PiTTSBURGII GAZETTE E 2 PENNIMAN, REED & CO., AT GAZETTE BUILDING, Z. 7 c). 343 "E'llmtlia. 26troot. P. it. PE\i!l777lj C, T. P. nounron, EAIIOIL aost.okn RINI; Luius v. REED En.l°°°' ED= Cozder ............ . .... tent.. CI vend by forrlor, yet Week). ——. 15 cont. 11+11 tiubsellben, (yorytall ..... Llt.orsittluctious to Newsboys tad .'CCU. TERMS FOE WEEKLY tree Cop:er, per year. by 14111... ..... ••• ilea dot do.- do. each Te orrnoro earner, to one addrete, and ofte free le club. each.. .. CITY ITEMS Art Maud Unman Eye., Alllttsted without pule, by Dr, Spencer, Dentist, '.Si Penn street. An Uncommon Thing. To the reading and reflecting mind of one who will weigh and eordder,'Dn. Kartian'a ltt.nOD StiALIECItan presents a fillbjeCt of morn than ordinary interest, an has frequently been shown by the parlous publication. which have appeared In'tne Guerra from time to time. Ferri—lt Is no common remedy, Seen nit—lt has mastered some of theinoid Malignant and usually considered Matra ble disease:, Thlrd—it does 80, by therm:lo;lly renova ting the mountch and enabling It to nom nintely convert into available nutriment the Moo that is avrallosmiL Dn. Earecit'S ISLOSO Sala.= will cure Indigestion •by Placing' the stomach, the prenttror of blood materiel, in a healthy normal condltton.. It trill, therefore, allow no blood material to pus Into the general current of blood in an unasalrellated form. it will and the natural secreting organs to carry out of the body that watch needs to be carried out, In order to preserve It St A wholii In foil force and vigor. IL will carry Into the system more health and strength giving - principle than any' mein elm, we have ever known', and It will do so without the slighest Interruption to the or dinary avocations of life; and, Instead of debilitating, 'WIN energize and strengthen with every dose, without the usual after proAration incident to,the use of bitters and se-called tonics, which merely (Grim the syrtem'to an abnormal i+ tate, to allow it to lelapne, after their• effects have riaSsed away, Into n Mt!ittu Of lethargy and proatra tinn worse than thatfrem which It had res cued them. Dr. licyserhs flood Searcher curer In a lasting and permanent manner, as any cue can discover by one trial. Unlike most bit ters, lusicsil of creating and fostering the appetite for strong drink, it will cure Diu aptitude tlictsfor, and, in many instances, It hus entirely banished it. Bo careful to ask for "Dr. Mood Suarclier," ns s 0 valuable a medicine as apt tribe imitated 'with spurious compounds similar In name, but whidly devout of Its wonderful Look for Dr. Koyseris name on the bottle and over the cork. If .your dtaggist does not keep. It, writ° to Dr. Keyser, 110 Woos street, and he will forward by Cspress. Consult .. .o.ton Rooms, 120 Peen street. Uuioe hours from O s. a. until i r. Y. Plano. and OrOfmo 3.l.assre. Burr,' Knllko .t Vuettlar, No. 12 .St. Clair street, are parr In receipt of a new lot of their elegant Bradbury's, Ncre York, Nch.narixr it l'hitadelphin, Pianos, mid E. , 11 Coneve Orv•zru. Those Pianos are unequal,' by.y.otliers In depth and sweet ,r at tone, and durnbillty-and workman ',hip. They Numbly° all the modern lm-' pro',including the patent repentMg, cellos and Agralle Treble. The lirtey ego Oriian Is acknowledged by the best j wises eve ry.bere to pos.sesa all the quitll - tit, of t h e large pipe organ, particularly In volume and purzty or tone. 2,1e-sr.i. B. IC. .b 11, the solo agent?, have lately supplied a number of churches ha the cityund ttelghboriniod with tots organ who , were previously using - other, .111 1119tru -311, guaranteed for live yearr. Prices lower than othcra MarIIILICLIIred. New Arrival Of eannad' Fruits and Vegetables, and xll i•e sOl4 aJi cnoar, as at any other house In Z. - dthbr i'all'altd ems:oboe mil lodge for yoursolrrds, at No. 112 Fetleral street, Alla gl:eny City. Gronoa Itsievair, Alen,Ag,:nt for the wer.-known tour of Ntephen F. Whitman's celebrated extra.: [lna Cream "Bon Bons," "Chocolates."' • Almontl3, Walnut Candy, Drage° Drops, Se., AT. . )lilnzerd at Coowoll's Cod Myer OIL The Purest mid Sweetest Cod Lvor 011 In tae world. manufactured from fresh, braltl•y livery, upon tLe sea-There. It he perfectly pure and awnet. Ask - for 'dlasard LLtiwell's Cod Liver 011." manulactstred CAswva..r., MACC st. Co. Now Soil: bolU by all drugglato. nw =I! Wholesale and Itetail rhargitista, corner o Tederal and Laeoes streete, Allegheny Paints, Oils, 'Varnish..3, I•atent Medicines .ee. kept constantly on hand. Proprietor t SieGtellaud ,t Los Itat Destroyer. Good delivered free of charge.. =2 •Thy Continents:l Dlnlng'Saloon, next door to tee Poet oaten, on Fifth street, to crowded dully; and nightly with epicures, It Is the tort kept. best 'annexed and most nopular dining saloon to Pltt,,burgh. • EH for n Are, the meals to lei obtained Only 15 such good iitylee, at lioltzlielmeria Continen tal Dining Rooms, next door to the Poet OrnCl3, Fifth street. I•rioes aro most reasons- Wt. 1=32!!!! Tloltttletmer keeph the best of ever - y : thing in the market - at hit popular Continen tal Dining Saloon. Fifth street next door to :lie Post Wile°. Coil In for'a good meal. . Ton (an Eny ore!gn Liquors of all kinds at Josopb 6. rinett'd Dlstillory, tio,' 169, 191, 133 anti 193 11111=12111 '&7 poi cent. Alcohol nt Josooh S. PthelVa. You ewer Bay New Boys at Josepb S. Vineh•.. !CONDENSED Ir.ELLGUAMS A schOoner, like the metallle lifeboat Red. IV h ito mud Blue, but 'Med up much better, wlti coin , mll. from Now York to Yurft CrUz. • The New York Volunteer Firemen's deep• ~httion have =win arrangementti to have a new Ito:, carriage built for Columbia, booth Carolina, la place of the one devtroyod eta centiv on the vteamer Andalurla. _ • • •_ • . ' A heavy snowidorrn prevailed on Satur day at New York and mo far south ne Wl.lll ingtort. Several parties were arriLted In New York on Saturday, charged with conspiracy to ntcut whiAry charge of the Revenue De partment, anti held for examination. Their mimes arc Charles 11..ltamb..len and John IL Raing.ien, brotherg, In the employ of On Revenue Dopitrtmenf, u liquor dealernamed Roger Long and 1313 eons, Michael nail Jurn,s. Cnrtln, John W. Forney, Jr., and S.:corgi) Alfred Townsend sailed fur Europa In the steamer Fulton on Saturday. . The Montruct for paving tho principal strecta of Memphis, with Nnikollou pave nem t, heislater, awarded, the work to c0rn ...1,00 10 May ler. e City -min similar to that ..reel by MeV, 67 . .. - CT.IIS, has been Into. 1,0 tho P.lllo(Vit of two tonal, c,l thousand sionai The banks receive it nt par. S.• IL Worsham, night clerk at the Wor. ehem ;lease, 3 femphll, has receivers the leveeing intellmence from England that lic hay fallen heir to an estate of 19,0), , 5e. W a. iicunedv. who murdered G. N. Wil. Mains. at Brookville, lowa, a n , “ r ., rc,tud Incur the Gamma Moo, 1,, Clinton coanty,, New York, lest week, Si C . raig, an lowa I,ltcetire. The recent financial d e v elopment+, on :Auto ttioot, I..mtou, era under Int...mtg.. ttoa byUntted titates dhdrlct Attorney, and imr Or, &Will/cat.' arc under or....tutrut. ilea. o arre,ts hare yet horn made. thtli rommunicatlon botwotm .Stend.hla and Lotillvdle 14 entirely sorpentled, the roud aldng tho Con - the/land river being say. trat tee under water. the rallron4 robber; and murderers of Barry thug, triad, convicted and sentenced to be bung at Frunklin, Ily , Lave neon roe -I:cd the governor tiii the - 1 7W of Idgy. The ltri,s ibc destruction' of ELIO b.f. nth. port of .I.lbluy, (a., Id catinutOd at tIO,CCO, ~,...,...„,..3 :,. . , )-7 __ ,- IF-:.' ,--/ - -7, '_.? - :'.- - 'z -- ..44 2 .1 - - 1 .. , , -- i3l*>,—r , • --- , ',O -'r7- -- --• $ ,-- _...7. f - ' q 1 ,1 ''' [.- '-- . 1 1-1 '-i-t'..f?.:',i-_-`__:fpft_e+,. 4, 4 ,Nti:, -_ - , f ,, ... - -; , _A ,. .;;. -- ,;,,,:,---, -- ----4-:=1 - - --- , - 3 - -- - - a -1 . s_ Y ! \,-' N- : -_, • - -,- '-_,___ .-..-- :,-,- ,-__.. 7 •-,..--- - - - rr-i 1 / 1 .11 50 - 125 VOLUME LXXXII.---No. 64 FIRST _EDITION. ONE O'CLOCK, A. NI. EARLY TELECTRAIG, FROM EUROPE Another Fenian Rising Feared on tit. Patrick's bay. THE FEARS NOT REALIZED C04711111E0 ARREST OF INSURGENTS THE EASTERN QUESTION. The Turks and the Christians Lornox, March - 14.—.Yuon.—Tllo Sorrlan luestlou has twen eettled. L0r.11,,h,y Officially that the fore of the Porte hru to leave Belgrade, 'and the country 1,1! Dn practically tree. Turnibh authority II id to • nominal. Lord A intassador to Lou. !q.t.:ripple, writes thet Turkey :11, , te1l rntorms In farpr of the Christlauo I:and:a and In Ito Turkish liorcialons. Large Inblies or troops hove been eon:. to Liverpool to preserve penile—. vbting of trio Fenittne there being eitreliernieLi Large numbers at Fenlnns Inlvo f•con cored In ,Fartn.3 part, of committed for t:/8h tran,on. Lrranroor. Nara] 16.—Tho Groat 'Ett,turn will sail on Natur,lr.y next for Now Yo:1:, E=! Pinto, /larch Id.—The Ilumnror today, ht an °Metal arttcle, Sacs 3forblln: Bs tutu, and the last of tho French troops let's slietluo tic lath of !torch. 51.1;u1d, 1 21areti 14.—1 n the leillei"nr ole done held throu,lintit the Kingdom, candidate , . (evocable to the (,),:rIM,I I= Vim:N.l,, March to. —li:spa:et:es rained:lw Mut the Turkish Goyarrinie,i. toss. consent ed to the return of Cretan 1,11 , 5. The Can dose Deputies to the uublitrie Porte hat reached Constauttueple. LONDON, 31.re1l rtalug of Fentani to :::"ro thfoo.hout Ireittn,/ iley. The Govermneot, Irld,el Is fully oifol t!led of the 1110,111tlt i , to Suppre, :Lny 9IIMUS very fOrr.l idabil2. prUpOrr:ol. The eual,r,: the Dust few days I, el.tremely.b, of tho cm!,11,:. 4re r.,:0.u1:,•1 comic; , E rrlch the flint Ft!" near kiliturnnY• • - ruts. Stamll =EMMIZE2I rising to-day hula ult. [wen patch,. !row all parts of Ireland report Lb. Country quiet. • Frequent /and! Iy7tlacliecliue taiku-.44.4.'"....946,-',L.La.,,tr, larratruot,Marebl7. 4 -2.6eil,ttirbaticer, Created hurt hy the to-stay, al feared, arid the ee:i re: nnFoßm nr...—nut,nnortr la yr.:vim LoNtpox, =!! tip! Govern=ent .to-rnnrrow, will ::co rate. ==l 'the; one poqntt yearly or haring tb:r typoorali In rin,hank, or In an dto nll moult,r, of learnr,l prOfiezbiAld and fl • . The bill 111 so provides for ilfteeb pour., franc:ll:w In eoubtle, Socfmtmrfort, Mulch 17.—Tim tte.dri-1.1;i Mis.elesippl, from Neu York, arrived lie, flits morning, and /Liter Idniling aorit and mall, proceeded on tier voyage to Bremen. • >III,,CIAL ruxurturrAt.. lAvauroot., 3.l.2reit Ercnsug.—. - otton eiOFIAI Ont.; Sftle3 IP,N+3 title. rnlol,4llne. up- Wel:, .13l.;,1. ‘t - huul cl.ued at 13$ 31 per ceutal for I , prlng rod.. Provaulone; Yurk,uutet; Lard u , :vaLre.! AMerlCalll' Produce; Tallow, ,l; Splellei Turpentine. 1,4 C61C.1.9 whale all .CII j , or tea. Lonsnu, March 16—E, ruing for money; 5-2 u bonclu, ".'.1;.; I,le, to. Llano., Contrail, 7±. FittN6Foll.7, NATCh Twenty bonde,7l-;:. [By .3114 a.) Nsw Yone, March Id.—The atcrinicr Cm; of Balmmoru, from Llverpool , stucco.. town 7th, hoe arrived. Cork and liablin papers have cd[notia de tails of the drat operatlonii of ,Lo Fenian, at Tallagn, lifognad.t. Tipp_. racy, he., hut tiny contain nothing uf cial note addlLiona; to ',aide ttalcgreaus. FROM CARLISLE„ P.l Blot Ilehroen end CM:mi.-- Two Persons Killed and _.J.Kverul Wounded. Ira.) March 14.-1.a , t.....0ven:r0e two soldier. ca,nu . Into town, .u.n./ When near the Court lloctio Were attacked by A. Hammitt and P. Whoore. Norther rctrty ' word hurt. Tue mold:ere left for the gar rison, and about ohfut o'clock 0:11110 lift; of thorn eatnu Into toen armed wtrh , t r huh., rovolrers rabre Thoy halted num. the Court House, and ilre , t Into is crowd of citizens standing near the point where the polls worn M d n. . Too citizen r , 3- volverd and returned the urn, ~ hen a z-ene ral riot enoued. The 001.1101, tht reated a run, and the eitizetei pare ; pursuit. Tim 4101410-rs took a position at the cilge of town. 4 guard an loe4i limn tin, punt, and the firing was kept up for borne tlum. The guard arrested neve. rat citlzenn amid started for the Carel. non. On the way they met liimoniii, who Mid a gun on hie shoulder. 11., tran 00,11!r4-41 by the guard to lay the gun 11.nd.nn Lan refloat, they Muni On bin, One intll struck Mtn in the loft brea-,1, to the left 01 1.114, right nipple, and canto out Inn, the. left shoulder blade, The wintadcd lua u died In throe hours. Anintitz the scummed . arm biro. ntowart, who was mut/411m; In the door of her own boinn, snot through time loft foot; Thoman Zimmerman, Ali:ono?, the forearm, et - nailing the hence; .14,-.1, Small, stint ttirruhrh the emit, of I L e heed; a Mon liannal thizithatigh, ohm in I the head, cutting the /mull , . Two ..ohllcrn were wounded In the head, nail tu one In lit, I leg, the forer mortally. For occeral nights pilot the soldiers hare been 11l town grouting 11111011 121:A1111,11n, 1 . 1,111.1 urn about four hpntired boldicra at the limit, Flto3l 31EXItO Ti,., Ernplro Innoolvtoc—Sloonsohltor of Fore., to At rstrlli. Max:toll Int, Ss, Starch li,ttcr Iron Alvorcx 1,0.0 v.i.t titlyo.tv, Coe rrtuven, Ichruitry , u7c 'Slon• It•ti to.; city 01 SI , /t Star roco, atitl too thutioatolllo'n,uliti tin at Qui.reitero, o hr. re ft icy i ; „ thutucottl trolturo wurtt no.u.tch:c.J. Dedu Is ruarcl.ltig thouhahil 1111 . 1. to ord, to lILLIV, 1 , 11 N :ILA It /11COITOTILLO WY tinny torn— nio— of liencrul Itvgitleo, Antin„lntllloc ono, uttliture, athounthig 11.1.0ut SI/ 4lttn i. lIzM OZIII month !nor, and th, eallo.l cut titre 1r hi have tcrtiL atn! tort v.,. Oyu you tuy bent cot:glut 01 , 011414 at ouLlt funtrattle 1101.1H 1 tattl rucOhituchil 1.11.1 t KIT, It to our frosudi... (L - Ignett) :..ILvs . General Horan Ittip,rnili.L. 4,11..:01,1t. lal the Clty or Mexico, ittlilrusr,..l Prot .and orrnageut cot, to itcpui.ll- , run (o'ncrul currecitcr not to 111, 1,10. “1 tor/00, 111,. ' , Wendt. tOola hull.CcohLl,. Acoliulco. huo4lutt telegraph culil0 t can, L dt %Luton:6 t66,lay. The171;., , ;77;;111;1341. 11/, PorA,mgo, (51 March M—A bear,' Ilortt,mt nlorm 110., 1,,••• • 1411M , 1 lirre 611 tlny. Tbu all..tri, Nova SroLikri .11,1 from Llwrpool at Jo o'clock this morraug, Lot at 3 o'clock tilt, ofmrooou wog 00'02.1 macho ad below. !FORTIET!! COAGNESS. (:noir SESSION.) SUPPLEF:ENTAL RECONSTRUCTION. IC 13112 Pass - ea the Senafc. WA5111.1,,, March ie. IF MEER 1111,01,,,7 or :RI: 111,W E prd , c./trd theth....dutinn3 of tbr rnd,n,lll Id - o -!,hire for One nuprove r ohna or tug riv,r and ...in in into cou..trnctlon of rite N‘atitt,rn Pacific Ran i road. Itnt.,,dl to (lie Committee on Con, hilt 1:)I ‘l,, !rum the h'ornm it tee ern c , ,curlhh: thnt 1 110 JO. I to, t' Ith!ron,t, Inch, Ih. 1 1.1 100110 It 111.11:u [n hlci 1,, .1, It.lop. : tly 1110 i/01.11:1.111tIll I.:nowt; 1111., n , 1./ m cud 11.., what ocato Imvu li, 7I A.:Optedl.... In,hr4-1 1,, 1'” 10,1 11111.1 , 1 , 141141 ml 1. e whhlhthcre ha% r, 0h... I 1,1. hi 101 1,-1..4 of 1,,,01, not, ons, If so, hy nr 1,,h1,/, 1,0.1 exatnihe lior , Ll2l ,1 :1,1• f :0., ellargutt with 1 ,110 I,lh 1 thg, tn.: ion hn.11, , Y1 1n..7 ofuote., •Lrht h. 1, .! of 11h 1:11 1,1 /Llhl ,11 . . . Lae. : poa or to eeno ror ot ‘ ';' . o. • and. an, oxaelne zh.llll , :Cot t.ll, telony. dud repot t till nem ' 3lr. , 11/...11.11 4 .,:s aa..i toe H0Le..4..e.a.1.,en,te clee totroe.l to sepal:las 14,01441 Co 10.11). /Lath ), O.: tlt, pAri 0-, Oat Ile I loeletl 11),f ,t!g.Lt....m 1,01.11) t.V a Joint. Lirltlttllttre 11100 tilt fin retrenelmo;rit. Tho Tro,...ary /.01).011)110)! h110..1)0)! I/11 .20 .14 thT )0, RI) 10 , - ith• 0•• ovula,vo pa: eatltz.t, Ve fr4aLlel.- I,ete lil.llEe 1110 xelleat cl great It 0 0011 . 00)! !I) )1011,1e. ."' 11) ‘.-!'t /1.,1011). Mr. t2II.INI)LE it, Note tee h.tet ,tte,. reporte , l tell to _then elet.te 11,11( 011 tt.athe,:_Ll gttude ithietr t,lthit3 Unteetl Shute,. Y.t. hit A n.kc.l the I,tht..:!ltt t't tett r. 11• tt:ItILI leo , " tintltt• ever I.lll3ltet , Lt) atta, lebtelt ntetton peeve:tett. Mr. Wll.l I AM, ai. , t np 11114 antroqr , hlt:011 of Ili. r ::.I,•t,r , rti We, n. w011,n1,.....trw on ilOl dep.,ll =Mi!Eill ,ib•tr 1,11 11 145 : Le. .)N% I 121/c..: t1:41../1.1 1,•• v., rd.- - 1.,: I: ::‘,14:e.1 by (:4::::ret.• ',.: I:I t. 11•. : •1,"a:P:1r N!.r. Tii.l I:ULL :1 • Mr. 11114 flt:/./11•11nont311:1 t1.f,111.11/1,1,1 ue, o Ontit.lo,l to 311 tto: prerner CS Or It 1211111121 a v ~ uit,tor, .• OEM BEEN . . . d vi...dd tor by a i..l.)4lltyst :•:, , F...•-lon. syss LOAIUNI, arn!” loorP.l t,) .• MEW 11.1,/ 11; !It! of 3:oy ME DEE 4 ,- ..L.1,.......... zuz ti., , 41.•.: , tr.?,,:i.,!..- ..! 1.,.!..1::;!,!!!., ~ . :" ..., , tn , • .•1.a . i,,:t !,.14..,!1!, - . .3.- L. ~ ! !,a.wl :i..!,!: - ,!1.! '. .:',-,, • ,'„ ~., ' . C ,... " ,',:...,,,, ! 1., 114 ,1,,,pi); ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,. t. , ,,. •,::01 ' ''•'',, , ..., - , • ••`,,f I. , .: il , ni.- Or .1.311 n,, O. I:, .1. I_, 1,/, :. 1!:100, ~ ,61 ! 0..: 0 ) .A , , ..! 0. ~ „4 ,, , 0,....,1, ~.0:,.. m r. ~,A1 1 . :,, 0,, „, 0 ., ~.,, ~.,, ~,.,,,„,, ~ 3 ~,. 0 .....:r +.,,.!;:.!,,c•1i.:enr,,p1.,!,?..!0tr-1.11;1y.r.11..:1,!,,.7...,,-1:1:1,,c,i,t,.•(-t ntr!!11:4!!. rn!: • : , !!!!!,' n!!! , :0, ,,,,, d ‘,... , .",..... -.......1 , ~. , -,,,.,..., ~,.., ..... 0 ~...., ..., !..r., ,li:C1 ~,, roll :1.0. '!ut.,.tion ur ..,Ittu;.; r.. , • 0 , ...:• • ,-,,..• ..,--i ~,.: ••_).. ~,.,: .4 , L , , , ...,,,- C,,,,,ttlem. . 10 3;!:!!!. r. •1- , 1t.,.1 t.: !1. 1;,,,, i.; 1.111, .1 , 0. li.iltr , ,S. 1.1 , ,s, th" , ' 3 ''' ... l i"." ! 'l.:'',".L. "' ,: ',4 ! ' ^ . ,,r;-,, , A5t.!%, : li4 G0.,1. , .. ''' ' ' '''' ''''N A N. M'Nt"Y. . ''''""'" I 1* ' ' .., ' lel ' ) ' 1 ' ,x!..%5". i 1 ,,,,,. LL,ilr:utiz,- r. II!)IVAIIII 1r.,., ~, li, .. :: .............. 1 ~ .4, ~ 2,, 0 : ~ 0,,. . ,!, ~ ~,,,,! to II::, 0,,1, rmintlr..,l , in ;nu lir,,, : Jony- El. 1.: , , 0..1 tic), ,n- ~ v •ou ...Ili Nyro,i 1. 11 ,1111/ :tie t , C:ll,:ili'Ll•flf '',!101, ,, !1•. it'..1, ,, E3 10. .`Jr. FolV LEI:, ~t Pr, ry'cloc:‘, m , ovc.:l to . . . ~....., ~,,.,,,,,r,,. 1L"-" i11 - 1::: . :Itt.,..r, a.1.,,,rn. ~..,!,,1 t". Mr. ,1"..1N LI: .n •,I .1 . k.:l arni.:!!!::lent, , I 7 . 0 ., , ,_,,,,,,_,....,,,, ~,. 0 , ,, , ~,,,.., 1,, , ,,,, roVt-, Illat. the , :•,,,t1,01,r1 . -, f e.tel: . ' • •.' '` '''''' ' . ,AII re,,,,,,!... ~.,,,it 1,10•nV“?..1 . 11.. r 1 , p trtn.ent, )1, - ,... ,, , NaVy, .11.0 ; !521, ..f n,[:,!",!! ,''!'”,"fl - , '" ,14 ' !!,, . ~,r, 4.!77., 0. 1. - .., tv or lulu.a.l ~, , ,tOl, ,:•: ~. r.t r , , t ! a t00 , !!,r. Di, T. I ~.„‘,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, „,, ~.., ~,c ., ,: ., ,,, i „ . 4. !!' ' ' d '--:..:'" 1-.lc. :. 0-11!, !, s. . 2 T,, sts.l2 '11• , • s 1..,1, ,-.„ „ „.: ;,„; ; ; ; w 11,1 , U - whs. r. '" " a 55 , 1"11 to ~:I;{•.u. 11. W. , to corn:l:Lou hue , - rt,h2hlinprovti. 1k1.601f IN THE nivr e ns. ! 1,1,0U,1, p0:.,.11t... -a I 1.11; {Voter iflglar, Tonal:sr, 1 1 411 }-l ' - " ,9 ' 93s ^i"mp , 9 l 'fla:aa . .. , .it th - ttl,t,flty tht, o..larctl-siofferla,.toorog. the lOnr• : tilt) :1,111,4 Dr/ 1N ",!. WI !.I:rout IlAw rt. - • lit', Coal!, 215..1., • th.ot "V.:: : I 'rho no , 41 ix- u ;;;;;. , ,„„;;;;.„;;;;.;;;„;,:„. ut thu rt , I ~ destril,ti , ,,, 0-, , ,t1t , E. : " „ 51 ,5 ; ... ms Caul' Engtheer llns -i.-1-utt.,1,1,,a 1, :11.1 `," 55,2 1 " 0 ": - : dat.l.s of 1.m.•., /3 ttrr 5 ,10 f or 0 , 10 hem F;;; 1010, (MUM., rt.], t.! u,24, :n ILO / '05:51 11 , 10•0. , r. Lazo' 0171 , 0, to 21ar5,17.- , Sru,st -,tufur 1: , Chas, of t 1.1“1.1,;,, Ur 31.,,11411 II ,n t'' 1,11111•11, iu• ht: ~, tr. tlit ' okt h.:Jur fr• Tltll/ It lls u,5,11 ‘ll-tative . huti,lll , l tit2,l,sunit :/ •, 1 111, . ai :t3l:tp• II nvir rz, 11111/ tht: it tip• 'ihn Wnr and Pnrn. r 1, cicr:r; tiwrclry I , :n 3 3'—Unitrd Nang,. .11IntIntInn 110. I rom !or New "....uced• No." I: t. tor ","LL , 13 for /t. Ist.; „ . I. a. I F.; . Moo: lot. I.lnt:lonati, : a.....; :ok rom Now lb. ..• .;,....7.‘'..., frWrlt C:ncolnatt fr, ~,,, • 1 ff .,,,,,,,,,z !,,,,,,, 0,, ~,,,,,,., ti,„ r ,, 1 ,,,,,,, 1..1,1., 31,, :I a wur, (tofu 1:v:r.37:1!• , . o, ~: :.......ittoli by I:, United Statf, I,- ':, p. [lt. ' 11vt.1. , 1 1:,.....!1 Awl 1 • ara,,.,}.. •-• •• • • . ' • Lr.,;.. I. I I n 1 I n ..... r f oi-. 2, " drd.nbo dllted y, havln: idtaa altdo, c,. „,„c.„ r • .0,11(1,1 .:t•::• 11,111, 0:1f1.4,rit W't" "'"'" ""''. • Ir ~t:rto. Morrlb n , s" , own...c pr0,rr0.;;.0.1 Up:111010,ml g u' ;:111 t , ”“: 't 11 in 1 , ow,. 1: , d01n.. A. t,ltturly cury 'lr., rty, aool I durnit: th., Lord:wood of' i Liar Alai .unal.)..four ldair,;.d.tlltEaJt •dn.,., b ue ;ann.: IlLtono., • !.oy trttn .1q,"101. 1. :Oct. lop • i cntiv with "rtl,A ore cu.- i i •ial t a to /I,dolta Pll,amrl Ile.ner.vy al.ll I LogiSx• - I'a:4 LOU .. • till , • Oil% ertll,lo—.t. I ...roped Con . /C 1 .11,0.1•LL41—.440.11. SlOi In. ---* IL''''' (i'tc" 17,—."" '''''''"L"' ' 1111 in I L ‘LL: l'o.. -11, funinneannill , 1,1 eertt :RI I •1.11.11, t! 1.11.1L.it .& 1..1 , 1:L.4 ...., .., ,_., &n , , ~,,,,,,, L .., In 1 , 0 i LL ,,,,.„ . IL .' I 1... ,It toe .r,ttte or tne ..r,..1 ,-4 , ,,”•-• . ~ : :i- . . a ~, ~,,,,•( (111-, ;cot, 1,11 op!, of ; °^` te It'te,,, I , lloe `it t'LL.ILLI IIL L ,10 , Lr.L.: L.' LLLLI-_1... ILL kr,, ti.l L,L L lAL_IL I al I,L/•1111k., Oil list' %It 1 1,, 5.100, i " , , , :i . , 1 ., 1 , ... ~...:, : ;:ftr ,.. .1 0 , t , , , , : , - , ,., ne ,, ,. , e tot ,1:,,, •-ato. It 1" tt; • , ,t, o ter, , , , ,,10te, ~ tor ott, r. t g tl , lle, t1 . 1 , 1 1:. 1. ,, , - tzll , it. „ ti:e- , ) ,f t,hrt ., r), , - ..f.en,.. . . . ~,,,,_m „,,, I, WI: -, 'I 1,11 I'. 11 11 5010 , 1 , 1 VW' ''" h ' din41 ‘ ..1 • ". "'" .1 " • Ai, :t u e'd" Cc. , de: . .- tto ~,,t, tt 11/r,r, ball, 1. 1..01,4•111,.. , a ljtonto4. , . tett Nort.lit 11l lottlorto l'onttonn tre, to I 010 , 101 i 0011. ON l .1....‘1,•. if, 11,11,11111°17 lI L. NI, LoLLIIILLIOLLLI In PL.LI - L , , `”' LL L L " ... ... I '' llnL ''' ). ",'lr 51011.5 that . 1 1 ,. tot. et 111.0. 11.7 II?. :Ito 1,1,1nn 1.1 nolo ter for the Ate u , . fee. 111111, Or .0011 . f.. 11 et - , ....e.1, - ; a •.. ~,,t I, 1, . t 0,.. 1 , .. I' ..,,!':::,. ~, lILL. , ea'ltt rIA, It ,tettetlay,lt tt. tl,lttotit: owl .• , ' . 0,1,1 . t ~ .I' •40. , . ,t . 1 7, ,) _._ 11... ct .: lo . r.ltt. lon.lerr, 000 II I, ....I , . I:., , or.. ~ . 1 . .......F01:1,11. 0.111 Vi 0 ,0 1•111, I 11 .1 1 0 . 1 C/ , L111,41,1S P rirt• at M emit!. It, la 1,, . . ..t . ..1 11......,.. .... ~.... ;, a, 1,..11 ... ....L. 1, fort,iit .1. lilt, eltjtelive NI V , en: .. Morel) 17.—Titt , (Ito In flow- , ~ . . 1 , 1 . ,„, ~,,,,,,,.5 1 . bot yot,,,t, n otol ee t'.. Pot !t• . r.t. Itt, Ite,ot:vett o 0..- or !,"'. '', . .' it t.. ,1,,,,,, .t.'‘..lt 1 1,14, eon holt or which ly coyest,: i',. -.-. l '-''' .i. ' d 2. . , At. 1.101. otte,rlox. ; .•.•,/,.", 111 ~,,r tt,, .4:, •0. Ti,t, , r. , ' , ~,.,. ,?, ~. ~r tte, 1.,:, , 1t,t,t1 /toe° or , : ~,,,„; 1 1, , te, - ,ettit,, ',cc ' :', '!. tt .:: 3 , e• •. .t .1 .. t . t. jO./11. ' AI 1, 1 a 01',1111“. 10"10 1 ""'"‘”. . I*,' '"'"' ''''' 1' 1.1. nr.r , . .1 1 , 1 . S t. .I.4llnre o{ . „‘titilt.ii in .1,7,, 1 , ..10 t ..., lIT lik II II.• I loo.” non,.. .1 ' ... 1 .‘.' ''.."' '... ' 1 ' . u. . • o t.. .. 11,0,1. H 11 1 1 LO troL L . L,i,.1 i,..1..,..id I ISX :II • . ",'“ ''''. 11 ''• , r . r , ".., .. L t ,„„ , 11 •,:u 0 1 ,1 'l,, ~,,,, 1: ,: ,:, ::,::::.:: t....,,,,..1 or pto , tltA.l.o.. an. ay. Kn.. . , , , if. ,l, yet. ~.,,,,.,. ~, thr: v,„.. , ::, : . 111 .7,11 ll', ottlitr., „to „I-, ,:o le• WI, 1111 , 01 V 0/:"I' 11.,100 of Nre men , ,, t 0.,::,” Int+, ct tlo. iatt.at.,.. of Inch Lou, ). IL-LL IIL) /LI, L •11111/f.tl M - LI,LILL,IL L L'• , f '.'L L . 11. L. i Ii I. ,tII el o :lei, vt tt,. vot, , tote-1. •. ..e.t.. i t nell antoo lof Novo Scotto. ,p t . a welt ...1; tip , w tad pllle.l aro: too ..., - in, 7, - •:, .:<, 9..., t 4., 1. 17._.p..„ritoop.at wpoit. POI:to-NA ilreolea or., 0.•...,!,...1 to ap I ..., o ~, oph..„ lao ~,,,,,,,•,, ~p,.,.eu ot ret-t the 11/to , , 11 .: IJ I I.' lI, I *IO kI IPt. 111, i 4 . 10 t 1 .0,1.L.L1101 , A 1 1 / 1 .11140)1110.14 011011 ill. pro, , t 1... Hollow (kraal... 4 WOUL.I 11111 , h , , row- p. 1 . 111. Ulla cefut c , tellli till` prov- I itololeated iron, the row 11.114 n largo ma lion , Ince, tut..l lb.p,ec ISCCQ.Li °I theon of emttuderuLtorl I Of 1.110 oily Collatitnerl, ' ittauuduittot. Id.llvoly oeoolOnltittotlclptil.ol.l. Su, 111 .11111111 O'CLOCK, A. M. URI' LATEST TELEGRAMS. rOj FROM l'ili a i :''''. G TON. l';r611;a Ltgis!ativo Committee 1 , REPORT OF THEIR WASHINGTON VISIT i'ti:ngeinSt)inlterr.. .1 aIUSi Eor.'.::lL PROSPECT, Important Zlexica.n Rumor 11: R 31„C;i1 17, 1.17. 701: 17.11 . 1,“1361,7 11214,C11 0 T Jud 12 , 1:11111, , q , rntitim2( . 3 40 01010171. U. itlO,,C, 00 ~01,1 T the 0: 7:010 1.0 :0 100 cbore -0, or 1,1;•, :Ert. ,tntn, IL , •out pn',lttl;l,stant: r YI are 40 rvpuy Ulu 1 r r..C1.1.11 . 1,21C111 '411V.A..1•.,, A ; 14 II; :1,11...a...1m0 lEEE Ll 11,1•1. .0 :t v , L jr, t!:•• 2,..,11/Ll.,:t putP.lc 1 4. gm.1 lo Ctg.gre- tilat 1 1 ,M., nlvt ml.ll furor lau L 1,111.11,11: /41, Wl.l , ‘ l, ll , tat 1,4 cc.c - cic—tCy tcr:c—c cl Occ 11. V1,...,1, cc c p r ME ItprVl P • 0,1.. tO _ .`; ~ =I =ME .t oe.b! b, V7wlri tt, e:/1 . 4j . 4.1 A et,SttalS, 43. r laaalia:l.'clral to r , ti.vlrft.nr we!t ' •••,1,1- =LI ‘ , /,,tan•ll:, .:, ° EMI ES=IIIIM 1t . 1.1 . 1•11,0 havt , C. 3, I,ll4n:tog of any •r. q, 6•1 . v-01 , In tl3,l,llntricto. Ell===El 1131 , 1, It! , 1 Jlztlero nt r4.14n1t:411- t.•ln.vut tor For t Cur apathy . ot; I.th• 11,14111,4 to! th., Lwany . 6 oilltruch- YEW I= PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, :11A.Rell IS. I.Ai7 Pill lri'ff PAGI7.-7'ne parer, and most 4: ..lionry, frif and Produce Market Re. 2.,rte glivn by any p ap , er in the eitp. raft 40 jo4rul on nu e Fourth !leg 1 " • or Color• and n Pt ob 10; the Great tt epublle—Speeets or MardSki Met uelliy. A bar days ago no announced that TT Gl*: gam a . nal c•bstly fultlset of American Colo* 11101 been gotten upi ta the expense of Op Postai of Trade for Presentation to Comma Doinalalson, as an orldoneo of their armrest/. colon of Isle altscrtualuallosi /IL having his ••legant boat, the "Great net - albite," built et ' the port of Pittsburgh. hat this was .4' Aei r,:rt, plane, lei good as this marks,. • , •aald dn p vie. 0,. 311110.1 0, the mft, and 1101 loner Mayor 31•Alurtlay was earned upon to pr i cent the tokens on behalf Of tile city. •Aceemponleal by a daderstkin tile haunt of Trade net u large nuteher4 our influential ,citisens, the very worthy Chief Aluelstrati, repaired to the boat the purpose of performing the pleural dory of presentation. Adatra.slag cap lienalabion, Ironer salal standing, us lest do to-day. upon the torte str•;atin of the elainongabela, lehßt nehoug teenulats, what nwelllng pride, tuts sieady neat, jibe to Mr own elaggisla way. hooch at the euelosang ribs of U:hear r utieroses! A little over et centanT when ls uslaing:• sent fors Ural mt. Trprar to ••••taalalame here •0 stockacia• lo the to he the on 1•Iio, of CIVTIT,IIOII, the en. ire sa ans.:wad 44 tile . 1 110, 1 / 1 011 colony. surrendered Le wrmadu et French ainit 11.1100 "manes , ' 11l i hail the ricer and rapt:ling .11h ntlealy almaphsi taseit in mulles, aid the slain, 11.1...1:0, 5 1140/0 111 the Ohio TT 1 SI rd I -..a,••0l s . eight in glee the 11'..1 111111111• of tale, dt..Llnt collcrinent, the laud or Mesa,. little 051.001111001 1010 011101 ,O 3111, there sleeping, but noon to watts mid hind thrall fort:ter. Ala.ut aa haa•f cuatury itie.cutter, the 11110 to the ottani throne of France, 10 too rends:4lc hilgmtranare hatter. could command no cps. abet mode of trantir —nnal Lome vmantrewl it, n eon. 014 aieverasi • half teen, the snore si here v.,. TO, ~ .10101, 0.111 1ab111 . 1,1 /1 tollsone ie Aow Orlenne. =ll rccoh:tlo3 to he Ardor.. Litton, to the skaev, ch rt.: c.centi bc,,ln i 4.1 , 1 ilichtliing hit. 'civil:4 Co ccrih. Ito? . .iethnothrr Oh. t•.: to di.W.t..l w:chut.icg (row th,c.cos the griciplug ochitcr &tm thc tiii:ll,t2l:ll,4 of Mali. 1t11:-i1 tku '.\cu ct Whit which rhr 1,0 port of hapti,th. 1161 L."1E11110E1 lIIIMITIMI e,111). nil the k'te.e %vie. p;•eb.'-e cour,e center. st, Else It emault Or ntcyw on tI, 1555511 Now th icams (1131 Sty the Bro.. oclttno Au•pwit,,, I row ndegVAl-07•11114 fit: n r 204, lb Ord OZPreO.4 thO trny,,,tl c.4.1Ea1, 85:111, ta,Eto we I,tre t1141K): 0, 4 ZretllcOliLltry tkrOtEgh , .4 , 11,1 1 . .,••, t. 11•1 arinug treth1.41.1,441 555 an c cur. what a proo rUgart its chattk 'at lho 1.1: .1 of a taut' ittif •-4•11,1.113, .10 wt bt ! Licre, wherc the Eal.emor at a Eutel,cao omven 71. sloe°, we bin frail Noe Iwo. we tEow hohtEht 'eh E., g nu: n - 1,1 arrao,caLlVEC,6ve,g• nbaEta 15101 erteit, la lorll.4ht, the wood 41w. Elena tE,„Solus; :I'l6 Lt. _i... Thu •=ill . pli•bicntal bill =SS tr, , a .rtiettuu tort . :t; vnu~tln6 Itennt,opto, Ynontoo i.nropunn tottort at tottanno i. y nt EV.lnsn, to Oftlawe ••••••••ontnn, way. • ••! .1.1.1,1,C:c Pecan. at o:a,••• ott•o.tn, to Ilttlngty ta ott +.l • T:.•,ntorlotto 140 tat • y lttaantlotta and ,tzonpn atilt n WC.,011141 1110 ki“0,..• In only °rot., 1-11, like tho • • `nip ut etotA, ml 4 •• , try ntlk: ruLtell. lIMN MEE IMEN -' ure;o:u • .4 the ovent Itupohheilo you at p, tfortutuf uf pituctut r:uty. fly ONu irum,,,,ey for lta ,, Zt , hh.; • lc 14e of thet.l.4lter .hup:na cut to Nou.. wer;tut Dana h., „ooleU the 1,. evloottcht.c .Ntnals.Or or I In, gen...vuon. 011.0 , er ge tzulutubt Of 100 e.thten ol Pittunntu tuoully ftpilog ,01 nt hal yon thsve oecornolict luuovsoock-,-. cLuiciutouNt6ol..C.:4l.2lalotto Ilt IV, 0,...,0,1, on t c a on: 0‘ lo r Nuur LlNocenol u ch,akocc Illoot to,. lot )tli/ ..ua.NOlO liltwltltoll, I looki. eoltitol o,:k ounr up;ucc.atlon of your s6.):111 - I oa,cc 0t.14 wt., for your Intc.nuNto. 11°,4,11y of the e o ..N , u., ut .. .1,0 til, t I tor the tuco tol tho u0•11u .....uuze. tht y ‘ll,llklieol t 1 00.0, o erun ctuei! , l thc Inure conNp!roo,p, , a•ne , ttoultun. cornp:sinen, tUo., Doe,• . 0t • ot.teueeu.h.e..ot artiOrvrcary ut the Na va uf flock: Weutern ;Valera, Along. the Aaeue , :otec,,ttueLna; to oor Ent). New 10 leuro, mut; 1400 - , on the Our; of the etoa..no, rutchargh to II.• tot sunero ;nano teho.o •;‘,... N 00r iu.10•,• call In th, tl••• (0011.1:. 111 .OO . . oOl:o .1,11 slloutou: tau On, 10 , 1,t, I et 00.1 expleccnon, they huve coup -1 ln o mot. folutoo goollau tte, the he, unt at of werttnne, :out ; raN, hieh theY ac Putt:L t., ;tie iuon onturtual for .hn- rtog and deuiNtlt.,4 tl. yun Llc 0 ,t opec'o, t t.. 0 -001 10116.1... I t 0... al eutuny alelettag ...up or the oo orool the .00Heu. oin c t.:l ',fuLose. nu the e: u .otinut uatne ht N out vccc• h throughout cull:Lunn, be the oul houut olor, T. NI. :uotc:Jull, 0,r;.. un beticll of 0..ph.01 I.Unn.ht ut ,lent 30.1 opproprukte uo- Or-u, tte.. th. Kat., attcr ohnnl tint rc %Ore run up, urn: tn. they cuught the tr - o l, hne.ae bl i•.”. 1 ',ruck uir. canerJ troll+ :Le crowd on the wharf lor Lae liteuthopuintc.o her euptalth • ENE • I.el for fro.lo,ttanu. Tin loPoo'in,; loft,r t ,.:v o d Wl:ht. (row o sool'o)cnown t.r.rl tOto1:1,ot oricl:4; our, of o u. tgh!.nr::, t:>cnlll3'. Ili ht.,e, hollove, roleorn do of lie I.lnnl sooJorlly of t,! labroro o 110 aro out 111,1 l ,:nku. Bore nor lie GOVi not i•trik gionir oo twoon thr, opprutudrit iron inurrhunt• ir.truilli •1‘1,r1 , 4 rird tholt not hudni, r• i•turor •••i 0, 1•une•I o• through I liu worklngutuide nirrtlng, and if ttdurtod urn:4o6,u nu tho optic of adjourn, Moot. It'. hui Out it ivirt utcr nut, on tho fort 0f Sumo of Ow cuplrt.isri to ritdu ou outun tinustiurt Which you wow, iottinit itlortul Tire 1na..., of,t fruoly ileac:nine° the elforts of tho sirlid•u- 1.. •Ir.ti: tour lournal •il wiirklntrinnu. They ultould Out give vont Lot theft itoloCit upon vnh 111, our trout c•i•d. u, 1, toll,. lour tl•••.1" w 11l 0. , 1.. 1101 . Otidol • lour Ihd light then. for God iiiiti•ru Cr lOLV.I 1.1.a.th t•i Conlonil Ith libuut Ltin pr rui•orinliy nit Itv , •Il to no y., d liutlout, to 11010 the ronti•rt. We'Fia initi•-fled with your nee. tt'ul;tro 1uy.,100l the proder who read that ri.tdintiou a uti ottliur loallelotif or toorii• riad Itnuir WOOL gl,t) datnAgo hn trouve. I:lwartl tho unto 1:00:0(ht try of )1e11,111•21, limn ' , tonne:l,llle, cluirgc.l Ith pmkiug IJio poci,:it.i of Lilo pitustinget , On 111e!t:i wree:i train on tha Pan llittolle roa.l 1.,111 in the loci[-uti. iie n, en l y 1 L: thoroughly I:,teti rugoc, aim is to:along ahout the:ore:lo,nm of 010 "ninety :lay In the II 11/111 caught. tu Ulu tilt of sto.,',lng. Ile 11411. 1101 114111 y 1111 . 1i1111/ tilt 11411 1 1/..t..r Mr. Enoch .I::nortort, thi 4 uty. tht..ien•ientn, 1. 140 Intorniittina again,. bnit, i:ut :Ives:lt:fly picking. the poe;.:, tile worin:leti. Pre contr:4, .1 ren llenutu of Mill City, who 0,1.: the into:, 1/1,1 tlvt.ly (lint zia, 1V ilk:, 1.1,111, 111, of. the o•Jur.,ti gro.:to t wnlunal kw lig:du-4 the le sieno: revelved W.. fh.e, ‘1',41j21 / /,111, 114 /1111111 g /WI uounty, 111,4 111.11 an oin:er trout 1144) COuttly wouol arrlvo here nit, lirl3onor on. neolity. nail (hut tint:: Ito Will lin Octal. tilt • Sudden nentn In the Ninth Ward. Vu o.ituritity evening, lie twifen ul. and !wren o'clock . , a Inas nittrieil John ninon catered Pearl Hotel, In the 0111(11 Iva, it. tilinrtly altor (soaring the house I,wits Misers - oil to drop to the floor. and almost imineilintely there. oft f.r off limed. Dr. A.. 11. Barr ilotdo a pnlit InOrlvtii .M 11.6111 in' 11011111 111(11 4o:footslog,' that 1.110 urt nith aorta Ivo, 111111 , 13 dlot.,ed. Them wore qulvomil Mime of 1 , 31k.1ir loth of tho melt of tho mina, ati,l' the elTiolon or litooil into the sir retie tool inter,tee,i of tile limo: preiliteeti 110110. (.:moner , .. C A , w. sem toi 11/ no inquest ywitorday tool ~fr ser, %V.. ('all Inn tten t inn ,(1':n1) from heart , Hawn.) was rendered. I Of (kimono.. and nil who tifraire to 10140 In The deceased usui ntiout years of the wt.at,to the advertisement of o :or ISO: ,Ue ref! , of the finest Inman lian•ss. T loom i 21, .10(1 all All filo tit hour+ by ward, 12..ar the Pearl Dutch Hie occupation Dili of St. Lout-, find comprise o.loerui was that at laboror. w . re, of the ha, llend, -. Wong the valley ~ f the limieits river. The s een .a • Neb. no iTiteetlrty morning . , O“lewdfe if ,, ef Wt. Code) 1110 Onion Slntch 11111, at 111 0 llveryolol,lii 5. P 0 ,11 1,, 4.115. y Cninpany, Emnern J act: ...n..Fonn atruer, w be sold the bal. lon, hp tr , atyeuntlitioneo on the hand tug atien of s i esin. prisingforge 111111,her of the rniiroltil through them: Thu t onus of dealrabls horse,, earclszo, Unload/vs. a! the LreatY hire been tssolond 111 fto nod nwkaways and buggy", eoseh,baroholte and (hey are now for Inn ID - 4i taan often:if fit buggy burue,, hrhnsy. r1”1110 NOW. 'fill, la n fare opportunity' Inc cultist: boxes, 7,940., Cobol and corers, 1 0200 of , atoll mu .nu to Seetirr 11061 ell In one toirethor with many other 11.401011110 E o.b of the most enterprising and arowleg of our ceeeary t 0 inentleu. I trithe4lusteelppl States,. I=sl CITY AND SUBURBii. MBE= 71c.: - /tror of Liao Membeic of the Iter— Propoced In &Ito lion,r of llotatok; Courts— Supremo Juago.. slily. A meeting of the noun born Of the bar wit, i Cone, nett in the District Court l'onei 1 IJIA rtlonslngt to titlieinine action In reference to baying the hours for the broltllng of the thd• /3' Sessions of the several court,: chap.:is!, and to consider other tuatters of Interest to the bar. The meeting waist very laitt , iy at tended, end wee argent out by calling Melee .0. 51. Bruit, to the civil:, and appoint Inn: S. If. Geyer and S. /torpor, Esti+„ 2tJ c, r,- I lanes. Major Brown stattsl (.reedy that the meet lug lent been :sited for the purpose of nit - - Inn 11l expression ro too, /oplololl Of l!.1 . nountters of thu her io regard to tenelecilon of Juice Minims to the t‘otpretuc ii, hell. 1111t1 :clan to take Into cons elOO.ll 1,. Ilth pro• prhily of cite:tenor the hours for 1.010104 1 110 c..dlolea tit its:court... that IniorcEnt of two sessien., It I at present, 010 0011 tftluolli sevalor, from ten a. it. until three r. M., should be livid. Before coneloding,-Mr. Brown took 0CC.231011 10 pay a high trihtde to. the - ability of Joilno Wil/isies. " 1 11 11 rite' eunelusion of Mr. Brown's remarks, a. it. Bunt ptint. k.: 4 q., Otret,l. 1110 folto win,; for the hcilon of the Ineot 111 s;. , Wuratitstt, The thee Is tiPprnaChinit When the people of Pitensiteraula will be celled upon to elect a Judge of the Supremo Coon, to Illt the vncuncy 1 Ina Will occur 011.1110 n; o lrntlinl of the tern! of Chief 4 0011 , 0 W 0.1,1.01; Anti Wit 611.A1i, It IS 1110 duty of the-pro fession throe:id:out the State Ili ways to up held the party, dignity. unit learning of t lie snore., !0.1.,.0., ulut tout[( to 01:0011K upon It hien of private worth. and otniussta oil ed uhnity, who will administer - the 1010 mill, an ate,:the "er=e of the great* re r pen.l7llßy they ow° It/ Ulu pnoplv, lii tile 1114011,g.: of thnlr illlty, now therefore, .Ib•roittsd, That the lion. Henry W. Wil lis..., tote Of the Judges of Ilia Dl.D.et Court td ill, county, by ill-, lo: p g exert v., oti the bran, Ids ex thus., icgal :11., .o. l lrotevel.i, hi. sthrllng tetvgrlty, oirl h . , untarateheil floral attracts,. is pest iiii ii r/y web swill:led to discharge the ~ oboe of that bubo:Tont 1 , 031111111, 111111, .1.: , ,,1 re.l, T !mt. 11,01 oor lung “101 ;Ml ett.. 1110, , cablewith 211'1e, %% Ililalll, /i.• VV I - II 111 HAINI 1110,114 on th e Bench, we run lOW .lil 21,10./. cordially recominetoi him to or, profoestnent 0:01 001, 01,1 1111 tithsr . as 11, protOU:n: }or:-t, tin mplo.llco ,10,01, I.nd a to:LH..Le o'l4 oco y 1 A orill Of !nen en, ndetn.7o mitt ntliwot 1. cod !or WIIII,i VICV:i -nOll 10 111 ,. lilli/reme Bench we solicit Ulcer learty es-operation. htesulied,,That . 11 o.'oolll WO of tiiroC be tip:obit,' by th e Out, to pr , etiro 1.:01 1,100 luntion 0f 1 110 0 ,0 0 ,,, 1i1tz, of Mit i ineethlw li11111)111,1105 of 1 101 0110, min :111 ,(l-r, thioteLeut the state layerable to ,t. election. 1b . b.10h.: the a.loptlon of I.lghly cowl...to:blurt . n July;,: lout., x, re in,lo by 1. 13. 31. :01/00. I:. C0rnhh.....,,,t0d E. Iliad/on! on, the rt.%olutlolol th,th, mounly J. 1.1. Ilhowtoh, b.otot, Aug 11. F. ,otatulttch to hove Lilt: I,SUILILIUI” .1. Al. litrkpatrlnir, E>.7., Moved for the op- Mdfft [flout of a,/ 3.lenutive Comnflttee of nine . of.ff rw it c. , 0 , ineuftferri of th e L, of oft, r rount Adopced. Mt. Ilumofou cloof ,11.1.1ate,lthe dra.ll of n men.oslat to the Judaea Of Lae tova.c.c: .i u r •... 11 . ..1.,,rikh U f.ltr hol.lfri,f Court.,w al ako 711- lfo , lfog Luc of one ner oaf . ne 4,m,1d0u Of W 4144 00., gune.rully ofecua,e,l, and the majorf Ey upiwar f tour. 11/01,1 . 01...1t. Cr,/ U. rut,. but leo lit fr c - of , e• .11- 'lump:on rt.f.rr. 1 In.the 4 , 1 formirot I.Otfary, awl ~e 11..4t untton floll.l m. I.l'.r.ary I themorn! m•r, Of t ht. 1... to. I - .N.. ..;rmoly r!lo of pundit: trut.lneto. the wit. tn favor .11 , m tin. Nom, t, fe, now t tiont on ca.,. by to: clot portott, of st.c.artnt.; ...um. /11trory niett..l.ltem• the comi,, An.l LI, tomMon - N. of :Do It.tr. ..1f ter .ontm Loth , : tt aunt Lon 1..t0r ul:tt,//l tn.", tt 'mutt:Ott...lt bre ottltottitml accoruplll.ll rho molt, •ONett..bmn. Thu motion 4. 1.1t.0.re. tw,trtc moulder, It. inn -44 11 ~, ~ .rts and Geyer nonnuitto, Wlll.out further Luan,oee, the tuetttlng to/Journ— ml. 1221! e tooCanlA the followtag fall partieututh of tt.o r.t rallrouLl rCct•lenl from the I! to.aa e,„ no ,t/ I.rooLen ata , ar.l tra.n 111 trotn "111.,a:?, rtlat tnala 1,...,1 111 Ur, an.! ,a01:1 , ..! t u s.aaa, for at tilt. 1,1,4:4411.. f roa. tha: Et 5,n. nsd t: ti1n14,41141.401: I, 141114.4 t 1.4 thc.2l t• 4,144 /1.441,7, .Itat 01:44 the, rroor .4 It t• , 1111. tn.; Ow . hoot 'our. Itsta rad: galo-1, mud ar:n: :a 0r Atillner it . - 11. • of 1 . .. rt \ Oho., tl.do...istal &P 414,i411 . 111, r.ll. 1:11 , :1,. Mr. 1,:lgoro. i•oallt,ic. tan mer . na-U .41., 1,4( 4.11 k. 14..• (Mt Or it vrttlarra-, whel, 11, 1:•1/1, 4.( LW' soar car, o.rta,n oa I.lto .:I e I wa, 4, 414 , 411.i ui tr, aa/aak .town th.: 11111 , 1.1, tia.l ar. , ala, ;1,4,444,, "to. /1.4.1 I. .414,..4 .40,411 tt, 1..11 to tava liti I/ II • II .1 / •I I turnhihed hy the It Um • .• in-:, tog. .oL tiw• t 15.1151 1 ,1 IL: I. f,r.lows J , E,rl "1 !, "lan, ~ ,w oo,intr, I.'ol leg., I:ap4r, (11111 g A ell. 1;. cu• any: I).lnp ut It root slt..:lat;;,. ! 10.1, 11. :1. Jol4a 1.1:.oo ',I, -.0 ere:) . epr.dued. 1•Irk L - 41.)1c1.1.1, oro. , Lon. 15". I:111111, Inerelinnt, btol,,n, lett leg a 111th A ell. .1. :ol.en, um! I, of cm:l baoh) In] ‘ll,- , t, :rat tioing well is. yoUI , I be eip..eted Iron) 1 I', cl,nr,ter nund,er Wl,l. 111,1--eee Mee (1,01 t , r , .l,a—ln all far :1, 1,. eoul , licarn, d!xt•ettl t. 101,1, t,II, nu 11,01 atrio to 6410, 1k..11 JOE,: lust.1111":11. Ttle deatn of. Mr. 1:11;400!. I ' o t , . 145111,11 , ,t , , , 1. tavrelinnt 11,1 ar, ,, .er, 1a 11,.. 010-1 14:ot:tit:Val, eeyllelly. • 01/0 Cl C.f.:Z.le, Mr. 11. M . nlll5Oll, I:r.awll 11 Mr. 1,0,00 , 4 u. eniedlen. 11.111 or : . eL1...01y a etnodtiorneleslunoldoool 51 ,, 111 ,111, 1,,,• „r 1 1 . 1 1 lily L..d, - ,,CILICLUT, In 1110 le ...wet, I OfJolin 5101vist,li 1 1.1 r.glit, E. M. Jonti• :001 I. 0,00.; 0,001 upon It 11:1.11 'nazi piac.ed in Mr. charge .10pd-lied ;he enni.. !!! .NaLlonnl elly, with 11a po11, , 011.30011 e tile Order of the right ful e!..lla.tnt+. 5 11,111 uppea,k 1,, 6 1 , dd.. Mr. 0 ruler I'. Tell, engineer on th.. ne. Cele lee I ratn,fur t 4,• pr. 111 whet , .101310 VI OrolptneaA u 114 leLlell thLt ,pta. , l of 111,, 11.1111, 1,1104e1l 1110 !elle% retzolatlon, bent 101 for 001::!eall111 by John nnfulereon, elsair -111011 of lA, (mot log . . . , . co:tea, that thu tlootkA of tho ralsoo g..l, of tlootecOMoloatttoot train Rre te:olor• ~1 ototoOtrou,ly to too Logno•or, 110. Iron -1"roll, for hla 0101010 00001,001., to yllrek trir 149 rogint., tliorel , y tlto 11101 of nudity ponntorirery on Ulu exiaTbi trot.), ahead. It 10 On:latmhot ootuitrorn 1,1141 to human °More 10 , Oil to 1 Int It 110 Ito ty of ill, drat! tuali t alto .t.venltt ptoounoter, it to rialto- Cti lip tin, olllecro, 1100 troy over 1;111ot ion 1 110 root) woo I wiz: g lookot niter, ntl~l i lly oontolo.l carol for, thlures nhotlrtl Mott - 11ln IA actuaily vlhttoool in roblont.t t01,,,t0 ono arresool tit uot at plea Ing 1001101 out urn Itudoongtten 01. ottv , 1:11 !MI, or wooer wero 011110 loot, but no large untoontn. At to wile Is to 1,,,t0tr for Into old occident; wo ore not , ru tI1111)', Intl 1,11 Ito loiter, 01:term:nod 11 , 1 01 1), r .11110, 110 1 / 4 11 pre,tonpl Is Ott 0110 Lotrltloll 0,101.1 not novo niourro.l Il the rA.L.rroo ti 1110 tool byttu 10,1,01 ly 11000,11, nn tro tintlerhlontl it Olio ruin Mot regulut 11111 :1011r Itotspica It ik :;u•.l.nnon tor painting tip relic ping•.-t&linn-,• llPPedranee., onr :own r, Ct pl e•ent .4.01 e reepeetnlne upponreneo )lhy net, In. In t.ll theinet,len Ivo 101411 t te• per milted to .dy few evorde In emu 111011.14tind „rem. friend Cane, No, r• 4 Hand ...dree/ 1 1131., IlAndle3 the with nicely (104 perh, e . llon. Ile hay Inn. enhhull 0>111404) repeta lhln 00.1 ev Ideneel of the ealpilllo4 0110400. ter 01 II 18 00180 everywhere uhntd Ile 010e0 permoord attention to ell hdnlne, entrusted In him In 110, way of llou.s and 1:1011 ;exteLlng I.;:laralitr. In every rune In . t , nlltl.fnel toll 10 110100 WllO t.C ene 1110 meretee, lie te,ei 11f - ening tell the 11, r t quality or Inaterlel4 and Imlnts Itre arrodlled 10 .tit 11.1 ev.• lII.* ...0 atill"%pllOrt. 111 V . :I intrllrg IL 11 l know hi .• epedis wllen 'An recommend Mr. li tilt ti I,lllllr, 11101 trll4 hie nlretely lutllB 01111 re 013110 puhllC 1 , 3 00 0000 ...V he !het eu,ed. 1 1 lir t t A .'Mr7 A 0.72 .'" ' elik ' M ( j $ ', , k,* 7 '.. V . ! - '''' . 7 . ' 4 --s. 4 7 •-, i ,r 4\ 4 . -7 4H il 4 -P A, N / , 17, t e_ i r r :.. , k• z V 4/ , ,4 s r Pith The litslt• lo illettalug - tsesm—.4 an n, r. Slf.ll/1/1..1. .0'1! t•lovon o'.• I nek. n 41i r- C= Cou moo:, ~ tweon varty of young Inch on lor,ou Co, bo,cuhrh Elrruinglauu, ri,aittlO:u ono of I U. : .a lu:fug It , cen, th“: 3!•tt. Nunn. r Fr'y `Cott, 11:301nt /::371,11.4 taNr: nith or t/2:... .. La , . ult . , Cltt,ort tt,! 1,11(twit,7,, lattr, got 'VON? of it, rt"3 . lta,t " et . .trttt,' , tti Mu:in I.tvtltu antra In the strt,t. aft , r itclz (taut, Xltota rt,tb htt.l, tt o.l:egtml C Lr,ta, about two In log not ttni en,' w, taken ton reirlier 0i,1,1 clots I!), :In , l ibenco lot a carriage to the re,11.11.21. No. 10 Oh, 1 e - not for,,vtret, 10 Om ? . 1, cant',: tok hither. ht.:of or.,- 49x:rallied by. Ut. acter, Tire yOno.: - Moo nat:.rt f.ieorgri-Dreter Undlieorgoltreilituou,ighenutt. cotupgny with eurriou. svoit Into :hi+ i+hott whom+, Munn wit-t leo, to and trel - o-thcre M . - N.:V.I :mail 10.1.0..1 in ill,l bit 4-no. tingtin Could put lid (coma at thu I INC. //11r/Uu tLI 0 niKllt Dee., am.' AlLinla hints for Jur tire bury, u . :30 Val), 1111,1 tiered utely what +lieu to ray - tlfmt. prOporls' Cautfiluio,...th , to ~,,,, lop L:L, Loiol trot?. to tho elkm, tl,at ti rut - the In the street hOu y tut,. Cur.OU , m,,ko ,011lething rO Tdou n, srtoil c Curd out, ••Ihn euL++ Piorly Olatartiay Mu:ll , - Ing Curio,, 0:1.0 purr int heat , log now buil In Bad case +lll.'l+4 the forecourt, utter which. Juntter, Salutary cotaluittett all toren (or a - antititur beartnir on Sntnr+lay nezt. lur+,on In ain irrzeil ulna re.oriots the borough. lie tea, lo A a llnliar trouble ...onto yet., Ul4O. Im.1 . 11:g z1.i.0.,m1 11140 l a I.lrenlmou unit Dueliur re-il.te r.. 0 borough. the iniurtAl man. :11-+ Uttnt"rfitrti+ nog wni. lamrd.,4 to the 1,01 ou,ll 0. • ‘lMnlty of his plaice of eran,loyntlint. Ito trio. genera:ly r+upiriteil I+l very bk.. properly ob.pri-ni+l Toolog loan, tool to ”polren or the - terabit eno titoyer, lie terve.' three , :urieu the i ute tear, It. the Itooo4+l Unitetl Stare, Car- niry. tbok pa, ~ , , +.llteen hatle,. Moir being tunen in ro - o- t Ilrs. Ito - tire 'to attenit hint, .rtt+ it tit,. the si in+ +en r eviaently hint, otth u daugur or ributtic, oque , l lune. 11,. +in.,- of tveot art uuni+l , lbinei bo +intro I++,- -uilon to tle tiller t o nrreiteil nod plue--.1 it/ the III:- nilnuutu lock•up on Sulu, d.v, but t+l rb.tt hnve n e.uu . ,•rro, t. doliculty vrtiletim eurro.l- molt+ din+ ely pre yl+4l,lllo Lot bet 11,1, 4 tri o t i . oo • with the euttlnu. ,They - th ere clanged Oa turiluy everuPg. OM= bINIr A 1.,r0 Story of f.:otlern . Ity r...r..g.” I:urc./e, p!, - -uar+. wlelpltle.: T. B. l'eter,inn A Itr. Ft.r - t-tilt , I %tt. , burtrb by W. A. Wt.:lltet/13y; 45 r,f;l2 ont. 1 , 1 those ucrecliteltln cot:- tith! to to! VVF.I. c thoto ::«nc, other gre Acl , t.tutsol(httlen,leng:lftltr the (trot has would,. =CM In tbv Ta o- , labl h, Gar man y. Tb, falr ilangist., ot tha tbrboo - ab,l 1:o:.1 Erol“na, fonnarly Lord /Ego Lln.nLe..,r, LI England. Eguco.l.tal Art Great lEibdo. , :01,Inarr;a, LOrmar. nooloolaa, coo. tr 0.1!: 14 , , 101,1- honr. ttl,ut ntli.n • ,nto 3411 - 14 . 1 ts t h, 'Ault of am it,• unttlrrn . ..al, 1s 1,,,t tr,r3, lovt In cr , at:on colninct,r,t,r • , ny . :le. lint •••• • ••r nutuntl to 1." 1 t1T i 1 .11,. 1 11/ 131111, Will 11 11,11.01 1 1111,1 11 , 1110•11 al , n , ,tt It, It I. n,v,l int•ltr.. lull •thfn, mt.:Att. to /1,,p,n, 3 et, the ine :oentn o ,r, nor 11/11 actorr nt•..let.o 1!...tr ;Inn , Tor , vl loft 10.4” 1 , 3 'q .. ,Ittyk - ,r4 one's 3 tutu:,' (5, 10-V 4.th an.: .3 - 41 n Inltkß. 1re..11 and tot.utlfal. Tno oortr. tza,411r . ,...i) - l ub thrrot,!:. C u .Ittioi in Eztglar, I, L.tol we . pre to 113,. (!t • : lUn, l ln fArt, tt!, 11 i a;i mud int . 1,13 no•nt, it m .11 11,1110, WllO ...uu.letnlnht even In 11 N.rw. Jotin Vt. Pl' Inv Poi:-Onio, • r • 1 LNI. Now Y,l-!. rho Moueowrtheles hht;it.tnter—Hoot Aug of the 10mmt...100•,.. At a tnctolug ot Lutanuf,tonuee ut the Marion 1111.1 31onuoganela Nevi,salon Coro p.uiy, u , ppoluuta uy the leginlntafe foe 310. 1 , 1111.114 county, held ut 51urgiottolvo oo lit,. 1111: ley et Mare:,, :Lei kUlun u:anea .20:1111,1,0...n1,ra u ere Lot. 1V11::4111 M. Sclur4 Lot. C. It. tauol nua 11";:ley. Oa na - ,,n. Coionet Jana, £;.sr, WZ4 .11U, aitig " tJp,ll,/ 111.1:,./ 1. 3, 1111,2 M. t 1 1.1110, EV.411,1 IV 11 0". P. 1: toy ro I Led A I , •11.lsottoo ttp foot Li tlio 10v.k4 to I. In.tovor they ro prooor. qu0,t.03 zon•Ii;:g 0 1 .1111011.. oto .onn Oita :sof on I !r ro:o.co, luz to :lie conitootoloner., ~aLpi.,,,,,0,;01 of emutoilti. Witl 4C:Clrs, 11111 IA 100 .I)epartnee or tlxo tireAt uor•tbilr. The Cia of the w „,terd wafer , , the t o hou • strous t e e'er:un( whlell n wilhtly d f Ie th-e -urkywtf.thn ]font elaot ieilhd he nu al:, puld il "—letule. In her rlunit•-ci S•tturd., ufternoou t , •ok te,r.lefutl turn fur S • uht..- r. n Vol le. 411 list NLIIt+I ; tile tat during the tiny, und u nho tilewed oat the wherf wit, hued with thounuteln of ladles awl gcitt to iueu , who etnoLl ender a 10:111,1 SllO, 4lgh, ekj t geistt veenel to winch Itttstfurfila It tune:, lie leo,: moviu ly of the Greot Iteputille ond - trunt 11l at she will prove et ea, wort:credit:tele toot, ell 'ls nett-lailldliot tilt,.[g C for her. ert.dt3zuly her uotehihery goof. her e:tinualillsi Inter:or, bunt mid ochaeouill,l limn or. 4 11 e.1.1te141, or 11.1.,f2/1111C-. tile at tv• 111/1... rh/ii, art and itetchuninfu huuld make th.; le, mi.:her/0 llutell in hue mei te•rh Len fa every pnrttunlnr u : 0 -141111Illf•ylo,,t. nerd , tmy untl ex...mut:loa. he tot, 1131141 uv,to our Southura atel We,t.. ero friend, with the L..5,1,11;VA. till, duos or.t• of the ne-1 . N , 1111/.0/16 ta bung building " C,ll,ern out. - Arrest end Att. mps at llearne, Yeotot Jay - .r:ernoon party men, ammo; whom to•irti a ttioli.ollog nrot Cutroy, gut Into a ills:it:bum° cm try Ito Ft tin thu SITU: wo r d. (Imo., brute dbiporsoil the crawl, but MI 4rit tools refit in tin alloy attar It: to oha .1 to I, oat ao that erral ennlnnnv, ho tutur , ance. d ill-or out: ri..l Min to lenvo t mra euttrety. 11u Jrtuerd tott (Irtkor. lie'belilarrum, 1,1,4 tlbi roi.teal 1...Mti0 :him run Op of utto.utott to osono tto 1.. t-un t A severe iitrng t tto tun or.: oi it in Itotuni ~,,• ~ • Ateliiiitogit mid cuit.iy to :lie p, it lie., they mew remain 1,1V411/11 hourtug. E1.,.1nn In ritt. The rollolvlng was kieutt,l in MIL =l= .4.1::,1—E.1`. Jon°, 3 yoar 4 : T. J: tot,. 2 N . ;-1,1, Wzn. I liurt-01:, 2 Au,ler.on, 3 :11,.nstor' (.;,,k—Gertrte Ihrurt. Irt.:.. ,,, r—.l4trues SI. hunter. • lnder. • At.uutat 3--1 atuia M. hunter, Oa vl,l uutu. • Evan., nrw• nd an, •j-t•i7;r•s ...i.k.r aur Zack. and Jacob John. AlcUulte, Cutting lu tog sauth Worgl. On Frlaty nt;;Ilt Et le,. Thgular Dtnl/1,3 setts Still) cut nt u Loose of :11.re. phte In the sixth wart. tt•ttne. the home, get Into au 1.1, retth, ulth Itobara 5.111,g oteh, eng or tht• the bout', lint In the pow, et the e,ggoel uonote.lr. CV e T. kg,. gen egf in toe el.!, 11N ggeget theu2ii i• net eee-eler/g1 deg, 01111. itr,,,l erti ond l.r.forn Al.lerueot Llutlur Otl . After u ',roe! legion" e no, hehl for u further hearing pn 'tint urday Oval. in n Non iiOIP.-I.liti Counnersint lu (or Typngraphlcall:nlona. What 171111t4 Onnuri Nr9..Opprenori" past ch.Nt.'", = , V•• ::f .t who Itus been "dO-• of th . e Mon.inn flott,f• to thim city. flit cwl:wd hirwelf Cart3irt rutw:,[3 . le. b, ..r:1”4! h.wlw. •wo crlt• ••rnn fling' f“,," / 117141:tWin Iwwrowwl dity ito.larsof tho. Fyl:l,,y h:: :11.1 tl w”. next heard of at urreat 1. proZ,.!;l, inwr,:t I ai I, future, ElsastsolT•nosigg ivesssinATesosto—SOrut Chun .1, - Olsts y..4tersiny ssfturnnon Dunnig Lur•s, got to to a lhosc a lilt :another coup .tv.rap. Donuts a .1, 1^..1: tool wag stet,lng also worst or W st. s iota :stool us•uud an 7 attgUntstsul otre, , g , tn Thu harsh., lbw slot hoist of 151. 111:011 orowsi 01 n 1,4 sus.t.e.lu.l r.nNettlnst Langan'o. , c, - .ounelit. The tstltCer. puenetxlegl to bi:.,;unglsusscs u to:1/01114,1,4ap MEMO :fol., .7. nrstitiortl,, O. U.1.4) . 502 tC.W2I. won, nn overeara...too.lphy,tng MT ~ .C. 1,,,,1! 0/Atarercri ntr qtareter. betpre Al,l-re,te 11e7.r.tt.tex,:ttett paid 6IZ to lite Done: et too 0. - ra.t, eftenutt tett titte*Fat it t -, •h . tt - tte , l. It t . lue . ,hown that bdallalolll 4,1:7:: et. the :1:0, TO r.,11,14 the .11ffere WM it eett to ton. e lie 10.11 .4 to th thts elenittltere-. o I t.t.r. Litton t)p.tintl.—The 'Pacific ena At !an t!e °Mee threw noon to the pnbli- n. S nrit iy at tVlieelintt rZllliii. [MA aynoS noro, _Fran Pita ' connty, 1 . a., to it hien taints their lint, been exten ibid. '1 - ion Company In rap• ftlynxtencling faeilitiel for nenotrmi thoing, tar nntifte, 110r1 linger Ita present Very OXCIIII , :lat management It Sa becoming quite popular. An old .fain :cwt Thos.!Fawcatt, from Flyb ,uady a charge or assault 01 buttery 00 nut:lnlay, berm, Alderman ,a, .110 tbc , ere, WM. Fawcett. Uses,. ttud 5% 1 , 0 It , an alien, was chub 100h.$) by tho dtdatnent at the' pulls, and lub," tl.O lAtter. That Fawcett shtiuld bo eyes Off snoedlly. !tee 1.52 MP it llf cc. was net expelled from f , e lifei Mc!, ilimfiimmo to, braz ing lll, wife, es +a cninted in our lust (-anion. It !wci ..n family ,l Rolle nvnita lc ! thei emn fel 000 , c:60000e, and . of tll;: rcr -cm: friend, ball! c. l licro In „ int,.nel denounce the busty me ticia of ilia Lionlerence., ,% Nebo, tioy writer of the Commercia/ :1.11 , 10:14. low tin," inonago onr /lIIMIL tho old of the Typegroplamit Colon, On on In have on htln Wile in our compieorile,ll.lllll. fook,forget their offer io" without nay couttitiOnatioat 1110 time. ' ' • The •I Lvatlet . 'yeateriiny makes a milt taae .0 man/lean that we are compelled to 'mention It. It hay, T..11,a nGre.“.t Republic, an, toti,t - ratatal." • It to - self evident that, a'ht LW: het: steamer lettour. It.i.rt eu S.ainedav, erne - d.d with p4 , ennere and !might, IL wait a •Irrenifial - chr.rfol nc.. nnf2, atlve,lt:l. - 1... bnau ttful por,ns.tn:l In an cotton!nt degree tuo , rutn, jo,t-sut present. The Pt, of Sntut.lny tnlme an ehortnoth. 10-op of ...utwort out of the /iLtle bunnunglinto e:ection. lion. P. W. C lllton, Legt,lutor from enunty, we, In tut city Seaurday. 11 cuw'oer, p ltomn toot district. :t n„ ti- c0 cr01,,,. to sttintl up tor tnr rt;;11, UI Ike rued. • EMPI - ron I,CILIrew to-morrow evening at tan .Insalttay of Music. lto le out of Ulu b,-t :nal •::•: ;t. st cost ants In Ilia •enllnttr, 0.15.4 155451Z11 Ot, Thu. foart of ti: Wor1:1 0,0,-lull re oi,n to l:s ptcull tr powers. iloosnotao, Oa:: Cookstown "reins rlt„:".sola e, In company with lllebard Th4lr w known to fame enure time tine". bas Iseen for toiun time living In _Dir. 731114011111.1. Namenet, recently 'lrmo:mod Unlled arate;, Consul to , Copenhagen, bolls !rod/ Int./lit... Ile Is a g0,,1 fellow, and II:Oltna .o saullf or he could not get to thd,encagtn. • Pitt •1, rgh ro.t wok, op to more pob iln P•olru :awl IL hiM ~t 'clorolora.tt, or Lao .., quIL•usLOOy un the contlocat," a 111! toranWAL 1p It awn Orsf,l2a.doity. • ..ug . 11.... a pa• clue ill` V ti•l4 a tut , ..p:taa buol. at reialar. mtet- l'orlous.—Toe I.eln, urn very curious. Tile} ~ clu :ouch eau.. snLoytog ut the , 1.• oe:Thc cn S.rlurrlay thug the men Loll:n/1C L1..1112,./.. Fittlor's , 1 L., been subtod by tbe Go, crud, int., Lou violation 01 thu • en:- i Eurper's Weekly, rue Niatlon. Slo Ilse nlels uLL, pdOncallo, Llint aru Korth The Paticili zhowlm shm nr e.tving in. 'LL.. LAJ Lina nut in e of [lvor An application foe dtvnreo ba b:an la the uutorlbusto d0,1,c.11,11t10nt,/ , 1 , c.11,11tIOnt,/ fi us Lunt Week. 3.1:11NO. „ ,143 • lun,; Attach Lack Into to wake a gond Satink, says that the man owning . LbO , tho owner of Diathra...l nal muzderer, done , p!lt:,, bout, at a tru e. Ln:ice 'Lite l'e.ollt3 of r. A. II u of Lu death from .114.1:allettn,s nut, allt,nt. now carpet. m Ft. .00n 11c throe ep,‘ to lb uilu. NVenrY.—The .I•lllnE,,nr. trtnt grows very - SnL new ,vr.leziett ban ban. :vas t.:11,..,1 cars at ua .AT rll, litttet” rg or 11,o1r1:lo bare ad vuL4.4tl llect. to twouLy.nve ctutu Por poou.t. .:•Inp• ,W,,Unorelandand Catar:a c00n::... trove ja,l tern putil,hed. tinr.d 'or.) enottnxni to ex Cl. much at: enunn in ' , elm, 11::11 county. A 1)t -le.,,, L.:" .tt ,tttt,,tott: to bo ou tt , tt t trona Erlxlontl. Incosno itt• tar..utt b., wade out at unc,, ),!1 la lmt day. Tte ,111,811ro for new rprln4 preBl.l., Jails sheer, Ilitc /111mugh the tr.el, arc. lit Petroleum Ceutie. Loren A.. lu , oorth n Proathwat CIL/. I_a or t;':iltn•port, Lab?. IF / 1 J/ • , • , rry IrcAr thln has". Coop,r, ttlx ogctl citizen of :Iletot vloe, ti/vo I,t ly °lnwns 1 , 3 . fulling on this .i ., norLtu:, on Pnili ,tract. • tales welt mado at r t.. u ta.• I r% of th, .14,1 icbool 1., ;0 Jon, n3l. ex 1.0. v Geor3 - vote at the Harrie Imrg ffiIEIMIME=I Th. f S. •,MILIZA e, to run 6 CandlUale 50.00), T.,lvv of ptg I,uo are prod.ic4l¢ ar , at prrlcet 1112,der tho river l4ll‘. IVi• enozlgh snow for hlefin Sp r 11,,nut.t.% wcrt, Premature Ye.. to Ciotti xxa 1-2 on 6 , ltur3ay In Pitts- Inc. Trtxet gars s weat On last Lt.k. Our large urn' pt . ,. Works .tluaru7,:y. A Zlozanl ilroiwht S:l7 la I.aneasivr. tisr..l`lng ritipps.r, Coitet\ehnoil Fourth Pare. D•ntago to Southern Railroad , . -.Saw Soar. Mvott.l7.-..c. LE. Evan., tion oral Etotoru of so:thorn i. reudrts that tn., tianta., to the V:r.thtl. and t ennOt:tou rxtinw3 xlll Po repo trod o that (might und tattaehßor irWlns .111 'rn. thrniarh Itthtol nn it:, lo: trot. Th. East Tennv , sre and' Vl:tin:a rat:row:l art runnlnn uussonwors Vann:nit rw.talatly.an. trdl send trot:tat. ttoa,:h 0;1 tho It Inort:111e.. Tr:, IZatt Tonn and road Is al: rlolth ( r' ~ht an 4 uwoottagor o trrttm Inn arnl throcolo Arldt.rion Lthon dr:ru:on. T.:, nroao Chaltann,ra wlll he repaired D iv 'n Lanu Tan noriton , zr bni!ze it, In hug I:drt .th:od off. but .111 bit ready n , hardneat In ten daya. Arraokrornent• nr wlrondy cutt4dote tar Irun.,:orr.ner thigh • oat inotonter• to 11 11.1rettort. 'The [two • ttotu roalohartanctogs. anti :(wanviiht :o hot I y:tart:at:tat. but II lar.nt for , : I, at 1 It two trains xlll be run Zino:Iv:11e t tt two The SUL/Pr Ntortxt at Hoszen. pottrtot, March 17—A snots,. e 1.01141 cOttlht , ment•e , l het.. t eventna mt,t'eteek. tol:euntirmett With .teottt ttp eleven.o . clo, th, et V . 111,1 ~ C 41,, le t ; the gentled to ttltoot lit 1001. letAvc tot:: eurtt, Klit,i preN:wt,ll,ll, UKY. o. *V"rui train hleb left Swyorl. last ••• rived here AbOtu t. Fire. ne. :11...14. 11, to.. NOrtirien Mar, /7.—.1 lire nil Finn Ylln street, 'int, In, dwelling house on lied rt jlxcluel (ox. ger, ...year led Id Willide by his at . TWO gltper „, 114,•//i1144,4,11 the tipper bIUrYB. TL t oil /U. their -furniture and' clothing, /.i.3 four thoununtl dollars. Central Partite H•tioad Erten%lon. SAN FICANCI,O, M,rch 17.—The le•at ea. Punolc lintlroAd -Onnpuny, on Marrh 11711, 'lll, flu the ~I tice of the Secretary of s,, r. nrtteto rxtenling tan}r runt from boor ~ eying will commence ImineOht'otr. =l= Ntw Yong, March 17.—The storm ot.C.ch . comoneacrti at elpron o'clpea yestvrOuy =prolog, coat oos.l uotil son St.:. to--alolo. ~,i,...„tarp•firgg body. of sol.r.rhus Nilto r anl.l :the 'grouts ore agat e .1u V5.C1131.10 ova . - Municipal. Election hiliavelliled. fiehl Itlclusscrarh Va., March 'eneral Sch Cr. haa aualmuled lb. 11.11.111ie/pai eir.1.31011 al Produrlrl,hurz. It la - 01 , 131 u that 1.0 arlll 00 thu u.:nuu all nvetj 111‘i srate tete the 010 ulll6c.ra WIG hull on until a now eke- chtarcir Mos . :ox, March 16..L-Tha t'irst Orthodox Conic-regalonnl Chtireh, in Somerville, woe hurried reeterilay. lees 0d 5 . 0 0 , Inaurett,ll7.oOn. Fire lueenoiery. NEW A D VERTLI.E-PiLENTS. ALEX. ALIE:EN Mr.i . 5x.:)...re.rx..a....5.5.3 • - No. laa Fourth strert, eittaburrh, r.;4 ry L.ql of khsds; CRAPE:I. DIDVEs, an..lrvery •serlption of Fautr.l elm:m.4lns Is rulco rd. Rooms open. J day and Hearse sod Carriages farni flied; rkaranvecgs—u.se. David D. Elev ES. W. Jacobus. LLD., Titusaa• Fold., Esq , ., Ja.... r.. 0 U. 31111. r. R . T. WRITE 8c CO., UNDERTAKERS IND Elf BA LMERS, u+nchcsu t, Wood's Wan soil rlcuat.y. • • •.• CDFHN HMS AT MANCHLSI - 011„;Vbq 5T4411 Comer .hcilleld•aual , hart era ....a UP." Ile too Carrlaßes fILLOALE CEMETERY.—The • .hint — Cool's-arre • tOe ut subur an plsce of ~e p, u lslrre,.elterpt one. In Oils aJtostvsl on .•rnor Elrlghloo road. Insatell sta. Iv north , r hurl. Int. or tills, ca.i u, -A l at 12. - ntrslarug mos. or Ls n allet Pour CUT. DUNSEATH& CO., Whole*ale Agents MIIMI American- Watch :ftinpntly's WATCHES. No. 56 Fifth Street, op . rukitr.7e. 1110.41Ni'. lIAI WAITCOES. a -VA vItIES.T._.-ViLE". AT A vErvir Pot Ail. ptovrir. AT' WILL WILL T. kivILEY:S, 6 if ylie St., 3d fluor Row fith. j OUN gTOS . E—firtrisTr lilEaMI Flue Watches, Ducks, Jews SILYER•PLATED WARE, ETC., Yo• 474 L1E.,..71' 21t -Post _ace. .14- Van Scalar e.g.:Waco grre. so .V.coarrin. Matenca, Cl.t• anq sroez rutted 9 S 9 S 9 S9r,S9 S 9 S 9 S 9 S 9 359 I ni i F STREET. 1 .4"9 1 4 41 To ' 4 9; 1%9 1 3E3- CZ> 3E3 " 1 S 9 .11arkct Slreel, ANI You% -• ! S 9 SHOES , BOOTS H &V • 9.9 I°l 1 I THE CHEAP/2:IT AND ISV 2 7 i -s 9 ;xxv - rr'Ex3El OSTY :s 9 , ACTION 0../t/1./I: KELT. ' J.IS. ROBB, 89 Market ht. ;s9: S9l 59 S 9 .59 S'9 S 9, 5.9 59 59 59 WELDON & PLUMBER S, Gas and Stearn!Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS, 13MIZZEISTI Chandeliers, Brackets. Lead Pipe, Pumps. tiheet Lead. &c., ALWAYS OR IiAND 161 Wood 7itrfel.lll. Rij troi,:to ITIE PLACE To 1111 Y COOD BOOTS & SHOES McCLINTC.C_T S. ►0.,92 Pet/craf Street, ALLMHIENT CITY DIELEII. CLONE & l'O.. artical Furniture linuniu me. COR. PEfifi mro *tiY,,k sr LA:Wit •tT!•r nr Tin.; EWINC: MACHIttE, W Tir Flex YE 1,. NY e.,z, z:cy, 1 , 12 A a r, 27 'rr %TiLtr,* tu l / 4 .4 SEWING MACHINES Hz machine, used bat a short Um«, for .11, at l !_I yen pel ICS f . WM. tit.')INCK h 1,0„ CRISES, CARIZIAt:ES AN. LL BUt , GIEB of :Le vt.nr brstfar Wee .4 Howard's Livrry titabte, Vlnt ard,t, rear MOYofllane;. Great at.mtlan to tuylng and 5.1.0.a.i S I LORT.HAND ports.. kco•d•stee of tuts •al.aTte sr: tuto,l to ten short and wasy les ors, by • yrs,- ttsal ren , rtcs Iron Look., ,11,1 i. Kash pot 11 sansht or parate:• and at any flat to tut t thrts4.•• eoqvcssieuee. Apply to J. A G}& MOM 1)43,4 11 _:r..h21q.1?” Id I , A , Unr: •in. 1.1.% njno nd7; , ea.Tit: l- 4 :n andl.aPs On nand at the ladlaltabbol r io 1:22. d 2361. Clair slre. 12'44. ". J. A U. tauLum.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers