r ETtc V:ii) st , 111 BATES*RELVS BATEss:BEivs ~......,.GEN.EAL.4OpoIof, FOR;-:THE:IIOIMAYS.' El 13 Merinos, Empress cloths, Poplins, Tartan Plaids, Poplin Plaids, Victoria Cords, Evening Silks, Dress Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Balmorals, Plaid. Flannels. BATES & BELL'S. BATES & BELL'S. & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. WOR.B. IMMO, JCWiL CASB. ‘ __ WATCH AND STS. OIGAB aTalnap. CARD BAS_KITS, ' TRAVELING BAGS, 81NCIAZL41. . ALBUMS, ite 2IIBIKILDICIIIIO3, L LOES, • tiLNDE I ERCHIEra, eCi rr 0, HuciIERY.AND GLOVES ONNT , I9 rnIINISI NO GOOD% ZlrtlYll MOMS N MO N DS, NUBIAN AND SCARPS. 1100? bigrais. • wATEROAL . Etorekemous mill find It to Melr sulrantairo to Su art Melt Stock from our Wholesale Deparhnent. NEW GOODS JUST DECEIVED aErsr JOB. HORNE CO. BOJI'J►-it 8 4XD 11.1 ITS, leatlag 7111115tytes. . . .. Cti tes sad M Przsms.. s grili Taatryarlored ank g la mot 11 shades; nwy Boa: Mara. ' d m :lV:fru:ma ' t eil ' l r rly= at ay bet mod tansy. 3112&233iii:CiltizaER slam, . saaartada Cambri lLd a, HalatCialcahr drua tia. Loma. Char. Tani. b grati d lia r Wits Can, • ta. Lama and Goods. esßael aadaoat Tiinodan sad Oraastaatal . Hail 111 . 41121:11$ sad Braids; DtarVtlikWiscTraul: A mast COM plate stock of Jaw:Lett, Cambri a. ta., da. asadlier*Wialsft, _cetr•stitabed Ilem- Val m erlavee r". BeMe". arla "4 " I" Sada* . and tient,sit.. ,7 and -- • Nurssl3Aitso Goods: Inurpenders sant Naebales: Heavy MIMI and Draweng u nTlez,Bon-Ton and ELL II eon mums. 91W4s—thear.....0 I=ito"Agrenrkl7l.k. stet winYo Cashmere, Lamle Wool sad - 1 - - -arg In alienations salitares. Odd Word mad Tandom. . . . Bears Pout:Ulu% sett. erenthhte In the Ho tter hos. Priem as ow ea intern Jobbing Howes. , Neallf bad 79 Market derma Grams FIVIRIVISHING GOODS. HECLICEB SHIRTS, SlTUdin abuts, Silk Underw ear, • Merino Underwear, - Wool Underwear, Merino Half Hese Sbaker Knit Half Hose, French Suspenders, " AlROlitill Suspenders, FAxcir mum. ways' piss, E scum luxasonxesT. nrrross, LINED ADD pumas commis & awe, DO INITA'IIOIS LINT DO LINEN AND NILE assugnrrs. F.H.EATON, 17 Fifth St. del ;'CARLISLE, , 19 Fifth Street ...MAGSWICaIr 110LIDAY.PitEBENTS. illotijewAil and Wort Basely %OWN. Eszdtkereblefasid, ulareltoxes; • Elena:. Pertain/n ills:Alt • . • Ober steads add Preeilm rw.. Bl t si gtr y Ellie Nome* Wolbtami Rage on or We ires ' I t Id erderm e lVallme ° 6l3 ' Mold sod /embroidered lisellterebielb; MClo tb andEld tiloreM iiVrert=t ',Tar = m ute elect;- Ear Noes, a new Citing/zeal-LIMBO Are Bola Agents La tbis ell,. for the LOCE9I 00D CLOTH LINED • ND ALL PAPER COLLARS. libarp's Patna Tap and DUeetton Labels; Eirar .5 Moulded Paver Wises; TM fl i ntsrli in trtit ig ,.lZraiste ' e to it; • Brailley•ls Hooter Elliptic Skirts, all suer To Dealers at Mannrecturers. Prices; Zahnoratelarts. Car satire Mock at LESS. THAN HALT THEW CO M ST ER . CHANTS AHD DICALLPS will End our priers sena reduced. and 'natty Articles at less talinrest. In otdcr to close out. ' • Ladles and Gentlemen srlstilny to mate Holiday Presents oflt And titan, useful and gettable articles NteaterliadosedPrims. 'ALtolllllti W OABLIBLE, _ WHOLESALE DAY GOODS. •ARMITIINOT, SHANAON 4 CO., N 1.113 Wood SI., Pittsburgh, Nue Luray and retells% full assatment of DRY GOODS IND NOTIONS, Which they offer at EASTERN PRICES The Attention of -Dealers is Invited. AzurnIZOT..W. T. ILEUXION.J. Q. 61121110111011 delo OfCCANLDESS & G AIIIE LTA Wu.sox. Cass C 0..) CO.,- IiVILLOLMBAIXI DMALMAJI 13 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY ODOM we. as woos gat,. "Intrina b °"" xana " MailllUi f t. PA. OrMAYOR OF ALLEGBFAT. JOHN 31011111801 be • eatable:A for re-elect/on to the Mayo's, jaw; object to the action of the Iltilon Republican /1 . pun' of 114 Malststo , 1 glesll9g, ds+9.3 nOI aasartausat *I SMUT PINSOIECK ItIES. Er= 1 AND TO WHICH NOTICES. • Tzarnittdeviix,i, D. e. 14 h, UB. THEANNUAL ELECTION OF TWELVE TWOISTLES 4.1.4 01,1)-FELLOWS FUND Abldet&T/ON. WI3I be held 16 their HALL, In lamperalleevllle. JANUARY Ith. 1867, at 6 o'clock P. Y. der7:66l .NO. BBTANT. Beereta•p. FIRST • • NATIONAL HANK OF PITTSIII7II6H.—The Annual ilettlon for Di rectors of the PlEllt Di ATIONAL BANK will take Place oe TInemDAY. . 111112 ..7 SIC /W. at t4h Bank. between it o'clock N., and 1 O'clock P. Y. BOULLY, °nobler. • GEILMA X ZIATIOWAT, BANK. I P1TT1131771011, December MD. 1812• _ AN ELECTION FOR NINE DI =MOM, to serve for the ensulna year, will beheld at the BANKING HOUSE. on TVESD.I,I/. January Sib, WI, between the hours of 10d. x. s nd Tr. as. doll • • Cl„ A . E • • LT: Ashler. THE bsCOND BATIO*AL B Ai:a' OF j ALLSGILC6Y. December' Bth, IS 6. 1 M'AINNVAL ELECTION FOR ontana tills Bank will be Bold on . TIBUIDALV.' J./NBA/tit Sth, *Moen Ina luaus of A.V., and ir. at. at Ike Ltaukinif BOOM. U. DAVIDOON. tlaabler. PIOPLI'S NATIONAL BAWL Ptrzentrnou, Decent:or ath. J. I : ELECTION NOTICE.—=An Elect- thin for Berea Dlreetore orthls Rank, to serve tot the esSuinic Tear, will be held at the. Rank, lin TUINDAtw, Januar° elk. UM. between the Donn of II a. R. and Ir. aenspis P. M. GORDON, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ALLTAIIIVIT. • Ataxautten, PA., Leo. Ink, we: I THE ANNEAL ELECTION FOR DIZZOTOBB of this Bank, will lane place at the HOUng, on XtrV3DAP,..Janeary . 11th. 11167, between the boors of It A. x. wadi r. w. dett:pet JOHN P, ItitAWEit, <Adder. Absiamearr Nme.u. ?mammon, Decem mx ber Inhale. r THE ANNUAL ELECTION - OF DI RECTORS of this Bank, will take Pleat at the Banking Roue. en TUESDAY. Jabber/ Ith, 1567,. between the hours aril A. Y. andsi, v. delt:pta B. W. 'MACKEY. Cashier.' tlaiow NA:towel. TUNS, t • PITTSBURGH. HeSezaber lab. 5165. AN ELECTION FOB- NINE DI. RECTUMS, to acre foe the ensuing tear. will be held at theBASSING HOVE& on VP:1311./kr, January 6th, Us; between the boats ofl,l.a t and IP. X. da10:yoll . EL BIRTH. Inox CITT NAVONALAmy or Pirrsncnou, f I Prrraircon, Deo. 1 , , 1878. THE ANNTIAL ELECTION FOR DIRICTOBII OP THIS BANS, w l / 1 ml 4 on TUESDAY, January Mb, 1887. between thi hears of I ana I:0310a r. N., at Cita Bantam, aatarral•T ' JOHN MAGOTPIar. Culler; I /LICILANaIt BrArtottaL BANK OP Prissausumor PlieleitrhOn. PA, Dec. Uhl. 11 TaANIMAL ELECTION or Dl= ittFOTOSII will take, place at tlus PAIINING HQUU, Ca YtIESDLY. January Oh. 1317. between the hours of Mame A. M. and TWO P. N. deteptivierT • It. M. lIIIMILAY. Caslder.) Xxacuazrre Jaw EttxrracTrrtrate War. Baxx.l P/27158=0.1. Lee. stk. ibed. THE ANNILILL ELECTION FO 111111COTOiliatthla Bank will take pfxze stake BXXXIDOHOUDZ., oa vuicerux. JatiaarT atly tee% betweea tab hours of Ilk. x. sad r. N. &Moe; JOHN' SCOTT. Jit.. Tam iiAtiortm. Prrnsimau, rirrentracin, Deo. Dn. f VLECTION NOTICE.—Tbe -no Annu al Mutt= tor NON DIESCTOSS for th/s Hu k. to aerie daring the enmity,/ year. will be held at the Bank. on TO/LSD/LT. the AU day or Jaauass,ls24 between the bonnet 0111 A. AL and delo:pl9 JOHN B. LIVINGSTON. Cuhler. .- • . ICS' NATIONAL. BANK 29)C RI11111171:13U,Dea. 7th, MIL THE ANNVAL ELECTION FOR DUIZOTORBOT B AN*, Intl be held at the BANNING 800 NE, ea TUESDAY. Ocean etb, INA, Nettle= Meteors all A; at. and I o'clock Jhth . i t, UANTIN • • =3 • INTT or ALLstortnir, • Taxestrzwe orrice. December 121 h. ISM NOTICE IS RESEW GIVEN TO the holden of the etz ner cent. MUNI CIPAL BONDS of the (My of AJlegheey. that the Coupons an meld Bonds angst don Salona rf lot, OD. will be paid on add day (less the litate'Tax) at the Busk of Pittsburgh, In the Myer Pittsburgh, P _ hi AC-FEB/CON, E==ZE!M==tMffM • Taxa==WS OvrAY. r D u cCetttber . "I. IIOLL A LLEGHENY CITY COMPS .4.IIIIIIEBONLIS WANTEJ—Persona OotdlosOoso romise Bond. or the GUT of Lama lug, Pa., are beret* nottaed that the oI2IICIIIO !Um; tor leak will to Livened la tato Scads at Lb. lowest Tate! afro& ...Pro_poa alp will be neared by the =dot , alatted until - um/41Y. tae lat orJaauity D. aLatmLgytom. daI2:VIO Tremont of Mot CUT otAlitatioar. 1111111TANT TO MCI MUM 136.c5c00 ttriolk. ICI _ TEA• HOURS, With _Eight Men: SWORD'S _STEAM POWER BRICK MACHINE • NIANINPACITIRED The Pitteinugh Brick Machine BECK MINEFACTIJOING CO, ter the Wm, Lillie sal Mantua Sista *.iTrM&dUINE IS SELF-WM. i E RING costsfonlY 01.5410, fright to ate Wed rcri=i - sy. rat • lark critdiM a gine. " ll " S i rli kinds of clap. make. SOPZIIO .11010/1, steel amid& the My eight men =Tr d ig' day, Dud tee der, take away Ike brick and hake Jim epard, and makes brick as fast as you lees to ran tali Amine. /soar own perch our rate of =Sklar Is from 40 to 50 a minute. We clahatlds Coke the best PAYING lifectitne o rasa A machine may basses In operslion to our yard) at eilenwood. Mr miles above the city, on the north gilds of the Manesrims,reached by Ike OonsaLlevUle Pal . Iffachlee. Yard. County andSists nights for sale. for falllntimation. apply ford:Mar& per. son or by mall, at he office. We &Tempered to litlarige contrsets of brick. Samples of tbe brick to be seen st Nee 70 PIM stmt. and tile (111cse,_ Addis seTUE PITTIBIOI4•II73IRICKILLCUINE AND BRION WANDF•OTUNING qtr.. isi s. - Y. -1111.11, rresiaeut,_ • . MUSLIM. Vice Prestaen .t. W. M. 1 / 6 cONACKEN, Treanurer; P. A. sacrrAnD. liesretart. Disscrois—e, st. - mei; A. Utley, W. BeleJtel.. Jobn Altai. W. d. Culp. de4:os WILLIAM MILLER, BUCCI23OII TO WIILLIM St ILEBEETIION, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND I lIPORTZBS OP Brandies, Wines and Cigars, Noe, 221 and 223, Cerneret 'Liberty alli Irwin Streets, PMIIBITEGH, PA. _ : IRON, NAILS, COTTON - YARNS: AL, consumuyouturims. wit U4SEAT SALEOF OBIBINAL ANSI -•-• VALUABLY. OIL PAIRTINSIIS, the Domini Art erodaeiloas=of Dlstinmitshat American and Pot sign Artials.—/lIIIIIAT lINIIIII. December Ills; at NI oithath, and to be eontlaued In this even ings* Hi o'clock. will be sold, on second floor of Commercial Caleb Hoorn ice timithfleld street. (side estrum abs. Dom 111th street) • miser.- cent dolliellOn of (Knot!. Art Productions, b 5 dle tleguished American and foreign Artists. to which the attention of isonnoisseum and lovers of . One ans Is lds:Wl invited.. The painting. were mostly purchased by blr. Mabry Innis directly from the artists, and la some eases painted from 'Meted et made czolitalirely for him. Arnold the milers represented are Bernal. Otto, bouriner, Hamilton. Cheddarbona(, J. Wilton - bilcholion, Moran. Mesita, isulkiter, Jodi d, Carl Zeit:. rsul.Web er, tlthrkerstcrih, and marry others equal.y eminent. Thema:l not NV. nos furniture pictures, such asually t clammily tamarack t deans of great artists. Hie superb Pine Art Collation f Om womb Mr. nabylewlis med. isle In our city last . ??I,l o .tro l ft' htilligrrel.l7:l;°l4l::Vit7l - offeror muftis Att. erodoction- this city. The Panning. will now remain open to the free Inspection of MO pub ic, every day and event. a. until sale. bounotsseers ant artiste. ladles, ...u -neaten and ail lovers *tens arts are roan invited. Descriptive Vital.. need ow ready. deli A. MoILIVA MC, Alit. ALILE3Ps REFINED CIDER. A Suprior Article • FOR SALE BY GRATE dt REITER, Sole Aga., 216 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. ESTATE OF JOHN T . CHILDS. DZOZA.Se.D.—Lettars of Ada:dad:ol= hive been grantsdno the undersigned. Persons twine dishing yid Present them. and those Indebted wit Day Immediately to . race. a. UIEILTOI4 89 Plith strain. Pitiotrarib =I LARD 0 rat - N.llllbl- CHARLES 0. nuatar. 1399 Albin, stmt. alit AND MOAN. ULDLITIoNALLOOAL REM ON EMT PAM Death of in i . 014 Citizen. • • It ls with regret that we announce the death, on Iforulay,.of 'Hector Sutherlatid, Eat. Mr. Sot lierland was ogiof our oldest citizens. lie came to this city from Scotland:in 1818, and made it his place of residence since that date. Educated to the law, be passed the bar after serving an apprenticeship, and became a counsellor at Edinburg. 'Alter coming to this country he engaged lifthe profession of school teaching: and became somewhataotable from his introduction, trilX7, for John J. Pearson, of Louisville, of the present system of book keeping.- lie was auo, the author of anew system of single and' double entry book•keep• Ing o the result of his thorough knowledge and large experiences., an accountant, both in this and the old country. There are many of our citizens who were his pupils, and who owe their proficiency in keeping accounts to his teacning. (if late be has beea quite feeble health, incapacitated from punning his pro-. fession, and hadattained the ripe age of !or" .113 y-five years. A singular Dream The Wohrhritrfrstim' d, of Montgomery coun ty, Pa., is responsible for the following: A lady, on the night of Friday, dreamed that three people near her were suffocated, and_the dream was so vivid and' agonised her to tack' an extent that she sprang out of bed to rescue the sufferers. She smelt gas, but found that in her room it was tamed off.. She then awoke her husband, who, after examining the gas. fixtures in the hall, and finding all right went to the door of the bed room in Which MIAs Hattie Ziegler slept. Patting his nose to the key hole he was at once convinced that a strong stream of gas was pouring forth. He then awoke Miss Zlegler , s brother, by their united strengttr they succeeded i burst ing open the door. There lay Mies Ziegler, Motionless and' insensible on the ' bed—the whole' room so filled with gas that It seemed impossible to enter. tinder the influence of fresh air and other_restoratives, she, • however, soon recovered consciousness. The lady's dream bad saved her life, since, had tt not been for that, she must have been smothered Ineality. A Railroad Case The, cue of lieorge W. Elank, against the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne a Cnicagci slimed Com Pliny. In the Richland county, Ohio, Court of Cdinmon Pleas, resulted in a verdict forthe plaintiff of MOO, at the last term of We Court. Major Batik, m• traveling from' Manafleld to CresUlne, failed to wartime a ticket before entering the cars,:the price of which was fifty cents. The Conductor In collecting the tare demanded eighty-eve cents, which is the rate axed by the companybotween the points when the passenger ex t ra ticket. Mr. R. re• fused to pay the thirty-five cents, whereupon the conductor rang the bell, the train stopped, and he was put oiL Before leaving the cars, Mr. B. offered, In the bearing of the passengers, to pay the nighty-flue cents demanded, but the conductor told bins it was too late, - and that he must got off, which be did, and was compelled to walk to Crestline, a distance of tour . miles, for which he now receives RP. or pee • mi te for the distance. The Colon Republican linecuato Com mittee, At a meeting of the Union Republican Ex ecutive Committee of the City of Allegheny, held on Friday evening, December 14lli, fas, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That the Union Republican voters of the several election districts are requested to meet at their respeell re places of holding elections. between, the hours of throe and seven o'clock. r. It. on Saturday. Memo. bar nth, and nominate ono person for Rayon ono person , for Director-pt the Poor, and the several Ward *Ulcers. Resolved; That the election Wilma of the several precincts are Instructed to refuse the votes el - all persona who have not heretofore voted with the party. Reserved, That the several candidates for etty oftices Ire requested to signify la writing to the Chairman of this meeting their villilng ness to abide by the decision of the nominat ing election. 11. Can resti., Chairmen. C. Pavrassox, Secretary. MM A Heartless nether on Thursday evening of last week, after the sir o'clock up train, bad left the depot at Mauch Chunk, the cries of a child were heard In the water.closet of the Lehigh Valley hair sold depot. Upon Investigation, a aisle child' about two weeks old, wu found lying upon the door, wrapped In a shawl. Inquiry wu Immediately made, but no information could be gathered as to who the mother might be. A dispatch was sent to 12001rport, to conduct. or Desmond, to search 'arrived the mother on the train. When the tram arrived a woman was 'arrested, and after some questioning she ad , . mlttcd having left the child. She was brought to Mandl Chunk - on Friday morning, and the Labe StiVeil tolrtlYe 1111 her reason for leaving the ett thee It gave her too mull trouble, that she was poor and could barely sustain herself, with h., two little boys, and concluded to leave it to the charity of the world, Good 'bilk. Colored Population. O Little oontroversy, gays the Wheeling in getligenfer. bee 'Meg UP between the editors of the Clarksbureadelenrph and Ogrmersegite as to who Is the 'Wend of the colored pepulatian . of that p editor of the Cimarreatim thinking to kith of the Tele graph, proposes' that the y having the blacks under guardlenehili. anew the sincerity of himself and frt,.•ity getting up I subscription and butidingllialtegroes a church, the Consertotior paeanlarge a subscription by, the t.opperh achy the Union men. The editor of the Telegropillokes tip the glove, and has prepared a enbaetiption paper for the purpose Indicated, headed - with a subscripUon for VA and calla apart his friend of the Coviservatire to come on. We hope It may turn out a good' thing for, the &okay. • i Another Charge. ectra P trick McCauley, of the Point, whose,ar. rest d committal on a charge of being eon. c d with the robbery of Paul Desch at the Point, we noticed yesterday, is to have a hearing on a charge of disorderly sonduct preferred against him by officer Mooney. On Sunday evening the Rh Want, McCauley, withkwo companions. was making • hideous disturbance by yelling. Odicers Mooney and Panzer interferred,, when* the companions of McCauley became quiet. The latter, hewever. kept up blayslllng and defied the of to arrest him. lie wu locked up but was discharged on a charge of drunken ness. Subacquentlyoricer Mooney, made an information for disorderly conduct, and, since his arrest by °dicer McMullin, he will have a hearing on the charge. A Word to the Christian Public.—The Lay Missionary of the City Missionary. Board tells me that he meets a great many MOO of destltuUon. This we are to expect and pro vide for to such a season as this. Will the be. nevolent please send to the. Church Book Store, No. IN Smithfield street, such clothing as they ate are, directed to Mr . John It Morris, lay bilsslonaryl lie will distribute it carefully. damn' _army sent 1..1. Lynch, Treasurer of the MissionaryB oa rd, :to. Oti kat street, will be carefully, used by the Lay Missionary. Help of every Sort is needed at one, enflame who are destitute are denied a share of the means entreated to us. 1 beg that aid may at once be liberally In this work of mercy. J. B. KIULTOOT, Bishop. lidwgetlar Acelool.—tho Tidlocate Jour. sal says, A. singed/2 "eoeouTenee took place tls morning at the Hague *ell, _from which 011 me May learns lesson.' One of the tanks On which were a few modes of oil) leaked and a man jumped In to caulk iti he had been in but a few minutes when overoomo hy gas, be fellbackwardl. /tr. Gegen sodenotherjump. ed in to resume him, but believing him dead, and Seeing stek, speedily sought to escape when they fermi themselves too weak to ds ag themselves out end commenced 41(1 , 1411w. /tr. Granger and others, happening lathe eolith. borhood, heard their 'OEMs and getting Tops* hauled them out, when all three recovered. Aaaaatting ass Don ald/on, yesterday afternoon, gave a bead. g In the ante of John Thompson, charged on oath of officer John Barber with assault and battery, and resisting an offloer. lhe deter'. dant resides in - Temperaneeville,,and pincer , Barber - on Batniday last, served it'n ezeout lee on him; and levied on a pair of horses In the stable. Thompson objected to tam levy, and as It la stated, resisted the crilleer in his duty, assaulting and striking. Officer Barber there. tDon made made information against him and heitearingtook place yesterday afternoon, Gen. Collier appearing for the dalandiust. The "weaned was held to hall to answer no court. Manchester Passenger Hallway.—Yes terday-the Manchester Passenger cars made only occasional trips in consequence of the snow obstructing , the track. It le due to the company to say that by great energy and Per• severance, and. by Me use of leeriest/4bl of two horses to each car, regular trips were made only at longer Intervals' than usual. We saw the president of the Manchester road with a gang of hands, himself :whiny as they clearing the track.- - It was only by energy such as his that the bTroy 11111. n "Ohio Street' , and ' , Mein:CMS Street" trips were all main tained, and are likely to bo in all emergencies. Meshes; 4 Vaige, 9, -.114y0r Morrison yes. terday morning committed wieldy° tamales on a change 01 vagrancy. Their names were Mrs. McNaught, Julia intsgerald, Eliza Dad. ley, Mary Kelly and Mrs. Miller. They were committed fora Period or teelitY days , each, and were brought over to their retiring place by °Meer Cherokee Spriggs. The gnaw. Cambria Cousty,- - The snow storm which prevailed here on honday was equally vigorous la Cambria county. The same 1113051 , at Johnstown yesterday lay at a depth of fourteen inches, and was drifting to such an intent as to render railroad smelling ninon more diMcult than heretofore. Enter men! of.F County.—The Warren Men says tha tiov. Curtin has signed the bill attaching ,part of l'enango to Forest county. Ticinesta is to ho the County seat of the now respectable looking county of Forest. Advertthaws tiypstea—They have a band of gooey gypsies m the woods near Easton, Pa. They advertise their stolen goods to the newspapers. and call upon all who want Weir fortunes told to come to theta. Larceny of laws.—On Monday night two baud-saws and a brace ware stolen from the premises of Mute Donahue. In the Fourth ward. SIZSPiIIi/E1 rests on one fairish Modsrr. Arrestoo on Process.—Alonso frtuntr, a saloon keeper Ultimo Filth ward, was minud yesterday on a proems from court and lodged In cm a absage or Uleget Muer :wiling, FgAtMY TELEG FROM WASHINGTON,. A Caucaa of BdepubLeas Nerobars—The Condition of Certaiallatimaid Bank.. Wasamoroa, December /7, r.' a.—The Re• publican Senators and members of 'Congress held a caucus meeting in the lulled' the House of Representatives this grimly's. Mr., Ramsey, of Minnesota, in the chair, and Mr. Raymond, of Tennessee, Secretary. The only business . considered was the reception of the report of I the Executive Cengrin ya sk COmmitteeiz pointed it the last seas lo attend the • agement of the can be .report w ap. proved, and the Committee was directed to make assessments on the seats that had not contributed their quota of the expenses of the canvass. The Committee was authorized un til another shall be eg i einted. Hr. r. Beriberi, Act Comptroller of the Currency, respond to the resolution of the House, calling for Information res itectins . certain - National Banks, which was allesel;haafalled to comply with the Provision, of the law , requiring a reserve of money. lie aye: uths October let fifty banks were more or less deficient in their reserve, and were immediately notified, in - aecord ance with law, not to increue their liabilities by making new loans or discounts other than by discounting or purchasing eight bills au. change, nor make any dividends of their prof. it steatite required reserve of lawful money was restored. A special statement under oath once a week for font consecutive weeks, was also demanded, and in every cue the returns were prompt and MUsfactory.. Statements ate now made only quarterly, and the Acting Comptroller recommends that they may be th em e m nk, h . a y n , d 'e h i i b th n r g thhinek s c Met ooft would be salutary tithe banks of New York, Boston ana Philadelphia would arrange so as to report each week through a Cleaving Rouse such banks as might be deficient. FROM CANADA. Another realms Beare—d. rats* Alamein a■ Unonal—rhe Bank of Wryer Cana• de. BRIITISHIIRCI. C. E., Dec. 13.—in alarm was given here this morning that the Fenfans were coming to rescue the prisoners. Troops were got out and marched to meet the foe, but it proved to be a false alarm: It 11 now said that it was got up to test the etticiency.of the troops. • of 'inha r To e z,: d h a li ii -g u n r t e he an tria a t c .r i rof i le Hank been entered in the Court of dhancery_against the b nk by. Hyman, on behalf of im self and shareholders, for an account of the money ex gran d Ol i tli n e t t i :in u i _ r gd "e as two hold ltitm ßanally liable the stockholders for the amount expended. FROM MEMICO. Maelmlllan 111 with the lever—The Early Saturn so the Throne. New Toae, Drcember la—Meehan corre spondence state that Ilaxindlien' had a re nowed attack- of fever. The mlzustqr were coolldent of hls early return to the throne. Al Jalapa there was a ' , great scarcity of pro. visions. An anti-American meeting was held at Vera erns the latter part of November, at which agents were bray circulating reports dam agingin her to the Intentions of the United ,Statei Mexican affairs. FROM NEW YORK. ■oetlos. of Workingmen—The Mott Hour System—The Mexican °Heim -Tammany HAM • Now Tour. Dec. Is.—There Was a LatTemest" Ing of workingmen at the Cooper institute last night to hoar an address from Richard T. Trovellick. Resolutions in favor of the Eight flour System were - ddoptod. It Is rumored In New Orleans that Ortega Intends Imitltuting suit against the United States for false Imprisonment. —The Tammany Society voted last night not to sell Tun:tang Hall. .1) re: Z Z) itt • 11111...1. 8. HMG 8u rethmed the practice of theutistip at 104 • Opposite the Cathedral, Where he withee to receive Us friends and patratie who an In need of the serried of an experienced DENTAL PRACTITIONER. Tspecial attention will be given to the preserves tlon of the natural teeth by sillltally Miler them with the mom select material, and by gluing them other proper treatment, thus manning them for Otters uses and comfort in •rtpe old age. irregularity of the teeth of young paeans skill fully attended to and corrected. Those beautiful life-like artificial teeth, rendered so coinfOnable and useful by the merle of the Doc tor's medial:due will be made ready for all who may order them. • all repeat discoveries of value II 0 ring relief from pain in the extraction of teeth, will be sklli• folly throbsistered to them 'rheumy deers them. 1.19ce hours from 9A. C. r. se17:1111 ADDITIONAI. BiIrIJNTLES TO Soldiers of 1861 and 1562. All who 'erred three yaws are anUtle.l to 1100 boantyr Crow sewing two Tenn. W 0: or wbo were discharged by reason at *onside, or, Weir ban. Xoralot Extra Pay Is dos Volunteer Odleirs Is the service Nardi WO. and , diseliarged. Mastered out, or realtaed Wane Apda r, 12W. 111137011.—Pernianwtly disabled are entitled to Wile 1200T111, eacorillog to degree of disabil ity. W. J. 4 HALL FA:222200N, Attorneys. T/ Avast ittrwat. snerb.neh. r.. $lOO A°UNTIr PROMPTLY COLLECTED DT M'MASTER, 0/11/114 & BUTTERFIELD ' ATFOILNIVI •T LAW, no2t So.On Gnat Street B: F. BROWN, Local Olairn Agent. U. 8. HAIG CON, hike, No. 67 Fourth Mee; CDFMND rwolso Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrant of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made salt claims me seldled. and Moe bet a =Metals tea tontada • SOIJDIEIIIP BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, Extra Bounties, Back Pay, &c., Collected le the !Shortest possible time, by A. N. asowx, , • JOllll I. ',Ammar; Attorneys •t Lair. ilftlk stnoet, Dolll:daver pncir. IMHBOCK, INSTRUCTOR ON THE PIANO, And Tpaohor of. Vocal Music. Rooms ANS, 110vsz. No. 81 rtiNtroot. 4rrot4rXl AT Ld is; No. 1.90 WeamiriM St, opposite WUkins Hell. Benicia/a attention given to the collection of so 01)112t4. W 1. lIOUIL. o.dents in Meer Tort. Boston, Baltimore, Pbltadolpl a; Beare:, Bellefonte, Beeduag,_ Pa.; indlenma M nna, lad.; M organtown, W. Va., trues, N. T., end elsewhere. (Wulf STRAIN. Esi-011aciss, Justice of the Peace AND VOLICtit MLODrrBATIA Othee, 112, rrrn mna St. orte Cathedral, isuad Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, A notritidgiossts, Dot petitions and st 4 Legg Ibulassa execnitsd 0110 protoptasss saddlostott. instStin WILLIAM JANCEY t NOTARY VUEILIO„ J U ICE OP PKACE, AND EZIL INTAIL ANENT. OlDee, comer of Netter aert Prevor streets, Lawrence, oPreV l Sita i I tir,lre l o tro tiffk b . l t `lll.pl f e, =ler end ackuorledpecut at Glade of Law WILLIAN JANOS . ,Y Jostles of the Fame and Notary rums. EVSTACE 8. MOMmoir, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, - 72 Pennsylvania Avenue. hot If the hteuiu ni quite Clan Sheol Tomas CHATHAM T. EWING, Attorney at Law, 1f .CU Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pas ea %sun r r. l i Ld oftbliengtientu"7lgYar. H . C. INACKRELL, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, prrrantrnon, PA. alum JOHNALLOSIciIDORIBEI, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. • 10111 NiPPtli P Bounties, sae Arrears of ray givProak SPECIAL NOTICES. ggrGLAD PEWS FOR ME UN. 7011.1IINATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted in all cases, for the speedy and per, manent mire of all diseases arising from sea nal em. ceases or YOUTHFUL INDISOHIETION,..-Bexulnaa Lola. Nighty nAmiens and kleusu al Dreams. Gen ital. Physical and Plerrous.Dchillty, Impotence, Meet, nexus/ Disessei„tc., Fe. nio VIAND& OF DIET IS NECESSARY. They can housed with out detection, and tt i i , er MU to effects mire, trued according tolustru . BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Price one dollar per mg, or six boxes Yost lye dol . I". •PntllMrtlterrlfAVrtlgliulz. Prom four to six boxes are general. required to cure ordinary eases of Seminal Weakness and &Gs. Mons, though beneath genie from using a single box. In Chronic Cue and and particularly when Impo tence or Genital bility with Zarrous: Prostra- Übn has affected the system • BELL'S TONIC PILLS Are won:mended LI the most eincsdons reJuvleat. • log and lesigerathig remedy In the world. A pacitage..price Ore dollars, will last A month, and Is generally madded In . extreme =ea of Debility and Litatenee. IllelPs External Remedy, Price two dollen, suMelent ror a mono. can on used to good advantage. It gives strength to the organs, and with the Pills will respire them to thew normal coldition. ChirrlON.—The above Namedles base now been before the public mans Vers. and their vest sue case la the a ll eviation of bum= misery, has panned the e I ldlof serval Parties, Who use the name "8 o POO my 'Abele , circulars and ad • !cements, sometimes word for Word, and put up worthies, compounds last dlsappolat the lust ca• pectations of the purchases. Itycre einem BelDedlea of EVi t Tgetst, e D ir,, E ba r, S Peetee other, rem DR. YABIES BRYAN. Consulting Pbveleian • No. 810 itroadway. New And you Will receive them. Dv return of poet paid, and free from observation • goggpif PLENUM. Druggitt. Corner Market sad itiatirgdcA ow, • an9:l2ll:WistliT itAb nth. Pa• igirTO LADIES,-1i you require a reliable remedy to t esnlore 70a. and remove Irregularities or obstruction', way NUT mg THE BEST. Every lady knows the slightet irreg. Mara. of nature is likely_ to bring on Headache. Giddiness. Low Spirits, Tainting, Hysterics, tn.; then the bloom of health lades. the appetite falls, and other symptoms more dlstressiognosmnetre. as Weakness, ilyituu Complaint, the Whites. 1 ro t:Riiit rnindAlis t/..NZ"TErAI LIEU REMIALVEZ4"I 1F*1411.. Thu eaperlence M yams rad proven trhregintattri,glir for r m lgif what canoe they' oTtactloTZ and eaTiorTrurtn="4": plaint el their eilleas7 - I, ev er hen Ai Nish what IN . repr..t.d to do. Sold in boxes DR. pill,. Price one dollar. HAZY& tiOLDXN PILLS is a reined y Ana degrees strougm than the above, and intended for special eases °nous statistics. Price five dol. Lars per box. II you cannot minium the Pills at your Druggist, they will be sent by mall, post paid. secure trom ob. mmation,on receipt ad the money, by Dr. JAMAS BilTAN,Uonsillting Physic/en, 110.519 Broadway, Mew York. JOSEPH PLEMING, Druggist, corner Market and Diamond., tort for Pittsburgh. 1.0201211,0d•r? NEW PERFFRE FOR THE HINDIERCHIRE Phalli's% $ 4 Night Bleensheg Cerium:, Pitalough . ..Might Bloomlug Cerroa.,i Phalan% • • ..Night Blooming Covens:, Pimlimes "Plight Illeeming Ceram.," Plinlon's "Night Blooming Cereals:, A atuel sagalalle, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, &MIA from the rare and &willful Sower from IThiell It take. Its name. • Ilanufactvred only by PIIIALON & SON, Neve 'fork. BEWARE' OF COUNTERFEITS. ASE FOR PFIALONITAKE NO OTHER. lar ifIlL & CO., BOILER MAKERS am BMT IRON WORMERS, Nos. 20, 22, 24 Ind 26 Penn St. Hanna eeetard • lug* YAM. and ferntsbed dela the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of Bailers, to th e best wanner. sae warranted equal to F ire yade la r. Otmatr7. Cnituneya Dm:oaten. Ueda. team Pipes. Locomotive Boiler.. (Monomers, Belt ane, Tanks, 011 HMIs, Asltatora Bottling Pans, Beller Iron, Bridges, lingsr Pans: and ante mann ineterere of BABNILILL.S PATZN2 601. DO. Itemerins norm on the shortest notice. 1.0.041 tarLAILE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTINICWORKS. PITTIABIeRGH. PABX, BIoCITRDY ac CO.; Stannfsettirers of Sheathing, Bnutere and Bolt OoPPer. Premed Copper Bottoms, liaised OM! Bot toms. Spatter holder. Alto. Importers and dealers In Kees* Tln Plate. Beast Iron. .vrtre. to. Cost !neatly on hand. Trousrs , Marldnes and Tools. Ware/mum NC. 140 IrliaaT and UV Saco= Itrairra, Pittsburgh, gpsetal order. of Copper cot to any denim] pattern. sayl4:e3l:dawT ----- Or PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, ears of PR l lt i n i tZJlB9sltem... m = ad CANT STEEL SAD of every description, MU!, Malay. Crous•Cot,_Oan , and all other varieties. nil kinds of g and SPOINOO wady from Sheet Oast Steal; Extra rollastit/LAPEB aud 140 W INO ENIVES, tn. dig•Warshouse and Works, 00nICT Wallin and goon? ding Era, Pittsburgh. Part/tunas *Mallon paid to nostoothing. guns otiag and rtnUnblaulag Clrenlar Baba; also, is/pairs of a/1 kinds. Machias and DrLllng dont At nr seaahl.• IarRORINSON, REA & CO., (SM. mum to /Loan 110 x, =RS & DILL(//,) WASHINGTON WORM, • . lea glare Maadaists, PlelalsealTb s ; Manufacturers of Boat sad SeWoriary Steam Ea fln Kid Machutery, (Scaring B line. Ruags of all dasarV e r; 011 Tula and MA Rolla, ta for GIVIMISMTKISILLIZOTOIt !br a t= WWl's. ' vernEmEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR Oa.ses. so. 14 BOND qtarrar. xrzw YORK. Dolt taformottOu, wills tbe aaptert testiustesuos; also, • Book ou tlpertal Disoooss, to a *cabal en velops, rent free. /alba /WV mad sew: fin. tesse, and yos, oIII N slot /errata: for, o. •dyertisiros ghrelus are generally imposts.. arittkont refor. 00 bould be trusted. 'enclose • otalop for postage, and d Vett to DB-1.411 , 111E8C1, No. H BOND WISICET, NEW TUBB. noll:ot B/USIXWAND HANKERS. FBA lIKLIN SAVINGS BANK, No. 43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE This Rank having been lately organiaed. Is now °A11,1,1,r17,1.1:MrIth':Ifsr.:1"°01:1•:: their oeu • Public maws. . • Dep.:mita received in per and cutTeul funds. Interest aliowed t clenoslts. Collectioss susd• OD all prinelpal points in the United States and Canada. Diaconal Days—AVIDLY TUESDAY and /RI DAY. . • DznEcTons. Geo. R. Biddle. John ♦. goolt. !moon Drum. James W, Hon. 1 nld ailseforron, hieorge R. Hahn. WWl= Put. JAMES U. RIDDLE. Cashier doll:pit BANISHiG HOUSE. N. NOM & lONS, 3E31%2 iILVA, No. DT MARKET STREET, Piiisbugh. Diipostte reeerrid In Par Tends an 4 Cirrency. Colloctions made on Mt ibecrinelcel points of the United Matoo aad Canada& STOCKS BONDS AND OTHER SEDU DM ES Boutdd and Bold On Commission.. Putlenlar attention Wild MI Thal* and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. morxinNo United Btates Sizes of 1331: Do. do 6-20 s: Do. /Ives of 10-4 Co; Do. heren•Thirtles t Do. ' Certificates of Indebtedness. Orders and Vouchers bought or cotiected. )airily MONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 181 al& SICITdIfIgi.LII' BTJLLLT, corner of Bliitt4 Pittsburgh. • Money Loaned on Silver Plates, flons,_Pistole, Diamonds, Jewelry, tiold and tither Watches. Clothing, Sod valuable articles of everydescriptton. The goods cannot be delivered without • ticket. Not accountable In case of On or robbery. • g t x .4,1 1 " ................. ti oily . t 82„5, 000 TokoAN. l'emona aesl•ing to borrow money on BOND AND MOBTIiAI3E, foe one, two or mom years, will ac well to call OItOBOE at. PETTY. - 003 Ban' Estate Agent. No. 13 et. Clair street. 0;711.4144:1:1 J 400.111 NT 'E. GRAY , HUME ♦RU BRIN, PAINTER, GRAINED AND GLAZIER, No. 61 Hand St., Pittaburgh. Rata and Ontameotal 13150. of every deport ptlek A lo order. All work dont promptly at mason. able rates. elheM 010. . . ........ ..... . . 1050 JOHN. ROSS & CO., WM. N. OGDEN & NANDIMOTUNIIIS AND DZAIXIIB IN carbon Oil Lampe- and Fixtures; CHANDEUEWBON OILS, AL 1717fAITAT3fignillatierat' BOOTS AND 8 : () is. H. CHILDS & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS,SEFOES .A.A773 SOLE LEATHER, No; 133 Wood Street, • PITTSBUIGH, To SHORT TIME and CASH burns we over en• bailor Inducements. aa oar mantle. for baying= uneernaseed by ANY house Zan or Wen. Pare ins directly from WIWI' RANDS anti rell 'Or CASH. we are enabled to sell allow aa any Hasten Jobbing House.. • MinaHANTS are Invited to eel and examine must.* and note one ➢Aces before prurobasta elsewhere. ClortiOTAß !CM HOPE MILLS 8 uperlor Cotton Yarns, SEAMLESS GRAIN BAGS, Batting, Twine, COTTON AND. LINEN CIEFEYCIIIII36 dbe., Will be Promptly'V FACTORY f t. P 3.. • _• iliT/111 orders bf mall will motive MAW* careful 'Stratton. , ; CHTLEDS & CO. accistsawT HOLIDAY PRESENTS, _ USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, ILAIEMORALIS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES AT • THOMAS H. PHELPS', 46 Smithfield Street. dell JOUR r•Lvis...ruso. T. Arreuvrz raLmva pultima, ANSIIIITZ & • lIPCCIVISOBB TO J. A. ROBINSON * CO., DMZ'S IX BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, AV. 61 Market Street, Near Fourth, PITTSBURGH, PA. noUxICI A I,'y tr,1161 Val BOOT AND SHOE EMPOSHIII, No. 92 Federal Street, ALLSCITIEIrY . CITY .lEtaxvextzusi for 111.111... deLli BOOTS AND SHOES. ~ Na. 88 Market St., Pliktiurgh, ttll3 Ham lost r•achre4 a very large Itteapir all kind* of .130430.1911. 49.24733 MECO VS, Which he IS prepared to sell cheaper than the Zile's!. est to the etty. Also takes entry for Ws OWN MAINZ Or 80078 AND lINOLB, witch G war• rants to glee eattstactloa. SZMEBIB, J. W1L4111.11. Or..10:=10. No. 3111larket street. A LARGE AXDFUESIIAIIIMIVAL SUMO BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS dad Bassorais, Jut ?valved. and lalteldd at the MIT LOW COT PRICK% ei th er lesale or Satoh. emt as a 0••• PIIIICILLSING • akaa• Maw. J. B. & W. C. BORLAND, tarn No. MI Market street. ad dour from nab Bt. CORM 111/4=a 40ILS FIELDING. & nub., MundyAvers spurDeslers to Chaintazta Wise Leo BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 11010 St.,Allegkeny. ti netatrisi PrOVIDUY aucated ea the stgorrast, kit:A l : ll 4_enCe7-‘ 2 11: - tlikNIZ*1 IDDY WILLINS&BETLEY 3PLlClnar.a3damus. GAB AND 872 AWL PITTEO3,I3, Car. 131z6 ud flattideld PlTSVBrlllarf. Pao, Cor.Beaver and Chednutdtreetk ma tt u llit=ater, Oil awl Masai 1111Ms . coal. pLuinnme, GAS AND STRUIPITTING, Hydrants, Iron Pumps, area? LEAD zatilD PIPM 74 BAffuni WATER CLOSETS MID WASHSTANDS. TO T. EWENS, meo w . to thrall& Ca.) 16 Wood St" PlitstoulthstPa• mtnott it - JOHNSOR IL "8"1" N" Et .A.CITICUS.X.a Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 717TH WILL= IIaTENBION. Noittairksurigki, No" ' All orders by maul executed sallatheterllY promptly Mended to • tall line of Bath Tabs, ramps. Basins, lira‘ Closets, blahs, Obandellers, residents, and tea Ithades, for sale at the most reasonable afloat. Orders from country patrons by maul Pm'oPuT at!' tended to. Om Hose °revery description. lehltdee • ADDY, WILLIAMS &BARTIAIf • Hoop on band a auperlOr artlola of WC000.13. PUMPS, UMW, of Iron Plunpa, Ryaranta i neat Load attest Zino, Loon rltoe..._OZU Tubs, Moth Wata Closets, Wash Sunni, wool Rands, ao., at Qs COTlZ a illith and Smithfield streets, kind. °moans a aogetirommir• All an by mall umintatay wooded to:' • pLvaimpre_ L - GAS • risen irirriNe. 121171.111.114721121, Oaretoliyattoadoll to by erpottobood bad Froetibo Motown. A_ Ono assortment us cumists,sisss, BATHTUB; , atiIOWIS "ir isa =ans . Oonstantly on hand and msda to ordai lTD . T:Awrze 420 , No. 59 704059 Stroot, l l.ll4lseo Lt d laktizlndly L SAT Liberty Buzau ylltatlll9. Poi saii FOR SALE.—A Fannof about OS acres In Union Township, - Allegheny =Mil. 4.S..,sttnate shout miles.lln= me citron_ the assmglon Pike. Tim Irepornmente ve a Jame IZ:tur7 Ed& Dwelling =ue Irlthl2 moats, a ntillgo Iliac rglelent ror 16 be Floes.. a ad or cattle. There II Cam about about 12 Mrs., alrtlstrait trt " . 11 3 or culu..u... • our e Ulu ,e is ce lo g l goodwould malt aloarnaiy for dairy or Ifardening Wm' pram. ar ßoisluir th• shore; wttit tgood r and a H r o criar1111•11; 14* "" . • . 11 " 4 .,„,, 51 =„,„ i n°00 4 fine bearing eoudttlon. - -- derlald with coal. r - errs also all W hir sale ti l w. Ai?Virdtproeed, coal. at aid with The above three pieces of property.= brow the Little haw JOU Han and Steubenville roads, " and the smitten be reached easily trout eltner Toe coal alone U worth all that Is asked for Me en tire prleile. A= aria of 113 tares. Wyatt's Mt Clalrtown. shlo. Westmoreland Wanly. Po, inumsllittety thellne of the Penna. Ballroad. The improsementt are a two.stalT Praise Rouse with Ice rooms and good cellar, a frame Bank Bars ,"10M0 feet, and other outOadlidinp ; ere is on the plate a good Youri Apple Ore I acres cleared, balance is good albeit fen eggenerallyaroOd. well watered: ander old with coal and Ilinestm • convenient to churchem mills, schools and Macksinith shops, to gether with the nal property such as stock. Implements. ran the ground, 6 13. Pompton given Immediately. •• • - -- • - Also,Perm of 63 acres, situated In =setters towiuddp, Allegheny county. Pa.. about 16 - miles from the city. ow the line of the Steubenville& withln one-I=f lulls of &static._ ,so Ifi acres of the best of creek bottom land. and in a high state of cultivation:o acre. of wood land and pongee. The igit i aa ls 6 brlb s r ni tglertg . k. _ T 4Trelt i le i sfU N otokth l o a s: wishing to =bat Is the outteess will call at once and secure a good bargain. as this le a rare chance. Aiso l i . srm ofMOM. - in ElloaDetit towns Allegheny wanly, Pm, on the Monon gahela ver,__about une m ll e from the Borough of =nabeth. The roll Is of the best dually. Ttle provemones art a ferm house ; fen six rooms. a bun and other out buildings; ng ood: 1 1, 0;; ;, Nacres of coal. Churches. miracle and rung ree7 convenient. Possession Lmarediatel , Also, the bus Farm In >Lllnabeth township, containing about 90 acres, lying on the Mononga hela river of latch below Leek So.; on which leeretted a large two-Dory brick dwelling, tra i ri L Zl and one Irnne dant to . cam F:s o -wagon . liergorpgebnlnali aliVre4rVitartlis' balance being ilineliorke land, and underlaid will coal, and about 200cres of limestone. There are two orehardspfsprife tams, in good bearing oondi. Mis i m 'e rsSigirterri gm, gad glia via pur e tetat, bingo sport • • en . from the thriving of FambetMgrmaingo market at home hr= products. The property wlll be sold cheap sad on j v:c A Far m ' of 06 Ide s. attested In nlubeth tnnszAllgheny count: Pa., about one now • . •• t/10 on Ifonongehets deer. Isoprore• eft are one free:whoa se, with nee room, !Prkbauile. end other ocrtbolldlnrs. witsta bsof sue me. Onellt7• 4 10, awe irin esu rp low Unto... ~ ~. •..,...eee .., ... rhfillanef 141 . UAW'', Ittgereot " r inn 7. 'Nfieel tate Agent. iileTlCsl.l.etzeet. Ft, , A - . • . - eies of Land serearel ele V ek ial m • e ttneVl 8 94),1 g hi0. good born,rweterhan • • • °reload, school UM 0011000 • • W . • piles of Cutler Eta ,ton, es r ;4; 17 . "Valet:Pew; T" • • . wane of tour rooms, all la good eonation; fi t . 130 Arm or for dictate in Sinking Blnir ono , Pa., Ore miles, from Altoona V2l, the illnAm V ey Road. The adrardays of ,W 4 t a tregreellurleintla, mid by eelling onus wa 911 At e r. 111.tV- ledla or which Is underlaid wth e go t :4VA in b ier r i e t:Zraast i Ao Howie, WX tOconjwielknk Buy abontllll/rinit Trees lost In their a. *a _O6 gory n Township. on the Wasbinetin ire. thine allot trom the city • iX ar rieren tielt i t Township, oil mile' out on the el 4. A selele g e lose Towishl three mile s Zinn Ailey way Market. 8 Dwelling Routes Ve Deny City, one in Wilkinslnug, ma la Pre one ot idgewcoo Station. on the Central enuryirsala 'AMYL Afro Immediately enjoining this btatkm. a raw more AOll6 LOT& Plan can be seen at this °Moe. AllO. Bonds and Mortgages 1 3 °M • 0010 Real Estate gyn.. 139 Swath CHth street. CHEAP HOUSE, THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. E=l Location—Grant street, near Pourtb, Pittsburgh Piller. ONLY .1,700 00. Inquire of STE= di WILSON. - Mow= AND SIUL Zerrurz Attains. ==!==l F°" SALE, MaIRIIKET ranx. • • piece of land eostainlirs7 G to to acres of rich alluvial ground., conret.lent to the clues, is now offered for Isle en reasonable terms. The improve ments area IPBADIE HOUSE, BABY, And other outbuildings. It is notrusedns &Hake flat den, and Is In high order. For further particulars. appty to - • B. B. BRYAN. Broker la Blom sad Real Lu te.QFourth et.. (Borke•■•Bullelte pH GALE; TES TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLER% No. ♦3 Monterey street...lileshely. Contains nine rooms, besides liniatted attic, bath-room and wieb-house. For convenience of arranteateat. and tmty and substantial Mahal, It Ls protelly nu excelled by iny in the two Utica otalmllar atm The home la pelts new, and has gas, and hot tad cold water up and down states. Apply for Information to S. S. BRYAN. Brokerln Stock...ad Beal Estate, n 0.12 OD Fourth .tract. 'Burke•s Balloting. LOTS! LOTS!—I can now °Het Lou as lon as 11160, well /seated and Ina piesee ant place. • Also, Lots locate.* oaths Pike from P la to Ltfe im Llberty-streeL from ....-..... Uo LUC tin Itellefontafoe street, HO to KO Un Hurls street. hop 160 to .830 la Liberty Township. map:plan Me poroash lots, froce..,. SOO SP Also In Pitt Townsalp.Lots from... Moto 6do Tae store lots will be sold on terms to stilt pm chums. Also, some van desirable Improved prop. city. located In Um Boroughs. Plts Townsblp,.ll- lenneny l ed In and sAJo=n ,...x e , anuu. roc apply at Mellon& LieuoMat of • . Buller stmt. °. 13. - VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND ' SOM. EILEILIASL The Badness Hone sow occupied by_HANNA. HA !CT A CU., with s host ale reeled Wood street end IC feet on Third street. At Z feet trom Wood tteat and thence to the rest ens , the lot la Z bet ide. Title lnellepuldble. Apply to • - NpI oa tIIORIIIIION, of KIZU. EZEM DRUG STORE FOR 4 Nan Street. to wee scribe best loess:loas be the City. heaths an established bubo= of from la tom years stanalas. IL g owl stocked tirws oh hand and Store Rooms tilted - oh to heed style. With the above will De sold the lease oC ibe whale Ds I ld lb I. cantabiles, Decides the Bowe Rooms. hem Rooms Jos.:Welling imposes. sad ?we Deseaceat Rooms. A pplyio B. itcLAIN a up. dell No. EC. North Strait. FOB acres et tirottad, well timbered and 4Weren. =Went ISTI4 ten minutes' walk tram PlaitMit Phalan at 814 0 Leau, Fourth Street Hoed. Alva e sena at Homo wood litationt and seven' tarns - well located In WesUnoreleud neel Allenbany centualle• Also Coat Property. Houses and Lote la the My and suburb& Tot TOUerTart/entseu emirs of . (Opposite the 4 k lie. 11a Bravo -- IVR BALE.—One.tourth Interest In the Stitanntstgfietttng To an acceptable partner, APPLY to W. s IIIIICICELL. Cr MAR9iolici. EEIME:I FOR SALE, A URGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, • WWI ill modern imnne r eements, la =Weal order. andtettnate on the Penns. Batten...T. r 1 1 2,Z! " No. 119 JIM Plttann4. s • Stook and Real Estate Broker. JOBS D. ILIIILEV • STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER AMP. AUCTIONEER. Having taken oat stoarretwilen as And.loneer, and elf.eted an engagement with Um elltsburet Bonn! of Trade, secarlat the me or Mar roe:m.loolre the Thlot /Lemons' Bank, Lam now prepared lolett at rublle Auction, Stocks. Wends, Beetultles, se a t Knew, We* either at the above rooms or - on the preml - Tartletdsz attention pall, ns permute?. to the sale of Real ).state at erivate vales oiliest Coate In the country attended. Orlos. 132 Fourth street. nee pall SALE-400 Acres 'of Coal o. Laud. Irian_ tannellaterr epos the Olio Ether. Meath. pro catered's. and 1113 Wits th aws Ole; cannel. a the &Wee tract-lea tont mot thin of cesl. eatery for general narpotea, tenth earpsouled. It la redrew different tIVUI the Ocrathent Unto Coal; cantatas ; at Uttleaathhar. faros and oath well. and tor turn. stun =Da be excelled. Vie kr. cation bliNbollit 1111011.1, from brmeraff and Keallinff_ mut =the It Valuable for coallng boats. Teen a water front of 91( of a fa ith. Viln a luui then run in th e rill about KO fast, tract e a ..... ed to rlver h tortherarlth tM Ors iethervtet.. r Sal &Alla working . - 0019 =I MEM DESI Tuv V.L.'F I , MBE =MEM 1110.0 dete:". , l4::l • toot t e a l 714:11Z lte7:llritly fule r INWIII "ak °" lots ars now °Naiad a t prlrate w s l ate., . 44 Th° . Tiaree—Orie-balf. tub; balance In S. 4 and 6 tear*, with Interest. . for plots of the poverty and farther particulars, apply. to JOHN D. imu.gr. . 142 to► h stree. I ) BIYATE=EASEL _ - Mt, MTN% aato,atrille4al,phusa- Ka. TIS Med Meet. feu deauiputote vag i t e t= with r t le tt Osamu. r&tttattono uto taxateorrhent sal pur.WITIVa ma= , tam r oraiteltia Meted. aapulorto othe prepezaTtopiter reetoribuu,,„”to th r Mbilllla io %Rid b bld ottle. ar e itr tortitth la !bar m t . ns De to l Vir k Inigs,mrtri it tut 'I'LL,: TM! ; I h =WM. rittabartip 'Waft 10"'.i W OPERA .1101788, C. D. ........ ..DIRECTOn. WEDNESDAY EVENING,Dee.I9tA loot splits , - askee bet three of the Inloalloblo Corm Dos. NH. J. H. lIACHEYr. • - - Who %11l reader tile famous chszactetltatioa 9f St a 'Jolt% reLITAIT, 1a Shakstreare'e ful comedy of the Merry Wires or .Windsor. GRAND MATINEE ON SATUEPAY AFTER- NoON. - On Monday next ix,. U. P. BOWELS VIII mitt her neat appearance .In Ott city. • Mr - PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lamm' Aart, MAN AGEE. W3l. kiENDRIZSUN Lut ntibt but two of— MUM: . THOIL.V.irnt qrsEN or SONG Last :tied. Dal— of Mr. SAM RYAN. Vi sAir ;: h i p D v A : Y .: - 1 .. e THURSDAY EWZRINDS aria be presented the beautiful Dram&Df AkaAH NA POO if E; Oa. THY YITI . CRLOX *RD DINO. . UI. Emtly Thorn. Yr. Sane Ryan. baPteurted by the entire corny • 1 7 of a PlEel.lV:elt:ilkilj eit ' ll ' u ti f I tT„ts ' . s I a t •I In rehvearsal—%tV" OR st/rt c s• r Tgar ss .. • mmtria.443itt,apoetetseir-lut sopeorance of ar,IIIERCAXTILE L 111 8.41111t • • 4C-51407.17-ELEED. BR. GEO. VA.ITLYEINHOFF • Will deliver. TWO entirely new headings, At tb. 4164DEJP11" Or MUSIC, - Timsby lid December Bib aml • READING THLIESDAVEVERING. Dec. 70. Isom MICEINWILIF V. • Concleding wit h tithe highly humorous sketch of THE PECEDNIPP FAMILY AT TODUERS.', Doors open at 7. Reading at • Tickets 30 cents. NO K6NEet ED ERSTE. JAMES B. SCOTT, I OLIVER. LEhiIION, JAS. B. MORO s.n. Wlll. P. HERBERT, BENJ. T. JEN7,LIOS.I 0. P. SCIAIVE, T. N. MILLER. Committee. THE ANNUAL • • Prize Re-Union OF THE • ("AD° 11:T WEB I . „ Hose Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, OF ALLSOLIENY. - Will be held at CITY HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, December Mk, upon which occasion a h nelsons. Full... Jewelled Hunting Casa BILVEH. WATCH will be given to the Gentleman holding the oder numb.r, and • gnagatticent “t of 1.3,414- 1:1 "j- ! W ID . VJaTen itr i) e b" L i rt g an e :31 k :Iftr i b e l! %len atDonseath Co.'. Mora, rain street. The Ceasing will hi conducted in • manner satlisfactorY to all, and no member of the company will be per sdtted to participate In th s drawing. &tattle o'clock precisely the Grand Promenade Entree will commence. The MUSIC will be furnished by the IdOigHT BAND, ender the leadership of Pro f.l - 1. HlLlravy. Hester of Ceremonles.o Joseph Y. Chrism, who will be waisted by an edict ent corps of glair Man ager.. delthet le) Ift , , , Le) :4 :t7‘•14),. V-10 115};KM r r - r dr SOH OIL WORKS. 1311}7UThl HEIEW& COq MANITPACTORIEBS or THI CELEBRATED SPORN LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. Sperm. Lard and Whale Oily, 5111 LI6DI , MOS OD MD SUR GUM ALSO, tandatd White Burning 011, i No. 33 Market:Street, • PITTSBURGH, PA. I WARING & KING, coaussm num AB BUM It Petroleum and Its Produets, 4 DIIQUIgaIrE War, ErrisurasizrapaAasz, PHILADELPHIA ADDREmisi WARINC, KINC C 0..& myinau IST Wmlava !IL Fiala HENDRICK'S LUBRICATOR, blabufactur;d by WHITE, BROS. & CO, New York. E. J.ROBERTS, Agent, No.gt At. CIAO. Street,Plitsbusgth Pa.. Heap constantar on hand Cotton Factory 011, I Dam Atactilvory 011 Woolenlllllloll, Dark Mora. 011 . Light Col , 4 El.lne 011, 1/ark Car 00 , lie. 1. Light Col'd ncrew-Cot- Dark Car OIL. Not tin/COLL. nunl:. WOOLDRIDGE OIL RENEWING acmes:pm. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. MIN WATT_ President. HANBY Y. LOH% Benl and Truer. WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE, Ones, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Mass thispensins Bridge.) NLNEIYACITIRTHII PUUZ WHITE 131:11EUNTNEI. COML. Brand—"Lnuifer." - hum . EUREKA OIL WORKS, ==l =ll EU.RiIHa ip4RJl3O.7lr OIL, The iCelebrated • • EUREKA SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, And Wholesale Dialers In frude, Relined and Lubricating Oils, LARD. BENDUN., WHALE AND 1178131 OILS, NO. 81 market, St., Pittabtugh, Pa. d. o..3acrammon, Call sad Amadeu, samples and read certnestes. amanita . - BUT THE BEST, PETROLIA BLUE LEAD, I 21=1 Mardifssetdr s ed only and for sale by . • T.IL CPI." If CO., N.larsocor 30a.takt-li2Wcorlaart, N. W. Condit and Market Sta, ETITSBURtitI, THE - LIGHTNING B. C. JON= D. CRAWDOUD .. . ... VOGILL. JONE 3, CRAWFORD &NOGEL, Agents. THE MOST POWEEFEI, Amp IMEIMBI EOM! ElliE El ~~:SA II ~ ~- . f . r ... . as amnia oi .64,4/afe. - • XambeicrrezLococrille. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON. Ulduerfaiid Dealers in PETROLEU M ,. Ositaie.ZCONDsTORY., coaszu Hama: T. JUID DUQIIKANE WAr. lILTIO =XI STEDJEUIN 1, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraiei, nitaLtitiasnailmi ant, SUPERIOR AIM - PEDISISEEk Coatelft Stamps and Ilating Cuts; Also, MATHS TOR Mi.P.ICING CLOTHING. 98 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alloy, asou DAVIii. BOOS 1 3TOXis) le CITTaBOHGII, imam ME
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