rb;vit4x_ INMSIBLE • EMPIESS TILIII SERT, Tar, SYR SAM% iow 67, Spring, J. W. 13RADLETS DUPLEX E=IC- (OR ROUBLE spaltiipa S K I R,T Tbeb.d.osneet emaftittOlellt.rtra ISEIt PASHION EMS LINCS Also theNewtIIse.I.XIPABISTRAI ailDw. ,Also 1 1. LIZ WOALIN 61TrLES. • .• • -..•...; ..'.• FOB sALEitirimuin AT WiatoI.E.SALS lay all Chi labOlUlt lOU= bolo lDam Coiaoo& ro m ut. saa de l L gt i a e b loo a o . , tustn WATS, I:03 0 0=Y • & CAGY, Chambezii - Street; mnierramer 121321 MEW 431-04:30EMS. DAILY ARRIVALS THit WELL, ; Mart .GLIDE & CO Sins; till Soft PA hcantE4 Tabnai flab, Stripetani hatd: !kiting tai •Potted binooks, for I*ht; Wigs* PP*/ Jituat aud haw . , Vatk,fint =taut ,- foid, Talesch ud ihresd Laces, Handierthitts, hit% Temistlita Ph* hom it, ! a luta sham "Tull Lize Nord Ithet BMus, nal dik Bale Frims, Trimmigs k Wu. asiatitilez Pie assatmeat 4 laid kgrcsk ui Caw Hasiny ud.Caw, Mil LINE ALEXANDRE'S ' KjIiGLOVES; -EPLEYDrDIsswPor? /f. 4. 1 3 4 0. Full Line Fluniehing Gkmde. MORRISOINI STAR, gdiIIITO, la wa ronged. cOltgliVid AID 110 UP b1f . ..4.1t IS. good makes.. Jobbl4 tradiserreGLlgthfally ai liana= • -. 18 and 80 Market Street. - • NEW GOODS • _ AT EATON'S. - Daisy Frilling. Cuter sialetroi Maximllles TgAseasdAtg.. all solo. •arkaus Pique. onalce ftlit'tailaeftts PlahriaJaen Nets. cuow* ii.N= or Rulpgrs Lacq liagglisli Thermal Ireen Bag'. StriLogesi, =1 Hauer Elikeie-.Fhittoug, iVIST 1/ZUli9l3 `T "JP: IMA:rICP-IVIS, 17 Fifth , sheet. 1867 —ISIFAv arniftG4actops. MMMWWW!MIITTP, "N ATE surrey:semi. __ - .Tzt I . l t 2l *,V* l3 9fr i "T' 33 / 4 63 S - 'Trrilzailg s and 331/tt6Bl - wikeTc. WeI SNULItIH rv nvonizsaL g. ,k 4 ma rtaii . 4 j ...., THE "itiiiii , litHiter ? " ExCpriss, , trail • 004' f.wOu - t4i7X,43:4?0145" x.,raw.~.~~ -_ conlc4ie: "WO.- gs±r". 4,a41..m ....m>rtFem.s. l ._,arnrviDaigrsrayArzscrjam win im a. Whoi.stle Depiatataxtryten •acoeired-wisti Winste=trievr Prerlre.al=. . `~ ~r~ 'c~itiers; web.: etieetr ;~srra rs : ~nerrr~, , .:z.~,-...r ~. .%••• 0: • m ac,. Eer.iittitmeft m DOOM t 6 mg SIGS Of RI "816 iilo •••• t- •,• - . GartSIOQVICIAJBMELII. • . '; BLII7,43OIII . .II.IIIDSCAILZ.TIZ AMBILLt, r • • • *,/4W e , 8 "9 1 :4 Lt.t Ot DErtitirllol`. o F 'GOODS " 13 nICTS 11M1 a as _ reus e {a CM= 857.;:. ~ BFgi~~-~= AIII3I3TITOT, - • . 811421;1015' COMPANY; imrowrass Aso zosaza4,. 9it Dry Goo d s and 010118, oftithe, hirismad attractly• Mika NEW GOODi AT visual nun, VOA CAUL RT93 GO°, Ati — V/$O5l OM, CPITriN. (tan?. tANALAVA I MMitI ATM • IaTIIITIHOS. 101 A.AWarry ie. • INVlAtUtroter 13VVIn P"raFt7";•3 t. oat sad irif 115 VoCI !Wee Ja 0 ....!. • & CO* igurLapri*~R. Y . IMAM"' awl a • .. =122=2 DRY GOODS, TRINAGNGS, 1 GOOD BARGAIN ! ♦T 12% casts. Yard Wide Bleached Muslims, Coal Sopereeded he Fuel for %team Zee oes—la emcees:lll -F.sperhueat• ae the Vetted State. Nut', Teed—Pe. [relearn.. ra•l—Nuortuou• lisyleur la tipses-17 —Sufety—LearAosny Goo& Light and Dark Prints, I, ~,,, ge• hlehUt AT 1234 CTATI, WM. SIMPLE'S, as. ISO tad ISE Ural Shut Llleglanl Maras°ls and umbrellas, 'ATS AND SUNDOWNS, opisr.ro TO-DAT, ►T WM. SEMPLE'S, no at 112 twang sc.. oneobein City Elosiutery, Gi lovers, MILEIETS, MST% 410., IMMIECGT3 'WM. SEMPLE'S, lase aa In federal Shit. City. -WHITE GOODS, SHIRT FRUITS, Irish Minis, Table Diaper, Re., I=l WM. SEMPLE'S, IE2 &FP 2edimnl IL Allegheny City FIIFINCII GLIGILAILS, PLATY CIIINTZES, PLAIN mum) ALPACAS, ALAIDIE . & COLORED_ SLIMS. •OPLHED TO.DAY, JT 'WM. SEMPLE'S, 1u 2189 Federal st.. Allegheav City, NEW _GOODS I SEW GOODS I JOSEPH HORNE'S Ea 00'S. Halt= made of a mond ad/Utica to oar alreadY largastak SPRING GOODS, W e are prepared to or pr Inducements, both 10 - and assortment. In liiandterhlrf.. W ort.. Hosiery, Bugle Trimming. • and Triages. lialr nirle. Dress Trimming. . ; Clokundaad Valvat Ribbon.. Quipare and Clone) Lace, Real Taread and Pointe Lan. • • Hutto... all mica and nnima. Carvers Benton. lined.. and 13031.. Viol Opera :Yana • • ladles'. in Wears' a , gyrg Unfit. Nre nd u. • v. dm Hid Warns. • Inv' , ltde RellyreSS Trail • • Milk la Canal* and =I Aikat.' Mack net. Elm* sad /km. Panders. Mart 'fronts. aci. NiorrLon'a emax !labia • , Irrlnallr: Bova& Hal 7lowera. • Trlanalaa d a bean. llonaet Blbboah Vaa , y, all Irlsillu. ocarwuotisaLz Emmaap sum.. bo Mad t h ei r a MIAMI:Mt .1. Deal 'arsarDt bad It to &dress's's to give es natl.. Fn.. as low 4n. Usurp Jobbers. 77 and 79 Market Street. W 110LICZALE DEAL is OREIO AND DOMESTIC DRY 0000$. issa. s 4 imcmcma. Bt.. .134.111. - -amm &bare Mumma A liew„.. AUCTION SALES PIaEAT AUCTION SALE OF CI~RRI.;~Gi~EioJ, lIEUUTMVEI Bazaar and Carriage Repository, LiIMLOND ViTZST. TICAICLIDZIt7T, Os Ifleanesdag, Xav 1,1867 • -hart anon In the city or otelottiln ogee of townies In tee Ilse of Buinict. lanti, Do samba. Bak W0n..., 'Mar Woe... or of star .. snovasko Ito pas t . to setae yektelos aro of tar: a boa sae oast Malslted•ransfactors. tarts a w n a no Watt. In kosher ens W tank. Kr. Illnalfaes atsoltsts watts wall awn, sad the mat the kat, novae - yeas VMt llntritaAnAttront hlm. ba - e itllsys bra InJte tniu ear. Land. nay terse stook of all kind. or ItsEaraltiels, ell of Disown tonnolsotna.enton ore without doubt roost to tneyed bat L the sooktrf..We therolont advise an inspoillon of thu adateld stook, falai arab.' Is ell‘ glee estisfsetlost. - • - lny of Ow nost an In tarot st I teasst redictlon on former prices. A chola tdook or Maness ern !so a told. 'Topa assn. rilla Wad* kne.n on sir of ate. " ' • ' itnn.,21.1. Anat.:Meet. PhiVELLING SOME •A.11:11 J., • , . - ` Quarter . kcre Lot in Sewickley. .. .0. SDISDLY 11101171110. • larlt OXh. at It ohgena. loth be ld. skip Um preadaw. Jo do- saleatay Itomagb, go Um raloy _grown'' , haug thatinraw•ad valuable eoroar lot. fa trot-fro. on iomast woes. Slld a:Wading on Om Gramm,. rY goad ZOO reel to d tet„ Ul • 'Otte alley. the 1 arsonds am botattfu Must* and handsomely rolllog, WM.& Urge vartpay, of Pratt Tree.. ra ITN:A , . 9 ° . "= . r o e = 7. ••. tota two .t Idea* Trams irentattlx. il l als room. UMW.. mad dry -collar; good a 10, goal booms. cia st Kra. t• • - • =Triad—VW enaht. lb eo In • no. two and threw rata. wtlll Intoreat. , .•-• .. • . , The nakadtiama and eauvoriont Olt:alio , " of this poverty wtahlat • fro mann. mai:of LW Stmt. goad Stat ion. wakes It r omforl ely deslzbla forz i. s:ll: ,: i tettiallin Allogrelyti 9 gild Notelet:. L. MaILWAINZ. •oetl• • • , AVCTION if ::••: •- -,.-, • ile . s.anidteia st..; Toptalte rest 011ise. .4tro.pad issuing sal on Tuesday. TAars- Invs. ant asturdarbal Boossiorostogiz tilsoda , .4e r alrocarlaa. , .l 7 pt 171ralstilag = HIM... Nolloas, a, ravaLfs Wad oa /111andsy. Wafts.%) and r ,. Special atSen stos, sa lassltars sales. • Meal , aataail Wel on ssanslnand sold on nomad slos,_ J.s • al&aaa • iptl:xli:Trtn:ll -- • • Auata....6._ f,ILOTHIENG AT iryy - lave • end att • Clothing. of a ooyarlor pa ligram bat% a/Mb* hold •A, •orat street !Mesh. ,4 1.112 , ..b. u II o•olook. cot tho salted day. Thlo la s lurs stalwate basso dealt ..WY the mating atteati BOOTS AND Warn rtiaz7...;.... awls 7IELDI7O :IFIELDISo df. 888., lisaufactuvro sad Dealeri la . Chll.llllrtCons ihdragbeLeo BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, 110.140 Ohio St., Allegheny. snow= psomogrizavaLod, on Alai. shortut al -1867. 10.110ILDEKS IND CONTRALTOUS. .• 2100 i lOU BALE.—The Char. 17 tier. vek, Brink liannnatorist Os=lan) abota sosnyletul rasa sun Lana mak* lemurs rnsenfactorio S n leak in on In b ets' A ,',1:`4 , 1 7.13 ,I . l7greltjt laminar lower ratan inset burs /men heretofore COrretit.' At/ Olden .111. b. wokouy _attended 17424PININV I ardlltz:wrivg , bonnet fourth ellisset, op Tuna s p. r and y, lent _Man assn. fuss t o sin,* mum addressed to VII. MU. manriele-eFahr. tmarm DoE. EL OICILEIR B Iron Broker • 124 First . Street. • rrivistriseir. Far ? ;Arad Glendontot Ms sale oreorownll. DOEIIOOI OI * datb talivitma• and OttptteoVe G. B. enrioll MG Gooelsounco Ss sad orders mewed:Hyt4-12 ot J o Zllc=gittf.Antrgh6u.' - rtit , SATURDAY, APRIL 27, ISG7 PROGRESS OF SCIENCE. = Last fall, Colonel Henry IL. Foote, of 'Ten. ceases, who commanded a Union regiment in the Into war, patented an Invention for burning petroleum In steam boilers. upon which bus been at work some two years t and on whirl! be has spent many thousand dollars. Colonel Foote a...socketed with hint Mr. J. 11. Maser, of Pennsylvania, and they Came to Boston, set up a loeomo tire boiler la a little budding on Chardon' street, and for several months ran an engine with this new Ore. During this time they Made the acquaintance of human It. Al ' lee„ Esq., of this city, who• to well known en having energy anti determination, which rarely fall to accomplish whatever ownn dertakes, and he Meanie a jointer with them in the invention, and has entire charge of all the business arrangements of the concern. He called the attention of the Navy Department to the subject, and for warded certificates from Alban C.•Sumen, of New York, • well known Engineer of high standing[ of Deerge B. If. Tower; late Chief Engineer 11. O. N., and Chief of Ma rine Engineering staff at Charleston, and of unquestioned abildyi of Captain Ander son of the .Canard steamer Africa, and ,ef Governor Andrea-, Professor Rogers, and several engineers who had examined the fire on Chardon street. Dlr. laherwood at once ordered a heard of three chief engineers to examine the app. rates. They did coned reported most favor. ably, and recommended that. it be at ones pineal onboard anise o.eastior in the navy. An order was then Issued to fit up the iron steamer Palos, a beautiful little gunboat of the fourth class, at the Navy Yard here, for full and remota° croerisnents - and Atex• ander Henderson, Chief Engineer of this Navy Yard, an energetic, acoomplishod and skilful officer, was appointed President of a a Board for experiment, consisting of him self and Chief Engineers Moore, Baker and Kellogg, and fright Assistant Engineer.. Their experiments. are now in progreeit, h a ying heard very wonderful accounts of. the success 01 several preliminary trials there wo made • van to the yard a day or two since, went on board the Palos,. and Male a.personal examination of the whole apparatus and all the machinery of the boat, which was in motion with a full head of steam. The apparatus is simple and inexpensive, consisting of a small iron box or retort Ices. tel in the place of the grate Mrs, and hav ing burners all round it.. Its bottom is kept hot by burners beneath. The ell is carried. Into it bra small iron pipe and vaporises 'as soon he it enters. Steam le then intro duced through a collo( iron pipe illiedwith filings and tocrded over the burners, where ft to intensely nested and decomposed, and its gasses enter the retort, Into which air IS at the same time ferried. and the who:e forms a gas which escapes from some nine hurt. tired burners, where It burns with a clear, Intense him Mane, completely tilling the furnace and extending into or through the The heat is very great. It emits no. smoke, , can he increased or diminhobed In moment, or be entirely extinguished turning a stop-cock The apparatus is very simple, Offdany part , of it, ti broken, can be repaired or m ide anew by any mechanic.. No alteratiott al Dollen Is required. It will burn where ever cool will, d the are can be run by nay Mae of ordin nary Intellignam after an Dour's instruction. It dispenses with all coal heavers and re. quires but one man to every two or three tires, to keep them le perfect order. It I • clean and convenient, and eaves the time and trouble of taking in coal and dlgposing of ashes, and; there being no sulpher in the gad, as there always Is In coal, the boilers and fines will be snore durable, natwith atadding the greater Intensity of the fire. But ti,e great gain value of this - Invention In T is the In aace , an = The amount of fuel required d Is only shoot one.seventh of the weignt and telt required of anthracite coal, and thearrentor is sails fled that after perfecting late. apparatus It will take lossthon onatenth, leaving all the remainder for freight or passage room. If this fire succeeds, as we believe It must, it will enable ships to steam from sixty to one hundred dens, and to visit, ports In all parts of the wOrld, from widen they are now ex. eluded. while the theft. gain will be' im mense. For instance, Om Canard steamers take 1,100 tons of coal on every postage and burn ' about 1, 'NeO ha. dred tons of petroleu ooo. m, coat w ta ing about the same as the coal, will do the work •botter, saving:one thensand tone freight. This at eighteen dollars • ton -would amount to thirty-ax thousand dollars on each trip, Grain the eight trips made In ayear, to nearly three hundred thousand dollars, to which must be added the extra expense of wages and food, of coal heavers, wear of moctilnery and Journals by coal dust, wharf nom for cial. A 4 The enormous savireg which this method makes In freight ing vessels - is a consideration of frst. im terodructicn I n n d t o n ar l m d s team er. etliae in as soon ' utility becomes generally known. It is equally applicable to locomotives; an Im portant desideratum In lecallties where wood and coal are scarce, ea for illustration finee the new Pacific Ilatirrad, whien,when completed, would require fuel - trains ht con stant operation Mt keep wood oud real eta. tionssuppliodostille with tide inveution, the tender of a locomotive can carry • deant supply for three to five hundred - miles. - . • There Is another advanue Of which we cannot now speak at length. On bead the Paton , during the trial. with .retened en thral., the highest number of revolution• they're. able would the propeller, with all the coal the burn, era les, than forty. while on a preliminary trust with Col. Footers apperatum. she easily gave over fifty revolutions for several Mu., end fully held her steam, the. miaowing that, wit k this lire, a boat can run from two to four knots faster than rim can elthOCket or wood, andits the bent is equally distributed along the crown thesis and through the lieu bus little If any "ficaninga .is ceased. This must shorten the distance to Europe shout two day., and a steamer . ..l Woo from Sc. .Loule or Chactonati. to :New Orleana and tank. from three to adz days. and ...VW all wooding up along the route. We predict that the first line on the ilasiatip pl which adopts this lire, will do th e largest busing.' thee as al can be floated down 011 Creek. the Allegheny and th e Olakclt will be chap In the West, and soon all • steamers. the , . must nee It. - Our first miettilon on the Moe wu, net It safe Pr list aterexamining the ePPerains, we were fully convinced thatmben properly rucay.ed,there le no utter dancer thentrom coal. Tae oil is to be carried In double Iron ache, the ea ter,space of an limb or so Ailed with water, and stowed in separate Iron compartments In remotf puts of. Opt stile, and having mall pipes•carryir.,,tr overboard any use* which may lime. while OS Oil it. self is carried to the Aims by a half-inch pipe. It seems almost impoodble that an accident should occur eleePt through gross catelessnoes. Dirittittlars,who,to a Written report to A. Allen, says: "Col. Foote'. pft. ems Is the most philosophically cOrrect One for burning any fuel I bacever known: to be tried in a steam boiler," add. tol can see no dlealty In earplug petrolettm safttlY In steamer.. Vat only thing to be done Is to stow It prorly. I cannot eee that mere care peed be e s mployed I. petroleum then for coal, but It must be of a different klnd.a The working of this Invention has been examined by many eminent. end practleal men, who have endorsed it in the strongest manner; Indeed, the whole operation ls so •rerenargably atm pie and free from compile. 'lion, as to require but little explanation and the spectacle which presents Itself, of the geese IMM,Ces of a steam easel in full Wart, and driving the engines et Mar Mil speed, with only . two men sitting quietly on catap.f tools In a clean linmiroona. ra nom. partitive leisure, and Inc[ _ass' or dlmln. leans heat by simply tkrning a fallout. with no eta; anders, ashes, or rubbish about them,. suchen °unseal One to thine , who have TIMM accastome4 WU. duet, 1 noise and coon...cot coal passers and fire. I l men, the centilitre' Opening of fermi. doors, and consequent deadening of Area, - the exhaustive labor•and number of men, employed, that one sees at - mole, In this Ic vent.on., an enormous •,strlde forward In Steam Navlgatirm. • ' , • • • We understand that, after thewharf trials are concluded, a trial at sea is expected to be made, for the purpose of "objecting the 3 invention to the severest test possible. We 4 shall watch the whole experiment with N great inter:eel, and will advise oar readers of whatever we learn, either for or against. lit. should any of them desire to learn' more of the invention than the space of a newspaper article can ava,wa pre*tmolin Allen will promptly answer all ' inquiries. , Our thanks are due to him and Col. Foote, aid the naval officers and onsincere on board fhe Palos, for courtales, Mita. g um 1.0 althea ell the details of working and machinery, and of Om Invention, on that '„, ship. - - JILIICTIONe — A two sale of Ken , e It.; rue. Wer.l sea the Auctionrlfte. rlir hi iaetlvangboal •• • uslipment. amp., : 1:41g ". " ext, And% Eilidences of an Asielent elv4ltaattess • . • in ..illtehlgem. The Grand Traverse 71en1if published the following interestlng communicatlon ore, the signature of T. 11. C.l itigleed In your bane of lisfeh 15th, sa • article heade 'Western Wonder; descriptive theta oft welled lake in Wright county, lowa. 1110 h• lama asso. contains Proofs of once of haVing been peopled tryst', enterprieusg isn Men y equal to that of lowa. One proof Is Wr i slUitil Lake, tin Oakland miaow, town of Wcatllloomeeld. Theta is a lake (MO or more acres In area; with two walls from tour of ten feet high, built. across the cast end of the lake, some twenty feet apart, and the space between is filled to the top of the walls witti dirt and Stones. The' walls are about half a mile lng. Tile ootintry east of the lake to a low, flat piece of land, bered mow.with a hoary efrowtti Of Mb, eitu and swamp oak, with several other •Varietitii; :2,ertherrd. _There Lem, sixteen years ago..gave, rt e Phis tress, growing on and between the sCa".: them two feet in diameter. The water in the lake Is some feWeorflve feet higher then the land east el it, and a break in the walls or dam would inundate the whole country col a lOng distance. The atones used to construct the wells seem to have been guar. ried, as they are in large sonata blocks, or Ostia, except wile. the action of the water. his Were or crumbled theist. There is po quarry of stone known Id ma within many mil. of the lake. There Ls plenty or sob. rte stone. few miles nortlemuit of the lake` Thu road new runs past the relit end of the I /aka on the dam, Or walls evidently the perique far Which it Wm co paved as there are other evidences of . paved rinds built about the saute period, and probably • by the same record people. One exists In of Gecatur.threugh which Tela.de largo swen.p from northeast to senthw.t, sours two veil.' wide .a.pd thirty miles long. A portion of the swamp In the town of. Decal= seems on. to have been a late. to .the extent of perhaps SAW acres. There Is a stone road, some twenty feet - wide an the , top. running amass near the middle of What was at once a late from northeast to itHOBEI. sonthFcst, a distance of some tact and a half miles long. The road now Ilea from two to SIX fvet below the Ifer/0.00 most of the way.and seems to have been built In the water„ which is now grown over with a turf of grass, strong enough to be perfectly safe for pedestrian exorcise. I have tried it in many places with a pole, and found the ton to beabout three feet thigh. with water,under, but to what depth I have never been able to determine. as I could fled no bottom. I could easily determine tholocality and width of the road by the same means. This road must have been builtat an =Manse experae of labor. as there Is no stone within eve or six miles of it; and to have aiiisa the lake to depth of at least .twenty feet, 11.11i1 Probably In some places One !Mildred feet,' with • material brought from the distance those atones mutt have Seen bra:l)ol4in a job that few would earn to undertake In this age of progress. Who the people were, - prat what age - thee la yet a matter of Conjecture. L .. The . .. Gaming of Dothan. A few evenings igo an interesting meets Ingthas held in a boys' night School to Bol ton. Om of forty who were requeeted to remain after ochocil. thlrty.four bad been arrested for petty offences. One at thirteen had been arrested seven times. Two *fest boys.' of the ago. of ten and eleven stole a horse sod Carriage, went sty to ride, and re ceived a year at the Island. One, eaten years old, for stealing pies, was at the Island for two yearn.. Two others, nine years old, coal pickers, both each been to the Leland, and both smoke and Chew. Prettj•latitt , for nine Twice- Two, egad eleven and thirteen. Ring and datum In laku beer salesms. Of the three hundred boys who bees attended this wheel tholes/t term, twenty percent, have already been arreetedonce or .more, sigh. teen per cent, am without homes, end •°bunk out" On wharves. lumber yards, and in every available nook and crirner; forty per cent. nave lost One parent, twenty per cent. the newsboys, twenty.llve per Cunt, bootblacks, twenty Der cont. coal and rag pickers, tan per cent. are la bowling alleys and liquor 115100ntu twenty per cent; 111 stores, Ofllee• and markets. Itharly every one of them use tottreee, smoke, chew, end the reports adds. somewhat inconsequen- Ually, attend confesslonal. lanivrAlpro:riiiikal4 l 3 U+ NEW GOO,lOB SHALL PROFITS! Amer heron was thus such a rood Was to Pt BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, AT / W. B. CLAPP & CO.'S, • Ai; they. have bat one net cash price for all. whether they are Judge. or good. o r not. No second pries !sever sated any mad. RIMILU or child. hivansera desiring to be Cheap not allow scything to prevent their. calling. Ir for nothing mere Lean to get well pouted on low Yrorat t cash btyers are leaned Mimi vay . ..r b t,,, , A,74.:: the great bargains of Nos. IA and 28 Fifth 81., Pittsburgh. • W. B. CLAP & Wholesale and Retail. aplteho FARM AND GARDEN SEDBS, WIIOLESILE AHD RerAIL, ?embalm,» aro Invi examine my stook, orbleh rampage... th• mo l treliable Muds ealttoeuon. We otter tem fallowing Muds aj tthoe4 eau. 'I be to tlttyl• the racy beats • CORA. 10) bac:lt re•green boot t =boa. Largedoe-1. eLowar. RADIIIII. Per Pound. W 00 4 44 Wul7 irratoo. extel. •4 4 3 'Wood'. Lu ll 044454 4.440.4 en ..... ... 140 1[4414 Loa pc bearlet 0 h0r44T0p..-.... 60 wbita Tornip-r00 d... 5.d eg , l I Yammer v, ulte 60 Yammer Yellow ..... .......-...... ...... sal ti 1444 Sys 145.... ........ -.......... Si While ISparleh ... Si TUMIN IP. .Pe r ICO r . 04. Per P`..l. 4 Z Da.. Warty Wltte none— . ~ .. 440 45 rte. 60 •• Ylat Dutch 4444•40.4eaved) ~ 4 0 •• 10 •• Itellow 411044. 6 40 43 . 4 50 .• 1W Top Is trse-14•440).... 4.1 40 •• VI " I.a.rgo 54140 e 4.14114........ 45 .` u 4. p 0 , 6 44 'Top Not• 0.41...... r. 40 . 4 = 44 '540154 404. Hats. 11444.... 4 40 •• 45 4. I.l64ogleen.l4Z:l[oll VT. la 45 . 4 I& • 4 lioldea .0au.,,,.. .......... IS 4. ICCI tbe UV '• w•• 1.0 ' • lm •• ,04" 410 WO " 1:12=1 1022. a. Early Da'lel WE/narks. • •• Early Tons Thamb " Early /ram.. ~,, . .... bo • Zwrly Charlton. 10 •• Illsbop•• Ugarf Lang rod • " Dwarf Blue Impsrial.• .... 20 •• Royal Inurarr Narrow Is, " Lama 21211* 71 •• Mark Eve flarrowfal. 21 •• ismenle al •• eaasopksn'ot Eagland.. • •• Lrllbb gee. • •• Drrarl 00010. edible p0d5. . .. ........ L a) •• Tall • agar. arse 115 12 gross ELLIII.2 11.02.2.E0. of 21;2 per do: P•CIALs. s. 3Erba•TCl O -IC., SElorticulturist and Seedaman No. 137 Liberty Street, ..pll • 11714 , BURAIH. PA. IRON CITY SPICR MILLS, FIFTI/STBEET EITENSION, Near P*IIIII4IIICONG2 afrenize PITTSUIJAGII. , P/L. PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD • W m.t 4wleiearwow is Ou the Article. . 1 75MEROTT2D and ST/ , cur Y rinre Nuesutth 2itr =ism , V= continue the ouzo facture of .11 the .DIFFEHENT HINDS OF SPICES, Wid mater toirboteeele and IloUal Lai r, se teenact eameleg to deei fair, we wild/ the pereaseew of tee Petal.. Chopped Fee. Constantly on Hand, wralcuzies nORLEDGE. de2evrfi M 5 GILMORE ift MILER aisanacturere Wholassie had Retail lleatats TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, ar, assortment. of Wiz.' Sa /obeli al. ayson hum. • • Nos. LO4 and 106 Wood St., PrrrallITRUTI: PA. I=2El : Samson to WAXXLIiiir. i BAiU. .14;12 St. Clair St., Pittsburgh =tl3 Pianos, Organs, ♦nd Masum ,eociii'isainall Irani& Alen% th. Celsbriaed DRADDD BY. Sew - York:' aid . 801i0/LICSIGIS CO._ rldlatielptin.ri&Nos., uses Lazy • & co. ' s ocutruile, , tand• D. -a IL W. INITLVII . • !..(Y1X11:1114" GANS, endTLLTUIVO .r&T&lrroUrf.&.&•,. . The beet Italian and Getman Vaal& and - Unt: gtripx. odors. as ' rfill Ta 05,...... Emir azzazATT (Late of Aiotenh jSantel Va.) BOBERTB 'BiLERItATT, Tin, Copper, and fibeei Iron Ware, Jiro. 6I intrilir,... . : ffrarer — , Nem; Youth Wait. . • " . Slays Coutsittly on hind • genets! simonises I. ottlj v ti v inive , d.sa.v., EA red slid Block 1 111 - O•Zs Lamp sod HOUse C AVI dig:Modal ty.ll. *SIM 1607 mill tell Pitiottuato sop It.- atniggiNtrUffirgli, '..ffna" 1.01:10LLUIT ALIWDZII 71LSW MEGRIM! & FREW, suaruirAcrosm Saddles, Barium, Trunks, VtVb i llitlLZVP "" NO. 102 Wood &tweet, (between Dlaistomll to mad TIM it.,) SHEPHARD'S CRA,MMRS 317 Liberty SU . .Oet, PITTSBURGH., VA. (41.44 ioDBES. LINSEED OIL received . and for ule by A grzy a u... 011,6 Plkoltiala Asians W 0.4 stmt. IFRAnwavt44.4 , "'26_C.A.RD TO nyAtius. cl A rApman. while reeldingla Soatla America ..., A i r .gonery, discovered a late and simple . remedy for the Cure of NerrolteVireakneae.l.lY Decay. Mee.. of the Urinary sad nominal Organs, .4 the whole minor disorders brought on by baneful and eicione habit.. firsat nom here bare been already cared by this noble rem ertl.• Prompted by a draine to benefit the mallet en and unfortunate. 1 will *end the recipe for Preparing and wan; Shit medicine. to a fen!. eereloPe, to any one who needs It. Paz. or Cu .ILLOOL Please enclose a post-paid anwrelope eddressed to sonnet. _Address: JOSEPH T. INIMI/L.V. 41.411:.121 Etatlnn MEIN.: House. Y. 69 WM. ILUINHILL 8 co" BOILER. MASERS UZI SKEET IRON ."WOREERS, .Noe, 20,22,24 and 20 Penn St. Inving secured • large !La and. furnished It with the most approved trisehluary, we are pre pared to =Alter...mons oven , description or Holt en le the hest mann,. and ...restated Ming to guy nmile to the countrr. Chimneys. lineal: lug. Vire Beds. Steam ripe. Locomotive Bolt. en. Condensers. Sett Pens, Tangs, Oil octtltne Pans 6 tioller /cr. /111ilg °'°° of B AR N- . ttepalrltix.lone on silo shortest notice. leiticsi E0'"11011L'ISON, REA & CO, 3:3lxecoi on to Ilonixsoz lime a itimitai.) WASHINGTON WORES, Founder. Azad Neel Innis, Pittsburgh. klannfactorars of Boat and Stationary Strata mirtne., Elan Enslnes, MIU Mutinary, Ow. c,..uns. of all descriptions - ill/I Tank. al:AS[llth Boller an 4 Obaat lros Work. lifter: No. 12 corner trust an 6 Ma tthfleld Xiironenta tor tilVTAlllni riI.TY.NT IS JEI7rO/4 for feeding balers. IarLARE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL & SMELTING WORKS. PARK, McCITRDY & CO., • lifiuinfactiifersnf Pheathint. Brute,.' add Bolt C prer, Premed Copper Bottoms, liaised 131111 Batumi, hpeller bolder... Al.. Importers ead healers mews, Tie Plate, /Meet - Isom Wire. Re. Constantly on axed Tlnnerikines ead Tools. Waxthoulte, N . leg ?MIT stswir end ISIO ISTAN U STREET. rittan.fia, n _ • .114e r le or ders . of Capper Oita to arBERIEDIAL ERST/TIPrE , FOB PIPECLAY,. ICASENT - No. if Bond Street. new Tort. iftaithteeetwtioe. wh the eftiltstiedlate,teki awt, ittwk on &swa of_Dieenf se. _ln eso . tar o tu y t, - w ,„",frzi sderjahall rw an soundly 4.,PL441. ..ithont tW . /wow" no:l4l.min. a hotti4 tw Inclose nta and eirent to lift. LAW o. II Nond street, New Toth. noltioltwr IigErEDE GRAVEST MALADIES Or YOUTH •ND !GUJARAT MAN.HO —HOWARD AIeaOCIA.TION ESSAY& ou tie flaysdolor, of Hie leasslous; and the tours, Abuse. sad thee.. pseudo . to the len ne of maa. with /deports ob bee r methods of treatmelo embloyad la tale luoltatlua. Seat la sealed letter envelopes, free of =alga. Address Ur. J. hkII.LLN HUUUUIUN, lioleard Assoclatlo.. Phlladclahla. ea. tat VLEECEDALE COUNTLIT SEAT YOU b•LE, al:nand-In Camila. Valley, one 4Mlftabu front InyratenUml. on th e nommen Mlle Moan; 4,4 WWI from the city. Contain. la amen, ail under torst Innen. and In meationt. )4,11 watorml by print. WEI divide Um blot Into two parts,lt dmlre.l. Tem property Is moat Orals/LW. an 4 Is 08,4.4 at on e-fo/l Um wine same Una of yropry la n Col. mama 41Manca Mon obi VA b IL; Z. CO.. IM loorto st. • BANKS AND BANKERS. IDEsmABLE • IarIIVIRCT •. SCOTT, DENTIST, xo. 218 PE.T.T STREET, MEM p, s. araatL 0...101- e. uaa... 4.1. W U.DLJII STEWING, ' LINE & L AND BROKLMS, 50 Stti tbir &r t, fhlatipla, MAW, In Government fonds and Übe/no( 11l kinds: lutetvid notes, gold and 11U• sir Coin. listiporin, 5.., to. NNW iiirATA LOAIS. ala per cent, tinandivd, for isle in scans to suit purctisasn. All 41 - 11111 of 7.11 !ivies tonierted Into 3.53 .1 "." Contd.. On s.rm.t. df Otter of Intivetn. Coco litenist 'noised on Deloolots.. C. 1.6111101.. tion.ll . atll oroniotlY ntvvrtvd• Per 13intel ... 0 SO 6w BSJSKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., N0.'20 Wall St, =I We buy and reit atthe most llncrut current prices, cud Lccp on Land a tail supply of Gowerument Bonds of all - Issues, SEVEN-lIIIRTIFS, Compound Interest Motel!, And ei.ata orsta; a for posciao• and Sall of STOUTS, BONDS AND GOLD. We bars added fa roe Wane large toms for ttr• a.rol.r.olation of the ra Onc d.mmd br la vr.t.reat Of liovernmya• Ir. eartslos..... tar convasarace af oar Malt awl Goad roman., rk. ..N.T.IIRTIrOf e 1.,. V enTill 119 TV J.TVE.Ditni fl In if Ill1VES:4115192 ants. cuClitO% .Im, full puticulam fatal. , 94 on app lentkm sykaSo ' " JAIIIeCOOTUE CO HART, CAUGILEY & Bankers and Broke CORNER THIRD AND WOOD ITD ETC; rirrantmen, 3UCCE8601.13-7.0 1 1 / 1 101, & 00.1 DZALTH9III Excloinge, Coin. Coupons, =XI;= I II322MES GOVERNUENT BONDS. Milreleirr DE&FTIIIO2I_I6OWDOIr, N. HOLIES 8c SONS 33.11.N33....WELE4 No. 57 Market Street, ITTaBIIKUU. CCotleet~ooumade ovaar Vaud • and Comenney. Cotleet‘oni made l the pinelpal points of Um United Mates and Canada, ... Stoiks, Bonds and Other SeeurlUes =ma Lan SOLD O 9 OOLUSZION. raritcolar attentioi. paid . 4o %be parchrie and XJ; *eeturities, I.4.dmi Q. a. in xis or mat * U: u. !WKS 10.404: * U.II. CEIITIVV.ATY.I VY /2.1u1.717Yaa Orttorsouacl Yaqc.banmplitimpr ocale.t.d. pEorL7 SAVINtS BANK, rirr6itunGt4 /NVOR POB A TATA 1866. Capital, - - - $190 3 000 ' No. n rob' sau Pavoldent pa: LLOYD. 'nob RooMots,- " WI LLIAM BSA. . n . TgulrrEra I I HENRI T.I.OTD. ' . WILLI/11 MU. : ". tii"gjiioombn.Y 4T "lrr.. fittlO bC01.1. Nt2=74%4 . It. . JOntt D. T. • Wintiala ! 1.52402t.: ; • ' • SecteLui ui freaurer, 8114)11 I. TOS-110111101.71 Piz pot:cent. Int:ornat all,owfdLett time depoodta. Invent men to inadoin 4.loncrament and At nli.. tat. necurltltc. 'Bank . open Ually . , tineept Sundayt. Min nine o'clock. n,tor., to. tone o‘alock, e. it.. and on Weithesday aud IlintllSl7 cccl ices iron) six to n111*(001441E. • •. .' . •• - Inalt,l4 LEGAL INTU E,UATTEU OF THE Al.. rt.in T 10.7.1 (r THY ) INCOLN MYARH[I. •I.CI4IIV.TEHY; et Allegbenv roantr, le charter. No. Hausa Term. m 67. fa ... 11:71 Mm aside tAZAVne - Okairt u tge• .IBarkr of to,e.rlire, 9". "e 4 W att it:Scrbet t el:[le ..31.7.11 . 1 .5 n 1 ,1 4 , •Horralore tor •pplifiwO. = =I A DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE. —.le-bureau Lett...lot us dtulutstrstlon au the astute or 1504.11tATIS itiuttl. or the Srcund ~,wfa•u t ifeigll•cd t tlfrlid t io O n n o v tlf ' 4ll a p r eltig ludebtotto estate ta 0033 nod tuulte 3.10.01• •usWitcrar,ie..vad'e. rzva thl.ooan, prop -1 , gwg-.l4F,"keigq!'''.rnigirut.tO•r *".T. , 30 WM; •Ikuhatiy. : •WIREIREAS—LeIters of Admin. irtruilnu to the estate of liltilirqtri L ! ,... E n '''g:t.:lirti l ead t, iirliNf' TIT 4.,"4 inaetilan I,) sahr cduir are required Somata pied ete psyroeu, 1434 lug elairpe Or deman d. k.% "" ki "Al; df taittelir u"mrs. O xI.I4I.'ALLICK • W FOR Ft A r,F, SALLE.—Fartu 0f147 aZ'res, situated In Poth Tp.. Westmor. iscl C 0../ ••• op raper/He nuilon. on Penn . *. ti. IL, on ',Met there Is a ifooo Two Stor7 stone House, oVet'alltairi • rt a gUS L OV I I e B" U .. trees: it nuarlayed with 411tere le ws molten It In - good order, producing O [AL Dar dsy. This ;cowry 1.•OCOOKI vonr ••••• Sad ;POO ALIO, • Mum of 12/ acres, situated to Cone :nib r,,,t;1tn , ,....4=Tarfr,1 . &,..NTN.'‘! more Matto.. The Hapiexunenta are a Two story a nd Houte.,wo.4 Four Sums, • double Fords and old Log itarn, Spring House Ab at ICO acres cleared. the residue In timber: sub was white *Mr, locust and chmorm. This form will tm Co s ssesold vary low, th mmediatel y e ...sr Iris/nag to go wool. sion I. Alon An excellent Farm of 160 urea. of which P. tors o are unde cal &Motion, situate In Cluu uan county, Improvements—a new mute dwelling containthLt i r , tioms: about Oh Mottos Mutt trans. g_ood . he. /t Iles within miles of the Illinois Gen gat LL D R.: will be so.d on reuonable terms. city Perly taken In part cheltiothe if desired. Also, it Lots in uuthern suburbs of Chicago, each Lol Mby M I Kedmer's oilier suton J u n o - lots. These lots i'e one mile North Junc tion of et. Louis sad Alton and StlubLems Sea th.- ern IL Hs., and are on Hullo e of the rittinugh, Fort Wayne Ind Chkago IL K. Met I Mims Bona Of the Hove.; osr the uew Lathe elroands, and wails sold l aolat euh. Also. a gum or 2112 acme Penn township. Westmoreland country. 12Oures Meson,' e nd der caltivatlon. V 2 acres of Archfutt w it h Ott tt and other tlmuf, 2 dwelling house., 1 of them I storiee, the olit/t Icor,. loth • • Lemont Ulnae, with a drsbrato MO= ...Wit in goal running ceder; young orchard of 'fretted fruit. The Mao rOlting; e'er" Otto ti• WAG. wIM lime. tone soil anti sabot . , with never hinny sPrh es: within one hundred rods of the Penns. Central Stalltoult 211 mil / tut of Chub teen, and three Mlles west of ()reel/thug. This farm Is please utly and ellgib,y situated in a good nes ht. , - hood: sum acre Is underlaid wi th COAL. The title is grood Also, a Yarm Of Ili acres ' shunted West Outfield township, 1.01.05 ottani,. Peon's, about a miles from Holies button, on the Penna. Halloo/I. ha Improecmbute ara, • good two. kirlrk Hulse whit thorns a f frame Husk Barn, and all - other necessary out bust. The ale Is gust, and the prize imp low, lu n g s . on WWI UM... rub/Mier partioulaml, Upturn of EM;G;=lagiiMg Fon SALE. Handsome &Complete Residence, Owied ead occupied by James liatchlatou, oa rouble street. Villa Wart. Allegheny Clty. hate Uoroallll o[ tW,Vae,'';,lo, anseloes balls, and twelve large room beside a (tubed attic, It atm.& to convenleates ler eeraturt. be , mg but ano cold water taroughout. The sowed. are ample eau lowd•owely !re proved. Lot 1 , 00 by about 4.0 feet. W 0510 river. Apv,i to S. S. 33R-Y.A_Ni, Broker la 81. W. AC. APOLLO BUILDINth 7001/Tll B T. = IMPROVED, PROPERT Y z.c)m.s nitrate In Lawrenceville, 'lan nPringlield. Joining. ranging In prince tram $10:03 to „a 4 I= iltabrite t¢4 Oppint.ltr E= tate and lasaruo• Ofilei QS G. y BLTF/k. ==MM=l • LOT FOR SALE. Corner of Ihvyaeona Way and Fru. alley 41 by We teat. all to - = = • Apollo Bond , 4tit West. • 1 4 •011 SALE OR RENT, CHEAP- A Fla= at Csrisentern Statoos on the ton trol CHEAP trot! soutamlog sow; In:insure moots, two nooses and atoblet t food orchard: all In suture sod good for CO tlvaLlon. Also. sly .loltAlter ars.. to 0 , 4.4106.11 U. and wen Ins. wowed. wtarit eatotp and mason.- Ida tams. • loo t • ratoostrixf good In the ens and Willi b... Yon AIfIACZ IIArUCJI•I4 , I totnalre of WiLLLAWAND, till Groot !Wool, mitotic. the t. atbodraL e~ L'OliiikLlE.—A nine years , lease Ltd situate on Better. suet. Matti ...rd. 0 n ow tet. on whieb roamted . a Iran. •e UM . mating ler lita oth ate, • Drian. of b attac L b w ilt rent for aIL Lug • total of Z. 110, two . tear, Cad w Lit Le Pd on Ilberal terms, If. applied to O. for terms. act, apply at the .aeal Lftat• •na Insu rance Ofice of 0. n. fent Geller Street.. Lawrenceville.. FOE SALE—An Excellent Pair lloit.Raft. ranches antravar ant St Int Rag: two ILY Ina Ilan la ant.. oln can .4 4=1 . aa0• DOCTOR ENGINE. far tr•rlf-. lag a ant at ball,* La a rolling Wit ur Warr farturf. Sagan, of U. BOLE t CLL. spllßrlt tar. Total all., 1 Dana... W.V., JOHN D. BAILEY, Stock and Real Estate Broker. OHN D. DAILEY, I STOCK REALISTATEBRiIiER AND Arenosiza. Raring tataa oat coattaltalet,.. Atetlantof. bnd ettreted an taimmitmat I taa eittatargll oard al Trade, acturtmt the mte of their rooms, above the 701/0 Nato:mat Han*, I am aow pre pared to toll at [mama Aeon°. ataoka. Honda. rateuritlaa. Real Katmai. £0... 1 1410 K kto rooms Oral the presaloo. rattleviar atmaUtot pa 11... Desatolltro to tai Ws 01 /teal Letitia at primal: ealr. stalm of Meal Motile la the Saantry attended. ii I /mink Wert.: . COOKING STOVES. No. 236 . Liberty 'Street m116:111 IWO CO., r`itemsl6uswats.-1.04r5. PENNA. Ittimill:naraku IPot- IaiTTOIiVIEIGIFI PAPER 111ANILN racrrycuveuoinvarY, mwooturenot PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER: CLIN'TON MIL L, PTtVHLNVILL*. ONTO. IUQNTOLI, PA. 01710 E AND wAir.uouar, • No. 83 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, 011110/LNS-.AUGINITHARTJL Presldenie JNO. H. LIVINGSTON, Tr. Cr. . UAMIIILL 1111GO.C.Soeoutr. Pfnvavoito—AntOot Hartle. John Asyall, H. liartlean. John B. I.lvlngno. John hlrl. or klltgakarlroaloper Monk. • • nolAtoOS AIT M9l lATER,Er, STMGER - Li & CLEI% 011404.11W1R UM. V. bow 0114 • PLIOTICAL UTHOGRAPHERS, The on:terrsAii tavlicionartno 1.12311.111LNx •WZlTur' 'MC MUUNTAIMI. linemen Cates..Letter Reeds. Donde, I.ehele. cu u l Show piphrolas. YOStr.l De t levitation Tel l' hn at.. rue.. • Xsin.rnom SE Olt StS-TO $3O 10 TER DAT, can esnllf V.d. ten 7".." fooled, WITIVOITeIabIt; In • new titelne•• 11 64 V!"." , Elmo..nit.. 4$ NO [Taira Mink. ~,C l n ao nanfletio Agents ( p Ladle, wad Des De- Inenynrl Wanted La resononne ma • evetty City nad Donut), A lutna tnimicn to wile =Ow , ad' YAW/finny". iDentoronter to offeued to el mry pesos Pants', • few bonen daily to onset. for Kutner parUctitars ll eDl on, or A t dtion, Mr-JAVA/14)14 410tne 1 1 ,I . l b . 1 r" BLS; amp MAL setaiata OIL WORKS & COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, Manufaitureni Or Eureka Carbon Oil, .TIIE CELEBRATED Sperm Lubricating Oils, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL, = Crude, Relined and Lubricating Olin Lard, sperm, Whale , and Fish Oita. C. C. NOBLE, Agt, 19 Irwin Street, rirranueciu. ettam Oa:La1131 OSLHS COIL 62 SOHO OIL WORKS. KEIIEIV & CO., RAN TACTURVB OP TUT. CELEBRATED — SPERM LUBRICATORS Petroleum Lubricating 0114 ' Sperm, Lard ;And Wha.e lliMlGlT,SkiNtie Oat 'IIIIIIGBIASE, ALSO, STEWARD WRITE BUIMING OIL, No.l St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. BOND FOR A CIRCULAR. tic7=sll TACK. BROTHERS, • COMMISSION MEJICIIINTS, • int BBOILEES LIE Petroleum and ita Product,s, , PITTSIIOBOI.I OFFICE—M rIl ines ulldlar corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin street. PBILAULLPBL orriok—nrr Walnut at apl:ven WARING & KING, COHISSIN EMIRS MOM Petroleum and Its Products, 4 DUQuEs.irz WAY. prrxissintan. PA. ratCaDaLrau aikTinms: - WARING. KING & CO.. mr17.41 11117 Waleral Phll.: HENDRICK?S LUBRICATOR, Ilsanfactsund by BROS. k CO., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent • • No. I se_ ann. street. Pitinbarith. r B .• Kenn constantly on nand cotton /actor, On, Data Mactlnet7 Woolen Wall 014 Out ;Win OIL. Llibt Col'd rurtne On, Dark Car bo. 1...15ht Col'4. &row-Cat- D. Car 011. 001- U.. 'IL no:Mboer WOOLD4IIDGEOILREFINENG C7C10214M.A.T.7"R". OF PITTOBURCH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, Preiutelat. hi. WYO. i , v Wm..% n WOIIKX 1.11 TILEPCILINCEVILLX.. Other, N 0.2 Duquesne, Way, taw Onspertsios Brldirs.) luon:rrAcrunrus OP PWLIS WELT= BURNING Brand—"Lnoifer." • MUM BEI THE BEST. PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, E === Itisaaaeutzed ally and far ok trf T. IL .71 E S co., PIONEER PAINT WORKS. F. r. 341 and Market Sty ===l ... . A 3023107. EAGLE OIL WORKS, . - 14eACcre.33.cocoo - 13.1e, WiCHTNIAN & ANDERSON. Definers sind Dealers in PETROLEUM. °rms.. SICCONIi 62V11,1. HAN. COCIk ST. AND 11UUTT WAT. BREWER, BURKE & CO., MMU/101ri4 ♦IM:TS roa THZ Pacific, Globe & Liberty 011 Works Amide Storage for ends /sod Urger d OIL Lite *rat cash sterna.. made on ennsiritments of Crude or Yenned eatrolcum. Yards Mx storage and shipment of Crude Oil at Laseren.wille. tales and Warehouse. coressof lindussito hirnY sad ii.ECek Wert: Pittsenrsh. Pena DRUGGISTS atonal a. KELLY CEORCE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists ST Wood Strat, lIINTLTOV W RITE TAM Wien, Pa'. 1.111 g.tc OAS. * LUTZ LLD. FAINTS IN 011., an col an. ekarlB " On..-- I t Tar T .l r gre'‘.,.. riN; salatniallia, rial HRUtla alaa DR"2BI DRIUGGSII ' JAMES T. SAMPLE HAWING BOUNNT' SRI WELL KNOWN LIILUu HOU'3le ON COU. PILDERAL ANA ROBINPON NTS.. ALLKIMINT. Willem; on hates full assorteneatoralktade of, D.1 . 117413 . 113,_ t.t.d watch 'will beadle °UMW teawime otAer ase ip the two CU.. Presettptlone earl/NWT prepared by a AM ail7tati:ditaKETUNlZllT NAB OP .O.Ar J SCLIOONALAILER & 8034 • Pittsburgh White Letul.Workr, PURE WHITE LEAD, ' mos Law esouitu won. rus rms. . TI? d OIL aktIIIILB. jrfeAll Iftna,hiltntet. Up Stalin. PAINTERS. ItoatitT X . OOwAN * JXOi 111XYDra.. MCCOWA2i S. SNYDER, 110 1 AND ttiNß:MMlNkser. No. orth alde of Dimond. Alleabegi, • lleissacrelid and slue stens made to order. Orders resocottalif solicited and prempily a. touted. ►tlZa.t&'deft. Wlttiloirtilats stil Fatty cutlet...Os on band. spl►;xi. JOHN T. GRA.Ir, EUUIS2 BIUN PAINTER, GRAINER AND 'GLAZIER, No, 64 Hand Bt., Pittsburgh. Ylaliaod t)ramonal Ingo. of lam demerit. done to order. All wort don twomoU7 namable rata. . let:o7 W COULTER,. • •: HOUSE AND LION PAINTER, fla DIAMOND ALLIT. P1TT9?3`1141.11. All orderi left at the ?Shop, or omit by mall: will receive prompt attention. fe=intar WIMUM 11. BROWN, Mato *Ala Ira% of Blowß • XCOMOW.) nouns sari' anis rmarrass. Or 'IMAM and 'Want strata, OM TOBACCO. CIGAR: &o. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO ,WORKS, • R..& VII:.JENKINSON. Manatactarars, whentlmi retal.l dealansln TonAcco Amp scow% Ha 11 /413101 AL lerfiEST. Third dqcr hJtY onspenjtin:iglhon.. Stitch Store as Sales. Undo. • :nnT JOHN - IVIEGRAW; Manufactureealer at an In Wholesale /Le aidta:l Dr d en Una. Of Tobacco, Snuff and 'Cigars, • ss mr..arazz arp.ramicerr. TA=r4rartrirraitu7°"ctar PROFESSIONAL. DANIEL 11101 EAL, M. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, , • 011¢4 sad Basliteace, No. 150 Grant St., near Digs. Ip9tx7l GEO. O..COCTIELLN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Dillee—YULTOa . . l LAW 13rILDING. io. an (MAN , IarACIT, earniar or Foam nttaa'ab. All legal Latakia.. eatruatea ao ate artllle cella prompt aTtentlon. a • 11,..a If THOMAS SIMPSON, Notary Public, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, WO PENN STBICET. 4 sp111:10 GUSON Attorpey-at-Law, NO. 80 FIFTH NTB.ENN, ascolm FLoon. FRONT Montt. H. McCOELIIICK, ..oLtt , c.r2a,op ,, •zat...tata,l?c, 87 Grant street. EM==M THOS. M. BAYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, xGro. 87 1:41133. !Miro:pot, OEM lir . A. LEWIS, ATT4RIVEY AT LAW, No, 96 Diamond Street, =belna PITTSBUitGIi. Pl. joux W. RIDDELL, ATT9RNEY AT LAW, 01210Zt NO. LIM FOWL= 61717C1ET. fa13.t41 1 H. (. ClaitELL, ATTORN &COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. :‘t Grant Street, PIPII3BI7II.GH, PA. eryu ~~ BOTI ,* I ll' Extra • Ito •i ties, BaCk Pay, Lc*, Collected la 8/101 . 1ASt possible time: by A. M. DEOLVII. ,011-b a. L.11.10/IE. AlLonayat law. pe.lololl%.er. ."** " tr aftrint. • B. F. 11110 Mate Leta Office,No. 67 PISSIOA BO Prom M!EM natll astms ices witted. WI 111:11 in. mv-M,1:03 111...ettu5...d. then bat a skocld II $lOO. trusiT:Y. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY. • , , . LOST lIIICHARGES. .. Soldiers who hsve lost their diseltarre ecrLlll , eittei ud who are otherwise twirled to the addi tiodsi ODD bounty. tae hate their teats at tended to by elating on or ad,fresstor W. J. & lIILL PATTERSON, ATTOILlfril AI UR OLLIE AGENTS, jonaw-A. sTiLuiv. • AmazrzurrhdrAT. Ex-0121clo,Justiceof the Peace. AND !DUCA ALA.DIXDULTE. . °MAC, 112 FDIN Nt. opposite Cathedral, PISDIBNIGIL PA. • Bade, logsgass; axterweeaaella, 13 .1&r = p tong and all Legal Beaten executed WILLIAM LIANCEY, NOTARY Jl./TiCE OFTEIIS PEACE, AND REeL A T AGENT. Offlcemornerof Baler ad Cravor strata Lawrenceville. or relLt n = 7 1 1 1 1:::VdTg. ragegioa aanaleg Ix ' gi ' actt a all Made Legai Converacea. WILIJAK .71/WIN, Janice of th e Peace pie owl Palm laratbar. EIISTACE SACIORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, . 12 Pennsylvania Avenue, • loot if the Main irpplita rtha Btrei4 =mos CIEUTHAII T. EWING, Attorney at . Law, Mu Gal Grant Street, Pittabarigt, Pa. /01.Coanatzslower for co.W Xentmety: Void vatchsla. Ittwoorl an 4 other nate, ' trorltm.s. JOHN C. 21cCOML8, 'MOLY AND =MUIR AT LAW. No. 87 Fifth Street. oaanass. 41EirTenelons; Bonatl.. sad Arrears or Pay ozaT.lly collected. • • stoaroai. WaivgiaellNEXO:llol:izi BEST IN USE. WEED, ALSO FINKLE & LYON Lock Stitch Sewing Madii3aes, Pallebelles oh both Mars. u the paritmeez does oat regard them aoperlor to 'arra other he max.rathra It comp.n be mrbelY per tent- In Waszanted foot yen, . ..._ _ . . .T. N. Patterson; C entre avenue, near R. B. Station. .1111 r. A. A. Moor et tee New Baal.. ' ' No. Dell O. ektelenemt. three doors from Um, array street. on Teytor &Irma*, Alb. ea}} .10, Pre. .... Matas, Monterey .etreet and Taylor Tease. S r, IfSoonsibl. So3l ond etreet. Allegheny. - 'V Poster. ec.. . edford street: lilu, IL . Wile^ !menceellle. near 'Squire Jesn. .' 711.-Vnes nneeell le, next floor to lir. Lee•• tat A. Y. KOALA.. last !Ahem. .91liten hanks, Canton and Nellie streets. Dir. antennae. . , It Illettarde. post Pen. street. • - ' ' - A. U. Ong.. AmtAPir street , opposite Pittsburgh glue honer, Birmingham; and raany others. Also; Kral& an d Suseroldary stamps for SAW, tee Menai... Born Motes. Wrappers. Inf.% Bilt is iko. nt akeziort z f i rzin the rret.o. estAtAAA. .• . . . . ' tit stns E. LONG. noon, 119 Brant Street, Bon Ye P. 0. feleyr.i.e ' • Prrnumnan. Pa. Gnorma & eskaews ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines TE1.81 . 23T fez lually and Maniatiocinia. Xo. 18 Vim. Hired. DO1! BE DECIIIVED BY . . Zlobrisitnir Ulf oolloaa solvartlaamand of Isla nor Ilacbloak bat eel a 1111071613. * E 4 SIIII. It ass Ixta tally tested for alt:. taan Tull, and la by all comm. UM laircartn.. 11eaT Ili 3,4'cry -- i.e Wittli. street. EM , %SEWING MACHINE Best ebeap I.lpeassul Raeltlna to the United Maw. Agents wanted ovary's. bare. Pay 460 to 0200 per month. Zaelbse stamp and a4<lresa PAU E 11110111111/s. thateral A41..1 , 44 • 0111 Obestaut streak 111Eadelpttla, as gm fta. pas street, Toledo. Olito. • ' dal:pl GET NONE_BILIT GROVER & BAKER Tor Holiday GM: et Tellable. perfect and IltratOre the but. Don't tall to call efel stalest. SHOE. lIAIINESIS Ac GARIUA(iE COM t at lawn win Sabre barb, alsatrbare. It ta sae boat saer rnelr MO. la sutra Inez T Tim Guowleit et - nu Lua . SEWING MACHI NE .....,., II Tn% tau Tve. of si:maxwii , ..riumi. WM Ilialiallo it lii • • NO ill M . 17:1 5Mg re TIRIED TEMAIES.-40 barrels -.,--daadtcro, Wild and laalvat PlanCaid a onses....s. wom salik. Wad*. lil9llo/4 &Krl ls LANG, spli • Sra sad ln Bow, w•N.11:11V oPIEkA HrN,1;njw,,...3- L" ' "'."M" lll ' ili A PVVElll)skiTtrb Thasurrr T H (3A , unIA-1 AFT., RN Ot/N. grand Iknar Enalnee. 'nue rdarlan Wes, BROTHER BILL /LSO I. Ann Eta musical extravavt.,. of FO-Ca:Rokr- /Ln. To:SIGHT, tarimeu of IIEADASL SCE:MAIL Er." Ehs'bi*Ta FILLXTUX. • - AND WHIN WOMAN WULPS. lannAtv—Senellt of Emma Stenltt. it Twenty-Ire young lodlenuraotell tor On "Work Crook." "VARIETIES THEATRE. • (Pxxx •r+nr, SLR VI. 117.1.1116) A Gleelona 13111 To-night. Mille LAU/WM Tier. Buoy= or the Corte D. Ethione, ead tie excellent DeatnalloCentettCr e In ...pert, ono of nonce, Donnell, Beettatiner the thrilling Drams termed. THE SOLI TAMIL Or 111 L lie/LlLL ll.ccrzox or reeCte—errenertra Sett*, 5031 Patirlette, 3 , e: Gallery, Ne; Prleate Saxe. n.• lIALL. FOE A bIiOUT TIIIM OILY. COMM 1n9.11 - 11IR14 AYE VA = .2c alt , et, azd az Wedatad&T _ THE WONDER AND MAIMS OP THE AGL 11.1.GNIP WENT AND DIVER, HE GREAT APOCALYPSE: ILLUSTRATED; THE BOWL 07 pialrorza...wrscolxras UNSEALZEI; THE Viions of St. John =I tttxaed to ale.. is WirtyPplendtd Neetlit Teh. leas s. dcees, showing tlt.johe mew, dip. • lioltit I. HiS.AVILN W*N t 'FATIMA, as dep. setlird 47 him to the Kook of Reee•at.ole, COee. meeting wits the Vistas e• the NEVI 4 !kn., DEN u•h/Dl.E.llleiCh, and wading Ith the VISION OF THE DAY OF JUDOba ENT. The whole eombrlslus the malts vision/ re lated In the Hook of Herebale.. sea present ing to slew the moat sublime sad stertllugaspee moles von 'Leafed lowan, and only fetched to Pa. Jobs. the •lbel .red difetnie.tltsist the wOrki through him might learn <tribe (tangs tbsttenat OF Hid WKSTtt l p whoa none Shallbe ~We to eland. Tickets, ES CENTS, to all partsot' the hall. No bait rice. rzattiltion - WEDNESDAY and 1141LTrinakr vrt APTEaI‘OUNa. 1.4 brbeib ba adulate 1 far lb CIVIL . .. mai. Doan oven Evenings at 7 a'elisaki 0330711tAeli at aro:l24ler to PITTl36tr4Gli. r►. m t zoons.doorS oyes at 2 &doer: COBIBBIZIOS /L. B. 1141114 MON. B. IT. cr. iv', .deter P and ...msg. r. 2. • • :Vent. • ap26:718 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, acc. NEW CARPET STORE. , PENSIONS, .A. 3P S BOMB, ROSE & CO'S, m Agent. V. S. S. cerao ' mirth St., second door, prrraayson, PA. NO. 21 FIFTH BTBEET, WINDOW NHADED, OIL CLUTHA, ALATTINIA AND lIANN. ?ABLY dt PIA/I0 COVENS. 0, In AKfIABB 0? PAT We ores our enStre stock at prices to suit th e tints. gal,. II • Clal. BOVARD, ROSE &.CO., 21 .VIPTH STREET, (SeeeTt22M2t) attlarsUldderl , ' over Rates • Bell's. $lOO. HAVE REMOVED. FCALLUIII BROMILS, ifsse now open sr. their very Oman alat madl.aus NZWWARCHL)II3I4' No. 51 Fifth Street; • A a salias at all mar sad desirsids XLIERILELION ..171ELVET9r = Velvets, Brussels, T4PESTRI" BRUSSELS, A Isino and tholes assortment a Piano and Table Coven, marra los= PhilAD ius. THREE PLY AHD TWO PLY Ingrains, And !Ten . varlay of low p!leed C,szpetiag. XOCATALUU B EOTEERS, Wirth. Nifty • e. mblo - cAurivrts. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & COMPANY, For the Spring Trade, NEW CARPETS, Attention Is catlid to oat 2as stalk of MIMED 1,1811 - . 18 CORDS 88 M.X1E 8 .1•313C lah.51:1•13 FEBRUARY, isul. WE. OPEN TO-DAY, CAkt.r.mwsAll Ingrain. Three Pitt and Bag- Ush Tapestry Brussels, WHOLMALE_ RETA3I at the Hired priee. OM , US Tar. McFAILLAND & COLLIN% . . N0t.71 and 78 Fifth Street, • Second Mar. aver Hymn X 1 gr. Book Mors = ELEVENTH AND MAUR ITS., MMMSI $25 1110690:0111 p itt r e With ale. sPpabstanaus of 4 •Licirr-cx.v.Ja iforn. CUBLIB D. j.. B as td n►rn yrsiner WHITE UOILyiRp PERRYSVILLE, ALLERRENY CO., PA: felltttd antl 1...17 to it. The subscriber vitt zot Ware tiatts -to Sc.ems sambee his enteatet. • (Seed MT.* . 1 / 1 55 eenee et cry 505 r la tbe attortioss. • sall•r“ 711.5. CONTALIIMAIA. 7111 VT. LA . PMW. -1/O.VME. PisijadapAidip: ••• ria • aneeelben. beet". ifi•eek isaaitionts Boas, n Boa p.rsrpo .1.11V11141138. SD IN Alf leutth N NNW% Ned I. paw ran—tvr4=Th—A-,,,rXltftarafte firet-eleas win be aselatablette Wagner "6 7 21 ' r Lima 'Amin's'. AMUSEMENTS. NEW AND CHEAP I= 011 . 34a.isseis, I= 74th Splendid AssortautoS of Oft Cloths, Shades, &e. Great Deitteeitis Prices. camitsint ttus Butratteiiii'3la4lita = HOTELS. BING= HOUSE Ttls now sa(l LOw{gta fa' {L 114121,11WW7 - 11.•'
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