV. I4 The upholstery. store s! tad 7. Ireland on Mercer drmt, ism tles Inn horned, sad several o the r puttee heavily. All the people in thetsarermesved::...:.- TLesupposedlunee bythe dredraetion Of she swam lest night will reach haft inlDla delisrar, inured-for not - over half that amount. Mr. Manhunt has an aenneedik lots Tor sale, and will - build es *wither sits. FORTIETH CONGRESS. Inipeaclunent, I Additional Artielca of Im pe,aelanient Adopted. COMmunication from Chief Justice Chase. Impeachment Managers Ap peal. at the Bax of the Senate. . . Telrgrahh to the FltUbergh eeeet , e .1 WASznisrrox, March 2, 1868. ..... • HOUSE OF B.E.P.ILESENTATIVES. AintrioxAL. Likricixa -At it quarter pest three o'clock Mr.. BUTLIM oem and reported from the Managers of impeachment the fol lowing addltlrmal- article, remarking' there was but one dlannting voice ripen It -ails the nianagers, end . had only failed yesterday cm arooonnt of time. Toe lollortitig h. the article: That slid Andrew Johason, President of Ibe United States, unmindful of the high — duties of his *Moe and the dlgnitY and propnetieer thereof, and of the har mony and anniesies which ought to ex , let and be tualnieined between the exec utive and legislative brute-lien of the Government of the 'United States; de signing and intending to alt aside the rightful anthority and powers of Con gyms, did attempt to bring into ammo, ,ridicale, contenypt and reproach the Con peas of the United Staten and the sev eral branches thereof, to impair and de= etroy the regard and respect of all the good people at the United States for the Co' agrees and legislative power there of, which all officers of the Gov ernment ought inviolately to pre- Demi and. maintain; and. exult. the adinni and resentment of all the good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by It duly and constitutionally enacted, and la pursuence If his mid desigtrand latent, openly and and before divers emendalages of thee-Himmel' the United States, coevenei to diver. parts thereof to meet and receive Andrew Johnson as the Chief: Magistrate of the United State., did on the 18th day of Angast, in theyeer ofourLord 1868,and divers other days and 'tunes. as well before ea after reardamakesnd donne with aloud voice certain intemper ate and Icsadeloart hae *agues, and OE therein utter load and bitter =Maces, Ili well against Congress Mee-Isere of ,tie United Slates duly en acted thereby,. amid the cnea, jeers and langliternt themultitude then assembled audio heirhig, which ace set forth lathe several ripecithationsterrebudter written, in subatance wade/hot that is to say:" -The ammo ea supported by three speed- Hueneme giving extracts from speeches et Andrew JohnsonntWeahregton, August 18th,-at Cleveland, Ohio, September 3d, and at -St; Louis, .Ifo., September Eth, - . TIM apacifications 'concludes Wllch iiidatterances, declarations, threats and harangues, hi hay censurable in any, a. peculiarly Indeeeat and tulle:ming in the ChWidagsatratect t: f the States, by; utesas:.,Wbarsof 'said Andrew John son bas brought the high OM. of P.M dental the United States lato contempt, ridieule anddiagractio tie great . scan dO. good ollizena,! whereby • Aadrew "% Want 'of the United States, did commit and . -wan there and thou guilty tif miadsensanor ha old.. , Mr. ELDRIDUE made the pint. of order that the managers had no right to reporCiarticlea .ef Pmpeosient, as the Roma•had app.:dined a .ocusinnttee for Thn SEEPLEER overruled the point of order on two grounds, the principal mid being that a Member had a right, as s.queeptlen ,ot the highest. privilege, Omen! artielesor inipembanent. Mr.:BUTLER spoke in support of his article. , Vbe - beige' Irtur oppared*lllebari. GARFIELD.WQQDBRIDGE by. andWIG 80.;14..rovrfr is bailing to, priAract the JAG IZlGANiriolie in Its Aver, Alter which the previous question was reovedamieeoonded t aad the Home pro; mailldstq.seteby,yesnandiasys on adopt tog the article , reported as article 10. The article was adopted—yea. eighty .iniep,thays forty:one, the only Wg cans vothagin the negative being Axially, plerachr,), Coburn, Oriswold; TaSTe, Itadfory. • Mani_ ,n Pomeroy, MAIM, A r thibta.'o 6 , l Yl WilatAr -(Ohlo,) Windom and-Woodonage. •- •.4 . 11x.4111NG HAM then suffered the LW hawing asanadditional article, saying it had rearivett ; the ananiinons vote of the Dianapira, and be moved the previous ituestacmon istiadOpthan. Aliarterth 2. That amid son ihmof nitAedndrw -Jouhnn - mindf Pe ofthehih - d U tiveof Ms Mace and of his oath ofolace, and thdisregard of tho Cocuitithstlen - and laws of the Cul tedlitatok did heretore, to- th itithr day of' August, fo 1066; at- tie thiv of o Washlngton, in the District Mt:eh/mt.* hivpiaMie ar t and affirm, in substance,. that the ,Thirty-ninth Con gress of the 'Untied States was aot Orm vats sof the United States, authorized bythe. Constitution to exorcise legisla tive power under theism; but.on the motility was a Caia of only a pat of the StiLtee;thereby tan denying and Intend ing,thlleny that the legislation of said Congress was yalid or obligatory upon him, the said _Andrew Johnson, except wa.thir ma said; he saw St to approve the sameoind - aina therehjalenying and in tending • to- Mown:as power or the Said Thittynicitlx °mignon to lampoon an amendment to - the Constitution of the Unitedlthiteryind In pursuance or said dechirstkux 110.corld Andmr Johnson, President-of - the United States. after wards, to-wit- on the 21st day of Febrn say,_lBA, at the city of Washthgton, to the DWriot of rColliunbls, did unlaw fully La andin :, , disregard- of th e requirementiof the Conatitaallon, th at he • • take vim., that th e laws be faith=. folly er.eented, ansem - to premit th e esecutiorfOr an act -11,4 "an act sego biting the tenure Of certain oivilothotot, oohed Mardi. hi, 1867', by talay devising and COlStrilift MUM by which be maid prmintt Echrinlf. Stanton from forthwith resninintethe functions of the off= oe Secretary of the Department of War, notwithstanding the refossalsof the Striate to concur Inthri imispendonbefore niadeby the saidAninnrJohnipon bribe said Edwin M. Biathlon from said °thee of :iecretary of:the - Department of War, andsrelin by Anther unlawfully devising indemArlehig, and attempting, to devise and contstes,wienna then and there to Ruud the envoi:alert of "an act entitled an, Art to mike, approprbitiona for the fiandj it ear - endingd' June 30th, 1868, an `torother_pitrposse,"eipproved, March AI, 1867,' and itheto prmat the execution ofain - set entitled an set to for the mme .stlicient Government of the rebel. Stellar -spored March Al, 1667, whereby maid ••Andrew. Johnson,. Fred donne& thellnitea States, did thec, to wit, °Atha:lst dived February, 1868, at thorny of Washligton • commit and was Wily ofd slash ndedliniesnor in Mille. , After •oomei debate the article was adeptedyeaw one hundred and nine, thynforty atritkparty - Toth - irIdr....OI.NOLIAM thcf..Xeported two mitelations, ono directing. hat the ant -4811 of impeachment be exhibital in the mule of the House of Representatives and of-all the peoplec and be carried Jo die Shone by the Manager.; - the other ecitherizlng the Mons/rem to appoint a Clerteend Ddeitsenger, to, send for Fer sootand name: Adapted. • ' • Mr. JENCES offered. as- an Additional artude the anti *Coral by him yorterday.' Mn ELDRIDGE•aI indertakm that he sim:bid !.4 article of impeach- Without taking awtte an . Mr. Jencks' proposition the Home adjourned.. , ' . W.ajula&trlc,MarCti4,lBlo3. • ' , SENATE.- • . Tio'ciwuraiAmiti‘,4' tbo foliowing ` ;7b,The itkririte "of ins United' Moles': -L iuMnruett ea. the'sobspower in Ili Im peachment la rented •by the' nnatttution in the EiSintiliPTitla made the duty of tho.Chlef.Jhdlce.lo Preside when the President fir coi 1 lake tho of 'eulutiliting eery respectfully come *oliroirttlinis' in- reepeci' to • the proper' mode of pthoseding upon • impeach xneati.-mbietk ban boon preferred by lfcerse - trt Ropresentatiree against the l'smtdent now is That when the:Senate' sits for the trial of mi. tm . Sediment, .it site as s Court, seems enousr4tonable, 'Thai Orlin trial of au itupeachennaii the President this Court , must be - constituted ofinembent of tbo Steiiatq:triththd Chief motto presiding, . scenes equellY , se.- The ..31xleralist Is iegiurded ...as the - highest , content!. ?Mgr • itaihotitl . .. 0n... • the construe don.- of the mot ion,;. and hafts atittrfontilt‘ mtmtoerthe fothista of the gemdm ninths In it capaci ty as a Court for the nit& or Impeach meta, are. wrartatied...ln a paragraph' explalnlnsge - thasoni for uniting th e 'Suprema distal the Senate In the femiagiwi.ofa Coart.tif Impeachment, bditobserrid..lhat to ascertain the ex, tenter tbsannionelt la.,ebtained from - snaking the Chief Justice of that Court the Preddent of the .Court of illaPonoh. meet, mils proposed in the plan of the Constitution, While • the , inocurreni. 021 Cal Of an 'entire eorinnalon of_. Abe Rumor into the latter Ai - sthetentlally avoided, this rrast.Annliene, theto :prudent way; This anthori bonne doubt upon sltberot the pressen:ems just stated; and the statement of them will serve .0 in-' Undue** question sition.which I think i t tx dui t y . to state t Senahe recall o nameb. f At whin *Tied, he the ease of an unprectunent of itterfestdent, should the Court boomers . tied pod.: the asthma directed In the tiConstitationtltertareedilymorgeat Itself to any one who reflects au the I,ibe ant Jefilliet ill the hrw which distinguish to marry :Senates, that. besides the ninon seism! in the iirderatisti - there must have been Leta! another fitr , Lbw previa, ion notarise the Cider Jnatiewto preside Ala the Court of Inipmehment. Under the Constitution, In one of escesicy, o • { • .1 k •' - - PITTSBURGH WRRRLY • GAZETTE : SATITRDAY. I MARCH 7. ASA • aloe of President,' the *los Prmideut succeeds, and it was doubtless thought prudent - and beating ltat tae nett In succession should not preside-in *lame ceding throng; which a vacancy nught be crested. It was not doubted:That the Senate; while sitting in its ordinary ea pscity, deust necessarily receive from the Ronne ef Representatives sepal, melds tif Its Intention to impend the President at Its bar, but It does seem to me an unwar ranted opinion. in view of this Consti tutional provhden, that the organization of the Senate as a Court of Impeach meet. under the 'Constitution, should precede the actual announcement of tile Impeadunutit nn the l art,or the Mans land it Ma ary peraps bla thhdght a still least wtanted opinion that articles of litipeschment Shonild only be prietehted tn Court orlmpeachment, that ho other summons or proem, should be' presented to a 'Court of Impeach ment, that no summons or promo a shout d issue from the organized, Court, and that roles for the government of such Court should be framed owl. thh Court tsar ( he',s lonizer ,myeelf tinablo pease testae other conclusions than thew I can assign no reasons for requiring the. Senate to organize as a Court under any other than its ordinary prodding officer for the later proceetlinge idi peschnient a the Prealdent which deft hot seem - to me to apply' typal ly to the earlier. I am informed that the Senate has proceeded upon other views, and it Le not my purpose to con test what its superior wiedern May hare directed. All good citizens n ill fervent ly Inv that no occasion may ever Brno when the grave proceedings neW in pro grea Will in oiled as a precedent; but it is not impossible such an occandon may come.- Inasmuch, therefore, au the Con atttutron boa charged the Chief Justice With an Important function in the trial of an impeachment of the President, It him scorned to me fitting and obligatory. where he is unable to concur in the views of the Senate concerning matron cum dal to the trial, that his respcsatful dirsont should appear. 5.1" enema. Chlet Juatioe of the United Staten. • On motion of Mr. HOWARD, it was ordered to be painted and referred to the Select Committee of Seven. LICPZACIEXENT AiLTICUSSI TAIMMITED. At live nalrinteirat one the managers fellow by member. et the appeared, follow ed latter ringing themneltos ontAde the bar of the Senate, zed the massagers taking seats prorldw.l for them in the followin order: Bingham' nn the ght, - Bontwell, g W Stevens:Logan,ilson. ' Williams' and Better. The Speaker of the Reuse was invited to a seat beside the 'President pro tem, and was escorted to his seat by. Mr. Grimes. Silence having been restored. the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. BING HAM, laid • •Itr.Preasident, the Managers on the part of the House of Representatives,' by order of the Ronne, are 'ready at the bar of the Senate to prsseat Articles of pmehment for the maintenance of the t i m=hmg a p d re , 47 , 7il ho asbyet rdre7 ° The President pro teat "The Ser. pant-at-Arens will make proclamation." Sergeanteg-Arms—llear ye, hear 'ye,' all persona are ordered takeepallence, on pain of imprisonment, while the Henso of Representatives exhibit to the Senate Articles of Impeachment against An. drew Johnson, President of the United States. Mr-lIINGHAMthan rose and read the Articles of Impeachment, the managers Mao standing, with the exception of Stevens At a quarter to two the reeding of the articles was concluded and the manager and other members of the Room retired. DILDNACNICINT;-BANICA.NTION AND ON ECM Mr. HOWARD, from: Select Comma tae of Seven, offered the following reso lutions and order= " RetoNett, That at one o'clock th-roor morrow. r. at., the Senate will proceed to consider the impeachment of "Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, nt which time the oath or affirmation re quired by the rules of the Senate, sitting .for the trial of impeachment, shell be administered by the Chief Justice of the United State!, es presiding affair of the Senate, sitting as sf.m, to each mem ber of the Senate, and the Senate will, at the time aforeusid, receive the managers appointed by the House of IteF resents tires. • • Ordered, That the .SeCretary of the Senate lay this resolution before .the House of Representativea. Ordered, Tha r.. tapy of the rules of procedure and practice in. the 'Senate while sitting on the trial. of impeach ment be communicated by the Secretary to the House of Repreeenialivee, and copy thereof delivered by -him to. each member of the .Houae of Iteprecenta-' Ordered, That the articles of impeach= meat presented against. Andrew John son,- Priwrident of the United . States, be printed. • • - Alter some diammaion Mr. EDMUNDS inoind a substitute wnich was rejected. The resolution and orders were then adopted seriatim. W. POMEROY, from them:nit Com mittee, presented an additional order, 'providing for a. notice to the Chief Jus tice, requesting Ids attendant* es prod. ding °Meer , mid for the appellant e nt of a committee. to conduct him to the their. Adopted. Mil CHAIR appointed as curb Com. mittee Meant Pomeroy, Wileun nod Buekaiew. Jullounled. 1101:78EOF'REPRESEN"TATIVD3. TIM XIMACILItS ArrsAu -AT TUX Alit = The • Muse thew,' at one o'click, re solved Mott into Oommittoe of tba WhoLe, Mr. DAWES in the Chair,. and proceeded to the Senate, In company with. the Managers, to. present' to that body the *Kielce of Imileachment. At a ;loader before two, the Committee of the Whole of the House returned to the Hall, and its Chairman, Hr. DAW ES, reported that the Mammas of Impeach !Sent on the part of the House had pre sented to the Senate Articles 'of Im peachment against the Treeidomt of the' United States, and had been MN:tuned by its- presiding cdioer the Senate would take action t he reon, of which due notice would be given. POLrTIOALL. OW Cellinnittea —emit ter rreesikiiii; wigs .I*T E= . . . Toiostoolt to the littobtii oft tinootto4 Com:mays, 0., March 4.--The .Union Ilepublican 'State ConTentlo n met here today. Pernianent orglistlorti Pres- Iden; Lieutenant Gorier:un- john C. Lee, and one Vice Praablent ,frem each district; Secretary T. C .DortaMson: The following nominatlonawere IMKIC Judge of Supreme COW% Wm. White, of Clark; Se of fade, low B. Sherwced, or Wit :county; Board Public Werke, James 'Moore; 'School. Commiedouer, Captain Harden Clerk of Supreme Court, Rodney Peon dele gates for the Retest largeur theleatioltt al Convention, ?red. Tismaurock, John C. Loa, John H. Singleton- and James Scott of Warren; Senatorial electors,. David Tod and Sentinel Galloway. COO. tral Comm:Wee-L-1G district; B.C. Sands; ad, Jameellargeni.M. Felix Manta 411, 11. P. Howanh :603. W. Q. ah; il-Sadthttlth, H. D.Liogerre E. Lee, 91b, Ofau. W. Knapp; 10th Moses It.l3alley; J.lffeDowell; 110,11. G. Keifer; -13 Vs. C.G. trilam.l.4tb, O. W. ShlrtUffTrie, D.H.Seured;Leth. raw'. Newton; 'l7tb, J. R. Iturtebradt- MG; N. W. Curtis; 19th, Alphonse Hart • Thefollowingreeeintionswereadopted; !keel aM; Ily the Linton Party. of Ohio, in Cenral:taco assembled. that. the aia llonalltepablican Union .parm having preserved lb. integrity 'or the country, having defeated' the atroclous"airenspt lately- made to Inaugurate spne* to alma and civil war from She FegitSmete remits of legatand constitutional Woo time; and beeline placed American na tionality:on the solid lbundetion ef arty and the rights of-man., elect to the Presidency of the United Mates next November man under whose adminis tration will be completed tie great.tank of.. reconstruction on the.. bosh:. of nationality, .11berty and de , mammy and --who _ Aside rirnmera. yet wlth:moderalion, - with puttee,. ys; with, charity and liberelity;' with un- Swerving loyalt!,TelWitle Prudence ren4 statesmanshi.p, will beat the .weunde of the war, reconcile tb el e hostile: egem:Ca, and by his wledom, ecenotoy, sectituhi. andgood &lilt will restore to thews done of the country which tbereteellion. bas desolated preeperitycnit lueppin easo and with the hearty cooperation et the people's reprenentativewht Congreutaill re-estebitah the relations of the sevend States to • regenerated union and to the btaeeingg of everlasting domentio recce. That at this juneturetbe eye,. of the country aredirected re (me wbo is eminently qualified by his chancier, po sition, antecedents and. t he universal: confidenee which be ent..eys, to secure a I triumphant electiCm next November, to terminate when Menke, the present state of transition and suspense, and to guide the nation tes new as of Rood feeling and restore confidence. • liseotoed,' That with Ulyssee ft; Grant as our candidatelor the Presidia:ly, item. Jamie F. Wade for th e Vice Prirsletic7. and the Matery of the issi moven yams for Our platform, we may confidently Cr. pea to the loyally, patrlotlem and Intel., ligenca of the dinen people: • • Jtembred, That the Wet oMmuction to, the pacification of the ammtry, haat boom the president apposition of_ Andrew ; Johnson to the reconstruction' or CiTil Government in the rebellion' States tin, der the authority of National kgbdenon, by keeping alive the spirit of rebellion and reviving the hopes of e, restoration to palliest power of its goad , idly, the Democrat:lb party. • • • , • .8401.604.1320. we .storoTo' np. , plead demotion, of the Hone pr - ,rtepro-.' osotottoso;th , tbwrooetit. szAtais; or Mr bier :aotaittuttoritl prerogalivepla'llisl brignichni Mt _Of MiI:WM Johns= for high crimes AndiialsdeasoniOnt 'Wonky:: and bantering it to be" the riarulintdlentu frinetudi rattle &rude, aiding : en lc ; newt y uies tistidr;- fin .detitrznlno weary vlipit of law end, fact. wising in i do counmi:"ol. Abe 1:allocation; we inkvete , Emu. all -.podia* A precenbin bia abiding 'Butae...inn to iirt , j• ' the care. -'; • n..-.r-a, I r end 1. qt• • , lieshilature otir Stabs rescinded the . .my , tiens ratifying the totarbettuth =meet tho Constitution. al the Stake, and thus condemned. the gyetAxisitions contained in said amend ment, pr,upooirtonit Which the , people of Ohio, orb:ft arid] and Cab/Plating amuse sjoh, had etloraild wnh °ter 40,000 . nub _teeny. the leautociallb fatty bad agaln maulfested that Its restoration to power would pat in Jeopardy the results of oar great aroggio, undo what has been accomplished b,v that war, and 'again plunge the country Into alsiuder, mote. club; oad the dangeth of seession, Integration thit) perlisps d sat of recta: that to U6Oll tho calamity of a DemM erotic victory, it Mownee the duty of all true loves. or theft Countryi to, unite to disregarding for the limb l.etng all sidf , issues or docettioris of 'minor importance Mull all danger of a fatal reaction has passed,and the fruits of the war are per manently marred by the election of a loyal, reliable and patriotic President. • Resolved, That we cordially approve Uhl dbterminatlon df Cohglafet to 'rb• trench the iaxpensts of the (serail:intent, and that we urge upou the National Leg islator° the necessity of the stricken economy and ,a redaction of the army arid navy, an ds therilugh revision nod eimpllfiestlon of our syetom of federal taxation, so as to equalise and lighten the burden. of taxation of the people. •• _Resolved, That the Itepublism party pledgee Itself to the faithful payment of Use public debt. According to the laws nodes which the five-twenty beads were Issued, said Jennie should lac paid in the currency of the country which may he a legal Wider when the Cloverntuent shall be prepared to redeem ouch bonds. Resolved, T).tel. we heartily approve tint policy Con green in arresting , the con traction and believe that' the issue of currency should bo Commensurate with the industrial and commercial Interests of the p.plo. Remdeed, That Justice and mood poli cy. require that all property should bear its equal share of public burden., and that Una principle ought to be applied to all United. States bonds hereafter leaned by making them liable, by express pre- Visions of law, to taxation prectsery as other property. - - Recolaslo That we urge upon the na tional authoritist the propriety of Initia tory negotiations -.to establish interim (tonal rules of expatriation upon the basis of oar naturalization laws, so that each nation shall recognize naturalisation by Thu others as terminating former anem ones and conferring all right', of cilium ehip, and we afro rut Me duty of the Fed. twat government to extend adequate and equal protection to all its citizens at home and abroad:native and naturalized, when it the legitimate and peaceful ex emits° of their loyal sod international rights. Raolord,. That we renew to the sol diers and imilore of th • Republic our ex omissions of heartfelt grehtude far their heroin saraillees and eerticee, which will for ever be held in the affectionate no. membmece of the American people, and that, while we call ;upon them now to eustaln at the ballot box the great cause which Lheir valor and endue/nee have caved in the field, we pledge to the maimed who survive, and to the widows andorphaus of thee. who fell, tie public faith (or th e payment of ell their pen• eloneand bounties. Itesoiced, That we remember with pride and satisfaction the senates of that noble patriot, tshaman and eon of Ohio, rt,lwlo M. Stanton, and that we hereby heartily endorse his reoenthilicial action in retaining his poaition an Nero tary of War, and trust that lain great ex perience and ability will be continued at the head of the War Dotes-talent. Priliasylveal• Deo.cratl. tler-linarlos W. 11./14., .f Visetio. Nomatanted for Amalgam. efflimPrat.amd Illelliageou U. Los tar iliarveyor Usu. ieraL-Iltemasslosts Adopted-Ile Preg .retie. Exprellsed far Pr•slldleaL =I Iliatiarsaurtn, March 4.--The Demo cretin State Convention met in the Hall of the House of Repreeentati VI% aml we. called to order by Lon. William A, Wallace, Chairman of the 'Stale Central Coalmines). lion. NVni. U. Randall, of Schuylkill county, wee selected i.e tem porary President, and the usual Com, mitten& selected. At the altemmn igeedoif the Conven tion was permanently organized with Hon. Win. Hopkins, of Washington county, as President. Win. V. hiniirath of Philadelphia; 'arid Gm. W. Cam, of Allegheny, wero nom inated aii Pretidentul electors at large by acclamation. " At the evening aosalon the Cniteentlou elected a delegation to the National Con vention and no electoral ticket. Laois C.Cassiday, of Philadelphia, from the Committee on Wool talons, nudes re, Port which waeadopteth That the prompt ronoration of ell the Stith, to enjoyment of all rights in the Union in essential to our prostrate. and prosperity as a me Bow that the Cefialtutlon - u the en. parrots hew of the rand, and that the re : cent , attempis of the Legislative branch to usurp the °Moe 6f the Executive and destrnythepowers of the Judicial branch of the Government are in utter violation of its spirit; that by rigid economy - /every branch of public •serrice taxa =on should to reducedand payment if our indebtedneets be ;poured; that the Republican party is renomaible for the delay of the restoration of the Southern Slides - to their - just relation. in the Onion • that the President in Judging of the . cornstitotionality of the Tenors Of Oflico law was only complying with oath to defend the Constitution; that bin -pending impeachment la a gnats ant rockfalls oboes of partials power; that return to specie payment at thelsarlied practicable moment is awn- UM to the Internet.; of the people and the cometry, and that the national - debt • hould be pad as rapidly no conthekon with the laws upon which the loans were made; that until the govern ment la able to redeem legal tastier. in' coin, the holders of bonds- should be required to reesive them ILL payment theta* exemptionof government bonds from taxation to imittet; that we recog nise with the deopeagratitade the efforts of the gallant volunteer soldiers; that it Is the duty of the government to protect in all their rights all citisens,. native and naturalised, at home and abroad. • . Ttieballoting for candidates mulled In tho nominaran of Charles , E. Boyle, of Fewatte, for Audper General, isoci Wallington' ,ot ,Colulutga, on second ballot, fur Surveyor General. oThelsialesprtes at large, to the National Convention are . fame. E. Relater,• Nth. F. Packer, Geo. W. Woodward and Win. MEXICO rile lintaindslitlesiVempllnory—Lira • - Itlmbleatirsr. =I Much 3. —Advices from kerlair•litfctle ' ly.primmotiug talsoftigitiosto of the re cant opeplrecyto wissaspikto the listed dent, Juarez Ism postPostOrt his intended visit to tliti Elutled ilhaUM and will not hove Mexb until all the' poithmlarx of tie tionspinter are brought tolight-null thepartien Ituplirated brought to trial. latgligencefrom Yucatan States 'that Capella , the Juarist governor, 'attacksid Mme beads of revolutionists whe Inid • collectedittJvanutl, Mud drove them to .Valbutalia. there the revolutionists., be. hag reinforced, resumed' the offensire; and Wt.& ahllitrvi flight vontrgibe forever' ei U t t . isli.Y.crt ll o l3 i °Me°. falleAmie for'Valied Plaice Xe.atmr io of_ Amu - rotas; knrun n.—The LegtelaL tnrn.*lttrielntllota today . . for. United 8 tutortienitor,rout there woe ttodeatlotu 114 . ..tikV•4 411ot Inman nuattioll twenty-dt„. Auld Swann twenty-four wet% BALTIMORY, Mitreh h.—The Confer, mane et the Methodist liphempal ,ch ure_h South, ,Thshop Daggett presiding, mid. tbelleitimom Conterenen of the Weill. dhiglipteMpal Church, Illsbep glimpse* iirmadlng4. am In ggistakm lirthis city. EMESMI L7===2== . . er. , ,Lotna,,Marcai.,;44-,M.e ' , tenr's.% M.. N. Mantuan aucl.ranny Scote r terro. burned an tbo • levee about ouo o'clock titatmorniug. The S. Mepham, now a .Ncrer.Orionna boat, valued at $05,0M, anclAtmunaL. for. Mang . /AM- Vie Fanny.- Brag . astern: wheel boat,. lea* valued. at about ;35,010;-. Insured for 121M100 to Roth .boats wars to taUy dear eyed, sad, botirbeloagoci, to 14. S. Moplunn A Brother... The Inauranoo to in Clileugriaml Pittsburgh *Mem- . The. follawing 1.1 the Intim - Ammon the ateamors Mep4llllll-41111.1 Seat in butot this rn moing, ail in. 'co Conan o ma: Cam mornial, -.li.rmata, American, Cresmut, Central, Firainan'oc.bo"P•pach; Union, /5,000; Buckeye Sl ate sod National, sa,ooo eseb; Magnolln,'lM.ooo; Eastman's "Entergolne, o. 13,000; hhcirmate,, . Tho Kato JelnimpM4/01StriVe0 extent Mahout/5 MO. Insured' Nirireiry saw. *ebbed. - ; nii'reinerms. b um musiorsa lumina.] 3.=-Tliesitore of Athireit Y . CaldwidlTht Co..- Clarriturft 'screed; was robbed of diamond rings and elturtars valued 'at twenly , fivit thousand dollar*, trk two men, ono of whoa wax enabspitieraly r arrastod and *brink ball tkr propOrty reletnered. ' fie gayer lila nano is 'Martin galley, licinkmaker,..of Chlirago.' Cameo here Cam hors floe drys ego In earth of work. Ito west , csinutlltnid• in default of flio.lhousand dollars ball: tits sugoinpllco yet, e l largo. . „ = Maven 1 ALIO, diarat, AittCell't -31.1 4 G , AV.1.14 yr .(31.414/.90/ 1.1743 , 6, • a , : I ,eort,yrviirp,ol ai . f .. /Vt : Z.Lil64 . 4tfai;ll}llo.`itt gat. orJorios Sill.ot. year,. ~ , /11:..5 , ME CITY AND SUBDABAD, • ~ - 1----- /Pliliabar g la inkaralle The lest numbei of the (cries, published in • this thojellowing -complimei M excellent Female 61.1 commend, with heorEy e IM! United Preaby city, contain tau notice . of !go, which we doieerhent, to our readers: PriTsonmin Fibtatz COLLEGE —We once more invite ;the -ntion of our reader. to the advertise .ent of this ex cellent institution; 1 od In oar city, The balldlugs• one it mired and lofty feet In length;bitiie it itiiproVed from year to veer, wilildhe are among the finest pt their kind in o country. the veiling. ere high, the halts and rooms neatly papered; and Well lighted nod ventilated, and every rraugement Made forthe comfort end t nvenienee of the pupils. Tho Facult y dances twenty two tewhens, chosen With epodel refer ence to their fitness for the positions they cactipy, and most ,ed Iwhotri have had from tire to twenty- re sears elpert once In their prole:ono . Piro of item are employed iii t , musio depart ment. French and armee are taught by native lewhera here are also ene ma' teachers for all the other ornamental branches, such as l/ . wing, Painting, Needlework, Waal Flo ors, &e. Every part of a thorouglasoli and ornamental adoration he amply p vided for. 'rho curriculum of aturlim extmotive, ar ranged with great bore rid with special reference to the mental ovelopment and progress of tho pupil. There la a thor ough orgautaatitiMof th literary course into • Primary, .Pee .• tory and Colle giate, as well as spec apart oents for the ornamental branch Thisarrange meet affords special ad imbues. Not withstanding the oilcan . afforded are unnurpaMed by dims,: of any ladles' school in the land,l the charges are vi ry moderato—far Iniri, indeed, than many schools which have fewer teachers and hoe facilities. Not t h e least advantage is the moral tong which pervades the institution. The boarding pupils aro under the special care of the President and hos wife, and their constant effort is to make the College a Cliristian Home for all emulated ito their tuition. We cordially commend the College Mall oar readers. Tho Spring Term will com mence March . Z.1d,.. Send to the Pron. ident, Rev. I. C. Penshing, D. D., fora catalogue, --------aso- z Tire Byrum Mt Ellsenne.. The sicknesse. that Millet the 'bureau family are so varied in their character and oftentimm en/ obittruse an to bailie the skill and laugh m Morn the 11C1013C0 of the most learnetimid inquisitive Phys. iologints. kspeciaily la this trite of that mnititudinoun elms' pf diseases denom inated chronic or mitslkctite—and there!. no clam of Sore difilmit management, more perhaps on adirount of establishing the organ or fituction at fault, than for want of skill loth° application of ap propriate remeditst. Of late years great light bas been brriught to bear on this eultimt. in the examination of ths art nary accretion...ditch beirignis elimination from the blood HMI( la almost sure to point out whore thd calming lesiou In or the organ or functhin fulling in its duty In carrying out tlio use of the human bo T d he y: • . roan who b i as done more, in a practical Dense, in istabliahing this fact in the dirsosysry Of, diocese than nay other, is nor friend Psi. Omentun of lite city, who ban devoldd over twenty yearn of the - prime of hil life in Investigating the nubbin* and h hue so n done no to me purpose. The Doc or ie now a man IN the prime of life and there are thousands of fsmilien throughout the country In which hitt name I.T an honored 'home hold word, for throtrgh hie mluistratiorus and Atilt they harp been restored frem sickness to health, from despondency and gloom to that 'of cheerfulness and the bouyancy of youth. Let no one wonder then at the groat respectability and 'credit which now at taches to thin tersteepedstecting disease, when it Lea been opted and nand by the ablest and nowt, scrutinising minds of both liiitatlephered. There la now . scareely a disease afflict ing the hateful body in which the signs exhibtted in the Minary xecretions are not appealed to for ald and confirm alien TW,OOOOnO - TWipodried Mowing VIM In ireetiou . fTwo TP woowale Now I, During the year !ISII7, In spite of the general bard tinise which prevailed, Meru were erected.Witbln Ile boundary of the.old city'proper, four hundred and . ninstoon new store! houses and private d 'at east ;approximaUstr •L -500,000. In the districts lately consoli dated there were wore than tutees bund red new houses erected during the seas perlml, the orst of which willfully reach $1,500,000 more, making the nest aggre gate of 1:4,600,000 es,penaed In Pittsburgh on huildb3g Improve:matte in 1(67. flare lea summery compiled by RS. Wright, Esq., Asimeor of Water trots, of the uow buildings erected in the old ten wants during that year r • . First Ward tt Sixth Ward. ...89 .`Second Ward.... 5 . S.aanth Third Ward • Eighth Ward • Pon rth Wan1....111 Ninth Ward...... ts Filth TentliWard. 17 Total number in old city pr0per...'.417 I. The Johnstown Jjemeerat says: On Friday ftmenoon Janice Taylor was found on the track of the Pennsylvania Railroad, some distance above the eta- Ron, In an inaeneibleeoudition. Damon Mr. Taylor, who-Maw:now hat lame, arose before daylight for the purpose of going to 14mo/cork In the inlnce. Mr. Taylor's residebco Is In Upper l'rospect, and in walking along the brow of the hill he doubtless slipped nn the frozen anovr, and was precipitated over the Lill to the railroad below, a distance of three hun dred feet. About tin o'clocic A. a. be was wen lying on the track by men on s passing train, who - ore the word at the station. We learn!'.that Air. Taylor's skull was fractured, find that he died on !Saturday night. . A man called to.day at Dr. Key ser's office to inform himof a great cure made by hilt LUNG CUR E , or PULUONARY RESTORATIVE. ' Whilst thaw cure. are made with the DOeter's preparations, he desires It to be distinctliontleratowl that most of his th re e established cam are triad° in accordance with e established lawn that govern the science or, medicine, In which he has been engaged for the past twenty five years. LAU week he was also in re. col pt of a letter from i a clergyman in the State of Ohio, detallleol another most wonderful clue. DR. KEYSER'S RESIDENT CON. SUT.TING , OFFICEFOR LUNG EX AMINATIONS AS, IPIREATMENT OF OBSTINATE CHRONIC, DISEASES. NO. 120 PENN STREET, from 0 A. m, until .3 F. r. . t . = I lost my hearing during the last year. Part of the . UMW I WWI totally Beat. In April of this year I dram Induced, frog en advertisement, to MalteMppllcallott to Dr. Keyner,'No. 120 'Penn street, • Pitts latrgb. Alter havi4 tried varione med !men from doctors, - without any' bene fit, I have haert un der Dr. Keyeer`e trout. meat now for nearly I two mound., and are entfiely restored to my heating, no that I ran near s pin drop. Joan SCANLAN, Coal Blallll, • Washington County, - Pa. isaperteneereer 111aslua0S7. • Judge McCandless, In the United Staten Court, yesterday, upon the quell , dim rained before him ea to when the year mentioned In the 33d Section of the Bankrupt law axplren, decided that it would expire on the find day of Juno neat- Altar that date they fifty percent clause becemes °penile& The m 00..- 111013, dy Opinion, 'prevailed that - the 'clause - .wonid go into effect the fbrat the preserd..tuouth. , Couoterferrgareaty-Ilve lyentilebra:— et largo uudtbes. oclthese'lioirialred io clrculalion 1 bey arietLs bait eioanted rounterreita of iblalidenotobailPil Yet aminfatirred, and at indents/ad to li•e -belve twat- airfral money-takeni Tbei bogus etarrency luny bo knoilin. by the.puper being a bide ligbier. vig nette of. Fessenden at lireColitettati fillip as , yareer. Inc ibe guanine, but a clap arzotiny abowo thaf it Ws good wood cut and not a stool engraving., . . eOld Twiner ilitillton,l, .colured citizen of Huntingdon, , Pa., died on the V. 4 Alt. at an advanced - age. Ins' eiact age la not known tea certainty,butfrom tho best Information that am be obtained lie was one hundred', and eight or nine pears old. Ile was a resident of that towndurlng Ins greater. part of his life; and was a harmless and itiOilerldreinan. The flatland original. Tonto of- Iron, Phosphorus, antl..V.lillasyn, known as Cestwall, Mack & Ou.'e Ferro Plutiphora tot] Elixir ot thdisaya. Bork. 'Thu, Iron restores color to the blood; the- Phoepho, rua renews waste of !the neran thane,. and the Calleayaltir a alders! health- - Ibl tone to the digestive "ooptne„thentby corinit d3otepala to Ita various (Orson, Wakefttlunas, ettnersd Debility, and De wwwlon or. Spirit& - __Manufactured only by Caiwoll, Bazard'st Co., IfeW'Tork„ Bold by all &sweats. - , .sorP . Chapped Rands. face anti all rouptuleas ergot skin, certainly hared try using the' Juniper Tar Soap, 'made, by Carwall,. Hazard ,t On., New -York. It aurpsamer all .other remedies, .!m preterit roughness of the akin, it .coved during coldmeatlar. It's conveniently applieti, molding. all the trouble of the pansy comiScrands new in Mo.. It on lie need by ladies with therlmmt-tender skin, without Irritation ornate, making it w it clear. Sol d by the llrbggtirta .itutnftber Gr -oat Care ..-...a.aolker part , of to:curyl Gamerrit jmtdiah...,b, eure of Asthma, made by. 'Dm Kityhor of tide ettyrafter makriffdifdeee orh,- pnt ndier frt , m roller ynucv. The Doe• . • I Iclng given to lel k% , tiwUrilis ; COMMERCIAL. adeLlidilerrri. Chnhou at ter Prriediasax °damn% TIVADD.LT. febtaary ti ism The general markets. eltherigh moderately .tive In it 'Wall wan We devoid of any new elierectuistlee worthy of sped. notice, and t/a Talus. of bueloass, to the aggregate, Ie CHAIN—Then la a good demand (of Winter Wheat...l prime Bed may be quoted at 12,40, and Whit* at, 13 W. - Oats demand In fair mood but unebenged; Off OW, on track, and CU 07110 foe entail late to atom. Nye Is steady , at $1,1001,10: Corn le very doll Out rineh.ged; zday M dnoted at bleeds, on wharf sad Weeks and 1101*1n store. flatlet In seem and vr.ted at 0401,11. 141OVLSIONS- Bacon U eteady but on dwsed; C. lot nu. and Itjja too She. (lured Shouldcra; 14 far Bibbed azd lei fur Clear Sid.; and 1710 (or Seger Cerred Barra. Prime kettle rendered 1..1 11e, la dates, and 101411 Me to keg.. Country bard, In keg., 14010. Mess Pork, 1ii3,804/W. LOVIL—T hare hew Imptorement to note in the demand, and white lb. meshes la dull, pikes aro nuebaagml; 4110,00011,45 for Spring Wheat; {lie ISA for Winter Wheat, end allgir 111 for fancy broads. Rs. Flood unchanged at a500,d6. and Beekwheat at gi.1304, 1 0. GITAX)IfRIES—Thera le mare activity man. Mated In the Grearery market, the openettone, la the aggregate, during the past week haying been considerably larger than usual, and most of our leading houses have on many orders they can retread to. In rice. there hey. been no important changes. 00ffee Is gamer, Under the legume of unfavorable advice. team RID janerio, In regard to the growing crop, while 'Yob., Is s 11141 a shaky, ander ao apprebeg. slot the tax will be reduced. Susan and Mo. lanes are emu, though some pull. carnet • decline within the neat slaty day.. The fol lowing are the riding quotations: Seara.—New Oilcan., 14%00100; C... 1341001ai Porto Illeo, 10%e471411e; (hinted, Its; "A" Conte, 170; "Bo do, 111344; Extra 1134e0 . 12 . Yet/OW.IIM Uurres—Prime it1e,21340214; good, 24e; fair, ICs; Old Government Java,. 171 00411 La misyra, We. Mor.a..—New Orle.s, We.: Cuba, WO See; Porto R1c0,100750. livuors—bLovering's,” gl; "Booth A Ed. ger,. Wei .timber,"' leo; .Irdps," CACI Eirlase—Carta, 10013.1 Cloves, Wel Pep. per, Mt alleplex,llc; Nutmegs. 11,0 e. Bros—Rengoon,llige; Uarollaa, 1134.. flanota—Miuttnou. Ear. , CH... 12%. and horn StAnil, 1;a. nnum—Layer ita1a1.,14,711 {.er box; Valen MOOe per potted{ Prunms. Ourzants, Ie for now. =I Boars—“Babisitt`s," 12e; "0i11e74`7 11;0 Roan, Eillie; ...Dobbins." 16d. Comr.xs—Pdoul 4,11%0 ; Stu, Su. Com eparriumrse LTS—$l,6O per am. 111CWHODA-IIAO par man. Far flab, st Lao Montle, Xaalterel No. I. gani Nw f, $104116.10; No.; HO= half barrels boa more. Ton-tooo—llLsolg far. r los,!•go Louinnle Navy, Mane; W. H. Orant% Or and Navy, OM{ U. Tobwan, 5).. - T6.—The market Is gras and Orlses blishot for now moo. Oholm Young 4lsson, $1.11; / * MIN VP: Oman= to tiood, II01,43; Oolong, Obs, PM, $l, $1.2.6 and $146; toot Porto Info, 6101.83. MI to quality. Isprial, • coots. Jo. puL—Cholso. $1,1O: FM?. - • Ye. coAI-115CrZa, ILLT—At the Allegheny Seates onow have wraneed,fa.eoesequeme of dbalaished ar rive* atone forty toed& changed hands there ditcher Monday and Tuoulag at Wan, to to quality. SEEDS—Ulormeed 1.. quint but Mead) , at osat,to, and Tisiolhe of tA 60 0 1 " /now. , le being Doubt be . erashars at ge.4o. ' • BUTTER—There I, a steady. des•od for prime to raotee 801 l Butter at Nto 48(260e. EGOS—Unehanged at 3413 e. . BLUED FRUIT—Ia to good demand asni firm but onchaoged; Wes of Peaabes at Mee for qoartersi sod INTIIe for halves, and Apples it LARD 01.1.—1 s 'atilt 'quoted at asseitt for No. t, and st.zurg As kr No , (MISES .111VIES—Flrui but . truchanaisi); regular swiss at p.m to 113.00 AU%hutct,u to quality. POTAXol3S—tlorillutto Soil but itiehmigail, small salesto store at UPI" per bushel, oml $000.26 pet ' • 116321 S—mooted at 14,2004,411 per litraluii. • (MUM ri.,-Quotail at allit‘ilS per bushel. .110X41111',Itaneis from saslee.ri per Rd. . IPIT11411111:11d111WIllOX0/11/1fAlfAiLES Demo or eon !marmots (1...1Th Tituannar, Muth S. nog. flitliDE-Tho Crude, 'Market pieminta no oew elmrsiterlities worthy of Special notice. While the offerings both - foe preemtt and Datum dellsory are Ugh% the demand la by no means saUSC and print although atcady at e us. •b•DIOL We are mash:ant of mandlog effete to bag fur all the human, seller', option, at 134 e, but there are so miters below 7%0 and gr. All Inv year, boym.a option; may be quoted at ite; add same, delivery, seller', option;at to go. A telegram from Oil City reporta .the solltat .00 ._•L . 1R,714 sad stemand more ass RETiNED—Tun la some teenier. both for promo anci I' atom delivery, but than are very few miler. at present. quotations. Woo= iv. port thanes of • 'eine" tooling from May to Deeember, at tip,ie for lfap. and adranalne half a cent each eubeelment month.. We an aim millirem of erne to boy for tent heir er April atria, seal lain haltak IMAe; Angell at =Sim Septeniber tea, and October tar, ammeglog toe the. three senathat 2101 to September at Me awl as mermen of half a cant for meth subs, quest month, and .10e f.r the year, toner's option.. The.. snare werilialli to:diy with. out Meeting any rerponseion thy Part of al lot% who, Me a general thing, mime to entry lito new rentreme at present. Wen. AU to the (Mama tom of the Inds, there la no pare Menu Mum, further. than a emend . belle that price. will be better, and that, tee, Woos am annum nut sr A. V. a t a. Nat. Het. Co.. eN bbls rd. t. L A. I.C. Maki:4llok• Co„ et 2!ta do to Mora & f h "P g P l q . . oIL ettlnirttrio vial; Otrtilloall Datr. , U. M. Long►Ce. olll , 6blit rot to Wartime Kin & 00., Phliodoipttlo. Financial Platters in New York, aiiiittose• as argiourm. ===ll a, . los* r* , t . r'ch Dr 4 l. Moody la inialakalabe :at.° uarcui;., bßc On WM: fatitng IdratOrd bnic bank ers.. Gold ditnizi finnan= at lal and Online atrong 4‘154014134 .4.1x.=1,kr,013.- k Trth . Tfti"l42.3l,°.. l % c ti°.". ...,110%.1.111X; d0... d0.:45.10W01053fd do. now 100talohdo. 4914: 10 /071:10N111140'0.10.731 0401 ,0!; • - ~eueetige.etraTerroxe:-_'-:, . • CeelangErt, L'uni=nl ZeON . :; Welle 10:4174ijklfr4d. liteiee'%"7l/ 1 j 'llerrddirite Orden .Stg 111ri1pe1e,39730 Pao mar mogeut4; Aumntowewxt Western , Unkut Toleirripn 31! . 4Fls; 4 l(e'or York Central liNp El . ephy 1 110 Yr Cara * trot wing _EL ;NOT: de PrEderred e+.T' Mel:lgen Crucr se go otetloar c. - run Southerr Nerielreneer4e6 .prgerred ar4:l :4%; fort Wayne plo3y; Terre Made 47; do preferred fferlisrtford and Erie li3i; 4ng .reter=le ' ri M aet l' rigt=• Qatet. Uniain 11111 11.51312:b Dardseni 47k ikregurit 4(14 EdgeEdl =NM: . ies:rsitemer Receipts AntooktWlWlSlNSarna.asgi bat' • • 524 W Ifarrltirradnoollatikall.'.• ' • LarPoleattalio tkarfit•loollitloonta4 ! Nov Talk. Inaroin 5 -Cotton rather =or* oteadyi sales; cif 6,5t0 'Latta kf: Z 4 / 2 5 S•co • for ! raiddifrof apiluann'aiour4lnalata A. 0.21 bap , eta sakano Azoniq males of 800. barrala at W 0222. for anparflao. sinus nod onarbOrO. E 4752211410 tot aztra ...tate; anfooLl,2o ;for oatra residua and •L 2.201214.10 for Vans. Eest. extra.. 22,22013;75. - roundhoob• Ohio 20012210;:airtra.,a2.• banal • •P 2.241 .0 01 Va.aclu at $12,222512,25. 7 1A 5 o+onr, ; Masan Woo of bart*,2, at , Corn mu gunk 'Mulkey. - notalnabr nobankon. Uncatpta- Wheal , • • maw , llria 451 at; Wes et 25,12211nutada ntllkao2.4l for AO, Oath& la atom and ,n+242o;tod 5 4• 5 5- for • wous o , VrTiroa r rOL lP lV hri l n. 4 l= IWO of kaao bum at Alt:W . Corn..rtoalpta, ratarkatin /fro batten . ..Wu load veatara iaottilli%ol,4l24nrialtbre• 21=511,22 for new pillow Jersey; '10,124423 for now • wtata :flontbern. thrta-, 1,1261212 in this nistkot P. 'Club -van beaky; 'aloe of KM brunt et •tor: western 2n otolk.•_slk4 Irmat-.215111522-foP; Cazoban Coffoo nrunialas of GOO bap, Rio at 51212ata tenon lomat, oulart. solos of 223 Mb at 12nt o i 1211113 a. four Porto Aloo. - 21 ong, ;ot otslo at Juba clay=ir fan • Ponolaonk •Is a rm at im rcradeiYS or raaned.• babilc4l, nook billet 512 ; Autaftran, Pork O ot!, ftrro sold ibmid beton' aaleibt 1.4.0 bM'at.MM !be • bow Ilbonapetnitok at t . 4.87 halt dait 2211Worold•drk c i •ik= SZIAT orztir.., Aver •r„, , d ' jt ealea of 4.2:llMilat 0110e41ata2 400 • neret olnnis at *mu 11l prime inenk.s2ll4l for mom _ Beefilamsa allemt TN bOiI..MOM. • Cot litteakP • sales of • • 122212aokatail 10,011.15 fir An , rat I.4 t ra tOt hams. Mao& Ifons , .finnan, 'lll forotablant22so2lnr ofilp /Aiwa ■and noiatt salad or-1W boxes tour Ctlmberland rat at 110. Lard • haavy alas of kW tins It 180104/rtitalllota or•ohotee 16541/12.e. .Batterlailiatlve trai c ltnao naess lif i e • f r iar reidati e6 llo444l4paal des- eldengh , web; odUli onglialoaantaperstina. or of , bulb gratnan•lbt• for ootn. sad I=f i r , wakst2 . I,CPI Olds boor' aid .; • • f- ,`.7 • • mit lowa Nei-4406 itii:2 l. " 6 La 2411.10Slarldnbit 2 / 1 101122b gum., "Rint, ni p. flth 11641arity.4 t en ra le x p. co rn f =t r i z to iaLl s rt , thalami acid t ig i r e fltag. s9 t s i== . I. l3 " gri land I lao ferlireat ra.M.3 sauL Irc tor =gag. Itheattogy, r loAforeWk, ' 1 1 1;??. ? 1: 7 kirM 1 4. r t iZe i ni l d f° l3oloo tA*. c10u4.3 ttrm a; DC. . • 43/1 1 / I TBALI. I.IIIB.44IOCIIIIAKILL - r. VOOl4O y 0 vi PeritlTY hail 04. 0 00 0 , Tacruper, Match Is t nu. MEE There vu next to no market at the Central Yards ell this week, the luau/Mon. MU the smallest re bare had to report at these pada for • year; Indeed, there 'was so little hulas. that It le thflenft to form aff ortnlon about Ihe market, um to 'Wen good and se , !relent ceases foe the percettlble falling Mt The supply. It le tt 00, y es a very meagre One. but It wan neiestlneleas In excess of the de- Maxi, and wldle thectreflogi were mausufdly null, the demand also wax very limited, kna we did not see what eonld properly be called an eastern shipper In attend... There was one Or two bunches of good tattle on sale, but they mold not, and were not cold at the peke. asked by. the owners, and as a,tharequenee, the/ were shipped on further east. The fol. lovangselee were reported: Hedges S Taylor sold Tfrhead of pretty good (Ohio Ideas (or Lo ft, to Messenger, Oillett IX Co. at if t OO head or (Wish Texas and Illinois steers foe Crew to Tanthies at 7,0. Plus, Lafferty /X tin, old It head cononoclah stork for Mohan d Pleb. ter to Petcock Ikea. at e 54) and II foe Vrabb to Matehall at 0%. .. There waren attire demand far really good let dheep this week, and raleee for this pars titular deeeriptlon are emulderahly better than last weeds, sales being reported at from else to ilia. the latter quotetiou being realised for an tura lot of pelt. from Washington Co., this litete. Common' and mantor, however, am- Unue doll and neglect.% and may be quoted se 004 e, nod medium. at 45-ielas. There was • much larger lumber 01 buyer. in attendeete than theta wan lest week, and Uds, together wtth the feet that the estivate were tight, In nonetquence of the snore storm In the Welt, enabled holders to establish the advance above noted. Undoing. Taylor sold IH hood for Sharp to Pldooan tio. at tX; Via for Maple to audio at 4%. Smith Talmage told 40 basil Ica hails to Jobe...too at 6.N; 29 for Erwin to .Vocirtrees at 63,1;201 for Wary t 00. to Voorhees at IS; Ile f0r.030 to tame at 0%. Brodabaker told 91 head to Paw:oast. at VA— common; tuna to same tat at - 4W. A. P. Moore sold Haleomh"t lith 174 head, weighing 11 . 110 . 111 . Hug told Pierce MXhead of extra sheep. weighing 2010,-0 heed thrown In— at 7. Huff to fierce, Ira head, weighing 14,915, at ti Kinsey toVanvinniheet, 109 at a. ' D. !loiter told Lloyd tel head, weighing at O. Paxton to Lialeonth A If Ul. us head Of estra • Washington county sheep, weighing 41,106, at 7M,. Booth told 167 hand to Lloyd, weighing IS,. 108 i, at 4%. Outer to Pierce, In head at hffii Warti"" to Pima, 177 head at 6%; Snyder to rietoe.ll2 9 94. . idniJlaLl to llaleirmb a 11111, TOO. wellthibli HATS. at 0%. E. H. Davis to Tierce, Me head, welithlng 411,71.6, at 6,111 0. Clark tolialcondi It /LW, =I head at S. . , A. Y. Moor e to lialegmb 174 h,0d, averaging 90 Ito., at 6. , . . The arrivals of Hogs were ramarkablY light daring the past week, cad the majority oL the ramilar shipper., not being chi* to get ,what they wanted here, are buying la Chicago. To. day. there Was not -a stogie ear -load unsold, and,ka buyers were very hungry, w. !MC/ believe that an extra booth would hoes brought 0%,. gems, though IN' Is really aon- Wend tho top of the market far that elan of How. toot %Doss may be fairly elven as ego 134 for common to prima hoary aittogt. ate Wormed that of lota It has become quits common to ship osowa! , to market which an ox6l tO sell, sad which should have bereakept at home Co Order to Inerewe the future supply. Now, in Cincinnati, (Maki. of-st o ck ix pro. laded' from being offered for kale, and this Would be the sale" here. ills really as lot. portant to harp a - tiro-stock Leapeator aeltls . to MO,. a Moot looyorator. . 01.1olualst & Co. bought 116 held from flea at o.ooi loi from Glass, Lagarty a 00. at 6.161;11111from E.hisaith of 03,4; so f rom at 6%; 23 from Votar at 0,11; 10 from iildioale 00. at 1 4 from Clarke at Slit el from same at 1110 64 Dom DL Joanna& at 0%; 121 from fledgm it Taylor at 8,10; 43 (romeqatinikan at lint from Heath at SA. Shipped 14,600 head from Chicago. ' ' Hedges a Taylor wid 11141 tor Edam. to E. Smith at 1%; Me for Johns:. P. - Urea ter. E. Smith at 0%; 07 for (mew to hleawager, MUM; a Co. at 6.]01,66 for Hobenbaugh to "Paltrock .t (In. at 'r,10:121 for IdcWhinney to GilehreLst k Co. at 0.40; re for Deal. to Crouse, Emerialt a Co. at 7.03.- - .51easeutrer. (Inlets da Co. bought 011. from Kmua at 03f4117 form Loose at s„sa. Sold 14 to Crouse, Erserlok a. Co. at - 164 , , 14 to wine at 5 1 4; 106 to actser 1 tokor 21,66 i 16 to rid. sock &Co. 103 to V. hf. Kaye. 011. Clem. Lalferty a mid we for Harris to Thipps at Swett. at CIO: er for Haub to Dtoakton at 7,w; tot for David to 011elcreist a Co. at 1,51; iii for same to rearm at 7461 for tams to Korea at 8,1. sitter a Imhof bought 106 from Ledges at I.totloo from Caldwell at 1%1 tta from Dana at /1,62. Shipped-J7../ head of codoogo Homo/kW. eon from 034 to thin Maws. =l:= 1157 Vologrann Ott.Ontrgh Ossetia.] Co lose°. Match S.—Flour to fair ottioeat, and held firm; sales 01.010010,50 for etiotoe spriog extras. Wheat in bettor demand at imourp4 for No. I; No. 2 advanced IgrM: igdes $1,20, ativ.oed 10 110.044. ood closed with selle openers at 01.96%, and boyars at. .4.5 K. Com d . tirm at Mr for new, ad...octet tom i46B);4c, and Wooed at. tieq4c.; 14,6 I sold' ot 1 1 1, , thiS 4 c. thwdi Armor. opening at 1 , 6056Ue, advanced to ride.o, and closed owlet at Bye steady sod firm at ..1,0001,03 for 240.1. an 0 . 5701 41 for No. x Barley smuts mid firm at 101M02.11 for N 0.2, and 11,0001,51 for rejected; aanddis lots at 0,1500;25 00101010 ft. York' ahead! at IVW,SO for city, and • $74,M lOC Country UnOnn packed prime mess .1020. Lard M Onlot 10140 for prime. Dressod hog. in good do. mond at 010.211011 for Ilght, and 111011,0. for heat y, closing firm at SWAMI/ Mr goal Uossints — floor 54.190 Obis wheat 11,910; Corn 14,245; Oats 2,412 , bosh; dressed hogs 414 live do 4,7 M. Shlpments—dour SAGS Obis; Wheat 1,741; corn 900; oats IS,M2 bush; dress ed hoot:W. . ==l Ede Tolerma tome Ma burgh Hr. Loots, Marco IL—Tobacco active and attlf, but unehamod. Cotton, very little to market, cad.. mod. reported Flo.. moil almond tor /ow grades. and priers arm mica of low topordne at 46.7207,M for ettolea id aotelmk . for extra.' M.M0 5 . 15 1 forXX 41.0011da Wheat dm. mho •of 4,latar, imam:um opting dell 00 Ijl,lo for prima. , Corn more MU. cad Itighor, Wu a bl a O m g l l d r h o a opl a u b t e , l s l a e les 7 a6 7 l l o f 7 o o r ; er r used 70072.' Rye and Bar p l i nnellaaded. Pork dm., 11th ealee al 24 Bacon' to better demand sad les , 414 on to. t Moulders mold at Mae; Mar rib I , dlimalear 445401434 a - Lard at Ito .odered. Mhhiky held V. 7 Id" celpte-13a) barrels of dm= • 400 of whes44l,6so , Mabalt, of eorm IMO 00011110 of MIN MO busbais of barley.. • . . • ==2:==9 Iv Telessrwas to the rittswirin tlinsitsal Nsw ,Onstsns, Much .6.—ChNbon. .firm siparnrd Sandwich intddllsigis 2111 2c; sales BM, Wass; racalrda CASs . ; swoons . 3,1111. , Sterling 15ISSOLW Now. YOrk 'Weir • Exchange 3 dissocinn ',Gold ..nnirsr 'swam common .1V 40111a1 .Cidr 4130/114.0; Prisons to cholas / 4 340A 5 .4... NOWI4 , I , IP , Mis inatinc. hours lows.scs .1n denulnas Ws. ocrfinall/VN: high {mulct doll. Conctistock light; silos Sinn et ttic. Oats. graher sS 780 SOW , Pork.scarra as VI. Bacon:AM; re. sslllng for, shoulders Wirt rib el tau Phi% dear Mla. Lard Ann; ticroasl644llSci keg 171217.140. ; , • . • . - Asir 'Week' Cattle (Ely 'rcteirraidt to Om rlttstmulb trs.tetuul :Yaw rdareb 4.—in conswiniithin of a snow storm Wore were no &mime Mantas at tho ti cutsra CUT yanla Tamaar. ado ty-rans ear loads having bean blockalled At noon to -lny only about persatsAvo k bead from 'Jr.aft county had cams, and a lairs number-or sproislatonf were artsion.w. ly awaiting tha arrival of delayed tratas. .NBlleYous. hooch remiptii thus for this weelc =5O . hcadi they an:Wl:With rad/. wan St but Vicar la no hnoyaday sad orntes age p Man. Woo* with alnico/Ir. Snwel? 'Wm and !So laaharr common' to prima tilatela 'Srine batted choice loth; DOW? PriMe , " =I arTelearapo to pie rtimbfrial . thacatior Match l—Beet cattle nano. at lo 07 for medium to fair idearsoutal tfajatlB.so foa good to obcdoe do..,itore opened actin and *Maas closed a shads cinder %inane Uto .baftneelso of Leavy reco lota at .1.7695,ES for continottto 'gond, and IplpSer,TO for good to UlnicalWelt r....-11Ogo goitre lig , fdaLat =torn L. and gLANILS for good Loodgeo. Baal quiet 21.1 arm M S64LTJ for Light, and r;azwinoo for good. = , Illy Weyer - 100 tbeentaburttitieretio.) , . Bairnroas. March 14—Flour quiet sod no, ebau.g - 01. Winat doll but. newly. ' , Win firmer: white and 0 aetuat , 1 201.13• mrse4 Oita Heed " tHi5 I=Rou ' .4 / 1 41u1Ci• ni.i/s4) , sad in' jobblnit '4omauth shouiders :12geg rib 0401 14,q,e,„ . . plan rib 0,%015o; bulk ehoul dr, 10•15.41141 e„ Lam iWa: •• • •• • • • ' :ft:nletr&ptg.idtherittotimniuswttsa • Atalarr.N. Y. March O.—Thomaslatnar kat continua Utah madam may braftlialoa moat smolt. Many dam. ao through to Maw York In first. lamas. • Shoop are many, and. 111 malcrato rchacat at MI allystmo or !ttEg. DrOSISCa boo ant la Haat ImMtcot Attoellsoatt,4.lll.lo Telegraph to the I•ittioorrguii....µ.o , thronorAtz.qtaratr oattlek *C 6.15010 r common to prima. and 117,004000 for OW sttipplog per. =dal, grow Hogs Deuce and in tlettotod, at 110.60010,90 &tom :1;0:19i0:4Aboli4(4a61 larAgrruONLini it:Liss; •i elpta'al eatme,rmy Olem, la meet meat le = CURRY' INSTITUTE •1111X.T.ILVEMDAY,, , AT.4% r•rsoste wt.ktu to betomo - EllleDeff the lonfeed Ile be pignut ne the lisl.D• euw e► rifrA COUt4III, ..•COLID.-olk A .1101ii2tIROATnriol , "•Ipts8411.14 Mo. Way.. and 61=14 Do cloaca. alloyetd to . , , .. • Ur hat tea of the Limit% Pensamassi Tbroas DiA1•114111. or. utne.o../...14.1. BROWN% BRONCHIAL - TIOCHES:, Haelsor direa t Warn* MP party iitvi oallsta Weir Balsam 4 ?“:ll.4. .4.0,11m5, .41.74 . = nairse 4 lPwa , 6/titklF. u 6 um OlnaLr...ll^ssioWlo6 .11)4i c.iji a7.lttrag.4 , 9 l .:°'Vom.° ziguitm. mil4Egif-.4 Koa 117. . & 5 13L trittl7lo4o, 110.4: batik/Or LEGAL. TN itIF: BILTFER OF THE AP- - 1.41.1.T107107,THM • JunkLis Malittat 1.4 m. U.. .f illibilemS City. !a., for a Chiller. No. MS, March Tem, ISIS. Potto.l. henget nth.. thee u .o►U.oUas bee been moue to the Coats of thineneea lithe of Al leebeay eventy, by the above staid Altaii- Use for • Chester, that an !earthen& In wet eg.s, the obyeete. artlelee, eandltioss sad sante. etyle or One ashler 5110 h they bat. Nan woolthea, ham been retested to Ike Closet end Men le the rrelltheotarrs Vacs, endl If no eeeelhat ' , ethos to shoos to Abe aostrary, thin Chart. *id be greeted by Mot:toed at the sent coctune, *twin Nampa. VIIEANDToam IlatE eta [WILL BLOCS or MA.. an ti.lla. at the 3(111{b6.11 e telexot..4 azora•or of Altamdcr Llmmat, deed. *ll on. pee- Fable map on th e premium o. TAOS& aria, March Mak, Mk ta Al'elet.• a. M.. • •Menbls Vora of Ore sltaated la Beata Nap e u t Elam Irmo tho elty,, sad adjolatat leads a. Surma. Juts gam and Mama eautalllaz Moat 111 Sams. Bt --thraltalf am& pa tie Wawa la two mica Bumf payments, wttli - tenet hence. Datable manally , to be Named tor bond alla • akerscsa• so Om atomise. esw. mitten Meta Spell Ist. lara Two oaadnall dol lars of 11.1 cub payamat will be remake!. MU 10 9ittiNtl a .VAI:. Nom Wolker.oltala Station., P.ll. • 1.1. B. B. 1131141 Exr.crTos NOTICE.— Le Testanleatdr w o gh% Idiots of MA X ! WILL. late .r SWIM.. tomuldp. deuased. gulag bun granted to the ..de algseds p.rapps bnillse calms enamel. said estato•ht ..... ot Mon. protons as OttatlcalAd tor utile meat, sad Mut Indebted to uld .esiata old make carte At b' 1 J. 0113 N. 6/Lb. _Risottos. hastiar .C.aruare Tumid,. NEW ADVERTISEMINTB SUCCESSFUL GRAPE GROWING. S. et Ideace o ..... atoms la groWlog WaPeP, at refer To oar 'melanin of tw.atl• rvca tore. of Catnap and algortate elan, which sever fell to produce, aa Instate crop of Um laest frail—To u. Uka11.4.144 of latelltaeat troll growers, who elan ear groattge—Te oar a... 1 Oran /.01b1glou. 10$0 at lime sad abroad—To 'the Trait Blarkate of gltlabargh. New Test, Plataaelealt. Reltlaallat sa ..hest Unwell 111 , 11 MIA ovary day dangle Uwe frail eeaaca, at lee algkest peat. OUR BUCCIBB TPS ATTRlBirri' TO . Via ST—lt seleclisi if cur. SaCOND—Rbe ob. suer lit ear Timm . . . • Titan-Preen. miens nil rn RYr.. - rant vailelles that are health, kph. of good 411.1MT:toad n whin we dad oes& fora WTeat the antler Or the Vise kit mesh irr.i• smessre , transits. Ire nava so dean A vla• with sternly rear Mallon will neer "m -ann aallstootory main. 4 sub a Ida* lon *sea planed. the now; It la rend out lad thrown away the hatted . We new avow. elan. see Wain their Mose tinny ea tre fellenne groans. /tan -Tiny are grown free Ilintar• Weed table nen oar See. !mg Vineyard. tau snaring' set only tease of Tam,' bet men et eo. anion. rtintr-lf • rtut our VI.. le Preps's. slag Renee. thauteey saw hen too nen. nee. 4 larif 'north. bat as soon as Use wenn n .111 hermit we tan then on Int.. nee ve Kra= re wle[ y earela i llyr4l:l47 . - ji of I,l333star.loya as tie very teed and sonall preamble to that of gtoOlog Hoot mot et Man, sm with their reale ennead t• tee W.. by oar node loolllty. OATOT, an wall toted 31•43 which CT. Of Woolf= who poled In their grown and yield of nerd Titilie-lror sail Is peaularly adapted to Me venation •f Is er the bon puny. s.d we an ea simians es arena enteral newt. - Thera le deetystery roused nd Inth . 133111. pr caner* sal Druaing“ of no re. liar erson kora - Imm DOTlOltrad az/ alsa•uraged with wen he leen wrens end aid on the mt. Ind • Etre Ws we entrrolnienr. OAT. T 103133 to 30 30.3 YriTAILT INONOTOTO 611131.311 Tool OSAIX, AXO'23AT IT It as SARI TO allbot VaIirAiDAIIA revs or 1.1:411. - Ler on In ning oat vidayanis eaa be misled at ina • We agar IMO nuns ter •OG „TEX ,AC18,363 Of sock Visa ••• yhste arel was_liki ender nine elreenatnee. andelbleal7 jpn. tan Medlar remits. . • _ ALI O. Ittraretrarrlea ILespiseerrhae.. Illeckberrin rientalnerie. inra ant. • nee *tall entrain ann. MI natant. ear erne. to In as l o ws Um ante entity at roman be hod eeeerbere- Awe., flesulptleas. OloalfstOOLS. foie. Sad nockiollabletWornOttOn Y 3 refeetne. to mail Pntr Caltater. seer -anions If yam, m antes all appleseta for le J. KNOX, N 0.127 LU.sali r 2 lignbaNSl 6 saier R ED v oTios .• C ARPET'S, .- OIL CLOTHE, mITTINGs, • AVEYDOW SHADES, 'arc:, lOVARD, ROSE & CO'S, 21 Filth Stresli .145.1.11a , r .(UVIZIA = CROFT A; PIIIILGIPS, )3,031 letups dr, Insurance Brokers 1211 rose'[ , [ aT, 11.1711111IXINGUIL • W•.•••• • raLlNTEplT.ivrArit gnus; tilta contalabig • full desalol.l4.. locula. Me•+ted ass. of all t• in.Perf, Illantlardi to oareare• Joe gala. Slums ecomast of • Farms, Grist Mills, Houseth . • • LOW., nosier. COAL liAlff Uß COAL WOUILIN 00AI. 1111LITILIN L•XDI. 110 TILLS, TADINES I / 1 3. ever AND tUDOUlthlt ritersirry. Tele 11.1ster . •• Wet three theft • year ea Dree •1 ua MytusE.r mold January. Patten etsals. De ie.. vu Best Xateas traCt. erten, the leestlea saes • .1 tau le emelt esr , lsecieter. • aria et welch Du be keg*7 castles you *Caress. , • asir SmT 71!EF:15.. tisars • •thuts.rrisam Aram sa% suss. RAIIPILFAUES. 'vim-Imi a vinetia.imms. . SH2l7llra. • • auxutrair.u. T. 11214.. . . . LarlELette, 111111/liarl Ii 001111.: IN the =wt. sonmed.virt•tles .1p IT quo. Inks. An mule% Tbe ;uvula the r. r. W. at/. calivrai step St oar surtorts. at ida....th eg.rafally,ilactel siv& sit!ppol. 4, 4 is • . L.RitifleLDB rirreausua. . • - • . air No tr4+ 1114.6.• ■mPolp b 7 ll• .101.4 h► veLvaitrun rROPERTF FOR -' "well atom. *man M0nd— .14110.1.1.M. .tae , tltrfillaraltm of Mamiaul. on Mo.?. U. at cr. 1. X. Mom la a moaqtare frame.' of *ltem 'mom and eallas.• 1.111. brlak rataarmd, Me. mi. , M. Una of olden le tan eateslsted fora W t.roea er cone•rla. aelat 43 rem lam m 4191 lea odd. Tao tawv•stera IS la falai aDananiallast: edema., 't.al far barearrep.anneraaapamed Mad Nara AM.. a mantel, NM by 24..oalantea, ta bold $4 aormal awl f Ws 1.1.1 be wad •'ebranllfanllod . ter monr2= mlo be the Min of Mama, rt. Will M. lintel to a send blunt to a torazra= o ;„ .. oniti l agreita 33 lism.•eavias , P. Ad " r u il. !ass year. ernes aamn a Go.: aad Wok ZVI*, ror farkam_anntlelorn mirein` Of MOM, IV/A' or MITT: Maillfto/.. wales 6o tpv gnexames. • • - • .. PARR roil Taa stalatalgaaa nal at Plana& Pia 11. Mama, almaled Alaralmor telrmlap,Wima. Moreland tellaT7* its and a - We aline from apoilo iICIIo3 mane R. P. M. It....antaladiag . 95 1-2 ACREtif Ilaylag tizoo et•otod • .tood jet W. Wit *nous Bor. wits IJm. lootuaro Inatalldtairo TOLl=rs won walgte4. teaOf boo it of doe Ibliquty.. Coovootogit to ollarokOS sad foylutier partlaulats 'tools. of. 1 • nada+ she MNI=;Z:= . . `OR YALE. .;.:/eParmi of 0110 Huttlit Jena, obibbi b, rattan MR.AIO. Mies.. dens:. two sod ...half led worth of S e. it.. torawy.vaelo R. II Tbo lam fa or glipIPMll/Stilltrtiad resold satea It sa opt" anol towed mt.". onafoesetaa ae bowl also 4.11. 1114111.111elte mano.o of snot •parries, ammo oad oeferoottodhl. fm o Lflokrox wLL coalrfaloat Itkogok.,' Par Ilerleerjtattealan6.4l+6 oa,lbe iozut TILLIUQOL t dela, bLoorwerttla run 0116..... a. A. MOWN - 3yransw 44E6 • 2..rrwr.camfm..:w.v.st, • V* 0 6.aa da aXla%siU lt V.a . trt .r t ., ei Om air, la.. All osdas promptly - -. GLENN.T.A.MES. . , ~ ..*.i...,,,,,,,,i,..nt5ter4 -: Gab; lipClittiot ; and Batinillay, - - .,-... , 0t 1r iza Azar Mita 145.; .; oda", ,' ' , swirsainuagg. YA. . 4 VARlChi'lltialiis ~ P:Vaasal • Jafts , 3**Wel o.holni.. i11.t.. &bona -r nave !altzliZsrZie,,lxtiltsupp, let. Jan.eigt47l67llt, A . 0.'44 ace2:;.,lntir,'. altsbs Watt sralornalirntr Amway • %us. sta. ohrsillair. baulk VW maw of mama hall 4 1 _ r.....waitlvez lamedistelr.• 1..1.1.•46,1141:143441ran Iblossains. CGEIP PAINTING .. . r il fiZtlik' "; is..P . I : i4.g. r . so og r s . ig woCs a ii t i r at e n t * . .:.4. iw005T.7441 .' 4 ' . ' ' =Maga Intl!llue.Vhissemoit,--1 BIEDICAL. mai 4111113 OF AST ILL I tity•ey 411;11100S to YOU. am us*? I owe to Oilaci , s Who beta Wm in - ertyrelr. 4.rder that they am , IttOm • wb.t.:,1•1.1.. act cuie.i. I bwlllesn mblootti. • EIOM;I4=I;Gg thaa4k . /. an../ ha./ totem /c. vest sxpelltS sad tv/ Various medical orezregune.Vair. ocit4Calaint parmacut reUrrool at/IR 1 wl//d Ital 1 serer /WM 11111141 • ===l I.t4ultry Watt for 'wrecks uA Mut., WM. est 47prottku or hopes( unk. Yf tudltio* Ina Web Slk I felt 111, a Ultima. and Vita I • • got a? 'altak I felt la danger oesalltaalast gal : 2l)2=l/6ot. So terrible bad bees ay asps- Lag ltiat my males says Qat sat Su nu rasa mai ' Sal/oast/on last 1 tas aearty black la tha doolgrat the desperate .00-U 0 1 100 la : tat re the colt aster . alias. - 0101 ° e alabsc selth the awn all orladows of ( 1 t Sawa tttrotSa odds open. L order b Stator as sows rsagAlsager of strostaalatloa. lt , t, tads meal. tloa;pa ate 11th of ttetoar, 1000. arlagAlara or a' ' ) . 4. lusts Ewa ant la gulag tali aue..a yGLLiW oa Ittos. ataDas7 "UM ifs/ 100,6 11 14 Mayors. ha 1. most teaks.. wals a goat seal # doubt as to electlag perasaattiaa 11r. Alt VIES examined ma Earstglly sad us laafkall am, with W I.92lliSOtillp, aatfota me aat tolla ears I would gatwolL / yarairlagalt ortUF Ids andlolaies for over a year. 00 al; . iiiolsoroas kealtb. bd TirrALLYdraFla duds IRE UTICA. and Its to stay Ma. ttresitt}go tatoadatils: 14n lad. own la alrafl4. , a attack of taa &owe; bat / alt as oalia al sabot/ mostabllsied., bartifasty attack. a few doses or un ittoslaVa aestikae bamodtately glasrall f:oa uptf .I too litakfal for the extraplaf taxa laglaae . , wball ace/ to mot ma whole weeks aallialatla. of lOas of sleep, lialdes rater/at erld Saw badness who aro sabioei 10 WS 41.141.0 Nay f o ni . 4Proolsto or assalla. • zga.wal mcrias. , •• • mazy mous.: JOT. (bar mew,": r.;, e/GOICIIANL 1,11911314 Titi.ewo off Mel. Myers, rellted sheets:U*2e ol hire than ordinary trosetstoom beChnelred Itut Stole.* of the attache. their' omit:Mkt leas* sad tee great prattstloa,sf .lelhtho trttaFpowero otteadt g ithweert gay ilme wholiseir her dolt:1[00 U. she woo • is& three:from Shadiness of Which oho trealatthet .4 ,*l.ll tooter her how. tleeeerltolOtOZIO•1 roliseit. health: assaot bat aantt that as aull we . 0 . 3 may than ordinary climate?. Manila as ire near of Lattma ovary da7 of Oat In4[Alaaaaa of as Incurable istor, Lae: nallea mho Oman layeatliita for thslesallrea: DL. in 1211.1 1 ,8 .11111:11.10.EN4 01.111117/40X0 oirios lOU Lome ExasuatimuninAND Tfl TZZ&&iii?ofOearciiTltrylOllUlO 114:1» tram errand.; tete I 46.11Gnattli a. at. • hrairmai,s, miss maws?. sioimu s e• fry Ibe Ifisyliabiost tliiaar, Oassui Nalsoll.r7 gigs tu'a'tara, billr.lieyser. 129 rein tiMt_ RIGHT EILSTORSD. . . . . n Slei to inlets Ira alluded nue unane. of.(fattastass Mbar, of Scant emits. datum outli:ely no/trued try Oa iponeraanopf *lad Tleber Irsyn/t, mac today ..called ma:to palmy to Wank blo for bia,knolnor aid4ult. I. manila/ bay to. littnls.ll./JID rick - ram 51011 T. Xlsullabatiact Inuann • ty'And for ton untr.ths.. eats was s I ‘laerald not . dlittedaln aay alains sur am to manna what It stag. inane Is .yrinannts. ti Inadreda of cu. Ilka bar , . in dos, ad to aeite•eadlas datum, oft tba Es.l *nu Stnlaara la dons., and oonlog en %lo d's.. tuitikna under • OIL YLICYIIB , II italtplipt tot SU4.6janatha. aad balbra; ane aolitlad Inn., A bur notatm; Baton rantrakatisat ell* were entertaluNl of bar nut dessnklust Ant: Hes : iamb inn two* la..lniustal bo bo6Gwaveabn naldea, aad Una lain nnt:ll.l4l aa Ara of ninordlany reeneri. • , trp. star 1110erstned. kankottba arida kin rant, sad Dear vrtliln lattann to' Lid,lael Cult, ritAiglrukein,' finffoNr. risa.n.lamtboii) Jurstla niubsarr: Taylor aisen.b. iosiaz Mor-mairr. . tome ruilciz. 11111 . 1 , 661.1 I* . pl.ozszber na. IC!Ulßrawn. remD Ilhidar. Waal May, Teels ley ail R. WWI. .16k W. Llenezdatter, T. It . Allait.jr . Letti Ab 1.01.• Marl J. Ibevril; • Joale h. MEMO .ri '" r . 1 4., N. w. Mr..l 5.1.141bUti: Vtl l' ar "". YORAM, 'Ens Ram, wwwa: J,wsantOlfllles, bd. X. 14 , 1111 Kan Pattsste.,, J.lwate I w attwrlh, Martha Pal eA, 1 12 . 1 t rU .. .'" , 'r th=stdoster, LleiruxdOrfrr. 111471•014 . M. Kansan, *obart IdaNred, J. W. Dobbit. , . L 11ehb. , .;..1 • J. WUlwatas , awnbora 'ilLbelta Dobbs. - N. quiltmulos, (her brother. , VA.. goo* above rotornst toWas calavir.prol br?lndlelata to p•rtfr btopit • saft SIA mmied by worn or versant, , •00 Mils - Mahar. and bar. • tooiltdo or Illopflotsl res•iritiOst to. bealtb. 1104 Um iscO•orTOr bee tao smostlo47l.• lottortaboTtOthig' lin...twristn- , thls to Um' U.S of LpiN sus tots to toot ndrottaseattoit of Ui onnilit IR/ diOrs Cihrtallsos !labor. Tbey worn ell mins iatlto out that sums down. nitti'Wets ten mita estoolsfiod to son tlass_ton Smola tar ollits on tommotttor noodi &sat. to toil St/ 1,1011 .701 ate 0114 CI Ili iisonteltriult As wortd.. , ono ono Lt-wa end tent:ionis seta.. Ton ono batmen trot child Wt 4,1111 tin t ItiPin at tat. slaw. We MI 10la = un'reatuf oa loin,:oldreopeoti •ri • . - r.sreau. 1!!!! 1 * 'NoTaar, MOW Peso Slimat, aseiner .iallana 01147. *Ma bean Sr•N • awl& S. IIq.IIOIIAXT OullablarflUW:1130113=11110 11', PEWS rrannuar. igiansfat of Boom foal. eanioftlf: Of 110. el4.Poosi stmt. Anagb•ar I :took 'a 'W.{ or *kart* , to API, wag,* laft month a @mark faintaffsvar. nut wearing arar ley itraagut Kai lafftfan7 wilenalatag airy 511115. Donal( 013 eft* of ahapisf 1 bad won] plardetaai Of Oa Spa *MO ta after I MI *Oaf 2 4 1. *Mirk alum:: I *as' &mew* in tap the r ~ u ,•alAf ad; satmktirdaor• • =Ow doctor, ,•‘4 Ukillo 4 .2i •o• NOR I Wald Maar 01. sad udmms.if mitin otnasuarno ant Viir.m uot•••• flinger. Mat flea tala slau loaf Om% UNI tomb of solo, at trist. utir hist 'fisidoklerilivally Ifofrifiyarso. Nadi masa of 1517 t.J. ibis]. VIII despaidag of ayrof /whit apotLiiii Ohs ado of •••postener.. tad tuilmaitlifleAma bait of It. 111013INLIM OrCkringleill la. sal laarpar mow et tali. tistui.•l OKI slaiedlous agrowitmaintridipen6 wig tadmettii thrsetpulart so NU at Ur D. tor AIL atm no eau Welk eiilWLlatat a I** tai Itaii*vtagbis *.Loa 0 60171(7)." 0241 e• Um snot tati Intik tiro MT aittb dbeslod, bat he larmarlildtilt•all aufflki perberernFF• to Moult of isellslaa. witi4 Est' •n: *t Um than iiiniiinea Zerarnayrato• Ins ins" catalimia oar. rz MAU ta &lambs; wadi wet 4.lllinos. sad tat $0 itatel atrkftaddikle- ear. a tai Poeta., discomfit teuesbiA .tta 1 11.44 loam, troaantitiolk sal tianniaol It Mthrally maul ibittri•diat SAW "I“Frikaslaes *um Itelp•dr• im ***Wow sad arranaanr mod arysAt Nana eAtioaart. sad*, ImAlk sae eatioriamted huAileas. 1 tiavaithied vaiilaia Sea.! Kan eta adie24l - tharslAnag army huurbiblidess.d. ma or gearalltealtk le tahlalletriflad. An Iry &Astir/awl bludikkik4 awradiumam .taqiWiel dews. ma imtrieratiort.w. as vgielmc'gresu pr. Kama was • atedidi• anoviarse toss. oditez team emairuoi Etna. euiet sm. Prersiewnt, ttnsl •c 5 wt re at aon a'iriucaur.eirraismia I ..4 1 . 11 .ehuglht IMP lOU Atidt4•44o4. nay Inamiss:y.llM ... 4 9 0 •AS i1eA.X4E144 , 4 ". ilioaCrtme • absil. WA disea."*" 4lll ".. ars" Pt WOW.* 1rm1... 44 4 00241 TaingA10 I had a temple coast and tat am, Si sfrimpt mot WOUld wo.p.soao4 So dosayUkbie, taiiittly a.. . t.. Or 001101 Itowtssarasi. n 4. 01i0leallas lo a 147deLsa et .i 7 sttabbainiad NON; aye. iran4s to uoilisa Is rlitabertik or i1iti,,,479.t•• 010 0. nraallec I mat 11.194.4A0t eve ass4t.s . O . 'rub:assay liaulli whafir . q, lop nib. IR 01* - worm, =a mused ta iiih sq 4 *MN enrivila. Is, Awohall‘ a/ ipuilf 40*. .eIAUTUNI EMI* alai bout sli*SONhees .tlll4, Fa* Wee Ms rnln M' Vela .001 , 440 t awl rd munif lialifx ii. ti s sae Lwow aziataint 441siii* 'TiKix L iiinftAr vete ?It!, LIMO Ittian t sat 1444,411.c1iat 1.1/ .11 V i " b"" dritUar Si tli. Mitt pal Oat vat antsai *WA tis:xcrias In 67 1414.1ba kfi dislm,p,i i 191414, lau sm.:vision to 1 01 4,Icriftany d 4 r rftlAmet, aQuofte. frogito- 1 0}.***1 00)001 14 Solite am; 6a4 iar imam Malta I . halbOtgril lOU my eu.t. ,, 0 nu lita Amin aid Itteeita Bawd NW tall aptanagatot teti bps p 11.., Raw 4. a bat bra Imet..a4lak* Limit . 1 . 1 1 7b***1— 'N.:lw iroii"!t pt:' - irresell trqinikaiaag lionchlet• ' ... t -, V - Joan 44:" meant: Tatbi lees. - 'lllllaroiathaagillll44 1011. , ~,;--- DILipMEWS..PECIONAL 111111 P LURO . CULL,. cobs Mdlt Ida woad •ounnemousit, '1401V00,0 ernre.- - 4:4o.flosoukieniko. so. i9iVY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers