ERNE .* - 351:01 -4 T1- 1 z; JA L DI DWELL & SON, • OINKS .IiND BROKER, • 69 and 70 Wetter Street, 118 Wood 13t,, tear corner of Fifth. LARD oil MArIaFACTUTIMS, P tiorertsuseut Securities', Gold, ..` /V4(2 COlapGyal, ams,oll an:s iugd tett", ^ , ./1 the bmotsul Oak. c.l CONVIIIISION OF 7-301. weir, Sow i-0 0 0too to —.ow. too %scow) NaA THIRD SERIES 1-30's hew 186.75 7 p ,) Gold l'oupon, JAWS T. BRAD'? &eq., mlea 2taiiiv, Owner Gault: Sc enema. CI)., secrum ••- - p ir ; Foaitb ai d mithtleld Etq*is. JIPIL .1104 P JULI Val. t iel•TaVy. " ;•. ' l.!!: : O . V..t.. 4-20 foe' 1161G7 LitUnest tiVI.D U cit., .3.7 , Iu SC. WeVoir 4t iltsbuqh iia2sfic - PINANOL 111.:• - L TP -. . 1„1 Sn .. ai ae la:. t, IL .. g, I -TUttnd.•ll.., A ,13,: i .. 00;111gegleilt b......:: 1.. ..z . ..,.: .......11.Za lower , - trdi melting. OE4 0...41... LI tt.l. id.lodr us the „I . dayletareedtd, end don ludll nad tear:. the 'ldemand for' Tuve:tract .1 ,i'y 1:;: : t, tl.ot.dh !• 1.4 1 / 4 or 1165 en.: ltd: .- o ntully 1;,: pc: tot.t. •'l, hogrig . thmttite old. 4.34. (Ith:opened tt.l.eger . ' del/Allite en! r tlb:l. talc duet Limey nt Iluji. .. Thhiti#Utallita acid.;/ op-up,dpe Is to advance l teak preMltim. tha...01 go:4 1..c0 1u oda deo of • 1 the detain-a, they; per [Oct. il old for carri .lag fig. • The Europe it lit NF. 14 llVOrelge to- A . linable, eon nolllnt but an ractapt at levitate. lion wortld.eausti Unllc7 Stl.le• hOhdi to do• alias In the Europeau inttkete. aid ad van& thiijMnaMoi on gold herr. The peeNgtent effort, of IL, Secretary or rho Siiimmti, ang the ILlV.dehea of the loodleg • Journals of the gunnery. - duty at lan convince ' people that NM well.. to pay •6 eoeloool inggelitit Oh our daily Amens:dim while by an - - Orme at reaumption. the whet, weight of the dleetnent would he tbrowo on the impeded goods, and the. would be It.. opinesalve on . the middle and lobo slag c laza eS. Chmlng New York...loots:ion., tvoeired by Ph. 8.,/ferts. were le followo: ()Oki. tsTht Igalla. Ill; 5-.13.. ISM, Mk: ' UM. N6l( Nei, Itiel.4; tivoarfa, lin,i; 104.4 T • leilff4ll2, Mktg - Ct•Vellent • Plttsbuoth S. Ii . , u . - . .Kerainutte Enloe Tatar. my • ' Waters Union Telegraph . -....... 31% - - 7 'n ibillabargh T o - rt Wayoe ft Chicago 11.11-. elli • NOVlllgraitara Naliroad-tomtuon ' - - ta!• • Nottitweetern— profs reed_ ~.,3.1 i- tfetigYark Central ..... Ilatt. . OhNtaled NIMMecIPPI Certillcratee.. .-. ... Yeti I ' blimedemea apothem .. ' .4 ' ' IO ' ' 1 a=a jou ---- IT4 —Tne hallowing stocks were acid Tutaday .Ifibireing:Nolorentbe 1010, on "attend floor Cl 4.luMinefetill Stler Ittotet,lda'Salthaclditgrect, ,I. 1111Hildikt. dtictloic-i t - Peohlitli NeUenat 8t0k.... Anetheoy Nablooal 11.nk.. ...Thy, New- York ClOnnierclol reports an to ' ' grove -meat in buslural, owlud to the heavy-de. aline heywarmi. and say.: • . • ...Goode %renew 1, f Dr clip gonad that retali at¢r eon buy with the uspectatton of belt? able le iodine purcharbra by the low prices at welch they eau oder tittle notd....toe avulsion.° re. ' taw Paths fannlen pupate:tun teem the calla • Og their large crops at loon prier. 0051 also . " bare ea Imparlaut ttfoct lit tad Coins I des:newt . from:pm eled4 Ca coatureera, oriole the tens - Maio yellow- mean in the South Is bringing IsOillhogitatast y outer.. from th at pagans - • who here hitherto lama kept at home by the _ eickhesa.. ' ' . Rivi York Eaprem of Seta tdey even , Ind ors, Time nee adopter membLe co-day of th e bred'ton of U. It. and W. fl. IlLtabek. teenited in nothing Stier eftle:ed to wards a settlimeat.. Ti,e ..:-”Latiltert Dream. mended the en-4110re to ad-ept any and latereek _payable wiLhla mi veer. with the C=f4.7.11'.`:T;111'10 1 . 1 .4! % 1 1111';, ; `,Vry, sad very 11Pla ever reutmid from IL The aw lll,lee.o`o eel the /1051114er fa:MVO . —The teat:leo( Rohl-L. ray haw( New York. who felled tuner t MC weeks ago, amoutt: 111,154a113t, wad the lark:thee cal, r193,7C7 Tee Itibllttke of IS. W. ltalthel. with telltoin kilw Taylor Wee Involied In Aortal. to wine kites; arorepartee et tad his wets el 'MAO 11. • • • —The Diecieneti cf Monday% pep.i There wee no mead., criez,te In toe teethe' • teatws ar take ta or t:let m sato:day,: Manors maw di. 4.11 d f dee-Alto. ii aette.l. - te • heattt d eateot. but. aro olspowts. 'le keep therneelves le 0 tic,tl4l.a wi meet the esparto:l dement! (mei the p-tk liad , rand WWI eel *bleb, al this re...... mire aloe 1e 4,01 e of Mole other Belle. The LIE v,./nd tlce moats In 'heaped market is le-. no'lre, end there In not alemnak ant awe psyce pre.elnt au them.;. Yet i belle/me le dootteh to ai.w.eo all t Vapi evillebia. at' 12.110 pet erne, while snow ifeedetimettattletpeper.har to .obralt to webere orl7ol per erne. pee month. • —The Neer Toile Pi •itmeN I utto my.: Ite eatammetal eirelov MULL.. he* ohm. event • inproreteenn, bet I hot I alp OV• Melt: Le rather In Ike emoune of both.. thou In price. 1 Molt of of metehenoti e me b.w ,'madam profit aof trade are [mall. The melte. at breeetstutre at the we. .bowed e marked decrease. the expert. from N..: Seth exceeded kalf • mUllon trarhels of wheat. tat w4l prob. ably be mateldemb.y le. thla week. Dry goody tare been Annei nod with:tut •ny tele:ince Martel / Veen Irwin beewitty been . betler' ti,sleteke and Mull Teas tore .17.. p. ' • The multi' *piing Polo., ohicit, In soma tee. thinte.diti yeah damage to IL Cdrh which Ltd • Mee planted bial a short li.e prechtusip, leered by • lone drouniti 111310; eintropeettote to Srliere that Iha crop of ennewould be poor to 11.114 and Ildht" it ODA a. c0up...1 with toter yens. The wenn, iiptninp, • during the fellnien thaiths , nee of :toy fettle diaelpalet On hen eneloetly I iditited lu, and the ern:. le low le now regarded at a per licit cone. laths Southern part of Indira., Ohio and Maple, where I: was a (aline, the no, has tunedart touch telt. than wag exponent.' The field per .ern gets on! hoary, • Oulu there wee eremite, brernh eon", the ember.' . beeliele ter, rerne much ar • fernier si.n. ' th e coup to. Cruirtl I lino!. land throughout lowa 11116k4 nut Much bane, tiny the MOIR atom:aft ever mentioned, anu take tho country turutelitni, it te etre to en that Me/..alpha a moor humbeis to be nat. bind es any Melo. Tio new cote saw beteg maim. teed Popular down), The grata is lane and and blot we lt ilyß ILLUsoblet, vault readily lion.' no:a It is 0.102 atioTict on On ...Act fee olel.m. 'The arw crop title-.*ready nod ' Srw. while rile tin croft toependoe No. t .Veadtly depreastiar end enefthe aloes of narne.elua it would not sue Vrele:fill Inlet ,a -Iti/ b t ' fe i n t p ' f ' ; w 7ir . g. U X VIS7h", u . . . roue. of Resie Cattle Teadere, . Kraft:alit, vato oar.itiatueu are harm. • Latd them: The diniatth/plrepore • decline at New Sock pc. IkelarA.J. fihuttlerrarth, of Buffalo, hat LOW tat 1.1.0,1100. catalog some of the Eta- Isaitythr.kra. Oath townr dealers toilsome MAE ttelt•Pb . oootus. of Ibis sou Qty. whs dlttsp- D•aftsse Is sOll of oe debts luteasusi .to szomx, welt fear stmts. II maul smogs that Dlr. 0. should have sent bask fres' Closltosetl If he lotl Isttesdsl, as 161th.Woe Wok. to Isass his In the • batik In Near Volt City. on teblak, ft h old. Kt. Ursa bold aJase hoary mane, ma tolled. Sams of owe ChM county (hands also had Sloathoworitea Jrslte on -the eats book to ennaldarable amount, Mr, 5. velhote on. ttorotand, draftsp Cont.. the dAlar. Lot koodall'a o n f1 5 4 sato bank veto oak! Ito daytotoro Its Canute. , - taleArofto fet•ekelt. till Tollol.ol to , ko l' Cummaxo, Novemb, to—floor Onlet aid ekoad) , mod The market Is nauharoroo bald at 101,130)130 for double, Tatra nodes: PISLIor doublet eXtra TO winter; 61240 bed.betble cretin nod tn. COn extra white. Oat doll and Inactive butioottltt,llT tm 011111.01o1oolog oTade gm., No) rat Trims, bald Natl:Lk, No 2do at No 1 Mdtrerokafroorime at 111..T4. Cora le In mot). torato..Tequeot at 41.07e/FP.4 for 011 No 1 IMaUld:lekf Tor Oar oheilid; V.c for no to the 0011. Te &user foal bettor; No I Stain bold It CO trout - lila ezore. kr° is Orot .d wftßiv_iped at ti,z 30 i,40 tor Sudo aud eo- Barley to 4010 t and onettanged at mSid il rVO lo dn C =, o t ß t ' 0 ' 4 23 ae1, 71 uinalel, 1 4111thbnaut nom t 73 • •t. Bo la Ranee. (By Yelegtapti to tteelot tither,/ h uI tette.] ST. Lotus. November 19.—Tobacco active, atteadraad onetautactl. Carron: morn do. log at ISt union ct axaK3Xed for dreamt Floor 10 a.,,r cool noaett let; super. Olaf ST. extra 4418.L0; tre W.. extra to fancy 101.10013 „Wheat; fall e ...flee at a014.1F1,55 Prima to ebrino Spring aettvo and butter at .1.7501,. , Q. otou ay at 9500 fOr old. 69490 e tor new. Oaretolehanamt 0 0 4:Mk. Barley fi rm at 41,2:431,40 for aptiott4l.llo for prime f By, dealer at 271441.W4. Fentletongtxur. Meat reek lawn.z. Baron; aboulacra 221 1 / 1 .16e. dear Mew liNelax. Lard octet, at nuivcc. Rbistcy bold it 4 . .V:a. X.Xylcn. .Ixe. Galina—dour. OW Nile; 00..0% C 7m./ tmlat: corn, I,NI ttato, boa; rye, 170 Inut barlaTriZA Weatberelondy. . taledo Maric.. • p► Toter.igi b 1.4 e Pltubort h ToLlDO,sOV.l3—Flmsr—rccolpta,4,o..obbla Wotst—rtcripts.l,ouough-3 umber UM b"" :1 ;V. L I spring • sap, ao. eprlnc 41,31 Corri—re oulpta. WOW buall—WS !...XllO lower. new wren inal.l. No. 1 Wabtoh 61.001'. N 0.2 Wabltel.44C4. Ichlga.ll 41,01, new LSVSNI4O. 0,4,...npr01pts I.4nu 1,1,12-1,....0 toter; halts j(0. lat ill& lice anettanacd. 11.1rtry quiet 111.113' for N.. 1. 110..502 11c.g• ;0117. .i d ar.yrolithls fltut at .50 00 00001.0 00tf.1.1p.' I:=== Ole Teleg - agate t • tiba•en r. 3 ' NALTII.OI/. NOT. , 19 —Flour Needy; Wee ao bath Wan ar.Wee thy :Wits at $l2. WINOS dull_ and heavy; pl two rod Ina2tlve, and Walnu upward.; 001 whit. 61.2 Z, new non.. 72 76c. Pcculalems &of Tat Ur/ Goods uarktt. aisoma*ll Yttt.”l/011112.ttr.1 s a wyou,NOrend , erin.—Dry Owdij an was onog demean for onuonanlo "...tad to We prosent aeatoryat steady 1 ,7 ‘ 11 0 , amain prim; Cie Gest,* in CaWM, 2.131214.1t141-INt) .4 .sreentetz $0.2 14.24 V3l a v id oltier !a... ee rmvos. ac a .;y.tSnSU eseaeo rat.. ° Or, N'o IDiI 2 L. 41111 or La C Snuenr eaunatb• - - ntrUca, Creel L uf 011,AT""°' , LV Ltr4 L°l(f= t r't L-c;-4.11' '331" 3 to tho. 'en, rrrienwwsi nAutbarrs. 07710. t• VIVPVVISDITUiIi lAZZVVI. TrESILI,T. Bsvember 1., IW. The [earlier markets routines very dull am! with eat 11111 e proven at premet of say lasardLete ;Iteprovemat. There 1.1 fair 1o:s1 demand far most of .the lading articles, but the .r.tiatetley la money matters keeps In check suntan like a epeoaletlie ballot, earl, oa s coseequenee, we have bat very few round let operation. ta leased. to prices, however, there are to easterfal etusnyes—none worthy of epeeist bale,—Wheat 412 ilsht supply, end the rceelpie ore limited; as au offset, howeier, the demand to light, bang restrteteal entirely to tui.14:1a,3 the immedisse wants of the eft, mills; we epottoue quote at laiohial3,6s for prime lied, cod 1 $2,5051,113 tar While. Barley t. wane mad Dl' falr demand but usehsared; prime Spites map be . quoted el,OO le Ant' hem As. euet 51.1.10111,t310 eczema., Dye I. quiet out steldiat 11,50. Ilata • firmer and ta, goal '4.11.3 bat unchanged at ut4ete,oe trash, esesec. In .lots,. Core Is quiet; ere continue to quote st 81493, for stew, tad 11,1541.3 'for old. . ILittlll=Coottnues doll and Ann, std se . the devised le rrolrlcted entirely. to euPplibill the Itoutedlate testae of the retell trees, vicee are without quotable cheap...We eteitlauit to quote at 1110010 N for'Sprlo• Wheat; aII,LOGI2 Int Wtotei Wheat;., cad tleCrla. for lane! Weed.. liye Flout I. etill quoted at sljdCse, uel lluclmheat, 1id,e4.35,L0 per cut. I'OIAMES—Undek ihe littlubuee of to. 1 urtased artivals, th emket. 000ttouee dull ; with • eoppiy Israel) L. exam of the demand; Ri3 coo tlau e to quote i at eueo. ea troth. and dl la ' APPL IS—Steely looterlthstatutleff the e up - Illy Is lamely toe u ien of the demand, and para. are fully Initiate; Mater eel. at Le,t oto •343 per hbi, far fair to prime. and ea for choice. DU rrE E.—Prialo to chola., Ron lit sane had to good Omasal but culla:wadi too cantina: a to (quote at 35610 e, - I.l)GS—Witli vas:lowa test arrivals, wl. itsulr demand, priors aro rosaritairmil ai , 700 to ax. • URA NDERIZIES—SaI!e In • .agulat loaf at .t paw for °daimon, and $11,0110311,GU1t5.e.144 rated. DEIED FlitULT—Steady,wUji regul. 1.4 in., at Lief for Apple. wad 120111. far Peichez. PITTSBUNAiIIif PZiEOILEUEIL&ItIiXT ()vett,. *even Prrventntonteaaterrik !PenOAT; November 11, left. I CRUDE—The markiftWas unsettled to.-O,IIY, and under the innuencelif more fevorablea4., vicaillom the east, theta war a firmer feeling, nod It it hardly Probable that a seller could have.been found at yesirday Ns prices. There was not a tingle sale, at least. we had none re ported, and we _here: unable . to hear of An Mier either way, to boy or call. For spot oil, there Wm. to be no demoted, and It le diffi cult to quote correctly; holders are aeklngE4 td ton, while we boyere, as yet, *to not be willing to go over fa. For first t er and all the year High eeller , s eyelets; the last sales were made at at, Outer, do not believe that any one trona L ka wilting to sell at the price, now, as the market for reamed le meek firmer. Tor March and April, lea, we eoottnee to quote nominally at N. lIEFINED—As already Latinist/al, there wee a mock stronger feellegln the market- for bon bad oil, end while theealex la gregate were miparstively light, plats, es , prelthr for November Sod December, are feb We else report law and add bbl• fir N idember of :Slit, and—Last levenlog-500 for November, at 263 soil ZOO tor December, or rte. flits afternoon, however, we are 00(01. ztnt otoffere to buy November at nrci and It was repotted that Drcemb-r was hetdat. Sao, and even 92e, The movement the market has taken today bear. our the predictions condi I n theta columns yortattay, Viz: that the Wore. eon lo galnloorstrength that the bottoin foe the lima beteg, at least; has been toothed.aart that a reaction and bettor ;oleos l• near at hand. • • on eurVIM7 :any raw& vtnaczaw4 Deem. D.M. Long, ha this united, to Waring, King A Co.. Philadelphia. 'lO3 Cu . LT by A U. httller, 14 do do to Wastag; Klig a Cow • latladepbtar. . -J. alwer. BO do do to Waring, Mod • Co., Done.. a artllliant, 65 a.- do to W.P. - 1,4- to. a 11.., Philodelphla eund 4 Opal, C 0.173 do L.141.444,Ta11a • laced.. Oil Co. 114 , 10 du to L: WLeoz, Pldh.delphis. ou. intrnro =Apr ST a. 1 . . L. S. ' Sat. 111.0 Or. 20.1 bbl. Mired, to W. P. forma It Brn.Pl.l.lelphl. 2.70. Bro. h.C.. WU Co de to Wartagarlnt .t C .O P, P 101.144.61. . • leweett. I,..dan Spoeltdate. 00 do do to W. L-geo & Bro., Probulelphia • Aldoteheltacr, Koehler & C0...1104 do do to W e.IoO . Iliad& Oa. Philadelphia. . Clark & Somme. X& do do to Wright &Sok., Philadelphia Clark & Sumner,"l3 do do to W. G. Wadtto, Philadelphia Sae. Benny dr= do to F. 11: Idletorth & P/oladelphla - New Torte Prodone 'Marks?. CEl,Te , e,raph tba Plttstomb On ate.) Harr Ton x,,..Novetaber 19.—Cotton Orman sales of &MO Li3e/319%0 for meddling uplands. Flouitineelpts 113343 bblio 100:001$ favors buyers, wlth's moderate blathesil; sales of 12,630 bbls: at $2.3009,03 for super. tine, State and western; 119,490119,13f0re5tra 5tate:19,33012 50 for extrawstern; 49,630 13.00 for It. IL 0., and $10015,50 tor St. Lottla 010,110 quiet, melodies in sale. I,(XX/13101s extra State for export, at 19,93010,02. GYS fornma flour dant metals re .sacts; pries sllol3.3o:eales of ECO larks, Ere dour S7,M Wolsty quiet and nuelanotrod. Wheat; rt celput 3.1f4 bushtmarb et 10ft bet ter oat quiet; sales of 43,030 bush, at MVO 32 for In. 1 spring; $3.. 31 for No. 2 do, and 1 42,15 flr amber Omer, Bey Wye qulettsalop of 4'30 Rosh State at IMO& barfly Inter: pales of 4n,C03 bulb, at $l.lO (Or Mate and 13.5001,ap4' tor Canons. West: dell; sUre of . 2,900 bOll.O Canada. bond 41.3.3,31.13 i salcs nf GAO do free at 111,53. Corn: recruits ?2,1 huh; market. 1020 bet ter; sales of La too busb. at 41.3101,32 for mixed western In store and stoat; and SIM, for newtal.unl westent, Oats:cements 44,f.16; a Shada Ormer: 05.0.0 bush at /105053 for western. Itye steady at el. Carolled, WIC, at 9093.0. Mdrs quiet and etetulr. Sneer au m and quiet; 150 tails Cuba at 110112%.. Ifolnatns 4011 and heavy. Petroleurot crane firmer at II t 1012; relined, bonded quiet at 530. Hans quiet. ut 550510. Ptak quiet and drturr: 760631319 at 11193041.11 Vr outman& eltmng at VI =flu 1113,76019 A far prime. tntl 4103021 Or prime mess. Sae( heavy; 215 obls at prevlons mien: tierce beef Is oesdy: 000 les sts3s; India ulnas at taxa 31.50. 1.1.ef Hauls 40ie131/0 bbls at 335.300 3/40. Bacon dull; 73 05... city Inas Clear at 12%. Cnt meats doll; 175 plots at 8311103 tar thoublorsomd 121<0Ito ror hums. JAM steady stud quiet . : VD bbla at /1,41)13)$: But ter is I • good demand at Inalluto for State. Cheese heavy at 1101.52. Frelsdtil valet and unctiangtd• Larcer.—Ploor aloud bo lower ono= own analog. 'modorata orport and 00030 tradodomand. Wheat qutet.but very draft 22.2...'02,:f for No. 2, and Atttfimat (or .2(o, I tro dol. and firm; sl,6Sfnag for Western. Oats quiet at 71)%43810 for W e In store and afloat. Corn quiet at SIX fi21,27N0 for sued to Sulfa. Infrad and 01,21 for new nixed. Western. Pock .101 l and boner at W.21.87We11.00 oust .nod Menusar Wan. • .at dolor. and Mead), Cut dull and dronolor.,l2aeon doll and decardaguCumboriand, 10%.1(9(.2. Laud dull at 15y,tflry,o for prime team and kettlo renaarod. - • • ' === lilt re iegraph td tlie Plits`aurge (1.0.1104 c.", oilman, Nov. 19—Cotton cloyed dull, ot inc tor middling, and not much demand. Flour unchanged, family sueux,, B oo k. Mil 041 flour alit, at 0505,11 par hundred Ito , In aa aka, and al/410p in hankie, and the demand la local and llght. Wbaat oath., g o a and oall,at 141.5 for CA. Ired, and igt,it Vor No 1 Inning. Thp Impair of now eon: tom increased and the grim are 2630 lower, closing at Ito; no demand for old. Data emaen 101 l with annoyers at over Co for No. 1. Dye firm. at 41,411ta1,W. Boiler shady and hill cold at i 11,15011.1,4 spring 0,1401,a , [Macao arm, Cole. toalay of 10201.111 Mutt and low logs t3saookjimedlorti to graidiolla , 9411, leaf allegat.7.O. Whisk dull and Oa anat. notatnal, and too be bo y ught at OAS In bond. Hogs opened active and all at/tr od wero taken, mark gracia, and F i yMi ox.Snet, Gar the et Olhed drill at tom rata, Receipt. ;toe Mad. rrov/SlOns are unchanged. lime pork held at add. Lord He tor old,andnow So.t sham amidst I 1 )(e. Green mods 0011 he bought at 7698. danannathanged and la limited demand, fat 11!VpIllfre toralmaiderll, 1aie1334.8 or eimr eldfik Dotter and thecae are mehanged. 1.10% buying. , clitiman ittarket. • . tar Telegraph so the CittebsnelLtlesetto 7 Cum.., Nov. 191—F/our Anger; sales at 0119.5.1 for spring extras. 'Silent ein:. at 2.7170 hitchers sales. tixor, 20, No.. 41.7301.713 for No. Y. aloe es 61.70401.77 tor No Y Corn to !Asher, oath. sales &GIMPY,' for N 0.2 and foam% for neer, closing nominal at 980 for NO. Y. Use 2sl3c highsrf Wes at 11,67 for No. 1 .L 1 41,113111,34 for Nu 2. Malay actlyo and 70 higher; Mit/ ut 11.1841.7.7 for No. Si Clasinx Ana ai the outside • - price. Provisions easier. Mess pont $16)13200, sweet pickled baton 107goi 11M11 home 914; green shoulders 151 116,40. 1...1; min 170 ano 1150 tor Itroslols— a,Oo3 belt. tour, 7.= Ins wheat, 6.1709 bee eom .L 1 310n0 boa OILLO.. Shipments-19,601 hblatlour,lo,so7 boa wheat, 9,907 bum awe; and &lOW bus oats, freights beetles boa finds at So for +brat and 70 fOr corn to lintrato. Weatherelear and acad. Ittlwankeet /Martell. tar 'rele.raet, to Iltt.baraS Ulteitte ) • •• lan.wavest. November 19-Floor armor) oaleeof elty donblo extra at IS Wags enontry .10 aStle i t'l lle extra. UW4% ' Wheel • ,0 Gale arm at bre, for Fo 2-' Cora m quiet at Goa for now.. Frefabta are arm at Ostel-Bot falo, and Ito 'to (Lower°. Iterolpt*-2XO narmts roar; MIMo bushel, wheat; 1.100 bushels oat., and 1,300 bushel, earn. Ship. mrntr-1100 berrele 71ogri 40,00:1 bushels a.nuat, and 1,000 Outhela oati. Chicago Caul. MATIB•to "iricromb to mo Pittsburgh oustai.l Cidasoo, Nos. i9.-Drassed bap quiet mutt small rates at 01.40137 M. Dorf cattle daily sate. at 1 3 . 30 4440 tor to fair packing steers. Logs gala% mid VMS. Moor ;auks at 114.1433.00 tor light, 45,10gia.97 formedlaut torus sad Mlablgt for good to amira choice. &moo more autism nit. at Itacelpto-23.003 bogs. Youtallito llarasta tar . A 14.401 0 ,0 UM Pitts balsa 4./..gegy„3 • LOVIIVILIA tformber.lo.—Sales 77 WIN/ Tobacco. at 65.001218,73 for logs to tnedtbin leaf; latter firmer. hogs Omer at 0.700 7,10 to packers. wbaatateadr at almer.o. Oonlestr. oar. 73050 c.". Oats 1n balk, abo trbilkey la tmaa.l3c , Cotios,agq. Banat: sbouiden, 125seg 'blour aaleat /NC. 'Kest °tic; Urtl,l2Xe. • Flnandil diallers la New York Id ciessa sNt 139)1. 4.t0 • tDI WM4% to the ritubm. Omette-1 •1.. Now Usk, Nov. 19, 1837. lola AIM MILD. • Money la Omer and very active O tt 7 per Mt on call loans. Sterling Is quiet at SG We for gait. drat olam bills.. Gold is int b. oat any m erial chaps.. sem= gat L 72%, --carming end closing at IMX. stovsamtens Stocks are co. notice ono scarcely co firm. Conne ./1 S;4lnr;Z,rONBsdo Wao%.oa 0i one t 107401,7.01 RM Mils4lo_WTen-yon, hmemplinNipiever-Tharttes. MPA010334. Stocks we're heavy and lower to the close; and the extrelmenttingeney of money emu palled some s how hders of stock to mal ice bears, an more fi ring to pat ont short eohlraote. Preferring Maly daTe lo thirty. Otto Certldeates, 1.5 . 4027.34. Can ton, 4.%o444tCnallberland.lsSSlTNlSt (Path* N01en.179',01734 Malmo., 705; western S Nolen TeWgratd..Blo3lNt obi; Atlantic Nall. 1170114: Newyork central. 11.1101111; Ens, 71C71%; Hodon, mom nownia tr. !a310%; OtiChig. Coo. tr.4.106%011014; MtoMna. Soothers, 7.3(fp Ti a :lllloote 2bC: n t Vat :m g:CO; Plat i num.. /da e Mi s 3,t%en dgiEltiNit do loggrd .2.4dYsiONli Fort way... sosy,e97; Wells Alneriman, MS: Adams, 73i Celled Stas:s.7l; Her an, MI St. Panl, 1.541 preferred: IC; now Tennessee., 11234; • Illmouris, • Yining Marts lower; ew York, llieSsa; Eldora46, II3OJ quarLy. U N LU. lloi DAlrldlost, Aitertcan nag, Oni Grairory MS; Parke. 1a.5.310; U. S. Patroleaso. Ylii Ummell9l4 200 • 11171.1 . 11113,11 . T lITATLYRICT. A report bu been in alrculatton that Jay Cooke purchatedtbe remaining twenty-one intllione of 10 40.4 from the Treason,. The report le contradicted, and *poet. with. oat foundation.. Receipts at tbeSub-Trese dr7 1170 5 . 1 Z1 natinenta, 1P71,171111 Wear°, '10,101,747 =. Ca• Telegraph te the PUttbentb Gamut.) Thmesso. NOTember 19.—Flour Is steldri sal. Of Southern Illmols at SLIM; white Mirldgen, $1330: Wheat Is quiet. wltn sales of 4.000 bushels lehtte lilehlgart at 11 2 .74 i 7.000 bushel. Not Chleago at 'LAI td arrimn 57,000 buebels No 2 kltlwaukee at SLIM 23 . 500 bushels No 2 Chicago to arrive at 61,96, sod MOM tmehels do at 411.9ht0 market closing weak: Vora to nominal at Slag for old . 4 . 4 0ra.0ad0101.02 for new Toledo., Oats dull; sales of 50.000 bushols wmtern at 9911 50 511110 . ilaglag q uire s unchanged. there bolo, no n o t Me. . Pork; Lard and Illehwinesare unchimged. Receipts-. busluda wheat; 23.4X10 bullets cornt .18009 bus hel o. barrels z io ors t. barley, zt i l boat; 74000 bathed. corn 42,000 bushels 23.000 bushels barley. Dora, gallants mopped by the and .les area the inld- Ole of the State canals, there are no en. easements Inconsequence. New Wises. Martel. Car T. green to the Pitt burgh oheette.l New Oatneee, November 19t—Cotton firmer; middling Orteane 1750; ;hales of 3.109 bales; receipts of 4.343 bele.; experts TM balm. Sneer doll and deollblos; yellow °twilled 1301340. saw active at 700 Oki Flour doll and deoreesed; roperllne $109.43. Corn dull at • $1.33. Clate; small Wee at 71e. Pork doll told declined 00o; mmted at VI hewn doll and lower , ro• tailing at 11 }49 141£9 for shoulders; yo for rib sides, and 7o for clear aides. Lerd; no sales; y, quoted a; 134.1% for tbyree and 13 540 for g 3 , X09 premium . Now u gt; Osooreges alaeltaf. • (Ey Tekstaph to lbarltt.barsa fissEte..) Onraoo, Norambar IL—Flour steady and unabansed. Wneat quiet; sales of 3.11:0 boo No. I Milwaukee at Corn tilet.' Ban loy ntiobanged, bolder* asking-111A for choice op lets Causal, and for Day Quoate, ernbout salsa Eye firm sales of San Del Canada at 41,1,4 In Wilda. Paul n p oralsal. Lake Imports—Unbolted.. Oxley.. 3.c0 boa rya. Canal orports—Js.6oo Dos willsr."8:0 000117,7,0,pea. Nroaadale Marto*.' Mr 'Mem* $ Ma rittaaarah oasairs.l alsorina. Parembor 19.-Cotton woman. tiro and Armor, bed not quotably higher. atom loam an d firm at 114 10 0 1 404_Otta 'firmer at l'aa to Ur. Lard, 1300 4 ,40 lour Quiets ImpartOoNALI:008,00. York and Bacon uoB end onalLanded. • Phlla.:4loas WY TO.V.Ph, to tae Pittabargh @AWN.] rumantz.ixti, Nov. 19.—Sanerline floor .74044,ra. 11.1 wheat 135002,63; white ..470 61,20. Corn--ccarad $1,42y yellow 1,4 Q; mix. ed VAL Oat. 711211¢. Credo Petrol. urn 17a. . lIIIPOU2S Er ILLILZO&D. Prroirstraox,OoLossos • Oneonne." R. 1/... N.maber tnee loop, D Whitcomb; lo do do, A Oloclmery cam a.. 0 0 lecilthi DOI bbla Omer. D Wellcome WO do do, Shoemaker & Lims ems staved, E W Tabor; 11 bbbe AteLlestry • Wood; 10 Mu rsirt, Mar. * l a. DM.. • co; II Ob. applee, .114 bosh.. ow, 3 pkgs better, C lamp • it.. 04744 aware. 7a. Lipplaeou; as caddies taboo., lf Weddell' I bola sus, 11 Kyle; 4 bbia 0.40 L. Ulo.ei * pkl. bait. oWeeer; 48 'eita tow. 7. 194 llbla lileltenry a /load; 8 , 1 do 00, do aped., F.Sodelds; 1711 aka eats, C 8 Lore bids dour. carmen. babm eon., L 0 Will. • Col ao tam podies,P Seneca • Co; 8 balm cotton, Ilyda • Son; t UM tobaeco. 11.1; 90 hu eo. .4 0.04 J. Lomktiart can cora, E W Tab.' 2 ows Mace% Ariftrams ► Dutiatal W 410 door. 1 an corn, Seewart • L. 0.0018; 167 aka oats, it bbla apple?. C bdanldAtru June - Prrtildkez ItaiLloah, November 19..2 can mta,,Sautta Waal; 63 MIA Lures, la do apples. yolgt &Col 054 do do, E 1117eati z i t . d ett ro, j o d wrt tt a /relarl dp p, 11 do 40. Mau/al.; 12 do do. Head • 11I•toar lco Sza ohms", Mums.: A Lam; 14 aka ir e da moyerated. Campbell a Bravo; 20 Om e, Tattler; I car hag, J 01.11; all Wm eora 4 bele and. do beam, J 3 Newsom • 00; s.J bbla bammogumper a Coolo do do. Wm Hulage; I car Mangles, T 3 l ieh lo sontl car lumber, Z Alley; a ear. potatoes, Volga a 00; 25 bbia and albeit eau o,h. Artmekles • Ow; 10 MO bd.. "Meat dour, E Ha.stst.a 1. tale ben:4,nm. 300; 5 baU cheats tea TO Illmps LI au ore, Bo.hattalmet I do do. Enema. Potatot Co; 4. do, MaKolght. Porter (Oval bWa apply", Meau• a MEM: Oa do do, E klualo do do. Kellum Sa enter; 7 Mali War, 3 b , la dry pagan, W J Webster. Pl 2111•171011, POUT Warlir. • 01111¢/“. Noyamber 10-291 pigs lead. Doyle, übambera a,Poiaa ht. plasaw.s. Daman 6 eara Pm mama, W Shoeuterger h CI tam malt, W PolLoclo it halm wool, Wm Baker Jr; a 11,010 s butter, T A eorkluo,ls do" Ormma, Ar buckle, a Co; Icar apples, D Ymtkamos 220 pkg. carriage hablwass, Rao 4a. Bar; 111 do do, Rudman, Kanter h Cot <Odds mama 3 Mar. Mu; I dodo. Ul by ogee. 8P Sharer a CO; 100 OM dour, Meador limp.; mr bed,etra 0 0 0 0 tat Ma rage, Mal.ballough, amita 5 Co,. fo bbla homlnyak do (Magda coramml, L Foie a Co; 7710. glue, 8 Os tollo, J H Go. h 1 war awn, Pm, 11..1a aUo ;I dodo, John Ow:paktum Md. eldar,ll Eodstaeh; 1 ear barley. A Wood. Ausms Imo Sears... November .4116311 lder, 51 Walt a Co; 40 adla mom*, 0°14..0. Porreaar a Co; 15 aka buckwheat dolma. Mak a Co; peara Msg., J 31 Hemphill Ido do, 0 Ll2/11 I oar stUlfoad. Stewart a Lasmahelm; 4 Ole Crsalmra. libuls a Damdartl to ml und 'ntelt l .l l Z.Slll"Eztz 2 " 4, 1 E rat ' tiatallsott a 04q2 sate mama Ealga 80. *M.; Pkga tam., & W , Jeuklawas; .10D Olden. J Taggart a 003;1 tar M. J 07.1111.4 disk. iota, 170 40 oat., Ovem a lieme4l; 10 bbls apple.. 4 do potables. J MOW; bodtseu brow. J Ifutehlums: 01.05 oats, 7 44 yortkEt Zoo* a 5002 darn oors. Emsaady h Lathrop; gdo antra.. Mets.ta Soo. ' 61.tnous." Vacant: B. 8.. November M boas/A.2140 rye. Sul • Ritaberm 1 ear /roe and WM, Wadley Brtekel/ & nue metal. Dahmee. Dam & Co; t do do. A. non, Preston & Doi 7 toile bather. 011 N Llntretottlt bis buckwheat door, Whitmore, Wolfe a Do, roll leather. D 0040,001 I bbl 4 2614kT, to • t log SW Obis oll.Fisher • Boo; lot prodOce Bleneberds rr b.. *pd. s Ss • felltent 7 wipe -butter, oats, I 0 Oladdpsl7 .ka p 0422444, .144 0 lankl2 42 ee Soot; IL 01 TAE OLIIMMT =UNA HOU= 1111 THE OM. J. GILMORE% ' claceeuoi to Mucosa a 1 zaacavo 11‘astatarer, PaoWale sad /14111 Midst la. TRUNKS Valito a, Carpot Bags, ato. a way •on hand ;ontane nf LADIXIII.IIITCLI . Se. 106- WOOD 111111171 n intlabourigl, ocis al: ' • SCPCIIIOII 'COAL. C. CHERRY a CO., Pitt`Att3 Ma r a 411.1 P A L L7VIPP M CU Inf itL o ald 'SLAVE. Mal tronotly t • rf , partf of can Lies. at fa. lowom. Mate nmeo. • Otte. and Yard. torte, Vol/ sill eat WA.T. SON (roostol, 02.41 Illetsslaril, rillatoopt. P U. bor. PM. °cat HEA.DI4II7AIITER.S FOR Warm slritesisters and ireadlators, Black or Whits Nnamoiol,ll4lare or Mono& St RIbBELL & CONi o Oeilktu 210. 1135 !T. CIICAPEST PLACE IN THE 0/TT TO BUT THIS TRIUMPH COUSINS STOVE, to at tic,. 110 UiaAT !I'6Q2 ME= Sealer of Weights and Measares. • • • sr.. 5 POllllll/11115ZET, Ilatwpci Liberty and Perry ster . ..u. nrovtotlvaltradoof to. uriamo D. R. EIMEKWEI, • DIAL= TX • (Ja.XENT. LIRE 1161C8 ASD TIL E. Ifinittlt/:olEr.rigg 717/ . 11., Aa4 ATZU rxr . .d W let Mad' aTaaRT, anmel La ilaeoasaa•la noa.. mita EIONEILDI t PUMP MAKER. TUB mutest TU M IDMai of WOODZN TUBA NU. 80. IsTalcAT. A/loiltan7 Cimps, • • -Lets erd Vrip u r i ttiosmoo to Um =maw 1111:e0o F . .AnTop,;CAX• AND,LNULSZKAUVII A F',T B 311 A. N. MT=M;M=I MM=!MI 815,000 ,Tp LOAN, onsozaiAmv siozrimes. . • • Cs. DLL, PAR, . SIN 60 Iteetika•l4 it.ll Its t.• bovakt and .014. in. Foes SCAUCE/liB • "CM A ill/I ETTLX. weufw. with al imasslig•s sol• aid ts• ra. Crum. • - • • • .1•7 PITVINV. IMO. ' pin' up in .ad f r Mb by Oa aile• Illsouraew as 4 sad tallppti•d b ars. itllNgHillr • rly .ad Hand mint, i r IANTON Oh, Fp_ s. '47.34r IM7Z tges,4 la pawl tormas try • sou ,ONINT PITTISBYJEGII DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 186 PITTSBROR ROPE WORKS. FULTON, ZOITAIAN 8 CO., Ituntsesuc fO• but CORDAGE, OAKEN, WINES, u eery milip walls:usage, 111 i 1113 = RIVER NEWS The gnaw imam. vim sold, led the plospocto for II torly rosumpflois of soviga Uma we about so moots u fOrst.‘ 'Oa goads,. morning, between nee and lu o'clock,* contelon occurred at Chaim, be tween tn. eteamers Plantar, of the People'• Ltas, and the Bennett, of the Old Use. it ap pear. th,ol, both lay at the Tharf..and the Elector basked out But before the . Bennett. The Elseior sounded the atrial for the left. the Bennet: respooded, but ran dirmtly across the tow of the other boat. Before the latter could be stopped, the Elector hid ran tato the wheel house of the other breaking lthi and damaging bar bulkhead to some •:tent. The Dieter we not dimmed. -" • The St Loots Democrat says the Northern Lloe L playedont thiseason. Their baste are allaying up. • TN J. E. Raylo baa /MA bought by yutlas in Nair 'Masotti. a Louisville and coneordin puke. Oho boa attired at Nair Albany from Wand a& The But Able sou tato the Memphis and New Otteeai trsde. hatest sashes from the atoontaln boats son. a fiat/Winton that ons or more of theMarlll - Mt. Loofa before lent. that sere ea• mooted to winter in to. leq eapoma to va rious dulcet.. The Lady. Glass, Importal and Amaranth are among thole whose safety Is The Evansville Jeerer;{{,, of - setorday, nye: The Peerlen was being mgoaded all afternoon and !net night Bubb& Patti& 8 Co.'s wherfOost, undo the eoperintendene of M. O. Palmer, area Jet the nada:writers, the N 'Champion o. • the:meanwhile keeping hat sent by her .1 e eyphma; One hell hot memo is denier • , some of le doeunnel e total Nes of which h not been aseuttaned.- The damage to UM • to It , mated at µboo. She L the worst :ern k by ever saw, being badly bre •••• and angled. She was to. nand for 41111,0001 . . A Louisville to gram, ander date cif Sandiy, hn the foliating Items: liner IllawlY Medlar; 'live feet on Portland bar. Bedew rather. dull. The Wild Duct, with several . t r annet, paned ;Sawa yontetday, Mo hler one her barges, hay lades, at Bethlehem. A tin . nported In Greou river. The thnolanati mall lose doeles the sport that they are matreoting for low.wator boats, or that the firer Wainoe the annelty for such. conuilits. The Champion No 0 har raised the steamer Ponlen; a • fh beat, tryterl. Thortorysank alum at m Lake en Roland , laden with goer add produce; badly dam ed. The Ida tusk • ba7e at ()auk landlng on Tuesday night. The Zmnville Charter, of PridayVumier. Stands that the steamboat Experiment, re. amity owned by Some. Grunter, Eq. has been void by him to hissen. Sr. ♦ it: Axim. for $3,001. We dip the followhig [tom t he Wheeling /theffidencer. of Mondry: Business along the landing wee With on hat. thday. The Leal Loott,Capt. Itemiltoo, and Lerman, Copt. Anstaith, were Medina for Farkenburg. The former got away at 10 and. the latter at 11 a.m., with fair taint. The Somme departed for QWl7Oln with., much freight ae sus mildewy on this Wage et wa. ter. The tispuita wan emayelled to refine • /am lot se It was Imp treble h her any more than she had. tram Marsh the n ow eluded to to. this la. Ithhtdraright steamer as a reviler melon between ;thee and O Sther three feet mod one Inch and ses The W. . le .• new boat in elit►'owe of oapiain Brown, and was OWN out of the ma- Witham of the W. F. (butte, burnt al Madam some Ude ao. s team ersurtis le other the tight est draught hat loans to our maul, mar dthetag Bahian lathier with foal, le. She brought rep over 1100 tons as thla tow stage of water. - ' . We eatrtht the folknelan- Mune from the Claelthati Giatette. of Woodsy: A huge enchithdord Mud wirearr. three Mos of hay. watch the Wad Lineletook In tow at Aurora, sank that Bethlehem t h e Friday. The by wax Lemuel la the Somme= and Crescent companies for BUMP gash. The barge le not to deep water,' and ace mare Moo cote-talk part of the big will be damaged mush., . . The SMithrPT dyer/.d for. Memphis early zitaaty mermag, drawing sy g Met. She lima Ito barge but expected to get the at LooLthille to lighten throat of the river. Nth. Matta were John Carroll and James Stefan. The W• 11.111, /at for New Orleans ost Sat. =day evatilac Monare fee , . and expect. log to fill out below. Bea. thd Oth. 1./pentad:au. The Torkto. • mothisan both. wired Of froth Sr... Louie, fouled for Pittsburgh. Of sow. she will not be this, to get through. She may reship or erne her freight, and make ►trip to Memphis. This will be determined The towboat 8.. C. Wilma with barges Of seal, whlch hathbeen mut e m Four nth* for several dam, asthma here yeeterdey naming. Says the Lontseille Charter of Saturday : The Ohio rime surveying mad inesdrortait party were in Ersosellie yesterday, banns seethed from Mount below. The mi e n. of th e rimer between thie city the tilthlthall Is floe. mimed by Witte 41a be far too short—in het, “ota-eldoct.n They went down oit one side of the elver only. eitterging Welt lines from polal potoLead ent following the heads or imolai the bars, around width all steamers the cor yelled to tha ...Wel la high aftea of water. Chas. Merry, of Dubuque, Ls beechting prom. knot In the ethantathint world. Be Menet on trathportation, and le on the the of great un , derthhith. th we lease yam • long etWs In the lath matter of the uuboque ILlest{. Mr. Merry with In • few dime, dtspalth from Du buque the ethernet Ocean Wthe for New Or. loess, with six barges to tow—eapatity emit. 15.000. lie will take Mote bushel* from Dultnoth, Mtge bushels Woe his own, tad the month!. shipped by N. 11. Ryder, Slifer yes*., L. N. Gibes, O. a Handitora and probably other* who bre• BIM la the mita. This erste he proems@ to here plead in ths New Tort motet at II eon of but ally ends per bathe/. giving Dobtiom ablirpare • awls of 100 per babel. Freight to New Odom% the pth bushel TUne to New Toth lees th an days from Dubuque. BosiLANEc 1j ar.a. C:1 XS. 8 cowis UNIVERSAL WASHING COMPOUND. AXILATIIICLY, 3111 W rIFtPAILLTION We an now 'ennttn4 la nnaminurtnriolt= We Etta C411411a EU SITU Cate eauUatUW. HOUSEKEEPERS, PLEASE TRY IT. wi.p. Ural t MPH at lust from I.Lrso Wits bnes• Itsrl Mbar os Wthk. ' 147111T MIMI Is Inv sabls, 1.5411/11 lt Ele.ll thou mil, liabn too brlititor. It la al. umfal los sCHUISMNU IPLOOIN. cunials Wulff INU DOM.*, at.. Is la warms.' le „ . JS and retail no. 41111.. IMO sale Aroma. 14 bOVIVaII tO t SILATNIt t a as. • t 11.441 •of .11.2•4 son • lleyse.) • • INDERNO/11 & WILSON) Meroha nt. Tailors, AND DIALIJI4I /N " - wows ruminants; soaps, w term 1111111, au IA&& _Jost neelved, onr_ye4 . l y.hatr Mr a! VP"1:4"1"%11: 7 -- drIT/0141:121)11VS ur n nrnsvm.u. ucioetr 1111. um,' NOTICE.-lalbw Cow* of ttu am, beisloaa, No. IS 114.1tma.r WIMP& MIK t• eIV WEBS 62111111bT. •Il pm.' hitt stut•tl nod tab • b tlielltbst tbq 11.+11.1.0ES pt • 11.11LW nod bent Ol• Ma 10.00.1 r st boh o( b at a te & sm • m 1 uostldo i pla.yl4 Amtb' a m V D y d•y• Irom Validate. 141•11. 4,Fhect " LI rotirtt i vrenod cnothant Mobs las. bee. Islattml car at palms* of am. man. • „ „ _ I.I.ISLAUCT., Mt, 11:7E3 PRIVATE DISE4ktiFS. wilto-5161,hf riNN , . • ear as ours of an dL•teee of • ptlnte •I,•1 I• from t , ,0 to roar 4•.7=ursaf.r. YO dlase.. dot Igo gasltal 05 Altar P i ll;" 9 141: 11 °1 7 rial;d4ne".l.' ow. o. 0LA,11.....3.11.1•Ah/1nin1.....i. SLAT lEON CITE BELT WORKS. • CEO. O. CLARK & CO.. liu:we:x.garztvivavlt.l.64l.l:a . tri CIIALLLES AtEJZFAINTEEV; los izincium NZ. ALIJIMIIIias it. Marla doer Morn DiVool.l4 Glass;Cbbla Ware al Table f allery as rantllN PILICEO. Xveniihtes l e . o. stars on hum. , C 4 .11 tn.:1.410r. A. 6 TETTLEU bONS & to, 1113111 1;PAC1V11.1125 0/ Skim Boners, OH Mils, Tanks, Ana saimi tion Woar, of WI tlalloo - Locust u.. Fifth. Ward. Pittsblush JOHN PEChi! 011111ABIENTAL HAIR WOLUDIS *zo PZIOVIUti, OS !mut r•evrtaarjeas Wood. rattsWrp z Ora l latres u grya,' 1.21 Z ealpr, yaw!, Prim a 'east 501 us strmak mire 4114,41.44411.0 A . Li. 01611J981 fls .fib. 9$ apurgh Urn; DllblanTlCl°sll°°" Z Da il l In IAIW.ILY , 2I • OrY Vt/rW. Also pasoolloa en of nuasru. SWIM GOOK AP MAU ex emoted In Ito toms. . Ilur• 111o4k of MAI TION MAY aosattotiv blow. .414 Bann & MODE% . .4.3acyzrargriocm g ‘ 111 F , NZTRZT E TATAMN : 1 4 wneto ALBINOS! NTAIWU AVDENCT•— •••• Jostreeelml. bsrfp, se .0., Pout .tarsik: lae `l% sirev ' - solitrmlaElTlVise 11LSCELLA.NEOUS TO WHEAT GROWERS EUREKA!' AmmoriLina BONE Stper-Phosphate of Lime. =3 11:7=1 THE ALLMON FERTILIZER CO., iIeiVAND & canrßELt I= (dee, 3f6 Penn 86, Pittsbnigt, Pe. Tne best ./artllbir WIC and ranonatrad all tarmere erne have glean I t a trlal, to De IN Vats. for ralatan Wire creeps of Wbest, 1111 Vats. UM. TotatoeN (are put:atm:lea • gr.lll t val'ryTrAta=l'liTilgekr". will Oa sent tree tO T eanilan Ile their 4nklrere, PITTSBURGH IMPORTING BOUM SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, XEPOUTKRII or GERMAN, FREVCii AND SPAM WES AND LIQUO 409 Penn Streei Guilin., SCHMIDT haring returned from Itn rope. has tame !gran purenamm. and perfactsd arrangements Iran ttb -thatowlan And Qum /mem: . . • fi l 'ialj.Ll4ll. Aotlo•Obosopagoe. Ls VIC nfoLIE a On.. Aporasy, Cb.lap.m. I atnanan 0000.. andro. 6. Inlo• • folonbo.o. A MAIO. , A. —?..ff Waif A CO., Cronnara. dpfaxllng nook Wad !tuella. • BA,B An% AOn" booteo obolto assortafern Of NAM OLD Rita Iff kV Gooslootto on MOO. Having Derfooled tboabtor, totoo.,ye are 0010 , o off r lb. eLoicos , Or of WINIOn sad LIQUULA raonallonnlo tal i.. 400157 kn.( oclarnffitoff of Unffn. HAZARD POWDERi. T AD NOW. PREPARED TO au. shorten nett oa, all ardent'. laixou HAZARD'S CELEBRATED POWDER Si! order. lon at or teat by malt to my Mitt, No.c. 1711 and 174 FXDZIRAL lam) . or to 104 szottxu Israzier: Plttatogat, Pa.; Ttlt toughy Clommattentlos. ARTHUR 11111 K FROINTI STEMS BREWERY. 134. hiI`CAT..IOI2IIT LIDDELL . *PENCHI, M'KAY 8 CO..- . MALTERS 1110, Porter antrertnert Stout, ermusesei, r&. NOBIRT WATIOON. - 11ans.e. 0:11 TWO HUNDRED TIIOII3IIAND Half Spanish &gars, dart r 10* as Eight Dollars Per Thousand. HOBERT - F. WED DELI.. Canute at AWIT73,III.LD I WALTZ* Ott: *eta: ESTALOLISINED IN 1842; J. T. WRAY & BROS., lIINCLsBUILS 7V M, CONNOLLY, STBB MICKEL BRUT, 29 and 31 ix Slrint, s mamma. PA. !TM LAD/161S , runs, Furs; 6 " l 4' , Ear.; 01IXAS Tulrrr , immaxo LOW. $ • iIeCORD fi CO. HAT WORN 12= s 8.111/WAli, =EI BONDS. STOOKS, &ND =AVESTA-TN, Apollo llalldinp, Pour* Sind. Bap.. Intaranee Sala lianleAral •••I all ICI u at Watts boa. tgl .110141 Oa 06 oalabialos. haus.* boort., enel said. unrra lIICIIOI I. SC Klll a sensiraTz, Intoleak nal 1141.1111untaatantrs of lid, Copper and dimes Iron Ware, OreiVroilfigri:latorgr. D tit *olllw 1011111 MI TO IME. il r 'ej , Pla! T arette s iell'iDALlN: Ilent to• Tama'. cstlyo Tl.lllerria/11. PA. NOTICE.—TO 10011 V CONIC T , Ze i' ut:ll.llll2 l Sl4l:: the eon f the Vatted "Waste, ' aid to tea l ' lrre r ett e eralee t o tthi. Needled awl elnteeli nor- TC to t e " Vila . Z .,l niktallertrifl;lllligree the eta..., or e o , e, all Wino the peewee we e wad Jobe I, Cone see Betheether OUP., of Vi nen re enema see Twentieth Vallee. uoeoo 0 1 / 0 1 :4 1 . 4..141;e tb sege .. le , ane . s e .i Tb r At t. T g es tr ee . a . l latißli2 b7 S....trt4 . lr4 l4 earl il3trettli awl webs tear wlegelleete la that be alb Tn. ;o. ra wa tiu ' u. Moribal,, W ooo vwa. ra. Slatobreo utile,. Nov. ll Ntr. solo: SOHOOMILISER dt:EON itopzi cum of Hu - 3 EMTWA1113317.1 4 1.0,1Er White Lead and Color Work; 17LUTX AND 1101) LIAO, 24" 417tirti Warr i liatkras &ad ail calm drier IA OM 01110., No. 07 rouirra or:astr. 4. 1 0r1. Nos. 430, 4611, 1 16 41 411 9...ta 41111/Ssbeseftntroel sad 49,4 ussi I,llssnss• pnopositis wilt be received UNTIL 2/LC I.a /lin., For the Grading, Curbing & Paving. Or 1001 N. PINE. .1101.1111. X. BILDON .0 NEW 27tOr 6 . llloNis .0 UNION *GLIM. Is UN Berovehot Duthene. eletthethe WNtor . ether eobble•staae or Stealth* savesesll. roe reedier yard:ultra epNT at the ealee et the Du se es, or b . u.r,ymimular. m 11b2 CL•Jamss tftrrit CoomltUee• O,IIIIdAT itzymarnoN IN TIM %a i ?lUD II OF MS ITNITZD N HTAVA• W —PaV C"" MA A Intra P ot U rA p.f iforl. .nillre. ~. Juni it. Di-. f r,:timoi w° "'l' mr••••. - .4nitn an Um ittairilAisi WTlge Viarls Van. l • l lE..P 4l . l o4b.: in , . Ow lifter, wltlthv i r , We it barna , ilv.ll,lrw".r)4 C•47oWriintlill.l.llolll I ~ ' Pral.Anz . .ixr , wi,, OM 2 ILL i 0 , ,,. V -11.4.—'85i zma , da,„,....tb...ei 6 s,ll,lrai t .... u.wirm , ,•ZMl . ben Am esa r los we t h i g i n ... . .. 0 tl:"--P vL, intletlaill . ..illy,. ' e." """ liVat i oliiih. C AMP Ii; T. JAPANNING riAmtr &RD onsiimiaraz,_ Bt -> NILLWI LILOYID; No. it: Clair Btr.e4 P 117581710311. PA. 8r,41,111. Tea Cur Da4iiplautedueqUual toM'S • WASHINGTON IT Tashisto etzteCilisi cm inentor. TicifvS t riP. 1.4`.% 114 1 gUlt 6at•ga Ont. fre• Of atiaml. OMB of au laid. 11 . 0 . 111 awl Vats shallot, On awe" 11 , 414.6 .. . Trlppt 7. tr. tumuli= TILER JIC 1:10111N8ON. (SuCteuors to JAW= ciyaass,) • LoG 'PUMP'S. Ana all 'dodo of isoonas ai tum,n,ll . g r ",a s AiTA ß ,Writu.i.d Wvathas dot. the obortaft rootlet. oo17:011 JACOBIVICAVEII an. & CO., General • Patent Agency. Ml==l = W1q1E4Te...10.00 0 131131121.11 CIO ICE 110. 1 SPRING WHEAT,' krt uie b 7 D 41 1 .131. WALL&CII, l!er= L. N. miu4-Butounietiour,er'ot DOILIZT/O,CL IGAW ratite. ' Sa a r R i g grit toulstute • Huai Comer 14Detti, r MISCELLANEOUS ACROSS TES SIERRA NEYARAS.. THE Central Pacific POAD, THE WESTERN HALF OF THE Great National Trunk Line Across the Continent, BeJaz COtOttreated with tae AID &BD StIPSE. VISION US THE DMIEP STATES GOVERd. Imam le dettloal to bia one or the YOST ilg. .70ATALIT AND TAU:MIMI IL&ILIIOADI LI THE •0110, 1411111 the sole 142 k of cotemoologlon between the recite Mut sad the Gnat Interior I F Basin, aver wh be hateenne oTerlaed travel most 14., and a Principal. mitten of the Soto Atom Line Sottisen the two Uneinut. Wile& extend. from Secret:lento. on the WWI waters of the Parade, eastward zeroes the rlac.i nod MOM Dormice, po, of Califon. shy evade and blab. nintlenons to all the great Maine Regions ot.the hr *peel. and Will meet nod connect with the roads now bund le, eon of thq Rocky !fountains. *boat 100 miles arm now laullt, equipped and In running operation ta the mond; of the Bien, Nevada. Milan a lbw dsys . 2o nines, now graded, will be added. mid the Innek a:1.44 vulvae across th Monotalss tx a point In Mel:eat Pall Lake yid. lay. whence further proffers will t 4 only add marl& fro.. materials and equipment are reaoy at hand for aoomVez of road, end 10,000 me are amp and In the COalltllletiarl. Th. local badness upon the eoroplated Donlon surpasses all 'Teel°. enlists. The !awes for the quarter della, AropsstUlst are as [allows, la GOLD: 6110154 UPI/U.2lNa tiR Zauistrial. liraysits. ' Yamaha,. 4187,570 64 $86,648 47 $401,031 17 tie. at it. rate di two million. per 0n0.., of which more thsn thremfourths are not Pratt on Imo Wan 100 miles worked. This is upon the Sc. mai. legitimate traZo of the road; with 11. ter• minim in the Mono Min., and with only We nor. Iva glair at gOveramunt. Itintpol . l.lllloll., Is •lmulre Of Um witterials tarried fur it. [Miler extmlaMn of the rout. The Company's Interest Uablllsles'dierlan the same serle 4 ware less than $1:10r. ♦d4 to this . reetalesp.dlni throe. Indic .4 the proporiloss pt . Os futers Onslner come Immense. The Company are anti:wand to continue their lino eaitoard nail' It shall meet and cone.- with the read. now building eut - of the kooky Meenteht ranges.. riesioning mat iltey balld tnd onitiol half the entire distance bonne. One Trancleco and the Minoan Nine. a. now seems probable. the United elate. WUI hare inflated In the temple. Meat SOS miles . 1126.504.1400 ores the sm ilea rate at her mill. not Including as aboblute grant of 10.000.000 of the labile Lands. by hecoming• haat ineesior in the essentilleent rawronee. and wavialf it. Int ilea to toner of the PIM Montage Mond. bolder& 1111. OflhoLi. UolisannLee. in v. Tilt, IstriTla TOO CO.OrMuSior or PhIVATZ CIerITALIIIII, and has earetally ionided their 100701. abaiiiiit all ordinary contleganclea TheCcropabyellbr fin male, tnonohel, shelf Brat Mortgage Thirty Yeir. per emit. Coupon Sonde; .•.,• o I.OEO alma, loath at 011-aoaaat geld eat. SOU .11•4.41..• 141111 sal. Int NT the nn Italy at nrd ' . C tr . coTengrartglerntntal . 7l:t/ yawl/ also parses& apes Um lavesuusoL li The. Dos., bv *ant Corinees, ate Mau. only . tee }Pert proven.' aria to sae same arisient only as the wed. grantee by th. tieversaisuti tad repr..t, le all to the psi Mes Mtn p. • completed, equipped, .4 pro. deep. rattroad, eritteri ha. been trireme . trarversise. au Waist, Ur. suoecriptio., dro :gib . o d. plea p MortSrare Panda which eaa be boa. *hoe oc 0.047 Stoats %%%%% folio alma leorrlarste 4 . 4 . 0470 all the ...eon, sanctions and porraarl. al the ratleil hubs. A. of lanlitaaa, and hare la sealtioseesseal soilocat. attrastaaes orcet • sa ariaarreaaf boa.. ate the tsportar elaha opae oilier ilia nail 'Mal fad • &Wank portion ofthe throe gh nee. Seco. -G.:40 the fel Int bet.: of Oa Gonna. nnnnn Way, (Whirls lea ...Piles. Ilona Marina repe l... the beet at of karts dose. Van. from Slits. la. Miral—lfelly half the eat. oast of 4.4101 PS tub. es mai 4 of Sae la .arou tea t . epos the 1.30 all. bow about ..- .le. Jirerie—A 10934 inalnete already }Wattle throe. fold the asrauril latareat I I abill tig it, with ail. vulture. rata* payable la to.. JVl.pried pal aa welt tee lo serest of tie Srie4a te lo 4 trefe bit Lamp) tiltaatarr asteelocut. healitusseasl., Is7estleaoe4 the num.,. o*****44 am *museum al lb. Mad. and no wee. edrerselat of tieLP•ere . 11 4.4 “.. 1 ‘. 2 7 reenamend aoed• so Treabees, l'amters, lastltatlaa.. and otam.** An min. nay sound. **Male vemeeratile/ms of veresanatt vassesent. MEM CUTIII9IIII3 Me Central Pacific FIRST MORT idGE , BONDS = Empire to Eighteen per Cent • Advantage, 111110/21E 811tE BATS or INiEREZT. Tao to , lowlag eta We-atm. roses Ofratember 1144) 101100). IS comm. to ciao) 0001211ot. SatJ.7. pon. I. a t i r n icage2g7:= P"aa.'" r,44 too po U. A :N:: 1:7:':1:. 11 E : 1;2.7 ! U.. Wt.. any. ; and 047 U. V.S. 7.4oa.arrlcs.l . arta 744 '.. 11+01,104,) .b. dO. ...IZ.t.! . .7.741.:7 , 4411171fAng7471%1 1 ! abYgni.d. FISH & HATCH, Istitn ta Mita it connoted rectiatcut runacia IttattitthrLlLL Ct. No. 5 Nassau Street, N. 'Y. ab a a 110111511110 X /a MOS.. rittelnalt Lads: no CLxiiN & Pena. MYERS, HOPPER & CO„ , . n 11. It. lUi.4/1131. ==l FURNITURE Of kvery pescrlption. fallOOL AND OPFICE ruisrron 80hfield rnironvava, pa MPA FFal iwonwst or Fith:wk luke l outhalf au usaaLOWIXT ia; a. a.. 1111.•• FOR FRAGRANT TEAS . CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES, ECEI ROBZNSON►S, No. 20 .FMtIL Street. JUST ILECEITED, aT ROBERTS & SIERSELATT'S INDDLICJALIC AND SXTAIL ISs, Olipei sal Skeet kuslistel SIM U 1011:2111/1 . ALD St. . PrrreiliT,Dlol4 Rgl!ingliegNglisiregAl " 4: Oval an:.q.11.1 irwres nod Nod,, groeflagNsamponal ii par i nt i APPARATTIB, cooilit moo. Teret.Wor. Ouddhurs. !a., la oa• AN, at tlyear'• .atent An , l•out asin Us. Unrast rarlor tipmes. for a:mm.lMo and 011.• cola: Ile•ars. 11. B. stye rp.r*Ai ettantl. ato lb. ran , aet.r• of thoeere ndlIDlOl STAIR RODS, In Bronze. Fire Gilt and Silver, *lob room Ifaskator. orblob Drovonto Mi. roil gloving Cm!. Ito Wan, wallow. the moo of op, 1131.16•111 aOttalto 1031.3. Maaldaelural <sly by N:?. It J. 111ZIMIEIMAir 0.1 MANE CIVIEST. ism Yolk. - Wt . Ask fay 111018213 LUIS Ystaxd. Yotd by ILAINI Voider, I_2ElEOl_ EM PAPER ..11,1011r itatiltail. 1P kIiiICAT VABLICZT, AZ N. SOY Market JOS. B. 4114OSiJOS • EXTBA.Bios. / Alf , D LARJEV : . - ;„ , .; /a sad Itst re CY raziis Cot. Wayai sad Pun sirens. MEDICAL DEA EVERS, lI4RD HEARIXD, • Dtschariee tram the Ea . . Polyps the Ear, Cathrrh. Omaa, Mind lutbamej 4el, Y.r.ry Species et: SI Styes lied [ere, Pltieeeiveltally Tre* by Dr.lLeyser, L 29 Prue Street. SIGIITT.ESTOILED • . The Zr. to which we Minded some earls' to, 0 ChM " ... 'roster, of lleavareouttly, la Dow unreal, coinned b/ the appearance 0 11 . f itas /fisher hersett. who towlar ballad on DN. t• nut In person , to thank blot for his kind ass . and el In restoring her to ENT.IIIII 'ND PLgI7CI" PINIST. INlrairlsher had hies st r. ly band fur fan month,. Eno woo ao 01100 hat Ito could lot lilitlakalth an) 013vot au to Into out wt. It was. The can Is ratan. 10 , a hondads of tans file Dna Ire doom 30 neuerwortur darkness, on the Illtosy pre xi. that there la no aura. and toning eon he 0 ke.• the was under D 11 ...11E1'57.1t'a Iranian 1.4. too 1000th., and baron she applied to. In. through has- trona...NIHON I'. YMCA, alikht hopes war* entertained or her eyee Inmate handl ptg at. Bern. bona In the nigh P - hood where she cestda, and has been feraided In one of erten, diner nworeer. i We. the underaltatel, know of the can of la Wither, and bear lath'ut teannony to the !faits above stated. Cr 11.1171AIVFLIT ... 2.1z0N P. 7101/111. (13/utlar 11 '.. , t g,N'lt lIILLDI..II. 1 , . • . 'taunt - avenue. •Ilerbektyt caVis 41eC.esegr. • I I..L'lee•YJGlln. (bar September Iltb, 7517. &B. Brow., K. lw4 Prlday,~'' 711 m ita end. il . 1 • I`. A.IZ:, L.s„,,,dw.w. Mary J. ' r41;41'41",',41, . 1:°0°."4,14`,-,r". Jas. A. , raming. , weary J O.K. S vineburs, N. Helen. I,st., • Nancy IL Hater. Vli:. ' Hee, H Murton, Wet. Ann.. • V , m. V. J.I ••hrla. WVeon. J. V. net, Nan Y. Wilson, A. M. elevenderfer, mare Patten, H. Ilerleer, ' l. Vattety. I leveOdurt J. al..erlion, ' Jimea .‘ Fettent . Ll9 . l2 . lL e . t. W .H a n lr. L . V.. ..uns ' luaaa " aaatead . J. W lot Woof, Sr, Hobbs. • L Vo , b7. N. unt4unker, Le . . S. 71. U ilftfe a rr. °. leer Lrut4er:) •' I .WatitnirofOg'.74. 'he ergs above frier:ad to was enzlrelr cnrrd by tnedleines to p iffy the blood, and 11 le lrllJ en nod br scores of prriana who One known MU. glaber, and hare. knowledge of lacy [Mal restore/too to health, and the recovery of, her slaht, Y rho ectotananylog littoral Ler brother ' seta forth . H Dn. Ileramt—Thlr 11th, It t of lames that hare to your aleertrsement of the care aro) slatcr, - Chrtstlauf Itsher. nay w all Wilt. lox to put Shele aim. ore down and were very rmuch immolated to tee that you brought her richt to &Con: - Alf mother rends ter thank' to yea: she rata ' , Ten are ore of the greatest moo In the world.. , roe my& It we had not coo, err.. you .he bolter,. hew chi d woold cot he tlermral this timer We all lola to rending our love and respect. to pat. h. Pr YlnlY R. North YAW:4Im Or. Hnnour•e Coioonleattoo Room. 11110. 120 roan' Oliver. coiner of Ewan alloy. Office boars from 9 06 V. m CONfitNIIPTIO:II. 'lt 'woad taliep.tnsa • lifetime to mad trot La. matte.- lama MIS Ramiro ant amble., and if • Lien so wer• to atteMpt It he email nuke admiral% letirasi by the marilirif. and die Matra he got bait Ovoidal. Tile Plano toms alai* dismay aria besting nourrb. exposio rand. of matter, tli lotes Palk in ONO ortb long lus, MOIR:Lem. banana In Re palate of r baud. and mile* of the feet. ilabaussins d., I of Meta sweats. beetle Meer. entatisir of dealt or learasmos. emmitimes entiontorstion of Plaid. Them are ate meta polaroid madasionAMMlM'Om not only to Me obteretOspb7slelan. but to tot Pallent`s friends. There an. howevar. lasers 011001 xOO symPlitilaa Wien tonie.'ebltb ere udly made marilLst Oy atriesatatlon and pereuesicin, terms 0121012 111 • IDLedltill stole. UMLnip. 11 4 sod liatentlailt • Mid Chef art emploled oat *moll to Order to aseertan wholly golsor on 6. aide of of cavity of Me amt. T 0• slangier Mordants elicited Inlets way ars untold Jinn; to demonstrate Um true mid exact candid. of the respiratory cream. A perfect amendtator Gar sot fall la ascertaining whether thit Lungs Me morn, natitrally or not. Rena It is the best method of Aram:hang, %Oa haw Thar 'KOMI eoudition olleg dio.Velea, 000 app.:diau treatment le more rapidly arrived at, and evert dlit•iad Mit morn rompletelf ender toe 100m ue of appropriate nonedief. W. Mrs lobe benn 01 tO. 3011E100MM conntandlOn or decay. or ...Rai of this bodily sires:mitt. max apart& ant on a itsprared state orals blood. plash car rtee. 10 Ms course, lubercalom matter. and M oiled, it It dm tonal dr timelier. In thlt 1,04, loatu ealaull or Mono is deposited in tbe blot dm, 0 Mull par.lele• ofj errant: attracts etas/ entli it bosomy, of Mal onus. to tht natural fuismion• aa to bring on Ineasomaier7 onion, - which antfon, II it contd. would ear -17R at of tee sysebiri. .ad whieb could bare born . sully doze la the begianins of Mies dlreaM. Dr. if CYBl.lldl PACIOURIs WYRUP Le • tiom.' ! ! 'Plate and perfect Care In OM Oar l o l ait stale oI Mae ildimeasa• It Ana oar 111 wary wizards Mt tare stated abol2. by enabl CectlZlng eiarrYing ori area. to Go • &lob's Mato of nor/ . Waste Lad Lraa ere em/ly ifomprehendeL and II .hempen oat amtArtaFbe tarried oft. and the nmans intent or • in•Op•r•litn,cter.-212ai• 2/I.b• bealth and MIA therMil.r•ry of Mantes and Ste-.Ys. is many curs eA MUM dela bare bemires matted. Ur. 8 •. Pent,' rat Ofraptalle to snot, althenlish mdil Som . I. nearly 111. Ile preform • medicine callot LOWO CURL W. PULMONARY RENTOIIi; TN.. widen is • iron 1004 . aa4 streartaeM and restorm the parts to bos renamed. meal, omeishrta 'and tarrle• out from the bdy dims pulletts of morn out or exam:mom =MUM 001,12 only lead to cloy or destray its by hiadeir tug the :0.000.. material Laing dalsorited la It • t'lEli = MAtomont of (Morino Yord.'essnontor; of.hio 00 tassimon stows. Ailoyhee• City: toot .violent attack of oloarlay. to May Lan, which tattoos with a eoryh Mating all alma intr. +marten moan nal atraagti and gradunil andomaintog my health.. Dummy this amen of Manoloy inlid ottani phyalcions of Um highest ramoininnoti ono atty.. Aft t land partially a. moored from UM Inearloy. I arm advised to go into Um comstry..whiel. I did. and when Merl • .03104 Ina doctor. who uOO 000 nov loft lan, woo &Wetted. and ilim if aortattblng oore tot dont too. I Woald die of CUNnUMPTION. f Ungar: ord on from this sham antil about tho middle o: Jona. MT 'womb iOO lung diem. gradomill. grOwini wont. and 1 weaker atoll day. and al 4341 detralrittir or omit (Milos veil. In 0010, maie of demetodreen. and in/owing lb, gettenl, 0000* :et Um (instability otConsomptionokid tomrtny hoard of ram mad. by Dm WAIISICP.! end ming blow:lmitate:tont to the hearaspere,. I was Induced In Oetobetimt to tattoo Lim bob ' tor at W oak.. 120 Non Wert, and had him on. aalnotnl longs with hit . 0 1.1:11ell 130041).1•.tia. told ma 10. itbrour atm ot my Isle tatty woo TM mai% dismoted.,,but Oe Mood htwitli great caa and the balletomane to too us, of hto medicine. I wovid gat well. At the Masora dolled milli. germs tor 70100 Was moor one hundred and Wr it best. I o • °Manta. 0.41 was amorally pros. mated. sad bad to sough night iiAdd.i . • =Mood the Doelor , • trastine 0( loOntobet..ltB rtebill. %MAUD yousattltl9ll. .4 cautioned rat falthAilly anti' the Omens tibia. The Dostoroo Midieltim helped m 0 from the tory Man. aadl goold gradoally Aral .I•lmif. becrog Monte , . dad my 00040 and anitectotailow ksoitting... bate pined greatly in tot. and cohabits Mr. dal: went 00 the ratiling of my lops boa nomad. and my general health is In grate way good.' Ali mm rolatlyil and friends Mom of the. advanced Moos Of my dimes* 004 mm astzsorella•ry ety. Oits at Um toodgion 'gloat ma by 'Dr. /toy., Imo • ino1lc0o . •c01104 LIMA CMS. obleb I tookto'sanuoettoo with the other trio ' ertusuiiau., blonb *4.1101.. '.. E=l Air:nit - six coos or corstuiriOs. HJ[[YWIT OP asntf . A L IPFIGII,LI . I.... ; ? 'AMU cunt, ii.sae* T woirti; 1 was alsekarged from the United gums. area In danuayy,l ou utuerut ef • mnund to the head, from a shell. and a disease obi= the army, physic:Mae orohoutined CONdu tPTIGN. I had o'eee rale &tab mid fell 'am•y.til strength' wad, W and was unable to di Starkly ot. ter my return from Oa mow, I male &ordinaries to • PhYlialan 'of um neighborhood and, alter; mama, to nether to Pittsburgh of Oldie repots. 0100. whom remedies I rued ,rantlfully for dm mouth.. Without hay Insualt whatarei, tolitiatbe' or grew worse. 000 wastem I. gait ham simeuggh 401.. Jaguar, MGM my seiner took me to DOCTOIt xxxszu, of gm Plan street.' Whose to shah cams Ilk• mice • had der highly &yokes of and put =mat elides hie trutmetit. • rbei tloctor • irimiltlet my lungs - eery 'carefully with his LUNG EDUYU.. IMO told the Vial my left lung Was badly disossed , st Mr arbor pall, but if I was onrobil be thought tie bong camp/ by following Ids direction. closely, mid& I dl. teem that day is tot.: gradually isoprovadwn der 1/r. ILSI.r . medicines from the asst meek I cOulmeneed to take themould my genera boolth has Improved, mud my chest. where It has sunk an WAY, and mbara U valued unOtaa Deep= lull .4 Mons and Ana Qom vain:. I -eau now do aAM Mgra work, wad take grant {dawn In diving leltlsannl In ate Cr irk. gIITSZVA JOUR tr. NVlonnw, TUrlla annk. Plrnisonuo, Awn 1110, • - .I'cam of tiro Tema. 5t0741011 oonbi by KAISCWS PKOTOILAI•BVUUrs •, • DEL EIL irarnt—Xy WIN ban boon afetatad wiq a owtsti mad 410M,Ity or bnimin Sias revs or rl l 7;l: hk a i s ' eir rnVricoy: boot:yo AVM neem bussdlusr, ina she • ao:l o ttwa m ersatad , Us atQLoal phydiclans whim:rut MIT 111100. 10_1111: .21 IVIVI D (701111 i9 erarl d ,.. " 1 2 gotathr ZWAi alma • 2111 GYM bottla, wltlcn MIL sod lags Tors omen; 1 than called and sQL a dollar DoLLIa which Mel bar entirely. dad an• IL. now no tsace of the Cormerditeuc oscept woatassa I would a/ao also Innl usad mmlmMm , nayatll to a sold and °nosh. The medluloa enrol mob) Latins-ono don. - Intro. mY sailalk, Mon with Livioodlolno. god you aro at liberty to tualdlan tido LS pm Molts to do do. , • • , . • -Alt oral. IMO Vard 4 • • . um. :4ALNYA' Agalluh- . 01 P 313 K. was Uncial wlal 0011.zottola of the Iswis. • fbrotileb he w 4 discharsof tram thi want. I.le wso Ozonised oy four anar puracuu,. %Rost. sittwlld thst eat , silo wits th e disease. , We brossht nto: to Dr. lOLTHEY. 1101W0o0 Waft , • (now =rem amt./ wSO. an. smunu• losss,.oottatiesecO to [rut SteLcarea wand ant wen. lie ta no. inn nal nu for 'tint 6na ittrura ! ()than anlknoil Mr aYpll impe.rancfm . ll.le. pept..itk,y/M, I 'OH. KEYSER'S • PECTORAL' liner RE R'S LUNG CUBE. sib -wiou*initimmc imi.putota k mws, no, iwirENN ETRICICT. Lang tris_VIIFACTURERS. s .i'zeriß. r. rOth . Llst. dap', onsitußG-n • FORGE AND IRON CO., NtlA crunm. far Iron; Railroad "lab ft 1.1 . • wad bolt , 4 leOza Car &Wes Itollettc npl !Vac* Pie Aslea Ilammetoo Locomotive Flamm: tothalotlve Frame Stgaiho Takeo. StmtPvt, Philo. Mewls; • Showboat Shatia;i Steamboat Croak* Piston ttotiv, Wristvi Pitman ;awn, Coll Ors .00. '• TRICE,' NO. 177 PENN STREET, i'VnNBURGU.V% yW ILIRDIVIRE HOUSIL Lindsay, Sterrit & Eimer, ) Man!Anti:men & Imp Caters of El A RD WARE, cuTLERy, 331 LIBERTY STREET, car. 3 ;470.-5 , 2ae. Oae Square Below Dillon Depot, PITTSBURGH. 4P aßmu to YALMIAInust 901.Lic SUFFIELD STEEL vans MASK lz CO MANI:t/ACTlnlit. Or BEST REPLIED CAST SIUL Mit MT 19 ICIIIOI, 0119 NI9. ncti&Y, ' aiv2mm; uira.xndwy Uoi SAW PLATES. P.LLIPIOO /.140 tOratl-PLLIPP)O :AILWAY SPRINGS, cast Erring ,Bidia. st and Gorman Plow Steel, PLOW WING.] &ND LUMP= DARE. sifiungs, AXLESAND STEEL MK Via - 1 13W tiaiMrantl3%.l. l 7 ongw-imus, a... a.. M. Idatehouse, 83 Water 81,, Pittdegli TEAS WORKS, • aftrox STREET, Ninth Ward, Plttsbmili.• °mug PresUilitt. *Worts me Meant tae laisest WI most .I.t• establishosset to the :West. eske s rsherse to resets. • of liayry tketriptloo, 01.1 Tante nest : lmo wort: f I . l.rond Castitya, ' • , 11.1 , ng 'lllll.l EZ=EI Casitaga, ueral Gastll4rs. , .;.. - R DBBB SOLICITED .01111. RONEY, }UCLA 'FOUNDRY,, St.,Otil Ward, near LLB. R wahrsaannum cap er Dies, Steel Moulds, In Ali win Cisim geurallp • itann4KU=Pgrged=7; itT PITT FOVNDILY. ?:1,41) fiEPHEWEI H AVIV 011DDIVANCE, oil, • I. N1N1)23 tlp tori o ve 01l Ll 2 J marristm. LL IMP Sot suede to pramptly. la baratotora bat matelat* Shwa • "lAMZ.TrIsTe. stoa, wa wit., WOW •00. :MMOVIM pattlirns calistracted axe* tba oUermeloa of 1 1*. rat tee. to to magi ILAtIttINIM at abOtt 110 nolcut C. ..... cluacla comma.: GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. - DIIIVO & DONNELLY. Jobbing and lisichigery Castings, zri,LT, prery parpose, mule to 01.1,1. °Mee, ISO Liberty Street. i:E=2l aUQUESNE IRON AND ST,EELVORKI MUMMA rLABTII CO., 24 , EC11CTISAlt. , .. • iron,: 'Nails. Springs; Axles; rtzuoti. SPRING Adl7 ' WAlittlut62. •..n:1.• prrrenoucio. 11 MTNA CIT4WE WICK 'BRADLEY ef co. Cook, Parlor and *sting _Stoves, A.orte Itb.b. aro.° ea. Fruad.2llll2lBl. VI,LINDT,Nw latargriwtg, al. ;:• • • ,„ uuATLs, GRATE Jr& • WIN.ZAZ. gtitilihrlegr of Etraz: E1..A. 1 4 , 13 0 V7A.1113E. B. WOLF, JR., &CO., fia ,- rdware 8. Cutlery. 7 V.nokT•i Atgrt . '" irLds.seirea.x. , zucommul. Corner Liberty and Bt. tisir SU., S . 1.4 e. BLACII. DLUEOND r407:7=3:27_ A Igtra:.3E l = A :' BROTIMEIt a . Ilananallrell ct V 212 Trt".l‘. T W1474' 011 a e kt "7 . "l ll, Uts4 agralL=.7 11 .4 0 M ., ... Ma= ga UM Mu VT. tiZrit=-Vitatil2"" "4 *Y. 11 , 2112....— . .d01id AT.S.Mr • I, Iv, IVA LI !7! 1 411118... LlAtihrt r.4"KE ao! Yrs. aot L /WM Wr_ * O7/- M ht722I tUtZIVPXZWV7 " Coe/ winooellbraiwl All hut d ** rearttar au4-111. T Ari o , r g,„ "° 4 o . t r losiz lw2la. and px* Ica Ilov4 " 77„ all": 7 4=l%rl A " tb v. 41, iIALED*III, ttutrgit 4 8014,. ' t ~,,.,i gazirrwrviizs.v ,- .• -:', , Stens' Boilers; Oil Stills , . I Jibed Iron Works, &c. al Pinto BS., Pitteburgb,Pa. ENTaiIL FOUNDRY o ! n IZOLL TrOlUlp, , GBO 3E.erilua. lettroott 40LIM ROY!) & BIGAIn • 161111 Malls. 7,1211 Cluttim. [toll Tattm, THOS. cA'RLIN-. nun INIIIMODBLUDIRMI @Mu/11211%4141:n" 11,414H,WOUUTS, P k r atetlaTlTA =U. Sa °raw WI can va.pkoon vs ail diszen• (mum IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER, & !sonar. nubliej, Tub. and Trunk ROOPErANDAKEESTEV imetti 4114111iIntall. PA. , XtgALq:i.:t:4l GRAFF, BYERS & CO., I= Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON LIU in TVILi CA Mill, 14IIX, Ari.x.dovicr, OIL WELL TUBING, Office, Ito. 98 Water kreet, PITTSBURGH, PA. 12=3 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PaPE WOIRJEES, Cosner Carroll and 9 • . Streets, Ninth Ward, PEITSBVIAGIII, re. WM.maxxima, ISAKVFACTIMIZII OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR OAS AND WATER WORKS Sly elre. ata ail tut ♦•11X.!1) In ram, •n DZI Mud *Ad D nfl =GM. *llO, SNR salon. 611114 C4811121r01 0)10)) WM IL would nuovall tbilatictallon, ofglnpoff nt.0420 ea la of klu V?!oy mato of urruerrs., FORT PITT NILE, SPILL AND TIN WOIELIEKS. CARROLL aL SNYDER Tußtruxi, voiwnsawao, TUIIDI: AB rinzzoXl. ortuumurrkemßOUJClll. dIL BILILLB AND DM TANN% CELIMMS,BEZZONINEI AND ABII rAERI sErruNG PANB, BLLT VANE} AND CON DYNBSTIA. ST/CDULDEADI fil NB, ABOULTEID4 ANDIDOS • rausoNrosse.u.D cosi:am:rum . • 0111e0 andWorkeenterltisad. TELa Mort ead L.ll..rty Ittroota.. Pittsburgh, Penusyle,,nia, iilremea seas to taa Ito?. ad4r . su will t' pramptis &matted go. • 1:110:131 KENSaIOTON IRON WORKS LLOYI►. & BLACK, gni column, Reinevcharma Jimiataßlooralrcib. 13•16., 1100111 t apn.Zl.Bo6 114.01+11LND. T 1.1.11101.5 ra w traertiirT B. OTLlttpXteuld GUARD 011711 WEE I MALL T Ito nod 16 Ito. fo r a roam ,,soz.l 6 WI/Clue/ft cLiAII2,I too 61.111.111 fo . CUAl: Ku ßktaytio ß oad . oott Cloootonnotli.. 11A.ILN cod - . . Wombats* sod Umea at Um Worts. Elattlf- UtIOH 0T.," coottentattott of Pint street.) ut. Soloing th e City tins .17ttstoarb.. szt=ll pl./Ts IM/GBtrrezz. won,' s, ABDERSON, COOK is csucozszoas o JON 8, BOYD • C 0.,( lLsztutututrav of the bUt REFINED CAST STEEL, Pal..z,.. l ";a°Xpat.g.ll,;imasl bloc' for OCAPlira ..(RD MOWN° N4C111371.8...,- .PLOW WIIIGS, SPRIPO.I . C1R0UL..4.1214:&c...te. Cut not Common PlurM Fpring SteiL U jrL: .° 47:2oP ntt6 b a Zll34 7a Ma TADUSTRLILL WORKS. HUGH. N. BOLE kW . . . -rou.r.apiedits. Engine Builders and Machinists, •llike to order lifulao and Land nom Ersel.nOt. clan site& witmoted to give tallstsztloO• of every dostcriptlan. toxle or]al. ilataa Nict.oolt. Sup•t.....A. B. Irorem• Shot): CMT. Point Alley h Dooro.a" ,way. Ycncoilly.lAos. 52 as!a it =ad meet. : maw errssiarneu. • BERLIN FOUNDRY • MICE & SOK W/111.2 as WAIItIOCO. • Fo.24lVecid Street jtastafattat• lulu keep easi.taXlo et! LaaO TigipSbie; Pipe 'Boxes,. , . .:w . Atr u t r irma i mll i ;owr 'Au tearaly. ap tea, MOINT DLANC FOUNDRY. - Butler Street, Ninth Waytt UPPOCITZ UNION 11/027 MILLS. . 110 ,-ri n ZVOMM:7III.43I•MIL.. $Olll4 MR Ind Midge, WON% 11/111111 AKINIBD PRI 1011, - " aadCsatlars gackal/r. utdaili . Dialptly ORAIWILEIALLIWILLIILL. ' EURELIT es ItidillECLiirD. oyuas• cumoninbabwoßics.. .MILLEB, - • POEN, EIBST QUALITY CAST STBRI. ; =Agile • klAsk....otur•. spIOLIJ.. ATTPDTVDI PAID TO TIN/. DAV ADD DID MULL. . OfBce,;• B_B Wiiodatrbtai 1111 tit," CID.t:4O "1/0TID; PrrnnOlum. Jingo _aDmn baiwa W. K0W111.41.11.. 1. 4,4111, (putts BOlFJClVirrozens: • 1110 BROW, BARN HILL & CO., susini /wan, OR StllJa, Agletioet , Takke. Salt Pane. Wrought Lulu Bridget. Sheol Iron Work. dee.. 4kr, VOL LIBERTY AND:SFAND PITTSBUR [W. Pd. agestume DORY PROMPTLY. jytta ROBERT tEA; - 11 ANITUCTIMILIZ 07 STILUD.ENOINEILND Wats Freight Ereieteil . * AND 'DOCTOR'. ENGEIDEL. 1 1 1 ii`aulluts of all datrailmaai ru eo blozdas ,Oeraer of Pleas wind Wy.* larskisi P/717J5E9108. I=l 'iW3 :icl _ • ' tk-'sonNterorri hrrit.l.47ll.3.l..-.467.114Z.Va all trade et 1:111Lit/W ILLY W_ltstLlt end all lands ofje4Ol3OlCRV awn eer of W44.TSum end end ID OVA ar aSrl. Dot 01 311111 street esteaston. PlttenesSn, EYEEISON, • PRBSTONdt co; exavrarz EIBLOINT WORDS: No. tel Lad id 'Ai it:. o;poalte Il ona:4mb.. nous. Plttstrargn, apum IRON CITY ifillAti." BOOMS &. BITROWITELA . _ • - ItanntKistUrs fenaW.tNAaxoillanalataQ riallatief_i ISLIMECIMIT riN,CI7,7 • worst aNN nom Nn, Ya NNAKIIIVin wawa. n. wicszionna iron imroicer Petriatetreet, Itti gala et Comma, wass;iWe. loaehblaa. I ptaa.t.fluanadoa....:- Olndoa, and Oahe braada otliatbrulta s toaab. Intleazent*.alollpiutt's O. It: Cbatearie' yrab respiletrall wue jailtytr IiUIMLOADS. A LLEGHENT VALLEY AUAD. CHABeII TM& tra Aral. THURSDAY, JET IltS, Mp g trataa lamina Antra at Pltts . sarak epot. tortaarrita and,Usall atreartt,A• TWIT 4.7•101/ .... SADA. or. IWO T. Y . ...... r.ll. Tr?. rialt 111. 7k...0wl Sada Work* Atoom 2:40 I , lr. liWtou Aceozsa o latlon.....lll•ooa.K. ItllaA. la. Itm,Oty Cbflz . ol (wn • awl ;D boda 1:000. Y. Ilfre It. Express liooth wok. close connectlan at ara. twaltir with Una or pockets The re seal's sad 011037. Wall Elooth occuocts with :mallet' &OW V‘tl Yroaklla • •- 1717 SLaO3:IITOK)<. Sayt. Imre Rumen On CONNELL. WU.% 11.14L1t JAM OY ella aim 0/ 51 1 111441 " 11 1 1 traias 11111 N .. asd allar SUNDA , . (Mobs? ISA. will Isaac vas Da 1167, lM ' luta Water meats. as Rail Pal• <ol9R of ma rut to sad n om tinteit .P MVirn OVV: Alingmtou 1.2••• rime irritre.spon • tern ligL..lx: swot at. Ptr.n. K. 4:40v. r. etatr. M. sanday 'rests to suit roe metes. •oab b .... t:co F. K. Vial. I& tOLPT, elpiorlatia nf r39 . 14" .% DJiNNSYLVANU ILIALSOAD. CENTRAL arum QtyTOSICH VSZlebstin lOU sbn.• .0 depot Ohm m• . 1u a yok of W o ol M ond L l boyyy sk ts Mo d. , . 1 101 l cram— 41 4; Fe? Ll!:! Ii 4 , 114. i.: W44121/10: • • A w olfI V I 5c...11,16 •a. ;O r tlVlttnt:tras : Ja1 1 .141:.411; NoOd. : MO YU ;RP. 1 11 P. 4; PM &A w n. nod= Wool/INA • • • IMO &Alm= DID Onnyee Trblzu, lam Iff...Uls.Slatlos 0 10. gym ' Mat tl; ti4l.ll%t,Paraz.l.z. sod Alva wolPsiltAlo o at pay, •ciwoooll Unread looyes aou r ,, AU •00 01 vuo dolly =told O o tulaT, Indloaelptio.yl r o,o,o.lo4 the Alt001116Adooa• . zoLu et' 4 .41% OAlllitori g 11 4 = th . h . dul y , e•gftpt USliallie • Nor tortbbr luloneLnali v g m , Lau ThaTennylly.La Xtbativad Uompany will Ap t d r::%sl2l;:ftilt pf2 , "4 - 219, oindrAl Dollar.) In V 1 . 11 l llootodo tooe • In g mat omonoi. to YalasWai ma WA SI Ws unless Lqoa by kno0;11 . 103 . ZUHt.IID H. . • G.c.sel So pothltoo /too 140ao• , . WESTERN,-- PENSFBILV.IIIIIIA. v • IitaLROLU.—Ou arklielm tJUNS4.III, -ttte. r="Taaatrio lent 11114 VC'''' sr.! 11 part Minthe /eters! 8 4044 !NM. Ail _ speejelrv,, as roll.s: itharOrtVitTh,44.ll.ll4ali "1.1 yrcoport AO.l v:ta u. Vrecnorl NW etol/411 VV lLSprtGa7. c 72 Mtl - I . lM lll°l u irott • ,11. N. uInP....ATA Lop:. • re U eve Le r.IOI:I'.•MIT:IPAV ;2;2' , Above trelue nut atilt except !imam . r ' The Church Tr virtt . raVes_ tlVltynerefil.Vittutuit=l Ant% atirr at rapt. ar:artd artlVe as alialtauta Y rte r. ar Commutatlou Tisho—tor wigs • slar i at. ° T"P tr..Va r cng: Ma .4 strevt.„.ts I ' Lloniv on the train Mar Ith aT iiitlou• :in:meg on aw- • -- ' M Th:trains lea, lug altrabaar tatmetta at. rrnitt irr Mit rar/r4 B rltti TYMI titer he It . urrehuert;l SS Ortee. He. t tit. Glair &reel, rum. thummueo I n l kittrirtrth. it tit? DODOS. A.Uilll4a r , kratHar , la, . , eaterul BCH.. 'Uivtus traurorA wrath "" Vo n' are 7 rink-Aoratir '' ,..121 , 11311,1 1 1: • ..AUtrawn 4 rn 1101.1.1.1t9 la Value. All bonen 'exceeding this 119000% Inyulue,t;Uuti= dab of she owner • alum tam tr • EDW DAR WILT.AnAnk ; <maw noolt. Altoona. FA 1867. MalaßlE • tralammill laalePONl. oln.o nail/ slge.ritsi • nll* sr. i Mpu,llo4 l l7.. ua . i 1 1; 1 1Zt WI Is ' A: 21`a ; IMI•f:t EU: ; Ipona i t lar i t!l L4.3 a. 4111.. tra Rnebenter n it ;71: 4 , g 0 t N Cae:o 31411, N. Belt 4 N. Urls•il •* aIF. p , Lee Udall. NI:CS2 'Ara tale FIN o - 7. B. al trturfro "" M.. row* &..1:31:1 aia Err WIC; 41i ElfirA'Lx ' .rg AID• s m is ran:, • 7. tr.;:i• i"V. 4,1 • iu . 1 re; PITIIEUR6II, MMUS & PAN HANDLE ROUTE. ayoztmactujz a g tt atual r f UMilrl".iUs o9 Dipata. &.. PPtsboirdi, 2E 3 3, P12.,1!" ti"Pt, P. rut 2:50P. . tar,,LTATZI,g2I:2:•I234: ~111:11: at;tl.ll'llV7Atillge:L. alv ,2 Z ., !=rir , i7,llP 24 • l4 laada~ ,64 • E " , E 4 ANN•Bottlings of uretweran litt.M.l=l Mgt*, tredAttlragaV.7.7,t • 7 .2 7÷ , mama jpa me am lad ni ilriihiGll; MEM alcomi fr x n a lon Depot, (M onth side.) Sht6FßPLAlMEnneriltritlL'',l. SNORT RILL, 80M WON PACE RAIL-W.Blr, EASTERN D/VISION.. ran enonTrEd AND_ ,11111013* Min BILILDLIC ROOTS croak tb*' can - is la voLo3uuo, xgrADa. .C•LINILORELS. . . „ Ammons. wimmlinaTolt," NEW arazco. loamo,. • . • . • Two Levu !we sum JAL* • • nellr. Deadeye excel/tee.) Olt the antral s of Paella thellroed from 11/.. Lou,. alb Nanette] and St. Jo Beaman tram' 4hdasi: _Acctleg at Lawrence. Tanana and We*** wltb c atajtecistir naafi la B.IIJIIIII. At est/ • I trials wait of Illsworth with the UNITA:Le ATASNII cipmces •• CUILPANY'f/ DAUM LOP OVNitLAND MAIL AND N2P114138 INIWURe • . 'vox DENVIISL SALT: LAKE ASILVALL POINTS 5E149.110 =mums - • • 07 pOAO/18.9. tbr,./prt ; Taal, , l6. UAW F4l. 11/1 Po!ate IL Iruit Alla tido:101am! of nallag salli 124 ignagnimat. isiadelrla "Is 11.onrible land TransportasSiza tram" ita utratlatep ult. mad 4,r, aim Isar ' • MU &IMP. P.. U5.C.L.,,11,..4 WOO! sou a: , • Tick far We at ut. the windira the bat Maus and CAnUiss.' - 1/5 tux riosirits vii•rit", IXONT • worm. 'mum •riclign • .ugcwaY. xAsTaxa Davin:tom. . • . • , • - • Z. N. wEOis Voltam" ,inhttt .ltd ___ S / N 4A121 -1 * AND PRORE LIVERPOOL a Muumuu - yoliiid. wit c m : -- - . Twua ! A wls". ~. ,, • TSB INIWEr,' r a tiaarnmv u Taxinnuor-s viter Wig: ea... 1 r7:l47l4.l3i.ridtViigularirr'r t ...r sad ?num. .6114.1 I.t, Um 4,4anara • • , wk. ataintair,lar. .• , - -'' 1.6.6. Amu ioi:o4. Cabla 6. • Ad..• Ir.* Wain, Pntatantli. lk: , " 2 2 1ttimilotazytti •, ;3Pri...` Ell ,I , 0 ii.l PiNNA. I= ,n :.e • 1
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