El Ebt ITEIMAW- inapritam7its; D. THE AISIEASTY PEoCLareistnour. . .. • . If the Stake which' cs'rticipeted In the rebelliciiiiad been reorganized at pre scribed bribe, laws; it their respective delegations .had bean re-admitted "to seats in the two Houses of Congress; and if their several population; in.word. and deed;' were exhibiting - 6 restored loyalty; a Proclamation. of Amnesty, broad as that fumed by the President on Saturday last, would have been rewired with unmixed attlafsetiOn by the Vest body of the inhabitants of all sectioniof the country. .Hey, an untrerealAMMlS ty would not have mead essooeptabls. The dent has not only confronted and elied . the will of the nation, es es prefaed In the' taws, but his exercised a vast authority, his right to which is challenged, and is at best doubtful. ldocithis Amnesty he has questionably p almed,'• is not the.musurmation troll of a restored Union. but a ~means to fresh agitation; which may postpone that event. - . , If. It was conceded on all luMds that . the powers of Amnesty and Pardon are .Jcienticei, and belong to - the President, 'he would hill be 'open to the Imputation of grossly misusing or abusing the trust 1 confided to him, in what he has done- i If ho' an can legally proclaim Amnesty.' now, he could haen pm/aimed It the day after Antietam or Gettysburg, 'and In terms' including all tha °Marrs and men of laut'atirmy. The abuse of pew- - er in en Amnesty issued Martini now, is 'imply comparative. -: ... . Alit early as lean Congress assumid control over the whole matter of Amine. ty, by peering a law authorising the President tuptoclaim it, but Axing the oteaditionh.' Last Winter a bill was pass ed to repeal this law; which bill- was neither approved • nor vetoed by .the President, but became a law by not being returned to the Houle le 'Which It origi nated within ten daps after its passage. The Connotational power granted to the President is to "grant reprieves and pardons." The President and his advt. sers hold dud Amnesty is one form or Pardon... Congress holds Gull Amnesty L a greater power than Pardon; ' : hence not included in It, and can be oxen:lead only by the "sovereign power,"„ which Is not the President, but the ivies' Cate lives of the Blates-and the people, - . The President's: Proclamation, even if he had en undisputed right to Issue it, would be a flagrant dististfof power. It is not in the interest of loyalty; nor de - 7 signed to promote concord: . The inten tion of It waifn a bold and questionable way to frustrate the Congressional plan of reconstruction, by prematurely rester -Mg moat of the active and infleential men among the rebels to tke political rights end privileges they forfeited on. der the operation of the laws. The ef fect will be to let the rebels sit nuesstrra: biy in judgment In their cm' cases; to , exert a degree of potentiality in deter mining whether the Congressional plan of resbitrallon, shall f stand or be wept awry': It puts them on theisme footing as the men who fought the battles of the country, even while the questionsgrow ing out of the war are. stillpanding. It is a direct deltoids to Congress and to the loyal constituencies represented . . Theileasident may be Zursty..paision ate ind unstable; but there ale about him, and in his confidence, inspiring him with their ideas, and shaping him to their ends, •a number of men of supe rior caper:lV:era rialtnie.:.-These.men believe that all the government did in putting down the rebellion was done in virtue of authority found outside the Constitution twilit the -tationalmner ' genby: If they Make any distil . meths between the loyal and, disloyal, it is to exculpate the rebels and heap unstinted smile* do those - who combatted them. Their most ardent wish is to lisnlstr from power the men who sued the govern ment, and to install the - inders of the rebellion In the nested seats. Having the; President under] their influence, they mean, while despising him, tomake the most out of him they can. ' So far Congress has shown much less tut, energy, decision and courage than these men. When the Scams should have noted, they were content to con sume weeks and months in talk to no suhstantial sad. Many of the leaders thereof permitted themselves to be doped hit° half =Mauves or no meas urer, at all, appearing not to comprehend the forces with which they were deal ing, *if the malignant drift .the Itasca tin was lirmariing to Public affairs. What was euy for Congress to do be fore, Is more difficult now; but we trust thst enlightened by experience the per iod for faltering hie goisa prisstastw., Whatever dialinte - there they be as to the possession by Nsrozion 111, of the inbelectual qualities .usential to high stateamanshfp, nobody &labia his hav ing, in s large degree, the lesser endow ments which constitute tke natural &tit of a Politician., Self:confident, unscrup ulous; akinfuliathe , oonciasiment of Ids opinion's's& parpnees, magi, to,acispt himself to all aintingenciet; and adroit' in making the best that can pciesibly be made u matters stand, he is always, a central. figure In European , politi c.; object of interest, if not of solicitude. Bellied in the negotiations ,with 80-31A8C1C 31A8C1C which preceded the campaign of Pmeabsagainst Aaotda , end constrained to accept, with aneppearance of placid ity, accomplished facie most unpalatable to himself aid Prance, he has ever duce been contriving how to prevent dui far dor end complete- Indication of Ger many, which would be so mu dis ' trona to hie dynasty as well as to the istedomixonce . of France in the affair's of In Mance:at Interview with Passim' aseristliety.two hatched a nice swinge. moat, which had only . the one iroinven. Bence that it would not work u content • plated. Thia ems to group the South .. Ginn= Stites around Austria. There wit to . nivelty la this conception. It wee IncorPorited low* OrPf-ao o which terminated the ressent,Gormanic war. Wheukit was first brought for ward, Francs accepted it because It held a word of promise to the Ur - eccoident withlts daises. Austria welcomed it because she saw in it a lope—the bare possibility' of an accomplishment 'par daily favorable to her hereditart prate:L. dons.. Prude onstured becinsepesco bad Isioculle at'usoellawi uonditicis for r°44duE what 14 woe 11 Y- battle, sad because, as she 'mounted the strength bf the popular eentimeatde mending national consolidation, it wee -apparent the project could never be lie dee/WU a Mitt]. The interview between the Preach and Amain Emperors' seats thrill of aaaletrthrouihoul .aurilfe-' The first limuunion seemed to be thuthe print,. -and people of t4eSoith-German Steno could wit' Teed' the. deltiiiiinido n of these twolnen.. The event' has Proved otherwiee. ' Evan tie!' interposition of Prance' in the antra Of.43o7nair was promptly regarded as an offense; sad bum nolo of the States have ratified the fresh attempt to dividend distract Moreover, Giese eenuusto be abundant reasons Ow believing that a large major itrof the people of Austria, while feel ing a ileitis', suaclunenttothe reigning family and a strong <Mire that it shotid recover and hold the headship of Ger many, are animated by enlistees* desire that theisolidisiti of the German people shall be achieved, Es statterundor what leadership. There are indication that a martial alliance botrun Easecre J & earn and Itlioiees tio diVide'Germang --IdA6sPli ficialdialiaetaUpbalions oltweakirlinit 1a tht:halic of the Au, Ulan people ranging themselves openly on the side of Prussia. .What was to be anticipated under such circumstances has actnally hap pened.; the fresh negoilail°°'tortatze ICI Bouth,German Confederacy have taken such 4 shape that the French Minister of Foreign Affairs has addressed notes to the Pllll3/6/2 government with which It is istisfild. Finding be cannot do vrimt lea would, N.krOISON his made up his mind, like any common mortal, to do the best be can under the circumstances. Stip, there seems to be no diminution la French warlike preparations. There - 6n be no doubt as to what is signified by the unwonted activity witneued In inwards, depots and eneutipromats. French vanity has been deeply touched by Germany; not by invasion, or menace, or dlapiragetnent; but by the marvellous development of nationlity.. Germany seems to stand between France sad the and this 13 sot' to be endured. Fronts lout dominated Europe most of the time for half a century. She fur molly, proclaimed the abrogation of the German emplie, and wiped it from the =Pei :,Yet that empire, without her leave; claims the right to be. From the ashes in which it wax entombed it has arisen into new life and startlin;g con spicalty. Its treadrt acquired greatness throws France into the shade. There are portents of still grander .ielevatlon, even tOthe constituting of it the colossal power of Europe. It in not enough for France to be powerftil. Sheds so great that nothing contents her but to be su preme. She can hold fellewitdp with no equal. What this morbid seatbnent may lead her to the future only casi dig. close. FARM, GSUDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. rillSeealw liras* Laud,. • The iTstem of fall seeding to crass Is beginning to be practiced In some ides and with the best results. The sys tem to which we refer is the *wing of grass seeds eapanttnly or not in connec tion of grain of any. kind. The usual practice tato seed with some crop Hade r impresahlln that th e grain not only serves a good 'purpose In pro, tectieg the 'growing plants, but that the land in this way is made to yield an an nual crop which would not obtain If nothing but grass Hod alone were 'own. When grass seed is "own with spring grains there Is &liability of its not taking well, and See frequently get a light crop of grass the following year. This, it is claimed, can be avoided by fall sowings . The land is plowed in August or Sep. timber and a toplresaing of well rotted manure or compost applied, the land thoroughly harrowed and fitted for meadow. The grass seed is then sowed and covered with a bush or light harrow end the soil rolled. The September rains bring up the seeds and_ it gets well rooted before the setting Matron. The next season, shoat the latter part of Jaly, a good crop of bay is taken off. Thus nothing is lost except the fall feed, and on land requiring plowing this is of little value. The rotting eod and the compost added, make a deep filth which will y ie ld several good crops, and when - these be gin to fail the land is treated in the same way again. There is great difference of opinion as to the beat way of keeping up meadow; and in seeding them down. Upon stock farms many contend that no croppays so well as grass, and that when the laud needs breaking up the sooner it can be got back into grass the better. In other words, permanent pastaresand meadows are sought; and no attention paid to a regular rotation of mope When with a system prevails, the usual or common practice ie to break up,putting the land the first year to cora. The second year spring grains are sown, and the had seeded to grams at the same time. It is evident under this system, unless con siderable quantities of manatee be need, the land must be somewhat exhausted of its fertility. The grain cropshave robbed it, and it goes back to gram less able to yield a maximum- crop than when first broken up. The plan indicated of seed ing la the fall, it will be seen, eono mires all the elements of fertility stared up in the soil for the grass crop, and as experience has shown, gives larger re turns in grass at a less expense of ma nures then by- the other method. By it you get a continuous crop of grass year after year, which is often of much ac count when the lands devoted to meadow are limited, and when any Materiel r_duction of the bay crop is attended with the inconvenience either of reduc ing the ordinary stock or the purchaseof hay or its equivalent in the other kinds of cattle food.. These considerations hay. led many fanners to change from tha commoa sYstam of seeding to this, and after test ing it thoroughly, baileys it is an im tiPortant Improvement over the old prac ce- They urge, in addition, that there is more lehmre in *must and September for getting the ground - into nice condi tion for meadows, and that there Is leas liability of having the work imperfectly dine on account of the weather than there la in the spring, when often haste Is necessitated in order to get crops into the ground in mason while not unfre gam:Lay, the soil mo at be worked when too wet, - leaving the surface In a poor condition far the seed bed. It Is a good custom to roll 2111411dr In hr the spring that were seeded the pre vious autumn. preues Into the soil muy roots tbst are thrown up and would otherwise perish, and leaves the surface to good Condition for the, scythe sad rake. Litaring realtsy Wheat screenings and cracked corn, I find to be the bestadapted Iced for Weir der; this should he fed to them u often as twice a day. ' , while -In the interim something shotad, be placed at their plea sure to pickat. I dissent from the idea that fowls should ever go hungry In or. der to grow fist oi to lay eggs. I have never learned bow to fatten or bring fowls into& parturient condition by feed• lug little or nothing. Broom-corn seed, well ripened, affords my fowls &constant sepply of wholeeome and cheap pro vender, for banoh;between their regular feedings of screenings er cormand I find my corn and buckwheat, etc., do not disappear so quickly by veniclotumess an where they have to reiywhollyon stated feeding • s. • Good authorities have laid down one rule among many good ones, which I appeal from to the good Seatle of tog brother poulterers, so far; leant, as it I regards growing champ, that la; "Werner keep feed before them all the lima" Workbag on the system of he man physiology, this made vary well; but an infant relieves its sustenance when it ale/ for 14 rbelleve oar Infant &Wks= being able to help themselves, without crying for It, 'should be permit ' ted to do so. Belled feed, such as pota tees and meal; with small or large pieces of meat, as an be &forded, hasten the growth of poultry vary much; use as mush pepper, and a Mar more than would be pleasing to oar palates as sew ' oning; but It is almoit useless to say to any one, use no salt. Farmers whe make their own butter, and have soar milk, should remember to divide a part of this refuse material with the hens, for, 1 white : pigs make the ham, we cannot 1 hovel= and eggs without the hens. _ There certainly is a great difference in fowls . about tutoring, and without stating any particular preference en this article, I will remark, that for early cueriet nsei, the Asiatic varieties are the best. Yellow- created poultry, on sc. count of its rich appearance always brings the highest price 111 market; sad I the. reverse of this is the cue, in many markets, with eggs. In the cue of the meet, the only difference Is In the Imagi nation; while, In the cue of eggs, imagi- Cation is greatly at fault ifi making choice of white shelled eggs, for the yel low shell is a mark of great er nutriment . es rullyyellow corn contains ' more oil than the whit* flint variety.--Gorres• pledgee* Opuntry alma/non. —• The T:eloakee. Ply or MOler* A tobteeo planter relates the follow ing aipperience and succesa In the des traction of that pest to the crop—the nothanother of the tobacco worm: I33rin ,111 e all other tobacco planters, mitered for years by the ranges of this deitnictive'and annoying insect, I pro ceeded to Watch . Its movements sad As certain its habit& I found It trammel) , fiord of staking at the bloom of the Jamestown,mere generally speaking the "Janson" weed, wild morning glery, etc. but especially the former, Accord ? lag.y, at the lame of setting out the plants, I set out among them some eight or ten "liaison" plants, which, like the other evil weeds, grew up sod bloomed Just in timelier the objects ofthiscuu of an inject.4procared from a druggist &horn ca of pulverized Dy. pew. der, or dy e ne, mixed It with water, making It vary 'watt with hottey,(sugar orimmuses will do u well,) put it .10 a ball aka tattle with a cork stopper. into whia I. a geese quill. Thus armed and e tapped, I wentjtvery even In. 'betimes sunset. and 111111glet and dropped a three rdnme- Or Sae lain. tore into the bloom of the "Jimson,” and the next day would pick np band fails of the insects lying dead under the nearest trees, or in the corn field close to the tobacco patch. So eminent was my success in destroy ing them that many of my neighbors were induced to try the experiment, and the consequence is that the crops in our neighborhood are much less injured by' them than usual. The poison destroys that particular . ..doom . as well 10 the fl y. Seeing this, I no every evening and drop it into the new ones which form In the next twenty-four hours. If every plan ter would follow this practice, that par ticular race of destructive insects would soon become extinct. My crop this year has so far been pro tected by this process as scarcely to show that such an insect existed. at all, and if no hail storm or otheracCident overtakes It before cutting and housing, It will be entirely frig from Injury of any kind. All the trouble I hayo had with it is -destroying. the eggs..laid by flies from other places, as they are known to fly as far as a mfle, and to fly stout and de posit their eggs all night of moonlight nights. This process of getting rid of so great an injury to this most important crop, being within the reach of every one, it will be nnirentally practiced, I hope thus enabling a planter not only to raise as mach again, but better, and. escape that most tiresome and back-breaking procesi of worming tobacco. Grawtrur Sugar Sesta. From experiments made in Belgium, it appears :that the planting of sugar beets upon ildps Induces a better grotith of the plant, vrith less interruption on account of the. leaves than by - Gat ma— nure. The advantages claimed for this system of planting are, that in stony soil - it mellows a huger amount of ler tile matter, while in light soils the mois ture is absorbed in greater quantities, enabling the roots to go deeper into the sub-soil. It is claimed, also, that the culture in ridgei require leas manure than on a flat surface, more ground being re quired to contribute nutriment to the plants. 'llurt they may be cultivated with more ease, and with a greater economy of labor, upon ridges, we have found in our experience, since the plow or horse • hoe may be ust4l earlier along the rows, thus reducing hand-weeding in the space along the line of the rows. A farther advantage of ridge planting claimed is that the plants grow. longer and send "heir roots deeper, thus suffering less from disease, heat and rain. In addition, the roots yield a larger per centage of sagas and starch. We regard the beet as one'ot the most nrolltable roots that eau be grown for stack feeding. The labor of cultivatioa is much leu than for the carrot, and the crop is leu liable to be attacked by In secta mid thereby loot, than the turnip. They are more easily harvested thaa carrots, and are of more nutritive value than turnip& The mangolds are excel lent keepers., which is an additional et , gninent in their favor. Whether the beet may be grown profitably for sugarmak. ing, in this State, is a question which is yet to be.soload. . iIiLT I 'r'r C. j The Gardener's Monthly recommends autumn planting for asparagus, stating that actual experience shows it to be not only feasible, but letter than spring planting. .The ground is prepared as for the crop at env other season, and after cutting off the green lops of the young seedlings, the reots are set precisely as In spring planting. They push new roots at once and make eyes so strong that even from one year old setdlinmt some uparagas•—bat not, of course, very strong—kas keen cut the following spring; and when two years old roots have been need, a full amp kubeen cut in the same thrus—a result no one expects from spring planting. The editor rereads that within the last two years he has watched expert= meats made by wend gentlemen, on planting asparagas in. Amps; and, the result is a remarkable atoms. L A writer In the American Journal of Horlisulturs adopts a plan in budding rows which greatly expedites the work, and is attended with complete =MIL Instead of either' but or worsted com mon adhesive plaster is substituted. In this method no tying is necesury, the plaster adhering at once exactly when, it is required. The plaster used la the common adhesive plaster bought at the shops, stud . the writer states that by its use the budding is performed with - great neatness and exactness as well as rapid ity. This would seem to be an improve ment our the old practice, and may prove a useful hint to those who. cold. vide roses. COVE DYSPEPSIA CURE tts awe. field semi the Masa. . Co.'. Dyspepsia Cunt 1 a soVorola Mad/ tot all diseases etas sunaach and boala. Co.'. DYIDGPIII4 Can awes face ad an. Lot lase allista PIM MU =Waiter lt.' • Ca's Xnastada Can eons lastaalaaeoall. ad you do at aro to tale a nook to oft Di drat. Ckoen Dlnpolwlit Cturols the rentoalayprtls, 411/u ktlinril; It MOS only cream tho appetite. but enables ;on to un.147 414.4 lon rood. MEMIMMI Dlspepals Care Lan Invaluable Medd to all who are weak., dabllltats4 and low state of sormal salon. ' . sr ems •gun, for Zittilmro raul JOSEPH PLEXIDID, Druggist, 1=22:1221 • AILE YOU BILIOUS? . liiellltudea et bath males lON saneer ltd cue.. ilea la the allnastlve ; t.t. Dart to di...en •t the eta:Lath. liver eamplelate wales the most mutest . 01 all Interest elem.. Ito mat reliplothe an a yelletelth %this la the white• et the eyes. eepeolally near the latter comets, ea ue.gat allibtle pant al 110.11U111 la the right Lie, vela bet.•.a the themes. blades, eltx headache. lesidtadal lath e appetite aad Inegatatity of tb. bowels.. Whoever reeegalses thl. 41theeal• is ...Wage* hlavaa ao.dtU may lea gate car- Pala that mare blip exist. la hi. blood sad Wes puma namel eta towels MAU te pedleat fee Ws tuella. and that DIP Ile. :maim Wales mid reaulattht. Om at the special am et. 11031 . 112111'11E1TTZES la to aunt tut rub animalee as this. Its tonic arinolpie roues the liver from Ile torpor, ”d Its aperient aliment gently relieves the In teatinal emit of Ins Li:erotism consequent upon it , rillteleurrmliOlT or maturew cathartic, the till.. Perseus of billane hum will Init it the beet Reinhard easiest the litigate towillon they are oesslttetioually predispeeed...ann aboali carefully arottt all the ordinary *Enchain, Elm* Cants. CORE OF FISTULA Ds..Z.zrsts x I vents to nun Ton for Tow Ittaelass. 441111USCI museums of sty CIP use, for which /Called to onadt you some thao 10 January tut. Toa will remeatom, that / had a orrepllutlen of amaze.. which dully wiled la • tortltdo ia, wklah had belga odrlsod to not alma" on mooont • i hensolag mash, wirtal It was land might, &Mice ay lead. I law Oa Ills tutelar a do of trestUe wet Ilk. Wu was he a <Attlee alleatlea. waleh, 12 eaceemf.l at all, would suturally throw the Qua. opal lig /alto or some other Thal eau. ea await of medullas of Um outs aid the lounedista ohetk to • .Wham whlch I was amstulhed to bottom was • ab ase Itrarlatat of Nalaro beget ad a some mar. bad undltlea la the sisal. I tool penally maladyd that your method of treatateat,: porl. mpg m lb.system. and Mot OOMMIOd. to the fistulas. , PM. Mat stm, If anythLui male, 1 without 0014100, latch' dal It ltd. and 1 am happy to rePert myself won In am 7 hallealar. with armadas sad better hoalth Was I hue had far sun. 1 weal. also ado tau the applua Man 701 Md. were ilmOst plant. es , ' ad has left We • now mu, with all the snails. as . ylser of round beach. • • Tom; gratetallf. • o—. Dr. X.Tw's eonsallatjal ones as Ito. la run area. Mm2l.tawattl 4 p. 1.34v01 1 113.0:9414'3 , '.1:44iii:11 WY. JIN Admit Awes, Q. *4,54 arm; to on onoOloAsonol to mow adanitowforthe 4morrri and ali otha• s throw/hod Pri MORI BOW wad Ow GEL POSSIBI, & RES, No. 62 FIFTH ST., HA semoet TE eee THE eutesvime h TO Shell. emblem ead the b. Ho Wee 7 he,* received their eereoplete sto u ck Fall Woolens, .West of England, . Scotch and *Vouch, Coatiop and Candmetres, • Shit, nab and Velvet . Vestings flan the Lend MA beet nlectloo of riecli Ire Ons one beton lotrodond this narks% IMPOoIItD IOATHZIOCESuUnTtntIInkIa. Notwltbatuultso tam blob win or Itopertod oonog patratonol nook tor catty Teo onnostiod to au ooporlor daoemota to at .0. nay Inn us telta .then Dotnoon, wilco Calit.olllel la by to tlitlX 10Toolago. Tinning eon Ontonero for LI. nil Mtn! aPlon lOW taro monde& to wanolla Ike path we oadoaror to moult coo i mood .11.1.stion la too funs; Of VOW Woo. Etta ton to thou novannewat. 11.1111 f. 7/LICIFI. ltsatakort TAlLtuut. • 40 nab stmt. .a4Vi t rill FILESII - macnSALLMsON/ i n t / aa4 r lh ta plaf cklieles, oliviioU, lanes. Immo wimps. A ISITZ: U 1114111130; • ritilielall• 0006 Itaa. • is* ATRG : •. i • G . 4:110 c. • • S .• , SEiTEMIIKEt 10, 1867". fctENCH OF BETS LOST.—on A. O Cicadae two weak, ago. was tool. Bunch of Firs Stye, Between Itancbaeter sad Alheft.). The Soder am <oaf., rarer HOSP I T AL. oover ho b ..lt theta at the .HOHINIC 2110:1 TO G IVAAIIIEUTAL OF maim E, HOUSTON & CO'S, r gEtlla ` it . ,T r e r flit, = i °47l eo tall o f M u omoiler. :too - titles la CLOTHS. ( 7 ...... 1 311/Z71123 mit VILOTINS. rfloo• Teem reamcable sad to milt Um Unfoo. actoo 8 20 REWARD.—STOLEN from the pieture Oeld of the deduct nod, on last Tuesday nhrlst. A LIGHT ICED COW, toe Years old and Wing milk: expected to be trellis noon. .Any one 115101 Won:11.11On of Dar or arreerine the Wet. reerdre the above ward. T. W. 6 / 1 &W. Wales naves . YIIIe, .I.l.leibety Co., p STORE STAND MDR RENT Tbs old eetabllabed STURM STAND of William Bite, de eaued, at Zit Watwrford. Jan Isla eoniity, pa-, will be rented mi reasonable ten... from one to five year.. It 1e wall wetted la • thriving eittameatty, nail always commanded a " Mi ' e. l 2P*lso 'nifty or =OAS 00004 lately purchased. on bend, 101,1119,111bn sold 04 wmlesale.at a great bare/du By WarentanW the geode ;soundest of the Bland wi ll be glean Im mdiately. AppacatlOß to Denude to 4. X. MORRIBON, or Mew. Ma/SY 11/EIK, selfilld at East Waterford, daulate DUPONT% GUNPOWDER. This wall known Powder Is pot nti In patent metailic tan. and I, tharefare safer to handle tralarbit Mum •••^lea kegs, and haring beam la 00. by the pantie and that/or. ointment for over sixty yens, needs po olo.o rtmisamendation as to tu tty. bossy desortptlon at tirUltalliG, and its. 0.10 111 Mt aim wham. always on band and tarsals from Maaasines at the LOW" Zs? MASMSXY Sta2/1:16 D. W. C. BEDWKLL & CO ., 00r. Water at. Sad Many All." •410:1111 OONDTIOTED OB .THE ZIMPSIII ST. JAMES HOTEL, No& 405 & 401 Liberty St" • °Matt* the tralint Depot, PII7IIIIOIIIIB, PA. JAMES K. LAN &Kik Prioprletor. trtivse It sliner baltt and spltuildly ttlthadotad coawneent to el thy metros& et.- iWttlNailiTtgr. LOlll%.""tlittTgrlVl welt. set.s. MICE TEI CORBY, No. 2 St. Clair Street. NEW CROP FINE TEAS, KEW CARGO FINE TEAS SEWN. AT NEW YORK PRICE ladanekevu ofernt W larti ton 1¢11111.114 darERIC4X TE.et CO., No. 111 ST. CLAIR IrflUtri. anntaarrta DTA/WISHED Ins. BOITIZIS PITTED ur WITH Hot and . Cold Water, dcc., By Iliperleveett .11 yruU•sl workmen. JOHN H. TATE, Piansther and Gaa Fitter 227 L lbarty Street, Pittsburgh ; and a Federal Street, Allegheny. ===l TWO STOAT BRICK DWELLING, r.gicteil=axl flea mal..e. llecond WILL BC SOLD CHL&P, lh ,onak.uo.k. STEEL & WILSON, • atolrin sad Erg istal6 Aae.U. No, 04 Badtallakt meet. CM WRITE, ORB & CO., rni. 6le Sava Jul? orzarat a LARGE 1510141111ZNT or NEW DRESS GOODS, Which they Offer at Lew Meer, HAZARD POWDER. T AM NOW PREPARED TO 0ha1 . 7 Wet mottos,. .11 tot large or orders - EA .man TAltWd CELEBRATED POWDEIL erder. lett at or soot 07 :WI b ouidoiro. ran. It? and 174 7.CLIJUL !TIZZY, Alio. StiOx7 City. 70., or to 1411 153COND rltitOnrok. r... will rose.. 'wows Wootton. j' . AIRTIME KIRK. AT ELTON'S. OLIGAZD THIO DAT Hamburg Edgings, French Cambrk Bands, 2'uckird Skirling*, . rictorie Lawns, AS 17 r/ rlll. 11111.11:27 NOTICE to THE HOLDERS OF BOUNTY BONDS, flamed ay b Illeboal Board Of the ruts Bars. Clio of Alborgo.lo7. Parties holdloir lands arlabora as riAlorr.. Cp. BT. TO. 71. 07. 100, aro hereby awl. iled to present. them so r. attRIVILA. /Om.. for rOl.OOlO. at Choy will cow to boor bum. oat from talothoo By color 0. Ike Othool .ftord. c ,o_oo.ll. rrirldeat. Ailri ll arry. • DOPE SPICE MILLI. z. s /1312(1.1.1%....".......C.A. MAW. aurazzir.azer a 111 2141rErra. Mammon ler.T. D. Diked, lit.. .Meter... and Dealers la IC kind. atarillte •NIJ cuurrzu i:td'Art:,'`, (31 2:41.?,!gt Mal elan Gala l. amnia( data la order rdigr W tar " r7t GOUBLAY BROS., • SEW anurecTußzu 27 Barclay St., near Church It.. 22.701ar . 31. E.—Prim LIM mnat iriantlionlaw. amaze WASHINGTON WWI qtreet, nor Mk* Nail limier. • W. W. ABIDERSON, Mann fnetnrnr nt_cifmr Oran NYS YLOITE :autvrautt„..uwagtivlrkv.: Coat saann, on sbon netleo. SCHOOL HOOK& thaltAtrattUartniX4=‘b men., varchmenr. II the Jowl.{ Maas or INVlnigr6l7 /. l6 gTitgaln =mink); rtMatisitfigiedir u'a""" AU MnT 6.114T0WS 113 Tkinkl A . IL MAGILIOJEIar. lb. 9$ rourth lifireet, migracemig.reistas tra asur/ANONA2 ZMN sikalt.hataf! gr atw aIAYILIga L AII ) ,W,WMA : TILINIMLY anurtaatlY 6amd. F. AUTOS, xicca.urtoAr. A3D zmanozzam o DRAFTEMA.N. Ice—Cor. 11111, /Lark.' , JOHN PEClit OHNApiHEarrAL Amallart . tt. ea: lien Leg ' Wood. r t i ek r g altar greinines,Ml4==4 Trirr=shkeel trlin, %%OP fealleasallialr-caill.; ktona tia N. nyteat Inaalter. 'GEORGE HEAVEN, CANOE INIAINUCTUREit, . dies ktlggrr i t n eireut /HUM IpJAL 11211 MILT. miond LW' 1;w tits • SI6,(XxTO LOAN, °Lim Ain YOXTVAIM JPZIT9rIr, 111. N lbalthield Stmt.' iitatalaubt gel& ,1813 SCREENS or A XXV lITTIA ,W=.llJa 4411+Uasi all /1144 W tM irisumurteraixr. .1011 ! 111 , 11K1111 .‘ i XI% • FARM WANTED. PROPOSALS ABE • INVITED '" salt .m be ~.dyed by the Dlrecters el tho row of TAO City of Lllegledy. watt WOND/T. the 14th day of (hardier. 107. for Ore oriroly4 of • PARK UT TRIM 051 TO TWO HMI. DYED ACRWS, In Allegheay 0.0•t7; for the Virliorse of erecriad thanks • Hone for 'Meaty Peer. praremeirwal be ea*n t• the =meths eharacicristlea Lceeseihutty. hood soil, rem. Nllly of elltivalloo, braiding aSti.. /immune, cam, amid synods of Anillottat ed/witY ( *.Card • eonetiat sootily of rraioro Propeeare to be tolled zed endordsd .. Protroi We for a Perin i , ' lad addrersed to either IMO. 011/11T, JOHN 11. 1.1.111 ks or P ht, 111:111DOCT, Directors of the Poor, or they Melt. eddrtimod to K. Me00ld:11111.4, isecretarf of C. Baud. Ofilce, Lard nary. City Hall. By order of the 00 0:f11 , FOLLESITOI9 , IS” FREEPORT BARRED FLANNELS We are Avers for the rale of Ws weU•knewy wake, FULLERTON'S BARRED FLANNELS Bold at ulll yrfu, .trielly coMmlza We have Una day accepted the /civics or the ."OREEISPIILLE WOOLEN RILLS" W. cu... CO., &ad ara preparal to . sell at MILL MITE. - BRRINVILIB BARRED FLANNELS. BAB ODURTRY BLAIIKEZE. Thee Flannels ars 34 inches adds. the heaviest Scoured Flannel in the tnarket, and iathitudeany itga:rll-Z i r3%) ° 4 174 iv:a:at Ire nenver am at K ILL trice, • saving to begets et freight Lad charge. assurnnar.anaaraoar a co., W11,11.16.16.LA D61.11006/4 satellaW7 160. 116 Wood Street. rlCUttnrigh 1 1 TO TEACHERS. W ADE ANALYTIC AL SCHOOL erutde.t !!'46rtinileit.'. I seo Naarsq." ere 140 W BEADY rod the use of the series embreceD ANALYTICAL TIENT NEADER. M ewes, 10 too. Mee, 21.1. ANALYTICAL ONOOND MIMI/A 1110 lows, lame. Price, We. ANALYTICAL TIED BEADLE, ICI pages, toms. De. ANALYTICAL PO turn' ar.A.Dut, WarA.:Priee, 90e. ANALYTIcALItEADZS, 1110 Pee., Lone. Price, AM. LNALYrio.t., sixvit ILEAC IL 464 Irmo. Prlce.ll.lo. .ILIALYTIUAL or/MINA 1011 CAW" Dreo. Price f 9 PeU IDADING trams; I clam. Deafened te occessow , the Anatetteelnes4. en. Mowed on [mai! modem. Imerd, 111 / 11 tDoTalir e lh.IEDEN. fa elegeetlf Prlnted colored cerds, 3..5e Is. nob, eecooo B=l.r.:a m .P .4 .lfL u uraigiiriatai. Thew 'Laden we roilesed to present IMP.' toot Improventems. and orathlos greater cwt. I .ooa. then Soy Merlons wets of the elem. DepeeteDy thee we wettest boon. the melt re extended Rad western' areedence le the wow-row. They are manufecurec la the meet attreettra Dod lost 'wow. To feellltate examinetton, the reloletters 10/Imed. Wt. )104, to ur teacher Delis copy of 0100 r eaCli of the Keeling Beata 'cot tooludang the grte".?7 Neeolce Lemons" or 4. oencenze quer 000 welpt of half WI mice. ente?L ' i c e. ' .lllll4t erl ' inntA P D e rto e o an7 4 ::f destrlog It. - • MASON' lINANITINAIs DM BROADWAY. NSW. YOUR NABOB L HLMI4It. 1M Tl 4 oat BA, Boston sADISAA Adam4a O. B. Woodworth & Rothester Climatical Works, bet 111.113 It 115 Ithla Pmt, EMAIL/TEN. 8. Y. - , N. T. 07110/4 11191111Broadwar. " A VI aral .rat, ro .21 4 r.qtpile+ — l4 = P , r4 . t` Pr,i;;Er,,,, xkrvittl 4 , - I• go ns• • .111 es •Lainteo rt Penp.:l seLo allivaad ttnajai pa. iromtip 1.4.1 MU, .31171.1111/1111113.1 agafaq . 4 1.°1 NI 0, growl In Betanj.loa 114VIOAPOOhl REELER a WILSON'S Iligheat Premium Gold.Meda - • 4,lit '4 : : /: ti" . SEWING MACHINES, 15•1.oroom, a. al 1 1 / 1 1716T. Nat - 0 1,12.111' T 1 Asl4 A • .. . 211 /4 . 011.....11. 0. BALTON SITE, SEATON & SEATON, Local Collecting Agents, are. I •T. mats errasisr, knp runs. 13=1 41114.1.tn,TATur" Zl4ll`'''' )4Mtal RIM PAPER HANGINGS, FOP RZCZLIT6O, 1F GRIMM VAZI.CIT, £ No. 101 Market Street. .1011. R. RIJOHRS t SRO. Baum! mucus THE CBABTIESS VALLEY BRICK COMPANY Prnund liccant 13 Pt I a , Onnatitlon. at • TIEDUCCD raze.. • large stovk always on baud at their 1211 1 1/ 4 aTAMM6 11. T. ILL2IIII/Mr. .teat. EMETI THE PITTSBURGH Stun Brick lianlicturing co. ili unmato cuti Iromo adasooot:to city Tula _ppy., snit Uno,rmltC_ stlastALHNIUt. rain " r ft" w'"'D • a. nowsow, w. W. DIIRCB/121.D.. Vim. ?mildest sad Tresasier. JUT ItEpEITItD, AT rnm ROBERTS & BEERRATT'O WIIOLXSALS £3D KITAIL El, kw ill hut M, Wart Lufkin 0 .1111111:1111LYELLM IT., A ass ragV /es Ira, jc i rlakarAt tits*. sa, Se estUsystites (Soles. r, we 1e%. " ..4 • di MI 1131. o Roowforsilohloceood Al.oonaolasetaroro of LIIIDIZZXN'S COOLTati APPAL-TVS, IN sesta, Verna. Igo; sedates, , is. halms G.nAl DRILLS, • FANNING DE11.48, mail ate CO! vot) ME! name. iiiitreacqr collateral, AT 819 unfarr ,STREET, rirreattaciti, rA., '• Orat ths Weal tl COLtrithiAAA, .QlllO. W. W. WALLACIO. b.„ RATILFrtI'd 141111 ' 1 3 1 : liTimpawaßPNlf -2,„altniriati.at ale LlBllM7'mama P. • RTEAN autnekr. AND NIA 11- to -rdar. ilgitz g*iraggje ta i;tr ! _a_Trg BuntLfid alts suku n tles al hnent, 11. 14. Itr i va n p n . eft, .old to Ude .I.l4l :irtgitainglig '77,731; fIitruWITTNA. A vr. W. wALLAcz. THOS. OA.R.LIN, nun nil Nunn noun 10111, n.NDOWLY PUL Ifr atiTt iw iLLIVIR L CM IiAbirt. MYNVIS,I.4IIaintIATS, Li, ot all slags. {MATZ BANS, WAG°N, Wit atiTrit Rill * o l f Irllag • Cos. KIISSALANN. • ram Bind, between Timm/ and Gibatnnin ennsalti and Dealer In Hardware. I Base = AL now. _"'"'" L •lowi r MOTIII, g;iirn;CFraIIiMPUILDINGI Nog. Cr, 1 117 1 12 1 te nn.4 11 4d i lik OWE fnK 0" c A l t re n. L inea Tit VI -Z rtga :1 4 41 1 17 4 tt a te Mn r a tFal MI O&M O" itdii liner au . azuri h , AN ORDINANCE tor the Ora toxItreIIAWDIVIV'AWINOM STREIT and lIIPALSO ALLET. In the YorouCh of Lawresteville. encrtOrt I. de en ardatard and medal by the ltnrfese waft Thaw (Malt bby IlorsYab ar Lewes...WM. and W hereby essabitY by lAyytvg ,of maw. Thar trie ntreet Germmlttee it sad mei Sr. bushy mbar - Led and empow ered as Milts sad rem Iva proaouls Dr the Er. OM. paving and tertian ot Et Mary's amine. from Me Wittsbardh and kireeßlollllg taraynke read, ms tam. to wed, alley; Zee. atter.. to drums. streeM (Marione street. ;ma Allen otreel Se Walawright street: sad tor tot dtwittOt :gal:Vga t '" ; %TM wit. tat lowest lid beat d ennisra:as ' their dlir. C7CIIO. - • . HIM I. That the 'este and ereensee of Radial sale/streets sad alley shall be maid In the metes 32,,1=. *,t74l,°:ll"lrg: •Vr= 7 2.d.7`g fraying the cost. sad expenses of petted and eartdoessid streets se] aley, Mere be and there leboreoy the a *rectal tax. to be Gluon? ta booed on the Kt eval lots boundler aye absttion andLt4 stoevt and co l en oreportiox to the obent aad coprised mad bounding abutting ea worasert. bin. Inat as eoon so the costs and expertise of Amid Improvomerds apt Indy asoortelnel by the Borintels /augulator, it eltall be Ills duty to mimes apportloo tbeeameael.ep [be several lot bolder* to .P../ lloy, according to toe rale herelubofore Men. tee. ale thereupon to give tittle. thereof to ate owner or elentirs of sold let or 101 l respeettvolv. or to the otteep.l, attinteor g Karel.. of socle• WlC.sled Make return Of said assessments to eaer of said boroeoh. St. That It ehall be the city of 'Po Tres/i -nner tbe return ea made to cause notice to be Style to Oho several part!.. on Whoa ...al iments mar be lands oe a/emulate. that 111211K4 the amount therm( Is bald to In tblrly dty• arum such not lee. they will Sewreceeded agatatt lo the manner provided by Ordained Ana enacted Into • leer this Ott) dr; of !lePtember. A. to. UM_ . . . J. n. BUFFUN, Mures. Attest—M. J. mcc.vrx. Gold Pens, Foley's make, waran'd. Bill Books, rasa Books; Check Books on all the Banks; Time Books and Memorandums; Adams Express Receipt Books; Ledgers, Day Books, arc., on hand and mado to order; Writing Fluids and Copying Inks; Books and Presses; Stationery, of every description. MYERS, SCllOl[lll a co.. Poot Building, 39 Fifth Street. MYERS, HOPPER & CO., tehscomoti to H. ILIstILUEL Amon. XASiIIThACITUBIIIII of FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE Fraiern& No. *Smithfield Street IFM7EM=M c. m. C. zorrxx.-.ww. I. yam e1b22:.1 Pittsburgh Importing House. XITAELT/LIIED IU6. SCRRIDT & FRIDAY, lIMPONIXIS OF FOZZIOBI WINES AND LPN° No. 409 Penn Street, • EMIL Would &beet Um attention of 14 petite to tee Itealeesetag enoerter reatiltles thrtettO Z Vairtr l32• =4 , l7.l ° V.P . i..ll:7 " ' Dl. 'to offer ;De renew grades or shot. retee. IritarMatiltritilTooPeolr"". ofritoe reepeetfotif solicited WHAM tr=roliftelr. " Oe2l:Erl4 pODIONOUS AND FILTHY I illultarattou an and 3 111 LIIRACHEI RIGS; 31401 LELD, iroyll.lo, r alum& 111.114 ALBA. 217 am *swag the Ad Seratless trod. THE. PURE SPICE RILLS, 3TXIVECHUIL Itmanstars aata . l2% perfealT nriLl 5110131. $600.00 REWARD Tor tee adeltoraU. toeetiboll7Bll4.a. Chu Iltetute or Pena "pieta win go aa ter at term Ptallefee of &Alliterated !picas vaally teid. 1111.1171 NZ .17111=17/ Olga= ARBUCKLEB it CO., ban u 7 tividm or hn Btia Eta 222 and 224 Liberty street, PITTSI PEGI2. . ra tramall of oar . wise lIIIIIMOUND .1.1.1 ulna s* C•Swt Int l . eurtee . • NOTICE.—TIIE TINDERSION. , I ,X b r: Ire et y lateral their Meads Mereterbeels land, Zi%s p i f ra.. " r /Ink street, text to toner of Wosel,:the e. new **Mg their Innen. steak et •en JE FrEZR r t etc 47 COST I • Cone Ming Witebes,• Silver War, Aroma, line Teel. Cutlers. litatury, lOUs of revel... awes., Sex. Wets. resnet Cloets. eta. eta., tollotter with 111 l their lasswes, notelets., of logo ueeat of silver mounted Oslo:Ass show ems. fancy shelving, women, ete• • no w Um gest of Untoborwe expect to es-erea ung now store with a. entlro new one fresh eteet Roue. Lovergyng ry 1=217 ,.. • Arst•lau Jewelry REINEMAN. METRAN & SEIDLE, No. 49 MTH lITELZT. Nest to look Block EOM TEAM 'TO AND FROM LIVERPOOL 3 QUEENSTOWN, Ireland. • TWICE •WE IL THE TEMPLE LINE, . Wrist KERBY a•TITIIDAT—IYEET WED NEEUAT—carrylea• U. Mani. Tickets sold asd tress Irelsad. England, acoussd. Use malty and Trams. Amy it th. llo=psay's odic*. • , 111216111 AN, Isclaalve limit to Boek Cab's pi:imams. 64 ?MTH Adams trpre.* 00ee. Pituburxll. P.. • prrrestritsna PAPER ?WM . . FAOTITALMO COM:WM Yekatectarere of MORINO AND WRAPPING PAPERS curronr MILL. wrzmunniau s . omo. MIUMBITOR 142 W MEIGHTON, PA. • °prim AND mum:amount, No. St Third Street, Pittsburgh; Pa, • 0111033.8—AIIMUST HART/1, Preeldeet. JNO. N. LlwritisTON, Treer. ILLMOILL MIDDLE . Barmen.. mor.WKIIII — AUket Hanle, Jobe Atwell, 14 M. alumnae . Job e LivlAprAik."4. l Mlhg. rm. kike. O. R. Merrick. • • Creek Paid for Paper Stoat. .Om. loon JOIIA KNAZILMI..../0113 n. some PITTSBURGH 1721 HP alarm. 31)113 ROBB & CO., No. 23 Wood St.. Pittsburg!, nio LIMPS. LAMP BASEL CHIMNEYS, LAMED'S, ETC i. Alsov r tner. la sverytklng pertantag So IN illitiLlat3,• TAB= allZ, WIADOIT SLAM, sad evervlt. tba Ulm LIR. 3EIIVE Co V ..4S—T-i• I=l LOUGIIREY a FR W. PIANO AND ORGAN, Won= tDw ;matte that after kw rears , moat tt1rL1:"7 , 11 , 11 , Th r a1:41 1 .1,111.24 r.ge ht. anUrnate hts Wooly laoremtwi oma( prlvaZspll. Ha tlonsfant, te* to Kowa to I to lemma ALL whammy gy,WlTNlttee r_eatnitarttsganNMl war. OSSAII. ' oath two boats of toys :ma roam Imam =au= It t arßutzt:o taught for obrkt mon at Um ri l als ""1 7 0 31 1 V 1 / 1 " i%= ' ,V4 tolls atm, ' saMmil BONDS, STOCKS, 111: RICILEMBDIA • • Han =and to No. 81 Markei St., tooarms or azoorwo rrrreruotr. Whets seer an loomed to atiaoloototo Undo of , •• Saddles,. Haman, Trunks, And AU artlelem 1¢ Una line ainally kept In Ind-elan astdbil.nmento. • S . S. DIIYAB, AND REAL :ESTATE, Apollo SoHAW, Powilt Street. Rua. lammee and Mvala/04 201 det Aid WI Wads of Stocks banahl ana salt en.colanuma L kontuos bacmht. sad sold. r• CIIOICE BEDDING PLANT& • ms Iwo noel Roses, Geraniums, TlS'eass, um.% at taw Oskiaad orsishoaes. Mail At a A., • as gOIIIDOCIIL - .lift% • i!L1111;ei I - NEW /DYER Pa 1 :10 . Alkl:101:1 IGRICULITRIL SOUR ILL HUI ITS 1 mu 11 PITTSB GEE , Tuesday, &plash r 21th, Wednesday, September 25th, Iltersday, September 26th, Friday, deptentherl27th, 1867. Az °Mee It one. at No. 10 ST. CLAM STELIrr, PIITIOIOIIIIII. Zetalone. of Zra minxes ems be obtained noon aPI/1100 10 . The Zany Books must else. on YONOAY ZYZ011:0, September M. eel's. II ea DeS,AO dot/enabled by the Committee. ler rposa of on the office wl/t he epta mttl 11 olelotk on tha nigh; of that der. All pedigrees of .took mart be handed lota Om Thire of the vecrelary Ulf WI BileOiLL EMWEILigh. All Deleon, Ta 111131 7 .0113, who deelre offer. his moor or ankle. to sale,woot eleh the beerrtary Cue UR BILIONit IiSPIAMILLY Her axe Beew will be turaltheol 171EZ; Other Rea St CUrtalt• market mu. Pater la 019 enooir. Thu regaletioes wLLI In all meg be dewily ler Doted to. The exhlbltioe will Opts el • Tuesday, -Sept. 24th, at Noon. Binele winded., 25 eents; inaenbershls,sl. With fear adadation inneeta ; life lambert alp. let ; eantaan, Ganes and delver, IS Cella; yase beams, 515 tent.; alaelo tame and rider. 50 ee ale; asepaltkeaine. 23 mete. Prowl.= 'MI be Pall ot soon as the &scrotal.) con prepare tenword. for the Treeaurer. bat not Delors FaLIAY, &optical.. V.P. ot &o'clock P. =dent pollee lad guard. loath for day and elfat 3. fil . tstmna p r o ogymf an manilas Di WU- B. BOYD HAMILTON, Pres% A. B. LONGIAIKEB. lac's,. ' 0111 p of Stata Avrlealtura pod -aarraearx.Baawaer; um. PROPOSALS. - The Pommylra- Ilia MAUI ilicrlaultaraa Society 1.111 MOBILO FOB FBI 1E8'10111! 11111111118,' Wattle Ha enclosure, atrlttsbardly until PUSS-, DAY. Da ad day or September, llf t at the Ogee. De. 1. St. Clair street • auttbdrr worritmo TO THE HOLDERS LOANS 1301IIIONWEALTII OF PENN SYLVANIA prrrsirtraust. PA. DUE AFTER JULY :Holden of the Mowing LO I COMMOXIOXALTR Ulf PENN. roquoated to pessast then Zro pa clod andlatercat.)ot tho Fanners' sad Mechanic • Lank of Phlladel Loan Loan Loan Loan Lean Lout Las If Muth,. INN du* AP /la . of April deo July UAL • If April 11, ltst, dm• Jaly efYl ILIA du J , y I, ANH. of Math li. 117/4 tee Jai I,IIAL of Jima V, MA doe Jena • , st Jaoaeq n, lAA, tits J • mar to All of the abcrt•LOAN3l,lll to draw to. taus after Ampt.mber 3AM JOHN W. 6ffliltT, JOHN F. lIIHTRABFT. WILLtp H. KEMBLE, IM=l ill 2f ;T:114 r 14-T:1 Of all. Prices and Quality, at AL. $3. XFL 13.'61 liiWYAN Tu. . Yang par znand. Weal • • —.-- LW .. EU= TRAII-ooloaa. 3in pet inamL B B L C 8 TlA.ll—Poweboag, Boaebeat Coagoes. Zs. nue Ness nava aria Ilesatittea........atall old Goaarry. LIS JAPAN s • 2•11., Lawman...a Jausa very plan.% 1anrar........10.10 ywi Lai Mi Xi fP d 11".wa Tru no. th e above war 0. set•et jut vas, 6104 of Tea waat., lam• then ass up la 507 qUallanr. and funnuae4l nu or Um axe CO.P.ni E 1.17 getals at •=7 sad by doing al were twenty oicats per imbd ta ati. prim tumale• unabl an 504 10•513 snl•le Ma Manly S ulu heir, uts. .. :0 ,1714 .4 11440ral ar., Allasheary. THE OLD, OUIHINAL TEA STORE . FRESH ARRIVAL OF Young Byron, Old Ilyson, Imperial. Gunpowder,EngalrakraWk Congos, Bourbons., Oolong, Old Country Mack, And Japan 9L's Ti _AL JB, ALL OP TELE BUT QUALITY. - No. 20 Fifth Street. I= CAUTION TO TIE PUBLIC ! A FEW AVADICIONI AND EN ' PiIINCIPLED ?LOUR DZALlinfl 1.11 see F.7IIZ I ZALV * .If ° Seed soon with Minn eaWier peallty. wad it WI eat 'loon , vA d al, R 4.111 5 7 11. to meant tr la t:: " E th it * z !auk tan initift.Wit t ilaerp% To prevent this fraud. we are now nesting our eaiter, and seAllas ULM VIM • 1 111 11UldtabeLinth setae of Arm end WO of utananterunn an we Itee e p.ajne b r e ef the Fleur rderti giTatgi t eled to know thAnalitgekOtrreette. LOOK OUT FOR SHOAT WEIGIITS! Some of the d ellen who are the narks, re:A I M al,bdrotrh 1°1017.71:3111 dollar piir barrel km to the otiosnmer, . A REWARD . OP .$50:00 iIII be pale for loran:tones thaterlll lean to tle beetlon or ...merlon or In Mx Irsodolent baaluere. MI Pl4llollollrajp6 R. T. KENNEDY & H. 3ELIDEEESOCIK, iron Broker, 194 First Street, th• Bal• of Gunman - j0irt....% Leabsu bra, andsoL la,,,,,MlueSent older graq ••• .sald OUplinat'sll3, Ch.ja ordini novedignii' OA . 1 . Emme t in :Liusu-4 4 ,10,. ikkarftrr.: llll . lll . - am b., • a—PLI. ' • • . • - NOTICES: • • --- • • lar.ti 0 T 1.0 E.—.llu Adjourned Itt),:rvof tho ect),Lhol dere of she MINCO COAL COMPANY. (Toe leleettoe. be held St the !roe •Asoe.a. Re.....))) zee, 1 6 , ..1307. • _1610:et1 .e..),)11r9, STILTE gx.p IVIDEND NOTICE.—The "n Iferaan!S Stilefdl Telr.r3A Cempini. WIII be fothwttlk. lb. °Ex. of the Pa. By Ilnaruck stre.t and 1,, , nti0 nnt• By onler or tee 1334 , d on.lntecters. 1 1 W. W. TOTING. dresanrpr., Orrlc . z Or lux mr•Nr, .Trrra•sacal, ISSo. is Irwi:of.27Vitta. Car • DIVIDEND No. 3.—THE 5511 d.AWAV.`l;f:i= 5511" P-1 55'1 FIVE PEE CENT., P h ya bl a nnawSo o ts r Wilt Mlnsd S omthe Me l , h to Om ISIS Inst., Inclusive. - • • - WILLIAM 111743L5R. IrmitlrAttrlc eturrhrr, ) " stree t l-7 tarTllll ETOCREIO DORS OF the Palma Paola,. Railroad Corolnal : Ld (.41 74V Vtlell:g rOPVl=gang th...61.1m of such other lowliness Ot•T come before URI. *lll teld , ho FIRS/ . 4!te.ESD.V eCO FIER NI•IX:. at ton 6ig e LaliP•6l 7 tl CM\ 1 24 Ylk 11:0*YE:'' P".l?"""`Mr4i Fon BENT, Warehouse N 0.13.1 First St, ti o t . ; * l4V,llW.l4 t .i. m .", ° . nor of ALEUW a LINDZWIr, STERSIT XII*6II. FOTI KENT. • FOUR ROOMS, Or the Abele of the third story over the Western narlop Bank, la Fourth street. Reel. ere newly Atka op, and vial be rented together or separately.- • nCun PLUMBING. GAS lerrrimG BUMS. & MILLE% PLUMBERS, , • OS IND STEI,7 FITTERS, Boar and Ale Amos. all lads of Bear and Ala Coo. Hydrants, Pnlaps,„olaks. Wash titaada. Bath Tubs, own Rosa, Marble Wara.te. moo. 200 ClPhl.c. lftroot, (Dome. Rut Lana and 01Sestlantat.,) ALLEWIEZIT cur, Pe. mod op with 9ai ad Waur at ihort woks. JaMsag 030. c. aram0ura................w. RILLDPOI.I, SPANGLER W BRADFORD, I . 'NLALCMI4OIII.I-• Plumbers and Gas t fitters, ". 47 Ohio Se, ALLTIIIIZNY CITY. - HM11.611 Itte4 . up. wltb WATift. ail andl ISTZAM exptrimmed 'Turkmen., Rata =Virg, 10 r. ;We! ."I" mythrue • CM :au Y. c00rz¢.....r00. Kers. —Encxkr arms JOHN R. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Gas Fitteis, , Ifoautocantio .TIIMIII AND BRAES *ORE. of <very deserlotloa: dialers la DAS ILL TUBES AND TDE1110; of all Elsa& El=l Corner of Pike and Walnut Strata, PITTSEIURCH, PA. nyvimto '2, 1860 7. L., ♦SROOD..iiIJO; /021111.4. • • • ATWOOD.. & APCIFFRM. DRABS FOUNDERS STEAD AND .GAIII HTTEHI, far, of 3rd and Liberty Streets, Au[ %I:JAL/Wm= 'l=ghi,Pztiti orror. 16>itotal *ltalian told to the Irking otst sag ma i tt . lp , at i tgl Atollattrlot., Stun:boats. Bottum Agents foil S. Cameron &Co.'e STEAM P IMLPS - or 2717. VAEII stlt MICH. (Ma- Nations BLOWER ENGINES. ;4 here eapertor advantages me t al Thom erery one Le warranted to etre sail. WU.. Pimps constantly on huol. felitnin ON, .t..wt.a.,cmxto..s.m.. • . , • . Plumbers, Gas and Stars Fitters, • - nrnt irrar.rr xxxsassrom , , less-rsiesssurEsciriss., zwa.. 'All orders by Mall executed ea tlefootorfl) sad presently attendee to. • fall line of Bath Subs,. Ponape, ./taslAs. Water Closets. &Wm, eteadeliers, Pendants, and ilas Bhades for We at MO soon reasonabla Orders Rom oonntrf Datsone by wad oromrt. Watte nd ote ofed to. San M veers description. Je11•1111 =3 AITDITOI ag g IrrATE SIZ4IIMII3. privsnvii9 1/ NATIONAL COAL & COKE COMPANY. Mears. shippers end dealtai:Wholtest• mut n. tall, to the BEST FAMILY COAL,' NUT COAL AND SLACK. and Tartl—Cornee YOMITIt AND lITSZLTS. rinttarge, Ps. . Ali ar4ert tot 4Rivery the eltr. hlpment " w arrtBfilf/ bre enroll.,. arnr" BEST FAMILY Cm AL Limp On Dahl anditte.tlvered prtcmptlyto order. . . . AT LOWEST JESUIT BATES, n OSCAR, F. LAMB! do Ca. &Auk! Strad RA tft Y. C. Eaffni, AlLyrdastralf CITY. Cuidt• Coal ineafAlted linretn. Joe:a • •. 1111116, ctr u Wat.lt. Ccaxir. ............... Whannte sing .. Will - . M. CLArilit &CO., •! Gat CloalWor i Fat IA 4 - ?...4.1.,..0rwm., at " 2 "2. t ug. re . l ox fl i g7, rimbaren. 'Pe st. a Itii Eli At. WWI dr7;•ooncl nary PI Omit davtai Bank Budding. tomer Liberty atreet and kren t rel l risubturb a i f . l4r . p a il i „Orlctzsz site ?teckiratf ::::,tgatu;ri 11, den rrid O r P Z: detson We tiand P. P.W. C. It. u. Allednea). 41.11wder• ta ttat-tther Of the &Data plat. • ul mete MIDI. atterthm. I Itottl •CO4/.1 ' COAL!! COAL!!! , DICKSON, STEWART & 1I ~ ,z,,,,i u Motored ltddr Oldati W. ~ • , lio. 4567 LIBE R T Y ST ! a . a 'Ca t a.... (Limply ett7 lieu 11111) alarm, 411 tam preporee to Ituattli goad Youghlr war. NUT DOLL ON !MAUI /Mho lowest Market Wee. 441 orders l.ft at Mel, °Sao, Or addi....l 10 QM Mr:talk the M4l, 1,111 Oa ail/toted to 'PORT PITT COAL COMPANY • —lsblppars• .4 denim tn Superior Faintly .4 Stunt Goat, Eftit Goal Sla.. 'renal of. dee mond ste_ry litsbursh 5... Bank P. 14. I.: earner Liberty street a. PliThe 01107. Bruen peace, earner try and Third , tree.. Piustetrp_ll. WIWI left at either or t. above Pine. will rarely's?... attention. 144040400 Addroas Hex 647, P 111414.44. 7. J. 8[ .serf; 11. L. 7 aßnadtool, L B. non lnai. WY. 101. .Et P Ifsan, 148.11.7 4 .1 T.W.112 aYSir. JOis . J. 7.oll.llsarmereet. I A. Eh Mous an. 441'7. d. iarntna. Treasure, W. CLARET 4 CO, 4Asuareas, JO,OI CIA REPS 8. AIMISTLIONG, D, TOUGHIO GREIrOONNESJAVILLE COIL esai. Walk: and,Demalpharfted Coke OIMOIS AND YARD. . ' Corals of Mat;er sad kortos:_ljeLy_s a r(ll,: d ‘v; (my and Clyr6Cf skTetsi r .. gajt,4nre Ps. SON:Ma streft, *ear th. Familles Ind Ilanolsett ret st o ma best snide of (lost or Coke lowest east nqsz. orders left Ma. 7 of Mar Wawa wIU rectin prompt attentto. ykyi 14::,1C1.11A4 1,11 ;Tall P4ViillToPflte: 4 4:4A:4 A mmm CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., num us= An or HIM • IT= T 112101)811 As . B.ll.l3Zll3oN,,Allegiten 'lhs act4mti.isi f the in.tenntrio the hro last, ALEC AND PORTER Mick umese the eantrai.euktua, *muter.' eeeee tensive maltlw rilallttlat sad Bo n Mai PCWa l'llll. I = l 7 . Ttirt gu"l" " V) be ALIDLide ktirbeen 6161 y tisxnat.4 Vrel VD ll4o.l ;:c7;loaben VIII ill na* bt Mgrigltrir th A Mat MU d IMr a e , lry'ai My, PHOEMI Bftg EMERY. rmsztrusu, PA. ISPEIYMB AltelirAY, MLSTES BUBWES Ale, Porter andlirown !Stout, ' - PITTSBURGH, 1 114%6 1 / 2 WASSON. Illtilmosi4. FOR RENT. = peo-yori JACK'S BIM LOTS! AT AVG. ?JUN.—Snow be tolCl the Dretatene 'on THURSDAY, tent at ID o'clock. of on the arnralef the 10e 1 Coolt train from Allatiny. SU BUILLIIIO LUIS m gangs San. *Mitt tea inhume walk of the Mallon' gone tetragon Menk l s dun, and mote oa the Brighton 1904. aid ta lol4 l l ::e f ailatio 'y dratinte Matt log boom of eye rooms These lour me Tory thee Wolin balleta, on amount of the tom lo ot a y n o f ctahren W g an et a a wl e lt. he g nonl t e a w nsinng for la lows may each the ly homes at this p olls nose men, sod galas) Mtn to limy surname of Um city, The soeelM attention of all In onset or an alumna* homestead, rommtlo menery, yore Mr. le trertlcalarly Itrind no this pnbUe. fa . lt,l_le . tiez i r=yery Monne glans cart .5 . 5 .55 5 O. LlntifiTZ, ♦so l r. sea general streak Allegheny. Tom. IS , TO GIVE NOTICE that on the ad day of September, A. D. US; .0 Wermat In Bankrapteysr. Imo* Yd.' the ESTATE Of OMIIIEL L.FATAERSON, Of the Boum, It of Lawrenceville. In the want) of 11 1<gh=7. end Sums of Pennsylvania. who lies bean adjudged • bankrupt on his oleo peti tion% that Oa payment of any debts and deli.. r 7 of any property belOmang to sorb bankrupt, to btm or for !di use; tad the 'ringer of Any property by bins are - forbidden. by law: Met wallet of the creditors of the sold bankrupt, . . .. Drove their debts, and to eboose one or mo - Assignees of his Xsiste, will be held id &Coo of limitroPtCY, to be holden a 1 bro. 93 Dismond street, In the City of Pittsburg:S.. before SAM UEL. HAUCEIL, Register. on the 1/sth day of September, A.D. UR. at lOW= A. sr. - TROIA A. WLILIC. it!. I CMINA WAIIETIOIIS . r 4 • ItICIIARD WED & CO., TIMMNIGIINIMLI/ 7 /1 . 0. 100 Woo& trete. BESITANIA AND SILVEREI.EINEMEAn ZILE WARE. TEA TEATS she 7 4 A ETA .CllTe. WARE. always on li one.-ICIE, . • CINNA TEAR CHINA DINNER SETO. CHINA TOILET BETB. CRLNA VASES, _ CH CHINA 6 PITTOOIL HEMIAN WANE Greven . docarbtlea LAVA CARD BANEXIIl t : LIU ItMoNS. • NTONE WARE of 11l WIWI SO wholesale sue retell HABIL • - The llrgesteed =opt complete met atm,* We NU*. Ire=uvr- La the Muter' SHEPHARD'S CIUkCIS.ERS 317 Liberty Street, PrITSBIERGH, COMPRESSED ! , BUNGFA, _ t ABBIBTROria, BBC .' & CO. ' pm Manutletaren and Wkalsgala Delhi:eft MACHINE CUT CONKS, Plugs, Taps, Irish Bosh, IDIMA, PINGLABA, all, &41 ; Wittsinursiu =EI F=ZI THE AMERICAN IALL AND Fourrin amps, Cues Cum ad kin Etre4 Lig Li** F. BOSWORTH & 00., Prop're. Tile beautiful wed uleaeaut.= barlAra. riybzlea: . ,:atatz, erel7 tea aluatee. amen pwirr J A R Eltßixin. Twrams mmilin m 2 14 ymtets lidgualmsatin' bwitatau.a.zut Ilujetiof si.p. n it war. .44 naEdite Ism 2.• • ANL, NIS • , Unautritross•blll•l2lllll6 WANTS. WANTED, A GOOD HEAD WAVER, AT 'SRA EOUSIC !I=l WANTED -70 Buy 01 . • Rent A NOT.TSZ of (oar or ••11 roomo. was from tout to tIY Melts at lu•. 00 Or !Cif a railroad, aid not more teal; Arleen miles oat. ttatlng pelts and Urn.. BOX 451, .07 . :(711 na,•a 00.0. WANE TED, GEEIra.I" A. Kyhrt wht re, loth local sthl travelltht. male MO MUM:, *lead) . 0101011:61111% 7031 . r 0.1•4, P tai ghlrhtl. thuthets ath . . 111111 i had detlht•lt. For hazticalas address CO ~ Box 5131. hew York P. WANTED, JULY COLD COUPONS; And Compound Interest Notes. JAMES 7. SELBY t Ca, Comer P.M and lirmod LL. =I WANTED—Men lin 1111161 mm Dopartatot of 3imlonal in /LawtattOla Jamly at once, to , Z. a. arsisax. rr.idem of Asaplatloa. la=ob 110 Dfamead Stroat. rittabergl6 EDUCATIONAL. BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE. COMM EIOOI NI lOW USX .1(e. i 9 QL& T 1111610 ET. The Jules et this Scheel Trill be named Ole 111UNDAT. ties, etb. The Conine or laetrile. lion tuella es the lanitsli Bra ..... Matlansars les, Latin and orasileg. grog at/118091 nise lealreetlon ea Ike Pismo; trot DOOMS nreeen, and gror. .111 , 1,611 la Berman sat Ursine/. regents desiring wanks thettlisaili. he , . should make early application, ae stem an Oat leer Tairsinales. .stall /LEV. 11. J. COSTBR, netts r. PRIOR &ROSEPS Scientific and Commercial AL 1M "M", PEDIDIAL SMART, Aileghooy CDT, crrtr atop Haat. re-opens Ifun DAT. boot. la tn. 'Farms—For tit• Conmoretat Depsfliooat. Dom t. unlimited. lnelllllll. 00 . b.. lab no.. Aot DonofY. fOr moot.. floors, Soutillo and Coonnarelat. Incloaing coml. of boo.. for ConftrAzolal °norm oarpawl,. $l.l. fialontlan Depart:n t. ea toWlsh Imam nor quarter, Ra oral afloat, me onagof ; T AU Venn. mad rozohiln=r4u—i..;',4truz TALI p±.lll isdvarme. Boarding and Day School. JOB YOUNG LADLZS. J. 2021 10012 112.10! FRIA nalsielphis .ta taboo/ to located In QS most baaltny and bandaoma part of the elty. • larga halms. with all madam eanTaalencaa,and fitted op Oar bran.: ty actinium only. All Um braneitea eta thaeoula 111$11•0 edneatlon; 0111 Drowlaz dad, the /*reach and (fierman lasinagna, 0111 tslool. Is the ant prodelant manna/*. Itnrsiasxcx.—A.ll 18. TWINIIIIIIS Ikunaei patron. 10 Pbbabuzgla. • panaph/at !tot/peal. If till Deb Old wilt 1. sant npan appllcation by Uttar. atontellbdiT • THE FALL TEAM OF rico PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE WILL COMM NOl Wednesday, Eleptenther 4th. Tbs tatlilms ban 0.1 reined' la Westin rjß:lretgrf..ll{lV,:::. °' Art ° l4.l=l 2Va rkV!'"' ' l "'"ut on'^ 1111 awaor a. SUKIVON. • Praddsigt nf Trustees. MEEI DMOP DOMMALNINSTMS=. I School for Young Ladles. Xo. 62 Gran! 6treirt. The TWO 'Term of Wm 'next Saab= of thia School ronli begin on hionDgy. 00 t. gth. Itegieers te oh alnad at J. R. WELLIIII A CO .'EI, No. 101 Waal aintai. and at DA.VI2I, 01.111tig. C0.•23. Si Wood Wen. Sor Information or atladarioa addrasa REV. .1. 00621:111, 411:b73:11% RICTOIL. STE ÜBE.NVELLE • FEMALE SEMINARY. The Shmsnier &Woo sent dose !APT. pm. The Khmer peselon erll ope24oV. 41A. Terms. per memon o r Aye m ouths— Bessalag VICM To Moo. PLO to PIO. Mosto. Pahattag an, mau ,VISTATTT, 11.0.. LL.D.. Elsline . H.P. A. Y. IMID. •. Prthelpals Tour. J. L. a. wzcaun , , selat—seMT:9:ll THE SCHOOL OF DESIGN, 21.014 17170114110330', raziAws zurcanze, as. 717211 arrasr4. re-ope an ODT, tlept.'sra. STaa. 1.4 la tor n gentl M em- N A t. , e w easement@ Os MOM DAY ZVEHLNU, October 7th. saal:ell Z. K. lIATkIUEST, Prliel • SCIWOL DMECTORIL, , A %ALA SZACHILS, of sayer...so aad first dams assilliestioas, desires a Mastro. iteferencas satisfactory. Please state! salary wad lenytk of tem. Address sort isililid&T 1.• S.. Allestisay P. 0.. ra. W4illypiff e r . AND 'ENTER. " " AELT:nith!ormis Wironattzater. 18. Apply to the PRIXIDEST, ilemonetrart. lo the VIOLPILELIIDZST, Weehheelon. eemerzr • AUCTION SALES.
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