EZ GOO 131 M NEW GOODS! = FILENC MERINOS, Silk- Warp Poplins, PLUN AHD STRIPED,POPLIN4. W.9 O L PLAIDS, 6,ltwls, - Table Linens, Cinghame, Cheeks, Tickings, &witty, Flame's, Fine Flannels, Jeans and CasAmeres, Country Blankets, GOT' Blankets, Coverlets, ' Cation Batting, Balmoral and iloop Skids, New Bonnets, Etats, Ilibbons, nowers,•Notions, A RILL AID DIFIRIBIS ROM 171101..881LE AND DRUID, - S2E4PLE'S, NO and 182 Federal tit., aLLzonz.wr czTr. pd MI JOSEPH ROM SAO.'S, . . Mayen will dad tbe LLBU E n and ran AA -1110/0311VIT 111 THE crrr, or Straw And Millinery Goods; Riabons;Flowers, Frames: Galin;Merles, Laces; Handlierchlets, WNW Goods; Motes, Gosiezy, Woolen Goods; Hoop and Balmoral Skirts; Yarns , Worsteds; At - rubbing Goods; taper Collars; It . ailey Goods and Notions; /RD AT POPULAR PRICES Ass. arao szcarsyma NEW;GODS. Am:HMI bay'e all as Latest X OVSLTIM sad maniac, at 77 and 79 Markel Street. CVSr Alma's far 1:11.LL AI[AKNINGI , S STVOL MOD. arYtmeo pasT ASILIVAL I PALL • GOODS ILiCRUM, 6LYDE & CO., 1101.1111 EE IV9I MI 10803TU4 0 BEAD GUM AND 131171 . 0N1L BEAD NECELACES, BEADED REVD. GOTTA PERCBA. 7ANEL sametklngbrir. X VOILES AND BRACELET& . BOGWoOD As.D CORAL SEIR • LADIES•. SATCHEL& GRIME , TRAVELING 11A05. HAMBURG 'WORE. Loossr EDGLRGS AND IN stuns es. T WORLD EDGINGS AND INSERTING& ituassa COLLARS. OKAY% COLLAR& new Mlles. TSIIIYING RIR isONA. TIIOACED LIANDSCri, Santa web 11011R/A011 , 3 ••STAB•• 6HIRID. n fa Ras 4ogatt . Lervitlt cntz !imam 'Melt of HOfIZIY AHD GLOW. TIMILILINUS AND NUTIONBstatiIIIY , Otia la Ulm, %dente sad Paul Atjhe'very Dyed. Prices. MACGOIG GLIDE & CO., • so Amur eracrr. jell'D °PIM ED, man & = CELISLfS, Ma. 19 Fit/A Nretd, LSD r.ur.oharr rruss or EAU', REPS AM! lIIINBES at= Lox., vzsr orour. or laity= LA.ca COLLIER' aim WI:X. STITCH:CD HANIIILIRCHI.IOI4 surza zsinsvit Titanium =MOM , MUMMA 2114)1NO3. new !Ml*. 7IMENOR COMM, aewileapgra. BILLOLZIM MIMIC' =LIMB. SW A. _ We Imo jut opened a raperlar lot at Proptexada Satchels, and Seats' Travothts Bags, IN Me best qaalltri■d mei D.D.4r.trid% lame Recta attentita Door it ay tot of ' bilk Pas him sat 1106 sal. Insti I‘l4l,, The ` Star" Shirt, ttow t v iii k ti t IIISI9IIISINIVOOODS, as anti si Ta anU4 4ln him, MICRO! a CAIILLSLE, arc): %sr 31.11%.13. aka. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS .! LL-BROIFIKII - &-.0% No. OM Market Street: Ifie*Callcos for 121 c. Blesiched Muslims tor 121 e. 10-4 ilicached Sheeting, 60 New Dark Chintz, 60e. n.eaano.r tb. sae., 711 if co. 87 21ilmar7epot majitr,, e s. ' us6,IIIcCANDLESA &CO, A.f Mats 511Dsolk Curt C 0.,) linumzuza DiALLZII ta.• FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY Wog ss WOOD riarar, - *Winos. sus. Vaasa 6 anon , HENRY REA, Jr., PLOUR. GRAIA; Aid. Produce copal Liston Merchant, . • J 1•1 31 uuratrrirracar, rrrivacatiuli 1 . GOOD DEWS. CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. Iteentre for . WARU•h BUEAD. The Urged saillrui. The initiate ••8. W."e erery loot. +.e. . No. • sehro•m FINE 'STORE 1 1 0081 FOR WILKUNTIBInvi. one or won yean, d lan. If deal ear btOTO 11 !bat front, 11 reef join new d and caste's. colsolato. But Inquire at B. 4). BOSWOirtril, Laonotee,lll.' I=ll CIHOICE• FAMILY FLCII Naas fen Usenet? Whits What, a., limo lot We al /men mallet +atm at nitiksa swi tub. mamma t o ICE OR , E:EATING. dm. —-_ ._ ypoa~a:._. a Roo=, • dro k Les Jilarket Ett., tEetwout &wit - TURd etnet4) '• • . imrrasintsn, PA. She bora. Le newly famished with averecbban that eanstilatee a leet data Eating Roane 'tae d'Olnet Of Overfilling WM*, aimed UP at ell Loon of the day or Wilt. 7.A111.18 , DIRINO ROOMS, weal Lear. WILLICISON,ProiIite' &rile bkellost market Wee peld. tor oil kind. B . JADES B. YOUNGSON, • _ No. 200. Wylie Street, HosrAntiailly Worml tchlo 'Mo In a t tz:lns latto n no Mu nde opened' BAKERY , AND ..CONFECTIOWIty, At the abave umber rrnahHERLD a Ottlita l en In nun Jot OICIAM, Mt! anrilitlT. r "1" 11a.11L1.01,1 Blithal amain. and swains. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. P• H. IYPCUIRE. rIIZH ST,EZET I2 =7 thrthanid. i tpi gra 4 , • ; AfiCrtl.ABrA IitUIT,'OONracrTIONLRY, an. ibtrt-Ltr.:e SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRA TION% PICNICS. DINNEF. PIIITI.Y4 terniebeet with the beat 106 DILSAM, CONTICOIONAR161141; OANNO: PMIII /te, At th• lawns prate mul On theollllbt no m. b 7 .7 -I Cr=arrmis Jeticurwrzura No. DIAMOND. Allegheny. 1,4,01 k4Avvv:-.4:4:41 —JOON LAMA. COULTER & LASE, 110930 and Sign Painters, Ea 100 611LAET 111111ZST, Pittsburgb, (uppedle Catltedi.L) IMAM CLIMB dove to order. OW7.4ND & ILI1M:118, NOUSE AND SIVA PAINTERS, 02/.14X/B3 AND SLAVA)* N.. MI DILEDED, ALLEGHENY CALCIMINING done to the beat mane, J. K. HAMILTON, Jr.; Henze and Sign Painter, Na ECM THIRD STAMM rtitabaralo. .Graining, Glazing and Gilding =ATV/ TXSZOIITZD. I=ll2D EILLTIII, TARNISZEIM. =TIT. CLAM, DEII3E/11, TUNTICNTINE, WHITT. LEAD. ZINC. B.c. jr/Palt— jUTCHINSON i HEPBURN. niu, Slc! LA usaina MUER 41,41.11 - mul AND EILAZIXSO, 1 1 4.111111=51.1.11.VEZ11tir., Plltainuth. All oral. by . stall •• • npUT aitemded REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULEY. Norm' and Sign ,Painter, Esa =towed t. ST., rlttartrut*, h. Omults 114 old ma& Na 13 4 .71:117 HOVEL sea CIEHAMMTAL ?MT. • ED& LID OW:MS LID GLUM& Sig.l4.lgorth aide of Disamed. Allegheny. Comagerolal gad glow dos wide to • Orden reepe,tgally solicited sad proinytlAth seated. IlLyon Wlageo Olson sad try e.nanntly on had. &pm= CARPENTERS. BUILDERS. win. J. DICII. Carpenter and Builder, F 0.311 PZNNSTLYANIA AVM, u umr.Tokt.l'MGra rri."l4unsu. PA ' nt JObDieff dbne with nesantas and dtorstr.h. ord.,. precept y nicemied TAN and eatistikal. Wl2raintel. . staMefhannp A. Tout. yOEST snoTHEssey • . House carpenters and Builders. Ul klnds of Jobbl66 And 1116111 A1,3 1 611611.7 atterld•dta. Orders left 11 at 4 409 liChl . l: lTaf ./ Sfil lttatn n ly Sad Dia 16 r6/1111. J I . & 8. FIiANCIEI4 CARPIINIUS AND BUILAKR& Contracts l r u m e n ollditm.latozselhant MI I=6 rOr Nocuilst:s owl Xiopo, of all Iq 246 sal NI Wm N. MOM 04. V.A..ILaEIEEL, Hoare Builder •nd Carpenter. netd, avenet el Juuucraell •LLET aa4 DII• QUrazar. WAT. ..tr.,trgur Ee 11008 E BOILDEIIB -ABD CARPENTERS. a: UILDLNO AND arzmzo ortonotis ott..d E to 41971/42ESOS * 131108, watt 17 117,11/11711 stmt. HATA OAPS. &o. HILTS I ET.A.TI:3 I R. r. Amur =AWL GM! it BIM, 50.62 Elt. Clair Street. • Have now on band an erralleat stack or Wan .sate and Caps, noto re AT THE MT LOW/MT TEICIa I NEW FALL - GOODS, suer YIOLI ► 2IB. AT ; M'CORD it CO. 'S, =ray. 181 Wood Olt. A eery terse stock ef HATS, CAPS AND. OURS, . An the rem styles ter the TALL MALI!. Wile/ si WIZ LOWAISSI.PRICY.S. eon LIVERY STABLER MeRCHAPITIP unity HD BALE STABLE, J. IL RICHOLOON. PROPRIETOR. Nos. 141 41.1 D 143 inzaa . srara-r, (0y.. iota.) 1101137:8: CSAJDUAIIitit. ac., tor . tr.. P. Ron.. tkatt. Attu.... se 5.41...4 . 14 ROAM et - MITCHELL, Livery and Sals Stables, 0.0.4 2.447.4.11/1.11.4 2041414. PITTSBURGH. girPartlimlar ' id le us Howe WI tharriZras forturam ' • 140.4 D. MILLER. Bazaar, Livery .ad BALL OTABLEA £l.O, lonitollog Illolortater. All Moo. of Coto., te. d .is tb j ; rl gds I .4l "'" aeralsglaDvEm......U. BI soa.. none% Cat o. Noru. &mi.., l m g. .4 Bears. oat Carrloses alway Tanerolm tr, at _Llo to go J ner %MI rginaa ; t w it , th .:B "r atejr . srd. " 112,3,0 r-Er , mv:l7mi 1:11/1.141.14111...11:1 11 . 71 L HABIL . EILIE ls ' mow= se wAsomlox a wo, No. 1$ St. ilnalr Pittsburgh. ptLL~6a Pht,noel, Organs, ./Ladliadllo Goods caterollS . . Srtolo irratil STUN Golabnsol SKADSU ST. Now Tort, sad scsomAciss a a?. ranuhapatkruarm- - , Alm. MTV AI CO.ll "0077.1.03... sit D. • S. .%&1117.0105W. OS. OAST. sadTISTONIII TATTNT attCrAl. TM bon Salim aid Othoot TUC' sod Ott. tar stns.* slum. of Una. Wall gA IDE% UNRIVALLED PI. AWOlL—Thewaren to may the wort Pww, .• tee meet eiegest esdeltee: tare loges teen any *Leer.New e;eek,Jeel /or isle &elm thee !Wtary Floes. onistarra sLtratz, 41 rule mtgs.. 7bla Alma fal. Enswe Mao., Pan*. Br". nu.* la 4 PrineweAstmestle thEsaa sal Oft44:oirev7:44l BKILIAIing ...JEW?, OWL SLYGEHLI Jc CLEIL, . telosa.a. t• Ow. 7.llthaiitasa 41 J. 11111151.. 'Der Ito 111T7 . 6. 17ardS. Lotter pee. , bonds, L..bets, i , ; 2 4 3 4: 43 obowtrdittPlollklt.' rortralta. 0.4., 40. Ine atr,‘...zntic ()HAL Atixtur - LITHOGRAPBXR 4 xs, I. Nem= Ate. 1111 - , Winn .4f..vitt . littgi t . , 44i O4 . . tan' OP QVARTESt SESSIONS, Before Hon. Edwin 11. Stowe. The Conn of Quarter Seasions met Mom day Amerman at tea o'clock, The following Mildness was tiranaseted during the day: aeauscArsh ASOLULT ASD , SyrrosT COIL Commonwealth u. Thormu, Thompson: two /WdlrWwrwta for Unmated assaultand battery, On oath of David UntehinSon end his wife. Hargeret Haichinson. Mrs. Mitchinson testified that about the middle Mk.. last, on the cinder walk , . oppoettehetWesktentie, 0118SeVensen Street, .the Eighth ward, the defendant struck her with a club four or See feet loam an the head .1 shoulders. She Wreathed murder and called to her husband, who W. sluing n the house at the time. Her hes tww‘l Ws.% e.t.a. when pe rettamed he had his leit hand and his head bandaged. Crosiresambied—liefendant het dropped a bad of =don the Mae walk; there' sits tome COnVeraation, sad witness 41010 d the door to iplaSent her husband bearlek Whsh hlissinws the eozoreesatlOn WAS shonn the defendant gotng ort tinder 'Path; wlmmstold him h e off, that she did not want my fuss or troabie; Mr. Hutothine. did not know defendant elm there. Wit. peas could not reerllect died:sell! what oc curred Op to the tune She was streak; de. fondant 501540 the stick, saving he was aot acing to be trilled with by a womant the Mat blow the wiumes'qukeriP • Mrs. Form., residing a few doors away . , team. that Mrs. Rutobinson requested Thompson to please not drive his horses on the ewe welt, when Thompson took a stink from behind the horses an streak her drat. on the shoulder and then 0 11 the head; the mien was shoat as thick as! • hatchet ban. die, thicker than ~the counsel , . (Mr. Mar. shave) wrwt. „About a quarter of an hour atter witnees saw ddlicalty -between Thnuspaon and Mr. lintehinmn ; they met on the street, a ten iluthbuison aaksal Thocupsen why be did not KM. him (Hat. chews) insteed of his wife; Thompson said he would as soon have • woman's life ; Thompson then, with the sink be had mai on Mrs. Huteblnanty struck Ott, Hutchins. on the bird tad on the head. Mr. Hritolduson . Mottled that his wife cattle into the home bleeding, and learning what had occrred he went out after Thompson; saw n him on the street talking to Mr. Magee; I said to him, .D 0 you know, Toe murdering viliain, that you nearly killed my wifer be said, 'lree, and MI kill had,n,tom" he then Strunk Winne.. a on the breaklng the bonen, and next on the knooking him down; !wham, bald be toms the stick to be a pick handle. CrOasnnamtned—This occurred about eight oblotkOn IL Saturday teoralumnever saw the defendant'in my Ille before• did not know that he was a driver for Ei n s4man Snyder; knew there was some person hauling coal, and Dad eome, words with • drivert toki aim he ought riot to drive on the sidewalk, and he g—d--rt me, called me a “nigger," and name at mo with a whip. U. Magee, Esq., Madded to what kb sew of what took place between Itutelithson and .Thompson, on Saturday, March Sid.. Mrs. Hutehmscui name up Stevenson street along the Mader walk; her hoe was' bleed ing. and looked as if she had been struck a misers blew on the head; Thompson said be had streak ler and would do it avdn, and his speech soden:wind shocked wit nese, and umiak Hate-bine= approaching, witness advised Thompson: to go away, fumes. there would be lasantnet. Hutchinson mime up and uteri Thompson way ,he had struck his wife; did not see is blow struck, but presently saw antehinsonW left •band. bleeding; Hutchinson then got a stone and threw 14 Thompson then stunk him an the bend. EiVMM===l • • - • • • For the defense It was claimed that the defendant dld nothing more than repel, force by Ibree—that he was Attacked watt. taut bats and wan m danger, Ile might have gone too far la a eraoung Matadi, and. la striking a woman. David Townsend, colored, testified that he with Thompson wu delmoring coal to a lir,Ovre. on Hillman:dug of the fees be. tween Hutchinson and Thompson,• saw M. Hutchinson throwing moose and brickbats at Thompson, while he was loading his horse and walking along the cinder path; she threw three or four ItOses, which Thom Peon sod alter while he struck her; sue thou ran Into the house and told Mr. Hutchinson, who time out and went after Thompson, coming op with his fists dontled; Yr. Hutchinson asked why he .truck his wife; Thompson odd ne was not going to gland and have his brahm knocked out be Lapis:4y without deer-d -ing himself; Hutchinson Vent towards Thompstm, wken be (Thompson) struck Wm with the "dump stick. Of the cart. • Cross-esaminent--Saw Thnionson strike Mrs. Hurchlusmi- once right on the top of tun head. When Hutchinson eame up and spoke to Thompeon, Thompson said I'm the mita who struck your, wife, and I'll strike you It fon don't stand beck." Hutch inson cellos him a KJ-- 500 of • b—;'Thompson etruck Hutchinson on the hand and on the head; did not um Hutch baron strike Thompson, butte made great efforts JO do OM was standing about Min Hon. Thoth= Mellon teritilled then he wm acquainted witliThomnima, the defead act; had.knOwn him betwoen two 554 ball and three Imam- his character is CM ore and Industrious and peaceable man. Thomas A. - Helton testlded that ho tut known defendant. for shoot three pe ace hi. character for peace was goal. David steels had known Thompson f 'ohmic eye years: had Dees e a wttnam. em pi lOy; Ids anazzoter for peac wag rerruthka 'lemma Collier addressed thejury for the defense, and Mr. llarshali folloWal for the promxtition--the former s,rgemg that ttill" roattniony of the colored malt aroma me 'loved the ease to • great extent of the ag.. emvatloa width weaned . from the evi dence of the proniontion. The j oty could not believe that Thompson used the vio- Imce did without some provocation. Mr. Marshall thought it fortunate, the dahmd•nt had to deal with Mr- Hutchison. Anotr_or man might have taken his life for mune sucliviolenoe noon • wahine. Thejury found a verdict of guilty cut both indictments, after deliberating • couple of hours. bantanoe deferred.: 1.3111.10 cuts. • ?Maul ()Tandy wee WO for an he sod battery IMOD /1 1 / 1 wife,' but the Jury, from the Mccurnstances elpited , bettered tae wife was equally guilty wlth her hus band. and that mutual Ind tem as Matrons orlon was the same of thel troubles. Tne husband, it settee; lime home in the after. noon comiderably inlorleated. and desired his wife to get him sometbipk Went, which she refused to 40. telling be might get Me egrub. , at the tavern where he got ble"rytt." A. row (allowed, to which the wife wee Mart ontaineratdy, and the huaband bad hlesetra dera touch tort. Verdict:of not guilty, efendant to Day theme:la Alfred Benoit was tried tor en assault and batters oa his wife Veronika. The couple resided somewhere is the Eighth ward, and the wife testified that one night in July lest, Are nays after her confinement, her husband strata end Wawa her and turned her into the Meet with her Maid. Thejery convicted. =ll=3 Jerry Di woo tried for the larceny of table cloth Telma et two dollars arel• hall, from the house of Frederick Einar, some time during lest month. The anted/ futolue4, and soon after Wing Wan wee ound la the possess:ono! the priioner, who Was moving off rapidly. se If muluvoring to get e out of the way as moon as imiedble. it th maglatratela ounce Its Wrileseed his guilt and said he entered liaufrs house to Rot therethiu to eat. Verdun of guilty. Sentenced to Sail for um days. , George Waters wes tried for Isamu, of a Docket box, valued at rue dollar and e.half, the property Blberf. Mitchell It was show. that the proaecutar, Ylmhell was lying' Weep Oilmen barrels on Canal street, on the night of the fourth of July he Ind been lying' there for a couple ,of hours; the prisoner Walters was discovered by a policeman leaning over MitOtelli the policeman envoi:wet the men lying down was drunk and 1001 the we loaning over him was endeavoring to take Wm away ; the policeman stepped op and asked Walrus what he war doing; nothing.o Sabi Wel. ten; th e proetra ta. Mitchell. Wu whkenWil and Pockete were discov ired to be turned feeble out; he wee asked f he had lost anything; he said, after exam ining, LUX tds pocket Wok., mosey and a handketchletwen gone; Walters was taken tote Monody, and lodged in the tombs, hot norm of the properly alleged to here been stoluwas found le his poszeuroui some. queatly.the pocket book, COUtlinfrig War some papers, was found In toe street when the pelionuan had teen standing with Wal. tars In custody. - Under this _state .of facts. Wm. TEsinesasq, assigned as counsel for the defame, contended toegullt of Wel. nos was by no mune °attains; It Was priest. hie. that he had but casually stopped to look at the drunken seam sad, that some one else had committed the robbery. The Jury had a "reasonable doubt , . and acquit, tel. Judas Mow , . however, Mthoush thinking the verdict of tin Jury perfectly proper, from the fact that ornate Metre mute (burglare , i were found In nil pomme -1 Mon, regarded. Oa prisoner as a dangerous man. and repaired him to give ball In the um of 01,0Cti to keep theineoe loran year. In defealine was remanded to prison.- Edward W. ratter yawl entity to en ke dictment for berglary, in taltarthit thehousa of Amos Stiff, No. id Itoberta street, on the night of the 34 •of July' lilt. end dekind them:rem seventy cent. in Moth:mai imr • ready and penknife. Seetenced to one you'. Imprisonment in.the Penitentiary. Opodal Monter or owronosoilio Aspects! meeting of the Cannon of the Soroughof Larreocierdle wu held Fridair errentag. 'Members present—Messrs. Am dersan, Hut, Yeaccor, Sill, SUM,. Wet:en . M rse Theßr, and Estrum argees stated that theolnect of this epode meeting was the cenehierattca of ea ordinaoce for grading, p &ring and caroms of certain streets, Ti:; SL. Atari's avenue, from the Ante:caret and Elmiensterg turn pike reed to lenses alley; Leech street, from need _to Sycamore street' Charlotte street, street, from Allen to Wainwright street; Spring alley, 'rem Sycamore to Leech street. The ordinance was passed. Mr. Anderson offered a resolutionnaming the alley manias from _St, Marra avenue to Chestnut street. paraTlC with the tarn. pike, Annul idler. Adopted. • . . Mr. Anderson °Mired thefollairing. which Renderd, Thaf. the Street cercoutituie be t.trnotau 10 pfterig- orenor• the gut ter. on Chestant street so that they will Otto' ferry Munster T said street before Mm ter. Also, to cholerol or snivel one sidewalk from Binder The Pike street. • • clerk, toobedience to a eati, read the .Orills arms to prevent Cogs and hogs from running at largo , ' The ordinance was not considered anMciernly effective, and a Com. mitten was appointed to amend the same. On annals er Mr. Boat the BOMA& Zen later was added to the Cow:atom =widen ing Mato street. The Bargees statedthat the MansPere of the State Fair desired the Improvement of Jgrounds.ohn Strast.near the entreme to the Yid! . . . Nr. Anderson mid the State Irak came here to make money, and if they . wanted Way treprothmenta of the Mod mantles:mg, they could make them at their- own .ez, peon. The Bergen aid ell the Path Manson wanted was peradstiOn to make the Im proremillik Dlr. random:in =Med - that the `en of the Meta PIM have immelsalon to Made John sheet In the neighborhood of mte o:r m maintops to the grounds. proTld ad Pk Oft at their own twome , tarried. Yr: an stated that a citizen of the NO% ongh had ton. proceeded. simian by the .1 Turnpike COroyany (Or s treet,3.ll gi along Lafayette one asof ilia thorialshfermi of. Ole borongti: No was taken In Ma mMter. thewsznint was indgred to be drawn for payment at the War? Of gr. ford for one Month., serOges as sight walohreaf, ~YrSart Proposed to give to the bOrimigh tbe ol • lot zthl.whicri be holds a thus Martha years; for the hmrposa Ofoonstruct•-: LW there= • ket•up.. The proposition was . . W 110421.441 emallitsll.—PattiHOtant " % Michael Walsh and Patrick oo7s. olt. messes too: tam C•lntsoarealt• to al:attain ow of Richard AIMS.; bicolor Walled to obey • subponsu• WO* tereasitt Into the ;criminal Coact 7•Starda7 on, Iwo! um dollars, loot cousomattATlrlaZ mesa taosilislip far PITTSBUIpSFR DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER io =W=l Annie Chalfant made informal= before Alderman bleltastors. yesterday; against Nary aullitan. Charging bar math larceny. se bailee.' apPears that Mier about the the ant of August, Mrs. Chalfant and her husband parted, and St is. chaltant having a quantity of household goose, cons:sting of, beds, bedding, carpets, so. left them In can Mtldary oehld gat `an r th rquo ' ritnitTt a f - IV:lltet ' . Calling for tbe goods a tear day. since, she found ;h.:Lela:l,lam had apuropriated them, aavmg the carpets on the gem% and the ...ding also In usu. She refused to gyre up heproperty, the property. Ilmace the Prosecution. War rant issue4l. Deserted Ulm Wefe.-.-511,4 L. Olney about two year! shies .1000 to littriSelf a wife, with whom he lived for over a Year. at the std of which time recnna Was born. Shortly atter this occurrence biles lett. his wife and child, and entirely abandoned their support.. lndia, inn wife,. 7eiterdis7 Incoming appeared before Alderman Strain and madolororreation rimmed 911., Ohara , mg-him with deserting end abandoning the support of his wife and 013114. Ha way ar• ruled. and alter a hearing committed for Clnirt. • laradditional Local Matters as Pima Page. ZiLEILOKANT TAILOR:3 NE' , C II. A.D "IP season TB. FALL GOODS. LETE ASRORTMENT OF •blo goods, suitable fee theTlertili B. B. NORP.I9, &rant Tai!or, =I 79 FEDERAL ST.. Allegbenv Y G. HALE, 1 1 ;roLant Tailor, nn a_td St. Clair Streets, pteamre of Infbrznlno his onstOsnens Ito to nines - al nut his aloes or ECM 15Aeg ire nao tato pa FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Xlil Z 1.01717 ;04=1,3321.1D/Ota. real Reduction in Prices, SECOND ARRIVAL OF Spring Goods, Fresh from the Importere, Which 'MI Do matte all with !ASV and alapatatD aakd at IREATLY RE!UCFO PRICER, A. OWEN BYRNE, Merchant No. 14 WYLIE ST., U. DEN IatILAND NALL. . aooktEMooll AUGUST REDUCTION! Otrit ENTIRE BT9C6 Or BOYS' CLOTHING, CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED PRICES! & LOGAN, - 47 St. Clair 41,044. E . .11.31cGR6'TTT, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ceres. DIAMOND and OHIO ISIMEXT. .ALLAIiMXNIr crn. A large anao cia rtat Tarolddng Bead. al wart on Owlet. A Oral elan eatter trtll attend to not= work 1.21:aol OIL WORKS dr. COMPANIES H. M. LONG & CO., Xiattriekatrimea or PIE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand-:"Ltre,LIFER." 021e.,!ie. 2 Duquesne Way, TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MEIII.IIOIII, - ' L ",1211, 3EOEIm is Petroleum and Its Products, PITTEIRTROH OPPlCE—pivalp• Hand's/ can= of Dawn.. Way and p , • 11111t1W.t. ' PHILADELPHIA UP F/CE—IEY Walnto. st. EUREKA OIL WORKS, lianaratturent o 1 Eureka Carbon Oil, SRL caLtnnaTzu Sperm Lubricating Oils! CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, Wantsata Indans 0110111, Befined and Lidnicannar 01In Lard, fia i r th st,Zk . ala and 0. O. NOBLE, .A.gt, 19 Irlvin Street, wawa, ffrinvuun' WARING & KING, conEBlol NEM do Inca IN Petroleum and Its Products; Dalzelre Block, Duquesne Way , arrrsalumion, PA. IMILILIMPELA. LIADR23S: INARINC. KINC fe CO.: 117 Walast St« I'. Ila. BET THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD: rus Olt 41/1/11/Al5. liontneursdl war and for [CO( . . ' • T. m. ft -co., PION /1 1 M ".?iIUt r r WOAKS, N. 14: COntia . and liar ket asv „ITITSBUZGH.,TA: -D.A. awssassx EADILE OIL .WOOII.B, ..T.eibimnroziogo7:lll,.. WICHTNIAPI &ANDERSON. Re none am.. 3 Dealers In PETR'OLEU'M. azoown MST. CLIWASit RAN. 00011 T. AND DITQWW3IWII WAY,' BREWER,-HunKE a CO., CO=lB9loll EILIICH&NTB, ASEII2, !Olt THE •.• • PaelflGGlobe - ir Liberty-011 Works Ample Maraca ter OredesniirtegitedUlL Litn eral.esate advance. nada oa .naleaserate of Oredeor Petrol.. • Yard. roe storage and shipment orOrade WI at Lawrenceville. theta.. and egereeonee,o,nerof Lam We cod Ilmaeoek street. rittst.irrn. m anta* nta* 1. Q. avritric.o. A. 11111X11%." , . U. 31 1UTEitZAD SO/10 OIL WOR4S, , Yawlfaatiars 114 lava (mule all Mods of LIIfBICdT OIL 6, Oa IST. CLAIM OTMEET. DIIF1 , 11111:11111111.111 .0 CO LEA c ! , PEREUNS) caor.anizinusm.sus, woutiraTinsicatE:sAtraz . . . n i t""" D " . - , zwrztacm.. cowman • :11/VICAL EiLlie .... :tAEZMAX at /4.111). p • TO ISS TIP - ..A . ... • Betel to bls Brother 4111 ' 600D Bair, p a kr " .,... Wu t ezullz. ..., • • • c1,..nr ,- • ...Feu Lrs a Ota ttilAM-Ote to ''.4i*.7;Vll.lft?illill.6'hlt t [nu . t'. Vita, - a tamed in , MEI Taelerri aff• ,-.,,,. 0:;;;;;;,.',114 , TTI: c , ..... palatable as tall a ' . - • ... , ria jszt ..,. , . seam same , than Is one tt .: _The Encase steed/Mat delirious end wean. Vatt4ltrne. balms canal ¢4.7 tlZlPlinCiplOd NV... th:Nia(!f =At " C"'"'" L''''. L T.lNfd tEL gAlrgliellt<4 to at Mat Moo n 'Tyrrell wirIi7PAVYI4,F F i t "".• a . ..."..V: , ..3 V/ Lza. a - ransuNa, Worm. JOEIN DIDINCANIS SOR& xia 'has; , asigarTs pint =km i SPECIAL NOTICES. lEULENEUILL & CO Q BOILER MAKERS • • NU BILEET MON WORMM. iroik 20, 24,,24 and TB Penn it. listing ,vented s LW flea end aulnOlod It with the most appeared mu =ell', we sro pre pared to reanufactore ever) SoorriPllon of Boil ers In the best stunner. and warranted eonsito any rude In Use et/later- Brs“1:1- Inf. Rte Beds. awn. Pima. Lotantotlv• Boil ers, Condensers, Bali Pans, 'nuke. 00 Aditstore, Bewley, pans, Boller Iron, I:triodes, Boilar Pane, and wile manufacturer. of BAILNe MLLE PATENT BOILERS. RC/erten done on tbergbartess notion leßtel PLUME FOR 1111 E lIANDERRCMEF rtmlon, r(lght lll•emleg(Creelse.. Ithofon . • °Night Blooming Pholosho "Night, Blooming Coomon) • Phelan's ' , Right Bl•oming Connis., Phnlest% ••Might Bloe,lng A memt exvolalte, dant , " listlll.2l from the rare isrtd beszallol flower frog orklstk it takes Ito usase. Iltaufactst2,l only b 7 PaALON & lON, New Seek: BEWARE OP COCNTWEITB. ABX TOR ➢RALOWB—TAKE NO OTHER. ROBINSON, BEA & thua.a or 10 SOmitlon. !Mra 1F11.33n0.1 WASHINGTON WORES, remade. an 4 Illsetletits;Plttabuzittl4 Mannfaat..nn Of Boat aad Matlo.ly Steam !dm., Mut E.t.a, 31111 Machlnary. Mean 100. 8.111., Om.. of all daaorladlonst 011 T.ks and Stalls, dollar and neat Ir. Won. Val.! No. 11a ooraar Trrat. and am Itlalold fits. far Agents for 0177/LILDII .011 . 001 /21. JACTUII Arr feadl. Dollars. • tallnal rqr - Lauile SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & RMELTINIE WORKS. • • prrzszussa. PARK HcCITEDY & CO.. Manufacturers of,a alfasten. and Belt Preesed Copper Bottoms. Cats. 91111 Itottom4 59.1)0, abider. Also Laporte. tad Dealers I. Yetate. Ito Plasa, BMW. Iron. WI, Toolonstatly . Saud Timm. , Machines and . Warehouse, fit,. 140 Midi BULL= .1100 fIECuOI) nTRZET, Pittabarna. .actal OYU. of Capp. cut Lo .y dulled OstLern. sarleaSl:dWr la -- SOMETHING NEM—CALL and examine Um UM SILVER-TIPPED SHOES: Tbsy will wear Mau loss as Was IMM:wt. ups. Yost only by WM. L MICIII2IIEI[TZ. Rovismai No. 31 Tiftb et.. 13tubaret, Or - QUINCT 4. SCOTT, DENTIST, .9'o. 318 PEAV' STREET, . 'Tr/salmon. r4rTO MARRY OR NOT O JIMMY* f WHY HOT/ Bellow T Ha hn etio. for YOZIOSIIOI. fD &NOVA of the How ard ..assoolation, on the Physiological guars, Abuses and Dlseases Endured by Ignorance of Stature's Law, la the PM age o4,atan. Pent la tirti 4 UV 4 1 sltritalt t h au wrir,lg •lAi association. Philadelphia. Pa. mll7:Viballif loitraD ..... —taanha mom BURRE, & BARNES, Fire . Proof Salamander Safe, fACIf um IBM UMW PIM) lilt ADD IRON WHEN SVOITER MMIUFALTuIifin, • 129 & 131 Third St., Berhect Wood wad Stuittheld. PITTAII3BI33I. PA. dew the follow additlwal warinetwdatleet of the On wool <melba. of ear eetee t DUMP AAA ?Am., 07WC310/ W. S 4.. 4. CACI.. ID, Toe anon. Ohio. Jane MA, Ile. 1 Afoirrs. Await • how. Plittiewriph. to. a lerrtaxsm—pr• MUD Teo. tew 6 .7e. hP rnU rad, • safe or you mate. Fora few tehelts. The eale went Wrought the Mauldin's. An Met We towed hew on the Wit of Marsh last, handed ear Ware wit Ineehippie, NW gee Are dl.db W hom 7011 Wet the &Wen takes' wit ef W. wt. anw. the Are wen ant harmed Lithe lout W. 111 eePtAw .7 eepechdliete mall • slow whit' : possibly stand nett • an. wd Whet we diwwwed th• pawn set who sad mow& we Yew edwewhifelleappeleted. We will glre nn ad order tbr a lupe elm gab wt..a lint get IAtO ode new Woe. tontf poem jeVisri W. & A. 3. P00X.1310. NEW lIIRDIVIRE HOUSE. Lindsay, Sterrit & Euwer, Manufactures do Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, Weaarza.o. cue Egoism Mow futon Depot, PITTSBURGH. so- Am...toe FAIRBANKS. SCALES. ALLEGHENY GROCERY MR PROVISION • COMPANY. JOU A. IIIeGRAW, President. J. P. 18RAEL,Seiretary. • • The Stock of thlo pompy to *lnk!, tto+.l7 tionkt up. Snow, wtohtsx to ovoll themsoloos of Ita bcootlis, hod bettor zev•wm..dlr cerercr : lB. 'At 28 Federal Bt., Allegheny. TO WHEAT GROWERS. DRELL AMMONIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. • suaratrAtrruarm BY THE ALLEGHENY FERTILIZER Co., NEWAREI do CAMPBELL, rilorairrows Ofllte, 556 Penn St., Pittsburgh, Pa. The best renlttrer to use, and reemthied by .iii Parsee/11 who twee given It laid to to [to XtgX1 ,1 = 1" 17:V:=111e.II:a fllglrgragTlr.t.T.l=7lllt.V: g11147/ . lretr f :T bt ".7" be sent em"' ROB SALIE-We hare for Sale 4.4 sesooo.oand • Iron Turning . Lathes, • ; j r,,,,,,, d9m. t.pma tornimg ;Wu. We otror th 2l7,o%:'"uxi r rrifill cyllt der, tale on Iron boil; baler -V to ellittar:g, le tett bong. two lb loth llews. ippalro at the LNDlittrillAX. WOltE4 noon i. JIIOLZ 1400.. Gather Fait 411 r, • Daqtane Way, 1.91:48 • niumme. r. AMERICAN Fence Manufacturing Co. bbo Tarr deatrabla vicpwrie fbr Prl rate real desert orpnbi le diamond, name.broloy, re th public atpriced far bob lo* the cif. of Iron num, , and about an dunk• we. boalen• of Var. fear. cm be aeon at An. 4•• FLIANAL •nr 'Alton, or ttlin Itatto fennel. Cann In.: Waked at snort unit... all and aatlar.?. raOM. 11, Is slat mealiest and nett beantlfal n. now p ttl ir tr i rr is r,a2 A atrtntanl of COUNT4II and et bO. 11113XliAl e• PATNA ImersaaoN. arandld J.' SCHOONMASEM. & 80N z..rzrasircrstcsars White Lead and Color Works, wll7 l, LEAD 1.4.330 ms d ‘ ri M o C r i lri VIRD ":" G/"/. I WOUNITH ITEM. Nos. 450. 454. CM. 454_ au a It" " d "" 4 VA= obto. cust.—..7. auatum—n• T. ZLT BON CITY BELT WOBBH. CE0.10: CLARK* CO.. Ll=A!'"4atrauZa"=°'mtc,,= Loathes'. 3360.1.1335ag. Na. (09 LIBIrr1" y W ISN gas .ozuos uoposo . . . FOR PAL.R4tRILL ESTATE. FOR SALE—The beat Faro: In ?airfield trroomblP. 1. 7.00004 1°' 0000 Pra teri o llt t ittlltY.T. , ....r,fg.T....=„ al lioliver 0 moan, The improvements are • largb hoed '' Vatwo "i7x . 7.l ,t hAix ,r,lff%: t ° 4 ritA r " 12 ;14 , 7i:V.1:4,1at TIT,b, .7V.V4L, Toll uo ft.... le all No. - It the thil is good , re d m well 'rater.: about 20 acres ellomen, tee re ..thdwr L in Rood white oak timber. This prop. en"- Is offer. at the low prlc . . ol MY 400 . 0 par acre. Yessesslou immerasteif• Afro. • thl.rab.e Uarden Trate. Contra:dug 19 Wig. igteat . ed In /filtrate,- cornapi./..i.p. ,, a W, illriTil i ete.attlTt l e g oithelfertlle at. road, shoat Wittmn nille• from. th e city. The Improvements are a rwoestari.t. l o b"'" 1 " Wal......Vil i rtrung tfr o c i rgi= ai r , l4l Abundance at the brat rn ilmla, of au vast btifoltell, Mahood and MUM Vera 000 feftth•l• Persons wishing to engage In _gardening Ithrild de well HI WI and iranha. iltiril 4 l( Ablo, a Pam of eV rams. Wanted In Wee. ~ ,ttluU rbirafir .d th il wretti l= p.lnd . g i s = %ti,a te .% story frame hot., min Awe therm a Irage frame ham 4.5x7n, oar* ern., carriage hone.. • tOral rt.. sprung bras° ma wood haus. Secoud• two-story log beath.llrage frame barn. 0 0 %1! 111ATZ • M /W7 tilling "' LW' s'd =lie , of limestone cm toe lilac; androt but a start distance: Oonvenlent to Church., grchools. Hills, de. lam .moot to aell Ltd& piroPerlf "01"4 . ' VeTea d , 1 1° 117.--.....71k1 i te k m,?f c ar= I r_lreil,n to , tif.'ols."lorgo. rienteata2S 0,0 ameo a a Mg CAntolatnn a rooms. about ICO thole. fruit trees, i r i or fonelng. id. 10 U.. wittlat on of the tact, ()antral IL ILI will be sold on Mauna 0 UM.' Ulf IMoloflf MU ti 1 part exchange if dealsod. Alb. Pam or Marx. In be. townshilL Wra. rale. county. =rases cleared and ea der call ration, vi rare. of liret , rste white oak dab r timid. 2 dwelling bons., lof them 1 storms, theorem 1 story.. with. • tenant hoar, with •11 et-rata Ott.. baWnliil. in gnat rtinnind ff`glii .14'4,1" d a`tfal,V,..f.TkiiI=11 toll au . ..Mee& with newer railing . s , pringe.• within e berared to Of the Penna. Lientral &Oho tal cell. east or Pittsburgh, and three miles st of lareenabrat ThleMs. la Vets. roP . f. • e w th4l , rarb% abated ga l AVE . , "IL: ... Also, ne oftte beet farms &Young rovvoihip, Indium 0 mrity. Pa., four miles from Wastran Proorairants. Emirate. at Livermon &sn, containing WO rarca--rad elearra and under No. I tract.. the rendoe In good timber. The im provements an two frame wraiths., coraaltilug tight rooms .ash; a large (rant barn, tO ...0 reef..nd other neeetaary outbuilding,. In good or . d . e:; frllilir,eibagyfig.r,ojetut of moil iyarie: linder all Um I.d. est l d agol o jance 01 ' 11 4 sraaT:e. ) lo la • good Umtata; neighborhood, coramulent to °teethe*, schools. mike. lat. witma bran env ratted to sell eery low ant on , goOd ternia. • th . Mae, • Term °Ha rare/ In Mirabelli toWrahtti. ithechenT conntl. Ps, near the Ilnelf of tee bittstomati II Connellralila Itallthed. tram.- ra nm 0 0 1 r 0 clilr ' ilVt . 01(.7 . 1= " irs d p ' t I.7eL " , Al. boon,. moproperty trill I. raid cheap. 0 Also, oil aura ln Dem townstilp, Westmorra land count,. T. , within tour miles of Males -line, and trace miles melts tie , Ontba Ps. 1. B. see improvements are, a new frame 1001110 g hot s aud outbuilding; a neer steam saw and - grist mill, with two ren of brava. two bolting olOtna. wad all hi necessary natres. ad o f "Lug OinhOZ. Of chat n froli, treoll• TIIS no w: la Underlaid with a elk foot fete or 0001 nowOpentd, and e 0 band.. of lime. Anna. This prorarty will be gold TC.I7 lOW. lf email. for then. Tor Puller partletilitrs taunt. of ' G. 11. TIM M, anti Eaal Tout° Agent. 164 /north 51 2,000,000 ACRE Dl cfitficii LANDS FOR - SILO, BI Sill Union Pacific Railway Co., ( SIITZEIN DITLBIO.P. Lying along the Ilan tbar rend, at inoo: to SS 00 Pei Acre, lad on • CARD= UT /WE SLUM, Tot lartlealud. team fn., Mantas JOH/I P. DENZEIGIII, Land Commissioner, Topeka.lanass Or, 01141.111. a 'Amami, beet'. 11%. L.* illdnowl. juatt WASUINOTON CO. FARM. FOB eI.aULF,I. treat of GO aeret t of which SOS la Cleared. ad the renal oder au Toyed vitt; 'Sae white oat Umber Idulated la West" lladt lay towathl,. Wasnlaglon county, Pa.. gentles tuotb of Wvattleasstaer s and Si ors. wile from Olsoeytown. • onvealent to caurellan and, *shoals. Has alt two log hooves, new ttable' sad grata airs et; to Oreb•lN2 Of elcht sures of young apples. In Deseaestplalsol. a.. Good water In every geld. EETECI is. is. )3mi:it - xi-az. Molt, la Racks and Zeal Lw, r ADoll*B.neltag. roarth.treet. I ; !N. Zf.'"ll .ItALK /11...41;11,T. JCLT Us. Jour( D. BAILEY & MO, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS Awn AVOTIONZERIL •ee peehared to sell at Avettoth Reek., Bends: andail klaae of Secarnlea. Heal Zama. Moue hold rate.tere, at.. althea' ea Um peemiasa ez at the Board tornado Swim Puttee'. mita:Mon 1A 1 .4 Y Ihnton.".ooU4 axle olltaal latata at hely., tat. antes rot... 1 0 IhUteltT. la BtTeC e E e L ls T w attended. 174 • 1` OR BALE.--Ilotimet wad Lot as ,•••• corner .sag Monlattaa boa Masa starts, oar ...sager Hallway. La 44 b 7 fact. lava Rma, coodsbang 7 mom ma good Mil, wen leoproved. Boast ad _Lot Metabl. Mar II at. Allegany cay. Lot by 1.13 fast. ea 1r.., tonal.. 11111. IT. room. and good water and Ea. Also, boar.mall Hama ond Lab • goal loaans. Lain RUSH a Base,. MU Clamant Meal. !Combo... pOW. est.r..on BENT, CHEAP— ... • Term . 1 CurtaMter . s litettoe,las We Ott tral BAUM& matelot...tat 1324 saw:. thlioravat meats, two houses sad motet, stood orchard: WI la pasture and mstuf ear eulttratios, Also, mot tool other rar b mAlagortlecalltite awl W e Ms Vrtrril h llso t a artitair b 4ll•WeVlSlATl:t; Itagt f e=o Cohort.. patl . f W 121.17; W lit Whale s MA:MA ' Opposite the SAM MI. 21 80n WILL PURCHASE 3 iglr.ZiogrAnr i t"""' Tont i tin tame roams, alm•Va Vermatirt mtrosttto. oat mile from Yost Perry, Ceonallavtlle 0. tart the pit. 1.1 shout 11121, bane( fruit trtee— tapirs. pram gal aer,lttoles, te.—rids tom. ter; of Amin .Mere. Te. entire place la eat ttrat I,m:l'r:a of .egsahler: torte pt the door. Pomades (lees to Many errs. earl H. MeLAIN A 00.,t1E1 faun et. PUBLIC SALE OF THIRTY da SO I ILS U ln Lin d. it C ar din • Aaxas. paanowstlle, on the 4th aePlewher. Terms reasonable, and wall:A..4A knows; oa day of sale c Awe, • threwetory If ranee Wonse, it deed re. pair, In wow plan, all. situated on Man Moe, new the F. .:hush. For fanner particulars patella . : It, O. w aulimae Baal Mdse. /Wept. !mare , FOR PALE OR isitarr.—A. Mess st..r.t.tne eutabllshwaut In ern rate Lotand uwahlo of dolsw a largo bestow. Lot anall) feet. The property la valuable, AI joining thy city dlstrlet. Wto h. fold low. Also. • 012112b111 or Powys and Late for salsa spot y to W. S. HZ AXON. Steal Una. Carp, No. la Utast at.. appeal. Coon Ifemeo. null • • kto iu GABS, &Do, JOHN MEGRAW, alanntsaturar st and u ola of d, anti Bolan DOJO/ s kinds Tobacco, Banff and Cigars, 40 MIGA=I:3I 111157PNIIICEM mann naiortniant Blanking Totianech Twhatton oo boor,. EXCELSIOR IVOIRIL R. ge W. JENKINBOII. Kaaataataras and daalais Is Tobacco, Saul; Cigars, Pipes, gic. 6 TEDZILLL MT.. Lccuaturr. F. SELLERS & CO., PORK PACKERS, . L.A. r:, DI Li New Bacon, Beef and Tongues Wnl toe ready for &newton Monday, Seth but, 'Widen Sugar• Cured Homo; . Do do C do Been Do do do Beerroairoelo, • , Do do do DreakDot Bacon; Digo Cared Baron thoulderr; Do do do Bides, Lt redacad priors and of regu l a rl y QUM,. From Mr nate (hall be umpired with LI minder to the 110a1 lon trade. 410:141 SUPERIOR OA IR TAMPED PAT /NT IMBETININD AND ZUVETZD LEATHER BELTiND AND HOSE, awninkatal al alto. 1813:13 ez, HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Apats tor Few Took Blbbist 00. 43-um 313elting. LirAtittr_,.:4l7lll l. l7lTlNf l eer! BLLTlloo.l6bota. • NE PLEB VETE& • WASHING MACIIENES • MOYLLTY 13ENCII. AND TVA ITBI3OER3 I OWII3OIII. • UNION COME POTS. ^ And • MI sisortat,llt Of Itomkeeptne floodsoi GRAFTON'S, 66 Bederal St., NI/AIIiitATLIKULD DEPOT. • • ►plineFunt ALLEGIIITCY CIIT. r . PLEX EOBILABS, PUMP MAKER. And onnufootoroi .f all kinds of WOODZA TUB' of). Ito. 33 THIRD DTHXZT. A311O•o/ nr Y :trtsdoi ittontloo /dm Woks mostoiso tun orl.triallPll. 101,4711 THE PRIZE APPLE PARER. . Luppapp . Apple Pam_ proved_ b 7 two la . o ' . ;al! p ' f: lifergt belt impacted ateauflatorer4 Stoat. whav aatini out bounded at tie lowest wkolocao 40100. 1L TA BOWL =lra 141REECII.LOADING DOURLE BAltitZL SHOT NONa.—lbalelutrxely eda Soo assortment of the above Was, of ml own Importatloa, direst from ono Of tbe beat xakers Is Lump.. wialelt lam gems- at mash lower rate, 01011theY11.• to imextmed host tkit jObbl2/ b 061165 tollow Yore or VtalaSelplala. , • JAMES DOWN, •weenP • 135 WOO4l Janet. FII4EIPIS SWAMI AND talliti . l , l= a tauarana.:4l l , 34 , wise rtilrlott moo. eal;wirillir 1867: BANKS AND DANE:Er:O3 HART, CAUGIIEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS, ii2T11317367n, (BBOOEI3BOIB TO WM, ELT A 00,) DEAL 7737 73 Exchange, Coin, Coupon', vsallnklar attolntoo paid to the poi , Wow sad Ws of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Mrl I=l N. HOLES & SONS, 3MAX.NIZM:EXEIJEA. No. 57 Market Street, rz=i3u - scea. impodu Medved In Par rude end Carrlncr. ckateetiOns nude on all the prinnined points Of the Slatted Buten and Canada. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT LID Sou 011 00111111LUOI. s teetleau attaatlos prta to th. wiielms ot U. S. Securities, LucMinx lI.Z. KM OF ISM do. 11. B. 714112,10.1 m.: U. O. ONETITICIATIS 07 lADZIITXDICIE. Orders sod VoliohorsOaoght or oolloosoa. Eitttil p \ E . 0 P L IC SP SAVINGS BANS. OF PITTSBURGH, Capital, . sloo,oooi am= EL 20 POUTS rant Pr0i1de5t............11MY LLOYD. MO Fiesta...A WILLIAM SUM funtui al Truant, IBM T. PIT umpla 1/. IL-Alsta D l du instills thin Ma% au ea. FlitAT U JULY: WILL WAS pIITEEEIT PlOl TEAT DATE 'cm . . COAL IMPS TRUST COELNY, No. 65 Smithfield St. kV:9 .10A0 k1..12).171.4,/,lAlentiaki Capital, - - 11200.000. s or.. ...ssooaoa Dtpottts reaelvtd!autilloteratt .a• opottal siltation give* to Congo. Presldent—L J. BOMB. Cashler—E. J. ROBERT& Frprim‘ " Nr, J. rArisualr. W.A. Elassos, Woe. Mcrnmau, Txma. rouow. 000. H. RoPICINI. H. A. 1/111111...... 0. D. Jonxiax, • D. k PArnutaos. .y 3.1.1 • WFATERN SAVIMIB BAAL dr.. 89 Fourth fared. =5 Interest Pala es Timm Deposits. Any nun r•oilya Ens Da• Dollar Dogmas nabioet .Cheok. yrtillmat lamest. D121001121T DAILY. ►T 12 O'CLOCK. President—THOMPSON BELL. TIN Preatdeut-4. M. ELIIISH&LL. DID JCL —.., laeaboslolion to when an make ;f :: t: kVA: TUF.FILVIXISCS, Jc...ph m 11,121126 SAT. Iftyld Yam Wulle DalselL, Heavy Lambert. D. W. C. But.an. A. 11- N..a. I. M. . - Th.. lad.. ALLEGHENY SAVINGS BANK, azczeintirr, iCOICSIOLVOMOCiL la 113410.. ITOOLHOLDERI INDIUM:ULU NADU/. •DspOlilt• »oetna .1114 six par amt. Umlaut allawen au sloe • dapoga. . Particular attention Gadaletteua, d prateeda proarmair .- edtasoL Diaaaut i =au sad =wad.). O. *att.!, . J. T. Ufoetdals. AatUdr. /rank Tlaruaa, . 44'.""1" .riii. L Rlll.VrinTeatdast. , JOEYW. WOOL[. Caataer.. . atm ERSUILA2i E. A LLEGILERI INSURANCE CO. ur /1211581:18#11.—Orlos. xa a Mk met Mutt Meek . WSW, 41 Wadi of Mt and aorta. MoißYleAdas. ai..DATIF&:%= MIZICIVIS• .irt r.. 144. g.IIW .U. meek. 9. 9. HUs9r, . H. up 4,710=4. Bober% A. 1.1,t lraxel.l*lloll, olartu Han. Ow. P. 110/row. 11 . 0 Nt 143 40l / VMO 4i:lY 'Vl4lll'O SF PITTSBURGH, PA. melon rim" lb w% Mug* Mesa, A Ham Oammay, met lan,. AgiAzil, z i amilarzl . A. lnk I;Jtha ♦ irk...l4=. • I, IlearEn7. Amoiremat • Upward Wilma, GisorlillAoA. Sill+ l mp Joie amt _ MAW gOluiVeiM Ap n r.. A. Ainzaoa! INDEMNITY . AGAINST LOSS BY MA FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF TEMA DELPHIA. one: 4U wad GP eLIZIITNIT year /111.1. =MOWN OtiSlilalr. Bazar ' ltordeco H. Loeb. Tobias Wainer. Ladd p. TIM M IaAJ crin C. Goons W. itoltalts. Geom. rows. opt . e. BAN EIL, Pt.oldoot. 01t. 0. irr Et a Proadasa . . J. GARDNER COEN M. *tent, wawa 8011 A Wu! .or. TOW • Wood ow WESTERN INSVILANCE CO., ", Z ra z di n es i nxiia asarmunt. Vkli. OZOlitinaTiMaerslAleat, 011oe s : Wata r greet, c liorag • 0001 Ware li entlieekt%l27l ads ofilre and *arias Make. A me to mamma by Dlreator wbo are am kerma to Ye ecoommilty. earl lobe are detarmlamit 1,1 DrOastal2a4 mall Imorolltr. to inatatala sae a, cot which ten have Or offering Me beet rroarettmc to 4101 , 1 MOM Wattigl to bt bunted. alax..Bladai. t. WSlleratr e.T. Alemaer Opel; ;A-VIM". de lalas v. =LI L T= tram: cl.t Issas iiutrivr Soars . pEoproys INSURANCE CO. ornar, A. a. ova, WOOD AND rxrra Yal A HOW D IDOEIPANY. TAXING SIBS AND NAILINL MSS. DEISTCOaa. • Tot gtiLur, " r Molts Azinotll, o,u John /. Wm. V.c IClrk, Prank • James L. Vulgar klm i t irg . Vat„.. t. JOHN ATT, 1w triadensh A. 1 .' 'A tirtarkingi . M. Onaol AAA .T. MEAT 11. C.1.M.1111. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. SWEARINGEN & M'CANDLEiII, ' se. 114 MIR= 'sr., rist.burah, p.. ilisausl louts fin Welton Plnannlyasis et Continental Lib Insurance Co., I= ruts, Lay'. !TOOL awl WI desorlitlelle .t Imam. cieqUall CeepolabloCemesalei .1 lowest rale* ,Jaalaninfl o:ol,4:Aki ST. .11111101 CR HOTEL, wx, romorzaa rx.ar. N. L Oor. Penn & chtna bi t awn/eases. PA. MA JOHNSON, PropTietm i1f= 4 .1 4 aragzetalz ittrirz: to Um pabll{. tyttfeWizykl. GEORGE A. KELLY, Wholesale Druggist, ST Mood Strait, m.o. a. N. Nan. Tama liffiregtaniarzalV 1 0 *4* CO .3111 jOillf McCLAIIEN, Attorney-at-Law. Office, 71 GILLET .T.. Pilidnarsty M=MM=EI W . 8. BUSELTON, IL D., tzars or Taz U. B. Az r.l No. 67 FeCeral St., Allegheny City. R. A. CAMERON, Attorney -at-Law, No. 98 Fifth Street. R. BIDDLE ROBERTS, Attorney-at-Taw. 0113 es, I. 73 6111343 T 111111/.23. Ltuictioi attest to awe Bank MM. mr ln sita.3 H. L. RIcCULLOIIGH, Attorney-at-Law, NO. 104 FIRTH lITIMET, Plttsburik EIMITACE a . Dioasow, ALDERMAN. Ex-Otticio,Jastice of the Peace, AND Fowl= XAGIATHATE. Oka, k 72 teminais Mum. Irdtdargi6 h. Deeds, Bowls, 1110 Depoons and ail= Boa ' siZitanot t el witn nroatotassa sad Musick; are* A. AMMON, •-•- JUSTICE 07 TICE Goorsysnier. Beal ratate mid insoroaco AM% CASSON ISTEIZT, last 131nolosboss. collection of Boots solicited mid Ino=PUY atteonoo to. WILLLSII H. BARKER, JOBTIOE OP 1111 ?BLOB, oolguyearcav, •t. 0m«, CA3p ot.l§oll OTHICIT, utrattromettok the Railway De South PIWInagII. banlasu ea =nal hL our proaapay attended to. • Mir sn DANIEL DIM AL, PRACTICING PHYOICIAN4, No. 150 Grant St., near 1110. apMl.ll . GEO. U. coclinmi, Attorney and Counselor-st-Law. • oa.-rovrefp. LAW HUILDLNO. He. 80 WISESZT, corner of reenit. rlttin'sk. AU Legal buten. nerostaiclids awe will n acho prompt attention. =dude J. 13. FEJIGUSON, Attorney-stlaw, X 0.119 ruin IMX67, ■1001 n) 77.001. 7131r1 NO= •DIW/ H H. McCOHMICE, ittco.rirserp."44Lievocr. 81: Grant ittrelt. • Prompt attoaltoa Om to all Maas of law Dula ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 88 Diamond Street, JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0131011: 11% US fOUNTE MEAT E=MI ET= C . B. E 4 SMITH, Attorney aad ,Caanseller at Law, LID soworros nrI3III3.IIPTOI. Oakes at 93 DULYOND .11TILTXT. d=3 H . C. MACHSELL, MANGY SOUNSELLOR AT LAW No. 88 Grant Street, • Prrrentinon, PA. B . F. XXOWN, UAta Loma Clan . anal. U. s. nu. Ocaa..3 Mike, No. 67 Fourth 81., second Boor, rwrommon, PA. HEM minas, uo anus or PAT Promptly Collected, • . leave* lima until claims an WIWI. Sag nes bat els ante Cm, , Seriklelle $lOO. BOUNTY. slim ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. UNT OISCHAMIEL Soldiers wits Sets lost tear anemia win. Clip arid who an ethers'. =tilled to ids addl. Uonal $lOO banner, ma Lys Qat ems at. isariad to 07 sal/lad se eraddrassise W. J. Si HALL PATTERSON, armUEls Alt LAW AID OLAXII AGMS, TI eILAMT enzrr. JOHN A. STRAIN: EX-Otticlo, Justice et the Peace man rotsos tuenrrztlnt, °See, UP 111th It, oppoutte Cathedra, 11Z18.1313803. rl. Nosas c I D=ous &ad an Least BlLW A'k ries *Mt Wltti Dronotsess and ateollel. • =Ma ,1 ,A. i 1 31a0 JAACEY NOTARY AND =al. ILIITATE AGlNV l jaloora n4" l Bauer &ad rreeat Watts. Lawreaceete. ° etWinitagi tnet thopv„ll.--ate. travo. sad eakeeerta4Neeat Ot alrilaas WILLIAN JANQZT_, Julies of the Pup mg Notary roam lbeg JOHN C. IffitoCOMEIS. JIMMY MD CSINABLAR IT LAW, NO. 87 Fifth Street. Airronzalons, Barattal, saitArroars of ray Tau:aptly ealeatila. - labia 4:4 ell:i'(ziirte):l,oilz4 Dr. N. W. BATES • VETERINLETI bIIRREIN. ott..nd Stable. la rear W.W.l:ma Betel had who. lnghers, the Llrath and hale Bulges of Wllwa Brot numoash, anwhastr. Itteldence-32 Tale 11./to hi., broad Ward. Homeekillfolly treated Aar all eatable M. eases, awl setistleilux guarsatead. Seen Orperhalreloa ye J•dut White. J.••• 11 , D Xerebmk, irr :thud wt.'s, Pittsburgh; =lts 1 1 :VgInt."Ar. le~haaT• WI.. Urethan. LI ' d mShStar , • " 17 " c e He . Fedora etr7e 4 L__ bawler, Nercleats, ID Federal stria, Annex!. t 11. Ora. Nerd:mat, //lamone..• ll e Wm. htshlar, Watchmaker, 110 Fedora sweet. Alleeheuhr • • IMPORTANT NOTICE. To oinuaui or HOME& DA. WERT beg. to Inform Ids• trlaade aid Abe public wd be bad remohed oface wok etablee from the Red Lies le Rh. ORARtala STABLE.% op:Kelm rear tadof Um Bt. Rltarles Rotel. TRAM otreet. Wokand tome Rohm taken In and ekillfaily treated. at • moderato churl Ron. sr any Inrectlons dbiesees sot admitted, bat every attention _Da to them at the owner, stable. DOCTOR W EST'S celebra. ted CORE •Lt. I.l.NriallibiTote seed by all the principal Vciertanry Golleaes Gas,etye will care se Sons. Wted or eaddle d Dora Mosul dor, berates air COW and will net briars tea bell, may as bad In bottles. at bin °Mee" /I lett and me n try case& ;venial) atteaeca Remember dm., It. Chalet Stable.. THIRD RTBXZT• CRTroltO Si. Marled Robot. lernde • prior. N. P. DUFFEY. • VETERINMY RICCEOI tbantfal for thipamam AN b) R IM E MINER, rtreVlV4nrt te , e n and Batt lane, Mire:mar f•t/r eV% • TlLAlNtlitt and 11‘)/1/11)111t) STABLE on sear vc.r arraat,_beitraan Ohio etre,ld noels.. ••r•ttE =Ca at ths late er.d res an idence a.tEE Co S i peotEl , aznir [llan tolng. tat rim% Zalltanfv. mos ETATte win; Lut Lana ZdISOrn_aI..7:IRATITA 1 ••••ta la Malan •oteitadrLadi« , pr dr at .. re r V .. 3 b l,llf.t . " l!tttlfft. ' VtrAlf 111111 t, Jolditarker. It. D. Eva.. tarcard . : . I :COU : Jr. LANCE, Nat. IS3 and IST Third Street, DYER AItDBCOMBII, Straw iieode Cleaned or Dyed. O XID GLOVER owl LILDELIP YLMIERI eau orl or rd. n • G. FUCHER% C 7•XOT Dyeing and Scouring Establialiseit, mu eI7IAROID /muff. ikalr. woad mut sairtar ..igrettlrulfl4l........ • rylial C. a. ALT-411.3310. 4 DILAZKIL Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, 11111T+17160FL vcr.ausimi, French Clocks, iko. Biwa/ .daaltoe Itisa IZZALIXERG Or 'Xi .IMI7I and. istiern AXtISEMENT& INEW OPERA. HOVBE: .Leeiha. MWl'" mamma, , TUESDLT ;NUM% IMpteaba Mb. na. 1k 1:m11201.11mi at-comp:lqm/ 7uol& tett♦M. WY RII.T.SOY H. IV CA.,rosil.. T. D. Hum MINIS VEIARLOTTIS •ino*p%O! PD. , In V. lebratrd drama of • Vietorino ; or, I'll ' , loop On% == IMIZE! To townie with the " Tag TWO Witteoll , ls. Saturday altersoon—Vnitl Thal Ks ggrupario VOCAL CONCERT, TO EL GITTX AT ' FIRST ITIIIVERSALIST 0113101. Co,nic Third sa4 Orsat, sus•U. Thursday Evening, Kept. 19tbt, 414===g:MIVit=g =Kitt% MIT (=NM WM, far TETSIBLIPS VARIETIES THILATii.. it IT. WILLIAM; T. H. JZT/casuN T0.2711311T, cc.nrord's attaapiou Butotst. LS,/ 11111111111M/S. In new Woe, sod•Het fp awl WNW Dutt, with O. W. Powers. KW J-Itiato Benson. N. W. Zhou, wtol the Oust Organnutlos Ont laugh. Wu • taw, entitled Tr./. o/t.all • LAY& CAEYEI2S. OIL CLO'r3lB. PRICES REDUCED '1 CARPETS ! Oil Cloths, Battings, Window Shades, Table Corers, Piano Covers, Rap" and Rats, Stair Rods, &e. In vim at Wing w 7LLL 4100111 L affix our stock at pine. Le malt the CIAMIST SIMILS. Those neellaggeons In our Ills .Y• not afforl to pus as 111. BOYAR), ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth Streit, ===l BARGAINS IN CARROTS, MIL.IIIIPWILX:La.- ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, =DMZ, Sis. IPla ussio, BRESSELS CARPETS, ILEDUCID Ma. m TAMIL I=ll CHINA MATTINGS, BIIDIJORD TO !Oa t ran - Tun. Heavy Redaction la Late Curtain, And =ay olluir goods. NeFABLANII & COLLINS, Nos. 71 wad 721 Fifth Street. Xart to U. 6Mama Noes aad rocs Mak ow cad Moor. eve Haw Ytaisch Boat titan. I•3l3.:TEl:sav't. HAVE REMOVED WCALLUM BROTMO RIM* acnr °Ns at Mar Tay alogsal will .... =Alm 211 W WAIMOIISZ. No. &Fifth Street, A nem au of glum and desirable rattans [MEDALLION VELVETS. Tenets Rusels, naps/mar 31 usarz,s, • lame and dial« asaartatrat of Piano and Table Covers 10413n1 64111.1, 11811 C IVO ill Ilir; rr-, TIME PLY AND 'TWO PLY Ingratatxus, of 10 pima Cluvitfte NoCALLUBI , MUMMA 32103 CR 3rittia. street. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & COMPANY are datly . reaelitat las aseartamli 111( MEW 43-0013 S, Wldett an offered at • large diaconal Dia lAA Ilprlars prices, = Ingrain and. Common. CLAIXIMUMES. Mattings at Nov York Prim. sp.d.a faaesmeab N den Mb balm• OLIVER kri#I2TOCK k CO. 2$ Fink Street. 1:1 aye : to :4:1 DON'T DEOLITED HT imuserjlll44..• axrc.. -Is 071=1 GRovEs & ammo ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines Ass TEN Alpir as mall sad Mantinutai yammer. CIA WI lei them at 106 twin 8 great. GET NONE BET • • GROVER & RAER re: • Hamar out itb vulvas. vertastaxi thereberatba ben. Dos% fall So ea/load Ise flat 110. 105 I . IIISB IT,. above Id Sll a r i rglAlEM&& CARRIAGE osna aum It wog Kaan BilbTebartS4 ab.wbas% ULM, 1t0.% ura us. /or Ws at • NO. lee nrra eras= arbars • • atm noltallUe. . . . THE GBOVER E BAILER - REWINC MACHINE La the Wilms This of Siloam's:l. MOW M. "4 Su'i" unvir ups /Trim eratt R.lthtma MET.TOII p,XECUTOIRII bboth 101•00100. AllOOlOlll7 11 000 . 7,•' ramuL4 54,515 ant.^4 to 1..44.1.1.., oo.dobtei 10 .14 emu orwskol.teel team. panne.. .4 the. boolke clolebo moll= r eilt ! le t sicAsr. rwrznstm. • ¢.T004 11.115.0. Toranabts., ExEcurromp Wil itotbbo Lb. LottorolrolUmontarr..ss anotzeo of TRoN • 5 urrj.ls, lal4 PIU I O.IIIII. ban boon siminell 10 Oak Unienlited. • andmis ted h.O Sots. .411 010,0 .11 ontuo. .4 Wo7mfl :0 6 4:1 , Vol ° 17:149' . *LrlegnIS. CM . IPATTOX, 112 1 ° a - and 14 z r een i l i vot. .5/11113 . 1% H. ' Jon lb id. 111'15W ARV; r. • THU*. 1 M71.11..15.,, linonntabo of Tbosn. Wttlo. 1114 . 4. A 115.110430 - um • • . NorircEnte niiiiaturn o r.„ b..ll, ll 4 o in l oltrieirini,°!er =V: Istojesaimilpg Inaoallie Wore. 5117.1144417h111a arruZ L Jlt .17.ba:ra STATE. PLAWSILIVLIIIII..- C ‘ ;. Al / 4 1 1 7nr. , C S vm l7 .6 Vo l . i tirM ftv fo l' ane d mallef ' of th• uael the Of tlit dab Slog, entetylog ...nee Of the ...eta of Atexasder hoot* late Of the Cite et To the Heirs' and Leiria ifigfeectitettTee of . Alexander hoot; flocarods—ron sad WA' of Joe erld tale halos that Jolts* MU. omeets" Whes gird hill alMi ac Caseated" of eald ette. zed that he umid apheastoni Co the covet to be diaellarzed 11041 lualart.her' (MV .aid executer, lad Chet eaUl be discharged Iran Ids met meths es eater. day of nent; thieve algae be tapes I. the art. • Ptersirezas. /vie sok, var&T'-1•1' ANDooD : How Long now gt , ' ,1 %.".. 17 M4347&21;Ph;r• ermvr. Um Mantra Tn.taurat aa4,11 , 141m Can Si of eroau.nr...uar arlaal traanagg RIR. M 721114 I.lll=ll:'llDfAvniNt..rA Self-Ahuo. 07 ROW J. CULIF/JillißLL N.l), 114,11 01,0t1110 •,.... beak Eon Ge ?II -masa tater'," ridit ual, 21 ." ) . 1 . 10 Susi s4eams. sou wild.- EV l Rrat u itirit t iora . .. Re. cuzis,Oft. .Marrlss• (MOW? setAsSIOILM . . (4astagas roar . —.24lbzidPrato bm Alitu"" x ° l 3l4llr"744M ** , '"ltilus altilium mama , iim . istaillegn• 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers