ghs Wittbutgiviin tC SATURDAY, MARCII 16,7667 WHAT SHALL BE DoNEI That the just expectations of the Peo ple of tins Commonwealth, touching tin enactment of a Free Railroad Law havo been giievously disappointed; Undeniable. Periling the last General Election, In view of the manifestation of public opinion, the managers of both political parties felt constrained to give pledges to countenance and support the measure. This was done in authorita tive and solemn commitments by the Republican. and Democratic State Coe.• ventioas, and by published letters Iron . the competing candidates for Governor. The two, parties and their respective nominees vied in striving which should go farthest in satisfying the popular de mend. Success in the election devolve , • the chief responsibility on the. Repub Beane. But is the hour of trial, boil parties have been found wanting, and I, equal degree. A bill nominally to authorize those who will to build railroads has, indeed, passed one branch of the Legislature, and is likely to get through the other. But, if it shall' become "a law, not a mile of railroad will ever be built under it. The members wire were instrumental in engrafting certain peculiar provisions upon it, which we have heretofore bully pointed out and elucidated, meant to hin der, not_facilitate, railroad construction. They did not dare, 'under the circum stances, flatly to refuse a Free lt inroad , bill; and so they determined to pass one that Bliould amount to nothing, excep to reveal their own duplicity and ant. trustworthiness: The people asked a flub, and a atOpe is given them. The people will prove surpassingly patient, ',. if they doMot l ' ieve a settlement in right eenanesci.lth their deceivers. Last autumn tile United States Cir cuit court, upon a full hearing of all the evidence, decided the law repealingthe elid . rter of the Pittsburgh and Councils ville Railroad Company to be unconsti. tational and void. An appeal was taken from this decision to the npreme Court at Whshington, doubtlegs not with an ex.- ' pectation of having it reversed, but to catlEt delay, as several Tutu must elapse ... , before the dies can be reached in regu lar order ekthe caleuder. A vague hope, perhaps, seinistes the opponents of the road, that the chapter of accidents may turn up something to their advantage before the case shall be ultimately die , posed of. . At the opening of the present session of the Legislature a bill was introduced into the Senate to repeal the repealing Act. This bill was predicated en the . total failure of the defendants in the suit before the Circuit Court to produce eel dense,that the charter had been forfeited, and upon the finding of the jdri, under the ruling of the beach, that the charter ,„ . was wrongfully and iliegaby 3 annunea. At first it seemed fully certain that this bill would re through; Hit the northern Senators, of both parties, went square agein' it and it fell. ' • limbers of the Home. expressed In— diguatien; gave assurances that the bill `would easily go through their branch, and Ouse re-hearing be obtained in the . Senate; and so the bill rook afresh Mard i in that body. When the final vote was reached the bill was , lost. One of the members who voted against the bill was on the _fury of the District Court, and helped give the verdiM recorded. If Le lets a word to say . in self-defunce, the public would Ike to know what ii is. At this dist nce it looks as if the Sen ate .was"set-tip” at the beginning, per haps lour of its members. having "been etianev That the House felt outraged by this Partiality, assumed a - virtuous indig nation, and. compelled the opponents of the ldll - te "come down." It may be appearances, in this case as in many ' others, are deceptive. We should be ferry to do distinguished gentlemen in. justice; but thd look do completely jus titles the suspicion, we cannot refrain 'from giving expression to it. If any man supposes &result more fa yorablis to the general interests of the Cominjaw - colds, and especially to the in terest,' of the- Western and Midland por tions thereof, can be obtained by going ou in the tread-mill of the old political par - fief for one or more years longer, we beg to nay we widely differ with him in opinion. As we judge, it is useless for newspapers to get into a frenay, and print bitter, sharp or eloquent dial riles. No good will some of a sentinued ex penditure of ink, and genius, and emo tion, in that manner. The people have an cilleient remedy in titer own hands. If they apply lt, vigorously and Weill. gently, next winter will witness the pas sage of a proper Free Railroad Law, and a bill repeating the Repealing Act. If they will,not resort to it, ler, using It, do so in a hatless and' iniiferoat way, they must reconcile themselves to sitting down under the abuses of which they complain. This remedy is to discard political party arrangements for a sea eon, and unite in electing to the Legis lature, independent men of brains, hon- esty aneourage. Thirty sedimen t act ing in a s body, outsideof party lines, will baennugh to control the organization of both branches of the Assembly next win ter, und compel the needed legielation. It used to be said that "all roads lead to Rome." This is the only road that leads to fleolom is railroadmaking in Penn eylvinia. If the friends of that measure are prepared to take it, theway stands - wider open than it will for several years to come. We have neither President, nor Congress, nor Goyernor, nor United States Senatnr to elect, nor yet ,a national political policy to einibllsh or vindicate. Ora)" u Supremo Judge, 'a Legislature, and the usual local. Galena are to .be chosen. Here is the opportunity. W e urge nothing. - - This is the people's cause, and it pertains to` them to deal with it as they will. Talk that produce. only anqther talk, envenomed leaders that lefeed only - other editians of such, moy.grotify or inflame anineseities, but they join no practical-issue and bring uothieg to adjudication. If the people will nut more in thi- manner, or in some other that promises direetuudgood we elect to'be counted out of amitnenl - one discussion. - =I 'A-.T.ite years ago Philadelphia wanted to be aggrandized by again becoming the seatt of government of this Common. wealth. The snaillion was laudable, and being rieh end increased goods, she °tract] to pay munificently for the o., 4s providing the rev'. site .eitoand buildings. The-proposition Was reeelyed with favor by 'the people and Press. e llembers of. the Legislature wet captivated with the.. idea of their successiirs exchanging the banks of tlui Susqunhaunafor those of the Schuylkill. A clear majority of both branches svi• &natty favored the project. Owners of real estate, tavern keepers, and traders generally at Ilarrishurg became alarm. ed. Lobbyists, who had kept assigns- .ion Lenses for delltuching legislation, •Itrough a period of tenor twenty yells; lad visions .of a departed occupation, through fear that old trees would not rake root in GCR'aeil. )Ica-urea were taken to atop the hegira;-we do not say wuat measures, for wedo not know, ex. cent by analogy and conjt educe. At all events, a good mazy members experien ged Sudden conversion, • Which in al ways suspicious when it happens against legitimate argument and ,persuas , ion. The offer was not accepted. This agitation had scarcely subsided, when it was found indispensable to en. large the capitol. Sage reasons were as signed, Old stagers shook • their heads; intimating that if the building was nigger it could not so easily he spirited away; others, that It was needful to al low merrwho had contributed to keep tie capitol In its plaCe to indemnify themselvea for their zeal out of the pub lic treasury. The new building Luz cost • several times as much as a private gen tleman could have erected It for, had Le desired it for his own use; and it is not dons yet, by a good deal, We believe. A few days ago, the proposition was renewed to remove the capitol to Phila delphia; we foiget by whom, but have no doubt ha is as hottest as he -is certainly sensible. We wish,wlth all our hearts, the change was made. But,Lthen, we don't want the State let in for another addition to the old building. Our sympathies run out towards the tax-payers. Have a care what you do, lest tho old experiment be repeated. • DEATH OF G EN. .3 OAEXELMAttKLE. It is with no ordinary sorrow that we announce the death of another of Penn. sylvania's venerable citizen, General Joesen llamas, who departed this life at his residence, near West Newton, yesterday moining at lye o'clock. The deceased was born in Ire, on the same farm upon which he died. He had for rainy years been regarded as a bright connectieg link between our early Listo. ry and the present.. In the'war of 1912 he commanded a company which be had recruited at his own expense, and which I performed good service in behalf of our country in that unequal struggle 'with Great Britain. Ile was identified with the Interests of the old Whig party, and in 1944 was its,canclidaie for gubernato rial honors In this State. Many of our readers will remember' how vigorously that campaign was conducted. It resul ted in the election of Fnascis R. Snmiu as Governor, over General Maim.; by a bare majority of forty-five hundred. The •deceased did not retire from active poli tics for some years after, and although possessing influence throughout the State, never again, we believe, permitted his name to 1e used as a candidate for of lice. He has ever been identided with the Union Republicans, and during the rebellion the Government had-in him a firm friend and staunch supporter of aIL its acts to crush a wicked rebellion. In private life the deceased was universally esteemed, and has left a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will long cherish his name, and ever associate it with pleasing recollectioas. EELS are reconciled to his skinned through the delight it gives them to wrig gle. At least, somebeLly,says so. No: a few Southern editors give a sortof fiend ish chuckle every time they find a griev ance, real or imaginary, for which the national government, or any upholder thereof, can be held responsible—it gives them. so much satisfaction to curse. The Memphis Appeal man is one of tkis sort. Running short of material, he invents an occasion to be savage, and Improves it after this fashion; "It (tke Bureau) is educating small Africans, to fit them to be the rulers of conttunacioue Anglo-Saxons. Perh•gn the •rthodox belief in .an eternity of agonies in hell is an erreir. We hope' - it is not. If there was no suck instittLtion, humanity ought to petition for one, that there might be an adequate punishment for hypocriticalYalikee school-marms." Strange—isn't it? that white folks ahonld bosst'of natural superiority, and yet ba afraid the blacks 'ma outstrip them In acquiring knowledge and dex terity inuring itl GB.N. SCUOVITLD'iI ordnr assuming command of Virginia underthe 31ilita ry Governtient law, ought to assure the people of that Commonwealth that they are in no danger of being swallowed up. Ile tells them that the machinery of the existing civil administradion will go in the regular way until. superseded by another, proceeding from the loyal citi zens, and that military power will not be used unless they create occasion for it. Doub.dess tke four other Depart- mental Commanders will fulfill their commissions in the same moderate end just spirit. If harshness shall be exer cised It will be because the disloyal el ement makes it necessary to the public tranquility. = 9peolal Osumi ondeoee Pittsburgh Omens. {TAO.] bitiosr, March I ith, The new Congress presents no very.; marked features of difference from those of the Thirty-ninth. In the Senate some twenty new 'Senators have seats and there are some very distinguished gentle men among them. The gentleman who perhaps attracts most attention in that number is Senator (late Governor) Mer ton, of Indiana. Of elegant presence, commanding figure and eloquent couu tenance—if you can pardon the phrase— he has already indicated what I believe was claimed for him long • before he was elected to his present high place—afront position on the grand line of advance toward which the great party of progress is more and more pressing forward. It is to-day a wrier of congratulation among all the true-hearted men of that august body that the potent Yoke of Mr. Morton is rieard among the pioneers of progress in that buoy. What happy 1 days, after all, we aro living in; when only rive short years are needed to re- Place Jesse D. Bright by a tree and faithful soul like Morton. His present honora are but a fitting crown- to the ! years of labor and self-sacrifice which marked the progress Of the war with certainly we, u Penneylranians, may congratulate ourselves . upon the great Improvement in oar - own case. The advance from Mr. Cowan to Mr. Cameron Ia a very ng ee d us a d porno. area." It is to be regretted that we have to say of the late Horiator, that to have been a friend of his when no was a Republican in the minority and needed a friend, was a sure passport to lila dis favor in this new era. But what mlong and speedy dowafalli "To what depth. from what height fallen!" From a Senator with the re• spec' and regard of FO many worthy men as made him that,.to a' rejected aspirant for positithi at the halide of a renegade President! . . Mr. Cameron's speech. at Ifarrlshurg, cleaning his position as Senator, was eminently gratifying' and it Is to be sald that he is "lighting it out on that line." If be asks nothing far out friends (as he should not) of tha prewant occupant of the Whits Rouse, it is certain that no enemy to Itepattßean ideiss ran get p.NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, elidoi:sernen't. lb-Telefon. tit t e small- I', rrAf. B Jr., Adams I:wrsi. Of. Ike, na Fkflh nn cesherased +turns to , tfrand Lama. ; 2 , l ,, n , rmrn:s for AZ ETTE,,,,,,ri i n ,i,. _rea f avor - t:1!/ fifn, reo—s throughout the united &att. thus It hi: to be 7 4 I'ld drat the loci': f ,ue',' of tile REV I T CEIIOII4I. SER. S v t , :t e e• ,re uu'l 20 T. 1 v • 11.'1111 A F rEHNIUJN bE.II - and hold up his minds and ahl ! \leg wet 1,, ,!•sig TILINITYCIII:ItClli rant' Lint to b • a true representative of the 1 street, 10•tiunitto.v, t:: e'eaek hest thoughts autl , grandt at aspirations of • the'great party of progress and o fC.W. Sll. l l FT En. Another stirring and most ellitient w Senator is Roscoe Conklin:, of • r•-f ''"'s" New York, late of the • Reuse. Ile is ; 0. "!-4 one of the most indetaiktible in', 01 the ; day, aid ham s no such word as fail. 1 lie is yet n YoUrsg man. Ile win one the vrry first to reset the bogus y•usig 3.:apolean of BGl—George 11. McClellan, then making his fancy campaigns up and down Peansyivania Avenue. Mr. Conklin!; gave the very first note of warping as to this charlatan, raid that too at a time when the great !nes, of 1000 ! had run McClellan mud. The GAZI,TTE and he were together with regard to the man, even !afore the slaughter of lull's' Bluff, whirls wristhe ithnstiliate oee•ssitsn of Conkliug's speech. Ile is now in Ise- cord with the advanced republicans. and in this respect a great inistrovenient up. on Mr. Harris, his immediate predeces sor. A man of ponderosity, respecta bility and deportment. The only other aperially notable man among the new Senators ma 3lr. Morrill, of Vermont, long an active member of the other House Lind chairman of - the Ways and Means. He was n merchant before he was a M. C., and brings bus inesa tact; and' industrious habits with lira from the Green Mountains. Ile looks eager, cautions, and study.woru. lie hi not an eloquent man, but has a hearty way of getting out his bless, which, while it sloes net insets, ate, convinces. lie Lai atleast thggrace of earnestness— —"And the heart • Sundath a grace to every part' . No one cyst doubted the honesty of Mr. Morrill, and the seat of the lamented Collarner car. never be disgraced ur dis honored by • ' The remaining new Senators have yet their spurs to win, while tke public know of, they do not yet know them: An Impartial "jury of the vicinnge, - in cluding the people between the St. Cretin and the Pacific, will in due time router a true verdict in every cane. , - . . Over this august Senatorial body pre sides the grAnd old Senator hut now Vice President of the United States, Mr. Wade, of Ohio. For straight out, down right, upright, determined persistence in the right ns "God gives as to see the right," where is the superior to this hardy old veteran! If justice should find it necessary to place 'him in the Presidential chair, it will be a day to he marked with a white stone. Bow' long and bravely that old man has stood in place on that fluor for the great prin ciples of justice! llow many a one , : proud name has gone down before the peotile whild that old mart has plodded sternly forward, turning neither to the right nor to the left! And his being placed in the • position he now occupies, reminds no that the day is past when the AmeriFan people thought ft was of small etinsegnence who they should have fur-Nice Presi dent. Our experience with Vice Presi dents has not been encouraving. Tyler, Fii hue re—J olt ! Nat only the next President must be a man tried iu the furnace, like lion. E. M. Stanton, for example, fond what worthier name appears for any and a:1 persons on the rolls of our country's bast And truest), but also the next Vice-Pros- Went. name of Qen. Mowat,l is more frequently mentioned is ioluen tial circles for the Vice-Presidency thao that of any otter man. This noble Claristimi patriutTwouli re2ect honor upon any station while borrowing aoue trot any. Rautcan. Our Seat Soitreme Judge Judge Veeell Las positively nnd pre emptorily for hidden the 11.5 r of hi name in connection with the nomin A tion f iir the Supreme Judgeship of Pennsylvania. The only prominent man new, we believe. Lefare the people of Wt.,tern Pennsylrank for the position is the Hon: IL W. Williams, of - Qf Judge K illiams' qualitications it is unnecestary to say anyiLing. lie has been on the bench in Pittsburgh for the last quarter of a century, and the that can be cad of tam is, that has always given entire satisfaction. The only opposition to him comes from the members of the Pittsburgh bar, ground ed tl pOll the presumption' that it wid be almost impoe ild , o to En. lain pkt:lt. = LazaJti Itott:c.l Ale.. Lon 1. , 34 Dro.ct atota:. To Arc: pcnutn, Im,ori• J L. 0.20 u Alto, Fort. r nr Arect 3100, • . • . rato..”l , lllt! 1,1 gal= el y.0.1t there Art fen, 5c1t..0:,. •s, Italy parse. Al ton wort ie .141.: 1,4,11 bt•n a lid. A!arr +atf lit C. .t brands, ectutrlAny 31,1,14 Ittrclat F.:sal:is' Lou d.,11 SW.. Its,, A Co '. I aie .le. f'ampbt•l's ...tttzch Alt. ete., Just received at J ,, S t PII Ye.,1:11.1:".•.: dso. el Markt t street. en: Is 4..4 by the C., or slur, but.le. at st ragta. Al*, a ettaVett stock of (b. 4nest I.lquort fur itedlclnal purAtscs, aAI Catishbe!!'s - ptsk:lnt Ale, the Cuts/ if tlc/e In Y.. Mete tub, the !Place, . . =I D/1.70 AND PATE).T IfF.DICINL DEVOT No. 64 Market +tro.. - What Swayne , s Ointment Will DA. I—lt wlll crin Itch In from I , to ti hours. 3—Lt +II: cart the mol ;A:43.l.nate caaes of Te 3-1 t tore Chronic Xrp.trolu tee 1-1 t .111 core malt tcald cur.. 111,, B—lt wall rao.ltively cur.. •II Skin 1 , 1-oa,l. ••• - • 2======EMl Dr. Stortyne, Ointment, ••T1.TTII.11.•• "ITCH" /h.lynes Ointown.!, I'TY.TTY.IL•• "TErrEit•• ••ITCIP , FEVER KNOW "'YET Cl-rli" "ITCH" ••ITCH" l•ITCII." • TO ?AIL —TY.TIIIIi" Pr.:pored only by Dr. OW/LYME IL & H.'', 011...1.10,1n. ...1.10,1n. :Sold by .51•(..1.A RI Sl' r N 05 Mt.,: stir., 6 Eti. A. 1 ,',:17 wood I.YI I oil. t. I yy. TOUKENCYC, cor. F Ilk F. Si,.! Market. kte,-..1.,1, burgh: KANE A DY.OIIT, ata...1.20:rt0 HABITUAL CONSTIPATION. I OW TO ErrEcr A CLISTAIN'A NO l'Eli- MANANT(.7URE-74,meoccuo•tion. of life pre dispose to Costlyenens, especially thee, allow but little tiercloe. Venous wl.o runtract this unfortunate habit of bode, under noiti, cumstanees.might possibly be relieved by...hang ing their p.Yon Lary employments for other, of e mor active lied; hut this Is by no Wean.' cer tain.e Habitual Courtin/Won lo a very natioate disorder. All the oollnar• o remedies lues - leoly azgroviste it. Notiong can le , more injurious thou tho continue-I use of strove ape . They at lost Irritete, and nroallY altnoet. Paralyee the bowels—rendering them en torpid that enormous dotes of e•tbartie Metll , lt4,ll//,.. 0o effect upon them. A 1611 , 1 aporlent. combined 1111 gentle stimulant, lithe true nal. •Iy: and • romLination Su the 11.tholett preqh.rtion. of there Ingredient', I. fol. In 119 NT eTTCRO3 NTONIACti lIITTEIt. This (1r.., Stornarblc Invigerat Os the whole liLLe skin al r ual, while gol•-tly ree not, from Its convolutlou. s'l Im pediments to a frre pass•ae yln - uuell torn, No ns,re purgative has Lois opera:lo,, No orninory purls en , t. the (it,lrr , l Canes of (Joistlpstion abandoned it boueteol by titatlnvo,hed medical Inc.. have !wen cured a few weeks try the Haterr. To those who have tried all toe med.rines of Ihedisp.u , an to v• Itsay. try ties Irrest-title stimut ant and ape n'. Tiler. le no .1111“lt notes... Ivlrt should to' couo.qnee of er.l4•lllsry habit.. HI "TVA 'l' a ICE ••It ITT ERN, 11,0) - log the .Igor which weold Title rease ton. r, rd from exercise, 0111 ill all easel enable the tl.- tem to perform It. eicreturr InnetiOns regularly aria healthfully. THE INDIANS AND TOE WHITE PILNE. Although long known to tLn sborliolnes of America. Dr. George W. Swett, Of Bolton, Les Le,eo t t into shy,e rot easiest:lent nes, • most ralnahie renege:lon callsd IttILAND . 6 WHITE I INS. tt , ittlUn U, whieb for a nornher of roar. has Elven great satisfaction In the corn of ad these aliments dependent on an Intl aistod or Iret• Wed eondition of the mucous ortt.ntersnes of the animal organism. It, veriest. clia,tr, dropAy, *Von/4 Irons , . Ws. nomeal eat , " rrh, ennsth Winn, " t .. depen•iing on • drollitsted state of tho In testinth It !sensor the won •oilustilo discover ies reconeii add. I to phormo...fral It Is likewise s' most fairlab:e cotootound es , i's of the Sidney , nod bladder severally, as tiny nos ran asllsfr blinself upon • costs trial. Ivory one know. the hosting virtue of tt white Pine for tores sad ulcers, but Dr.lssett has gore to work and prepared from the 0., t Inside bask of .bat isluable trees compound that wtli melt every indication where the plus would be onto. lr II 1.• , .. ,, denCy re tontmcnded Pr the follOw• .Lm • it•s hon io: es In outs, ni ml Odle aged peOPisi 010 l prop k.; V, Pre, PP. of th• ljrlue; • 6, MonttY children daring the Is ravel. Aldus, Trout,ls In old pronlul lestalaol I.l.serato I, of mucus or pus, or olund from 00 ',lea • Ir.sin of she 1.41.1 otKidneys or :Ivo,' or the Dark , : Valo 10 tto hest onel bk for I, silr• Firra I.o.lrogYr. For ••1... tie or ..logla tent Dr. Yin Seri b eet mnlltlte non, IN Wood rave* It+ _ UNIVEII9ALI9I' C111'11(211, ct , RsEitk.F r ,v,:N r'. -I' Sl,l , L 0. ., A. nr. , l .• ruT.l.O -I,ot, 9 Z s./711• LIAO ‘r. t for tO morrow i. ;WI I:a ..• rF I It MT BAPTIST (11111C11 —Serv•••es a; the NE VY (Al 1•••••:.• • - •••••1. ,•••••.. ifr PI • ••v• ',II I, t.Mi.‘ I • arr ••••z•ii,v I.•• r••••• 1,1••• tlit• 1:i.V..1A11 1 : , 1,11'1i1:1:•••••N. • • /IL:011,1,1,1. 1: - . , 1 11E1,1f:101 , S I'IIIST 1'1.1:1 , i I Itt 11, .1.1, ”Y• gIII g.,tton oft elr of Ip. Il r run- Ilnn.'t••lvr•-tlnn IX. 1.1. , 1"1: 11..1.1.. If:WS g 41% b,l p. :11fS J.. I n Ll , INI cr. -- m — ri.v:nourn p:opzgatt a1t.n....1 and ol n:1111: ••.•13.1 Tn. I, In •M. F , k. gm I.: LI, long, .}1,11.1 . ,C1.:1.L.AL1 r'-i47 /11INIRT D. 3101111 r, , ‘ll F s , l n. Iron tb, •A•xt. •• 1•11L fl, I. a .t t Mar, 11,1 ff It I. WI, 11 ,111, t,xe, .ay Ltr.•• 1111. • tr.g.nee ug I al •.1 t:47 - I'4l:t AND 11. ril .•, • . •n.l FrA riVAI., tly 1 , 111• S Al.' . .r.A . 01 11A r •1,1 31 r It tl. 1-1,, A,AI .11 A,A4I:. A A ill rt t 11 Incl. A A,AAI r. m. nllllll.l .I‘y. A TA, 111, I,A LA. tr•• 1 . . tali,r ars •. 1. 1 r t..a lovit , Ct of 13E1)1- - , Inc 111 C.N1V...41,11 Y. OF On Ttge.4lny E•rn En;;, March “;,,,,,lon—Vt.AA. • 1- 1 M ,, IVItY, 11. 0. r.t.1.v15 E1Li,....2f . 7N1)111'11 T(1 '1 " F1.4C111:11S. lhe F r, tors or n , trln w A1:. : A11.,,t0), cntll.. fort he PRINI4'ALSIIII' OF 110 ISL NO, 1, fwi! ION1'.11", tho of p6l Nplt. R. !“)1.1.0i•N, ,eirtary )t. R. VI:AMA, ' , AI:KKII, t.11:1,311.1,itt /I.l.lern,n atieet. Alic~l,tns. It 1 - 1.. N.,. et, Mt", A. ‘ , l NU, Ttt , M,A NCF. . burgh. j iGENTS II ANTED, TO SELL CHRENICLES CF THE MAT RESELLIN OEM =EEO M:11, cre..l,1•1.11"1 , 1?:11a FFI:11., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MSc, as 3511 - tmazxcl 6t.. MIMS= CIIE.S.PEmT PLACE LF TUL INIMINIM TRIUMPH COMING STOVE, t,.: \u.:140 IatANT Weil' HE CLOSED OCT, By April First, AT COST ! AT COST ! ! 31sN•M, OUC•!., It moist., AND C1111.111[1:!... ‘1101:11, 1.‘1011..i 1:1101!. .t GUM!. ge N cl " : J. H.S. - H. C. BOIILANb'S; L' aror • •tr... • 4 . 4, 1 door Crum 1 ,4 1f 4 ,,ea ne , , II t..L . %tacotri. . . WIIITE, ORR 120., Attention of Buyers NEW DRESS GOODS, MEM = LETTER COP\ I\G PRESSES. Letter eopylug PI ti••••,1 st IJr• a,(11.r.t :Le .14 B. ROE &. CO., 20 and 31 Gold Fllredd, NCIA ]brit =1 GRAHAM & BYRNE, Ilar.nzer , tr,lwe I ‘•atkats • e sug • ".:15:vily la t, II.tT, CAP AND FUR BUSINESS At No.. 102 sit. ('lair Street, 1.1...,13 and r !1... t•• rn`l it .r whlrt pIIEL.4.N'S ;s, - OLD STAND :STOCKING STORE, It•Tca. S4*ifil latraot. MEM 'IIIE Thy 1 ,, ,t wade. 1.14,1. and irual. , lrglrx`.l, 'Ol lif I tnara.t. A 1,1 rfocitn lwt all Kracles• nosmerr or 4v ERY . otticzeirrioN. At prirta Ituficaumut fail lu 24 Fifth Street. OLD STAND STOCRIN4: STORE, rnhl4 TO DEALEEOI; - WAITING PAPERS, ENYELOPE4, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, M3:1112 CI. 11.,CLI‘7_10 17112 Eil , SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL STATIONEEIV, At the Lowed Wholesale Rates. KAY & COMPANY, = A PRINTI,I44 'Orricc FOR I.•n T. re ,no.l prictlri erl.o LAI lb• 11.11., and 11.,1111,q,..ti In •n , l edit • vw,ek.y newarnper,:lf•pul.l. - L, In r. , , ,, , , p..rtu01ty lc Ilert 1,7 . . . . 11.1, .1, orou• In another two, prod,lad.. tri•.re • tar,e-al lve•ale ars per ..1111 11 ial-rateltr irtim lon I ,lull • 2 , ^eli.niu.d aver luvi IVY a ..a.vre e.lonni•l ea..1.9,- 1.1 W. art n.. D.rsune In mr,are. '1 o:Alan La, we.l I,po all etly p•aur IPA demand , . lor {sort, All rre..l 1.1 a fir ast •ri eoun ol an y p l., au.' .1.. n ork. nay e 1.,: pap.. and compoalt.liaa nay n 10,./11 , 1.2%. aprlnitr mysnll. / arn compel., to 01)e.4,13 coanpualior than wool., I.n ne.. c. 4. 9. iwe 1010 folll , i liPlOt. • 111,4/00 111, 11), retilnit. 1 eirri.,or Lauds. Alioni on, 1. required 10: Jot, Work Au i.110.r arlio cotentii.l whit nue hand, awl thus :La, inure money 1.1 •ii hay e.liane. 027, .111. a i•Veiletta •lara,• lv O 1 lie t s on a ly . paper 111.0 Marlon 1,1 ;Ot f three mad . Ole .I ta ..rat a conln• 4 1 .002 f,if. In ael II for haaltls ftillirs• sail the lisitlllgruCe of At. e,•l,ine. II 1 6 mita:Lad 00 the ant Ohio VS.,6lllaail 1:1: , 1 Min.:llol,la 1:1 , , , I•ve 101“and.1! i'•ah fOr the .111111 la 1,01. lur re thou 11,01 what a ix a, y not:b. rernomi ar.. reel], 800 to .1 N. 111 , 1 11, addre•a. Ireth.;",n , Wet, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ;MMES CO,, store to FL Jonea 1 C0.,1 Corner Fourth hi. Wood Ste., BANKERS & BROKERS, Government Securities, Foreign. Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons COLLECtiONO made on all anoxia:tole point. in the Untied ntstor and CanaCu. IliterPSl aIIOWN on Time Ilenosio SPRING STOOK BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESALE, it Greatly Reduced Pficei, CLORE F. KNOTT'S, Aln 100 FOURTH STREET, FM TOItY. Nos. 30. 12. 31. 34 .tnd lII' il+''\ ,TREET, L'HILADELVIIA, purrs (MUG II LIGHTNING ROD WORKS. MUNSON'S COPPER. Triti:L.tq LIGHTNING RODS lh Spring Flanges l•hlt Ilott hat ih. power to csrry et Jai 111.1 trirlt at twea{y omum, iron r 04.: In oil., to ..,r 11 loitr unrou tLirty orb,. . , • . elroln.t. rot e. It sloe r .31: It cnnot get on! F. It no reettrol th e not pr a onl• ow. tory cony to ty • 11 .1 Parr. aria! Inetlinto It rm. serer bea an la ao 1.11,01. IL ho 10 , a :rout:hen 1..1 oo rah ProfoLoo'ln the Lot a. and Collyzes thy tolled nate,. Win beet Rod tae[ loraoia d. In 114161131 .re toy tome Platlotaa Ilt•tt. rraro sot nt NA: pra olenco. fltOhnratt .115L0t.0..1: e. W.y../., eryaldrnt W 1,,-oltr (Pot.nolron:, and 1 I'. Vookl.ta, Vresltlynt PlLL.Put,;llE•tosle .Tolle:.. I smog thy tro.O•1 e3tiatn gm n oLIYb thla Pont so.. yro..tyJarlthlo it.. pot aro to rt..tott. ore la.Ay uotl..rt 7:or": Itanoor : alloabr na 1, WO , eir,t rr,tc,‘. 1 Lurch ttf • llon • eur ll,l Pecnol War.l nro'ol ilo.t.y. Intol.tnan: ht. 8r1.1,,0'. l Poch, burgh, 4u. la the an:rout:l4ln, ...pntry 0f Moe ho• born ou r ttrt• or Inl.llo TwSll‘,.. It so he comlnot 1 . ...1.-.110 ran hoc, at JnlanWonnt ah the I/oelp at New Corn, on Dr. Iterd's roldeno Mono'. o• roPl. fires Filtlro Jou:, r. Law, 0nc0111.... S. 51. r • Ile hy, • t; W:n r-nkr, rthortoo; 1% l .1. por Large. 6'l,rhatl.ttoro; Cot. Woo. Illityr7Tort lilatt.l, F. 1....L10rt, oyy P ., I..r.LLrp•tmr,gt J. 1r 111111, r. r..• 11. r1yr..1 IPO to, HoLeotn• n. Ca_ ,0 „Cc. Thla. 1t...1 la • 15p10.1 4:1100 o srt 1.14,zyl - Ity.ll.rhaorar 1:10 I:Air...reff. ad rt aart, :lance.' too V 0 . ., wr ll,l-11 on.•, an 1t0ta.,...• ..1 .I,lli, IL/ rArlottn a pyo• 11. , 1 S 1 IL. e MA,/ l:141.11,1reil non pl ed ; lc 1. Ol t't rrhl , r•..t• , it rr r . 1. ra, I. Yon, In 0.n.0..... abor.. ottot,n I. tl.e. t, tl:at •re Cron... 1Y or tor .on the loon roin errFt lb , , 1:15 I,sl. 1,1. r. all uruL• per to•t an..l a 3 for pd un a.:n tr rrnrvatrn uttli n , 31 tn, co,r,r3 rriarnut ultra cLarzn. LOCKHART & CO.v TrIth:101. BELOW 'HAND mt. misma• .INVISIBLE DINIESS TRIM SKIRT. OE= Spring, 1867, J. W. BRADLEYS DUPLEX ELLIPTIC OR r .VOULILE SKIRT'S, T,•. 1.1% tt.r. , l t ritu tittttte ott - tr yt , t As I. VA. PIS flit, LIS ttst ,ftrAllth T101:1, ,V 7114 Wt.tit!..L, ttu TIV•fUI tTILEtt.— Fon s (Le El ER*WHERE • , - - , AT N•tloa t.wu,s .1" 1 . .., ac.l 1.• , • •• 4.: WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers Street, EEM Timtp LIST OF Ts. I. 1.1 , j( te to Nwltwi 6.. 1,7. hlud, t•r. rn. % , t Pitt sNurgh. :Norrd , . Plll•hargh. J I all, vss I ward. 1 . 1,01 . 11. eI , I•T r•ils, to.use. let ward, leltlste•lv. I, ward. PIC h. L*l,4, 11... r Plttet.nrrh. ,•hr t•rs.rn, .1d w ard. Pitt asmegb. .• lg. ward. Plit•hurgh, . lean. rating 11 - ruar. ;el ward. rth• alb sward. l'lllahurgh. J. ...Au •• 111 . 0.,tarrla Ills war; .Pltts'b. lohts I. Ifster..airrn, Ith ss•rd rlttshurgli. / e.esr•• nr. averts. Itt, ward,lLUl' J. hull ,11, utbe r lt.reds, ward, Is. Trare. ratan & It!. wartl.l•ll . l. 11. 1r0n,...! 0;1,7.11.... Ms ward, l'ltt h. /Ober: 1,10 - otarrg.eoi till ward lellt•le'h. A/Ns,., ta•rrn,ll.s Iltt•ls•rgh. Its!, r AO/ ward, l'lllshurel. ~ ,risaai Stall• r, taltru.Sll. sward, r,ltsburgh. A. is. Millman, tavern, Stl, ward, 11.burjr. h 31.kenaes. tavern h,a a srdFitt eburgb. I. I, Lan ,Lan, lawrrn, all. ward. d. 1 . 1.1.,1 .11 rhl ,L 1 ward, 1 . 113.•urg,, litilar tavern. Ith wILPI.I . II.•II , nrf(L. th.trr Itr••ty.•atlug lloatio,Slhss•r.l. rittshorgh. • ',lag Issnsr, Stk want,Polol,s. Nl , ruart M11i11ti1,..4117g house, Ilk w•rd.l•ltts. Ireurlsr I %)1 111 ,17 t .atlogllo3ll,slflward.Pitta. rat111,11J•uo, 111 sward. Pitts. .10•. ettlog 1,044. SII. watt,. Plttsh•h. 1, ,, ,,•a50.f, .;:h , .1. goods, elk ward,Plttoktra h. .101 , ,Ilansrll, Issas. 715 ward. Pittsburg. ts.serr., Ilk ward, t•scrte, Stl, ward, Pittsburgh. . . V. ward. l'lttatrurgh. J.,a. 1911.110, tavern, loth ward, 1 . 41.4 1 1,13. 110a1.1.0. eatit., Lamar... , ward, l'Itt•h•l, ll,(l,Lasllol.ntr, gut Alla, Gti, ward, tay..rn. It Jr.. 1011. ward. Murray. tas rru. lush wart Gel,. It. In•••• 11. rarer., lull, ward. I'ltlstwirith 11•11...11 , 1K h Art.,. taw r o, 11,1.11war , 1.1 1 1,3•4 , Mxtl.lnlde,ar...atlna hone., 11,111,1•4 1 . • gl , Peter no!,..ekrr, a. (limb, I , ll‘ ward. VIlt•b••4 R1.101p . 1 Ittehlwl4. r. 10 , 1...11411 , mM. l'ltlOdh 4i!l.Wk o. gvOthl. 11 ward. Paltwburgl.. Wm. I'. A.111.•n, tarern. 1•1. ward /1 ,11.11 Y• P. Pry rattne but", ward, Alieirtwusy. 1,1sul• .1 Daunt,. o. goods, lat.wwrd. SlirktCy .1/.1111 l o twlntl. tart In, 2,1 ward. Alltgt,”.y. harm„hJ ,hafer. ,111 ward. Allegheny. Ilryal, .:d ward. Alligheny. sr,. a. b 00..., 1.1 ward, Alleglien• Ko nil.,rfer, a. pm.. 1.1. 7.1 ward, Alloy 11..311 enel. tavern. lilt ward InTIIIJ, I.•rf rii. Ith ward, A:le,hrry. behantllt. tavern. Othward. Allegheny. rest. c. Poetic lib, ward, I.llegnenl. lluo. .111, • ward, Allegheny : If. fiespenheldr d Co., n, geode, /10 ward. NV/ I).tnlci rrrrr, , LaVern. Itorough of Ellasbeth• Jaron .1. I.lng. tavern. 1101. 01 .•awrenervlllw Mere.. Kerr. e. h., Borough of Lawrence•llle o g., liorongh of lllrrulogham John Vil•tt av•rn. or 51r14. , .erp 1,8 Jer• .11•Itm, Lavern, Borough of Mbarglahurg John 1.11 , Ray, tavern, baldwlnTownetap. I. M. ‘Tcl'K, ri,n, tavern; C.,111n. 7ownshlp. 111chate, nhe retail, a. house, Co Sins 'fownahlp. A NI elf. eating hon., (4,111.1'w...131p .1,, , ,v01.r. lever°, Chas Ilera ownah..p. Too, Toomoiiu. e. h• Satan levet, Tp . . • Jae K CI, tavern, StlfMln T0wn,,,,10 • - Peter Spellman, lava,. Winn Townahlr.• freer flainner, eating house, .111fn.n tovenehlp. en o• T.,wnaltlp t Thos. till end., tavern. 1.1111 John Lowly, tavern. Pitt To,vn.dllja• bIP• A11an.... J 1.31, !Arc.. I . lUnt .rer..l.lp. .I.lleph 1,11.11, .vrrn, 14,Ere, elO.. Ulerrl-tu, twerp, linger,. Too nehly. - • ta , un. To,ll .1. H. IteAtinc. taVprn. IbOn Trow-t. BNIP . ...rms., as, tay..rn. Huta TowrisMl , k•rattar,.., Las,. ohal. r l'Otir T.lwnship. h.. Luw, !It. Clair Town.tilp. Tr augott I*.el.t.n.r, tor. V. .rsallte• Tow.. tip. 111,am s Town.l,ll, C nrtwlll rat ..n " F.1”..E3A1, (Ins 2ith .;ay of )lawn, 1-.7, at D u'c.ucl, a. Y.. fur 1.1041 , 11111.,:h JOHN G. 111LOWN, C,crt• IHAVE TIII9 I)AY APSOCIA , TEI) wl. mt. JilllN H. /PlY'lw and JOHN K 111. k. In Me Mani halre nod dealing In CAfttltll , 01l Lamps, hemp tioode. , sbandaner• owl Alt elude t.1....5.r•rr. Imolnono wl.l f t Ittitittlf tt an lo,otttfole, und•r lbw wren. wanton •rotEl!nO of , 01IN 1111,0 J. 11,1„) nom. —WIII I otnutre Spill let to No.ll Wood Welt. 1)01 L lIETTEIL-14 half bbl,. pri=r• Irani Itullllutirr, Juotre , elved wad for JULLZ: .13. ()A r I ALL.s tON, rnlllll 6at114, Ise moil!. ERIIIN, IIIONNELL & CO., No. 178 Federal Street, ERG RECEIVINti GOOD F NST COLORED PRINTS, OPT PRINTS. DUI COORS. CoLIIRLD mait.ta yews, 901 BM% lUD IVIDE SHEETINB SICSLIN, RESUME RACE IMRE, Colored alpacas, WOOL DELAINES, =I Colored hlulzes, Stripe Poplins, Plaid Valencla, English Wincey, Pink Blue and Buff Percales, New Spring Delaines, NRW SPRING PRIN rm. ii!.EAcnED arvasam. r•BLE I.IN .t:N. 4 . 111:43‘. CANRIWERE, CORIfIE7M, 01.01 FEN, MIMICRY. HOOP fiIiWITN,AU Wholesale and Retail, ERWIN, 3ITONIELL & CO,, No. 178 Federal street, JLLEGHE-ri*, Wr cal tisf. apertalt•r it,. nt buyer. at arti , to our •toct. 11.111 round asJ •tpl tha 19w•at price.. THE PHIS EXPOSITION. BETEUN THARTS $2OO GOLD. • THE INMAN LINE - MA.ILSTEAMSHIPEL ' Built Expressly for the. Trade. CITY or rAP.I 4 ; CITT or RALTI.4 , IIII, ('ITT .ri , ANTNITItr. ITT I , r istu.cro... CITYVY Or NICW CITY from Pleb 6%. !torte, Rlrer, N. Y.. EVERY SATURDAY SPEED AND ACiOMMIDATION UNSURPASSED. Prier of Flrst.Cloo• Poinsago M7•ble ser Teri to I.lverreeo:4llll . , Round Trip 1173 New York t.• I oath., 413: lion n.l Trt t. s 3 `lt , e look In Parts, 143: Noun: Trip, .41111 RETURN TICKETS Goon TOO. 13 MONTHS. i:ptsrs tl. - kele eta. I Derpool. Lon Jen, New n and pusenfters to break. at l.letep .lan.l Eur further Information ar,,, •1 the oMre n. the 4 0u1p5,..., lern•o, Tower !Int.., [lee.A San= Wnltairt Jule, De,ove, 411 toe Notre Dame dee Vl:tortee. r•rle: John G. Dale, ID Walnut rtrret. DlDla , lelphla: John U. Dale, 11 Broad ay. New TWA: WM BINGHAM, Jr., ADAMS' EXPRESS OFFICE, 31 Fifth Street, .1,14••14 PITTSBUIIIi/l. PA. NTOTICE TO CONTIISCTORS.— SC ALEI, 1 . 6 , 01 ,, 841.3.111 Ut we:•.JI.T . • . . . [l== At io'clt.-I tt.. fir urAt•Clug tL• followlnit Ales Allegheny Water Works, All thy Nor p alt •lach WA.TEIt P11 . F.,- arttlutra.l t lr ot ch o ch“t htts, tear. Vi •Ito— ,a •11 , 1 g tbaa.b tout I a, re I . lc adtorsl ocb .10 , to , ,otrol •turt,b the yar. t.j,c. ....of. • holforot th . otneas to,tbo of au Int to torittt. hot loot or ntoto 'Lao t00.h., to the terlulo, thr botai. tlb Inch plot n et ot a unltora, thlrt ta of lob:. to tan not to tti•b SO or rt,re tban outola to IL,. foot. loo:h.11t,‘ Ti,. t• ,01. ter ptoo to tt•htl a p•totore or :to toot:tle tbo ••,oare b. to I eL, bo tea., .1 to tt0..,• of the outxrlutrortont le. a,tbo Wort,. at 4 to bo .tell*orr , l at ottelt ttutra olato, as he tn•v ortoatato t•. not ,utrod tor ra,:. ,p,e, t.pc. Ali to be stro,, aort in A::,: LI.I. *V' I, ncelvea 1 .44 attn. Coil way r.tteh. a ,lurfu, yt th.• co.) b of the ttett ~altly but. •a.l to ba d• 11144.4 IS the *-4 t ot et. r Worts. .1. at, abto he re 44144.1 f..t all tie VI, Phltt thtaea ane 4 ay., I In. Ithttpt r.rt lhat • rt•ttalr.,l sittlbe the r.•r —.ld boxes to, ma, of ~,ar• Vlr el p 11.. x.• aka Ik...ces I.y 41•.1 the •b•tve 11,4.4 I. Ireel lb( Imatedlate ate I 1001,1 0(4 . h 44(1,10:4 • 4-inrl3. and 6.1.c4 .1., Cock.. 1: V," Plugs. :4 rlr. 1,:10, Box•• an.l b 4 r top Cock r:41,14. t•errro4l to ror)ert •07 504 all %Ids. 111.1.1 to b. itidursud ',.oppllas for IV 11411 . " It, 11. FRANCIS. CEIZIEB cots vr•ot A L.L.4:11•1 . X•rch R. 114. RAMALEY lilts J ta.l., Opened lont•tan , ln. 11[1 . 7•11TrI.AT:ON Wboie wroon: or A LARGE STOCK OF FINE I Amotaut r.tlaerne..l SPRING CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NEW STTLEi IN THE MARKET, Whl•lt .1111. r offered at p ftELTLY REDUCED. 1 . 17.10E1 from likst Fice Sprig OTerrosti, si 64,iarrt floih Drne F. 6 1 ,1 " Papor.Collars at Coat. 336 LIBERTY STREET Orgo oV l Lo l/:i . no. one door Above hir Ilst rithiMl,7 TEAS AND SUGARS. 000 D COMEING SCOAR. far $1 00 P • . ,• 1 410 ItL I , XTRA TA 11100 ,AI 1 0 00 BEST LETIIA C •• 7 .• 100 . TEAS. Another !LUG lot of TEEM TEA. of IsAt Direct from China and Japitn, Per 61.1pe Covetintlns. itoelln C. 0.. J. B. h.m,ompllglng rmythlng (LOUD AND ( LLEAV LI. wiky of Teas, M. about. - 20 Ceuta 11010 W the Coarnqn Prlee. , ARTHUR KIRK, 172 & 171 Federal street, =l3l 10 TONE MIANUIPACTUB EBEL TONE —Proporels far the Manufacture of 1.500 TEST Ur 10 INCH HUSE, will be received untll THWISDAY, kl•rob Hot 1147.. t 6 o'clock r. . . . IiEOHOIL WILSON. ClA.lmmo Covtullt, an Min. Engines And Hs., Nn. to , roorth ntn.l, PittAblarxh. enbll:l4 VIAIOIIt OIL CLOTIOL—HaIing priTATA.I oqr pricemAc e. no* offrrolll.loth. rate". A large atom ou DagE amid.. 1.- a irabli pAtterne, lot wbolesal• Aud r 1.1411. DT J. A H. PHILLINA RIAI4 . r 1 ss4 X 81. Cloth ttxx4. 01500#411:1311 IS. 3-4 c. 1 Case Dark Detallies, WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 ALLEGHENY; • AT 12 1-2 c. 2 Cases Ext eaGood Prints, MEI IS le I_ t: - AT WII. SEMPLE'S, I= 1 Case Dark Merrimack Prints, =I AT *M. SEDIPLE'S, PLAIN ALPACAS, Striped Molnirs, Wool Delainee, 3DIFELT.s.ALINMEI, dbc, cbc., Selling Very Low, at WM. SEMPLE'S, BOROFGII OF SOUTII PITTL,BtR6II . • . ACCOUNTL+. • THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS 111:1 -.Arm,. of tbetnlN ., re oft'. Ilornogh of r,pertfll,.- for Ow of cit. , . sod Inx -payers: l'lrr,r • - -- li OItOUGII 01' SCIETFI FITTS-' lin:Wt.-Ill,ln' TMEA,- I:11.Y.IL, IN ACCUI NT WITH SLID Ti, Cab:: fr.. Wrr.. fv!mrr $ •• unlY CoLvoiNr V04r1.. Ilell.l Fun 4., z.) Min. , 4,1 Yorl , JPreto..l ........ ........ ....... . *1 J. rf I. A.,• 1..... 0 13 I I J. llll,kr.rr 1.1 Vo. X. I. ilrd• 11 -. 111 , 11 Pat - 111. •••onils. 4 411 I. 42 17te " • in bold I ~f Irtaeury HENRY ,71111.1.F.VGAR. Is .4C -1..1 NT WITII BLOW/LOH UP t1..1.111 PlTThlit HMI To a• r : Preen for..r 1,1 •I ••Laz 14 •• ..... ... . . = = I= 11.1 L ,STREET, =I 180 and 182 FEDERAL rTREET ALLEA;RENT .A.T 13 e. 180 and 182 FEDEIe.IL STREET, ALLEGHENY French Chlntzeft, 180 and 182 FEDER.IL STREET, ALLEGHENY For/ . sticti/,1 L,a4 NV. Ha'. • ;a rwdcrtritl •r. Mud nu,l I rtt,rt, •• Ina 10 ce a. •p 0- 01.1 •• V leg Bonds '• • •• ,: I,•nrrnn, ••• per cent. I have ..asmnizd the se.. zin .v of Fleur, li.a..t' r•r. 501 ,t iv Li. Li 'tat,: cc. Audlivr. 1101101'GH OF SOUTH PITTS ,' I.l". , :ntnt ~r Warr.n. tr,r.. 311,1.111, ~ 31•, , , V. 1,7, or clusaiLor rry Irbto,,a.l••rl.l ..... . ..•.•.. . ......... • ,1(,01.1 For V. aL.11,,s Ligl.llve 1.1.1r.r• Itor ,s!arlr • n. ,11. - ,or,,:e and Teri . For Ito .4 71 I For VI, I, g• Tor Po.lct For Kr Lle, to .01:11er lur tt...nt of•..t. c/. Houat 051.. ran) . Itv Lv ro r T.: •5 1011,, vlz. Coot. forale a oat Pltlnt ttuous szlYur -1,1.61, C; Ttnirr*Tl • STIVA AUT. Clcrt. 10I'NTY BOND ACCOUNT,Bor • ugh of :AoutlB l'ltt,urgn. -Total an.o , nt of gon, 1.. u. d. PrJl =2l2n===3 Ilse A. l•ral. nance of March Avouv.t rt dt tp....1 Leaving outittuunlng 3tatch.e. Bount♦ Bond No - nt lno • Or• 1 . 0 Itohleson.ll, &Co.. ott account r...• 141 Illlororth.l•ort..r A Co.."n •cc•t Hount, I,•nd No. I Wor••14. Malrto, • & r70,.0rl se , / 1.... o, Bounty • 1 1; ' ,:: N... r Do. $l. A. hs. p• 1.1 •n.l en. 1,011,0 on x Le.leg txclnsl, of accrata In terval, 1,1:0 ut.oc • Amount .lupltr.sto , 1,4 (14.5= 81 14t.e.1 t.n N. Nantt.,. T,, al 31 ill.. pea Ct. IaWALICIII uo is 131 R 2. Iltlnnc, Colleel.ol by W. 11. Bark, anal tt,f i 1 or , Error, at.l 1,01,f3L%011, . Kap,nor co:lrrttbo t't 11.4111 In co:1,1 liar. Ilalsnre o ul..tottullv 310 Cu11y:1...3 II . 11. or 11A•lrr pall! Tregrurt r Ml= Amcoint .ILtpll,lte 1. , 174 11. IlArttr and ., r n 5 ps..l J. :11.cli art. T rcs,ru. . 7.5 70 11,P4 LOtorals ton 170•nr1 $7,6117 62 TA ,fi41,1,m1.3 la ,et rrozn rule hlaatlck., 0 to 01.7 etritta autt...yonerol.•nr, 7711,7. by the Ill.!, of .7 11701 r. naae - mor 01.1 Colltctor for 77 , 7,1, la Int names. 0 re earh, the, lonrrattoos will be un s..t -07.37,ttal 3,06 (0 = Bal ante oarnlisetrd chip. ..... I,lauce oluu. 1 , 04, In •a Bounty 41 t,tlmlllN-, March R, •t'. t).141 Uncoil cicd 'l - 4.09) 13 AMOI/11, tots molded for A. WILIA)X. Aud/wr. - F ()SEMI S. STEWART, TREAS rricEn. IN Al:l'ol3%T %VITO 13011- 01:011 OF :OLTO I'ITTISIJIM 11. ' . To can H former Trcaelirrt, •• W. Halo°, tax. 1157 ........ •• W. 11. Harker, tax, 1M • :N.', to •• V•hloit• I.lrezwe 'lx,' J. tax, IFln 37 03 By redenipllnn — borrugh warinntsn 6it 3$ bounty bonds and ..... —4,077 In , ll3l•nce In Tnasur7l3l•reb IS. 1,3: .4 re, .I‘./n.M . /111. w • la, Tynainrer. BOATING.—For 'Sale at - ,the Bost noose of the Arn I Buie snore, 1111., n cix onnd 511YLL n‘,AT. Max: It. Vito", of Olrceopolcit. L. I.: is to pen tort ordr oc non, Las log tern nneO -• "dm and ss ~..I as Ile, has but eight time, It WIIi bs s".l r" furl bier Informatloc. *psis. so 11. LEWIa. 37 Lex• then Ws, 13.111..055. Mt... r. 1.170 If • NOTICES. WANTS / A GENTs w ANTED, 31.4rch MF.ETING.—The C.J.:1,.f 01,N , of 0, //Fir"' I'll •11. t 1: "1 MIN! NG S. h. :4• the k'i:ls,..oet. 310/11/./.l'. TII9S. M. Sec , n.c.o Trt, k t Marc!. - ( - t.H - TITE PRESIDENT AND 1:g cos,: t`,2 1.. 1• • Is IL, ,cr.:n, •.( 1,, or :,pr. MEMM=UMI El= SAVISt, j ELECTION FOR ' , Rust- DENT an PIRE , T.US,f thy Ms, itheir Ban'.• In 4 lion, ,ATU”I , AY, I r a ',l. Ca-I•'[. MUMUIMEnnE3=I P,Mlr7:Oll, Fob. i.C;• ANNUAL ME17.1 ING m m.. ttondl,d.!er. cf orompany for Mu e`oc ot Dlrretors and ipch edmr bet'. re 1•1:1 Le tmld of amid Company. In U+•.: CILy of tal it. Third. Wednesday, 020E110 of March, A. D. 11:167. AT 10 O'CI.,IIIZ, A. M. Tb• Pl,k and Pnar.l bo•k. gif the ornrapr, at Muir Jillta In the Cuy of Vii,biargl. tip. Trankr,i. Ag.n..r. to u,. cia ar Sew lvrk, will be closed,. iL. 314 DAY UY •r. mnd runnin tko. 21s: ..r of .11..rek :can,. V. H. llCTCHlN'iON,Strrets.ry. FOR RENT rItENT.—The eligibly lo- A- 1.1....1N KS. STAN 1,. No. 1.1 Liberty crept. now cui.1...4 by W. V. Btrt I Co., ... oe L., Sr Ll,ltsess, 16 oft - en:it for rent. I , ur ter= .apply to W. If. AID. No. II Insm.knn!,.,•re 10 I.ET TWO HOUSES TOLLET, nttb Ely , 11”..n., 1 , 41 i 1 10t.3 elld. ..114 JA KA 4:4 IK 1 tat, Liberty To LET—UOOM. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, WITH BARD, Ina ;al's', fAmll3 - ; peollrroaa and Mt •rlfr pre tt_rretl. Lo , atlon deslrslJ: , .; and witlatn tea oda wa4k of the 1 . ...P.01ee. P. 1112 t •.W." Gonna rr! MERCHANTJAILORS SPIIING STOCK, lincelving a LARGE ASI , C 4 23II•LETE Ah4vItI3IENT of ME! =I = = (TRAY & LOGAN, so. .7 .1. c.d. HENRY G. HALE SOrdawur COE. PENN iND Sr. IM IR SUB. NEW SPRING GOODS, JUST OPENED, I= All the Novelties of the Season., EILIS I=l First-Class Merchant Tailoring E,qtabllslunent MEI W, HESPENHEIDE, liereliant, N 0.50 ST.CLAIR STREET. I= = pititqns ,p t:t. laLest Est CZEZI RAMALEY A.S JUST RECEIVED MEM NEW STILES HATS AND CAPS, I=l3 20 Per Cent, Leos Than Down Town Prices. Re eel tour ISEST 511. E and CAISIItERE '11AT.4.. •t ONE. DOLLAR LOWER. than •uy other Illonbe to the City. ' DIEM Call and Be Convinced 334 Liberty Street. 4 / , f 1! , • I=l CLOTHILIC EMP,ORIVNE mlll2:ei DIS SO L UTIOS . OF CO-PARTNERS!' I P. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP here tofore existing Detworn 'the undersigned, under the nun.. of 111. 1 ,,SATLIS CO„ Was did eed mown] con.ent; J. L. DuNSEATH. retiring "',"'""' to ",t.-Ttrtr';!7;.ilqii'± ANI.CIT. .1. L.WI7.NnEATIL O, rrtlrlng from the J R EWELY 10_7Si NE'S I ere tru.l, rt.% than" to my trlrnds an.: Et1...031,11 for itJ el r patrons.. M.O. ,, wcd of on us. and would rm.pectfatl• gullet: a contlu nance of Ow lame to nay sere,tor,. J. L. 1/11‘SEASli, I=s===2ll t The uderslgn,.. , . lisvlnr i purch•seil the Inter ..Lof .1. L. 111 Sna.A.Tri. weuld that they ~ •111 coatlnue nie Luslue:e of ._. EMI WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JEWELERS. I= xo. 56 k IFTEI STREET, 1111 tfCcr ILO firm name of DUNSEATH & CO DUO w. G. DUNSF.ATII 6EO. W. ISA-Lk:II PROVISIONS. !SUGAR CrIITD HAMS. PM ED 111:EF, UREA lirALST BACON. htIOULDERIS AND SIDRA CHOICE No. I LARD. ExTivi. NO. 1 WINTER. STRAINED LARD OIL. • I'AILLOVIi AND RILE GREASE! :OA "I I have stored • larg of the store Pend s. Inne • which t antpretiseed to supply to the trsde St the 'met, tuarLt t prices. In toil It thttr Interest to 4ii! a es't before l'oret.- log elsetetert. JAS. LI?PINCOTT, Pork _]Pucker, No. 23 Seventh St.,, Pittsburgh , lenu47 AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, mug rNo. 110 Wood Sty /Pittsburgh, r-gsE'..V.V.V'MTN2l` , l th =l\ll'l , lll . :g w ALNUT, OVAL and SQUARE . MIRROR, ILAIT and PICTURE /RAMER (0 , 1010 Corulea. Hands and Buttons. Consols, Tripod and Bracket Told. of exquisite dsslgn and w A r IVIVisqt . ND REGILDIEU executed to the hlahrst style of the art. 44 - PRICES MODERATE Ll,ot 11.-80 Haig. Extra ram 11T F lour. l¢ /tor- and for ..I• trr X ETZE it & ARMS tRONB, at/1 etitir Klan 11l Pint tris. = Na:rl,:era - .., to .-tr.vl-, •1 , 14 rlt• and vle . lni AL.! JrC. I 1 /3 11. •\'l} 1111 l •• : I .1. 1. 1.... , ". w T ' .4Lia 0:: , A1,A i‘l: 0,101. , z1 • It•lcvs y t . t.. 1. tt: 1• t.. It. to CCUttAN,- \kr AN"rl,ll.- 500 f TI. , an . utt.rrs n..sir • aad. J. c. T[Lros. ..tree[ BANKS AND BANKERS. BANKING LIOUSE JAY COOKE & , turner IV,II and Na,tat:Sl;+.. New,Vork rornD, •••Ittt nl:rbouei In 11.111•1,1 pals• T 1 W to banks.l I lu,-,1,,r-lor•b•-t•oct,‘ '- ,Oa Pr tio-Ir Isicl•••ltag ur 51, 1:•,•••• aLo ‘io . \S.. ate cot,- •:• o , 1,••• lr:1.111,C ~• •• arr poa•p,:, i• • : ,:pi•la of lo•% • , • F E IS Ittill 1 an ; " =I HART, & CO, Bankers and Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS. =I fnCIT.:-.;','ORS TO HANNA. HART G C 0.,) I=IEM Exchaugc, Coin., Coupons. And parth Vten , on :..t e and ...ale vf GOVERNMENT BONDS. ihr - sIGIIT ' , RAF Tb ON I.ONIIJN. 1,113," N, HOLMES & SONS, No: 57 Market. Street, Dern.1,,,,1v , 1 In r, irn and C•irrecey. vanta of the 1241::,0 ,L ,t, and esttad.... Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities EOUGET AND SOLD ON C0:Y..41010N Pgadc , ilar a:feu:l,m pail to th, lauren and aIL 01 U. S. Seeltrities. GL.." C. S.'FINE'i FIVES, 1111....: t 7 . 11,111..11. rs,ongl. : IN'L culler:r D d lE . STENE.S3 RC= SAVINGS BANS, No. 63-Fourth Straet CHARTERED EN 1562. llcPn i•+ received anLI , yrry EIATIM- D.SI Ev FIN Inure.t coin +7..”. Mar .a.l Nor-I:Own !1:h of rpeti ilraw ot (Iv, TAL. President, ISAAC JONES EMIE EMCWIII2 = • • • HAW:, IMES:ItEt Fecreta and Treasurer, ULNA:MEER roql pEopLcs, SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURGH, I.VCORPORATED 1E166 Capital, - - - $lOO,OOO 7 TOURTE STREET, OFFICE, lie 7 {ire Irealiticut F= ars. rci 14 EVI, 1041,1. 4/6.1, E. E. K. 31 1;,,,1LA IBE=2e= ;•rrctan a 1 SIDNST P. 1 OX rAlNnomr. H. rent. Intorr,t allowed on time depo.lta. watle and It. fate r,carl[l.,.. Bar, °i.e. daily. "cep: Sund.o.s. from nine f I a Wrdn.,day and ratnntaT rreutng,r.pna 1 1. to ulna. l,•Cit , i7L• inntl CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &e NEW CARPET STORE. BOVARD, ROSE & CO. WILL ork - ..N kletll 1 , 5 u. AN ENTIUZ NLW ,TOC A or r Frap,..maii.e., OIL CLOVIS, if ALTINES,IVIALOT SIIADES, IC., IC NO, 21 FIFTH STREET, I=E OVER BATES & BELL'S. FEBRVARV, ISG7 WE OPEN TO-DAY, 1= CA_ MI:IP JO 'Ti .. , Ccmrrltlpg the Mgt tOrn• a.a In Ingrain. Three Ply and Eng. Was :Tapeary Bripisels, 13=1 WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL, •s this lo , cst prices since the ierir. McFARLAND & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Sheet. I=l3 AVAL L PA PEI? S GOLD Ell ROSSED PARLOR PAPER' WOOD AND MARBLE intreTiox PANEL PAPERY: TINTED PANEL. PAPER!.. for Per. lure and Calllogs. • In New DeNigas, at XO.lOl L'ET STREET, =MO JOS. x. IIC&llEd d 880. lIANTE D.- ".t t.t „I'l .t ...... the ht r- =GI DEN BY LLOYD ..WILLIAM BEA ftr, Ltlr Art. H J D. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers