THE PH7EBI4OII GAZETTE fffliNnalt URI& CO., AT Od s LETER BULLDING, . - xcre. es 2 , 4.04 astroot. - • NELSON P.7LEEiNS - - - - - - TREK.; • Slagle I cents. Dellyotod by moor, (pet , 0e5ti....—.1/1 tout& ftbocriNds. - (Poryeat)......«. SS 00. tAberairodutica. m Tiernsboys and Tanta. TEEMS "OS WEILEGY: . 4 Three COMO, 'per Teat, by Otilt-4..- - 4 I SO Fire do. do. do. e5eb....3. - '1 Ton or more eobroo, to one &damn, and • - , one tree to club. tub 141 CITY.: ITEMS. "Finsi a Dental Zstablishment 914 Penn street,. Drs. WU& . . : - Carta—Robert limiter.. WATIle.n for dheatlea Or the Throat, Lungs and Heart. Dr. hunter 111 ; elene''Dle - sees la Tilts. • burgh,. on Saturday ermine ' , MD II .WU. -, Thole 'crab :demean to avail it:tea:metros of his oYportsace,prevlous • to hisretum 10.2 fe w. — . .roi s,ahoultldi. so at, ones.- - • Consultsitioa zootes,'lterebset'S Hotel t "rtrw Dry OtiodiChipaP. cents, one esit, llettaiidairk yrinta is% cats, yard wltif sbefq.pagCmaillm. 1,9% °Ants, tioavy doviostao gingham". - ar.4 . *tooqlx,s.d . alreasi, Lilighteiolms• 1 . 21i1475 neoti,inlautatul now.4rosa goods' ZO per pax!. black silky tor shoguns. L 0 cents per yard, brown datrusskrutens. 44 5 ° ,1 upericallight French war toga. #3 73 4xti,tkrate .."43tIkitin =bp:Quantal parasols, - aliciimet . in the city, . • dart . eftk "* 0 74 3 . 61 .4 1 ‘ , 1P. 10 14 5414 P. Dreak goons. superior in quelltrAnd atria. P* 1 2 ,1,3 t in the 'qttr:. Blant stlpaMet, rich in dna turrand mow In Ink% at Chneow Store, West Cornar*arliat. atnieta: Gardner& Iteireini Auet.trihrlgiles oggirY tided,. Chandelle., Items( %wed 'Shoes, Far, Weed, lima :. 21 gRald Hard:4ook*. .... r , ThetallowlngldglllydittracttTe an?yoel - Bales will be held et A.: Leh/- gale's Au, Otl9l. Allegheny. I r . . _ ' eLorunso .. - baturdai morning, as ;a, continuing all day, about lfoo Coats Fiats, Worts, Shlrtbi.cointia ll 4Abistirt, -- eti ' d %/far !coats, of ouperlor etylos. Par and Straw Hate,' 'nate roods arelrom a booze and Flll natound vary F.tbractliv. i llooTa Siiiis.4,Coramoimanw of next , 110 9 , 12 Y .at 2 .o'cltley.,, thounioll . 2bliib all kinds of Booti,.sirboi..dettloial :and Pore, ollSilliCantenta from atz.4o4lan gelatin loannfacturcia: LTY3OO.TI, Auatiatutor, • g - • The Zeal itimiariMlNfrahli; , '; • 4 .Caswell.7dMic CcOrCombthatlon'af , • Phi:aptly - fan ertaCaliheysilmewh is Taub- Phosphorated Elixir of Vellneya. Sig restorce color to the blood; "he rhalPho reiieiiiyfastalefika'nery *ALMA and the Catnaps - ens= ei tonal°. , the ingestive organs. . . One Dint contains the Mill° of °be onnidi cu. Calna7ll4Ful.. - imer , Ui . ,skin).3puftil.ii argot& iof Leon sad PhObj?boruf: la9eilfeatnigyrl4l • Coorett, Moan. Co., New Torle, For Bale by all nrnggists. New Books , Just recolsw.l_ol_,,.£lLbect.W.,,oppoelto ip • Toetodlees. “ileer,.:bo hibhillganikr and Row lo Keep ; ITem:on Trithlup Siva," by llnyard Taylor; .11211 e oreoah" • ...TT. lfuguenot Galley Slave; The Dumped Longfellow, 2fickblas, Xlirebly„ GbeythWE Tlelsner had IffeldsillDnota„t4”e. • ' ; lloltsbeimer, of thowoukzlown and popnler h Gcsntlhental .I.llsdng Dal+, Fifth "sues(, sisa . rostodloei le Bull ahead sof all ObrehlOh . .._ ..r4T/g u p,tha . (scat whittiali at the atbai r 'antral, the snost•resuumisble of yirieesi. Give Dire a call, and our ward for It you will be well A.- 152.....•.- •.: :7: nem,' At... • •._ .. ; si. • u i ,Fluo Ilateat 11.3-' , Plnb . snit riaii"iird t.' Illatrstroet. All of the choice styles of is atc.V....TtfamoqtLattogtltofrit a ckelilnd a erhbliiwiedlires tbithanbaealio - ted for ain •extenetve retail trade can bo had at _llia '. ,alsos A rt fTuet , T;:i4.tes&ifi?e: s aillOWSidafr 7 ' trect: .- • - Opposite the .rof toffize, yau. w>i 11,14 nee Asstories, Inglaxe. ."." Su~pcy F" th(nlditjytee Masan French replies, • 'ain an gtrteed; for, tralkiniaggirM2 Fi ImitiiinoLicieetettf-Sseetftal 11-CeffirT tettlth, from 73 cents to $t 2I it the nee store, West corner Market sad Posittb ". • i :,;(: fLi suture , =!= /Itroqtrimbplnoritiosie Istitd.; 1/MOYWahl'a• aid - 11}ry , choice Layer liaisons. Imperial and Tusher - Prunes. Smyrna Phis. dm. will be atiM at the lowest soot-tot prize, at bro. LUITOtt , • eral the. Alleghimy city. - .r.Cf To rekshers oDry Goodswe oft tylucomente,Aeylr4stAD stock wrdch jrs wiles the Iriwisti cistern mutt prices and ut 8 00 4 1 , 1 4, k4 o .4o4r a frs •'; lko DPW;PrcktiVel. SEM ! rt , HannlnisO • areiMie. to more day 4 etadJnagYlWalm , tad . ogoortanft7 t'. "4l;n 'n, r 7Y or trMnit it'adnOMl. — "etelred. rharjor (, VltiralV , Softshedmer.iivoinlaiMatanninki next door to the Postodtee, on /filth vioet , Z -2:3r allieiat*llita Gardner a Stewart are abowing . • eplt. dniamortrnantgrabetwida am" , • •• pne4.-1,1 theirle:eatozo. on tie weal °OrA GM:==Z: , • # *OM, OrlwaiDO Sboroosiell . , 4 .aiiirtoieVor ITO&Tit omit. wallow. 1 . " holders. CoDrloir books, Dam • 1." ,#144 . - Wh I PFM7 I: 44W IG : bo okor G in -. Go to tlottwo Drag 111101 re... t 84 Makes Meet* ftr the ftr!,9l l -Thant ioWeln Prbite".. 14611.11 t 1 1 - Fo 134. 11414f3t.otoet,•for-,7catlllaalalieti SWIM,/ ..t., Asirsiiluri; C===tl ap White XlOll.lOlO/14, ~ . ..21ccultapar yard.,„„4 ~S 1ip2.543 aLIiDIVER a 51111WA1A -actstilquoewit: oPPPY, I4 , . 419 re4OPPN.V4./r. tlV.VneXer 'Oftlio age: The Meek Crook pues/es. 4 Pure Dress! 1 Pure Drawee Pere — Dreirelll rum maw!. c Torii& i*ois oria, lunar* iswetai* rinates Wands* NiTeiMt. Alcoital Joipooki is..rtitexes.• Sal Now cops +V4O:lO7* &7b:lth% tecirafedisess4, Dead at Irani: a z -PlthieZhirlrir,,cloivionstamo. Te/egraph to thok'ltiahogehabiltellia.j Maerrus, Isi - enheethaset. correspond Cadddsh. EatZsirdomdi tag- tint most.:_, 'the! Wiles at Strowldg dowers over e graves of Contest.. crater 01Zl1nr00041Critur , eltetsdo4V.llAd accepted an invitation • bloom Ind brOthor Ofncera to be pewit, A religious dlecoerpe yttlitelh.trYtts*BeriSAL Ford.; and Ito graves were decorsteeh" -Vistatusn• -hers .waret ad•obrprterly l'eceUdd , renews cottibraitediltatr,Xolll- , itttleannivortarYM~,tyriairitops " atom and lin M==Z:= 44 -;W4' usineetlie Ispiruaangs.-stito wasectavietriti -pt osaault with is to MIN". dawithiet. was to-day sontoured by Judge, Park to live years luta° Slate prisOn. - •,.,, • f , --.4 r, 4,.,. "liiii:/. - ___.,., \\k,l If , ,-./ - - u• 110 - .. , ..,,.. ... , --...: , ...., , , r 4.„1.,.-„.....: . - , I , - ...-,-. .- .....1 - • • . : . . ~. 49 - • - . -',„"*:.: 1; 4 - - ,-. .'.0 , .... e _.A.,--- , 7-, -;- --- - ' s - ~ , , e -,-Z. , - -- - • . s. , ____ s ___:7_4,.., ,-- - -!.••;,_--_- . i.54.<4.11.k5, -: -_. PP - - - - ---, —. 4;'"1 1 9,1 1 - 1 7-7 -- ,_, .--• . ',C- _ - --: 1 / 4\. - • , .--e . ‘, A 1. 1 ., t ,,-, vr ,: 4 ; .' :. ,:, c , 1 .. , , , ~ — zi, ..,- •-. .+. . -.. i f. ....- jr t: . ; , , - __, ~---- , .v,._ i 7 • ;'' _ ~ e I ..i..„ 1 5 , ' I1)11T , . ...„..„,...,.,.„....,._...„=„4„,t„....,.....„...„. _ 6,-;__- ..,.. • _. .. ~,. .___•••:.:;„,_,_.„7„,.,_......,..„.,..__,...„„ . c.- .„, ~ ....______________,_ _.,......_,, , . _._ .._.., __ _ .._ ... . . ppqC.U.L-NO. 97. 'IRS' EDITION. ONE - 0 1 0LOGIC. FROM: EUROPE. THE. .11174.0„,*114:TIoN. Pineisyt piispoooa to Concede. NEW PROPORTION nu PEACE. Flualical: wad CommerolaL CBI Sawn& to..ibir ro'boicaDa.' Paws, April 53.—N00tt.--Thera was are. act .l o a 1/ and gm, to:life rising. in oonsoinena• of rum** *Mot extentivoli prevailed that PrhOla .._. 46 ) l64 Z4vigf u l* i t to 4 o** Om:: manna to Prance In regard to the Lama. burll • j• • wasriosencix 'sea /aeon. LOUDON April .11.—SemIng.--.• dispatah kriM,ltofeixiiis'Aliim*,ll4 dated ULM evening, Mates sass sae Prussian (Mo eminent, learhinr,abs..linteduction in the Dial of Interpol latent as to Its policy, winch rite lied fo nicteteiiimitaissitosisio tae Lie i deieinkni; ban rermen ether Mato a long dissiatiori in that body. Baer.* April St;llentem—WolPs Nein 4itn.qn , Pg., , thatfiring... l .4oPold,cot Del glum, takes to' . tno ihaSsroir - Itaicaleon, • plan Lotionnee,. propoied bt Baulk ant winch.prcerldna , for the nuttralluincal of naata~IITTIULTATT. _ -• ; • IkL rmrrloollt t 1 Is trat,the ?ankh ChM kidirt&kattalrdlateed tialatitattikro re, swan neutral la clue of war batwee& nimbi ' - _ nor remelt/6C - i • Thit 13 ..*Yrktaw5tfVatiajillanders, brotamr of the !lag of Botatunk, took alsoiheiro to. 1..;-.ANA/194.:Xt ' Aft0 00 . 3411/iittiria. April 2 1 111—Zryint.—Cotton ac tive: opening quotation& gap an &dynamo faglin i mdatioldwada al„.10X11133; 30 &Wm two arc*, eye Ciretaor renorta the, salon of the reek .111 SkOoo,,lmoladtaB 14,00Osorpalatora don, • • • • wek,tradolltAll bales pladin, lOW eaao EillanstolTs anebaroml. Provisions lad Produce unebangen. Loadmmarkota naelokaed. Lowpatuttltatolroymn-•-idcasolf 91; Brio 11%; awn, 1111roas, 71%; Bolilos In the B•ek of Bnalarld.dtersamodiao,CcO &tarifa& Loroor, April ar.—lrlyo-Twantur, 1194; Erie, ;IN,. - Intact/ Central, 7_o. Livaapepa, Apr il , 11, r,n.—ll.ratalatufre 311 Int. tendency y upward, Welt. 41: pariat.. tikaldr. `lTlteat, 1 - penzty blew. Vorsaroes., April ta-4/otiAp.—Cotloor vewAdttint inday and there was a de.; Wiled advaricoestabliehed, and the oloang quotations .were; Stlddllng Uplands, lid.' andOttaiddrelitinz - Atha Wes for the day reached lAard baled. : Tie Itaneheetor mars. tat ts Atrintr, and peters tendlni—spearda: Areadidtight are Azas Ante eas advanealn• Astaaeenstpticusa..Aartwasissa-areesern. &la 1381 — quarter. — Barley, Ai 163 per , IP Lir Wheat Laimbaniedi' itatts t ate per quarter; itznyislOne are ttrm. Thrk es advanced 'to She per barrel for prime aannyateeCr.n masa The etitarartlelescit .18/101$13i Un, .Mil —Ahastag.--.AL Seta nn: clanged. Assuar,Apr l l9l l —Boralag.—Petrolestat =LW PAIS Straihnedi .sad quota& at 43 boantoov h iprll fa—Ateradops thy T9Pe,dil -- tnnitCentrel, 715(1 brie, elated hcuide try TORRIDLiIi Rill. ''.l—... z...........,_ }buttock.* , lisitedlslow—Tie bedliam 4: v"XP-•-•,111-.Thi#."11.i.!. liallmi,, ...- worwel—tidwerifl - Cos. sew JiMimulL - } TrlMMVlbliftlki-}M6 Tilinkserue • sem. resitoodou w ith Ueberel tbutooeVs Indian t glAS° o4 . l -Skines pawn.% 'boiMate.ColeptAtiltermues TroM Tort Lecnod, aprit 11.—Dmpatettes wero received 'UM:MMS ott bellOMMresp, poni Ueberal. CMlUMMiilltes Willa tali burned three Mations o tee beno}} Kill route, killed three Men, trierseilyed} sod harmed them. Orders have been neat to each viol oath* MUM Tee ellireronley TMI route* So be cm the i s e lta= t i L ead2,..'''lVlak a l l idka a ti. Vitie r lirt ' 1% 1 1- 1 . 1 " " APT *F-5 " 1.- mu mid Is &Militated so the Sioux, i who mem with the Cheyennes in this VI- We, I: l2 lyetilMtkill COM zid •saall7 puited y of the Cheyennes sad Sioux, and three 0011191,21041 Tl' eisacype-kazdAVour=l of those Sioux that so emitted the m Dodge to " 0 511Pombs . 4 1 ,Neera17 7 , Witsylke ont to Fa y t Maw Td . i Haruki' • Vcirt 5 (41 1 1a ... , =pi t = %ea Ilai wDeak' CominMslouers an the Dudeand °Wake krat*"_ . re, 3 = q teg p tg a t e l a i = a = Th.e.maisnsammedloimemonstempormy reseastMionshudythstMmittpublletetla. d r I :: alMil l = i t*lii illiie in b ut night ofressTewder river destroy peace. Oneof She party stenowledeed their • ertiMpaticrii Intlit t L im it . mtP ,.... as. num • • • swe ihmisSad. Wi ..... tlve. 7r . asia itskUliehlizating whom Wets llifeaehlehr, Mill Many metro wausidaL ...E4mUlltUs between lakr_MMilhaft , estseesOrd.lfmmeeks MOM! Were reporsol. li these bontllsieeeonlatinkerterel t lxv. 1 4hacliable . leoligebles 4. ' . - . • 1 The .Danikerara M. Joseph 1.1gpi.,, , Allflb loft urinal' tramilidesus,JLon* l ! itpWL" large Oodles of Crows, Maelsfoet_and loas. It ty i n :T/l e Ll.l - ton, add rirollnabtd__,.._ l a italset f spltitti ran Irsif =mown. .h..g eat o troops wk. .ftlleTr.trigehtba lo..fkind• silliktit kcemamos. . 4. dispatch froutJukebers orttbs PM Po 3b• %Kw* mutt Usk kw Ibt, oars* kook o t e g wi tiksbatlktbfttb Pma OM hii the giver - unmade dash ou JIM • Indians, ossittott i r• steorkresaptuTlat •SetedlrtWOO head Of mules. The tIOOIN took the cans by sorptiks sosaktoebotablakuttot 'dire. of 14 .14 ,==.13 4 ,14 4 M14 4 11: .}Cort rU naTliiiwever, without suffering from I.' billiPitiliWlkelgv ItPTO IMO reizesttOT v,Vrbliiseniititkiviwasst Sift aliened, sod showed • strong desire to fightibul evidently Sr. afraid to atmels . tko 5... u...,.• .1. .___:,.--t..__.l 0, „UM 1410110., postiallbuliN.o6er. of COpttulatlasi— _llx...PPM"nrfi. ajall,WCA4 11 : 1 ;01 , 11•• tuy TelasffSpb WM, ritlabur(tt Gamine.) ' Nsw Tows, April 2 11,,Ailrleascosouernthe the sltuation In *az Wok- cordlrmAno noes publlebed yesterday. • ~.Tbren pomtnlsslon-• ere were sent totlfezittillwin to Juarez et Sen•Lull;',..Wlth an cater of aseltulation. Quaranteeslor 'Maitre& end property of Rut .prointnenr rihletluilne.. We i tire do: mended by theepounlestonert i but w il l not lacwantifil ..". • -• , smilownnlw - nionsenniii; • lwarinit the In tercetaion In favor of Wi4mlllen, was felr un I,rni a ti tled witteen escort :at MatanianuirOretn i teg r tteril hattspeetal tellnCt *be tits report e ed' stlsci Mtn o r s i tm . rizrit he was plitea &to . 4".11 t_ IL. t iiiiiii!airiomftoL...sibeL grape; 1ta1 7.7 th e irsograh ensue !7i....n.twe1500.. April 10.—In _the AMU Or against amoral MaLuurelf,' befor• VOW. SUM* Montt 0 0 41 4 : the Jar/ le-day *Warded the WV*. 41idx atheat aktid IlbrdWs ootepenis• lon for daroarw MoCall erreet,e2 . ti =ollz Jaw Isti Mk under • General MaDowell,fau eau7sic7 'siva . the- seesealnettOk,ar Traeldent Un cotArls. , tato Warden, of the trulted •State• held vmr-lareariart =mar ocitrixtzgro- ilibeepssulyeotrailiTiblales. CROTellisriiißtelbiTinstinbllstetiai Diners, Aorll,ll4—Very aeUve Dreradis , tiolis axe Dein. Zelda SiSloss4er trao.sreat • Bate elaiblidesiOf altansoorse deck • sou e a success. The Railroad companies have agreed totans stock and a; I rilia , feleithilialtbitere.ssiar Wei tree. The ezhlbittoe Is tabs t Iwo , as the Minh end eth of llsy. And the 110 of preausuas Ofered V4ll7RheraL L&T!t CONDEMNED igEWS CB, Telegraph to the ritubursh untrue.] Senator Nye and lion. W. D. Belly, of ranusylrarda., Intend making Southern. tour., to shank to the ixot!ithstanClini g:tbe lOspllod vigpatcy, . . . . Internal 'revenue secret agents' reports to the department show that whiskey la oder. ed foreate ill over the country at lees than Iwo dtillare Revenue tax. Ito. Tire's water, tO he heed by.,dlittilarifor the prevention Of (rand; has been selected by the Secretary of the Treasury. Arkansas has been divided by Gen. Ord, the 'kettles Cow:pander, into eleven -regis tration districts, and registration officers are to ba appointed in each, five of whtch are tci be officers nervier: 1a the army_ end two chicon,. . - quanlnghinu,' State Treasurer of Ark:in ane, has boon dismissed, being Inoonmetent to hold cake under the Con gresalonel init. Colonel Page, quartermaster, hes been ap pointed In his Mute. Several other State °Moms. are nicely to be dismissed for the *ilia. ?mien: . liramlstrationoryotere bail been coat:tie:lc. iialtemizents tuldertlie prorlatrai of the keemuratruction act. It was roma Impala brats obtsralrata ea llelent number -of white cottons to sobs reghtiarira, 'they bang md able to take the oath prescribed by the act.: It was focusd meccas/try to 'rampant non-re. eldenh and detail =my tracers to complete Ine work. . f' Philadelphia, yesterday, Itrs.'.Wbit. 'on gec_ was accidentally shot dead by a an ilia was attempting to aboot a mad dog. • The steamer North America. arrived at netiand yestordaymorning. ' The forty.eightt, anniversary of odd lowvidp was .appropriately celebrated 'at :Loutsviile yesterday. -- A. largo atunpei of ladles asaemblot yea . terday at (Ave Cemetery, Louisville. and: Dili thiPated in the testimonial of re. alma Inc the qonfoderata dead.. The Mid. lelloWe of Cincinnati. Covington In Newport celebrated their anniVentarY, by a grand prooeselon ofthe members of nil the lodges.. The tnraout was the largest an 4. gisadeirt ever witnessed there. The day was beautiful awl the streets along the line of March were thronged with panda. One wing of a Maude eartilnary at Glon• dile, Ohio, was destroyed by Ilre yetterds,y iitesticam. Man meeting Of emeentare was hold on TTOZLOOS7 evening In Row York city. They resolved to hold out till tour dollars pbr day wore liven them. :414vtoes from British /loathing to the 7th state that the colony wen sill Unsettled, lc consepaenceyf ladlila raids. Settlers were. wanted, Acetone ot the largeenlendbontera 'brihred one hundred =es to eeoh aotaai • The Brazilian Government Is !apart ei be negotiating for the steamier Calltrirds, galtbig to carry four hundred ~ Mhtecoestructedn Southerners from Neer Otimns to " medioat Goildai• In how Turk, will /soon be Warted, the bill tot widen passed the Legiroatore and has to. 113111p1 at Ina Governor. ro Another crevasse italibe Arlen of Aston bfort, Lalel4*.,l4lrtta r rinirrred pi irony FRO NEW TORE. (ByTelegraptilottes Jeluipearin axis( te.) To. Jana■ akaassi. Two Of the Japanese llottnlsslonen sere rot We...hinton this evening. The remain: der will go 'to-morrow. They hare prat.: eels Irony the Japanese II overnmont to U en. eel Grant, Proildent Johnson and Secrets• r 7 Seward. The gift to General Airant Is a snagnifloant sword highly wrought, money ed In gold, and appropriately insuribwk It is said to be very wetly. Tbo preemie to the President &ma Secretary. are said to be equally, valuable. The ZuMassy will re- Meta in - Weeldne ton about foul weeks. Btysietr4,ooo wring of ociusterfeir =may aras esrptured oa - States Wand yesterdsy. Übe endidly ecrecutail and CORIOsta of 1110P9 le freettocal currency, mil 'the W . sew ta tallies the Ftstskill lhek, of Ibis State; SUilloctuiaks. Batik, of New Mimi, tiouseratata. It Is Sappoisuit 10 be part of tbe Sleek of Nesbit Stewart and Jamas Car ter. Iwo notorious' eausterteltera soar Berr ies a tarts is prows: The. "queer" ass POWS& Smiled tear jest tutee • stinted,. in th CON B IIIDIMATSCOIIiIIICATIOIN OA. el.. i • nerllll.llreo r The e We 7 4) the e el ° .lll ' . W. Allen against &IL Onagers, an action ans. lag out of aliened unlawful powpwaslon of pgoyerty In , .North. ChirollnWlfirtnerl7 ipsnsedby yaattlf. , ileasaidanh claimed be had a legal right to the property, winch Ind been confiscated by the government of the too/ Confederate States Llea; from =d ef en d a n t pi:debased ft. 'The Own field the answer as frivolous, and denied the asotbituld, defendant to Magda' the •. ' , Nor ♦ow o► inoSsece, mortise eiamin►tton of tbe . bodY of Hobert Yotusg, supposed to bare dela V a n violenee,ebowed be had received so I Isdli itud.Sattbet died, froze 00agestlott o the brain, superuiduced by exposure'," IWO& wanes ill Farr. lirthret per cent. temporary /can am .tlaceteeerill be reitely tor . delivery et , the 'Ott4Treastu7.h4 two or throe weeks. MAIV-VILWHDWIT AIIIAJOTED 700 110101111 T. '-',.leferitiiiton boa, the Treasury Treasu Deseutmeet of the arrest of Ye. Parket= ,Prestdens of the Berne t Alabama, N ational Batik. Be is *bargee wDb Its 16114111 ' :1114 Fs :Dsossostratlitm ; lirTiilitirnoAs rixa tipitig•i• laniforsrems, 1.... April 214-4. 0. Vet ter's MAD . factors. Jefferson's boarding holtse. End- wrieM other tenermoithouesa onlienthutreekfwere destroyed by Pre thu morning, and the freight depot of the Jeffersonrille e nd Indian a polis EaDread voropsny was partially destroyed.• Loa& estimated at two hundred thousand dollars; raii ii t ia t=otid AllOWithwre , • wig as xhi,e3t tatanitackving ,sa4 prays?. 'no may. Dr. Eddy. of (mic as% de erd an eloquent address on the prMiii , piss of odddellowstilp. . . Clasesey*.lb/►A. , (HTSe!igraph to this P . lttthntik Ossette.) a - imenriluga.z. At the /0•4114 area Mira emmen 1.043ay, clemency wee re fused fn the case of Ilosenottenr, recently' sentenced to he Imaged, an An sonorapllme of litgrr Hi n t ai rnie l = td in V e tfo o n t ll,V; YrldaY neX r'r • Zelwivii•L tlir weansa to tast;ittsbarsa Owned • Os Cleo, April 110.--nlver three feet and -• Unisons; Aprll N.—Elver falling with 9% foot In canal. • . . . Swirled Allv—gronderlleillessepe tram etre Orinis—Ao Didion, Moldier Two Dears Wader tirooslt—rive Cornea rued Mges gilloc—Tbe SillUalliOn Dem ,•sletbed- sun Agreeable: A Washingtsisvcorrespondent of the Bios ton Transeripl telli the following Stair Which casket huge &Ala upon tho Teodoro -•- ' i goallaroan Of New Albany, Floyd coon; ty, Indians, a respectable and perfect], .crWhis man. now a clerk to the Ifension llM•miu, Washington, .wsip termed, accd. Mar in Co. if, Nth Indiana VOluntears. In 111c2 ha was ltatimied at St. Louis. While "nab:mad-there he 'was taken down with Small per atill liPNotMtly died; placed In a Coffin andt Letwedistely entombed.. es the soldier's tomb was rather rapidly .1111 ed, dye other f ooffin were aocen".pllad On Olf. 'Ma lay there two and a half dam when he hosameaomewhat conseurns, mkt ids first foaling wu a.auQooatlaq sensatlim. His - screarna alarmed' the Germaarentlael -Oleg w temb,ho, frtattaned. ran. b , ll,llEtal-ilint. which was ilischarged..TE used Yr. N. still more oh ^acme of 110 ii7nnitios and awful iodation.. /to re doubled his screams, bringing a rash of fstditlitas l• the tomb..whe moos got gam o p t and relieved Oise from his terrible renuittch Mat, 'lto la tmaddent should'have our inestall In Witten minutes. lie hays that, though never conscious of hisdreadful alto. Wien, Pia mind was always active, and bin sensations' unspeakably dellibtful—amain. natio gosh =MOO: Ileednill of ligrpsw., beauty, amid strains 'Of deliateua inch Lo use his own words. as helms. never ileard.sinco. Tor obvious moms, he_ lbws hls to be gublished, •bet year wiveepooG6l willvOncli fortis Math Hintlass, or•l'ionoar, propogoi to • Tirtm , tha Mods belonging' to.bfi compatty coyttoop4kbolf tieserve, as /hp priakof Jo low, and bus advertised far Bereft haw, drat garde:non. lie detaradoed to meta dirmittad tor the company it postale. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY; - .APRIL 27, 1867. SECOND EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M FROM WASHINGTON, Quarterly Barking Report OD) PAIIDB A 5) STATISTif3 The Beconstruction Injunctions (By Telegrsph to the rltuburth o uotte.) WA° n ia°TON, 4Prit 96, : i567 ciciinmar n'aitersci tiroset. - • - . Taxaserir DETBETIZENT Orrice, Costr•saottan or Cranzirey, April Bich, , • - Ahstract or the *quarterly report of the Notional Banking Associatioaa. of the United States, showing their condition on the Ellol3#lS..of the Arat leS7 . , l bt:ffre commencement of business: Loam and Dbeounta . $ 397,113,093 , 68 Bstats,l,4 • FLAttren ••• • • • • 9,347,693 39 Expense Account 3,985,4 v 97 Premium Paid 3,931,02910 Cash Ne t z i s—lnol . Vl3 . 34t, ....... DitrAtobs `01,0.3,433 35 Due from Other books BUM:7I'3O U. B. Bonds to stoma Fl:kt n nti t ttrOocu 4 rt= hand 404991 00 Other Stocks, Bonds and .0 934 375!11 Ita l l ' atMtenal Banks Salle of other flanks - 932.749' on Smote 10.3D,491:33 Legal Tender none* . 04nn1,3;7 ut =tiauld Liternn . Setne.:,. to recite ' 11,tza,z'a 97 Capital Stock pald in • $ 119,81:A44 lk) Surplus Fund.... Gthlua,tn . 3s liatdonal Sauk iota , , standing .. ... ~. 033.147:00 U. IndisiduldifePo . efts 6 - ,ill'hnue,l.ner ..27,3U1,177,n9 Derpostte - of U. Disburioug ' - officers - 2,:e2.013 41 Dun National Ittalts• * • , ' , 91,1.1: W.. GS Due So other Banks wad Bank. • ere__ 7-2.1 n•S . _ Pro Ma...-. AKirdiate , 'ODD YNLLOWTI -. 1•a1AIL z 93 • / 46•4'2,7e.1.1,7 The:WO Tcgolta had a thus parade toilet. Au oration and an original ode were - given at the National Theatre. The. celebration Pile itprilang by alt eattrrtaintoent to the wishing' brethren ah 4 the widowe ant &Theta of the order. ebb BTATatiell. • In an oration before the Odd Fellows to. day, stato4 the recelotoot the ordet throughout the nonntry far therytthr ember InlYtaat, "?sorb gthCll,oho,' - gf h•liTch totitou were eipended for linphy, gil,isu for the to. lief orstldents add Orphiths, - tilol glaYtto for the rent: of brethrtu lat h itheohirsthrillog. naruscrioris. Attorney (Amend fitatiberry spate 'at length in thaaagtesse Court - today, In tiip. Pliallttelltto. the bat-49 4 -0. PCS.V.I44. an telatiat'iktifeibbirtnit lezik - sii 11l effect that the (:earl hid no j nits-diction; that the ease Ina not within the =aeon or eptrlt Of the, eonsilluttost that the reconstruc tion et; ta executed - by the Preatdent, works no hardships to the people of the sonth, as they can do as they pianos under and ItkaL Ws we. likyblgival Me and 611141 only be reached by poiltical rentedlts Mr. O'Connor argued for an injunction on the ground that it wayordercal. to be dam bedur acts at tbnuces., It'iras ia.oll its Draft, asta breadth tria*Mattintional and The *slum eat will l,n returned next Fri day. wrton ./foUert IL Walker will beinearal tot tee State oClillselsalppl, and the atter. ney General wrill reply. • . , T. 21 1.01.1141,11711. The .registreition at :voters In this eity, so Yar as eamplatod, aroma nwhlte majority of Horrible Murder or Old Woman •10 Pldlodelphid—Arrext of the Mop, • posoll - alorderer—lielludagesad ?far clad.' Thursday the:Uhl:mt., a fearful murder was brought to light In Philadelphia, a belefenhoutieetient; of , which - We had by telelertMh• About, three „O'clock on the of. tomer , of the'. def. Mr. dlazdton, ageheeventy five years, lavas d along sit Thirteenth and Chlppen street, to go to, • store Bard by forme purpose of mating • purchase. Upon returning he rapped at the door and It was opened from the inside, sad • young Mali named (Marge W. Wipe, more, an emasional visitor at Um boutez-' y et dl the entry. ie: yet dld not appear In the least excited, ask soon as he saw 114.1daglIton he raid ,vrehri wife la Murdered, come in and sea*. otlti dared r erclalmaz Mr. Ilagilion. “That Mon tie. as Sit Is but sit I Milt her. Lie secompamed Mumma to the kltehen, and them a horrible UMW met hut Melon. ; Extended o f the floor lay the alio,: her skull moulted -to . with blows .froot a ea r. The her throat Mit front 001 to ear. Thertaniniar was close to her heed; but no Agile or. .ottier sjiwit,„. atramont .mold' be 'tonna" la the room with which • the throat. had • Men eat. Close- to ono of her heads—was the ball of yarn leb kirs. Aingilion had been mottle to her Matting, aid at her feet, vertiuMen, was the rocking chair upon which ti she hal been sitting. Ater position on Om door. the petition of the rocking chide and the place where the ball of yarn was found. all ma mistakably showed Mat site had been op- Mooched from beldnd,ldiat Maw 'with the hemmer npen the: bead wan emu As be sat In the Maim that one tither Tell • reiulled foam Um chair 10. tha floor. Whe._ illarenravaVir. Oct Sathilled Wi th the benalzh he had 'already shown, finished., the deed by. cutting her throat. There ware area blows on the head, all art themrietrating the stall, and reusing woo stmeilvient to.prOflncitz Omatitiade 'pee enter the cut bathe throat. The . itt lOW with which the blows Were le was Whet kticion as arbor/Mr ;barter'. :It belonged, to Ns. abotilten t . - sod wag -kept ; it box sttacbeilto lho.lehbs, Therowun IMblemd any part cattle robin eieept im. Whadiately.'mder bee heed; tehalos there llPPO•comm of • •struggletpluttover. Netalng except the ;salmon& the body the to disorder- in the roam. • TWO:Work-table oontalnisdanumhae of articles; • lintrevery- Milng woe, Rol/Dula, mew rdaosa de. , • The otbillni, Idis. Doom liegiltod, was about ;sixty-two- yetis ' old mord' was' the mother of General Joseph NagUren r .casepf the breve and accomplished brlmul cot.. madam of Me -PeansYlvaida, Itescrre XiefillOTTElikattfocra whcCis .;st grant: rite with MI Masses . here. Thu motive the mutterer la trnknower Wiaemerealut latent** the deezind Dis trict lIMUOIX UMW, Where ho was tearched ilbjigaroVlrxiontan i antg wercrieMopeseemlon two two dollar hi ll sl r nka trgn eretri li te e tt; l ntglit t' w t t , liagUton gave her two twodellige sod after her death they were not found an tit'ePutoetens.Titilharttiat:Tide till trams as that irrXrs. 71.41:1 3 M ' Seessfoo. was Mao w h it made porton the Tollowing lei , which would . seem to Indicate on his Mal detertnination tomtit:mit nubile& ; EntLeretzvots. .21, • 1E07.- , •• ;')Es/ 'lttrode—Thittearl calamity is caused bytay emitalog;• ilea* who were My, pretended friend*. I have been .scoused Mbar thingewhlnb of otterlY idea • toodknoWe lam Innocent of them. Tills note Is tntOnO. ed'especlelly lb? AI." N., of this city, 41- t hough I Minim them whattbey have demo. I pram imith teidishonor; for lt mita a stigma on my IMMO wild character. I. have tried tO hear themoil, but boorish° dokto 'with trouble, I now bid all earth* , friends tads &mire' in this Ufa -Lail the pass ref esotten, 'Tenn in Muth, , • t; elem. Vilmnio=.• - No blood could be Men upon Winembre nor had he • knife in ge n =ision. =2==mi mule *9l=l - dreorlised; that he hod n t riecnlty In getting ids . tri door t, locked a n ocl t ixl bet , cider. that he might aearelitehe tomato. the pot: tay et c/?pitri , :is w s ho t ::11 comt i eltr i LLl 2.14 . search he wee about to coma out on the, stree4 When be heard someone at Lbadoor. add Upon solos there, gust gr:7000.915. After Winehome was taken:Mho eulliOdEti thorough. search ,it the a holies arab mule., .e are nomaleatiens of Crobbery. , Oua or morn awe bureati drewera Were Oren. , but fu 'manna' bad not. been disturbed. ot . , rater traiileuad In the yam. tfej.identi , Ned as the property of Winamoe. The sMiesttel immesh% le abota twenty four pacts oid,ainct Mut beendint•reesattrf discharged from the regular army. Ile wee .anonalatelil with , Utif- Ilefultotes and awn Mpg meals At their. house.' lfe sehms tei be PerfeMlyttne,' hut denies comuuttled the triune. - • The ;met stances are etrong In putting the act bi his Mids. FM CITY AND' SIJIII3IIBAN. FOURTH PAGE.—The /Wed int& toad tiabio illuney,.od. and .Prodiant Marksf Pod:s al.nbr any Pane? in Cy gay vat be found on our /burin Awe. The Mickey, Clue - AUnda-11u 7 -01Reer Charged With Essorthatitoney, JOhn W. Ilieltey, the indirdual about !nom there has been • Walt * ado for some days put, from the feet of hie being the party , wronged, as allegall,•111, the habeas corpus matter, whi ch - Mmel ore hearing this Corning before Judge Illtarnt, ep. peered before Alderman llichelsott,' on Thuniday, and made infonniVion, charg ing .:,hat while 40hn.:41. Siabotalree con ducting him under arrest. 11taltald Barber ' beintean officer of the pollee; It constable In theeity 01 Pittsburgh, °minty of. AIM. &Maw, upon a ,wetrint gad , by. Haldeman, atnaittstrate of Payette county. endorned by John A. Strain, one of the Aldermen of the , olty 'of• Pltteltorgli.,on figr.Cewhflfe- conspiracy to ur . fifty deluxe fr0m...1410 depoeent, saying' that If he (deponentimpuld gip Mtn trbar bar) filly -dollars,- belbarou) would_ ate that deponent wee not put to prison, - and toll deponent to keep thin tmq tatruullf -end tell to-nobody-and 'did tbbreby extort rald mono. trout said deponent , whjle the,exeadtlon [laud Under cOIOS Of_ hls. olfe gee; unlawfully and unjustly./ Uptathte lutormarion was arrest ' ad,, and, denying' tine chasuran position term,,avowing that he had pot received ritttthartaaltated, demanded a hearing, ' Which took place tut erenlng before • lerman IcheLsoll -11. O. Cochran, gag., to. for the prOsettitlon and r. Cob. xs44,- fer So • Tho yrroiaixtOr. sworm was winked on jdolithly Mint last, at the try,ottleer flutitt4 and Ridged In' the actntw, and rotaaloleg -theft Olor•tright, was next day transferred the eounty niben , i'Vedilbrdeg.MOrillagXst was taken from the JUL by mincer Barber,. who had been deputed to proceed with him to Uhlie town, • Fayette county. lie ehte baractol - andarat tabu :1W tWi residence of °fli tter Barber, where they tooa. breakfast, h e custodian .11.041 y relieving. him of eke o f in paler to allow Motto partake of the' Meat •Thity`Tlierrittartled. litr the Oonnellsville Railroad depot, Barber again applying the o oractstets." ',Prisoner re markediNforeililittug basagfeja„ql4; on the way to bather's- house from the that -Ise did - nob; wag; to he locterl ttp 'When theg apt to linicat town, -Cu rted' °Sprott-ad tne•ttellef that be would not be, adding "a latleseeney would be nettlinittOyint.'! , . Prisonersaid he would reams give • hundred dolittre than go to prionn, or he looked lip Barber said. •!gire me eft" ctollart end Mir friend," f or me to that ettest. and' irtrlng aerneunce that he would sea that tbe Drisoner wean,* Put to ) uh , The 1410004 r .114111Linics Wm' a timelyllar bill. ids bands, Cot tangs oat eared an to prevent tarn taking oat 44 pocket bOnk to par the money. Aril"- leg al the depot, prisoner paid theatre to Uniontown for hluirell Ltd Who , . or rat eta cos e r conveniently on account or the tally. ales 'with which , •be WU , burdened. On the cars be • endeatisrtli to pu. yell upon barber to UM off the bit- Lugs, mule* that Mt would , atansu sub alA tempt to eattape, Ile pressed hie request the more, 111unit:tea tut In the same car club them Wham Seth Wilmot bait charge ,man, a hono.thlet, who had twice broken pall,. wet he did not Lave him hand °deed. -Urilier is his prig. oner remained tutd•ontrod. A Mweernalti .l lima was enSountered lite oar, a at the instance of riarbetAd for • fee at ten Mularg. Celeste tod 19 to Ma power for i i ty . uposc h rtan In turzsi i. L o ton uc er t Ma r t . , Itu•la„ - Agrartraillechttla of J rice llehlenzamwitere. altar some eon vermtion, the yammer was relemted epee depoatlowone SlMlttred , male= lit mane" and h i ,i waton-worth fitly thulartb-aa recta tit y. to thrsolay, Mithe mete train with °Moat harper, andsoon atter his , 'flu prefarriaitheoliatinefeallortioni• Thu above Is in anbalanee *hat the prom color teAtifle , b,•lle•unuarlient a emu Ching ero , it.esarnmatlon by Otmeral Collier, with. outAowsver, srackening big teratmony,of er,w,Jigitt crulat.be_autaldered as gel s buttaln the snail/sof hatOrtion. e persistently reiterated :he iltiteretret ChM tie leteaell "ireelee ft" IIiaIart,IIIICIIIIMIT • weattigt• as ilattletent baSdeitytig tbiract. In suggesting _to Ms ,coniatelLetturtiemeto be asked:his amulet._ ; 11,7 l'llkhran, dentated r : , paritbemmaiteallort, took °Mallon at tote 'Withdanitu - note that conduct of Sarbor outrageous, partite:o4! in regard in the hatiticuMu a, which*/ was whettp. without gathorlty-4[ law. The nealoglineas ratted Wee PAZ. Mickey, father eutheracemeor,•who'teetleed to age. ,mg had lnierwiewe with Barber. its said barber had offtocomprombe th e mat tut by lett the-City dollars and the coats mitt usestutd ,thssishe ( th e wanes.) Could • hare accep ted the plepo.l[loll, ' turlitOt , matilll (lir. tbehren)rulvised ' that by no doing, ho mould-render himself liable:to ptencchtum, .saran bad satd that he war. praorniatt, MIR urged lisle eirctlt , - ,etarce' opod eriterat as an' inducement to settle rinsinnis.• Attnesarhad :Mired that tf be iSarbage, went& worrtacirlasa that be was s , POOr lamb Strbiallatalll. IRMA eye him II fly dollar., There wit kottathhig said abeam Baxter agreeing to setatmfway the prosecutor to (1410. w here Ma father was at,theUme at the. ascent,' by • way of Seattle" that thus era, belt out as as latumenteattor tae payelettt at tliettiftXllolll/47 . erots• borym - diroof we ware anus Wage ::1: 1 17 .1,1: 04 , as I . i i t agi pose;ei gaidecf` maths • , After bstateignearceliurea Wan •-fla the difeastorturdidatottemltyloatillWag material, tbatabluntaa . jtanountal that to • would rtwervikantl.4 IrbetitSfild SHOW 174 . 1Ntr A ll to aniline dr thintles tase: , 'There Were filoael elfesnal,bertnicretb imp the mama or' tantqattperblab, If presented, will bare bonze AuPedlOreltrg. oentenut milsa, 44. o=l • /tiooks to to es if thele r • • ' , bat" OMM:I'. lit the il , hpwovor •nsorrer inane . 42, !nth await de ilettinEs o f ifieseiltrObs 4 Web.etrfe 1 - anOht; tglOOLlagetthODOllltilatiatOpl of the M. E. Church mamma 7attealer s morning .Chrlet Carron. Soudone ware held.nanrning.attantoOn and 11tr la ...panod they wut geLitldizgte:RAnle• Erne today, from the rapid nritireeis Rr.e ° h W rvs ek d E h e t t e le t s et e a nle t at b i nstue O e ;t n 1 0 , . `l Vi l ; oo r t e tho e W tleorenngts ' LW= e t erti t Og AMA= I C S trethet In the El:damsel wok, end. man fortvarious us ntcen, eilleel=rej scut t h e ` of this Otturols. IF All the 1im11,370 - 14 - 0 V .. .. ono seett and nuindiSCUOrt. rid,giunmen, Am es,kr TIM? and liingslen..Stiewercsratda...llmhopog tie, solder MilloWlaintoebrebehltNidul view of Ws condition, ger. A.B. Watabaugh, forSdnnidilAool n. WIS,* /V alar/I- Uhl% ISOM the expeew Vs.:Pesten:roof the Blah ap Will he Mare the city 10 : _y, wwwwebit 41101,4.0re' -a.,4t7 qi.v,V,Al,l4,l3'ilartiltlApboot 111,Mh morning)tfgb, f e Joaes- wlil --owsopy the pulpit as -tiel -pea :lye Wiese Oars, leirMa e collection irld be tnkan up for the sutfirt pour of the South... Ames Chapel is so o erred toni7 2 .T . Cir, morning for divine. oas. IPattWorria, Preaches at Beaver: street, Allegheny, so morrowtorenoom ammo,' ow Tux rmanonall Conlin committee of mielmers and la vm numbarlag. -about 'eighteen. from d11;41 12 roUrilki l itilliPtrl Oda ifloVnTirit the question of c division or Um Pints burgh .I.t a t o t .r tlwforeass- at the etutinlig , ti untold C &Whinge in ides,l • . I minor entrees. nil. eloquent, Awl fartaranfl KvAg3443 9 c4,llltWi Toe 'Mere ennotinakient o hie came doubtlem attract an Immense audience. . Wo are indebted to Jame s . Deollnyr.a4., suimrbitdOttiff,6llll 7 tiliseitifid4* - irgThe Counters, copy of the general ropers for 1851. 1100 the very idatadi for dattiodit, s an4Fgrltteiirqpia n liatir;:i i; taffl..a, amanita a . Waen7 Lanrnltery, lonian It alio' nay lanteirOf the most charm— in g cities of tha dead In .4 Ott .l. none*. pnarr ' .0114 I)=Wr"l.Z 9l igaeM maid,/ n , l , 2ltliliand epithet!, hate fmtd,e, deal .r cat; WAN*, its.eomeittieli. Tee datum edam of the emote trt Vpilannadltrurna. gal tough irt. canuot ed the suseesslye 1 -11oard ofigattagers who - barn so fahhitilly armigetuiduy aonal:a - de trust anu dlaahargoll the dtttles Oro upon thedt. u: I Ilk ngla l tlMM l rlieV b igrieamanig Priteharl,atniMr . Chief In firentan Apt.- on 'Ward tile ,stminger,s4ltalut lienrb* YeadanlaY. dents paid the coots I n the case, ant/also damages to Uhl .nnetanand by theMritera , tbebqat. • The Infantilelde Oise In Allegheny elly.. . . In yesterday , ' paper we gave the partite. late of .a cane in Allegheny. In which a young lady, named Ituth Ann Grubbs, had been accused of taking the life of her and that her two sisters hail also been ar- . rested as abettors to the crime. The .Im7 Iwpm:inched by Coroner Clawson to thquire. into•the cause and manner of the child's death, met at the Zdayor's office in Alia Itheny last eventing, aml proceeded to take testimony, which resulted In the Jury find log a verdict that the 'child "came to it, death by violence at the Duals of its mo ther, • Dr. D. W. liankin testillecl that ho had been called on Wednesday evening to at. tend professionally the mother of the child; that when her eaffi - er into the home whore she was be asked her if shelled not. been de livered Of a child lately,which Bhp stoutly denied at first, bat afterwards confessed; that. alter 'march had been made and the child ffatdd, that he, in conjunction with Dr. Frank Campbell, had male a potgnlar ten examinatiOn, and Ho said It was Ills bellef .that the- Wahl had • been born -alive; that It was flatly - it:Wilted; end In ea. amlnation of the lungs, As, Drbind lively tallish that It was all weapon born. ()Meer Barman and night watchman Po.. I land testified to haying Procured the sr , - vines of night sellers. and to having the body -takm out of the privy and conveyed to the Mayor's MD se. Airs; 'Annie E. Cahill testified tht EMI lived on Anixtr seet li , e. W a , nest door to the house pectipied byte Urabbts famtlyi that eho moved there the first of Apul. and bud heard the nelghbore remark that there was some lug wrong with Ruth Ann tirubbs, and lobe would hare to be watched. the farther testhleet to Utah Ann being DI the privy on the evening or Wednesday, and to feel.* hoe Sister standing outside and call. Lag- for her tocJoine Itt the hoUsa Mat did not know whether she gsve birth to the child there or the home., -Wm. Mary Martin testified that ebe lived at No. 24, Ann street, and had been ac quainted with the tlrubbs Temtly Mace th e Istdoy of Aprib tom she hoard a talk on Itonday, about Mring someone ,metilcine In the Grubbs family; who It *lO, W- for ninth peewee, fa mily; aid not *now. bile hod an opinion that lthtli An was goingto bale a entla. MlTltanno nett ittat ould Murdered. `tine bed seewber Insneorl vy on Wednesday evening, and tried to got her out, but she vronid not comet that the and Cahill finally brought her out of the grim ahttfartbst, she thought that.linth I Ann's stilton had no hand In the donn:. tlou of the child, because they also tiled to get her Weemse ehrt of the prtry. litt. /LI vita yvuht.u, lastaed that she lived In plot Of till 'Dense Clap hied ppay the Grabble family; that she had noticed Until Ann pre cious So the alleged birth... Art -tlmlght she :daannallb heard... With Ana after. artm say t eat she could be hung for whet shetVor Dr. k krt. Cahn were recalled, but as their testimony,. In the male, hue Leas gired, we will not repeat it. —Thawbodo. Untlltiony.went to ellen , that Roth Ann was the mother of the chili—that It bad been born allee—and, afterwards Willed hilts ble th er. The jury 444toordinglY ' fenzndit rime/WM “That - the neeessed Infant O&M; to lig death on the night of 24th of 21xsteribe It thin bends of its too, _.R.utti Ann Grabbit, and thatAillaabetti end Wall Groins Cr. exonerated from any ocumghuty In the death of sald deceased .2 . ltOlintoistort were released from con. finentent tart evening, and it. mother still remade; at hcebeme en Anu street, under gut sarraillalooOf .the ... = - Tawas -ai Nero , -thacos.—Leat night there wilsarothice immense in at tendance at this pre* circus of Thayer *m. raw..xtlitiltht the mar of:Trim, Lanhionurene..cripft.. Intlpint so elm. showt.lght run for nicaChiln city and be crowded with visitors. It Ls ooninict. In it a& driPiLithicili; An bye rylitidt .rhanl4, Lahe thwersoportirnitT oltere el of attending the bat Traveling eirona id lbe world. matinee-for-tatteo and- children *lll iew ortioncon, and the last grand orniaruna 'hero will take place to-night. I.oi "e= ?WO on tho I . olc y COM. nelrWtligetsilbtair-0 wing. licribtlen, to Met Omen°, of ttin clinde,the //Unmeant.° last night st tho , tlliwelStinUltn,was eery gltbouo unusually. fsehlonebte., MsdttneilieltaWsuul J. NORTAIII Cotl bOld a u nt anti InAtieereen• ant anti Comatose,. nn.l were tulnlineUlT =7qtrgAr brfetitiewlrtter a .tw m i . s ... paynnue of the lyric ellte w svi i. t . he ttejJillkted with inlet!, an analog y. Abiltt, Antnlynlo etWilea are, enal- All,lllOlOOl MATIXIM—VaIf 6fterskoori Alsistlkiatiaasida ruatUat- fce /sAlfit. and children be held n t the weer Alper. ori ',Woe occasion .Pecahouell", iii beinDllizai mcmg Itratistr.—The theatrossolnd =Tatty:has tows heist pulse eiserrltt esteems, stswelaisith, aetrew-or no ordltAl7-teertt and nullity,. and one who ga i r:r ir the iCi lantid i ter tlie j tVar e t Umi . Vat l fj'l,=Tbrlit= a ftwowtad t . h g thts ell, who will Ise pray too glad t.l) learn that they *Where an orportUally of test.l- .f7Mtrtit4r ititthreltuterhet as anstetztee and alette allow& teadard wew by. the matourement oit the New Oyes* 110. e. to tate pike oh , ktdadszy sited; 'next' h taw' KOOdDUI Is Iti^PraPinlitiory and we trust llVlSTy ' seat - mAtt tiasecnred tn ansinsee; and that the benefit Zug result hrsonrethlng loolittilwa*Stdatthass the name. A Mu ller-Ith Liody ISTlontb;thlent and beauty 1.111 ,Instkohar deed eta* occmtm,ta&p lens portent character. . litacepreparatimil. irig . ttio. Mack Crook at the Opera House stiller. on. and Manager liercacaon is determined that' Use7yreel epectarlle AMP, presented to. a Pittaburge audience In as brilliant a, style " loc t urll.M...le .ITninteattY In the l Vrtrit.;'-artle ism:trent, the unequalled dauseue, _continues to be the rgroat4rion at lallgrpopeley.,pisos Of fame - "Bee . le • the embed/,rant of gram a d beauty. The entertainment Of. met nightly by Manager Meyer* a very -weal ironer, a wialt.'ead , it to wormer teat through hls exertions to render tea a Pfroulerfled Slat.elese Plara i i i o ,, grartsemeat, -the ett,ftelemee begot brut ly increased,' A great natnrda bit Wonted, an 'r'i ria l e • Sl q. . , , F•stu!zacauent. a= citi t aiittieL. . afr a4l"4lll .t. ~,,,W6 i • I= B 4 , to —a —rumen jeng commuarvi ty,hee leased tecefjle ,fl and with, a first clasestock emptily i open on Use ~ • -0/ • . Me imamh allotr i ~....... at. ,,, w ...,,,,„:....„,.. u .,„,, r ,„, , -toed - he%M.4l g.erci. Valens of M. Jr n = ill igo S titMr 4 wf vrairepen at l jags: Melltellgtr next Monday night. , ' The preggf or'. eh tn=ter14 6 , 1 74, 6 - 4417t451 tit I e a .01 ." er t lVtill . • el' ale ifjefr a tUgref. I I=74,.;i t saw Of avir:itil 6 ° i lllr,.,,,,,,,,OtteetiePligt I 416 , 1 exiinl .t P. 1•0: VOA MIMOSA b ‘.. - 1743W - 111'S /1,14...11ck1a r a it , wirers teimiacisciVewent; we reetthetly wale t W4lll- 'AK Manlier PletentallOgref , ff. mazy .ggelejugg•••• Iliggley"rdritereirrihrt i elty4ma l ,gerisg ehaelhareenoYanty. fin* arteh* e , h , aii.V.46liiioniew' • - *elm 1., was halls*. Ni C. Recdtlo ) bet or store ittie afiae - nisned streei,"and to Alegre/ in wet oesteete the otee k . r.littekley insisted an him bey- Mg a new here •otteerlesnttldellf4lo over the matter, and Li eXaintilatten tha., Menet. styles, •Mr Brailley .00nsdniloi tog ot-VietilaebakAtllbth wee: ase , ' td Min ter the nom of two donate. W hen the itbur:zr=rWrlttarthil ro ll ed a to do to urs and !end W blot. .!.tte. Atradley rtrefrreerriutMg. the has on and. tialtellegse r ;when in the act et doing so, nir. udder snatched Alt mot or his hand and boatload hlishdown , /an to article, remsztlxistm wealtruitie Shia 7.l9s , wes firigt c's'4Z7%;lC'gs'thl.2ineym°lst t o d -wletet.thokireadex.ot-bete f ted, to .11C1nOILeil INLlSOntilenterMased money. ester Consultatio be went heel( and dep , 1 1 1 1 *' , m , dotticei, alieres that X Seem'? thrieemtve dotty, one dollar, mad Wri..lawas ache Ltd, received from film. . llradlevateerinry guider the impression that be had shared thogitte Ol4=iripirwiltrtotawa dram denim. lent enetsiVottle the Meyer'. cit 4 gee and lodged. Jot yeteregulan against 'fluellikry"lnt.laromli-Tbrieeesod Wes ex. rested and atter • hearing Wa, b 4 ll .; it geld late 4.erttinlNlLV en la, thYl it l b° her Ur ° hauSinn la Ile inthe e rt f :te k r_ vsekleneeril* Winder , township. Berne county, s on. Tueeday. The demised ••• • lady 01 uuTe pecuniary shame. lin cause . Tat , Por aeligned for the roan out. (=apt (r:tme Lgen.for 'some than laboring heeler rlilemesion of ankle, an Nrae held over the body by Wm. li. entre, Doper,' Coroner, sad A verdict =tiered In 000rdrdiee Nall the above recta. tonally Sabbath School laatitatea. All friends of the Sabbath School in West ern Pennsylvania will doubtless rejoice to see the following. Progranlme for county Sabbath School meetings that is shortly to be carried out: The Institute/ are to be held as follows: 'At Urecnsburg. for Westmoreland county. on the Mth of April and the Ist of May: at Beaver, for nearer county, on. Thursday and Friday, theld and 3:11 of May: at nutter. for Butler county, on Tuesday and Wednen. day, the 7th anti tlth of May, and at Union town, for Fayette county, on the Ifth antl 13th of Kay. It. G. Pardee, Esq., of New Tork, the dis tinguished Sabbath School lecturer,. will Conduct the Instltnte at Uraernsbarg. The other Institutes will all be conducted by a gentleman who has also become tecolged no one of the row roost successful laborers in Uric cause. Ray. J. Ed:filbert, of Buffalo, New York, 'editor of the etenday &Soot Standard.. dlr. Gilbert has conducted many of the largest and meet Interesting Insti tutes held lathe principal ethos of New York. Sod other States, and be will be at tedded by Mrs. Hilbert, who, at other these meaty:goof special import. ante and interest to ladies.• It 1d expected that many of our most earnest and able Sabbath School friends in Pittsbnrult o will also attend the Institutes In the adynning counties, ana help stir tip the hearts of the peoplis to greater enthusi asm In this great work, andilevottem to It. "Blow ye the trumpet, blow. „ • Closing .I.etnriis • The closing lecture or the - season wan de. livered before the Mercantile. Library Ail iodation Lust °Tenter, ie. the Academy of Music, by /teary Yincentasq. 3. B. „Scott, Eiq., introduced the lecturer, and row:nod the thanks of the • Issoefittlea to the audi ence end the pabllo. who • pattonlied It so liberally during the selion. Idr.Vi need.% subjectwas, . 4 1taly and Oat itraidl,,, which was handled in • most mac. terry styli, end gave evidenee Mint the Ole tinguisd speaker Is thoroughly acquaint ed with the put -and present history : and condition of the Italian restlesda. - - • . • The thanks of the oomm ratify are die,:vra to the Library Asooefat, cad vino , daft,' te the Lecture Committee: Air the which they provided, during the iesion now come to a close, for their lntdl. ' lectral improvement and enjoyment. There may be some who may entertain the notion that certain things might have been. done differently. It Is easy to. lind fault, but from the intimate knowledge that we have of the difficulties of the case—greatly m. Creased this Year by the natureof the ta:dd. km In which the lecturer were delivered— we believe the committee did the very hesi under triacireumstimoes, and, with Mourne obstacles in thiewity, We doubt If mattari could-have beeil•arraogot more satisfseto: Personally we can bear testimony to the uniform courtesy and 'attention shown us by the Ooramitteer ; C 427 John CPitoefoi a motile= CL ibe. Point, made information yesterday .hafore the Mayor, against Patriek McDevitt, also of the Point; charging him with disorderly conduct. Deponent alleges thatdeendent's wife istanited hire, and that decadent was present educe - end abetting her by the inie of rlolent and hthitudery demodetraticms. The acommil wee arrested and had a heart log before the Mayer. On the hearing, the l a fact was developed that...lira. M...was amen able to the ch , a anybody. Mrs. Ma Darin, to testify g. et that the dem. non t bed been 'VIA leg off' sick.. and when he wont an lately he "threw It no to ninon lie oncm, no reply t looked ether “•12t1 ugly.. which mean shout the 11/111.0 thing. one thought ho w going to strike her, so the anticipated blot by tweaking the atop bucket error We head. ileat.W said nothing, hot yawed up meekly, tot wi th the salsistudg.loolrosilhie conalintenm • the . . , thowght, certain he ao going to siriko het' this time, ay be go the rIMAtal Polo and =ado o olfarge epee him. No Moors were struck ll:gunman, eitnerp_artY, but °liming started So ' th e XsyniPs ounce and made the information, _On the hearing It did not ap pear that . McDevitt had taken any part in the akinailehi and' lithos the Mayer dts.. iarsdnated Trigtri IlternruntlO - t c* - lege, rittaborgla. J. . , T. Kennedy. rigarrabh:Px• :„ • J. H. watt, glielibrir4stown, W. t.wmta., Ameabony • J. Btenornagol, - ATlestiemygilty. ltdosiol Derlion. Lawrenceville. .lobo Horst, lateptherifstoon,ra. , . .John W. Wanotfaynottlorg, Ohlo„. T. A.Pattonion, attersoll'a allakra.: • Edward "Keltier, bettor, Goo: 11. PArg,-Lillntiorg - - William ltalnes. Allegheny oaf. y - Anstbit T.Pt. John; Allogheng nay. lament g. Wallter,Wentlcror XMAS ' J ohn JIL Chapati, Tltlabargh. Loots Xattern, Allegheny city. All of wboot_peaseil W) examlniglOn of th. °QUM WinfneLoll.l7. and who will ao doubt enstato the longstanding reputabOo of tram nopoltrittgilltutlon by an honorable' Tonflcleoep In hostness. nech grarliniba ow awarded the Organ! DtplotnsC of .-tbe„ College as a memorial of Ids inaentry. proflOW-ncy"ad nt, exerowsi gin.prtn.zeca dazing his clog/o.ot Wady.. • . • , There are pen exlSlbltheinle 1ft..13.5..51t Debts' in ery wltultore. 54., Mar.' street, a number of eanest Photemasehle , .2ertothe net lune Isar, sect One' cisme,' tally, the pestrattof the demised irlla yeah( gentleman_ of Mae city,: imeally worthy of notke, - as It Is a: most (altlifttl Altenesa:of the /any the_ MOM: snatyallOME then It Is a copy of : small. Warms. - Mr. Debt, hasbrOught the ellategrraptite. am al .• mom to.perfeetMe goose can sell 161•10111. :and all of This: pladoss mama the Allsbamt credit noon Ws gallery. Care photeetaphs, eiblnet plisturmasna all the. varlows amity lathelneest. are Wen In emulator style, 11 moderate prices. In any' kind: of sreatttt,„ Any of our residers Deming Mr. Delete alsotildMot Stll.:axlmabllng; this One /ONG" mans open intObLUon ln. his witslows,.lor they are well worthy: el 'eloesi obserratlem `Remember the planejelM.lshtlf straei.' ?aura orNitlinat, • rt.a . jary In the cite _nr Wend% tnore.reported ronmoNnzOik In 4 , Inedetbattaat, . ' 3, /1.• Itntalmt vi . W. J. slatt&' att , action toyeaoyartalta taryttaptaa• salt lasta.. rtala curalsbal ,by I.usuitur to'ilemaast• 'Xas Puy. found. a y.ttplitit,ltuftitatlttata • for I,_ awn of SEW cozwel tat aataadar, made ' a. - alactaarfar, - a now CrobtalVtOttat.loll !Watt paasput m,. a. oefropt.fas alWitay — rno paw . anon la attivar at =a *no , ri e6"4 =kr..ratrlr i rla A bt43lll =lll latter' Tater.) lay,Stkazasatta. by de. rtr= "4 l tba.ttataaJatalasa-• rtaa. attomAlt iota at.we illta • latlcat , Is bnlatbt.lctattoctray • tat ttlaL - • • '• *" •••;41 1 10416 --- WiltraisSAlik ' ;,.." ;'• alingsititrizig.a; 'iliatitrhiOnl‘Ontulr4. led at ti, t'llrli of ga , 4 . 4. 3,,,,, ,„ , ,*M r =ill.' near- ''- iiiiirineWidi%AlOrri. vr..xicutadoi .6.4itiodedwiwtito by one attne portico: the insinuate% 4 , - knlfet entering below the Mptiegbao aretioraider able depah.. InforttiMft •VU Igiuttitith" .3 video Jr /4 :MEM, - t tiessrlth Tel.oon ' stablisDg-oea.trtze. - tl pa Aarratt WM feat oe n it ~ Tlstioe and ex stra- Dot Z o hnorilelitridi M the of a tessinamoulCal4i burg, here they awe found on door: , eommommolralt Mad Out, bus_ before bang emiiginiilOsprison the amis. ed suimeededin gerdnig Nails the cunt At giOrilinich= i ap=ineo a1 . ,V0l ilrtlik MOO orals . . -.• ~, I', -. iDisiliiiitidhaugg ',- - -11 -- i • mein=AllentiCat . ,to the adeartrthi.' 11thiceis7rtuaiii.taker. lifo4 ti ° 4ltrarigrallVAltt " lnft; ors wno IDLY need the solemn IllerriepllCC 11.11 V ill'Ult bLtIMMOBa Xt: lisidgirm ikdi hum, a:aperient* and , pedant's all the . tails pertaining to llast sad rite* ofqz, lal, to • loather Outs - hatgainbi httoli reputation whe Wm dillotated, : Sit.' it ' ply t. Vil l a r i . IV . , - /a., =ul nal., . 0 . g bi a. ply of e e, " we er nut atur itenoweett UM .4);Olosillit a. lowest sidneed vidoelL'/ -litabalmin • , f.nninilit the_ cl i cA sc p Azniz 'Wry manner.= ,c4grl 1r:- aisb•d at ALlttkossi. lIPOD . _ , _ tette& ~,,. ' .... s. 4 . : ---1. ::. ''-- - A tsepiir .." tialitigral le: , A,.i,141'.1 col F=l',nnirkl„,MitAtt=it c. ", mo..d.Kpida,..,,,wpsa_of .aan. Ada W Unitas, elinigol .on Oltn 0. - W "Eftwards 44 Itlltt_tuntudtllnra-latuY 4 net Mi r e% ll 7 " .l2barrrgiz e rt a ia 11 1 t,.. Cana room na••• ,court. nunennittel It , punlison of , th• - •consaa. lobo what'll...3lloW you.. Ot•ltth Putting that • . writ. of natal notrits 4 molt he 'fanne tn order to knot relonno:-. Mtn' wilt' win trans= made', ratornable Uttar inatiltotya•latt zr=ttrtlehhourWitrUett 4 Wll le cow , tba ;undone ls, Wait , bop ut. ukalloge+l youthful rancher.. ....: .4.• ..- - - llatalrten Clutitt:/.' .1 1 4 . j -- - -- - - .Xtler.? thin../101'..Wlallguils . . - The case. of Daly Ts. totAlllnge r r e p orted yectordny, was concluded. Thu lacy are rctUrn a rirdlct th.ln marang. PRICE THREE CENTS Arial& and HatterY.—ltobert ritton yestmdav made information against his eon, William Fitton. before • Alderman etntin, charging him with assault and bat tery. The defendant in this case Is thought to be Insane. and has frequently acted in a disorderly manner at home, and the father. In this way, will have the case acted upon and the question settled as to his lunacy. The Robbery at Mamma Vlata.—Thos. Douglas, Jam. Mansfield, and Unwell Douglas, charged with the robbery, Of Lu cas' store In Buena Vista, had seluntriag be. fore Alderman Strain yesterday. IThomas Douglas , and James Mansfield were dis charged, there being nothing to hold them on, and Dowell Douglas was held In 'IMO ball to appear at Court. r. T. Zwen, practiced plrunber co. lei Wood street. is prepared to all departments of his business, In best me chanlcal style and 'at the shortestriotice. Partlettlar attention paid to gas and steam fitting, and alt work warranted to prove satisfactory. Prices very reasonable. -.We commend lira:wens to the patronage of our readers.' - ; Chest' Pocket lintirf., Ilfth street. Lleort;ilallerir,bf the night pones, le* rasing sitme, , wldlepessing along his best in the Ninth ward, "plat eller herring retnmed from lodging some Mistrderly characters ln thalami:is. +as struck on the head with a brick, thrown by some person ultimo wn, knorithig him. , senseless and causing sorb i g niury se sine° rendered him blesrmble Special Election.—At the special ale& flan held us thepecond 'ward; AnelanutY, Thursday, for a member - of 'Select Council, to fill the Tacaneyeatumid by the resists Won Of J. B. Smith, John Brosa,Jc." Wa thd cue.. cessful candidate, receiting-Urcehututred . gue..forty-flye votes,:affainst, twentpslx, cut for John Cunningham , the opposLug • • • era '..litairova„—Thert were timid jamrs ea the tat meal. ot. the ,Comition Fleas Coen, (diadbetiral • SetterditYJ the talttv-, cZorarti o ehle y h tvn en : reedy, ' C liciee v alsort. - aged . "httftDtthei David Boyd, city, agedclictsty-Oile; Witithui Illack, city,. aged ' Ifisat a`Bearfogo-J. lreArarphy, - eharg.;•• foil with burglary by ,NW,„ X. Ilarrisoa, of MOS - easnort. had a hearing before. AJdor man &Amu yesterday: • At abe eannlasion' of the hearing he was remanded to ]aft. to default ofwam tborundat dollars ball,:for ft farther;ng on Wedneedaynent. OsThsa dCllB the best and chospat ll.azors Opwwing to s death Li the family of cmo of 'the Jurors lorpannelad to examine into the cedes of Patrick death by Meet plosion On board the steamer ...Alexander Chazoberip Older,. which was to have as• ambled to-day at two o'clock. will not noun until, Tuesday: enning at.7y, oclock. • We acknowledge the kareeipt of anent catalogue of the young Yea's Itereimalle /Alma, 1/10001IltiOn Library. It has been complied with great; etre by the efficient p li va b =nOtiLli - elgrvice to the . ihe i m i Va having Muftis to the library. Asunder/rutp ilatakol; L ßaYor . /10. earthy yohterehiy Jhroastah lintitex t o bag Iraboa= of WON t6-:mawer a chart.. of Monk. us esagult and bitt.3.77: 111 . 1- tranog fttichsol Keefe= the third with • z. L hatown, The parties that a difficulty In a waa:9 119 . 30 on dmitrulala street. - - ; .rl.lo..s9rictiLlpiatilerx• Co.; lilaiionic Cam or Abaseellea zeuists:—Ad e/he Koh et Theeerday made Information. agabast her J:=T un tLn John cha i rtng hr w ee i n supperre. Aefothlaut lea ad s commtstatto Jet Dara Instaket hearbag on the Eftla IrPie , City School Soperiotendeots.— he tiehoof -I.ltreetore -of aliegiteny.City: like those of: Mae c.lty era osavasting-Alie.taat ter of sehMtleig a City. &Moot Superintend eticand 7,1111 comMlor Is at the mat meet: tag 01ttihliptira of Controhertt - • ' - • • 'ijoe Blitropo of the MettiodetEPLoop eborotreite uolding their annual meetZ intlirint.NetotliscEpLscopia• churetw .11 is' 12=Roil they witl- remain over Bab. eeirte2 lo several Nethoestina.: yttoot tip tWo ;Oleo: lia .Chtspl)ltaw4 IL3 I i ' etir SJ rif,h A chande, Len, globes, oil loropo. oinks, basloo, both 4000.Wddhil4nd Iron oi4olio.' ad. d.C.,' O ire plionblag, ita.s and steam actinic establiali, meat of T. wen% 1M 'Wood otetot. rtloloo podoro,to., . Itobbs!mi, • ÷Jus deli • Arent; • of Reserve tovossh.lp, yesterday toritt:rl toja.ll 4obn gt=frag i h ota g ib o . n a Wm EY&Stfoi..; :: s : ,-, v.r• • • -; 7 ` , , : ' Itielfalt:erz.taisp!o•4ll":st,tiarils-' burg, Inemempliff ea tho rield of warlfte preparations desires' ea rabelliciti; 'l4 now -baths turnimi up by, the Plow matte palm,. , Westerns Elimazi r , e 101110,07trotticie UMW& razally 'cosist .infi eta sillier asmile4auulLtWoutrlitree chlidpr,„ rec;.utlir }art 1n49.1.1u4 '-`••• •-• ea' ts• ruiu'ereet , F001111•01•1•11111491MS and is Ittte••C• 'at • A•it .4 1.1 .:C.ark al; .IlainflUe,;Artzse.ObaiXitpArd agestootacimp °Yet O. thawiauullPArsv . . =r nir4-14: =PagriZZ Kew '' Pihieibile•tl• ate bbing Oaf I • ooa =mar oanns.tas in; 1 151 0 1 1 = - 1Pabba Oen (hearings, Ttuirjauxilpe -serauck Intereiiatonnty.raire: 102 4ZlSioele;yoee r th s, e l 11 c old - "t polVcaat,_Y..: tm ell.X eittaM flAPuTgh. ' itres4,tge. rirMm, VEDaiiiiiktaP OfJoittkiikAlesit, t 11Infield, /*. 4ilfed abqta, :three, yvao, ass 4rommoor Ilronerof 11%1 vats In tLeth.nlatiglvordif4es Ma7. 6 491:1 11 ,9WW-57,,i ; liods'or Tim:absent min ownero 11011 a edisferenee OnAteg:ptesseelOCereets, ,Iljthscn 3 2 ,3l l;telei trees 1.140 leocklegeme, JlhiltablYVtetrAltiry; temW......Gpclogegney, boot, Strettr,Opposlta 4 ,4* . ,7 4 ti t i riekiotplAtii&arc , .. 11 4;.tb#W tfert t inorb and Spar, -I .O eVAES ,Hll'l. 4 . . Veainre - say no Inaelatlirable micieal..willgetlaberrepertJot 'the •tig i1i,4,91RAPP4.54004541..4q11434.,.. 1.1.1111f0 - 4 dearatrid IWZ - 77.7 " 1107 " 1-. I M ' C aii bitlMPT/rre g etil lYth beFt Deiltettilaistcyje:Teditio.9ri , ivt latake*lNl at;iii•Ptacipoopkvaßeatici",°F,lr' NearParkeilE 0 • 101 11 0104. 4 -Willaaric:ZI__ k ulat.t P 4 4,404 ' l, ` U ,"" at?! AilittAititasiber, statiir griaistiogauts:frageostroAowneuvieck - Aik 043 .1.1.• • 4,1 1 -;11Wi:4 AtftiVPAP:I.FFFit- )1140¢12at,Aiti4. Tices-Ootirrof be takem;tkp cm Xi:l4day. , .IJimebuestimmt:6uat , acetv bpatto . s • • mut?, stx,trov. sedoisra. r i %du mascakbalia3+l,- :AM* in . t, et jbltpiimui 'oo'o.4ll4W' „ 'A:I4OIA*, icipt,..0c,.0 0 .A410 . . et -rittibtur smokes: • 2 -Tiorier•my:4ui lityprsigulatig PrOmcir'les•')bleetN ittibtrrghlMl3l. IC===;= ,;•., April s.' r.;*eoei, aV:'.iolita z. tl rxia Atta rum KATE a•C. 11 . .K1 lAPTT.. A►atthtsr ct Joe. illialgbt, E MB sG. .-RODGERS...trskwii*A.. • RIM AND EfillalLiild.R. anecether to the late Himmel I Ithilgers, No. 29 iMptiStrett. three doors trom,lleaaer. Alligneer R e . ale, Rosewood. hlthelanY. Wid.T.tnad ROM. - Wood linitation earths, at the lowest reduced ;"hrices. Ihioms open at an hone., OCT antrelabl. Beane and Cantu. furnished on shots notice and on most rrasensbte terms. . A • LE.I. - ..tuira.ENnEurAmkat, IGO /onset . street, l'lttsttoret, COTFINm of all Midst CRAZES, GLOVES, Nd every description of rano* Foralsblas (oats fonatensel. Itoomsopested day sad nlstd. Hearst, sod caresses furnished. ' MerrsaNcxs—Rev. David %err,' D. D.. Mei. M. W. Jacobus; D.D., Thomas Etelog. EN., Ja est, 11..14111ar. R R T. ivIIITb ^ & CO., UNDER • TMEGII.9 AND V..if fIALKERN; !flambe, ter, Wood's N., 1131. d Colfto }loops at. MspuhUster titablo. cOrser elediold and punters sltuts. beam and arrizuvu fur- Waled. . . .; HILLDALE CEBIETEIIIrr-T,he beentlfttli•tiod's-nere,'• inn largest subur bia place of eapolchre, except one. In tide roon• IT, Wasted on New Belghton rox 4 f.' bneeed ly north of Allexhterl , roe 'bort.' folo:Pereell. or Mine, call al Centres malt item of COOL. CLANZY. Alice:m:lr Cltr. BUNSEATH & CO' Wholesale Agents - , American Watch CoOpan}'s WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, fat orrosaz MASONIC HALL. WATCHES, VIIAINEI AND Nell VERY (MALL P*DIIT WILL T. WILEY'S 6 Wylie St., 34 door from UN JOIENSTON & SCfYI7, , Fine iratches j Clocks, J:weITY SILVER-PLATED WARE,ETC. =I . Nalttisibril:ll - 6 7 12, N 2 023-I.3Lree I . Earr.teal. &Uneaten% then lo fi.ettladnit VirsteluA Oloas extd Jewelry. All work war- SRITIISON,' Plll3la4jo, ARE RECEIVING DAILY Irnin(A,§ . e SprinrSititir of =1 BOOTS, SEg)ES,\ Batlinomas, Ctiitet:':4(i§lippets, ESnlnilo#HTS, itta§gi AN . D ,;inn vase CARPETS, DOMESEG DRY GOQDS, lIM I Y3 , NEszoicori IENT'AIURNISHIMO• Oa-64J rmia NOTIONA 40 ALL MUMS Malll, HET fE=ItElrMl =Z;ETM Vala3Mls 11011WX12 =NO josuraltelEga• B°,3' Noc.„ . 334 By 014471114.) Angirr, Wid ' 4141M&A treglirr: • '',IOII.tiL 4 ,4OSBAMQ4 PraeUeslMniMft Mantfas%Mii COL PENN AND _WAYeIE it-ziatit.truicre-sinvirruascoankitn: 1 . . I : • • M: — I a •AL•• m -..'.. ' •'HAIR• WORK. • 1 411 CD: MIMMIIMICM. e• ount i f.inM W..o= Croo,Vioal. MAMA:nix • ' •Atora , °alm] A general ainorment or LA, ___0••••+ EtamMh: . Car l • Elovilexora•s,Wig ..1..3.1ka1yr. - tinard etaltr, - Braticsa,.&. A IM•ed,pric•s ia,c.aMr...3.11.1 Me Sinn - To , 8..1 I ._ tes 31 . R.9A.,e.,cpitrium,-. ~ iiiii t ii- it iz44. .. „tfus , JR". 410 - plargewlAlley. Pittaburgti,Pa. •41A b lia i' a :UT — iitrUCl. t.l N '1 g ". 41.. ' k i: . / COtoirro. trot otortrotlo oo e.t.d.°, noott to OnirsoatheftattotidolloO.- ZUNI WO-Malmo- , . „TjarHOGAAPIEHa 4 i Apollo'as eo Yuvhia ITS Braun. r .r ate '' t. -- troerrfwe :apaLus . . 11.311EAPEX'rW Xto!Wratxtb.ah• Dot t , attzsa' 2 , dir.vitunititcavausoveim, W.A;I3 fen sii rurtieriirtirt,: LBCINaiuNIM'I SEWING MACHINES: , ' Eti c•Adie 0:or( Unit: tot Vile - Ilfautratt. MIZEMza __.:,m.$NTS Ea Elia
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