a PEG 11. MlElanriVZ, MEM MB Wood St..nsar COMET Of rife. —.llB Secaultiss: • gars?. wad Coupons, • ; - , - - s issestsaisatOwnsc isms. miss ..us :41as1111.11411111111ilitftemlb.00& CONVULSION . OP - 7-30'S. atm snoliirad to miner{ ow SECOND Ft.FOCI et - - . • Sep 1887 5-24 Old Coniilea Beide. 4103 T. - BRADY it CO., ';', , -Deakti" iri Govern me n t giatni"f ==2:l Fii4Ncrn AND 'mix% 1: tevraz err tem Prereinkon Oatirce, .Tentsztay, Ideraart 18. MSS Gold bosuns very weak seAsr, In Mesa, spews addle Aroma of Animism: intensities in ramps sad-Um Menses of %etre AGM MI _tis marks,; eaten for Gs presonj of Mae, irtil ystrennelis thligenrof sots. .onrermasse sset ri tles purl sr reslal, AU lb. AMAIN for Ai thinn insernd kyk Idea IrlWl,dl Ter Abram rose % Oars par, and Mann Thirslel sre go Irma. • - Ile noels marlset la dull" and lower te all Owen, anent Ede sed Cleveland f PIRA- Erin*. sad' Tabrespk stake are entelderably lower. and Khan awes thonah Ara fin. ruestelldttr to Gs•PlAna mit dny. • r• Atm.', gawkish mit osar saw.: • en no obtain It at sortlang sear legal rots of Istoroot t 5. moSafity of the needy barrooms taro to submit to til/pt roam and Auel to onto/a IS ontolatt MILL Trait Moto or-of ' Wu 11 roPodall .pp ?u for Um maim bribtlAPP ' oltiro Who sioroot got. agoor oudormr, mid pump &boy tune Ms goods lo iums - mtb ! fmrama dlikoulty Is usoollog their so ' inionienta A !argil smicptt Of /wary to Nos .. foetid up 1* op, oral& mumot 5. . proatolny oaf; sal di Bassi= to ths /tampons motet MO cause a imam/ upward inommon, 'Lodi = teloorm slurp amoust of .ospitor •Otharriso umast for egoist bat uitoln • - , Mau IfifflOfort. ctoptuttOuk triMbruf by Sagan; maw folkung Gobi, 149% :liV.. to vas. - is rivii; tug, 1 0 1 UM Wit Oosiols, iota 10-1164 Ctrialmut POUbulli Monhosts Maas riproos..*”..«. se Wanton Balm 1.1% :1" Rt&an i TerE .. .! 117/3i Oaohllauitatri&olt (-7-1-1311.3.414 B ' so it% —Zapata weretor to. Um North tram lifablartat an Ea arlas that - Ito Was emdliteliss Ourokinse impaled tottodtiatos • tat to lama torn troznotor labOaala. Suatoptemt falbanaint Oar: tas morn to 'ea ationated. T o ' , Ronald Noma Ooottott, , tookatrator "nor' oroodataltrah a salmi Tba• baba to to it aspoatiat lm Owttau to tiswir onion ott the. satt.),alltag qua-. . - L-Thefolicrelog StMil] Mee 1014 Sunday imam Paromy 11.00 rend to of Corn meal]] Iredernilommdel Sattlitat dime. b] Iftstuagelealmor our camas Pomma Salem akis• ...0 DWG, - • - Allubeopeo. Ocuptenfulloll432 pu efts. fluada *llll2 to Useapids, the strar =aye( Thundaf, this thUblprodagglaumv Sitehreu la linsoothl. drams L tidt.d with =coy chyme . : mow Ciallooloos sir Iwo to mak*, Asa sum-hams had tradocolos ato 1010 lw %hair Moral adsayeahoszisabmit prev e ails d la illoolf2nrkt Thu Chhks pro Wizal oi atittostr, Whisk n.... tothatiovUo tank loovinsooto la option ash leaning &Moles. The GerniesSerbsis Beal. yeettoday was waspaled te dose lta doom' 011 wee of-the hunt Ohl WI le their power to weather through fho tau% - to element. en Lerma of the hum, drain while is been made Co them mines tha do. -• tog trite GaToso. TR* hablinlea nee meow) hint. With spats an eleletit to pey sit Me de••• ' panto/. end t etsettors,Thsve indeed ate sr/I.f tbs.. en the bank; as ober wen eel& - palled to pny on Clare* enentet Or PM. widen is toes dtek.l.l' insief the lures t coo 41tIon orange., times who hese pew In the • hesdut are =We to sued 44 tat have it =wen Grin It ger by the toilet: • ' lodhosepolla telsona to the Canals , neti lameowelal awn gresansat benne , of this WI low Poo refassed Dow Waehing. ton. wee. Wen t pee. some Bere a e sesestel. the Meilen mom he liewdere et sonsbere • • it Congress epos taaatisi questions. IMT• • - thst Lf the Bane 12 24 0 gilled to volts opos . the question or the sight of tbt Gortuniewo -• to cetera the TM Twenty boat in Ina t der% thee. seta wastain 10. slew. /1.4 they they will. not Tote to Immo the To or the onovacy et ell.- Tone Mon Dellms to -Usenet** In fever et leaser[ legal tauten to 007. store d amulet wastreste4 Os seastiu7 Sus u sada nos yam tas samte. eon frit did the Preeldent would 'Keit, ea ht oppowni to tosteasiag the volume of the elm .- eno.7 one . There will -pretwany wow earriendly toward lb* Me• does! Boake.bninot of ettsraeter to close thew to wfsn up. Shames bill win stron ants ease the Smug hal its magma la ter Muse eta not to tmrozahls. - -.. Immoz.zommaitil;st 00301 . 40 Tim P.3 . 3v0 r rms . Orris, ' OII.IIDE—Tho marest bar C 03114 1a =udder -13117 1 1 0 30 '. 130 4 10 - 114 them.:. is 10300 0 say spot en einbi "sobt se N.— wow auto& glad sons he this warbeh Nareb I , weld Numb% et 730. 1111 lebbbb• Mai" - opnoo, WI nontrt Whether wane woad now Le renalbelow le: Per on the Tonn-I^N . !beton, Ibsen hsv base mean devw rot ;swailtroohe,we e!moathei Nu lan- . . "SO MOM. , 7r 1 4 1 1 .1040. /101 It now goon. at UM to too., no auks& la oMk Po lettitooodUltto at prescot,onit operston ore 11461m0 to know whatio kost DU Mosta do— irlothsito bola or sad swain Wits elokolop- mho. cr.!•ptle . h In'res4 taiga the chinless: One . 'Wag. luna - si et . Is paanny enntsedpd. and thst 111/a$ pasts Y. sat =sly to is numb - lowa, and It Is penbabli Mu If Una Is ani shims It trlll be apsesedeest: as Is the seawall:spare= among &Alas stliesantt. aszleet for Wad all 11 Inst the* Is see suatalgooaunge is • pdess ss 7a4'-Ws mss roast sub sf ban Or gush. &LORA sad KO 1W ,Isu tO34et- .11 , 0 burnt of vain turd* bum its& frost Pleadalfids sass iQ theittaaomb fiat Y 4 at 7 .7osur at' en Mr at 'WA tad Asizort at =OM tbma,cittri,tr twat Ida. vocal :a ka. aa doom of at bust tilt • mat per sagas, though we sin Om ONO mom:tett, sot prossollog • to vow*: far thstrootrosumso...l: la not loLoiooratit to greastms,Turweirvi Vol 124 a6vaawnla . .lla.B. .rvnirp. should protium s'imall9=o:lll mult. ~ h ear; bat Sth e MOW ban tea Salulgsbil sucassed. AMIN =nen& singst.. pat,. law .., sacs' dealers had Wong tiftuir ta. dompalr of &mat= tar ths Wier, and Itb Ms Sidlng Cistririsida bullies; azdtmulsti 49=s 1 / 004— .. ..asarr Taisaivaiar an by the LI. itglaela7 VMk7 itanromfauatig wastraq mad. IG==E ots canna iirelir A. v. • -BAL. OA, ftY abbe piC WT. A. DIL. • • `tigieingrealifeine Ptudigags Pt antaa ' • - . Ain; Loins; Pobrosor_ll4-2Cvlaw ot Lbw idioody_iodamytios-ol•tordialdoo,to nee Wolk th in Ingikaelaidaer gad prorlakam gee-reare- tesues,aad Inc tbe mood tanker prime sr• °teamed. Teo tabo lPerlnge are larger. bob prides deinat sees she nielpartone of genie% awl • ritual:Prot Ms ware reSeeleett bum 01.10glajk eannti garland gg:Pealkla. kaddltait to gooeon to M . e tine sad emotes new dontoodY Cants sold as Pk for new mad g. lor • et. /dale Paddling. !kw atee4y, pan as Pawned Manama for medium sad lowgradeatareentllernetapment.tertareet are unebaaredt anagram sold 00 S7so X l7. crew 0400.1. 5 4 -doable sit.. to abodes • tried* - egerli sloa3ollo l . WbUFnetier gestalts and firmer, Ind Pllkman gaol:aide •Attutnge In trines MI and wtdta plater rgagertrogi Mtn to SW.. Calf doll and bur ingot saudl, at ladlkla far ibeUed.and 141110 a, • • leg ear. .0010 slow and anedlaaged. sera° ...11A,AtTei sad -BariaT _4CM Inner 11.01111bairt, 104 . 0 M 04,1 1 1,40 . , tstabeet pork advanced to 1ik400401.01/ oala.tboaldera. IPKVICiet MO Piala mar eared itanielllee..• lard Ana tau quilt. an 10.0 far tiaras. Beetripte 1,830 blew ekes; 100 sar.kot oOto. PAIP .10. 1100 bogie Mr" Tama Pry Sloss* llarkst; - ray 2.4 a+PYlo SU llYtDlYaaaaatiFl • • Lev. rsatt:Telr.V. — DrfPOOls °hitt to statid.art lad analog that bad. use south tthr sorprirod ra lamming saes mots of the scoomako - at ate wall known ithothe pause elf Owl .11,Wirat OD, or at tear. the. censor. of Ills aim. Pavlov tae cotton N. dth bu tts opened /aMay tao i p f . oo d m w and Vat afeselusto:bassamic cm the new isms ertmouth In jobbers Win ISA .633510 s MW, - Ina 'or prises. actors ti tarsorrow they SPI be her.and settattet goorth hi. overlay have De m Dams th upereof to, Benham prlstst have igaisced., hat tads, they Davy toes -.seabeds/4144i 44,.. • calla WAR _ , _Frocks it; for F theca Omuta irift-Vos . Sr_ poor stytha 11; ..41thaeblaffr 111%; ....-Asteskaate vilit;Losethele Vastest...titan fall 1113 It i ettor so-ssorros. Histrlirosa Vasa . Ware* 340 blOllll4 IKIIISIr • , lthellas houses a.l.lloriolli bat . ...claw hots.. ars jobbtopladissatassautt Athoeksat - 1741 Allatiosts atispoileall Allantia y boa.l thee* Lase las =err to selvaaeo task before lOsit - celarot rimarte•s: • thar/Wiftela Gyptj. 1. •, • CLXVILWRI rlbresei 111,41oser shady sad imam: Wed; &WIPP astiesriegillae. do. red Tinto . . pumas, do, w1111.6.0“6015.0ele country brande, ki." - ta beigo.. , ==s;; Ji Whea4.: . ,e, mat Ina • ." told 14412.100 1 . 54 4 rdC l igl=ia. " ldllrrardree. - Ind .7.lllXs4kbatterailihelLlMl76.l OlS•gtllent. trek arrespor alle. elating Arm. "-Oats; an soared sareddrsts. but boldsnreine Armen No. 1 state boloree Inet from grind Ste ft= bra • i i L i r fleritot 16 4 .1 ',.wand 1118.11tirs. PretroAsUardeli ' M 11NKtv5' JAMES DA 2EII & AM and 'JO Water fitreet, LARD OIL ItiAIiOFACTUREBS, 4.id &Wan. Is CIZUDL. LUBSICIATLNO ua aro warrant oar as I Lan O l 4.1 1 the imem or Masi tahae.. aao prpeol• to eutt No wares Cteelaseel Or Cameo Iwo, Oer No I I.ulo 1•1117[1.1.01,42.t i Fek canon LO•ele•nlne'll4 Staulard tonsdo • Carbon Moo= Lanky on nano. Nuncluata no moon ...tans vitt:ad It to Moron to &Ire on • ea :I t•for• ortertee Lard VII mom Of Weft. . rrrianusuitt agamidurrs • Osman 41, via Prressormitilaszerra, ..inualgaT.SibraarY lick. I TL [canal markets ant &mad of any new cbanmeadstiss worthy of spacial notice. Tot somata" arttaleals rossequimea of there to as improved di mead, sad paces, as Matta, of "eourie, are tenant' utivard, bn; thaw art esitopqrms to the ganeral Tole. 'ORAIS-Intiater Whist II steady at $2,100 I,M tot Red. gad 2k141111.0- tor Whlta-4t. ran .f poet • small gale of Red at 1t11,45:.*: Data 'Wet and unidistaadtedeliate, on track, and !I6(0k. mom. Barletr.ls Mate and wanted at toll OrtarM , Mori► to Inc Milne, and mania Oe 000 , wed extra IR. en wreak. and 11001,10,fa .1411 It unakaireat at VA/01.M FLOUR-la gout and =hanged. Small sale In MOM at 010,68011.60 for Spring rhasit ittettall tee •iiiititer Wheat, and $14013 tor tiny Wanda.. Rye Float la anatimmed a 0 130 9, 2 41100t* .ad the tame Is trim of Rork. ukase atAidall,ail per amt. PROVISIONS-Rasou la Or., bus prism are IMmtalar. that's bans a damage of front to 36 it cent pet gamad kerne= some ,EI the houseman are the r mite lag talons: 1 10340 Ms for Shooldert, I,:34eue for Ribbed Side., Mad 11341Stra tor Sugar bored Magas. Yrlme Mattis Lard, 14 . 3(tyllNe, to tierces. inotr3 Gut. 100140. liegs.• as, to 'quality. i hiw DRIED TRU/ [—Patches steady at 7aBo tot Qantas, and Malta hiPlei, Mee. Ehtrriar. MO tot ma pitted, and tutor pitied. GREEN APPLES—There le a arcade de maid, sad ootwithatansileg the- arri , iall ars larger, prim - ea yet are maintained, rargtag hasp to H.' , -TPOTAttOrlorithese dull bat rtehaetted; mall Wee at slot,lo pet bather, - sad 4.1113p0 ,frs.Myter-to quality. L . HAY—I. flat sad unchanged; ntes from essay' wagons at 4.l6(ith aaad ..us kne Rt for *below Stsethr. SEEDS—Closerseed met. be qlote..l • 'at gee SAN sad Ttmotby at r.5.6e412.. Flaseeed to to Asseasd at 1aat02.40. EGGS—Searca and lu dernsakl; tile. or . Raid ft 711bb awl fresh packed at Ns. ' au rtZlireiciat to choice RAI la soiree and baths, alth'salee reported at 150424. CHEESE-a/Stool Ireetera Ream at b 543 aod Oodles at Gallia • WilWAS74aszosandli demand; tr.o. ra part Was at it Dar buabal. - - _BEdltS , —Elsarca sad ttadumit upward, being au.t.4 at fla}l4P., bath". • lt.oll.l9T—trathatmetlf 'ilea to the trade at MOM and ST to s recall war. ~~ OSANBEFULIES—Rants all the way from 4148111 eric ON, ii to glalary. APPLE/SUITES—SaIes iYBIQI.• CT = Coo laisarsott to the ttabarra assorts-1 eats !roar; la lei sbraark , le-Cotto active and, folly, to bettor; sales 01 woo bales at Mail= for Middling uplands. Flour-re- - mints of 0,3115 tad= the market Os doll for medium-and toed grades .Ind lit favor of bolemettales tit 5,9:0 Obis at 5AG3411,15 for amortizes State and wetterni 40,0081 0 .00.10 r 'extra Slate4l4,7ooU MI far cairn western; 4130171f0r white wheat extras g9.9oeicto tx- R: 8.11; 41601 2 f0r common to Lir extra Si. : Lords; 412015.25 tor wood to choice do: etas ' leo cull; (-Vitamin steady; atlas of 2.4,10 facts a t 412. , 5814. Use near Arms awl. of 130 btils at .117.5009.40.• 'Whisker nomMod- Wheat-recel tand 750 Mils; the market 10 without doCIdOG changer, sales= 41,500 hush at $3OO for -mixed' aPringt 51.4.1 tor No I eprOck;4l.llofor falillo 1 do, all. delivered; and MIA for wham: amber I.l.ada. Rye nowt nod firm. SarleY taatea one Arai .ales o101.1:07 bosh, pert on canal at 41.0.4 rmitainder cm spat= 1e3,21. Malt firm; ealai or 7.0c0 bush at 01,1=1:41...Carn-roceipts or 310 bush; the market is doll and scarcely so Aim Wee ol ATM tomb a e1,r501,31 tor awl mixed western 011,m= =AI= Now Or. witAClV.o4;lll.4ofll.ts for Tonnea.= CAI 111,101 for new whlte Southern; stri dit.= , -3. 1 1 01 r , Jersey; 41,3 J tor nandsome flOnsberit yellow. (Mt creel p 14t1 Might ata shade er ands:vire cal.lrer.ulao of markle rYCO both at. , at. &Mae= for western Jo store. , Wee dnil. Coe:. gale; Wes ad I,M . 4l . lsags Stio -on private terms. togat 11010, sta " ct .910oUlArlaMfyfbitilVgUa i t Moiassesermisales of lb) bids of Na. 0, mans =450487e. linos quiet,. at 114200 tor America= Petroleum Arm, at Min for orudeand 44340 for refir.l muted- Pork envier and more dolor; salts of 1.753 tibia, at 13440 r neer roes= I=s=l= har old do, 00*. meat 0475 caeh;41114)19.50 for prime: n o r 00 tor prmar, mesa; also 2.0* bids sacs. moor, at C. 412 for sellerater N.OOO ..d 4:117141.37 for sailers Mr April. Beet Arm: sates or beds at -pm:Trion, ode.: stales of Is) tierces, at 4=05.50 for Talmo mesa( and ON ig-ti for Lama mesa. • Beef Buns Foist; sale- of aro Obis al 41 432.,75. Remo quiet; sat. Al 7102030., a loy,a for Cumberlaod M for snort ribbed and lefe for abort cocas. 000.Masa Are= sal. os 475 pkgs. ot 54t1 Who for =welders and 1.13.4e145.;,e Sot haes. Droved /Laps drat, St 10041110 .Our tintra, anJ 11.1917. for atty. Lard Anne:toil.. or 1.6 b.) bins at 14015 e. Hinteractrre,. at 4203 110 for Stato. Cherie gator at 110 ac. grebes= tolAveroool steady. with encase mama of 15.tre busk ',Meat sad corn pet steam at 10d. Larsvo-Fliorrebased at 5010 , tower for mmijorn and good •gradee, and, Idtad7 -for for grades..-Wheat steady with moarrat. , export...dt Icor demand. Itte tralna end glom 111,7401,31f0r mimed dud and amv4 1501411 for la wastes, afloat.. Oats active and Arm with *good sprenlatrra demand. at Ste 10 store for western. Pork rimed otilot and arm, a. W...WrerAtio for old mmt; 4.14034,0114 for new mess- i1=271.4141140) for sellers for =web. enure.olXl`l,..% for sellers for April. laic and limn. Cut Umtata arm wad mama.- Barrio steady and moderately or - ate. Lard Or= and active at 143701.= for good loyal:oestrus add kettle ram:tared. = Cd.nclxxxrs lebrusty 19.—Fleem I and 'Witcot are unaluoured. sod toilet- Conn la dull at:Wee - far ear, and there 1.110 &- mane for *belled at anyttnna stove the price at ear. Oatin the millet la dultat. ede for Lib L Itys Is 11 rtaer and sates weep made of So.lextza at 51A*1.79. Barley Is dim'. et .14145. Cettee; the market elened with $ Good demand at 2e for to Idellu up lands. Items Pert ham sdeyeed, .ranaing trots fy.r. to 921.50. but there Were 00 mrs meow nt ibe close. bulk Wade were Wen to the extent Of the Gl:Splay Irma 1. „tone for Yea/Idea , and Wes, but there es , noun lobe had at theao flats az the ease of Oat market.. Bacon Is In datut e d at ICU. 114-and I.lr4e.truz holders were asking so elobar at the elate, and this advance W. otealned to some extant. llama are an. cheesed and eattee Lear has Wien-11 to ItYge, with sales cd 0:0 llama. and there 01.0 no sellen at 'thelots below 143(,e. F. ore bane deeLtned to Zdakh sad . the ano . ply la better. _Butter to sodas and Inner. anti( idea eflrestr 'ramp/ at :214141rb sea New York Stale la 45131ee. Amato at. gi ora , er with Wet of prime to ehetem at from $5 1.10.a.s tanel..A.lsseie Ys Qnat eed P./- chant/ed." "Greeepler are steady .oil sake weremade atfoll prices. The money mar ket Is peer, 0050 e 50 pn loCresAls .4 octal - demo. In border. siMalrs. and the boobs are mare willl bead. °OWL ' at at the ag aOin .11xehande la 'arm hay at ed 1.10 Petreeob. toeing. and selliug at par. =1 • .C4S.ga9elTipli w ilmePltuddegn flasade., ' • Camas°, Pala I.l—flunr Is dull, Irregular. and npsetiled; sates Of SOrfug aldra 1/9.75 gps)(473, srlatss extra,VS,fil Ignastopaneal dud_ sod panicky, declining 11114 a sales of alP•r-4: • .1.25.21XY1 doe ?lilt: Wet - Jut AM at the 0048 1 10 4 nsiars , Con, opened dull; sales of No Sat 77%01a; Hosing steady at `715(0711Xe for No. S. Oats is aeliat usglagic. lust; grestat 11511111,as far. No. I. butes al Oulu at idadfillad foe Stu. Yorlas acre leaky =gale h gb - ger. the mutat closing Arm bob weeds," at gataoregl,l3l sale* of standard 'use at ids,no; sorostry..da liziodge prime 0000 40 firns •18.19 llindsars antis* at 400 W-40 for sough ladaldlOXii l / 0 fdesaorfatall Mllea 12e: short dearoio.' Lux! la uniet but dun at lid Itteelpts-3,171 Ulla. noun 10,940 ba. - Mast; VIC ' tarn; MeV Su. Oats gainusentabbls. ANN Caro ; =I [ Sr 7.C.egro7 isles Genette.l "LoPlavuzil.februsa7 ls"—Tela 000 fa era. AY and a. with sates of Whelpino of "Div at 1.501: m P4 =noon to =OA lam leag:Lan le Cho flan county. wow, and preens-midge st. SU= Uplasula W a les. Ceinno i the murket , 1114411 n earct , en, g noll ere masto ie. w ja,2ll ere MOPIV4 for ef superfine at SUN^ and fancy at SSi WO Lt. Wheat; eater • were -mute st Sae* were EMU as Mu corn is ne/il et Tee. Lard in telling at 14i40. Mess York; entre were made frOm els ' Bunn: Ile for shoulders. end Ito tor clear Wiry. Balk enouldius, 1903 we, sod pleas sides 1.1%1313c • . To I wits' AM** t Tr. 1.0.3,11 lathe Pitusinmh .434retta Tocino. o... , FelzenSl7 1h...-rionif WOW. Arm. and better, vans of what, mteh• 11.0 at , *a bowel; *labor. K.C.L. Com nen 33.119hti4he34; mszket active St .bad e lowan Drtnew Omitting a: toe and eloaln at 211 , 1/10107 No. I. with man feral] the month at. Sao. an,l BOLL No- OAK with shies atll4 , 44gelar Tio,L Rye 14 qttlot. Bef•da steady. with saint of 010440 seed at 47.60. Premed 0011411 to linehanged. with $0 • = ST.Taterraatt to tea fittsearree ilaartts.l Yttirezirloi; ratattarr 13.—Itloor 1 lees active, arltb Wes at won a barrel for but apruic, 001 IOA for wood vale, when 1.1m.t.u.d. talus at 021.0 tad Itls for NW 1. Oas arelower,•lte ea tea at BOWL Dressed Loge aro firmer. trial maks at 00.11414.21 . • Iteaelros—itte , burets of Floare %ECG boalte/a of wheat.- libtoronala— barrels of flour, and 10,00 , barbels -. PtII.oNPCW MIRO. ' larT..` , Kon.k tone intinonrb onnt..l Pass.toatorou,. Yobrusey IL--Pnrolonto gnaw; ann.. 0t.2.0XP barna. or Crud.. st. ]MO. . ea nentn- Clover Mod 10.580 rOat..doll. Winn cinot. ai SIX= In, - 0011 a !max. Elo Go.. 0_41L . 4 . 4. 0 2.0f ,. inntbn5h.1• of nag! yello . w_4t. . . ===.l • Telgrapit,to la. rittoba , sh ...fatal I • Maraca, Tab.. la—Cadlon exulted stui'lr• Maul's.- at, 12E1t130,..Itaestraa visa .2.. purist 1,467. Dour Orfila suoerdno un damped.- .Park.a244oo9Lan b alk shoulders 10301 dust - *6d .13111Vaa la. /. 5 0 1 V 4 . - Cara Oa Oits 1461100, Itsysa. ilrsa SAX . mare Defter: • " • to the .itsatnarith Quetta. ) Y.broAry • 11.—Tiour graoi Coro firmer, white 0-1 6 p 144 - Vote otostlio es 7111 oar Orat. Boom . 11111/Iyin, pat, r.b54e2135091354 I! = BaselSOß WM.". Ma. r,O, 5.1 (PtTatewrar = n~n~a~!~!R~ 4Yobtuatplll.—Beet.Cattle ata leget qbolto horn 010 n.hIP IVS, to it.to pot mat o!. Vte. tavitor - frost 10 Ph -; "Cams,. V*rash a witha tram AWE* are arol4l. Financial Natters In Sew York. liel4 Gloom" as 140}4011103i Teiezna w the rltisbunt.GasetUL.l . .113RW Soli( 7eA Id , IBM =lii MID . SOLD. Money =chained and very eery. with • fair amount of currency ebtpried west wattle the last few drye. Sterling 9 i 449%. Gold ermined at 141% and doted needy at /40L'8litd,i. • Slowly and generally strong on 10.41ra, Henry. Clown A Co. furnish the following io gamer-ion.: Coaponq of '81.1113,10112N; Ono( Vt.lllXerllltritio of 'el. laltraeliil; do or %S. I'.Bii/1007ai do new 1073(til1.8; Ao of iinyiaLu7 lag r AHHeii; 11140 . 0. 7-31 es, Lees active, but steady veal the seeend baud, when a decline of WO% per tent ems eubtracted to. Towards the close the market was nonce and ermtod on Erin. and under beery Pelee by a.m. 1.4100 ball. and a rehl by a few heart, It fell to 7414. Market generally bens?. ej-t.11,11 QUOTATIO,3 The follosiing were the closing Priem Si 6x70 p. m. canton, hoefXS4; (.11mberland.36 637%; Aflame Express 741407% American, Q70',4;. Untied States, M. 4073.14; Merchants Eaton. EWE/lit Wells 'Express, 411311 N; Quicksilver, 20/.1124%; Mariposa. fint%t l'acifle le ati,lCS/11 , 04; A ttant1e.974097,1; western tinlon Teleeraph. 514131% New York Central 132%01.2.11. Ede. 70...4.01 7 / 4 : ottto preferred. telliaejli; /El Harlem, ENG: Reading:93NC%; Ohio Ger. tifleatcs. 3t,4051 - Et Wabash, ki; St. Paul, 50144 do. preferred, MU; Maltz. Ceram% 113; Mictilkan Sonthern MERE, Minute Ceti. traLl33; Pltisherati. 97 , 40911 Toledo. 110%; Rock island, 9789.1. ft Northwestern, 613-gi do. relerr• 7.e:01:334: Fort Warne. 1011),,ix 101 t /Min haute preferred, 74W,,i Burlington um! Quinsy, 150'.0; Llmnibal and St. J0d.73; Marie-tn and Cincinnati, Ist pref., 0114, te ener.% letti; old Tennesemef, In; new do., Mining share. ►re moderately' active. and the following were /be closing quotations: Unry.lon. 41; lacrosse.7so76; Qnarts Hilt. t. 7; " In Vilf:t - Zs " (i a rVg d OT3 P ; , 4r; S W rni te kill, 41. BCD zscrsirrs. ThEreceipts at the Sub-Treivery to-day avers 1t,708..M; paliments. $1,162,5e7; baltincs. c 03,703,479. Mew Orleans. Mark. t. CB, Ttle/rlDb LO the Pirt.totretikitsstie•l :Caw o.r.ans. February /S.—Cation to buoyant nod has savant:tad tube for Mid dling Vplands. Tile sales to day reached . .000 tales. and, the receipts were 3,14 bales: thee - shorty were 4,10 hales. Starling and Commercial taper are nominal. eight 12%e152%. " Sew . York Flailing*, Der cent. alecourit. Gold aagar -ado Mu . Isaacs are firmer. Floor la sours with sales of superfine at $lO, andchoice at $ 03.10. Corn nue a leridermympwards, with ea es at Prices running from 93a to elm. Oats; the ket Is uushmmed. Pork is bald at 1111. ad mar 'ism° istive, with sales of shoal. dere at 1 2 lic. and ac clear aides as Mi. Lard as astute, with wales of titres at lac, and keg . at irc. Beatalo 211Arkell. es T.:eee•Dh to tne Pittstargb Ilsr•ace, February 19.—Flohr dull and unchanged. Wheat Inactive anchltrig eti. Cr;an lacking $1.06 is new. OM Moir. eats sru quoted at 72 4 4071 e Mt Ohl° and Weigtera.• Lou to held firm. sales al CL.C.S for restart. Barley Is dull and unchanged. Mess Pork to on an onward tendency. ask. tag ataSti for heavy. Lard Is higher, asking Dr,.....,h0piar0 tooted as 6).734 Cl:dug. Callao hart!{. • av Toler spa to tae ['Unbar/Le linene.3 Cataaaa. F613.18.-•LITe tars ire acilra 10012!.40 Mellen males at 67,oultpaa:4-6e colon; 1.79./ Droned Liege. ahlpatects; 1,73) Orease4. Er= I.I.O9TLAVD LID PlOTalitliott February LS—taut Leon we, Zmri Coli do. •to, J Pat later Son; I do do, Laughlin IL Cot 1111 yak tb aulders, EH •• Myers a Co; WWII lam. fdtQueorma i Doutlat6/ I au IMO be.; 11.10bta.4; 2 2266 .661. Sutter, Carter. Ma 41 CO; 45 sin eDni. W W Winos; tai cusp, 11 Lindsay; Sdo do, J Les= Ot Cat 1/ /a aa. J tassoksy a Co; Sdo do,D A Spitb; da do; H C Shlllentmett bl bolt. broom oat., 310121162 & Co; toot. oboes.. 3 Itegs ,usser, Orstr Eel;.,; kss bottsr, T Jen. kiastl do do. SWIM d Col 16 do Isrd, W tor; 11 stn tsp. Marlet. Moo t. 1161 66 bbl. 0011 t, I do riga, 2do elorrrwtd. 17 do dry up- Ow, 1 Int Emir.. bz et) patall.. llt bat. KR*. I bbl Eutaw, 2 boo lop applo.. Send i iSlougas. . Prnsill.S. FOIIT WATallior.l4.2olUL. Fetrmary 11.-21 ears metal, Oman • CsagaSTl 110 do, Jan Wald. SOS 1.-Oei 1 da do, John 11 ,arkradt7 dn'd,Wl.l4k t Co; :1 Ebb. 806:14. ktattsagh a C 074 Itp spplobattet. Vatipts- Shrpwil-,9 do .1, 1 ..to lard, 7 kW, Swt l rplst. T 1 Rota Jr; 71 plus r - uaiiaselirvrare, Sans 4 lito; 'A to 1.36.1 lialleto . ot Soon I arc. Shoeclwrgor 10643 614 tam 111. :16/161,111. 8411114 Co; GO Pis et... 61 D4l; It. Obis Lbw.comer: De 11' 6 appte. ll do ooloto. T 01.21.32. at 261 1,66 bottel. ep.a. llcKay. • .81.0.sosia7 ValtoB 8 U. Vebrafry 18 .1 est. on. EinErute, 501rts S 1.10.1 do do, lira butt Yrew 1,17,1: elTs metal, TI Wood/Ides:l torslip. Hier, Moyer Cut 1 ow* mama , : ”VD, D Mentor, •26411 loot toes./ .14 0 k, skrab CU.; :I s bent taw., & Lorre.. 260;13 aka lye, 24 do nato3D H. E. 1 ,11 . 140. Col.l Dip trotter.; 7do eggs, Be,; it Maw: II olu oats, illstrrast /1 CatWst 137 de So, 11 is wheal, 19 do tf, 8 d. sots, Soott 2 61as1, 03 coo., Dlog boa u rolls loather. T BI VuOttillet o.ok pot.. n. TD4I/61. 'Preislirr.oit.Cusczkos a Otactxtraw 0.4., irbouty IS-1a 4.1111m1, ttsbaslOaska s stares, bo tt le 4 Cs; Ido do. W Latta r • 1 , ?; 10 batboy, S C , cper i C/11ears eon, r o b., 00 Sales hemp. Folios. Bolllmad Co:100171m EM'. Erildayer Vsskamp; lau irryonlest l ear 0610 moot. NO Ilay• $4411 co/stale. Marto. • Cat la to WO, V Sr Its Z. ed. Ai.z.sr.morr STAT... R. February 18:- 1.2.1 1.-tasee, 12 a 12 JIMILL•011; lao bbC. 222. J Me 222; WA 2,22 lee'. Benten, 121- 2 2 A 120. 2122 n AA22. A t J 0.42 2122r*; n ,Al 2 do, I rerun, 2 ens narea.122224 2.Ceram{ 1a bbiatorcst•23. 2 as Anao lay. S Urn; ISI bats 112sseed. 31 11 Faplin2; i WK. ,222.21,222.2222 & Co; 22 Wle 12222, 2 a A C • • svri LID CO.r...crritis It. Y, bretar, 11-11 sar nfl. it Me•core; b 7 1 , 1.• 4 " , w r kg': to tit .0 ova Stmatkrt Letag, t bblmoluves, ~ t h.3.artat:ll ft Cor: So .1., Carter. a.• Grow* (7a;W:11,414 pner. At! Itiats Ve. C. 1,,C110•11, J4SSHI-JA RHODES& CO., iza.ll4-te'rtß, • IiARLEY AM) HOP DEMI*. Office. afil Peon Air/ef t , '}'_L! rate n.a.e Itoineen.Street WNW Una Alle•letp. 'lB6B FEURUAIIT NEW CARPETS 1 =l=l 4lir New Spring Stock Witr/1 •T Jost rmentill Cat tzlitzlott L. et lafttSad nriery. sad Om rim It tower thin say New or 0:d tiods = NerAELAND •A COLLINS, VI AND TS rnrrn sumer I ll= CLOSING- OUT. SUE LADIES' FURS, LT It tDOCZU til*Cdaii.l3 LSI-WOOD Arrstimi. 0 1- WOOD AND FIFTAI BTDEET 13ower Assessment. iLe o2oscour!. for coostro.loz AVM tI rn kligLIA 51FAIR I•/beta 101.1 s cry ea:lectfon, sad tboold void op Wan rebrose7 L 4 ufg. to mart Lo c.t.. == I== 14. - 11 ALL, Planufactrireirol /11.CANA AHD DOMMTIO WW2, letalsa w nd 'Haft Annlan In •TOITACO (361. n. nci tr. rals, at. T tunms Cyan.. en Una. - MMEEMEiE FULTON BIAGIONE OURS. - Mt. Iforeadreery t.f Er}, rf, N. 4 I NIA of al) Oros trof of tdo t00e. 4 porovrd pattern.. fo r r s. VlT7fta liro r iTl l :llPo ' ft;. " .:Vd wm sok. St frO7 U ffdNd as. osmsw. th. Infti n...d.f 6 , 4 Os the Mud river. sod ,ifro • .1 s r. is B. noflkf A rf. ENCILISEI tr. CO, rourt, l'ebllrbfra of 0341,(1411,A AZ/ DENA, In/L144 MUTIIJ4J4gIC4 11U1r14 , 6 U1i1211.14 AND 01.V.4.•"1. OPT 1300 K. AIRO. f. 14. 54. of ULAN tibOOiS •♦ 1100 A 1.11N111.41 ex. ...I Is All I. font. A lure 51403 of FYI ••• tlt)l4 EX Y ....If on 0.4. '421 A. BTETTLIEI2 SONS C 0. ,& =I * Steam Bantrs, Oil Mills, Tanks, Aid VtrtetT . lNLO9 WVnL otAll tilds. • 14 " M , ran. WAtd. Pittdbstrib CILUILES REIZENSTEIN, . ittirznar.AL sr. AILLZianzN.T. • . [loath Oar abase 6las.s, Cblaa Wr.re 4 Table (otter, It R VSTERN ruren. Everythlux les a I rAt. <lat. sung, cal CAI •Ifd .1..121131f OU. mum IPECaUAIVT: fix o r 0 . tXtleti. Air I he glelitsi ilapute sal fairish ,Itylia *l2O. tkaretarr. p"ai-Eln,a•jaai To it. a at HAW , . _11 . , 31 .. tal et, 15qt12 t ( *14111..304) iYoki fsstore,tar •••••• ar.• . DlVAlltr a Q. PIIIBBURG li , DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY ROPB VV4I:Lti,S, 7s,criT.E::,;::: co=n,A.tiie OAKUM, VW 1 'if ES, in sreri =! B=! MIMI FIVER - NEWS The flyer septum:l ti be avalline allah:l7 tut a:suing with tow ends half feet lo the chutes' by the elononcahela marks, and an• der the balance en the »Not soft weather vs Could not he aurprleed to and five or even six feet to-day. It thawed sonsidernoly so the sun yeetelday, but to the shade to me it seemed sold enough to fie. rt; the weather le by no means unseasonable, however, and we do not apprehend that there will be further difficulty to navigation until the low water reason set. The J. N. Moennom h. from Path ...bum. Se the only arrival vs have to report, and the Leal Leath for the setae point, vet the only depertah. The Camelia. Clept. Sam. Dean, is filling up eleadlly (Jr Nuhellle, and will Ss the drst boat oat for that point., Slie Is a out, cora. fortable and reliable tuft, and hu et:parlor.. commodatlone far pusengers. The Bellevarnan, Capt...l, 3. Darrell le now In turn for St. L,ule, and will be the Bun boat out for that point she will be followed DS the Glendale and Atwell, Mr. A. C. 31oCoonall, clerk of the Minnie for St. Louts to-day, ha hasuog bet• telegraph to coma oo Immediately. Lonnie has titt laid up at St. Louie for am • time. The following boat. Were In port Seat even ing: Lent Leotl, J. N. Idaflu:lough. Memo. b i ger. 'Armenia, thnglle, C 'unable, Glendale, Laments, Maggie Rays, El Ilevernon , Warm. Ira, Carrie, Ida Rees, Teak wu and Renton. The Argosy no. load at Cincinnati on Monday for Pittab urea, end he was advertised to leave on Tuesday. The Measengse may hay lett Li St. Lords lest night, but we expect that the would Ile over and take her departure at day light ltd. morning. - Capt. J. .L Letlehas shame of the calm of the Messenger, tel we here no hesitation In saying that Capt. Dean wis fortunate In seen slog his Wavle.. Capt. Lytle expecte to' Join theNottharn Line Pocket Company. of Belot Lon* maths oienitilf of the eking campaign. The towboats. Stella. Welater. 6, J. Salter and &Oz, with heavy taw., left Louisville for Pittsburgh on Sunday. rho Olnefanati Cbormarcial, of Monday,seill: Capt. UMW.. Haupt.., tonnerly commander of the Pine Wrote,lll.4 et the reside.. of Ms Mother-It-law, clam. id. R. Hempstead, In Catmint Reek, Mao, last evening, afor'. 111... of. several menthe. Ills it:melee will govt. hoe Meant..y moraine on the fleet. woodadrlnterment 10 Sorts. Grove thmetrii. radar the title, I'lledochoo of Insurance Ratat," seortespoad.t of the St. Louis Derr. cerehover the itteastur• vSteatubost i t. saw The .motonteaUon from Underwriter, In year lams of the lath Mat.; maul( lisht of the for of meraltunte and etramsommeu (or • teductio• agate., of instu..e. demands • reply end • public reproof, for attelaintug to throw rldleute up. • movement alike Immo. last tO the aleteWmte, boat owners. maculae. ores, nee... 11181trahea comp.les. Mayne will deny that the Matzen el( SI. l.oule Mo. Dont a multatude of source.... iOIjSp srdrairtar that theta teas 099.1 0 01 atrroe tlna where Ware held be lit. and eatisitai and the heretofore enorbitant, and, It scum rupee.. still too lame rate. et Insurance, I. one of the many... thereof. Think for pee moment whlah Istereet of them all has con. tribute,' meet to the Were... wealth and PM.PettlY ofoor city. end the steamboats wit' be Utmost In moor mind. They have done more to tusks SC. Louie whet she Is than any other .. letereft, tand the vane of Cur ton nage will new tamed sb,cod.o.. /latticed. ere Mum atastehing out them an. sal [king away the haslet. of eleilinboats, am e aa Goa Insure.. comp.l. of this elty. and We .renew thread.ed srhh additional awl for midable - Cleary, which will meks a mush ismer veduetion in Its savant et Insurance moulted. addition 10 the already stem Wi le.. ore, perilealmly In Almond Myer freight mass,sereste the reeuetloo ley(: paler We do not hesitate to ear that the ernes: rates to Omaha as. too large,. end that WV per cent. to Pon. gut. Is aa_ onsiesottable re tortton..and wall move cleaelistely roma. tore the as.ttleicommuclly bete 1( not re duced. It. do sot propose to eay arOli.l • rams Do b., but sommon unse Otetstee that lithe DI:01.e. la all driven to athirst ties sad open railroad Mum tbe Lamy.. 0.0-t...tits t...tits and etirairbeate wee hare te..thlor to do. The MI.& en tpen weirs has little .Rye . . Sr It liwp.teal that Underwriters hoots Beth. leg of tali mks of wog. saga be save (etas ere settle. ere* thoueesd dolls. per Math. .rid ans. know Ikea It Is Me toter.: at boatmen to set their art lo• pomade; and farther. OW for some sac utts It hat bectras mush as the mei tatty Of Ilte.lollK.l. could do to mate ea." so keep op the tn. same. temper... their eZotlidt.t alum. en hull tad veers 11/Jia. It to nalporll6 1.141 CcraimeolOta C. H. Pew. aostata..llsy the Nara Statlect at Mound City 2 , lLsots. Is won In be !Waved by Cortsublare Walt we learn by etratlar that blarry 0. Strltar. on mut Wo. U. 0100.11 hare retard co-part isan:tip eart7 011, la Kerr (Plasma, ”.L511.3. rata^ etretiota.lca tar forwararg ahel teat mangy. :`II. /Is Sload.ie, Lectl. l'oll.a.r.sksarD.A.Andraylry Erabt ■t..aaeaawc tt.t• [ltaly I. the. wasp. Lot lbe ellatzis C.Ot.Ult.w &gelato! tau de. atSatet 'I ha Omaha Herald el Thursday ley et Ti. lu a. lb• Utuoun rue, is l/ Leta.. Milk shoo as * arystaL Tbara 1* *bout ea' atw al sutra.. len, 011•1 op oat lbw t 1 P. cuuola,•••te:e. undlr l l , t s,l W nt, Even I 1 Oa %raft irlog .vat to trod. to no Maws. aspauty with Vas. soot aad ktabill• Tba rolaaroy Tateslayg. ot 4110-1/115 anu Tangos* Joy ea • actors* WI urn as Us Con• (*..'101l .41••••• • Own glatans. Mbar Unreaustabars. Cy. darb.g 151 .1.1 Stipa( LtLo boot. mot waa drowsed. HU body was found • day or :Me &Mum& awl Muted, a. Oa Sanatucly @Mem IL. label aatbarlltos tart. ta (a ball as leauset *a 1 4.1-4 war. , , His Loma was la MNl44port. 14yttla Adm . & Nears. las at IM P. ti Strout. has WU' mamma at lb. Jolla Co Var.. . A late Sinew tit lb. Pte.* Nowtsle . Yoram 1118111.. fettail to Woman to • 04- 11.4. wins =ail at 1.0 8.1101 sten... Melt lan y *lay Tbey as amend late bubo* to pit .110• Z of Una W. latt b. , .1 witulht wawa theta both b.. of Ow *mt, rant. bra. bat la two. Na Ur. wore 1.1. Tbs aciatalwa alba awivaala wY arretirliad, tat Ufa 41.1140 at Wa4 'tosses 441 all la W. pew. taallat . l4•ll.. .Sllll 111401110111 ~1*144 of Ymd.rt 00T: rat .6.401.141. Set tors trittaaawilt yeatatday alleraaaa. ish. ..sand Mrs 10 it boat a...and ay. Wits f.elabt (or Pim. burgh. a lea Elam. suet tut way p..law, tad an asst. dltaa-frott—Wtegetkor .sari. 300 twailas • lam ot halttt to be te ed.•l at pinata abina Tye.. ltlawy 4.l.(Yltat. 111.. Itine.darpo 61 bar art.l oath 111•1.1:11111 I he Lanntgan wt.. yuata wilt bo•sabitagral 01 80.115344 boat. The Allows Nay. totilmay lb* pn1t01•18 boratrot.7l. Kiwi!' will taa. tat rtitabarati aninaing, having la law a bamit loaded wild Wade tat ten lnlotanatl ltairtltir lb.• seasNa or trptur-luott Mak.. mob. • ant an 1211710.401 data lbw rlidtd Rs* sad her posts. JAS. 1 . 10.e3 • ST Lama. 701a0ey 111.-785 IN anvil Is the littaaltalp7l as 0...14, .4 Wortea that patsy sad Itila lily toe. away vonov4ny enaralaig an! la.t alt.. aad tits taitralai the no.. clear of ta• far wrral 31100 sal Wow the 417. Tbeßtosjosts as. lay a apitakly titaispilos iivirlistios Spallsosill boats an annoy .40.4144 fat— walatir belaw. The 'weal., la Ow awd *try twill. '7lO thaw fa. leads throat bast the west Gad ...arable. di !tame North. No data." la Ip. .52714. was Noma by tbaboacaludalt oat of me .osE r. I===2l ter Tetegrare to taw elttreerta Uarras. l Love, Tah. 11-Weather clear and Locum's.. February It -Th., +ire , ht fa!liag atawly e with mem teed are tnehee of water in the cane, by Lb* mark. nos weatosr Wand'. Thermometer LOITISVILLIN Tebraary IS:.-Biro ritual wilt. are feet suatoa Ilarpetb Shoal+. The weather le Ow axed" cooler. Departnl- Tyree:et, tor Calm; rlha fi tore, far eleoln natt,ilid Delaware for Psttaburab. NAZlPSlll,triraary la.-tba weather la abrady and warts. Myer - minx With s tootle tba elaanet. Duparted-alaska and P. W. Striader roe Kew Orleans, Kariba. ror White ether, Southerner. far Loutortillt, Stlver Moon. with I,bet Yet)ta, Yetirour. for One:Death Stay Flower, 1.110 team for Evabiallte, Tanuceree, , fair hundred and ally bales, •two hundred bartele beet, for Cairo. In pat.-nears SWIM. STEAMBOATS. I.T. LOtloi.—TheAgOlt taunt Olt . Damli. St . Nut Will lane tor aInI• itlid Ittifrin.sd r tens of tog 44 slog ot aai lot throb% 13r i t Te . cr to J. - • ittrattlt. .11gent JAltgri ,p 1,21 ..... r o n NAsner,ALLE xpa • ototrorr, . • 4.IINZUL. ........ .. cant. W r. Yaks a al leave lb, V • abeee•sil Unman! 444 Pen TH a La T. at 4 04.11 elr N. • . • VOr lietnNi or rneraga . r , On board or to .J. D..rx/I.NlolllrDink APO!. JOHN /WII. 1621 J•■. VOll AT. Louss.- 7 T6es i gtr ea b Waken ' AR•11E210 tat Josaa lteaa. WIN la.. so aboTe TH D 4Y, at 1 1. " fr r, 11 rtfrzw.ri - BAUbil a. • WASHINGTON BULLS, #tries, YU mho itilt fiesta W. W. ANDERSON; alninfaethes- of CORR Melt. RV. NUM& spa tintkrEZD VIII/. (Went an....' le ntlur any, In. • f .bode Urnet of all kinds nor... .4 earn nnlnnl, m own tiones• oPearr• • M AJILTIN IJEITLIEVI, 1 rosalan tar HATS: CAPE AND FURS. Deolel is THONIN, VAL,I 4 . a1 /P2 la letall . N. 13 NiNfillifill4 ri w Itittsbarlib, re thA•nmmotts auk - wr 1111.hetion otita94. • er=zezo:=l D RA YT ii. F sT ! i w ia .rash. witi. it .. - , rrrentiiaa. rA. L. NOSE% .a...T0/21100t0. , Irtil7l. ArS MIA.I/ON VC.1 2 1 Vett% ."1: '''''''''''''''' LtV Pahang of total Bose.. and pa1011ei5.14'15,15. BEAL ESTATII REGISTR, G. H. TOWER, 161 Fourth St., Pittsburgh, Pa., Now ott.raopriest , ante. and adrantegrous teem re. fonown. FARIII3 la • forgacar. oyewoorel.nd. 1041.0* and llairobelkCa.t... • elsewhere oar No. 1. • Tore Tal.bt• ?met of 1111 T. et.ho were, rituate In ooton towaeolp, elle. Shear c 0.,. Pa fiur mice from c te 11,...rati.lin the ITalointton Terupike 0004. Ih. improneraruts•re a largo two-001 0100 loos. ot /2 rooms. a two-wire OM. boo., a i•rgelmarer Loom. • No.l barn. with Mantle for CO bawl .ern` i and • dna mint orchsed of lobo. 12 nordeed .01••• e...jes of g • . e .. l w Tue e rean d w l i thn shinned.•ill o• aoeoool 040 feaclas..l I uuderl.4 with t 4 4.114. atone coal often best 10 00,; a. Is • admited TOT cater or garde.l. F.lOl 7 , 0 2. 111 tact of entlitTetwu Ace. In m ll.setta townsh.p. AllealleaT 000110 . 1. ... two ite , ooln Wl.' Sew oa rae. line of tre• tranneirterl l• imorovements aro • 104 11441, wit bor•O•attletl. • ft... tem. n.ro. arid. .r ogee of 10 tree* Is boob booil. order Tots f.re. will e sold Tv) oew d i ns etse teems, as 0.1.0 1 ... a. 0 other toaltmo. earl tel of attend to It. Yalta No. 3 ► deltrab sand very frrtile Tract a Lt. of , 11.34.1 and Irtn...eldht Cod 1 weary-dye V. rob. in Zllsobolb town• Nrmpe.l ‘Consettartilo Oar.. at rules mail ...., s Ott 01,.0. 1111 1.11.• f cm are 43 annerl r white on timber. which stone Is now worta one-emit too: ri. Solid tor the whole tr Cl. Use Im noderomeata •re • leg orotundrma tarn. st a g a te, •o 4 ...Levis of roar 11011.. 10 `': watered so i underl.id linitsione soon. of a superior . 1 1•MMT. wl•• Mo.. e.l far the um of tare firm Y.. No. 4 f• rum of On• linudeed sod 0011.1 on. sew of c.a., 1.4. le 0040 O. I r. to F. Ile Mott aletant in U • 2• I OTLVS. ' :• O I " o ' r .11 4 : ' . ‘ . r ; ' Cl•=e0 r d h A r l ' s 001 ' goo • :ermine, ..lOne of aald land 11 [VTI " g!ill i a m g b ; go ' s. ! ' a P o r irrtge.:. bon, i taut d double wag. and 00- rinte abed, wl 0000 sed a lone orchard feh Ace /gulf. who. ,act la 1.0•14•14 with stia urn f ^stilortteuT 0104.21. on. stone cot. of eh. 01 . 1 ort*ltty•, .04 sta. lo la .11 ...re... lit..a good .pangn etch stele on the farm. arid woe. le Cold st • loon oh.. Valot • S. Minated 112 Bt. Va. and co Ir , bo3l. hlpe. I W nu ao . t da 1. n. 01. a,w H0r . , N . . of ion. Tae 0m pros eau.. 5.1 • two..te re fru. Loa.. wins.. • • orto sod fool .11.; a frame bank elra r ho y 14 feet, .4 o.her oulbulidluits. Then 1.1 place • T... apple Led peutrombard, Our /loomed sm. Tweaty arr. elearet land. 11.1.41 MOO del. or coaTen..t as., a larae porolon of vbitla arc .01 sell. clam .d time too To lato of sald . corer.d n0...0 tio,ol , It la Welt evateten and underls wita coal mud 11...10n, sled Is ceay.mont to chum .. retool., mto•ell. •nd hl.O smith eke.. net soot earn In la tremor in 01.1. eiallent tarn: zad with 1. or II he sol I • I the penowil areperty on the premise, conalSti got loc., CoW, ILO none. 12.0 tad Isrliegs • t;vo , ...xl:l;,h:lZ:ilebt:',Vg. l ,ll?. k ur .„, Ole! low .00 00 eat Was. Co • IS. Mallt. ourseas•r /1•.1111 S, V. et Two Flandrel sod g %%%%% 1- toneacrte. I. Cleutre tow4• 05....0010 Our at les nom the Suwon ludlroad at Romer atattou. Thellespreiremants au a atu. too. of rootlet .d • Imb•-• bank. Dora. and oiled 0002111141•0; 14. .011. Ur., tLo 041.5. le nue. walla chory. Nord.. 11.100 and nut oak t mbar. T-4•A y cl r ut wa:getro .Y rtvotbni: ihON 7: 7l.=as yE u ; pooch.. •10..11, 11004 farm Fos. N.O. 7. of Sia red .em., Its Cherry I • .oin thelo... lye OWn liuds•as good f•lb• art the way. 11.1 .041 n or Milo of the town of Ida v.. 1 ,1, it la welt Ten or.. and kaa • rood 4. 11 1 of Ilart.toue to Tla• tr•=4Vis:.l * lrs? L ' alrleore . glrer. " l4% • adispted fur ands rah 5,, • 4 aloes • 1.40 el lat.. 4.0,00 rutadewa. 71•1111t111 ant t o . p e a l *orass. Tae location good. 0. int T to agar... school.. liodna. mt le. to. r. a alien lon uf those or aid. 10 ensace tu the 0.1 haslet.* Is pa. ticulatly .110n ert ed "1.1111 f• 111 LE SW an•ooflafd to 004.1 Yams No. of 11,141 tiwalred Toenti• n.weey rwst Woe in Va1f1444 It, I ~0 ,r.lande ,etty. Pa.. a.m. .1.1••••-nia • to.r.ran ..... nla o enteral Malon.so, mile/ • • Of•elty. To• lar. 40.,00 I;4•l6lsstsfe • nos• twee rr:Li SigS. .4110 1 r. 4_OM Crt., wig n 41.11 tad • Ines ..1.114..p. Fr,log all /4 1. 151 met I* Um •111111.M2 .f 1 , 010.1.1 a st. is 0 se es c ear.: Las _f .10.) 11 gen t 4. 1 1 17 0 1 whrte.. inehier. Tory la 0.1.0 for aka.. of all esloloilm. •• now IA gra.l dom.. in 0.1 1. • anry noubaba. as •• ea. ow• 0.11.1. bur .Naas....pond 4 M MIMS fAt x o P. 4..0 11111.41f•S and 1113... Saes In Wiat Y hmodeld teoartanarte in traria 41011•11. 1 . 11. 'l4e lc p raved ryas aso • C. 44 1.1.11410 • h dares. toe., • g Dare. good 40-1 chord. well leaned. • mum It •so II wee I watered, Lad 11. aro, 1 thr.• 114•• In. .old at1a.141141. Yu en aal. Dol. W. 0 II Anna. MI. eA Imin•dl .teir v.. Me I of toe Vt. eelosena rasa, a. dialra.L , 4 41 males e.4.,5 to cite. Ile I s rows men. ar•• 000 ale •tone horse • moms, who. 1 toola Viet Ile 0 a leis.... of allittot and aWf T. and Ida eaved. l semi.t tema• /ago d.r. sad win Or red very .0,0.4 1 , /r b 0 11. Nu. arm .11 Two Neale a 5e . ... .11.1.0 M d etcotareela a en indi.• H••l,,•si, 1 1 .. 1.1. 01,a 04 . the a•TlTaala Mari. Innom,. ..... oemaireda is i• leepr.vad. a costar +MO fesmeloos.srf • r Wale 0,100 Of., rare go go 4 ro • art w•.• 04 it, taat-orcu tad IL tea •WI nj to. 0.3. e .ar 4.14.1, • ••••.• ore•ord . .41 • POI Vela 0 Ilits•eale • sn 1 .4 MI • g ort ...r. •u. 13 Pam ...Ili costae Warrel. lb* erprov.m. ...re • Lee"' • ••• e. wtth 41410. tlarte. a VItl• eras from • ara. sin s . l tem to Casa aocel • tope ti . red ea. Von... .41.1,41 ..cn. lon will • note. is sm. I/ f e . I. t getber 311 alle• o.< . ~ woo 4 0.. a rare rect. rens, • wt. y • •"I en loony ea rya eel. oo• r •Saf.l la fort • Sol•goa ts, D oot id• itor• 0 • if cd • tf... • Warm o 114 Atft• lo d lograft.lo, V. est, 1 , • 4 (.110•/. P.. om tea t.ra oas. :10 vs .1 rwanve 1.4 to sc cif • WelL sa , • ts U.. 4.11/ eocoM. • lag. c a. of hat. 1r• •Po • .1141 1.10• to. saa TU.!OI a-of.d•tt cr p• oC tea. la-1 at. nolo. 100til.dog., sae •10 mama. . doo4 tioisso as 0.10, `nut 1 .4.4-04 ••• • new 10••••• n ewrof • n 0..4 11, ► hos. ••W.•••1•St It tout I,aes, a all i• •pr Sof a• 0* t• 0./0 TT 0001.41 4..1 • (oil. ` ..eu a. 0.3,411.. 'To 507 co, •••.ist • g4m, fa-. et • 0.0051.• 0.1. • . erda am a 1 .4 op., 4 .• It. 4. a clay "Vaimpeoere I an) Is Voa. • m ma 0 . ICI. r.... . 01. so. 1.1 ...ed • c.1.2“.f1ts *lost flat 41.11.1 Sr. • II al.stio • bes •esr 0111.11e4 la peps/n.0 , 111 .0 lb.. lOns year. •••2 • t.. „antral r 111, ..•• to. reso. Ls ...so 111 101 4.l.6a•aus IT • You. •••• 01...1 • 1';:. 00 rteta•110•0 ; p. It il....4101•00 000.1, r• cr. re 2 •••• /Atte, • It 4 •T•ltlsfa • 0d I sot olfst 51,5 f • Wier. 1•11,ctoll sad 1 1• ..1-r ft • Imam •••• ..... oil • es ...soft 04111.11 t 4.• ••••11, ..14, • 145•11 m.o. 601.114 1. roles" sem M.., el. its estosa erdi saaaest,....tl r ep 1 1 th. 01 wider. Ilti•farde 11 • ...II ••• • 1.10 15 • woad a. en.. 44 11, of tee •611.4 £5140.4 0001.01. 0 .40 an.. wvotet 0.0514 wise • owl ittitatSo a sad. ma ...yoga Y. ••11..1.0101..stlysltna gam 0 TM 554.0.4 5111 0,110.• • let.. •• lbw F Cearral 301.0.4 et • •000. our., •0. 0•4129.0.• .tit.. 01.04. fad .0.1.1. • r boo • ler tag 45400 O. te• 04110 1010. lirs. of *tag seag pm. a imp Ilantritt. fen, 00., 0 •••• •sraost trasemiamt ...al • y••..... ww• se t.100.4•••t •• a . ge1•1 . 6. a 4 a, w S•t d am • e 1 0. x ° 0140.0 , e£ 1. VS •011111•11••4 Mahal. po nod ra. tau ge• L.. 5,0. 140100.411111/10. la rise 10 taw•sed, 00.0000 •11 • •• IS • 100 a... tizt . •074... llre ao 0 • riMerf• • rut 11 , 1•• ••vs. 00011. is., lid all 0104•01.41 04114 allfs los l .4.1 .0.141 •• •0.0 0 0. 101 . U.. 00 c.a. 0.0.• at .04 pm. t .ate • twfs4. .0. • 00•4 .10.1 evere Srael t• ...se, ..... teat 4••• •It •Eddrelos treareassidl s. raft. tr. 11/* 41s1 • 4.1•• • Mt to ol a tg tr. 4 al • f 1 loopet,e. trod tsar anal 1.4 ri • rf. oi tow 11.1.40,1•114Tlit Atm Ur game tI4I usierdiuw wegemo/10.41 • y. ra mlias .010 the F. ad • Wallf.• St Ifs 1 , 4111 , 1•4o4.• The r• 11007.1•tet. •••••• • a. loriersw. sge Pe. rOO.. a 000, 00 t sta. stioralisee.• fats la or. W. not, stch len& 1.4.• 1.110.110. ••• • •al •10 atelt VI se- la. 1•10.17.4 II gy.esent • eare it eae. . ..1104141 fbalt .11.0•1 tae Tam, .0. riased. 0 of • Ire. tow. .4 •••01 !MG.-. Mauve la We. 11.1.11,1• 1041100 gosety. , 1.1114 hes l.oc4infs Mat ••• reanatraldS 101• aosal, Impre..ll 00•001.4 t.!rtd - : 1114,•• •sfy 111. {Ars* dw• la• • 01 0 ea awl wow eilkati earn •trre • atad• to.• 01.• Wetly emard Oen: Slat. altterrlo 10. 4, two 0•••.••••, ese •ne 01450•00.11114 Isl.. toe 54111010., • Owl g Mad Monter. las Wass rt. Vs told . rtrellril t aiTngse , l ol / 0 1,1•1 ' ..raitelorr.:11rge • 01.0111.- S.. 1.0•••••• Pag*lo.Voo,ircletr Stil<lTlmigh 00011k100,1i. WV grafts drilnet.- .110 1 4 1 1 1 1.6 1 1 . 1 . eroe led {told,* 11114 astO VOW/ SO IMMO* 7.• 10101.1000.14 • .002•101 Wel h.. 41.1. tVirtaitrtt=l7:i lraseUta lrlross.4 M. e/4.1;„0011[la .00414001100 Ogre eSiel . W. •••• 00441 br.har• saw. I wear Ute II • 0 011 riga.o4 l . Ir.ol 10.1 maw haled. err. not... Mr ktosor.. •05t1 , .. • grad srps P•ott,tw. .= 11.1ag IlAsse .07000 rtn. 10. 0..0 of 11102.5 10144: iltreve. 11.0•10•01000114. la Oa. WM.. bes....ollo.SMUessf the *tat F•••••1740•111410/10,1•4 T r reS l• 7 411 F. ri l tii• l l tr ltcd• S \Y•7l .4r et nr 4:ll llll .:ip . .. * ?: 41 : a .5 goal •er. of 10.1 Met 1 0011 80. wale.. Met 0000 0111 1 Pea tO•21.10. eirgS Sieregaset ram. ra r e . st.* * Pre i t: 7.llVallir et's= 51 111 real n: .14 goal •••••r 1 11l IS .0.• aarl goi 4 lot W1T.1.1. •on •ad Ituotaiow •tas.l sat, 504 a. 11. pr01e.... • 1.4.2 ran., of tom of iron ore .4 r.Ther .ntrOtr PIM 11l Ors trarit, •oldi 10.1.414 a good t l ., T , se Pro If rositnelle;1111 Sere of ...bi-. ' 1 ,4 , 114 1004 • SlN•tian entre. ~ •11.1. Pea Ilk au.. I WI 0. rat the Illturta Ifellemg. 14/1105•110110101.0% Moro th. 100.1 set.. tn. • m nttber kite 4 I. calisettlos, .0,1 ha ..1.1 trame••6 I let •• ago a 5/ • yo.n. went.. lit•i• Road. S.. bw so d e a. Of egalk.g. Se ve• ord m e a . oc4 Os • Fn Is sd • ar for ele h v. M .l 2 l.ooer •h• O , or• fr.m l'oroal a hew F tram, l anto... e Moons ' newo.4 dw.dlu l g hd u o •WllP wntr. ae earn.. bo eve corn Old varl. o.yr ee Wne oundolldirga oi l tor end revel., sod VI o II h e 4 ineoe nar4 Yesw ASP tale,. 40 11. • ...II Mel 1(110 AM. uf 'cry •altuat.lolal• 12 10.0 11 1.1110.41 a. es..ly. Pa., well hared •os • high .10. of • slri 511 •a. • new frame le. att. 001. 11410111 .1111 odd •••• mad .101 IS. er 1 00 01 0 4 c 1,014 0114 In th• 111•••4 alltSfir, IS 4/0' 040..4 • 10404 orchard 0 f soof,•11s;4,11•110•n•risl witli •01 1.6 t 7.1. 0 uml 00er •to ant watt.. 01 tne oit be 1114 WWI 1141 1. 1411111 abeedallre. 0 I.ooa in agror• • .cod Fool No TY Md.. Seri 4 01.101.152. bid 003 11110. Awl 0000tt , , Fs, e. 1, r, m.. Teo. Inel.• • 0.000 1.1101. r, at Ulna erle 0141.0 tbe 10.000. • it. • tameammo or all r o aO4 • frame bar• ahr ostt.r ••• BiedOlL.r fo am leelfnt• tIhal•1111Oopl •114 WO ha 1.1.10 crater imber, White t. irofilt •a, g 0.,•; i 11.4 00uti o.lrcied trees la fa. War ng The land la 1104”1114 vrilb • our I , ot eels of .Xl. an Iron. re nla el good 4,1 foci, tiotelt• aid ah ebnadano• hz. 1 .,, N u. U. An elegszt Wick cots..., 1ee..., on the's.). of .. 11.7, with twn leis ol annul wow • . of ...a webhich le alaCe•m t he e t le. 15.14 ye•• toe • • id•• Of good trot walet door. It Iles I.oo•dlately oppo Let W dole , tad., co Y 411•11.1 Pun Welt• and 1.0. rev, 14 011.1 roll Ohs city, roemilie ualo • • II.• a rubel, Col') Penny 1100 oem lies. Noses 11.1,41 115 stale. wILle god Ito,: a... bar,.p11 1 , *000,,0 111144 tnen teem alalnu roamlll4o. 504 I fnrns . oll ps . lll. Ar4o, rfr .. iettes at -44011/11•140 1112 N. 11111 ' , eh, • VIII pow be .1.1 at Um low fl INI. . 10. •ro arse of 11 socuts,.. 000 Lova. &AIL " in: ltoprove4. meth • larteloll2.ol.. atde round. • wall *trona. Marne har. ha nr fe,. ento of awl other .1.131111141.1.. 1.• • Sl•tt •tate of e5i111,141 , 11. esII•1141 I a g rehar...l an tbd.4altre of ilmestes• I .4 00 tbenorn, wol is retake In Ito•••101sof peaameoo•4l au. la WeelMerellaf .. cponte. being eon.. loot to .y.p.b.4 I go. indirmat•bly rod, pad El Ps sued I *Very Imo per.. 0 0 , if • Trade at Land contaraters 4.01. a. 70 0.7 000 t ,07I0I0y1. s.. ea Tse i o s l e m el t pWlaasd Us a a 1 1 (al nd he 13 711 e.7•os• 1 Comte la Usabor. ;gllb.c.l:',A, t a'..17,g 4 .411! 1141•1104 foe proper., In th• city of nittellign , bOod. Na, TwO Lola in the 010 r riAlithergh, .00 try KO lett. 04 Watilma Arcot, heter••• NISCELLAN SOUS Pe Mord ani Webasse Li cem au ...0114 13 Ludt op frame home et 4 rooa• 4 tag, mmt Iltchee: a .014 00 rood . .[+r . . be. , oven., some grawin.c, de. wllel will he .1 3 low Imes. or exethanded Pm • an2all farm wt.- raittositatite orthecir7.oo Me 1 70,00 a 711 road. bo. U. Alto. a twomtory Brlck House, 10th frame tAt It 00101153. la Me boron.. WET.. 6.L. 00 a nit el by 14970... flout!. on Martel street 004 exteadLeg back to a M toot alley: a nee Rene, 11th !milt trees, 5e.13 0 .7. fe. The build leum hays teen laMly repLisd, palmed lad papery°. ano are offered very. a. on rea r =rotllo'll,l...E.;tr•A'.t.l;" - ,47,0-- "."4 Yaaa ro. 40. 177 •oresot good 1...1. la Lay ... tcw.tilm WeatmoraLud mdan.. Pa., ...us Pi, lie of Me assns[. ylvaida R3ll. Toad. at rid.turg. at. t 1113 ee es sn. clear • lad la • Mad Rut.. .101,00.0. oc•Im Food i . /peels[, sod wall mvered WI nerer.lll,l sat /prier. MT real.s et the macs le cormed .Ith ti g'" !tefT i l l aVre w n4 s ls i n 04 ;•; ' d 1 WD i tti " cral fain 11.1411,100.'and ars limn. d wt. a 14.11 dweilles Doe. of foar rooms ad kitchen, • lbank barn 40 by IS ferd...pple orchard or Select &al. end Me wont outbsldLnis tor the enaTe• *Una/ of the tarra. 714 e good ..d iviml II Paneeot.ry 110 .ral. 210. it. Atso. 1:10 screS of 4.7callest Fstralild Lands in Ila Man coanty. lintsourt. These lan, Le tatitescratti.weit 1•314 f%he ntarre are pseu y Fggq:14.1 4 .,Te..T.1%140044t1b:mr,:::b0r,i .....ema. tobilvto .6 bemp and f tle et. k ragtag baTe . superior Inn) parted the • •ni•el lifil *A WM. • - ltd elliamta aria short W:litall. No. 41. al., 1073 acres la Lade conuty, .1. 6.1131. U 3 Cs mid la .6 body oe In parcels tn.., •paccharers. The. ere doe, arabl• lauds deco. .105 .311. well Wept. to Me arowth of all the cereal. sob 1 al• oof the booth. 500 la • d 'Pion to a.. emiy . 1 toean O. hemp end est.,. thsy are well ...red and hereon abundance t t tim ber. and matte o title., r - • . 110.12 Also LA o.r• two treo .7. Ar6oo county. 11104.11, 10 le Me leadbs, In mirloa.. Dearth. 5 41. 111 901 elver a abort diStaCee la. Math Thwer. and will t a n at • bera.M• rim 41. Al. 7 7 9 61 140 acres la Vernon county, Misenurl. In Loo mac.; emu 4..0 lands, as,- are. relth Mosher. la a county thatts 0.111•30 Up rapidly for sale ate.. to close out a Parme 7 • sill plias.. '.. pO. 45. A..TrOleret I f Roo! Lang lit Hs. C at wanly. 01.3001. well ttoirbared well w ttttt U.' de.p, 11. solt. and will tm mid al a barealu. Jew . Al., 401 acres la Wright ea.., Mr. 60.1. In a MOLT productive res lo t m. 0.,. which IS eettlluit up raol.lly. T 2OOO allareuri 1.3, say a nhamslos Insams non year Our. lag Its year *OO7. tarms tb. 11.174)f0re. niler.l. 3 meleeted, .1114,W 00111. In 100 1 0 LI. , .URI. ho. 47. PITe Thad... Amos, av. ry valuable est.ta, LirYisiblogton township, Pomona .... M. Pa . en the Peonsrmsulal_erara . . fro., .3601. nilll. tad of JOhastown, ktown se the • dooms, Tram:" the Impromments are two ie.. mansion nooses, enlarted la Me Mateyo, 11411 sli dant mamle mantles sod all mode. aproymn.nts 1.3 sate .1115, Ose steam end Oa *a, we., plater: • 14176 store tot.. 0001, Mealy tenant hi wee for worlaren. witb brass,. *tables, A& where are rrrrr 1 •Mli sr- , 1 ' iri1 . .1:110=i ' e1j. " ;17 10 .17: 0 : 672 ;•; . 13V. 7 irt If: dead Os is bole tr.t I ...Lally td•va 0 to gt w. a.ng patgeses. got 000 great valve of tzle Poll. , " aroat , IS tbe sunds.o. cram, of am,. I:e7: " V n .l . :XL . f is: ma t e[ 4 ' ri ' s. o l o tlrre . :4 o° . traf.i . :6 '. l. ,e,. mom ta. 4,0.0 sores of • M./ 1. 00, 11 0 7 6.0, Ott iry, Hun. poplar. hemlock. Ittain.•. 4 oat 11 cotter 6 r ahlch On re le a 043.t.t and nr ere.l•l4 denmad. eo 0 east and tern :RB 14 000 be ruby shipped *lib a tea) asses. Peacsylre , nla earard ...Mold, whiell Lasses i taro. n Mr premise,. tor • Ii AR turee mlles. Call at the ote. of U. 11. 71/WAR No. 161 ltostra 04, I Tlltsbargh. and 17. • 6 eoloaleal and home!. talcm.non. res. by ItTetAlter Win. T. ILO. t. In Junta lA.' Pal. Lis 47. la Illiabalk tererbehip, 11116.00- 07 to int). Pa. contaluing Ninety wen., 41. Las h e es o oo.[ ahela river. Ilmuredm36.7 b... k 014 b o ast , 141•0 la am.. • large Odra awe Ind cue Mg .1 ova rimes bank Darn, 00111.16, Wagon att., Wink IDol.. Waite, 5171:11;a r ar . I L gig itrlit,lllll.ri l .tr.rit ' A r . the balane• stm.tote rod enderlald wtill is al, and aMmt Meaty Ramo or Linea:dna. 7 here are Iwo oithares a.k.a. paseh ...9 Pi.. tea.. In [nod' b suing conottom md alao %.7,11 . 134:1 1 :e 0 1171ANit n p l u " rp"se , s n . 13.• ' / 0 0 1 irtil; a short dm-awe rum the Ihrie.nd villsge of al .betti. me 6.4111• rintro et at •oue ter 111 the D roducts. To b• told cheap us e . 0..4 tern. term No. O. 000.1.1. tlimarcd an 0 Ter..' Q., . en. la 1a1.11••• Sownsallh Weetmoraland ooseiT, Pa. about Milli awl soatli et the lea li b Yin . 11044cr ~ awl IS WNW from UM alto. T. leMeovemente mo • towed lot • emee. • I eve Lame born ecru b rie wagon .ed..d good arming haunt about I 0 aaaaa el. •• or saL. tenger:, Vb.'. .5 llmr•SLlel rosiTul.nt to churches. so bonis. mi 1 i and sail. snap* Tido limb, tsra .84 ff. rs d atm ap &ad on ... terms. Call eoon and gla a a g ood bait La. A N me 6 A yaae y .O a ed n ra . d Mmin 4 11.1..04 LS 01a0.41011 I.l.llllp. , Alitgaeo7 malary, • Tosashlp oed, setae meas 3m4 ml ee from t he marl a tan.. In 411Igne. .174 •arail;roN:V2. - . l ,S*Ua::::2:l 4o ePher aly, 6. nesfesonfir to ta • Un• it. 11.1Cning 114,1 ,, 0ad So we. lt est y di eta aye for 80.100 sesta t Amen.. 134nd bust. s La tee cl. MISERY DEPIRTUN PENNSYLVANIA. = NOT T.CM c ' to tit 1411123 . it tit LOANS I= Commonwealth of Penusy yank., Due July Ist, 1868. TUE VOLIAYWING 1.4 (.10 N . Duo July Ist, 1868 I. TO D&TII 011 . .PATILLSIT, ritt. SICIMATION AT Tall I , • Farmers' and Reda:ica National Bank, Of r IP= XA.A.3:02M.1.• JP SMl.dh, Loan St Starch 27th, an 9, due Jolly lit, 11468. Loan iet July 19th, 1049, due Sol! Ist, 111419. INTNR/INTON SIM ASOVN LOANS WIL CRASH ON TUE Ise OX JOLT, 18.2. ?U1 13 1111113, We. JOU I. WWI, Ili. fesenl 11. L 111111, 644 e !murex. tlanalsliism Sr ills* leg FS e TO GLASS INAINItTUIIKON. • . ,• Tilt lINDEIRSIONE6 having ooeurod tho solo A 4.01 for Ow solo of Ws COPLEY POT CLAY. t i nTrAMr. for= I :•thß I".Z.N.NITZ .11., Taars , an of this ero7tto have at , Mod at act aroport , aalt am w . :11 Tatrd , ;Tr arllW Ilti' pat/ taw te r lorgtr , tar Itirratt:6 ' • it* latatonteral CV to latMata a rehatolaki 11.44i.10r grortact mot .aoo• • I "NtritianZie a sow.. ton t Oleos Watts& nal Watatortoo Nita. eh. Ps. R,,UNDMIV• • = • ICI brossa dodo. Cheroot 1=.014 . • • S'evPprrH.l4 RoZ.-141114:., • PM pkg. Msellentl, "rout WNW //I WU. Vair.t6.-; • rho 01•7; .• • • la Mr, no for rale by deli • J. H. CAN7III.IIa ILOV. FRIVATEVIBEANEL os.-ssawrimit nar.ir,l”lo nu 6. .•._• • fore* Mil of all Macula of • artiste natam In from too to la.t day., at m matirein um an, inalmeat. *Mo. nominal Wasaliem, an , allm anil oilma Blass mn of Ma gaultal °arm and SW a*. •- '•V.M yanillatml Mawr nelhuded. V1,77:4 1 71,11; !le?: Io t 4:!! :11 1 =1! • • O.OOD MEWL GOOD CHEAP 'BREW 11l DEAR:TIMES. W 41ID Wien IL) but; VW UMW* ..11. VV.!. onry loaG 11•14141 • Srnit^.l.o. ' G ARDEN- !las i vim! came. rot ho lied.. bask ste:&:10771, wet a fresh shoots , 1.7 heelool sod sale ley the pcuo t or 0 . .1.. 07 • JOHN ♦ RENSHAW: ftft Conser• LINO, .4 tlatd Met t. 19. 'lB6B MI A GEiE.VT CUITE LFI ASTHMA. I feel lay IC/ altdi i llObtla`atio. too. Si well as a duty I ova to thel4 who bate heti lite suf ferers WM ary.clf, InOlid CT that they may know Den the, ma 1.40;0. - I Irla . boon sa6lani le conttneedlattaelcoof ASTIDI•for more 1 than 111 yeate. and ba , been to ,great eaben. and to amino. tneiteal ta en of riberlence velth r on& obtaining .alpersnanent relief, relic,. ali. 1 was•nbad Mit I never knew Who I ' veal tope free tron tbo I diens.O.: I bad to *lt In'bod every nlibi for *sets and 'refl.,. With- on any prosprec r topO Of !ore. My coodltin was each inn! fonllfOo borthen:arf when 1 oo 0.0.00 t !pot lit anon of anEnovng • • 1 ,rf moment. '!ptertibbi had 6,33 mr smeter -1 r tarr that attc,lms tern me ac. t at / *MI near:y black In the =3 r= MEM= =I =EMI • n and'vehelloirpt , the beruee I. In t. Ala* the aope, ==lll3=l MIZE ttnnralatlon. In thin condi— laia== 13311=1 Cl=== =I ,1 company wttb my husband at 1090 mg., votttha Mat ==m = • Dr. ]LEVIER rt smiled mu CarreMlll, and my lona. all Oler„'th his LIDCO BOUND, sad told ma that with coral wo4d get watt. I perm:vers., with his madlellres for; over a year, sad on to- • day 17 vigorous health. and TOTALLY 11iI.X 1 . 11 1 / 1 1 ifthl4 and U to elbly life. IG n bad. op. In avoLtle 11:2=1=1 IT re-futablllbed, dd If I do =CIE= • medlalna bointedln i inllarea It. I cannot fool too ttiantralr4 the aionpt!org trim a dimes. ntach nted to cOtt to; wholeweets..4 months lose of deep, twoldOs auffertno i..13101l none those who are sOb l ject In this disesoilOsh I. : or de.afibe.; • - • MOUNT JOY. (bermotter.) 715HCIt. 1099.9,91 C. =1:: Mall HEO. ME= v. Mycs, recited above, I. ene more than ddrdlasrl Im portent.. Incense Of the vloltne i 4r the attack, their continued length. and te grestiJ liecilliebliOli.el s 1 Ile vital bberer• ttendly g the disease. Any one who knew bar doling tie time Pb. sae • • til , tater from the Illseet• Of which she visa mutt. and will loot at her n'oer, the reef Idatnre of robust brattit. :sabot ant etude the the cure • cheer more Mil aratitir chirsour. beneath kale beer of ' sthiSta evtry ear of our Hoes, be teg a 01•etee o an tuelir. We nature. il•I the. who doom lay Idles. for thur•tlet e. Dlt HEM Rll 111.111ME1:T IX/NOULTI2itI orryla ro tolWax.a.ivivriotie •013 , 1I: TILLAT I IIENT orlAiltitiliATlL tail/Mine DISSAIIZS, o. 120 PENN' ETillillT. from la a. et. untll4 rive. : „.. , EEZIEI D6MT/11.18. HAND BELDING, . . Dbwebsyytilty•o. ilbe Lair. P.I.VPD* of the rar e lamb, entelerkr Shad 1e7.., lorfamod - Dye., 60.27 Apple.. of Born ilea and -fiaro, Ant.e.nany Temateb by Dr. Re7vey,Llo Demo litre.L ..• . sLairr astrortb.- Th. inuoli IriLD ••• • 01sdeal t0m....!. SD% a Christians fisher. of Deaver ronate, Is SOW eitlrsle coneseed by itt• setrearsneo of Cu e:iher hersilt whaler-4f kalled on Di. Sr 1 e •FR In peril to think elm for his kindle.. 'tad ski I In estorlog her to .E %it nit A4I) 1 . YKSIDWY IDDIVY. DIN /mw tad leen near le Nine for feu metal.. elo. ores to blind (kn. s - 000ld net alitleenlgh Soy °eject en so to mike out whoi It wan, NI.. ease Is remote abr. i boner,. or cue. Ille hers ore doo se to .In a. eerlorsi. on , Lb. Almte lorotoek •‘.... !bare!. *a etre, .14 notklng can be doer. hn• ohs .m 4.4 DU. totractvb treatmeht for too oloathi. nod wrOre she oponerl to hp,. brvesig her boup.p..lkiltUll r. 7 OBEN, ilfebt 0n0...T0r0 <titer:cos-4 or her error getting her •Iget. Her e.jtr It vele Lao., In the orlsblinr h ad • utre vie ershler, Ind has 0000 rogordel n. a c tr snt. It • I Isbcr, •n 1 ,nre. 14..i.M•ri merman. 11-ratreta:f ten. °(U. cvra of KW *WAD, t.callmoesT to lb. fact ern Iftt•N rum..,' titzottar.) At'n .tx . r.' Sailor avenn.. •tlreirsty: PC.411. itresfara r. 14414. rtoau, th.t It. =2: B. 1 : 04, re. 44, ; TLllelitabrad. * f 1.11.1 tl tY iy, !t. llattta,t, ;I * (7: L g. ' .• :Jura t. I ow, J. Brown. Km. art ..t;r1o. - 1.1 1. tL117; "*. rua. Lectit.sts.. Na•tv If fton, Ilta• 1 /tees If Kona. S. . It fg.:114,74„, .t b t. J. ~i'l U. i f`ja i ...z ., ..; ', i rilii - r" .. i...-' l. if-''2 7 " „,„,,,.,,, . .. ~ne,la Palle. O. I.o.reeet,rf F. i: blot - at Pas en, J r Illorrtrn, , /tea. 4 Priten, A. U. Yet? ova. ! P 54? 5- 1 , ,,b,a, bob.. fla J. ; J. vale IS.. Ilntibit. 11,0noalsaa ItatesA. 1 -, J. W. 90Ibb. ...,,, 1,,,,11a thi Ns; t 1 I,,•ba, [;. , ?.lo 4 , i ., 1:1 , ..1‘,'7.r • .. ~..r, , I W.l , azalaa Fisher, , II*? bts, or. 1 i lb.? intr.2.??.3 I he 0.0 ativv• .termed to ...lively roved . revllele.to To 010, tly thood. Son It IT TrY. • en. by ...I or 0... et. have tn... on,. flit...4st h.* in 1......rge of ter tub. .liorstion if.. lualaSs.: sad the no.s. of hn we as the7oslin.yllt letter.' Err brother . vv Gott, I Inn. KU. -Ttlt la the it t of 5... that . La. to T.advertnaiontst of tbe yens ef eli Ili ••. Clots! en. Caber. Th. rears sil will. lea. te Pt% IT I.TSCS ann. end ware very awl ...oat..d to its list. Yen hisoleht 1 . 0 Slabs 5.0+ 111 usyties envie tar Oasis IA ITt: it• Felt ...To. are one of the grealait to. a tll4 varldt. On Ina. If weasel lot rote Vt., I. n e bettrnis par ebUd would not be ll. a. .bloc It VA le. We ell tali to belik4l,lq .r bee .4 re TO Id. • a. P, /I'll it IL North tbr.letley. . Dr. May, • Cinglarialtalliant Thos.. 0. IMO Volta Direeit. 'saran. of Lyman alley. 0 Doers Dos • a. sil. to' -, • P. as, -"---, teraeowaiT oomrtiiirrimr. sissuvriar • • vigtxt ri.xousy. cutitu. alstessent bf 4101•10 turd. 5.0000101. 0120 al lama. firwet. Aliottnelit Clio: I toot • Slots. ClO. of 10131 1 1.7. St Nor. to.. .!laic to tee ICll a toast lutlaff Ili rem. Wl§ 'Dart twee in slaanitasit4 4.4.e11 laulaTlSSale toy AIWA. PitrtartErteattaat of ...ley I tan mane. ntlysletaes nI the 10.111.1 .ttl , tt , tt l t t thtliblt Mier l led partially V- Mesetaeta SWAMI less aaetre• to g to .. the row try. which I 414. sad what thy. a tall. In a . r. W. to l d Ms al left loot .. Chet's]: gall Cast If soastlites were not dine isnot I troeln die of OONSIYMPTION. 1115115. ea es from till time Seidl about Die =Willy of Isar, Sey 'lost 'lnd Ism . Crease ersdeolll if/venal worm. tad !tenant/ me; 4.7, ma itl• shot 'tleiyairtaft of ever gettlag .011. Is 1011 stale of 4asioadetcy. arta knowlng the rvenerel bellaY Of 04 lienrellllo.olCoassalistos, sad 1001.1 Iles 0( can* made by DIS. KLY46II, sad *slag lidearfartlaamesStathillsOwelierers. I was tsdaael it Delobir tut to call ins the M. tor at 0.15 **O. 1-D Praa strut. and 5e4 mm el. awl at ay le with Me , 01f.17a1l litiOND." Ile r old a. the Ryer trise of aly left long was rely meets 'Mess .1.. hat EC thought with great ears 04 the oar eversoceas Sae use of Ifs esedletor, iwoloi rot) welt. , Ls the DM 4 balled oil Dr. New , ay nerfie Wet ors, One hen Oral sod MT. ty Wale la awilaate, land lass generally prof tatted. .ad 4.4 to sahib Meta sad 451. I now pslool the Doctor streedateat lifDloboa.fe DI s feeble, benbia totalitatlnn. ad .htlitsorl It fattoNllyarilll the kneel% Dash The Doctor , ' a fielare ha 10.% Ott !troth the eery Start. Lad I eee.d /Mali:Alla 00.1001Yrettlsg .troller. led nil conga sad supeetorslltta Sensate& 1 here galsoit greatly In 100, - and consider The. self wall; alltbe rattllag of 57 long lust centsont. ILetifo3, insaliral m481'4111 nary way loud. •Il my relattyt+ and flitsds knew of the advt.rd stage of niOttentalt name extesordlnarir mar. ery..onethe medlelnes tlveu Me by lir. o Kng lwe t ntedlalne called 1.0:011,011110. i,. which I tact to oisha r eelloa with Me other tees. mootl ~ . i .. . OTC , TtI*YOT.Z. , irrTnnTrarl•• IiLITC!I lb, 017. /1-NOTIOCII DUI/6 DV 413/0111141 . 1 . 11111. "'Wri gtireattioliirr g.ttr.ir *P '''' 'n.. T. I was 41.4 tried brim the Polled Mates try. In ...Ivy., VA ...Mut 0(5 woand In thr need, frame shell. ago • disease which Mean:LS Alityslel.s aronodurid 0OMIUS1171(1D. - Shad a tanialleintgls Mal Intlitwayla- Stanger sea flesh sod you ass.e to do shylldh/I. Bhortly al• ter for tetens from 11l ninny. I nide eindirattear to • playalei as of my; neighborhood' sad, - 00 r, wards, to eitaLlek Is rlttalwirih of MO trysts stoa, vellintr'YVVlllnltit .0 stn. OUthialtl for nee month*, ali.boe 1 anyibanellt wltslater.tetrath. er grew wo se. and whrte4 In DO 111111 strength every day. IlaiLisaiit. Imo say isolate took pr to foil I} It ITGIIS, of LW Pont street, whoa atilt Is reih essay Ulm Woe had teen hlablt po agee of ad- pat laying strhigr Ille..mlapsofit effe Dootorrozsailned 101 lenge very central', . "ii' LIPOk 40111*.!,04441,4-To: Awn Oh aft lung w. 4 badly diseased at ate sty per part, hat If I wea 0001 lal thOught.lidosalityntesin. by followlaC dlrettloar eleselll whfeh I did horsteatl to Mini- : I greanally linyirored an. der Dr. XV , li asefitedites , from natant wont I ratonteord, Cite ttlelds tqllll p.n(l health his trnproyS4 sn4 iale:Emije'w hare It eat rank est sway, • 4 where 1 watoe4 ateyhiS bedew fall mad et og sad Dee frosa Dale.. 1. 01: 00 . J o oral; do 's wing, 00 'State gust Dhasell. 0 O leans, r eeiii.ayi . tar riicif of pr.' Raider , ' r l treatment t 4 sciaticntr. , . ' . ' ' f .,. ' , OM. o , Wralllo.,Tarile , Greek.. I nwsioll, MAU lut,R,.,urg. . .... , - r tiEEPtiIfECTOHAL 'I3TROr WI. lir. SERI IMMO cot. ISTIItIft. Consultation ttunis, isTllteklt, Lung stasntruitiolui bum 1 4 r. r Ca}b• • 140 IMO ono etth ()A.S. 44 MAIBIFA.MORKELS. GRAFF BIERS 1 CO., 111LAXIITAVTIZILINII Bar, Hoop and Sheet WROUGHT 'IRON lii] IMO 11112 fl id 9, STIAX, Till, it • OIL WELL TUBING, Office, No. 981 Water Street,' PITTSBURGH, PA. FORT PITT • • HOILMI, TINI WIZDITAEKSii. & SNYDER ' , luannr,Orruluom TUBULAR, Doutax.aitrral, TIINEILAII FLEN.DOX A CTLINDBB ISTIAX BOLLINAI OIL STILLI3 AND OIL TANEE, =unarm icazzaturo aim ANN riami lIIITTIANO FANS,' SALT PANG AND CON. DEN KEILa, • vrxim rues, oakum:rine, AND =ON LOILDOZB, riusox DOORS AND COAL nutaza. aalLWarke loanoi &sigma. WbiliA. • !Imre. wit L!biprty Atreeta Fittabnigh, Pennsylvania. vrozaDtlf [1 Ms-orde2r. 4sa.l. v nt tob. abara ALUM.. . I mta l ldai b• ' KENSINGTON I BON WORKS. LLOYD fir, BLACk", Best tommOn l , UeDned Cluireeo Jun iataßloom Iron. ROUND A SAMAR/ 1141 . 11 HWY. RAW./ andANOT.II InoRA BOILS/ YLATXAnd SAISLIAT /UM ' ROW= and WAFER HAW CYLINH and 011A11.11 OR mein ARORA SMALL T RAILS, SO and 1111154.14 Itt• Yard. WROUGHT CHAIM and SPIESS for asani. FLAT RAILS runetked and Onantatasat. COAL ucuraim . . . • 21.1/1.6 and tIPIILZI, • • Wareboasa and Ottee at tba Wort.. IntitEN 011titE 19.1.. la eaattentatlaa at lint Meet.) ad- Inlistrig tea eltytias Works. Plttaparan. el= Mtn. INDIONTRIALIFORILS. HUGH. M. • ',BOLE & CO., Potr.ArDEßs, Elgine Minden and Diatbintsts bake OTafartneaad!l.en Meant Inelnad et all Cars. warranted to ere eatemetida. c.w.o. of every deteriptlon. mutat° oast Jaw. Il• BOLA: tonona Manatee 81501. Cor.: Point Alley Duda* ta Way. Yonadry, Not. az stud Si Third street. PITTMAIREUIL PA. Tierra ' 1 prrrsstrasin writexivosas, ANDEBSON Io , COOK ac 00, . • • tauccmaou T s O 4xzs, BOYD t 00.0 ltualletnicrt of the but REFINED CAST STEEL e•ture. Flat and OctsiOn, Of .11 /Wet SOlt Jtlitet~ltOe. York ..e abut Out Btu': Out IEAPINO AND NOWINO NACHLYNE4 . arum PLOW I D0Al08; SPRINGA AILNA.DIADDLAiIe, *e..40. Coot and Conlown ;Plow a erleig Steel. OZee—Cerner et first .1 Itoe/ B&W.. tiro 1./...ett. above Ito Moue:trues HArato. - ftlel VIE . • -EMT Fir! POUNDBY. 'HABLIS IWOWHIM IMMTAFTCEIT.S 07 MEAN eaDIVANCIE, ND - D3C/ ALAVA CAMINO!. r.tc.Mt.r. ;.11.1 NOLLIMJ 111 M. •, Masa lOLLIIINILNY AA] LOMAT& NtErAIRII AVAtOotl lawman, Or, A, hem:More, U.= lAA: 1:11. rau dal. ! e at tAls Yottedr: i= ritO zd . ir 4 :Al , evostratoM u_Art the 3,pdtreil. Anil% Yi Am", to forat• !I NAIL WACIAINIS .i.% ao AoltA MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler gtreot, Ninth Ward ormerre cziov ❑cON 341 Jex.s..rsomsir3Ficiaor.. grain Mill wad Bridge Castings, IMO IXIII3 AO NH MA 111.entlarry sad Camtlaifr gemerallp v:lert rrom Itz cut ftut CILAIALUILT.I.VINkIILIC, EXITIEUT kTN.4t3KLLID. 0c.r..137. BLACK DIA7OND • STEEL WORKS PARK, BROTHER & CO ti 1aYti11C11.4.46 011, ALL W19M6E720,11 CV Ee r riEnStlEZ• • olik. and - 1 - Carnhoiun, 120.' ZI, Bee •te.d wad U 9 11191 ruse streets, llTT9Utntell. BERLIN !FOUNDRY. ?RICH & STMEI, I Ca SO 'Wood Strobl '' raa cin:tueaaa 1!.4e1s toastalitly ea ILILI4 Thimble, AWile tr Pipit DOM'S nrt~s_utrg V . isotel o li v uzwe LS tni eutimr.rtneralls. RO7IERT LEA, . 1 Mt - 117,L0 tre.r..x ST 11!i S 16111 BOMBS . Fre'. AND Ia) 4R Nrionms, ..4. , .:15CV-1 . 41111as m4ll aerial • r . PLMIBC,BOII..P.J. PITTSBIJAVII IRON WORKS. Pi lz^-iv:7sl t& 510ria. • 11/01CPACTLIIII. OT I 1r021,1113 hu t y Tab and Trunk ELOOLU AND EIHKETS, • EV - ERWIN, P.13461'011&Ci1.. ee• • 1. - 1 - r.r.-.l.r.it II?' Iry , 011,11:04... itteittibtg."ll:7 nr.lll UNION ENTERPRISE FORMAT • WM. dl. JOILIXSTON, Mcinfiketarrr of C4KININU Iflltfrn,l.TCE kfkATele. na.Ool Addilikrlll, tad all kinds./ uot.ww wAR. A , Lt II&II WHILSLO and all kind, of al ACIIIN to.VC bTI Nadi boo. nrr ft.tr n nnismis StillrATO: fool sexivi•loo.,,ll,3oretrra. IRON CITY RULL.C. • • 120 Q ETIS a; EMWILITELIX 1102.e..1.11,barrohl,Titrdat a A Yells m0tn3n5..7.71. imaclarr. 073.1 .04 , 11 , • of•aa. a% 0414 an. PIMA.. SALT MMWietllg'r Cu. In'ittaritervareit. COTTON— S Nati 0 tteitmer .10 . art Emits, te =or AA; * o*. N.ANIJFACITTIEBB VIMEMIL, rrevt ....... r, 3. 9 %. JrISBIIBGH ANDCONNELLS . PITTSBURGH FOREE najX ' ":""D M. ma sad after 11131rD.17. October Itth, ISM the • event 1•111 /sere the temote ear ner 01 OM, • - tee Water ttrehta. he fa AND IRON CO., =r3 itaiMmet Flab Dm sad sstte Ratiroad oar Azlto Rolled; Stalltroodl enrles ilaloatered Locomotive Fssotem Loommoilve Teams Ottawa Ilido total Yoko*, Btrops; Pintos Merin steamboat SCAM; steamboat Crooke; /Mum nods, Wrists; Pitacto Jac., Vortars, to. Orncie,No. PENN STREMT, I=l NATIONAL FOIINDRY &ND I: I 9I3PJE WCOELIKS,;_ Corner Carroll and Bina"trail , Streets, Ninth Ward, • IFITTSBURGII .1141. W. SIMEXP3E4 ataarracronaa or , it,' Cast Iron Bowl Pipee; FOR OAS AND WATER 1701tKa1 :4 au ' tOf 111/1 1 / 1 -1411 3 / 1 10/ 413 W UM TO sgrratit;clig:AV<ismorl . „ NEW. ,111RDWIRB 1101121. ... LOdsay, Sterrit & Eawei:, gufitottirers tic Importers GO ARDTATARg, CUTLERY, &c., - `,.3: 337 LIBERTY STREET, c........ vv.., One square Below Union Dept% PITTBEURGH.Ii ill. Linn Par VATILLIVMS , soALIM '7l ISEMELS STEEL MIRES. ~ 81110 ME Cut IttrITSACTITIW 07 IWST BHP= CAST STIFI Mill, nil IILI OClewa, ' al /11, Btu mu. =mix. oracclAL tusu moo (17, SAW PLATES; =urn° Itifi-ELLICTIO RAILWAY SPRING 4. Cast gpririg Cast and Oman Plow Steel / FLOW WISFIGI Al:// IfOWTH Eilf3 - .141INGS, AXLES DT STEEL " i gaillinti4lll%llt a ii.wra r z, 2 4 4Z CliOW-8i1r.4. . , WarebeiD34, 0 41 Water St., Pittur* A . TLA.9 worms,:ei .1 zreßrox 87,72.,71: 2ZA • Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, .?,,, . 4 TIMMS N. MILLER, Prestild4l Tless Works SOS =Mc ttellssiSt SOX WM COtphN Mtatelnement to ea Wstt, its 4 Fre new mew*: to Scrota* DukrtpUryt. I Eatkm 011'f?rkto Sheet Iron IFrork, 141.1 road Cartingi, Banta; Mill Cartlnz• liagtoe Cadiz" Mkt.l9lmCWielp General Caftings, ORDERS SOLICITED, .O:TM • es- JAMES M. RITE .15 and 56 Water Ettreet. Prrraarstars, Pa; agalowAcTrima , 0 1 swum:lw cams,. TAiasTimag, sZTILING PAN% America antra Mr. ' .•; mount amt. instate, ?t itre rttrrr ISO N WO4 PM Stestsba-mei JOHN RONETj HULL 10IPAIDRY, _ Cana At" Bib Ward, near A. LSO, 111.111137ACTM11107 Hammer Dies, Steel Moulds, kIE4 End Wks Csaligi alg am lnr,., — giregmfitr: 6 1i Itieented. 11014111 C. D1AT0............CAUttaa DCIIIMIST GurEnrovooD FOUNDRY. DRIVO-& DONNBLIN • Jobbing. and idothbery ORM*, l er ti a•rf. 111 of alum 2.llPabla or G . *, liz facia i o p f all pa=tes ATt ctflecesnillta Office, S5O Liberty Mica, 'e. l ra17.f613 c:mtemf of Uncle 11•Llitta4 I. W. Kowtow—a.. s. urratruzi—rus. st.ira orruna DOELIER SFOUSW 9. z MORROW, BARNHILL & ..1111 7 AGTEM.111111. Mau, Bailers, (111 01111, Agt4 (UN. , Tluara, Solt Paw.: Garombtors,. Wrought Iron ltrklgor, tlbest iroo Wort, •JKyirce., • • CAR. LIBERTY AND SECORI) ISTO. PITTSBURGH,- ItIVAIIUTZU DONT. rtsutirrr.r. Jytt-J DUQUESNE Iron and Steel Works. COLEMAN, warm & co; AL?. llTAClTrtitil Or ‘g Iron, 7alls,Spi lags, Sites, Steel, 141 , 1 WAIVILEVITSE: Xo. 77 WATE WiItYJM. av rirrsairtant . -,!_ S. asaammr.....W. Tasisan..:.....r. et. wawa ARTNAL STOVB WOBILS. &. BRADLEY dc CO. tuarnetn ea every nnz;nly fook,Tarlor and Beating StoTrii , Antann'lntacia ere tnp nein brs.:nel main vA4.rAira4mB,37;tww,.: Ounic etanos.) Jaw ntaturacturo GRATRR, GRATE 19110'AT9,'A.s.ii Oen aa4 Wnenboase. etn+ier Fianon.l.l4 Ws. 4 atnn. , l4, ilt:nnargn. 4..utnnen on 4 . f.nal4 mon. • assay. D. Lat 46. J urr, Di. IMURII DBO e, 14411177Wrntn24401. Steam Boilers, Oil Twig nest Inn Works, tie, • 4311.-Pesits 81, Pittebttro - h, ..12,14 • • - • CENTRAL IFOUTORI /LSD 110/4 MUM% 13130 , Weam ani - ocrt. DOLMAN, HOD & 116iLlit OCllt IMII. urn Oaatim. Boil Who*. a THOS. OA-REIN nom WI ioasD3l i331113151'RN ANDNCY ItIZETA a LlXpleatT arrWloltllk C MriTtk, ; ol 4lT LFII.. wdairnat ri4..,E, RAILROADS. • :YetNewton Aenaloo4l%.. 8:15P. N._ f ..25 Act. 5, • cliaaport 10:10 r. Y. .9:40 • . ,N-.Atoude C bares Ilvlst squad A. AL. from Wen Newtop.—....:. 1:90 Tar ncneu.yy4 to t' °, .Icl. l . W. B. arum', Ets..rLnstuda.t. •13 ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAIL "AD' ttgligell aularabilt Through to Vennage CH*. Coometitlyi: will:Vial. lan tad West Warren wad Franitlt: ltailrud : also Irak Um Atlantic and Umot Western Aaiun, vs aaa after Tr a wl 14th am, UN% the Pam veer Trawl wilt 'earl M.• 211•• . 1 , b. ruubttrah Depot, sonic 0..1 and rugs attest*, as Wilmer Malt to and from Van. •. r. rape.. l• ••• • • 10,111 r.. 5 :0". M. Brad.'. Bead A ecamMod'a. e. lelrat'aaaa Warts Aae01a.......10/... ar.l3. Manuel "Oa Work. Aatom.. firr. r. Y. t'3 r. lianas Aireoramodallora .... 140 a. M. Gull?. r. . .•;a3dly Cllurch Tian . I . ;•••• bats Wens • sae A. a. svaVin• to Plaabarok at all: A. Nrlnasriiy I=4; i n t ela i llava r n 111. t ar MITA. 1868. AYNL a 01110AOU A PITZIUUSIut la. a. 1810. Mins will leave al.. Down. bath lido. follows: 1868. ITIIMBORDA. VT. W W.. AND CLZVKLAMD Troia January Mt, Dom arm.. alai V • Viral:argil, toy time, aa 111 • sa rile Yyn. aila a 111. a hg. a mc! Cacao Mai.. Num a ra Chicago Ma... 11:43 a um VII.. *Ct. ' Al •Sle Lx Loa at 1•11 a la levßDecatana nl :31g R i eaepa e... Whg. ax pXI [MU. a 01.'6x. 'lx YanaVa. lag r a Amyl IA Allegheny. 14. Raga Az Taa .11 N. Erin •• 11. S as Wellman* •• 9:83 aft New 0101. ..10:11 ID Laaladal• s• r:a van _ . r.l 2:ts Wll. lEile Sal ml Devitt* frmo Alleg•••7. Brleta So. Inta • m LeMsaals • . iiaam &chute.. LOpm WwlrOleAm erg': V ]: Itatnppmmm • . •• 1:111 Da Er'toa I. S:11 p taradata. la-14:15 a. lITTIOBROS, COLUMBUS I CINCINNin R Phat:IANDLE BOWS. I • (111.INCIE Cl/ TIN3L—On and atter E Denembar 010, 1107—uslaa. !name and Wive at Onton Depot NJ Elltartirgb floe 017407. 103200. 2:116.1. Y. 014 0.15. Pa.t lane 9:10 Tee 0. 'N.. ran Itz_preas ttle ar. 0 :Ma te. MUM war ' atm a. N. 6:an r. Mat/onalo At. tra, 1..11:10... N. 2:10 0. It.' Ace. Warr 11.. MODOOL:frI No. 2.. o,lor. a. 11:0 a. 1 4. 2405201'100417 l3Oreta le.. a 01101. In't:lntinnatt at af3o 4.51 ''. V ' i ' re 3 i l l l :ilia le .0 Handlty at ISM T. V. Tbs.:4o A. u: ratn Inn. daily. randay and Yond..copted. arrlvine In C 4.1111.11.5 9.3 Pt. same eeentagA , N 1t1 , 1310 I,I3V.A_NUJI y3l ALL OTIINHINOUT2IS, I Niralo auntie o% este between Pltfatergband 4 , lncleutati. and ut ONA atatute to et. boula • Cairo. 004 the pmetpal pot.. Wort and booth. * When nazenaaing Xteketa bo nen ,.. 504 And ilte -feed of tto -ntarinCH, MMUS I (TIM fl s 'l, • VniolvDePOs, (south side.) tn. mormus .11091.1,Ttel.tet AR . cat 113Ti•fin.L.T.&:„.. I.ar i mt,tr-- • IM ' r PENNRWL.VA SAILLVA.P. SIEEMI3 .tnalikcat • H OM, 1177, Trstlui I .tee Vat= 4.74t7Ne0n. rt 7 OU., foll7trat On and an. t arrive awl ?lee., of Weshlstatou M. NMI Train .-. ran Lao m r U 14:Ist/74: ID am Wall's No. 3... Men a Iss Clacton= Mx. MIO t - Ja loCtstown 64.10.13 • a. inals. Jamas.. :mpm Wall's No. 1.33 so W. 1.. No. 4... i:Wp m Walls No. MN p se Walls No. 7:Wpm Altoona Assort tad ZlON'sb 3 .. TbeCbart.N . 1 24 . 5.34 ' gabs Wall'orMl3 - n 10.. ts azy 941 am r aa; 13UblyA 111g.l.Nwall.saVikt , • andaayroatl 0015102 .b •Cloebsnall 117,.., lesvoi. All MLA trap. Sally 4.W. ..OJ. Tbilaneloblal.sprost and tb• malatfoo and /amiss's= 714.1 a 505105.141 by. liMiss%•l=l"Marsl47•4ll7,4far.. 540050 Mir rtu-Mer btformatlon Goals to W. N. NgeglTSl.l4sat. ' Yiareisisylsant• nallecuM 00917. f 0.111 assnmo any y 1. 1 .; fos)l,asymaiossyytw meamoji nnt, Ar=7, .r,TO Is, mat tammat ssiros 0.001 Mo 51. a. 0 tbo owNor. ratios taus by s al oontnms.. MISWNE.I3 WELJAAJLS, Ullteral 51114111ftlaradalt, rs. /13M611.r. 3.75/1 , . Na L.. C:ao a i• as •Dinela'at Wail, No. 1...11:34 • a Joh:as:cram Ata. 2:50 :a Wail's No. 4... tot.) a a, 41.10 Vosn.alio. L..ll;oapra Wall's No. L.. 11:c.:i• Vasa Lanes aVa o WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA'" Ir . b.AILLIJA.D.-Int end • attar b OVEN lIPLU I.IIW. the Moen,. Trite. on :be Western rtnn:7l•scla ..twarn ea. trID natal at end depart from lbw Amhirgi Won, Dorm /Wert./ MT. ei fni/Own fral _ itatrnalag_b:ol ratA.N. inr. Ortwaten nia.l rreeparr, Paw I:osn.i' Exprrsi alittpb vit Stet Wan 1.10 • ire nor 1111:1: tV . P . Hummer Aro n- XarD,err'Caa tsa T. of 0 . r.ar Above man. runnel!, ,neent , g1n417. The ebnrch Trtte. testes Alleabenl Jonet. every Bandar at renelltnn Alterhanp lry tilgt . .. x ....ltueN,ffi . 1 :11:041.1A' 11 C .3 0 3 n 6 an 7. n_ rz b e t ween ekAel-grorW bs ( n n n e t st e m r e t. of - rect./Herr% Bennett. elan Crean. lass I slatryaborr. awn goat only on •tha arsine a r eal. tang at Steal.. eyed nsunnetn. Tee s Irwin loaner AJlegloter City 111:rd It. nftL . VITA nob erfbrill= iTt• anhttown. o prnallt Siektto was Pt bnrennsdt Ma" 14 , 1.1Ab Ch inol U iaelkr . fn. . .. • Ven. ' l4/711 . 11.ber Intortnelate apnlr to' ALAS I.2.9trXR-A.,Dente. l ntreet Vas %%Mall Pm:sylvan%Federa Italltown wail ant 161142:10 any rick for /Terme, emeept eta,.- Irv■ aytbna DOLLARS In tale,. - SD boat real or Ma Mtwara la value, te ll ) lte at tee .111 ensowner. tanJue Mien. b.l WWI". no reset. • ,EDWAIID WlLLtiqief, der' ;Bengal Gunn. Altanaan. re, SMOKY HILL -ROM. MON rum ]UaLWAT, EASTERN. DIVISION. T HE- .11011TIEBT ,SAD;; MO RELIABLE ROUTE from OA rot. Rotate la OOLOBLCO, - NEVADA,' Gaiironaza. umn. ===3 11.REIONA, SEW ELEXIVO. MIRO, o.ll=Eigli Two maim learn MAU Moo and Larnumarm Main (llandm mmyl.4.) ua . Q. MM.*, ou vol. of radio Mahood from Ht. L. 1.. _ Ono' Hualmal mi.d it. JO ILMlsoul from QaMorT. smatter al Lawronca. Toielm and Womogo twist. 01l poln•ts to AHOOILI., At COQ Of Moo mast of Ithromrth worm Um MUTED ISTATIM F. 2 1 .117.23 04./MrAlarti DULY .I.INM oP uvraLsosis mac s.r.o.raritzsz coAtnt • rs Iva DERVIKR, SALTA,ANE, LIU) ALL POINTS 'IN VIM TEDIUTIMIrs, aid watt tiLlfDLE.Stillni T.V.I.V7LattLIr LIN or COLOXIX3 fur /f0.. - t rate. Erato . .INm. Artml..¢... Baal Pr. .art all polst ix I r:sana =el New Itacleei WM. tha meat addl•Suaa Of rolling stash Saa a alpmaat. amt the sellakteMmats mad,. with em toottsals (laartald Trampartat7 on GLaei from lireeterallersnlane, thla ras4 atm team nac. walled faalltUtaZar tha treazzl.ilsia at • lotto Par West: Tlekets far sale at all it. Dttnalval omen tae oaltel states Lad Cast.las. , He sure sed - ,AIK ran Tzczsrs vu. Tya smutty nial.;mours. inaox PAcirita. 8A11.7.1.1% L 4Tlff. D/171910.31. .113I6ICRIOi111'.. =I ./. IT/SIIIrrEI/16 . e:Moral ftetrat and Ticket A.4;ett. it* 40:111', le 41 STIIAIII l'O 1 1 _1101 FllOll liVEtlFfiel. a QUEENVietrq, :NICE i "ItirLE. - THE ItfteLal LDIE, 411Pof IrY.Y.RY PATITUDA —SIYZAT NESOAT—earlyloy. U.V N. SIAM- Tlytet, no to awl from Iteltmll. Imams% &MICA.U . ICIDT..d Pram.. Apply m. Ito lbmD WU, Ern6IIIAZI.JIr., . Zablealro Airortlo :Mot Cabin ParAmagoi RS 112TH STASZT; • Adam. Szpresa Moo. rim... Para. PA. aukuaLc AID. SLATE MANTIM . At tliiitttlitilt Alto Mit EWA Weak Offleo and Warett.v.-1 , 0 and 301 LTIVIKIT 02%X:et% Wararooro on aeoond loot. r,l rtrlmt. ,ti p . nifi t r i f b/s a or Plato Mantle* *III e•IL Workman...My bob esnollta la sty isle. a. fro Urn title.. Marble Malawi /nrultema Slab , . 'able , barn boo,. dlne'L lend 41 Mall". Mlbs. <as be itatlntlaboll. Sod sande to loot wo well as nen. Then 4 no other plus In Writer. Penni. wann When I.lan Man alas an n.alaelarn. alt SW, or Marna Worzoooe.is Oa ant Main... Nana, npaain with twig arble at antarn'prleea. carnage added. • • • W. W. WAS.I.IIC - E. IteliP•4l T. ' MALT. --300 !MUSSELS PALL BARLEY , MALT, ILIV.II.I , IZU 1141 D YOll BALL trfelliNE & ANJLI:4, __~_lil wArisu. 87III1T. Irittnbetrea, J1.1111.1.1i BEILTINIP,--Lt.llllOlC toed 641 u 07*.V.VP prAtit, as.l.lllol.lltta WV. rlbabec''ecealt, era /Mad., 0. 1 :11 , : ". Litt • <whey., mtvets. tm,loants on bunt a for WIS. wboitmle sad mg), . J. A, N. 111.11L1T% • ACM 111,154 AM. runl,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers