11 littsburffir -eaytts II II SATURDAY; MARCEL 7, IUB THE IMPEACHHCIITTEIiL The Senate having yesterday'notified , Abe "Ifetuse of its readiness to lira:end with Ike Wei of the President, It is 4X , peeled_ that the minegere will take in the - Arliclot to day, in which awe the Senate lent to-morrow resolve itself into a High Coin of Impeachment an issue ifs . . lIIIMITIODS to the President to appear at Jts her on a day to be Axed, either in 'Pip= or by counsel, and answer to the (articles eihibited. When he thall have waned In obedience to the ItLIIMIODII, watering a plea of "guilty," or "not guilty," a day .will then be designated for the commencement of the trial, which, ,then tio begun, will proceed front day to day until Its termination. The sum. mans will probably be issued forthwith, and the appearance-day may be lied for . tomorrow, but, after a plea is entered. - • .11 tellatinable period wilt be allowed to the President for the prstieretirm or hie !Infuse. The edminencessent of the Irbil should not therefore be looked for before the next week. Two additional articles were yesterday reported t y the liatngera to the Houle „wad „adopted,—one being substantially the unto as proposed on Monday by etIL BVTLYLE in the Moue by way of fluseadment and then rejected, and Other anew article, said to, be drawn qttiby ;hedge - Steno/as. Than uticles : - . Ultarge the President with designing and :AijkisoUng to alt aside the rightful an • and powers of Congress, by - ';bringing._ it into contempt, and by ins; Jlyitingand destroying the regard and respect fn which the legislative power :darald be held by the people: These .two new articles apecifying Mr. Jona :`sows public speeches in support of the .:;:nitarges, differ only in this, that the ark etteeltiapnblic declarations at Washing * August 18th, ise4 at Cleveland, September Bd, and at St. Louis, Beptem 'ler. Bth, while the other confines the case Maim Washington speech alone. lire a very great- mistake to appose _:that, In adding the two Embsequent Arti • Clea Of Impeachment, band upon the President's inflammatory and re•voln i - : lirmary speeches of 11360, the House . • yarn been governed by - any' apPrehen i donnas to the Inaufflelency of the Artl- Previously adopted. 'Stints simply , Lrepognized and conceded the . . Universal .. mblicdemand. Now that the business-. the tiro years threatened in at lain taken i friliandoltat thorough work shall be i *de - of It—that not only his reeentand t cdnfesaod.. violations of law shall be -,•,:•chamect against-the offender, - but that ' lawhole 'official- career of 'Easel:dive tteurpations and ' eneroachments, his .. ;, , untrfire Upon the constitutional nghts of the lair-making power, and his arrogant :;__unddeapotie refusal to yiedd to 'the . will people for the enforcement of in the rebel States, miter the Abdo. . :..trdrs recnritf of all the rights' which it • - -Eat four years of agonizing trial. to es ,:;takddakt a" title to,sll these crimes ll '.)iddiated And set clearly forth in' t-'01:110 , 11ght of his own inconaisay and f,slriationableproclamitiona of War against Congress—shall also now be Presented against him for judgment... We believe thitheitill be found guilty and dismisse.d • frons. the high Office which he has so =kneed long before the Court reaches these two articles in its verdict, r but it wl3l dually pronounce, Tian there, not ' 'dr that Annasw Jousson has viola :-.AidePeeifled laws, but that he has been fere , three years the great obstacleln the way of Union and Peace, and shall be dealt with accordingly. That ; Is what the additions to the indictment man, and no citizen need hope, or fear, that Congress is faltering in its high par . pose, or doubtful of its triumphant inane. _ . is but indifferently eue , WU" . liy,iotan of bin eabinet °Meer*, bls couuaellor;" u be roy entitles theni. Mr. Seward,.whoso eau- Yid evidesitly. anucientions /LIU, oftho facts ttiStiTe to the s atiate: .---datiadias" between the Presijeat aad ' licaerti Grant, as to the continued oc: ::'capattai of the War Wilco; was anything hat a cordial endOrsemeat of- Mr. Johnson's -opinions or allegations, is txtmpletely unknown to public rumor or ..ionunentuy in the stiningorents which hero sincii followed so rapidly. .. He , dots nothing - , • stye - nothing, and eel 'Tithes to to onisidered an en Italians quantity. in thi lasing game to tildeluthe - Ft/Trident has committed - tom: , And. now "still later, Hr. Keen], . • fochitas felt it to be Ids duty to direct amidst &nails 'connected with ,the New' Ifaqc Custom goose, contrary to ihis jr.:IIfreCUDJUI of iho rq:eCtitire. • The fiseretuy of Cm Treasury is shin. is the tied ore:went events,' to Obieover 'nod the:properpaih of his official duty; ni/mser ykidiag his owls diaireion otMrs. Perry's fileini ink tio Ppmjaent was hitkamsd ctuu Mr. 11cGullOci;.hulibui dbirlpided his wishes as - to-the matter. '1111;tost Tort, -.llly God r. be exclaim. ho trsit?'' Thu ; i , Taats by oneilds few hiendiind pawns' 'l . ,":4BlSsilintii are desextisX last: Itstennunut :Samar' ar — ints cones= Ina the. , Mimi- Tenare w after the coinnuatnatkii orinineleh 7. . .,:Assink, ghat hn round an emtnrrassnient. sot there in this anticipetfon. tcqwent terms of tbeComettution ;Z„VisiaitinittiAt nude to particlpete TO the • ,,, nlPlatelltbd pones:lt. in , authorized' to "'llyar;rsohieen be.fotenind, : : and ocOn• nOtT atistisiiidk - if Tsbnitnee !Inn of wiesztemoinfq ~, easst. itreag tendency bee Pionlhid tbitty yeas - to *inter this tiittral: -,1,..ilia011100.0f•• the:Benniqi; k! =aka t4e snonarch,,elected ,finta ten* of jiiiirs;" . and to'easke Oieeetein:liinder tbeCktecilinteitt depend .-.-APP61141.5 Ask (or .eonttunance 'at jironto• •,j 7 .1 t is flew to get haek , ironk this 4iiicioas s groto4 taiho'agid tdiitia or „:,:..Lopogioul ideas and habits"; No'reiiira is raoin'eerestali In Vali Of bipeachnient.. Queotibe gnesteseneedsot.thellepob ::,j!O fOrsl4ll ge4Eeratton 'bes tient . Oneti 44441i0n. of Ulla j/IiirOL,POFOr. ss i: ,, :VOlidtertlthe 4!espotin tendencieis la „ ctft Tbst arm ot• 'cosern• lastat bat steadily ' totem:bed , OW the t ' .. .;4o.fitoi'seeklog to **booth:ill entborli reinibllane isnOnstienis ; 4 S* bef - inibOthied among - ..eufcif the -Pgdias to iegblita.Publii , enallideerses - to:be ceasaltd;: their en- I *net 11 !•• 4 9 ' .6 ".i ia 4i ;:• , ibnits4 sklo isti :in COIL gtOnle - I pesebed and 'deposed; -win Prealdeits,' reit alOog"pefiod, ~ o 4seep ea theirkiiitneene-epheee.: 41A.,.:ti euict~su,'l,vt.caz,rere the Erna, pewter by tha *tho' were *tended bs, the bid, or the septemitstiTee. The Dem- .zottalters ' who mused to take . • • P 4 O - .1:1. 1 .4 2 . -PeigatistiOn.a. ~ .Ahliflooso la the boll of tbo Homo, by % 21 1.1oWnetbitthr to recogolt,elsappitiidy .;.;Ara 4 itl6 l Proooodlit. tbo formal!,. 7 11 es "of the tighee. • Coiret of lattice known l a bilecce. 'dela iitsioloo of I §o:ViecOatit;fo r xil ll l7q2Nlann: except Akaropiii, colicateeeth . pure.- sea - bibid r 4 1, 00/4 1 t • .Tbi4 itill Wok bettOr of it - sitit - ' rellett-opOn to ;Itteqk tire with Lllhfgl reatairity. Chreciluesapokaa 'out tfiroligk ler Ra. Carrfer4kta,3 l 444Pler7 , -day, far erracand,Wade, for hemicitmt and Vice ,Piaddent. ME SEW ARTICLES It is said that when Judge Cif LIZ was impeached in 1801 the article on which he came so near being convicted was that wheretrr he was accused of making a disgraceful harangue, which the Arti cle declared was "highly censurable in any person, but peculiarly indecent and unbecoming In one occupying a high official position." The Article agalnat Mr. Joisasox, reported from the mana gers by Gen. Bcr . rtan, and accepted by the House on Tuesday, adopts the phrase elegy we have quoted, evidentli taking the Cnisr. Article as a precedent Re fracts from the Washington, Cl/ached and El. Louis Speeches arc cited as the basis "of the Article arid the intent la charged thereby to bring the legislative poser into disgrace, impairing the pop ular respect and exciting the popular odium and resentment This article AU adopted against twelve Republican votes in the negative. . The Buienan article refers to thiPres ident's speech of August 18th, 1866, at Washington, .which silinsed Congress to be a Congress of only a part of the States, and as not fully authorized to ex ercise legislative power, to his effort, ' pennant to the declarations of that speech, on the 21st of February, 1868, to prevent' Beiretary Stanton from ' assuming the dates of the War Office, and thereby to preient the execution of the Tenure-of Office act, to his unlawful contriving and devising of MCILI2B to pre. vent the execution of the Act of March "d, 1667 , regulating the transmission of • military, onlen t 3 the army, and to pre. 'vent the execution of the Reconstruction Act of the same last'. mentioned date, 21211 charges that therein the President was guilty of a high misdemeanor in office. In the Washington "Pooch- of Angola 18, 1888, Om referred to, the Presi dent, replying to ki.r. Reertini Joni sow, who In behalf of it Committee had presented to hint the resolutions of the Philadelphia Conrention, thus spoke of Reconstruction, of his own part therein, and of the XXXLIth Congress then ex isting 'Lithe work progressed; as reconal iation seemed to be taking place and the country becoming united, we found a disturbing and moving element opposing . ea • • .„ We have seen hanging, -upon the verge of the Government as rt were, a body - called, 'or which assumed to be the Congress of the United States; in fact, a Congress of only . part of the . States; 'We have seen this Congress! assume and pretend to be for anion when: its every Step and act tended to , Ferpetuate Manion and make a dierup don dt the States inevitable, instead of promoting reccumiliation and harmony. Its legislation has partaken of the char acter of pertallim, retaliation and-re venge. This has been. the. course and . the pohcy of one department of your Government... The - humble -- individual who Is now addressing you standee rep. resent/dive of another department of the Government: . • • • • Welters seen arongresagradually overreach step ty_step upon Constitutional rights and _vittlate, day Sher day and Month after month, the fundamental principles of the Govenuaent. We have seen a Con gress that seemed to forget that there was a Constitution and that there was a limit to the sphere and scope of legisla tion. We have seen a Congress in a minority assume to exercise powers, which, If allowed to be carried out, would result in despotism or monarchy itself. • • • • When I look with my mind's eye upon that collection of citizens (the Philadelphia Convention) and contrast it with the collection of gentlemen who are trying to destroy the country, I regard it as more important than say Couvendori that has eat, at teem sham net" - Where'll:ter portions of this remarks . . Ida spec may be especiudly relied upon by the Managers to sustain that Article, we are, of course, unable to say. The whole tenor and effect of the harangue is inconsonance with the spirit of the . mileages we have quoted; but generally - - - - morn guarded in language. From his first word to his tut, the speech* bear no other construction; and must have been expressly intended to excite popu lar distatisfaction• with the law-Making power, end to initel:lm it 3f pomade into as open reeittatum. Forgetting all the other arbitrary and tyrannical word. or deeds of this bad num, bildic up only.' the, Washington speech_ and learning for the - tint time, 'from rte decimations, dentmelations and inuendoes,. _the state Hof political affairs in the country at that moment, no fairmiladed and intelligent 'raider could avoid, being shock ed, • and epee/led at the danger to:liberty • at depicted . by * sneaker If hit words Were to be be. lieyeal• , or correspondingly incensed by the reckless and revolutionary .molt upon the came of PublieLlberty.Loyal ty. tolhe.lizaUti and CMaiituticaud Leg islation which - it really was, And its perusal: in-day,' in • the light 'of.-the Presidertits Whole. linteninidiate .iareer, -does -not more intificiantly stir up the patriot's heart agiiaet a ChiefWegtstrioe Who &addle* dmedthtui to, belie and demonize lhesupreine legislative power of the people, *a, at that day, in all , our Uncertainties end anxieties as we re: i dangeersof the crisis, did every loyal Man it the land. MeCtlite the UM tar-wher sought in the subversion of law to promote thrends of -lilt own wicked embalen.:i Tru'lelethig - of patriotic indignation Coned expreldoit everywhere in the loyal States in the press, lathe largo Obllo ndx?tinell Which - were _instantly Beta,mafa*go uak. a Firma citi zeas,thedssiax tunupattoils and tres- ;sonable:ia of the Ptasidaid wake nappluiney dopuncial. Oaf cram Journal-faithfully ezprean'ed the pab:fc iliiireald<lll/ . (and prdphetkany Ludt- Cited lin Attain! dizdni and the P6Per remedy, irlungintlfe GAZ*I7II of dug not,. 2011, an'irficlo "wr4tea la the nay raometA whoa tho . ..people! wore. shwa. stunned by -Aansai► Joints°n's elcked an aPitY; concluded with . theft wank, ”Thla .znan,has zoower, unless !nem:heti, fat tw r oyars end epwerdi.. .Jeto yttattt . lazthorl. exctitieeti no will photo it Is unsafe to piediet. But, judging him from the past, even Bober- odollaiasoilir . biiireaaon'to look upon _ figurer with . spprthenslon and alarm."": --And,' 'llona •that 'day to , this, the. igaitiduly end the Imperative neces. • . laity : for impeationenC has I DOll4 rocog ftizokairlizrged by many tilionghtful and saraest,friesda of the Digitalis. The rirolatbaa oferad In Congress' la. /*for 'mkt Pu,sfNite'i . . . Mr. Loa:, or Mi/Med; 011 the 7th of Jaamry eftralag, bat failed, like all gab- feiient itrer l l4 lo p.s 'vf itto same cur- id/matt' thi itiveent, to receive the alt. Vt i 'Tlaa thc! Hoag, „, 131°1,4 ,last; the 1111)/k Of crushing a rebeillea la *llllll will b• crowned by triwital ,ilrOctecitail'ander the Conati-. . . titt.ion and LIII/010 purge_,tworpation and treason trots tile liints photo of tbo State. T . lie_Groadj,go;4Lortha peopla'Sste settled stport their Indictment sod It wu j.00 2 1171 . 0 1,1 1 ted to the Simate.• Alter I* PrFak a n ai i. CM". th° trial Will •1 • . osofpriotecuted to itscou ithste*r -the rutin my A. 0.431,111 ,tri*ltietced !i *cords which bar noeitit learned to dleobei the 16rs oxio„Jairtifs inch - 4isobedienco in ginicitiniowibe Aigheat ' , nibs lowest. firlustrictlrk and: eddying to tie. •YeiiinciAli in - l'Avor . or peficiellt iii t!toyf Repablicaajaarnals 4 .0011W04 0 .i.0aa# 04. ago de. snsinend' thavotojecias s usham" and s . 1 1 . 11eb.M. -- nrifs#thelbsock of public opiatoalllB Altteit'anif, WWI deigotii tic flt~, they hare iblited with it. PITrE'SBURGH wEE74 mr-A A 19 A (i r 4 G . NTABILITY 01411)I3it COVERICIIENT. When we have caiSidercd the fete of ancient republic and the growing evils of our own, as our cities have increased in numbers, wealth and vice, we have sometimes for a moment doubted. the permanency of our cherished form of Soletnment. - The advantages may far exceed the disadvantages, but the igno rance, crime, unscrurulous character of many party leaders, ready at any time ' to resort to the worst means and endan ger the dearest interests of our country to secure their success, the willingness of our best citizens to be led and to vote for the men designated by a few ambi tious and often ignorant and unprinci pled persons, have compelled is to see some dui; spots in what we have been taught to regard as unclouded bright fleas. The past few years have tested our Government in new and unexpected ways. Iteretclaie we had enjoyed smooth and rate scar, for the navigation of which our great chart amply pre pared tui.- We had encountered no gales or breakers to test the strength of our hark. The power and grandeur exhib eted as we have moved steadily and firmly and successfully on through a most formidable civil war, in which the slave oligarchy, well combined with large numbers of Northern sympathisers, a navy scattered, an army largely con- ' trolled by Southern men—a war hi which Were marshalled the largest armies ever known, with the moss formidable en gines—have been the height of the sub lime. Dilitlenitica not anticipated and not provided for by the Comdinition had to be met. Then came the sudden stroke taking Odour great and good leader, without turning our gallant ship a Keel° point from her course. To provide for the large war debt, equitably to put on the tax, the least to cripple trade, and to restore the "erring cistern" to the great famlly, - Involved great difficulties. And this, too, had, o be done with an officer at the bead of the Government, ignorant, self-willed, vicious, and a traitor to all the dearest interests of the land.' And now, our loyal Congress, haying long held firmly to the teems of the war, to a form of reconstruction which would save us from &tune and from a loss of all the expenditure of treasure and blood poured out, have impeached the head of the na tion, who wished to surrender alt we have at such vast cost gained,. to rendes, himself a despot, who despised the rep resentatives of the people and sought to swerve to his treasonable purposes the itiserals of the army. And although events are marching on rapidly to the, removal from his high place of thii man, despised by all par ties, whose rule was commenced in drunkenness and continued in madness and rage, after the first few days all is calm and the pulse of the nation is. set thug down to its accustomed piece. This Gomm firmness, this steady' ad. herence to the right, this diaregank of men of whatever potation if wrong, this encountering and overcorping of difficul ties of the greatest magnitude, watched by enemies eager to witness ruin rather than the success of the friends of free dam, give' assurance that fears are groundless; that we shall outride safely the gale, and when refitted, we shall be able to maintain the great principles of our goyernment for ages. Without commotion, without blood/shed, the President will, we believe, be removed from office and sent back to private life, where only the disgrace of an Arnold awaits his memory. In the events of these few years his history is without a TINE SOUTH NOT AVRICANIZE.D. Let our Democratic friends possess their souls in patient comfort; the South ern States, although containing a mitt Mon of free • CitiZillß not more than nno-hilf of whom are white, &meal very far from being Alricanised. The white race even now largely predominates in the control of public affairs, and could may wield a still greater Influence if it would abandon Its foolish and danger. one policy of non-action under the Laws of Congress. In Virginia less thin one. fourth of the Convention are - colored man; in Iforth_Caroliria Ins than one' ninth; in Kiasissippi less than one.tenth; in Louisiana they have a majority; in Florida they are one-fourth; in Georgia less than one-eleVenth; In Alabama one. fifth; in Arkansas less than one-Afteenth, and in South Carolina they are about equal. !There is but one Southern Con: Tendon which they actually control, end in all the rest their minority is surpria only amalL And as, by the Constitu tion, Senators require nine yeer and Representatives . raven years of citizen; ship, at leant two years yet =lit 4 sPie before the white race can be deprived of Its exclusive tenancy of the Congress 'anal/WU. • Wrrn ALL the furious gasconade of Messrs. Bnooxs, Woonwerin, it Co., 1 their mounts and indignant.: denan.l tiations of the Radial designs "to over- I throw the government," to "demroy the temple of our liberties,' It Is well enough to understand that they are merely talking for btu:mind*, aid really have no anxieties In the matter, except' to LeaprOve all the current Chances for Making a little Partizan capital: In point of fact, they not only regard the Impeachment, and its result In the eon. notion And removal of the E.:maitre; as settled thing*, but int/theta regard them gs really beneficial to the 'latereets of their own party. AS President, with no party of his own; whom immense official patnmege elreadj Ore:dent to deirwrarme the Democrauc.OisinhAtion bat has utterly failed to al/iittholtipub• lima ranks, amen whom they dare not take up us candidate, tint who, if nog, tested, could and no doubt wooldteebar•i ram their whole campaign, is, for all practical uses to the* better out :_ot the way . than r.maining in his Hence they have no I:mit/dims; prfistra. ly,'at Washington and elrawhefe; in ex. 'their real scntimentS. I'4 ex. ample, in the Bonne, when the two addl. Clonal articles ware presented sod' after the adoption of the first one ; n corroe pendent seys • • • . , Mr.' Blog ham presented en article, which he said had the unanimous atm. port of the managers, and called the pre. lions question. Messrs. Brooks and Eldridge :got tip .general laugh tin entries as to whether it was imperiling enough to print. Mn. Butler watt over and bald a little levee with these:sod . other Democrats, in which them wee an immense amount of good humor visible, and while the voting was in progress, Mr.: Eldridge and" some of the rest went down to Mr. Bingham's seat and had a laugh. The feeling which prompts this conduct of the opposition creeps out In all directions, and Is but Mut of the total lack of real sympathy the Democrats have with Mr. Johnson. ' !te yet, not onion the floor, since impeachment be , came the earnest thing It now' is, has imprmud the House with the Idea that he wee in reality a friend of the Presi- Tux PKTLADJELAULA Puma, regarding the lconstruction of the Oonnellolllo Railroad as not only a Ceridnrj but a 1..: mod an accomplished: fact, predicts,that its lonstruction will cut oft from Philo delpbla a: large portion of 110 Wed . :it . Wasiern trade. which will seek theneif "shoit road to the sea," end urges that a drainage an injaricms be "headed off," by the construction of another line from Conhellsvile eastward, "via Sonterwit and Bedfbri to Chamhersbmgh, au4 Folougsd la time. tkroto getijiiblycrnildior n ezaaiu glj Aria IT" bargi fq oar Patt.! MEDICAL COLLECIits FOR WOMEN, A Medical college for women line been organized it. Cleveland, under very favorable auspleert. The Board- of Trustees is composed principally of women, Mrs. C. A. Seawall, M. D.; be ing Prr.sitlent, and at the close of its first term, or course of lectures, a few days since, several degrees were con ferred, all of them honorary bat one. That only a single graduate should thus hare acquired a degree is readily 'ac counted for (maths fact that the project for the establishment of the College It-, self was not entertained until Into last autumn, and west then suggested and carried Into effect, is consequence 01 the refusal of one of the other three Medical Colleges of . that city to receive the female student who has now the honor of receiving the first degree in this new College. It Is stated in the Cleveland journals that ample arrange ments hies., been made. fur tlie next winter's coarse, under ablet.prefeasors; a bespital is likely to be added, and a large attendance of students is coed dently expected. We regard this movement at Cleve land as a algaificant mark of the pro gress of social knowledge In Ike Inter pretation of ladiviinal duty, and in Its application to meet the needs of sneer ing humanity. Tho tendency of the ago is toward the elimination of specille truths from the results of social ex perience, and to their practical applica tion In all the business of tie mark!. •We are no longer content will, vague generalities, bet are mere more daily led to analyze . the heretofore ac cepted ideas which hare coatreled society In its diriuoaa of labor and re sponsibility, rejecting as unsound all those which will not bear the cltisest and meal absolute practical development, but adopting and utilizing ouch 011 bear the test. Thin constitutes an enlightened prog ress, and whether it concerns political or individual obligations, is equally sta-- Mined by . intelligent reason and by the imperative demands of social interest. At thin flay we more and more claim and exercise the largest liberty of thought and of action. We are coming daily to clearer views -of the broad chasm between liberty and license, and, the temptation to.croas it is lessened, as all oar social energles are given faller play and a wider scope in the legitimate geld. We revere old Institutions, alai,- liahed things, but it is only after we are quite assured that they are based upon truth and carried up by the plumb iluo ; while no social wrong, political fajta lice, or individual error can look at this day to any amount of time-honored usage for its protection from scrutiny or condemnation. In this spirit we welcome the =ce ment at Clevelind, as we have hereto forc-cordially. accepted Movements else where, in inix own country ,and abroad, for the restoration of woman to her, eqmil allure of such social duties, privileges and responsibllities as, by her physical and mental constitution, she may pia gaali• ded . to assume. Of these, none . can be assigned to her, for her . equal participa tion at least, with a more undeniable fit ness, than the great 'work of ministering to the physical needs of Angering hu manity. And it should rather be for her to' any whether, Mall that concerns the cars and care of the ailments other sea, she would admit ma own even to a share in the duty. The progress of enlightened sentiment upon this subject is very satisfactorily stated by Barper's Weekly in lie an nexed paragraph: .. .Notwithstanding the nowt deter mined hnttill•y to the demand. of the ego for female phyaiviatin, institatlotut for, their educational pr.parmieti for professional ruff...tut bilitire are rapidly multiplying.. The ball find began to more in the United titans, and new female medical college ht in suconcefill operation In old fogy =client .Lmidon, where the favored monopolise reel 'Myatt and surgery wore regelved to keep out call new Jdeas in their line by 'acts of Parliament- Hat, aim! Meof oppoaltionhave melted away, and even in Romani WORM% has graduated with high mediml Isonora Female phyal. eine see increasing rapidly, and .their -Airtime an, nought for by their owns.,. A% they 'should he, with thankful beans for curb calm In Gilead:- AX IIIrEACE/111.1EINT TRIAL. COL BIZITOA, in a note, in his abridg. inentssf the Congreuional Debase, thus describes the runner in which the Sen ate Marabou' was prepared for the trial of Judge emus: "The Berate Chamber war tined up In assyle of appropriate elegance. Beaches, covered with crimson, en each aide, and in line with the chair of the ?rm.Meat, were assigned to t h e members of the emote- U the tight and In trout of the chair a box wu assigned to the man agera and on the left a similar box to 111 r. Chase and his counsel and chairs allotted to meh Mends as lie might in. modems. The resides of the floor was accepted with chute for the acconutte dation of the members Of the House of Beprisentatives, 'and with beam far the reception of the foreign Mlnletars, and civil and military adieus of the Baited States. On the right and left of the termination chair, at the of theberAwir rof the members of the Court, boxes were aselgsed to stenagraphent- The perms next gallery:was allotted. to the bulb , eliminate Minimise of spectators. Be. low this gallery, and above the', floei :of the Muse, a new gallery 'vim raised, and timed up with .pecultarolegmee, tn. tended primarily for the exclusive. co co on ofnaiads feature of the an Mdles. angemest, made: by the like President. was at an early - period of the trial abandoned, it bivioi helm touted impossible to separate thalami . At the termination of lids ry, on each inde, boxes were 'y 'asitighed hi ladles' attached to tlis fdinßles of - riabliel - etter.' *mere The preservation of crediting devolved on the.Maraimiart .theAlistrlet of Columbia, : ate was, assisted, byl a. number of deputies. - THE lIAXITOIPULICIr The /Let of Ja3J S 2. 186i{ oolitic! as' abofe, upon skids moms of •ibt; Artrefei of loapeachmeal. against Mr.. lohnion aro foonded, - ruga as:foiloos "Be• 4 trtunitht aH vas &onto mallow of Ilepresogagives of the. Ilnikoi &ski of - 4,, tricis i n, o .l l !grg" amPstded, II: two or more within any /Ratner Territery Of - the - United Stater shall tee. spire together is overthrow, or to Put down, or to destroy by foresAbogovern meat of the United States, or to Idvy war neatest the United States; - or by force prevent;linder, Or delay the es• ecutdon of asylum of , tbo United Mates: or by force to Brim, taka, or pewees .soy property of Dui 'United fitatee aphid the will or contras) , to the authority of the 'United States; tir' by force or. inthelde tion; or threat. to. prevent any. perion . front ecueViloS Or boldlog soy oboe, or trust, or place of confidence under the United • IttateSt'eooll and ovezYPoamt so offending shall be 'utility ofa hlghcrlme, and-upon eonvicticntrharoof is any. Dis. , Wel or. Circuit Umart..of,thts. United States, , having furisdiction theireof, , or District or Supreme Court of any ter& tent of the United States taring' jells= diction thereof, shall be . punished - by a Ike of not lose thaw fire hundred dopers nor more than one thousand &lieut. or bY . Ithpriroament, with or without hard . labor, es the Utter' shalt determine, far aperiod natters' than 'sig. months, nor greater than mg yam; .or by both_ : each Ina and Inthrisonntant." , . • Tnit Nair Yorlr Mute thee elludee the lessee's iailnaatien Of DerelOoratio jonitiotii thit Chlefjustice : Ohm . aeohh,peteeten elltelaiintledece to liereei the giest'Oftender: : • "50 far Ls 6e fteirldeattal ratersita Itr. Moe are xesiatrafxl. Quo ir ao manta 'we woad wit maks, no wet of friendship we would got gladly tuldcrito. Nothing woiald' gradly us more Max to see the great leader and stateuaszt of the Republics* party--oureaptala and chief, and, dearly-trasted• flicad—elcycted to th e presidential office. /Muer.how eye.r, th an hats this Ilea act of jai*. arrested; and g most• nesehiseetts inagigrit. , innerv* 4 l +0.f.0 g e o f . 1 ,• al n. ut . 4 tea Air: C .. l e4kial ,caWritia drifting among the latbciiffet the Poilti &d 5" EPHEMERIS —Bishop Stevens is convalescent. I —The Southern rice crop is large. —ltaly is threatened with civil war. —Maryland killed the eight hour law, —Abbott is to do Grant up in history: —Mining is reviving at Central City. —Brown, the founder of Omaha, is dead. —The lilabit Chinese arc In deBtitu —Augusta (Me.) has had an earth Tasks. —Chnee, it is enld, does not want the Presidency. —Gold has boon discovered la Praak lin, Georgia. —Gen. Joe Hooker in recovering Lis health at IVjme. —Cotton growers are rejoicing at the advance in the staple. --The Southern Indiana tobacco crop -is now read,* for market. —The National Cemetery at Nash ville is nearly olimpleted. —The rolling . mills of Chattanooga (Tenn.) are all In operation. • —The recent sleet destroyed hundreds of irnit trees In this section. —Massachusetts has filly-three thou sand more vromen than men. —New Albany has a religions revival. It needed something of that sort. —Not a stick or atone marks the last resting place of old Zach Taylor. —The Mobilo and Ohio Railroad is to be supplied with rails from England. —Quincy, 111., has a colored woman one hundred and thirty-five years old. —Philadelphia as full of young men from the country seeking employment. —Buffalo hu a young scapegrace, thirteen, married, drunken and. a wife heater. • —Thu New Albany Journal !says that "mercy lo Johnson is cruelty to the State." —The Dale crock bridge on the Platen Pacific road is 2,000 feet long and 211 feet bleb, —Pendleton will run independent for the Presidency if the Democrats ,fall to nominate him. - —Mobile has slx Andrew" Johnsomt who Toted at the last inameiPal election. We pity Mobile. -Dan Dice holds a pew in every church of Girerd. lie takes a multitude of ways to get to beaT'en. —Africa has a Meg with three bond red wives and seven hundred children, and both still increasing. —Gen. Sherman said In Cincinnati recently, "Gen. Grant is right, air; Gen. Grant is right in this matter." —Four Lunilred thousand pounds sterling ere distributed 'yearly as prize money at the race courses in England. —A bald Journaliskin a neighboring city",ders one thousand dollars for a tale so tragical as to nuke his hair stand on end. '" • '—(den. Chambers, of . Louinille., had 4"6 ll ter presente4 to him last week hii autenty.fouitti birthday. Benxi. thing to be proud of. —Boston ball a French male modiste who fits ladies with garments at a faith ' ionablo dressmaking eatablishment. The nub Is progressive, • • —it la disputed whether the rich Mon cm mines belong to Colorado or New Mexico, • difference arising from . the want, of a defined parallel. —At a meeting of returned soldiers heist in 11..1t :tore resolutions sustaining Mr. Johnson were posed. Weprestuhe they confederates. =Brooklyn pickpocket, operate at funerals. While hot tetra are streaming over the cheeks of the mousers, they steal the animists of their pockets. —The Mate Senate of lowa has passed e bill admltting wo2Urn to practice lithe bar. We should likh to have a fair wo- man plead oar use were we on trill —A landlady in Buffalo left a large °noun to a yottag gentleman boarder, because be nerer said het - victuals were f wretched, her batter strong or her tea weak. —At perpetual motion has bcon presto xd by a Mr. Wright, of Petersburg, Va., so a psper of that place grevely de. Rana. Ho was cloven years in tauter mg the difficulty. philosopher has divided beaten beings Into tiro claws, benefactors said malefactor'. should have said la borers sod loafers. To the one ere owe ell that Is • good, to the other all that is . Iyhat the ono dote the other an. —A - new plow, havingsix iron blades instead of ar share, Du been Invented in SenTranclaco: The blades dip into the ground as they revolve, and not only torn end pulverize tbo earth, but also serve to aid In repelling the machine. Thin raw can be driven either by item or home power,. and will Wachs' strip./ from al: to night feet wide. Very nice on paper. ' I —44,.lirlend4l new Chinese theatre was dIdICIaCkI reconpy in elan rranCieen, incense was burned profusely; the lead tog chanterers of the ,hlr.rfois le dnsma„ In gorgeous costume;' were an'the Stage; .enndte was blown Against the root wails. rem:venting - the limn quarters of the kiebe; from whreefi , intalligsnas is YOkiir qiitrot* n 1 r fCreOI2ICiWeIVI per., 'iorneetr; tlan'irtnirs eftning yritti the lA heading ore ma'am) grand display of nrevrorkm 1.. ... — rmPeurf*Sl4 is tile order Pf too day. ;tionginse impeiches - Johnson.. Messe r cluents thrtatrinsher Governor Mr ycto' log' five ,Ctippilthtatiri, West itirgla so itidife ; ,tlinihrisn to triai tiir . mitring, trim of the iron clad oatb, rebel attorneys to praCtlee law, and the Board or Aldermen` of Xerr York want Goy: Fonnitri Minien4l. for riot enforcing a law nutulailig New Task City adalrs. • ....Thin lithe titan item of• fashionable ' goistp from 3tleingan:i—.lllr. 3111.quah wall-bow -yen 4 engaged' to Ulu daughtot of , the mighty hunter; Mr. :M fi'keh do with - lie'-yon Ui the dn4t;i44,4iiiss ] tali-kale la-qua Me. As- -1111-RO-Tak,bo-yon to the belle 44' the forest; Min Ate-rma , rrsh-bo-youf anti Mi. :Fish , -he-ne-le-ka-Jah:lllh to 11M. Ot_ifclt-Ire -SuMe h , Ak-ons-kf•- shin-wen-inm!' ' ?arrest le- worth g 700,0001 Barney Thiliains; 1 1 .3..50,000;' f 10,00; Kiggio*Mlicjien, i 110:. 000; W. .1.--Elorangs, $100,000; John 47 0 , 0 00:' ',126,000; Joseph ilitfoisOi;;47l,o7o; * P: ILL tiachci.it, Ltunille Ifestere, , $1.10,030; Lester ,Wallack, , ' SIrAOPO ; 'Mrs. John prow; $30;000; . 1, 15(1 . 003 ; "rA lur.*: l Ce"°. $100,000; Litiwin laD001); D. P. Bewists, - s9l,ooo;.Win. Wheatley, 11;00,000; Pt L. 'Pavenport, 112,1,06 , 0; e..T. Airown, $ 50 .0 0 0, " • —The design. of tho pcoposod: dolphin Lincoln"monument hes been adopted. - It bribe work of Randolph , Roger!, the aqiorne: The dime is In.a stung posture, and wilt be nine icor, the lotiticen.feint higo. '; Xn'hts loft hand Mr.' LincOln- holds the Bolan ''and ileht • ths pen wfth.whitii its ban last alined It. , 'lboupper sido ,partnls of the pedestal will be cleMinted:rwltli.tiusirias of the Veiled States on the . one elde,nnd these of the City or Philadelphia on the other, in bronze, the, corners being supported with Roman flassei,"also In Won= - fin the lower mitten hrthe pedestal are four American eagierferipportinn festoons of, laurel, elfin bionz!.. froare 'twig '‘ t , kuuttury, at Munich The whelp cost of the monument will be 'about SSO 000, of which the Association has some 425,. Wendell ptituipa ea impeachment. We find in the (jiacinnati Gore Ur the , atuiered report of file. Phillips` positioxis on the impeachment question, as slated in his lettere inthat city on Monday evening: ' "One of your journals mud this morn tug that theectenhi not see why I should speak on impeachment; that I knew no more about it thiu anybody else. I don't pretend to; but It Is toe duty of all to contribute what, little we can to the general knowledgd. •This is the necessi ty of the heel; that we ve got either by law, military . or civil, o let in upon the Solith thegreat forces f the elements of the nineteent h centu . Mr. John son's crime is that,he se himself to de feet his perpose..! 'Fro i the fist- mo o meat hie hand antilmind ere felt in the Government, he undertookto turn back this. great purpose of th nation. My wish to Impeach shim renight, is not techhical, but because the an, by either his nonselence or ;l had set 1 Mullett ups systernaticalty to save 'the South 'from the verdict • the war, and the zeacessity Of the epo in which we live„ . „Every single act I nca the sam- Mellor Iftee points in that 'remit:tn. Ile I cl . undertook, withoul autho ity, to restore all rho , property of .the South into its hands... Ile would build p its strong holds by giving it ail the pital ,whieh he coati command , * Ile undertook to anticipate Congresil by bringing to the front exactly the element Which revolts. lion puts in the [rear. Disregarding the statutes, he placed as tremors and other, high officials menin apetent to,. take the oath or loyalty. He then al lowca the. violence. Pl Unframed ha' (;) trod .of 'the ,malignant, w to race to wroth. Itself -unheeded: on 'dalt:dont whites, - and on the race, and as the work proceeded he let loose the MU , MICIIII at New Orleane, the blood at Mem phis, and the unblasbirig murder of four hundred neoffending men In Gemini Thomas` District, and two thousand men of Texas. , , ~ • . He-has been. Impeached for a single legal technical offense, and theyrtiele in your paper to which I referred,.wlticle undertakes to arraign my right to speak about impeachment, [goes on with great ignorance to Otani that no matter how foolish the .Preiddent wee, he could not be arraigned for his follies, weaknesses or errors: Ho must have committed some great flagrant malignant act. There we niter a , grater Weenier standieg of tit usture of impeachmen t. Hever more t etfuluess of the fact that Vent is th e TO of reserved lov e *My o f a realms, stepping outside o( its law*, actuated by no precedent, rwipocudble to no Judge, bound to give uoyarning, at, liberty to violate every legislative pneelok.l Tod can not he Indicted for au act whirl, the statute has cot previously warned you of. But the nation leaves itself et no such mercy in regard to its great ;executive °Matra Allything which, in the . Jedukeent Of the people, makes an Executive braghtrate unit - for hi* place, on matter ittethar the law has warned him of it or not, It is ilia /taw ithi‘di the people - make in the emergency, and the,jetnergeney'makea the law. An Executive not indictable, for his follies and weaknesses ? • Sup pose Ckief/ustlce Chute becomesithotic, are we to leave him Chief Justice while Witter"? You ineot t eh hiln by, stet- banal as solemn es the. ti-oat-, declaring that tail tent fir hi's, otillce. Sammie the President becomeit iecapabho Irom dellrum tremens tapPlausel,, shall we referbier to a Jury of ,I,o•ors1 But • ne, telettioes a their, thf orenders 'Mitt per T 6 and suite is diseberge his duties; if ihtbfbin settees; it bosun unfit hint if Ise4unts the White llojeointo a brothel, and diagraceo makes ea t hie ;If he does any thing that akeo the maelet rate unlit in the eyes of the people to etectite the so cred trust COltattilt4ittu him, then the• wee-reign people, by Impeachment, re- ICAO the power, trritipeetive of enact ments, to sit In jot:relent upon him. A New Helapshire peter wax impeached lathe bemustieg of she mallet for loose morals, and removed dorm the bench. f lmpeschmeut is the ferrite of the tom. mon - scale of the eattOni which in the , _moment of difficulty nays to the magi,- Unto. you ought to hare known by your common. sense, and pier mural sense; that thin has unfitted 3. ilti for your orie -1 I do not care whether Johnson has slip ' ped na a statute or tot. it a evident ialoat ter over twenty heir mouths, either 1 from mental or moral irk-parity, ha has _beta emeele to put bleaelf in line with the great public nereselly, and therefore he ought to go up. (Applause.), /am no great (need of the Itepablieut party. (Laughter.) I don't think they have acted with tonounimate.w Wham on this . occasion!. It would helm been infinite ; wieforiq is; when he awns! Ills. I graceful y emend tlie circle, and the indignation of' the people attended him, they hail fur that do elered Lim-neat for the great °Mee. If, whrn 'weed with the bketo or New Or ! ... tuna, they Led arraierted Lim for, that; If, when he uutiertook to throw ludic your great national tolidy by bringing forward the old lenders of the Bouts, through hi. prootitultect Of the pardon. ing rower; If the freshen of the Honor of .Itepreseinatives Lad undertaken In Its ewe undoubted right to arraign Lim on technical keened', they would have bees setstainett to it. We are not without a precedent for ii, When, in 1688, the object of the English people was to get rid of James 11, a large section of the people aid he was a Catholic' and we cannot trust ldm; nnothorisection said he ' bea Introduced troops to crush the Poo pie of England; another, 'ho how PS9 OII . toted his judiciary; another; that ho has eons to Franco, and recited his plum. The rinestlon emote how to , reconcile' all thaw .teariona charges. /ow shall we Lasko one tangible occultation oat Hof tlieuVallt They resolvedl without tot 'ing lnyibing that the throne Was . ra. ceuy Wbettect by accident; lby crime; by hcedlosaness, or by =Wake, and boini recant, they 1111 edit. Just so with that lama Saran sort of statcsatanship, Con gress has undcr i taken to emits 'John; Tho journal , here, of whi'eh 1 spoke, colts the question at if the simple set • of the removal of Stanton was the groend of Impeachment. 'Berme a man enters yourehathber st night, and. You. - shoor him. anal - whoa arraigned, yon *Wald aik, would juu.shoot a man for enter ing your ,chambett Ter; If he eaten though a closed doom; and with' a pistol to his hand. Ilia entering; the door fa the almoleam thatenda the Inogitetegory of ..wroug•tiolog. Congress would not impeach Johnson for the aimplehitrae tion of the law If it had not been for hie carnet 'bowleg an intent to pat it naught the wish of Congress, and Of the memos of the people, It was the - long series of acts that preceeded, the final denottement. ' The' noethent Elective', The followteg le the teat p f the amen. datory reconstruction hill, las 11, Resent both Roues of Congress last week and wee scat to tin Pnaldent lee hie elf tn. "An act supidenientiry to"nt'aet vide tar the more edielent netneinnexte ; of•the Rebel Mate*, pawtd - lbutti 1867, and to. lantana -then reatenT, , "Bed' f: That 'hereafter any election' authorlied by the into itesed . Matehlfid,' 1867, entitled 'fin act, rappleasentary, to an act to provide fur the seers 'efficient ,gercrideent of the rebel Stites; .pused March th1,:1867,, and tri.facilitato th eir th restoration,.all be decided bye-major- Ili of the Tot& actually cast; and ILL thp election- in which the question of the adoption °ureic:Oen of any constitution is submitted, any person duly registered In the State may rote in the ,electieni die. met where he °Month veto,' r• when he has resided therein for the tee dole neat preceding such election, , upon macro.. ;ion of his certificate of regitation, affidavit, or other satisfactor evidance, under such regulation, as he district commanders may preficribe.l r ' "ibru. 2. And I ! , e That the Constitutional .C7onvention ol any of the Suttee ManUoned ',id the seta to whlcluthie is amendatorei may. Tiro- vide that at the time Of: voting 'upon the ratificatiou of the constitution the tegis lefed,voteta may vote; also for member. of the Mouse of Representativerfir the United States, and for all eleetive °Mare provided for by the lead. omunttution, sad at the flame election the officers who shall matte the return lof the: totes cast en the ratification or relectionefthe cer. - stitrnlen'yhatl enumerate andbertify the votes east for members of Oongrese,',' 3uvertlitatert iOrrrnsPutetintirw.-4, I 14., Washing - ten ciwiespeadent repot . , . Judge Black credited wthbelng the President's chief atelier, b at be bad beenarat or terra for a week preview,. Fartiannere, / cannot help tiring yob . /edge Black's awe statement pf the re laden' between Mr. ',Tobiason and bbn: . felt Talking with al leading t3enatrer arm tke matter, ens slay, Th kip sad,' as I fear : °e ;open talk aboutisso, uOS 114/.l.titig; but be rarely fellows rey mite 11 . did be wouldn't snake nub a (volcri of) himself so often." ' .t V p I= Thu statistics of the institutions for Ithe care and reformation of inebilates show that dissipation Is Increasing to en alarming extent throughout the country. The evil is by no moms confined to the large cities, but has spread Its baneful influence ' since the close of th e war, to towns, villages and Moulds. Old men who have been exemplary members of society for half a century have'fallen victims to the fell destroyer, while youths in their teens become topers and drunkards before reaching 'their ma- jority. Our own city affords a deplora ble example of excessive drinking, and we are constrained to believe tie% it is increasing_ in ail dosage 01 society. Nearly all the capital crimes committed lend& Stale during the out year can be traced &Jetty or indirectly th the see of intoxicating liquors. The poisonous quality of liquor now being manufactured and bold by Bahama has greatly locreated the affliction known as "delirium tremens." A three day's spree-ire this ago is eullicient to put a a man in Such a flame of mind- that neither hla °lentil - is or the Soca of othert are safe in his presentee. .From the an nual report ot. the payslcian • of the Washington House, of- Chicago; ' for Din,: we . glean some very impressive facts: • • In that institution there bare been dri CMOS of delirium tremens treated daring the year, out of which 21 have required active medical treatment. Many others have had no delirum . tomcat!, hut have suffered from various other etorbidcon infirm* consequent upon the nee of al coholic atimulants, ouch as paralysis, dropsy, (general and local), tommia, and one Cam of ',mental ,disoriler amounting There has been, but ono death ;luring rho year, that, tif.Jocdpb. Canuingham, *ho bas an hitedettllhg history.' Ho was admitted on the 37th day:of /rine In the active stage. of delicate tremens r and died op. the 30th, from mminla coeval— !llona. There was suppression ofurine from the day of his admiision and par tial suppresalmaor same time previous jlis eyes were congested. -.The entire surface of the body presented 'a bloated appearance amounting to general dropsy of the, cellular tissue, lie was raving and wakeful, and all means failed to procure Sleep or rest. Do could not, or would not, take nourialamencind died a meet horrible death in convulsions. The next day alter a poet mortem ex amination- was made in the presence of a large number of the Inmates of the home; 100 were permitted to wltnesa lho examination, that they might, With their own eyed, dee the deatmetive effects of alcohol on the hu man system, which, although silent, Was &most impressive lecture. The heart was found to be large, its walls thin and soft; an unusual- amount of serum was' found in the pericardium mad pleura; the lungs were engorged with blood; theliver was found enlarged, nodulated, and friable, being easily brat , ems down_ or-torn, presenting the apr Kamm of - what. la called a "whisky liver," the stomachlavas partially tilled with a dark grumous fluid; but the most interesting feature of the ease was that the Inecas membrane was highly in flated and, aorta/Lai, presenting the char acterittic appearance of a drankard'a stomach, as given by Dr. Sewell, in his plates •ahowing the condition of ihla membrane from the moderate drinker to the confirmed drunkard, Thts stomach corresponded moat, per.=, Tectly.with that of the confirmed drunk. and. The kidneys were fond changed In their structure, by what Is called fatty degeneration, eu that they a era unable to perform their natural functions, hence the retention In the blood of the poison ous elements of the urine, which' acted as a direct poison on the brain, ?nutting In conrahsions and death. , -• . This use. wee regarded as Incoriblu at the Haan of ble admieston: lle had good tare and etoie attention.- *A DlM her or streibir eases have been treated at, the Home thuing the year, bat hare re minuet, though none had progresses] so far as his , • Another case is wiiithysif .{mein! Mon. Lion, that of J. N., who had no delirium trey:man tint ; suffenal from general dropsy, caused tin an impoverished con , damn of the blvdd dl . . Tie was kept quiet; , tonics, iron anu - retics were given, to. j gether with s nourishing diet, and his krecerery was rapid and permanent. . 1 ' The general treatment in cases of de lirium women. has. Wen nuttily the same as last year. Patients, oit adridulou, have been bathed and kept clean. If constipation existed, &sit generally doerc a mild cathartic or laxative was admin.. hatted. The urinary secretieue were carefully watched, since much Of the nervous' disturbance Is' came& by the retention in the blood of the poisonous elms:anti of the brine. To relieve rest-. icranere and sleeplessness, the bromide p i t of 'Liman um, Indents varying from 10 to x rsiii emery three hours,' wee the most ap Stable and effectual. One pa tient, wit had had many lieges of de. lirum tremens, Was so promptly relieved by this medicine that he exclaimed "that fe the best medicine in the world—there wan *ever such another." . No a!cottony stimulants have been al lowed at the dome. All etimulantahave been' withdrawn at once, and the rfaall arrionet of death compared with the whole umbel - treated gives very flatter . ing =cam 'Notwithstanding there are many who reams:tend, the tapering off plan, the. physician asserts that the "sod, den" Jerk' plan"' is the moot racer-mid and ghoul i be adopted by all institutions designed for the reformation of the Me brimo.--/oniaritie voxrier. The Ihniterllalltsre 6oldols The eat seend buttersmaktog, seem; consists "in-attending Lithe fel; lowing points !' • " }st. Bemiring rich, cletn, healthy milk—milk obtained on rick old pastures, free of weeds. ." , • „d. Betting the milk in s'itoist, un tainted atmosphere, and keeping It an tetopetatdre witile„ The cream it „ ad... Proper soansmmtentia churning. Wuldng oat the buttermilk thoroughly, and : working so'sanOVlO jure the Kish::' WI. Thorough and even Lturerpars. Hort of the ark and-pseking to oaken tem:tight, clean and well made.'' Cleanllnteti in nil theoperetions, de of imperative wearily.. J. Mlgnieet and experietthe In 0141310 . 9- latlig the cream sad working "tie batter, manor canna be wed..—lrilterd:3 : Ciboria or A GOOD kitutan.—,&,cor sue:reanondent °A' the Qoptity..Ginaeman eelecting . a milker look `wall tti the inkier. Define milkintlt'abould he wide end broad; not banging down like • seek, and bard and Adv., nearly , .deatitate of hair, And .wh,at there is' Abel/ be - sof . t, due and blight - After milking, the odder should be nett and apparantlyb skin bat. :If, tfteratileh r log, tban4der, is bard , and fall, It ;thews that it is drab, not milk, ,that &elands wile; .. .Tor, that'eb it bet bidiy,' Oace !We elsatlegtee riatAttound each - teat. 'Yee cut- cat a' set: out' of au- old cast away ,) rubber -ahee—cost pothtag—ilek Aunt to the cow.ana.will late in a sea ,eon eeveral &Mari lorth °think." no calms, dispatches. annentrihs the :death of.l4o.iyoung, KingosE Levis IL, which ,occurred at the, 13074 Tahiti:4i In SEttile on Tait Friday: 11M isient:teilitiflikve been . inuldeu, , :att there' Mid' been nu previona..nientima: A A hii illness. Lag Louts was ,horp,!4„.ngest 25th, 1%4 Ap. th at -he,was , less e than twenty-thieo:iettii Ott , 115 had retuned hardly four re:vs.:having avec...ode& to his father; Kind on the 10th br men* 1004: Ae was' a hand , ' some looklng.yeang , man. bat °Ed:ilk:ate physical organization. Ale stayer . *Low. adegliaogzaa fur Polities : bet wan Al- 'soled to ,mesie: The Ki ng lesuiteetleit April 27th, 1018. :Theta mother, the - (Ineenilowa , gar, was a , daughlocor the 7.1/4 .Prince Wpm, ut Po:lmila, and to ,woman of Hie intelligence, and of autreeter 'lnlo7_ 'tier to that of either' tirtablind eon*: • ==EI Ortio has-takeo— steps ; through her . Legislature,. to sointhedlintoirproblato of amotruta'eriFht to become the income of .property, Ahg,leglilatlee they pro polo authorizes trine& directly' from theliesband 'to the Wire , 'Ttre 'cocoon. cottons thsChave growtiouter UntleauY ccauttcy to breaktluouga , oommorijaw Itardabips relatire io married woman's heveheMinie Oidtelbrmitiable evert terlawyers:- Trani- Mrs brand' to-wommo mtder arvertute' hams so tloquidgml About by., so .miny. guards, or_mailo Eby such 'trooldeeount routines r atoraro freAusatly the cqvm, for so crumh - inthil, that every lawyer, it least, will 'Maki) In arcing all disabilities of this kiwi, removed, :and mann, married or-. single; ;enjoy. isf tits sameproperty 'dells wren. farraeri. et Oak and actor litichtenn, will rhold a etaant Clow; vertion nt Pontiac, outfit' latlnotliarcln, -ttl-etto tecelfctitt4l4 he 4, tilt Itt , tlt t: 111 g. 1' . i arose in riveSeirlberis faseeii. There are but the of the Northern States, and these fire are New England States, which make no distinction in the right of auffrane, on account of color. I Mims gives the right of suffrage in every male citizen of the United States who has resided in' the State three month; excepting paupers, persons un— der guardianship, and Indians not taxed. tine Ramrannta admits as electors "every male inhabitant," excepting paupers, and persons excused from pay ing taxes at their own request YRILMONT gives the ballot to "every .man" twenty-one years old, who has re sided one year in the State. MASSACHreIeSTS admits every male citizen twenty.one years old, excepting paupers and persOns under guardianship; bat no x erbOrl can vote or be eligible to office who is not ablato read the Con- , stitution or write his name. fluorin Istaxo gives to the ballot to every male citizen of fall• age, one year in the State, six months is the town, and who owns real estate worth 4184, or renting f 7 per year ; and to every:notice male citizen, twenty.one years old, two yeara In the State, six months In the town, duly registered, who Das. paid Et tax or :lone militia service within the year. • • Connacnctrr gives the ballot to all white citizens of fall ago who have re sided one year in We State, and air months in the town. Negroes who were freeman (If anr. tacit survive)• at the adoption of the . Stain Omistitation in 1818 may vote. The question of negro suffrage was submitted to the people Octaber 2, 1865 ; whole Tote, 00,706 ;' majority against, 6,172. New , Yonz—every male daze= of full ndrsOni.dafftrata4nlist e ltflsarla %l State, four months In county,lbrl' thirty days lathe district. - Butno negro cm:room unless ho has' beef three :years s citizen of the Stale, and for one year the owaer of a freehold worth s2sooTer incumbrancea, and on which he has paid a tax. 'The nevi !Dentin:diem proposes to abolish these euallticstions and to establ•sh an equal right of suffrage, ices- spectiTo of Color. •• NEW diutsiir---"eTery White male ;Ri sen" Of full age, resident one' year in the State; Ind fre months ut the county, excepting paupers, idiots, husaneponsona, and persons convicted of enema exclud , tug them from being witnesses. i!ENTiIITiTANIA--eyery , white freeman resident one year in tho'Btate and. ten days to the district. Omo—eTerryritile,male citizen of full age resident one year bithe State.' lee. gro mithage wu'imbmitted to the people in 1867, with the , ibllowinir men: My, 216,987; milled,. 255,340; the majority against, 31,313. Wiscorreut admits every White citizen of Mil age; persons of Indianblood de clared citizen; by act, of Congress and civilized citizens of ;Indian desmat; bet the amendment to the State Constitution to strike out the word "white" was re jected in November,-1065, by 11,039 UM MINN/ A=4llo' aint as nein with regard' to whiter clams, aid ad. mitt Indians certified by District Court .lobe fit for citimnship.. ,Noyember, 1655,.the State rejected negro Miffrage by 2,000 majonty, and again inlE67 by , 1.296 majority. • • o,nsecs--erary while citizen - of' full age, . six.. months - resident in- the f 3 t Ate, and every alien of full age, resident one yeti In tied United State!, but "Daher.% Ctilnatimur, or hrulattcr.' • INDlANA—every white male mild= of the United States, residezit. one year In the State, but "no negroor mulatto . shall have the right of rittfrage." - Ificstasm—onwy wMte rage citizen of full age, and 'to, ensrreiTilized male Indian not belonging to. any tribe.. - I Ilissount—the Constitution of , 1865 excludeablacks from Toting. Irmntors. - -errery'whlte male china Of full age resident one year in the State. Latisso—rrery white male citizen, -adult, resident six.months =the Stabs The question of negro nffrnee was pre mated In 1867, and Ina total mused' 25,- 004,-was rejected- by a majority 0(8,288. UALII/ORNIA every white mule United States citizen (or of Mexico, who elected to become a damn under 'the treaty of Queretzre),- of fall age; no Chinaman. negro, or mulatto can rote.. ,NicrApA—law „similar to that of Oregan. - 1124!MZ;E= Congress pained a bill enfranchising negroes in the District of Columbia, December 14th, 1666. in Senate, M yeas, 13 nays; in Douse, 126 yeas, 46 nays; President Johnson vetoed bin January 7th, 1667; same day Senate repassed the bill, yeas, ~%), nays 10, and the Rouse by 113 yeas to 36 nays,when the bill became a law. May 16, 1866, Mown passed. a bill that "there shall be no denial of the elective franchise to citizens of the i Veiled States because of race or color, I and all persona shell be equal before the isw,.--to amend the organic acts of the Territories of Nebraska, Colorado, De cals, Montana, Weattlagton, Idaho, Ali zeta, Utah and New Mexico.. The vote was 76. Penn to 43 naYs.". January 10, lbra, the Senate adopted , a _aabstatuto that there should be no denial of the elective franchise . on. amount of race, color, or previous condition of serer rude" in any of the 'United States now or hereafter to be orooniod. " The bill trlts_passed bY 24 year to e nem and in the Douse, sante day, yea. 104 andnsys 36. This bill became a law by failure of the President to sign the bill, or morn it with veto, within- ten days after Its presentatiou.z.dtri-fif, Prorid..- Apropoa.tb.the statement stow, going .lhe rounds of the press to the effect that I Alex. ' H. Stephens giTee oat that" "0 lily. in the !sit extremity Wee hb 4tirwn let* the feheinea, - and that itinnl ' than he ,idegthYpijklataelf .wlth .it awl/ that bit ,tniaht thrthe!.the canto it the tralon,"? 'we repnbl fah "the toiletries pleasantlittle abatract 'nes nerh teach =tie tan sears alto.in the eaerol, Representa. - Ilene against .I.leogeasse bill ~.Bald Yr. . • gentleman, yoo make ',good deal of clamoeon'theWebreakaanneanre,, bet it don't aterm istatel* We kave Got used to that kind of talk.. - Minikove threacd nna, hat .leave,_werro. par ./calm:l.4_ ) - Zon kayo always c ared an, and yan weragaW You.'are 6 amain', .onlitotiontid set 'Oftkittse yen will op. -pote; we expect Matt- batare don't car a for yottr,oppradUPP, - Ton wilt tai(; bat wo don't gate for yo nr railing. Yoe hare, bated do addera. We expeCt iftf iddete;land expeii 'it. 'of "tn. Yon are. Inca the distils - dud werepitched over the battlement" of Heaves into *II.. They act op • howl of dleconallnue, and prin. you. That their fildlist and too fs yews: -Toti 'Ostaervoliosil to the poke, but don't chafe, gentlemen; we have got 1. '4l/Lour power.. :You, tried to drivel tio to tee Ip3, bet times are banged. Yea went a, woolhig; and blot Wino 'Dome "dewed. Don't be so Anapadeat as to complals. Yon 'Mealy lx.4 l OPOrd the &al. „Don't _roast. You will only be lamed intootediapce." Innocent 'Mr. elhapheaa „ 111L1111111M. • "r• Sr 'tower ceaswasg. - • ' LI thesnalgon I I/seabed t Tigentg are now busstag round se; . In' their milk-white arm( bare linear—pet I fool no rant Use male slaemereg Isar bleak leaks &arms; ,Tea glee' on SAO gvnuahlafelfe Ines Culler forth such beams or nine Tbog oleruott—all tkroush and Omagh Rushes! Gads! What out ido l' • . . .grlatchantmat /ors bent . Tell mesalate I mars gentlgtaka auk • LllY".sfarlu natl., arms , v,. Toll set—which will staler forsake use ' Thoth all fifes Ills and asrmsi • Fe she, yap. blotalfs rstseattag . .„.. ” Frfnu that foreneafr crowned srltri prldel le It ebsierbase pulsate bantam!.o Foil sualest um unarmed stdet What de all teem tablas betide/ ,44PuUsny doubts;VW. , lll4l:MS L. ,1 4 aaorj QnSok 141vo ansgortoaty at ye pause moment longer, . • '1 shall lore rip—alllt ;' . • I ,a;lortai one of the 'alleged Inuolo u rs of YOUphClart,inWoreester,,, Atlas; midday, dut”Jith:tilk, was , up. lured la Providence, Rhode Island. and taken to Woluster. Nine Mildred dot— Tars, ta irelehind 'difinidei pie; Clark's property; ure !band in his poseunien, lie said ,the &deft wee planned by big so. The plin wu to murder and rob Clark, then deem", alt 'ortdestee of IThe murdertrrbething the building. it *Sewell knurl Wit 'Clarktenelly car:• rhhtthbesloteneepf money with high and wore.relneblo diamonds. linked pre- - *ions emeriti:dant* with' anal cheritsblywaid.thin biUs during the thw days they wens welting to • ponder hip, The tired wax dune Stith a small 'brood "liie;• *Web they arriedio Clarks Town Az vett*: Jeltieleakttisetat. purer ,Iffieliee • while .Cheilek. the Jonemigies; (Who bee also been arotathei.)eleproll hind and 'Struck I Wm a mortal „Very.. valuable personal erects were. evedoeked by Ildt murderers. Clark's • inistnns entered the toonsuon. after, ttut murderer? led, dleoevenel Lk* do - end gate -the alarm. Charles DI litenty-two years of 3 1 ;4, and below tbe tail mon. aeons. , of intellect. Jamas to rkdrtyrune yeare Dregs, lute lost the sight of the left eye and hes a wicked look. Re to Mild to be the periem who Oolsoand the endebrated trotting bins Indla Emblem , In Baden, &budgies zoos ago, • OHIO ITEMS • —Dr. Johnum of Lebanon, bait „par °hued tho Ohio M.N.,. LAJOnliMilf. PAY' iDg $ 6 , 200 . —The Mocking &Jame! sopa An ex a nlnation of Inn! tants shows [bat thoy nee; as yet, noiniumit by tho flrOat or cold. —The Mt. Vernon Republican .eays that the wheat crop iu that Tlelnil3: looks we11. ,- .The snow bus Mai Tat ;men it protection, awl it now looks; green.. —The Belmont tlaranick, having Re faith strengthened by the reoent passage st letters between Gen. Grant and the "resident, new declare. In favor of Grant for the Presidency. • —One ,light laid week .the. house of Rev. Dr. Neilson, of Galilee, wag entered by burglars end sane ailver anomie and Jewelry were air:ann. — No clue to the per petraters ban been found. —The Clinton 11cpublican la informed the the fruit buds; including peachel, we, tem far, safe and sound In thagpari Of the State. and are represented to be" so generally tlarougbout the country. • —The Salem (Columbilumt county) Re publican hay.: learmient Witham ea that the snow iu the country than far is inv teeting the grain admirably, and If - the apring in at all favorable ear country will be blunted with • pleat...was Itawreat. —The Mame - odd /Tared Lays:. We learn that a mut named Jordan, living near Loudonville,' dranke pint of wee key and pepper one day last , week, to break an attack of fever and agtie., with which be was, troubled. We eatceatied in breaking it, best the tame time died from the effects of the doaerdiving, bat a Wert *tweeter drinking the whiskey. . . —The Madison Coooty Miens . say WO undebitanil that our fella* 'algid, ?dol.. Sic:hard Cowling, haw offettoi. to dottato to tha State hie hue .ferro lying loattoiagytk - LohiloiVon the Went-Jailor ; Bat etindlrbh 4 thig SAMS be made the alto .of the, Ststa4grlpnllatral College.. The,Linn la one of the hileet la tkeeoufatry, contabilawabtrat, SO& acres, Is worth hot Iwo than $100,00:1; Se metal- Scent AZA offer. as this ;of -lifolor C. has rarely been male , to I..riyinitlitttlon of . —The Bucyrus 'odeital , sayi On Thursdayiest. sallte bitty, aged , 05, of I,lr. John Chess, living abost-fone inns heat on the afiddletotin - road, - waa her porch she all and felt mid Moho ths,neek,of berth irony, fractures of fimbutniult 'frame tule more 4erioni thin tile; a' yountlieriton sa tnjuredseldOnefeeente aritailabelf ,u year, and the chat:ors are very,,,finnt, in deed that a lady so ,attteneed Jn years, afflicted -with ebeb a 'itenotti runalent, will tree whollyrrepoysf., t „, -nip Guernsey -Timm say4,-Xin Ban day, the oth hot., near Gibson'a'Station, 'this county, a man named Stilton abet himself- through, atte headimandog moat instant deatb.,...11 tn. not_ knoWn whether lt wia done accidentally be - an act of self destruittitet: alimosharlusi to his wile, .Ita sba, went. out to- bilk the cows, that be was goinktrisilioet a rat, flr rabbit, - (alie did - nottnfflenthidd and Film - being 014a:short lime bcaml the report of Gutman and immediate returned to the'house,:irbera tile found him is' the noble" etdeathl , • '" • WEST VIRGINIA 'MOVES —Tho Shepherd town ,Zkahrter r aiidoi of Col. J.E.Eloh/ey, of,loflrmoz! f sounly so a candidate tor.hozi Govo „.. —Tholittion Baia er siano gooi, 1411 - and - .a- blemolotescher.qawaot- Oxi Otok., and will-to:paid —The Berkerinr.,ftniou We in . atrium alr 'tide defending . Seri:4°r Ch.splineughlult the 'Lindens the Cherleetoirtiripirri bj .Idreraos imbef. I revlvek :Newburgh. PrlntaZl cvanty,,inuise the 'Ouargla' of Rev: hie resirited In over Brij connate.' ',.. •PL . i • —Mr.: G. M: Hagan* -has purchased two parcels of tus tract. ot land known'.' the "Itich Woodi," adjoining Morgan town, 5t1147,50 perlsere. - . • . • —Ono 'hundred arrestor , land-Ortshoed (emon. or traprovementis) one Folio. from Charlestown, Telleraon °curdy, were sold clew dirys sinew for Pawn aiera: ' -The - ]'rectos Count.* 'OW fasamany LAmain. soder We saperi.tendeuee;r M. L. Schaffer, Is ehipping .100 tons lot eon! ..r day and the Orrell Conthany :at Newberry from l'e to - Itat toes daily., 1 1 .—Wio anrglail to learn from Skeeter Liel purg Telepraph that it le more prosper ous 'how than it has pier •bien hero sit.l The Tategrnple la a boat :paper, - and oe- servos it guti °num nu pport. frum thiallPi?"' people of liaoisou county._ ~ i -Tito Fourth'Sciiii:Anntial'Seiteloninf the Teachers' Assotliitiorfbf Monengalla otiunty: will. be hold:at:11m hall'-of the West Virginia Agricultural. College, :in Morgantown, on Fritlay and -Saturday =nano 14th-pf If arch.lB6B. -:7 ;',7 , i —The reeldenoti.Ust DenleVi biathln,. about two mile. 'east orMlutintiburg. was burned down on "Sunday morning . EMIL) Very few. &Riche °Vitus:there were ravel Supposed ..to have caught from a title rannteg iathe uppor stot7. —A Mn.. Hessian: of Auntin,'l'reston county, has recently gladderied the heart of herlunibaxaL Mr.lista-ick Hesslan,hy the pnonordotion of three lags. ...he en tirg crop weighing and Olio half iil) pounds: - Lira Mod= Is dotngwell. '.. , -.lrr. Broca., of Idorgentodn, in deilv , siring a 0.11.0 Of free lectures ; in the M. E. Charch'of that place. The nnbJect of his het lecture was "Whit 'we- bet and drink." as would be a great" advantage to the public if_phyaiciazia „sr-Alt./1T would adopt thlepractieo: , . .1 - -An Interestingrevival Jai. r . 'rogi..dailng In lb* M...:E.Thinsch at Clis.rkstnaege.' A grin:acted meeting la altio„,/.11 prograiii in the Southern Methodist Cherch:" . lnd quite 'an' interest 'awitkthisid` daring a. week** evening serviose.inthl,pmay terinn Chillth in the Male 1111100. , i —Will NM Shriner.iyhileaiiiiriF alwo' tibiae Leon Meng the 'ftairoide below Wollsbartth'ori Tuesday atoning last, ,lied the nnafortnne In have, ths_whole establishment ge . over the Visor 'took. One of the bOriNgc*llll killcd, , enil: the other' crippled, Insides Other.'2datuage done. —lfartinabutgand vicinityseem id ter affected with a chronic atteelt=r ; tart'.. The thrice says th at on, Gffaljeome thieving, hungry ecnundnhr, broke open th e anutheohouvo iirltobo& Brawn, about throe mites .welt•''tff. that place and mated ofx,an, At.c..btp, boob. They were tracked totown,but ma tte • to the bacon cited !whoa& ''' ten: 8. D: kariii::throUgh the . co thrum efe card in theParktharturg. C=l"lris . • .thinth.padorda.,to ' tin/- gDM Company fo rt suing. fora balance ode• life thinabur CI during hia "I*MP:tier/Sag" WA' ' 4 log at the, instance, of Acedilaa ..ti Rather a tiovtlF.prOceetcHting, it ntn Ink —the latd;_not.the antic t ~. -.., rtt e :it weirtilmwstalme—d alturease sat .; a Velma. pates* ass le sped .0. ' - died the•weetehi reeziele.deueitere'ox,. Tdad, •Ohle Ai "rietifalett,tinirglailons %lilts had :Welt" ktuullts . durfewilii est few weeks, two Hof the teachhri faith wait to trap rho thief. ::They piped , hun to get up Anil. when.they 1111,REtt to the Naperintandeut'stenot% mime home otT and actions] help to • Vaptare the borgear. Brined With,' si - absolver. the - rsittellad,MßiLdlotav named Butler, accompanied the ,g i rls to the cottege. The lights in tho bells *we turned un, and search wairmatie had the Intruder. • The. men Amended in !Bid third 'dory in the tuain bulldhig; the Principal remained ett , thelitet Roar, and three teachers ward ito.the tftid by way of .tho stairs ,in thawing:a, The, Tome. surrounded . the intrUder-41111. pledly. • ne , t4thet 'tint turibig , • menced operationeew bearing. fladildepe of coming ;Wont, was in rho twin, ball, and 'ln the' itnildiebic• rattitgairait Mi.' Butler, who was tumoral.: ,Vißtha OW; facing oath. the.. burglar exclaimed. .Where con I," didityturnAl and watked• Meanie Mr.. cyon..; who- 4 . 1 d, 'hefectintr to., Mr.. liatleri‘PATtOurY,JeAbat.rturi Receiving , , reply,. Mr. 1.. earlod, "halt! and surrender. orl'iiiiittiook”" Noheint We Matson, thiseami itirrauftred;„ The burglar atilt came forward, cseght the bantalaratit .Livint ofMr. I.4lollmi' over them, and bounded down the Mr: L.., whn him 'l,ll"the !Maas : demanded hintl to hattLatop! eurtetulerj throw up. artnal.d.tii. X. 9 attoution Was' mid to thin and no reV;y given;till • dowaii on the drat Whe horlTlSPlllallb log failed to menthe Inuit thaw, !unbar into the parlor, saying val tit another oath,' "Let me alone or I'll kill you !" fired se the time was leaellid"-thengeator and entertng thp jtall,througiwhipli he ran, throwing a settee after rn to int , patio -the ' progßies : brththie' 'infrealt. Ifs pitimoduatehthec Whited-down thi back ilpitutptalhelfacterßLtoto.- outer` ' door, south, wine Mr,^l.4 fired emu near the blob thoilarishdriqweid Brim • While themsa:Wals.tilnblidlilltiCithkdOlii; trinity to tbe Brat Bum . he Mid .9ppat-' trinity to• MM . arida 'Barr exiihnoas.. ' ihot tired withentipresimurdeMmul aurrender„ and tnei,htet. wits' fired Jost as lib was opening ttio"distms lit , got out anti "ripithrentlY .meapied'lttlo harmed. iklubsegmultly hmtaticks,Werii followed andlest lo hia d tad body,about otio hundred ' e - yards from tha house: lle proved -to w bo stalwarttf. musculai gro, un knon to that neighbothood. tt Ile was unarmed; and the chief CM - Omits of. 111, pocketa • oenicieted 'of ai hid, tiort.meg:. - 1 / 1 110 ' nentainleg 'about, thee,,, dollars,. some. keys, 'a .crow driver., runt a few, matchee. Inside his tronsers were bowed various little bags, contain:lig:what kit gweetly Believed to be-charms.- The- firing aroused the schelarahut they Weed oe mittilteetegi of - fright, and uttering, no adman& coroner's' Jury ~rendertitl-ei Tor** K . , "served the buillar right:" • , Voll ".0 t.ol 7 : 1 POETICAL; PosiD targ inisir. Fi 0.. a CITY INC.U.SS. tirencamell. liseldes.3 • Inder latatillglts. dud in the Creel, Delicate, Wt. and only twenty, There she Face to deathes; starred to n • ally of plenty, houreed by all teat be pore and sweet. end/este mot open fallynall Ideeseris. Hundreds with plenty. Umeand ' tot. tiroholmetenion bedew, To teach the erring andrilscrthe lowly, Plenty; In chantrs nansa,.to show • 1554 ;We hen soseethlag WEB° eel holy. Boattercharine—classleof brow, Dulimfofeaterm-400k at them now. ' Look et bar lip once they could encle,.. Eyes—Elli.nerer more they mead beguile. Never snore, never reeler word of hers A bl [Olt 'hell bring US the clingiest false. She haeloutid, let tes Moe celtrtmt, L . P d a Manor atelbetter place; And yeg despise of all 111, 1 emu, Joy or some hurt she meet have beef, some Willi roomer, proud of the leek. se stopper to Anger seen datety curl: home vein father has bowed to ask A hitcher hir her. his darling girl, Hard tothink, seer. look her ;hero. Of all tenderness., low us Care. Lonely watching acid sore heart-acne, AWthe agoo,berni Icorsendembr y ows, hopes ngClara evd fear% • Briatited and eoffered toe her dear sake. Casey will picture • home afar, Ort Endo theille-wirleg bream blow, gar diti%thoce. ,114:t . 1 . 111,11, fonleamo eadi •raanyertil picture *lonely hearth. And Eased oottple _dead to earth— ** aged liOught; broken medal's:, Kneeling beside.* bed to pen.rt Or I,lo*as/eke er. sights tarnark. For at that tuayns mcoe the rate and „ttio dark!. ' A hathiur-ared mum* with wear: fan. AkKter they never know L uhf Whom-theyelle:isle.] so Ltes this Dig E. /tiEll etid „Deed the street. • ' • , • asricsirshdopiaisch. • . All Wore cyl Iles the way; Glee theput outage wind; . t+ lit btrozo he, la the 4sy, . • LfAt, &AI; ,larkness vaxe . Whlnd. 1.: , 114.A11.13 lte angel. 'bold, ' Love sad ilaweehArii actol•st, sea. z erne ea &noise' gory told Thee a glowing prophecy. spitti.eiklelbet •, irlnithe parlous, tame had kind, loheomiA recAnecillah owl% • _ reAl Eden..ws shall fled. When the Ent to inaltath died. Trtio_and beautiful and sound, : ' . • The; all earth r MUMMA rx-. l 4r@t3ttippolmtotmd.., . - ~FrasktimisplLlS bunt afar . • All disturbing forte shell be; stir, nos toil. nor hOPle .11411alrhonAl liNatal My bmaiiimatiirsdat tie malty my. , CO MM/ Moundtar Lowly's gentle tousle Which &Or Srt " . 1 7,W1r°41 g k "" d !Itter m i .ar e rwL rssr, - eirk wLaa In dumb I turned away to usawtho.palu wrought • , thertg • • Alms 'Were !mixt!' 'Would struggle herd to 'YiM U rir,litoue are It bore' my Lady fair. Flow reeithl thrilled the 'Mina of her dear Ant hMe felt a hail:deems, SO day sweet a• siaa'bitter, and at.= traeugetagg usgcruel, vouads; a gentle PAY Of thought Is mine, ♦ dear delicious calm; Teri. borreacest the Una light sweetly shine Millie her bright eystagressi treutbilliff lute .Ifrigralea. . • _L r.- 1 P0 04 . 71 r 4 !" 9!X From! thi. Tiaiseipo'Ferald we clip folla'rlnOlMniu• • :--oule now of did; sale; at !7.40 10 8 4 .40 iii.barrefid rtitsville and at 10.75.: C'Tt.t.` Plassatteille was shot at theOthee' night •brit•dianken teamster. The balfllid.no6 tam effect. -*-It laiooorte.l thatMurphy'e Theatre building's/ Made.. is to be remote! to Skunbtat• some greet:Mat spring. Adsannax..aitirtery at Gregg' iwltcllA to be enlarg ed . , to. a producing • • capacity, of per 4tt mired' barrel., of re • fined of tor *oak... • ' —ThMZexCitMnea'i'' 'toMsloned la the viclntke Of Pleasant c by the etriking a de. Tiainioaral' well is dying out. The welloontinues to produce abant one bundrici barn!! per day. —Tha,SOwn• wht* hu sprung up on the Talltasur Farm; between Shambarg and Attlasom an' Upper Cherry firm, has beetrmamed!Backtut City" In honor of Mr. flocktis; imo,or, the °priers of the Uhl.. Iron 'link' of twenty-four thhusond,barrebt cepwally Ls to be erected at Mlles; ~tlyerstions will be inbeded 113 soon es the weather will per mit' • Tlttl tank is to brrowned by Cleve 65Attl*ttnirilt m1 0 1u b '44.64 :,: f SaturdirY -afternoon: Thildeertnartia to craw thettrsairjust ma the train was com .llin tuning was Wan the shoulder bY the engine and instantly killed. . • • ""-The tibitileierni 'Fenn, situated • few gals betilttud the Illtamhurg, wells on Upper ehttrry.ltan, is trt be thoroughly tested dialing the next six months. Irntriwtwo or - ttuteAlgibear for patting down- willuttre now on the ground, and one or tiro spore will be, In position In a the — =P .m' th o e s= ina threl: el m i tilw n north of Scrub Gray Station is still In Ram= -Ole well was struck 'slant two Ywms ago'and the gas 'has boon burning ever slum:, Within the past sit month. , there hair boon a paroeptible decrease In thesoltatto.of gats end lam ,e , and It now , rises butte==r five feet above the slur fa** of thiti ground... —The kris ..reartateh, esiie a firs oc ciirred ii. the United msstl• Pogsr*** Mhos it Phhole, on Sattirday, - whlon but for its timelssdlsoor would lope re mtedioNseriens= wsse mosed by, the spilling - o qrnintity of beauty hi the eetraut. Mary, which ran throuociacks in the .. tioF catching the from the .31614 help*: Gletty wed Behottihro caught or on Satur day m onileg -basSaA=t three o'clock, and wee entirely - d . .-:oyed. The lows epee sand3. l- This 'Are Wriginated from a babied Match halag.brought i . into con hint witko imuntly of crude ail that lad 'run logb the fire box of the angina without therm - ighteerblang.sware of It. [tie Yakut SAS thispounin who lit the match in theme= bowie wadhomewhat son:died by the =plosion of the 011. % •:-'46S . liked 10fhb Allegheny Elver at themostikof 01:1 whi= rods ono of the 4.bututentarel the lorlit bridge, tact disappearing Under the action of Abe riser , rnitylryr 'Same• live or six yarns agu;_it -en braoad,'several arras. „Moro was .groip upon It and it watt at - th 4 tidal,' a' general resort for 'S"°= lo 3 ,o l ,ll o l ‘i The astute has ben sway piceowal by freshets, - and telk,e few innate rods of sand and gravel now mug thisenoti'mad ttis pre ted thas-lf thwepriesfreetteleberild be Istu n g **WS* •PCAO is b ind 'l' is All ' aegghr ryv t tver ' hi - flak ' } Soren temareitorospailheixiswiabartim. - in several yessas.,,,z. Ice AS, very and in some places 'lt Is, from eighteen Melt= tdtaio loot Ili T= in habitat:le thrinitastho steer base se cured inappl si,f the p.NAiteelity of Ice fur p -IMd fhey Sr. now anx - • awathusihm heintr, as ft ia an tiellastatlfleii la comes .suadent3r,. con siderable will be do= to btldiress had other Earn - the unusually loge onatiagt cteclit thht will. faros Its wag &Tank:eau., -Darin the bunk uP Demitabeglatt there was a moderate ' tee imEthenesirinatthha, bee more than tind sid Pralmut.7 was lost or dottro _Ootig the river final Win-rag tri , litho. •At present they ts acrid y as =soh property In danger front:S A=lk up In the same dis trict as themints at that time, but the ---- andanst cdieblerablet and the owners awl itspresdatatbres of it should look to its safety white there is thna curthint mut exploaion n at ocenired c alit' drilling well mar Enter prink-whit:A fur timaalitelordlnary _force Alisidayed 12;141414y, without ¶llel 1d - the tuna& co driblet( weIlL. Opera S = = th is . atone have been gel on u-w ". mule tit:nal:et efraliefebeohd sandrock Wattreschar,: y abaut ten .aye ago. It ap- - struck coats th heavilat thb too n MO and lato_the d rock li well and n:ok ay into s crierfee*Whgrb an immense 'ilueutttY.afitaa , badocadietied. The gas rushed put it the well with aloud, rum 'Ming arrandiluid 'the driller and the en- SiZieer ittario*trounthe' vicinity of the well oa a ruu,,,, , WlesyttadAarilly reached , ir sato thataned whan the, top length of the drieltig pliiifWits torn tram the Well And tbreene;#l,pwant Igoe, aceriek. ,The gas ,colipmed rspidly around the weltanderothie home. andalt i ng from _ 4 the tire in toutingthwit at with* report • thasyla beardouts of * disbud, Thi:enalue home and derrick •catight, firallifau isiiiploalois and were entirely disir :There are instan ce s c 1 1 3,, =MIL* Je drilthSf wells gds • , lee or met have been omdderily thrown Sem ther bet lee think that. - • this is the , ling time that the rtudi of gas hits had *tillable= efts to =en displace the drivingpiptdostaynaOsing of throw- Jo* It whngli Altt-',44b* - -A alrl twetre_yars of age has rossatlysoiestattoid a , murder at L owy. knave; She bad euttebsgsbad her will; ,eatered,the srtipe.of, arum there to take 'este: ot ttle boy flee years old, sad' shako:raver a:Ark:drat. :amnion' tweeze the .ettlyt « , tatkday unarm wax • likohtes, - ,ue ttonld sateertala hoe; ou • nether , thabWlistrewallowed plasand stetheidgrektkpiltroteequessee. thin ths, tOrt t wia,not. attspeeted„, -Deter rained' to 'get ;ME of hfm, 'end - sore re tiered from servlde r ldte'ssateed the poor hoe to emdlorwettslattlyof sulphate of oopperi - whichikUleddliaiinutzedtately. Too.,eavooriete, the , -death exulted sasplelon, 'and! a, mediaal examination , praxis! - diasiat4taleellealext bad bona admialW o 4.'itttamaaPautsaatarAdd Yi4. at ~ 0 .. s e n t ***We DS WA& the sally twat's! that otedd hue' drums it. —Wa4kg, aiionuppEror of John Beek_ .Waa taken ftete the „Colintbia_ ThatsaaaailaS, Elamb ..aud; ft'_ll:tet:. eaetteduadsald balraa a. rebel- eaeoulessed, from lootis4 „:rl.M.,,..&N i tat rat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers