iK ,~ _r .:py-' ALlittsbult t:,I -0111 AND ireBURBAN. THE COURTS. '1' . .7•1 - -. lB ,lgleteltikatstun. • Pa2 4li i.=-Pitsient Mall bench. Bowan mi. Craehert Armstrong. Ar, gamma continued by lioggn and Golden 41 4 3=1:Itint," In emr and byßarclay • • • Shaffer vs. Eckman; Armstrong. Ar ' 4 itti_ed by Botrger and Paralance ibr own =ln error and by Golden contra. Stratton cod Company's appeal; West vlsmoreland. Continued ; for *nutmeat at -ThLtedelphis on the Bth ofJammax7.nest. Hall es. Campbell; WestmorelancL eximnal by Festar for pltdatlfrin error., Vatted Manse Mendes veers—Jeers , alealiattleee. FRIDAY, Nov. 1.---Coart mot at the usual hour, and resumed the trial of the .. O'Hara bankruptcy ease, which was am- . speittaaL - Jury out. - 4 ' `Vatted States vs. thirty-two barreLi of whiskey unclaimed. Decree of forfeltUre . , . United'Stelae re twenty-slz and a t' , ,querter duvets of beer et atitz,• claimed `by'Hogle & Brothers. United Stela v.: forty-three and a quarter barrels of boor,' ..... claimed by same firm, and United States -- Ve.Tnutitlin a Hoglo and Melted Ho &le Owo. - apeit).. On motion of - J. H. ',,,,85i1y, Req., and ortatildavits filed, these -.: owe were continued until the next spe cial term of this Court, . . . ' . tinged States vs. twenty-seven barrels • ‘, of whisky owned by James NW, Robin son and three other rases against name W.:. -,'. 64i:dm t.. - :Yerd la In the el 11 actions _4;ir the respondent and defen dant, v and djt '-'7 . the Crated' States. Defendant I.'-u , ' .11:11 Stites scam:Le barrel of whisky, "'owned by Gideon' Morrow. Continued cx : ....on on of respondent's counsel. .. ,- Halted • Mete! vs. -twenty barrel. of put s owned by John Barr. Continued ~ . cm °inlet:lot Attornoy. • '' UM States vs. John B. Markle, two • cases. Continued on -motion of District Visited' Mater • re. 'Simile M. Wood .‘ocisk,.otElgrocnitiy. Evicting Illegal , fee.foi , &Meeting pension. It le alleged that-derendeut demanded • and received fifty dollare;• whereas the net of Cbstgrmi ,jises the Lee old ten dollars. On trial. • lliGl FuttkrAV November I.—ln the cue of jurxr .T"-"abbert ChM MEllirain Fulton, the Court onie a non-suit to be entered. , _ .k. Torreri •viW. D. Hamilton. De. ,Triadeatmoy lbrunew trial , and fi lm Olteee.k. ifftinderf vs Samuel M. Non-sn it ordered to be enteral by the Court. fleury.M.'Efendersen re Tmuerman, Henderson rt - Marks. Verdict for plain , 'ln the ' case Of • .I. B. O'Neil ya.. 1).• 'O'Neil; settoorlbr driinit . gme, the plaintiff ... ;owes ogled three times 'and not answering judgmetit ornoirsail was entered. • - - ,, r -awry trials worer adjourned for two :,.. * V eks r . ., : . • ' , 110•01.111-40001 Clue.. Aly. cry. . . ourt met •at thensual hottriteweclock. •-• ;,‘••, Paar.-`..,,Fnettruzu. tra , ,,ln the cum of :tie Commonwealth - W.—Michael Regis" and Commonwealth liflehael Regis and Frank Hogle, indicted— for MBank. , and battery Mrstnid. vated assault and battery, on • do npiatat of George Voltner and John H. Brown. the jary.in the first case. found - a.verdlct of guilty, and in the second !buts& thrdefmdents guilty of assault And battery. • '# - , .. , ...TEACICER Principal of the.l3eoMd Ward School, Allegheny City, was in ., dieted/or sessaltend. battery, on com plaint of Abraham Nixon, who alleged that his son, Win. Ninon, aged napalms, a,p6pli at the school, had been "correct ''ed" by the defendant in an unnecessarily violent manner. • It. appearni teem the . evident* that the boy had been obstinate, °while being instructed, and the def.nd• • nut need :a rattan in • puniahing him, striking him over the ha& a number - -of times,and other violence. . The Court charged the Jary that before mold. convict, • they must believe the punishment was unnecessary, or the violence disproportionate. A teacher; In - ,, elelliddstir corporal punishment upon a pupil, must exercise reasonable jridg ment and discretion, snd most in no case go beyond the limit of moderate castigu don, either In degree or mode, and with ,.'l labia limitation must be governed , as to the manner 'and severity of the pin . Ishment. by the nature of the offense and elzel and apparent Rowers of endu rance of the pupil: • , • • . .- ITisejary found a verdict aunt guilty, l';‘,l 4 .lisinceautor arid defendant each to pay one-half the oasts. • .• • • Edward .Rodgers, a cripple, was tried assault and battery on. Rachel . It appears that the museen. riz, who lsoOloted,was 'mow w • Rate O'Brien. •white woman, opposite defendant's- piece of 4notittess, and his - offense consisted In utriking Mn. Black sion.-vnitilte,biolcavith his crutch, in his endeavor, as contended by the defense, :::„7„togiewate the Writ:Manta Verdict "not guiltyproseentrix-to pay the costa." Thekryinagetwisneesvere with e thanks of the Court for thcii. ' , 2•7lLirthiag - ilifetelittenir7Anotherjury hue eultintoned far the 18th, and the in ' • termedine. time will be occupied by the Ckiatt Wheezing the argument list: • • =I kai. : 'l..=Penusylvants Balt "Mcourictsiiiiig Co. To. B. H. Smith dr ratio; 'Slierdlet forop c.f,glaintiffs ;for • Margaret Br:OAT YesietdaY mita helbre Alderman Whir; Frank li3rltp6trick, charging • hlstOrith Sta :alleges that the • emus to-her dwelling, and ituirrelical with her, and • With width he Ulnas- Mattike her. A. waniult was toned `c.3iancivairitrsiA "sorsa:cm Lawrence pespm yesterday made in ftl=ll.l4w.r.leternes. .Ablertnan Taylor,' Wl:Jewry, chanting her witkrattitiviatthq &nuisance. It appear& that thadedendant in this cn.e regain in adnOns tlinsoily,,over , that-occupied by , the prosecut94 and that she is in the L ,..;,,F!.lilitdrorthitneMg - from a window over. .:."Shaidcitir oiflrressentor - inmate water ind Idops which stand ins pool In knot ot the door; and which ho alleges has be. Cl `n ni*Uni"eel e l"arkltee l d , tI lllma= colourist. son comer. .I.,lllrrid Jams, Whose meat we noticed ,yrcterday's bathe on -- a dime of lar- PIT /t r fo ra rt bY ' P iT l kta=a be -attn a , ~ atenty, Jdoh, resulted to his being r • " tad to . bill w for Sii appearance at Court, ' ,,, lnedersolt or Irtatchhe was committal to John Beett yesterday made infonta ,Simtens,e,alderman,-Strain against charging inualt. and" battery. :The , affrit.r. we are _informed, occurred at Trlmbles Thereday night..l s'nit appears,'made- infonnation before the Mll;rt oipitunt, flootti for assault end ; widths shove' IN a cross salt. • Trimble . was !wrested and held fot n ,Robert' Bro Wit, of AlLribeny CUT, Waif mode t roth ufbrmatou before fa ,munia, against, Conrad J3els, assault ad battery He that,while .waUirag past the - ebatmy • " u rac7r" etfleisanestnd Chestnut streets se. , ,Dul.knooked him down .CVltr#llo. Mar was issued Zr o Of thootfenditr: . • art ALIMINAS.AMEAULIzo. .ilderMan 'James Donaldson yesterda . ..csalgsleinformallastihefore Mayor 2lfoCoi *:_ibY against James Merryman, charging f 4 with . dleorderly . conduct.,Ho isettalbst the aecused einae Into la °lnce and behaved himself in a dhoorderly • malWirts'l44WhlM4leattatupted to put him 4fou, he resisted and struck him with n.ids•lletrl Ther-dedendsnt woe wrested, allege Waring was fined. tt2.5 rat m etre. . E. Harburger. of MIN-I=y. Vet, .11.11eciriaric informal:low berme atldtr, raais.liallitagalipet Jamb „ Faulltuum. &Wake enm.:. snow Dna t.Todeghtplostpttetired hit inuftwaeeld ma. the tl.46ese to Dammam& of- nutty dollar; by , ng - that be !ward property.--I =4teserdstion ha' soya was Woo , and fftwalsdatA Aw,inont. was issued ltaltie•arrest of the.dawlnat. , .N.,43operyosterdar berme ••,AlaertEM '-filititsit'WVlbtoiltost;eharfrhitritli ="...,apd breach of promise. She jhakod,theirourth °fluty last We defendszdrodMed - to nothy her, which camiseterorpelyies to fulfill. A.war - Out was LWOW Wads arrest. We would ildrbssitost to emikrate,to' 'utak at:the o PPottunitY. as it ASK appear .4 , Wire customs or that .rotnitt7 woad laik r lds Ineliontlorof better than ouzo, strewth* is the notond information of • lthat aidare that*** been made %mink ItiOdwithth the past reek., Philemon a lll4lol;alni tt ys ti l.h. rt informs- P. Wit: ler ij rridCr :run:l C- was zvfMnsiers corn:in= ' , ll:ll,=th Daffy and Carolina W/iness •„, - ri :were to lad for thirty days rich, an. ae= ru lteagratiey, by Alder man- mink rkeP• fae> UMW, for.,day.- also dis rood Of Par_ riniosor, 'disorderly "went Up' I NAknobrova vats belb,re Ai - - Thomas "agatnat Diary i,Fysieh aasVZ" " ollei d W i ttattr d u 4,211 uanaw ta.took poramicm c oo. er m keEt the 'M 'A war rant 'ilnitrodt ate per** reside in . • , - _ NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - =The Tutu:wawa! (0.) Chroniefr fraPv On last Saturday evenings terrible affray look pitscrinear the Exchange Hotel, In 'this plaits. It seems that Henry Cones!. ton; of thu town, struck George Grimm,. a young man also residing in town, over the month with his tilt, knocking his teeth loose. Shortly afterward Congle ton was hit la the forehead with one-half of a brick; which crushed In his skull, making a fearful hole immediately over the right eye. The Injured man was taken to his home, and Doctors Rutland Curry were called who extracted seven or eight pieces of bone from the wound. Strange to say, at thlstrriting.i,Tousday afternoon) Cbngleton Is still alive, and there is a possibility of his recovery. Young Grimm, who is supposed to have thrown the brickbat, was arrested and Is now in Jail, awaiting the molt of Coo -1 Ee d tcm's injury. It Is anpposed whisky a groat deal to do with the fracas. A legal Investigation will probably dcvel pe the tans, until which time woLfor bear further comment. --Theitibilitliyaburgßaditaiaays: "A man =Mid Tawry,confined In tho Hun thigdon county jail on the charge of horse stealing, made his escape from that In stitution on Tuesday night of last week, by unlocking the door with his finger. On the night of his escape he MAO a horse from thapaature field of William 31arningstar, • in, Walker township, Which he 11.K10 some distance up Wood cock Valley, Where he exchanged It for a horse belonging to Mr. Watson, and alter riling it to Coffee lino, he turned It loose and took to the mountains. lie halls from the Broad Top region, and It is winnowed that •he is lurking in that neighborhood, —The Wilkesbarro Record Ravi: A man named .Jobn Golden, working in the mines °fah° Wilkosbasve Coal and Iron Company, was severely Injured lavt Sat• urday. After firingoff n blast he climb. ed up to see the result, when somo loose coal fell and knocked him down. Fall: ing some nine festi v al:id break lug two ribs, his jaw bone, and the bridge of his nave. -19 to mountains south and • mat of Wilkalbarre hare been on lire fur sever al days past, burning over -a large scope or ground and filling the air with smoke tor miles around. —The stable of Dr. Corson 11C.I.Vorris. town, Pa., wee set on tire on Wednesday night, and coma It3oo worth of property destroyed. The perpetrator of the crime has boon arrested. Wednesday n tank of refined 01l caught fire and exploded at Denmihoff Run. Some fifty barrels of oil were burn ed, and the lose Is estimated at ssoo. . . —Two bornewere burned in Erie on Wednesday, loan about V.,000. —The Bostonians say "home cans;", the Now Yorkers say "street cars." —Four opera companies aro to appear in Boston this season—biaretzek's and Strakoseh's Italian; Hateman's French, and Etchings' English. —.A. Texaseditor, on being asked how be. got along with his paper, said he had written one editorial and shot three men in the previous twelve months. • -G . reeley nays he fell in while ho and the object of his adoration were 'eating Graham bread. Of course the demand the Graham bread will. Mt mediately be immense among young men and maidens. • The laugh is :orf the Pan-Angliimn bishops. They voted to have no repor ters present at their meetings, and now they- can't tell what they havo done. Ono bishop alleges that one thing was done, and another roundly denies it. —A woman in Redbridge, R. 1., be cane the mother of two infants one dny last week, and the following day two more were added to the family. The mother and four babes are doing well, but the father is threatened with itPtarl- . . —A correspondent of the . Springfield Republican has [band a mate for the young lady who Inquired at shook store for Dr. Holland's Trichina. He called at well known publisher's Is Maine, for Dr. Holland's ItiUe Street, and was po litely referred to the drug store semis the way. =The following was the strength and positions occupied by the Papal army at the end of September, vim Rome had a no garr lglioisone, n of 8%5 Chita men; V ecch Viterbo, 477; Ito- 141; ia, 557; Fro st:2one, 256; Velletri, 1714 Comoros. 3 / 9 ; Vivoll; 165; Lenany, 14; Temeino, 70; Civita Casaellana. 00; Pollan°, SO. —Bello Boyd gave a reading at Lex ington last Tuay.:la hat fotty per eons attended, Bello looked unhappy, and said she thought the people fo Lex ington bad treated her very unkindly. She expected "a heartier reception from the home of John Morgan and other herom,• - who fought for 'Southern inde pendence:. • , --TheCougrmalmaal Repubikan Com mittee me almost daily receiving. letters from the better educated colored mon of the Southern States, affirming that they sm. ha great Aar of violeore from the whites, mad suggesting that they should . I:Tzriauljtoal So orgmlse - maLltia cont . —Byrne's distillery and 'Myers at Co.'s rectifying house, two of the lebemt whisky establishments - in'. Richmond, have been taken possession of by Gen. hiulforck-Collectorof Internal. Revenue, ter alleged violation of the Internal reve nue laws; end between two hundred and three bum: ... Ined barrels of whisky were ---A remarkable evidence of presence of mind was recently given Lo France. Monsieur .7----was talking With his mother4n-law st bee :country chateau, when a streak of lightning nimpst ally. reduced bee to ashes. The domes tics - ran into the room, when, '143 bout moving a muscle, liforageor "John, sweep up my motbersbr-law." Filial lova:and a lave of neatne a were 9°T!rillore happily;-Mended. . . relies gleam . , Licletwitnan going to a'mlerly old Istry .tdbeg fora Worthy . . object `fotuid him s iyrefused on theground orpoverty. Fei v in g 4uselfllloCil Interested in her story, he expremiC creatsurprise thereat, and maid, .1 had not !bought. you • in inch wantt" and then taking out Home money he u.kl„...herm la something that will do for the present pupate; when I call again I will give you more? The old lady was so enraged that she gave Wm a good' round sum to show that the did not mean that she woe n panper.7 Church Monthly /or Ck;fober. .--Funy . things creep "into religious meetings as well. as elsewhere; for in stance,. at a mooting of one of. oar - ehurehes—of course thousands of miles from here—one of the brothers who had been alwent for some time was called on to relate his experience. ."Oh,” mid he, "sines hat! met you my brethren, my wife has gone'--st this point he broke down, and the encouraging c law leader said: "Gone to glory, bas she. Halleln ~nh!" and started Ringing, "We have had some friends before us gone," eta., whet, the foriaken brother interrupted him with, "No, that's not. It—she's gone end tanned otT with another feller f" .The Czar of Muria haa lately pre sented to Eugenie a costly and beautiful cabinet, made by the first artists at St. Petersburg, as an acknowledgment or magnUteent hospitality. with which he was received at the Tuillarles. The flowers and fruit which decorate this cab fret are raised from the surface, and the stones of which they are made are chosen so that their lilies may as Dearly 84 pos sible compare to thmus of the original.. Thus the leaves and flowers of the jas mine -and other pinata, the fruit of the raspberry and - blackberry, the currant and strawberry, aro representeti with u truth cd• enticing, sad an eppazent soft ness end transparency that almost rival nature herself They rest upon slabs of lapis lazuli and ewer melons Marble., separated from each other by delicate lines el twisted gold. • • ' —The following circular has been ex tensively. elmidttiod •ttiNghout.South Carolina, addressed to the most proud- sent citizens Sun—We mapectfully invite you to tv-operate with ilto Corn- - mines in soeuringthe a:Vadat:leant dele gates to a mooting to-ho held In Charles ton on Wednewlay, at six o'clock, It., the eat' of NoveMber, to take luto con sideration the object. named. To • this end you *pa emewstly requested to send the Ablest rapmsentadve Inc., In your dlstrtee—say from ASS to ten in number - - , WhO you aro ensured will wit tuamoni . onslyln Wulf of the interest of the whlte - eltineiss of South Carolina. A cor e:0.10lb telliteatial public men srart d N:th has istiatted us that a con vention held tore tbr the ,porposo of ex- Preising the will Of Out into and reirble pop le will be of toxaemia bleiagt to the State, and the call, Unefore, hasp been advisedly Issued. The *lief business to. be done by the Convention will be to issue, au , address to the people edges Mato ad oountry, expressive of ropplat, and to the policy which glace th e negro the elontoit.of the ballot-box. and jury -box, to menienal be Congress to reconsider the neon- Illf,.Tifion bills and remove .the existing St fell, - free and harmonious Witel ujntolligent public! opin ionefthe o ado OtaM, andtoadopt such Maui as Wilt te4lttertoopur clU =lva to oppose to • proper' Manlier all, schemes which aro calculated to result hr negrwdotninetion and the inter dca druction of the boat Interests of the State. • J4.xsas !13,4311311tiet For th. auttu Wu. WALLncS~ tap . ni. W. I.lkuro:s, Favorable anawera'lsavo been Inceiycd from Alrnost, every district, and full re-' presentation Li expected. - - - • • asPast. • Counsisna.segels Cuscnaarast-Clear and owl. Cgscano, and cold. c,xvicE . yp, o,—Clear and cold.. • Faarrnx..m, lAA,"-Cloudy and cold. supeo, larnta..waarus.—Clear and tros.ty, _ and cold. ',optima :A E.T.-Cloudy and cool. •• Millstarak Tador....-canai wawa Osu.sanar-;Clear and pleasant. Wrzathseros - c.—Clear and . . GENERAL NEW INIM Mt. 111 - E.14,9EZ, BNB AND BROKER , llEt Weed St., near earner of Fifth.. Governinent.Securiliev, Gold, Silver, rind Coupouo., Soasta aad sold oft Lthenl tem.. Dratta rota , all the pilzetrzl titles of Enrone. CONTERSION OF 7-30'S. We aro sow moored to mason 7.ba SECO4O AND THIRD SERIES V-airs Islo TEM New 1867 ,6.20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JAMES - T. BRADY & CO., Ulm u Cornett Sarnia Comer Fourth & Wood strooto. IRA B. McVAI & COD., Afl . laistorkles.eins. HIM 1S CATaltsit Fscpirm Car. Foarttramd Smithfield streets. sAI 3 VMMVAr:gaiV47..iO U r neat. so Jaanaury we It. them In ezen 5.20 aosrris or .11867. InterretlifflOLJJ at 8 from that Cue. 1114 11. All 0 V /LT oft CO. • FTNANOE AND TIPLYJE denielt Ow no Prrnstanonentairrea, ; FRIDAY. November 1. tttet. The uaeertalnty• of the eluntlon In Italy hail kept the gold premium Arm today from IN% to MM. The effects of the interest pay- . manta have not yot nom felt Piny murk lathe market, sham but comparatively few brow that COttpoll4 were ItOtddplttltd; tt relit take un til the middle of next croak hefore the ago. rate payments. will reach ilftemi or fistoen mULLoa dcllareof which a conarierableamount will remain in New York, and proceeds rein. vuted m bond. • • Government securities were firmer and higher to-dais Fine 'Parentlei of 1552, testa and MO Console, and Seven Thirties all have ad• vented from to %per cent" hut Dinneen Is light. This sudden advance will stop invest.. menu, and unless money shoublbecome Oena tier:enaction must take pines soon. The Mock market is dull 'and lower for ail skates, ezeept the stooks of the . Erie clique. Shams are null but unchanged. Moan, lel= very scarce, but people are hopeful of geeing an early rise of the elvers and better time. and a general revlvalof baldness. Closing New Trak quo: -Urea, treeive4 by Pb. H. Mertz. were as follows: Gold, 1111)it 1611 , c 11114; 641., 1662, ICS%; 10650 1414. ,Von.als, 10134; 12.40.. 100%; 7-1% 126 K. Mesaland a Pltt.bargh R. _L...., Nero/was Union Exprs•. Wee.= Mica Pell:graph Pittsburgh Port Wayne It Mileage IL Northwestern itallread—oommon— .. 48 rierthweatero—preferred........ er , 4 New York Central and Mirehialind Certhleates7:....... Miehigan Southern 0 0 S: Corydon 00 Q. 01020 1 2b gulekailVer 18 —We published yesterday a ininimary of the quarterly report. of the national bank. et the United State.. There inatituticna are 1,030 PUlllber, of which about KV •te lAA hanks and NW ban teem State back. and were mgr. ganlsed under tba nationaleuriemy law. The eggregat• capital of Wiese banks la about tour bemired aid twenty 03111100. , their earplug amounts to alntyain and a bait millions, and their undivided pendia to thirty-three and a half million.. The amount which the hook. hold °tibiar two money for !canton purpoie• is thin; eve hundred and twenty million.. lo addition to IEI. arm, the hook. hold deposits to the amomt of Co hundred and seventy-ids edillont; of which twentv4eveo rollllon. were Gown:meat depealls, eve handled and thirty. wren million. were Indliidual derelict Their Iwpal tender reserve 1111030111:1115 to atm hundred aed eityweeen millions, or which'one bondred million. atekreenbaoka, and compound lintereat antes nearly Oftyneven million.. —At Boston, on Wsdneelay. the iallato of • large Ash dealer In Commerce Wean was re ported. The llnbilltles are teportellet 1112/.0.0, with Assets cetlasted at SALON. A v.:Alder able vont= of the Indebtedness Is .upromi to Dare Accented In the Province. —Ttio Supreme Court of Now York boa rettdottd two dodsloas of kapott.. to dealus to stocks, of ophtobilltot following la the oubttacteer Th•opittio. together bold that where • ban ter or broker Invests We Vern moan• In th e per .td carrying of nooks for hts employer' the relation erected la not thus of pledger and pledge., GO ea tv moire toe tin t er to et v• no. tioe of time and plates of at. he pit Ora to sell the sitteka spot tb• customer tattle.; to re spond, rut he may .11 after demand of the moo.; aad t rees.ebts oppatualts to the customer to hey 11...1 without rutuftring ths customer of the time or pleat of axle. On the letter of tbe. two eases it is bell that the eustauter d.• not beneme t h e owner of the boeks until he has paid for them, end until en the perm. Sr. empty la the rcletiorsof epechel euntrenots with tomb other—a Institut more resembliag that of reader aol vosdee than that of pledger and pledgee. —The stave:sof the Float Notlentet Reek of Ma:alert. N. Y., ortiLeh book vas .usearbet emberneteed by the failure •I lie Preeldent.but which eubeequently mad. &mantes:mat to eon. Ito. business. bare nollitrel to 1)0=ot/oiler of U.:Steno: of their laudation to but the bank to liquldauon. Ali the creditors mill be fully Paid, and the hawse. regularly mound tip. —la Ito feint latter of Mr, Jay Gooks, re lative to the Prilloesi beaks, we hod the fol lowing useful information retpectlng the num. bar of broken National Duke, as compared with that of solvent Luetituticasi oThe number of National b.k• now ln en. Minces and ln good Monolog le 16., harlot an aggregate capital of 114244,11,54 t. The number cf Iladonet beaky need as depositories of public moneys legal, having an aggregate capl tel of gignoco,OM, these doismituty banks had an depaelt at Washington, J coy 1,1E61, as security for Government depositswith the the bald., United States bolds .4 venous auet amounting to etilsl9,l6o, to emus ttnt.l arnOnet Of Government depoetts at that dote ot V6,7c4 let no. The average eminnt of non. Inter-at bearing legal-tender wales Lela by the book. during the teat - 11.. l quarter was M 2,401.666. The Nattunel beak. hero ea de. poettat the National Treasury, to aretire their CireoPallart. Ili per eras. bondelmo.t. tog to $131,410.1.91 and Oro per cent. bonds meow:tun to egliagg,ltn, belpg total of WO; 169 Kt, with inlay o .settsen•¢Regal.tie euletion of 11300.01.0,C00. Th. Nettoual books that h•ve fatted Mime the Inauguration of tee ...teat are alas, having an aggregaut gantlet of 11,600.000 Tiectitv.trifte attics beak. have voluatarity one into Retold allots, their agog. gate capital Nang SS,MOAM)." PITTSBURGH au:r.a.L MID IILOOII ELARRET-WEEKLY REVIEW. Orem or van Prostamtort CUM?. IiMAT. November We" a There ha. Deena fair volume et butler:Se in metal this weak, the tvanesollobe In thii ag. 'regale baled fully up to the usual atandatd, and while the demand WWI to keep pare with the supply sad prices are dam, there Is no thane to make in quotation.. The dented for Foundry Ironer. hardly so saline, but the mule are baying ita freely as mad be espeoted under ellattok circumstances. Nothing would mutt more to Improve the iron badness, than an early restunptlon of navigation. •?1 , [1.11/113171.. •• a tons Neutra1........ 120 JosaptleneMlA 100 (Rey Forge Ito 6 . I. 66 $0 0-2E202 . 42 00— ca4h 4,2 20— oath 4120-5 mot •• • 40 Rard7l 0 0 -4 mom 11•41 Shari foci* 41 &I— cach 42 No. 1 lottodu 45 00— can CO " No: 1 47 00— cab •• . . so . Neutral Forge--eXtra 44 W-4 saw , Ito . No, I rotary 47 0 t—l Dane 60 .. No. I IrOrse 40 CC—Omos SO . Waite 1860--a mw . . . . .. . o 7.0 . AN, 7 Fotul th i . 44 OP-4 m• syroxotors COAL surcrao rocs LAILII £O - 1.141,0 op. . • • . . , . . . , . UM 30011.115202xiing 17111143 Varilr,. p.. Z. .- o 5 .. . . NO.l Vdti 40 10-4 Dios 30 • . . . No. I' . 45 60-4 mo. 20 . . IoW 31304 4010-4 mos 1 . 0 .. Otry Yalta. 42 a-4 me .10 U •• . (stow. !gamin,. 43 00-4/0.04 320. " • Chi', Faro 40 60— , cash zO2" . Medium Forge at lur " 37 24-053 h 10.1 . Tolle 41 cO-4000 60 . MeAlugiTore. _.... 40 10-6 1000 11 0 " ro‘le. t1t0311 , 410. 41 00-4=s . . ET= 00 tow (told Biwa co.-4 mos rovuldry, f4 B Ia co—; mos If 0 " 6.1 co—lmo. U. 8... VINCI bi 00-4 zoo• SO3 tone Allegheny Meer Oake....gge ea— thee &LODZ:. • 10 tons N 0.1.1032161.0 ..... ....; ..110 00-4 gool ll 10 No.: 00-4 mo HEM BEM rpappusasi mixer. Tcl.r./.43 b tY.Mt Ulnae, ti mat+. 1 Ciectehei. NOvetcher I.—Ylobr dull but tta 112,1 e, No. 3 runnuml. _carp dun, but pelvis are unchanged; '2lO. lease* j a ,l oar oie for new and WO =rola.' eats* and prices lower; No. 1.1130 c. Nye dull at 0.43. Mtn , 17,. 4 =. g SIVV,1, g .trite?I ' ati l trrin allot bind at ITo. Tobacco enchanted. with • Mir demabb for . teat at • broil°. priors' Wes to-nay ot W bhda Collti Waal. • WOW ICY o.obaoked., no. Mesa Perli In toed "Ils. maudi sales or 1. bele • frllllso2D.:Clanulf ultra no sellers below the Internam Sam= dull and prior. nominal' there la • lot Of Odom= bulk =maiden In the market at 1130:a but eitheat be .old. Lord lull at 1140. Hoes tt, t.be warm Meath erl Wee a y duimil,3 0 for grass' UM to katf the bogs now arriVlng are generallir Igor. ads over ball fatted es a rue, Lae eery few fit to =site Mess Pork, Better unchanged Zee etaady:' (Acme rashly at iiNaid d. to Una dull at 113.f=31,00 per btu 011 trrleaL Unll Me her.tobL Clover fle‘Ld 1 Mel demana at 4703 for 060. Timothy Mtn nid' mall Nadu at:r u, dun al Petroleum dull at Nano_ tPr [qt. la. bony. abanae firm atrPar , oafkit• tiakt'alasett at 140%M:wing deta lila= tr. Lip". nuke& telt-Telaraplt tO...t4111(111.01101 aunt. 1. Catcaeo, 1.-FlOur dullard inactive. WOW. open 4 vial., gland . tmar and ad vanced to 1, on No.l'Yt - Glint 11,110 1.82 tor Ems.. e*r ett' o4 - , L 1 1111 11 147, 34 for Oati naalnr., at VAIIIIIO 11 t 00:c afloat, clnalan 11001st the 00111 110 1 /(n In njanar, at el,stel,notor Ito. 01,tm,17 100 1(0.1. Barley dull and So Mow. at $1.02 €ll,o2ltor tisupork.sofornosrglos,s) SAM Obis MAO, si no. Itreotro•-. ennroft no wheet,76,olUttucorts, atrAo On GAL, uhirimentaAMCO bbla dour, 11/4/111tna wheat, 112,0111. tag oncn, bta oat& freights den. et 4.41/1340 0 t 1 0411 ' 1° ItarralopSo on wheat to Oswego.' • - . - • - PIITSBITR6H DAILY GAZIT jAIIiIiSIRIZEIL - di B®N awl 111 Water armee, • . • LAID Oil, .ItiANVEAOTIMIEBS, Aid do:Verdi CIII.7PE: LtentiCAllllo aid Ca ErSON OrLe. WI warrant oar Ito. 1 Lard 011 addat to 114 Not ;hictiaratl,,.. cth.r Lauer. and proposs td r•rn ea Ica uCraealaall or Mow> Malt. , • Otrte& 1 Lard 011 at • lanariestor main to crea Duel Ore. Lkuneattag' sad trauataid brand,/ or Carbon O O Leoartuo factarr oa. Laid. • - • ad, at roll dad It to OM, Intarert to tre to a .11 before ordasidi Lard Olt Cron Jae Wan. . • hit; ~ P13T11110114111 ILOALILICTS • Oistal o 7 TO Prrreetriel gnaws, t PILLVAIN November I. 1117. The general =kits contlatieeether dull, the demand for the leading eenunodlttin batevio: etptated aLaly.ie enpplytng the latteedlets studs of the 'hem, tade. Theis are no me. Waal ehatwea Id prlees,howevet, though the ror almost everything M..* lobe downward. GRAlN—Wheat in In good demand and steady bat curehadgeeft ea. or t car No.l Spring at 82,11, and 1 ear prime White at eta). Prime Red Winter le ■tW quoted at In Brat hands, nud $2,65432.60, In more. Barley, in consequence or diminished arrivals. is a abuts firmer but unehmigedt:aals of IR* bush. prime Spring, in eleratoi, at lug. Oats Mad/. with Wes, on track, at Wants, And In atom at gligArDe. Bye is Selling at MAO, on track. mad IRA, in store. YLOult—The market continues very doll, and there Is but Mils prospect at present of any Intosealats Improvement in the demand. 'We now quota at $10,15010,75 for Spring Wheat; 1112,251213,74 for Molar Wheat, and 5i401.6,10 for fumy brands, Bye Maur Is eel. ling to store, at 16,760 e. • POTATOES—The demand Is fair, and not withstainling the' arrivals coatings lirge, prices or• pretty well ausLalned; sale of Sean Peach Blows, in took, at al. Prima fresh New . Jeney Sweets May be quoted at 111A011,73 per bal. PROVISIONS—Itaocui la dull but unchanged stale for Shouldi al Vatic for Ribbed and Clear Slam, and a:aqua for Sugar Cured Ham. 'Lard la dull at 14. and Aleaa Pork at MAW rt. APPLES—The annuals continue large, and bile the mmkat la very dull, prima are with , nt change, ranging from itl,notga per bbl, for rto choice. • " SEEDS—Flanzesl la In tale demand at AM., Wldle Clever and Thnotby star may ,nalt— theta mews to Da no demand whatever. , .• . , B E.ll UIV-Alontranes dug , with a euppll considerably in and even prime Roll beiges .lowly at 25d. . BOGS—Dullbut nonbangsd; we quote a2l CLes, but the deniand t. gahf at tbeea figures. CRANBERRID4--Qtdet and unebengwh sales at gin per bbl for common. and tor suilleated. eitEsTNUAS—Q.uoted st PH8.60 psi bolt. The Chestnut atop Ills sent le reported as he lo[ n fistula. 31/LL FETED—SaIe al carAldtlytta at $3,80 PETSSOLEUMBILLISILXF iIYSIOIL cs n I Pm , : mason seem.,. riIDAY. November 1. rei7. UT:ODE—Mrs market. for made appeared to be • little etronser to.day, espeoially for spar the proapeets fur an early bulk rlee MOE less resoluble. : There sea. but =tied..., however, the transactions in the aaaaa te be. tog eery meagre, and of •Ikrl mare portant char. eater. We ems most moles of. let bbl, at 1134, bole to be returned; pc., 1. tank, at I:3fe; and 600 at tie, for burnedlate delivery. For Mat crater nod the .pear, aelfees option. we 00 11 , 11112. to quo t e, Li the abuses, of Wes, at 1 0 340115..1101, buyers at lee. Ao 011 elty gram quotes the market very 4..14 team to Dell et $lOOB AO, and no buyers. Ith:FEVElla.-There . teas not • single, opera. l/on bonded oil io.day, at least there were none reported, end tall. the market is dull and treat, urine are Tennant quotable change, We . cantle as to quote nominally at elyteile for tint 'oil: and SU foi Nonsiber. For the late menthe there Is euthinceloingosed While there la but 11111. ofering; ft le equall y tine that there le not to nah lnqulcr. As anted id our leer report, the time and attendee of ihe Putatlnent operate= in taieast steatite ht al./wined to settling tsp the October 'contraet• prepareeery to aiaiaas a fresh art to finesse oar. . ati , alll.ll,o VAST Pa= aVallanall naectr.! uteltineon Olt Co, ef _be/a mined to "nudes; t t hdadelphla. }ltalia{ 1.70. SCO dodo to L. Wee:, nal; dental, Block,. B.Mottos L . C 0..! do do W W. G IldurleGm& • - bitlior.l do do t.o Waring, KG! Co PhUutilph.G. . Dacus. diMoms, dodo to Iduind,Xlai 6 Co, Philadelphia. oil. aYQ)ap MYR tram, //.1.;.1 , 0110CTOILS3 30 .aa zt. J. U. Iltispattiak. POW ordinal to Walla, 'flog a Co.. Philadelphia. • - • P. Welmoberget a Co., %) do do to Warind Kind &. Oa hiladalphla. Potayte ' Boo. IL Co. 6.1 ,- do do to W. W.M.M. Philadelphia. NAL BeL Ca , 14 du do to Mad] Ade Ciuk i Stiquier. /4.1 do .40 to Selma 'PLltodel phis. . • ; • 1. 11. htnpatttok , 04 to . 10 dotrOidel Plandelphio. .t. Myer h Co. 140 do do to Waring. 13; & t o. Philldeljattlh • Intworth Mos .me do do to P. A. Miro& It W.. PU1.4E10114.... .. toatoatibeliser, Knolls" Uo, nee° do . Wro King O. Uo.. rtaildelptna. Sew York lriteessee nareet. Iry .2mattrans, to me eletstatrar timettel Now 'roar,'November I.—Cotton denten/ eic lower; sake 1.10 tele. at Ito for mat Odra ;manna 71st—recelpts of 1107 Me; dull at loBlo* lower; tee, of lawn [drat* 11 151 62.1 2 ; OaParduestate and Irmo.. 00.70010.00. - extra state '4o.lcao.33,arta wttstoragl.243/0.21; hound Hoop Chao $122 &• - Califon:lla roar •and hese; rebel of SLOW sacks at 4 1 1: 0 22126 0 . • ttie ftnur 2762.20. Whiskey gala* at .0 3402 a. Wheat.—recelpfa /02,221 lane; opaned tat. Inner, On aloud mute active, with the cp. eltne parity reversed; sales of IX/Onn bus It 121.12 fm No 3 .urinal for No I dal 111.21121 n far hirs I der; eh,. tatter prlce wet mired, for No I mad No 2 mix, PA for wet e slietianeln and ROI for meow State. nye hoottually lower. Barley wash. 'out decried change; sales of UNA bus 14 al,fal for Mulct/A for western and SUN I.olfor Canada West. Walt grief; 06/e3 O LOCO bow of aterlem at $ll5. Coro—recelph of id az hm; without Lb 0.. l charge; salts !of 152,000 Into at 111.2700,40 for wilas4 western. closing . 0.111. Int II Nal a afloat. 0510,.rneelpts of 13,001 but Mu and IC lower; Wee Of Netts bus 11: ,magauo . for western. Ntoo dull. COO lime sales IMO bets .11to at prtwate terms sugar steady; sales latt hbOs et INCOIC‘ for Cnbat Ira for POOO 4100. Molw,sas u fate request; yak. Netints Cat , . at DOWN flops pallet and Unchanged. Patrolman s sham, Inner. at 12}0114e torn udr, and Sa for refined nnettle. Porkflrmers Wes 440 Ibis at et 621.15 for fetes.. , enatna. at Milo ealle, 019,73420 (Or prime; alto I,LOO Mrs uses Defilers fut./ant:tars at pre WA terms 41000 of old and new, 47,07 hoist lastmorith,lNN7 Mast last year,23,Vlbblei. Beet heavy's:ale I 12:1 bbl[ nt prertous prices; stock of old aid I tow, 12.10 PaPtlalt. montb,ati pkg.; lad •year, 10,011 pkgs. Beef haw. quiet; sante boxes western,: at Bacon dal; sales GO boxes Stratford oat at 22r; 100 io Cumberland cut for November at 11t2e. Cot meete doll; salts 215 pkgs at 11)5012;(0 Or .boulders; 1301.0 far barna Lard dull sad nosey; sal as ran tibia at latigglnt ie . the later an extrema. Nutter and. anatomical. Crease' dull and uncrangeat freiglosto Llearpool without material change; lagn Lo wheat stela per sad; trd per steamer.' tarts*.—Ylour Matted a shade , lower or cm:union grCales with modertte ezprt poniard. Wheat stoutly citlittlBol.l2 for 10. a •urlutt; 113.402.10 fur No. 2 do. and $2,1100 N. I do. /tee conatnal at SLCONIONtt Earn quietist ikl.col,Bo for Pond to Pruett rettod western. 'York 00,0; 2,000 Olds meet at gi,co ent,aay, cash and tottular. Beer notntad. Cut Iteiltr In Itlfolerelo request without le. ceded chute. Baal:tat/MI mad unebisagml. Lard dull at 1375010050 for fair to p, mo steam and Kettle recanted. M. Louie names Telortema to be Plitibutallasatte.) Sr. Lome. November I —Tobacco no act Ivo Lad unchanged. Como , shout It: tor pomp very dull at 112.alfor dressanh, gooor gujet at trt.7s ohnico su pc role for chowertri.ll.7slllo.o4 roc (Mll Le11.:4112,74 for choice, and 380 for fancy. ,VVlirati mlllerae stood 04all grsdes heavy exCept oboleo.prime to ion rob e5t.(82,65; red $1 0G2.04 101 , $1,937r.,.17. Corr .211 awl drooping atal,bil 01.11 for yellow and,hlte. tats heldnrin at Met& hurley grit at 11,00 for Milani] 40 for pricao choice siorbio.'.llyo 101 l and Irregular, ar. $14501,11754. .Pnvia. Ions; tooling better, and more oiling. hlt to a sipsill "say. Ideas rods 621.Z1221,60.: go. mibl'gbauldniX l l9 l ool . Clear...now P l 4O sugar eared hams lArd go In 1.14..m5, and 11Xo ke/01.. Recelpla—gloar.4.4:3 bids.; about; alleks• 00111. 2.1k0 oats, 5110 bmiht barley; 111 bitabi rya 14,4 bosh. alfgattierr dry, Warm mob !windy. Dry Deeds Darnel • • • • tar . 14leirrstititsi the Pittsburgb Gault* • Ntw You, Noweiwber • koC dull . and pi lmr are droopier fornallt amts. of brawsi and blooobod muaillhi w odt etesirlard wagoner Neawf Voila api y at nelgia mr besitusaes of Tanaka. wu ebeettrunit •14•111P4o seaman ant daft aorta . Ala. µlsolm. 113}((0C1 . 4? N, for i f fll at t e a d/Vo f galgia• P, 11 1 be l iatler4c7lAtl k Art tit igu i rdil% 4 l.Bl . for Wan bumper lamina tor Hawk to (or Reynolds A a; no for VOMIEPOIath }. Cor m! elepperalfire atiltri r r at IS. • ilik cor. Lod IlirfN.Ttlader, relutti•ll•lolgra arid otbef Mad - Plbrsolf Si* •, Irlt4oUt hupa F ° ".ft e t • • • ••• • Toledo Aartet. [fir Tsigegirapfig•g ea Tlttnarin #araitia) ;XXI fo, , faT t eLar do l i cplourg , labeal; Tempts, 0.1115 g OO .21.1b100111, tort 00100 01 itallsep Klohlgan at gall, mu. *abbess Club a.m. anther for first 411 of at.ta Corn!, receipts. 11.a11 Ooai old Wo:lO ttwaend o e . ta W mt ab e a w aahd • O n Saboof N 1 K do ufar new, rr;c t r .t nia.•lstai. o r 4.2r0 j o. aCtOwittClqye; bi reatobt bus; 40tul et ter No. b. Barley; memo,. N o ba4 geedss Moto! Cloven . afro Freights dull at 3}ia 00 oorn Durtal • u:r.~co~l4r~ir. . COT.Tiliersob to Me rttuouree Ossett47 - - Oximeeo;, Novemborl.-TlOur deell‘d-rei Ana ailea of Ibbla at 410.50 M ee t R o l spring; We. -far te d minter. Meet is enlet: tio / lillerankee Gil/11,1mM ip,ls. 03,0 mute and getnailf 01 Ind Lana eines SU& 04Up-seUleff In small lots et to - for Unto. Zetley ratherefet/ Sales o mow Imp canals - at el, 1.19 An bon ir 41,45Pene loerf 0f,70 ti e/11 at' Id bon - 4. .flyenotelnall eent ynt PPM bond. ek e Imports-leennbusb hest/70,100 btu oar. Levi LUGO boPh r/fe MVO boob _pent.. extol Exports-48p) beta ilaCati NAM 101113,000 blob paaa. . . Sllwauk•A ai7 Toldirrapo gaol PlMbatabGtaatt../ Ed to LwApping;lKEZ, Knver, , 110.11. .4 dro city xx. oda fx...4- 19.61Q9.371 X sio C 005.87, Wbrat gale soo soma:lW 02044 for So. 1I OM tar Mulford to' 0514030 tor No. S. Coro .11)sAll " $4 13 for No 1.1. 2, / 11,11ln No. 2. Flrtabli Oo It nod unchanged. .81/COURI.SW Ohl. flout, tip) bus mr west; IMO WS OstsV I PS bus earn, sltlpments- 1,000. b0s 110FZI ,030 r NOVEMBER 2. 1867. fllprivjlt4Matters la flew iak 1171511egrarat;3 tn. PUtsi.rth Umetta.3 ' • Nzir TOXIC, Noi. 4 1167. . . Moody is easy aml stetd.V 0d.607 Dar . dent, for mll loans: Sterling Is dull at 1t0,40 ICI4g Sr gold dm class bills. Gold la gaud, anger, °gems at Id% %tooling:dr to Ilt% add doting at 141. Govan:m . 4 nt stocks are Quiet and without =9 decided chums. Coupons 'al, 1185ce 11244 do MC, 108610%; do 1 4 . , 1014(filtaNi 114 :Utanaa. "7 4arle10: 1444.44423. Are dull ,and. lower, Steams . steady. The folloirlat were the • guest*. gaorAeloge At 510 r. x.: Centex, 0;0214; Craibetland, w e n., ap,g, Amegloan, 841; Adams, grig,LlXtteb State., 119 X; Alerch.te•Union 57, gninksOlver 111nIng, Ingpigx, tlartpeu Ittuung. 1X15.; gaettletllall,ll4X4ll4/3, At lap,le, 1100 Weill= Linton Telegraph. tcyg a _k_%,1, 5 1117:32:: : War i 1121 1 ;f1:91 , p , Cartldat ' e., 25ignox; , VAX 81. Para,Al; 81. Pan I orefer!ed.4l4gegtv miams. 105 5S0 1( ,/5. an 808,hern, 7XX071154; Illinois (Antral. 19A 1224//oat la , and 95%694 Plttobtirgh, SPA, Togo., bx ao4;(1 tor t realer 4114 N cat tmeet. rn weaned, 55 X66514; Furl 043 09131: Human Slue, 84; new T 11112169600 size., 821(. . =E a= Mlaluq slurps are heavy and lower, but closed firmer. Edgu Thu, 423; Quarts HUI, larn Root? Monet n , Smith and raradse, woo l GresroM 5750240; Ear/ /1111: 4324114331 Vorydou, 00. • SVE , TtelllttlitY 1201“1•78. TEM racatpla at tho Sah•Tteasart, tpday 41,1131.831; rayatanta, itga,t4ll; uoa - Batraoalrim. therm... ma to the Plusbaren Omuta] Itesesno, November.L—Rerelpts—whent, n 60110 Coro, e 6,00 bus; onus, 19,00 bus; barley, 4 , ww bee; fl our, 19,039,0015.. RO- I:teats—wheat, I 70,P10 bus; eon. IMMO ous• eats, 1"5.000 bus; barley, 9,000 bus; rye, 10,004 bus. Freights unetmgeti. Canal exports from the opening of envlgraion—flour, 19,, 010 tads; 'revel. 7.95000 butt Corn. 11730,0(1) boll rats, 7.0e0.t0u bus; barley 1,090,000 bus; rye, MAO bus. Reoelpte b and wrath! ] trunk Beltway. (10 00 Januarytake Ist the to November let—goer, 1,100,000 bbl,; gratis of all bled., 9 3, 000,101 bus. /lour drill and 00. ohm ged. wheat quiet at-11 nebade wester; sale. of ISO bus Pert Weshinkton Club at $7,09:9,900 Matatowne Club at 40,08, 7,500 bus N 0.9 Ctueng,i at el 99,2 ears of amber (Jan. ds att2 63, and 7 WO bus No. '9 Milwaukee Corn 'dull and entirely nominalt susoma offered and refused for No. 9 western, and sellers have generally with diewn [belt esmeltw; sales of 11.00 bus of mixed old and new Toledo at 11,13. Oats In fair enquiry,. males of 12,000 be. western at 650, and 70gte do et 6.50 to arrive. Barley oreinal. - flyer unchanged. aims Pork dull Cl *5530 .^3 for envy. Lard Will at lllge. Ingewlnes nominal. =l:E=22l fft•Tc7ertarkk to •110 rittebotgbo stlt4.l .104.rfa1..•110. November 1.-7/our quiet for dty- made and beery for count/7 0 , 0009. Sot prices aro nitattutrod. What; is dolt uld nominal with scarcely enougb dOlog to miabileb Mites; the deirmud Is only for car lote from interior; No./ red winter 1e imam end held at 62.52, unt buyers relnee to p dime dear.. Corn le dull and lower; No. as I for November deltvery atBl,lo, and N 0.2 on the allot at 411.'00.t00 pruw. Oats ere 101 l end nominally offered at Mateo for No tattle. Rye quiet and nominally unchang. et emooll t o for No. 1 Mate Sod ireful= from .iota. Briley doll; No.l bold at t om Pus; N 0.2 at $1,1601.23. Potroleum Is dull ti rotted lower; standard whale In bond aG 27(y.. e; do free at 4711490. =I =MI • NEW Oat. sae, November I.—Eitigar 11%c tot common L.ualaila. Malone. I. irrego ' Mr. n‘Msglino for prime. Floor . quict and xuumly; suportlue at Ida Z. Corn dull with small sotto.. Oats doll at 800. Pork doll. llama dull; eitioaldarf at 14%c; clear sides la Me. Lard deohnorl SterEng N 0.4 .4 di r/mut sceount. Hall. Gold 1100110,4 Domestic Exchange par to I=Cl==! = LoutsTlLLs.. November - L-841es o1.1:1 hbda Tobacoo—tea first sale of the new year—ot tall ratrst lass $4.73; selections ir.t.intentt.urin O&M sales of the year £l.- 0,11 blads. Wneat . nem CO $1.6532JX1. ecre doll; &belled itl bulk 41. 0 sta lo bulk Ple. /lour UM, tor superfine. Cotton onebaus. ed. Mess Pork dull at ell. Lard 111. 8.- oootaboutder• He; clear sides lac, rbllndelpellet ifermee. .131Teleasonn to the ettodratell GmeMe.l . Piut.umf.rme, Nemember I.—Petroleum delherodo 190te1 +Clem. In bond M 554 end MU for dellvtm - 1. November. Yluur de. eltolunt.Japertine 17.30123.33. Wheal, dell. Vora lower; yellow 111,10; sits of 10003 One mined oa prlmoo terms. Oats 0:107W. Bar , ley 11,0364.0. Wbatey nominal. • Nespktls market. ' TeleilTspb to taw rlttelargh Ussa.t.: /azure:l4November, I.—Cotton active at 1411410 r atioditesorealta ',seems-3,915i ex. porta, 5.9e61 moo, I Mo. Core, glA 6 dl l 4 lo . grlvaln tante. 0ata„ , 730750. nay, azitubti. Ylour mace. god and quiet. Pork, 24024,23; olaara , dea, lOSo nod very *came. Lard, 4340113ia• ' Chlcago,Ostala Markel. (87T43 , 010.11 to the Plt, ...WU* ( Caltaao.'ltov.! L—lllear.eattia" Olin, at Oat for gond to' choice acoootaabioptaa. Roe. dilll, •tatagaFO (of good to olod.o itcaatiota—/youpte. IZ=l ParrearritsPaAratarsiwo a I.3l3lcalowoTlE. Sarnia*, btels apptur.J 13 Lraoloo, Mocon, Jos Durdostosn $34 Obic .pole., wol. d a ablptoa; ipima tobacco. Wo7nao a Llesn 2 bald. oottoo. Kennelly, Ulnlds a 04, M ears corn W J oat 63 c bin apples, Haw. ay' Of a COM pot. butter, Vatat a tkoo Ott, dour, Muds, a. d 61111.1 al sks 6.0143. Hoods 3 tat. eau, Ms nor a Fule7t $1 auks barley, Smith aOA 6 bats ann., do elder. .1 Kamm; 66 aka putatua, 0 „Taiwan a co, as 'oaf barley, la do cora. Lied. batter. lahloida Id do do. Frannalum. 8118., a Col Slake cora, 11100114316 eituusu II do buff/. 6 balm 8.343, polo bloater A 11330er, 33 .ko eons, 3 do IN. 4941101, ,Pudeuti L Una 33 bidet, .1 Elm. • at it Sc.;4 Obis abfar.J Paned; 1 NlY4l 4 toed, T L linders; Ido stator, ldna.o i 00, ro bbla, cks itdar, Schott, tollifced. 5, bud. tomb; 1 car cora P lB3 bbls emir. ow. tor; 1 ear lombar, Bald, 31totay Own bide. oottan. W 1.01.0401 Si do do, AII 00.11 d. • llo; lido do Ilobae• Elell a Cot/ do do. Kan -of 7. COMES 041 111 tddes,,Yat Caller's 44 sk• pounds, 1 Inakey i all.; 6 811.0 whimsy. motaail • blogoari le bbl• tobacco. Wrio RAM •101[11 a U.; less utrallackat &Coil aslapona. 11 114/T4tott. Lpo lanirgatmolt ItAnsoam, Nommber I—W/6 billets Iron. I car pig ',Gimlet a Co. too Obis apples,: do butter, I es. WSW W.l.M.M,_Vol.ta & U.; 161 bbla 011. -T Ohm. ICI ao do, w Matlutcheoog 111 lacks ne, 2 do oat*. tor emu. 4 W Palrloy; 6 aka beans, Itteldle. b b l. 606162.1 ear pots. toe.. Vuleorner d 236.pard; cars Mau, C U SWUM I do 4., Androws 6 HaaUcco; It taxes Shame. Shoo:taker al Lang. I car tem., J J Dm. dam 111 oks tma. I oar do. Campbell t titor.. IT oats. Mann COI Ino tarn,Hitch. eoek. Meererry Coi 103 bblo apon. J Rleboy Co; M bia esad46.l3 C6J H lcmcaer 18 0616,111, M DOlannlW t•n, W Hu. trio Y Co,: eon Hon on, 611.601/6t, Ponca a Uo. I dodo, Bryan ammAry. do do. Lloyd Clack. 8000 len nano, Slack 6. fitholoa.6mo do 60 •XAmard Allen; .6 A Ci.. arta. Prcrsarken. Tot, Waren& Onmaire November 1-103 bk. dour, 6 B Floyd & tondo do, S Gardiner & 4.1 o; .40 villa Vv.*, 71 tea hams, 110 ter ant I curs aides, r mtg.:. a Co; - ,140 bbis leitlipatrish & Baron; 9 Ards epples.l baton. (.1 0 ther.o3ll; II 101 l lard, to 8 Marcia; tear Boa ork Bbeenbereer a N nu& bacon, 11 /Myr. Col 1 1 / 1 butter, ans & (1.430; S ears potatoes. A Stone' di bole 11. r, le do rya D Wallace; a bbl. elder, L I illanehard; t bbl. potateckJ Lec3lo l ll 3 ll. Wad, J B Canfield & Boo; w oil thlk &Mateo Oilbbls pearls, Plage*. • Co;; I It tobacco, J Fullerton; 40 Obis apple; Graff & Reiter; di aka ray., Godfrey -& Clarke; 3 betalll . Sollog 00; 111 pkg. tart.{. hardware, taut., aft 4 Bro; 114 bals apples, Bloat!' a Better. Ata1.311.11 . STATICS. Novembe Kenne l oats wheat, lieleo• I est Coro, y & Lollaront I oar 5111ferst.111 Steel & Soma ears ram, hal ya is Robertson; S cars motel, Ondr, Moneta 4 Out 10 bbl. apples, D Davis; I cor wheat. Xenaedy A Bra t bbl ears, • A llae. son; num smut., illockAy • UN 4 ao oora• aural, Usddert • Thomann; ado do. JsorYiisn• Ion; I boaltiorhest Dour. Blervor • Hobineon I moo metal. Leone, Holley 6 lialrell; t boles bents. 'Cordate • Simeon; It Dbl. alder, Leal pass toosocO. Slab sr • Nadi.): 1 bbl elan; r Heckert h Wes At lulls 1.110,..!; do spoken, Lindner & Son; 4 rolls lonthor.• a J 000110 o. as • Boo; ib drams brooms, CO do bt11•111% J Hutchinson. • 4,G;aaiaNY VaLLT ltatt.ool.o Norenther 1 11.1111er; U. w eat 4f do 04 ,7 do /mad, Soon& 141441 i, bosh pple., 41 1,441:70 bbl. 011. Fl.har re; Me hauls do owed,' 00034 & Urn J Gallagher, s tan metal, 3 Moorboul; 174 ear• bor. vitro% Pitt. Acid Word.; it Obis tallow, Seibert & Jlerg; pkg. eggs, do out.tes A Gallagher; SO WI. iron. 17S 1114 0411.4 &WM. Erlakell h 0o; 14 bga be... 4 do cage, 4 boa.. buttar, 1 do egg...? Stoops .1MEIT!n!! rINE2 • •AL : SOD*: - I )tIIIA,A di say ; . 800 k: PENNA. SALT MANJIACEUOM CO* . lwitittajogausracia: 10.1111. 149 EXIT REVOLUTION IN TRH t " Z l rT gA l T " LNr a Tlitriigr Mt= l ifi r r t 4igratt,TlATLO W 'alTetia47 7 tt.. n ruaVar. 3 - XL m*. I "' /11,: /Am **areal Sluhnt Vann "!ll . 4l l•4 V* " ' Th" P"*" .7.. 4"; cu.97' trc i ong34 Qom. • 1:10:04-141124 row kilifaitsll#l///y/.. eor them*** all dlaeaagger Wu* la than I** la [maga 1010/aad sal% traatmeal. 4Jap, all othar Maass*. of Um go YeXiT - 1X01:1:41113 4 Wynn /)14 W. t PIPIEBIJR6III ROPE WOEIB. FULTON, IauMAN & CO., CORDAGE, OALILITI, TWINES. Mr, "I* wataaaase, U 4 4 115 Water = RIVER NEWS tby Pacific mrd atlaatla Teleiraph cowman.) :Ore Cprv, November 1.-41 p. es..—/liver by libber•. marks thirteen inches, and at a stand. Weather clear and cool. I Briewiermax, November L—StZ feet tbree Inches in channel. River has (alien three Inches today. Weather fir clear and plea. ant. . The Mrer role ste a dily at this point Mules ,Thiustley night, And up until abont nine 'o'oloek yesterday foramen, when It came to • stead, and rersaieed as all day, the marks showing about thirty-three inches In the chan nel /est evening. Are we entialpated, therein no rase in the Allegheny at Ito headwaters— but thirteen 'inches reported at Oil City. At Maenad of that strento, there le • [lee of seve ral ineheeout of Had Bank, Ifiskimlnetes, and other costlier etremes. The rine here is main. !v In the Monongahela, and it Is p Duthie that there may yet be a stilt further ewell le this etream. The weather yesterday was mild and pleasant, though towards seaming the beromo. ter ehowed`natmlatakeable dans of rain. It was rumored yesterday that there sate Ilse of tonsiderable magnitude le the Musk aiso that there had been or would be • rise In the ICsisawka. no far as this report re. laadto the latter stream, we havino doubt . but whet it le coned, as there Is seldom • swell In the Monongahela without a rim. la the Kanawha, as the two streams head to gether... The LerWre. Uspt. SaLut, received • con elderable amount of freight pedantry for Ctn . ainnatt, and we ate retie ested to state that mho will leave to.day without fall. Capt. Salta will bad to the wider, no that she will be able L o go through without delay. Capt. ItobinsotOwill hied the Bite Robinson for Cincinnati add Loulavllla If the water does not go down rapidly.- - Ermosnor or sae Yfrxrg.—Frein St. Jo. Cobb we have further ,psdieulars of the Co. Noclou of the. steamer • Nymph No. V, arta lows: Serval Of the boat'. onw Were sedooaly !rimed. and all puts of lheboet, save the hall, completely dammed. At the time of the explosion the Captain was standing on the roof, he was thrown Into the Mr, but fontomtely got °lobe) sek•ataff an he was 006liOr dos.. and thereby escaped in. 101. - *he pith, at hla ' post when the endo• sloe smutted, wu blown out of the window of the pilot-houte and thrown into the r leer. tar from the boat, he mooed with but slight Lojarles. One of the &IMMO, $ colored man. bed a Iw:broken by a two other firemen were uteri the pima o welded. FA. f the boll r, and tuttately, no litee were lost.. The pilot house, tteldn, and machinery of the but were destroyedtportlons of the mum dying load direattons. The hull of the host was not notterlally Injured. The Iron safe, In the eletlits oftise, wee thrown Into the firer. • We elle the following Itwon hoax the Lout. Tulle Courier. of Wednesday: • • The Llisie MIL • St. Louis packet., reeeutly teaoretrueted, rebuilt, leogthened and tile <zed, lout made • eureenful trip to New /sena anti back again, and Is thought to be as good. aa ever, though, of course, more alums]. The Lit:WOW, or bee managen, wars fool ish toroth to engage In the barge towing bus. Mese, abd dleaster at well ae delay was the eoesequanee. Shenub • barge at Gland 114. From what we could learn, to appear, that the stern tees paned, Unna , allowlog the barge to awing in legalnet Ik. battk, wheel she swamped ead - eunk, proving • total loam. A email' lot of railroad Iron. recovered from the wreck of the ill-fated Gill or retosophie. Wee en the barge. Umarr.—.The Stearabostmen's tkonrentiva at Lutetium! last week ultra to tabs decided action against the proems and use of Ikrttfielll draft In their (unseen to la. cream heat end steam. It should have been voted dawn, se very sassy of the speiMats and disasters on the wane= waters were Utterly framable to the spasm of milhatel drafts. 6nautrao.—Unpt. Reese Data, brother of our llapt. Mon, the m al kim hereabouts, has been talon for Mkt. In the Minoan river. He her chugs of the gambol. Under 1 center No. t, aael, after raising the H.S. Tura. er, and ten:eking the Lamy. he auccenird la extracting .sonse moms Isom their sandy beds, Mudge durnipatleg and removing au. Introaa drift piles w bleb were of...rutting the ehutnel. The St. Louie papers a( Handel_ report Cop ula Ikowildeon, of the Cheat Hopubile, tut about to start to Mooed ChM to bring oat his boat. the Great kepablle. She has beta lying perdu la those watt.. repelling and swatting ttarn lathe Urn, .4 experts to whsme b. rip. In the St I.oals end New Orleans trade on or about the tub of November. The Great Itepabile Is a great and most msg. aides. boat, nod a. cantata 0, Ira gonad Progreseles mesa. and her twat in In the lade. pendent 11.1111. we wlab 61212 the greatest UMW.a taunter has It that Ileptata .Tnotamon, of the augnotte, Is to take tears* of the enfant of the J mat Zepab(lathleetaeta . saw .111• 1 , be gutted ass ittletantee that passengers wlll be ell attearva : • Ur.--Sleam wee neeesafally rased eta ths new tied river packet Ow. Abu , yes end Copula Jobs Smoker wait well pleased with the worthig of hie amehltterf. She will be allumplete nod ready to go oat on the top of the trot tide Cuarn flue nor alealphl• exchanges It the mercial plekedkp an t s at Little 1.. mad, whtch • knocked • hole In her ierboard We, about • foot above the kautkle, under the shaft,eel tamed game dooms to the freight la the bold, but did sot !tenacity dem. age Ws bull. She was unspelled to tore her freleht aver :o the Rowena. whisk %OMNI lank to hat not kand sow Ike latter is report. cook. • Wa copy the following' from the New Or. harm 71mes, of Saturday: The Mobile papal City that among th e delegate. to the to boat ilonvention, now In eawalin at Cincinnati, we notice the name et oar former fellow•ldjiira Hobart S. Klik. hellion from 'New Orlesne Warty of rair caliche remainder Captain Bah, who , thou n.of nettlellf segued 1. .fimm• ova nigher., wan interested ix their weliont, TbeVieltaburg new's, of the !lib, sate r We hear It frequently naked. "when will the quer. wilt* he relied)" Yon will never prove it by this reported. We calla mu the neenalty lot lawelog It up, now that the hirer le here Ovalle ituanj eamllderatinno 000.0,1 a the pro. pelety.ot me removal. None but out metehente am:boat men can tell the expeasee sa<l 11. II Cotton Ems to be /mated on bargee, sawed to the instal:Moe, nod then to Otbep !b. , Pea het. out tau* a Its belibt It Dandled thrVII tlllst6lll ielllpplpg. Let Q. gas: &nu. be s w/talon. towed any carefully for some loam o sv. Lome, October 141—Seren Xilekluiew Ixote (tom the Tonaivete. sniped. blob. day at °walla. la thlrty.dva dam nold - the Ameba Y . ..e arrived tUe woe day from the mounted.. The Ida St6.osle I.ele for N.I. Orleans. aad will probably eater the Red trade. Utters plll yodowo to hope or Muting bust.. or pentium. The wrteUag Stearn. ludo, U. came to the wharf. urtost be. mussed 40001 three weighs._lu biselleend otherwise operating on the' wreel.• o f thr Bella Memphis sod White Cloud, a short dle. tame above the.seual, toward the lower end of the atty. Than ato eaves (sac et water win the wreck.. b e i n g re In the ehaueel. The FOuther Belle la coarerted Into a grain elevator. We extract tha follaw/aS /lama trout oar .st. . Louta . axchaattea, orratattart • • Blepatches received yeas. deg from the MoW• and Amodation announced that tat danger from the yellow fever has disappeared. Tam sail be glad news to them who Rootage *WC l_oflrStiorZ and4hlnols Bridge Lierparty, of which cant. I. B. Pula la Uhlef Engineer. hue been at work pa y and night for the past three week. to Inure the completion of the pions dam In wraith le to be built the plsr piths proposed badge. The dam is now ernepleten and on TueetlaY• the anbilatelsei pact boo large pump at, work too In twelve minutes the water 110.1 reduced too feet when the pumping teased to allow latent brae. . Of Umbers to feet le length or Is Mabee miner*. bees/U.l.o*d In proation. These wilt be In place to-day when the pumping will be teauteed. When the decals emptied the rubblar at the - bottom will be clumd off and the rock t he n d f a o t r i m on e t n h f e e t e h d e o pn h - e b re t. nM th r. e Slop d atm. Eegineer in abeam Is receded Chattla plat will be milled army* the antral, of the Meer had out of dente; .4 IOP lettere the lee comes dated in etireclenUy heavy manes to do any damage. • After tent Tender, the an, MO Northern line packetswW not lIKCIDI freights through to St. Paul wittmet the privilege of sPaine. Tills fact reminds ni that, Wore many dace, we steal hear of navigation being Interrupt , oy lee on the Upper Misalsalpipt: A Dubuque paper, oommeatieg on the goals embargo at that plane end ire ;rankle with the Imago opoti.l44trotd, says; • • eormostiost with I. hatter we will web tine aa rumor that Capt. Buford. Soper!. tendail of the Northam Moe Packet.. was Is Soma patently, called here by the t littera of the °astral B.allsoid. Oompanyt but it Is on, derstood that he went rows, the liver hat alibi without Siestas oomotittnt his lisle to • so•operalloo with that lotOP4ll - .• - kii - gtßo &TS. VOW Poll.loRlOOTlllwfat .12 , 17:1AT1..-10a 911 , trt.a.l4' thot. e. ro.inT,• VIII loam, as above on TE/L9 DAY,I.I WU.' II 4 .S : f:iie&ghTo;r x. p . u ooman c o.l on a ward or .1, J-13. (.131;talibUov. ... ~+; ~RI~T~p n LITE.An tO AND FIIO2 'LIVERPOOL a quENsTown, ireand. Twu.ls 4 iy4Ta. THE ItTELSZI LINE, to awl hem Inland. flotd ee r ' malt 1414 Ynace.- Apply Kt th. tk.+11.7 . 6 WII;111lnellilf, Sr.; Eznlcutiy. AtroT3 to may 4rit rib:a room" ' ' ' ••• elt frOittirr. *du. ?fatness Mo.. mural. pa. PI TBBURQH PAPER f*NV. /LUTIIaInODUMPt 1q T . ~[.ant.ctnrc+..f PRINTINO AND.WRAPPINO PAPERI s,ldre ..... oimos 4214. WAVATinnW. No. Unlit 8 oai, Pittsbura,PL e ~ Y l2. ) =M t trielfu l an,acti:, NU kir aritaim• swag. DAyig6ll, 01,08 E & CO., Practical fungtureniuinfieturm, COL . iWAYi E . Lates t dr./ or 71ThUrtrirfir muustly un LETTER LISTS LLst of Musttoe For Letters Ramsloin/ thoPlttabiligh Surlillogheny P.:n[ooloes, NO'sernber 51d. MM. rzrrostrmars. OrN ULEBIZN'd LIST. Atrnirhed to the'Plttstpu •wormaa hos AdantreamWF, Graham 0 et A I.r.m• V h./ Prier Adair J !Or...hires n Avlaaro mi. h !Ore., Th. it Al ea •rittiat plintbrieJ Ift ha 0 Thom 111, klmom a Irllalra ham. &lama W II I Jtoplemo El Bann.* 9 lv Flnrpain Ph PIM A 0440.,4 Sflo4li aloarond W J Arlog ..11 a 'Raba I L Ask.as JOSoph Berl. rlr Bet Sohn B tt•inm arpeenJ W Baldwin Ll Illls D p HHamm ./ W J Ballrutlar It I don [P.M El Bali John I Wraly 1011 h 11.01r. C roll I: ge.ry at. 8.. .) p Ittr or J. Le wh IH. ora Banroni H/3 IN< 111c1,54 11.01a•tor wm I-Lamml. • w =a Ilft.4l`Y .ff.t.i.sn'A Biasiwis rKtinza - li .I;'•'IStiVJV niii 4 71: ,177 4 77 1117F:err: I lteneor.V. 4te , Ylgclas J I Pal min 41/ Wit Jte I Limo T/elOlB3 111 11 7 41 t Peas John tloganJ P i Hew 4.• gots as HDProf' olhaer it . 1 034 Ho ler Peter ney el /110 110 .Iree te 1., Blrebers;peo I Holm,. Jon all•Pati-Id 8 Hoff non DAM I •loetqteo e. , D ' ,,,, 0 , ar It Is !,,......2: F tfonarl si I 00.t.1W How.. Up. '""lfi 3:;:trAt Ho r otnes W 1110 , lout I Col Croat. eo J pirB 14urd SH B• 9.1.1 H 'Hooter rob Hr. *WO W Hurley D an' Brr.HO "rh-gt E ,Horlb J J .•JoHt Bollard olt itngrala 0 • aVe nJ W tlal L' ./ 'I gTHI ' d I onno K liunr,ll ex tyla J .000 E /oho. 111 F Alurnhm I W Jtaties D F 0 tau .. Dr Ilt ri:T`U.l5:l 7 g ehtt,tl.thos•u•l It 1.11T,T.,%T, t Pat •Johoort i . i - aro. Chtla 2 I whation 0 eh • to J hrlr D, lIC Kahn ..th tti rtn ..rto Darr /10. Kennedy J Mao Wm t Co y of warm Coon 1P Ih..1•11 A Li y 41[1: lam I et . AU ',V, 1., it • ootheld C +flitch AI Kat.kl• `i • ell. Juba Motor. Lo E rma.lel Jf W 414;VP" L lamb° ,oD L cr4a;444 • - t :brom A .L a nell.4 41 44 , , qr..•• 4 W IL44,st.tllW . . . Gr.. sum &ll.ll,..onion a'e. 1,. X :HI H 41117 Dr L.... Ana rt= • CanA AD 1...VT. 1 h. IA ...ter • srls ra. ten I..lnasay A • Pars John .1 •Livlnor..onJ • Danner AI, h•Ohlt.r.7 W Vansnatoo. 100. I)Vg eTr il L fjj• r OVV Dean 4orlt • il,)ndCt Co X rhornyuC ni e. Thol. . rnansrl ISO W Duster a I hi Hett. Jahn' . Ulmer 11=4.1% Dower lter I) orranuop C t hlo•h•ws tau., Dun h.... , t H morass J it note, sob... notes j Mar In Un. Arleanille 14;1tft NT i" 1 11re r .fl . r . ' I Silsor, g i -r . F. Terra Arn Fain. aior 11 117. " 1 ' H :110: f• h" ' IdOnner Pabonr-• W • :htothnerJoln Parr. li It , son. John • Vague John Hoagie 11 Il /harm. I yor t o, /Moran DI W P . Ipso it • Store r it " r: 6l. C.t.lce Miter. John .tais Lb., tl xllO "h r o x t n J 01 { M l u % ye . let ! Wynn E I IN t ¢rit ea h l3 I.l.rdnr. .1187. r neo 7 ho. 1 Ho JA 1 ar:,:,tr4F ! ‘ n A Col U no, „ n? ' :. r a77:l ri p J. b. Li re onud t th r , o ir or ;no Fors 11 HAIOTH TX . LADIES , LIST. 240177 • IM roneithal to 'hr PiCtsbarga Gasetta.l A ,: , okrb sny..ooadden nti Ann.., X Mix Marmon loon olion•Vorlond Xn sneers/. E,Herna Emma ;11eNamon$ Lots 31 1 os Ettroalo 61315, a. hrnnw to e • • en, e inixon X•• Kloo![11 "- irV ' 4 4 2el dolmas% no In ttaol.S.oto,rth Ort Llrale nsMrsES I Marry' r o. eter Barker r Mr. ,Ingles I Pi Miss I ret'lmo .lL 3 1111 Oestto A Ws. Inoorte Kato Se nn! OSA. la fiJneltsouglint.,%P..ll9, Waste Nrowa a. Mee ; • In rIVI tit Polo Nary 'I :1; th. ° o '"E 3ll ' Joon. E IL/a ' ' neon.: Llssto T Mrs W I ore:waft owl VITS.J Mrs ;Kilroy along OW erg Lice t•r Mr. 0.111 Maly Itlart•dg‘rs X Loa 0 over 1/ r !lintnattlen J I .ono• ,non X N 1.% Aden Mary A V . Xr•ikr Ellyn•Ll Margaret t: thane' /eon orraby 11 C . Leset Elea '1161.110 etth • nine hto 'hold I. /IWO D It Mrs !rallat Yrs a tlaloyar 31 Mrrll.ll,lont ales •ear to .srrlclll Dallas Names. ,Look.loblatui ren lgd•ar..o usolo olona. C nog boa. • I'kLM 'Lyon- Ilts Iro an rattle Loatrey 'Cregrar•a Misr Ur-pfr 11-C A Ma't'eYsonle W av Ers n , Textert Dottie)/we a.:;t i r . :1 ,. L14 . 1i. , ..0 . 11 ban , . .1 11 Ita,ly E , . O le. Vasa.. I ihnfle; 13r1 p no,•rs Wm Mrs W op,p.,rien rn. Ort a ~ : ranor fe " NI • lONti!to Inuit ' ,TN'. - LuTs: Vrayeogle Xt., r rop la mock 1, Ole 11r. I IWII on aa Dee • --- I 1!0 1 ;?,. : 14 . 11f1 A.' I i l lill r atli g i"" . et:o.m Jane Wrt.hs Irser• pc, • J Wpm gaud ~ S icClcoy IA I 1 Hamer. Yid. I Ilroseg alatT Z J. H. aIeCLICLI.S.H U. rwtmaster. ALLEOHENT—Noiember 2.. ter .Flirnishect Ca VW Pittsburgh Caseit4A bleKsla narahT tr2str4th J :2f.f.t * W w ; '"" : ll ` l.l:, ' ll " FT •411. , ••utbris w arObaawl C . Alldr:dd IMMO 2,1 n % stun 1./..rdlder it NO lid e c it rrlt,J • D. iralnltl,?.tl - oe"kWh". 1)1.. 1-.. e oD. .111 loettl a dergei If n ... a. U • • dlett WO A 1...,...1.117.) uses. le - , denwiti Jr 'Nei - 11451G 4020 1.• -Ics• la in keels +a Jeto .uu ..1 Mara r WHI 0 • row. Win Madman Xen Uvroos J ~i 11.• nr X m H 1 oarrsh mr W • .V Jennie re l t:it ' i j ir . it E iterl r "00 1 ! tat 1:1,11 , c. Jo.tl nerab 7 anal; P•onlet FP igt , t , se . ltge•eob Ilearng IT li t . ttrizolt% Wm illsull 4 • : n nn Itt ' S . / . • 1.15.1 Yatl4/ 4 oli /no nuegett JObn heart.) Jae IPlereol Jts E 7/ d a IHe .L . 1 I Pole s °eve orJuren C 0 1J 11 rr It Ited u nen'. H me• o • ras Potte•ron sloe vanbrn II li Heron Jo-eis ~, jot, ~,,,u, Braster SI mo tot 00 j Porte. 3.011er Hen. er C 4 Ilia t24s• V I PllO 0 F Xd• timun Jive ..,..• u . uut 1 t.. Crete. me j linnee 1 1 34 ,3 11 .21P51ater 4 Sot Cala la VT. 1 4,lf;;;,i'i. at:* 1.. r .. 1 HE gotVeV° . a Ilinn " a ' rd ' ! ik i `lii:riti . ,f itr w rit elms al.'s X llated4+n • teems. arery I •.ansto•- , al Hoo es Ju l Cove Tbltonns Jordan Was $ 1 1140esou Carr4amvs IC , urno Jae Look Jos 1121r.b01.r P • Wee 4.0 X I n el Y 4VJ h ru o IV= r i 'l W I ia:r l s no x .vlll. ass !luta..., Wm bind -110 Ca 0 James ,he nedy L' lerloisanthe lollI• Botta K. end • Weell Nedr. Vgn:l7a B s% le l :1r%; 40' 1/1. 0 f,11,1:; ' 1.7 C o l 31 Ints.,l•eo J ••0 •e• mogul Coll v e II II R•need• 4 Hergcr• 4 /Auk 15.31. h 2 lE:g 11 o j. • ... 4 r11747Va1l I Ilamellti" 'Slektr.*Akme Loolto /1 ,Krummelth v. I. bary C i raverad II tl2 aus /3 N .000 due ast , r Oen t lnee 07 Ed I dt/IX Avild 1.• en. Si • '4 0 MI, IL ems 1 . 4 /nd 4 4*, n 4 iliirtt. I 14r/rVA ". l 4 itt h aaV l L Colons. •no I , • n.O testy t ito •t• eatunel 0 ill/M.o4nel V 4 natfer nal. 4 1304 Robett , Lyon I law 4 nosd r 4 0 H e y st J• nn 11,0 ter Itelleda,enette 4-r u le e • 0 .514 [Lots Melte tr./ruts joen r i lilettL u 10.400, s and 402(0 al3 .0,542,1 i• iL1e..7.. ,1xttY.,341 , pat.ltr 4 'trawls eaml 4 100200 Jeep!, l/ud .7 John C,Llnowt 4 Id Ssrvar Joint IDPV!r j a 11 111:VaiiVi,IV::Vjer° t_s LAIL boov I. ,Large 411 &CO;orolti• It n PC.171•174! I ttiiverill II I=4 V 7 907.1 *nand, Ila I r °en 01/ 4 aig ""'it' t lil:4'iMt to inldt VO 1 * itr F,Jf, , Voter I d ' . dear /Coaeri 4.1.0... " ,' m Artr ' ' bur .TN le earl to• Not COl. c Tnuotln•on My Lrl's 4 u t i jlre l littn L l . ltt•gett r t i. l.l , lln . ;eoo .. 1 , 1:1,004,a 'ad iti;; • ii., To:l.7ot h : L rthet•rw A 'Mil e ? sot ILV;TLY'' rii ton win I lltuter .4‘. i 'ijr i••i C m xerrlnts •4 C Vogt P•nly : hot mien Moore, X J liV Fetterman 4 0 We , al Ja4 Welobser Mre .ney Naomi' Jll Wn ton Mar 1414 bath 13 1311 vil er ea. • ... ?ergo en 01 vas•t Wes 12 metol ia2,o •0 4 'Aro BCo Xorph 4no 1W412 Janet reld C jelovon ell./ II W. 1.0 10410 00.14 gevld In .4 4 : , •, 4 , :e1T0 I Il t rt,e ' Vst dos Carpo ma • ... .T. . maxim. wt ° * ut i , k XX 3 '...61- Forrest Panllnjalo3oo2l4" - 4 0 . 4 ...,.... "- L. ' -OM MoKI3LIf ILY. P. JX• SEWING K!.cillEDliFil DOAPT B IbECAfvED UT' bolt column advenbemts en oiLat rTil l ant i gg%=ll4lVeX i g M . S. * /No v :ion V.lrtii street. airtm66. above Zmliblf•ld. Gnovne a RAKER' ELASTIC STITCH AttO LCOZ PITON Sewing Machines LH Ms MOT tor rasal, and tlasofuntirki {lartlotel. Ca.11. , 2 oaa tr.em at ,J l ro. /05 infer Street. GET NONE BET A • GROVER & - rat a. Holiday 01A. • :;I,i sauht4s. palm Itereforelti; Don , t touthpadsra Nu. 106 111PTH NT.. stovs td SRO nAnsEss & CARRIAGE azovta a vein to. t earn; lima lrl i ty farr itm. It Is the best tor .143 , .11.1 .M ST.R t, 12s. IRE GROVEH & BARER SEWltile MACMINi inuauktbo• ityousua. twin sum as toe Firms exult% ihattiuteid = :1:7;, IMIIIIICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAURIE, rot. Gazer ut NVIT:1111 lde/V . 7, McKee Z el /Jell eme J a e lUtrwe J 1 *Seats W J Lela. Z ee , le le rarifJTA &WSW:, ; 141 1(P l'i*Y NiehAms Abu Aoralau Jai Y ~, ~, ue.elng traVonE.l tr. rm,-,rp.p rnEtcar. it..urtwx :mans or ANERICCI CO CLAIR Bar, floor.; twat And Mate Tram Bridge iron; . - Angle and T front Guard Iron; Coal Screen Irma T Unib,l6 &Snit's. to Ike yard Train Els , :ls,princhedand cone• ter sunk Holler,Etridge and Tank Invent . Cnt Nails and Spikes; dbip und float Spikes; Railroad Spikes; FLU/road Flab tlars Rolls; llailretul Car nrneols and AnleS; dtreut Car %sheets and Arles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Sharting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rodin mosvar and Reaper Wars. Waltrailll79Y. ANJ 0/11C74 • Vatt El rareJUS J Part,' ik viii ei n II 'Patten., ters.rt F re wn. ro ue lp I d ?do. W 44 !cia : 11 NedAs.s.r Dlebardeso n s J 111 batoso ISO • les 11 , d stlCSl Ilouert• it. slash J s D at).2l Jo Do•ltsdi s 210.22 eater 202.7.22 120 Water and 153 Front 863, BRANCH H0D374 Nos. 4,24 and. 20 ElverJel:ol.l 01110180. lELL. Nif lIIRDIVIRE 110 USE. Lindsay, Sterrit & .Enwer, Manufacturers & Importers of EtA.R.IIMARE CUTLERY, &c., 337 LlllElll'l STREET, Oar. viroc s rzto, One Fqvare Below Union Depot, PITT BBITEGH. - Amu for PAIIMANB3• WALE& Sale'Dity DC yam.a Dexter toots W TIIOII end eelnuur ;result . - ha et 11 Dti.w Inesue , are W eh leeittert Jos lesltt ts • tem. reel sottgls.une Jeo. lest d •rer it 11 tut•rJ 'rad aiii - C;if W 'tlrt ItaD B 'Sam. rill .• ttoff 4E.0.1.1s tintrigr as •.1.11 Usern " M " ota , •baelt atualt Captit 'reel •tthnt II IliStC1•11 1•oart t et it Al h[ewrtit tl.oftl XII Cone U W Ontano6 flat IN neat< , J Lo ,Ito B F;:rlt , " Votzear a J nty Boni Voan Vtco.y X %ulgon • Var J II VAutie Al j 6,1 Thal W. 1111013 Jah,ntl W•lsit Juan I W Vrtii nNder n • el J it Willa• r ► W Mom W , '' .:t V t W 'Nun John t r) 41:1 2 ....E ." ,Welout X • 14., " ;11 " in jWN uto , ohn A !Zt. otrt2ert CI .1.1. at 14 INITIALS ;Atcett.t Athol. n•tho.e.l noel tyn;lrolltrtelt SELITELB STEEL NOUS. - SINKNIECE it CO 3 WILECIACTVII22.I 07 B 1 BOMB AS MEL ling EU! 118 OCTSON; EaliB. itua.. /mu.. azwatin, Giro Awn awies oue SAW PLATES. clam.= AND 2311 , 11LLIPTIO RAILWAY SPRING S , Cast Stos4 Cast and German Plow &eel, PLOW WLS3II3 AND HOWES DABS, spairics, AILF AND nal THIS, "821' 117;1231DaillitiP.' 5.. 5.. Warettouse, 83 Water 81,, l'ittergh ATLAH VFORKIb - zicr T o,rr 2 , R.r JD 1 Ninth I➢LT$, Pittsburgh, DIE TIIORLta DZ. I=MEI, President. agree Work . . tie among' thalami% sad next complete estabilstmeat la the Neat. sad art not prep ar-A so rarlaan . I:Vail% ),..4cry llaserlptlen, Mears, 011 Tanior . • Snest iron Work, nallrolin Castings, 11 lilog Mill Citilllagy. Illachine Carting.. General.Cuthige. ' . c pwEßs sommuu). - JOHN RONEY HECIA . 4OISDRY, Oirson 5t.,911. Ward, near &LIR. ....smacransa Hammer Dies Steel Moulds, Lifix; Ell tti Lc el Cuttig. gaudy, dalatta rt ga z "trirlllrad.ri"r; FORT pm FOUNDRY,' CLIMES LIU : . 11E11.11141 . EtEzkv - v. ORDNANCE ; OND .LL HINDSor IXVI CANTI3IB eia. ntarnal attention paid to ROLLING tVott MAST MACHINERY and ESINDITY. =PALM attended to oron. ; • te a trig PosTdr lining dimmed of itni wa nrinared. with SW ANN Notenavan netterna, atoittinor ender Oro annerateton of Xi, Sa nwa?, ai =tin NAIL /I.llLalini at ritort no. lUQUESRE IRON AfilD STSEL WORKS. 11AILDTAN. caszra al co., Cron, epring3,lon; ?mead MIMEO ATZ A, 817414 40. wmaucutt, laGravtAaYt aututris.t. prrranurit;rf. FprpvE liroArari, .4. BILIDLYY & CO. Mumtaz:WS lIM7 Mien 01 Cook, Parlor and Heating Minos, "'Won 1.3 the • colo bratect EIIII7LNA trgritirtel , grArgi W P o r d Cook Mr.,..) 1.1000 zolantattozo GILATIGS,GRAIt MUMS. et. Lone End Wernome s 66ner or tioevad and Ato• d streets, re tie ners. oitimaad tenni. taint; BEACH. BILAJNOND 1:21.773/Crra VgrClagaLlßUNl6' , PriTditlfitatt. PA,X, unman= leo., can? QUILISTr 5L11702211,104.:7 lITEELt... *pare, caII Ona.ecia...ai 531 also,. W. 17- .11 3 , 1 1 , :. , 41waitta sunuat tetrad to ed'"'4 l;tara Eissstr, . syn." and 1 7X" .. " 4 •nmaca. +n Uncia. izzu.---7.41% 303,90. vturxesr srovig evoßistl, 4LLt N. 1101 , 1(CP OMee and V.tvkvre 4681 LIOLIrry 01.. goz. Tii.07344 , '" WV _ nri a.=p atl al nvereunth6 relebratvi Ano,betty and Yana. Cosa Uovkinv !Motu: an t..Lt Amami' and Irslnp u ltr LoAl n a. w ood. tad avx&Vlcel lia: 4lsl .lll „ ge"'"' 4 4 "v" Dm= v. ax. BRUM & bON, itAatrracr:mitie'or tienm Boners, 011 81U1s, Tanks; Sheet Iron ;Yorks, Sie. 41 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. CENTRAL_I_ , FOUNDRY AMID ~...ononsus, ettpO, I.coaraxa artiost. B.OLLILiN, BOYD a BLOALT. CIDIII Itolls.lllll 0w1.., soil Lathas Re. THOS. CARLIN. toms vamiIIiMILIDIACELTI VORIS.' VAMPUH" wrgUitiliNlME ` 32 2ii PA. grin riatINUS, nouSH littritia Alla Ifili LirAN Wf. auto, uli.s.T4 641,3„, wivon MIL i ' bb ' 4 11, 1` 4 1 I: ilia la 11 rn Zr 4 " ° 41moa• alow. PITTS RGII IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & 80NII. scarmarmate in , Irian, Ilubket. Tub and Mink HOOPS &ND WELT% •.,..... • v....d.r• •on mr, vii . EVERSON, -PRESTON& Co., pr.4-drirrz,lNlXl4 ' IRON WOIaECS. =a. IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & 131:1B . C7InIMA ammo . .4^.2lo,l.4rommtsara mmusarr o rs XAMUFA GRAFF, BIERS ItAlF0 1. 4101r1:11111111 OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet WROUGHT IRON ition itanititeuxvil 411.1411110. OIL MIL TUB Mee, No. 98 Water 8 PITTSBITEGEL P I=Z 17: I NATIONAL FOUND &ND E i rE I M WO 7 Corner Cttrroll and : Streets, Ninth Ward, • PITT/MN/GA, I! VW-2w. ISMICIM: ILABITFAMOLOS Cast Iron Bowl , FOR GAS AND WATER WOI 111 M. 611 tut TartlGLLlrtiEltt.s, Baud /112 i!ZIGTEJ. 'mu meat 0: • . ceOes roa A. 4 vppt PORT }Mr2 , BOILBR I WCYJEtatii.‘ CABUOLL 816YR1111 ausccui=uc... s• TIIEVIAII., mutt's-71mA wr1,4 4 /13111.130 X GYLLAD.Tra OM& OIL 8111.18 AND 0.11 TOXIC& : 4 1 1 cminang,ll,ll .. , TraZGAND Anal arrnure rain, HALT PA N A A N? D l SULAM PIPES, GAS OZTV/11113. Matti . BELI3OIO, . . /RUBOR D 90.118 ARD Coal, moms; Oils o sad Wort comer Illesoaa. ,ui , Mann s. 414b•riy .Kraaia..`, Pittokargh, rentierylvati , li Airtiraers scat to The alx;711 addrotsi Miandtratiended to. NUM KENSINGTON _IRON WO4 LLOYD & BMWS rurarkcnralas ar Best COMOO, 11:1011(4 Juniata B.lockin GZlGGisetaT 8.114 HOUND AkSMIIAILAiII HOOP. ELLITD. T sad ANOLL WON , • BOLUSES eLaTlLload 2803..1 KOWEH and lisuarEit BARB • OTLINDSB and 013/01D Olt TlPtersa MTh ePALL T RAIL& So cad la Ga. to taarart TUOUGGT CHAIRS and OFIKEIS los Male PLAT BAIL% rumbaed and Counters:Ma. COLL 110/3.111La IRON. • . • • MUSA and BMW. - Warehouse aad (Mee at She Work... GENGI °UGH ST., 4a Ga s t at That lobstag the LIU Gas Work. Plttaburr2/1 • pITTSBDUGH STEEL IFVOM3.I AI /DEMON, CODE do 00.1,. (stroczetimsTo JO!CP. -LOT banaoracturen at tbe but REFINED CAMC 'STE* g c TVVI&,IItg V REAPLYO AND.YOWINO .11.1011121841! sassr. PLOW ITINGS, 81.11L6* AXLES, 01R0UL..118,;&*,,W • • . Cast and Common Plow & Velee-Corner of Plitt gad Veit Btrieht..l bl ; eletbove the Monostrehela House. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH. lit BOLE &It epo uxzekets, ! Engine 'Widens. and Machine n aka to order Usti. and Land Aleut bin oral! epee. warranted to give antiornatton... Castings. of every deotadtelan. made toot J.Ol NIELsCa, Sots.' Paten Idseldne Snot.. Oar. Pala% All e y .11 Way. foaaary. ha. dad 04 .Td1nt..0 4. P.12781t1/116111,. 1.4 men BERLIN' FOUNDR: PRICE & SCES, Orrunt XD Waist:2 01:3.• No. 29 CC 00t1 Stt;t4 Ilsantactare tall 1.40 twanaatijinx to Thim,Or, Skoirt b logps 4,4 1741Wait.8. irrvia" renersll7.- .171 MONT - EILINIayOUND# Butler Street, Ninth IRT:1 wtw.rrnitsiumvm,iuiLi loracTimErammakze;: inning DIM and Midst 044 tuna lulu in !IPA tem, Wastb.ll.nr7sad Oat:law' 'remind* thdert inalaptly and euatrall a2eeaird t r unnews it i g i two rbvi,RUMl42j uIi4LEB, thwa rAkEtwx BET QUALITY OAST rms . •..1 tAk OM. either lattron.oa 7 or • BMWS. AXWITASEPAWMI.4 OineeD 88 Wood streiot ib are 91 . .. 1 1413 Emu, sous& S. W. K01i11.UW....11/1. 21. 011M813/...1.111.. 091L41A 13 0114141'111704/14.71 MORROW.I4I4MULIi ti • !Maki !toners , Oil • BMA Art 444 Tanks, Salt Camwteci, 7ircrught [kin Urt.igas, Shea Ira W 'r• COM 1110ZETT END . snimi - ernii. .p.trirsnrat 9E4 narsrange Doti nwarrn`r. • ROBERT LE.4-4 MAXI:II}I.OUWI6I37 . STEAM ENSUES AND•Elitsi . C, Freight pplOd 14oirstess, AND' DOMit ZEKI . 411`CliksUrsi of all dsacell4l.ls umat let)* o bruit of inns PfTrallUXG/LAkAP ItEll EILA.JEL .19Eardware Cut) zto ,, r.mtvemilute: . 311:11160115MMZSMIC Conies Liberty and Bt. ('air tits. • smoreogemarithi,s• lINTERPIIISE. :iersi. •JOUNIITON.,. ifidiPeVeViraUsisiMb a jel _ all bads of IitILL"Ir 74. IVAlLWaliillifb onOlll tlodo of AUXINS uo.rOftlfloloolf. uvr,r.t.v=ar. gragrvgk.bes, TEIS IQ WO GIVE NOTICE this ilL'arttriVatilateMbaked.4443lal74. EJITATE 01..44 O. OIXIILDT, Ot rwribuy City. h tao torah OL.lPosborry. h 6 Mato or brooryirralr. wt. las Wet plasma • I.l..akrupt oa Oh own =MUD.: hut the piniounlSat swam,. als4 tit beari . iwar kjadll IQ Win, or he an 'f. . by MWI w i tte l lgt 11 .7r a lt credit. or Um 11.1 , 4 31004. to Inure Salop oohs, of to ohing*. Ohm aribyhrw orbit atlas. • 111 itaa at o.sn rep 1317. 1 • ... Jutllf ittokr. l :ol.• mta er r ir aigm a jr u il. D. • . -11+901 U , ittiVat*AL CLOTHER , W •.. . 61111.-11 a. tan od , oat, lihtutulliport watriatell=ponkelVi i lx3m ~ , n iv . • gr i ft il Witw• WM. SWAUMINf "''''. , , 4 . . ':1 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers