lil E 3 =EWE M l E 9 Er:l'k 7-2470 rtrirz. i JAMS 94121,11 k SON,' Financial ',lianas in New York. - Ba . siliparaadlitroker, -: 69 and To Water itreet, . • iiB 1644134, sear caner 4•51111216 , An dAIIIUS 0t60740 . 1661 'kW' i dad dealer ), la WU% LUERICATirio and IMO" ° llll W lSkall : s 2lll SO* . . C lV E Va N mai lL oar X.l Lard Oir equal - to tar • L 00,46, ig u yo6,u pr i to migh, 4 yre Sold re,st ' actralo c t• eller trnt .. 1 ,11r.1 , at lioirraikuses.. -- - .; .gr No ;atoll XV LfAutor cannot be • duelled.. • lalid.'6ll4je. bought at hlia. , Do r 2 Crteli Labrlcatlai and !standad it f art rataiiialiarm Dian. hatted 034 Oda .: °l =ratrart " t=tarr: ttlit Sod to i t thetr Interest to err as a call larrdro rgair ; york: • Lard 011 from Orr est. , • 111; SIZES 13-10 BONDS Orrtro or nen Prriaintrnali Gimes,/ 1 WID,ZSDAT, May la+. 1887. The geneeet markets continue exceedingly dui:, and what is worse atilt, there are no It. dleahoes at present of any Immediate Improve . men, The sharp devil. in, Flour at Chicago has produced an Uneasy feeling on the part of holders here, but as mit of themhave been dASexcreting It, stocks are very light, and. eon.- . BRADf & CO quently. the loss trim that aoUrve In this roar• ket will not be very heavy. There la a poiab briny of the Wheat crop being injured by June floats, butt Is hardly probable, and It seems almost cetrayn that the yield of Wheat thial yetr will be moth larger than fora number of ykais past. .. • °RAWL-\o Wheat In this market except I --•-- " ' - Converted into .1-20's, 180, 80/De DELINTIED menu TELL Bankers, Cor.Veurth &Wooil Streets. TO a ain e 'eons of mitten. Oats arm and HOLDERS OF 7-30'13. in demand ; eel° off elm to arrive, at 73e. wttb I Corn la dull but unchanged—Si to 61,00 , on •Tab ' S' 43 " D 3g • c. et ' Nevin° initd- 2 i.. "'" •••— "' •••• . whet( end Is track. Rye quoted 9minl at a • Ahara r rorspoadents. we age nrener • ed coovert .31 • 63 to Roth! ° R•lOtrig 0 . 17 " F• 1.44 into 6•20.'s of PM, without charge., ' FLOUR—The market appears to have at. Bends en Hand .for IDeltirery. meat.reached A dead lock, and notwithstanding holders are willing to make ,occasions, both IRA B. - 11eV.AY . • CO., • at Ali to INA) for Spring Wheel; /.13,3) to 916 33 454 , 3a u . . ergs . ~far Winter Wheat, and Ale $o VD for fancy' tontotr. Rye Flour. $9,76 to.llo. COATE% I . OIIH.TH AND SMITHFIELD PROiISIONS—PeopIe ere Acting tiensibly In samara subatituitog Bacon toner. extent tot fresh SELL YOUR there Is a great ddllercnce in prima, , end by curtaillnigthe demand for the latter. 4.610 " goat very far towerde reducing the price of the former. We continue to quote et t. cen BUYS-20'S.' ; 'f0r: 366 .2 12 c0ti 711 i to Iglic for Rlbbraland Clear Sides; thig for Plato Sugar Cured; tic for Plain Dvras, and IdMe for Canvassed Sugar OurerlArrmA. LW. to to 13!io; Dried Beef, =US to 9c, and Alen Pork, pa to 1C.3,60. BiIITER—Ia la rather better - demand, and while the market Is steady and fairly active, prices remaltynchanged at 1011:00 for Vima 10, alnico Roll. DiLIS—Tbo torch Holder" of BIVEN TWILTIES ..111 and an ad. , yoebyito or OVER 07 ONX Pals CENT: by' YUniettang on Ohio plan. n. ncvtv & co., 00H: & SMITHFIELD 13THIETa. .V24:71 0,130N.1.).S CON VIC= ED INTO . , . ... . . . . M. 7 cm. 5'20 BONDS, 1E365 • CllLF,ilt—ls tallier dull tut unchanged— , , II to IG• for fair to prime Western Reserve. WITHOUT CHAIM'. PUTATUES—The 'supply continues item , light, and with a good local demand, priaes . aro ,:::% • b b ,0,zr, h ,1,:r. d ..:A 4 g . :, , = ~ . 7, . , Git: 117 New Well sustained; ',rime Peach Blows selling at Sl,lO per bushel. ROBINSON BROS DRIED VlWlT—Cpilet and undoinged. ••, Small mica at sd9< for Apples, and piwnu for ' •. Re. 78 11 , 0IIELTII STREET.., • •PE chew HAY—Prime haled Hap Is bi demand, While C.llt gittgugt eirttf FINANCE AND TRADE • DIFFIZZ or TAP PITTP PC6OII GAPPTSP., , Wc.vintreT, May 20.1367. • The NOW York stork quotations 1 , -day, u received by Mr. P. R. Mertz, were.. Eighty-one Maude; 11134; five Twenties, I6td,le9S; do 1664,105,1; do 11163,106 X; • laid coneol., WS; Ten Forties, OP4: S.;vro • Thirtite, lOrd(altdn; Michigan Soulhero road, 01,4: Cleveland d Pittsburgh, MN; Pitts. turgh,Fert Wayne nod Chicagontllf ; Brie, 69 d; Chlesgo and Rock: Island, to a; Chic:age and , Northwestern, IPA; do preferred, 6734; Nesi York Central, odf; Reading,lo33. The gold market, - contrary to all expectation, I opened firmer this morning at einltince of 14 I per 0004 this map be sltrlhutable shipments • by. oidayls Weacticl, I. Well as the manipula- Slims of • ste4. robbing 'clique operating for a • rise. tosraol - l: whleb, Berl the severe decline 'lace tht, roiddltref last week, the Market Is Goveinments are to better demind.' and Cannel. and Five TtVentlet of 156:, are I , er Oeut..better to day. The share market has on average advance' of 34 per cent.'on all the leading goads. Miscellaneous wicks are not In favor, and tone but good dividend paying stocks are sought after. Bank stock. are dull, end Insurance sleek. are slow of Ills generally believed, although the move.. meat. of the chummy may, during the Munn.: suffer a little 'disturbs:we from the heavy bull:lest of the Treasury, that the disburse. Meets will probably equal the receipts.. nod no eerie:xi hintirence to I:fish:ass Is to be.aptoe heeded Tram the looking up 9f currency in the Thassisy. Nexi month, It Is true, the irtgome lax Is PaTable, atidlwith the other taxea, . withdraw Come fatty millians out of the chin. eels - 'of the circulation.. But these paymeuts ash! be widely distributed, and the disburse. 'meats Sold be rapid en account of the heavy atoonnte of Sevenet lee teat are being lur ch/wed by I lse Try for cash, Wed / of the cov.ipomid notes. of which eight million. ma lure in June, and tweve rulltlons to July, all of which the Secretary his announced his wll /ingeese to pay off on denfnud. . quotations received by James T. Brady C. S. Sizes, 15S1 S•O., ISCi 1040$ Augia.L74vo Jun. ..... JuIFT-30s Dec. Goolpooodo, 1561 Gold • suer • , —the following figures, sail to'be reliable El carefully compiled reilluntesorill prob.. ably Mums some (dither light upon the course of 'the Treasnry from 'the present tlree'untit • the close of the .000 , , a period of:. seven Months:. Total gold 'lntereat must 'be provided for from present lime to •7an.l. 1519 , Web/sive tlai COSMO Lain of 1 0 .17, maturing (void` 7 ,000,e1M Tote. euvrencv latereata during aunt rerind, inetuding both Seveu Thar- '- Men and maim:mud notes 46,000,000 Total compound' intermit notes L.. turlng during Ille same period ' 03,030" Tilt above amount ot gold letereet may be somewhat Locreuel 11,, the encore issue of Au. /gust Seven Thiiiies Converted. The goy ernownt estimates of customs duties from dale • to January Ist, WS, is t 80.059,00.• Against the compound interest noten maturing this year, the currency interns% fur the name time, and the expenses of • the governmedt for the same . perial,the Treasury has the receipts of internal larentie t lifty millions of three per coma, and the cub bal.°r on bud, which is over one ' hundred millions.' - • ." The . total amount or conversions aro - re. dmoptious of Seven Thirties of all Issues thus tar is about 4810,91.0,64. of which. Orrn,ooo,ooo are -of the kssue. ' 'maturing Autustlo, UM,- leaving 11130,000,000 of thil Issue to be-conver ted or redeemed: The 'balance of the roarer aloes are of the 1113.8 of June an4Jul rt. 1,8 7. And reach .150,00”.000,ai tillich the government `has purchased a large portics. rids leaves the total amount of Seven of all M oues now aumtanding about 400,000, MO. The total Mame was 0830.030,0011. —Noticing the-reeent speculstlve operatione • to wheut. the Midst* 2nburvelesyse l'The merles of shipment. of Wheat from Cal .lforeda to France, antlthetee to New York. endatorbu of shipments of grain from the At. tactic and Pacific to the cities of, the North. 'West, have gained a currency and credence which the facts. 'of the case do not warrant. • Tor butane., a few anti ago some .Califotnia ; flour was received to t. lento, end the fact wan announced se an extraordloary one; hut the sour umsisted of • few en k.. blutteht hither am a eurioeity, and not because of any den elenci in the supply of our market, The pre.., est thorax°tu paces of wheat and dour nre temporary, and every one knot. them to be ututthetaatial, and that at any tadment they - may tumble. Tbete priecisre the result Of the combo:onion. or apeculater• upon eltakeelated ststemehte of the aearcity in oreadstults; and the pee.. of the country in giving currency to cthe soythwat Imponathns at wheat from for eigneouotrhu, are but helpin plu nd e r "eculators through with their when. to consum ers. in /en than 'am week. the wheat . /lancet will be gathered In the cotoh. ! era • half of the wheat growler belt of the cotintry, and that harvest promises to be a 'most abundant one. A. few weeks later rill follow the harvest up to the northern line,md that, too, promisee to he moat liberaledloder'. these eiteumstancen every one mutt plecWve • ' that the ;dement high [meet rent upon ail- ex ceedingly family foundation. The 'corner' epee breedstufll has been succeasfully maintained . Much longer than the apeculatoes eaputedi but . its time to nearly spent. :11111ers buy no wheat at present prices, and tales of flour are on. fined to retail dealer., to cupid? the Immediate . wants of consumers. •Traosactions in wheat ~' and tour, however they may be reported, are ; • manly betting@ open the time•that the 'corner! eatabesustalne, The in h er e Inevitable,and cannot be far distant.' be a le,mer or antler, or anyotter moon bolding say wheat ! or flour for a further ;lee, tacit person will Lay. hie eye. open Tory .peedily. Yeaterday there were llo,uoo bushel. of wheat and croon berre/s of flour in wont la Chicatto, The daily lewelpts awfully equal to the demand for Imo consumption, and there it no other demand • stow, sod edit be none until the crop come. le. .Speculators are ready to sell out, and their • ' victims will he} ust that eta. of men who ,be- Mate that - the W he a t! Rocheater and Oswego are roaming,. import.] from Eutope, - and that Chicago it sending to Califorolota torn Amu,. This la waren Undratopl hare that It la . edvprisieg that,any perre.a be ad the city ! continues to bold either wheat Of flour, with the expectation of an additional rise."' Baltimore Bernet. (By Telegraph to the Fltiattergla BALTINOILS; May =..-Cotrechg.on eta Ulo an private terms; guotatlongwai itaglac In gold. Sugar unchanged. Flour heavy and -unchanged. Wheat wren with a Ilcht In. Inandi °holed Maryland, at 0. 1, n4 3 . 35 ; red And white and $ Corn Wive and advanced lan white at 111.1501,14 tatted; at lll.lotgLrn' yellow; at $1,Va1.23. Oats. at €O.Bl. Whisky in bond unchan • 1 , Now York [ley StOods Marbles. -•-• (1/ T0!!!:' , ...N , to th e Pltt.bsob Onoat.. 1 ~ ,'.4v,..a w '",..A.,1nbt. 9- e - kloign;.°.: blr, lot. of :... 7 ,, ZZA , o fO , OOfitIOR Of only ° tolpsr , ' •1iii:'•717.," Zi n _ z sce'llgsTr':.°C.b " 1 .. .. , •„ 2..i a. ......fiN ....e.ljos stoafl t y n na bi lrl b t; ..! • ~:•/,,fliro.l.o44r.t!O!OodY wale ilmi. ...47 2 ,r,t f01zmi.......0ft beavy.., ~•.• -..... ok.taftr.? ZS tronajit:oVlket. - I ".. °0 ; 14 " St 4 ".. at • , .offs.] I. •g m. No 4 4:136 "" to oi • 1 .. 1 , ; fe°o4lo.6_ ol .do o 411.03,24 to . .- •-•.•ittle.vritc, effatwftin.4 Oft. . 1 tho • quiz: zia N ► if i!t"t• - o dais B*lf . ift 1r . 4 0 21 • f . • . •'• .-: - . '• • ./f/OLY ~. _ it , Om,: •sfi. ~ x',;+, rwresossau MAKILZTN its continue liberal, and with a .apply somewhat la ex .'of the de end, prises ate, If anythlsa,l leadlog down• ward. rreah 'patlted may trWrinoted at Id to common Rey IN very , dull and heel to tell at any price. The former may be quoted at $23 to $27. OIL —Sale. of N 0.2 Lead 011 It 224254., mad No.l al 41,03a1.10. Demand talr and mayket firm. PITTNICIURIAII PETROLEUM MARKET OPracat or Tee Pmranuaran Gargirrx, W.S.SOLV. May .9, Mae. CRUDE—The Crude market continues dull but firm, with Mat little disruisition manifested On the port of either buyer. or sellers to ope raee. As we have repeatedly, stated, there is nuincentive to rause any !de or animation, the price at Oil City being entirely too much io dated for this market, and,. • consequence, , there are no Pittsburgh buyer. at that point, excepting probably some few whe have con tract. Spot oil Is: scarce. and may be fairly quoted at of e, while for all June, buy er's option, would doubtless command 75.,c,and It could probably be bought at that fitdre: sel ler. option. The fact of the matter Is, the de mend both for preseut and Inture - delicery Is very light, and but a limited amount would nod buyers at the figures abort tided. REFINED—The market for hooded oil con tinue. oral dull and weak, with but little prospect at present : of any Immediate Im provement. Sale of roobbi. stanalaid white for Brat fifteen days of Jun., at ..ny, delivered In Philadelphia; and 603 fur first ten dogs of June, at same figure. Prime light straw to white, may be fairly quoted at 0434 e, and standard white at 25/„Xe, and <yen at these reduced prices, there Is no improvement in the de mand. ARRIVALS-he following arrivale of oil were reported to-dey: Fl.her d Ilm .. NN Arden d. B. 0.101 Is.. Wilkins . 400 1111thnel1 SR) ow. antenna east! DT k. k. 3lt & Co, 000 Etas ref, 'to Warinn, King .& Co, PhDs; 0 151cMalion. 1011 do do; to W P Logan & Bro. Praia; 11 it Byrom, 101 do do, to ! F A Dilworth, 1•1111 a; Lorena 00 Co, 169 do do, to Brewer, Burke & Co, Phlla• Wightmem.: & Anderson, ma du .10, to P ta Sono, r Anchor 011 Ca, 000 'do, Co 1' A Dll- worth, Phila; Clark & Sumner, tot do do, to P Wright & Sous, Phil.: J 300 do do, to FA 11.1woillt, Fors)oh. 11-' & Co, or do ' do, to Tack Lim is Co, 'Mita; alt llytant, .50 do elude, to W Lincoln, Boston. on. SHIPI•LO Y/151. ITIOY DINCCAN. DEPOT.. J C Kirkpatrick & Co, 292 bloater, to w I' Loon 15 Bin, Phila,• Hutchinson lief Co. 167 do do, to W Wardpn, Waring, h King, 157 do do, to Waring, King ta tio.!Philat .7 111e5 , 1 er la Co. 61 do do, to Wallogoisng t7p, Philo; ! 05 P Logan, 72 uo do, to W 11 Logan & Bro, ! Phila. 111 54 104 3 ., 106 , DM o , }), 10d i<t: New York Pres:Mee Ifsegket. Cup Telegraph to the Pittabaria Ir met re.) , • Now Toms. May n 2).—Cetto firmer; sales of TO/ bales oruplands. at '4 • 03774.. Floor doll and heavy at MOM:. lower; slim of ' 3.100 barrels or superflue same western, at ' 22,704710.75; extol; western.. $11,501212.75_ , lonion 313 00811 10; shinning ' OOl O 6 15 . 7 .0 3,25, trade fleAnda 113. 55 e1yni market "cloned doll and has bean onset treo ; rocelpta 5.210., Californlg meet, active and lower; pales MI Lag barrels 'at 411,75016,1.0. Ilye emu unchanged, at e 4.50 Whisky Millet and unchanged. Wheat dell and-nominal at 542.1 e lower; sales of 1,500 buebeis of No. 2 Milwaukee, at .112,40; no receipts. love ' nowt; salsa of 21,050 bushels to lots. as 21.730 r7l; western 21,53; Canada 41,83. Choice State Dailey m moderate, demand; sales, of TX* bushels or western. at SIX; and Zoos bushels of Canada Went free. 11,03. 'Malt • gem rt sales of Y. 1,000 bushels at *1,4001,50. Peas quiet; sales of 7,7(0 buShels of Canada In bOnd, 14 $1.25. (inn receiptsCl XY). Corn dull and hears at 1020 later; palm or bushels of new mixed western at *l,•.'l((`l,l7:new western yellow 41,2 A, and now what, Southern 5t,27. Oate opened lintet. sad steady and closed dull, at, 102 lower; vales of MAO Om help of western at. .513 sllciPeon. sylvosla 10090!4; State 2174. Wool dull, {.heavy and declining; sates 01 92,000 pounds • of dol2l.tIC flecch at 32461; pulled, orefrm. , Leather sole dull and lower, at %031. hope , quiet. Petroleum firms erode 16016 1 4; refined. In bond, We. Coal heavy and de choler', sales,at aution.of a 2.101 bus, Orme. too lamp, at $4,55121,60; broken, 54,50[51,10; Steamboat. 111 5010,2f!if Dirk.Stredrl.lo; btOVe 10,3004,75; Chestnut, 41,05125,10. limo quiet. Coffee dull, sales of 500 lb* 1110, at private teems, Solar steady, sales of 400 16st:1:Meat 10IffIlle Molasses quiet Pork lower, sales of 3,700 bills new. some at *'3 1020 03;Z:closing at SM.2P. cash:obi. (22; print.. 4/ 5 61 9 ,1 1 i PrOne sores, $21.0=2.5; Kis% 750 hi:ileums mesa at *^13,21. lieof firm and un- Modulen, sales of 490 Dermaat 11101 Inds. meggeW; prime rocila,ll.l3;4o.llloef barnoqulet, sales of 70 bbis at 241042,50. Baron ...MY and more actives; lea of Mg boxes. at 10 1 ,W, for Curaberlknils 11 40 for Short ribbed; 11940 f0r long ribbed; a ti 12;411224e for abort clear. Cut meats q lot and heavy. sales of .375 packages at 5M2/10 , 40 for StiOuld'ori; and 1 . 411140 tor barns. Lard has been 41n11; Balm of 05 bids at 212X,013140, new. Duller dull. ;wavy and unclognged. , . tarelsr, 5 W. bi.-t Flour closed doll and heavy and 15e2.50 lower on common and lo ®lye lower on medium and good grade.. Wheat eery doll and nominally lower ; • 10. tlprloW. V,tter.,oo. No. 1 ir Sor/o Ilya quiet and honvy at $1,7201,71 for Wee, ern.- Barley clniet and steadystt 41.1001.12 for Wetteril. 0.8 lower and dull at 050 ket‘c to Western. - Corn heavy and lower at 111,2101,22 for new mixed Western: old cum. Mal at 11,8081 ea. York Arm: -salmi of 210 Man mese at $.1.25 Chub; Closing at 5m.60 1,01. for regular, and boilers' at $31,12. host In fair enquiry and steady. Cl.t bloats firm and In 101 l demand. Bacon steady with a moderate Inquiry at 10 , 4010),, , o for Cub:deer. land cut, n'(o for short n L o. ard dollat 33 Qt for fair to prime steam, and 1334€1 1310 for kettle rendered.. Cincinnati Market. Illy Telegraph sajlgerltubargo lisultte.4 Clnoinnon, May Pi—Floor Is dell with only a retail demand, at 013,50010 for family to fancy, and tee lower envies are minalca ' ble. Wheat Is doll and in no demand; prime • wlnter,No I can bn bought at 13.. Corn ss dull at 830901, for Nollu elevators there In not much demand and there is none for shipmonL Oats la doll ethic for No 1. Rye is unchanged and steady at 11,71. Cotton Is firm with an Improved demand at 210 for middling. Whisky is dull andpriced are nominal. Provisions are grin but quiet. Mese Pork, ChM. hulk meats, eiglOc. Ila• c0n,1101310 for shoulders, sides and cured : std.. Loral Is &dist 12}01. Butter is 110(1 at labliic for fresh. Cheese I. dull at 110140 for now. Linseed Oil, 04001,52. Eggs are i arm at 1(0170. Gold Os baying at 1,374. and eelGognt The tollmrlng are the ra . edible for Om bat twenty-font boon: lint ' ter, 2.17 Packages; corn, 11.000 bushels; door, AO barrels; oats, 0.810 bushels; potatoes, 1,400 barrelss rve, wit busheig. wheal. 74.1 ; bathe's, and 0118 barrels whisky , ghlpinentss corp. 7,(o) bushels; flour, MS barrels; bacon, 13) bonehead. andl.l3 tierce.; lard, 43 bar . rels; wheat, 7084ushals, and 111 barrels of .' whisky. Nll.•Lostis liarlaws. ;! Triegrash to tee rlttabarshuarettso J Pr. Louts. Mar 99.—FOliseelo steady am miens unchanged. Cotton Inactive; at' Mc j for middling upland.: Flour unsettled and i declining. at elo for fall extra; 5140 roe d oo . •clo extra; a1t40017.80 for 0[1010., •4 to fancy. • Wheat Salm hither for choice ;dub, at iri,ts; I prune fall, OM; choice, Sit.90(1111; receipts prery light. Corn opened Armand lore high [nit closed lower; quotations range at CO:JCI1,11.. Oats 0040010. !fie higher; at SIAS (11.47 sacks returned. I...aviator, more ac• Uvehgt unchanged. Berm pork. *19,50®99 ,75. Bulk 'meat.—sboulders, Sc. Bacon—clear ;. shine fOr ISU.h of Jane buyer. option. 1:134c. , Lard nominal, at 12 , 401900 for choice Berra Whisky nominal, at Op lot free. Lo. 114•1110 Market. ky Telegraph to the rittabeign °smite.] • yquigmr.s. May 28.—gales of 810 beds leaf tobacco at full rates-112,50 for light lose wol lemagl,Ml for manufacturing. suparim. hour e2;32010,116. Wheat—ealee at 2,100 2,00 for red. lXirri—Sbelled alogal deliv.ered; ear. in bulk, Maretkl. glida e16e20 to Onik. Mesa P0rk•MM..:4312.. liscon—shooldere offD.,sc;packe.l clear Mee 12.4 c. Lard. in 'tierces, 110{,0 fog kettle rendered. 1100 whisk/ Paufor free. E:!:=3 =I tßy Telegraph to ins Pins Vend,. Ossetia.] Par:Alumnus, May 0,-Flour dull anti drooping ; Northwestern extra. $11,50. moat quiet-and drooping. Bre. Wax for W.lulns• Clore seared and atlvenoed 3.5 e; Wm GAO ballast low at SIM; mixed VI , est, 11 1 :m. Oat. steady at Tx angsrpla ana in W. demand at Inge. .Willsky nom- ===ll2E Teleereph to the PI tteborith Getetto .:izte Tonle, May Money active and steady. at t per cent. for call: discounts; M 7% per cent. Gold opened at 133„ and 'foxed at l 3 bid,137% asked. Theexports td-day were $130,500, being less they expected, in consequence of the draft. against the French Governent, on account of the purchue of the Du m nderberg, nd the continuance Of at about the a late figures. London contributes to firm ness and premium- The publication of H. Colloch's letter to the Boston merchants, however, has perceptible effect. The gov ernment, it is nntlerstor mold tome gold to-day. Sterling firm, ; t 97. , § le, • • novaront nTe. Government. quiet and without material change; Coupons 'Si. IIN0111%; S.W.s reg.. 10646lMX,Colipons nl2, lormarN: Con ports lat. lUSMllriljfd Coupons t ri, ir,AIOOF , ,;; now 1 0 40 coutons 99;0 4 74; peg. .40s ltalygfaluglit Jude. 10;;;61144. Stock market etrong and, clueing firm. 011301 . .1.210: St3o P. N. price. b qbio certifi 0. cate. 'TPA) SVC Cesnton 4361314; Cumberland Cool (W. 13014; quicksilver. 20,412 24N; Siorlkos, .47; do preferred, .1.'40, irc.tern lThirm Telegraph. 4P , act, Pacific Mall • AtlAntM maionatut4;'N.: 712, t pc . lll f run- souvuern, erbiger,,i; .ro ll ed ,g n lWVlNZl , Uro t rg i b, 43K . 4; ontleemen.. l %;7lT " T C : I:ferred.MM6l. , ,,l Fart Wayne Kipp' , Latino slianis. - - Alining Sh. dull. Corydon 19 the most active, selling at 18.1411 a) at the eke., Gregory quiet, at 46,10/36,50. There werel,Zoo shares of !Unwell «old out under the rale at 100311113, Quartz. 11 111 dull at let; Smith .t i Ferrule°, 495. _ PL:ll.l . tiA. ray neer:ere. I The receipts 113.' the S b••=r rt,41317 IV ore 42,./m1,012., Inehldint [or Customs 13.51,000 as.l kohl notes :0101.000. The peeteents uere 4712,133. leaving .t balance of ■¢ALkII. Tltzsulor.SE S co'a rAihrrts. ••. . . . Thu Ctnniereto/ leans that bids have been Made born of 1:4 .1. in the hawed for bllh.of ! FraSer,Vrenhoho Co. Reports froth ertrool atato that the cotton owned by the to 10..1. on the nounal of their liabilities, leaving only Ss 141. to he Made na by large aseets to real estetn and . vemeeln. ' .12rtirket. (HT Tolotraph to tilt rilttborith ti %tette.] . Br 'Fate, Slay 20 —Flour dull, ]B. I nprlnst offered at Stl.l,ao for round lots. Rye flour held at 1020. Wheat inactltre Corn opened Ural and easel Is lower on:No 2 western; st males 0123,000 bushels reieGuetl ands ags) do • obi entt no* mined nt $1,10„ - an. IS,OOO bushels o i f CO. No. 2 new western, a rt t al,. . Oats ctlet:sales Of 12,trOttshels or 2i. estern 'et 41 !N: 10ato bushels or Ohio Sc, a 1 Ire 52; Llturket clotnk In weaker. lie nouttaal • Barley oi utet ; wan, of loon Innate], et $l.O delivortsl. Mew pork, Lard ate!. Huth wines qttleVatel nuelatotted. Now Orlemu. market. . - itß•Telfltraph to the P:ltstotzutt liszette Nat OncosNo , Noy fe 9 .—.llotton toilet .41 UliChnngodl{ 41th, hl 1.11/ balks, receipts, 1M ,Amine: no exports. Sugar was fair, at hle. Nothing doing In molester. Floor grnier; suertina. dihnitu.w. Corn dull: mire. yellow. 01,17ljell,thh white, 11,V11ii,25. Oat, asiraneirligt Mimi at 9V.:ID}I. Lord firmer; Perm!, keg, Iti2e. Heron firmer; ahouldere, el4Cretsei clear aide ,, 13 , :e. Pork mall, at•Zl. Corer;lair top rimo,ll‘..rig.44e, (told, 137. Sterling. 47/aliti. Nun. York eight exeliatigo 15 premium. Billwankce 31 nket. CRY Telegraph to the elltspergh I Mll.Wargeg, Nay doll; City double extra 112,1•0; Country do, $11.:5: extras $11.3 0 . Wheat Is dcellnlns; 55 fbr No. 1; 0 ,35 for No. 2 ad for No. $l,ll/. rejected. Isontetited ht n 763 per In.. for No I. Corn Is lower; $1,931141,01 pie No. I. Receipts Lao Flour; 31,e',01 he Wheat; 1030 Ute. 0010; 1,010 ho, Corn. Shlpuients Mat. Flour; 33 • 500 he• Wheat.: Toledo Market. [ll, TeleerssAk 1., the burg ei ia< et.. 3 Toceuru MAY —iluur quirt. %Viand druuiduu, umber, gdod; No. 2 (Au:ago spring, $2,75. Corn Inuct tudes Nu. tat it ON No. 1 DI,D, 1t nuyer, "408 IC 1 ,, 0er. at D. for 2: .1. Ilya $l.OO. Lldlo freight/1 dull Sot uon A Dubuque paper reports n rumor thst dlensphin viziann's line of tents running between 1.1 ;By Telearsph to the I'lltenn raiz ti ewes, and nt. Paul is to be ilisco.tlnued on 12 istru ts, Mao ,I.—botton firmer; sales of mt of the dull times. uplitsda 22222,n, see lets lot bah., ex. The riven la Wisconsin and Mionesnts port/161 tralva. Cora dull at 11,12111,..u. oats which row Into the atioalssiopi nil have a good higher, bbtilli7e. Hay quiet, at 12%4127. suit •°..'' ' of • 20 . 112 .22. Flour dull; StinotrineltbS,U,73. Pork tni,24 4 , The Jlisailsippt is still rising at SL Paul. '475. SlIt1•11 . 15 'a s..t, Louis Res./Mean sae The •-.. • • following mountain Mosta passed Yein ton, De 11.11.1caso faille Merkel. 0011,04 the dates elven; Nile, May sth; Illy CDT Telegraph to Me Pittsburgh tiarette.., Horne May min: lichton. tiny Sibi 1. 1 1 Stock. dale, May Bah; riallattn, May alb; Abetina, Crocario. May D.-tie Cat tleleir".ynetiv ~,, ~,,,,. an t i. warp higher; AS Alati.7s for good to " -- ~,s, choic e , e tocrc . yoga qui e t . ..on, 2:40, Tie steamer 1. IL Troyer, hotrod to Fort low., rpt 20,16,30 for good to choice. Sheep Benton,has encountered nu merouabeact mecca, dell{ 117,31 , 41;7.50 for best groat,. ...dente and other discouraging . oecurrenere. The bu,t Ii• been aground iteveral times, limo -......- laid rip for rep-sirs on Ilse illparate occamiona, I.IIPOWIN LIT itAILROAD. hale been on are three or I iur them and has Pirreel . llolr,Ft PT WrreNEN I'llurwrit, It. It., other/el. proved ri source minor/nee and May 20.- , , buts dour, 30g d'onnor ;tdo a, pies, henstlon. A hand on the boat °broke out" II lien Jr,loo do dour, ShOnirtlier a Lang: to with the email pox and was (Deposed al at ii• lore soap, Shrive', 4 4 1reneerN Co;.10110 do, W cost of 6100. A spar fell nod broke the leg of 11 Miler a Co; 10 do do iddelds ta Ilieuelier, 0 , another ',sod, and this one was prodded for local pkgs produce, John Freterger: WI eke olls, .1 a further expens e at 4150. Ifinkle:2l mks Lurks, E Edmondson; 12 doren ,The EgllSh Clover:men( la twisting peepe brooms, 3 A Reuallaw; IS boxes soap, Means J. attn. fora anal trial of the relative merit. of COIN; 10 do do, James onnor; 33 elo do, Hen- c .... A ~,, .., T ,, r , ~., cc ...,,,,, , . c . m. A . der.. A Br.; 11l it. d. . 1 bo or; all ado ordinary service boiler la-longing to a gunboat do, W H Ririe/Hsieh d Bret; 95 il , .10. 10,10 eon is first to be tried with coal, at the nontr.on dies. Camp, Miry° d Co; 5 do do, .1 Ii Smith A r ste o r c . ....,, 0 „,.. , , rhcr, tarred ran..., ea, ' rase taba “ .., -D. ' ha raD.t " .l I k ' 51,111. . Hon to the greatest amount or Sr.dantion the Outer, W 3 Steel A. Btu; 10 bids potatoes, 3do , ~• • . er is capable or. The coal et Ace are then .1.1.1 , °a • VM g t a Ca ; s . I d r, t l , ° . t '',.., t. 4 ,".',, kr g a to be taken all and oil emirs gotrotirot ed: The apple but ere (}tart 0 , ••• 11 / 44 4 - -' -• 111... Hoe.. Is ti. be carried out todta fullest ex. Adair, Miller h. Fraley; Zoo ha, glees, C Dim. tent, bigh.auper.licated strain and hot nit Ge gen a Bro; 3 bloc eggs, T C Jenkins,. bap in: introducl. Coal and tell will thug be cried Carley. Tope h. Cupp*. • for the 0,.t time in exactly equal conditions, Perl,l4Cnor.l, I..ot.vWnr:l 000 I.liNritliA.Tl and the reaults are anticipated with interest. R. '''. Ma y ..- '''' .".•a°ae • ' a ' , a '' .. P ..1 Tile Louisville (Surfer lalk• favorably of ,Ati wheat, Liggett seo; Ido grain, Mc- ~,,,,,,,„ no ., crrlar ~,,,,,,,,. it T ., c , Henry .t. 'loot% lot 01,1al, Bail A Speer, 5 ... i .,„,, 0 ..... ~,,.. ~,,,,, c0 .. , _..... bbls tati. It 31ctilsinias; tO eke no, Mennor ..t. , ~,, .? ... , . . I ,' -3 • du re . Lassie, 1 .r.tro. .. . tea He. ' , arr. , : 13 hi., tdhad , d. 3 .• Marshy; 2 "'rd. Ste, of New Sock, Lee Crandall, O. E. 'e . g ., D 141 ‘ ,. 40 .I . " a ‘ r . MU " a r""") , 1,,,11, J. 11 Soong end tr,. art rshotoo Martin 3 pane Decor., Atwell, Lee A 11,12 hl Dbl. tleh., . 0 N ..., ~,,. ~...,,,., „,,,,,,...1., I. Jas Mffla a S°a ` . ak• ants, '‘ ar, '" a a Dr* l r Imola Croitr i ' s also connected with 43 do corn, W W Anderson; 13 do oats, 1 do po-' ~,,,,,..,., ic ,,,,,,_ ~.....,.. can .., he tutors, 2do becou, Keys A. De, 61 irk. oats, ~,,o , h : , ...;,... :'..,. :,,,,;• ~,,,,„ ~,,,;;;;,, McHenry A Hood; 2 ears starve. li .1 lit se A , ..4, ... c ,' N ,.".„, ~..., Co; . 2 caddies Iplrreco, 111,1tink, 2 casli tobacco, A rear Mr. Hay, of Peo Minnie. 'llth -e re SPealer a t ' a ''' a " 4. • ° 'O..' '. a nd abandoned the !neatness of aarinn souls '"ea"...o in "'"" '"' oil, i. a. M ' and gone into Oral of savior, steamboats the Cutcheon. .z . Transcript pay• be • lets turreted a ninehltle, Caay.sAtil AND PCPS•II4,II+I.I 11../14.110,1, a,hlaa I. tan atrial plan. aa.l it. la far roa nii r ," May ..- 50 eat/. our, °woe , : . a. , do, hailer . steamer to override. all •dch 3 Intructiou.. It ...ea/. V.* a C. ,,,,,,, . ...‘ , L 3 R Swint A rousts. of a long 11. of plows fastened to a Col. bb. cement 3 .. 'salmon; 10 Goa gide, frame In front clthe vessel, and so arranged Kepner a tiro; t Gbi 1 ,. ,0at/l J 1,0/.0/01; 4no that they can he loWeersl or elevated at. will do, 1.3 Blanchard. Ido ,3 Po terneld; 3 (ram the d ec k at ~La steamer. When the cat. ,aatat. Ntaaak .}. CE, .1 [to do, Ilraau a ateinatt merle a bar the theory la that the Omelet', 2do do, Dilworth, Itrter A Co; .0 ;down arill force a channel for her and all the 111 hid. a...AH. 000 . A. Co.i / 31 .R. Voter rte, water la the liver running into the artificial TanSorder a Shellatdi . Vara Woo en , Mr- break thus made, will be amply aullicieut to Knight. Porter a c. , ; . 0., to. ~ , . ., ,,x ., , a float her over the obstruction. Blair; 2 dodo, Lyon, Short. A Co; 71 ,a, Mae cop. ~..c ,. ..,.,„ „.,,,,,,,.., hs 8, ......, 4 ,,, , ,. „ A , Tc. _ per, 1 manta do, Tot Howe. . Oil Thur•awy afternoon the agsmar Sucker Aargau exa• 5T.,1 , 141, M.y 20 -93 bar soap. State, of the - Northern line; and the Phil. Shel 1W C Feld: 4 rolls Icrillier, A Si Omni /auger; Ilan, an indeperbleot be. left Si. Louis. •1 10 tote seate,6 do candles, Hahn • Hadley; Ico four 1,1..1, lantrol tar up It-rantDelon I.:- wheat, Kennedy A Bro; roa Gbh. flour. Owens poadion Ibles a rice Isna forth aI th tbaugo es- A Km 3 hedY; IS tekga hides, Lappe A We.. ; I led. The Pl,ll. Sheridan has I , orne the repot,. bble rerni.y, A Oiocaner; 13 bine flour, Stewart 'Bon of beiag,air of the taste. 'reamers or, ter • 1 Langenheini,• 2 eke earthen ware, 11 ants; 1 Western waters, heel.•plaSn. Mr, Ductile., do do, Voeghtly • Holman; 4 bias tobacco. .1,50 int challensed any h os t t o I rare for on e Hahn fa Hadley: I nil cop. L M 1 ... thouaand dollar. Tn. Sucker Slate id consul. ALLeolte.NT VALLKI . 11.4.11,1 1 / 1 0, nay 1,-- ercii 00014 t ile4 , rest ~ al for 1161,1,1 the 100,11,- .1 ear metal, Nlinice A Co; a pirrs produce, 1. 3 ern Pnr. 1 r 1 / 1 411 1 4 hr-Tl lll4 I h l 4 l 1 1 4 e, 1 , 7 Blanchard; al eku lye • ir w , lr•ccr 4 Irifds edit.. .•• 01 " ac e' 00 , 1 " r r. < 1 . , , ,; .. .. , ,z , ,,7,7„ 1: ~,, z ‘;,,, , ., John Sel .1;3 do Gott , .3 ergs 3 said, •,^7 at Wet oar vied un n r . n , . . 11 ^. 11 . 414114 • . 1114 01 ..4 13 d. dry Comte, 1; , i Ira• heavily laden, dinwing four feel of water, Fri et; 4 1 1 1/ Gutter, 6 lark risme Royer; I I.s. While the Sheridan had scareeiy any load. Ihe LI butter. Shr ver,Speneer, R Co; 0 ige hotter, Voile kept near each whet until arriving al '3 Schwalm:l aka w aut.,: Bradley A *on.• 64 HUrnalgod. when the Socket sea. ....rt./3 skit oata.Serett A (lista; 11 , lo I.taioes.A Whit• •head end maintained 5..7 1:; „ : i r , , ,..,, ,, ,. .. I I, ,---- a '''''''"" " 0110 do, I r '," frilo . lT a rigo ' Nf,e . . h iZe i glL, .. '. .,<, ' ... ' 1711 . 1 lhkker Sr.o,• 10 Gosh oat, .1 1 11.trinelroog,4 r • • • • I, _ , Nell rage, I. Ilear..ton. Dila I , et three and a half o cloth.. morn- P 'T ''' aVa. ' a ''''' ''''''..'"''''.. ' o' l ll • L r. foc an' lrTl ' ri '' :/ U' r .' ,!:17t,. " . 1 f ri h n ". ho c' r ' rti ' t ' t7e 'r ; May 29.-14 sacks re , a, It Ifra Jr; Ve do ' . M .. " ea freight from C,c <Alice" of the Bat, A Artjes; 6 to. is leather, Kirkpatrick a. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,.. ~... 01, ., „ ........ T .... rh .., Son; 16 dodo, W II C ., ad:, . kelt..., s M ta 1..a.aa,..',” this .orn:og, al the same time . tdrl• r. beaky, 3 S Finch; 31 sea Mr Sneers. Sin ,n/ fne v 113117 wh en L. ..... A / '' ..".l to" 004,1", Latter. Mc ' self the better boat of the two; when L. king Orew A Co. •vi whine- into chnsideratrens. the run be -- - - . llt I'Vfl Si, 1.141. - and 1/lust/atm.-a 111anner ni HARI:ULM 31., mike-was PlCratrial.Lo.l to 3.3 1 . i hours. the lime known le making thld trip, we re AON - JeW-[PAS;-At New Castle. Ta...on tniormed, ei-nce, the state. came up, the moral, of the itan of Nay hy the Der. .1. duireo the year 1301, it, 4.1 Acura -Al. 'A usto C. Scofield. Kr. (OW AHO AONSCW. of Atte- . Denweraf. Raney City, Pa:, ant Miss AH•ADA 3. WAG- ,_. _ ~ ==!t:= zite. at the resld,nce .1 the. tald,r. bluer., by ,ij OR EVANSTILLE, .1. Knear.llt. 11. F. of CA. litl AND tIT. LOUIS.—Am-aaarirmi • I'lltabursh. and 311aq REICIIXF/T. for Part A. 11. Mboir. V. in ItTLie fisi ton above 1.111 all Int•; __ pills. on 143Te/HIPAX. Jun..., It 4 r. z,"l,rrvArierve,r.traatil,"ir,A . :. FOR CINCINNATI and LOI.IIBY/1.1.b.. , 1he epletbild end t ewltt blearncy trill I•-•rr above 05 711' C 11 1 =70711 Inst.. rit • tn. Cur ftekbt or n•usege. ay:+l7 on board or la iI.ACIt 3 CUI.I.INUWtnm, CM@ • Torn!.• Oletivryno el 1!l Mr, H. p . 1,00:11trt, to the Ani Oilier .0. Yoneral will lake Place fro.' hor late deoce. No. TA rlno ttrelL. on Loy Vtb. at s o'clock r. 0. of the ',lolly rcilpectltt ty 10,1101ln M.o.'. ~II•.ACK.—I)n Tu. e.lay, Moo ',Sal 120 . e1001, Mr. J 12 1 ,15 11141 CH. to t ocTetti Soar of hie •ne. The relatives and friend . . or the family are re spectfully Invited to attend the Metal. on Tilut.ewskrotritso. at rh o'clork. front the retitlitre of his son.lo-12w. Mr. Wm. M•liee, South Avenue. ilesheny city. ltt Sewickley. on Tuee.lte.evenlue. May netty.kP th. of eon e ree Tear, motion, JAMES A. 1(000, eyed Sawlelle • a he remains gill leare Sawleiley at Vitt a. m. en Faint, May Mat. an.l will Bertar at the Al legheny Liepot at 11.0 S. Caerirgey will he to at. tendauer at the Pepot to pro ofd to Sit. Linton Cemetery. The friend. of the family are Molted to attend. )10:".0.—fla. Kann.rorm.. May Elti at I o'Oculg, N El )10,01t1,. The Ittneral .111 tate place from her Sete real den ee onl•art Street, three door nret Tsi most street, Allegheny City, ill I e •7 . T.N001f ate 001001. The friend.. the (many respect fully thrlle.l to .ttend. YOUNI3.—On Tue.dny tunrnlrg. Mb, at . lOo'clo^k .101311, 11. only roam( the Isle etafford and buosn Young numeral treat the reehlenee of hit moth,. cite tier et Alt gley ahw Broad meet, East 1.11.,,t T, on Tithvtorr, 010 anal, at It n'Ouck a. nt. NEW ADVERTISE COMM ALES. AIKEN. UNDEIITAKEII, No. IMIG Fourth Wert, Illtsburgh, CUPPING of all kind.: CLIAPEd, ULOVES. and every deaerlption of r.e.1,11 Porn!.leg liooda farnleheA. Itoonmonvned dayand night. Hearst and Carriage. fernialled. llzzzzz Urrld Kew, LI, 11.. Po? 1.4.0., Thom,. AIM Miller. Fla. J • _G. 1110014ERM, I • ILLII AND ER RA I.ldrfle. encuessor to the late lismuet K. 11.nignm, No. 20 Ohio Strurt. three doom from beaver. Allegheny City. He. Male, Rosewood. Mahogany, Walnut and Mugu ...a ImltatlOn corn.. at the lowest reduce . d prices, Ropes open at all hours. day and night. 'Masse and C. 0.,. fur MAO shot t notice and on most ro awn .ble terms. I? b. T. WHITE. Or. C 0.,• TAKSILI AND. JIMS - ALAIRNS, Manche.. ter. Wood . . Una sad •Icluity. 10010 Ramos at Mantis I.lvcr7 thable, corner tlbetilcht Sod (Martial! Streets. !]suit And (7•171. A.. fut olabed. • • f. STEWAIIT, Usidertaker, L'. earner of MOUTON anti PENN ISTNIPN'IN Ninth Ward. Pent. of .It hinds. Hearse and Carriages furnished en the shortest notun. WANTED. A CARRtACE PAINTER. • trs wane paid, and stead, work for • VIM can at the owes of ABEL II HOVEL, between cline and lea o'clock. MI day. 5tlX FV. ONE DOLLAR YOU CAN CAN Atid a Can of good NIISICI TuauLTUZI: 'AI ILI TEDEIULL BLEKILT, •11e4hany scolficd 01084/C HICALVIEd• PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: THURSDAY, MAY )s6l ;I; , ; FULTON, COLMAN a. CO., I=E5 CORDAGE, OAKUM, TWI~iEB~.O et wig Warehouse, U 4 & 115 water et Call or Send for Clrrsdar RIVER NEWS The river was apparently at a stand last eve rting with sent eleven feet in the channel. In the aftern.d, the Allegheny was reported ri sing at 011 city, with sot and a half feet In the channel, giving goal evidence of henry rains at the head waters of that stream. Here, the weather was warm and unsettled yesterday, with Indications at lime , of more rain. Business was more Fictive at the ever yester day, the offerings of freight forst, ',Mats being more liberal, and the landing presented a more than usual cheerful appearance: there le Still an ataundance of room for improvement, how. There has been noArrival• since our 101 l re port aside from the regular pockets, end the Argosy, from Cincinnati, with a very good tar was the only transient departure. The Wile, from Cincinnati, and the Aernenta, from Saint Louis. are anmog.the first boats due. The Maggie Rays will positively leave for St. 1.0014 to-day, and .hl prier. will confer a favor by sending down their tills of Coding as early as possible. The Maggie is a very com fortable and relinblecraft. The Minnie, Capt. Shaw, Is next In turn for St. Lthis, and will at once commence business. The tilasgow U towhee at Wheeling for St. Louis. We cnn spare two or three more boots for that point, If the Wheellngite• will agree to load them. The Spray has withdrawn from the Porto mouth trade, and .he is now laid up vomewhero below. The Lecivire is laid up at t'lncinnal I-- she Is altered' for sale. Iter °Ricers hare teethed home. The Ida Rees, Capt. Joe. Brown, is titling up steadily for Cincinnati and Louisville, rout will soon he ready to take her departure. The Wlid Duck nod ['amen arrived at. Saint Louie on Monday, and tlie tithe, Reptstrlic was expected in Monday night. The Deer Lodge is about due nt St. Louis from Fort Menton, and she Is aced for second trip leaving about June loth.noun • The Amenin. with .3 tons of lro'n ore for Ironton and Steubenville, nod tons for Pittsburgh, lett Clarion.. on Monday, and the Belle arrived there the same day. The 2.g_pri Lorena and Jolt. N Issed Louisville tro Jlonday, Ite did also the W, A. Caldwell Imes Evanaville.. Mr. Jos. Moyer, an old Ater clerk, has re ceived nu nppointment at clerk In the Cincin nati Postothee, throush Poatmaster Thomas. The Louisville Courier, of 'llloadayonys. The arrival. of coal since our last moon have included the following towboats: Sam. Rob erts, with nlne barges; the Mary Ann; with ton barges and boats. and the Elsie, with nitre, and 1110 Diamond . with twelve, ranktna in all 52 , ,v00 bushels of coal. 'Ylre Sam. itobert• came In Friday, and returned the name evening. The Ella left Pittsborgh Imola). with seven hatges • of c .al. for Horner, Wood rt Co.; the Fred. departrd on Saturday, with six barges, for Hughes .t licauerly. The rimiltville Democrat. of Suorisy, says: The P. W. Strader and Richmond :Mt tole port together Sucoray two week. op, The V. W Shade, arrived here ye. , tra.Y morothg. nod the Richmond rvall be here this moruing. An ingenious memo Troy is building it Ili. Ire propeller which has blur screws. all located .llreetty under the vessel. The Id.a. of the builds r Is that the location of the screws under the vessel tie It much greater speed. ns at-that tealut the screws operate Oven .. ..ha water' . litOUP,llli consequainly gslu addition vi potter end efficiency. STEARLIIOATIS FOlt NT. LOUIS, liEO-aMt il KUK. ouuquE ANSI IST. . lltie .team., II 116 1111 l 6 1161, ' CAD, Will 1ei.... as AA 1111! 1161. the 3,, last, al 4 iticOict p. rnr ft"'"°rrl7.7lnita:Wf.i?"." or 16,21 J. D. ..11.1..N.i5,11.111. FOR CINCINNATI andpAr, LOUI,NII.I.K. RV ZRY SATURDAY. AT 12 R. Tb• She. Ceara tpaleenber ;mete LAW: !DEY. Commaudtr ; J. W. CI, A. rut fr. If Lt or to Axe.. 1.35 I itt I ' ll j t! . l 4 A ! N ATM I.ItAVINI) EVERY IVEIMUX e.y AT x H. —The he-ht and C0191011.1i011. L•pf. LIMN VANDZatilft, W. H. evoll. rot ht'''" or D. tr.lll',".B l l,Stk fell (JUAN. 11AILMICS f Wzo. mAitzionr & llancloarairera and Wholcaa'a Ike.len In .a, BROOMS, Broom Brush and Broom Findings. rectory owl Wirchonoo. to tho roar of Soho maker & boos s. No.. 172 and 174 Wood XI., Plll.burgh ap111.1.72 NOTICE TO HACK-DOIVEIt9. ~.., t/rrics oir Itlconnirto Rant, atm/. I • rlttehurgh.,llar 24111. Md. t I • hy direction •I' the htreet lhhomit'ile or the I Cite or rit i tsboralt i, all Cargpaes, ilache and 'irPIVS e n r : ''. 7 t . b . c . llUnt=er: 1111 L O: Ilr = l el on Wale street., between rialthileld and Wood atree.s. dat a olatanee of Mu, (110 feet aenth . : of then .:b curb or Wit. r .treat. Any • 'dation or ado order will be dealt with 1 , 1 accordanet• with to ordlaanco pulled natal i 14111. Mr. - 11. J. lIOOBE, Recording Iteiciletor and Clerk c ref ni Iltee myßnai 14`011 NALE.—AI splendid pair t' r ' t ,l %. l . c : 4o rfr;vl l =ru`g etc', 11 fret wrought Iron *bane &no crank.. One Doom Engine. One tralght O l uttr:f rft:Nrcter"y n " la n rt filr;o to r n irettil. "! boat.. We will f - raitn . lloller. to mitten. end net the entire machinery. I^r either a drill ciao freight or t".. boat. p u 11. ta omplete working order. ow board of • .w said Well/dutiable. king an Intaieet lD Engel,. of 110011 N. BMX tCO At the Industrial Works = =!I=E BAIIR & • .AL.Vi.C733.XTMICWSI4 TAMP ASSOCIATION non:num. - No.oi and V.P. ANAL'''. STUMM PITTSOURtiId. PA. 'hotels' attentionaloe. to the dashcalat and building." Ooart mans .an 4 Dublis UFMWRZ. LADIES , GOLD WATCHES. Another bit Just Received, Embracing some of the beat styles or seeing ever bran/skit to this alert, PLAIN ENGINE TUR‘ZiI. LNAIRLVED TOL'ANn B,,TTOM =1 =EI We "'mild sak li•ose wlm e desirous 01 1111e ehnalag apythlex Ils e to nil al once nod see OM stock. DUNSEATH & CO., Wawa"Lorrs, = JOLIDISTON & SCOTT, • En= Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewell') SILYER•PLATED WARE, ETC:, No. 214 trrltlL6a, .1E . 33t111a.1011.1 - liale Peaa T li' ['articular attention Ewen lilt Bona Our Watonai. Clock. and Jewelry. All' work 111rrra, ranted GOODS FOR TR MILLION! EMI SMITHSON, PALMER AUCTION MART, 55c457 111 , 111 sr y ; Pittsburg:li Dolly con.t.vmenb. ne . itaunrt.l Goods from all part. or tly: United If talc, 4.0 be •old at PRIVATE SALE Wholesale and Befall, i RtGARDLESS OF VALUE. MEN'S. WOMEN'S. I.3III..DENN'S AND YOUTHS' WM3IB. B lONS. UAITEMS, UAL-' M. ItAlm ANN S••INCEM.. DOMESTIC LIMY COMM CLOTHS, CASSIM NUNS, JEANS. CO rTSSNA MEN, 51111til AND DMA WENS. OLOV HA. ISOMNEV. MANDKINCIII NY), stwENDEp. 421:11,E1LY. POCKET HOUK, 1.1A75, CANNET BANNS. • ; ==! Ingrain,.llag and Linen! At Auction Prioci-31 AT lIYIELLINL'S OLD STIND, Nos. 55 AND 57 MTh STREET, N. 11.—Furalture •nn Ili.msehot.llino.l• for ”Ir at Auctloa on EVERY T1111.t1,111/..Y. = :89 89 89 S 9 59 89 59 59 S 9 i 4 9; 89 MARKET STREET. Is 9 i...m Go _To • • 89 9: 89 Market. Street, X B9 ANL/ IJET TOUR • .1 9 ; BOUTS, SHOES, MI i s 9 .. • SO ' ; THY. CIIE.APEST AND HEST . s 9 2N wlzsisu e:33c.r-ir 89 „,,,.• NO ACCTPIN , P.,00,1 KYPT. s ,' JAS. ROBB, 89 Market St. s 9; ;MI, SD .. N9 li9 f.b9 $49 S 9 T uE °CIL. WHEELER WILnON 11A1211IN n hart all 0{10,5. far IdtnllT Inc and Cc:arra, nnrl , d•n, • w•ll co tabllntied and gen,dll, that an nnumnrallun ol tnelr ra /Wye esrel lcun'talo tta cdo:l.ter, d nrcus.a. r n ,y Ara .ocutn, dumb!: and Van. N.. 27 i7YrIl sru BET. Ali J. LPtT.I~PCT... Lw LODUW~Y .0 FQhll', Saddles, liarnems Trun and •II Inn - 11c, In thi It 11n- ‘15!n11) k«l4 a..w... N0.10`2 Wood Street, I=l )41061161.•N U... •.. "111. MORELAND &, NHICIIELL, Livrry and Sale Stables, 4Z LeDEHTT STREET, I= PITTSBURCH. /fir Petri Iral. attitton pl.' tu (LT11101124 lictran •ti.l Carriage. fur to utras. " Hunts I,pi at • HORSES FOR SAILgcrAT Howard's Livery Statile, I= Unn 11 . 1 t 4 r , v" , "1 rnllr drive; will not law. llnrrr. ::00th slid gold at CLOSH & Practical Furaitortillanufacturert CUR. PENN AND WAYBE ST3 Lunt styles of tllllN tTllltlt constantly Etoinuno, ciu. & CO., — Anchor cottoh dulls, l'ittsburgti; . 11.1thkelnerro of 1111A - VY. fillllllll.l & I.IIIIIT. 10./..tiellolt Allll 1.1.‘111..t.1.1W PTEETINCIII All 11 UATTIN Y. JAMES B. JONES, iDicSato tN • . Sic rein Iron, Light Iron, ()AST AND WEIAIVGIIT 1110 N: . 1%.C1.1.261, elb C 7. Corner Anderson R n 4 111.1ssr Avenue. Allenhosay . City. .•.)ElC3ll=_El-3,, DRALLII IN• CEMENT, rIIIE MOCK ANIS TILE, STUN 11 . 1p111.Tlin, T Ol Oaks awl Warehouse, RST S 157 FITREET; ohboalls alusousshcia House. H. 13 . I,VOIN, • Sealer of Weights and Measures, No. 5 FOURTIII lETHEET, lielareet Liberty sal4,lFerra,street, pronnltli attenOe4 NEW FIRST-CLASS GROCERY, N0..134 FEOEILAL NT., AI.LSUIIENY.• Fresh stock of choice Teas, Coins, sugars, Zfr., Which We slier to the puldtn sI lowest • A. G. BRYANT. • CARD. MCCANDLESM h CO.; ILitte Wilson. Carr & Cu.,) WIIULEBLLE DICALEItti IN • FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. No. DI WOOD PoTHEET, Ihlnt house Above Diamond alley, PITT80LIR(111. • PIANOS AND ORGANS.—A very large Stock of • KNAX IC • CO.ll PIANOS, Haitian Been. ri I NOD, and I'ILINCES. AUTOMATIC ().11 , Aliti, At ISLUMWM IMUDIC (WORM, mill , 160. 43 )WD.! ISTRtET. NEW BARBER SHOP AND BATH HOlliE. 10. Aradelny f /11141 e. Liberty 'treat "m op.o. • • FLEIIIINO It BUCHNER, . m)21:40 I Propthnurs. SODA 41811-100 cis. Common; for Nis J. L. U. 41 1. Jrritn ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE for the Grad- NATIONAL BOILER WORKS. Ina. Par.{ and telling with Curt:Mon. of "Pr ne Alley. Pu.itoar IBe It ordained and rnnctrrf r, • N yore A Idormen oaf <Mesons of i e ttrieleur clef nrrlh•.rny gek f te enema te•ehnetts oseesenbteed nod e ' ir ✓" Boilers, Tanks, Stills, ame- That the Itseordloa teemator he a. be la hereby authorised to advents, for proposals for the letraellng, Bast, ant! salsas nettle Ler, stones ot spleen/sane, between Morels and Baed win streets. with , orbs on oils sittes. ard to let the same In ate Mante loath as onllnames Amine{ Ms , Ise.; and an act 01 Ass.. •p prevse: A•Ay gejs pans'al: or rf part of the cerement time. he and thee same I, herd,, re pealed.. far as the same allhets this ordinance ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils MI. MO day oT May. A SheetlronWork, &MASI, Nest& nt of sachet Commit. • Attest M. P. MOI now. a Conertruebed In the heat 111LPOOr and with Clkrir. of ide, Conmell • TilelMAn bfle.} Promptmss. President or conet,9n Council. e Atteest. Mc.11‘,.. BIM Eh As low Sine bllßEillott RUSK noes re of Common Centel!. CAN LIS Arrueeze el A -- N ORDINANCE for the Grad -4.A lea. Paying .4 th With 10th... of Poplar aloe y s,. WITHEROW BuroLASS & SON, • Mnu tA.••lnland and suyeted Mr, r tferm,n tt.” • 1 Pelts... I/I nr I n oese,therel .0 If Catkin ... to. MOISMIABIteIn Ibron h, I.•re',” torattoo•J 117/1, /Mt/ 4,11 L. 011itr WI/ h; • lOR ttl• O r r ' rrl ' a ' . Al the South End of .he Monona.. la 011dae, salt for the leraellne I ail. and Bettina with te“ Y% 4 un: of Poplar al'vy, Os and NATIONAL FOUNDRY I e basic I August slit. IS and •n art f A.scmh.y aphroreo Janna s ft, iv I ,Itt• That any ordinauce or part of or !I na.. cting Ith the. passaaL or MAc cell nue. at the present time. be Mill the same• le In re by n {waled to far at tbe same saute this o dinalice • helaleatd easrted Into a law In Councils this .7.1 i Jai el , A ie. Be, JaMth reit lent of :Shit t lee mil. Atoll E. 0. 4,0000 • Lk'''. ref :eh , Erw bleat of Comm. Council. Attest: Milli un-, Celts% 01 Common Council. AN ORDINANCE for the Grad rrie anel dotting rill, urn,toms Or MEI I bee ft , A , lrtgr3•4 Lot fro, hi t Mr r. • anti Ott: Ink Pll f rerph. tea f " :7;;Aa ~ WA , I. an 1 .6 onel rehh - tid • one that the he eue el Ina 111,. ato nic acel bk Is crib} autunrized to nett ertl for t roposals lot elo wa ter•dina. Paving and eettlne le Lurb ee of Mors. street, ;rote Bann to Small... Mulberry she r, frees Morris to Bus atreet, noel t.e the stone in ate entauce with au °Mi n., c ira.stel Ali 5tee111...07, and al• act of As. •enehli "Wino , latoitry CO, ISt em I. ;bat any , oterancti or I. e of ord. .oc...rennet. Beg wt... passage of this onll. •rehe et the . 1././I'llto MO he Ilse mono le le tel. rem algid so far an tut tame at.cts this Ordinance . • tl h re . l i e ay i l 3 , 0;12 nacli.11114;2.1.1r1C011/1/11St11111 Y, A. D .IA.M . LiI MeAlll.O7, Br,•Melt nt of ticket Council. Atteil B. Meo eeh C" rk El„ I' tarsal of Connuou Council.Aß )tell W Oct.nt eauAtita, ittk of Common Council, IN ORDINANCE for the Grad- t tewsatmc With Curbnteeesut T 7.7, -g.7.!, ~ r dnr..ra an! • weird / thr they e, It le morel t 4 Artett rot, eare. t anvils ax.e..4l•A anot I/ herr?, urll , llOlo end ra-1,10.M era, ff. • to, I h ew s t the Ittiorillog and lee I, ben eßeer.. to a lerertlse hr. pro... toe tl nraelerti. I,li¢ a. b WWI "r rail' I eionsend sin t. ektw.en cmur awl t lark amt. an I to let thcsame In ...- , whir OrtIIII/I -• ons.ol Augeeet mat. s eed an settee( Aasterrbly approved January 0111. / 7 ;;O ' ralY/ t g7ltr d :::;4e P O . r rt tll o : ' llg - I t at toe ,r. me. be and tn. same nneb, re pealed f r as Mu same ant t tlils & CO.'S L,t1 , 11 . 0 law In Councils A. 11.. 1457. JAME:. MeAIN.EY Am,: E. S. C""'Ic". A Clerk uf belpet Council!, Tllttit AS Pre•ldent urCommen Connell. Attest. 111(1,1 .Itesl.tstut. tn).l) Clerk 41 Common Connell.' A NI ORDINANCE for the Grad- MR. Peel, and Bot.tag with C.W.O. 4 Lreertord et.' ter tin), I. Be it re7t.fe'l by IS , N , rrnr, Aldr, and rifle,. .7 I.4(tArtrph, iri 5.1.1 nad rt.eryntd.d. and It hei,e e ./1,1 tri fed by auth.rsto n.r Necorciug Ite•unvor he and he Is Net .Gem llnetnd W;hat:re7.: : :rt and to let Ult. earn? inn :.,eordenee *I th an ordl. •rt an att or ••- xembly approve., demur) mA.• i hat any dins ce or Ott Cr ordl• ran, no, M - etina• with the paseage of Pile ora I ano: •t the pra,OIL CM, a•d the atme.ln h.retry r,toeaten en far aa the same atreeu Ull* orelna.e.. ordain d and rustled Into a law In Council., th" Presidynt :wlecl. I Council. Attest; E. S. Ilunatww. Clark or nalact I.waldent of Common Conn al. It V"; "' ,000011. .• N 011DECIL NICE for the Coo. A . ;11;c7T;;;;in7u;;I; .ST,;[l. otilTra;bcll - 1 1. 1, it ard.rined rsetd enacted by Mr .1 14. r/a.n and 1 1 .7/.:•a. • Pittsburg,. in nr/I•rt,s,n , ;lll. nud ft ar acr./.,ror.f.itne.l and.narfed. by Ile molar: HIS 1 1( 1 hat the according alga:l4.r Oa au., I•l...rchy dlreate.• to advent. fos.prup mat. tot 11:e co...ruction of • Cunl!c aeverr on etrawt e al r fro, the t...terl., aldr. 'of llharty allry. 41.1 a f °rant "reel. to Liberty air... and to lel the tame., accordance watt, n act of As- Ulu 41, n-pprov.d Januar, CU. .1. . .111 Lt for IN. payment ns of • .1:1 term It Is herr , ordatned an d . beefed at the areparty twat:liter! by Os elms Yuc [lon of naal Sewer /1.11 be ansestle:l (oitis and ertulta. L. 2!. and tV:,V ! `.. , 7, return . 1.1. n 'aloe In ' ma'co ' rat . .te .11.1 above tot n:loned Act of At.rmhfr e . Sac.t. That arts tarlatan , : of pin cf ord., nett, contllctlrg wlth t: Swage or =ls ordl• nattee at the at - c.a. thee. be andShr saute Is herchy rracahrl ao f.r the tune affects th in ortllnancl 0111,,,1 .or vhaeleal IMO lan la Connell, thin Va h day of Mat. 1L. J . , V i r 5 f..„6 , ,, II l'rerldeu4of Select Cortacll. e. tie 3 in=ct Coon ll cll.l THli3l us SPISFI., /151 test: Ilt . 1 17 1 CI. rk ..1 Vortanon A N for comtruct -4= =ln. a pubc.. sewer on Flllhatre... 1, It orfalual and. otac,ol to thi 1,1 1/cr: raon , grof c./frra. , •( Piffabo aaa. i0:a1.4.1 nod it a. on. as ,l3ortly of Mr • {Us Itrovntor be and 1 3 dirr clad to a•l‘.-rtlra sor aropor , 4l• far .•..natrua a5uh1t.......r0a 111fatotruet, front Wood to Mar ana to let thn arspr.l4/ Avl. ••-csubly.appr /ved January.,ll. 1.1 ~2 '1 bat far the Payment and elven.. of 'My sew., IL Is Arr.!, on:alue.l and euacted that lac prosarty brucatt..l hr the ...err:ruction .of a•td ••r knoll he ...u.Lahlr and ItT;IZ!, Fltli, ut. so return Mu e.t, I ac tlMd alth the J:r:t A•5t.14....1y. cf J aluary 11, EMEI4 . . . . . 00, t That at, ordinance or part 01 0011, Im Lop ntaleg with the Paata•e or mt. 0.11• truest at tee ',trot the.. he and to r sane. I. triteat rcpt . , d so tar 1/. the stele ant,. this „„er.;,... - - et - Nl:tied and eacted Into a: aW In Colluentl. ' OohI" .'" u: tee, A aiNg 7 : 111 - 70;:01. ',pakten. of :tit. Council. A""' E. n. Atte., ll4ttiii AP r i ' :env.:,;trllntctl IVobuo.TtiE.l. f i Cu . t 04 . T.ul.tVrat vdAttr o utnCu . ell. pc , .31 l'lcrl of Ci. in ~,,, •I Connell. A N Ott DINA:VC*: kAtenehug the ~ Flith and Wood Overt stater. ' ,:t.aitee I. I , a etetaturtVond ••etefed try do , I/ 4 ,, 4 14,,,,,,,t qt./ r•itt:rds , t r rttfrAtert. 1,.. Nei.! otal ~,, 0.4,•• ris tr.v•lntl..l..iue at /. 4• ,,, t0 er.ident,l ow/ .4•14 Of!, Ili. out Nch , f I , .., Ow ~1,..r, That the hetotd. he Isetealator he 00;1 it by i, , rens •ettant !red taeootie. the. Fifth nod va,atti 'Art r I 'trate r t•w ant 1114. /lon °III/ theta ricer to ouch a ro'itt that the bottom or the lid • tare may tie to ttl fret 00010.0 f .01101, of g:4,..' ', " 7t . Ca o e r o:t.. ‘ t! ' ft rg:r." that depth or \ vac I..Thtfor Of Tn.: Fit of 'coat WWI cape WI. .4.14 . twer an • IWO,. It I. loretety ordered Fit rrlet• Ills. the rruperty hrnenttd L) the , ' n ,tuetien el' i atter. rsa ail tel atacti.ed rout 1,. and fairly..d the Couttel, do beret,' itp -141.111,.110t,t. Watattn. ono. Wile. and denies T r." . L .;; 1 , - .P.It .ttl.'`,7,:::,`,!n":TAt (or ~el.l rot: er 1 to It. leruttntatt at a rttear trio Ilonon rato,a. tit cr and to approve t be 10 • 1 Sun. a tt• It attd 1,, 0,1 to the tele, Itool. la the tie. ' ir:ft ' ll '' .Z .i`g: rt`,.°.i ;V:I I 15,1', 71 1,-I::;:.Tr..';-::°,27;1. ..All matt larly rotor crtdles the retatt•toPo- Ille the names of perattna as tatty hay their et. R ueter ut •, and thall tale ri . twlpt.iftetn conteael. . Itrtrf hr t.=l ' l:.':rPcnig.277 . 7L " : "' part raid at• attneut ?tall be the rtty7 t 41 4 .. The asoestmeu .4. when aliPtbte4 by C.T . orlival be bt0,1114,/ one lime in the pa ern:l"4::.l.l%teot Ci Pµ`°". ty days r ,',llt,:4l7o',`ii: • :„" m ". - .1.11 be coin.. ta-d by the ell) &Triter, Wilk pre rrn.ll. Pc,. 4. That any ordinance di Tian of ordleinee r.eitteti. tellp the t t.te.are 01 thlo °NI ranee at the crraeut time t be and the lame to hereby re tvlt •I se far at lb, 1.1114 VI,. till, ordinance. thtl ' A l ltVerel • . 1 / 1 511.:4 3t4/1111.1:Y. rrreldet.t of Petty) Ctruact , • Attest N lloacame. lrlt of et Council). hTICTL, • Froold.t Consittott I Attrat limn st•lerlett. Cantmou Vottnel!. mylb N ORDINANCE for the con :::2%1`4;! bi , ri.s.r• r 131,1 1.1(IZI 11/ Col lay Srle , t o • ad lLe Voune tf fa t 0. ..edden•d th., • hat arc 11,,mrdint 'ha olator be and by 1a to,by inther,ol and dlr. et,edlto ads ertlse; • or tt i .. " lVt s , /the to e: from VFigas lien,,, etre, I to Illitenber I Kt, •, reel ; That for the na , ntenta ofand en pen... of ,OPStrurtio, said Sewer and Inlets, It he:eby ordered and din eted thai !tn. lakted by tit eustroutt on of maid...wee shall crtr be a,. is Lo roultab.Y and lt nd It aly appoint tomato sant tory and muc nt. essmu and Ow ap e, p woe • MR, ' r,tr4tW,N. t h .',",1:in°.1;,=,74,.. a " re " tottt enottactura or ofuers fur 111,1nonay; C I ehy n o tho Como:late, provided Oat no par: of .and aaaaaa went .Loll be upon the ettY b/aasesstnents, wherilapprov.d bf . Cutturtie. shall I...published one Unto In 11,a pers authorised 10110 tpe city pellltlne. with a note attartted that When not paldi i teltnin thirty day , nit , the ailpruval uf Conn the same shall he colt. eted by the City wr Witt Ore T per cent. added. I • Mtn., iii. passagti. ilanen MC prtaent time. 1.0 •pd vrJln~upealed so far as Oar saina unlalur.l and r t! c . t!.rtrliniut la, to Covvtllsr thiaiii;;;;;;7 ;;;`,Vir.l3;. l, t' JAMXI McAULET, Prrtldetit Of &lOC COOOoll A""" Et!!•MATI:T.2._: • • iii;rl, of select Conectl. •, 1 1; 4 .014.15T0E4, .Pre•ldent Of 00 1 00.40. 7 .Attrat: 11,311 Mcitaliv elect of Carnyn6 Con ell. 'myMt N 0 iiiii NANCE for Gm Jrad. inc add raelna of neatly. Mareto4 I. llr ft orricanell and eimeteil by the Motto, .41d.rrern and (MI.. of Pitt gOnrylt. in tiler! rind Conarnon Cotibril. ond ft f• Arrft,y,orthrin el awl rnorted by the aulAorlty of 1/ , 'on, That tha Itecordtel It... Water be and TArTA e" o l tlig(r: r st7: ley, front tlrern Dertllleta mirk, , and to let the alone la ac.onlance with ono rdtnance I , Meed Annan 3let, MI and 41, not ofinatemb•Y prayed Jan . ises lbel. nee. 2. lhat any, ordinance ni part of evil ! nience It Me pulian of 161. or.ll - nance at the regent time, be and the aantella hereby repealed. a far as the sada affects tllll. nedinare. th wy i g y n a vit m e o n t a . cle . tl l t t n . tu . lejr In Councils, JA.ttle.l AU rrealdent of Select Council. Attc.l: Z.ll. alontobw, • thlcrl tit ticket flot;notl. . . Alteatt IT 6171 Lgblut.triCll C kof I.Nirpsotin I' .13 urn. A N OIRIMINANCE for the hliald “. Int of WWI t 11,7110.5 I. Bs I( nnllnt.l etinefret by Me lbw, tztolarta ttesd citizens 4. Pllfehtlryta. Nthrt el rut Corn.....ri 0/4../telit ,e/../M/./r.l. and (t amt, onlrt Id °n4 n rted.l Ay m41'10114, 4,( 4 0,, rs " gi oi t t . a Ttitigtt.7tr n for tho wadi. at Bel _ thorn Peon to author street. walla la accord.. wlth an otdlnaana • _rn: Nat, mad art al Mortally • • • • ma Ma. mu; y. That any o p r enotoreleanee manioc., or Ith It a p thloordlnaneo at tamper.. time. be so • t a attae If locreby re pealed. an far as the Sllntolloeta thlaordtmare. Onlato.and enacted Into •h. In Cannella, th4a Vth day of May o A. IL. tar: • J AMU IicAULICT. YrooldenlofeelettCounell. • Attest: E. tl. MOnnoor, Clerk of P. C. • 1110SIMI !ITEM. YrealdentotConlaton Conn.. Attlatt BCYII atoldwasa, CIO/cot U. C. o,', ciao 4Evial :4 34 ;i_z! PANS, qIIIWNEi% =I AND PIPI; woi rs, corner earrollt and Smalls:man Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH, PA VVIN!(- MANUFACTURER OF Cast Ikon Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS • . , My riper are all cart b lilt", In Dry Sand autin FILICYI.IOOI,I,C. .0, a 1111/ moor.- mcut of • GENITIG CASTINGS FO2 GAS AND VATS,. TORKF. I would aleocall the Mention of eueertntrod en ta Viprks to my make of kIXTUAT.I. 17011 1 1 1 PITT BOILER; STU IND TINE WCYIELIEZS. CARROLL A SNYDER. TUBULAR, DOUBLE•YLUED, TUGULAK PIDE-BOX CILIND I; STEAM BOLL EKS, OIL BULLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSENo, STEAM PUMA, GABOILETER-S, ANDIRON BUDGES, , PRISON DOORS AND COAI4 §II37TES. Wass andWorka earlserSefrand. Third ./hart atad.Llbarty Straits. Pittsburgh, PennsylirOxtis. airOrdera sent to the above iddresa 0111 be nteanptle attended to. ‘ VMSTIVIUT:S IRON AND MIL 'WORKS. LEWIS, BAILEY, DALZELL & CO. rzrzn3 IMIM BAR, BOILER, SHEET AND 1 1 1 .421...W3Er5. XPI.C)IV NAILS AND NAIL REDS. OFFICE AND WABEIWUSE. Nom. 64, 66 & GS An7drsint St., Three squarer Norrh of Haiti Cr. Br.O n'. . ALI.EIaILINI , CITY. apo:Ess KENSINGTON IRON WORKS, LLOYD k BLACK, i IItANC7.II.TL'UZZIS 0/ Best Common, Rennet Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. .I&3IWHAST HAN. BOUM) & 114,1UA RE IRON fluor. &AND. T v ied ANULLI.III)ti'. • BOILER ELATEj.RA GREET IRON MOWER and !LEAVER ERRS CYLLNDER and (MAUL Ott 111:61611 11111 1.11.1. LL T RAILS, SO and 16 Inn. to (Ca nil WICOUGHT CHAIRS and Britt En foi lama FLAT RAILS. Fonched and Counturtnnl. COAL SCREEN ❑ON. NAILS sod '‘'arehtsue.No. ItS Water and Ns, Warehouse. No. He Water arm . ;1,4 IV KEYSTONE IRON WORKS. HIITCHISON, GLASS & CO., . . , Yannfacturers or the different Call o ---- UTILITV WORKS. u LII3I3,3VVV-I,Elatona, for New °Deana yla Ke3 West and Havana, Tilos. . 8.0. Round, Square, Flat and ' ommander. WED SEv DAY. Aprtt Illb. IircLEAN Cc BLATOR, .4C08A'.11.11,0 ton. Fur New Orleans sad Horse-Shoe Bar Iron, as T. Comma n d, on SATURDAY. Mas Mi. tio. 83 Merl) St., opposite from lillOWEll• WHARF, FELL'S 1 DINT. Hoop arid Hand Iron, Fourth, at Z o.clues. p• at , precisely. on Du days . ... Boller-Plate, Tank and WAVOYAMrvitnan or . , nouveau. • For freight or au." having onsempaund CABINET BIAKERS' HARDWARE. "7321 , 17,1!linifirli' ' -iLD a co. A...u. 1 Salt-Pan Iron, They make a apeetaltr of Don Bedste.l and Jo nrzaqr‘rcutur. 4 Sheet Iron, &c,, ihc., &e, .. VD ..t Castors: 1 el - vele-In. Buts:tad and Pivot N. R.-erio Rills of Lading tralthoseof Wilma. L.tors: to dalcal I. as/toll:v. Molls for X.t.. P. , 1 lFal F. 3 4.. 4 Fe". IF , FpFl "F" IFOrks, VITT TOWNSHIP. on AlonennaVela slim TaLlsii, ..-. They rm. manufacture and Lunn be procured tram tills °Ma. o freight Mar. Delco and Warehouse:. - ' h ay, constan 0i on bands Marv , Latches, soon, receleau not bills of Wimp sinned on day °hall. Late! es,'s lt in 1..... r tea Latch es, Ins. _ , • Pala No. 146 Water St. t ',V-1n'1,1gy,r,, , ;,;,-4,1 , ,, , v,n 0 .,1,7ta , ,,, ; ,1 , u4 ..: RTEAM TO LID FROR LIVER. enta:pu ."'""!,'.2±5".."- ."- ~ 1 . , :.•- ..,-, POOL AND QUEENSTOWNiIInaLAntH 1. ROB ERT LvA TWICE A WEEK. The DOLAN WEE. aidlilig ---, " , EVERY SATURDAY ___ . X1;1 xY~ „ ~ Y iii w ~ H A5'L~ • ItANUFielelEllOri MILLER, BIER & PASKII, EVERY WEBITESEATI . , itaNitraertnliall or , STEAM ENGINES' , AR BOILERS • .iiatt. :.11 1 1,1"17,11411 gat Easland BEST •QUALITY (,AST • STEEL _ ,S ao land. llermany and Frame. Freight Roisters ~ . A "' " t'"''''..ll.filiirat.z. A,,, ,t Ve Equal to may In Akio Ea, tr, 15 Ornadwar, lei. Aga I. al tla•r led or or 1./.. Or,WM. Ittrillliall. J... ratty PI an n ul eture. AND DOCTOR ENGINES, d/cle Marne cations/Odle. Plttaborati. arscasa.. ATTIINTLON PAID TV YLNE OW Au I/ MS drY.T.I... , /Orem:lnas of all dmerlpenne mach to order Office; 38 Wood Street, IN ST. eIIALMES IltrrlSL billl..lllNti. elrinannou. Juan lath. lied. , le13:01 DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEI,WORIE. VaTilTovig WORKS. • RAILVIAN, RAHN' a CO., A. BRADLEY & CO: . . . 10./0101,1411laiR Or , - vulety of Halos, . Cook, Carlot and Deatihg Stores, .. Iron, .Nails,,' SPringg.' Axl— , . Among 4m ` 6 •re. lb ola tal. , ed ZUI3EX A ~. 'l . liAll•ly aid TAL.,AN' (cod 0tc...40 PLOUGH, 13PRISGAND A, K EVITZL, KL, sAs A vra - zus-s ..i inoNtiuneS tWow 000 k glove.) Alv, , nunulletur., W#RERousr., : GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, he. • Mr "' 77 W.46.e ' . 3-=a° t.. er.tV.Zi• r :ti.ejitrttrge:Vilr3 • PITTSBURGH. , ' -..... , , m" , ' PENNA. • ounow• • . 1., B"ORRS: • p ITTEIBURGIII STEEL WORE S, O'UAII4 BOILER • c a, MOIIROW BARWILL 1 ANDI4IIIOX,. COOL is "="b urcr.tcn. rAlas or Steam otters, Oil Agitator., Tann.. Malt Pat., Gazumeten, Wrutlght iron Midge; elmet. Iron Work, 4:c., &0., COIL LIBERTY AND SECOND STS co I. PITTSDUaIark, 1 1 PA. REPAIRING DONE PRO 111.21.1". my 31.1,3 Nu CIITUOLVIOTUSTUJ9NS. BUTD• CU Yvvnfvvtercrc u : A ' !: Cutß u"tot utd g.ugc., Reaping and Mowing Machin slag= mownimas. NPBUISS, AI I LEA 0111414.1/3/3, Cut & COM1:11011 PkaigliA Btging El:est, 011101—Cfrreer of First.4l Roo ftrelne leoo•••bove .11oriongehel• stoXl:de BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICES SINS: , =I No. 29 Wood Street Manufacture and trap cone twat on nand Thimble, Skein I Pipe Boxes, 7Ad ar ' 4 " 71,1'.1.T.W.a."" And tatting!, generally. ap;:i 76 tblc 'ha sun la c • thl. INDUSTRIA WORKS, HUGH. M. BOLE & CO., kngine Ole re, FOUNDERS AND 1 1 / 1 0HLISTS, L•nht •n 4 note, ..a o to ntnentneor neery deteVpllon mounfactorml on eton t ton.l Corner of Point Alley nod Duquesna Way, . I PATTAnUmfill, PA. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY._ Butler Btreot, Ninth Ward, OPLIMITIC UNION lituN AtlLLia, woigrimanurr.mstai•xa. Rilling Mill and Bridge Castings. litliNIET Afe cams smutty. Urdan Promptly and eira tally exa ' FAI Led. ()HAMM BLAZONAISLI. EBBEIRT & MACHLIND. , , .... . EVERISON,PREOT 0 N — dc C 0,.! ALLEN. PA 'ii . EIE at Co.. ; 011 Ire and Warrhouer, 301 LIBERTY ET., ; op ; pwrzroirx.raratur , probe tortilla:l4d. 11i.t...... tver7 Var.) of 1 ....ert.h.".f:sttl-glAilil TAIIVIbMigrIAT,I'M IRON . WCIELEKS. i gglgrfr , Porg'44 , : tku'rufttfiritilt3 . . erre or the Enaplba for wood; also, arab., Waseboawafor. PH and ua /OH et, OPloollto I ' l '' . " 4. "' '''''' ''' ..lti.. . I. °g 1... Iwa Hollow Ware generally. Movovisbelik House. rguboritl. ro. • spn:d3 IRON CITY MILLS. PITTSBURGH, IRON IVIIRK ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, 11 J. PAINTER & SONS. Yeerea,. Manufacturers of thireisftlanniats POllbitied Iron, Babket, Tub and Trunk iszumarr =maw. o z iannTAinuasamo.sonArarrer. HOOPS AND SHEETS, /wan . PITTIBBVILIM. PA. NAN UFACI'IIRERS. , .111.A.11,13.0AD; ICONI3IEIIIEIN - WORKS. , Etrita i t7.4l.. .. ,,fairimmit N.....v.iiu . l'emenger Tyelns on the . . , . Wl'stern Zello•Ilvenle riellroad will eiztee as , Atte. end elepr from the regent ntrret Depot JONES & LAUG1EL1N5,.:,:,.,.,F,4.:i„-:•., DAPART. , Trertart o. . i ,l3A.lll;M po rr pi,4.1111.21.: F.sprees lo , MA.n. , Nherpb•glioi .114 , ...,' i m i . i . X9El . 13117FILC 1 / 1 -3 SE. .. 7.h r tl` 4 4 , o 4 I In Zettignpr ee ., ~:,,,,,,, e port No.l 4 In r.B. , llermerseleAr 3:IPA.Ig KANOPARCILMtti OZ . Stall II srme„e, 4.. .. ' . ' l ' o ' r ' .ll . .lfire7p P e ° ;,‘,,",..7 .1!'" Al. Pr Delos run dant...mat nonllay..j.3."'L AMERICAN AID CLUB - 7 4;i&i , r:jv4.17,!n<it . ....,—. , ,...7.1...1,.; :,‘,.vz:: ,, °i.....':.,;,174"11.M.Lie..:47:;',n , Bar, lloo P, Sheet and Plate FM. " eg 3 eLtitt n ThAtot•-ror tate ta paakt,,,..of Bridge Iron; Twenty between Alieghany City. Chestnut Warn. ilea.. Bennet, nut Creek, Una Rua. Angle and T iron; , . anal only on the mem. et , plug at Stallone speellled on tickets. ~ Guard Iron; • Throng!, Tickets to litntrr and Ilaanabstotra. may . porelnued stMellter's etas . Wane. n o . tool Aereen Iron; • 1 nt. (Asir ntivet. near balbenston Bridge, PIMA. btirCli and at th e Vet.t, Allertavy CUT. T 8a 1 i0,16 si; 20 Ms. to the yard; rot luttler„, . . ~,1A..111.S LEYVV-ItTS, Agent. Tram Galls,punehed and court- , - • Federal Puce[ Repot. ter sunk ' The PoonsyiTanla Railroad will WA Sagami. - an, r alt for BrJeage. except fdr Wevlng Ap- Iloiler,Bridge and Tank uivets ptiel ' and Ilmit :heir reuponslblltty te Ontil 11,rortab Ilbt.Lans In veto, All ba.:Olade el-. Cut Tails and Spi.hes; • eredlng t-ils •Mount In valve , will loSt toe Flat Ship and Itcat Slit:Les; . of the owner, utdrasAaken by spectel cntact. . ..olvt.itii it. Wll.t.le.lln. Railroad Spiliem; - ••• , bb7:6 °deera' bun't. Altoona. Pa. Ral.troad Liati thtql and Halts; • pEsnigwiLy.Ati Railroad Car wuegls and Axles; .a. ,8 4 1L1 0 U 4, !. __________ Streot tsar wheeli and Axles; ()mend n'ter Aral . ... ata. ISST. Trains a rri veat _ Cout . Pit CU r 'Wheels and Axles ;' V , ;;I:1;,;:::,!, gru ' alti ' ::::: L'Mun.l”" o f Patent 1 2 . 1 1,1 4 : 1 1 t o e l a l l e , t e l r P i i l s! „... on God, ARIVS. OMPART. Patent Cold Milled Shafting; ' alio 'lto. •••• i i , l" ::iw " 7 . E .'..rr'''" ;;;; ; Mower , sthoon N 0 . 1.1.. 7:50S in: Well's No. Z... nits. us Gods; V.114 t ;r,, ....;:it ' ein I yarn...o 1-• i.i... , wsir. o. : t . ibans to ex.. nits. n o WAILAWILNIS AN. ttrYtt,. Chnelnustl Et. 0.0.15 tolWalre No. 3,..11.3. e no town i.e. We l ,. 120 Water and 163 Front fits: i:l,ll7. u iZt,:i l ?gtl'!'4'•ll!. N.. 4....1.11pm BRANCH HUUB.Z. - : WA , ra If .. F . ![!,' ? 2 tr0 a .,:t1 E .F....1 .. 1::12.1?!.. , , ii.:1:437 : iliii GIRW:iIiNO:T:. iii iiii No. 2Z 24 and 26 Myer Si Well's No. I— Aid Ts mi Wallis N: a... add 1. Mt .9 It allis No. 6.. 730 p pi , Peet Line, 10,At n m 491,c1E • ChIe AUD. ILL. Altoona Accent 'Wells N0.7...10:30 pm II --- . .4 NmJAreet SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. • ."'••• ''' ''''''' Cincinnati to leave. tiallp. All other Der. dells ascent dn..). SiNGER,.NINICK & CO ~ P i,.."1‘, ; i11i,tiii.7, : , r 7,..:4:,:ii!';`-f.?:::: , F.11:21".F: • IIJAM - I.l,cirat.6 Or I : i iiil ' WV = l a Igiiric l all'i &Con wren, M". L.T.V'T.::,`.?"4=1, 1 ;tnT1174.11 6 .. BEST REXEE]) CAST STEEL - . i.--v.." 4 lP.l'..l°'"'l'P. m. - Novthn esth of loth, the Penneylvente D. !, 9 ,, C., , , lmietny ntll hold then...lves responsible l'i;L . PITTSBURGH, Catimaus a GUARS,- TUT AND OCTAGON, OP AU SIM. ;. ..l,,Ti t i " sfall.' °''''' '''' d ''''. L ''''''''' ' MIAs. 710000. CinCOLA g n.OANO ANDCAOsis C -..! 1V '..—.. • W. H. DICUKWITH. Agent. SAW PLATES. ciricwigli R. R ILLLIPTIC AND .EZ]ll-ELlarrait- r PAN RANDLE ROUTE. ~ RAILWAY SPRINGS, In and alter SUNDAY. Y Apill Vdh, Pft , D , a lai will leave and... a. , tlya Data,. aalollowa I Cast Sprdn'g Steel. (nrlxc Cast and • German Plow Steel -- it rin°••• ..... . ••••• ri A. At. 10dr. r. itt. PLOW WlNtin AND IttArp.Lt BA 1 Mfal.l . 1.48. I . Mink! .. 2,16 , 61. 1010 .-...• .... 2:dt A. ta. 6:46 row • .... 6:10 A. Y. 6:65 P. r. SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE) g i tztAtiLl i lla A o t co .. 0 .. n. 3 cel; 11... t. 131, I.:. SICKLE. elt.i•EL, /WK. BANE, FoRK, TON' Walkers 1.1: ....11:00 T. Y. VD, r. u. CALM AND IiADIIIN ICILY Q.T . rPrYEL. Tht 11., A. 01 1 :train arrlrra It Cincinnati A CROW-BAILI, de, dc., At, t9z , rat , , zi. . 4rinfil a dt l in4 r k3 .7 . 'a HOURS IN AD Warehouse, 83 Water St., l'ittsegb, irrNo elsange.Of cars INlwtea Pi ttaningh and . ,k 4 Cincinnati. and:but ON e cbanaF to Pt. Loute' . . . . ATLAS WORKS, When porchnltte Tie en. toe mien and and in once of the Jll ORTOX STIVEEI. Plitt: 969, COMES & CIICIXWI B. t Ninth War.d, Pittsburgh, Union Depot, (south side.) . ID.G Tle kat Agent I. NOW. (Central Ticket MIMI., 10..:11 Milla.EU. O. E. Agillak. , 1,02/ THOMAS N. MILLER, ['resident. Tbtre Wort, arr. ttl•':•iet . lt And oft complete ettsbllslmtut lu Wtat, and M ate 1867 . agimmi 1867. ¢9•l pre- arcd to furulk6 Eugines of Every Ilewriptlon, I= = As Broad Cabllpg, 11011Itig Mill Cullng., Ettgl:w Ctutingx M, lee Genertl Casting.. ORDERS SOLICITED. [NW:W.S PITTSIIIIIIGII FOUADRY., A. I CARRISON i & CO., Cioaceleors toßoilman, ar•rlsou d Co. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Matt to end KOM I:l3tlontovni. i.OO/1.. K. SKO P.m Express, ••• .. .. Sal P. N. linoo/61Es .ItanufActurnrs of • :• West Newton lecomtnoWit 11:11 P. M. 1100.1.. N. ' Vint Illieesport Annan:en .11,00 n. K. &WA., N. CHILLED ROLLERS, OF ALL SITES, ./ ''''''idoet d, *. , IXx'. .. .... .. •..I an r. x K . . MA ntlnday Utterer, Train to and From Iron, Eicel, Bre,. Zynr a Coprrlllre ' • frosn'West Newton...—. 10791.414 11,h118 I,lli . iir'.Vi . e. ' ll7,:. ll 7 , : s n ' itl ' illi ' i r t1.ti4,.."1,1111 . 'T : Y " Tl ` k !'"PP l '' T ii. XiXe. x....t. • scriptlons, 11.trl .Itllla, Patent '.7.ounte llrinder • oCI , I ' * W B. IPPOILIT. Sept. with a s'riet's ~ f nth, Ntterns, alwaym on , . hand soli 011 . 0 Co or,r, na skin...Ake awl fa- i A LLERUERY VALLEY RAIL. sorable terms. OL D. ' LA- B ()Mee MA W strhoure, '. I . lailiMill XO. 119 St# ith field Street, . ___ . _ _____— fenucl \ ITIT,IIIU EU 11, PA, 1111 E FORT PITT rotrramr. • CHARLES OAP • NEPHEWS, • aul7o7•o7buitts 07 11.1E4VY'. ORDNANCE, AND ALL KlNlfti 07 HEAVY OARTINfIe. Moeda! 107.001 paid to 1111.1. STEAN.SHIPS. w,..• • tsLA,T fIACUINEItY aOO REPAIRM attewled to promptly. .. „ A• ban•tofore, tlm best materials sin Maras. BALTIMORE AND HAVANA ' be ate./ at .1,1700nd7. • SMVSAIirr,CO Art!.. Ravine dispao. , o /If 0r,,, we are . AL , curates, wt. ,ta AND 31,1•40VAD 70103 A% ANA AND NA G firjtAi eoatfuet. 3 ur°:. t'°P , ry!°° E RI I^. TILE ANA RT.\ 7Ett RV,. 4/ furnish NAIL IIACIIINICS at shin.% , "Irat-CI lite 61 a f ibis Ma . 7 °° ° REI Corner or Vint •nd Ferry Streets, =CM &RED M. MUSH & SON, Steam Boilers, 011 Stil! s, Tanks, • Sheet Iron Works, ikc. SUPERIOR OAR TANNED,PAT 7.. NT Initiall1131) ABD RIVETED No 61 Penn Street, 1 LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, • pri ll inr ixon , pa. Manufsetured MN. DV MITI:1711LO Wt., br ap77 HARTLEY, PHELPS & IE3E.A_M-1, 11)W..1 I E. ! • . Also. Louts for New Ton Rubber 00. . --.• ' ' B. WOLF, .31t, &Cao ! • Grain Belting. • IIIIALKIIA IX . . , • I Hardware Bi , Cutlery. ! LtrAVEr...Vitt lIVIITNIVIVit • citl . ! r..iu w KT'S .4 BURS. BRLT /10010tteett. Are now reeelet. large a , Mons to our Mee ; 1,..,,,,,,, L t.!. Is oWere4 t Dente. et : ___ . • • aru5,.eim...V.3 . 1 =. 1 -4 1.3E , 0311119. I, pRIyATE DISEASES. •• • Corner Liberty Bad S. Clair 81s., ' vine.-antes rEbN IiTtIEET, heti! linage . • :For the cart of all dimwit. of. private nature . r,,k . n : .IPittreksuro 3 .. 3 l'ft. ' ln from t•n to foul days. by an entirely new ~,..1 , safe treatmeut. Also, gemlnal Weakness. an IpI.ACS. DAADOND, , &B other relsease• of the renew serpent. and weer' ', • p sr:salon. I Cure warrented or moneyireferadd. 02PX . 31921. C97C1.T1-112E/D‘ . Mews Lun en-7 to 10.. enl to lands wet, au . rimpu,,,,,,, rte. i a,,, r ...,. ~.t.n.,.. on. VI-tag:Pr Penn etre.. , rABA, Boarioxa A Cu, i W DOTE LEADS. ; liwrzfasturers of _'• P . Fere ••., 11. N. & Co." Brush White. told EMIT QUALITY PAP/NED CANT MM.. 1 •• ``l'arazon'l , do do thieve, Plat and 0 , 21,n. Of all sleet. War- • . :! "I• 11 17" , . do 'do this J.., oat to any Imported err manafactured In, : ~, :4....'" i•ni h r " d° 44 ohteneetar• do do ' • this country. teerlees and warehouse. So. 11l and MI heat. at d I Blue - leads, for go Benner.; . .--. ""'"i' ..".".". ri‘"‘''''''-'...----L.-2-.21:-- hi Itl:•11,f,11,7;d1,11,oltr' . LIPPINCOTT iSi. IIithEWELL. I - r-7 '''! t‘ ' w ' — m 7 " 4 " 1:: " 1.1"11 ' ; • . N0..118 Water stroot, + .. E I ,l tzf k. te. „ l,. E .p t—'T o p a u . rle . ezt!:i ; and benefits for opening of Iran Si ,pup f mancratslit -Legg Of ', ward„Allrgbehy. from Onto aeon.. in grankleft-I, r ...TENT tillteUre Is, - . street. la, w arty. of 814 stet. wlll meet on the : i.A•get,,,,,,,, ~ • premisesi on the Otte day of Jane, latil, at IV welock A. 31.. to fulnll ton dEntles of their sips I PATENT tOIYTIIED . 13111CULATI. 111:71./VE, • i """". , .1 IVA i II i Iatt t ATTRICK ' • Atria; AND 9110511- , 1232 1 mythia a i 4 AMES URAIIA 11. .' _ ael. WEd . i PAGE STREET .— TiIe under , signe,l, appointed t i tterer. to mess damns! lem:dalt ! sea inn tontats for the,openlng of rage sera. - • Fifth want. Allegheny, trots a point midway be• . tween Chartlers and manhatuen street, to Ilea ,Mis=nll42lg:WAlTe'nYtFlWNlVte4 e CI its...lock A. 2.,t0 entail the ditties ot their appolutneent. . .1 01110.1,1 1101tUAN JOSEPH luititrAk RICK S '' .1•1125liltAll•ll. n. Wass— --Rain ALLEY STOVE loR S.. ff!s THE PITTaisUEU H,_FT. WAYNE A CHIOA. !It/. E. AND CLE VE LAND d PITTIHI UMW H. IL Train. arrive and leave at the UnlanDepole Se ARRIVE 11 l S:4 as _lle Yen. Zx lye,/ a a :llbleago lex•• : .19:Z •el tt Chic ..17,%!1, 10.. !: O Et A.°1 6 4.9f.z. Ca.... Cblesgo 2:15 u m Cble. OX IS ea WetellegtEs.. 1:25 p sp Cl. 6• Whir. 1 . 2 . O I O OPJA Depart from Allegnedy. • Artlv• 112 N. Brut Ae. e:Ji •se ,N. Herm Ae SAO an Leetsdale •• 1 1:0 1 a us:N. lirte AZ am Rodr •• 1l •re Wellsrllle 0:10 am • .• 1:. p 1 New Castle ••10:00 as Wildle:Lee p =J.00140.16 "11:14 pla L A eetedale e'm Sao) p •. ltai 4 1 :1: P Leetsdale 10:30 p eel ••• 54-10:15 a. sm. Obloan pre. s leaves detly. Xx. ante. dally. apt F. U. MYERS. General Ticket As I 01MBRIGIII AND CONNFLLII • Springt. Arrangemen On and after • THURSDAY, 'SLUM lieni; The trains will kat. Ile Damn, =ma of 101 l ant Water :Meet.. ne • C=E!=l=l Da snd alter MONDAY. Play YOU, LW; train t. I tease and urns. at Pittsnositit Depot, COMM . Pit e and Coast Motet., so fonswst Zstows. /Mum Iflrst Math:Most. A500m0..6:30.11.. 11:034. Y. Mall, to and from Stalm'og' WU M. Hon a Works Ancom....9sta A. Y. add A. W. 011004 h Ist !mine to OW P. .f. r• Y. , [apneas to and from Malm•g 1:13 t. ld A. , Second Soda Warta Aesorn..s:3o Jr Y. SDSP.III, Sunday Church Prato from end' • to dodo ..... ISO P. sr. 101 M, A.r • • . . homing wl.O Hue of Inckets for Irrantlin Oil (air. MCI South connects with priahla from Oil CLIP cull Ynntltn., WO CO., CM ET.—The under. . eigned, appointed to assess damages aed benefits Jur 'openlog or Locust street. Finn n City, from Volion outer. to rst r :MVec b t:a ' dts lance of I.:.10 feet, 'flit Inert on the premises. on toe ii•ti day of Jane, tarn. at to o cock. e. M. to ratan JOSEP to , o do ,i lee of thole t. appointmen JAhltri ti Mt . 131T11,110 .11. M Mt QUORUM, BELTING ! BELTING !—Leath: Hol:f At i egZie n ~e r ttl . ho " 7?1,75 " V1T1L reduced p Clew. Tee ben quall* .arlr usl4 bulls Bab DepOt, Hod • Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers