Dity Ci INVISIBLE EMPRESS SKIRT, TIAE.NEIV snArE FOR Sprirtg, 1867, J, W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR BUBBLE NPREN(.7,) SKIRTS, • comfortable style jet, The m'tVe Fittlt;AT„ittirA, nd TIP-IQI (11" Ylik. WOULD, FOR SALE ETERYMEIERE a. tT n l r tt e 'st u t , •l F i SA . T. F. by all the letelle `i • tyn bele „weer:s':tti:/4''" .1.41 Excluslye blart_e_l: WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 chambers Street, 1:111MMI BMIZIM PARIS TRAIL, PRIDE OF TEE WORLD, TIP TOP SKIRTS, t•OS SA LE AT 17. Erx E.A.TONPS, w.111.1a Eltroolt. - - 1867.—NEW SPItiNG GOODS. MACILUR &.- CARLISLE, Xo• 19 Pi!th Street, . • LUTA: Jr:Yr OP E\EII A SrI.,ENDIO ASSORT ARBEA SIND CRYSTAL Dress Trimmings and Buttons AM BUY() WORK AY I) REAL LAEES:. t t, t , t41!,?:1;-)g °"'"' 20411'al ER', KW ffttsfEll V,tl THE "STAR", SHIRT, 9 ,, t1 band d and m ad e to order. Invisible Empress Trail Skirt, New shape for Spring 15. "L 37 f7LL'c+ELT7TE. NertdrOSl , ElkirtE for Whnlebolto Corset., Patent For , A coutoltte a.ortment of PIPER COLLARS AND CUFFS CITY ANDCOUNTRYMEItCHANTH find b at , sel74 1; . .111 tee to sell as low as asty Easte.:7;t Jocttbtneg6/10Sust. MACRE," it CARLISLE No. c 1.13 IPittia. leSircset ED' GOODS 3 - MEW GOODS 3 JOSEPH HORNE'S & CO'S. llart nu mane a tccond addltlon to our already large stook of SPRES,TGr . ' GOODS, We not prepared to odor inducententa t both price and asnonnaent, In derive linidkeecMet.. Brebrni Ho ' jor,..i sieve TrinseslFF ~ 9 . "ra irinirs, ' , revs etyles Dress /fiascos 1 s Co lorqd °"" r ' itchTl,a x l and 1 • olo:e Lace. all styles and Colors, Reek le. r I .. lSelts, Flake Opera k!ane, , "Liadles., Mi..' apt I..ents " L ig s(oi `,,rz , es ; " d 11 1 " t b s! ' i bionic . A I .. , ge.scortmeat of' tlenis• Nuek Tier. PCSral rind ROWS, Engp.ingi•re Shirt Front.. a, 31orglounis ribirsg, 'P.,!2'Aillil,;:g*Z%2...'" "owe". Trimming RI Miens. Bolinet trititgo n s riain nod Fun T r MI h Otllt W/JOLEnALE /I0011:1, nairs, wit/ (o.o,l,complete Itcpatttnenta. Deta in 'vllll4lll It to their actraul.., to tire as a call. Priers as low as Eastern J o b bers. 9 77 and 79 Market Street. tr21:11,0 111 tf GOODS! NEW HOUSE! New Mouse! New Goods WM. H. MILLER; MACRUM & CU., late- WILL OPEN About the First. of April, NO. 64 MARKET ST. MITI! A /MIME NEW !STOCK or Trimmings, Lace Goods, Embrolcieriis, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, And aIIGOODS I:181 301 T kept fns FIRST CLASS .TRIMMING AND Notion Hous©. MOO SATUEIELS - REDUCEIth I'itICES Conductor's' Bags, TRAVELING SITCIIELS, AL4BIZES, AT lEA2TON'S, 17 Fifth Street, Gann' IPlcettilLrmse rt. co., 4 co.•) uear.Ean FORUM AND DOMESTIC DRY DODDS, No. 94 VlS7coc>c3 ILI , • hone, strovi Dimon I Y GOODS, TRII GOODS, At the zie)r Dry Goods Glory of J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO., Nc .87 Eern.r2x.ot atroat, BLACK BOMBAZINES: lILAGIc FRENCH I ASUSE: I:LACK FRRN , H BLACK WO,IL DELAINES: BLACK neni; MOURNING ALPACCAS: MOURNING SILKS:- MOURNING WINWL:::: MOURNING CIIINTZY—,: SI•HIRNING CALICOES: 31UURNING IDINGKERUIIILF BLACK CBA.I'4 VEILS: I:LACJi With c c, - 4- 4:3 col Is 1 4 4 Te). 137, NEXT DOOR TO THE SICX OF THE "LIG LOOT. /II h . .% • 78 AND so :ttAntiET STIMET, Daily Arrivals In addition to onr atocl.lor NEW SPRING GOODS, W}IITr Goons L.unnoinEnie% A:VI) 11011 N I' ti ALC/i ILIISIiONS or orcry Width and abide - - *1 !V; . 1121 1 .t.r%01.AN INGS, R AI N ( and• Pull Llnr . Al e zandre KID (,j ON e VE1Va1ttg(171741 7 11 1T,%,1% - .lror L.- dk, and IF I1(IUP _ Disk:, Out 10 our Wk1111.1,- _.+ALE 1 / I CPARTIiENT. a full annruntat al Eazt,rn Prlcre,. I.ICM TOEI, MACE/ORI, CLYDE & CO.. 78 and 80 Market Street, mmell PLUMBING{ GAS FITTING Arm. HERLETIY it JOaNS ibors, Gas and Steam Fitters, ATESET EXTENSION, I :„ 1 All or e prompt) Ajr . o and lies • a pricer. IT atten AC oro.couitry patrons by mall prompt. Gera llos oroerrrquerrlption. Jrtllolo3 BAI FE , BROWiii & CO ., T\Tc. Ijo X•ocioritliSt.o (Inr. & EliS, GAS AND STb . Ft• TARS, tarp elro•ye la:t.l . a ) • ent of rirD/LIATS, SHLET 'PIPE, BATH TUBS, W.Anit CA IN') BRASS COCAS, end all mate ) public or pr) rate Untldlinr; TPA or t r PF.A.IL PRO,POSALS: ~=:ta:o"ur6h. Pa r'ef;t:jMig«cted f.allsactortly ana /the of !Bath Tube.' Pumps, -ELLE, lotrnt -.. i'LL E YI Luxe aneor4 LEAD. L .A 1 EINS. IRO% Ai. rials for ttaloJ with GAS, I% PEANSYLVANIi Agriculi Lam! Scrip FOR SALE. . . no Roan! f Comm:Wont rs now offer for Sale (, 030 acres of Attrical ura, Co'legu Lord tc ,.. rtn. being the 1 .310000 of the 1t4,0 iirAttetl to tin .COMMoOea tll n: ICtntrsvivanta f.r t , .,, endow 'moot of A gricrll u rat Coll.-ges In this state. c d rropoaals for the notch..., of a fa.Lan .1 ,rlr.„ acsay.l Late ltant of 1'0cce.1 . ,,,t,,t, of itger4'g.'e"rc.tl- et -t!‘ .; 1' ,; . 1.; ' Vii 'r''.';;',':' n o :t c,o,ic y x., e., . ~. , a rt. ,Ir . cnt.. • On Wednesday, April 10, 1567. flierThtz Land a Ideated any State or Ter. ). L. thn Ad). be ofthe up,m,n) at orlvatto ent.tr ,crl,n.rePrea,St, na tnr location and en:ry. the ' par . ry :ol !elan flit th4blzolt Idlest, the land in bls o•. nalue LS4,, olds: td• lade a, h e, And .tll he , recetTed lot les, the..., ose q1:1( r etcsoo. I The Scrlo .11/ be latuel lmm e dl airl7 on the 7'""! ell.. 'eT /?;•I '' t e l WIT:t T 7 .7 rs , •ney ue pald f'd,"E;a.r.T , L. r 2 tion'l. tot .uttal.;.torturt. NB MILLS, EXTENSION, Ida direr; tie, 02! ID MUSTARD to on the Article. went ac. MEM I/ 1;T:1 RVABTED noraclore or all tl.e S SPICF.S, anJ 1:<L>11 Ali:ulna to deal fair, :ntly on Ltand. • SZOULLDGE. BIETTLER, LNE. 41 . ILIUM, organs, I=ll2 ,b .)ea BRADIITI. MACEPIL c Co. ....OTTAtIL," and U• A. W. 1!HITIPil "AntILWAN. OA W!, andTII.TQN . 5 PATENT IiTTITAW Thal/cat Ittllan and Getman Vlonn and Unl, aar lierinsa xl•rav4 an nano. •17.,.a4 ILED Aitg- KENNETT, WINTERTON, An,ll4llLon brawls of Ales.and Soda Waters, BOTTLED BY J. C. BUFFUNI a, CO., :a 2 AND:4 MARKET STUF.ET 010,21 VI rilrair tiwt1,11.1,.; A1::.11.:rit1.r.b:1717.!:1- - VA.. rrrTtELC).[I, 31arcla 2:ilb. 140'. .• To cAnrENTurts. —SEALED PI:UM/SAL* will L. nil . eilreil “: o,k Mail/ April rnii, Inclusive, For eoneltnetlnK new Gallery •round nr• r or co,lls In t4,•t'o:oly TrLon; to :3, , 1,../r envlobed end: 110, nue all arou vrAIL, nsing materials. and pnt 41,./ brldge ocru3s at ;term:LA t erials. Information "WI be furnlebetl at li. Hl3,rla's County Cotnnas,loncrlerlalre. HENRY LAMBERT. Controller. NEE 11. 1.41(4007ti, Sealer of Wel,ghts and Measures. (}flies: No. ND NIARKET STREET, 3.41.2 eat h MOSIEIty 3L , rEb. FIMIT A1 ! 9 ‘ 44.14 T10N131 1 / I ,l4l'fi, N,lp.llLnd Cl. AIR STJLA.E.T, I'ITT:SEURtiII. FA. alt.r.tioa • iy.• Ell ' 4 1.4. c itt.s __ Petition \for 11.2vorce. i1 . , --‘ ll : t t : i , ~' in . the Cot.. tut Cssmoma Plem, -, guturdwr, mare presentod tho pals iI Non of Luw.. ..flguor praymg Pm a I ! .I . l vorgolsOut his sy.fe _lona 11. Ti:e mar ._____ , , rime was sOlelnnlzuzl yelfrouri: 111111. 1 - ';lz ____,. ; anti the pct It tor.e, ask i to he divined from ri.t.ll .11.15ur.terrItIS or rirrii , hl9 ' '''' I •tho M. W fieoP'.:) eu No: itro' , o , /WIWI!. . :of he etmod.co vs, gel protsoe is, itt.f.relllior 1...:1 - rl . , Staruh I.i, 1- ' • '.! s ' ' '''''''.'''. ." ~, alit II L. ,,, 1 :0:•13 so. barm .11 take. 11:el U.', 11, ro,lttefl 11 , . 11.70 E, 1.111-::::pez, Unzelurz Z -In con" ....It., irsdnouttos and toti.Nes to Isb. Ver nier:el:or. ,rly ,orm, - ; of ,10,,, "„, th, ~...n.“1:01:31.0n11,7 ::hl "In ~ e .!..- prcucction. mautinsettsrt, of PlLL,l.urgh and ylcinitr !!""'!"!'"' e'"'''''''''''''''' ' '''''''' ;'. res.l hall promote, you) I Irl.l. your 0e u 4.. f.!,:.1 ftlul.ny ..lutze ers.to distinctly orolerriand Nom my eole. f -.....:_ • thi. is to Jr . ..prove. u.-. far ns soy lit.lio 3,P4,‘„,",:47,71',.-!„'.'r;jr...,,',jii„!„,. ~,,1 T ,'.0 ;!,, ' , ' ..7. 3 7. ' , d t Ir...lege en. :In:Ai:le:out ,Iyll,l Of KO- , ward, Alleolosty, ~:o. to Inc office o; 11. almuien. the city breeds Of. For .legend , Ascot:...: Non, On estor , tar, and II s , j upon ... 'lit. ;:1 , 3,3,3). 0 „,.„,',,,,,, 'ma. 1. 11 .b. .. j. ti 'Neil., v. lth xlll t o. I I to t aro. ot knoun lute. uurn, 1: Outs k" "' ' ‘'......- '''' ~,!'',,,, Yet... k islfl ' Itzebb winds .:., oer un::u.f.,- In nty In,t, Ivo al' very mord, behind other ::',1,....5c. bothsiff 3/f, if'''s• Aff f'r . If '. party of tim uorll, um :reality In eqyzncer: !"!' ' loss:Om:or to warrant the elm: se and Pail- ants an.l In the tunnefnuture of it.a fz , :d i om e e s 's o , hewed N. pay No. • • xlerl, tflIA a , ,erNon of mine I. will endeavor ' I to prove, If your re...b.:4' can liodpaNence ' Caro Itrail.-s mai. lionthomory, chars:- I ;CO s hitl , ll:l:cry luzfore A;.ielln.Lll , thillll, , to rend toy sox era , . productions. i , rAlloghens-,:tr o' 1 , 4 hrooz..: before if:" Thl , ft... letter I intend us an int:mane, r magestrate on Sat tthlay ~1 (0 - reel to in . ,. M. 0., pthlaee to auroral 'articles which l l'all 111 the ' , aln of i - S° for her •il`Per e , a ...!,........._ .. tbo i.e.! Imol of the Criunnal latch tau will 1:111,thr In rotallon, upon Jtcaal7,..sicr.l an•l 1.. n., c.,.a....14n, sod emll intrmluce see. ' ..., ,_._!„---- -...- ' ..,_.,.. '''''.!- er. new thunrle, for the : Calm, Of the set -- 'Ni tv .ADVEiVI 7 .I.BE klEli TS. ,-,a .....: oil calamities whim. from yoar to I- - --- ''' '' - --- '--- - '----- yes, uuour. Atul ,will ud,o show Me boot j ( .GI '1 IL EDUCTION IN ..! ..-: uurrove,l touzzner cl contruct- , ,-... log bolleba ot ...morn dielgu. ' . Therm.,. sof-Joe:ls of vital Importance I to slit toellir...i vountrlos, sines wall.w. the ithl or lirr,r, valuable structores we t u e lo. not Im ante to sa.stly to carry on cur gre,V. Louie u, tin:4j° run Ou r mounltlcentsteltlll• • ~ c, tO tre ,, ter lip ILOobi °I ' , rm ., 1 Popular Shoo \ nearest approach to 'tattoo (oho Immo., Alva, our rellowscithmos Irom one part of „, , j ~,,,, this east country to another. When wo j MO . B Lini .I,IIL SU' look et the vest uoroner of cIoPIOSSMS throughout oho world who depend upon 1 olvi ktontri for 'their daily bread, awl also the , majority of the populalloo of ohm cietliged ,I Ir. , h., utzeh,el. lIIIIne who would nut Ipe able to get the' ever) ttun tin st , m crs , arles or the Mmuries of only /No moths I tis i out it, aid, I cammt but say that Ihe subs ! A ,t , price, :1,3 - , .1,. to of I,IW 1 01001,10/Cd to 1110 whelo community. And when ago... we imagine • ' JUST 3 the hundred, of thoheamis thrOUghtlin the world sho are ho con:lima: rootlet with ^l.k '," IA -,-, 4.,,, 7 so. ~.. 1.01!,,, Me eurtutuly luma :n ub I -..1 -..', 'f r that the gthat.oft attr a ct too and cars , annul;. ' I , I . .e r nly o eu to the coustruetion am' mango- I Of all the .t f them: 'Tent op volesones." Althoooli touch has :well sots: anti Written . uoon memo boiler,. a great deal more ton y CALL ' l'o-11,41 _ bo Nil ely zolvz.voil z .sZkre, by the continua] clot ugo grourf on 111 Nos style of the:omen:l , toott ofoctutkl Of tLN II /ll '' ,,, urSO , lttlf I ko , 2.1.; a.1.41::.'S I , iff i ci $I '. l'iti , bargh. 1 t,..!, f o r bulp au3' such branch of 'I:11,1n,, 1 I . clot ly to be althred To mit. Ido / w,,,... 3 -..5 ~ y : , z , - 0 , ,-, 0 1 t i tO bey 11,1 eh LliA/111 the aZlVeretzt 'YV • 1.. r .• k 4.1.:4 ..C . -C . COI CO, li of I . ::::ol• [hut ao,cattere:l It ou t : • :, , ;,!::: teulnuot lug - murk!, telt ,rtil mere:et:ll.o j --.. " - - - 1 ; the chief prem.:moat Ing . ..tyle oHu nn:is - mos 1 - 2., Irp „ .',7 ~,,- --, ,, fe ,,, - -,j . j „ - -,,,,, -- , met ...II give thre.il, 3 Ith, unzi lortut, • , :k 4:11.'n. Li 4:- ‘ , ..i . ..i. , , , ," 5 .4.. - - a ,-;:,-. 1,.. that aro oak:Mated fur the vorastrimtma ! i f ul .1.1., toiler, and what. I illeatt by ,m ist j hollers mu those t will sluzet well the 1 stGAR ci RE', trAncl p.: ,, rt., they t hat rebull!. tor. 1 donut. eon. z min:, LE E ,. r 1 sulur u tn.,' en:e. Ifatt. may be ernistructu'l ' - Jun:Au - u s , g: ii,,,,, N. to hear a Ivo:Ling pre:untre of sny ono hut, 1 Sflulil.l)l*.n.4 .I.Th NIDEN, tlnAl pOnnLI., to Ulu .. ,,, ,T,Lre .::cot, and after. i M nth:. the pressure 1. • .0r......t toll,. , .• . • • - nun- CHOICC .NO. I I.A Ito, 1 z 1 11,; , /, , ,1 4., arL-...,. ii431 , ... ! ... „ .." , , ; . ..i tlloo." I. i.t mud" f.e,r.r., EX'l'.l. N.,. 1 11 IN l'i'ft STl't tIN En ! yet It floes ' nut' Callon- - ti,1,':...'.-I:r'''', notch or I 1 . 31 - 2 . ,,V- ( „ T e!,, i ,3, ,It t. c 1:7 , .i,,u c ,,, nnkal in Ili m 0, j,,,, The flchie estoth, to . im , tructinsf boller, I It ,mr, a klnre , . c: • k er•he . 1..., I . - 4 ,. . I (o.zzi 1, It 1u untlur.ttk id that /Len 01 my • 1,1, l::::: Ii :::!::' izu Iv t•• 1, .trA.le romarl., in futhro will be upon sotham, I nt. I 1..,...• : ~,. • . 1 ,•.:. r. '., 11l c. thoic that .1a , 1,,,,,,... aa c;,.. .. tl.: I: I:Lt., .t rzlz to :: :., ~ ,f :r.., , un' Uznol 0.1-.. t) Is Jug:t ~ know tho hors f , 1t... ' '' .... ''' " -• I ll P"" , :r re . l"ll . ul, ,th.: /th, the pr,,stue o j sresin It :, sullied lo fs alert:mil, and Imo 1 JA.S. - L I PPIN COTT there m some chant, Pm the des, 'her: Ltd. , s 1 when I.ozlurs al, 11:a:It• at 11 uP ' It' ,, It , /,' . 1 _.., and nOr.ct.unt tu.kun, or any valoutations 1 it!:-°::,.3.31.L.,- 1 3 V, (..• 1., - . (2. t.„ tnalo fur Is luitul qull:ity . or volnunz t . ,. - . tuuy bo r0z.1,1, a ,lou'r ,rout int k : ... ' L.... . 0 0 ti,lgua vat, not ettly on the bill 1,1,r, but 1 .10. ~ .f.•5, Stll :faC.I n:. on IZ., Lo ft of tne puteZzueor. llk / i.tet il V(`l-3" Cl,ll the litre ill r/1,- 11. ..: .. , .......0., . ....... .. . ..... - Iburgh, for zootance,,sy a person thoutre, a (.:o l , :or . to•tri:z.ly ~....ou I. n Iz.-.11 lozr, port,r :cr7 e: , 1 ~1.., 1 zoo,:•.1 0.!,..-env picao colopet, at I„. p , l: glt., , enzzlncer tor ....Z.., ou etur ouys : L.,..„Z.., tjt:ill hood onc, or eI,J• le uoes tome oles uth I and rhea,' lothder to 1.1,,, alai tell, to:. I Lt. o'unt, lli, Inu.ernlker 111.g/11,1 inert I Its J I , : . nez::: o Its ni:: :1 ntticle tlz zt 1 ',,,,,, ~!:-' :",', n't-1 ,, on: Pie , Izonlil for uot.ty LOp, pow. i nuole the refit:lre:l leo., Z - luz/I t,..,::e .fluo Istier rue, 1: , on's! ..., I id opor - tem..,.... b. I: r , zrzlrzzruentz:, .: I r fir .7.:::: 14 1 .7 7,7, 7.,.,? eg uuzlng el:e 1., e!ezt 11, i•ozler ! ..,. .11,, c,.4. , u `a 4,,,,;;;N 1,3 . :r.t ~. ..... 1 ,,, h. : „,- ~,,,,,,..,,,,,„, i tool tries It o .... s no dere, ,upply or ,•,..! • or white,: fuel he zu ty Oka:. Itz• 11LIL:., It , I thilya,,,,,uatO t' , ::::1•3';," eneuzr!: enn: 1 {ti: the for tn, Utuzlne, la ~ e llt, t.../ Mil., I f/t.ii, ht, thseLlrfie 1,, 11,1,(11,1 reelnc, .-. 'lmo i:e thCre,,, the e. , :,:tht W . f.: to goer I up l oftthoth,suth woofed, ...MI-, Im 'rel. and ' 1 1 J - k . rzlk'' , I :l , :zein uel that englit Imre boor. bo th . "'.. t° , o, frotn I:I 9 rhz.ne In the torus of etzo,un: c'zverin,r !•:/.2 r 1.1•!•• i1ei,i11,,111,•1 , /UI•LI:i. I / mimic. :U.! /:/•,• ;,.t/.1.;/1 ,j up 11, Lutz, of our no:y (;:t ••• , ,'3 !. "' or .ulur .- 1 , ,t ttlwuys suitable ~,' l+ , :l. !If.le, of ...tine, What vr 111 ap:Uy to - Z , It:•• 1, oZI 113, o : ue ,rtli :,,,, :: othore. Ttze: 1., ir171 • 11 zu:e.:l litue of. ' ter lane. 'Thor eI , .o.z: a..ur II:::::: .1., tukun Into t 0, / , ilththe l 3 ro.,:thi Ills,. onbtructing. foolferi, und Mat f• to get the number ot ru , olutzroz,k 111- erz,!.. , :: to :::,.., 1 1:1,, of rIln: mp. tut, e. • ,z ti.:, ::lii ir• .r. , aid, d t! gf ilo,: .! irtrrprrr repo - rrurr-r. Frrr. tiro. ir,rrr.rtr. .rr ~,,Ielk110111A.5,0! inn',. ti, .:el' Anti mt. , . spproveti 5...,,„1 1:1.1..t..; tll, nfstlthlLLll.,,-, I PW, O Of e11...,th.e. I M'lti Eith the 10iitthii,Z I for m 1: 1 ula t prore cogthe 317.. auppc:', ou, is tor a ii.. th :so IL, etz:ltno u- , -o , ttl.lel : lily: aitach.... to It th.... 5. 111 not, I'y leArluo,os, eup:lty kz , luleut 'zlz_zin: to rut: ut...,1 u non gun : erntor tUu: u'l.l :::: I1o.: rt•o!retnent, Wu ; ll.lfe the vr:z,:ore • •,/../131, • lia tl • l• elr: ,- I Z.,r 11l of the leo!tor, an 1 z:elrzet Iz , :tz poun,ls, ::tor`::: t,u., tz.f. r... , ::::•!:•:' oy tee zoitetre of I zn. •:,.::::.!, ezne In Ir.:az, 11 . v tz,:: le,loll th.p•e:. ale/ , ZI, „let 1... n: fie, I.y : Liaon uit'lltrt Lase fizz: n:t z.or.', r of enslrLe-ran clTect!:..o ta,:: pze:. or eun oil Lt: tunz. , :t'l 1:y t'... - d:eat:Jr. 11, lug tb, horse pose ten the engine, we now wax: to Mel Mc PriVort loos of a ./.....cr ... •mit It coolionu ...shy. Ibe lado I, as follow,. The dme.e. tot 111 ft,t .11r,1 . the .....,,c, ~ f the lothrual rhoo sr.!! muPtrgo•Jl I.y thtt lung: In fetit p.,1 Ituidu :: : ..:1 t tz:,:. :1 1 :::::.' ::. go: retult.. A N,i'y wool pr 01.01,1011 no A h(ir et OrthllaA). ~1..,1ti. 1.11%,"etht,-..i. '.4111 , fe,t per to.. 11, or pus' cu: z an: o foot!:f len. tur so lvu;:t nto ouolt ur. 1,4,1 utive eattn4 r at eal, h ze,:::,:u t , to 1.; ulna. fuut for evuy foof e r .tilt.gthte; ~, ‘a,!- U. 11.1111 then th e i.. ,th,, li 1 , 1“.(.11 [0 he, e . 0 4. 1 1t IIA pr21,,, , 1 ft.! II: W. A 111 , thlInIn A:hen 41,ee , 110.1., Or tnel 1, 1.,11- a:. u.r. In the th.t.: 1 •-,,,.,•••5, , 1•1•••• 11',•• lo..: trevul lit runlaf :y, z.c. tho,f: 1..... iznve to I ktt ot yflt zOnn .kfu.nnle, 0: to r zlneo u:!: u: lug espunefuely. Ilse proper wuy z u fot.u.: leuut ..t.: U.: 1.3 th•it.th, 1 I , y tie: ezz...:: :zIl Mout uz/yr:ft . :lon of Icl. r I. 1, , ..1.1,.: , PrOtilleC ti.ut tot, unti Ilona to , rzoil;e: the looportents or 1 ., e botlur to 41ve Ibe re ' uirl rsult: The 1., sr tortoni z zuttnltt to mod :Lc I:vapor/a.. of u .tor to „I Via,:[ on ungincl With I'i, h011,,1,,1 eg ;,,-,.1 tO /Li Wu. pur - , 1 irltu :nun, 13 to l!tol tlte un- Ine foot contained m'im cynrider, st...nrs 11:1,841gei nn , i . c,:1,4, atnl znoitlply :,,,f the ow-II:810as of Co: fni woe I.: tulnUtzt uo.I divide by Z . 'l, o Mot. glyos os the ovnylf.: llou In:quire:l. ' , OD,: jlelVe IT 00 utul do nrouul, tllut Iles 11,3 is , not 113 benellelz.: . L.• pct utlf,e; Out me 1.11.,................... are etee,il/14i.,11,thi bait neither ore of mirc - .11 kuuokkt "W 1.., t°, !"" c of U' oil:-:.-, 112/Zl-t 4 - it k EarthttEarthWu cm eoinpl 1,11 everylltrug'. Lt ...10,/uzz Intl let ter, I ...moot bur -:iy that the gr. ate, at tention should be 11,10 t ,,, tho proportlon, ant! Con,trtief,lon, of ite.zulzoller , ...Mee tile 11,!..1,thil results hILVO la:4th 111,1/1' t:,t k., cave ;tad weak oat.. 1 ‘. 2=MEEI I)lttorrforly Mary iloylo ocenplun a Imam on Carron elreeft In the Ninth ward, m which litany .Larlson, Mary Honey and Via, Taylor have lodglngs. Tbla dumb:llLn, ;rallied 'quit, ti nOtOrloty of Into by being tire Ofeehe Of fre quent brawl% the principal actor in tracar being alto grope:tura...4 of The 4, curl, llslonent. These cutertninumnta ecd Imo anytttlua but olltylug to n nertam J lizatung, altamlhttnt, syno rorrles In proximo t µ 3'to M ary', 'numb, and u puttlnd u am, them" for n ccnnon In the raft, hobo p bat tires woulo abet, the nuisant e, nu no : geared !adore .i:OefLIOR I . taylor, rn Maur day, and neat,,, ontb ugulnnt airs. hey In and ber lodgern for keeping and maltdutnlna clitiortleyty Louse, contrary to Het at At. Eerthhly, 'mall,, itthl luny:and. A warrant has been Issued lOr thu unroll' of the at. cnscA. i Pittsburgh.' New four: hour, Tho following artier %vim mule by the Judges of the beveral Courts on Sattinisy: At a I.llFeting of the .fotiges of the tie', ral Courts, convened for the purpose of erlng the WI; mortal of the liar In relation to the holding of ant one session of the Court Unity. It Wits • • Ersoitcd, That CnrenfLOr tlin dully he, Slonii of the uuveral TTTTT at o'cloclr S. in .11011clit,lil rept. In tile trial Of Itinuicido (11.115 Ili the Court tiyer and Terminer. And now , I4l , 2hUth, 1, , ;7,1t ortlero ne cordlug:y. Alonsalt nvral llntlorr A lady named Alice llormar/y appeared befOro Alderman Lynch en Saturday, mud wade oath against Agnes ]!array for anit buttery. The proneotar fates ;but Mc said Agnes did enter her 'retakes In Shtngloct street, In l lie Light It ward, and do: unit malice and without immoral:on, u red cow beloppficr t I:m.101/.1a. to, th e corner tee hovlsso o animal o Inter fering to save It Irons further Mme, (ho ae. card strum: : 11 rs,timularly In ;be ire wan tuMeting n paluturthough cot dun. rem. , wound. The .lotemlantoss arrolt aml Iteld for P. !1,010,; 11101,0 W. ITEM! • • - 1 %viiitaln .r..ilwrm.., an•l riazotzol J. Cloon ttottr.lo o ,l brlotiloors tool rroblo in 'rotor 3`lh'ttitt t fitlP. Thu , w,el. hart/10/1y 1,1“1:y 0114 . 1q , 111 by ruttlor was to Iltoir cu.! ztolcly . 1401.1 Frl , lay I,y Stoma knock log .l own tttot - t b .,t rit t, tt l utstoit IV illlazo, tor donor o 1,1c1,11..., ,was arto,ltt.t on trat lards), tool brought bolero A btu. mutt Strut. .who .tors a tortrlng itoitl lon, to 1,11 for trial ut tbo oul.t. Eettlon org:ho ertruinal Court, , i l ,r_i ' p - . --...-- • _ I AerldetaPfargur , q .111etr, an OM tarty t rt -011 .1: 4 .0- - tiler. airrlA, 111 31unchorter, Milts, attoorot ay° gas. tt ~ ..let.olll it April, , a 011 ` , 111:••I'li ft.: . it WWI 1 I!, ; I nr-.' ilitAleir..) 1.1 ii,, ri,,,.1,, ~.,.. 1.1T1..,. pi . ..1 . )p1:PC:14, I, i ~...;-* IL. , ;”,,,,,,,•,, o itl, roosoloraldo ‘ 1. , 1 ,- 141.. :'hl.l 'Owe I'lliliil,i 111 hor L . ...Ad0:t00, luotoollotely to (rout or which ; tiut tort . l.lt. tit orrot 1s 0, and to, I,,;; . • MONDAY, APlllt I, lte.T. J, .............. .LOE6IIIIEI' kt FREW,i Saddles, Hartic,. NO. 10 -NVood Street, L r.:%; - ROBERTS SHERRATT, Tin, topper, and !tieet iron Ware, • • " (.• E G ST ILES. .n4ccoiti3 & c 0.,! PK't)l.elo T, •; A SPILLNI/11) tiTOt OF HITS, C.ll' , AND STI: At 'Very Low Price? 4 X 6l ; I _-r.lerAjj l ts '( ` GR.ARTE. I BYpDiv lIAT, CAP l'Ell BUSINESS, 04. - 4 At N 0.52 tit. t.„1; r stre et, No. 235 Liberty Street. , • " And 11, pTo oa .ltc w lun • SOLE LA-.4-'ATHLR., Your,. AA. PEcc IVAL 11.1. //“:. id.ol//1 . 1.AN1) OAK TAN tiF.I),VAN rn I.ezither, At Wholesale Prices for Cash Or.ltra • .lIAMEA TT. JONES is. 80 V, 1,2,71 et :an z: null , : D, sit Er i..s.ze; a.. _ . HOLIDAY GOODS. Oarbon Oil LIIIIpB and Ohandoliers, Lamp Tri cumin gm, &c. ".110. Mr.AItItANTZI,NON-r...!".11.1.11VE CA 1:021 nbuttlele sud • - JOHN ROSS & CO., • :taro. e-s. e'..tr.cse,rl :taro. rXucium. PA. SAIMEL M. WICRIALSILAN Iroit• .113r,alze-r- =MI Agent for th, rain of Corn watt, Ihn,lirnore n lit, Duncan:um. N1,11...1., nr 1, 1011....r I...th,ty 1:91, ..1 1 „1:11.1.auL•4 /I. t:Lnltual 1 it.S, cipnilitimi tits and ord., ri , ficiitriilly colic 1 . /1/1.1/ . .S4INC;F:IttaI. CLE/S, •—• It 4 Gto. c2;i42timati , PRACTIOAL LITHOORAPHERS, 1n'2,11.11 I.lTtl' .E. 2 PAH. .121131 ENT .F. wL.T !.1U214.1.21:,,, 1.4`.42, 1 T 1.1.11 42. . I'W 4. MAVEN, • Candy hiculufacturer ,:“.er 1u INJZIEIUN AND A3tE111,.;A:4 11:11112, NUT. 4, All., AC., U. 112 F ederal , I.or from th, Firs( Netlone Bulk. 1n1M1,2 ALIA - A:IIk:NY CITY. PA. .11Eta'ING : — Lea tit - reer I ,nd /It, i Pack 4i tg,tt.. of .1,, hr. ...alit 1ca1,,,,11ty 1.y,1,r AI, 1,1.1.14)11t uat . 111 . 11,11 15.--I,llitt lug t...r ;.!/•.. • v., 11,N t + BOOTS AND SHOES MEE lace Emporium. s, For: T ii R 11.1.1, V ~ ~ nud c: s: ie~l Flu ~~:i Competitimt EMT '":) A) , MIME OE: ISARGAINS y,y3„-;:i . Dn .-.'_:'4..'L!,ZA.1,4:3 Carpet ragN Nos. 11 , 1 and 101; 11 - nott St.. =II ii, OE= =EIMM A.., NIP. GI SII/TLIFIELI) Nact:ia• Ic . •luantltleg rwn 100 !ha. uv 124 First Strout, rt•rrtivaxott, rn . , SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE. . I INSURANCE. r-_ -- ..4-1 cft. TO INTALII)S. . 1..,'0R S 41,11.—Pa run of 14: a cres : THE NORTH AMERIOA • eltnatedln l'i-nn p..and.1.,..1', Al --„ ,tir.in a I-. Pt. retii!vor la ..!untit America ad:t,latrar G.A.,. rine Sta . l,4 on Puna a It. I: 1., ct.i „ or t a rs Nt ealutar Lar:y urs.', -- ,nurt ' as t s , an 0rdi..,,, fl 1,4 4 4 444 . ' .I. A .t 1' 1e : it .' " , i.: , : f ;.. : ,, 1a , 1. , . '.., ~1 - : , 1 . 7 . 0 r'...,1,rr:,....,:ht ou:, , :l ' i . t ' , 1 rp ' ' E l s :: , ' , 4:y ! r. . '': 2 i /: . :' n ,'' „ : l 'l i n r . o 'gr p i Fr ' tc 4" l 'iro''''L''''9' i l' r .: . l'.- V l' v ' r) :T i ' il e i. r a " ;:.r.: ' '. • 1 '' ''''''' 'd ' '''''' ''''''' I.l7'.44';'''''''':.:'l''';ll-.'l;l'L'''''''.l LEFE(I)NfSIII,2.,NrCEyCoO,:xiIP:INY, ~..,..,...., ~,„,.. $, I Air, &Yana or IV urea. [tic atcrl In Ci•ort ! NS THE ...' . '•' " "' '''' ""' .1 . ~ 'I 1 • .. ,, ..v., ur tv I'l ..,, , •-.4 e World ' ' ' '''' t. I '' n. -aI IL , a, II'II . i r ' n ' N,i . ;•ir ',' nt ' t ' t ' i 1 ' i .., ..?-i'..rin - a - s ' it ' riii , i;ii:ai Li;Sr• ' ,9 7 , y,.c, ,, ,n , ,,,P,"95 - ,-..ir„t!,! , , ~„„, „,„ , ... L. , 1 , 1 the recipe tor. I wore :tatioa. Th„ Itor.r.,rit,rrii il:lo, !:,'n'4,-r0",1%.244:1:fri1'::-EL'idj. '.4.i.;.0‘.150r1 1 '''' ''''''''". I " ' "a. ' I 'l'.',?,-7rh';'-n,t:',lT„:,'e'll'a'rt't t . l l nal ' i:Tillt, ' ..t ''r,..i. !' i ' ' ' Y n ' . '''''' '''''''. '. nII.OP !l•- , arrt r. killl tilt r„rilui. tialtubtr attat al ...,',i.,;',i,„;i.,',:,-:!.7.;...sTsc,h",Z,"if',7,?:_ir`rr'' l';t -..„ pm 1,, a itt-paid,,,,,,,,, a-hlte ocast nor! cP,titt ut. Tr.!, farrow ,:l 'n t a rti;n• tvt.tr thi.l.rprit.t' ir• or thr Mate Ib „ ..sald very I . aviowner 1 1.!711131, tt, viclrtar... f\ OW ' y„,-', - is „. ,„ i ,„, is ,Lt, „ 1„,1 in I' Al ' a ' t, ' T el ' i . l ' l ' i i .u h' l . 4lm o,r Itri a ere r, oOwl ' ;','‘.?:',P.:.:;::l.P4."'.'i'rl'ill'e '1 ; ', l " rV, r er. ' 95 aerra are under ctiltlvation i situate In i'lirlv. : i-us-ii,.it5'5.,..,,,r Lie,. - ,..,',%:,.4'1'f,: ti,„ 5„.,, „,.she Ilan cont.'', /Liii,ls. 1M1.,,,,..,.,—. ~,.. , mitiariiiitia and a t t:r:1. , ...te tb.t. ch., co::,y . is fr. 411.0: tlocOnn, ,4,4,0,,,,,, - 4 ~,,,:01: at„,... 4 0 ',run, 1, I:ia.l, of ruloic .- - ,4•1.4,1, N:, I C 1 R'! ,, r , r ll, trr'' . . ' , ' .011 . 0,4,1 ng , 0 . 1 t" 0 , 5 . ric Tr ,,,,,, 11:4 V., .I„: ..r 1...,:0.., In Whilth. '.L'Of ''' ' 1.1 ." c"."' u.u. ‘''il L.vor ~ : thi• IC:WITH AliE,lt'A INaIiI:AI.CE . ,„ .1 ~s, ,a,,,i.ita t , t, rai, , Cltv prCI , rrIT 'ia ' , IVA N Y e7i 1,1, ly. This malt a ev„y lit, ''.Zl,,:rl lk r l ' .. 7 tn.TU ' i ' iff . l .l . P:,3: - .2 . ,4,, ', ei,,,,, I r,.„,v,.-.1„;':,'.:.,,r;,-' --..,2:,!-.';l.;::.'il;'sit.N'' ra„ti Cot 40 ty ' l_vt, In lord -Lie, so ,, llvlsion ..t -",„i';',;„--rh'i: ri,, ' 5,7,,', , 5 . .i . ,...., , I, s i,„„ ~,. honorlots. TI -1 Ile one 1.14 Nonit of It, jar., . i. ,,, „,., ,5r„,..„-,,,..4,,,5, Inn tt . ~,,, of T s , ,e ~. lieu!, ♦ atl4 Alton eSd Illeirloan mouth- : a;nlied I,tattL or lt.a , tip „ , at any e , attn cf V..„ I:. Hs, and •ra on thellne or Ltor l'itieJurKll. i ~,,, 4 ° , Mayo, 0 ” , c ,,,, ,' It. 1, - , 1." 5 '',''''' .TlllitTY DAYS' fin ael.: on ali rcr.tivai tay itoutit ol tl, Court Mr:, to ar Ole real:a:lle , wet :r poi will b.vo•d for 4 . - 15,, a , h- ~ , 1 ALI...POLICIES ar„ non-:tart:tin, „Ld I..a.ratt Al., ,Farm or J.-arr., In 111. ~," ., . , r . , diately In•lleimita.,:e. W lo4 m , l.utzty. ..,,, •4. e.. arcd ands u- i e of IMOnt tl, cultlratitin. i , tear,, nvlr. , ''''' , l v Ii•IL ONl:f_r. ONE Inc' 'I ILLION DOLIARS. n'd '.t.r".. ''''' "w"" ' hu """' '' r "':'" 2 I All In.ur„rt ar „ Int I - el torstit:ln/. and 0hm ,1111.1. „ lb , ' I' , " .°I.T. w et - a '.' 1 part-1.'2,1r pidlcita vrltn • t.'..0i., or uz. "N.-al o w r i . :, , J , r let y r o e ,, L•r i te , f.. ,, t :,..T . ., , ~, ,, ,, .,,, , I , i ,, i ..4 ,.. , ...14 - ,F11 , 1 , ..4 I A „..,,,',,,..., - • IS rolling; t ry acre 13 II 11,1, al.h lime tone , to 11 and .0., 01 , . with tinter faint,. rpr:nat; within our hundred rout tr . the I'l-1111 4. ~nisi 1041:r11xcl: ',1011., ti.st of elttst:turto and Mr., ILllta west or Orel:tub:lr,, 'll,O tart" Is t!itaL, antly a 0.2 , tµ . l, y rituaie.l In a g.„,1 o. Ilotr !mod' et vrr At.le It underlaid , i:IL au,. 'lilt Mau, a r.tric. or lio act, g, rltuated In Irtvt li loiat:lel township, It ..1,,a ett.otr P „ racit, about , toile! from tt,llr„ ',tailor/. ou :lit I .„ uu.s. Itallroad. Tito Intprovta„ tits Sr,.. a good iv. o. 2 ' o r trair'n' t l i ' l ' ll ' . ll" i! , t l,' i '-' r r LTi?ray.s 4 r} " Ua I t i ,n ' t Ina, Tilt ale ',i s - L. 4 o. 14: tr. ialcv verY lux ' ea Cu Lo4y terlue. - fortarttur Pratte:Jars, enrinire o r C. o. TOWER. ' , ln Arent, 161 Fourth „tratt. ,tl.l n 4.1 =II '1 ._.. an~F:rn m. t~.IIN. "4~~;. n~ U. ~1r,.: it u;;pi''__'-~ItT Till. ILiAlllil:111:11111, Crtram.. Momninz 4:erru..% MEE : 11 nomin4 El=llMll2l ght Conem• IMMEI2I Ni;;lLt n;tCereu..; ,u ~,,,,.:.. n;-u,.. ,y. I.ll.t[.o'i 1),1, Nelr 'York 111:1`. COVNTRIZFEITS. •tz N, ura MiIiSiIILL S. CO., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IKON ATTOREERS, IV,I, 20, 22. 71 ❑ud 76 I'cim !+t • Havinr P. la,u yard and rarnl3hed IL po, 1• a" In rycr:idl.3r. lion :•‘1,11,111. 111 ~..urr ry. ,:; •Lcutlto Atoll -. to,l •- n .t 1111 111 '.]lt Irt • " I,lralrhtv • CfIePEP,m;LL sNIELTIf2 WORKS, 1 'mil' Itc. rt. • hIeCIJEDY & CO., :IYro • 'r Impt•rtvrn t 11, A I 1 . 41) 01' .'‘ I 1 1:L1,, I it: _ . 11 , 2. i 6.- CO., Ft, MIYN A 3 1,1,11,,1 WASEINGTON WORES, Foundur Mitrhltil Atm, Pitt,,burgh, • •:• .nd Nlitlonary et•n. 31,1 r,Uaa t II all:rlyrn.,oll • F.:: r Iron LilF: +AID'S PATENT 1511,44 A. SCO'i'T, DEN r rIS;T, .I'o. '2l PE.r.T STREET, — icFmr,tto !LI TIT IiTE SI t'ASF.S, Nro. II 1:.,1/ Street, •. . L i " ,f N - C IVVL.I 1 . IZZAGT.ST I.A DIES . el• • i 111; _ _ • • tirlerl2 , lroottEr.-02.1. mar I 11,- Worstrltt,tun two fr.an . A :la :al ttt, ,r irt,..41 2 2,11 •ttrlttg. ri , ar, , •fr • .. 1J;ITEll PIIESSFN 2t t• •••• l• I; OII SAIE.—gI'ITE A NI:31111ELI • ttr At ItE, , nt.o.ton ott is 1, tit t It; ;,,,•frr•:a 4' 11 . r1;. f altt, , , a r..ttrt r .rrowt•l, frec port, on:2,am, 'rut:lll22, - 1 t2lrorld 142 1 ~•,-1) tu.,•,..• o. e • • .Itty•trt• rt....,..,1111 pat t) rcut ,2 1:,.:21:2 In A nurldw r rt.. Eu•a11", e,:arec =MEE c 4 7,7* ^ 6l ' Q ; ' ROM _ ~+-~. • !,7+ tlantro.,,, and kt,op fr,r a ay , 4,, ,talct, of IN=MIII r 101: AC CO. , Intl GullNrsv lork ;GOO 7.ING STOVES. ;',.74jiA I PERHA. SUT MANUFACTUR'II CD Z : 3 1,7 ' l -.7Ai . ' l , A i L: . ,.- - •':- - '- 111 i V I ?..10rillif I ' s ; ;,:' - ,t7 1 i ,-- -1f(y,;,, ,, :,:! , i• . A .: .- s: ,T:-.:,:-N477 , b; PENNA. SALT MAI4UFACTUR'C CO., 3 : . 12 -. ±7,1..tri-=1::., Pc... °ULM lASI COURT SALE REAL ES TA TE, In the !Borough of Lalvreaceville 8T VIM, “I" 5,,11., of the , frphan•.• rourt of All• yl.r n. tonzay. the rtti.fer,lent..l, genrdln% .1,, (I. Andre,. J. ch , :tlrezi rrf Winilln Johnsto,, 1,10 1'01 , 11,0e, At Int3.es, to the of at lU o'cluve, !i'ednceda3' • Dlarei 2111 i, 1567, All Elott c,,lnin grount '111111..1 In the Loondt.,l It, g Inn!. a p01r.E. , .n ranith .I.E. ..f I:zWer s ft t Int•nv l.r HIE from the ,rntanlcr ar.All at tornty ot.• t, 11411 - 4. In d gnu, aon .l g th, a tif 11.111..• t• adlttance of .1 I. ci llnch:LlEvuur In a n1r0 . 1.1,1 1..7 A... 1 E., au 11114 ten ft...E wide: El:rn., Ina •I'....Ect Is •ellre,tion, Mtn] !In.. ..1:./.1.1 y foet Inchtr...; tit tnenet. In r.) . 11 rtc 1 1 , 1) , N1,..t and to Hut • r ti. tE. n I.In• pin, .. , Katmln,, ou wl4lcb Is a E mad, t nurruglfy 1.11, ornu G. S. BATES, Gtinrdlngt,. nt!,ll.vlnf rs!•rrl.Lawrvnecrlll e . I\ () TlCE. — Wlterens, letters of 1 110 r ~,,, T, , 1 l'rn,rant P.rtnnit ~:u1 ,cr• ME FOIL SALE, A COUNTRY, RESIDE.NCE, S ll .lDl'"filpr., on the N:WLVA NIA HAlf.l!tlAll , wlthin tnl WI to .1 t 1.1.. from the ctty. Tht. Itottat I. dr w , eittuttszttt.t:lt. ^,lll, t.ot.,llllnt In arrangttat t. an/ tldt• an,: ou •It tt watt, t.u.l vas ll xt;trts thr. , 4lt.tat.. It .: , ottr 11, 0 11 a r..1•1t, Is Me 2,11,1,, 't II it.lattt t antl t•trt . tablt.t. :Vitt to It a Ott tft) . orcltard ttf ttwArt trt-t t. u Thy it tatc o r eti.lttn rru ntlln,•-. 501 pt . ,. II: , coattltlftg r p r .s I, It or tut! ;•..1 ..tpilltly cit tattc,r. _ Ite.7.lEs.ate S. rourth et.. (11,t,0 =MBE punu"SALE 7 5 ACRES IN LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. . 1 1‘1 , 1:11ed .111 ;v. pe! , ?le Rale At the COULT .it c:ti WEDNEBOIY. TUE 3D DAY OF Lep.H., NEXT At 2 o'clock P. x.. n lot of wrout.,..ontonlluor er. Ltherty L . , It I, /11U•l , on Elk: 11111 alrout 4.nr: r 4ron. l!.. ~ kttun and al,. Ong.- r.Orter, 1.. 11. fr , nt, n 6 11, ron!runs 1.1, ,16. 11 tin, a 1n..1.11nK the oz the r• . ., an., Is nnely d for a ri..t.3 - Ard or Ilt.-I.lndl....nutaln, t. uf wly a 1. Yor r 12.1{i , ..1 r WINTY. Alt,n,s al IL, 1 . 111:1,r0.. or to t, A. c.sy :nornl.l4 .11,0 0 ,ture, L. Wood fourth. FOll x•bND. rnUlt ACUI.S AND , INITTY 'l . Eitcui, Coal ‘.V.11 1 , 1) op , .n, In w , ,r1.1r g r. "rt., l'nl t l ,lllll/1, (row •'Ft-rr. t) A)I tr. nail I,sll I-, If A.: rof (.. of ,r. st :IA , a: Also, One .4cre of Lund. =III HEAL N 0.1,6 fourth FOIL SALE Olt TOLLE:T. HOUSE AND LOT, CHEW • neat 11111 , 1's 111/1 - 1.37. N 0.71 If .•0, 20111,0 01,1 1 , 101,/, 11 , 330. .•:orevr3rt 1,1111,1 r ,tr/ • t 10 (0 , 01. 11.1. rmrt3ll 11300. t. 1 , , a 9,0011 .111,10 01)0013.• w/.11. C 0.1,11. 11,13.0, 1.0”c001101. 01,0 April 1,,,u1r0, 'WWI t, Inf./ROVED PILOPEIVI' V M. C>l4, 13.5. Xs'. ~tuate In Lawftnc,rllN., and , Idln,avld. ad sennlng. ranglng In prl,a horn 64,3 }-.0.0. N:11 Le,cc,:d uu rcaNauxble ttnr.s 11.pitcd for E.l,ete o,p,,rtnnlty to,t ttt r lat.?rwation, ap; , ll - at the Eaalm, La•e sod la: oraact. U_Too. of • ,I‘l4 1114 , e, rtr, t, Lawren,rltle. ----- VCR SA LE.—A 11 AT WALL tTATP I.,anni 1:1wroa.l, 1.10, Impr , ..vemrtzte. Al.", TWO FAIO,I A (,41,71•FN / ATI('N, I.A I AI. FA 40 the tt , u , pl - 1;1. nallroa , l. a I,e_ht fr•u, .1, City. Troll , )" Oa Venn,. At F. unt .. , I(2a•ptc , ave., Implove.lalsqu.rn,rov- Vi!°,4,441.k8,511,1 Ilra uu) Ln,lre 'I IV • . - • • 10.2,c,•,2 0i , ,, , ,11.., I 11,- ,:kil N. l!C lira! , FOR SALE,. FOURTEEN ACRES OF GROUND frt.: tar clt3 ; ‘rr fo ' nairy rsoutanes!' ll bull 030 y or di- Ole lobo d or f trail', Priora low: tnriai!• . aar• LIB raruw,traet. FOlt PAL __.___ 3 yreal!...oLot o It. , tler .vale .,ltr aril•orL riot Wog, SW mi now ruling lot Priitn ir ia - itn, 43 , Brlck of rroms, mat for zry (lig %total of 5 , 0, or Slow. Trari tool "rtt. mold on II tieral 11.1n1..- If to , a 0 on• se terms. A,. apply at Liza linalun.iikatiat.iii.?„!Ltiro more (Once of Maier Strout, La crencovillin Qitna IVILL PUHILII.4SE A two-etory Honer an , llai iv lot ad -I:,,lgnirrcrperance rtile, en it. Lem 'a l'oan or ,650 al i t pnrchas. • twr...."or y 'louse, [tame gromol, on 11111 slrout. Non routs for on per month. APIOY to MACHINE SHOP AND ENGINE IN 11 11011N.111A FM; SALE—On the Corson o b f t r I v k et.g ~ L ' oqurt . 411 ?. d Is W ° a ancuet, ' a e l: l e tow. n.u ApuCl•rso into 11. Mc 1., AIN a CO. JQHN D. BAILEY, Stock apd Real Estate Broker, oiliri xr.n.in.rx, STOCK AyEl REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AUCTIONEER. • flarinotaktri out a commotion at Anctionvcr. nil 07 , 1,1 on enonornierit alth the elteentrall ion uf Trade, Ferlirlieg the hte. uf their rooms, bore the Miro National Bank, I am now ere re.l e, tell at re AI le hetlon Bond, tahirltles. ttral Eata , u, lc.. tithe, at the above o 2 . l .a r tV.:g7h . ltt as Iteretefore to the ale of tat hutate at private rat, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c 1,)1)SE DUD 111014411 AND A. READY, OUN 1), AuA BU) 01..1.1, LAtC.I, utlicy Nutt' Brandt. of 12EI C ) 31 1 16 fC 4 0 COO • leibufavtured by eV' IV. J It Fifth 110, from bUypt.n.luti Allegheny. OHN EG RA W, .11.1 u fac Lori. r of and Wlndcntle and actall In all t.lads of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, SLLI 5z...a...ra L, 7E01711F-7 ''l" 5e:..,, I I.:I N. D. iill/1U: A .ti, President. J. W...SIF MULL. r.....et..ri. E. T.t'ooii .1 . , CO., General Agents, rurrsnumaz MUNCIE, :V0.67 Fourth street. • AA 17,!"" """'• """` =r,..'1 1 ' . ;:" . , A 14U,4!;.7j.t.::', V INS IT!: A siu F.; CO. rl,-:.,yen: j,1,11,,2!!.1;11- (~:lcc, No. :r7 }',:1:1 01f,?,,1:res ti,CSILI,L El til., of Fire an.l.llarlat trilrf.7on Jolm Irwin, ,ylr. .I.An , 1,.F..n70ct. ; 11. F I.F t H. Ha,'.,, ; ( ~ rlca Hay,u. /F. I)E.7I:NSYLVAA3A IN:AURALIAX V. cnuee,al rum Ntreet, Zhullk Ifback foes ,A llom rzclualvb Company, an] Incur" sxalnet ely. Lit:ISM:I) WM:CI:It, Pr 1.071 nL • • - JtOILKt Pre,:itat. i(T EL.:(111. L:','-'7n,i;""' • I f.. (~ Hubert I . .t.trfc.k. J.,,k!)l'sklLLtr. I J. C. 7111:er, 111 r,, -JAt. 11., I A. A:1 -r,, 112 Cry eprot.i, MIMI W 5 . 7. II fai s ("F AL FIXANDE.g. 211MICK,.Preallcnt, lI . E..ItHERT t , c,tretary. il t t s ‘ .l " rtr ' : in re .r.• d M.-, e ' 4 7 ! 1 “Iv g t.,eprotic./ua who Jb.gre tu tot la.ured. D[i .411. 'C7l.±U,Bc. an. . Jam., Sl,Atticy, ;jo Ch h- 11 , . 11.(•• Ainx•n.ler N.t.tx • ni .Irl litrinpiort,k Davlu - du] f•. ti X 1.1 , 1` r. !!..crottry. pLOPLE'Xi EVSUILANC:' CO. , ZYICIS. N. S. COB. WOOD 261 4 .1.) Yirra ySS WERE A .110.111: COMIPAArr, PLILL MAL:LNI: Jcbn L. Irhoa.!• 1 / 4 e, ,Csnauel V.triv..r, • I F. rt • :t1^....1"..n Kirk; I Frami; ELvic a. . 14 .11 . :%"ATT, VIEc .',:e • COAL, COKE, &e KAUFFMANN & ca, Best Family Coal, Nut Coal and slack A-uaT' ca e:~iul ^..1 G-.•u_GIIT ~I:It~_l OEEICE: COE. HAREIEGN :.ND PENN 873. I """' I' tier x. 2,, ....... ... CLANIN & CO „ ,04 Gas Coal ;Yorks, , GSpr,,nnd d.n.7.r. In ~ .q71'17.1:1, 1 1: I: An AND FAMILY , . t.AI.. N . UT co kl.nn , lni-tf711.. 1,,,, 1:,. ,. ; ,. .4.T:,. I:01. :0 , , t 7 r , ViclaLurgt., and LOCK KOAII.4'VI::I,, ; , nond•tnry l'ltttlnlrrh a:n.. fln.. 1, 411 , 1!,,,,, r 1.,,:y utr.-{ All.l S tr,ln ala.v. l'ittal,,,:h. 11 -1,1,11CISS: 1 , 1 , 11CISS: \n.. - I.::surty ,reet. under Punu . n. It. 1,.. orl,- .11-, Mu -I,nul, Itr , t.l . l , tutu,,l, and c , rner 42- , I.:-.., Itas , ,V. F. V.". C. 1:. It. Ali Kl,trtv. A:. c•rders tun nt • 1t;.., uf [lle 10:use 14,, rteolve ~ 'runt stl,nr:un. Ini:urtl II 1;011 - 1' PI VT COAL co v;p.42 , i.y. ,- lapiu r• And .t, a 1.., In .nnpurlur in.tnil7 end n: , :,.. Co, Nut Cual nu,l n:nux, . unnotl 01- , •, , ,,, ,I : 4t••ur I . ::,l,nrult nnV114.3 /tank Ilulld ,, rut n, Li, tty ttr, . t nun Vlrgla ntloy. I , .an ,1 011, r,tur Try and 'Lblrd ,tru ,Is, 1' ,,, ,,,11. I . .rdarn li It tit ll.::ur uf tbt. abort ~, • :!1 nu Saari::!•t .t,nln. Poston., Box ISS7, Pittsb'gli. 1 .../.1,111,: ,J.., 1 ,...n . y , tr ,, , ; :,,.. c.. . ,1,t:u1....r,.,1/27,t.Pcr.1,1<, I: ....., 1.". il LAD, JA,. nu , NlN . v3tLur, \VnLlett Lulnni„lrt, HAY, Li ,t, 1, , ,, , 0. J. J. Lltu-s,rlr,l•t. IA- ii• E . . ,,, t.t, S. , C'T. I. Itr, Uhl:, Tr, s.tzrun. R'. at, CL ifil: If at. CO., .nstlemetoa. p IT TSIII „II (iIINATio.NAL 1 JO:EN CHOU!' COAL AND CCU COMPANY, 311 n,, clAppera and dt,ler2, ',tole"la and rt.ll. 2., BEST FAMILY COAL. .11ruct (Jots]. taaaci &D DY r, FICK [AND YARD, cvrner Fourth and Try , irgn. •:I”rocr, fa, .Idlvery In the City, or Slllronent Was:, will DI ,CL prompt and loan.. IL A. 31\ A1:3: tuvrr:nteud.q.:. L. COAL! COAL:: DICKSON STEWART tt, Haring tc moved 11..‘ to So. 567 LIBERTY STREET (I.atcly Clty Flour Mill) 131.:(2()NI, pLo(nt. nowpare'd to farnlql Rood TimgelochenT pr. P, Nur COAL OR BLACK, At the lowtat market pricy. -0 Ail Orflorr lea at their omen, or addressed to them through the matl , will he attended to promptly. trir.l4fltS CII.LIZLES U. ARM sTitox G, Drtlt I lfr YOUatUOCIEENY , CNNELLSVILLE COAL And 1111 tle.Cll,l4Or Cool, Sleek. one Wool phi:seized Coke ON VICE AN i. Oral'n Vernon of Buil, and Morton: sora on M eru' and Clymar atreetg, N Intl...raw, and on accon.l“reet, near Loot No I. Pltialaugh, Pa. Famlllcs and Manufacture.. .yell.' with tine article of Coal or Cohn at the loweat cash Orders left at sup of their valeta will receive prompt attention. BOOTS AND SHOES. SPRING STOCK BOOTS AND' SHOES, WIIIOLESALF, At Great Reduced Prices, AT GEORGE F. KNOTT'S, ro, 100 FOURTII STREET, FACI , III% Non. 3il, :M. 37. :Nland 3S. nu DSUN bTEEET. VIIMAJJELeIiA, oill^2, 2 I INN tacgest t ' r , l.xtt, and by Pt: thu chcancat ntock vf , oring Suns.ntr ES BOOTS, SHOES : GAITERS, 1.3101:AL5. 1 . 01,Di1l Mold AND 141.114'ERN, r rr.t thlo clty. , :rrat indne..incnts to titr and r`ountry Merchauts, Ike hid will IKL I„ the ...se or otoa, the very Inv," New Ycri.. and I . l.lladdidli•velcen. au. tat ILIc anoirrriotht. •n r tr ede.pn,ns. tort you .s.:l And cx n.• ou and lt. btfuro pnrch.th,r. elsosvimre, covk .o.irre bum ti.k. ... , u.try 1,a:2p:4 at,Pdtt/ 0. at (tit old "laud eg, 1101[LAND, No. lk• rt VT STI:Ep.T a Z4 Ittnnul/ Ilo,tvor.`• • JOHN IRWL`f; Pred,l,,, JIDU: D. SU:A . OIID, Vlv, DUN:NELL 0 , 44. H.I. D.Y.A.N, A. OF PII7S:IURCH, PA UNION COAL YARD Sparna, Lard and WO a_e t.D.IICIII, OIL E. WIER GEE/11 STANDARD WRITE BURNING OIL, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOR A CU:A:VIA ttc7:<s WARING & KING; UNIIISSIOIN ILEUMS .131) BROKLUM, Petroleum and Its Products 4 LP G"Q UES-rE riIIIADELP.III.A. LOD/CM WARING. KINC & CO. IS? Waliazit.it, Phil HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, wruTE, tir109..E4 co., N. York. E. J. ROBERTS, Agent, zoo. ISt. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keep no.tantly on hood E r7m.)n.igkt •: . f DuY c. .no OIL .26.067 ••••• WOOLDRIDGE OLLD,Eruirio OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. I Zl7)l. r ife”.7.`t'Mitd Trraer. WORKS IN TEMPI RANICEVILLE. eSce, No. .2 Duquesne Way, (Near Nesperielou Bridge.) MAN - UFICTUBERI3 OF PURE warn 13T3 a:INTL - NG OIL. Brand—"Luoifer." jymiT,s EUREKA. OIL WORKS, • men - rAcrraars OP E UREA.' 1180.. r 011, ' The Celebrated ' EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS And 'Wholesale Dealdrs Crude, Relined and Lubricati . - LAJW, brEltit, ICLIAI.'E A-ND rL.O OILS, No. 31111nritet. Nt., Pittsburgh Cf. Gt...lVCs.l3.T.sgEl, Call and exanslna samples and rta4 ccrUtcates BUT THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, =II :Amur.% end only and for sale Di T. IL ENI.V CI CO., PIONEER PAINT WORKS, N. TV. C0r.34 and Market Ste., • WV. 1.1011:h ......... - • . EAGLE OIL. ANDIIII2 , O If Ln. vo - r0XLC30‘7213. 0 . WICHTMAN & ANDERSr Refiners and Dealer• THOS. M. BANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, _B7 I'uth E3troot, rirrnlL7E6ti, re 'W . A. LETVIs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 93 Diamond Street, IM=IMM! J 911.71 W. RIDDELI., ATTORNEY AT LAW, twrICE: No. 135 FOUIIIII MEM H . C. MACKRELL, - ,iTTORNET 8. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 13 . (F. BROWN, MEM (Late Look C'lstm Agent, Eau. C, Office, No. G 7 Fourth St,, - secqud floor, PI7TNISPII6II, PA' PIASIDN?, LOBBED, AND ADREIES Proulptly Collected No eturge =lan until Ualmf are hen Dula mode r ate ,:.SlOO. 110UNTY. ADDITIONAL BOUNTY.• LOST DISCHARGES. mho bare lo&t tiselr dlaclmrge certla C.1.1.{, and who are otl.crwice entitled to the add! 11 00 .1 $lOO bounty. C. Ls,' titer Cur. at tended to by or sddretsing W. J, & HILL PATTERSON ATTOEL'EYS AT LAW AND CLAIM AGEIiTB STREkT. = BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Ex(ra Bounties, Back Pay, &c. Collected In the .Yhortest possible time, by A. M. lino_ w , Nr . , • • • JOHN LesanlP: UZ.ce, Nt.l.a.mfg j OLIN A. STRAIN Ara=s3Mfierzsay s Ea-Officio, Justice of the Peace AND POLICE 31ASHST12AT.E. Office, 112 Flab at. opposite Cathedral, PITTSEDIfiIiII. PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, seposillons and all Legal Dwane. executed 'au promptness anddispatch. JANCET, NOTARY "MD k 21(a , 14PTIIE PEACE. Bat!, and rravor meets, LavVrtgaire7ll?en."'"( TA - a,!:LIVe o~partilon arid arknowlediaavot or au Cads Legal conveyancer. Joatite of the P 7 ! " ..0 1A 4 frotaryA-Nl.CuEttlYle. EUSTACE S. MORROW, 'ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pen us ylvanla Avenue, Fast of iS Gzsioa as oppsit* thidam Eft. may:2:w.+3 CHATILUI T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Cotnnal,ctoner Ft for 0010, Xe,tuar. win •pyin ri otber jornr C. inecomns, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. I:mint:ea. and Arrests of Pay roilectva. OIL WORKS& COXPANIES 02.14/3:XaM. SOHO OIL WORKS. KEIIEW & CO 31AN FACTURE:I TUC CELEBRATED SPERM LUCRICA - 04 Petroleum Lubricating Oil; ME tio. 33 Market Street, PITISAUEU/L. PAL Manufactured by I=l ! AIti r USEDEENTS. ....T.'NEIT'OPECteL DOUSE. 4 . ... ..... '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' =MS BEIMENIE E=M •Ni•Ay 1.:v:7 , 1mi. ADO , ;•t rr Lae .I.la-rfforjrc ;!y Flnrr !: AMERICA , : COL', !n , errrat _.„,, NI LIN I). !„,„„L Melsill .r.rlety z .”4 .11,11rarby tias r of , LC I,,fm • • -1.10:11rr tanycitl.s: VARIETIES - THEATRE. • truce a e uc sr . CLAIn.) 0.0 •.n.7 ..k tn, eureee•yel moo: of M:•. 11.14;e: Nre: TEMPLE. and to s,od To-altinr. TR& THU rd..ale. An laerdevalt olio 0 Yiter.daanii, dee, by lb • Iniedlalde. , oio ll ny or stare. LINT i..f Yet ibo “.! . ..tecd of Modena.— OF deMl een ) a — be , orieal lest.. 7:k; thz,z 31m; 23c; rrlvace Bor., MEM SEWLN . , GuovEn S I;_thEws --- ELASTIC STITCH AND :OCK STITCH ewing Arc THE HEOT for Funlly aad Maactait.ll2t Puri , o , cr. 0.11 aarl eee 40e. r.l ' MIME DO , T 113:1; DECLIVED BY Blourtildng half column Inlyerlt.temeats of lac ylor nt.chtuta. but gut a 11110Vn.li S 13A• F!!. It hat been fully totted fur six luta year', and is by all c011Ipc.• Itslges, pet. hon.,' Inn BEST LN USE. MVO, MEI Te ISt7R sestrcot. EEO ISM 825. SEWING MACHINE Beet dee d , 1,1,,,ed Machine In the United htntes. Agent.; vrante4le7er/aa.nr• PO to $4OO per teautb. Endead , antP and annreJ• PAGE e ,Ne.nr. l el.trtnet etree-t, Frtlla,neildtdae nad :e:emelt EIICtI, 'Toledo. Mae. dor:p l GET Iif.EVE LITT A • GROVER & BAIL:4R For a Holiday MR. 1110 reliable, pert): et and here:ere the' est. Dual, fail to call ands. lint ISARTLETT ll= giiii - ETUAIEVESS & CAIIIMAGai ntio4ltlete ins ut, GEOVER 1 DAUB O. 1 SEHING INGHAM Before buying elsewhere.. It is lb° best tor ,t,cll . use. .1, of tic st NO. ip FIFTH ' , TUE T THE GE.OVER Si. BAKER SEWING MACHINE • In the Ultima Thule o! Mech.Um. nets. end emu:tale It at = BREWERS, RLAMOTERS, &C pITTSBUELLTE BRE VENAL CARSON, DA_RLINGTON& CO., BREVELS, EILSTERS IND HOP HEWES, M= VIS Aju JOSH H EA RODEN W. Si'. ANDERSON, Ails est TLe uttrntlon of th e unstomers orate two &Legs Pg. ricu/L: ly turltt .1 to our ALES AND PORTER. Which, throngh the careful 11ClectIon of Malt from ettra~i Hope e endfsellttleendfrom'ger SI ' rt . end Wert. we eon amnra.tee'lo bo 'T t y :r 4 il n _\YVAZVVl;lV:ee L ll . 6l:r a lgy ' roconsiernded ttrular o I knre tbelr ante re at r his oince i+ Di. cid Brewer;. or at our oMee, COltt of D: vane lYzy ind Luke?' Alley, r I,We SAYIVi SOITIIO, T/lumaS 110,1,1 11101,9 EMOWN, ALLEGHENY BREWERY. Baling porehued the old BREWERYery known tbe ALLES:IIENY R for merly hwned by C.a.mpuell Reehm. ads would InfurM the putille that. are EniendeuntLauleys the M.UlactUrf. nf SPRING WATER A tES, !lade from Ease Spring Was , and from Etellitl.ssarid !on: ezperlene 'r l the b I C"". we feel stsi a slcd that— —"" entire l'aetlon. their patonaze. Darr 465 Bebe, ALI.LEG 1 sr A .. tl,ll ll ortlars left at 203 Lawny ttrett, r“. at PRBEAIX STEAB BREWERY. jOB isITENCEit - iETifilaV - ", ILIIISTERS BB BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH PA. UM BERT WATT ION. in . 14111.46 DRUGGISTS l/EuEEL A. KELLY It. Y. lIKODOKIIEF. GEORGE A. KELLY & CO.. Wholesale Druggists, 37 Brood Street, oritat;l .101)M6 PtiTABSUIf M' rtt MO lA t CIILMLA TY. PUT &SU QUININE. BROU it V lUD /2i Elt r.., VB. li iTtiATEIIANSILUM: IST&NDAIID CLIMIIICALS, 17 RUGS! DRUGGS!! DRUGS!!! JAMES T. SAMPLE HAYING HOliteHT THE WELL KNOWN DELI, fIItUSE Vs coo. FEDERAL ALNI) 1/0111linUff bTJ.. Ai-LEW:Erns Wlll keep on hallo& full assortment Of allikluds of sazticrCii-15,, and which will be sold theartuf =fa all , se firth', two cities. Prescriptions carefully prepared by a Mat= Clare titagain. &II kinds otrEIIPMIEHT UtE7I.IO.IIC4SOA PS ott hand. oeSO tint(iiigrtuulE ß a SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PUREWHITE LEAD, - BLUE LZAL GUUEIND 7N 011. 703 PAIN. PU. BAIUUBL6. TON n, No. 67 Fourth:Street , Up Stairs. • ~~ .'-~-a BIJSIN THE PARTNERSHIP HERE -. Turont: ext.:U[lg ender the mama oflt.&R -SUALL. FULTON & BOLLMAN. Was Dissolved January Ist, 1867, EY DIUTITAL CONSENT, A. 31. MARSHALL Mrgoeing of Ma Internet to laid Arm to the remaining Darter.. who Wlll con_ untie the business at the old stand, 114 and 11h-, WAT.I/1 STREET. A. M. MARSHALL, E. 31. FULTON, m`13:111 It. L. itor.LmAli T IllAyE T. DAY ASSOCLi. I. TEDwith Inc JOHN H. riUlllll and JOHN K\AIILS la the Ilancfastare and dealing. la Carbon sill Lamps, Lamp blood, ilhandallsrs be r andonduc ail Ilads isiassorar. The business wIIL ieil as lieretotars s , under the Arta, tame and etyle of nilun .1 CV: i- , -„I;Vg1411.0ve April Itt to No. Allo'Ll'itreet PAIN JOHN" T. G - RA.I?", d 11) SIE*N PAINTEII, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No, 54 Nand St., Pittsburgh. Pl.lll and Ornamental bleats ot every deserlP• tlon done to order. All 'aura done PsMs j Ul n et retryreasonable eat W. COULTER, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, No. 6 DIAMOND e.r.A.rr, rxrns.it, re All orders left at the Shop, or sent bv , mlll will rtcelve prompt 141.[01.100. fe.PlO V1LL.1.151 B. BROWN, Late a [he Arm of EROWN d it ODR.CM, ) ISOUL , EI AND !SIGN PALNTEILII. 11111 orzer et Thlrd tad Xarkat nreeta, MESS =WEI -. 1E RCIALCOLLECE, 'wt. Clatr Street. Ea El CM 825. ..avpl,l 0c0.261
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers