Rite promise to be of vast Importance to tat ; commercial and manufacturing interests of our city; and • Warasso. The stiaphig of the laws on thls 1 subject most affoct our progress and prosperi ty for years to come; therefore ho IL • 0 , Iftwort•ed, That a committee consisting the Preehleoli of the rient and Commo n Id- ! councils, with two members front the fors, r and three from the latter, be appoluttl, l T represent owl lords after he icteresty city at Harrisburg, tl'ulog the ,01.!..f,e,,,,itte," ot th e Lechtluture, and touts act in conjunction a ith n. , r, r ,! 0 •7 0 eon. :te"; mittee appointed by U ti ne,t , e , t, tur.ber, Tlebae Board t I , the specially Instr" ,ow to cc...per •ndn uy ,,,.,,res that May he la. ireli to procure the rept m o r f ,r. 4 .l w n etlWE 1 ; 4 , : the charter of th e IT', • --,• rule that fiiilieirt - g ;on - ; uo to Ue of t ftal pmt T' - • • th" .. P" Li nce, eve ash tha it be Vg,7" . „V„,'l ‘ ,".:.gted upon, In addition to any' nd i„. , h „. , ; r er n, .e&elit miry be passed on the sate and I tie-, 1 ‘4, - I„? r ecCatulilo and resolutions were read tea ~,:4;•• times end adopted, and tie co et ;;:a,,h .14 flare appointed the coma:title,: le. , • provided for on the Part of C• C. r. C. eon" . eurred. acid appointed 31c44rS. Phillips and • shipton. 'tee Lindeman read a: eouluihelentlenfrln M the Mould of Health, announcing' -that the numberof deaths (or the year 1• , :d wore ono thee:Wei and iltlyrdsiglil, thirtr•olle 1110rethan ovule, I intr. The Board also ‘:;;;. 4in"a'd'e'i fate P rai t ala; mention of the mimes of Mr. ,; ;J. IV:a:lams, Assistant health Oflieer, and lAreet toteml::lor.er:, - lar tileir earliest ;C„ in placing the city to a proper '." ,anitary condition. 'l' he communicatiou was e. ;Plat he tiled. '„ "' y ' rr P . ":4 ;•• ' •lTl L ‘ r ! o rd al r' s, ' resolution ollerlng ' ward VA . tor 1.1;1] aerest and convietio.n of ;','„'" the author, of tile late incendiary tires In our city, which was read throe times Wet passed. 11 r. lord stated that the Comutitteo (Cu Fire " 1.1 lariat Tele4rapir had I.,eltitt. considerable pen n the pro,teutto of their lab Ors, and l ' et - ri c i n os•eil. that they tei reimbursed and tint I nteOute charged Co tho Contingent Fund. The e , int.tnin • was seconded toy 'jr. Brush, who advo cated It strongly: Mr. Hare, of the Cotmulttee, remarked that tie Mel boon sufllotently colu• ;,;;„ '" paut,ated tar any ellleneo incurred, DV the sat eitaelleit %Well he In cumultn, wilh tivery citizen caper...cal Jo the sacred , of the en• terprase. Mr. , al en itisc4: n il: , e , i4 o ti o nl i l a tt r a r, ll4 with ` .IZ.; ot was, however, carried. • e ill t he erthe (0110.111 g, ettY ; That t thanks of .Council art Bui doe to the President, Tetnnaa Wecie, o ar all the able, eoarteon: and Impartial manner in ;;;; which he im, diseloirged et+ dorm. aoring tho Kt stint yvart to MO Unit Mr. McMaster, tor the lot uttentiOn with whiell ; dulled he been °lst:hart...tad, and to the Ate, ,',•; re ger, Cat. Cooper, ter Ulu sattsraettiry teati• ah ion inborn have been periormal. no- The resOnainn was adopted Unallinion:ly, ,„ when I . I . C.:SiIICILL Stool made a suitable ma. ledittuent. Daring Ilia tetnarls, he ,ab , city • laded to the fact that the premmt Si was the . riltteth year silica co tlr,t organization of the 'fl•,"'; Cato Counell,, nod congratulated MCI COLLIICEIn Kota'hoda the entire cutout Eutaw opou the progress amprost1111:11. made sauce that tame. ;;' Thentauthal report ot r. Esq.. City SollettOr. V:01 presented and read. asn 11 order. '4'l; cal to tau r. For al pre,etattel a edittent frourMiehatel 7., at Mgt, street.laraying CO be relieved •,—;••• trout the pd)01011T. of Can. Mr. Ford stated „"'”,; that he had tide. intorno:al that, the petitioner was a poor Whitt man, la sal unable to pay the /M 10111110: lA. levy. The petaton was relerred : to t Cotunalttee on Wreet, with po e'er to Irma 3lr. Wright offered a react:olio" of thanks to „,- the rivi;ortot of the y Pleas for the •Malt.. tall and graphicßoomer In which finer ba n ,, : ""' rei.ated too ilreettallng: of tan. , , p ast year, - whach was adopted. , Before ndiournlng, 31r. .three , ?vlaiiva Of • the fur , of Leonel], tart - e-ittsat Loloael the, h , eree. the •.:• t aala la j a z ill., ,, onze , swat et loony, wallen ava- Addy da. , "et .Ig, by' . litirlor Elio evening the tour.eils went into rior the purpose of electing City t reasurer,T the riortition having been tendered ',cant I the death 01 Mr. W lliniin Eicilbautn. Mr. llrnwu noun hunted zatnuel list , it the titth ward, find there being itu oppoe ;ion he was elected by acclamation. OPLI,A Meese.—.l. very large wide:nee en sentldeil hovt evening et the Opera Ilottse, to ivitaens the renditiun of the tilieep tit Day, - by Mr, Dower, and Mr. Milinklent, ituPported by the (Intl strength of the admirable Opera retnprny. Theiie ate few lrish dratulis Inure thedliod and pleasingthan the "Peep 1, is Intl of 'net inn 'a l variety of a n.dents, 011.1 the illt,e6t. never Vega Lill the tied. Thi• pie., last evening ho, admirably ltoa ens :I, isittllleen hus i andugh tun . / ,fuStaine.l the Melt position she ha, se cured as an netrteet. tier netlitti I, of the very best In whatever part she nnilertakes. Mr. Mit:ninon A, tl,lrry In good, though in his net nor' Os. oonil point n Jnan n. y things which might Lc vont iv Improv ot ed. In wafts eharae. tern WO5O Well suppoiand by the Itli,lllbUr,": the ,omprny, and the pieta, oils well put upon the stage. 'rote triternOon at the matinee "Orlin:II Gaunt - wIII glynn. `tithe I.ot 0. nisike," the grant seitnatiOu In the Lent, in active preparation. e list ..,L I In of Thearah.—A gland spectacular dralud the "Cataract oft he Ganges, nr the Rajah's Dangle tcr” tva: produced at the Theatre in excellent style. The home, w:Li 'crowded "from pit to dome" and :a, vast audience gave repeated evidence of tile warm admiration of the sire king effect: produced. 'lot' scenery wits ,the :Must that has been prteittced at the Theatre la a long time, nntl the eepecludlY of 3II:s ktshrr,. w ,ry..xcelleett. Tile h orte "Wonder,' :ustaluell a prominent char m. ter m the piece. TM:closing neelte affs very excellent, the eat aract of real vgster, end the :urronto "-hole roce"prodaclug an'excellent ef- el , The piece Iva , a . ms ICCe end . o as 111:11,Wly reeelve.l. It "11l lie repeated this anernoon at Mantle,. ES UNIuNeeAT:M. Pate.—The tee at the 1:11:011 Park tV:in width.: attend ance eery large. Al, the afternoon andeven ing the ice WU, CrOW led %vial throat , en that the ahatersJoetl tes,ltglher. No better .port anywhere coma be nttltne.l than e.hatth eport or eat Int; on the tuanaletaitlY -month ice °Mai Enion ''') t/t To!, lye Fall:v.—lll:is Seale Doan from Chl g. mule Ler Prst appearance at the Central Pall: yesterday afternoon at three rebel. The rails was ilensidy thronged with nu eager and expeetaut mow ti, and the roofs told high places surrounding wore covered.ultft outside -.leadddiolo.'"lliti lee was In grand condi nun uud the atmosphere tint so cold hut Ina! the speePttorr could enjoy the exquftilto grace of the; outhful :dieter with teeth:l 6 ,c of com fort. .f II le beautiful ftftle skater. tenth hat t hall we say: rho Is n lanitalf 111 girl, apparently abwat twelve year, 01 age, and is lane. graceful and active at a fawn. Cite war edstained lit It neat and tasteful marl: of onto ron cloth, and as she gilded swiftly in grateful est boa lidera,: curve+ and tritructicre , , mete beautiful sight mull he imagined. tier eha ling fan marvel of . graco, ea., awl skill. the undertaker no contortion+, but heierolii- Irons are all graceful anti full of bloat ttlly con quered cilitioultles. Altogether she is a most etturnatig skater. Thin morning ahc appears at ten rector*, and this afternoon at three. k 0 tk) ... 0 (t , ..-01) oa < GI . Tito i'mh.--The Orphans' Fair. still In pro;cress at ISO City Hall, war exceed ingly o ell a,telhlo.l last erasing. 1,/ far It ths4 proved a I.Jonpleth and root hand noccoss. VY.) t:o :k. - not ot ,f 1 rn ,Ghl 11 It elm., (Lie etta. -hove ad?, , / have at ienited -.heal(' not full to do 4 40. Amide from the orildeoldect of the exhildtliol, It It Parte ,ivally sect! worth attending. In following la the result of the voting up to toot cv cu tn. . For the Silver Item-A.idierohl , t; t 1", tlt; Niuiarn,'l. eny “Pi %Sr Lltc I,t Le torrui tl tA :tutu. Jame , Ifyrthy WB.. con• vic , c.: or ,pr,” nt.gro por!, r n , l s,ntencell 10 Illtr,” .11kyn Ilnprlsounarut, pay a 11110 of (ruts. trrn: I . "l;rrirr.murrit expirud, 31Arrin olfsclmrged fret paolomit of tho Ono and to7T., to :ory•rt, t 10114,, • "" k .! 00 EtC3 Not Fol.to Pretencoo.—W:ll4.:u un in for rn.ition ye.nioilai before Al ilernoili Morrow. charging . leevin Aenr with fal, pi Kellen, In olitalulun Crum him a year nea, a coat. fon I teen dollars. Ttie 111,1111,.1111 the ca., the charge not being inane out. °AR1L...RD....11. A.,,, T. ',A1s11•1:11 po l iNT MALT 1104 SEN• • IV,' H. GARRARD & CO., • - Masters, Grain 6; Hop Dealers, it .1 11 7 113 IN No. - 11 AVater land =I :t,OO • - PITTSBURGH. PA. Lr. The Illehrmt market prfre rald fur WHiAT, Clatti au d . 0.111. ISIS Ate PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY 12IM nt: n It n: brILNCLII JAP . EAT SPEACER & ' MUSTERS IND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA, • 110131CIIT NVATI4O,.. Manswo•• I•:19 : .13 , I. 11Lr., 11, On, I tl, BEJ.3)NG, 7 iseurisu LEATHER AND CUM BELTING iLlow, GUM lIOSE -• G.tslicrs. le ort I th tl• 1 . ,51: .. .171;11ty and /Ow,. XxLcliz , 1=Vu."1:;o1Por S7o3pc,t, nt.ni to vnot . ,4 nn - - F. NUSE.MANN, utla6uot 11/ThSfreet,b c- wetn Tunnel and ort Chatham 1•44-eels, . re'".: GUNSMITH AND DEALER In !u z p:0- gorula of all d..scrtpv n . niwnys on HARDWARE Cu oud baud and ~.41 at tee do . • I mr..11,11s ak.•.rt n.tles s r I ' STAKTE OF JOHN T. eiiiiLTDTj "th" t.D.--Letti, “( Adml~tstr„_iee Lee 1.t4 a Of ;l.ecc grzo,ted to 150 14.,erilitiacd. °Ulm/1 ." i dam, w:11 pru...r.:1500, awl tln,. ,t; • lat,pllroelmc "' 23 ST. CLAIR STREET 6-0 elfll.2..r_ect,trlctat.r.O. Drcam•F INEL PAPERS—WaII and Ceii tho UP- '"'"" 01 thC art, 07 Wuod stmt. MILLS 111E111(4N IRON IVORKS. ___ ;_ p.a. R. 3.I3FAIIJCZ, niuurrs ur TELEGRAPIi, PITTSBURGH ROPEWORKS.'. iffiscELLANEous. , 111A.NVFACTITRE113. 1 t REANITFACITTRERS. New York Financial Natter.. A....-,.. , 3i'llihil tilli, FELTON A. BOLL3IIN, I pnocLAMATION. . ' Banker and Btoker, .:.::w v 6.4, !Ye:et:lbex 31.---a10r.5 - teas at ; ' ' CI I 1, 1 lir PiTraltt"EGll.r.i. ' UNION ! MON per ,7erit. Sterling firmer at pee,:,;. Gold i, • Only Indikfreturer , La the V, - ,,t cf lo.necerdlnea , with ale pros/stens et •vs , •,, ~,,. _ 1 Genrral A.,,,,,,1y or Mc l'emmonsedth et 1 1 :nM• • 118 Wood St., near corner. of Fifth, nr .,0pen. g .ir1...1 , eurd.z.t.q.....a e.,.. n , E A , iiir y coRDAtIE ~„,„‘„,..,,,,,,g , ,r,.,„,,.„,,r3,,,,,, or the i ~ ' • I' inn' ut 13,:'.,. : City of Pittof the v,t,,,,• ,,, rplette nt , ,! li Mill WARD, PITTSBURGH. , All dcsariptlOns of Government Conas • LA', ~1 1 1 . 1.21 ) ,Er. - • U . I. ,11-t. I, N 1 111111,1 ( 1 . )1. thud,. NIA , r olh,tol . "- 7 1': ti ae I. ale. no - Pro , Pte 3 , , , n. t . hit ot, the bnight un.t sold on ilberal term., th . ,.table for ::,,un , atei Cost Ito, It. Urnt . T. ,, ,,,1.y It, .lanuiry..l. 6. - ,-,.1,,,,,,,th, red A CoNrold DATION OF TIIF. ••111rIN arr JONES & LAUGIIIBS, Rondos and Contmental Exchange sold at!' Itt''''''' ''''''''''' 41 ' ' ''' ' ''47 ' ' l '''' . `'''' '','"'-'''' 4 a7 of th , a, oh .1. , ire. ea ael :.•,,, n ,w..r., of ' YOltii). - .`• ANL/ •CYCLorn 110 , N i... 4.•. !!, . Se. York rates. 1 !!,t , ,5;7.; Iturreo , . • ' , 'e trtt " . ‘i'''' - "'' ' '''''''''''''' HAWSER I.AID 011. AV • ELL 11.01. E.. 01 o , tty ea .1.;,.: to ;we., 1cem!...., or th. ine. , Golll.Silirer and ConponA bought at highest •lepre•ltu,o,l ,-, .. ,7 1 - deere , on . itzul thdders,3l,,- a ..._ _. •• -•• r _ 0n ,. ,,, ~,- 11„pra's 111 ,all", ac thia 1..1.11111111,4 ',III. a..1'1 ' 11.15..r.at. AtNNeekeir rte. , OT i rate% awl liol.l Drafts trailed Ork Na.' Ygek• 1 ....;-: 73. lu,ports uorc le for laOt week, +17,01:. • Tared !If/prior a r-on , . 4 ati ! ,,.,,,,,.., ~ „„...,,,,,,,,...,,,,,„,.,,,,, ~, ....,,, , ,, n , --ii -T44.rei , 4 slight Improvturient ffr7 Govern- - HEMP OAKUM AND - PAC - 61NQ, • ., L ~ • :'..%•."11..•...!.. P 0 r t !. V.:::*•:`f"•?..':;•Y . 7• : ..1R0N AND FORGINGS. I -- .. M. , ,,,,C 1 7.1111.€ 07 -- • -- a ~,,, I , Meat ueedritten. Gold steady. I,S;hange ie. ''`' 1..h1:•‘ - t../ C . .Yrl' . N, sets 4.... ro•-•.. t the :111, duy et Any. A. IL --,:, Inel :n• ren• FINANCE AND TRADE. r: limner, eixty ,1,13 - 5, tr ,• rdoellw aro eittlet bet ' I E 4.31 lIICAN AND .TLAIR 111 ~,„,.,,,„,, ~ ...1 .• U. troth ~ ao I itl rto . ~,,,.., „,„,,,,,, ~,„.., ,„ ~,, rn ,, n „,,,,,,,,r I : Steay. ]lone} ea , ler and Iludo ,teth,,,,l. it warebonse. 111 and • . , - th. , 111 114 'A.,. ol Coyne:l4,l-1re.a.:.1 e t.r._ ' ,- - ------- ••••••----- -: ----------' -' - N. ar 'lleuelythels 110,1, , : 1 'lto. •.1:11.1ti 01 th, Vit . ,. I •1.1 wtlt ...rt. we eh', OPFICE.O7 TOE PIT H nod GAZETTE ,/ I , ,IA .7 . 1 . 1 % 0 1 0 , 1 , 7 y ‘i;, , , , C r e t r l i :,t;',',: i l !'h t l it , ' „,, ' 1 . i , t1 111 , ,, , t 1 , , , n .. . ... : I lot, eto p. 11,11 at, ~ in, tutor .., tle ro ice: t oenell Haw Inered and Rolled Locomo- 1 ., m os , e. „.... p ee. 01 , ~,,, s , , 00. 0.411,1 - S I . , • &ILO , . .nce rtringener. At the eIO.SO the following , _ . .... - --- . . 1 `1, 1: Ot 1 , to o yr,,,. und two el.r.oul to bk .- tti 0 and Car Axles, Bar, Hoop, Sheet and plat., ♦ se. 7.,. 3 . The New' Y'Ork clock quotations to-slay. Es=l ...se the quot,atou , N. Y. 1.:.,111::;,, Erie, t,7'_,, - . - - , iniT , ,,.r.:,,f thr rhehmon _h•not. It for P _ reported by Rainsnn, McClean & Co., arre as; Michiaan ,out her& r.;!,.; r/unburgic....l; N. IN . • RIVER NEWS, .. 0rt1,.. sl sr,l will. lar ti Iba 1 1 1 01. ,„, „..,..„„„ -., , ' ,:, f a , 1 - '• . , Mr..1.,C7Pna..9.1\ 7 M1R...9.ND, I Bridgedron; vucr , "* . ,. , , t, "'", . -m . ''''-' l " . ' '.'''''.!'"'"7 renew, coia, it , t; Et,tbss..rtee bonds, 110 1 ." ,• .: . -N W•Pre l .. , Ad• el';', it• 1 . lul • Fort m, , ,i,,,...10, I). a - 11. cen0i,0,,,, , 4 - ; ~,,,,,,,,,.,,,:. ,i, r . '. . :''., ' . ".. ,•' n .. 1 1 . '' . .! ';':,,'::.':r • ''' , 11.011. 1 h , A 1 Cll.l IRS. 71•LiCir 'BARS, 1.11:11/11! I Angle and T Iron; . ' 7he a eatiter moderated a. Lttle ye-del day. :11,. ,t.,.., „.. ',..,-,' t n "" ~,';'''. ~','",",.'.- , -,-.', LitirN roI-Tr, .1 C., i .... Flee-twenties, slid, IN; do ' , ..5, 1 10• St 10-n , w n i ! ....,,. 1 , i , 4 ., , ,, 1, 3 , ,,,,,,,, ' ,,, watt was velyoll In the, even In ~iraln, and '?'• `,..`',.., L.+7 . ::,i. ' .::,,:,;!, ' ,,t,....;4 'n ,i,.. ' ,4; ' 1,..;; ' , ' . , „ ' ,, I.INNS AND 1.101.T.`!, I, 11Et.11, , , takatEß 1110 N t ,(Guard Iron: , _ 107 z.; Ten-fort IN! S. Mir bk.,. .sonnt,.! : . .` „ ~,,- }ors' Dee. ..).-ri, sesetes ee 1... et ,.1 se • ~.• 1 • • IWW V. 1 , . 'And 1,, , ,per000 to te fWT %Go% AA I.IIILI OW Wh(M111117111 1 ./.5 ruaTS; i feed Screen Iron; " n,..ar0.d, , ,9 , ;:c1 , we1and and Pitt slangh. 7.l l ..,;1,, opened Urto, at un udeato,,, of . y!., .. , ." I. ' ''''''' ) ""n'' tr l ' l '" 'P . M . s " r "' ) ' "r 6 t. ''''''"'''''''''' -,,,,,,, ... . ow, iorme! Ne•r • - ' ''.' !. . ; n The clllo (0 01 . ,11.• t .,. °.' -1 I 1 I .1r . ., , ~. ~.• P T AND AN lII.Y. IkoN „ir th., :altar afa t r demand and linottof `tile - ti e 1,14 1 at• -,' '' , .‘ ) g , t in. i' '' . " l ""' telY '''' lot. on, p, roe, t „,,,.,'„,:, 0 ,',',.'„..,L'., ....,,,. ~',,,i,:• VI . -• • i T 11 a ill; , I 6' and 20 lbs. to the yard Pittsburgh, Fort. Way.. and Cincago, It', net per AILE.I/Ot SEm Erse, kr,,.“ elricago silt non, I:llttad, 10.1.. t.“ Chl. , , 1 .1 .) ., l'dt• '' l "'"'R' l ""... ' ln " , '"h - Ihe iii , l l t - ' l,,- : roheleol, .., e I,a - re 11, , rirer Itelll , Of ht/Port . eh et auu , . It, , „ 1„.,, ~..„, . „,„,, ~',,., ,' , , ~„ ~,, a . 1 , 1..1,, a r...,,, ~,,,a , ,,, ~,,, .„ , f ,,,, , , ~ ,! 9., 11 a.ter and 126 First Stre , .111 emet faly /1/-1, 111 v tow of n„. i„„,,.„.,,.,, ! ergo :all 'Noah Ire,tern, r. 1.: ;CO tretvrt.".t: ~i,,,,,,,5et-, le•e , l havnl4 write:A ,tut lug ll „, . 11-1, 111 ''' 11 1 .1., .. Firtan ...1 1,1,1 1 ,1,1.1. a .. OFFICE: •` ter sank T...itt We-dern I.7fahn Telegrwpl , Cotnnh.y, 17',. Ow das, : . 1 Ine earn , ^old at 1,, and' groott at . Tile 1: , 111 1 , 1.„i 1,1”1 lilt, 110 1 / 1 1, ,, 11 /11 1, 1 . 1 11 ...1 1, 1. 1. 1 1 .11 1 . 1 ,.. , , • ,a, r ~- h.. ~,,..., ~, :„,, „r , kT rif E Si r ,, —' - et,o_Tratal Balls, punched and court . nes. NIN i c•wisco. el rrsetitch. Boiler, Bridge a-I(l•Tanli.i. Rivets -A, the patron...ea to .e10,,,n,,,,,,e1.,,,,,t., 1,,,, , ~., ao, ~...,...o. , bt at 1.;;,•.... reek-ie.: re, en tug !eel -Id ter New 01an-•; 'Ott, itle.o] ';:II !! : 1 •• ," r '!' '''‘,-- hod -:,• hr-,, n [Ol.l 11,11, ~,,,, , ~,,,,,, \ eat calve, Tete without .I,el- • -I. Cut Nails rind Spinet.; '1""k I''' ' ' , '" ' ,. h. , b"'' , ' , ''' ,,,, ' ,', '''Y ha , ‘ ,. " ,. '''"' dod tVlae• hot... ',ea.:, en.; o„, „, 0 , 4 ,, iI, 1.11•11.1,11:. 11,1 1,,,te Putnam loe ... .SL I.olllu. ! 11,- . - . , 1.: , . , it ~ ,, t , ' „ 1 1, , '...,,,,., „,, ~, !, :, , ~.,,,,_ ,:1 1 1 the I.rst o toe 3.,,, ' ,•••• I'Tt"/' "t"' ~- , tor lot:11110h Io rea,:, ...17•1 1'1;4:1 , -:. tor pip", ~1 e' , 01 , -,, , ne:d 111,,, houti wol etoitnro Ont I ‘; n 4 ", , ,... ! .:,'" ;.„,.‘,„ i...', ' . !:',:: ! ,'; . ; . i ,! ,, e ,, , , , ,. i .':,,,,,..!,.,..!:. FORri 2 P.ITT. . ; ; , r ihip mad Boat Spikes; .. . 01 , ,, , ,, ... ~,, pa„, , n , ~,,,,y ~,,, an ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, , ,,,.......s,saatolly ,- I.tolt as 1 1 •'. hl, , wild the ...at her nuelere.tra, WO like tee le i. . a .. ef 11, Coma,. 1 0.0..., ~.,...,;-, ' i itallrOßd ii . Pi-XV`; ample xtoekt of 1400 , 1.4 for which there is nn " . ``' l l i anW• Yr ...‘' I '' ,[ 4 :2• ":.. "IP,""rh• u•' ' ''. " 1" , -, . 1• ;, 1 1 ' . ''''' ' h a ', " ci t . ' '' ''• l 'V" I ~. e n -, . n i ,„. r ......,„, t o , , , BOILER, SIILL IND TlNli' ! Rallroati Fish liars and Bolts; 1 I Railroad Car Vt ueelit and Axlett; . ,0,, e, the svge ...amities.. they are rettlY to' The ..t.non !ea . ., tor :heel; ate ;: -7 , null arnel lea ~ r, on, Vea" 11 1 lean , 011 .- 1 1/1 111 1111.y..1 , 0 1111 '. ~. or ~ ,,I , ••• , 1.. , ;:'•" . ):31 - .. e: I to- , wr tnuku to 0r.1.7, 10 get their alralro . Di; In -are i ht. , - 0dt , .... the 11 0 4 iiihr h., 1,,,, t 0,,, more The It' 111,1111.1 .01., 1,11•11,L ` , 10.1'1.0 , 1110 tll t . '''...!...' r. ' .1 t' . . "PIII.OII CU,. ii e.r rut ' !Let Ire Idol pi 1.., , h, ,• ,elv.hat ed fait) per reuelill, , t. 1 onl- no Friday 1.,1, told It won )• 1) 1,1 I,r 11..- I 1.J.H. , .. , , ~ ~..,.. ',. ~. ' ' Sirei•l Car lalseeli and Axles; D The coneCtlOn's front 111,. antek - lor are VCO-111-1.175. 11..., the unlike', nedever,tdd.ll,4 ~,,,et ~., t,,,.. t hethrht th,- w tad.' be .rile 1(1 leave :16 , 11111 011 1,, , „„ a ~, ~ a a ,m,,, f „,j1;, a „ ,1, ~ ••• , hurl, and the rtlifirt 1.,. general that no large . tin pro:eine:lL . rett el dec.... The, hoe, were 1 Min teti to i ..11;of :ed.! env rdr two -,, , ,r , . hod ~ : ,r :;., ~ ,-,;,..,, ' • , Coal-Pit Car TVlteels and Axles; Hen,ol.l for goods can b„.l,llret , l I lie ...11‘.1VeA Nen l'ocit Dr, Lead, Markt,. t e el - . e da3 s het. eett (hit, :;tl.l I s. I.Onte ~..,,,,,,t, r• .1, 11t, ,, e , .. , :0 ' "“l'''‘her oto- 1: . ': L. I Patent Cold Bolted tilititting; . et country dealers being now hupploot lo•yond ,,,,,, 1 0 , , ,. 1 , ,,, ., .„,,!,. ~, ._.l uo ~,,,,,„, „,, ~ ,i!,r,,,...,,t,,41,'5ni.,.i.,,,,,,,,,,.ciLi.1:,t,,1,,,,:th,....„,,,tit. ,],„,,,,, ~ , t , • , i i, t t, - i '1 Li• 021ree , . nt' Ille ~1111. 11 , 4 1 1 la a a ~, a, ~,1.. ~.,. 0 „, p„,„11 1., 11.a: 111,11, r 1 ,.. .-..1 , . 1 1, ./". „ I CARROLL & SNYDER --- -1 1 Patent Cold 'Rolled Piston Rods; seestbpay of their eturpiner.i, to buy tdr eteakt breit jibe, ne elf dy, 1, 11,1111 Immediately I .: Lour-rate on ratur • ;l..e, ' ,lronic up, The lin- ' ll ef . 9di ' 1 " . ''''' "‘" r "'"' '"''' ''''' 1 " r:"' 1 I tr. tnlN:rs or MI. I..suniloll l•van , I Sor •,,,, ~,,,,,.. , ven. The indk.try of ite eolkilli yPs cut tuna- ldrerdioil `l Ir a Y• Th. , ~ ir la___ trod , I unrter drid,ell el 1.,11(2,111 , 41, 011 odtorthil : 110„..1aprACTURNIIS Or _ : 1 1055 - Cr rend 1 voeugn ~..teg in air, witvsot as , 11,1 n ,t• :We thel he lollowin,r part ettlar, In regard I t '" . " 1 ' "' . 1' "'" Tw"" '' ..rd " .1 " " :, :ild ',..t:• I , ly deralh,;hl by Day cOntilitted iev , of irkir 1 .-ci the tone 01 ii , i`bii iir l i ti` 1. , ~,' 1 , 10 ,, ~11' ol,ol' leer of it" , W. 11. 1,4,0,00 . .• “'" P. 'sr". 0 , ~,, no 10,,.. nf Ike, t...,( p.ll, , .....„ . . , • . .... , WALIEIitiChE..I,_NIYt/FIICE. -.. ,In the ell e, euld vo) for two ye•r- and two per.-„,„..,„ , a 1.1.1:Al.„ 1101 131.1.-7 LI hD, TUBULAR' taxis., and thls blossiag, sd . ,11, I'Y ~hillhidlokia ..iheertai.l, , , k . ki r t , , , • , ikk . ,kge , ,,.. Tin,: is . a great : NO,' 10 10101 , rildt ~ 0, [hi, P . ,{,1, lII' , , -- ~,,111. , r , .Pr ~,,. • ~,,,,,, ~, .,. ..1" I, for our , e.,. 1 FIISE-IVJX a, CY LIN In:11 ,Th7.IIIIuILEISS, . 126 Water and 15ti Front Rs. and meal debt are daily ' leaf tkiiparerkt, e I '!-'''' "Mr', e a u• ".1 „ `'``` V`, • ' l `g ` l ` hi iirl time 1, , k l u . b t u.., nut ett. ef the 1.41r0 r,l „11...1 }, el; nf who. ~11, 111 ~, .1'...........„..er•-,,,,,ein ii. lell "au • ".1 .- • uebe. lu,e,tu .„1.1, • ~, ii„, Si, It ~,,,,,,,, ,„, , „•,,,,, I, 1 .,-,..,,,i,,, 1,, 0,, tree, el t ete „ ,,, ett-I‘.. kil •,,,, OIL STII.LS AND OIL TAN'S', 11 , ISILA-NCH lich;sa, ponsdo are last c0m1..; to the ...Hach. , that , aii tidn'll 5t0ck.... , , e getting 1 eady to begin . ~,,,t u ong , hp.]: -,,,-,„,1 ,tt e Rah rut rapidity ."`"`ie"ill`• ``'.. -•l, ` - ii `" `;` 1 ' I. ,.,`''` l ,"'`g'`' • , l • 1 EIIISI.NEY,, BREECHING AN c AsHPANs, N9 $ . 22, 24 and 26 River 9t. , tho abler eost of ti. lobe Ilion baiyo to ie i 11. , ~,.. la , a ,,, t a , , a , . a , i a. , -iga• 0 1 I 11 It ti,e ~:31111, han, and cnsult:l , l '9 ~T ' ",.''.' , '.f.',r ‘ . !l •„ :l 'i - j ... 1.- ,• „?..! : . .,' " ,; ' , ' l ' liio ;,t;. ' as - tt., , a lITTLIiIIi P,1.50.3, bALT I•Asis AND EO - N- 1 1 1t ,,,,, i t , r , 5 ..., ,1 r e appear. Pelee atc Ihe ~tone W., per the I eeerythitht alto, e the hull. 110 w the tiro or- ~,- , 1,,,.,,,1,,- „ , ~,,.....,,, ...,t, ,r u rd. • i DENSI,I42s, . - ehr ~....tar. ei a , ce! ~.,, a t , rd i `• `l' ' `Ai' " t ''` STEAII PIPES, tiA,SOSIETEIL . S, AND IRON ' • ' Cd111.7.1ta. 1 , ILL. paid by •aeritievs Ihnlugh a 10114 1 1111.11111 .1. ` I I.leirl. • 1 ig, :lulled i„ u my.re, kie non! l uf tho 0111074 litho. . ' Nate loth Traduce. 31nrisc1. ,0; th, twett hue,. lin:. ildnk •f: ~ except IL a, 11 „„ 1..,,f1a.01 11,010 , ,11 . 00 , 1 w Ar. . . , 11 ,,,,, uE ,„ -Daring the year Sa - t. ni,'"`"l• tie . '''''''‘ ut.. 1 Nue: 101:Ft. 1 14,.• 1111,..1 .11.-CatlE, more :,....- l .''' 4 '" '""":"!'. Ude. llogei 111 ef the Irdt .1 •,.,rd Will -..e. , . .q, Ilv: I .„.. .: . , o , .. . a tilil. hi Ohl hava h , c a I , ''S' great! not ''' , Gt . . 1 it.. And lc hialiet al :..,;,, , .e. 11„in C.l'y : 1 1,„ C ,,,, 1 ' r 5 ' ,,,1, '' ,; ,. , , , ' , - ,,, , , "- „ , ~,,,-, h; , _.,' GLASS dt CO., = - 4 ., ;,,,,,.. ,, , , r , , ,. g., , , , , , ;, , , , , „„. iu ,, ,u , e1 , , ..., ,, ,, ,L i i ,• , ..., ,,, u , , ,,, : t i.,, ,, , ,, ,, p kt . r,... t ii1 r i,i k i 1,, , t ,:a k0 riiN1 : , , , i ,, ,, , , ,, ,, , , ,,.,.., , , ., , , , , , , ,,, ,, , ,, .,;4,61 7, ,, ;;, Li ;,- . - ,, , .,... , ,, , , , ,,L., ';, - , - 1 - ,', r . ',.,T - - ,V.. , . ~,, , ','ii.1 1 7 ;.:4 7 1 ,, ' t. :1:1 ,, ; ,. 7 ,, : . ( ,,.,,, t ,, , , 1 , ' , , ,, ,1 . , , , '11,11 . 1 7. 11 , 1 , , ,, at tar , 0111se and Warhol, corner Second, Third. I RITTCIIISON, ShOrt• `hd Liberty St eeeee .. ' ', , tor clue. 11114,11 lIITII, NO. ,heelive- No ' MO- ' ' ""• .id'"' g ' l ''' . ..I'd- , It.' '''' .l I To: , elector' , of Ihe 1 , ;10, w.ard a..ller I pc r0...4100n t EI the It attotud ital. , . te, ; ~,,,..., vs.:, Aa,,,, , mt,,,,,,,,,, ', ~,,,,-;,,,,,, 1 that et I' the .h.O , ( , f her on, ..,-, , norm tool It ol 1010,0 ',, ,, .1'• ~ , , , ,,,, ,,,,I,' i ~.1.• .lll/0,1 1 ,fiL1 ' , . ,1 .1., (It the dlf,rvnt ' , ter of 50.1 the generul pro-peroy of the Pi,,,,thk. I urn, W hull,. :I nit. p0.,„i,.„,,, 1 4 : !!, ,: . .,. ~....,,, : loreed to Itutee W 10,00 .11v11,1 :III) tim,r. 11 a' let ..:1.1 ward. w 111 S , l: At 11,1 . 6 , 111 C .t,bio. 1 t....., , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,. - , ~,, -..1,• ~.... 1" , i . .l• 1,,, , r ,i,„ , t _,'' , „„,t - : Odln w Ler enuneed in the Nt. bon:41111P, :.o.o\ 0, 004 tear.. • , Round, Square, Fiat and • 1.., At like Opening' fir the yvst gol f - to• • •• i ~,,y,,, i. 9 ,I. --„-- , ',',„;;; ',-,, " l ','„, - ,_",:' , "rit ,,, - 1. - . , 1-• ~ , t ~,,i ~ 1., ,,,, 1i 'ilk ,en- , Ibe eleetor , or ,0 00, h ~r ths Fifth .--..r.1 As 1., get acre ..t t a at plat Ne. York. In Aprll It reit: , `h.! , hi 1 ut 52..,,,,,...•;;:i% ' , ' ; ..' ;11;,i,,1`, L ',',.. - i: ! kn. h , 1. 0, ` r`er , ie , hty.mi elia,;d her de_.! r ft , la:;";, •````,';r"..l:e'l•..T•',-.1,•.',•,,‘,,TVi-,;‘,,•_,", pretartieattri. e .l tn. th 6 .'''''' "''" 57%1 - i norse-Shle Bar Iron . , 12s• By the ent of ILIT it has DO, and . WWI 1 closing am:. ~..- ~ ..11; a. ‘ ;.l i.;...:; ...2s, ° tor : ''',` 1 " , Mo"Tra ,lo " ,-, lYtt!g reborn a" I ' .4 "`"' . • i alt Liked,. • , • • _ t •` 'I '"'`'`'n`ii`g `` Pi.'!• • ln The ele, tor. er eo hitev nt •la.ria`h want ail.. SREFFIELII STEEL IYORKS. I Hoop and Band Iron N days alter 11 had treeni en-ri it`.l up to I.", I P r `!`;` . ' 1 :`;' - y`,'``,f . ., ,-,•,.',`;• •,,`'` •-,-'- `• i . - , Out the king, 1,,, ,••.::,,,, t 0. ., :eh, haw,ero ~, ,• , 111 t,• , ,,,,, i. •eh 1 1 1 e te; ...It i ehlerty by speculation. .inee t hen ,taten- ' '.6 '1""". •-•' '•"--."- ' '''' - • 1 anti illiftleK WC cite lee ;titbit. Attiont. fra:;1. ',, e...•,te,1 do 1h,t,.11 - .40, ,, ! ' :1 ,01, of ;, .. I . Boiler,Plate, Tank ,and •i • - Nen Orleans 11 , ..ri.i.t. ' Ihos , .1.0 dlitted Out 11,1 the rvlreara was ill,. . "'. l 111. ,t delley has generally been dowsio ird, Ilsou-h . •the eh o et - , of - inorliof ile. •.`irti , ...,... ii, -7 - siNGER, NIENK 8 6 C O . , ~.1,-1 an Iron, • - I ~10. 0rd.1 , ,, , -. liceetitl, ,i 1 -Cnlttni 1t... Riol Itlver packet. ntiiritglit, which arrived en , lur the I I it . r Id o l, : a fen pea.o. The ..,,C..,.,. ..„...,, ....., .., to. ,ifid.tion;,_;;.;,,,, , ohly ershlng, nod 11./ ova 'O., 111.1 °tea. , ....-,.. I ;,'O n , ~f• V' •. ? r rtc ' t ", : ', ,•',.•,', • pulley el Mr. MeCullueli tit till. regard ~ ....t., :s . u,..t.0..1. ‘ --, ,..1a_ laraiiPtib '",(`'`,) bah , . fia. ion, ..he bar kkkg Del t;it' chord)'-:alter kilter elle le, I 7::::;•„'`,,;,...1','";;'',.;,'" - - ';' -.""- -"' ' ' '-'- ' - sheet Iron, &c„ &T., &r. HA.,..l,Acrellash or _ to be WA to let ;Ohl ....o beYottLl LK..." t h , N '" ''''' '.; ' .111 e -.akar '1:1411ei i Ldr. ~,,!-;:.... .4 , 1 :elm, ~,,.: or et4l,ty lode., a Lett ieere on : ik t „ ~,,i„,,,,- ' ,,;:,..„ t „, ~, e„, , e ot ,- „ t t C., Wnri.i. PITT Ton'Sicllte. - et ')lonotormttriNiirtr• . 5t„,,,..,.„ ~u,,,, prim:, to en t ,t,,, N,„ 1•1 0 , :t . th: ‘, 11.11 1, ond here 1:011.0100.1, more m - le., hr , put 1,,,,, et 11,,,,,, , ~,, 1 w ,re. . hurl: T ,,,, -0 , . - tho ' , atlas` 'acnuot t's '""-; ',al-supers:tie, ilv,7s4ll,Vheatra, C1,1e.d.1c5,.. line. Most ot Hte •either: , of Ihe I! ,i 01; at tl.'.. 1 .; be thet ~. oi 11. ea., e riel v Ili re, at the BEST BEFINEI) CAST STEEL' o ""'"'"'"'"'''''' - ,-;; ! ,,I 0th,,,,,,,,, 1t,,,a that sae ;$l!., ~ , t ,•, t..., t. unettneged• Oat- t.,,er, at 7,,,77,.. 1,,y . 13.1111 r. ...I e tit the. 0111110' , 01. •h.; lly, ali. l 1 11 111111 , , C 1 ,111 1 , 1,1 1.. 111 " 1, 1 1 , .1 1, a ' . , . ~' U•II,:: ~ I',” , ~,,, , ~, •,,,.,,,,,, ~...,. ~L, ~,,,, , ~, 11,, ,1,, In . .1.,,,,,, .• LI, ~t 1., r. ~ 41 .11 lab ai tie No. 14(3 — N.Vater Street. for the public trench. iapeeial i i..-e , " 01 ` .t k ‘,“„y r ` .' -r• , • • •••• i • "`,-,'`' • -' • •' - ' • l't ;he i•ol oel 110 t...• ef •b I „an! ' IS:UW.I; VIII AND OCTAGON, OF ALL SIZES. ~,,,', , . ‘—fv,ulter,, Ilt.e, .Id e,, 15.4,1,!. 1 .e. .1, tk drivori e 1.,: the iehereithuluvd the Ike, „ , .• ~ ~„,, ~. „ , i„; .„. i ,„, ~,L • , ~ _._ ;we.' int,,l may re , Etogc , ..na Lakal, 1, , ,11.3`. 1 . ..1 , kii.e.,--Me,i,kkek le,d, a..., , itlithe , lii.t. ly lett ot. 1 to-idenet:',o.-"I. (Annie. 1,,, - ..., ” ..".; ';'', ''.,•••;'. -":',',. n ' ..H'i• ,:- '.' ' ' -..' h, , ' MIL,., Mr` AT elartiLar GA`, An], Ci r ' „per ialativo put 11,.. ..,.., be üb.„et red Ul. lele, Wise,: Leid, I,`.`', Neu lut a I..aiheuge. "u` e'• l tuld et" , ... 10, 1 . 0 11 ``` ie‘ee. "ii`t h lib aleirr.•,'ll-1•,',,-I%,..Y."......ei'ivar:t•''''''' -1". .. - • • '• •• . ' 1" 6 Crr : - vy.E,iiignu - Nrrus maintaining uoir et a I.lgla premium, ort a- ': ,, ,lnroant. - his e ~I1, . :1 ,011 ,101, 10 eve olltww ~ ,eroehlett 1,1,./1 err.- r.v 1,,al eel ;eat, "ablelr er Mt , 1 sAw pLATEs. • th,:. hatloual curreuer end I - - ih I 4• •, ~ : t: t!,, , ,t... i,,:t; 6 ,- 0. Alvii att, .10, i 1,,,a, a,,,, .: an 41„v •.1 la./..„,a1..r, .. 11. 1-.. Clllengo Market. lug .0110. I, 0 0 1111 t.O 1,110, tit,..,;,, 11 0 ri,r. r,....:, WIL,IAM ,:. )1 , i d 11T111 . Mayer , L1.1.1-CrIC AND rEaII•ELLIPTIC .. IRON AND NAIL WORKS, ‘%i::r,',7.,-„,,,.:;,.,.:-.,:'',„..,, het. par, mei ilii, raeea , E.eite aal+l rtill, l 1,1 , 1 k U. Mc stlisrl atet eating upward and down. stut tn , vtinett, 1 , 110 , ~ I, '..0 . .,111L ,;0 bale., of her c;itii , • 1 I •,, t„„ t u., ,`,, ,n ~.,,„,,,0 ,„,t i„, ~„,,,,,,,, i puRE car.iFolust A IVIALIS. RAILWAY 'SPRINGS, • _ LEWIS, BAILEY' DILZELL & CO. In I 10• Ir phew !... tool w P.l !,,,, not out w It I i all' . web:, ..- 11..• her.at bat atay 1 GURNER & CO., • Gaul Spr fie g Sttet, o, 1,..h . ~o 1,,• ..,.,1 ) , ,olo“rod. l couple to ~rte, r .l ,,,a t- towed Ihe 1011, ytotet :lay to , - . • , Cast and Gerinlart Plow Steel ti.,.., ,b..... , ,,,,, , liking m a y, II e bibe 1 N o - 80 Cedar ISt New York,: l PLOW ,dIN:.;, AND 11 , 1%'011 110110. , lohen olf. tea , 11 the ,:woh,l li, that tiaN I . . . . ' SPRINGS, AXLES AND TIRE , STEEL - 1,... • • •• , • 1 , - ,, 0 00.2 , L.: ~...1 , ,,,•........., , 31.1... Win - whl.l, a, ruin- "*"' "".". '•••'''• "'"'"'' "'".: ' t ' lii " t ' ''' ' In, P..Petc a. I.' woh A!;.,..•., , te4 cc,,, ~r, :vet Ultli Le. ::11 , 01,1„ 11:10, RA li F. yoitli. VIE noonhered, 00110/00..: e 1414 ,-ttottnena. w Ittch 1,,,,, V0nr.,...e. et, .1 ',el' 1mr..r...:-.1 ,, , , nu1ar!, : ts : CALE. ANC MA , - 111 f, EVA CA • ifT dTtEL, 1.......` tie, Celle a te,,lv Marl: , ii:el a title, leer, I,r tis... 0'1,4 • io I'Airly t2i:OW-15A1,-,, .t C:, .kr, c , .. i!'‘‘'.,..l-";',':',‘'';‘,P;;',;,,,.',..J''„t,,71".::',1.';`:;,,',.;',":. i `,;''','',,`,',,f,'..,.",',','`,,',",1,';',V,',';'':V!,',7n''.',",:,,!,'-',',;,`-::: ; Warehouse, ha Water St, • Ptttsburgh, ,•,,,,,,,,. . . • ! ~,I ~.• 11,111,,,t0 0 tlol , -. 00 V. 0.1,11, 1 ,0, 0.,, , 011..• .ael-ai.l . Vie aee it -1...1 E„,.(4tlr .. --t. on.'...at ' tt, ''''" t'"••:',: •1 ,!."; . t ''' ''!•': t .• ''' . 9',";:i''.` ," .1t ne , l lit :t. Leas , ith to, ha: tel., ..; u hts. 1 ',,',.!•.",.,;,, L ,Y,'„', 1 „. • ;„ : '.'",', ' ;':1: - , 1 .:, ;; ,, ' ; ' ,.. ‘‘-',,,. P , " ; ' .,: ' , ~;... ' , ' . L , \ r ,,.. ATLAS WORKS, . kY• tr.° b'tls a , "on , to; ctal •-•,,, .• 'In!! 1. , , 0. c....- ror sth !, no •re .....-0”..., '' I'' 1. ...... of 1.0.3„,.O.111 . 1 Ine 111 , 1, rat I•,n 01 elt,a, , Tli..l,i.owln,lowiele are 1i,,,,,, , 1• 0 lIN tle. Th., .71 Vlt T 0 ..1 * ST' 11 ./..: • 1 • 2 T , • 1 o,o;,o all 2.„ ,„1.1.11... „.... ,rwt, le the tute " \til ' ll ' :". " .Y.: -. lT ,' ltd: WI N ).:-:4 - k Cult draw color, ; 1.Re.. - r-Ntor ..:.,. 1., tai`ie we,. • A Nto 1-.1.11,--. 1 , ria:. 14.1 1,0.1`1, q :,... 01:10. . 211,,i1 3,11e.1rr., t.y I vie-, an. ~.1,11,, 01 {lir 0. 1. • I I,..afibe, a. 11 tr.,11. 0 1,/, *.1111.,t , •,,,..1 1,1l:::-. li era raost ena• ,„, ~,,,,..,., ~,,.,„,, ~,. i 11 . 1 _, a. ,,,,,„,, r,_. ,„„i,,„,,,„ ph te ~.tAteleentlll In al, Wait. andllaw 1,1, , I.l.rad to Eart,..a • 'a,..1 - r.1.-.....1 4,1,t ,-oleo .1, UO,l, aretev.le i H1 1 , • , :irr V' , r ,.., ‘ , ' T, ' 1 r c ' ,... , ....115n ,-. :;. '1 : ',1" / ' •; ,,, .. - `1 td1•1, Ill:A.51 , 1 -I lo• ' - ,uo .11 1 1, , a.10p 'I 4 ,:„ -. Hi:. a itlT'r Fn.- S :.: ry ,rt 0...,, ,, rurr Tho. 1 '71'..1'!:i::?:',','..r":',,,,51.',..r.',..:1•7'T...`-' —As wlll be seen hp the follkttvllLg, I , we hp Irons thm Fribu let, s,: sr.lay. I:tt . : t, liechlators are oppo , e , l to :imp "c,pl,:" truellon on ho curromr: A resolution W 1.1.4 'Chit fljt , 1 , 1-tlcy, to be tllncussed t<terrne. prot.e-t tug ,Z4l any rapid COnrrIsCI.IOII of tire c(lrrenc-y. 3:t•I tee atortring the t-ecretn-y of tlte lireset e-tte makeate the maul, to out: repletatt.dtve , Itt Cotare.et, reque..tutt; than to that tad, rose twain, the ltaw"ge of atly net, to [eta., tlatarrency at it rale great., l den taut now provide-I tot - . Thu puhlte are arta unity hemp at uken e l to a calls. an of tne ,11,,hatitt, that 0.51 Ot tt (ran, a .112.1.1en.unt r.tput contra,t it tt.c • end the ,chant. ti dultig aanunced wlt lauttiltera. We are In no tarry for 'Tole put.- tuent, g . tent bulk of t the 2 , Itl.ll3llat wns created e e l ts enrreney it”.L oat ht to ho carried ulong, tad Val , t Ott in nun tiepe-.LI WitilOULis Id h ate In ii i .' ilMOUta O( currency nlrctoly I.wted. lt t otttna:. would only in the currency .ine....ton situ devote 1 .. 14 litho, to the goittlllal reductton of thc portion ttt tire. Nation.... debt, the tablic ~t 5,41,1 tolo- 1t lied, and tlt,t wltiaela Of tloll1131t1 ,• • • vc along wltaint clogging. —antaker et P , ean , cnn l Ita da rt.: Company turnt.,lath es fit;in , t tn.; atatellavat of the actlon tit the Ituard of Dacca! , ut tu..lt meeting of WC,llll,lay :•tre prov hie 1110.1-• to ne, :he an.. tnitntle upon the Trt,c-nt p of teen Otel,no) new truck., tAilltionttl contpment, onikl neeut of tie nt,, exten-ton, ,, t .nth Ince, the leglttutatc tlettotthl. , :0 11:: , vOuntry .truintoi to the Pt:lo,ln I: ~ ' t hraneto -, he toe: e.e.••.1 :,,o -rn,el ,teettlintle‘htt len+, .1111 , 1.1. , 11 ..111 heto•nr- ,ht ter Le wade centiontenottltict ; •o tom ,„ per vent front the nett httnnt-. of 11. , t gap pay:41:10 10 11v0 xeol r . stale ar1,1[01,41,04 , ii%:lll,lti ell en 0 t,cl , ..etinrva t t .I,‘l 1 :nee. WI I t `n t , It 110.11, kn.l tllvrt,Ror, to :v.• I. • regular tnalt dichleutl, k stocitclit toetel nt :Ito per cent per annum'k 111 , o:loel.nre , :o•lnev.!in If the earnlng, Lpf the : nnt the -nnue..l • "The genialmecllll.,t ,04-41,1•1", •, • ' •••••, cure la February next, svnea t•t" -•1! fee! .111 : be re:clef...l to in :he lepint :1 ~•:,••elt., t.y ^,%-• •'•I •• :•••• t. I••IIT• %I • Itoar, •ti , l not of ee,:p or pa pr , •3il-.... ett, rorztt,tor, they pz,,pese let tue., amormtv yvt. t,el-.,,ttie•t. it p,y the ..feeklee,l , extr, •I en td- atLer they Itue ate: t`.e ~ Inveeted e•Ault.ruclnt WO/ rt.1 . 1121.111.ta Ot needfril pieele lee to , ot the 111,. Un t o -seertill. , ,lt,alon e 11.e.6 „. you u lli Una th,litlalleY Loactl bo „, terent of ',Very riltt , ./1011 , ...r, .I 1 c:ty I'llll.,llpute. " 4, i M .1-, : •tou,trt • e• • ' P•r, I c • =CI irro. L rim Tbo }oral u,: ere .lukt to- , lny, the upet,th. , eomrntAttie, beit,2; very uit,:ti rv•Luetud,nti %/MC I.ut friv pr:ec• 11.1 , 1 Withouty.lol:o , ll, elotthre, one Other. • linAlN—Wheat to tient n t uneltansn'd• ss••• of I etre prima Winter at 41,,, • Is yield td•12,•••1. Gat. unit. Innn ply i•ut unchanged at Is to iet, On •ne, the 11,1161 wIVILIICe ntort.. hat I, etelitn,es eery awl le,/cent. appears in he aisdd the hest offer that can I.e Mounted, tlantgi., holders generally, are asking '•:• to 11. - Lora is e•eiking In pretty freely, itnd e nn 1••••, at ra ta7s. on track. triton Pent. :se, •11,10 e its „selling lit 41,, to 41,st YISWIZ—The market ratite: ilrmer,ll,••• tin re Is no Improvement ton••te• 1•• the d mand. Wo•rontlnue ytote at 411,:n to 4i fo• • tow glade s•prltt4 Wheat; 4Ml.,it I, tutor gore! tod.a; tlytor t% Inter le neat,and fr. ' • , .. to 417-for fanny ',amis. ICS" Yinnf I.seti•ng ing at 4, to 47. Bur ka heat at 41 to • per owl. lit/l/6-I.let, Hogs are tirto nit•l', a shade • higher, sae, neing reported at tat, Cent: al Yards at O t to for hug to gots! atierage. Dressed flogs May te, uolrci t•• e One ignite packers bought-73 Itea•l of l) use,: 110 ZS ta.day, avera,nfig if I,l,:ttS Mely. the market Is 01111 ti. 0.1 i1rf..1 , 11”, t. Iran port 11. th: of Ona car, haled at hit nne ttt 47 , anti a tiny deallq assure , ' us that he soh! 001. Mg - n4l I,W/ xt4 r. Al . 11!,.::::::, ;I}t n :ILI n A•nn.:1.11...t t::I, ki. 1,1,0,1 Art Inon. rrlt als—lnglili.: od.•• al ...., i 4 , .;1,1 to • r4l: to [, . , tAa./ 1... , ' 1 . ,, iL , .1 e1. , .:r., ::::ItIII n I:I , ' , lnn , r.. 1.1 nu.., nn ~LIA..: :::::.:: 4,,4..; in•l'in,:::.:. iniTATI)I...-I,ntttnn.. 0,.....51v. 1., .1.:1! I:. -s., - . , ..:.5e,..:...:-:.:1Z.`,... -- k:55i5.:....74.......a .11:rnan.1 bennt v4.:y lizna..•:,, ark.l ..,: a;,1:11.,,,. aro a bhaTlo 1,,,,, a , •,,,, 10.1.4 i:'• f. 17 . .t?' A .Qll T 10 %I'uf i. • - i iv ~ , 6 ri: at ttn Om tnr vi1nt..1...:.1: Inn,. i, An.... - . i L.:,:tl, ,! _ i 1 /,„, . , , •,. , k..::::n—Tlintu 1511 , 3 lAill, 1.11 1/1 Ili, ,aril,tl., '":T.737ria' 4 . T . 100 no InAno:::::: lIL ln ....... ::: t i., .I Fr..l: :lank,: :nal Len:lnt:Ant 2! to ::... Itt..T . l`Elt—/.. In mit. ,I,..agEti but tto, ...And!, , II) % N . l; IIN i 0.1,10\ Vii.oith• Is utnt:ln unit tn.:. rreelpto I than,l p r ,,„,. ,„ I it : " i , iji , i . i ' , 'l l : ' I : , rholt, Roll may le quo', II :, ,I to,: ~. stl,ls—Flu.is ...I, ts In A.A.lt :I..rtntn.l, 1.0 i_j_ - ‘,- - i., ~,..;,. (f',-,...,T .- 11 V.,. NO 1111,1 110111 111 (11,00 01 T111:0111.. ..,1“ "' , I 11 , 1 -- t — .._/,'.`s ~7 anti Senrccl3 eno Atl: .1::::::; to ..5tu1..11,1: .t. 11,.- Ars 11”1, ,r.,11. It I I, nisrs..•turc flow.. sl./II.:111.:// —I. .Inll 1..1t unclnnttr.l-,,,,,,:: ti/'l'T ' "s" kW.. i A P.l'r. I I if ,t , ., ,itl,r at :.5 1f0,,r, the . oitl4l , lo liguro. ,rr 0; ,ra.. PITTSBURGH PE Mtlt li El 01 , 11C1_07 . 711E PITT,ILIIOII Ir nw I. 1[1:01 —lller, in nu linionvnnt to not,. the gcucrid toe, of CI, ' ,tonne, anA tit/4;1111th., which have pthealled !OK :th, pot are 'alms -I 0 a • history of the trade—at partleular ainti-on Si the yv,ir. The thindat - ,- • florin in Grutle fora , vech Pad! have 1101, I IL .010r00 1 / 1 ) . 11;40, 11.011 while !l t: ou In too offering, tllld IX, to offer sa the apht, outiode of that 11l 1. there • si l'ul I Wanted, Other by refiners or cl ah epberS, antl prices are entirely nominal,. We lino,: but a Millalo nolo to ropers Policy, hhri. 01/Id returned, and or hoot'• at tic, Inelottol. too hear nt tiro let of tha thoneatel barrel!' 111,01, being offered Miele° • cents, for neat dial's; delivery. the buyer to advance ono dsluir per barrel. UM,' /NED—Theis 011400511 dolitory'spera lion in bon de d oil loslor that we csulo hear of,aini sen!le the 010 00 et id dull 411111 0, gleeteti, priced are unehanged-41'Il lo It ell on board care here, and '. , 10 . 4 0 111111V1:1,11 fu r 11111010411114. The speculative feeling 'which prevailed - In ' , oust extent. tea - /1111 c e. oppeurt. Ititvo slob ,I xunll, and a great umuy Sperater I ate ui f ioile!, gudject with Ilse lootint,..—to.portutty ! who have gone Into unfortunate specula: lon_ „re'any of I lossi. i s 1, 1 ,0 pule tipialry for free col, and , : „ este ' madder!l bromic, at 1.: to Ile, for :City aim one tutted barrel lota. aidlnglo arrival to report, fifty , barrels shulith'd Ferry” fur Gallagher ,t :nat. =CIEIMM The tonna - int: thou' the routintratta 0 ree , lpte of dour and grain at the putt, ur :TOY:au:we. lhtctan, Tule.!o, Daunt:. out Ulevelanctlyn January lat. to Deconlier -• toe lea anti +V, EMI Wheat Cum.. Oats . 861107 Totals grain PU...13 dour... ad CIVa..O It AO, DI•cl.111/..,..1.—W11.,. 14'2 , IllgUer, I,high, lout Itt IMO .: Na'. Or i t ttc .. Iso. I. Pori' 41`;:: C.l-11 I-. larlawr t, I I YlartLa... 111, 1, c . esl vvry ow; la.tandAd :11.• IVI•. ,11,101) 1111 t /131,1 , 1. 1!““er. ^,..-cp 1/1 fAIr . 13.:111ti at .L.i, al M1(1 111 t 01101:11.1. I I ~1, 111M/117S 21Y 1111LH11.111. P1TTP3,6014, EY,cn ~l ' Araad Culo•arbil I slss.. $ Nr , ll l l, r, TOO •.1 I L.,' - !!!•.!1.1!. I! II :- Iff .1 CO . 1. f. • i•.', : 1 .1 if MME=MI=I=M=I I= bbls. J,11,7.161 bush +7{.9;55 - 5`;7, . : .... .35.5,57.41,5 27,74 , 1.47 , ...- —15,1,1.535 11,104.115 2,056,03 T 1,772,U5 . 5.1,1-CIASI 7tt,lto4,otzt buttU. 1141.3,0 t I= 12.,.'. !or I:. a V% tut, t ort ,otet "11. i 1.1111 Nlll' 4 .1(.• I =IBM 11,.. {s' i ..... .. {t i t.. i.. ~. INE II- ; ,‘ .• .tr ; , ME ME ME f i !,!!!!,-,. I: ! BE =I .71 r ,4 1 t 4 SAL T MANUF, , _ 1J C TT J IM.; p 1 1 4;-, I= =I F.HT I yr, n c:APEILIOR OA Ei TANN CD, PAI ICIIED AAII ItIVET F,, LFATIIER BELTIT; AND I!0!T, • 4G5 Rebecca street, -'4L'''S.rl:4-I‘l. I'll-t-lESE3. - ALLEGIIENV I'ITV. Corner Liberty and St. Clair Sts., utooti W 111470“. C0rt13.1,2. , ull4 Cilitir Coven)! ~,,I rjr, ., • , A ,1, 1 ,:i r ,,! ! ",Z . ,.,,',' . j,...1",...., 1 , ; ..!f;,.', " ;,, N ,;;‘, '',',!;•V,.',.'„: 8 1 ;,' 4 ,; _ . , `l.t.tosn'ErLy_i-g.13., •,„,... ,„ ,„ ___2.21.T...1 t, yrallea a,: nrglar,rol Witlimit unv.cking. aat,•n.k..l :,.. GiiE.Vi . IIEI'OLIIION IN 'I HE 1 TPINCOTT & "iIiEWELL D / N00.13:1a.n.1 137 Third Street, TRADE I , 111 F, INII ED ATI,. Lii 1 . _ i -1111t1; , ~.1.4.1,N IA , 11A m PA..% I. , 1,11, An ; i q - A ...,s ..1. 1d : a ~. ~,, „,, ~ Al. , 14.1 wen 1V,,0 , ! ands[ ifi.1,1.1.1.,. • To , Oa" ''', a '''''.• 'n , Ca'''-'. • '','' I''' , ,' .."''''' . No. 118 Water - Street, 1.1. klli. !: .., to ‘, ll'. ,-,...., 1 l'i., (~v, , Int, an,' :11Etn4 tip 1.1.0, .r. .r •,,,,,-,,•.- 1,,,,, i , " , ~.,- • '... , "'"''-':"•-, ',. .' ''''''''' '''''''''''''''. "A. I rii.',"..l,derilca,,l .ou 1 I ^AIM, altenlloll t.l AN Int 121. n. S. r k.u.,l ', . '' ... "' T '''' ' G 7 pit° 1 DIV l'i s 1:',X(11.4", GI; I I N"FIII: ',I til Tl' It of TIIE ES- , 1,, 0., ..,,,, it ~,,t 1.. t,,.,. ~, ~„ ~6,„,„,,,,,,,,,, I : %5. .. , ::: ,, 1 4 1 T r 1 : '1 1 . .1.T ' E l l ! ) , 2 I, /V Ili Cb , • • 1 I , A., , ~, - ~,, , ~ •-• .11, dr,.. --. I. N”. 17 , -,h , •...,41 1, , 21,,,,,,,... t .., ti... , ,,,,,t , ~, thLI: 1,,,, In: , I. rn,. 1 , . , ~ I nt.• (111 . ' • _:1.. IL ' ItE r 'lsl 3 .ll l lJ/11.11111T, H,..11t W. 11, Po q 0U1.1... An 11,, I . ,11.,trIbt.t• . “M1,...11... 1101. 1,1; 1, 1.1 „,,,,,,„,, . h.,..,„, ' M ILL Ali II Cn05......u 7 ' ' ''''' ' `"'' ' ''''''''''' I. '''"' "' "''''' t . . " t.)'..:' '" : ". "inV:.., ' ' ' ,; ",' ; ' ,r ,. . l'n",..T.' . :!.'n c•-•,! ...,.. ~.,.. Al, ~. ~ ,r„ k,, , i ,, , , ~,,, ~ ~ ~ • '''''' ' t i ''''', " '.l.."l ' ."l: • is,:;-'1 . , : t.1 " ........(‘ 4. ~T 1,,, IN l'inl l', firli W.) SIIITIIFIiLD Sig.' 201 ' ' " ' IlLe '" " I • : A' . , or; 1" ;;'1'..... 1..... 4 ...r u.,.1. ',...1, k. " 7 ! ar.a .- 5 . .its . t.P , at ',Si w :l t , • ' . i , r :CALL:OIIEL. . 0 Latiirr: Dlllll'.g T' ' oolllii 2 Story. ~,...• ''' ~,,,,,,"“ L' "" '"'''''" t" , " - "'''''' .. : ...',.., -... 'Cm, 411, t: A't ~".... :Pilo', ~I,N. 1, (I•ltiltA ILOILEII 11011/is. ..1. t,..,...,: !. • , ••,, .\lt si 11.311. tl, ''• ' i - I I ~., •,...... • , 1- 5'e1.... , • ••••' , !• 1,,,,,, ,•••••;•..... XL:ll' I'APEIt lIANGLNI,S. MORRi)Vi it BAIINIIILL, • ~•• „ ..,..., ,:::.., ~. 1 , .1 , ..,,i .! mt aLlt . ti,. 4,1 ,_.„ ‘. •.• •.•''''''''' • i FU11,1 . .11!1.01:8 — k rtn , ..1.11 , ..,1,0,. n1;:t ~.,, , a E L . r . ndi,,r. , ,:,.... 1 -itH.1..11!.P.A1i1E..-n...1,1-4 P...t1.,,n, e m t,,,,. „,,,,,,,! .I.IIIIATE DISEASES. , ._ FM: 11ALL5-N e.r. 1.,... 1. Pa...“ ,ro‘ , nd• DP- loI'!",.11.0, or nii.d,i,•.r:a.) , p ,al .•11.\M11EV...:-1.,t 0...1 1'....11n l'at:o.rna N '' 75 T ''''' ` ''''' ''' ':' ''''''cr , ' , o , a., rri , For the erre 01.11 .11t.114.' sGt • rrlvatt. natn re, In ! over darl. wr.,14,!.. , val. 1 , 1.., a.p.: wlthttni, th0,,,,,,',.. • , from twn Lt, Ir. AL', .an entlirly new and .ata , /or aa , 1 , 1 .. W. P. MAI.,IIAL 1,, '''''''''''''''''''''' ' '' , m ,,,,,,,,- an , tre. , atn,, AI., :-..61,.1 . NI esant, and all other , a , . • ,11.,...• of ..:. Urinary Organs. I, tr. ak teent io: . , i , n . 4 , ,;i 0 , ~.„.,,i,,,, ,;. g , n ,, ~,,,,,.,.,,„„,,,,,,,. 1 , the "tr.t. ~. In, Vic wort ....t,,,, r , , s ,,- , ”,ploped , j.•',”:',. Wrarran - t.,1 or tr..n:ey 1,10[1.1. 1.. ' • ' -' A LI.IEGIIENT I'iTIC irtm LB Alsdi If.. ~,,,,,,,.... I t, i • ..:y ~ urt to Ow adll. tol. ~,,,- , .,,,,,,._;,,,0,,. to. 1 , , to .an , a to ar. . , -. 5 . Lad., w511,1111,1,,/,1,,, 11 . DUI'. 2'1,...,111 • ~..., .. ~ ~,..• tt. '.• ~.” .••••.. •-•• • ~..•. • ; FEND la r d - 4± 1 ...."0, • - ~,,, prcparatlon P.r , Illn , lng I.k, to LI. b':.''' , ' .....r" .. . 2 ''''''• ,`", 1, t ,,, 1 , 0.1ar .. 1.21.0 t Itt FLOUR: 4,1)11N 11 - IEALI • S. C. M.cItIASTER &.- CO. „, ~,.. a., ..,i; 1, four dwrre,., ^1.1 , .:x •tr, an I.' i . y „... ~,.,„ , ,f• -, L r „,a,p,,,,, ' , ln" , i'"r °,,,,,'., ~,, a, 1.1, 1 ) , ; ,, 1 . ' Lt....n:t: .eilan.t.t . d IV..ter Ni beat 1.1.,n,. NO. 1:54 (Di io St.. Allegheny. ~...! , ao o. du Wltulea•!.. •ndDeoltraln • t 'Lice tocrlS A. ~... ID 5 r. 5:., rr.v,in a r. el• pa., ri' Flut.,, 1ir,.5,5',1,.,1:e tra. o, Floor. "X".<s.:sci .312 G 5, 3-,r5.1.5.5.. ~ :. , . , 1 . 1%. „ 5 . ..1 .. . , 71 , [4. ,, : ,, , . , ..fi ra p ,. , Dn. r”:1,,L., No, ;5 , ~,,, i .,, , ,,, , ,, cowl p+ ll for V{. ties.t ana nee. , ; 04 ~F,,,t , c,,,,,?1i, a 1, ki, n,. .41,4 ; - .) CASICS MADDED, Dutc .' l:7 ' l; — ; ,l i u"ck..tri°''' . 10 I,J I, vato '1..• . 00 Ybr•Lib by Ott ) . A' Y AG.- At 1.11 1 e c 0 i 1 1 ,Y1%. , T 2. -,.. 111 i ii ' po..l str bt . . . ' GEORGE A. lint.l.V 0 CO.. Oct. Wholt,alt Uru,gistt. 57.wrod street. - 4 ., • ' . Ectivm,Ktit ' iLlyr,. i 5050 Wholosle /Attar:. 07 Wood arv.t. I R. "'Stir!! by PHELPS 87. ,CO. 3i. •t HARTLEY 1.,47 0 . 11M .13e1 tiii MEINIMII=I 6: l'. VIK/lIIKtI,EIt. i , tleIG,Ol, I . ".1."'"""LE" ' I '' ' ''l"'"'. _ PRIV All: DISE:I!%.EF. -- , I . A i (rITICE ::..V.i PAN: , tSTILEVI. rear 1.1...1, .1 , 1,11 ,11111. 11.1.11,N ;,.;,1,1 l llulw or .11ii Z.1,111.[ • elll.lra,rbla 5,11,0 "..!. 1. I .1140.1, /..1.1 ‘...0.1!!! ..!. ! I•• I r.Sio ‘1... e• (LUNT. L..,1 1.... I.! !sow ~, ffi Ml= "1"..1..“rakw. I. - .t, STEATIII3OATS. Fon into. MEMPHIS . A. ‘• .1. El., A .t Arl. BANKS AND BANIEE!IS BANKING SE. N. HOLMES & MU g,. No. 57 1111thET zNTREET, Pittsburgh. • JAMES I. BENNET, President. STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES , ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ilun:sht and sod On Commission, tiRTiIUR BELL, Sec'y and Treas'r, =I • UNITED - STATES SECUIIITIES. •;:;s:'a n ANT. W. K. \ 1111 CH. • I N1'1.1•1 , 15 4 1 • NIII rler. kL ta tni,ll" MANUFACTURERS BREWERS MALSTERS a. HOP DEALERS V,111•11./1- ..... J. DI-ST ORKi.S. A. BRADLEY & CO C3CK,•PAP.I.OII AHD HEATING STOVES.. tue n • T101!'1,, n,l 0[,44- 11. I ALES AND PORTER. It RAI I.; I.:HONTS, ht , h.^l K Icmr,f le.l. , ctlorl ,11" MO fr., a„,l r„f land 1 V1:10" . ' art,ti• ) \ - ;;I k 'r. .t Lie' • ' • , . uTtarrpt• 41 - Ir. •11-I,:ner, peno-atar .• It :tve tl.t . lr or,l t, AS it, McLEAN tr, STATOR, " • ""• • Unrua nf V,av barly' h.F. No, S 3 Librrty St., opposite Fourth,' ,44....ur.st . n . tinlis Or JANK , 44,11111 in . a7 CABINETi MAKERS' 11A_RDIVARE " /11,141C1mi1f..14 . Ditm 4r4 114•••44 , 4 t 4441 Phut 144 .4,t4 44.11 , 446, :.44.4444. nolon T 441 44.„,„, 4 „ tn. 4 ,1 „,4141t041 ; i4-. And 4.4 4 ,4 c44„4.tat4tly 4 4 „„„„ it }..,1 I 1!1', nn'. .1.4.4441•4, 4. ) . 4,4.p/44.11A , 4 4.1.14:14”41.4 t :lc 1.4 A 4.cntrln 4,44. h 4 , 44 , 4 , 4 4, 4...4 • • - 4I• 11. It 4 4,4••urC of l'4lllo-1.441t 'end Butt 114.,4 tir144,1.- • 4 ;4 1t.,44.4, N 4,04 ciplte, 44t.4 SPRING - WELTER Pi./.20 j • , f .44riti .‘!4r, ,: x. , 1•1 ,, 1 L 4 . ...“:44 ~1',4444n44't44:,4',444' 4. , .14! Hardware & Cutlery. „444., avor 114 r t!44.4: pat- . Ar„ now r,ct•ls Ingll,4re n.l4lttlono In our sto,k, mam - r= C/Cb.. which 14..4 . 4C'ere , L to 1/4.441ers H . 4 . LANCE:, WOOLEN DYER AND scounEß, , I . , r ....1 ;•1 ; .•N eta flit oco to tie rt...;raTr2 ~, I AI:: I ! 4 ISM ry ,r Al;:t -Irt• 1 , •• • t• • or- G. , " MUCCC.r.:SOL:Ia TO ioNn.• EIYiD e‘l,l • .tileututtlrerl• - •.I th hrrtretnrrl efot • iltt , r e , •11:1,1, fr,” aL , I of ell tia7 Ptst“, fi.te, rori . St,cl. L. 61. otti (Or'Ca • :11h, ail,• , REAPING AND MOWIN6 MACULNES, wu~(0'1 1...1.0et of ./2.. - I.oots : . . . I', v. ~.,,. r• : 1 , ,..e. Ceti avid Common Plungth and Spring Stcel, • •• ,•. • kddrr..,. ..... . 1, - , • ~.“, PITTSBIin GIS =GM, °lnce, No. 2 llerehaut.s' Hotel, CDR, THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS c.x.x.x . osort.rit • . _ . plirrsistr.4:u ►tctEWl: Et4 CARSON, DARLINGTON & CO., = =9 =ED Muth it ard, Pittsburgh. I=l Eugittes of Cry De,,riutiolk E=l I= mcat!.m=Ol !tail rv>d Co Kings Bolling 11111 Caqing tc,fne C.tirkg4 nrol , =111113828 ORDERS SOLICITED. pITTSQUEIGH fdiNEEL WORK ANDERSON, , COOkl • CO., -TEST PLOW WI !MS. SPRING:A. ZLIELLN CIIP..7ELLALM, rte.; ,PCce —Comer or Fire: awl itoes ctreeto, two bloats Woe,: the .11ohotthohela Uouse. . MONT,BLANC FOUNDRY, Blitler Street, Math - Ward, OE= x rx• se 3z3 S. ROLLING MILL AND BRIDGE CASTINGS. .11CflINLIII'AND CISTINGS CENEMLLY: promptly an. 3 rare tally eaecat e d. . BLE. •EBJERT 8 MACKLIND CRESCENT STEEL WORKS MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL Warranted Equal to any In the Starke e"""t". 4 " . - ; ‘ ,M . :f:f . D . °mettle ErkciAL ATTSN'ItONCAIO TO FINE CAST (Alice, 38 Wood Street, IN e T. CILAIILKS HOTEL I,I.IILDING Prr,.1.11. J u 10,:t10 IIUQULSiIL IRON AND STEEL. IVORIiS. H.AILUAN, RAIIX & CO„ Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH, EPRING AND IL B. STEEL, 6.0, Nom. 77 Weator =tweet, fmiED.IL.P.. L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., =I Nuking and Heating Slues, lINDLLOW WAKE, &c., =V= Warehouse, 197 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. IVOILKH. MANCRESVY it. t1,21;12i 1.1,-"Lit IL) B. WOLF, ,TR., & CO., cr MANt•T.ic rt :i[ti, Steam' honer,; Oil Still'. .igltaturs. Tanks, Salt Pal, Gsscm<t IV reoglit MISIZI CoaNI:11 AND SECOND STS., PITTSB P.a. B-1.11.11. DIAMOND "in7C:73.:47.1. - T fIFICYPTWR ra ,natzetcr.rz lEEE C 11..7. • e 6, 1 V.,taron, slsec NVarra;:to Lo nny In.p.,!,l,Laketuran...-d SiTOCIve wad wateLouse, So. 10 su , l lilltrft. sal 1.13.6.t0nd inns% ritt.barst. 01174 BAR, BOILER, SHEET i3ELe=vrQr, NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Warehouse, 73 Water & 90 Front et. PIT'TSCULIGII, e.21.1[15 KENSINCTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK , , MILLER. President Best Common,ftelined atorcoOl inzumme IMMEME! PITTSESZIRCIII • •••• IIIttESNE AND WEST POINT IlttrN F411:4,E, , PITT,Itt:I46II. rnia urvturr. of 1 , 1 ,,, KA. t `t. , m , .ont whart, L.Pccrs, rIttIIAL n.l Loco:Boll, ork. TI., Tand,rl.le led it[4%[1.1111...- busloesa ftirnl•ti..r.lk.r. 1eptr...tc....1 Vlcrt. 11T.1,111t r.Y1.%! • HAIGH a Ist ! GEO. F. SCIOCCOMAN S. CO., PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS, ,TES,I . I ITT: , :114.1 . E1::! E:TAB I I'L• ur Tlik Mo, 11,r, • r 7l ` f ° ; • • XX • r . 1 . 7. 1 E 1 3E4173E1.121rN1, =I Juniatn Bloom Iron. %lEU'IIANT EA IL ROUND an.l SQUARE LEON 111” 1. LAND. Tarp( ANGLE .IR!)N. BOILS:: PLATE Ind 111 EE IRON. . • 'WEE ar:IIIti.A.PEIIIIA.II 3 . . C) LINI)EIt atvl GUARD (At FINGER IRON VALI. T Ll 3, II rand 1611.3. IO inc 7.1.1. W1101.1;11'1' CHAIRS :AIRES for same. FLAT Co..tersuuk.• COAL. aCILEEN IRON. NMI, WA And Na. r, Mart:el stn. rAGo, W•rd, adjululnog WOl PRt,tur<::. ORSYTEVS STANDARD SCALES, .i2,2:..e<c+, Cops - lug PresNes, it'archome Tructo±, Baggage Barrow's,' :§itg - ar &c FORSYTH, TAYLOR 6, CO., 5e2,.e5 39 tLARILET STREET. 111 E FORr; PITT POITNDRY. CHARLES KNAP NI:IitEIVS DEAN V 0121.BNAliCE MtME:=M=MMI W"lt 11.F1'A I Itti altd/rdit.l to proaLtlty. lAth.taort..ll, hhtt u.ht.rtt.l3 wilt al.rays to tta..d et dit. Foundry. tlnving dlsynt,d of out old pidt.trus. weave pro rikred, mod' At.lo It.II4tOVED pstt coo httut,.l und, cupt.rv,lot. of' Mr. F. ' l' • PILL:Ith S ALL AIAVISIS E.S at thord no9t.u. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. CILLBLES F. GRAHAM & CO., rocretors to 6211 I.IIIaIA.H CO Engine Builders and :Machinists, =I • Oil Engines, Oil Tools, Ar. , l rvervbmg na-retury for Boring We ll s. act-nt,o rutia to Fitting .p dtmfltog .0. , ••• &c• :4.1.r10il A venue, 1:111.tr Ft. W.&. C. R. It. nzr.tuilso IMISE Rupp at'Sil. VALLEY bTOVE ITORICS. ALLEN. M'KEE & CO., OAcc sad wrehnuee , 01LIberty Street loppusite SmithSeld, &)(fl TI great varlet,' Lf COOK, KWH. brOVE, among ' , Lich are lLe tn,l - ..116n1t0r Coal Cool:Inc ,Stayen; also, the Aritocrat 'and e,ent:Lei for coal or wer,,el, atel the usrlralled War of the EcnOre. (or weeel; a:ao, Are Les. Grates, endsra, r'ss[•• Kettles pE•rnoLt.t :IL4CIILNE R. S. M1703Er."1.7', Sm. Sll Ohio 81.reet,Alles4en.T I= I.IIPROVEII ROHM; TOOLS. ANL) PLT.TI/111S11 USE) , IN N1.! , ..1.1N11 OIL ANI , SALT IVF.LI.M. Particular att.rittlon tool:.,) 01.1 proven...cnts In Jar, and .I°llll, made or Junlatto, and I,w 510, L.,. In ....lard sizes. and nun...l - wt. t ll.at parts can b., ordtr,l by matt or t,l,raplk, Sod 4.00.1. t....rtc.ct tit at ad darts: Wea:.r, turniet. St. to on, who tuay what It. Engl. s sod machine work made to ordrr. Ord. :a by :2;11 pn.lntir att.:t2.le.l to . at:: pr0.par....1 to errant 1..0.1“... otlit•rmanutsc ttireta lt.r tLe.c Irnprovcrtents on 111)cra7 ,rtas. Box Alltlmeny P. U. IL 11. LEVEY. PITTSBURGH WORKS. . J. PAINTER & SONS. LIANI:TACTUAZW. 0? Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, • to Md. Prrri4l3l./HOII. PS T IRON CITY MILLS. • ROGERS & BURCHFIELD, 311nuns., , rers ;Sr . • ICEYINEII,IIIA I:COAI., JUNIATA & POLII‘liEll 13 MK XI M. 1" Urrit 0,1., WA.l.ouus. No. 2W IIAIIKET tST. _ . 1.117.}, IV. D. Pr...KU r. 1/LLll,} LA BE STEEL WOILIO• ..ML . MX • I7 3 3.FL eAtt CJCO. t,rers t,iT Vl. " .ll 'rax lL.L3Ttti cauw BAR , . ac, I.w .WAT It nTL EKT . c GP:.1.,a312a t: EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., P • I 11 - I.OlNi Vo7CiTiai:S. '!•1 4 9t!P:?lt.
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