y g ~r~ Cutitt Tyke._ „..„ facts. • the old organizations would be manifest' laSsibrontsms. 'There is no room for them: > Oteourse there are persons who - do not see this. They do not consider parties as the representations of certain distinct_ and 'idolizing ideas, but purely as michinesfor promoting the ambitions of particularvidividuals or classes. In -their conception the old party with which they acted, and by means of -which they attained possibly a degree of Consplcuity flattering to their vanity, is 'better than any other that can be devis ed. The masses of the people, who do bet seek and never expect to hold office, are of s very different way of thinking. With them it is essential that the party .or parties with, which , they act should laold definite and appropriate relations •to the condition of the case as it stands. Nelms, within the last few weeks de- Yelopments have come to the surface in various portions of the South showing that the Republican party, hitherto 1 , - known in that section only by the hear ing of the ear, is quietly perfecting its • 'organization. Front the day the party • was called into. existence there were large numbers of- people in the Slave •-••-•,--, holding States, white as well as black, • who approved its principles and meth ods, and would gladly have co-operated with it, bat were, restrained through a • laudable desire for their bodily safety. the; democrats, whose power was su preme in all that region, did not scruple to crush out by mob law all men who ' had the temerity to acknowledge or ex hibit sympathy with the party avowedly opposed to slavery. If, slid not matter to them what the constitutidnal rights, if such men were, or how estimable they bad proved to be m private or public re , lations. They could not remain la com- Irina= with the Republicans - and live. What was conceived to be the necessity of Slavery was superior to all the pie. visions of the Constitution; to all rights 'of citizenship; and to all social, moral . and intellectual excellenea: This brutal physical coercion being rumored, there is opportunity for muffled and suppress ed affinity with-the Republican party to crop ern, without fear, and in deftanceof • its old adversaries. Besides, the Repub . Beau party, thotigh resting under the reputatioeof sectionalism, has won some memorable triumphs in the interests of ,the nation and humanity- It has extir pated Slavery, suppressed 'rebellion, en forced nationality, and vindicated in the full blaze of sun-light the efficacy of gov ernment by the people. The blacks, de lireild from the thraldom of ages by its wisdom and courage, take to it natural ly with a sentiment somewhat akin to the fervor of devotion. In their unskill ed minds ihe • suggestion comes like a • -,gash of intuition that -the party which has done so much for them, can and will do more. • • Oa the part of mutitudes of whites the predilection, long locked in their bosoms as a secret not to be whispered even in the confidences orfriendship, has now an opportunity to display itself i in the most formal manner, without sub . jecting themselves - to violinces. Nor are these the only recruits tope - Reed , - Bean ranks from among the whites. Consistency,_ earnestness, success, aro sure to attract admiration and draw fel - lowers. Thousands who would not • have joined the Republicans had slavery eurtived the war, are ready to act with - them now that it has disappeared far: ever. . Attempts are making, moreover, to es tablish a Conservative , party.• In quiet times, -rippled only - by a comparatively small number of agitators, Conservatism is earyand fashionable.: All the" pros -- porous and powerful classes patronize it, ' teatime it gives them- assurance of - Con-1 tinned wealth, influence and dignity. They dislike change, because they car not tell what it may do . for them. Bitt, In a period like the present, when all men are terribly in earnest, when the fountains of the great deep are broken np, when civil and social life Is wrenched I from its oldrmoorings, and adrift on the sea requiring bold and skillful pilotage, there are not Conservatives enough et any genuine sort, to make much ado about. If many pretend to be such they are only trying to palm off a deceit, rely ing upon the force of old traditions to overmatch fresh impulses. in a period of violent and far-reaching revolution, such as this nation is pass - ing through, the men who are truly iXtri servatives are of no practical account. Their sympathies are with a past age, . and not with that now on the scene of' , action. • Bad. they been blessed with good sense they would have expired with the time to Which they were ignited, and' not have made a mischievous attempt te project themselves hito'lia 'ere whichltia no use for theirservices and no respect for their Inculcations. -- • - EMI DOVILLE HEADED ' Fora long acrid of years the fortune of the Democratic party' was .made by 'earing two faces, to imitation of Janus. • . One el these looked toward the white race, and said as plainly as features can • be made to, convey- ideas and emotions, that the party was in favor of the largest' Liberty- The other looked towards the black race, and said in'. a way not to be mistaken that the party was in favor of the most hateful aristocracy the light of the sun.ever shone upon. Dor did any cansciousness of shame, at the glaring inconsistency, abash it in the America of \ the civilized world, or in view , of the 50gment of impartial history. Raving stiffed reason. aid"given passion and prejudice unlimited control, it did not appreciate-the attitude in which. It stood. ;Nor !, did it care. Its doable position was ; profitable, and as for. the rest, it ,was \ contlnt to take the chit:nee& . ;Ls soon DS the blacks throughout the South had ballots -dellyered Into - their • bands the Democrats conceived the idea of wearing double faces towards differ ent groups orthat race. The word was instantly passed along the line to "coact the blacks" wherever' tbey have the right to vote, but to heap all manner of canter:6oy and reproaches on them where that right is *withheld. In accordance with this deceptive and • - 'dishonest policy, the Democrats itMdef e.rential to the blacks in the eleven re- Yolted States; .where they are numerous, ._. . and hold at least the balaneo of pciltical power. There is something ,gfil t estme _o en eral 6 S E M N ki Elt—' e.. A 'i l i --- cl l. ra W a S t:d of the e' con and snub t. sale has and amusing in the- way they note ea- r,,t r t ':,r:n t oier p r ommitng the sale or gut pialliA.. l V, A -h l^ '' ' le. • - hAalif tenderly they of liquors to Cr.ited Staten soldiers, sailors or marines. `t the Most - _ The Eigt.u.hour bill which' ass been ,novas, in pending in the Ohio Legislature was lost on „ account of the House, before Its final ad. 7 4 ng a” Journment, .fusing to take up and pass si p g the Senat • amemluterifs to the bll.. . . —There is a great scarcity of desirable lA, hon.alor country residences in the vicinity of Bost.on, and rents have gone up rapidly in consequence. the Traretter States that • mall building was bought us Boston some ~ ..e since for VS. and carried on a sloop to . nelghßorlngtown, and now rents easily 7ngineer John Ifehutt,f M boy •or age, and the only son er or. hurter, of tva•ntmetooeity, was sc . - - ~,,,. `l44led-ia Rock 11,11 college, Lill o. . ..-..iehillis, Maryland, on Thursday morn ing, by a Noe ball bat, whicn slipped from the hands of a fellow student while ho was attempting to strike a ball with it.' —lt Is understood in' Washington that (leneraiGnsitt is engaged in preparing a general order of inatructiona to District Commanders • under the Military Recon struction Bill, in which he will define their duties and newer's. ills circular will have to be submitted to the President and Cabi net, and may be overruled or monlned. —Women aro having their claim. for ed.,' calomel privileged recognized In England. The new charter last granted to the Lou. dna University not only admits women to general examinations' to test their qualifi cations 113 governess, teachers, .11. e., but also to speciat examinations for degrees In med icine and law i and the British Medleal J our. nal Says that many more ladles are delli. coos of tultrassion to the bar than to medi cal practice. OEM of the ex.alives are solicited, and to note how disposed the blacks are to use the utmost caution in determining how and for whom to cast their ballots. in Pennsylvanm - and other States where the blacks enjoy personal• free dom, but are yet debarred front political rights, the Democrats practice their old brutality aid ruffianism towards them. The animosities and hatreds of the baser sorts of the whites are continhally ex cited, and no efforts are spared to make the enfranchisement of the negroes odionn 'When one face was carried towards one race, and a different face towards ___ • the other, the trick, however mean, was comparatively easy. Centuries of en .lavement of the black vice had made it excusable, if not popular, to heap all manner of abuse upon its members. Wit, Irony, and sarcasm were not essen tial in this miserable work. Only an unlimited amount of blackguardism was required, polished off somewhat by a sanctimonious profession of zeal for ful filling the scriptural malediction against Canaan. The task is harder now that the two faces auto be exhibited towards different • portions of the same race. Bembo, in one locality, is to be rated sweet as a freshly blossomed rose in June, while in another district he is to be denounced as still emitting an intol- I erable musk. Like the "little joker" he is, now to be under ono thimble, and anon under the other. Now, we confess that h the Democraset ts have great adroitness, te result of tied contempt for all elementary princi ples Ad long practice in treating them Untidy as counters in a game. Never theless we are convinced they have UM attempted what is beyond their art. I They cannot so carry this dissembling I as not to be exposed. It is manifest what they will do:' After some further trying, and hurtful failures, they will make an estimate 'of loss sad gain, and Sao decide their permanent policy. At', the next presidential election four mil lions of blacks will vote; not to exceed half a million will not. The strength of Democratic convictions •will corrsspond to the ProPortionl of these nurehirs. It will soon be as.fizablonable in nperno erotic meetings to eulogize Africa as Ire land. There may be no • heart in the now laudation, bpt the neceultiss of the case will enforce a novel application of the injunction to "stoop to conquer." It has.long been a Democratic axiom that however drunk's voter may be, the intoxication does not reach his ballot. By an adaptation of thin mien will be held that whatever diversities may exist in the complexions of voters, all ballots are white. This pleassuTfiction of logic will reconcile the DOMOCrata to any ac cession of strength, they may be able to gain from the black race. It is possible, however, the blacks, under a feeling of self-respect, may become so select as to repel and reinse Democratic association. The New York World insists the blacks are reuarhably well-behaved. The in stinct that inclines them in that direc tion under circumstances of peculiar ills - 1 eottragement, may lead them undermore favorableconditions to perceive an nn gracious 'odor 'exhaling In Democratic crowds, and to avoid it. The Journal of Prison Discipline for denwsry, 1807,Inakes the statement, as the result of extensive and atreful vestigation, that seventy-five - out of eve— ry hundred persons now incarcerated in the jails and penitentiaries of this coon- try, served for longer or shorter periods in the loyal and rebetannicr daring the war recently closed. In the loyal States the, primers, with rare exceptions. served in the loyal armies, while in the -rebel States they served as exclusively . In the insurgent forces. . The Inference naturally deducible from this bold , pre-- siltation of the is -that military sox , vice is prejudicial to morality: In general, perhaps; few or none will . be found to dispute the accuracy thls deduction. War, in its best' estate, Is barbarism; and the roost:Tearful -.penalty a nation pays for engaging tuit Is tbe retrogression made towards . a singe '1 condition of society, . But, it will not do to judge of the effect of the late war 'ex. chusively or mainly by the number ' soldiers since accused and convicted pf crime. By tax the large' portionof the criminal classes were swept of attracted ; ; into the . militasy. - service. They got there through the force of many reasons: 1 Some were drafted and coerced. , 'Ontall:1 went for the hountles offered. Net few for the love of adventure. Many for Been - an - 1i Vol : Sect. A - wildaud up cultivated patriotism constrained multl7 tudes. By far the greater part of all thesis would have become prison inmatei r ' lf they hid kent,Outef the ,arnitficlir no war had existed: Their bias to OM ; antedated their : 11431'1d 31 - . While this is true, itls hate fenelude that the infreisaniff crintentabirtOpep ulation, and which has been very,. con siderable, marks the:stenenai lenionnixs. tion consequent upon the greet 'istrinFi. floral Cousage.LThrillllng General Sherman says the greatest do- • mend over made on his moral coarago . was under following clunPastanoew The citizens of San Fmnelsco were oil: ebrating the Fourth of July ha the American theatre whichWas'paeked to its utmost 'capacity. General Sher Man was Chief Diarshal." and occupied a seat near the front: of the stage: Thu orator had completed hie oration, the pout be. wan his song, whoa one oriels aids: white with fear, made his way down the I die aisle to the footrlights,and bbeau:46g the General's ear, whispered to. hiM that the theatre bad settled afoot and a half in one of the side walls, under the weight of the crowd, and n 3 I t be expected at , MIT moment to tumble on their heads in rare.. The General comminied bi9 sit down where hd was, without, tu rning _ his panic smitten face to' the tiudience) rrdti4)tstV; not one to wo te r tort H the etb oon en qquiet of the wall thou gave his apparent Oct. tention to the Poem. expecting every m moot, as ho said; tease the pitta's reel ing and the roof falling in; but never theless, certain that' iany 'general' acid sudden movement lust fright of the peo. pie would hasten Um catastrophe and as: gravid. the ruin, while, by the ordinary migmethod of disPorlden the danger might possibly be escaped..., The ezer else continued calmly to the close. The audience left the theatre maleue. with. out suspecting their peril, and tietsi. ble destruction was averted by the pre". once of mind,the self-control of thebrave soul who, contemplating at one glance all the, paSsibilitler of the ease, decided upon, the Tolley of duty, and awaited without one betraying glance, or treach erous clump of complexion , once* tain, tremendous corunuences. —The "Eastern gaestion" is as trouble some in Harope as over. England holds aloof from the efforts at other nations to settle it. She will takeno stop whatever to hasten a premature dissolution of the Turkish Empire, preferring to await Its do. miss from "Internal causes." France, It is idroposes that Turkey goal yield Can. dl. to t; ramie, on obtaining a guarantee for the accurlty other remaining territory; but to this Russia objects, remarking that no Elialint.n guarantees can be given Insuring immunity for the persegution of other ChrlatianPeOPlea• WANT SUPPLIED. London Ale, Bottled Ales, London Porter. Brown Stoat. To get genuine imported London Ale, Porter or Brown Stout, hag been almost en impossibility In this 014, notwithstanding that there are few taste, more suitable tot weakly persons and lIITS/Id. The waist Du at length been eepp.ted. A largo assortment of the guest brands, comm .- Ding Botchy ingerthut , London Stout, Bess I Co • le I ale Ate, Campbell's ncoteh Ale. etc.. just recalved at JUSY.PII /WOLIN ti.d DRUB STOUR, No. 04 Mitket street. so 1 is sold by the cam or single bottle, at the lowest rates. Lis.* complete @took of the Illness. Llgeors for medicinal parpresee, and Campbell's Opultling Ale, the Mast article In net... Remember the Voce. ' . - JOBEP.II FJLE3WfIii'S , • IMO AND rersNT MEDICLN EPOT spr.Wrys N 0.14 Dasket sDtreet. • What Eisvaine's Ointment Will Do. It will can Iteh Sn *mil to 45 boars. s—it wilt owe the most obstlhate • cases of Tat- ter. . a—lt .nn cure Chroido .ICryttpeles of the face. ' 4-1 t trill cure bat iii. 411112. Costa ties!. o—lt ott4l care 'Want riles, LO Nr ellorok 6—lt will rotatively cure ell Eltin 11 1000060. 7.-113110 maxim's OUSITAZas Lad Witten no ..ITCII ,* Dr. Thomas •r ofithana. ••TErricir t ••I.T014" ITCH." Dr. DlDarbeit OOLOnlat, TETTKIV , siVair.s.iwWer “TzTrew• • - "TETTEN., 401 , . TO 7.101 "TT2T.EIt" "ITCH" ..TZTTIOV. sd r erptr. 4 'el;pl'i , c7.,&M E N 4 ri g thrkg: liAn 85 Market stmet. OW. A. AEL.LT. 37 Yaritinit.4o3.j.trAtilt •ti Welt KAAZ DLuLTT„Allegutnylo. U." saigaZ "Trg PRISON IiTATISTICS. GIVE lIATERE A LIFT. • Pc opN coped{ toonsuch of Stature. They trine wllh their health and - their constiwtions. and Ow are surprised that tbartai Ala. The presser* of emwent ' mental or bodily Lebo:. open Ws animal powers, I. tremesdotts.: Very few systems and hortstltutions too ties+ op i witan Wu pressor° unsssisted. 'And to ale the unhealthy, Influences which lull unseen ta Ws ve breathe, the drtnk. ths lar allaa• sie prodoced at this * *eatenby the-Change from We rigor of Whiter to We warmth of f , pring..and 4! weld seem to require shawl{ so. Verbs man vigor to heap In pert et health with. cot retatorthag the phyalcal energies. Dot how reinter. them?' Certainly not with adulterated stlmalwis.. T here he no poison in the outer air. or la the atmosphere of fiance. heated rooms, Or Wark-ptkOps.. Or fiClOrle It, w pernus as those deeds...burning told, Why um mess when 111a/STETTEntn eTtIOIACH 111 tlrent3, • venecante mate *tamer alloy. arst :IV.%ere obtasows , ? Points. am ever been the trellis sad dettltiste , no be/Inlet e ta In instare, so p • er tai la Its losigorwins at. frets, as ti is wiehrst-d . . , . !SWUM. HI. I AND ALTERATI V/. 'ln the arms end the navy , In Vete settlements. Inon la crowds delta, to in 004 roang. rich .rd poor. It is used as a rltilTeef IV A 10.1) ItiCsit UstA:IIV,L lilDiCalla,,witts mosltgsatls lying remits, rocs CAIVALDESSIS. A. tree which - Is abnedent In C..ls, Save Satin, and the awe northern r arts of the Sew E iaised Sates; itaf inst. found In the elevated and moot:tab:one to Alo. of the Middle biota. atkarnetz in Virtues., Lr. Owett. of Bonen. ho prepaed a coracle. • front the coat laid* bort ef the .ma taw. tailed Ft). LAND . * WHITE Plitt CYall'Ull.hilt. *nab Is one of rue value In all debilitated stake of the kidneys. It sea Ilke &charm a el/ Wale. of invious meerbratee, eefibllng them to regain their tort tone sod energy., 11.111 be found well adapted to 011 those diseases. where Sian hue bean tried sea tailed. - It i. Ilkewlse well tuned to ehronle &dabs end se infallible arctic lbr old and debt:listed ales of asthma. bany per sons who et Irst only tat a bottled this Medi cine, to trl. eftcreradi rime back gott tot a ea.. or Ulf dozen. which effected natal cures of Massa of the bleedet end kidneys of DU: bides, edle R. eseethatlas been looked spoi Us:song tearable,. le leasediatelyrellseed by /splice as tertian. ot• .11es liooonnr, P‘44r2=fgrigm,a.m..p.ottrg of lbe pine; say.: ••it is prescribed in leaeartosa. sleet, and other diseueeef the artnary pabletWor: In plies sad ceroan•lonseastion or war:Won of the bowels.. a chronic , es . sarrltsl affe l ctions. aX i t*,rgljarg . , , z Mt wine, and way e there Is red . welt; sediment It an br telt. w (street mterrnOtion to ene , s wshal eassilons: sod leaked a stamp prodecee naming, balthy power of. ranee .4 ' Si per bottle: six foren, as Ita ,rtnaoa tl.•wele/T•• • Plltl Cfigtilfritlfti2l6TablglN:Mg NV.Vi :ADVERTIBEKENTS, IrdL Bnres.a.m. Jr.; .41d6ss litrprus Qr. tbss.4l6 1V126 firm.; U mt makortua Acme to , 0: A arTIRLIIATI CHORAL . BER vicr....-The nsula AFTEEIN VON era ‘rewUL be wins In vaslrscBllacu.lll‘th 19-XUaltol7. at Pi k arPINDIODTIII" ••-• The <testae emTleaet Bib U. a10.72.1Va. "Salem with this Cbutsll., 1011.* held la Um AIMDICAIIf or' Musty, 10-Moß suw moußiao, at IDStOClock,mal7SWeloct la 'Lae eeehl , • • Evienir LAE! BI Oft% ATOM! and Balan•retree l 4 Ail Ittesie elty..stev.le.SL YOZO. .reau.e. . ue In vited. b..ste free. !WILIAM School ..e Y O'clock or -vpo•Eittatiikt. - cuunctr, co.gatAir tiItANT —Futon Het, 'll4lSsilltd.AN. • rtescblat .EVEBT SUNDA . st 103 i 4. X., .114 7r. as. soodsiltsbost et ON. X. ' the ;Notts aril In vited toms*. end bear. Noblest. Mx to-Ntortogs eveolog—..lisuostss. itsns to We VW Dsosostlast - . gargrAnnots,.— rule Mawr or iroggilMai - u0 NtnvLgravxmagionv.i.,i 9.. 'ie_7,i rudteld auu Laeamk.susam eq . reeittn.griatNl472l tgr•ATBST BAPTIST CHURCH( . • -.erros s 1 tOsli W Yoursb sp.c.l4,lkbaKe lanW4 !•{=!..:*.talt'solYttoul. e! Strantiol Imeordany Invite. The re.tdrte the ran r. Incginsom4 tp aro. Vtattoula Meat. .„ IarTfIEVIIVOCIII GII11.10.1) AND CLASS. ROOMS. Ara USW alpiii*iitiii,itilt*datkOCOA A, tr. DEDWATIOX. .:90113111CrW.113AZBATll, TUB NEW AIM N. E. CRIIRCII. natrit.';'7,2.l..gurbtradlgat 14%v.P4- "trairiliolirstm LL.llwor I sermon et rals r. t a g iv v ir h• it..IMB/T XS 13cl o'ock Ott IlltiobertOr name ud the 9uMIC t¢ g.7Atmtt,"Cll.lll4 !nrt.e. 4 1 !Co attend. . st UNG 1. TOR EE4. TSFer# ow • 11Y-8-Sizum%_ onTblrd.'"?'l CO.. • • " Week' • ' .4d 31 hi" Grip MEWL. CHEAPIREADIN DEAR TIMES. . t ..:. '. Xmaii+o sor 'WARD'S SIiZAD. ,The Oargat wsna 0 96s 1081010 •'a. W." a ever, teat, None thol Ward'.Anbitriwlllifftlll _ , VALI:CABLE MEDICAL 119011 ill. ..•, . . • - 11 - EADLAND oN ?lit AOTIoN or MIDI; Taiga IN TUN FY :MAIL Ylfu, Amartessi 2. trice 61.00. apikca JUT. 00, ea Wald strict. 111GIIEST MEET RITES PAID FOR MAY AND .TITLY COUPONS, JAS, T.' BRADY & CO., Bankers, Cor. Fouyth & Wood Sts. ap21::82 TO TIIE PUBLIC ISSETiIIi,IILIONIVZ 2E V ICOULXII I gprll stn. WT. Yrequent intiolrY bent mode so to what Polite we are prepared to send dispatches at re 'doted rates anti' the system of "litight Ya antes" Introduced by this Company, the follow ing list of the rinci.al Mies on the Weston tin Linn, To which messages mai be gent, is published for the Information of the public I 1300 TON. DCTItUIT. 'IOKW TOBJE.• TOLICOO: PHIL ALI ALIZIA• CLAVELIND. It•Ial1I0/11I4 INDIANAPOLIS. WASHINIITON. COLUMBUS. CINCINN ATI. NOY YALU. BT. LOUIS. ALB•NY, • CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, MILWAUKEE, BICTIMOND, MO I. TOoILEBY, WILMINGTON, E. 0, KEMP N 18 . .. AMOUSTA,• NEW (ALBAN. CITTMOBILE, OIL . SitXtIEL L. GIBSON. Minsager azanyv RECENT ''IUBLICATIONS, TOE SASS B 1" 33-41.1 r CC0NVE"..663%112-, 63 Wood Street. The Ilantroot Lae , of the Matsui BUMS. Du OWa) l w .. h N o o u t rnst. y B y Yd a a n g J o Oh L e a . n . a..s3 AO 'ltla lintstratls and mops II ' The Al 3111141,“ to o la n ntlhe Dlseov.ry. 15 5 6.7.. to CO 110 3 441retifi'. 1 r 5 1111:;it. 01 0 .411 c3nington. M. A. She DtamonO Italtlon or Vlttess, r.. to • Bluslratad. p0 u r0i..... Iso rua , 14%I.Z:Zrutitt71. 1 teft j .• .... wnaab.rrs . By VDUs= US toe Second of Iloilo. By Charles Gaya.. 700 A Tutor's Coaronal to Ms Pupils. By lie, Oh H. D. Buhl. 1 sa Memoirs and Corrcspannenee of ILatlinte CO' 2 liteamtec raolox i tLazgosa• of 11..ent, By A:•1 11081E111'. • large wad very choice wortmenl et MICOSEILMEL , T, . Tor - the Aran° TELLPF, at the Old Stand Stocking Store, 24 £1111:1FISEET. ralgV.l"` JAMES PHELAN, 24 ?J}TU __9:7lLus • rril THE CITY LIETAIL anon STORti AND CUTINTUY WPMUIL-Are witima Boots, Shoes and Gaiters . . • At a small advance aver 'Roston prices, and aa low as to' eau be bong!. Car tn. Nrav Twit PlaWel Od ra Lbws esirLog raw, eraveitm egg freight. We are drag receiving new goods, - di, met from tew mratetselneera andrare Mos ram bled to compete with tne leratern Jobbers, Wive as • esU and caesium oar esieserre gunk and prii,c. MVP, laMINII•114 - 3. 11. & W. C. BORLAND'S, No. I. MAjitlirr SITRiITO4 door boa. MIA It. 0 kiiLALND PROPERTY. • Two-Story Frame 'Dwelling. VITA 3.4 OT In aim Into of cultivation: imat al:Madams Of t-ms.l Quits. ntroct Can lits¢ z/ase ty l. • praperty. . WILI be Bold Vbeap, I. wirolo or 10 port. to salt porettitoors. IP. Pl7lOll. • erzzi witaxs. 'mum Mk East tsts4*.A.TeniN M=l!=M THE PEOPLE'S • TEA STORE, Wilson - as:UilderWo9CL CHOICE ROILY .6110tEltlf.S. On. orals cllespest and but wboletals.ad rf tan store. In Um two ULU& • No. IS South West lamoad, - ALIJA HILNY CITY Call sad ex Lzolne oat .took. mad micas • ITIEW STORE AND trzw GOODS. 411111Cr8 TEA MART* N 0.1.3 mummy. rovenvacia. lag °paned, a tarp and ages Bog at Teas and Family Gracerler. Which we Wits -ire/.flea . 10 lowest ybologile Crat " ..jt t i . :=Tei=„744 3l : - TP , wilt-riAics a isel! eii Duitntiv. Putourebi ' WM. MARMORIF Jr CO, . - I T~ Maaatactarso ■O4 Wlidasa,'•lank Bit° 07IXS, „ Brook Brush and Itroo)a Flgidlads. Futon , sad Ware mom is Mel& 171 aid 114 Wood IL. riusbaidki; azumpzuzits, Brackets, Pendants, &c., faia,as YL\-hll !al issetvluirs WirLOON •• dc XELLY , S, ViiIIInSIERS AND GAS 184.W00d Street., =I , t t o l • kinit tittleA,6. • NO! varig, gityttlLTiZ,F ilarnfa,ll !"4."211, tn&al!""ilgrWu."ZiitAlYt,' 14 " t C • HARDWA RE RuleiAl•vot'r:"..ax., 40 ,r 0 031111,8141341 e1,.1.36g 11.172";"Ens pony HANDLED NINIVES r Sifter Plated forks,' Spoons, petatoro f 46,;, a run ABsorriit7r.wr A? Grafton , s iloniatantishing, ee roaeroi. mast.) 'Met tbe &Ulnae Detiot, , 15 9 =1 L n&smicasun & WHOUSAIX AND =TAM , Gr 3EL CO C:11 rt. la 898 Penn Street. rit BALE. A ROUSE AND LOT, • . 0 • . cat.= street. /sit location. .itnnrenn. sos,sti_t t. ntrcnAmaar P. A, WILMS JOSE li r /SEGALL •• iscOssies casirStS4 lanai vusigst. Vete' lout mesa as' its mitat'au9:ti.d.i of Is tu A tr ug z w z i Ar . b° -"loop L. snail ~AM - Waif uprly and til44 BOARDLNG.—A beautiful front Boom to:et. to a gentleman tad w'fe; one Pleat-' ant room for aln sic, gentleman. with or 'without board. Al., • feat-day boarders. In S rerlreet.l. Die prlvat. Dania. 'Apply at anGrytil No. 135 IeRLNT STRZET. c.CHEEREL 9 II CHARACTER OF JeSITIL THE OHIJULOTEE OP lESUB PORTRAYED. aßtbttW Dulel VOTITI. i tZIV;: .•a toles._ !..T W. H. lillinvess. L.L. qV volames. Mee 44.50. _ . EAT dt COMPANY. 65 Wood strett. 1353511 TUE NEW lIANILHIJET LAW. THE BANKRUPT LAW OIP THE UNITED STACEY. 11G. With tow., and • •• 11, • -, °" Jamelle. and Erett.t. dreLions eeet the Prtn • etplee and fTeetteu of the Law or BatttrnOtel• /Wonted to the nee of the Lawyer and Merchant. BL James. In one rot. Mice WO. 70r Bala y RAY & COMPANY, 65 Waal Street. = NOTICE,—AL persona indebted for 41as and Steam Tittle ga - or othersrtse, to 11. RenTERN A CO., are notlled to make Piyindat to myself alone, and not to Par anT money on account of said Arm to any other Vv• son cepa:irons erbomsoeter• 11.11.111111 KIRKPATRICK, apV. 10 Of M. IlePLe±nJ/So. W. WWITACIII W ETTACH & MEASON, Manufacturers of, evcry description of 33oltisiz, Dialers in MELT and LACY LE aTIIILE. No, 201 fIIIITIIFIELD atemitt Pittsburgh, rn OADDD ILD2U1:11 DD *VDU D. ISUDdI. JADED M. BRUSH & SON, Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, &e. No. 61 Penn Street, itzmairgen;Jes CMCII Or RIMISDINO R.CLATOtt, l'lttabareh, Aprll 7.11, TUE ASSIESSIMVF FOIL TILE Grainy Frig pi Cubit; of Pamlicinis item, rwm. Dinolddli to Jommonettle mrsetk_are IrkWitZe,":llingtly"Wlrr:LFP ILTA mOtd UPY, May IMP. Pip, they .11. be placed La the Clty Tessaarer's Oelta foe collecttoo. = ALL PARTIES INTERESTED to RTZ~Y PUNPII are 10011 rd to call at the store of lILILICY, 7•IIRELL it CO., No. thelthechl swot, aad tee. le oremaTtox. the latest. best sad cheapest or them popular ma thieve. • The Radler Patent, Yeutattetered_ty the Xaethampton Pump area Login.> Cosupsoy. hatilJILL WILLISTON. Preet. ;MILS sa tIiEUL.4I.II ?nu. 1.0p16 C. NODIZE., a. B. GAM:1131k.13., lita!ter..l AS.t. Eprthir 11161 d, Mass. To Bricklayers and Carpenters PROPOSALS ARE INVITED TUESDAY, May TV! , at a'al.ot r for Use HAWS =4 CaUrr.MTEIL WORK required to the enable , of a Dew School Masa In the Seventh Ward, Irlttafergh. Plum an,lapeelturloas are ready for ezarat gallon at the ofAce of the Arebileits. HAIM WIRER. has. A lad 411. Clair anat. SW* to ba sealed sad let any of lb. on. deralsocd. M. S. 11043RWEAD. • JA3UrS ROSS. ALIII.AT A. MOORE. .cv:tl 4 THE RON CITY MONTHLY MT A! ALL 10019; Comainatal'ons sad alvertleoments for Oro MAY lIIIILBZU .bold be landed to by the IT GEO. W. PITTOCK & CO., 1S 'GATED .PAPER. illiGlAyw LETTER CAP. CONJILERGIAL RC SE. sad ataltuia viiraPpaso PAPERS 7. .pas by W. S. HAVEN, Conwr. Wood and TAird Us. *VC A.L.S ..._ i NEW AIL. ~,=1,..z.n. tarti.citT. E IP ILE EEC ottleo Ivo tvr. S to MAT EALED 0110PtiooLs is tat lO. tic. forStia ballalnz or • Whitler. ;arsons Ids • • plot luta ,41"Licatio!!.• In alter Um Sna oirApriL 'I • Yr *ark vid b• eves l n d, = NO 111 ILIEIIII , 011Wil , ~,., . . mat taiwor.rt.erd.p besindroffS•zinnst he. c ,.., IM - trilby toderaidoed. eds t toe aryls of A. J. 2( elan a CO.. LA tat. d r bees absolved by bablast lomat.. the emir Intemb of A. J. =Lira betas Ines ions 4by ISASIIIItt L. ouirttn.u.tte sill eo haze tb•Tallosibb nosnolni lathe obi •tyod, DI . 11311MITHYL1IA) SITItZET: An debts dub to • loUs Am .111 to iressersd by the wad S. L. OnZLI, and on et•Mands bonsai tb• W., 1 be yessebtsdbo and 1""17 I". ' A. .1:11 IRE A 11. .'" ' ' • n. Li CONNLLI. rlttibsrgh, iprtl INL , , Having sold say ta , erast in tlta CLOTTIIti UltlNltze w SLIIOICL L• CONNILLL. tbo ttllcoittnaa Its bailie* at the old stand. I do thaittally teaoataaoad Waal to oat former pa lms and the paltdta gantrally. • • TrßrowLEr • • • PATENT STEAM PUMP, Maio:ltalia for Zeollolll7 aid rowor .331/423 /lAD =ON iffirrispis ISJZCTOB. moo rrrviras Ann rum. la Ws by BAILEY, reBBELL & 00., 16* SMITRYZILI3 BT.. Plitstnirsh • "Mat WINDOW SHADES, OIL t7LOTI~ HOLLAND, ;. B. WIN & CO 101 Wood Streo Aztraniarr CITY IPAPER umioises, • Or all Grades, FROM STAMPED (IOLD AND VELVET, tOES? MICII 13On Si TEI MIL , At 11r0,,107 Market Strea. JOB. , R. IIfiGIIES t BRO. CHEAPEST MACE IN THE • orn• ams the TRIUMPH comie TravE,- Is as se. WI UHL= STILIZT, 11111 S,,TATE. OF PENT •SVINANIA, ALLEBIIENT COUNTY, on—ln the Ur ph.s. Court in and for sold couutY. The petition of A. Sutton, odmiolotroula Of the estate of Harriet itioor, d. cymied, son of ..tticharti B: cotton, tivardion of the minor chil dren of Harriet Moor, dtremod, war yr:rooted to the Court, showing. Thot the raid died rex, to wltr TtleadOda 01000, Alfred Eutton Woo . and 1 outs James Bloor, are sailed in fee of Mt_ lollowlog described roperty, tituatsd in thy Borough of Clarion, p County of .Ciarion, and Mate of renimil. onto, to wt., AU Wore cortola pieces or tract. of land silo ate In the Borough of Clarion, grown and nomm red lu the plan of said Borough so °again 7164.17 and 41. and blot lin 4, of No. 41. sod Inioto No,. 116 and 119. all of which lots. sundry courtrooms low, be- come vested lathe raid Harriet In now de- Geo.& • . our pcUV/men -tharefore prey the Court to at them an order to make sale oftho 'aid de scribed r tallistate, with toe apphrtrnmmes, for the maintenance and &Sheath. of the cold els ll area, freed from may theumbr ante arising .1. of any claim on she part of James H. Illoor as ten. ant by the courtesy; and al. e ra Ting that toe' bran would direct Citatlou to 11.0 e to the sold Jam. 11. Dlours to show oast whyibe hammer the pill:Suers should not be granted. and the sold described cal estate be aold for the rapport and ednerltl•l3 01 the said Mltore. Now, therefore, we comusAnd yen. the said Jameill. Woo, that OU sod typos' before the Judges of our sai d Court. as thi,ansl Court be holden at th• court House IY the ill ay ofP it tsburgh. on BATURDAY, the grills' DAY or JUNK. at 10 °lc mtg. A. a., and then ant there showcause If any you bare, why the prayer of Me petitluneu should hot le crusted, s o W e s aid duerpod real est.te to be.solo. freed from .1..7111(.1111110Magif Mill. Oat of .1 claim yen. the raid Judea 11. 111por. nargbt hare al, Intent 03 lbw emu, hr , mad hereto MD not. With.., the lion Lanz' P. r Yuen", Pres ident Yatee of our •ald Coors: at Pamela/ 4h tuts to day of April, A. D. slO7. aoll yrn A_itll.SNIIR. Clerk. ---- TTAVING gimp oun ENTIRE: -a-a- Interest In tie Wholesale (I corer!. rrimlnee d Commie.. sauelne•• >L. , . CUT. 1.51)0 PwlthY d h., who ill eoollone thb same et the old stand. No. 3415 LlUaluTY we would tat ler them a e.. donation of the patronage an liberally bestowed ort us. COOK 1111LOT/lERS •LCO, Pattaturph. Api11,1867. RUTLEDGE, PERRY & IL Successors to COOK, 73 no No. 345 LIBERTY STREET, WHOLESALE GROCERS, H. J. /MOORE, MM= PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cemslgnmenta or all , return. of odeee Perpeat. aodetted, .41 prompt guaranteed. miner Millinery Opening The onderVrood vroul 4 telneettely info • 1.11• Ir WHOLANALS AND RETAIL, Cillrult 14/3,thaL they open, on . Monday, the 29th a Apri Ono. or ono bost •ad well wlceted •took. of lIATB, in Every Shape and Variety GIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c Ufatr own Impart leatis. on. Ni•lollolt c •11. our nowelt • AFFELDER & CO., ' Prlmmutus Tit ti NEW SIX PER CENT PENNSILVANLIL SP.Ab..9OE Free from all State, County and Municipal-Taxation, Win b.lbrulsbed sans to se tt.'ob abOnn. l , to the nearest Dank - or /1“Iter; ales e 7 entice of the undotalsned. 11131:1 TEAS AND SUGARS. [ow LIL. to te ban( j to bid can sae the 0mee..07 tloe • a 1!•2011. and Caryan- I contracts. C. caws 1;„ LLIJOI incr. • . BILLNDON, Coatmlsalomars. aeon CORSING swten, 10 w.. t?.r 00 100 :3 TABLE P 6.10010 DEPT EXTRA.° /Loather Ulric lot 411,8E811 Tlik, of loot coo- • ~. , - Direct from Chtim artifiapas, Per gaps Oeuteetttne, Willa Cards. I. it. aresnate. ecn.w.s ev.rit ll .l e*On AND •CILKAP in the grey of to. at &beat ' , 20 cents Below thel7o2amou Priqs: BAJECTIELI7II,IIEIRIECy 172 & 114 Federal street, `. • ALILI6I6IIIENY• MID EXPRESS CORM OAI'ITAL, $2O, Oar Ilettbaits and Nannractuiis. Caanaw S.Bi snyfiLPllESoney, Valuables, Freight and • Par eels, over More Man 113,0130 miles of "Express Line, at , -lust and liberal rates,saves Minions yearly to Expires* fib ippere, and can be made permanent only by their liberal patronage. This we, hope to merit and re. , , PLIDIDEZIP Offline, No. 145 WoodEittiot; 19111.1ITTLE, Agent. MEM NOTICE TO COIITIIACTORS. Will b ruelved by t h e undersigned until' TUSSCheVe 'afprit ~ 8 0th, , 1867, For gelotee, Carbine and Peeing O. rolloololl !Streets UM Alley., In UM BordziAlmt Lameace •lllt. namely: Deltelontelneetreet , trent sutler Street to the Aliegbesy Vallee Sell.Ut , twat set‘er to Dutton Street: blast; street. from ItulJer to Cbulett• Street; To Street, from Boundary tittet to lu lotenhotiou with Luray , to te Alley: Jahr., frra Alto note; lts Noon** with toner Roast, and Hulett Alley, from Mettler:to Foster Street. • Profiles sod spar-libations of tbe wort to bg aloe can lw seen. and .1. neuesary Worm. , Hoe °Stelae/on appllestl.ro to • LULLS S. DEVLIng; • Ilorough gutetor. At attel Bstete nod lourene. offee of.l.tultu DUI, Duller strut, near Belleanitale. e treet, • Leueseurllte. - 111.11ALC CRAIG, . . FICI rel. Sale OUTLET SAWMILL; 111:1:1 Kitapt eotortanltyhtthkad tOarte itocithi sea. raa - ea! t aa l tira ' ,7 , tl7..l' , W o Zaltl:. telt. . fa oat sad Bott owill m Pla , ,a,Spha to tthr. raltala.‘ . Lh Ha t. for aatrea MAU 'Fa at h proatatacas and a L t talr m rata... - rx.. Sealer of Weights and Measures No:4 WOVIITII WEE= - netlreell Mem arid. Terri streets: Orders promptly stttn4t4 to. . ap11:44 Y. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANOTE.BIL NEW STOCK Spring Goods, '8 Federal St., Allegheny. Fine Wide Bleached Muslin. AT 12'i CENTS, Yard Wide Yableached Sheeting A VERY LARGE STOCS. OF Cassimeres, for Men 5; Boys' wear. kt the Lowest Market Prices ERWIN, TGONNELL & CO„ mr.corzw - mTra, 5-1 Market Street. $23,000,000 JAY COO WE &CO., DREYEL & w. ct.saw * c 0.,, rcamadithlu TEAS. TUE NEECILIVES UNION atul °pasta bl s~aLT.:PBOPOSazs. Foot of Craig Street,' • ♦LLZaBIH2 CRY OF NEW 04 - EHEB THIS WEEK, AT I2!y CENTS AT 12!. CZNTS; Nevi style Spring Prints, fast colts AT 7,5 CENTS, New and Beautiful Dress Goods. AT 37% CENTS. Beautiful Black_ Alpaca Lustres USLIJTIEtIL AII69IITIIENT 07 New Spring' Dress Goods. Housekeeping Goods.' Table ticiens,Tickings. Furniture Check Sheeting. Ca e Cot Patois White Goods. Bainiiirat and 'Hoop Skirts. Corsets`, Gle - ves, Hosier - 3", acc WIPJLEI3A.L.E . A.?SI) 178 Federal Street, Alleghenr pIROPOSALS IFO la IRON IVOUIL ' Pealed Proposals will lis te...1 at*la office molt a o'clock on V 11113 LY, tbe 3d day of Mar, IoW, for tte sec,.tt try iron wort Mr an bronco& lerr-dasolior Wsegosharicel.tabichonse, !Ural. os ll.ellhavr. Illebigano Vises awl" eriedbeae Dons for this work can be obtained on applies. Dan to this ogles,' or to Gee. W. S. smith, elo parlatcogling eLnutnnne istilak Va.. Cook we.- ty. Illnois. This iron work will tes required to to delivered vessel traipse-Ugh IDA of June, I. on board of a ve e liner at CulYalo. Y. V., Cleveland... Detroit. allealgralf, or Chicago, 111. at the op • Don of the bidder, oat the place of &Ilia. soul be stated In the hid. Tbe Don work will amannt to about law= V. 5 ,1 - . L ln3 f t;,'Pg. : ,!.*:<:giNe m :!!!.. b atte ri b. rr slob re's. halm. Se. • . The Board reserves the right toy eet an opt w oe . , o lor to r.lase to rec. ire sty part fthe erkestilati mayo.& be to strict coaformitY with then ontraciaad • nt digestions; end AO c.tract .111 he considered - hi - stilt. natal approved byll. Ilon. necrf the Tessier,. Pot.. grill be rercivegl stor m or-Me/ea cane from bona ibta .anufschirer.. And vaeh offer must be. zeros, pinged by • written guarantee, signet by the' oigidtr and . con. pc. at Dn.., that In the event of i he acceptance of sash bid the ovnestarY was - te... edit be eaten. into. hood boll accarity for the faithful faltlllmegett of seecoat.. will be required. - 'L The sum tor which the bidder propos. to Par. 01.11 tog iron work, according To toe drawing. and scecnicatt - As, must be distinct. atatal, nCl:,.. c e o d P ie 111 i tre P ar s ' s d e . .l7etcT i gg tool,' t'S on .Istake a* to the ollicetof ill Proposal. ' Alt prom/gals mast us male.' and gindarsed "re.siro.sis fur Neon Worn for Wsugostianco Lissitiehouse.' • and.theneatiosed in another en aropc and addressed to the ChairAan. of the 1-Ight-house m use d, washington. D. C. no bin will be considered that data not cm. tongs io the requlremepts 01 this sAvertlsentest. Ate par: on stllsmitting a p.posd Mar be th eprsent au waste. the bpenmr oil the bids at e limo cosi place hareinbelore Www-hiefi. ify lad', of Ole Llsht-bnuse !thud. W. 11.1illtitl VICK. Chairman. gy,... 3 ,,DeNuitocist, Deice Licht-tome hoards .ashiestorg IA Ca April 4. LW. apilis.,l-Yr&s. . ==1352 i6ilscuurr JOAN CItOFT & CO, Real Estate & Insurance Agents, No. 139 'Fourth Street, LUNE YOU. PALS. Xr" UT 19. 43 Acres. Improved. In Payette - chanty, re. Would trade tor cits . tirOPecrY• CO A.crea, improve It India. itocity,'Pa. IC Awns. Impeach in Lawrence Co.. Pa AI Acres. Improved. a AileancY I% act. hoproyed. In Boner county Ps.' LID /kelt.. , DO lotto...neut.. Blair C 0 . ,, Pa. It Acres two miles out the Perrysville toad, dnsttae thlngfor emartet initdea. rere., polmprotet. •11.1 e, Out the Fee • rysyllle plank roan. J net the [WAN for Oa prey and a n.paste restdence. waolahle leasehold •a Waahlarten sum. , above the Unto :PleratOVl feel OR Wastilog. tonstrec.hy,lls on It alley. oat which than a' two lintldisis a, with at... each u, each. Lease 2.1 years to you.. his would make a aplecillit stand rot coat ROY hind Of Onstous. For timber InfUnnatlon apply 10 the show* ciente. - sV9wa.l Pittsburgh Importing HOUR. VITA BttriEß 1816: SMUT & FRIDAY IMPOIFFFILS OF FOLLEION VMS AND LIQUORS No. 409 Penn'Street, ' • " FIrrSBMIGH, • . •• . •• . tYoo+ddlicrt We aueocion tba . ipublte.to tbs fact teat, tioasesatttr anterior !Actin:es ttirttagn linart taloa wattliquor bottom talltorotas, , And otAlltnt tla-Ir ItunonAtlona dtratt, their us atre.4 to oter. We Minna trades • ottbotrat Wines and Liquor. al Atiet• 1••• this lusvra atm...Mtn. mad...P.1.0t er.nrlerara..pontttolynottallid. .. A clud,c avortnanint of PUBIC OLD UNE Wltt,YEX,constanti ottband.. anlll.ll firfERSIIIWER & .mitceu.:l 2 l.o It it. Eputra, aleit.3 itio - tra igrtatEas Olt FURNITURE Of Every-Desoription: SCHOOL AND OFFICE tiviniaz. No. 45 Sega'field Street, Prriniunau, Fa: kir,. fall ans.tment of l'lttsharek tared /omit.* conlitsatly okbaada4 LOWYST CASII I.II.ICLs. W.. J. arce+. — .uv. C. norrr.n...c. %TIM NEW VALI), PIPER, =I UPHOLSTERY 'STORE; JUST OgXSEIII, 36, IWISTBITELD ST, Issi.olv mum : To i i . KJTSLUI ire treri..... 1 . .1 0 L yr ND gLew wet P-Lrf o 4O D•ooltlmadWU . l inc PAIN I TTRA M !' L e OL RILME sad IOD" e t all ferlit • r/VITINe - 00 .EDMUND SON 4%. CO. FLUST cl4pil GILINGGLASIN 1010 PICTURE FRAME bryt suFACTO litY• J. LYONS, Rro: 110 Wood' St, Plttebarsh, irerre on - Band and maanherturea to mile , . the fßlVE49 l Al7. 2l6l 4 lloarvril'und, PVIGTILAJT and P10T111416 Y?t_ti a l a 44. Vartala and LLTaelee =nat. :111a 2 t1 e lit t:WAN tri D BiGILDMI cX =Wan Ili al palzsetxtuovaurr. .o.xxwis • NOTICES. areL RBI INSTITUTE, ITCILS NZ:TV:INi] NOW Can Complete an Outline Coarse BY TUE 2TU OF .TUNE. And tb .E principal will guarantee situations, at salaries Tal7l FROM $4O TO 5100 PE MONTH, To an penile eebo stand fir.t-elaas examination. *lll2,C:sr COCNTT Tty.,) , raT H.. rll 1, ) Ap LW. I PURSUANCE OF THE soorlanolLn utrelating toAllegtur County. approud tan la day o. 31• Y. lUI. and of tea amsndment to said section. approved thane* day of limb. Ma; I. 1./.1.Y1D AIKT.S., nessorei of utd County. berebY flu aoac• Mat tan Dopitcates of Um several Ward.. Dor ipeals and Towaaaps, WILL BY UNLS, sad I will be prepared to racer. OS COO, ELM, 10011 D ISM MIS Ea 1167 ON AND ATTIC • The First Day of May, 1867. 14 , 4-Taxes can be bete at the THE 411111101% 0 • 1 . 14Z..414t0 rliisT DAY yr ATAAUIF. Deduction of Fire Per Cent. Cleroont for prompt payment to =I DM= part:win whole amount of their tore.. Tnere *lll be no beneelloo allowed on tare• donut the month of Logan. There be TiLN PAS CANT. added to all taxes rentelotur unpaid en the TL 4T DAT VT rrimara. AO:we/rev? 127 NOTICE.—To Bolder' of 110IINTY BONDS, of the Seeoed Ward, ABeeheny, irom vo. SOO OD to 300. of the first I sue. dated September Ist. I] 4. The above a pored Roads RIR be paid at the odace of the rrAlleitteny Trust C 0 .,. veer before the 151 day of May, MC. The lateral on the abets Rends wIB be stopped after that date. 117 order of the Board. ROBERT LEA. ITerldent. Joas !Rare Lary. ap10:364 r: r 1: / : ~~~ 1 tiVI-4 AI :14 7,1 aj Merchant Tailor, No. 14 WYLIE ST., formerly or 6 St. CM/fetred.l Fill BILEIII3 OF MGM nuca coATnvG-s.= LLTEST.I3TYLES or Light and Dark Saitings, MEM PRICES VERY MUCH REDUCED. CALL AND F.X.AMINE. air Particular attention lirSlbet iiveSto 1,11 . • ST sLE. and FIT of ./1 Sur..u. • 0W LN BYRNE, No.lllWylie Street, tm-oza U=S=l HENRY , G. HALE MUST COL PY6S ego g 5. NEW GOODS, JUST OPENED, 44:4givvi All the lilotreltiea of,the Peason T 1 Etna-Class Merchant Tailoring Establishment. . =lona • W. lESPENUDE, MerchatLerancir, No ! . 50 ST: CLUB STItEiT. - WY SPHIRG op4f4,Alllst cad - dew esla vitWlla got up la theisisit it stll. 0 1 ' 3 , 1 " . Lirii ESOIMIT or CLPTHING For Ike -111n*I3esson; AT VERT NOOKRATE PRICTI GI/AY &r. 1.066E16. aas• ...e.%rra FHITS. CAPS, 13cc.' NEW GOODS /VW 'ODESES : . - MetORD & CO.'S, NO.lBl Vircicica , Eitickert. REM= . , , _ . ligi %Hi Li m a 30=4 azatre k BOTH, AT LOW'PRICES. GOIIIILEY & LOcuivi 1164130 s Stprw floods, /I ' l6 314 'II'" ricer '124 ASH coota; se St - Mir-ii.; :cai.b;me kt*tm.• 'HATS! .awgrA . .l7o.E, At No. 62St. pair 4tiree4 . . gars - oust irembest retail stocks of 11N113, -t.IPS l D ,STRAW 600D3 is 0. dtr; Ist reeelin or an teiii Is near. as sees as they OM be • eZeretsed.. , zteeratleaaleaitlean taltretebtli4,'aistaSteel7. FOR TEE SP-13 N MADE, At 26 . snd'2 4 ,3 it: Ctafr Street. We tiestare salt are dell . / !MI - liar. of • r own owl other snottothoturen; a I,r.iga /Loa 7L°U 771.1 . 017 , W ERA • ' - TABLE, ND ClBs/AGE • - , z• . iTur r LtA , ru i gu BLITUAB, ItUBBZR MCCAW; • • /i 9 3 , -Alin =I" rit,Plia• Itunts =unlash:Mum we ars elobled loather to nuerehonts. carrion. makers and 4e total{ . I rule Inutannents to to prim &ad wools, non the found eine ht hers la Uhl uth7.. - - - - . . a.n. rmur s. •.. NOTICE. . THE lINDEJULIGNED. -has this Widiastures4iiibirra Ain pas 01 PS" 1 sitois to M. a. i. YnCALT...to will tostlao bashues .t eneesl4 - 53&rnIZETI _ nukiadror Calibers' talc:abr . "beestalsre pcßoesd.l,woel 3 asl stontiniusatottiiitfe Sestryczether. W2E2 rnrearcnaa. wler , Noe. 184 ,and 187 Ttdraf.l4nmit, ma scowx, Straw Geeit‘ Genid Dyed ell XID GMT= sad LADIES , multssamr- - at dyed. Extun ! '~ WAN WANTED. • NTW tsznarrio In every consty, to erne. to a rood De7IW bzeineu• Addeves, eactosdar edddel, S. tIOWER & Zoe Ow,, Ptits3argl6 Pa• IMMO WANTED.--A 11011ING LADY, b•ring been smrten:Lod•to de boaerrere. but who bag engaged te tears • trade. degree • altaattpa ea .I,l:etre:de Drente tonal b. ee , k. Monolog old evening for her boordlnr. Sae ein prelacy satbfator7 reeorankendalloaa and ro la..pet=3eles. ALedree• _e26 WOIIir.. Galant Ornci.. _ WANTED --To make an 54• rannemant whit a Holtman. wba so as k. money, and um sirs soak rarowscars.: required. WO , sell a 051.11.114 1110 w O.Vrif 111 600 I. AR *UNTIL mid rair anWeonta far my pay. Address. - J. O. TILTON, No. lON/I. Clair !treat, WASTED-FOLIEML.I. Alas* earepeUnt te eat u ROPLEXAN IS A. LIVERY STAPLE. Riddle .ssed eati• malt preferred. Ramer* at • • HOWARD'S LA XRY STARLIC. apllttl Vint St-, feu . Itosoutahels. atm, WANTED. • Balessmeaa., Who can earns al am. • ppli liners or addnots, W. D. WM= apn:jt-er 116 ' DI/M0.4 D ES.. Pittaliarsb. AGENTS WANTED, • - - • HATE MLLE LIED. FELLS. In grey township .4 wants'. t.. 11• teas' DOO• ow-work. It o 4otalos 4:3 parts; 14.11 pries $l.Ol. Sold by iniss.lptien oats, ...Imes Ins. smediately Th. J. O. MIX:. EDT • CO. . s..loneA TS Th ird street. Pictsbor. .Its. CANDIDATES FOB cOUNTIrTBEAIitatEIL • CDL. JAMES A. ORA Of lleClare toerashtp. will m • eandldite for County ?restorer. riblegt to the deohlen of the Union RepllaLlWltlonesatlon. " :non Tl 5 FeIIASSERIBLIG • WILLIAM B. ;MSS, Cf All•gike•T CitT, will be • esididata fee As. 11Cintrift Ilato4eet to the deelateciet tee Iteeobil ens County Couveriticel. " • alai Mg, pon.coulwrit comanssiosza. -JOSEPH B. WOONALD, ti. t . u g= 4 .l ° V. , ClalssfAlrtntr; I.lonvestiox. 24111:x12 F°" COVNIT TIIEASIIIIEIEL WILLIAM RATLEAII, Of flit:Wins/nu. anrautrirNurthitaMie , ./11 be •raudldate ter Coesay ?Maurer, ”bleet tO Use &Mem of the llaloa•Seputeleu Couaty -oouvenUon. auterre pH . PII9THONOTARY -.. D. C. HUM Milt. a candidate toi ti at Moo of FEOTHON• Cfrißlf oubject to Ws deolgoa of Itto llolon Itopublaast Convention. . op: kOR PROTHONOTARY. • .J ICOR H. WALTER, 'Wm far the amen* mangos •Yrksr, ciebleetto the deelstrea or the_tridon RepUbliCall Coirrestlatk. , ' i covirryt inzeAspirm, - MAJ:LIJENNISTON, t?et>atettof Trim:doe ELM Guard.) will Da a Candidate for CUUEtT 711:421ISIN, aablaet llaidAcialonal tan Caton #npablicaa fee . • , 10126:•11 . - RAMALEY HAS iIIST BECFXSTsD 11=1 STYLES HATS. AND - CAI'S, i.e. Tar alltltlils - LII sell at 20 Per Cent. Than Down Town P Ilees. 'we 'en eer Bus iscCi_ead tagsciiciss FIATS, at OIIM DOLLS LOWlitattliamt !protium Haase thi tips City. Gall and Be Convinfml. 1334 Liberty . Street. rucsi.Doos - mow CtOtHINCEMPORiti RAMALEY Izius Just Opened i.miOimocK of SPRINti. CLOTHING, Gentlity.enta •Yultitg,,Gootis, 'ffiViiatnßhlllL .•- • , NEWSITLE3IR T ILE Whit-1i 411 T be altersol as 07176ATLY SESIIIC&D Yatczn boattan velum. `Bl644)*Aluti. skior u $lO,O , $15.40 4 ' ad IlcUstits * #5,10 AN;Pu AMlrs at Cost. sae Lummr - STREET. ph :it ass dice &bow laalfwat:wad =a:s [IP 111 ii ril min! IHEIUAT IMUSEHOLD _TO. =LT intucter.. iuria gids.4grais B rAstit. sours for taloa!, of . . jillahlevegmerb Bitters. . A. T. YASNICSTOCIC rad D. N. DOLTON'. ml Age.!4!; . : Sir carrilii - aid imago the sane. N•JUNNI.X.,X• Lazcacras, Xxxr.la 14411117: - rmarktiocir'ii: NOMA, Hansa, 243 - . 21frar1icat Otreet, seia a 7 Xll 24.14.etainA-Divtai.4. =RIE== misiaxialciwaa iirrpoui ! .•;igeiim - eii ,. : -- .:•:...: 1- -':.•j . ',5 . ::'..,„ . • ..i.. •-•,-' 104.621. AL.T.431r3E310 0 .1 Fine Watettesalteirt Dbandso - itrasalpr*ist. lockait.E. •- .. - POlicifoloolol, Br" street: • 'ST?"' 4tarr-erff IBLINT/11.-JOUN..L. DROIVII Cl 7 . 116 liararnam vomits dm gliOtollbal loop aAPliad s sOlosto prowslf to o.er: VoliCl,l of Croat yonotJao Blhotrorfto pto and .award... e. .rind IN lade e , shod.,-*-104.1 -zseds. Coto 0ta.L.195114, Balt. KAM mom X. 1.4 sad Munro Canis Tama. A 1-1, ' , WO* some stare. oihsod Wand* Warder Ass neck foe WOlut ua Cabo. Warta _M;gentleatea•ovou , •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers