Gaytti TIIS REGGAE GIRL. Look at bee lank •t her! Ca the cold Street; Look at be Shirk of .bert With her bare feet larese.te are glare with l eo snow4lakee are flying. ertld . elnde aro sweeping ber - see! she la erping.. Tatters bang over her Shivering form. Scarcely tamp:over her Bank foam the Mo Onward she trudgee no ran w. - - Poor little elf! Beaketutenaher arm Largo a. herself. Oh! lady monong by, - Dent thon Po poet What Whet father alislklt Down is the -pity! What If her mother towels - Oe the Artist corneal Christ blessed the .little ones— OW do not 'cora her. .aste of timbre., •• • One of thy jeweled Mara One of the glittering Wage siding Lhy World fold aer idle of— le Mee warm nockings— See hoe( they mark er the street: Blond dropsl ho shocking—. Would Meeher food and drink. Sava her from teat dread Drink Witleh thou art loathing. See .he t beatiful, • Migh be an angel, tither, wouldst only be ' Her her from Plunk her from depths of alit, Count not the mat; Mod lady, bring her In. ___Er• shots lost. aLlUta hor the' lenrel bright Near heaven's throne, Then liken thou hear Ills words "Servant. well done!" TABLE TALK —jeff. Divis is in New Orleans. —Cardinal Aistonetti is to retire —New Orleans owes $13A0,000. . —A radroad to ( Mexico Is talked of. —Slitter, the German novelist, is dead. • ;—Tudge Carter was formerly a printer. —Black-Feet Indians are raiding Mon. tans: —The eeii wSll be eclipsed in .Augue, -East Tennessee has a whisky instil.- rectiOn —Mn. Lincoln is not crazy, u re wrrtcll.- .:-Mr, Francis D. Gage Is paralyzed and poor. - —Hannibal - Thp3:ai is stamping New Rampsblie_ —New Oflesas rejoices le tbe - discov erY of gas wells. :—jdontreal la to furnish another corps of Papal Zouaves. has a heap of trouble in the Woof reirotutions. —loseph Vinnuelin is champlop liardint, of Illinois. —Wild ducts and geese abound In dictums county, Mo. ' —The Dill city gold discovery turns out - to be a humbug. ' —lnsmince against delinqueat dal+ Ph is a o.t. Louie idca. , —Tom Thumb is in Chicago, and the Irish Giant in Cleveland. —Omaha eupPorta otnr of the finest billiard halls in America. —lmpeachment hu cemented the Re publican party everywhere. —A six inch vela of lead has been discovered at Millersburg. lip. -L-An Ohiolan his constructed an ad =treble self feeding nail machine: • —The wife of the editor of the - Chi cago Times has obtained a divorce. -There were over seventeen thous and births in Philadelphia last year. —The Idetropolitan hotel, at Peoria, Muds, was recently destroyed by Ora. —A ghost is aletrinhig Scottsville, Va. A reward of szOo is offered for its cap- --A. llltle child fell bib) a cess pool la New - Orleans and was suffocated 0, . —The leading editor& of Cincinnati Ira sadly &filleted with water on the brain. —A. IL Stephenson reaching far a dear bell, n Philadelphia, fell and was se 'rarely Injured. —The .Now York Chamber of Com merce ia about to eel:brute rte one hun dredth anniversary. Stanton hue been prear_nted with a bettle . of BPauhlinea prepared glue—to enable him to click. . —Fs.Gos. John W. Dans, of Maine, with six other Portlenders, recently died of cholera at Rio .7anelzo. —Gales fine statue of Jefferson will be inaugurated at Charlottesville, Va., -on the finzth of next July. —Our 11(1y-three thousand rations of food Were distributed in February, by the soup house at Cincinnati. —A. lad named Richard Brooks, of &entice:Mlle, Ohio, wu badly Inuned by the Implosion of an oil lamp.. —A New York hackman bag bid -his name broken' for swindling a trwrelei. Should bus had his head broken. ' York Journals arefessileg on the recent burning of the iftmeum. Col umn &coma are-daily erred --Desmolnes, lowa, has elected a Democratic 'Mayor—the result of a cis. 'engem in the ranks of the opposition. —The owner of the St. James Hotel in New Priam has immortalized him self hy :educing the rent of his tenants —Hancock's game of feeding rebel paper - C with genre:mental advertise -. 3 has bee" , ed by oxenstopped by Gen-„pirant.- - —A. PhthOlelphia court has decided that It it inTolnntarrlasnknintey to maim an` alsignment fon the benefit of one's creditora. Johnson, for twenty-Mr years connected with the American Express Company management, has retired to Pirate life. - -- , Joins Bender, of New York,. bsyo untied his wife to death and then went after & Plitnishm, telling him she had taken suddenly ill. —The outside delegites to this recent Democratic Contention at Harrisburg, are charged with riiiing several pockets at the market-pitman 7 -. A. suit of ;10,000 daMages has been commenced against the city of lit Louis, by a gentleman who was crippled by tatting into se excavation left =gnu- nia, the practice of keying little innocents on the cold charity of the world and colder steps of humane eitlzens, prevails to an alanrdniextent is Lettleville. -olleer 'Campbell, formerly agent for Palmer'a circus, has beeit arrested :31 Chicago on a charge of Timbal:lag the concern come $12,090. Campbell Is a Phlladelphma. —A profonitlon pending In Con gress to tall .1n all the fractional notes wader twelttylice cents, and to Tune new ten cent piece of the same materiel and Se! stive weight as the present dye cent nickel win.. —L lady dropped six hundred: dollars on the .aireets in Broatlyn. Anigged little girl picked it tin and restored it to the owner. With ■ gash of liberality and bcsuriolecuze the lady reworded the honest child with a cent,. A - whalebone comet saved the life of she Woof D. L Brown, - of Troy, New York. Tho wicked Blown plunged s Yaffe. into her bosom but a eaglets:ue warded it of and instead o 1 reaching her heart, only left a deep flash wound. ',ILA legislator at Albany has_intro ducted a bill relating to . marriages be. twece kindred, psrt of which reads la "Mssrlages between parents and children, including grandparents and grandchildren, of every degree, as cending and descend/cc ere absslutely , null and void," f —A correspondent Raja that the ac tintior the Waya and Means Carninittee in Toting to retain the s .two dollar tax on whisk* excites mucA comment It is learnid that three meinbcra of the ma. 1;64 Who so Toted are in Liyor this rate, while the other two took the post. tima khat u the House. by • veil de• 'cided vote, bad established this duty, it would be more appropriate that the House, - zither than the . Committee, should make a reduction if, that be de- aired:; It L- believed by o &giant/ of the members of the Committee that the Bow will mate a reduction to at least seventrfire cents per gallon, but this . conclusion Is not reached by other per' 'OM t►ho hasereoneassed the Daum SP.isLILIT., 1107.1 CM. lard, COUGH.. A COLD. OR A LIOR BORIS THROAT reaolloa atol .0.14 bo If allowed la eoullssa, ''' , l=:r Att.L. :.Tt,:.: Permaaeat I= BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES flartar a direct intocnce ta t'be part, gr.. !ta e-Glatt ratal. For Bronchitis. Asthma, C aaaaa h. Consumptive and Throat S t Tlotats art our oho Coal. toOl savors. io s mrat . Pbllle:r eakar• tete there Obtelo only 4 117... ItuteiClol4l. Ts Fr, •, and do no. tete sal of the No-Tlii I mellows tett staf be °lazed SOLD SIfistTRIIICILS. BARNUILL & CO, BOILER MAKERS SHRET IRON WORKEEitB iro.. 20.22, S 4 and 211Petat Xt. • !LIT ilk fter-nd • luxe yard and farraseed It with the twat approved =LC blitery. we era Die. pared te roiantael.are every dual:Woo 8011. err In the bort smear, east earraated sepal to ter made lithe or:metre: Calreeer. Brea*, let. 7ln Beds. Blears rlpea. InoosopT. ' 8011. ere. COadenaers. Salt Peas, Tote. 011 WM. leltaten; Settling Pax; Seller 'Via. Brtexu r . SeKar Para. aad sole saaat•otaratf of SAEi. PATZSIT 13017,11113. RAlDatrize clone or the ottortest uptlem. es: IarHOSINBON, BEA A CO. Soeco• oro to ICOnasort. Kim 11 /.2a.1.1 WASHINGTON WORKS, Monde. land 111...1.4.P11.1105mth Yana facto.. of 8.1 .4 &Wow. Sta. BWtEntlnaa. Mill Ilacktaer7. Us. Ing.abartiar. C..ia of all 49orlOtIona Oil raora and OWL. Botlar a 0 ..1 Iron Wort. 01:1.: No. IS corner TIM sad aratthaal43. as - iccala for ourrAiurs PATENT no. for 14.1 at boll.. tall.l FLAKE SUPERIOR COPPER IRIU & SMELTINZWORKS • PARK, McCI333,DY Co.. ISLatftentren of Blaclatint, Be.lars• sad Bait li , meVresfital Ctn.. bottoms, dindood * calass I :Vorils.Tlnilardif :Ger? c . ro "g rrlC rre ' de, No-rail, on dirmillrtnnere MadLdnes anti tools. Wantons*, No. 140 YINCIT IMULIC7. tad IdidENINUND NTILYZYT, Plldedoldb. O n neei~l omen Of CoOyor oat tarqviarcy A. SCOTT, . DENTIST, .Iro. Si S srazaz PITTBZURGFLII tariff ANHOOD AND THE VlD °lc or 'MUTH neared n fear week. -veteran tenstaateeL DB- 2100Stell MlLtlee or Lilt n.taree med. parer. Den wuu•c en. meting: ette ee , ete at early eartateans estate, eelfrekne, lananary ttaa elleatte era may a) 02.1 nds vranderfat eardletaa. tE Lean reeler), seeardlag to Ute denten. tablet tar s Teresina.l lad retain ma teemed from bus). ens nerantnee ) Yellen le Imtta.tle•.. add weenie at el. or fear enamel. le arta lie V. To be had Oen at the Hew aepettand amt • merles. 11. 03k17,33 In keens! Ake eer York. reletelens arPUILOSOPHY - Or MLR alkoze Nair Coe./ Of ecnores. as d at the New 'lark Ilasaaal of ALatona, embosser no the WOOL.: Roar to itos and what toll,* for Tooth. laainsltle wad Old See Stu bar =reels aad :ad: ttlem:e of IndigrA fOnfrolaro Pallnaeobleally eollonlerwd. 4e otoirolasodeealanslso then lectures wta orwarded Amara"`.. es onattla to Lund, _pa re ceipt of Mt , ST addreartag: BaCitr.- TABT. New Tort 'meta. Or ASSODory oad ref once. CA Broadway. New loot. felfrlairermt MAIIIIIIALGE AND A :7 Or.—ass Yaw/ for Tong lon oath, mhos of &Made, mid aßtniza watc treat. Impediments to SAY, HI LUX, with wow atm. of eviler. Soot to oleo lothir covelohas, use of eltafro. Address I. i. IiKILLLTI HOUNEITON, Howard oww tailon. Philadelphia. Pa. y ASES. COLOGNE SETS, FANCY CHINA, Pariah Statuettes, BOHEMIAN GLASS 104 other BTAPIS •HD /AHOY ERVIth, a mat•utat7. 100 Frood Strut. RICILIRD E. BREED & CO. dElt: gil Snap Fort Pitt.Fourulry Co mastics NEAP. I. X. lIPIEr, Via PreeteeaL 0 METVELF, Seery and Trees'. a. EL WADE, Engineer. a. G. KEEP. General Manager. JOWLS B. KIIILEO.Y. of f.yes, Sher A.1 . A.1.311111. of J. b a Ca.' U. B. HILRIM re .1. c. 8 9 .. ToWO. RLofig. Of obne . aboa WY. =SCALP, o , 111.1cr. Barr t a r.= . Hornig MIII aid Blast filacktairy. =lnn asYI CLIYMIGII, of every eagerly- ZILINVYTIS 214111. MACIECINIM fe:t4 LZWIS OCILIIAXIM KIM & SCHWARTZ. WOolosale sad Scull MannActon/II of Tin, tapper and Sheet. Ina Ware, and deem to COOKING STOVES oact IftWEIT 71•111.0WAZZ. -Et ParßO 1.11 in MI NH TO MIL R. 1111 .1111111111LDl!rn . Zik r 7=4: the Poet Offl aa6 Ea 44 scar TIZESIAL. ==MMI oel:1-rti H. KIRKPATRICK, 3 FTLALCIWICUL.Ta BOOK-KEEPER AND OCCOBBTLIT, Of TV7ENTY-NTIFIL YILIOT PRAOTICASIX. lOULIZECZ. WILL &STENO TO • • • OPENING AND =DNS MERZIANIr BOOK& SlB Ortagia Vf lleaka Olgoose and ■ So- Lo•• lblommood rurrnamailar sii - reasfa cor. a charcoal barlaras arras Mace ca thira Loot. *pal.Nandi's, 11., FOURTH 2171ILET. I FIRST CLASS LOOSJNG GLASS IND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, so. HO Wood . St, Pittsburgh, j=d4s IssadarA manisatress le_eader. the arTLx Uls *MT Sollawsx,D .4 WALNUT ViL and SIM= YUMA); Fox-nal+ n = or'sum, Cattalo (Waite. Bands and Estaaass Vasta= 4 ,;n l p4 4 sad Ese% Tsai. •ar sassatslts u! mosiaaasalls , Stlldsl2lo EZEIILDIEIIi saws:ad La lb* M ONTB6 " IIIrDiaI.M. " A . H. r,.rGLIEH & =M Ib. 98 /Fourth aired, • Pobtlabels 064.70013 , 11 IiSADZYS 1/3•11_, L151T8111 . 730, suirrrs 4111/Ulibut AND OLVIV4LII , 3 offri BOWLS Al.. lazolifsetio ruff of BLABS MOSS BOOSSLNIABOcr eat rum te4 Bur al manual,no WO. l Its faros A toms otarl. of ' 111.104 J . . D AI4ITrHiEWEI, STAMP AND STENCII: CUTIEL s3l. Litmrry Hreet. epnesita Weed. BILIMIHNO 72011. sumps LIM ISSEN. CIL JfAltiffire PLATZZ. 41.1.174J1.111 . 11 LAD 17fliK8. tedtveler &wpm, at slum..WM .6 the LOWED? PGWEISZdf PAWL. We defy competlUms. 02121 NT 0 T ICE -4FALED PROP°. SALA 171111* had until WWII DA V 07 7/.81117A517. tar AIWA" a pxl47. at Lc tavActuts AR the Igiay Canty TIM= oi yalmG . /OM, ' AL BRIX. Zlesset.7. /17-•••eldeattera. may b. sun al. BARN • libmtbniutlce. Ctair man !Wall gxsee & CO.'S 1:32X11221 einluai PLanil Fortes /lit Ws only by 01141.1114M11 XLI7/11. fel 0 71011 000. II dose abovio Wood NOTICE TO CASIPENTEIRS: COVraor.Lii . • OM: Z. CRT Or 111.10a.".7.1 , ogleil:4::=Wf.2l% . , 3.. eod la;atoet. for I,mi, a llaer It. Sm. rogrit , t MO..— 000? 10 COMM Of OMB e. 1.01 1 ollelretood ou. to 1, , 001100 d with ached gra uul sad. Itisred_rlau SVM:s B. ir.•501-. Cur CaatroUer. F. sirros, MiCHANICAL AZD 5.X00111.11110 DRAFTSMAN. (Nam PHILO HILL, 110.711 111339 MN" Inth fir tloU.p3 LVO. , 34 - 11. ALL, ilansinteltuilu • •••••• HAVANA AND 1101023T10.010111,' infolcsala sold retail tlealar U TORA.OI2 vIdL ina UM rim, 44,,N logalnills .7 base* always 441 =MM===tlll BARR £ ELOSER. • • .ILrohit/mots. IPROI EOIME APNWILTION BUILDINS. Nos. 9.4 Su GI. , stmt. rfulabss.„.P4. p. e l ll D e on alv4U.the. .1 .. .. • .14a,.. wean% TO LESBELB OF lISEIM. At MARY CBCTZATY. ornez. • CITY OT a LiZettlarT, Tea V. nth All partici, in &Man Lc grouse rest, of Tars. 1.11.1 rt Oren]. ITO ba/1107 IR OMNI that the mars dna mita be paid to LOA City Theacizet Ors O ra• him Um Mt avai Imp htt It. It pliaricli. CtAdarAPT. EMOVALL. JOHN D. BAILEY & 8110. ISNOTID TO NO sot sursiumws ITRrn. IRMO ' WAN ALLEV.—Natice Ls hare. A.. by gtvra MU , tb• Inilwere linen im oriel:NO Or kV CI ALUM, MIA Ird. aUUaanr 1. Sled as N. tit • pdi Tens. LL Mut sttl E. easelmed atteas..sno- Mauro Alm LL POreti t in. 'WNW{ - • ' cut Attar nay. DRY GOODS, TRIXRUNGS A PERFECT FITTING GLOVE. WHIM & CARLISLE,/ 19 Fifth Street, INVITE ATTE3T.IOI7 TO THEIR EID CLOVE DEPARTMEtT, sItT2V, !'l Z;Tiarjill7p;lled ' ggilttlgol sae ealetemed Ml= A. C. C. (Jouvind KIDS, Mri.. , tally to f u r order. Hundreds of OUr Ca.., T. ran y - to taetr perteet eat tad f•tlttsss 'pants. ins Colon ten jot up from ad.. of dress restertel, selected and is:- Lashed by as, said •re really Elegant and Desirable The assortment Includes Mane. Wnrr. Dank cocoa. msnlcsi COLCoILm and Orilla... Yawn COLOu.a. SIZIR-3 , ,.1 70 • MACRUM & CARLISLE, 10 . 717T11 BTUKZT frn: NEW GOODS! CHEAP GOODS! VICRVII, GLOB & CO'S. We have last received a foie armament of MI :Weis to ow tie, man as VOITON IiONIZET, arsismo 1101011117, SPIUS6I VLORE!. 111.ISTRA. Fl'( LOT or BCTTO. AV S li 7RI.7tIMINGE. IN L.NTN Alit) LAININ`' 1CM 730 .33=1;717328.1F14 Welfare a v til . llAe . fAlLpr v ig . ar y d O rt meter. We Ltaen Nevis. for Lanka. Gest , . 4.Caltdrent. Tate Handke:eblefe, of all kind.; Leos Collars: Morrhion'S nee BUM: lfiansook emilg; Victoria Lawn. Linen Canstnle. ere. I Na..1..1111t4=151. ..a.rer.oo=lBl, DlNerent Ens sod beautiful patterns. OUR LINE OF KID GLOVES WILL DIFY coxerrimme ViLVLY RlBllnla l ask • Teo sew IMES'S la al ov.coLLAst, to St Lana am coml. tr al•M itolegato Dusan will do wall to E 1... • (fLYDE & 'fB & SO !Market St. fat. NEW/LIM DESIRABLE GOODS JO H? NLICZIVZD DI JOS. BORNE it CO. 1111(11011.3 ILINITNOS a I.III3ERTINOS: HANvel• - war erryLa RlfyyLigus, C IS O RKDVELVZ ON 18803 width • TEI L r( TrPelkrOr Aboini th tlg new adles. • L•11.0Z LOT or !II ill • 1111-STITCIIII unmans& I= A. full line 4f all - flude. =ld fifes ALEXANDRE'S HID GLOVES TA/157.LXD KID J./LOT/XS A shales assortment a Pirtle F& NCH rlAtlrr.ll2l, BILLOAL WISM•21111. Ao, =1 Bismarck Paper Collars, % Fo r nwlrh wea x eM L!?..sw An w . t r A u m. Conan i . w , we .I%wweltstnarto, cash. we W. her =Pen. Ihwiteettenta b cash haler& WHOLESALE ROOMS HP STAIRS. 7: and 71 Market 1.14461. fel7: NEW GOODS WI4O .1. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, ffEE 1:11:3 BLE4CDEDIMUBLIXS, CALICOES AND CRASH, =MIX STOOL or GOODS 47XaCIMIXDirGil• back.To Osaka room 6r rztenalli tb• MOM S.= ====l 1.414 No. 8, Market titre r at. 1868. FEBRITARL 1868. AIBUILNOT, SHANNON & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 115 Wood St., PittsbuiNth 2 . 74,17 . 7 c a • LaIIGZ /52W WWI. arlda• Ll2B SHAY ELMER EUTIU PIICIA Itantisata desttlag to smart tsp, •nd nn th adratura shaaJa oat at No. U WOOD filiTir DENNISON &HECKERT. . NT /PRIA Strut. File Fars for Holiday ?reseal& 1,181:7 20X11 • 1111 Z &MUM A.XD UI:I77LILVE. AIMMW/VIMMIMMM = WOOL & KZELINO UNDZW31.1111.2111 . 111. SID eL077,11, HANDICZBCIIIEI. HOOLLET. NECIS TICS. BITSPZINDS/J. 00112M7 . 111 ana HOW' =ISMS •It our 224,24 si rtdaeal 211.2. Is enter to elm, oat 4.24.12ter etack. • 24 CIIIE. e i p A 14D o tTfLa.. , CO., WHOLILL.I DEAL= 1:11 FORM AND DOMESTIC MOODS. No. IN WOOD OTALCZT, = FOE TIM FINEST TEAS, The Choicest Greeerieei The iftireast llllrrlcrets, Asd tba but CANN= rsurra. PICKLIA &a., at inataaat reattaable brim. go to PROCIPS TEA M.4gT, =3 NOTICE TO • • 'INDIVIDUAL HOLDZILd DP • SHIRES OF IiTiONIL 1111110. • Ilia ihartboidore of the Zehang. and Fourth Nallount Basks of Pittsburgh. .ad Wee oho awn Stott to .7 or the Neese Moen Droller resets. In the Men and Woo ale to Will Maro berets, malted latot 1 1 . book Will be Opel/ 01Ze 9/1 de of Nate neat. Pp We n sde of the Wee fill 131141 tax for IW. me per eof Aaareeny. wooed pet MD, leer. ..d Moats • Pen the mut taloa Veen /or toe reale or otaer meat. neer ohloh time Gene t*. en to aopotnted 30 toile. trom dollas potato "Oa o th or taTeo ore roll/ese,ss IlotSitt.) Al /UM Cia F. W. C 7. ,V1P1r..14, GLUE, CUBLED HAIR, Tanners , Scraps, Ceroons, CATTLE TAILS Bones, Neat's :Foot Oil, 4150., oats and wamosa—ka isseurrimuum wutr etiseaa. um, ran mum) EIM=I7! JOHN D. ILULEY & IMO., STOCK AND REAL EtrATil =I Ass oifDmil te••1111 etoa. 'Wag and. lubt 4t It at Beetirittith not Ist. • Boom bold ltraltam, BS" altbar irresslikes or 03 tb. aloud of Trubt Boom. • Pardenlar *Bannon Bel& itt befeteArre, to tb• W of Beal YateleM nalvate We. rates et KW teat. is tb• emit r 1 Meade& WOO% I.J• roman =MT. PITTSBURGH. DAILY . GAZE' C , 'ARPETS. on MEE JUST 111 P hpetilly VELVET tL 11P1':'"' =I English Body di. Tapestry Brustels, INERAINS AND HUMPS, The vat , h . e LOW L'T COMMON CARPETS, 25 Cants a Yard. OLIVER lI'CLINTOCR & C 0 .3 23 Fifth. Street. SPRING SALES CARPETS RAVE CERTAINLY REACHED BOTTOM MOBS. McCALLUM BROS., Offer • tarn mortrotot of all kinds of OAR 000'O at • redostaos from previous tea ir4,Ar Writ: le TOE OIL CLOTHS, Of every goats..l deeldoel y the largust matt In say Lou. In Us My. 7 - i'Ml McCALLIIM B 61 Filth Street, • fel*: ==l REDIICTION CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, HITTING'S, WINDOW SHADES, &c.. BOVARD, ROSE & CO'S, 21 Fifth Street, Fl2lEC:ril C=7:7=! F EBIIIIAIIY.- ' ---•-. 1868. NEW CARPETS I OUR OUSTORICHR WILL RIND Our New Spring Stork, Whiciewe are Jest opening. osequaneLl In en Leal sad varleq. sad the pilees Lower than any Kew or Old Goods to the market. of caul enallUet sad str:es. BUFAILLACID & ppLrArsrsi 12=1= GEM 12= OIL WOBKE& COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, =I Eureka Carbon Oil, 1=2:12:111 sperm Lubricating Oik CHMIdICAL LINED OIL, 1111belatim /Peilam ta Crude, lieltord ladurteatlng Otha laurd,aperfs, innalamad n.. 0111 s. P- C. REACHESNEY, Agent, 19 Iris In Street, WARING & KING, MIMI! MOMS 111 MUM II Petroleum sad its lirodueLs, Dann% Blatt, Saquesse Way, P11177311114H1. ?tEILLDXL.TILLIA ADDIZZIf WARINC. KING a. CO., M==2!MM H. M. LONG & CO., MAN 0111.07177.7.117 07 PM lIIITB BIJBMIiG OIL. Bread-"LOCIPER." ace, No, 2 Biome Way, lITIMETJUOII, PA TACK BROTHERS, 0211111381011 MaICILINTE, Petroleum aid Its Product!, errnausaii 1/11/1011-1..• salVs /11x1141.7 eonur clam wait INV sad inal strut. riftwamx.rutA 01710 X-1117 Walnut W. Lolmrs§ ma. mamma= AA. •!]]9ap} EA6III OEL wTanKs, zwwwira,zi Oevlllo. - WICNTIMIAN 8 ANDERSON, Seinen mid Denliira In PETROLEUM, OrIION. 1100 AD MST. COAXER LIAA!' 0001. =MIXT AND Dratizsms WAY. I. C. NITMIX..O. 4 1X11311..R. a. RIIIIICIIZAD SOHO OIL EVOBILS, ltanoaratars intl nave for We all ItlisdA of it. U.BRIC4 71/1 a OILS, N. 1 BT. 01.111111TUX1LT. 1101M1/1. SLIME/ & 00, pitu..ll:)l. , relfeti:D4o 4 l r. L. ATWOOD-Ml= /01,111. J. ■I'LLP.ALL 111V0011 & IPCIPPROY . BLISS FOOD* 119, STRAIN AND GAll Corot ird and Liberty Streets, Above arm • ileydavvia Pittsbargia Pena. Ught awn Heavy to order Casting, Vannened Pven.PlP , lipaelal attention paid to the Mies oat .11 W hit ot a. Oll . Bataan's. ilteembotie, .11eihni Agents for A. 8. Cameron & Cale STEAM,,,„I" 11211 PS BLOWER iNGINES. ?bass Plow km manor silvan Mo. PIOT ell CU., all el •ritry 01. u INIMILD led 140 utfr haler. rum. cerastalkthr Mad. fallatlp /CUM 16 1:90.2....10114 FATL.......ERNZT MT& JOHN L COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gss Fitters, i t st m Et r0178%31 rlAt o i rja.=l Corner of Me 'ad Walesa Streets =r3.:e PITTaBURCH,_PA. smerurs. sr. 71CREINIIAiri - , Iron Broker, 1.24 First Stroet, rrrrissomul, hest tot C. Ws Carimnit. lioasebineiv loutedza, otantkept. Olculum.neatiltrbraads oftaittraete.Y..o , - loghozy Cote &al teplant's C. U. (.16.-coal Pie *WO. tltd •ram lurectfolly wL SODA ABIL-100 casks cam arl 50 " " Ibirsi l evrinuta a km. Mil * lr ...~, EOM iL . • . MEI IME STEELE a .I.IEALCILI IN FLO Uit, PEEII. en.2l-r, And !mine, crnerally. le. 950H1lPiSTKIK.T. near li r set lunanOn. RITE 1 " : " OONMISMON KIIROHANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill 1414, sw 1199 itsxliry marr. •rmerr PITTUUU We IL. PA ROBERT KNOX, Jr I:NOMUNLIN9IOI9 JEZROILLIT. I= FLOUR, 6RAIN AND PRODUCE, 415 LIDET.TY NT.. Pittsburgh. 1 1. J. 111...LirCHARD, • WHOUSALL AND ANTAIL ca. rt. C2P CJ 30 rt. vat, 898 Penn Street. = I. al/11231. M'ELILNE & AMER, Cossuntssion Xerchantsi Malan la 7LOOII, Beata .4 PIXIDUOL ally,am No. IO .LTKIS. 10 .pate arthlarle s d mtrrh FETZER & ARIIISTRONG, Itllllllllll3Q an CtllliBlql.lllloll.lll, tv the. gsja as now, Lard, Exit. peed, Dried traits, sad P.odoeexenerally, N. la &tyke/ 8tre...,9011:5? et rust. PlttAbargt, r fer QCGOMAREIR & LANG, Whole deal.. Intlroesale. roar. 41[114 Pro due. CroTtenns. PIM elloess. MIS, Carbon Ot Nos. 117 and 174 Wood Arcot. near !AMIN, nets% rlttentrez Va. noflnaSl 1011m1. IsOrlt1r31•11.11 C0.11..*Y. U. EOM JOEL'S I. HOUSE & BIROS, Rae CisnOCn SO JOrilt 1. HOC. a CO.. WU.he isle Ureters art! Comrptsaton llerehauts, exn MM;MMii RIDDLE Yo. ISS Liberty Pittsburgh. r.., Cotanhalou laterybaat, Maim! a DeAder la Cram to' Praise ad•an let •1.1 Pittaburo flub ad•anceol es Oonalrnments, sod paid fOr r7041M, ally. • sail amua R. fr. SON, Conaminios Ili.114:14 JOlllll.l I).len In 714 UM. BILLIN, MILL rET-1) a 314 PRODUCZ rerasru -17. NO. Tlird....d..orogiul ony Han. Jul.- :teal OW 101 rain DAY. CRAWFORD, Commis -15/ONMERCHAIITInPIOttZTA.I., ISLAX/XI CMS. Wat/U.itlS WILLY LION. /MX RRICR tad CLAY. Wan and Oeia. Not. UM ad PENN STREET. Monet taraitted. Cmodzolodoto.ltettoo. del LITTLE, BAIRD & ATTON, Wholesale Grocers. rlanualseloh Merchant. end dealers In ['radar. 7lnar. Mac., Omega Ftet. Carden and Lard rltl. trod. Main miem Clones arn. use all Plttabargb enannlncterar taaerallelland hecond et met. Ihrtsnahrb. S. 11.111.M.....1rD. D. MUDS REYSIER & RHOS., (Success° r to ammo. a Aarlen....llDinleair D 111 In "MUD fruits. IND so,, Dief . tle Wal=l.`ll:::7l'h a tittrtZ7.l, o . MY. Tom B. CANFIELD, COMMIS. don and Forward., Moreltarman4 4..1.2 In Walton .1.r.?,, a.. Lard. Park. Macau. lliaar. rat, rot 4 tow: nalics,..l ors. uned T r ap . ao4 100. ran. notronnily. bar. 141 and 14.1rron, nue; rI Lt. D arc 0. •OHNaavtOX. A. WALLACA HIPTOY & WALLA(' C)) Whole L./ sale 6 MX 6101 AND FILM/ 661 DIALC {l4 No, A .1v1.6 tOrod L.. Flu aDurch. 146,141/ iIiSITEANCF. WEBTEIIIi UNITRANCE CO. Cr YETI - 14 , 11M . A.L1.2.1 1 1b1l /Id C. M :mad sit TIM. T. DEHE nab', uneretary. • CA.1 . 7. taltdkal E. L k LLD. telactul anal ..jd.ore, 4 Water Woe'. era.. .iue.. up atQa, littabarkb. tihl tame. madam. auklads arra stud Yarn .a. home lasttPatdon tramage.l by 1.71r.“-..0r who ars well known to tke comas malty. aad *ll va &Wyatt:tad by treertuptaot • suet Itherullty palstada U." aaursetar ntttek Q., hate au .eutad. as alto:tag its at pau.ettos ttos wag C*24, Cu A.m . '. 40.0 yeava. Va... J. ..:art s . Jos t c u p s i T. p 44 . ndlil atne l V .p Monists. a iatt lALT. Ca, tolcl.. not .. J , I aware • IJsrlot at. Loa,. 11, lL an= •"11. BEN FILLIIMULN . IRSU3ANCE COMPANY, N FRANKLIN SiVIhM BANK No. 43 Ohio Rt., Aileglicny, Pa. I tel... Irwin. Blrann T w. Elsrpvt. J. H. 4 2.1t1.. W. K. htewarl. =LW= DED. D. RIDDLE. Nacrstary. /IN.NRY IRWIN. 1,..143.a. OCD PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COlll/FIAY. OF rITTIP.UOUN. PA. rKirrXi FM). Mc P•W!.. '1. 1 ,, ... t' i .t, ?.. , l u rf:cN t. ::: ,,, :: . :1 f , l ' a i ..x . . 4 : :: . .....!..:11 ,..5 y ... . . ;I: : 1:t... „ : s t.e... ~. .. :1" I:: s I: tw i r , r i t ' a . 1: : ' ' ' . . ' ' C. C. 1101 q,,, Vt, rre..11... ..,% . :o n c r .l . .... ,..,.. Z. L !IJa. ii . J ' brt i ll:;4,t.- jaeo.falktar, J. C. Yloalicr. Joainh King', • Jots V amt.", Jas. H. lioplara. a. Aznbetou. J!JuT K 00! I. _ I•1:7 INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY TIRE RANKLIS INCURARCE COMPANY. OF PUILADELEUL4I. • 00Sces 433 watl 427 CIIIIIIITNITS" ItT Year W curiCr. - Weeders H. topl:.- egner, Land In. Lee. leeward C. Deli ')wire W. ale/tares. Ware • V. It''.KXE, r ro•Scat. l ' t 4' :!`"*"'M. C laL.l.aee .V GARDNIEII COFF IN, A Rent, mV Slf Wend Wen ear. 7111.0 & Woo/1 A.EO//f,iljr_jaßrStyllAN.CE CO c•avi Hank Hlo,t Irnttr r0tr..41 v 4 rot K.! Mina, :. u. 1 , 4):51:1M.J.. 11..C.Care. prat. Wk. VILA, Urarni 1 r cat 1211;71Wfa ewn., Lau. , lahr.www.k.,• W. H. 'C.c.s,. • rnbort (ZrZtP•looc't f..11:0PL129 trIANCE rxm. Pf1.,,11 city rtrlzz srr //MIX I /1/170, PIRJS aF afnn IEPANII, ESM= j 7 , - t3 711 1., Z . I , Am X. rarn n. van xvs Vitrat,, Wig vm PA, .zel r. ea tr. • cbarlem Alstructlt. • ?tar.] 4, 111,.614, vise rPasi,a Ye. A;C. Jolt', W. T. I CAM. JIV!. TOBACCO. CRIARS, /to. pnAcco: TOBA CC TOBACCO! 111 DUNNED LIBBERS, =I JOTS AZ,OZIV111) ON COVBIONYLICNT VD, PPM IL*C 61tt 411111112 Ti' , As low as SOc. per pound. ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S LTfitly litsbligel fawn ?teach eon Smithfield &Water Sty. 4011:131 OHN MEGFIAW, KLlZUrt,:ti nor nt IV 4 Waze.e. ts:l Uaalei la all lauds of Tobacco, Enna and eigan, •c-ca EXCELSICT: T7r117.17,9 R. ft 'IV; kinzilfarturen and G0a , , , ,1E. • 'for,cco, &tiff Clpie : Pips, &c. Ite ; 6 TYL7Mt.?I, 1T LITHOGRAPH E Et B. cloct•lmir QINGEHLY & CLEIB, (ue.lesusrx )0 0.. F.BNmhat• C 0..) PRACTICAL.LITHOORAPHERS, • The ONLY bTleAll LITIIOOIIA TNIf) LOYAN. LOOIIeNN L ett er He ad., MUONTLINP. Booluese ihkrThLHead., Loses, Label,. I hyaline, afh....• Card, Dtolonee, Yortrelta.Toms, Centheate e f lloooots, lav , :1Oso Co ( d', tc., Noe. 7 1 o o 4 74 Tht, t, COO. CIiAS. A. MILLI D, LI THOGRAPHER, do. 00 FOUTIVII, ST.. Apollo building CHECKS. INIAPV, !lent& Mt, and WIT 2/ell Hr./LIM, an., am, Ix, all 11,11:E01 'TE SATURDAY . . I ; " k TI) =IRE e.t.a .. . lit.Aerma:o3l IlilVel . Letze ale, the 114. of their !Dee. al 1.00 1 . 3 Oa C!.O Per Ayr And as a ONZLIIT ' ,UT drIVIL YEA/A. for rartletlars, maps; 10., •4141 res. sow, issvauxux, = =I I= =MI I=l "fi'ABITII AT Pl'l3llloElALr.—The . at undersign will ex oae to rublletab.• TAIVIZIADAT. *ARCH AIM. improved Yeelnljaliested' el Huston , . lhati,n. IL U. two 11, l e es west of New liar ...v. We s tuterel'and eo ale,eont•lning 00:1 acre. of goat laad a suitable for greater. farming or the. oultivatle of papas The whole tract le well watered hr 4 ever failing eprings. and a well of never fall tig water la the Men rani. The lend Is all he aerial,' with• vela of roll, remelt, from 6 td. le". The Improve menlearea gooolframe b ME, enatalulng nle• rooms; good frame bank ban. 40 by 6,1 fret; Coal tenaut nee: three %Dole wret trds of good tram. together with a varteLb of pear, peach and cherry tree, The inn , , will be sold althee In whole or lots. lo sett purehaaers. e a to cote maleat 1 o'clock r. A.. when terms will be male known. • _fel4:l2o awl dkir64 RATS. FRAME COTTAGE. ' SITUATE IN MtWASHINOTON, WI.OI 21% minute.' walk or the MostoeirsLels brielite. The house eon tat no Yee teront.klichen eel at aNtyeult. keg Itel.f.l_fttna.try_2.3_o.le, r p, fr~ntlni n on Ihree .lresla. On lilt lot are 41,11u1l bearing grape tines of Eva 011Strent vivie•les. wowau kinds of shrubbery. loch as xatotberrt., Va.:btu:reles. strawberries and akl.; al-o, pp h. pear, apple s` quince and eoerry loots. Will ha jell cheap•', aalutrs et sTEELiSa Bruktra .11 kral 14.t.ta /.30 No 66 aostlLled swot. .1 MIMIC SALE.,Ou Saturday • February 901. b. INC BUM lt LF MeOT ' he I ' d n ..;:. f o i t ltt e t ma t 4, ir .l' atllu . 111 , 13/1111lIce. g oal aC e tno atellon The CAi is were n tallow from Paula:orb. vaa the Ilse of tae P. tl. A I!. It. It. The how. Is ea 0,100. two elury, coulalnlt.• sly. lame r00m... all well Ca 'enc.,. cellar ceder .1! th e bait.. Ent well (etc. V. ed sal frOod lacer Roden. anA the bee of water. bertlehlere tubule* be .5 L . MAW. LIJ Utterer street. ur I naundaralaned. on 3be precoltes. A. VI. IV/VINO. Sas Cle'd. 64.1 O •Natr. Pa. 102 t: von HALE AI4D TO LET.— I ..... mid Lots WT I osdo oil Darts of ,Lo ,111,1g,1."117,;',.%, Ain Votr.:ll-r<1"2,4", toreatr acne or lad, .0 /Rood Improvements, ', Ids Oleg I will soil cheap 40 g ood reasoo•o term. llooorr Tor on g rtreors. frlvato Dorrlllorr Hoare. for not In bo th roue.. Zoe Wilier portico/ars :Ay tors of WLLLIAII Walt% W.:4am .u.a. °lnmate uu tAtk.sta. A COAL WORKS FOR SALE. A...pada of nutting 4.lolbeahele 4411 T. th eluding tenaut house, eLore bee., hate, wag ons. vohlea , ash ill the rkeeeeeley totem, ter ~ .4hzre. e e t zee hipme t tl i note a r . stert i, o lilt valhable wort... c Monhnraltelh tlyer: wilt b' h ' ee ld etje,h o vvhtir. lice! Est+, ~Z .ee. 1413. - M;Lirant it:rooe.te . Cenert Home. FAMILY • GROCERY STORE „v TOR L,lllat—ll:totag.ett Toe of the tatting . tee?: And 0..1 oelatteol. oto:1 tee owner b eek ee Sete iteneo to the ascent otlgteee nee Too. With Ar .ma tt seldltlces Ow cop 11•1 Um boo M.. 0511 be `' : 7 r l .llr l .'l - .1:%r`rd.V.T,r1 4 . ° ,71'.17.` ' PP ' T ;, It. 1/eLAIN • CO. FOR lv,ry der cable havtni I modara have., m• n. Ap;ly PA WCIII. SerE—TWo large. well • Itatard Ica R.llloUnr...a. biEng laAlat and e.lne. anqulfe of re. T.II. IIIeLAIN • co. , D ouciii!pAro r Tt4)E DOUGLAS BRICK IVIGHINE, TRW .lIILLTICIST at• KIN./ lIIAC./Ni VPT Pk rWSTED, Is •ota In fail omratlos Ia 1 . 111.1.10 , 1 a. at YAM.. No. atli balsaaatOwn Itao, and lone./ 0.0. tress , 01,000 40 40 000 Bit!eke Per Day t The efly rev hisser It-4'i Sled sow le lieges. COm Yuon,lm., pan direful Pam teseelPor I" toe Mtn, eeeloa the rip... sad ef Ar•fer. Effil=a=l R. A. °OVULAR, No. areoel. I'l , .- .* IA 4, BAN KERS.I'O ESTABLISHED IN 1837. 1.4. 35 So OP 87 ; ()TO PUILMEMiPUI/ lIJLIES II GOVSMIAT SIffIITII3. 7 3-Ifs 11115FERTIED INTO f-40s, DTOCILPI ADD GOLD dung. sed n•dd n 0 esno•ol/rInn. ben sal In N 1 . 1 1 7 1 2 ° 4111 -1 2 '7 67 1 r4ifr0 . U 4 71 . 1i rOS ITS or 4101.1/ AND •o•osol• hank. and Bank.. Yee, Ito on Ine , •rabla terms. 1.011111 , 1C0•11. • 0,11 N•VitiATl4llll nen Morita,. Itallroad 1 1 .,r •lao. tw •••1•Ii111...• 0 0 1.0 Vd These Low. add both foe* fresh Male a•di O. Tamed. had Ire to. ellotp/ot Wads of Otte Casa at proven On the lambed. All e7a••e•o( aeruelites uk•n lie as elm/weal flaiikell i•t•R . • WWI as any Move, tante Vnom. BISFICLL & CO., 933 1,1321LTY 13211312. Also an basil and for osPr. PARLOR BTOVIS. (I 3 Crl l C '" it , V,M. '''''"s. 733DA11A.C0UK.1311) ANt)22l. AA ;ROWERS. 131E1E1 FAMEKA 011 1 141ATE9 BOSH Super-Phosplale of Lime, iallormrr u 1 n., mi. THEALERIIifiI UTILIZER CO., MI WA9BID & /.ay.w.esELL GZISEZZI . _ • ffice, ESG Pecn 814 Pittsburgh, Ps, • Ile best fertilleer nd toldscoogn by all /sneers I•lin Ogee given i t• trial. the gv i ilV,let " V: c b e a• V iMiti Ling or' sn Mello. v . iveuistioorsi partoriblet eontainirog orn •Isal. etattments 11 Ibis leer. Va.:0110s or whieb DO sent tree tO MIT e their egeress. FORT PITT L ROHR FO•, . • • Capftat, $124,000., nreita..s—roir. in - ruirtotax, NeeretAry—T. A. IVIIIGHT. mips . DAVISON . _ DIENCL i dEd, Edward Dal , Una. John Mellon Mao. Dar{dirt. I SY , L. Johnston, Lai AAR et of BUTLAII A AL LICA lIILNY isirs.,tstata Ward. ufata at AUILT 6A.rin WOBILH. Wash agoon !street. • aNdfai D i e rte lEiCa=l44, MLitt IN '1 OLLIRTIT, LINZ Run e AND TILL. OWN,: 11KATtlei WHITE LIT. OLIMIILY Tura And ALTER l'lPltth Mice Ina Watebonee 4 HIT /HILT LTELLT. o" hoslte Ilnene”bela G Nint eeth LOTIIES 1 the 41 RINGEFIN ne ot maim of (lotto ro t o lodlo Dubber Depot J. It U. triaaara paltad. at al anal nat. elalt intett. !tat MARCH 7. .IS6B BU' , I 4,2 1:S LIS,OLUTI -g C+;•?A".' INEEEMI 1=•=1 LIVI NUS, r.bruirY nth, I I' . . 1)1S . IU NOLTI . .N —The I to—rai unc..rors?2,l, ILIKELPATILICIL, LYONN x CO STERLING OIL WOIISS. Imo b-e•• thly day disoolved by Yo..tual c..yantnt. ANGRY W LI( ob., 1.40n/eau,' Ms .eln, tote.. to his IS,. writers, n.. 4 fer,m .1... l 111 m. All 'meet Lod 111.1.... of the lam Or. witl be settled by lintlil'ATßl.ol; • _ JOSF.PHROO,PATRO AN1.141001 LY K ONS. JAM FS IiVoNS. Flitsbuoglf. February d. lard. C I .4I.7ELX›. , STEFILLYG OIL Vionris, KIRKPATRICK & • LYONS I MAIVIII•VICIMOS Relined Carbon OIL Office, 11 . 04.193 Liberty Plitreet, (43100 , PITTIiBUNtIH. PA DISSOLUTION.—The Partne ato.heretofore eiletlor and and style or ISCRROZDZR & 11AGEMAN I= THEDLIIICK ABHBOED (lEOMIZ U. lALOMSA.N. • HAVING SOLD ALL MY Di. TERIViT Init., late Pros to Mr. OCH.IIO/C. Din, my late partner, Into will can y on Pt boohoos at the .old stand, aa heretofore. and Who Will settle up V.e boldness of Umtata firm, all peraorse haying claim, action cid 'arm will promat them to Wm for option; and all par• pot owing said Arm will call and pal to said I.IICORU6 C. HAMM/IN. rith•no• eh. Jtheary lat. nee. felo;i7 nTSSOLOTiON OF PARTNER. SIIIY. ILe Ccerarinerselp hereteom ”Istlng be tween LI , WILY and JO/114 tnoWeION. In"ionnar elty of Mutt iren. In th e bn.lnese at y lacing." under the nthth LOWRY dt XILWISOB. IN tbl• day dleyolyed by enatuAl comat. All basloura et the WA ens. will be •ettl,n by J 111". D•Wbum. who will eupolbus the trimness al ulrt nabcl,l4.. 401.24403 lAbilyty atnbl. kniALargla. ~I 111 MAIEVYIN .1 , 41 N DAlAillthi, NOTICE IN PEILEEBY GINE% Lettreen TIJUStee that the egret:m..lllpe t rt T t drea ent un eg W. Y. LAM N.• J. T. tero InDA LE end A.. D. Aldlltendlld, under the pasted end alit. et • - LIWOETTS. LOGAN, STOOLDAYE 4 CO, Wu dttenlyed tb• iltteT LAY 07 JAN LIAXT. IWO, by the veltbdttonal ot D. AN• inttizOft from the arm.. Tbe busbies& twill be eoutlnetA by tem Late =zebus of the lob, ender the Rl= Late of • . FAWOZI.T., Jr a ISTOCIEb/LE. THOM AB /AWIJK7P, I. /AMC/MT. W. P. toro/00. 1. T. nPOCKI)• ...K/01011. fltUbPtb. Jutuary use. r.:=l D ISSOLIPTION.— Th e exablgs hannaf•roaxlstlan ander they me IfOrina t VICK an. aman and feed Mar. chants, nut Unman att.ta, • Was Mono Prod on Um Minh lent, trf matte i eurosltt. The holdouts of ohs too dim will be .Sous 4 ituul sototais of lots Ira n ttli n try JOHN Moir., JouN minryti, J. N. VICK'B. kiip 1101 WO , 1 f:1:111 1 14 F 5 The Crt Tartaerehlo heretofore eslatlng be. two, SURTO • NOL.A.N. la the Plastering teethes.. was dleaolred on the 9 Sth Feb reary,lll.a. by mutual. onatent.. The badness will be .armed on be Xt. BURNS, who will set. Ile all the semente fenn:`9l Sentinel hare thla slay 20/Wll a eo-t art. theneettap, enter tee eanne s nore le of W. a. It f.r the pott of eserying , the weehot t o boalae.• le an lta Drattehre. at No. la Clete .1 reel..• W • 11-et IT, J._ Itcral LWOW. P11T0M,66, March 7.11(4. to I)ISSOLITTION.—The Partnir breetorons <listing near r.e alarm COMM?, NOW t CO, In the lion. renting wiul al/ der. let treaty - lit, ) diaaoleall by mutual eoewalt. JOIIN MclitillTle Tee litialeema of the I.E. Om wilt be iatited EM==EMn! • - NOTICE.—The Co•rartnereldp IT:;'`ita LE : ICI OLI• : 11%11.11,", 'Bre sf MILR EDWLPS,4eaIew to ret.Wfiss, was dissol ett hy mutual es:m.4.m the MO 4, of I I. The ',stars. of We oral will le It Otto, roe-whet of the lota ern. ...ON H. ItIILAJLW. 07:.30 11A.TTwF.W ZOW4111%1; COAL. COKE, &c. C. IL .4.11.1110N0 •.• IIVIC111.2•011N ARMSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, (iaMenalli 4 , 1 1 . 1111 . ./MtirniA AND TOOGIIIO ====o It Nand K* rout um lllver, of NIVPLIII4III YOUCJIIGNMENT CAS (AftD FAMILY COAL. RoWWI .14 .rks. Yard—lWT Tin' STRUT, ar 0•• w air rd• ra LciVal, yuel or 1414rowni Of w all mill be Lroeept/r ' BEST FAMILY COAL ilivesiv on tread end delivered wontedly Wexler. 1:1 LOWEST Lux=IISTS9 , BT OSC.alit F. LAMM a C 0.,. [or. Itrat PA. V, IC. thilfil, ALLZGAI Y CM It. tdelati {JOIC tundalol.l at LE< lore.' tatlll. I.:1 COAL? COAL!! COAL!!! DICISON, STEWART & esvlttg, ratoTtit Me, So, 66,7 • LIBEATW CATIMEET. 4 114taly City noarllllll HYLVNIt 71.00:4 Arettow przyttvdtotttraltb rood Toorttornea' 'LIMP, HUT COM. eIR lIILACA, AscLo lowan martet flee. 43•Als ardent lariat tact, o=a4t, addrectec to ttcm tbruagt. Qs stall, 4111 14 att4o4c4 tc yre a cur. • MIA: ids CLIABLES 11. AILTISTIIONG, INIA.LIX IX YOUGRIOGECEST tr. 00XISIABVILLE eau Cell, I.llAak. and ZhouSpam:HAM Celia , °Tries aim YAZD, Owner of antler and mon.; Int 74tnt on Lae arty and Clymer etroets. Ninth ward, and weerind meat. near bona No I, r.. ruo nits and Man affetitrel• roppliad with Int hut wile* of Cora or Wilt at lbe Wren want ratta. orders lan mt May Of net 02131101 will Maly prompt attoottoo. SUPERIOR COAL. C. CHERRY 1. CO., !nen and A, ablpors of TlTTeltUitlal, (IA MOOR tad FAM I LY COAL. NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal Otthrscad orronolly4. sit yam of tab title,att to lowesi mann Tatra: - Ctn. ant Tarct, pour TO IOOBTH tad WAS ACM (formerly Cattalo te ISTAT,ETS. Tft,trbarsAr C. 0.801. LTC- 'o=l MEICHAITI • TAILORS SPECIAL NOTICE, To — Purchaser& of Clothing. CRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street. In Ord, to eloro oat thenr rtall luno mentor - Boys', Tenth's and Children's C/1.09C 1 1:1 I IqGr, Atoan., °Tarlac /Dada at DRCIVED BAIA BOYS' SUITS 808 $5 . 00! I= clutv LOGAM, 11/3. 117 St. Clair 6L;tcl. (1•11:17 WINTER GOODS. E HOUSTON dt . CO., Fashionable nerchani Tailors, H 0.07 FIFTH STREET, Hue just rteelTeil • secozdjapply of • Winter Coatings, ' • . Toot then vol. full 'lnes of CLOTHE,. CAE9I -111% to nod Vann bind. !Its 000020100 and prices very neasonalde. ao PH au oul of Men and n R.T. oyo , ADY MAIM ClArfHltili on band, at priors to Mt thollauea. F 1711c411DLE, • Merchant Tailor, 93j Smithfield. SL, Pittsburgh. Xeops coma:WT. bind •:aeiwortmentot CLOTIIB, CiPSIITIEBES & VOTIN47B, ILSO, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING CODS DIMS% CILOTHItett MIDX TO (Anna. Is the tateet stela, MERCHANT TAILORS. JONES A. DUFF, Nrn 3 II?. CLAIII 533E33, have _that broaebt 13om tba otht atoll onpuly W INTL R. kitn,3B, Re te.othlch ttnq ars f ly to tat led or up In alt yle equal tot thy Slop In the east or weal. Th ey axe determined to damns and hope to receive a • IMraleatroo the. ao22:thi HEADQVAIITERS won Warm Air Resisters and Ventilators, Black et Whits Taistmel ed, Square or lionnd. at BISSELL & CO.'S, No. asis LIBISS 1r rt. = ,!.%1 114:1111-41 IR EN, 'atorney-al-I.l_ Cli.:A,;• X AY, :'ittt+urjb a. cax.,, Fct~~;, ?3, t.• Virgo 1(41.4 R. homey-at-Law. ora." M. 73 Nit/LAT S•pedal at:Arit!on tiVell eokals la 164.41 EUSTACC 8. MORROW, ALDERMAN. Es-OlZeio, Justice of the W Jae° AND rvI.JOIC KAMETELTR. 41, 4 Ne. f 3 Pnesibuil hew, ittair i Ts. Bond.. Mortganta. Atkin:minds:men., Unnueltlona and at; Lent estento,l Wt. monk and dApnatcb • tdv'S - - J0.P121 X • GA3r..l: z . MIA AV R, GAZIAM 8 BUTTE R IVE ID Moneys & Counselors-at-Lev, ANDIOLICITORB IN BANKRUPTCY I= Offln., PS MUMS STIMET; I= EOM A AMMON, .1171C1E7%Z OP . TUE PEACH, Coracy.ece, heal toste ad Itumniut tom!. 041.100/1 ISTIOLXT. East POtaltmbittt. CoDealton of llentg sotlettut ova pro.tAlf attondal to. mtarrao WILLIAM IL BABSUEIL MOTTOS OP TEE /TAO, • cOLIVILYANOZU, dta.. _ . Utica, W. 5:66 KT, neatly optmg.o b" , th " lay .1111 DA-NIEL nsremEAL, 11. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN . O'Nel and itestOsim No. 159 Giant St., near tligl J P. FERGIISON, Attorney-at-Lira, rasa mrrn swittorr. 111COVID Iri.ooA. /2011. MOM W . A. Linn!, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. V.? Diamond Street. • =MI 171 . 11111173075. PL. JOHN W. lIIDDELL, ATTORNEY . AT LAW, orrunst no, 7 rouirnit immune 13=1 1= PLILCILUELL, FITORNETAL COUPSELLOSI AT LAW No. 6 Grant, Street, kfTTSBUTIGEL. PA. =1.211:1311 JOIN A. STRAIN. EXB33=IIIIUSALING Ex-Otticio, Justice of the Peace 4WD ILLOTSTILkTS, Ittlet,a2 VUth St. ppeal Catbedi el, Yrrraertana; PL.• Deets, am% lierwait, Atkvowledru..l.3. LWlNwittowt Len ! Remains ecuttul with proserotawwwWidlamttri. mills JOWN C. .11cCOSEUS, iTTORNEY VD MINK= Er 1117. No. 87 Fifth Strent o Weenstuu, B tlll an, Sad Ansi= .4 rat 0111Zt11 otoll6eLett. ¢o-M:cre9 PAINTRBS. IrstriST 14-1111 COULTER 411‘ L /LIM, Hotuse and Sign Painters, S. 100 GEILIST STISIL7L2. Pittseuxigi3 tUrreett cate,ed3V.l LIAM CARDS done to ehleir. ROWLLND_ & MMUS, HOUSE AND SHIN PAINTER, If MAINZ= .&1411 0141117.5 d, NO. S 4 DI SZIOND, ALLEIMENT, CA Lend SING done 15 the bed mane, J. B. HAMILTON, Jr., House 'and Sign Painter, No. 123 TIIIRD "WS% Pletsbargb. Gra(Wig, Gla , zing and Gilding* 44 - ....itist =mu-4m). Mixed ralats, Vat:Wm. ratty, 01Ats, ILnasbe, Tarmaalr., Mate Iwaa, Ztha. /a tramlo y. E. J. saran nt. HUTCHINSON a HEPBURN, 81„ ( E 1 f AD eanrons masa ev_aturatti AND GIJSIXES., 11 FICIPIVA. AIrEXCIIS. Pluabrugb. All ...rears by mall promptly attended to. WJZIEST manic. MeCOWAN & EINTTOEII, BOOBS. GIGS AND 01111.1 MAL PAIXT MS. Jan) 6LUIER/3 MT EILLZIB4B, 63,Ner slam Of Dlsaceaul. Atitat.ll. rolal aidatato Om mad. to order. , h‘Mrs ray pettPally aolunnt aad prompt), oz. eaated. WaalPanto ti'LMAn• Glass mot Patty 'y man tly op band. 1,11:121 ey:Civziativit I , I•ICIZEL. S. FRANCIER, CAD.PEMDIS AND DVILIMiI, • Oartmets tairin for EntlelMrs. Hu' übtang, rarrlenlar ostratloir Elm! le tra - p r u r c r u u I for roondrtes sad Stops, oi gil 61. 1 166 u ina 11. AN.* Cit, h •u17..N Z. ii.•PAI.MEI noose Builder and Carpenter. 4:b.., comer dot EARYLLS'S ILL= and UV. 1 F -IU.E. Sirlonbins sad replarbur duns with Reatteaa itn4 dispatch. • 171:bl% -Wlti. J. DICK, Carpenter and Builder: N.. ai ri.N.NnI.II.III4IA. AVILIMIL opparlts " Inare t i. r gT:r. ". Jobbing dour with neatne uai ss and dto eh. 411 °Men p.m ptly at to, and uttornotion aellipreerniMP R°' numpratir •ND . CARPENTERS. lIIJILOILYIO mut ItSPAital promptly tiltitd , • to. Ili 1111W111107 i BEEK.. 4.17. II? 7m Ithft d eirtft Ho=3 TIIE MANSION HOUSE • ( Tine TrIirbMiRMCZNET) beg to lUD noonerto thole erlends and MI6 p.blle , teikm SILL. VZSTAHLIBIitiII • IVoe :4.4 Liberty Street,. And galll continue to keep it R te. b0d5t.31.5. /be StANnIUN nag er gale bond. , only ten newly tualtlebed la %be beat style, gao only ten Inlnntes• walk Seam tea ltwroael t o.a°. •/111 tel Ibis. hones an escallop! one top at. and will be acoonneodatal say boar. day or es ahl.. Connected mill the Hogue la • tplendld Ltd (or ConCatta. nonllleo or clOtle p.rton% tskea to board to the day. week or 0,00021, with at without mon H. WAGN,E33, P ITT % It URIIIII.. CIONDUOSEE pY ME EUROPEAN PE/ N ST, 'JAMES HOTEL, 4014 407 Liberty ELL; * tinpoilte 14: trilan Depot, E i lTritZt7ll4lll. JAMES tna L6ISAILIA, Prepritta Thlt bongo lo =win built intil t Walled. and eon:cal.:it to MILL. Xallroails too Into he city. ntranniere Cutlet the I'll wrid And this very ootkvenlept and enonotatee l asp with l l ' n 'u 7t tYX. " We b ornel72l Y NY. ligtedthi;notells open at all onet tee dny and nicht. Nails and pattlen entiviled Irina popper) st Inc snort:et notlnu and rteronehie mon aelniKe ST. MUNCH 11011111. TILC.V.II2I)PEL&N PLAN. N. E. Oar. Pon & Canal Ste., I=ZEIMEMI JET E 3 JOHNSON, :Pro prieta. Ttin bone bat been tboionblr =nod Lee fornist awl, e 4 InOusbon e Is sot Oros NOTICE . TO URICUNIAKERS. --q LAY RANK 7•]R no].. ore REMY.— I have for - no or hen VIVA ACID trwr..ti•Lr AOR ^ ahl OIL ifiNt], le • 11 , /le4 Ctt . turn lathe lltserratori ortparty, •.d opposite the ...tidal.. of to - , hecllotock. Yoh . Ironing on the Tyrant]e plait toad - ,47 fret. told Ranh, back to the lloorystor. liven] Ann. mast:dew • bed of clay Moo Ito Chat deep. lord] dine, said lot to 1.11 partlY. o al w be al:danle Ater brnitarrarzahohlan. ISMAIO AthedintyLlth LEGAL 011PLLANis' et!il Es 'ate of ti ItottqdNon, De eased. Fp rlrtue of Ao order of the 0,01.0 Cour f 'he touts o S:ato of Pehlpi vows, I ot,l. amp., Co pubileplt oo the prom ca, 21sT . day of ?larch, 1868, ecttaln toter ricer or ground titula] In the tier ri sato,. co-mar ard' :Act. vane tot No. can In • tram .tr lots tald out by Crate:eat, Eras tat dr:cleat atoitilltxrc nett:hens, toutded and do.eilbcd as fellows: BeeLnutute at the corner or Mute; andtleOend careen; thence along tecand eVeet tooth dry west IEI feet; thence north 49) wt., CO feet; thence nowt SOS east rut to tbc ptsets of bentaulnd, upon welch Is octets.:. stad • half stalled lame dwe'tlhg ht me at.d •frantte Thema Or !Intl—C.6 cinch soots - mall/au of sale. ' =I •.Imwlntralic of Wm. Dous!dson, &c•e. ORPHANS' .00 . 01tT SALT:: THE UNDERSIGNED. Trustee thu, ZTs'Ard. t 7 the h otr't t ' uTo r i f'b t elee eta. of Wm. B. Smith. deCessed. Isle or to Nt ' ON2Ti&O ' n ' tiiit Vrt d "°,`". "I" expose On Vrednaiday, March Is6S, = Tnaf `At i nA L A`.7l. ° `..°,°,ll%,`°,lll:lrd'eg.t , oktorßa. on the north stde of Heaver adJolnlos land of A. Wars betas, on ' , thick L. ecteol One story Stone Dwelling_ Dime, With berliaproternente. Rod which 1. olooted with :Olt! /nit Trees, Sleiobbery. See The lot is ate or tb e tritest 10 tbei n0•011(0. P 046.4100 will Wray. 04 tit trete:April taw. • El= Ilneabalf at eoznayeatann of ode, sod the Dal •nee one year. wha Internat. secured of bond and mortgage on the praradaes. NAIIIII'L GARTON. Thug., fe l5:1=TO. p TILE MATTER OF St PFLI I=l Voiotia Binding di Los, Assoetatloa . • .• of tte CH7 of Plttotnigb, fOr i CLefter. 1,02, Raul Term, Uol. NoUde is hereby given that un •inal“ , town niulato the Coort of Common Pleas 01 All kanenY County, bf the Union ftnl , dind and Lean Aiwowiallon, of I . ltttbargh,' for a Chutca: Wish on las:roman to writlni e wheel:fins the ohteeta. euttelest eondittona.:o4 shwa, atlta or tide under "Ida they have:bean attsoetated. has been prusenued to the Court and AIM In the Pro thonotary.: (Whs. and lf no athletes' reason la shown to the eontsasw, sad Chaster will be granted at the nest term of 1013 Court. =I BY THE COURT L. A. MONTOOTII, ♦ttomß for Potltloners. ALLEGningv coxgrrig, sg. In tie Coral of Own n nem 2111111011 WrliXooP. sr bee a.O Mewl. A. 0. Nam ur, mem WILLIA2./. WItRYOOP. • 1.11D19011011% . • And now, Menlo Mk, I. 1.13. FL.LOXL. rap., appointed Conamlealoner to take tesilmo. ny on parted ilbellant and report the bate to Court. 20 WiLLILLIt Y. w 21111.001., tIIe oboes asznaa tefpOildCal: =E=2:7l That lerUl !mead for the {...pony of my .1.• oolnUneat. ftt the off. of H. fl.'liankrell, be. ettunt, rittehenth..oll WiDNESDAY. Larch 6th, A. D. fYI, is S o`elook T. le.. welch time autplato you tnay attend, ' = CM S i A.T..E. ORPHANS' .COURT , Ry vianut OF - Ali ORDE of a: rot . ..,:tl;tt . c 'Tral r ee"V4 7 lu " . EsOurday, March l'thil 69, ♦T TWO C•CLCCS P. IL.' Hair. =!!t:ATIVA=.°`"" • LOTS or solouxn Sltnate In the Thtfd lowa ot%missy. end frontlet on tern strait ft xes% end r.nedne totett, Omer%lng the some width. eo feet, Seise Lou; box.% and 210 the %Wheaten idea et 1041. • zasia,llll.oo) cash ; balance od mei Wan as Daretwerz, by toad sad ]OHS G. WALTHER, •dmMlsliator of Wm. Mira dateued. r 13:01- N THE D/STHICT COVRT, OF T Tien UNITED ST•TYLS, for the .Western Matt let et l e enetylennt a. .SlCil7•1117; llankropt ender the Act of C )4 omm. Or 'Lerch 11 It.. having. .00144 for s discamirtell,m 0 • dews sad otter elnlen• mobattie under liaid An , . by order of the Conn.' notice Li hereby fi ere:: ild si t t itiTr 4 =o h l ' egZlteirreiltili= on the 11. h D 47 OF Merton eing r atriy ia ;lh x :tt . 10 •cope[ .1 No. o.dert tarrel. Allegheny Vi e. to Pao. eau., lt sir 0.170 tretZtl h ;n=sli: g : t . td . lol.lV.tfleto It hereby &Den teat the Second and Tare Meet. the ef argedito re of the geld Ilmtkrop ruttetred by the nit gad =Oa geetlans of said Act, will he Intel Deaths the Wit /ittgliter. at the atm. time mad place. Ci f e:2 k. f , , 7. B. Dlstrl4.&X,,:•lllUakt. Afigi 4 NEVI3 . PALE. • 81111/I.D&Y. February g0tb.,11415. at 2 &flock r. K., nee undersigned. sibiaree of Ms Errata of claor.l Role. of Pitiabarga, a !'11311 ( 131 . ‘ 11 1 7dr u L4.11.1::41. 4 . 55 ::5 card saltier IS. horn la Use followlegLet ters Eaten t aa4 ',lle Cutting Manning.' town: 00.-nalr lobereat la Lett. Iv galena obtalned Di J. J. Jton. lOr • 119prORILleat in the A... a: tare at Loa: , rrae..Uilrg to Letters Fasest otitsleed n. It. Comer. for' • lmproeeateaa 111 MAW. for g.ulttarr Filer •• . One Mint internal In • • t• Co ling l 4• Jr BICRIILLIE terierlal NO. Unto bt.. ann./Maly ra. MA US HAUS PILE—By Virtue mrke ' ljterlat an or Me traded rliaTs u g fdt arten Ltat = rt cd ?tamale& la. and to ma dlrrea.d. I p oseexe to n India sale In Ine1.1( Truer da nty. an 'Vie r/ Cy, an, PAY NUR. lid at 10 Wended. A. C. One ranoaran. deserlbed property to ult. 210 Batman: Ball mad ten Itel empty Berzel.; linW =TA' :TV= I, XI Val; • ieefie9 . on4 forfeited . the property bk JOHN T. clll 2 / 1 . by Um Outwit otates. THOMAS IL BOWLY.T. P. Morebal Weston MOM.. P., iloarOtol•• (Mee, bittaborota. Feb. H. INS. - (CS • RXECUTORS , NOTICE.-Letter s Tudetunttury op. l at en Will end Tes tament of Monet Woods, f &rowel. Tile: Allugheny deeesseed, bruise' be •ti tuned to the undees.gated, omen. having Yolg:utfe=elll o r s =l n i t nutrtt 'be g: debted ale mottled to pay the nodetelmteet. In /.111.3.1tmuteelo. ealeihone county, JAm.. mic• WILLIAM WoOite. be, A DMINISTRALTMErB A h All benne, Interested We holler. tam let... at ttAmlolabollon have bean gezelAl to ahe mitmitohroett on Um estate of eDWARD r lota of lAdo hrtrosttp. deernAA. All persons 1114110.41 solo ulnae, or pereemo hoe toff chalets against th e Woe, trlll mato gmlatent prasont toe maa• to . . . • VI 1144:66:D . j ' ao; b eat -A"'"' 27i 10 routlll2'. BBL T NO'flCE.—Whereas, Letters of . R ttraiejvr er 111ra E.t.a of PHILIP wa datsbargo.ll:ie bet: rgettren k it:Va t' - . raker. all ponomrandabtad to th Estate lionpratted t.. make Imartradata payment. and ...rani claims grant% Ina sate well pro• thtot . hen, oily sattentteratd. for tenement. to e underage.. Men. fI.ItY tulyAlt ' . kal LUTZ. .10.4# U. W.:YUEN& AdaztlXis.rainni. • A D1111191"711ATOR , 8 NOTICE.- 07igkiirlg r bttO tg. U :VeVer. ornate.] ta the entlerelattrd, all persona Indent ed to said rotate are tetchy nettled to make payment to line altmlnirtrator. and 111 rename airing dal MA mid ea tate are et gentled prellent tne mune with( nt deity, (gypsy omit, to the o.dentin d. . J. 11,1 UALNDJILONTAUtrt, Admr. al 160:4 nana.ll4. NOTICE IS nEnEni that Lettere Teetamentavy nava been tram' f o t... enacere rye I • n , eatate or JAMIE, arLDILPOIIp, late of Manebeetor, (bow 'AI.- .elly a.,) cccccc •11 verso. la. dotard to told estate will nuke roomest, ad tante baying Online wall present (ben to Tlltestetri erriDZlroltD, lalatlt AMU, ZITXDRiIi ORD, . •lleelierty Lit!. ra NOTICE Et WIEUEOIt 4 .I'IEN aptelet lan teal be Ned* to Net tiov. Matt to. tte peseta ot Otis NIX. Z. •IN, tootteted et So. RC, eept. eettlont. U on t tat. Of ntteNtAtteter. Nanette. d Nev. 9.1e7. CONFECTIONERIES, 1&o. SZUNDAY SCIZOOL CELEIEIRA. TIDY& P/ON/Cii,DlpitiSB 1.. hitnlththi with Um hot , CO NFZLITI E O S h htt a itt r d to lowest Frt.ssdChtKe y s, • try ...T - CrirETAJ 7.0.X0181.2 . 2:1127. No. Id in-t.W.2lv. Allthrtettf. lett.ivo HENRY !V. TIODUACLIk' . Confectionery and Bakery, li. 100 13111.1111MILLD UTBEET: Tletweee'BerTenth and labeity n11:13. OPITItti ..ALOON attathed. GEORGE HEAVEN, • CANDY MANUFACTURED, .. And .leeler In Yore!en fled Am:lege 'mum. Rilled, de. ~ir A .t r. n nu .sri t v 4 n: olC ' or t t :e STRYES I STOVES ! FREDERICK SCHULZE, Coppi.r. TL wad Ilk”t gl,4o=l4=grigLlMM4( %/IA tI ittWWtdeatiLllZOT fr.4eur. Jobbairand liapartni!yrolarty :FORM •PECR, ORNAMENTAL s , HAM WORIGSH , A 2,11 PILIISSIMX/3, gs reartg Sent% 091 , dog= Wood. siting..gars.i, tuts' gangemsni r 5740 1 . r Wel 0: 3 /0 a t 0 I Hair. ' • Is4gs. as 7 stallezatrOs gar -cutting daseb 000 u. 0.0.. 0 n 0,010.0 at.incn6 n 7FM.97A s A n g.`iia.i TEM REPORT OF FIEREN S 4i.ira l iroVtekAr4.7"' "..‘ d"*""' 1111.11111N910N 11111116i . 1V . Is the City at eh .y, Is on ale at U. ones sod yds be opeh for lespaetlett tustl I MONDAY Mu. 14. CHAS. DAVIIi s thlestel CRT saccaehr. • II 'll6 OrNESI kttoUrtE. wk. ltavnar. O" . T. HA..• .. • ... . 4 .. t I 0 • To, Verrne, g a o 11.5• a Is tte 0 EgN••• , .. N , rti, Tilt LUttI.E. ,I A 0 N. At'O.L. IS., r 1.7,1.. :VE , INti, IS.f4 ELIZ WV. WitO ‘.e nrmr.iie Antlbt :he K t . KO. ' lik./1 , 1:11sr . ate 14 . :r"MAsoNT lIA LL. INIMEtiSE SUCCESS The Royal Conjurors LOGRENI/L Five Nights Longer,, Telnbday. Tharsi Traisy la Fatuity, .111n6 3,1, 5, 6 iisd 1. I NE; AND VARTLING EXPRIMENTS Will be Oltreied.' TRZ AIDE iI IP pleuleg pad %meet.. Pea... 2 . 6. : i 100 PRESEXTS 14111 be Distributed I=l 25 cent.. kola Y . altillT Ticke a ts. silolltltot perso al CO. tiit ron's TPlista, lot atattaca 0a17.. 1.6 coat... o qt. °Pam at 7 o'clock.; to c , ittateocci 11nolt.T. It. T17.41,1.1.X Ascot P 111111.111.71, Maltase, • • 7/14.151111,111.1.7.aat Agant. ' ItgeritoF. COWPEWS Vashialable Italatiag de wt tal New Avenital uoac,. 5 t IF.II osp4ilte the Old Theatre. New Clued now MManta.on itUatleLlCo, WYLINESoIe el wed aTeninAlra. tants.. Jemmies. Rad Mims• ClMINti Y. K. OeneowenW Ulan at It Welaele V. It I Viol. tgrANLltesin he wen eaLy at Ina wzatztr. or gt. Charles ilote , . when lam thla ti obi.a.hlird. Hanle /et to beioet Pare ttaa , • • • • • Is11:122 ranpUOß. CAIIPE4TEWS DANCING ACADEMY, PEI A) HALL. No. 75 Tlstl4l ttrOst. now Ira Mes: , .14"streVlicPsr. Days t ILLI•kos sad Seism Terms Si HS Zsen.lngra los su.saSt—loesday ssd Slims?. at So.elosk. Tenn 410.00.. Sasso every %Sunday create s as .n:101 BAN -il-Alll;rlßw4 KART, CAUGHEY it CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORFER THIRD AND WOOp STREETS 232211 (BOOM:MOTE TO RAILI, Okra a, Geo Exchange, Coin, Coupon*, • partlcalu anima= iled tia vsr GOVERIVMMET noraium. ==EMEI N•lelas•- . 4:.'loiik 51:t.49,-INTIKTO2)&I,MO', N'o. 57 Zrarket Street, - I rreasausam. . . Dirvalta ncarnmi rungis ar.d.Clzerency,. 130111 . lona made on all the prizelyn; polats Oa Mated Statei and Oaaadu. Siodo, Bonds and Other Parities 2rovBirr Ittiv BOLD OF vontlOmi33 - : ;• hartlezdar attantlON ➢at6 t, tat cntEtzu If; F 4.: tgeena-ittei, .0.44 U. E. arzto or MA ao 116110 S: u. 5. irrm to-ima.. • U. 5, CanTIIICATES 07 IRDITX:43.7ZUS enlerit Vonehersbcraght or c.,11.6111. )4,6417 KFIMNIII SAVINGS BINH, 298 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, 11. THIS BANN. WILL orsx A Gen6al Banking Easiness, dl 411111 1131M11101, 04 aten.hty. November nth, hat. Asumits of Banks, Banters and lterch . ost.: of • latifod. Coll.:40u mule on .11 fe.nts In Lan Itnitoil Stow. aid Cututo. Inwood allowed on Time Deposits. • . - U N ITED • rrinS sEcußniEs BOUCHT AND 1011). fiTO. T. TAD. MIMS. tliohlfor. WESTRAN MIN OS B. 1, Loo. 59 FOlllr IA area. 40319 =3 lateiZitt Paid ea Ttae Doposita, •a 7 ....waved teem Ono 'Zlonsur Dapol AL Ats matd..l. to Obeid. witlmscat Inters DIZ) 1 111T2 DAILY. A . Z fresl t—TBOMPSON BELL.. Vice riesidentA. M. MARSHALL,. DLitt -tom: - M:Art.6ow BALL. • 4..1. ercsasinr • JO.. DlLWoilrlf. A. ILAIAAAStaLU ZlOcklitllttas to whom we .ILICITICHIcIICILi ' Plawltt • ' Crilllgthsen. Usury frasojt. L. W.O.Ws% A. IL Brows. 'Vt.. ;q. oRnINAIgcEs. CE nv.. l , o or v e llhorize mdiW;vei"jia . Snarl<ly I. Be ft ordained and 'mortal by the Salad owd Comfort Coptelisqf Ida CU, or 4111. newly. dirt; tft fs Amity ordained awl enacted by r• cudhowllthelf the same; That the Comtaltuat on • tweets be. and war ant hereby aothorised end drteetedAo hilt° mid melee propesal• for the t t ra k ding Alia porton of hantre s. to thr Cear rit. l 4,Arg4gtr e ;<l,7,l. B tan '''' n .4l • ri b aTtV:lllll:;.% - lgIrdtg7::1;'1: - street; add fought, arailloirof ref etta street the torts., brthrth. and tor parlatt Me same from Kidwell,. Volta. street, and to contract there for ealthOe lowest and best bidder or bidders. at their ererton. • Enc. That tl o tpmr . l.lo, 4'l •;od ° l7 err. TX. otto Id assessed aponthe ertrer4 lota bound. • Inn and Spurting up/alba said street* awe tlie 5 . 10 to the feet aTto 'n u t o•PWAratfttr:lTV.Zore7:2 4". and rr,C., Al:nut as soon no the tun and tor eases ft.:2,l4ParT:gttef blen d, mac =at aet to artertiamd •pportiao Utz , Immo among tee ear eral tots trieudloo ea a abo rt ion apes VW/ wheat a ud th e 4 14 unar feaDectiverai eceardlos to the rule .rre indluted, end thereupon proem., to - mete .ahot and conert them/ow according to - the prort•tottsof Menet of Met:emend Art embry " of the COitmeowealth of reams, entlLl•cl •• to Act, .ntsir• the meaner uf collectMa the expo ow ;of eroding nod Dayton of the streets and .1141 Of the Cita of eAlegh.7.- and for "." pegge d . the talstiortt dal 01 ' gat so much Of ear ordinance as Mar conflict With or he reb y enpned by the foregolog, he - _ nal the *tamale hery repealed. . • " ' Ordalorta end enacted Into a law WS the 37th day of February, A. Jr. Mt. - • • • • E J•ellrt 8e1i817.7 • • • I'm/dent Of AOKI Council. • Attest:l;Th Ma et crennalt !..t134" of 8.1"206"t01t.V.13-- - • • Presta.t of Commoo Council. AttedClßConior orzwonfu. cart of Cosmon Connell. =ha A E N ORDINANC • elating to, AN DOT.Ext ur letelang. , - •, eraztlYal and <neatest by the deleetelg, ammo. Commits ef VW Clive Ira. fluty. en§g a re hereby erstalneil end enooteeng Instlioritsfrof the /teme....That • on end arse, the pusses at Stall 0 VIAIIILISC4I Al shalt be Ow dissent Vietnam p e nnon... 4 tO weir damages ad Dams els for Oa 'Vented, mleerdror or extending Or eek rikentee slier the amen atlas of their reser,. Sao before teeing ‘Ye lame Worn Cosset of to glee remold node* to •11 Inr.l[J, taterute4nitlestallng arterxle day. and War • for litereetlon of the asseussentt. sad •rear.. roes plena Inns Dv Iles la Sntertet. rite 2. - ri hat so meth of eer 0rd.... el MY Outlier slltb. or be =Wise by_teol foregoing. be sna 511.115 It venal ape day " ain Orded and nee teen e 1•?: President of Wont Coartell. ati' %3 3 ;r/tetf r ite x let - Tilaneil. • - 1•.; - • Ju s.. • President or Comma. 6 U L om g. Aunt: -Roma lltalrOrra, Clerk °emnon Connell. . I.OERY STABLES. M . EIIpV.ABVP LIMO AND ,EIALE NTADLE. J. W')%lCHllittClll, PROPRIETOR; aim su Asp us rains mu= :I;.lN:Ct•MemUitta , ilokl4 Wa • V i •WeZ.lgia% a tti S ma r M 42 a ais iUI4 =ow spaaAxv..--..nsxmci. urroaiT. 1101:FIAND hlrfeagL,®rs and Sale . Stiblesi i . ipmeirsrry wrrattlei' " • . . • • . .1- • oppoate,g.i.syhaohß•kiho u t lksou - 1-4 • 17' PITTBII3iLIFICH.' .• . . itCr Y.:41.1 MS. OZIS iat4 to ten ttldpi ;,. ...• ElcatiorailCarslages for funeral": • ' Nunn :pt at Ilvalr. . utrivys , ...7 ... . 11 . 7:t410; - . t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers