r LEY GOODS, TRIMMINGS A.IICTION trel 011100 on,. o v • t `ll.l:V.te en ; ' L e urrena ,11.• 121;314 41 reel,, I mere.. att. rou rain. +I Liberty ILWAI CBEI rih- of nut '.I and, le .1. W ean, on del 7 2 7 0 each ntrinni 11.1 1 1 e bout out Roo • y Ay_ . tie a/ie— .lot rm rig: e AC ' _ 97 chambers Street, ami,Ms's • BST OPENED, AT VPI El eatk„ "'enr.EkT,l", 1913311ILT:B. tom.b:iyrbJeUgZmada eof all sleet and 38" Kid Glove, at SLIO ,per Pat LOW CASYN.. We ere authorlied to toseantee every pal f 1 . 7 71 1 :11en.T 014 V17.1,°.`,'atf..1,,P,L' /at MACRON $ CARLISLE, .ia'szs. gitroet. :r n-;4”.. EATON'S. CHOICE LINES OF onit:allmttne I CANDIDATES, ; 11 '43 .D, 41115 T /EC/LIVID, AT - .17 Eifth Street, leithe:tr2 .1.? " tlo !te ' FOB PBOTHOIYOTAILY. 11110. JICOB H. WALTER, ar m s " is t 'y,% (, .,ll.!,. l4 t . t.'iel th a%7f t : s e * o f f P {l itatugei. • Republican Convention. FOB PiaTIIONOTAILY. a Sun D. C. HULTZ Will be a <and:date for the ofece of P 1 MARY, salted to the decislon of Republican Convention. I .11.- FOR ASSE' V YES' Of Allaghe• stock =td.lL,,`. F° 7 fly, l e iI I DW GOODS I NEW GOODS 1 AT DON'T BE DECLIV - ED BY Intno aeneerti hi' tut yet atilt, u u Judge., nr b VPIVIT Flll3 LBAIIJ fCH ANI • g. re al I 113 ri • DA RT ZWINC t i t taceutuni ert.sw•np, Inonth. is iOE. Ith.ol`ll !ieet Toted BONE ROPE ollday UI the beat • to. roe :, BA 17W ab 1 . 133 II 1;11 I Black Gro. Grain 'Silks; • , Black Lustrre; • • •n• 70317. Aflack.Tansfse; • : Black Bloiambiquef;. • Black all pool Delahn; Black English Crape .I.Vhite L . Long Black Thlbet Shawls; HlTE AND Ha. :UM., PUI SfeCOT Black and 8-4 Grinadtnet; /gore dry nein oh, FOULITt. "tilitiNt Bark° A JTI. . - - ----7'-- -- -- - ''' --- - - - e ..- : fir iliftsbuiffir Gairtti On laatnottisp last a .Y. ll E.0h 23 TM. Wtnit DUO . '''''' o e l 4 SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 ________Cortaatswii MERCHANTS. FOR SALE. Gr.t.,,,rr AUtrION SaLE OF , , :' , Tr.m,, DM purrse of clew:dog It nut, „es-. ...„--....„...-- , --fiATt Illif ( t itirl'l.4:rl 11 re n tS 'e t r un ' ll. r " ..t "r y time and mann regained Ills conselonsomt A Clergr T _ ___ _______ - him to hank. Eti:wfs re= e iT enhort - n elect will be e. 1 on tt• peen see • IJoinlug . whtle restating' la South America t F'• SELLERS & CO., le tOus Par. at tas 1 It/srly In tarLe as I THE COURTS. . 4 ..... 1., 0 4 ,.... 5 u aa. 1.44. - r E.- ....?a ra t...t rai kr..... .31 7. 1 1 .1 . 7 ... a c f . e r ei, Th. is the ammodaceident of this picot 000 :.:a:misonfuortdia;l:ll:cw.l,7:l.;°c:o:yt...ri::::::::,..aTe:kan:dsirs:lm:irp:ce, ' """. '4' ''''i-:;"' 4 ' '''''''''' , P 11 ); ; ;; y Le H e ., on .. easy*? Rou t e... A. m.:4 han i ems ftuildim to. n t e codas 1 ark INvisißT:Li ::;,1 - 4,, ' z ' t t..z I r il -,',•, vv.= •:::I%Tj= rim - - has (mewed at Pioneer within a week rthin, ima‘deri:onels..:o-,..An.or,th,ierci::i.onn, stem walk room Torrent station They am beau " Nl'. n* "' e rn" C°". i' Mewl. -------'e - Decay Dlseate• of the Uritim7 msd 'l/4.1.. PORK PACKERS, , 7 ? „..:.;,,7, 1 ,,,T,..1,,, i ", : „::F.,,,..„, 1. : 7 ,,,::::::,,,,7:,,..* : :::: ~,, , r. „, „,,,,... „,,„, w „, t ,,,, ~,,,,,„,,„ ~ B. ((wenn!, 11, ilson Mc , andiess mfr.,. a, i Itmat trot Bog a.y man acl ante fr., Monitions a ere or. re Ito Woe in tire reen' " W"r 'gel.' h'Ah'''''Sh'e g':"1" '''''- eft w Raton. Beef nd To .831 PRESS TRIII, SKIRT r TT:IZ: Un n effthlr 1 radt bstotee in one n ,w , re.. with Ineareat. Tt n lul ate of ' the n ' T r t r r ' in r' s r k;f h e r w l n e t d ''' l l y ''' i • f e tr ' l ' Y ' o t o b o ot b ut, '"nr" , eagzoya r nt to to roue auto, of sale , tatee on thrt et arm!, Of whisky owoZrirV .1 , 3 : h iah . o . r i n ,, ..( , ttzt . r et ic iottno ,g r i o, ,,, olol, 0 ,,, g , , ~ d rib 1,5,0 e m be p e , n . : l , z , ea n d a r . r d by this ooble rem ~o n by 1 attetol .0 stem. Ca bits Great num- i • L ic AL . '' 3 " A . M.' 3: , , /, 'J•rrur i im o jrrer I .. i . _ . o e ll wei , r'd ... W al e f ,U , err. e T e hi l ip th iaterty neeleed laa e ff e cr P ed 'd .ery eere citt:tP e art b % aen n f f,g ,o 0 r ,t c o s } ao x t o g I ,T, - ,,,' , ° A, 1. 0 ,1 y : taa n I unfortunate 1 sell; re: ' ; ' il fi t!: : :!;lll ' e n tUr: Vs 111 be ready for dell r , ry d o l o a 4ll. „ doy. l 277l,7 e o s et 1 '4:4;44 e'''''' Y-l'ill'ilr2; IF' r '''' V:+i1e:741:71(1.-17r1 . ;:rir lerit! (r . nrtf , .. TM , . . 1,11 it.. tt o Pi. Jacob hunts and 1 olte 1 Stater ea tw oh Y kift . •thcE hot:ol7gbifee7=Yegrinfr;e.shlt'''': 1 • prertarite a. using this medkhre to • seam° Llinice sugar 4 u; ~ , , tt,'..:) , l '-'" b. ......• .. s s' .- • ch. ` rels Of terns On lied by •• 4 Hall ° Te e ° Le wlthin • milet of tre Hanoi. tonal R R wtil TILL NIA SHAI 0 FUR ; _tore _ __A Ittito, AINE Atoloo.o I th i r r . o r r u w .r or tV n e r ti r,r a r n , LiteZ , cd f i ef tot t ed c..r . r.ste Pelsented -Mr Inn. I: ., tl' , lt rot o: r fif :l P a... :: ' ,.. 3 Z . ' r : ri ' d ' • . b. .... , '• It rut. ut I D , : d d . . d d . o illtz,r.loor.e, L • 1 1 1 ,1 ,..7... v.,.. T.a.. h ..41 ,,.. . d 0 e ra ., .. ,71 Cl. planter. b .... 1 d : n r ‘ t, ' o ' l,,, r y:, .A t t o ° , l , ' ' o ' , U o n t : b e i : t t,'V' c - c r,,l=l ad 0..4 to yoursaf e'e e Pe'''' '' '''sn'npn DEALERS DI 1)0 do do Mrealt fast Macon. 'a estmorel.7l cnortint-'n•Mlatnete'leera'tedatt'nft I, IV E I EARS CREDIT.-Tbird t l os ", 0 . ,"1..' ..d." lilsiflasis os the tt'Llr n Co -.. ao4 Ale I • ale rf 10 CH PIC F lit, 11 li P P.• • of a Menet ttee This Is the fourth horse ~.,,, it . l . or2 l. P i i l o t T . ; t ‘r astd ,, N itT , , p Lo aln 4. u d r:il IlLe e u H il i h d u . l . d . de re, ' ... r cultiyailm VIVI'. of Lit-rate 'MI e mk t Si3zuk" g, 1867, 1 4., r,f r 1 r et , Td r In t t• ' •4 to! ad litl oto 'Marmite g 1 14 , tt if or c r on ,, t „.„ I • ~ MOND 11 , At TER - -...- Diatrict Court. eh. has heen lost in Mercer tont de3l ^ !he ammo cause w Gino the pact eltett menthe 1 ". larwlll. BAILNIIILL 6. CO, and other Umber, 2 dwelling boo., lof them : At re laced prima and of nkeiotent q 1 '".°6" th'"h" 1 ''''''T °'"° """ °°°" ' Litton se .ti t rt., te • Then. beautm 1 ttnif :a:Cell !etre W • Before Don Mmea ilaorpton ---...--....- BOIT ER MAKERs , ..j . .b . a . 1 . 1 , a Wel. In tat I torts no trade Is rolling erery .re It .1 lable with In. tone Irian, ctu. ~, m, sbol be r. nlam r • urn ll ' e ' d :rltnre ey`OtlltronrAnff'd'e'r7rTM,PretteV•frins rnre brueeetnent. to tt we ...wee a go, 1 in 'r Pittramrs. Paper Al.ufacturing Comp.. Nnapenders Necklace Pocket Honks rc onent, or a these ano ple.ant It . e Title SHEET nal end sub. with never Delano myna. IE/1 perfect tag vs J II Fester AfCo propmetore 'lit e . ; . ...1 1.r ect r igli r as.n.odr t l ti , t u e: , t b, i , o , eit ut r . Ev %l i t e 1 rit '•-• ~ .T ,, ,L tt r zt , -- r. „M . ; !Tr . fl i ',. .a . 1 , 0 2 t r 4t m lit r e r. ric . 0 . t , : , ..v . burgh L)._,ff-trit ram. report.l Jury oat Vann, se Of cost, at tho Lrnporturer,e• :tar I - BR - Eva:Et ."--4---------------mREE &co itzlit°,l:.p.ltli=l;l4=ol-,:-..-dety,•,ll A LD I os nal. west of or...hurl This fano is &leas- 'TS.. J. W. BRADLEY'S Drett scented ,e m Jr,,, . n tbe }memo, s a IldlourtAnent ten elutiar. ea. as a part. f cash payment to r E N Met lorruy rs John star.. ) t ne. `'`lP.:.' 'i r .:l,l',_er;rol.'2,7l l ,'.. th thee. the n. k l e ° e"dig. L73 s ilf I ,l', rethq!e`er ' s A"Wr".'• k itch ntreet Surtthson Palmer SCO • t:frAd-------------dEEEOMIME LOC,MI ..SEMEEMIII4 ,mr ~...2 ela underlai 1 Intlt co The IRON WORKERS 1C01111,„1.8!„10n51171110.ERLII.ANTS, , 4 t.' , "&":1: 1 'W ''" ' ' ' ".!'""" ' - . - roaills ely Last Performances, lir It e saunters) soectacular drama of the ao a two stem Brick Hoe. oath In rOonls . t y zt e , u I Guth tin It esttrut entity...La nal road, Sarnh Ba r n ratz r' t s Attogheor 1 o n o , low. on First Page Nos 20, 22, 21 And 26 Penn St. recite, Globe A. Liberty 011 Works Ei r l t eet hoot and A fett back, with two /tool N- SON IfOLVES 86 S, ULACIL CROOK! , lon tituated In tbe village of ilainlatown Der n rh.' ;', Lir„71...,',0`..`je0.:Zn"...`0';.,.74 21,% . 1, ron I Company Action to remover inmate. ................,•••••••••„....... H o ag . ~ muted a larre TArd and fnruished It Lai/Md. - a. rot crude sod Itetned 011 Ilb a t,wr t hlp ,Westmorelau I coon. Ia to the 31Er,..a.1 11 1nEr s :MirtiLel o - St lthtntlraly new Dances. • DUPLEX ELLIPTIC - ~, , Itt bocl .the tame hour 0 o 0 0 ,k CM October lath, lee c John Rafferty, h. pH p . m A TF....-rnirs, go. wo 'T.:;en th Say of sa eDe t - ' band of plaintiff had one Of Wales. brOlren F• •• 7 7-••• • c..i.iemErn.ENTS. N,c,., " ` 1 ,::::,1, 1 1iPP"..:•' " a•3 ' Pia. we late on. r,„•l,°°•,°.:a",:,°.°T:,,„nrjetm°°l'.:s.°,,Worr°=..,°' to?°:ttl e a l ' agrg a rf n llVlUs r vg - 411. , :r r , I r;ii.ri , .• •. farewerl brucat of Mr. Wii 1I 0 t 4 h ,at ta ...ion Reams • o tee by being run over by a train on defendants' IkTEW HTTLEN i ------ --.- - ers In thi basir% L on. " .1171 It, ' 7r r e u ' i 'nn e n u r u l aTt l e md • i P . 3 ." iin.3. ' l ' °"‘ 1 &•"°•••"1° ' "'" ' a r t 1 .'" I t ' t 1 t "t. "'"°`` P"• " .'" " No. 57 Market Street, ItRIFFITH the e main. Istack crook • "; '..• t, 0 11;r, Viil. l ,. 4. ii. inad. fret. the effects of ...CB be died on ,s( env ma le In the rout, • Lid et ..3. 1 it t .,o, Once and 11 a etc on Cornet <ft/nut:mot Way c m„. nr. , .., nen'. *ltonnno on cant _ _ tn. 0 Ire Bt la Yeatn 1 ipts lan ho , ~ too t and Ilan.. st ee I Ittatie,.. cid is am r l ~.. " d ts•nthio Mdiana Ctoo. I eon& 1 ITT , LUIII,II \ Mr.:IIONUMENTAL FMB. ma ROLISLE SPRING.) ALLE(.IIEI.II CITY ''''''._. d b e e re e dlT e be d e ' irterL Y V l = e'itt o n try , ? , :l e nt e l e T ere Cot i no., 00, N ot 1. 0 1, 0 t .c ct „. -- .., „„„--‘,..,-.„-- y - Diane VarrA"rtrtin'all'n° rilltfallorguenat,!4i7a, , AND to tnot e the Court lu tonic Lo set tue Mane .•;`,fr . .•4 1 1 ,1 s• tOter I tot J Ike ir a Art It., e ROBERI F\ NU ZI, „Ir., ;! ,, .... i i m • b t , ? uVer r g , fatet tents the residue au Depollts meet, lInI ar Minds and CurreneY• I Property at Auction. Mille eoiis ot s goo, a t ilt, .0 ( 011. Dont n adt on all LI e patella! poll. of HAL'S l'''AintNl."ll rrNl.l`;' - - " n""` THE DINNER TICKETS, EIKIRTS, , COmmon I leetn court Itmentrinzoon t oo the t i ne,,se ~,,00 1,, r y t OEN P. 9101, Mien( lit SST, Aa r iet_4l , ifo t t . tre r tt : leellele r o tea I A o.ls moo, the Utiliol [OA,. and (..nattas GREATER BARGAINS ! 127 - Ronns - cm,it ~ 1 „,,, I, ahr lu ; ~r, i.,,rri,.,... n.r l4 rake of "10 per , LA ROE STORE Itoo.ll I Ref Ore lion Ed. In U Stowe Forfar... partacutors, enc.. of blocks, Bonds and Other Securities y 0„,,„ sh,„.,. csud tairona now u•dr. ...d ) The ewe of Catherine hosiery vs joules IN (Sue. • ors to Roam... Mums & Mittens.) FLOUR, GRIM AAP PRODUIE, .n. rowan, t -,- Heal &atom Agent...ll.a. street. BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMRISSION. can be bat et the Music.. Bark Stem. or rrom Sim handsome. and moat comfortable ere yet Wlth dont talent dol Nine on Ohio o c co, McL ,3l / 3 . I. 11 Ly on and %I illiam Memnon WASHINGTON WORES, Oilier, 113 LIRE ItTI NT Pittsburgh ---__"'" .tieraluced e• s• ALL i taBFIO• idAnA• FOB Dal Jnot XJ ot T o clock I n ' rri...., went to the Jury Wcaneeti. for... BOOTS AND SHOES ~,,,„„„ - I artlettlar attentio. pald to the porch and any uremia, of the ditbaistence C. Hee 71111,1 Alm 0 e I:nacelle:I to PARIS TH . /111d unit: e itmi I pet. NI be .10 the airy de Oat. % ertuct tor detundootn Foanderamod . 11 .hInlitw. Plitsbore hi e •meanc st • • _ , JO Aril TIIILLII A • A i. or P. l l. .01 . 21.11. {{excl. and ill -TOP lit cf groun « rem (roe, eaten lin' baeL 5 D. note enti Brolget Richardson .EL R. DIN %ER EN Eta DAT, from IN SO Ho clock net to an alley being If 0 Lat tale street n ' Tr.. or PlaleVffil tot. a ItOn mit and the Manufacturtr. et 1 at and kitati nary dt am s l„, •1 / 4 •••• ......` ID ( " 43 '' J 0133. CROFT & CO., ar r lsicit Is erte ed a aubstantiti I 1 , 1 km ttyle thn: jury was discharged 9 E bane. I lam t nglues 3111. Mactintry lie.- • %I 110L2 tLE AND RETAIL iri• S. Secitri t i eSs Sulr D 1... Tickets ONE .I)()LLAN, wilica 1,.. i tAt 0. 1, 1 , 1 . eA nu ling, r totalmag a large store The Amerietth Iron Mountain CornpanT ing Shafting Catlin,. of ell descriptions 011 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. include. numtssinn to ibe Hall water t0rf0„,&,',7'"...'," d:',",.;41 i .7.".'',, IT; %I or mtesouri in Jorrie 9 0 Connor tetlon to AT TIIE POPULAR Tank.. 1 NOT 8011, r . ISt en Ir. Sort. 4 01 . FL IQ ..IFL \ fi3, Beal Estate & Insurance Agents, In, toting f. S BIN Fs or immt inFIS ad t- +teeter El DV for iron furnished Thu zin Oilles So I c roe, First and `onithethl Sts I I : I O aim - - AT WGOI.I.SIALE Ws all the 1e... annum ' l e ir i e . Vt ' it!rt n t ' io ' a ta I ego ra li mune ttaa fence fir. net ort' tin trial U s CERYIPten.O4? Vi r ititEllTEDN W IARIETIES THEATRE. • sal Dry G. Is tieusesie Pittsburgh Also by Is r notate I to l ' hia ' ash I. ‘ l i th ll' „en Air r i o t; ~.. r „ tilt . / Anil d PATS NT IN. 396 Penn Street. No. 139 Fourth Street, tlr kr. ond I, oucheraloo.t.ht or COllectiAl E'B (/ ANY dras., BLASE CLAIa) r Li the ea, of El Strong A Co vs 7 rode- ISOM owner. of Patent .II N a a -PA W• 143 . 1 .• , , inl , aAte ,. 3l , ...r.abn.y. il.,.l.e.d.o,lot.u.si)tc:s ' NI ' p l SSeatelg I end 7 ran.. Nettle ott Rt... Of J J SHOE PALACE EHPOIIIIII L.,. ~ ...,,,_:._ Duero, ' 4,,,LAKE -SUPERIOR ''" ' ' i 1 •. 1 . al - ...neck, ts 1 the Ceslfft gr.. I rule DI ( PI r-rsnanuEl. .ILL & SF• I ELTINCI WORKS Plrrtil NAIL zas. r uncitont HAN E FOR d CLE i - - - A Olorte 3$ lint TO SIGHT The entire a e 00 , 0 . 0 I Tait fadly titan. NAIL, 1 awtre no 1 without on Wait:tin to BIION cause whY tholudg COAL ME VS t bon no In • y lendid olio of songs Dances. WEPEA ay aRADLEY & CARy, " ''''' T"Att4ll*.t.tS% PALMIER &t 0 ment about I not be strict. n off se to red 11111 LIT OTIE RIME 11 TIIII 110 CL ' CCIPP" KEIL a. RITCRAI27 . , M. A. XI JIM M. art.rolams an t the new rreusiation urrams entl tl i rt e n (eking Glris &dim, Or. Life Itt -Mr" -----^ --- Annn°'"'"• 1.-IrelkauntlteVigt.eol'ateUtLer'lletnn'oefet"ltukee:. . ComirssioNNEERGEAN ! Ts, i ,„el urea e county Is FIERNITURE, ectition to remelt In the most:Gimp PARR, MeCURDY &CO AND °gains Is' a.;l°A7::Mr'':ql'2ll:,s'ir TRUST COMPANY ,i, , ..,-,:,-Jiiit7o°L;ittiri,‘l7.,.°74.ll'o' It.:4:: msl ---__. , Nos.% and 28 Fifth St. 5 31. ;for Deters of Yht stn.' Br/triers an:11011 macre. Inn tom in Avronc( CO la. NM 4 ORK. Carpels Queensware and Sundries, . T. , 1011 1 1,.. ror ivednesday '316 lallEgri lTgliVlLlTll PA. 6 -- rr0 ,, ,, , , , ,,hut 11`4. C ." ". No. 65 Smithfield St ~, x . , ,, , L. , , , r" , r ei11:...,1 ~,d, .1 ..,.,,.., ::,,,, Flour, Grain, Seed, Mill Feed, &e, ...''. itt O rt. ' • 1 1. c .. c . ..iT 1 • PROFESSIONAL LI 1 LONNON rtELN . W, B, 01,Apr &DI !:"''Joi.':',:i.v; „7, '''..; ii t' , ' , :`:"'„"o"l l o',_`77r.'iri ,r- m .:::::.,f ,, ,,.,,,-- 5 „ -., 71 J ..... 14 :g7:. otYgproecineets. ' illair ro T I a I 1 R BIDDLE ROBERTS, AT AUCTION, . William 1. inch r ULF of Pittsborgh e C. ll' lower et al • • 10100 4 0 Ntal ,ay s t n r•ii. ...- I. . , , urris..l •unrui ,0-• -- - -- gN vr D i l e ` it Acne two mues out Me I trrymillt, r led Jon tnt Ain" for a mark. gar Ito TOCIEHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLI ' ••• _-- T '', T i 11,..n ., v,,,, ,, : , ., - . 32-, n!,.L., ,, ,,. -.vv. Li :.:itit i ti"!i't,',.'.llo',l),l l ,lr -IP ?i i 'fierclon - -- - en bp!fett ' l S :i ' l ' i ' s T o ' f7 R I F I .;. c l ui. " it ' t t e r ol ' ' ,vt??Gfit,l4l/5it.,,,,1.1ai1i,,,i,dir 1,, ,, ,p,m 7 , 7 10 erts a:alopecia/ad 2 1 a m les out tcl. r . A ttorney - at-Law. . 0-1 11• I ...lon Y. ' en soap t n i, 1 0,';‘,, , e 7 t ' Beni Ilabllnker VA Jeremiah Nemo RAIVIALEY ,r""t.- n ytt rat in t. tr lr d ri, 0 u!irrl dal T, Mllli !MITTS It __ l ' . 4 . 0 „ 11 , 1 . 1..1 , !!.11,1i4,1•L ;11E1 -I.-CALL ;4 " 4, l, 4' . 2,ir r l , '. '` ,o " ;.ll, " Vilfillite'li r g ' - ' ^"` '''' . l''''''''''' '' ' ""'''''',;" ' l, :4"4 1 ' 4 ;1: ggiit ~PlF„l't,:r.:it„.7-11:.` "'''' ' '' f i' capital, -- - s 20omoo. Office, N 0.71 fiRANT 'STREET. Zl l O l / b 1 7 40V Ilat'AVL 'en.tVlitra6U""rUHE 3sr It % illiama .4 % Inuit i spree. to 2 coop !slog 70 L :don Skating Pork va John her win m t . ~,,, i s ,•• above the Groln a can ''' r' ' ' rt“ nn fit tls urrn ritilx&c...* OF lc,atirb,e Imbarents sola tea chatty f Italia / As n ' it ' fuTlite ,l Xte n oll• A V e l ' ilbf ; ' il i on ' oall & t ,,, ° ' t t t o r ro " V " Th i t ' i ll oVe le o r e t't t t o w t b ai 'tea. 8 " 0 °°n• aiMpeclal attention Riven to ''''' i I !STRICT COCKY row", .441r.k- DlACE‘gin „kt, tuArkupsly,m, :;1 , 11: 4 ,u , 4 °, 4 ' . `, 7, ; 1 ..0 ' 01 o,l' gr ' . ° , `,:',l',l",oVge 1" 31c( Mrs tat oblo vs Pittsburg e- .aeg a ..... SILVER -TIPPED SHOES. lElunta •an I J ham s oalt able lyd 's fogrs t t i o u tfoo °l 2 his ' wont . / make • splendlo , stand I'm most any kind of business as poslt• '' e'' a e d and Interest allow , .c..,:r,..1:3, 4 ., t t r 5.ti l o rtLIE . tool V... set, gbEn, nod M., beater p.se.ger li a all A w i n ' y sneWN oUal • RECEI I I ' ED ~, 7 ; ‘ h ":l l, L 1 , , ,t; t r, et oen orig. II ese wltho it FETZER a ARDIET/GONG, For further leformatlon apply to the above ed Special attention given to Conte- H.L.ftsccuL.Loy un . P I ai Li t. it o „. ..y . o. 19 l'ittls Street, 1, •• •,.••• •LI eine tnr '.' Ilin r Cl M l:lg 31?I'l"nfi: C2 O John t. Hall It Itl vs Penna. In . W2l. P., a( /INS ItTZ, mn) rid, rum nnu . c nen .. 'Et:Kneel:tie la ' 701t1fARDIIG LI) 001111E0N BEltaisl3, .'"'" tun - rota . I ea...lnns (Mid t earth... to. .°°. ' M M .°, , __2 , ,,.______27o II 7 Stb t i 1 Id urn,. DESIRABLE , President-A. J. BAKER. t ...titian-ow o, , ho t O tt. m u ll.. „1„, ~.‘,,, " , I 40n city Hank t n lonenh }tons ALL TilE An tlegant anotimant of Mr, maw an 1 mean liAn 1 ...tet t sad tt ,,,,,,, 0 •2 leen City Rank • a Mlliltun 1 ally ,i," - :4p - QUINCI A. SCOTT,- - fort. gals oh Floor Gran Rosen/ Lard, Butter t " .1 " ,mc .•••. t" ,z V Mactrali a Johnston 're J W COOk DENTIST, Sun Shades amid Parasols, n't,' bill/ 11.0 , ,, !ALM? . Ico . et.] - to, l't- r l , ?l t l e ' l l `' ', lL ' i ul E l -: ', I ' v li o l l r ;rrTi ii7:lr:Vll4l."a'. COUNTRY RESIDENCt, Cashier--E. J. ROBERTS. • •", - .5. 7 glnrt b Ward re t comp, B JOllOll NEW STYLES ROOT NNIIN foILZW KNOX - t ----- SEG ILRE4 TOBACCO, a I rolnlntrator 3 . 0. 2i S PE.OLV STRELT, R KNOX ea SOY, , l. a nraission ' A i ' "'"'`" .4lf47f ( 44 ` .fc ' :g 1" :4 , 1 g. ' ;41 . 4.; °" 41n ' .4 14 1 AJ II wen „ 27 1 E Beggs se Adatn Becker ot al NEW ntrnons AND TERLMINGS, s.• i °ter , neat cr Mt A tato II la, er and OF • lig LH AN T 23.11 1. , a. trio In FLOUR. ;t " ,,l r l r eaTio of motivation ' /Ms trial Le sol t 1 2 a Genitor "t If LIG OW Canned. _'ruit , Z , .kc 1% i 11... /loge.. nil set Er: I ITT's! WHIG 01.14 Mil I FEED ant I Ittl UCE gen.& theap by A J II t As -----..,--- g l r y .. l LI% •in tv Ell . 11.t1L IDIE9 V P". .. SP ot°° ' tut °"'" I. Un "" kU " r It I nos., , (__)________l/Ices at 03 DI/ MOZaD E 1111111 601561 IND TIIIIING RIBBONS. AT AUCTION. I:china , * oot Race in Time lul l s AND cAp „,„,,, ~,d , n 4, 1 , 1 J , L "%It FAI LlFnf MAN hoer) ItY 1 1.1-1-_P 'STEEL .t {SIANG'S, t , yte s y On vaturelay last Our borollsh w. thrown AS ae i nyei ' id ry or ttita.' l a ne ‘ e t t ' s a lr ‘ :l " ll . :. ' E ' ri ' IT ilAll. t clowrorl D. Uoinntis- Brokers an I /nal Estate Aterna WESTEItI SAVINGS BANK 1 4 , ltv:s.. r, rd , I , 1.?45uer17.• t7c4 ,, lar u nthe r ‘ orst age of •-•610N gLa i ltt 11 A" I Int 10 Meat ,81.001113 VILISTACE S. MORROW, urRIN I/ 1311AD I E4 OP - - Into a state of OlClttlnent. ease the tra- No GO Smithfield street on Till I sit kl 1.10.8 ZINO X. 31th at 11 t4r° ' n g Ir `l tthr°''''t•-•bis "th tttthrnthnn'nent m 1 e„nl, 1 ii:mltutl ' u ' N'r e , t‘ft'l':'l7:•'t I ? „ "6 w,, T'Ve"L' l •`..g.'",,lL,',' , i, ,ylPT. l ""c 4 nun 01 -.- ' t Y I , 1 c o. Ject •Fo. 59 Fourth Street. THE BEST R3D oLovEs. ~.''''' ' Ah 3La w ril, Hall Auttlue no ms 53 that EL rat, Of na 0 mins against tittlo for a For !WRING. an 1 will sal at Ittter con' its fr of e ar t o. Addl.,. lir J and JOH / ...SE. dl Li anT Sant • forubdall 0 I ALDERMAN. e '',Z,7,„'?„,., ~ ,` , ;,,' ; ' , " . ' . 4h:l4 th•ri• l l°•litE Per., of two hLudred dollar", WM to take sHILLI" Hut (11.1T0N 110f/rant Astmla lon Constant:tents st Gelled em.l Fon SALE. ay . do l bermes place In the mantoon The streets were 20 Per Cent. Less Than Down i Id, 1.1,1 u. i • tal M. IwT - -1.., ar'TO 111 illlll oat NOT TO Al:11.4 t.E & AN3EII, t,ollLl'llgf. CIMEdILEOU'TELL'I lEI 3 D 3-043°. Ea-0111E1o, Justlre of the Peace 10 do Stant t ' Desirable Coal Farm, Interest. Paid on Time DellnaltN, 1 AND POLICE MAGIIITRATE. ' 'l% ARRAN TED alb N D AND PI , RYE( T lined • Ith pool.. and conslde rabic Inter Town Prices. ~,, Marin / %tit MIT, altl . / v SIG% MX/ t lIA*.TS on. .ra . rLoca as no t deg.., •es, rted bran Is I E , ll. was martifmted TIM mutt the race . . i t „ t r al rd atorn rent la ea teem one Dona.. oth,O, 7.! S eauri .h. l I lene, p i ii,b uz i . r i BEST PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS f; ';','ol', r --- ud' ' - , la(rt ma was as folLizws 1 bit was offerett that no At ~ .. , it ,,,,,,, t Ar , , , t‘, , rA . or n rovl ar 1 timitt tle 4 I Ms.:ars:l ; apll ty e r . aleme , a . ..! fee r t. •ttoate .noont . fo c n o r . Tl: l t 2 i A:.!,: r ei: L'. , ~ ,, r, I; ,PA.r..., , 1 , , : ,,,,-, °aut.+ und ruentn. e ttuu .itt te I ...en. cont.nank . ut uere. un • etlaid with aYan or Denoetts sinbJect to Cheek tvltit out ~/,=l4l.B.t.lattallf.oirtiaggeL ArAtiowicti4rAtA ma. could betbrongle tu Mtn or well , et er We tell our BOOT 51 Ioan I CASSISI FRE S ' t , t i` t ° L' ' '' '' tn the ' l ' t •••• ti. • • mni I. LITTLE: it 4.11113 & PATTON . r ui to th: ° llttstflfr . gli c riT, it - ir - 0 acre lof r. wilts prompt.. aud dlstatc: "."” roviS 7 bout ...Airy Tnt arco ...toned tr. dt In holt touts pseke e . tiu Pron., d ground, front hittunining to HATS et OVE tiOLI tit rows, is .... :T r :T. I .:" s • ~...71 - ' 1 1 `,." n r ,",,,i'.3,J1,...,ii Au 0,,t, ae.e., wee.. , nect, e i t e o,..cceec e : umber . eter in et ety aeld except on, Iwo DINLOUNT PAZ , Is AT tE 0 CLOC. -s----------___ .---- 11 atterson's, five mileertilatant In ohe hour any other !louse In the ( It) ass te t s c, ~ th, s ifp, 1, j , .3, ~.i'Z'N, 1 ;..ed dealtra In Produce. Y our Bee to Llt tse Precidpot THOMPSON BELL. A. Atimos, NtunrilsoN, rid gLirt A. CO , Owlng to the muddy condition of the Mad no, frame I owl stat le f ;I: elgutet n be. I of _fliL'-_______________ Au dont ea and Its long, /deep Mils as wt II . tliklact _ I Uothm lama an( all l i ltte.dirgh rtionufecturcs 0r... , id r "" re •"" PLUMBING GAs p • piTyplG . . 0. ' 0 . , .- II" t '..." 1 I . tr" t_l lI I.h ° it' lab, Larboe . j L.r.t 01 lon I alls (Hass, h wag.. •he I arrine - 0 <attic abed CCJ --- wo.• ' lice President--A. M. MARSHALL, J UMIIIOE OP TIIE PEACE. SCIOIV LASES, '----------- "'"'' 4'1'41 " rttitt str""lin g th.°ll. /C °. Call and Be ConVineed. JOHN D, BAILEY, a 88" Hid Glove, at 31.10 per Pain - of the bet, and man/ others were conti ent _ DI lEt TOR( (WW2 i art iages, Kitchen Safes, An ''0r.0t1'.9.`,7,,1,71111,• r,,,h,.`47.7:31."T0',,700,= GAS yIXTURES. R E .V 1 ,,`.','. 61 . 1 `.",a,.5. 7. (stmcei.on Trento . Brat I J int, trait. w b Ittalt Deane's non . ' won No 104 ' , HALM STREET June 11 DAL,: Er AM II tlinliALL -Henry Illtot-prmlueet yet.> mo. the thse 331 Liberty Street. in r. r.lgo Fru. ',AI A I et, csl L oftellon. JOI ALOILAIL : Vic are authorised to roatautee ceetT pale of .41,..x. _a:Erg:pp (pow .rY ft/INT. ltreweras a ,siloen 1 IN )EIOIILISE AND FUILNITURE - 1 1 .4.t."2.,..kt .81vado t , riP u• test P Meg X • .n.Zu'le‘; 'lle th4I4I.IVS ier-Olu'rtlt'o'etareakesirlf, %, saft ta.rt t at h. 1, inn lit e ars. tn. , . tk ht "Ititoldtrs to arta nt nerenke lit T S.( lITII I • T 0 r ItEPA.ItENLEI t, can ue x anned Luc mlalbte p.m I n TII U Holt 01 May ath at 3o clock pm rt ntly as little fatigued,. beferthe started FIILST 110012 BELOW Illd i OHN It cAro - 1...;-Let,4 ORURO. FOR SALE. v.,,, ForeylLT .1 TA: li 0 10.1211 Nr3l,atto:ll,l4:llArtlen Raps II an I TI , itth and wear° satlsSeti ho erodd, oven under all e" elon an! 1 . r. rut t.l( at sad whole Mot Ca Drell 10r Dael I Rem BIACRUM & CARLISLE, I I ' ii'dCLOC:47"g" the objective etre...tutees, have won In much less tleur- Art Immense concourse CLOTHIDIC EMPORIUM. ,-.T . • ~,,-,1-..1. Vr ° 1 1 .1,,1 r ;tit" 71,!..`,1 i . „", ` ... h r n ti 3 .ti, THE TIIBEE- STOSI B RICK ROUSE, 'V L'A'ttr?,,-„ 1 .; 'lf , il4r. ' L.....,..4•Lpi.u.n„,.)-IERS, 1 corl A.L. o d inn Drt I It and Ito E 31 Fulton" Thos kwlng 2 ct. IL I ens " witnessed the OtArt anti ritlltd o tilinau, or ~,, ~ lone yenersaly. Nos Mani 1 vont attect, NO 52 FIERILY STREET. ny 4 ilt n Safe me Gum Ms Our eltleenaamompanled the young Athlete - _ ____ 1 film r toted low tate eight Met throughoot the men Considtrable Mods RAIVIALEY it oberg c Hi n -, ,,k,., is- ' e, it Ai present omit; led by lir J S BELL The 1 a att. pt., t ha.", c 0 , r 00 of our /Totting Dien Is clang.. 1 owner 7 I n ,e ennt•tos eine rooms an 1 Malt. I attic 1 I tat. aow Case 1. net AT Ip, LLIIII foot raciest on the nratn 'ie pre Store Pendants, Brackets, &c. , 11, i ~,R.r,,, , , i. , ommiss E 1 tore:Lent an 'Mg., In poolo kr alent ‘ ,ll - l lese Dea e lO c'... , r ,, A , tt" Lit 'sett.. e ' tgi n . I fiVe d d e'lli'llf4t = l lntii2lt l rnt:t a r -II:, SAVINGS BANIc - my, len 13 . :_________Inu A 1 i i.....711.11 ACO Au. • ' - -..- otal a I taloro , ...Pt r a 3 - t,II Fiv•ocee ihruit tee an 1 .rpeta which are new v 111 be LL t 4St DOLLAR ' ~ DANIEL MciNEAL, 0 4 D., Aim rio. gar,E.:. -------- t Railroad Accident* AI 11: . ..o aletimen • and TAI lOr 1 tr.lCe tenor „„,,o ~,,..11,,,i,,,,,,.. 1,..„,10.1.,:„,,di5,,. CRARTERED IN 1855. PRACTICING PASICIAZIF, .. , u •, 11, to No. 65 Fourth Mreet, The Blair. ill. Press sis a Mr John Ash. lins J ust 00 i.essed .1011 A 11. TATL •• •, .IA3IES DA LZELL a. 50 1 V,31/iiiu- ~, .7 . la RELI.. ill/ Cmlthdeld at. opt (site Post once. , bough, late ot tilts place. was b oily injure4.l 1 At Ila es A Ilan e i I:a y ., 7 i xl, z: , ..,,,, 0. ,Ny Th.". Iby the cars on G. them'. hod under the a .• feetcrere al or lOnan I led% se on Yet 11,, t . 1 ____ chart .f r t t ureia. an I as. of ( rade .1 ce allo ly at...at IMPIIOIED PIIOPERTI ARNICT4 42,232,000 311 t/Moe and Rendenes, I ' I I :::,...d. A IIIIIer, ' Hs Lar °' etr ' at- " "04,7 !All..ina Circumstances Mr Ashb ttloh A LARGE STOCK 6 FINE 127 Merl) Street l'itisburgh; and 1 . 1 .' „'1,, , !„ , ,, ,,, ,e , ',' , ,","., --, n, ... 1 ... L . , .„ I Open lolly fr m Sto 2 o dock glut on la ednt .- 3PCLirt MA X.. 70. 46 an 1 V.. , leY teen.", from Mal Ist tO Nee nos 150 Grant 81., near NIA ;,,,- ii - ,„•,-,,,, , •,. a ...ening lett his hot. w ith the InterOloo of handing JOlln I 11,0. Ts xIIIVAI O IIOCAL . r N I !LAX JUST' OPENED ..,.. ~, ..,... ~ 1 ritate t•les on o c occor to c o i tIL ft) } l , l „ o rl tic ., ;(l , la ,, Lra r d If Oda( bi eetsi att.un °Engineer 01 Ont of tht hi Igbe 4 an. x I 59 Federal Street, 111egl eny. Jost . , n not OE kBR49 0 ''''''' 3" '''' m 7 t " ' ' e “. ‘0• '''' rrOm 'a' - F VC' s tuate In Lawrenceville, .d Springfield ad et mt er la to Ma/ Ist from Et o clock t g-soot yo lotto I P s iva & to vre, • In a utak. Mid on trnlita 1,0111& Mutt He a:ten:etc Ito cram Dep.!. recatid of MI sutra et not est Um zr a.O . O.E,BRAN , as gin an 1 tot I on mn olletlun n. TI ill t sae IJ e r.. an 1 c n t Ina, n un war tn.r I J %V itilEF \a &o the tract., which was I t tot, r his house and mar I twice • year In June on I Dacember In , j, , ,, . . .„ . ~.. ...., r ... ..... ....; ~..;.,,, ~,,.. .. . 1 ,. , , joining ranglem In prices from al Ow to s 0.. one . ° ,er and a dirt len lof the profits de. E_lr • ••••• s ••• SPRING CLOTHING i ' 7:r. % 111 b. aohl on reolonable knot II applied Par l e r t cl . l , , N,Z , : o d,,,cf.rcd .1 . 1 .....11 • I. Jttrte Attorney and Counsellor - at - Law: 1 _______,_____,__.,d,•,.,.,,,,. .±, irilotA.Es barn. to [mill ate kit Mot the letter to the c the Bank was organized, at C 11/PLTS AT IIUCTION engineer and while mrstinc he nr. struck J9l/ IM. COOPER A. to k,, , ,1..ti01i iiiltit 6. LA‘fm Whole z b a s it the rat, of a...Ott tt.- • Sate I by tht e ow <fetcher to ' , Mal he clung with .1 ',' •e 1 r ' •• !' t t . t. ' s 'i l 6 till ‘ a , ce r • i' ral t Cr ' ..• n i t Tl. ''''' ' ''''': "P"'"" I. u ,,, 0 , ~ . ein ril rd V. it r 6 a * ' tilt ip".,Pirr&l°., 11 , 1" ,, Us 7 tl i till';'.10'navol"Polttqhunitt.t A°. .. toe help of the eni Meer who ha I burr., Bead-Trimmings ' Ott 7 hiersday, dray 30m, forward to his sesintaneo , untll the trent ALSO BRASS FOUNDERS, i rrts .r ig r, t i a ‘ l l i t . Dud:Arts me ol SU NM. t, FOr forth , to Ormistiott. aOPIY at tbd--.-- saint Interest term ' {. le ' ars:usys of Juue and al legal boldness eon - intent o his care whir.- , wale MOP% e I it being town i rade end a n 0 di. _ n ,_ s ~,,, g . s .., gs . IN. emr compounding twice a y.r without celve prow. attention ... aplllots Silk and Bead Fringes ; m I , t elit It: nr . pr enen at Hoootac 11. tame train, he teas earled ab sot Wm° iaol Vt. ' li r, ',..,',1 . - L..tt ii,'„ 4 „1‘,?!.1.,:'" i'' co-'"- , ', '''". I"- ,'''' phte° 'her° b° Gentlemen's Funnshin G d Steam and Gas Titters, Ts II Au Di( tkEi r 4,,.,( 0,,,,,, 1.1 - 1,, , ,it„ . i•-• -.raw- ‘. "ie. .- -. 4 , -... tr LI llnz the alto.' or tlesdi °Toronto present ' 10 i 2.511 In t A 11.-lIA rue Janney 001 oonble In i B . }- Ert " B " , .la wee * t or-Mlfel n Met 1 as. an 1 AD g oo s, Butler etre., Lewrencevills leie tl An Dectre iart Ire ele, Lir tn tug o u i ...h.: ;„,;;,..„, I . 7d ;kr was struck Alr Ashbouch to es injured ara es I li, es Nu sO Yr•tts al reel .4 116 Dv,. euntalnl g lee ( tarter By. Lows Rules V • Black Silk Friiiges ' um. to en', pneel.,, r. ' ,11. . atrout lilt thlhin atol Issly on Ih•1 LW betut wa f. r a (1t5.1...., 0 111 A.44,01th ....I ' I L I ' ' I ' '''' 1.5- VOR SALE Olt RENT, CUEAp - en I Itegulallots,:furtdahed grails on applfrallon m3ll 1 Dmi, I A L3I FR & Cti MO ,11 -' O .d l E ..t. H. 1-• kn.. '" ''" '''' 1 gmbrwunr au the t r.ry 1 a T. In lA. 1.1 \ J,ll, .111 not A WALLAI N. A A ram at C•rpttltot • Otat on, on the Cen .UM .4 " , ne. s en 0001,1 le expected un ler the eirtumtlanceb It. Ras Ls 1 , ICI Istof • LI, is is;:iti Pi O'V %II it lOf 1,%1 hole• tr. LL.B.. I manning 1... n. improve caostoo map . ZOIgrE AL DIME. 1116seilles Trimmings ; -. Mr loy ph Martin, late of Oats t late was • mdr till (1 ICA DllOl ttEDECIFR• '''" ‘..'"u""'"'nbi ' . i'''''"-h ' " •11 Jho 0 Back oler ' ' '' An farl e N ' filock X D - kliled nt 31 illwood on 11 tsineaday la. Ile NEB STYLES IN THE lIABILET, corner of r‘ke and II about Street., *- •- , ~r --, 1 . M.' .- s t ' i I. ° r. e tt t t li t nT ,7 ;Vo g j d o r g ur a, e ,l ' ga r lit2jo r d " ? eit . to r t 00 dIti L. liAntetOCk. litobet, Robb ' 1 W. o brakeman on a Irtlglittr An ant w. ~,,o }; ~,e ny e rnor. Boman Ftuon FRO RH, Fancy Buttons, Guipure Laces; --- - knocked of/ the Dalt by the bridge at 31111 t n vest yrldcli i • nelit sell en. .1 0 reason& 'mnd; Mer ;rd.. Jan...ail. - FOIL CORONER. ...I, tho entire tr 1 n pa. °sorer Ids body F hltit will he oiler. at tiItIATLI lesifttif 1, PITTSBURCH, PA• COAL, C KE, &c. Ile terms A. a r umber ara .1 building lot• ~. M. MdAdl q /ales 11 D steeds, Alexander ' , peer Embroideries ; ,te aril.: lt. to plecEs, killing him llottanti) I HILEN Do. tan ...um rED .. In tht car end set urbs Yor natl., ortlEulars lodate of 1.. X Pennock Christian lease• I WILLIAM CLAWSON, lb is. abont seventeen eta. of tyte tud tbc only .upport of his , lows I moth, h. Cr. 00000 . Et A I. in .0 xl. " L I Ii a , 'II II COLIN el MILLS, KAUFFMAN N& CO P KILL lASI W• 1113 VOLIITZte 1,00 e.,,,,,,,,, 1 . , ni J Andersen 1 Bebe- Alexandre's Kid Glifves ; . ata of the , ' Ps A 1. ts • can it late for tht -.• Patymere Bang St Ft il " '` lioo ' •s a; 5 , . E 1 P .11. " .. °ln I ' N'hdr.ll .1 , 170 ‘ 17 ' WI 114. I ..rr ' ' l r °1'2'.... . $37 Grant StreeL SI ri. r‘ nnn r A11a... 4. onnty Internal He vent. Gisela lon• v oen el PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, UNION COAL YARD post SALE IN MANCIIENTEIL an, A.,...8i: ~,.. Joh m'' ~,,,. ~-1.-,„11.„,„„.t,, Prompt attention /tree to all Ma. or 4 law ....- , ll b o k, U S . F . e sr ., •:p c . G . T .. e . n . ....b , a , . t t ir . t t si o e u t r ti o . u . ... o " A ... l ' artier. I , 4 r e r tbn e' ,, l r l ilLep u let r dcn, bottoms ___,S____,..., wate Bagwood Jewelry ; , Iny, /.11 111 T - Blacksmiths sn 1 Maticti cutters ara re '' O IE DIM C IIII UWE ILO t Nll TUC:ISI4IIER. tune Itol 2% sin Mal tate, ay tranuf.to, SIAS AND STEAM FITTER!, r,... ns and gona cellar crine coo-garo In hand zot ot g esa G° thtt• us t° ,.,4 f mrotrwalt THOS. M. B I White Pique, choice patterns; ' - rers If the articles monuf.tu ea b them Best Family I oal, Nut Coal aUd Slack roul 1.k...c0 on %Imo Paper Collars at Cost. Jnbn J tilllesple, ~ to E ...nem; . ATTORNEY AT LA.W COL:JAMES A, GRAY ' r Y • tatted One thousand della. IT l ' nen.. In No. OGG ..i' 1 .1.1.22. Elltr,o,c.t, Aly a• en tan i art I promptly Lilo- t= el l :ff::.,/ 011,, , A, , ,, , ,,-t lf ; n rnnnn n' . 2 nth am I Harem. Aleran ler Tindlt 211 r. EI"M f tter if Hunker, in 1111 Am 1 .kirk ' (. 1 f 31 Mtn tremsli p rill te a can lidos f o i alue "" ertd to ord., , let en. eft. ' 1 't o t it t Yol7lni t e r; tV o .":; t t c ° o 4 l.• .. "1,1,. 0 4tr ilorsemeta when manufactured from un 336 LI BEIR TY " , , , T RCE T. curh , RIRGIS Pt Ilicl ar 1 Hays orircr a lILIIRIEEN AID IU hit STE, btlif •:11.', ' ,.i,TVi '''''''''." '11 . , 4, 1r.; t",'*" J..... L. AeUr ILXll•"'"l"'"neTe'ree: a - _ ____ -__ taxed material, are so, Jett too tag, of SI e (Istere .I.E. 11. sof a I Lints It urea li ''''' , [tear Lhesnot Ns llaischester M e r ritWAW-J.lrS ti ll I/ IttIVI) L S T N yl If &TIT 187 .:.• Eg 7 3P-t rek. allzro t • . FOR COUNTY ' illEtsunEK, per emit. en. frtetr micre tole, wham made Otlamite IA *TEA otie leo, •bore Ms 11. f HE,. with salaulA a r o. , 1 Aill AI s. ey N all liaLrood 0.,.. [BTU • - Ono/ Itonse ' ' I ' ' ' . son atm.- .14 1.1 V, Aid ' (...' -- -- - ---- - ro . ]Et . TE.A.ri,c),N.se ...t. Dom thread yaru or warp upon which • tax I'd t • ' t,I , . 1 by a • ern, 1w k ace 1:011 SALE. ALLEGHENY ea. V 7 PIITSBURGII, PA. WILLIAAF ` M ' CLEAN, , or duty hue been paid too tax oon the in sp 111 , att tt - m 1 n nnt tee wotit fru: to rrri , BUll II r.a . A. LEWIS, erenera or/Itte MI SIILER 881 RS. .-'' ' _.'S HER TTR _ ___ oli ‘II. 115 iTOOI D 011,1116 8011, ''' Of ern. townshin. Ho raitny North k aye...will at lit n the members of a tualnesa arm ob -IL. A 1 1 / 4 JOT MET IT J • ILI JN,A I rntlr : N . N ., L .,!..,fi , WA " . t I- 7 .1 1,, 1 1Z 1 ,1, . SAVINGS RANH, W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, he a condi Isle tor Co.. Tramurcr sukket t 00 . .. ..• nt the 'rnstratt.. ... th. Pea ° nerebir, real. 1. conv. a eel to tot corpora --- the demean of th. tfulto Pepubllcan COunl, %too ,NTO pet.. r rec., Ina stock therein -..- ITH 0011,1 3I'C IFFREY wm. M . cLA i N EL 4, co ;,--',,, 7,•: . i.,,:.,',.,;•,,, , ‘P,g,04.7,t, : 1 ,;7,11 ALLEtillir '1 T, PA. No, 93 Diana l ond Street. - - Con,n lull sea 16 to the amount Of rlit partnership Interest :THE GREAT 41 0USEHOLD REMEDY. • I ) 11l lA A ° nal way r otstelog foe- routes with cellar 0ce...,,,..1 ; oc i l e y modi,l3. u le r rtrts I re t sslongtvet home !lately 4,ZEt Ellen THIS DAI. -- the &ad from the flan to tho eforporatlon BRASS FOLNDERS STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR COUNT' TREASURER, should be atanarca Hite or Unary aceds al - I C3ras Coal Worlcs. - ''' ' ' ' IL ' llo ' S LLI, Auctioneer. - the rate of fifty ctn. tor tech Eve bun Drat my t No I irt tend m Anent coy Int /Hite ree teed and ale pr r r et et 'nitre. Stag IA • rirrenotion ra. 111CRUM, CLYDE & CO MAJ. J. F. DENNISTON dollars of the ennslderatlon or talon . iFortnerly of Prim: s L tge Guar Isy ' will bet d'il‘r' '''' fr' tk"."'i "rt '''' 4"' hU'dred TO THE Pi BLit -I have tt la day ...a BRANCH ROI eft fur the male of e sTE 111 AND GiS FITTERS, .4 _________ __ '',8117,1 - ,°,! 9 - :T1,',",,'„,",' E'X'" l'A„' ", ‘," Foil s ALE-A Valuable Fl ' l' ' ' ' ,'"s'' ' ' ''V ' ''Mr , 1 : ' f1. ' . ' ;1 , .. 1 :A 5 e \ tTr ', 4:; ` ..17 1 4! JOILN W. RIDDELL, tor. oF 3rd and Liberty :greets. .64 tr as ' 2/... ...7 I Ittnuail e' in , LATE " r 1 lel DI uu ila -A d ITb d leg Mill situated In Mt town of Pol. • " ° " °° °P" °r• °' 10 :L. inn. - 9 (Ana.. tor C0U3.1.1. TEPASJiIEtt intelcct Another Cane 'Nettled ' Mahler ' s Herb Bitters, , A tro , Te. t arm II a :+ny Irs 1. ttai Qr. I tea 1 1 4 . !,:i .ILI r at: i v,: I r Y r , ~rr ,L . , , lie t s.t i a . tWoo L ts , ence or the lian•wha au I 0 0- 00 , / 2 st ctd•le , ATTORNEY AT LAW. , to Atedeclslue of me Unlon Republican (mon ~,,,,,,,.. tyl. e pro,,,e ,p, of the peen ttt ao 'fiery cant g tura Ebel t eo.t ; tie ~,,... ; a; , not II a r ner Llber ' yetr;et ' Lfol stOr ' e ' s ttla r ii andlea4 d l2! 1 gler r o i l l' lnla r n A ACMII T Frank Tier°. 78 and 80 Market Street, "`' mhri r-s Li .. c , c ,,, ~.0 , 0 , 0 0, 0 04 0 y. ,,,, 0 , 0 ,1,,, 00 , in tbe t :sr or fltuuutub and have au tortzed ' sNr ' L at esti., ta I t tb• ft II . cut ate s t."°t° ''''. '' "“"t. °' '''' "% n H °' ' • °••• IM M" ."..,“. I d ..s dbldery ur'.l l T A ''''''' M T:‘, L. R.r, , ,,,,y, , - 1 , 1.1 ,„ GEPICEI No, eas roußris arraarr.. . 1 r)1 if SESTuCK a.l tr m GoL.Teo. r . i i d i r. " 1 . . a• silt. e 1 .-", • • s.. La... LAii ilt tt ° o ? f. ' L ' a r e T , tfir ' t i r e t ' l ‘ t r ii. '" (ro. ' t e a " ' Can n . e e r ' l7 . i r le ' te ' eu ' ri n ols ' o r" ' rtl a e 7 tajeae A r SbYn . o a r ' e a rt i e * e ' rini -am'. a ''' ' . "1 1 ' '' 'thi" "I '”'" Ten to t gy,. L'oll PBOTHONOTAIII. 1 or W.l.' tolenship inky before yeatorday PITTSBURGH. PA. I ..- John} Gan der wnit the prosecutor and "P """ "°•"•°° •°' ° ‘ ••••a " i 1.. II dfrne o.I.I1:ok.It 1' i II Al coy st unt will a all tier a house rat entthe an I - II NOW Il• 11 • S • •,, -azor-n - - o .'s I tt. i t ' sflY.. ' ' ' ... ° . .. in t s r ''''' ''''''.o It'• l ' L ' l • . 2.1 " a. " 14." ''''' ' '''. a ma". ll tt i ct r ift, ' ki! " i - - --' l ige ' tor i S r ''' A f LEGAL I PLINDID ISSOITIFit 01 TLIIIIIIOg. JILCOB H. WALTER, I boa Elontgornrry defendant PrOrecUtOr LANCANTNO Mar. 14 I= prrirbount.o -, liTioN IL ''''' ~, , , , ~„„, ~,,,,„ le a troller In Hee. teraff tCo s rolling STEAI\I 1' U.3\11 - 'S A LLEGREN I COUNTY, mt. i - Jet Mai sod Bogie Gimp* and Fringes. rr,,, R , ‘ : , ,1,1 ' , 6 ,: 6 i 6 0 6 , 6 ,,1 th . r : 0 f t0 c , e , or , AL ;Z.. orlll, in tbe N loth ward. and the defendant AN A / I, OR SALE-In Ilraddockalleld, ra Crynal Bead Gimps nod Drop Trimming& Rept blicau Conycntlon es= v-M lAWT I wan bla ' helper lome time alone ldr FAHNESTOCK & HOLTON, 1 1 1A/INIC it ENG, INEIt, COAL AN!) CCItE COMPAN V. - ...i . .. ~..arge Lot ot Ground, T l ,n ts , :le ,,, Court i. of t. C . o . ro . nr:i r P o l , f s th s,:eo r, ... 3 J . un o e , stet and Cesatal Ornaments. • ____ ~, ,Tr. ., „ . , , mployed [mother person to work h and gave MontromerY moot) . to These i mhos I ate sneer ra Is at...toter. I 0 , 14' -OR PROTIIONOTARY. 1 444,F ails third party but lost, ad of to dew other, an i ref., en ole .... ~e ,‘ ~,T, $.,,1,,- ... T I I I ., .h,,1 rII NNI , dcF , ". Fha .. • ond Enclosed witti o pont. no, oe whirl, la ere,. ON ILIIFLIIIN • A OLT& wife or Jeti t ETll Panay SEA and Jet Drop Button& , ~ int. Montgomery cotter". I the money to Wholesale Branch House, ft.. i Nectar 11 my.. mt., f .., um ..- .-d 1 , 0 1. ° 17 ;e . ;7,:: ; ; TIT ; ; Ti r ',l ; ' n t .V, ;;;; ; 4 0 . X.1. ACHT.to bc deolayed a Feme dote Trader' Flue Atnortment oi ,Parmolm nud Sun D. C. HULL I his owo use This state of fteta w. pre NIT .11301.111 T BEST FAMiLY COAL. , . 1 , 1 ~.. kgv.typ., 1 .«,. ,, .c. 1 th..r And now May lath I, - pAtitlon presented in -- u, g. ytyty, Umballa• tented as &canto! • false pretence which 2EI Elagal-RLetot Riltroot u I , lElt LE El la. JOIINSON, '''' ''' - - - s"-- ••°""' "n " " "" open Court an I thereupon the Court gr.t • ..D. - ' --- '' • I Wlll be 1 <And late for the oft eof P1R , 21103 the magistrate showed to bo settled by hugllsh Donna .nd Trimming, Ribbon.. T.:rut C7cont.l CaxLci lalits cilia OTANI, ha Ict to tbe dEclslon of the Unlao tha dao. O. " P•f°°thn g tbe °°°°° P ..°4 PITTSBURGH ..i=2...41. '0%.20..2..X.4. IND FOIL SALE.-12 Acres of rutc In JO APR 1 VIA 7 thc Mahood of said ; IL.. I•Onl Clam Agent. U. S. Ban. Cam ./ all wiatna and shades ..„, paying Gm emds, This la about no clear a t PSI, V A LI/ y.ni, eJrner Your. and Try L pe RI., an I ou all o hcr persons latermted e I Republican Convention stn. rts 1 ittab: reh 1 o. Colored Celt et Ribbon. -- case of false prctemm. that be fore tiller - Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters •,r Is • for lellyery Intl c I Ily or Ipment IF-rry Desirable Land a app, .to Conn onor before tbe FIRST &lON Cißce,No,67Fourth St., second Boer. 1 Elegant Ansortment Real Point ant Ap- FOR ASSEUBLY. TliTch M w a C i gni. l :roW ", ?c i ,l g „,;ll: 3 ,,. ° , o o l- of I , ,s.„ .„, tore i I run 1t a ilr n.- ate atten DAT Ok JUNE NENE an I Clow cause II any gold by all Raspaelnble Drogrisis I 7174 n I,TI 11E7 EXTENSION Geo tt •et 11.411 I 2 ter, tl it I a 11, 111 Mao:aches. tech,. Onion Lace. and Ilandierchiels. mit.. rr . tha <1 y a,,,, g..7, 1. ',ft1... h i1 . 1, . °9 ' "re wil y the °"''' or the t'entl°°er RITTANVECIIK. PA, I WILLIAM B. ROSS, I I•ay went or PosCal 1 myloyees f 1 0A Ll COAL!! iLOALIR , r..... r au. t,,,,,,..,....1, 0.. 5 r,.. e , . or p n , should not lea grantcd an lor kr and direct that FULL LINE ALEXANDRE% KID GLOVES Of 011• gt env City will be a eac ti n t . f or 0, I codutsuiter fetneral Ica ne an mu mune te. , r2S . d int IN :nie 'Ll ' "0"0" "r "e 01 'Px"4"2"1D331:r.7"3 " 3-z • l'its 1-' i 4 . 4 . , , 4 . 1; . 1 .,. .11, et 'co, 129, II 1 OIL t II Anil notice ol sold rule be given to th• par.. Inter rIi ' LT P BOA alb PUSIO , O3, 10011113, di ARLIN 01 ?IT TbaJobblug Trade...lit dad a comp .tt sock ;:11f tln't'ybt,.°3'.lsTuT,l4-I"oa" "°.i.irrat I tho k'""'"g" rcitiw """. riin""x 1- xils lIM stens BITTERS. ~,,a,t4zitr.l,ty,lll,ltpLe,ayetttetl antlafactodly one DicksoN, STEwART & CO, _ I'OR SALE - An - miTe e i r ears , lease 03 . T M -fa ten eak I by onalcat on lo the Pittsburgh DAILY days prior to .14 trat 3londay f r - _ 1 tut clerk., Run baggoLe Inosters In r harg Promptly Collected. of the shore good. in our it holerale Ocean J. on a Lot AIWA el on !tatter we.. Ninth of Jute meat, teiath. with a great satiety of Fon 4 °UNTIL' LO.MMISSIONER, of ..". toter VI :11 1 ' ll r' A t t i n ' liFia . : C r 0 4 r n‘ I la ' ::. "1 171 1 t * ' ll3 l Fit t l l' eL f: (1 : : "I II: 1 i ' ""' r l *"d th"' ''''" tb 'ward ta by la Bei on which Is erected a frame FOO3l THE MILORD, • ; • I barred Th. from an I aft. r 4 tily 1, no 7 _...._ ......------___ _ - . prim. 'la 567 ningtrny STIILT v ' '''' ''''''' '''"` "'" "".` --$ A l ,:,V,„., N,..... " ,,,,,, th ~,,,er.,,,,,VL. 1 11,N::: JACOU H Or•LTIDI 1 rothotratary No chute made notll dolma are N. an( Panty Go:ds & Notions Generally, JOSEPH B. hi ' DONALO, the prevent Elo le of ['syn. root* ...she IMPOn aAli A A filt 1 10 1 UNLKEEP Or ler* TrOM COuntry pAITJns by loan prompt I then Out • arodetate I'm. 1.12 1:00 II stelyt. It, Flour Melt SECOND F (to 'nr '''''' " s "' nr r" eee °'' '''''' '''' 1 'eth en ' r "' 1 railway postal ele rim anti bageagem.tera El. AND oTif it ILS IT l:LlNE ' lltigett orkrlclenrolotlon _ Jen 19L_ Ar ,...., r , . r ,„,,,,, rt A , K. " 1 on tibera , meat Mai pile Ito soon Fur ALLEGHENY ILOGiTY,I3Se Sint' BOUNTY. ' $lOO. „,g2 , E 4 ,4/82 , ER or inaircEs Of the Second WATO Atienheny ( It, Antleot t. iln eh trge or mei. uts LInCOTILLMITII Ana Da 3,43,47,7 ,c4 4 „,,,,,,,x,,,, m. I craft. ° Ni r t'onti.'rii. Lue.l°- 11 , -,,,,, 1at0.7 „,. at tha itealdstate and In. •-•-•"• • the a Ewan or toe Union Int tibll . County that they be peel Moto the said date fondant. , , f Nancy Ton t get• Basin. an I 0,01,0, 00 t o t :;,,, B t r ga g In the Court of Common I leas of told county, . seta ular _ Convection sat air monthly by the postinaGers et AIICII llrln I. I t „,,,,,„ 4,,,,,... A „ ~,,A , .,, , ~,,,t . r . ...,;,... BAILIFF BROWN &CO .•-• -"'4 '''' ' 'l°l. • r'' nal ors. on their - mote its may. Ike Inns- soar. 1 0 1 tOO, ice t ream 1 r ....re neat No TM llama Tent 1, In me metter 0 norgynfae rs ~ o ~-, e e ~,- 0 ' t .-- I tett ID tbe Au Moroi the Treasury for the stn. Step I tddert Stang. Ify am ins and 1 1 °I torttV't=aeltkilL".ll,,l'4,7,,f:tr!,7vrig - ____ t e tttiou of the MERCHANTS OIL COMPANY I or l•• ADDITIONAL BOUNTY, prun t tly ta•Cm kV / Vali 4"......e.15LA.M... 'Poet Olnco De penmen. Wringing almnieSs Iton Ton I effte Iu • 1i2c , .003 - yrocieral . ma,,, -, - JpHN D. BAILEY of I littbureh for penult Mon to stortmler Its LOST OISCHAIGES. ------- 1 This Oraer '9 a ery Important to Uwe par- p:, a,.;1 12 ..d Ilrlttannla Tr . . and Lode, 1 . ',OUT PI VT t Ott cosi PA Sir l LI art., I. I:;,=r o r : t g o l ' o tt Y t o u r s ,,,, l l, t oc t n tt o r c V f',,r2,7,1 ~•;Lr. *IV rat7.'l7:.'e'n't'ne 1.T.T.14.r.';':77:t aLLRGHE.ri- CITY', ea, -.- - " l ''''''" •"' ' " I '''' ''' " P " l ' r "m ", otl. 2 c-- , r, , . ~, Siddlers who have lost theltdlechergeee 'ta t ...I `o•ull • otl NI tt. and "Satt . net.. oLOEs. alio sadmi netate Brimer, .4;4 : 4 " ,, ';' , 7 1 1 „m a - gt,';‘,l- - vg.„'..4:41,1gn1z, .1.• and who areothentel. entllltd io 1.110 vitt riontlibingloalt colnnat adyertimenents of DM 01 tht delay cooacquent upon Gill tr.. ROBERTS & SHEILRATT'S y.)nt, anE an, (.As AND STEAM Ps;""g,T24)"ffi!!,',".r:'-t*ln"t vr7: l : , ' 1 . 1 4 - = ca. any of !Mahar. shown. the recetots josEpg HoRNEs i s, avg . ~,, , , p a ilm t , b t r i r st . sit . t a f r i r l , r i tallk i. B . A. allasiou Of certificates of service and attl on II HOLUM E aII 1 E • my. ha" ,u wyeon 1 and a riro r , p , „ 3 ~ .7 TO . •°`' Tit° . . r... • - ---------- an I exp. Mures And the rt malnlng as.. of ~. . ~ n oreddruslng 1 ef novena clerks In the department said Corporation {cow insulted i and alao. •••••••• Fi 4 ' F .... tam ye r s . r , l . l%%:! . ty r, a r ll ,.. os me, La, Capper art Red ire fre lainifolort low aonrownt of tt III PANTa hitKLT vaLL ' l,4i ' tt,t . ` iv: fr "...r,`:,l'..`,;',l`.,;.`r`''''"; J°uN D ' DAILEY ' mist, ea .d stout men t orthe OnIrILUII aOf aald Menai 6100 ...In mos have thels eme at. Insets among the ....dare ot sal 11. omr.y. W. Js 411 HILL PATTERSON, 1 nouneedjtint 1 " ....1. pout. in 66*"6 " 60606 •/ et sMITIIII/ tltsT 1 ITTalit RUH I r al, Lb AGlIt P EATII TUBS IFANII BA: ...wok. A.d. , a• ....Am'. a Igtatvirti STOCK ASO REAL ESTATE BROKER -"" pro."""'"°°r"1""n •"'"'" ""I Raving nude a second addition to our already arca /* ..- Ito snoop dull is required on • powers MI g pgoo 5 ,,,,,,,, 00 g i„. 0, ch t 0 0 ,o:0 00 0 0 SIN 3 111011 AND BR 1. SO C "CAS a. .11 mate J 1 GILT XS) IN, M- Tv L ~,„,.,,, tall ti t emor the sem. were apores e d oed eoe large sunk nf ILDC ,p,7„,,,, 31::,13 m - .1 . 21 . b . ..t,...,,,„,t 1 sltorney or any other paper rthatlng to op. of Or meta r•• awl ewe t , nno,nra et, rims for "Ming Pp ptibite or ; Ass. b ill ling. ti Met hit NAITO It aEt "NA. aa o ern. I en I the lreeturer ia ...et ... cut 110 tall', aln Olt /141d$ 111 AC Or lance Irrta bald ATTORNEYS AT LLW AHD OLLIFLOEIII, I i SPRITG GOODS =.l - 066 ___ _ •bet e drolt-teet I ' 01 1 eatIont NY 1.1.1. 8, armors. of pay, 070 ... r. ----- tape..., or to the receipt ther.f ft mu YEW STORE AND NEW GOODS wlth II Ao tVAT/.11 * vTO 111 IIr• 1 lINOIII N T lINAn JAT P.c.( axter, %ext. Ilt 1.. ~ lOn I rAlo Having taAAO Accgiosiggit. Mettle. Goo ten oat a comnd.isn as AeCtloneer MG I . vsee to Tinolnol aLIIIIIIe on the ETH ro° VI GRANT ISTRIZT. ' OVER a. RAISER'S Gale tO time " This pros islde applim tOl ' HATS, CAPS, Are.- J J ottan evt L IWA L TIS - ri '' ,,or,,,i, .... , 1inzt,, , , ,, ;mr.°474,7nALvr tb ix, , t%,,4 1, ,, , , 11r,.. , , , 1:1: -........c , "...tc tt.° ; losny A. mum. 1 WI .., pm...a to offer Induct:matt, boto to (1 -11 I these papers Only whleli relate to I rand FRANCE ' S TEA MART. above the Tinto 3 . ottonol Bank, I.s now pre- • ,tt. of itte tilln. of 1.1 accounts and Mate. '. ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH ~4 1,-. b0nt,..,0,,, penslonk, Act ...I dm, nOt 1 - . T _WI: . 5 l 1 - I_A_TS I ic ~, aco . m...d,..,...... „„ , .„,„,,,,,,,,, t , n , c Anetion StoTt• Bond , bolloo to I e NIT 009 pll Ileatlon In the Pitts .1311.1:1123EFUM1E4111.2%re 1 1.17,4 agr.,117,111.1:0,1.1., extend to those relating LO etetoooUrtly and _ No 11 IDIABIOND PITTNIILIttiIII - ~. j______ accurtues Real KAINIO, AC, a/MOTO& the a.. turols GOILI UALVITt Oilwmt , i se i sAree , It i .enta • CMIAIi t LLS It. AIIAISIIION 0, r ''''''''`" th.t """' ..... cis, Justice or the peace '1,'..1.",21,1°1g.11.411731.111%,tr0,,,,,, Solving Machines 1 town bountine, Ste A r 7 r eittoriktoriz, • •,, , 0 „,,, A . ow. eve . nrocee 1 t . I isavvturt:alrm°,v2t,..:.l'rc..N-o°lo° 1- Te B°°'''' I LSD rumor xsolanurn. 1 ."‘" ."''''' v ' ' ''' l"bt '''' r n''' - , r' l la r il 'lit r IZ M II b e ( I VI/ 1 ' C e ' r, ' 11111:. 1 1 11/V to r' OneY J.. ° P ... • 1.° E .. " Cb.l.•• •°°v Of r ., ~,,,,.......” 6 YOUGHIOGHENY & 00%)t ELLSVIL LE ODLE ...um. oflteol Feta.. thecae:UT attended .1 oftse a tai ert W ol *L"a 1 aah'aanlY• Mee, 112 llltti St, opposite Catßedial, Guipure and CHI ney Lace I Are THY. BlInT for rawly and Idaaufacturl. WES ePPlic lin payment of a UnitedNtates eel Ma ttfacture an( oniee 1 ila Fourth iltrtel. nen lIL' (~,,Toot, L lej. or rirrasinum. PA. ~... ~.4 /Peal Thread and lola. Lens P.Poset Cell end see Gam at homy or pontoon or to discharge of a Teas anti Family Grocerieo. GRAHAN a B ri t ri t , tool, Mat k. anal Donut ' , hurtled Coke Allegheny lo Ben,ttlw,ltatvotitx- c.....,,„,„„, tho Untied States for wit /I, / Corn. of Bo a tl r eP i o ( n r ll.t .' ..i ' '°"" - P -- . --.i.- -- - ' -- . ' De=iflo i e: a l l t . id tra l it . maattrt4 - irmeta. end Belts, Flue Opera Vans sarOe 105 Firth Street. Is tedmlcally known as arrearages of pay, Which are bele, retooled at lowest lenolesile n Oral yard on LB, AIN .1. zliS. u t. l . l = r o . t . creste. I will please taw notice. 0 0t, 00 0 .0 00 g0n,0, 0 ,0„ g 0, .... m s Limlle ,s Mit.. and (seas. . -- e ----- 1 Ise paper relatlng ter the ...Ala Of onch price:, Call sod ar, the goo. an I priced Try At No. 52 st. Clau Street, '42,:','lgr , ' , , Ivi' . ., , , • , , , , ,, r.cmr . t .nr an I on _ oh I a sh HAMILTON, /It .. ..e.tiElteX•l4,YedaFf. Q.7)6. tunTLETT 825 IN 4 Mien. bottet) AC .MM 1 . therPP " P °° them and you will t. able to ludge for your Fan fil • and matinfasture..l I 10 1 1 / 4 10, ths Jr.r;ll4: Z Y n s; ! 1 " ;a11 V ' ''' . f t•nottitrom stamp lax. .Ive. Ten...lately (.11, Have one of 0 e very M. retail Mock. of that article of Coal or lulu at ton !owe. cash I _ ...- emu in 'aiZZ• .4 SEWINC MACNINE 1 . Duplex. Atnempleel Ruielde WM FRANCE & SON. SATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS •"'""I'S ""," th," "m ``' wi'l l r ''''" Batt th‘hp Litented Machine lo lbe tinned 1 Ortmot &Donlan Kama As...ranted everywacre, lay au; . A Weman nained Neill. reoldinn at NO 0 ap 021 15 DIASIoND Plttehurob. 1 ., ...„,,, at 1 tolotantly In reset. or .1i thet ' A huge aassemind of 6200 Deknonth Etch we •tatup and &i.e. I Ta. II t, Ti Ird .r.d laborhig - , PA.- ` r i InaW. H 4l.l 'FF."' ' i n.... 1 - end ' ""' to' ' ROLIIEsTER LREIRILIL noshs. ~.- ...... ~,., „.. be 't et res. I BREWERS, MALSTERS, f Ocala. Neck Iles. Scarfs 014 Chestnut ate.. I Itlladelpttle, .1 .Lal Of Mental as tration e attempted Ever•titeoG ot fate.° rttAlllnt eocluelvely -- - - and Bows licapendrre al. Fronts. AN nummlt street, Tele. Ohio de, el nukkj_a Tuotnlay evening, by preetpl I I /ITTBIIII.IIIGII BR L tew n - - Atarrlson'• et. Shirts. 1 MUneltiPatif Into the MolloOgnenla river Ce a wo onwosTfir & soN, HATS "AND CAPS ". brz , , , xml:44a=u•t ti.... O.ET NONE BUT A 1.. %berg° 'moored neer the gas wOrke Roeb ..... , N. T . TOmminglithbont Bonnet 11.1bbohs. o .0. Atter Sting re. 0.11, "lie made a second It J not.. P.... V. Y. all wltillta % GROVER Cat BAKER I attempt, age. ICOPing into tit. wlat. 8, . Manufacture. or uold. Pet turnery Flavor.' .. , 011 gt W d HOLZJ.A.L! ..% )0313 oP Stat. „will For a Hollday 611 ft. It la reliable perreet .10 I t' Z 'i lfty " :=4:l ' f , ; " :l!et ' s ' ilt A ttrist7lTM ' T. tgL'Alr., L agr„, 1 7;4; 7 141,r Izhi,°:V,tol.4 ere -i1r...117?.. th,r, „,,:i121',-,,, , :1. . 'Aj. tbereTOTOTIEL bolt. Don't fall tomil and .e Hat ,/S ralmteent. el Hint elm has nine children, under... thelrgrefession we e inedently rm. eall. Priam as low at Eastern Jobber. a' '. a Nu 111. lirlITH IT at ove Stall/dad and ti 114 her tionlented etato of nand Is .1'i1i.a.N.3.3.2,:.A:fa1P1i1iTri:14‘013.41341:5,,g, ___ ___ ______ ___________ i o.lnir totionleatit. troubles new perfume. ' 77 and 79 market street. QIIOE, HARNESS & CAIIIIIAGE 1 if ... * .. p ....._ - "'" - ,,,,. ~,- , - --' ,,,i . a . , , PlasSiAla LtLAI , . uo In Is the most &Dente and tr gra. extract ter _bp= alb ~ , .../ RAKLILS thoold tee the new WoOd etinit, hattpiet received a largo Stock eempoonded ror Mtle by eat ,1••ler• of eal Lb. leetest styies Of Hats and Lpa New lork Utdee.d Salt troom ,roo urn., I BLACK GRO. GRAIN SILKS, FIOYIE 0 BAHR 10 I 51111 F Will% ....I.the In part Of Gents' nne billft.d nn• _Toyli usi V era 1 : Crania' SSIO Yr nett IP It br J LANCE, \ AT Bet b Ise he It Lithe Pest forth.: itate im utot i nis " rottoienye Mika:: Hoer. r e d, JUR • ti. " 1%,% 1 1:1: ,:t ee re' lk ktur mkt Rouleaarde Also, n largo et lak I . J. M. MURCHFLELD &CO 'S 2.0. 103 711TH STREET, 1 0 , , 00ro , „ rm . not . oro „ tho inr „...., , .., , P • ; MI - nrs St...T. 8 . 1101 d'e• I AI., • ine ...arta... ot lasolles II i ae- 1 . i Trimmed and I Madman if or Trtustrie to DTI:) . *37 Doc italt eft Hitv THE nnovr.s a. BAILER osier. Tkoso molting anything in 1.110 oho. Hill moll save money by callinitl ot, MI! NOB TO !II MI 0115111011007' 8E wi mc - mg Ac HI N E I ‘", • . lellang s drat el.f. Hat and fr itp ilonIMI 1 / 4 0 1,0 Wood•troot,lilgti of the In ge la the Ultima ?Dale of atataaanns. Phase atop , Gilt Ind .d esemlue lt at NO 105 FIRTH BINICET. To lin Proseeuted.-.Peoseetitlon 1 oboe. Sal 101.1 4 enders...lN about hong enter.. ---"'"" I uonlyon ?novo .^^ j ...Jam'. WI;Iii; i, r 3ii11.70 - 16 p; -,',...t, _ DRUGGISTS. : 7-- ; managOra of ..Trlinblas Varieties,. on Penn ' I wwwt, for Mips l 7 Wickedw In -------------,,-------------.""--, ...owl. to Map, limmse, 11 Is M.,. J. scHooNmArT - . ' ,), ..,..., loemitabilshment haw been operated for. • ~,,,,,,,,..“,,..o i tho ": I - =nether of yam without the proprietors • ~ taking Oat the required Mato license,, the 2. 171 . 1.-131:72:ILGFIX penalty few Which's a than not more than orie thousand nor loss two hundred White Lead and Color Works, dollars. paYahle into the treasury of the . I only in Which the conviction takes place. • • lisnotsntorWe of j c° . _ WkIITZ AND ItieD LEA it 1 Tie underatirned, %V tiOlosale Dry UOO4lll , Mat% PUTTY. li AIM It D. • Decor qi Vat it DiTalt U liEn N. merchant/ have agreed to clam their re. And all colon My or In oil. j • st. at boklbok r. ai., end , ' sPective places °finan... from Juno let. ' , °Men. No. 67 FOILILITII hITDEET. 1 U°"l S ' Pt ' " " '. i k a , . MOll/1111nr Boaaker c hi c 1-,, ,, . ' ~,,, ~, , , on fiathrdaye at 10 coc r. , r dr. hoe. 150. 'ln,r. 451. 154 and . A auv - ra arc; SnAINIIONI a I:0.. • ' _.,___.... . 5. Itoberea sweet. ami itl. 51 and 53 laeoelt j • caaa, hiCCalretas• a CO., i•• ink ........ ,,- molleor 11101•101INIF 144/01/8 ' bfin.rl-..1411.1,en, . I wriii•vw I wealasa deo hands at al MARKET alit a McGaliotsse, JAMISON A Co., .0.41:11.90 , . , --- -- --... D. ()saga & Co., .• DC210.1 a litmus, ' bnacrawrr t Acoar, .51cEtaenr. Meador & DO. .- - laasc' Tsytori. R. FISCHER'S TO ET..L - ~-' • A Brick Dwelling, I C11.11.11rme•• gine Cad sada elboe..- .. ~ . .. . ' large 1'4 1 .q.,. , :iya eight room. go r tt I: roll.. Ito; Itl i ftlfrog . .. rilnil: '''° ll " =•UMlZ l : ij c 7 : 4M , , , ,..,;a1 .. .1 . 7 ,. 47 . fg, !turret Z.T.444.144 • omjBllppegs for Mimes and . plalldroo..LC on . usually low prices, at the.. ro Odom, Nol. • JAIS: I) CABLIIILE, . .. 1 63 mot S 7 Finkel I T L . *. - I P: - 4 : - i t. t.../. IGii i i - 'lU — iffg -----------1.1 ---------1 '7 '. ' ' ,'g wAporw, -.NAVY SPRING' . - - , == - 7 . ------, f. ,- --.---?-", I T 3 !"- -. !-F`-` 1 '-' , " , —'! - '• .. rk""n i• i' Er Hol.t!eegy ci.,, wd ~..., ‘,_____. ~ irylit. ir.g.ollloloB . logitt7 ' Tim•b10m , .....1 . PrltrotitimOver timOU w 9 . ,=.7_ , ..%? 4441 V, , alr . . . .. . 1 . r. , , ,, . ,, r0141:114 OV ge Ly. /v./ /g 1 Creek ItalirogO from TlMgollloolx follgordgY . H TMai.o . f u lg. ). :;Pel " ., Ari,... ,„;„„ ~ . , Ip 4 4 `lll:ibac!:::\"TV.ll:lttr'`,"7,l.,,",,V; i 1411 ."7 , 7tg:__" r ol'A . 4 1 9 4 r diQur ""' b. " - g,..... ii ..!..x v ::: 1:4 ~,,,,,, . melon.. Indfon clormeane, Vogomcii.t + ty-four btrrole woro maxim " . 04re 0 "4 f"- ifailoFgVe at IMOutsm. 'WA... " 0. .." DW° r'''''''' ' ' •,,...".... .u., - .),...,...,,,,,,,.Waa. 4044 ! JOIIIO K. XI NZT:"Boaloem glamor Illacklm II ob. man sire ow - lartmva VOLXX&N. rtusavaTaa * 9 4 . . 1 sa. but... adv Winans, but. a- 1 Ant g " .-- id p -- . 4,4 41400040 /ot-ohesp, it.thnitnion, 4- „ tramaii. . I moms mar* (kva.ao aad37.l.(that,vaat, ” • . , • , r . - • , • ! I ' _ . . , , •-•. • . . . • . , . r , . . • • FANCY Dieing and Scouring Establishment, DIAIBOND ALLEY. • ; netweea Woii4 4.4 Oman Bal.=1; till" neleet Irmatraped le two week. twelve mouths. to, . • • • - .~"' • • FOR REN'I PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE • TIT - UR §D dos. 18t1 and 13 Third Street, DYER AND SCOURER. Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyed, nd or KID dyed GLOVES aml LADIKIV mumrs clean. lil2llol JOHN F. CLULEY, //Dune and Sign Painter, Hal rotiootot to co 134 ISADTTIFIZLD IT. , Iquoborib. PA. a71:1.7 ___LADaDyliaLold stand. :01111V —FECAL, ORNAMENT AI. m , HAIR WORKICE AND PILIIVIDAIMA north Wen. one door from Wool. Pittobtore Ai.oa ) on , do h:g3:1fx.T.v.T.nr.27:A0,“•,:-: Tope... Scalps, Unort Uptlpa, Bracelet., !r; if .: rod prloo 1p .00.4 .0111 bo Amu ``(or Ladles. AAA Aeolic:nen'. hatr;outtiteliglo the Noateml maxima. RP. GETTY, • Wholesale and Retail Grocer. p t. I SAS, .1%111 . 4wl a p s T O . . Et i o ' Mo. m oJ 121:01 CE IN ISIUMEN COOKINO STOVE, Us t 110. Nee, main emit]; ILMg LIME --200 bble. best Witte Less en ssis , J. B. 0• 14 / 1 Z1.1.) ROO. ~' v~c~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ pi. • •- •:. SZE GOURLEY & LOGAN, The latest and most faehlooltble etylee of Dais, Caps and Slraw pods, Always do toad at 1/111.1k11.1t LutiAyB, 56 Bt. ' Clair .St., Pittsburgh C. NOX. 111,, well knows prectgtl hatter, le .ssocials4l them, nod would. he m glB , ltu meet his Mends there. I)...tet thlstake the Kits,. NO. t„elr *Live, NEW GOODS JUST OPIMZSG. AT McCORD & CO.'S, ISt troot. 171. A _TS! FOE THE EAMES, 3HuHIrE, HEATH d HOVE. itn.3 AT LOW PRICES. -BOOTS AND SHOES. tiST RECEIVED, • At No. 88 illarkot Strout, EDMIEZE! . Ladlos' While Kld Heeled !Uppers: . Luling kid and Nor. Honied 811Dperit Luna , lluttou,Kootr abd Cullier“.• u lf i gg` 7rtnas. calf Boot., .1111nrorals utd kld aild Calf Proiura and Or. Tien; a llo1 , 1; 1,outlog• Bali and Calf Balmorals A r lVOutha , Calf .. os and Cr.,. ; .11liao. ,' nod Children Callen, Halm:rats and of all Mies and quatlllea, at the lowest Prim lO th e ;Kb at rho 0111414nd of J. 11. )(ARK . & L.k W. C. BORLANDM, wtro. OT.UKILT.T.4 door from /Mb SL C:Ila ial.T4. • alm‘Dl x C . FIELDING & DUO. , .. , Itandraetnnen Rod Dealen IR ,vaChis.astcrasa Milautle MOBS & AITERS, . 7. BiZiaooblo 134, Allnateny. inunas prtnsing szetnitt4 ;Inaba Cana aotios. . - iattO IN.O. DOWTT. =IMMIIIMISI CARSON,DABLINGTON& CO., BITERS. lALSIFIS AID HOP Soccoeter. to , Cri1f..A241:2=t1:1;17.`,1,"" .1;11.ar rit 0 t:1 1 ,71441447:t 0 0zE or t t Anat. • 'ALES AND PORTER. Rom the Yat'da East an.l Woo t . .1 "1" °°° 1101,0 (70'° pure End aottoran,or fi s a t :lr nn't.° to ho 11% IT , IA ALE bas n ElRElT.TneOntmended by4t;frt4 = r nTti;tom t will nl<ue Dr .. !%r, of Ingenue Way and Barker'. alley,. JAL NMI 7:l7lfongl gnoltAil nrnrrn nnounn .1 ALLEG.qENY IIitEWEI Having nurch stnl the obi notnbihtinil known . . the Al.l.HtillEng Elt, manufaciture.o . f SPRING WATER ALES Made r o fscilltirent!:iTn:PararrotVie"ll3, ft Ire foci satlaOrd that wo will he co hied tit sire entire satisfaction to those who may favor Ca wilt! ' their Val.:masa . 03 111EXTX3C 465 Reb c a Str et, • ALLEGIFIENEY CITY. orders left at BROWN ! till/LEISIM 'B. Mild Moral' attlOt o Yltiabufgth bopgr:fle attended to. PIIOEMX STEAM BREWERY. ion. SPENCER ilnacKAY, MISTERS AND BREIViRS Ale, Porter andßrown St•nt, PIITBIIIIIIOI, PA, i . KOREAT WATSOII. Muisser. I an 1567: . ! . THUS. EWING. 1 Uni.LiAM JANCEZ NoTARir 131y16:00011 Attornerlur Petitionary,. I IT PUBLIC JUSTICE! OPTIIII PZACB a ,i,,,,,, Ll,!:„litilLDlNli A- oil- pry:YAW/a and sea IN Tilt: COURT OF COMMON 1 tru p PLY'tre "A i z tl . trAir."" l ~,,l I L L .qa 14,...!'"U RM ., COUNTY. No. 1 !Special atianUoiainven tens parobaaa mid sal* ~, ~,n n y t h a ,ly' . ii E ke °. ..°.n. !he nt'Pl!" , or Real Estate. too conootroo or imam .nd the nowlodymantot all kluda el li ‘ o T tl i el N ls . numb,. atria toil: th e atld Jefferson l Of " I (4 ',. ." . """1111ILLIAst JABCB,,,Y , ~ Bo no o , o A•mo‘o,loo b. , . aloft' atCOleallon to i O•tiEe of Margret =id Mots", roma the Court of Cannatott Pion of Miceli.). Coon-'1 ~,,,,,b an Graining, ,Clitt zing 1 Gliding ' rci r :t. ", i.:4;;V:l=VNll: ° L a ul ° :` °° ` ° ' ; ry a ri se . e,,..1 term staid Coure, a decree son r ordeo will' litatly executed. . a I.l7, ==u r n. " etiMgTl , l7 i t ' s4M r s:lll4f"a i lld .32 MAD PAINTS, VA PNlsll P.S. PUTTY, . Cud.. moon on the ISt , . day of May . IS6I. tiLA.V.,. 1111 1. 1 aHKIS. • TUIWENTING. IA lIITE , I.,KA U. 'LIN.% as. tnyll:Vß lionlare ICCOIII,If /N0..11.11. . ' AIcCOWAN & SNYDER, HODEIE, RION AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT- ; il AsMINISTRATRIVS NOTICE-- i•TofElf C. MccOMMS, Efts. AND GRAIIINR9 AND OLASIERD. , .. whcre..lll , t . ters of Allmlobitrallon on the I . II , No. 05,tioith old. of Diamond, Anil/belay. , t=,ttsce ineir:rlrftYlo l /taVlran ' irat; i . , . ATITINEY AND DIXINSEUDR - AT LAW. , i.''="iltrPufgtfig:lltll7,=rj; „„ : 11117, ZA 11 . 1 ' , V , Vo u rl,47 ,1 .:?;,,ri ld .r.iTti I No. 87 Fifth St rec ik ecut..cl. Mined Paints, Windo,/ illaa• add Putty - ! Per Indebted are behby nottiled 'to mate t . - •••••.' , , IM^Pensiona. Bounties, and Aswan of Pay ey_oatnntlp ootiaa!„ ._ __ ~ 01113:xl, i 1,1... W.. • ' ''... Aden.a. •I atomplly solleeLeal. - PO:II.M .._ , 1 a 8: 11,4". - U • HAMILTON & McKEE, House and Sign Painters, 133 THIRD STREET, Pittsburgh JOHN T. CA-RALIC BOW. AND 01011 I prroronunan PAPER iIIANU FACTUBINCICOILCANY.D.ufacturunof ' PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER.' iWHITE HOUSE, No. 64 Hand St., Pittsburgh, 1 PRINTIHO ' AND WRAPPING PAPERS . W rigNITT,T.T. 01110 I PERRYSYILLE, ALLEGHENY CO. PA' . • • Fiala .111 Ornamental tilyna of nye. dandy. E l iatcratliih n , T Ew gICKILITtiN, FA: • • 1 lion done to ordar. All work do. promptly at ; Newly runt. and .taantabede gad .ady to r reasonabla tiler. • ' 10.7 • .I. An... 6 7 -__ ---1, OPTICS AND IFFAREEIOUND, I , The aubandber •011 not spare Data. to W . COULTER, , , INo 82 Third Street, Iltlsborgt,ta. : c.a. hls customers. Dood• sup. """; . ;erred at any hour In the afternm.._ - " . 111 . I' 7 . 1 . • ...Dural . THOS. COISTAInAtINA. Tr.% . HOUSE AND SION PAINTER : ! oener.eo-Aoueer i lionn t rrre,. : , ! 1 :A.. PIERRE Limns, . ------"" ~.. • ifillotionoot,"*.i..-I.eiZr7 r. ' -LI D. liar... 4."‘"' t""'""' "A'''"• 2". ' 2 ,. , ,unyruyinura ...nu leased this hype! • Cur.. 701.11.11 AND uItANT 8173:, rerrivii;• I ma...pa-An nal I .M , .”''''' ..‘''''''.•''• • ; - . Philadelphia. 1 wUr7c l 47:. r i Vrtiftt et7entl: " "°', rz,nt_l , 1 ks,, , F l t.'• Hdr,.3:.,,..mt,0u. 6 Trt , ;t n. buun It d FITTIC/ a AND ruumilikt, ' iiimiiiiii• smocsay. .... .... . ....nail. a.). . • .•yr.re,d'''..fitil?),Ann id irug l aptur " ~,,,...r SEMERLT•ea.CLEIIi, • ; ..r..mptlnn of The Ant posl a dara n - • - rr ' • ...., ( nneerasors co 0.. F. Beincbm. a C 0.,) ' tiv, , , ,, r„,,n0? u.www , .. az?..u..ti..11. 1 .,-- 6 ,- 4 . ' , PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, i .2.—*'"' - ' • 11 ANND. A 7.timay. L 4 f'''' The - ONLY dT I tAII s LITHOODArIII6IOITAN• •i . ------- ... ~,. ..,.....,.,...., 1.19111111. NT WEST OF VIM • 110UTAD03. • AM T .........ak:e.s.:ll3ll4lll' Bus.. Cards, ideltar 1., Bond., Labels. 1 4/Irenlara, elbow Cards, Dlplumns, Portralta, . V 1... Certificates of Dep.., luvllatluct , TF...„..„......„„ Cards. to. Non. 1111 at. Ta .1. r t., yltm.. ! -ILA VAIL Er 10). ' . . I " ..' ran. HT. ing ibiff°ihd itsiAn (late of the Vint of llROent & ItionnOW7l llOydt AND SION PAINTER M. Northcant corner of Med and Mutat I=III =C2 TOBAC CIGAR __ JO RN MEG RAW I ri• 11011ILLE12. Itaizaar. LiverT . 124 ' - - • • , t .......• and SALE !STABLE, Ala L . Surntans, - ~,,.: . . r1.4„ .h5nedb• ,,, ,.. . 111 buStelarerot and Whohmaln Mid Retail Undertaker. Alt kinds or Conte, An., at the .. Dealer In all kinds of lowest rate, kept constantly 04 band. LARSON l'tn.tte,'":ni.tl, STIUSET, trottmwa Orm any nn.l Dem. a tree{., ~...- ofant s , c dd odid E.. , Tobacco, Snuff and 'Cigars, . 11 , 1 „,,, 1 11..,^„..,..• „,,,,,: """ ,;,`,Mig,%l7,7„:„ur; ~„Alcr,,t,Lot - ..vs °— ___* ,p,r; ....,,,,„"" 443 rit..A.Tivja SllntruzziErr. 1 i;:i - diiii.f . 4. ri.. , - . .• ii.,... rcpt 01 Li'Veri lifarf —,-- ' d toe. "" — _..l.'—' , ! • the day , month or TIM, and surndr.l to In 1041:,... L. 00 .0 m ' •terATistnre ' eljr4:t .r5. " 4,1? .." ....rt i 5r• I iiie tent manneli i glja . t.:„ (=lles fur:Salted 114 1 . et ...w110 11 ,,4177C.'' ~, . _ _____, ..-- S i t lbe .47,11,1 iris oprn all hot il.i‘Po'ila3 • ...• oaT C'tsiiid. SO. — . c m' ' P 4 , 11. !tr.., „ c ,..,!15 A .P...,T,T,"41,!. 8 .,4 1 : I ,„ ' l "' . • vv ------IL- " l ' 2- , . t- , 24 , NceetiLwriz„,_„"a,t,-;:1)42?! W=men ons%lmnst orw: one noble-Oned 110.4 I A : In° StlitE " 8 '-' J"' lrts:,;,,er_2, . - qtrte-,:,...-- -,,,,,,,, ~ -. aetithi l Vilei . ,VVrfil7f . .VrjVcZ ii ' .. Or 4. NEW arf LEI - .:. -,, . o , l rinar4 s . ltiat.M2l:r irAgr;- 'rl horse power. Several new UM secund.hto • - 11111011111, Oil Iron Smiles. from 11/ Inch boll OAii .. ::: 1. lb oil pgritluis Ano gold and iryis.- 5 1 .11,ijoaittgvarM '''' ...' ItsWitV:leid l iglifiVE L : . . " : *". ' JO? ISARSIET erriterr,- !:,..-. '... it trai. Vint - 1 'Noir tea Pula. P4l4lburxh.N. 10 . JOEs B. 111.1euzg ., .. : P • • 1 • . . BAKER AND BANKERS. ANLBSEBEENTS ..___ _ HART, CAUGHEY & CO. f, i tar sL .v ,„ tt;P:;l l 2:l::'mV4T , 1 BALL & BURKA.. Bankers and Brokers, '- ' I _LW .000 t but one of : . .. ' RIM 'JAN. ic. axennotn. '- CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS; who' "" .1.111 . TIM erharula.) ICYCN IN 31A7 :AO, by speolnl requesl. In his lane . ". Cm .onatiun of Prrrsnviikan. PA.. • ''''' \"" HAMLET. (SUCCESSORS TO Menu, HIRT a iazy .' ,„),':'"..17 r.7,Vsl;•=tTr=lrl • ' And seler4ll wrier from tOttecbool for Clemlal. •• ' 31*(WjeZ-I'III4rEintYZITVII.C.r Exchange, Coin, Coupons, ; Holum., the Yaturday MallitiT, VlCtottm - 4 . 4 P ani.d A r t,== i r o ' i t , Mr. OrNEW OPERA ROUSE. • T„..4.:;°'"''"M`AV'uleNDßAii: GOVERNMENT BONDS. T DO AND AY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ^l - 510HT DRAFTS ON LONDON. nol :152 , EN Gt. , . BATURDAY A.TiIINOON. Dißec:Toits. o B. M. 9311TH. . • 1 . .17,C111.011, 11. e., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - D: AND SOLICITOR IN BASICRITIMIL W. C. EIiOUEILIN •Attoracy for Poll%lour. !=nt= EiE3lll Attorney -at-Law, No. Igt ad FirTil STREET, Pittsburgh my,3: Coneegaincr. Behl Estate andltunranee Agent. CEBBON STREIT, East Birmingham. Collection of Rents solicited and nromptl) attended to. tissirrso WILLIAM H. BARBER, JUSTICE OF THE P.E&CIE, CONVEYANCER, de ..? . 5a 1 . ! , CARSON BTHEILT near , 30101,11,,A,iiiiJaPPIalte tbm my :151 •{l.42ld.ililt eeee b. Attorney-at 7 Law, NO. H. H. HcCHHMICH, , H. c. lIIACELHELL, ATTORNEY/I. 110661E110R AT LAW! No. 69 Grant Street, my 24.1,23 prrremonas, PA CILiTHAM T. EWING, illOrnPY a* Law, No. NU Grant Street, Pittaburgb; Pit. I rfirij.VrorrantiVatil'ufter•Zi, HOTELS. . .. ; :g.. , .." . .. - ..: 4,1 $.4 ;•.-;",, . . ....,,,,-. st i g t * , l , p. ' A 0 E3==2
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