Vitsirurfr Gaittte SWEAT .- • Still ut be sea, ettil to tteNizret.' • • p. re were [Mei in stein be mbrroe. Stilt • yit le to be igme smough ert's bid cameo are Mot fmaid, . All Le not oreete,ali is mot wind. Men me /*Oka, eye 'me ee Time makes alteplioltle • gram t Robes 'basely Rowing, bob bath • finch irentete neglect more Sme, Than ell tie eanlterite of art,- nit strike mine eyee trot not mine heart. Bei Janet:or. THE SOUTH. . . =Tim Mercer musty (Mo.) Adrolce Eisitthere its great dearth of good me ehrolca in that district - , • - • —The City " Manskoll of Bowling Greenlishot blesself through the, ead on Wednesdarlist. No cave for the rub deed was Inicrsm. • —There is ix rumor that two gentle men, Mr. David Ray And Mr. Vanelerve, were murdered by illicit - distillers in Hruim county, Kentucky. —Theta Is a city called Louislans,and It Is to have an election inJliarch for Mayor, City Attorney, Treasurer and Marshal. in Harrison county (Ky.) the farmers predict very large crops of wheat; while in Franklin and Bourbon, it is thmight "''the frost has ruined the grain. • -.-The Memphis Pori asks the question in a manner of hopeless desptir, "How many murderers are new aspiring to silica lathe Conserratitre party in this State 1" —Cassius 3L Clay Is once more to up _ peir prominently in the political world. He is going to stump Kentuckyfor Grant and is spoken of as a Radical elector fromtbat State... - -Valuable tracts' of improved:land have been sold recently In the neighbor - • • Holly Springs, Mississippi, for from sixty cents to one dollar and twee . ty•five cents per sere. . , —Thu Conservative State Convention - met at Nashville . Tennessee, and none Mated,as their choice' Mr. Andrew John ton for the Presidency. Their choice is about as bad as their taste. "—A petrified butterfly, the head and wings of which were In a perfect state of preservation, was found twenty feat below the eurface-by some men who were digging a well in Hamilton, Me. Ponds - near - Montgomery Alabama, were recently frozen over sufliciently for atMleg puriamea. Search sraa made, bul - oitly one pair of skates could be found In the Xity,tind those in a ted condition, —The Roman Cathiilics are erecting a new convent in Brownsville, Texas, near the old one. The new building is to be much more spacious and conven ient. The oldonk is to be tied as an . In- Armary and hosplild. —A few days, ago William Wright l'aiker was connoted of the murder of William Childress, in Wilmington, North Carolina The - murder was as complished at long ago as 13e3, and the murderer will be hanged Boated= due- Inglhe present month. t3edalia, (Ho.) paper says, that ( one hundred carpenters and builders, fifty brieklayens, twenty-fin stone =LODI, three brick yards and a steam planing . mill are very much needed in utatvillage; and could find active and contlamd employment. —Ameteur dramatic associations which have bean so popular in Wigton :Maid Affrhigan this winter,. have had an equal share •of Rots:der favor in klisssouri. heardV.of several villa gesOimong which ar:Zarrolngton and Sedalia; whem these ial troupes are making fan and laughter the order of the day. —While Mr. Larmer and 'Lie lister were riding in a sleigh lag month some. thing . became loose about the harness, Mr. I. leaned over to adjust the same, when his pistol fell from his pocket and vat discharged, the load pissing through Ids-breast killed him blatantly. Mae Latimer was ; obliged to drive the sleigh containing {her' brother's corpse several miles to Linevilli,-(Sio.) where they lived. . —They have queer ways of settling Idlls„'sad sometinies settling mullion, too, In some parts of the South. A Dr. Ulmer ;cremated his bill to a Mr. Quick - raiding In Galveston, Tealm. The Dr. had attended Quick during a recent at tack of yellow Peter and brought him wifely through, and for these senimithe bill was rendered. Quick objected, end tit Sao with !L - :huge Oilcuier barely escaped whole to the nearest po. 4 , lice office where be succeeded in having QS, pagilistre and war-lite Quick arrest . nd and put under bonds to keep the . - . Bomeof the inhabitants of Doty'a • - are great rascals A Methodist revival of the wildest de scription has been going on there for a abort time, and one of the Squire Per grans sort of inhabitants' deternoiried , to put a stop to the proceectings. lie bored a bola in a stick, pat three queries* of a pound of - powder in; it, stopped up the hole and put the stick with the wood to be used next day in the metier house • - dem The resultstaighthsve teen disas trous, as it was the plait and the powder - were discovered, and the evil 'disposed person disappointed. PERSONAL. Iferneide kw decided to ma Glee more for Governor—of "Little —rDickeis' licento.nost $lOO in 'Hartford:. He thinks Hartford is a con faniptablei pinx -Sant, City Is to kayo a now paper, raked to the core, and ydept the Huston Iletin. --Heneral Albert Pas, the poet, rebel and rapscallion, Is a step con of Falai Pillibury, the man who invented . Shoepega GOT. Brisk! writes for the - f,„s‘r and ao will the Whet of General Mani, who is to give a sketch of the boyhood of Ulysses. • - • —TheDavenports whohave been Tally am:4e so often, still 'travel, and drew hags bottles- When lest beard fro in - they were at Maraellies Pretax , : —P.A. A. E. Tot" was engaged, with •a somber of ass ;slants, atMolls, Mo., 011 the 10th tact., in removing the bodies of 13a1an. soldiers buried there during thF —Boger- A- -Pryor, once notorious as I Axe eater, who. ate „lib own words at the point-of 13.4.Poiter's -Bowie-knife, Is now practicing as•a - criminal lawyer tin New IfOrk: . • • • ; M x Strackoah is muting the New • York licsdemy of - Marie. Max Hare' , trek is doing the same -with the "Pike's M i Opera House.. The Pittsburgh press F,, , 1 know the latter. • - —Tennyson is Industrious; ho writes 'eaveat or . eight stanzas every* day and 3: ; eads a great deal. His annual income amounts to $4OOO, and is steadily _•.;•." on the increase. • . Herrick Johnson has beemcalb • edto . the First Preshyterian' Church (Irr. •. Barnes). in Philadelphia. His response 'miss telegram referring to Proverbs 23d Chapter Lad 18th Verso. —A. woman in Lancashire, England, -; Starved .to death recintlyi because she El)nid go the poor had s e all baus vo m, bre was and a h itmember.of the parliament'. Who a• few yeari sgono 4candslised Germany by her expoinie, - in the courtroom, of the proceedings of sprominentinenther ottho Berlin Cab & hurt, lanai; deingthe can can In London, and Is quite dl.guited that neitherthe t government nor. the police will notice her. -4: gorgeous .ieediling took place to 'St: Leuis . on ,tiedzie:ay. The bePPY 1 bride wore ss,oo6'set of car-rings and s . $T S 0 lace stiL .She to worth some tf $400,000 her . own right, and the • Orreqw ie sleek as wall supplied 131@y lien:: .813 prenut to his bride •ffirsimeethslo,oo(l. .111 s name Is Junes 1 P., noise harbor by professton, yL . pad a negro: The wifo is a mulatto.,- SPECIAL NOTICES. grA COMM A COLD: OR A 11071.1 L TIEBOLT MUM tametidate as limit le madam. it SA.IO.MI 141 Wit 1.10.14 Lerma'lea ti• Laaa5a...,14.1m." „Timms*, Mown. re glen. • BROM miaow, TROCHES • Eftelar a alma loilostra to the putt. girt hr. asratter- Vow Braaalattla. Catarrh. aratmawtlva and Latottaaa. Taxan art vat a rts a 4 7- satorra to li tr=fMire l".. Obtaa only .a Rio um.... 11 a etas," no as tat. War Istmerlovra lan may be <Wand. Una kink', of th NU Met) oasmi OECD. • 130CVU LEAVES, Prepartlss.—Theis odor Is stesos. atirat•• •d saws trim saossar.uf Ode tastes . =slams to WM.. As/flood Propel.lee and llsos.—Bneho leaves an rattly ottotorzoi, 'Mk yoonlior tom. dew tants Drfoory Orootoo; 'moaning 0,11... ols, soul'ltto other aithaz intdl4ll , ll...dtbn alarboroolo.. , Tbey ore (Iron to cow ololoto of tt• Urlooof COista, sulk as er.nL Cl:Jowls Cstarro of the /nod& r, lkforbld of th• ißioeldet sod 13 , ethfa.; o.seaso of [h. Pro . tat. Lod itotoollos oo loooatioonoe of Urine, from. limo/ Woo la the Inns oonoorood Mita evooostloa. She me 'say kw We %woo reomooaastleol In. DnpriMa. Chronio Ebensularn, Comeau ilfor4loti• Dna:NM ' Bizxsows Luxus stvw lsComa Dor m, arbra abe orb of I. tu tad 0 or In Um realize Cr coon. of HA: alb.. Cm• Ilueoroaa or 1.0000 rmals: Sod bOlUng obfl* Iss Aftleotiorste Medlar So iromollrn the 'lames Baum tsar erroulesas, other rm. .2, as It Chia:cots or Pe:cotton. Moguls :Ur. ftpin.rwaercatram.ry Croo ns lons, Ulterstss or reel rata DIA:11 of UM Uterus, Lausorras • or Whites. Ineesat at tit I.logna GraWel and Orepalaal Sabel ll•ge.—Tan medlett e inerettef e pow, of Mania. ad e: u, aneozbeau Iva insltlbr sedan,„ tae Wanrybb Cana cabs deposnlwaa ant all uanwarn Zalarremeataat• manna at web urea sad Intsakelattc. ilathatheathi.a llil•sat Buckle has eland lorety,th.• at Ulthe /leek him. IL Om tern vacs: theltallon a t the el Me 'Bladder thd telthootatloo of tee • Id , tflthrotteo../ /we bathe)/ awe Itladdar. Releathe. al /lobe; Damao ef %ha reathath althe. Memo to the Ethoeer. OW woo. Snot doss Vepaslae awl Names er 111110 Dithltarzsa. tad r gores . Wed Istt ,, oovUtot on. of both atone/I with. the Moab. ersolateutat—lealw Meson. to Ezertlon. Los , ot aser. Loss of Memory. DIM: on, or Er. /abler.. '' Week Nees., rrestftling. Horror Of 1/taethe We/alone/a. Dime./ of Vole,. Path la the Etht. Het ttanda eththlor of Ike Meth. Drythaa of the rein Erlipt.Os ovo he Tue. ra Rd thatoleweta... Ilottethat thwattathe of the . : -- KELYBOLL'S ITLILIOT EMILIO DID- REMO AHD ELOOD4IIIIEITIG, / Men all De's men .MMus fr.:0101M Of Llseematom. neemen and Immanuel Li L .lll,Matt ° ,l%,t ` gg . . t. 1•411 1 -. uv 0, meet se tionoribm.. Gleam orlon* szandivie. nuel Om Afallean—la them 6L meta ion..e. mot 121..nouter.ttaa BOIL MAZE. sor.D. AT HELMBOLD'S DWG LID &mum liquizons, BILOLDWVA azd try insiTwisus. tole •LND SAYS NO MHZ.% row•ai or coosTimms. a :VW, lEW . PpitITEE YOB THE ILISDIEILIMIEF Phal.lo2 •lllighg Blooming Coomm., . - Males , * !'2Ught Blismiabw_Cenew.., pluassOa .!!fight IllamalarC.remm.> Phlnkoa's . 4 •1 , 1I0t Eleszatrs,"OPr4s., pradras. Men Ulla=lag Ceram., A rocort ranalmita. deter" Irnatriart Perin. tierfik.l tram dm rare Imet heratlfal trar a . Writ It taker Ma utata. • MCI P 11.41,021 & SON, New York. AS TOIL .I , !ALOWS-TIXII SO OTII6III, lar'llY3l. BARNHILL & CO, BOILER MAKERS &SD BIECKET IRON WOIOIIIB. Its. 20, 23, 24 and UPI= St. liana[ seamed a urp ma sad terelatud It frith the meet spermw e-seldnery. n we ore.. pared to manatactere every deecrlption otßatt. ere :a the ben manner.' anterarrested total to any mule In the cocain. Chimaera. Drew-b -tu,. Fire Bids. etna>t Ptpea. Lie:emotive 8011. Cr,. Condensers, Galt Pans. Tanta. Oil EMIL ileltstora. emu./ raw. Hotter Leon. Arionss. eager FSna., sad ens nianufnetarers of MUM 1:11L1:8 PATENT BOILIIIM .. • • . Sew.trizur &este ottt• shoetcat *aloe. teS tll 'ROBINSON, RE& & Mows col to 11010MION. Sawa a armasaso WASHINGTON WORKS, Zinolluturni of Batt ind Instlama item Blasf IMO.. nu litukdoery. Our lox, E➢afllU. Cumin of all dtocrINIons:01:1 Tanta sod EMU. Skitter sad Mon Ulm Won. OZia: N 0.19 corn. Tart awl amll6tollets. WrAgratS for GIVIAILDII YATINT TSCROU for feedtu boilers. ,t1.21.,151 SUIPED.IOII COPPER MILL SIIIELTIREWORIL $ CO., ..` 'wt" 1..5ca1a... • " .tt • Essov for lervog 11. n Crime or l!kaltude. sorA lb, DrodLletri sit Asilsza .totak oreaUs hapern=or KM& 0.13 4l with tore res. o , ott t. Seas In 0.1324 letter corooloole flogrod Own.. • derma Do. 4. O pp HOUORIVII. kloost4 toinloClT farQVIRCY IL SCOTT. - D,ENTIBT, XO. 1118 PEAVIr; STREET, : ITITMI72IIII. WEEKLY GAZETTE, . ' THE MOUT, LTD AMMO . WLIMOID To THE BEST PAPEH IN THE STATE. : .21 , 7.z i p u.t : Vie of mra..., is 1 10/1 m ill IAIILi All IEI IIIOII, ' IT HAS NO EQUELp It is ty oro aunt uhriliakei tip is ths CRAMPON PAM FER WWI WORM rr colt•ors/.1.z. Tax NEWS OF THE WEEK . 01.6ZITILLY ZISZPAICZO. Enscsffi AT anal. lir AVDMIS. OLZILTTT.. Pittsbar h. Prams. SUATES t EHATEBI SKATES! _ . end • tteve received the lamst. the <A.D.% the best saierisaal Of • Mr... 416, Ei, b," offend 10 thti city. noire =gbh I. up to IllYn N om*, &M a Pal& t lf •lm. il very leper.. y.allty of _ • LADIES' SKATES Semi a<l heat the heat States merle is Assorlete lave a evalortabt• room moo. clad with sr roar, where Ladles ewe at ott that, Sta Lea Odor. prim...6llm (pikes nary will hot by hammy:lla ettnig minds whentJay rehab the lee. roe sass irr : JAIIO I / 1 DOWN. 01.2:TV7 1.14 %Oat Mon. JOBN D. BAILEY k nao, STOCK AIR REAL ESTATE CAOKESt -4osn atrimozazi" . • I Are rtoOtrte to toil It 11 !link, Bonds And all Allot. of Booorttlets. 11411 LIMY Ems. 13614 rannltre,oe. elitigraz tG Antolltos or At the hoard of Trt4o Itooato Yortleotte sstootlon otla. sa bolttotoro, to the solo of goal Astatoot velvets gala. . rates of ISOM 811114 11 LCa 000nttr anesdie. Uttes. I.tIIVtIKB ATItZAT. 600 J. SOILOON/LABER & SON, 3P'XIM//32317/41. 1 131111 . White Lettititsul Color Werke, w A w 9 D LZAILA R r ira r tit uz. 6,1•11COICMI Co or In atl. . • erne% 30.(17-IPOVILTIt 8111.11317. - 7.1e.7. 460, 4 51,464. 41= 469 Itete6ealitzt.6l sad 4% al sod &II Allesims, rr ia IIIII.DERS Arm silica 1111%1BBIN at WMIT.E. -.. . •, Brick Yard; • Are ne~nreyatrd to ?armlet Um Mt. 1.05 141 11011,111% ki1v1.156 BRIC l e ft4*..eris.taa s nit parcbarlis. Orders at. IV HIT' Baud. 04., N••i Q.•reet6 itnar. sr the Yard . Intl be pt empay Ltd. s):VjefslejolzSicit.,B.:sesielji SPECIAL IMPORTATION 1 . . SPECIAL MIPORTATIONI SPECIAL imporrrinoar I COM* XL.IIII4S-7-• 1..a.A.403EUM I OSP azcznrED. JUZIT IiCXITZT). Thlo tot. 4, ILZGAI.IIIOII and VALILINZT, Mita/ any prooloas Ixopornit".l. EZETHAS, - commis., Aumzsamizew, .voirisai to. rfIIOES REEMEABLY LOW I apLaLUe..• atocld aoo Ault' their selsettoli 0111 Ms east Is brotea. MACRO & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. frt. Bllll6llll‘llt BARGAINS I NEW STOCK, NICHOL ENDO & CO'S. CALL AIM LIAM:MIL Wit ILLL 7Prora Cana uat /UM klandkerettlefo, rare Linen. for Hum Cotton Bibbed klame. foe Lm.. Heavy Cotton Yineeed Hose. I.lratisailla. ./..1 Wool klcben nese, 230. ilexandre's Kid Gl•res, $1.85 a pr., TIM SILL BRAND. i • wanr. °rasa mai-5i.... =I 78.111011 BEAUX@ Hoax. train Loma =I Marwick .oul , •41 Pa perOollaz Oa. Menem Paver Collar Cla IlaTeriabls Pal:4l.oW. VS We Iss," • largo rwt•ty of LADISIP LLCM) smug tiwycs, wS1•11 W • T 1.17 am% Ws ar• also miles Neutron% Star Starts - at SL7S. If rei poUsTt, tan le a boar. Wu mAcrarm, GLYDE a CO.lll, T 8 & 80 Market NEW GOODS! MM ZZOILETED, LT J. M. B & CO.'S, 1.. 17 *AIW =WS. aLz.lenzpi.irusz,Lint, OALICOEt3 AND CERA= MITERS lITOCP OP [Milne__ oao~xxQ~s oval, To but. foto nos for coloadlog lb& non Soon NW 87 Market Street. pal 1868. " BatrAUL 1868. iIIBIPIHNOT,SHANION C0.,11t; Nirl - JOLT:SA.IM DRY GOODS, No. 115 Wood st., Pittatottiish. ' , 1nv.:4:72. LAMM NSW QOM ultfolk LZA3 IRIS PUEMIT ElITIli 2110151,, Itorciantas dotittri to wort up, .d uvular olossoe. thoold eat , NO. 113 moos nixie:. DiNNISON Sr. lIECKEIST. ST Fislis Rind. Fine Fors for Holiday Preseds. =EMI! = ■OIIIIDOIB RAE 11111.112 V, ===2 =EI XID OLUITI:S. HARDECICBEIJIL HCISIBIT, ALCM 1117SPINDIZIL COMITS m 11001. 1.1121X211. =I •11-wf roods 64 6.63666•6 prfe.ti t 161416 P close oat ear slater octet. C ARIU . CI - eCENDaiII it. CO„, BMVL2Ei .Z Dilwoce I FORMS' AID DOMESTIC OBTIOOII, N 0.% WOOD 11211.11:2T. otird loan above Dtaasesil rrrnitrisa. ra. SPECIAL NOTICE, To Purehasen of Clothing. CRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. (Heir !Street. Is ordrr to doss set =Ai sill/ MCA a Boyi , , YewWs aid adldna's C/LaCeriEr 'Nary , Aso vont offering goods st DIO/DZII SAW U 5.1213. BOYS' SUITS YOB $5.00! All ather goods equity tow. GRAY & = VOTES! GOODS. E HOUSTON & 00., Fastdonable merehaai Tailors. • 10.39 ran MEET, • novo Pon noet»d • moo. MI. Wiiater Coatings, Tooth. olPt lines mom. !MUM% it c 31,1 sod VLOTIOUS. ...Ua p no. very samo.blo. a fon o f saa BOW IMAM NADI CLUTII.II . polo. to NUS I. am. P • ' Mc/MIME. Merchant Tailor, Wo. 93j Widligeld Sty PlUsloorgli. Keels ecamatt, on baud fru assortnasse 11.07118, custom= a maims. MO, GENTILI/MI FUMING 6= ab• OXST•11 CLOTIIIING awns TO OZIAL Weft .olu. MERCK/MT TAILORS. JONES • BUFF, • No. 3 Pr. cunt !71X1? 4w brov n•aelYiuttlt VI wlt AT.O67l/111.04./AValie. uerp sew prepawid out ask 4 11141.“ weup It • style eq•sl to oaf &bop V tb. out or They Ors asteneleed 00 Mmalng ad harm to twelve a Wien& LeMeeleie. heTt:HI flk:, A L.A mEatimrrip • LIVERY AND SALE STARE. J. W. NICHOLSON. POOPIIETOL 1104. .141. gin Cp l nFIZio :11M111112. ii:pmatozetounte snow HO ans: Cana!g fifis. ‘ :rat Atte.;11111. tlealar stilltAall pus w••• Ina at IitOVASSOIIIIIIIO/.........Da1f1X 1111traill. DRUM & MULL `and pate *Mar, USILIMIZETF =TM mega raturesiesuraut Duos, PitillOPßONd. arrartleabet sesstios DOI Se 11 , 1 Walt lane Llama t &ad ot at liven canting. for tcurgan s PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, FEB ;sr.% :4 74 OP) akilj FRI : 11:1 8 14:150.713-% 01"1:11 ci a i=a win ! PROM RAGLAND. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED :trg;g4 . noes of Engibh Drustels Carpets, VELVET 11101 AID MATE, - ENGLISH EXTRA SUPER INGRAINS. • 'nu Lust saoortaut, laiost.tyles ao ' d Jawed prim is o. SM. OLIVER OLINTOCIE & CO., No. 23 Fifth Street. SPRING SALES. CARPETS HAVE CERTAINLY REACHED BOTTOM MOW. McCALLUM BROS., Mr tun easortmezt of an' Mutt. of (Mi. 2 . 1C17. . at • rods:m.lo. !mu plV•tril Ler =A d m i. r w e. leeLL5,5O eINCc 211 X OIL CLOTHS, IX eve.? geode. ea! decidedly tile Woe% steel la eay haus le the cy. McOALLTIId 'BROTHERS 5117117• Ilitreed, alcove Weed. . REDUCTION CARPETS, Ow anis, mann% WINDOW SHADES, &c., AT( BOYARS, ROSE & CO'S, $1 F ifth West, V WV= PAT= • SZLIMI • MULLED & COLLINS, am sow orzinia Taxa NEW SPRING STOCK CARPETS! OIL CLOTHO, WINDOW spume, CIIRTAIIf -GOODS, PUSCRUEB LAST ■OITH FOR CASH =I 1193 ULU ►lllll CPT fl umlaut rem goals do•Id asi men• M reVand ar W ;kr. egwyd 101 CUM( •t Par Balm Their Maui Talmo, AS the plass stank Ymass sr% Sisal. a 1.14 N IN Imist storS jt UM mats., Nol. 'll milli Filth street, == e) i 4: ff.:o ;,) I TI T.T!I xiJ la:l[t7l~',L )::4:i Eureka Carbon Oil, CIO IIIitMAZID Sport Lilllrk:sting OLla; CHZEICIAL MEMO OIL, • • Illeimume Beasts ta Croft Maisailt LallmissaliM son Bare. Moan% OCIa. B. C. XACIBIENEY, Agent. 19 Inds Street, WARING & KING, 011E111111 BMUS /II MU Petroleum IM Us MAWR. Adult% IRK% liegitea• Way, mitssmag. vs. 'wilting:. LINO It CO., I& =I=I! H. M. LONG & CO., NU WTI MIEN OIL. Shad—"LUCCOMil." wies, is. I Dope= wait LEVI TACK BROTHERS, ORIEUEI4III anaurrn, NM . ems sal 1l Products, TWIWWWIIIat 0771Wiaes seaPs Xalidiai taws er Dooms Way sal Indystmt. YILILLDELYIWILO37IOII-IWI Walaas ayttara/ 11/14 WtICIMULIN MORMON WOLI6 OIL WNW, rillbW2l4llllo egroriue. . WICNTIOAN S ANDERSON, Itslbws and Deaden In PETROLEUM, onus, MIMI woos. anundi ant. 0002 erns: AND 01111171111 U WAY. • S. a. 7017011.4. ESIMr..III. L lininiuma SOllO OIL WORE% lionfortore atl bog MNU on Nab of 1,1711110473.1110 Z.. I ye. CLAES I/11Z= • / azza on. OTIOE TO CONTELACTOEN. • Amami procoMat. %Übe trans. es gam W. from MM. lf•loccin Se.) It %be MI. Of CM sadaMMA tor tb• MALMO, CrOlltlo ma Nadia •C SA IL LAN; 11111 Del 51. lILIZADINCE MILT, PDII Rift?, IMO flit!!. SLOT =CST cal IMOD( ♦LLST. SpecMcatioll Oats mast Um ores of the CILLIXAT. • • Nava or Dvaisosso loroist“ MAN MEILNOIi h LISISPER, • FLOUR. CRAW /AZ PRODUCE Comminsion Merchants, 3*o I.I3ZUTY or., rrratsinsau. COanramoas lIMIS.CIer , :-I. G. Yana. /laltiaa ts: National Want. J.O. Dthrotta a Ca.. T. aneslT a Bal. • ..)•31..J.24 Y. slum nima. srzekle SON. • • psaLIIBIN FLOCK; FEED, 811141 X, An 4 Pmetube 915 OHIO 8111.117, mm Lai. Comma '4 A LLZUHINT C/IFT. KE' l : l ' Leyvaittaw4Ax:lii:l3,loll Moo, &raid, 131i41e, Mill Feed. &e. sae razarerr num. . Inftfibe rzrzsznnuan. PAL ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' Lad &Alerts z: FLOM GD113.1 AND INIODINA 01111166. 4/1 LIBTATT BT.. Plitt.bursk. L.l. BLANCUARD, 9/BOLLIX AND =LIM CIF FL CO C 1 3111 ta, 398 Penn Street. 0n:.13 LUX. Lan& lyrßA.Nr. k AMES / • Constniestan Merchants/ Malay la FLOUR.. 08•1111 sad esoccas touralPi tT,t.ban. WALT/J4 Move deoltlitlei lea ld ea rt FkaZER 4 ARMSTRONG, mum AD conomu num fbr the Ws et PIM% Grain. Jaws, Larklhatter. Weft, Marl hnlts, sad ProdeekirflimUt. tio• II Mutat Streel. corairr of Pint, ritUbuirt. I. RCHOMAILEII & LANG, Whop ftlo daalers laereeandea. hoer, O u t.he duoa. hareem. FUN Chem, Ult. CV Pis:db.- Noand rld Wood Inreat. stsarLl Dirt eceet6Sratml. de. Pa - JOHNmaim /so VOInI..M. n. ocks. HOUSE & BUM, att. CAMAS TO JOON L. Emu • Oa. 'mos 8.16 Groom a nd Cmsnolon Mantuan, On of Watuntsna, Pninonit ILIDDLE 2 ifie, in Liberty S TlUshargh. ra..Comodullos Xeretunt,ano WIolenal• Maier ta Commta7 I . Todaes, Groosetu sa4 Pluslacrgit innututurm. Cash Ildrlkitel R• Rio: & _Commission . BIZECCIR gut Dale„ 7L01711, OWN, MILL 1111111 and rBODUCri idadirdl• tr. NO. TO Mummy& dliradtd OM Ha. And- Cdrd7 let 1:117 nu. 'CRAWFORD. Comniii• og gilM i gn a T LarLAICITALI •0C LAT,Jhsjr ARON, Irwx g 3611 ri/Lai reiLIZT.O " Ma Ya=s4. Canstrastents 14n.f. eel IMMAINISAKAVA asd ankalerstrftwroar. ••• Meow Clorbea Lim a on. Irma , et' IL LT1T1C1A.....1.11t. 1.127)12) EULER AL BROL,ABuccesse r to Lye. a aulatoof.llOsalo MO • to Toraten Mts. Nola nod ladcoa, Cootaetto 7,61= i ="At.a14. 7 2•• =1 TORY B. CANFIELD, Commas rlirardleg=aatird mind. W I . Lard, gink rae.. lloa, Slay rot 3 = r... 0 Ashok al (MIL DILA Pratt. ana rron• Cana nananlln s hos. Inland 1111/teal Meal. rittabarg. MII4 Ira.LLACII SHIPTON k. WALLA( E. VII boll*. lab MIODANA AND nwinaz MALICIA .rn. 1 , 124 M.p.g... I'M *taut. lan rri.l 11 , 1:1 , / , "Vtir4 liipp a rE rrnu llN um, CMlolll.4l9CE CO. &LIZA:WAY &MICA. Pre414.1. NIL. P. trAttltilti. e•Attnaul. °Arr. fesusia sizzLik e.aral Aims. Vales. IS IP e. 4 street, ia. !Oa. & Man Ilea.. &AU% rtcurn W . en ualsat sit M 44 el /WWI WA& A howe lasUtatl . &awed el lAteet. ebo sts melt they. to the totehaehlth. awl v. are datenthted by hromhts444 .4 hberallty, to wAlatall W. chart.. Ina. they have . f . 4 . 44= Lltaritg the heft 44.1ettas fa Wee Dtalveass. alai. IR boa. Jena I. Yee." S. lUllsr. Jr. CIA& J. Man. Janes .1t4A4:41. W huhat A Z.., *near. /amp& ittrthurA. Alan& 421st. I.l.llllphtmeer." lt Dart& N. Leas. V 4 .• 4 . 144, U. Thum.. .ea • :IL r. m ich litr. asereterf. BEN FULNKLIII • INSURANCE COMPANY, , FPAhlalN 61V1A61 BANK, No. 43 Ohio St., Allegheny. Pa. MMIWZMEIMI 13110. a. ItIDDLIC. artnotuT. 11101RT.IRW13.•rroadvas. lwas PICATNBTLTAIIIA LISILIitACR OF PM:MOH. PA. yams% mulattoes, inuail raw kt • 1.1=4.4r. i t44/, tx.res .41.$ 10.1 gy _IF IT, • i.. 31 0 ,114.1.1 Vlst!teat LaL_ 1 644 r: Eagma ~,aosard wncr. W Ilsoy C- C. WI , . I}ao. IL 1 arta. 4_. I,e primurr • AGAINST LOSS BY FM issuunt COMPANY. .OF PAULAIDICJLP MIL clam 416 464 4 asswrzoT Now ! Litt. Itanakiniroo. H. Lewi. Totd‘o wow. t2.ltrow.. S l =leirl. • P C. DaW. • "*" r r • CIO/A. 4 k al ra,gru ALL, tr,w4tat. 66. c. rtzzial. COWN= CONTER. Ageat, abfoll flora Wool sot. Tided • Wood A . LLEGHEAX CCIVRANO or. 1 , 71110 , 175va.-011771, 71e.. C ov7 PIN . . . ida t ir Mmia at MIT Ltd Itzrilr• SUMP 11 1 .24,11: 4"42.,.... • • ,moo., • • t:Tivl. W. Dosa. VII"dla latalesioalt. W. 1.1. Slrerpit. W VIOL MTV ' s:MI" - u•SZIO Kn. cam. J. T.istor.tdal‘ NICE 00. pco i erms tqe ornos. sr. s. Wl. WOOD nrnt 1 A MAN ?ASADA MI • On I. Jul YiIJT. 017 . /. litrat.of .Writ vita AIM 1.50 15. OUMW W.D.Yiusar. U. Elsa.% Urfa 4 JOHI Y WLY7 VIM W. P. e 117 Alg ow 0.09 An. ZEEZI Toascco. rniscco t • TOBACCO! TOBACCO! FIVE DENIED CADDIES,. Anniarrn.) SSA JD& I JUST DJIUTITICU Off 0034003rItZJIT. 1111% IMO, OA 1117 owns a 183. As low as 50c. per pampa, - 7 T "'"'that'="l.ltta:l i d ;. '7'ul: •=ra . ROBERT' F." WEDDED IS Wih litaitahai Cor.6m/thf.ld la..WateiAta. alma . JOHN MEGRAW mu.t... a z t uro z r.2l,l.ll Tobacco, Snuff and 'Cap" ,EXCELSIOR woes& I . R. it W: JENKltillOrd. Ils.u.fatttrars nut Salm li Tobacco, Bunk Opts, lipety,fit.. • incDit“.l. irsMarcia, 11,44:(4101,1): .. Lajj . cum, SVIGEBLY & Cal& Memnon k. thio. V. Schultz:tax ar 006,1 PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS" As. L94l7lth B lifif i r Wimilita graiMi a.. nooses& (Ards. Link!. Haws. lirradFb4i_. artrvalErs, Mom Cud% Dlvilso: ....17.1 Views. ,arcielutes or oi. tea, ... g ... nOardt, /Lc.. co. TS U 4 Tit 'ram. lamb. cnse. fdIILLID, LITHOGRAPHER; •.. SO IF01:111 , TII ST.. Apollo DWhI*I TTPO U S i Iia 2 47, SOFIA tit s i t=.. " LIT FOE SALE.4IEAL ESTATE. 2,000,000 ACRE' • , 11101C11 Ii 11011 SHE • ( BY W.I. Union Pacific Railway Co., • I zaormia mancor, Was atm th , nl.lni or toad. at . $l.OO to $3 00 er Acre, aaa as • CILLD7 07 YLVZ 1111121. /or p•rtlealan, cur, ie.. addr••• JOH! P. DEVIEROOXI • itnd Compluloner. TcP•••,K.A. , Or, VEAL B. iAliseits, Imes. Lova& misocrart. ao.lll. FRAME COTTAGE. SIIUATE 13 M L WA3HINOTON, • MThln 25 Wattles' walk ot the Monongahela bride.. Tile boas r eoiltahra gra room, LI , alma. eel on ann vault.. Lot ICO reel tom ny 202 feet deep, fr allele on lease Wawa. ale OP los ars KO toeuing grape ve. or nee M 'wield's, warn all kinds 61 san:awry, s ock,. grombeerlos, blaekbperlen atranb•rtlea and earn.; a peace,. pear, apple, datum! and v2erry t: etc Will blond cheap. Innate. of STEEL do WILSON,' Brolus and Heal istale . AgenU. To 65 Badthield stivet. FOR SALE LET and telt tot galg to ull parte of the city sad Also. teggrat Fa ct o r y . good lonettog. Aloe, estall Woolen with twegte gem of land. And good Irpentgoten l •• B'thigh I will tellehegg gad on reasonable ham. utgegs Boosts to letoa *meta. Private /Dwelling MM. fortb attics. - ror AMU" psztlegthrM - SI WARD. •1 tlnnt shook len ' 051:0140 the Cathedral. A t COAL WORKS FOR SALE. ual tgig Tofa b t. oa tels • d ate l . l4, l:: mut, miles, and all the necosafil • 0 1•••• for • lame ettainaohilad lehhtedlat• operatic.. Then wild low &anima tem.. • • • ADDIy to W. L. iHRUhI. Wig Estate UM., Ito. to goat 11.. orlicialt• Mart lizasa. 101 l FA WILT OSSICERT STORE TOR 1511,11—Ittitaled on one of the leading slain. Lawrahoevlila, Th. : ner d eons. Dille ma wed minted, sag the o e sold tell to the modal oriltleCO war year, With • nedltlon to the coil .1 the In nn. ego re tl~..larf[W. /lent for store wad dwalllgg STW; or will osehangeror dwoillag to or new toe ell), Apra) le =I IVroi.A:WLeKeriztrivv4lA r. r. Arwooa..aassem macs ATWOOD 11111TRBY. BRAM FOODELS, BTEA AND 1 GAI wirrzas, Or. or Erd sad LTheityBtreets, . 8 47 ° attLei` % E • psia ta the Ertttagcat waa zaubeta k s!amsboass, sow,. heats for A. Lemnos dt Co.'s STEAM P LIMPS BLOWER LNGINIES, TWO I'vler , We =Prier Ileletlitagiateeerei ether% WI every eve le wernated Se give esUee feed*. ram* cassuatl7.ll..d. tokens nem oh caorn...Joi. arm JOHN IL IOPER & 00, BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam satiGas Fitters, itmetatarm a rVMFa UM InAl/81FURIL nx• farm of Me sal tratut Streets, . n ..PITTSBURCIII. PA. U!IiWWL? SILICDAY aCiIoOL CELIIIII4I. TIONS. MINIM 1/1111.1.1 rAßrlu. 111, totraLthed Inf.\ U. ben ler CHXII.II. OUNIXOTTONIII It Ms lowan prigna..3l4s:=4llltiry .717X4113111. 3FILI,CMCWZICEII - on, is MAXON% W. nouseLcm, Confectionery aad.Bakery, see earrHlrl*Ll3 errsarr. Llberti. Erf...‘LIGS. °MIR 4.41.4/0X GEOUGE CAMPY 11,11111FACTURElt, 4•44 rt. 11.11.411. iturs, Iv a '' " Amt 010* PATEN ' THE HOUCCAS BRICK MACHINE, tile.litterldrr ISCIFCIEWINING DIIIO I .IIIII YILT s a 2.1.. 1. not operstle. bmasatews /“.... sod lustye tot rem 113.11011 a 0.40.000 NM Day t lb. *ay inutt•o.e ibis h Lod sow to .nnhi of tie ltholotalas. Mk. p••• directly l'lta Istv ou•lilt • to tb• Ws. gotta; tuaalaata sa. n PorCIRINi 3dFlllto 654 uy tuf.sistlos. DerNatuis, . _ • Ito. Ito !IWO PtartilOttitt *tit . • e I td‘oltLPltlA. ellaeranaled to Coola. lets sr Masse OW well ae www perm b lWe Deem lUSSELL & CO., Its Lau= rrarxr. ad sadter . PAULO% ItTUVIS, IWI lylvV/2 1 / 2 UZATICTWJEre, IIIIWZR11; COUIFINIU /11A,NUILIL Ake., MT= OABOKRB WIVELT EMBED wpm.. tts•lN 0 KNIVI or CAITST/C, ard ortilo Compiralltely Little Pain. Itol'aido Ix Ito Orfila IP ALL CABAL Dos comm it.* D.ToIU tho - VtitAttrilL44 Cl L !me:. ku4 Lu Cli.olorr. *arr. Co. Ao AdArets vr.'t. a. women, , 3002112 Vr . gyalir. VA. HAZARD:- POWDER. T AJNI NOW (PREPARED TO inh A t i .t Coca. all =torn. Mr Imo or !LIZARD'S (gLERRATED POWDEIEL IVIVITWAVILTVTINAttiIt gt 1103: PL, or to 10 ) 010012 L QT)iliT, ARTHUR KIRK. ULM nIIK .r 4PW' n q7) I 7. Q= Ott 124 1 17141 81 rt: II CIR D IN TI" CYETTUra. j La m a t . 0 at a . 1 .. 6 Va . B. Znil . H. 13 11.4 - IrCOIIT, ile.aleT , Weights and Bleasares. ite.6 gonna arrassr, eutnes Llbetti ii& /wiry Order. Timm 0tt0n. , 44 to. nolkies coeiatori aucIIENE It WOll ME,, , Notlll , 4tat Corns al W 4. Oamecni. 44.1.11rt1rY. , 71/2DT 2LIVATEE OIL 22•0221 las or row 21.0 rt Nett% AVITZA.24 V. 2. 21 L 1215 2 1222 V ULT.. 22. 112.2. WEND TOMB irroxim &l a et ,. ...I, se $15,000 T4J Lowy, ..• ON BOND . f l 3 lIIONNOLON. ' - . GI, OR. raiNT • inrs ~,. N. al B;o1011ala ONGN: 1 14.15Ltiind cold. ON lIARY 19. 1868 SCEIadiNEOITS. 'IIEAy 'GROWERS. •K& . +f Iu\LATEi) ROME` Sipe -Phosphate of Lime.( ILLNU7AO7I3IiXD BT THEs LLEOHENT FERTILIZER CO., SEClVjthitD dr. CAMPBELL, iItOFMISTOIA. 1 56 Penni St., Pittsburgb, The best Terti , Laerlis am, and reeormtsad 1.7 all FU19.11 who haw. Wen it • %IVA, to ba tba standard ins valaln• pv .. ..4:O h r.Z.MATA (lats. Morn, rotatoe, or mataltoos armalloo a wasenblet containing sterenlnn and valuable statements at to ts Per- Ulm. copies of whleb will be semi free to any adine nal their address.. MIER& ~...,, lI(7PER & CO., , lora to B. a. attLera. AM% iu.Nosii.crt;ma OF FURNITURE Of Every Description. 800011 AND OFFICE namrrOßE No. 415 Smithfield Street, =I I I #'/anoilamat of ritt.sow.gilt Kisafas. tone Taraltareamiaatly oa Oaa at LOWIRT CALM 2/0./.11. . • 1' • 201111316....1111. IL MILL Wenn% • ' ar.A. 33C. 411:3017113 UNIVERSAL WitSiNG COMPOUND. AN iIIZIZILT 21411 PILZPAYLATIOSs. We .o. roc eanalorl la rnccriotcsillS t-tOr valuable t:Y. for olecasten orposoes, crier co ran cauldron Pal Oro entire eatlonetlop HOrEKEEPERS, LEASE TRY IT. With It boo en ran at lean horn tisane to An boon , be labor oc Uri cutrbocrd. Polder nosey, Woe ao Par Pold er / INC PAINTS: to Itsvonable. benne It 4 1tra= rVlTi.l73o2ii h atNt. WLEIVOLCS:I Li i i Is lasmated SO mann 0 LIME, CU saner &antlers lintels. 7011. eon by ORO. CUP asol DRUCCILITO recently. sod crealso• solo and retail at our Omen sad roltaroort. Nth NOUNT/i WriILYNT. I M cum; 1 slu=r a). errrserliel Ewa lIIRGII IMPORTING Ewa. I actazi,urro .am. ~DTj& FRIDAY, • NEIMAN, FRENCH AND Minn AND LIQUORS, • 40 Pen Stree, t, Milburn. POHNIDT Ills'ring totarnetan rem 1.14•• lars• yarn...kW salmi ta arranesauco with the Tollowm4 claw Wawa. i . p. Bihtlla.tß A•LIN4Msu6 • PAWN: : o,==== Bwk3., 054 , .. • pa.. IlSkI•110 11 , ,L1111 DT, X. vesban. • LW.. it URN •• 00,', Creasawk. 13parxilaz beet awl Itsella.! say, stn.. tvittsb •Non. Lta•O to • C"., Scot<► Ales. A Abele* astortmaxt of row: OLD an 1/111AILAY coosLanthook ba.4. MArIALA orrfenod arouireolosts AMA Qs slow orsore um sOlo tore atoo. Um dote.% triad WINAA and LVOUUII6. Xxashistlos utl comparlsoll el pthfaa solloned. A NEW STEEL ENGRAVING of ... ICELAS, DICKENS, - • OUIT / I DLE j . A 311AY115.1. I Given Gratis to all Snbsctibers , , To A PLATON'a NM POI 7.311•1•03 • CliAl DICKENS' WORKS, i.ow rLIiALIILEII3O. Ou me•lsq of SIM .3 •11l SAIL. • 051.3.14, to IST Swittets,•• fult aa pe10101.4., the sails* Sat el SW ft A.. no. AM' •a 4 A ASAI•ST Mtn - 210.14 07 mmlE:mu Nevem.. voland; to oth. onto se oiogavAllopro•do• et • Still= 11.011 A Kerr UV 111011[101111. Oat of Um best yottaimated of Me 4lottaguisho SS MUMS. Svgs.* votuar• of Wm • dims of 1 , 13:111•1311 en now rota r. • I i.k. leb•n Pawn." 31e•sto . 1 ...An r T• 101... 3 cone: `,llll•Sica• mote,•, li teat.t ...os, STisselatteli." Z tests: old lessoissi Slaill•by," Z omul; ..tatiiSt Sae suirtio.” 13 coat.: ..31oiaboy _A So• • •• 33 Pa* A. 'MIMS is IsVS•d Sys Ty mr.S. V. nit.t4. se Mr as Itssett, teeetltr-erlth the tor. trait trapad. will be nulled olaneir d tro.recalpt of Ita pace, on Sen. •oet ',costal a .3 parte of Lan anatr sal aLI Ha Loa or Pintas /Ivry torah, .:ea once tatanUeo. a atanle. Jeltnit7tehe. ar mor tat oat vOl **rola, NIT Vick vas ...nae Plitt tad to Pelh4thheasfee medal area A 4115. ATPLICrI I II a Cit. Tatitaort Nato' ea a allinatote. tan Tort. errs, CIIOICI COFFEE, RE ;;;IpES, I - 7" OBIFIISOWSp 20 Fifth Street. I " ouo r WA T c°l "7T x 47.l TIME "111 RECEIVING SID orzstiou moron/ma Istraisai Inxtiq it Las High Benito anti T* Low Sallee Tumplig Engines, ZIDID OS I=l CM iN=iMZIi;I 011DIA UIP 727 dU►DD. ULL C&OIIMIL. • 0r1=2221 1L - TA&URLNY Mul.helants -r- AND lIRAPPINO PAPERS. CLINTON MILL, ITIUBMMVILLI, OHIO. lIIMOHTUN icua...l,llsw Bazerroz r*. 011/101 AND WIIMIZZIOVILL R0. i 1 82 Third Street, PUceborsh, Pa. oinoszs-auwAor kj•Wrir. rnittaut. 10.11, r. 41rholsiale iud Bran Muteiteurani of T Copper and !beet Iron Ware, • laodn'en MIX/WM STOWS sad 1101161 ttA1411)4413A. tut i imm4 in los nu NU !I tun. ld igiM• . "'`"M WILId 'T?, ,:rrrsacruen. Pl. W. W. JAfIWZ 1 A.I.2.ICANDUI nfl JiC: to KSON tfc . FREW Iranian Lttuotr . urea rum) . 11/A011:11111411 AND DIAL= IN / lia6ess, Saddlery, Tniniuh iii., Au trill also to oL baud ad tumult from Luta. mutat, t, au Ur bas battens, NOW ,2WI 7Ma 174 hbet, Exp ui Sup lidpage, • • 31.013 Wood Al tweet' nolo aglllia t. Ms WOODNASSICX atom r•Ill.71,1111111. noLT 01111.1 800 a 11111311=1 , ...J•11. W'S.O.T..IIO3Zat LIDDZIL. I SPENCER, & CO., NILS? HI S IND BRIMS OF Ate, Porter dßrown Stout, tnsi 'll3. Al L.-liftmen a ` rise. Address A. J. • tat,Ull A DAT TOOL BAY? ipnaglet PRi3fli2MaoN/d. JOiL fiIIsCLAILER, Altorney-01-LNA'. U 42. .116, 71 %mazy tif., Olttaimnb• CrAl tabu .eelall Ukendoll to. 11. CAMERON, Ag.orney-at-Law, i No. OS Fifth Slarvst. R . BIRDLE ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Law: craft, N 0.76 GSA= IMIZEI up Mrepadai •tteattol atm to caw trAstl EIIBTACE 8. 81011110 W, ALDERMAN. Ex-,43lllcio,Justice of the I' '*CS, An, mums YAGLOTILLTZ. • Ofilee,,h. haryhaft MU% 141. Wad.. dikelagares. Aekserrledragata Dapcalllege gad all Legal Mugge. aide led alga Inoandaged dirgatch. .111 ionni Y. sarrt . ' .,. .--ra . . aurrurtimn, WAIASTER,IIMAIN a RUITERVIELO, Attorneys & Counselors-at-Low, AND BOIRITOBB IN DLNE.RDP!CY O=I3IMI .me., NI NNW ,U/Mlllll OATIMIAILL. MEE A . AMMON, roarior or T OOa~alaSCaY. Beal Nat.olo sad Issurizof ktott. 0•1113011 lITHEZT. Zan Wolloftort. a .ooll ttondo4 to. ealoa of Reaps sollellot lIro.DUY mrarrol WIPLUM H.. BAWLED, IRMO OP TSB PEICA CONVWIAIIO2II. Mee, OAIPKIN ISTEELT. mmrly crypts. UM Hallway Dppot, Boutb PllitWzgla. • 2Malnam axe tr m emtsdto dm• promptly Mulapd SO. MO DANIEL Melt/MAL, BE D., PBACTICING PICYBICILNI Urn sae leetletabm. , No. i 54) Craal star 11111„ soak= J . 8. FERGUSON, Attorney-at-Law, 10. OS NIPL . It 111211:14.1 . 6 1D4403 Mew= nom. Mire Palos W . A. LEM", MOHNEN AT LAW, No, 9 Diamond 6trWl. PITTZEURRH. 71, = JOHN W. RIDDELL, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0171011 510. ID roans m=ass. 13:123 I H. G NACHDEM. ATTORNEY 4110EINSELLIKI AT UN No. NO Grant Street, PITTEMPHOH, PA. JOHN A. ITILLELL =MI 111t7011eie, lattices, the Peace SAD roucrt luster/Ars.' Ofee, 112 RIM et. oppoino CaLdiodrtl, M:M3I JOHN C. MeCONLBS. IMMO AND COUN:8101: IT LIM No. 87 Fifth Streot. Boum.. sad Amen orho , ptomDUy collaatut. sa. PiIZMUt& Fa 0nme55.....,........:....—ms La Ira. lILTER WIJINII., r J Hann and:Sign 'Painters., iii. um sms! wsurre, illitobarill 4 .. --- " ' ! wane! catbedss:a ULM GAMMA... to ordar. W. s. si, , .r;a3 -- vv. at. ;Lanais. ROWLAND D I DARIUS, • HOUSE ARO SION PAINTERS, - sausurse ium aLazizaz, is. 44 DI IltedD. ALLNGINZNT • 11at63 ISII deal, la Oa bra =user. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr.,. House and Sign Painter,. so. 113 TIMM ISTASSII. Plittsburitlir Graining, Gluing and Gliding. NZATLTi ZZLIMIRID. {zed MAN. Tar , bi r th Mir. 434.4•4 BijistiT"‘"Onaaloa4.. .11 , 15.• ••)• HUTCHINSON & KIPBURN, SOLIS au SDI iilllolll ?AIM 6EALIMI2I MW 111.1\111[113. No, 111 116111 M ARNIM lttitaSwab. A/1 MAUI by nall btaatbday atteiadad to. scam lecolux...:—.---rwro. Isamu MCVOIVALN i EINTIIELF, • NODAL WON ANDAMARAL PUNT AID GUMMI AND Ctlol=3l3, 11.111141torlt Iristamad.lJlexttat Coatomatal tiros M. to ordtri: Orden TM OD tidied .4 warty ix eamd. Masa La, 'WM • • kllamod toasts:lth Q. boat. , st.M.Ezt CARPENTERS, BUILDERS. no, sawn. nturcna. J s. nurfcrEs, CARPENTERS AND MUER& Canna, tLcoa IM nlval p, Eton Iftertla. tr.trri.W . rer g r 4 assenptloag " hi. Mid in laM no MOM .17..41 Z. IL PAJLZILIEIit, • Rouse Builder and Carpenter, ar.4 4f ,mt . BILHICZaII LISZT dad 1117- dlirJobtdad bbij• M alialsiag CV♦• with addl.. ea unALydada I nab% J. DICK, ' • .Carpenter and Builder, If. SS rtirNISTLIMAIA LUXOR. .PWltte iltaliarmi." , :t.... • Jaobbluff 00.411,111 i stamen lad atopafien. .111 ord.. valainly attta4t4 ..t. . warraviod I sialfi.Ctuvt• 1 : 10Ij8E BUILDERS . IND i . -CARPENTERS. ntne am Slam= praisottr &two' otl W. bl woitettooto at rim SIMI ! 11l P lib 1•141 On rt. o:(eicif:l THE MANSION HOUK T l 2Mr SlG .l7s,4 l) th i r g i °" th bay, parab •na ruru 4 )1 at. OLD zisdn' artst No. 344 Liberty, Street, Led till mattes to keep It toeat Or. the summon WARM kae over n tend... nom, all newly larellabod It the 0.0.0 atyfe, a be lA pot. minutes. vale trot tie Railroad tea• Det. Tmelera till 2a4 able boad as exaallient ra r tfatiee ati a lltl ia i d;7 l l. be auXeamodated air aloeseetrt wIM 1N Renia LI a ebleedid Hitt steetts r . fu Ce me. o Roil. ponces tatea to board ly the day. teal ae toa W. Irttll or without MOM :H. WAGNKII, OOIDUOTED or TUB EUROPEAN Pie I ST. JAMES HOTEL. 0010 roar& 407 Lliserty °Mato inn Ulan D.pot, FITISSUBeat 811E3 kL LANIHAN, Preprieter Winona Is newly; WIC tad notendldly ra Maned, and convenient to all Ma Uailroade note 411::"`Y• trlV l AT:L=2, Dian. too eteure ton em t ecnia b t a&I . MT iirtt% Vitt all noun ot Int day utd nue,. nano and platten enretind trtn ran at tile ?origin. cons and =Vs ST: LIWREICII 110111 ;• - Tam zuaursiair max,. li. S. Oor. P#an ()mud Elts., rwrasomies, ph. JAMES 401118911, ;Proprietor. ZVI r=2,Wl==4"Sudeai IMICIIIMAKEIII4 114 , 111111.4 , Ott n ' rl AND ONZI4II Taa a ar lC aalWVaaa..eiae Ileum. , Bee. ...Ilea ea os4:111 fool. sad...CU rinlz . coal spa' be obialrel tal:4 IWO ea el , • I alieelaenn NOTICE TO OLIMM thaw, for -Qs or Ugly ICII/1(01) ..1130)11 Iho Ouutrratool OlDz 11OldnOctt of W. Idea the acct r tomthOllm eA% . Ite.d of rt.r from! le .2.1 , 110 t to .11 ,plutt bi alaVeir JaZatit BARBS Alai BANK:FM.Bj HART, CAUGHET & CO, Bankers and. Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WBOR STREET! rrrreano a. ra.. (stroansolts TO 111.111 A, Eli? dk 0041 //WA= 111 Echaugs, Cola, Ceuponi, uawrueamawaaoavuawwns GOVEILIIM]Mn' BONN S. iIIPIII9NTI3/1•111021LONDV9. on:WI N. HOLM it SON; 13.4gL1V11P1A1 2 1434 No. 57 Narket streak D.palu rocatrikd la Paz mum aad c4reenry: Collectlou made asWI the intscloa Pat.L.O. the Unluul States smd Omuta. Stocks, Bonds AB4 Other Securing* "`bunny LID SOLD 03 003311330101. ruticeasz atiestioa said letb•ruckiatiat sus cal U. 'S. Seouritieis,!:::l' beOuting 1:111.11/9r7a3A. U. a. FIVIZ 10.400. 1: I & ONZTIZIOATZB OF INDIOTZDASIV Olosre sad Vostalsobrishtar oaOsetiFlL. XEYSTONB SHIMS 114 293 Liberty Street PITTSBURGH, PA. i; =I General Banking Maness; 1111111 Rr 1/1111840131, n ft: Monday. November 18th. putt ACCOCatil of .111111rJ. 34131kM Collnettons suds on all nolnis m. Ma 172.1i4 Mat. and Canada. lanqess allowed on Than itropnklpt. UNITED STATES SECUDMEI Mir AND 801111 : 61:0; T. VASDO6iY. awder. WE3IIIII SIMS Imo" Y .i lbstmeesS Paid ins Tlai• Dipestts. /Lay as isSelind Ms Ono Ds/Jatf Lato D rost.avoslts nalds•S to 'without DISCOWIT DAILY. AT Al OCTLOCI*, President—THOMPSON BELL. - ties President—d.LIIIIRSBALL TIMM" Bas mascrrO va J. J. Jams Fl. Elsazar., A. M. itockbolder• 'Maas Tonryta • . pal fit LI 11 . r y i t. L w iv:tmwra • privenuagn - BANK FOR SAVINCS, leonstely Os MIL SAVINGS 1811=1q1011 62 Fourth Street. dearly Opposite Beak of Pitfall...O.: G1A3133133 13 11312. OPEN DAILY frame $ to 4 <Meek, sad elf W ZONA/WAY AND SATURDAY .F.NINGS; from May Ist to Noverater Rt. Ito So , elook, alefb Dom November Lt to Noy let,4 to $ Weleet. Hook* of Ry-Lemb a. az zi forslabed at %be *Mao lastitatles force to tbee•erbeot, osseous wee Rug the oppormeley to SCOW: =AW. by =AU .posits. weeny wed,. MA. vague will be • resource whoa wols.. sad npanr.l , log Meade lastesd al remaslas eselNe4oeNDW = B. H. HARTHAH. JAM:S PARS. MU 1 MARTANT ASD TRAAstritio .- .i D. 1, 1/OLINLIST.. • . A. BRAT/LILT, ' Wll. H. HIXIOX. :;.: A. S. BLE.L, _ ' T. RA ORTH JOGROA D/11. •13 ~, t JNO. B. DILW 590 D, !'., O. TOLLANSSSS, JOHN 5001T,_ • JAB. I. GRAHA or EL M FL O. SOHALLETZ..i: calusr cro. .: . Anucrross—D. W. a A. 5. DELL. =Urn/At DOLLAJR,. • ~, , . SAVINGS BANK, s. No,. 65 Feurib Street, 11 CHAILTEBED IN 1855. 4111311111 12•1111.770, 1 .447111r51f DOM I M 2 o'cloct. also on day and eaterday b e from May Ist to 1141,- member Lt. fret 7 to • e'elnet, and from No 4 somber let to Deposits rec M e a irDe f m aims of m o t 'ass s tann.. Una Dollar. rod a elletdand of to. prole. def . . timed Woe • year. la Jane and Demagem. urea. km been declared ornel-annsuilly LaJnaM =4 December mom the But ens organised. sty Um Mao' als per anti ayes. Dan, If rot drawlsls planed 14 tac Credit of Da depositor al pelnedpa; sad bears Lem Dm, Interest from tea 0010 . dap of Jane and. December, cenn DO • 7. 47 7 . 17 ••• 7 . , troabll. Um depositor teenadtme to eall. or gran to prommts N ILtiMe beam At entelannel 7.1.11 &Olds It Boo Tet ks ematalleWr tie Charter, a 7174. 4 -717 and begolatlaam tendsbedgratt, an•P at lee odleo. - _. lan O. Asekhren. A. M. Pollee; 1/LIA. Benj. L. Irahnestooi. Ithbort Robb. James ilentAns. , John H. aboantefear. .Jan. Me•olgy, Jaz:maltldle. • James D. U. Aced.. ' ' Alexandre Spear. • Lin. N. ramont. , ' ChIiSLUSIAIr.r• • Ode . J. Aiderten: ...- ire42lo. Loose; --3P tla Adm.. Mowty.i. Lyme, r g b laistro, .nof ieWa r A. 'Mk'. mxt b i,arl'. 10118. rbunPL John ZOlllagpis, rweutg2. K. Ak WlM d c t oa, • 11 ILTSVA Laaa WlLtillitt. • . Wrfan. • TaJtrau-%E.LIILIS A. e COLTI.I.II. • lismucem—J/15. E. D. itaXDS. fl: • PRICE ADVANCE Pig AND INTEREST. Central Pacific Bailroal - zwwtudyttnclpl vonloa ?I' Qs 41' t 14141 inn •1M IGOR COMA . • U being mobil) tatzted forward hY lutulipre . darted :mkt*/ fora.: sad:SU natoubly WA that Ito cortnitroug L annELAND ILLTI.I9AIZI romor WNW USX TO - SLIIIVanm CILCO,ILLL latunazx In. • ' /M!,l mom for easnlanclUß the NAIL Bum Ulm; - boslae. aist.lkt• mat et 13.11,11ines Ova*. ablaprOlts loads Der sam, tim,Owntzal rwai*. lattroul Camp, ay suwa nee ITO. Own CY WA soar... dootattima sad , cow:onto.. an that 113"04110 It. an ION resessess th)r Casput an Minton abkddnst f or , o.Mon, luatianthis to MUM 100 en u 1 in l an. t4:01.1111e. bentAlag Lou. segued bi. Vint Xortvire upon as whole property; to 114 sme asegms oely a. Um tt. a. Eabtlay Boads.o The rasalur already aUalaed, &Mouth quail , . canyaraltTer tallTatable greastates,4 toed .almtantlal around fez beillitaa Taal. 171011/0 to Da the _ ' • . Rae Vavtired.Prodaettv• wad bH ItaAolmul Itatarprlse lan nun Ik Cautry. ' In eamennenca of the tiro - aid xapldly 141 ereuilat Oesata. thn pace atlases Bomb an been adnaced, .5 the Goa:laurels sow offal lag for We • lltaltad anuat of thole - .Bond" First Mortgage fber en priacipat:ma MUM* . matte lloaleCobtr . tame of Cheat ecollaaa vacua awned la vet Rem Januar, In. la aunae).. Tana Ruda. It belland. Pane. tae • mesh, of eallity. celleallny sae anat. Mater deeteaclban .) other elan of Co. 1 rate ilocartllto Oaw arena. aachan thacefehli yen clearable tbr•Unly luistanla of nip* expltal. 1 ...ton VIM tear la labsd the follot Inaadnnttteea t. Thu are tae drp 02.14.1. E. OP one of t . moat valuable and brodanva Ilea a 5.11,0 lathe worlds • • c IL Time utast *arnica. Md. WO bbrlbbr. WV arra :nue than Maar alga. VA .11 1 1 1 A, tenet daimon:Av. ' • , 4.0 i/A • 111. She bard pril:le road U nom d and Ina proopecta er e pal banlPlaila caret , able. • IV. lb* Ordaparip b 1114ral cal:4am Initial enab . .• them to War.l lalbr , man Vl* 1.0 vtdor .. V. IR. manages& ban been anCiedingl, p”dvat and Mira. i• ' -•-• • , .: it , V/. Tiara In Head • lards and calm/ 0. ,, @mentos the comp Aal and graded Ma. ~ r,,, ' .VIL The lands Fab* to be or lientaa4 valve, if,lai styes h ullos beer• &trend:o'l*K.. .. ." 1 ..t • - VIII. Both arlanirad and laluesi are a isn't clili nada paYable In*llid calc.',.. ' • - ~: -. 1 I /X , VdPI Q. alltalgate anscual Grim. their atandial In Laiope will lasarribr costa:o4d activity Alta blab rardrarnand Maid:. .At Me time the, vi 4 driarir ' . .. . II . Mo . " pop ow& writ . Ow lit , Widen ot Go, andent sbaarltlea Mao O t poottotto of olobtoitoir Man for Come , On Bead., btartnd re eqaar Ma nt marl with Ms principal. alaudnally mural. and ' raallaing •. "mll or: la arisen par arat: addlilan. . i. • .. -' 4 Order* coal with Mad. Inrandli.ralpan ~ Ws Sudo ar 7..x0n 4. Oulapanisa vri.o main prompt attentlaraAlodo_oest, by rm.= • nog. re up Manes to. to Mama 'Matti. Lt ear eon. Igemoottott. Deacriptlve Parepaleia, llapc, Se, farcland.4 011 ophotton Othootflo of lb. Itatlroi.t cowman •• • • A L. , so. G lingual" isTaii . r.' . ' •r• AM of YOU' di MILTICH, • .. . s i • Banters W Malan la dkredniniaal‘b‘l ' . IL A Tlnalactal Aosta ortbs C. P: PAL CO, Xi. • 5 Nana. earn% New Vert. . Wuaanoetawßtßgol. - • 4 neCLICAN & CO,and JAZ= T. BRADY t Do. ritubartiic 1•411•••nmer • „ A Eff AMITECEMINTI24. lar'NEW - OPEILt HOlnalr... il i K. w CAN,80—..,.....-.... MKKee.• :i THIRD NNII Y(OiTIVILT LIST WIVE.. r INoiDa V IVY-NINO YebruarrlTO,lllll.d .. every Itotatas a... 3 astatday Ameraaoa. lrbe re.g7 ' "''" of th , • - ' 1 " " teas ; 4..,,,.::gf.`bittr,t=711 . 4 1 2.11t - epon•- - ... t, Ct.. K. nano. Pt.. a101e31,113.1 IS . • LAIIi CROOK n 3•. Pme.ere : Taan....a.r... ropers TII. IA AN row!. 0 001 l Mu ...a. .I. PE:3IIOTM 3 . , .. tether wlli E , ght earspbr. 3 a• 34 Talrly Mill• ,-, Ory meter. la ~.taOra new mac...3U.. goal, .3. !... al g,',ll7,;;;;,'::,liVan'lllSlTA DANCE, audio. 11.0 direst.o. of Oa Noopolood x.poo. Ii soma ...AMT. lirtatarday3l.ll.. =ll, WC atasd /tact Groot Nallaet• a fgrELOOVS OPERATIC CANTATA, THE H.4.YM&E.E IN C05T13112.- o1 Orebeetss, du d at the 'ACADEMY OF MUSI I On'mousy. res. ugh BY DIADZIS ZDNIAS AND 30111213% koststed by • arnaher of fololsts nod iOrg* Crams. Ticket., for gal* at C. C L Xo 188.88 , , No. 8 , Wood 1114 TINS, robe" seat. eta be 8•88re,1 asd allot Monday soorntna, Sattiouy Id 18.4 o'clock. . ne Irloao used ens 18,18 aCt•li01,11. too of rho ftSllOllll bteumay's iquara Unary kindly for no 01• d by Ito Mows: ALleber, Wood 8.88,8,1 fe11.131 • r arINALSONIV , - ELEVEN MOM ONLY. NIIILICTIC 'drug iSti. Royal CoDjurerJ,. =9 VILM.IN VD LORDS, • LVdinNl 3 l.3 / PBMh7BYltio ILUMO.I3 OVS6. , • , 100 VALLIABLIi LID traLEFUL PHEEILITB wm be 014trIbete , t10 the andlormo at the dose ot 3aels •LtersslssaAnt ' • 313331v1lisinea 0vi10.713 /I DAT. for2he imam -21333•33v33 et Lat. Ind Vhlld.evn. Elory <VIM tVettoliVa omega,. . • - V5113.1331.1X ADYIS.4IO/1. mufti Ildkrts 133 canto. kosrrwred Nam.. V 3 33 MLA, ly AdmlZtlia 0 Colldren's Tlak.ts, lor o•IT, 1$ ADD, Door•Op en AI 7 0.e.0ck3 to oosomoneo as S. I:IA.103y M. TINDALL, Agent. D. P. PHIC73II aN. Ilas•ger. PP 0: TRA , LXIL .103.1rnal. [~ larritor. COWPER'S , Pasldonable Panting Academy, At ids Neer Selmer.' Soanth.. St Finn ST.; Wpoalte the the Theatre. New Clu th a Sow aller.on IItI.SDATe,- WIIONEepAYS the thaIIfLUAYS. zwiee, /thews' tad Ulster' Clare thee. et. Gentlemen.. Meth et e althea 0. Y rtof.tXlWPS.Seth be meth deity aothe . academy. or at t. Charles Motel. where circu late enaleCotgolnetl. to let to Senos Tu nes. ' 1612111 PROF..CAIIPEATER>B DANCING. ACADEMY, .PHILO HALL. Xo. 76 Thttd street. sow op. , br the receptich of pool.. Dsrs of lathe.. Wedgs: 2. sad itaturoay. at l P. X., 1. Ladles. Maws adAllhlots. • Tomo 11110. Loosing, for eente—T.eday sed 1,71.1.7. at 8 Wax*. Terms VOA°. holm eta. TOvlyda7. evening st *Week. I- • - ! 103:101 LEGAL. ORPHANS' ;COUNT SItE. TIMITIVIDEIIIGNtD, Trupitee, appalaledt y the orphans' Coe& al All. 'belly Calmly.) e,. la the &nabs of the Mut game et Wm. &don& &method. Weal ae• gealiar,=;•rata they. milli expose at alms. On IWednitsday, Illarch.'4,lB6B; is TWO O•CLOOE P. L t o o %II e<rleq LOA cut. AND • 11/1111R ° Vg . , 5.141 t rtn he! Wale/ hereenh. On the north stde of Bats! .treth .elect ed /ad Of An. Wnro netr• en hir.•hi etectect• . One , Stery ftone Dwtiling Hone, Will. 'her trooreerneotn and orblell 91.ted oritn .lolot9nett Tnrest librobbery. de. Ina lot I 00000 ;hotness lathe fkon.S. Yorsenaton 811 l Monett ea Ito Wolof •ortt tmaiaor sizs. • . . • Od Atilt Si eolAnnatton of eve, and. the bat- Once I e once.?. .110 lettered, seemed be bond and ...43(11 on th• ortAIYJ. _ - MAKIIEL GAISTOS. Trtistee„ -I.Ii=I:TOS OurIIIIIRP COURT SALE. Splendid dinnsion and Groands On . 1131150/IT, Yebsnary 98th. WI Wendt p Y.. will be sold at urtlen. by ardor • of °spathe Curt, an outlet on tea h astens. bender ea CO. Ziornegl. of Ildeseere manning , about TIN £OOO2. about one-kalf la • beaa- I nnn ruse, the rend. well thiliffTnil end „, Dienled lOU. spate and tomb tram, and scarf-' r of mall ad abrabbery. Tbe Mysore youth comprise a Ina lans etary 21111Cis alf blubt nouns. with fonr tweet On Mai noor. • affiance of knees. arubboase andinal holm. &good well end n ot - the cister larre ban. The Renton Is one mon pletaresthe S T beaatllui le linter doubt.. eammentlas a ' doe careanf thMe W ,. l t h at d B n l r / a y M rs s aedo na deuce.' It is also eXaseraely. LL7 Dl. nth mace la geboole Mardis.. Eatuoadistaitons, ad. frobably swath= uowla thenarkst eon•• blue many cancthleacee and attractions salted to a eusleassa lauded , . for Ole reel 'llol7::o22l:4'''catz:::lllo",TX;lffr '11; no mails Om rlttiebarehe TIM property nu the homestead of skeane. atone.. Esq. late of till ha, cad, mode 0.2000 Sr Mee 0/ nal•.. . . retsons visttlas tbls Estate WU be attendee Nand all •nesUtraa an by Ea , t. H.l a.?.M tlEf 111,15 Or I nr. j j • . Wetter,. Dintlet or Peknondesnia, ntlittitritatt. Salmon lk DIPL THIS ltl TO GIVE FdrICE that on the 120 dor Of Irebrorty, A. D. 3181; • • Warrant la Potatruptcy was Mood eandost the • • afaTATE WILLIAM P. arallUMT,--j 01 the City of Pittsburgh. la the °mutts of Alle- • stung. State or r<IIIIJyIvanIN who has Iseo •d- • Pitted a Dasktopt est his own petition; thatthe it•lntrot of say debts utd &livery of *Ay list orgy bondman t* suet banktopt. to ble••or • rot tds ass. sod the ttonstf, or soy ptswerty by hia ate rotbideleu by Um: that s otostlag of the minus" or the sold bankturid.ko trews their debt:kw:id to thootwone awe Aseldnee• Of Mil hn.% will he held at • Gott /itosszoptew, to e hol de n tit the' remota' the [fruitier. No. la Diamond mot, I. sae City of Mutter/h. hs• lota riatost.• ItILDPER. Melt . 'O3l 1e 34 day oitlisieb, A. 0.1314. at tO o'clock A.m. • TittimAs A HOWL Y. a. a. liatshst.ks Diesttneet. WESTERN IRISTIUCT PENN- 811X.11141t, Ilia • ' , Tim .11=4=4 Web, stem iatfas oD all •WdausiatiSot • • - - 0810111111 OF 1 ROBERT EMMET ( .• • • -st 12 . a I.aalta:ar ta adman e adman of allsatmay. mad BMW of Peaszylimata.wltala add Diglatakwbo taa bean adJadiod a alma rust oa avaaattl:aa toy U*1;011414 Ckrar of mid I)iattict. , . litlo,l H. BOLT;;Aileg...• ann. rant Allay *act 'Dimes. Way: NOTICE 16 lIIEREBT • GIVEN .as TIULT tali andaraigaell ass mods sasUsa. tau the Instals% coast of Allsguuy mum roe the dlssaattsea et Mt so -D. rtaassalp exist. tag balsam the subscribes./ latchelss slam, it tae general bastasas 41 Oreistos Issas beer and We. as sae aims has a., ets" et been enastqa ea balvesaaltssa la tan lab Waal. rut. Aad turtles settee l• berths alms that the At. Serslitat4 ts/llttet h dd khasett re stomatal. it. ass seats hereafter soatmstrd y ana swan Um Walesa et Illastaser ud rlastassler.• • Lirters .LA Tootagoasitarr ito "tbo otato:tof JOIIII OTT; Br.. tato of A tlegleoy City, &00.... lave bean groot.4 to stok nbeartbeir, allystsouo toOotototto shout , . egos.. rtqa.sted Scut& 1/31.1201%14 pinlitilOW Mat thalio. havfnit Mama Wnatab• AN OW *Meat UM, dal, ma tleattbstad • eitiorea I. to • • , • •2:431) ZVAIIVIE°:jB/../WAIST. 446M151... Allogiumy Cli NOTlCE.—Whereas. Lettere 'of AO¢dalatraalea to the Ratite et 11 . 111tallt POWl.l.l,,late of the Stdoest of Ittrettadt damage& km Don *noted Is tho eabeeribee. peramo debtesito tke Slid estate an a- Alleged to rate heatedltta Dellseet. End those hartaelYaltes me deemed. Ilealatt the *Mae of eald etedeat Rieke lemma the alma El est delay, to Ctltlilllt /L • POWIII,,L, • 103:1,41vell etrY attrodealreat. RXECITTOIIPJ,NOTICV.4stters Testamentary noon Oa lan Wilt WM.*. lament ot itsainal Wods, Woof To., Alksheny County, Fa., dammed, Dayton WIN Laud to the andenegawl, it , l ;somas haste n . alt bas arsts4 atid , scats win unseat Om. data antosatica , ad 7bl lettlsonst, and tbasala dented am notilladrsi,sy nwilersUraad, nnowdea 1070011). &Maass. sonsty, Pa. 4•11..113 , 1(5. Woul)s. dr.. UM Z 1 ADMINIFITIMTOWS NOTICE.— log A n 7lll:mm., have till go M lO* r " •Innarsaed ow Um Mete. nf ADIV/Litt 0 , 5114,. la. or Oblo tamastilp: umess.4l. All paomustadata44l, sala agitate. ar Vino. b.. U. 1011.0. loggias% Um maw. wlamakipsymgm or Ammo too 41.141* W.1211/11ILD lIWEEFI,AdaO,34 1 0tilriVar ' lartrAn, PltUtbajtk. Or nor IntUS.<7, AMSAT - • No. Hl lo "LETTERS -' TEL ADMIAISC Twig boom, bop ofonioet to am node? 015.4 Of of VPlla og atio.nenT 0031tOtT wine estate or IS46ILLA KLIMA. lon of Baldwin toloustglodeq.asOt. MI parson. Ladonteo to gatdostata ortlf =Re pasoont. and those hayloft eaten agrtott the moo 10/1 pro• mat them Cu oatAloatinagort 'boatdeal m r rr r r , ,r 2 otroottlD. NOTICE. Is .iirmar. %bat 8110110111 1311111.1.1. CilE 1. - I• Q m i . VE de an 1901trIltla tbe I.lmaa. 8 .11,7, or ♦Leaa.y =IA . V . M.l.lratla=ie .. af 4.1: 1 - 27 /1 41, 6r .t 7A 3 111 rati l t i pad n3 l:7l3ll:? .. l%se` 11 IOWII. amt. ..' - 'o ol4 . l ATEsico?s • 1 , z3 N-C4,,, ...'-' # e(1 ,! 1 7..', - ", „, rn TOILETIOAPO. c) `e rn ,'..... • -.,' . b7 itnied . 7:. ... c ; : c .. . , .. trorthikkt4it4ll; tiz ir= iri a talurn! ' • *Ur% .- . . WINN A NmwWAK:-. riTCM,AIIII - COCKS, ir t limat e rs.ra.cure: nor, .as ame sta. .3 hz. re "" d N 0.412 1022.1ky mart. Aitsciiirri. - AMIN. 'AMOR • • ORNAMENTAL fu-• Ham ircuucce Alm , rss _ mut; us : Mbar* Rpm oat door tom Wood: 4.414rai Am bah. WOrslllB94'.# .sr t .x... Boat h 2 - gratri ir s: iSeapaol Ob ila.i. - .O u rc*lgUe_9k. i!,0;. be IWO Paitt .., -Laduessisiesuli , ,•6l.4oX:ll . 4 .. 4Al is • nutt•stae• woe, •• - si g•Nt . •. • WALL -PAPERS! .• - ---. —'“ • - , WALL karzasi • comottlitto Krill stock of all grtd.ajnnon the cheep Woe. to the Ono Menthes field raw. to be op l 2 an as *stile lowan Ismatket. Coll t had Aare at 107 MIXES. aeor .184 5 - IBA 14 tweaks • shy: .. . . El II
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