El - ity lagEig saiitT II ainnisaar aovessna LW?. smourEtruATloN OP orzicolts. stern Instructor, beanie it loachisa by tater eniriiences. It has this laTaVitge, *MOM, that the IOWA! it tioalaitei an seldom forgotten,- anA . lof en tern to valuable account, . =Before *hit rebellin the 'fallacy Ism %load ginerallyiotertained4theSOu, nad-trynamtrcou anon at. the. Earth, • "*. that Cotton was !Ling; nut* thatit'irso aae'tmlj is !t ttci . .9rtidaititsible! Coulty tsnsuent • civillinalemlbtri that the, Southen States•teJord each idnntages in cliMate, soil; la ---bee'sed wonttraity•to market - 15r its prO 111 to them bepoad the fear etenpetition not only, bet toconshain - 14 nitloaal government to =edit to demands they might maks, or, fail - nig In that, to oompel European nations lit intervene, diplotoatially and DMus. dly; m their behalf. It was upon'this -- yeteamptioa that the Bath'. hinted _ thir eahunitles of civil wit ; and . that' Mate Earthinrn oympathilien wadi ,,hated • • prophecies of their ano. /t inti • .be confuted that to gape o • 4, on therein' . ' large sties. sure of' pn • In= thin' view of; the taw: ,by mean of rte Is la imperious; often' lover. .4 1 are points deprivation •T" comforts which nothing abort or tae4 .o.4.yeted ..„,0,1.,.;,,„ no' leau had beep elicited • ' "In this la Valais of the American peo. hithow that the spirit which their • forefathare, atill 'gloned ' , within • mhtished tenor iu their be 'fiti - otherwise, indications ~F 31101:111, 1 10 • lacking that nbonadad kat ' 'tidal* • • ,ty had elan as a canker tato t amides sentiments, and wrolight 7 il" lll **Ni=imm that tha:accumulation ,-,..iiiietrealtk we. onuidered better thin:the litadliiiiddit of Meat Ana pthiclo* no jumr,pliroAry in their am* or losignonsequential in their applications 7 - 90 - cornat palltial °Hinman. tha course of events ail th in AIMS „ . .„Stir.srsdledoas were demonstrated to be and bueless. While trade proved to l; itrealiti, kis; Ita power was not maul "' - 4eited - in the direction it was !supposed it -. 110 1 111.1113116W71rdng out new and nn• uxpected Ciliaids for 16411'; and instead , olminiatiOng to the continued enslave .... anntt - of Willows of African; go. d0e1.." .." its energies as to Impart a fresh ..end Widen/ impulse to the Industry of C . 'l, lB 7'llroVittass of Lidia. How far this „extended is understood with • - , gresher• • deb/sinus. and particularity than It was daring ths progress of 'the rebellion, or 'nano the close thervof. Wheithelhatifilct cf alma ceased, it was apkseront cotton culture had been ~,restriprodney /promoted in other quarters lbw globe, and especially to Aala; bus tAlsof *night that only a oomparativisly '' /nail specs mould be required for the the monopoly of the lialladittates • la most if not all its for. s.;olimc, - "Orpintstity•. The Mewing year ' enterprise and ski]; were displayed la reaussita6nic. Anton growing; btr. *Oar room erpeziments nor those of :,•the lot summer have been tenunring. • • :Bo 116 front it,'•thei intpression deepen , throughout the cotton dhttriets - of the ~,2,llolatt -thata/1 efforts to •re.inetate the GP ,l 4o•Pri..ita aid glory will be intaniling. The Ooteintris (8.. C.) Chronicle sap; "We control of the staple, of ' the ff,nadheen deluded by the be. Daf - Al/Ananktnd depended cnt the. Booth for what they wear &adroit.. arlataks ear inia more viscous; _Ern -- land•haolfrveloped the resource:sof India ' , Outgo* which made er almost Vending' Of US 'South during the war, M. l 4i 3 ttitslins to grow MVO soorcry .. ".` •• Alannilicant railroads, thou. and lilies in length, enable to not -, irate the heart at the India moan re tioe. Wher e labor can be Jud for live 'cantle Xsguilicetn Lao of araate ,,:tola Olininiolosite- weekly with the Indian nearly, a million - of bales 'are NW u COUrieler transit to the Liverpool docks aid warehouses," - Ann .deolerlig that "hrw .plantars are likely tio realize their nit," and that ' • 'half the crop has teen robed in mans And. the remaining half mutt, par fosoe„.10 .Immediately sold fa meet 0 SW Ann a& against . plantation by fie, "Is till this there is a lesson; and that Mom eboeld teach the Imin-tamp Ai changing oar style of asticallare, and .;,crow crops that will pay, and are not -'. olden. to. the Immense speculative fine :. 'Patrons of Crane. Let =Armors tuns _ that ontantion to corn, wheat, to ground . ants, trait, vegetables, to the growth of . sheep; cattle and hones, and to loans. iliontron Let the cotton we grow be • mode- up at home. We can save fifteen omit, 'chi& nowgoas talons podun • - orthe northern 'specr.ntor. • • " vie have cone through enough put Inks, to have learned ' some ono, and husimeto-nee it." • ' moor ~ ' a fass ihs Einstein of the sass cogdition of 415114, and declares: . . . "The plantalum melee', en a large Ms* man to have bad its day, for the ,uperinmata of tirs lot two years do en mmearege Abe belief that cotton tan tic sucemndly, with hired labor,. it 'prices • that ars likely, to rule. Small 'with' diversified production and pateis devoted to cotton will be the arced result uto fanning. The termer will have to learn to make himself In depeadsat at Imam ;If Alabama, .for sample, le able to raise all its own meat and corn and wheat; all ha battle, mules and horses, and cotton enough for its untectrusnoptiati, and that < notiongb" spas and woven at home, wears of those who . belleve Met the Itate will be more Battey prosperous and independent than It was as a largo cotton grower (and 'made, :else) with slave New e Statesind Magnet West bays all prospered end grows rich without • cotton monopoly. Why aliouldaN tbs, - §ootik, AL - al) emu , thodr sinters has to le pursued, their en arm and industry, and diversity of pur .lllMOure teler Whited. If our people are too lazy to do,it as some pretend, 1 tad as we d tat hellens—for the war dhldPzied Idea of. Southern Ude kw* and ineWciency—otium people will de it" The Athsitikoo news ; if less ele• gar ,ta Ito foram of .Impro, io more positilit;.3f hr - •,.!•111. pick or Lxds .(of 11110111 ., 411V were eat) got tha Southpaw swear. and now a picktelocile are nastalredib • keep her fa hot water till tha end 01 dic00....U. the pgaida voirdpkieuito do ao.:, It NV; ilusii&tip, taken's. now, 011111144tigibilitirein Oa war Itaelkwat Allwasdataidi oiTiF f . -ainsproodlest reruns thentof, a great ebeagelefitreitablarla the form of south. era Ituttalm%Thalitert attained for gotriccgdthraiOn, with the lattelwatleteol. 'eronuatim or: paid labor fa the Feathers pan, nodal a Akio opprezbeistloietor - aorthena 'epicentral ladutrylialipsisaidec It will be found, U beermsteft gill be &Ir. 'kesigersted. throughout . Um 'sea Uri, and the manna now le- tat somewhat developed, that the tangs, hearsay sash,. asy have beta *Wed et a distance u calamitous, is MO linefhoal to tha onuses of the popalation'ot both races. The. old sys. temofoomoed 'employment tended pow arfanYtol?oll.4 PP Pad Pulantato an ar• istoenicyi bat it was an aristociacy of the mom aline description, having less mood sod MOTO of Ilia 11 It than an; alma form of cane what/Va. It ism the baldest possible attempt to who the maid stiFid on illiarn 11016-1/1111 iinits bat. It was s failure flow inherent and Mimedleable defer* Fader its oplarion the South tell faille.' tied the North L the rue for Muth. gawk it mill 'ea 'power. NOW, the Booth ratist and WM take a new depar tura, °Atha aim foundation with the Sfartli; Wader elieunaltarices of some dial rtOuritunont it must be admitted, km Uwe, b ° db l " loomed to be only thiourea*. Mk , tiliK *WIWI at- the. tirct sek. doss . ° 3o nUee l, z _PP Pisriat.l4, patkikat a mutes Mumma to the tratata" Milhaud Licaliwaitifiatirei-Wittip. iekr. tight. so Is Alteady- soorishot oppottat is tiro of -tho'artroeti,f)lvis -0,...r.-, ty.t. above. It is not difficult to anticipate that the Booth to destined to revert to the doctrine of Protection, which it re pudiated tinder the delusion that there was no King but Cotton. RELIGIONS INTELLIGENCE. The proposed' name of the Did !Ala Newilchoel bienchu of the Fleabite rim Church, Is Muck* iherp Centro. - T ony Willett thole for sad Maul the nweemone" Fran Of the Old School Presbyteries, the prospect of melon is not very hopeful Ririe:mediae 'to come. nebula of the reunion being 'SUM tof ducussion con. tinuec Welt ld luirdly P possible for an earlyndjustrunt-of the - differencetteX• Wing betwiet them. Dr. shear, of Brooklyn, of-the New School body, dis cusses the "Frames!' of Presbyterian Reunion" in the Doisuadent, nearly • tit reenoluseneJorig t .A 5 an opponent of ther reeitiMr, it;lasit *Ma the Plan pro- posed Who committee, his views , are expremed, perhaps, to some extent in a partisan manner. However, the points of difference he presents of certain doo trims are. worthy of reproduction , hare. I * lll , ' fool as. Taking the, views of repre: imitative men of each body he allows that while both agree in holding to the substance of the doctrine, they do not elfrOu ' in. mode of es?laining it. Thl Old Scheel nuiy'hold to the theory Of legal representation,federal leadership; penal imputation, and, as its eonsequeries, UMW:little' of natural depravity upon the posterity of Adam. The other hold to the sin of Ades:Nand to woorruptird and fallen nature as derived from him ; and also to the furs In the case u stated is the Confeuiou of Faith, and stated in the Bible, but not as explained by the former. The views of each, upon the Monument are also different. The Old :Behind: mahitians that is making the atonement "Christ suffered the penalty of the law threatened , against the sinner, andthat this atonement is limited ass provision of saving grace to the elect. The other regards the atonement as a rabstauts for the penalty of the law, and not the pith sty itself;and also hold that its • provision for pardon It is general and applicable to all mankind, though limited in its maul salvation to be- Ileum So In regard to the doctrine of the sinner's inobffsfy, there is a wide difference. The Old School, as s Church; maintain' that it is both natural and mona—that it to total. .TltNew &heal, as a March, . admit the motel as Malik . 1 - a the Clonfmaion, bat they deny , Out doctlne of natural 'abil ity.; They distingrilsh . between the two kinds' Of' Inability, as the Old School do - not. They hold to natural abilityind moral inability. Hero also ars two "historical" teases existing wader one system of doctrine. While bothadopt the sane standards, se "con mining the system of, ckntrise taught in the Holy Scriptures," they nevertheless tltder'in eons respects in the interprets. tilt. of some facta of this sYstsin. Both Schools are Calyaaistic I. the generic seise, yet somewhat • different In their type of Valyanism. It is hence a fact :bat tbsto an two "historical" senses of "she Mina of doctrine." as sat forth in the Confession of Faith—the one that ol the Old School, and the . other4list of the New; Other points of differences are clearly presented by Dr. Spear, but then will slam The indspesdent thinks, judging from the pressst fore. tokens, a rendez will sot be speedily effected—certaialy not till many of the old num who remember 1887 have died arid gone to heaven. The Board of Mission' of the Protest ant Church was recently In session at New York city. The reports of the va rious committees show that at home the sum of $136,220 24 we. paid out for do. mestic missionary labors, and 1142,130,- 44 received. For /Foreign Missions the oommittee show the following statement: Receipts, etc., 41211,604 123;.expenditures, - 181,1144,112; while the repoit of the Frsod. nusn's Commissioashows an expenditure of 180,319 42, against • fund of V2,223,- 1 4. Over IfiSSAR kiss been received in ligarlini along for the gam' fond alba minket.. Among the proms:lva features of the day, in the settlement of pantos', Is • a pledge on the part of the people, that they will, iscudditittu to the salary, keep the =hailers lift Insured fort died stun, while he remains with them. Rev. H. H. Mahone was recently Installed pas tor of the Presbytatian Church at River. dale, 719 W lock, rhea &Kid/ pledging 'itself to car the initial premium on a policy of ten thousand dollars. The word "Dutch"will 110n12 be ex punged fieun the lithr.if the !informed Dutch Church. Twenty•fire Muds have voted in favor of aid only six against the maser*. The Intallioneer says all the Clues, except Arcot, have voted on the question touching the change of MUM The PrioWyteriesireres a list of fifteen churchesouisolg the Presbyterians, noted for their literal donations to benevolent tibleptud 'idling the past year. The anurent ranged from eight thousand dol lars to siztyaixtholussud. In this Tint, the Pint Presbyterian Church of Plus. burgh, En. S.F. Boovel, pastor, Is cred ited with twelve thousand one 'knedred Rev. Noma . = of . Eka lend, sow sojourning this datUltiy, the friend of .w country during . the Rebellion, ac. quired the snot erstediuMre preaching by locking himself_ up in his room every day for M ' OIL mosthsjand delivered a discourse ortui infinite, in length on whaterraz puss4e his eye chanced to /Wit ORlClliitan ha opened his bible. By dint - of application in talking on or obese the subject in hand to-the end M the turns ,allotted for the exercise, he acquired the habitat tit, close of s e ar of 'peaking finally and holding hlinself strictly to the subject. He 'dribs'' Clergy men not to do their practising on any an: diesce. That, he that; is ontrageonu The advent Christbins of Re* .I'On' City are making strenuous efforts to spread their pantile? Wawa 'ilimingh the city. The Chink* Tines iten's Christian Associatieneweis lend fifty thousand dollars to aid , the erection of their oil The 'Northwestern MAI leirimaat Company, of Yliwankse, daps this geaereas act, after instant cap refused to do so, on the grotad titat. they would not loan to re- Habilis or tonevolaat eodeilos . now fallacious tker.argimeatt Bach on In vestment Is Mfe for both rolivino' and mph's], 104 wi /1001;‘otir Christian LlMO dation hem will pion by-lhla informa tion. Ito be.ter time then thereeent for them totem in all' Matter: • - The Protestant Ohurcbmos brldratt: ing a change in the baptismal service so as to Wien the creed lir the — gplicapal Church from the charge,ol Inculcating ad teaching baptMmal — regeneretwa. • It hen midi a source the advice cull be heeded, and the proper means • • it tie riem General Convention • xempri the objectionable features. Kass meetings to promote Lay . talon in the Methodist Episcopal hurch, are now being held in somo of leading Lumen cities. m o t modaesday a Convention of dele tes noso al brute/Ise of the Prestip du family, is to meet in Philadelphia consider the question of reunion. It b e an Coo ordinary kind, d one mitich4lll nark an era in thr of the Christian Church. I The tenth Annual Convention of the . tie 7L']C X 444•10. Bfiiirik`lsam Just been held ' Boston. The Conumtion =I . y sondag, the Nth Ida, and ad. •• • • .04.Adandatra *WU :folltridng. forenoon, afternoon and night of "I funky and monung and aftensoon of r#l.r. S ' : DAILt GAZETTE : SATURDAY ; NOVEMBER 2. 1M the discussion of subjects bearing upon their work in the Church. Sunday wee a great day for its special religious ler. vices. Monday night the pastors and members of the Methodist churches in that city and TIMM% gave a reception to the delegates in Millie Hall. Hon. ,Jacob Sleeper presided. ZIP Meat `ipeakers delivered addrasek - Mymas were sang, : acCompanied . by Oa grand - ;orgen, which Is - earr to be the largest in Ike world, with, ggir. ham' one exception. The iimmaeae building Was crowded. Ministers and distinguished laymen occupied the plat form. The elllcers are L. P. Frost, of Miiii4Pieildent; W. H. Sin; said, of Pittsburgh, Secretary, with the naval complement of other °dicers. The Oonvention appointed the following par. eons to bear the fraternal regards of the Associatioa to the Gemini 'Conference, which meets in May next at Chicago.: I. P. took, Baltimore 14 Frost, Waltham, Mass.; T. T.Taster, Br., Philadelphia; W. Kincaid, Pitts. burgh, and J.ltddle, Wilmington, Del. The 'next Cenvention is to be held in Christ M. M. Church,. Pittsburgh, the third Saturday of October, 1868. Com. name of drrangemants: J. W.F. White, I J. P. Draw, J. L. Graham, J. Wilkin son and W. H. Kincaid. Mae. Juliet Du, Bar, wife of Doi' Bernardino Del Bel, of Santiago de Nu eva Grenada, died in that place recently. The following is from the N. Y. Mtn, fey Post : "Bantmgo, an old Spanish town of the Isthmus, of late has fallen Into Magna• thin through the dirorganized state of the country. Mrs. Del BM was the first American lady who ever made It bet abode. The churches bad been closed, the schools dissolved, and society disor. gentled. She rallied the people together, opened reboots and formed religions societies which labored for the restore- Lion of the rhumba, and the revival of religion. She visited the sick and dying, sought out and rehired the poor, and so women the heartsof the common people that she became known, young as she was, u "the saint," and "the angel of Santiago." In the insurrectionary %urbanize after the battles of Ban Bruise and Ban Francisco, when the wounded on both sides were brought into Santia go, where no accommodations awaited them, Mrs.. Del Bat organised the first military hospital In the charge of ladies ever know' In the country. She became the Florence Nightinrale of South America, adored by all the wounded. Gen. Ellate returned thanks to her In the official gazette, ands vote of thanks was rendered her In the Amicably of State. During the civil war in :America she ateadfastly advocated the ;cause of the North, and organized a patriotic demon stration on the Fourth of July in honor of her native country. She secured vs rionalsolitical reforms tromthe Congress of New Grenada, and Induced the Bishop of Bogota to Make divers eccleslasttcal changes for the benefit of the people. The grief canoed by her death was intense. Rhea It became known that she was IR, a throng of people filled the square in front of bar house, kneeling end preying for her recovery. At the news of her death, the air was rent with their shrieks. Buaineu was suspended, the stores were closed and the whole city bung In mourning, gator a public calam ity: More. Del Bel wags daughter otjadge J. W. White, of New York. —The distress which has far sometime prevailed among the worklug classes in France appears, by tho latest reporta from the manufacturing districts, to be on tho increase. At Rouen most of the factory hands now only work for four days in the week, and it is said that the manufacturers will soon reduce that number to throe. There is also great difficulty In obtaining work ct Elbeeuf, Mulhouse, and St. Quentin. In Paris, too, the completion of most of the new streets and buildings has thrown a great number or laborers out of work, and men who carnal from four to five fronts a day hat year are now glad to obtain porployment at less than half that rate. This state of things will of curse be still further aggraysted •by lb. close of the exhibition. It is to be feared that. the lower claims in Paris will have a hard time of it this winter. • —A now firabedus clansman. named Mariambi has dawned upon New York. The Tribune says of her: "8h Is of the spiritual order of women, email, deli cate, fiery, wrath a line little head and luminous tam, and ate dances with all her waul as well as with all• her body. We ham: omen no-bettor dancer upon the • IPHEIMEII THAN the - PINHN. uyttlig ha lit she thsa • aoral•• rpm or parer di' Its *dim? T. *flit t .Itslt f. edam ts • hudthy. Vat rest. nest In nifty it • a•a Top .r teeth with a ft.. treat berth. Ills *engma tessth of P raze.. *ill f 414•• • Villtral application of .11•111:111 TIATM MID JiILICTIII VIOL ASTOingstatlST.—Sagealleatia volume perm. tit, ,brovg. t bin Ilia daily Iloatatt with assay chants at bedlam test sae • litUo Unwell by tbe tnitaiat Ituttlastlon ot kls M.bstaawsl •.tsatdlEßnalPass. ra wail= great vest& ror • time, fawns ids pootors sad wit alas aot.•attrastlesaa at old, ahem. Vas nom lag lait mystery nu sole•d. • rticlad remarked to 111 m Oat his Price was ma of tY • weep. a, .1 advised tam at mum ta sea a bottle of Ward'. Plata and goad.. d Deat,lea. fold *Wools fad nit.% by, JOSEPH T . al Main Meal, and ail drags Ma BIALABLI EVERT WILCO& Aar.likas them bout a mama as initial as Ni. at =bantams. Comsat, hat only.. Ma amines ma la the waists al' tbs von; an man:, IT la all Um lid tants ninon . its 4 swot aa4 anion maittlast fano kayo Mr. prostrating Manna bon stansially virmital; bat Miy kayo antsacni is lawn lad ititioa ammo Si... la, Matinlyttit Mao. sad lass area sasisabot moasitslas mol attatlini tboasoola or potpie moaned to ban bon pitman. by tan laws of lottele 14b011 their riovh. Hens an us 00111. palled • Mad. last a fatal fissman potradu Ile aslant al an Ills stain. m 4 should at own rt ant to UM Olin lanineit pranatint of in ono mammon. moats rTrwe a fini•CH TINA a today. intsat. na sailmnits so par. feet, as alumna. sa sad a Wes. Ina moan . its itaa.Dlu lift el theist sad Ulla aillhapnal.Onalag canto tf 41sene• With CM ontdaseanan our notion la lams. MAIM' onamta mien 'snit MIMI bias= anlinsos. Ste ant Who awe trans.( anlnst manna ollt Ws pononi adman. obrellelas Mei islitUaltsTarm= d . arz . r.,Attr.o. no mak itt• •S pninata• a/Sant la nu pans 41 be seletTe be het the fonionsors oft eleadder WM ell I s any we &Mind Mina rtalli n a lT :47o the sankitla Camas af ajZiotalat. S. Iraq is thaw HUMID EIMILIITATORED. Innate whin we altedea ease wane AM of Christine MINA of Deem! conen,ln entlntl7 coalman by the eppeanne of Mee rseher wear, who to-0n called on De. ELT•. 9e.ltie news. to .0201 0100 ha lee enlee ned •0111 Le Interns lier TO LDTIOL •201) PLW eaCT yin Sinn . 1620 ben many Mod far foe months. haws.* Idled Int she ante set &Westin en 00)0 {0 he to elan int wOOl wet: The epee le amen elle, es notaries et a.n DL Den ere damn le nem entlea tenon. an the Carr paten that inn Is 'to nee. Bed eothteg en laden.. Mae wee ender DOCTOR ZIATIII/VIS Lienant ler two amain, Ha %nen alter spend le., pis threerh let brother. Shen t. Pines.; Nast been wan eettitalned Of her nee 'ethyl heti ant. On ant. will keens le the ladeetai. hoed *len As athlete. en 0.0 hen rennin as on of eatnerdlnry neaten. Wh the seinshenn, now of the ease offtla Pinar, manes wlrling teetbiene So toe these note Anal VWSnXA /MEM !MOM P. 1111111111. (1101107.) _ TAW.: An•gual. gIINICI/1 ASOCAMUT. . ' 71112211. (au mice.) D. 1Z11111..5A/17/011-.a.1 OUNettLia. TION ZOOMS. Ns, no Plati sznrcr. now a levant .11.7. hriVArlill:4tV4o3 , .!:i44:l 1114 81" , RALifir., Adams. laptiss GV• roams ca , • B" alint. 4 rar awawnaid ikaGA.l 122r g iti =l . O . nnyrkpil UWUsa. UNDEMIIIERTS & DRAWERS; to SCIAILLILT CIAJMNIEN, YLAISIPEL, WRITS MORN% CLATO2I rwaisic. I= VI at radand ridui Guar, rosiaaL a alas, a NM Et SPLEADM .IrIVOIL PALL. MID WINTER GOODS, M irf ark to salt the Slats. GRAY, POSBIEL & ROM, E=l 31s. a 17711118113:111rr. ITU • • BOATIDISG.--A large..il ait• iztonmeroir rem 3001 To • nation:as mid vrlfitr.r.r= 7,111:171:W=VA17117.471.X 11“! sums entehantd. i lPSr. r i imun , pawl 46 • NEW AU:IVERTD3RELIENTEI. arntrinlTT CHVRCB ,, slzth STRIMT.—CNOILIL nirnerir.—snu- EVICRT lICIKALLT.6IIIX , e7cpt p. is. tarriruitiiiirTurr mance. —dery lapis!. the intw text% O.K. . Vi a• I. an. JAMES X. ISICILWO/OX. Sabbath * x..= . kg weir*. P. X. SlTlLagaril srx IarrREICRING EVERY RAB le Notzirmrilekk err N *u awl Atlaingpar Cry, N. TNS. Mita, vll ed. lksla (roil. Babb.* &WWI% 1 'Veto* ler urrivEnoaturr cennice. CORIFIIi UM CHIAN? ANDTFIIitiI sTII. -,fcgoor. 2Lim. A. ItUrs.lllllAN. Poooollo/ NVEIT SUNDAYS oc . ..I 7 Misday School at • S. U. UM people are la. 'IWOto como.saA lons, -- Gordo Sl,toosorooorolldllf—'ilate Sul o Ulu tlea •• YNa. nG.oa. ad hoar. ler FtAIM .tONi6iIFIEVATIONI or La.cirues. NnUI. vial. ran, of learn./ Llbertrrie.; ntraan ou WM. GRAY, rlato, hulas en roarre u er. to p. *ell leabb•sh 0 , 1.00 owloa at y . NM us._ Prayer meeting as Wentesny twain . 'Vanua an re elslnt not. Iditallied wltti eruselaanit essagrea a tlas ar. &bug, fawned. • ' 1arp161.161011711.-*BC FIRiT klgasblee Ta.lgtelltuW, Merge Lem. glg as.ge et If•getna sill b RN lr e SeMbistieel. 4-st. nee gen .1 g • ,gt , t•O. fa rilManlt • NORMAL INSTITUTE. • NEW CLAM WELL, DC FORMItiI ON 1111Z1 NLOBIDAY, =3 I:Z=Z= 1111.1,011 ...210111 $0 1010 this D ronto Um.: Lintel. immedlstely. Ilf pKICEB REDUCED. WERTII, ORR & CO., =! =I DREBII aootre, AT Irial Luir pima' I,A.DIES't FURS Am Itadlt.a vaaley, 44 main p.m& SULLIG AT /OMIT Pillol2. tee MEW lITTLIB HATS AND CAPS, LT PRATT & HENRI'S, So. we HI Irodeass Stn.t, AUstbeas UOIIIEHII I 11110 1 1ERT! • mom ire.vy kit Blitrt - $.llll to 1140 ,, e1:: ~,, mz.r, buy, lilt . 4 1 .1 1111;191..:1111`or . Alttreest7P:6l.4:ll4 AT IM Lam. gasatty •t Brava Smash P R Go IV m A a Marta ale Extra Quilt) a mar, cue.a siansio. talecra. • AT PARLA , S. Ladles Bane kali Brultanlitavls ADA. tAv. .amt. ilazd-kalt 31004... beet. lid ISsicts, ' AT PH' 11A41..a, 0016. TowIe.ELAN MirS. . sad Cllblefar Unita s an. sad Dralr.ra, of ovary tam 'dos, AT PHIELAIN'S oco DWIn wrooKixe rinia Caa always be Gavatl all W BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT, Stslai StriNlL Ws. . JOHN D. EGA N. BAY SOX war.g BA! nun SOAP.. I=3E!2 I= = • inrociuss soar. Awl i•. 7 etatt•astetes, forta`o t 7 s. =3 C=M BEN FitaNIILLIF INBUBANCE COMPANY, IN FPAN4III SUMS BIM, To. 48Ohlo eit.,'Allegkosy, Pa. /aleph uwatssr. GEO. D. JIMIDULL 11041,Mtati. 11111111 T 11111,11111. PTha4d.S. umants valuxiiwraut DirDwrimA : NIJOUNT AND SILONZO. ZIPEITE lily 0.. 13141 numul.eatqvn, reo.. Jags. *was as F. 11. 3E3.A.'INDINPIR4,,, IS FirraOrtszer. • NUN fITILLS BIDNARE. AND GDICIAN IJ I TS, r N. 04 4.11 !emoe, of lair aA MOGAN Me. 41 MI, (ails 1141nuoi; L ADS"' 3P IC7 EL 118.: g'i r :s47.lVlll...""=ututallat HATS ap,sl U.A.1 3 13. NoCORVEr COM. woo° nowt. SEISPHAIIDPA CRACKERS, 817 Liberty Street. PUTIIIIIIII4IIII4 Fl. .I.rons usg.—.—. arnatoias inutwarrs. X 1314, • • Wbolesala 111118 Metall Mrsispetatites Tin, Copper sad fleet Ind Ward ? Wthwtaxio.natic==, wi Ira Until 11) JO Ira MI Ti $llll, ttriil l ug r irß r a4ll . l l lsD Mtg . num tn. ?a *ca. Pi. -FRESH SALMON. In I avid CIYt R. fr i t:ll,W iivltllt.elancr.3l ws. al r " Setemid inilrnsAbmies. awn aategmtes. eartitmeive 011, War• gmefar sates, , r 4 - 4" 7 14M1 / 4 • raucars..niAimasr, . ' Tara, owl. Geode dellineod f.. We CHISAIPERT PLACC IN Tar CITY' TO 111124 IBM , TRIUMPH COOKIIIIII It at ati. P. 'C. DOPPY A STETTLERIIS , II CO" ==1:1 6elia,•l4Llers; 011 •811118, Tanks, aad seam non woaz, et an lards. /AMISS IN6 irmb w• 74- REMOVAL.. INFAT UtE AT. COST r • I h at.imissanrcanannoic wramni mi VEi... 46: =Vh? ant i el st resat i ns ir "411 gir" sass si - ' ' 41,1nN OMIT a ill PQM I gwk, BZZfZ;;;;A PUMP MAKER, WrrlL &Snag lygoon o ak ,u &t i rlon Om to the raw. F. **Too. zurAmArmurasn asrszinuara 13.11 .4 PT 8 7 4 A N. Ulor-oes, IPlttb &imago sta., GR4!BCSIIIIIE -40bhp , Etioleip w t trgic e sisgriretrealtred SUM/ sale ft ~ ,t ez Ai. {MBA* sal amaent , et asd llama •,rsala. Welt Vosuarateswirro.msly 1.4,.a ved awl ter Mtpolo. .14 retalL. at theta, Wroten. at ' Pet • semi LttemAllialaraithiihr; 4a rs ' r OVVIMAMIVIIIPA Auslouguudum erioreatitii roux a. a ph. • I tilo IXI le KEW ADVERTIBEMENTS NIVOTICIII 'it hereby area that • reteenef e,lai- i•trl4l. Le inete af uttaiilif DLIWSLLEIL late e[ u. efq Ot Akeder.ae .gf.d,•• ed w . sae emu - slatted 411:JAAdemt.ATIme.. .2.sn A.naon. JOHN - MITSCEL, 'PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER Lod haler la WiTCRI22. CLA.OKO. 80. 1 . 2 ritOsaLL IS, oat door to tint 111411-901 ttast. Tot ALLKOTIIIMIr Ta. STANDARD LAW PUBLIOAT lON S. New. Boot._ and New 1141010•11. Abbott's National Taint Of Hawaii eadbtat.• stte; tu te. Tot. Vot. I um.. Mutat on r . attroW owe a. rooked *Coto. swwls amotiews Lts••t of legoo• g age .. - tam.. au. mato and 0 .71.1.1.; M! united edlUoa. - ott.goeoo Watodllto •OrToeto. • Ultima ent flaatrooter owl lutolOway; Cow ou The Gw of raettwslao. ate , . Manual moat U. IL Itoultroot go*. • rulooll •oeso sm Cantor tlos; oew al it no To• WV of .1.1.1••••In•w sod twolwit • Ittlos- Vol. t. featly. await...los Th. Low of !Outwore: Use and re. •1 tea •olUoat vol.. !.Calla cooks Law of WILL: rovituf .autumn Ivo m. rot .... rle.dtag; ow. Malmo. Aims' 6.311.1 usw ...low • Il i tt l 0:0 1 • 11 4: AntinVlVrlial ittiM,l•. I/mom Tba Law or Ausetwaut. tto. ere. 1 !Ursa:Mum" roaalca; row. ed.. ha Mud et Now TM.. • 111111aN1 of lallootloam, 1111 , 1.4 te• llortegto; , a•-•dlt101; I vole tllll .ere..s; .1164 edl low Ps...a. of o he low of C. 0.5..; rev 04 Own , . ea CruaUtal ooldeoec Row •dagg. w•glor.. Low at Loodl-rd ant Tonga.. Now .aroma..• roma' Loading Caw.; a yob.. Wow .311.10 a. Uall.deltela Bat.. at Lanew-UOO-1. ...owes ea The etattito of graoaa. COM, co 4lostrselo. Vgill;4l7l. Rears Comon/14st • yaw RothadodlUol. WHII•ao on riemorm g • tole - Ile[.. 11. Welts II vele/ Wosou• W alum. Pare. , glea•mo of al , 011.1. Low. of tto. Low of noo .. . Wallow. tot Lie lew of meal reopen.. V w .n Waartoo • 11•01.14•Itspladexert. tproolve dtatrleaanntlaal Law. Heflaosta,.. /twig nasals oa ”Vase.. _ 141051.04'• 1 ..one: Ovals. Moto. no 1%.1111.0.• V.Ollll. 'es Toe. I.egs otsortapat or Standout too 'wants upartaeot• of Legal La. irogler. ogler* Of Hen prougUy Waage& to and ago.; logo. floralatted. KAY - 6 COMPANY. k • . •►WOM) MIMS BOOKS AT HALF PRICE I volume. Platoon's Zoom! of • too lobollion. Mora ISCOIVAI ...Waal Warts. DURO o..plet• Work. solves Cosoloto Wog.. • Wodoro iirt Usk Issarlst.a. X aeuley. P.p.. Works. fant.l,ll:;,twititah.tizam....ll. v.... 1 n 1... rot. Wm. • ~ap a w - n o = =oWsetiaTZrFkalYl :W 0 2 n :4 Is t100 ?or"s7 . za.t'el%ti'e, 101 7 r L llt.rn4U osoVow Dio*loaary. Vses olorKamm& floo tr loey. attml Kum Doolap. i Obo Litarslln. roso f ool. vol. Minor, Of to World. anla 5,000 VOLOMEN TO BELECTIIIO3I WU; Greek. lgolmnr. /nail Germs, [panlabNgloot sal Library arable Denim Warts; babeel babeata eta&loam. et all [tads, m001•411/6 aid ratan. • AU. - . 6 **4% .T.l. T soravrtag U. Mont. hvibunpttou rsonveil forall sLI ige . tuty . 4l:=l . 2s ud Papua, at I ittagagnee and Migrated Papers. MARVIN'S Cri:L. ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY MI lUUI IMltt II MS 11111 E WHOLSOALI MAIL. No. 91 ,Liberty St., r - - SOOT Or F 0112711. IWi MAXIMUM & COM • - mums rir.olma FINE-CIM TOBACCO, • ael•useted nuit-Cit °nevus TOlkat•011 trivami:nb.:-."ALVI=B= Subbase la 751551. *lotus le 0. 11.11..{ .CHAS. C. BAER'S, D.. 1.• to - %UK hd. Nu%t u ui hit* hum. 105 WOOD ISATIS.. aalleallll • ALLEGIVEST 6K6E Rll IJ PROVISION COMPANY. J.O I. 11611111 W, ?redden. J. P. ISIEL. Suntan. • . • Tee Yak of tele ammo to SHIM, Weft ISSAS Teem eldliei le Min Ileeelefelle of tee lie:lirets. led Utter . 41.11. CIMICI7II. At ti Federal K t ineguiy. arks • • AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, No. 2. St. Clair Iltre NEW CROP FINE TEAS, NEW CARGO FINE TEAS. RELWI IT NEW YORK PRICER I tadmaisaaU aunt to bias MUM draLIItICAN 714 Y. 01.11.13 MUM. asililailint EttiviammED teas MUMFITTIO TIP WITh GiALEI, - Hot and Cold Water, &ea% ay expeltmeld sad pmettaal Inatome. JOHN N. :TATE, Phessber 0114 dim Finer, Pt! Ober ti Street, Ptttebirii I aid 1 !sling Street, Alleibeiy. hiPviammraite • ' FAUST CLASS LOOSING GLASS ANY PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J.I.4IZONS. 00. no Wood SL, Pittsburgh, rit au 4riZlPTWA G wg'22 IT cl ACfMI2S, .11 . ottr : .grdill.- viwyst.,,, f p V 312 - otratonta ez•Catedth mairallXllll Ls. r. t. sortirsow. TILICIeIiBOUPIIIOII, - CeatiOrnonitoJamas Muni%) lt ,4 . #itatesidur or LOG ';PUMPS, ww, g r a mr s ar Efftvro v tait.u.C°•=l l .l*,.°*". tinta JAPANNING, ciasainkrez. wmulasi LLOYD, i mi. otrkserem. riTnismuni. PA. lertakw Tea out Mtn .11•4wasiradx. 1 le JAMS 11.. JONES, ,Serati . Latina, Light Iron, CAST ASIDINIIIOVOUT IROL . aos ~litsr• ‘ast WV. I IRE . 16 = 4 . u. Ott la 4 itigS sad SI& 14? Iltaini7r MUM Jos. a. nom* • irio: P;ri"'-\l]'/-~a+yr.l:~.:~ i~Y~L~~~a:\~17:~:~yr.1 ~,~~d~Y4= 4 7 )4 1 1 - ( ' ) / No. 87 FIFTH 8T B} • • PTITSBEINIZIL PA. DAY. ABI, SMUG 8/18810i8.: • ruasay ca.serum Conotei Ifni:Mose to youe ot tom Ire th routtiyedse lad tAtha isms sa. practice et 1ine..111% iltaikeftM. ta• er e . Lorene, IMMO, see' neuters.. AO. Wo% 4. try well own, oet , ea eel leillsese se. etrizeLlalats, up. ;IMMO!. pertbeted. weer Wm. lam 11.11.•• las• 61 . .01s ei It.TI V " . T1 , 01V11 , 1 Ittette. • 115111E1? AD CcIIIFICUL 181111.01 C. • St . t.w.d.4 le oar collogista soars* of stlotlYt wi teommattoglirt:t4 . l.soluitss, Snot e t l i rr..l fßollgoirtgrool ' ot otu n dirt ;tate. UV h. re . detttolo qua. to_olotulor to mat.* fro*. .. P. DINT Alt SON. Pirliselpals, - rITTBBIIROS. PA. • totptbld IT AT mums TO CORRESPOND wire 110 E L ATE DECLINE ! FINE FRENCH MERINOS,SLoo. Choice sliades POPLIN ALPACCAS. SILK CRAIN EPINOLINRS. POPLIN REPS. 'BLACK SILKS. - 'FANCY SILKS. LINEN GOODS, &a. JOHN PORTER. 11 xAxicsr starxr. ocurne CARTER'S NEW • SHOE HOUSE. TIM MINOR 1111 omo BOOT AND • SllOl NOUS AT No. 47 PM Street, (UPPOSiIII TED OLD 2/DATILIL) rxwara,rirg4. "Ibllmtr; 89011 eased apt ethwr Seal Ds Mb etty• airs aol a pen a cal MI Os sassiness'. • DANIEL CARTER. TOMES!' TOBIRS! TOBIES! 50,000 NO. 1 TOBIES y RECEIVED 11 BELLY. /1w,.000,000 Lancaster Half Spanbk Clore, gi4mettrid. valel MT le the trade dm* WWI and examine before purcksalsgetiewlhere. B. & W. JENKINSON, No, II Federal Street, ALSZIORVILT CITT. FOR FRAEOLINT TEAS, ' CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES, ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street, STONE DR&L PLPE, For Sewerage. Thu paps la the loss md Owen meta far Awns ago or aria porposss karma. 20poo FEET I.)-L'1311 BAILEY, passitu. a co., Ao. 117 BielthMeld Street ' Ilrllll7lo ?A. ..amema. • W. IL JACKSON JACKSON & FREW, faseeneeks M LaraElai a waive t munrumerwassizq DIAL= a Sanest, Faddism Traub, Asa and sae keep es tend sad Invert haw Wt.. maws WI tI.IM. pesterfa Mien sad lapnx•sluaLa ===El ♦t 011111 , Mir wantsaa. - ; Tec0...1.011 WlTacoci. alureet. .1. • THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED 11117 NA ROILIZ MI W. J. GILMORE, feluelmeor to klitawai al I I cluinl,) Munatsetarst, Abokoale sad 'Bean Dater is . TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. lAAsap A !win 1111110M11•111 01LAD1111. LIATOII- lawava Cd./41/10... No. ISO WOOD /7111/414 07111 CR Of CITY NVO1111M111111)1 , VIM0a; • rirturozon. 040,. a. tar. THE ASSESSMEAT for the Gra -41114. r.rew u eregat liOruaD AVJUIIII. boa Washlastos Taboo -Men: sumac. AVINIIII, Don Aim atoll to alto Ilon, sod CAtoON .11TANST. tent Pau owlet b Ilollaten •11117. maew tudy Riat askloaltoo, azdorill masts 1• t.blo old. Wefft Markin trolldtsoo, nottl kOWDAT. Nov. illy lOC wIIIIB URI wilt boptoood la the Cilty Trio. vRh 011os lot Gallo:Mo. M 1 • X 111511&11711 ITN t lin • .11 101C..esise. 00, • Ne. He 9140 a Street. pre" alumna, s' ,_ toesobet 11, Sea.) Imo COMP * AN" hi noir me • earti teem,' bsule, Veletas sad Pantell Se es... 'Me • Te•se sae sant and Wes, teenage tee oln , lnAa es.te• be.. a. ilalle-a0 at ask_ Its _Omahas: ael; the Pnisbatets sae hie Es.Us oat, erltli,Vraieptleee pal alepatelt. • ' • • • and . •Wl.olar and -11• Va ►:644.. ^lob C0111,•117 .eoaataally 'tstan•tar Ita Haan ant .155,aa wan aa el aids %anima laaf•artans paw, ta SIN .tutas. •• • • • canto& . a. LITTLE% At rs AW:AtilVell/rutn iit. NOTICE.—Iit the • Court, of Quarto.. boslititas, Fa. U Stitt*our T. I. wsns•ix. or ore hit VIM IrYrati. T. Al. yeas. • tat. reet•lirtil mks a %Unita% tie sioteoletut of astatine and bestial ma to hayed by AI re. S. it. be.. Ott d lousy ogle, ma It. be oiteseileitseitill p•ta wfwn tit ty deys 'me lilvtate t It Ml. SO my ditty toe:Neat WI mita eroottling to law. p.0p0 , 17_ tottroott Groat sad tbast etresta Nita ataillied Iftar DnrblttO ß loaate Sat. J. 7.51.1.ULZ. City relieflat. C=3 FOS TUE FALL TRADE. /OR ru.is OIL MOTU. • W NDOW OIL la , IL Awl ICI. OIL .r117 .1 y gstras r a l ."'". W to ass elm swot sod an: plitTortore_ D M .R. .Watuct044,..115 , sad 'bah .• 3. 'Mt" shulttat sad Malen. THE. lUNIVEUSAL e..49r . flxr e lingsw .t irtur PUMA Murk. ,4••••24, , ut At la. ta . r:sri r • eleao• ar. ad... maw mots •••••••••....: • 01.1 so• maail•• more asa Pa• For TX nay gar. la UM ',Mir% of No ' d eaPit "" !4 lat4 ".Nn"t t, w. P.M1.111.1% ••12 • 8• 1 0 ••1315. NT •Olatt. 8 15,0 00 LOAN, ON BOND &ay !curremin. IrriplaWir y . No. lol ffithalloblistripii. Itadd Zsta• bearbt asa MIA. by Groom Braysx,, CAMS! MARICIFACTIMEIt, Awl dealer Vallainftra asurni. itirtiNler &T BRWIB , MetO3NtIL &AO:% 178 Federal Et., Allegheny, a* 'cram cm .1E" El zr ma mcp AT 50 0111ATA, OSE-CASE _SUPERIOR EMPRESS 'CLOTHS, alrecdors. ENGLISH DiERD:OS, roma AND WOOL PLAID* AT 15) Issas, ALL . THE BEST BLEACHED 1.11713LTN. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN GINGHAM, TICKING% ♦nd • WI Ibe at DOMESTIC AND HOUSEN.ZEkNO GOODS, at low prices. " PLAIN FLANNELS, 'BARRED CaUNTRY FLANNELS WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS, BLANKETS, at $490, BLANKETS, at $3.00. BLANKETS, lit $O.OO. SUPERIOR COUNTRY BLA. At fork. of la. 4 !Lay. WHOLES/Mt LNn RETAtt, AT ERWIN, MCCONNELL & CO. %, ' II 1I • REIT NEW GOODS t NEW GOODS! Wholesale sad Beta, at WM. SEMPX.E'S, 180 t 182 Federal St, Allegbay ELZAVY a edit/xis. HLVY DUZBEIZIO, WATIV;I•11001f /LAM, ii,..narrs. - 1/Wir DAJULZD namstii.• TLJUINZIA, ILZACHAD CANTON IIMILLORZI) CANTON IrLAYINILI maw unarm stramirra! ' DELUXE& ♦LPAOOAA ruruse, muses. Tana Lutz,. CIANL TICKING& =ZONA L A nus. ANt) "cum asammi, =! 10Nr.laa HOODS, sums swarm"' s, east ar.Asirrs, COUNT/tY .11tdaerla QII/LTS. COVIRIX/a Mall 17 iDLltllitaTa a DEJ.WILX7 MM. 111B110h8. TLOWW vaisuaxes, eLovics, NOISIZZY. •aeea .smertatgat in LOW 1.110104 WHOLEI4IIIIII LID 5ZT,11.106 WM.. SEMPLE'S, In. IN 'AIN NA Mod. 1111=7 DDT GOODS! DRY GOODS! T WOULD CALL TIM ATIPCII. • Too?, of me *esteems tom, • oat. , ambleb be !baba • Ivo. 'mammn of • DIEM GOODS IND CIOSIXHINS, • ler Mn abol Does. West.. • CLOAMLN6 CLOTHIL of peat earlety. litAb [TB, loth Cavalry • E 4441111 /WM leatlenoe.e lereeekort aMOULD eL 4.4 0041 4 Wiftelt 11.1k15t1t LN. . 8017 , 114/.[Zellt3 SO to all ere4m. CLOW aad SLLQVLII made to altar. H. J. LYNOH, MS 14 IlLarket' arm% Pittalbvia, oalt•plf CHINA ITAIIEHOUSE. RICILIRD RPM & CO., roozomPionroLotio. No. 100 Wood Stmt. • BlaTAIVI• BILVICIL FLATLY:Ift Mae WARM 11111 TILLY* owl SALVIA INV • IL7ft PihraNlCS BINA 7 1 / 1 1.11TISETV. OH1111• VAIM -13/11111/11V/Vrat 4.sorivaoll griiS A MZ I 7. V VP into az? a atm of oil mune to "414 V ooLoZegZio ototk non ° Mt oui l = t iloVoloo ails tb• Mita, Qi JUST RECEIVED, AT • ROBERTB & saißE&Trs wucaxeLis CCM arsAm cilpp, old Rut Ire Tate Szthatcy. • AID. SI ILICITHCLTLiaD Bi.. ClTlll3ll7llaB. 11144 T tsDDi~ of ;Hoa k graifV i graltis,. Wig% Ov lad !aialart scu V.... awc j••••.- APP 21 , 11, far again.' -Ws. Mamba% I. oat vmel. 51.0. meat M. F's v• 144 • detest. Li. ••I 111111 L sad du lamas tvlara . far anthr•olli• 4d r coat. • 84. 11. • IL. rya aal .40.1 Ms mea•spootare et drafts . ** flaalsteni. • HAZARD: POWDER. T AM NOW I PREPARED TO EH n tbortest nett" ill orders 10r Ism or ILIZARDI CELEBRATED POWDER. All enters let at or rat by moll Ile lay item Not. 111 sod 174 ►HDISAL YITHILIIT; Athy ybsay 0111,10., or So 104 lIECOND WW2; Vlllaborgb. OW moon mamas:um*. AIRTIIVR mita; . • ITT COLLECT 6 AISLENC • SEATON- dr,' Co., Local COlaitlimeAgenic. . roc.. mos ariesiax;el ara, BOX. sy. rrrnunniait. „rm. daeripitem. tatea .1.!*1140 , • ...M weer. HIM are sot PHOLIIII STEAK SHIVERY. 7rAT.JOII.III? LOUIS. SPENCER, WRAY a co., REST 31 S IND BRRIORS Me, Porter suidlErown Stout, pITTSBWRGIR, PA. Botzwr WELEATr4O.OOO BUSHELS CligICE NO.l SPRING WHEAT, Milling lid A* w. br num. waisimis, av Li s 1111LIbeetr att. L. }LW. Itsuistracturar et HAVANA AID DOIESTIO MUM, Wholesale midi retatt - stellar la TONLOII/0. 011/ASSO, WM/O. I , itsi. 1411 Willa bow .I**re cm una. wawa • Comer !Aeons. Masse MI6 I. GOOD DEW& CHEAP HEAD :N DEAR TIMEL Ihurairt fwr yaw s nitziLD. TM LIMA sal but. Trio W.° da *my laeL Rase.. No*. ob. • =Mime NOTICES. ELECTION NOTICE.—AR Eleetton for Trustee. of tan • BIZ HelliCi 15eVINGs leezel eell, tole the 4 terk ht Ida, et the tent. on TU Mend eV. Nor-sober ettre.n the now* of o•uon • nolJelL'. BID. D. TIVLLII. neerrtary. TII: Inns CUT V‘TION,I. BANIC Op ,I'lrrfaventl. nor. I JD, 112 TH E DIRECTORS of Chin _ Reek hire this Ate decluen DIV.. DICvD of na PIE • ENT'. nu tit etobal Dal t efet of 1 , 41 Er at th• I sr( all mnnthil4 la the et...twiner, or their legal s, on MI ear Lae Ilth lett., tree erattloltal 2 t9a ekr J. If •GOVTIN. tlaehtfr. _JON6i . I FERRY CO.—The J.1:144 7 ZITI;1.111 e 41:1Nr.1714! D.Y. November nth, st 0 . .1..ek ..t' Lea elade of a D. So l rho her.. Wit rare..; . att•atee Date DO Irani la Dr ettatrter Mee WV we. be alga . .ang t other baa'ataa tram. ' vd f . . mN WM u larDiViDEN'D ' ; ' • No. a: rabbet ett.es, tretaber UM Mee Dleseban orb, Manna ott Wormy ba.• ebb 114!" 003 , 00,0 •0 • 0•110. INV, rill 117,14 r. bat btOr-lt, prp.be •t-VAS 00 0b.0.01 b.bn•ao,mbkr Traatta /woes enibd: • •• -••• R•.ltHalt?. fleert+l7.. oaneaw• smut Inv NAITI t o'• I , • Im:whir-oft, Om alth. AIM gA mitscrios' IfOR p3mirszq p;s*ciuks of 1 . 1129 992' oo Otba enralni 429 Do hel6li %hi oilloo, No: 92 Watni 992194 on iliesdey.lllth .14 of dismember tut, toe Ilona* 01'4 gym. u 77 p: U. 1%. = • - - ANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES.. The LIERTI36IIILAsuN TICKETS are tow ready (or dl•teltont3t a. sat an WWI of say haesb.ror htmlsohnotttto. , .r at lir. •PPLE. Toni. Librarian, at tho Auocintion'ltooms.• rem. $4.01. ,4110 eceirr. PD;V: HCHAltik,St, Jag. B Vnytwor. CLirs2 harm., .. .Wat. r. H 0. scA.p,Committee. or2h lartitM .TF ;;TM,A roman& Ed IMITIOTI3IIII COIPM Will Int nnla et the Compnat , s Otine. Ne. 121 Yr Wave Met.PhllitletpuLl. Taracenwr, MOVEIBRit 7tH. 1547. At 12 Wedoel at.. lb , . the Meath* of Direven, e.ent•rf .ea Tra , sunr NT The Iva one Mu for • Job other iIIAIINS. u brq be bruuebt By <oder of thy Basra of Otnyeirs. • oollfl Rl.lltOj S.r.tareea4l•-•srar I. CZ= Chriza Prrris•au • Co‘ irer. CiVis t 1-1040mh. Oct. II T. rErin v errgamis• lft rza ,....,, ww yltlr ar •P•tbs. ea - 010. in 11 . ,/,. NOT maer I t, airtflr " .lelll. 10.% 6 4 ° . ammal blepting OI moclutoldarti. ' - lITTSBURGII imeorma 11011 a. EITAMLEMEDII. SCIDIIDT & FRIDAY, IMPONTRINS or GEINIAN 'RD CICANDSP/NISH WINES AND LI TIORS - • 409 Pon Bfreet, PI sburgh. oo KR. PORKtDi &arta& rat roo4frOck rOgLllsos6• •Jorao porceaso and_porfectod Assaallaatist! crIS6IISe follo• -661. o.ou TAI" • • . T. • _IMO 6 tirtA, u t u aratui o' MORO CA . 011, .p.l 11811661, I , OlllUOt o 26 sorb .N. A Ibid. A.•rrUlt.R & 00., Cron ; Sparsaus Lock sod Mull. Lir& & • . Cara h Ms.AL • TURN tiliatl ...taotCh . A cholas ossoviamout of rur I OLU UTZ Will - NET Oellstantlvan Us& : Having oarfoo.tisfrolqcomout• tbADooLeno hoo•-•ans Wt offsr she Looor brto2s or RLIONA. or& Lltiuulto. saattletten qoallty sad =awls.. olLnloo 501,61. ed. ' JOHN <ROTH =I 1=313 IOBZI6S AND D , WINES, BRANDLIIi; G! NB, BUM, .13 . . W117.9K113,.. &.. &o, . /1 . 1 = . 07 362.1b0rtp tree% orroarraimmisTxr, . • Bow 1.6•20.2 leafs Itelrtrton i itiid tbo 0n12410 In otwerat Um trio Iwo opals their oinolesain 0 L 0n. 2 at tlio &bow. pines. so! a tow rioir 2 ito a/1* mm in an..rime. to th iiituthetiowo2 who wig rave/ lbws.. - . L • • - .• ti 2.9 s sow is ostobtol. il 2 J01:18 ittolli .12 no ...ow o a too onpertor qua Woo Lad pus* 52 and It vil Ino their Ai. to opiiol in. ro,noillrial portwori. watt I Obviated to Soar lug stook at - • ozakosJuliokwutz. ~ . . 4.nd saperorniutallaii . or raxeruet 13047NACIP. m ninon. atooloa for of • * &II Ir soots, •-.am.. ==El Orden left Fa • 2 Dumoirw, will also be promptly a U • • _ _ JOBS SLOTH & SON, MITI MYERS, BOPP & CO., 1:=21:221T=1 =I = FURNIT Of Every Deacrri i=3 SCHOOL AND OFFICE No. 45 Smithfield EM= • 11lima.- MRS,LOWIGOT o. o. acorrir. EMU= VITAIIVISIIICIIr IN Se • • 11; T. WRAP & BROS:, ruccassuas TOO X. ocrusoLLT, QT~ y, Se en 4 31. /men livet„ /117"1"71°/4 Pb, SCHOOL BOORS AV WHOLESALE. OoasU7Desta's lke Invited to _kat and SUHDQL BOOKS & STATIONERY. DAVIS CLARKE - 1k CO., 03 WOOD STEILIT,' coi: Dimond ancy. NEW Stow Etarallir LIS @BEAT vAarnr, AT 1071 Marke t. Street. Boa.. a. avairsa s BRO. slag F. MIIIII3IWWE. rim Sired, between Timm! and Moues struts. Gunsmith and Deakt. in Hardware. 11/1 411 064,110411 iNwity• OS japra CUM i eMil ZUrn ' e.atitZl 4 :4 "*". SUPERIOR (MAIL.' ' • •: •:C.•CHERRY4 CO, 111112tu of P4.2BRltlttilf, OAS, rtt.t , * wed PAAPILY tJOAt...I•ITe *PAL /11.3 CLCK. eel tt.tit t • s's pan• *101 :;• • • • 2 . 4 . V:r= . /Itir.Viri:. W&T. UM (to Et.rt, Canal,. IS essare. P. u. *ILL lk EEP ON Hann wi ze jr k. 44 ,1., 7 1., MI tads of fi C tigiSrUnD. • Flax NANJZ erg • • . . Lt rip3llM LA1M203.,114, ia•na! • ot,RVII 0411131115119[11 . •DX •111,4 Tr: 4iiir m Mrazsu et gni 2. L • Mouth 1AL40.1 • ask ft% Ware Tabl e t ay t itertellr MO= i vhfr. „, rratreet Boa • / 6 Lt CIiirDJELT WORK& CEO.' co.: ILsa•Matanza eS ttiniehea• Cmalnatell $9112 Mr Cad, Vair-iia 3r..eibttimar ' 3136 , 113xii, ditAgermitrag" It . P.; GETTIG ~ Liquor,, I. ow. canon. AND thalami) " 2 " MholiftsavetWA.... A . 19. Ens Lin/ a Ca. 98 Zakie‘ /trot :4 011iraD;15 tibAL'a 7Krriinghil sallt•d AB Mum • Wig I'M.'" *2- TWA MIT Oeutsa 4 lli ',lt AUCTION SALES. VALUABLE Ell V PROPERTY MRS FOR rtuv.crz Rum'Nes% On Mitre Bt.. Al',amity City, AT AUCTION. Oa itATUED LT. 14r Topa, 9d. at 1 avow, 14., on too pre aloe% rola b solo. trot feet • vteebt lot et React (revolt Ite feet • AP:i.liVrito * ttre d tlrgAlfb l ; 7ll l== t.b•no A, fotarotod. tilt. oteattou et Um p att y proy basset Fae On le epreaf el coy. the roroeodle• hopruvement4 ea.' of te eatrater se to rewire • bone la tee oweltborbond yore de•treble lot t.tolneat ant b., rtl .nett city, •41or era 4oION, by tare ee flare ottetb- tea Outs and Wee•oro butte 1 , •• rrrrr kit.tuus. not dispot.4 of teurr, ant , be nallvid od boo 4 lot. of 73 Joel mat TtrOtt Ant ar-te.tblet tUb. l,l ter ,- Tee, Walt ...rut. te.red bOlt and ...1 1 MITR•ON. estanot i co 6, • C Putt attest. 0:E1:1=O:V porn ACEEA AND FIFTEEN PERS - flag. bestalfsl sobor.saW. oas goVINI O • flo t ember 6th. sr, wtl. be se.d. on the tWellse., °ems I.seetlin rt.,1,1. 00 tut ren• •- , lovl la Sol road, • ' , smiled rate•rbas • le et four . errs sod olfwerk *lmes, uthunl-If Wallet Cb•riee Kick sos s.q.: sl.•ta as • tsmiso•aend well be 'sad. usly .14- min- Use , Walk nest lbe "W.*, sun Issed at If *swift ttileb Rat re lasi too Bunts fn.-11Vg. 4 • . lirfl u isn'are n U lt r rCtrire C arli frost. a- .11 Wool sg salt trees nu roar at :11= ‘ ;;1 " : . :11 " e ' reVe;rt d . 1 .11 17 • " 4 1 ! WlTannTut,r:sovV.ll;g:!:igol":i elty. Sr noes truce of sta.*, Butt or•lIss t he i ' l l enWl ' orto ' f*Vre LITT:Set:Ii the tossit• Tsrm• of Bale-One.baf cut; Seabee oss ae4 ,••11 with Istaree. • Aresssousaa.lsb iron isse• the Co•••1Is• Title Italles.sDecat, sorter Sent sst Water stnets, at II u.s “I MOrtilng or sale. Oral • IFTR WARD--PEIN STREET PROrMirrY Y 0 U.1eer....1 /1 1 / 1 1.810 P.- *DAY 0 Frit .4 NCO, Norm er 111. at ...Cock will be .11 00 Its Pr m'et...flOt Cary valitzb'e ate>z'” Wt. Ia . for •Ite tieetoan t hole ell' 01 propony.llotely It•ntus.1000‘111 o 21.121.1er0 112.0enot. leg .1 14.11t , tt 10 Oa S. IFINd, eentt stittt b .terettt •0... • and ettaele stte.t., N.lOO froo 101.0. nth II feet DS pr.. Imorn, mot exteedlnit Is esp.:l l 2lle, •th•r•tosi• . that 10.0 • noolentlollnd w.le 00111 zee. eto ry belck smalon. ne. 217 1.220 wet.. no. 0020101de tbroseheat and lame daub.. parlor.. Mut./ ro k.tellto. eat. .00 wo.oi s wI momon tra; root; toot Wee rtz tot od among der; 11Z 1.000 141,4 iztzt dry o.llsto an d ••12119,wttu beating fotttee. Cn end water throughout the Rouen. • :M00.4010100 Tu., late 00 rann Main. lb" • vas • zt z.salf.xve. 11 oor lots itztb 28 ft .117}4 helm , rou . . isle street. 101 m atedl te rear of the etfore lot., sod •710.4 toran , 01" toe I, nn street. lit,oo feet In toro th ... sae of whlch Is lug. 01e* stable. _ , lorno—Opo-t/ Ird tub, Wm:alto o:• lad two Tear., witti to.erett. IM=2 RAlicK, annoy AND OTBEEI 4 th.lcs — IIIEBDAT jr eta. at )4 0'c10ck...1.1 be goo, ea be mond tow of ~ .00 nt emertJal Bales ZOOMS. No. telomlltt geld Wt 44 • ar.• , 31.3,330 Sistios•l Comt. •Ishara• •II•gb•113 .•113••1 33 s+ares 3313e..1 , ••as If 210.3• Ca. 30 &Sores rit.•bur•a all Home &meat , 33a2 w33tt1033••3 lill4hEl4 PITTSBUUGH, & tIONNALL•VILL% N. N, UTOCID TtliaßOAlt VINs, Norrlabse SW. et 7.1‘ 'el vt. will be told tat sewed or o [comas .01•1 tales Houma VA aulipasle slat et beg share. Pitts bur `runs bne pleeete Sot pay ment of snots tow dee au* ultirsla. Oen 4 111:1hWAINz. Austiosee, I VALUABLE MEAL ENTATE IA • AL.Leatlai AT AUCTIO3 —1 a 4th weed peel. eassi Hosea sad Les. dewed 05 tha•saseer eath eanal on Waant meta. all be aid OD the pi wises,. MX talteDAT, Mamba 6th. at SO•Oluck a..tha filmt• fb. rootson Cast sorsa ad OS fats oa W.l tte..et. SO.holt da is • araelleST aloe, n U WM W. Ta. reopes to en the se of too West Pena. It bed Is •.511 adapted tee sawbossaar meaalsotarla(parpotes. Addldtt eta be dwell. A. LEGOATIL. Auellaseef, ads . 1,9 ederso .-APegheey. 1,0600 SHAKES -,0411 STOCK AT A UnTl• N.-1 , 11 , 1 be perroaP• , a1' 1 .7 Sold. THLTReD aITEXII6I, No, 7% at 71i ...ea.. at lata Alitt.o2 rion.a is s Oars*. Ma'am,. 1.000 shat. , shells BY Stott, la l•ts el tea so • austral LZU•ATa. i•EOILL. WESTERN DISTRICT .OF Pr.lafinTLYASI a. El. • At rlttaburget, the SlOth day of dentist. A. U. M. Th. Innerslgaed hereby glrea nat'ea Of ►L aPtnlstanant aa •.elpee of RAI MEW! 1.7 AT tuff. of Lamencsallls. In ‘ba Oonnty of elle stens. and Iltale of Yeansylvanta. .1111. Ind Dlslalet. who has been atUnd,ed • bask.uP aqa bia o•a yfflflan. by a. Dint:fat Court • aaldnlatzlet. SON, 70811 H. ILIUM. .11.1ineo. Aucirairy.t-Law, p Gnat meat. em!=r 1 -WESTERN• DISTRICT OF PL tieshYLVAPIA. ens At Zll . tabantbs Oetober Thoanarr rLaW ilea. angles of Ms ippolatment as dseenies or J. 1. 0 ,8 LB naltelale s or the O.ty of Plttsharatt.lo thsoldnty of alleabany, aid Bute of Peantyleasda er.thln uld 1./140tt. ohs bas bins adJadead a ban% rapt noon ale inns petllloa, by tba Mulct Mars of oats dttlylet. JOHN XILNNICIII. a salmis. A Voriepat•Law, Nes: olanus.d. Wait. - - WF..iTEItN losraier - or AiiriEZt,h,"4l l l4l%l, of °Vance, LIMY. Tao undersigned Onto OW.. oOsta of np follttennat no o•Menee et WI.J.e • II ?gran.. Of Sao ..1•7 of PlvstonvatiOn W Coo-t 7 e. , Al:.. mm. anUrr: of jzosostrOna noaut• abed 'Attar. u t A% r . ttigitoem earner. Jo d H Rol IT. •Oadial inalan• a No. toyt•Lao sWe,d. TN THE MATTER OF Tar. •P -YONPL CATION of the PITTB.I7ItOR o BOP IMO ANL 1A.9, AIPRN3IIItuN let Charlet of .aeopTerztla. N. lee to luny ens to. t the *bee* easel Ameetntlee seer plzeu at Ni. W. December m arten . T, far • Chaster of otaeoporatlow: wOl be 61 , 110. ed 12.31 te . lll of &WI aClam. • IN I YE ftlivil TEII 01 , BUILD. INO &ND LOAN .11033U0IATION 103:11, of 114MINlitlaM. •it ente• lamb" elrev the , {be Knave Amnia- Una MN Spilled for s Chem, et Income slot. st Ile 111, 'Member term, lin, Common Pleas tenni. sad the eallnevel.t be ermine MO* rest term et eat* Conn, Scion eneept.oes vtLM JaCrittnet /Melt. • mil Ma Pratte:wisp,. RE WV STERN DISTRICT UP At Pi!tr4t v g i liztr!'. l 4. 0. 2%?. Tae snearamd • e .b 1 7. Mepu LOlUa. of Wwreaeaelae, to tae tea.. ,) of wile■ben) ae4 aorta of t•aaar)•eaala llhla 0424 Lt.trlet, who hen era w•odge4 gri`arA:llZ.P i ea.l7,2,"g""' .411:970 j" ltt; :Wig; .41.4? r. IttILMJEAM, L.titts Testainett. - Lary on ter alms XA CY Munet, Itlo .Lary 1 0 CEn ipmt , 011 r. a.ny cotsw. Pa.. 00. 400114. 6.100 M n gruted to Me mdereirsad, 01/ Deana, 10/.1,t. d 0 ula ON% •r• naestte. II Sake 15 - 00N1 ray.....t sod 1b.,. luvlas elal.• siplr st the W 4 same VII. pr.-cskt Um. Drolollll untleatieirilegre i sNevelti na. WHIM - Pa. EXECIU WS .NOTICIra•-•• T a:IV:31'141 Vlrilatar."JetZ:r U. of • °blest:owe. A iles•e•• co- al), . b•ll/alt staal•4 to tla• n•deregasa. all , Ivo. la dented ./. mall a. tate arc. ttd tomato Its• seed ate railsalat. aa• Ito • lumina clams will ••••••4 'ar•perla Ana... Mated tot Ma,- 1.1••••13. • Wits 011.61.11421, ZzemilOr.' boblanOWL' :oel Mal • WHEREAS. Letten Tettemen.' • oe e anat. of MILLIAM 7111. W late of trolon to M grotblo, Allegheny county, . OCO6ll3Ned baying beon (1 , 0004 10140 004:101 , Mated. ail remo% taoebted to tell e.tap en mounted. to mate tromedlate imYMO" sot Moe. bonne elatmalyal2l4.looll44 estate *LI rmeattllcas. propon7 aetbint u atte a d ii maes. mOkiehditT lexemltam. TOBACXIO.• CIGARS. Ito. JOHN MEGRAW; ltsaattoWeer at sad Wholesale WI Wall Dealer la all Made of Tobacco L Snuff and Cigan .12caur= •1t.1"" r ""!=7 2 `91."Vtf.1" 4 4 114"°' • EXCELSIOR WORM& R. & if ENKINSON, I= Tobacco, flitutr,lstg, a IFIDLIML SigaillNEl WEST COMMON rotte We. cm, Azr.anar wenurs. nary. onanst chwast of arw • • FICSIPS ALIVATIE Banos kuktm smear* mi man HZASTA ASO !TIP IsToNil3, PLASS , TO2 BIUZ-WALKS, egiIIVICAY VAULTS, Ar„,, &A t, HEADQUARTERS FOR *arm ilrltegisters and Ventilators, Mai .I.MM. Itsseratz Boma. It BISSELL & CO,S, No. *33 LTaIBTT T. El. El, ElF4:101N, Sealer of Welghtrand =Measures, as o irourrxr, errzeier, Mattoon Moir Taw meta, Melon oreakiaraturailse to. onne* D. R. EIMEK.E.EI,, CZM W) rj r i r AV 'XII 41. X LI 111 CRIIINEY ro py WAT vIPLX. Otc. a ll W•beso. IX Vtaalla Ilnanxnbals m.J.ni`bT ipALB h siosEn, .41.3Facoasc=ecicsorse, MTill.raierTHß,ll4gl_.?rld, TREES t TREES 1 TREES I A vary Imre *ton or halt ow , *bode Titer. Ziargrons s.ot uton Vlser, Ibr Mao by JONA lA* A. ircialotar .o• 57==! _7OHN PECK, oussaarr.NTAL . HAIN WORSIIII AND PIRPIRIIGII. OS rovnb airet. mot door DOM Woo.l. PlMlot. ditirlirrerraValif Ott ..trv . k., Topsoil. Scalp% ti CA. arvoollas. • good Floe La Cani wi l l`Do Om tor iv . . . Loth.' Sal ortililasi'll 114.1r-cattins ilicaUta be mutat,. max... . . . 41.1 , ..t • CHOICE rAltucr moU4 gat trom p.ti. White . RUM, Pt MIMI AU "WI itrw.narktt, rate; at • " 11111,1116¢11 TEL MAIST 95:Lilua*". mufti& MA.DIBON 4111642 f bo Jun ta 4•116,-ftliall /deralinow to Utensils 1 7 11 ssfelti a. : ,- /WIRMAX4 =0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers