11 MIES . , Ito carry away_ihe sovereigns that were I decanted to lain his own person the most MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMEN TS.. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. „ibtre tilttStratirfr e t a; t ft t ,to be disthitruted, and loudly lamentingi signal example of the mercy of the -...--- . __-...--_-....-- ~,, -. . __,_____. • i - ..tt "‘"7: .7n (, .•j their mieforturk when it waa announced North, An ignoble the of near. ...- , eras strict attention to v r own af. RE-m°v4-1-- DISSOLUTION. , , I -• , , , there Wall to he no contest" I ; •• Davie'. ~.y 6 Martifektneg was bin vita- Wee, and consider your wif n e u as one or Th. P eoples ' 8 ...1.... o n k The a...e. Ds t THE PARTNERSHIP HERE- . 1. ~ Caere ext.. becwoo GEO. A. KELLY Tnitilltillsoir, RAT a0,,u67, i Much more eestimony of the thea I lent denunciation and coarse scorn or Lis them. I,IOT AND 11 . IRk P-lIINTS ti -THE TISBURGH : enemies. Even civil war became more -The child of • doted enurtexan of El-, and MOST. al. eNOUII 1101.0. . the Wholesale AT 12'4 CCM Trt. - : CenhallllrapettieOrnwiass nt i t iV et ea ulin t e h d o t w o l a ng crt a i t tai e r ~- :: :: 1: :71 1 - 1‘ W' hie h'ndo. ILK proclal •. , ed the mint IT inherited f.:ef' 1.0.0 from a repent- CAPITAL °F F' . $lOO.O OO . To-do ~ the :I Oth del) of May, - • r' 7 4 it-'' '• , • ~, • herners in he "a people devoid Of ant at ler. Removed toN. 80 FOURTH STREET, In the - • Apollo Building _mast lime Business No . n: Wood street Piit:S • Thur . lineentalthrst lithettin .._ e . vtY gup lively few unworthy ' men who have con. every mark of eivilizaion; • ' `tiisturli- -A Hind. phroso her, in giving '---- , - • ' I E'STATE OF JOIIN MANOIIiN, nn this day been Resolved tor mutual canasta ' '''''. - GINGHAMS GOOD DARK , . A HOUSSKEEPER . AT g O . OLo. h P. al. n o Merles._ ti tilt)", w sire moved by hoe, i , rived to reach ( important an d infthen- eta of the Peace of dm world ;,"•ntis. rules for the selection of a wife, says E i • , • - . , . girl ccc , .11i.. DELEASED.-Letters of Adminotta • ~,,,,, , 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,..., „,,,,,,, roor , - ,,,. „,.... WANTED, , • et . ..ants, - "dirtY Feder's,' invaders•l '•ill•eve all things; the tree ot a non having be, u granted t the underslgned. all • tufty to theArdand Stales, does not ad_ ; tial positions, bat &Moll:deli pe_rvades all .. lees... eh., lel,. t . at, eli ran tal , e the . one t • tate e ,,, Ke or • ""°' e Th 1 •1": lirowas•i, Intl t • Ir, •at ...•.....cs t. ar. mot gene., hoa..roor. A rot...die tre , . ea- • • . t. . . mn-s o. sockty. A. nation hes abuts- 1. el t t • i wretches whose atrocious enuddea resemble that. Of a young elegliant." • Cern.. indebted to the sl ' it eststa are lu.til Thebes.... will be contlnued by li FAIR.. EA. AT 12'.; CEA CS. return at ar. is. ' ...ant woman preferred. CW:Id rvfestiya.4..l . tolt of debate. Some Individuals, given have stamped infainy on their Govern. --TM yeding peaches in DiOuWere. my., at • land end Kiss., Address IS. ti - - • I a , • 'NY. '4`...'.011' ..-d I Istra,ur 05.0. A. KELLY, r , . -to sharp inalyeire have endeavored to ; mit reason to hope while the bulk of Its ; ment;" : "whipped spaniels" and so forth. bong the bay shore, whore some of the SAL_ ~ . . . , . ‘, 4i. A r.. 7. .:_. • • • -7•••••• .---- or Yi E.• got. address and r'Oeteb.. , , . ros le•st orellardit are sittlittod, IlaVe etiltered ~,,,,...,, ~.„. . ....tto• an'En .I';',=‘,l,,giti.ate,PaYtt.nt. and those having Ki.,.. ,... , .. , ' . ' , HOll T. 31. SNODGRASS. t!' ,X-. '' Yi ) ird Wide Bleat hed Muslin, ~, ...„, THE INTEREST IN INOLD, ~,, 0.... • _ . ____- Institute and maietehe a discrimination , ,•PeOfile are sound; but when corruption llf br a and brutal a , use could Mee n creditable to their subtlety, but not War- I success for the Southern Confederacy, severely from surest frosts, nod n ill not - - has eaten into rinks of society,: there erac Yi Ileld mm's tl 1 •te ems I 1 111. DEAREVG, - Plitalotrgh, Hoy Milh, lk. tin Tit r. t 11.1 11ohl.. WANTED - Ten good,. Sober. 3.. F. IR , NIIRui the .. Jefferson Davis would now be the con • - ' ''' ' " gm". r ' ' ' ....). , - _ - rataally facts : Teey asy the hostility i would seem t.o be little room. for hope. . , mering heromdtbe Smote Planing Mill, Sash & Door Factory, lll/1 P Ifil if 3111,1ie1. far INN, fadrradlithi•ls, :garb inert/ Mouhlfee 4 . . m 01 , --Pr,ident Johnsen says that he will . , give n plot of Freund to the Ffeedint. ! _ AT 1t!, , , CEN 114. . was 'riot to. - the train' States, but to the I ' -- --- - - Fr k I:reeliVille. i ennessee, to lw• used fl . fr r orner BUTLER ad,l . A LLEII HEN Y STREETS. I'm .1 l NE. It.Y. win tw ps.,l on pr. et:Motion of ~" , ';.V 74V :reltiV.Vo ' ''Pl.'""" '"at " Iseerelar Goyemment existing here., This j Mn. SUMNER WAS Written out and pub. ' A Lover of Tien Nt tern-Strange Ea i` in.llool anti relit:lons purpomet, if tue , P loth Used, and NO. 13 nut renew" ere w hoie GEORGE sal e A . D I BEL LY , t r • • . . Isaniltigous lolhe old theological die I ---e--- Rah din pamphlet form what purports I of the Tender IPanslota. yrteolilten will ...elect the gernind. entsburnh. the Coupone th, refur , an and after that dos. 'at • ' ToreluE , ir , uting Brackets , Rivet Letters mid 37 Wood . Street, i tobe an argument made by him in the The passion --called love sometimes --A s.stisii n•ligions body, v41111_41 the Vinnit d e=f l ..:irell brats . order nti t a . 'nction - between. sin and the - sinner, bulli wriginal Seeessoon . 53 . 11.1, , hoer ft 0 Meson te the et. Charles HoteL i which was earnestly insisted cm, rz! , : r i r n favor : of the ratification of the : causes men to play the most fantreeic ... '' el reo coordrl promptly attended 10. nalaCefi , to ...ell I hoir ...look in t ito Soolttsli N orth- ,- r e -In no p r e ser sense fait i tricks, while its cited upon the ot her sex ...,,,,iiejlwey, ta e0n... , i nonce of trains THE TRIAL OF A Dealer In I/11 IHIS CHEMICALS . PATENT :somehow never was exemplified theme ; ---- -- I'M"- • I ch. It is rether a treatise in which ;is no less strange and contrary to tea- 41 , • being ris 1 i MEOICINha. VERPUMERIES, PAINTS lill.S. Ike. 'All the European monarchijeeil s 'Pee I, on t eat .111 e on Sunday. DYE stars, .. ;he labored to embody all that la known , son. At leaSt We Were till to draw these Prorietor of Dr. SAnIiENTIS . celhbrattd icept. Russia,' were jealous•of the unpsr-conclusions yesterday from hearing the A'. lady...Oho/I. iv, Ile married, was : ~..r.' l - ..,,,, st .irtf...l that hot illiendrvi. al'imoglf a fILW FIRE hAtINGUISIIER ; ' sar i ',. GIIOL ' ERA CURE. fie. swat, . . of the liistory and Geography of toe story I tli 1 _i , ______ . stinted increase or thin count ' , ry in pepti• . , e al Alfred Bei Egg, of LaCrosse, tr..' nom, n its v•••rg ....centric. "Welly' . . DRESS GOODS Territory. Of bourse, Its compass is too Wes , who conic here ,a toy or two lige -he eme if h.• is fielike other nom le• is HlM:Tata PLACE AT THE PoINT, ..pp:IPLES, I " Mon, wealth.and power. The form of 1 bulky fur newspaper circulation. it ely let it vood ittih. ari d , in search of a beautifuf but Gallen nitgel the ~,„... 1 , .note[.. , I the existing government-was not at the I p On To Morro)(, FrU ay, at Ip. m.,• y, e as toomuch Seine to COM. ; babl h h with whom Ile was infatuated to an ex. heed.' bottom of the feeling. Prance Isenore I r° . tent altogether • incomprehensible to less -I ben re St. Paul, of rho Mrd die nine..., , plain that publishers do not incur the ex- susceptible mortals, Wegather the tot, a few di• . ago sent a eliallenir to John .• .Ira whlt.ll 1. tinned irk embittesed towards Prussia than she is i • e.. - th of lite R. gt. 4. r. Mr. F. noun. OF PITTSBURGH, SAVINGSBANIL! - , pence of atippleniental sheets to let their lowing. fragments of the history of the I r y . or sea. towards us; and solely because i , , loves d . and - d , s ; „,, „,,...eie m in,. nom._ Mobile fs ..vi-' llinyor, City Councils, readers see what be Las saith The Teas man a as s°"°" ' xlvn t° ;Moly h.. curing ting...i with Norlitcrii PTlliala promises to take the leadership 1 ' him our sincere comptv..ion.. • An rah, publle generait s. sbe ;miens for the acquisition have' Some enteeme, on I ls e subleet o f dnoling, ill ' Of Europe away froeher. Probably the son years ago Mr. starling riffled a ic .„ • 14 'Olt SALE.' epitomised thus: • hostility to the United States was Mien- been :', Miss ThaYer. with whom he i r od he t' 11••• New Vol lo rioa ra,,,•••/ .1 .ir ern- 11- i 101 , s INCH ENU I. `. E, 1 In. • I. stroke. new.' Bitted by the character of its irtmitutions, "I. The possession of Russian Amer- ' pity but a short thee A yea ago he. ,- ' I ka will be a good thing for the Pacific. : obtained a divorce from her, item she , : 1;, - . " ,. ' , I , u ,I ''' „I• I I, ' ,,,..r.„ ' ; ' ,, a ,: If e i :7.. I 1 ‘ ., - , - , ' ,;, ' , r ,:i ' ; ' ,, d. .. °l - 11 f.I' s :t 2 . 4. : 1 nreni ° •n I ti•CILLAI IN ti Lewes:, a - which servy,d to cep: range Lopes of pa. I coast, and will help US in securing the', had home idol two interesti g little Fru rn•r, •;•;•••,,h,.;.,‘ & ',.., 11 ;..0.,,..,i4 I ";',':'.`7, 7.::;. vh "`'''' • • „,,,,,,I..na ENbt NE. It Ind. -- ammusident • • 'ldeal freedomehroughout the Old World; i 'retie of the Elah 2 ' We have always;, ' pledges. The divorcee wife ha a sister, .toth lb.. limn paid In 0 I.ei on Pt 1,000.00 t, str ' ot.. ntal. online bed plate. .via, meh 111.• 10E. I lent e.r..1..., .rend- Vico cvenutent....- hot its was primarily the develOpmentof I had a pairelOn for extending our domain. . It l I 3 ba i t ~,,,,,,.,,,A . i Bumf, Thu) . er a itualllitill girl of Mlle- -, ort hof •ro •ert • 111 , •11111 1 'arolina der- nano. no.. cite•P. for e tub, at TRUSTEISt national strength on this aide of the At. i . e. Our buying this land will contribute I teen,.with whom Carling tell despei Melt , lint the past year. WILLIAM ~.,,,„8 „ 1.!;.„,.... Bonnets, Hats, Snadowas; , toile spread of Republican institutions eln love Atmerently, his ims.ilin was All Anwri,•an holy hiParis went out -. wit , . I . 4 ,, T ~, IigNRY - LLOrn. 3. tatia that prompted the Mission of :4. It will bother the British. 3, It wet returned with equal ardor, and the lei. ••1ii1 , 1.1n.4, and ,vl , l ,:orpri...nd .o inzyOot, nmvs '' 1 . 1. 3 R 936 3 . 1.•!.T. ' .1c14. , . "' • ‘'' ' istr,oi;o',,fii.iirsiA. _ .111exicor y . I please the Russians." pledged their' vows of Mve and only ao elemun silk dres• far fifteen tlothire, • . Hamra a hum., W. ii . tiouto.Y, , Jou ND. bent.l.lr, WiLLIAW A. tvithitOrl. Ribbons, Flowers; "it is not unlikely that, with the de. I Ile proposes to name the territory welted the aryl"' er th, appointed dray emi emed me ie....milt for the low figure Cvrner Sandusky and Water hit-tete. 1 Gloves, Hosiery, etc. - , etc. •to hecome man and wife. The lovers n '''' l the I" . '''Y l r'''‘''' il • to Ifawei.V . re' a 4,,,,te0 n tr., 1 ,•ery. e,,, - ' , tutelary tad Treasurer, NMI. VOS BONSIIORSI tire to create a government sent this I Alaska. ' 111111i1,1 her that lit her countrY itt. "pm, rnlnhalS r I • - •. went from LaCrosse to Bellevue, Louie pro , al t• .•ror.. ' - . • .i : : ' rte nor cent. Interest allowed on time deport.. . country which , should divide interne- I elow recently thartled So shrewd le and put up M a land. lirs anticipation ' "" I '''' •" ' -3 'i' ''''-• ::"`""'',',” • : VOTICE ro'CONTILACTOUS. Sou tatoW, and prices sire Very high. ,Ix • __ Investments made. (taverna:tenth. /hal E.- tiohal authority with it, rand hold it in I the whole co ••Wu Stuutltleu. of t•eing woo united to 1 1 he object of his _.,,,......_ - - • ''''""!" nr"r''' . ,;• v e !',„"r . 1`2 .. 1 Bank open daily. except S.a.e. rtheeetth entry Into an earnest tharch d • el 1; .1 et ed Lis weeith er. , It oration, at ue a $. • . .nE yl,(11, IN Tim Notpy.meE,T.The • Hoer e esthose=itso7.ems e.-v.l'4ms,- . o'clock.. A. IL, to four e•clock, r si.. and on ' Wholesale and Retail, ; at - check, was Mingled a (collegial : commis- I ms nickel ' ' ' Pennies of ISati., asserting that upon her, def....ormiug ber with silk, Ci . 11 . ,1 6,,,,, g .,, rdp,“, say, Pubhe ...errs a/111 be ere hod . ...ono, Wednesday and Saturday mem.. Dot... to cation for the Mexicans, who seemed to I the government had mad ' w Si C II I • td THllitali•Y. ° ‘ ° ' ...rl° ' "' vein • . . "The earners, ine e a sad mistake Jewels, and nil the gi , ' P.' that "' ./1 a 'LE usual with that race, are beginnmg i,r,7,! . .j,! ` (~;-,. 'lid "`' °° • . Ile delivered time prey to pi:Stint feuds I hr alloying them 'with gold, ' and was could buy. The lady's lot e wits flour- to rumble And media a failure of mops, ' me ou . straWberry sue 0 , from niters aide or ON THURSDAY. MAY 3OTII, and social anarchy. Various forms of 1 anxious to buy thein in at a remunera- , leaked led increased by these lavish ex. though as yet it tines not appear that 9 ' • • ••7T.nitr•l ", ? , 4 ` .Vl! '" iilrt ,.• e• w,...1 sf.• ' WNE. SEMPLE'S, .government hurl ban essayed by them We and she scented as an Chant as • . • I the bonus. The stoiy was purely sen- ' li Pe e tot : the ' arrival of the wmltlog day. n A Ili. • • elle trout lan Breem td ' flllllOO9 demege has been done, ekreetit r Stmcuberger.strerv. M a SIMON . and none had proved equal to the - duty satiated, the '5B nicl ' • - ' - ' m the necessary delay of operations, •A 1.,. / • :els being no more ilatore Om chi) , came. Boding had oe. ),'inch ~,•,, cickc the time or icu.,,,,g Bel t osseroe. Paving and Curbing- ' of mafereing order, (moving domestic valuable Bran those of any other. - year. °mit. te visit It neighboring "' we, lea ' later than usual, and give a lossibility ier a ror a? ""aa" ' '''""r`e Iced- (SUCCEntOIt TO H. LIUNhENHAUsEP.S - • tranquility, and meeting with ,fidelity 180 and 182 Federal St., Amateur numismatnloglsts will be thrry tug lard iv lams- of by of the Bellevue Mouse. I I '':. " II tinned rain and coolness thus far is stud stre..• ' obligations to foreign 'powers. To lie- to learn that their collections of the return, the landlord took him a.itli. and T O . US Market t., liver so line a country from ' lapsing Into ,eree cote Trill to be nither beneficial to wheat and „re,,: t i a r i. a .V A A LV„,' : . "„T o r,',,.l . ,,,r t ,nr,,,',Vin Is, • " ' af '',9''' ISeerelar , ..- II t Ithebreathed i nto le • talcl 1 IT ng no more than is ear a o . terror small crops giving them tirm and deep stn.., barbarism; to rescue millions or people r eree value. • that needy horn his blood. A. traveller roots, ea • •,:ble tit sustaining a greater Z6, 1 1 1 ,, N r ." 01.1 111.:.N m i m ""V,"d n r= -' a ILOBS. from the demlnion of tempestuous pas- •.' - :------ -aws.- - - had mopped at the hotel during Batting's yield wh i m the hot w : catlier comes on eir : .;t! 'ma - ' ''''' . " , with a rush, as it probably will. Corn e , ' ,.„, miens they were unable In subdue; and to IT is stated that, in a letter which be absenc'ey . whoesi•cieg the hunt) Berne, pre 'Open the way to securit and improth- " lately eddressedeo the Engfish 3Bnister moving in respectable society, informed the landlord time M bad knoivn Ler as ; Moulin If I • •11 almost •I g as to. en Ire y tire •ented as yet, aid this crop, which - I y TNENNISON'S went, were aims, consist ed apart from at.Florencer Garibaldi formally sets forth_ tin inmate of a palace of pleasufe in St. needs heat more thanw , noi4turcwilla li t. other motives, strongl to be coin- his title to the Governorship of Rome, to Louis, kept by a Madam Mark, situated for if th e eon does no t t al e " app.,. e Paten 4 t Direction L l b Is. Tenth =ended. • which office he states himself to have on street, between Morgan and lint's.A loss to the crops yeareor • . Frenklin avenue. v ' Wendel: damnc .to them , would 1 I REDUCED raisin I 'ST. . The Empire has proved a failure ; not been elected by the Roman people in The lover was petrif lat this disci°. r - ':°1:":' '''' • 1 • • -I ti there is . especially great misfortune, bill . . SILII NACOURS & BISORS, it so much became France and ' Austria 1818-9, and from which high carafe he sure, and at once brdk ' : ' oll the engage- ere is ni• good reason yet to fear this .. i, 1 ,•1..r:pa areotat.l hpr i e , int •0rn , 14 jOr tr . . memo unable to maintain It "against an denies that he has ever been legally de- meat. According to his statement, lie Seed time and haryset do net otteu fail, h j :,.",,, , ,, , mtz,:u. L a u r a ~ . ;,,,„.,-:.:;:::, , ,, . ..„,c.); ~.‘, adverse populace, as because the United i puled. In the eyes of Garibaldi, th e pureeased a trunk for her and was about although this is altubst aunually pre- o.''. volo'rt ' d to Nieto' s' I'-eio rrl e r r el • ':`, • . sending her home to her father, when di .t ,I •• . th 1 . , , u„, , ,t,71,".., ~,,,, „ Ts 4.`e, l "e• e ",e. States, having emerged from its tint Pope' is a mere usurper, and his positron . him . ~ .. _ . . ret . • s h e grove the hip, and lett ft. lon n, road. Express on i strain, Compault• as tale. ,thril , mar with , i,,,,,,,,'l mg* an d ~,,. at a temporal sovereign logically' listen -.' teleug with Ler I.is tern. trunk, curtain - -rung: Lumens. ...:latila and weathrr.p vof tag.. Inv sites ranee (von NJ I td 1:, owl 'price( And all kinds of thority. vigoionsly protected• against, dile - - ' I ing some two hundred doll:ire' worth of i.„,,,,,,.,0,.. Pere Mono, from at.. to atno pert...and m.o. ------"......'------- valuableS Supposing that the fair thee , , r 0 1 4=..1..111 d rVg5VuliVe74tI n i . o . .g. °1-r. CLOTH SACQUES, Purr Liquor, Inropean interference with Misers Moir Sibbatarians are annoyed at ere . ' I- roue ' ''"' 'I on. this continent, . This 'was the first the proposed opening of the Restart Pub-' St. Louts, he came here on Monday hint Tinal purpose,. expreesien of homage the Republic re- lie Librery on Sundays. The "Hub" • bad returned to her oil haunte In and stated his case to the police. Onicer Lose Lt ti., . • Pure Liquors. For ruedltinal , topos.s. ehants•n.l shippers. - J. R. WELDIN Pc CO., • ceived on its accession to fresh - luster Christians believe that the people winter Shaw wense'numi "inn ail 10 trout Up the For medicinal purposes. deceitful Erama, and he soon found her. .......tr. I,ort Wier. and renown, ' ' greatly benetitted by the innovation, and She bad disposed of most of the vale c"t e . : er '"'''. n- l on Wtne. „tn.,. The Empire having disappeared, what that it will greatly strengthen the rigid Isles In her lover's trunk, and had fawned ahem Wine, Madeira la 19e, 1 , 4.; M. BRYAN, is to emerge out of the chaos that 1 r lebie m r s po i ern ease e , cresting a place a portion or I.r • affirolio for tat. The , '-''"„", v " . '• 51 " : " ` '' ' ''" . L , Part soured G.. prevails 1 Will a Republican govern. et 'enjoyment for all those who have not officer Mutat her sill Wednesdaya and by' 1: . : ' ,:3: V::: Pure amines tint, , -. authority of Itarling ' offered to furnish Pare ilarnallo2 em, stroog enough in the conseet of comfortable homes at which to spend the h,. • i c 1 121. Pure M ir ,Wllh money to return to her f rien ds Rua. the, people e and sufficiently just in the day, .hi Wisconsin. She refused 10 hare rasp Pure Rye Vi Malt y. curt are 54 0 1.. k v. 4 else 01 power, to be respectable and re- 1 --- - res - --..----• th ing to do with Killing, hat asked 1.011.1 Purr Br, a hist y. Pere /Me W 1. 1 ,1. i Enu b rof tier ladies ol F A Lam. m e -- -rie impeded? Past experience does not war- 1 to loon her iil7•o, promising 10 return , AT JUSEPII ELF:run - we, I have presented a remonstrance to the Sonic by herself: - rant such expectation. It is more reason- I Collet against the granting of licenths to ; Belling now repented of hie rn,t;oe,,a Corner sir the Diamond and Hsrart street. ' • BLACK TEAK-0010.mm i a. WO to infer that the violence of brutal In breakiug ott the ell dap:Went. tin eel t...T.0.•;.r the LG... d and Matt.. street. Apollo Building, Fourth Street. pv . ,0.1... ~., pound. 1 Isrigad.. ° LW- •• o Colonel F. S. .._ faction will raga unchecked. . tavern keepers in that city. This nerve. . . . • nnuning his feehogs he found that be ''''' .. . ;Airs ...• :::::.::-. ..... . . ....... 3.11.1 •• ' The .1 • Tor the 1na.... I meet towards e prohibition on the part of 1 31.ACK TEAtt-pomehong," Monahan. ' •leady Inell varchuec ewe.. In this event a stronitemptation will pored her still,' fallen as she was What Swayne's Ointment Will . ',,,awes and Si,.gel:eon Tomnflealun . and Congo., good wort may commence before Tru. ..._ eubsetitotlOUT old be received at the un -1 the fah' Sea will have no erred with the Mr deeply, wildly, madly. His burriet v.. , ... , r.. r tn. Rose Heed Eng Breetta. , lo•.. , ' Atd.l•ilua. No. ILZSCltaiittitil otreet. Phllade,- be presented for the ,United States to , ' • ' willare 110 in te% I' to .tri boxtre. court, as the remonstrance nes general, desire ryes now to make up with Inr an .-It uret'. noel neat...ate caaaa of Tel Mill, 01111:0101' OD II NICIPAL lOM'S; :. 1. . 4° . . 1 `(!• l `,•,.',,`,T" . " Y * " - 1 . 1 ,, F ,...1., tin and oiler Monday . . thee. day of May. i• Meet in, and ultimately annex the . ' induce her to go back with him to Wis. toe. RIAII se U not speedie. : JAPAN.TrAI9. For •sch etilescriptlon are.. dols, a cr... whole territbry. Vila In .1 movement which ought to be resisted from the ' TIIIIITY drinkin --- f ' She had never level him et all, and rare S-11 ..1.1 cure Gehl. 1•11.. ail Erupt... S ountains are to be en ~ ~,,., of m 1,„,,,,,,, h r .,. ~,,,r r ~, iv-kt wlll fositively cure at St. 1.e.,. Bank, Rail nal; . i Japan. 1 ouom Iliatio. Leaf ... SILTED TE,AM. L. . oath amen. or vs/ue . Mar be awenied Colts 1 T. first dlstrltintlon or awards wilt ot toes" •u- sere Merchant Tailor's, stare There are dissonances enough erected dnthe streem in Yew York, by if4r-ei--„.„-d-ed-tc-h;c7F,;-,;-,,-,',T;;,S,C",-,. • , - . - u . se ao ,, ars VINT."' •nd scans ... Mirainl. k &liar No. i 111.!-. 1 T . .... 't !1r r t 1 . 1 ,...1• hi 10 ... . Y , ..11.111 , 1 ijtr . . , t . e.Lat i e o ll . ugat the receipt of Kota Macrae- among tis alreedY, withbut going forth the sockty for the prevention or emery . purpose of supplying her want. lion, hp, 1 7.11111.. r r ". f„T r ',.;;;Z::: =lt, • • • •11 . ..y-p f igr.: tworance, -......- .....,. Stocks. '''' ir ' ;Um t . he atm, ?It; tote can e:terd: Jan west . a lie ilialrliintle . ll.ln be pestle. Aaiun , ' ir the 7 Liod of Ten thvy vase, and hove them put up In direct imperils!. cf the I. orporators. on a cruse dein quest orteere. Ito animals. They are to he of iron, coma- Puree. Yeiummie a. , till a gllar l i a g ' 4,- : : .11 - : ' •11:: REY ER K . Nt)W 'I 44 . 41 7 6 It:: any ipaitottiy. and fora...lid hy any of the Ex• . Persona at • diatom.... are ti..”--• ' eel ift . send 1400 to the bank in La Cros. .. “TETTlekti• ~,i,„ , a „„,,,, „ ,A., : a, , ,„,,,, ~,,,,,, r , l:era C,:inpartlea, who atm Car.) goods at very : their suaterinriee. • - I otentally designed in three demtrttnents, ITC , 11:: • and try dol. so atter twenty sera per 'v.. -- rOf haunt s's use provided ;he woule go ••1T1.1.1 TO FAIL “TETTE/t" ITCH" "TETTF.I, Phis and Boston Sim l !tont. 1, tt It Ar•pb. .t. pound n 'the prim, beside , getllng to. pure and • I the upper one for the public, the middle '- 11 theist. , 1 • " name, but the still and remema l•repared pule by it SW AYNE A SON, Ptill• the maul. f 1,06 of tosond art,. c urn et In then, mean a finis w Welt ena,ly but tkeg t ive. ' ! one for horses, and the lower one tor at Madam Mack's, - leading a life of wietehi• 0 01,1 by H • CLA-.laaN a ~ H • R EN - mi. - , NAN. na floract *tree, UV,. A. BELLI. 37 . ° ' 1... .. no., Kt • 111 Federal et-. Alleges... • dogs. shame. The lover is Maws: distracted, tetnel 4t.. Jos. FLE3IINS: Mg linnet ... A. , I lin a about the dace in the fund YOililEEr•- E.r... .0.. '" .”'".• V.b.- FOR Efl, • SPRING !TRADE. ----- --, sni t ger - I • • , buvgh KAN e a DEUITT. Allc•hvor. A LARGE Millet) or companpOf the East Imps that the false one will repent and auts;ilaTT, . has adopted ir system i e„,„ ge , „ hid , go with Lim to her father's house in Wts• I' . At 26 and 2S St. Clair Street. BE ON YOUR GUAHD - promises to do away 'with vexatious '-‘'''in• Ile ia c.f.:title...lY inlatuated, . . - ~,_. and is haunted night and day by the lin. Att.. q, he InOtavon• and con nterfrasof /I s. ....,„„..... • • - o..., s t.tt * Za th airr ' alin i u ' riet= i s r , :Trstal strikes. The leeorers. employed are paid a ge o f to e ' oatoe eurrhautrese, wire ts us vele' YET . ER'S eToti Ai Ii RITTER, stub ..I, 1 ••.••••• •• of • or lii La a -- !No. . the price of a barrel ig flour per week as to him as ice, and will &meth, remain '''' r '"` T ' . " S " 'n"."""'""' ' I T pr. TM', 1,..n the al -k an.l aulleali g are. now LIR ilt i ill. CLUTIIS Ille most just and satisfactory mode of so. We await further deveiememiti m ...Id...or:tr to il ... 1 toe merie. Id' thteconutir. COPYING 11001 i DAMPENERS. ' ~L,,...w ~,,i,.. . this strange love chase. FURNTURE. measuring the value of labor. TABLE AND CARRIAGE :- • ----........... .n • • re I noneelstety prosremmi I y the pro. . .1. all 1 tut esAtctu. Mew. OIL Cld ill., Aitr teat e. Al Modern Building In Entrland. pawn, . to, ergo I. owns.) a of dollars ortno- BUS, litrirLANDS. Tim building of the - new Tammany SHADE FINTUSIES. The 1.013,11011 rdt.! , ,,r. it Stt) 5 i • ilv n tracing 144 MO I tit end ltrIolt.• tAt't• . AI., I.F.ATllitit BELTING Society hall, in Nt4 York, is favorably taut..,:, ^ w •t• • nrt tin. lolunclicas have ' Blank 13poke and Stationery. • ItUBBER BELTING, • "'Our forefathers' forefathers wrote on "° ` ' • 14051 AM CI tiTZAH rat:Klatt*. progressing. The Edifice will be three t.; .0 ora ..01 to ths t se:rut:l the Co led e.t.a ~.., . , brass; we se, iht.,l,, ~,,, ~,,.,.. Their agon t • nu... of I,lridelds end new., arta W riting , Fluids ii& uopying Inks. „, stories high, polished marble front, and went deed. Ivor, in the skies as starry non !re now .n prorress-againet aerrral oters. . log menuntet e'er,. we are ettalded too., bo merchants. ...Triage milkers and the retail will contain spacious concert, club, constellations; our meagre ptriOrinulliree kit 0, w nos, esen..ll bv 51010 10 la. p.o.e. , Invoide and Letter Books, trade the prices and gi....1A art be holed elsesshme. 141 ttto eicy• library and committee rooms, lazily on the same arel With the Pitild Ita 1 s spite of th. omens eiallence end actlYtt, I • ----.....______ ' , disappear. So says the euluzist of the k t 11.. i.d.:. , -ti.r .. u.s , the underoltrord are of, Copyiog Presses and Books, • J. .i. u. rummers, . rely •1.. , ... 7 A CO.OPEUATIVE horse shoeing estsb. Pan, nuri ere too, rays the innevetor and ` °'''''' 1 " .r " ., ';;' , : , , I . 11 . , 1.0 ;:Z . ,:,." 4 " ,,.. . I Raiment is to be e•tablished In New trade' aelitai'' ' Mr* E 1 warll Co al "-'°' •"'" • ‘-"s"' '''''' i I '.- •- e Receipt, Dray, Note and. Draft ST'. JAMES HOTEL, Set:f:l.:try re : the operative Brit klay ors . '..."' I " ° ''') York City, on ir capital ; of ten thousand Soelety of London. 'Locking at II '''''''. r'''''erun'" '''' c."." -" '. ' '''' - ' e 1tur..1.1 m I rem,' Notes. I her. therefore.. • ON Tll6 martyr Eike E LAN. , dollars, in order to give employment to old work which you have had to lake m.a , .. of Pe' eenAn dlr.' ... 1 . 011,10 i° ib . Time Books and' Memorandums. journeymen of that trade now on a strike. down,' asked Lord filth°. in his Teeny c.o. mai a ote Is ~. IA . ; ... o t a r.,,, , r.,...,..u5T., Nos. 403 h .107 .Liberty St., of r° al commis , '• • 1 c• o• ors - ••••• , • cents, •ao • ...find 0 0- _on, r, and tonmar rig oriat•re .taieti. nan.., ttie tinicial ...niacin:At Blank Books, of every descrip- ..4.,...i..., the Union DepOt. • F10:1 GRIEF and shame 3lrs. Case, it with modern wink, do yeu Beek there 1. , th. 1.0 Will.. 0 , 1{ 4 ...I . r!r rat ~ ! ...ry tri . ..t , i.:r e. , ! lee as more reality and honesty ii, the old """."' ~, 'i i • ' `."' '' ',', ~, .' „,,',", _ ,ion on hand and made to order. T. Proprietor: would ree1...1%11y Inform the lite broken hearted mother of the remet- wont than the, is in the mode ' "."' . ". ' • "I" '"" "‘"' . "".. .1-0? .1 ti. .1., os••• r•of • II eq.. ter •sm th. to tune• pubtle that the Saloon end Dining Boom* are ' • ly executed boy murderer id Cincinnati, tlo, • answered the es intes••, 'you Mid that ' ,l; : ;'A;;. s ' ':,, : , ' :,,r; ' :...l;;. "''' ."."". Th.: ""' r t. . tem open. 3be altetilog apartment. will he ready tor gm.. lu a few wee. Blt. and par• died In Covington, a fe& days since. now al! kinds of rubbish are u•ed mn,d,,. ~ i f••••• rat -, ••••. A nth 'n• MYERS, SCROYER tk. CIL ‘,-,....... wtta ...PM. at the shortest . Gee. Pnvate dining romusior he •11 the .10..1. of ~,s-...0n will 13e served at all , - Mortar. If you pull down an old plcee PINES CANADENSIS. ' . ' .11.. u. of .1. e day and n °ht. LW item,. Included: ANEW afternoon radical journal has of work full and the MOrtur held and . Ihe choicest ...Dot Wince, Linton, Cigar.. • atotedwat . Canada. Nova been started at Montgomery, Alateuen, sound; bat if you slo li cit in the new ~, A „ '. ." `, ..: ;'„c a . ',c . c co „, crcc .„. o „ cc ~,,.,, Blank Ea ok Makers and Stationers, " , -. 51-11 t '" he ' ed et tee. • ,JAB, li, LAMAIIAN. work after a few yearn , you Ilud the .° under most favorable auspices. It willi Loglatial .51.,tes. and. abut found .Om eletated . 1 romli tor , mortar crumble n• ' pieces. ' mountainous region• or sae Middle Steno, - 39 FIFTH STREET. do good service in the 'Union cause, ' " rho testimony i 9 valual•le• but those rf . .; atv.unde In me.nrinal virtues. Ur. evert, , ------... ....., • . Who are nei th er trale.i• unionbta osir or Boston , has prepared a m•dielne from the .31,1,1 , 11 I THE Illeksite branch of the Society of operetive , brie dupers could hat e 1 , 1 , 1 street luelde Isle 01, the ptn• tree. etsllnd Pt/- I Friends are celebrating their naniver. Lord Elder quite us emelt and more. To LAND'. WIG I a PINE COMPOUND. armlet, la an observant eye, Belgravie is already 0 . - 01 ' ... ''' .• I s all .kb. "“" d ~..5 . of ". sary this week, in New York, by a series • i in ruins, while the. walls or lionorilla A n i•lnera• It aCts Rte • cast 0 In al , dim:via. of. 6: ' ENTLEBEN'B of public and religious meetings. . seethe, mow to regain scarcely show a settlement. The Pig,. ~,T,r ' ', !, m''''''. . tone end energy. It will be (bland well . II 1• t a, Idi I • • . of roug ,s ti„eS Fe Int 11l LB_ ant II lal ~,,,,,., ,„ ..,, th o ,,, di g ... when Roe. h. - Jelle tam Davis end the Lune.. !star. FURNISHING GOODS On, of the cheapen,. and best wholesale and re. fabrics, but they bear no g•IlIng WlllintlS ,dues I • ' t and fallen. It la M.. well eulted 1 tall stores la the two titles. ..s , The Landon Morning Star stood by US of their own !Medic., Timer sr le; hie i. l . , ,Let ' ije , e....ir:. end an InfAlltr , :le..r . eger , f - , I through at and sunshine from the still young might safely wag., DLO. the 1 :”. w ' roi ' aVh ' gjollit ' y n t . ora=te ' Lf tan men'. ' No. 15 South West Illaattoild, No. T. 2 Fifth Street, , ALLEGHENY CITY. beginning to the end of the war. It 'rne" ,a l°" , "1 1 TY"`""` a 111 11111 Lull ' .• ‘ •; ' , " iaron'eriZel. ` , " • ` ll ° l! : N.7:•:t " re ' ri!..l - ' together during_ the ninety-little yes t, v me• of di.eases of the bladder and kidne r . o rcall 55 ' “•afiar oar "Oa and VCRS.' speaks' thus of Jefferson Davis: for which the limey of 1110e1 01 then, is /v.' , .tandl,,M NEARLY tiPPorIITE. THE lose ',Men. an., i„aa.tlF -,-----__.-- Slavery WKS in Me Davis' eyes, the - held; while the nturo I, , rb. near e eiel, ...-=.7l,7l : trs . iii ` o7.ll2,?...ol ` ll::iVs 'l s4=l The mewl es lenOve veriety. the 1 trst novel. TRIUMPH OIL COMPANY , one grand Institution to be cherished and Relisaries begged an.tilmin., and prol.v. '.l , ~, ~ ~ ,,: tee the rertificate of Asa time..., ties, the largest inducements we. of ' Near 5015, - . Pirlii.HOlL . May 1.5., Mg. mMntained m the expense of ell Miters. It did not get it-end Which bad berm vi ii:! , u.;en , ll7iii ' eseseiese, sesseioe or Lu •alt obedienee, patriotism, were out of the perpendicular, as Proentio I y y, is '" r t''''' - ... • I". of••••r•ntio leacurnees . Perfect Fitting French Yoke Shirts, ... ..., mud othre .1 I...asesof the rirluary parsegre't NOTiCEe-Pursuant to WlResio ,.. lution of the AlOttllttlitlers. tutuor i O . their only to he claimed e t . the bends of the thlntee, long before the time of that re. In i es and chronic inneurnation or meeret lon ' . Anne. Meeting. held on the Sat or 3 srett last, . MADE TO tiltliElt. . the llosni of Gin elms of the TRH; PH OIL Southireers so long fie the Southerners &iced : strategist--is no more on tl.e in- 11,, It ',',"„7,`X; r,',';.„;,!'`` ... " n ` l. ""` t 'e r r... , of rbee mat Rm.*. It Is ea- ' f Coll PAN T have GM day ordered t e tiosold I mere allowed to buy and to sell, to own dine now than it-was then. ;."'w"s'y "I" sm" Is O" °"s-°""' PUTNAM iSr. - 4tock. to be dietrlbuied pea rata • ong the 1 and to flog slaves. 'No Roman pro- "When the capital of Daly was taint : 0 1 T,t;,7 1. 1i::,;,: , .. h uA h vg,„7:1v,„ - A s , , l; . HOUSE , "%r.,Vga°,".,':l:::lii oiotali, ,r,11,, id consul. no Turkish pasha ever insisted transferred from Piedmont to Tuscany, woos, eaustenwartonai &se taefre.tor•lhein tome.. day. of June, Ineln.ve , 190 absolutely upon the Indefeasible uud lair Florence had to make sacrifice of ho, 1 r tfa ". „1, 4 ,1=',.. br r,V.:41 1 ,V,X17.1 - .2 1 % ° ,4 ' , ' ", ' SUCCESSOR!. TO ' . 13) order the 110..1. I unlimitcd right, of the master over his curving walls, nod to give up the ground r e "s e ter ..",. AN ~.. 55 oil'. rn . a '.,..H -slaves. The mOin•nt this right t o plo t on which they stood for a boulevard to ..:A ' „ ' i ,r,ro2;:r,„%t l rg.„ , ,:iinv, , ,;;;;:vg, , c , imperilled Jefferson Davis began to plot be made by an English company. Oar Ira \Yoh' , , acct. .P= . 1 MURDOCK ta I'UTNA,II. YOUNG & CO., WILLIAM /WWII' - akalnbt the Gonetifutlon of his country. worthy countrymen, whose experience __ _ c We 11 . 00 the word plot advisedly. le was limited to nindern.worhinenship, January, 1560, a whole year before the imagined that deinolitiou would be easy secession, he Introduced into the Senate and Inexpensive; but the estra costliness a bill to authorize certain of the Statesto of this part of their contrail is to purchase arms from the national armor- upset all their tine calculations of profit. Its, Liu described the bill as of Bohlen, The Wand could not be reelml flown; port, and one which he hoped would ex- . they bad all to he blown down, and the cite no dismission. 'lt was, of : course, ! outlay In powder has turned out to be simply a bill to provide weapons out of . something enormous. To come nearer the national armory for men already sae hone; when the Westernrue and Hart. Icredly pledged to rebellfen. The tread.- ford Breech of the Great Eastern line i cry with which Mr. Davlsandhlsayerim- , was In course of eonstrltetion, just below , pikes made use of the : laws and institti. . Ware the navvies came upon the oldßo -1 thins of the United States to prepare and man ford, many feet below the surface, I arm a rebellion, Intended to overthrow I whose whereabouts had hitherto been a them, iii " one of the most singular and re- ipuzzle and bone of contention to melee. voltieg features . In the history of the ologists. I Southern Confederation. Had there have, "Roman work,' too, WWI there In dm- I been a Cicero In the American Senate In , dame, and the navvie s broke all their 1. 1 360 he might well have branded the , picks in striking P.' We •ould travel to I Cutilinc of the conspiracy at that me- , Dover end tell shelter stn ice; but why , meet. Less fortunate In his.end then , labor to move the Int ant •stable ? The I.Catiliee, Mr. Davis was more lucky in ; works executes to-bay w Meek no I his beginning. Thaßomanconspirator ' s I pickle and need no ponder. .e. m Thee, plot was prematurely exploded, but he : the deveurer, will never haVe the 'wee fell on the field, :sword in hand, and , of making a rootheome morsel of th n; fighting • to the lasrwith perveited cour- I they eel info their own heart. rotten II , see -deplorable, guilty, tint not to be the core from their very cradle. TI 1 I (lionised. Mr. Dells was allowed by , words pronounced by the Pope on Ash I femme full scope to mature his enter. I. Wednesday to the Cardinals whom If i prier, but be was ignominiously captured , signs on the fors:heed with ~elms, 'W after its failure 0101110 thy in the gar-'member that thou art, dual, and emu dust meats of a woman), and he is now ills. thou shalt return,' might with equal rape 'missed unpunished by the contemptuous . propriateness be pronouneed by the fair magnanimity of his conquerors. 1 lady or distinguished statesmen who, The story of the American civil war Is wall silver trowel in hand, lays the Mun itoo fresh In the memory of all of us to : dation stone of our public. buildings. need recapitulation. Mr. Davis' part I Dust, rubble and 'pockets * -of such is In It as President of the Southern Con. the modern palace made. If, 0 British federacy will be studied in, vain for any householder, you ask for the proof, look •of the splendid ehaneeteristitz which lat your own cracked celliug. 'The very • ofteln lend lustre to a Lad cause. He had ;sepulchres,' says Byron, speaking of Ilttlejudgment and lees foresight. lie' Itolme, 'are tenantless of their heroic does not Deem to have seen the end until : dwellers;' but the sepulchres am sound -llt tell upon him with' a crash. Ile kept bounder far than the most recently (M- I talking of the Northerners as "whipped , Salted 'desirable residence fore nobleman spaniels " even when victory after vie- or gentleman' in S. W. wry of Grant and Sherman and Sheri- I "Have we lost the knack, and are wo den had made the Issue inevitable. His ; disinherited of the mutt of our sires 1" detestation of the principles of human I • liberty broke broke out in positively frantic ac- I A RECEIPT Wotan Oem Tnietheen cents when the North pruelidnied the; DOI/Alta-The Ohio Cu/Ureter says: freedom of the slave. In his mesaage or' take ono pound of eat soda and a halt a January, 1883 he denounced the LIAR. I pound of unslacked lime, tint them• in a Mated Emancipation Prociatation as., gallon of : welter and boll twenty minutes, "the meld execrable clement orded in I let it stand till cool, then drain o 8; and the history Of guilty man." . With char- • put in a stroug jug or jar; soak your acteristic truculence he indicated, In ; dirty clothes over night, or until they some lines of which the ghastly siguifl- rare - wet through, then wring them out mince startled even his English admirers, I and Tub on plenty of soap, and in one 1 the length; he wall prepared to go in : boiler of clothes well covered with wet ' maintaining the master ' s absOluto rights I er add one teacupful of washiec fluid; Over his slaves. : I - I boll half an hour briakly, then wash ... Two_yeers .after, the impotent rage I them thoroughly through one suds, rinsel had set Ikea ill the slaYes • the Southern I and your clothes will look better time armies were beaten, dispeled, forced to the old way of wrothing twice before his ender and 31r. Davis was captured I boiling.- Thie is an Invaluable receipt, iii his miserable , flight: In August, 1863, , and I went every poor, tired woman to he leaned an address in which he &der. I try It. I think with a patent washtub eel" that' . the "malignant nice " of the Ito do the little rubbing the washerwomen Northerners aimed at "nothing less than might take the' old Bible and compose the extermination of yourselves,- your herself on a lquogo sod let the Washing 1 `ties rind your childzen," toidho O now do twit •., "Ct . ,ST" • • I COLIEUPI10": It cannot be concealed • that political corruption hes reached a p tch which gives Sobei'minded citizens occasion for grave apprehensions. But persons who bare come to the conclusion that such corruption IS more common or flagrant in this country 'than elsewhere, have generalized from defective data. A full •, examination of facts will, doubtless, sus-, • tain the inference that badly as political matters are managed here, the manage. - meet of theni in other countries is liable to, yet rieverer,condemnation, Lust year the British House of 63M mons had altuses - in elections to mem bership of that I msdy butler iuvcstigation. . Commissioners were appointed to pro , I ' ceed to the editlerent boroughs from I : which complaints had been forivarded I with instructions arid authority to make i • full Scrutiny.' Four boroughs, situated 1! in different parts of the kingdom,.were : • visited, and ample testimony taken. to j• bring out all the : farts. A degree., of : • corruption was disclosed for which it Is' impossible to find parallelatn the United States. _.• . 'At Great. Yarni`outh, they found that 1 'one Parliamentary Representative had 'alone. "expended , one hundred - and fifty _ thousand dollars in purchasing votes in I past; years. "In 1859, A teen thousand 1 dollars was expended in bribing voters r • on behalf orthe Conservative midi- I dates." •In 1863 ;the Liberals decided i that they could beat the Conservtitives s i . only by resorting, to their n o— warfare, and accorhlngly they made ar- i • . rtuagements to buy up the voters • ln a 1 • body; A wealthy Londoner was cent for and put upon the course, who brought ' ;with him . ''s number of oyster barrels containing, siz thousand pounds in gold," i ' and Agreed to ehare l with the other Litt-1 era] candidate one-half of the expenses ! .of the electihn. Between them they ex- i . pended ftPy thousand dAllars, while the 1 Conservative Candidates likewise poured i . ' out their money like water., The Com- i miselOners obtained the names of ninety persona employed in this single election ..in administering the bribes, and pf four 'hundred and fifty nine pergons who re. 4\ ' • ceived them, - tw ty-nine of whom took pay from both side . I Manylof the "Be dares at large" In 'Yarmouth are non-re 'dents, and It Las been the practice amo ` tl the candidates • • for years to transport thty, to and from the polls, at heavy expense. It is. rela ted that upon one occasion a vessel char . tered to convey a load of these out bur; 'gesses from London,was detained off Far. mouth until ;hermit lad closed, the cap tain hiving 1).C1:1 paid by the other party is dad the wind adverse. I The Commis . Blotters report, as the, 'result of their In vestigations at Lancaster and Reigate, that."the deluge of corruption has • been - universal, anti at Gm last election reach ed a bigger level of society than ever . • . before." The Liberals tkeaexpindeilin I I • "direct htlbery" V.20,(!o0, and the Con . aervatives $ll5 000. In Lancaster the • 0 ! l imra tames bribers were obtained and vho received money pay- iB4 e j voters who receive. ....._ _ nt e a • One Reigate candidate was overheard to say that `:1113 meant to buy .the borough whether or no," gilding that he l'had'immey and meant to tie it." It wall proved that his z i f agents crap oyed all the voters they could " nicasengers, bill-stickers, fad board car ere, and paid them regu larly every week foam the beginning to the end of the 'election." Under the pretext of receiviirg r pay for service thui performed:they were tonight; up like so many cattle. In alluding to another candidate, the•Commiesioners say: , "A. deliberate'and long foimed dateridna lion had existed'of carryftig his election at any cost by corrupt m§ans and in de 'fiance of law.'! In 1662 one of the po= !Rice parties in Tatnesa--erected sheds' or "lin-hlys!'.upon tha' .l wasto meadows and• a manulacture3 £lO ...qualification ..., for "building - Sand land" was thus oh tamed. This "sbeme,!' introduced by ~. :. Conserratlves, we adopted by the -...-,,,,,,,.; and it is related that in 1863. ••". --- ' - ' '4B44 .l i,lragus voters had a dinner, /' - !PPoiri t 6; l ',.. 'but a cabbage from Ids - "fh 4: 11r.:•'. referringto the '-- : : kJ' al ° 'disa ' ic h lo ; . 4, • ' of rh.,,Lhd4 w Epotai iz i o s. candidate in ~, ~,.•, ~,,...._....p.„,,,...,,,,t,,..f th.... ~,..„..j, • 111 . 41 ;5 4 7. 477spi 4 Uzzez: le4 i0 , ~o.;:,:'''.-,. ." - e ta to t ,7,,troro.t s rli aw b' y ...... . . '. ‘! Ontuie . 4,°Mfo 4 , Ore 4 :..; '•..-. I.- , . gi rct 4, 020 ° . . W ~~: ~. I' 1 'IISI3 11611 : K&I)AY. WHOLINALE DEALEIII - AND . ----- •Commission Merchants in Wlll. JUNDHAAI, Jr., Adams Repro. W. • • he., hel Alt &mg, I, an authorised dams 1 0 .Adrrrtitnnentt for the GAZICTTA.md • FLOUR PEED oft o t her papers throughout the United Males ' ," • and the Dentettas. NEW AD VERTISENE.NTS ROBINSON BROTHERS, No. 7$ FOURTH RUM ET, t I Tbn losb Convert 7-30 , .. free of elmrxe. upon lioveln tovnt t,ms. They have countantly on hand all Mogi of U. ta. 331:21V1C151, And are prepared to• buy and aril iad Hoods utockai s i r lana. Ila• *Sid Brin gs blunt. Sion "Ntgil XVI Estate, iue,u'air ot a:7u 4 tru ' l!ft;%i But ler. tierce, Lawrenes. Mercer and Waablualon• inters. allowed on Time De p.!". W - 31ABONIC HALL. O HPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION Dr. Liviagslenes Travels and Ex plorations In SoullrAfrica Fla one vret k only. entumenclug On MONDAY EVENING, June 3.1. Matinee WEDN ESDAY And SATURD Y AFTF:ItSWNS, 112!.. Wand,. I•rocrAds to be ,laeotell to the tholdatt+A or okal• or the K, ItlrminAhato llaptlnt Church. ern foal.,'. AnMD*, l or e. czyrs. Nn half nrlce. Door. g, ,en at Vi; to commence at A o'clock. my. all CIGARS! CIGARS I ' One Million Cigars, =ll R. & W. JEN-KINSON'S. N. fi rEDEttAL tr.. ALL [llli[Nr H . ONSLAER, 1111111...,ALL Alql. ILLTAIL 310.111.116.1.i1111 . 1. XIV Xo]l3 Ingneme Bonnlgh. • A ny .ri. of Vlt f lalinegb And Al. leekeny. At • od. re p dlucllon rom c.touna,Y •nd for nby the wagon load at bla lv • 11... , In I iu.,ne•nn Ileron,b. All old. re 1.1 at 0A...Uri:1).0 will receive proMplattentl.. 017191010 =El;= UN TilUltallAY. Slay 31,191:, At luticlncitA PA.. Al corner %(81. Clair and Libcrty atrvel., • DI II rd _Tables, RACK CUE', Inc ruitee. ac., aua Lea,. Lold oF pro a. IiANIUKI. il. CLULEY..theint. TIIE CHEAP HAT AND SHOE STOIIE. .• • . IDONDIDRUAN• Practical Retail Dealer In IDIOTS and MOPS DAPS aurl. ,, Art . 4. .o. DI 01110 aTitintli t Al irmieur chy. No where else lu the two eilles. Habetter wagions by obtained ln the way of ts. Ca.. llotaa, Shots, and all Ile of Mt dietlttaiters and itainiorala. Mr. la a fair dealer. content with rt.... proti w ta, and dote/ mined to 06. r greattargaina to ail who tarot him with their patrons.. norDia67 J. W. HANNAH. No. 911 L11111131111"W NTREIST. I=l Candles, Cakes, Rats and Frans, ilizaisittentlota ltrobblu m PAClCS nal INCORPORATED 1866. I Black and Colored Dress Silk% 11. J. MOORE, Ali of wnlc4 wu-lucc re.ri,cd. can aod.,Duel g"' Lout "P.Clilit. from " 3 oo r w-- SILK IP E. from IL N... Itll mr.O I ' 1173o:Irrs TEAS =2 TE.4.e: TEAS OY ALI. DIDUCS AND QUALITY. AT 111.. I:K.IFUJEC. 7 a3. 130 N'DS, STOOKS, GREEN TEL W " AND REAL ESTATE, .41:,1 bv.c.r La i RIO PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn St., at No. 107 Market Styeet, .rirrrsounou. PA. JO!. R. 11VGIIES IF IMO rIZO BROAD WAY lin hand and put up to order, Dining and . Billiard Booms, rin Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, 109 it 11l LIBERTY eITREET, Made to order, at GRAFTON'S heal. at all Loon of tl o thLyand night. nun 'ln House Furnishing Store, 1• a'"'"'"" 0 """M 16c. 436 at•coclorial atitripat =Ls r . 1;1 ' 1`..: (=alit tis . c bar. • J. P. PONVIDER, Proltrletor. Near Railroad Malt, Allegheny City , Ulan of min/the —Union Cede.. rot." CHANDELIERS lIIIADIUILIN , SPANGLER. & BRADFORD, :Brackets, Pendants, eie„ M•r11..49-CTICAL.LN Yt/li Plumbers and Bas Fitters, Gas Et33.4a. 011. .vo. .17 Ohio A large anaortnient odhand and receiving at WELDON & KELLY'S, Opposite - the °Welt Depot nu..d np lOW WATER. UAS and BRAM by, sperl.need workmen. PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, I.,==tirgriglaolocr:re. wort. 164 Wood - -Street, _ . NEAR SIETR. "— www 161 . 'W. WATTLES, No. 41 Filth Street, 10 OIL REFINEUS. ,THOS. S. CALHOUN, • 08ELP3JAPX`2EINI., Fine Watches, Rich Gold - Jewelty, No. 1" L 2 c-` 4 "tr ' ct ' Atklii'cnY E, z DIAMONDS, CIDLINB.IiILVNII AND PLATED ANN, and all Arch:lst' utoslly found In a first blanufacturer of •ce . r7 dml/P." 0 ,.. Or U... w comehore. Being thoroughly conot . rtaat with 0.114 wIItND And WA T N N ,my Intalneta, add oat chaalun front dr hands, I can odor epaclid Inducamenta to all who may fa. T.A.NICS. • nor mo with titer pattonsirc. AGITA.TOIO3 bull. on Dm moat Impyoved .' t d I tem. IRON TA NI: nuTrovei and TOPS. and Remamberllle place, No. FIFTH IT.' all kind. of wort of MD claat, done for 101Iners Z1..1 RO 7 S Yrrys on the mot Ivaco:mule term. and at Um shortest jo., nUntl notion 0r:7:15a " • NEW STORE. PITTSBURGH . LAMP COMPANY. 33.1:47. ZE . ClartiEtBC733, jomi ROBS at CO., • fAIDtCIIOII6T; Fruit Store & Bakery, ; iCt OntAX SALOON, and • No. - 23 Wood Pittsburgh, Pa., unimmar. • lane MIRITIIILZIA) between 001.• 1 • hlannhiclurers of enth and Elbert). • • minitsl9 SUGAIt.CURED RAMS. • LAMPS, LAMP BASES, CHIMNEYS, LANTERNS, ETC I At.ootoda.in ceerythltil Pectnlilnn .10 Item e id the celebrated titer brew!, pet • Lenin Trade to the mi , =. s for.frily nee: 'leo. lined Tuuhr.thrl, WAhr e WINDOW .o. for We oy the tierce ULAM. and averethlne In the 61mM:se. or at mill i by JOIIN s. EZNSHAW I corner Liberty - and Hood Weer. • . • very luxe Sock Of 1 BOARDING.—A large peolo- 4 thrY ' FRONT ROOK. 1 - .' •ad TWO Olt TliftEn OTOLIL MOONS, volt I bloom, / 'loses,. !ranlams,. Verbenas, au., We Oakland Illresabovos. • . board, can be obtained at the corner of Mali-. , -11011 R 11. * Al. XXXIDO 0:1 ,, .. UIrO r IISTRUT bad DUQUAbbi WAY. . .. u , iii,„ ca a talool. . 1 • • ' .. MAY: 30, 1867. Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. Percales, Lawni, Shawls; OFFIOE. NO. NO FOURTH STREET, Notlingbam Lace for Curtains; HEAR I Striped Mitres, for Spreads; ..wiLLiss BEA. I Parasols and Sun Umbrellas; = I=l GREATEST BARGAINS, Circulars, InVI I , a THE PEOPLE TEA STORE, Wilson & Underwood CROICE . FAMILY GROCERIES. toyr.:Aue perEn HANGINGS, Of all Grades, FROM STAMPED OOLO AND VELVET, . • nooks rsn be had •At the lowest pelt.. On. the w.. • . i l , •"..1.1.1 Teem" C "'"' WINES AND LIIJOB,S I i z i, FARLAND & .COLLINS, A i , . • ONE lillNDltEll DOLLARS. ONE for leontleatee must. addressed to JD. 11011ift An, ...Mary, ! Nos. 71 and 73 Elfth Street. ----- . Box 14•31, Post UM.. Shlladembla. . No. 'lO9 Penn Street, . . , 1 Mymylelvit " 1 • Second To.. over Henry Klner's Book Store _I THE GREAT 'PITTSBURGH , TIN. GUTTER AND srcitriNG, ! RADICAL NEWSPAPER, TO VIE CRISPEST ASTICiI KNOii3 TO T[l6 TOAD!. I= I=llEl VOICE BEDDLIG PLANTS. BEST DELA INES, E!= I=l ALLEGnExr MEI - - GETTYSBURG AST LUYi TOIL INVALLD l o . VlV7.7t r irof‘ T n n A t c y ' llnt . .MaVclN rsfT... o ' r" - m 's be . Iloatel oi ' ell,/ T ISOM nupoinled - uy the alms e Corporation to carryout the objects of the of !ocean...lion. respectfully announce to the public teat the Legislature of Erns:4lvolt\ too ...aired the raHing of Hindi for the erre- Goo, establishment LOU maintenanee of an A, - i t:tlTl: o efo 1 i": l li ' at ' lln:tet t ‘ :o 7 l/ h e ' ll ;T117. ' 41 ' 1:1 i t:: an Inducement to pstrlo , lE Cit.,. to contribute , . tills beeeTeleet oidect, have • lill.wered the! Corporation to distribute amongst the 60001.. hecn articles f value and Interest, from rs eu a...elation with thy late WO, . , any Mooers, ' tZ:tVi.eiriras glatVVr%,;!,V,°.;,.. P' lnr.V.., time or upon such terms. and in sorb way anti 5r:7171471 1111 ' sTo r t=nVe2tb '' t= ,1 . 7.',:',`; nl7:=At Is w cordially recommended be thejollowing„named ell-Snown gentlemen: V.V.VgtV.ki r i akVti s . tI) C tiTI E ,I. Mid. Gen. GALUslia PENT BYEAGEMB. 11.0. r General EM. GREGORY. • Allor librieral JOHN It BROOKE, • Me or Heneral CHARLES, 11. T. COLL.I4, ' t g r r (Vn ' s.Val . .U: ,i",. rE A LTIVIIIat, Brigadier General JAMEn A. BEA INCR. Brigadier General MOHAIR, 0. PICKLES, al JOSEPH Ir. KNIPE, 111,1;31:;:l:r.%i wm.,...0.100. Brigadier General 41. M. L SC 2 CLICK. Brigadier General JOHN IC.rligUltEll T. Brigadier General JOHN Y. 13 A LLI Elt Brigadier General 0 1. SleCtlY, ' Brigadier General H. E. WINeLOW, Brigadier ritgeral HENRY PLEAsANTh. IIII(eiliel hineral J. E. S. til WIN. itrigadlerMeneral et. J.M. l'AliEll ELL, ItrigaelierHieneral 01104. El. WA LiCa.lL' itrigedlyr iteneral WM. LOUPEBTALLET, Pe r goNl ' r ' 4 ' ; ' ,viVi t ..,l i ii l ir. "-°° ' The ..!, rot. tbe Institution tthirty acres, bas already beep ourchued. aril it Is hopeorthst the Rood wort Msl comMeote hefue•mhlsnlotnee. terns got up . the latest K styles. ' . übscrintions wit! be received at the office of msd,Mili Af.Pl.l“ll.le. NO. ILH Ch.alutd. street. nailed, t p ! , un and after Monday, 'the Stb day of Bay. URLING & BUCHLON :. , . ___ F.,.•.th .titoscrlptlav of eve dolls, a cert.. . . ea...rill be Issued, which will statue the homer .: . sneh articic of value as may be ~. ~ .1 e d ,0 1,. - . ' - AITALLUM BROI:HEItg, member. ~* . Tlie first distribution or awards will tolt made . Merchant Tailors, ,mnied.ate, epee the receipt of 80,Hututiscrin- 1 lone, of 6.10.0• . . . Ihe el,trlbution will be public, and and tr the - ' ' M i oVu :gitiV l" Wiagjng 7. * l "' 4 "'""°'- eltreetitopen talon cf the lorporators. No. 64 ST. CL &IR STREET, ' • Persona at a diatnr.. are requested remit • theeir subieriptiona (when practicable) ` by East . No. 51. Fifth Street, care money order. or rtgistered letter, to lu-- Are daily, receiving • sure prompt. deliver), • , . Direct ail letter, to .ri „ • new line of el new and dealrable patterns. ' J. G. HUFFMAN. . THE LATEST S'CYLE•S,. • • s— V:l y l:;'l' V,7l,7llsd.°l"prfi.. - . ._ • , .:11EDALL10111 VELVETS, • ;The following is a sclie.'e of tile awarda to be . 1•1:01i EAMTEUN CITIES. , • ' • made under tee first distribution. The Items of rey.:y. Diamonds and °trier peerto•s stones •ere por- Velvets, Brussels, E./Im! from citizens uf the houtS during-the war, HENRY G. HALE ' . and .Irah enolnene.• Is certified to by Messrs. ' tot .t Bruc e the to e[ estro..ee diamond Ina. : , ; ZIPESTRr BRUSSELS, porters In the cone., and by J. Beeman, ells- ' . . mond setter. New lor. • el choke assort ant of • ' 106H/151 TM I'M IND St cum 513. ' A I '"` '''' °I 0 ETT ISUUEU .t tI t.M i tt. FOIL INVALID ; Piano and Table Covers, 471: T CNV.V.,11, 1 1.!-; 9 NEW SPR ING : GO© DS IUII COVIRR, 109110 ECU ADD OM": 1.26 LT tT/11)..T. l'lntatial• vop phla. 33/114.51501M1. JUST OPENED, THREE PLY AHD I, IrWO • PLY FIRST I.lldrossTioN. Eighty Thousand noloarlbe * at S 3 DO Each, I— I Diamond Necklave. ti B liants, salved at 410,0.0 I Dlsntoodelaster nrouch and Car Rios, ~,,,,,, , 0— I Award 10.10 Government r Roods 10 fro 4 I Diamond Cross, set Insort, 7..0u • All the Novelties of the Seson, 5 1 Diamond ro s e, set 5,0t0 6 I Award 10-40 Gureratnent Bonds • 5.0. I Diamond wag,. Stone Rio, 4 101 • 0— I Glamond Clu-ter Wavelet.. 4.140 0— I Inarnond tlaßie 61001 Scarf • hand kuon First - Vises Merchant Tailoring 10— I Diamond Ow., Brooch.— 1.000 Entablinhtnent. • 1141ondC1ustpr Itrsoutet. . 4.050 „, ~ 17. I l'alr Sluale Slum: Iklasuoud w. ..." ~ . ... . .. . . ' ... . Ear Mugs la— Dimond Cluster raca.... 3,030 Great Reduction in Prices. 11— AV, tiorernment Bonds • 13— 1/I.snond giggle trouelln... .3.00/ ~1 31, un . g Ler e u t T 01 1.1 1114 . li— `)1,1112112L020 11=LITIVA , Tal,tV: 111vgle ht. nF Biog. L, UU Ulani2r.l , lu.t, Ma, Lag 21— Long India l:anael's 11.1 r. :3 Choice ureraldblUil.. M Spring . Goods, :4 . Blogls etone D i am o n d (I 1.4:90 3.1 to 31— 1 Awards °CIO 40 tioskratuent Bonds. reg LIAO 34 Three Moue Diamond and Ruby, 2a1141 roe 11105.. .. 0.0 BS— 111sdnund. 602[10 Slone kar Koons • • NO • 27 I`llo Ufinnond 1,111,1 112.15. . • . 1,-. 1 I.Hamona ,IDire atone tang, • at . 'ettlg be %1 • u 141111 c a rt and Ms " t N Fo- 1 Plamona tingle bto,e l'ln.; r.OO anal ' d' P "'-' 4 - .1 Dlsmon4l elm•ter Bracelet... HO . , 41 to 50- 10 Awzr.la of 1.10 Government . . Bonds,' each.— . . ._.,. .. ... son St— Lady's illetnu..ll.l.'Watelt. On Ml llisto Intl ethele none lung. 310 Dtamond and Urlo Cluster ltlog ~ •ill rd— Diamond tingle none Ring. oil Al— l'alr It there'd • cart' Pins...-. an ' l= Fa= Vi n o r keng S"' ... 4 .' :., ' OTATEN 13119E11E, r..„,_ Cato., and 41 . C.1 brooch and— , ..Y3 to 1.100 . AWell i V:110 40 Uorenoneat • ,W' ' IMI tolt7A-Ith Awat d Bond, each ernment Legal 1 0 0 ' ' Merchant Tailor, e Gov 'lenders, each ,o '.. .1.1/C0 Awards. Um ernmcni Legal The drtliblatV 4 tie e tZe rewards will 4 , No. 14 WYLIE- - ST., made In nub lc as mon as the thb,crlptione 1., full. of which dne.nottee wilt he elven taro 'eh . , , • the papers. 'II and atter May rith Ihe Diamonds • wlll be on exhibition at the othee of ths Aarocin. . lir;bElt ASHLAND HALL. . apli:a3l:27ll tlon. . The public can conti.tently rely on everything . .. ---,---- 7 —,------= ---.- -r- ---- --- bring othducted In the meet honorable aad (Air mit,,1.....6.1. ......../ u,. ..... manure, All Westward. Trill be handed to cc- 1 IIIJAHII - all Impua due, lly Lao,. Meath nOlolnr• Immediately shirt the dlistribm tint, to •n of alt tri t intiti. ' gf. t etitV.Z: pthl! •• °. . ESTA ISLIMUED Ism • HItTaICATIL.. • AVe hereby Certify that tee hare eau:aloe , . the Goods. , Pcarts.. kmtralda. nobles, arut other Precious tit.:rs i, aa , dr , gr e lbed la the "*. VttbN.l ftllt/` an.ml.Timtiort,rk SCIIMIDT & FRIDAY 7.6111•1 DEN LANE, New. York. J. ULNA. a NN. Diamond rxtter. • 31.1111t011atIC New York. Rim =I FORNEY'S PRESS. No Compromise with Traitors. Allentownitailroad Line. No. 100 Wood Street. RIIITTATIII AIM SILVER PLAT/DTA. 111.. N WARE. TEN TRATIS and TABLE COUP LAIY: &hears on hand. • t. , EPINA TE.ANETS, Wir CIIINA DINN ERBETS, CHINA TOILET ncTs. ' - LI NEU'S lIETFEEN : CHINA VAMEn Wit NA EPITTZ/Ipa, A first-ease Double- . heel Elahl-lotte paper, .. NOIIEW/A. Tle ° revery Bescrlpclon Boston, New 'fork and 'Pittsburgh . . L L*: .. A ,...t D BABEATIN co . nteinlee forty-slant eolu men. • LA 'A PITTOONS. Piibliehed Nem Morelos, bouldmeat cedar ill Ilutiqprr,, Allentown and dewy lily, , ENOLIIIII. USE WARE or au 'ammo.: to of Bacilli& aid I:4W:tut Bleat*. Philedellitile. • • • • ' suit wholesal and retail trade. l • • The lee at rid moat complete, sleek = Without Change of _ Cars. thl.g 1.N..1 eth the eft,. ' - 411iTY As . , Prices and fame the same eels the easteTts NEW TURK tlt/09e PDX vri , rsnuitmi chief. . & dus,. be deflected at PIER No. id. NdItTII : • Ttati.110(lIllUll ,Compauy, ad NUT- the . "'VER. " '""g'"' ""' A '• ^11'"*" 'SHEPHARD'S Agents of tbe S. d. estitrsd It. It.. at sane pier. , .; . , , • . , cia-licKnits 6el the Besl and the:pest Nestpapet in the Cetotry ME PRESS, T aer. d.. DAILY PRESS. • 41A•011 ULM ANNUM. 41.60 FOR MMNTINI. 412.00 YOU TUREE MU/R211:1 TRIWEEKLY PADA, $l.OO rim ♦NNO.V. 111.00 1011 01X hIONTII3. 61:00 IUII THREE 10091fttl. TILE SUNDAY PRENN $.40 PER ANNUM. tl.OO FOIL isIX 1102411te. C. C. AL3L.,...im i c›. - . PITT SBMIGH,. PJL. , ____ fel •ehl I DEALER IN . . , J.J• .11010.1,(...,0. It 1 , 1t111..•151,C •OW1•1116 .r. ceurilew•l• dsconAwf. , Fine Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, . ' THE. WEEKLY ERWIN. tee The most ! MORRI SON, BARB LX CO., jaluable Weetly Newepa per 111 - 11i11711. lutcr.a. - zeici, wand. It contelos Deem of Interest tq ever) ' AND Ilanolheturels oft/1144D of one. , • itg•Au ruIeTEIIIW • cue coyY . ti• 011 per annum. . French Clocks . , (51 - c. Fly. copier MO '. .` ,• Ten comeo„.„ ............. 17.00 „ „ Aral v;r „ r e g i, l3. o, to lite ILEPMILLSO CY , , TwU.HT .4 ,1 . , - 32.1)0 ••• tt 1 I Order. prop:TU/1111rd, To tho getter op or Club or Ica or more • vim on extra copy Will - E=ll JOHN W. FORNEY, Yolltor nod Proprietor. I. W. Got. Burenth and Chestnut tits.. Phllattellattut r OOD N 0.3 M sEWS•. Clair Street. mow. purobsoe4 of A NDREW,III,OO3 tb6 CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR: T V:ittnte al i Zr7, l :7ZaTl:fg,vgglg, ! Bowan Roo WARD'S BREAD. 614 CHAS. A:TSILLER, . to teeo on toool a Ots , clas. stoce of. ; 'toe 161t1DS• . /1..W.••0s ' HARDWARE, CUTLERY, onbaotakitatrO LITEIOGRiorrER, ounz. lUtles Revo.ors. Vbnold, Olttang:tactla T. - , „ - irrAFF Rump I MALT! • nt•r4.llrl:, a l,7:ira No. SO NOONNW 11T:, dpolto Balldlag• Gritollog Haxont s Rohm. A n a Cutting litencit; • 1.000 MAR. 07110101 BailLILT)Da.p. r ; and btasope, and mating Roil and Canoellioff ORECif& DRATITI, naLl. sad LIT- 1. Nltamps, obortost onus. Y. sale by TER 11 done la all, 5t.740. W 11 SOWN, Womoger. 1111.11/Y , L.pDtzMmtizrent mytinno Llbetty I NOTICES. ---- WAIITE24OI/11SIONISTtl, 7a off omit Auction Naze el' Lola at TASt . Libor. AFTSIINtAiii, at 1 o Monougahe a Valley % 'Meeting . ;a °Depot " ILL gE 11 1 11 ,, AT Z nitV."L'!"" DABNEY'. 310111:AN • & .CO., WANTIO, BONDS AND, .1101ITGAGER: I= =I I= _ v „ _.._. 0 ,.„„ 0 „„„ ,„„„„.„ ~, ~ ,:c 'tooter nwl !teal Estate Agent. No •flq /111 , TH• PITTI.LIVItIit. 31,4 ,I11:1 . .11 ' . ' IarNOTICE.—To Dee tilackhol- WANTED. dors of the ALLEGHENY 'VALLEY • ItAILIIO.I.I, (lour Al, Y. 20.000 VENTIO. A operial 51,ting, I tho ftorkhollorm of MO an ' t CL ' ar t =il . ,7l;. ' f Mree ' a u . "'" c"1"li '''' Atli-ch.., V:.11.•, - Itall,ml Company 7111 tie W. 11. CH LIIIIISTER. hell at the flier l 1,011., corner Of Ca- ' ea,rOollT at AG Broadway, New Volla nal and l'the ht,el t,iar. l'lttabor,,lhion =1 • aginloosaxiaal., At II oirloek A. st., to tate Action on .9upplo- Envoi In the Charter of tho ComionTrePProVvd uraddrrae. Vcr"" Apt Ith, W. D. DAHER, PHILLIP - S. lireeldent. art:OUNTY EON' VENI'ION. WANTED. The UNION It STIIIILIOAN VUTFAIS or the v v County of Alleithenfielll inert at their roe, live places of holding cluctir or, 00 • --. • I will par $lO tallb for second•band 1 9i . ENCT.It FI,Gn or CARDIN K.S. In nod working otd,r Saturday, Julie 1, 1567, • m,:imsa.dal, .1. 11. JOHNSTON. And elect TWO DELEGATES from each Clod precinct to a County' Convention. to be WANTED. held at the COURT lIOULSE. In the City of .. r , burgh, on TURSIt AM. Jane 411 i. IIG: at" FIVE HUNDRED AGENTS. 1, ITU Uloce. a. In.. to nominate a Ticket for ...cunt,' °dicers• and the election of. Delegates to the .. 1 -. tse Conrention• To caucus or tell by..subsolptloo :hllrortralt The meetings will b.. held In the la cc and of 110 N. THAI/W[II6ISW: V NIS. WI% b 11.r.. 1 noton,ths bet+. en the Lours of • and o'clock about to publish. Thls Vortra.t .1s r s _..._ , , . ...a 110 l voting be by ball,. Its the Town- "'frit.. or On , late Chas. NV. Eiseman, . 1 .,. thins between the beers a I and IP. IC, and tbe 'cart...Wired to lie ths best niceness of th 111...... deka.. a chosen by marking. tlngulabed inatesinan that has ever bee. taloss:; .Vit rao ant to a resdiutton of .c 1 . 7,1•C • 1111iC C . 0131. • Tb,..Ftist. who stands at the bead of his art ha' s t rt. ‘ l= Talio - .X..T! " ; , i ' f.ol ' ,7,: ° : - : ' ,,lf,t " A tlii . 1 y yo7= Vi r g.: v.raP.7rgigt : nept•mber wt, ISt; t.. 1 which further itlec will tut. of one of LW eat lg :Statesmen, will heave of the best htecl Engraved WOrltraltit. bercaP er be glven. poor produced In this country. arid we are ems-. • By order of Coucty Cot:l[l2lM,, bled to offer loth.went, to %genial to ma, moncy, such as ago rarely offered elsewhere-. Exclusive teirilorf will ix given to gar' and rem Maisie nsen In all parts of the tinned :States. 1.. r-sons -sons wish.g to onent. wig do well totall In af. , V ,7 .11 Isle 4". th' Veltlrd t in by ". e particulars wi11 . ., brz.....i. /OLIN W. VIDDELL, Chairman, A. 1.. PAIIIiiOn, T. M. na _ ... _--.. —....--. my:: 'Nu. II Eisl Floc vt • s auesster,Ps. 2.I.E.IICHANT TAIL, ~. ~ Hesnv CAPPELL: PlercLant DOTI' MAI.E.AND FEMALE. ,! TA ILO/1., anti dealer le ' . . . hi every township nod county, to Sella very pop. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goolls, v,.,r o. wzr, a ,t,t i 1r... ttiv: 7. 11.4 . r i . 1 t .42 hIIITIIPIELD STREET. ~,,h s tar. b .l ' . (P loot below Sisth. Parrihonoll, yA. _ inh.3o.•yrZ , 75 Thirst street. rltlstelreh. Ps. • All Ode latokt L 4 prlng RIA Stoonuer styled of -• Cloths. Caadlmerds and Vd.llnits un [Mud. sod A i t .vmq, ..de up In to 111031 faehluna4le style, mt. s , ••••..4 .4 prledd. mVlU:dld I-1 01S' CLOTHING. - . Metropolitan, Gariba.l4l, Grant, 11FAILIVEY ADD CICT&WAT I SUITS ! , , 11. 7E O . ALL SILLS AND OF IRS NETESt FABRICS, • large and complete assortment now on Land GRAY & LOGAN, =I WI HESPENINIE, Merchant's a7or, 7 No. 50 ST, CLHR ST EET. Jost received, •second arrival of TEN SPItIIIO 00000. All late and nem stsle I=l =I SECOND AIMIVAL OF Fresh from the Thiporters, GREATLY REDUCFD PRICES IMPOETEIIN OF FOUEIGN. , • sr . . - Wouhl direct the atteitiun og• the pabie. tO the ' CilDbi WAIIEROUSE. rat Oast, possessing soli trior t•clilties through several low wine and ll.tuor boas , . te Europe. • ..... and making their Inthonations dlr. , ' tneE are . - enabled to Orr the various grades or c °lce : '1!'`21..`,17,1?t:.Y7,1fAL7LV.1,,f1;12; ' RIBERO BREED &,. DO °, ' of wires respectruny oilcited , , _ . A choice as.ortment or PUNE OLD RYE - Willti; EY constantiv on hand. . tkoMmta NEW, ALL RAIL, FAST FREIGHT LINE, MINN o. of 112UND I.tdlia 15.0 A ., Y . lat ;No office of the Mao. 234 W Bo•lon 01 77'WASIIINGTON NT JOHN I'. IL►MILTON, agent, ufflee, root of LIBERTY BT:. I 3=E=2 ►U. 22 Fifth Street. 915, IRON CITY CUTLERY CO, EZEi A: J. COOVin. Mount Vernon. Gfr. MCC. x.xi•r•r-sr, W,ZkNTED 114 DIA1101111) Ht. Pittalmret, 141.1ENC6It 7•811 OT 8.1714.16. CLOTHS, &o. LT STORE'. NEW -CAR FRESH ARRIVAL OF HE* PATTKILNIS IN Tapestry Brussels. Body Brussels, - 3-Ply and a-my, .. Tapestry Ingrains.• A Full Line of Straw Mattings, PLAIN, CHEC.+ED AND YANOX. - tir.:=. " gar than It rood, a wilt no Well to ere as Audi. BOVARD, ROSE & ,cp., Al PIFTB bTHILT. (seuid over Bat. & E=:o Ingrains, And, every variety of low' yrlee4l Carl/ding 11(cOALLUDI BitOTIECEERS, i ElltroOt. CARPETS. OLIVER DUCLINTOCR & COMPANY, HAVE JUST OPENED For the Spring Trade, T 1 NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Shades, &e: ) e ►ttentlon II caned to oei floe steak or EIBRODiRED TABU BD PIANO GNUS Great Decline in Prices, 1213 SIST3Ei FEBRUARY, 1567. WE OPEN TO-DAY, C rl" ' Comprising the liesirsiterns mute in ingeatts Three. Pisratsd Eng.. fish Tapestry Brussels, width we now offer at WHOLESALE An Err Ail ==! X3h!CE•GIMI.TMLFILIII, 317 Liberty Street, BOOK AND PRINT PAPER. SP/LAWS; 111ILI:1' Addrikss, /6rlllcbteh nrls .. d for 0 =EI IMMI 8111 ~~;~~~~ ,~ {,.'~.
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