Zit PITIAMIGII GAZETTE PSI,LIS111:1 , IVY FENNIIIIN, PIM & C0.,1 AT CAZF.TTE No. isra J•. B. PENN""Nd Editors. T. Y. tiousToPi. JosiXtr ELSON P. tiLLD, MEE ....... ...... ••••—.. 3 cent, CliVG,i by carrlor. (per aetk f.._... 15 CCnt, Subiralber. tptr ' I.ll.Lry.lre.toctlons to :.eyroboys and AY,3th =9 Copms, year. by mall 117 e. dn.dn, - do. , -aeb Te nr e enple , , one IMlrces, aml fra mor le,cln!.. melt • I CITY ITEMS • trtlfielnl is ninon Eyen, Adjust u Alton!. pain, by Dr. , pcnCcr, ll,ntirt 251 Penn street. • 1.11 ter from Or. It, Hunter, of Non . 'Pork. No. S. UV 3 :31•11'..17331 Or 111 6 00 1,3333 unuoianuatiii vitosr T3lk. T., toe Ledors iaf all ill.: .5 , hich indicate the anproact of conanuiption,.thero notio of idich foal - 1111 sh_ - .l.rilesaice us the occid: turn xi the mucus expocio this Pun d , . :o! 1 1 ' 11 that hitci•eirs are o ix:a:illy &In-tied. It d,es tell is, that Inc, wigs arc and rfoitoan , t, and in a , y' pit orlon+ condi tion. at:notify of blocs! lirnucht up f :ern 11,4 lungs may vary fioni fen to pint. The dungen his is the li , beree 3, hiCh el . :op:tun talis 3323, aro non dein,* Itch or slainu. Co ha , dephalt iI t iltni situate air Mot'e't and cello of the hot. s; ill 1 few streaks tit blood In the sputa arc al a proof of this iv; the loss .01 n pint. the Iwd b 1 111...i.1 from :Lcinug•. I,lllch jetl tit the It blood IA tr.0,,,,11, tor I.:ItT • .41, 1:0..4: ;cilia 1- C., tilat (4,4 f (41,1er 1.. tL vie r ct.o :we r 4 .1 ho 4, 1044 0 .":01411 , . of M0m:...,../1./0... to. trst hymptOttiot tonnetapt ll ion nnttrent to the patient.' ',More commonly. It .101, net , ever Lt.:11111e - I.ll,neet 11,1t.1.3 - 0.,...e11-eled. Anny c .„,„,,,,,,eAe ‘ .., 000 0 e ..1.11, Moo let .01. 1100- i 011 1.0.... toun.l it In '. , re-sr. , /t 0...06 on: of w., - 3 cn Andr...111fn.:0400..111 of eVory ,„,..“.. 1,. Wil.i.!l, I. 1,,,:g -t f.• C.., 1 ...1. (11 000 . ) ,111. , / - 412, -.0 {L.! .1. Why i-et. IL .1.., II liP ..5..',1 , i.i. OW it ,, i ,, r 111,1.1, it,l 1//0,1111 mn LI, :nu:, eceule, i1u,11.4 ~01.0 1,0.1 .1 the .le.ene, In 4 . 0./Itt /04.0 enst. 111 of: very In , . . IVilint In :11 , , Lasl:n3 td ~..1 1. 1 . i”i;, . r blood ! It ~,.....1”., wk., ever t.t..,..,... Iht: ft., pa.. ~,,,,. a, 111.. 1,1.•...1 thi.m,:h tht• pull:lop:try eqpliin. le-. i.v , i'y johl..ation oi 1..0 Ileall i.map. cil.o.tho 1,11,.., to I, .I;..tt uhutt.l over the ale!cil,.....rtr , am qua1ct,,,...1 ~ 1.-..1. A. the i/C4l. ”1,4,1,:ant., an i11'L1.,,, hi will ,tn. 1111.bqn , ,Ini tiln.t It-1C . ./•l}' ,t/I . :011 of 1..!0.,r1 I, 1, :lowtn • ,111 l l !Iv li, t/ 1....0 the..v 1:11,4.. N ~ II lite I ors arc near, li I h:• 1.1.....t1 hee,,,,, ~ , ,,11, it'll/ 1.a.1:1.141i 1., - u.s:lallug tt., ILitAti tile it, t.:!,. ::.:1 , 1 tt',..0r!."14 0:..,..,..” iron. the atrVro 10..atho, ato o n.t 1, It e.l again to the leart. Itoth whet., thguea to 0..1.1. ate: .00.hou the ,/ .hent. nut let the lung. oZt.lO .4,01 hy the lot, t eet.ve or by what). qn:ten...pte• tlkhat, va.l.-.t,.. , 17/. yettnth. , / Ili the I atr 1,1 0,. 1, th.• 110,1 0 /-e, too v through h loch the hlooh noz, pa. , ute eistleteh, and Ilk 1.. m . .cond, the th/tohen x holt the an - p 0.0 g. The 00.1,0- 4,111;11t, {h-1 111/i1.1,1110,1 1 , It. tllitleUlY 101 l klagontek ht the itelhttu yea krl- n 1 the W.:4ft uettet part. the phy,enatt. •cat, the lull; 10 0,0,1,1,11; by x0:011 , mean that. Om etekel.. et 0. 11111 allYtoth 111 to/rAmg, hke ,i,e vieetel, or the voa, It t, hheetxhef. TUN tomlitlon ellllll3the tor 11.11,ter hr 011ort, 101.1 then the no—ula antt ~ the ttiotel ouae .IA/tough I . llolol,ati, 1111.15 lb) LtirO:lgh Jlll,. 10,1 the palleat vongth. 11 up. 11 ILI, t-b -gr./010 cottaihetahle, the quantity of blood will n greate, - ; teat ho matter tithe Mitch, or Lull tittle, It Itelleatem that the lit, a, am In all unto.a!lny Wu( d, that they are Okanneect, it is the link, 001 the dtt:y 01 00/ co, er the ;nee, of the 0,/,..,00011/11, hp a trefull,l/1.111,10. of the ent,...1, toot then to hre,, Me proper mean; ter taato, it 1, a comm.., 1,10.0 1.001, fr , 4111.. .li;oze, 'l'l. ..et LIE, 11.1.:1,.•1:11.I cloy 1/Ith-10150n. This to tto more Iran tioin tt x out& 10, to breek Ith, ot The 1.1001 1,, 1,11, 1,1 raio.•ll inedwat I.l,nae xe City It. is fro. win,. I hnt nndcr nntod that • ; na aturuilng f.yruptout, vrotrrt, or h 'Lt....elk:rot , and no, rAtql ,k uin po,tol nl,l/ It 1,111 ;:, 111/IV, tro,lr livpora . .o.l tool be ozot . ttr , i to rohl noo.no. Thu carp; totonlool os no Itt.lrance ot ~..tioty, tor It t.1.1 ,• n0 4,11- mut, wore ttoth u not ; duys ut h lime, nor o,nes Its tenutrnhou nth Ina., !my Ihernro•kl tlnuz, taktlm,toatlym. 1 ,ttlin,e l,ca aceply 1, ILA! 11 the 'to rem,My wII.MI dot, 11111 gt, to tt.lll root a tvu cull umt r tllt wi,tr,Mtm, 1l Itllitl Ow 01,-, Id 01etuovy. Irez u1m.,,1 v.llllO. too 0111111 cheer their I,ttiv.sit., by 100 titrat the lo:o t 1 on:y Jid the Ihrottt. Let u 1 tlll, 111,010 gz*lll-: It be ot/ LILL by mo , Imrll ImMt, Mitt wounded ! It 1,10,.1 cum; ltc d l ut./, •lim.M.Lty. It 4.1111. , illu 1111.1 • Fortlllimtuly, 11 ot:011r,"1,;01 the 11 11 for ettlVam , ..l. antl Il ;,roper try/J.1.1,,, t . Oll g‘Myntli, gt t.rl or c.mm z ll.] I, Irt, 114 11111 fii;11 , 111 wbiltr Z. c.tt,e I.:e I.r.,ttucca , 1m ttnalsturbt,l • p0,t, , ,1m or 1110 lung,. It tyllt tie LI -1,4,11 11 11 , :l1011 u • 11 r 1.1 , the ' , ugs:tie tiintsh M ,l: ~I rl m , u !late cau,t, u,l p l r I j e Ftrat.lDitry to the luee - ,1 . blow ,• ;11,1 Of the Leapt; tool Mottl e 10'1,1.111e, utny occur et ety tour lll • I.cli•lion. 110 i! p.. 1 siPtx Opao Wo,nt Ili 010.1 13.111 e of Ile:, rultnee. It .lown &11;11 al, 11.1.1001, are la. toned. Leer lu Me., that.pal pitAtlon ti thelm.at :led gmeiity ere ra, atm, re the thou :lid ceme. retient., w:11 meier,mel 11.11p,r, Doe When 1 tell them dear heron Lem, am t ent Fri u h(tr::Ytiu eemurep:mm tool not thra with e 1,4,1,1.'41111 , d : :.M 11,19. f.,) ton M v.. tubercles. • tt . if till- Mit inn i l •j ttn.l so ttle y.Lll,Alcs 01 tut_ discus, . Your obedient ...,ant 11c, tl.L.rci.x.nt.,' Pate:l . l4;l, 31.,tc/1 I al:, Dr. lieyser , 4 Grp.. Blood Seat,lst, The wonderful eltrtt , lilatt In l'ltt-horgit and thotwitere,lty this :oust en I.l,o.lLn:try merlieine. IC tteglunlng to he getter:illy up pt erlated throughout the tiononanity. Ist:, fiEl'hEll'S BLOOD titittlittlil Ell has w orgeo Ita wuy into pu , lie est.:err, by soot. of the Trost extraottlluLtry. cures we have ever been called upon to chronicle—cures that have been holely Made In twinging alto itys ttun frntn clei'veteti, despondent contlitiou, whet:tall the powers of Nature seethed to gag anti refutte. :heir fultellohi—witere the ttlood loitered slowly .to the iletntt, and where the Elympt.uis of , 1, say' thonllstitetl thane:elves throng loott the w body— at,a,yeal bones, ragitetl 4 ulttesd, lung etas bog 10 , -I, ghee evitience :hut thu hole myotem to falling to ruin t•autti hour whet, these salts st totens,l Inettralth, lig. haitelfrAt t , ettinetatutt , tflt . that critattal and forintatotlo valet ne„ N 0,3 I,[o ., gta to bear in resuming the Ille, tint) Klv,ng an t" throw tut' dl,. ease, an , ' restore Vital enitrwl, to health tool slaps. ' lot. heyntat, courtlier mvari...lny rc,Lorntont,nr,tynt. or to Ulu etomuch. tt c.lllt.nrocntn,eue.,.. ' will enrich the !),,141 With new 1.10-1111, 111,11 Jr: eft Lt ot tone Au! to theover-0.1 an,: Nork.,l t I ; the II eel - In:et 1.31111.011 ernot tmonging uny bttlere arci el ohn;u:.l,, inht utter thha lorce 'pent, ieuvc the .-3,tem w1..7 prostrntint, invo.n, •te.cn tll.O, u. n(1. r pro,trution. no 0117,2 311nCot Mt, u - 1100.011 11 u cm.1..:0 the ,i.u u nch to rhnl, n-c of thnt hnhi, an.l co vert it into henp.hy alit h—fht 1.11:110_ nt to he euli.lolo :le 0re .11.1101, lor tile 11,1 of We, 1,1. tor Dr. Ucy,ci'c 00.1 r r(jeet I.; I.er i zt o+' m the vreio. mr.th the -thre,lo eomethetom th00...,1-0 mth'lt. Unice hoar+ from V. • The Beet litmtin Tonle. Cantrell. Maul; A to:. Ow:bin:o ,on of 1,, .1fh0'"..h ,,,,, tall,y“, Vorxo. r“oop ‘ florntr.l I.llx it. of re4tori, co:or to 111413 Moo I; the l'hoAnbor,ra 3:isi 1110 CliiPay3 int - ei n 11:0 , a11.1, Una, to too alg••tilc Ono v , ti , l cnniinaa the vir! 'to or on, nunecs ref I.uil-u}it nit 0111, t1:1,.14.0.',1 grar,l of Iron alai 1 1 1, , r 1 ,pl,rtz, 313,11•.,./.1, 1 , .1 1,7 :llc•rt For 1.7 • Nets Arrllnl tti,t !If eflllll , l 1,1:Ir., and wft fOl,l r., tioap aa at any 2, oLt.ar 1...n0, In either el to. :Cal! and 04.r11,114., un, t jud g , for 30urfel, 1., 01 No. 112 indrral rtravt„lll% •rnnn7, 0112. (1 flan:: 1100000. :II .Igcnt for fho lInno• of .I.llfl ronnd In Canada. Stephan I. coe4ratol OTTO , VA. 1100.1 17,-I.aroo or ROM 117,7,n,bc0:1;,.f..:::;1, i. lnn,lln enunlv of 11enfrew. Wa.lnut 6a., S 4, 1 .~~ I I %,) 1 Al YOU'RE LXXXII.---NO. CITY ITEMS I 31X1:1= Ile.isrs. Burr. Gusto & Iteettlar, So. 12 St. Uuir stret t, are .111-1. to reempt of a new let of their elegant Breurburpes, Ne.e. Yuri, ~,ho moc ker , Cc c. . Phattarlidsia, .Ptovv”, and Estry CJileve ror!unir. These Pianos are Ime.male.l by any others In depth and sweet nss of tune, and durability and workman- They combine all the malern pre . ..noels, Including the patent repeating cotton and &gratin Treble. Ilia ilstry Cot e Organ Is acknowledged by LILO best judges every alien° to powers all the quali ties of the large pipe organ, particularly In s plume and purity of tone. MesrS. 11. 11. & II . oho solo agents, hare lately supplied a numlmr Of churches la the City and neighborhood with tuts organ who were previously . using others. All instru ment, guaranteed fur flee years. prices lacer than others manufactured. I I I.ecky Ilneper,l:aq Editor of thel'lllsiburgh I;ssf, mans yearn de:u. smsalidng of Dr. KEISIIIv, PECTolld I. 1•, spoldi as follows. It Is as true uow AS 1111,1: TUe~` to I nei.t,..niz t.—Onn of the beat luetilenien !of the cure of influenza that eau be fohnit in the eoutttry Is lie. littynef's Itetter,,l We have Li let It, unit take groat I , itiasure In hearing tent it, eaten, Cf. There in Ito hituiliit, about li. at thin i-etti.on of the )eur, lieu suretailt of our cit iziain are sneti..ing and it thoniit tio n that u few eiirionsfol of thin owilicine a ilf, nr bull a day, aof 11 in,- ftn.it tare. Mettler, II C C ,•/!d, Latin our telt lee, and bay a but tie di be. lie) P.N.:WI tit er rut,. =I "Ve Life" "Teo 11..arhet "Tttn,ott Ite Itende' ' , Mutual I. rte“.l'. u,l•lo.ltm - ' , ono .1,11. Lr nod le s o us luvrtl,ott, Nev.. :morale:o'de Ci %I''l tit rlttl,k • S the Vt.!, telext....ll,itnundh Cave' , l'eidts3loachl 11. -in:m.l - y" "01.1th:tool the grout We. toe! ol Nex.ll:nglud" Fnle,” ' Wllnon '•1:14i11211 ea:anted Logl, , lt :net French Colored, Anthony Col. occ.l,ln,idei over tx et. oth e r Yurtctlo, "f cant, Pocket, Wulletti,Purseu, 1 . 1,, told pet. (solders, all ctyleti lit endlesn vat ;el)' at I'dt opposite the rt./ urli,e. no non Wain to Porthere. Young Ilv,ort or Gunoowder .11,pun, .lup.ta Young II t=on, 'Bruck Teas, l'ovveltong, So:tenon. or Congo°, to to ,krthor Kiri:, So ult.! 174 Yetlerul ,trut.t, tont you wal t,u fittac,l rat prices twenty cents below the onus! price. I= The Continental Dining Saloon, next door to I .;it Post attire, on Fifth "'trent, Inerow,led dally,antl togntly t with eplcoreA. It it lira 'b r.. nittnneed Itn.l tu0.,1 popular ;aloon It Ititt,tburgn. I= .tre the metit, to obtained only . m :Melt gel yleh, llottthei mer`6 Con :Mem uil tithint coons, next door to-the roll. , 11100, Filth 4treel. Prim:slat, most reitiOnit. btu. I= That Dablet, 2.: St. Chilr street, cannot be :.ton In thits country; la taking tine life liLe un.! haoural photograph,. r :tll In fur toy style tort ure to any /tut: of ntenther. =I Holt,liner krrpn the In- , t or every thing In tile, mall:et at his popalar Continen tal Inning -nloon. Fat!: ttrept will door, to the wilco. Call In tort goo I moat. N 1311.11. new SI3 len ll(l'hnto.snl.il: Iltivi• been by I:. L. U. 26. Clair ,trvet. =I Where clear Pboto,trapb , nto taken upon ail to of dy, 1, at it. 1..1 It. Isal/tia gat. tory, No. .1 , ,trevt. Photogrnpbe or Dggter. The eglgbrate.! race Lore••, on the go, are ctrered ' for -'ale at Dahh,', -t.hholr,trett I=l /a vizy urc trifle taken It. I. II Clair Brent. Vtork• or Art Are oa l xhi Ltliov r Ira.: to all : at 1.. If. I. t: , : r• V.r•l photographic gallvry, =MIME rruitcro.nor or Slurktt awl Fourth str. Os. No. Usr•lner ruuwart. 12 1.2 Cents, Good Ticking, at b 2. west corner of Market and Fourth .street.. Gardner .4. rtewart. . At 12 1-2 Cent. 5pr.7.1.; Prlnts.W, wet earner of :vlarkut nn,l Y01.L4 ptrett9 Gitrdnur MSIII3I Npring Nbtsrs l+ Nctv. elegant end cheap, at Gardner otetearr,, Sew Store, Wert unur at blur k,t and Fourth street. Ell= 110111`Y I.:Loc,ter and' Tozloq, ch.otr fit Market xto.et, Wo6t corner of .11 orwet Oat Fourth ,treete. ~a.r.lner Ste% fat. Gardner, Gardner. Loin, Vil,L corner of Market and itreeta, and opened an entire new ',toot of bpring Pry tioodi, bardner =! it, Calton Ito4e, 12',...;c I r t Gonda, New Chintzee cheap, I;.etrueraht cheap, at the NOV 'Lore of Gar.lner etawart, tVelt. Aler of Market and Fourth Rtrecte. Waft - co looszer, but ;to to-day to the ()pera Ilou-e,boc , tore and port:low: a pair Of hose etc&arlt Moe calf flowed) boob+, only I SiPlondfll Aasorrozont jJf One Congres, t:attera sailing at aukl' tort, at the Opera Howie .`.lira Slur, I=l r , crian Mgaors of Kg kinds at Joseph 8. Fincl.o6 Dimtl 1.Y.1, 19.3 amil =I grun.l ,ala "La boots and 'OKA No. q) l ath tire n Variety, • gritels Rust Joetelit prleri, at no Opera 11 ,,, t,Shntt store. You Can Buy pFr cent. Alentml JO.Vh F. Fluent,: To Coo linty New Bopp at River Teleg-rnm• [l:y .Iferthunts .Vagionut TrO•graph (.59.1 r. ilstrch l , .—Walther clear Euol . c 0 ..% T0...n0...ter . 10. thce twin, anti falling. till Inarkeylrrner. K. )Inrch 15.-7'lm wonther In much w t .! a loot nflOW la ralltng At .1 cr. 1 ,,, n °ay. Mt. Jo-itr,h, and other point, w.,t the weather 11M Inatenalty modern• Cs, on, March 111.—Tho 00011061 Ia P1111.4m , • , 1 by snow ihl. eventsnri morcury 30. The rig. rore about an Inch arot•ii•toilflit rim nuit. houn. Iluslo , 9sta:odlooes dull. Lori-vi Lc,, March Is.—The strioner ater• co•ayk 0 tin isansoa ver. SlM rk ir o n d tot al a i 0.1. 1 Thor°A r wore nor lives r svutiool at nbnut Ilfteen thou• void dnllan t and wus partblny itisorcii to it, Blazon 11.—The riser has Sal -Ir, 0 , .; !noh,.ln tin, 'cot thirty hilurs; Dar -00,,, 2.1,7.1; thorrnoriescr ASLIVILL... Starch 15.—River failing: holt no , s•.;yo hollow rn tho la9wenty• four Lours; weittlmr cold unit °nowt g. EA • ... • ; ; .... - -,•,-..:' , .:;‘;', 4 •;,,. -- - -;..... --•••••-,: -., i : , ..„::_,..---..,,-..-,--.. , -0 .47- 7•"4 , ?!.. • , v.,7,., ( 1 •ir 5 ,, " I : s n 7_,T&m , 4 , '-'-' -1. - -, , •-••••0:-,--L;• , :": , -, c - : - ---- c I , - ; :.::' 77. 5.1,•-• - •.:•: , ; ; . • T . 3 7- ._, •r"" 7 : - - ' • , _ -) S. -----, - -••-,•„•• ----•••-,,,„..... { - so t , . , A l •' - , - 4',•:;;,;: ---1 -o),* -- - - 7 - . 2-- -71-- 7 1 . 1 _'-':•,. "-•:- . - - :s--"-- 2. . ! : .tf-. - -_, - , ' 4, . rigr f`f" - - 4 : - "'f'=,' , " ': -;-:--- "......------{ .< 4" Za- -.- 10-; , ;‘...L ft " '•:;*•,.."%. ;,.....j ' /I ' I ! ' ~•;,1 --,_ • ':[-..,,, r•'-••----• - .-' _ ;,,,„_____ - ~- ; . , ' .\_-...--; -, .. , ,V+1 . ' A..7" ; ,:,. - ;._'!--' - •-• , -;.',..,.... .___ ~ . , ; , ; ... pi . - --7_,-...„„,'; . 4 ;,.. , .. 1" • .----4..- I a-- '"A t " ' k , 4 , n _ - . . .. • . . . - .. . %Ik SEM FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. Th . e Virginia Delegation, INTERVIEW WITH THE JIDICLICY 011 1 1 MT. Visit to the President PROTESTANTISM AT HOME toidislo Joseph i.umferti is Itillovea du ly us fleet esidido of the Nat th l's. s.tmelcon, Oa the 'Arrival 01 the Veto., at Cal. and ordered to Linittimtel thel. vessel. Cslitain John 1.. Woolen is toliot ed toast the eoutrosod ot the Vt.111.4,t, Ull her norival at :tan rouelsec, and io • aided to rel...vu lo Nue: lot,. hinotossolid haul Shirley is relieved from the cud:mould of the huts tame, u.i.tihe arrival Mil, I':u -..,1a at rcu Frimeisso, tied ord.,' to,lu ly as_ licut curtain of the North Vsed., s.Litietton. uc Ple.tiLllt .421110111lelited UAW. .4 letter front Illiloiter }sing, Islet t'eLra ut y 1:111. in seinen the latter euye he ilireet eil the stint of the ilcuerlean i . • to be Oared over the liniliting In ant, h tile Annc lean chapel le located. Trite , it Latent, vats oige-I the rtitutreannte or scruples of The uotherlllen, and Cons far nu one hue r feted xltlr thew, nor does lie Lenore they Will let dietut lied during the present ,int sttli. riot itetherltles may he reafn-r Upon the rule Ulan the uorehni Shall ho held under the u.lntsterie roof. Ito hays one to lialon 11l the ilolleuity It.a lieen soitesteih Thus le to purellues or litre for it terui of years s building for Legation put pave., In. eluding ..tine accommodations , fora chapel, Under this urratigetneut there Would he no further .;nestion at to the right of Annan. tutu rroteetunte lo•ussetutile „for - "unship :thin the stall , of Lome. TOO !learnt., troday run:tram , : only on, nirmtnntion, that of n captain in It o rrnay Th., Ilan, wan plintipuiiy C011.:113.1ta In re fearing .nonanutions 'to apprOprinte c..aa Thq C , stonis set true's. at the ptin,ll,l ports susouutea to 11,.;;J4,1:;:....1. loud:earn,. rnati r.nevais. The dein:mums anpronied by tie turn of Virginia coiled yesterday on the Scoot., Committee onfury. Ins torelew ..as of a ut,factory char acter. Ihearewe.l teem earns , Oct Inleut:: ture:irt: Li) their f i u :n1:10 = = =1 Neat, a ha, necortiNg to the sZat,tot.o: o oaa of the I,,,,uhare of the A...l:legation, hawae ohpo,nail Lhe Lr'..trat 'of their hoe 01011; that, not, ItIo.celoIN.: to the Itecol,tructlon Wll, It wI,•,P Or the hand, snd he shouldnow Imeht,lly execute It, llst he thought Ilse hdll dune right inprouipti meco,dthg Its terirli, hich.would tend to mile, hste the bitternean pru1t....1 by the latr war, and in uoily day I...•bare Sout.L, nll llialr relataJba to Lb. Fadazai k•vi 4 , a Men:- Tun 1411 e ee, senny Faeunill t,unt, the now 15 ; - credited Envoy Fistreatitactr - ; and )1,1,- ea , ne ter Plenipotentiary of 0pam...115 reeeive ••• `'"• ; e ; ~ ; ; t. ';; by Chu Previileut , to-dity. Iht. retaat es, ,nu; riot tet no 1..,; .. ...I. th./121 Maid: "The prlnelpe, °Meet of the animoit e A l 'atn , to 1114.1(1t/1:13, ea my nortny citenimea,n - InTait, vc 1 ;`;••• done, and een to drew more Cll. , ..iyta.C . aod ..•',•• •o• .e' 41 lities v tlclo. the [elan , ne of • wbk7t, Crlllo `r+R Wall IILa 1:k.D•11.1•11( . , ay entte. et a ;ilea he 0.. 1 , ,c , .1 tact iiv•l ;I not bringing to a Cose et Ito pi:pent, tad een cet iite••• taymillan In the 1 attire, MV4.ry tile of dirdurliing the locrutoey 14 Wei ..• between the two nation., and whichmy ; ot , t; ;;;;;. government tieemea to preatdru.. %leo of Loa 7,, I • Ilb sII tir ^tateu of A 1i1,11.1‘. 1 I:r , t:eM to merit your good will ate!. the erl• operation of yonr eutightened government, vg ;; ;; ;;i ti m I,re, a; ; holding cuptelf fortunate electid I sloee .-;* • A., tu the lOU ..--omutish.ont 01 - .0 noble 00 , 1 Pt t. ears e 7 The a iiiiroioo" ti I t 1 tl \ The Provident, ita TUPIY, 'Veit 0[1.1,/ .LAI4I, unit add eti "T. Untied titmice arl , l :pain „, ,; ;;,, ao i t ,; cat i. L.., and were at :hst stile:, they hare never ceaved 11,1" Uet.' the 1./J. tiles 1.0 be friends. Itur:yr.:ly bOLUI U., .to lctt lions, et:init./else to proogierit3- ;;:„ u ,„a e ire; ; e n of rl4: aria. I Cohn trktl, and to the peacu and progrev.l cf the ; • frtedom throughout the world, may Con- " " ;litho forever.- //Alm,. <Oration Esripetnent—Tollow II", .1111, Isnotun- 1 / I , trosegiva .11. An,: Tine 11. 'l,OllO •..1.1.. . 1 1 1.11. nmrralluun lo ll:florgigs—rculan !•.•• I .•:••• 41 .:-!•.• ...:•-•••• cltemegal. . I Ir,,••• I pal • .1.. I ..... . . • M; LAMM Y 1.1161[T. Tie pre,ent and 1tt , t , 1 ,,,,, rn V.d".n nt the lalmr :retract 1. exel,lan rent,lernale interest among the working s Nes: . 'att 0r. , ...... York. 'rho 11, ,, Zri -ay. the atl',. ,eil tut e ' l. - of remuneration, with few l'iro'lltl,lo,l4., - 11 ' 1 ' tatty co:den:plated hy too', of 0.111,1,1 g , ""• ' sl ' l trades. slap building I , den, and the In.- Chnltind employed are working ateedsced ' •• • wages. 111.1 present unsettled nla.in 01 I I' labor market has been at/pant:A..l , si for 7 daltina 'tad gone 10 1 3 ears. I ' , •AN , 1 cit ..s —Tet retton 1 ' tent ket tat... 5 I..itott . ta-, :eta ~1 rol,, , frolenco to ?t0t...,/ tilt , .„. 77 „. „ 7 , t ,,, tt ' pert, the prevalent ,. of the s fever. „,,, , 5 , r•lllenn rrOtll 1.1/1] ;1:1.1 „,„ „„•,,„,„„. curred on littlsrd the P. S. :dila .langstown. , 77r The I , nleer,.lolafs Adam., 7 „ . Washington'. nirtb.lny. and it ty alas. 7 „ , 77 ,„ t.. 7. 1. ~, 7 , 77 , 7.7 77 .. anti another eftl..er were la er111 , 501 elate. . ' l'he TOO/ /0.1 11.110 11,1 the Pd. UAL, 'OWNILIstin. i.l , !11, %,••••1 A dh.patch lin. twee rece El' ived tinnonneing t 7 ,.. 77 ~ , 7 tiotOurtithg of half Of tbk r' ° '"" n t. hat ~.. Co. a r/J Alhany,t•a. tor all ‘s,lv. dela. Psou 1.,111,.•1.et yly THIS The eitelterneni at the eclat :it hen:Anita, t, a„ torsof the I elllati lire: n - hood unaltanat.. An communirrOloon „ tn4:l3 . frOM the I.veetolve of lice Provi• r atonal of Ille Irish in.:tonne., the effect that the war hall been , 7 „„ , „ 7 7 , 7 In earliest. and limb the intrventeopt Irisli , „ .. 11 , 1.1 - 091. 11111. , 101 , 1 fIre.:111. 0(1'0 11,1 . 1 , 1 Y :rates hates. covor 11107. InnPortant- 1111 e , W ll h'' sl 7 ‘riarzder, Matteis In—rullo.l .`tales Inaugurated er.s 11.0, All' , On,' tad that the mein were In g•sel comae,. awl . tilts, for Matting', and antlidivltv ateadv I I nor , ti.phens had been in I•.1t1 11a 77!.; Lido bus I•ractically t.iteak in, I 1'...c0nt1ec1...1 from the organization. An effort Is neitor f .] • m ade wltlith Is hull stud Win 1,20111( In alm r. N. w 1,1,111, !lurch o 12,-1 to. Novi Iltiett..trg of 41,1,0.0tik toting.l The !lode,' et eiotieilot , Ilst 1.1,1101,10.11: klitl•l4r:r hers of the old directory id 1.13 are 11.15,1 . :4,1, via `t.'llliiLinpl4,l6l:llt.. , 31 , 1,.. 4 1 10/011t is hand ever the fund remaining,rut , einat their hands to the care of a committer, 7 d'lnt riodgnat nom In the Ili - Ptah Mlttlatre b. , tined In rho furttlemn. of the were load , t.artlesoll 11.11.1 lrminutit 111 uient. In Ireland. General Peel. rsiinerat arrived lowa toolay Ihr. 114,11 tin 01 Pertly expressed from Wattlitogton. regret td the tin re.ht nal mai, tool...ant navy rtAINLE. tons, I th, 01, 1.5,, none, ootiol Hiram. Woralrorl, the celebrated Lone In, 0.411141 to 41'111, trainer tiled hist night. t II Altl e.—. 4.0 conclusion the tittestiun 11l 'r t The, reported failure of the Waukegan' In the Ilea, of coalmenn ltd. toed too Mllls s :at Providertee, It. pr 'a Incor• 000110,.1 that the t 11011 rOrt..! The OM, 11 appears, 1110,11 rrOln r,rett. tli. ,, r (01,1'1.1 pent, it r. rd to Cool that Orro.r. 'fiat & Company, who re. I ft a teitt , ..., and .t kt 1./.0111- C.llly were treasurers el Voi (Vatt• pittni the new tale tsts . '„• the h . ' kozan and heavy line piltdo, prof:vase, lett odorant nee' rchtem . 01 1,115 / known aa atilt Wanks:watt Prlnte, owl.oll Ite 11'..1n r.. , rt,111,, I:, Monday orray, Taft Li... arty, were regent l3' hO:il following, nor: if it neat k heaVy Etierlfloo. The Colltraily hn world ti.s . the lion,. to .;111 , 1' , . its passaze. TIII3 1•1101 , 1' on lho , ,•41,iottlone, ••i'llill . ”. go o th.. ortltloo ,, CS‘ '...14 , 11(1.1 (II flit` 111 iil• Saloom., or Chinese Good, • ' Nur th 4,110, It. me .olott Ado FRAN 01,0, Much 15.—Chtnoeo 1(00.k umte,,,troo It- vi et, Or eut , e I.". to tee veto,: ttt 1111111011ot do, let, 1 !WWI 'wired by orllcong of the tin ver,,,,, , nt At . ro,e, for tall - wed on,loty,tlnellon. Ito pot h.: 01 ht. orally rio,turtl tho holaure xll 1111 , 44,1111tVii Lod I,p, end .nre , trare. Chino., merchant. het, 0, 0 to" A 0,,,11.1 p:trh,t tylographott M Hoilg Kong, rovoldetuill dent for tt00.14 the ni,tttet ''to Perth to recoil, Leonel. elhorleove of II ontotrl,to 31ini .t..r.4. 11w.I.0 11 ehot The Virginia Vririalatnro It•Oroo• 10. ~,01, 1 ,1 ttlol Ihlch, , ,olt khruellott: T o Low., I of the II notOlrtfte I°l' tool /A I, ler,ol )orlt y tho lor LtlettllONO, Mareli Semite to-tleY , • 0110111.0 n 01,pooittott .10,01 o tr' l" " C 1 mftl.•n LO 00 (i1.01,,ti :11,1intiela 3 tot Treaty „ co . - Vendor 111,11 their etroporatlon. by pa.vltltt : I ' l 7 l Sod executing 1 ”. r ' "°"* """'" I he fe'e'l an ortiel urn hint on and ponce. FROM EUROPE, EDLTIO' eleineti , Or n Butts(unto*. settlement the • Perna/II:lead Centers Anested.hut would not receive It In irtneltring tua, u Ith eltuere to brie, the .lenv.trs or the govern...lt to a, prunperous MIA ,r"..ch.,,,,:,".,"..we",,iy "imi.i.",,,, LEE EASTERN , DIFFIUULTY. .., tt.o lelutel of Jersey. i . • Luipte-u eat lotto hue entirely reertre .••.1. Th, i . ,Ilal :r0n.4 . 11.1 Cronne lust In Is I r r r ur -- , W r""" "' "". "" " I 1 -YottA; bun...r.i St ili, Turku Will Pro:qcute !hi ar crew purl:An:4 i . -- 1 7. in Cunha. ME ATL INTIC U.1111.E. 11.4114 VET I I ,CTAW.I., C. iV Itlltrell 15.-1 hero era ar.- „ rl , tattr. tor a Fen 1., /OHL near Al• eclat- To Uyrus w . nem. vcrmo..t• is tho uis" lwportuut info: wallah on the .hject. Movrrts+l., MitatChls.—Ono hundred and 1 SPEECH OF MINISTER ADAMS. rt . .gultr.r left Champlain. wl. mataing. A tot tong force 01 ]toy al Artillery, " 24, 9 in {'ct•ltci - - • . -- ._. 1k It 111,.1.1 f, L10.10 . ,040.. 74. -- c.4'ioag. March 15,—Itnelnu4s lit the ' RULSIA AM THE WAR II CANDIA. r.. ,o4,, heA""'"'""c" o """" tn.". Yo " . , dYli”Li4 etel money %Niro, eun teeng 0,11 th, anti nevural depute.tion4 from ell , . . ei.. lit the Reber, 11‘.0( km h 4.: arrlved is.tl The Inosital n( finu ( 11 c 5v.111 , ,e• , tui.icit. , :r.l , l to the men In Irelaud. k 1tF41 , [71 . 01.4 FO4 TII - 00,1. • EMl=ll -- . 'f , .v.o. ro, C. V.',, NI ureil IL.—:ri a3 ,nilitur, 11.111 , 1.1.-• tare rnaktor nctico preparations UNIVEriSaIL EXPOSIT:GN. ' ' ::„„,,,„„,,,,,,,.„, a „,.. 1 " , ,som . I-ley:ate:2lo . .ta,.., raid. Half a Uattrry of urllll..ry .. ,1 filly Well 01 till, 01.1,i1111.01 - 11/Ii LA:gin/131, A ' Lai i ita I ' ::; 1 1. 1. ;( . 113.1 ' ' 1: . I :ri ' l ' HTll ' S " Ont r :lJ.T . ‘l%. " ll '4 lll . f: , I I I S I iht.llll ill IL 11.0 .1a) . .. A hrtal.•. tr. roast- of tat Illery. cavalry untl iwatitry, ot the Fuein..;l • . • . r.•gular artay,l4.l tea th.m.Latl v,oltinte,rn, , .---..,. 3. m„,c,4 ~..._,.‘,.,,,,,.._.,...v,, ~,,,,,o, i N d i a i n l .. ro t . , l: ‘ ,..voliA at Llnulfonl.. l'i•ota tills .!..' • U • ..11 Inc I.llllll,lurtu.l t ..tet In! Nuot _, 11,L,1 I. eint.,.. 11/.11,.! I: ILI. , a... 1 1.. a, l:.1,1 . MI >lan L imtlee. , bt., , Ti ratra,,, LII iitill.., itri• a mt. , : rnt 1.: : at, N. Y., it ni II 111 LI ~ ~ ./1 I • / /1/./111Ciiii //1111/0111.1.,/ rugar , l 31." is 1...--. 111, the 1: , 1111,1Q1C11 1.0 to 511..5 agrot, Labt,q l`cu.al , i t , r+i , ..a. “,., 5 .- t. 111, nay. rintru.tt,it tIoLI (14. 1.11/1 . latte (Alain p}•tut =I lila! • t. , •4 tfrbltl : I , ••••1 , t. 1.• 1.... .II . i.l'd. I ll= EU IM "1"''• F I'hlln4l.llll.lnAoll Soollteria [l+l rig. Mr.l 111 - g 4,1 NI:. • u: 1 i„dle 11, .1111-I,,an on.: •.11 r t.t : L t . • - - I kr, C. Ir. • 1011,4 r. 7,10., n...n•-s - _OOl • ,i4,rilit••ll ptft-••at. ,• 1LPe.3.1:,t) ,•I•'. t-•a. • p v. LI • t el • •• MSME FROM NEW YORK. I= ta --._ ~,, P ITTS BURGH S AWE, 1 IAY, MARCH 16. 1867 IMMMI3IIIIIII 1111,1:“1 nau:',er ntranget, wro • eobueeln them “14 .wene new F..notil tuner...tit about to take 1.1,te. 1 , or Mice milei ht.". th. phicn the elver I. Iro wtel tee ttatpz.l a 'lre e.. tarnly M.Lre:l the; e ealy to Fee.,Lue at. 114.t.11air, but u1t....1 reeteSy r• 1 to I itura• u :Le e! • 1r .elc. t A. c ,o I tan I•ert.,l-.14.,.., MS IMMIN BMW , 1.• " 111611 l• NI.: 4 II - • teation. 11,..n AI! i.;l w 1 ulo cn ; . . aua,:tl. I a' I ra.• =BE 1 .1.1,...,1 .:titgrlx , 111:tvonll working together to procure 0. thorough ~ e ttli.ment of tho reform question. Mr. i.l.l.lstone iilllloll[lol.li .in the Coin- MEM=CLIMIDE THE FENIIN INSTUDECTION A 3loveineut .on tanalin—Artillery Km" to Toronto-11,1.k Boo'neon lo M=CI Ini=sc:A===l I V. I nool Mono ntliron,nl nvout lotto oloint MIN I:nl,• n"talvillront Electlou 111 a 44.1 Itsapr , ,,acnt •7 '1,110,41y of ~41.,v0r theavt, WALD cg0..11 twt.. wuiu'l:u L:~ii.,..a. Ilazrl.burg Sinnielgust El•rtlon 11•• 10,1 • 31411 ,, i itl Illy a , wan a •cx COWIE ==! \.. ISttre,ll...tv e wry— - .1. 4 IT. rr..:l .1. 11 ...,?rattl, tltrra ...0.11 not. 1t!. I=l I=2 =IIII I= I , • .• , o•tti•••rn •,..ttst . , , at, an rn. .t 0 ...0 , rt••.l. ,1,L13. =I ~/10. 0 11 'WU! RI" rlfte..en thoulAnd 1:Vp111:::C6:1 Vrv•idru usl I= waathoUsr, a Ch!calo, tq r.m 1.,11,.:1, .MTh, cirr... u/ 1:1,14 nrtru 4,t TIJ or =II =1 Inst. od dry. grvola cldt,d, lit 11, 1111= =I I. r,latt• of (1," Depzuttnetll,llt , l lu Wal:3lo,ti.ou 011 Slonday patKIY.,• nau,!rw,t ttuuuuuul tlollar4 t be anwuot of intumal turenne ru.ulpts - . , eirhe .I,unttr, Neu r ,lork, inivr j tAleti A. D. 1:1 , 1:uttl•gon, correeti•ondent„ =I MEM ilowu len In Lim 0004u.01 .),Kit tOOL 4)( 41!,t5.1 .t-NOWr:Clun Rolfe( tuul, knkl c ,11,,ted In Bolton And cl,cychcro., .s.. Irckl Ir ..•w Nw 1111.1 Brooklyn, ero rooklyn, on Thar,thiy, 1110 uhmartnu toleFrop% c.e , le, Intended f. r lasing bet ace.. ....ha nal I lot Ida Is In prates.. nt construction In London, under 1111 suporlotort. lotion of NV. Everett. The Tmatury DepArttnent pronounces the repot to of over lames of correney 111111 onnis unfounded In truth. Oil the usher hand n Ins}' t• stifles that ho assi.tal the fare. omo llt the Minting IN:eau le. Intrumg Ittr.pu quantity of pspor used In prin. log lel/111, of situ Correory, that there. Is a Mtge tits of dup....ate coupon.. no hand Moll have been re.leEthat by, tha 111 I that .ante seventy thousand dollars in filo 0004 rut runny has 1.16 1 1 1 . is etriv.l which has not Itemu regularly paid for. Mr. eovaln deeply popressed With the. belief that there hove boon very Intim or Henna. Goa Saholleld's old., on toommlim an tonal of tr., oda,. MllltarY tavornt'r wan read to the Moose 0(.1.0... pules at Itichtnotol awl referral after 10114111 to the Conmiltleu On Foderal fetations. A nrueltil to the. (Her -1!,l ahoy, that the. tinier glees cat ire. sallSt fact 100 In clrKin In rt nolobor of coontlert bare by a popular cote caned a Kato lrtalvention older the Ilecmodroction 11111. Senators (raid/cod othLoverrt Love rotorood'to 11.1chnom.1 from Washington. having. fir t hay report, partially accomplished tholobioct of choir mhphoo Iti the prthange of illhan's 1 , 111 I.llt, repute. A t ir orgia man write , ' that the people there tiro ready to accept. the Sherman 1111- Ititry 1,111 under limo propoyitiar, of G 0,,, 11, 0 00, nays ho is 11l receipt of in farlnat lon from North Carolina, South Car ,.; 4,oorgin, MI slestppl, Lnuislann. Floe. Alatattna and Teflon RI • 11. Virginia tent Iho negro vote will undoubtedly Ist osi 10101 ntde ttollor this bill. and also, In iialevare, Alaryinani, Slot salty and 111. wheel' too rubel element is etrongor than 10 rosy other !date. The Digteluttiro of Maryland yesterday &acted Lehatro ilsrrott, James Z. Carr and William 11. It. Tueeellittugh Pollen Conunis •lollol.4. • The new election hill paused ilia Maryland Monate voelerdity. NV tillum It. Itoberts. Pretodent of the Te nhm ninth , •rhood, widresmil a monster rotlna. luvt night, nt Turner deli. Chlett go. TOO Youlan regiment paneled the etreeti amidst tho wildest enthusiasm. Two hundred are reported in hove volun teered tor Canada- one thousand dol/all Were ettioterltesd for uraformi, nal CITY AND SUBURBAN. FOI7RTIT PAGE.—Thr 'palest and nor? re• Ilatte Oil and Prod.ee if , irkre Re• pr,rt, 0,11 by any paper in the city, will be found ott our I , burth Puge. • Borough Eleell4 The boroughs on tl elect lolls fur borou The r,lection,, so fat off quietly. Below for 111 ohtnlnuu. Til Oil tits Ilse are LI cantlldutes: Rurgess—l'uvilt C 41). ernmed—C. - 3. s , Juco!) Gut% 1t ClirlAlrli Fold, 37,1 Justire of the rt Juan P.111...1. .4.l.yessor—D. 11.11t1 :I.W° ill Aaie 3s, int. W. Itltv - U, Z Sel6°,4 D r yvto 0t1., , reppe, 3 ye. s. 4;; • ',Teat, of E Geo. rthnbor, It< ttArn =El= Audrw 11. 510.1,11,1 d.. unru.l bo.ergo, 0.l tnehil.. J , .tm F. •T Bernard 1% 0..41", John 1.. urln • ..re4.lrweJ !the 14. It 4.5 It n 4,, • rot.ck 17. , 4 .4., 41'1111..421 1 .444.4 .1,44r1 , 4nt .4 •:,s , rs. Gr1,44.n 14,41 ruins bet, kitititl,all• 2 ..1 1. I..l4Rrleg 11011* ID.I Ihre.loro, 1 , 4 , 4 177 nil Di.; 144.1,..(Anti.n0.144`..... 1.4 2-1 1./ 11 11. 11111,• lei W 4,/ 1.. r .141/44,411,LT0n, 12.7 “1,1:1.131 ..... -- • 171 -- . S.•••• .1, . DAVI i J.•111d11, DeLvt.l Jostem•... 11. I,ulit 11..n05. %/Livittlnt.su.: —I, tn., 1...., 11, ,t t'Jlo 11amnCrut• eN,Ct.hi! et, v....lathe Cnn ilante fur l int).n. ESSE 4.4..1-1111e, :II; Jonwt 1% a, klunati,E .1,1,:nt trc4i 4411 M I . inrp• - • W,. n In Teri,. 1:• :.;,, =ME MiMI MIMI lEEE r .411 thc 13,., n.. 1, , to , l Irrry. 1 1. 1., .”st I. P., VoLvi ' ME.Q.11.1. Sl', :7, 1,,1•1 ....tar... 1.. Ine Curl W ; rt !II 1.• 10•11 C,ltet4 1111= /111 , e, 1 . ..tr1e Jt.rive aro 1•,,rr.,e, h,..att, IC, 2 , .: 110... 1.. 31,1,1) 1., IF , ; (..A.Ct., Jame., , WAL.11,1114,0"... Rer, "—Dean Whine, Cuenca—David Vorrny,on, ramowl BrecfrA,'Jobn Burford, Daniell:oven. Achrafi i,rerrucr—aofet• Whitler, nano vest.; ninny r 1.. Cut.t.tfurt, I.lnve wan' erne, year. 1 orsvr —Ell ..110 . 110 , e—Jolin J. lianf, rtilrl If.k Nano. Afaltforr—f 1111 l rfre Chlveri. f ',oft,. I. al., o.nan IlDenhart. J Elre ~ s. —1.1,1 to se. J , k •-• tsuns twob W/Iffnn Jar rte non). Vint, ‘‘ , l4 no nrpnallion to 1111 s ticket votnn'werol,oll.l. Graham 4 Myrtle. 02 Ni. flair R . non; and ',scoot In; hat, wan ran Donor took arsenal. Ills utholo ward' foto , w Id :t•; re: tugllsaul vantage, If Oa hal Lu siouelly and Out of style. Meth anybody a - L.1111,u; a bad hat is Inolcusatulo, Lfor nt ouch groat stores no that Just openoul by our ft - lends Graham .t Byrne, No. 32 St. cifit street, tho very neatest articha can be procared ter rhos 1110.4 reasonablo pric es. NlL. (Statham of this tow Otto to not un known to the hat Irate, Ild has bad long oust liboral eirta tours, hltViht: hren tooted s ith Hai well known loot., ol Flouting soil COMpally, on.l will des oto Ids ex.:logs, attention to n l; no, its he ilenersiot, a first class thou•. TILL, stock found In flits lloto•o Is new, :dui with groat Cart, and lodgment. as to ;dm.,. o Lull tastes. It tanliraeo- all the Intrust lo vies and well be 001!1 at thy lowest Ti,,, attention of out w,clots Is all reti,tto the Loup! ot the 11 rug hich appears It. another ruhonn. IV bon too !do nee,! of any onset„ !lord wt or tor yooroolf or foully, do not hull to look an the Aura at. No. hi at, Clair ot feat. ftent I.lghlultig /Lod , . Minden The attention tit 'Oar renders Is illrec4tl 11l tile otivorttestueut, lirottothereol mon, uf Mttetsoti l l copper tubular llghtning nulls %II It noltal flangre. Where tilt orticio is so oni% erswily In use In our to list. we feel that It It holt , e5 . ..5 (nr . to dwell at length upon Ins superiority at theme rot s over one ever put to 000, °Utter in this country or la Elliere. They Ore 1 ppo scientifically eon. Strad. it 04 for one to ti atilt, to curry Ott a• great a eittirgo of els It telt). al twenty of Iho old fashlnuell rod• It usither runts sin gets net of fuller, ant tan ogetiost lightning. II Is rueontostpleil Isy one of the itte,lt vas. Acton 4 on.l setiolars. out lust carried ow y flr.t prcUaliiiiin Itt every sontest 111101 part isipittell. Compe tent w tr kitten will go .with not pia up the work in 'soy section sr hero °Murat. wit hoot extra Charge. Lockhart ,t Co. tkrt.l the man 13(watt:rent, helot.. Hotta street pritigti, on blow:gnu %Toy. Wu comment thotoo gun tlom. to tilt, potrottego ol our (risotto. Indian llcirb Doctor Dear Slr I takeple4suro In Informing you that your medluloo fiat been tho lueana of ravine toy Me. I Intro been II OU Med With It 1,11 rough, ' , pitting blood, yam In the hack nod hresel, rrenkalexe, oervournell, e.,thot meal who. olden I could pmcorn 41111 I/W.lly god, onlll I applied to out I Ern now purfeetly I . l•AtOrPtl. 241.1. Skil/LH W161.k.- Livermore, Westmoreland Co. Po. My ilatigliterhas Is ti troubled is lib Scent la. She bail live running ulcers Isbell I pla ced her under thin IndlauLleeli Doctor's rare. She woo reduced tti " u skeleton, All the ulcers are sed but one and that will 111.1 healed lei a fe w day, T.•.lltlongtteetvilln. The Doctor , . ofllco 14 N 0.194, I.lberty St DlNtrict: Court.—lie fore Hon. Albge• Hampton. TIII; Court mot yexterlay. but wHoummt NV Mont tranhacthot any bus, 00511. Tno attending Juror. atom Oltchatit. MA neer vatic! Will De 115 PIZ Monday. Serlono Aretdent on tho PlAt•bnrult, i A Good Exiediso.—dittrar(‘G.r.").4 Colima.. and Clortnns2l Rail, i eied from attendance In - the Criminal . ~• I Co urt, x on the ground that he •Ncould DOt An ue , elent occurred 071 Wodneiday er- I see" ill'' Enell 6 l/ la n g ua g e ' '' . Snpuki ti Ttl . . * mom ,. ~,,,,,,,,„ fly ., nmi mi . o , clook, on , Lo , Other. who cannot speak GerutandeAC • 1 excueed on like grounds. Illtuelurgh, l .1111{141K. und ' Citiolunatl Roll- I cool, which rtl,ultea in the 10,1 of one Wel 1in•I thn,e14311.1 11-Plry of other pamengere. ho No. 21... Anent, Etoroes train, whichi hou'ol have lit here for the ort at . 2:10, ' wan d ,, tatned waillfil, for the eastern con tlon, and del not lour° until 3:15. At Mid. , ni . elallon It 1.1..Etel the Steubenville Acrow,to,,l et lon tram. and went on to flan 101C. Stlill. , ll, A -Ina L 4.11t0.11C11 till, 01.10 of = :he South Side held their ugh Wile,: ,ye±telday. uY WV /earned, leo give the returns, -e he !hones etune leg fleet limo of thu Ltepubllean 5t0u1,1,111.., keri• a Awityhmt Odle thke 111 WWI,. Wink, l'oere the Steubenvllle Ac. ntu Itt,ou the CA:10, in viult,t, CIO, the elpri,4_ 'heas,:: , a; Matthew Pate, 1111 z. :AO; kin .Tour, ; T 1112.10, .1•I Kllttoro, pa- , ,ontter from Port W,Mlogt,n, t Olio. by thocollo.lon, 101 , 1 four mho, re,olved .701- "04, Momgli It • not thougqt Igtnt lojorto.t. troveral other 1,0 ,n o t, went ut about tho ut.,,rto n-o Worn able. to go cm 11l Inc tra'n %%11,11 1/1,11 . 0.‘11.1 we&tward In a. few hot. , art, the tollt,lnn. The 1A.1141y v‘outoloil pnwiengort tor:owed 13Lit Ultitllt ti,cl IN,rO removed [O. tho Stgto, Hotel ekt Sttmboavt 10, 'Abort. everything' In. being done for their Collifi.rt. .11 In, nommill, they ere all oto{ won. 'rho cowl uolor of tho 4,110• Mi tram wtol Mr Si. Eloilltarn. Tito Plot of tho colll,lon go, groom r, ! It cu. We toolettatwol 1114eXtig.00.11.1. 11,0 P..01/1 of the greoltolt will be mote. The II,t•bo II 11 . 11111 , 1 tratai wore 41eMlultd by tho utt..b.lout for sovurul flours—. ==== 314; A.. 7. Itapp,'.l3l. W. J3r,t,;:t., Theu.duro lintitilton. same 3 years, 1113 J. 1. J, , r4l , nt, I year ,i '. ..r, J.#111) IV 11. B. Mee years •uhn, 7,11, .1. 5. Al den, 371, Edwlu Hagan !I= 1= I.mrl. 311; Jutold. Sutler Paint op year /lease/. It it j.ist Lhrt N. 411011 for painting up your place. of Innifioiss and dwellings, and from prooent uppoLratteus our town will present yotr a resieetahle appearance before flay seta in. In ILlis eennuoilon ere might be per hilt 0,1 to eas is,few nerd, in commendation .1 oar friend Leroy. No. 40 !land street, alto the mush with meety unit—perfec t ion. if has i n ns eripo oda tip top re.l,lltl- t 1.4 , 1;4 evl.lr , tiet, Of Ulu 10111,141 r Charlie, ; r 4.11 1 ., vvoryWrierebt.tlL 11 , I.or,rlnnl latt.lstlon to all Imetneei entrii,,, 01.0 In the was fieoce and eign ealiitlog hut gUnratil..* in cony ease to .:.:idtaett in to those who ne enre II.• nothing but the of motet hits and paints which hre • e 4.Th the MINIL load hitte..irt.ere of Vittrhurgii. We know .• Apt,t, whoa v., r4-romrnt•na fir. ..ran'L.4 "hier, tool true 1114 Mlremay or 11. public 1,Mt.r01116140 may be 1.h1“.11. 131 P. 3.3 P.. T-Pa. 151 1.1 3-3 . 30a 1730 11. I_a . I ilvoert tne driver of an exprean wagon at z Alletteeny depot, got Into a :ght on "roar ' ,Oey evonitor with nnother dr, er. "non, Nohle interfered, and Mot . . , when tr. Om., had Milt back turro..l to row wn: trues Otto over the heltd with tile I,Jtt ol till v. lop , biro to the groond ile then In vie e.wape. ant - - rant pi I-ed for the nrreO of Morrow. w or ced t 'lmola ore:Meer Cempnell, tel ;ate ,erklit3 no on log, !who, the warrant . . fitll.l ,oth. sl A yor.,4 1..1 do:lverrA htruself up. new... 4 held to Deli fur I I.•llolo'Crly,oll.i.,.—El-ry tier° Wo p:113 kb tb, announcement that tho,n eZ[Cri st ro hoop .10 rt too.nufarturet, or Chain 10rii..11...re. Wr.ta, llre.tl , - have gotten cot their ortnit t. c•f Ettrott, Duplex Elliptic eefrta, which will prove the handentn. tt and rncet condor - 1.0.1c at. le ever illtrOdliCed. Brade I. lt,lplee ntflt ta have 1.e.....uan a id. Iv anon a end n 'ten rally Pled thront:hout the ,'oriel c than nay other All of oar deniers here have fat 1,1(111 c:y popular wltt: their pn tot... na.l caeh as enorninne tntrArr, IV.; John 1,4, two 1. Lost:stl., 1,, Peter U.6l,tity 1. , 1t.tn. N.-.r lu , lilon4 of VAri• or It., Worl.l, Tip -Lop htpo t.. r•n aft: Sve tolvortifemout. r—Jobri Evan., 'P.m • y, n t.th tnArt-, PA; /intivrt. J =I Cum', Aarrny.—On We , inP.lny night n-t D Mcii••nna go. Into 0 witll.oh 4,Poor,n.Obeci knife, an.i rverlyva a cat vx , end- Ing 1 , ft. Chin, and anoth r: untt, Inc.llls Coat was cat front 11,1.1 ar. .01114e 1.-ft arrok. .--Jneob Lottr, .s,!0: =ll L' vl+, St, =1 :!Ir• ufts tabu into ter Itu+h her" It N ••ttalne•l that bla ,r, not e.,• The natha IM2MIMIEM •.r tho parte 14 - 11. .Ibl tho outUng id 1..4 urre,...ll;ave Levu meulia. = rnNc Prnlv.,ca...—C. A. Itancber,nf the Urak pro- , cut...1.1)..fart• SlcMa..t.., tnazt natnea that :tleta,lnnt tit (ti, MIMMI tt , rivin rtmount nf thatne 1..1 been Intl. rot , loy Me,.. Wrl.ht, end Ire I 1,•111t, .11, (1,111 tilt tirm. Tl,so re rounit to to folio. A u." Imsl. Frani; AV.,.. Mort: tw, J 0,1.1 1 31. . W., I 1.1.1c0n, R., 7.: In tnot her olmna to-day VIII be In. Ilunter'A latth letter—ne le, an I. re-trng .ny ol piedecenmir, The I , ,n•ne. vorn-rt -everal p 4 1 ,11., errorn na te:Mann,' regur , llng !he fluffing of blend and Ilan ,s suits the I.ungt. Tine rend, cAnn, 1..11 to he ,nrlng In the-1, tnlorm, Inn given to the pulnic in th n t..l;«,--., t , Qei.J. regard• heren.do, watt a kind Of myateriont terror. J IV , ounz, ==MilEZ=9 7, l'AT,lck Lou,himu., W I'nr Is New Trlal,—R.s. 3forrlson. Esq.. ha. flied a tootiosi and reasen. for a new trsyl to ltse ea, of the boy. Itlcbc. Mhrte. soot f/ott, essnyleted of :01,1ons the book ntALIMIOI) 1,01, 01 Jame. LI. Alhen. rt,e11,101 , 1 wssfs.ss ed use that. thw confes 0. 11,01 W fuel: ttse takes ens. were con eletal were extorted folder oath. to vlolw of the Ccmstlttsttost, and newly cif:cov ered evidence I.:once:sling the defendant Is,,ft. • kei. /:eprer, T n nt e, Jerry Mul• 1 I tiv. , . a.tele ,211,1 Lel hot, ,••• 11, ere Itroke a farriage.--C. iteCltr of ;Ice, +table, on We` •ter street, gay noote Informatton hcrdre Alderman McMas,tat. chat - tong Joaciph Johnotort with ordic!ogo. tot-chef tiro:mg . his ban In t,tgionintly . .liol ll sta carriage belonging to deponent, and breaking the came. The root itialtiant cialloo 411:d for the time loaf by to- till,- the carriage rtotoryd. A war rata a aa tatted. t Wt. Mean.. Mal. been fnangl at lakt, II ti , . ,intene•Lt made concerning E•hr4re W 111.9 he true. Wilkes wtln brought from Steuhenvllle last night by 51e511111.11, charged with cohhlng the eery eit the wreck...lleum at tlittilou arty,tect and t,ken to Steol.enville Ethtl thence brought hither, ttc to Ili the lock op. Fire on Market Street.—_2 a little .dter I,Veri . O . CIOCk 11.1,4 erelong, a bed in boo ruiffinery and fancy goods teduilllnh• 141•01 a MI, fin.de, On Mal kit otreet, near 11 noel, w r I.llictiv,,e,t to trot fire. The iilartri Olin SOUlitl,l front hoe N 0.13, nnOthe , nee inborn damage laol kern done. The origin of the lire in the twit 1n not known. Pion( to (tie lllteili•We of liefre¢,—John , hroa.l. a to. of fourteen), Wll4 owllt to 010 ll of 41( (o).(411(e ye-terdety oy Mayor Mor e itue.. Ile loth lee, el (or emote nolo with ills mother At 11,. 11'14:00 Reno° tot Wutoseer re reef, ',Net hied ion mew Sot rout 4141,0ene as to be•onentiluretble. (le Ntrungly oljucteil tube- Persouril.—We ha,l the pleasure of a [nit yerirrany trout mirerteetned f Heed Charles E. Prett, Erg , Agent for Wert, Bradley Carev'e hie ranted hoop skirt facto ry. Mr...rrtt knows his busmen and Is In every respect ably gealltled to represent this great buslueed Loose with while!. he Is attached. Commnn Plea. Coml.—Hann, lion. I:4n to -It. Stone. Jiset,ry ii. Spencer t illlant II Garrard told loos. li. Hamilton. Tho Irvine t'lr,• insuraneu esn.up.- y. Deno n reonsle , l. Tim Ca,. occupant sotho te_sslott of Frailty, ntal watt not tuaLlUaed at ILIUM] rn went. Ontrten wan fonml,ou Thursday night, very drunk, ontttrawlaarry ninty. Alltutheny, by Utile, Patton. lo the usorninc. was com n poent to pay • fine, inl w Ithstand mg the i u,l plondings of his wile, who was prontnt tut the la:urine:. Match,. t a nitcnotbonr,--on the re. COM 111.•Ilitittioll of 11W Comnattee Of Com m..., iht tten-tte ul. the United 11t114% p•m.i nnonehttory 141 it.:0111 etcam: tots from ?mine moupentel to curry fric tion mulch. In an Iron note. Thomas. Meenelltfe, well knOwn to this rity. it! I I VI , / 111.1, t,Leld.y Motu Europe. MeCtoilitTo lett here something over et or sue tor England, where he lota re- MlllllOll 1/11t El 1 . 4,.1111V, eOllll eteo Ms a clog Oreeer wile it Ilro-e, son,inettel troupe. A Askldt est Its Trouble , —Thoa. Nelson Irlle urrento•4l,.bunk. nt that Allegheny de pot, on I'LL.. .I,ly alaht, by otillocr Frank Camlttall. Yestcrday.he told a piteous tub. of ncrytee and soticring as a soldier, and c•an let off st 1111 kl and lac costs. Approprittlltv.Pier.P Inette ,— Ttnin/ph nud - ItLtbert Itru.tntior. Of ends Ran, u euNett by Jumta tillers with the weeny of aerat Itraes, to the value of nfty dblhare, have !nett beta to hell by Alderman Strain for a heurtut: en the =IL on mntlon of Mr. ihtltereon, in the U• trot CllOllll , . nu Tborentav evening, the pay I.ay inrrenved to two dui. or t, Ing to it niihttklas In vetting up on{ report, 1001 11(11 not appear therein. Pieni Fltzg,nl4, an Alle gtwny'"vag," w al moot to jitlt for ten days el /ter ewe revise, by /Meyer Aioxyleee. PRICE THREE CENTS. =I C . . Pnetry.—Soine soft gnashes fallen in love With a , pretty girl and nen , lg us ••a few line,•• commemorative of the event. Can't dr , It al.ert of rut.. Tender lines are nice, but won't bring tender Liana from the butcher. . A Fifth Gambling lions.. asTs the Chrome/1.. was closed some days slam by 11. Mawr, Mayor McCarthy. He might very properly enlarge this Order. by apply 14r I/ LI/other lllcu ` . .lens" In the atty. I.lberal.—lter. L. Nanambergof the LI. brew a> unapt:an, lianceckatruct. ea Timm day, reeelriel IL teattmontal from 'bla eon are4atlork Or a practical kind. yli: a puss* contatulag (14/10 In greenbacks. Her nrlty.—OnSeer Patton sweated Thos. hleLlearr, on Thursday night. for being vary drunk on F. dual street, Allegheny. Ytuterday the prisoner want:Wet:lV sad left a felt hat as meettri Flintily Committed—Thomas Blights. cintrded by John Dingledeiu with felonious aNIPLUI t and battery, was 11111.14 committed for trial yesterday, by Bayor Mellartity, in default of ►.W built A Wife Threatecee.—Jruoiee, Bump e r, of Monorigatima borough, yesterday com mitted Jobu Shoemaker, charged with eurety of the peace, Oa oath 01 hie wit* Matt zabeth Shoemaker. An Old Sinn named' Arnher, has shot out of night in Cleveland. A. man named Rounds is susplcioned with killing him. Archer might hare' shot Sounds, hilt Rounds hardly shot • Got lf.tuhrottiouss. r arreited some days ago, by the Alleghshy ppllne, for too larceny of whitewash brushes, lad lock ed tip fora hearing, got ball yesterday mod was released. Found.—A. noise was found en -Tbnrutlay-nlglat by officer Trunk - Campbell, 01 the Allegheny night pollee, Initle /Inc wurd, Allegheny. no owner for the animal bee yet appeard. Old Grime. in the Sonath sal/ed upon to aoolnglze for the epithets applied to our workingmen. If be don't, Cookreosnaan ItloLksey will be asked to show Dlm what a ...trite. really N. To-viny.—The Educational AnsOclatlon of Western Pennsylvania will hold their regl. lar monthly vendlon to-ttay. In the hall of the Third ward tichool liou,e, conimentnng ut ten o'clock. . Coorta.—The Coleman Pleas, District and lionzter Set,oond Courts will De In erasion 10.1217 for the porno, of treweactlog the ordinary Snorer). butanes?. Rev. table Aiken 'I. aching from an eV putslon Irmo the Methodist Conference, be can, 1:0 a ala wile. Who had a bet tor right to do so I traits:al Advert.lnt —A. merebant advertised for a boy In the U.K . !. last Monday. and Ills wile presunteu him with one on Tuesday. ' Le<tora.—llalph Waldo Emerson trill de- llrrru lecture in this city, .olt Ton.d.V tilkb 1. Look - out for wisdom in 10110 ohuuks. Good Reason.—We risked a conductor on r rtreet car why he aid not cull out the 'streets. Lie .11 Lecuuse he didn't know them.- • . - leo ApnSteelton for license hat been made in the Third ward. Can It be pearl• ale iliac sO. Paul's pledge has bOUnd %helms ineebt • There Is talk of Olvullog some of the pre.ent *remise( ♦llegbeny ao as to make Manchester the Stith or the Seventh ward A spirit...l society P.:tens lu-Cl*ve. land. Judging from the number 01 rum' .hoys there, we don't wonder.. Petrie% Carr wwa blown up on haeoerwi motive on the bteubenvdlw troaroad a fur al4}lD ago. •He come down dead: Forzy-two-ed.—Tvrenty-nro persons were taken Into Loaao 41 oz the bone of Temper auto at the last meeting. The Gettyabuns Bear boasts Of a sub serzber of forty year. standing. He have one of double-that numoer. - In the Fayette County Court Ilmup Smith Nrse Sued $75 and costs for publishing a LW ou lies. Juno Lloyd. On Inotte.—The Great Republic Waa thrown open eon Friday. What will dame superstition awyt The question or removing the State Capitol fr om Harrisburg to Philadelphia Is again agitates. James hills, Elm. bas ILSSWIIed "°- rte.! control of the Lecder. Lie knows to conduct • paper. bow Promloms-are offered for rat tails by the Tt,carawas Agricultural Society. Bad thing for the rate. So lentern-J•sea are the dogs In the jstl yard that tan gas reflectors are dl► pehard altb. Close..—Rate Emerson's lecttare the let-. turu course of the Mercantile Library As s.ettlon Olptherta Mu broken out ka an spa .lornm In the Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Columbus. The A4llorton trial la an the Third p 1 TLC m . tl Sid . cot bring' us coy retort as K t 13. ight n. Two Children of William Fre, of Ship• Peo+borg, Fa., were recently bitten by s mnd deg, We hare aye fin class scandal case Ott: hand, but wait till they ripen for publics: Lion. . • A Flrl named Kleindinst wu drowned Ina einem at. New Yhtladalphba. Joseph Riddle,. an sited and respectably? clUson of Redford county, died. last week. Jealon•.-19ttehurgb h. reason to grow i.lous with the prewar.. of Allegheny. An 10 [111011•0 nm , .unt of fretttht has been Laken nboartl the tirrat Republl, le.. H. Illidebrand h. been norm nAter for Pontmaster of Huntington. Night. for Father. to Bee--Yotmg boys playing billiard. at thirty cents a game. I.lestses.—Sea the Third list Or applies tions tor licenses to sell the ardent fluid. ttietintt" Free.—biding aver the. Penn rillrortl with en annual pass. Parmnra trnatly fear sisprosehleg frOsts us the wheat Is very tar skivarteal. A Losswe Room suitable for & workshop Is for rout lu the Cissette Ye Charme.—The Fireworks Dealers 11a4 no ••change" to the .tnhe.net Cleveland gives I.lltmhu rgh her vagrants. lu return nhe has our sharpen. espt.C•wrim•menarerle—tllo tornbo—llad quite I. number of lodger. last night. rd.ln Adams In the ••Dunk\id•' to night at the New OP^tn AOlllO. 'Nearly Complet.l.—The Allegheny engine honße on Irwin Street. Ten Tb numaxad .peoplo rlaited the Gmat ltepuhlle vesterlay. 1.4.1 nicht was as al.; atm./oath" Cot ECICONI. MOOSIONIIIO. The !great etelke promises to end with It compromise shortly. Travel —The railways ara doing • Large rukarensar 3101 . 11. le doing /rood work among the Teter. `. Th. SP7 at the Varieties Thee. tra to.fallt. aori.riarearlag . Matra(les are lash lora, bin la A Cb..ter County cow brought *ITO at public .341 e. _ . sown'. Ark wan nothing to tho Great Republic, frmsford County Is busy mallnissable anwar. Ilast Up.—The gambluti hell on Fifth street. O • Paper 111111 Is to be bull* et,ntes. Ohio, Burglars are operating in Bedford, Pa. New Orange• are on the pea set *tends. Good crops.., expect.' oast Gamest The Congressional Proceed• lugs and additional Local on ourth Page. =ERE =MEI •;-'.' ! rt . ?: - qt I' Mil' i) _7i—%: ~,, IT Li i"s l : : • • ryildero• tl.. bri.ii,.. f.t..k. F. it: IC. i ! ib.,,,, by I n . iwif , ;IX DIU% of A llkihesof c•itit.ty."Psii 1= ItOR2AW.-611 Therslay, *arch 14th uc, rem .4eenly, ILIXAMB - fit We 4. Teem The funeral Vat tate pled. oa SATIT2DAY Ta1t3 , 002, Marto 1144 22 2 o'clock.. has Übe re , toemee of her eoo•Lit.teer, 70 Peas Meet. The hued. of the funtifere reapeottallll2o. tett to .toed. *1•;,: - : 4 ALEX. AULEX. mrsrsystrayr.sizin EX, sa is lonrib strntertsh h 007/1211 s. of kinds; ChV . ti tot, sad e•hrf seriptioir Of Itaer.l nnuahlhg Hoofothrcial. ha. t 4.0.1. hhhh.4 ha) . .1 Witt. Rear. awl furnlaite4. lutYzal.oolB-14ev. 01 , 14 Von,. D. D., MD'. M. W. Jaectbia. Thoh.h. Cwt... LW.. Jo -0 H. Mine, It.h. T. WILITE & B. UNDULTAKED3 AND EMBALMS, asatam..-. w«..1.4 Ran luldi vieww. CQFFIN ROCia AT INAKKE3Mt UYEAY STABLL. riser Ike Mold ud Ckartisri aliavta gam and Carrlag. furalstmd. HILLDALE CEMETEBY.—The Deeoctful "tiorPi.-seren • tam larivat MOWN Den plane of aspaltnro, igh exc etonpt one. In Ws oons• It ty, altaanal on Neu . Br roa4., tratnall alre. north al' Allegheny. for. banal lota._p•rnrup or tltles,"call at Central M . Drug Store et COOL • Allorbenr C DUNSEATH& CO., Wholesale Agents /08 THI American Watch Comport+ WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, , orrasrre itizoNic WATCH:LS, CRAM AND AT ♦ WY MATS WITT. AT WILL T. WILEY'S, 8 Wylle EL, Ed doer hem Si& 0001% JOHNSTON & SCOTT, Fine , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILYER•PLATED WARE, ETC., =! Pittat:ru_rs33 - :4 ..lE.exasiAa. a. Particular alumni. ,e/reeFlo Iteoetrter Were*, Clock. and Jewelry. All week war. rented FUI:.L MEM ARTIFICIAL TEETH, With Beautiful Gams, for- $B, $B, $B, $B, DR. QUINCY 1. SCOTT'S Steam Dental Establishment, No - . 278 FEIN STREET, TIIIILD WOE 1201/2 HUD. Teeth Extracted Without Fein, 10 WS! CHM 101 fawn ill 121.11412 tut MMUS nulmon bases ...du. SUlsuctioncuraussl tun., WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, • ;Argo issortmant or . Modellers, Brackets, Lead Pipe, . Pumps. Meet Lead. &c., ALWAYS ON HAND. 184 Wood Street, our wris,bl THE PLACE TO BUT COOD BOOTS & SHOES 033Thli-D1 1./a McOLINTOO3r.' S. .lb., 92 Federal Street, I= DIRER. CLOSB & CO.. Practical Furniture Manufacturers CiIR. PENN AND WAYNE - STII Latest stiles of PITRAILTURZ consusally os bozo. THE ICRFAPCST. ••••• . • Th. etreplest. Th. Had EWINC MACHINE!: I. WEXELES & WILSON'S WAssANTED Team Tsang. Sala/moos fell IFTFTI/ JiTILISET, BAUGACPS, Ef SEWING MACHINES. et: statto., naat - Irot abort Um% for sale NI roulumt prices. U. 6CYDiZSJ CO.. tel 2 II 7Ltilk HORSES CARRIAGES AMR BOUGIE, of Qs very bum for 11. Howard's Livery Stable, First stmst, our ItesassaaeLs Roam Grass atMailoa yald to Myra/ m 4 man/ .—.... 1144 4..14* AV Sawn , - HAND Porh.t kaawl•ela• or til. yalasbia .es taaatts la tax abort sad easy t..-oas. b P.a. tleal report. from Lod., 7 aalsaa. ImPll "atlas separately sad at say Was W salt , thatralea gorattssea:Jr. 03,A7. {MOTO 471,71111111 t=ini C= - ii
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