Q 11 El 1111 11 C II 11 OITI AND SID3IIRBAN. TEEM COIJRTS, Vailted Egatis MlxtilsiCoarl—ladge • - - Fame.; March the case of the United States ve, twenty-six barrels of t j - .41e (Italia; awn,d by Michael Thiokol!. preciously reported, the Jury found a I' a Terdlct against the United themes and for respondent. _ David S. Morrie, of Mew Castle. Law- E recce county, was on motion admitted to 1 . In the bankruptcy bninth, the case of - jam% Alswgrti l .l . jury f ry tu oo mi vil';al32e lalleged acts of bankruptcy, en eet forth f . -in the credithrs' poutlen, were net true. Thellli' cause was thereforedismissed. Orson Rickey was granted a dual charge to bankruptcy, and w an awarded the utszal (Teri/date io that effect. A petition was presented from Aaron L. Wight, or Susquehanna county, for --- final discharge. Tne usual orders wore made by the Court. The following petitions for teljadim.- thart in bankruptcy were filed Arthur E. Cannon, or Luzern county. r : Alva 0. hart. I.yooming county. A J.dml Tinge county. I- A - usm Wright Lycomi,:t coun ty. I Charles C. Mean late or Warreoeimuty. Benjamin Tome; Warren county. A. CI. Morrison. Warren county. . • B. L..Fahnestock. et Co. tiled II petition In bankruptcy against F. Marion Gard ner, of Tittaburgh. 1 , Court adjourned., 6114•11MS—Jeldre Farnmr, March G.—Court met et the usual hoar, ten &clock. vzsmcre nrannalan. In the case of Joseph 'Orris, Indicted for fornication and bastardy and ado!. tory, thejitry found a Terrllat of not guil ty,the defendant to pay le - ants. In the cute of O'Donne et. Birdsall al., indicted for robbing tewart's shoe stets in East Liberty, the jury found a vhydichlef guilty. Sentence deferred. ALIZEONNST Doxasnc. • meity Hemet; aged etzteon, was in dicted for the larceny of- tee or Sim, dresses, some "female underclothing," and a silver chain, on oath of Joint Jamaica residing at. No. lb Lama. street; Allegheny. Counsel for defend ant, B. S. Moirlion. FAT, moved the Court to quash the - Indictment, for the reason that the phrase ..female under clothing" was vague and indefinite. Ile cited Isaiah 2: 17-13, us descriptive of the 'Meiners" of the daughters of Zion, "in those days," and as to the additions niece It was Impossible for him (the counsel) to give any idea. Notwithstanding the high authority cited the Court over mad the motion. H I. Honor could not see the application. The evidence was that Miss Hamm; representing herself as artorphszi, was employed by the pfol -ocutor To do housework, - and after the • lapse of ten days she departed, taking with her the articles Mimed to have born stolen. and was arrW.ed be officer Her. man, and acknowledged hvirguilt. The accused offered no evidence, but wept bitterly daring the tried, this demonstra tion. coupled with her preprasoweing op- Mnince, exciting sympathy in her he- Ttiejory convicted, recommended 'bar to mercy and she was sentenced to the county lu l l for two months. John W. 31eFetrldie was indicted for the larceny of a buffalo robe, the prop erty of Dr. D P. Lipscomb, one night in December last It was taken from the Doctor'sbuggy while he was slating a -patient. The accused was arnoteo with the robe in his possetelon, and whilst en deavoring to sell it for two dollars. Hr alleged, but could not prove, that he ob tained the robe from another party for flay. rents. Verdict guilty. The ae mused.had been in Jell slues December bast, and was not tried at last term for the reason that he was attacked with i• small pox,. from which he had but re-. eently recovered. He was sentenced to the county Jail for two months longer. ASSAULT Alt° attrrEni. John Mooney was convicted of an malt and battery on Adam Burkhart It appeared that the defendant's 'sae bad taken a ahirtand some other articles from BurkbarVastore,and missing them hesitant to Mooney's house to recover the property. A difficulty ensued. and the assault and battery was oommitted. . Sentenced- to the county jail for two • I WELL LITOWA OrPCSDEIL. Martha Brawdy. eon of the notorious woman of that name now safferini pun ishment for keeping a den of infamy, was placed on trial on a charge of tele nktus •tuseault . and battery on James Holland, of Guffeyla statism, Westmore land county. Prosecutor during a visit to the city on Saturday of last week, in company with Dennis McCune visual a &Mao of ill fame on Pennsylvania oct— nue., While there he was rob-be / of 'forty-Ave dollars, and mat merning returned to recover ti.e money, when he encountered Brawdy, who assaulted him with a knife cutting him across the hand. • The jury convict ed. The Court sentenced the prhcane " to pay a Soo of ten dollars And to ten months insivisonment Lathe county jsil, at the explration of that time to give bar is the sum of $l,OOO to keep the peace kw one year. The Court took -occasion to remark that it was aware that the pthonor had previously been concerned in occur rence* of the kind. It will be recollected thhts.Brawdy was convicted of murder in the second degree, for killing a man In Birmingham, and renter red to the Peni tentiary for twelve years, but pardoned 'out alter he had served but a small por tion of his sentence. The reason assign ed, we remember, was the failing health of the prisoner.. E=l:= Wm. Campbell, colored, wee tried liar an. aggrarated emu& and battery on Thomas Penny, also colored. It wan ted on board the steamer Hudson, on which the prosecutor was employed no watchman. Jury• out. oortlnlinOrD one a CULT. • John McGowan plead guilty to a charge or larceny, preferred by Patrick klanlnn, boardinghouse keeper on Grant street. The property stolen consisted of two suits of clothing and a silver watat, -.valued at one hundred and fifty dotter,. Theprisoner was arrested i Johnstown and the articles found. in his passection. It appearing that the prisoner woo not hardened in crime, and that his preriou. character was considered pond, he wa. not sentenced to the Penitentiary, but i' the county Jail for three months. - . • ' ADJUDGED L.WILLITZ. Theodore Schmidt, accused of assau lt and battery, cm. oath of his brother, gall:Kb:ad not guilty by reasmo of inselni ty. The object of the powecutlon was secure his consignment to the asylitio. He resides at Mt. Washington. _I DEBLILLIWILD rsex Adam Eckert, in jall since last term, was brought into Court and discharged. The grand jury hrnored the bill ngsinst him on the 9th of January' l but by some oversight the case had notbeen xi- William Breeze, indicted for Me seder, hen of Mary Zdeponnlido tinder preneFe nf marriage, waaallowed to put In dm phe - of guilty of fornication and bastmly Ho was sentenced to pay forty dollars f•T "Iying-M". expenses and to pay the tiros , and two. dollars per week men her child Ls five years old, and giro bond to e imply with this order. ===s!!! FE/DAY, March .G—ln the case of O. tr. Tower vs. E. T. Vanvoorbesoh.jury found in favor of plalntiff forsl,llo As. J. Mcr.. Pierce vs. Thonum A. Csuca han. .Actlon lo recover M40, - amount of a note for many paid. On triaL - Steel Estate Transfers. ' TritF followin deeds were left fu rho Register's office on Thursday, March:A}, Jacob Nathan et. al. to William A. Reed, January dtlr, 1567, lot on Federal street and North Common, Allegheny, 60 by. 110 feet with bui1ding5........518,000 - William A. Reed to Joseph Myers, Fob. /Mb, 1867, - .the above described Int . • $12,000 George Finley to Joluilb Tucker, March 4th, JBB, lota Nos. 1 and 2 in }lnlay's plan of iota in Collins tossmaltln, 91 by 148 feet with buildings' $1,212 William Young to Samuel Porter, Juno 3d, 1810. twenty.me acres of land In North Fayette township .. .. Jacob Jobnaion to Samuel ....... Oct. 121 h, 1330, 96 perches of land in North - • Fayette township .. ... 4 10 Charlesßohelmyer -wiiiVins mer, Marsh 3d, 186 e. lot in Mount Washington 6400 Jacob Reppua to William T. Whitman, IdarchtkL 1868,10 t in Oakland, on Peon , .sylvania avenue, lb! by 1,0 feet.... 12,200 Whitman - to George Black. • March 4th, 1868, the above described lot F 2,800 - Samuel Coyle to Robert M. Coy l o, Feb. 19M, 185% lot on North Canal Street, in the borough of Sbarpsburg, lot No. 1 Coyte'e plan 81 Hugh Clacity to Arthur flobwm, March 4th, 1868, lot No. II In Robert Camel t's plan of lots, on James etrect, ghetlY City, by 104 feet, with build 'insl.2tXt Ad. Heineman to Arthur Hobaon, Oct. noa, toe: oo .Lacook street, Alio. gheny City ,41 by 92 feet. .100 John 'Twang to John A.-Inert, April 1 1667, 'tract or ground in Robinson - townshlp r eontabaing tr a,rea, 3 rondo and 19 perches, with-buildings 01,53 Thompson Bell to A. M. Marshall, Fob. . 18; 1E67, tract of laud to Reserve town ship, containing six ace", with, b mild -12,000 Wm. Maddock to Henry Schott, s Auq. t867,..10t 14 in Beckham A Brank' arch's plan of, iota In LawrenoeVillo, on :Charlotte street, 22 by 100 P. P. it E. Forsythe to Isaac McKinley, Aferch 3, 1868; tot 113 In Thomas 3fe1... lon's plan of lota In Liberty township, 21 by /CO feet.. ' . ...$360 m Bovd to Joseph W. Boyd, Feb. 12 0808, lot on Fleming street, . Atte. 5 11811 y.2 by 90 feet • - F;900 Arle lo / 0 102e1111. . . 9rE11.4. EiOUSE.—Tho entertalrnnont at tiro Opora House last PVenaig was one of the most pleasing of tile h..1..t0ri. iixr Newton as Ifiriam,fin "Sfiriam's crirno;• displayed a high order of dr.unstle talent of rare cultivation, and as Ger trude In °Little 'rrvanure" she Is unap proachable. An unusually attractive bill will be presented at the matinee this afternoon, In which Miss Newton will tippear. Tar: Germa.--The closing niglit of the brief mason of. English .Opera, given at the Academy of Music by Carellne Bic h ing's talented tronpo, closed fast night with the Bohemian Girl. We were proud of the audience. Never In Pittsburgh did there before assemble more youth,. beauty, fashion end intelligence. 1 It was such an audience as reflected the true etutraMer of our Industrial city in a mo ment of rest and repose. Every seat was occupied, the aisles crowded, the win dow cilia Improvised into benches. It was a perfect ovation in honor pf Caro line Rich's's', whose benefit Ribes. The performance, was all that eonid be de sired, and than closed brilliantly the brief 11.1chinge eeason. May the troupe soon return again. Laramerrn Wierat , the celebrated lecturer, will; concl ude his course of boteresting lectutes at Lafayette Hall thls evening, at which time be will deliver hie very' interesting discourse on "'Marriage and . Divorce." The Doctor is a man of rare literary attainnuinta, and hie lectures give efidencs of a ,atrong mind and deep research. :We have sel dom met a public lecturer who poanesses no much general knowledge, and bin ion tures ere full of useful information. Ma arc Rent.--TheL Royal Con jurer, whn has met with such brilliant success during his stay here, will bring Ids interesting exhibitions to a close to night. and these of our reader. who have- not witntessed his Inimitable tricks, or received one id the elegant presents that aro distributed to the audi ence nightly, should not 101 l to go to Masonic Hail to-night. I - Thal Itrsg.—Notwltlastarullnir the change in the weather the lee at the Rink Is Wit In good condltios for skating, sad the lovers. of the sport are making good use of.lt, as the season is aboiat at an clad. SOUTHERN 'STATES By Tolesrayh is thy Vlctibarat VIII.GIIIIA. Rio/no:co, March 6.—The Convention to day adopted the clause .disfranchislog all ponsons who gave.eld'and comfort to the rebellion after having taken the oath to supp?xt the Constitution of the United States, Such as Congressmen, Yreileten bat Electors, officers in the service of the United States, Executivear JudiCial ora -1 eersofState. TbeState officers wattled, besides higher ones, are Judges, Clerks or Courts, Commonwealth Attorneys, Sheriffs,. sftnetables, Overseer& - Reve nue Commissioners,. Magistrates, Ifay. ors, City Councilmen, Flour and Tobacco Inspectors. An amendment to modify the asesh• Inger the wordS"and comfort," so as to crept acts of kindness- by- parents to their sons in these-called Confederate ar mies, or voting for secesion - ordiaance, wan defeated, and the. clause adopted by forty etne yeas to-twenty-eight nays. Another clause was adopted disfran chising all °Moans in the rebellion above the rank of first lieutenant in the envy, wed master in the . Uary. On this last Clause Conservative re fusxi to vote, Baying that he would com mit-perjure. by an doing. A -motion to expel him for contempt was laid on the table, and the Convention. adjourned. 3rOZTEI cusneLlurA. Rix-grow, 3rarch G.—Tho C.onvontion proceedings hare bees of little baterest for eeveral days. - On Wednesday night the proposed scheme for an immigration bureau was derailed. Yesterday Mr. Williams, ar SAMPSOD a Clanesrvative; Was deprived of hi sea and Mr. Bali, Radtesl, declared legall_ elected. . -. To-dap the report or the Cow:Mute on alumna= passed to a sasond reading. by a strict party_ vote. It provided 1; r opening' or the University and all Win,: public cc - :eels alike to blacks and whiles. The report compels all persons to sand their 'children to public schools for sin •teen months betwen the arse or five oral elghtedu years, when they are not able to educate them otherwise. =I Catamaceros, March G.—The Cony en ticn is nearing a chose. The President to-day announced that all ordinances re. -ported from Committees bad been acted Brigadier - General Gurus, Military Mayor of city p tees, bwo superooded the by Col. Cogsw ro ell, of has tbo infantry. It is believed 'Cogswell Wdi pursue the_ shine policy se ids prone. =T! Aort..asra., March 13.—1 n the Canien tion to-day. the vote of yesterday on the apportionment of Congressional, Districss wae reconsidered, for the parpoge of urmlimg some changes In the dleposalow am:intim .3lr. Edwards, of Taylor county. it unardzonualy nominated this cremlng a canon of Republicans for Congr from tho Third il'istrict. LOUISIANA. NEW. 0.8.1.W03, 3 iarch 6.—The f•Ily currency has again declined.. A few brokers btry at twenty p e r cent, discount. but most a them refuge to nurcha-e on any terse, and a card to published in the effect that Tenders in public markets will wholly refuse to take It as currelley after the 111th inst. Now 05LF,...1.39; March B.—ln the Con vention today a resolution approving the impeachment of - President Jehtiron was offered and laid over. ' A resolution was offered by Mr.Crorn well, coloteid, to the effect that as the presence of. Jefferson Davis, - the arch traitor,' was detrimental to peace and good order, he be notified to leave the State within font - teen Imam The resolution created crinalderahle ex eltetnent. • Mr. Blacktnxna said it was barbarban to Mr. Davis, who Is, in ens ammo in Cackles and a prisoner of the State, and said he ra=rded him ponionallY as brava and candid man, but politically a traitor, and moved the r e solution re turned. to the delegate from whom it emanated."-It was carried by fifty-six to five. A recoil:Mon was adapted that. no . ber be elected aq ,Reglater who Is n dilate for any orllre under the Conti don. A motion to go Into an election of Reg Were wee Adjourned. . . EIMLB:C MONTnOXEraY, March 6.- In rrajarrear to an application to General Meade for the apposatment of an Alderman for a ward of thin clty, ho replies to the Mayor tnaittrilaaa It to of urgout necessity he date not desire to make an appointment; as the pooplc will noon beimlled on to elect one gi t tbeir own choice. • • /11111815iIIPPI. Jecxsow, March fl.— he Convention watt (tempted to-day with the trial of Merriman. Ile wee &tally expelled by A vote of thirty-eight to thirteen. • PreseaUng the IndlettaraL We take Rom the Clev,thind Le the following graphic and Impreaniv sketch of tho SCCI3O at the National cap: tol, when' the Articles of Impeaehmen against the President werb exhibited before the Senate on Wednesday last WAstrisormr, March 4. The feeling of everybody this morning seemed to be that a new chapter to to be written in 'American history teedny nt noon. There was no precedent for each WI act as °courted soon after,' not any record er curb a scene as was then in preparation. Through the morning there was o state of expectancy over the great crowd at the Capitol, The morning papers had announced that the House manager. would certainly appear at the bar- Of the Senate. The Senate galleries were well filled, and attentive to all that was passing. Pour large chairs moved in from Cho marble room and placed In the areas front of the desk and facing the Prealident, were the only Indicatkins that anything unusual was to occur. The routine etlaillo. of, the morning hour was as dull as over, but at short interval, every eyo In the galleries was 'turned to that row of elegant chairs as if they possessed the power of fascination. Meantime • the communication front Chief Justice ChaNO was road in the Secede, and. It seemed as If 'everybody beard It at CILICC; for In three minutes it was the theme of general conversation, and half a dozen telegraph operators were announcing It to all parts of the c mntry, almost before the Santora had reverend from'the eurprise It caused there. In ten minutes the building was rioting with• all aorta of versions of the document. But an soon as It was dis• eovered that It would not stn the p istedintie it was Soon Jost eight of for the Limo being, as the central scene for which all weravraltiug begin to unfold Itself. • The Mansgent inane into the Rouse. when Mr. Bingham moved that the Clouse, an a Committed, of the Whole, at , tend.the Managers at the bar of the Sen ate. This being agreed upon the move-_ moot towards the Senate began.. The galleries formed to are the long gree t ,. sloe peas. Slowly and with duo form it Silted through the halls. Mr. Dawes, Chairman of - the Committee of the Whole, with tho clerk on his right, and the door keener on - fila lef,. ledthe ' umn. Behind then came Speaker Col. fax With General Schenck and Mr. Wel ker. and next came the Managers, walk ing two by two and arm to arm, 'Masan. Bingham and,Boutwell walkingibw, the former on the right; then Williams and Butler, next Logan and WasellO and last came Thud. Stevens. °nab:tete - I'2lk and carried to a chair. Behind thent lowed. the Republ.can mernbers;with three or four Democrats. 3104 of the latter 'cleft, remained In the. hall,MY the Dense. Therrowd in thebuildlng formed from one end to the other coaw.h aide of the body thus made up. There was an air of deep earneetness upon all, and ail seemed to yield :elite influence of the oraxdon. Nu inueral cortege moviug through these corriders ever excited graver thought,' It wa, column moving on in the mimeo( all the people, and to the great thought thus embodied all seemed to bee,. Las to the supreme power of the land—the peOnle moving on to a.nputtlon, and to bid their Senate sit in Jedgment upon the highest officer in the land- Much thou gh hi throb iaxel in all iiCAITS to the measure of that march. While all tae gellede, were ex pectant, the Senate woe dragging on with business as uninteresting to the generel reader as the inemiptions upon I-he burial eases of the Egyptian mununles. Sud denly Baia:eel, and what era, fel t to be the most int portan t smite In the history Or this our rebellion, stood eat on the near of the Senate. Those at the President's desk ceulti see the officere of the Rouse of Representativel and the Managers be hind them; the members in a, long lino reaching back beyond the rotunda, and hundreds of faces pressing close upon the line, forming a wall of lteade on each side. The horn on the floor of the Semite ceased, and as Hs doors ewung open, the measured trump of the column aonnded through the hall. There mimes Blaine. over it se If death had enteraVaud ns the proper officer of the Senate announeed the Committee of Met:tigers the stillness 'teemed to 'deepen. Linen recognition from Mr. Wade, Mr. Bingham, chair man, announced that the House of Rep resentatives through the ..Ifatuse,ers and by it. own presence appeared at the her of the Senate with Its present Artleles of I itpeeehment against Andrew Johnson, President of the United Stator. Presi dent Wide in response inyited them. to seats Weedy prepared. PREHEATYECT or 1113 AATICLEA. Daring these preliminary proceedings the entire Board of Menage., arranged as already stated, Stoat—at the bar ;with the meleere of thrill ouee—the Speaker in advance sad the ;bombers in the rear. When the Manageia moved to the front of the desk and took their seats, the members of the house formed In a com pact circle outside of the Senate.' deskA A rustle parsed over the emur and gal leries as all present seemed to nettle themselves loin the best position lb hear and IMP-. On motion of Senator lien dricks, Speaker Colfax was oondueted to the desk on the right of Mr. Wade, Senator Grimes advancing and escorting him to the designated plum. These ar rangements made, the Senate became still again, and the - sileneo was oppree sive,. remittent Wade here directed the . Sergeant -at-Arms that prnelnmatlou be made. The order of Presideat Wade, too, gave i: new weight and the words of the proclamation Beet( appeared to atop all breathing. Every eve was . on that officer em he stepped to his plane and In clear and firm tones prenonneed the for multi, Paver officially heard in the laud before. The proolamat :on made, the ]ango ra stood in their places and Bingham un rolled the Articles and prepared to read. It was M elemn and deeply Impressive some. ssrs. Wade anti Colfax seated together, the joint representatives of the two great representatiro bodies of the nation; before them sat t h e Senate, and back of the Senators were ranged ttie members of the House. Over all the packed galleries seemed to bang as if the nation Itself were looking down on the 800/30. In the open space before the desk, stood seem men oho,ln the name ',fall the people, had come before the highest tribunate the land to enter an kid iettuen t against a President,in thotr ellielal ca pacity. It was such a line of men as the ayes of a nation hare seldom rested on. Their personahty- gone, they stood for the people In the people's cause, curl as each thousands of eyes. which ran coo. stantly from one to another, seemed to be regarding them. " - For anlanur the Managers were before the bar while Bingham read the long in dictment through: Fur an hour selree one of them changed his position; for that time the circle of members remain• odin unbroken attention; the Senators remained fixed:- and the galled°. ns quiet as if no life were in them. The reading done, Wade announced that the Senate would take proper action - in the case, and then the Speaker, M.anagurs and memberswithdrew, and the doll, dry business of the Sen ate began agate. a Mouse atorner. The flames were enemies high, and turpentine you threw; Au celeerstood by. And ho anneal you. Too board melee mos are. . Yoe And pay be breaking abase. este; turpentine To burn the boom yon own. It is just tuner:slide In shovel Cayenne pepper and pour cane of turpentine on a burning building as to use the liniments composed; of such Amy ingredient. on the human system. Instead of coming the inflammation they create a terrible emart alid•surface pain which ti greeter than the original complaint The prac tice of easing ono complaint by creating palnin another place la of daily occur rence. The body is of mare Importance Diana house. W 3 have. others to jadm. the proper punisitinent to he administer • td. Dr. WA:dealt removes pain of ra:y name or nature, free of cost,. for every body, at 170 Chatham square, New. Tack, and 41.1 Arch street, Phtladelphia, In the Drug Store, with that wonderful remedy, Pain PAUL without smart It leav . no color, and is so harmless that puny sickly infants! ore pointed over their whole body every day, The application its delightful to the ceases; it invhoratos the feeble and glees strength and tone to the whole system. Itreducm Inflamma tion one hundred time. faster than iee; breaks up the hottest toVer In ten mi No other person dare operate with their own remedy In public, for they would fail. The Pain Paint, never UV. of relieving any pain In lees than five min utes. Other dealers are in a rage against Pain Paint f,r they are losing Cllo tomer.. It is sold at all druggists. at . $l. and full 'pints $O. Plots hold - eight SI bottles, and are sent free of express charges On receipt of the Money. Dr. Wolcott is opposed to all remedne, -taken in the stomach. and teaches all by his eircular• how to have better health without .single dose sweilowed. I= P.,KII7I6IIr.COLTAILIT,a 1 JrNa130.1.1 . 11:. March e—3 bbts tL'+7, II W Beaamaat l Gdo ritt, 'Great 23 do apltlta. Noe:atter Dant; VI bused. greet" 3110. D Ehenood; pkgs rotor 0t1.12 PA4barart2; 33 tea lard, G do seu”ge4; P Sellers 43 Or; 10 ta OM. tottem., E !regrow 6 Ues Sears staves, t.? U Smpb; 1 ea., oats, W A Udder con2l H caddies cobseeo, ErAx. A Orr; 4 bitle do, JtArt Greer b. Co; diddle. do, N tL Otrotteet 3 pkg. 11:01related. Coop a 'rarer 11 • ver nete,l2 Kay. 2 Des; Yo rte ~ane7. C /i 0:44.10 ate Odor, G Ittler; to dot broom., AI craall a .11Goar t • to do do, lot bows A Cot l boxes ;touch, D Drayott eat lumber, J 31 NM.% ro Vera htdeo, Cbtrotaatteo bOattaartage hertitrate, Ilate Atka. I 1.4.1111 - 1.1.4=1 n PITTIMIMITZ ES !IL TVA . ... Minh it.-1...r1.1.a55, Anderson. Conk 1 Co; do lumber, 310.0horrso & Droglssr: f Porto Mmedlorne, Ii Id Seas./ 11 , 01 butt. tohsreo, JRattland;lol2 231. hour, 26 hI 1010 .has dab, Int nbln herring, 5 qrs du trout, Risk. p.atttek h Herron; 60 hi bbls white Ilrh, 26 do hdrrins, Ralson& 214) osl.l & Co; 0011 fens lumber. A s I. Wilson; 6 tan Damn, I do dried bat. IS his tog Wt../ I/ Llpolneo0; 17 nooks eloterreod, Sou & 0,00, 61161ml:I 00, M a e. Gall h McGraw; 22 bbls 01100, IdelCre & Co; ilia Dago eons, 2 s.lesnote.n. I Duke] 1 Co; 113 to l2rd, t Sellers A-Co; n hales Salt.., .t Ti Child. & Co; /1 do do, Heoned/, clall. a 43.. • Prressokok, FOOT W•Ttra s Colo/a0 Dlttok 4.4 lost/ ;metal, Illtulek k Cu; t d 3, Woo/1, S3k • Co; I do do, .1 Stootbeed; I eon wheat, J S Ltaett k Co; Wu title Inur, use,: 4 eats bulk meet, It Seller. & Co; I tar kon ore Brad, Repent k Volta /Or Md. 11. h. Little Baird It Pettee; CO do do. W Crroper i Cu; 123 dO eteboeltleet Co; IS bre easp, Sbom stet Br Lang./ era. leacher, .1 Bell; lee btu else., Ibteekt ,11 Soo; I pktr , W 11 Grad; 2 (Ws <e/e, W .1 Steel /I Cut; 82 halls rho r moult, lenouo ty<l44k •km tag., Alaikla &Oa. ALLIBOUS” VILL9T IL. 9:lArth oars J Boats-ell; I do dn. lelerngston Bror 00 aka into, Rowland d Mitchell. CO btoo salt, .1 Co' accr; el Ics oars. J• W Falrley; 4 do rye, W J ]leek. a sk.eparcat, Livett A Co; lc aka rage. McElroy It Co r 3 do do. bag. wed. W Kl:hpalrlsk Co; 10 do oats, le do rye, Paola k Jts.l; el LL. 0...,J 'Carothers; 8 'o ran, Oreltrry Clark; to .00 dace do own W B Hays A Soo; II bock oat. J 01cE4w• se, latigerroxer tererlow IL R.. March 10 big cheese, Jas lOklroloc, ido do, M. Freight & Smith; 33 do do, Koben A Ihr I 2 bbl. ttlrky S Style; II oks oats, Kennedy a In -0.81 3 PBrs woodenwsre. Ow Mrara; 10 to brooms, &rola A Renner;r Dr. ser4,o Lerner; 1 ear mock 31 P Adams; I do dn, Rely a Rnbalsoa; 1 do do, J M .12 bbls tar petals. B P &Orwell. March .400 llcouccasorzt. R. March 1.-7 ails rnpa, Falcon, Rollmao a Cc; 13 Pk,* croakers, R Reblana R (Jo; T aka 11 A. 41941.204; 405 bola payer, Markle A Co; 334 big wladow it ass. Web aala A Co. NEW ADVIatTISEDIENT:, MrLAST OF THE LECTUIIES A'41)13.E , 17t'l BY IH. 11. O'LEARY, AT LAFAYETTE HALL . • iircraosT BUM r, !larch 7. ON W ho rik R AND D.vnucc; Whom 0 H•rry to M 1.,. awl How lo mato 31411 , r:g I Lit. Hi - pt. I.tbyis; it. Pron. largo. o :twoa nal k eropt . oru: 100 e d Od.rd.P,T In olt.trsr, In the /1 ,, aa0 l'olhie... I n Also.alo% IS Can, ChllAr• o Want^. Dr. WI.. tenon Ice Ow on lacsOoT. - wa7 m W. H. x own,. Ivo'. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS era.: Prs posals will be oseeleed s for flleto dayo from dolt. Ofebruery MIL) It tbe IClce of the azderelgooL for II e GIZA DINO, CO gin 7 1..2d PA . V.NO of EA • IC LANG. BiIIDUE MorADOMM STEIL?, TINS, tsTRACT. MAIN ATEMEZT, TV(./1 ATUGEr sad UNION ALLAY. Speoleutloo• coo 1 e tech at the oete of the 13esiess. _ . JAIIIL9 CALLEIZT, 13nment of Do , pesoe llortmgh 05:1•15 • . DEALER IN FIATS. CAP S . AND Aran. Sliganfaclur.r. Snook.le ant Mil., In TilusKa, VALISER. No. 132 SmitbNeld at., Intlaborgt, Dr.le nt prom pri7 iii c.d. and artisrAntlon Akr . UNIVEIIB6I.- CLOTHES ';VRINCESS "We have mule a• Cement• eihreeby arc Cal (ureic. 'e trade Universal Wr•ury 110'12 , 1 be rue pat up In Wolin( desto rid I dGZen. a Still euraie at, telleibeale said retali, vit:t always be tumid di band. 11 . 11. rHILLIPP. 'sand ClVistet WE WILL KEEP 0:4 - And nab to Ord, 111 kinds of 0.00111 sad plain CA ICI:: LWAY: . WI! CELBARIRIPOP 'IBUCKS, LOCUST II II NN. ASO TUItHiIiNVOILES. 11.17 HILKI, ud • • . LIO.:CA,NA IClfr. WOIIWont. nuu CU rent A:lesi:11 10. 10 Otita3l4.ll, ruzusirits iCV. t. GM 118 vr1;4...:::.:...11 i.uria , ::. c' t':it::: Government Secnritiet, 64.qd, ler,d CO€lllll, 553152 and Slid od urns. Drsf•J sold 33 Sli 1.3 a 32135151151212. s nt 1155553. CONVERSION 'OF 7-30'S Ziet i rr a mmia;e o 4 r eo to:tweet the SECOND 9ENEX:771112.17E8 Er= Now 1867 540 Cold Coupon Bonds TAMES •T. BRADY & Co., Dealers in Government Securities, Mame, Yours!. t Wood Steeets. FINANCE' AND TRADD Greroa Cry run Prresankort Guava, / tuner. Much g, 1369. Gold remained arm without fluctua ting at all. The opinion. to regard to the to. twit <oer.e of 'geld are very moat 'divide& The liege clue or importers, and thaw '93193 need gold for Gael regular buten., are look ing upon the present premium as exakely too high. Tho large payment. of May coupon., which might, as o I former moutons, be andel. (UM. the trial of the pesaidant, which la likely to occupy Iso time thao wars expected, and the restoration to irahquility most queot, favor a moderate dukes. On the other hand, It would not be overlooked (bet a powerful du. of nparator. were now bstlld three time. In ancrukton 10 attempting to raise the pm. miner sad tolled, not for want of means, but politicaPagltstlou asme too ridden, and at • moment, when the condition of the market Was otherwlie unfavorable to a rise. 'lt to thls desalt/to ore the bona Ida owner. of the gold to the Markit, and Itwith them to put up the pdae at their plume. • kond.re deddadly lower; with light trade. done sad alums no demand for Inveatment. Stmks l are Inner and higher; all the West ern root ape to demand, and seem tar be on e print of a large rue yet to come. Merebuta Gotten Express stook. declined auddeoly today from 10 4 Whitt. Tee. bale". of Expreu stocks ate ell lower. Tiaoeyle aus. thug Loi ag leer eamaad dn.- dog the week than wa. entletpated. Good p.. per will teadily be discorodelate per lent.. and µGaunt v)(01 percent. Outing !GM Yak quadianhs reeeiTle , ry PL IL Alert& are as follows. Gold, lOW% 4.20•4 IOC; 1105,;',, /273 i; IWO. UW4: tkockools, 1 , 0,:t 134414 . Chmalarot & PlttabouTh OVA; toterohaato Union Western VW. Toterrotia.—...--.., STU Edo rt. bto Pltrthirtoburigoshtero Fort ne Way it sio hio IL II. Northorartora—proterruL-- 74.4 New York Central Ohio arta Xlooloolopi Corittluta— htl,hisoo Southoro Corydon .... ...... of tattAtta /1111 ale =2== n!,2MI month of FetthArl, it la stated, will 000.1 , • deems.. In Un total •mount of debt !oft rub on hand, of are or ex =Mons of 4Lollms. Morela now in the viols. off Lb,' Traasurs •boat 1101.140 1 100 totahl earn, being. bureau 111,841,603 oat that of Jaoatrr• The trooontof orirrancy on asabl 11.5001 163140 CO; or, 61,444.md leq t.haa da the Isar del of Jugultrr. ) —A Walhbagron 411.ps.kh aavrl A dlOOlOO of the dlssaltlee reeprettng the yap:tent or the debt in veld or greenhaelts, and trtute, of epe4l4 looted for Irm❑ A. unex pected (mutes. It le thought that the Simms. (Newt, in the vinous legal tender eases ccw ySledlcy before It, will deetde that cwt . 's:Se qtre osennettedllond and that gold std allege tie the only lawful money of the Vatted Stale* The Ttesvury Dlpaglenest cut tbestlischegge W Celts thttl easy edge. Incindl6g Flee Twenties as they fall due, in ton—nu other other money tales legal. This will nettle the shag igneetten In s gaunter that wlll be colt. able to the people. „„. —the Seatte nuance earnalltiei are bean dle• enabled Sotater If enderansVe bill. exteactlng the yrovlsinne of the free to,ltlng 1.0. The enb-tommlttee oho Lava Is in charge am not It< flan/ to taOnti. Senator neaderson Nickel the amnion:se teas ha Remold agatalt at ea .qtly nay fn favor of Ids ova 0111 mad In op• petition to Senator Sharman.. funding bill. °loam rance.attnaa &a nvelve4 by lame T. ,11..ay Z co, Gold U. s:r. 1351 " CT, I!!.. 15,1 ....... . 6 Joy lift 10.40. 64:15..1a5..0 July, 1 4.11 J 5 232. Jan. and July, 'a: tanC. to Juty.l.sal /1.3 1 Ouaap• —The MI/owing'. Which we thte. 13 an le. ahe 3 Ye, has axiom:ray Inn taken from srron of the papers yubtahmt In It.e 011 Ileyloas t Darteg the reunth f Dreetater the 1410 cf preduelot In Ten Sex, Inn.' Ws. 10 7.0 karma, Shona there test • sona3lerab:e 1.11101 od or the hike*. and Tldeout disinter. Fewer now well. than ovest were opened .Inr.. let this ywrlna r and the whale Inmate Is sow ILL About on. Ircrth of tbAhr enletted hemp beet temporarily absneenatt Cut most et them will be reatorratt mot,' Ikulatel by the flint of Jona O.Y. from prestatapyearaece. It Is Mellen* that ac. nbont cfl.b•lfY new we:la will produce 11113 .0111,ent q lawny to bey at pre...price. The neck ot *LI held In the oil lotion. on the 'lth of January amauwed 44 hatre:e. Tule inelujeot .11.11 II tat ke and h.. hod In the hands or plo.:ccers. ships bees amt trokern The everarr• 40117 11l Mot cow l• UAW{ bartale. Tem. ar• 11l new wells 411111nr. It.e total eapt•lty of !mu tanks I. :HAIM "errell. *Ph tank. hall:og of the capacity of 204.0.0 •banele more. There are only 24A•Wlemrele of nil In wooden PJTT+6ORHR KRTAI. MA UR UT Oroxco ow oz. Prprosoroel Osnrrr Faciar. Mora k 1.2. tuet•l cootketbsa huh flngau.lly attire eerier the cock whit[. ha* Jost oierotl. or.l leadoff ho Ichecoce of • Moody - dera•rai. prleto are wall a1a , 131,11. The trcesactlobc,lll the sogroirsto, aro . thlic-coat wo hate had reput e.] for tome time, sod a will be stab, (ha great PrepOrtlaz of Ito sales beteg oacomort obi me dium gades., cuing to thole being rigs:ll,6li cheneer thou wt.at la flear.claHy tergacal fagGy hcarals. mu{ [...sides •u•scalers, oelog to the ==23 oompelled to buy aboldaa pol.Ltdc La Co to wake Nbia eta meat: , W. quota tbe loolag added i 110 tone Greg Forge. fee Oa- each 60 o Inferior a 00- sash 40 o No.: Foundry 40 00- 00•11 ISO o Extra Grey Forge 37 Oh- oath 1144 0 Planate& .. 01- snug 300 o nennelt4o I Forg e .. .. — SS 61-6 0.“.• 300 " NC& 2 Forge 4360-too. a0e00110176 004.1. OYJCLTS.O 7300 LIMY net I • I,Rlloit • . • . 110 tons NtOtral Yorgs pr 10-41 mot YoltP.st 10.0*,... St 00-0 040. 400 ^ Mak:lo4l.g Valley lattle-. as CO— mod] " P 07 00-0 mos 400 " _ 60-1" mon 430 •ILltt!sd awl White 14 00--4 4400 PRI 0 Lour amnia, at "urea*" lin Su- oath 100 0 " " lt 0"- east. .200 0 0 " ' 101.00- este. 000 '1 111te3na rorge 20 00-0 mos la/ ' 4 Open 4/tsp.'s, 10004..... SI IV-4... cf:.r to. striae 71 Os-4mo. 1 if Y,/-{o4oos .01sstuLlo go otit of stat'St P.O. 4.20 ". p. L mg , o Low gralic. at !unmoor— If 00- satkr 43.) " D3e4luist.ffry Forte 41 - 0 mo 2 1.0.-I[lll. . TOO toot No. 2 Forge. 000 a canny brood .19 d^-1 tr. .£3 ME= EI:=! 30 taco .Janl4l4. 40 1 . 160 1. .122 00_I ea m . =! (411. Or / 0 31,21,71,011 flasamti Iserave. Match as, 11,0. Notwlthatenullog It hat Coen sootended that the card rates for manufactured Iron and :Yells have been kept olowa tola.vely low point for a year paste taking everything else late ennold. *ration; there haa beta OMR further ledgc- Woo, and we now have bs 4 r Iron gusted at gun sod ball. at ICH PGr .Compared with the highest point resacd dating the war, there has been a decline at over Iwo hundred per woe. to the price al Iron and Nail., and It la now alleged that, et present card rote., there Is no par.1111:1 be tho manufeeturer whatever. It Is co:peeled. hamct.r,that orders will 120 W diw to v. 7 r , e ,, zr. the present "km alike tompeUwon, tompelitlon, and se a come, quener, cur albs will repat la full blast, not cute "Wool," but 'double turn," ard ones more Pabl:rah will etandosout poomerdently ote the great Iron ens. of Ude e.ubtev—tho , lllrnallagbart of the Vat ted States." The following we the card tete., corrected op to owe: Coalman Bar mea Barna:Moe HE ~...._ .. Heavy . /Snd . and4y,a, 6 . , lioop and 1.14 , 44 11441 d 44' 0 44 Ili /Lund d Square —.— .. Oral sy,th 434 Ralf Oral sad half 110.d.............-....... ,4 4 g ~i fo .: Bailor Ir. 6 Sheet Iron, to to 1,, " to to W... re to he_ All 'hest.. over Se.iti 134 ..1 414 ay ..8 1!; . vy. Ue 4'.3 extra. WAIL, 104 Co CO4 No/la 2,1 7 CO None) . 24 04 II t o 3 lira. $ 0 72 doe . . CO 041 and 04 0 CO Xln Nolo. II 60 1 64 and 74 I IS thinch....--... 2 Cli ' 44 and 64 6 to Ilut nvikoo ICO 04 Elul. norm] Nall•—ji Inds, 05,00;I Loch, 00,75;1(4 In., 66,00; gi loch, Kw; it( r loch, Ord, Tadko.—Note or acceptant. at 10 4 st - a, with current tote of Ex.... on New York; or a 41.ount of 4 pot cent. for oath, If ret7.11.4 on receipt of invoice. VAl6lelli.• to be wale la New York Ezobsorre, U N. Tresoory Not., o wl h rquiralcat. Natl. In 102. 01 IDO kn ot o ...., 7 5Yi. nOr keg . or. Nodlimu on Nilo of loot than Any 4ollots, = 0711.1 Of CIS PITTIIIII7II.I O6I➢TTC, ~ • FzuraT, ?data Liam. flarrie 4 Ewing, wholeeele grog 6bu, Boron of Libeily Lad 4Vevse stmt., quote the following bratd,: .LSchoooniaker d Woo , •Striatly Plitabtuwh Mate Lead Warta, Pure— Ile Penner Pate Simla Pure Paul Snow White....... Peellle "twain. Pore, anootod Cone 7050 g,sa lia 'A ILI V i rrhll3 UM; 11 91A1LILETII ',VI,. or nun I , ,naracn Goorrrw FILSDA, March a IR& ae grverol mackets are doll and dryad 01 any rev 'features worthy of spooled make, ice demand for nos: of the leadleg eonsmodl- Mrs le var.., touch raatrieted, whlle Lo values, Mara no changes worthy of rperdal DRAY(—There L. a stead/ dernard for Winter Wheat at 62,4 for Bad, end. $066 for White. Shelled Corn la doll, with offers to cell on wharf at inifyiinar Bar may be quoted at *kali. Barley Is aware* and wanted: prime Spring 6.11. readily at 1 1.2 Cr2.12- 'ltre Is la good demand, and may be goofed foot at 11,60,1 a If rid hands, and 111.561:11,57, In store, pore frm sod romenhaL exerted; ire heard of a oar load having Deco sold at 70a FLOIIIL—Is doll and unshanned; nr•sontlan• to quote at 1a0,60411,26 for Spring Wheat; 112 L 9,80 for Wlnler Wheat, and 116011 far tansy brands. gyo Flour, 1981 . 96 , and Busliarbaat at 14,1504./0. PROVISIONS—Baena Ia steady, but Ea,- out Important change; ere 'quote at Maine for Plain, and 1234 c for Sugar Otred Should er.; IWAlle for Bibbed; VW far Clout Sides, utd Clic for Sugar Cared Hama. Lard la un changed at lee for pilots kettle In Hama. Men Pork, - 424,f0. SEWS—The aumisd /Or Cloirareed Wight, and while the market le dull. prima are un changed; small sales at *ctn. 71zse.1 Is In good demand at T 2,43. Timothy Semil nominal at N,aQ•;7l B trrrEu—nbao to *holes 801 l Butter con 110.eis le goal &resell, 004 mai be quoted eir at tslpol. IXIIGS—Unday tha tr Buenas of luareasad rival., ass • liala dull sad tiuding doirnarard any cannot fairly be quoted above 00a.. • • DRIED Fr/MlT—is aria wad id good demand bat actahanied; taloa of Pushes at 7428 a for quarters, and ladlls for halves. and Apples at 763 r. duEent APPLES -Quiet m 1 Uu.bazittd rciular aatea 112 one at SOO per banal, as t quality. porasoEs—Uontlnua deal but unebseged; emW ales to eters at $l/11,G11 per barbel, and Pi:H./5 per buret nor—Chaing to aimiolaed arrival., thit market Is Omar and prices aro tending op. ward, ranging from Ills to 414 per ton, ss to quality. LARD 012,-12 firm but ouctkaujeJ; No. 2 IN quoted at 28 , 14121. awl No. I at 51AM:4430: LlE4NS—Suaree and la fair demand but tr.. thattgrul;atuall oak* at- $4,28ar,60 per bushel. 110211Nli—fa dull but unaharugudi , email talc.oo Illairlf,lo to the trade, 004 41,13 to a mall tray. 'RMS./ILlallll PZISOIJUDIE 11•811 ILT OlflOS OS TITS PITsoIIIIoNOISSSSNI Pitnat. Motels 0. ISIS CRITI./E—Thoz• WI. not a 'attar, operation to Crude ro-day. and MUM the market to dl. oldedly firmer, there seams to nano priming dlaposttlou to operate. ()nothing that landed to retard builuesa It tke tact that neatly all of the deatera balm had that: alma and attention completely abrorted by the Palo./.tun Gory smitten. and.. a oonsequamel• but 1111 1aittte0r Con *as divan tr anything atom la the ab sence of Bales, so gutter at 7to. for spot oll,and 00 for all IS. month, Dupree option; 03 for all thoyear, beam , . optroa, and Ile tame dolirmy brutes oldrou. ittlitlfl:ll—Thir mark. for bonded oll'lras also eseeettingly riptlat to-day. net • Mosta W. reported, enough, so to the ease of Crude. theta ta a drama fro/Rm. and, 0 70..44 no aellers at prevent quotation.. All Marsh. boym• oyttpa,may ba quota.: at 240 Aprll, ft!lel m.y, ns raid tome Share mould ba nn dillaulty la selling "Rata.. itomatanelnlo with Etas . . at Mt to MN% cad ''twit'( thronabout no summer apd fall at an advane• of ball • emit for mails aubsequant month, but theme are no sellen. All UM yam. btryat's option, would sell readily at SO*. ARRIVALS—ins arrtrals W all by the All. gheny Palley Railroad to-day. ware as fot. Lora: HO DOI. tar J. Bushnell, 410 for tort A Itto.—making at total Or 11301661.. at an trrau ate? sr A. 0. S.• Clark A oneaser, IRO btla milord to Waring. Clog At Co., SAlllolglplOs. ' lomktart &Prow, ISO do 00 to Ward... Prow , frac lief Co., 0000 do do to P. if tight Phil adrionla. ciark.o SOSISON 9./0 do do to P. Wright • POlladdOstOs. Itist.4l do do Is F. A. 1.41•Otlh C..., PntadiepPla. J. 1). Cu koalruk A Om. So do do to Plano • 14,ha01. PIAISOrISOIs. LI ,10 It VOszner, 16 do du to WarMr, Xley 1 Pl.l.s.lirlp.l/5. OIL Anti' salts Mr 1/124112211•11 11100 t. 11. M. I. rat t Ca. tut Ma t•faa4 to Taco, Bro. A Ce.e mistimes! nava JILMLICA4: • Urracig or Ti. PrrrssCa.lolA . • Pluza.r. Ittesta al 11/4. lie now art taipartaxa,lttfrinc• Wawa. arbelata tnarle'Arai,Uplom, &or , . plas. getable. CatatVr. port., lodic, 1.11,11 of Potualuto. Ullv• 04, leader t , pit UM To rpevattat attlaoms Maar iroal. S3rals Urnolot aotate are nt supply. I von Care t.C,:n baalltt ap to Yew YOrk ,parabatoa.. :irr.. 'rue illavero. Ore, whoa oeeenrebil a 1 the L.boratory• liners. Powers sad Vrelight. I man, of Oraladcipb/A, may tacos tome gool 3 or 31 1 61 4 ru.ouro&or* , umpon , riir asiatne, 001 ths eaterpriiat of that wall. kno an Prot 0/11 Overcame all 1 3013.1thai'M • very .. ooor: time, mid we venison to say til•it teemwill to bat very little, 11 any, Interrniitorm to their rev:OA; trade. amil, Acetlz.... All.?, Citric . -4 106 'll4 I Avid, Tartaric aim', Cat. Ammonia, Aqua 1014 to 14 yl 1. ammonia. Carbonate. , 37 to 39 •w L ilaision C.3+0.. • I ' lO t :.. l 11:y Itnna. ...... -......14 04 • to 3 00 p gall. COl:rt./an, role ..... ... 65 to 6.4 Clare ea, /not 3IS to '3 30 r 5. a e Men Masi 51 a Piing, 2 ortal 11% 30 13 ; 0 Init.. Nen 0.01 44 to 40 "0 3 Caiesuel „ I l . 15 tz. ol i C oun ill or, Ilwacal Chinirofntm • lit t 3. I Cochineal 157 to au a Copper. _.354 to 3 .., a 2 3./ a, Curets. 45 r e Owe['. Anieler-...-... Ergotloo , 2• ether Nitt. -70 I a attior anlybutte. ..... .. slit° i 117 4 ' ' • V 0.1.10 (Gone. , oto 11 l5 l .lac No. I 33 to 14 a Uum arable Strrtoi.... 53 to tie t Guru Artier 3,00-- 03 to et 2t I. I lir Hoag`.Al/aline— ., 4 0 l• a I 100. ' • 51/ N. a : 1 / 4 1ine 16,114169 m -. loin Clan:altar ... ... I tg If Pr Iron C.4 - Lniti lite Preece. r. 5 it 2. I•lnata... 307 • 0 loot y 111ana.... . 4 f e Juniper Mettles 0 . Lotrulinol a. it I. !l 100.84.-.- 13 to 10 2,,t I r t agers... Cole 9/ to 100 ,1 . ' illitgersta Care ...... ..... 42 fi A Morolun n'ilphur 710 r 2 Nitrate iOlsnr ......... ,/ 4/ Ls X Ochre a Inorleaa _-..... ' I Ochre french 1 to illg ti 2. 1 OA .31410,0•13...... ...... .. 90 to Olt ~1 11. Oil Anise 1.-• 91 9tb 0.1 iturgamot- •11 MI tot 41 015. Oil Casoir ..• • .... 9&I to ' do ft wt,l . till t7.4/9 ' - -75 '3, 11: oil Clay. .. ... . .-...... 10 21 2.. Oil Le Vter 7354 tall. 011 Junloor au SI a till 1.01000 IC4 to 40 VI G. Oil Olive (iii Olive, ilatarillee... lag.. 11,1 Peenyroyal........ to 51. 4 I/11 Peppermint 50 21 A Oil nnt.sittra• 20 1!. f 0. Olt Wintergreen ....... Oplent: . ! ....... ....... 1 /5 2. 0.18 He 115.... 5 prii 11p on, rrlo• Pint0...211 Carb Pritare•Chlorste., ... ' ti 'ri I g . : Fontana liltrate....—. 29 CO 74. li a ' Pntiore Nalnhate le - ,1 A l•ntius• Ili otolile 410 9rt. 1. 4.0000 1ia11in5......... 610 eI,A Qm ei ckeilver.. 03 Its 95 14 3, otlnt , -.. 2a IR o. 11,0,5 A omnit. 76 y I Rout Elan) 13 It 10011. Col nu,10........,. 53 .?: L 13001 (tetanal • 9l 3 lino.. Itrecan-..... . ..... 435 ' • a Itoot loeese, Po W 0.... : 2 70, ji A itent Liquorice.— .... li to 158, 11002 Ittioterb 3 00 0 11net Ittrasparlilit 65 it ILoot Palen., E 119.... talf I 3 Itnein 400 to CI 75 41 /01. Rol Epsom 5 841 geoLelie liV i ri S I gal gollt 3 3 . 2 % .+.a fiend twary• • If r 4:.• Noce nein p.........:.. & 44 I i non Ater ••••• . i tiolrlie Turpontinel... kai LO V/ ti a hiula 111 curb ...... ..... a 9 )1:a Whiting a PS i'lai =MI! ny T..lrkra,a to Ito Pit *Lerch trasettol CLIVILAIIIN . March 6.—Flatir quiet and stoutly with a fair demand; trellis extra ipring e10.1:3611,..74 doable extra rad winter it.l.oool3.su,Ounkla extra white 1114Q16; the country branda are MeOll,M below the atureu figures. Wheat In fair demand, but Irregular: wales nf rod winterat Silt for No. 1,12.741117 for No. X; No.l Ulleraukee a 245, held at 42,wir32,aa In ear Ima. Corn dull but Ilrm, and held at US. for No.l shell edhale Oslo ; no Pelee,' hold at Ito ror No. I Slate. Itxn dull and nominal at CM* LSI, as to quality. Barley quiet and norm. nal; no tranenetinne reported. Pork slowly and nrin, with sale. of WOO bide No.l masa nt• 4 25 0 , 1 No. 2 Mese hold at 1t20,M, prima moue at ard.to, clear at V. 1,04. Lard; the market la Len and the demand fair; Bales of 1,100 bble city rendered at ihel7er country rendered Lem at 1501 G. Petroleum, thu market le firm and a:inhumed and there la 000,1C1N1111 . 31 neld at 190100 for 1,11110,11 n bond, andloo4lo fordo free. Cincinnati ■artNt. Telehteeb to the I•ltt.bereh tinettle.l CM:ma . ..v. March I.—floor In tale !le. and and market firm at e11g0011.25 for f..mlly. Wheat firm at v. 430250 for No. nod No. 1 red wintar. Corn firm and la de mand at 114085 e for ear. Oat., Itve, e 1.7011175, and the demand Ilaht. Barley err. at 02.1(12 15 for (all. Cotton dell lea osaut tied; middling holtill have been bought at :Wee 4pth7. tho close. Frovialons quiet and unchandedi nothing done 0 0 Im PeWeeeel pile... nominally anobishavd. Batter vary Scare. and prices Maher; 150.10 e la now the Janke for fresh. Bkas declined to Spe , and market doll. Sugar; fair at Weide; hard re. needligau , q. 4=0:3- , z:n4arrNci market Arm. Nay to hotter manly. hut the iparliat to finn at e;: for goad to prime timothy on arrival. (..t over heed firm at 1112.75011.ou; Timothy dull, hot steady. 001 d. WON boy. Ink. /doner market rally. Philadelphia naellai. By re:egrapb tn tbl a nttn:ran tinssotha r•IL4tItLfIII/i. March C.—Patrolaum firm f; crude NUItS4c: refined In bond 23101246. Floor doll. Wheat; rod, 92,4.1G2,55; *bite. a2,K , 43,23. lite steady at $1,73. corn Armor and Worn Inctulryi pdlow Otto strody . , Provislon• donning. Baltimore herkel. tilt sel,raph to the riusburn asseits.l Battu/use, March 6.—Flour demand In Komi demand. Wheat Mkt. Corn firmer; white a1,C01.13; yellow .1341:11410. Cole dell at76looon. aye to atmldetaatal aria scathe at 4,1301,7 & rtorlilOns quiet. TTRDA Y. MARCH ( 7, 1868 : Fluandal .nattrr‘ 1:1 '1 w ` orP, “ela Clast,ci 131;3111% ties4[l4.l NNW 11,./{e, March d,1.. . u iIOONT Al. •OLO. • ' Money e at 506 per cent. o 0 .11. Sterling dollM. 91RM, gold, nisi elect bills. Gold strong, opening at 11114, a.!. wanting to /4114 sad closing a; .141.140I41:4. •doOriaNiill)r, Qin. el.isinietrong. Henry. Clore g Ca. tarnish the following 4.50 quotations: Coo. none of 1 81.11101 Mi; do of eLI. 1101401 N; do of L 54, lor , ;;Cile 34: do of .65. 1.10,4011aN: do new. 1 5 55:01 , 17; oof '67 1116.2,1011/7; 10-411 a, 1015501015,:r.gg ..„,x01,36. viln the Mock arket there is coned arable activity, but the,traneactions;ara very much ...fied to tmelitlitim, Erie, Chicago a Northwentern, Milwaukee d. tit. Paul, role do, Wabash !lad ?Wale. taking the lend. There are strong buyere In Itrle and the price after opening at rig sold op to 7i. At tile regular board the Market contlnusd finn and advancing during the afternoon and clown:lntone; on western shares there is an lucre.. Hof tnedneam - rho Northwest shares rose to all for common and 75 1 4 for preferred: Wabash common was very active on the published accounts of the earn!: r 1 and there wssa further Mae to 5514051. ht. Paul moots tell at 55 for common and 70 for preferred,,- Term Ilnute rem to 411'4, New Torr. roads were weaker at the cln•e mtd after selling at 75 1 ,6- for Erie end 15514 roe New TorkQentrni declined to 7414 e nod nog. , There, was considerable movement In Express stocke, Merchnnie trot.. and Adams being especnally nett.. CLOSING QUI/1,710Y. 6 LIKG4; Comberland,noCll; Wells Exposle, 100404; Anierionm, ii7I,,VCS; Tni:27:l; United Staten, 7007e15; niers ottants 0.433:0341 Oldok6tlTiw.74M4l 7114 Pantile Mall, Ai lant ie. nfeil; Wastetu Union Toiegraph, 31%(FJ43 ;N. T.tientral. li9jioLl); E 0°,7.040 Miolii,proferred,77l iluderon, lint. lem no quotation; Rendinw. eletel . ,4; Ohio Conteaba.;P•SCIISESS . ; Wabash, niffUNd St- Paid. 51 5iflOOSI du. Preferred. Uil‘titlni; Michigan Eels, rel, litall2W; Bitchier. d00th0r0.41391%. Minnie Central, LOVAS Piturburep, uilefinfd- s 't Toledo, luoMe 104 E% Uncle intuall. Infisal.'; Northwestern, e, 0661 do. preferred, Ztitf7s'; Ft. Wayno, 101S0101 , 4; Chicago and Alton. 130; Terre Menlo. 40 41 Eurlington awl (piney, /..Wy .. klnntilleni sad St Josupb,7l4: Marietta.nret preferred, 61!011artfool and Erie, 11140113,“ Eievehool ma Painesville, EX; l'aioun, 315; Colin:mew 104; new Teaneemes, GE,i; Mlneonrls, 1 yralia 'imam Dull and qnlet, ,, Quirtelllll.llsol`M; Smith and Parmelee. ettr.. Edam 12211 , .1.5.. - .1055; Wall kW, ME=i;= MeV !rofic Produce El Br TeieltnD ;ic-k7l4;l;lttotrJurli Haw Yoanlereil a—Cotton opened a abailalower au dull, but closed more steady and hotter In cOnsequence of edifices from Liverpool. Sales of 4.00 bale. at 24 .140 25 0 for middling eplaitdst closing at the latter pries,' Flour—Cecelpts of 7M tilde. and the market le 1081.10 better and there Is more doing. partly for expert; toles of 12.610 bola. ate/1.7089,40 for Superfine State ned western; APO IV .70 tor extra State; 64,45011 II for ex. tea We $19010(.113,23 for white wheat el. tie; 119,10421;e5 'for round hoop °blot elate 01112,00 for extra SL Louie; e1Ad1415.0 for good to ahoicel do; elcslog firm. Caillor • nee, flour la arrant. bet le«cativo; sake. of PO/ sacksat CO Bye Flour is steady; salt. of Be bbls. at 17 L.X1r3.0. Conn Moot Is WSW. Whisky; is. nornied. Witimt— re trances er etimts t. none, ire the market Is talc Letter' a restricted by the flrmorda of bolders; sole. of it 300 Oa. at 0,53 for I. Sliflog. dellvetAli ALL/4 for white Al Will. ran sod anibersreneselvanin,el,2ll, Rye I. firm; *ales or 7.000 be. Pennlylesnle,stsllll. Barley Is quint.' and firm. Buluy Malt 1. firmer. Corn—Ceristro• of 17,115 be. end the roattet Cs setteeend better; salsa of 1111A.30 be. et 11.91,71 .91 tor use mixed .es. tern, afloat; 11.71 for old, do. in store; 11.29 for old western: I yellow, Ix store; 111,1411 M tot new, white 'Southern and western, for arm thorn. yellow. date—recelpts oft if/ be/ don and dr...Meier sale. of 111,061 Ito at 5p4031 , 60 frtrilwestatn, to stare: Bice is arm Coffee is term nigh We. o. s.. beg. klart at private ;ere". sairear Is fairly see tiro, with males bf Mali .lunit Ilf:121.11,e. Molasses's firm kith saies of al WWI Coin at aim flops are grunt at 133690 for anierl. can. Petroleum, le firm at lac for crude and me for maned In, bond. l'.,rk It heavy se lower...wit/1 sales of 1./141 carrels at ell ilia X 4 as far new mesa, eloilug at 1111,63 mm; LB. Vent r for old do, elordoe at f or rega l." vioam, 7o or'vnm, Wain for prone must al.° 1 too trarrais mesa so 621,15 *eller for Aprtit 8 . M1.4 seller for Moe. Urn is firmer, with ad s 1,110 Obis at $ 1 '9.117 0 for new plain met,, 017 tor new moue, 521,t0 fot oriel. wire, .5..1 5.14760 for India mono Ike( nand too .{salty eel. of Cs boa at 11,3342116.110, Cet meats •re ateVIT, vrx , l4 sales of 170 pact... at IP.to for eblildvt , and 1.1.);,c for hams. ftreadal Lone ate firmer at free for western, and Le.: Lor etty. Is more octave, with intro of 104 001. at 11 1 ,0 for Crnticrlen,Lil, Lard lorry end lose. r, with sale* of do Leis a l.e bet choice 1. bold at /63 Betterartlve sod firtncr. with sales of Ohio ar..104.66„ and Clatri at ti Gl*,Caress lxstea , ty at liege., .-Lreeri-Alriairre arkel closed ..ag lac better a - tit' tender.. Be mend for pouk. nso end as part. lint very firm. Rye and itoadri4 0 ,t.,1111. a e3.13P,6.3 tar *fell:MN etrica.; ;pan firm 51 11.41,23' for tie{. raked turied end 111.'.. for old tritest In store. 'Pork ouletlet,..ll.terely ;It ti. 6 .2 ; 44/ 31,75 for nk.r Meat reA..3ler and April oit de. livery: Beef actletv and firm, Cut Sled. arm with lord demand Bacon firm at 10. tor (tower:A.l.l.st. lard quit tat 13171/1 16; is for fair to otimo steam, and kelt . ln rein. dared. Freights to LB trpinml quirt end ten. ch.ogsq. 1, I • Xew Oilcan/. Clerk. t. Tt/excava to Ike 2h:tat:lrv/ ti a/ It New 0 ataxia. Ware:. e.--to . ..en Ix ce,el - (ledanti •alea 114!.40 tnitla Xliatiltnewat :ie. The nth, fer tie put et/Ty-four hour, ware 4 4)4 1114 Ifr pts fur the gateoperuel aretc,l33l baler, an/ t 6a t xpor; k were 2.143 bale+, The salt, foe the week atonanted In .14,74 bater. I ha vecelo!•:ir the ...el penal were 1,C60 haZee. wn.l the et. non, ocreaterlae. 4.611 bale, forhogn 14411. helta. The total !stock en hint lot itt,bwlrs. Steelthz 16I1i New York Es. cha n gechae eight add ax.l3re 11.eount, tgar Is .1 onchangetl. 1/0:14. 544 la I/net/woke • nous, sulier 111., Antstle extra. ale Si; Lath rwlex rueddol. Corn La armor ak 4734 c. lint , IS huh - end arm aX7te. Para.!a ra,er at i.e.:S. Ler,: ahOoklereare Um,/ kr,/ at 12`,1. Lard 1•41111 at ltCte , for tierce. tad 1,70 far keg. • k ht. Lama'. Market, fOr 'rfnern.,l, tot tPo t.**on.o.l M ST. I.cln, arc It.—Tutworyt buoyant and nnfnrr, luxe At 4 5 **4, cnonmoo to utolitr, lo‘f 1. r.1211.30,anA 06.1 *rop:Wor itt.t? At f1i2.5001. (; , t4tot wsranewi to 21 1, X2.4-.. hour *elite foq low rrs if., Whitt, are TC14.0 , •; lalpftra NTT range. at A7e0.11, ...at , * of 1 9 ,13.50(110.311. rt hest 01 fr**l4:2.to tor cnOlen rod: otbrr note* of fill Ivo - nolo nocnannott, epilog At n.IO for prin. , *wry,* looLler 'with •roall offrrion• at 7.10:10 for mixrd. and Itte*fw, oAnt don and wc*lt At arts for whin* It h r c*.b....t. Pork floret At Iflt2o. Bulk =rats firm at if , fr for loot, Keokuk *noon:era: lluxorttine riu stalaa 11*,fr, cloar *ldles heVc. &own Mon at 11011% fire 0104 r rib ro *M L o i t, ant 134010 far torte choleo. 11413w:co* At *.knr accelfon—Dour 1.2 , 41 burls; wheat corn 7,0301 Ote 4,3te twin. Chicago !tartlet. (hr Tolwararoll N te471,,w,..,,,, C.e.Apo. M•rch oart, drla and unchantr..l. Whaat arm and 11. annd •et. ter. at !LW/or 30.3 aprica. Corn Ilrm tut , Irregular, closing at Cu fur suer No 1, writ at Vallittlfc foe 4 , 1 , t half or Slay. Oats •tually and firm al fe.NCIWc. arm nod warn atal.t.)!Met 111.1. y r,a, .taint quirt and itroi. !raki,/1,500AV, for otandardsad chclec. Lad twary •u.1•111;1, at ..VeialtS.l. hut* Moat., quintand San; aboutocra hat roatl• Ears Itqci loburt /ALW/21.10; clear q.t.., 13r. == , Vs Trlrs I , r:a to Irmyturrerra uarrrtc. 1 LOrmid.r.s, Umtata 6.-161. Of tobacco, lug., to artlectloon. at $800010.73; black nut. 111101! rummufactnrdr. 125 13 flour, 111,31.3(18 73105 ruprran, 513.501113 for fancy. Whist. 1.1.513,711 53. Corn, 7,droc for nhellcd In blalk. Otto, In bulk, 67Q Ic. Lard. 15'40. !Iron port, 12115. Bacon, aturnlllorr.' 1 , 5;,71! 01000 11. tic. 15010 menu, etion:dera..,lirk,m clear ruler, COM.. 2101.730mrjr dull. River rising fiat, irltb 7 fret 10 !ochre In canal by mark. Weather cloudy and warm, Ind moll og rain. Totelo !sorties ....arm. to tee Os tics. tt4.l Topic. ' March Eh—Flour. reeelpta 1,31 i bblia; market quiet. Wheat—recelelo Lai) huet marketliuteT and Omni Wee wane Michigan at 111 a - ntre: bol ' a at a 1.1.1 Corn—reoelpta lai7o,lsslsi.; market twill, and fiction Pale. of No. I. at ate; ale Tor all marob;MGDOO lair April. and 11,10 for Jnun. Cate—receipts MO line.; metkat, to hotieri I...beam. ate for No. I.llllchigan. - tryo scarce; si.p for No. 1. O. oJf ashutu Dotter; Clover, 1 7 .16; Timothy, 42 TO, New Yolk oea uund• , ysliot tltr iet•ttapb to the rl,lsburals Raw Yoga, Alvah o.—lt Hata more ant. enation pr, vaa• and OdomKra aanerally . 1 ‘ , .• being lanueneed by the elan to notion. Heavy Moen abetting, Ja 1 9 12 ! , ; ( "r lent maker, It W. and alltug tame four Tani sheeting. 13. Now rook =DIX rcarcu and wanted /0.:410.1% rfillte Steady at pro. vines rates; Pontoueue .11empots By Tele.rak. to Om 4 . ltuburit I.ltzet,.l Relent:a, Starch 6 .-.Cuttolt Grin at Imca 4a; magma—Ml beta. Exporta 2 L 4 bal. a. Week , . receipts 5.791 bale.; exparta 111,tek hales; .10th 12,0119 bairn. rlour dun, Ono .7ea. ruck 104. bacon—clear aldea 15 , 4 c. balk weata—ehou Mere 1.'1011e ; clear slake 1510. Lank unchanick.l. Cort; rjrnc. Oats SOG183;;;' ilry elk. Nan 17AINC11e0 AO/ 4.1. • (ay Tol.araoh to tatt l`tttoouria tt•totto.l 13• t ra•Satisoo;•liarch a—Vhatt—oxtra. 11 . 25 tOopotfloa. 17.50. Wheat. armor, at 01,63 WM. !regal Totolera*,7l%. Du frativitneati. Br Tele/oath r , ,lttrargli 11:z[tl, I Boman. iiareh , lB.—Thui markets art general' , flan itry dull. null prices A/ 0 Without any quotabin charm Bllwastgi., ID arise I. t Or Telegrare ca MI r Mtleherkti liarett.l limereock. March 6.—Flour market firm. _or at $9.50 for extra. 1 Wheat dull at 61.7! tor; Mo. L LITsUAW Joints ■uonnn JACOC A`.4l, JOSiltjA. RHODES & CO,, Nial*ers, BARLEY AM) HOP DEALERS, Oftfce, 3141 ZiN6i .1 /F.#79.C9.1-ti1.17, ';‘.s • Wit llorano IZ.bece..• 4 creel NRwr 41 sot Wort.. Allegheny. WC> w ILICIM. TOE FIR Or OF ~ I.LIVOHESD & have made an attlentarat for lte benefit otcrtaltura to J i C to Rudd and mom. [XVIII nit. All persons'!lnteleg claws anntnst.' rata Arm will present !ham as toss se rownle. and all persons Indtb ed to the race tel I Wean ratite their arnoanti at the nlnee of the trtdet. tinned. at VV., So. Sin Deaver avenue, • . Atlviotany City. ECM 814/1140 ♦ d iL a j e . Ltelt.-1 PlTT:=:,nrittis.; t441;-'? . PiliilES ERE , 6LL- COlaii,tou OF' Dilll/1 TWINE,i, is nni rrilrlE23ol:l2o, 1111 • 113 actor A RIVER NEWS The weather moderated considerably during Thureds} night and yesterday, and a diluting rain fell almost without cessation during the entire day—the grow has Menem entirely din. appeared. The liver was rising slowly lest event.g with five and a half feel In the chan nel, and wile. It should turn cold very mt denly.'We will doubtless have a frealiet. The Grey Ettile, from . Farkeraburg, 'arrived yostsulay afternoon turn day. behind tine, hiving been delayed by the heavy floating ice, She returns a/ usual to-day. The Lonna, from St. Louie, and the J. N. Metbiliough, from Farkerebterg, are due be tween this and Mender, Captain J. A. Beam, clerk of the Kate Rob. Inman, ha. been suffering with enmethieg like , "dumb ague" for some weak, past. The :Veggie Kays will' positively leave for St. LOula tn.day, end pammegent and advt.s should bear the. In mind:Sal not accordingly. The Armadillo, Capt. Ilendelokaon, and the Mary Garage and barge. are also filling up reoldly for St. Louis. The Sallie. Gape. Cedleaun._ is nlYtotioced for the Upper Missouri, and the - Argrey, - Capiale Vendergelft, will leave far_ Cincinnati on Tuesday. Freight. are offering pretty freely, and the ahipmente yesterday we:ovine Hive eel, the In element WWI.. Mid .K.Pery eandltlea ef the landing to the contrary notwith.tandlne.. The ten:Woe of lbw:. John Fecese, wha died of Yellow Fever fa New Orleans Gut fall hare been removed to Wheelie,: Capt. Featac was a native of Eastette..Peen.ylvanit. Ile was prominently conameted with meambnatlngAnd was welt and favorably known to all our elver men. In former years ha operated upon the Old° Meer, but latterly ho ear.manded steam ers oa the lower Misslatlppl and other South ., ern water.. HA... LINZ TOIL 7010 Upton MlaaLai Thu Dubuque 'lmola attic 2CIS Loot., hos the failowla; la relation to Me proposed Barge Lisa for the Upper Alleviesippl On Saturday morallg-Mr. 04 If. Mom re. turned from Now Orlimos. Mr. Mein I. high- I; gratified with the bergo enter- Prim, and In thxt'emdeet doe. not ander mate rially from the people lali•totiag the whole of thin U,per 3meeimlppl Ito will return to New:niter.. to engage le too orectLan of • large enerstor (or taming grata. He hm par ehmmteighty urea of land at Alamo., alutit throes mIle• from and opposite Na w and will erect upon it an elevator with morsel, e•pacity of half*. dithoo Mahela of wham. litryes 'Cabe unloaded foto It, and ths largest oat. ekillar insets VIII Cod good kachoraeo un..le, Vs trolls recelre tett,. fur the Livery.] mid New York knot There IA et pr i or, [ no elevator of the knot le Now Oft leave, nod N.. Merry, mel..G ite Laportaue. to OM bum! martial.. 1.1.1 at on commenced Preparation...for its them be leen that dlr. xterrylasarollaa of Um eon. llnord of his entutprise la ablpplog Vain of the In of 11 11.1.eppl vsl/ey rut. I,ll:kata via New Orleset. And In meth ion het,, to he V , 1.11,1.1.1., In the, Mom dangmonseemoo of they!. he hie I,,,deu Lis bug • la filibuy.m son men Mecum," tree. fernd la trUilr. at Orleat, to • vemel bound to Ltverpool, and with late nod 1,.. then would be teen:Ted by tall troteeportao tan oile.huadred The Allnaionetl (Jazette %se: The this of PRlM...ugh steamers stew belug 01 0. 0 i , ad will probably t ,,,, etnyeae,l f the Sr. Cart.., NI. .11•ryS 014.1 J. N. Met:hilt iirdo The ne. haelm • h.eh 1•00. v. en the deny, wl/0 he rtie tlest bolo la Moire hero. /led 0.1 racsd./ to tea 4.1.7 Mtn, fee her &porta', yat C.nctoratl L'.../oloor L,. the tnltowlre n the ...he ritj The St. Mma, it la hatedwithaulh.altr, Will run a. a meetly pacaet between, this rum .rd l'llt•hutelt. manarlea alen mita the S.. Chancr. 'the I..tatot memnot U hattr.lfrom Ernemille aria. a eaten of auto, am the each. Th• St. thallea rn/ ea out on her eat trip Coeur tha athlete tr teat meek. The atoamor Virgiul• hid a retie. limo. Mem_nborn. Jr:mt.:ay. la atotru dtillue Sun atelr, stitttea the vrtartbnat and alltlllint It to Ink the °tenets t•I aphtelr claimed er,Mo 4antages foam the ele.. A onseptorota4 watt,, however. O.:Meal. a /at/. ham A St. Louts tette ram, hnorer date of WfilDf a- Jay "yet the .11.meetcr leer. be Plum lough tonrar, title, a Ilttle it.., on at (1.-rot -1.1 .04 4, , 5.!4 With torn on tree Otto. The 11-ite Veruca at leave to turf. At Ms ...atnek )ea:m.l..l.th* tr. WO,. a at Kook,* In a body. A afore weenie..te:ear.honvener.. stnritml It IS the c of 4. hour or 1.0, at .t It nom:.? In bore tames. clip the following Rate Iron it, Cincin nati Contoiere. , Jt. of Thursday. There wu 4 111111{117 In fral,hts yesterday yet turns. in very fry the .t a. 'eta Metipkle iterber. :11.tuectie went eat with a tthetr,p, .1 the Ps. Louts put. Sens .1 the Nero Orleans packer Ito li, tlrueentel sea reaelv•he pretty lively, nod will postively. depart Dawns's,. Rath see telinble pueetger ere mere. The recent 5,1,1 and tee bra retarded • Citrate:le Datitturnh, bat Ltd. este of • Sastre le nearly at ha end.. the weathar Is haaln moderaling. 1. S. Butler tto. Le. been ten, tlutc,l @vale the N tribern Vatarec St. Lovas esti SI. Vasil, and :he meth:ley erftelipa and pea sttegr.s reaut.urt, att.:tete, lb. UK,. hlntstsitppl. slept. Throakrarst ton a . is again in e t p•oseectzsg. It rpurted tats nal: I that ha tat y arch•sed inn Coldathie, loom usta. tr. W. toad and Cept. Oft. De. foi tie Still 14r 'or 1:11,1.1a:1 ,Luie C..lura• hta lc cm • the best ./ . C.M,Z. 111 mt. The vet eran Capt. Davis Factoree paned tbetitigh the city verb.: d ay en route from Day on to Aurora, Indiana. Ile. one of our pionur beatcuen, tad the treater of the orients/ law got:grain, Il i( Parivalcc our wattle. The meal. or Mr rats D. 41 laris, tab renehtly died la 3latatphis, arrived here yestkeday on the Der. tied tor ihrerratat. Tha drreased wee well known alotg edit erater•,l,.:Ag teen that ireu. pristvi of • rdi hind of Irate no Tire at. Looleidepoir4otin sayer Through same informalityis bide f te tr. - rpm - tine army wagons and supplies the sward to Omaha :toe was resetode I and prupoeale advertised for. The Octal serdenteat of [be roesti, o will take place on Tbanulay. Ili add were IDrej art .nett:Hey fdr roce.f rneth of Ire Strutter.. .4 are. The Sate ruin., bee been mixed by •Nnp batver Ny. ao4 it new la Ihv Daggett D'en Lein; rePstredt thy tr.: in rhe butt ta. •bdur steels Sett length end abets Allege tart. In widll.• . • .. TLe insurer., Po the atease._ S Met , . harm .4 Kaa.abe Peat.. mptdint• to 0,00) , ho forayer. Sod y 10.400 on the Itie.tl4, pa cf Witch V Led by e7maltrati.44 t'ittebutab cni:ye. The 2Lepkaat burpt ta the ''''' • e.ga 4,1 tusk, lest Ind anthipa est. but az:•II port!. ti tnalow, the hull nt - thy 0 1 , 1 11 Wee not atsterttlly dstaated. Thy ...lee to the Kate Kipaty U 1 ea . dtat to !hunt ItePO No clue hsl hate oil lined se to bdq tin rid etialaced, 'air." Feather Sr. t.orla. tilarch 6.—ltatn ha. fallen prob. tp ntemilly since last evening and edit Cm, tinnew The .111misaltipiriver In now noon to firm: uh . and tieing. The Llfsoori la open to the mouth of Ito Nett and alto rising. Dealt gales nage fallen In Kansa , . and Western rditrauri nit dal end Mu prow le eta Ore for ann. stage 01 water In all Ihu upper strums. li•snelcca, on 111lAnd 01:11 ten tent or water on Uarpoth Shoals; falling, hart or lila day. Till weather to learnt and einutly. Arrived—Pine Orrier, rrorn Cincinnati; Tallerinanr fro , . Cabal I. trona !lark in , a Coal Illnes, parted—Ow:Mr, for rttlAnurgh. Tlm Ihr nrought a low or t3,p70 hriallela of kiss eels, March o.—The weittor sn.l warm. The ricer Is rising. Freights lao active. Lep...mg-814er Moon. with 2.Mh baler, Wirer Spray, ISM baton. ChM:1111mM; livery Ames, Law halm . Virgluitt,Strallowt for New Orleans: May Flower NIO bales' Lest. vMei Welcome, Connices, ter SL Louts. STEA.TABOANFL VOR CINC INNATlreatfrott A AN l) n„ Capt. FAxbraltalrt /Ow, on the Mk to. etaril, a, 4 co'cleck. r. u. r." J. JOll . O 4 /K .11.11 C. ( * MI, IAK"". tzt' F. I; AI: 6. 0-0 team, A ' 4(.1 , " 0 P. 1.. If MIDSICM on, Will , Mare im atm, oo IVEDNIL, the nil.• , e'ook p. ki. for aright or , t . munt Ar , ly boar) Of to ml: 1 V:& 1 1.4.1:.1.1 V . 1)00. f AR"". VOR CAIRO AND k.„ LtJUL3.—The an. steamer A.WIIE .Al 3 Capt. .11MITI .11,:eave a: an. t) S.V. Al 4y. M. F0. 1 : ;747;:,.7.Wr0 • wo n 4.11:111-901 .16 •••,, PACKL.I . vua 1711 , 1. —I he file fl•am Inter Al4ooar ...... .'Arr.l.olo6 VAN-OrOnirr. Iv. 0. el OTT. ('fork lova RA above WI:1)- N D I March oh. at SIN. ror froirht 0r],•..... norlyos boon! or to . • N r.ll, t,4A 10 T 0 ;lAA - - - - • -- !Nati ST. .T;V:S.—The anti ,h ant: etea^.er 11AkY DAVAlial, and 'larva Veal. 1 and 2.• Alen - Mel., Comaander, vrlll leave SA alleu, Tine Pe " .; fr'S" " .................................. F". ,1 10f,!!! 1 ,;';.` 1 ,,,'. 1 :';1:??1,3LaZt 12.3,1 'SIOUTA NO, MT. 10071 a.% 1`1...,0111,1 In 'inl4—The eaa attaaat Viirit't‘iinta oq'n.sathl; litre. lUtq Intl. 14;2 .p d 'ery;.!, 5?..1 A 1, et” "1* 11 7 , :jr0 n ,; iVe' leTalit' "'ptl<L it . IV" ViirttEti°2l, ..q Inant or to NOTICE TO 0 N€ll4 DRAY?, HACKS, Ao. • Yl or tt , tt.,..nt ti.v,:l/7 ill: burgh, 1.0 paS Og r ' l l 0!.7.f et AN.emblr. n , pro . red " It et 111 ; Z; n 4. Tit% ' br ' ,;11.7‘ . .Z:7e.n011f. " 1Z . '" All L:cc ars not ot. tin or 10 I.llt, o!teen 1 . 1. h 12,11 Cl lb L . l( r( rwl-e, 1" 1r ea !tett s 5 Izet. to h'• 1 . .. e 4.1 /50 cc nt4 'or t 411,p.r•Dris 1 ,. . 410 %! ', 0! ,< May., dagt , ... the: A.- °UAL tu•Ldeer,c. he o.d modal Watt., Irarasr.:al. be return+ tt the lOar I.lctuaw cat !teen lAA. or P. 7 .116 Ctatt.lt.trel. F.• , • 0(1 00 OF Excl. Vann rie Yak% $7 IA kso, ..... . .... 01. y , ii•ltor4o 4 . to Nub, If.rcu M 10 ack 11 u 0 'nab r Whte's drawn by Two Ron., X'ehlern Ito Ins t.e., for etch "di Z/Ltol.V.' pact ' llllllllll t;. ' 1!:; .7 24 0 . 4f, I•T TIMIVI/et. nrreavatm, V,41. LETTER LISTS Litt of Uncalled For Letters Remaining in the Pittelnargia and Allegheny Poste/4004 Mama a,lBBB. • • PITTSBURG/a. OrRILLIIINII WET Furnithott to the Patti:mend, Oateata Adam, Itt, A liratta Naltaa C aCCanaellj , Ceoar Jahn W Datnell B 11f: e t:NJ . % ificala.4.lpo O . Balaa SV . L C A.•I war ea .„. raapcJ„B , Annoloag 0 L i Hackman DR _.. II to 0 , A J valley It Itellista Abram valley Hata DA Ragcntla. Li I> 11. r. Y. 11 altol e John rer, ut Jou J ti:gralOtt 7 11:::Varn. T net 0, xn I 1,14 r °co Vi . - .....11 t.ataal ' go( to r .J . it , 114Q11 4: . 11 ft:ro•l. l Larri. 1 tiOnol. alias Notate A ' , tuft: J C o unlcr Mr Brown a C Jl l O mauler Win D bru•n. Brirek•ringhtsanocti 7., . Aral* GO ,litiglar,ll3lol . L. I Brown atr W - Urwin ta Y urown Isaac la. rt Wm lirtllty Gan W! . ....1 .._... I Talff ' coltl " 11=:: " ' U" lit i tl ' ill .1"'"".r." 10, rk . tt II . 1 -.14.0:e1ra a .Mr{on,7 it Jruce Win. n ''.' g ' Ll:i: , Vtll.Vai it: k;11 Hammer Itcreoyn , Jr.o 1.1n1.42 t Co l Y AF 0 Itvoso A 0 a 14 . , O . OMY Janson n. M Cane Llt.th - K. oa,s,po II ft dab!. uto 0 , trot J K. eaan Ai Ca•nanan 4 L menu RV 41 o a.b In N It iCeutegJcu Cacumatub Wl' Mai knalt J V , ehrciaJaa Kiat J ... Colvin, .A.....0u haat W 0 6 t C.•• . IltlrkaatittWlL) r . .". . n.', . C urprr 4An ;Liter tt , nt Cooper Id, ut.; A 0 4.1100.,0J5a f :Laidun C k 00.... av avld ,L•wiente .3 0 .arutt Ja , • 1 ea I. It olutellot Ir jLawls ruito.d o , urrove Atlaar'Ll.t.tvcr AJ t r t • ‘ l; . 4; ' , ' n ' t (; .1 ' LIO O tr 4 J! L a Crcl ,lon 'A W•Loytta 14•10.1 Crow Jc. 01, Or t•enor 10ro M.nn W AI M t.ttrarlaa•J Map, V T 10 va, 1 .!.• ton Darla 0.1 51 51.•xarelt Jos oat W W , . anzry li Drava W 11 I .10,10 0 w 4 Vawat,ne I:3o2•Urnsa D Man W L ,nO.lOl. & Ur. Ift/.00, 0 1 dartood 0 , 01,01 Wen , :lien it,ti 1111. 1 . 1 I kloantri• 1.1 tilt Artwe TJ Moor. Drat 00 oger Ai 11....,re 40.0 II Oil ...al 0 ID Dr! ....0 Dealt 31vrrlson 4 Y O r O J J 0,1) t” 11 4 Putty . 1 ItMe On 'lnca W Y i r IteCaalla 8 W Dlnean F. !McCann Vol //nun 0 ' 1110 a, W Eberly N. Co Vco,u 1 111ar,rt ll ttry al t Kunt,A.J., IMt onialek JO MN-worth rt , >.0.0‘.. cr l't trans -. t ' a elkula d J D P 1 Metiorin oon y,m , -at McNa3 .10t e ~t „ , A ' t. r.w t lei '""KW I, it ' eflat: r o t !Ll' k n i t c J as .. Mr r. K e! 1 ''' o V 0,0113 Jg a ;MaLstatta 11 r. 1010 , 1 8 It i V . .11t, •1 Id ' 111111 8; 1 .1 boa '0 Uon•bon e. 1, A ! . 1 . (r.r.:,..) nrun AJ .. . L ... , 0 Y ' E 01(.0.0 V - Nlten - E Y . ' Or•r N in ft II I (Dan, ..ray Isa r Iti u atrA latlandtH il tiral...n rac , l ,00 ty . Wrerrus LADDLV LDST, It OF ri. Furnished to the .PitLOA A .Y ni ti 1, VI II . 5' . it , 4 lc - ael Fob Anal 3: Neal iterate aiv.s 10. IA . I.oter a Visao II 'Vey Cattle I . Alltea Anny „ 1'.,!.y .0- ma at ;Oltenia( Unul /en ts '9lloss ant St , ( 1 1 .... Wl' • trier A 'lt . l rohaln ^ ye.) (01210 40:00:. Itan,es Xsve L. r - .r.14t,110,1 i r. parr It 1' Mr. 1 aa (Parr. Marl E 1iet.5....,,, , , Ra!et Mary E i P .81014 Bente ...tun eatno N 1 H en It Yeater/lee ftia 10 0.101 4004. ma y 0010 00.1 i It • an., Ada 1 ul.t Arad. YAW Ehrn On antra tarn ...,. trAtia Marla. taco It i. urs•:: • Ittelmen , l Ads Ito e r en-0 I 14.-t ,Ira.nt ;bay - Alto ,, Mary ors - J 8 0.10.er L MD. 0 tuactun 1111 ;Stwaige, 10910 111.. A:la n 4t.0.c• At 1. Intilel,a Janata (yet. y ri.ria 'o.ooa Ye 'Mann litartatt • C ,lon.ll tatala Irk eLtallittr4a "agary• J , at lantott Miran If - Va.:m.l Cr King U. La ALT . Avoll.ti Emma J 0 1ark rarat. J I. %ter amatta 1.0. a tit., I...tuni 4 1.1,.a1t.' tient .IC 11 "11 4 on. Mot 1' 1. ...ay Ia a -rtewart Latina • 0... r Loll,!, Lluy.l .Nonte a , ct•••• Ma. 0/ sr r tut la 1..0rf I' Mary 1,, 3.111 2 1 101 o, . v Nt:s .Lower, Mat 4. 1 'F 0.11. nMe l• £ al .I . astur Ethu'lt e r r , U , r , /D.', • annl . rt.:Marston Het Lrt.ollg Italy • a •t.• las qtr. 0 Id .51, sus. 4i ..b. r Lashalu 0 a•ls DID t. It .t.. 111 Mr. • U.a.all • nnla Y t avi: Jte. le , eAltaa Ma A., IA 1 ...• tv...yScsVseu Hr Du su,u .ern s 3 .ah 11,0tvera W It 1 1 (0.3.1 re M klll eatit VI v C:Worlms• 01st 10u4ar 010 s' 110 er 10 8 e... Wrrarct M.a/e o rar..c A , . 'MI 0 r Lot, Y .Wli,un lilt, 11.7ra n'' II . a. ‘' y n ; .;47f.'; Mn ." ''.ll•7:.!,Zrn. 1.: . ,• ;Weal • tee 11 0 Valhi 0 mat Jc 11,•• ly on - nn . T ttereau It a 0 0110.1,1 a 4 I loan, blot A M 0 •vtroy Meet.(.1,04 roue ita a, .11, t/ `a-.r 4 , 2 •.tt Rs, ,me kl. -.arab I ZeUet, Kerte, Y .trn aletatir ;ILK... y Marty M.M.Mr• rulawer Marls Mertnr ten xi's. Yorrr.t Ann!, ` sa - ilzr.,c.tramrs for tai. al 30..7 Oita. J. D. MsCLI:LLAND, £“tmassur. 'I ALLY4III ENT—TU.4M 7. reita nrwieted to C. .I . 27.theirglll7a.r.e.W.l . _ Akins n 00, Jno 0 .ntlrr Cv S Ha . .l zo• • - ,..nyet1111 .. 1..ve1s %Jayne ar t ronn • 2 • I telubned.. P , an Joo r llr t . .. le a n 1 111 - C .; . .. ' •7; . ! . .X.• r i . t i 0.1 1141 .YMhnJry. Joh. • ~enn , LI, one John 0 , 4.104 W ' 0 , a1.. tcoh Thilalre st srP .• 11.7 Cart John'lbbklaa Va-th• ll,etoa• 4wef Klana - d. Ha re..no N Wm U•x neon A 11,1 ..hillp tat B Ilaßey Z , • lll•in.t7 I IN Bro It;;:n . J ' s let "....,fgnrl.t"lN , .8 C. Kpytfl. Jett.° r on, colw 001 ...I ..t.ii..!JonseJ. „Currey -.. at nlt :Hand LIIMIJ ' 4 !Cos. •el lev mna ,elt•ler Ills• .us.• bar!learz Abram 'ltoirtbleg wag Co . e lotart d h r !K.lfer • o ;Racers Was oJa I,han J• nand John 1111.24.,811J IterJne ,Wtnew. WWI - t;rmno. Re J .n.- I. • e belbs J mpb I. tos *b. CO are Lula I IL•aald Wm Jeterera John t,o,L,r lctJ I.•Tmge . rPiNen C ? ' l (''' • Lrlb ... I t, • j.pch..mo Ismel I.o‘eleall slew's .nerre Clug Law n 14 , ..c0 LI Lay, Inchsb In c urAtl natl . ILA et Chat ' S ha nnon' id D - , ihaHata DIU i.. I.• ran OW ,nbt Inas. B Oco non mon kl • Ora, .'at..rot,...a.t. I..arrrq. I), Ea 'Ludwig Harllal , chnti . H . neyry4,7 'Lao.. ter f•ir leur Jr Laae Jo I% I.COLI. au ; RI • etewtrt Kane 1 , 4• I ./• 1.. ,Sttnle R euter 1t..214 2 Marrs.. Stan l'llll , kWna .1 I ili;V:ii! '‘ .E . L I.: L .4! " l;. ' n ' el a lOrk.on Joh.. wnly /alit ISpalnpr • Inanlan.:er • ;31•Triva et. • lierbango liunt 11[111or Cordell). T Wert /red i'rromo.on Mrs maid !Malone.* Mr r . .. 1 Batson .on./8 teli 11111, ..nrand , Ilan S . • Elenhann. II :Mow. cre..oqr,on.j 'ltt•tr..rder Sue . rater Chris, P reel Pat 11141t8 Jebel (1 • Walker M. • 0 ...ea. wet name Al 101 l irau.noron 4nlan r I Auta 'Wave o syo?hes r ' flodliOn KPub ..Tray 71,210." L "r" .411 as !' tIVI . ):11: It Jr.. V"... \\r ur A titTlati .s ti rah.. 111 : rlr Nlfuee W ('stir itettlrt oos.. We; To " atVs7 h°i ; ‘llV.';:e.7,ll'rJ 1,11 c •NI Whitt ey ..tar H .a1.11.1•W, onninfit4.l A ; 2 ; -1 1;rle. Filliii „ Kna It INV A ge . o• et 2 1. • lenry 01 , :I:era...g i rl% • it o ts. via r lit • u ' s Il 00 lel •It els.n jilt L Wt: 3r S Co • oas. Joan Ba p ite l r .2••teY ; r: ---------- -.- OINCEES POSITIVELY OaRED WI•11.,, the cse of tbe ISNIPI: or CitthT/0 a-. 41 with iOniparaliycly Little iteralne In Its clients LY ALL CUM. Dun onuraled ne>•one the L'Ob II 111 LIT T Of A 1/017UT. Stud for elr..la I. Aran noes, LB. Address Pr. m. -T. IiTSNER, HAZARD POWDER. AM,154 1 / 1 7 PRE: ABED TO n .... , Ili: l v . cark.sloaatlce, aft order. tor 'Oro or HAZARD'S CELEBRATF,D All Areal,. lett at en , en, t by Anil la of SUM. 174 - FAA/AI:AL :muter, All.. rtenTl•l::, Pt., or to e-ntex-r. Ps., 17111 ro,Alve I.lr.cm.attentlell. A.T l .7.ttliflit KIRK. To MUMMA OF 1.1; ON. 01/Ig. —A ;"ti OrgsPtZis mined for a furr,..• for mars 1,14 n greenly r are. an, dear.,/. of ['taint r,, , ntra,t with let oon , l DIA parties aor ral , •tag of amis.= Sh , ir Drat , Oath fir =arse,. Under I. as, strralty. o n altar,. t. at 11 ay he .area' aeon. .7.' , 14/ 040 merge that, Irtp• 41 , e yr...t001!) aC51.41.,,,1 with louslaese f sod bay. tot •cs :I:tel.:rat to carry au tho • as...cla ewer lig:0•011! an ' t W'S' Wal 361 Street. irttl•adelpas, F . MiSB NN, /Mil Ell Mit irtrtmjial el t Gunsmith and Heater in hardware. rt•+t'earnfuUv on gl.ort EL , * v. tos.l:d4o PLACE: EV TIM . Cr. V. TO 151/T Tfilt!MP/4 OtIOUOLI STOVE, t, tITANT Erftl"..ZT. • MEM JO'SIN .15i.d.,7,111 1161 Ell? smut, O.I3;o•raLSAI,TTJ2,I;! 831/TSJII,LI) !ITS/MT. plias lIVIWEI,P.II. r,E.oa,as Vakia Xlitircales 0,26.2U1. el /1.11. M OLITON A LLEIL--NOTICE 1$ ar , -t- HAKE HY 1 111Valf that tea Reput Dt rI;.YELPi!friIIILTOT ALi.E 7r Peedul Ward, ailed: may, from Ita Dreaaat tat , - . V;.;31 : 47473.1 r, ' 1 ' 5;7 ' ; "' d%rt ' r r cwt.. eactartuaa arardlidirAP:2o4 -JI elLy Attar.a., yILL P . APEIRS I :p LL r‘rairst Dtar te; 1..644 ka 11.3 tte 1 0 17.4 ft matt Vall sad Gm. la iuj I:s4. 5 111.E.C701.0AT Ih. li Oda KA • Sat; NANUIPAGMMIth GRAFF, BIERS '"& coj, I= Bar, loop and Sheet Iron WROETOET IRON • an TOD mum GA Mit TAM, AL3c..so OIL WELL ITUBINO Mee, No. 93 Water Wee errranatiaa - , PA. P 014 2 . 2 1 Pring BOM STILL .AND W • CilZ.3ak4. es NIZOLL • m.arti- , rartcraa.s or P UNMAN" DOITALTPTIVAL; stramaiii rasa= al =span Emu irk an, a TILL AND OIL TAMILS. GRIMAGGYS, S^rrCSiINOANND SAG IGUrii; BATTLING PARS, SALT PANE AND CON; DPN SSW:, STAAB( P/PAS. GABOSIST ITISON DOO.llB blip COAL BIIIITZEL • tHElsawainArdhara•enter thisoiad. Mara": !Mort SA 411. Zatlliorty Street.. - Fittut . )4rgli, PenuEsylvanis.:i . ; ~ " ="o7,srs seEll to tti err• .10.reas t+ P50 , 00[17 attontled to. la!1.7:1S/ I EFILSINGTOII IRON WORK13:;1, LLOYD 4t BLACK, Beet Conroon, leflne4 Charcoal- Juniata Bloom Iron. EII.3OIIANT HAIL BOUND a swans MAI , HOOP. 8A1117, , x. awl ANOLE /LIM BOILS]: YLAT_Unri s3NSET MOIL ' JOWLN and ILLAVILN. NABS. M ALL .1. OTLINDES. and OUAILD Olt. WING= MON. atld IrBOUONT CN lA LL l fird U sadana 4 ror • " 4 4' LAT BAILS. Nonctisl and Ccalsurs•At.. OALI.4OBEZN IBON. AILS u:l4 SPIXIM. ' . . Aveousean4. Offee 01 tba WNW. 01111111- INNI NS...l...lllasastion of tint street.) LI. Mats', th• Cary U. Works. 'ILIsOu/att. as .11 CH 7. urgh GasettP.l .M.lo.azz azz. 1$ 3023. pDIISTMAL . UUGIL M. BOLIE-81 . 0k, POLVIrDERR; • • Raglan.; Bandeia and ilineldidsti Yate to Order Maraidizsd Land Ate= Englati anal Mu. warraued to VIVI, natl.:salon. • CsOlsii. et orcry douarttrtles. wade to order )3.'1101.34 roma !rgl t tE a • rrrrepratem. PA. prrrafitrusin ifftzr,wosae, ANDMON, COOK 4r. CO., (stwozays. 7.. 0 2i117. BOY!) a c0..1 Ilana!actunn ot the best t REFINED EAST STEEL. EST‘ii r d: Rgt?ial,tent 4 ., 011! ea. 1172.2.1170 115 D NOW11161.1(4011I3EZI. Brisk PLOW Tr 1.908. 87811,08 OIkUOLAYS, Cast u 134 Comace-Pliw Ac apnag Steel. Ortoo—Corna of 7140 t and 'Boo Knots % two Wok:: 'bore tholloonassools !Longo. . 73:4 MOPIT BLANC FOUPIDft7. Bader Strict, Midis Ward, SIrrthATIL II IAON LUON 3c1.1.1.6. Rolling DIM and ZrEdge loon Fnis m 14113, atubt..rjr ant CPuttica erden or2a.pay cuar.lly azscatad. CHARItZ6 PLI.LEHJAA.BLYS. 'fA L TT.4.2 WOlitaFt, ' - JEft all .2' 0 ,Ir 8 !PR AID 2 : - rciEti3. Wa,r, PitOcrith _ . iTzteautsm..llM LEEL,Prorddhliti. 6:i 'rinse Weeez nilf COl/ Um Parose ilia, =Dot !P".1 , 1140 tztatlatLilmst 14 VA %Vett: .t ass ilicro Prepared to runlet : ,- . i- RdtaiitellOnaierintikerilli. . A Oiler; OirtanLe, • - ,1. Sheet iris tYt;iii. - : .. . ~ , 1 . - :7z.ilrolja C - iiiaitp, . .--,;,,, i : i: IZALling Mill C2sittxr., •.: -- - 'i •- . I lailite ezzUnivi ' - ', i..? iiv...excing Castiser, 5 'Sielitttl Cast.tn,"' • • I mognot!. ' O.R/hlllB SZLIOITIODi Igo. 29 Wood Street iIA 14WAINIIT 44,PEAV7331/NIA: • BL&Ca DU.no:up STEEL WORKS. PARK, pßOntial , :iii arizartc;rmioe or •21. oricurnOre 'or ranramml;c.r. • • . 019 ca cad Warobotons 120, 22, Pia,- and and 119 41 ISM alzat ntreats; ' r ---- , . • - rrrn, • ,39911. BERLIN F9UNARY. PRIM et Mt. OMCI un R4SwEroca. • blannfactern and keep5...111.147 eak It ripe .130xsi, VALOON 111):1Z.1 11 , 043 11,10V3.. 11 , 11/A.ll imeriss, iotamirlYl23. and nastine.manuntil, nn24:l-C EtOMERT LEL, wAayTATrimmicti STEW INCITES AND POILMW Fr,:: ght Hoisters 'AND . I.Dtl'oll ENGIN243, AlhOulinVntrlldevent:Stwas mane to :e.on!a: Cazsiez olbsirst wail 'marry latesolas rirrsarzair. PITTSEIGII IRON WORKS. PAINITUR tt Iron, Bat Y, 'rub and , Trunk BOO]l AND 13IECENTS, 11%; EVIaIsON. - PRlZSTeriec CO, PH. VC,Crirsrl I_ll.oo -‘4l W‘ol;Lia-S. . 11 =Z;entrAlf:=1", ea, • °war - - UNION ENTERPRISE. FORMBY WU. mr... 1 01041T0N. ' a rr ir rAlinicT,lts i g u M#A °lrn a luit. of Eit+LLUW wAA R, CAS 'Mc Itta tad aU kinds af ICRY CAST/1:.1a, eon. O7Yirtrefenrt:ZfilbtaTl:Plegrrar IRON CITY RIIILL2. ____ • .• ROGREB & BiThOFIVIEGTO, / I :LuAL - I.lcteLrcrx el leelnl.4.ollllltoolo.7aitiMilla Vann ris3armalm ..IJFIVCDW". OIMPTIARW.AIk stt I Witteskovarah. ine's ',voile Eon ALLEGUE.• SY MON eY WORIE o pitagii r.r bred heal thelO,V v y OAT Iron notated le tatl 6 eXtl as ea 01 ' 10:ewe leitie bribe. 10 acaextlatioe .Ili mettle end detailed {d Da larltbeeilleeelotis exhibited at tee office of ex= J Atebtteets. No. S SS. CloAr 14. " • 6lttl. Weretarh, Con Word nod tomb e tai mutter'''. el. ezeimmo, W.ll. IttrAor dm;t7 FULTON %AMINE Won . v. mm 111 pg!i rialcAnt, d l•l!. tiTl It D...r,rapps of 13 and 18 no, fa soN. at se 71157 zallnPatNlVer We"' °": •ea .11 r. • a th • 1,1'1; Daley o„steamer Mart to only, for ,01 z,e4.1 &A An TA Cu. • ~f.'l dLijjAv yl_q z:1:44 JAM. Vlaxix. heel ._.q. P. roam, PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON : CO., • Ear Ifaren4 tiallreatt Pla.ll San mull Eallq liallrogid Cis. Axles Bailee; aallyradi Ciar.a.slco Illast!naered Lotelmsoilve Finnan; Lorsornottve /mare &hares • Bide iedig Yoko% Straps' • i • Philos Beedm • Ilitesainboat 1.1.11. ea IWO% Wriags, tilisukik Jaw . % ilUollirly &C. • Onnes, Na 177 PENN STREET, PITTSIGUNOVI., 141: NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND E x iiP.lo W"Clabtlic.S, Cotner Carroll and amanitas* Streets, Ninety Ward, rrrTaztuola ra. WILX. gßs3lapillirlar o ouLoormorouro or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR DM LND WATER WOlllO3. favft ILVLIILV.7." 2 21.1!: g.= xieattt nn ea CHEM ra to in TAUS elLigrilsor Wfastly mass of i lliggig" let t NBA`ItARDWiIiII 110CSB. • • • , . Liadsay, Sterrit & hirer, Mantifsothrero & raster of • CUTLERY, &C., 337 LIBERIit Rile Square Below troleii Arany for sr.LIBBAIOCH , ecAurs. 813.urntlial STEEL NOBEL ITOBES MICR 8: CO Atssicraremuuts cap . • - UST 115711i18 UR S'IIIL enitteW U ME ilawurr-LT. craosam- cum mum= on =!BA7 PLATES. i murrra ma> aim-Kuzma :RAILWAY SPRINGS, • ow, arAring .61 441 Nast wale nionoan Plow Reel, PLOW Trr.Ros AND DOWD:SASS. ? SPITIVIiIk AXLES AND STEEL TIES Ito&L , P r igMfM a ken 2 lll7.6 li lt a ' i r ati:llSZ U° -WiuirD;;:r Fingegb. seleztil MES MlER atad.s6 Water Street,' • A.l - tmeels=ereast; . scans a7-t:'mulxpio, BZSFLI2GUFdI:t~ .. • 0 " corps:: trnsuf Prez.! • Iit!LLING MILL EITAW6I,' 41.1 SHILL? INX2I WOISI4. For Steamboats. ipTOJEKW RONEY, UCLA FOillntY, ,rsen !if., Std WardiAear I itaxtriacri:lunt km:wrier Dies, Steel Mouldir, ' 2 Llik T sEI Ixttu tr4tiv morally. _ 410.1T0121'=-"Z`P=4l; U 04.2 C. DiA 4o ......—'—caancan poop= , GREENIV9O FOUNoRT. MVO & 101611h1S. Jabli n said Naciiinery raspAgq, E t it.07.117,=. '1;17 Ar a' 0. . Oes, 250 Liberty Street, roiadookr *CM., oconaow...rao. D. • —IA& • frame. BOILER WORKS. • IIoRROW, BARIUM ipt,. 07 , Ealiero. On S tlib,lAotOlo2ll, , • sou Ppm, GiScllSterit • Wrought Iron Wrldow, Pnootrren Wort, : • toe, Mi. LIBERTY AND NOM f 4E 4 PlTT9l7l7l2oassr, DrYNII mats I CQUESSE iron and Steel W . orig. • COLEMAN, & co mum. ur jzw it 0 , r Nxits,spl Ames, ate' livAA - Aniotta.ri . I rex= 1 frVF"T7-1 dilL :3. 87 'mum; 41"3319DWAT ak CO' ..dity a I b. 74. Semler an/ Heating Stoves; /wit' sz 4•1•41 f•pr !If" • %rat• 4 ZUFGI2/1 ;WT. ' Vili r i.t.;2,4 Lion n= s 'he= .voicers•••• • . A.l D M15.7:460.01. I , • 10.1 . 111:4, e JRATSZ VOMITS, am.. rzi_2l,2! r . renottm„ .. cr i ge t 4L4ta4z" '" iguase IVO CO a lalf at. Dar, stann. I (!s ue lEL. antra ,s sox, - zunroracrsicat f rem Boilers,Boilers, till Sans, Tanks, Moot trim Works, tar ilr4beitn • ptitifburgits CENRIAL IFOIIIIDRY 1!! • MI OZIOLL WORKS, 01340 - .emaxi. =tires*. . 11 9014.130YD&BAGALIL UUtly=llnikYlll osattl,s. Still 101t/111,, ago r IP*IO S. . 0 ARLIN. t ir#ll forma!' LIB II CILU 16111. iDtREIti mums "EuIN T n ay Lasic wanNem. WMUirra• Wm/fumy? of A:4" itiN°"4AP"`. is? b WAG°N ‘ ;tiALM 24 , ad-4,74
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers