- ors Eithrit — wreak - mu , rzasumr.:l9. zses. MI Tote of HOE= of Represents. thee, a ppr o priating , fifty tlionand dot lara to defray expenses in • the eases of naturalised eitizenvimpriatined abroad, Moving* right, and cannot fall arm ee-bring Reattalappioyal. . AEGILLI In the panagernefii of Girard _ Collegit:lutti_benoree so flagrant that Proceedings-ban beer eorantenced to take the centred of the trust out of the Goveinnient . and vest St In the So- Drente Court of the Conintoriwealth. Ifinntedls tut reitipsing into Its an. Imbl3l habits. Iternsdiations, mann ninmetitit. and sendusicacaze Shit -last notable incident& " lye populationdoe as not peneeta'tlin elements out of which a respectable and • permanent republic can Tam . Democrats hose not th at high de gree of admizatkm for General Greasy they yrefeseed Ili months ago. Indeed, few men have been more roundly ahnaed by them than be Is at the reeeent time. And this Is only the'orialmneement - Of their rage. When the action of the Chicago; .oonvattlort shill lave made him: ttie . Earn:6llcm candidate for the Preshleney,• neither his vast serfees, nor his rtat-earns4 renown • will avail to abelter- him from the gat hering storm of ob_liguy andilefarostion.. Tit* RaiLwAY BILL.. Allegheny Welty and the City o f Pittsburgh kayaked experlenon tia. Rail. way. Bonk altogether uncoiefortable.- . LSlu bitter Ingletkno • loos been scatter : ta apyhi affoirx,idaidiatricio; "galloon they been endursii only by op. ideas - nittalcdpalitles. • Tkomaxids and tens of thousands of citizens love been victimized: by the'- realm:Sas ;with which Win r oecarilies. ben frteptonilY . . been Lae& In goal to seam the core. • vegan ofporßonbulbter of brigel the claimiofhoieatj 'biro been forgotten; arid shiliteledo 'Reads bare been peva ' treed;le Aiming' Rpm Railroad 'Lei it loins defy of the logialatere* to Inttitate seek restrictions wen the pro: -torileisteivaitent a...indebtedness to be -contacted , bryadhirays• qempardei es aesiostabir **Oct ttieconuntrialty. tremloee Theis tilt° bardstiiii - ..." - r7,7101-the'lardshlp unattatztnet doing it: .-:...- The precise point at.widch touy f 3l O - M: Midden: • ' - Lot it 'be 'lad - wham if ',jilt, file clamant' for recklessness will nom ' Notir,..w.e.htdd that*, Ilea of railway oWthtto betas tudeas_it eith; erdtrectitorindiectii.; the Wine tri . patjaiiasoindie divi dude!! denitestrable, -Drabs or no'diel• caltierili be enceentered.bs securing its . . annpicd . on; sod 'cra 's wend "rinancial I .." ; bons. This is paying direr:till tied/itch irenterptises are act-in . odoublibi •-• lase of:-roadtrilrited pay : di ieCtip, - but only. hatinelks- 7 1hat is. by . - the cue and comfort - "derivable :twin it; and the ,esitenceitent. haJnirus . of real ensile iirthe district- trisennd. . then- it bemses s'elnesthsi . 7ltli Main Who, anito Shosaloollslasil . "dun . - Sages how much that wilt pay for theist; and the traelray Is fin theni admaibe - Sox hock; and pay Ins ad armed lag the caw In Ws way there is a tome iispontion to mart . to fat tame o4bondi whir-hare worked.off by yartlat. fradditleat represintations; to lie onions - _ clantige, 3n niohlphol'insianeee,Of want bar - IC tiny bit we ire int Op to the spirit !of the times In tids,.particolu—bat iii Oudot lielpaulatzere aneriat enamored . of.this way- if building relloodtr. teaming a General lair - w o e world give ; MB, *elthij to thla folio. of awindlint; , while we waned motherly: a resort to credit to u 'great a detree aa comports - with the solvency, of amtpantea 'rabbis _for it—not the fraction of an , bleb tartlier„ Tile object DLL:chi lawahrolli . not be to secure the .00tapistian of the vastest ,poultde neattet of idles of - =ad within la peesaibed pub:di:but to afford ladlittes 'for constant and: ttel'!. foam opaistione, and of such o tint e u 'ioProtoet the interests and rights - of - au pull, ciinedidemii to be - ea:Lama. - cOITOZU SUPPLT: • - ' The reait decline Li Ow cotton mar, Itet pcGmit t. .ThitOn, glow.ingAtt at the 'Lige appplyof etutplir.bsid - thets„ - :promise" tcrwork merloturilleadva to the " tr,dtc Itistefil 16 4.44 , 1?eu at iteisight.-40the Itextrel . .prtrperity. • That" outtntry WWl:atm& Irittl:ll4 inadellt4c/ cI MON Altai pressicon openterwith?tibet t!tr the , Jere alai/ inerof 4.lmetlee. i'Bo_ long - an the blehprieeit grentled the fargier ',shipped di:OA- to ra! f agwe u the Imo sad seen megtet to offer and reeller, bet witir the decline the vast - puslinctanf /mils will he forced to Ind other ciuut nole of a.stuiarce, and will -deCitrueli be olisthibuted la Ghtasc or perhape; a large .-a...put *Mir kept ova the maniere and withheld England timings intr. .• Experienced factors ;,shunter that the dimthattod of thetrent lidlik will .more then Ancutterbsereee the experted ZacreLe flea America flan 11301. ' While the these_Floe of /Wizen - le the Liverpool market per will not affect protinctlon, in India, it umanecesserily bin that tendency is - this - country, prroccatiatc - our 'pliutten -"; from growing as much 'is they did hug -• year. tier is the decline the Only, bar: tier to the solace' seal operation et- our growers,. They' am tthancthlly weak; • - tuning "either money ear. matt Is ern gig /argil, is Conducing on the. pros. - poets preseutrat Then male, thehigh price ef labor, :end: the', wascumus Gov. earnest lax on cotters 'oombikelt ran; • der probable Cana ethp_this year. The repeal, of the cause tar,- which Into-egret on Sept.. tht; 'est.:has - otefted a Wide Sold ,fir speculation to' - sizeinikipiaratora who enter the South . . era markets and - bey . wp all the staple of6sred in order to realize on it 'Bertha banian imposed by . the Government is removed. The - few 'planbis who as and to hold tide suck will also &then - •the /peculation principle,' sad will ge into the market with their cotton lot be. , fore that date, in order to amid the tax., This retention may poasiblv create ado. en v y in export, caning an advance in the premium on gold, and higher cur. rency prices here for cotton, with no sp• parent change in the forage market. The reports of the current cottoa year have been estimated on the binds that there were 133,000 bales at the pare sad. points in the Interior on September 1 0., 1867; to which are added 2,300,000 bales as the maximum quantity of production for 1867. Then kern famish the ag . Cregate of 2,683,000 bales. Prete' this 1,1.3 , 0,000 bales are deducted for Ulna oonsamption, stocks held in.the interior and at ports, which loaves 1,383,000 _bales enable for the year - ending Sep. leader Ist, 1668, or 160,800 tiles less than the amount exported lest year, when much higher, prices prevailed. By similar cileulation, allowing for the anticipated falling off In the l thipeulusta of India; it is made appirent that Great Britain!, supply for the cotton year will _:bee 4,1=,000 bales against 4,133,000 of last year—a trilling diary= "of 19,000 btles. Thatioantryla new consuming - :Mike rats of 9,700,000 Wale( per year. During the year 1867 ' she - exported 1,100,000 bales; • Wulff the: - exports ati the- dote Of 'the present Trar PrOT* equally briery; Cie kieusi:rneutining as bad wiattht:lo4l: sAOOO balesagaiest WM! , that Gnat jb# 3 /i1;.44:41 1 . 41 f/a.. fere the close of the year /safe saillion-biles: =NM . ''~;= ;. IBISTORY - . 4111 F •TilarITE7D - • NETHEII- A galerwala meet to Boataa. • LANDS: • A brilliant entertainment win given la Boston on Thursday evening, by .a young millio, sire of that aity, on the mimic.% of his coming or ago and Into possesninn - of hie estate. The event to denary Led "Iforaeultural Ilan was List events]; the seep,, of a very costly end a very fashieeable.mitertamment, which creat ed a great semation among the be= monde. The system has obtained great favor thin season and lad, or hiring a hall fir private balls, love= and 'route,' and Parorntes In Tremont, street, lirorticul tural Ball and Minot Ball have witzmo. ed many liVely gatherings of this kind. It saves wear and tear of furniture and carpets, derangement of the internal economy of household,,, labor for ger- • vanes and anxiety for m istresses; it • ob viates the necessity for a house to be turned upside down for a week in ad vance. "The party last evening was given by a wealthy lads- of this city, In honer of her son, the heir to a princely fortune.-- whese father was one of the miltienaries of Boston. No pains or expense were spen to render i surior to a of the d kind ever t seen pe bora The nyt M hing Al cost wee from ¢15,000 WSJ:1,000. The flo ral decoratiom et the two halls wore eight thousand carnelian innumerable rosea, eall - rlialik and other cholm flow ers, rare plane", etc. The pillars, the oar niece, the chandelier., the; balconies, every accessible or salient Point,' was draped with strings of lnkberry leave*, studded with carnelian and other rich flowers in grestprefusion. In the centre of every window of the upper ball hung a globe bouquet, a ball of flowers, mat. ted close together, several feetincircum. Terence. Thin frizz of bouquet is new to Boston. Some 01 them contained, ap porently, as manyeatlftycamellas. And the platforms were perfect flower gar- I dens, that of th a upper bell being diver sitied with a lofty floral arch, surround ing a costly mirror, which reflected back the whole brilliant scene. Behind this mirror. was stationed a full orchestral band. The floral display alone oost ; about 8 1,000.' • "The Its fall guests alightrived In carriages dress,ed on a carpeted sidewalk, beneath a canopy, and were escorted op-stairs to the dressing rooms each side of-the slain entrente:, Supper was announced - at 11 o'clock: There were several large tables in the Centre of the hall loaded with' the clualeast viands and, ',flame - and nnmertew small tables wore arranged emend the hall at which the guests were served. The table tuna- I meats. silver, floral,' confectionery, ore , were exquisite. and In keeping With the lavish manner in which the whole affair was eandnettel. • Upon each of the tables was a pyramid ot carnelles; or In the form of Mare, or grouped togethaf in massive bouquets, causing the banquet hail to assume ant appettrance Aimee& as brilliant as the lama= above. 'The to. I tartar alba building was carpeted, with the exception of the gloorof the upper , halt In which the dancing took he aft Among the remarkable Mewl , inci dents of the current century stands the fact that toe best narrators of memora. ble epochs in the historic. of Spain and Holland are eitizengof the Matted States. Mr. Pazscorr first - won renown by his masterly delineation of the period of Fsatorsamp and Isaiurm.a, followed naturally .. by a graphic and scholarly treatment of the Conquest of Peru. Mr. 3forrar, starting later, brought out the Rise of the Dutch Republic, following It with the Ristory of the 'United Neth erlands, in four volumes, commencing at the death of William the Silent, and ending with the Twelve ears' Truce In It is not -exaggerating to affirm that Mr. Marine ha, et:direly surpassed any writer bortaand educated in Holland in the thoroughness, accuracy and brillian- Cy of la treatment of these meat tharies. He was not content to restrict hi le i dry detail 141 We in chron ological order, but 'Preferred by metal induction to show in what conditions of society, and In what motives of individ uais, partici:dm actions ith policies had their origin, and tortuthe the whole glow with a frethnese entitchret to restore the Impression of a living . reality. This hi the hardest. task of a isistithran. Any intelligent and dlspar. 'donate citizen of onr own country who shall attempt to review both sides of the gresteontroversygoingon for thirtyyears between the North and South, and, un fortunately, not yet brought to a clone, will feel this difficulty inch a UAL It ra easy to detect the general drift of affairs, but when an attempt Is made tol go deep er and pry Intl the secret or occult mo ,tnaa In which epecialacts originated; to ittrikerhyough swims riming and pre.. theses set ugh; delude followers and tie-' wooden opponents; and to lay man the . .ctetnal bilhiences that operated upon, or went forth from, prominent leaders In the momentous dehate,it isperceived that the Maki/ arderous and delicate, requiring the nicest perceptions and the most ex quisite balance of judgment. eine ' &Mantels remove soma of the obstacles{ that nowerist no the proseeution of this! ilady.. We are . pet too , near the scene at action to take In all the details so as to comprehend the relations of the vat. " sous- pirtsof each other. Passions rise ' , up and Mai the naderinandieg. Bartle- nations ace turn aieferred that will come many yeara hereafter pthicipenot tilll the - present and next, generations than neje paasedairay. . - • In the Watery of "thetrolted Netherr isiara Sir.lferisihailthe adiantage of a theme ocnigental to,the .. natural .bentef hli capacities, 'and: to all hie lutes and habits. --Pamir IL- of - Spain was et the heed of - a MorapavreillilliesPOUML. The *hole maellistary, of: goeernmemt was nand. try - hhaitogle . ma ' Not only, alliedto' the Melmattarcilikterchy, but imbued with its spirit, h e : resolved to ittprithaithe eg le‘qi ev ion to doubt, reformation ; to subonlinate Su the litstirets and aspinc tionitif the pioela Milts despotic rule of anuthrolis'and oligarchs. Against this tretiteridoni attempt the Netherlands stood ferth,.aiegle handed and alone. 'lcy the edict pf 15es 'Paha. sentenced Mary-, inhabitant of the Netherliacht to The decree .. Meiotic:l women i. sus at= By the aid of chi Council of -Blood„of the mtt nicifal offiem of 'Which be had the ap pointment, and the 'executioners of the a'Holy Loquaition,ltli butcheries amount iftorietrany Mt eighteen hundred 1n • f week, and ran op to theaprallthe aggre , gate of - eighteen thousand in the course, of . sfi.,yeara.- - N . Yraile , he thus stmck at the IV/es:of:its people, he enforced a [system of Oonliscations full as sweeping [ as in the cruelness of paulon has been recently prOpmed in this country, and by which countless &rallies were re duced •from' comfort or opirlence to bag- Enbarressedhy. the expenditures his immense enterprime <impelled him to' make, he repudiated his debts and contracts, and seized the public proper ties pledged ,to the nstionalcredltors, which depth. of Intern', 'unhappily, there are Americans who have our government imitate, without delay or re- Ali this nitric did profersedly to the littcrialti:. of 'religion,. orthodoxyend Mcial order, cod to Enke himself the sover.ign orone universal_ Mod to:Wield . ed 'Monarchy: The ambition; however marsuntie,--- • was - not ignoble.. So great sachne has seldom dazzled a. ha maw mind =whir alionottility of attar_ lig it: Etioil to the conception of Bach areciteme, which wee favored by. the condition of 'Earoyeon Society, he put liki*: 'Munitions tafitts to accomplish it... Bet to Prince led . 'England has prr4o .. ts'ecte . battled.: new spirit be gin ta -Mir among the _popohcirms. While the old darkness had not disap paitd„ a fresh light wee breaking forth, maidesthiatto increase until it ahould flood the Whole heaven with its ra. - lint whatever entbarammenta Path. 12. experienced in England, BMA P/11,1104 the thief inimiimenta that confronted him wan - in the - Vatted .I..rovincea. Liberty . the "moiled : Ws attpeilei ef- thdeney.. .2iarrow boimdaties mad meagre in natant reaonrees, freedom gets au& an to tants Iniiadme the tabsta . gilt: in spite of th e devaststloni of they Welitha and increased Jn numbeni Various arts of radical todostrryeregeselppict co domestics **. : Individuals and families, pereemi- tattier/he/n o fled thither as into an ark of safety r carrying with them their wealth, and knOwleolge:and smile/01oz The !:laglleis kept alive the ptiefoa - ate hove of liberty. " Ina recent article wa attempted to thaw.. that this was a getierottendency and a main exoellesce orPorgar tontliciPal ioversimeit. One aroma bitighirs, Ina of Olden,Barn- eyed, :titer 'the death of Wm.= the . allett,.end thetas:pieta:a of Lord Ll 7. ctiaims, pr e sided with genuine and high rate =WO over the destinies or 11;1- But we cannot fellow the thread of the any. Tbose wt. - heves lute" for this cbtputnient of Ilteratuze wilt =vainly do that for thentaelrei. Mr. Mortar . has not laid aside his pen, tut Is nowt , engaged In writing History.of the Thirty Yeara' War, the natural compliment or his other works. This will takehtiorer ground much tplyeled and by emineut sathors—among titem, bitterly, by Mr. CLULTIX. nit treatment of Ws new subject will, them, fore, affad uncommon °poor:mottles for comparinc his perfonnances irlth that of his predtcciuors: -At ma, be lntereatingto some periona to learn ali Me about tbe private cbarao tar of some of kr:cad:twit men of Mexi co. The Wes clipped from the private Black Meek, a diary kept by Ono of Maximilian's rivets, secretaries Mesice, - and Terra/ammo miens per sonal traits of the chief actors la the Im pistil tragedy in that country.. The no toriona General Juan N. dimonte, one of the chief PrometersCrthc interven tion, is described ' AI .. 411114)12C11t, - 4•Vari. (dopy and - rawer:AlL" The savagery at Maihnez is also , properly booked. wiik the remark, !lien& to Jerusalem." Of Munn& it li - told that hanng once loat at play the money of a company of which he was the captain and tremor, er, h• draw his sword,' and swept all the stakes back again into his pucker. Then follows, a recount of the' way in' witch hs upset his fidlow-rascal Z 1107,01, took possession - of the 'Government, took the dell; levied contrilmticnts for the army, and spent the money at the gaming table. .O'Eforan is set, down,in black. He was,. according to. all -accounts, • cold and vulgar villain. He sometimes decreed - death betimes eissivalia glieneral, I am going to shoot yon,' he remarked to as astonished inisonee,af ter taking hit Anrailow of chocolate Tholiesesal was Martha Isd X t asaia and las was shot an hour after- ~ .. t , 1.. Thetljelarlatiy Of hinitlore. Young housekeepers do not, alwaYa nndervtand the theory of tho chemical and mechanical action °to:Life:eat sub stanCea on articles" of fairillare. The sithuances front which furniture is runny exposed to Injury are water, oils, alcohol; , andscida. Acids act on marble, Marble is Intel! cotried of =Waste oflimiu that. is, it Is l a' comporuad of carboulo acid and . lime.' 'Now, the .corbonic acid has a wmpentilvely watt a dingy for lime, aril moat - other acids willprevall over it and .Ito place 'when brnught in contact with It; thus destroying the texture or the layingberating tbe earbonla acid, and nitrate of lime, or. moriale of lime,Or sulphate, or &Mite of lime— s+ the cats - maybe — ln the form of • white powder, in Its place. ant oils, alcohols, and water produce no affect on marble. • All varnished or polirled eurfthes et wood; -. on the other hand, while not injured usually by acids, are attacked by alcohol. _Varialabee • are composed .of different, gains and resins, which are generally soluble to alcohol. Many of them are made by dissolving the math ltd. in alcohol so as to liquefy them, and I then, when they are applied, the ;lathel eraparates. leaving the gunt.er reds In MIN even coating over the whole rear , faas.••a if now any alcoholic substance ennes-upott each seurfsee, whether Übe - I Alcohol itself, as used for lamps, or spirits of any kind, or even wine, which contains but a email per centime of aloe hal;ths varnish is attacked. a Para../ of it Is dissolved, and the - brilliancy of the Anrhice Is destroveth (Ills will not aitack.elther marbles or varnished airlines. and 'villa* nob:dory except - to naked wood or other porous volutances which admit them into pone, froM which the,. cannot afterward easily be expelled. Wateraffects no :substances except such 29 loser opal; pores exposed, in which case it eaters and causes the substance to Floret. or' uch ast are soluble in water. as glue ithjoints, and mucilage or gum nrabic, used emotion. for attacking superfidal ornaments to ,fancy were.— .lintricaaArlison. —The valcie of laud in Paris iv giVOZI in a table, published_ in the Moniteur, which shcArs that the highest price of any in that city Is given generally for places in the neighborhood of the thee. tree. Thum, the various eites'• near-the Theatre Francais have . brought per square metre $2ll, S22Q and erect $ll5O. Near the New Opera, the figur r have varied from $llO to the new Vends 'Ville from s2eo to V5O, and the Gslete from $.lO upwanlia A meter is equal to about une and one-ninth English yard.. . A VEttlf LAUGE ANIODAT Or Tad klida .07 HUH AY - LINO Z3O 4. ong a required by tre trleaads Of the eaelresubd Dygporsts 10 *whin illOlO to pat ap with me tsecklun 41-temper. els *4.etry unless sad the s sow lorshoila.t sad huntuationt df , hie rein!. no glue et enterers deserve waselaisis the salient* and empathy or these Meads who ofteng veleta :riot she beat esti maims dim. earl as alterrd and sound late tto nut.l morose. cad RUALIT:eaLtie. by the ranges of D7syeytiL' Kits aeder its dornette swan life oe.sag collet bst a eanstaut change of end,. isc sad amps. aannist but fats and storm's Ile istuin Those slatted with Liver Comp' slot. Dented. , men .of ttigessleeergana regeittad DS *sop .le. ti LUC. Loss Othinetlieg theLd et este retort to Troyer remedial, whirl, wil es t• need wort Ity. amid anion guttering an 4 111.0 any rate:me liven Irewmiusat as tech, add tee drr_ed by hundreds wand.. tested them, maul Da: mitqEws-LITEIetPILLic In tte DWl:int& atagas of It7SSepsll. I.lvar Cestp:alal..a,... taw • t pcmpUy. *wet, lad eioasul , g' rytl•A - tbesyszela, anklat - I DO A JOT AND TLEAIIIIIT, 1214 alof a berlaxe nary *l4 aid eosins ed [1.412 avy Mira all. clad •iearkabli sad speed, me, -Than pins can be 015131.11 from all Iltwttsts in. lb* <O5lW7r. rasa at logo watt d, as pardiascr. vs? pre. • - • Price, VS waa,Pa Has. BEAR IN 11111 ND WI! ■ditertah.• usdnybaed the aa4 tie yawl lystrat .1.0 tot thst win net maybes; bat r•• mayo. .he cut*, •boulA be Ismearely La. id 1311 dts...3le &ISA iralLfol . awe Lbeb.s.kJas down al lb. militit•th.. as/ ftv•g..sot safo•esot to I..antb • • My? aiaa. Is: Y. all s.& BUSTSTTEIVIO s I U/44.1.123 ELTIILSIS L••• , beta tumid mato , 9a..., by Sellyt 4 , n•tly lop= 0g..", they re..• the batty. disists•• . /I• fwn cambial ne.ll tt by sersows of d, (teat. rotreasse . •...o. ea alre."l"t ls "stored. the fredest lads Lid 0,6 Itt• read, g rad hie Whit. hew" la, Droved Tea." to of cs.leols fir Ify Wit Is to" r ea all twos of w• abuse i t, v. .4,11.y "Ws- sit/toot wed-ditty bests: D fa: aDn to "ma: , .21t. • "dot Ute i rma• b T litherAt• TS ts•- lT;et• weld. wlt "Mond sad sadresode eitt•4ll Belem" elites buse rod fu •s ‘stelbsto tettntatlia tal.Po to 'nutty m y orresteleestagt de bull It only pet • s Irtialtor•rhfo. sof. Vedtterd e•tedttree CO "en ofl or •se O". eletrloos elate le•• must ear eta t Bad cboakr• Ir., andlyeed lb Mitts" sad ptozotte Gu Innedoss. Ibis le estettles vallia3, ba lb. or Ike byearto. of ta./.(134 wr a 317 . 2 Pt fiCO , e e yraaea the tad 'V t .!" te.. 5 V . l 4 l.t . hr it tlso l drie stilt Ere" swsrts•lse. re Fete , sat tsar, Dyllps, 111 peals.. Nervaas COmnlatpts II erat dent,' lilt ).• flinty lafalllbla as Serthiallr I to Utte tstin" tlt st Id est a.. C , rdc Dbeasiv •1 11..1.1.3. of tee botuis body Zi,o oa. ats Um..♦ illsotend Ilvcr. • LbAla urflitkra or the bronchial tato:, aa ob. raztloa la Lao Sala or of tae matt orgas4 aK to be &Hoven by belts ma tars la earl- Debt..tawnier topl extant at lb. , enable tunclio . uttJur,. E. mu ker.c.t.o whi . ny*. peptla tann'ead snore than Cl., ataseseh at MTEM!EIMEM thir wont tear awl west% the torn oat Mat. L. OrPo.lro/ to some root or usarny, when It Irritation or pato, when It ought SO It U11 . 01 , 101r/914 MASS 0111. of the wt.. Hoe • usrEcneALL • • - __—. CLOTHES.WRINCERS. • !s W os o o Mws . b. Isoot. o Woos..e n looSomp.l. berets. ?slew. pot ed as eves of id Jews sod I doves. Aloll mlpply at 41 1/001.e and roan. 1114 aware b Loalsd os • Etches tee blood WM the algae; tan othadstaii hit Ldadlit.lllllsig ands s f thousands of put such n¢cxn hive hem. rtarrot ant rettorea to tonith Ind 71/1(C by • f or tottl , •of PR. ICTSL ISlkOrl, bEir-CHICH, watch act only Impute lona to ihe Lomaq and .elgeotlia orp'.r. we Ilitrprise LOU to ths restoration of the sltal sawn •f therfstem. Bo eafffolvtLvs yoassk MOZO== the oely kind, nisi i.e cured We 3911b64.1111. cases at aLrordered tad brokan tout! tutlour It was that whtsh .red Mr. 107 d. tt wss that mart curve 7/A5 77[5,11. It irss irbla cold Xarearc:ll.,./aii.4. 11 iris Dr. . stood Etareb.r whtell torrd • I itto old amide eases wkleh ws blase pabilauditzm tfEss Wilms a nue D. Ktrift's Blood lassakaa Cu cared 19071 eves of eoroolo .14ono;o the • Y meEitlae at recant ollgla. Y.ld b 7 tte pier, abten, GT elegle bottle, at the Dodoes great itgelchteitore, XO. Ia W V9D EITAXLS, Dr. O . .taaalUCMIllOlllM4 i 79 Peas PITTS.B it(i ti MU . Pfitt PECTIN. 186$. THE PriTititlß6ll, GA2EriTil Tie ingest daily paper in the State of Peery/Dania, enters the Mad year of its esiacsa sinthisserePsed facilities for die emanating the current news of the day, mid for rendering good political service the important Presidential aussians of tE63. The fortheoseasgseadmief etyma pro mins to prove one of the moat impod ant held wince the formation of the Goi , - erserient, and the proceedings will he amp ' toady rat; by the intelligent swami. In vice of the deep interest centered in proceedings, the proprietors of the i nn ZETTE have made arrangements for daily dispatches and Letters daring the session, from Aighl, intelligent corner spondent, who enjoys the toedldence, and friendship of the leading numbers of the Senate and - Horan' the heads of the vane; out Departments, and the leading liens who frequent WimAingans, so that renders can depend on receiving the first, fates and most reliable intelligence from Ms scat of Gopensnent. The Inveee‘jimpa of the sate Leg/ea hoe, at ha forthcoming session, set also prove tntereatiair, inatnisuch as many cues. tfoni of importance lei/l cow up for leg/station, The GAZETTE trUI keep at Me Mate Cktpitcd, daring the entire session, as Wetligent and feakful eorreiporamt, oho teal prantptty repovO tAeproceedings bif mit and Wegraph. • /2 to Me only political journal of Pitts burPhiehiehlatthhatsr re/teeta and steadity adecteates tkeprineiptek held by Me Union ZlepaWean Party, and interpreted by a loyal Orogreet. ever as au.% reouttyrmitter as war paver said et Wire dottort 4tateyM. betyrthe clawed a• ref, ne ts mar. sea aewwawria We Commemmotti. WO fl eatarykneat , ow, departnest sa 61M rA11ti.02...e. "no blab Marader of Of offlerent faunas rat I. msabligdayd. and at/ flouttm Oka_ Hu tworease. WU har4tely snag' depo'46.‘ oat Ii ktpt op to tI4 oolotootorato eir m drio, out In orradosprel Um* rat fatiVotert irror all trla trriomyem.: otr.tdr deal or El. Vlty. attda, Orrentry sad meta at torps. am! mototafa Poi tad oAssrrs • tha re 4 A.tattcre of • Ulm, erattrimkirso and lON ,nost fe..444 owrdiromargnrul ideurimpdr. 441.1 M Ham has lone redirvot for ..Ake ro perts, vaned can id aft Mow trd Wad epee tr• eamort, o• tdd narrow orrotatiooa /to conofear tom, firm productd; tattle, &a., N. row dotty gatddrot hoes admit Woe, do tingdpot mort4tlt7 rk• rip arm L ontostarit WO, am, ma WU P o o.atogoottujaohovoltho 04SIOTS. - thejltadmetet ondi: dlipoti, r 4rot kat dem ottorod ta a."/Pd .4:1 rendre, tiers se attroetto• dad -.vale . Matt' to deadbov, Mobs. And do4rOwds MSS As matt!. The ntltettoi . ir department thin reethee the aft ties .ithe m Impertemat, and avltOw es Mb, t Wealthy snug rhhethile to inenthiri d refhttehtestmoothatteite. • • cut . aorkethdr.u.na. art. Maw. ittawry. sta. *pert surst, UN eautualsd la • siasam. taw, Mil 11.1. jonno eatte , • • 'mars cop maim= quarts 1241ftered Piittal;;;:Allolmy sad mai G. *Cc"! Berst*la foy SI mote pm. ant. pasak TIM lirialiELT GLAZITTIL rat AZIrIIEL GaZITZI/ ••• i .. • • P* l .ll.d E. MI I 8.11/ SSW 41, ihe Daily, .4 iv sow VW (ay ow, among 1704 int stailiefinstry saespaps , is I.l* Star it alastat Is Oa i. Usa qf maw Tama. -.Oa& 4701 losats.• lots. , t oisot *sea ieret forty ward Watts. •Immenst won h. tatitatS4 sad maGl. tia Sootily oettoriato of Lk Tatty. mot • slates totiatisi of Sturtiry oat al asit.4 tans, optamr mta TNTTUttsT_ patatstas Was lewd of water. At alirtest. tarsi es•a•••••114 e• algal b •••• • rm... t. 'ad item, NM Ow former out g n o•• r ra. maid rpm* of tho JIMA? GUIS TIT iY ti own.. - **••••4.4.1 N 6. the 84 , 14124 ••td•rat• b aka await .*4 mar& as* is coaktaass. earths is Trews Fromm/. a s s* Isaias 0111•as4 Was.* Taoist* sr* gonna *gloat. Tft Ati• AV Oa strxrrs ray moloamtt a 4 Us COW 0.05 at 4itioats, [ C.YILti• .1 Wass. as Inspartase lama. to d.. taw!. wk. es W sateld* at OW oftli Inartait. troasettes b dtrotst. o** Aon. yeti! An. sit evitaits• sit Iheir chile at rams .4 sal sans., De& Treastsst te sopfre, so ow ars *sate. MI emu of war risiastAastitS•drprisdatTa masTa sae, 46- leta. tri eh. ass So ma*. say lass at ran. to taus. Pytatiosa tt art Mdreliesta es• Fs. osatlal is star Ansi. Siam son =a 'rimy canna. . • 1.13. wrap , 140 chl lf P.- • 442n05• p rspristorg, noose. *arta of Wt.. Da4l, inar 152:11111/ x. ZEED i ON. WARTS UTILDININ 7.114 a<• IVIAL Ibex . AINI.Taie.A. lar Country man la lirelturs PaatasT Zaaters Uab ma Weston Vlnntsda ea 6t14.1. albe Co.. .43 saii<Lim mu/red Paler. .1.:11. lutlCed to at pa.. exttisari 73W tha.D•tct NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . WM AISPEL.II4 .tr...dukuu Ammo qr. Aap,s4 MA am; (I ix avAarlud Am! I. a 7 oNw remiss tor4.lu tildl3ll4and papa's ihreafrieur the mum Stale. . . Of INCE TO LET. ap stairs, 8.7 tr l" ""'"" 1 2: ram r a ro, virEnzuNG & vzsrnse CARDS r acirand Se•nkr. *b. lat.. area. ar • V.. 1111•• s 1%4 CS it. 34 lowa. V 117. I• . • —artatal Dux_ a (Tula. ) tassialea La Sao: Lana U. Mum mu*a. at JCL T CUM I' a a Va. • f. 13 U law am)) L .2 41 0111 PIPER •IliD EX ?KU/PAS —A tail ats.ttonat of tts lust qa.:114 , •• of Alm-tfona eeb tame. Zeta Papal Itavcreoe4 ahrsys es bald. , 2,4lrittn) ,mee t 1111110. pH ISICIANfi , %Wog IJ.OB, for 148 0, 0 00 ft. nuusu. bl Eta . KAT a 00111171011 Y . 13W.4 trert. 01 . 75. stastsed t•prthw . pun u 4 sowed. Stostmitslitn. for puts attll est. stsuptas. MUT pozeirr, EDDING CARDS died Miseitatiosse. si.Ord.," exoeuts4 he I.t.slatyltst a l4 ikt t.tatlex, • HAT Is CORIUM Ir. M=!= gIIPPIIIOII, VOLD , PE2IIO, Desk .14rery• oyd Mid* flYkl•yr. LALII 001.0 rt.& la react, /nary Akad egmy 1114111. A•bber, 1461.1 Yyllayidsry,k Yr.:y.lllr y Polifteld.ry "4 ra.fis Lima j uttp4...yaii i l=l:ll.l rota la. OMMI Et cerrroms NOTICE. - Letts n Tamtona.lo• lb. tatal• el 11011 T ISLL. or 1.0 1 •06 krinoblp. 40/ssed, baviag .•••, craool. 0 10 ...wing... 01 ClO p•ela, .oo 0.) alma 0000 t .O soul Mr .0.10 010.•111 0 0 1010 scat. aM 500.5 04.0.4 to MU 000....1 auto atf watb J• 06.1 HI 1 1 00 tor. • (.1.10/ • Caancrs SoCaolk_ 1101711EKEEPING GOOl/8 . Ai lIEDUCEt PINCE!. SARIS 1.174 NA. AASIi NA TAINT. MARX OUR NG. +II:MILLEN Qt3turr ACM CURTAIN.. ViUSUITT.O DA RUN. ?JR auf sr tiro??, ort t co,, • TS 711111 rnizzy, • t w. V.l-1 4' 14.13 • DIALKI DI OM, 0R1.43) HAIR, Tanners) Scraps, ceroons, CATTLE TAILS. - Bones, Neat'S FOOt OIL ete, Afittl2l:4l" , ',:a.%lf.MTiar'D rrressoisomr. Fs. numn ILMIN rios DG MALOON, N./ . • rirbs Fitt. Street ALL DAY AHD ALL NUM?. MILLI stall bears. Bts? OTaTltan. la ILli ittiies. as saimpass pram fa the als7. 111. Ir. 11111 . 11.1, Prapilates. folttld jowir n. & A. 11111711110C14: 113311111, 11411111711 AD MEWL Stin 8r0.% -1 is MINITUFLUD lITAZZT. podt• rad , 11Zes, - PA. amboeses Oats! arsaflak ISZtt REMOVAL. JOIN D. BPXl' . .ic BRO. iLIVII UXOVID TO I[o. p . 11 3 / 1 111 1 / 1 /61a 111111117. twalo /AI f,Y LIAZ EMI x •WEDNES DAY, sUPPEII, 'far the u•bievir or run • ciicacsit nozr. stihs Vedas Sebort itsconsf Trlnst7 Chord,. z e =go of Thorsdolf SOPS 11rSISIAIr. -20OIts and 21.$ of Pobroos7. Lucre air be serene tub Sas. • • . - There VIII also be ales of useful .1 'aze7 Cciesand a °lnn. ttb11:10 arPOPIILAU. LECTURES UN TIM - lIU 01 1110 , owe, t'llitatillillllll, Si A. crLEART. COVlD•letlig MONDAY AVENlleil t Tette IL • AT LIFITEITE BILL. /stradeetore Lecture.rests free. ?be L. - tares volt re very etterinvety Pres. atte. M.. Mode.. Pattelostavi Aped. toeus, ' , tete.. ear Mem. If tug at lilt met wetlDrated .4 deter... .4 Of 1. Op. Wesel expeure.AZltt.M7l4:l! firtavrw. n w. t Asa ALsztairrn =I tarrrifallo. anierinenr. and at of .711t721471a1rair"".4 a t tend s PabloK..tl.g, astj"n" Wednesday Evening. air 74 O'Wock AT'NOILIEB• UNION CALL. t • .lth Pd tnittl2ll 441 Weals: TN. follp‘rh.l escipint •D will 441.1.r4 .ths nunaleg: Vies Preadthipat JAN. G1ii6076, P.l ciolta4l P. P. ipravin. P. 111. Circles wilt iv tend 1.11.11.: flartb.i nottee. Z. DONN/ILLY. M. D.. District (I . EMI tarnIERCANTILE LIBUART LECTURES. DR, EDWARD L. YOUMANS, Rectal, of Tele College, trt I &eaves gt ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday Evening Feb. 20th SUBJECT- . CII:MISTRY OF IHE SUNBEAM =IMI V. 7; Lietare at j It.ta ow be pftearad ktt Lon," Caw pm nom •t M& Latta", - 1019: ORPHANS' COURT SALE, Br I,IIITVE Or AO (OMER of IM fAtlZl ,, , ° : . pg, — ,4l,:tdrai *maw! PaiMrday, March Mt, 1869, A? TWO O'CLOOL P. 111 , rl l :a c , ATI t i t ° ""gr.° t OTS Of GROVXD. altarta ar Oa TWA Parr at Alleaba , r. Mar fraatier •1 ran. atm" al'rat tad r altar tart, rnmerrtar the runt alAth.a) laat. 1 E.g Lane boa lama Va tits =Lomas Nam at lam za.mg--111.(ea esal • b cm I%IOT-ems s• nt o e .awcM 57 1054 554 starigart. JOAN Q. "um! als. 719114 Adsataleasior Wa. !Way gleamed. NOTICE TO' 01/MEM or DRAY.. HACKS, &o Xottel le lton•bpgr•M to 111 ow ow. at Doom e•Certhf•• Pelee . .bbolloo► On lent '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Use .t Olebbtorgb. DOE robbing. to wr& •••• k .et et •••••01.F. riffled •aret., Stn. Mt o r Or tool. of Oho roo•ettla ot tt• City or s booth. puled April tit, elm • otti Memo/. Dot told aft et 114 (M. Mr Ilk it Al I. OlInA • lts• ' , sabot tro Crab! •t Poke*. Ibr elotoeU•s• ottlbet to We P. • 10 Mb for no eolloAloo la ke.no 111 111 patio. N b.at• • or Wan to keltt Lb/ow. to rrl otelaet to • P batty. IA b. tbotentroo boll.. tr.• 1/10(01, boobv taw rtotoeot it tko Llopeoe. tto sptal Wales nob*. years abet bo I morel. az the 'UK. LW. , " we taboo ot t. sr I Pep XS tow • Ile taco. 1.7C1 OP LICCYIIt r Volt Ott • Horse ...............0 754 0.•1 Tom hem ....... et abb. Fa lotion° *. 11 look To•Prora• ...... IS el 0111111Thii 1. • awl blab., elbow! dome be Tb• norotto, Witte.% Ito•Itr• a c e. Pot eon Ode *toast •os•• *OO4 la nor or tko•bwor err blase, U.. Dallas. Earuu. •Llalruka. ______•Por74ltlolf, /Orator. lb 1.711 "..T.T"'"*"' TII BEST PIT tl,lB DILWIRS IN TUC 'lll/11L1Illal Tlii Patent Pantaloon Drawers, 7"zt ssnr.s b;ar oar trade ant P. P. D. FISH, CLARK & FIAGO raw tus ittuvracTvas. Na. M White 6t, New Task MS: a :am? NoTicE.-1911 INETCA lf.r natl.!? el CUAS. 1(111r Etirtitwt , l• • larotoyr or oar Itris.l9 a.i. tro. lel nra, rl E.L. 917/Ir, t•Ustyg... 1171. of trs ragas a. D. t.to US LLIt 1. amen i razittz. U== atm 4i,r, ciau. w. aausits orttura, I etas. nuttiar. ip/r-Ilt. Fait/M F .11,1111. KUM CRESCENT MEG WORKS, MlLLtit, HARR & PARKIN. Office, 3EI Wood Street, Erna WALL PAPAWS! Cavatk IdMi7,u.aM bwura WALL PAPERS, Ws SPRING 'ULM Fermis Nn..: ..r ilsdatat rxmi suir fan Me not of gnu.' • CAM 7.r1 C2oltill ur 711► lirrucs. A. P. El ALWITIAILL. lir WUOD ternitlrr. CUM "pnE CRY 1 4 . !TILL TIIET GREAT EXCITEMENT! amazes DEN Lao sox rue "Queen of • the Wash Tub." ir m‘tg.2r o fir i rr yrAsiusu /Low Hil3 8 1 1141116011i11g CO. otko. xo 134 shoo .T.. rttso..st. n. The Highest Market Prim GM= BOVERWST SECDMMS, GOLD, SILVER, Ceolle w 01100111 CRUM uu B. T . !TAUa k CO, Bankers, WOOD AND Tllll4, MUT% . •-• $5OO REWARD! ANISONY MITOGEL, TURIDAT IVZPI • He la = 7 4 Wreara et are{ shoat Ilea h 44 Mir. thaws hekeht. aa4 hea a 031/114 halt la walt. Ila ha 4 ea when he laaelefthema that 11101 . 01ei t %MAI pc,l. 4.1 W 11144 aoal, hams huh boot, 18,IttArz.ve.wr:74"4:1,Ta:ti""'4- 4YrIIINtI hleJAlL.lll.ert bit ENTAULIaIpED IX 1840. SII.EPHABD'IS glean Cracker & Blush Factory, 317 Liberty XL, Pillsbury/4i Autsfacturer •nd deaiw Ix LI !tad' Ot .oozateoilea3sLorr g • 1/011LION •AD DON/MID 7NNITN jims. &CI.. La CM OP •I.LittnliNY t . • TD.14.171wW110/7104 *lnu. CANAL $E MYER AIINENSBIENTI N6lllell bertha' ca.n te the ..nen Or pep• tits wltbta the thalla aneineh bar the untrue. tune ef.the Canal paver, so& all Vette. btu utatl, that the said &summate Inn to• ben. eilvert at ilia 71eant.ere Clem tithes I le • LWOW:MON 01.0 PNN'OhNT., •ad thaw to tame la •ot paid winds ttelltt days beta the aeptaynt of the report OrCouellte e 1117 1111 be Wheel, is the trawls °fn. City Itallatter bean. laaelau, Y rtqalnd by D. macvnetnt. Clty Tn./mane IMEI pEarasimvamixwrEmrom LIMY AND SALE STABLE 12 00jmi1117LiA114411E1v A L 7rNAIIE is Cala • COLD ftspia. • Premium inane Fortes Yoe Asla aw Ay . Ott illiorzs 1L171112, RI OMb Mut, Id don Obi* Wood NM= O kb. el_ Sae% a ru LWBE XII I te. hit r LINTIILY lk vzsrsil 120.:LS lINZI= EE175Z1212 AuwitAinrs, I HIIIILED BUOTS, le. •. Of lb. most anortrred Oarlak . e, In large • as fOrssok,t wows...or Awl., ow,. The Us As at tee P. e. W. 41 U. Hallkt a • et oar a...win, at ZlP...an owIlon• id• o lentsbu sill doareielly•park ll y.el and skipped, or drllVc 2'. L. SZLIVLDS S CO. PITTSBUItuB. PNo Stet p 4.1,11.• bap:bled by bur v. Uan: • re:3l 4: :SECOND LIST. 1868.—APEILT. 04tZ"1 , 1 , !:71=74: 11 1,1"h` PreTelonOtt. loop, I.t : ar lit ri. '' ward. „..%y.lv Mynr P.. r C bTla4=4ltlaA • Vl lU . 'l l . .g4 k t r a . v ' etlk e in!:11; ' .. "4 Jonapb filblon, Layers, •ffit ward A. 3 ortene. mbar goods. Inward. Joan Mastinon. Lana, Alb bead. " thronra tilleinender..tavarw, lin ward. Albers ItHey, o hrr nen.. YA: vend, TOOL,be am tavern, . and. liellban Ir. tavern, Ilth wnd Lieu Zlearmar. Rating bony, Sib ward. b. , aver 440 vend. Wet, 11011shtlInar, eatuag boon, till war. Lla DLet - eh • Theme, (leerier Wee. other .1%44 rar'S • livuOtrolo• lame Be ravens. Dedoente. • IL three vas, t err. Cottle.. • I. o. Barter. t re. Liberty. Peter epeltinso , avers. rtlidvi. — Ana Heeled. e at ers. Uakt.po. Thom Severn. wer et Clair. ad. Darla. tailed boate r Lower rt. Clair. BI•PdtO, mean, The Lierwee Hosed will air ter heart.d b above arodleatlose WIDIOZtIee.Y, hut.. at! Oielant • 11. Jaws Y. BROWN. else D1411!IES, for 1868, 13:7 . 1VILEY VAELLIT 4 PRIM PAPER 100/ENVELOP/Os r Neatly pit vp . la mem FUMY STATIONERY BLANK BOOKS IN* ry duerlpUos, 4.12 Imad I RIPE/ovary size and quality. D 2 ALT . I kKiLS. PAW /3110i8, RX6IIPT BOOKS. TIME BOnl6. itiu sex a mks, c• ,u 1 u. Buis. Wt IBM troll sills RYER% SCHOYER & CO.. Post Building, 39 Fifth Street BOY TEE BEST b; CIIEAPEST PIANO AND ORGAN. • Sebonacktios Gold Medal Plano •j . AN UM'S COTTAGE ORGAN. hTH a OC ft l a N l D ta l im CE rov L sa l nALtAU no omb l an o con • Meals,. at • Len els. I.nstrumeet. and has &twat. beau bongos III• blzkleat premium •{ 1 .1...5111511ad Its tore la sonvon. 4.4.4 'met. 4 54 4/ erkiseiini4, rar <1.410/111, aul besalT. 444744 all elthor._ rHes trt.ISSO $l4O, s.pmertlliil 441.., 14.4444 thiNk 05,..11.4 flint olat• klamo.; tatZrll COTT/MU OILILN Bt.& lie bead or an rant Ise rani•ara to landmarks tha oat perked pita einantr at lose at say altalaur , anturaouil mad* la an U.ltrd Iltadaa. It la shard* and tnapart anatttadr. 'lt ItiMPrrtfriti".*:r NUYllf ordy b 00 trurad la rata ".tan. rtlnt tram dada to 431141. all guan...4 tar Ste mom BARR, LOCUM & 'METTLER. ." N. UST. CLAIR ATREICT A GINTIAT immiur covtENI S acm .41 IN , >••1 am... Lent foe lavlsa HOT WATER BOILERS re tbe back 004 of mammy coot slut, rl 3l . 2l : l ll l nio;=7l7j:rnW . 51 . 4 by pus,. lb.. btu. iltryell Lbrinyib OWL, matela *lts oar r.. W. syvr b•tsty.sum. can Mr. as la lay bia Y. Yor I comm. Coo& State, 171114rbl it I YWAY. / 1 1. 7 4,r/M: It ' at Mt! .111.11 at, eater 4,44. Wry nrie Is the Übluo, ••• have galactic., • War Moves, lasloalayy lb* •UYckmayst. LOA, Sal C... ital. moat itio owlet eicribl 0.1.11..L1M. by apply!. no IBIS3ELL & CO, 3g.. arriceic:r m=E=m! IVER HEATER rou PULILIC It/ 1 •:I= 4l- Traft ottas• asluts salt to ttat Wales In •Ittilmos sott-Si t .4 salt to to UR* tan It .0.1 exch... (tomtit tad Ststo Malt.. (inert W•o aro &thous at pottlas ia • Art., at of Nut./ U. tisk% •••• r•lerrtd to ttto t•llostag pont. vim lass Mtn os., Jaw* Atte. *. LP.. Not eNk roar.lt stnnt4 Mutton,. 1.• Melta, • Co., toner st tom\ rag Itattiottla strwailtibtlr Ittsso" rah- MIL 11.0•11.1 ' 4 M... keen, , Inseams' ■ IL, tUot.L. Montt/ 6. • U. MOLL 4/11•Sway. S. •••••••• C•ortattrs tossattit• mr•as.u . ltasSot. • BtAlltt.• .111111UtV, Patentee, *VtLIV • In faun It Moot. thtztm.... NOTICE TO • InDIPIDD►L 11OLDS.16 0/ . Anne Cr PITIORIL RINK' Tee elan belsbre ' s or tbe It <obese. itea /Meth Itiettesal Sweets of Yttissesers. suet ...eo oir• Abele Us tat os'ebs Pule of es.. eew *Sae t• tits Stela. see wait mule be thte emote. sew barbel esestle•4 tin ite books itta bit?pees w• WI 114 46. Cl Wank sett. r the roe *stye of Yee tares will Mess 1111 tor lor. I. tor Otl,"(AO".., ~ T . St 'mai avu 00.1 *9Ol U.ool tsas 41,..N0• t. MINS of Mow .g./O. OR. lOWA Ltazo Cont lon will be subsisted se (antes nes dills %V t . I.oalkot IWO Ito well es• DwVila Al lAN. Jr.. " 0.11, Trwoo.,ttr. FOU TiIItIFINEST TEAS, The Choiout Grooerien, Th► .111ftaxemst *Apioe■. 1.4 14 best CAPINIO nurrre. rtcluAr 4• sou zu,nuak. fa Se • VRINCIN TEA MART, _tall linen's It SELLING OFF COST ROBERTS SELIIRATTTI, 81 Smithfield Street, . 001 mat oe:iodatraursunio 0000 8 srovirk o r a ti v m Nowt and . hTAIS be. Got d I kneel°rarebits. Pre< eats AT 1CAT03144- IT Filth Street, •JO.T .111.CtiVID. Of VIZ Duplex Elliptic Skirts, ♦ 011010 X ISSWITIIENT. AIL* Xilattsicioci Priosis . NOTACE —NOTICE IP nicttrot WYE N that we will will, kw a War sae SWAT 11:,, , low tylag . al 'heal try ra 1 .4./hwew4:7 , 4lll e lkaa,lbe maset of* ow If 211 uLr 07 It •St.oo. Ve y oCoted awl eU,sie.• pald prior to that otte. ZlOO 1! L2IIN X 1p . .1: f RCNOVAL .. . DUAT SALE AT COSTI murr .: toat eiltlllllo/IL r wrllttlitllTS 11.. f Winos 7111th *an biitb ouvets. uel.rol 01 pan" Of 1177foSt!t pocket V 2 / 1 1r LOW ruia. Vg7•4:1V11111::41,t.' QM enzarEor' VLACE LY Tni crzr To Riff TIM TRIUMPH COOKING lITOVE, II as Ara ifs owl? arnarr. Ml=7/ ROBERT ARTMABI. .s.urraintcrione, Nth nssoiranylin, elhtete Mention le gtrAtt e 0 eolleetlr he mat. Sen II the Witham.. Coen. essuninatlon• of wo o ash °Mee Damao. rehandle. o ano•i. . r ,v, :(4 )..... a.., 100,000, 100 3 0 1 1 - 0 , 100t000. Jost nostrotl, ttot atolls mama of. /11101011 841 , 2,DLJE111, Mika. will Is dlaposo . oral low rates, to Its Inas W, , X.11011111,7, Itrbolasals litotes, • 1,7 e ' Cl Übe .trtet. Plttsber.b. R ma on wourr—ic . m NEAT' 'COT rasa SUUSa, with l ola n &nand. 14b10 &K ora o /d, &Kr hallmr.a damloo..lfor ion. arm, • fall maLkus a co: EBRUA ~i~ emg oubtA3fi - srai. Tit I 1. DAe....111. ...AEI ' f.l 7. El /1 Pl 1 0r/.:11 .4 1 1 i 74 1 117. 15". • . tan ' 8 V11113.11°271!°'"t„.. 81101111. 9: t T ., 114L I.IIIP 8 1 .A...Tr i itt.Af c 11 . 01/11. 11 llV }l llol l l l lli.os -• I. 10. AN ELIA. 9 II‘II.II.IIIItICI. V. 1.. ALS ..I . JAN NOVELI.T2. 1:. A 111401.. I I lllll4TUArirsifior...ketAti:)ND. L 1 .1 4 21. " 4 " J.P., Tilt OAT. TERMS qr LIPPINCOTT'a HAGAZIV.S. . Your Doha"- pip annum; Ellnyie cu mber. f• Thirt -nye roma. .- Dr Py e Karla —l,o Cornea for Puree Doll.: Fire Coy'. (or ellhre a Donors; n en rowel for TA l llll , ollarat apnea h artahrunel orpy ytnnu Dolan. ZOY COPP) elob or Treat) ttt bocctben an extra COPY will to PcrolltOPY Frill., or turn: o q r uo e coklo Ol t kJ ity DOU" .O n, tV;lT.tcßlnatfttne::A list rropathilit ' A 4 'abler lotions. A c•yr °Yam Iht, 'nth t•rnar, will Pe sear on spyllc•Don . torelenue thou'rera pent to any ulder B. OA Y. COOL of rflhlrty.nye o , nfit. Ento , lnera a/111 lx t , l: , carbful to gine It elr pt at t nlre address -. . • J. B. 1,1 - PPINCOTT ii CO., -, . ~r ULILSISHZ6S. 715 & 717 MAURY, .. T ., PhliadelphLt. . trienst THE - HUMAN . NOSE. . .. . . • racyrrs or TUE ROSE 1 • _ . _ L _ _ BASIL ICATARiII I • OIAESA, Lou or ornm. El.. All Tjseases of the Mucous Mem. branethe Head and Throat( Suco i stfally Treated, by fir,..M.ESCOPLIV; EMMI RU MD SUIAGEOS coe Dlseimel of the 775, Eery Head. Threat met the Wean. of the Chest. MUMS. AND SURGICAL 110t/RIS. No, 134 Smithfield Street. iro6la•U nat g COMITYAND CORIFORT for THE Tilt ELIO° CUMMUNITIrs .11A11.12,114' SAFET -TIRE JiCIET Car Heats and Moderator, Tor IllfirEß • rtll ROT AIR 'LIM, oilmen's- Sl?if W_Stla Oho oats f /stores and . Wino to or wool; ...... taro, with the Lt. us gramme the •est tat. say tetneere -021Y3r.‘11:70 :I.'4=o= tble;r4l.2l. ,11•Is g Kahl of the Rolled !late. Letter, Tomas so. • Oa ear 4.eltst widen Is tumors bed to mom Oho most °plume bossy at may be op. mt.. to I late the 10•111111 d Vllrpose fs 5.111 , 1 t ft Is tled. It IS 8,1111 oratemloo rrldo:4_ Of". origlosilar Rem Weft= Wss ' iro rreg. Vtinelltrhlo"42lll= O t t moil become, 011 eheatett. and Is worreated to s lee yfrf.eta4U.to.'toa where wood or atter soot' am! Ms. Iv/tenet nay 05 0.111/4 Is act. M=g2t, 41111Z,1:21=1.4•14:11 :I=l:rtig.' :otti 4 1171ffroln; o h l 47lst oterbsatett, aye °nearby oestrwl I orill sell. 05 orritesttese. rtes. to meanfeetent er taw* t the Mien. larroaysre t tm.t. rrisortot retie, to !=r4ll,gl=4'."—/L',"4'""°*' T. 3E3. 33C.ELVLIFLIM. sa- .1:W1,41 ••![ PLUS ULTRA PAINT ottite.•• er n , Noir, 11:1.1 and It. •lIIN leNP al oeb. Pa. Palle, Armed, hint* Ward. PIlla• t fell 440 tiARRI; i iOLESALE DRUGGISTS, brae: Llber yand Wayne Etna% : PlTTLlBtlitilf, Pl. .. ITT AID OJIIiIILT 'NUDE souarsp. 111 WI efftr at lo tftccantre lowest rues, J. SCHOO MAIER & SON'S. TRICTLT P TIE 4111 TE LEIIL ZIN I . : : PAINTS, ANA/ EVIILI V V WHITT UP 10 C> - ORES, 4 II itutli D VI OIL. EEEZEI !2= Ll= ILA% sad a encral • [4os n PkiSin JoLlZzin Emi CdoLO ANC Parlan [ BOHEMI Asti is nit litt lIT or WIS. • 100 111(11 , if ARE 'multi !kin! as ii 5t.. 1 ,7.1; &MI; I • o say ther k. 54 of 54 i t 524 5.14 my may I m. Laigest i Bakery 1Y . 0155 of ry Ss ' S. M. 111 w. 81 LI -- ----- H 1 KIRKPATRICK, 0, . I. .IFILA.CI . IIXCIALICa . . qi-KEEPEUaIIo ACCOVATAIT, r n.Tittreßl7.ll6l;PrtierlcAL"' • OPENING 'AND. CLOSING NIERCILNIC' BOO E D, It kit.* Koury Kai** (loball ... ups Bo- Opened by Dobblb Pialry. ansysytiml Illoolk•seceresolyllidJemed. a rititorlit'grs:Ma.L.a a"a**" b t pi Tl i argthli c l4fr, /polio Rolldjoy : Ltto 1.., 1 1 0 T. PITT LIJAIBEII- C 0.,• pftat. a k 111 . C 241,000. asonas-mow.ltsitratiunias. ape mas 7.-1. A. WILII.IIT. 11a ylimendeistlLDW DAVVIIII4I. 1.,1:110 paylitoo, a . '" ) /r i t . POIN•11 • 4 " ooi&Vreartd,C. ' re. L.; 21=r' . ..14.3. 1 11m1C.N. lIIVIT ti a ., U,7 l7l; P oni. atin" a IL. olil xi run? pyrr GAMS ROMEO, Wwli. luipoor __ a.ni.l. HOLMES, VlEiLi C 0.,& , . . T O N ANcirox. c o • 7111,LL8, i aTrzslis !n. L . usr.,ALinn of Hem', xmllum mut Liilb - I A/101.10/lAllti 1LA . 0K01...1.• i LLi z , a , f 1 i.a lyE WILL EP ON RAMO :..d toot. to ttforOlA . thmis of .• V 'AINIVM.RII%. • Tft 0A.% : „.,I=r4au ir e ti l fllzuats looflll r ir l; A.r 10.. ofmnr.irrir fit :TAMP AND STE NCIL CUTTER, 1131 bort, ■ g aupsaito Woad; c° l ll 7 l43llll%llll , llillyfriii (A n ig il ielvl7lPPSWall'PM. 4 lV: "Zre2llll4Vi.Tim. I - 4. • Tito:* W. 01011: FOR ALLEAHE NY WORK Ni.M•ll. U niVIA : T.I 7 4II , It:BI.VIIVAZI P er) , lltad • the •••atlo• at t h, e=l22; ig.:A . '"filtrANlttrad Waal Of ftirdn iliVAtabltact• lio,f 41. ClatrkL Vi."Woo•Irl itnhVIIVICD"4; iir25:W1NT•1210.4.0,14.0. fILOTHEIVIIVI l'Al E 0 —Ail Oa MA agji3ILTII:I;ALL"I Y 19. 1868 A.DVE R'fl3 TA MENTS: NSW .ADVERSIEIRKEN :nen pE3II3IBTLYABLI. 513., IiaRCH EIIIMBSII CF IB TIEI .NINE LND BY TES AUTHORITY COTI'S MAGAZ (NE Comuniireinh of Finnsylvaila, I=l JOHN W. GEARY, Governor. A ' PROCLAMATION I ___ HUHDFIEHI OF JOHN CASEY. . 7 . :L.A., • Wu .smile, The Senate and Eons° of Repri sentottess hise'imacted the itillovang Plosaible and Jolntsesoltitions, r • Joint Resolutions relative to the death of John Carer ;.• •4 11jsisares. built •LI hearing Cu the rel. Canea.lleilie ease of ON ROBISON semis' RAMITEL T. 111113 a• one of the sl Clog minibus rt] she Rennie film she TesenSt-Drat Senatorial District. . certain JJEN CREZY yes isrestsoid as &winless on babel( of the aid John K. Robison, the, contutani, and U. esle• Casey, after' his essibilnation, was eras's!!! la . the county of ClO:field and esnelly h stta and abased, so Mit ha has slate Mad Irma laicals. recated to said beiWag; tlatrefore, El It roaolted bilks negate and Elm. of Sep saillatlyea Ihe Commonwealth of Wmatmel- emits In Genital 'Assembly met, and It le hereby 6enacted by tae authority of tat tame. nut the oromor be and he tepereby author zed *ad re. gelmid to orgy • reward of TWO TIIODSLND DOLLIES For such It'Ommation aa will lead to nineteen and couSictlon of the hereon or pawns who committed the mid offense, end that tha 7 ress awe of the Cream ',wealth be authorised and required to pay the mid ,em out of may sada*, in the Treasury not otherwise approprlated..r, nom Ted the thleteeith day of la toast,. L. D, Asn•Wfatienes, Th. reputstion of the Glee. lament, the pews mid recurltyof Its Misses. andthe oldtsation/ al Justice and bewails, n. quire Wet Ls perpetnton Of Ole Ilhusons er!msrhoala be brohsht to optedynot coadign panishmeat. 1 - Now etrasaffOrr, 1, JOCN W. 01•11 T, MOT. wenter of thrsild Commonwealth, is COM) lian. the mid Saint betolullen and' by china of the Mower sad &lathe . ..lly tinted In me, do Lsnn tab, my Proclamation, hereby off ring a reward •C TWO ThiIIIRIAND DOLLallei to any person or persons who shall apprehend and mean t r trill the murderer or scerderees of the mid JUAN CLOMP, to he it'd upon the actilabon of the criminal or orinsleals, led I Etna, call on all whom. ofineUee and seod ultras, every - - simnel./ be vigilant end nun mitires in their ef t. to for limebbreheasbon of the male Murderer or madman to the and that the ontrss d laws may be eladleated. vs teem 9 A. N. I. CP. EI Wren under anY kited sad the Great Hal of the Binh. at Berrie Nut. this !Deities:A day of Yabru wy. Ilde year of our Lord sue thou sand rlabt hundred sect atety eight. and elide Cenunourealke tlaeninety•ateuad. • aoam w. arum. /e 7 tea 81.• an or; • Y. J r 9. 3 olllf.:Ceeretuy of inellenlanwesltti de AT WI N05.,180 and 181 Liberty St., 'ALLEGHENY S & EWING, • T U.-TAIL) WIDE 13E AV t XIMLIS =EMI CZ= AT Sle.:—Blael t Cold BILOCADi ALPACAS I= I= =UM A VERY La ZsUl guts isa IrWhalesala and Befall, at =3 =met of 5x.44 ra , te4 let 15 A covatt 1611VM WM. SEMPLE'S, = OHINA," ISO t. ISt EeOeral SL, Allegheny, Statuettes, NEW AND D*B DIADLIE GOODS N GLASS AID rAxcr EWODI JOS, HOENE & CO, 13 Ca71eitab3ass, Street /111111117110 UPGINGIS &In/LATINOS; DM,/ I' M141...111e, itK giiittriVi9;k9Mocr: coLueen vsLivar kineo. I. all +MOM THWtitiA zjiPO SU, .ortettalig inr E. BREED & CO. CRACIL EIS A PATENT OVEN. IRTITITIELL i LiFLGIN LOT or . un Iso ui,muni-lannunm ir 8 , 1 279 .11 4{ . 4 . " 0" ims . Ids be vr eallata 4 t istbe /LIEU Itasca : all .lad ee fled dm Ai.E.IANDIILI RID 'GLOW IFAIS LD KID 8L.0i , E.1. I' to iita, Wl6gni Ever la Pittsburgh. ItARVIN nos tem. arty street. . Paper' Collars, tor whir! mre Avltt. Also. reels rm. lIITiv•MIi.ITAII iaialiTallt 'spa Collar Commake. 01.7nr,n a Weft:ne s t s n o ot tgoer. 1. WHOLESALE:ROOM:S . IIP STADE. roll: 77 WOO 711 Market Etreell. STOCK OF GROCERIES, LIMP AND CLASS STORB, :13EVWX.11 EARS -EATABLIIIRID, d6l►►►Ont!nt► enr►at, Ample Cellar and Lott Doom /.dt., locals,: on um. Beat Bigness litteet in the City Tho owner desires to st II out that he tall 00O !strata attoutloo ou Other bos4ets. MO it it now tulfdowil to Itglanea TEN AND rtrum THOUSAND DOLLARS. , per.. thatroonty lar vltli Loslacsa r.pitlf:r• . Imlneralttato g earry It etzti s dollars es= "**** * '****‘** - *** real li, WI Officio BAp2vEr. X rnOuratinert Iron lEgroker, 184 rini stmt. rrinsuaan. PA. Agana tar Ida sale a:Cornwall, Vonasbilark Toloaldno, laabada, Idorasanon. aganatora t Cdrodea, and orlanr brin4oLiatioaelnk latronal Cara and I.slprunt's 0,11. (Mateo.: flu :80.1411,', .1 1414 Conslagraenti err rt .raristottarly . LWEHAVE. tiatitiar" a nuLurs. FZEMI Two lhous and Dollars Reward roa TLIZ . L.IIILICST I Ot 2111. LIM SEMPLtS, AT zers, ;1116.-0001) Pllliiid =I „LT 17.16.1201:1111D.D1iALL21721. !lio* . l•settel 192{3 sz.Nutnacr JILNA 14a 'MAIN LS 'ZUNI! <V Rid Horde Ted LINZR SOWX..S. • WI. TAISLL L 1 1N S~LI.It DIAPLT. BUZ CffiCK. 4x.:; WIZ LILBGE Brous, JIZEIT trzcztvxm ar Vila CHLP. SEii OLIBRATILD I:ltoireia6 ( l4 Joactiro.' ` 'MST CLASS LOOKING GLASS I h AN Q PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. ONS, NO. 110 Wood St, I'iltaburg0 1 • / 1:' IfsimirtlegruNfrthZlVAV Ml+ls7+ ro v 4 ° P.l1 I .4ARttilludgit of h : Co od II 1711,11%.7 4 ND U.StiILPENti ezetattod la 44 1 ' Vl 4 l4l.lll"alaii.Tz. emlnux-wki Et AJR,IINV.A.M t laardwaxe dg: 11Z3utkr*, Sto tos no'snirt tarto• I gimes SO Oar SIM 'Mai Is ofered Malan at ime 4 na.a.arxmioruNrx•srir Cantor Liberty and S. Clair Sts4 3 Plittiorkavasalsr,* Il ',man STOl;£l3 2 STOVES i' ' FREDERICK SCHULZE, . nOpp.r. rl. rad Elhoot It.. Wo.to,j Deals, la OMemeooktni. Parlariert fre s ithiji ' AM gra 1 ." , re tru t h LI an inassel..3 sod firmed Aar.; bs'esclk Mall. grirAlt Jo➢G3Rl sCwlJuptlLlng lamp atteldsd to JAMES B. JONES,.I Scrap Iron,. Light Ira* cum .iuto imouattr taut ere. Corner *lndonesia'a and '17.1,-1: Avesta, Aliaallenr Clap 4! are. 0. Clanar.::..l. wammni.... 'nos CITY BELT !WORM: - - CEO. O. CLARK at CO. Itaiallearns plenary del...not:ln at Psteln,!.. anatikid. Unmated and Wined ini-Tialuta, Loallsoz. . tfitn — te Ln ik r l= B? " C " ; HOPE SPICEMILLS MEI sur."ExKuvr 1 lITRPI4)4g V.=17:11114% &Vitra Won Wilirget/' a:lites• A: W:4 lt i lle/7217 r sli r = JO•ol sa ran. .o . bum. Noonan/1 aaall. Ordl. , 1M11:alY• Will Call for Maostleyro autvar UM day. . secaarre ME farlONloll ELEPIJ COUNTY CONY The lISION BIPIIBLICAN rheny Coalman, roisewd.. phsess for hold's( Bertioss Wards. Boroughs .4(Townshl aturday, Feb. 29th, And elect TWO ULLIOATZS ltol •I•trict. 10 .County Cony•trifx• to De Deld on the 10110 ming MONDAY, et rol eDoeh S. es.. it D. lo the pw. of notate ati El lee state Coneention , ad tranraeild sack ....11. Deafness as may Do piroperli betel t DefoNe h. rsu The Primo, Eleetlena In the fti.i Mc* so. eestins Die Townflipe ol 011itiri, . Pitt, ;Pee bles. Liberrf. Drell.. and WilAte evieleli *LI De bete.ea the boars of f and? ce.4e.k., alld Ile Volllll to Da by ballot.) will Deb Delete.. tbs boors of three And di o'Sloet P. &D. and De the Aoreaght sod Cities De..en at•!lietirs Of dee and sere. oTroek P. N. In Die F . 03 es and Dor. omen the eeetions shall be by brit, end lath, Towitahlps by mu 11... , Sl iati.... .. 9 r:1,..11.' 5 %. , lffespeteDes. I ' l . , . . tar i nTlCE TO BOATOWSOLD. T ON BON DENUlT:r7tlla l eit R".'Z'AT.ll 7 .° HOldels are hereby unaldad-tbat!Odsoued Fea of the antom* , due February Vard, wl I be Lid 47.'1.14 'lMPVl,ltir.i.lttAtleie o l PlUsbargb. Be "" 11 :1AL:' • nrer. • farTHE INTEREST. ti ROI D. .;•ou inuurtiA 130N148 of h o The Talc Rainy eetopany,.f a.n Milan; 2, 47 . z!'t!rliartlani;rnik': . l D•85T1.1104... 4 1 gannet, New .ort, az and after Inat.ata.i 1227:2•Wr WE. 4. P•LIIKI,4,' Xremsrer. MEETING Pirranintart.Yonr eiir . py 4) WAY CO.. orms 111111acanhang. tt _Pittsburgh. Pa.. itit. , 27.a.q.'"- W ri f i f S A l Nt Ai L tabli t ls E rs r oll i trl a s f,rvtua ..%51d at the 00ce of aa,deuttllviah,thoiaq Pltt•pur.h, on 9e Hl *o "1" - . 1 .%11.11tVd11:;, 0 i,V./:,'"n4rk. t, We b2c,P.7.41% at 111 '45, m a la ATe'llgt aqty ar 'saw raft: irtli ard on s h d rd. day of March. at ft:Wash P. renal:axed un tal the Lath day of /Ev il s inertaita,.. I . . Orncz 0, Ys Tr.r.• n) um eo axr, ) r..L . .m17¢. " 1::17e1iir7. ' IE.t).. i . larN 0 TIC E.—THE A ~ NUAL ISE IMINU of the 2tock6oPeers of the ti Triumph. Corn Will Da held k tbeli Mace oa MONDAY, Mirth Rd, At. 3 WOO. • P - the yentose e 7 eltetloß erne,. *OMR Yes, s 4 Irlosettlog tech 0.0 KO may be preeented. WILLEM" 211118 ono 01 71c11 - ITralialton a tete' • • /telfattea Com. rgrA MEETINZirtg' in ... , poleere of the Inttemrit e DLY A * " Com p an y vt , be ileld ,;r7 eeth. Mee. at ho ' k:pie . _b_ours of 10 and fa= Ilinuot i Ln rum. 13 I,BlOCk eS a Vta:: . 14 ;,4%.T1' 107: 1 7 , 2" I 0, , ,,,,g0,r0 w.tit arogo.. tartis ELECTION 10'141431w •are a 1 a :11 4 21%21tfaieth l antrn 1'1'4 4 4 4""irt 7 ar*; 7,lll4".Eltraf.,V o n u trautiti orntewarn i . , Matta 2d, IMI, ate crelock 2... 10 , '''' USD A . " J r I ' : WMtigrA2-. 12E=I °mot Althetrcer Batt:all' 0.. I • Putsteree, Feb. 1 , %1153. I E t h Of ELECTJEOPL—An El Mon lob I l •eafdeht. Meet germ_ =WI, eel" of the Carexpany lb.' eteetlogre bride. ea the •I. /' if behY Ober. obbotlte Nashua/IN In the Qom) of Alleghen •1111 be held a e Tod Hooey, et the Seth an d of the Bride& On MON. DAY: toe fid day of klatch next lult oleloa e• • • We Ra.tattEltilbti, ;Thebotrer. DIM i f Allei , 4 (4) BirrALl32.B'. P/111.1/1 ' ATTRACTIVE AUCI7O3 :ALE OP BOUTS •Wil SHOE& tre THUnoltnr.. Januar, 3) b. US , A. lt• and 733 T. en, vaa u at. um . kin 3.- a 0. 1 , 3 1 'Ara HUubßi VIII be sold posletvely oat ot ti - a taro and .perter assortment of scasosaal • Hoots. shoes watrets, Belattra/. LC no onspos:eg susLon made end r.S.OVIIS • • etas-- Sere of luau so los wad bass tisslteles In bud. east •ralne Md. morocco, rows. gin •id soad Latter. tor Laelse • theta, illsets,lleu Yonsk and Chadrens wear. . • • • be atetnnoe of dealers and hen.ls r! , -111 st T 24111021.4440 ••:, tbe 'roods ars fee Ilold sealrable. sad el I be distanced et Ittiotenta ea to salt peraltasers. • • r.latrEit PFITLIi3n; tub auctioneers. No. GI I'M street.. By A. LEGGATA. - porovlNE AND LOT, Chestnitt St., ALLCUHIST. LT .1/ CM/N.—Will be erre. re tee yremlse, ott Waller rchDL re Y,Hte rrary at 1 o'clock. the t ropertecNo EA:steel at 1 e A lechery. Lot 1, bt,lby Hoare Ira three , story hrlek. l erehree' !arca store roof. hot sod cell wat, en r. h T1141.11..1 et I la, to. erme-Ciao third . car,; I , e4yre In t lot , yrare. eetfobeei: j 1.13 ISO Federal .knock,Ante/ear CITY LoTa-(jilt hTLV J.l. T ste rr lf o o.4 prepsleen, ea NYEUtirdta'; ' -'7obraarr Yah. th at Sr t 4 ra . eV- 4 er he rTh ' elkot h :t t ßlZ a twallrg ennerlyanla ltallro•d- coar Wag of IlLota, each =by ad. hachure orortorlty Sc th Rail road. and. tetrad an • AMR... thortaytbrara. nra - era thti 1;1113k .47 worthy the a pecloiditta- IRMO( Rattner/ pea. Terra. Itta.al. A. Latta/ITR. ditelirj ' 159 roa.rm eitrott. Ahrarlity. ovgie 'AAUP LOT ON 7,11@$ II l at tad.o, TOons.'ta•. DM tau Will Water. AI. 'VW y petneett cleat stable and Ctrii.llbottab ll'szats easy. • Alv a Ta -Atellaseefb Ala 1 federal Meet. All' A. IIcILWAITIE.: ' Net 41 .:- iIIIED FilE11311: ; .. q .TCleSdikr iffOrpthg,itiarch a At 10 0C'41360111 bitsetttst 'lli unman . sun um io slitirrnslll • ;1 1 .; r i.tZ7 UP'. I.""Za';gl.4::•'.. "kt bun B. lot tray u 4 sat 4 1 11turo, aualbe gun land au - rlluburgb Usll4 ,, ads- • Na- 1 • 1144.4114unr, - 1 box boOkn: - 4 • Ha. 1 cy.l"ittlhol6bl.ll'.l::l-1:4V1. 1. : ga.,..:.°ArTri:.°ol!:'?4.titlii.:..f:. I 1.1.*:+1;;.17N.t.01i ••_ 1 T. BUM I box - dry go ea . : - 1: t stvn:4ll4-4.91. : - 2 .. .....„. Ilaw•anl 3 nou& tee: .41 _ • 16 PVsnt. • • unow & /110n0w,., 1 ker .3114 n In .Mantua 2 Co. 1 canny sl.l-11.b111 •• :4 2 4a4 0.2315 y. 3 Mann stout flkil •• 13 IL 124 u• 20 nes Obi 4 13 1 : 14 1114 '-1 .14 Z. inOno l 2l Co .1 bra 144321 'l.l I ` 11 kstn °4 :4ll . . ll l 01:171 . V.7 ... e" "1 Iv n 21 !emu barley 7 bdia iris t4pe; ' • :a 11. Out. 1 124 W 4014461: 1 .- - ' .•• •• 71s A litany. 3 4 /./ .44,1111 4241 • 4 'l • 21 mth i lbobs.re, xO.ll. rape: 4,1 : I: 1 1 .7.:AMI.Irit•InT 0 , - 2.. Hunts; Neel Ito Co . 2 apses bottle.. 6 , 14.4: 4 *run p., 4 pro, n!. Fib-;. :: 3 1 1• 1 1:11:1 It ' . ll . : 1 & L b ' i 1 N . 4.1 WI ' i , 'a 124.1 , 141 4; "--1 •• 2/ I:enny . l .te. 1 box Tools • I • --,„ - •• 26 Jtko k11:1. 1 Con noun' 1 I 1 ' :: .14 .2 . • W. 2,1,..p1 , 1 . 4 bbl.l.4iut t urtze; .. in ' • 33 L. o , :leudantf.3 ll . ° ll Nto o b ll / 1 - e r , 1 . 1 ". 1 11 : 11 C. e svru4 i r e , ; -• , ! n 10 J..r. le 4121ta 1 Bay loader 13 1 12 7 . tep.lsanenn • ' :: :7 •1 .i. TV:Ai:I. 0111: 1 F6:1 1 ;17. 'l.'l4' n • - 11 :: :14 V0 b a , ..,i,ir. 0 ...7, t 7.., , ~,c ~,,ii., .• . H.„...... ohm a ' l l._ 1 111orlog: -.7. , •• 41 n. J. nen24.2. 4b ut Les .• , 2 . •• 41 calleuder OCo 6 1 tux Losiu4o2: n •• 43 Nlotauss. Wt. 12.1 A- Co,. I 141.11 11 I •• el _Cutsp.l4o Bina & Ou.. Ibex Blau; 1:6 - :ri r.1,171, • ',1711.". 11, 1 . 'it 1rd,!,,11' , .ii :: 17 Br *Es /11 . 14 . . I 141 - 43 ti . .. c ee&t . n .21 ettr..ronlen. iboktr/04 2 :4 111 • 1 •• 43 B• But, 2 Trunk, • - •• 61 114 . 1 ..• 12111 t 01 76 / Bet Tat'slatd 131 - •• 41 IF lMbart, 2 b 2 .' . "'" . r l .l . .M 1 . 1 .1 . '. 2- - F - _ . t. 131:20021 B. TAroix, L.111.1.LL111 BUSINESS CHARGES a _ _ DISSOLUIPION. CO-PARITIEBBUIP herr Wore ambits/ between W. MICTCAI.E . Y. MN& r. O. luercat.r.oo J. al. Ji Nat. loader as arm sums at ; =1!!! Atus or £ le ett at t!a a anal ti tLa mavetal a • C. KNAP NEP H EWS, • atth Jay dlasolved A -4 pstool conoont. A Aeraon.• banns accounts okolool mid Arao Pfooaat the soma, lad tbose.;indebtod .111 Alta ; - altala Dioaadlow, arrib IltrAC II YCTCAL, orlo aathort/td to atom. our accents.. • WY. METCALF. • , J. M. xwAr. LI. burro/my, • I J. G. JANA?. • • THE • • • . .Knap !Fort Pitt - Poluidly Co.' isvoe4 xwir I:armors.) CU /LULUX NAP. r44/404ar. 4 J. X. HELP. ELEA PrealArAC 0. JLEEVALF. AWE mad TrAssic J. X. WADS,. EuE14444: J.B.Gesteral 11414141 AL • Drawn= r! •JAAI AB MURRAY, of Aroa. Shoat A Co. A. It 'MAMIE& of J • Painter & Htecom, f Fromm. CtAltlut & Co. .11' . / vim 8; BLAIR, of Aboesberior•uo. WY. YXTCI LP, or CtSaJoot neat Co. ' NANC/AcACASAII Or - • - . Cast' - 441.,1555, 4). Sal rite- ra=l FE= sings and Machineit *pedal at:tannin valet to SOLLIXti htlta , Wist , K and ELLIT . Job pt we ally attended 10. te10,:11), DISSOLUTIOM—Ttte Partoeirl al tp heretofore In tin[ ander the dent and nal* Of - I : . scosorogit zukorazaor, .; is this (lei dtesolved by matelot eo:sint. I I ' I J. PACDIIIIOB. eefltttltl4l2, 011.0111/E.13. HaciamlN. 11TAtING SOLD ALL me IN), Initltsr In tie late arm toOr. Ball MAI OUR. my late partner, who will early' On the, healnees at the old nand, ar heretofore Lei whe,wlll settle up the boalneu tea late en) all persons teeing claim. neaten nld firm wilt pre. 'seethe= to him for 'peptient, and ott'por t soya metal ..114 arm wilt Coil and Pe/ to eall;: bC/111.1)LISIC/S. • CEOUBE C. BLO6HAN. Plitsboth. 'Maw, Lt. VS 3. nissoLunnisv—The o-Pan...!! • minimums. wrowx,i ' lITIZELIEtt) OIL Wattlte, b.t bve Ole d!_,e V.4f7:11.4.b"_.4111 L;VgLint74l.lllL p•etnele. team said 21 , m. iellessett.e4 t i ke i tnt i mA ti t i rilsif y n k uhl be settled be JOIItPLI HUM PAS EWE, Jnntin -• rlttibergb. Yebraery 6, UAL . _ •• o.4l6Wilara. JOISMILLIMPATIIICi JAMES . STEEILINSML manilk • KINICPATRICS & LYONS, , 'lnv 1• ~.... r t. ea. 1 1.111.111. Inn Lzir, 4 ..77A.c1usis1 OP Re[ied Carbon OIL. Office, No. 193 Liberty Street, ALUM P DIgg!.VT/0311 OF PATITNER. Parinerskip hanatofore entatlnd 8. B. 7te dlll.Bl[l.ll, 0. P. MARVA, .701 IN KU* uld 0. 0- MA.RIELZ and J. Wii/JIXON,In the nianntaeturing o (loaner. 'underline 0.11.1110 otf , - MARKLE DIKONA.OO., I I. thle .114 dlesalead tr matnelleonsent of Mei Darteere In Intereat, J. W. D 12914 velthdrawlogi Inns Menne. Teo bedlam, of tee late firm I. tot, settled tor the liPsere. lf/IRKLB2I . ender! the dna of.C. P. MASCLI a 00..1,00 ate au- I, 1-0 a risid to oolleet all delals doe the late era. as I 'well as settle all be 115.... ' a EL IL MAItILLX. i • , O. P. ilt/RICLII, .1111124. alautilt, • .. al 11.1141.15.1.. Z. [ TL J..W.llliSulal. I t West Neoton, rebresal ie. WA. lentel t 10 -PLIITSERSBII! noricE. .--•:, jemES.S: PALMrali an d ,TllOB.l Aut. i- Pahrit!O'lift"l,74 4:14. ° 17'.1:1V .". it I,—, motets. sweet, yeettleare. Beate. ( Wm:. Vero • 41. Dry ffoods, Amiens, 10...dt r the tame sod style cf • .. .. . , ' ~ . • PALMER & PHILLIPS, , 1 i-4 AT ' OPERA ROUSE AUCTION ROOMS, , ; ; . NO. 60 11fik 'Street, 'llWhere th e e i yelll he .. Wall to • see thale Lull ! , ,I Til l .g . n.:trinii:rug'sTent oir . )ate •, igSSOLIITION OF peuttrormit-,., , - - 7 inmllrzyri v ::4l.rg,;=ttPuu t li, Efitttaat JAMES a. Melt Ono 4..7 at KOOS MdElti. Is this • t s ll o etg , 12:4111 . 11 . riaAs:a . / . 1„1 . .trzton• pt. mitt 'Motel:4. lm 1m calms to p mon t thtri • wAet7At . tl torteer will allied to •• bY /WWI o thettllna.b.:lll.l.l•l ttly stmt. H Jiti s otrf II& 2.11'Z1 L tasuaann. . . T)I3BOLVTION.—The_ Partner ho irerroarre, =war larder tle ..stect cONZOIT.IItO dlt CO., In tt e IToOle_ratnUae Badness. fu thla den Ite tice.y elate:Tett by mates! consent. Jultle laeltUltTY rettstair. Tee tallness or • the late Om telll he .ettleg by JOS. sad JAI. :CORDES. tel7:111 t 553PENSt Ar..Tltisbarsth. DISSOLUTION.—Toe Co:Part -6r a o%VarrnbitilnraLMVlTlLlgLibl: Ins chinch, .11Itolibny, wL DIFEIOLV/I) I<olll 01 J 1 211 7 / 1 11Y ra .hel. Tee ondrrablized wilt sett.e the !Ibrahim of Um 1 'L . e lf2;rarbx Ito. SretotiVil rPriblito. NOTICE. - The Co-Partnenlalp allbr!?4,Zll4lM7 11117111`Ir I thara raf ' stt,Lica a ADWANDS. a t onalm In Kra_raralraso.,.wlsOlsoolhht by matoal tome. t on Ib tok : •41/ 1 gtir:lTe Mg t i re b t g: rottea Me j itvEIN MILLICK. MATJ2tILW ILDWANDL 0:19.14, COKE. &o. • C IL Accrin01t5.........a. A. avavacrsor 7 ARMS? iii & lIIPTCHINSON, rintilirtimi—Pm VmapC-- - Gni= CAW. DELLILESroW ara~tiv a, of , Cr km 60PE3ion 2017121110112148 i - t CAB Apt FAMILY COAL as.rOOClce sad fardirr —YOUT' OP TUT rtaz. ar Wocks _p7ordigo - kori p oj y ttaarl Or ad.:lmnd Or u BEST FAMILY COAL .1 • • I ihram oa haa?and4.ll;ersdpoaairtlf toardar, AT LOWEBI' XLIZIEr RITA ! Of3CAB` F, Liam 0 .00., Cy. hanky !Lift el P. MT. i - 11 winl , ALLMON:EMT Lattaizte Coal emnuatta at sit knrait raw. COAL! COAL!! COALM • aICISON, nitiVART Ml' Having nnnonan filo Man to No. OCITH =WATT STREET, I Mater Mb: TIonnIfill) B=o6 max.' , Art now Drama to famish goon Youthlostunr, , • imp. Nur mu. Of . exrct,! 4 . USN, loins% reuuketjr 6 to a Xt li tAloTtna ninn. TErt s 'bratuntdeel to CHARLES ARMSTRONG, DalLlot TOSOMOGESNT & 00 13ELL311.71.t COU iLadmunthotsm,of • Coal. 61.sek. sad Deinalphiarlieel fife 0171 CI .sarD TA2D. Corner at Bailer asap:7la.: first Mel ail Lib. exty elm Clymat Street/. ailatb ward, awl elrzultrad litert=llisrpgraMr'sa beet article flolco la* lOlrlist co e a la Orden left n1.6;17338 Idal.r Mktg vit a Web% MOO% atientlea. . Si ~ trpratton cosi,. . . • . C. CHERRY a CO., '', - , , roiltAti Pb MA r nitti g ighii.A 1 SLACK. Mal .411= . 10=1 , "101 VIM * Vtit t iriVlLlttarr POUnTA sa4 WIT_ SeN . risdlei Caul., tlTMLX7l4lll,l„ab:orirb. - 4. F+)l p 11:1,1811) :I 1:14 H. '• LAINIIT. Itk aieLd IST Thtri Spred, DT B AND SCOMILIC, • • Straw Goods atoned or iled, ad o KtD . ol,v - Ls and 11,Mibs dial. C . 6.llBllFki,El , I Dieing and Sl:Oaring Estibilsbzent, No. 83 SITALIKCISD ALI.Er tlf V,eittta ThOd tnitt ratatrikl torniiaZUl.7l7•2lctrA No mon.. tyrolva F. 32431181111"4 I VIVI Rita, Ildwa had Gahm at. ;maim and Dea!er. In nardwain, .. v g"..?"4Vlta altr.M". . don earel•Vlin on .bots mule.. • JAPANNING . marn - 4.lrp omingIFT, AL . nr , V7LILIA LLOXD, : (se. ot . INI rirrestrizeis,-PA: I I Grocer.' Tex Galata:* BeftlaNamedlvil HEAII4I,I74RTEJLS FOR Warsa Alrilegisteri and Ventilate's • r *Lek or Mite .IZittrae2ed, *mat Maindog BISSELL &COOS, Q. ass zainiavt NT. - 0011451
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