'LIR Y GOODS,TRIUTTINS.gro WINTER GOODS 10E1 Tleduced I?ri(tet;a: I3ATES & BELL'S, 9_l Filth Street. BLANKETS—aII sizas COVERLETS—Extra Heavy FLANNELS—aII BATES & BELL'S. DIZEINOSt—Extra C. 75c. . DRESS GOODS—from 250. BALKONALS—from $2,00. BATES BELL'S. CLOAKS—Very Chat SHAWLS—Bright Colors. SQUARE SHAWLS--new lot HOINIDA.Y GIFTS. . . GERMAN AND t WISB M I EL33.OV, COCOCILE; Carted Basket', Brackets., Jewel Boxes and Ornaments, Forteconales.' Wight", . Satchel.. Card Case.. • Brneliallr.arls, Fancy Eat GaAs, , . Ltnen.ll.ndterchlat , , Imbroldexlea—alldescrlptlonis L - re , Colla+a and Handkerchief". Culat es and Ilubes; 'Ladles'. Gent'. and ChLtdren , o Htd Wore", • ,Boxwood and liaractJearelry. • Toilet Scans, de.; do , •e. GE.NTLE.III.3"II TX - DXII . eck =es. Suarenders, 1 Scarbs.l ' . Scarf Fins. Skate Buttons, AT•LOTIF roxcEs: - • • F. H. EATON, 17 Fifth St. • del GREAT REDUCTION SALEDF DRY GOODS, MI ffiRDIVER & SCREITER'S, 92. - WCBPU3C3IIVI. EPI`XIOEMMe Tnelu4ll4 a.l.saws Stock of NEW GOOD catch. ed At A very (MCAT REDUCTION - . And Wilt De fold fedlyaleyer cent- lead tbAn pricer TES DAYS .A4llO, =1 FEVE DAILATIMA CLOTHS = 1373311:13 I. DAME, rLUD .porrits, St 505551,a. Iteitleedtrom 75 cents IMIZEEI3 FINE EIIPIIESS' ccnis: liedilerA frost 13cents = BLACkYRENCIE mmmos, At 111,C9 per yard. . Reduced from 41.23 1E53E3 =I = PIMPS, FIIENCIL P POPLINS, EMP UOI, MOH AIUSRESS CLAIMS LL ISEIE2I New Dress Groods Just plucbas ed. and will be sold at a LARGE REDUCTION - . BLANKETS AND FLANNELS • . - REDUCED. • 3LIOM.OStri.e, Groods REDUCED.' PIIIINT.S AND !avail:lig 121 Cilb 8111.LX0.4141. SKIRTS REDUCED ONE 11.41.LF. . . ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW DRY GOODS AT A REDUCTION. . .NEIV GOODS =ST RECEIVED JOS:HORNE & CO .:7allawfl eat •t o JrJr eT'S ".11X11 11.1 - I'll, Lt*.tacusaviraustsies. . . 31213312:10r3r ;Msraa: d.Wltlertg i rti l a °,l %a Let Instill... Wig Ribbons, nay and rich colon; Yorners. choicest french mod ainenClini ieninah• fn. a het awl . an ZS xi 7a. Cs 'X la 2311 151 TOM, Cambdr., Hidobayg, Ihrlt Loons, CUM Viso . rmin.aure....-dri=m6 Volt lots. On g.. to, Loon end Ines (food. Ht e. Old Olorst m TliniettliS ondOrnomontd; • Bralp. NIMITE GOODS: A mod conablida flock . of JooosebA ' tambrlcA lidoeootetA Ifeen:odiobe.A . =ed. Ambrobdered. lobo Badered, eta, 010. Hioderr sad Glom meow, Twisty sod di wee. Ladlesand GionVe Slodorweor. • • rodrfttliggrig Goode: • Bospiadors 'nod Hoek-Rust Hea_ty Shirts • - _ - &r:= - 112f I gh,Mt,"'uremlatitri P B1!l k silit Vont•-'47ratioirro?S'e'r oobVPoN rat e d .. Woof and .• (WA* varOdokadrtorm awn, aolon 9ligiVa L iii 6;nm : A And Oyer! Wad In R, No tktt rzloos u ow as UAW% Job TX and In Market Street. MACBEIBI# GLIDE CO., • nallifie Market Street. El woiui sox.Es, I - - -- • jzw itkitA l P3iAxcos, rasvEr6 i l L ikt t .3AT ituo#, Ott. BS - ;'•9llN'ogzacui . rs. '3"uubtauYANDOLOVES Ul".B l2 i rttYtt AWLS.. • - navms AND 11 " 0D9 1 ) ticAlurs R°°!!tai r ltd WATE 4 c . ll ... ' • BAIR. LLVtI.R de stOrettoeyers it bad It to thelr itivantaire to &sort their 3tocir from our , . • :Wholesale Department. DRY GOODS Ci ! OTEL__ Si"E - C - 141, ATVO SE..llBOlv 314C8C31 , & CARL_ i . • 19 Filth Street. rtnrio nann.l : LAPLAND sIiATING PATENT EA MUF -t opened. the thlng• for sh tun. A 111.7/ 10t1u FINE CAsIIMElilt. reAltES—lnst the IMIITT for New Year's AIM. A new lot. all width... LINE , KID AND VALE ti LtrE Ita—ail elver. ENGLIsIi AND FRENCH CLOTH At LOVES—A splendid ahbortrneat !tut opened, at reducol fiiu CLoA SIIANN Ls, SON TAUS. tICARTS, .3c . An. ELEO ANT STYLES ZEPIIY KNIT 000 DS. VI:DEE:0111E1S I.nd DRAWERS greatly re•ltterl. LINEN lIANOINEKCIIIEFs rico hum. CLOSINO OUT AT LOW PIIICIA, Cul' entire a•aonment or eircocorite, Ladles and , lleollemen, wl eine to mate New Year's gifts wnil find many maw and arltable ax tle/es. MACRUM & CARLISLE, Q IMITIENSE CLOSING OUT SALE. k 50,000 wcoxernt OF FINE FILL IND 111NTER x...crr x G. $lO,OOO Worth of DRAWERS, UNDERSHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, COTTONANDWOOLEAOSERY, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, &c. Also, $5,000 Worth of Gloves, Of all De :tripling, all of vhich nil be old at ACTUAL COS.T FOR SIXTY DAYS, AND MUST BE SOLD Betorn removing to my New Bn Oppostiethe Union ,‘Depot. AFTThe lease of etiire and Direlilac together lth Counter.. Shelving, bbow Cankts., for We. J. D. RAMALEY, _334 and 336 Liberty Street, opposite Wayo!. motive WHOLESALE DRY GOOD& & CO., No. HS Wood Si., Pittsburgh,' / Han In Corn and re:Elvin, 1 Calf assortaten!.ot r, .DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, Wlttcltthey offer at EASTERN PRICES AND TO WEEICE The AttentiOn of Dealers is Invited. C I eaIaCTIEICIT..III% }MANN= . J.. 0. 6 TEr_lll , XSOS. ( IAUB, 112cCANLDESE1 tr. CO. ) N." Mari wages, caws c 0..) WHOLESALE. DEALEM IN r , OREION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS ZO a. 04 W caciel Iblzd anus alms Muncni '•) PITTSBURGH NATIONAL COIL - iND CORD COREY, we ' l.?. -a..., RS .. DEM ' . BEST_ FAMILY COAL, =rut c7coesl era enwolac. i Mfa r rli YARD, coBN AB PutISTEI AND An 9 „, n zrtuourfe, pa. w . h . rniu . r r , elivery A the CM, orptlpment , t. rgrainN"AßMspgraYergsr.. IGAL: coda{ comas: IMPORTANT - 30 CONSUMERS. HUMMEL & RABER otte the attention of the public to their floe stool of 00Aid ., mcdeed , mutan t tee tollowlas ve dette, tamp, Noma,- ,it and izbnA . ii°42l are-- as u, u.:: -"n Ly kin* valley, l of WCiT rag;D,tlma tle toy. ear V'ea. Lou Ind or thousand tone. Jul order{ prompt', attirode{l.o. - 1051Clleetzttstreeti ir rAt t . coliOLI6 fIOALI COAL I s COAL I I DICKSON.: STEIVART 1 & CO., -Meted teamed tbelrefloe to • , :Ca. 807 .T.A.!aerrt37 intreetm. (Well City /floe/ lOW SZCOND Twos. • Are r in t gor y 4o &elk Me d o t g l e gbea7 At Lb, laweseilartet price. * Sir Ali orders Weis Weir also, CIT Addressed to them sb..thttto isisllortUbe Attended to promptly :19:1A . :0 • • • • • Co • Youghiogheny and ntu3llsville 0081 otoootootorero 4 Coal, Meek: and Desolpbmized Coke, .•orrfca JuizvrAutl. (ion., of Batter and Morton: yud on Liberty Lad Clymer Mee.. Muth wait and oik bum= a Inatome. Lock No. 2, Pittebargn. /mule. and llannfaciarers at,pplied with the Deft artlete of Gloater Coke at the lowest use ratan. trcaen Lett at Mar of the yards will ronelmest WILLIAM MILLER, SUCCUBUS TO MILLER & BICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, - ANL; MPOUTZU or Brandies, Wines and Ci gars Nos, 221 - and 223, orner of-liberty and Irwin Streets, PITIABIIIWIT, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS. &C., ConstssUpost tom& tyll Bnooms. 1139don:la fof.sala by / CILLILLEti C. BiLe,,iatir, E=l TY AND NEIGHBORHOOD l'rrot h -r , tete hot here adopt-. Attlinon ledgettent for the Month of no. .1 in rrother.. 1113111 f, Coe Tio thallml,lly. lon.. • ioil.ving%lnttation, r. , ce1....0.,:trAz , h:t, too rolhg o to:Let:yr et:- month : el-Onp 'act toqt, r a p'r , ~ 1 ". ./.1.1i11 , , t1,:004, , ,,0rth of . onAne, notull.er of " r —Po,ttnr,tor Nr. J. Hi .r• illrt.torn of From II monibor I,C m r , IL„ 0( 1,I L " for t'lLYl.,tum,t,ol -, :o - ,,, for the poor, I s,—,ed hoo.iekteplog. • sweet . ..int; to tet t '. o r 11 0 :, geneton. donor.. —Th. , report Of the eonvertation Indween the Item lion. Thomas Mellon, to. Luthcls C 011), Ere.idnut :tail Mr. Eggleston. orig. hiltUy !n (.lido piper, it pronounced to ne before licknowletl.4sSi. since former ac• glarnsiv sensationnt totorlva. knowledgment, Korn clothlng, bundle each, " - " • I out. tiont . front New Iron; .1 ellen 11. Hughey. )astir}' '.I it ale. Mr , enrgn on . ' 51111.1 v tud Satuuttl. Richardson, Harvey. Mist Faber. " nribid. oars. note 1 bundle frets au onknow” other. are to tollow—thl. mode of tran.porta• nor; In palm women and elniti rents shoes Irmo i ' lnn bein g ' nee sbon'lY (hull anti. Cannon .0 310 holland; It; yards red fiannel, from Mr. - over ch.,. a week . .., 'laid it: wages to the I have, during the month, relieved about ' mechenlcs tottplot ed On the new m 10.1103, thirty famines of various Christian denote!. I , winch ar e being —L'orti and h. being to rapidly rebuilt that et . eet...l in tho burnt sltsiriet. nations, and but eight families connected with i —.A call I. issued fora State ir , :pubit.. Con lin. Episcopal Church; henry, I foul that Chris. aunt ion, to meet et Ntwiivign. I ' ein-m.7 than, of every name should aid me In tills Pin:, to nominate aeh...inlet , for Covere r, NV , lrk of charity. I have also helped night in.. end the vie, of unconditional Union divide:Os. Obtaining passage for one to his I r o e, home, and b , Cll ring employment for two. .t It tit.tt h. T. sten art, of New York. it behalf of the sufferingpoor iretlOtt- I,ho 10 be the richest man 111 apnea , , assuring those ho reSPond that Ag . t . r ien, st about ..• retire front uctivj 111111. hateVer is .entrusted t me is Judiciously 11,6. and Boron: him-cat Is taking cure of his roperl3 , Bishop Kerfoot has seen. and approvos it 'here are von going to fast, Mr. smith'' , anneal. I have not enough means on hand to I demanded M r.. 1 one, ol bone, sir, home; don't meet. three days , demands.i me• have pod bought toy wife a new Jona 11. Mourns. Lay hlissionary, ' . bonnet. and 1 must deliver it before the rash. No. a/ Smithfield stree t . . 'DeCember 31,1 5.;.5. .• • 100 change.," 14eOrgia. Is becoming North. trained. Very malty New England • men are settling there—engaging in commerce, lumbering, he., and, it Is said, are well treated lip the natives. —Mr. J. W. llarris. of Carroll county, Ohio, was chloroformed, gagged, tied and robbed of +3,730 in his house, a few slays since, by a gang of ruffians, for whose capture a reward of s2.O.Xlis offered. . —Capitalistis In St. Louis have n plan for building a suburban loam some four mile. (10111 that city. They primes° to Child five hundred dwell MO, with ttelrnet lullnead.and provide for gas land water supplies. Another Fire on 1./thole Creett We take from the tote Ref Ord Of Friday the following accaent of a Ore on the creek that broke out at about Boren o'clock on Thursday evening, In the tank of oil Well No. lsilolmden Farm, probably originating from a spark froin the tire' in the engtno.house. The tankiontained about 'Oro hundro4 bar rels of oil, which ken out 1r liquid streams of Ore, and, burning now No. „ 114, conanualcated to the tanks of the 17. 4..Pe relearn Company, nix of which were burned, oontaintng torten awl; only fire !Modred Murals of oil. Mosul, Lackey, alebonsld, and others Mho wero on the ground, labored hard to sari, the remain ing tanks talon gang to tnecompony, and their efforts were happily crowned with success. An ,koo-wor the U. S. Company's tanks, the fire swept on dOwn the little run loading to the creek, and took In Its lierouring embrace the derricks, engine houses and tan of No's. as, 44,and 71 ilohnden Farm Including about four hundred barrels Of man the tanked No. ''' , ,r ° b w a r T i nt. b ir y o G roo r e g "of ß o u rl h ca n n i 'u E ot i. vary much from. 1,600 barrels, valued at 43,100, and the derricks, encrine hours, tanks, Sc.. will prob able oral the total 1000 to about 410,000. Accident nt Wheeling The Wheeling fr.taliyencer has tho follow. Mgt - Thursday night, about eleven o'clock, a very aeons &caldera It tit?. tied to a colored orphan girl, twelve or folirteen yearn old tamed Ginnie Lane. She had been at the fella that the ga s imat Of the gay, and desiring to go home, Went outside the door Lb the landing at • the header the &tens loading to the old City hell, the room in which the festival we. hold. There once was railing all the way round this landing, hat of into years a portion of it has been wanting. When the girl came. oat, she rushed heetlre.sly nerout the landing, and there being no railing to grevent, fell a cosi& erabin 0181/11100 to-the Slope below, etribleg on her head and ehonidors, .'mach woe the -orce of her descent that she slid down the en tire length of the steps to the pavement at their foot.. She was immediately picked up ayd carried up stairs to the warm room, when. it was found she was entirely bneonsolotts. in this condition she remained fOr about two hears, all efforts to mutant her falling. She was then wrapped 11...vi11a and taken to her home on Fourth street. She In .Llll suffering aeremly from Mr 0110. ales, and will not not probably be well for a good while to Come. litobboi Near !Salem, 0 We learn from the New Lisbon If wekrier, that one: Wight last week twotrentitmen Accompan ied by latilea,wete halted, while sleighing In the vicinity of Salem, by a highwayman, who presented a pistol and demanded their money or lives. The money Was efoeked'erer,. and the parties permitted to go. • For pereral days no eine was had to the perpttrator; and It was feared he might escape: In the mean. time, a farmer, TOSidtO Tin the vielnltyl reeds. ed letter from an onitnewit person, demand ing that a sum of Money be forwarded lu a -letter ttl A curtain address at Valero; and in tate of refusal, tits barn would be horned. The farmer went to Salem and consulted with the officers In reference tothe matter, and it was concluded to keep a lookout for the chap at the postolitee. The following day a man pre. sented himself at the dettrarytif the postotllce, Inquiring for a tense for the • Individual to whom the letter was to be addressed. The clerk, fir. Carlisle Immediately arrested the robber and would-be-Incendiary, Who was identlhed by the pumas robbed as the high. we man. After a nearing he was bound over to Collet. He is now In pillion at hew Lisboa. 011 In Alain Lens Syne. 11., yr Pleasantville, writing to the sr team Courier and Union, say.: The oil an tlquitiett of this region are seldom referred to, and yet they are of great interest, and oil moat have been prod b eed here centuries ago, By chance while tiding in the earn a few days slum I Met Mr. LT...Southwic down itusville. Who infer:bed sue that he thole OliCreek 1.11)011 a flat boat the first two barrels of oil , ever kaown to present race to ht o een so shipped on the the creek. lie took it to Fitts. b berets. This was twenty-eta Teaxs ago, and be gathered it in an open vat with woolen cloths saturate 3 with it on the top of the water. At that time he Informs me there were below • Titusville, contiguous to Oil Creek, and also near Olouseville, in all from ten to Ahern acres, all dug over as near 83 they could be to each other, and made lo t° open rat', some eight by twelve feet in sloe, with their sides timbered and quite deep, for he dog down in one some eighteen feet and did not reach bet tom. TLat as additional evidence of their an. tiquity, an oak had grown upon the earth thrown out of the pit three feet in diameter.. I. == Mr. C. M. Wheeler, of Titusville, had • nar row escape from a shocking death on Friday evening last. He was stooping toward the. buse of an upright shaft, in the new machine shop of Gibbs, Wheeler. & Co" at Titusville, when the skirls of Ins overcoat were caught by tne set screws and rapidly wound up,draw ing him close to the shaft. It stood within' about nine inches of the wall, and had his body been drawn in between, it would have been literally torn to places. Fortunately there were several men standing near, and an effort was instantly made to stop the wheel. Before this VAS effected, however, - Mr. Wheel er's clothes were almost entirely stripped from his person. None of Ms limbs were bro ken, although be was severely wrenched by the struggle, and has since beat confined to bit bed. "It Was a narrow escape from a horn bin death, 'A Fetal blether ewe. Thei Tuseararas chronicle, published at 'New rtillaalelphts, Ohio, has the following "On last Saturday, as Mr. John Callausa, a ettiseu of Lockport, in this county, was Wang on a visit to his grand daughter, the wife of Mr. Samuel first, who resides two miles from Mew Cumberland, his horse became frighten ed. leaned across a ditch, upeettlug the sleigh and throwing Mr. V. an d his grand daughter, Silts Callahan eel; the shafts breaking, relents. tropth hors e peed from:the sleigh andinp ran at the of his s, dragging Mr. C., who clung to the h lines, about three reds, st when Mr.lt Calla. nart , a head struck a fence ake, whie killed him Instantly. ' Mr. Callahan vras born May Slat, 1791, and came to tbis county over thirtpone years ago. lie leaves a large number of relatives and friends to mourn Ids death." =1 • • The-pll City Belittler' says : The business of the oil regiOn is n'ow being .entulunted more lricitlinately than over before. Further care and patience on the part of those engaged In the busthevi will tend to greater Improve =ant and a more perfect systematizing of It, swathe day Is perhaps not far distant when It win be as regular and , steadily Intlnk 'Meta any other parent. Many of the MVP. , tales are being condemned for sale and are doubtless luthlecttobut trifling encumbehoce,• and it is the hazy of those representing oil companies to set that the interests of the stockholders arc ern allowed to be wholly ImerinCed. • • Morse% Pfilsonwel• — swissrs. sopplee and =Weav e :L: l three ofd Montgomcrf poison ed by some unprincipled scoundrel, within the past*w months. The fleet animal died In July UM, the second in AUgnStrt and the third in November. The symptoms Munch CR3B were the same.and it was ascertained that the poison was planed in the bucket wen for watering the horses,. The owners offer a reward of *MO for tbe detection °rile v Maul who committed these acts, and the rottsgrove Mutual Live Btockilssociatlon, In which those animals were Ins ared, offer a similar amount, making WO in all. Had • Horse iStolee.—Wo learn from the Wellsville Union that Ittr:John Crawford, ro. siding in Madison township, about tour mile* from Wellsville, bad a valuable • horse stolen from his stable on Taesday night of last week. 110 offers steward of fifty &OM for tae re. covery of his horse, and dttylnore for the ars. prehension and conviction of the thief. Aewspopert In Darks COnnty,—Derks Colmar has nine newspapers. twee( which are natty and seven weekly. Reading tins ign, Hamburg two, end . Bopertowu one. Flee are English and four Germans. MOntiteinerY county his ten newspapers and Cheater roan. ty nine. - • • Damages fromo lltallavad Company.- Reuben Lollieb, of Lehigh county, obtained a werdlet clamagas of 115,h37.5S from the East Pc IL' IL Company, for salting Ora label barn In the fall of WI Tho case was tried at Mahal' Chunk. Weak before last. . Intellectual Fem.—Wheeling metopes are taking the place of rides and shooting matches to some parte of Barks county. The Ina consists in.the partite being blindfolded and thus wheeling a wheelbarrow to a given paint. itbandosied.—The contemplated Bolling Mini at Lebanon, Pa.. has been abandoned on accent of the high prices asked for eligible building sites In that. borough. The works will be located at liemmolstown, Pa. - A Spiritisel Preerosal.—Serneas B. Clarke hoe been appointed whisky inspector for Westmoreland county. The Greensbarg 4r. gut, la nottatu g hie aripointineritighnt s hint no be treated kindly—and often. onirsicecution.—Tim aret and oils ere• ontionln BfantfiOmorr county took place on the 12th of Apro,l7ln, whoa John Brown wiui hang for bilrginl7." /1107 are to have another to a few days. • (E 11:64 ENT GREATEST BU GAINS OF TIIE SEPSON 13oots and Shoes AT VII POPM SBOI PALM MOIR% 20 totamci. esix-ekot. CLOSING CUT WINTER STOCK. I= 26 and '2B Fifth Street,, WM. B. CLAPP & CO. /611-Women's Rubbers, DO cent.. eats. Ist LEA As. PETIRENs ) OZIT-e4IFEINCELTEIM WORCES SAUCE. .T' FRONOUNED EXTRACT Er.rrza from ■ =1 " CONNOISSEURS tots Tam "MT CORD SAC MAI/SAS. 10 his sitter at WOECES NOE Mar, last Pell LILA APES . 3 that their ..10E la 'rued in 'hdlg. and ittmyarinihn, the talno .I• 1 a* Ma' mat nolesome I3AUCE 7:11.03.13. net la =de •• The esteemed' this moat delicious and unrivalled condiment having caused Pasty unprincipled Meal. ?el lloLlf,Pttritial•lnVit=dt'g.eiNgNlV:‘; the ed Co me, that the name of LEA Egli/Ulan are Don the Wit!. ssEtt s LABEL, PEGEEEE mu , Nanufactured br LEAS EILESINS. Worcester. JOON DUNCAN'S SONS, • NEW YOUR. AGENTS FOETUS U. S. = IMPORTANT TO BRICK MAKERS. 84::).Coc•O 33ric13 TE.rHOUIZS, With Eight Men! SWORD'S STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, MANITACTICRED By The Pittsburgh BriCk Machine AND BRICK RiNUFACTURIAG CO., To de halm, Fame ud So:Maslen Slates TUE 'MACHINE 'lB SELF-TEM -. PERING, costironly 41.600. (right to usu brie, proportioned to the extent nu I popu Minna territo ) is flu by an slush eviinds • engine. worts all kinds of clay. =tea bUßKtgli fu el. preased In steel requiem only eight men to Ma Ms clay, feed the grinder. t he away the brick and, bake them in the ytgeh, and mates wick aa fut 1:;11'=11. Rom 40 .11; own yard. nor claim this to us the best CA Ylh U titmouse% nor. W e trjnl:m to oar aitsd (out city. on scrub Me of the Inononnatiela rivet, readied by the Connelletille Railroad. • • Machine. 'rant. County andiltata Itlittita for sale. Tor Intllnronnatton, apply for eireolara. In per son or by mall, at be odic, We are prepared to 1111 s e en rg entracte or brick. temple. MORN brick to be Zio.•lo /IDA street, •nd the liner. • /79BLIRG/TBRICK MACIIIIIII Attic PRICK al a nl , Veal Z 39 LIBERTY NT, rirrrsurau u, PA. I. M. tiinn., President, a. t.estlsZY. Vine Preatuent; W. B. IteCttACKEN, Treasurer: P. A. bit arrAlti). teeretary. DtnicTOlts-11. M. !ter. A. Ackley, W. K. Brleael. Jobe Aiken. W. 5. Culp. dec:pa FOR CIIIIIStBLIS PRESENTS. New Style Ottomans Large sire, srlth Chints daroble Coscrs, made of mannata most of best Minton and roo st and Vlvetelegant arti Carpetti. cle of The cheapest, 3Pitarlor Mf.,l=2:attaro ." .old only by COTWCPUT.ELINTIEI On hand. f o rr own make. In great vartaty of ra pat• terns, engtale very low at the Carpet tl to of MCIABLABD & COLLINS, Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, Next dour above Dispatch Dolldlog. Uscoitil Pio° arc • CHAO. B. /LAZA .11101. TB. 1CX..6 W. L. lIVILITLILH. BARB. SNAKE & Blitavalt, Bocce-non to WaXELINK a MUM, N 0.12 St. Clair Strret, Pittsburgh DIALIIIII Pianos, CDrgan.s, And 11.1ea1 Gools renemy. air Sole Agents for the Celebrated BILAMIGNT, New York, and SCLIONAGICES & CO.. phis, PIANOS.' Also, ESTEE * CO.'B "COTTAGE," and S. D. & 11. MITE'S `•AMEHIOAN". OILGANS. and TILTON'S PATENT I/GMAT!. • The best Italian and German Vlolln and Galtar Strlnas always on baud. amino= DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! JAMES T.. SAMPLE RAVIN° HOUHRT PIM CELL KNOWN DRUG 11.0UsH oat CORNISH Of FICHICHAL AAR . • IzuHINISUri ALLEM:IIRP. WRI keep on hand a tell aasortnthat atoll kinds*, TIFIXT 43&4131, And which will he sold cheaper than any other house In the two eine.. Prescription. ea:until,' prepared by • erat.elhai raaTumcar and FANCY 50/IPIS on ► hind. hen NIVEST COMMON ALICHTNE V STONE WORKS, , Northweat Corner el Wes Common, ALLaGnmyr. :WIND% ',ALI PATER t CO. Have on band or prepare on abort notice IIZANTII AND 15TE.PantiltvlilluIVIGLYOU bIEttrDAINURALLI PTON7L% Ao.. ArOr , , era promptly exeentml. ,11110 , 211,4,. ZION ABLY. J. SCHOONBUREN & SON, Pideburgb White Lead - Works, -PURE WHITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD 0/LOUND DI OIL TUB PAIETID U OIL BABLIELS. N 0.61 Fourth:Street. Up Statro n 013.00 ROOFING auvrEmmus. omens, Pitch, Fcil, Paraffin. rarssiab and Black Paint, iity l vegpmL dwlducrte~ an -other hones IV • r. 1141•Ironea. it= THE CELEBRATED STEEL TOOSII HAY BMUS. Praut• 81rd•• .ml hiesdmr Laze" aro Menefeeteeed o by M the DIJ QUEENS. WOWIS, new the ranjumilary, a oru WeiMM. Inesibee rows awl Tracks .oz every 1714. aide of th. to o"b°r" "l i ngTlZVlNVlF.l l clrAtt ~n~l• liOMMitc . itiebble..neer prime Watt, That Mile by caiatse C. • • A 0 ',seem met. SPECIAL NOTICES CADD TO INVALIDS. =ME = =1 r!s - f..r VatlY l'rlr t'A.tn;3.l tnr.,! Inc 1.1,1, :rat!: , ..f r.Y anana1141,1 , 1,3,,1: 1:3,. tit n r•.l4y cur, .1 thls Itolll, to b. n. ntuntortun. ,. . I vrlll scud the rrclpe for y.-.pa-I na m: and n-inK In nIo . 0 7 . 7' It. Yu,. ut CtIAL,v, pml,l tr, 61714, a , l , lres.,lt , yvu,r4.- A 4.1,34 - INYLAN. =M=MMZI •• _ _ Nl,ll I'l.llll l lE FOR rut: II i]U5 Ni 41.1 nn.uin fvrrn••ll GM= li^S[ FSlooini~~; ('rrro~•P 61=121 Night IS'owning, Ceregii.l 121M2113 !iight • Itlooming Cerross.^ MIME Phdloteet ":Vight errrom.7 A me 4 er..l4tejdelirate..4 Perfume; .41,4 from the titre .4 le.litut 4,1,4:Ter 14e it Iskee 1,4 Ilacnfortnr:ql &a l; by PIIALON & MON. Nr,v York I=l NI: FOIL I'II.II.ON'S—TAKE Nn 'OTHER tgrivin. MULVIHILL as CO., BOILER MAKERS-- SKEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. so, 22, - 21 and 20 Penn 04 nanlngseesiged a large vsrd, and furl:ll2,lld It with somt approved smelt ere. we are peer:wed to mmtufaeturo every desc ption of getters. in tbe bell manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Ilreecblen. Mire BON Meant rlses. Locomotive Stollens Condensers. halt Pima. Tanta, 011,tltuu. ALltat.olll, nettling 1..., Boiler Ire.. Met:lmes. items Pies; and sole menu fseterers or BARNHILL'S PATENT ISOLt,BII4. itepalrleg done on the shortest notice.. JeMoll EirLASE SUIPEIUOII COPPER MILL AND SPAELTINO:WORKS. P1T111110111.611. PARE, IicOURDY 'reo . Ilanatactniera of ISLearning, Reatterr• and Dolt Copper, Premed Conant Pottonts, natter 0111113ot toms. /Inciter Bolder. Alto, Unpueter. apt dealers to Megle. Sin Plate, 811101 Iron, Wire, he. con stantly on hand. Vandal , Machines and Toots. Warehouse, 110 Irmaa and 123 LCOlin tIIII.I4TA, Plitabttrab. dpeolta orders of Copper Cut to .7 &end patter, torit:e.4,dr,T WrITTSIBIURGH SAW WORKS, Pk t an n ibulii i ratclTl4 • 4l ` 4. ll : sLyeT c lalatltr, of , nrezr de , acqll4rlalillt Alltng of lIVIVE.V . antI ell',11; Mule frOln nett Cain, steel; Extra rennet REAPER and MOW ING KNIVES, &c. larWarabonse and Morka, mime! War= and annul . danarra, Pitutnerah, Particular attention pat to re-toothillp, ma nn teja VI: I T Hsi; r . e l p z a , l s l:a actuante rates. $1.61013 arELORINSON, REA & CO (SUG. *moss so lionsx so, Mists .1 , mans.) .WASHINGTCI x N WORKS, Toastslows st.Eaelalssksio, PlSSabots - eh Itanuracturriornost .and tleationarr tit.= Xn gthe_s, Xnenss, IUII Maghtnery, Gearing tlttarung, Castings or all dascrtpllons; 011 Tanks wad 1511. Bolltrista jOlto+r! Iron Wort. mfrAimitonarr. IarIIESIEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR Cliziscom. So. 14 OND WEDEE DLIAY 101111. Tall Information, with the hfreeet testioan/14; also, a Beek on Special /Menne. In e genial en eeleren .eat frrd "TB. sure and send for tAtook ‘ .14 putt rill net roped U; (or, se •eyeraelne phyoletnito are gonerallo tionostero, without enre , antes no stranger ahnnle ho traeten. Karts. a No.for pcoitsge. Inn direct to UM LAWItChCE. No. 14 BOND ST REET. NEW TURK. notMot-al . ligrMAYOll OF ALLEGHENY. JOHN MOIIRIROIV Will be a eandlhaie for re-eleelloo to the Mayor alty; subject to the wettoo of the Union Itepubtlun put) at their Noste tabu , El,ctto. 14`.1iaeSt l i - i7T•piOM froeCo • Weed,Lock Stitch 'Sewing Machine. BEST IN USE PIIIB IS WHAT 560 WILL DO. s6o lstrd b ,ql;an i r itrgf " Gather nod Bmd: and Wit :, Makeake II !loth Overcoat: Sl • Frock Overcoat:'. Slate adatlls Vest: /Mae ulotb Fints: • Illnd Shoos: lit ILI do eve?) delltripliell of Dream Malang. 101011.ehlae tilt do all kinds of - Family Bettor. 160 Machin. till➢run ores . *elms Iraltmat Laval- In needles or aklpplug 80 Machine Mltsbe. a.lla on both Mae.. ISO ltaelaa. 1.110 01050 101 Machines by 20 per eent..ln use, and till set fames, If 001. operlor to aay glashlne In Um ma r ket, be en. t oil It and bars 115 money. Warranted foot yaars. AIKEN KNITTING MACHINE Wlll 101112 patron( mocki Ina dot. Heald and Embroidery 102. P. for 5. 1 8 and ' l =o . Inc done. •1110 odea for elating ladles d dm.... m AO) pc rt. G. 1.111 from I ” t. Ali WAIsTAIL grill Lind. of Wally sensing dose. 11. 11. LUNO, Agent, •111 Orsil street, oppoalte Cathedral, . PITISM7AOII. la. GROVER & BAKER% ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK STITCH Sewing Maohines Are TUE ➢rbT for ramby and M►nnfactattnn pow. Call ata yea them ►t .ro. is Ems Street. DOVT BE DECEIVED BY Flourloblik half colnnui advertisementa of Inferler. liach , nea, bat gat a 080V11.6 It has been Nay teatedtat alsteen , • years. and ta by all cosave ,. tso u t o in . d ..A ges ih p:o. . • iI' Et TI . S • • Nc., ZS Wirth. Elltreet. =Cada GET NONE BUT A GROVER & BAKER • lor • Holiday OM. It Is reliable; perfect and aerofoil, the but. DWI All to .11 aodsee 1101 NO. IS fItTII tITILEET. TUE GROVER tr. BAKER • SEWING MACHINE to the vltlma Thule of lie nhaalatti. Mate call and examine It 04 NU 1 YITTII lirnErT Snot. lIAIINESS & CAEUULAGE. MAKERS should see the hew Grover &Baker No. 1 Sewing Mack*. Before boylag elsewhere. ,It Is the hest for .Itelr use. for Sete at 1109:ZISS .. HO. IS 7IPTII 825. . 11.14ITLETT $25. SEW INC MACHINE. Best cheap Litsensed Mannino to the United Btstes. Ane . orrisk r gd ven". her% adJrcu Oto 0100 per PAVE Ushers) Agents, 614 Chestnut street, rbiladelPhis, and ;43113ura. telt street. Toledo. Vhle. deLpt TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o, . ROSE BUDA:MUGU AND BEADY, BOW Bud Bright Pound, Bose Bud Golden Bars, And other Noted Broads of °l' 033 a a Q., *anufaciuml 1,7 R. & W. JENKINSON, Fifth door from Bur pension Bridge, .1961arriZiarSEECO"R" CITY 200,000 4.aneaster Segars last artived, will be sold ebea7• B. B. JEFFRIES, -s.....,„„ iunn i ntrh e er and. Retail 1 1011ACCOANUFF AND CICARS, • T. CLAM STUMM, rrrrastraout sa•A Inn assortment of MEERSCHAUM PI I'EA and 15V...0 TOkIAUCU, of the Dela 9tW t lat " GEORGE BLITJYEEN SCHEIN D 34212 d 7011130 N AND mamma SMARR, CREWING TOBACCO smoking Tobacco, Pipes,&c vro. Iscrireasui olsrocre, (Nes , o(lma , of Lth=l7.) .01:b11 rtrraub 6011 , • JOartiMEGRAI7I7, IC allttaa of. Tobusco, Snuff and Cigars,.- 4r is ,'w2l: KIIMEREI ar 14;,atketTobilr, 12PST, Timm, Ot.. sal rules, " fer Watirtrao pe t " 4. "ra r la , i =ewe BR% BOOTS AND 1110 - Es. 7-1 H. CHILDS WHOLESALE PEAL RS IN OOTS, WOES =8 =3 SOLE LEATBIE, No. 133 WOod Street, riTTSBUIRNEI, PA. To MORT TIME. and CAHH hurt's we oiler sn. Perini inducement, Innr lactlitles tor buying are neurit.ted by ANY Lon. bailor West. C.c.s- A directly from Tutu HANDS entlrelyr roe CAIN. enabled to sell . low as any Cant ern Jobbing MKR . 4IHAFT arc invitod to can and exatntne ono stook and able oar price. boron! pnrch.la chant:Lora. 4CP.rdlorie for HOPE • MILLIS superior Cotton tarns, SRIIIIILRSS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND LINEN CARPET CHUN, clbo., Will be Promptly Filled at FACTORY PRICES. 44.A1l girders by mall will reasift Immediate sad vassal suention. H. CHILDS & CO. _008.1.63:dmT HOLIDAV PRESENTS, USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. BOOTS, SIIOBS, GIITERS 9 .49.1%7113 BAT-AY/ORALS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT • THOMAS H. PHELP', 46 Smithfield Street. deS7 JOUX 1,1,126..111.0. 1. AICSIICTZ CALMED psurneu, ANSUUTZ & CO., • 6UCCL-4501t6 TO J. A. ROBLIMON & CO.. nr..u.zas BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS o=l .Vo. 61 .Workel2Street, Near Fourth. PTITISIIPIPaII, PA. MEM McEI.INTOCK 9 B IDIOT AND SUOE EMPORIUM, Noi 92 Federal Street, ALM:OII7.NY CITY , 33a.rass7aiss Kcyr 811: BOOTS AND BELIES. • J. WILHELM, No. 3$ Market St., Pittsburgh, Liu Nat received every large stock of all Made of SOOTS 4925.7328.130. 131 15, Which he is prepar i ll to t te k lieheaseATl ete s ri ..Ach he war m i lli.. to YAKS tars:Utica. oczl: roe A LARGE 'AND FRESII AIIRD'AI. SUM/ BB BOOTS, SHOES, G&ITE RS dful italiosorais, Just rooelve4. WI IN 111 besold attlsti Vittr LOW EST PRICES, eltherlPholesate newt. titirs vs A Cola. Bison PUICIU,32IIII. WILLILL J. IL & W. C. BORLAND, No. 06 Ilszket. Moot, 161 door fromletti at • mill 000.1%a "mu; 4011! rvilsuo, C • FIELIaG & Imo, • Manoiseturees andtoonlers la atustazia. .11EL6tla BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny.' Itcpaising 1.0.4417 executed on the anortv . l, no- 14ftIVIPliaelte7A:ihri4ki4edei .ADDY &BBTLBY GAS AND STEAM FITTEOIS, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Ste., PPTINBUReIift PA.; COlr.ileavar and CheigiatEdreatA, An And/annex, OM sad kite= Exturxecm. at...ay on tuna. , pummel% GIS OD STEW FITTING: „ • .Hydrants, Iron Pimps, WET LEAD sass* LEA) anyv rix a s az BAHLARI WATEII CLOSETS SAD WASII STANDS, TOM T. NWENI3, • Mammas to Zweas t C 0.,) 165 Wood St” Pittaburgh4Pa. . Err7:•49 • WY. UltatatlY LJOAAIYOA HEALEIIY & JOICIMON, Z 2 EL ALCTVICPALIA Plumbers, Gas and. Steam Fitters MUTH ISTBXICT 1/:STIPBSOIT, 1. 1, 1t - tailaurgaii, I. W orders by MU executed 11ettlteetCetal promptly attended to hall Iles of Bath Tabs, Pumps. Baena, int -t Closet', India, °eminences. rennenta..o4 a !Medea, for sine at the matt reasonable prices. . Order. from cannery patrons by mall promptly It leaden to. dem nose °reser, dmerlDelon. lnt ,, M , • 1321E1 WILLIIMS&BIRTLEY Keep on band a Mutat article at • - WOOD TrICTIODEIS, All kinds of Iron romps, Hydrants, !Meet 14W1 Sheet Moe:, Lao ripe....ii•th Tata. link& Vata (rex, Wash Bads., wash Muds, te..iit Corner_iilith and Smithfield Streets, PlTAfrol , gelm .4M—c caetni i wo t km e n d . o Ap exwroenednnd OAS FIXTURES' SMKS, BATHTUBS isnowirs ne.rntl TVs a snaiTr - 00111610.110nliindaid =tide °WALTZ' . 1110: JeFIinTZZAZ, 3O / ' --Hn.oB7edeta2B47-44mimaar . • BST Xltilrbiust; FOR SALE.—. 4 Farm ot about 5S WISITTStrEIIGIIT,GE_AT D D E F ,. ... acres In L . ,1!1,71 ~ ..11e, e , o Lyt re .jn o tt he .r.regri AND 31A 13ir-r• • '"" A arid W 3.311 ton,' 1 • H 0115... I . .h ottrx rr 11.3r0...h Vrns 11,133rt1. rumbrl.:no CATAR.SCT OF TIIE GANGES. 0.. , 3•-• loin the 1,13 31, gerCr+2 . “ . ro3l. .11,1323.1 , 1, Irra or. Lol: 3 . -1-311 v for dairy' or ga.r,r. g CO. a.l3elnitur the above .: with airom ant cmee Hee, sop! ••pilot no, ma ~ ,!ticrst with goo I.orthard In de ;lm This piece la wed all un- A lat. 12 acre, a tioirden'theatrove entnanroved, . 1 ' • • Mt, la cheat! iinderlald with rot!. The above theta elects or betty Cen the Little uaw lino an I Pro """ hi l. t. and the coal can res,heo .sepia Tn.. coal alone lc worth all thet Isres'Sedliv '''.. ?. 'l l ,7' a r r ' en ' ot 173 acres, ~ t er atetnels: 011 n, liecchrel and coun Pa, ' hutuadoll ' •l te line e , f the F r a me hailroad. .than ore • two,tory Frame /I tore her , .mend o go l o,' cellar, a Frame Bank. IS liner 0,./1 r hoei cet: and churches, ii, s. o acre anee In ntimber: fon.•ing generally 0,0,1,1,11 watereit, with coal mol lime den : convenient to churches, th e, echool: and blacksmith chops, to gether wlth the personal property Poch as ateek, hal/lemmas grain la the ground, Ac. Voacmion given immediately. Als hp .garm of Sit trees, situated In Chartlem township, Allegheny couuty, Fa.. shoot ;!•1 tulles from the city, no the Hue of the et. shuns tile IL 15.,50.1withra one-half tulle of a station; 5/ rem of the beet of crek bettors land. sod lo a high flair Of c.i,lvnilon:23. e setta nf wood land and hectare. The fencing Is generally good. The soil la No. I,and well adapted for gardening. Ihe at:vett. of those a nd to embark I- the Imaineas will call at once and Bemire • good bargain. as this is • rare chance. Also, F a rm - of 04 acres, situate In Ell:zombi township Allegheny Coops on the Monon gahela river, about mile y, from the Borough of Elltabeth. The coil le of the beat quality. The Im provmaenta ere o utarm house w thingo. ago.' barn and other buildings; good,• about 60 Imre s of coal. Churches. schools and mills very eetteenlent. Fociession Immediately, Also. the best Farm In Elisabeth townsbrP. Youtalnlng about 00 Wes. tying On the hlonbngh nets river ato ls erected a large two-story brick dwelling, one loft and one frame bent barn, corn crib, wagon sheet, brick rinsing house, grisnery, work chop. leo.: shoot Mures of .ue above 'admit quality river bottom; the balance being ilmeatorie la4d, and underlaid with cunt, and shout m acres or Itmestone. There are two orchards or apple Uses, In goal hearing condi. Lion; (not pear, plum trees end grape sthes zee. land land la well adapted tor gerdeuing'pamMeeP being • abort distance from the thriving beMemets of Elisabeth, creating • market at home for all tow product_ The propertY tern be eo/d-elleaP And on . - e•Amable ras. Also, A of 00 acres, .united to EltrAbetb townkhlp, No c.o.', Pa., stoat one mlle from Lock No. on . lonong/A.lsri•er. Improve ments art one tribe house, ulth Ave rooms, Darn. the beet lom=6 e O. n ll o. r w o iw ad En._. ry - no 7 Real Salk te Akent. 164 Fourth Week— 11. 4 `0n SALE—CoaI nor k,4, now in succemfol operation daily; production 10.thO eltimto on Monongahela ricer. In, pool No. 3. mnall rarm, acres, well Improved. i 3 mitre from Liveamore Mackin. on' t h e Western Penury!. cants Railroad. in Mimi.* county, and only ns miles from the Mtn all for CLOCK). Three acres In Montano Borough: no Downie went.; suitable for all kin d . of small fruit grow-, One hundred acres YOod farm land, tour acres cleared, good sprlsigs, and timber for fencing and building: lon, col'es from Adidas. In ItintreodlitY, Pa.; good road to same: ail for $ Madly-two acres In house, township: f which is mad; ad fenced; , tarn, orchard IC. Brick Mouse of six rooms on Rebecca street, Al brigh:lY. lltr t iek Hoare of five roam' on Park. street. First Ward. nd g y, Brick Siouan ohm ten rooms on Chestnut atreet,. Allegheny. Twentv-two thousand 'five hundred dollars for • priest_ dwelling. advanlageotudy situated la Alle gheny. New Frame Bowe of four CO:mg : hall sod finished garret, on Jefferson street, becond Ward, Alle gheny., 'Brick House of eight Moms; lot RC toy rnl feet. In Maw .11=in Monte at Edgeworth Station. on Pennsylvania Railroad, seven mules out. Alto, delta • 111:111btr of acre lots. New Frame sear of e ',iooms, hall, kitchen and attic, on libefficid street, Manchester. JOHlt CII.OIT, flea , Real Estate Agent.. 139 'math street. ROUSES HOUSES! HOUSES Oat. THREE 51 - 0111 C BRICK DWELLING, Pitts burgh, Ys ton a)... llpe DICKE STORY DEICE WARE/MI - SE, Pit tsltu 4KODO Ope drultV lIIIICK I)WELLIN“.PItta "rt. 37.7ut vac 'WV STORY BRICK DIVELLIKa. `Pitts br,t tiToNT 13ItIr IC DWELLING, Pitts 01. Ooe Tit tt NE bTOLLY 1:111Cli DWELLING, Pitts ton go, SMI 701 On. Ope Two tTOIW ERICA DWELLING: Mr =lngham ea,Nll ono TWO wrOILY 71LAYE DIVELLINI), Bar tt'63l)oll.4l' FILAMIDWELLIIAG, Alio - ghrog, .2,30 ol). Inquire or lllTscar.L. a. 'WILSON. ItsO.6.ZILD .L-TO ILLS[. SWATS Or-IWS. dent INO. 60 cmitnEl old Street. FOR SALE, • • QdILSET FJRJQ. A piece of land ...tiling' SO' to SO ecru of rich alluvial ground. cons . ..lent to the cities, Is now antes for sale on rt....ble terms. The iniprore• scents are FIUME /10 USE, BARS. And other outtattld inns. it Is now sands, a Market Garden, and Is In Idshordsz. - los (Wattles partisans.. sPP/S - • • FOR ALE, .1.; _ - TES TWO-STORY BRICE DWELL.I3O, :. .. No. 43 Monterey street. Alleahecy. Contains nine ressms, besides anlatued attic.. balh-room and wrsh.bonse. Y. coriaculence of limo...tit. and tasty and substantial talsb. li. Is probably un a seelle si by any In the two titles of similar Ole. The Minn Is quite new, and has au. and hot sad cold water up and down stole,. Apply for B ro k e r nook,ln . antit eBU YPaAlNate . n0..11 67 Younh street. illarke's Bonding. LOTS: LOTS!---I can now offer Lots as to n as g.. 10, well located sad in • plena. Alto: Wade. • Alm, Lola located on the Pike trent WO tol,olo Cm Liberty street, Bora ........ :CO tot.= On Bellefonte'. atreet, en to SCO On Harr"• street. from bra to 630 la Liberty Tamable. adjoining the Borough lot. from =lto 5 , 0 Also In Pitt Townsulp. Lots from... 15U to 650 Tee above lots nlll veryld on terms to salt per. ends.. • lao, tome deeirable lmprovedpro erty. located 10 Eta Borougta. Pitt 'townp Al. legh.y City, rittliburgh, and enJoinlng 100 0 5110. Yor N ana , apply at Baikal Bstate and inaltranee Office or • 6.& cm.% • nett • Butler street. Lawrettoes. .7. WILstEL.M. N. 38 Market street. T AND FOR SALE.—A large Lot of Pround in tilritingLarn, between uresvern et. iond Deism. streets, and 1, irgin alley and Via ter street. Ilan on two Brie. Houses fronting on Denman street, and also a grave Boone fronting . on Penman street. The whole of the grant.* ls now occupied livlohn Redman. W mad bro isry favorable Ms for rounufactnring , partooiss. For further putioulars, enqulr. of it. V. VEISSU2S, as Hel burghmer Bros., Nos. lid atm in Wood storet. Pitts, Pa. deWi 'ROB SALE-12 acres or Ground, w.ll ttmtered and watered. on Squirrel co, ten minutes , walk Iron Paleenger taunt at beady Lute Youth Street Road. Al $ Sera . at Home , wood. ao Station,• and feeeent - Parma located In Weatatoreland and Altai, heal . counties. Also Coal, property, Ilona. and I,ote to the city and suburb... ran farOcr pastietasn 'aquae of . • WILLIAM WARD, (Oppoalt• the Cathedral,) No. 110 Grant atreet. : SILL—One-lourth Interest la the .• • . Milaniling Rolling r 0 . acceptable 11108E.M.4 Baxcati.z. • .no. So Water street. FOR SALE, k LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, With all modern hanrovements. In complain opler and altnata 013 the Peens. Hallway. Inquire as . STHKET. 11VA:or:ITS Illtanurab. JOHN D. DAILEY, Stock and Bed Estate Broker. JOHN D. BAILEY, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AND AIICTIONEER. Hating taken out a commission u Alletiolletr, and eit"t.d an goiradement with the rittantargh Board or Trade, securing the use of their rpenns.,otre,,the Thiro National Bank. lam now Venom. to se ll robiio but ton etocks. fiends. & en t itles. Real Ufa e. to,, tither at the above rooms or oh the preying. artleulat bereft..." e to the tale of Real Estates& private sal.. ell e, antral Estate Intim country attended. Oinee, t i lt Fourth street. neZi tom:, D. 'BAILEY, 'Stock • and Bea/ Batate Broker an uctioneer. I will or; In the Board of Trade • Rooms. above the Third - National Band. an OPEN srucK BOARD, On THU/CODAS. J 61.1.1 13 41. -38.. • VOXYlar O• 11 Of stocks on Tuesdays and Thursdays of earl:Jacek, at o'clock p. m.. nod Frittax ereninfe „at a o' c loce.. At the meeting cos ThursoitY.k tW be appointed to report maim and reaulstione for he resentment of the Board. • • • --' • Jet T)ESIS.ALBLE. LOTS FOB COhN TBY ItaIiWENCE3 —Doom...tot the ItlV,rag.ring,d7:,, T i.Triygri:nrtrrog sores each, as the. Perrysville' Plank Hoed, one tete how Aneeheny Wao adionruad• The lots are now acted at private sale. Tr.aats—One.tialf cult: balance to t. 3. 4 ano 7 ggi7ait=, s i7 g° 4.oo.Pn,P f xv.d .11111.2( D. ItLULIGY, deS • ...No. VS Matte street. REMOVAL.-TIIE ITNDERSIONt; YD hare removed: the ottlee,of the ROI% Or WORlCtiftom 33 Market stret, ritubergh. to Work. on ealt.101( STItXST Browsed , ' they can hereafter be found._ rottoetee deldresa MO. Pattbetre. ...a out ttriatn•ar NO. in] MONEIF L 4151 " __ _. _. .. SMIT.IFIELD 'Br . ......1..i, 51.1=. Plttaburgh. ~ .„ - Quit Plttela. Dram ° 7llda, L4 l7 ° l l 7, "" e kr e r... tr d ., -W4 L Ch m ee ' . Olathing...d T." 11: eltnered In Ca tirk ea. 'rbe rx.d. ...° poet lizeoriot • 21J seconniabla 1. ~..,on or mtlet.al lowso ." 4 .. f ~,•91,:yrn 7 .13EINCEL UsitOr. ~ . - 75 bbis. Mrs, Reacted and wirriated W4itel NUMMI. On U. 101.7 ~ MIN boxes e•stah rivciorl imdVabizg for sale t 0 ' CipitaB ' - 'o.-1191;40ertistsett, . FOR SA T,E., OPERA HOUSE. • C. P. 11E,S InnicrOr. LA, W.' “1 - 21", MANAGE:4I:NT: Thlt.New Tem,. Ila Griffith Gaunt or, Jealousy. • • tk-cond gad 1,, " - eel. of alit Eminent Wroeriest i Ca•jicr i. 1 a S r ‘ ) .° T d :rl'lr " o r n I.rs fl i to 1.2 3,- " 4. e l • lire,t of B.n. nary, Broker In Maas usd 67 roartb a.. (Buz kVa B 111141114.) E===l AMUSEMENTS. I V rI• 1=3:1 I=3 =1 I= =I :arts. D. D. BOWERS. Ana the thvorlte - yeung Ithl. 1. C. McCOLILor. ." ; "DJO: 1:1 • ENINO. Jan. 3D4 Mrs. BOW. , great tile 1 HUTCHINtioN FAMILY. .__? “THE TRIBE OF Asa,.” SING TIIIS EVENING AND TO-BEEOII EVENING, i Excelsior Hall, Allegheny, E!IELI .9.13013'20 73.9-TaMs, TI I t: 691/KT s YRIDAY EVE , i9, Jan. Zd and 4th Tickat., SO cents. Cr poor,. at 7'..; commence at onarter to-S. • 5031 .101 fSr - AERCILNTILE LIBRARY MIY7OTT:r3MSIIE3. awn ncinace GREELEY. Wm lecture at ACADEMY OF 31U5 1L on THIJII.S.- DAY EVENING. Jan, 311, ItG7. SubJect—SELF .11 &DE 1..11. 1a Ones onettial, Lelure at rt. I , In. Fltatels 60 cett.. — sam. teed arse. 115 cents extra. sc.. may be menet a cmlemy or abate... Thatectly mortal.. amt. 3. 'clock. No more than twelve .eats may Oosacred by one Pe lLtt . holders of Paronette checks will 1 .- licat ° T'a d yesli. scoTT, I OLIVER LElltdoN. JAS. U. LtOUGAIs, WU. P. 111001151cr, BENJ. F. JP's:Nita:l3, 0. SPAIJE. m4.. T. W. saII.LEK. de31:00 • igE r OPERA. HOUS E. Wednesday Evening, Jan. 2d, 1867, EREWILL 11,511107i1AL TO Mit. C. fl. IMRISSI, TENDERED BY NUAIEROLTS Citizens of Pittsburgh, And aided by.the following FINE ARRAY OF VOLUNTEERS: P. /*W WI .r. MeCOLIALII. The reir7 Bk" lihgs NELLTE DEAN. (DT /Ind perratestou of the /tanager. of th.a Cen oSkating Park.) hecelebratedClarlonetest:Herr ANDRUS VOLT. M. W. .7. COOGSGMTLT., Mr. H6RILY I.I , YTTO, Mr. G. EY G• R. - Mr. AM WEL PRE NCH. Elsa SATE ESTELLE. Mr. J. SYLVESTER...ad Mr. J.Y. SIITIGN. (By kind perml•sion of Hr. Wm Hendereos, Stan awes of the Theatre.) The riosststott win eiroattse the we's n first p eat historical pity roilactioa in this Ci of ty for many nate, or tto • TEsaae tEkti.Ore, • (Unabridged:l to tddltfon to which A GliEdT BILL OF NOVELTY XaR i-31 preparation. Tick etoreset, frbr . sale at an axe Hotels. nod Book .3141 -Basle Bu !MEET now own for the sale of Reserved Bests, witlaont extra tharga da.ll t~~ ~ ~ :'L~~:a:~~~~~~ ~ ~-~: t 1:~ tom'"i 4C,XX2/81 C:Mrao9lll 4113 1 XL031 22 SOtIO OIL W0R15.. KIM KM 8;00, ILLISITTLOTUBJEBS 07,THE CELEBRATED 81111111.U1IRICA'108, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale OLIN EL1L162,! 011 OW= GINEI 'itandind White Burning Oil, No. 83 Blarket Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND 'FOR A WARING & KING, comma iIIaUMSEI BO UM 11 Petroleum and its Products' _4 zoveuzs.rE War, N"ITTAIIESTMOZZ , THILLIMMILL ADITIRE3: - WARINC, KING & CO.. 127 Walnut Rt.. Mt BOEllOll'B LMMOATOR, =ll MUTE, BROS. &CO.I Y ew York. E. J.'ROBEIITS, Agent, 30.5 sc. cceir street. Pl!tefrusub. Pa. 1, Ke.p.,,osurtlien bad -. Cettea r L W t b* siMi O St nr. B:g1:=1,7. 00. ztatO %M i te .torttot (At, Dart Onc Olt, Pt 1, _ocretrAxt, Dart Cu Olt. Ho pi WOOLDRIDGE OIL MIMING acimmuik.Tfrir„ OF PITTSBURGH. PERNA; JONN WATT,,Presldent. • • itraltlt K. LUNG. tleey sad Muer. WORKS IN TEMITHANCEVILLE. Oftice N 0.2 -Do eon Way , as s ..rs.p.ar,znd...) , • YLNTICININGUTADTIMERS PURE. WET= 121111 . litrand.--"LUO110r" F!MESA. OIL WORKS, , X•111TPACT1111.1113 iOl/ ETIBEK4_C4RBOX Oli EUGEKA. SPERM LUBRICATING: OILS, • ... And WholsateJaislas in. • Cnide,'Rellned and laibriathig 011 s, LARD. tram. 'AIWA AND MB mu; N 0,31 Market, St., Pittsburgh, Pa. O. cr....re - camizszt , Asst. pall aad essaili• razipltasad read ostp3o=4“: :BUY THE BEST,. PETROLIA BLUE LEAP. tog °IL iJcimrs= linnuntotnred only manioc solo by. Arm." s_ CIA 4 N. W. Cor. 3a Ity,Wltiurket [ • - 4. , .g apy! , LAMP. THE O. J • JON MMM WFORD & V,9gEL, Maas. ' _ _ - 11.087- . .POWNNIFIIL , . - AND TRULY BRILLLILIiT COAL tril. OAR MONT; Adopted by thelll.B:Gliv . einiNleirt. Votive. Oland flasatifol. tares on brilliant Iliat tiuma-in friarige was any tabsz 21114 priori Is alga to all luso URI oaths ; , s rt =r i trif g I . l" . 4initael or, never re °o7o Sn a g n 'H o 0 8 1 74 * 71. t iT - a 2 Depot. aboastlioov... - . • nen :INIONTNIAN 4k ANDERSON. Aim an, in- E.3` ILO - - VE XT . TTWlrAnWiart. =44l_ WoufflektmOuLAcow ". 411M[1200. 410/1 4 11ften n a, AirniTAIMMG,94 /it T W"UII UC.4,101,411 CM EMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers