I .21 fiTrtr_vriz,, Rianker arld Broker, 11 5 Wood Sl., TcCar corner of Fifth, L.ll Oesortptiont or. Govirnment Edlde Domed and tahi ea llberbl tonna. London and Continental — EvAhange gold I= G'obl, Silver Dad Coupons bought at high est ret4.e, red Gold Drate issuen on New 1171 TO HOLDERS OF flaying ot.dis ;pedal arysop.onzeots C10t:45.0 eeki oar rorrelpqn.lent R : o.re pri.ntrP•l to :Rai ort L1;11.0...7—'4 of 114 . Iv It loolt charge. ......==- . .. ~ REVIEW lII' I'ETRAW.IIIIIII EOM TIIE I gaA ',IA:ET . , By ~,,E LE, ,R A .i.ii. •PAST TII 1:13: lIIONI-111., f.r.li ! i'11tt1.1.1.4. - flti't: I' I'VELLE IIE TII I: VE.llt. . , NeltiVtlf Ir I inatteial :Matters. r.r 11' ''''' m.:,... yr rf, l , 4 se " t icl - ; ‘, l ' Prl; 1 1.1.-'Tie il:: l l7::r f. : ' lo ' ..: - . ''' a l' it ' l • The „ the feature mhrlict the lint three month.. of this year hni teen a 11111 turther decline in the price 1 tree:: lit I' per c.d. The hen 1r clationent of both crude and ,L,t1a,1.T.,,,- coofraetc 1, on 31 , 11 . 011,y 0 111 looleihly chow. a . . 1. ercusc of having l'een earthed over Imes l'Y j + l , Mot 1 ;thou'. it - , , ,,,,1e : ill loan,, ii... , , , , 11 , sPerier oilier delivered or ,ettle.l is int a heavy : Fl,: I, X" , in t 'epo a ti,.,:nni an 1 ,,,2;,,, , ,,,,,,,...,.. . Pell l'o in I. Mil tend. 11. 'lid , is much more 1003 to the buyer:. 1 river : :i.o: i, a., y. y o -oly .„,,,a,„.q In the: cote metteme eat of the year a vpVe- l ig .+l , l el ~ idol at 1.......d.......1.,.. ' t1i;vi.ri ‘ uu..: cc: Wetly°. demon.' sprang up for forward de. , intro:, were fell with an adi nnt, zooid ' ~,,y, so. henry salts lam „„ , , , ,, t . , pr; „,.,..., . i f,......711,. , 101 , 1,10 , :ing verei go -lc-n - 1c price, hn ny to speculatori, revering the entire 1 ...,..', I j0 1 ,:,, 1 ,,,,1 1 :. s o l.. .:„ . . 71I ;: ;; ;J,,;; . , 1 I :; I I, I I II i „., 11, , 0 , r,,,.,7; at h yfe, s ranging froth ::t1 to 40 t wit, :Azo roopoic; t,I , t, In: '. 0.,:.71 - ,1, f..ve cent,. per mitten, riiihnielpliiti .lelly,y, • r". 1•010•,.0,11,,-11,.11•.:10.' ; 1 110, ot ,smeary and under tho Imprerinoti Ilmt. the lowan,. 110. ' .11:11, 1 '••• • Ono ..., i ' ~.., reg....ter...1. - ,:rite; n 100 110•1 Law. reached. ...titer the opening i !odd guip.iti. `,,,,, .; A ego,. t-if.., itc,,, of navhoitten hi lebrimey, the- , Prim, , 11ei,t .Into- do,. 11•:,,..i1.r0 , The following aro the .Neer York ktbek could tut' 111, imifetatped, nod ertute 4.0, I , - • . 1..• . .....1 ...t le„fohow. • t. 14 and 9 vent a .1.- 1 Int; ..jf ° th v• 1it.0.1 tr.r ...Lt..: -• i Mtn rptellittons for tO-flayt Gold, 1: it 1,1. s ';' , l , l ,' - ' ,. 1 1 , ',',7',, „tr,?,,i,i,r . ,,,,-, ,, „‘,,„‘,,,,„„. „,,,,,, „.,:„, t„.•rt • ilealyn 27•4T..t l'ool. - th.1.1, - ,0,1, - ;,;Cum. bonnie, Pit.'; , Five Twenties; old, lilt u;a d. ~,., „,,,f, „,, k.:,.. „,,c,„, ,i,n,„.,1 ~,I ,1.„,,. I t , ..11:11, , i , ~,,... :.1 , ...,„•..% Quol:silver..l l .o..lt: .le t, T,,,,,,,,yi,,,,,,, , ,,, 1 0 .0,; ; g o n 0w,,i0; , ,,1, Seven plitiosed and ..t.,11..1. ail OW , '2.. .1., .2.......!,. I. ell I .., ,.,. ., ,_,„ „ii \l 1 c . , , ,iii, ... , , i ,.., ,,,,,,,, ,, , iii, , ,,„ - ~,,....., IS, 111 rll.l/1.11,11,hia. ' i I.: New 1.1" V". I"Y1; • 311e111g'n S'"ther' ""- 1 1L?../ilt'rui'it''o‘Llll'sy'lli cr „ de i„I 1,.. , 1 se,truely l VI . II I ‘V I "" I I'l l . Il' . 1 0 IV: 11 01 ' E row., 7Y',l; Cleveland, rind Pittiburgh. Ign I ~,„„:„, „,, ~,1,,,, „„, w i.,,„ m „.,„ 1 ,,,,,, ~„ , 11 mi ed. 1.;:d 1., :., ...lip." I•de _,,,h,..yi,,; Ane„. Pittablireth Fort; Wapna' & Chientrh P: 1. i the Allvklonly chi.: ,1 riguild di :Me oil :,,,. : 1 . ..f;;.:, ,.., ...;, ,t,., , ,, 1 , . , ' , . , - ;, , ,, 1".p,, Y ne: d eo; c on ; n er .„ ; ; • lo: Tot, do, 1.1. Erie, 5 ,, ,,'",, Chicago and gorthweit , ti. 311e. 1 .; 1 i 1e t. 1 0 .1.11 ' . ‘,,, 1 '; 1r'kr,',:,,1,',"„'1n.,d,',1,1L1,',,Lv1;',',',1f1rk,,,‘,1,...11,1 1 i• 22: 1:. , .•:: i,.l,:nd , .....2. ::s.wthwedtein, .c...;,1, do preforied,6l74: New York Central, 1p 11 ...1 e rn t j leili " rkeZ. r lital tile appto. , Ca of to yint 1 ::..,i'r• leo ed, r.5.",.2 . ...0.,.. 1 ort. IViiyne, :t l O , 1 :Wage and Rock Islen.l, 1 1 •7 i. • ot tou tionite cd Alarch, .. to . n 10t........ 1 ' , 1 1 i _ t, ,,,,,,,, cot _ ~ , ,,t_ w,.,k ~,,,,,, lut du . -It Fr.elll9 to 1.0 Well understood (sayi the 1 r:` 1=1.4 0 1 k ,..' t t .7, 1 , 1 tt 11 ,: c 5 . , ..„,„ ‘ „.„,,,10,„ t n g Ty e , i titetc,::::;...Lso,ny,,,,,,ort,..,dni,listic, .ir,,,, ,, , ~,.,..,.. • rioladolphlo. Ledgcr) that the , Secretary of mo m!, ~,,,.,,,,,,ty o t n etron seem. td, :lye 1! ~.i : ,,, 1 i . ‘ i _.• ii, , i;iiiii,,,,iili fat' I ....H., the Treasury will not contract tho cur- I token p 05,,,,, :pot; Payers wind elint., fn ',.., 11, . he ~ 1 d , I , 111:1•,11,,,a , r 1 1.-o I•,eli ILL the pried i eur. nt telt Ina , •• no•r.ng In ~,ni 0,, nn ,„,, rerley looter than four ntillMus per month , li t, t t e tt lwt ‘ tt. ' ,, , t - l t, l o - c „, cc • a ,_ .t .,,,,, , „,,,, tea 1 nerd, su.t•-• i.ton.i, V. , re ,t. 1,1.1,112: IitIII. DI any ono rnenth; a Clte foime tout: there ,,,,,,,,,. . ‘,.L0 ~,,,, n o good t d i.ion tor Itnytttg . , -11, 1u11...v . 1 ' fee tee e,• 1: i, ere; 1,, I two:, 121 - . I ..c.e oral rpm ellatoilic, :02:,,17, In nii, good reason in anything thevhe has 111.• ',kit ode,. e!retstiotaheys t: May In n, ' 1 l'rf•,‘ , ""'''' 'P . - I ' ''' ' 'Y s."' 4".2:I".:1.1. yet !lone for believing that he will not him , n . v , in L t . • ' . l .: ' ..t r ilit ' ; ', .: all engel,:ed in the trtote. to 1 °I, n ''' ' s :' r '. 7.1 : 1 "": 10 1 1 I to , na• ' to Mine.' that month. There May he toutof ~ , ,,• ' ,.,1 , C,n , „„,, yi „,,,.. ~,.- ~,,, i 1,,, pot „,,„, 0,,, 1 1,/ 1 I‘ , • S•11::11, 111.1.: k.•I:41.Oly CO,11111:1111,t1 ollinollititii ill the way of ht.:, effecting thin matte:, tLI/11 tins, it. ti our gut peso to en. 1 1' ,, 1 : t .1 ,1.:. 1 t 1 t 1 ,' : ‘ ‘ 1: ,..; : ' ,. , , 1 ,11 , :: 1 ' , ..; . , , , * . 1 . 1 0 1 t 1. k .1 I .t. l.l t, tll t llell t t t ?;: , . purpose, and. lit 3 next MMlthl 12 Statement .1 cur t. ll 1 0 ' ' ~ , ' , I e11:111,0. 1101 Itoportant. ' li: actudi I,lee or 01, , epentli on tdree t . - may show that. lie has made no Contraction (Witt, 10 alt. , rcot,tocutto. co„tt to ~, o ct, 1 , Nev. York VI Otillt, Market. In the month of 3larcli, and the heavy Pa Y- :opt 1u e tit tual.stock no !Intl.!. It 11 00 r • Iti- 1 :;,; rw i , h u, ) L urk ~/.-C, t oll ~,,,,,,d ,1,. n , mentn froth the Treasury In the month of [eta lea to take tlicoo ~01111 6 Op tt liii t•V.- anti CIP,L.I 01111 , , 11• , .y 11,1 kire:lll 111,, ~.., . ...4 Illity may ii:qtaro II ettililiirly el.:se lin,- co ll t l t i t ' , `,.. 111 '' . i-u : 111. unto' " L ' I ‘ II '"" 1-C "' 'L''' '''‘ l ''' ' ''.'' “ ''. I .l v, -M "'tiling t Plind - , - , ta i , i . 1,:.. ~,, , ‘.1,,,f,,, ~, ~,, ~,, , feopling of rescourcen through 'the Inman yitat the pins, tit produe :ion of credo oil ; :;,,, o ~ gi ont _ teeo ng, 1,,,..., I,m__ ; „, s; k o , of April for tnat PrltFOce. Tinire are Other Is litlge, we trolle ye . will no Iron, Jeoo l t l - 0 j 1. - -- Je tI , e. 01 , C 0,11111 1 ,1 ,Z 1:,:.•• 5,.; Its . low ce, !teary pitymettl OMI through the year which t lr.,_ ; ', ll t . , t : c . L 1. „' , : t 1 . ,., 61 , L 5 1 : t " , „ 11 , 1 , .,.. t f 1 t 1 .n 1-1 ,‘,.: 1 ,; ; 1 , 1 , 11 ,. '1 t i , 11 , ! ... ,• 1 1 ,, I I I . I: t, t t "l t 'll . l ., ll t i t ll tt p . :. , t , 1 . 0 , :5 j. 1 . , : 1-1 . 1 " . 1,• , 1 . :::: , T , ..1 ,.. 1• .„ . 11, fit i -may Interfero with contraction the greeter press into 111 icee, rimierin a the pr...ltte. ' Il „,, an 01 1.,,,,, iv, .. t.. ,m, i 1J• • ••;...,:12,,,f,t,,e I ' ..l l i s' ;' ' , - , 'part Of .tho time; still, the FeerSiary of tne tom unproetahle. 111Ilat neceriurity lead to • Western, j• 12, tor I tem, de., 1.11, , ,,,, • I Treasu ll ry hor, give. no Itlting.tion float he I tt '' "b. 1.. ” . “ 1 • . “ 4 in. ' "' l ' ll ''' "lY ','"!' 1 ; I '''' .6 ' . " - .' 6 ''''' i ''' ' I i' . 11.. 0111 er. , f w el , are not taing Put cos' , ." : and E.: ooy It: .o toy 1': ado Po cods, the mar. will abate in effort 16 ,•,..,•cl• font 111 Ifni emit ~ate for tau thfoof in the old well. , k e t ei0..., qui,. dot:Pao, Hour het lye, per month. The dullness of businevi Mots that Irad 0 been 10111 peo oat :. ~ .. : soh- igto 14,,,, 1:1:1, at it:l;in, NVIII,ky qul , :t rally throughout. no &mary I: ,nppo,o , l Itt i l ; ~,,i.;;.,..,J,,,,,,,,...,i,,,,,,,,,,.,,::,,,,,..,i',,,,,,,,,,c,,,,,•', ~,,,,,L,,L,,,1e,i,,T,,f;,,,,„,,,,,,,;„,,.7::,,,,,.11,,,,1,.. ~,,,,,..,,,..... by Some Periell.i n .T i. ” lII i . ' b. "' tr. ' , chide.: of 11 ullk o. tie think an ex•itnitol- %I 'otter 1.•••:• - • mid 212:.2 I . :et ter; onle, 0 Lo r i; tion of the currency iv holt 110.0 01 ready 11/Pell . t.lOll of tile 1.t1.11 .I'lll 0/1011. ' I 111,11 at i,.. i , ..,...;.15 lilt VI hat. 1:ArilorlIIII.,$-I.A n..,,, ae nn .rs• I,trge 1101111 P, 0 , W , E., , ,1- .1, - 25 tor IVtate Came', i t 1: - • ter, Aosto, matte, It ...a:a rr0u.1. 1 3. - I. .0., cornet ~,,,,,,-,i ~,„,,,I no w ( a nd 11 ~,.. ~„ rep. 1,.) ~, illy : ; ' ,11.•, In.: if,4-1 ter vet - n Yeen ' No. 2 MI nr.iit. to attribute: it 10 the enntract ion of credit!' ~„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„.„,, m,,,, t o it re n i he.„g i k, e . it, ~ ~,,,,,, ,ale. ,it ~,,ij1,,,h‘r,,,,,..n.n than to the ern:traction of the currency. put 410 A 11 ll' parties alremly Ott ele, id 111 lal 31..',.1. P. t11i..., toore not it, :ode:, of o1,:vo And exliting , ntrailgententS bac!. I`eftn ng. t 1Z ..5 . 1 1- ii 11 .i ..1 i i, . i 1 , 1 , 1 A' , ji,;,,111i1iVi1,,n1;•,ii11113,ii..ii1,,:..!„1, , l i t , O a l ji 1p ,i 11 .7 ! .. i , ,4 , 1' , n , ..... , 1 , l o o r r ( i1. ,, ..: t 1 ,, ,, ~1.....-, ,. „ 1 11 17oill, an. , l gra.atert by thefear, fear, (hi:" uncertainly and w;4O a lo,ing case. I: May Oirprtre eoif, -; in6t , F 1., v,I y , don , hurley " Mi r fl ' i. .11:111 the hods movementa evtiio:l by the IIetIIIKI tO know thnt 1 I/0 w ell owodts 1 0-11 . 1 Y i 1 .,, f1t -I 1 1•1 lia , g.,.., tong -the -m a rket a --• ' methods Of Mill rietlOn aaopt '.,l'. The Ire,. ~r , ,,- ~,r - h , t h, I -, ~,,,,, ev - ” , •,,,,,..., I . l t - beh t i'l,l l . - di la , ' ho g, than the: til‘t oilt, 3 et, ego. ..1t mu. • ta r Mton t it ttn• r te store. ?h.,. ,• 1,21 1, 'luarket In 10 - in VII than n''''' I '' ' ..n• tor, in 1-1. , , the pit., at the welt.. range , ; ,1,,,,,,L.„.t,,,,, , , 41,1,,i1.1n0r New allaco IV es quarters anticipated. There 10, however, 1 0 000 42 to E.: per Larri 1, out of w 111011 41 per ': I' I' o_,l a t 11. I: in pot. 114,, 1.0,La IV,. 1.1.11 11..1, a full dernand for accommodation on call. oarrel me! to in paht tor g 'yenmeet t o r, l 111,;1; ...1,.... r .y , ,, In ~,,,,,, Cl ,‘,.,,,, tort ., ac „ ., with nu adequitte - anpply or capital ieeklng ..ilat,c'nrPt.rtrY.,Ytltlit.;l:;.,!,',l.lri,l.l:g„..,,",l,l,ll;';',l;'ll;::.l,l,l 1 1 . ,' , ' . ' L 1 .. ' , . -; : , : , ' , ': . ‘":”; , " . ; . . 0 : . :j_, : . 1”! iii ;. : W iii ' ° , , ,,,2 1 ,1 ,1 i e• 1,1,08[1110M. .41.10 partial Inereava or a' - ' price of eoUl, traiiiinsitat :on 0 este, locak- 1 +lg. , . i clise q.v . . 1,1:11 Pam. cagd: 00 ' 1 ' 1 ' , tivity reiulti from tho ciilling In ot Mat. age Of eillpty barrels,. uselece cooperage, 1 w 1111 ,Illsil e.:LIIL/1 1,1 . 1..11,,:.1.: , .,.....11,... MO. • elan., (tllli 0:1.10Or II II On Irell/4 1101.1 . P 1,,...,,,,, ,r,,,,,,,, n . ~,,,. ~t ~,, ~ , ,,,,r 'lly HOEOO of the bank,.. But the supply of i t t 5. , . ‘ 1 1 , ,c, „ , to botkt tto - ot „,,, rk , A. „ am ~,,, : ~,,,,,,,, „;,, t '....,, ~ ~,,,. ; „ ; 1 ~ c ' r , " : t t ,' t. available capital ti largF, und In the Inert - tonna thitt 1.0... present price Is tit lea, I Bops ,t chi. 1.,"7.Y'1:. 1: heY.O..e . .. '' ll ' og ' , tit th; rie.ii of busines9 geed borrowers Orciat:o- equal le that of la , : year d hotwltt , tatiOlog 1 y.'t.,,,, .or no: r. "' V Y 'II" Altos ore Ilk'' ' . e° lll''re 1"11e rite peke i"l;:U'blt.trlll,Tl!'et-lo'i's"rl,':''s. l ' l l a. " i ' ' n " i ' i ‘ ;', -: I l l t . t , le ' l ' „ ' ;, ' , ' , ' , - !..,; 1 .V. ' . ' , `. ..h ' . ':' ,i . : 1 :15 ': :,... ' . "i : :," c .,.. i iltilleulty in olitnining all the accommOda- been getting leos, but that the dom.: away ~,,... it :1,10. 1.,; 4 LI, ill ddmectle ft, :do: tion they require. • of a n 001141 charges, and nos yuct ill i• les. foe pre!. iees, 1..04 tor , on.lope; itkid-0 -The Neu . York 71mes rays the Ist of A pen tynn.:portatton, 1:10.. ia What, les•.enn the j ter- "tan tine pitlo-.1,:0nt J. 1 .2 h.:. J•it•Tvares. Natioutil Hank Matte/lent , enfltione , to etc. Pr.'' , here. , 1 1 0: k 0e...y pad lower ; f.:,.. 0 . , 1A1 , ,, .0. 2110 .. statement that NI the •;:p.'d ..A t o - 1.1 , r , ~. ,q, r .., . ~, • , „,_ orel.e a part al :Influence an the money A , regay.la market til...reel:. though tha dernund lots vmoller . et , ltu,t, 1111 ll .f, olling . •-• 11 , 1.01 , 3.1, 7...:,., 1+'11 1 ;:' 1... , ...,2 ~•„.„., i,,,,, • ,,, , ,,..,.., bc .„ rc ,,, e a b y larga ror y c h no e,:. o f 1.4,1 0 by it la lneorri Cl, tv e I b oil nu well no, ii , -; , ter p: int 0, orot 1.2 2,0...2,2,1 he •{•• in• "1e.., ihn Tre a , ,,,, r ,.. ni n e ,. ~,,,c l y r n ,n 1,,,, tt , t ; ~ ttiatty pattined dry ter. been ettip;.e.i. Ot . 01-0 j 1 1. tor 11e., 1111.,•, 1 11ti . j 2 1.:1:,,,Zi,•.2. , .1. 1101. ne• 1 , W.I. 1M: he Imagine.. that It . .yrni ! er loot I,y, no - Apt t•tihn Ilny. 1 1 . ,...1 stetely ' half of 00iII,-1 , it i, getiwrally felt on the street [,hula prepertittions for the gear. eNntin v r: n'l l . nr° n un, ” '''''; ann,." 1 4 .. • jat Inr„1 ,0 11 . • 10... J ., rnle, 1., 11.J1.,. g o er ~,r I) 5,,,,ra ~,,,eM,...,,, ~, 1,,,,,:, M ~,I, IKS ~ It. "7V.ZI. Well, ‘%1.0 II l Celle rally I cti 01 . 1 ) , I:Ili..3 , 111 /11 -,...-.....:::1,1, 1,....1,11 ',...1•(,,,tit , tinegh with, anti that liftor SuturAwy the lour lion rs•per du'--,:troditiikieliii...l,onis,,,i,t,,,, ~,,,.........,:„...: ~,,,,, ~,:,,,, fur h , , ,...,.. , .,,, , ,. : ,;„, t, , , , , ,,. market 0111 b.C ' em " .I ' i ' lill l if not cheaper, . ° :,2, '.: ,n cl t r'l l: u o r lt; '. .. 1.1 7 ° 1 nth:, ' : , ay' t./ . :L .' V L:1 -' 2 On 11l ' Y •, I , :r ...h:::/..! *- P . 1 .' r., ‘ 2 . 1.i /...., ' . L . , I • ' .irtv ' t : /I. ' :l ' . '‘ . ' i l' ..7l . -The Tribune rays reports urn ininstri. ,tin ...e.. ,- . 1 wells; theihrvittmlioillititerl .. :Iv , y-avi e r, ton., t se; .., 1,, 0b . .i., tt l 1,,,,-,- 011,if et renlut.l that Secretary McCulloch k .,„ co , L,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,„:„,,,,,,.;„,;, I ~,,,,,„. ,/,,,, t . t tt, . a . ,totl. st. 10,0. .. c. c0cc,.... has ands to stop contraction, tool , d tc, „„ ; i r „ „,„„,„,„,. ~,,,,0rt.„,,, c ,,,,, , , , , 0 1 , t, t'tk." , r 1 v. 10 . 1 rr .. " e' .. ' e '.'"' m.1.1 Y .. rh° 1 eeohoglicallv than ever gofore: malty et [lie , 1...,1,.'-'l - -: , 1'.....!..-fi , :tr itali :A..: i deple by pnrchasin if 7....'Ai Wit trti. is natant .. ., The :. ownr , 1 on fheir r.•• 119 theuireiver. I euil, tnn • -.Mien. ,0_,..--..0.0 , 1 -01.1 can,: statement 0 are withOlit. toiled:lt (On, lilt Oa ,„. Taking ull tim• elrementaueee, wo ri.t02.1 - , j-- 22, --, •1 , •.1 1 1-h..1 - 11. ••1; Wren , 2, -. .re 011.1 m l. tile arbor ~,,,,,, there rui - mpie ,,,,,,,- ; f • -• e , :,_ an ',Yea ,: uti.:, , l mit top during:thy ! vanelo.2 On v. - Int er to e s • ! OM: ' for •••,-./ tem "n•nn •' flat 10 " 1011 " nd n ' en! " l “ l° eon- co met than a daninut.ok. .i t least, for : w toter 1.. , t .1..,1 o ; e... 1, .0 1..1.• wet:er n -4g P , tenets n well b 0 pursued ai steadily an over. the present, IMt the Ell,,lite , t uppre.ottilon : ::..g.: w ode 1 L: - -Th ,- report of the Comptroller of the r0 .,,y i i , hdt, n o .; Ihl r „arply tr ot n e .-.;,,,,,,g I , Correi ey of tin State of lIIIIMin givei the on I.I1,• control y e n. look. very . much ::, follow rig statement of :be condition of the t hong!, it 0 o ulg de in ~,,„ ot „gf. w a nt, bank, f Illinoto : Capital (in round figures) The present-. ydeoillictlon of tot g. 1 . :: ,L,:•, , : 1.,,,, eleven tril 11 lons;1100.00, otventeen millions; ',ion:, r e gr o n may 1..: nut down at from , • o-, nif , diloo4l ~ t wenty•one nitiliolcolecol tenders pi to 11, - tk, I•3lrots ileeorillog to the WO,. 1....::.: ~,' sit 1111 1i01,.. 31it,.7.11ei11.1but1.-4 . il. 1 , 0 , 1 ,0 CIIIV:111 tetilllttt.d, 11111 SO 111,0, C".,,,, sf..on. j i ..: Mal n tines I e banking eatitlet Of 1:110,114, and alive for ever es: 011. 1,1, we w :11 co: 1: tot 310:.. 1 • lila Stile net. bank circulation Of. Clint 1,,0c0 harrylc, the produe• : •• yd . cm.; ig, l 1:0, , ,,n q State. ..1 : Ferry, Went N'iriyinin, etc. ii al Nee, 10.1 Akl,i.:l,l. ...--.----....- ----. barrels per day, inakirof the 101111 Prod„, ". 1..!1. . , I. tittflUti IL ETA. lion hy.., bar , eli ma doe.; The and coo to 1g lothddereg. 10 the I ~,, -- eren,itheilen. 1111 he ilritygni , of fee's st rt, i 109 Sell Fer7a,nr2.srt Odaa,l - t, t ~. ..• . -.. • • Let •O.••.• •L to i itt 11 e ' SATITIMAT• 3111.1,11 fle, lie:. , ' l ' , 10 " •••• 1 ••'• nt •• •-• , no: •- t 1 . 0 •,- tri.. • - erettlied 1 runt 3 ear tO year lu a very Men ...p .• 11000 Inarliets ' rate', but it tole no, ea cl,n,inele.l to j a , 1 g the past go at inutisure It. itll 1,4,,,1. tio: 1111. , • , .. , ~ I' l , t,ltlg more gradual, and it.'0• . ,111, 1, p 1,,. 0 1111 e Wing e the laryhtice of population, Ur ouiy k ~...3.11 .., 31 tt per cdntace per 1t3131111.117. t t ,NV 1 .,,i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ier' it ri.t!l. • I, 11.. ,,, t1,.. 4,111 i.,1 i'',".. t)110.. we canon: count not . lon4er on thong ha- _ 1,,,,..„ - 0 ,,.. up every yiar 'kid!, Pi 10',..- , r 1 ' 1 wen .O . toogee a Inorotban ,e,11 , 1 the pree. , l Ing Ovir• in th•rley eleshil I\ Europe, also, yog cm:sump:ion ...., la. to rk t „„, „ rt d ~,,t I, .4 rowel., Ita na.rintion, and Inert j ‘ „,,,,,,,,,..,..', n. , a „ , , If .. .. • lately photehed statement , regor :dna' the n u e , ~,,,, e n, ~I , 1 1, 011 ,. ... t : 1 productiAri or of.l 10 vatic., par, of lot: ope. • ~,,,i „,,,, ~, 1 , ,,,,,:,.,,......, 1 1 , 11 k...,,`„.. the., IA serer goeshaoillty or ll 11.e:1111 u: ' ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,...,1 e i,,,,1 ~,,,.,....,. Om erm2.ll el litiop of ~ ir rot 111 thnt nnat to 1 • . t Lan an Increase. The Iln.lieg of petrol:r,: i harilltaltti In•rket. Di our conntry, efril the enOrzetots no.:„. -, ; ONMN - ..iti, Mnren .1 . 1.--Ctlttlrt s r.t , t . Lei, art•he l. g therefrorn tmo ,1: 111,1,101101 to..rod, hot prten, ••,•,. • ,,, a n.a.;,,. ,- : peoply of tee old World to l'ar .11,0••• Lorton 1 chanyein ..!: p Piling. 01" . .,...ser the r e co•no, on their .toll 100 .01. re l ,llo, fit tensr •lim , tat 110 no I; we: e 'si 101,.. awl lona all ~jj. ill y ar j, s p, e ,,lttie-, w an, 1 s'p „•.,': 1.,1 11,., 1 '.... h.:a1...4 ":•1,010 1at1..• oilist inl - erfeiit icitn the sail of. onr can 1 lu-tll. I i.e., atmA nrnt a mt.:zer oth . , :de thee ind Irad , . lo mots, '1 ',re,' 2.f00t ruin According to the Oltietal fitatetnehti pute i .•••.-, ...."1, 2 10, ,V1,..,A. , In 1:11: 51t.111.a1.10, Nll. I . 1i.1110•1 t.y the :Vasty!, 0./. el tent. the 1 ifag, it, serif,: ", 1 42-1' fUr N /11tCr. .z.rll pronoetien of crude oil in the - -I,oo.eait• !In J..••••.: n o•r. th...• 1••• .1 met • „.. j .J. I , r tj... , movie. of a. •Ittrlng the ye, 1'"l' 1 met:: ent.n1i.P..1.11, , ,70 in dedh..goi „ was not 10.1 than hodoooharrel,:, non, a taep , in -,,,,,, o n . ~,tOl, ~.•,. , , r . a . j„,:., ~,,,,, ,„ 2210.0 , 4 harrut• Of rennet: were oldatued. The: :Pe , : lemoel, at 1:;1: ill , nii, nyo• 1.. (PPr• we l, of tValloVi.i.t are ,nip 'ti , T.' e . .. l'l .. -14 111 1. ,, •1 ,,,, , 1 , ..1.. 111 lb. Intlld of 1,,,,...1 tairrels live ...ennui, no,t of wlt.eo •of oue no Iv r•'•••••:1 'it ..1.1,1 11.ir. Is inot 10 Fran Ce. The lurne..ilprielnetem, 1 lee 11l JlOlOl .1 , 01 1,1 1 01 10 ...••• t 0 ..en.n.:, 1 I hwever. In obtatr.ot ol isontliern i.....f.5ta. -tit?' / "-II , : -1.1 in., 11,1,1, , , 1,, tor onl along the ca.it.of the Mark 10a. The Ido., . tt e l:• ,, ..Y ... ,11 d"d 1:: I c. , 1 . 1 1:::::: . il• Pt 1-1•11 account , 10011, tlidi pond stole tn.: th:wing I th Penn. :lc-. cork llym, et {ft, w ith ',.,,g,.., ll"0:tri 00 Lirl,3 a, 1:41,1 1101 1,1. perlmve . ot ..... J,-.•. el.. in.hr 1m ~" 10 oh.lovret. p heen ptagek,wool alye tdy toles., 1.::e." .01- : ;•o. l he 1 1 2n , 0. n' ta•li 1.'•••' 1 . tine ele alot ,111th, of the 3ha1it,..0.,0 ~. 11.-eon is 111,..1,1,1 0 :.1111 WV. 11,1, !Mlle are holog I. applied front 1.1110 new .1...r.0. 1. d.: Pc' , Inn' Nv, 3 , I .., Y . I s i ll 0001 1010. . ; , letipliet ot 1,.. :or le. Clover ooci item ~ 1,,,1,,n, i,,:,,,/.. , ,,..tina us if j J;• 110,:, hhativ all to ine m Ch.M. 1-• In ill th,c2oloYwfner (Or z derrease [lino al - ..10- J !tn. , - of oto• 100 1, - . Tainithy is in 10e erease, anil ....14, i n g or e ciotwt hi coo- J M 4.11.1 at jr. , l •Mr proo, Ftax 10 i 01•1-1 ened, in tnaklng fo.orto for thl4 yi,1.1 . , 1 1 : . 111.1,1d, :a ~.-', .11 , '.1 , I , ;,ert . 1,11 1. ' will 11, 'better Ur keep lomr 11•••••••:Ilr 111.1 , t . q.,..t. V..-II n. 11,1 t.• we: tl . e .- . .I..iict yeiir the y.onsnlslptlon of Amerlda.:: I b all-'. kolf , ... i1 . 0 . ..1 , e, relined oil, lit home 41.1,1 0ft1:,1,1.4 IthOUL 1 I ilie.sgo %Market: .....2:0,10: hairey by placing the erta-Mitp- $ . . , ' ' - • ,„ , h , , , ~,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, „,. a ,, inn n. n. :11 .n.. 1 .....-1 lo;:r 1..,11,!, ,ii It 11 ell root/at/1 liti helm ", 1:10:1y to I:,: a•,o.ni ' lO ';-';'' In g• -I " nn t'''"" n 'l -1 ••• : °"' ; ... '•• ' l ' l the mark. I loik betow it. 1 7,..11,1,1.1,11/4 ~..., 01, •' ''' :".-, "."'"". '' l ''''. ''";"" nfr•••1 of pro.lneint. with Ilm-te ••t' t4Po.tlllill. ' , ” l '.^ ...','..' ~ h. , 111 ,11 . 14 lanif n'tll l . tu,, ,e Mai [hetor, t•• tm equal,. r,..n. , ' l,'' " n ' 1 ' 1 :n 1, - r "'. - .1 .". N'' 1 " , • 1 I,ol ' N 0 e.Yi barrels of relined 1•11, fool' the iMher . ! - •''''" ..l '" 1 ° , " 0 1 1, " lanns at :e 1 . ;11 . C'ilf mil:, amo,. to 2,lnOkis 1-0 , 0.0 a surto ei 11 1'. 111 : 1 ." 'l'd' , hml . 11 Pover , Pat Pal:cl ot 1.1.0,10. barrels 071 .Pn 11011 d Janu Ll,' I, 10,, .. ,, 1i.,.. 1 - .1i:11..1. an.: 6.1.... d 01 111 lit"i• ,e 11 , 1 lo i r ollloll Rad ..r.,,k -,, 1l 111111.1 .Y:11111:try, 1,1..,, ; •.`" I. : I .'''-'• •:' "":".. ,lt cdd.l Olutoold hit end eve nave dilli deo:, 1:.: Moe. .1•Llit"t1, 1...," ''' "' I L a'•. 11 “ , L' .....:..' e.' ,,,, ! . .. a, n !,,,,....,... elvivra tartow. 'llllff v - ,101.1 no, 1., h o . '. l 1- I' i. l'' ''•: , i , tor 011, r t.IJI ~.(..1... ~, la” lteuviu blink it that airea•F; on Mom „!emu' ''''" l ' ,'-' 'I ,- of go• 1- ki .: h. in „oest ship. 1t0L1.0.404.7.4. :.:..,,I..Tuan , l :OA .10.1 e lovho r,nnhee...- tiro. :item - ding Ili the rii‘it. thin' for t e d tnell. j It„ 3 , l '''' ' .-"•,;•!'' I ,''' ''''' n i '''''' lol ''' " 1 N”. 1 - non, the ..k no oh Om Uni SM •••• ! ° - " N "‘,.... ~.I rj ",.. 1 " .11 ,''','', n''' ''rulelY Itv. 111 r;14.10 and l'ennedlln, Itapced to retlee'4,- Ll'' , .`''. -,1 1 ''`'‘'-' .'",', a , ,22 ' .tn , • ,, tttl tt.. wio, Jun.:, ISO 7, Id,P. - ..,,,,,,,, ,y,..m.di at nd don. 7he Poo hdou marl ti. stock to Ettro , , , tt! , c , „„ to „ ~,,,,,,,.., . 1 , :-,1 den,: _poll :Oleo, : °nnitwit.. Me a poll, 1, 1.Y.1: '' ~,,,,,,,,.., ' HO, lc .2_, buyer [or 1 R1„ 11. Dry ':lied . ' ; Hl:foible, , for too., Pt elm , cog., Lard 1 : lIII '' I 'H 1 :::1;! ' i t .1 ' 5 .1 .1.....7,* ( 1 . :; ' . 5, ' ' ,' r 'r l ' l l g e i t i ' t " s l t ' ot l T.. " l :4' • ' rt r li f. 1 . . 47,'11di. , for g0..1 1,11111,1.4 .. " . -----. 1 Plt. 7..i01c (Market. - 4 . 4.7. ." 1, ; ST. Lo[7.. 3i.trell .f2.-I'ottionfo 1,111.5 . t l t .l iictluet consumption lit Ica ' .1.1,0il muchang,t, hie ton 11011 and 0••100.1. ----`: r. ur Ilrul, u. ~,11 . - I : 1 1 u -1 - , - Z j- ta . vlng a ent - plaw On hand dat.utry 1 ' ' ' '' ' 'to '''''' ''' and . ° nn; Ij;" •rt seat etwoonoel ratOet hiller (.rice :op , - I, liol I 11111 I ' III • nvt .l , itliite/O. eau ;le mot treble extras 1/1 It [4.00k ~q „a! to a.dy a iilml.• y e . t . 0 , .... ~„„4 , ~..„,„ ,1 . , , 1,,,,,j;,,77..' Why.,. deli runll conitnOld nod I lt; ... is' stool: og 1,..; No 1 cprfor. ...,:o; Ijoite t 12.0 Ent ',poen market.. ha....r may I/0 • •... 1,11, .i.; L.. ~,,,, ~,,h, , ;•7:. 1,0 riven Ilion compAricyor of tills ..ar . i .t di i : ;,,,,,d. ~ ed :Achy 0 at ;:r4g,!. tr...riey eirek will , that of ho, ye.kr, taloa:: amoe of • II• 0., a t 2.1,2”..0••• (hi - ire In,. It., liramr at the K1114:4041 market , only lo t h ur purpo..e, ' 4 , , ,,. I;y ,, 11 „ 11 ~,,,,,,y „ i „ k „, ;; .,, ; ,. . .t:,,,,,, Metre.. befog up to Tho 12:11, w lern_: the 10.0 1 eportu were reverie :1 : New Urinal.. .11arlact. . lo,';', A... 0:. 1ue,,,,,,... I .',:ui.; 0..1,,,„ , :.larch 31.-Eotton dull and London • Ono, !I 11.0 1 0011, 1 1111,.! . ,7,1,/, 1:11 , 0 1,....0 I/104, LOW N/1410/ , 11-4 akr/1,1,11 - 1 11,10/0 1:... - 0.1 near 1•• jfa 1- ~..•,..e., n-af it eo.l :11 °M.", 1:1111, 1,11 1 1 tcrrll c- t 111 ~,,,, ~.; •• , 1,”....,•,. , ., Flour atm; 20.1.101 ..... }1.,:..1...- Bret:len 41.0 1 .11 7,900 near : 0 . , hot 11 lam emi neehno g.'!, 1, , ,t50t ,1.4 , i111:: Seel, irritation., 51 1 .3111P1 CallSl, every 0,- , sate, 7 ethhh rork - li• to tool vitt, at t a o. fleetteg 1111,11 10 OCISII III.; .Olt , ,ii.et wen, ein . 001.dt og ten :di yy. - Lord ;tuna and llyin, to emne to 1110 conulnjiiiii teal after ail , llx - • !mow. fm I.hioteti• 11. 1 4.14''...d oa. Nu,' :Lure 13 1.01 co gee:tr. un Imltieement to I lark, ' l , premien, , build tanki for the purptco: of itoring, km! I , ..t, 1 ,,,,,,,,,, 0 ~ ,, citc, . • leis reason for loiyer4 rucking wild., lido ' .; . , „5 ... ; , ;;; ..; ; 'ire market to 111 1 lull !rage ltr: If flirty very ~, ~,'` ,' -; ;;tt o , o . -la: , 1: ~ ..-I he nold..r, eiclNtence dopyrolett on [noir ',Wing 4111/I.loy 1 .1;' , ..., ':.:,' ..'.' ,' !".. ,;•' , ' . •l ..1t1.'.. ~ i , LI 'l . ': . ' ~ .1 filled. The pi e,lit thou would teem to he ; : i 1 tt, !; , :r tit . , ....11 . , : : 1. ll r1.. 1 ', ,, is tor ~,,.. I or', 1111 I .hiertn, tor Inverpoot, is 00 le.:favorable a...Pt. : vb .. ' 'b l l ll , m ' IIII I..” ,: ; ll go./ ...wks ot w la. 0 ele ire I FP to .• tern Ottier; from 1/ ppearianvt: .1 nue, ./.1 u. , An• • ~',,, ~,,.„,,,,,,,.. C .. , ....,• , r, •, -'... . • • ..x . ra govt. tilo market will rtes.'-vl. than At any ; ''r:i. t ,l t : ~,,,,, ~, 1 ,.., - , t , 1,11';',1'5e1',...: II!, nr otter 1.1100 anrilla ti 11 ,, ,, lOr by that : 1 1, 1 g , . "•". '." .'" ' ."• Id A •ogd , , : ,,,,f, a m, ...,..;.1 ,hipprog soli ..1 31,7', k il,..A. , time this production 0111 plobahiy be rue : il ~ , , ,,1 i;, , na ,, ,, 7 , I lienv best, awl :1110 market. being ta..., Or illO . ' r ''..'" ' ' 1 la: geit for reception of crude, Tile' 11.01111 A I I.lllliidelph hi Market. 1 throw. 1111 , 111 II In t.IIO, 111010.1 ,1 Win be ; ' 1., 1 :,,,,,,,,,,,n,,,, !',1 1 , 1 1.1 1 ~,,..- 1.,,,,,k nn ,,,,,- nlOOO that , O 1 he Mired for, pr (:log low I unto, I. dlov: r e ~ .I 111ftilt:111,• , 01., ,I i 1 ii ii.. 1, 1 ‘ r i e , ...., i . ,,, A1 1 1 10 f,,,,, /,, 1110 1,1....0 1.0,11.1.. 10 ;lo g e, 11. limo dull, 304: 11111 ll' lit, ,poets 11. for the entire year, 1:101 iti ; 1 , 1110 „, ~, ; , „ c y , nor n in ,..; ~,r . ,,, , ,,,,,,.,„; , ' each no nth - '-, t • t l I were f ' ° U. ' -- -0•• ••te gfe el pr - 1,- 1 bat ::tare iilt; • eperhoe, 4., y, i n .., „„,,,,, 11 '''ratertVehtument for Oder° don ••••ry ; ;•,,,11. 1:, IN il,C:r1;:o. dor:. ln fan demand; ' g'gY ''''''':ennve h an.l lite rate for • ~,,,1..,, h t •,,•.•••• ho. 1 eliov , at 0,,,., L .,,,r,„ 1 ~ r .,..n1 shttles ile wit ft), In tee tall vlot: at ! .. te.i.ly; Itto 21 ,•-• en.tar, 1.1:.:•• tor gaol re -2 , ! .0 a eelll/1 10r tit iii Phitodlen,hld. 'll itn - IVOlsky-,ales el co:and - quid, at would tl.i better o • ,•,i',T i n ,.';','",'„'i u :;, j n . l .'j r „ .. . :' I ';'''' I.ooJhlitle :Marl:el. lii cry at !In, la , tvrreat t 'lee •i 11• .1 ''.• 1 I I'v l lie 01 1 alone Tota 1- ' l ' II. "' I- I '"' I 1.0`91 v1t.1.r., March ::•1.-cal, 0 1 . 1 idol:: Loaf ' iill'i 1 111 °allot. i110‘...0., -" " ". """ t "“ ,i1 . fro, •,• einigket :dead/ tit •12 , Ike. '1 lo for now too! li ti ,t l - •In is . , oil (..Ity ari.l other poti•t o • - 111 - ' ' g ' ' I l'•10.1ii•m-lo etittloe i,,r. 5,,p,111q0 Floor I . 1 0 1 talMY''.'t rho , ntio cr•tn,q, on 1 , ' ; tie; key , ",,t1.1,.,a. 11 lonit t0n0.,,,,1 a 1:1,Ildi 1 their 1.01/(,) , 1. , Y L..1:1 , u. glialtut ;:r.''',',"," ~ -,...:6. 1. , /,, , -:,..0....1 ''''', ' l ' ;lII ' IIII't• ell'. evil I. rMw one, 0101 from llghtto•sy, t; ' '. ' ,, ' .1 . .1 Ed!: 4:11;' , .. 11.11:: 61,0111110- c .e. Ea money Market fillLi taker ettitegen well t i " •.. ,0 : 1 ; 41-•ohletn 1 , Ill' l , l .ff'l et' ar •111 , • •.2 ~.„,1,,,, an d to, ~,,,n a , „1 11 no i, stet 1' 12',.h 1,,11 111 jil: I 1,0 111 01.1.01 /,'...•:, Vl4/JI 0. tear:hare DA 1 / 1 00 1110 01111 of ' L ' '.- 1 ;11 1 .1, '','' .' l . -11.11.1. sS'n ' lll.l. ;-I '''''' '•• '''''' . U. j . f rot fililw Market. _ • --V.-... , .... Dry Condit Markt 1. I , 14 ‘ 1 ; i ‘ ..t .' , ; 1 " ..: ' ; ' ! ' ";.4 1 ..! ' : ' , ' '.1 -•. ...c ' t. t 1 - 11 ; ;:11 .- . 1"' Ita l l ',. . I c ” . I2 1 ,,',Lt",,',ii ',yak, lo t 1 1,410 hate:, 1(1,1 1 ,, G for the sheath. 10,e111 ..-..,1,, , j thiP. , f es 00ft..., fg...f...: !ed.,. Corn 10 11:10 at - 1 frdll . tot. encl.,: w hi,. flay, 1101111 10 tee • •••-wssegy_lo,l.4,o2 $2.5. Pork, slllf • ha,,Li.l Ij,,e. Thu Bond* ovi Mimi for Delivery, 1114 B & CO., • • 33,axil-mora. CORSE'S 'FOURTH AND SMITHFIELD STS FINANCE AND TRADE VrIGE or rrta Prrrprirrtto. t3mraTrz. ~,'IIDA.T. !larch C, ISrn. Ornan . The pin atom satirize:s have hero Ltirly °es tive dun g the past week, the transactions 'in the le tiling commodities being lather larger 1t the aggregate than for some weeks pa t, still there is yet room for hos prove:taco . The fact that the rolling mills \\ will re=am operations within a few days, has impart= =1 a ranch butter feeling tocam . inerelal eir des, and our . people generally have reason to TeJoieo at this important _ event to Pittsburgh.. . - d, gAlN—Vileiti is In limited sup ply 1..1 limn; No.'_' may he quoted at .%,42, to +2,70, :m:: Non; I at. ,S.l, 21q). , Jain Arm hat Cu changeil, sales at Ai, on track, and .7=5 to li.. 'in store, Ott n• Is quiet; sale of 11l 1,..net,4 shelled,. aroVitot 75—prime Yellow would tiring rgbre. ity° Is $1 demon° ILL 0,40. Bar 'Lai wunterl at SI to 41,1° for. 100=1 to rime' sallang. LOUR. le hem with ii. il ly demand but UnChanged. We cont.:. to quote ut 512.1.011 913 for Spilt. Wheat: 41 leo to Itritin fo 51 inter_ 5% loot; and tI, to Sll l fur, lanee4=r, nils. Hee FlOur,V.T.5 to SS. PIfOVISION.S-13 , wort Is Orin, with sales at 10.. so wt..; for Shoulders; 11, to 1 - I. l i:for Rallied sides, and PI to NV, for sugar E tired Hams. Lent I, Bellow ai 1.:1.i to 1:1 1 1 for prime kettle rendered. More Pork violet but lion. .EDS—Cloverseed is to demand, at d maybe quoted et-9 1 ,i into:. for snail lots :n ,dore. 1.1 toothy seed is unchanged at 13 to 53.23. Flazbeed is he artlvo request and higher, sales loving been m..le t.atnY at s= l . IVOTTE IL—There Is no falling oil . the demand for,prltuu Roll gutter, °bile. Vol.- sues hevory dull and in goo.Lsupply. 5.., I Of the &inner ut fiti to li—ellolee, : - ...1 to le. EGGS-Tea tleinand la again he proving, and Zhu market le more active and goner; sales being ell'eotoil recently to-day at :xl— holders asking 11. Anil En—iltently, with sal., nt 1.11 for eon, ' tr ,ll ' s.h. r'./.l' for nvar•o=lll'll,:i tor Potash, nod )3 tor Pearl, - GREEN APPLES-7. l he ,iron'[ for prime to chute:, IA fully no to tho suripi,, , , a nd o prices are well scstained. We C:01101111, to quot 0 at 43,5 , 1 o OM per 1.1, tor ginsl, and 11 be in 45 for c t hoice. PIULLAD—EttIen lirfal pigs at toil 1.010;;„ - PO laid/ES-1u huttcr ilencand,a , , , i 11111/1-e reach glows sell without Much dilllculty at 110. OlL—Lard 01 in firltier. at. ridiy 1. (kilo .. HAY—Prince. hat e d Ia 11l demand, tied NVO noor Clunto at 5.2.5 to $2.1, on track. . 11144.1. FEED—bale of I car blldtliings at 'CM'per cwt. • Pril3l./BlAlit PETROLEUM MARRET (itch or Tor nt-rruCllolf G....rig, j sr,:runto,,, March :iO. li , i7. ( . crulm.:—The market wait rather ,Inlet to Say, he exCitement which prevailed on Thur,day and Iriday having pretty men,. sub3ts ed, and, If anything, price.: w shade weaker. IL Ts _bald that some of those whomad daring the ..riurry , .hava iiinee li Isola a the same figure, Indicating a ',runt Of GO donee!, anti showing that their In. • petiO Slty got tliti.bettor of their judgment. , 1 ,,,, The u. les reported I.o.slay are thrett. thou, f sand I arrol.i LO be ileM'ereil on lirst outer,. (on pr rate terms', nail 101 libla at 7!,, Idols (on ed. It ly said that olTnrstO .011 lit f! ' Were ode quite frosty without weed , : any r •Aposloo On tho Dart or sings v, while }sets day eatarttOott onie holders ' were • u..kin i Se, and there were bat very few, If any niters, at 7 %4; The save, during in° I last t •4•0 Or tines . tote. boon /01111.1 large, I one ',Wine, we iiiiiieritand.lauv lap bought I b o th, en thirty tititt fig. LI tialusaat t.arol, . ! to no IC tank on spottlation. at, too hat:, -below, intillattUnl, it was these tank linitirs ' anti s o , colators dint caused the fee... i. , .1. i CltCo 7.nt, 1104 it Is intnnatett that it th e re ' panics hart lime held ofr awl kept tothl, ' they iiigl O. have filled their tank', at iowur Mier. I. .it Oil City 00 Friday, cid ...an syno. • t0rt,.12, 10 to 42,:0 per bbl, alit:oat, Viestnevs stay, ono Pittsburgh bOVer, iL is reporto.l, bong it ten thonnutni 'bench., cot prices ratt,t pg from V. to 1'2.•12. lit; ..IS ED—The .o.i . iri:et , for bonded Cl wt. t ell tied neglected ttistl,y, and, halved, this loot tteen I,lol.ol'.tthroven.ont 1110 er.• ilea !oak, The P.1....:01:104 Elli.olllein WI. Vice continuo tint:set/rattle, and there is n o t ow, If oak, hui.gra at lot any nil Vence, • nOt Sell ing oar !: ea,.., g ,ncrollj. . • will 001 Sell ILL current Wirt:l, In coi,e• it ' - One co of tile alliance In erne!, 14'ti Lave ---hut 1 single. halo to iv fOrt,ll4, Unwired bor. rebi witue light straw 10 white, on I tie ..tit, ,( at 7.n,..i,0n cars here. ~landliril white c . .uld ( 1 • ha chttl at 10; to Vskto ars: 11,0, non •,,, liOsaibly Tit 0, tivii,erV.l 11l rollaklo.lsl/ ill.. ant/ 1110-40 may be. rt•zarded IS the eXtr , .., . of Lim market. It Is ,ae..l tout there aro rail hter4lred and fortys.! !ow I I.Ottrltil . ' , hundred barrels of railed oil 1:: V ,phinand.NeW ]'lrk Tewly for hill.) • fOrcign part. Free bll is dull./ changed. —Sipco' tlior.b ) rd Was pin,/ 11141'0 ti sale Of 1001 table crud"'" d u livereo between the'l , of Iday.at 7%1 nag ..5.* - to be itellvered , tivolve moat/ . .A.lOli l V 0 . • • , . jA i llis D s ON, ~ PITTSBUItQR 110 1 2 E IVORK, , anti 1 , 0 water straee D11:".11 , 11L1,, 1101.1,7)111i, , In LARD OIL MAITIJFACTUIIEB.S, aP A io n t i (1 At 41 , e.s.!cre In CRIME, LUITRICATI b t wad B,„: • • . CA IaBON 011... ' • ••••.- • ' ' • .•-• \cc warrant our So. 1 Lord MI equal tot:..' 11.% ITS FAL LAID OIL TV'F.Lt . 'ROPE.. beat Cincinnati, or trier b-auqe, an4 -- ;,ruposc 10 sell loo_o• eine:lowa: pr LlOraao r:O6 - o. Tarrcd Itop:s for foal aailroads, 'Our r: o, 2 Lord 011 au a Lulprical , cs :law. r., li tc-1,2, • F.;?p 11.kv.t”,1 :INC! pAcKiNa, Int,i,Creft. 1,0,!,at1, ap.l Atm:l2Rn] 1,rtr,,,1, .. • 42., 1. , 1,K IN G I, c , ~T r, - ,, ,„ . .. .. .. . Of Carbon OH constantly ou I.xa.t. i ... . . ..., . . Mt... . Mitt and tr.anufaclarara aln r. nil It to i a? . . rottonan. ll, nful 113 SN'nfttr Street their In, reel In gi 7 P eAa I' ail In fun, ..::::,,:,,,,,,.. ! I , :.., r ...,:c.a.,,,,,„1.. 1,„,,,,„. Lard,' lann, till. W.:M.. ..._ , ~ , b.1. , ,,,, . 7-30'S. Ado,Wd in od uctlon for I P+,7, crn .1111,1 a Ct 1) pc: . Elay, r e el ured to rellucd...' I, rur tor ula I L. fur ',' , I: W 1 ,:. 11,41.4 leerj 4 r MIMS -••• 1•• it: In; u•••.:.! i.l•crt L ' 1•.o-p••••I. , ,t•e•I•1:. • 1.01:y•• . .r• : 1,1:.tt r•••,u,,1 1411,, al. ;al! •1••.:4,1.•1 101 lio - n 0011 II,i•••• , i, Infach 111101 . . 5 4 1'1, , AMBOATS. COTITNI.'N ItiF.l-.'.CHANTS. log e-, ciD-PARTiqEiISHIP. tie ilk,. cOntrmies tie incenc slowly at ; 10k) f ~ L ft : :, .. 1567. , this point, with but little Over servu feet in , irri,F, ITN.I.Ii;I2SEITSiTtIi 11.... TE A. ' PITIrtiBURGIT. AND FT. LOUIS , 1 ~..,„1,,t,0;u,n, i n o , i t.,,,,, of ~,, 1 the elialmel lei rise Allegheny marks last I P'24.01x-Ot 3-..1.X11.0 ' hu-tu-st, JAS. 1.1 DliNsEAtill. The +fame arm i evening. The weather was clear and pleat- 1 . • will gen nue, .s., [ore toien• ii j ; pos...l<AM , fdllewlni , Chutin ftetifefr+ F. sgt.l.SMs S co. 1 ant. , . ' i ' , , ; SIKASENI: EIS, :LIMES A. ,Thr a. I rgosy and Nora left Cineinnal 1 for . ~,,,, 2 .,,,, , ,, , . ~,,, ~,..,,, .; ca d g es A, ow,. .7 T.. 1,1111.011. . P,ltlawzr ell on Friday,'as did unsettle late i NV.:LL,..":II',A, I N t ' s ' i ‘ lllll ' lll '.. Ir. SELLERS & CO., Ithhinson, for St. I.ouls , The Itlit Rees and ; t',N,1, 1 1i1 i i,‘,;,,,,, ~,,,, 4, i.,,,, 0i .,,, i ! , . , ! - 'V' Melillo were anrertlAvd to 'care Cincinnati ; 1 . i,1,R.,!,- - .1;,....•5•M• , j ," ; . l , T a .' - it ; f 1 ,','..,' „ ,;', i ,' -- ,',,. 2. . POtti PACIIILItS . for Pittsimigh on Satunlay. The A inteniar I hild.F.VlM7stiti, 1.1. 1....... W, . I , en route front this port,was at Cairo On Fri-' AnN"sl'-•• 1111t.1111AN. AO.l 7.1,111F,!1111"1 . 1.3 , •1 AM E 1.1,1 1.,r,...1 ' day, a Ith six bemire , ' tOll9 ot iron ore. I 100/ 01 . 01 0•./..,1/...11+ •1111. 11 e 1 . ,,_,.. 1 , 9 , ' V" _ . .a . F., 330• 1 . ITL, I,_, : t _'..1110 I ogomar, from Nlalamon.., has arri- I 1 , ;•;, , , , ,..,' , ,, , ,11i.1 i ii,',..ti . ' I."I'; '..i . Tni Wt . I .•‘Tc ! '" ' -.--... ved, and Will return again toblify ai nsitin. , Fnight arel [dn.+ n,,, !,, It, , t 11. ,, ,1; tr. ,II , '''''. '.' " ''''' ''• ' he* Baron. Beef Laud Tongues 1 1 Tile Argosy from Cincinnati, will arrivr to- 1 rn. , "+" 11 , 1 Cis I wit. n'tie. kilns'.: t 9 .1 ; W . h. , 1, ,,,,,,. f0r ,,,,,,,. on a[ ..,„,,,,21 1 1, fat , - , it, , iolri rive:, v the N..rt1,.,” 1.1‘.. In. ll.t. , ... ~, ~ , ~.._„, un . n ... 014.rrOW alit return again on Wednesday. nc s, Ili Mel. Pon'r Pe... tf o. avt Mits.,' I l heit s ..itk,al -.To t t s • • The )1 aggie 1103, for Cliielrinall, Mid Ito 1 1+ , , , , , 7, , ,',, ,, , , , ;',.,, ~,,,, ~,., „ sus ,. ~. hsi „ . ” ! L Ito - du .de liner: Luella for the FM', IlssOuri gold regions ',O r'l.iNs -- t c+ - 1 - 1 .or - ' ' j '' ' 1 1.• ' do do Ilevrn.ligues; eleanai on salitinar. The Alaggle If.' , . Calif. HAPVI. lII' !lAN'. Suctrint. Jab,' Ito do do illreaklatt Ila.coli:' fair freight list, and quite a n umber of pet -- - N ' ' ' '-' ''''''' r ' r '''''• ' !...""`''''' Plain Cored blot Ott !Al+ auldert; • sengers. while the Luella had about all the _ _ treisla she coffin 'take. 12tpt. .Imtwaltto von - !'yell: MISSOURI .........r.. - '"-tik , l' ',•„, - . 4 ,",,,,,,,, 1 , " 0 d 5 0 i , ‘ . 1 :::;:•11..nt. ,:,,,v.,F. o,tol +largos also lett In chef go of 1.1 , lug' -.- Ulf! l'ii-% d , .11 11l A 111..g.,......5_i1t5t.g.. F , , , - . 1 „, +,,;," „ :, ,, , ;t; ..; , ~, ;,,, , L, ,, ~,,,,,,, ~ ,,,,,,,A newt Wlld 1'..,,f for , T• I...i''' ' ,ii. """." 1 RFC I . . — The bra light •Irsedet firne, r well :el arm], In the Pfot Medi trole. eight 1100212,1 tCa. ilad r•llgagemt.llo.. I , ~,..,... „,„..... ....., „. ~ s, „....,. _. ..,, ..._,, low, iliclUalnir MO houseful kegs 01 nails i I , J ii '- , , , : , :' ,; ' , . , :..... - j _... ; ; ''' 1 '., r , j i '' r ' .._ ___. _...; _ „-___ ..1.1 Whi.uling. The hate rutile , . got in 1r. , . Louisville j 1. ,, , 1i . n A j t ,, e , .. , 1. , f. ,; 72:,: n : ,; 1 ::; ; I ; : ; ' ; ' : ; - ... '" ; _ " : ; :: I BIiEWER. .t3URLF, & CO , , aout. wain on sltturday, with art ext•elleiti I pr,, ,,,i y .,.. k ,, , ,L1 ;,..,,,..,,,,, ,r „,, ,.. i , ,. ., ;, f . . zr ,,, ,„. commisstoN MERIZANTS, 0e.0.t o,t, the g reet. orooernoo or who•o , herimusba, he ',St. Tr.1.,:.:11,.”.1, ,, , , i , i g eonshmed t o clan k S co., and goes east. i per,si g m sr h.t.',.. aete.. es Toot. 1+.1,, , .Al 3 E NTS FUR T l l It . , _ The Ida Rees No. V. arrived (min Oil City, 1 -js! •,- ['Ethic, Globe & Liberty Oil Werke, nun the Celm N 0...! was t•Speett. , l 00 Satin . . Fort mAISIETTA. ..."..1 . ng - s-C . 1 .0,n,,,,i,r0rn, f,,, 0,, R ail Halunifyll. Lae nay night or Sniffier. The Allegheny river , ++ t 1.1.1 Palm i AOll l'ilICIA: , ern' ~...„ . n ,,, n0, , ,. . , nnn , on , 0n ,,,,, n0n ,, of l il t to otew common ezpeimi, fuer he j molciil, V. V Clt r lln PAN .. .IT :t r. m'.•-The ; 1',, , ,,,r IT Ah, I ratretesle. l'arl , fin ttortge erecnneren ''plared out, - until there le, 1110r0 ! n.,,r00l ,p'.. 1,11,1 ,ak..,, ~,r “. n:..., i .a•!•,lr.n,tt ..10.r...:,, I.:, It 1.1 r tr.ervllie. - I 1101100 V MA.Pr W• ~• K:KK.,,to..nd,r, f !.1.1et..,..1 . 2.41.1 .. ..1.1.1...../ , . 1 , .,re. , r ,, 0f 1 ur.m.4sue . r:ify 'rile h, ntnn, Capt. .T. 11. Dunlap, is filling . ~,,,,, ~ ~.,„,. ~,,,,,. ~,,,u , ~,.. ~...,,1, 1 11 [...L.1, {L. I. 11, I 1 ././11/4 . . IL 1, ,/./ me ramdly,lllllL It ill soon be ready to take I „,,„,,,„,. „..„,,.. ' 11, - 1i : a 11...• .... .... ....... J. F. 14V1C15.i.1...• her lit for Now udder. and the , 1. , ,,, r ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, t....,,1; fir to ! , Eli, & riz , r ,,, Awr, irninNo, Capt. Parker, Is fed to _ i leave for St. Louis nun the Unger hltssbo dal.v. 'stpl 00 mixt saturflay without tall. 00101ISSION tEROII.6IiTS; l'he Mil L/0/111 non, Capt. Dern+ gii, will be , 1.) EGULAtt, NVl:Etil,:i l r-7,.:1,7.1.!1, I,D 11.11.Y.11-1 111 10/10Iy (1111/3,1 for St Loins and the Ifasouri I 'I 1 . ...C1i I, 1, 1. iv 1t• I'll ..1 ' Fitiur Grain, Seeds. tlill Feed. Cell 01,•er t.,-10.orrow or 01.21 Ilay, :Ma 11,,a- - 1:1.11,•11 Al , II 1,1 • t•I •,,,VI 1.- . 11, t liwr awl I i . ger; 101/1 hllll/11er, pitiful.' bear this..lll +Men, .1.d,, It„ JZU hinmirry sTur FT, • [WTI ant! int 11. PA. 1014 set aveortllngly. The Leonel,. Captain t,gjm j• ~,,,,,, seintof 111 rd., her departme for Illt, 1 pr, w,,,,,„„,. 1., 1 ,. , „,,,„ ~. ... I I .............. k ...;, ' , " 1 ' 1 ' ., ',' 1 . . 1 , I: . II .A ,:;Ezt I, sitIiSTSIONG, mi,..cmn 1.:01.1 it‘Lowy. t.stmo row. . a , , , g. ~, 0 a .,,,,,,,, ~,g , t h at,. on 1,1414. ...1. The in•re Porter, Capt.e. 11. Porter, will or a. , - • , I..aVe tor COl,rinall to.lloirron • 'rho l'Or. • ^-,, ..r 1 10:P....1'11:NM; iNi . (OIIIFSION Eill'llni7% wr 1 , a ,tlO s a t . 1130 ,1111 , riOr a , coln. Mi. !,11.1n, I. i,.... , ,,5;• , .. , , awn to, illt•th‘r,:, et virefel and eSperit:noctl l‘lllet.r . g. .11, I n•OK,.. llereffles arrived 01 Idmit- MI 1,•••11 t'reiar 1'1,111114. Nl/1111 0 100 /1r 1 OA/ 101 11/11 again ter Pittsburgh Fi b t Oil goTot Iron ore WWI lour empt arge , Tl,.:ilex - m.lf -1, 0110 of 11/1. 010, powerful towl.oat, that ~,,.. ovvr toltlt lie, e, ancl ...ko• iIiVER NEWS . . .he , licitly, tiring tit, a big tau'. Ily the way, it welly not•lie nut 1.1 phi,. In Aisle hOr 0 1431,113. s of. to till• etittier tit Mii.rketWeiler nttant. k tip ,tatr,) will lie that t.) I•Vcr)00.11 utile.. pSBl...ti, I r .tramer 1 E 1,0.0.1,0 ~.. J. hnriCo ^e.:l.• •1•11:1p1 ' , 1i .. .. N't. , N ..m•t, Fr ,o. NI \ WI,: , Wm. J. 000.01 . • the Leonora No.. 2 I.M. Cincinnati fOr " lYil ' ,V .l , l :'l ' t " th'll''''''''' ‘l ' '''''''''''.." , '" t , ‘ "" .J IC!:11.17-1L I ' . 114t(1 1 late Pict.,!,ll,i, ea Thereatty, and the Argo,' • ',' I . I 1..• KA .0 d.,,LN,.‘ , , , , ,, .0. ' ' .'"'"'"..'" .' - 7,=" , .. nu"l'L'' l, ' " 34- • . ;11+i1. IN mt.!, li AN ~,, r 0...“.. mei 0011 i'....0 . • :elvertl,...l tr.. Iva% e tot Prld.ty. The t,,,,, ; ' , M0.. , , .0 ,1 T,, ,/,,,,, 0,, .0, ~.1 ilat, a , qr.,. 14,, 11,0,, I Ir. ' Mintoo mel Ida 1. ,, i, pa. , ,t , d .leger.onMile • ~,_ On Tloo,lwy 0111 . 0.4. for t LI, port. Among li lt .11CIL. 1. 11. IV VI L : i-i. {,,1 . , , ~.., ~.....-.,`"" ra , :, ~,,. i .'„',V,,,, i;','"„,', „,.,, ',..„. , r ,i',` . i .,,•, 2,. 011,r Pew, of freight, the Alinnln Lou . T:01 I . l ' N l: INN' A 11 l'A , 1,...110....... 1 ....,„ ~.„,, •,,;.• '„, , ,„,, ',,,..., ~,,,,,.,,, ton, of Iron ore. . I.I', V ISO F.V11.1 NV • 1 , Nt.... , 11 , ./1 All :.I. ~,, 1•• ,, ... 1 1 , —, 1 ,,, . ..,.. ~•., or 1 ,,,, ,, A Catrocorte,pOndent Of the l'ineltomt 1 —.. ..,' a , , ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..',.. I 1 , ,,,,, e t:41 . .i. No. 140 Tem. t. C, , : •i l• re,poteM , le f 'l . 110. 4ollow. 000 , , , ,, N 0 ...1 , .... ,,,, i . . ,,, ' , .. 1 . 0,1 . i I'-' •''''ll-..1.' 1011,1A1 ing. A Mtge Joke wag perprete.ted eit ,otto. 1 '''.• '.• ..'''''..• .1'...' ±OOIIIW 11,11 ot .r rill 1L.1 , 1 a 1,,t. of Ntracorer .., alt• ; I'''. 'l''" " '..lL.,\'‘if.:,'.''Z-Xlr.. "'".' " r ' 1,, 1i.N.1)3..N. tieN, co:saluisßion in, i.• 0 for L.OAT, The steamer .. , f...n. ~: ~.. ~,,,,, ,:.,: (A , ..• : Lt.: MER , 'II ANT, m.. 1 11•0' . ,, I, rt.oull, ,1 lim 1,, en leading here o:tb . r. y oterday ' . Olt,' 5, 1111.1. 1.01 ag.11`11: , 1/1:(1K goaarsl leer:on, 0.11 Mont eleven cich. i„ • 1;011: WI. P.Z: 1., 1)1- . „mil," -- ,7,„aak • , , u u , ~ nigitt 'ht.:nosed Ironi the trelget depot li, .... .ECI'. -Tu, , ”,..,.., • :,,,,,, Za.......... , " ,, ... ' ' 7 ' -'•• - --“`°"' ''''''''''''' u "' "IL Ill ''' . . , g1e.0 . ..',1, 1017:r, the whirl boat. The 0100 L 00 . 41,4 ter} darl,' steam., ' ...nd ra...Y. wed SOme Wag, littOwom that her 1..1.,1 ,0l V e5,. , ..1. ~t . 1 . .. 0,1. ; I ) . t y . (11...1 . 711,0 Et 0 , (•,, it , ~, i,,.. oe eould not he hingl Until N bat., were • , . 1, ,',,,' r"r ‘., -, " • , r" , , -, ”' L ' ' M . C.....' 1 ', ,, N AI eM At ANT Itlel . : 0.1..r0T.. vl-I.,frin ott to - trd. ,tutted the r 'port along the levet , P`''''' ... ''' ' ll ''' ''''''.'"l.'l• , i MI!, ‘ , . - LO,I t‘lll , ..01 . tmo., v .It}: ISRO M. , • .I. I, c , 1T.Nt,, ,, ,,,,,11. '. Lb/0 the lireat I:t . puldle bad arrlved and : t ~ ,, , ,,e . , • ‘ , 1.1( L, 1, :: : t -.. , : n"r: ?.4,:z . :.: •,..,Iterre. Nor. .11e • .1011 • 1: • :., 1. would only rengon one Mod'. Inonedlatt . le ~.!, Ig . m,, g 1 . ' .0.1 3do . O.NN t ' : li., k i.'etersoo/ rerDl•l. o .l. there wx , a grt...l runt, itmll - 100 , ... who bail , -- , - k , 111 ,,,,,,,,,, i1 ,, 1. •, itY .11011.0 exyr,,,,tr I s , EG 11.11,A It lit 112.h.1.11 . ~... : - •cji: - ' - '. Z. AI, I. .1'00:11. . a cies', to ,t , e the grt•at ste.toner. w vol. and. , ..‘ 101'1:1,T i.FITIII . .LN .I . li 1., ./...............a \ L:JANE: 0. :AN:. ELL, ( tri : : : Fi IS c•A 11,1 Iltvit • I rie:td, out of thu, 111,10. For lir ItO II At 11 ( . 15,: \..011 -11.. ... ..-t i - ',I , .5 V.F.111 , ( A N ~i ~.., J.,,,,,., in F 1,1,11 alemt en hoar UT M1, , , ,, g 0 1.. wa ., UIToORL'd ~.. 1 .0 ,, ~,• , ,, , ,t '. ~,• , ' iie, 10.. •,,,,: 1'1e....1..:0:. ~ 0 , , , 5tr001....,, ,, Ln m,.e,' Teferilft , ,net, In, nr , .., trlp, end •it • 0, , ,10. 11 kI • CA.,. 11. 1.. II /,,,,,,..,,,, , ..4 . ..... • ~.i ~.Ll.ll.lPatst.,ol.. at.l,:y grela 1.. 500 (..... Indignation t 1. ., 111 11/.111111.41, V , I , .• •I'• L , , t . , ' , .' , ....'t ~, r; ,,, ' 1 ‘ , .. 1 ,, v , ye, L. .1 . , , ,,.. J4P.N 2,100 L. , 0. 15.J11.,,, ...ell - wa, loond ont. r 1.• • o , •i• -, ...,.. ...., L.., .0 r• • ' 1)J1 bit, ,4F .4 .5.. S .ti :1 il) - • . ... • • • ~ inelimnnd dool run .1 0 will be aw fol. - ' „,, • ,4,. W•: . 11 I , 1., Ir.:1,1 II !OW 111111'1,1y. IVO , ' •` -• . ' .1 • ...r ~,r,--....T , ,••••.. r.-10,11.1 , ,,, -- wetat.ll . l Itlth to trave ion;; : , allki hler, 1:t•-.1.1ett. Salt 111 110 more . LL EOLTS. tb„u rh, crone Or eVrr • Arlt chat 1:.!Ftuon11 ' `ZIE.-1T1V.9.14 7 , .•11.r,C)7i 'l'lll.l •11. nll.ll, rut, L 4 /11, ry chap hen he i.,..htt;vt tot, tete- t• h tt , ,• , 13 mar telt , —"Et the t:eu•l thek :taut trt , it v ( . .1 1.11; ntr Litt t• th . t,el dartele..l, Gretlent 111111•. t ntt• - • t• 1 1 , 0 1 I t.tt'thrx..t.t•httt• l • Lt. eittlll- 1 vett ever .nttl, t ' hen l'll 3.0, •th , l tt•,t I, nvitl Itr .':[lily sttv that 1 justh't IL .11.114;,II /11.108 • • .an -/.01.1 't , l t'v I Ihe bh . .1111,1 , 111.t1 I,ve tethr l L\. • 0 „ • Ah th rle • in ate:, a: re bnllt tet .1 11...::1.: ht tt r New, Alhttuy—hul t ... en.lllllsuthl tu.sehthery e.thl 11-etitti Ite, th Athany nerchante.—.Stte ..11 1 etee •••••• I it, h. ,itnytiv ed, ••11.3a a either Etna. • ,;0 • i • i t•• ; • : • „ ••• rAZIr, or ,:upittity... The 1 111,1teln river " I 0 • liltthgh . , tt.the, IWO I,:enty•nVe ~,, ~ iltteltry; t., att tthettl, 1111• trip It, :notate. At,orn to.te her. The F.. IL Colltnt thai t 11,1, TO• , 1 1.1 0 ern 111,1 Dr , j • J. • 'tarty 11111, 1511 hoer het tenni., • r .k 11.11, regte.hl tutittht ll '''thee Ith•I nvg 1 / tt t• , :tt • ttetl.l. Ith,t tntate have never It,l any 1,11, . •, 1,...,0,1. It V.O l / 1 . lAII. Cr tett wet: .t. li , •, • nth. :rut!, of over the lit , at Ile;e11111e. It 411:,••. ••.1 clatil. , , • „.. 11114111 ~.,„•,,., „, Ihtlel o.lllth eh re,l 1,..1...ty v. - 111 Only ht.. , .tth. te.l. • • , :tete her perthetieu, , It N0...1111411, letherls i.evetennll lj k• • ter:1,011,11, theently Itarletted ut. that, 111 t 1 •11 t. •thAlnttr for , ..rd • ~ort. "Tile wt.tet-fe.ll • ,•11.'thit.r lettAtiutateTVAttAnrttett• ,It tell m 3) • rot ,1'..1, 1 11:111•1 [root iVuht-thil 1114 , •to imrtielynt. , l esl.ll 1.1 wlthetsm. ~,,, •t to throw, evuthintrtl hi 111111 luta. A s t, t , t• ttt— ' i troth -.hi. .111., 1111 11l Lu 111:11 1, 1111,511 41th 1 :t t 101110111,, one to rth thehell :,0 0 0,111.,:19 , f`r to wateh the eh., to .10 1 1 al 1,1,1,1111 g the elthno• tt 'EH re :V , :tax boat , 11 , 1 - on th- tittnne, •• ..1 1 11 1 shwa., nthl out. ot awl tt.e. n ..the u 11,th 111 .1 ltell.lll,l. The , A•t•lrt , •' • theihr, froth 11:1 , :1e1111rt to Deet.thr, entrY. .ta 1 1 th.el 3thtv 110,1 • • Yen- , IT\t 000 t „..,•,. Vlr4iLlia Strau. 1. • lIIIASi . FOUNiILiIS, ,1 1,1:), 1,1•:w 1 ,11 'lttt 11.1 nega. nu I IP , att , v• . talt I, 10 be relittetlenortiy, 111.1 itiututl • A • • S. - 4 C. 49 f'iT"i 1.10 1 • - - - •• •• . . • ", or. of 3ro and I.iberty streeCs. • :tiff", the losloa it•arni from lb. . in,“;_a• f.lerri.f: of Vrl.fav • Abote trArr. , ll cm, If t i, I , an.. .., n.,.! tor faria lomat - cal and tufty tin, nf rh.,. • . t l. , Ing tiro 11111101 n, ; .L.I f I f•ltinr • Walinnll "(ivy; for L.:n.11,01. 1,..- • ter,lalf I liu into Nu. r”- irfrrirfrrrif nn tfri r Sr • r f f rrrie "• ' Ler ' - Agents for 1, S, meren Leon a Lrfnlo. 11,11nt rnloSO../ I. to I•eappr.ll.,l i 3 (hr., .fair.nn ; nt the ANtI 11,0" 10 "11, I,lkVll atlOVit LIM 1111 . 00 . 11.!11 7. , %; rnrirnn from th, .11.,rletta trade, wttb tho in nrrat.t..; nil, I a:4.— 1.4,11/;./ ‘,/ 0.11011 nita 11, trip , to Wlicelfng, 10.101,; airoonaf / ry . 1 nhr...1,,y ',ening. Copt. Jen, 1. kr, OTIcE •r() owNt:its or 111.1.1, lorincrly of Ito• lian .+.• • r • fiir er- ' r r f " rand. " rnf r irrfrfirt thrr ' f DRAYS, HACKS, &C, .; . :A: . .it . het In tlok Ana , goal, 41/./1,011. .111101“../ /h./ //°- DrAys. farts. taf,l,fs in thonnitat;, xe fin. ',halation wit,Lnr rent., ..! lit ~r 101 , 1, of l'ltt,'lorak. Ig..nt of ' I•lll,..Frwrk, • a; eitata, 4 '.‘t .4 . 1111-.1,41J. h DlotrlCt; 1,.‘1.1 John U vlorolt , y, 01 Ohio, 5up.,,,1,0ry • • the , eventh 1/I.lrlc . t. loot All 1,••• ; t .111•15 I ^t . l,iltur 01 -L. 1..ati1,,1tt. , te.11,1,1t,.. tto. t•I 0.• 1.10;1 101 . Fr , tirth 1 , 1 . .trh - t. The `,11, ,, r ^l.rof s„ . 2 gr,r, rot sud •• roil thar 1,1,1111 f "i“ AT. thts ' r."" trip into. '.; liryilen telegraph.; fri)m .lell4kort• ',qt.- flea a% (Ix LIM, sie :Alen e 1..., Vlll,llllli,linte FrllllLy ad The 1.1. VATISIS r. Jtnil Annlii Laurie Nn I I. I.li P. M. Brown, ' Ytiend..lity, liniment! Itnli .1. ''''''''''' "'"" Wl , ll lis,vy tuw, a( cOll, Iron nip! knit; wrr '''''''''' ,; e.I Tier I'. SV.'ntrieler Juni. Nn. ' ''''''''' ' 'Ur Tl.l 1r0.1.1 Lor , ' . • , X1.1.a,..1.4.a.••• OW, i # kiii,..;a7 'knlxiking iteeki in CI, of o• 14,1 , 111/MII ~r;gging ie. 1-1 "XI, 4,1„ ...• The 1 !/r u( T 4 . :11111itik. nll B. SHEPHARD'' s11.•1,11.41•1111:10. Vitl,butgli, and we Believe, ;1 1 let: Ter OM. pert. inroisTri lIY atAsi.aosci. l'erseneucu svs t CHIcAf. ft. It...J.:seek :14-104 1,1,1 s llour. Mink S' .tr. Iso 110 n , Meghtnyer .t Voskamg: go co - ie....sr; ies ii , 40, 1.11] , i.q Jr; , In 4.,shogisker A Lung, ears Irou, Park, 317 Lib erty str n r‘t - rto; elmesc l'at.ter co; ears • J." s• • 1,1,10 neat, sellers .1 eo; I cur lefty, ,Y.( Wicks:l;34 ghiss, 11101scn t Son; M“.1,1:1 4. CO; 010 tlo,Copc feu Din; II ears cwt.!, !ilycick ft es; 01 oxii Soap, At. buckles et,: kegs l e per, 10101 t. t l!bi4 vinvgar, 1V II S Slit 00; CslCe, . . . . '.t , kgp lard, 2 Ibis union., '2 dp meal, .1 pktpt 1...e.e,., ..., . ~, .m 0,,,,,, 4 ,1 , 1 . ss ;et., II like. it'll 2 kui apple butter,: ri N.,. I •••,. • •-'• ,•,, • met 5,.. ' , ell! tell, km; howling, Adunie, ' So ' n . re; •t tp1.1,4 breom l•Ilt/11,, .)1 , Elro3 . 11 , AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY • w.; In hn a DI nplo hyrup, I; kg-, butter, Vobrt . ,x, e , 15 do', lir/mi., Wm 711111er Jr. co; II bbld • J. L's?: ON - L 1 Liquer., awne•e. t do em 4, I phr butter, I dl.) • ""' " . 1 '6 ''''''""" i "". l'lg l'a'l ' NO 110 WOOd St., ritt4..ttrgli, 'Opel., Welker ,t. co; I do. Maley, 11. ter i • '-'' Am, u;+ Ler Gutter, Fetrur .1. Arm, run, • . . Kerrie on Linn , mpl manurprw rrt to Lr I. r, th . 2, Ride, ,I II Il4litml; I ear Pluvt., Had} u iS. , , L ,,,,,,,,,,, , T , 1.,. t'/ „,,,.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,, „„,, 1;o1/ki tpei,, 'WA Wirt, tri.‘l, reel mdllAltr: I MU. ut, CLNVLLAND •ND I'ITT , NrUi.II RAlLliekp. I , II:TILAI'r met I'ICTU UN 1. 1,1 NIE:. l't47.tyi Marell 3 , /-- . 1. WI!. eg,,.. ',Dull., SOD ~k Coq I; .10 ~,D l ,, n • m2 , • ••' 1 o U r';' "' ' , ,: . t . '!" , .o . l . L r ~ : ::, 1 ,lei, I kg: apple butter, I.llmlr A It:melt . ; vo mul 11 n r3t;t1 , , .1. f•m l P 4 'I t ;e .. • 111 , 2 , Pl.” bur Icy, I'llo, . e " 3" . ° . •Arbt: '''' ' '' . ""4',1:1NN1,.!:,,:i. locl;11.111S1) execuiitl le tLe ,x, cu, J pktut lintter,l .141 egg., X angorder ,Xt , Idellee et le el' Ille art. llepard;.:lMl. drY ll l,Mlue.kir 4 a a It'llttlr'l arrt•lttlALS MCI/PRATE- ue.f:U2lliter i P Item rice, Gruhum ,t 'rhouta•l, t,tut outlet, ‘.. ,.,,,,,, En , Birm , , , ,s, IMI, .ItMuston & Colvin; I mtr InIllIt•ed, 3 , , A Mi. Wenn; iW kW. :lour, rosrlduyer .k. 1 opium* 1 4 .• 15 L.:, 1:1,..1,1!, .1 S Nownlyri 'Jr co, re, Ilul ' tePALKII II N llour, II Iluberi LI., lell, chain., Iletlfor.i , • Cld , CMO OtP o•M, W IllogliMul 3 P 1, 1;`, G UNS, RIFLES PL-..,-* . 'COLS, 1, I . llltt rtom ....; IMF, upplu, ./ II erlutytt ' 2 , '"''' ''' ' ''l""r. ''"‘"L" a ""''' h"le "I'Ple" ' liardivare Cutlery & Variety (:Dads,Fel zees A rtto.rouk. f Perronuntio,Cot.cznua a Crtials NATI 11.11 t s „ v , r , • Fled o , , , ~ •• March IU,-9.1 1,1.10 'lour, owner; 1 car .1111 , 1 .10... 4 1 i. 11111 J. ilt,ol Ilulll 1111'411ttg, o w g, /'Taylor; 4 pleat tobacco, A Schaub; I to . 111.111 i, ./. II SEooiiberVer; 2 ...If I 01.ft,42, sio leer, Sooneur a co; 3 do do,.littos .t. Orr; 110.1110. Il 'I talts,yer 4 vitro Iron, .1 11 Dot l - ! Atumuult:on er of l knelt, mi-ote.• ell EEEL 1111,,E , E1, 2 oars corn. II Wallace; I car otnye.4, ' e s Co ant, 1310,1. repot:c.f. 5.3,4,,t , ot , l Ita• 1 51.31-to .1. I:0: l'car none, W Cooper a co; 51 ' r1 ” 11 ';' 111111 . 1 991113 I• A 1,,, 1 1, 5/. 11 4 1111 . 1,1 • I. i Mil, 1artt.1...11 Value a co; IMg butter, II 11 111 ''''''• . .. . . ! '''''''.ll'..?"l; Is'''''''''l. It Ult:''''''''''''''r "'l;:''' FRINKLI \ ( 1 011 1 "\ II OltliS 113,toiton; 17 clot 0n1.4 ' , I .l, llllttUn l t .9.. ; 11 " r ' n:; ; 174 EL ' 1 i tjE ' I 9 . outatotto, tiratl4l 'leant; 53 torn sturch,Cook Jiro .5 no; 11 uk.4 pOtuloter:, 14 W 01 0 11 11;: Pkg. t E. HYDE'S & SONS hardware, a I.nglantl, ' Ata.uototter Vat.t.ge liatcno,o,, )! g ,,1,,,,,,1-i i lcar hoy, Moreland .0 Mltchell; I car Iron, 1 I,lartln, Itrlekoll A co; 7 eke rug, 4 ploto hut- , COTTON VACS., CARPET 1.111,1 IN ittr. 7 1,1,14 ego, s Stoops; 5 logo eggo, 5 okgo Clhu er, A tittllnghur; Icor loty„ithotet a ; COVPItLET Y.A.C.N, I'ANI)LEWIC/C, 1 a tolln; 3 oiht root, or,, 13 'IA eon,. T Pon. totlly; 175 bush onto, (1 1.0ollo; ~l bblo polo. 4,,1,, .1 S Newloyer ot et, PI corona MVI. VONNCLI.SVI ELI: It. /1. Marelt 29—11 l coils rope, Maruhall. Fulton .t WEST On NAL al'ltkl4T. toetercen Cublutten and 1 5 11 , 1,..11 , 7 . 1 , ,.1. Il se ; e l , t. i .,..7 S ti,. , tt .„ l, ,, a , r u k r , ,, l r .lt a l 1 l e nt o; a i i N k e ,z e . 10 , ..; ., i f . l . 1 1 .. „..... f. ,",-,k,„- r A,, , , , ,... : 4 1n y n (41- ti0 1n. 0 . 0. , in. __ no, non m .„,,, ~..,„ . co; 51014 potato., .1 Caol.ev; It 117 -- r — Lv Alµ • I okku rotokero. W 1 druutroug; 1/ bili IV ehalro, IntoOn '0 WO. , Pure • 1 1 1 .11. N. a Co." llrantl White Lead AlanotoraT ATATIon, Mardi all.-1711 1,1,1 s . : 1 "Par.aute , . 1 0 .10 flour, Stewart' A Langenheon, m doz. tulto ; 1 , 1 . 1 t11 1Y" 110.1 rahlluoulln, 10 hem tamp, Hahn It Had. . .. , (.°llllll.rtter" 110 ' 11 ° t, .1. , 11, 1• Ce v o ' l 2 l n x k o n O o etL a il r l d il ''' S u 1 y k er:l3ll l' ; ' l r 7a/ 1 e ) .9 ' 1A 1 •• ‘ 1 % 1 - 0 ' 1 1 J: 21.' 1/ 1 ; . I ' 1 1( tq l : 3 1 '. i l ' , 1 % 0 ,1 "l o ! n ; t 0 1 " 1 0 .1: ;; / ; or 11 ,t , •;..;!;;' '''''" ; d 4 9109.1astera; ]ear corn, a .11 Clanuy; /car I Color, Icy tool in ; o11: ; ; ',. I;etiondy a LOthrop; 1 ., .1.1.110 noplue, 154 - /ale at T. II NEVI,: S. CO.•" 1 , • 1 Bro. .L. 111 N. NY. ourokrll.ll , l tool X•rket hts. , h p1:1 AF , uu. It 4: • an,l hi 1, 111, ....,r I 1aiN11.1. , , , • I II .... , 0 , 4 . 12.N:i t 4 4:?..:7iNF-16Yi, "LLE"-.l'N''''. c3V. ' ''. "."." ' ~. - i'i,i,ut t."11,11:,11,, :....Y..II,•II.ASTS ..:I'. WI" k 4" 4"' '''' ."' ''.l 'l t"''' l ‘ t ' :l '. 1 W1,....,...L1 , ,,,,,,, e..1.-Gii , 1...12 . 1..01;f1t, ''''' "" '''' l'"'''' —th ' ..".."'"'•• .. . . 11" i..1:1•1,,, eA.1..1% VT.t , , , , ,. .t... , 1 , ..1 , 12.v. i.i ... ,.. .. , % W., II.A. h 4 ,''''!•). i t.1..A II.? i. ~.,a. . 2. t . 1 .1, .,, , / a1, ,. „ . , : f r . t ,. 14'011' MEN I.:3SS .t:51)..........7:.''.4% ,-,,,.. ,:.; i ., ~ ...r , , , ~ ~,„; , ,,,, , , , ,i;i2t...,..:;:hi.,:tn. eu a -.. Nr.W 01:1.1'‘N,.— F.. utu.m.....w....... , ~,, ~....t ...,, ~, I•. . t ‘ . .1. 40 CIiACIKZRS PITTSBURGH, PA I= = = I= nr: I M=IIIMM= ITTL::. A A tY,,lrs.::llir• . • =I EIMI= , , . r. ct I >Elltl;l:7..i f!/1.0!, ISIES J itti f ,t OE 4,•1 - larol N• , I. 144 ...a 1,3 Y,pat bac. .• t I.tO 11:...!) . . t!,1". E.: 1:5: I Ishii T. ~.1.t1.13 Cnc- EMM= "i011..k:t.;:-:13.:-. ==fl=i=M ME itti.A. , ..cut., aurt .04 ACE:, cc no:c- I.I; e AND 1/1,11:1i, • 4. LI .I,ll7lrcoit I 011% F.I.OVE) N. VVltolt,4ale No. 171 ~V ..s 4.4 :lb 1.11...rty 4 •• • ::•. 1 HOTELS. BIND Al HOUSE, ELEVLNTII AND DIAIIKE .T.I=CX ( X.sI9-7C.) - OUR LIS DA.VIS, =I PILM:E 1101 , s r., Philadclph to re. tar, • 1.a..1 f•Norl, HES 1. Lta r• r • L " a:Z•rt;l ' l3 LID Illtun. "''' la Le I.Le ETEAMSHIPS I),IOII.CVNIMLE AND HAVANA .0 STI,A 11tii Ill` COlll .Ul. . . . 1.,11. X 4l , LVA,A AN II Nl.l': V.l, (Al It , 1 1.1. 141 et ATE, MALL. 1... r New 11r1cAni •II n... 1 T 1.., A. C0L.111.1. r. 'l'llFr , El AY. Al, 1116111. , "C1 , I1A" 1.1. 6,1111, 161 New 4 , 1 Coalow.o.l. on 'I C If..sDAy. 1., ou L•ffiNll6 at T. aw L 1 4 3, Ev,in,no Vor - pi%inge. Latin, ur.,..razzatl ' 7lE'- ' 4 , 7.1 " 1rN; VIIV:L_I> a CO., A ;,nt, 1(1 ,EAWA n..”. for llte irom LI I An (nlyv.l r ot 1.411, d on ,t4l" 1 TE•;_il.O TO AND , i-T30.1•1 01111, fIuLLAND) 11, NVk KK. 'Me IN )INN LI NI:, EYDRY SATURDAY, EVEItY WEDNESLAN CA It1:1' !NU ,'. I r.e. Tltk..t. 6.'1.1 to an.l (rota 1,, lama, Zn4llind tin rn, sny cutl App:y Laceo.pqn) j'jli .. A :jl ; ;• .9: lr A , 111N1.11.1,1, Omret, G 1 , 1 E, 1 . 1' LIIP,EI)3,I'I'ItiN IN TUE Tht.Would rail att. , r,tcpu I:o ' c r. And r, fr• lug Ictlt r, may Le • corr., 1,11,4 uf the quality of their Wltle: • Rout , ~,, I , Jur t• v:e.t..uro It, •nyln, Mit ..luk• cvtr elt. at. once plue IL on of fare. 11.,:r6 trait J. L. & CU." lull anti try nur I'eoll. 1t. , 1 , 111. it X I 31i N. 1 j ElleiniiiiitEA AAD kvcissalc IVeakete.s A 1.11,1.1. tin of t yt arx I 5.p. den, tut,* vAlLitldo awl .1,1wt,1111 rt mt . :. 1., the airr~rr wort .1 t0mp1.11.1., It Ir. a pla 4!1.c0v. rat: by 11, et It 11,111,1.11• tl. grhaler 11:31‘ that triaso r. utrny. pt . / wltli .111 - ..11 , ..n. for trio. will b! s ¢t i ty ut•Il YoTk. Via/Vaal:: • =I! fur at <aro e, dloaaara or • utlvatr nr• tartcl two to tour olair, Ip entlrtny new are tart treamurat. A.LU Wcalat:a ard all Colan 41.[Ilbelb I%i the °ram. and‘ltt If orvarrillu. Cure warm:and or mnury . Try hom-7 to 10 A. Si.. ito 3, AAA 8 to B I% IA bou•ro, Dr. NV...r.Ori cr,t, 181,10 AlcU FAO FURKRS. 'MO KION V (MS • JONES & LAIIGHLINS, 7.3 r IIL s iTIPACTENIAXE AMERICAN AND- CLAIR Ear, floor., !Alert and !late Iron Bridge Iron; Angie and. T Iron; Guard Iron; ;oat Screen trout , T Itaits,l6 t 2u Ma. to the yard; Trout ItatiK,punched and oun- ter st.:111. Boiler,Lridge and Tank ItivetS Cut Nall; uud spitteK Ship and Bout Spikes; Railroad Enikes; llallroad Irish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car witeeliand Axles; Street (far wheels and /Liles; Coal-Pit Ca: 11'heels and Axles; Patent Pohl Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; :slower and Reaper Bars. • 120 Water and 153 Front Es. Nos, ."2, i 4 am] 26 River St,, CIIIILIGU. ILL SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER; PSI 1101 & CO crA:rtmatts or - BEST REFINED CAST STEER SotAl3, rhi ASB OCLOON, or on SILKS. MOLAT, CI itCCLA n. 0(010 AND COOES CC? SAW PLATES. ELLIVTIC AND ~ I Clfl-1:1LIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cast Spring sha, Cast and German Plow steel, WING 2 NI, MOWER BAILS. SPRINGS, AXLES AM) STEEL TIRE, K . HOF, 1:211 B, rum:. rms. CALE.hMY 'I!k:XL., CRoW-It.1 :•• 1 , 5, f.,.., 2,, 2, Warehouse S3"Witcr 5t., l'ittsr'gh, ATLAS WORKS, ir) T R.l* S TREE T. riiatli Ward, Pittsburgh, TIMMASi N.llll.l.E3.Prexident Weht. .3,1 at. prr- art .1 Cr, Engines of Every lk.rrlpllon, noner., flu Tant'e =I 14 lima,' (%.6thigx 3101 t (!,UCCL•hFeeFb CuAing, I. Mat 1:Ine Ca,tlll,.T. G. f:c rat Cu•thvg. ORDERS SOLICITED, I'ITTSIIi 11611 FOLNDRI. A. CAiirtISON & CO.. Ito:;_ in. Garr1....../ .41;0. I , UNDEitS A• 11) ORILLED ROLLERS, OF dLL SIZES, • At. 1,. r. uut.;.re sad fs ME au 1 t\'.. 1,, ".:14, Itoke- .X 0.119 Sit:Wl/Ida Strict, MI FfiL'.l7 COMES FA I? IS EN V i of DNA INCE, IND ALL I t,t).3 Vf tittlll - C 4,TINEII, to KOLLIN° MILL 4,• , t , 11),'IIINEItY Cud ILETUIIT. it It:, att,-1, I to , ,roci , PCF•. A. /. '.1,!..ra. the .lil 11.17•I7S al 1;0. I of ell' ! gre pr. AN:I Parlio , ll.ll valrns, a,l 1.•/! r ,1.!..1 of Mr, EU • .11.112.111:sE3 .burt ®BERT LEA, :IAS l'F ACI Unyt. ENGINES AND BOILERS; 'reiglit Holsters DOCTOR ENGINES. , te,rtj4:ol)3 made to order =I LIT T CLEAN & SLATOR, Ltheriy St., opposite Fourth, LC. 01? C•ABiNEi MINERS' HARDWARE 7, • of 1,.,n 14 , ,fatrAd and 1 . ,. , and l'ivot I , ..tvnlnga: Stops for Ext.., ,:c. ...nuracturr .4 hav, har , lsTbunal Latches. Spring ‘111,40.. basil Eupporter Uttl . .ir Shut . .r nn.l 15011 1 1/n7,4-roue j 'length, • , 11r0,14. r•••. 4 W5,11.5...e., tel. Irj.a. ALLYN...W...2. L. 108.1131 VALLEI STOVE WORKS. '• ALLEN, FiI'KEE & CO., Ofaca ant 201Libert7 St opposite Stultiati•ld, Manufacturer a grrat carlos of CCKEI, PAU LO, Iltr.Al I r:1.1 b.roa, try, arooug which are rrletarated A!),h, tor and Mona°, Coal r: Kau, tho Autocrat and Seollovl fr.r OA , r 03.1 uurla altod az of the are,l; alto. Arc Lea. lira., fore ‘' Log Iron , autlll.llow Wars: iILA- 1 1_1Z-LYV4 7 .4.31 B. WOLF, JR., &CO., 'Hardware& 0 utlery. Are Dew tv , rivirg !r.rge ;Witt.. to our .took to Doaler• •I mnscacaoss. Corner I.lbt , rty and St. Clair Sts., r•att....tcrum-Gki., Pea. PITTMAN lIION WOKS, J. RAM/TCR & SONS. MAZIC TAM - IM MO Or Iron, Babheei Tull- and Tanta,. EDOPS AND SHEETS,- BLMh DIAMON!I "5,7117 •rirralt[ladn, • PAWL, 11110TILVel.Y Coy Itt.autaLattrerz at t11:4LIT1" I:ErINED CAST 11T1LXL. Scar,:, Flr.t as.l L.tiwus, of all aloes. War ..l tr.l's•Ar! or tratrufActurell la CLlxr n. try. aro yrarrlon•e. No. 14,3 tad I , lllrst, as 1,1 IRON CITY MILLS. ILOGERS & BURCEMELD 31our.footurere of Rollo ed, ltr nrcool,J uni nts h Pollobod t:3=7W3:l'l' YRO2c - . NO. 2olfAll O.E.T EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, P 1-.1.127.1 Vim en. e, voe. 1t au4 1117 ru.l .11+ 0, oPP M ..... la Vo. MANUFACTURERS. _ NATIONAL FOUNDRY VIII. NV 01-I.li= 9, Corner carrall and SmaWrnan Streets, "ilaWr Ward, rirrsnualin, P A WM.. el= Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS In PM, WY MI !ILA k till Of GENERAL CASTINGS Fig, G AND ISAIDE ABU stlentl.m 1. f Sivrlutcna cu. of bas %o:•.t.tuy ..kkt ta6 0,11.14. TH.E. BELL AND BRASS FUMY, EMEEMCM:I=I33 Nos. 91 First and 70 Second Streets, PITTSBURGH._ PA I=l ALL SIZES OF BELLS, From 10 to 100,000 Younds. UK INGLE. Ufa AND SHUT TAUS, Stop Cocks of Brass or iron, 1.. F tiIZE,. GCAKE AND CYLINDER COCKS Agente for &l the different . STEAM PUMPS Celebrated StcanrSyphon. rs In CAS ST KAM and Li-kb ItY rte.. l'artl,s la; attention paid to n'ttAll and GAS YlTTlliti In all It, Drancltss The only manufacturrrs of A. FULTON'S ETALLIU l'ACE.l5ti 1015 5TE.1.14 GYMS- I/Ells, as. IS Alt BIT'S ('ELEIIIt ltT El) AN T 1..5 NI LTAL constantlyon hand. lilt too, GC N and HELL CAsTINGS male to ordsr and natabsol Ith asatusza and.dlsystch. Particular atte,W,n yal,l to Orals Frnlttang In al, It. brauchss. We also tarp constantly on Dena all .lass of tlneet. Square end non.' Gum, SlemV and Cotton raellny, lima Buse of all slots St op Word,. A. FULTON'S SON & CO. FORT PITT OILER, STILL BO PINK cAnimiLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED, TUBULAR FIRE-BOS S CYLINDERSTEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CILIBINEYS,BREECIIING AND ASil PANS SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- J./EN S E ST tA ``. PIPES, G.I.SOIIETEIIS', DION 1:1111,1i !LS, =I Owe• andWorkeeorner Second, Third , Short •nd Liberty Stree”. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. .1113rOrders sent to Um aLove address will be WnT.r.4.tly attended tn. VIiFizij;ILTVIALIS lIION AND MIL AVOIIIiS. Li.AVIS, BAILEY, DALZELL S CO. =I BAR, BOILER, SHEET 811EMBEENEI isasT33l '1 2 .49-.MCIErs. ICIELCOIV NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water 3,90 Front PITTSBURGH, PA. acZ4 A. 115 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK . , - Best Common, Befitted Charcoal Juniata Bloom Iron. .116:1WHA2:T BAR, HOUND d SQUAD]: IRON twin. HAND, T dud taili LT IRON. ===E=l CI LIND 1: ri and GUARD. 011 FINOEIIIII62I skLALL T RAILS, 6' 1 and 16 lbs. to the 7.4 i OA HT CilAl an and bYl6.lCalor suns. PLAT 111.114 Punched and Clountemink. COAL bCREEIn .16.011. 50k..1 sroGoore. No. hi Viktor arid N. 6 likrke las. Work; booond street. Eighth Wend. )oloint 5211.1 , Gas Works. Plitsburoh. au7.3:14 =I KRYSTONR IRON WORKS. HIITCEaSON, GLASS Es CO., linaufsettrers OS tho dUrosrentslst. 0 Rodud, Square, Flat aad llorso-Shoo Bar Iron, Boot) and Band Iron, Boiler-Plato, Tank and Salt-Pan Iron, Sheet Iron, Se., fie., .te. " rirr TOWITeIHIr. ea Monongahela river. Wilco and Warehouse: No. 146 Water St. OB.ESOENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR .1. PARKIN, REST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any In tlrt Mnr ke either Importod or at Do mes°. "Ana nfaature. 13Z50LLIi A 1? N 1 PAID S TO IrLtib (Mid A. 2611 talIL. Ofdeo, 38 Wood Street, IN T. CIIARLEI3 HOTEL NUILDINU. errrenuttoli. Jaueltllk, UM. lel3:din DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WPitNS. HAILMAN, HA-HM CO., De t zreric7=as _ Iron, Nails,l3prillg3, Axles, FLotiel:a.raise LID A. E. ATEF.4- DSc>. '77 N7775.tca, tr. taie cot. PITTSBMIGnr. MORROW & miuswiL,‘ =I MANUPACTUU2O. or Steam Boller., 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanta. Salt Pans, Gasometers, I Wrought Iron Midges, Sheet Iron Work. he., CAR. LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTS B UR 6111, DONS PHOMPTLY.,my:ttb: MONT BLANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Ward, ..OrrOSITX UNION IRON MILLY, 3E.X.XT/19331.7NZA:3-3131E Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings - , lICENEET AD UMW GINIES.III Urdu. prompt 17 ..a CArefUnT execs:ad.. CRARUES REASONABLE. EBBERT 61, NIAOKILIND. PENNSYLVANIA AND STATE - LOAN. PROPOSALS FORA LOIN OF 'l7 o ()re ate aLoran The Over-Due Bonds of the WIfIRIAS, The bonda of the (4)mmonwoaltn 1!!MM!!!Ml!=1 InK to I,lply-throe muttons of dollars, have men over doe sad Impala for some time Ds. dn.l Wheraar, It Is desirable that 118 cub. I= EIEM:=I I=l = :Flea n Ga in (ie - neral -it acin , , y ;not: and it la hire by enart.,loy the authority of OM tangf, That the liover.r, 'And I for eneral an 4 Mite Treaaortr and are Lerch], anthoriaed 1:1‘1 e,spoweren to borrow. on the s, faith or the Commonwealth I= In (yell ...lots >rat with such notice, (not than forty day.) as they rosy deem Tett ant or the Interests of the Sato. toms -three milltoue of d 011... amll.sue ecnideatrs of loan =l2 I.at lug Interest at a rate not O!ceeTllng el. per I=l the first or February and grst or August. la the City of rbiladelphla, whlcla ceriteutes of lork or lands plan not be mut:lent to &RP wbater,r. for State. /municipal or local Pnrfu- sec ms, .ball be payable as follows, mme Fly. nalttlear of dollar. payabla at any time after are = dollars, payable at any time alter ten years and' within Mean yam, and ten millions of dollars at any lithe after aft“o years and within twen- MEI cm, ..1 State Treasurer, sad cuunteralgurt =I of me Auditor General, and to be on the tooth Of Ina Contenoaerealtil, at the 7.2 aers• ant Heahaatcs• -National Bank of 111:m- I= loan, Int:lndio, premiums, et cetera., reen-1,..t on the Lame, 'ball be applied to tbe piymeot of the bowls and ec rtlticat es of IrofeLteilnoss of the Cosomorkwealtll =I 123211=12 FINANCIAL $23,000,000. A.N•• ACT ( FOR THE REDEMPTION OF Commonwealth. =I Sty. = The Wes for the Aliti loin sh,tli opened In the pretence of the liovernur s Auditor ilenetal and State Treasurer, and awarded', I=2 l yM=lM=ll =I =I 5u.0. Z. The Loud• or Llte Itlate and ccrtittealcs of I.l4,l<blttlne: a, now ov e r due, 1141.111,c re Celf• bln yaitrent or the .ald loan, -under 41,ae1l rog. alatlona as I.lle UorCrnor, dilar General tau` elate l's e seen r may prescribe; and ever} bidder for the lout, now int nottzed to be tesettl, teen =I = net. of the Cocromotmeolth. =I 111/AO/I, Allan] Isms, manta, tztainters, tee., or othor persou, Winos In u ibloctory ra Dar Ur. bonds or car:Meat . . of Intlebtedmesi r the State or moneys, anti hernbi aulthortrr4 War the loan berthy achbortze l d to be tsturd, = Lela by :bete at the tine ofineklog suet; bbt MMeMffMI!I CZ= brc. S. .lny pr.r.ou or Oraoas •!...llng In Me fhluclary capaclEy ;tate/ in the LOUani at<tiJa or thitlnet. Who mar deslie to Invest mousy in = =I the bonds authorized to be leaned 14 thlz act, at =I er.c. & That feats axle after the passage Of I=l I==l SIC, T. 'That all loans of tLL Comio on we altb apt yet due. sban be exempt Prom Plate. tuna I=l Tebntin . aril, one thousand tight Laudrtd elzV•e.ten. Mull tune been !Aid =I = WM EZ l = breaker of the House of Irepreseetatlyes. E 531323 =1 APProre4 the mocond du? of February, one Ittnusand eight Landrieu and al:tr.-urea ll= Ia IteOrd.hre with Ile 'lnvasion of tie above acl or A... "..ably. sealed proposals will be steels- ed at the °dice of the htate Treasurer, Is the otts , or Iforriabore, Ycnnglv.olo ooth 12 = EC= ILWJMI. =I Bide erlll be iccelred foe 15.000.000, tell.- bunable In 71en years and pliable In Ten Teat!. 44.000.000 rtimbursable In Ten Ten'. n. 41741- nblc In Fifteen roars; And 1110.000,000 nein, barnat,le In Fifteen earn and payable In TWea. ty-Flve years. Tho rote of tototett to be etCht-t- s or per 9.,,,n . nit0, which must be C'[.. phdtly stated In the bit, and the bids m oat ratasigvons to lL< Mat< will be ae,ptcd. I= IMEZEI bond• will be luncl In 1;49. of CIO. and ructi I=l from State. local esti mustetpat 0010, The over doe bonds of the Contsnonsrenlth Venasylvarkla will be received at psi In pay:zees of thls loin, but bbblers must state Iglu:thus they Intend to pay In c 1.4 or in Inc over duo /Wm. lEEE No distinction wilt be matte bktwocn. LIdSRc == I= ticrornor of renunlv.la JOLLU F. lIAZTILL\tT I= I= I=l Air N. B,tio newspaper pnbllntittg the :hove, gal 444 au aKtrUi4, 0U1111140711911. tita
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers