IHE DAILY GAZETTE. pIIBLISIeeD ILUZ1(1110. IBsir7illt ItCCitTXD., PIENNIBIAIcIiEED & CO., .1"x-ca:kriet.ox-s., Uor._ . - • r:CaLurs • Itazare.. , • r.raLnuzu. fiaa. &ND 8G arnr.rr. r. t! Vegan Peassyhuls. Onit:xua run OP minimax in LLLEEESEXP 14111.6DIT,c1Igth'IZT awl IMEIT ?MMUS tad CUMAIRCIAL rerza Tore 0? Tan DAILY•. t 3 441.7 1 ,e,..,a4 - 47. 11 1 'r' Mall Bab ben. PnYnr • ........58•0. - • 6ALZL I TIC . • ' rit-rvarrunis, ne,,Eittsburgljetaytts • A ISONTHT CANDIDATE., 'Disloyal voters orthe Commonwealth no hi her tribute to, the worth and character of Judge Williams than the following meat compliment paid him by tLe only daily Demociitie paper of Western Pennsylvania theday following hie nomination. It said: "The nomination of the Hon. Henry W,Williems as a' candidate for Judge of the enpreme Court is a good one. He wan the best man named, before tbe Re publican Convention, and possesses legal and, soma qualifications for the respon• stifle position to which.he has been nom. hutted.- -Both parties have present .ed their ctuidulates.:, An important duty his - been faithfully discharged by the respectlye. coareutions.. The campaign may now bb'conducted tifthout periwig{ aspelellens, and decided upon the pried• plea of the two groat parties' This la as it stfoulkbe. It is an auspicious sign of the times, and If the cJurity conventions are.equally fortunate in the selection of — legislative candidates, ti3cre will b e stop put to the denier .ble corruption at the.. seat of government under a new reign of honest men and conscientious legialatora—Pittiburgli . Post, .7E014 28a, The•Pos, in referring to the above, on the 20th of Angist, 'was pleased to "We have -nothing to' take hack or modify. Of Judge Williams' private or legal reputation we have nothing - but words of praise; and however tt,may Butt some pugutteions and heady poliu we cannot bring ourselves to view personal :assaults as either wise or po litic." 'r till. COUNTY Republican Con vention met- on Monday, at Erie, and placed In nomination the following ticket: Senate, Morrow R. Lowry; As sembly, George P. Rea, J. D.- Stnna han; Sheriff. kaior A. J. Swann; Clerk of the Courts. Charles L. Pleree; Oom "ohm/Ober, Weed; Jury .Commis- aloner, Daniel Patterson; Poor Director, John Kasen; Auditor, F. P. Stowe. Mr. Lowry, the candidate for Senate, who hai already received tine nomination of the Republicans of. Crawford county, had !Lamm fightetud met with decided opposition, but be came through with a matruitypf eight in a total vote of fifty- One. -The convention, by - resolution, adopted the "Crawfard.bounty method" for tla nomination of officers in the fu tare, thins abolishing the delegate . con vention estem. A resolution, insult 'Jar tothe Erie Republican journals, was also -passed, as follows: "Resolied,.Thit the Senator and Rep ., reeentatives nominated by this Conven tion Lai requeated to use their best efforts to establish & true Republican paper in this 'County." tar 'the "influence of a Betuitor and two • Representatives" will go to wards establishing and sustaining any newspaper 'remains to be. Bien. ; Than the Dispatch of. that city, no mato faith ful- exponent of the true principles of the party is found from one end of the Canmouwealthto tie other, and' the cold cut was undeserving and unworthy the body by. which it was administered. THE Republicans throughout Um State are awakening to the necessity of eta- Sod fer.the passage by the Legislatere of a Free Railroad Law. It appears that opp:mition to this measure contrib uted towards the nomination of new men for the Senate by the late Sen atorial C.:inference of the Twenty-first District; Inasmuch as the Senstora who have recently represented that District have been conapictions In their opposi tion to the meature, following retro- Intiorie, mused by the Conference pre :view to ncnuttating, have a significant and asatrre the friend; -of a 'Free Railroad Lew that the_ question will at least Sod two ~additional advocatte in 'the neat Senate : • , • Betake., That the industrial interests oy. this Senatorial District demand the passage of. a free 'Unread Law and the regulation, by-law of loml freights on all the railroads in the Atate on the pro rata per mile through basis, with a Just per osotage added for short distances, end in such manner as to prevent all die -erhaloution. en between individuals, or indlViduals and .companita either in treight or passage. , /Zonated, That the nominees of this Conference arc hereby required to pledge themselves, if cicelcd, to net their influ , once and votes. to secure the pump of laws in aciordance with the above reso lutions., . Lai the intelligent citizen calmly con ' shier - the fact that under a Republican adniMistration - ef affairs, the State deist . las been redneed nearly two millions of dollars during tlio . past year. The de• crease has been . made by.economy alone, wit 'Cerullo. cent of tai having been levied on the real estate of thdcitizen to totoinpliab the ' result. ''A few more .years of Republican admlniatiation will suffice to wipe out the entire debt of the Oominenw.ealth, but if' the Democracy ,nipshit get charge of the State affairs, we may anticipate, judging from the comb. Retied piecodents of that party, that It _will be largely increased. Let it not be forgotten at the October election' that it friths settled - policy 'of the Republican party.tocconoutize and reduce the debt . which burdens the'Commonwealth, and (hittthus fax Republican . Governors and of Iceris have been successful. in that di - • taw Laws dais's' that the &me)! can. .tintbd In the rrrnit arn notin the Union, and that they; aro .in all essential respects 'nubject to the I military organization which has been created to supervise Their Secirgaitizattott, :'ll4 'President, directly in the face of: the laws, astutnes that these States are in'the Union; that the - ehil authority is as l supresee within these bowidenws af is io the other States; . aod that the military governmentsy are not paramount hut only auziliary. Rav ing 'lammed so nmeb, it Is not easy to sae what can plevent him fromaseumitig vsnything else he pleasee. Recognizing 'no lowa XS valid, and &leg everywhere , his conceptions. of what ought to be the I:irce Lnd cfract of Statutes , there is no safegtar!lhe is knot. likely to assail , or Supplementary Reconstruction ' AA; inased July - 14th,'1807, preseribis 0.24, peyson.ghall at any time be entl ijk bci registered or to vote, ky reason of any Esecutice pardon or am:My, for ,any ac:, or thing which,. NitSout such ...d og dr num or, would disqualify blm for registration or voting." That is the plain law which the Prod aliont4ecka to get around. - 171ott tho arrival ot ex-Gov. Curtin at hie home, la Belefouto. he WA , cor dially `arelcOmed_lay his fellow•to vrns men, without dialetion of party. Bia _erife; though convalescing, is not fully . 'adored to healUt. 110 expects to go har deadly. to Saratoga, ender tho 4xpectation . of pet : lath:lg a cure. Ms -::,.41 , 113 heath was - never better than . it is , Wmor Piaccvzsr Lutootw, Deceni ber 8,1868, issued lds proelunsdon of Aeaurity, he based his &inborn, upon an Act of Corigress pissed July 17,180. Jtia not cluci. th!it, the power of pm, ido* granted the -President by the Con. included the power of 'Musty. , 24 111 ^ ..a.sTrAßLlglipii i ~._ Allik !Wl'', • -. .. • . ... r , . .- A L,.... ,, ,,,,\„,, , 0,.. -tt.u.l7B‘ --,..... . ; . . . . ‘,.., sh. l l .s:',\.-•,.\' '-',/ :",--- i - 7 --.., . -'• ' • . t 't . ~ c`§ .••• ' ~, , . '-'n'-'-g-r::,• A .= •--- - ytt. -,' w•'....j ---,,, ' ` --- 7 - -- f ~^ . 4 " - -. , f , ,, , • ... , ._VPI L-. 1.,;:z .7‘ 4„' .7 - : , .. ../ •,.; ? -- "64.--'3'"zi.:l ~,,...•*'_.. & / ....:'Aitt. r k ' ..:, 'cat ' -.` C :6f,"''' 1 . r • ~ . 1 _,_;.. ;„ ..r . 1_ _, .7)::•l:Y„swinc .. • ..) ' 4 • . - 1 h ittos I s y , .....„ ) . ~.....--:.-:_,...... ....., IV s t . v. 1 2, • . 1.. ..; ... 7 ,.., , , , _ .... 170, ;,. . 6 07 ......,m... ,... ... i. .. ; --..... _ -2., v , ••••''.• • -..'•......, ~,..,_,- . ~ . 1 ..' . . 1 *•' - . • r 4‘ ll ' 1 i 7 i t ~ 1 I , i • 4 . VOLUME =m.-NO. 209 MT EDITION. bitDNIG-11T. THE FENIAN CONGRESS AT CURLING. Report of the Secret Proceedings. PRESIDENT ROBERTI' MISSION - TO PARIS Grand StrikeiSefore Another Year. Csvmaisn, 0, September le.--Tho Cleve. Lind Herold, of this evening, contains an extended account of the proceedings of the Fenbin Congress, 'which closed Its week's session last night. The Congress set with closed loon. Every part of the building was guarded with armed etddlers, and members were sworn not to divulge Its Proceedings, even to Circus, except s per mission was gime. Bat the Reread con. trived to get all the most Important facts than wore. omitted from the published re port.. The proceedings thronghout Werr stormy, and sveral times there ws danger of the Congress breaking up lee general - . . oasi or axons:Lt. COMM:WV:D. Considerable feeling , was manifested at the proposition to swear the members to seeresy, butialter beating inStanoes mars, ed of preview. DM faith, It was determined to bind every member by a stringent oath to peereay. • Toe enestlen whetter women should be admitted to Circles, was inswered in the negatlve.beCense Of their Inability to keep *Mist. • ransussur zoniaTe mantra To rams. The message or President Roberts, once. vying several columns, was given to the public, but • impplemeutary Illeasafre, 000- talelne the account of WO toLtalon to Parts. was rexerved for the private considerataon of the Congress. in that document Mr. Roberta Said that after visiting Circles In Great Britain and.lreland, he went to Par% where he met the repreeentativea of the Irish •• Revolutionary Brotherhood. . found the Dials people vary much diacour aged since tenure in Canada, It m- oon the ed his beat efforts to convince and them that the Fenian Brotherhood, as now organ. lead In America. were net responsible for the disaster, and to lay the blame upon the proper persons. Those mcn-b,4 been sent to Europo to work teethe GAVIN hot Instead of doing the work laid out for them, they had put up at the heft hotels, kept font borooo, Out fuzee women, and bad squandered the money watch Paw hard working Irish poo ple bad treaty given tee the Indepoodettoo of Ireland. lie had abored until the 4th of July to erect it bond of union between the I. IS. ILA of the Old Country and Y. L's of America. and upon teat dayit was accomplished, and to-day the two wore one In purpose. =I He said the time and WKce to mate a strike came up and was fully dfreuseed ay the gentlamen. Some aturgeaLed tan month, from the 4ta of July. He told therm he did not think that the two orgautzatto. would be Imperfect workinworder so as to strike together before twelve months, and the matter wail no dealded.. LoneLc TIER HT OLD COUNTED IDDIII. lie stated the Irish °kettle Old Country were warm upon the subject. and only wanted the espoperatlens of Irishmen on this aide of the water; but that the Irish in the Old Country would never rise again an. t eh =MT. fully edulPPed and armed, stooduppn "Irish soil to defend them; that It was extreme recklessness, and would load to nothing but hatchery, f American fitakerearlke without the aid ' f Iristnsus4 • The orgaelthtion here must hem perfect working oreer.aaid be able to make a grand strike beqrs ano th er year, for ••Itope defer red mak the heart sick," and the Inch people o crater lot country were looking across the water ant. • .D.,301•7101. Parlez Ibis Parts wieetl2. Stevens end lib party were dormant . re the most hevere terms, as adventurers, end the ave reeolree to held no ticen=einion with them. Mr. koberts read a tong debut:new. from I. B. R.orgsalceston In the Ohl Country to the P.B. in America, plesallng for • grand union and ald the common cause, weigh as. addrossedlo the Congress ansetabled to Clevelsed. Lle then raid be haft the en. tire matter In the hend• of Court.... me nd that they would be •uldeel by wisdo nd tore of boantry. zero. or Yes asessrily or was. ' General Spear. Acting Secretary of War, reports that the whole force or the Yentas brigade numbered 9,Art enlisted men, about Man rides. 16 . .:41...swoutrements. 1,223.1 he mmvis of timmun Won. In edittttep there were one hollered Mies along the border from tn. Albene to 0..eg0, la the bend• of rivate parties; at Sachet's Harbor about twenty thousand stand of arms, and •t noneennt about twelve hundred; at.oe. wego hundred and nineteen rill.; In all about twenty thousand. In addition to Ga. force Steven.' wing claimed to have fifteen thousand eland of arm., fifteen thonsand sabres. large lot or ands y.. 11. Neer York HerberemmnultlCui, . lettXreillt einedeeteturre, It eras deCkled that four military organic. 'era should be appointed to nave troope. and that an teepee—tor General should also be appointed. Ten batteries or field will. iery,,three cavelry regiments! . or ten eOOl. pestle. teen, and two light batteries. mounted to georltb cavalry, are to be or ganteed. Cotsey's turtles are lobe admit]. A. fond to defray armory entent te teach soldier. nr,&}p. •t .L5..f1.&..141.&i.. Pt 01 The not Mere of the Army of the Irish We by snick, name the military orga nization la hereafter to Ix; known. are to be sober sail discreet men,' ts well as igoo.l fighting Boldiera No man addicted to In toalcating liquors la to be admitted.lato the ranks, and any man found drunk will be dismissed. CONIVIIICA.IIO2 !lON WOO A committee front the Stephens wing of the Brotherhood sent a oommissilestion, .klng that a committal be sent to Confer twith them on the sulJect of the Ithion or thetwO wince. A committee was appoint• arrangement and sult of the center.. wee an tor oerfthting the 011iOti Of the two factions of Fenian. In •merlea, to gether with the Fenian. 01 'rebate Into one organisation, to be known es the Irish ite pllo SODSZTI ga-stscirre relators., neutrals. OCT OONCL9O/1 TO aco•er, elf 0011DITI01s. pol.mbeits tree re-clectial President ,tmt declined. tinker Congress would rails stin, COO for the cause. Half that amount nes pledged, and atter farmer consultation Col. Hobert& socepted.ths peettlen. 0111.1 Thia CALLND OM 10. 1115011. 11 wee decided to call on all Circim to Im mediately send to headquarters what funds wore le, their possession, nod to sweeter no. MOM Moues , far flags sod tranpinii. E.ver? *Tellable dollar is to btrused tor the pur chase sad refitting or arms. and the proeto. rat or ammunition. Bonds or the Irish lie nubile Iwo reported to real!le only tamely °eats en the dollar, so that the strictely economy Is neceMerY. TINA 101 • mantsci ,, ear 11510. No definite time bas been fixed on for the grand movement. The thzogreSti agreed to the detennmatlen of tee time and the general planet campaign to s conven tion of the military °Mean of the Itlah I:A -patite, to be held. m the spring. •.V1.211 - • - A rmolutlou of reePent for the memory of the late General Thomas Francis 'leacher, created a bested discussion, there being. a wide difference of (Mtn lon se to his merits, and the services be lied rendered the Fenian cause. Applause and hisses grefted. evoty Tepetitiori of his name, and the-resolution was at bat declared ca rried, amid voclter ons dissent. SOLITICS •ID IPATAZOTIIIII - TatOlation was adopted by s large ma A m y appointing a committee to draft an appeal to the United Stews Unvernmeut td blialtof their/eh patriot prisoner& confined to the British diangeous. /n the debate on the passes* Of .to resolution. the mineral spirts of the Conroe. waa In . far or oi such action, and that the two great political parties In Americn should understand that whichever party proved a - friend of the y,,,,,l=Brothernood.woula receives please of support from the Brotherhood, and that this should be taught to the different tar ' aloe at boom. in this way the Fenian .BrOttlarbood Weald beacons a power, to be felt and btll In teeties. was the ing that all eit partial should be t Isaereal, feel un-) that UM DrottieritoOd shout , / be the enemy of Its enemies, and the friend of as friends, no matter WhO tie party,. or What their principles. A declaration of prinelpiee was aft.r• wants adopted, as were a eerie. of rennin tions, which prOfessed & hearty co-opera tion with the friendly peels; discleuning and forbidding any Ma Of the BrOtherhooU for political purposes, la oonneCttoo with the present parties In thlsConnti7; of thanks to promineat vitlians who bided the re covery of Fenian armlet acknowledgmlot to the Irish Nationalists Ot Careelitad; and laiamuntennocung any application of funds, except for the pa rohnile of area and other revolutionary purposes...' FROM LOUISVILLE, KY. [useful Oblonglee ef Gov. ifelsO.—An ineeoefory Fire. tar T.SeaTnyb W We Pllt•rozgb 6matts.l • Loutenuet. Sept. 10.—Goiarnor Jobs llelm was burled today, at Elizabethtown, with elel4 1,44 ammo la honor,. Vie fuser. al Wee atlentetal ly the State oaten and • large number of prominent citizens. No business wee trammeled is see of lb. Mate or ocrtuaty °Mime. Belli were. Imhoff from tau to Otte defect. A Baptist Chtuch, a two story brink, and two story frame dwalliosa, in Jeffersonville. Inn.. wen nen.o7on by Ina lass night. Lam t8A00; nanny an, tnearaaos. The Me 'alai the work of an nnandlary. above} aid Spade Yoe tarp Deetroyed. PAY dotardPh to tee I . ll4.statria ease dad PRILIMTIELL, eeptembes Id-talks oaten. also Mussel sag spade factory at do. Una. Ate. aux the center Tadd and Saps streets, sae deetrOpC4 by Are this atteraeoa. Ides hem'. BY CUBA CABLE Ottorboarg Presents Ills Crorten- Stale as *tutelar to Pupateloot Jun um—arrests Sy the Presidoot—tinp ,...4 of tile Prussian allutstor—Arrtrel .Adruirtal Trio. Moir at Term Crus—Sr."Ottettnearg to Leave Mexico In tteplatottor— Masao Apes atilt la Prison—Late robots news, ba., an. COY .r.kempti to the rlttsbureb Eluette.3 N zv , Tee, September Ill—The Iferakri lam., special, dated the 6th, by Cuba ea tie, has the following Mexican news Otterlxmrg ➢resented Lis credentials to President Juarez, as Mister 11.1111 , 0t0n- Liar], of the United States, on the 29th . ult. l'lnpab, who had Just arrived ay the steamer LiberW from New Orleans, wllt take .passage M the UntLiti steamer for 'Vera true the :241. Senor Meseta arrived per steamer her- Jel-, charged with dispatches loom Juarez or Washington. g, Several &remits by convocatorls by Jeer.; colltillUell to keep the ilealeaos at bourn heat, It being uncoastituilonai, and th Executive not having the power so to unless Conan*e approves tham.. The tiovernor and Military Coninialidan of Sall Leis are vicenied of infringing ono tag circulars ort.ietriber Gib, and articles twenty-one and twenty•four of the Geosrid tlonstittition. her. Ashlars has been agreed Chief Ofacial oh foreign relation. • convoy with 51,630,00 P Pram the City or Mez!co arrived at Vera Cruz on the fin ultimo . .• Interestslons or Mr. Ottertnanrg, Pordero Din! and Ilre other generals, and a boa. of Influential persona I. behalf of 011aron, Were made an vain. . K. llaitalso. Prussian El Wider at Mexico, keeps in IMCIUIIIOI2 at San Lots. its is sup. posed to be /crane, and is heedless of or ders from Prussia in Insee no country. Admiral Tosruiliortarrived at Vera Urns on the 45iti, and WAS tOleavolor the capital throeot clay. . . . Mla later otterbonrg telegraphed to limb ington, after. receiving Me appointment, that bit Omarminatlonto leave m Septem ber was Irrevocable. Banta Alma continues prisoner in San In.. Dr. tall= believed he would not be shot. Not a word Is said about Marquez. The Iferoldts special ot the ;1..n alto late the following Havana news t,. The Captain general has dieddred the volunteer earalry of Bade ago tle Ceti, 'Puerto Principe, Vil la Clara, bancto Spirito. Trinidad and Ile mediae. Tills is a elguilleant fact. Cienfacor.lL ta repo - n.ll, resists the Col lection of tint new tax. It is rumored that a collie hatiOlath.Th has been myun that it onld tic onion.] at Use puha of the bay. Saturate %lesbians, cigar twister, and edi tor of the Hum. Artisans . eundey Aurora, Is reported to be to 01010 raullnemeld.- The number of cigar twisters is assumed to be fourteen thousand. A few hurls also peen Iraptisoned • end Many ate tieelng to the Vetted Statea.. Senor Para, the administration glrector, has been taken soddenly iii. His sickness Is undefined by phYsinians. The supposed scheme for tillibusterine In alskicom a swindle. • The bpaulsti squadron, under Mender, ar rises! at Rio, July letta it had sustained serious damage, but, atter repair, proceed. ed tons,. Platte. Yomilto la moderating in canna. CUL.. SuistesS scums to —TWO linxidans tar rarsow. Havasu, SeptembeP 10.-The strike among the Cigar makers continues. About two h undred Journeyman were thrown tote prison, where they were properly. cared for up the anti:mm.lles. It la said many of the 'lnunersiciarare ate inellned to yield and take the men hank at (miner wages. SIIOSISSAT 10111)0. • A gang of highwaymem are committing tanbarks; In litmus. . emirs . • Ss hear, ram storm Is reported to have damaged Lao crops. £1700116 op 51[011 1001 £6llOO. The British steamer Mersey brought from Vera Cruz over throe tosodrest roro,os. putt tar Ness Orleans; elsts $1,171,073 Spa. cleTur Etortitud. FROM WASffiNGTIFI thy Tehanantt to the rsttaoargh exacta] W.. 11511.1 1 .03. September le, PC. SIMIAN .11 . 10.111.—rsa. orskTpgtl • The :Wowing dlepateb MSS reuelye4 the - Acting CotatnahrlOcer et Indian Af fair*: • Omaha, September 9.—A. mot...neer ar rived at the North Platte cut the 7th last from Spotted Tattle camp, with the Inter. • maiden that Told liandan, Arlin se-combs- Med blandly ladtens, Would be at Neill Platte on the 15,11 of the Malta, with on white captives, threesroorim and thred et:did - rem Sea tairatho Crew elle. and Slows werewilling to make peace, and want the Commissioners to Walt far them at North I'lSllo. Thee looks well. '. (Signed) • LI. ,4 SlagSept.. da'airs. Till wither reacialo-cottnevon The charges avelnift Callen., Internal Revenue toucctor of greenly n, are or de frauding the Government out of Ins tiro ou four hundred and alesan leirrels of attc vs, uAwards of 447,000. The Tedt rays it la re• purled that Csilice7 tdrynitted too Govern l ' ttr :e t ti o dr ileifir:gudttde to! TVO oa% ) tle n "' a t plod the reffirliat Of Catheter. troll Leo Impart. et manner In arbicti he attended Lo Ott duties. Cellicot to still to Watelegtott, It IS said attempting to evert arrest. CLOT Der•areelr raTetral,aireteite ...Ave vaaelt altitatirai olt Sir Tee teases.. The Called States !Lasater lrcilatil• veal id. Aden AdatlAt 19th. She touched no St. •Itettatleti. day of liatiaglatear. where Se, Willy was antorietroot elsoe ' rtil. At Jebenne.CeeterOlthoide, Commander Erte n. esetangod viaim Iv it It toe Italy.. Moth appeared well .doposiG Inward Our fist. Toe Sultan' informed Commander Elgudi teat ea latilleat. slate, train le 44.1 Lae been fur tome rears beet bend( carried on by the Freed,. -Their manner of proceeding In to pi:lmbue alaves on the Alrlcan coast, by means of agent.. who. shin them to Arab stews to Toth Osin of the Comoros, whence theism taken under rebrelen tine of ,:bpj.w rip to attire. of the latter place, .to iliaotta, another Of La, grOtip.• on We Island of llourtann, bola Armen colonles. Cantrdullogthelt tare be was likewise Informed that some of our merc , autolentonohtna t Johannia, have, at ellaareer times, carried off Intl:lost per mission, atildects of the Gallen, wt..... Plain.. of the aCta To glen' against each oceerreneaS in future, Commander leuglllll left • eiroutio• andtetted to masters raf merch.datial tcuahlog there. De orpocted to leave la • few days ler Imeenre w.aaauoraa teeriaTittee . . The taw regalatlens of the /loran of /e -ternal Revenue. concerning bonded ware hens& tranaportation and exportation, goods In 0004, allowance Icr leakageand acoonn of bonded gouda, were !mind to sty. .1.7.1 er Them - all exiating warettousea most tea re-eStabLiseed, other wise they will , he ascot:Waned , vas Tatum retreat 'kr riatllooLA. The Navy Department has rechtved patches from Penarracds, announcing the • mmtinued ravager, of yellow tenet. The n. 1060110 bad also broken onion board the trotted blame steioned Looopee, at. Key Amt. • - - CCSTONI aviators.. • Tbo rooelpte of Costsims from rho 2GIt4 to Lou Slat of August, were 6.1,C30,664. FROM NEW YORK Gy 7%,terrayb to the I . lo.+lnagh C Kaw YORK'. Sept. 10, 10.71. IMIITTIOII OP oil. MIL.. Gencnil Sickles Lao bates ieception nod tcsilmontal from Ms comma ea of the Er. cant= Brlgnille. • PST DnrazTYsir Frarre. The CongieviMal Co=Mateo U, Invent gate tbet fraud. in We deParl.l2l4.t coesmt Its lICSSiOII to-4.T. DAVI,. 01 WILLIAK•11C10. • 'Desit era md bolda rs of the suspend Fe a thers and Citizens lliwk of W Ll 4 earl( Will sorter no loss. Thu bank tall/ no rl4= The 'Learner Atl►utla, from Bremen, art via to. dal. GOLD TLVOLDATIGN. Liobl declined yeeterday from 141 , 4t0142 0 4; no reported nale• or 1000 In 11,1:.• Uy vortoue hound. It. *dreamed 113.414 y on the rumored superordere of 'lsenre.dary Uncio~LL LLo• Unbolt by Mr. Orn.elle,k, or Uncial:l'LL IS.CIIIII DI GILD. . . lion. J. Mttproom. for MOUT Y. 1.• p 0... bar Of Ummrs..to from %M. lot coogrooolomti Dlotrit of 000tH Gisrollem,l l l B .l 80.1..ty 10111, le that atate.• rriiloy. 10 Lb. 1.2.1 you of Lte eat,. ' Itaikaalaa (Cr Telerrtob to toe rittsourra titeette.: 6.l,,tltlDPritt—Garl Mayo ane• crude L,ril Montle ne Uuyurnor Graered of Canada next June. Cep. Charlee Windham replenee Gen. Michel re Cemmander•ln•Chislot the mid lan forcer. Mr. Denali le elected to Parliament by • triajoelly eV twenty. ltd.. le • victory for the Gouge party. • Death of the &teeter of 4.40130 trareh, • ear trot's, the TeburePh to the r , eeeheele h °h ."' I rOII4II.SfSIL. September 10 Or. Thom. u. Tertur./feetor. of tirsoe en Loch, Neer Yore Mt) , .11ea1 after a snort Utneee lest 01001, at Ws rummer reenleure, at 19cat Park, on the Hudson river. hoot sun lICO.ROSICIM . Strike. • (Br TelexispL to the i'idstosien USettte.) PRILMALTIM, Sept. W.—The loot and 11130CMakErS lave tondo a varlee tort went y- Ave per cent. advance on their It is reported that a portion 151 the shops have agreed to the advance. pawn Teller Abates:Med. ale Telegraph le the Pittsburgh tiagette.l • , Septemb, 10.-40eeph 5. Cruthere, Teller of the Central Ilan 110 ell bank, absconded with right er nine than. It doltare on PAP.rder night, A reward It arena furtai apprebango. • • • Otani nine Banned. Mr 'lelneelib to see entionth monis.) • Witinairros. Inn... September /menace owe wins of E. J. Fell it Bro., 110 do DOSIDelli in rb1i64101011 1, . w IS root. iodnelly burned to-day. Lon en vy. nee Line Election. • Hy Telegraph to the MlX:mull Gazette.) ' Ditgarr.M.,,Eleptember, 10.—Poor Dem eratla representative , ' . ate elcdted iron Waldo county, egamst tong last year. Ti • ILepublican Inajerlry le redacted 1.200. . Sebool Ship Arrived. rtltemptt W tee rltmergl. AeAde..l Yorrusi Yoe tor, SePudrArr Naval teem' Bblp ilareduela. tram Earce pees maws, has srriviel In utes.pwa.. PITTSBURGH. WEDNiSDAY,:::SEPTEMBER 11. 1867. NM EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M IMPORTINT FROM EUROPE. Opening. of the North German • Parliament. SPEEOH OF KING WILLIAM. THE DONCASTER RACES. 13.useia's Ultimatum to Turkey. WAR REGARDED LS INEVITABLE L7lklelnDll to the Ptttsbutnk Unsetted GEILIZALNY. rapro or Ton noare aIOMAN PAILIA -I.l.l,—araxem or Jura WILLIAM. hest.lN. Sept. 10.—The ...rind Parliament of the Confederation of the North German. States met to-day and was formally opened by King William. In his smear the King commenced by arldrerslng a warm welcome to tho representatives as members of the _First German Parliament which had met under the new Constitution. _alluding to the nail-ion of the booth • tem= Staley, be said their sailboat relations with the rest of Germany had been axed by treaties of the Zolverein. lie assured the members that the dennetal condition L of the Confeder, idioms,. excellent. itgrovenues so Wiwi been sufficient tomeetallexpenditurie. Ile promlied that bills would be Introduced providing for the complete and equal set tlement of the terms ana conditions of mil- Itary eerstee, making all necessary, regule- Goss in relation to passports, prescribing a system of weights and tneaintres for the eountt7, regulating postal matters with for nations, nations, and looking to the estab ent of Consulates in all the 'foreign ports, and the . protection of the commer cial marine of the Confencrauda every - Os the high sees. The King concluded Ills speech with the y following peaceful aspiration : men, prestoss is to be the great principle underlying all your disoussions. Your, work will be a work or peace. and by God's blessings the Fatherland will in pewee en joy the fruits of your labors." I=TE Loam', Bept. 10-2i,,tieg_Tea race.. at Dancuter were Inaugurated with enueb Writ to-oas, attracting a Teri large at Undue. • The Tilly stakes, for two year olds, value .e 3.0, waft won by Athena. The Glaago abate. were twirled off by.Dahalft Bath. L 'The great Yorketarn headway wee vr,un by Styllle, a three year old. The value of Mabee area [Fa. Iu tun content for the Chantyague "team , . value .LII4O, noe atone was ant and Vlrtnu ...cowl, but tba former was ruloal out for over-metabtomil the stakos were awarded to Virtue. The Fits Rtlllutt at►kes. earned et ben hendred end LartY-tiro pounds. Were Wen by grlnneter- The betting On the St. Leger Is' rczY beery, and nal...tang race Is eattitil. SERBIA.' ' OP T.. .afS 01 ?IMAM. Sr. ?Irma* Items, Saotember 10.—The Sloth of ,Perels hM aeceptial an Invitation from' the Emperor AioZendetto fruit Rosa. • ITALY. lettas arSonT •S',CT vtataLtat.' Tlvasvrv. - September 111.—TavalstrInVas that Garibaldi 'ivied and anal vita the Praulan Alabvinalor walla In this oily, Is contradicted. ' Naar Toss, Sept. It —The Tribicar spa cial. Aerial Constantinople, at h. say ai The Ell:defeat aratiatimder at tilts City, General Ignalferr, hoe preseated to the Ports another h ot° or hia •Ciorecnment, • etch. demands the ermine el Crete to lira - toe, and the tell equality or Chrtattane and glahninetacs to all the Prost.... Of he demand is declared to he the u ltimatumu or !Weida, and. 11 waserer Is asked tuition ten days. In diptemaate ictr cite 111111 regarded aa almost Inevitable. PIMA/MIS L 41:11 0 Coll ISEIICIAL. Carnal. September lo—zesseiash—cortards nt 9-IC. n-m. M.i, Erle 443 . itlautic dt l/ rent Western 114. Fess s roar, September 10—thenbso.--U. it.h-dfis Ifili,. Lie/ avow., September Ill—dretilng.—Cui- Wu xicw• 1 at a limber decline oi yid ou Amerioati dewrlptionst middling °wand, 91(4. Ovine, lrely mile , for th e day &OW twee. Breadstuff* Closed Arlo. Corn We 94 tor now mize4 western. W heat Weed for o, i d Califon/le hate. oats ZS W. Parley Ss Pia Cis. Provisions of strong. Dear V.:ft to. Park Its per un . Cheese Si. for for Aurarbran. Lard SO. 4. &won 414 r 4 Produce—Tallow. tie ed. Petroleum—ld for spirits and Is 3.1 for retain]. Lennon. Scutinater 10—iontifi9...-Sogar 14, Ca. J\ close . September S—iformap.—VorrO lama closed Amer, Vai - lard Irlate fAI Oso. 'FROM !IRE PACIFIC She California ilartia*—Tho Idr eralmod Veda—U..lomM alaJorify 9.000-1).$10 of ...old alarlinor. tar I,l.grapoto ritlain,or-litut.l4.l • Saw Yeatroiato, September le.—Ctortml eta returns from thirteen 'eacuttlea sad puha' tram twenty...lsta counties make height , * majority nearly Mee the sand.. The sine counties to bear from give smell end will probably increase the mS3orlty of Haight. The total vote polled In the stile. tech coordles mentioned was GAM height's majority glitS. The, mime counties at the last general election nave • total vote et S.Illh; Union majority Salt The deereue of the vote In thee* mantles tete year is notwittimmeding the most excitine al Z.' ma./ }-eara. atloo shows nO derream in toe timelier entitled to ante. • -Itte TWO for YeY. independent teoubllcan candidate for Governor, Le about tole, so far se known. Captain it. J. Yamteweter Mod in his la d teat Might. lie commanded the first reg.. ler meamer,on Lake Gomel°, In Mu. Some years ago ha was Vaadarblit's agent in Calera.- • • The lisle t Norcross 11lnlag Compeny nu declared a airlaand of eI.Z per share.. Chollar 0010.4 $3. Salleo-11101 sminiship Golden Cite for Panama with passenger. for. New York, and ifilef.9loin tremnre, a little over half for New Tork. - - - FROM SOUTH AMERICA The aceets.2lloaquerst lead Ls Col. usable—The Coasters Once More (By Toisersas tote. elltabarge Ussetts.l Nisr.:Yess, September tO.—A. Panama let ter Ws. the .3st:int - pet adbilreute Itts yuere 10 Borate bees resolved to - Is:lppon Acosta and Lopes ROW JminlstraLlon. IC Is T Vs V< i g p s e as s stllrs I , ll= l r ' In ' Ms 9 4 ' serrates,. - [torso. bad been detested at Itlo pasta and teptured. aud the casein , Oa* titter enure peaceable. right Bet.vman tioldlrre and Retro. wt Vareaville, V.. • COT Tel,grape to the IT atertrea Ossetia.) Ittentronn, gent. 10.—A telegram from !sortable to.ufght eeporte a tight this af ternoon between Knee noldier• of the Twenty.drat IL a. I.ooope sad town nuittrntr Tbe poldiers - .bed beaten acoloredean tee refusing' to sell liquor last night, soother, reortilng were about to heat when the negro. rallied, and a Cont ensnell. The oilmen* elused theit stores, and a nompany of soldier* Were Ke at In from comp IWO. re...torect 111,7,0. Oen eoldier was slabbed 10 the melee, and about .00PM Soldiers soil Maul's bOly beaten. coarse ilea at ttempete—liteard of Mewls*. Iteeesesdee thole 5e11... ray 1 el.enee to lb* l'lttaburirb Unette. 3 Mizoram, le.—The weather 11 cloudy and It le wry molt the thermometer at idaty °lent degrees. The Board of Health has reorme (dared their action In regard to quarantine. and It. will be eetablishea below the t;ity to-mOrtOw. Ho motto from below will ere allowed to peso until examined by tho boaith 0900, Wm. Alcides lorttell to Deliver SP Aa. drommot Cooper Ism Mote. (err Teiegrop• Y tee riusbursb tiesette4 Nnw Toni , fiept.lo.—The Union Itepobliv can • General Committee thin evening gp polnlett a Commlttoe to Invite Geneva Sickle. to address the Call.. at Cooper la etitotel another to fame. rem/lotions ex premien of the eenUments of the Itepribil cane Oflieer York regardiog amine of Utin. %Wee In the South. • . lklatraled Work of •rt Destrakad„ Teissrspn jot We Y1t1,0 , 10,0 Usretts.l 2s,,ts yoar, ttootsorbir 10.—Tbs world of Sri , recently taffersd most trrovarablo loss by tbs destrantion of tbs famous Unancl of Madonna del Rosario, In Venice. Amour othsr works t oonsiderable note burred woo THAW/ co Inbrato4 protons Or the kat , tyrdom rd 'Bt. rota. . • The Eleattos ta Mosaiarta. (B, Tailkaraon Mut Pittabarsli Gault de mo. Irmatat.s. CITY. Sept. 10.-11.01Logi, carat, la elsoUiti to COngroas n 7 "stoat I,l= majority , Tim Legislature I. almOit =M. lammaly demooratfa. . Tallow Moths at New Oilcan. Cay T•hooey! , to ta• Pittsburgh Us motte.2' Nam •Outusups, Mph. - lo.—Tbore, wool forty-two yellow.. Mir deaths it ruin lb. Swooty4our Won OodSoff atomism THE COUNTRY'S PERIL speech of Ben, Wade at Cleveland. PIA PORTO C E OF THE PRESENT CRISIS Temper and Purpose of the Rebels Unchanged. BEIM DIMON us its PAUL" Reminiscences of Rebel 'Lead Teleerehh to the I•ll..heetl!Geeel CL:EvitaiD, SID• Senator Made spoke hitt. to.d meta WPOitItIII e . A Ane mi mood to him. no bemili - n/ nls Jndoment no Mare haporisi thiltistdry of oar tioyernmont hi lend 'thin Tliongt Gist or arms hod. Opined, Um be- no relaxation * The .powe opposed the Government de war chill artist. Their itirposee changed, their determination Ile said lawn the spotlit eau! gross closed many bollated that at twat the rrooldnutot tno United lltaten would sewn• don tbo Mrs, owllleh b. bad go long par- od. accept no 1".1107 . of ' Conreia .bk), was, approved by a large majority of the people, and execute the laws passed by that body. Was not of that number, for 1 had no confidence that he would administer the laws with edelity. when freed, from the restraint* which were necesaartly upon him denac the session of Concrete. Barely onoligh to tat fatten .back into the same intone metes, and at' last we have it 'from his special Orgaa•that be is on the' war path. By he vroCiatinetion yet knew that be still srnerte nte deterelinacitta toporeue a policy in opporntlun to that of Congress, and we bays blots from all Oles that he will carry out, that volley • peaceably, If m a n y ; If not, 'by . force. Imobtices o f yen think that. an unnertaklog so rash that no man in his senses would attempt,it. And so, when Sumter was flied upon; sone, thought that email war was not Intended. The spotter arnared•t he people that as great peril et. i.te in-day as worn tented rebels struck at ! the ills of the Repnblia. and ardently ay ; pesied to three who saes/ the nation hy their yolor then, to rally to Its sessile.. No one could say he had been an alarmist. [ During the war he had never doubted our 01. timate secrets; but the machmatioes of the present enemies of toe repaollo do not ar- i rit the attereetoO, as 014 the clamors of war, endure so much the mete d•OoterOU• ' for that reason. fin »forced to the fact that the rebel leaderethilw no signs of Ye- Orldahce. hot are ready to try Watt whoa oPtsc i tonity offers. Ea enolte Of the Con thealOnal Committee which Investigated temper and disposition of the Come, and co:mended that the rebellion Is as rite reference alimo duties the war. 'lied to that state of - feel in g -The - danger lies to the fact, that Cando:, back of those who got up nod carried on the rebellion . w whee • Warn °Mee red party al, the Nnythose eympeothles were with them. and who gave them all the old and consfert In their power. I will if say that wend It not for the sympathy the Dentioarette part th ere weeds Wryer helot been woo rellton. to me. Corday etter L! you, wwere at atter day I was In aloe° council wit Jeff. Davis, Tnitordw, Serf ateln, Mentor. Crittead., and others of minor Dote. In that room, shore there were onto totake notes torpor. licatorni. All talked fataillarlytogetber, and lie plane and purpratel of the Scath , •ere needy arowel. tire:hohl tuem that thee social bring on a war. But they said no; van rennet Caere° a Wale, Inflating spot , - MO 'debt of states to morn. It war comes, -alt Davis, the blow will tail upon you, idol not noon an The North. sad aot the town, will tie Lileysetatel. If it, comes us. to that, the city of New Took has 'agreed to go with I Moo no Moan they .cad an understanding to that effect with Wood, Marine and other*. to hart. If poodhle. the greet lgetroteritS Into the s hirliewil of *reveal.. Davis also said that Pen anylVartie and Indian., world go Iran them. and to support. hie Statemunt toed up density the :Volutione adept ell on ttai etth Id Jantlary.liCl, by DeosOcratn Coh•entlnto it those SlMput, seeding vest to, to the pttier-8W seereislotii and ritndginte ten tenured ' timamed meri to a:Arne, tam. One of the renolUtiona de emmel that If tier attempt was toad• to anarre o.Ln. e . muthh U b m e m h e Mo t d h eGooen the DatalOaracy. These La daunted In toy mee, and told Me that meta my own Stair sonhri lola with them. I recnitect the reply that I made to him. The Dantoorttey 1 the 'north, like the Dowd, will Mal , tou into the scraps. and then leave you there. (Great angular ) When It cern es to Maclean of atom, not tom et them • ill date to raise his arm in the cense°, ',degree, ♦ Ayala, I Day teat bet for the aid And comfort afforded the item hero leaders ~, the D o mnototty of the North, there would have been pa il . thearge upon this, great organised pa reitemehlitty of three hundred duxes . thousan flower of our yreth tying In their V lip the ilemoeutfre whey, Ise Invcod. thMoi who m ol t no the tatty swi ng the war. and through It. Downed the government, fo rThos who. to Ohio, pat Op • convicted traitor r Governor. 541.1 exerted thetneelvett la alert' bunt. Where wee Judge Thet a,. when Tallididignam On • count. 1 into Governor I , Ile was acting ne concert' with the Great Barostod, who yr., working out his sentence in a Medan land. Mr. Thor Mate could nut plead I igoorarme to this matter. It was blown to sit that Ur. Waller:distal= had been tried oy a mliiiAry tribune, mutter the glad , sum et one Of the nest oprleht men to the sertice. who, ,if as reports , ere true. had he been allowed his, own way. would have discoaed of the Mob In • manner which wOhld have prevented Mr. Vali:adobe:a from making ttettvonithle thWeehtel %/Menthe - et the HMO ' tr.:. Note. Mr. Than:Mtn Wee a gentlemen, 'Bt tweet redatlene bat IS dt to he trusted watt enteral:tient affairs en /Oda. hearth% ' with religloo. The LtelaaantOT .0010 1, 141- .bygones be bygones, but it canlt Do ' liere the speaker sketched the binary of the rebellion and events leading to tt. lie thee sold; SP here were your De teethe etea the war broke Out. lt•thtunter awoke the- Republican party Land-some'.twirl. Min . Democrats, hat the remainder thought It unconstitational to cooler State, and think so yet. They Wined • bele erns sod were willing to per 'nut ea Invasion of the North, and the Ulti mate 7destr - liettart Of the Government by the rebels. They denounce , ' every itieelitde enacted for the safety of tne country on. ao: itntionrtl. They did all In their power To Moore:tate 'tie currency. the very sinew hy which the ' army was equip. eel, clothed, paid and fed, by pro. nen:lolns It Me, unconstitutionally let viloat in the country. When salted to bring forth one Constitattonal meallere theisisclees for the enintleetton of the I. bellion, they were dumb; yea, more dumb thatelhterittehl an. Thee could sot and did not do sunning but card Shedd Ihn In eall none the Vroon party. It was inconsistent for limeacrals to complain About the extent of • sae they lied helped, In extending sympathy to rebels, by their sitarta to depreciate the cot y. and to discourage stmenta d ebt Ing to Caned. They Swore the have would be palittneo teat , are afraid It will be paid, On the question or negro endrage he said It seta on practical Importance, hat the ptlesdple wee of IMCO• significance. Who is moon enough to deprive amolorevi Man 01 flintily... where Delete. his !thereof every. thief, that taint a Dell:Mwrall Ile closed by annealing to those from the . coonuiy to orgattlie their towastilps on that the p o lls . Man could bo brought to the polls. Whatever limos& valuable among moo Is obtained by the horsiest labor and retained by the greatest vlgtheice. it would reoutre . considerable •svork 10 meet the scheming plarrneof the ilettMClOo7. There are *Moore andellthanithill before os nos, but with A flea determinatioto Men conic Lenge impeditseate, the way willllool 110 Clear. -- SUDO \MILITARY VISTRICT, Onto! Onmierstsgi ••111•• 1••••1•• • Timm Who 11•1. hot Vivien insa Parole. . a/ . VVICIR>Vb to %U. rltterAntb U>aette.7 • CKLULtsiullig tient. 10.-ken. Culby has Is win, ft. fatiogrlnv • USADVII•3I..II 6.11.11 MILITAILT D1111,1111:1T, Calatstrus. MOT. Ornered Order. ,o. betel toomt, %UM. EMUS 1 , 011.0110 subject to parole ender he term navn el the onrunder of the loaurgent en atom thn 1/th day of April, I rEie ol n, vuntarily exiled themselves from dm 'Wads lately In. rubeihnn, thereby eyed Ina c,,,,obligatione b y tally saatito NS sell faith. fully amused by eirothers eel/ 'et thereto', end bays since returned LO the tinned Weirs: ord red, that all such perarme, rest: dente or d whaled, or 050 may hereafter b.eeomr Monte or domiciled, 'Whin the limits of the military Menet, be required to spreoriththirty deviant.? the receipt of MU order a t headquarters of the poet at ( modest in which thee May D 6 ett reel, dr , or dewellutl, the parole prescribed on the OM day of April, rad. • The parole will ho given to duet tette. one to be retained by the person whoulVes It. the Other to be for. warded to dilarlat hosadquart.• for record arid rnsuileelon• • The P ro toet Ilerahel General ot the Dl.. is charged with the execution or Gale artier. • Defaeltlog Teller CapturelL tar Teierreeb to me ritteeero 6are.La, BOpteLOOOT lti.—Joseph S. Cat'. deettltlthe Teller of the Central nomad IlattW A ealetted ae mate cm the re en, uregoty, booed LO Li*Ollllll, 'Which tear or et hauled or a nilot boat, two and brought beet t9a leaning c ,,,,,lloon,ttaeloa One feel of water tu the hem Caruthers ears he allowed a Mend to oreraraW his aceonntand he was not !tenanted one dollar hl meet. • • Maine Ztectlon—Latess, tel.r.oatiliph to the plitiburah Osten*. 1 gtw max, September 10.—A special' to the trortit from Malta expreesee tho belief thet linamberitti t s notjority will cot ezoised vo k. to autO, that the State Senate matins seven Detnoerata to twenty-lour and that the Democrats went on a n,ejority intim House Oda .11141110.. Wood word ApOsbrittol . . Yoe t pogroms. U;, Teacart. to tae Memorial alumna) . Wmtiggilil, Pa., September 10.—Xid Ohba Justice Woodward by be= .Ikomtna -2,..#4. tad b Use Demoorata for tbe vendor In op 4300grOOSOPILI DISOZIOSOCOOIIogid try a FROWN, . CITY AND SUMO. FOURTH PAGE.—Tfte latest and most relit!, bis Yong, OU clad Product Markst, /UMW , 17is. by WSW pap, ys thy dim vitt Wound COURT OF NEB 'AND TERMINER. The Trial of 'Victor 61. Keller, Charged with the Murder of James Geld . rich. In the Court of Oyer and Terminer yes tard4 morning, before Judaea eitAirrett and - Stowe,. Victor 0. Kellar, Indicted for the murder of James Goldrlch, In the Thlid ward, Allegheny, In Jane last, was put upon rile trial. The prisoner, who is a Forme man of prepossening appearance, was ar raigned In the natal manner, and entered the plea of "not guilty." The Common wealth was represented in thin cue by Dis trict Attorney Duff and Mews. Cochran and Morrison, and the defense by John M. Kirkpatrick and Themes ILMantuill,Ens. _ . IMITOItr OP Tag oAss. Tile hOMICide WY committed at, the home of Daunts Kellar, on . Ohio street, Allegheny, on the night Of the lOth of June last. The deceased and Thomas McFarland rad been attending et picnic on Troy Hill, in the afternoon, and were returning come be tween ten and eleven o'clock. Vi - l!lle going down Ohlo street lioldrich proposed to en Over to Dennis Reliant liquor More and get a drink. Tun went into the store and sated , tor a drink; when Victor Kellar. nephew of Demme Kellar, told them that they did not retail liquor sod that the drink. Could not be furnished. At this time Donnie Kellar name Into the room, when a seoond demand for ilrlaka was made, and agalu reinitod. A. disturbance then occurred, during whin GOldrich was abet In the head, and died a few hours af terwards, having In the meantime been re moval to his mother's hon. at the head of East Klein, Atleithmy. Toomw ki'Farland.oompanion of the de ' ceased. was charged :with having done the sbooting, IL being alleged that he had In tended in shoot ono( the letters, and had •1 14 Merl Golds - Mb by accident Me was ar restral Immtallately after the affray, end Pithin- the Allegheny lock-up. On the llth of Jen, Coroner Claw.n impanoelled a 3nry and proceeded to investigate the circumstances attamling the death of Gold rich, and on the evening of the same day, or the following day, McFarland had a hear ing before Ilayor Morrison, en information BargiCharging him with murder having been ng by Denis Kellar. The Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict to the effect `qtrat ties deceased came to Iliadeathfroru•wOund manned by a pistol shot areal rather by Thom. 11Plarlthd or Voter G. Kellar, but that • thee were unable to determine which one." Under this finding Kellar weaarrested, and both ho and • kl'Farand rer Keane Committed to await trial for , murder. When the case of McFarland came before the Grand Jury, Asrastant District Attorney Riddell summered that further search be made for the pistol. with which the shooting was supposed to be done, as up to that time no weapon hail been discov ered.- 11 , F.land wae enrolled Immediate ly after hle arrest, but no pawl was found In lan ce adduc poeseas ed lon and there wee no , eilber before the Coronerpr at the hearing before the Mayor, to show that he ever carried such a weapon. On the other hand, it was shown that Kellar had • pistol, sod that imenrallately after the shooting he deft the store room and twent into a rent room, cut that shortly at rwer•le he returned. In theism.ce with the auggestlen of the Assistant District AL. M... Coroner Clawson and Milker Wrig ley visited the Douse Of Denali Kellar for the purposeof onetime • thorough enrols for `a ti lt pistol. After enthato- mg the hon., Swatch was made in the back yard, and in the privy vault a several barrelled revolver was found. Olt of the barrels were loaded and one empty. The discovery of the pistol changed the appear ance of the cue, and noosed to point to Kellar as the munlerer. The Greed Jury thee ignored the bill against McFarland, anti he trs• released from monody. A true bill was toted against Victor kelink, and elan that time he ram been conneral in the county tad. Kellar, prestone to has ans.. was employed In his tether's- har , tware atom 013 label street., Allegbetty, &few doors below that of Deena Kellar. Golthketr,the deceased, was employed in a Manhiner shop 111 this city, est which eetablisbuttot MaTar- I land was also employed. lt.., vine Jr., '. Then were but few chanting. either by the proem-utter, or def... The following jury et. mipanueledt I Geo, Ammon, Math Want, rataburgh. 1. J.. Cent , or, if o.r/it-Clair Towestilp. I. Ito.ee licliregOr, Penn Township. 4 Andrew Jorge, litilith Township. I. John Flack. Foot. Were, Pittsburgh. G Joe. nesting. Third Ward, Pittsburgh. 7. nowt It littunitownevt De. To•notp. li. John F. court., nacre.. Tn.:Letup. 0 John Mural:tall, Itigth Ward,Pittsburch. Pt John Allen, Lower 51.1.;istr Townsittp.• it Joetenh Roe,. Firm Ward, Pittsburgn. I'. William Penney, Baldwin Township. crapes eon tea connoirwestre. • Robert et. Morrison, Eso , opened the nth for the Commonwealth. Lintleded to the grave nature of the °Zen. for which the prisoner was Indicted, and then nrielly toranthed the facts prcpoeed to be spored by the proetteutlOa. the said the evidence would Oa _MEgymit a character as to lean met of their consteeration tee question of murder in th e snood degree. Tee verdict most be either order in the Kr nt degree, voluntary mania gene, or acquittal. rug W.... Thorns Ookirer . sween—The deraaled Siele z Go:di Ich oa. a brother of mil.l 1.• Mt on the lith 01 Jut., in Allegheny min, . • wound in 4..... d. at 1...7 ...KM... tae. .. . Donor 41earn, sworn—Waa celled. to ... Jame* Goidetch at eleven Weleek on the Meet et tam Iltb el June, at the store Of Dennts,Xeller, ou the atones of little street and East Lave. Allegheny city; Goldrlch was lying on the floor between the end of the counter and tee window; he wu bleed• I . tug from a wound n the ebb of hi. head; Inaned a probe In the wound about rave ches, and made tip my mind that the wound was facet; ads e *mond examine. non which guest 'elated the ant; the tonna man tOol.11.0) spoke twice to met he asked melt I thought he would recover; I told Olin I thought not. About noon on thellth of J.. performeda post melees exemlnation. The witness teen dtwortbed fragments of the wound, and produced of hone. Re boa no doubt the wound caused the death of tioldrich. Thorne. McFarland. sworn—Live in Ir. win'* latheY, Allegheny; was with Jam. Ooldrlch at De:lnlet:eller% ens the 10th of June last; we both asked for liquor and were both tensed; some words paned ee .o were going mai.as attracted Icy a reef fie between the deceased and Dennis Kai• ler; turned round and was met by deponent and struck; the blow knocked me de•o; don't remember anything more until 1 was arrested and put inside the door. [Deceas ed described the ;mouton of Goldrlch son Keller.] tioldrleb bad Dennis Kellar by the hair when 1 ant saw teem. goading, and Just before 1 wee geocked down.. • No creseoramlnation. .• Josses Marsha/4. sworn—Live on West street, Allegheny; en the night of the lath of June wag going up Ohlo street On the opposite , Mae of tee street teem Kellarl; heard a dlstarlor ea m,d started across the, street; slopped between the railroad tracks when 1 beard the glue breaking; I then crossed over, sad 10.1 as' reached teepee. merit saw the neat of • Maud; a policemen then rushee past me, took hold of Meier- lee 4. and brought bit out of the door; dice% kunw McFarland at the time; went Into the Souse to see who was hurttthen want down the street to see where Mcrae. land wan taken by the rtneen; alter I came hack to Kollar'., Uoldricb bad rolled to the other sub of the room, when 1 Bret looked In I saw Ooldrich lyin g ' no the noon the Prisoner was Standing near the end of the coveter. • The Court. took • recess to *fiord the iemlmeat opportunity of getting dinner. . arraakoos sessms, ' James Aforslion, recalled—The second time I looked In the store the prisoner was gone; when i saw the non 'ef the Maud. eterarluel was leaning towards the deer, end the Moth was immediately over his shorlder, on the Made of the door; It ap neared as it some person bad bold of bib Flatland; Old not see any person have hold of him; can't tell who tired the ehet-414 net see; It most have been tired near the dour, Judgmg from the Slant; I observed no . other lathe loans teas I knew, blot old Mr. Kellar; there were severelotherslo; thee were scattered all through the room, ...Meat when I looked In the 111600 , 1 time, after the shot, the scenting Wiiii all over; when I looked , n atter the flash.—• wend or two ett•rWards.—Kellar was gone. Cross-examined—After the shooting did not see the other persons scattered through tb a rerun; they all calico tO where (101Onsh was being. Dlreet eseanteation resumed—l seer three or tour perione In the room attei Goldrlch tell; the Bosh did nut seem to be more thin three feet. Irmo the end Of the counter. where Keller wee standing; It wall twenty minutes past ten *hen the shooting took piece; the room wee lighted. - • . John Mecum. ewernUlLl•e on Ohio street, ',klieg. ettylon the night of the cleorirninee I was passing up the street, when I hoards distarbence,l hen I he entail of glans, and the report of a Mime; went over when Isew in man (Uoldrich) lying on lots face Oa the floor, with his feet toward* tbe door; there were nee or Mx In the room, hut old not know any of them but McFarland; .111 not see the prisoner there the fleet time 1 went in. Meer Charles Watert s worn—About hear past ten the ;debt or the orourrencre, / wee on the, oppeeite lode of Ohio street' from Mr. Kellar's; saw two Men crone hip Ohlo street and posh 11110 Kellar's; linen after they want In I saw the same door pushed open, and saw: McFarland, Wearing a while coat, seething with some hereon In the house; beard the roper; o' II pistol, and ran over; when 1 rate evert atreeted MeFer• haul and sesenteel him; did not see Victor Kellar, the prisoner, at the home; was aerate the auger when I caw the dash of the pistol; it seemed totems froth some - where near McFarland , * fan.. Cross.exandited.—The - Bub seemed to come pretty near the ranted arm of the man In the while Watt thienten in the white cost et the same man I afterward* terMated as McFarland., • , ' ' John Irsraludt. retailed-IMM I looked over Ohio ;treat I saw McFarland la Kel• ler'a door.just standing On the Inside of the oer; ,he had M insta l meal; when I heard he retort of a loomed overt when looked In 1 saw deeeeeed lying on the oar; did net see the' prlsOtter, or the butt I the pistol. &mart Charles, sworn—Wude the oppoe Ito aide of the street f rom baling'.; heard a letnrUnee there sod then the revert of a tato!! when I got over a policeman had old of McFarland; caw deceased lying on the floor, near the deer. Crewmen:lined—Torre were not more than three or four inside of the door, het a onesiderahle crowd wen afterward, /Fer.Marelcht testified abet he was passing on, Ohio 'street, on th•nteht oft ne affair, and beard the report of a patel at Kellar's; did not see the primmer, Kellar %beret but saw Idererland in the bands of an ethos.: Mal/or Sextets., of Allegheny. sworn, Sew the prtsonsr the next mernlng after the °marrow.Re stated be was In the room at Kellar's, on the night Of the ankh', and got Into • angle with McFarland; the blast Monk two %Ilona ! When 1 ratoi was PRICE THREE CENTS: fired, and he (Kellar) leaped: Oyer the bar rels and ran out of the room:. asked him why he went out, and be said! h e was afraid be would Web. himeelf. Ile made several statements, bat don't rsooll4er Moe Par tlenrarlYi they were nubstantially Me same have stated. • Peter Bans, eolOred, teskeed• that he found a revolver In the privy. yealt of Kat lar's house, in clearing the same mon actor the oscurrencef he Identified . ,t.he pistol pro. lured by the proemution es the one he' found lathe privy; 'hen found one barrel had Hewn fired out. open . John Wrigley teatte - be wan Pm' eat when the pistol was fired there Wu One load out of the pow; and cis'. la• W.J.• Patterson - seeed thet he removed sin loads from the. pistol; . there , was one barrel empty when be did sot bad in my pas session the hall left with me toy Ur. *born; letf7.°Sg:X.V,::,'llt7,Tic,°,'" "'MN tab Ire loess in weight in hamlet' through oh pima Dr Perelonent testified title itanr &pistol seine three or four weeks be oto the occur. mem in Kellar's Pollemelo ....et give lay idea es to what was its ans. H.ll l, Peek tealtled that /*longtime he:- • fore the ourreucKeller;naYe him a tol fossil, s aying sdidn't went to carry it ergr r iff' testified Mat ilia newer saw him with a pistol. The pistol—a *even b tiled •oneo—wali offered in eidenc. • . • The Commonwealth mote/ berg. and Mr. Marehall announced the :the defence would slim rest, and were willing to submit the care under the chersO ,of the Court. Toll proposition wine not mcepted hy the Commormealth; and Kr. Costiraned dreesed the Inn . for the Oreteree MD. Meows. Marshall and Kirkpatrick follow pli Mr. Cochran for the dilfense. In brief epeeches. They argued that Mae Common wealth had entirely failed( to make out a cane against the pr and claimed verdict of acquittal, on •th;tl fact. Pre sented by the preeecottoo.', ; Col. Duff clogied the came (Sr the prologue.. Tbe Court then adjoned until is morning at nine o'clock, wh ole Judge :stows will charge the Jury.. ' ••• • The Mined Oetruee—Parthal Hee A. partial iiiarlngnit the ow) of Alexander IL Haight, implicated la the alleged out rage of Kate Waldron, sea to have been perpetrnted on Stuiday everilsg, September Ist, Wok place baton, Ms llOnior 'Stayer 110- CarthligesterdaY afternoon: The Common wealth was represented by Assistant rd.. sea Attorney Liddell. 30116 C. HeCiarth.l and S. H. Heyer, Lava, appearing for the defense. ' • Kate L. Waldron, the nripecatrig, was called-to the stand and testified we follow.: porchtwenty.. Sabba t httened a week ago last missed my way when I came out and went down Penn street; was near the Scott Hoagie; met two men who came near me and 1, asked them the way to the Onion Hotel, when one of them said 1 was a long Way from It. bin that they were going that coy and would go with ma • They spoke together, and one of them said meant that 1 was • long way from the Hotel, and said 1 had better gat a carriage; I thanked and ret uned nd be went around the, 'corner, immedi ately With eartiage. Resell tot. driver take; the laity to the tthion noose;" Bid "not to the Union Howes but the Union etel;" they sald It was all the same; .ked the driver what he etoniti charge; be said, 'vim dollar. , " and I paid him anti got in; ea th•• driver was starting both men got fn the .p ge themes down In front of me; 1 oke to I did so 1 sr. seised, and one of them pieced a astarateed towel or cloth over my mouth; I remember nothing more :could not rtalst,them and became In sensible; remember nothing more until I recover.. at sir. Fitzsimmons' hove on Howl 7 manila ir; I asked where I was when . I recovered: they brought ma a diary and asked II It was mine. eald st was and that 1. had one hundred and fifteen dollars paid me on Saturday. Two rinse were missing from my "finseth, and the fingers werered and •wollen. I had paid bet one dollar oat of the illth,-and that I gave to toe driver; had a railway ticket to Boston which as also missing; the money was greenbacks; met nothing else. It eat timely Minolta to nine o'clock when Teft the elm oh; think I entered the car nage ten talented afterwards; can't fix the place where 1 gut into toe Mileage preen.- ly; It was a close carriage: saw the men when' they net Int On, of them was a large Man; 21W one of the weir; that Is the man (pointing to Haight); know him by bit Mee and general appearance; he is the larger of the two, saw him 'a gain at Mr. FilislellnOme on Tharsfla7l aeveriumr him before UM. oconftunom he Is the man who took hold of me mid the smaller one put the towel on my face; have not seen the small er man lanes. • .. ththattantlumemse to this city frern• Galveston; going to Mththeituartte; Hr. Al len, from Tennessee, gave tee the money on Sunday; done; know where he Is ntnetoorer wised I:brine:tr. before; Illtt 'not know that It gess the MOM Routs Seam; 1 Mod tt out hy being tber• on last Suodnt teas over with the Mayor; wen tram the Cheren over the snots route with Um Mayor that bad gone over broom th• occurrence took FlT',.l,tlV:tre7=7lt,':";!Td'V tore; I caw the delendant at Sir. Fittslut. mould,/ was sot told •ho was, there; I was told teat several gentlemth were down Stales that wanted to see me; don't know that. Mr. Seett ever told me thatith had srrested the math several were arought there for Identification; ester tossing the Scott nooses lathed and wtht Into a V reel or an allay thd thme Out Dear o drug More:dint% know whether It was In a corner or not; don't inner *Settler a rall y/ay was steer the Mug Monet don't know which able of the street the dreg store Is tom,dnt knot the flit . ..Mtn I tookiturned left Irmo th e goat Mthen don't know them which way I flail It woe near the dreg store !gra In the Inarrlette; there was a street gas-light ens . ; was soprano. ett by the men -near the drug elated eau', tell hew I got to the dreg stone; thou I came to the Scott Obese 1 went toward the bridge Sad then turned to my left; don't hoer the Street.; was Dever hint before, the men pealed[nee& the Scott Moots; before I reached the drug ow:other Amman bank. and then /trooke to them. ar rived at the Union hotel somewhere about ten o'clock on Saturday ninth maw a light In the drug store; didn't register my name at the hotel; believe name was resister- Iscl for me. Outlaw.% know who did lb the tame was Dalton; I think the bead alert registered It; don't know the Ant name registered I had the wrong nerd., pot down bee I thought / was rebated; I bent ad n trortmounte .0 wraith talen from me 'on my way to MOM MITI / bad no money, and was passed (nn from •tattort tomb.; I saw a matt who had seen on the LW*, at the Union Hotel when I. took . thinfor; 1 had my stster's OnsOndta name irelstered; t Saw the mao watching me et the loan; the watch and penmen /a were taken from me on the road betteenCanton and Grenade t Mles); on snarl:lay morning I went to get a tooth attracted; it was be. fore daylight; /went in therein alofte la the evening. Rad trect—Tbe money I got from Mr. Allen was loaned to me; ha is now In WesttnigUm. I think; paw elm at thy Union Motel; he was not etoopnot there; It wan Sunday siternoon; he Is • widower; last seer him when he was one Of a Darty goltig to Onlyeston. some tent weeks ago . , to obtet-1 dant, knew hoer Allen knew wm at the V moo Hotel; be ins shown to my room by tee porter i Welt have known It by the name registered, Dalton. which IN my brother's name; often bare It sO regis tered.' There beteg no other wlttimsfis present. • farther hearten was postponed mad half plat al: o'clock 'Saturday, . The Late llama The laza seulhng match for the champion. ship of American waters, between Drown and Hamill. at Newburg, liew York. Matte rim to furnish material for conversation in sporting circles of this eity. The friends of our plucky toe nsmati, Hamill, are by no means satisfied with the result. The mere decision In his favor by the referee eatle teen:ally settles nothing, excepting Per hap. that Brown cannot row t fair Mee. Pitteburshers were anxious that the ton t.% should bevel...en a lair one, and that !latent sbould shiner have been beaten In • manly waver el.cafforded arlopportunity to dernolleLeate Deleted all dispute his marled orityover his opponent for shuttle eslebrity and honor. Hamill tea won. bark to his aide many friends who deserted hint, but Co toe now prepared tostand by him in the Inters* believing that he Is rightfully the champion of *lacrimal water.. Drown had a whole lhostof admirete In the, neigh borhood, but his disgracelgi conduct In the late race reaetret tome farther and more satisfactory explanation than has yet been given.my of dollars have ctuteged t o ds on thethousands result and *large por tion of 'the stakes have been promptly paid oVet to Ilsmilre hackman detniled. 1=1:1:21! In the GAZITT. of. Monday It was stated LIIICJIIIIES U. Flank, besiege master cm Wail'a accommodation train, Penney'. vailia Railroad, had been knocked dcwin en Washington Street, Saturday night, and robbitt of his pocket book, containing tes• tween seventy, and eighty dollars. Our informetion was received from • police Milker, who we ornate. was Misinfoemed In the matter, se it appears that there was I no robbery committed. Mr. /flack, however, was annulled at the time and place mentioned, and an Inform.. tlon for tumult and battery was ~ada w roth the meyo; against Michael Maloney, Edward and Jame. lingbee. The panne earl arrested Monday morning and taken to the lockup, where tiley remained until yesterday attenuant, when • hearing Mu had, C Moreland lied John Si. Ism- Me. Eels, apneartng ter , theprelleetition, and vr. Motto , Erin for-the defense. a stunner of witnessee. Melodies Mr. Flack, were sworn, and examined. Whose tents.. ny was all to the refect .thel 'Maloney had committed the &Ueda sad Nttteey, and he was coneciimantly held An the sem of g . - for his appearance at (Mort. There being no evidence against tllielU and Ruston they were tilsehitried. • Atteteptwa•llogglavyari ettemot made litiralerlge the tordchant tailoring ell liAltebtriont of 'N Houston & Co, No. 107 Finnstreet, on Monday olabt. Tb. 4 ble'ree endeavored to torn. open the treat door, by wing it Chisel for thepurpose, but were evidently frlahtened away befor• tfftetioaL BM entrance._ The elm has planed septa:4m watchman in their store who will hereafter be any to pay his ellen inn 10 o la 'go to any who may at utnyeasonallie hours for.l tike neat . Intim( iterlboola for which the establishment la proverbial. • 111 Ellitible 11•11 , 11 or Lots at Ant,. ththlend tOwbably, (cicerone line) on &mutter. September 11tb, et IX o'clock, r. precisel7, 0.1 Orcmbwo, ' , lit be sold onellendred and eleven vartorm Mead p o nd Lots, neer . the reed einota of Dr. Uut em, Wm. LI. Smith and Jno. Dunlap, it.cs., on the beautiful 'knoll overlook lux Poonsybralthl, and Contra blrtlol2eth and w ithin • tea etePeOrtlie PlPtevior etre ma both those theronetites , a rune advertise natinital Smi th son, reinter. Co. mom. noriarline-f or cheap fasonert and something good, to Arthur it 1 Uroots+764orlo(ol.ll9saig l 7{lederal • ALrfneu7Olty. atrlet,* • . • Vq. e. === Another swindling &Mar hes remeutig taken Place to this city, in whim, the oetrator displayed the most ease Mintz tude amen could Mundy be guilty or. The ratite, as related to to, are es follows: On the gist of Nay a man, calling himialf C. a. Foster, came to this city te a destitute ow. ditionawith 'soar:sly clothing enough to Borer his pgkedne" and preeented himself at Woollies of Mr. E. T. Cook, agent for the Norio Allieriollll Life lnsurorre Company, renresenUns that be had come from Gem. `la briginitlfy, bet had ricentlY been en gaged In the life Insurance business memos , of the eastern and In confirmation of ' Mittel statement he produced letters Of re. comtumilation from prominent -eastern men. Ile mid he was very Myatt and hunm havintraveled a long distance on footi g end pert Of the time haring very Milo to ;eat. Mr. Cook , .eympsttneti were aroused by his sustement, and, at Foster's , re test, secured him • troaruing hoMei be coming personntly reeponelble for his board, truntslatel hint with clothes, and tom money, and gave him • s which he could male some two ituation thousand at dollms It year. roster went to work itionsdLately. carmasing in the city for pollutes, and being shmm,..eilvo and energetic. was enccredlng admirably.' Mr. C., hero , . Ir. Wss careful not to entnin him with my arg• anioant•or money, or allow him to 110 any Oolireting. not that he was in any way ...pinions of Mut, but because It is not Ole manlier of dolor bmiesse. Monday morning roster went to the ogles and:took from thedraner • policy Mk which them wee due gen trout snout ninesley. of the Ninth voird, and O'elOCk he celled upon Mr. P., collected the money, and has not since been board of. Mr. Cook Weisel the policy In the afternoon and .called upon Mr. Paisley, who informed 'him that he had paid the money to Feuer shout nine o'clock. lie returned to the oMce and . 'walled mall six. o'clock hi the evening for Foster, who did not "aka hie appearance He tam went to his boarding bona" stud In. ['aired for him,, whoa he, was met by the Imullady 'nth a bill of rld for rodur's board, which, baring promised to be Tea panatela for. be bad in pay. The landlady Informed htm that luster. had not been there unce breakfast He la an doltsesel wretch aria damns. to banal...MDuo wretch But It will be necessary to Cobbe him Ant, thinner Hague bed the case la hauls, and is atter tliescamp. ilhootherg Affray. A SbOOting affray occurred fn Blrminto haniyestarday evening about four dela k. In Wilton .Thhii lialLsbury, of that place, was the principal eater. It appears that wt.- bury had borrowed a pistol for the Tiernan of shooting a dog. and. while Pwinir op Carton street met • crowd of • unmet with whom he had somewords. valen he palled out the pistol and fired into the =visa indieerlmittately, the belt naming through the fimby hart of Um thigh of Br. William Cock.. Such Indiscriminate Omen. tog ehoutd not be tolerated In a civilised .community, and we presume wUI not he passed over by the citizens of Birmingham without giving the perpetrator an OppOrte icily to justify. hie 000000 t. He had not been arrested at huit acconnts. I =12=23 ♦ fatal' age:Went Occurred at the Unmet Co the Per113.71•1.11a Itallroad, about a infla and a belt west of Greeneburg. yesterday thornier. The watchman at that point wal run OTIIr by a traidand instantly killed. It appears that the eastern and western trains pass at that point, and it is supposed that the deogased, who was on duty at the time stopped from one track to let a train pas; f 1•11150 be was struck by approaching than rom an °opt:who direction. The body. which woe ',era**, mangled, IMP tskell to Braddock'. Fields, where the family of the dedeited reside.. We were enable to learn the name of the outortnnate man. Drowned—Verenees lashoest. ♦dletrening accident occurred at linen weed, between three and four o'clock on Sunday, renalttog In tee death by drown . Ingot John Whfally, a little boy about flee years old.- U. had been playlet with Ins little brother on • brick fiat In the /doom gehela neer, when he nechl.tally tell over board, and before he ecrald be rescued he toss drowned. The rennet= were not elle powered antll • yesterday afternoon. - Coro. ner Ulaweon held an Wennet on the body yesterday noornfew, aim a 'verdict of acci dental death was rendered: =l= • A .delegate from the West, ea reste to the rent. Germinator' at Clemand, came tear losing hie life at Welliellbs, Otani yeetenlay mmutng. let attempting to get on dep o t,ears ea they were merles oat of the he Mated 'ale .o:Jetta= bettor: the eters and the pl - Ile renamed a eerpteevere • eat on thi heed;- and was othetwase, Injured, but Mitaermusly. tin wee . brought to Witte - harsh ter madtwal tmareesat. To be.oreof to be—alaars Use question. if Oath. W sneer ebb mental ansubm. Feverish Sys, cranking pates, dyspeptic and immolate 00 , 1 safferlne; Or whether. With and4tin dub. Sleet, • bottle Of PLAAVATION 81117.1.2, Arid, ZS Glanthar,SOOLOl, be, snyeelf • =l3 Gunther eeld layer,* mu...allow, Sly 'lease temwd, my breath tremendous odd My disposition troublesome—ln tact, gently hinted I was (ass beannum Unite • num... Your bottles now beneath my net have My Dtem,Peervdt • .• food has relish, mppe , lte Is keen, Sty men Mamie, my min d brilliant, end Nine pounds, &voltam:rots, Is added t 0 my Weight. M•etOLL WATec—s delightful toilet tle , e—eoperlor to Cologne sad at belt the • 111•11/31/1/ Cold aparklloa Nod* Water at J. T 4ample4ldrua edam Igo la Tolaralgtrar Allegheny. • Too Petrowies Lenge Stereo under tne Impression that you get things cheaper. TM. to &mistake, as you willtled at No. 111 Federal street, the following articles as cheep aa many 1,101138 to either city. Bp iced dalmoe, Pickled Oysters and Orange Mar nodule, Lototer.. arneeci Oyster, Treat Cove Oysters. Olive Oil. Crou and Black.' weirs famous Pickle... 4 klustaro, Mush. root and Walnut Catsup.Tresh Nine Apples, Chloe. ()Inger. Tamarinds Sardines, French bustard. Finest flordelnx Prunes.' Santee, ttoodeneed Ulla. Me - tract of Beef, Chocolates.very Ina, Cream Bonbons, Crease Cand les, Mined ClllllOlOl% Nets, in, ie. • Bum, N 0.119 Yedaral street. Allegheny. To ranallry Nerehants.—lretr Wen non Is called to the wholesale and retell /men More of Arthur Kirk Noe. 171 sod 11l Weiland street, Allegheny,tl. the Mime to buy seer groceries. fi ler. K i r k bee Win ne§ for baying that manatee blot to sell to retell merchants at a lower Agora Man may other house In the two Mlles. fle keeps et all times all Bade of groOerles, and , slll be oleased to hare nartim all and examine ate peke blot and quality of goods kept try blot. ltemember Ins namber, VI and /76 leral street, Allegheny City.' awe Seeds at liteneettabla Prbsea.-11r. Jame. Robb, No. el iluket street, comeat the pioneers to the boot anti oboe trade of this elty. bee on hand a large and lesbians. Ode mask of botostattoeseed asitare which be otters to the pabllc at very reaseumbleprloss. It wilt be remembered that the assortment Mond here to not trona genera awaken bonne, not bats been selected alma from manatactacors who deal to such ordains ae wW prove eereloteble and durable. (MU In Indies for vour.Oru; pcal open log—New fall goagei.— Toed/lay, September bub, sod during tba week, *MY Oi tao obolneas Otrova irMsta seer shown to this city. Assortment large and varied, In 0.10.40190.04de ohane, hose, and beautiful; can be beau on the west tanner of Market and Itunrlo streets. at elardnar.a only place of burliness, to gether with the cheers:et sleek 01gal:tint domestic goods to *be ally.. Glagreggs • BergliaT. CS Market Street, cornea of Putlrtti, wed alas. - its We sell Dry Geode bo th et. -. wholesale mad retail, and sre, as & eattesquence. eve &blot to keep s limner and Moen better me sorted Moot to mil ebeaper, end atm Alm rood. lo more moommalatkle tmantitias than ezoimive jobbing homes... Petal EMI. Mums uninvited to onatoloe,ons 'Wok, J. W. Bstittura • . 09 Merkel, street. Lets t Lot. t Lot. I Lotal-4 Lou.!., Anotloneer. will sell tomorrow,Teursday. 1040 o'clock, e P. twnty eV lota at Jack's Pam Station. on th V. .; U. it. la. %brae lanes atom town. Bites Su by Ito feet to l aorta • house of eye room. on one Terme llbentl. The trate 0110 o'clock from federal street wilt resell the sale lo aloe. flinillture. , ll•4lo, .11114111111•1114 PI. AM.A1.04100.-+.4. 10eggate, Ituotionevor, will bell t u. Viedeeeday, at 10 u'clxoolat 'the reoldence of Ptofeseor Platetax, OEO. 90 'Pomo-Detre.; two Kaaren eicti *Mimi irard 'School /Eleu•e. 41 , 1 r cheat, the entins collrotion of eoperlor fornicate, carpool. book cues, plect , loolr. !to, •e. • • . Tat AUegtopola ma ...AM:air Strltorboho ..le sad retaa (roost k Nos. !timid 11111/e4. tool street. bu received ,orta of the ban stooks of Emetics ever brchighT to Ito cab that wIU be lola lower than at MT house In the city. •.t . more To F00tt1100..410 to Arthur IClrk , a GrO. oorY *tore. Mon llt and 17t Federal letroete Allegheny. and buy your lior for putting up fruit. He AY the largrest,bmit and cheap. e wo at lvesMack lath. city. bail sod me for your. ni Better Aperient can be found than Witana's Pitts. Uyepen.le,Sonr Stotewth Unit:Tenn , s and Torpid Liver are Instantly releived by them. All the drattgisla Wilts United States keep them. 'M Wedgy 11460 at, Us "CDIMMOT C.reer. , wIH puke ..Pleseenc liours s , ! .amel Itogle • Chambers, 74 WM etreet.. ItU /FM 7tm Still more .tertitologreadtu MAASS to "Pen goo renell" the boat% WILY, The Rater; Cearteette-•Tou.re a thall loOhlUir art; es horsemen mod to the neglect:eel teeth. We shall woo improves under your ausp!ces:l ea the iteeteotha teeth salo, to bosureerr. 10° Sometbleg Pare.-. The Ter. Corkma :=9171, mad . a ., f Rules thror i ber..9. are a l ar=ll 4 j r . te . tbetery beet fa the market. Wised get Drum Ilea ha& N 7.4 r. Throat, Lo af Ciaitsl Ws. Ostrm o sou 113..rres. an batty Ltrtiteri Mr: EAiwa, 134 514 .U... *b by oiall 40 004bh !tllr4ddltional Loyal Nowise TuAra INN Pliftlh THE WEEKLY GAZEITE. Inowassmr Ara aamisair. lame &ma. malviaag TELITIACIL OO4. urn lailoneltoc meal" imam loolollat zetortaily lolma Iron th TeloclDo Non, irolvalOC Manor eve In . lankily. sal Moot 'mO.l loots ratum. MM sad flostagMilot Noritol lay imor lath iNty No lorroor.ll.l.ale nr Moreaant await, 0..1008t IT. MINS 702 11l =IOW OAJIMIIIit Mama Satooritor;.—...—«--••••••••41 1 •VO. Cnsro et 131.4 of —and coo vary et r nor Iv t" Wm, evtlav al) Oho MNA 1/etto•ar viola all* made at •.7 vi nor: Menscia VO Ovloaasona.-11 ordolitl Not Dolor. IS ran SM 'mar WINS *WM& ras ma% os in bows Ira/an/of Seam Pa as aarDan baTlag loner Nan • week. NOVVY by Draft. livondo, Mose Won. or Is ZoiNsllooilLorlarl. 111711. Nutt at =VISA - Latrisq. • GIA.Z.Errlk Straws It Is =at any One eau visit 10 - rob their neighbors of honestly timed rep. manors alttutash It InsY tabs them by abr.. p ethe friendly 0001001 fin ; meritorious 'wards at tb• Paris Istutsitiots lbe Weed . &Mos lischins won the b 1 beat Imams basun/ea upon American silliblUal—aa ooniing to the Ojneutt Liss Wby then .111 Noes who obi) received awards toroth's mart tlaus simple sewing. or, far trons, were classed Mow the weed. nee abet rr alstamt. mcleanari deorivethe publie• The W "nt UscoPeer Melte pommel ex enricatioa of their ihkeblulea, k. 0 , 1 1.6 Lk.* thus th e 'rennet of lanwirial Ja17. 1 . • be folly endorsed by the Apetriamre,- I t=us YOrr Ana 112 Grant street. Plueborgh. - • 0014 • 11hys moms *aka at I. S. Sample , . 'Drug Ears, No. at radical stlido Allaghem9, . Wallow Pewee ,Itey West ne•srapt te ii sae !inamorata Yawata Wear.. Sipa. I.o.—Tlni yellow. Mar ; la pretty bad bine. Taira unison Oosasar. : of the trotted Mates stead,. Lasoessolded.' atm bls body eras refried barbel oa alma. The Lectopee eras oosapelled t.barybf at. sea. Two asorecabla hands am Clasdiatlas bosplaal. . I= ETES iloadar alsat. Ike ha lama% aTisJs a. , Th• 'usaral taki plus tam tha Madam of of/11m . h.. Ballsfoatolao,otseth Lawrenceville. mil (Wadaosdar.) Not. Mk, at S o'clock. Vas Masao al• tallied" to ottottd. Ati.-4ntmit totit...tOtb, kki...td4tjon tt • iirtms Os •Taf,•^4l. - re: labZiri b a. ;" 1e."4; sae II dam. . ..Herman bath iota Mara •Yanersl ftore the maltase. Of the - ParaMaa tr la•bella Wald. nllaehray Cll7, m TharMAY9 12th last., at 19 49 , 9100 k A. 11. ltiaalla WQS (=IV arnlmllal 4 attaae. [Ths bate mere Mel 014. atoll/Meat/1h to the MUM. Dome or the lraalta la 119.9•• • IrplyttMo para for tats of ala sad mills. thiml• tlul.lmlas ant al. alloaate, lelmeaat a ' , Walesa and 'me, aka Daa Dowd .way. A. the real tottered far mr•D• .114 tha 'MU I m l Of, death ma balm MlO9l- on Mr small am 9141 lamer arml.h.ln ham aa.l tollasthra broke tram Ma 1199 ; It was msroamead mouth =I **mgr.*. *r aab *7 , 7.e.:0 dun.. Ws. sad sorsoklas atuattobakara..asasa." OC sash Is tba Merle at of Haan. Moe.] FY:VO.I ell:4: 1 0 izt aU . , I y Lig*. AULICA.II3IIDERTAIMI, sro. 1N hart! Mee. Inuatulk. ouPOIXII of sU %Win 0 2 / 1 2716 SLAMS. 666 66.6 66•6421636 af. 166•66 MlYiv filada nralMoll. Rama Mud day saikatigla. HAMM Dirsazscia—Din. 'lLers. D. D.. an. T1K1N1M., s..* H. Mina. Lo: .. J G. HODDER!! 111TRIDERTA. • mut AID iltßALelia*, Malawi lo tag lea Mammal I. Alodsas. 'W. SIP Ono Mama' twee dem Tree Beam Atßi a / a 7 B. Boaewood. Illidausat, Wades ..duo... wood WWl= C.l.se at therleweet ',dated mlaea, Boom mutat allimaree day sad UM, Beane sad ['anima larateke4 . oa Man loaka• m, meet memeebte teems. EDWARD lIN. ',Kerr/aim. Mos. 1144 OlitO anal& eisrthisy. isod eau Ciot. /1.1, with • 00•1011.• neehd fooma h taLalas foglo os two/. sad bantam d 4.3 simian solko os !igen toles& des sit thin mama: cot aer Of Tun ix* *ID= Malt Olsonsfok samenes, gu44k , 14..1N Au taro. STEWAUT,. Endertaker, serum et MOIII . OI%.'ssdrUSIIITZINTII. Ntstli Wird. Oeens if a use.. aura• sal .osrlisore. rarst.bosi es the stmurt unie, CENIETFMLY BULBULS 11011 ILL. • -A. J. HASISAIIII, at leo Cemetery gala. Lanuartllla, r. osiwaseAtialuauna AWD OMNI' WOALIIi • liTtrii SIIIIAL °AIM WAllltArriD *ASSN nous.. & JeFehrs , and Opticiani, lie. Si FIFTH STUNT. .A *malamute* alba p b 3 valrolm• •••• ergo iressramlT " ...row lila Imo aE soak • 01., , 100l H..Y.t • 00.. Y •s}..ah4► JAMES ItIOTT4: csuactzssoirroaottinit,•sasocert.l z:muim,‘t:st szer - p:NE WATal;ill, aA)M3 anmEn.p . LATED W#RE, we. I =1 re- rankle., ussauna Oyu I +Pvts... Wstahes. al•nkltl.: REMOVED IrdoDs„ H. SMITE, Merchant Tailor. Res 'moos! to N0..96•WT it +maxim.. ow. inr of re...al 'assn. •• loos No to sow roost, lot bl• let sfol 6:user...Sot/L. Of • - • • No.l4:ClArrillkenUtellUtNES, vserutes NOR 1/11111CONNIN0II. tl/1 bo mails order Isebo apt: plus =shyer. aloe • resitoffte *toms-moat b KN. o 1.111111 If UNSOSelltiel NW/Moll of Nblek till be 0014 Ob etre [111111044.1111141M1L H. VINVICIIk. Iferehant Tailor.' - We. OVINTLIS•StRIXT.ior. Neeerstf SALC-12 • lIANDSOBIES Kounnut tars. awe. farm:prim Taraglre, aepotalag - 441414 . neldni• Col. H. 111.Calloagb. Thom Mt the .1.14 tate .byloty p....morirrsdassonleit LawirsaHsavUlog for lisks 'dew, ashram* bi =maw Lavas . s**nrar.,:t. Ira 10W../inseams Amur: 12===1 Foe 11.111.1D- . -Thit`hU salmis mad very ritatiab4e Thum 1.117117 , 11111101 C Irself./.1.111f1-119011X. Vermeer ergot, !Me ere.. Tile louse is sltsated ea oeri of the larkdroreeet Ames flttstertil.. 4r.41 Row route for tie; Tee phaerrely Y set wore a. &melon ef settle' erre ems. tilt. • isuurrcsx.y. Reel Mateo awl ta.anaa item% Bela wee. merl/Ulan. Wee. Lermaoevlllit. WANTED, , BORG-HUI& A. ri HORSES FOR IAILW it Howard". Llveti *Alb* Irian mum, iLeaz oux= o e t rT, cdl.l so OM_ VZOS titnionia rerrA '4 trd. 67r05e.49 DIDII4I. CLOSII it CO., tratikairmdtvi coa. rtNet titi4rNi sri.. Latest eerier of PllRBRl7llJl•estleafer Nana. ID. EL.- EtlCEETtits, "Wp cne'"R lairiginnnr• /ma R, IST 011ossiT1 irsesi, IST 'Pier =DWI* Mheturneugla masa. Cumuss iutalSKetiTEM PEDWI.I62 4 l4ragAlwini ni . : 4 Ms% OM Want t . 4 firri EMZWE;I AA TA. WWI,. H. B. LYON, saw St weir* aM Reason% ie. a Fawn= irnizer. Damns Moly saud rm 7 mono, •nAen I . eisni/INAtaltdad to. • WIWI HoLowe, act& & co„„ tectier (*Mai UN ?Jaime" rrnia...ennwiirowntni • Ism. AMOBOI ILMINUIZI witpripirproll BOARDING. ' 640 BOAROTIC AND UMRIATABLE mama loy Ile DAY or *TAIL age bo elistebl al Ms. ant* tis, eppoelle .011 auto vs ro:is an. Satr c riiiliiiiiiiihi= lis,ralstl=EAt r""J.3I;IT
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