, tht4 Vittoturpt fiagtfte: , _ - . AT otztrts ; , BUILDING, No. so amitim OTTO - CoT; W. B. rcivarkleAktr;),,... -- • - • T. Jr. Itoverroa. r —k 03, 1 4 zones 'lmre ssiaos v.zzo, }hishie•P ll= tlCAratzay.' Kat' baton iberVtlKT . ......a..• 'MOO. ' /414.1redoeuonolo Newbors and /Lauds. TUE3D4Y., JANUARY 1, 1867 Tuasus.-:-Hojr. J. , K. Moorhead.... l Col: John P.. Glass bilie our Oval' Sot valuable publlu.documenta,, OUtt EiGnry.plge."l TO Zay. ineCiazwrra celebrates- its Slat aztalventary.-- Your ;score - yearis 'and One have passed its head, and yet it possesses more vigor and enterprise than Imo ever characterized : it, and ( is in,. the full tide of prosperity: Its success in the 8414 k yeir just closed, especially-since the. Incoming of the present 'projniittors, hus. been:far greater than anticipated, and; we, believe, without a parallel in'the Itistory ofjoUraal- Ism in Western Pennsliania...Peosperity . flowed in upon the - new.firm, and warm, substantial aid was eitentled ifici old Joni: nal Iron:veil tides: Its fair claims as fined vertising 'medium. were ,inure than fully recognized by ' a geiterousbusiness pity, while its circulation' rapidly sad tteodlly increased at home and abeitaki till new facilities for werldissoff its large cir culation were neeessitated.:-Gratiftedivith these- paltering evidences -of encourage .: •: t the''<p victors enter - year witlt:full. dettirabiatiqo to phici . the: GAZETTE inllt - front.Tank of journalism,l a position due' its hie; - character and ierj vices. Placed upinii firin .financiaLbasia, not indebted pectinlarlly 'to the outside world; independent and fearless in its ad vocacy of right and denunciation of wrong, It will steadily persevere in efforts to attain even greater popularity and success the* . alreadyiviardeff."" , Bornwith file city standing guard .at the cradle of Industries; jealOunly watchful of our municipal invorttin ever aarOcotitig, without four or favor, ' great . Anterica'n interests, .battling for - home protection; agitating at; all times the great cause of humnn llberiy, thi,Gazsvvr. has a noble record in the past, which trill be suelaiired in the future. . - EightY-OnO years! a long, long time to contemplate, and y .. et wring ail that period tha Gersx-rn has ,been the champion of our manufacturers. Itepeatedly . and often have its courmus•luirled, back: upon the originators . efforts made to cripple our industries and swallow the finits of oar labor into the vortex prepired by cuuntnt' speculators at 'home and • abroad. In the torvrari! - • -:..rished with. the our ataituf,actorl6, mills, rl.ois works fiend smith-shops. Ever faith ful to the great Manufacturing interests, serving without reward, save „in the con - scionsness Of duty to locality and country well performed, the aiznrrr. lived em- balmed in the hearts of thousands and thousands In generations long since paised away from earth to eternity. It had its vicissitudes. It did not escape the financial stems which passed over our country from time to time during the past four score years. It has been crippled but never killed. New editors have guided "Mc quill, new tirms controlled its manage meat. They came and have goite. Fast fleeting time has borne them onward in the swift currant of 'Veto the dark river of death. Slone of those who held the busi- - nese or editorial reins even half d century ago, arc above the grave to-day. 411 have passed away. In the: - many changes wrought by phi relentless Time,.the GA ZETTE. hilS pursued the same open, onward,- righteous course. Never were home in dustries abandoned; never great political principles forsaken, nor national errors permitted to go unranked. Consistent, determined, conscientious and indepen dent it - carried its reputation from one gen-, eration to another mire and untarnished. Readers of to day knoiv better than can we inform them the noble course Pursued during the dark dressy hours of, rebellion. How it battled for the bid flag and rallied the loyal scuts of our Commonwealth to stand by the Government. How it kept up courage and inspired fresh patriotism into all even . when only; the dark . side of war's gloomy picture could be seen: It arced obedience and submission to an im periled Government and counselled enlist ment that the serpent or treason be effectu ally throttled. linflinaingtv old GA zerre stood by the guns of the loyal ITArty,. It rejoiced in peace. New questions arok which the war left as responelbilnies upon the North. The reconstruction of the Southern States call ed forth the wisdom of the wisest men of the nation. The GAZETTE, guided only by the right, steered into the' channel which Congress marked out, and to-day stands by the Constitutional Amendment as its plat form. With a jealous eye the course of Presi dent 4oriNsox was watched, and among the ;very first the GAZETTE sounded alarm to loyal Masses when he swerved from the right and gave way to' : the influence of bola, bad and treach;rous political in , triguers of the South. Denunr_iation of the e Chief _Executive of the nation was to is an unhappy task. But parsval feelings must - ive way sy hen duty demands obed icnce. The President, flushed with new power obtained in rebel circles, and smart ing underlha rebukes of a loyal people whornitc'had betrayed, was not above re taliation: By special order the GAZETTE Ts% denied all Governmental printing and / • IntirtAag. .We had saved our dignity, -and.coutt afford the, pecuniary loss 'entailed by 4 4:President's order. It is not vaitt-,,ui to say here. that the GAZETTE occupies ~ road place in the hearta. of its readers- , 7-4 advocates the right, just and humane prinA,ne:e offi ber. ty as enunciated in the platfo...„ of the great Union Republican party; shah., firm ly for the protection of labor and hotua.. e _ du'stries'agrtinst foreign gold and compett._ tioru - nrges a contraction of the currency,' and, if possible, a nearer _Approach to a specie basis. Controlled by no'clique, in dependent soil free to act upon its own elettion, It will strive earnestly to merit a continuance of the favor and patronage which has beeit bestOwad !vela- it-during tliciPa4 yF ar .. '•' - Our friends can materially assist us. Aid us in obtaining s tse.:w sulisenbers to our Daily and Weekly inues, that our sphere of ulefbiness May be more Widely extend ., ed. Our .colUnirm contain the latest telegraphic nows from'air parts of, the world; specipt correspondences at:home and (rem fibroid; national and State Intel; Ligence; the fullest, most readable andeor rect of ctrl- goesip, Pollee caies, court pro ceedings,-and general Items Of local lance; most complete, accurate and reliable 'minaret reports, river IMPRi; and financial intelligence, together with a choice selec tion of literary and scientific readingmat ter culled from the moat able and popular Jain:mils of the errantry, Our advertising rates will remain unaltered during the coining year; and we 'lnvite' the atmaillon of_ the merfnuitilis arab . professionirranii , nurnitf to our fair claims Apr" theirpe tronage.-!-Our subscription 55:M3 will not be'elleeited, but will renign as follows ; ... Blegletoples ' , 3 cents. Delivered by earror !Per week)......13 cents. :Hall SUbtoaribir. (Per year) ................... ,ragICLY (TWO LIIITIONS). ' Suut*GWY (Par allittlin) 91.30 1 c y Clab'4 oe of F T l e " ti or: m0re..... 11,2313 dt CisrtsE DONE: Fora numb:4 of Year's constant expeiri-. Feats have been conducted to lee if the evils of an Irredeemable paper currency could not be remedied by advancingprices accordingly. The result has been precise ly B it c h as every man of sober sense ei pected. Between the inflation of the cur rency and tile efforts to adapt prices to the current medium of ..exchange, all the rela tions of .. values Imre been dekroyed. Wages have been advanced extravagantly, but still the uniforrd testimony IS that they bear no Jest 'r roportion . . to the -rates at which labdrers in all departments of, in dustry have to pay for needful supplies. In this dilendna it would naturally be Inferred a strong , disposition would be evinced to get down, about as rapidly as pokiblerse a specie bads. The. tact iefar ethorwise. It is insanely proposed' to go on increasing wages, and so dill firtherto unsettle values. Why will not people see that the end they really desire•cannOt be attained in that way? What H wanted is, to make a dollar - buy a hundred cents Worth. That done, wages are quite too high all round for the general good. But ;that cannot be done by putting up prices. Has not that been tried long enough I A man might as sensibly , try to lift himself by pulling at ids pantaloons: Let the See retary of the Treasury retire the green backs, either h . ) , funding or redeeming them This neednot take long. As soon as Specid makes its aPpearanee, under this process, the; wages of labor and _the prices of all goods, wares arid merchandise, will - conform to the real standard. Thee we shall all blow where wo are, and Indus tile's will take a new start. Some people are afssid of the shrinking of nominal values consequent on this pre.. Ce 5.5. They have acquired property of 'va rious kind!, oa the paper basis, and die dice to march down to specie. Ia the - end, this be .done. Tile perpetuation of a self-dqiusion, is of no utility. But, id point of tact, no body is -deceived. Every body Understands the difference between the nominal prices; on the basis of paper indation, and,the real value_ on t!.., Of coin.. Nf . "MIL vi Ver. 7 , . 111c^ .114)ittt ! • Tr,c i 'll k many CAMS. t usi facility . and exactness. , For a year and more many branches of business have been conducted on a falling market. Those engaged therein have en countered loss and discomfort. Is it worth 'while to protract those losses over five or ten years? Is time worth nothing? Barely five or tea years, thrown away, out of the best part. of life; is of serious account. Better meet what is inevitable, at once, and then take a fresh start.- It is econo my to go into bankruptcy rather than lose many years of valuable time. liow often is this exemplified under ordinary circum stances? A business man - becomes ember sassed. His pride revolts gat failure- Ho hopes for a turn in affairs, beyond all reas onable probability. Ile counts dinibtfhl assets as good. Draws in hie friends. Compromises his integrity-, perhaps, and goes to th ewall at last. If he had wound np as best ho could, when difficulties be capte— perilous, he would have spired his friends, saved his character, and gained five or ten-years for a frash career. It may be talteh as certain that a' good many fortones_tyrill collapse in getting baCk to specie. A good many were made in getting away from it. Action and re action are equal,- is oneof the most obvious laws of nature. Many men have tried to circumvent this law; in one or the other of its applications; but we have never heard of any brilliant 'successes attending their efforts. We do:not expect to hear of any— not even among financiers, who are quite as oblivious to natural law, and,their amen ability thereto, as any otherclass of men. Trim POPES have been temporal princes for many ages. If they have had heirship to a kingdom not of this world, they have also had a kingdom that was. Few saints have been so fortunate in this particular. For, say What you may against the world, and the Kings thereof, they are not to be despised or lightly esteemed so long as one dwells in the flesh. This Popes have as well as humbler people. Just Pope finds his temne ralit'es u'en.cea wiw `i - erasion and over , throw. 'The Italian people, y centuries, in the main, of docile snood:. sion, have taken up the notion that their tipe to Home and the adjacent districts Is a good deal better than that conveyed by some musty parchment executed by a mon arch - who held - hy force, but claimed to possess by Divine right. These Italians would have taken possession of Riime long ago, and held on thereto, but far Austrian and French intervention.. Austrian bay onets retired years since, and now the French ones are going away, or have gone. The Pope is uneasy. The Italians are anx ious and expectant. The throne of Italy may soon stand in the Eternal City. *, If so, the Holy Fattier will .be no less Popc.than before. Es will still lie the Head of the Catholic Church, and will - be honored as such by the government and people of Italy. What be accounts a loss, ralght prove to be a great dein.- But he does not so view the matter. ills two en premacles have been so bill conjoined, he appears to think that In severing them both must peiish. Hence, - -he is in perplexity, not knOwing 'Whether to remain in his an cient domnions on such terms asp will be accorded by the Italian government, or to endearor to touch the sympathieeof Cath olic Christendom by going forth, a wan derer. We think he will adopt - the former alter native. The dictates of human wisdom point that way, however priestly or N , cely dignity may -reluctate. • This clooft-In or temporalities does not tend to diml°l6 ' the spiritual authority of the Po p e ' Surrender of the temporalities would augme.; the Moral power. Enthu siasts may Ind% ) the fancy that the church la In decay,Lvad will soon be num. bered among the, falli.muhuments. of tha past; but sober obserrbir see ' mul tiollll Of such IL catastropha Ity obstinacy —by stubbornly refusing to rim tions which thi general moverm q t as of hu man society make Indispensable may alienate millions front their sphiroil kuardianship; but by yielding ,gme e t igi i they wlU.not only retain their present el k clesiastical dominion, -but will rearm vast numbers whose aspirations after civil 11b- - erty Ml-national unity have urged them even to the perilous edge - of Open melds= GEORGE MUIR, Of Armstrong% Coal Wake, Penn toomuu; Jak o b., county.. , r pouu u utuoi, or the REV. E. A. WILSON'S Great Remedy for Ifoasmaptlon: It • was reduced ao'law With. &amuseslon that was unable to leers my bet, MLA my brat , Mee I a formed me tharthey 401114 43 nothing more for me. ease being ety hopeless. that I had no i n du c edy Over anzentb. w r i t te. •At this stage I was to' try Ref. E. A. Wlt SO.a•SALEMELIT. and to-day 1 smas well es lay men lathe Woul Inh andsre' any who dolga thls atatement. they eo n call ee me, las per abate a dressl and I will glee them all the particulars of say cameraman - recovery. • The sole agency for the sale of WlLhOhl . d CON:- SUM PTIVE - 11.123LEDY In littalmrsh Is a - copzix..ze 31rx.annixxLvc4:, DRirocusT, No. SI Market Street. ~N" Sent by mall en7-where on receipt of 13,00 GB AY HAJIRMALDNESS, DAYG: ROIL' •Bry Wag or THE SCe DISCOVERY CAM emiIIPARE WITH LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSII4IS." "London . • Our Rest. Ilair„Cop m toter" "London , f Hale Colo ato ,. e•London •PL . Hale Reatoreree ”London - 1-DarlOolor Restorer. , "London Cae and Hair tkelorweatorer" "London ' Hair Color Restorer.. "London ReeonentendD. 'Hair Color Reatorere• /t nargr fall. to hateare life, growth, and Tor to the weagezt hale, lawn' and atop& it. Weiner. and sere to orodooe •naw growth of bait. causing It to grow thick nodal -rang. only 75 cent s a bottle; /101 the half doges.L_ ' • - Bold le7 llellLettaßAN MeEESNADT, 85 Mar ket atree.t. Glatt,'lL • RIELLY. 37 Wood street, and Jos. ELKIN N0,_711 harts . e Ittabargh. mgmM ektlegheny. auNel2o:Werf SEASONABLE SEGGESTIONS.-- Wlster, 10 this Omar,. li a tttleg Beason. Its mute., temporEsture gently neer .vat es denten' sisould acts very nofavorab/y. open that sensitive ors.. the liver. Thealteromlonof frost nod thaw keeps the pores of the body cositlnually opening *ad contractink, and the result Ina rondi lion of the "system . favorable to the action of thee...lberia Tires which proda•e. Intermittent levers: - Ilanec TaUTECTIVZ IMOICIRI like 110IT.ITTEIVIS ISTOllktiki Berg aka is especiellyokemied in the winter months. the effect of thin great CONIT. nITTIONAL levroorsani, In rendering even the feeblest frame impervious to al/ malarious tone. : a (read s'Vdttl'"7:M6b7,..ll:= anti-blllov. Meatball', avra . a pray•allv• and tore of and •g.to, Lim the UNI Tlll3O N - ttyrlM. which none leho voice .the preservation et health c. afford to do without. . TEL SICE, "WHEN AT DILATE'S DOOll regret that they did not take the right anti46l6 at •tbe risitt the , . Thousands who are now auger= loom the early tningee of Ilrer,complatot and drk sepsis, will be prostrate on alck-beds a mombenee, banes, It they do not arrest the mischief at oace. Nothing Le more easy. A enamor the •Doreat and beet vegetable table and alterative known ern okiarmagy—HUsTliTTAit'll 13TOMACL1 lttT SHlM—wil restore, the digestive a to their fall vigor, and brine the disordered liver into condition of perfect eesith, ss eettelulv as sun shine disalpsges the .nornies vapors. revel. and Ague..too, Is at once broken op bg this rowerfel antidote to an mlassestleglisesens.. IStrveutthen .syetsus with the BITTEItS, and you may Jeri all tits eamplahus width prevail at .his inmemant : " WY. BIPPOS4I4 Jrrddaw ZaTm* - 01:nes, 54 Aiml m out/wind' Agra to move ..trhartierewae Or the artifiTiVA and ait other eirtnterpr! Atnetted States and , thO EXCELSIOR INSTITUTE, TOR BOYS AND GIRLS, • Whrter Seaslan eonuni nee 'IIOWDAY, J. 7111. For Scholarship., apply at the lmltnte ltoont.,• 2tILVILLZ BALL, corner of Miserly and rosinditatets. 'tatair IgriEVENTEI WABD REPVBLIGeIf.r TICKET. select Connell -1. N. iteCUSE. 11 ..1:10 j ranza . Cosmc.11—Col. PATCUZL, , ;;;•••.:' . ,-,•: :..u.',,a,..x1n. ' • •T ernes virecum--7.r•- - . _ . YO"e• • Dr.,...7„8 -',.. • ,- eir- ,, 1. • ; ie . ~ ...,-• .'-, .1 :.•4• 4! , ;' , .':..7.TV;71.....wriieh„....,,„, , ,... 1, ,,,, , ,, -...,.t AAA, a Sa , , -- ST , SA-A , , , , A , ::, :1.4 61,.--PA. , :lt. , SAXER. ar s . mrairruwAßD. • • errizr.rs , TICKET. Select. Council—W. W. PATRICK. CommOsi Volumll—W. H. LIPPINCOTT, J. P. lf. !School Dlreators—JKO. IIaCLUNG. JNO. - .lnd SU. it or VectIon—BARNARD CAIN. ' In.ptelor Eleellon—E. R. WARD. Rataft Impector—J A MKS PARKHILL. ASSIMO(—JULIN CRAW/ORD. • Amnia:MA asessoro.-111.N1 LISL4. WIIIII ROLL CorstAble—D .1711.1 a LDER.. cie:g.o3 SKITES! SKATES! SKATES ! HAVE usvlze,!lttnarair from 5,000 PAIRS OF VARIOUS HARES Before purchasing elsewhere, call and examine my Stock, as I can OFFER DEALERS SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS JAMES BOWN 9 Nol 136 Wood Street. ..a5;011 Ameiican (Waltham) Watches. Mitten In Witches from all parts of the canary are reminded that the undersigned eery a felt es aorta:lent of Waltham Watches. la gold and sliver cases, 'constantly on hand. Urge reductions In the prices at movements mad ;cues have nmenUY been med.. and the Internal raven. Tax is no longer charged to customers. The good repute borne ler and near by the mann. lecturer of the Waltham Company =eh.. It ...I les. for the steals to urge their claim, to general patronage, or to do more than caution the public egotist spade. and Inferior Watches with - which therbartete are flooded. Num Waltham Watch, of whatever elites, II warranted by special certhl. sate, cuts eh should In all cases be demanded, ROBBINS et APPLETON, AGENTS OF THE AMERICAN WATCH CO.. dtqle • Mt Broiniway. H. Y. WTED—TO ZikliipeA M C T F OR , delivery of from - 15 TO 109,009 BUSHELS CIIIIRD4,, Dolni the comtets ...eon. Delivery to commence LIS to lith April next. Apply to or Addrese MOORHEAD & CO., 99 Water litreet. dermeldw, PITT.Dri4iII, Der -malt tuttt. if AND AFTLEI TUESDAY, JAN ILIUM Ist. U 47. tha Posnogor Trains of ihe PITTSBURGH CONNELLSYILLE R, R Will arrive st utfl dcputtrom TEEM =MVP 312.131VC0T, (Comer of Orate and Water sintts. T. R. lEiDiti.Agenl. 1=11513 M. NeWILLIAMS. of "CentralT I Orgsalution,, ,, will deliver • 3PI72BX.EXCI XJZICITI7II-1:1, At WOOD'S 131:1N, on TUE9DLT, Javairr U 67, on Hui An/pleas of the Fenian Brottezhona. FTlSLltgr . gmitlitteld street., on Nicn , ==er SOON, . CoolAnteg a large am or money. whiCb the owner can have by calling at No. 91 - flialtneldiateet mad Idootify2ag the woe. • dcaLgef 711EDEILICA MUTH. 825f0 0 0 TO LOAN o 11101ITOLOES. fo amnia' 4300 aca aprartlg Neal Estate boustt and sold OZOBGE PETRI% ' dal Neal gnats Ascot. No. ut Chit. ee& - - S 1 300. WILE PURCHASE 8 A 131223 or UguI.TM . D, . enable f•y , a MlTa i irtgitirPo 'b uTl= D eirld ft ho r .; •MT: Pm% bettem.lml. • 0•11 'cc? ...MM. , for • Vlaspica.•ll4 Da rt p/sated with about WO Acing read Tram! Of * cholop quality. Terms cup - • ' Pk...MCLAIN •to., 41 ,43 35 BOLL. CHIP IMPITIFOOD reed . - ZUNIS XXLLir CX . - Wttolosals Dmratst.... v Wott t. 20 suLs. CIIIP BOSTIC received and for Wit b 7 IaZO'I.4 , XCLIC.Ir 41 CO. , 4:1.-,: , : , maurwprimena. a moo um- 4. BBL& HI PEMIC received and gy p `94;entef lir.(la tii r ji Vas. 3vvii JAI T. BUD! & (XL, laiceenori SO IS. Jones Corner Fourth and WOod 9th, BANKERS & BROURS, DltiLiall Lig ALL XINDS 01' Government Securities, Foreign. Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. OOLLECTIOntit =Me on All sooestiblo points in the United States and Canada. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. .BA" & MOSEn, .....aztof7.x•r3no-pl9, PRIM ASSOC I STION BITILMNO. Nos. 2 sod atria 10. CLAISISTUEET. VITTSBUIttiId. VA. epscial giVCO - to the deslgniag and building aeons/ nOell. sod Tosoile bn JdlnSl. 141;r1 IRON SAFE NNCOMIL A - new and iroud YIRZ moineBArE. (Bark Bum,' mate.] medium elzu, csA be hopoi by ap- OWN IIiTY !SPICE MILLS. 'VAN Or. No. 1 rir. ei.A.lB. 8 Kair.T. -- .. • • op.pARTNEIIBIIIIP . .-LOGAN & N.- , kiIIECIG blue Ills dzy.satnltted ,toen-partner shi,,,,gliger. PAID:, .1103Kril E. JUIINIION and ..,,,,,,,E B. Lo.: eft, who will Continue under 1.1.. 51. 14 of. 7 LOGA.i , , 13.11E05 . 1. Cu., • bsportatton and reneral rale of bardware. eat at A o. h 2 Wood street. rltuburth Ca. /3t. 13a. J.1:09 RINGS.—we haie on .L , hand a very nice supply of SOLITAIRE AND CLUSTER RINDS. El= PRICES REDUCED. WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fifth Street, lune the attenticio of buyere to soeateereotee, RICE DRESS • SILKS, Which They Offer atThey Low Pekes. aras l9tovess WILL HEAT OFFICES. PARLOUS, DINE(G sod • • SLEEPING ICOONIS, Ave I cry convenient and desirable for tivol mora l= r evenings during the noting and WI. for BAILEY, FARRELL& CO., • 143•7 ~mithsele3 Bt., )at PITTSBCROII, PA. JA11.111!.. ........ C. !ROM ti.l :1 . : h..i:0l ;:.....;1311:87...1:i'1TVi.0.1!.; :rem. g•snwayicauta avenue, rirrinuzun, PURE SPICES AND MUSTARD, =I .ITarrented when our name Is on the Article OESR GEOUNDCOHNNEAL .6 STE FLOUIt Don stantly on hand. corrEc AND GROUND NUTS BOASTED promptly. • We respeethilly inform the pc.* teat we will cantle. ttiv hisionfactore of all the DINPILSILST Ds UY SPICES, which we oder to Wholesale Abatedte Deal.; at tee lowest market price. to deal fair, we sullelt the patron.. of the A: J. BAXTER, for et the Coegre” Spree NUL will be [amid at to above shill at all boars to atiend to the wants of customers. 0. Dank'. STRICKLER . & MOIILEDGE. MM CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. New Books for tho Holidays, punucxrioNs OF TUE LON DON SOCIETY FOR P 011LOTHIO CH , HIT/AN ANHWILEDGE TH. NEW TORK &HA 81T. CH UHC/1 HUGH BUCLITT. 1 c. Bibles and Prayer Books, = THE.CRIIRCH ALXANAC FOR 1607.• JUST UUCEITZU. Claee-Booka. Bowan! Cud.. and Sunday School Rgisters. • Sermon Parer mei Preach Stationery. Retina. Deli,. Porerellue, LaUes•Compasivaa. to., to. 33. _a-. Thaimreozr. • Church Book Store, IPA Staltbllleld Street pm= or CONTROLLIII Or ALL/MILTS CO., t .rtrtnccuuu, Dectsolter 71.4 h, PROPOSALS _FOS WHITING.- ' Sealed Proposals rs 111 be reeelted at 101. ogles nosh JANU•ItY 310. 1867, looloslre, for tt Ming and Copylos from the Assessors , /Sno ts, BeventTfive °thee Duplicates. Plerent,y . fire %Diet& Duplicates, man Seventy. five Treasure...lt Colleesion Daplt 'Cates. for the Year 10017. The smirk to re done to the otace of 'toe County Commissioners, and to be completed on or before tile Find day of A yell, Ina. Hie. to be tattle at to um. the running line complete, to induce the calculation and ext.nsion or all ...net die. comparing or.ach and all the books ell/I ' ll. or to betides a recapitulation in enelt and all the books, eas - lug tha totals oriole &Intent taxes by the toml vale atloll. T. correction of the Durtil• cotes most oe p.mted berate warrants ate tuutd to payment. flood, with sufficient eccurity. wtil be ...iced for tbe failiment of the eontract. temples of Nooks tisay be 5.611 on applicatien Cy al ovetion of the County Commissioners. - sleMeNtrii LlENttk LAMBERT. Controller. HOLIDAY GOODS • ALL KLIIDS OF BLIONZE, GILT, CUT AWL) CLAMS • Jarbon Oil Lamps and Ohandeliers, Lump Trimmings, &c. . • Also. WAYILtANTISD NON-IeXPLCULPS CAR BOO OIL, wholesale sad retail. JOHN ROSS & CO • No. 434 1 rkot filtrooto denellsestuT PITTSBURG.% PA. • Orrses Or CONTTOLI.en Or ALLXOttigT Co., PITTSbUwou, December:M.6,lBx6. NOTICE TO HAILERS. • • Haslet Proposals, Redressed to! "The Iletrtiwt Inepeet re al the Allegheny County Prison.•• will be receired at this ottre until JANUARY 410 1007. laclusirs, roricuicensiiceoTiiccor.N7l ItAltAll, Volt OIX MONTHS /COM 4AO VARY Stith. Loans to welsh (Me ese...half mid Two Pone de rwspectively. and to Do of srerored AnAlltr. Bads to be made at so much permaned. pond (OP two thousand dollars wbt he ruillired for faits nil performanceof contract Tha 0 of the security most accompagy the bid. .m..4..ewN"rrpge‘roTtitfir.... probated "0n" ....2.sl . 'ssowT. HANKS LAIII3IgItT. Controller. SKATES! SKATESI Prize Skates, Club Sicates, SKATES FOR THE MILLION, AT CO an 1Z) IV . jilspateh aulldlng. Flab !Ureal. .WATCEIES,CLOCKS, JEWELRY ELVER PLATED WARE AND cfrcpcs±on. AT 01. M. C3 IO 3FLIVEi, 37 Ohio Street, Allegheny; Flrc watetl and Clock Repairing promptly at- 1'14:1'10344 • Sol table for ozoi or two 1313410 eeit4iietk, loo!tod in s ern tr0 . .1 girt of the - city.. ,jcoi,"(*.o M'MASTER, GAIIAM&-BUTIEBFiEUI, ATTOENEVB.LT MCZ SGE !MAVEN, . CANDY MANUFACTURER,.. Asti, deafer'YOWL L*l. .."„. rams, Etc-. ac.. • •No. 1121rearal strict, deound door Mori the Tdrklrationo Vook. FIUDES—Asiew itol 01 'ha 8.49.14"(111r:.' lo -T Vd• / 6 7 nireddil rat , . ref, JOll. 8. 8178818 • SW. 11Z WK. M. CLATIT WAtDZ S CCXXING. I.IC - Lt7g1510. 1 .1 , 3. I. DM-LIM GYM.. M. CIARIEY & CO.; Gas Coal Works, nippers and dealers la SLE'Ettl(lll (143 you, FAMILY' OJAI.. fair CO at. artiaLllAL K Whoa address BOX. hal'. ri an d LVett. Box B 7 alltaheny.dty. - GE:Sr._I3AI. recond story Saving Bank 80141114, corner ittdrty street-i'd 'Virgin alloy. l'lttsloargb. BRAN(' Cyr no. 5 I.lb,tystreet....odsr Penal.. B. it„oy..: alto Yothaato street. rlttshallb. and nom, dors. street and P. F. W. V. B. M. Allagheay. All onters '<Mat either Of the al/oth places. lli re. t des yrorapt attention. .lalo.yl • FORT PITT COAL COMPANY.— Ntrni ond story ts. ha rrb Tr I dot ain Bank eornsr , Liberty iirc*t .rd \Train alley. Branch Geller, toner Try and Third street.. ell taboos], Orders left at e r tLe spore pleies will receive rrompt PostoOlreAddress Box 357, PlStoborgb, D 'TORS: ' I J. J. OILLaSela, It. L. rsJINESTOCIis N. . DIVID Mass,. Wee. bliNstraw• .. lIISHUD..--se• . • WI. islatitraliT... dr.ollo id C. HEAD, /JAN. 11011THOEXE.T. 'Ty. T. HUTANT, JOUR HEAD, I I.rcwslwaooo J. J. 011.1.1 Spl it Free/. I A H. kNcusP. 13.9 . 7. B. SerTaltir, Treasurer. . • I i W. IL CLARET & CO„ ainnaters. • iii i,91 • pIiOcLAMATION. '. . CITY OF ALLEGLIILNY, M. H. • In senottlan . e with owpm...talon. of the net of ibe Gametal Assembly of the Commonwealth of Peon ayleanla Incorporating the [Allot nod of the aeverateupplemente thereto, /. JOHN MOM • Ulna/N, aleyorof sald City. do Woe WI, m 7 CrOe• lunation, taut omUm • • fem . & Toes.43y of Jalopy, A. D, 1567. Being the bib day of the month, the freemen ofsald city, onalliefl to vote for recnibem of theelions. of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penaryl mils, wilt meet et theseresal plats. of bolding elections . tittle respectire wards and preeincts and elect' • I ' • • • tine person to serve as Mayor of said city. The °inst.& of the First ward wilt vote at the Public School llne.eoa r chorea street, and 01, et onO pe non to cony SS member the Select Conn ell: four persons to be members of Common (lean ed; two persons to be School Directors, gni one person to be Aldenstan. • Übe citizens of the Second ward will meet at the Politic School House on the North Common, and alert one person to serve an member of the Select Connell; four persons to toe Members of the Common Coonell twO person a to be School UlreCtOrs and one persoolo be Alderman -- The rtlisens of the First. Predict or the Third onears meegat the S.W./kb.. Renee and One pon to servo as Melo 01 or the Select coma ou; roar pot... to to member. of the COMM. Caloncill. tern parkins to be School Director's. The Otis.. of the Second Precinct of the Third ward will vote at the house of (leaps Bent. Esq., on East Leas, and in confunetlon with the electors of the First Precinct of said ward elect one person to eery. as member of the Select Comcil; ft or per one to be members of the , Connaon Council. and two tenon. to b. School liirectors. tre':tol,ll'ree Vast Ireelect or the Fourth occur Lacock and Anderson streets, and elect one Moa serve member of the eetect COntkell; peitns to be members' of th s commonCouncli; two person. to honchoed Directors. and one person to Alderman. The mtlecos of the Second Freest of the 'mirth ward will meet at the hostile of Mr... 1. Um don. on Caution% !street audio eonle rattan with the elector* of the tint l•reelnet of sold ward u eleet one peril., to serve as &member of the ezlect Council: tamper. sons to he members or the Common Connell; too pens to be echoed Director., and ore person to be A lderman. • Glenn under My handand tho scat of .aid city, thit tweety.ntnus day of December. A.. D., Use. Qll== 1 MO BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS I. ' S No. 22 Wood Street A cifill..lf.F.Ml`,TMEsne,.°2; rare demean and styles. A Ane lot of PABLO STATUETTES,' - LAVA WARS, .131.CORA.TED Td.A. TOILET, BREANYART ADD . DINNER SEM Alt of which IA effaced on the Trost reAganAbla rata. • IL 1116,1114 7 . dr11:1.17 HILLERM4N'S MT IND FUR EMPORIUM, TS FILL ED FROM CELLAR TO v i cAnt t p , 4 4 laCil ABOORTINEmT UP DOOM v - zurair mocOmr rLetpriass. Oar speolnlty now I. Tatacliesii'esamcil Gkentairs BLEIGII N" "CY Et W• & CARRIAGE ROBES, Although prerred milt; s rei Oy of HATS AND CAPS , wnoursiax AND BITAIL. I . I-I.IOLALAaIELTULI....N'S No. 75 Wood Street. uel7tott J: F. STARK dr, CO., BANKERS, Corner of Wood and 'third Streets, 33171 r 13.1V3D 115.31L1CaL OTAYGS DOM COLD, SILIT2 A.OD CODI'O3D, Dram Time sod tight 111114... t r!nenng on tdiND. PRANCE. GE11.11,041, ITALY. ate, deg.:llB9:wr FOR THE HOLIDAYS LADIES' FURS, The lamest and Best Innen In the CUT. MELLING VERY LOW AT THE HAT, CAP AND FUR STORE a 0 Clr 1.1. XI alb fa CP ~ ' 131 WOOD STREET. aus am CI. .11..LaCialiCk, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, stoxsavriawa. AND French glocke, &c. r t i rialcr i v i ta ■l,eo to the EtZPASILING or Jr°. 22 Flah Street. setlSOvrr JLXXti X. DAM /USX. I /TCAULX IaI= I I:73XLMISSIXCIPXI. OMNIBUS AND LIVERY STABLE, . w'fb.4lo rents Street. DAIN & PITCAUIN, Proprietors, 'lTUmalbuea and "carelmiss 10 .. 00 04 for UI tral.. Alm", Carquee for imerals, Weddle{ and ramie", at short make and reasonable rates: . Stable Open Pay and Night ..171:enr.ru. a • • • FOR TRUE I/OLIN:PAIL A TINE STOOK. ADAPTED :•••" Scoltetay Phroase*tooi Ur ALL N/ND9 OF ••- 4T, •• 1.12.Vc...." 151..LD AD HI VEIL WATet - - 5 ar AND urn", ELIMANT .F. 115.112 ?S m .," • GOLD AND YILVr 4 y - !point zuvoNt, AbES• .ENS; ANDY AB110.• • Ao., JOHN MITSCH. No. /12 federal - 81., Allegheny .46:06.1 ' ,:33.LAILIZEL HAs NOW A LARGE STOCK OF PUIIE NINE CONYKCTIONJAIES. Toirs.4d othet•hoods Ids lbw YON THE lIOLIDAIrhotna call...vestal Attentions° h is superior talXrasChtillY. as • - - SO and el Federal Sirellt,Anhirbehry. den:hlo , ' • • • IKE TAX• PATERS OF THE NINTH WARD 1111 take Works that It their taxes are not pad by Sno PlienTQl JAIVAILY, costs will be added. • • 1 7 JAMES IRWIN, . No. 097 Penn street." B oitur,Ts, CADWIIEWAS, &c—We Aare the lersostionot boot stock. of WINTER .YLOWYRINti, for.ritallir . irid .47tri d ad t ig d Aoquerts, rtoriu Destow_lta,cal shortitottce. Wear. taw furnish Plaral.Wrs4Uls,, Cromiu., Alt ord.. • Dro.Wilipleaa.l Cars oszlo,tbot4im.tionats. , ery •_ 4,4 • JutlN R. oe InORDVOB.• ram etreet: PIANOS! I—An -entire P.aewatbcbof ICK4IBA-k 01):8P/ANO_I% which are taw "moldered tba beat mallet rho }4LO 11114/I..CELICEILtaIg Price from Inn smaral.. kerma La a t cif • nrat-cmaa Ilano ars r..armeLfelly Invited- to can and examine bete", yurebaalaß c/sewbere. - - cusnLarTE nuns; deb bro. 43 1/1114 Meld. NEW ADVE HARDICIVA Patent Double-Acting PIET3IP 82427 Z/ FIRE ENGINE,. • YOH: 11131PL1c WATER, CRUDE AND REFINED OIL • This remP eombtne. an the advantages of other stylea of Paint/Sno Po t ent market with eonu of their eefects. Theat e. .. to Voho .odor t to this a l p y o It to start., o ;;, hy sil pening the Tell , In the' at d gala t h e amp Is sure to s t a r t a n once wt o too , t o o too o t eits,g.bar, or the aor.,neo Ott talllog • Ily•srbeel arcane to get It at the mouott to , gyeraoses this Pomp le Medlar!, adapted. as the valves can be removed 000 nut. and the Valve-Chest cleaned in .t o , 00to „, As the rump Is sidiple In Its whole_ construction. It dom not, redase:the neighor/m.of • machine the to keep lt Inveottlog order: TbiiValeceCliest and Veins ore Made Of LIMO or conivositioe, and con be easily rew ired., replaced }co nes, on o ut, Any commuter n mid., In a leer mlta of some b•avy good.. met of Valves for Olds Poop If the ortgluatonee should lice ca nt.o At a Boller Feeder, It has no superior. ea it nhe Made worm Int any peeither slow or fast, to suit the wort %tbs. to rfoet. The undenigned respectfully . ..llcm the attention of their numerous customers and the pub lie in general to the merits of Lids Pump, and do• sire those wishing such an article to call on McSTEEN & CO., Agents, No. 34 Water Street, And eumlne (de themselves HOLIDAY GIFTS Of Affection and Charity. WHEELER &:WILSOFS HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCH-STITCH FAMILY SEWING 1I CHINES, Jon!' vioninsoNi EM Rosewood, Walnut &Mahogany Cases From GO to eOO Dollars There is no investment that pays a better interest, or brings more - comfort, health, happi -1 nese and relief to the House hold. IV4I. 4SUIIINER & CO., No. 274Ifth Street, Pittsburgh •• • Pa . • N. B. —Patent fewlng Ifseidne Castors eat( he at lathed to all Wheeler I. Wilson 31acItnes when de .dep):1111 prrrsitunan PIPER 111, NEFICTIIIING CO. Printing. and Wrapping Papers. 41R1111:91111 8 NEW JILIUUTUUS. PA. T . OFFICE AND WMIEIEIOO44 '7 No. 82 Third/Street Pittsburgh; Pa. ONTICE.Ta—AINIIIST IiATITJP; JIM). B. LIV MUDCILNSTO Oa . Tinunper. N artary. Dlnht - tonS—Angnst Hartle. John At tell H. Hannan, John H. I.l.!nisson. John Perils.. U. La i d ' lt C for Paper Stack. n 029: — CAL—lap. / II CONSIDERATION OF- NEMER 01jes LIPLuSIONS ilott Ire weekly occurring from Zee use of ,1N FEMUR OIL, Om toidrsgurd bare eoucluded to cell thelr OIL AT. ItetTAIL their WAII/11101.18.E, Z.T.cb. 88 Markel Btroot. 'I he 011 Is guaranteed to STAND /I FIRE TEST OF 110 DEOLOCES and upwards. and Is Impected Thosert by competent Inspectors. 'fhb desires uniform end REL 14111.31 AU TLCLE will do well to Inothue the 80110 OIL. 1117£11Pd. ILMIEW & co. AO. 33 MAMILET hTIiEMT. Machinists and &Mothers can be furnished lard Downs an dratroletua Lubricators at semi/. PARTNERSIIIPSOTICE--JANTES CHHIISTY; has purchased the Interest CO. JOHN HALI4.Ia the fine of JOHN HALL & I The nerve and string:it to m drat will be Jt.//iN HALL A CO, as heretofore. sizrrizx tool -De WALLET FORGE PLOW. WORRA, .121 and 193 Libirty Street. Pittsburgh • JOHN HALL & CO.. linnufacturers of all Tarlettes of Northern and Southern PLOWS, UNION MOWERS; •SULKILY CULTIVATOSP. as. and dealers In AIiaIuULTUILAI. airtnialiTs of all de scriptions. rarrasanou, Dee. I. 18* deLpZI MONUMENTS, GRAVE' STONES ' Vaults, Fountains, Statuary, Vases, DESIGNS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, T. E1R00ME,,..- GREAT WESTERN PLANING egm 11. .Pcel ui hip= fib • , Sash Dods, - Blinds and Mouldings N . A p E 4s:9llp*l!,. .17aMthbed work I. at In a' ran ' tcr: Erlarr=l. taken out. LINN tar sod 81.51 no ,,lfilir on It'd' • CO- 9 ARTNERSIIIIP. trgtrNiontiVaNitp RATING htsed the emelt sod have of •the ate 1/11EDICRICE AZSCLILILII/LNN, have on the Int day of October. leol, entered Into • panne rahlp en. der the %style of. Itaftrttl, GUTMAN CO., tor tee doonfeetitre Of WAtIONS, le., at the ead tabllthed sum. of 'Frederick. Amble:non and Thomas Huger. on , Deaver street, lthethester, awl would ro.Dectlally molten • eontitoreoca Of 'the patrodage tiltWalo to liberally taatolred. . PiitiVitl A Y 4 WhfAff. eet2.lll &Dm& 41.xacutimmAtut. • !ANDY TOYS! ' , CANDY TOYS , . 3.000 maims ' CAD TOY S 03 bent and for Italia*. ZABTZEN 614-101, tr; - w. P. ursrliziracco., - Candy and Toi Manufeelurtra,. . del•p4l Corner Sixth and Liberty streets. itigiT74 4l ,ent!tund., - , Weeders INA., balm.* Vair , e= litesan i g t t gr i ttWEVra. "l gtZ, i' diraia....72 - t with iittbOut .7ia/saavVaives. — Boller4 Ylre er " ' re 6 9Wrtittilairlf VIVA warird, iitutn l e.. en. . weniVrl'es 14'4,!.* WETTACH & AUELISON, • CA11413318N 'l l. lLau future's of " O.IK %VIM' • lIELTIStr, • SO. Übioi&eiti An•ki2errf Cliy: Ala=WU:eat of Belting a; 47- •4 4 .1. • d•l7 . ti&U., or,Woras, JECESSAMEIk FOR- 17IEWrs 21611.—Far *good COWLINGS rovx and o t Got Zitchon Utonalls, go to No. 14e truce P3:1 4 5 Pager WALtIOUTritLtt. soot tgoe7; Meatus for Coating UPOL .• fancy dishzi • irrodersOze AVIV Na l l%) rat' street. la ati , cata9l tuna OFFICE 41.tatzE On, Pollraye, I Corner Matte , C aarl Wayer atrrtly. m - remits % 11ee..26. KA. 1 THE DIRECTORS OF THE Mi. alsEomeomrucrb.. Oaf day deelseel a 4leldead of FIVE PMCENT oat of tae eeVntees ter 1010 mouth. Payable at tae eltre or [be Fatree- Lary, Wood &Met, - on-and &freedom 17,1. lersi: • - E.. E. ILINEIILKT. , retectell. MlLiefisNr.% d M kxrrxcvnansi PAM rlTMntr 1.0 tt.. Jac/1.71. 1537. TEJETWALIID OF ninterons OF this Bank Lavin: calm d a dividend t f - • • - SIX PER CESt.. . on the Pantt.l Stock cot Of the p[o]ts r.f the etx month.. paysble torthwltt, ,free of United elute. Government Tex. " Pritrl Ju II N 5C017.3^.. Cub ter. • NOTICE.—TIIE ANNUAL •ELEC -1., - 141 N of onleers or the PrItLIC (7.a TROI.IC 1.1111:A1t: A• 1) RFAI.H.Id" It.heht. Sill bk• held St the !bran. ea S Unalle.r Vie: tali. J. 0.17 d ary tareetb , re Interested Inns !MeV' if are te mean ethed to attend the meeting• lit enter of the BOARb DIELEOTORS A. F. XEATINe, Se , retary. tat Urronnmo ttrnITIATOB . I.I 01710; rulisnrltoti. :011/. 166 d. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVES That the atattament for the Gradivg,'raTing,ml Cutting et' JETV7RXIM"I", From Legan to Fulton It tre• La: have been made, and can be tern at this onien 11 tit Janoarytetb, ISS7. all cr which time they w 111 ha tarnad over to the City Treasurer for unlit et ion. MEI OFFICE OF TIIE' • WOOLDRIDGE OIL REFINING CO., No. riucilzows.72.e.mocres,y, I'u-ratchet!, December Mb, Mee. THE ANNUAL MEET/NU 'or THEtITUCB - of thle Company. for the Election of , Dlrectora, will be held at Ole ogle° on TUES DAY, Jaceery eth, 1;67, at 2,4 o'clock r. U. ma Vortex llorreg Or hurrah ISltsgagle } No. M Fourth street, l'insburgh. 111 December, VW. TUE ANNEAL MEETING of the Contrlburors to the House of Refuge. will be held el the Mace of the Institution, No. fly Fourth streer, Pittsburgh,' on MONDAY, the lth day of Jonuory, MM. between the bourn of 9 and 110'0100r, to hear the Report Mille Benlll of Managers, ond to electogreeri dor the entUrng year. flder eIeZNI7I • IJ.U. P. MENDS. secetor!. SEAR LIBERTY. ONFlei nitre. tblitettraelf-Lt U. If. tWe I . l7SelatratlU_ eeeiallwr, 300. AMEETING OF THE STOCK. HOLDERS of the Pitt:nut/0i and bteoben•llle Ralltotd Company will be held et No. it Fourth elreeL on NON DAY. Joan ry OW. DC between We hours of 10 o'clock, A. IL. and =o'clock, Y.. at ellwhrh Vibe and place an election foe Frealdent and re Directors will be bell. dcilliqW. • N. F. VON Bli.9l , lllonEiT. veer. UrrlCe ellrele VALLEY It R. CO.. PITTSBOIIOII, December 17, WE A MEETING ~0 1F, THE STOCK ++ HOLDMHS of the Chortler. Valley Rail road ( - moan r wilt be held 0.. SIOND&Y, January 14th. PW7. at no. 77 If earth Brett, at Which time and place an eleetled, tar Seven I Imeara 11111 be held, between the boon of aadd o'clock, Y. It.' deloarl e. F. Vori HUN NrIOILIT. Hee", IRON CITY 2.t./.TIONAI. DATE OT PITTSUCTIGII. Dec. s. lEGS. THE ANNEAL ELECTION FOE DIHECTO2I.I Of THIIS HAIM, will be held .ea TI.IFBDAT, January 111, 1907. heti.. the hours or I' laid 3 0 . 0 . .00k r. u., at the Battling tioure. tleitataltitrT 10151V115HOFFP:i. Cashier. PIIICES, EXCILLIBOI NATIOSAL HAIM 01 rITTEBOIIOII. FITTOBOUGU, ra., Oct. 8, ISM MITE ANNUAL ELECTION OF DI UECTIJNIS will take place at the Ite.Nll.a.tiCi. 0008 E. on TUC:IDLY. Januarf fith, 788 7 , het , rehm the boon et xt.r.Vr.N . A. X. and TWO T. i. 411.3,p33:11er • 11. 31. 11171tItia. Cethler. FMST NATIONAL BANK OF EITTEBEBtaI.—Ibe Anneal Eleetlon for M ee< lore of the P I Bsr 2i ATLOSAL BASH will take place On TUE.DAY, ,Taanal7 Eltb, no. at the Bank, between D o'cloeVA: ..d S o'clock r. B. dell: .1: D. bCULLT, GERMAN ZanTIONAL BANK, ' j PliThuunGll,lJecernber 12.18, 131‘. f N ELECTION FOR NINE: Dl +>•l to serve for the el:mull:kW yenr, Btr.l tro beld at the 11 BO CfnE, on TIILSD LT. January Stb, ISti. between the tours of IS A. 0 . 01 gr. 11. del3Jµ94 6. A, xtrSDLT. Cashier. TQe ISZCOND NATIONAL BANK Or t ALLEGII.V, LleCember 81.11, 18'0. THE - ANNUAL ELECTIOZ FOB Directern or thle Beak be held cm Between the boon of It .0. 11(.. and 2 P. • lisuklnx How° dell:p72 rnOrci , s Nsnomer. BANE. / • rtirstiUton, December Sib. DM ELECTION . NOTICE.:-An Elec tlon for then Dlrettors or this Bank. to serve toe the events tr year, vein be held :it the Dank, on TUESDAV„ January 615, Iter. retvreen the hours all A. is. awl VP. P. 00110"5T. m.latntooN, Cashier.' FULST St AIM. C., MOO( 07 ALL LW., T. c A 1 1.1.1.:111.T. PA.. Dee. Bth, ISM THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR. PIEECTtliss of this Bank, will take Diana Lt theltalitLlSO rlOl 4... r. au TUESDAY, January WI, ween the toursof I 1 a. x. mud I r. x. deltaW Joint P:VILLYER,,Castbter. . • •. rii:M.l7l,9lgatnit:"4:6.l TUE ANNUAL ELECTION OF BECIt/Sti °Mae Bank, will take place at the V.:Wu TIIM2DAT, January SUL, LW, between the holm urn A. It. and 2P. U. dellna2 B. W. MACKEY, Caatiler. UNION NATIONAL BANK, / Prrrenunau. Veeetaber ath. We. t AN ELECTION FOB NINE DI.. RECTORS, to serve for the cocaine year, will be held at the naminw 11013 BX. no TUESDAY. Janne:7Bth. VW, between the hour. of 11A. X. end Ir. x. de103 , 11 • B. B. 13311113. Cashier. - 111112C1 . 161CTS MeD I'tlTEßaaOtl. Dee. Rh, 18U. THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DLB ECTUSS of this Batik will take place it the BANBINO HotreE, on TUESDAY. amnesty the Bth, 107. between tae boors of LI Y. N. sadly. de4o:ne7 • - - JOHN - SCOTT. Ja.. C.bler. NATlOttat.Batea, Y121611V.0.1. t Pitlaishaoll, Dee. atth lHab. ELECTION NOTICE.—The Anon ill Steelton for 111NR DIRECTORS for Mg. Ile. C, toe duripg the eatater year, .111 be • J old at the Beßank. on TUE3D AT , the ath day of anuary,l9s7, tetween the hours tf all A. a. and :Y. M. dehhple_ JOHN R. LIVINGSTON. Cubter. • IdACRASICS , bAnOTAI. Balm, rtrrearronn. De. 7th, ISM 1 TEE ANNUAL • ELECTION , FOR A. DIRECTORS OF TRL9ANIS, _ll°l ti l be bfld al the BANKING IIOCRE, on TUESDAY, Janarr Stb, 1.167, batsteen the boon of 11 A. at. and 1 o'clock T. et.' MARTIN, deeps?• Casidcr,' CITY°, ALLEGIIVITy I. •. TIMAnII.I.IOII 01,71 Cr. Detembtr nth . •-. ~.. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN " 2 " -the holder. of the An oer eent. VaIet .CIPAL BONDS of the City of 61Ieghene. am the Coupons on sold Bonds eeming nee Jselnlrt let, ISen. win be paid on inid clef flea. tee ate Tex) et the Bank of rntstlegh, In the CRT! , ' 1 " , ...r1ibl p. MiCrEMLN. l's. • delLieb , Teeenue,e o r th e Calor ellenbeeq. ompaP ALLIGIILOY. TitiosonoWs Oro v - 4( ...ember 120. 18%. ALLEGEJENT IuITY comeno juisz nuNrimpoferElf—reosonsho!dingeoto firooiloe /fonds of CitY of Allsw_heoy. Nu, are b e ,b, ~o u pe d f oe the bINEICIII JrUhD 1566. w in b. these Hoods at the lowest setts offered. las will be reeetssit be th e antler syvednuesdof, it, le:of /ono aa7. WT. D. 01L0ur.C110.1234 - da.07 . 0 Trossoser of the Cite Of Alice:oaf. 33 0 „rar iur ST:Mr "St CIXTXX HOLIDAY GIFTS UNTIL VOW HATE EXAMINED TUT. 13TOOK China aßohemialaincy Goods, TOR TALE BY RICHARD E. BREED No4loo Wood Stree4 Na GO Pan.'r_4l_l.l.r_. ADJOURNED ORPHANS , COURT BALE.—By elyteeof as order of the Orpheus , Court for the Ceniuty or Alleetteny. 102. Sep tember Term, nee, the fellemlner property will cc put up 01,1N . blie the promise', • • .'On.tiursday, Jaitaray 4th,.1801.. Aboot. SIX AND TIINEZAKTABTERACTITS OP LAND. erglbly situated.' sad wlthlnDi miles of htat~Allegben7ollY..4 one-1.11 mile of Jack's Una on be P. Pl. AD. It. IL. PhD. property Is ncar she Allegheny and new .11rIyhtonl.n.s.IN Is •etesslble by* new township row., cod Is ad; latrab.). nd . sted toe • cone try best. is 5111 be sold at Aaatiaa ID e'dgek A. S. farm. of pa7nient made Sao an day al zsle. .1n Ignites tiCah 7.11.1 , . e l;o ILILYNN AUa ...... 105 Fine strel, Plltsbnegn, .1e17:141 ANN neng...1.111.N. Goannow. PESTNSYLVANIA AVENUE AND lIHIN4IIS lITHEILT 138WICII AnnEtala The VrOverly potters of the ticeond. 870 81:tn, Beretrtil nod Kisitt/t Wards of tbe ' .. g b •► aellled that the Cl/7 Relalator . hasJeft la me office a Dal of all sasessatents made for the oonstrucaloa of aner on Vennsylvanla Xretrine and Shiites htree tte h, th • Pi= of tno imam. showing the location sad smart of all thaw an- The candltlOna of Um Pant. are ! That If the amount studio agatatt them Is no paid at the ea d of ;WV 111171 from 110,0.00 of MIA 1110Polifttlf:1.37fTlgelfIrTofttVagrat ggieltabl Moyer cells...omm Is sad fees for collection. r VIAL ZACIIIIAUSI, • STEPIILEN A o OTT, - • pielsn - dterAnal and Medal Enpaver. mint samara Calll, _ 111 Mia SUPERIOR 'BEAT; PRESSES,. Cal ir•inictifiimpiand Maths Can% .- 1•110. ru&T - sa Von siimagoStunutia• 93 WO at, Dor. Diamond Allen fe ng DAM . 2004 111 ,0 1*.L...___-. r"-1-04"4"4. DE CHAELES Iteconllot Reimlater. Nene Sampenalon Bridge. 11E11nY 31. LONG. • btcretary TI7F,DILY. JANUARY Sth, ORM IMEM WANTEB.—Gratluate• of. Lite r and Conttnereill Colleges toongagspe, trancall In business reoslrtag SSZesasSrlStali.o.l bathes es - ress.ndence. • apply with reference. lover ...Iclrnster . sot , : Law lrstei,t Os Grant street. vs.;.' Cal El l WASTED—Good bleu to sell, by "•7 • r.enole or olber.lse, rriddly .11/0 .6 I/rats:worthy artleles. Med that bare 101 l roo.y rel to Fr patent rigid. and ••11,114-tak aaa n er•torr," Can get roorm.rot ersola,...ssor. Roarer .6 goods Adrsoced tostarcor6A td qq 16y1. tmsloe All lAar hart , applied ruostel.l. syncsr. -- del • •• (nova No. A GENTS ICILNTED-TILE BEST Aa. CN aNCE YET.- - -. 1. Wore ottllatortlull Value and Natnanal .I.mt.oa Tune°. Tn. only Work au our evy Tet In the 110 W. Agents nen on 1.. Freer. FA NN A! UT ANL. Otlll NAVa.I. Oita- ULAN be Non- J T. WE alao tlneelshed Author and Tll.torinn. In ono baud. seine TWnette. Illustrated.' Send at once for MM. and territory. Address A. to TaLCOTT, dela:olO 15.3 Muket street. PlUalnarett. WANTED 114 . 1 C IitJANU4IIII4 A GOOD_ STABLE, ' For TWIG OR 1 GRES NURSES AND BUGGY Arptv to N , DIA.STEB, fIAZZANI Grant Strect. IBEIM AGENTS WANTED BY THE E l: l 0 ILA tirirClNl) Si \CHIN C CO YVAN , ' sell their NEW t 25 RACitllh Y.. WO sew from saute parer to Crory Dearer cloth or testi:ter with. out change of feed; needle tension. WeirwicsUng pressnre Coot and newly designed four wiolloaedl Urrtirdtrir.D. Address. enclounc stoma J. It. /CALL it OIL. =GiMIMM! A DElti.r.l WANTED TO SELL TALS.OUILDRES • A ALBUM: pidrun7,l ( 2 ' 2:D STORIVR. w . ,1 Mind complied LI Rev, A.SA. BULLARD. The Book contain. Sitoet Portrait or the author. more than one hundred p. 4 ".. .• cud " nicety srlat . edml r rged, tiutl , ilf:aff ih ",% . Chit. dere:T.lT No. 73 Third 5t. " :1... 4 " 1.. . h 14" WANTED—AGENTS—MA7.EAND-a_..us.- __ rEirevt—in every part of Wastesu. sylranla far tZe nos neediest Earrarthia• . "EItATEJI. AT VALLS Y "THE MAIDEN .8 - PRAYER," “LIitCULWIS HOME Z.TrISSLINGEnELH,.. Either by tbe %South or cm comrulaslon. roaustr ens' rates al , ovred. for roll particulars appin perms, or address, Jr.t.RHO d tax, . "ti . so: • 43 Fifth street. Pittaburtz. AGENTS F° " NEW 1: WOMEN OF THE WAR. - ;, 3 47 RILLINIC MOOE.E. ..111; Rebellion The object of thlswork-is t collect end Walesa nafrotises of the services of the *omen who sbansot • the perils of the war,sed ought to Inherit its glue The volumentains aiscrei 600 OM ilrfl psgea. and is illust co rated with steel plate portraits, engraved In the most improved style. Bold only . bd. " l'or addressor ipply to- . MO Y • HOWES. ood No. 68 Fifth ere.' t. rutadn' b. . ;III9):41 kl (e) ADDITIONAL BOUNTIES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1862. All who marred aria lean are entitled to SlOO ' . ' Donut): Mate serringtwO Teets. IMO: or who were discharged by reason of a Gandy or their helm. 7 hrre .iflonlha Extra Pim . , Ir . a . lo due Volunteer Vaieers Itothe serelee Marched. tact,as, and discharged. mustered. oat, or rasigaeo ", duce dorli 9, MS. , Pithiblithl7.—Permsnently dhtabled are marled to $15% 120 Or 475. according to degree of disabll- . . . .. ity. IV. J. A 11.• . V1.1, PATTXJI3OII. Atlanta/. - - ‘, /r1 firMdG ... ...kt- Plebshal,.h. P. B. F. BROWN, Mal Local Claim Agent. U.S. SAY. con., Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, MCCORD FLOOR.) Pittsburgh, Pa, - Pensions, Bounties, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. DIN/We:lV ' adm.." ""led in n atg n SOLDIERS) 130IINITES, Extra Bounties. Back Pap, &c., Collected Ins the Shortest muftis thee, DT .. • JOIL2I S. LAKBIL, . Attorneys as Lew. • • Orllca. Ho. 114 rim street,_ nol6:d&wT • • • 1.1=13813RU ri pnor. ROUBOCE. - INSTRUCTOR ON THE PUN% And Teacher of Vocal NU.Sie. BOOM AND HOUSE. deru 'No. 83. 2Pez-r9 iittreirrt. \TM. s. SHINN. .ITTon.rzr AT L:110 No. 120 Ilonalli Bt.. Opooatto Wllkins Particular attention given to Ltukeollcotton of ao °manta. CI !a,' notes, to. Carron 'lents MeW Tort...Bodo/4 Baltiraoro. fittladelp . r a; Beaver._ Itelletonto. 24.404, Po.; Indlanapolts, Ind. - Morgantown. W. Va.. Utica, Y., and elsewhere. aelatkil JOHN A. STRAIN. ASI7:333I:EUNEATIZ, • Ro.Otticio,' Justice of the PeAce AND PC/LICE XADLIMIATE, Mee, 112 Filth St. opposite cathedral, rrrahmtu, PA. . Deeds, Bonds , , Mortgasys u , Acknowledges sts. De . poottloul and all Least Buslaess executed with Drutupteess sad dlesata... .41.941 WILLIAM JANCET A NoTAirit 117111,10 . „ JUSTICE UP TUE PEACE. AND !) 'RE iL ESTA.TC AUEJST. - Ulnae, corn. , of Mailer ~; and Waver arrears, Lawaneastua - . isle 1 3 Wirl,.."Zh etzreo . iv.. - tr..14 . 1r paratlon and saknovrtadire4t sittltas of Leg% I CI onveyances• WILLIAIr JAHOZZ ie... j...t ice or thpreace and blowy Yu BruferAcpS. BIOR!IOW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania &Venue. foot If the Endo awl_ emits Chatham West =rztuas CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, No. 69 Grant Street,-Pittsburgh, Pa. firZlrgr,fr.,9AT/Li""c"..7,lr;.v• H . C. NIACKIIELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, PITTISBITIPM, PA. ~~ JOHN C. NIcCONION, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. Fifth Street. , p tilrgr=f i tn,lllJes. aud ilnurs . g . Per MERCHANT TAILORS. HOLIDAY SALE. We sae now etr:rloisderlog the HoltElays, special Laducciacists to those wishing to Putehete BOY'S, YOVTIVS OR vitiLDßE.lrs SUITS AND OVERCOATS, = tiro. 47 St. Glair Street. GMAT it LOGAN. HENRY G HALE [ MEECEANT TAILOR, , . Ifortnwest Corner oir Penn & St. char sta. D.woO b rot= thank. to his Mona and the pot. 3 . or tee poor totoi bows. mood •• roopectfulli lone. o zoom of their [Mato patronage. Rs wont otessed W have than exuatas Ida Large and Carelhlly Selected Stock Fine Woolen Goods razilailsrly adapted toi .+ t:: JIB 1O& - 1114 In 1111 M, PMEti J GETELACY, BOUM A U BIUN, PAINTER, -QRAINER AND GLAZIkR, No. 5.1 Hand St., Pittsburgh. d=l.l,l,ntet,llklf4t=p7,• 4 1V.1 4 . 0 1 0:. abls raw. - IWO WILLIAM. B. BROWN, MO* of Ma am of Bums & 31 . 9x407.) 1110tfilE AND SIGN PAESTSGS, Nortbesat confer el' Tara a nd 31.rka t. eT:ce t 11; prrnintate LE m ri El 4. El at 'I t 1 II ' "I E ~ . I 2,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers