M SALEN BY nu . Tvz orsoNpnir cations Settled out cf tbe District Conn of Allegheny county. Pennsylva dlre nia, and , to the Sheriff or said county cted,lhere will be exposed to public sale at the coußr EIOUdE, in the city . of Plttaburals, said county, on RON DAY, the 25th day of November, A. D., 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. 1f... the ((glowing described real taws, to.*lt: All the right, title, biterest and claim or &aleph P. Lau], of In and to-all that certain lot of ground situate In the Fifth ward, Allegheny City, formetty . Ran chaster, and fronting on Page street 80 feet Ina extending back 182 feet to an '" Nley , on which is erected a still for boll. tug coal tar. .Seired and taken in executton as the property of Joseph P. Weal, at the cult of u eniF Spratley. ALSO; All tho right, Ude, interest said claim of :Robert Duff, or, In and to all that certain lot of ground situate In the Bor ough of Lawrenceville, containing in front, on Ewalt street, 45 feet and ex tending back the ume width 180 feet to Snowden alley, being lot marked No. 1 In George Dabb'a plan of said borough. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Robert Duff, at the stilt ol Edward Faber,, for use of Frederick Rauh/Used ',/i ALSO, ~ All the right, title, Interest sold claim ' of Thomas McKeever, of, is and to all , that pieco or parcel of ground lying and ''''• ' bei in the Sixth ward f the of , , _ nle o e city • l , Pittsburgh , Allegheny ebtudynnd State il, ,of Pennsylvania, and bounded and des ,: %abed as follows, to.wit: Beginning at ; ../ distance of ninety.four feet from the .4 orthwest corner of Townsend and Col -14 , I streets; thence northwardly along sr . • d Town s end ' street twenty.four feet; .? '. - hence westwardly along lot No. 71 one tl .„ andred feet to Carpente,r's alley; thence - 4 . lutfisiardly along said Carpenter's alley ..i , "ewy-four [feet to lot No. 73; thence ,',/ *mg said lot No. 73 outwardly one J 3 . looted feet to Colwell street, the _place /1 she/tinning; being lot No. 73 in Scott, t''','. %weekend & Clark's plan of - l ots, lots, as i forded in theof9ce for recording deeds, ~/ -4, in said Allegheny county, in book ;) I. it, page 3.Z . and being the same •.! sich Andrew bbristie and i Mary, hie -, 'l' e, by :deed dated the 19th day of . itch, 1843, and recorded in the office _ rreoording deeds in roL St page 558, , - mveyed unto the said Thomas Mo. *ever. &dud and taken in execution tithe roperty of Thomas McKeever, at ace lilt of Timothy O'Brien. ALSO, , . j All the right. title, Interest and claim • Of Timothy Pinto, of, la and to all those ..-wftin lots waste in P/tt township , 11 the countyof Allegheny and State of hensylvanle, marked and numbered in i bee & Barters plan of the sub-Mei/10u irt part of Lot No. 6 in A. C. Reed's ; bird plan clear lots, donned in the city , harlot / near the Seventh ward, made by 1 3. B.,McGowin, Recording Regulator, 1 htigust 115th, 1849, and recanted in plan f book No. 1, page 59, numbers 10 and 11 Ititig part of.the same land which John. Meat= and Mary his_ wife, granted convoyed to r t eorge 0. Reis and An. ' grew B. Berge he mulles or the first Nut by deed bearing. date May 12th, 1849, atm conveyed the lane to Timothy Bain. Seised and taken in execution as the Operty of Timothy Finin at the snit of *mg° C. Reis and Andrew B. Berger. . ALSO, 11.11 the Bo r ger Int and claim ofletostian of, In l and to all that vitamin% of ground situate in the town. ;bp of Lower Se. Glair bounded and decribed as follows: tkonmencing on tb eoutherly side of Pins street at the .stance of 274 feet, eutwanaly from the lie dividing the property of Mary 0 Being front that 'of Mrs. Wharton; lanes Wimberly at right angle with Pins treat 40 feet to Hue of lot of Hoffman Outwardly nuclei - with' Pies Erect 66 hetinches more or less to a street; thence northerly with said street 40 feet mare or less, to Pins street; thence with . said street westwardly 66 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. • Seised and taken to execution as the . vasperty of Sebastian Berger` at the suit • al Gibson. A, linadorf. • ALSO, • • - 111 the right, title, interest and claims of George taperer, of, in and to all that cetain ho or plere orgrotind in Reserve tranship, county of Allegheny, and Bate or Peonsylvanla, being designated * lot No. thlrtrefght (No. 88,) in a nan or lens laid out by • Robert Wt.:asset, and bounded and desbribed u follows to -)..14. Beginning on Fountain street, at (the corner of lot No. 87, thence along said street eastward!) twenty feet ton ' inches to line or /and formerly belong leg to Sample & Gilmore, and now • known as the "Quarry Road," south - eastward!? 'along the line of said laud ewe hundred and twenty-two feet ten lashes to Hemlock alley. • thence west wardly along said alley thirty-eight feet she inches to the corner of lot No. 87, and thence along the line of said lot one hundred and sixty-one feet six inches to the place of beginning; being the awn lot of ground which. William P. Baum and wife, by deed recorded in Allegheny county in Deed Book, vol. 188, page 2139, &c., conveyed to the said George Sharer. Seized and taken in execution as the property of George Sherer, at the suit of. Jacob Held for use of John G. Banner. Ma An the right, title, interest. and claim of Oliver Adams, of, In and to all that certain later piece of ground. situate in In the borough of South Pittabmgh, county-of Allegneny, and State of Penn tylvan4; icing part of lot Ho. 10, in Unemg's plan et in said borough, said lot having s him ont of twenty• Ave feet on the eolith side of the Browns villa Turnpike,. and extending back, preserving the Immo width, one hundred tear, and the ante conveyed to said Oli ver Adams, the defendant, by deed bear. log date the litth day of July, A. D. 1864, and recorded in Allegheny county, in Deed Book, vol. 171, page 147, by Mary Ann Daly. Baited and taken in execution as the properly of Oliver Adams, at the Hut of David Hutchinson. ALSO, • All the right, .I.lUs, interest and claim of George Banat and Peter Gudenbnr, of, in and to all - that certain lot or niece of ground, situate In the borough of Law• sanaryille, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de. uribed is Mlluys, to.wlt: Begbudng at Charlotte Street, at the cornerof Mum' line; thence south 20 degrees west, 110 feet, more or leas, to the lice of Taylor ikon. ; thence north Cif degrees west, 1110 feet, more or less, 10 Denny's line; thence north 29 degrees east 110 feet, tame or less, touldirlaccue line; thence south sBI degrees east, 180 feet, more or is., to Charlotte street, the place of be. ' Being part or a larger tract of land which' Thomas Ingraham et. ax. et. .al.,;by their deed dated the Bth day of August. D. 1860, and recorded In Deed Book, Vol. —, con. eyed to Augustus Hoarder. and the same which Augustus Hoeyeler, and Xasaketh his Wife, by deed dated the let dayorApril, A. D. 1862, conveyed to !George Baust. and Peter (indent:oar, and recorded in Deed. Book, DA page . . &deed aid taken in Intention as the property of - George. Bann and Peter Galante's, at the sett of John Kolsettut ler Jr. ALSO, • ' All the right, tide, Interest and claim of Quistoptter Minor, of, in and to nil those two certain lots of groued in the borough of Lawrenceville, Allegheny county, Panneylvanla, numbered 12 and 18 in a plan of lots laid out by James Radium* and William Forsytbe; re corded in nos Bich, vnl. 1, page 72, be ing esch twenty tire feet front on Butler street, and extending back one hundred fan to an alley ten feet wide, and bound. ed on the east by Ewalt street and on the west by rot 140. 1 4. being. Peet of the same loin which Dr. James lew,lason anC.wllle. by, deed, doted July 28th, A. D.-1858, nmorded in Deed Book, vol. 'DO, page 228, convey,' to Cicero Ilse. DiLq,, -and wife, by their deed, dated MI day of February, A. D. 1859, granted and conveyed unto Chris. *her-Mier by deed, being recordedin Deed Book; troL - 138, page 507, upon which are. erected one two wry brick with I we story hack kitchen and frame wash bowie.. - Seised . and of In execution as the propect y of Christopher Miller, at the salts of William Ward fee use of the 'Real - Elba Baring, lo atitatiorn; (tow hank,) and Robert Robb Air nee of Zany T. Coffey., , ALSO, . en the right, this, Interest and claim of Thomas - Ward, of, In end to all th at certain lot or pleat or Voted urinated in the borough of But - Birmingham , wan. ty.ot Allegheny, State of Pennsylvards; bounded and described as follows: . Be.' shining on the sonth-west corner, forrmmeed by the Intersection of Cary alley and Carolina area; thence along Guy alley, warmly alityylx tbet three and one-bolt inches;" thence at, right angles wish Cary alley ,043 - foisti thence east. wardly pinata with add alley 'sad Barak Street slaty fret ten and seems tenth inches to Candi= street; thence aim Caroline Mreetatortherly tortpone feet dreandsersh.tenthinches to - place of beginning; on which are erected two two Cozy frame brkises, being the Rae kit of gonad which Jute 0. Norm by her attorney in set, H. Bargwln, Eaq con veyed to' said Thomas - Ward by deed, dated Iforentber2Bth, 1855, Andrew:dad In eta VW, page 105, In Recorder's *Zee of Allegheny. Seised and taken to execution as the property of Thomas Ward.'at the snit of Arnold Koch. ' • ALSO, All the right, title,lnterest and claim of Daniel T. ld'Phe.son, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate In the borough of Lawrenceville, county of Allegheny, Bute of Punsyl. cants, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the...line of Allen street. distant twenty-nine feet eight inches from the northeast corner of Lafayette alley and Allen street; thence clang the line of other property of Bitza Smith one hundred and nine feet, more or less, to the line of lot of P. Pentane: thence westwardly along the lame twenty-four feet to the middle of what Wan formerly known's' Market alley, now the Ilne of lot belonging to --- littchaler; thence along the line of sold' lot one hundred and ten feet, more or less, to Allen street, twenty-font fret to the place of beginning. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Daniel Y. .111'Pnerson, at the nit of Eike Smith, part for nse of 0. G. Frazier. Also All the right, title, interest and claim of Reinhard Greninger and Beyerin Grouinger, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, lactate in the bor. ongitof East Itirtelegham, county of Auegheny, and State of Penn iylyania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning on the westerly side of Caro line street, at the distance of forty feet four and one-half incites southerly from Jane street; thence southwardly oh said Carolina Street twenty feet two and one foga inches; thence westerly parallel with Jane street one hundred and twen tY•flu feet one and one-half inches to a point; thence northerly twent -of f eet two and one half inches to a line lot of Peter Blockinger; thence auderly along said Pater Blockinger's line one hundred and twentylieten•feet nine and One•fotath Inches to Caroline street, the place of beginning; upon which is tree- Led one frame cooper shop. Belted and taken in execution u the property of Reinhard Greminger and rieverin Greninger, at the suit of Louis Blocklnger. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of WM= Bakewell, of mend to all that certain lot of ground described as 401- lows, viz: Beginning 2nd feat 8 inches (MI) from the northesst corner of Chardon street and Grant alley; thence eastwardly along Grant alley 40 feet; thence northwardly along a line paral lel with lthartiers street 240 feet to Nix on street; thence westwardly along Nix on street 40 led; thence eouthwardly on a line parallel with Charts= street 240 feet to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution an the property ot William BakewellAk the Mit of the Commonwealth of Pentatyl- Janie for use 'of the Mayer, Aldermen and citizens of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of John E. Heinrich, of; in and to all that certain building and lot of ground situate on the corner of Rebecca and Ridge streets, city of Allegheny, Alle- gheny county, State of Pennsylvania. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John E. Heinrich st the snit of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use of the Mayor, Aldermen and cit izens of Allegheny. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Sarah R. Drayden of, in and to all that certain taliding and lot of groana situate in the borough of Sewickley, Al. legheety county, State of _Pennsylvania, and described as follows, viz: Said build ing is a dwelling house of two stories, having a front of thirty-eight (88) (eaten Broad street and a depth of sixteen (10) feet, and having a two-storied kitchen or back building sixteen feet deep by six teen feet broad, and aprivy of di feet by feet, and a board. and paling fence surrounding said buildings, situate on the corner of Broad and Thorn streets, in the said borough of Sewickley. Seized and taken in exeentkm as the property of Sarah R. Drayden, at the nit of Jame, IL Burns. _ ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Aaiun Berry, of, in and to, or out of, all that certain lot or pieceof ground alt nate in the part of Al:egheny City (for , merly borough of Manchester,) Alleghe ny county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, via: Beginning on the southwest side ol Union avenue, at. the corner, of lot of Adam Peters, and running thence along said avenue south 431, degrees east 12 feat to lot of Jacob marry; thence by said lot south 461 degrees west 731 . feet toe tint' thence by the same south 43i degrees east 12 feet 8 Inches to Nixon street; thence along said street south 77j degrees west ?Et feat 1 inch more or lees to line of Main Peters' lot; thence by mud lot north 481 degrees west dig feet more or less m's pin, and thence by mid Peters' lot north 48} degrees east 140 feet to Union avenue to the nine of be ginning; on which are erected a two story flame dwelling house, ice house, and frame slaughter horse, with neces sary out buildings, Ice., Sc. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Adam Berry, at the snit of James K. Morangs. OM All the right, title, interest and clabn of Daniel V. Day, of, its and to all that certain messusge and moiety or half lot of ground aituato in the borough of Mc- Keesport, county of Allegheny and State of Peneurylvania, bounded and described as followa, to wit: Beginning at a post one public road 83 feet wide, and at the corner, of lot No. 1 (Forbes' Pisa): thence south along the line of lot No. 1, one hundred and forty feet. (140) to an allnittence along said alley westward ly feet to apost; thency by a par tition 1 °Tangle' with the first one hun dred and forty feet (140) to said public road and thence along said road out wardly thirty feet to the place of begin ning.; being the eastern half or moiety of lot No. "two," according to "Forbes' Plan of Lots," theasid lot No. 2, being the same which was sold and conveyed , to the said Daniel V. Day by Gantenue A. Forbes and wife by their Indenture dated the ..%d day of Jemmy, A. D. 1840, recorded in the Recorder's office of Al legheny, °study, In Deed &sok, vo i l u t page 422, on which are erected a one story frame dwelling house and mall frame stable, Re. &Rod and takes in execution sa the property of Daniel V. Day, at tho snit of gham, B. Si sadministrator of John Whi deceased. AO, All the right, Ud LS e, interest and claim of Wm. P. Johnston, of Wand to, all that certain tract or piece of land, situated in Plum township, Allegbanyoo_ ,unty Penn sylvania, and bounded and described as follows, viz: Beg+aning at a post on the line of Caleb Lee, and on the Allegheny Valley Railroad; thence by land of Caleb Lee north 804 degnes,.east eight hun dred and seventy-three feet to a poet; theme by land now or late of Jonathan Italian, loath 2i degrees 30 minutes west eight hundred and forty feet to past; thence by the lot hereinafter de scribed; north 6.5 degrees 30 minutes; west seven hundred and eevonty-sLt feet to a post, on lands of the Allegheny Val ley Railroad Company; thence by the same, north 17 degrees 45 minutes east, three hundred and sixty feet to a post; and thence north 'al degrees,,east, one hundred andseventy-fiveteet to theplace of beginning; contabling eleven acne, three roods and thirty oprehee. Aroo, all the right, title, interest and claim of William - F. Johnston, of, ln, and to all that oertain tract or pie land, intuited in Plant township, Allegheny county, Ponosylvania , and bounded and described 'as follows, viz: Beginning at a paiton theltilegiseny Valley Railroad; thence by the lot above described south 05 degrees 30 minntes east, seven hand , red and seventyelx feet to a Pont; thence by other land now or late of Jonathan Elalton, am* 24 degrees 30 minutes west, three hundred and fifteen feet to poet al the township road; thence by the same north 72 degrees 15 minutes west, seven hundred and thirty-0110feet toa post on the line of the Alleghenyerdley JUR road Company's grounds; thence by the same north 17aegrees 45minutes and, four hundred and five feet to the place of be gintdmn containingsix acres and thirty three perches. The above described _premises being the samewhich Jonathan Milton and wife, by deed dated Novem ber Roth, 1853, recorded In the Recorder's Odire Allesphelcounty; in Deed Book vol. 112, page conveyed to Jas. Biddle and the col dm. F. Johreton. Sexed and taken in execution im the property of William F. Johnston, at the =Ref George W. Casa • An o rbit ALBO, or, Frank i, title, !Latticed and chant ardt, owner, and Gec l e Grady, contractor, of, to and to the fo - lowing described building and lot of ground, to•wit : -All that certain two story frame dwelling house, having four rooms and • garret; said balldingllll3 a front of 20 fret and a depth of MI feet, sit uate upon a certain lot or piece of land lu the city of Allegheny, Aliegtenyomsty, PetutsYisitnis. baring a front on Ent. Lane of 35feet and a depth of 111 feel; bounded on the north by property of Peter &Matz, madam the south-by the ProPoy and end the lot or piece of sou csartnage apporte. mat to mad building., seizedatataken in execution as the of Frank Hardt, °wrier, azd Grad 7, maraca:a'. at the suit of dlilbstitle; lamed and olalnk of Boidjako; clrtfa r'rni tid owoor,- . 104,w15.-- ln tool! certain frame dwelling house baling a front of atiteen feet and a depth of liar ty-two foot, fronting on the Gssensbarg Turnpike, on the iouthuriy bail half of • certain lot or plecitof gronndi.untabered No.. Ina plan of iota laid out by Sam* IL Keller, altuateln the Borough ofLawranceville, county ofAllegbeny and State of Pennsyleaula, and described as follow= Beginning at the corner of lot Nos. 13 andl - 4 and the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike; thence along 'Add tko southwesterly 20 feet to Ilne of lots .3.0. 12; thence nt right angles with said pike and along the line of lot No. 12, northwne erly, 100 feet to 13 feet alley; thence at right angles along the line of said alley, n thwardly, hi feet, to linen( lot No. 14: thence at right angles with said alley, and along the line of lot No. 14. southwtaterdiy 110 feet to the place of beginning. Seized anti taken Itt execution as tho PrePortY of BeniJah O. Boswell, owner, and A.. G. Riddle, contractor, at the suit of William Noll. OEM All the ab o righ. ben zo ic, t,llle,is o te w res owner,. t r, aud local of 13.iand Riddle, contractor, of, in and to all that certain frame dwelling home, haying a front of 16 feet, on al5 fee: alter, and 32 feet In depth, of two stories high, located on the northerly half ofs certain lot or piece of ground, numbered t of No. in a p lan of lota laid out bySamuel actuate In the Borough of Law ! rencesdlle, county of All and State of Pennsylvania, battened and de; scribed as follows, to wir. Beginning at the corner of lots No. 13 and 14 and the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike; thence along said pike eonthwardly- 20 feet. to line of lot 7.0. 121 thence at rlght : angles with mid pike and along the lin e I of lot No, 12, northwesterly 100 het, to 'e 15 feet alley; thence at right angles along , the line of said alley, nortbwardly 20feet, to line of lot No. 14; thence at right an gles with saidalley and alongthe line of lot No. 14, southwardly .100 feet, to the place of beginning. Seized and taken In execution as the property of BentJah O. Boswell, owner, and A. G. Riddle. contractor, at the suit of William Nolf. ALSO. All the right, title, Interest and clatni of James Trotter, or in and to all thet certain lot or piece or ground situated in the borough of South Pitt burgh, Alit , gheny county, and State Of Pennsylva nia, being part of lot number one in Mary Ann Daly 's plan of lots, bounded and de scribed as fellows, vim Beginning on the southemt aide of a public rood, at the corner of lot heretofore sold to Sampson Daln, and at the distance of sixty feet (Ito) from the angle in said road; running thence along said road south forty-sight and onwhislf (481) degrees steer seventy feet go) to a pin; thence south fifty-flye (55) dignies east one hundred And forty (140) feet more or less to lot number two in the plan aforesaid; thence along said lot number two twenty (70) feet, more or less, to lot of said Dein; and than along I the alms north tlfty•five (55) degrecawast one hundred and twenty feet, more or I less, to the place' of isogi: nning. being the I same lot' of ground which &lazy Ann Daly, by deed dated &larch 113th, 1860 ,, and tecorded in volume 199, page 3f.r.), conveyed to Hannah Trotter. Seized and taken in execution as the I property of James Trotter, at the suit of ' Robert 'Trotter. MEM All rho right, title, interest and claim of James M. Shortall, owner ornsputed owner and contractor., of, in and to all that certain frame dwelling house of two depthvng a front of about 30 feet and of about 16 feet, with a two alerted back building 18 feet wide by about 2.0 feet deep, ethane upon a certain piece of ground in the township of Lib erty, in Allegheny county, Fermaylve Ma, via on lota al, W., 53, 54 and I 5 in Wray Bowater's plan of lots, said lots together having a front of one hundred (100) feet on Second street in mid plan by one hundred (WO) feet deep to "B' alley, and the lot or piece of ground and card lege appurtenant said building. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James IL Shortall, at the suit of James L. Brown. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest rum claim of Karl Krtnk or Krick, of, In and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Birmingham, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to.witz Beginning on the southerly side of Sarah atreet, at the distal:tea of 184 feet westerly from John street; thence extending in front or width on said Sarah stmet24 feet and In depth southerly, preserving the name width of 24 feet parallel with John street 60 feet to the line of lot sold to William Hickman. on which is erected a two story brick dwelling hour., being one half or said lot herd which Oliveretta Wherton, bydeed dated the 14tH of March, 1863, recorded to Deed Book, vol. 175, page 437, conveyed to sald Charles Craig, arias. Krick, April 14th, 1867, Seined and taken in execution aa the property of Karl Krick or Krick, at the emit of Y. J. Hays ALSO, All the right title, interest and claim of David Thomas Lloyd, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece nrgruodd , situ-, ate, in the borough of East Birming ham, Allegheny county, .Pectreylvania, bounded and described te follows; Be. , ginning on the north-rust oornerlorrned by the intennetton of Carson and Oliver streets. thence extendinginfront or width , on Carson street, easterly twenty, feet, (20), and to debth northerly, preeerving the same width of 20 feet along Oliver street, ono hundred (155) feet to a twenty • root alley—being lot number °nein plan N 0.4, of John Brown, and the same piece of ground which John Brown and wife, by deed, the 27th day of July, / 1 163, re. corded in vol. 104, page 31/. 60111 ref , d mid Lloyd, on which 1 erected la two story double brick house, frame kitchen and other improvement& Seized and token In execution ea the property of David Thomas Lloyd at the suit of Win. IL Brown. ALSO, All the right, title„ interest and claim' of T. W. Myers, of, in and to all that cer tain lot or piece of ground attnate in the Fourth ward of the "city of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny, and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described** fol lows: Be^inn trig on the out Side of Hancock street, atitheAstancerof seventy (70yfeet north from Penn street, theses, extending in front or width on Hancock street, northerly forty-five feet to a ten foot alley, and in depth easterly, pre serving the name width of 45 feet along said alley forty-five (45) foot, od which is erected a three story double brick dwelling house. . Seized and taken In exec:Moe as the Dr. Levi roperty 11. of Han T. Myers at thesult ' of W.i &' ; I : A — LS 0, . All the right , title, interest and claim of Michael O'llam , and J, Robinson, partners as Oliara Robinson, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate and being In Lover St. Clair township, Alleghenyeetuaty Penn sylvania. bounded t heescribed as fol low,: Beginning at south. comer of land, late of C. Dungen, deceased, and McClurg !greet running thence south erly along said McClurg street three hundred and fifteen feet threeinches (315 ft 31n) to Bind now or late of John McClurg's heirs; running thence *out wardly at right angleowith said McClurg street along the' line of I said MeClurgs helm sixty (60) feet to other lands of said McClurg's helm, running thence northwardly along the line °farad MeClurg's helm three hundred: and fif teen feet three Inches (315 It It In) ton pin on the line of -land late of V.. Ihmsen, ' deed, and running thence westwardly alengsald line sixty-four feet three and t , ree-sixteenth inches (04 ft 3346 In) to McClurg street, the place of beginiffng. Auto, nil that other curtain lot or piece of ground situate and being In , the bor ough of East Birmingham, county and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the western Weer McClurg street, at tt dis tance of forty feet (40) from the northeast corner of Jane and McClurg streets:rth. ning thence soutttwardly along McClurg street forty feet (40) to a running thence westwardly seventy-three feet six inches (73 ft tin) to line of lot Nod S 3 In John: Brown's plan of Iota; running thence northwardly on a line parallel with said McClurgstreet twenty tees (20) to line of Ciboria' Mien!', lot, and !mi ning thence easttverdly seven_ t y -three feet nix inches (73 ft 011 0 McClurg , street, the place of beginning. Alan, all that certain lot or piece of I ground situate in Lower St. Clair town ' ship, county and State aforesaid,' bound ed and described as follows, to-wit t" Be. ginning at a pin on the northeast corner of another lot of ground belongingto the said puttee of the first part; thence, ex tending along the line of the lend late of C. Ihmsen• deed, easterly forty feel vi (4o) and in len Aer depth southerly, pm- I serving Bald width of forty feet (40) • along the line of the aforesaid• lot of ground of the partllo of tho first pare, one hundred (100) teet, being part of Burros- Idueu estate of John McClurg, de ceased, end the same which Thonnut Mc- Clurg, by his deed, datedthe Bth day of April, ma, granted and conveyed to J. li. Bays, et at. , who by their deed,Outed 1 the day granted end con- I eyed to Um portico of the first part: Atm, All the following desert bed) lots, or pieces ofground situate In Low Si. . st. Mgr township, cotugyand State afore said; bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the southern aideof Jane street,twenty (33)feetand threequar ter (1) inches, eaotwordly, from.MeClurg street; thence extending outwardly on line of Jane street seventy-two (72) feet; thence southwardly one hundred and tam (Be) feel, Man alley; thence west. merrily, on line of said alley, seventy two (72) feet; thence northwardly one hundred and nine, (100) feet, to the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution as the of Michael O'llora and J. EL firglnon, at the wit of lion. Thomas Mellon: • ALBO, All the right,title, interest and claim of Morris McCombs, William Harrison, Alfred 13arrisOn and Michael O'Hant, of, In and to all th at certain piece of land situate In Liberty township, A11eg141 , 3 county, Pennsylvania. being In. numbersix (6) In said partition, bound and described ea follows: Beenning at the corner of .purport No.-- 6 and the public raid; Mom' atonit said road north 50 degrees 2 0 minutes east 24 4400 perches to a post at the corner of John , McFarisad'a hefts; thence along said bind meatb24.dagrow 15 tainuteseast 60 44400 perches toe pout; thence south VI degrees 61 minutes wrest 24 4-100 perches to a poet - at the corner of purport No. 2; thence along parparta No. 2, 3 and 5, north 24 degrees, 8 minutes, PITTSBTIRGE DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1567. west 56 45-100 perches, to the place of be ginning, containing 8 acres and 1191 per ches, being the same which the said C. Hasbrouck, Es ~ mnaterin said partition, conveyed to said parties of We first part by dred of even date herewith, this mort gage and the said recited bond_ being given for We balance of purchase money of said pitirpart No. 0. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Norris McCombs, William Harrison; Alfred Harrison and Michael 011ara, at the suit of C. Hasbrouck, master in partition. • ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of Robert Franklin, of, in and to or oat. of ell those certain into or pieces of ; ground attune in the - Seventh ward of the city of Pittsburgh, bounded and de. , scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on_, Centre avO,p_e,ltt the line divkling Nos. 14 andin William Arthum• third plan of lots;, thence along said Centre avenue outwardly so 'feet to Roberts streets; thence along Roberts :street to Short alley westwardly thence along Short alley wenwardly - BO feet to the line of said lot No. 14r I hence along line of said lot .No. 14, 100 feet to Centrearenue, the , place of beginning. The said lots con , a'sting of. lota Noe. 15, 16, 17 and 18 in , William Artlanca' third plan o: iota, as recorded la Allegheny county, Petinsyl emote,. In deed book vol. 51, !Igo 28, on Which is erected three flume dwelling houses and two brick dwellings, each two stories high, fronting on Centre avenuer and two brick dwelllnipt, two stories high, (minting on Roberts street. . Seized and taken In execution as the property of Robert Franklin, at the suit of John Rutherford. All the right, title, nterest and claim of William Ragaley, of in and to all that hartaln lotsof ground situate la the oast. wardly shin of the Diamond .or Public!' Square) in the City of Pittabargh, county of Allegheny,. and State of Pennsylvania, consisting of pans of lots 'VON - 393 and 850 In Col..Wooder plan of mid city, ex tandlng in front on maid Diamond about thirty(aoifeet, audio deptheastwardlyone _hundred and fifty. feet (150) feet, bounded northwardly by property late ofJobn Mc- Masters; southwardiy by property, now I or late of Peter Mowry 's devisees; east wardly byriropertynowarlato of Thomas 1 Redpath, and westwardly by said:Dia..; ' mond, being the - same property or lot of ground Which became rested ln the sold William liagaley bye dead from Edward iltiazietan -and wife, dated December 31, 1551, recanted In the Recorder's Mace of ,maid Allegheny cianty,m deed book voL 101, page 03; on which is erected a three storied brick warehouse. . Seized and taken In execution as the property of William /Insley, at the suP of the Allegheny National Bank. " `""• All the right, title, interest and- claim of John McGinnis. of, in and to all those. three certain tracts or pieces of land situ. ate on and near Turtle Creek and-Walls' station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Patton township, Allegheny, county, Pennsylvania, and severally bounded and described na follows; vies let; Be ' ginning ate dead oak, 'near a road and ran on the line of landnf M. Brinton; thence north 50 degrees wan 237 perches to n past; theme north 401 degrees east 443. perches to a pooh them:omonth 67 de grees east 40 percbee to a post; thence north. 40 degrees Mid 40 perches to a peak, thence south 33 degrees east 57 3-10 perches Loa past; thencenorth 36 degrees east IS perches to a post; thence north 77} degrees east 113 perches to a white oak; thence south 88 degrees east a perch= as a black oak; thence south 11l dmr.es east 95 perches to a white oak; thence south 55 degrees west 30.6 perches to e while oak; thence south ni demo" west 80 porches to a poet; thence south 801 degrees weet 84 perches to a dead oak,-the place of he. 11Lauluir. centandng two hundred and tifty-one acres (2.51. a.) and sixty-three perches (03 p.) Enid measure and Join ing hada of Brainard. of afeldoon, Brlnton and other leads of mid Mce Ghanian. 2nd. Beginning at a peen on the line of Pennsylvania Railroad, near Turtle Creek; thence north 81 degrees, east along line of said road .61 perches to a post; thence east along said road 32 perches tosposk thence south 73 degrees east 173 perches to a post; thence south 03 degrees east 10 perches to a post; thence south 19 deltic= cast 34.9 perches to a past; thence south 131 degrees, east 36.6 perches to a peak thence south 61 dogma -west W. 2 porches to an ash; thence south le ftrees west:Z.7 perches la past on a end ; thence north 45 de void 172 perches to the. plane et anTiling; containing dity-tlye (55) acres ninety-nine ri) pennies attict uses cure, and" ad ._/ande of Begley & Beatty, %nap. Ra d Co., and other leads of said Mallard's. . 3d. Beginning at a past on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Turtle Creek, being the same beginning point as the. Foie= last above described; thence north M degrees 84 perches to a - post; thence east along the line of said road, still 22 perches; thence south 75 degree', emit 17.3 perches to a post; thence south 65 degree. east 10 porches to avoad. All thence ado the them lines being• • along Raid railroad; ng wagon road tlrst named to. Turtle Creek; thence along said Creek Vt r e i rhevariplere.Or p o int o r-Z road ; thence to the. IWAncitsg. log fifteen (15) acres. Tho whole or tbe, above descr i bed three pieces being parts of a large tract conveyed •by Mielanel ahlel by deed dated 2Sth of October, 1835, recorded in said county In- voL 27, vol. 48, page 451 to John 11,43inniss, party of the heat part hereto. • • Soloed and taken in execution- as the property of John McGinniss at the colt Or La= Jones, assignee of the Real Es tate Savings Institute, which was sea*. no of John 11. Qualday. • . All tbe right, title, Interest and claim of William Linsley, of, In and to all that certain lot orgasm:o situate in the city of .Pldsburgb, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, da i Beginning at the westerly side of Saint Char street at the northward& corner of property 01 John Snodgrass and at the distance of one hundred and nny-four (154) feet or thereabouts, from the northwest corner of Penn and St. Clair streets; thence ex lending In 'leant along St. Clair street northward& eighteen (18) feet, and in depth westwardly parallel with Penn street, preserving the eame width one hundred and tan) (11 feet to en alley 10 feet wide, being 2.e. 10 In Orny's row and the same which Daniel Lord, Executor of M. A. Pratt, deed, and others, by decal dated April let, 1859, and recorded In need nook vol 41, page 410, granted and conveyed to William }lnsley, and on which Is erected a_thrte story . brick warehouse. , Seized and taken In enceontion ae the property of Willhem Etnaley at the molt of Joanna Rhodes. • - ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and claim of Thomas Plough, oL In,and to all that certain lot ofground situate In Elizabeth township, Allegheny , county, Tommy, yards, bounded and Seterlbea as follows: 1349rming at a poet at low water mark of the Youghiogheny River thence by line of Edward Darts north 'l3 degree. wog 19 peaches ton post; thence north 671 de grees east 4 perches to a post; thence by lot of Peter Dinka south 181 degrees wee 20 5-10 perches to low water mark of said river; them* np said river south 501 degree. west 5 95.100 perches to the place of beginning. containing 96 porches strict measure, - whereon Is erected a frame dwelling and other outbuildings. .13eing lot N 0.6 In the plan of Union Village, and the cape which liedgen Barnes con veyed to said Thomas Plough bdeed dated Manch 24th, 1806, rceonled in vol. 2 ter age sed 3(r/ end taken In execution as the property of Thomas — Plough, at the suit of liodgen Barnet. . . . ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Joseph Wood., of, In and to and out of all that certain place of ground, id tu ate In McClure township, Allegheny. countyaud State orrennsylvania, bound ed aud described as follows, to win Be. ginaingon the corner of the Beaver Road (now occupied by the railway track or the Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne & Chicago Rail Way) and Parry Lane; thence along Ferry Lane south lti degrees 5 wends west 886-000 perches; thence along SSW Ferry Lane north 13 degrees 63 „seconds west 18.39 perches to Mary Ilartmans. line; thence east along said Mary Hart. mane line, to the said Beaver Road(now occupied as aroremld by the railway track of the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne & Clicago Railway,) thence along said Deaver Road now railway truck) 18.8 perches to Ferry lane, at the place of ter ginning; con p t e aining one hundredthirty sad twentyalx rches and ei hundrain (1:31 3 8-100) ore perch; - bring N o the piece arground marked' Dmielon No. ghs the diagram annexed. to the report of Wm. D..Tassey, adminietrator, cute , testamento atm= or Ihn Woods, de ceased, said report and Jammu are flied In the Orphans' Court of said oonnty at No. ZO of December term, 1816; said Mane described piece or ground isipatt el Out Lot No. 200 In the Jk-serve Tract opposite Pittsburgh. - Seised and taken in execution as the property of.lareph Wood, at the rink of Tb..mas Sample, for use of Thomas eltdo. Connell and Robert Robb, bin Amignees, All the right, title, interest and clam of Alexander o.,lllcOinnlas and Wiliam McGinnis; of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Chor tler], township, county otAlleatteny, and State .of . Pertrisylmnia, bounded by the Ohlo river on the north; by land new or late of Francis Snyder, deemed,' on the man by land now or late of Edward Mc. Ginning and David Noble .on the mast, containing eight and one-third acres, more orlae , less, excepting one hundred rind eighteen and onehalr (1180 perches of the mute, which were conveyed by a mr. lain Wm. AleGirmisa to Alexander and Charles Miller, by deed bearing date April 3th, 1860, recorded in deed book vol. 144, I age 461. Seized tend taken in execution as rho property of Alexander C. Zdefflnntes and William hicCiluniss.at the snit of George 1 fdr• PattY, for tine of the' Dollar' Savings , All the right, MID, Interest and claim of Mary Ann Wy, of, in and to Unit certain lot or piece of ground, bein,g'l , Ot No. I In Ormsby 's plan. of IoW and part of lot No. 424 .hteolottel Wood's-Man of Pluzburgb..fro-adled, the mid lot No. I belnk , bminded end described follows, ..teginning at tho corner of Smith field and Sixth (streets; thence south ward/7 twenty bet on Smithfield street to the corner of lot No. 2 in said plan; thence by said lot No. 2 sixty feet to Car -penter's alley; thence by Carpenter's alley twenty feet to Sixth street; thenne by Sixth street sixty feet to the subject beginning on Smithfield atn3et, to au annualground rent of forty-seven dollars, payable half hearty to James 0. Aloman, on the first day of April and October In each year, and on which is t., ?1 elected a brick house th stories high, with furnished basement. Seized and taken In e octition its the property of Mary Ann D y, at the cult . 01 .Robert Rohb for use° C. W. Robb. All ' All the itlg - ht, title, In rest and claim , of Henry D. Foster andiMary Jane Fos- ter, his wife, of, in and ;to all that cer tain tract, of land, situate In Indiana township, Alltiihepy cOunty, Penney!. mania, containing three and disarm call toothy-eight perches, more or leas, adjoin. bsg lands of Harmer Denny, James 11. Woods and the Allegheny river, being part No. 42 in Cuuningham'aturveyand plan or District No. .4 of depreciated lands, and being the same tract of land devised by the Hem John Young to his 'daughters Elisabeth and Mary Jane, the wife of said Henry D. ' Foster and which by certain proceedings in the District Court of Allegheny county In partition became vested in Henry: D. Faster and Nfary Jane, his wife, the parties afore said together with all and singular the itnprovements, hereditaments and ap purtenances Commute Lelonging or In any wise appertaining, and the remain ders, reservations, route, issue and profits thereof. _ ALSO, The estate, right, title,== Iv interest, claim and demand, of them the said Henry D. Foster and Mary Jane, his wife In law,or equity of, in and to, or out of the same to have and to hold the name, together with the here. ligaments and appertenanees. ' Seized and taken In execution= the Property of Henry D. Foster and Jana his wife, at the atilt of Wilac ia t 1 7. Johnston, guardian of the minor chil dren of John T. Barclay, deceased, for use of Thos..J. Barclay. SAMUEL B. CLULEY, Sheriff. SIIERIFriI 0171014 i) Nov. 1867. .1 PlUntei_vlVZ iQvw.,4l ariVftle BaRNOILL s IXI7, BOILER MAKERS snErr IRON WORKIIIB. Phu. 20, 22. 24 and 2G Penn St. he. l .• eeeete• • WO jot 41.4 fornllt7sl It . I t 4 tb• tarot utaohiserr. we ate rotew wired*. lisatUtetore every etesetiDtlea of 8014 - ere W Che . best searatee. sett wassested weal ts air seed.. la the oozetri. Chimneys. Mews let. Ilse Beds. Stew Pipes.. LocamoNe• Bolt ers, Ciiied mem. Balt Peas. 011• Atttat.* eittuas Pax% Bolfer trot. Belogea. •Ingat Peas, gust sage saaants•tanere of 1 1 / 1 .1119. dII.VB PAPAW! BOIL/LEM Besalnsur does ea Use atuart•es steti•e. Med IarLAIJILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL • MELTON VOICE I'ITTXIII7IIIIIWIL • PARK, IIicOUBDY di CM. blannlncteueres of numbing, araiterb. *BOOR 217o7eltrtlte r C asv, "Atir,"ll._-....'""" %realer* in beatnik 71.4 rl ate. nbeet aeon. tare be. I.lonstantly no band Ilsners• 34ereoirdi oribeital or bre a 11). T. 1 c.. ts ~,!Fmts4t*b ..go. * natte. 1arROBIN110:11, WU. a tv., Vine. • ant HOE=Sox. M Mil • ■ILI.x)I,) • WASHINGTON .WORES, fousadare lad 3bretatsallis.Plnsberily ktanaftrtnrers of Bost' sea esatioury !Moo ?Aetna.. /Mut Zarin.; VW ilsoaLans. Obaritzr. Carsson or all daralltlons; Oft Kul. sad 81.111., Boller awl slmoot, t,oi Wolf - urlort ao. Moaner Itret sad Irialtkiald arragrata for 43117JAD11 rarcrr U. tle(70.11 forheataa WW2. tall:rel tgr'TEIE lIEAIEJZIG POOL AM) imago or JaZiCIT HOWASo AlleoOLLllo••lkenv.e. .412 m KM, ea toe 4111111 C or 11101,1TVDt. *lid the !!WOKS, AB MS-11.654 11.1.tiolt Pd r. m. I.L. Deol I. fled Ntto nve.opeN rhonno. Adam... Dr .5. ei11.1.4•• tt• nut. TLl,. 3 l7ard As•attatit.i4 rftlisdalphls, Pb -VIZ OT A. SCOTT. DENTIST, h -o: ass pivrx Brass% isail:Snr/3 /Tr!IMMIX. TOTTEN & AX). 1141 faunas Allison Mint FULTON FOUNDRY, 'PITTSBURGH. Mee aad Warehouse. 141 Wood S sotost attetruoa shoo to the issittactoro t Bolling Mill and Blast Fur naee Engines. Squeezer., Shears and Panchen Plats f hill and Felt Botha et any epithet slatensluns, warranted. ant tarn gg to order. Nall Naehlnes, Ernest , * Pattern. Pal nelVs Slot Blast Pipes. Roue Pronto and windup Heads. Caatewe Blade or OUN U.N. If tlealreg. fatten's Patent Grooved . gettally Yalter•e har Pall IhOW AND el•ghL t.d madm w e /g. o ro e e m fw a l de i meabd. !0 /wt.. O We har web. wee. Ole b /ad IS tee tre Wetrerer we. twy h .ve gee, that •aestsellos. and we bee =ere of referee' to the tolloefag teert • • OrIOCII 01=1110. 'O.,{ • e /a Tblot. 410. Mr. 101. 0. Totes la D. or r 6. twee a. a ...et year poe•L •TeeTet Pell. le oat ele ler t• • ••111 No ranee. Ye lel theme of a annerloesaaley. TWltTelajlelebee Oa tbeon 01 et ealikelt•. Vega nrtwe, tr.- Irmo ileael. sao eeee•d, tett -a ilea Sa d • 0 •er wet abitableie. Saltine t et, et Ilea Sad of leis expellee. la eeateoleeteeirombahlag Iwo dn.! 11 . rot? B KUL eft e glegsoll, Bert. tylveret. 6110. 'OOlll. • Atteallater. Coot _A .0., Mew tweeters 071. et Veer 0 0 e0 er . • 0011.0+ 01 see el,at WOK& • glyrsecrattl. the Isof. 1011. gho. - -era ele—Yes l Armee eblbe4 eieni obleb ee .mooted tree ,to abet. 14141 : 71" InZ P O=Ariln , e1717170 "t ra Olf% Vella. and gm a aloe tarter leek to ta t e del.- We want. ahem ladleiwbsable. ' Ye APO keep - . Ohteet LOO. ge./00 Ittemese . Teti WOM.IO. • WOK 0•0012 a • 00.. • Lt w. .peen. pelt. M lIR . Jo`r. 'Moot. 0. ream .rittellerph—aow Ser. .6 orply se y• ur•aillary le relative 0. lee , Sere Deese groove:lCW. Pone we to • to say that have.' -r at /h.le.ere Rae thevaa r=reVl.l"Meld•VirtrdblPßOl;:v,:ll.l Dee yes wade tor al. Tars boll %led for thtlelw lare tesnde. 004 Ona le ye to oblate amok a Insob or. oar Oterel. La eteal• vet be awl yOb tee local:1w erellaa , ooo . oor7lea belle The . 41;%14•1 1 .%MtVer blurt eh•lt bobs hate to aegratwon la the taret es rllOO *met the tdraatere avast whit ease over Mill Ho le le that the merle mu. fg,. of {Pa gr.ve to that kart. menage Dot over one-belt ea. that le bombe. *toe l• dreaeleg the erd.teaTo groo 060. we belleTe bee baTO tabled • MO at pot. I a *rodeo. lag a grooved rate, ea arb1.0•01.14 has ...eh owe se.ded by tba rasee I welters et bled ea.! woe, to cud. Ova to prodwe artle eel lb E.34i meshed we ere.' We take Neste. niebkOnealdlag toren, a Neel .04 area ,a give your a move/ .11 Poet • Wet. lien eettamygoare, I • Abh rettrMtfl On. Pre Mak ea we wallwited le Overeat that they *le ewe/magi leis the Naos ot doft Hole, remelt, for hounds ate Weeres. ell orders broaptlysteeseed to. • S. s. BEITAII6 • ' • • SIM= VI BONDS,EITOC3IVI tiND REAL ESTATE, Apollo f!iiildlag Filliffla Street. . Bank. MALM44 m 4 NW clod Boall‘sad [loolof Maas betualLse4 aola 44 Mammoloo. bonsai , . boarbt aa4 mid. • ' ;marl, M. CLIMAX kt.iriarigt !rr 11 r 2123.41 MARTEL OMAN /11111)TEIFIELD Attorneys & Cernselomat-Law, AND BOLICITORB IN . BANKRUPTCY nriikunen, PA omoo 011 BEA= wrauum. 01111 CA.T2I3IIIAL. • STIR - RODS, In Bronze, Fire Gilt and Silver, With Tn% ilkstallip t. Vbl.!R pflry.nta Ma rod :I!rlis7e4 b 7 w.T. J. motaamarav, OA UUA aux?, ace Toe. Utter ILZRIIIJULAII'D ratenL Bold by sa *Anal UMW. ..nsu .MANHOOD; DOA t. , 01111. arOVIP CniNfliTUA WV *4r3:2 tizmus,,2 , A.. or 4„„„,, L w .i2L,enz •uuLIrAwAILL, sooa PI? t i o l j Wl = IV I W nes dew. T l' 4“"" ; a iTira t ira m t: . Vra "W P :2: orlri Lyik a fk , "ron., Carormu (W 1 wnmaa- Mit•2loMn& SCHOOL ROLM& Or.ll = ft ' ' I ! hn pTeVr ix ,l ON" 1111M1017 1 BTATILUNEYAJMINgiNI PATIENT 0 All led tILLTII nuarAO. for otaraboordo. au Gram goopaptlT ottoadod to. satirotwo 118 "Thioriat PilabaroM JACOB OFILIIFIIIR & CO.. , Gameral Patest-Apity. Ninth , So. 1 BT. CLAIR 11141Z117. =2 tIITUMN TRADE, 1867, Y, EON & COMPANY. No. S 4 Womt Street, 4 TTBIiinaGR, lira4p Offer Their lits Fe..A. I, STOOK DO no , AND FANCY DR GOODS, SBJECEL'IMI. A I9, AND NOTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. The haeertioret will be kept tam• plebe darting the Ileseem, and Cash and Short Time Sayers Are" Invited t. exatahte the Reek. is. a. Rens° JAME% DICKSON JOSIX 1867 . FALL TRADE. 1867 ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, WHOLSILLI DZALSRB ID DRY GOODS, No. 11S Wood Street, maraztaior., 0 7 / 2 8 L? ZiSTZILV Melia Dress Geode, Prints, Gingham, Cbeeks, Jeans, Tweeds, Cloths, Crurameres, satinets. F. a N. eastinteres, Flannels. Bliawl9, Elkins, White Goods, Bleached - and Brows Bo■estka, A YtILL LISL or Notions and email Goods, Barred Flannels, Uf Latent sful boas mu aseUars. Ws. ABS ABEXIII =ZI 14! 1 : 4 :4'01:i 11 : 1 ;11 1 C441,1.1:ii Greenville Barred Flannels 00IINTRY BI ANIMA •• grat•tir w vosatmuirt. at. 11111 Mow. Fall Lima u all Departinals - h i zom oro inollg to call sad iimsalts• 11$ ifilsod Sired. 1118131113111', FIIANNON & Co E3= I'HE NEW BOULEVARD SKIRT FAA 1.11.1 . MS AND /111/11510. UAW o. ifaldo sad Zabielflotod. Oak Real Tariartadisere Rose, la all oats. •a 4 alma: tat: ononitent we elnk• tat fitoo, • Miss...nay. Of • L'dies' & Mines' Underweai A:iro I 117GRIVISHEIG GOOD: SHIRTS MD DRAWERS. Traveling and Fine Shirts, cou.asa, TEL% My. FSCHZIELIS, IVOLVII/Jt wrra ♦ 21FLAINDIO UV= OF Ladles , press Trinunings, M alley If tlialptios, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, ETC. XXIICIAAVTIS ViOND eUtI NTMY n :011.rigralVolli W CITY A Zar: °*1=117;11 ortu si AT THE VEIT LOWEST PRICE,. 111CREN, GLYN & CO., 78 LUSO EMMET BTRE'F.T. COVNTRY IBLANHETtip I. 1 KRUM & CO'S taiga atse and beet BLANKETS In the 64, 4-4 r 84 WHITE FLANNELS; RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS GRIT AND COLORED FLANNELS; GREY TNVILLED FLANNELS; EIHIRTTNO FLANNELS; WATERPROOF oLOTHS; = lad slaw saalttaralOt DIiW (KM US.' /14111inabit the plaas 07 111.41111111" irniszt. limn & cluisurs, i/Vb. 18 PM Sired, 4opleWill Stock of Presb,Cloods, AT LOW NUM FOR CAIN. !(..panu.4OIO,AMMILWOLL low Tetanal., and bout RIBBON& Saw irtylam of QUM/A *NI BUSII.IIIIT. GNAW la/143111US,AtaU Wads. ' 'lamas* la 1.11111111 111ANDILISUBIZrel . , •01.0•111 lota Main a 11/QTAIa/a WA. aim .114. koalas roam.* uui otaatmainoww. _a a sw LOT 11/ MAMMA JET AND BOST= RUIN. The Shirt.” ""- imiaapriassiehopron. az • emi.a sloe at PALL, hE) IVINTRA, ViDERBIIIIITB lIIIATMIRS. svotivetiopmeasa ant. riaa'o! lhflty drefolle raid J 381.01,5, we seer tooma Bursas m sat rsss enure,. . mad. LW bawds &kith eel ?mil* Li HAIR M 13111,18L8J ti&f. 2P=l:‘ 11111tri:mo.." UWER. & LONG, I==1:1 DRY 6100 5 1)S, SZ 4 tuitatlon to lOW ow otost of PALL IqTgleXClOr t Bowl ful or i rld t ta lIISRPHini, atoll Matt at ti alUltil. Tr atet 00 " "..ttlitaltf". C4aieCCANDLCBI & C 0,,, Wilson. Oen • 00..1 Wlttrat•Lt& •1411,1268 co 111 ~Nc NOMESTM 0111111001111. so. 114 Woos' annuum mad bow above Mond Wm • . . 1.11111111711011. 80/1001YMANIat& 80N frrosalotats - Ot SPIV9M33ICniatiML te Lead .4Brilig A p x „'"t"" Bl ar W !hzum orls u z irimilea u ,.„ AA all an dry Gift, ink a POIMTHE mum:. aariatA s hat a e s lei ° %i a tal aut. Allerhar- ins VOlll PALE—The best !Farm In nomad Wettable. Westmorelandeanty, IDOatsUlla about Wie aro., attested als aerate or tee pennalvardallroadb at Bolles, Mallon. Ter Ittiprovemetta an • large toted tog boos., with aloe room., a good cellar: ham ask barn,-40:01. tad It the beat of The Two apple and one pace oretiard. Tbe wale term la ettner• Olga state or enitivatioa: fantitag Mt No. tea la good. and Is well watered: about 700 area :dared. the re aalader In gad white oat [Wm, O A T s riroP era Is efferad at W. low air. , or deltera Pm ave. Poursglan trottledlatell. AMA a valuable Garton Earth, oOntatning see,., situated In Elisabeth towlilltdp. Attest,. unit, ea.. on the TOOShlostmayrlvey,and near lb. etation. on the road. Shout nineteen miles from UM city. Te. tabrovententa aro a two-atm brink boom Itb IT mom. ball tannin ` throb gh the boo.. with cellar; • fio. barn nd other onscalldint. Abandance the beat COMA of all .M O .- tarchea. &hoot. and Kills very convenient. Perces wishing to enrage In gardeolug would do well to and pronto= quickly, Liao, a gant, or EU urea in Pena t . iiii: d eist lbll ore t eact: r, un rc tih n Sir l ac i r rr le r t s eare to regehgtAtille'`Zi 'l ia bnlrts ord. ribi oat a orchard of graftod fruit. The hod evert aces Is Wish!. with Iltneitone Soil mt elibmll, with never felling aPrinni within one dred' rods of the Penna. Cent./ Aallestalt lemilea east of 112012 A and three mile. wpm' of brace lterw. Ttte farm s e plea. untlyAnd altnatad . ln a good night , o. goon •ere t o under:WO with oual. TD. Also hood . • term of El enc. in .tnel il n towest the arg meet, are a log boost, weather.beard ailliaoßWtoidlt ed!frame hang ham orchard of Pla 2224 A A1 T oAs p c ope to y t mtordnlae,t. p Wean:torte tape . tenet. , of t foot tales of OULU. erne and three miles of two etstlons newte Ya. it. th• improvements arc, •• from dwelling boam and ootbaildhlx: a new stesto alltalr NO:hi:111 . d w all h tbrn tro l l7 ' l T ee aegi Te o .lr orcha r d of choictreehe Izatt oodetlattt wit. a n ti . foot Tele of Coal, now ottentd e sod an ihtudiknee of 11m. atone. This properly will be aide - very low, II IV,T4l,7ronlitiet:ers • fa, 11. TOWER, tun deal Istata alzent. 1(.4 /math It. 2,000,000 ACM 1 1101C11 LAION POB SIGH, EY Ta. Union Pacific Rallwa = Lying alon. Hu. of iheir $l.OO to $S 00 Per Acii, ♦Cd On a CIIEUIT VJ VIVIL For Dattimlars. loop, &e....441cts 7011111 Y,'DEVZIL6I72 Land Clnluntsslonn. Topeka. &anus. or, men. a LAIIIIORA, seer, I= I HAVE THIS DAY ASAOCLA tERY:".'th membeemmiorilllP.°lll3;lle. JOIT Ita• • jOllll/ D. BAILEY ,-& DIED, STOCK AND REAL-ESTATE BROKER: =I . • Aft Prrybrod to roll at ASCU. , ftortb, and all alada of elacluttler. Rola Rata.. Tear ,Partenlar attcalloa polo . ac beretioLOrq tio tiff "ix_e'leorf heat a ottradra.. Omm, / , la n iQultT !MIA er. WASHINGTON CO.JPARBL poi SALZ—A. as t. of MA woe, of mblelt =ls cleared, and the toreleder , rued With Oat white oak Umber. el Muted t. WM ?lad les townehte, Wmpinienn onsets, Ps., Sten. south or West •lesander , sea yi or • mile from lisasytomn. 17armour.% to cense.. end an kW on it two log homes, new stable and rtret. homes, aa meted or Meet se me of yam, apples, pears, temlies, flood water Ls every dell, 123E01 MS. lEVEIT".O.-7Xf Brutal. In elect and Beal Rotate Apollo 11¢1.141Ing, /comb .trtel. TWO unit. DWELLINGS, Ltit LIBChTY sraserr; ncuwaer. Doe of the 1,4 fro...nue.. Water, on width Is MEM= WM be Vold eGeip. dpDl) io STEEL & WILSON; Enliera and Itsal Estate /Littattc Ka. ea tlatittaleld nrsii MEI FOR HALE OR RENT. CHEAP— Farm at Carothirr`o Sta.., on the eel. c.L, Ur a11A.4- lontltnlag Ith three: Improve , at! {t. thoo tons. wad rint. es, good orenard: all A parnre and good ror <or InWon, Alto, *AT. enth Wier Yarn. In nor I 111 th and well 110- P.A7,L747.°114,1%V.,, rf,,,t'Vb`4ll.7iTtt; in)gyatr so Our... m tin, or .. IP ..1A.13 WAL.D. tea °rant street. opposlth the 1.:•theo1».1. = MI JO,AL FOR *ALE, fn foldifor 'OM* besbeth dsltr. Ch.M. MOM/ Le uses, wore boot, este, nay, s;. mole, eta ad Im* emeesmy *Mures for s Imre buglers .od tot.. dissd vireraileat us 49 Lam of ^ bm Is *le of Mt most valuable works on We lleo.furetetle flyer: Ir., be sold lost tad oo (to.. terms, *polytoV. nteM Meal att:,2:l4 ftNO Srs%at.. Opr Otan H oare. •.1! ploarsu AND LOT F4lll SALE, et carver or Denney it. , l Saba Vlttsbenvb. 1.0141 feet be VO ts. , . C.- =MI Dant; hydleat wells" an tto It eg ev o nee. "' nay B. 1ec. , .. 11. Vle t • CABESTi:OIL CLuTtia. acs NEW FELL STUCK CARPETS. IfforAELAND & comma °ma TO CASH SISTERS BARGAINS AT RETAIL, Not. 713n113 rallh e*l. Nail' TO Mann) VAT= COIIITON ROME 1111001. D /FLOOR =MEM NEW FALL STOCK. CARPETS I A I.re usortsoent o! ALL WOOL . INGRAINS, WOOL DUTCH" LIST AND. RAG, HALL AND . STATIC, COTTAGE AND HEW, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGGETI3, MEDALLION DatiaoETs. SAlVnn'tt° 7 :f.7112 t n lttl It 111 e g 1 wco I 0 La .11. BOVARD, ROSE a- CO., 21 itnueTFZET. Vret i,llOlllllllO VELVET CARPETS, BRVSSELS CARPETS, ETGRA IN CARPETS, NEW PAT! ERNE. Ai micas LOWlat OA. of &Moo. Re York or rtli sUilptas. ISTOICIS JIIET API Ilk OLIVER AIcCLINTOCE. & COIMPAITT, so ta rata sn men. bl FIEF lITREET. Mc CALLUM • BROTHERS Hais ou two i t iaL rrnmor c"Abxv.zzimmine. OIL CLOTFIS, ao. CRUMB 0,i)T0111 WIDWYELTI.NO AND DaIIBUITII: Tou,Astr, superior arthroot.Tabla COr Aa asU . s wiallly of RAO OARPr/73. LINT . 004 TARN oh-HMI% McCALLUM . EROS;, U 7/1711 cal wegikl a sad *God Ittostr TEAS TEAS! Of all Prices Mid tall% at .a.. $3c.,19. Hairs Tatra go • Prime Yonne P 22 good • PM . • • tfood •• Lin •• flood aood tto LALA TAU—won& Amara' Hood 1.15 BLAca ammo.- a.. !Meek. llawd And Ilemetarj...—..lll42d Alieh • • VIQ Manny, c 0—..., LA •• •• Ooneoe JANOS TAAL J.p. d JOE.. ear, Name baydr......51,10 T 3,0 No, xil.2 myvs V i d . n ; y. 1141.11 80. 2 •• no nen •-• do. •• From the above any one ern de jut what kind all . . they 'rent. and heed inn. nut pp. any quantity. and forwarded by ape or the Lo- Pre ComPeelea , who now carry vied. at p oi ow rates, and by doing seabed Paean l AWILIi, Aik 113 and 114 Pedant St., Allettertle en THE FORT PITT LUMBER. CO. CapUai, t : :v10126.000 Presldeal—EDW. DI rnitinak.: = =X=M The POET emr LUMBER no. ebssad WO TtIOII•nno YOUR Rubio...3m •ND e weTT• AORE.I•• netcalno ylu lanft 10. t. Cow,. P... 04 en•no.l on a laity •••••• slaw WIN anl noz nrenamt .. t. UPI I AD, ma si I ether • sr. CosnaiisScatioia by mall , almald D. 10- WRIGHT. berelaq , . M==l 'SWORD'S -SELF-TEBIDERVIR STEAM POWIM BRICK MACHINE, MANIIIMOTURID Sr THE - PrrnißusGH BRICK meanie BRICK•NIANIFiCTIMIRCI CO. • Tblo Koala. tam th e cloy aLteet from the lamiro Mthboot the preparation, by makang om . ) for thaft anal" iii.dze,) .4 teußn it .barocbly, arming to ateel moulds, 1101 atth ...mob to gapeodkaa ?VIM !Piro ha M. grAn " l ' reteer:4ll:etthel Z"...lf= Mora are a. blotter brick Mows. In port Of lathing , hen M thin =ed. la trots 95 eemta ta 411.004.., i 4 200. Aomori. to the rag: of 11 ' 15 ". f "'""M..t .rb et tr h t eth ely o Max on a en W. heat fo A rgrx.o=mair o vAr n e i l i ooklns tiOn, at L. CM.. E!MEEMiM C=2l EZs==!! TO WHEAT GROWERS. EMMA ARINOALITED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime, ILILXIIPAOTUELIP HT THE ALLEGHENY FERTIUZER CO.; SEWAIIID & CA fl PHIBLi Mee, EX Penn Et, Plttebnenk Pa • The best Oeitl'lset 11 es'. 184 alattsoi be all Mermen wile ea. KM. tt • may to, 3.•• into for ealtb4lbb” 4 .1 P. of W heat vase oors, rataSoas, se. we bate past tor intent/us eltewatiou bablealet rontalatea latemst.rut eed atte Inseminate et ten In. etting altar, me { ~ b elt *Odle. *Web te lit to eent•Ltee SO flt, w • Wormated to cook, lake or Illoaw s►wsll ea oror ■t•Tektl BISSELL & CO., EIDE= Aufiga.latar . we, rumps errovi VICO/WM 7.1. M IrLY.S 0001i1118 HANG/05. ae. NotViromovizi • •-• And Rothloin's - Tools Vo Co R. •et 'LEL 3 ISITaIIINIIIRIS hayl told harda s r.r. ' ar 4 . 1i1P1 4:V11:01 4 34:7511=! . . f"" y *AD LA • _ ar , ln g ligar ' tl L b ri id 1.. • Ir.raLG . Tnla PIO and /at COWING 31•0.4.115. • • We pd a‘bes. dad far roues andTd.dy Via... Ur It rm.. ritnekr. tdra and la., flat d...yyta; yadinla, Uaet.as, Yamada .4 Patent Urn, Dr..% Dainty. &a . WV , hrr with a J varlet. o . f . sow mott.ynel n ila &M i r: l llo4o._ amen in !pus :lan at the "roan 10li l e War.," No. lan Ledo. nr.er..Alla.aravaty. detil • A e'," " l araVire TILLS, day:a/NMI' 44) .TO ALAN MiIaUFACITREIt& - • --- '1(7111DEBBIGNED• basine ma the eole,asseerlos.ii, setae:us COPLEY POT CLAY. An now peewee to farelea It la ea) awee.re taahese emnlns Le proem We ennerane sztlele. Purlake . illeen ems' woof Ws May we nava az :lgittg.rt=ermAl.ona.l we be t r be in . : m esa! we heels( neared an aveWc etaed at ale months format rot. and maze tine as lowe gee th r d tea wouts4 Veleart,l fusi rwUpg rarieltt p ~ o iEhi f e l eirea l ij. 7 " rr*"4 ure of rtMd' nrrastoas • cox. Ural '• .Waalturre 47..tsAtu.b.1".ft. uo Co D1AT0...... ~ ..08APL7! Darzsu.l. GuE llillrOOD rowan: my. 1111111 &HOMILY Jobbing and Placinfery Castings, tight or bear?. of *Haw .Itotleoblo or elm Isom. of 111 pattern.. apses owl style.. Polled to opory Dontose. made to ardor. Office, 250 Liberty Street, /aao® 7 of undo inflator. ari TOOI 18 TO GYVE NOTICE that ma I.b• Rd d . of o , tobnr. A. D. NV, • Wm rum la Hmairiapurrima swami TIT OP X CICIESO WrinizatT. Of tb• CV, P1147./11. lb@ .301111.1dA a gootroptoo bta ' " Pram' 3= sratol.l.l of to. cl.bu Rod Oolloof7 Fo t.7 C. I7 4 I :fIrIZZL. b .T.T.MAVVIg 3 110..11 ' , Medea], fly law; 113 at • aie.tinig of 4 4=1,0r0 Of Um .alo , • ..tro.t, ens?* N•••• of tea afte.*•rt, eltAnritT:4l.ll: as ~ ',yew , . re be boNlto at tbe' off • et, • No. Oa 1.1144..aa afoot .no .1 sr of Plus. tee .fM Mt/ SBA&TIOWLZi.i IT. S Nankai,. 1212M1 Two • 11UNDIIED TfIOII(JB*ND Halt Spanish.Segars,. last maenad a. is:Czbaiiimli. wfn 647.1Rad'Y. Eight 'Donors Pot Moulton& BOILICHT ftrmamuminizmaymuseth SAMUEL 114 lIIICILFJIBIIffid Iron 13roker. 134 Yirstetree% „ rrramiumen. ea Age fur the -61131. We 16 21 21 221122 112211 41 1 211022 1 . JM21W1111: tDirsonason. some*. curutoo aadotber brawkoListatselta. roultb• let bll .O OliPhsaes C. riu esta and 012411 . 11 11121M1 naramz„.:f ANDERItOIV it WILSON Merchant )railors, • • ANO DiaVitas TN , GEBITM FIVENIIIIIINOAZOODS, nvw EMI!, sat bat* Jut 1444144‘4, arsr 401 mad Wllitst Clutha. 0 4 .41444.4. 74 .tt 4 4% 0,4 b . 4 4 411141 4ibt titat41444 , 8 14 , 4141044 Goods. In 4 ibt ma .P. 44 to m.4. .1p ta .44 14tsit 14)142,44.. n 04.414 Dn.& mu'ait4 a. Nina astionwaia .17r'.1%,:z.„. !MU r>as.N. GREAT NNW, I{~{:iii i ia:i pj~ r 1 WM wow" los TOETIVIELY 2WM DOIII U.LI, oa W. RED LION LOT, IN Till NTT OF IT2TlFillibillk Musa&Yr MOT lat idly, ran 3 iIT, JUND v.v, vomit, ID. yon := l Vy t- Str t ._ bi D . MM ' WZlll 4 Z647o U/11/11(ltlta a CO. are. DAN . 1110111 wln sop. la, the Lk.? Trite peetePp 174 17;e1tVleIV:14,,Pri, ihleeleePt . 8817111111:1721,e; sad Qtr•eLlog the 'dale's, of $314, Me urlpaatglaa•uti•allfil. ?Weer •' • - •• TEM. LIMELOAIf WoXolnrt " wined be the feltoelleettletteveteled amts. M , e. NM/U.O KIBIVINGE, she heallpil "gen°l"ll:rir eileelelthhe f% , Bider sea rea•muleitre L' • • eItUWIII ktv.s.srwria, ~... bnurt ter their eat...gave pegaillUVlalaffliall. . It. Yotr.llll. tbel-ressal 'mat., An ale wawa catt lir. •.'STL r•a et the meeeratiefq... ,• sr. JOlVlrAiraswiht4.' nuPeoleatf Itquestetest.lua..a mut Neater Otis Rh*. 0. PATURDIT NUM,. Kr. NtalgsnAido rorn.lieD.p se Well Ltat.ekeeaeselel pelmeme la elk ai.D.llo7esoltabse toeteekeamiles, Atiltioo•Tß, selo.twatenl trPl anatatl.4llllllBlytt t and / °vitae r. 81 am& way, dna undkt 81110. SIM a Stslll- , • N. B • AD venom band. g AST sh.haelaihul DAN 11BCZ•SUBB.47 . Wolf mil Ow. the •.a. ps•al 1 0 1.1 , 014 •-.1 , 40t01 I.rwaborr2.l, asir#6l.9: ti aell.lo IL t0 , .1 2 • arOXIABID VOCAL /UM ' ,INSTRUMIATAI CONaßilt IMBILEW • o,Alzragiazirr (morn . : ilitensday. Jftronsibor aub, /NM *A11017.0 MASA. , Ttehet , . et - 7x We at the Yule IlMet PAIITIMIT,, • : 1.3 . 5g . (tV i 10kii...17111 , 42111 1 341 , 1 Elr i l/MLAt S. AICIL - 11.11L•Lite MIAS 'L17213 L PI BOLO_-114dItallair 4. DUO .11/1Z107,1.012 Nuns I. BlliCai 4. CAVATIN&—t4444I4I il4aomals.Do7llZlllll ==l',W =t==2 fix? Mom). I. & & las& .210810.111 Messrs. U. &N. 2 . ..03&& and her. -W. =OAT. DUll—Belliggyte Yuan. Artadi . ex — laa A. A =Mums. 3. PIANO 001.0—iebultart.s serpiam..4,isr • • IMU-14 . 21.0 . ■ Faso la Ms. B. B.3IIIWASSirI. br. p. •r/ILLS.ION 12:=21 MEM tarZIEW OPERA norm. , . . SLTWLDLT 1 MISUOIL: Inrlatq 11. INe. grand /sally 11.1.1•4146 Par pardennteN the moral d 'was •. a•TVBD•T IrßiL6,llan sprearass• ef Übe tame naziedlu v alr. r. • 0114.1311/111. wham he mill apse= la illrq Plan, sows amai,l ol ;, v v. •:' YSoadayermotag aarldasnewea mhos. We. .141)1ra Sarney Masa : garcoscsaT SALOON. L near irtNambou ii/rea*. =E:1=11!!!! • 04204 ecoltentai or KIRI, puns, =rum, FNMA BY A coarrimeale cernay Till *laws vailminrici I RLSBt LLIAIIII V. 11..nr.rrawsum . • - • • , • • lengsrmeet of the loawftbl •16Ity• s•Ltai C SWINT 8.124.0 ,r Ut. Emmen el •lulta.s. ItSBS The Imes; teenUoz Wry sauT17110.18:18‘1. 41ialsalls , 8 8 • .2. , • 1 , -. ,, •rots. U. Aisbaso...• . grrtIIO:IMIII , 9,O . ZEJNi . CIAIOXIMALPAro wriagpwo mgr. or tiosasa etNrrelMt Oa Tuesday iveanur. litemalint 14 Illt ,ll :Thlqic7-1:2 41. JAMB! 41•••2•911......•.....14 B. =ran. Th. CAVANAGH & CO NO. u 4 inatrx . Ohms Usre'l 110•11.) mem num, us maps near le t 4 1 ,111 leer run" 1.4 ~. Iv Wael OW. eat •1410:11114% RI,. to realltl.llft 417 ...4103.UN IL L. ATI100D..11:10130} .103011. J. IL!CL121111/ 4TIVOOD & ICBM' MIMS FOVIDIIIB, , smut Ass GAS mintan, Cor. of Erd and Wetly knidif 11.1wrs Curgll • 1111rddira,N=4.2.1•241. argr! """ Spenial atuattei pal to the tuft MI rAnC i ar latminel. _ Ina"1 , 1"1. Agents for A. &camera &Cah STEAM PCrIitEPS • ; BLOWER 1311(6111111B11..• o grz e o kt 11 1 .1.701. tilintoo. PIM= 0111111411=6Z ono. C. SPANGLER *-RBADIORD ?lumbers and as Men, Jra. 41' Olife /IL, •1231111 M UTZ jiare AIM qt site w laza ea. sag .r by drarsess wastaul. I 4 JOIE IL COOPIR BRASS FQIINDBRS, Stain and Bag .trittem ot Finns .141:1111Ali111101114 irre7 dualiagoat OURitre 11414 " L S' tVitts 13D TUEI36. ktims& I Conker of Pa* antWallit MIK% pirrsituncm p3q4,?4 , 9:1(A,Q4i, , a 00-piattraßaßle /10TIGT. mu. c. W Roanrson ui was. d.Md•Att+ttilatNfiauiatatiitatw ova. to dato boa tat Wt.; The ,lattamoo oat cOtducaoa =Am MO R7I. OT • - BEST i 1101111110% ,, 1' ..• As she sotaar a/ Matted , Ter stmillak all 'adopts lebt maths map% anuatliel4olllll suautal filapaka. • l=! DIMOPIPTWX: Or 1041111n0,40 , lex betri . 46 Mar, M att // b atuftillit ;Pai 4:,4:41i.,1:1-A7=Paym.24 y elnumal6 MS) and Rau... net. • • .• tlitiervattiu m . PUMA:RIO. Oet. MIL I R. la WAMEIGTON =dal Irosvi* stred. mi• boa* Irwa - • w. w. Aso • grli& !=3 ::i..::TiR- IC=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers