11M c'IEM _ _ __- r -- _ - - - - , terriek A: earn to Elmer Gre 10 head St, I.onli. Markel. • PITTSBURGH ROPEWORKS• COAL, COKE Bzc. i . MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS. CITY AND SUBURBAN • —1 PACIFIC. AND. ATLANTIC , ' prime two year ohl steers, averaging 12.5 n, at ....r, r.,,, , =, Dr,. I!. -31aket heavy and bust , ' - Huhn, ye head at e , P ,- ,"13 ,7 4. bretraw arr.! s no, retrlpte.l by want of shi In flelllt'es ' ---.--,... - -' - - r - --- - Pr,' g ' ' )IkIISIIALL, FULTON & BOLLMAN, PITTSBURGH NATIONAL UNION lOU AND' COKE [OIIPIN ` II , IRON DIILLS ViESIU-VILTS &NI/ THIRD - - TELEGRAPH COMPANY _ad nt 3 i1.0 ..rt,; also, two men, rtr ra ',oath. Tobacco unchanged (Anton lirtner, • cattle, to go en. , -4, at l •, ,; anti two 1., 3 !the „t. - _ , ls, tor low middling, and 310 for strict do. Only M erotheetarer, :n the tt ' egt t.f . . heifers, weighing 3500, to Ciro-, / etrroler Hour firmer; fall super k0,?..3; spring extrall lo , - 1 5 i A Relle of lie Olden 'lime. 'Of ikko:). 17xxit.oci f3tztltoisi. , (butcher) at." 1.",. 3lyer , r ,t.. Needy ,ord ', t head soirler, r •V.:.: fall ext rn, 0 1 , 0 : double .10 ....,REAvy CORDAGE , A ,„„„..,,....r,u, put together, .111-print e.l , , Lo E. .;rev, nvcra_tn„ Irat , , 1 ,o). Pr IrrA•t ttli: and holtlers n.•,k an advanee; , ' '- 1 NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH, OEFICEN.9 - , k TINTER r.• eoltonu newspaper,lior,e,,lng ~.0,-iie u,,,0 . , . ley, averagratr 7:,0, at .-.; regalie , 11 e head. ft northern Lill 42,10d2,45; prime to strictly do I . • . ri'' :to 7... lf roc, I Ilar , ret lii ,d . ''' ' - '' .l .' ' -, 42,:0d?.,411, Corn nail and earder, et - , :.,Grrle for , -:Rabic fur! , . earn and ."....1 Ito. ts• . 0.." - i - ..i i - „. 14 , 9 „, 8 ,,, , H ea 11 ',,Tf .1114 AND DEAL- ' , ~,t eonohlerrible-perohal latere , t, Ile. la , - , a . __.; .....isd, i t , linue, an , to 7;.; 1111.1 MAI I.- A. 'I :....r......• .. • now, allel atilrqe for old. Oata tirm at TUT 70r . . Ill.tWSI:It 1-1,11 l Olt L DELL ittn.E. ..,. 1,.. ~ c.,,,,t,lllNTierx try Tin , r•lnel , CITY ”•"*.... ..• •• • •••' , BEST IFA:11ILY cONL, IL , 11.,0• . AND •,.1 IL. LI . . 119 ..!.. L.tr • •• TO thr. It Ir. "Tu.. - roc 1 -et ITU li.l/.11.1.1..- 4:or. Irwin Street and Duquesne Way. _ --...-- Provi4lons quiet and bri , lness ,mall; me, ,To red Roper for Coal Batiroads, LEWIS, BAILEY, BALZELL it CO. EfiON AND NAIL NVOIIKS. ,aring date, March 1, 1-11, pruned I.q Joh!rt.._ - PIT CNDUittr: la .11 ittial.E.S. pork Vl,err. Bacon; clear 11e. L, Green 1 1,,,E1 , U. 14 k.,,V1• s , Tr r....:... ttr . Nut C l / 4 :›Cia riacl 15.1ix015.. am i y r .,,,-. 'I hi Ind , veto'. at 1.1 n.. of Telegraph Is now open .„ hams Ine. 1.. , ,rel Itre in tierces, nil „ rr or half . HEMP OAKUM AND PACKING, SIANI7FACTUREIt....! OF .1111, on the corner of 31arket - Leg,. IVIIL,Iry 42,.2:iii247. et FFICH AND YARD, colt S ill Foul:III aNi, 'rept The Li...7.1 - TTI: Wit.. then in Its twenty- I."'''''''Ts"."l'.l"..f .' . " 141, toolllfrom. Wreat.. ' r.rrr. : ..1 . Tar. I'l rrk-ere....t 1..k.11, Tr, ? i CAUI,NINI.f I , IT 1,,,i. 3,....1.... 1.1f.‘ Tll EETI, l'lll , rglt, 1 . 4. . IRON AND : FORGINGS. --.-- --- , toglon, Bettay.te, I . lllll.lelphla., New Terk. hos- BAR, BOILER, SHEET Intl, volunte. - 19.11.....9phia tattle Markel. Warebon.e. 111 and 115 Water Street.. 5yL,....,,,"rw'L1..j,'",r,:p1ei01v,"'",;',':,i'11r,':',:.",,r,1%•:,!;..7,T,:',-.c, - :on, s a d orb, Fasten, town. and chic-: .lee nil ' Ihe pr 0.1.1,2 market present no new tett - We llnd little in !Iry in te r .11(.1'111 nt,ol :, n; I'll 1 L.A11C:.1 . 11 la, Lierentber 17.—P:a (...,- , , No., Notion; liou-e• , it, A ! . ...,jismra , ;„,,,,, r,,,.., „.1. „„.. ~ ., ,, ,,.e....1 ~......nrron area 11.1 , 1 f• ramr,0,•......1 . , of ~ points on the IfoLlan,2101•11 Elver to Mergantwn• ',,,,,,- wen thy ot shcclal ant tee. The weather ___._ ---- _E:6-S.S3D umber of the ti.,, ,, r , of Ine-1. L. un- ' v i , , i . O „ ~ , ~, , , tlo trete null 11,14 week. But. prices were 1 r•e1•“'” , COAL! COAL! ! COAL!!! cred o and Rolled Loconto- . to, ngeo,t,te pa , . (..., so.lclted, and ever) ~„,,,,,ro, rather natural able for out 1100 r without ...aortal ehattge; .2.....0.1 head arrived L-- ' I r..ink.lV-32K• I3EILIC3OI4Q n1,,-.0, that 011 th e prtee.llng Tur.relay, rel.- vt,,,,,,iii ho made to give ..,, ,, ,,rwrnou In ~,,, , ,n0, ... • v the and trite Axle , . ' operat lor , , aral hall ft tendency to keep coon. nnel Hold at I 15.2.2 1...., et.. for extra: RIVER NEWS. . IMPORTANT TO aNSUMERS. a ary 1,41 - . - _ ~..., ._. 41 . :En. 11. TurtcsiroNi. Prr.i.,.."' I try merchanti and erperntola at home: and. ' . 411. . '''' "'n funs. 1`) g°'l. ''' 1".`31.7 " """ .1 1 • "rJr.r town v.:. brlllhortly Illrumnated In' per 10 tor common, Its to quality. 3artAr...ClF]3,2:,,l,XV:ii.,l2:7,TriDt_ NAILS AND NAIL RODS. Smllltlenortai,. tit t„.11. • .Irect..rm , 4 victory al ...=2:2.13- -__ 1 , .. , .../... , , 01,11.'' to lit.' 1 1 nee! t.,1 111 IV, and w e Shcep-Wrra la lair ileat,tral at (Orate, rate.; ' The L 0,1 ro, rapidly dertng Men , la.l hrgat , HUMMEL & RABER "A" ..','.. , li , u , . ,I.:.1c1 , 15.111 - 111:11,,K . - - icrt . °float - ISi and the return' ol p 1.1 1, .. liar- . 1.001 1 ...,,,dO.l , aa.l cot.ter-ten, se Melt prevail 3,ne , he ol arrived and -old at from -410 cants j and ye-terday and seer., , t 11 ,w ening .1.1 0.." Y . 1.: 1, 7 hol r- s,_ limey rtarl'gr.o. l order 1 eigned throughout ihp , pal. rt. TIMEICJICZ- ''" '"une".l"l"E'l"' ''' I'' ' ' ' ."..l ''' the i"''‘..... per It) gr(l---..4 to eoll.lltiOn. l -..-. 1 • Warehouse, 73 Water ,k. 90 Front Ft, ,lino. the attention of tits puL1tr , t0ttf 0 1, , , ,, , Z.? . . , ;' 5 . LIN 1. , x Nil at OA ~. I 1.y_,,,,, ~ip.l,E.it Int. , r r t 1..,1t feet 111 the f c vetting, and although the ,treetrt were trowel- . ' ha,' 411.11.4 ceraplet el, - Frineb. la ei art:. 1 Iti o g 110 14 ,- Were in better demand at on advance; ' la 4 t ererlitig with '4/ , 00.1 r•- -, o OALjuot reCartal. Incliello, tt t•' "' ea. TNIIoN NI. 1t.,1,,,,,,ii5,,,,ii i , ii ,.., ,, 1 , , ,..,,. ,.. . PITTSBURG 11. PA.. with persOni • rejoicing in the pro.pect of ' r lace a speculative fe e l: u,:. P rom th e it " tti Ir ., '" lie , l r i ' , old at ,rtif la per lee iby net. •' I channel. The r!,e, tit, tor, , oat ot the .MOll.. , :lento . : T ASP 5: .. .i. , .: - i1..,', ... triton, happlat,Q4, not a , ingle occident occur , . , olzer . . the receipt, by Ihe ',trio,. rant ortl - wet e litaislie.r and Br , . . . . .. L0mr,,N.,..1, 2, 3 nntl I:nestlig. , nog:Melo, w Melt rtr earn, 0 1: 1 e1.1.f1e.1, r ,,0 ' 1L „,,,,,,. v,,,,,..,- , y Sox, 1. 2,3, and Che•t rant. tot 1.0 tear pe general Inlarity.” ) ' , Tlll4 p5l - 11, !VON elnilpri 6 e 4- the uttm total or , , ~ Wood - t., s near corner of Fifth, tossed that toe troulde, brought about by the. 91 ii ater and 'i211,: l'ir-t Strcela: RANGES, STOVES AND GRATES. ~ , ittorlal orlocal nee, coot:Lied la the. paper. •i '•. ' recent henry snow slot n„, hut e ',pen fen,. rl . r . r.ilt . Ball, Foal. WArant it Crimano E. It. , ~ ,, i , t ,[ , . , , , y r t at i llro i w_ttri.v,l,l:l,l4'l,,:in: ~ 3 , 1 , ,e , 1 1 1 .; 1 . it :, • ., , 1.,,, I, ~e. , ~.....,40,,,,..,_,:,,,... T1"..1 , ! i t ' l ' AlLtt‘G.'4l"•l'lthATthi.Z 'hy"threnolo.'l',;L.‘tr.'anrvi.:Trer,tirrtirr't • t ,4 , ' ri - 9: The immediate l'lret . ti Of Ihe U,Onelu.ion Of I '-. ; .11.1. neeenther 1 , -1., IMP, pork, rthomaker .I. Lang: , . r Ingram trout (111 Cit V, re. . All order. prompllr .1,11. T1.1..1 to. ^ . e no of Government Bondi GI: 01N—wa,-at ....... 1111'.1.e:AiV :1(.11Ve to. 1., '. “ 1,, , Ca 11 , 1 le, 5 ,, I 1:-. lard, t , ' Seller: N. co; , r it any. 1 horrgh a-e .. i ,,,,,.. i 0.., ri „, , ,,,„,., i i , „,,„ 0,, it,„„,, VEED4NECr A kill F. 14 , r1th...", 3,lN't !I w A Lltr.... ,- - r.,..., rr, 11.. ..,---vc.r. pc lisoss nip) _ . _ pt,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,, y.,, g b,,,a ~,,.,, 11,. L . anon titaten I All deoer•r,,,, iii „,,,,i te m, . ,„. t. , ~ ,t‘... it...f.. \ l-• rto 1.1.9.,..1 to call r.... or, the r, port.l ~ne., ;pat to, , 1 1 11 ,,,,, i!..,,,,,,,, et. er., , e.1 huge, ti Ilea Jr; 1 1 1.1,1 , nuts, 3 oral .1. ported It. clear el lee 1111.1 Weather Warttio.r. 0 , : ,..„. , ,,, 11A It1:1 - iti. , IV, l'A.. , ...: -.27 , w pro of the in 0,1.. ri.tonnelltig ellalacthr.--Mr I nonght 11.11.1 •01 • - - h. -, 1.1. Lt r ... 00 - 2..}.a . 4 ~..;;LINt; ItAX,S. sr extract from the N. l'. l'unt or ' Feb. loth, 1,,,,.,.,.i . . I,oniton ami Con fru...Mal Exchange sold at , hundred be-seta In tho ag.fregate, .1, loll" s ,„ co, t.: ,-cur. „,,,i , N paj-12 ,X, (so; . 25 kgs ',null, .1 ~. . I err mr report 'Mel WI, ... . 'I tie arr, a - 'ln I t0i1N. , .., r: - . It' . rll -1..., sho stti • ' New 1 ork rate.. re-prtriteel In the 1....17.1,TTK, graphically .Itow, list, IIAt In it,. hgetroir .1.4 d. s ilve r.lf,...l: 1 11,1 .1.1,1 tif,...t:, L :lttl I , , 11 , 1 ,, 111-In I. 11,, barley, I. It ..lataityr 2 earn ~,,,,., , ~,,:, Lo ~„, , ~,,,, , ~,,y , 3 t wth ev; i ~,,,. „„,,,,,, •,, ~,,,,,,,.,„., ~,;.,,, ~,,,, . tbk . 31 a V. 4/.. il 1), all.' W. 1”. Curti , from Chi. , COAL I COAL I / (211/Al.!! ! Pmt e. 'fleet Ile_: bad an excellent, it air re, , ,.., „nd Gold Draft. Ls4aetl on Ne. To r t , . outer and reneity,,red• we condone, to „note., • ", kW II,I 1 !kale. .. rat! et 11.)eriii •:.:, 1. , . rit. , : 1 ,,„! „I_,, th e ceiti,,. The hitter hem, ...on:: k plc ., i ••unu• ..,k,,,,at ~,~,y kind _• . ; (,;I ' ,kl i. iiikll, I.l\f PII,I,I3,IIIEiTING toll, 1 btu .-,:,,,,‘ t: .„, , , i,,,"„,1 :.. 1, ,,„ !. ,.,,„.., 0, :.‘ ,...,,,,..,,,. , ~ ! . .k . • ‘, ., 5 i , 7 1!!, t 4 , 1 , - ,v. u . p . .h ...., ,, ,,, . . ni .l - ... , • i k ,,,, i , .. , ... „ ,,, , ,, .. , , , ; ,,,, 0 ,„,., ii „„, , „ :„. .. , ,,„,,,i,,, im,.l a consPlerairle , n. ithblen and to Mill, a 410C1:111g Cllalilfv. ,1- . _ _ .ICA-0 110,ot k'tras... s lad 1 artotrT :tat. gar lor in4tonce, fell [root ical per (111 . . to $1.2,2• 0 1 , lEN ANcE AND TRADE I S.Oll I for 4.11,11. lot, to ze ... I. II ,I •• t Mai, ::., . " "7:" t'• "'^' ,‘• '.;' i '., ~ ':.,...,,,.. i I I“lt‘ta , " "' ":"-.‘ . • l, it ' itSON, STEII,IIII & 1 10 . , 110114E11 STILIJ iID T.-1)h- , Tea. v.,,,i„,,.....„,„.„,.,1-2,2:irm,attilnlay,,•.4t,tvl.l., ' L. . 11, V.., .1 111 1 0.11 1 ... e.. 111 LT; 0.. ~,,,. t.. 0.41,, ., olt ~ ..."”Y.',‘„'. ' ;',...',.' ','..'„, `, ~ 1" ‘ , ". :,‘",,... , , Tile NI 11101.• lioni ~..1. I.ntl I.+, was duo ~ IIISsELI. At CO, it+oor rim thoron , to : W.lO pareua,able at ti. ellevie, 0, 111011 had • ------ . i ‘ ,,l.prett - s - grart N.,11 . 11114 " 1 , 1 . 10,: 011, ea al. ~i. 1 .,.1, . 11, ..',.. '.'“ ,r `' ' ' ' '''' ' In, .- .:.. ‘.....• ' ' lout night, havlng paarred Wheeling on Men , ' .Itntrolertnn ra of 10. cereal .. .at...l i ail at 11t..1.14, bop . Col . 1 , -ellneg In dre , -ell bog., Fie lon ..11 Vol le, 1:o do (att.+, .1 . , i „,. . i, ii ,, i i i... coq , „ „ „„d„, ,„„(I, l„, I„iii 1 i.:°' Up to the entOrtnern , lute of - per,eut. t oe W4.)/Rt. "KS; 1 ' '' -' 1 .. ": TRIO coup , 4TOVE.S. FUR COA4,. tattoo, eltopeel down tor:, The orth•le, . Ir.r.r. 4tene at .. L.l i.) '..... Nothing .1...1ng in live ; N • '" ‘ ll Y e, r , . em hlOl bbl; th"ir r , 1 ' 11 M Y "r " ' ' t ''' 1 rip ' . at Inlet anal t, It •Ing apprehenstec of 1 ISTCP• /3_437 Lala..ortir MAx 43 c , l• ' -4 ;: ,1i..1 Black. OM: for Wood, temper of tth, fell from the height 0 , i.' , 1, l"''. FLOI It-There Is 00 traproyenten - t to note / .....1.. o'r. W ,,,, ~ W.l'''''' ""; '''''. 1 ,"',;!,.. 1 . 1 rt, ' reelable In getting up. The 74 .rggler nays, wlll (Lately city floitr3llll)nEerlND rt,ouit, _ _ 10 i.2:5, Si. per trent. stock roqe [root 7.; lo ...l. 111 111...1 , 11...... 1.01 ,. .tha... 1,1, 17 tiro marhet r I rat '', nielai, i Wor r, l r t '"".;.- rai , ' ' Ile up for a :per day re. to, order to make 4011,,,, , L.., 1 , 7 _ ' ' .... tun per cent." Trc,nry Iliac , ro..e. to 92, 13 per 1. .11..1.1e.11:. aria. 1 "We coat Intro to ~..01.1. at C o tirt o "Y l I , rell - leath er, 6, II 00aer ' "n • ucce,sary revolt s. Are To.. nrepsr , al to furnish Frond Yettrlll,thrny . 1 CARROLL 8c c•NYDER •4•11 .” 41 1,50 to el.: ro, t-rtlttg Nyto•tti t it.; t o I i,:. tr.. - Ct. rvm..,, o arro Prrrserhen 1LA11.110.0. - . The l'al kclsborg pu lott .1 arc On tho , 'r ;r„ l , Lune, 1:111" c4/4.1. on. SLACIL, I ' ' EVERSON, PRESTON lic CCi., Wittter Wheat, and 41 1 ,ter lulu, faint brand... December la.-b+ , 1,111, 11.11.1 , liiioX tt. McKee; i 74;tilit ; alto 1110 loey I.aele, 111111.Xtor t on l, ---• xr the tosiert_Market p 1.,. Mt, 1.10111010.1... Os t The Shams: Wa., 111. Dill 1,1...,t t. 11011 1 lOW. . 111 a largb W./FN.,* beilillez 011 'Third AU 1,1. I:re Flour I , ,Iling at 5.' ,. .„ and lioel.wherat. at 1 cur. metal, Itryat. 1r Coo cheyt tr no do, ',hoot, lead on' to.day, Site w 11l Ite , fellewed tt.t-ut , tt• Ahr .o.ord,re, len . at their oft . e.e, erad,tr.,,e4,,,.... r• E.v.vs 1 - 7.,:d.r.14 1 Emma Turner Ors tn.. I ergutreg.star. . it'. to 11,1 to 1.1.1. : ....11 I.lf:1.1 ...el., :.let ger ..1. Mal. ; ..........1,1, 1110ast ,T. co; I .1 0 .10, 11111 try the llayar , l, Urtitt trlce. D. Moor , tbrolthrattgh tan ..../1. , . 111 ha at ,o4l. 'd to I.roan'••• Try ut , I.,•01, iv irr ni,E-r1,1"1 ,- .14 Tr Ill' 1,.1 E . . .I The etearnboat .Efart was tot , erri , ett 'in - ll' 'tr -- In e , re. l nog , eon , he rte 1. , t ore.' . , ti.:tir. Biel.; .'s ;au 1 ,Its do, 31 Wet , Barr A e 0; The Ida Hee, u Net, hoar, left trete on Sat. - , myl. 3 'brr 111 OE-I;e_ix aC 1 1.1N1 , 1,1: STEAM BUILER: r 3, ' I 110 4.1 ., 3 -"okii- W4icialtiffiZt,A. leave tor New Orlen.7. Ihe .lona sva.. one PI ott treely, all.l I lor-111 It 1., 111 ,v he t; ;0;1 , 1 lit 7 p 1...., collo., T M Mon et I ext . tesrley, ' , veto awy for Cluein.al, bad ecm,i , leittine rir'nottitY lrf the .11 rat steamboat:, that cleared front tin, r.teet , ly at V., to dr e-pac kern oh, 111,4 ti n• 111.. 1 0.4 A Mcliay, 1 .10 OM, l'an obeli E itronlit 10 e,t Gia-s 11,11;a0. title tr., aground there for o ! MI, sTi LLS AND to i. TAN h.t, , ~.. Port for the to yr 311,-I,lplll • -1.1...111.1.11 lot, 1 1t.,• Ile ,-, In tier thatottol. .1711, apolei, V.,hrt .0 me 7,10 ......W., Mall Zt ea.,...1,..,,1.1e It ogth of It tat 110.1 ....... oblige.. "-5'`"...:1..'2-7.: The Loh ertoo.r. of ilrY g 0 0 .... and boot, rind Is nth col,. at limn ~', to - .i, to: 1,11 1.11 pr 1 1110 , WOO.l, '. .1 ... , .. , 1 110 . ,, , , Old .111. , ..b, rO.ll 1 a ,\. -io t,, , ,,,, a id able portion et tier height •10rt.9, generally head their anale-d. coed, heavy tivera gen. eol i thi ,10, IV I' Becht 110.10 Otto, 111 tcker .V. co; nil 1;; ;oder to trghten op. It er 1 tottered that "I'r t , ir Pan 1.-." In glaring capital , . IVe, of 1I 11 11 1111 Ifght liertrah , 1111.1 IL ' I .1....tael ILL, 1V Ma,ting..., 2 .10 do. t.l, 01111111. ...col her crea nu. ',tiled 0 lisle he/nal - Tr 10 1 111. generation, 0.111 al.01V0111.1.•, a., di ,1 011 I 1.1 11'111,11.111.1111d •S t• Cali 1 1 . 1.... t 1 cga1.0...11e, I.t.r.r.nettoni,Col.l,lll.. lt CINCINNATI - it IL, 1 spar the boat all. bat 1110 1 111110 r 1/0.114 , i el.Ol - t,l to (Lc enaurenue between waratad Vette., tit 1.1 to r:,O per !dr., Pr...rather 1,- burl 11111 :quit', Se haeluteek 1 , Innett Mn. , 1.; te....,. I 1 1 11 1:1) FItULT-quiet bat steady The "unexpired time of an liolenred 1.1.....1, ,alcs at IV to Il tor .1 01 ,11.- , uttt I 1 -.11,': ' ' ' ' '' ''L'l ' l , '; l i ‘ t ' l l. ", i f l t l l ‘ tt I t 'l Vt ' t ' t i tt r " -Y , ' ;‘,.t't.tlt'ttlr.,'.ll.?;',"llo7'''.l..-. 711,1.e1.11'; ll. . T S ' e ' ' '‘N Vl l lTlt ., , t e ' . ' n P ie t e ' r. a l, " tle " .. ' . r ., ..g M t . :lrt r " p l ie e tir o ot nu. girl, - 1.; 11.11,11.1.14 , 1 Wl' na'...,, by "Joint L GIIL, 1 . 010.11...y-titl , l 1 I q. 1 ., nail bull, • `ounce,.l.M, northerly. • nil. Ihe.l r- P"T AM I:' ' -"II " ll ' ' '''''','''' ''''''”' ''‘ ''''“' ' r I . N .'", L..ll.l'lt'lttll.;''lrt.l;lll-.,1-c'tlLi.sr'ker°.."ll.ll'''';.e'ts-'a}.1.1%,1V lire''','-","tene.aLlir.lll(a",lit"ll:iL.,'"llJrl'o"l'gti':'' a')11 ''''P rr %. yOOllO Man 01 gettl.vel cOnnectiOrut,” an- to en.... 01 1111' .1..11..111.1, I.ot a 1 1 . 1.: 1110 ' , L .,,,i,:, ~,,,, Hutt,, • ,,,,,.,,,,,.,..ri,-,, , 1 . 0, yr, ~,,... i.t.r.„ I.a• kl,llllll. tt 111.11,,,,net1t : tir, , rlrittr a l , n , t l r4; n that he Wallta a tlttlatloll 11 1 book- ~.i ivn.llolo, l , ' '' ,o I ri ,lll f" , "" 10, ' 1 ty 0 l'''';' i w heat, 'Large,. M 0..; 1 car lye, II I 3teek, l' , l'atrdrur all and Litu.o , ll.lll t 1 role , ,111. keeper. 01any young men of "genteelconnee. non," are Ilk a -nail:, predtcaulent at frit,•to 111; het 11 1. - hatrtek X Merton; a 4to 111 , . ‘1 1 , it , / 1,0; :1 ear-in,,,tl of ....1,,,,i„,, ~ r , 1 , , 4.'1, • ' , 1 , , , , .r ” j.., ' ,.., ', , ' „ ' - ‘ l . l''''' ' ''''. ' l""g '''''''''' "" ''' ar' till, 15t ,. 1 & I:Fit - halt ; ' L . e il , e , 101ractr , r, If 111, iLlwar. -1 Icor, inOttiptly 1111 'late, It Ix le 1111' to te ~•ttrr demoted, re..., In irue ~ ,t. ", , 0 0 . ~i i, ,i ii ,' e , necirlllT .- ltlerr the advert( of Couture, 'I he 01 . 1\111.111, l t,lti 1-0,1, 1-. 01;11.. up ..tratllls el College,. Gull, In 1,1 , 1 e. and It.rit 1.1,1, , , -. 11, re .11111 „I ~ .- . - , , kn 01. Lou., on.' „ill doill.tle- , get o.lt thi• The 1.111 advert P•er lie tire ropy of the 1. A• a out.. 1.1 11.2; Mt, lttIll.1.11•• , , Itt •••11.111 tl. 0- ' - - - --- - 1 1 - ft, eilltig, 1.11,1 the I•ccoor... Gala /1.1,1,• I. .1.. r, ,i;}, - ,.. beta. e 04, 110 W 1 IVlng, II the venerable age, ' t l'ItOl'LA:1:1ATION. 1a tin 0 tor 1, 111c101101.u0 , 1 1,0 1,1:1e. 1 , 7 eon LI mit,: the “olet tnerchant" of new.rpo. Etrelr--Under tile lurinen,•rrof napror. l r.r. ti.. ,ta, . The }late lilt (apt . Rola. Robinson, per pert tarpon netOrity a few years lra.•k ',lid -, continue dei , , a , , , t r., en at I lo• , I , ',.•1111 1 : ~,,, ~ s i i , . i , ~i . „..,. read the Leonid., C.ipt . Al.. It l , 101“1, are at.- 11 e riptlear6 to hare heel/ eltel....lrely etigagett - . ...., the ...L....1id ,4 1161.1. I i ..I: ...e .. .....1 ., .„ .. 1, , , , , , . ~ , . , , ~ ~ „ , ~ ~,,,,., ,„,,,,,,,,k r,,, N,." ,),,,,.,,,, tre the patella , ot ginseng la 151:,. It r• .1 . . 1 there ' ' `''' " `" ' l . • ".'. ~ .L . : ..." ~,... 'I be A I gote,tl left -1..1.011... .11 Prt.1,0 ,, g 1, all important artielc 01 COMlLlorce. , (Ole of the most. interesting .1. , 1nn •nt piloted in the tiAtc - re i ,, a statemen: 11111111 - Itoceript 3 .111,1 0 0.011.11,1.1,1, t+l A Ilt•glIt . 11 C.....111y." tot the ........1 4-1 1. .1g....91 try .111.111.- Fera . Pl 00.1 0011,11 ,i.ige, (.011111.1,4101terc• ' The ~p... 1. 11t ore. tot . tee year reached Ole. ~,.,,,„„,„,., ,0 .1".,..: .. 7,:.: . , ' .1.11100:.: 111,. 1,,,_. 0 , 001.101. 4,1,1,1 1.011 !fly for volt •ealll,, atol t.....,10.111."110:10 1111t10.1 1 of 427 , .,N; darner; In, yeial, paid to ,r ,eeeral teachers for ter:roll ing peer children I" Rather a contra.t. tMa the gelrerOtls derretriletlientr ., ol the chlrpos 11l nor t. 011111. 1 ., at thIS doe, in the proniotton of 1.111., 0.1 11, 01 allIV!, -. ,.1.1 education. Coroner 1, law-on' .. . Irce.lece.SOr recenved plit $ O l foe holding tow eat.; thsrlng tire Teat, Irma whlelt, we take It. • . plbjeel.r.' Wore ,earee during the year of our Lord, loll' We are Melvin.' to the attention of Mr..l. L. Oehler, 50, I'l. I'llol ~ 1 reel, for the prlvllege 1 , 1 lllSPeettlra the. memento of half century ago, (Ce naturally eOOlllllO 0 briber the 1,...n. .. 1 . : 1 1 - 1: of nay yeary heneo,wlll -.how ai tharl:ed - et vont ra..t. with this number of oar paper. in It ./0..+ o ith the tiar - rrryrc 01 I-1 t. - --- 10(1AL HEWS ON FIRST AND THIRD Conrt of Common Pien, Before Ow lion. Mom 3e MellOn, A,,ariate OM Joseph s. hope v, Wm. S. Acton. This ease on trnil 011 M011(111.1', Was ennelucird yeSter.lay. ho plaintiff told defendant a grk , mare, 4 , 0 r .0,1 on account; iletendant ro fineld to pay the balance, alleging a bre.: eh o: AV arrlnty, that t•he hmre, although represent. ...I sound, nms spavined and had Other Itls. gaM•th smlth vs. The Little-Sawmill lion llailroad Company. The plaintiff In t WI, case Is about him, vears of age; and the Alla Is 1,011;:ja ber -no,ll' by Andres: Fatz.smt nrma. It is an action to reeaver injuries sustatue•l by • the ri.th,tiir by being run overtly a ; on 1.4.- tort,i Inc-,!m pe,r, teem that the gl ;lay of 3tur - Ct-t, tho (-1111 , 1 Inki al:Olit the I ray h, her parents' dnellnic bent,: neer by, and while thus engage•l, she was run over oy a trnitl Of coal car,, foot cud ankle so limns crushed and lacerated a. to render amputation making her cc cripple for lite. The W juries are ;alleged to nave resuitf••lll"olllcarel,,,ne,, to tilr istrt t he employees of the company, ails the salt is brought to rteever damaged I her••for, the .11101111 f being laid at. 4 2 0 , 00. 3ici• krone and crubie, Esq.c.cnpear fin't be plaintiff, and N. I'. Fetter Man, Es e,., tor •lelendants. tier some Wee being spent in arranaing nrellitonaelt , , the plaimlif teek 11011,111L:II ‘, ',111 , 11 the Court -n.lourne,t. I=l=l] lt , •fore ton .1. W. Williaut, X.:sot:tate J morning the ease Of Benjamin Reed Blackburn, tchten loci occupied the alien. I lea of the court for four or days pu was ectitcluded. The jury found h defendant. John Little vs. linens O'Donnell. Thu in ail to recover damage:. for in) trios Su, al tied by plaintiff balling into an cXcaeauon tern vault in front Of defendants retddence, at N. - lc llobno.on street, Alle ghenv. pluntiitratletioa that ott-the night of the 21 rd llay last, while walking hiiing pheetiiiiiii I.e tell lute the ',till, and , u,,ti.itettl net'ut c lo to tr.. scipcit conilectt holl to the butt-e, and in carat:tinted hiteitiiilig to hi, be-I nun., It further allegvil that 1150 tscavat.on Wh.: tiny burl - if:l44e, or, ignul light to apprise' petic , it tans of danger, aml that tint trout the willful coglicence of detendant. Tile datuutten utf 'lid at Gee tinc,and dolhirs. J. IV. Istrker. 15.;., for piano ttf, and liennrn. Lever and lic. Cleary ror deiced:int. The Int returned a tot diet t.t tor ihc plaint:tf, .I.l3u:treed. . .. The Went her. , .Areorditm to .I.** ar iet,,,t guardian. td the' w either, the very ivorthy "6. A.," helleve-i"tim winter La now -ecure.l tor-=new and cold, or until the Jan 0. 41 - y or - Yenruary thaw, usually coming tw een Me nth and 12111 of the-e months. ..1s long as the grounds to the North and .Nortn. we-d are covered with snow, we 'may expect rohl weather to continue. The chief feature tai., which Is unusual, is, that the wino doe. 3 not blow Lot partially from the Northwett." Election of Directorw.—The following ill. rectors 01 the Citizens' Insuz ance Company, ha% e been elected for the ennning year: Win. Bagaley, Joh.l Shtptou, James Park,Jr, \S. U. Johni.ton. B. Y. Joni., Samuel 'tea, Johttii Blioiica, Barclay Preston. s. hi. icier, James Cooper, s. Jr., John e. Pit north, Ucorge Bingham, Win. A. Rodger?. Hor.e Don' st .—Yedteriluy afternoon a lior+e dratviuit 'a cart heavily laden with pig iron, ,licpcd and hdl on I,Stottlinehl street, near I lila. COli.klentble time elupsedonachentml was expended, and a great deal of fuss made ',fore the animal was ru•Labllitatcd: lle'was got up-in safety, howerer, and elartad otr as nothing had happened. tioddelt Den th.l—Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Mixon, wife of Mr Wilson, of the dna of on a Co., coat contractors, died very sudden- It of apoplexy at her residence in the Sixth ward. 1)ISSO LtilON OF PARTNERSHIP —The partnership heretofore tAlstiug by and etwten the un.leri Igmcd. oflef ihcbr?,o and v'rle c4' ()WENS, IICNNEDY & HARPER. bee I.eee thi4 dal dieealved by ioutual c.., et, harper retirimrfrom the hem. The bueltiess will be brred . frkreenileeted by Frederick ()wee` a.d Jobe Nettuenir. ender lie Dame and style of OWENS fi 1, V." 0, 071, at Om 01 , 1 stand, 76 Federal street, CM= EOM GREAT - ItEW'CL IJTION IN TILE ~.p ow u r e g A T L ß ,y ok igts o vi UNITED STATES. prels pa i red C. as If done in N teazle and Porn pore Cailfor• Diaea of imported Chem- Me undersigned woold Dealers and Hotel It:topers to ta,.•-ution of Wine which may glve a correct Idea of ti,r`awing letter, Wlnei %wit'? of tb I "Cosign - Carat 11,„;;;; Prin./U.1.71114, Oet,24it. ••MitSans. Bout:nut a given Co. — Sicattentaa: " 4. 4 your California Champagne a ttioreeiv,_ , u g e take pleasure In saying Hot we Hunt Amen , an wive we love e rev Med. We .t ya ret once place it ma our bill of fare. lours truly a `• J. E. 000, Call and tel our California Champagne. no12:08 ITOUCHICH t t,0., 30 Deist, Ti; T. NEW ARRIVAL! NEW ARRIVAL! SW package,new crop Balalns, In at bole. half . and quarter - • ....I/Coosa. new Currantal • ' SO barrels choice ricklea, In alnegar boo drama he w crop Figs IA bags largo Tennessee raa Seta aOOl fresh Cocoa Dluts, In store and to arrive at VLOIVUI FLOUBI CORN REAL! A. Farley Brands of di. Louts Flour; Choice nraudsortnnter Wheat Fi..131 . ; ..00d do do do do Boa ars' nous., goal to ebottetrands; • • lho nous. _ Ituekarbral Flour . Id . White (lore Heal , dried; 1 Yellow ao - do •t, l 4e old stood. 172 and 171 Wood street. SIC .11. Ho6ltralt LAtitl. 1)11880LETION • "n .v "." jIkBSOUBTION •OF PARTNEW. tetzierthle heretofore extstleg .l hitween. fekit m tlOUllood if. B. b7117t1702b, to the oUelhit.me, underthe flan Dame of liARBOUlt. Z retl7llBoN. moo ttlisoleeft ot: combersth, 18e4, 11191. the Math./ or thee s iate Om wilt toed b' U. U. SMITHS°. ,at goose Nu. 7 It ee re Block, Pittsburgh Pa. I H. B. tistVrylSoN. Dr.cr.usznistb. a r (anus sum mil STEC'S, near Hum. . For ibe . eitre ot all dummies Of a ylie an . 114 x. tw0 ,,,, bra: dais, by an can ely new and ants t m .smenk...•.also, Seminal Weakness. and all owns diseases albs genital organs and their kresenuon Care warranted ormonerenflusdol., • Olken botuw-7 to 10. S. IX to aka •to• r. aolle•••• W,. 0214 vkas.,e .BROOMS. • - • ice) kliden Ibt salt by IF t Al I LEL -:BRANDON YELLOW 4 ..;osettooved anagoncri . linifilesXoTo l 4,h a , Wocd erect. 0771 CH OW rll/1 PlTTPaUllati GALSTTA, - rECsDAV, Decetnher 17, 155 5 . The New York' strick quotations today, no reported by Robinson, McClean .t Co., were as follow - 3 kohl, 11: , ; Elghty.one bonds, 11 . 4,g 111, 1' twenties, old, 157 ; Floe Twentlei, Five Tweritie . . 4 , new, lee'.:; Ten-Filrtles, li3O%311))! Seven Thlrtii , s, do second and third issue, 1955.;. 31 ighigan Southern It, It- KI!„.; Cleveland d. Vitt, burgh,: oi l ., 1'111,1:argil, Fort Wayne S C hi cage, 107',.;; Chleago. Rock Island, ISIS; Erie, Railroad, 73 , -„; Werern Union Tele graph - Company, Chicago :tn.l North Western It. It., .51' do' preferred, HO_ ~ola Is a .I,e.deal:cr, bat tile Mail:et sternly, and We inc we line to believe the quota- I lions will not decline to any eXAtall (rein pre eat rates barten days to come. t;tiverrinients areadvancing ;a They liars lawn very mud, `lePre9sott • log two r. eek., e been selling lattow their relative valne. The va,e. in the eastern money market will pill them up two or three per cent from the tire, cot 1:o,, though -there not inueli change iu Fairopean quotation, lialle.aya have token allot move up ward-. The areragondrancelllloll yesterilny':, about One per cent. We not Ice nuo''opreVelilent Capper 'leeks at. the CO-- ten hoard. Copper Fulls is very strong, with at :.1.;t,ra.1. There it a stir again in Franklin, last bale,. at 41 QuiliCyleeched 3 , In the downward scale; laat , 4111-1 bid I.! C.lll sold n taw .1113's inee nt IS That ligida la now bid-11011e offering. Na tional scent, to be weak at 10 bid. Nort h ere-another i'itt..lmrgh Company-is coining np. It is alongside of tin!Copper Fulls, mom insimlar company at preatalt in 1114 per regirni, a pi milt• of what ~ore for the Northwestern. lye notice....ile. lit Ile-ten Doe... Tuber Cll.. at -2 r - ,alo. of I'o,4Maud itt 141,t1 S(0,1: very nearly former qllotationa. M 1111.: are Steady, ,tint hold up ;Irti, agaln,t rut lo more than n,urtl coming• tllmn tho markt. Fin m,cley marketot king 501111 . , 51. +tm.k: of th 1.1.1.,, h „,,t „ 01, Broigo Al , l ,1021,;inO on tlo•niArk• offtr in; :Lre higi. Late-. , NtLy , Ott, 01111 . of “ot, •,:heiny tg.ozo I littler, nll,, .., n.nl It 2erl.tt:Lly •t••-irn1,1 , 111., =1 112; May, EINE 11t1t11,11: conuuen 11.1 (Or 1" , 11:110 N =1 COllOll., 111,011 !I TM . nrirrly ‘llsoll Yoris 411.entl, dem:m.l Untlt In r At li, ,tklttat LILL, l 1 ttrtitur ti ,to,k will cool.d . out of the Trva.nry !:L .lan sty iu payment of ,41:11 , 01, ,ntic;is,.,:c nt m hICh ti•ndQ to t depre tnium. The profe,sio, favor Of a f , -arm , ion or ~p ecie pa:, taauf,,,,,,, proposal tatleduce.ltn . .l ••e sale., of asold. heaveri,ll ti eeral,lefrevt 11:e prive ,;(e..1. , JII Ca . , el ta-r the t: truo:ilinary character ofonle of the, politic, tnea t ureA Inileclocea Into I. on4re, It uu n• "ponite. tendency,. 111, exports "I ITea,ll irnin New Inrk on Satneday ware Inre.tly .fleer ( . I , IIOW. : Br LBO }:o-!Y4, , ; Lit y of Pari., ifll,Can: Europa, $11,,,1 —total, —thtle 0: Itt 13; at the Gouttnt,,,lnnlnszonnh. , ,l , .; , nr , lt th. 1.1 r•trent, by A. bite' :nutter I:unk of Pittsburgh Citt4Ull- . NEttiouni lbrolinUharn Ga. Cutopuny Columbia. Oil company I.: 4 W , bill introduced Into tile lions , P. Mr. nouta'ell,.proposing that tine secretary of the reasitrysell two million, gold weekly on certain coititiona, has been debated Icy- the Committee of WayA and Means, to irlibb it had been referred, but no vote upon it, bo, - ever, has been taken yet. —The llon:e Committee on 11.inhini.i. and Currency tlnished a new bill :imemintory of the National Currency net on Wednesday, I, tel: will be offered as a substitute for the one nu, before the Hou%e. princioal feature. are us follow,—First. Iteolemptino in New Sorb. second. lteduetion of the circulation of exist. inF, banks loth:: amount of thirty-one million-, by down tile circulation el all banks whosecapital eacceilaCiefe,CCO, and lhollint: the -tooth Ciretilittloll of any One bank to 4.1,00gni.1.- Third. Distributing thirty million. of this cir culation equally among the State banks yet to be converted into National banks and to new banks in States teat have heretofore secured the least rateable proportion of circulation. Fourth. Fuller and more complete returns to the Comptroller of the Currency. Fifth. More power to the COlnotroller to close up default ing hanks. istxth. Severer punish:m:la for counterfeiting. —The proposition wade in Congress (says the Phlladelphta , Ledoev.) to Issue one hoeh. rod millions snore in National bank notes II ads. favor with all those. whose financial or host noes operations would be helped by an easy and assured money market, and is likely to be nuCeeSq l ll. Folk, it nay, are earnestly In favor et- contraction. flowerer much the theory may. commend Itself to an enlightened pn Mc rant, those who have felt the ex ellaration of the edit:dilating currency lind it ddlleult in practice to adopt with complacency 1.110?evero inence necessary to a return to ai,ep,“, solniety.•• Thus a larger part of the talk o,oot, contraction and a return to specie payments is Plekwicklan philosophy. used only for eitecL • —Within a day or two there has been a de cline of 3.4 to ~ liper cent in the price of-cow pound Interest notes In the New York market, the fill being ascribed to a chant:sip( policy on the part of the Secretary stub TreaSury. who Ivo telegraphed positive orders to New York, and is not now a buyer. FREDERICK K. OWENS JTIIN ILEN ILIAM.',HARPER. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. The supply of cattle was about the same us last week, reaching between eight , and - nine hundred head. but wlth - n. much o better do- mend, there. being some eastern boyars in at . tendance, the market wan a much better one aild..if ariything. prices`: ruled a fraction higher. Good retailing cattle sold readily at IX to 74, and extra at Scents. Medium grades ll,av be emoted at ate 634, and common to fair a Z a a to tl4. As will be seen by reference to ay glone drove of prime two year old steers, ' rick t hlt.tte lbs, orought 7 ',K.—sold by Mar- Gc,,,,,,,,,rud to Barney Grey; and Messrs. at 9, 4. 4 ,1 , t (t . ligb n sold some premium cattle ma d 0 ., 4. farmers continue to bring ln a beef, the b at :rased meat, both hogs and sparingly, and whet, continue to bay rather mand for cattlqueldly. tho retail de ana h a d ii, na y b".7, - eonsiderably restricted, for shipment, the r a Z r. the improved . Inquiry doubtedlybeen a hard his week would till' one. 11E3 , MEN & UllO3. No. 110 Al3l Wood stunt, •-- There was a very fair awns 'Monday, and w i t h win nnaras 4at i for hogs on a ket, priees,oempared with taattr" ruled son awns higher. Wass & Latrerty see s, et 6 to 7; Quick sold Emeriea tO head averaging = at 6%; and the 9 ' 3 head, bought fathead, averaging P3O, at ox....T ri t: grin 200 head at 6% '07%. tlarrawl sold u s g u iled ;other s 9 head, averaging 350 lbs, at 7; anar era sold Eckert & Co,, 37 head, averaging .",'S lbs. at G 34. Eckert & retailed 25 bead atl to. 73. The market closed a little dull, In con. sequence of ratherenfavorable adv lees from the 'east, and to effect round ibt sales a eon. - cession would probably have had to have beton:bide. • The market for Sheep manning. ery dell, Mere being no . whatever in the market, and notwithstanding the offerings were very t he were barely maintained:lndeed, the denland formation generally fella off at this seswo nerthe year, but this year It seems to have slacked np more than usuaL We ;mote in a retairway, at d% toy eta, gross, for lair to ; good, and 3% for prime fat mutton sheep. There is but very little doing in Lambe—butvery few offering. Hattewood a Co: retailed on commission . 10 Lead at t to Cy. 7.; Wolfe sold to need at an average 0t:.34. Glass •.& Latterly retaitod h6661.a6 SM a}i—la 'head loft over. Mettler 'wild motley bead, areralittlff lb% at b. DiOrtpanrotalled le head at 54 to 7 1 A. -Carr & MeAllleter, 66 bead at 6 to 7. Garrard sold 11 -head at an Aftraite or M.' Uratiam 'to Green wa Eahn,.l9 'head, averaging 075„ . ty. ?Ogled 17 at. 6 14 lOW i 3 a t et aMtleK. CHABLICES o. IsALaltr.- MElll7=3! •11 tug, Nat .Zt m.•. 1'41 , 01 for M NI. ,310 =II 1 , ..• I.4tltt •t. mpare.l v t Mil MEE MEM 0/11C1 01 TIM rITTSIII7IIOII DAZIPTTII, TIMIDLY, December le, Iffio. REIM ELIO EzroaTFIFFAX.S or Cirnl. are held :11.1110 A. Ut!ii a fa, ,letaan , l prima hattalt.. , :iing au Iva , 11,1.1 ina a hart :Lt. -••ah— s33 'a „In rl, t.,,nn. MILL -Onto,: on 'III, inn nronnlon •n•tnn- •n: 11'.11, +IA” tiontunnlol • • prrirmuum ririlio .t:rn HARR ET. ; O,rca fly TA2 PITT.11:111.1 IinEXTT3, 1110 1111.! - .. • I I, i• 01,111 It.. 1•19•••••• •••• •• . st hlAr• .11,r11 . I ••••1• s.‘tili• 1!: tui •.••• r••it•t!••11••. 4[1,1•3 :••• ,111;•,L, , tt, • Eli -„ v‘treille 1111 Mont In Ow dLnland for ilinnin..l n I, I. I ina :far)", nf t • !:k 111 EM=I to =MEI 31A R 4 vrs Bir TEL Li. KA VII 1 ork =Mill =1:11 M i l i I EEC= MEM NEE I.gr , :•iin u, 1 li l :: pr / ,.ca. tIV,Ii itttelll4 ,l l, allt: I ' : of I _ , 2, c0007i0 , ., of I. ..f I oly, lt - 51e'4.1"..t . 4...r . i • . T , - IPt:ia , n.: flkAT'set - a , - , , e , -.ll' . s , er , l ~..tt.la a ,harp tr-a• M1'T. , ...i0. I:.: rce.,...,.:1101 .thrlng 1.1 - e- i!ay It Lee twen tre.pteet Tie- I- In - ail:4 neve Ur• e,,-alg pre , - ,),•• 3llssisslppi Urr. - .1 ate.. -......6..1 - . ,, .,: 31a . 11 :A . :. 11 -- ; T, lave Ite.l ,1, 4,31; ; ; Me•ber• tr..). 11.! , , !IT. 31, 1 •1zan ~Lithern,, . !.oas 11,02 + C" , ‘!“ 0 . 1:' , .01 7, CLevela.l and I' The,- Man t -Id, o'n -t nudity v, • Inff In Manny ' , hat 11;11 , ` It large dodnf-- 1000 WNI a further advalict• in o Arad the Ito. ooeemen, t, qt1111•1113r1.... - 1: a:e.l l Gregory. CoredoO. cOII - 11. Ili!! and .11pior, There no• -Crony.; Imp,' fortho fendlna -for , . and lie turn of infr., f , l:l,lf.ntly up, Corydon quoted at I:ielltinet till, 0.1; ;oll;tute,i fistenka. ,tark rl • iinu 000, Dee. lia—Tite merchant+, and bin k. report . looducs , very dull. Money acti ve 4.1.1 num. %astern exchange film. Flout 1,-, 5102n. ; -.7. tor good i tog exlra. Wheat quint and steady; of 2:0, ;,; t . “, 11; \o. Z 1.41. 1. orn .1;;Iland nominal; sales ot. NO. 1 at 00401..0, and nl 77'd7..11. tints lens active and I-12 lower; .;al.-, of NO. I at 0e; No. 2 dull and nominal, at 42,11 for Dee. lite Prort... ton market is g,lOO and 1111001 alit - 1401 [UPI a minlerate din/tarot for tire, pork; at 41,, but oacker.t seem UnID11.110,1;.0 tell - cc le. thou 41.,13. Lordt rah., 111 - 111,, at 11 12.; , „;e for prime wweel. - Pickled 11101110 tit to Dre,SCO and slaughtered hogs tr e . ,11 I OC. rcen meats ttoictiVe no.l nominal. Dreried how; fairly active, but price: declined .22431leteholve Leavy In lots Fold ka,1.4107; market elOSe. at about 46,;0 0,.3 the general run of areritge.. Lire 110{(14 are in a larger anpply. Fool hale de clined `lsssocainco yesterday, clo-lag at b e nt 0,2346,10 lon common to choke Into. Few liork.Proclace Murky'. N a x Yonw, December 18.—tiotton Ilrm at 34!; 03ro. Flour opened lake-s/c better, but cloqed . dull will, the advance paalY 10011 Ohl., 41113 13. Wheat oned 2a.le hotter, und elnoed quiet with the advance loot, at 4 . 2, 4 .4 2 , 15 for NO. 2 Milwaukee. Corn opcncu heavy awl closed to lower, at 13 , 0.Q15e•• closing stile In Moro. Oats firmer at PetroleumCs.46Ge. ' quiet at Mallac for crude, and 3163110 for refined In bond. Fork steady; old closing at 411,25 cad, Deer active. Cut meats aro steady. Ba con dull.. Dres sed hogs are /oWer, at 1PA(42%U.. Lard. lower, at 12.31 a: . for old. New Orleans Market Nate OilLesgs, December 18.—The cotton market is higher; sales of 3,100 bales lowmid- Ming 0t,..:84131e; tuluilling, +:c; receipts for four days, 15,518 bales, against 19,03+; bales; ex. port, 11,566 bah, Sligar firm and unchanged. Molasses active; inferior, Cie; prime to choice, 1:206.8c. Corn in good demand and tmeniingeo. Flour steady and unchanged Outs grin ~t 80e. hay—Gibe river, 1,154/1. Pork $ - 13:io, Bacon dull; shoulders,l2%e; sides, 13%e. Lard quiet at 1 . 1.14())13le,:_ Whisky KM. Dal IJ+.Bank sterling, liqt.4. Freights to New York, to Liverpool,';„; to Havre, 1%. New York Exchange, % to 15 illseOunt. Louisville . , Market LocmviLLE, Dee. lti.—Sales of 39 bbds. of to bacco, all low grades, at an advance.. ordinary to with soles of '1.31 bales of good ordinary to low Middling. at-20(9)le. Flour firmer for high grades; superfine pm.Primo winter wheat 49,711; spring 40,2502,50: New corn In bulk, shelled 651/700; ear 60@litk. Oats in bulk MOW New moss pork $20,25. Gross hams 10e. Shoulders 60; hogs 6%44 0. ; , 4c. Receipts to day 4,950; total reney s, Sugar 1231 p. Raw whisky, free 42, 0 432,25, unsettlod. Plan tation molasses 70e. Primo hay $2O. Cincinnati lftr,ket COSTINIGATI. December 01.--flour firmer at 89,500.111.00. Whisky in moderato demand at fa,ti in bond. flogs in good demand; sales of 6,000 at .7,5007,75 net; receipts, 7,00 N feceipts for the week, 47,000 i and. for the season 170,000, against 165.000 lastyear. Provisions quiet and demand light. Mass Fork, a1ii,50e03,00; Bulk Meats, 7)4Gey,c, and lajic (Green, sides and clear sides packed. Ideate. Cc, Bo mid loci demand light. bard dull at 11:),M20. Uold, IMy Money very close. Exehange, 1 Daltlmam Market. CEtemonr, December 18.—Flour entlea iio.73. iso u tatret at $11.23012,50; auportlno :do. at Had wheat ateady. New earn, $1,02@1a3. duzueud Itvd 4.1,2501,80. Seeds quiet; _nectzt 'WA_ Provisions dull; moms pork udiut ;Tua t r u lea neglected. -Coffee hoary. very dull. dling upland'', 3334 c, IYIII4- , . M b. " , !mei' !Market. 61 L wAugg; Dee. la.•••••litour . arm; superior winter prng,oolo,7s.irt.ll:tleda e at oss :u;g t a r No rdao2;el.fo oiatr.r:, 463j1020v i:rE.1c18.25 limited =WWI! 41 6 , 50 CP407. Live Bogs e teddy. " B9Mido Market. . - BcitAza, Dec.l . C, 6 .llont.ACar _.ra /tett, e &nct 15Q betLel 4 41° 12 11.5 11111 5 e0 . wheat firm; 0. ihr 6 2 •2 • Corn dull; NO.llllledill Oats gOo• Toledo MorkeL • TowroO, Docemberl2.—Wheat flzaiaikailiget. I corp, (pee • Ontaileo .preose4 tiop..l4rtsic • Proclttimtlliyal. A'. or r.r. I rl I y the =NM =I i • • ME ME a :i: ~.~ ...., ~~ 11 REM II tll l k MEM REME:111111:1: 'll/E LITTLE ONES, The Destitute and Orphan Children 'of Our Conn= try's Dofen&rk! GRIM) CIIIIIITIBLE 111 R, Presentation Festival, IVO, 1 1 .' Per. , c 11:. F , 1131(111:1 tte C.( tlll. 1.1n4.1.. 1 111/t:rtll •.1 It AN APPEAL TO THE AMEP,ICAN PEOPLE Y4t``.l4`. Oriel.. r let IC., 11 • And r`. of ••'I I,r 11, , ,•• • f,r II;, i".•114 ., tn1:411 , 1 M:0111.11511 ,, 4.itl n ot• onr eottl,•r• and 4a - n11.1:11y a`ld co.olo•r,LIon In r n l air .0 I,r tad •Prrat,ntatlon Featly:O. of 1,1 'who .1.-1, a,lOl Ili •"ill,' and naldw.llo rrt`..ll , nare fur ,a/ utedy 0n,5. who e• 31ra.kiKNE11.1.1.1 , 1. 1,,, Es 5.17 RANT, I 11An. P. PAIN. Artier `• Ira). lien. .1. 7`, 1 . 1,e •• F111:.:4TE1t.1! , 1 Cl.r do. •• .1 , lIN S. V./11E0111:14,1 rc,urar. •• DAVI! , 11l Or T. "o•vrotary. • ,'•IY S HILLY/0 1 , Correavon`llo,r a4-crt•tary. • lIKI:VKY G. 1, W, alanager. . . .• .1..1. VAN 11,11. , F.M, dn. 11,0 wnt open no the loth of 11 ECEMIIEIL rind ennllnon t•,, week., at it:or:11,110 Il All. v.rurr nl Ilroann•ny ,11 et, N. Y. 1 . 0 lwennt•ln.lcd Iry the Grand to be 110. 1 oop, In.tltnzt.. York, tialtirds) Errnln-. 1 11-nnninnr nn.ler Nlooletl dlrrntlon crTheo dor.. Thnnlan, E , .1. Irn whir 11.,restIon a Cot.. lt, fll he clmorn In award kltll,l rniN 1•10,1,741, In such 13 , 4111 u nnl rlb. tletvrthino, For Ilia FtAtIVII there wi as ll I,n 11.11e.1 20,1X0 I.lnt• 1/ollsr nark nod 2'n.0 1 4 . st I,elng not 10 00011 tie 'Ol holder: LlnT O• ror.Sll.NIs Oil /IS AWAIIOI,O, • Prclent in Ynne.l Staxns tlrrenitlnk, nionni.lltlCtuntry Itr,ldener ILI Viontrh. r•-• Irr Co., none N. Y. City 12.000 Corner lino, an.l - Lol, Jemalco. Jo , flou 0, New York I,foo Motto awl Lot, adjoining above N . 3.000 110000 and hot In flrooklyo N. Y 1,00 I:erring...ll,re, and Barbee, (conipletet 2 2 n ii rand Piano, (Ott 1.001 Lots In Ilarlon. N. Y., .1. itela...,. 4,V0 Net of Ithentonele. (king. Earfling. mrol , 110) 1 000 ra,Lurr Policy of Llfo Insured.cefor..... 3,00 • 'Ells' Potent tint Woter .01 1 1 - /arallob" • for 1110110 g litrelllmer 1.001 1111 ralntlng 01 Uelsersl 11. S. tinent to 1 11, ner' Inn (10111 Lover Watches at +200., 10 !AM.,' 11111! iio.d Lover Watt:benne. $123.. 1,822 - 1 Mutant . Iron prone:urn "Empire"bow ing nn leo 20 211vor-plated at 475 1,5, 1 0 100 Celebrated tievong Slachlbee, now oe:exhibition at their warerooms ' 610 Broad 7.510 IMO Coplu Cr a o d Illstory be t n h g Wa omplete 7,0 W 200 Gold rebs, Pencils, and Sleeve Battens, 1 at ,500 500 Table au Itln d Tenspoons and Napkin gs, at las 2.0,4 ACCO Cell 110111 and Plated Fruit Knives, at 43 Lae The balancer.° cons ts t of tbo following a.-- tide.. viz: Must.' lusuumouts, l'arior and C nee Furniture. W siting Cams, /A -tilt:o Work Boxes, Musk; 'bows. Kid Ulu. ca, Photograph Album eastpitis Anti linger Bingo, ion (Agit.. Hod Watch Chains, Opera Glass. ses, Black Walnut Picture Proxies. lion tlemenie Vashionable 01.11.11ats, I,ad Newest stile Dreg. Hats, American Kal b em Cards for Parlor Amusement. En grarinae ell' and 1 9 4 . : 1 Sigrl, °8 1. ' t?irlei Wand r cent B S - gifting Wompe ' , Bufraio Robes, 1 Ladles' •11tok Pure. Ueut's rue Coqars 1 and Clines, to., amounting to ' Making In tee aggregate 910,00)Prtetnts • vultied at coo.cao THEODUILE TIIOIIAI3, Esq., the talented Masi. !cal Director, promises a Most delightful treat in [Ole Orchestral and V.Ucal Exercises fir the once• aloe, no itas 11100 r• 'IL (IC eislLFUltall.J' LS bei red to ng al.. zNirtggPiVenieuugguff:ll l l l, tel I¢-tbe United Stales. HOW TO OBTAIN TICKI.Td. - Orden , may be sent illre.a to us enclosing the annoy fro $1 toregisleted letter at our rioot. m it for re la postage. laargelinlOttilta hbollid be 00110 in drafts orb .Exprees. at the fill lowing 01111, rates: 5 tickets to one address, $1 50; 10 do. do., $3 PI do. de.. $17,60' 00 do. do., :5; El do. do., PH 10; 50 do. d., pia 50; ICO do. do., h6lO. . • . THOSIAI CO.,‘ Managing Dtmctorlt DAVIS, Agent for '.l.litt Home mud 011 0/ 4 1 Broadway, Arc 'York. JOHN W.- PITIVOCK, •Hookeell BlatiOner, andifeits Diller, OPPOSIte Pustotace, Plttsburgb. Agent 'for Western Penn. syleanla. ?rdery by 'mill WUI recelTe pirtilabt attention. .• • • .• •-d44:14 r i•rt,j u— I :ann , ity. 1.,t!,',11r,;11 ,111,, IYO frnlll 111 it . o: of ..110,L.!:i-1. MEESE 1 v-1, !au:, Isml. I;,lo,oipt. i. 1-11, n the day the , Ist.ut ol Lte e ,t(• =ME Mil EOM OM ME EMIE BE =ME MEE MEM ESE ME !, ..I.!L MEE =NM MEE= ME 11= MEM OEM % .• 1111110 i.. Tr, 1-iktitri licra Pill, 1 c -irk 'or i.lll.llai tux 1,t•:, welt, the, high'. tliittle. tor ti itto-1 1 urn .•oh o tri•rlyLat.., , In . 'MC. ti ita.•on in 1111 1t , .: i prti, u11 , Ilq11: , ATI.I Ili strut-, I r tie:VW , Cl Irm itir Colton nti tidy at ..1t1 , 11 1 11,t Ltiliot ,i,:t0.11,10+. Th., tvrr idow It . . De t h -11ath Mrrthor. tilt -t. Loup.; 1.111.1, ^LIII 11.110, for • trot,- I:ll,tohrr, till tit t . ir- Call, 11, . Patrick. riOrti i I I,ai 1:111111.11ii 'ill, VCr ' , linty. The :it. ClOll4 Coot, 1,001,11 , S niol I ili• ',III 11,0 ottori. , The 01110 ,%tn•l ,lane In Litho to Ilay • I,,,viLLI• De, Iri.-1:1,2r rolling Pith frit/ 'J lIId ilex In L'LLil:tl. Icrat Mrrrnry Enthtlit Ilan Alleah..3 • Oar, , poe. Io —l;lver elgliteon awl falling 611/Wl, - . NV vain., culil. I/11 market tlrnrur ' Ft:Am:A.lx, Der. 1 , .--klver at _Franklin I.: Incli~ x. Camtl beim% STEAMBOATS VOR ,CINCINNATI ANDzaSil 1,11111.1.1% — :Thc flue "emu., =I lace for thy AbOVe anal all.lnterruedlate ports. on \\'M/. }.51/A Y. at 10. xi. --- 401 plvissgt• y orirolar,l or to Jel r .t Agent/. VOR CAIIIO AND ST. t.pli.,oll.l , Loarner ARA,IIAN Capt. H. A. C., • N'lll posit,. Is leave for the shore and all Intent. , dist, porta. oti ,•/13 Ultit I. AL 4t. I . For freight or pat sag ,. Appiv on UuarJ, or to ' 0,11 gt.ACI( A. COLLIN UWU 1). Agents. FOR (Jinn), memenis AND NEW OULICANS. — The rt•!t . . rYA . 4 .'"'" • ept-A... R. MellowAN W111'1,1%, tor She stare and all Intrraardlate porta oq Tills IJA.I. at 12.1 t. Ago"'WRI"MIEVN4=V%,... `Oll. CINCINNATI.-SAT 1i LAS&& lIIMAY PACKET. AT .12 At, IN (.1? THE QUICKISTY.C.—The line pollen. ger eleamer 31AllUllt 'HAYS. 0. I.: Ilzkonick- NON, Commander; It. IL. YOttran, Clerk. will run •I ItEli ULAIL WI.EKLY PACKET al announced above. • Yor frtlght or passag.lAehlE* applyCOLl.lN ar on s, bo or to INN, dci CHAS. BARNES. 6 -•-•-•' EATJ P.Olll tt 50N... - .. R. St. Rouissox.. Will lee re for the •bOll, d all loterroadate on TII IS DAY, at 4p , tn., positively. For freight or p IItiABLiCS assage apply oo board or / to. BARNES, dry JABIPe vtILLINS. {Agents. ICEOPLE , B IJLAIt WEEKLY I' ACKET be tweets YITT2IIIIIIOI2 AND CREME. NAT[.—ler new and splendid steamer ARGOSY. Cap t. Lools Vendegrirr, W. H. Scott, Clerk, leaven .riftslin rah EVERY - WEL/NEM/AY. at 12 o'clock X. Leaver Cincinnati EVERY YRIDAY, at 11o'clock. Yor freight or passage eeply on 00001, Or to no3:n= CLIAS. BARNES, Agent.— PAUK- Le rp.endld passenger steamer BAYAJW Capt. 1110301 Leaves Pittsburgh . NONPAY AND THUIVIDAT....at 11 o'clock AL X Leaves Parkersburg - TITESDAP AND PItIDAY at 2 o'clock r. - l e e jyrlght or passage aPPiron board, selS:kl ilia Ml' Wric k. ""'"" STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, TIFtH STREET EXTENSION. Ft .r Penna. Avenue, pyingnungm. Haelne recently purchased the above MIR. we respectfUlly Inform the nubile that weevil' conttene the minufac tura of ruItESPICIES and MUSTARD, Ee., which we will be ablo to furnish to WHOLE SALEand RETAIL DE ',LEIN at the LOWEST Ma RE Er PRICE.: AIR,. COFFEE mud °ROUND NUTS ROA bTED to order an abort botice. RYE 'LOUR and FRESH UttRUND tit/Itti MEAL con• stonily on hand. Almtuthe f to Cool felt we solicit the patronage of lt J. BATR. temerity or the Congrese Ryles Mills, will be lannd op hand at Um uttll at all times AO attend to the wants of customers. STUMM-En NORMED4iE, - ticatual • • • in BBL ILINSEED OIL receive An -13 d tby sate by • ZUIIGE A. KELLY CO,. ye:* _WhpletAls nourcuom K Wo9A sum. CHARLES 11. ARMSTRONG, DCALIP. oughiogheny and Connellsville Coal Slanntscrun rs of Gobi, Slack, and liesolplturized OFFICE AND AM/. Corner of Bon, en ; ilorton ti rst ynr , l I,lln•rtY and elyrnrr ht.r..rfs, Sloth and on litc.n,d etrert, near Lock Nu. I, I.ll.:rhurnli,Trt. •11.1 Manur,v,..n.rs wlrl, 11, t article cd o'nal or fake at tin Inw,..trArlt tnnier• at Any of the yards will rrr.ln....nronnpt TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, ExcELsioit TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON. Or ALL TObaCCO, Sitiall and CiglrM, \.r;. R FEDERAI:PiTREET„ I hinl nor In n“rvonblon Itranrh at rr R. B. JEFFRIES, b.l,ll.2fsetol.lr an.l acid Retail 14-11.4: In An /amt.. of ' TOBACCO4SNUFT.AND CICRS, ELLiitTir-A.SI) ',EMI-I:Lim-no - - (1 No. !-... CLAIR STREET, 71;1_1,4T, PA. I 44-L''TL'''''''''" Pm- •''' 'o,.l " .` ' .. 1:' AILWAY SPRINGS, art , l,Xl.lil NO •I',/11.1e4;0, or ;Le I...t•loality,:“;; L on nart,,, o:;•,.;,; Cast Spring Steel, GEORGE BLUMENSCHEIN ' Cast and I,:crwaik.l'low Stec! ~,,,,,t, , 1un.5.1,, A'•:n D 011,,, ' p1,,,W wiso, .ISt) MtrW LI: 1'....1:5. SEGAILS, CIIEWIG-TOBACCO , SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, Hi - •.1 , , V Y I .1141 y 1,.A; y y.;; , ;'. -;;;F Smoking Tobacco, -Pipes,&, ~“ i ......i.i. 'ANL, S ' i , HIN . EI:I 1.';;;;T ,Ti - . 111., . No. 4. Ho -.17 - c,23:taa: /ES tx-o j.:: , ,.. -11Afto. t.c. .tc.., So. t0rn,;,..) • 1I V areliouse, S 3 Water' St„ ratsborgh, mY VII - 1,4:1 , I:I:II . , 1...,..14: . . -- JOHN VIEGIMAIN, , ATLAS A IVORKS, Ai Ana .r 11,.• rot And Who:. :40 . Ar; licLAll • i ..1,1 iti : f . 11 T o .\ ' .s. T - R EF. T. 1,,,,....1: All ;:trl4 or 1 ' . Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, 4:0 - YEIL.A...M.T7C-1 152"E2 - IEI Err. • ---••`-`••• HOTELS. BINGHAM HOUSE, ,Elb - ENTII AND 31.111 TAT STS., PxxSiLd3J. X. 111 _ex. IMII MEM CU R I IS D c A V IS, PHOPRIETOIt PIERRE 1101:SE. Philachiphia r,ort, :• ~, .. n I:i.FITTi.lr A SI. ,NN un.l n!.. • 104. ; • —•-- I:I3ANT O. M. 13MM -T-+ "Sr DF'rtz,p•lr, (,r , ;PrH Itst , Als Near the Susiornslott llt idae. EEO MEI KANE'S PATENT / 13 • r I tt tr tt PETROLEUM SOAP. SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP & BEAUTIFUL -1‘ Elpl NIF 10118 ASIIINI; SOAP foIIDIVI, PETROLEUM SO.IP Aftrr 11111110,,, • 1.11111.11,4,•1 nu , ottert thr (.1,1., 1 n u. begt TOO', ClAp In • thy arket: a( a diet•ra, lap and ( lntn nalu.. It 1, ninoaa, bring ext . rilrnt It tardy fur all l'u:an,ous Loh— hi From 11l p,rtillar clirtnl..aletqablnatlono , t en ll(0) true Iron( nuplcasanl udoro. and fort I gn •. , u,;- t.tanres. F, (ale at the prlnelnal Drugglats and Bears rs lv I . lt,l.wr,;ti and All. . , nv?..1,43 W. J. YYZI:N....W. C. LIUrrEI....C. A. S. US SCS, MYERS, HOPPER & CO., (Butt...sort to R. R. Bulger.) No. 45 Smithfield St.. Iktouutarturoro and Waters to kinds of 3PIZTJELIV±9I7 I73 BLE Parlor, Chamber, and Dining Room Sets, OFFICEANO Stllool. FURNITURE, =I Together with • fall asaortment of Pittsburgh Mantifactured: Furniture, Constantly on hand and for S at the Micovcroast Clash Pm-loons pErrsnumart PIPER 1111MTICTERING CO., = Printing and Wrapping Papers. CLINTON MILL. STEUBENVILLE. OHIO. BUILIIITON MILL, NEW 11111WITON, OFFICE AND WARM:WI:ME, • -No. 82 Third Mee!, Pittsburgh, Pa. • OVFICEBS=AUGUST HARTJE,. President. JNO. B. LIViNUSTON. Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDUI L E. Secretary. DIRECTORS—August flank. John Atwell, S. H. llartman. John H. Livingston. John 31. Perkins. C. H. Merrick. Cash Paid for Paper stock. 'ncalsoile 1866. ',FALL 1866. CA.II - PiErits. We ore now exhinttinL for FALL TRADIC the most extensive stock of goods we Rave ever had the pleasure of offering to our patrons. English Brussels and Tapestries, _ uro c u h r Z n AliTgtDever before In Lhls market. RICH 111L101 .ND TEM? CARPETS MD RUGS, RIIIIRCIDERED SWISS LACS CURTAINS, New ma Illepat Patterns of Congas, Bide & Centre Tassels, Loops & Bands, Choice !Ryles Notting Costal/is. N'HABIAND as COLTISH. las. It and 13 FIFTH ityIIZET, Nett bonze to U. S. Custom 11011012 and Post thlce. Second Mos. men - (:)AJELT); •• • • .CONSIDIEUATION OF NIIBEIR -01113 t.X.I'LtIBO/Net that are weekly • occurring .from tba use of IN YERIUR Ulf., the upotee,lehed 'pyre eoreluded•to well their - OIL, AT ItATAII, at their WABILUOUBE.• • • No. 88 MiCessolvet lettreet. ba 011 Is nnaranteed to STAND • PIKE TEnT export%KORCES and towards, and is impacted for by eombatent inspector.. . • • Thom wbo destry *uniform and BELL kll LEAK TIOLE.wiII do well to PloOloolo Oto 0 010 OW. • strrnat. usama,m, '• 80. 30 SUBSET tiTILEBT. Machinist"and all other" can be fatidatind Lard/ nye; to and ratrgiellin Lubricator" el resat!. CIIIIINEY . 4, BREECHING AND PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. , STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS, AND IRON. BILIDGEs, PRISON DUCHLS AND COAL .tiItUTES. (Moe and Work., corner Sei•nod, Third • Short •tott Elbert y ree • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Atrip, inters s cut to the atp.re ,111,,, tel: b. ..nett( tn. ,e11:1,, ' SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS SINGER, NI NICK & CO unNur.e.t,unKac or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL LUAIIE.SLAT .I\l/1/LT.AIION, fIF ALL SIZES. ttzLL, 62,•.: AND Clit,S CUt S Mt AW PLATES. liuih hard, l'ittNimirt;ll. THOMAS N. MILLER, Prc.itlcutl IMMIE= En;:,111c. id. I:1 ry) I)' iiptiol IS,.ller, ()II Tank.: I=l =1 110:iing 31111 l-•`•.ti:l ( . .1•1111;:, I= Ca•tiiig_ ORDERS SOLICITED, NIONT B! ANC FOUNDRY, Butler Street, Ninth Wiird, 1111111111 rr rr .30, GS. ROLLING MILL AND SMOG CAST,INGS, 11;811\LIn" AND (kSTINI.:S GENEFALLY. ME o: r, Kt, L.• • 1:1133.31:11T MACliLltit! MMIZIMM CRESCENT STEIa, WORKS • 'MILLER, 1311t11 ..NUFACTL 11/ia, _ • BEST QUALITY CUT STEEL, Werrented Equal to any In the Marl"; either Itovo , ted or of llotne•110 NlAnufeeture. nEECIAL A:LIEN:IO , N PA/D TO FINE CAST Office, 38 Wood Street, IN Iit , TE:L. Lll ILDINIi life, lu.e !'_:b. iel , tll3 DUQUESNE IRON AM) STEEL WORKS, HAILNIAN, RA MA & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, PLOUGH. SPRING AND B. STEEL, XV' c>. 77 "GliTot , tar fielit-rcoot, MASI 110SEDa LE STOVE WORKS L. PETERSON, Jr., & CO., Msataucturtra sad Desler% la all cluda of Cooking and Heating Stoves, HOLLOW /LIM, &c., the , very LATEST PATTI-A:NS and STYLES, arthouse, 07 Liberty Street, - PITTSBURGH, PA. WORKS, MANCHESTER. 1 - 129.3R11NV.A..11 JE. B. WOLF, JR., & CO., DLALSILS IN Hardware & Cutlery. Are now receiving large additions to our stock, which Is offered to Dealers at N/1121-/SPTF7FLIV 3p.maxcriEns. Corner Liberty. and'St. Clair Sta., .ems n PittsL u. Pas. LIPPINCOTT &. BIKRIVELL No. 11S Water Street, inAwnga.Certnrstil Cie PATENT OINJUND, PATENTTEMpERED PATENT TOOTHED CIitCIILAM, MILL AND CROSS-CUT jelA:do3 . i: W. a °lowly.— - JAB. D. BAIL/MILL. CVIIAITA BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BARNIIILLO ' MATTIMACTITIMUI OP ra , Steam Boilers, OiI. SULU, Agttato Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, Wroug t. Iron IS ridges, Sheet Iron Work, lac, ,Ste, CORNER LIBERTY ANRSECOND TB., PITTSBURGH. Pa.! Jo -REPAIRING DONE rROMPTLY. my24:b2B UTILITY WORKS. McLEAN & SLATOII, I No. 83 Liberty* 81.; opposite Fourth, OAR MA p:R.S' They make a .Steels ty of Iron Bodatc.d and Pivot Castors: Porcelain, Bedstead and Pivot Castors: Mitsui Fastenings: Mope for Extension Tbes. to.- They also manufacture and have constantly on hands Thumb Latches, br,ring Latch...SUL..." Window Sash Supporter, 31',Leses Eccentric Sash Button, Utillirbllutter atid Una Illages, Grind stone Hangings, Sad Imes * Sash Welanss• F'• a. iy2:reo • • • BIUDIXT... ...W. VANX1111" .. miaseaT }ETNA NTOTE wontio. i BRADLEY' & CO' -lian.aotamarery valeta 01 COOK,. PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES ) . 3 ,1-..ovwhleh`gll e golg l " :72 4Wr i crr iC . UUNEIVHA tWooeVoir. Mmes..) Also 254" • TES, GitATE IRBONTS,;&c. mu* and Vim/Lows, Callat-Of Peso wl Anil Ado strata. l'ltUbitrp t AntroadiVollBdatatistzAeA. PITTSIII4II CAS SIILNii CO., COR.THIRD AND SMITHFIELD STREETS. JAMES 1. BENNET, President, ROBERT FINNEY, Vice President. ROBT. CHRISTY, Sec'y and Treae'r A. 1 , F.• • EIT. W. W. VATICIt 1011'• ~1.11.11., A Nt. I .1. BliiLEl. • W. it. I ;Office tilkurs, 9. a, in, to p, daily. 1201 1 n _ • , I FO H THE HOLIDATS. A E E ,1 - 0121::. A DAPTEL) FOR 1L3C>1.i.C121.7 - Pm-omentem, t.t , ALL KINDS OF a - "i2V IT& , ...lA , N ATLIIES for Ladlt , • .1 MaleCiva MANU7ACTIGREUi 07 wmtnuut;a:_• I'ATT.SBEIRGII. IM .!. , :! , .',F_!2.7 ,, r - t• 7i: r•!!,,, Office, No, 2 Merchants' llotel, f="3E•Ms CM701.73: I'll AND GrAgl.” , • 1.1.1.. GA T t An varl'on ~ l 1 PA:A.I) ,-1(.1"Elt JOHN NHTSCH. NO. 112 Ftqlentl St., Nllettlti.ta, .• DItI.:GS: DRUGS!: DREGS!!! JAMES T. SAMPLE HA VI 15, , C.:HT THE W ELL KNOWN 11111.1 t. " It I.'LFgilE!!'l.Al' O. band 3 full st+ortment 3:111.1.17Gla, 313 ,rl , l c.. yper t h an elay othkir 1,,e th• 1," caraunj pr.4tred by s'llrst•cl.6 rEI.CFLMERY r A PS or. oc,o - PHOENIX STE.AZ BREWE4Y ,PEACER & MeKAY, lIILSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. == = IWENT MALT 110LSES. H. GARPABD & Hop Dealers, Yo. 17 Water street; and NOS. 5 and 7 1' u'. Street PITTSBURGH. PA. ',rfrj, tilV; ' ii. J. LANCE. A`ND IVVOL.F.S DYER AND SCOURER, BM Chide Uviow Curtnin. and Chair rivers Cleaned ..tißeglazeti without unparklug. Nos. 135 and 137 Third Street, atild ..i-talttalel4l . h;;IUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT ENT SINETCHEO AND UTVETED EMUS LEATHER BELTING AM) lIDSE,• Manufactured at No. 5R 1351ITIIFIULD ; HARTLEY. PHELPS & 00.; Alio, Agents los Nese York !tanner (10. Belting.mum 1:1,T6 and It lj BELT NOOK', etc. ( le,ran G.LIEAT WESTERN PLANING MILL, emaer ci larbin7 Sind and Ditipesze War, PITTSBURGH', PA. Sash Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MADE TO O4LDEII. Unfinished ,ork Is put In a dry lionte and finished when taken oat: ridings. Flooring, Weather Boarding. Laths and Iflidngle• constant} on hand. Sawing, re-sawing .d Scroll riming door with dispatch. Bores or ail kindi made to order. au=ls JOHN HEATH. FITZPATRICK & BROTHER. - FIRST PREMIUM GOLD PEN li AN ISPACluitEtte, 43 MARKET IiTREET. near Third street Pittsburgh. PENS AND CASES. Wholesale and Retail. PENS REVAIIteD. Per.ons out or the city baring Pens to repair eau bend them by mail and promptly returned. noll:o7:51wP LOU IS REIIGE & CO., Nannfac= - turers of °BAND AND SQUARE PIANOS: NV arerooma, n 7 BLEEKErt STIIICET, Second Block im est from Broadway. NEW xOIIS. The Pianos immufactored by tots firm are endors ed by all the leaning artists of the country fur their powerfal, clear, brilliant and sympathetlyt one: also for their durability and excellent worlanatuldn sun °nave linsewood 1 lance, with out Grand French 'Repeating action, carved legs, lutroll drat and lyre. and a written guarantee fur nye yea.. fur irsCO and ir-S`. 'llol9.ltwir OOD NEWS FOR THE AF FLICTED. PATENT MEDICINES & DEMO. at loer Viet& HuSTETTEN S BITTERS per bat DUANE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Ida. HOOPLA N In per bottel. 50 lbs. rutii W 11111.185./w. r me, 51552'15... Asa eTerMin gitm.t r jaw l iniilla nom . WIN No. N Si. ttitity ittletott.l JARED M. DRINA ILL.SI77ACTOHLA OF Steam Boilers. OH St il ls, Tanks, Sbeet Iron Works, &C. U. 61 FEN N ign1ERT.,p1.........C51M. Pa. 14 -4- OIFTtTIIIOUSAND. IN USE .OF Pin NUR'S A UTOMATIU warranted • fo r) Jilt- LODE , , NS. rry fuLtrunarn FIVE YEARS. An Illustrated Catalogue. with fan deaerlptton of styles, rclll be sent Pee to any add.,.. cuAncoTrE#Ltnr, N0..1 3 Flab street, second door above Wood. den 'Wholesale and Retail Agetar. RoLNES, BELL & CO4 Anchor Cotton Mills, fittsbnrgli, • .111woluttme.ra of A.N - C171.1R (A) stiErrrsos," — Alicitoic(a)sHr.ETlNGs, • AsoHoudnL.L.L.,...crincts.. ...• L.•••••••,...L. - IiCtOQUETS, ACAMIIE LLIS, ice —We AA have the lamest •n 4 best stock. of WINTEAL r w r.ra PLANTS &bolt the city. and tare Tabl prpar earnt c 4 to furnish wedding and other pante. Len trend Bennetts. t arnis h Designs...eke.. co short notice. We can also tarnish l'lnral Wreaths. crosaes, An: All orders promptly attended, to. Cu, 1416 to the I.lreenhoures CV11127 (OW kIVILI3OOII. .11 . 011/1111V. • 103 bbts. bew yelas* Wlgte 111* for sale °KARL= 0: BAIZUT. Mont *treas. WINDOW SHADED--Anew lot o new. •nd.neactlfta esairros on Green. Tau, andltueemirods, Vold sn*Patnie•l Barden, • No. Nuke% ?Vett , -ocag JO& 14 114411(ZiSittAISO. EEC= el=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers