Ell 1786. rizosiiir.crve. 1868. TES .13114SEURINt BAgETTE 7Ass ',nese daily paper ix: Mo hide of reaheylrania, eislerS GTt laall year of its existence yak Odra:sal facilities for die eentinaling die current noes of the day, Vol for rendering geed political errrice n theimportont rrantential Canvass of Thc fortheo,nin7 tatiaii of ilabYrait promisee to pike one of the mad impart_ not Acid dined tte fonnalion of the Coro. ri.a l 4l and Mc prweedinge trill be anr ionety.,:gackit bilk intelligent masses. In rim of toe deep Uttered cotter.' in the Imkeentinge, the PeePrf ten of the GA ZATTE tare natdS arra " c"C4Z3 f or daily dispalehol letters dttring_u,,. session, Max a Jaggy intelligent corre, .ho espys the confidence and friendiAtyof.tAElemtin9Members of the owe, it. head. of the rari- Ons M eet,*, Wad the leading politi cian,' whb'frepoint- Iraehington, see. that raw/yip= &paid recesiasg thefirst, (sliest m ai m a reliable intelligence from I the seal of Gererranent. • Troetnalief e of the /Slate " Legielo t_rA at t or iAcomtv session, will also • prone , kr apg,tultalntida as many quo. lion of s will come up for I, ,e sta a c i. ijhe GAZA - ITR will keep al 0. sa, cupiial, during Me entire...km, 44 ill/alligiAtfliul faillifia ety - Teeyondent, thiept/y retort hot procccdiags by Paa and It eiettoste political jai/rued of Pills , m h o 'mei faithfully reflects and identity ad . ea f e , LI, 0 princoplra held by the Maim flepablk" Aw'ty, ani i.derpreicii by a loyal Cbicarc-u-, ft i olayllaatWr.autrap 4... Liar nit 11. paper . a ,,, pa ga t dot tarap.r .441.41. utak Ps price to wd ot. Wog ti.e chuappt ru Lalt Delta leer. resorserpson to i.e • rderrsaiLl. dayaar.uant `has i „,,b.oullsud. loylL cLatur4s. fof • aeloasta wit/ Ca I..a4latepaLlaud a ll Vpuittela.parizuae alit= =art eats O r Ws deparhapat =it La Lapt up to UP arfa.""l,l4* data. own., cowtomdttess. .115 nowntie WiFrir alt Wa tersusallaua *Mots of as Caw. h/dc, =wary and ..a r g t r tar" 004 usatatuta for Ma GAZETTE GA Mts. of a tin. anterprialag pad Am o pappltpatualo.4l.lltre/91 44,10,0441 has tam retsina for warts: ilk pole otteNt ear at oil Gum La r ap= p o p... arid, the =matt quota for coonafe. tee/. products, utak, Ao.. 01, are &GI onsnalvess . dr at S.M. es ratadUt and./ . • • Amine . sew L eaUseted Wilt Mora and WU preeOloonflotemoetno.rmiteereof flee O.4SRTTS. • ne.nessefet menu department Aar tun placed .0 111:44i of di a/Leann amen/41.0ml lettlennter °vette an &Irately. coed antral *pm dap tobannere, brokers and business eurea ruentbbw department opUL metes the atm. lif i tt 4 P U k e at=rr ut " d g "*" . . feu iilattoth!ortfolu. .11M Wien/Carat. art. or lames. nun:try. per • eenatensd eller departments of tie paper milt be MenhelMit tn• manner tam prompattim filmy &Um mac, rant or or nos Union Cenci - rt. Prof YenalAs g•CCO . Arita...Mr 4.C0. • LW. /Miteermi fa Pille6nran At:redraw and all VM . mdfeneatemengele for a ends per mak. panahCo " TIMIS W ErM elfieLZ ISITE3 111:ArrErra aAsErrs Ant tam enotarged land taw naiad On Dans, and to note tin la, r..a.ptat and hut weal, Is Ile Stan. It oluntld.b. in it. Ooltm of *WY /Vow onelotafo nod Son.** nos*. ir Nutt reoniterto total entitle. ofseseeeromrno. try ulognikpi. tad =att. tit Loading strode:kV at dalls, and a itotoo ostanton of taercerst,pnot set ositift &nu, toddler todlo errs: War (neportant jorrialobso to world of polttico. Its agrfent huvat mina. .fii be MUM in tank a noomorior to $134 Amor with 001 forum and sdrdenrr. fit market nporto cf It. waxsz.r a.zerrs .rs log cowlings ovumt ar - ksotelevd to b 4 tie ofasitent restkortta far both towers and soneerr. snot tnamonnerrint otretil in Wootors Poseurs!. onstet o Zortorn pAlo and Irene rn rtnointo are warn span. TM LW of no GAZETTS art osatte.seis nue Olen Coorto ol'Alkaht.V roftentnto to turportant Woos. to do. totoonsi tin nether prtroo to tM turista at IS. ttmoorthoSsotnero tranroreettei. fa Mood*. Clior dotosts wilt ?door on Ise yentas up their Oaken taps and net athanno [Asir vroorodooloo 1. Md.. as no ore alsolosco Met 111M4 of our rosins toSosid Soder:teat of a sea* solos Ad- Illfltufts .1100010 be wade at duo non, al 'sear is ester.. Poraiattoro and Norelants are rt. solortod haat no/rant.. TIMMS .01111 a VIIIILLT GUM. NW* ............ M2Er2 =71=112 C1212=1 ror..rpalscl.. copies qf *law Daily . • ..eitY.'iddress ths pa y:T.4Om 12EMITY 4*. REED 4k. OD, 6.4 Eyth Strut. Pyss:vvti /Mr COtittry papn• Cres.rn re tessylvuili. "avers Mali. mu] Wasters 'Ovates tpill Ill.{ IN shot... and send as m.rirt.l .111 lK untied .0 Gag year'n rr cbr pra.nth the DAILY Marna. :ttt i llittsburgir GairttE irits4T4pAiY. isovaniiiit 20. 111117. Teems litho cordimallon, In London, of the repotted staking of the Island _ 1 Tortola.. ,The a w ry is generally dleciel- Had.. `* Tatantatch Chambers wasembled on tla 18th, and Napoleon stated that there Ism so longer any objection to German _ TSZ Nitional Democratic Committee mot tit-lisy to Issue an address and con ned At , prognmarae for the Presidential Muir RZTI3II LICAII Congres men ad. Tone. the !adjournment of Congress sine dia, on the Ord dsy of meeting, mad tbe meld. day, the first Monday of Decem ber, as nate can be done in the eight days sesmon, latch would Intervene. NOBLE MEN In every age and in every country Mere he been men who in goodness, unielrlahnesa and generosny bare stood up far above their fellows,:lite the moun tains. 'bore the valleys. They have demonstrated that there are redeeming wangle& ba our race, that all are no ' wholly wrapped up in self, that there are those whose hippluess consists in bleu tag oilier'. Bach was 1. owellD and ledi Ia PAILDODT, that prince of givers, to whim', our own land gave birth. They. lips . Many liberal givers who seek not Gum by their acts, holism inflaenced , by an - inward impulse, not by external force.4'reely they have received, freely they tire.: They are earth's jewela ,They seek wealth not for its own uke, but for the good it mat do, the happl sass It may the suffering It may re. lien, the light .and knowledge it may data... ; They live afid more on a higher Assailant other men, far removed above the money lerriorr selfish and miserly. Vastalatid they . 'live where good can be done, affording s most _wonderful amtrut to rich but penurlOtta and nig- gardly men, who clutch their gold with a death grasp The mean and selfish but rich man are- utterly incapable of compultuding the scUP of these . great mud tileeilvleg men, and aro even ready to main to them unworthy and selfish motives, sach as they ere influenced by. "He I. rich and able to save and it is no liberality in him," say these sordid iscru/s. Are they not rich also? Do they give of their incomes in proportion to,. him? "Be make's his money Does he make it More easily • 'than Moil' Da they remember that fortunate and accidental specula. %ion by which they r:allzed many thousands without any . toll or any toolOrkuttiO, mupcity of theirs? and low much "Of it all they give to the needy and suffering? "Ile has a large income." Have.they not also? Do - they And their hearts enlarging and their liberality increasing in proportion to the inereue of their income , ? In this is the striking contrast between - them and tim. Every addition to their thousands Increases their love of 'money, their indiflOmillon to give to others, it saassas their hearts, ,shutting up one avenue" alter anottKr, and to quiet 'the slight :Murmurings of the little con sulate they have left, they seek to as cribe sinister and selfish motiveslo him who is in all wanly respects their oppo alle„ They would bring him down to . their low level, mortified and chagrined by the striking . contrast . between him and themselves.' To palliate and excuse their excessive and contemptible 'mean _ wise they' would strip of all excellence sare whO is the glory of our race. Conn twat' thentseires, they seek to prove sbar• In no genoinn Thus they seek to shield themselves ' igainit all possible Chances of being moeed by any of the unite of the needyand suffering. From them the charitable Institutions of the day, the poor at home and the degraded abroad, can expect nothlug,'unless wrung front them, or unites they can see how they can .receive a good return or their names for once be blazoned abroad. The motives they attribute to others are theirs, they are mirrored forth In their wordei. - 1 The selfish and ungenerous will anon die and their names cease among mew the . noble; unselfish, free giving VIII, ;Ili. Out seeking it, forever live in the hearts of all good men and in the monum e ntal institutions they have reared. PRETENTIOUI4 DOeIUDIENT A pamphlet has)ren extensively clr mimed under the frank of Senator Joan et:ix,' of Maryland; the auttorthlp of which la 'scribal to that. astute lawyer hu ihe startling :title: -'.'The Dan gerous Condition of the Country, The Causes Which Have Led to It, and the Duty of the People." That the country is in a dangerous .tondltion none will deny but Conservative Republicans and at clews of then who do not stop tot oh. The reason of thu dangertbe Uloareers on both aides umbel to Teri different causer : One class 'Elm that the cinaeleaa and wickid retielllott of i. . Jons s son's friends pinet the got .. ent, which had only wronged them . emitting them to do *tong. had M. gedihe country tato the datigemui con Rion of which he complains. . . 80, Ur. JotEnson and Ida class ctate that "tli course which the legtalatlve de- partmont bas pursued has brought the cerOry intothis predicament, and has been the cause of the present trouble." If this class of logic were now in the world's history, see sholild wonder ths criminals should thus chaise the officers of tho law with creating danger; but the carpenter of iiirareth, Who conic• ted the priests and Levites okgross vbs. laUens ot the law,• WAS, denonneed by them, as a dangerous and pestilent fel low.. Tha danger of the haunts of crime. is justice. Against this the Inmates guard, and seem to know no other fear, end it Is but nottral that the crunings of the South, and their- allies of the North, should see danger In the just punishment of their criminal acts; but will the people, 'rho arose,, as one man, to break the armed force of the' organ's- ed desperadoes; who thdaght to triumph over , law, consent, now, to change places with them, ignore their. crimes, and voluntarily' asiume the pi:widen of the party which "has been the cause of the present trouble? No fact in our hiiinik is more Meow, testable than this, that the legislative de partment; urged by the loyil people,• whom it represents, were foremost in rescuing the government from the Im minent danger of violent death at the hands of ]tr. Jonsson', politlcal friends and allies; and for him to" charge that department with being the cause of the trouble inseparable from the struggle into which thiy were forced, is at the highwayman who should complain of Injuries received. in an atteinpt on the life of a traveler. 1 Front inc. nrat hour of the ,war for sa mision Mr. Jonsson and Ids cos ijniors justified the acts otth i t who waged It, and used every effort thwart the GOT emment in its aupp , on.L., It is not strap ge,,,therefore, that they should now, as always, make that 'Government and Its Constitutional merits, the criminals who have created danger to ',the coun try. To the minds of Mr. Joinesores clams of politicians the Slave Power was Ind is the country. They know no other country than the South, no other right 'thin that of the Slavehelder to his slave. When this is menaced there is always danger, and when it triumphs the court , try is safe.. . . ' Daring the entire ar they croaked continually of, danger; danger to the Constitution, riot frotathe rebels, who had openly disavowed it, and were lit erally wading in blmsl, to accomplish its destruction; but trent the men banded together to defend it with life and for . ,use and sacred honor—to defend it to [ the last extremity and through it to vie tory and final security. These, to.. - . Mr. 1 Jonsson, have ever been the source of danger, tt e pestilent fellows who disturb, 1 altar country. These outside barbarians' who come from the North, and imperil neatly meddle with Mr. Jostrumat's world—that, world 1 which is i the pstrl mony of- the Jorcasoses—lie 'no doubt , Wnestly believe to be very dangerous. Hitherto they have proved that his fears are not ill founded; for Invoitintry Is ,I . greatly curtailed of its power and do- ' minion, by that Tindal, "the leek's,- rive department," which represents -a still more dingeronit - oe. :Formerly the danger Which threat- coed Mr. .Tossaort'Scountry was defeat I by bayonets, and to avert this he and 1 his coadjutors strained every nerve; but that defeat was accoMplisked, and now the new danger is i la detest by ballots; and to avoid this thei, moat strenuous ex ertions are being made. The white toy alists and the legtidative departnient suf fered many a defeat in. deference to the pn-judicesof the Jowl:sox school of pal. iticians,- the presentxecutive depart- , meet, before they clued black run to aid in the bayonet wa r, but In tae face tto of the most atrens opposition and dolorous predictions . Lthey were called. The responses and r nits exceeded the best expectations . ofLt i tte legislative do. outman. It again halted and entered defeat in deference 63 the executive de partment befere calling black men into the ballot war, but they bare beencalled; and the result promishs to he as maiden= tory at that of the) former measure. Now, while the nest trial is in the in elpient stages there Is all the doubt and prejudice which zoiturrased the Ant steps In Arming black men, and all the evil with which its enemies contrive to surround it is confidently charged to Its account. When the Go vdimment triumphed over the rebellion aided- by black Well, the defeated rebels undertook to_ revenge that defeat on those humble and faithful ! allies by every species of outrage. They who lad faithfully defended the Govern ment,. were,inthe tame of that Govern ment, disarmed and left, defenseless. to I the mercy of the common foe;who were permitted to reorganize and arm under , Pretence of defending themselves from ' , those disarmed loyal black.. They ware driven from the lands they lied faithful ly cultivated, and these, with their Ins pro'vements, were restored to their rebel owners. They were denied the right to rent or purchase land, and refused even the right to work for wages., As they are the working class of the South, of course the fields lie uncultivated to the extent to which this groan wrong against them prevails. Now,. Mr. Jot:noon charges the results not on the wrong doer; oh, no. Cotton wu Mr. Jonsson!, king, • and "the king : can do wrong." This lies with the intended victim and his friend% who seek to defend him by arming him with the ballot as the only sure means of defence.' Be says: , • "Ten of the States and their peopleare , not Only not admitted to equal rights with the rest, but, as far as Use legisla rive department is concerned, are denied' them, and subjected to mere military I rule. The consequence tient thewhole ' potential wealth of those States I4And will be as long as the present state of things continues, lost to the nation. , Its great staples of sugar, rice, and cotton, w bleb In the past so materially contrib. uted to the general welfare, are not and cannot be produced. They nerved the arm of industry in all the other Statues much 11,1 f not more than, In the-South. They enriched commerce, supplied the needs of the manufacturing industry of the But, furnished the best markets for its products, gave employment and ro• muneratimt wages to Its employees, and increased the revenue of the country by Increasing its Imports. Al long ea this political disorganization ,samaras,- the more destructive will it belo the Inter ests of all. What has brought the noun. try into this predicament? The answer The is obvious. It is the course which the commix legislative department has pursued." B y j That is, the legislative department has Ft, sought to secure the laborers in their right to cultivate the soil, therefore the te , course It has pursued has rrevented the u g , production of sugar and rice and cotton! b ee , "If these ten States had representatives kee , in Congress they would raise' staples!" t i on 1:101 , ? Why? Where? Would the rag o wl reeentatives carry their "shovels and and hoes" up ip Washington and Table cot- A te; , ton on Pennsylvania Avenue? Who h te , hinders the ten. States cultivating sta. whit plea? The cry that negroes will not work for honest wageshaa been dropped; but if they would not, there are eight mlllloas of whites in those States; why do not they Wu sugar, rice and cotton? If they sbould take Off their coats and maker very determined iffort, does noy . ; one think the "military despotlim" would interfereto titervent their putting in a crop, hiseLog and harvesting It? Oar western territories find no difficUlty in raising coin acid wheat without a,re presentation .in Congress. - We have seen forts bushels to the acre, of peat rite wheat, growing on lanksind unlit fated by men who were not represented fret in Congress. Nay more, the men who fore , owned the land, and the Wheat, paid th ° taxes, and could not vote for President. Yea worse, they werellable to be drafted ,a,„ and compelled to tight for the country duct and Government which thus oppreaud tent! them, and join glade a complaint of ill- L ute s , cane, on that acoonnt If thelwrople In Mr. Jonnsoz's im• thaw periled cotuthry will just make the ex- Flag poriment of plowing thelr. Mad well, rI R Li planting good seed, hoeing and weed. sr% log, theY can he &inured of crops if %hell the weather la [storable and they are A careful not to kill the blnla. weal If they =mat make up their mind' to work, let, them , bite the negroes, pay them hoiestly and treat them well; or rent or sell them land, to cultivate, and see if they will not raise staple'. If these men of Mr. Jonasou's country, owning one . half the beat land of the Union, cannot so Manage their own af fairs as to retie staples, the people of our country dO not need their aid in man aging our affairs. They may need Con gress, but Congress, certainly, does not need them; and we object to having representative' helping to tile our country who cannot so rule their own, as to make the land prod= Its stsplee. The Philadelphia North American Is * endeavoring to secure in some way the passage of an ordnancel or an act to pro hibit-street can and omnibuses from taking more than a certain number of passeregets. Such legislation would be desirable at times here. One person's right to a seat is as good as another's, and companies take advantage of the good nature of gentlemen who will get up and - stand so as to allow women to set down. Whatever number a car will seat should be the established maximum. and when that number is aboard the con ductor should put up in some place easily discernable from either sidewalk, a sign with the word "full" upon ft If this were done, mare cars might be ne canary, but the company would save in horses. If some such law sa this were enacted and enforced, if a penalty were Inflicted on the street car companies for every breach of it; the vexed question of whether it is necessary for a gentleman to give his seat to &member of the oppo site sex, would be put at rest, and the dangerous practice of hanging on by tooth and toenail to the platforms of cars would be abolished. EtcnooL Hors= shoild be more pleas ant to children, and the law should pro test them from torture while in them. We know of one lady teacher, in our common schools, who. whips verylittle children for haling 'soiled hands and similar offenceL The school system slimed by Philip of Spain, for the re ligious education of his subjects, is now regarded as • mistake, and any system of education embracing physical torture. differs from it but to degree. is teacher 'who can grovern himself can always govern children witithitt blows, and one who cannot has mistaken his vocation. L man who flies into a passion and Lsinless a child is unfit to have rower over any living creature, and thread be employed on insensible matter. All a stone cutter or brick layer he could find something to pound, when in a rage, without inflicting pain. Clabber Alley is the euphonious title of that aristocratic portion of St. Louis which correspcintirs with the Five Points in New York, or the Bedford sweet of Philadelphia. Clabber is noted for climes, and • new one has now to be added. A isblte .peddler got Cato a dispute with soma negroes and received wounds with a dirk, which may prove fatal. Louis Wnst Ington, In spite of his conglomers' ton at cognomen, was accused of having 'lidded at this carving; but Indignantly deinled the hard Impeachment, accusing Jerry Wilson of tberdeed, and Jerry is now incarcerated. —A drove of cattle k ng aboard a twat at night at Fiah six of their 'number took to the river and struck out in various directions at random. Two men went out in a boat in search of them, and bad hardly gut out in the bay before they heard the most desperate Ind agenirlugshrieks from femalevolces. Directing their course to the place of the screaming, they discovered another boat 'containing three ladles, who wore cross. lug to liewburgh from the cars In charge of a rower, end following them an. ox which kept close to the man, making in comsat efforts to get himself upon the twat. Seeing in the darkness nothing of ' the animal but his horns and the top of his head, hearing his loud snorts .of breathing in the water, and having once heard his hoof strike the side of the boat, the girls, as can easily bo imagined, wore frightened out of Melt' senses, and the oarsman quite as much terrified. Having approached the ox and turned it away, the rescuers found that the ladies had fainted from the excitement, and that the man from both the excitement and his exit ettbrte to keep from the pfirsuer, had become utterly. unable to make further effort. One of th e deliverers rowed the ladles to brewburgb, and the other, with remarkable presence of mind and skill, fastened a rope to the horns of the ox and towed him back to Fish kill. The other oxen were successively reached and taken ashore—the last being found under the ferry dock, having swam between the piles and found a resting place for his head on a heap of stance. —A great Intellect soMetitnes sheds a Joke as perfectly aa a duck's back sheds water. The Right Hon. C. B, Adderley, in a recent speech at a Conservative din ner in Conventry, England, said: ''l recollect once _putting this question to 31. r. Cobden: 'DR you confess that the tendency of Englistorten la Conservative? His answer woe, 'Conservative is an ex pression hardly strong enough; they aro Chlnate, and if our greaograudmothera had put our great grandmothers' infant feet into small shoes we should still be doing the same with, our daughters.' I ventured a Joke upon the OCOUIiOO. and add that, in that case, we should have had another corn Ikw. Mr. Cobden did not take the Joke. He was a practical man." —An old, fat and good natured look ing lmnse was admitted knot New Or leans street car, but no one, not even of her,nwo color, deigned to .offer her a seat. Jrgentleman noticing her ember nustu dent, arose from tile seat, and ad dressing her said, "Mammy, here, take my seat," to the great surprise of the darkier In thq car. As she set down with an exprestion of unfeigned gratitude, she rolledlt z ter white eye ball; and to a fooling Melaka:l the gentleman, aaying, - "I youse lust a mammy in youryoung time, Inoue; ree glad you isn't forgot dew." The little seen mis ted an emotion In the hesitator every one present, end the least pleased was not the generous gentleman. . teacher of one of the primary schools in LoWiston, Me., overheard • conversation between two misses whom. down on theangister ea four years old, which shows deolaedly aspiring mind. "o,dear Bays one with a sigh, "I with I bad a'feller.' , , "I've got one," replLed the other with a look of pity at her un fortunato playmate, as she confidentiatly Imparted teller the name of the laved one,,who is borne on the Teichner as aged six. "Well," replied the drat one, ands look u , ofpleamnt mementos flitted across her PICO. "I wed to . have one when we lived in Blddeflud." I made a box and AAid !twills mold. In the mold I sowed Dome sad, and then placed the box In my +shadow sill, and wbsato you think came up? A *police man, and told me to take It down. spin. ITTSBURGIEL DAILY GAZETTE : Proclamation. -- riL. WELLTH OV ranrom.vente. OR W. GE&RY, GOVERNOR. .m e creation of the world. in all and ea, it has been crustornsxl T spa i certain days fqr special' re .s o n. This has not always Ind armed by the light of Christian led , not by any proper concep; of chancier of that Great Mink th the earth inrighteonsness,:... 'wh• dilly loadeth with h s,• ••• bn by an innate sense of the ea, • tee • f an over-rating • Fewer, by :h th , world arid all it contain; are governed nd controlled. Aided by the dictates o cultivated meson, and. the teachings • f Divine 'revelation, we, how ever, are • tight to recognize in that Sn. wenn r•Hcavenly Father, to whom. we are ••• bled for existence and all the blessings e enjoy, and to whom we owe coca • t and fervent thankigtseng .and • - It is He who • "Inalteth?the earth and tereth it;" who "setteththe fttrrows • d blaseh the epringlogs thereof;" ho crowneat the year wi his node and whose paths drop fat• nese; ir • • ."clotbest the pastures with flocks, an , coverest the valleys with. corn; w , • maketh the ont•golngs of the morning • d the evening to rejoice:" who is". • r refuge and strength;' who "maketh ar to cease," and "saveth tts " whom "throne is DILAZZII IN • HATS; CAPS AND FUNS, afanafacta..r. Altalasalt am. Ilatall Dealea la TRIMS.% VaLlsilm. So. In Illmitbll.ll4 es., Pritslberib* Orderavomptly 0111al. Saa itatllll4llap gears matted. er ever, " and who '"bleseeth tionll whou a m i t h e L im y, I STOPEEI I STIIVES I ' _ . _ _ all des we have 'thereasea assur ances of , e "loving klndnert" of an Nile • et of Good, who has con d o • nation through,* long and I bleand perudttsd our people to mo r epose e in safety, "without to , olett them or make them d." he monstrous sentiment of aim is no longer tolerated. The , the Union, and the ooadltutio Istee • ed as the safeguards of t ts an. liberties of the people, an 'evert and defended as the ark r • poll cal safety. , kind Providence tuts not gro _ ry o supplying our continuods wants. • bounteous harvest has re warded •e labors of the husbandman. Flocks • . herds are scattered in count. less num over our valleys and hills. Commer is uninterrupted, and vessels laden wi the products of nature and of art; sp , tutmoleeed, over the track. less doe, Neither pestilence, famine, pultti- or Nodal evils, financial em- Wran r tnents or commerzlal distress, have been permitted to stay the progress and happiness of the people of this great Commonwealth; but peace, health, edu cation, morality, religion, nodal Im- Prevement and refinement, with their attendant blessings, have tilled the cup of comfort and enjoyment to over. flowing. Recoptialaz oar responsibility to Him who controls the destinies of nations as well as of individuals, and "from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift," and to whom we are deeply in debted for all these and the richer bleu. Inge of our common Christianity, let us unitedly give . our most devout gratitude and hearty n I, therefore, do hereby recommend that THIIRSDA.Y. THE 2Syn DLY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart as a day of praise and thanksgiving, that all secular and worldly business be stipend. ed, and the people assemble in their vs. rim places of worship to ackiowledee their gratitude and offer op prayers for a continuance of Divine favor. Glynn under my Hand and the Great Beal of the State, at Harrisburg, this thirty-first day of October, in the yaw of our Lord .one thousan d eight lam. died and sixty-seven, and of the Com. roonwealth the ninety-secoud. JNO. W. GEARY. By the Governor: - - F. JORDAN, Becretaty of State. ruatz uquons, Pure Llvtors, runs Lkinots. Pars Liquess. - Pan Lk.... Pura Liwtoti. , ram Llgaorti Tor se Tor Medicinal I wpm.. For modlalsal CotwooT. • . Port Mao, Cooaa Brand', Port Wlaw atarr7 rala-MadeiraNtaa. • Obwrl Mae. Nadel,. Wine, Catawba Wt e. Pare Itollaad Oda Catawba IPlao. YaH nott.a Puy Jaatates Rama Pert /main Ita. Pantry Whisk?. rt. Er , Vit Pare Rye Whisky. Pantry Wblalss AT zipszen.pasmeps, Corner or tba Diamond and Mutat staves ! Coma , . et tbi. Diamond and Mutat asset: InallatTlV Is Stimulation Necessary T TLL antspos le maw kale aamerad 1 tae annostlve by tatesaaads of paynclass veiny day. faunae, Sticy.,Practlat the .../ 0 14.7 forme of aluSon osatalmes Statictes whale pite sandy bfator aleohtl; mate of leo stalleattoy 'Mauna! propontout the faculty Ova Sba prtfeetwee to BIOTLTSCIPII ItT•4I.ICU BIT = . u the gut carefully pa pasta Ilallnata atLealtat at preset% taus. It 0 lasagna., der pranale• Melt kr Se anal to the matted shawl atsh alitea Ude unsold= stir toile as Usual. Du hue elonastued la cane at alartreta dulag Use la %pretty leans It 11 wan potable to caaa Sal whole eoutry tor eases la which It Ind Wetted • cart of this et. sr nate sad asontalac dhow. Mr/ Vell 4 te , the . Suntan... no au du. then, titan hat a d:Ma ► 111.111/111111111101111 11 teary Hata, atty. tau u4lW.gt en a.• Vatted Mane. ea that nuts. the won • hstscalshedlatatate. yt. lad Muse. are Ike utters. m aproor t Prtlera ' a etIVIT t. the tarn a 0111.111•611-11 el Ma bled to lb • c o a a nT o, rwl taut a tue . w eth l l nt t aa e ration of be r Man. totq setan or the aaak drivel Mallory, is greater than tact of any anger proprltty Sala. eruiubawtoar tla colitarla, ea. a las blasted of Pm Idea.. the btaleial flaa• f tat It 4.144 1/110 ad &tenni. en 1,41111.1111,111 It/ 1011.12• s•dly lama/11.0 . The Greatest - Success lisseurn. We are credibly teamed that tole; tie month of October them .a mid In till. MY . Moat ever TWINITY.FLVII 110NUILLO NOT. ILIA of Dn. PECIUELLI:bteIIir. These bottles or media. plow ye* thiel üb.y. &Id that I. that thoamads of people are sainted with congas and collo. It ale herald. the tact beyond all doatll, that 111. SZYBKII 6 ,4 I. the greatest of all num. Wes ante OWNS. lb. MON' rifop“. $3 teas 4 the mosey when stm Doctor prOpos. s to _ SD. Pintos , tan to. do good la ovary am. homoneta meat nut; Won .solttlsa,l , or say incipient Magma. Tim' Woo of MIL ILLlllOl'd PLO tqaa.e. 0 UGH OYU. UP 5s now as •.de as tea bondailes or Mir Mato. and In many <Men na zone qu anon tasseltalta' • Mtn ono Enamel an enter tboussa4 com peted u'Unsas of Pettsburgh, not no encore... 4 lo do Isabela tat. Isonartai modletwil.lsoo too mtnaud aped Dom of onni U. ann. Inn.y bousebold whom It na nun end; Ms talus frog from nplosnainam tta wall Loan component of Len.. Ingrodle et., ass mods DO. Hge. RIM to ba astanadge4 not only DI tn. people Who ham hod oetmlia to nee th but Mt Introduced , o toe nollte and on of Ota , y of Gm moat ftspestable of •he Owni ng profenaloo. 3.54 at the Dona'. Great lied min atom, Ice Wood attest. Ina ILIITS• it% 00XnULTATIGIL ZOOMS, for Lung Lessolantina No. 120 !Male IST. corner of Xmas any. 1 Nonstberath, IML • . /4:47. 1 41:C; 11 4 12 ):4A: 4 44:4 FY. arrneHia Admu Reyna oh Pal, 54 'Mb Ord. la am autliarts..l 10100 4 a Whey papers Uuinelleirl w utruas Iran OW 111. an 160614 STEW PEARL RORINT.- hint et the Na reoet tol.y retl end m tey er, e We utby the banal or tite et • • ItiihtlLW. no% Co. sir Llbert sad Had itnteu. WEIGHT% MINCE MEAT— .4s• Plostlltrs,” pat .p IT toot ga. las jam or far tp a by tbe pannd, anecdotal.. or WAN Pp .110. A. litglaPHW. nag Corner Ltbartr SPA But streets. FLOARDINGe—A few Boarders can lan PLEASANT BONI, WITH GOOD BOARD, At re. lan IMAMS' LTAIZT. IT!==!EI S. C. HAMA AD DRIED DEW. We...Oa karakuls@ new chat°, S. C. Hams and. Dried Beef chat of •moot* asd for WI as . Noo4ll. Nona OA PA as a after. I. 1111iLLZIIS IMMR=M=I DISINLUTION OF PABTNEEI• sum The aim heretofore extend/ ,nodet tea sues and style of J , .LIN (111•ZLielt i CO , has thts der bees 4lssolved Or =Meal eerie.' an glair. %wan the Ina mere be • Prootottld 4U112f •. J•Ct)Beror settlarnert , .sed all those Indebted 14 UN Ina eze rgq d to who M.. 'teat b e•lrt party. , ' JOHN JOIN A. sAtAtalt. ALT.X. Y. ASITLI., seta' ISLOZoi NC6I/2110LE. CMOs Or MT lithium= aware* Bpi. a, MT. J • 141511418Mang for grikdiut, 111WYCHID Arr,Tra tram Italtaa to Dam street; sad BIALTTIVALL/, from GIVIM ti Deelltlan math; • L flaw ready he ea • nation. at d aILL nithala la tal. O&M. West ararkat IlallAlas. mall! Thee aCf. Nernst. la O. IW. Ithellably plus() to the OM Treanteea . tor qualm. tba. U. J. XOOl4ll, City Li WWI Sono or. MVO Cri Mit TnTree9=l tOriIITALIVIZM ILI bIITALVIOat .oaaa. If reamlld. ItTfar. Talll "I. It ParGai 300 PlGs ==ll=l For solo by • Fo3lf s FAILit.FORSZ.II.I4II OU rmr AliwramtmEtiTs UM= OLIVEW. /aim cr mired • lot Or vu',' eae QUI= otaysa, 'an sale at Ittattaatty titaday - quasi= month • =Ml=== COMMA-61ELATINE. .."- iantretivpdy. timitdcwitureeagi at neWntalit4s7rrra. Vt , eol.lpy B UCHNIF I MAT FLOOR., 01 ixtuA. Qo - Jnitrecelrplt )amid Grows !Ctod ltr,SLNleirr* EMIR. Uri ;t:1 MERCHANT TAILORS. JONES & DUFF,. • Fn, a evr,oiaa [ma ow • /211 e sa s p tr l• c T or , W A.i 2t .U al s l t trOitt "t VTlft l 4 l lt:7litg A f4l to aat aaA mate tp sill!. cosi to fly Stop It tho tut or wet. ta.y rt. ottenallnedtto Moine a.rt hot to remit. • • .therhl na•rnean. moVlatt4 ffi:U=QZ FREDERICK SCHULZE. Copper. Tla mad, Sheet isaa Wars, : D.M.PiNC.U.7.Pootini. Pular PIO lfoiltag Maw.. Poodrn, sillttaula and Bina Tt• W.lt WIC/2111,um l 1uta01a , ..4 am d .1.141 Wart. .b10..1 , rata,. 4rirint aobblog aaa kopoirtap prOMPUt. Woodall - . FIREItCII PRICES REIM. WHITE, ORR dc CO., 132113= Offer their stock or Fraffoll NZ&IXOi st . vat: Low rums. F. W. 0. F"EilLiElo, D crawl 131 GLUE, CURLED HAM, Tanner's' Bcrapr, Ceroons, CATTLE TAILS. Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, Sto, tIELce sattiVenheete—Xtkisso.surrarizip tirsilT. Meetly appottie the reactlN"). rrrrestragn. A tr cv AT r4litiar almvszen. A taw utA awsl. aMASMIMiIwba , MS HOT WATER BOILERt3 .tt , obod tin tit& gad of ammo soot stooos. that thy vault 0. , g • *Mos woos ■y the not.- Dig. d bAtr u tp =IL. %%nog la az ;bomb too orltlab alto otor tito sips lotto reti h o 'n oni. Arilo=o::llTontrion i f rTV.taretariVWTT.r lINIOS arolro. or a s oko et% er V.& illmoo mono tbo Unto. as Os. bonito attacks,' to taff r i ntiet tfott ‘ eoolt i tt a irolled - t! atm son of =VIC o Or applypit to • BIBIELL & CO., - No. *35 ===7=2==Ml KEYSTEINB gAYINGS - BINI. 293 Liberty Street. PITTSVER99, P. TB s BANK WILL (JP/Ii • General Bunting Business, 11 16116 NLI 61SIBEINi6, II IffiFiadaj, NoveaaierUh las Account. of Hanks. Bank... and ••nkalUd • 1.1144. Oallaztlaas and* au all pilau l the Valued emu sad latainst al:owed ea Mae Dep. Ulan 0 STATti LECURMIS BINCIR AND ECU gm). T. VA 100111136 auftier. (PELT REDUCTION IN PRIORS ERE AS GOODS ELEGANT POPLINS, FANCY SILKS. BLACK SILKS. FRENCH MERINDS, = BLANKETS, Sm. JOHN PORTER. 13=3= LADIES'. - FURS A main vastaly, of ossokstot kkoonit. BELLING LT THE LOWEAT PRICE& Also, Alt tas AKW SULU . HATS AND CAPS, PRATT* BERRY'/, MK== ovrical poxray..• Pramsti.vAlua a. U. • fot.s lilt. The Ponanyaraala floannol loorayroundrnirL lll:eray ' Ororrart 71101. " 2 " aa% res. Maly or to liana Le. r Metal Si r molatar no Loess BAIR. at Ana.. SSO na Dialog ar Om Karlin., int ng VIZ; Iroa -r ovrreg=x tst" an ant.. laralloarrat la tbro Wet whet , •It mu tan, ouarlarstarallirr the lath ::,:itgrarxzwalturttrietjAlll:. ter the mayoral.. atia Wan. Or p.ssaDCOl•ll.6l.3lSlO/ 111 N l:Sri:rig teeth! tenet t? JOHN 19Liolt Arab rite.. VlTral l orr lis t Wt. jIIST °MILD. BOULEVARD SKIRTS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, TRIMB111 , ;6 SATMS, COLORED VELVETS. F. 11. EAACIDN'Sh 111 TUTS 11111121= NIBBLE A D MATE !SIMILES, It t►/ fittAiqi k 611te Torts. Utica and Wateroem-.3111212 32113.112211' 322322 . . 2.62ll•Wanroan Os 1.11/24 floor. Persons waling Molina or 11 , ste llasllne wlu Ina it to their leetr“t to SOL nlortowsnlit iof onetettod In any plita,..ad ktlus to/ lOW on n ins... - months or Varittlare bleter. wrath Mee tom.. alreoto.o4 51 wok.. ethic WON Ails be lisiott Wei old Raw t I look as well es sew. Tun la no ether blame la Wettoto romonyl• wall +bore Mate Mansion us snanotwinroO. klaos of Monde Nom done In Lawton mono, elarblo 0511.12 nopolind with, sillall Nub , ' et batten Vies/. ...beg .1 &ed.,. • oat...Aar w. W. WALLACIIIC. WEIMER GoODR. E. HOUSTON & 00, , Fulltenable Merchant Tellers 1011'11TH Have Juirealtse , c,l • sewn(' saopliot Winter Coatings, 1.°1"11,Int.111`1,12 CAtd Wars esty &ono d „ Bum 7 671 14 024 r : ;Au Ur .111Hert NEW BOVERNINENT BLILNEBTS, ttn tku ib Wag tall 30 nsir.EN lane, heavy No. 1 GREY BLARNEYS, Iteinair! snit asatcy li•baltaac• and reddlars. (hub pairs In • bal. NIILDDS, DICKSON a CO.. natiAnalhlP -64,1'0:11) BALLET. FASIBELL Jt CIL• YnouAet*+tn at :Patei# Lead Pipe AND SHEET LEAD, wi0.5428 qoverai, 'nun in inn riunglifilla He. 187 nano Snit. nrrusinatir. •uamawas ESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1867: WED CHURCH CARPETS. so e 'ls ilLe I . I cAesL of oar nark 11444 smad4 MU SPECiaIL • • The 7.1e.i astottnett, Meant anmprisca eule.4 Theband.o=ase p.ttems. Of all qUalities and Styles of Oli CABPETS, To be Awedfa tads market. emit, offered to all .eltarebes lad Lbatealeatioes at Mitten" Wholesale Psicesi All Ca w ,3nr lino at a peat ssdastion fro. lans season's gases. OLIVER & COMPANY, Ira PURE 1131 BM. • A,OfillEBoll & CO., Pit,bargli Foundry, iwrirrAcTints An nit OX JUNO MUTE FRONTB a FENDERS Furnace and Oven Frames Bxi.c2, 13 a cows FURNACE BARS, Cooking and• Heating Stoves 31 , GUMS, =I No. 209 Liberty StreOt. SZtElir,,IT OF THE `..• , . • •• ESTATE HYING S 'BANK, On the int DAT OP ocrossi, Ig7. boll rad Moilemen 11. V. 5.3 , Mandy at 0.... V 11. Illitliolatts, la IN —, Utijnirallaal. ..... ..... M. ir• 4 - CT...r•••,• — T*)""" - LigireiT..... ."'"' I.2lDasi .4 LND•slion 10:wiss 7: Alsenki 111.••{ 11l{ 1111$10.1t0111, .1). 111.1 . 111 4Ha ..... 4........ 9.711 C 7 TOtal \ L/111111164C--....;..;„........pa0,t0 .n, _ .. _•'..._ .. —‘'tV,•t.s .... .t..,.., liejonaiCoarieut la __________ _ _ T"*.. 17 . " le2,lllTialt, Manner. Zot 6 qtrZit k rtt ‘ ll%rt ' ar r it o o " D. ' WWW.II - Oo nod recioltlea. mot cooottd ' all auto, mot slid HO fottootogtatt H. aMlTHootta onatco Wit . ' H. 01011T..13. PiLIt3IDZWIP—IOD. 4 .I 7 .II O O I Ititt. MOOTS tea S. U. Mono , J. Ifoottood, tosaJonto. • agOy'Velo:.d. J. V 043317. W. 11. eatta, Utmost! allowed Dtpottto It 3IX Cala T. Mt oUlf. yr yotat to IIOOOsICO. to oar and Tfortnatoo. watch It oat d.own. ta Merl to Um tolooloot tad CONto3XO33. Upon for doposas. Wm IV a. aoo 3 Welook w. oath; all. am beton:lay avowals, moo to t &dos. 0/710H. 63 Young INTUNT, . totEhß, Plttsowilt $lOO .FOR TEN CENTS. 0.17. ttw molt •üb.cdstn o. nqy.tnd to npa. TH); WItEKLY FRES?, ghloht. 1110 gad • . - ilLarwis incintra.. bolt. vainiowill tar t... 01.04 that publlestio.. rd. Plarbi will b. mambo-11mM ...tits spirit sr Us err labia diontwswt battle with be its ente. wrbers or the FILL STOAT • er bob brillt.“ elbsobsr .111 be cemssezeo Ed In the deb somber. TH. IIL.LTiSTII4II.I.II • will be *blob. blab.. and et Oes O. nt abbe sib able s. The grab. Rye.. alid Isbar larntjN la Mir este/rel. babe It nebotarr khal we Able man ...Lb ea beer Mb cress LIAM la order m 40. tido. b. ball do roitowss • 0 0 11.40. ‘a beaks of gm, wit to 1.1.1•0•01 Weer I. lb. , ler • •44414•. 111T , 1 ri tun.. trelg. p. . 1 . 1 . 1141 . ,2 4: 0 8" 11 . 74:ritr5 " 4 , 4 / 0 4 , / . 0 41 " .. ° 4 7 : outs In. set bo tbelr l ea serisrlos .0 bars *a eq cwe /babe 1.1.4110 Irklon. l e rates will be ed babes et be r Um . twins 401..471101.0 / 4 01..4 num. itriekerlogroo.. P.O irlarrare.argelt IT 10 Men' Oki ' : 4 Wa.b . . Amers446. 411461/ '''' 1 7t 1 milimla 4,0416.11 Mb gew.47644•441444. W !males. W1LK...5 CNOring MICA 7 6 l o 4 Wlleox Ja (111616 , 144 4 r1ns Mae4144.....,...1 46 4 :111 1"7" 116,4414e t 5 - e t. ,74. Velt . ilt d"'. . Ao 1.1111444.1416 wax Sea 134114.4. • .""f • • Tali VaUI Will Ire "tang to 'stir •4Jtw. opt. W. ndl tout, W, TSP. Oltltits. {1 Ceres eoples othrtkfur 112..t0rt Jot i'"2.". STUART t CO . __.....a. NO. It 100.1 " ..1 , . Y r , : t Yerti 1 . 7. CARTER'S = NEW SHOE HOUSE, 131118111111 HI OHM I OOT BD SOB 110 fto:47 Fifth Street, I= Wasp. fro , I..npazed to sell BOUTS. 11110111 aN OLATSIDI *1 me wipes eu b. par. aimed at *Um 105. ta t.l. cis/. W..* DANIEL CIRTER. CLASSES AT BOOBS of the YOUNG MEN'S CIIRIIIIAN lEtOi lATIA, A* 22 rirru 1111131ILLT. (Mew .111 ie. I..lied suds Om as 1 oltsw ekrlol. •sionwalpe% n• nu veekly la the .m 01.4 sly. Dem. m. meads/ at I. o.4.oo with th e aaaaa neton Ga sa PF iir L l Var y -7 V,• 17.1,.na0 mda y 1,4•1ng. ho• Libel 14V1 1112. PrE7 2 l%ritrile 5. M 4 . 0 , 0 1 : ' AT, ta. iltectisatial Laszlo gal Xr HIM 921:. 1 1:=11:17'ilf:JZ4'.. VITA- tv " hf trrirelMtii:4irioignikt..pmet emu moth miner u m. ilarmarr ear& rs U eltar eVar Alle=el: , Arak i ta i ltr, e.enith.e beam meMs:olo panzre IMME3 Weather Strips, A' *Ms°. raezi, , lllo. ° •,`:.M .e go wins 50. 17471 ... teempersmee is the severe RY W a tlibbrf fn tbs.. lint, WV .103t16 fa the 5004 br rub b er of laseeabl• Vesehe. Lohle Ile meet mule nay En creel hut. === I=2 I==2 PILIOLOTIONN Approving the reae tor the /Vile Patti In the Oily or Alienate.% • ItaeoLuna. ay the Segel, and Come°. Conn• elle of the City et • Ileahear het tee ruPoLI tee Peek Commutes be end the tame le acnby " rteoLY7n 4 , * Ttrap,,tu t , ie atd loecltleathces rf . h . nafc , ilitltelical g Greet a Co., totenltted il CS Of Y . salial Int IbeiF Writ re IT: can • =mon Uranus. loan mei mate nOVl:l3ll4l7:trerunAV7o7ll.l4th de, t.i DI. tuber. A. C. le6t. JANICA Mantra. Irreoldent of Stlect Council. Atter:l). acrennon. C " UaC. D RIDDLT. rreclOnt of Common ten d?. ..... R. Dwroant, Inert of Common Central. nett: sonoor BOOIiS ar waorzsms. Country MOM art twitted to eall sad aim. eeteastve cinch of BOROOL BOOMS & STATIONERY niXD Iron ram' mar DAVIS, CLARKE & CO., 9 WOODITBUT, toy. Distpaud .110 TEM I TEAS Jut .len d. tiro and atlas lot of i.„„ . • • 7730411.1111. • -AI WILIIIIOIPII TEAL KART. • ....No. 111131amond. rlttabargii, glad, noon.o retitled at prices nouns. e, fiI:I"7:I4•III=ZATY° . • - Iv*. multi= a mos, ~ nos - 15 Incosoul. HOLE SPICE ILIUM. s:animuar— ..... rimxs. RIJISMART Jaw raves; ..fertftilsyjpre. 1 1. 4. smum..4:s LH Pw. BrAir — ' 4 . NEW ADVENTISENErs NTS. ELETENTR . LIST OF APPLl viritligns" ' t'" rITIVOCaGIi• H.TYnhaler, tar. ro. / irldward• T. Jar. Mama tarn". /MIA wart!. .I::.rletCondlly...:l.ogelf.gre;.l:.',!V ward. Jos elrtn.'.o.ll, goods, &coed ward. Warren diem:dud , ' Tdwant 11./ilake. ratri.k. Moder, eating haute. ward. Jar C.IIIeR eating bird wart. estriek Hogan. other p.a. Third ward. Rout nail.. tavern. r nn weed • Jae U. Butes, tavern. Ylith ward.. Hathdw • ' Z•rant. tavern. /lab sr.rd. strand _ 0..1, rasing hon.. Tionstard. :11 ,, rr ,d • V:%r3lll!=gliZtTAZ.4.•.;,. in Jcl.bh litstser, Wing noose. a h.. ward. PatrlCl/.1.. Went. Ittath Xdward tillston. e.t.on ward., Moira kisggl. I sting hon.. 111 010 ward al..] F. ItehT. t ills[ house, to ward. W. ii surprov, eating inutile, astith ward. August Chutes, eating hoes, lent, ward. V. - th. eaRT. John Sore, We n in, Third *std. • Tenser, tardrn,_Ttdrd ward. Yetil Healleroavern, Tatra ward. [dam killer. eapag n ns g ise•J/drd ward. ~t'Td 0101 ward. John s• Bactilier. tavern. Font. ward. nate. a h g, tavern, Fourth wa.d zdward Palau eatlat boa •• roggitt ward. R„ ca.sea, whet . drods./rour. staid. ratrted Cr.-. rating h 0... ltrtlaward.' Pell. We 1.... Nam srard. 11.• y Itassont tavern. rennin ward. - ;U9OOO rtulfman. eating how, tleventh ward. John itletiely. tavern, Eirmiarba.. alltrtar•rtarela. ittradagOara.. • • • Irmaeta atria . , latent. thesclogbarn. bar. istuitb. stroluatiein. 0a5,1,. *eV..., omens. lest It inal agnate. Jade nlaer, uttletydruda Let Blreutugham. Nat,. Cowling. other good*. . ,Burr ..dock.... a t La rrantja Metiorera. • at. toltaa. 11..aWreadt• . 0. Liidgate, atter is Law.neast in. tiro..k. Patel'. tavern, MelaaapOrt. J o t; II Ort.oo. eatlad Douse, Talents., Taney, eating nowt, Taranto.. house. Pr eating hous a e. Untllaa. ••oberyld Elwood. tavern Wane: .11,eus. Z -klenson.•earighousehil.restn. spinalOon cumin. ether goods, harries.. =11.1:71.. 4111 e 1.1171i1i d dt. • M.. Instil. ta.. rdden. , • ,tango. use Dash.. Melds, tavern. to.n. berm= nen. eating 00am Ulan.. !Candles BECker. eating d.a.art Itarrtpa. aLLZONZNY COUNTY. The Ltd... Board will sit fur hearing in* ' above anolleations nn ,sill a lt.t. T. the effth day of NoVember, OW Webtet A. JOHN -BROWN, tiara. no 1: • COUNTRY BLANKETS, J. M. MUM & CO'S . Leige 2414 end beet BLANKETS In the City. 3-4, 4-1; 3-1 WillTE FLANNELS; RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS: GREY AND COLORED FLANNELS GREY TWILLED FIANNEIN; SHIRTING FL.AANNELS; - WATERPROOF CLOTHS; WIDE: VELVETS; =I /114 1141vgs us ntosMi ot JILW 01.10 Del. , Beme=ber the VA.. sr.. ra lustier, num lIHNRY PRACTICAV 1100H-lIEEPER AND •CODUMTa...i. of tynntpillo yean • onetleal Vrill OPENING /ND CLOSING lALROGINTS' BOOKS. Also. INMtlas Illraaq •aI 02 legla Raw awls meted as Ps-aTas Dosele TAUT. Hennaed Rooks accurately aa. lasted PARTNERSHIP SETTLIALINIS made oat la • Aboomah laal= l ; ml4. • • Joao.* Lmlgtillas. IW. •D. ' HI nehav L q'titteltr..4dkgaNg:o:7 I. to Nora. .Elrkplor , etalenaa/ACA ms. um,: A Dull. ,Juse,llDllwal rat • Waffle. Drlckalt• 111pj. Eat— Issals Sells.. • Co.. ;Tans. Y. marshsiLE.q. A. IL o.llar •ft • a.. .3.11.1E11/AOl KA, Ems. Llttte. 141ra • Pasums.,.... A. to Zig, A Co., r Means 1/. eosin. tJals Wall.. Esq.. . Jamas 1. Timmer, 144... p. W. • A. 0. Bell. Gael. el 1111s4 Soar. Attllo st No. SO POURTII STUCCO . . alialm Why. B. SCRIBBTZ & CO., No. Sl . Fifth Street, Alltirtradltr,FlMG "retail BO LT'S AND SHOES Tax CITY. COMMISDIG Ladle.' 'Slater Wall; le rot.. belt qaallty end latest were In Batton and Lses• • VeTfailerT= Watt's. ad'4.4 ud divet•• /the Can Boots and Heard dole 001 dodsdusld add eddredg, or sopemas ddidltd. adre,s oa . Vase and Truths` Heim Me sad Calf ratted a but O w r d t L a ao st s o tWaand' raw. asada. basl • • LA, U➢rilGu AT THE LOWEST PRICES. No.Bl Fl Street. 120 fnn MARVIN'S CIELALCUECOIELIR.EI ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY 'l3 111111 13111111 ' l3 lag 14W!. =El= No. 91 Liberty St., =3=l= JOHN ROTH & soN, banonners mad Whalen's Danlen In variety. AND DONZOTIO WHIM BRANDI/3h GINS, SUMS, WHISKIES. fro.. &0.. 807 Xs 11..serty itreot, tirroarn emmanittz primer, • • U.. 1011•• t Mona their Dialed. fled tea otlllla I. nun.. tb. , t.‘7 h••• 0p. , 0d that . grbolosVa :12:Artitriti:e4ittar=t2r01 1, who favothem of •Is• Snug and mad.t•ollo4l4 1•INN.No• of JOHN HOCH *lll be • tomeleet o go•r•ra• Dor rd ' AVIAVVINIT:II:I4I4VA again! Ferattreztazt part g esAT astentiON dlr.e OLD UEU.&N WIND, /Ad mparlat ya.UUe. of PREXONI DOONSAD. =E3l=6Mil JOUX gOTII a ON rnrcrA The Highest harket Price ram ros BOVEREIBIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER, comb COMIXII a s sts? IOU& J. F. STARE & CO., Bankers, Dor. WOOD ADD TWILDISTSICTEL 13== JACKSON & FREW, . CSueolossers to Lobt3lualcr •• •Varw . ) • ILIMU71(71131LIE8 AND DC/TA= Ut UarnesF, Saddlery, Trunks, dm, =l,ll.ll,tirzett: 17:4 4%1=1 Ituketk hba. braising. At th.t. now Worelsnah • ].02 Wood allairttot ga. •ret , I. for 'be WOUDN&N BT for .14,1 Pdoullt •Orkto. talst THIR IR TO GPM 'NOTICE that na the UM .1.• of s'oOolototr.' a. D. IRS Wuraints Bantraplay WI. timed Miraa.l zelpise or Joigrit a. CAULTAIL Of the City r r PltObetrsh, la tbs coasts Of Cja;:.ll grat f p_rgarg 'D:L • w t . l . = 112 ttu Parbsat of on• debts sad dod .617 of SST Pf.ePert7 DebrOglss to such bash rapt tb es crsaltars of In UM YI ntr P tiltZtrOPtN rt matt .* bs ., 1111 itS W . l,l o rre ' n:lr.r.Wg. 4 l A :Prul e rton.tp.l4 solos ths adlre of rho Insists, ts. Mond strset,te_ttts .thly of Ms 71443zaftrAhAV,Att.V.Iii.rs No:o'clock a: - THUd, R. hatt:hlll 0. S. marshal. utrnsitirs CRACKERS, 817 Liberty Street, prrzioußan. PA pENNSTINANIA AITAIVE LIIIERY.ANDI4II. STABLES ' a. - 14,0 P2IIIIIIYLV/Ltai. AVZ.11133. Carrtsaeo rortisargis. OM. Haws for PAC Bonn boairja imp 6014 ea solo uwutoa4 “acogiTana-osts r YERTIEVEMENTEI. TOE KEN lICKY SUITE LOTTERY. GRAND HOLIDAY DRAWING, DECEMS BER, ISIS Whole Tic kets, 812; ricav„.s6:l quarters, $3. HO More IKellvtire and eD0.1.1.• grte•et =Lb be mule t • • welt./ • Ife. danebt• r. tat bend or ft., th an a t?elet In the lienton•y SU. ItotteTt Now that the Holidays ere So hand—die season when It seems altront • , =dr Imputed by tha =mom of on• feretstbere tor ...iertrations. uweltMl • blew.. to confer ei•ts from /orlon Itsr y ening tO Me Pr.... M. actual value. It bee icor been telnlowledged an oho sic Infonerd trot t•e ntucty Mtn Lottery • gees greater norther to puerile- • tel so. tln ate lean any other Itgalsel Irate Ti. the world. A magrad.uutelnel• +umber s• stig till take p ate on the /Pet o. Deeeateert 'Mite offers until lea helleePteld• to pa the. Mrs bolding slaws- Pante, lebo ore willog. myths nrestment of 1 , tele drew., otototte epee° • 11.10 e eternal ghlentlLO grins eke! . annnld lore no &I VI PI apidylas for Octet= r. 1.630 ho distrlbnc-4. The etpit•l prior Is $30,000. .tcum hstadernoo forte.. 10 the Aunty older sf the eorersonnellog ticket. Ne=reds Dl trelledlenttd I•elaorer• ettelar to the following. /se almo•t oat: y oesurrlnel •• Ulu Hwy anetelt Htlf era, who died In whoa only tea lean or ale, [alums, at a pluo In I etterY. the hanosome sere Cl tat thousand I oant s. or lily Segos.. dolls.. dile ticket oso,-. dreg thlt litailile . eit• mote mu pet eent to her by ber fattiest. lit. •Itlbert ore of the =dot or - mln ea t Olen and Judges of his time." How mane howl,eoald to trrlgni•ned DE a' Shull at *Areas 10 the Undid Holiday Drawing of Lee Hen totay Mats LOAery On Dlncaw atoslay. IDDIr * ( 0 huwAgias, CoeLogion. K7•t To whom an comonolcatloho .bwaid bo &damn ed. • - nolg.hlll FUELS FURS ! = WHOLESALE AND AT MIL SEMPLE'S, Ko and 182 redeavkl 8t 811, litleekkei* EXTRA HEAVY COUNTRY BLANKET:. • o?zniip T.t , vmr. 1 Al' WM. -SEMPLE'S ISO abd lag FOG/fit Street. •IletDw7 .ELT =MEI i =I =I At was. ISIIZIEVI.FII,O lbw a HS llf.DMiaL BT.. LLTAGa.ItY Men's Undershirts dt Drawers I= I= WM. SEMPLE'S, Is. US ui HZ tali Nat. 11lasliag City. IL TEAS! TEAS! Of all Prieto and Quality, it EL. JEN,. X rt. 3370 Cur Crime T gooni od ......-- L flood l e § s) .•La • ISLA= Tildi—Uolos • Bi► ark ecninbont Irme Move 11.'4 tut Brestairl.......p.= cc.au T. "..•••• " 0 1.411 • . Clikatltonhl Josh, veTt . y.talat josh], You:it liSr x e k Fa, 1 Ittzed Wu, A Den thaet.ldo. YAW.. No.: •. .• 14 id hest • •• •LA k tigel e =t " X=rtzW . V say equally. had I=te ete yle o k.. - . =ear 1111,7 :Au weave Menu cants h e ir pmad la the ht et. betides (MUNI • Peh• aid taw ankle ttNeh exult? Atha thelr tut.. WhatlTS and 114 7.1.0 eh.. AMU/their!. -. TOBIESI TOMES! TOMS! 0,000 NO, 1 TOMES, BEtEIVLD MEEKLY. AL!, 600,000 Lancaster Half Spanish Mats, -tun received, Vida we c ITO Id the bade asap La cue. Wrenn and examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. & W. JENNINSON Pie. II Federal Street, caLIMS/1_ r== CHINA WAREHOVSZ. RICHE) BROX & CI snompiazonmestoo. N. 100 Wood Strout. • BEITTASiti. 'AND SILVER !LATE:ISA. lILNITARIII. TLTItLTtI and TMII4 001 , LYSII. %bran az band.' oruwrita CAINA N 'Mawr; CHINA VULLICS SIM% rthilakflaw., v.c..,17.1"104 , " Ala M wONA 11 • raw.asit Erma eal .1 . gazt!itu and ithotesAle and Man tni4e. • _ rg s r.on , and Isms the BMUS., Mtn') NEW STYLES 1318 DARK AND DRECUN SUiTS, t r yArrojat style. Or ilks Loll season, co BOW I I I QUAY LOGAN, I so. 47 I Clair Street. itus!veLL. I GREAT RAZE AT CORTI lairdo.took of MVBtW&L INSTBI3IIIII7B ig °eared In was. 1 am proarto• io mine 1010 Ll:NVignegaritulrit.Mgi,g,"2”."?... say pntiaat .40.31 st , 141P±It t_ _1 4111 t, Z =DMUS% otu /GO trolithilelll sum& WE` WILL 0 EEP ON r ' KttAlnad a n JsitayAva l l uuxt..= HAND Le to 0W MT3.. za, TMU nd _ war WO read. lannalorric arm. FULTON MACHINE WORK& E1TA..111310 I=l. • Motutor) of OTI.aM Ralf WES, of on .1140 rod of of wr i ool t. pa ,a ltukj,Ar t ila V a ija=ge, ' Earlow of 10, Ilona le hOrga =I anal:as, ',blob 101/ h. .Old at voul 7 • P. F. 011.1.11114 N 411.1119. 0.. ' ''llTiTt::l l ,l7llkurZN SC#OOl. BOOK& • the Under sword 1. tiered to =ISA WI Motto or 110HOOL B-0 nod ttiolr ocootopaot.' Whit rees. "" Tiso;ltirintetiVan BTATIONIOLY... 11EBO 41 PATIO , 1311.11211123 sad !RATS euurAut, tor Olookboords., WWI Droltsolly anoudoil tO antlarrito 113 Thlr4 ht.. tuborrh. A pglil t g D c L i c l . Ds DAMS/DLLS IWAIIDB FOREIIIN AND DOMESTIC DRYOOODS ZO.H WOOD WIDDIDG Odra bone Wow Manor WIT R. n. OPENING.—ASIB , M. - Hrrcnm sWopRIIoa savriftwaor,-,rue wria immure, • apamat• na• rine) , at the wait AVOW :go staix.psirc , Al o t tif icie I/mum , arn EON -500 . MILES. H. 147 -.1 1 - T i r ._1 11 .1 1 `,..?"...-To,rAt: . Anneal Mete*, ot thatitootboldersot th fit .or Tne bar& a Chitnoilirtith* Iletrhel Oomps:T, V'. i i"-t Peron ot electing it ewe ot I. teeth, - eiti r" t Mit menet item. thlit ht. tell ►t *Lite lt. 1 nr str.°l;gT l. 4l.ll ° M 7 t,rett3T," z , ' , 0 iCX BEE hilk - r,st iOti n'eloie a. le. . L. :-- JUIIN 111.'1 . 41Gh. Jr., itegetim (Mahe the Pitts. I von. R N. Rea tl•erel•t,. ..,,,,,, :ar ab l rgb. Nov. Iltb, 1102.. ,* 1 molt Imo , UNION Bunning West frog Omaha, ACROSS HE COMM ARE NOW O,O3IPLETED. The apron Pantie Ifelliond confOnne het. Duet n touter 'Swot ?abroad ht the Innt teen month., than wag neer, built be nhY otter pnypnhyitothn tone tint: .4 that will coo liana the't•Ottmlth the tame ennui 119:111ele completed.; Ton Mottoes Mohnen bolne noshed tepidly rutetrd from exam:ant* by ebelbane . of C•llforals, and lifteptelet that Tlir ENTIRE - GRAND LINE To the yield° .11/ bum. ffix 3 / 49 . !WAX TULN ONIFTBIED.OII . Tar WORE ALIZIADT 'SIC DUNN, MORZ THAW ONE''-PE iii 3 Ur Tut WlluLig LINZ lIINOW LNRIINNINfirOILDEB, MID SWIM LAMM -103.L1M EUW zrArtAlr , D iirrObt ITTB&8 EVES BilrOßY. Mouth.' Forty Iffinion Dollitrs in Money hive elieedy been a:needed by the two power- NI comp sales thet hare enulestehen 410, Sates. prim, sad thorn Is no leek — of fend. fbr Ile most vigorous promotion. ,When the Untied maim Government Nand h neeenml to Steyr. the ionetrnetton of the- Union' reolile Vellroid to developed protect lie own lutereits. It (eel tte com pullet authorised:to build It Inch ample mild tut Mould rendes lb speedy compleUon be. pond s doubt, ?kg avillsble mynas ot ch 6 Union Encino Compnay; derlied trent utte Government sod Its own sioelholders, may be briefly summed era follows 1.-Aintied diates,Bonds. Having Mart , yalIM to ran and bearing slx per mut Barr en/ Padres% at the rate or SIJ. MY hale fre 511 hales as the ?Whit - then it the rats of µCM per toile Par 060 hales through the Hoek, Mahatmas, thee at the rate of CC,COO per hale tor thozematilog distance. forleatehhho Unite/ States takes a sewed Um as security. The la• tents:oh them bond. lo pildby the United State. genriz.nt, wtti.ch alto - Days the comAley Inte -1 halt the Armin& of Is. MIL Li money tor Mass- Port/ag Its Veleta. troops, mall., .te. The re. • malaise of tbs.. WWI. ISsos./ t / 1 . 0 ././ . twsr. owl/. sod forma aalntlaufhnd wbleb . maf Mwd , f d:aebsrge whole =Nu/Soft/0 lien. The shoot. against the Lodi of the tartest year, sisoloat to four sad oss•ball /Imes thla Intsrest: 2—First Mortgage Bonds. -Hy Its charter the Company LB permitted to Woe Its own Irtrot Horton/Be Bonds to Um woe animist As tlu bendstswd by the government. sad so suss, and only cor Ms road progrersts. The 'Tendons for the bondholders are the Hon. IL I). Very., B• N. &name from Neer York. sad tae U...l)ekre Alen. Mender of the U.ll. ltaate of gepweetetlyst,erlso ate reopontlble th, the delleeri of the hoods tutee Company . it to:ord.:Lee With the terms of the Lew. 3—The Land Giant. The. TIM. Peelle Itallroaal Coomahy het • land Stint es aD *lute doisatlrm Ism tam gar. ...eat 12,F0) acres to the 'KVA on the Ite•ot the ros4, Irblet • LII not be worth Sue than $1 10 ret saw et the 1101 rise ieleallon; • • .1- ho Capital Nock. Tim authorised oapltal al *hi 'Salon raCto a•nroad Company to lIMO.OAMM. of which ovor CO;O:O nava boon paid on tna work already The Miens Sufficient to Build the bond. Cootrsets forth. eatits wca of tollOngSl4 .. Ilas otiLsst-dass 1 . 11:road west from tombs, Soprlklas alma of UM Moo. dimeuitisooststo • rk. sad ...starch g aaaaa azDOse exess t air. vertex. bare been made with rasp:mall:s per. Wu (who bars already Wetted oviratemilesh at the average rate of ofzir-eght thoerand and afty.elght dollars tgeS.Crall permits. This pees lieludes all neeefrair shops for coestreetion and meosin of ears. Ceres, stations and all other thrdarnteilmildiegN sad also locomotive., pass. neer. baggage. and freight ears. sod other requisite rolling- steel. to mt =own that shall not be tee. than 0.00 per mile. Allowing the salt or the yezalstys maa basdred Arid olstrtt as of the stens kuntlred =Lee rssamed to b. trait try Um racifte Cstoyany .to Da . **O 0 se The Tolal Coat of peyen Hun tired Mlles vE alibi as follows: LI = :UmUts..M ew,cco AA4 thaccunts on bowl., Sunep. An 7. ZAO.CaI In= • /lath . U. S. BOlldt arelSittat(ll4oll4. sad to Compun . s own first Loltjaga Bonds b./ • reidy masbt. on lave u tae Available Cash lierources for Sundial; Eleven Bun died' Mlles• ' • ' ' ...... Tint Mortamite ....._ .. gyoce t.... th•ill.sl 0.. pola la on Ina vomk icn; La.a ennt,Ti.o . i:Cirsenrobt St 401. , acre ...... ' 21.120,030 MM= , . • ........ , nit CO.M•ny can aellpie mo.cautiO• for ruppiy . . los say dedelmmy that May nun In num. to essenation. Tbls =sy 'Ds one wholly'. 1 pah by sildldassl anniralptions to isplis.tost, . •otive•weguy has alteady bees made for • portion of these Janda. and arrangements are note Droops... to offer a pert of them the sale. While their who/eyelike will no. be sraVabie gar .ate ressa to eases, they win mean 1 , 347 lie• portant source of rerenursto the canplos7.l .h. lards of the linnets Central Hearosoll Company are selling*/ from he to {Li per WV, and ether feed-grata cmpastles Le the Wert an receiving reams prices for elhalar presort:es.. . FUTURE USINESS.EI • . The most ektnami b e' tierce *rennet • doubt th•t •lon the Us on ractile Eallrud le •SI althed the linemen I; thew that solt.t, Alow Over It, is the only rallroled conneelleg the two greed tartans of the /forth Ala titan wan. neat: will be out of the wonders of ratlway ' trsa.portatioti; ad es th will hare to comptall• ate, It eau elwal a charge reweneretlve rates. The 'Peelle nail eltransithip Omura./.of Sew frOik I. now resoling •%rlaiaufe 01 Its splen did manias between E hautboy sod Calm ' en* datm, IWO le dpubtlees the alemer of 1 other liees, that will tearer. the Patine Mean , Laden with the teas, mines and other eroded/et ' 1 'Pattern Asia. Zama g Some rent Isom or . resChr emiolee. of ooze arattreir low valets, shartoeu of time den gee the' &wades of I Weights; and Mont 'et these mono , * era grad their neural tratent over the Vole a reran Ina , root. •' It Is spate Itable boon to say OW IL Wale tell be limioell only t rthe threelt7 of the lire. and that no other road late • deans track so w i nb neat mazy. Califor.le Mid Oa Man not mily be supplied wtth weans of tranthsrt for tunes ' senora, wall, trettotrs d otter freights, Out the inhabitants et pa 4 .- Colorado. lath. idato and liatitella nlll seninathicate with the older Metre almost entirely ,by ills road. /t will bathe . to iiithe great naming dl.- aria. winch la only awallthit tale n.4=123111 of centroeulation to itheiest • eoPolltilon that will elation iti Vest taboret 1 end other mealtime,' 'and which 6,1160:w0u1d Osnathamphe btaleame for a rallressi laic . • ! • • ' . g IHNINGS FON IfilY BiIeISIM. i.s.t. While tee through be nres ol the Compeer rat be amply remalleiltM It isetill In roe fa.' tan, helltaw, but tee local hell se en the pact of the road le OperetbaltiUM raw *Mt seMetettoryt Burble the' tlearter end eg Isar 31, as wenn of ll= teasel the Union e bent..: was In 'operetion. 'rt. Bitherin dent's Meteor& thews the PAO elnireetats .. , 1 • . ...'.". ;. • , . Earning.. . " • - rummers, reelable. Telegraph end, . .11.12*______ _ ,;__ . ....Mtn: 54 EslaMi;Mti as OM! =M no. &Teas. Ofteaa, Cpiadaelar . • Tral.s. do a 53 =IC NAT t35.5313a5 tubal • . al.s Cu • *Lin as in all {1.15,0211...14.1 Total hat aetrat the SIJ; m. for %sane account for t Cute) soca tit its fellows s ' • 33 Jistell6,ll ol for Slay. Jan. .031. *. M;2IMI )., i '.it,t Jvy. - ..iri r . 713 .11 • *et ?milt.-- . ...... . ...10w7st 01 The amount of Bond. tee Comp•a7 tea Ma. pa PM man. et 4:11.00.1 mite, la .1.%0 ed. intatest is gala, throe oaths, sts percent, ott tisti a.m. la VS,POO; ad au waren. premium. to Oartrandnd with mama r Saratagae to glat - A . *hooter that the set earnings rat tid.q..t . were more OEM PST flew Ms Wane 9a she lirli liontatra gouda on this length at toad. ' First Dlorigage Bonds, . . ir boas prlopipal Ls • , amply iwovided t0 , ...4 letore intartat It IP thoironglay teor.•• P..% b• classed among tai liaratir Invotaseat.. They T.Y, C e n t . , .. Go ld ; - Six Per irlit d ' • and an offered for the ores at It NINESS CYNTtI ON Tilt DOLL/11. and seemed tutor, set atilt:Per Oral. In clamey from reify Utor puttee ,srs Soling advant.i. Of pneent itteD price of tiarennatOt orrKko to ex. ettaSsge for these Bond*. ondels are over •ttN P5ll CENT. I.IZIPLIL, aad , of the carnal rate or pssogoes on sew 9,.7 Over . 11ine Per Cent. Interest. Subscript's...4U be r• siva taVlttsbursh by ipApm, cAUGHIST Ai CO.. Third mei Weed streetS: - .'IIeCLEAA • CO.. IS'eurth street. And tri Haw Tark ttes Ocespany , . COe. . puq. 10 Nunn West, sad bl CONTINFAINTAL NiSLONAL 11121r/Li Sr • EgMIMMMA a -Hs J. cute° tontri - milibm. yd II Will in 4 by tb• Compuni a:Ty:Used Ageaty thmayhouttb•Myitof Mat.% *Plebes. teYPB..4 Oaw degYIIDUT• .y=11.14415 tiff be OblallOd OO yyyUcallcif. Btalltaboal 4 drafty or *Um Awls list 11.1Yoly Vat. up tW Wads wta be by int. tree oktlisril Tits= ey.• Draw, • , . . JOU* 2. CUM!, resulter, ' Noe. u, • : Nor:ark; NOTICES. AIICTIOif SALES. iMM=I3 BkNrutupr HALE of ctotn. I.T4ll T a a t i In i ND S kIW I TV4I: 1!“). No. Mkt at 111 o'lOCts ba " dio. GS Pon moot. fatalorta Otcaolod by Jacob Abrahams tho nano ._odlo of beadoslil4o Gott .. a, cony to Roma =a goalie."' Pants otol Vona. ttworeoats,oll Clot 1. GAGS Goats` llarotsblog Goods, Hsta.' thabraGal. tr.L t iygrg btaaa alodlitAtbCSlbo JunY M. 6.81711). HIT A. LTIXI6MTS. PRIVATE REAIDENCE AND • LO G - O 4 U e D rma ( w 4tsA a a l x il : t t WV LI mise T la Oa , .C:igirirga e rxslslVlhasili at at ' a ' o=l 1117.1.1inlit Iron. a( .Team,l *MA tn. hat mutt, (maths. bath, nun to m stands/a bed (toms, aalth hat ad maw, mak, twos tamp te start ratan and imam; alba, elm rem. lee Mato, *flatlet( *Ram, coal Atm*, 1 atabla, curium house, At. Tim maatttor ear. rata and ilaratta.trUl lea aalMlLS•Ltaly anal the ma of the tam*" Terms mut all thformttlaaltolli I , J. L 5 .1 .Alt= tl; :. not " tae seatteal Matte: pUBLIC SALE of VALUABLE LARD: Tar millscrlbm,lll ors; at PubilslW s. OM Landad=ill mg t. .. from ri oW tisburrn, Mut miles below Et . 1:111 . 119 i sal 11 (. 01 . • st u d , :auttom , 4.lftrit griefs:nay ars • litou:i)v.ilar gjib i alirg .11(1 otbez zesemsky outbuilding.: ozaanni etudes holt. übtutdanoo lintssiona, tale la gala conualinin at 11 o!s!ltn i. it ai lagtid &MTN LICTLIG. Audio seer. toxv:4:4;o4.izi:9:4llltio 'Ner27.- J. DICK. Carpenter and Builder um.id ii = o 3 4. lP m zNsic fi lit valdi rzrtme Lvz. n. , Jobttlas dons vrith neAtzmulsad ` o d.,ation . 4•4. .29tatinIMP C. 3 . N. Ifo:17=4; yOEST 11101:1111£118, House Carpenters autßuilders. • .111 kiskOs of JoUbiag sad Bun attend... 3 W. Orders Ws as SW. 441V94 BTUS= rlttsisersb. sad No. x JIM ....PAXlank j & FBAISICIF" CARPENTIPS AND 'TIMM 'n NMAlretwar.,. i Tonna!". sad mo no. a in Mut 214 Wins BC, stikal 11m41 Z.H. PALLIIIIMEit, flousejiallder add canwodir. r e w ar r at DJULILWIS ALM( DDS pasn ae A :jratratir . 11.14Uthl irtli6 I M S. ITM 110108 E BOULDERS AND CARPENTERS. - A 'maxima Asir =PAD= WanlttlY f•• ea to . nnisasopr gain, salt: 117 Oraltbled itavet. 0F1V1N:Vg:515,1.1:1 , 5: 4 4 AIERIDUANDP LIVERY AND BALE STABLY..., J. W. NICHOLSON. PROPRIETOIL aO 141 Asa 112 TIMID 11111.11,M. - tOppailta llat'iutl• , Ito tat.) . HOWSX3. causuevs, lin bus; ltsa denlaz assamloalsall to.yanatanl ag•at Horses. mould italuarzo-..—J:tuisc zrnznu.. MUM =MILL, Livers n 224 Cal* Stables. 435 . LI8ZILT1' 111111XCE. Clinedto ranialmis itazoga Doat,' • • • prrTIMURCM. - .., %vas+ attentur=to taialiftsg ~LmnektMggr 1147111,0:0 =SM IA too :(sie):1.1t4:1:4:I:1 irsx.ramr. RUGERLY & tiSueousOrs to eseaMaisa t00.4:' . . p:arida immitiOnt- MfrT T Zatif ylar Tr - 1 4171reolarffSNIDard. E VID 4 tocas, - th VET*. Ccrilliestos . . 2 lan;TO TI J SE st, • S. ULM A. MLLE% LITHOGIULITINB, sa 101:311111 IT, Apollo Basionag 4=FiMtraogu°l92•l4ll:ll,"LllT ' TOBACCO. OIG ; JOHN. 'MEGRA . - Illanhatamr eadj W, bolasals sal IMMO Tobacco, Snuff and 41All ZIE.A.F7I;fr ELGELSIOII WORE& R. & JENRINSOR. sad deal= la TobaCcot gota. Muth am, M====%= 11 fq±4 0 - 6 1 A 11 WESTERN UNiVEBBITY ; 71:111 Nizr =EY WILL COMULVIICIZ crcritnser.massum. I O the mull, E s o Fidel.% 1. '4l.l2llrt ° ! • lIJOIC-EXEPIE. 0, mlttso. t orp saciumszas,. awl • . osuprzsi, elva wen , attistlioa. ociaISOIEW SWORWEI STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE . 11.1.27171111 1 121 PITTSBURGH BRIOH *LOWE BRICK Rilill - FACII/11116 CO. • Thu Ilesellait takes lbs etas &met troy !re k airlgTVlVßTP=CritZi itataroastit7.. ole:slati to Mil bs septe.rat '"" 111 ' "' co:au: P :110 eretteonel, m d PeseteTe hoed ' ' ae.e.ales • Masi_ tn. wall, urea v." liettat anal( Sawa. 'ea; Met • to team 9a ants a hisgriereatee. Ste boat ..st..or or t... 2 rue i t aad i sie tar toki ill ztva ,... v m eotana, , ,g oit i a ms nelide n. w Uaa.' Van LIBERTT IT.. 94 Illteurp, Pear the Upton 11. D. Depot. • ealidte PITTSIIIIIteIi. pusT CLAUS ZAIOJUNG Qum AS:PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTOIT. J. LYONS, . two. 110 Wood figgaT BTYii 07nytaFwza=•as ilLlEYt.ict-gar!:*B3zis.olll%; alryrargittrj of alkarat."D 2.0n1,,N0 th., wevarzoratr.,a,.. .saniews' WEST CONISIOSI MACHINE vrose woux4__worthwen maw W woo Canasoa.l.lilOmunT. r 71ULD.H WAWA= CO. ELL/LICCFP t iaV j .rultus AND-?omit 3 .11.1 WI AND ?omit zatTaria' w ire i ree WOISMUT 11214111“. raLX/Ilt mums R, P. GETTY, Choice Wines 'and Liquors, so. U N. N. Cos. _OHIO VT. AHD DILIOND AlL:Omit Cltr. Nailer, is hereby give* that retonted.Aboastion as Um Fatale 04, O•THZI42ix DITWYLLE6 liM of Wo City or ovviunitl, Urn Cola groat. JA111.3 MAIM. 141CUNAkit wurrxer, • GEonam mamma, _ CANBY aIAIIOFACTUREI, -44... , thazzratrna-, "V T . QUM. 111141 , MISW ni k t• I TREES* TIMES! TREES I -7- 14v"Vsi s s7.1taig . it i Ars1 4 rs i Tr "' • 7081 R A A. /roam' ova
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