orsEittinitgl etaptti GI.,IIutMNGEi. •• Memphli is to /Aso the Black brook. Cleveland is gateau:Mai tor a gym, nuts= Etinsis PoWere, it is laid, is worth 11200,000. Thant. Lords Home JOtillia Is a new weekly started to the west. • • VanOmer anxious to be annex ad to die United States. Prattle di Chien Is sufferiog from as Intake b)nd of hone thieves. • • 141mthand ladame Albont , Count PepOk 110 recently hank LT A. physician In New York mitotic:a cancers and the dike by concentrlng sunlight. , nuu l Gem Montauban,' the commande .in dikter the Preach army is Rota*, L a notoehitta Wilda The lowa State Arsenal at ID nes is beat entirely of sumo and iron, nkit a particle Of irood being used. ' Li "An Original /utter from John We ey LP Anted up In Detroit, and has heen preseisdul to a Methodist, society t d / e tre. Santa Anna denies baying any I of *reins to the United States. He II ri , main in Cabs for the remainder of. wit. ', • Oberlin College lea upwardsof eleemi handed students, about five hundred of them busing females, ana about forty a i l s. groes. Affix etloalsalppl phyalclan his invented a Olden ink; that li, an ink which wbeti dry la gold color and glittering, instead of ,waretre black. Democratlopapu in Waco:lsla .bas the significant title of the Bearer ham Arpin.- Profanity inch ea this should not te eamouraged. The best pea-note come-from !grim. The *id is great, generally amounting to something like seventy-five to -one hundred buslesPer acre. A. /}moan paper coutplaLus of inado. quite nude tscilltlei in that region; the nut of the article led no to believe that mallofacullties were meant. The: Pooh navy bas adopted an Anserican invention ' for lowering and detaching small boats from the Aldo ' of otualsaccdig at tall speed. The great storm In Connecticut last week did great damage to trees and tele graph wives. The snow drifts la some places quite covered the fences. A 'admen hu been converted to Ro. rastdani and has,hecame a priest. What be is to do with the handmaidens of Ida time or hodlcal darkneas we know not. Parthage, Ituntouri; - has a sociable de• voted to melba, literature and croquett this Is the And time that we know of that croquet bestehen a place among the flee km... Elizabeth Cady Stanton is said to be aboat fifty years of ape, and to resem ble the tilonamA .Martlus Washington, inlmrhpyessatnit She lectured on Fri day la , Bt. Louis. QllO more unfortunate girl dung her self troth' it peer into the river at Mil waukee last week, hot failed to drown lumen; u s spicUtor "occulted In mi. cuing her. • - Tba Sheriff of Tuscsrawu county, Ohio; had to take a convict to the State's Priftsufatid as he' was jot mauled he tools his ado and the convict together, theisnuatiiin herweddlng Luc; - Ikench restaurant bi 'Nashville ad vertises oisten "a la Blatt Crook," 'widen imparts a new, Idea for Milo's, a ballet.without any legs at all. Per it 'night .not be popular, but It would be novel. The shooting in Kentucky is wild to be unconally one; partridges, rabbits, deer "abbe:mare •ery plentiful 'Men, too, are !here - in large - ntunbers, and a great marl, of Xll kinds, aro being shot Duke are so plentiful in Illinois that they alioot them by wholesale with m ama Excepting the - mm*lo in the Ing oldsby Igoe, this is the only Instance on sword of the cannonl:lng of foal. AA'Anierican citizen 'who- still ever class his rights of suffrage in Detvolt kus been'ileeted to the Dominion Parlisi' ment film Hariii. county, Ontario.. Mut cud are now about to, be taken to oust him al:digs - a Masai to his late rival. An eiebange-eaya that a huatfbg party recently. "begged" one hundred and twai4 hippopotami, twenty-three flaws. earl and Ave Ilona "Pretty extensive seeking they must have used. We be have ir, however, for we once iaw Pare pa ix stoups; , The eibittbal docket for the Jeffirecnt . Oovriy. Itentuckj, Court contain seven limes "of persons Indicted for mayday andfour for rape, besides a large num ber for amanita with . intent to commit one or DA's, other of tHb above crimes. Louisville must be a daligeroni sort of a Alutillbnck.was rered swimming. to Lake Erieliftecia miles from shore, by the PrOPellor Equator list, week. After an exciting chase this horn crowned swimmer was 4:speared and taken on board the Equator salve, but his evident dislike to his new .Posilion Lamed his captors to kill him. Prof. Lottli Degemejer, formerly Co llector at Erie, Pa. was arrested on Bore day morning laliashirille by the 'United States Deputy Darshal for the WeiterO Distria ?ennsylvania, on a charge of ambeigtermatnt of United States fonds whiloMEling the ollicelo Erie, In 1861 Prof. Degemeyer atimiti the defalcadon, whlck%menntr:to ISO,OOO, and whicf; went in uhsacesanal oil apeculateint. The city passenger care ran regularly . all last Swiday, la Philidelphis, and were well lilted almost every trip; they non* withoyebelle and made but little no initlafaction expressed as the new Act ot thl3as is aimed universal, and an overwhelming majority of the citisaus tbere,fiud.they bare been kept out of their riaifeW and ft:avg.:l ites by a few interfering , sanctimonionipharisees. Thisis the more singoisr, as the press of the thy wag, so far as we know, want mousle tater of the present order of A man in. Olueinnatl was recently an annoyed b 7 the aderwauling of au array of feline quadruped', that he got out of bed. *died a boot jack and rushed to the Whickillf %inflict dixa.kenge:rnce. An opposite neighbor beinglikewise minded appeared at the pima moinant, at ids window, with a pistol, which he fired at the car, but.', the bullet went di rectly is the 'window of the boot jack man, which BO lammed him that he re• treated to bet the eats, tumour, were scared, 5t fcir the night- Fortunately no ono was hem ' Philadelphia beanie the victim of • conndracy the other night. He was pint home from the pollee sta tion' where he was emPlojed as a tele • graph operator, when he heard a womut 'stream murder In the naostitgonized and .nateral manner; he immediately nut to. wards her and ulted what , the mat•, tart Thin quution ieu answered by' a men; wboiwasconoraled there foi .than parposer,:eiduing'npend hitting hini with . life preemies on the held; knocking him inseisitb, -The abandoned villabis did not get,enonglilkom their, victim to pay for their trouble.. An atetteiters owe of wife beating Um neently come to fext in Chicago. A dud, In the Asps ef a Rood -looting man,' has been maltreating his wife in a horrible Mannar, tuning her out of doors for an hour or two on night when the sleet was driving hut, beating her when she ens his condltbro only to be treated with the most considerate kind ness, and perfortning acts of terrible cruelty too streams to made public. The injured want*, ban at length taken n one in the lair sad brstitnlett atilt for divorce. The - Judie hie ordered the husband to pay her thirty dollata &Month daring the continuance Ot the. eat, and Pity dollars down.or 'all present ?lacer 'Wee ' . : BPROLIL NOTICES. rgrA INOUOIL A COLD. OR • BORN illitUd2 rooldg, Immediate at testkret, and shanig M cheolued. Zr &Wowed to Irritation of the is a Pen...neat Throat Dinema.. or tininaniiti.... lIEMZEIME BROWN'S BRONCIIILL TROCRES • • Elmla. • dirtot Influent" to tee puts, give Ito atodist• nuts. Cloolathttlo. Aotkoosa. Catasol• Cottonotptivo ao• Throat plasm. Tule." an awl ',HA always giXod • . A1p.... and Public; lightstern nee Mem .. o rAe 4 ;rteethett tee voice. y ••Be owe./ illheiCettAl. T. 0. gre , . , 411■41 de DO i lase nano( the WCATILige A hes th•tatey be °toed. sou, Y.Yearerineeh. • yottselt? tarrrevilteouvia EXTRACT BIM= AND IMPSOVID HASS WASH caraa morel and &Leal a aborday la all than expense, Mlle or Roraima to din. no lantresloloee Sad so =mar. It to tato d odor, traseedlata Is ha Ve=rad a look all Mono. propane. ..haws 11X1A4.' 4 1/ 1 4ttl , bvil , F 1 494 , Dolij rkaleu , s 1 . 1141 mt absl.j 0......1 !bales , . .Nlest lellesaahng 041.016. P%sion , * , Ithesinlats Cdonaist Phulota% 41fIglitlends; ra.i.■h "Nigh/ 111.4•1•41 Clenimel A good exopdattA LWOW" as:A INAgnat p.th Ostlllad fecal the Ism ant. AroaLIAO Illewor Vet Which kt Its MOM _ IfaxoshattredpAly 4 , ruimovr & lON, N, York. BEWA.IIS 'OP COMMERMITII. ASK FOR FRALOWS—TALB FO OVUM Iay"SOR WON.RETEWITON OR lelamml.ooNTLN6alol of 11,1 a.. Irritation. .or ide.railon of Qs bladder.. letlitlad a lre i r. :gol f r ' s,7=r. Aram: walla s arid all disease. or Oa blades,. eldoers sod modal smollosa, EILLMOOLD'S PLUM lizetace Oral. garanatuouva MiISCIMCO' ta • euuts coo tot ItUoasu ot BLktlOnlt i 111121% OBANCL, DitOnt. DEBILITY. Jltl an tissues of itto ILMA= 08.11A2(0, Ithollmt oslngion , . MALL We TULLY, Float whatevot cam* orlirinotine. ter of HOW LONG ITANDLMO. Utseasos of 'boss Ott.. M.!". • Mann. /I no moment U nabont , tod to. 00.1mo:ton cc issoalto MST • int-1n...b iNg Blood an mooned don thus morrow. snot HZ Mall AND EtaPtINLIIS, .~ . n.. ".tij f .~ , IMMBOLD VI =mum RUCH% I X.FULbllshed arnrds (TIM Yam trobarbd by j U. T. ItILLFOOLD. Drnglati =41. - i rr r Y:a u ta g u Wall Drama:ls. saparyi HEL OrTsAcrilltbiLlPß FLOM El. 4""*" as UN is ftauiloiw a . bu. P.Pol4.(aad aid arm!. BARNWELL & €O, BOILER MAKERS hzirn siren raog worms, • Nom SO; SS, $ end 261.0 an !lariat wired a lure lard *Ad MIRIAM n with thin Elm st.Prorfa I.oloern we are ilts. pOl4 Ile iasantsatar. Glen dacriptloa otBOU. antla the best maser, aid wulnata4 ocol,llo 1 , a7 male WWI =Wry. o:thansys. Hnsea• 014. Pin Hags, Mama Rms. Loarmoilvs With en. Coadonson. tLlt Peat. Teaks. 011 I=4 Leltaiors, brttiles Pits, HollesYtoL Er 1.0.0. tiara. Pus, aadesu Inaufastetrers Ps RAW. BMWS ranuir BOILS= Espairlar acme at the 2210110111140311. !west CONCER. art PA RUCIII/ la the Deese DI e SiteTZD retic, Hapreost , l CT Cowmen...me lirra.aCe Bali MAXIMA Is the Great Blood Pa. rider. Beth are invested according to role. of ft.:mei sae Cheralstry, and are Um amiss. On Ilia* can be made. Meld hr maxillae aredrottiers. selhatlNT JEWBINEION,REA k.CO. • wpm•ars so *mum Xons• 4111.1m1 , I - WASHINGTON 'WORM. PltSolsossik isastscussots of Bog out sualsrasa Sums 1411oss• Blast Isotioss. Pll Issesasum Quo. to& Ilbarttsx. Osman of sir sleserintoost Oil 't=sad Bulls. Bolls: and non Leos Work. 111 Ho. tosses. pad saa StattrOlabl arautt tor 11177181)11 ram: La -norm IN Mai= ballus.• .• : t BlfoHll Myna bad* mid ylgerno the frame sad bloom to tba pabld dmak.• own", aerampanlad by way alarming sYmptaaam and lt no usatmens Umbel:Med ma'am. Alen. Lnaantry. or Ingaptia Actionnim selknolty garELILE SUPERIOR coPpEa ma& iiintrnicwom PARR. MoUUBDY 00.. Ilsaelmam. et etuatkl ng • Erasion , .ail Solt Ow . rramul Ooppg salons. Mahal DUI Bill t a a . 1 5 eA L I ii. t4 +a v. 4. &b. Oces= as brUllara 81 netgAzig n siTiTlib.a. rittalarilU m . 111/M at of . 0•Inor eat to say war. iwricrfkaWl" jarENIFEEBLED. AND DELI. as CONVOMITFOWS. about weg, lue UlL+v a acnsaa Borer,. itwin übrut .0 asergatle helium sad saabls 700 SO welt. rsE HEALMO POOL. mat Boom 07 Jason HOWARD Juistou.now strowno. von ToPIM lal< en Qs CRUM Or 1(111111111)11. Asa the ERRORS, 41111785 e sad MILLS= which Oaaarop tho gossip pettataato to MattitiAidEn =a t mei= Rola. OM 1* owed Uttar eanloop, Me at .Iladnakr Dr. J. PEILLIs - Htlll3ll. gamut Amelatloa. Pelladalphls, Pa. 5a24.441T arTAIRE NO 11011 E IIIIIPLCA• WIT .c 1 lINHATZ 10:MI.D101 fer ar Q VINCY A. SCOTT, DENTIST, 2111 sampr srazir, athlllnyl3 •• • e.■ IRMHE GLORY OF IB • BTIZIPOTEL—Thenibes the Imam sad debilitated should lisateellateldUe Blvw IOLO•I eCiTYR decza. Me•. eari Ea"MANHOOD AND TOUTS/. souri 04 ' n gat! " M"al. IariIIIATTERED CONSlTll zr.jalljunnum limatirr 6ap Soap! Good $o) NATRONA REM= SAPONIFIER Cor,ted -Lys 2 CIL a liktotigairt Hari SM. MELTE POUNDS OP SOPI' SOAP FOR ONE CERT tray,Pamity can Ida their 01111 • , soap. ALL 'VARIETIES OF SOAP. lasi); Ilaibo as• Cur a) a skrotimatisted Lye, far maibw Soap, fast dlaeavard In O:III3FILAND, nt TIM AIICTIO wy and Is campsed mainly of Mambala of Sao, which, whoa laud with mak wiz PAS, minas the . BEST DETERSIVE SOAP Bzt will =as 125 lb& gc,"l. lkoP. - •as iikergyeart . bier:L*llW fl?rip. ilstansa bi;an nninurti;anet Grosiss In tha United Staten. , NIP irvia, Zia= wai.SACS )02:411 Ram eaa II l wash valk'seatgliaag`4ll blatie. 1110,1114110,01115 t. Ma yr Missals Dream oat TwanrlM la all aka fauna dal alloy at las Valls& Mal* cuerout *Kmarata) sismvsa MANHOOD; HOW LOST I HOW ILISTO Liare_ro4 'Mora stalul Msitv•cargvz.er rit...t as astasifsin Snail Wastujana r f M l , , . . A rViMm7 v r is l r l , 4 , 2. I. ca. 111 ) =. : if 'maim*. de. Boos C .. =v ie. EIVIVAITurani•FM. r • BOWEN@ & CUT MOWER& MUGU/M1.14D OIIZZIIHOOI33. Ia IOW! Z. • A. Ilttql1WOU; DBY GOODS, TBDII2III-MGS, AMMO:, TRADE, 1867 MILROY, DICKSON • COMPANY, No. 54 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, mow Gin Or TkLOIX P.A.14.1L STOOK DORE= AND FANCY DRY,GOODEL OESECALIMIC.43, AND NOTIONS, EN GEM YIALETIG Tie assortsott an be Imps two. plots ~tat u.. 0 .00 3.9 and Cash and Short rune Buyers Aso Invited to swats. Ms Stook. B. L'aoRLSOT. aaauts nzoiLson. 30111131 T. 91111/I.le. 1867. €4l+ TRADE. 1867. AItBUTNNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, =I DRY GOODS, No. Wood Street, W.IRM911181171,101:11113. ostira lurrzaN moss Dress Deeds, Pri Gildkallis, Cheeks, Jeans. Tweeds, Cletbr Cassimeres, sathsets, F. St 111, Costlier's, Flonuels, SWF% Skirts, White Geode, Bleached sad Grows Diorsties, - • TOLL LUIZ 07 Notions and Pall Goods, Barred Flame's, Of Zuters ma ham sasastactaxs. wzAaraeiame son arcrxixamorviNcizsva IMPORT - cktra...x.a,vs Greenville Barred Flannels COIJNTRX X AHEM, Mr oa ecoroalsolas. at 1111 !Me.. & ,Full Mae Is all . .bepartmeals. u =sr ar larlso u tt to cad sad or alas oar 116 Wood ! Streitt. UIIIIIIIIOT, BUFFOS I CO. REAL -LACEV. REAL LACE& REAL LACE& BEAL LACES. W. Dave fait opened, lads day, some stilsoot • • RILL I.OLIT 0/.llZi Vatfir. PCICEIONS. ZEAL POINT GAVLE COI7IITHIS. Z. AL PODIT GAUZE 8./31111C11 PODTTOLUZZ =Tn. iLt lots j;korl. of !pedal tmportstion, oad are effendi at moth sad. resolar . loallunrill tad wan •14.1 good. In Ms lei, hell costa 12.41 r at ' IMAMS a CARLISLE, N!ch. REAL LACES lIFJI. LACES BELL LACEIL THE NEW BOULEVARD SKIRT, PUN LAMM AND ADMIN. la NW a. aralaita sail /Lat.Waal. Alieirlteil Tartu Castuaere Hose, la a/1031m vlue: bad anattamat ars aril as& Alak a lull wananal Ladies' & Mares' Underwear, 911317 1 / 1 ITIMIBBING GOODS; SHIRTS IND DRAWERS, Traveling and Pine filthily COLLAIL 1701"ausezanzio, a/COCIZFaii CVO., VAMP= WITS A El PLINDID ITC= al Ladles) Draw Trimmin" ==l . HOSIERY AND GLOVES, ETC. - X111478/011111 SKOV CRT! £WD cioturrar AT THE VEST LOWEST PRICES. MICRO, GLYN & CO., 18 AND 80 MARKET STREET. XDIP GOODS. AT DENNISON a, escsEßT'es NO., 27 S'lris STREET, 117. us now riodnall FALL , GOODS, To Ina% wa Write 1.14 aucuips of sap tdeads uml . gisnaturs. OEIIIIIIIOI i HECKERT. ~ Arm iFi. 00008. DRY GOODS! DR Y: GOODS! ...._ • 140111 J) CALL TIM ATTCN. .• SUM of 111101111.0.110.141 to lay stok. la which wild Os Ansa • Mom saeormeas et DRESS GOODS AND CASSINIRRNS; • MD and Bow wear. . - 01.01.11110 OLOIIII. 'of ~in Tutet7. • )ILANXIIIII. bath UMW, • ELM= Mkt. salleftomoz Fraqiort 8 anaZD 'Lax amts. 4.4 sad It WHITE. ;$017111.11.1217411 BOLPDO, 12 an modes. . GLOM! sad OACQUIS Ir.•<l. to order. -• H. 111.: le EUWER c LONG, ==l alcocolust, zatitt suntan ta taur sew atoms or 111.14 e WATZBPBOOICIS A DTP,2 BAWLS. 1 , ItIV 141, [ZOIXTIS. Joirdioo, Ai.o*COlll. Mao. • dllaioa of MUT NO. • Moot ww. Bw Si ouzo Er...tiSsaHM. ON /mar doers Lion of UllinSoloofrf! FITTSBURG- 11 DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 20,1 1867: CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &r CHURCH CARPETS. Wei—. • large and carefully .elected STOCK OF CARPETS. Bought especially for Carpeting . Churches, Ntg•Zo.f.trglus.:2l.ltl:VOli'Ark—h- All Churches and, Denominations AT COST! • alw,fagrateawllOW of Biattings Used forlllluirohea je r cgr i tt vela tvw i lzet • pm mine- BOVARD, ROSE & .00.. 511 1117211 dnet. Bow a Batts. M . cCALLII2I BROTHERS, No; 51 Fifth Street: =3 I=2 =3 A epludl4l usszuweat of low priced 41.11.1;117act1 Imai;raalaaas. A wakinlletst stook Of OIL CLOTHS. I=l Crumb Cloths, Druggets. •D MIA guano tf • RAG CARPETS. McCALLUM BROS., SI SIMI Wool. abes• Wood. ENGLISH WOOLEN DRUGGETS I CRUMEICL9THS, NEW PATTERNS, BRIGIIT COLORS, BEST QUALITIES, LOW. PRICES. MCFARLAND & COLLINS, BIM 71 a n nix/Am . CHII . .Ar . ALL-WOOL iwraildux C4RPETS, • la Wahl Galan. Lin mato la 111:00 Dar tai -" r!kI! BIe.TARLAND df COLLINS, 71 A3D 71/hrrn wraist, to DOUBLE WIDTH English Tapeatri Bic USRE LB CAIRPII7B, ==l KaFABLAND & COLLINS, •8 ABB as RIFT* 11.k7IUMT 00#COl NIATTEII6Bi .`" J . LT.MAKIIPAQTI.I3ILES. 11/LOLtiALX: ASO itZTILIL MoPAIILAZD & COLLINS, 11'421D13 WEITEIr DISTRICT PRNIS STLY*7.A. SOP 1b ooderolgOld UOI*O7, *OS Sot* Of * OVlO*Mtat AfIBIGNEE OF: ROBERT W the loyeagit;of Toroaton. fa tho entity of AZ. 0.1. Mt !tats or rem;flivosto, wlthfo sold Distrla, Irbo boo toss adhdied JO . Oast. reps on his ows pottUos by. the Dlstrics Coot of oald Vlstriot. Iftratf N. SOLIS. •ut:nee. ooratiPolot Alloy and Do Way. EXECETOIVS. NOTICE. Wlisnas. INUn lonsspntgrjr•hsv. hrs. Is -90,41 try' its Ws:Wm of Wl.l. Is sad ter cassi7. kooss... Um 11114.•41.04 exec. Mots of tO. Isamu Old testament of ?BOX • • 01451X14 its.. al. of Oakland Tesslisop, Is ss.l eon aiy.Ale4and. stl palms noo en Is eleo tta anal. et vela ses,ssed herßo7 .01104 tat provost ;mutat .111 be reSIIII* O . sad .11 venoms lavlss sislms • calm slim scats resurne4 tappsiss.tb• ear legally nib. [lotted to snits, or tisk soden g sod inibnat lay. • OBLARL4II e. CL•ILKI. Of Oakland Townshlp.Atstslsl Ot Wl.-L1 Ag Fount Yrs.& rnuesyst. i.STU IL_ Or. Assad stel, Plutrn,rk. PisTsSysolt. ]lay. 141sR. solkbCd r IN TOE CIOVUT OP COMMON PLAYS 0/ ALLII:011111411( COUNTY. _ wu.Kiano 141. HAAT M., /l os s nrAccua C. 111.11@tri; youtsers ss lissom owtrta4nta to 211. , WO De. Tow. ISM Siitachasest. MMus llWars tam. . Prot', Nor. *SUM =maw cm Q=7l Mod la IS frq. Yditi MUT .* [rem Nibrzsrf belay Naomi Mae 1.1•11111. sass .of !Voir mill 54T050ee. Judge 1C.04. 0. I/7. is 448010. Or. Mrs. 0.1.10. IC. Salo [ratted Vey • tlyitlissotary 00 sumo nsassio Sys /Ws= Les deteadaso.os do loyal 'MU@ ens I. Ulu TlVsbantb Oasetta 084 Uts BM. mispa/leas Salo royalism. Toms. day. Dee. STU. UV. 012 Vane@ N. • *allow lo OM. Isti..solee is limb) giro Ss tins 4ssoutseits la own . Ilistl2s Pratiallotarli Of glom/ town,. 7... Will Mess 11.0..plalple •11.11 t st nom : ;s l OZEtys . itie t. OLLl3l.ll2lisrgb i o'clock . ' J. S. 1 • 111.1311rojff, selOta77ll/ . • 1 . 161.1tUr• A 110511.1 WES TE EN DISTILICT Of • At P1tter=.W. 1 4. 6. 1a, "3. 1 , 1t; Tim owlet , Virg:LlT t Vain! vat...wergi! petessomlle.• In ths most, of Allegheny. end btate eI Mole, le Itblz geld disudet. 'ode ap hots odjedyd Duke - apt epos hie owe pellt,on. le th e Itltiot (leers of wad district. JUHI3. PIA On/UeOn. sulfas. othtzett,W •, Attoroopeulabn,,_ A DM(11111TUAT011 1 8 NOTICE Arn —Wberese. Letters of Adndulatestlaa hese been dely wonted Mlna Seghter of altelbeny county. au the Mate of /MIX 16.111111.L1fe, lett of nablzeou {mesh p deeeseeel. All Dm , tt-studentail {bibs 05101. of 5014 dilOBU.4 oes todeented to mete pediseet, ead MM. lATIZE elWesllll SIMMS sae same mibw i t t. delaßlO• ettihneCir Idemel , reet. flttitrdlo • JVA( llitccbgeoirizatal to lb* coda. ...71,ZA th orirairmarri b ira= !".olf=11111721= 1 : 1 11 Ta m a" "ji &woad elm aul Mao having clams cyclazi, gr a teMo . i . a. u ; • Pittsbortlt. As/ca. J. cobrairrr • Rxecirrons , 'NOTICE. • WbottotA, Lotto's Tottsottatat7 WI theWM I Ja IMO WiILPIILLL.. 4 ,. IMot dhow t9.. Ant/hoar county,bee 3 owned co Ito wadotsttmd. A I parsons Jodabled to oatll ...I. opt ottioettAl to nolo toottoollstl W.f.. WroonotrOlS opost ro o o d roloViltrot i nt, ariI:IE7AV. nit SUDON, la Astopt.o towsobleo, Or 'lO Jiro NANO , 1. V. Abla. Scott Atm% /loth Ward. rlttslottit• litarDr*zttal. -0 L • sernsble sucencrs. ESTATE Of JEREMIAH! MOD. OAR. DWD.—Hollett6 boron, stoop 'hot, Won lowtomostary Os WI Oatoto of tu. Onto& Joromlob llo,trom Itte ot m. UntailhlCot eglitrg4=ttil:f .Na; Itat i tto.t.olp of indooendosor. to sold statt. 1011.01111cooraroro ba.log Cal or demon. Vg:glro sr.a:=4ll:4"i =Dr-. AL/SAND= Y. Titulllith.. litoolor. 0.17,110 pit WOE PIATTEII OF THE AP. iNfrastral7o: l ll44ll • ZJT 1.-11054. L ber.by Nan to Courts.' Cosmos Phu, al 11.1.• IN Datambl "Ns. • Ors Mann of I saa• will as *nutted at Iba9=l:l 4 4l..ft:d ;;=l.lll M. • no1:07 ' %Mao 7 w . ..egi L. ffir. rf slit nit .0, . 0. tava.lllo. Alla i hmAracia i t: 6 1, ka paso n" -7.1. IV:wallet ootM. an .41...4 Ito _44 lamealata parr I, ind thaw hrtlzi .T...........;10=nt1t: set. =ID ...," mugics Otilt," .ILITOWN NOTICE- Gtteretesialigi.Wl tteF5T Az; I:4m l talag s ggr k , =um.' 70:1. IMO 1211alarlIE U =TWIII EM.4ll2j_ l ar i zettrvAar L t a rgaral. - rolZl,o opr's,, . R. nstrantsiar. -- .rod, bawds* rusgsa vkadhas• Weds. , - •0 .. sid Dealer la Hardware. • .1 'iagg i btr 44 ki",V: , ............ FOB HALE_ -REAL ESTATE. you SALE—The best Tann In T. ralelehl townehlr, cr Weamorsiand count . , luot aistrig &LootaltoataW Bolivarmit- or Me Peunefivaida Psal., at UMW,. The Isorrovemente ars a 1.4. ' hued log Manse, with ulna risme, a goad cedar: a frame leapt Iwo. Mr.. with Um host Of rts , bane. Two app . , and one pitmen oratard. The whots M Is unser a MTh state of the femiug r. I. M N a o. II the eo nas Rood, aud eultaratlou.• w 11 watered; .toot MI acres rlessud. the re 00'+10107 In rood whale ow* limbo,, Tbls ns la orrtfod at the taw Ono" of tar doilara Per amo. TomMiudau tramedlstol7. Ala. • Yum er miser," to Tens toont.lP. ap.•••,,lend =tures clawed .d on. der enitimids, sensor 'first-rims whlte oak .00 nth l t o b t j ' ilnlairairsFl tr i =4:onriaTe l , Peri To td e a a rg=011111147FI d g:11% Soil tgtritellWrrl t lfol vitals 00.1 lud;ws rods of the roams. Fru Pallsoadt Imales Mal Of Tlttallorgh. Tame miles wut Of tirmnstarg. WM Is Mess. mUj sad sligtbir 41Mu • ittgatolgirliT; . L"'"/ - Al., mores la 13eM7 township, Weratoom- I /and counts. Pa. wi th in four mils of TIP. . Madan" milts artwo slaU4ll6 On US Pa. t ix, The Immosgmeota gra, • am Rm u g gkoaila. and matbadldlagt • hew steam saw and n mill, with two ron erf barn. two Ofi d itra. olothr, sad the wsoessarz . astarit , tlioreligti2andathil f drri tit w sto fCvtAlta Of coal, now opened, and an 0111311. moue. This oropartg Will be sold Won tow. " !lip the wn. lso, the bast Hotel In the Borough 08 04104*, the mamas seat of 1011000 couutru To' Tiii• • lane four story toolidtng • of Id ream and a Duman* nod.. M .. wool* ire, and la shoat on Macon., of TO lhadelp la and Me ttler novels. on •lot SO Ist fwiatt .d Quaid Premises le • Imola home 21 PI CO Net used a. • I ...rad Iwo. in me low.r stem and 0•11 mow witmc •Iso, • at...tame:o or 00• teem eelo, s heaf lot. Mb, Ms feet on whlch Is • larg omo a table. used 11 stitu . tin wholr mu. throughout, ntsinly D ue 01 twat roma/WI .4 f. one of the watlousr r • Palm noun In Mesta. F., and .W be add • : 1 spoiled M', at rim lain dub customer. = lola fa U rm Is In Derrhalt py torn,ad, Orestmoral.d.ontr. withla taro wil.to Latrobe. • etatl adder Taus" of eared aand, gcsod fasting. them/due acres In good white oak. mhos oak, la ekm7 blackaamit. locum timber. Shia Is • Int tale ratm, In * Min stave or tultlystion, with good marl somforsable allolins. • tame boom f s SOM.: large oara.loli 1131 •••...adh_..... , Uld Ilmestone nod. the laola, tramoand at cop- Also.to Marone, Wt. I, SOW, pp, •Iso. • Porn 11 7 alms, within IX Pouf !be Penn. It. It., at Carmatitest•Uon.. 111100 (ma the city; ICO arms the 4110 It Welt , ad and Under wood hem.. the read. uf the tract a n dile oat tirobar. There la e hewed log home barn... a young apsla Ortbard ow 'the innate. It a goad Itmemula• toll. villa . ...um of Ilawstose. and neverufalltras sprieu. of vamp. end As grates at Me wow prim ot 640 pas •ve. on go. aim. ad le engaged In oth.r busing. aad cannot stated o T IL or Mather paillieLr• 4110011101 Mr!MiEiSMI 2,000,000 ACRE! CHOICE LIMN TOR SILL MEM Union Pulite Railway Co., • • murrain; Divisor, • - Lylssalosur ibe Lam at Late rook 4 si • $l.OO to $0 00 : Per Acre, Lad oa a (1111:D12 OP WWI TRAWL for p UU.C3.41". MILIA. .441,114. JOHN r. rsvitaraz,. cowl. i. Lannowajr. WASHINGTON CO. FALBA sum ISALX—A tract or ea .0 u. .tita, atilt, clawed. ..3'U* remainder *Kart." artUs las *alto oak Amar Situated .a Wart Pia& Ulf to , ratalt, trletairton *WIN " Ikacy_ ‘" O t f cnr W sr t . fahrons. }Naas It tiro 10a lomat, atm ...am sail graft noases: orchard 44 Alaht eau of Mil tti=r4velLti:"• 54 0. 4°. 1222CE1 106 IR 23.1SLIrjkiiin Biota la Elacat un ADQUo liallgiu../osrth amt. FIGATILE COTTAGE. eITUATsIIiYI. WASIIIMUTON WIMIg nrentroMe enlauteems. ortbe Yea.. trebb... 7b. Imam ...b. Iva loam& Ibth o, mbar mime.' wont. 1"110 teat hat frown. *a *M.o. U. 1b...* VA MU truing 'it.spa Tut 1.:."1.1 lib. in ..ri.ties. mini sit kinds of sbnabball. mett *****.bartz, bletiniar.l**,.**Wimrnal, and re Zi=gy trr ".l. . Wl7l:* .I%W:b p . t Loire of MERL & WILSON. =E:= 15521 DINE DWELLING IN SEWr LaS.—TD• eatamber Is maw banal sad .1.11 soca am may tor We. • Shas Inlat of fauftm Math smarts.. e parlor, ' , Sem. diatatoll.o6lll. wsal, MOS. cam aka.. 0.70. roots lam r‘or• Irma. goad osasns. WM fool. 025x120 mums. . 00a0• tax 1.000. est aims roma alms, -Urasha t{b• moat km.a. the valley. rmea•viss. ai to auras. are Is. ned to esa and *maul byrce=tar • slitimr. Lt.:V... •Y. IWi.IN.WO7,'.Is.l W i.IN.W07,'.1s. 11,4:bn.• . 7 . . 0. Van SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— .... AL /am at Cantata . . Illsturs. es tile Can. ltattrout. cont.lniat Saw laprc . vz :17_4 rat %I M . 4 l int oast go 4 lonallau witt intu im gr . o=gtiti4ll . MME t tlamtm .14 th. city '''''"W.l."'U""" WrMilfWA.lll ), • EtSEIE3 = . COAL IVOIAS FOR SALE. A movable at muting )44 1 / barboin atug, M. thulium I•aant ••••••. =gra bout it.3..sir Wtag the stl•Pa :torts for • War. bolter* sod frozrallafo operItloo• TlL•nf aro PI serer of coal. .61/ Isonz of Os marl valltablo works ort ttaMosonsful• dart r ' ! " C ' cr. d •nrlVltgrica YAW* UV So.. ant 0000 s, Co•rt !loam ...it 11:10IISE AND LOT FOD SALE. glimmrd Wt. *moor of Poona sod lobo 'w00.% Pltarburob. Lett OM taw„ 108 fed. es loWttlete tot . on.►. ►.. m. ►oow two !lanes '4::;: 0 11;d7=11:;11. 0 `"" ,111 " P 'W , ... ejit a., VI Venni "rat. PAIN'PKR& MAUR 0017LTEIt b. LANE, , Home •and Bien Painters, so. too QUART wiluirr. rtotaarsis,, • (uppatu. ommaat., II LAI% CAXDS doe* otd.. w. ROMAND &. Junius, HOUSE`AND SiAll PAINTERS, °lunatics /USD cituniati; N. OA D11111(0111D,ALLISialtlialr. ClALCUlninteasisinastast mama J. K. -HAMILTON,"Jr., Mane and Sign Painter, as. mama° sausay. eistemna,„ GiainLag, Glazing aad tilidlas 'runt rxxcluyno ALTAI) TAINTS. TAJINIZEDIE. slaw. VLAMS, BUOIDEICSA TuErssSlN; warn LEAD. ZINC. &A. /7E:112 1. I. gurcurasop.—......:.z. a. au iv* HUTCHINSON I HEPBURN. ZOETE NEI 111 launnu. ?ma lIEJLIIILBS AIM 01.AZ1M83,: • N ' h .. I . II F. A AU amnia us* ArtnOtts stiot6l4 REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULtY. Rooms am{ Sign Pobiger, Igo. 13* sparrnructi yr.; ritt113343, 1%, 3.7*317 . • oimoae• the 314 .1333. lOW= 1100011/./a1 ..... 11311DICL. M r CCOWAIN & 6NEDER, sollazzial AND' OILLICIIItiVit/1111% ZS/LAID °ELLIE= 11111) GUM= D« 63 NOrth side otrOlassmad. Alloeso4l. • Poott:erclal sod ((Isms rips osodo to Won kM " rtlig,Talr ateZtirald U l t o . tfi aosNaollr on band. 1015;zi, - SEWING MACHINES: DOW'S DE DECLIVED DY "4 :la 14. a s M st 1 4but adm WE IH 3 . L... It Oaf DespEly le i cted "*"Giiitidge" 31110.. 100 Z.1_113& /street. Waal &bon ttalt¢ll.ld. ROVEII & RAHEIVO • • ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH . . Sewing Maohizu3s . Ars Tat DAMS tor !Emily AAA llaittliessallu tam salt on WM .ro. I ' oB Fifth avid. GET NONE Birk A - • INN Bollday alts. Is, reholla. Narbcl. tharsllo4llt4 bad. 1144•1 all So calfaad - NO. 106 PIITH BA. 41.44. 14 snom iw iLumes A. as a YAK atould no lb* .w IMO I I= It 1,11111116 Boor* vor *ale tout** *ha * wker*. It Is tbe Mit tarasu til. 110 LOS SLOTH STASZT.. rte7oll6 above Iladtitlelt. TUE GnoYEn & n&liEn - SEWINC MACHINE . utk.oilwTistir Itialudok Plessistoi tsarina It st 1/0 101 IFEITH erszwr. tbt n' fIOLGAICE &con 6\ ..G 4,A s' GRIMAZi okrn 0 CrgA,CliAlE SOAP taft reaslVA ~ % '"".=< r , ~„„„ .. -(%, y Ci <& " n ratAbr ° :MAI t7=Ary73:o BANNS AND 8A88303,13. HART, CAUGHEI & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS erivionaton, (1101 4113038 TO WHA, HAAS r 000 Dr.L.LIN.I 13 !Exchange, Coin, Coupons, asarauengau,l 9A pojt..th, \p.r. " GIOVEILICHIEDIT BONDS: ilarb/ONT 11H1/Td ON LONDON. rall:se H r HOLES 8c SONS, 33.a3.inecipiROBb No. 67 Market Street. Devesits nen.. In P. innns and parietar. C10a...a nude oa sll the prtearekirentaar the Ilan. Eludes .4 CuMu. Wend; Bouts and Other Securities Boum An BOLD ON conassuox. rutii'mliestt u tto, two to ti i .tooroao ISM QC! Tr: S. Seourttle4, boaatiOmpll:ll. MOB or lan; I - U. I. was 106.4t4. D.O. oalarnaLass 07 Jx - Dszritrzsu. Orderi esitt Vonattsilboubt or sallonad.; !Mat WESTERN songs Bin, • - 50 Fourth area.; aaaraLwrri mime: Intermit Pald es Tiff. DepaWdr. dap .as rasaPrad tram Chas Dollar 'upward. • • ' - Daparna naldaat to o►..►: witlmmat lateruat. DISCOUNT DAILY. AT II IPOLUOIL Prestdtlitr-TBOMPBON BELL. lice President 7 —L DI. MABiIiALL. M7R;iSMI OtaskhoWtrsteirliataa.to BMW FPonying, molt ollwartk. . Caldwell. v. David Kari Li:Dahill], gaarf Dar{. . C. Wawa Y.D. a. r . " .. 2 Talton. Tao. twins. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK., • . NO. CS Fourth Street, • • , • CHATIMEELED 1855. AMT. , esxruPee it. pen COB/1 from tot o'clock, Liao Y Wady,. v d rn rel r, ham ? n Tzar, tu'gtg atter lat to May Ist, from a toe o'clock. Moe Dermalla ...Iced of all nom of not Cu thas One Dollar. end • dividend of Um prolate do. dared twice • year; In Jet. sad December. In. tercet bac bey declared cyst-annually In Jane Yd December stye the Bank Ir. orkanly.t. at Ye Ma of els per oent. • year. lateceet, - if not Yawn Out. Is hlaced to the cemltt of Ye doodles/as principaLy4 heart the yam internat. from toe lint day of Jute and llecenber, oompoundlog tulY • Tor Wilbottt 'croabilan Me Yowl.. to YU. or ...to preset lt,tc . pate Ic om➢t o: , t....At Rule rue mm, will, dacha , * to etb Books continge the Marty ly.Lasm, Ihtles aSd itagatattoaaforalehed pall,. on apwattass ss 111.1 alßee. IMUSDICIM-411COILUX ALBUM& ylli rmkenturellis 4 Jobs o..itaa•tu. L. K. Pollank..lL Rent. lfabsectock. Robert Robb. • - • J... Heyman, John H. Shoenbargar, Jjaroes OnAltly • June. Junco B. D. Meoda, .IJactaseler Speer, icsaa rennor.A. Oralstlea 'I year. Wm. J. 141Luta. Azdersoa. marw . itsbert llts. F,Looits, Oxiula EWEETTA, intjlerralitull. ona a WI add.. i1e4107. HTFlrgsrel ß"44 ' • Was. A. dirrillt. tirs s=". tilMSh=.* Wbtular,. ' Ai VW ' • JOitis .111. J. 1.4111.1nd5. tam ti I='*". • Jaau D. &ILLEGHEAT SAVINGS BANK, • aussiumr, ra,. • - orragamissicsei six 1234m5., Erzooraor.Dzan nitototrAut LIABLE Daportts rornon auit M P a r ticular Innen allowol au Win Inman. Maintop fghee to V i l e— OulleetJoa proceeds promptly no itted. UnmannAnallidaTi vglstaadthi. • O. Wattambr Oi A. Actin. , Tic ran. Almada.. llornM • .W. L. ORC HAM , Malden. JOHN W. ILIDDI.II. Cashier. 'ant ORDINANCES. .• AA ORDINANCE relating to taa Intaz of Water Pleas.' Pectitut Ist. Be d oraalasil and ettetet4l.l.e thasvarado old rm. teemed et n. N awe et SO /a veep model by sae taarttp a/ OW mato That lona also atter maims* tag • ar telt orJos aev. the Lae rvacevelts Cans* tat Wawa Claimer. or alloatotty eon ty. Mate or Pase•ylva. Is. shall bat. treat... 4 aateerity lo eae asy Dahlia la attests. atm 11.1 stent attd allele la meld torsos!, tar the pump too •t Isaias J •ti. ta‘atiar Wed repatrl at V. coed Mt pipes. autOt lad . 1 114 Iniaa. sad tb• %M• 1 Wad a.. gamey orrtlora.neecledidertettk, ger roam, tag IP. Narrate at latereaceettla. as d Use ant. eaelletraat sad lea adJatell osastry. wit% Oaten Ttraragag. ilistrell estates Or WWI delta to sold ttlgsvays.*treats. Lath. anal tale?, threes Is lee astrale or ilia privilege W Pansy granted, *hell to rettatrad Nap. can et sal Csviatal ater Colorant. Dasinalt nits{ tba sorgeas at aold loPaugh le Panto - ea %Parsed to mewl to to --. pars* et UPI *Opital sped of •old tairlatel Wa- CONSVIMV. MN 01111 I• Lao BUMS .1111 goancit of let Portage et IsIVR.II.• ila. J. C. Bite FUSS. Aargau. Antal M. J. M0Ca1.N....416 I LairiataSsal le. Plat. I. IBM Nett= N oIIDINANCE relating to IA tn. Loylog of Cu Pipe. eatalOX 1. Z. ta ontataal 000 mutt. e.g. llinvors awl C. losea , el tat Itat oo o a ar 44 0. res• 1110. It tatusetilsaf. loaf 1400 c awl *Ms 41.Pa1T5.1.11%1741:74:::.,:f7a,r::' u.aaa, a. ate an 01000 hailmays, ttasatt„ 'arm., lad adalf IS 0/14 11010.8 a. tar ItTat lat.4 of 1.1.. 404 rs, ra it* , lig sod twir /lei the ettadoll tapes. on, .4 taPlO7 1 Ipf in. 1101 linu sad areassaty attic,. lona alit taaretrttaaot aopplytog as name, of . a4tatabla,lot4 la. ettlat. Mersa. and prix w ~.,a •aaauy, ontjt 01.1.‘ 0r.1 , 1.4 11. all dams. or 191 try dot.. o mod 'Apo a.m. ott... .. ,... At laita• .4 allal% W. V. 1 :41 article* et a VlVPW4r r fali t afe rll l=o;. Li b. "P" " 01C. IL 1.. I. it okeit of We Bor. to Iwo. ootsotio.4 10 aaoaarttak tat-- ..- anat.. t. 00110 Utak 040114 tiat C 470 Y. . thius.• of 00 11111 . 14: .4 Consort li too Donee. of Layne. aft Xl 717 OM, - . 4. MCCAW x. O. J. 11. I). ila r VAL La 00,00011.14. sat. 4.10 7 . 10.7,03 Al 011DEVANCE. for the II esetne end Meier 'setae's'', or Chen* ma et. Iris istmeelsou with Der eat Meet. toulliwatery. 1,0 ts• Potherb Ilse or the &moose of Lisortneerne liecriCet IS ordain.; oed ...add bores rnerri * gen= it C = r y les seem 'That tits Sweet thanwltter s to ..hatswith the nososeh or/stator. to sad thew f reen weS estlio.lwe eve empswerse no tan • 1/;11 e.Oll. Dreg/8W in the ersoleg. . ""n si trerrslntre 1,113,xvx,„„.. Of sale stst:o.nelte swathe ilLreet. sostewar-ir to tee botaegli Wes sea to ...mot tearer, 0110 'lOO loon; lesebthe taddar, et their els. 51 °9 1 12:1N.1.1.7,?.. 1 ,1M1G=Tig5:ry" asorwstese tor lb? colitis; arststhotes see goi 7sroese.otastray lot the e. et tte shWee. Cl own, ene earhlogratel Men. shirt be MI tenet. blithe/WTI.. I ' tat. tone qu .lly assesseSt wakes er•rw .1111, ton MIME net. Inn of 041 A etnet. i t push,. to the SW =at= " I A?* "".****itl dth l Ol d . !eIICTCLIIL ?hat le lOTII se tne east sad ett. ooi.rto ea I h o; g 40,11=1:: Ve d s =At! XI be his iltr 10 Senn hypodiele the en. MOW antral 1014101 Ans otrale, ?Town 0• Oda etrel t. eao rows 10•055 Ist...Wrath be fore Indicated. .- iiisrthpon Ors apnea IL no the Owner or Wenn ofiette lot or r. =TAT e'r..re the " 7 " ? r a nd'''. melt 40 tb•Thres..strsa ' a.,o6 tieerlen 4. 70.14 it shell es, the gat; Ot the Tinnier IT told hOreohh. on the 1.01111 00 mule, to cure notith to be siren 0 0 the parties on We. soremiannents hare twee mails as Mores sale. tb•shelless the stoossits or nob athose• rrtrgr t' Atr,ri ' olgets i ltill "" rto , .:rlo " gll t e n el lb. Mat la the inn; teIll? . .•1 07 lOw. Attset—M. 1114471.14, 814.05 a. "g*". L4..serresihtlet_tis, N.Y 4. Mt ne.711.91. . nioszLit, & co, 133 =ZIT! 11171.1121 . pran,Ai i ittl-tt . .. ,. « 1114"1 sr° Fa " :1 ant 00061311 SARDIS. tee Address 0. &Woodworth & 808 • , \ ltochestsraistatical Works. • ‘, 166.111,131116 NW. km 66. N.' T. Or If 71 0 i. T . .. 4 .... ' : a i r ~ \ ll3/911111:1041•111. - Et oel . '-\ . . .'" sr - •IF phi 61101i0E1\ '': ' r r 41. ad m t. p....1... i i \ L , g4l Fic:,43ns a. •2 - and Ix. / F,Vi I..ari\.nr./2.44, : E ciiilgeg- R.,...11:11 s. 2 3 2 0 1. • - ---.'--- I : .31: 11 . 1 . -- - p l 111 1 g 6. I " . 47" i C. ~..6142,1FILINAr ' I. IN a ".'--" ~...rrornrriginuirrairs ~ l i' 44141744=1173=4°11 . 14.71.112i 1 O1'..ag l iggft"r 1 4111:\ .„ . . .. . seincjacg impacmpoofik,' MISCELLANEOUS, DR. J. liAltr'S FAMILY MEDICINES, DR. JOHN SARCENvs Anti-Dyspeptic and Liver Pills, • CEMII2; CUSS POI: Iver ' Complafistsi D34pe.v.A. • 131;loas Attacks. Jaandkm. 111SIs lioad.Ache. botds. Costliacss. ac. TEINI EXTRIIOIIDILNADY AND. TlO:Trilfvvri A d aI,IL A IT - 47vpg mete them more ;Media. In order test thrives, Mune may be mere extensive. thd weede ea. to voly bee of Thoth yrb have tthed other o.4lm:tee pot..thrthrteneed the rethattrey_entletheted, to mirkirill.6l.,rTsnevUN:rm; rth. GNU yet compounded , ereith hove nth. thee. Weans! malefaction. nor de thY otter rm. meet the repathements or the bonethold no do them . I cannot. °femme, enumerate the MUM.' for •whlen these rills are betietichil. Mt whenever cathartic Is neemeary, the? trill *Coma simeilr and 'permanent ear, -They remove from th e blow COITOPt Dutton, which are always th e came 0 , the disease; they epee themeuntntlM mese'. which empty 'n to the bowel.: they sive • health, potion to the liver. empties It to throw Mr Lit eormpt human; they tomato the moretten orbit, alit d urea t eeth purify Me nimd. and will, In • Mien time, teeters the body to a state eremite berth: • , Da BYZITSI/1.-1 his distretaing melado—so ants ' o g7 " Ur, ' in — e U ts7::l oo ggiS Mrs' oof *Web are as follow. • polo or une•sirseita Wag.' Dman below the e. sternum on bon so a on amen ttleagird with sour eructation (wear brash or litarVaisreit) • olsiatition to vomit. Aught. of to st preceding from the stocitch, lu• stoutly circulating through the whole man to; Imo of memory; lame, uncertain apmstits; gnat 000roorlon so d Viet*. inegtologi to mho choir: Weariness great nottpatuy to ton as It le seldom that all MOMaya symptoms o found 10 the same patleot oo re e any 01 them therefore, It leaflet at Indication of Vie pro sew of th e digette and teed of Ude mesa nti DB. siounNrs ANTI-DYBPEP , IC AND LIVEN PIMA It In =sting this disease; hen taken according nea r helone. I attach• a :ow o f th certitleate• 1 coutd n lu sco l' it 2 l 7 lsal/ a: Iffe l oirlr eggl .T lLl br elat 'hb: ova : tlr !' al f.r IEI ETA ' .IEJY DA JOHN CIITLEIL ' LOW.m.VILLS, TIMIMVIO Ca.. O. On. J. Sonoran—Dear rdrl I rum Tour wantot amen. Mon In keeping me sumllatiolth your Aug-tn. pelitle sail Meer 1.1114 they roll so fast In my drug stars I tort* been Imlng them In my vote. Iles also, wlth Um ben emeenterten. Mid them th.. b. seinen of any slils atver Med. IL barobeen testimon yea touLnint athe lame amount of bile ragweed by sO call a to:tangly of pll.s slum. 1 reque.t yt ale mod Mg • Iron] mpoly immeellatelr, as I have hem moistlms without. ei BUIL s W. D. tO»l g UY2nllLLt,Orito.—lnutiatoner-1 write tO requeet you to mad me abx of your /Mt Dlnteptla rills by mall. • ham o .% been able t , o gM Mem slam / int •Ilestunty• / mmin do wllt uto them; they ham -cue pm so mum more t foli g hatl eta r.tf get them when I LV;LrafAfw ant. t,147,415ure ,11.,! so am tbay 11l sall out If blown. Your romaltans with the novo 1 , 1110141 e nat.e7 . :lo:a.. DOCK POlllll% PM, February 01. 011.-MU.111.1.4110217-11mr alr: After suffering In ...yens anth LTV.. liompunt, &gamed 'nth ban molpit. and trying BeTeral g i u t uedles. / WWI 1/100.14 to My your pg • min • mitered me Immitgattry. and I tate Omni. e o fem.. Inatoling them ton troffering from lb. o mon- Vlslate. ilen truly. yonM. D. D. 44 1101 Y. ROC. Saran. rA. Itartarn—l cou nter that I swam i tiro to the Om of your rlllt. a SOIL ber im t woe them I was solos dawn Icor Oils lm t better. aud I Mean. ed oil ton doetar. la m now saYeutrentre non oriole. ADIIraILaM WALS.E.R. This tato earMv that I bayonet. Dr. Sargent's Lim rills In My farally for the 114 Ltwo years. and I contain giant Ito DCI/ =Weiss It u woe. . IL USV/2iN Y. Nornrlstiol. J sa. , July I, 1 . PM VARMINT'S ANTI-DTSP.IPT IR AND LIVER rho hr, ant be had of All UrvEßMA—tam um coned au. plain. Ile tun Lad C.J I rot Ur. nargent l LAlMU.Dymeptle anti Liver MD, alloa talon o gler. ; • DR. SARGENT'S C1 , 113' OF MC 161;12° 1.11.11:7 An Old rotparatloa for the crellgerh hero .4 °VOHS. cOLDt . JIFIXEMIL amyl. uIIFICOLTYO.O.II Armixo .4117 . i11fd, greifirkilmitgiart'atiF iv( AP a Was TH. BLEEDING OF rui. LOSOH.AND AL& IWSKANES OF MS LUNGS 771.10 Ar 4.v0 uagsr. • - . • . the ountinwr•s 1./Unkl cantata. eothlee telettoc7, hal eat be taken by lee =West Junket erne Ds =et olkletr. 'lt dose not lionse arestealt as m *sealer quote peepers. do then sumo. tee coulee. bet leeeese the ;Mesta hoes tee mucous serfaet el the Ilreettlen tubes. teed evil= tut tun <Lon. non. It the molt thee *tenting the cut= sod' retiree...linens (rem tee ertistrts sue I neue. D 9. =Jnn VlTrd tellYetlell'ells• le of luezl• lrttle ho t el to elltoopleg Coles. sutsleing It eeteal S o,. telteeeek Ash eneetstr ecting Its r ats ettre; asd roe eseep or ig loolt le Leeman ellleseet and ...liable remedy .I:Meseta relecker wed ..alll* awe =eletroCrnling to thlettlotta one, ter the Ilse •I the ekltd. t• ota by an Ikregetsll end Dealers be Yeelelee. Bey • DOM and glee It a Mal. • DIL JOUR B.lu6ars Diuretic or Back-ache Pins, TOR ALL TORRAS'S Or THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. this SeThese lgb eur, tow beta before the nubile la borteCad for atneardi of Lil te Vali% deslag welt* tile, • hew hoe bees ts? tali e neatly acoseeseral fa the mataell Imo earn these dean rove wad trouble...mos dteewww bleb ones table the skillof the best ffllistelaaw This tact It week altered by the awe. of woe /seal fe a tcae tossgee effected, raw ar Long swaths of date sad the aral +s tout tithe. who lure espreleleed th e brae]. lln effects af ma tones be • I ben patently wend, by allied it • weca wider afrealalien. VIM Ulna la no otbeZ etiedlelne Zeta/Med foe these compliant. *has eta De carried to awry meals deaf wlttuset the sal et w Wellies ;lose traWelD'h now tact that Weave tarresues who ateproe eli6er GOO ft? reniamd nom Or &ea •nabie to m, aid of one wbobrist he at sere.. to thorn. the Steal...se cesliaohly cab ed beat:-anew. weed to which neat fflils an manliest., appllehtde. Le Med to exist le the wed It thane, net abort sue sad the orate tary. it u•by Obsusaliews ar camped, leleasseesloa of the h i d dell. Pretest bladder, de, and avow by b deep...lied pale to Use Med of sae but. eametiatee extend. In maid the letee to tilt ablanieni az mann, beery. or Pala, •ateadleet ro.* the beet dew la. ezirenitly Mia fled. •t& &man AD the laser part of the Well Urea& dile &alit Is I pdelleated to vest flawing, anew sad meat Demme arlteted With tate troulatema as...pietas mahatma Leasble* violent Parcel.: Mt, whoa eteeples bate dslarli to auemini we erect suasion. Lining had anatenneoppor testtles ler MIST }Mir actla&MJ4l in& anal • eMtlie yet meal. Ina ant Lb to e lailm at ra . tchl.p."" M4;72,74,7'4 ftit_7lr". 'b:f now that it Vlil bewenesally he. secial.N he few certificate. I Siblla Ste PM* We flimedt. at* gefibberbeeli bbd cos berweferreg la .1 cairtro,car*. It to taftiftit . nto teat I was Tory Mass attend w rte otwoot pan Io tee bast, and treat 110 , 1,11.11.6 TOP:111W •1101, /vim cm attodsd ly lat. alatlllStoalc oms yew area, r airdT talg iTurero= also. bents Cot tel.•D moan" - Sa l CottwtT- JOHN grzwarer; Du. SallOder-Wln'lliass to Info rm yos that 1 tellers PIS ow* my UM setltaly tolaklng 1000 of your PIS. I nava latatltatftimeolclna Yor art. ant aye from my 0117010110 wlttaant e 1 et. De los oosased to bad sad Is gra ft 0a 00 7.. 0 0 0 to 7 Itoftsso soollod to vas sod. was aft 4 by Too that.* Owl tbo gravel. . Wok toaafteas Soto 00 you directed. and erdamessed ruler. sad my dlsoftler left mt 010., Gahm the resistsaat- Ka YU /Mee BOrer. La. bant i l.-IMMk 104 alma allettd RIM mast 1 tbooahl to be rasumallSto is bay bob, 40 011 alma 1 smooth(' down I could One /Mat =Teel aghlh; 1 srat,sivlsed tO Plrtinve... 4 l;:nvaw,r,:k . :Vroort o :2M . away 10 Mbersothithave fame t •e t. 4. W.ll.o4Lanux. MlLORalliltolsolo Zia—. was 1011 lam fam• aralottd will • roan In ettrhset. I Ira, aelvited by it: MllMitason t 0 7oor P . 11.1 s, bit 000. to re . 11:111. b = 19 • g• 10 te : 471 to %Val 0{11.3.1111 412 you n...Envainl dol. Mr. MY Ma I too ltavea t i itritVZte•• • •talated 'MI6 : the empleint demertth4 Le voe• when for st team darthe •11101 limo 1 bodr• ailed . evorritilop 1 modal b•r of ions MUM, Wilmot vitt; your MIN 1 boys aye taboo ball mbar.. lad mialt. moo. to toallatia Malmo tarot. , as 1 fool bot t le nom Um Imo felt lot font *ears, &let / hell ttakh: the heat bos will Can tor. •Lbratl'ltur. eta—lens Motu trobldod 01111 /dick ache tot lose twill* heat*. to Met Y Mho I Glottal not rise up or de dowo without pita. t toot pan of bOO of mom pith, match eolosietely mod MO, and b tOITO 0111.10 at pellOtt MAO am Once. Ida, Ularelort4 pobtlenur vcatoteentl them .o oth• - r/1 - TliT 41/113e11.T10.N. •• • . ILllCanaxsT—Slat 1 ta tslllls opportanlty In Slats t hat ,on! blurvtla Pills am Ma mot effes rgtViitittlV=l.ll tlgei V et r ,nl7l.ll:. •nce. . 467. 1 4. MOULINTUI.... trrilialinlill/. .• .. - .IPrise, 50 cents per irox. Bola M tiff' GEORGE A. KELLY, SOLE PROPMETOII, WHOLESALE DRUCCIST, 31 Wood Stria*, Pittsburgh, THE FORT PITT LUMBER CO. CopUai, t: ; : • $125.000. Ifresteeni—sow. AtiELAID6I6, fearidayi-1. A. wlizeni. ItoparLteid,deu7.Aik The 7011 T 'CUTS TallBllll J. baying bug. canoed TWI) SUVASLHU IVO ln I.loHaloa6ll &HD TIVINT4 , OIME amount , ' pica lanaa Is ono; Conag, pa.. ant encl.. there ou • largo them tam Alll , ,am. sow rotun d is twaitturatz4l . l4a37 , nuMa - ENIC ERA lUD, 'caner if lobe: aid Et& dreased arcommunt.tia,u et aheuld be ad , T. A. WAIGIUT. .10 CLASS MAIINACTOBEBB, TEtEI • ENDEBBIGNED" having i 4 • Fw to u. Leath. SOPLIM POZ CMAY. vas, k „. ° • , id gpa;MaliV. d j ttntl at Mal Torpmil i m% •b.tl.sjtnttl. rbt Data thlm say In t wak.t. MI. aong* stamt.of Ira. Latium., let tgit th• oitht&lll=Afttaltnato to =X11174.11 1 '147.tie u'r " O'd inirmusnatia Y inW oo i tr i MaL.,. lO7 PRINTING AND WRAPPISIII PARS., VarTtattLI T IMPZENNitt • . 011711311 AND INFAILIGUOVaI4 No. 82 MA Street, FlUsbturgb, PA. • O malßs- M u r f aiy A i&Vr."= onuath i fiflionrn7; EL L naningstann Jahn IL hue. a lit& . COME[ 196'N MiaICHAMEL STEELS SO*. DEALERItR FLOUR, FEL /. D, 6R41111, Am/ ?Valuta "eiserallr. OHIO SMOLT. car kult Co - sucon. ALLEO/11/11T . 6/TY. ra. YOUNG ar. C 0.,! WITOTAMALED- r ,AND 7 FEED Commission M cluinte in Lota. )1 . P ,AND PDODUCECINERALM No. 555 Penn . St. ),,,,,,,-. rnrxiiisosoin„ PA.- IGLEWIII, ROUE & COIn.IIIBBION ittERCIIANTS, • • aIUZZiTB VOrt TEM rime Clobe & Liberty Oil Werke, am nyor3 e 8 .iitg9.7S:lll° l e n d °U nit Crude or llrdlned retro/con.l Yards toT nanny And anima:A ot Orside On as Lawrtneevide. Odd, And Warehons”, Comm and liancook strut. d'lnnbojen. amen.% 7. LTClraaSs KEIL & IllrrcaasT, 0035:611.61310N ORLIN% • . • Asp V 1 373 u Flour, Grain, Buds, Mill Feed, me. $49 111tESpr =MST. I Sfh4b PITTSBUBEIM EFENT4It ItEA, FLOUR, .111jr i p And Product) Commission Merchant, zes tancary erruzar,lrrrnmansa. IS.T.. /i ttOBERT KNOX, Jr., ownixsuois 31rziai3 ! uaric, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, 011140. 4131 uszirry ts*.. pistsburath I. J. BLANCHARD, watomuum. Arco nsrau. Votnexitsaion Allfichassitaa • IMIlm In TIAMII. GBAIX mapcidts WATKR.I lib. null d a FETZER & ARIIISTBOAG, • maim in ainozi r nk% , ffor Oa 1.10. Dr Vara. Ormlz. p. Zr. Lagrt z i 11117.4 r uor of Pim onnewo Arraburit. fatluf = KN R OX & SON,- Commission at NYNCH ,OLNIISaad Dagani 11 77431:18, OILAIN, MliJ 71LID and PNODIICIN Norearal- IT, No. it Diamond. ca , PNNa !NO Na/1.131. 40.na7 Clb. i I lai 7 afl7 Div. CILIWFOIIIOi, _Commis- IdEUCHANTInatECT44,IILOO.IIIIII OEN W [MONT tiONAP NFLN-a BRION and 0.4 T,lto,Wareho and dab. N0g...364 anal 369 rlnia STRUT. Norma m.notd. Crundrnmanta *aliened. I ' OO T .11TLELS RAMP & PATTON, a-s hil bedaub, firmer. Oaanahialaa licrettusta, mud dMara Is Rhoda., Plans, Obehan, PlaIL harem wsd Lard OIL truth tr OW% thhtau Tarns awl all Pittsburgh man Manila thaudaki liamud sum. PLusburgit. ' n brrarlL.::lnt. RETEXER & BROS.:Aunt:cams to Bomar Abdozoon,) ottapla Debora ba Andra Frans. but. and ttplyan. Obalbettolb. 7, Boers, rtravrozlea. tc. No IN and no Hood Etrobt. 'boo* raftb• rat:taboret. IrMar . JOIIN ' Is: CALVIETELACoIasaIs. aton and roman,.lns llarannat and rho). tan deaPer la Wasiern Unnerve 1111 Gm, H2To. ter. Lard, York. lianan,_llocr,_ rink, rot clul , Pearl .411.114 and Ws, Antal rrolt, sad long duce ann.:nary Nut. and litho= .trsal.. Witsaircrnn. U REDDLE,No. 183 Liberty Bt u . i tLizeta. e rdretunto ritt4r.buritCurgemputz% HOVILLNDICIUM 1101761. M. W WM.& Tofu L BOWIE A. IUIOI4 Mae* v mewls .1 to 01rx CIO, Wlmis Ws One . ers tAtruraulatk Ilietchaats, eat mot =aliocet WIC Watar•tnieu, flitataalt gcnomiluen& LANA, Wholo.• We dealers Inervelilta. 712_ .117112.. Pew 22247, Pror:olomo.,lM. Cbeise4l22.l CeYeon 014. Not. 173 274 In Wood Inalet. 'tsar - • some taxrecng.:!. " A. wAsa.Aca. N.III I IIM - ITtt.V,NAMI.F.° Dig. NT. OIL WORKS& OOMPANIES BURMA 1111 WORKS, Eureka Carbon Oil, Spero* Linbric.a,g 01Is, CHEMICAL LINSEED 011.,, Crude, Bettuad and Lubricating 01Li • , Lard, Smea, Wbala and _ B. MACHESNEY, Agent. Y 9: Irwin Street, H. M. LONG 'it: CO., . 1111111.10.141711821115 or. PIIItO lITIITO DREG OIL Bramt—igurcerrE4:o Dave; No. 2 Duquesne WAN : , TACK BROTHERS,",, ON MENIOriUrMh Petrol Ana of Dug 1 r °Manz arcwasr r - and Its Products; a orrithi.iati.up..insaw r cane Way sad ITO* sued. Lkonnets+uilwaint. WAR NG '8: KING' 111101/6!9 lfl linGllll l it .itud Ile Products. Illock,linquesna Way, • rnegraataqua„ PA. WARINC.' "title • uvr PAIL. 001113919 Petrolen\ DaWIPE. Birlr TIT* .1733141% • PETRci;LIA 7011 oir, ar4rpusia . . miumat,:anlagy k. OION.L`F3f z" 1 T W 0115.8, . , N.viv, Cot :AT, tutu ktgrket . nrranonaa. PA. WIG 'EAGLE OIL *IPEERLS, WIDNTSSAN & ANDERSON. mad Deal.ie In P Erk it OLEV 311 . • atiann UUO UT. Asp DUCIDZerg WAY. - r. ne 11111/1111u..C. u. sone on. wonssi. Kano ractaro wd bay.° for PIO all kWh of 4IJBR IC4TIJY.G OILS, Zia I ST:OIAI3I.3IItrIT. INUVIPIIIII. 41k zis),' 1:4 Dr. N. - W.• BAVES. lETEIItRART SURGEON. -' oil. rad Stabler &Rasa' Email llotit ... ,aad . = g ag the Livery and Sate Ssableioiry , numosin, Allegbemy, • pi ' nerldriet , 43 PLO 'Altair. neeend Ward " Elotatetletalqbll7 Petted ter an mai& "tn.. n=ri. !Overt Ir,inas. liaralar e 31 Seismal strait. Al. Ilitra *rather.. fart:llama Pale Sta. Op, 1/1 r.p?o, liatetry Waal Ileum. /year.. ttAtreat. anermity. meal , . ate i err o _loarral ttrol u A.Ebs• ti • lagi Atattigi M lTOTrAtrat= ramt.N. P. ptnrirr,-. • • 7 •WM MIME /N) ME lIWNEIt . ill.kf.l 7Um r% me beraGeloso euxtyo, Inv?' grenettlAlgt,:r?.‘ll; MTNlNtllittaffilifintlVai t n sa U a. g w tr i g trti Uo.l a r uatlstlan= u l2 ss l 14.7 AA.4 u l . tl .mi r l ..ive t m r ro ror . =m% 0, 4 ra .. 124 i v mar. amts . ism= Ix ildburmaTlSA:E.jradirigi: ren Viti ." " . - ii — Willa: Wait Jo, itlzker. IL •D. X. ZAN', ' WWI" • . , ... , . v:/- 0- 4ctroa: l 4 JOHN McCLACIIEN, Attorney-at-Law. pooh 77 GRANT eT. Plltabargk. Valitendons specially attended to. R . A. CAMERON. , Attorney-at-Law, No. 98 north Street. R BIDDLE ROBERTS, Attomey-at-Law. 1131111641, 30.73 GRANT g' },l', rapier areptotal &mm. Etyma to cues to . ErsztcE s. Ptiorauiv, ALDERMAN. Ex-Ofcio,Jaetice of thePoace. • AND POUCH, MAGIBTRATZ. ISte, >ts 7$ fansyhuit kale. Eittihrgs,lB, Dan; Knataanta, Acknolna4ran.34 / Dennalud. .4 all Ult. H. 1.1.11 wltai womn.. and 41..41, . Tara A . MICRON, =antis OF Tax amActo. Ckrarryluau; nut Istati.ll lawance Ain% OLSSON STILEET. Zan Elnaingnall. Colleciloa of Real. oollellad and promptly attended to. VELLUM Ha MA HER, JITHICIF or. 'En MOB, CONVSTANOLN. go. Min. WM'S STRILIPS, nasty oppcsito tha nano] Dot. noun Pittsburgh. Buslnas /W -inston to Ms can broolDnY ottownn to. tor nal p EL met, m n., PFLACTIGTIIG PHYBICIANB, • No, 150 grant Bt., near Hlab. J . S. FERGUSON, . Attorn6y-at-Law, NO. WO aura NI7IEN7t. iSCOID 311401. isiosr lloox = u. ipt c o c 11.11 - torraarjrsst..X.savor, 87 Grajit Street. Plontot ationtloO "trim to Ott that ot law splitwoe IC A. LEWD, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' No, 93 Dim:howl Street, mkenui nrrssuitutt. FL. JOIN W. HIDDFLI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, garnish as; us roman bazar:. 1111.141 PITTSBUTURI. P. H. la. reae,ELnELL, , AnORNET a lIOUNSELL6I AT LAW Wo. 89 Grant Street, 1:1111 PITTIIBEIPaII, 1 .1 1 Jo= /la MILES. I.T4ll l 26lFlLTimajxr. E=-Officio, Justice of thel4ace- AHD roman MAGIBTELTE., 018ee,3111 YIRL ft. opposite Giiittedral, , Oseduaattil. Ilangsgu; Attnaroledit.e.ti Dtml and, Legsl MAW= executaa• MU% pramotnein Lad dispatch. r122:1 WILLMAR_ YANCEY, ROTARY AN D krala r illp2s UTTHE, PICA HUI. and rravor strielk La KWr . °2l'.'"'"° amaslidt..tentramsNl cp enut• ;wee.. and mat grzagleala . sckr.owledrgattrtl ka t i: W i„,„ L W "" tl%r ofThe e,Ofti; JOHN O. McCONISS. /THAW /MD COUNSEWN IY AW,' No. 87 Fifth Street. ,@Pendoe.. Zosintlea s tad /Leroars of PO 2.1:111itlY oalleetaa. noMofli I:WM:UWgOE. ,BEN FRANKLIN prsußANcE compt, NY, ai BANK. No. 43 Ohio et., Allegheny, Pa. ➢tucton:P kr .4 llatpat. J. LirtUil, !Yawn Dram, Josant faatner. W. n"t'r" B ILE RT : D. IlarlDriet, &metal?. DMIN. 'President. se= ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO OP rirrellwasir.—cma.. Ha r MIL alum Hank Block /mum Malan ail Wads of rfs sad Kaliso BEN I D NIM.II. 4 M= 4. SitWl:lbid. Oar '. ig .0611% . Vtax. Jbb* - Jr. ttOwa. Irstukenack. O. U. mat, W. IL Yve ma, ..0. KaiVll4ll. praNswvmm OF PITTSBURGH, PA. onecon egroes, vtink atom. nu fa • Home Ocra.play, mad Talons aralli tea ffaVVINER, Prpldnat. WiTVi . rX. l" el, nulitt HMS - Y. lart. ..... L . 7 Plantar. Jolla Voegtley. AL. Assoc. Or4ll ra.ki.. l i . C.... •21.17 . iNitzmanr AGAINST LOSS BY TINE. FILUMLIN JIMNUUICE. COMPANY. • - OF OMOSR 455 awl ati OUERTHIO2 rtioiai& ge . sl d dl n W M". od&b. sA u lTa l lt.stuns, NDWD O. DALLZ. Presle.esa. WK. zw...s, tk.r.-aur • .: . .I.IIIIIDRIEII CCIFIFIN, Agent, smILIWIS North West am 'hard • Waod sts. WIEWMI3IIII3IINCIF. ea, Or H. Madan. cAn. 61OR f 1 D . amaa 's Wan Ron. ap ?,11F=eat i plarlaa •00 a. 611/ LAW 001.1.11%, wh. to, =dada ardiu. .42."MAbast t6sMat Wod r u. S. cum.. . dui a. liloCana. . au= P. 11•11/11. M i lan ear.f.k • I LQ'l pEoPum EristmuNcia Co. . oon.iroao LID 'Erns irn i., aavail aurreat, • iLII.IBO nau• AIM WABIZiIi iIiMEIL j Wm Pl 11112" Crud. ;Oa L. Mama. 7N ElcrOu &pt. e.sVitsi. WID• itai KIM " J_TglafEL.. • i zol* Arr. Vies dmat. w. I. ea raeriltiCON. arst9 An. IVA:liißPM: l 2):ti44 , ll4oJtizi , DIFISOLOT/ON OF PAIIFNETt. • Mlle. —Tee pateetehlt berelotere exist , tetvreen OI)bU 17. , UPS,NEMELI and 1.0611 IIitIiDFLIILD. under The Iseme sod mid of OP/elileutlt BISAUINaII. ettit ear dis solved by Ito erlebdravel of J 0..., Medi). vOliD Vrool leo said Ono, be del tie disposed al his Interest lb 11101110 Z O. I:MAN kILSIL, 'rho letVe the Oteinese ot tee Imo lirsoomad seethes& 114:beeloset at glummer. Cu and Berm Utter as berstolort. tio. 4.11.iti0 street. /InviteT City. - • • ' •ezonus Erasoidut, • i• •j L VIA 11.11aUPOID. , gtr.l Olt,. ra...trov. DisgovirrzoN f iquaTNER. hmett"h3tr EFLlVlTurillfrliVx- Igell s nyorT9a i rum:mirt, day dlsso.vad asatnal wawa. Tai aitn a ea d s r, taa $7lll ba , Is. , tlecl by Wll4.lali WRIIITMAN. at Ma aths. acme Due W" • ." . VIT,Itx 7 45101i2X1.31. A4SUSnaON. "ntUburati. Oct.tb. 1 $7. or-Sa•aflt ma • t HAVE THIS DAY - ASSOCIA• LLT.iLUti ,IOW)! D. 'WWI' snag., RPM AYR .REAL ESTATE BROKERS 40 . 1H.A1UOTIONIUMUL . - l o n pnity l e WWI st Mocks. Bonds. oaten Malin [Was Howe. prodp... oda MW. Booms = Dthi.lo MAMA... '°t of Beal SAWA II prlTal• MU. MON ontsal &male in Um onnttiry &Muds& .. , st MIRTH STUMM. • tvri 31ZUCHLEl0 itl2Xs4 CO.. iTiiiiroSOlersr,oo=3l . ,l6/0. Tnn cossimanv to IdlOW pre. io c r. f t %170 rata Y .Z . V . O. iirV Asti and Wan, thiraimb.the ganstomt • sq.**. Mindt•li.ltrusa awl sit its litzsche.. and Mt rtrubarst, 411$ szle Mlles& PIV.PMS. sad dispatch. riche °r. 7A W awl IWO Ati• it . _ , einsasal . 0 aaasisaVy astsa.las Its 1t.... aa4 caveats Rama aids la misela *wry 12at9tRtimo-was vises ii.Vjek,rrrus, Lint, El -anius nirNarav ormuL BOUM WY. 14.31,311.301 e• • Lest Meek of the <elease and atecmPllthte o 'Yuma 71.,,F,DAY are NVItt),ESDAT ILYESTMOSt Nov. lOTA t..th Met, will o.nrethated. Wllllll. Collier tees... drama et tba ITamaa it Flak; or, Tie fcr.r i Laura .. . ............... ••••• 1 "" . (14".. Mad. A ....... ... /elle Dana. la prepare , ton—••Ltati. the Oateath... tlraea Mat nee every R•tonla7,l M ERiC AN-11LE Lilß 'UNIT • LECTURES. - • The LECTURE COXVITTSE, arinclunal Ale of the ..ton vita the •PP 0 . 0 "" ,Ot the e1.1,1.,,c1}u,1 -um. J.1111E3 R. MURDOCH' in HEIM tad HENRI ITIIIIIiff, IDlta AND - 214 INST., . . AT ACADEMY OF parrsio,, When ba will PITO elerant frobra ." rroae. Including EN /OW Blamer ne•ret10111. Natio calor , of a TWA cbaratter, hamorvos and aerton• APVIIIieIOY • 50 MTH To prevent do's) at box Mlles ob amen ovate Ives, entrance ticket. mar De P 00 ." 4 ...trag time, of ATTIALTu.N, al abo • Booms. nett LIBRARY LICTURE COMILTSII I t. HALL. • . THE - HEATH ZOUAVEI ._• tb.thectfally ounte teat they rill MIA COM/ First (Dana Bait at Very Itet..b, on Thoratleky kveamt. November 114 boo° by Otalsty's Baud, a•ada .W 1 •Otbed towards Itelforeatht Cote,a4l.; ,:s Aihatolovlttd to attend. yolk Ia3RINIELE 7 I3 VARIETIES T. N. JEWV/0180N 11H. 'engagement and nut apPear”ee of the 111111. liable eotaenlan, naritotabialat and voeldtaqr ler lie O. 10 Ie IterN, ane the popular datterate Miss LUCY cLIPTON. Aator ish feeellarei. dfttre favorite JOHNNY HEIM. The MPH= rama Larnaca "I'ltiaborgh 110." HOTELS THE MANSION HOUSE _ . THE ITN. DERSIGNED beg toIUIV tekrikM=Vitiittil ;ZIA= sad I'vr tufa I.lv N 0.344 Liberty Street, - , , Ana well contlene.to erre it tne flertallet. 'eta 21AM:out. ttlhotth hat over vele h roams. all n newly turner Ate in Melee" dye% WM only too minutes , wait from the Itallettan put. Traveler. Idle hod tbbe hone an eznenbentt one to 'top at. nod will be secommodated b Convected nieht. erittl the Eon. to nylon/1d HAIL for Concert.. . . ramifies or single persons tskon to WWI br tbok day. week or month. with or with.= r 00,... WAGNER & ZIESEILER, I 44 rIrrOIItIBUTL °MOOTED •OS THE MOMS ?Li c e, ST% JAMES HOTEL. Non: 40r. & 407 Monty Opp.lle the Union Drpot, ITTTSBUSEIX. . JIIKEB K. LAB 4ILINi r Preprldvr; TWA house nawly built and SOlirldl4 . ly Alvw Dished, and convenient to all Me nallrft4.lllo4l. 'AS Salo he Try threaten .Slim( the mIM , oo wane nods roam and pay tor mar eli• .5 von get th em. The beataniantivois fleeted smith this hotel Is open. all holm at lA4 day and night. Noland pull. sandbag Wlla Onisiappsni at the atones; noun., and ralleouggiga .41MMig • ST. LAMM MIL (OS Tilt KIIILOPZALN PLAN, N. E. Cor. Penn ds Canal Sta.; ==! JAM - Fri daTINSOR Proprietor TM. house' haa boon than:radar thattod ash avrlo garnished throughout, and 11 saw opm lathe Public . PLIMBING. GAB PITTING. CAVANAGII &CO., Q. 114 LIBERTY BERME (Uppoatte Han'. med.) FROICILL PLUIBIR3, 618 el) 811611.11111118, dbeet wAcitllt Al. and Beet Pnap •. R Kiva to A t t enatr . Pr lV ' g elt; an ' t" recrallia7 " ."4"11"7, 1. L. 41TR0CLD..1.1311011 JOYZ/1..1. 1.6A17111114 411001 BRAN FOODBREs swam LND GAS Inman. Cor. of Srd and Liberty Street& w ilacz f rpA r z a d at pAttnith rz i or t, t i zu .a. o. wax . g .. ztu r 4 1: 4 • , • /gouts for A. &Canard & co.' : 5T.E.4.11 P AMPS ' ABU BLOWER ENGINES. The. r=61.11 1311111rtiDellar•QT1114111•0= f. *bars. Jule/ tortry cacti trarroato4 to Owl Amin con.a.antly hula. MMus JOSLA 11174 JOllll - ,111. COOPER & BRASS FOUNDERS,' Steam and Gas Titters, 1 itsanttc”irers of roles LIM Mite WM, a awry de...nat.:on; dealers la air. 11 . 130. Tin= un, =sum, of 41 kluti. Corner of Pike and WatnN %teak,. PITTSBURGH', PA. ooKs, &co prITSBIMGI6I NATIONAL COAL 6t COKE COMPANY. Ltanu. rk .tarms dealars, wholuals aal iw Le the BEST FATLY COW ' NUT COAL AND EILLOIC. Mamma Tard-Oornar FOUBTR Nalisiordri4 r trithe din Oilhtri4 : rat.' . ffi lertrintillt d ti=rl'eaatlstri BEST FAMILY CO/! Allman en ha as aa , 64eilvved rumanti9 H 0.h1i2.—: LT Loymai EMIR RATEtt, BT OSCAR F. LAMM & CO.; Ca. Buiniyitnet ad P. It 11, s O. Lei . exczeilzat'arier, Anthracite C.l eareahed at. Ms loweit naiis; COAL! COAL!!. COALili DIMON, STEWART a co; Erne& ransore4 their Moe No. 667 immlrm triamM_ La (Lately sot alto Mua)e bS Z to O cbii Tt. eu /T h M log * hu LONP, MUT 00A1. Oi 1144.101 y lePtgiannttiaMee,or'ail to moo k m hum preatoUr. try/Mr CHAT" AUBISTUONII4 - • a." nlulrsan ; - TOUGHEIOGEBBT & COBBELUMELIth And Ifnonfaeturera of 100atl. [flack. sad Desallphilaillial UAW 087103 AND IrLUD. - Cotner of Butler anlitalorion: IMMO:aft, Tty and Ulmer atreata. _N kNeeas.l street, near /soca No 1. ?Matson's, es Famili and Nennfaetross availed ta le best s. artlolo of Coal or (Atoll /OWasdram. rate Ordera left at any of their *Meta WC'rasaii, Prompt attentlou. PIANOS. ORGANS, BABB. KITAICE .61 BuzTivegi ittesuOrs to WAXXLTAX n 111114 NO. 12 St. Clair et., INttionitsty =EI Goods gneratly. " ado.Amu foul the B nal) yr u yak. aOAUX.I.OIOI3IOO. MEM. Also. Zifitir 031,'S • VOTTAQX,'" 1 D. a u. Nr.-bmarAm "umulut LMO. NactTLLTUN'II PAT=T GO/W.4 - D The best alai sud °tram Milo am' eLL., tut alyrims hula. ,this frpir 18WPS ITNRIVALVai .PA .M. A-NOS. — The punt ra ton.; Meat tr. rlal• toe moe. Cunt Masi:tap; 1.0, u.,, g,ny 011.6., NOW lee k ful l ` .. . tarred. . Nor sale atlas tbaa fantcuialloaa. : _ , " CEIABLOTTZ EMMY, al pin i i tr ...i . ma 'Agent for➢ Knaba'i Pianos. Viablaa . Pluto.. antl Prinowa Antontatl6 Orsaaa. Imo • CONFECTIONERIES: iltd 'Friar w. trinescrr, confectionery and Baker3r. Asp. sOo surrtunsix irrairr: • Tot, erventh DON EXAM DYSTER PALDONAlliehied. gIINDAT SCHOOL CCM A , MOS. P/ONICS, bait a 1 Wu DINNER EA.nrs• .1 th ASS WS DELAY% CONTEIIOI7M. a* th. rah* .11131Caralli MILI" ••• • NO• le D/AAIOND, ATS4IIIII,
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